Contribution to better water resources management (2010)

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Contributions to better water resources management MALI • Integrating IWRM into the Strategic Framework for Growth and Poverty Reduction (2007–2011) • Development and adoption of a national water policy • Encouraging stronger commitment from donors to the water sector • Developing stakeholders’ capacities in water-related sectors • Helping to establish a network of journalists to promote IWRM • Developing an IWRM Plan

ERITREA • Developing regulations for the issue of water-use permits and building of water infrastructure • Developing water quality guidelines • Producing a draft national water policy and proposing a new institutional framework • Developing an IWRM situation analysis, IWRM strategy, updated water law and institutional framework for the IWRM plan • Developing an IWRM Plan

ETHIOPIA Angelo Cavalli/Getty Images

AFP Photo/Georges Gobet/Getty Images

• Development and adoption of the Berki Basin IWRM Plan • Defining concrete measures for ensuring water security (legal, institutional, financial and technical) • Resolving conflict among water users • Making communities more aware of shared water management issues

BURUNDI • Inclusion of IWRM in the national water policy • Conducting water resource situation analysis and increasing knowledge on water development for economic growth • Influencing institutional reform • Developing an IWRM Plan







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• Supporting decision making through facilitating multi-level stakeholder involvement • Helping stakeholders gain better understanding of IWRM issues • Providing capacity building in problem solving and communication • Developing an IWRM Plan



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• Developing a legal framework for water resource administration and strategies for water financing • Reviewing and updating water quality standards • Encouraging a national discussion on water pricing • Developing an IWRM Plan




Dag Sundberg/Getty Images De Agostini/Getty Images

• Promoting collaboration between the water ministry and potential financing institutions to support projects within the IWRM Plan • Strengthening links between government, civil society and the private sector • Influencing development processes in the water sector through participation in sector reviews and PRSP processes • Encouraging broad ownership of the IWRM plan among key stakeholders • Developing an IWRM Plan

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• Revising the Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper (PRSP) to include a cross-sectoral approach • Developing a new water policy and water law incorporating IWRM principles • Securing the future of the Okpara dam (a major source of drinking water) • Raising government awareness of climate change in national policies and legislation • Developing a draft IWRM Plan

• Conducting water resource situation analysis and developing strategic options for water management • Incorporating IWRM in the national strategy for water and land • Making provision for the national IWRM programme within the water ministry budget • Conducting capacity building in different aspects of water management including conflict resolution

ZAMBIA • Integrating IWRM into the Fifth National Development Plan • Assisting in the revision of the 1948 Water Law and the 1994 Water Policy • Enhancing sector collaboration during implementation of water related programs • Helping strengthen the coordination mechanism for water related programmes across government ministries, donors and other stakeholders • Developing an IWRM Plan

MALAWI • Integrating IWRM into the Malawi Growth and Development Strategy • Mobilising political will and awareness among key actors • Promoting revision of the water law and water policy • Influencing adoption of an integrated approach in the second National Water Sector Development Programme • Developing an IWRM Plan

Ariadne Van Zandbergen/Getty Images


AFP Photo/Anna Zieminski/Getty Images

Annie Griffiths Belt/Getty Images



SWAZILAND • Broadening stakeholder participation and facilitating set up of river basin associations • Broadening focus of the water master plan and strengthening links with national development priorities • Ensuring inclusion of IWRM in the draft water policy • Developing a financing strategy to support implementation of the plan • Improving access to clean drinking water for more than 9,600 people in the Kalanga community • Developing a draft IWRM Plan

MOZAMBIQUE • Supporting development of an issues paper and identifying emerging critical water issues not covered in earlier national water resource strategy • Developing guidelines for integrating water in PRSPs • Developing strategic options for water financing • Developing strategic options for mainstreaming gender in IWRM planning and implementation

The Global Water Partnership launched its Partnership for Africa’s Water Development programme in 2004 to contribute to sustainable development and poverty reduction. Working under the leadership of national governments and in collaboration with other partners, GWP contributed to achievements in each participating country.

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