Wire~News 1998 Feb-March

Page 1

Ch. ScotiC\~ P~ivate Rese~ve \\+-Ie~~yn The first champion from this exciting litter, Henry follows in his mom's footsteps, finishing at just 11 months. In addition to being my favorite guy, Henry has an excellent coat, gorgeous head, good size and substance, lovely movement and a wonderful temperament. No\¥,off to the bird field. We'll worry about the big boys in the breed and group ring a little later...

Ch. Weidenhugel Merlin V Nico, CD, MH x Ch. Ruff Cut Jet Set Autumn Moon, JH BreederfOwner/Handler: Laura Reeves, Co-Breeder: Jet Set Kennels, The Scotia Kennel, (253) 857-5272 Jane Bonaccorso

We'd also like to extend warm congratulations

Co-Owner: Kelly Harder

to Henry's sisters:

• Scotian's St. Pauli Shasta Girl, "Shasta," (OIH:Bob Leih) who earned her first JH leg at 10 months; • Jet Set Full Sail of Scotia, "Sail," (0: Jane & Robert Bonaccorso) who placed 2nd in tough 9-12 mo. competition at both the Sea-Tac & National Specialty shows, and won the class at the Richland Kennel Club show that same weekend -- all this in her very first shows and handled by my 13-year-old assistant, Heather; • Scotian Alaskan Ambe~ CGC, "Amber," (oIH: Heather Bourgeois) who helped Heather win Best Junior Handler at the Sea-Tac Specialty show.

on the cover new



in obedience

and #1

MR. BADGER in my heart.


Thanks Badge, you'ue done it all!

1997 has been a very special year! CH CASSIO'S Beauty,


Brains, Energy, Driue II Enthusiasm.



He has it all.


BEWARE Look for us in the Agility ring.

Shafer, Hanouer, CT


Regina Schwabe DVM

SURVEY 28 surveys representing 126 German Wirehaired Pointer were returned. Households owned from 1 to 30 dogs with half reporting 1-3 dogs. Half of the surveys originated on the West Coast, with the rest distributed between New England, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, Indiana, Michigan and New Jersey. The Southwest and Southeast is not represented at all. 8 of those responding have been with GWP's for 6-10 years, 7 over 15 years. All activities were represented with field work being checked 18 times over show (13) and companion (13) breeding (8) agility (5) were also checked. Respondents were very consistent and specific in what to look for in a GWP. Temperament, hunting ability and conformation or soundness were mentioned. On almost all surveys, 5 also highlighted wirey coat and 3 stated moderate size as a criterion. In our 1992 survey, versatility and hunting ability were the two most prized attributes.



Subjectively, people felt that hip dysphasia and hypothyroidism were equally important (11 and 10 times first ranked respectively). However, cancer and bloat also received 3 and 4 votes respectively. When information on the 126 dogs is analyzed a variety of disease problems appears. Diagnosis of hip dysplasia outranked diagnosis of hypothyroidism (14 to 9) but all categories, except kidney disease, are represented. On the bright side, 74 of 126 dogs were described as free of disease. 13 dogs were deceased but included for the medical information supplied. Average age of dogs reported was 8 yrs. The oldest dogs (2) were 15 and 5 were under 1 year old. 7 dogs died of a variety of cancers. No one type appears to prevail. Lymphosarcoma, melanoma, lung cancer are mentioned. Cardiovascular diseases were noted in 4 dogs. 2 were unspecified, I was a case of subaortic stenosis, and one dog was noted to have a pacemaker. Differing from the survey 5 years ago, only 2 people mentioned allergic skin disease in their dogs. This is very good if a true representation of what is going on in the GWP. 11 dogs were diagnosed with serious endocrine disease based on laboratory testing and clinical signs. 9 of these were hypothyroid, 1 was an Addison's case and one suffered from pancreatic insufficiency. Gastrointestinal diseases were infrequently mentioned with the exception of bloat. 3 dogs died at 7,10 and 13 respectively from bloat. I congenial hepatic shunt, 1 case of parvo were all to round out the GI category.

Only one case of red blood cell of kidney related diseases, and pion, congenital inward rolling tioned repeatedly but here came once.

abnormalities was reported, no incidence only 1 seizure case war reported. Entroof the eyelids had previously been menup only once. Cataracts were also reported

The orthopedic disease list on the survey was quite long but hip dysplasia definitely ranked high. Average age at onset of signs was 4 years old. 1 case each of OCD, and panosteitis came up; Arthritis was mentioned 4 times as well Now comes the area of reproductive health where 18 dogs were reported with a variety of problems. The females suffered from chronic false pregnancies (3), mastitis (3), pyometra (4) and primary uterine inertia (2). The males suffered from cryptochidism and testicular atrophy; (5 total). These figures represent a significant portion of the sample but may be influenced by the fact that some respondents had many dogs, often related. Interestingly, failure to conceive, poor mothering or abnormal sperm quality were not mentioned. These are of concern in many other breeds. Lastly, very few responses concerned temperament. This represents a change from 5 years ago where temperament problems were highlighted by the survey. 2 cases of separation anxiety, 3 of shyness and only one of aggression were mentioned.

WHAT CONCLUSIONS CAN BE DRAWN FROM THE , 997 HEALTH SURVEY? 1. Wirehair owners are very clear about what they are looking for in a GWP. Good temperament, good hunting ability and soundness. 2. 14 out of 126 dogs were diagnosed with hip dysplasia. This 9% incidence is an improvement over the 17% reported by OFA some year ago. 3. Nothing has changed with respect to hypothyroidism. 9 dogs were diagnosed; 2 of those subsequently died of autoimmune disease. It is unclear whether the skin and fertility problems highlighted 5 years ago were related to thyroid disease or not. How this sample expressed its hypothyroidism is not clearly stated. However, fertility problems appear not to be a clinical sign in Wirehairs. 4. 50% of the sample dogs of all ages have no apparent health problems. I recommend that the club support meaningful research in thyroid disease, it's prevention and control. The thyroid gland is a sensitive indicator of immune system health. When we see an increase in endocrine problems related to this master gland, it will only be a matter of time until skin disease, fertility problems, and other endocrinopathies follow.


WIRE~NEWS The GWPCA Wire News is published by the German Wirehaired Pointer Club of America, Ine. The GWPCA is a non-profit Illinois corporation which was founded in 1959 to promote and develop the German Wirehaired Pointer. Since 1959, the GWPCA has been recognized by the American Kennel Club as the member club responsible for the developement of the GWP in the United States. The GWPCA Wire News is published for the members of the GWPCA and is a benefit of membership in this club. The Editors of the GWPCA Wire News wish to encourage everyone to send articles of information of interest to our members. The Editors of the GWPCA Wire News reserve the right to edit or refuse to print any letters or articles sent into the GWPCA Wire News. Articles or letters appearing in the Wire News do NOT necessarily reflect the views of the GWPCA, the GWPCA Wire News or it's Staff. Individuals interested in membership in the GWPCA should contact the club Treasurer. I


By the time you all receive this issue of The Wire-News, much of what you read may already have been accomplished or acted upon. I just want to stress the importance of getting information to the Board, or to me for Specialty Events and Field Events.

Hunters. For 1997 the projection is twenty. Each painting costs close to $300 for the club, and we do not have that kind of money to spend.

As you know AKC can impose fines for late filing of paperwork for certain events. This includes the request for their approval for the event. I would certainly take it to heart.

On another issue: This age of rapid communication is wonderful' And like everything else, it has a good side and a not-so-good side. I'm not sure of the exact number, but there are quite a few GWPCA members currently subscribed to the "GWP Hit List" on the Internet. (There are probably a number who are not members of the GWPCA as well.) There are also four (just four, not all) Board members on the list. While we all enjoy (sometimes) reading everyone's posts about issues great and small, I'd Just like to remind those on the list, that IT is not the voice or forum of the GWPCA.

In the "Calendar of Events" section you will find a listing of clubs for whom "turn-around" letters are on file, but, for which, no request for approval has been received from the local club. It takes AKC more than just a couple of weeks to process the necessary application. Take into consideration that the Judges Panel Questionnaire forms MUST be on file with AKC at least 120 days prior to the event for Field Trials. (Hunting Tests do not require parent club approval, however, the judges questionnaire must be to AKC 90 days prior to the event.) The Performance Events Department of AKC has relocated to North Carolina, and they are probably in a state of semi-chaos, so it may even take longer for approval. Correction of Master Hunter Awards as it appeared in Nationals issue: After due consideration, the Board has made the following change in the Master Hunter award: Beginning January I, 1998, a dog/bitch earning the title of Master Hunter will be presented with a plaque similar to those awarded for Top Dogs and Field Titles. While we are elated to see the increase in the number of master hunters, the cost has become prohibitive. In 1996 there were twelve Master -.,


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A word to the wise ...

If there is an issue that you would like the Board to consider, or comments you wish to make about anything else, the voice of the GWPCA is The Wire-News, You may send Letters to the Editor (Bernee is always begging for things to include ....this is your chance.) If there is something you wish the Board to look into, please write to the Secretary. Surprisingly, we are pretty in tune with the concerns of members, but we're not clairvoyant. (Remember, WE have Wirehairs too.) Members can contact me via the normal postal route, or I can be e-mailed (privately) at ruwyrd@pacbell.net On another topic .... Newsletters from local clubs have been slow in coming, Some clubs may have no newsletter at all. At this time, I receive newsletters from five clubs (Delaware Valley, Fort Detroit, Southern and Northern California, and Twin Cities) with regularity. If your club does not have a regular newsletter, and you have a "MAJOR BRAG", do not be shy about sending me the information directly (by phone,

e-mail, or letter) for inclusion in the Local Barks. This could be not only which one of your fuzzfaces has performed feats of wonder, but what Is going on with YOU and your personal endeavors! ....the world awaits your news! One last thing ... .! hope that everyone had a joyous holiday season and that the new year brings titles galore for the woofies and happiness for you .....

HAVE YOU PAID YOUR MEMBERSHIP DUES FOR 1998? Don't forget be paid by March

these must 31 st .

What happens if your dues are not paid by March 31 st? You will not receive any more Wire News's and you will not be eligible to vote for our 1999 National Specialty judge. We have redesigned the membership application into a tear out card so it will be easier for all of you to pass it out to perspective members. If you are having a litter of pups, why not include a card in your puppy packets? Put a card in your wallet or purse so you know you will always have one handy. Also note that both Futurity applications are on the other end of the tear out card. If you havn't nominated that litter- do it now'

1997 FIELD FUTURITY Ray Calkins- Futurity Chairman The report for the 97 Field Futurity was received too late to be included in the Nationals issue. Following is a brace by brace report on the running. Our apolgies to everyone for this not being included with the rest of the nationals reports.

Flintlock's KS Tzarr Schwartz H-(M) 10/9/95 by Flintlock's Additon x Flintlock's Cheap Trick B: M Hemphill 0: Kosta Sunda H: Mike Hemphill CJ took the draw to the left with help from a pair of crows. He pointed far to the left near the fence and retrieved a fresh hawk kill. CJ had a second stylish find at 15 min. and a third at 18 minutes just b~low the water barrel. After crossing the canyon, CJ pointed a 4th chukar at the edge of the sage flats and ended the 30 minutes with a 5th find. Max started in a foot race with CJ then broke to the far right of the course through the heavy sage. He had a stylish broke dog find at 18 min. in the sage flats and a second find at 25 minutes at the end of the flats. 5. Ch Oakhyll's Obsidian yon Duffin (F) 7/9/95 By Kaiser Der Jagd CDX SH x Ch Oakhyll Magic's Destiny B: Linda and Jaime Thompson

0: Terry

and Ann Duffin H: Terry Duffin • Wilson's Dixie Dawggy (F) 7/26/95 By DC Uodibar's Bushman x Sure Shot's Miss Fancy Pants B: R Wilson 0: Mike Mordorski H: Greg Dixon Sid ran a strong gun dog race and did an excellent job as she worked the draw above the water brrel. She continued through the canyon and the sage flats where she had a nice find at 19 minutes out. Dixie took the draw to the left then deasappeared as we crossed the canyon. The scout was sent and Dixie rejoined us to work the sage flats and again disappeared to the right. On her return she worked a finger of sage at 19 minutes prior to the creek field and established a solid point. Her chase took her into the creek canyon where she ended the thirty minutes.

1. Wilson's Bush Pilot-eM) 5/26/96 by DC Uodibar's Bushman x Charmaine von Wilson Breeder: Ron Wilson O/H Jim Pratt Flintlock's Ugly Mug-(F) 6/1/96 By FC Flintlock's Addition x Flintlock's Cheap Trick B: M Hemphill 0: Shawn Humphrey H :Mike HemphIll

6. Cascade Binger (M) 2/27/96 By Cascade Rye x Cascade Cadence B: Ray and Lynn Calkins O/H: Chad Hamson Widlwings Party Girl (F) 7/27/95 By Widwings Sureshot Odie x PiemonteApril v Chi sola B: Joe Langlois 0: Lynn Sandor H:Doug Ljungren

Bush ran well and hunted the sage to the right upper course and was seen under a bird at 20 minutes. As he entered the upper edge of the creek field he encountered a second chukar with no opportunity to point. Mugsy started strong crossing the draw to the left and took the ridge to the end, then move to the heavy sage above the water barrel and returned with a dead chukar. At 20 Mugsy had a nice find on the sage flats above the canyon. She ended her 30 minutes at the far end of the open field above the creek standing in a small cup of sage, a nice find. 2. Cooker's Duke yon Wilson -(M) 11/1/95 By Severn Run Pressure Cooker x Charmaine von Wilson B/O: R Wilson H: Greg Dixon RU-WYRED MVPTriple Play, JH 3/30/96 By Ch Rogue Issac x Ch Silent Storm A Brewin MH, CD B/H/O: Karen Nelsen Duke ran wide and strong. He had bird contact at the cast off but had no opportunity to point. He ended the 30 minutes far to the front. Triple Play hunted the cover at a medium gun dog range. She had a stylish find at the sage flats and allowed Karen to dismount and flush, nice work for a young dog. 3. Flintlock's Bandit-(F) 10/9/95 By FC Flintlock's Addition x Flintlocks Cheap Trick B: M Hemphill O:Hal Christenson H: Mike Hemphill Backwood's Mo Kick(F) 5/19/96 by Backwoods Flexible Flyer x Jay-Mars Blakes BlueAngel B: G Dixon 0: Roger Bultman H- Greg Dixon Bandit ran the first half of her course as a shooting dog. She had a find in the sage pocket above the water barrel and packed it back to camp. Mo started well and was seen under a bird at thirteen minutes then finished short.

Binger hunted well and at 8 min. she and bracemate were seen under a bird near the fence. He hunted through the canyon and was found standing at the rim again with his bracemate. Binger ended the thirty minutes hunting the edge of the canyon. Tee hunted the course in a medium shooting dog range and joined Binger at the fence under a chukar at 8 muntes and then again at the rim of the canyon at 21 mintes for a divided find. She ended the course hunting the upper edge of the creek field. 7. SGR Nightmare (F) 8/4/95 By Ch Jed's Silent Polar Express x SGR Witchcraft MH B: Bill & Gail Richardson 0/ H: Terry Duffin Darling's Barney Rubble-(M) 5/26/96 By DC AFC Cascade Ike MH x Wirebrand Darling Coco B: Mary Darling 0: Ed Buthsen H ;Jim Yates Neither dog got our of the blocks and were picked up at 8 minutes.

4. Cascade CJ -(M) 6/11/96 By DC AFC Cascade lke MH x Cascade Cinder B/O/H:Ray Calkins B: Ray

8. Cascade Quest (M) 2/27/96 By Cascade Rye x Cascade Cadence & Lynn Calkins O/H: Kay Craig

SGR Laundry Daze (F) 2/14/96 Jed's Wench 01 H:Bill Richardson

By SGR Dirty Laundry x SGR

Quest hunted at a good shooting dog pace with a bird at 24 minutes and ended the course hunting the creek bottom. Laundry Daze hunted the course with a medium gun dog range with a nice find at 26 minutes and finished well. 9. Wind Walker Yon Wilson( Cooker x Charmaine Von Wilson B: Wilson's Quail Rock Tucker man x Sure Shot's Miss Fancy Pants

M) 11/1/95 By Severn Run Pressure R Wilson 01 H Mel Lee (M) 7/26/95 By DC Uodibar's BushB: R Wilson 01 H: Jim Pratt

Both dogs started working at a medium gun dog pace. Mel picked up Walker at 5 minutes and Tucker was also up at the water barrel. 10 Oakhyll Black Ice's Cinder JH (F) 7/9/95 by Kaiser Der Jagd x Ch Oakhyll Magic's Destiny B: Linda and Jaime Thompson 01 H Ross VanDerBos Backwoods Western Flyer (F) 5/19/96 By Backwoods Flexible Flyer x Jay-Mars Blakes Blue Angel BIOI H: Greg Dixon Cinder went to work along the left side of the course with a find at the top of the first draw just past the fence. She had a second find in the sage just above the water barrel with no opportunity to point. Her third bird contact came at 23 minutes and she finished short into a heavy wind. Flyer worked the right edge of the course and disappeared into the heavy sage. She crossed the canyon and shortened into the heavy wind. She ended with a nice find at 23 minutes. 11. Flintlock's Lady Hawk (F) 4/20/96 by FC Flintlock's HawkEye x Flintlock's Liesel V Diesel B: J Landis 01 H: Mike Hemphill Prairiewood's Easy Ryder (F) 5/19/96 By Backwoods Flexible Flyer x Jay-Mars Blakes Blue Angel B: Greg Dixon 01 H:Todd Manns Ruby started big and took the high road disappearing past the power lines. Eventually she was brought across the canyon and had a nice find along the creek and was gone again as time was called. Ryder ran a good

shooting dog course with her first bird at 15 minutes near the water barrel. She had a second stylish find at 23 minutes and a third at 26 minutes near the creek. 12. Flintlock's Special Addition (M) 6/1/96 By FC Flintlock's Addition x Flintlock's Cheap Trick B: M Hemphill 0: Joe DeMoura H: Mike Hemphill Wilson's Georgia Peach (F) 11/1/95 By Severn Run Pressure Cooker x Charmaine von Wilson B: Ron Wilson 0: Roger Bultman and Greg Dixon H: Greg Dixon Special Addition started slow but built and worked the first half well. The heavy wind had its effect and he ended the second half short. Jo started big and took the canyon to the left and had a stylish find on the opposite rim. She crossed the canyon into the sage and disappeared. She ended to the front at time. 13 Piemonte Elena v Chisola (F) 4/11/96 By Flintlock's Hawkeye x Peimonte Corey v Chisola BIO Aloysia Hard H:Mike Hemphill Yon Dullins Nutmeg (F) 1/23/96 By FC AFC Cascade's Tuffy x Brushfire's Ginger Snap BIOIH Terry Duffin Elena started well and hunted the course through1y but ended the 30 minutes without bird contact. Nutmeg also hunted the course nicely and was rewarded with a find at 17 minutes in the bottom of the canyon. Netmeg ended hunting into the wind deep in the heavy sage.

Five dogs were called back for the second series and retrieve with two other on deck Called back were Wilson' Dixie Dawggy Wilson's Georgia Peach Flintlock's Lady Hawk Flintlock's KS Tzarr Schwartz Flintlock's

Ugly Myg

On Deck Prairiewood's Cascade CJ

Easy Ryder

1997 GWPCA Futurity Winners 1. Wilson's Dixie Dawggy $524.66 to owner $349.78 to breeder 2. Wilson's Georgia Peach $314.80 to owner/$209.86 to breeder 3. Flintlock's KS Tzarr Schwartz $209.86 to owner/$139.91 to breeder 4. Flintlock's Ugly Mug












28-29 ENTRY,









JILL OTTO (510) 370-7266 MAY 98











The following clubs have corresponding date application forms (turn-around letters) on file with the Secretary for Field Trials. To date, no parent club approval has been sought by the respective club. Feb 21, 1998 - GWP Club of Eastern Nebraska Feb 28, 1998 - Delaware Valley GWP Club Feb 28, 1998 - GWP Club of Illinois May 15, 1998 - Twin Cities GWP Club May 23, 1998 - Fort Detroit GWP Club May 30, 1998 - Delaware Valley GWP Club Sept 19, 1998 - Oregon GWP Club Please note: Parent Club consent is no longer needed for Specialty events. However, Parent Club approval is still needed for Field Trials. In order that YOUR event can be listed, please send all information to Karen Nelsen. * Pending AKC approval

PET INSURANCE Did you know that you can get health insurance for your pet? While surfin the internet, I came across a company named Veterinary Pet Insurance (VPI). This company was founded n 1980 and began selling pet insurance policies in 1982. They cover dogs and cats at this time, but have future plans to include horses and birds. The company is licensed and regulated in California and its pet insurance is underwritten by the National Casualty Company. Cuarrently the VPI plans are being marketed in 43 states. Check with the company to see if your state is included. Dogs and cats from 8 weeks and up are insurable and rates are based on the age of the pet and the plan selected. Five accident and illness plans are offered, all with the same coverage with the differences being the deductibles, payment limits and the premium amounts. The policy is for accidents and illness and is similar to that offered to us humans. Office calls, injections, prescriptions, treatments, lab fees, x-rays surgery and hospitalization (subject to policy terms) are covered. But vaccines, boarding, grooming, diets, parasites, vitamins and pre-existing conditions, congenital, hereditary defects and breeding are not covered. If after six months any pre-existing condition is cured and does not require treatment, the condition may be eligible for coverage. VPI has multiple pet discounts of 5% for 2-3 pets and 10% for over four. They also have an unconditional 30 day full money back guarantee, and is endorsed by the American Humane Association. For more information on Veterinary Pet Insurance, call their toll free number l-800-USA-PETS.



By Cynthia Heiller, DVM A recent article in the Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, Vol.211, No.9, November 1, 1997 looked at the reliability of early radiographic evaluation for canine hip dysplasia. The breeds evaluated were Golden Retrievers, Labrador Retrievers, German Shepherd Dogs and Rottweilers. Dogs between the ages of 3 to 18 months had their preliminary OFA evaluation compared to their official OFA evaluation done after 2 years of age. Results of the article were that dogs with excellent hips stayed excellent (100% of the time), good ratings were still good 97.9% of the time. A fair hip rating stayed fair 76.9%, but became dysplastic 20.8% of the time. Dogs that were rated mildly dysplastic were still mildly dysplastic 84.4% of the time, but 12.1 % were subsequently rated fair or better. Moderately dysplastic hi ratings did not change rating 97.4% of the time. There was not enough severely dysplasic ratings to be used in this study. Reliability also increased with the age of the dog at the time the preliminary radiograph was done. The closer to two years the animal was the more reliable the rating. Their conclusion was that value of early screening of dogs for hip dysplasia is economically obvious. An animal with excellent or good rating on preliminary evaluation is unlikely to change to dysplastic. And a moderately dysplastic animal should be removed from the breeding program. The gray zone of fair hip conformation or mild dysplasia can be maintained in the kennel until official radiographs are done at 2 years of age, then removed from the breeding program if indicated. I do not know if the German Wirehaired Pointer will follow the same results as I have not done enough preliminary radiographs on this breed to date. But thought the club would be interested in this report.

Hypothyroidism is the deficiency of the thyroid hormone thyroxine (T4). The type of hypothyroidism that occurs in the canine is primary hypothyroidism. This is caused by a defect in the thyroid gland itself. Secondary hypothyroidism occurs when there is a defect with the hormone (TSH) that induces the thyroid gland to produce the hormone thyroxine (T4). There is a increased incidence of hypothyroidism reported in several breeds of dogs which indicate a genetic role of the disorder. These breeds include the Golden Retriever, Doberman Pinscher, Dachshund, Irish Setter, Min. Schnauzer, Great Dane, Poodle, Boxer and many other breeds have a suspected predisposition. I believe the German Wirehaired Pointer has a predisposition. Primary hypothyroidism accounts for about 95% of the cases of hypothyroidism in the canine. While destruction of the thyroid gland is the usual cause of thyroid disfunction. Congenital (or birth) defects can occur, but are very rare. Symptoms of hypothyroidism are believed to become noticeable when greater than 75% of the thyroid gland has been destroyed. These symptoms include lethargy, weight gain, cold intolerance, hair loss (frequently symmetrical on the body and ear flaps), dry brittle hair, skin infections, ear infections, reproductive problems in both the dog and the bitch, seizures, weakness, deposits of lipid in the corneas of the eyes, slow heart rate or abnormal beats, anemia, bleeding disorders and increase in cholesterol in the blood.

there is no increase in auto antibodies, the immune system is not thought to be involved. Cancer of the thyroid gland can also destroy the gland. Hypothyroidism occurs when 75% or more of the gland has been destroyed by the tumor. Thyroid tumors in canines are usually hormonally inactive since hyperthyroidism (increase in T3 and T4) is uncommon. Secondary hypothyroidism results from a lack of thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH). This hormone comes from the pituitary gland in the base of the brain. This cause of hypothyroidism accounts for less than 5% of the cases. Decrease in TSH can also occur with administration of

steroids or with naturally occurring Cushings disease. Determining hypothyroidism can be difficult. There are many thyroid hormone tests available and interpreting results must be done with a good understanding of the relationships between the test values. Most commercial laboratories currently use a radioimmunoassay (RIA) technique for measuring T3 and T4 concentrations in the blood. Antithyroid antibodies an interfere with this type of test causing falsely elevated or decreased results. Thyroxine (T4) unbound by protein is called free thyroxine (fT4). T4 and fT4 can also be measured by a technique called equilibrium dialysis, which is not affected by antithyroid antibodies. TSH concentration, thyroglobulin auto antibodies (TgAA), and antithyroid hormone antibodies (T3aatr4aa) can also be measured. T3 and T4 values can be falsely lowered because of concurrent Reproductive problems include lack of heat cycle, loss of libido, weak or silent heat, prolonged bleeding when in heat, inappropriate breast illness, such as pyoderma (skin infection), generalized infection, heart disease, diabetes, neurological disorders. Steroid or other drug administration or milk production and testicular atrophy. Not all symptoms occur in every can also falsely lower values. Increases in T4 values can occur in the case and some dogs with hypothyroidism have no symptoms at all. The only method in determining the cause of the destruction of pregnant or in heat bitch. Random fluctuation in T3 and T4 levels also occur, making a single test difficult to the thyroid gland is by surgical interpret. T3 values can be low in dogs biopsy. Biopsy of the thyroid with normally functioning thyroid gland will usually show either OFA - CANINE THYROID REGISTRY lymphocytic thyroiditis (inglands. RAY NACHREINER, D.V.M., PH.D. Thyroid hormone supplemenflammation) or idiopathic atroGeneral Procedures tation can suppress TSH secretion and phy (disappearance of the gland cause falsely lowered T3 and T4 valby unknown cause). With lym1 . Pur p 0 s e s - To identify those dogs that are phenotypically normal for ues. Thyroid hormone supplementaphocytic thyroiditis, normal breeding programs and to gather data on the genetic disease - autoimmune thyroiditis (Hashimoto's Disease). tion (i.e .. soloxine) should be disconth.yroid cells are replaced by 2. Examination and Classification - Each dog is to be examined by tinued for at least 4 weeks and preferlymphocytes, plasma cells and an attending veterinarian and have a serum sample sent to an OFA apably 8 weeks before thyroid gland macrophages which destroy the proved laboratory for test-ing according to the enclosed application and function is assessed. Orthopedic general information instructions. The laboratory fee will be determined by gland and produce scar tissue. the approved laboratory. Foundation for Animals request that This process is thought to be 3. Certification - A certificate and breed registry number will be issued immune-mediated, which an animal not receive any thyroid to all dogs found to be normal at 12 months of age. Ages will be used in the supplementation for at least 12 weeks means that the body makes ancertification process since the classification can change as the dog ages and the nautoimmune disease progresses. The OFA fee is $15.00 and no for thyroid registry testing. OFA thytibodies against it's own tissue. charge will be made for recerti-fication at a later age. It is recommended In this case the thyroid gland is roid registry tests include fT4, canine that reexamination occur at ages 2,3,4,6, and 8 years. TSH, and thyroglobulin autoantibodthe target tissue for the antibod4. Preliminary evaluation - Evaluation of dogs under 12 months of ies. The OFA testing is done at Michiies. When lymphocytic thyage can be performed for private use of the owner since a few dogs are already positive at that age. However, certification will not be possible at gan State University and require speroiditis is diagnosed, there is an that age. increase in auto antibodies to cial forms filled out by your veteriS. Dogs with autoimmune thyroiditis -All data, whether normal narian for submission. Animals must the thyroid proteins, including or abnormal is to be submitted for purposes of completeness. There is no T3 and T4. This form of hypothyroidism is inherited in lines of dogs in many breeds, including I believe the GWP. Idiopathic atrophy of the thyroid gland is characterized by the loss of thyroid gland tissue, which is replaced by fat cells. There are no lymphocytes or other inflammation cell noted

OFA fee for entering an abnormal evaluation of the thyroid into the data bank. Information on dogs deter-mined to be abnormal (positive or equivocal) will not be made public without the explicit permission of the owner or agent. 6. Thyroid abnormalities fall into several categories - Two types will be defined by the registry. a. Autoimmune Thyroiditis (Hashimoto's Disease). b. Idiopathic Hypothyroidism Autoimmune thyroiditis is known to be heritable. 7. Those dogs with laboratory results that are questiona b I e -therefore, not definitive - will be considered as equivocal. It is recommended that the test be repeated in 3-6 months.

on biopsy of the tissue. The cause is not known, but because

For more information on the OFA Thyroid Registry, please contact OFA <Jir~c~lx:


be at least 12 months of age and bitch should not be in heat or pregnant. If we are to try to decrease the incidence of hereditary hypothyroidism in the GWP we should consider some form of thyroid testing. The OFA thyroid registry or other similar groups of thyroid tests should be done on all of our breeding stock, the same way the OFA hip evaluation, von Willabran and CERF tests are currently being done.


Ray Calkins DVM

s I pondered how to start this article the phone rang and a friend of mine from Washington asked, "do you have a few minutes to talk? My bitch is due in heat soon and I would like to maximize my chances of a successful breeding." Breeding management ranges from keeping the cocker mix from rendezvousing with your Best in Show bitch, to surgical implantation of frozen semen from a deceased great import from another continent. Lets start with a few basics. Just because your dog is a female doesn't mean she is of breeding quality. Wanting the children to witness the miracle of birth is not a valid reason to litter the world with puppies, Whether or not to breed is an important decision. It must be made carefully and is beyond the scope of this article. From the medical standpoint, several genetic problems must be evaluated as you select breeding animals. OFA certification of hips in most breeds is a must. The growing list of genetic diseases to consider may invol ve elbows, eyes, clotting factors or kidney function and will vary depending on your breed.

CARE OF THE BROOD BITCH Now that we have made the decision to breed and the important genetic screening is completed, there are several things to do while we wait for "Greta" to come into heat. Make all arrangements well in adva'nce' This may sound silly, but I've had many phone calls that boil down to "my bitch is on day 10 and I'd like to breed her." Don't wait until "Greta" is in heat to select a compatible stud dog. Make all arrangements with the stud owner in advance and agree on terms. These should include the stud fee,(when and how it is to be paid) transportation and any special requirements. Neither party needs surprises! Prior to the heat cycle all vaccines should be brought up to date and parasites eliminated. A brood bitch should be in good physical condition. Obesity and poor muscle tone may contribute to problems at delivery. All breeding stock should be tested for brucellosis. The bitch should be tested 1-2 months prior to the expected heat cycle. It is important to understand that the screening test has about 10% false positives and it may require additional testing that could take a month to prove that the dog is truly negative. Do not wait until the last minute. I recommend that the stud dog be tested at least every 6 months. Some stud dog owners require vaginal cultures prior to breeding. This however, is of little value in the average dog and becomes necessary only for dogs with reproductive problems. The vaginal canal is rarely sterile and the normal bacterial population includes organisms that are frequently associated with reproductive disease. These organisms are also found within the prepusal sheath of the stud dog. If a stud owner requires a vaginal culture, ask them to culture the stud and compare "bugs". Both are needless procedures for routine breeding management! For the maiden bitch, it is important to have a vaginal exam for constrictions or vaginal tags that may prevent a natural breeding. I see many animals at my clinics for artificial insemination because the stud cannot naturally breed the bitch. These barriers could have been detected and eliminated prior to shipping halfway across the country. Nothing ruins a well planned breeding faster than finding an uninvited intact male Heinz 57 in the backyard with the prized bitch the night before. Security should not be taken for granted. Prevent unwanted breeding, the alternatives are not good.

THE ESTROUS CYCLE The estrous cycle of the bitch is a complex event. Most canines cycle twice a year. Exceptions to this are the wolf and the basenji. Age at the first heat varies from 6 to 18 months and the time from the first of one heat, until the beginning of the next cycle varies normally from 4-12 months with the average at 6-7 months. To be fertile, this intraestrous cycle must be at least 4 months long to allow for uterine repair so that implantation can occur. Dogs that cycle at intervals less than 4 months need a medical workup. Short intraestrous cycles should not be confused with "split heats" which are common. During a split heat, the bitch starts to cycle and may even allow breeding. However, she does not ovulate and appears to stop

cycling but is again in heat 1-4 weeks later. It is the second part of the split heat that finishes the cycle with ovulation and the fertile period.

The reproductive cycle of the bitch is divided into four stages:


Proestrous starts with the first sign of vaginal discharge and swelling. Estrogen levels are responsible for the changes seen on vaginal cytology increasing cornification of the vaginal canal in preparation for breeding. The increased estrogen production also accounts for the increased numbers of neighborhood dogs on your front porch. Proestrous last from 2-21 days with the average at 9 days.

2. Stage two of the cycle is estrous and is defined as standing heat or the time from the first acceptance of the male until the first refusal. This may be as short as 2 days or as long as 21 days, but again the average is 9 days. Hormonally there is a sudden fall in estrogen levels combined with a sudden increase in progesterone. At this time luteinizing hormone (LH) surges, triggering ovulation which occurs about 48 hours later. The dog releases ova over a short time (12 hours) but they are not able to be fertilized for another 48 hours. LH surge may occur from day 3 to 28 of the cycle, but the average ranges from day 8 to day 12. Vaginal cytology shows predominantly cornified epithelial cells with few red blood cells and no white blood cells.


Diestrous is the third stage of the cycle and starts with the first refusal by the bitch. Diestrous can also be detected by vaginal cytology. Vaginal epithelial cells suddenly change from cornified epithelial cells to mostly parabasal and intermediate cells and white blood cells suddenly appear. The length of diestrous is approximately 2 months and equals the time of pregnancy. The dog is unique in that progesterone levels are elevated for this two month period - pregnant or not! Human pregnancy tests are based on the progesterone level. If the level is up - pregnant, if it's down - not pregnant. Therefore, human pregnancy tests are of no value in the canine world. This continued elevation of the progesterone level also explains the signs of "false pregnancy" that are considered normal in the dog. The period of rest following the estrous cycle is called anestrous. Anestrous appears to be a time of no activity, but is a period of repair of the reproductive tract and lasts from 4-8 months. 120 days is the minimum time to repair the uterus so that implantation can take place during the next cycle.

TIMING It has been said that ninety percent of infertility seen in a normal bitch, cycling normally, is due to one of two reasons. The first, an infertile stud dog, and the second is improper breeding management (breeding at the wrong time). There are several methods employed by breeders to determine when to breed the bitch. The standing heat method is an excellent

program especially if you are using a young healthy virile male and a normal bitch. She is bred every other day or every third day from the . first day she will accept the male until she refuses. Alternatively, the free choice method -leaving the pair together in the back yard has worked

documented by vaginal cytology and that is the first diestral day, the day of a sudden change from cornified epithelial cells to cornified cells, and a sudden appearance of white blood cells. This day is important for two reasons. There is no longer any need to breed because you know ovulation

that she didn't ovulate until day 28. When bred accordingly, she produced 6 puppies. When a bitch shows little external signs of heat or rebuffs your choice of males, timing pinpoints when to AI. With fresh chilled or frozen semen breedings, ovulation timing is essen-

"Greta" has missed on her previous two breedings. With ovulation timing we found that she didn't ovulate until day 28. When bred accordingly, she produced 6 puppies.

well under normal conditions.

Other breeders

prefer the traditional day method - breeding on specific days of the cycle, usually days 11,13, and 15 or days 12 and 15. This method works because most bitches have LH surge between days 8 and 12, and ovulate 48 hours later and because normal sperm will survive for 5 to 6 days in the reproductive tract. Some breeders rely on their experienced stud. "He always knows when she's ready!" It has been my experience that he always thinks she's ready and could be in serious jeopardy of losing his face! For years vaginal cytology has been the sole laboratory method to predict breeding time. Vaginal cytology alone has several draw backs. The changes seen are caused by estrogen and may not be an indication of ovulation. Remember that LH surge can occur from day 3 until day 28 in a normal bitch. This vaginal cytology cannot predict ovulation. There is however one consistent, important event

occurred six days earlier. If the bitch conceives you can expect her to whelp 57 days after the onset of diestrous.

tial for success. Predicting ovulation allows time for arranging the collection and shipping of fresh chilled semen. Once the LH surge is pinpointed, semen can be collected in Florida on a hot Au-

Recently, laboratory tests for progesterone and luteinizing hormone (LH) have become available to accurately predict ovulation. Why is this important? Some popular stud dogs are in heavy demand and it is important to limit the number of times each bitch is bred. Although he may prefer the free choice method, this may be highly impractical! Breeding on day 3 and 5 or 4 & 6 past LH surge is a very effective method of managing a heavily used stud. Studly seniors with physical problems or with low sperm counts or low libido may also be managed better with ovulation timing. Some bitches don't read the text book and there is a great variety on normal. As an example, "Greta" has missed on her previous two breedings. With ovulation timing we found

gust day and FedExed to Oregon for insemination on day 3 and 5 or 4 and 6. The "chilled" sperm are viable for about 3 days while the sperm from "frozen" semen are viable for only 12-24 hours. Therefore, especially with frozen semen, precise detection of ovulation is a must. It is becoming more common (and successful) to surgically implant frozen semen on day 5 or 6 past LH surge. An additional benefit to ovulation timing is the ability to accurately predict the whelping date. The bitch consistently delivers 65 days from the LH surge (63 days from ovulation and 57 days from the first diestral day). Understanding the estrous cycle helps us manage ALL breedings more efficiently and successfully.



s with the bitch, a stud dog should be kept in good physical conditionnot too thin and definitely not over weight. With obesity, scrotal fat can increase testicle temperature and reduce fertility. A stud dog should be tested free of Brucella canis every six months and all bitches brought to him require testing within 60 days of being bred. Brucella causes a severe orchitis and sterility in the male. Brucella is transmitted mostly by the oral-nasal contact with infected urine or vaginal discharge. It can be contracted from the infected male in the next kennel or at the dog show. Breeding is not essential for infection.

quires a semen evaluation accompany the registration of each litter.

THE STUD CONTRACT When arrangements are being made for stud services, all terms should be agreed upon.


Brucella is transmitted mostly by the oral-nasal contact with infected urine or vaginal discharge. It can be contracted from the infected male in the next kennel or at the dog show.

With stud dogs that are utilized heavily, I recommend periodic physicals including laboratory workups, prostatic exams and semen analyses to detect problems early. Prostratic disease is a major cause of reproductive problems affecting the male's desire to breed as well as sperm viability. Many systemic disease also reduce semen quality. After the age of twelve, AKC re-

secure environment. Who is responsible for any needed veterinary services- ovulation timing, artificial insemination (AI) and medical care?

The stud fee (how and when it is to be paid) should be finalized. What about a repeat breeding if the bitch doesn't conceive, and will there be any additional fees? How will the bitch be transported and lodged? A breeder offering stud services must maintain all bitches in a healthy

For normal. healthy males that are only occasionally utilized, the "standing heat" method of breeding every other day or every third day from the first acceptance until refusal works very well. Usually breeding during the traditional 11-15th day period is effective. However, if it is necessary to limit the breeding to the optimum time to maximize conception, ovulation timing is essential. It is not uncommon to have several bitches in at one time to breed to your stud dog. The every other day until she says no method could lead to fatigue as well as semen depletion. It is more efficient to breed each bitch twice at the opportune time.

efficient to breed each bitch twice at the opportune time. Older studs may have lower sperm numbers or physical problems that require limited attempts or AI's. Also some bitches may not like the male selected preferring the neighbor's Maltese. Ovulation timing and AI's will solve these problems. I do not recommend the free choice breeding method. Multiple breeding prior to a late ovulation can lead to semen depletion, indifference in some males and missed opportunities. I prefer the male be kept completely separated from in heat bitches until specific supervised breeding. This maintains good libido and sperm counts. Specific breeding dates should be documented in the stud breeding record for future reference if necessary. Most bitches are serviced by natural breeding. A fresh artificial insemination is often necessary due to anatomical abnormalities of the bitch or physical constraints of the male. Some stud dog owners may require anAI to protect their valued stud from damage or disease. Some bitches are uncooperative or have abnormal cycles that require artificial insemination. The stud dog may also be uncooperative- inexperienced males may need assistanceor the stud my just prefer blondes.! Done correctly, AI's are as effective as natural breedings.

AKC RULES AND REGULATIONS ON ARTIFI~I~l.:JNSEMINAtION A. ARTIFICIAL INSEMINATIONUSINGFRESHSEMEN The American Kennel Club will consider an application to register a litter artificial insemination using fresh semen, provided both the sire and datnare present the extraction of the semen and the insemination of the bitch and the litter is,. in all other respects, eligible for registration .. In order to register a litter whelped as a result of artificial insemination of the bitch using fresh semen, the following are required: a completed litter registration application form, a completed certification form and the proper registration fee. The certification form contains Sections to be completed by the owner, co-owner or lessee of the dam on the date of mating, owner or co-owner of sire on the dateoffnating and two additional certifications to be completed in those instances when the owner of the sire has authorized someone else to extract the semen from the male and the owner or lessee of the dam has authorized someone else to inseminate the female. The certification form and litter registration application form may beobtained from The American Kennel Club, upon request, free ocharge. B. ARTIFICIAL INSEMINATIONUSINGFRESHEXTENDEDSEMEN The American Kennel Club will consider an application to register a litter resulting from artificial insemination of the bitch using fresh extended semen proVided the semen is extracted and extended by a licensed veterinarian; the insemination oJ tbebitch is performed by a licensed veterinarian and the litter is eligible for registration in all other respects. The use of imported fresh extended semen may be considered on a case-by-case basis provided that The American Kennel Club has received prior notification of the intepded insemination. The specific requirements for the use of imported fresh extended semen shouJdbere" quested from The American Kennel Club several months prior to any intended insemination.

FRESH CHILLED Fresh chilled semen is becoming a common alternative to shipping dogs. The weather may prohibit shipping and some stud owners are unable or unwilling to house a bitch in heat. I recommend having a dog's semen"chill checked" before fresh chilled semen is offered to insure it has good survival levels at 24-30 hours post collection.

In order to register a litter whelped as a result of artificial insemination of the bitch using fresh extended semen, the following are required: a completed litter registration application form, a completed certification form and the proper registration fee. The certification form contains certifications from the owner, co-owner or lessee of the dam on the date of mating, the veterinarian extracting and extending the semen andthe veterinarian inseminating the bitch. The special certification form and the litter registration application form maybe obtained from The American Kennel Club, upon request, free of charge.

FROZEN Frozen semen breeding allows access to dogs internationally. In addition, gene pools can be augmented by deceasedor retired "greats". If you are interested in freezing your guy's semen, don't wait until he's an old stud dog. You can always throw it away, but in general the quality of the frozen semen is much better from the stud between the ages of 2 and 4 than it is from the older dog. International shipment of semenis full of miscellaneous requirements and should be investigated with your freezing center before the freeze. Conception rates are good with quality semen and improving technology but do not yet equal natural breeding. The procedures are costl y and they are not for the average breeding. For both fresh chilled and frozen semen, breeding timing is now the responsibility of the bitch owner. With the bitch in housethe stud dog owner may assume some responsibly for conception because he and his stud have chosen the time. With fresh chilled and frozen semen, the bitch owner is purchasing semen and the critical step of choosing the timing is out of the stud owner's hands. In these casesthe stud service agreement will need to be re-evaluated.

The use of imported fresh extended semen may be considered on .•• a·c~.~e-bY=c;(i~~basis provided that The American Kennel Club has received prior notification of theintenqed insemination. The specific requirements for the use of imported fres.h extendedsetnen should be requested from The American Kennel Club several months prior to any intended insemination. C. ARTIFICIAL INSEMINATIONUSINGFROZENSEMEN The American Kennel Club will consider an application to registeraJitt.er resulting from the artificial insemination of the bitch using frozen semen, providedtheditter is, in all other respects, eligible for registration and the following conditions are met: I. The collection of semen for the artificial breeding must have been reported to the AKC and the collector/storer must be on record with the AKC as familiar with and complying with the AKC regulations for record keeping and identification of dog~. II. The special litter application form must be submitted containing the certifications completed by the owner of the semen, the owner of the dam and the veterinarian who performed the artificial breeding, together with the' proper fee. Anyone requiring this special litter registration application form may obtain one froll1 The American Kennel Club. The request should be directed to: The American Kennel Club ATTN: DEPARTMENTB 5580 Centerview Drive, Raleigh, NC 27606 You may also obtain from the same Department B a list of those collecto'i/storers whose record-keeping methods have been deemed by The American Kennel Club to be in compliance with the regulations.

NATIONAL ANIMAL POISON CONTROL CENTER COLLEGE OF VETERINARY MEDICINE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN THE NAPCC IS A NON-PROFIT SERVICE. 1-900-680-0000 1-800-548-2423 WHAT IS THE NATIONAL ANIMAL POISON CONTROL CENTER? The National Animal Poison Control Center (NAPCC), a non-profit service of the University of Illinois, is the first animal-oriented poison center in the United States. Since 1978, it has provided advice to animal owners and conferred with veterinarians about poisoning exposures. The NAPCC's phones are answered by licensed veterinarians and board-certified veterinary toxicologists. WHAT MAKES NAPCC DIFFERENT OTHER POISON CONTROL


WHAT IS THE COST OF THISSERVICE? Depending on which option is chosen, the charge is $ 20.00 for the first 5 minutes then $ 2.95/ minutes thereafter when using the 900 number, or $30.00 per case (VISA, MasterCard, Discover, or American Express only) when using the 800 number. With the 800 access only, the NAPCC will do as many follow-up calls as necessary in critical cases, and, if you wish, will consult with your veterianrian. Some clients of the NAPCC Animal Product Safety Service will absorb the cost of your call.


The NAPCC is staffed with veterinary health professionals who are familiar with how different species respond to poisons and treatment protocols. At their fingertips, they have a wide range of information specific to animal poisoning. They also have an extensive collection of individual cases over - 250,000 - involving pesticide, drug, plant, metal, and other exposures in food producing and companion animals. This specialized information lets the experienced NAPCC staff make specific recommendations for your animals, rather than generalized poison information provided by human poison control center.




animal and agricultural products an extensive animal product safety program. The program provides a toll-free animal product safety number which can be printed on product labels and literature. The around-the-clock service assists owners and veterinarians with questions or suspected poisonings. The program also manages case records, compiles quarterly case reports and consults with the manufacturer's professional staff to improve product saftey. Additional ser-

vices are available to tailor an animal product safety program to meet each manufacturer's needs. WHAT SHOULD BE DONE IF AN ANIMAL HAS BEEN POISONED? Immediately call the NAPCC. Be ready to provide: * Your name, address, and phone number;

* Information concerning the exposure (the amount of agent, the time since exposure, etc.), and if the agent is part of the Animal Product Safety Service, the consultation is at no cost to the caller. It is very important to provide accurate information on the agent; * The species, breed, age sex, weight, and number of animals involved; * The agent your animals have been exposed to, if known; and * The problems your animals are experiencing. If you are unable to access the 900 number, call your telephone company for assistance or use the 800 number. When the 800 number is used, your credit card number will be required in addition to the above information.


It is estimated that approximately 10,000 dogs are poisoned by ethylene glycol (the main component of antifreeze and coolants) each year. Experts believe the pleasant taste and widespread availability of ethylene glycol result in its ingestion. A very small amount of ethylene glycol is toxic to animals. For an average sized dog (20 lb.) three tablespoons (less than 1/4 cup) may be lethal If untreated, ethylene glycol poisoning most often results in kidney damage and death. Rapid diagnosis and treatment are crucial to a successful outcome.

Signs of Ethylene

Glycol Poisoning.

It is extremely important for dog owners to be aware of the toxicity of ethylene glycol and to seek medical treatment for their dog immediately

upon recognizing the following signs.

1. Drunken

state- The dog may appear to be in a stupor. It may stagger, weave, stumble, In addition, the dog may be uncoordinated, disoriented, and have decreased reflexes.









- The dog may appear

- The diuretic




of ethylene

- The dog will be excessively - Although

it may occur,


and fall.

and incoherent



in the

dog urinating





is not persistent IT HAS INGESTED

and may not be witnessed.




Dogs may behave differently at the clinic or hospital than at home. They may act more alert once they arrive at the clinic or hospital because it is a new environment, even though the seemed depressed at home. In addition, as dogs pass through the stages of ethylene glycol metabolism, they often appear to recover, but then rapidly deteriorate. Although the dog seems to be getting better around 12-18 hours after ingestion, it will actually get worse before it gets better. After an apparent recovery phase, some of the signs similar to those evident soon after the poisoning will return. The dog may be depressed and may vomit again, however, the drunken effect of ethylene glycol will no longer be present. A new antidote is now available called Antizol- Vet. This must be administered in a veterinary clinic or hospital. Check with your Vet to see if they stock this antidote.

Dear GWPCA Club members, Thank you for your support and suggestions regarding the proposed Record of Merit Award. The revised requirements are in this issue. This is a lifetime achievement award, not easily attained, and should reflect the leading sires and dams of our breed. AKC's Hunting Tests, introduced in 1987, are major factors in titles needed for an ROM. Those dogs that lived before the introduction of these tests, will have special consideration. I have also incorporated the following suggestions, simplifying the OFA requirements and reducing the number of requirements for bitches .. At first glance the original numbers for bitches seemed plausible, but after attempting to find a qualifying bitch obviously the requirements were too hard. They were producing show champions with limited field titles, or the opposite was true, field titles and no bench titles. This finding should sound the alarm for our breeders, the object should be to produce animals that can compete in both arenas. Last year a record number of GWPs received Field Championships, of the seven finished there were two Dual Champions. We finished 64 Bench Champions, of which five have a Junior Hunter Title and one was a Master Hunter. Perhaps some day a third, or even half, of the bench champions will sport a hunting test title, and we will have Field Champions with obedience or agility titles. Gail Richardson

ROM REQUIREMENTS To be nominated for a RECORD OF MERIT (ROM) all dogs must be AKC registered and only AKC titles will be recognized.The progeny must reflect the versatility of the breed by acquiring titles from both field and bench. Points will be awarded for the various titles reflecting the degree of difficulty in attaining said title. It will be further noted that OFA certification will be a required for ALL dogs whelped after January 1, 1995. DOGS: The nominee must submit a list of 10 titled offspring having titles from both bench and field. This list must contain a minimum of 8 bench champions; 3 of the 10 dogs must have field titles(FC,AFC,MH,5H,JH,), or 3 offspring with field titles ( FC,AFC,MH ) , and 3 of the 10 must have bench titles (CH,CD,AO ). All dogs born after January 1, 1995 must be OFA certified to be eligible, both the nominee as well as his offspring. The points must total 50 or more. BITCHES: The nominee must submit a list of 7 titled offspring having titles from both bench and field. This list must contain a minimum of 4 champions, and 2 of the 7 must have field titles(FC,AFC,MH,SH,JH) or 1 field titled offspring ( FC ,AFC, MH ) , and 2 of the 7 must have bench titles (CH,CD,AO). All dogs born after January 1,1995 must be OFA certified to be eligible, both the nominee as well as her offspring. The points must total 35 or more. A dog could be eligible for a SUPERIOR show champions or a BIS.

ROM if in addition to the fundamental requirements of the ROM he or she produced both field and


is reserved for those outstanding BENCH TITLES Bench championship

points 5









animals that in addition to attaining their ROM have produced a Dual Champion.

7 10 15


5 7 10

FIELD TITLES Field Championship Amateur Field Championship Hunting MH


points 15



10 5



Please send your nomination, with verification of titles and OFA's to , Gail Richardson, 1232 Brocker Rd, Metamora, MI 4845 If the nominee has additional titled get, please include a completed list for the GWPCA files.

Who doesn't have a great story about their fuzzy-face? So, we are issuing an invitation for all you story-tellers, tale-spinners and fable-writers. Jot down your favorite story about your Wirehair - past or present, even future if you want. These stories can be fact or fiction, or any combination of both. The stories will be read and reviewed by a panel of distinguished Judges. Awards for the stories will be given to first through third place in three categories: Humor, Drama and Adventure. Your story can be about a GWP in any situation - out hunting on a sparkly autumn day, in the show ring, in a field trial or hunt test, participating in obedience, tracking or agility, competing in NAVHDA, N5TRA or any other event. You can write about training or actual competition, real events or wishful ones. The first through third place story in each category will appear in the Wire-News. In addition, the first place winner in each category will receive a free full-page ad in the Wire-News edition of their choice. Here are the rules. 7) The story must be no longer than 2,500 words. 2) The story must feature a German Wirehaired Pointer. 3) The stories will be judged by a 3-member panel of GWP owners from across the country. 4) Anyone with a GWP story is eligible. 5) Each article must be titled on every page with the author's last name, page number and entry category IE humor, drama, adventure. 6) Submission format is 8 7/2" x 77" paper, double-spaced, typed. Computer disks & emails are fine, but only when accompanied by a hard copy. 7) Stories must be submitted by Monday, June 7, 7998 to Story Invitational Coordinator: Laura Reeves, 73276 Key Peninsula Hwy N., Gig Harbor, WA 98329.



GENERAL APPEARANCE: The German Wirehaired Pointer is a well muscled, medium sized dog of distinctive appearance. Balanced in size and sturdily built, the breed's most distinguishing characteristics are its weatherresistant, wire-like coat and its facial furnishings. Typically pointer in character and style, the German Wirehaired Pointer is an intelligent, energetic and determined hunter. SIZE, PROPORTION, SUBSTANCE: The height of males should be from 24-26 inches at the withers. Bitches are smaller but not under 22 inches. To insure the working quality of the breed is maintained, dogs that are either over or under the specified height must be severly penalized. The body is a little longer than it is high, as ten is to nine. The German Wirehaired Pointer is a versatile hunter built for agility and endurance in the field. Correct size and balance are essential to high performance. HEAD: The head is moderately long. Eyes are brown, medium in size, oval in contour, bright and clear and overhung with medium length eyebrows. Yellow eyes are not desirable. The ears are rounded but not too broad and hang close to the head. The skull is broad and the occipital bone not too prominent. The stop is medium. The muzzle is fairly long with nasal bone straight, broad, and parallet to the top of the skull. The nose is dark brown with nostrils wide open. A spotted or flesh colored nose is to be penalized. The lips are a trifle pendulous but close to the jaw and bearded. The jaws are strong with a full complement of evenly set and properly intermeshing teeth. The incisors meet in a true scissors bite. NECK, TOPLINE AND BODY: The neck is of medium length, slightly arched and devoid of dewlap. The entire back line showing a perceptible slope down from withers to croup. The skin throughout is notably tight to the body. The chest is deep and capacious with ribs well sprung. The tuck-up is apparent. The back is short, straight and strong. Loins are taut and slender. Hips are broad with the croup nicely rounded. The tail is set high, carried at or above the horizontal when the dog is alert. The tail is docked to approximately two-fifths of its original length. FOREQUARTERS: The shoulders are well laid back. The forelegs are straight with elbows close. Leg bones are flat rather than round, and strong, but not so heavy or coarse as to militate against the dog's natural agility. Dewclaws are generally removed. Round in outline, the feet are webbed, high arched with toes close, pads thick and hard, and nails strong and quite heavy. HI N DQU ARTE RS: The angulation of the hindquarters balances that of the forequarters. The thighs are strong and muscular. The hind legs are moderatly angulated at the stifle and hock, and, as viewed from behind, parallel to each other. Dewclaws are generally removed from the hind feet, as in front. COAT: The functional wiry coat is the breed's most distinctive feature. A dog must have a correct coat to be of correct type. The coat is weather resistant and, to some extent, water repellent. The undercoat is dense enough in winter to insulate against the cold but is so thin in summer as to be almost invisible. The distinctive outer coat is straight, harsh, wiry and flat lying, and is from one to two inches in length. The outer coat is long enough to protect against the punishment of rough cover, but not so long as to hide the outline of the dog. On the lower legs, the coat is shorter and between the toes it is of softer texture. On the skull the coat is naturally short and close fitting. Over the shoulders and around the tail it is very dense and heavy. The tail is nicely coated, particularly on the underside, but devoid of feather. Eyebrows are of strong, straight hair. Beard and whiskers are of medium length. The hairs in the liver patches of a liver and white dog may be shor ter than the white hairs. A short, smooth coat, a soft wooly coat, or an excessively long coat is to be severly penalized. While maintaining a harsh, wiry texture, the puppy coat may be shorter than that of an adult coat. Coats may be neatly groomed to present a dog natural in appearance. Extreme and excessive grooming to present a dog artificial in appearance should be severly penalized. COLOR: The coat is liver and white: usually either liver and white spotted; liver roan; liver and white spotted with ticking and roaning; or solid liver. The head is liver, sometimes with a white blaze. The ears are liver. Any black in the coat is to be severly penalized. GAIT: The dog should be evaluated at a moderate gait. The movement is free and smooth, with good reach in the forequarters and good driving power in the hindquarters. The topline should remain firm. TE M PERA MENT: Of sound, reliable temperament, the German Wirehaired Pointer is at times aloof but not unfriendly towards strangers; a loyal and affectionate companion who is eager to please and enthusiastic to learn .


AKC Telephone Directory

AKC Gazette, Editorial: phone: (212) 696-8314 This is the number to call for everything having to do with the AKC's monthly magazine, AKC Gazette, Except subscriptions and advertising. (See Following.)

Please remember you are always welcome to send customer service questions to the Electronic Media Department

Advertising: phone: (212) 696-8260 For information and rates to advertise in the AKC GAZETTE, EVENTS CALENDAR, PUPPIESor Performance Events Newsletters, call this number.

Investigations and Inspections: phone: (919) 854-0152 fax: (919) 854-0161 The work of this department involves inspections of record-keeping and identification practices and investigations into registration rule violations.

Subscriptions: phone: (919) 233-9767 Have a question about your subscription? Want to place an order for an AKC magazine? This is the number to call.

Event Records: phone: (919) 233-9767 fax: (919) 233-3627 This department processes and records the official results of all licensed events: Conformation, Obedience, Tracking, Field Trials, Hunting Tests, Herding, Lure Coursing, Agility and Earthdog. It also confirms titles and issues certificates. For fast access to the most recent event results recorded by the AKC (except Agility and Earthdog events), call 900-903-4252. This service is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week at a cost of 99 cents per minute. Callers must be 18 years of age or older or have the permission of a parent or legal guardian to complete this call. Records are available for individually AKC-registered dogs or dogs with an ILP number, so have this number ready when you call. Remember to allow at least four to six weeks from the date of the event for your dog's record to be updated. This information is no longer available from Event Records. Conformation Judging Information: phone: (212) 696-8262 If you would like details about a Conformation Judge's application or Junior Showmanship - processing of applications, guidelines and rules pertaining to judges - this is the number to call. Event Plans: phone: (212) 696-8233 fax: (212) 696-8300 Everything having to do with the processing of paperwork for sanctioned and licensed Shows, Obedience Trials, Tracking Tests, Matches and Sweepstakes. Obedience and Tracking Department: phone: (212) 6968276 Call this number if you have questions about Obedience and Tracking, regulations, judging requirements or are a Judge needing an observation. Performance Events: phone: (212) 696-8239 or (212) 6968286 Everything having to do with the processing of paperwork for sanctioned and licensed Field Trials, Hunting Tests, Agility, Earthdog, Lure Coursing and Herding Events. Herding, Lure Coursing, Agility and Earthdog Department: (212) 696-8388 Call this number if you have questions about Herding, Lure Coursing, Agility or Earthdog regulations and judging requirements. AKC Coonhound Department: phone: (212) 696-8238 or (212) 696-8360 This is the department that processes hunt and bench show dates, bench show and hunt results and championship titles for all Coonhounds. Bylaws Inquiries: phone: (212) 696-8225 If your club is approved to hold licensed or member Dog Shows, Obedience Trials or Field Trials and you have a question about your club's constitution or bylaws, call this number. New Clubs: phone: (212) 696-8207 Are you forming a dog club or in the process of becoming fully accredited by the AKC7 This is the number to call. Public Relations: phone: (212) 696-8305 For public relations, media relations and public affairs issues, call this number.

Books & Videos phone: (919) 233-9767 This is the number to call to order "The Complete Dog Book," "AKC Dog Care and Training" and AKC videos. Library: phone: (212) 696-8245 Contact the AKC's Library for specialized research and bibliographic questions. Visiting hours are 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. daily except Saturday, Sunday and holidays. Companion Animal Recovery: phone: (800) 252-7894 fax: (919) 233-1290 e-mail: found@akc.org Providing a nationwide network of dog identification and recovery. Please note that calls can not be transferred to other AkC Departs. Main Switchboard: (New York) phone: (212) 696-8200 fax: (212) 696-8299 Use this number if you are uncertain what department or whom to call for non-registration related matters. NOTE: The following AKC telephone numbers are EXCLUSIVELYfor Dog Legislation and Public Education and Registration Information, respectively. Calls cannot be transferred from these departments to other AKC department numbers. Be sure to call other AKC departments directly for other inquiries. 1 -800-AKC-TELL (or 1 -800-252-8355) - AKC Legislation and Public Education 24-HOUR HOTLINE is designed to take calls from individuals and clubs on dog legislation and public education. Callers may leave their name, complete phone number and a brief message outlining the problem or question. Calls will be returned between 8:30 a.m. and 4: 15 p.m. Eastern time, Monday through Friday. Registration Information: Hours - 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Eastern time. phone: (919) 233-9767 This office is responsible for handling all calls involving any type of registration (including Foreign Registration) question or problem. When you want any AKC registration forms or answers to registration questions, this is the office to call. If you are calling about a registration application, keep in mind that the normal processing time is approximately two to three weeks. If you want to check the status of an application you submitted, you must be able to provide the customer service representative with the breeding information on your dog or litter.Registration Application: breed, sex, litter number, name choice. Transfer Application: breed, registered name, registration number. Litter Application: breed, date of birth, registered names and numbers of sire and dam. All registrations and related correspondence should be directed to: American Kennel Club 5580 Centerview Drive, Suite 200, Raleigh, NC 27606 NOTE: The AKC's New York offices (area code 212) are open from 8:30 a.m. to 4: 15 p.m. Eastern time, except Saturday, Sunday and holidays. The AKC's Registration Information office (area code 919) is open from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Eastern time, except Saturday, Sunday and holidays. All AKC offices will be closed February 17, March 28, May 23 & 26, July 3 & 4, August 29 & September 1, November 27 & 28, December 25 & 26.


HOLDS FIRST HUNTING TEST The German Wirehaired Pointer Club of Utah (with the sponsorship of the GWPCA) held it's first hunting tests on Novemeber 29th and 30th at the Hidden Valley Hunting Preserve in Littlefield, Arizona. There was a point in time that i was unsure if the hunting test was actually going to happen. First the 'original grounds we had planned to us became unavailable. Then aweek prior to the test, we were informed that a Great Horned owl had killed overone hundered of ourbirds. Hiden Valley Hunting Preserve cam to our rescue by allowing us to use their grounds and cominingup with one hundred reasonalbly priced chukars. Btth test were held in conjunction with the Wasatch Front Brittany club's hunting test and walking field trial. Many dogs were entered in all four events. Needless to say, Saturday was total chaos and confusion. Possibley the hight point of the week-end, was abuffet dinner Saturday night at the Oasis Hotel and Resort. It gave all those in attendaance a chance to unwind and prepare toSunday's events. One of the judges even won $500.00 on the quarter slots, it must have een an men for Suanday's test ran smoother. At least the weather was great. Cool in the mornings and comforatable the rest of the day. There were fourteen masters, three seniours and fiiteen junior entered. My sincere thatnks to allwho participated for their patience and understanding and rest assured that our next test will be much better organized. Congratulations to all of the dogs and handlers receiving a qualifiying score. Junior Banjo's Broken String- Spencer Durrant Three B's Lady Lace- Jan Hamner HeartSong's Firebird- Lee & Diane Green Jan's Di Ramplin Renegade- Janet Hamner Three Devils Redleg- Kent Forbush Masters Weidenhugel Whistle V Jersey- May Lou Linge (finished Master title) Traveling Y'Bold's Broko Bark- Paul Snyder Windsong's Gyorgy Voros Vadasz- Evelyn & Diana Hilbert

,-------------------, : Hunt with your best friend I



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Fort Detroit

GWP Specialty


AFCh Cascade Ike MH - Schnellberg's Norman Stahl & Susan Owen.

Friday 11/28/97 Sweepstakes

JUDGE: Mr. Don Lennard Sweepstakes, Puppy, 6 to 9 Months Dogs. Z SGR CHOCK FULL OF NUTS. SN 44098901. 04-25-97 By Ch Oakhyll's Coast To Coast JH - Sgr Witchcraft M Owner: Richard & Patricia Hirneisen. Breeder: Gail Richardson & Michael Eckhout. 1 COVENTRY PERSHING. SN 44554502. 04-29-97 Act - Ch Jorais Classic Lil Miss Owner: Steven Ida. Gerhart.(Lynn


By Ch Schnellbergs Second Breeder:Steven Ida & JoAnn


POINTERS (GERMAN WIREHAIRED). Puppy, 9 to 12 1 LARKSPUR'S DAKOTA BY CHANCE. SN 41060606. By Ch Ripsnorter's It's Showtime Owner: John & Kristine K Benoit

2 LARKSPURS GREGARIOUS GUSTAF. SN 41060602. 12-10-96 By Ch Ripsnorter's It's Showtime - Ch Larkspur Classic Serenade.Owner: Gina McCain & Jim & Michelle Boyd. Breeder: Gina McCain. 3 JED'S DARLING BIG MAC ATTACK. SN 44084904. 01-04-9 By Darling's Steamin Hot Coco - Darling Autumn JH.Owner: Edward & Barbara Tucker. Breeder: Mary J Calkins-Darling. 12 to 18

l/BSW SCHNELLBERG'S BLACK TIE AFFAIR. SN 37690901. DCh/AFCh Cascade Ike MH - Schnellberg's Rayle Bird CD.Owner: Breeder:Norman Stahl & Susan Owen.

By Ripsnorter Makin A Statement - Ch Larkspurs Be.Owner/Breeder: Keith & Cris Nash.

08-01-96 By Susan Owen.



Let It

3 JED'S KONIGIN GABRIELLA. SN 41522205. 02-0997 By Ch Jed's Silent Polar Express - Oakhyll's Black Jewel.O/B:: Edward & Barbara Tucker. 2 AFTERHOURS KS TZARR VARGA. SN 4082121 O. 01-01-97 By Ch Afterhours Stormin Norman - Afterhours Foxy Roxy.Owner: Christine Whitmore. Breeder: Walter & Christine Whitmore. 1 2 to 1 8 Bitches. 3 BRIS LIMITS OUT AT PINECREEK. SN 35365002.

& Jack

By Ch Thornwoods True Grit - Ch Wyr'N Lady Luv On Golden Pt. Owner: Patti Diehl. Breeder: Patricia A Diehl & Christine Whitmore & Jean Renner. l/BOS/SW RIPOWORTER'S LOST SHAKER O'SAL T. SN 38475505. 09-09-96 By Riposnorter's Makin A Statement - Ch Ripsnorter's Dancer.Owner: Jason & Lisa Clipse. Breeder: Helen George & Patricia 4 RIPSNORTER'S FIRE AND ICE. SN 38475502. 09-09-96 By Ripsnorter

Makin A Statement

Carol Schauer

- Ch Ripsnorter's

& Helen George.

Regular JUDGE:



Puppy, 6 to 9 Months Dogs. 2 SGR CHOCK FULL OF NUTS. SN 44098901.


Helen George & Patricia


l/R 55 COVENTRY PERSHING. SN 44554502. Second Act - Ch Jorais Classic Lil Miss.Owner: JoAnn Gerhart.


04-25-97 Richard & Patricia

04-29-97 By Ch Schnellbergs Steven Ida. Breeder:Steven Ida &

SN 41060606.

12-10-96 Gina McCain.

By Ch Ripsnorter's It's Showtime - Ch Larkspur Classic Serenade. Owner: Gina McCain & Jim & Michelle Boyd. Breeder: Gina McCain. 2 JED'S DARLING BIG MAC ATTACK. SN 44084904. 01-04-97 By Darling's Steamin Hot Coco - Darling Autumn JH. Owner: Edward & Barbara Tucker. Breeder: Mary J Calkins-Darling. 1 2 to 1 8 Months Dogs. 2 SGR CLASSIC DESIGN. SN 39256411. By Ch Oakhyll's Coast To Coast Breeder: Gail Richardson. SCHNELLBERG'S



JH - SGR Past Tense.Owner:





SN 37690901.

R Uhnavy

SN 22752701.

01-95 By Emmo SH - Ch Windhaven's Wheel Of Fortune.Owner: Clipse & Jeff George Breeder: Jeff & Helen George. 2 WINDRIFTS DOUBLE TAKE. SN 01575005. 08-22-92



02& Lisa

Miss Vicki.

Puppy, 9 to 12 Months Bitches. 2 JED'S KONIGIN GABRIELLA. SN 41522205. 02-09-97 By Ch Jed's Silent Polar Express - Oakhyll's Black Jewel.Owner: Edward & Barbara Tucker. Breeder: Edward & Barbara Tucker. 1/R AFTERHOURS KS TZARR VARGA.SN408Z1210.01-01-97ByCh Afterhours Storm in Norman - Afterhours Foxy Roxy Owner: Christine Breeder: Walter & Christine Whitmore.



1 RIPSNORTER'S LOST SHAKER O'SALT. SN 38475505. 09-09-96 By Riposnorter's Makin A Statement - Ch Ripsnorter's Private DanCer. Owner: Jason & Lisa Clipse. Breeder: Helen George & Patricia Gabriel.(Lisa GeorgeClipse, Agent). 2 RIPSNORTER'S FIRE AND ICE. SN 38475502. 09-09-96 By Ripsnorter Makin A Statement - Ch Ripsnorter's PrivateDancerOwner: Carol Schauer & Helen George. Breeder: Helen George & Patricia Gabriel. Bred by Exhibitor Bitches. 1/W KAIZANS KEEPER OF THE STARS. SN42019101. Ripsnorter Makin A Statement - Ch Larkspurs Kaizans Let It Be. OwneBreederr: Keith & Cris Nash.



3 SCHNELLBERG'S LEATHER N LACE JH. SN 25298507. 05-15-95 By DCh/ AFCh Dunkees Justa Top Flite JH - Schnellberg' Anneliese. Owner/Breeder: Susan Owen. 2 THORNWOODS WHOOPS A DAISY. SN 37421310.08-25-96

By Haag's Cameraman Barbara E Hein.

CD SH - Ch Rheindorf's

Heidi Yon Kawell

Linda Blanchard. 08-01-96By


CD JH. Owner:

Open Bitches. 1 BRIS LIMITS OUT AT PINECREEK. SN 35365002. 06-01-96 By DC AFC Dunkees Justa Top Flite JH - Ch Maestro Razz's Royal Lady CD TD JH. Owner: Charlotte J Epley. Breeder: Serena Pollack & Jack Dillingham. Veteran


1 CH RIPSNORTERS AFARRAH THE HART. SF 836724. 09-10-89 By Ch Windhaven's Stutzer Stumper - Larkspur Matchwood Mega. Owner: Lisa George & Helen George. Breeder: Helen George & Linda Yetter.




SN 25298503.

95 By DC AFC Dunkees Justa Top Flite MH - Schnellberg's Lori & Mark Sargent & Susan Owen .. Breeder: Susan Owen.

By Ch Ripsnorter's It's Showtime - Ch Larkspur ClassicSerenade. Owner: John A Benoit & Kristine K Benoit & Gina McCain. Breeder: 3 LARKSPURS GREGARIOUS GUST AF. SN 41060602. 12-10-96


Open Dogs. 1/W/BW

Addition - Flintlock's Late For The Sky. Owner: & R Uhnavy Jr. Breeder: Mike Hemphill.

Field Trial Bitches. 1 10S CH SCHNELLBERG'S


By Ch Oakhyll's Coast To Coast JH - Sgr Witchcraft MH.Owner: Hirneisen. Breeder: Gail Richardson & MichaelEckhout.

Puppy, 9 to 12 Months Dogs. 1 LARKSPUR'S DAKOTA BY CHANCE.

Private Gabriel.


Dr. James


By Ch Thornwoods True Grit - Ch Wyr'N Lady Luv On Golden Pt. Owner: Patti Diehl Breeder: Patricia A Diehl & Christine Whitmore & Jean Renner. 4 RHEINDORF'S ADORABLE DORA JH. SM 90864603. 08-14-91


By DC AFC Dunkees Justa Top Flite JH - Ch Maestro Razz's Royal Lady CD TD JH. Owner: Charlotte J Epley. Breeder: Serena Pollack Dillingham. 2 THORNWOODS WHOOPS A DAISY. SN 37421310.08-25-96


By FC Flintlock's Patricia C Uhnavy

1 2 to 18 Months

2 SGR CLASSIC DESIGN. SN 39256411. 11-05-96 By Ch Oakhyll's Coast To C'last JH - SGR Past Tense. Owner: Linda Blanchard. Breeder: Gail Richardson.

Susan Owen.

3 HELLBENDER'S BIFROST'S ULL. SN 34408212. 04-25-96 By SGR Dirty Laundry - Hellbender's Desert Storm JH.Owner: Richard C Uhnavy & Patricia C Uhnavy. Breeder: Mary ESpies. 4 FLiNTROCK'S BIFROST'S ODIN. SN 36381406. 07-15-96

By Ch Twinoaks Shadrik V Osche CD JH - Ch Inverness Owner: Pat McGowan. Breeder: Barbara J Berta.


- Ch Larkspur Classic Serenade. & Gina McCain. Br: Gina McCa

9 to 1 2 Bitches. 1 KAIZANS KEEPER OF THE STARS. SN 42019101.

Rayle Bird CD.Owner:



Best of Breed Competition. CH KAIZANS WIND'N'FIRE. SN 25329905. 05-07-95 By Ch Ripsnorter's Thunderhart - Ch Ripsnorter's Kaizan Whetstone. Bitch. Owner: Keith & Cris Nash. Breeder: Keith Nash & Jeffrey C George. CH DARLING'S TICK TOCK. SN 33283912. 04-01-96 By DCh/AFCh Cascade Ike MH - Darling Autumn JH. Dog. Owner: V Mostosky & J Richard & T Toland Breeder: Mary J Calkins-Darling. (Lisa George-Clipse, Agent). B CH THORNWOODS IT HAD TO BE YOU. SN 19754302.09-28-94 By Ch Thornwoods True Grit - Ch Afterhours Cassios A Diehl DVM & Patty Diehl. Breeder: W & C Whitmore

Locket. Dog.Owner: Barry & C Schoessow & P Diehl.

(Bobby B Barlow, Agent). CH KAIZANS CINNAMON TOAST. SN 28666401. 09-19-95By Ch Ripsnorter's Thunderhart - Ch Larkspurs Kaizans Let It Be. Bitch. Owner: Kristina Purins. Breeder: Keith Nash (Timothy Robert patulski, Agent) CH RIPSNORTER'S THUNDERHART. SM 98399103. OS-l 0-92 By Ch Ripsnorter Aspenglow Warrior - Ch Ripsnorters Afarrah The Hart. Dog. Owner: Tootie Longo & Lisa George Clipse. Breeder: Lisa George & Helen George. (Helen George, Agent CH. AFTERHOURS SHOW BIZ LIZ. SN 30821602. 12-16-95 By Ch Afterhours Stormin Norman - Afterhours Foxy Roxy. Bitch. Owner: Christine Whitmore & Walter Whitmore Breeder: Walter & Christine







(~Elmberl Non fJiember)


Judy Cheshire 46 South ridge Dr., Glen Cove, NY 11542 (516) 671-3564 FORT DETROIT GWP CLUB Barbara Heln 3838 Davison Lake Rd, Ortonville, (810) 627-3566

MI 48462


Front Cover (includes story/and 1 photo) $100.001 $150.00 Back Cover ~ $75~00!125.00 Inside Front or Back Cover {includes 1 photo) $80.001$100.00 Full Page (includes 1free photo) $65.0.0.f. $.85 . .00 .. Half Page (includes 1 photo) ~~ .. $50~OOI$65.00 Quarter Page (no photo)' $25.00,( $4()~0() Center Spread $160.00 I $200.00 Second Ad (same advertiser, same issue, full page) •....•..• $50.QOlnQdisc; Business Card (one year) $50:00I$65:pO., Stud Dog Listing $50.00Illbtavail:/" Additional Features ... .. , ... Additional photos $15.00 per photo Reverses{onphotos) ..~.$25~00 ,

Rt 7 Box 332, Georgetown, (803) 546-3495

SC 29440

Photo Bleeds(edgeto TWIN CITIES GWP CLUB Liz Dixon

IL 60408


(414) 628-3452 GWP OF EASTERN NEBRASKA Derek Jackson 5110 So. 163rd St., Omaha, NE 68135 (402) 896-2655 GWP OF CENTRAL IOWA Dennis Brown 2412 Athlone Court- RR2, Ames, IA 50010 (515) 233-2710 CROSS TIMBERS


deadlines contact the Editor. Remember, for pictures to come out their best, th~v .rJ1l!stbecl~ar and have contrast. Black and white reproduce best.. Pictures can be. mactesrnalier,btifootlarger. Contact the Editor for commercial and yearly mefl)bl:)r advertising rates.'· ' ... Thank you for supporting the Wire-News


1031 Amy Belle Road, Germantown, 53022


All pedigrees must be typed and all ads must be accompanied withfullpaYrJ1ent.Sen9all advertising to the Editor. All ads must be received by the deadline printed: If in doubt~bout.a

N7815 County Rd .. N Spring Valley, WI 54767 (715) 778-4675

425 N. School St., Braidwood, (815) 458-0116

edge picture) .....$15.00 e.xtra.'.••....... /'

Second Color .....$25.00 additional



IF YOU ARE MOVING YOU MUSTSEND YOUR CHANGE OF ADDRESS TO THE TREASURER. IF WE DO NOT RECEIVE YOUR CHANGE OF ADDRESS WE WILL ONLY REMAIL YOUR ISSUE WITH A $3.00 FIRST CLASS CHARGE TO YOU. The Wire News is mailed Bulk Rate and can take up to three weeks to arrive. If you would like your Wire News mailed First Class, please send $10.00 to the Treasurer and you will be placed on the First Class mailing list. (This is to cover the postage) Make this check payable to GWPCA Wire News. The Wire News will be published in the following months: February,April,June, August,October and December. Deadlines for advertising is the 1st of the preceeding month, ie @November 1st for the December issue.


If you have an article that you think would interest members of the GWPCA please send it to the Editor. If this article is a re-print, please get re-print approval before you send it in. Clubs are encouraged to send Specialty reports, field trial reports and hunting test reports. Pictures will be


Kandy Scaramuzzo 4714 Lester Drive, RR#7, Arlington, TX 76010

The Wire News Staff 'oc'"d,d

(817) 429-8469 GWP OF NORTHERN CALIFORNIA Sharon Jahn 1360 Estates Dr., Dixon, CA 95620 (916) 678-2289 GWP OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA Suz Rawn 631 Baylor St, Pacific Palisades, CA 90272 (310) 454-0405




Editor & Production Bernee Brawn 1408 Pineville Rd., New Hope, PA 18938 (215) 598-3990 justagwp@tradenet.net Show News & Top Ten- Jerry Clark 157 Rt. 526, Allentown NJ 08501 (609) 259-7579 Field News & Top Ten-Lynn Sandor, 255 Flood Ave., San Francisco, CA 94122 (415) 585-5555 NAVHDA & OFA- Bobby Applegate 218 N. Lincoln Ln., Arlington Heights, IL 60004 (708) 394-5188 Health & Genetics- Regina Schwabe, DVM 18 Call Hollow Rd., Pomona, NY 10970 (914) 362-8476 Rescue -HELP NEEDED- contact Bill Richardson or Karen Nelsen Local Barks- Karen Nelsen 25821 Lucille Ave., Lomita, CA 90717 ( 310) 530-3264 Obedience Top Ten & New Titles - Lorie Sargent,1 0382 Fenner Rd., Perry, MI 48872 (517) 675-5876 Staff Artist S.Gail Richardson, 1232 Brocker Rd., Metamora, MI48455 (810) 678-2529

GWP OF UTAH Lynda Craig 9166 S Soiena Way, Sandy, (801) 943-9814

GWPCA Officers and Directors UT 84093 President:

OREGON GWP CLUB Mary Hanson 17941 SW Sandra Lane, Aloha, OR 97006 (503) 848-6845 SEATTLE-TACOMA Dave Shelden


3250 164th, Sea-Tac, WA 98188 (206) 244-1234


Bill Richardson


Secretary: Treasurer: Eastern Mid West Western






Director: Director: Director:

1232 Brocker

Ljungren 25821






1951 Hoffmansville Dixon

Rocky Gilleard,

Membership Chairperson:


PO Box127,

Mal Decker

Rd., Metamora,





WA 98042

CA 90717 MN 55362

Rd., Fredrick, Rd N Spring

PO Box 94, Warf'!1 Springs,

Rhonda Amucdson

MI 48455

SE, Kent,

(310) (612)

678-2529 (206)


530-3264 878-1685

PA 19435 Valley,

(610) 754-0072

WI 5476

(715) 778-4675

MT 59756 (406) 693-2381

W8751 340th Ave, Hager City, WI 54014 (715) 792-2913

WebMaster: Sheri Graner, 5521 Carlsbad Ct, Albuquerque,

MN 87120 (505) 890-1148


NEWS FROM CYBERSPACE This will be a new column. Our GWPCA Webmaster Sheri Graner (or should I say Mistress) will be filling us in on some interesting things to be found on the internet concerning our dogs. Some will have to do with GWP's and some will be simply doggie in nature. Hopefully it will all be interesting. The GWPCA Web page contains information about the club, the breed and has many pictures of Wires at work and play. There is a rescue page and so far several Wires looking for new homes have found them after being listed on the web page. We want to thank Sherifor all of her hard work setting this up for the club, and invite all to come and browse. Any suggestions on how to make the page better should be directed to Sheri bye-mail at manatee@RT66com

The letter is just a sample of some of the questions sent to our web page. Sheri sent it on to the GWP mail list with hopes someone could help. Sheri Graner, GWPCA Webmaster I'm writing to you, not with a rescue questions, but hoping you can circulate my question to GWP lovers. It's regarding seizures and brain tumors in GWPs. Are they common? Has anyone else seen seizures and/or brain tumors in their GWPs? I recently lost my 2nd GWP to a brain tumor. The first dog was 9 and had two seizures with the 2nd being massive and prolonged enough to make it necessary to put him to sleep. Although we didn't have an autopsy, a neurologist said she would swear that it was a brain tumor. The second dog was nearly 11 and an MRI showed a meningioma in the frontal lobe. Supposedly very operable but the pathology showed that the tumor was atypical and the dog didn't regain use of his right side (the tumor was on his left side) after the surgery. So we had to put him to sleep. Has anyone else out there had similar experiences? My email is: melanie.evans@colorado.edu My mailing address is: Melanie Evans,545 Catalpa Ct. Louisville, CO 80027 I'd appreciate hearing from anyone who may have experiences similar to mine. Thanks for passing this along to anyone who could help. Sincerely, Melanie Evans

Farmers are producers; they like good yields. If he sees that the bird population is lower than what it should be, he may wonder what he can do. Now he has really opened the door to you. Offer to build brush piles for him. My sons helped me build brush piles on the farm when they were about 10-12 years old. My sons saw what this did for the quail. They learned that we could increase the population, then they learned that we harvested part of what we had helped produced. Thi-s was valuable lesson for them in life. One of my sons justed called, they are both on their way to a friend's ranch to deer hunt this weekend. They are my best friends and I attribute part of this to our farming and hunting experience. I am truly blessed to have two friends like my sons. Back to the brush piles; there is a right way to build them. I usually take three old fence post and lash them together to form a tripod, then start building a teepee out of tree branches. Put the twig end on the ground and the butt end in the air, this way as the twigs decay the pile just slinks lower, but always keeps the center open for the quail. Pheasants and cottontails like these also. The brush piles can be placed in shelterbelts, odd areas, field corners. A favorite spot for me is on the north side of a draw. This allows the quail to come out on the south side(the slope is facing the low winter sun) and sun themselves. If I could figure out a way to get a grant for some trailers, I would take every tree limb that is headed for the landfill and put it to good use at my farm. Ijust can't say enough good things about brush piles. I did see an article in the Quail Unlimited on brush piles a few months ago. The author was stressing that raising cottontails increased the quail population. His theory was that a red tail hawk would rather have a nice cottontail than a quail. Might be. Back to the farmers. My sons and I hunt on a number of other farms. We always park and walk. We always try to leave it better than we found it. We pick up our own shell cases, plus others' cases, beer cans, etc. Again, I think that hunting is an experience and that litter is not a part of a natural outdoor experience. I feel that this alliance with the farming community is the only hope those of you who don't own the farm have for the future. Think about it. It takes some effort and investment on your part, but my experience is - no investment, no value.

FROM A FARMERS PERSPECTIVE This is an excerpt from a very interesting conversation held on the internet. The discussion was centering on what hunters can do to increase their chances offinding game, and also how farming practices can influence the game found, or not found. Mr Wayne Keller afarmer from Kansas jumped into the conversation and gave us the farmers perspective. I thought his remarks would be useful to hunters everywhere and especially those who wish to use anothers land to hunt on. He granted permission to reprint his words. The following question was asked and this is his answer. Q: What can the hunter and or general public do to help the farmer increase the bird population on his land? A: I would eliminate the general public from this. I really see the only people interested in game bird populations to be hunters. I really don't see that the general public will ever get on this bandwagon. Many farmers first see the hunters when the season opens. They feel that all the hunter is interested in is getting to the birds. Many farmers don't hunt at all. Hunting to me is an experience, not a blood letting exercise. Many farmers don't have the time or don't make the time to smell the roses. I have a brother-in-law that was that way. I am working on him now. Take the farmer and his family members hunting behind your trained dog. Furnish him shells if he needs them. Share you game with him, or better yet some homemade bakery good, etc. Post their land for them. Offer assistance to them during non-hunting season. If you can ever get them out hunting and they enjoy it, you have made real progress.

RESCUE The GWPCA Web page will list all rescue GWP's. Please keep in mind the new chain of command set up by the Board and let the appropriate people know when a Wire comes up that need re-homing. East- Malcolm Decker - (610) 754-0072 Mid West- Liz Barrett Dixon (715) 778-4675 West- Rocky Gilleard (4060 745-3998 Overall Chairperson- Penny Ljungren (206) 631-6232 So far several dogs have been placed due to the efforts of the directors and concerned members. Our heartfelt thanks to all of you who have taken the time and made the effort to help these unfortunate animals. Dogs Available at this time; A black and white male, good temperment. Found with a collar with owners name and phone #. When contacted, they said they didn't want the dog anymore. Apparently he runs too big for grouse, but works great on pheasant. This dog is being housed by Mal Decker in PA.

MASTER Cas ey Owner:

HUNTER Fast T r a inS H (B) SN 12019209 Michael & Kristin Quinn


by Alison's

Dutch Von Ostrriesland SH (D) SN18197908 Jacobsen; Owner: Jack Underwood Ch. Jed's Spitze Geschutz James Tucker; Owner: Edward Maestros Zauberflote



SH (D) SM90S1 5808 Tucker & James Tucker

Justa Allegro SH (B) SN26118910 JH; Breeder: Patricia Ranker; Owner:


by Luger


x Stohs

Von Ginger;

Von Ostfriesland

by DC Cascade


x Midge Von Ostfriesland;

Rogue MH x Ch. Jed's

(9/2.8/97) by DC AFC Dunkees Brian Washa

Dave Strohmeier;



SGR Silent

Breeder: Panda JH;

CD MH x Ch. Ripsnorter's

Jerry Breeder: Die


Ruff Cut's Ryan Ron Hanker SH (D) SN19165208 (9/7/97) by NFC NAFC DC AFC Cascade Ike MH x Ch. Wilson Jet Set Moon Beamer JH; Breeder: Lesley & Irv Eagle; Owner: Tim & Nicole Ryan Ch. Von Duffin's Halley's Comet (B) SM98023603 (8/17/97) by FC AFC Cascades Tuffy x Ch. Cascade Cate Von Duffin MH; Breeder/Owner: Terry & Ann Duffin Maestro's Miss M SH (B) SN211241 02 (10/12/97) Ranker & Helen George; Owner: Robert Linn SGR Falcreek Wilkins; Owner:

# of HT titles

Silent Ambition Mark & Lori Sargent


by DC AFC Dunkees

SH (B) SN13777701



by Gustav

Holenone Jaeger

CD MH x Ch. Ripsnorter's

MH x Katrin



Die ZauberfloteJH;





by GWP's in 1997 JH- 27

SH- 16 MH- 16



are based

on competition 1997

- compiled


the period

by Lori Sargent

January who can

NOVICE Bris's Ripsnorter Mullica-Frauline - S. Kelzner Afterhours Lady Liberty CD - S. Nunes Ch Side By Side's Bee O'Shadra- J&L Clark Cascade Harry -J. Dauth Ch. Cagle's Larkspur Duchess - T&N Cagle Doc's Wild Like the Wind - C. Milachek/D. Hensley Ch. ADPG EZ Come EZ Go JH - K. Craggs 7. Reindorf Ingenue JH- B Hein 8. Ch. Ripsnorter's P Willy Whiskers JH - K&D Conner 9. BI Briare Patch - J Lambert Urchin

31, 1997

be reached

as reported

by email

in AKC Awards


FIRST & FOREMOST 14 21 9 5 16 7 7 12

26 12 12 11

9 9 7 5

7 4

4 o





12 7 23

V. Trey - S. Alberts

Vol. 17 NO.6



1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

10. Ch. Cadenburg

5 - October

OPEN 1. Neekohaus' Spicy Thistle COX SH - H. Madsen 2.Larkspur's Little Miss Ditto CD - D. Watson 3. Ch. Schatten Waid Tag Spat Biene NA CD - B. Boes 4. Ch. SGR Whispering Winds COX JH - M. Brook 5.FoxHill's Mr. Badger UDX JH - S&J Shafer 6.Afterhours Lady Liberty CD- S Nunes 7. Payton's Hot Cup O'Java CD JH- A &J Payton 8. Smokie Peitte's Buckwheat CD JH - R & C Piette

20 15 15 12 9




4 o

6 15

1. OTCH FoxHill's Mr. Badger UDX JH - S&J Shafer 2. Ch. Jerelin's Stix N Brix COX JH - J&W Reese


3. Heywire's


55 7 4

9. Schnellberg's

Jake COX JH - S. Owen


Song of the Sea COX - B Murray/

J Cheshire






Larkspurs Little Miss Ditto CD (B) SN18925308 Gina McCain & Frankie McCain; Owner: Donalee Watson OBEDIENCE



by Ch. Ripsnorter's


x Ch. Larkspurs



(D) SF234578


by Bevern's


x Annabelle;




(Badger is only the second GWP to obtain the elusive Obedience Trial Championship)


Zoe Dancer;



Fox Hill's Mr. Badger Stephanie & Jeffrey Shafer



(D) ILP79241



E. Leonard


/ Regina Schwabe





TOP DOGS 1997 Field Standings


How Top Ten Points are Figured Wins & Placements are taken from the "AKC Awards" magazine as the trials are published. 4-7 starters= 1 pt Ist- 4 x the stake points 8-12 starters=2pt 2nd - 3 x the stake points 13-17 starters=3pt 18-24 starters=4pt 3rd - 2 x the stake points 25 or more starters=5pt

4th - 1 x the stake points

Now, if you won a 1st place in a 3 point stake,you would multiply 4x3= 12. Second in a 2 pt. stake multiply 3x2 =6, and so on. NOTICE: As of January 1, 1997 separate top ten lists will be kept for Open Gun Dog and Amateur Gun Dog placements. Open and Amateur Puppy & Derby placements will be combined Numbers compiled by Lynn Sandor, 255 Flood Ave, San Francisco, CA 94412 (415) 585-5555 e-mail-Lynn_Sandor@msn.com

Standings reflect placements from January 1 -October 30,1997

trials as recorded through the December

OPEN SENIOR DOGS (GUN DOGS) 1. FC Flintlock's Addition M Hemphill, WA 2. DC/AFC Schnellberg's Gretta MH W & M Tait, NJ 3. Flintlocks Ezekiel J Demoura, WA 4. SGRDirty Laundry B&G Richardson, MI 5. FC Flintlock's Hawk Eye S Humphreys, OR 5. Ch Jay -Mar's Blake's Wind czar SH J&J Collins, CA 7. FC/AFC Sure Shot Cruise M Lee, OR 8. Sure Shots Justa Miss Marker JH P Ljungren, WA 9. Flintlocks Liesel Von Diesel J Landis, WA In Open Senior Gun Dogs there were 97 placements by 41 dogs AMATEUR SENIOR DOGS (GUN DOGS) 1. DC / AFC Schnell bergs Gretta MH 2. FC Flintlock's Hawk Eye 3. Sure Shots Justa Miss Marker JH 3. NFC/ NAFC/DC/AFC Cascade Ike MH 3. FC/AFC JimKath's Allure 6. Wilsons Wildwire 7. Flintlocks Liesel Von Diesel 8. FC AFC Sure Shot's Miss Tique SH 9. Deja Vu 8. Ch SGRWitch Hunt MH In Amateur Senior Gun Dogs, there were 73 placements by 30

JUNIOR DOGS (PUPPY/DERBY COMBINED) 1. Flintlock's Lady Hawk 2.Flintlock's Bandit 3. Flintlock's Ugly Mug 4. Saddle Up Anja V Lutz 5. Rader's One Over Par 6. SGRLaundry Daze 7. Backwoods Mo Kick 8. Backwoods Western Flyer 8. Prairiewood's Easy Rider 10. SGRSilent Running Brooke 8. Sure Shots Hot Rocks In Junior Dogs, there were 156 placements by 68 dogs

1997 AKC Awards.

Dogs Defeated 218 146 120 91

GWPCA Points 96 82 53


43 43



73 76 64


W&M Tait, NJ S. Humphrey, OR P Ljungren, WA R&L Calkins, OR J&K Yates, MI E Fowls, GA J Landis, WA P Ljungren, WA M & F Fernandez, CA K Nelsen, CA dogs


137 40

M Hemphill, WA H Christensen,UT S Humphrey, 10 J Peters, CA K& SRader, CA B &G Richardson, MI G &L Dixon, WI G & L Dixon, WI E &T Manns, WI R&L Bultman/G Ward, MN D Ljungren, WA

124 79


34 30


36 36






29 25 24 24


62 28 27






45 37 36 33 30 30

49 53 44 68 47 51


28 28

JUNIOR HUNTER Ch. Maestros Justa Sweet Melody (B) SN26118909 (9/27/97) by DC AFC Dunkees Justa Hole'n'One CD MH x Ch. Ripsnorter's Die Zauberflote JH; Breeder/Owner: Patricia Ranker N a uti c - Ann - Ma ri e (B) SN317 52406 (9/14/97) by SGRDirty Laundry x SGRJed's Wench; Breeder: Bill & Gail Richardson; Owner: Frank LoPiccolo Ch. Pinecreeks Ripsnort'N Secret (B) SN23682901 (9/7/97) by Ch. Ripsnorter's Thunderhart x Ch. Ripsnorter's Private Dancer; Breeder: Helen George & Patricia Gabriel; Owner: Charlotte Jean Epley Ton y (D) SN3661 0904 (9/21/97) by Ezekial V Kniestedt x Shelly Belle; Breeder: Jim & Brenda Smith; Owner: Jenny Horstman & Michael Horstman Jay-Mar's Blutar's Irish Rebel (D) SN2829991 0 (10/19/97) by Haag's Director TD SH x Ch. Jaymar Wiesen's Rite On Target SH; Breeder/Owner: Nickol Vampotic & M. Jay Collins Pfeffer Von Rot Scheune (D) SN30424402 (10/11/97) by Quartermaster's Cent V Rebel x Judson West Side Jazz; Breeder/Owner: Terence Donahue & Elizabeth Donahue Ch. Txwyr's Angel Angelina (B) SN09355707 (10/19/97) by Ch. Scrub Oak's Boomerang x Mirwan Queen Wilhelmina; Breeder/Owner: Terry & Joyce Woodfin SENIOR


Brinka " JH (B) SN16801805 (9/27/97) by Ch. Haar Baron's Casey JH x Ch. Flatlaner's Zebar JH; Breeder: Kevin McCauley; Owner: John Dunleavy Ch. Jaymar Wiesen's Rite On Target JH(B)SM91987303(7/13/97)byCh.JamarsOhHenryxCh.ComtesseFomWiesen;Breeder: Harvey Rawn& Suz Rawn: Owner: Nickol Vampotic & M. Jay Collins U's Blazing Wildfire (D) SN23408801 (9/6/97) by DC AFC Dunkee's Justa Top Flite MH x Ch. Jed's Blazing Emerald JH; Breeder/Owner: Steven & Elizabeth Kreuser Maestro Justa Snaz E Taz CD JH (D) SN26118908 Breeder: Patricia Ranker; Owner: Julie Wells


by DC AFC Dunkees Justa Holenone CD MH x Ch. Ripsnorter's Die Zauberflote JH;


Compiled by Jerry Clark

These rankings are based on only the number of Wires beaten in BOB competition during the period January 5- -September 30, 1997 as reported in AKC AWARDS thru Vol 17 No.11 November 1997

BREED COMPETITION 332 304 195 127 126 111 100 73 71

1. Ch Adpg Suthrn Breeze JH (B) 2. Ch. Ripsnorter's Thunderhart (D) 3. Ch Thornwood's It Had To Be You (D) 4. Ch Larkspur's Storm Trooper (D) 5. DC AFC Dunkees Justa Top Flite MH 6. Ch Neudorfs Strutting Sam (D) 7. Ch Ripsnorters Fraulein Heidi (B) 8. Ch Larkspur's Country Classic (B) 9. Ch Afterhour's Heywire Obsession(B) 10. Ch Cassio's Blitz Attack (D)


J Griggs/ J Cheshire Joe &Tootie Longo/Lisa George-Clipse Patty & Barry Diehl DVM G McCain B Brawn/F Sakiey F Neuwirth L Jaffee/H George/L McMillan G McCain K & T Mosing J Brewster

8524 6410 4256 4256 2015 1423 958 670 550 464

Lisa George-C1ipse / Joe &Tootie Longo J Griggs/ J Cheshire K&T Mosing Patty & Barry Diehl DVM G McCain G McCain J Brewster B Brawn/F Sakiey L Jaffee/H George/L McMillan. F Neuwirth.

GROUP COMPETITION 1. Ch Ripsnorter's Thunderhart (D) 2. Ch ADPG Suthrn Breeze JH (B) 3. Ch Afterhour's Heywire Obsession (B) 4. Ch Thornwood's It Had To Be You (D) 5. Ch Larkspur's Country Classic 6. Ch Larkspur's Storm Trooper (D) 7. Ch Cassios Benjamin Jack (D) 8. DC AFC Dunkees Justa Top Flite MH (D) 9. Ch Ripsnorter's Fraulein Heidi (B) 10. Ch Neudorf's Strutting Sam (D)



taken from the November & December A Sure Shot Rebel Sharmon Leedham

(D) SN24634003


AKC Awards Book

compiled by Lori Sargemt

by Ch. Kamph's Kodiak x RBOBarrette's Fan-C-Pants; Breeder: Karla Hawkins; Owner: Jeff Leedham &

Afterhours Choicev Geronimo's (D) SN34225702 (9/14/97) by Ch. Afterhours Stormin Norman x Thornwoods Afterhours Christine Whitmore & Patricia Diehl; Owner: Joan Steffes & Christine Whitmore Afterhou rs Show Biz Li z (B) SN3082 1602 (9/26/97) Whitmore; Owner: Christine Whitmore & Walter Whitmore Afterhours Whitmore;

Rainy; Breeder: Walter &

by Ch. Afterhours

Stormin Norman x Afterhours

Foxy Roxy; Breeder: Walter & Christine

Wacky Jackie (B) SN30821608 (9/28/97) by Ch. Afterhours Owner: Jack Watson & Christine Whitmore & Temple Watson

Stormin Norman x Afterhours

Foxy Roxy; Breeder: Walter & Christine

Electrick Cherub (B) SN24561501 (9/21/97) by Ch. Afterhours Stormin Norman x Ch. Afterhours Eileen & Patrick Fahey; Owner: Kirkland Mosing & Eileen Fahey & Ann Angel

Electrick Outlet CD JH; Breeder:

Fairoaks Born an Outlaw (B) SN32570801 (9/7/97) Lisa McMillan; Owner: Tim Leblanc & Nickol Litwin

by Ch. Jamars Back in Time x Ch. Ripsnorter's Fraulein Heidi: Breeder: Lisa Jaffe & Helen George &

Fairoaks Designer Genes (D) SN32570806 (9/29/97) & Lisa McMillan; Owner: Lisa Jaffe & Josephine Jaffe

by Ch. Jamars Back in Time x Ch. Ripsnorter's Fraulein Heidi; Breeder: Lisa Jaffe & Helen George

Geronimo's An Image of Warrior (D) SN26319008 (9/14/97) by Ch. Geronimo's Glory of Aspenrose x Ch. Geronimo's Showgirl; Breeder: Jo Ann Steffes & Vanna Curtin; Owner: Val ad Mothersbaugh & Kathleen Worley Jay-Mar's Blutar's Irish Whiskey (D) SN28299911 (9/7/97) by Haag's Director TO SH x Ch. Jaymar Wiesen's Rite On Target SH; Breeder: Nickol Vampotic & M. Jay Collins; Owner: Jenni Stephenson & Nickol Vampotic & Richard Estes & M. Jay Collins Schnellberg's Sneak Preview (D) SN38572909 (8/31/97) by Ch. Schnellberg's Second Act x Ch. Jaymar Wiesen's Rite On Target SH; Breeder: Susan Owen & Nickol Vampotic & M. Jay Collins; Owner: Susan Owen & Nickol Litwin Whitetail's Eddie Green


SH (D) SN15977403


Beechtree's Farmgate's Betty B (B) SN22926104 Beechtree; Owner: Jude Moebius & Paula Moebius

by Hanover Vom Treborwolf x Whitetail's Greta Sue; Breeder: William Darby Jr.; Owner: James


by Von Genthe's Chester x Ch. Beechtree's Molly B JH; Breeder: Dolores & Donald





CERFis the Canine Eye Registration Foundation CERFwas founded by a group of concerned purebred owner/breeders ing heritable eye diseases in purebred dogs through registration, research, and education

with a goal of eliminat-

* Registration CERFcooperates with the American College of Veterinary Ophthalmologists (ACVO) to maintain a registry of purebred dogs that the ACVO Diplomats (members) examine and have found to be unaffected by major heritable eye disease. * Research CERFalso maintains a research data base which consists of information that is generated by all examinations done by ACVO Diplomates. Reports generated from this resource help breeders and ophthalmologists identify trends in eye disease and breed susceptibility. * Education CERFis dedicated to educating the public on matters involving canine eye disease. CERFprovides a variety of reports, the CERFnewsletter and other eye disease materials to help educate the owner/breeder on heritable eye disease questions, healthy breeding stock, and breedspecific eye problems. Why should I have my dog's eyes examined by an ACVO Diplomate? * An ACVO Diplomate is board certified to meet high standards of proficiency in the field of veterinary ophthalmology. * An ACVO Diplomate can accurately diagnose and treat any eye diseases your dog may have .. * An ACVO Diplomate can offer breeding advice based on research and standards established by the ACVO genetics committee for a particular breed. '" CERFand ACVO are separate, but cooperating entities. The ACVO Diplomates provide their professional services and expertise to ensure uniform standards are upheld in CERF's registration of dogs found to be free of evidence of heritable eye disease. Why is it important to get my dog registered with CERF? * Your dog can be identified as being registered with CERFto other interested dog breeders or buyers. Dogs can be advertised using CERF registration numbers. * CERFregistration shows your support for the mutual goal of eliminating heritable eye disease in purebred canines, and provides your puppy buyers and other breeders with proof of your integrity and commitment to maintaining the highest quality bloodlines. * CERFregistration contributes to the support of your national and local breed clubs, some of which require CERFregistration to be in good standing .. CERF registration supports the American Kennel Club's (AKC) role in promoting responsible breeding and ownership. AKC is incorporating CERFregistration numbers on their registration slips and certified pedigrees. How do I register my dog with CERF? * After a painless examination of the dog's eyes, the ACVO Diplomate completes the examination section of the CERFform and indicates any specific disease(s) found. * Dogs found to be unaffected by mayor heritable eye disease by an ACVO Diplomate can be registered with CERF. * To initiate registration, the owner/breeder must complete the backside of the owner copy (pink form) of the CERFexamination form and forward it, with the appropriate fee, to CERFheadquarters. * CERFregistration is good for twelve months from the examination date. Thereafter, the dog must be re-examined by an ACVO Diplomate and re-registered with CERFto maintain an up-to-date CERFnumber. * There is NO minimum age for CERFregistration. How does CERF gather its research data? * The research copy (white form) of the CERFexamination form is sent to CERFheadquarters for computer processing for every examination performed by an ACVO Diplomate, regardless of the outcome of the examination. * At CERFheadquarters, the research copy is completed and run through a computer scanner. The computer then merges the data from the form with the data from other animals of the same breed to generate a current research report Only general information about the dog and the health of its eyes are compiled into the CERFresearch data base. All other information is treated strictly confidentially. CERF Services * A variety of CERFmemberships are available with benefits which include: * Semi-annual CERFNewsletter which covers various general topics in canine ophthalmology as well as highlighting current eye disease trends in specific breeds * CERFRegistration lists which provide a report of all animals in specific breed registered during the last year. * Current research reports on hereditary eye disease for specific breeds or a summary of all breeds. CERFheadquarters also aids in helping you find the locations of the nearest ACVO Diplomates, or in answering other questions you may have concerning CERFor heritable canine eye diseases. CERFis located at the Purdue University's School of Veterinary Medicine and is a subsidiary of the Veterinary Medical Data Base (VMDB), which compiles animal data from nearly all North American Veterinary Medical Colleges TO register your dog with CERFor to have your canine eye health questions answered.contact CERF SCC-A Purdue University, W. Lafayette,

IN 47907

(317) 494-8179


(317) 494-9981


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