1 minute read
by Story Road
IF YOU DREAD dealing with customer complaints, join the crowd. It’s no fun to get an earful, which is why some would rather organize paper clips than address things head on. Or be one of the easily-offended selfjustifiers who only makes things worse.
But what if you viewed complaints as opportunities for growth?
If you embraced “constructive” feedback as fertile ground to nurture client relationships?
Leaders who are the best know that while dealing with complaints can be challenging, there’s always something to learn. And that when handled in a kinder, gentler way, the client who appears headed for the exit may end up choosing lifelong loyalty that makes you grateful they complained.
THE FOLLOWING BEST-IN-BUSINESS tips can help you adopt a gentleness mindset when dealing with complaints:
• TAKE TIME TO PREPARE. That includes gathering pertinent information about the complaint and preparing yourself mentally, emotionally—and perhaps spiritually—before calling a customer back.
• LISTEN, LISTEN, LISTEN. Everyone wants to be heard, but too many end up competing for air time. Listening is a gift we give to others, and it may be all your client actually needs.
• TAKE A DEEP BREATH. Now that you’ve done all that listening, you may be thinking less-than-positive thoughts. Pause before responding and be thoughtful about the words you choose when you do.
• TAKE RESPONSIBILITY. If you view the complaint as valid, apologize and ask how you can help fix things. If you don’t view the complaint as valid, apologize and ask how you can help fix things. Sometimes it’s better to be happy than to be right.
• BE THANKFUL. Thankfulness may be the last emotion on your list, but expressing it can go a long way toward nurturing your client relationship and helping you spot the silver lining in the next complaint that comes up.