Wire~News 1998 Nationals

Page 1

The Journal of the German Wirehaired Pointer Club of America




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Co, /11ft


Your legacy will live on in your children and grandchildren. Thanks for the memories ...

till we meet again

r--------------~----, : Hunt with your best friend : North American Versatile Hunting Dog Association members are hunters, breeders and trainers dedicated to helping you get the most

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President:Bill Richardson1232 BrockerRd., Metamora,MI 48455 (810) 678-2529


Judy Cheshire 46 Southridge Dr. , Glen Cove, NY 11542 (516) 671-3564

Vice President:Penny Ljungren28124-199thAve. SE, Kent,WA 98042 (206) 631-6232 Secretary:KarenNelsen25821 LucilleAve., Lomita,CA 90717 (310) 530-3264 Treasurer:Linda MichaelisPO Box127,Monticello,MN 55362 (612)878-1685 EasternDirector:Mal Decker 1951 HoffmansvilleRd., Fredrick,PA 19435 (610)754-0072


Mid West Director:ElizabethDixon N7815 County Rd N SpringValley, WI 5476 (715)778-4675

Pat Me Gowan 1332 Bald Eagle Lake Rd Ortonville, MI 48462 (248) 627-4093

Western Director:RockyGilleard,PO Box 94, Warm Springs, MT 59756 (406) 693-2381 MembershipChairperson:RhondaAmucdsonW8751340thAve,HagerCity,WI54014 (715)792-2913 WebMaster: Sheri Graner, 5521 Carlsbad Ct, Albuquerque, MN 87120 (505) 890-1148 manatee@RT66.com



Jean Renner Rt 7 Box 332, Georgetown, SC 29440 (803) 546-3495 TWIN CITIES GWP CLUB

Liz Dixon N7815 County Rd. N., Spring Valley, WI 54767 (715) 778-4675



Sandra Hoessel 425 N. School St., Braidwood, IL 60408 (815) 458-0116



Sue Clemons 1031 Amy Belle Rd., Germantwon, WI 53022 (414) 628-3452 GWP OF EASTERN


Andy Miller 3103 Spring St., Omaha, NE 68105 GWP OF CENTRAL


Dennis Brwon 2412 Athlone Ct., RR2 Ames, IA 50010 (515) 233-2710 CROSS TIMBERS


Kandy Scaramuzzo 4714 Lester Dr., RR7, Arlington, TX 76010 (817) 429-8469 GWP OF NORTHERN


Sharon Jahn 1360 Estates Dr., Dixon, CA 95620 (916) 678-2289 GWPC OF SOUTHERN


Karen Nelsen 25821 Lucille Ave., Lomita, CA 90717 (310) 530-3264 GWP CLUB OF UTAH 18


'lay, Sandy, UT 84093

) 943-9814

The membersoftneGWF',CAaredevoteq to the continued preservation. protection and improvement 0f!he German Wirehaired Pointer. This Code provides guidelines for ethical practices and care,andseeks to promote good sportsmanship. RECORDS; GWPCA memberswillmaintairi

complete and accurate records for each dog andlitter.

BREEDING.;//}c/, ..v• ••• }' ./ ..•.•..•...... / .. ' './} GW~FA.members: will evaluate any dog or bitch used for breeding:uSing't~~ criteria set forth by thebre~ds!?ndard ... '.. ' . Only thosedogsfreEl of recoflnized genetic defects shall be used in a breeding program. Breeders willbe~rleHtive.withrespectt9 the physical and mental soundness, health, temperament ••,.andnatural)'luntihgability ofthe dog or bitch. ..



CARE ANDJRA~SFEROFDqG~;,. '.' Nopuppies oradultdogs shallbebredisoldor consigned to pet shops or other commercial enterprises ..•.•••..•.......•.•• / •. /' . Propel' care sh~lIbe provided Jor bitch/and pyppiEls. Puppies shall be kept until seven weElksof.age.AII ?:2.spective buyers shew'd b~s~t~fLJlly screeneq toassyrethatpuppies havea~afe, loyi~gandstimulating.home> •....•...... AntlOnestry~lpatioh ofthe'qualityof the pupp!'willbemade., •.... i\'ii"· Purcha$'ers<!reto bei encourage to spay or neuter all dogs thatwill.f)otibeu~ed Jor breeding. '. New owners. Will receive the following documentation: ' •. Written.sales contract or co-ownership agreement 2. Copy of the AKC registration 3; Feeding instructions 4. Medical records S.. Threecgeneration pedigree .. 6. Training recommendations ·.·7. Copy of this Code ofEthics



Me, Aloha, OR 97006

• WA 98329

GWPCA members are prepared to assistpuppybpy~rswhenquestions . for the life of the dog .. New owners arEl.encour~.gedtobecomeinvolved in GWPCA activities; regional GWP Clubs, dog training,and/ordog performance events. SPORTSMANSHIP: .. GWPCAmembers shall always conduct tnern~elves in a manner which will reflect credit upon themselves, their dogs, and the sport of dogs, regardless of location or circumstance.

LOCAL BARKS By Laura Reeves Lots of busy people with the Nationals, Holidays and year's end. Thank you to the great folks who took the time to drop me a note about their local doin's. With winter solstice around the corner - Christmas, Hanukkah or goose season depending on your personal calendar - remember to hug your fuzzy faces and other family close to you and give them the gift of your love every day.

Oregon GWP Club Ore'Gun Wire News Mary Hanson, Editor email: hansonm@teleport.com Mary writes: Much of the discussion of late revolves around the Nationals. Ann and Terry Duffin came back from this year's Nationals with nothing but praise for the great job folks did back East. Since Oregon will host the Nationals in 2000, we have our work cut out for us. Emotions range from wild enthusiasm to near panic. We'll give it our best shot! Thinking ahead we've decided to try and hold our regular field trial in the Spring rather than the Fall so as to have a breather come 2000. We have also discussed holding a walking field trial just prior to the fall field trial season. We'll vote on this motion at the annual meeting in January. Speaking of our regular field trial. Our trial this year saw participation by many of our new members. We ''trained up" three new bird planters and 5-6 line marshals. It was a very successful trial and we received lots of compliments from judges and participants. We have finally heard from AKC regarding our request for a show license. They have granted us permission to hold an A Match and suggested we resubmit our request for a show license after successful completion of this event. If we are able to pull it off this year, it is possible that we will host our own Specialty in conjunction with the Nationals. The Oregon Grounds Association is hosting the 1999 Gun Dog Championships, May 11-16 at Anderson Ranch, Sunnyside, Wash. More details to come later. Hope all of you East Coast folks can come back out to our neck of the woods to participate.

especially since Mark and Lori Sargent donated a dunk tank for the dogs. Many, if not most, of the club members were active in the event, as judges, marshals, bird planters and go-fers. Sue Owens is hosting their club's Christmas party at her home in Macomb, Mich. on Dec. 27 from 2 p.m. 'til they're done ....Oh, you party dogs!

GWP Club of Northern California Susan Kren Cutter, editor SKCutter@aol.com The GWPC of NC Fall Field Trial was held Nov. 21-22 at Little Panoche Wildlife Area in Los Banos, Calif. They had 117 entries and a forecast of rain for the weekend. The weather gods were with the club! It rained a little Saturday night, but was beautiful for the two days. Jimmy Peters deep-fried four turkeys for all to enjoy Saturday evening at the club-sponsored dinner. Silke Alberts hosted the club's Christmas Party at her home in Vallejo on Dec. 10. On Jan. 10, the club will hold its 1999 Hunt Day and general membership meeting at Suisun Marsh Hunting Preserve in Fairfield.

Twin Cities GWP Club Ellen Manns, editor ellen_manns@malt-o-meal.com The 1999 Nationals are deeply on the mind of the Twin Cities club, who will host next year's events. Field and show trophies are being coordinated so each element is treated equally. Show and field judges are being finalized. Regina Schwabe has agreed to work with the local all-breed club to put together an all-breed agility trial for the weekend of the National. The club decided to not gun on course for the field trial, and to have call backs for retrieves. The club also has broached the topic of using tracking collars at the '99 National Championship events. They will coordinate with Doug Ljungren regarding education about electric tracking collars, recently approved for Pointer Field Trials by the AKC. The club's '99 January specialty will be held Jan. 8 at the St. Paul Civic Center. Karen Coffee will judge sweeps and Charles Herendeen will take the regular classes. Two all-breed shows follow at the same location.

Sea-Tac GWP Club Wire(d) NW Laura Reeves, editor email: clyde@halcyon.com The STGWPC annual holiday party was Dec. 6, from 2-4 p.m. at Jack & Laura Myles' house. All members and GWP fanciers were encouraged to attend. Everybody brings a dish to share and an item to auction. We are hoping to reach out to the greater GWP community in the area, so we encouraged everyone to invite anyone they know who has a GWP or would like to have one. This is always a fun, relaxed event with much bantering and socialization for kids, dogs and adults. The board elected officers for 1999 at its last meeting. They are: Laura Myles, President; Doug Ljungren, Vice-President; Jack Myles, Treasurer; and, Laura Reeves, Secretary.

Ft. Detroit GWP Club The Barbed Wire Mark & Lori Sargent, editors email: windswept@voyager.net The Fort Detroit Club is gearing up for it's annual awards for 1998. What an amazing system! They have 19 different awards, many of which are determined on an intricate point system. Everything from dogs earning new titles to top dogs in every event - including agility and NSTRA - is honored. What a fun, supportive and active group of GWP owners. My hat's off to you all Dick and Pat Uhnavy report that the club's fall hunt test was a success. A warm sunny day with a slight afternoon

breeze was enjoyed by everyone,

Delaware Valley GWP Club Versatile Jan Fast, editor email: marshrose@aol.com The Del Val club took a rest until thier winter supported entry in December. Many of the members are out hunting, field trialing, hunt testing or just relaxing. The next event for the club will be their spring field trial held at the English Setter Club in Medford, NJ the first weekend in March.

18th Annual GWPCA National Specialty Show and Obedience Trial Sumerduck, Virginia a small rural town in the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains 1998 for Wirehair "people".

was the place to be on Monday, October 26,

Historically, this was the largest entry the GWPCA has ever had for the show portion of the National Events.

183 dogs with 293

entries was the final count! I guess that I'm eternally the optimist and although we anticipated a good-sized entry, this certainly exceeded even my expectations! I kept remembering Bernee saying, "Be careful what you wish for!" Needless to say, we had some scrambling to do. Scheduling the classes, parking many more motorhomes and trailers than we had planned on, reassuring everyone who couldn't imagine that we could run three rings at the same time and turning a field trial grounds into a show site complete with tents, flowers and jack-o-Ianterns (to celebrate the Halloween season) was quite a feat! We deliberately chose to have the show and field events on the same grounds in order to reinforce our belief that no matter which direction you choose to go with your GWP, there's one "playing field" and there's room for everyone to play. In reality, things may have been a little tight but it was certainly conducive to getting to know one another! The weather was wonderfully cooperative all week long and combined with the backdrop of the Blue Ridge Mountains, we couldn't have asked for more perfect conditions. There were dogs representative of all areas of the country, from New York to Washington, Florida to California, Michigan to Texas and places in between! Everyone enjoyed the large British contingent that "crossed the pond" to help us celebrate the National Events. I'm sure they'll join us again next year in Wisconsin. Another thing that truly added to the National nature of this year's events was the support from the regional clubs that hosted hospitality throughout the week. Special thanks to the Fort Detroit, Illinois, Oregon, Sea- Tac and Twin Cities clubs. I can't begin to tell you how much your efforts were appreciated! This year brought two "firsts" that I hope will become a tradition at our National events. The Veteran Sweepstakes had an entry of twenty, 6 dogs and 14 bitches. 25% of them were 10 years old or over and they all looked great! In fact, the Best in Veteran Sweeps winner, Ch. Cassiofs Victory Parade, went Best of Breed at the Delaware Valley GWPC Specialty on Friday. More importantly, they were having fun being "show dogs" again and it gave us all a chance to take a look at some of the dogs that we've known in name only. The other new addition to the Nationals was the Agility Match. It attracted a very respectable entry that's bound to grow in the next few years. Wires seem to be natural agility competitors. They can be free, energetic, exuberant, inventive and silly, all at the same time, and not get into trouble! It's certainly an entertaining spectator sport and the participants seemed to be having fun, too. Thank you to each and every person who participated in the Nationals, whether as an exhibitor, a judge, a steward, a worker, a spectator or a friend lending moral support! Our Nationals are about us enjoying our dogs and sharing it with one another, let's do it again next year! Judy Cheshire, Show Chairman

Delaware Valley GWPC Specialty-


Reddick, FL 32686. Breeder: Steven & Christi Chism & Christine Whitmore.


(Christi Schoessow-Chism, Agent). 64 AFTERHOURS AMAZING GRACE. SN 51594001. 12-05-97 By Afterhours Loverboy - Ch After Hours Risky Business JH. Owner: Temple Watson & Christi Chism., Beaufort, SC 29902. Breeder: C Chism & SChism & C Whitmore.


sweepstakes JUDGE:



SweeDstakes 1/BOS


_3_ 152 LARKSPURS LILY OFTHE VALLEY. SN 51444203. 01-08-98By Ch Larkspurs Goodrun of Badluck - Ch RKM's Aranwood AnreOakley. Owner: Gina McCain & Diane Dings., Eua Claire, MI 49111. Breeder: Gina McCain. 1. 76 LARKSPURS DARKWING TYE DYE. SN 51444207. 01-08-98 By Ch Larkspurs Goodrun of Badluck - Ch RKM's Aranwood Anne Oakley. Owner: Gina McCain & B & S Agland., Eau Claire, MI 49111. Breeder: Gina McCain.


PUDDV 6 to 9 Months Dogs. 69 BACKWOODS



SN 54377205.


05-98 By Ch Soo Lines Allied Frieghter - Wilson' Georgia Peach. Owner: Stephanie Scheuermann., Chippewa Falls, Wi 54729. Breeder: Greg & Liz Dixon. £. 95 CASSIO'S CLASSIC CAVALIER. SN-53146201. 03-13-98 By Ch Cassio's Victory Parade - Ch Cassio's Whipped Cream. Owner: Joy S Brewster., Newtown, CT 06470. Breeder: Joy S Brewster. (Handler: Joy S Brewster PHNCPH). ;L 41 TXWYR'S HERR SPOETZL. SN 51866606. 02-04-98 By DCh/AFCh Cas-

POINTERS (GERMAN WIREHAIRED). Sweepstakes. 12 to 15 Months Bitches . 156 STEPHENS MOLLIE. SN 51388006. 10-13-97 By Kaizans Kokojo Thunderhart - Ch Afterhours Amanda. Owner: Dan Stephens., Delaware, OH 43015. Breeder: Dan Stephens. (Ms. Helen George, Agent). £. 72 CH RI-JO'S BREAK POINT. SN 46964202. 08-14-97 By Ripsnorter Makin A Statement - Ch Kaizans Give Me A Break. Owner: Rita J Plough & Joel S Plough., ..1.

Marion, OH 433029420. Breeder: Rita J Plough & Joel S Plough. ~ 144 COTTONWOOD'S MAKERSAIDTAKEHER. SN 47831507.



cade Ike MH - Ch Txwyr's Gizmo Von Cibolo. Owner: Terry E Woodfin., Hempstead, TX 774459515 Breeder:Terry E Woodfin. 83 CASSIO'S CLASSIC COMMANDER. SN 53146201. 03-13-98 By Ch Cassio's Victory Parade - Ch Cassio's Whipped Cream. Owner: Joy S Brewster., Newtown, CT 064701438. Breeder: Joy S Brewster.

Larkspurs Goodrunofbadluck - Arkayem's Classic Snowbyrd. Owner: Heather Box & Shane Box., Kokomo, IN 46902. Breeder: Heather Box & Shane Box. 1. 10 JED'S BLUSANDS GENUINE RISK. SN 48345203. 09-09-97 By Ch Jed's

POINTERS (GERMAN WIREHAIRED). Sweepstakes. PuPpv. 9 to 12 Months Doas. _1_ 99 KAIZANS TWIST'N'SHOUT. SN 50900102. 12-26-9 By Ch Fairoaks Timebomb V Wiesen MH - Ch Kaizans Wind'N'Fire.Owner: Keith Nash., Marion, OH 43302. Breeder: Keith Nash! Cris C Nash.

. Sweepstakes. 15 Months-18 Months Bitches. _1_ 104 AFTERHOURS COVER GIRL. SN 45864303. 07-14-97 By Ch Afterhours Stormin Norman - Afterhours Foxy Roxy. Owner: Christine Whitmore., Medina, OH 442568351. Breeder: Walter & Christine Whitmore & Christi Chism.





SN 51594003.


By Afterhours

Lover Boy - Ch Afterhours Risky Business JH. Owner: Steve Chism & Christi Schoessow Chism., Reddick, FL 32686. Breeder: Christi Schoessow Chism & Steven Chism &C Whitmore.

Silent Polar Express - FCh!AFCh Navaho Sidekick MH.Owner: Tucker., Grass Lake, MI 49240. Breeder: Guy Rezzardi.


& Barbara


56 GREENFLATS CRYSTAL. SN 47232002. 07-07-97 By Kettle Creek's Moe MH - GreenflatsAlicia. Owner: Evelyn Mawacke., Welcome, MD 206933118. Breeder: Robert H Kroder. (Handler: Sue Whaley PHNCPH).

~ 63 LARKSPURS GUNS A BLAZIN. SN 51444202. 01-08-98 By Ch Larkspurs Goodrun of Badluck - Ch RKM's Aranwood AnneOakley. Owner: Gina McCain & Kathryn Schuer., Eau Claire, MI 49111. Breeder: Gina McCain. POINTERS (GERMAN WIREHAIRED). Sweepstakes. 12 to 15 Months Doas . .1. 115 JAY-MAR'S MAGIC ROCKET MAN. SN 47355309. 07-24-97 By NFC DC Jay-Mars Blake's Windczar SH - Ch Jay-Mar's Abs Vina Of Orion JH.Owner: Donald Magoon & Cathie Magoon., Norco, CA 917602313. Breeder: NI Litwin & M Jay Collins. £. 17 CH JAY-MAR'S CINA'S RUNAWAY TRAIN. SN 47355301. 07-24-97 By NFC DC Jay-Mars Blake's Windczar SH - Ch Jay-Mar's Ab' Vina Of Or Owner: Ron & Chris Kosman & Nickol Litwin., Inver Grove Hgt MN 55076. Breeder: Nickol Litwin & M Jay Collins . ...3 37 RI-JO'S BREAKIN THE LIMIT. SN 46964204. 08-14-98 By Ripsnorter Makin A Statement - Ch Kaizans Give Me A Break Owner: Rita Plough & Joel S Plough., Marion, OH 433029420 Breeder: Rita J Piough & Joel S Plough. (Lisa GeorgeClipse, Agent). 1. 117 SGR WINTER SILENCE. SN 48722101. 10-13-97 By DCh Sgr Silent Running CD MH - Hellbenders Desert Storm Owner: Ann Duffin & Terry Duffin., Bend, OR 9770100 Breeder: Gail Richarson. POINTERS (GERMAN WIREHAIRED)_ Sweepstakes. 15 -18 Months Dogs . 7 DA-L1N'S P ALBE BACK. SN 46839319. 05-29-97 By Ripsnorter Makin A


Statement - Ch Dalin's Little Darlin Owner: Kasey D & Linda Conner., Phoenix City, AL 36869. Breeder: Kasey Conner & Linda Conner. _2_ 75 AFTERHOURS THORNWOOD GRIFFY. SN 45864312. 07-14By Ch Afterhours Stormin Norman - Afterhours Foxy Roxy. Owner: Patti Diehl., Dayton, OH 45458. Breeder: Walter & Christine Whitmore & Christi Chism .


Best In Sweeps LITTLE BIT Best




.a. 89 AFTERHOURS MAJOR LEAGUE. SN 45864302. 07 -14-97 By Ch Alfterhours Stormin Norman - Afterhours Foxy Roxy. Owner: W & C Whitmore., Medina, OH 44256. Breeder: Walter Christine Whitmore & Christie Chism.


51 BACKWOODS MILORMORE. SN 45417904. 05-31 By Backwoods Flexible Flyer - NAFC FC AFC Breezin' Britta Kinni Owner: Kimberly & Charles Moreman., Waukau, WI 54980. Breeder: Todd & Ellen Manns. POINTERS (GERMAN WIREHAIRED). 1/BSW




Sweepstakes. BIT

PuPPy. 6 to 9 Months


SN 52627612.


02-14-9 By

Ripsnorters Tail Of Woe-Be - BI Briare Patch. Owner: Jeremy R Lambert & Heidi J Rathburn., Waxhaw, NC 28173. Breeder: Jeremy R Lambert & Heidi J Rathburn. £. 70 JUSTA ARIEL TOO TUFF TO TAME. SN 53821005. 04-07-98By DChAFCh Dunkees Justa Top Flite MH - Ch Ruff Cut's Justa Southwind JH.Owner: Mary Patrice Ezzo VMD & Bernee Brawn., Richboro, PA189541801. Breeder: Bernee Brawn. 110 JUSTA LITTLE VALVOLINE. SN 53821001. 04-08-98By DC AFC Dunkees Justa Top Flite MH - Ch Ruffcuts Justa Southwind JH.Owner: Scott Lockard & Kim Overdorff., Homer City, PA 15748. Breeder: Bernee Brawn. A. 112 BLUELINE CAPTURE THE MAGIC. SN 52627602. 02-14-98By Ripsnorter's Tail Of Woe-Be - Bi Briare Patch. Owner: Doloris Wells., Troutville, VA 24175. Breeder:




Bernee Brawn & Fran Sakiey., New Hope, PA 18938 Breeder: Bernee L Brawn. (Linda Dietrich, Agent). 9 CH LARKSPUR'S CRUISIN CLASSIC. SM 83010202. 07-05-90 By Ch Ripsnorter's Aspen Glow Warrier - Ch Larkspur's Zoe Dancer Owner: Gina McCain., Eau Claire, M149111. Breeder: Gina & Frankie McCain.



125 CH WElDEN HUGEL JERSEY VON NICO JH. SF 530936. 03-10-89 By Nico VD Bemmeraue - Ch Weidenhugel Yena Von Quincy Owner: Patricia F Roberts., Clifton Springs, NY 14432 Breeder: Mildred L Revell.

R Lambert & Heidi J Rathburn.



PUPPY. 9 -12 Months


28 AFTERHOURS SAINT PAULY'S GIRL. SN 51594002. 12-05-98By Afterhours Lover Boy - Ch Afterhours Risky Business JH. Owner: Steven & Cynthia Anderson.,



7 Years & Under 10 Years Dogs. 1/BVSW 93 CH CASSIO'S VICTORY PARADE. SF 818635.10-11-89 By Ch J And J Show An Tell JH - Ch Cassio Laurwyn's Ginger Cake Owner: Joy S Brewster., Newtown, CT 06470. Breeder: Joy S Brewster. (Handler: Joy S Brewster PHNCPH). ..L 87 DC/AFC DUNKEES JUSTA TOP FLITE MH. SF 897246. 02-02-90 By DC! AFC Dunkees Justa Hole NOne CD/MH - Sure Shots Justa Racie Lacie Owner:

Sweeostakes. Veteran Sweeostakes. 10 Years & Over Dogs. 77 CH THORNWOODS TRUE GRIT. SF 250223. 04-08-88 By Ch Shurcan Baron Of Afterhours - Ch Chancellors Desert Brease CD Owner: Patricia A Diehl.,





Patricia A & Barry A Diehl DMV



7 Years 10 years Bitches.

~ 158 CH RIPSNORTER'S PRIVATE DANCER. SF 912720. 09-01-89 By Ch. Geronimos Flying Warrior - Ch. Ripsnorter's She 'Ears It AII.Owner: Helen George & Patricia Gabriel., Mt. Vernon, OH 430509253. Breeder: Jeffrey & Helen George. 2 22 CH AFTERHOURS PRIVATE NUMBER. SM 92241101.10-18-91 By Ch After Hours Robin Chaser - Ch After Hours Spirit Of Shure an. Owner: Franz Neuwirth & Christine Whitmore & P Diehl.,Medina, OH 44256. Breeder: Walter & Christine Whitmore & Christi Schoessow.


154 CH RIPSNORTERS AFARRAH THE HART. SF 836724. 09-10-89 By Ch Windhaven's Stutzer Stumper - Larkspur Matchwood Mega. Owner: Lisa George & Helen George., Mt Vernon, OH 43050. Breeder: Helen George & Linda Yetter. ..1 92 CH SHURCAN POTOGOLD SHEZA MCRAE CD/JH. SF 583284. 03-17-89 By DCh/AFCh Cascade Rogue MH - Ch Shurcan Laurwyn's Baconburger. Danielle McCallum., Goose Creek, SC 29445. Breeder: Barbara Halligan Cheshire.


Owner: & Judith

SweeDstakes. Veteran. 10 Years & Over Bitches. 1/BOSVSW 90 CH SHURCAN'S HEYWIRE HELLRAISIN' JH. SF 083269. 09-01-87y Ch Geronimos Flying Warrior - Ch Shurcan Laurwyn's Bacon Burger. Owner: Judy Cheshire., Glen Cove, NY 115424030. Breeder: Barbara Halligan & Judith Cheshire. Z 24 CH RIPSNORTER'S DIE ZAUBERFlOTE JH. SF 287756. 06-14-88By Ch Tidewater's Valentino - Ch Brierpatch Ripsnorter Gal. Owner: Patricia M Ranker & Larry Ranker., Genoa City, WI 53128. Breeder: Jeffrey & Helen George. 96 CH CASCADE CATE VON DUFFIN MH. SE 922912. 06-01-87 By DC Cascade Rogue MH - Muffin Von Duffin. Owner: Terry & Ann Duffin., Bend, OR 97701. Breeder: T & A Duffin.




LADY B GOOD JH. SE 523286.10-11-85

Tyme - Johmar Cheyenne. Owner: Wm H Buck & Christine 08620. Breeder: Heidi A Johnson.

By Ch Johmar Justin D Buck., Yardville,


KC - Friday 10/23/98

Delaware Valley GWPC Specialty Show InGemany, where I was born, the German Wirehaired Pointer is known as the professional gamekeepers dog. A sturdy, reliable dog with a weather resistant coat. A bit on the reserved side with strangers (which we have seemed to done away with). Very protective of his owners, a tireless hunter, a bit larger and longer than the German Shorthaired pointer. With great pleasure I judged on October 23 the Delaware Valley GWPC Specialty in Middleburg, Va. I had an entry of 115 with very few absentees. All classes had lots of quality, good bites, only a couple of soft coats, excellent temperaments sound movements. A few straight fronts and some faulty rear in some dogs. I especially thought my Puppy Bitch class was great, which speaks well for the future of the breed. My Specials Class of 32, plus all the none regular classes, was breath taking. After cutting the class several times, it didn't become any easier. I finally decided on my Veteran Dog, he became stronger and stronger every time I took him around. A great dog in top condition. My Best of Winners, a lovely typey bitch came from the Bred By Exhibitors class and my BOS awarded to a young new comer. Many thanks for having me judge your breed. Also many thanks to my stewards who kept the ring running so smoothly. Ms. Barbara Heller

Regular Classes JUDGE: Mrs. Barbara F. Heller

POINTERS (GERMAN WIREHAIRED). PUDDY. 9 to 12 Months D09S. 99 KAIZANS TWIST'N'SHOUT. SN 50900102. 12-26-97 By Ch Fairoaks Timebomb V Wiesen MH - Ch Kaizans Wind'N'Fire. Owner: Keith Nash., Marion, OH 43302. Breeder: Keith Nash & Cris C Nash.


POINTERS (GERMAN WIREHAIRED). PUDDY. 6 to 9 Months D09S. ..1 69 BACKWOODS LINK TO BLAUERMOND. SN 54377205. 03-05-98 By Ch Soo Lines Allied Friegh1er - Wilson' Georgia Peach. Owner: Stephanie Scheuermann., Chippewa Falls, WI 54729. Breeder: Greg & Liz Dixon. Z 95 CASSIO'S CLASSIC CAVALIER. SN-53146201. 03-13-98 By Ch Cassio's Victory Parade - Ch Cassia's Whipped Cream. Owner: Joy S Brewster., NeW1own, CT 06470. Breeder: Josy Brewster.(Handler: Joy S Brewster PHAlCPH) . ...3. 83 CASSIO'S CLASSIC COMMANDER. SN 53146201. 03-13-98 By Ch Cassio's Victory Parade - Ch Cassio's Whipped Cream. Owner: Joy S Brewster., NeW1own. CT 064701438. Breeder. Joy S Brewster.

1. 85 JUSTA 'NOTHER DAYTONA WIN FOR OJ. SN 53821002. 04-07-98 By DC AFC Dunkee's Justa Top Flite MH - Ch Rutfcufs Justa Southwind JH. Owner: Karen Cowdrey & Bernee Brawn., Vancouver, WA 98686. Breeder: Bernee Brawn.(LauraReeves, Agent)


61 AFTERHOURS PICK A WINNER. SN 51594003. 12-05-97 By Afterhours Lover Boy - Ch Afterhours Risky Business JH. Owner: Steve Chism & Christi Schoessow Chism., Reddick, FL32686. Breeder: Christi Schoessow Chism & Steven Chism & C Whitmor.

POINTERS (GERMAN WIREHAIRED). 12 to 18 Months D09S. J. 89 AFTER HOURS MAJOR LEAGUE. SN 45864302. 07-14-97 By ChAlfterhours Storm in Norman - Afterhours Foxy Roxy. Owner: W & C Whitmore., Medina, OH 44256. Breeder: Walter & Christine Whitmore & Christie Chism.


37 RI-JO'S BREAKIN THE LIMIT. SN 46964204. 08-14-97 By Ripsnorter Makin A Statement - Ch Kaizans Give Me A Break. Owner: Rita Plough & Joel S Plough., Marion, OH 433029420. Breeder: Rita J Plough & Joel S Plough. (Lisa George-Clipse,

Agent) . ;l 117 SGR WINTER SILENCE. SN 48722101.10-13-97 By DCh Sgr Silent Running CD MH - Hellbenders Desert Storm JH. Owner: Ann Duffin & Terry Duffin., Bend, OR 977010000. Breeder: Gail Richarson. ~ 75 AFTERHOURS THORNWOOD GRIFFY. SN 45864312. 07-14-97 By Ch Afterhours Stormin Norman - Afterhours Foxy Roxy. Owner: Patti Diehl., Dayton, OH 45458. Breeder: Walter & Christine Whitmore & Christi Chism .

POINTERS (GERMAN WIREHAIRED). Bred bY Exhibitor Doas. -.1 55 OAKHYLL DESTINY'S SGR PHD. SN 42702901. 02-14-97 By DCh SGR Silent Running MH/CD - Ch Oakhyll Magic's Destiny JH. Owner: L & J Thompson & G Richardson., Athol, MA 01331. Breeder: L Strothman & J Thompson. --L- 63 LARKSPURS GUNS A BLAZIN. SN 51444202. 01-08-98 By Ch Larkspurs Goodrun of Badluck - Ch RKM's Aranwood Anne Oakley. Owner: Gina McCain & Kathryn Schuer., Eau Claire, M149111. Breeder: Gina McCain. Ooen Doas. ~ 35 AFTERHOURS LOVER BOY. SN 34225703. 04-14-96 By Ch Afterhours Stormin Norman - Thronwoods Afterhours Rainy. Owner: Steven Chism & Christi Scheesow Chism & C. Whitmore., Reddick, FL 32686. Breeder: Walter & Christine Whitmore & Patricia Diehl.(Christi Schoessow-Chism, Agent). 2/R 19 L1EBENWAID'S INDIANA JONES. SN 22695803. 01-31-95 By Ch Ripsnorter's Thunderhart - Ch Tannenbaum Razz's Jezebel. Owner: Diana L Nordrum & R W Friedell., Saint Paul, MN 551023135. Breeder: Diana L Nordrum.(Helen George, Agent). _3_ 71 LARKSPURS GREGARIOUS GUSTAF. SN 41060602.12-10-96 By Ch Ripsnorter's It's Show1ime - Ch Larkspur Classic Serenade. Owner: Gina McCain & Jim & Michelle Boyd., Greenville, IL 62246. Breeder: Gina McCain. .-.4 59 LARKSPURS NOTHIN SHOCKS ME. SN 41060607. 12-10-96 By Ch Ripsnorter's It's Show1ime - Ch Larkspur Classic Serenade. Owner: Gina McCain., Eau Clair, TN . Breeder: Gina McCain.

POINTERS (GERMAN WIREHAIRED). PUOOY. 6 to 9 Months Bitches. 1/R 74 BACKWOODS ON-A POINT. SN 54377208. 03-05-98 By Ch Soo Line's Allied Freighter - Wilson's Georgia Peach.Owner: Kimberly Moreman., Waukau, WI 54980. Breeder: Greg Dixon & Ronald E Wilson. 12 RLB'S BLAUERMONDS BELLA MIA. SN 52054902. 01-31-98By Backwoods Flexible Flyer - Ch Ripsnorter Rib's Samantha. Owner: Stacy E Risler & Mary E Strassman & Robert EStrassman., Colfax, WI 547300000. Breeder: Lois & Roger Bultman.


;l 88 CASSIO'S CLASSIC TRADITION. SN 53146203. 03-13-98 By Ch Cassio's Victory Parade - Ch Cassio's Whipped Cream. Owner: Bruce K Ross., Groton, NY 130739462. Breeder: Joy S Brewster. 4- 132 TXWYR'S DAN'S IN TROUBLE. SN 51866605. 02-04-98 By Cascade Ike MH - Ch Txwyn's Gizmo Van Gibolo. Owner: Daniel Kainer DVm., Montgomery, TX 77356. Breeder: Terry W Woodtin. POINTERS (GERMAN WIREHAIRED). PUOOY. 9 to 12 Months Bitches. 28 AFTERHOURS SAINT PAULY'S GIRL. SN 51594002. 12-05-98 By Afterhours Lover Boy - Ch Afterhours Risky Business JH. Owner: Steven & Cynthia Anderson., Reddick, FL 32686. Breeder: Steven & Christi Chism & Christine Whitmore. (Christi SChoessow-Chism, Agent) . .1 64 AFTERHOURS AMAZING GRACE. SN 51594001. 12-05-97 By Afterhours Loverboy - Ch After Hours Risky Business JH. Owner: Temple Watson & Christi Chism., Beaufort, SC 29902. Breeder: C Chism & SChism & C Whitmore.


POINTERS (GERMAN WIREHAIRED). American-Bred Bitches. 152 LARKSPURS LILY OF THE VALLEY. SN 51444203.01-08-98 By Ch Larkspurs Goodrun of Badluck - Ch RKM'sAranwood Anre Oakley. Owner: Gina McCain


& Diane Dings., Eua Claire, M149111. Breeder: Gina McCain. 114 CASSIO'S BLOSSOM DELIGHT. SN 28556508. 09-14-95 By Ch Cassio's Victory Parade - Ch Cassio's Zaney Thistle. Owner: Joy S Brewster., New1on, CT 06470. Breeder: Joy Brewster .~ 44 OAK CREST DESTINY. SN 43724406. 04-05-97 By Ch Ripsnorter's It's Show1ime - Ch Ripsnorter's Lightning Strike. Owner: Howard Huber Jr & Heidi Huber., Purcellville, VA 20132. Breeder: Howard Huber Jr & Howard Huber III & Debbie Navitski.





Ooen Bitches.


48 AFTERHOURS-K-S-TZARR-VARGA. SN 40821210. 01-01-97By Ch Afterhours Storm in Norman - Afterhours Foxy Roxy. Owner: Christine Whitmore., Medina, OH 44256. Breeder: Walter & Christine Whitmore.


60 CASSIO'S ANNIE OAKLEY. SN 27991701. 06-15-95 By Cassio's Whipped Topping - Ch Cassia's Miss Universe.Owner: Joy S Brewster., New1own, CT 06470. Breeder: Joy S Brewster. (Ms Juli Lacey Ames, Agent). .1. 56 GREEN FLATS CRYSTAL. SN 47232002.07-07-97 By Kettle Creek's Mae MH - Greenflats Alicia. Owner: Evelyn Mawacke., Welcome, MD 206933118. BJeeder:Robert H Kroder. (Handler: Sue Whaley PHNCPH). 68 LARKSPUR'S CARAMEL AT HEYWIRE JH. SN 41060603. 12-10-96 By Ch


Ripsnorter's It's Show1ime - Ch Larkspur Classic Serenade. Owner: Stacie Dee & Audrey Meinke., Stockholm, NJ 07460. Breeder: Gina McCain. POINTERS (GERMAN WIREHAIRED)' Veteran D09S. CH CASSIO'S VICTORY PARADE. SF 818635.10-11-89

J. 93

An Tell JH - Ch Cassio Laurwyn's Ginger 06470. Breeder: Joy S Brewster.

l J



By DChlAFCh Cascade Rogue MH - Ch Shurcan Laurwyn's Baconburger. Owner: Danielle McCallum., Goose Creek, SC 29445. Breeder: Barbara Halligan & Judith Cheshire. ..A




Cascade Rogue MH - Muffin Von Duffin.Owner: Breeder: T & A Duffin.




Owner: Joy S Brewster., Ames, Agent).


SG 020947. 05-18-90

ME 04605. Breeder: Joy



Best of Breed Ch Cassio's Victory Parade Best of Opoosite Sex Ch Fairoak's No Doubt About Best of Winners Larkspurs



Field Trial Bitches.


MH. SE 922912.

Terry & Ann Duffin., Bend, OR 97701.

POINTERS (GERMAN WIREHAIRED). 12 to 18 Months Bitches. 156 STEPHENS MOLLIE. SN 51388006. 10-13-97 By Kaizans Kokojo Thunderhart - Ch Afterhours Amanda. Owner: Dan Stephens., Delaware, OH 43015. Breeder: Dan Stephens. (Ms. Helen George, Agent). 10 JED'S BLUSANDS GENUINE RISK. SN 48345203. 09-09-97 By Ch Jed's Silent Polar Express - FChlAFCh Navaho Sidekick MH.Owner: Edward & Barbara Tucker., Grass Lake, MI 49240. Breeder: Guy Rezzardi. 1. 104 AFTERHOURS COVER GIRL. SN 45864303. 07-14-97 By Ch Afterhours Stormin Norman - Afterhours Foxy Roxy. Owner: Christine Whitmore., Medina, OH 442568351. Breeder: Walter & Christine Whitmore & Christi Chism.


By Ch.

Geronimos Flying Warrior - Ch. Ripsnorter's She 'Ears It AII.Owner: Helen George & Patricia Gabriel., Mt. Vernon, OH 430509253. Breeder: Jeffrey & Helen George. 24 CH RIPSNORTER'S DIE ZAUBERFLOTE JH. SF 287756. 06-14-88 By Ch "Tidewater's Valentino - Ch Brierpatch Ripsnorter Gal. Owner: Patricia M Ranker & Larry Ranker., Genoa City, WI 53128. Breeder: Jeffrey & Helen George. ;l 92 CH SHURCAN POTOGOLD SHEZA MCRAE CD/JH. SF 583284.03-17-89


POINTERS (GERMAN WIREHAIRED). Bred bY Exhibitor Bitches. 1fW/BW 76 LARKSPURS DARKWING TYE DYE. SN 51444207. 01-08-98By Ch Larkspurs Goodrun of Badluck - Ch RKM's Aranwood Anne Oakley. Owner: Gina McCain & B & S Agland., Eau Claire, MI 49111.Breeder: Gina McCain. £. 94 RIPSNORTER'S LOST SHAKER O'SALT. SN 38475505. 09-09-96 By Riposnorter's Makin A Statement - Ch Ripsnorter's Private Dancer. Owner: Jason & Lisa Clipse., Mt. Vernon, OH 43050. Breeder: Helen George & Patricia Gabriel. ~ 26 BLUELINE LITTLE BIT 0' CLASS. SN 52627612. 02-14-98 By Ripsnorters Tail Of Woe-Be - BI Briare Patch. Owner: Jeremy R Lambert & Heidi J Rathburn., Waxhaw, NC28173. Breeder: Jeremy R Lambert & Heidi J Rathburn. 1... 50 EBBTIDE BAYCREST SPRINGTIME. SN 34968406. 04-30-96By DCh/AFCh Dunkees Justa Top Flite MH - Ch Ebbtide SummerBreeze JH. Owner: Shyla Gunther & Edward J Gunther., Erie, PA 16507. Breeder: Shyla Gunther & Garnett P Persinger.

By Ch JAnd J Show

Cake. Owner: Joy S Brewster., New1own, CT (Handler: Joy S Brewster PHNCPH).



Tye Dye

By FCh Doty's

Brewster. (Ms Juli Lacey

GWPCA Futurity Middleburg

KC - Saturday


Mr. Ken

POINTERS (GERMAN WIREHAIRED). Futuritv. Junior Dogs. 41 TXWYR'S HERR SPOETZL. SN 51866606. 02-04-98 By DCh/AFCh Cascade Ike MH - Ch Txwyr's Gizmo Von Cibolo. Owner: Terry E Woodfin., Hempstead, TX 774459515. Breeder: Terry E Woodfin. A 43 WElDEN HUGEL I'M ON FIRE. SN 51083606. 01-11-98 By Ch Shadra's Otto Vom Zamow - Ch Weidenhugel Glory Days. Owner: Michael D Trout., York, PA 17403. Breeder: Patricia F Roberts & Cynthia Stahle. 47 TXWYR'S BIRD ON A WIRE. SN 51866607. 02-04-98 By DC AFC NFC NAFC Cascade Ike MH - Ch TXWYR's Gizmo Von Cibolo. Owner: Wendy L Johnson., Nokesville, VA 20181. Breeder: Terry E Woodfin. 61 AFTERHOURS PICK A WINNER. SN 51594003. 12-05-97 By Afterhours Lover Boy Ch Afterhours Risky Business JH. Owner: Steve Chism & Christi Schoessow Chism., Reddick, FL 32686. Breeder: Christi Schoessow Chism & Steven Chism & C Whitmor. ~



SN 54377205.


By Ch Soo

Lines Allied Frieghter - Wilson' Georgia Peach. Owner: Stephanie Scheuermann., Chippewa Falls, WI 54729. Breeder: Greg & Liz Dixon. 61 TXWYR'S UTTER CHAOS. SN 51866602. 02-04-98 By DCh/AFCh Cascade Ike MHCh Txwyr's Gizmo Von Cibolo. Owner: Terry E Woodfin., Hempstead, TX 774459515. Breeder: Terry E Woodfin. ~ 63 CASSIO'S CLASSIC COMMANDER. SN 53146201. 03-13-98 By Ch Cassio's Victory Parade - Ch Cassio's Whipped Cream. Owner: Joy S Brewster., New1own, CT 064701438. Breeder: Joy S Brewster. a 95 CASSIO'S CLASSIC CAVALIER. SN-53146201 03-13-98 By Ch Cassio's Victory Parade - Ch Cassio's Whipped Cream. Owner: Joy S Brewster., New1own, CT 06470. Breeder: Josy S Brewster. (Handler: Joy S Brewster PHA/CPH). 99 KAIZANS TWIST'N'SHOUT. SN 50900102.12-26-97 By Ch Fairoaks Timebomb V Wiesen MH - Ch Kaizans Wind'N'Fire. Owner: Keith Nash., Marion, OH 43302. Breeder: Keith Nash & Cris C Nash.


111 ASPEN GROVE'S SGR RIP-N路TEAR. SN 52663402. 02-12-98 By Ch Sgr Dirty Laundry - Brian's Majestic Misty SH. Owner: Ross L Van Der Bos., Carson City, MI 48811. Breeder: Brian Krajewski. (Lori Sargent, Agent). 113 RLB'S MILO KIDD. SN 52054901. 01-31-98 By Backwoods Flexible Flyer - Ch Ripsnorter RLB's Samantha. Owner: Gregory Dixon., Spring Valley, WI 547678328. Breeder: Lois & Roger Bultman. POINTERS (GERMAN WIREHAIRED). Futurity. Intermediate Dogs. 37 RI-JO'S BREAKIN THE LIMIT. SN 46964204. 08-14-97 By Ripsnorter Makin A Statement - Ch Kaizans Give Me A Break. Owner: Rita Plough & Joel S Plough., Marion, OH 433029420. Breeder: Rita J Plough & Joel S Plough. (Lisa George-Clipse, Agent). ~ 117 SGR WINTER SILENCE. SN 48722101. 10-13-97 By DC SGR Silent Running CD MH - Hellbenders Desert Storm JH. Owner: Ann Duffin & Terry Duffin., Bend, OR 977010000. Breeder. Gail Richarson.


a 127 HEYWIHE N WOODWIND'S FUNNY MONEY. SN 48022101. 09-17-97 By Ch ADPG Heywire's EZ Money - Braunellina. Owner: Christine D Buck & Adele D Calimer., Trenton, NJ 08610. Breeder. Angelo D'Arpa. POINTERS (GERMAN ~ 7 DA路LIN'S P ALBE - Ch Dalin's Little Dartin. Kasey Conner & Linda

WIREHAIRED). Futurity, Senior DOllS. BACK. SN 46839319. 05-29-97 By Ripsnorter Makin A Statement Owner: Kasey D & Linda Conner., Phoenix City, AL 36869. Breeder: Conner.

17 CH JAY-MAR'S CINA'S RUNAWAY TRAIN. SN 47355301. 07-24-97 By NFC DC JayMars Blake's Windczar SH - Ch Jay-Mar's Ab's Vina Of Orion JH. Owner: Ron & Chris Kosman & Nickol Litwin., Inver Grove Hgts, MN 55076. Breeder: Nickol Litwin & M Jay Collins. 51 BACKWOODS MILORMORE, SN 45417904. 05-31-97 By Backwoods Flexible Flyer - NAFC FC AFC Breezin' Britta Von Kinni. Owner: Kimberly & Charles Moreman., Waukau, WI 54980. Breeder. Todd & Ellen Manns. ~ 75 AFTERHOURS THORNWOOD GRIFFY. SN 45864312. 07 -14-97 By Ch Afterhours Stormin Norman - Afterhours Foxy Roxy. Owner: Patti Diehl., Dayton, OH 45458. Breeder: Walter & Christine Whitmore & Christi Chism. I/BOSSW 69 AFTERHOURS MAJOR LEAGUE. SN 45864302. 07-14-97 By Ch Alfterhours Stormin Norman路 Afterhours Foxy Roxy. Owner: W & C Whitmore., Medina, OH 44256 . Breeder. Walter & Christine Whitmore & Christie Chism. 109 JAY-MAR'S CINA'S DUSTY DIAMOND JH. SN 47355303. 07-24-97 By NFC DC JayMars Blake's Windczar SH - Ch Jay-Mar's Ab's Vina Of Orion JH. Owner: Ron Beckett & Allison Urban., Pahrump, NV 89041. Breeder: Nickol Vampotic & M Jay Collins. ~ 115 JAY路MAR'S MAGIC ROCKET MAN. SN 47355309. 07-24-97 By NFC DC JayMars Blake's Windczar SH - Ch Jay-Mar's Ab's Vina Of Orion JH. Owner: Donald Magoon & Cathie Magoon., Norco, CA 917602313. Breeder: Nickol Litwin & M Jay Collins. POINTERS







12 RLB'S BLAUERMONDS BELLA MIA. SN 52054902. 01-31-98 By Backwoods Flexible Flyer - Ch Ripsnorter Rib's Samantha. Owner: Stacy E Risler & Mary E Strassman & Robert E Strassman., Colfax, WI 547300000. Breeder: Lois & Roger Bultman. 26 AFTERHOURS SAINT PAULY'S GIRL. SN 51594002.12-05-98 By Afterhours Lover Boy - Ch Afterhours Risky Business JH. Owner: Steven & Cynthia Anderson., Reddick, FL 32686. Breeder: Steven & Christi Chism & Christine Whitmore. (Christi Schoessow-Chism, Agent).



42 WElDEN HUGEL WILD N INNOCENT. SN 51083602. 01-11-98 By Ch Shadra's Otto Von Zamow - Ch Weidenhugel Glory Days. Owner: Patricia F Roberts & Cynthia Stahle., Clifton Springs, NY 14432. Breeder: Patricia F Roberts & Cynthia Stahle. 54 VON DUFFIN'S LADY CHATTER. SN 52117809. 02-25-98 By Ch Rogue Isaac - Ch Von Duffin's Rockland Wags. Owner: Ann Duffin & Terry Duffin., Bend, OR 977018066. Breeder: Ann Duffin & Terry Duffin. ..2. 64 AFTER HOURS AMAZING GRACE. SN 51594001. 12-05-97 By Afterhours Loverboy - Ch After Hours Risky Business JH. Owner: Temple Watson & Christi Chism., Beaufort, SC 29902. Breeder: C Chism & SChism & C Whitmore. 74 BACKWOODS ON-A POINT. SN 54377208. 03-05-98 By Ch Soo Line's Allied Freighter - Wilson's Georgia Peach. Owner: Kimberly Moreman., Waukau, WI 54980. Breeder: Greg Dixon & Ronald E Wilson. 1/BSW 76 LARKSPURS DARKWING TYE DYE. SN 51444207. 01-08-98 By Ch Larkspurs Goodrun of Badluck - Ch RKM's Aranwood Anne Oakley. Owner: Gina McCain & B & S Agland., Eau Claire, MI 49111. Breeder: Gina McCain. 100 BRILLOW'S MIA SPOILED PEACH. SN 54377207.03-05-98 By Ch Soo Line's Allied Freighter - Wilson's Georgia Peach. Owner: Rhonda Amundson & Brian Amundson., Hager City, WI 540148208. Breeder: Greg Dixon & Ronald E Wilson. 120 BACKWOODS HOW NICE. SN 54377210. 03-05-98 By Ch Soo Line's Allied Freighter - Wilson's Georgia Peach. Owner: Greg Dixon & Elizabeth Barrett-Dixon., Spring Valley, WI 547670000. Breeder: Greg Dixon & Ronald E Wilson. ~ 140 WElDEN HUGEL NO SURRENDER. SN 51083601. 01-11-98 By Ch Shadra's Otto Von Zamow - Ch Weidenhugel Glory Days. Owner: Patricia F Roberts & Cindy Stahle., Clifton Springs, NY 14432. Breeder: Patricia F Roberts & Cynthia Stahle. 152 LARKSPURS LILY OF THE VALLEY. SN 51444203. 01-08-98 By Ch Larkspurs Goodrun of Badluck - Ch RKM's Aranwood Anre Oakley. Owner: Gina McCain & Diane Dings., Eua Claire, M149111. Breeder: Gina McCain. POINTERS (GERMAN WIREHAIRED). Futurity, Intermediate Bitches. 10 JED'S BLUSANDS GENUINE RISK. SN 48345203. 09-09-97 By Ch Jed's Silent Polar Express - FCh/AFCh Navaho Sidekick MH. Owner: Edward & Barbara Tucker., Grass Lake, MI 49240. Breeder: Guy Rezzardi. 1. 14 RI-JO'S BREAKIN OUT. SN 46964206. 08-14-97 By Ripsnorter Makin A Statement - Ch Kaizans Give Me A Break. Owner: Rita J Plough & Joel S Plough., Marion, OH 433029420. Breeder: Rita J Plough & Joel S Plough. (Lisa George-Clipse, Agent). 34 LARKSPUR REBECCA OFCOTTONWOOD. SN 47831503. 09-01-97 By Ch Larkspurs Goodrunofbadluck - Arkayem's Classic Snowbyrd. Owner: Heather Box & Gina McCain & Katie Schwer & Shane Box., Kokomo, IN 46902. Breeder: Heather Box & Shane Box. ~ 72 CH RI-JO'S BREAK POINT. SN 46964202. 08-14-97 By Ripsnorter Makin A Statement - Ch Kaizans Give Me A Break. Owner: Rita J Plough & Joel S Plough., Marion, OH 433029420. Breeder: Rita J Plough & Joel S Plough. ~ 102 BLU SAND'S RISING STAR. SN 48345201. 09-09-97 By Ch Jed's Silent Polar Express - DCh/AFCh Navaho Sidekick MH. Owner: Guy & Sandra Rezzardi., Channahon, IL 60410. Breeder: Guy Rezzardi. (Steven Crouch, Agent). ~ 144 COTTONWOOD'S MAKERSAIDTAKEHER. SN 47831507. 09-01-97 By Ch Larkspurs Goodrunofbadluck - Arkayem's Classic Snowbyrd. Owner: Heather Box & Shane Box., Kokomo, IN 46902. Breeder: Heather Box & Shane Box. POINTERS (GERMAN WIREHAIRED). Futurity, Senior Bitches. 20 JERELIN'S JADED DETAILS. SN 43530808. 04-15-97 By DCh/AFCh Dunkees Justa Top Flite MH - Jerelin's Tropical Storm JH. Owner: Linda H Krepak., New Tripoli, PA 18066. Breeder: Linda H Krepak. 30 CH DA-L1N'S P POKE SALLY ANNIE. SN 46839320. 05-29-97 By Ripsnorter Makin A Statement - Ch Dalin's Little Darlin. Owner: Kasey David & Linda Conner., Phenix City, AL 36869. Breeder: Kasey Conner & Linda Conner. ~ 104 AFTERHOURS COVER GIRL. SN 45864303. 07-14-97 By Ch Afterhours Stormin Norman - Afterhours Foxy Roxy. Owner: Christine Whitmore., Medina, OH 442568351. Breeder: Walter & Christine Whitmore & Christi Chism.


116 ANSEL'S BRILLOW ALLY. SN 43237809. 04-07-97 By Ch Soo Line's Allied Freighter - Alison's Meg Of Lakeville. Owner: Rhonda D & Brian W Amundson., Hager City, WI 54014. Breeder: Michael J Edwards.


142 JERELIN'S AFTERNOON DELITE JH. SN 43530807. 04-15-97 By DCh/AFCh Dunkees Justa Top Flite MH - Jerelin's Tropical Storm JH. Owner: Lmda H Krepak., New Tripoli, PA 18066. Breeder: Linda H Krepak. ~ 146 JAY-MARS OUTWEST CZARINA. SN 47355305. 07-24-97 By NFC DC JayMars Blake's Windczar SH - Ch Jay-Mar's Ab's Vina Of Orion JH. Owner: Nickol Litwin & M Jay Collins., Arcadia, CA 91007. Breeder: Nickol Litwin & M Jay Collins. BEST


1/BSW 76 LARKSPURS DARKWING TYE DYE SN 51444207. 01-08-98 By Ch Larkspurs Goodrun of Badluck - Ch RKM's Aranwood Anne Oakley. Owner: Gina McCain & B & S Agland., Eau Claire, MI 49111. Breeder: Gina McCain. BEST



1/BOSSW 89 AFTERHOURS MAJOR LEAGUE SN 45864302. 07-14-97 By Ch Alfterhours Stormin Norman - Afterhours Foxy Roxy. Owner: W & C Whitmore., Medina, OH 44256. Breeder: Walter & Christine Whitmore & Christie Chism.

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(616) 911-5573





entry- Judge




Mr. James

6 to 9 Months SN 53146201.



By Ch Cassio's

Victory Parade - Ch Cassio's Whipped Cream. Owner: Joy S Brewster., Newtown, CT 064701438. Breeder: Joy S Brewster. 2 95 CASSIO'S CLASSIC CAVALIER. SN-53146201. 03-13-98 By Ch Cassio's Victory Parade - Ch Cassio's Whipped Cream. Owner: Joy S Brewster., Newtown, CT 06470. Breeder: Josy S Brewster. (Handler: Joy S Brewster PHA/CPH). ;l. 69 BACKWOODS LINK TO BLAUERMOND. SN 54377205. 03-05-98 By Ch Soo LinesAllied Frieghter - Wilson' Georgia Peach. Owner: Stephanie Scheuermann., Chippewa Falls, WI 54729. Breeder: Greg & Liz Dixon. 1... 85 JUSTA 'NOTHER DAYTONA WIN FOR OJ. SN 53821002. 04-07-98 By DC AFC Dunkee's Justa Top Flite MH - Ch Ruffcut's Justa Southwind JH. Owner: Karen Cowdrey & Bernee Brawn., Vancouver, WA 98686. Breeder: Bernee Brawn. POINTERS (GERMAN WIREHAIRED). PUDDV, 9 to 12 Months Doas. 2 61 AFTERHOURS PICK A WINNER. SN 51594003. 12-05-97 By Afterhours


Ezzo VMD & Bernee Brawn., Richboro, PA 189541801. Breeder: Bernee Brawn. 2 112 BLUELINE CAPTURE THE MAGIC. SN 52627602. 02-14-98 By Ripsnorter's Tail Of Woe-Be - Bi Briare Patch. Owner: Doloris Wells .. Troutville. VA 24175. Breeder:

Reynolds Dogs. 03-13-98



Boy - Ch Afterhours Risky Business JH. Owner: Steve Chism & Christi Schoessow Chism., Reddick, FL 32686. Breeder: Christi Schoessow Chism & Steven Chism & C Whitmor. 99 KAIZANS TWIST'N'SHOUT, SN 50900102.12-26-97 By Ch Fairoaks Timebomb V Wiesen MH - Ch Kaizans Wind'N'Fire. Owner: Keith Nash., Marion, OH 43302. Breeder: Keith Nash & Cris C Nash.


Jeremy R Lambert & Heidi J Rathburn. ~ 12 RLB'S BLAUERMONDS BELLA

MIA. SN 52054902.


By Backwoods

Flexible Flyer - Ch Ripsnorter Rib's Samantha. Owner: Stacy E Risler & Mary E Strassman & Robert E Strassman., Colfax, WI 547300000. Breeder: Lois & Roger Bultman. 54 VON DUFFIN'S LADY CHATTER. SN 52117809. 02-25-98 By Ch Rogue Isaac


- Ch Von Duffin's 977018066.







& Terry Duffin.

Ann Duffin & Terry Duffin.,





Bitches. 12-05-98 By Afterhours

Lover Boy - Ch Afterhours Risky Business JH. Owner: Steven & Cynthia Anderson., Reddick, FL 32686. Breeder: Steven & Christi Chism & Christine Whitmore. (Christi Schoessow-Chism, Agent). 64 AFTERHOURS AMAZING



SN 51594001.12-05-97

By Afterhours

Loverboy - Ch After Hours Risky Business JH. Owner: Temple Watson & Christi Chism., Beaufort, SC 29902. Breeder: C Chism & SChism & C Whitmore. 42 WEIDENHUGEL WILD N INNOCENT. SN 51083602. 01-11-98 By Ch Shadra's Otto Von Zamow - Ch Weidenhugel Glory Days. Owner: Patricia F Roberts & Cynthia Stahle., Clifton Springs, NY 14432. Breeder: Patricia F Roberts & Cynthia Stahle.


POINTERS (GERMAN WIREHAIRED). 12 to 18 Months Bitches. 156 STEPHENS MOLLIE. SN 51388006.10-13-97 By Kaizans Kokojo Thunderhart - Ch Afterhours Amanda. Owner: Dan Stephens., Breeder: Dan Stephens. (Ms. Helen

1. POINTERS (GERMAN WIREHAIRED). 12 to 18 Months Doas. 37 RI-JO'S BREAKIN THE LIMIT. SN 46964204. 08-14-97


By Ripsnorter

Makin A

Statement - Ch Kaizans Give Me A Break. Owner: Rita Plough & Joel S Plough., Marion, OH 433029420. Breeder: Rita J Plough & Joel S Plough. (Lisa George-Clipse, Agent). 2. 75 AFTERHOURS THORNWOOD GRIFFY. SN 45864312. 07-1 :4-97 By Ch Afterhours Stormin Norman - Afterhours Foxy Roxy. Owner: Pani Diehl., Dayton, OH 45458. Breeder: Walter & Christine Whitmore & Christi Chism. ~ 109 JAY-MAR'S CINA'S DUSTY DIAMOND JH. SN 47355303. 07-24-97 By NFC DC Jay-Mars Blake's Windczar SH - Ch Jay-Mar's Ab's Vina Of Orion JH. Owner: Ron Beckett & Allison Urbon., Pahrump, NV 89041. Breeder: Nickol Vampotic & M Jay Collins. 51 BACKWOODS MILORMORE. SN 45417904. 05-31-97 By Backwoods Flexible Flyer - NAFC FC AFC Breezin' Britta Von Kinni. Owner: Kimberly & Charles Moreman., Waukau, WI 54980. Breeder: Todd & Ellen Manns.


George, Agent). 2 102 BLU SAND'S RISING STAR. SN 48345201. 09-09-97 By Ch Jed's Silent Polar Express - DCh/AFCh Navaho Sidekick MH. Owner: Guy & Sandra Rezzardi., Channahon, IL 60410. Breeder: Guy Rezzardi. (Steven Crouch, Agent). ;l. 104 AFTERHOURS COVER GIRL. SN 45864303. 07-14-97 By Ch Afterhours Stormin Norman - Afterhours Foxy Roxy. Owner: Christine Whitmore., Medina, OH 442568351. Breeder: Walter & Christine Whitmore & Christi Chism.


10 JED'S


llWlBW POINTERS (GERMAN WIREHAIRED). Bred bv Exhibitor Dogs. 7 DA-L1N'S P ALBE BACK. SN 46839319. 05-29-97 By Ripsnorter Makin A Statement - Ch Dalin's Little Darlin. Owner: Kasey D & Linda Conner., Phoenix City, AL 36869. Breedlilr: Kasey Conner & Linda Conner. 2. 55 OAKHYLL DESTINY'S SGR PHD. SN 42702901. 02-14-97 By DCh SGR Silent Running MH/CD - Ch Oakhyll Magic's Destiny JH. Owner: L & J Thompson & G Richardson., Athol, MA 01331. Breeder: L Strothman & J Thompson.


POINTERS (GERMAN WIREHAIRED). ODen Doas. 45 FAIROAKS MR SATURDAY NIGHT by Ch Jamars Back in Time x Ch Ripsnorter's Fraulein Heidi Owner Lisa Jaffee Breeder Lisa Jaffe & Helen George & Lisa McMillan 2/R 59 LARKSPURS NOTHIN SHOCKS ME. SN 41060607.12-10-96 ByCh Ripsnorter's It's Showtime - Ch Larkspur Classic Serenade. Owner: Gina McCain., Eau Clair, TN .


~ 19 L1EBENWAID'S INDIANA JONES. SN 22695803. 01-31-95 By Ch Ripsnorter's Thunderhart - Ch Tannenbaum Razz's Jezebel. Owner: Diana L Nordrum & R W Friedell., Saint Paul, MN 551023135. Breeder: Diana L Nordrum. (Helen George, Agent). 1. 35 AFTERHOURS LOVER BOY. SN 34225703. 04-14-96 By Ch Afterhours Stormin Norman - Thronwoods Afterhours Rainy. Owner: Steven& Christi Scheesow Chism & C. Whitmore., Reddick, FL 32686. Breeder: W & C Whitmore & Patricia Diehl. (Christi SChoessow-Chism, Agent). POINTERS




PUDDV, 6 to 9 Months


70 JUSTA ARIEL TOO TUFF TO TAME. SN 53821005. 04-07-98 By DCh AFCh Dunkees Justa Top Flite MH - Ch Ruff Cut's Justa Southwind JH. Owner: Mary Patrice



RISK. SN 48345203.

Polar Express - FChlAFCh Navaho Sidekick MH. Owner: Grass Lake, MI 49240. Breeder: Guy Rezzardi.

09-09-97 By Ch Jed's Silent Edward

& Barbara

(GERMAN WIREHAIRED\. Bred bv Exhibitor Bitches. 76 LARKSPURS DARKWING TYE DYE. SN 51444207.01-08-98

Larkspurs Goodrun of Badluck - Ch RKM's Aranwood Anne Oakley. Owner: & B & S Agland., Eau Claire, M149111. Breeder: Gina McCain. 94 RIPSNORTER'S LOST SHAKER O'SALT. SN 38475505. Riposnorter's Makin A Statement - Ch Ripsnorter's Private Daner. Owner: Clipse., Mt. Vernon, OH 43050. Breeder: Helen George & Patricia Gabriel. ~ 148 JAY-MARS OUTWEST CZARINA. SN 47355305. 07-24-97 By



By Ch

Gina McCain 09-09-96 By Jason & Lisa NFC DC Jay-

Mars Blake's Windczar SH - Ch Jay-Mar's Ab's Vina Of Orion JH. Owner: Nickol Litwin & M Jay Collins .. Arcadia, CA 91007. Breeder: Nickol Litwin & M Jay Collins. 142 JERELIN'S AFTERNOON DELlTE JH. SN 43530807. 04-15-97 By DChlAFCh Dunkees Justa Top Flite MH - Jerelin's Tropical Storm JH. Owner: Linda H Krepak., New Tripoli, PA 18066. Breeder: Linda H Krepak.


POINTERS (GERMAN 152 LARKSPURS Goodrun of Badluck Dings., Eua Claire, MI 2 114 CASSIO'S


WIREHAIRED). American-Bred Bitches. L1LYOFTHE VALLEY. SN 51444203. 01-08-98 By Ch Larkspurs Ch RKM's Aranwood Anre Oakley. Owner: Gina McCain & Diane 49111. Breeder: Gina McCain. BLOSSOM DELIGHT. SN 28556508. 09-14-95 By Ch Cassio's

Victory Parade - Ch Cassio's Zaney Thistle. Owner: Joy S Brewster., Newton, CT 06470. Breeder: Joy Brewster. 34 LARKSPUR REBECCA OFCOTTONWOOD. SN 47831503. 09-01-97 By Ch Larkspurs Goodrunofbadluck - Arkayem's Classic Snowbyrd. Owner: Heather Box & Gina McCain & Katie Schwer & Shane Box., Kokomo, IN 46902. Breeder: Heather Box & Shane Box.







SN 09597301.


By Ch Mirwan A

POINTERS (GERMAN WIREHAIRED\. Veteran Bitches. 24 CH RIPSNORTER'S DIE ZAUBERFLOTE JH. SF 287756. 06-14-88 By Ch Tidewater's Valentino - Ch Brierpatch Ripsnorter Gal. Owner: Patricia M Ranker & Larry Ranker., Genoa City, WI 53128. Breeder: Jeffrey & Helen George.


Rainbow Chaser - Ch Mirwan Sophisticate. Owner: Tommy & Nina L Cagle., Pryor, OK 743619409. Breeder: 0 Culbreth & Pat Hopkins & C L Eady. POINTERS (GERMAN WIREHAIRED). aDen Bitches. lIR 136 FAIROAKS CALIFORNIA DREAMIN'. SN 32570802. 03-18-96 By Ch James Back In Time - Ch npsnorter's Fraulein Heidi. Owner: Marilyn Powell Billie Hayes., Phoenis, /\Z. 85022. Breeder: Lisa Jaffe & Helen George & Lisa McMillan £. 60 CASSia'S ANNIE OAKLEY. SN 27991701. 06-15-95 By Cassio's Whipped Topping - Ch Cassio's Miss Universe. Owner: Joy S Brewster., Newtown, CT 06470. Breeder: Joy S Brewster. (Ms Juli Lacey Ames, Agent). ~ 48 AFTERHOURS-K-S-TZARR-VARGA. SN 40821210. 01-01-97 By Ch Afterhours Stormin Norman -Afterhours Foxy Roxy. Owner: Christine Whitmore., Medina, OH 44256. Breeder: Walter & Christine Whitmore.




SN 47232002.


Greenflats Alicia. Owner: Evelyn Mawacke., Welcome, H Kroder. (Handler: Sue Whaley PHA/CPH).

Best of Breed

By Kettle Creek's Moe MH -

MD 206933118.



123 CH WILDEFIRE'S BENTLEY. SN 36486709. 07-08-96 By Ch Ripsnorter Ka-Lins Wild Heart - Tina V Wachtersbach. Dog. Owner: Terrence Boldin., Aipharetta, GA 30005. Breeder: Kathryn A Engle. (Handler: Greg Myers DHG). Best Of ODDosite 98 CH LARKSPURS COUNTRY CLASSIC. SN 07710707. 04-17-93 By Ch Larkspur's Cruisin Ciassic - Ch RKM's Aranwood Anne Oakley. Bitch. Owner: Gina McCain., Eau Claire, M1491119421. Breeder: Gina McCain & Kathryn Schwer. (Ms Lisa Ann Bruzzone, Agent) Best of Winners 1fW/BW 76 LARKSPURS DARKWINGTYE DYE. SN 51444207. 01-08-98 ByCh Larkspurs Goodrun of Badiuck - Ch RKM's Aranwood

POINTERS (GERMAN WIREHAIRED). Veteran Doas. 93 CH CASSia'S VICTORY PARADE. SF 818635. 10-11-89 By Ch J And J Show An Tell JH - Ch Cassio Laurwyn's Ginger Cake. Owner: Joy S Brewster., Newtown, CT 06470. Breeder: Joy S Brewster. (Handler: Joy S Brewster PHA/CPH).


Chari ottsville-Albemarle KC - Sunday GWPCA Supported Entry JUDGE: Mr. J. Council Parker

~ 44 AFTERHOURS AMAZING GRACE. SN 51594001. 12-05-97 By Afterhours Loverboy - Ch After Hours Risky Business JH. Owner: Temple Watson & Christi Chism., Beaufort, SC 29902. Breeder: C Chism & SChism & C Whitmore.


Dunkee's Justa Top Rite MH - Ch Ruffcut's Justa Southwind JH. Owner: Karen Cowdrey Bernee Bra~m., Vancouver, WA 98686. Breeder: Bernee Brawn. (Laura Reeves, Agent)



WIREHAIRED). PUDDV. 9 to 12 Months Dogs. PICK A WINNER. SN 51594003. 12-05-97 By Afterhours Lover Boy ChAfterhours Risky Business JH. Owner: Steve Chism & Christi Schoessow Chism., Reddick, FL 32686. Breeder: Christi Schoessow Chism & Steven Chism & C Whitmor.


POINTERS (GERMAN WIREHAIRED). 12 to 18 Months Doas. 1/R 15 AFTEHHOURS MAJOR LEAGUE. SN 45864302. 07-14-97 Storm in Norman - Afterhours Foxy Roxy. Owner: W & C Whitmore., Breeder: Walter & Christine Whitmore & Christie Chism.

By Ch Alfterhours Medina,

OH 44256.

~ 39 JAY-MAR'S MAGIC ROCKET MAN:SN 47355309. 07-24-97 By NFC DC Jay-Mars Blake's Windczar SH - Ch Jay-Mar's Ab's Vina Of Orion JH. Owner: Donald Magoon & Cathie Magoon .. Norco, CA 917602313. Breeder: Nickol Litwin & M Jay Collins. POINTERS 1f1NfBW





ME. SN 41060607.12-10-96

By Ch

Ripsnorter's It's Showtime - Ch Larkspur Classic Serenade. Owner: Gina McCain., Eau Clair, TN . Breeder: Gina McCain. £. 65 LIEBENWAID'S INDIANA JONES. SN 22695803. 01-31-95 By Ch Ripsnorter's Thunderhart - Ch Tannenbaum Razz's Jezebel. Owner: Diana L Nordrum & R W Friedell., Saint Paul, MN 551023135. Breeder: Diana L Nordrum. (Helen George, Agent). 67 HAAR BARON'S HERR SCHMARDT. SN 25578806. 05-06-95 By Ch Haar Baron's


Casey JH - Ch Navaho Unexpected. Owner: Janet A Fast & Genevieve Capstaff., Warsaw, VA 22572. Breeder: Janet A Fast. (Mrs 0 Lynn Baker, Agent). 1... 51 LARKSPURS GREGARIOUS GUSTAF. SN 41060602.12-10-96 By Ch Ripsnorter's It's Showtime - Ch Larkspur Classic Serenade. Owner: Gina McCain & Jim & Michelle Boyd., Greenville,

POINTERS (GERMAN WIREHAIRED). 12 to 18 Months Bitches. 46 STEPHENS MOLLIE. SN 51388006. 10-13-97 By Kaizans Kokojo Thunderhart - Ch Afterhours Amanda. Owner: Dan Stephens., Delaware, OH 43015. Breeder: Dan


Stephens. (Ms. Helen George, Agent). £. 14AFTERHOURS COVER GIRL. SN 45864303. 07-14-97 By ChAfterhours Stormin Norman - Afterhours Foxy Roxy. Owner: Christine Whitmore., Medina, OH 442568351. Breeder: Walter & Christine Whitmore & Christi Chism.





SN 47831503.

Larkspurs Goodrunofbadluck - Arkayem's Classic Snowbyrd. Eau Claire, MI 49111. Breeder: Heather Box & Shane Box.


By Ch

Owner: Kathryn Schwer.,

POINTERS (GERMAN WIREHAIRED). Bred bv Exhibitor Bitches. 1fW 40 BLUELINE LITTLE BIT 0' CLASS. SN 52627612. 02-14-98 By Ripsnorters Tail Of Woe-Be - Bl Briare Patch. Owner: Jeremy R Lambert & Heidi J Rathburn., Waxhaw, NC 28173. Breeder: Jeremy R Lambert & Heidi J Rathburn. 2/R 82 RIPSNORTER'S LOST SHAKER O'SALT. SN 38475505. 09-09-96 By Riposnorter's Makin A Statement - Ch Ripsnorter's Private Daner. Owner: Jason & Lisa Clipse., Mt. Vernon, OH 43050. Breeder: Helen George & Patricia Gabriel.~ 56 COTTONWOOD'S MAKERSAIDTAKEHER. SN 47831507. 09-01-97 By Ch Larkspurs Goodrunofbadluck - Arkayem's Classic Snowbyrd. Owner: Heather Box & Shane Box., Kokomo, IN 46902. Breeder: Heather Box & Shane Box. ~ 34 EBBTIDE BAYCREST SPRINGTIME. SN 34968406. 04-30-96 By DCh/AFCh Dunkees Justa Top Flite MH - Ch Ebbtide Summer Breeze JH. Owner: Shyla 0 Gunther & Edward J Gunther., Erie, PA 16507. Breeder: Shyla 0 Gunther & Garnett P Persinger.



Anne Oakley. Owner: Gina McCain & B

Gina McCain.


POINTERS (GERMAN WIREHAIRED). PUDDV. 6 to 9 Months Doas. 1. 31 CASSia'S CLASSIC CAVALIER. SN 53146202. 03-13-98 By Ch Cassio's Victory Parade - Ch Cassio's Whipped Cream. Owner: Joy S Brewster., Newtown, CT 064701438. Breeder: Joy S Brewster. (Handler: Joy S Brewster PHA/CPH). 29 CASSIO'S CLASSIC COMMANDER. SN 53146201. 03-13-98 By Ch Cassio's Victory Parade - Ch Cassio's Whipped Cream. Owner: Joy S Brewster., Newtown, CT 064701438. Breeder: Joy S Brewster. (Handler: Joy S Brewster PHA/CPH). ~ 47 JUSTA 'NOTHER DAYTONA WIN FOR OJ. SN 53821002. 04-07-98 By DC AFC


& S Agland., Eau Claire, MI 49111. Breeder:

IL 62246. Breeder: Gina McCain.

POINTERS (GERMAN WIREHAIRED). PUDDV. 6 to 9 Months Bitches. 32 BLUELINE CAPTURE THE MAGIC. SN 52627602. 02-14-98 By Ripsnorter's Tail Of Woe-Be - Bi Bnare Patch. Owner: Doloris Wells., Troutville, VA 24175. Breeder: Jeremy R Lambert & Heidi J Rathbum.


~ 24 JUSTA ARIEL TOO TUFF TO TAME. SN 53821005.04-07-98 By DC AFC Dunkees Justa Top Flite MH - Ch Ruff Cut's Justa Southwind JH. Owner: Mary Patrice Ezzo VMD & Bernee Brawn., Richboro, PA 189541801. Breeder: Bernee Brawn. ;L 16 CASSIO'S CLASSIC TRADITION. SN 53146203. 03-13-98 By Ch Cassio's Victory Parade - Ch Cassio's Whipped Cream. Owner: Bruce KRoss & Joy S. Brewster., Groton, NY 130739462. Breeder: Joy S Brewster. 50 SHYDAL'S JUSTA FIRE KRACKER. SN 53821008. 04-07-98 By DCAFC Dunkees Justa Top Flite MH - Ch Ruff Cut's Justa Southwind JH. Owner: Jo Mouiton., L6S 3B1, CN . Breeder: Bemee Brawn.


POINTERS (GERMAN WIREHAIRED). American-Bred Bitches. 1. 22 LARKSPURS LILY OFTHE VALLEY. SN 51444203. 01-08-98 By Ch Larkspurs Goodrun of Badluck - Ch RKM's Aranwood Anre Oakley. Owner: Gina McCain & Diane Dings., Eua Claire, MI 49111. Breeder: Gina McCain. POINTERS (GERMAN WIREHAIRED). ODen Bitches. 10 AFTERHOURS-K-S-TZARR-VARGA. SN 40821210.01-01-97 By Ch Afterhours Stormin Norman - Afterhours Foxy Roxy. Owner: Christine Whitmore., Medina, OH 44256. Breeder: Walter & Christine Whitmore. ~ 52 BANRION'S MORGAN OF WILDEFIRE. SN 36486703. 07-08-96 By Ch Ripsnorter Ka-Lins Wild Hart - Tina V Wachtersbach. Owner: Margaret L Harris & Kathryn A Engle., Phenix City, AL 36870. Breeder: Kathryn A Engle. ;L 54 GREENFLATS CRYSTAL. SN 47232002. 07-07-97 By Kettle Creek's Moe MH - Greenflats Alicia. Owner: Evelyn Mawacke., Welcome, MD 20693. Breeder: Robert H Kroder. (Handler: Sue Whaley PHA/CPH). 38 FAIROAKS CALIFORNIA DREAMIN'. SN 32570802. 03-18-96 By Ch James Back In Time - Ch ripsnorter's Fraulein Heidi. Owner: Marilyn Powell Billie Hayes., Phoenis, AZ 85022. Breeder: Lisa Jaffe & Helen George & Lisa McMillan.



Best of Breed ComDetition. BOB



IT. SN 15148903. 03-19-94 By

Ch Jamar's Back In Time - Ch Jay Mars Weisen Rite On Target SH. Bitch. Owner: Lisa Jaffe & Lisa McMillan., Rowland Heights, CA 91748. Breeder: L Jaffe & N Vanpotic. (Helen Hatton, Agent)


POINTERS (GERMAN WIREHAIRED). PUDDV. 9 to 12 Months Bitches. 1.. 28 AFTERHOURS SAINT PAULEY'S GIRL. SN 51594002.12-05-97 By Afterhours Lover Boy - Ch Afterhours Risky Business JH. Owner: Steven & Cynthia Anderson., Reddick, FL 32686. Breeder: Steven & Christi Chism & Christine Whitmore. (Christi SchoessowChism, Agent).

69 CH WILDEFIRE'S BENTLEY. SN 36486709. 07-08-96 By Ch Ripsnorter Ka-Lins Wild Heart - Tina V Wachtersbach. Dog. Owner: Terrence Boldin., Alpharetta, GA 30005. Breeder: Kathryn A Engle. (Handler: Greg Myers DHG)

Best of Winners 1f1NfBW




'98 National Specialty



October 26, 1998.

I can't think of any greater honor for a breeder, than to be asked to judge the National Specialty for your chosen breed. It was a most wonderful experience. I have to say, I absolutely enjoyed and was greatly impressed by the quality and number of the entries, both in the Puppy Sweeps and the Veteran Sweeps. But first, I'd like to thank Judy Chesire, Bernee Brawn, Mal Decker, and all the Officers and Members of the Deleware Valley German Wirehaired Pointer Club who hosted the National Specialty and the Officers and Members of the German Wirehaired Pointer Club of America for the opportunity to judge the National Specialty Sweepstakes on October 26, 1998. A special word of thanks to my very capable ring steward, Mr. Jerry Clark. Jerry was so efficient in getting the classes in and out, helping keep track of absences, and the basic running of the ring that he should open a ring stewarding school. I can count on less than two hands the ring stewards that I've seen in the last 20 years that have that level of efficiency. Not to mention the fact that he kept me relaxed and laughing with his wonderful sense of humor! Also a special thank you to Garnett Persinger (whom Judy must have hired to keep me away from everyone else before I judged). She kept me sane and was kind enough to be the only GWP person I could park with at the shows, She chose not to show to me, so she could play watchdog, driver, and saver of great parking for the Judge. Since, I'm offering words of thanks, I'd also like to thank the members of the field trial committee for making my time after the Specialty so enjoyable. Unfortunately, this year, I was only able to spend one extra day at the trial, as I had to be in Knoxville, Tennessee by Wed. night for a weekend of shows. (U nlike last year, where I got to spend 3 extra days) A special thanks to Ann and Terry Duffin who once again allowed me the use of "Blue" to ride a few of the braces on Tuesday. Also a thank you to two delightful and absolutely hillarious women, Rhonda Amundson and Stephanie Scheuermann, who rode out with me and offered a critique of my riding skills ( or lack there of ) and all of the advice that I could handle to keep me from ending up on my behind in the bird field. Yes folks, once again, yours truely, was up on horseback at a National Specialty, and it was the first

time since the National in Washington, so I was a little more than rusty. Remember, I handle dogs, not horses! As for comments about the dogs that I judged, I'm going to generalize rather than be extremely specific, So here goes . Coats: Coats have come a long way in the last several years. There was a very large number of good coated animals, very few open or loose coats, and very few sparsely coated dogs. Given the large number of the entry and the wonderful representation from some of the various field lines, I found an amazing number of really good coats. Heads: Over the past several years , heads have become much more consistant in this breed. There are still a few extremes, but for the most part, it was easy to find pleasing heads (that say GWP) in any of the classes I judged. Parallel head planes were the norm, although I still saw a few snipey muzzles and some downfaced animals. Eyes: The breed still seems to be having a problem with eye color. There were very few really dark eyes, a large amount of medium colored, and more light eyes than I would really like to see. Eye shape, for the most part was good, in general. Bites: I found very few even bites, and only one or two undershot mouths ( and those, only with one or two teeth out of alignment. I did find a few "wry" bites, and some misaligned teeth but very few. Shoulders and Fronts: I really believe the breed still has a problem with fronts. I found a great deal of animals with either straight shoulders, or straight upper arms and many animals who were lacking forechest

in and or

depth of chest. Really good fronts and forechest don't yet appear to be the rule of thumb in German Wires yet. I found some, and rewarded them accordingly.

Toplines: In general. ....most of the toplines were solid, with very few soft backs, or roach backs. There were many animals that tended towards a steeper croup, with a slightly lower tail set giving the appearance of rumpiness. Tails and Tailsets: Most tail carriages were very good. There was a tendancy in some to have a gay tail carriage (almost 12 oclock, in fact) but as a whole, those were the exception rather than the rule. There were a few overly long tails and a few overly short both of which tended to attract from the appearance of the total dog.

ful outline. Her color and markings were quite flashy. She was very similar in structure to the male with a touch shorter back. She was quite feminine and a very pretty bitch. I would also like to mention my 9-12 bitch, Larksprus Darkwing Tyedye. She was just lovely. Very extreme with lots of angles, yet still clean on the up and back and tremendous on the go arounds. Unfortunately, she had had enough by the time she entered my Best in Sweeps ring and just would not put out for her handler.

Veteran Sweeps I was greatly honored and deeply touched at the quality and number of

Hindquarters: Again, as with the shoulder assemblies, GWP's seem to still have a

Champion veterans in the Veteran

problem with strong rears. While I

Sweeps. Judging there was made more difficult

found lots of good ones, and a few exceptional ones, the number of weak

by the fact that I knew most of those veterans on

rears, or rears that were cowhocked , or rears where the

sight. Oddly enough adog that I really didnt recall

angles didn't match t;le fronts were of a much higher number than I expected to find. Movement: Those of you who watched, probably figu red out that I placed a lot of emphasis on movement. A dog who can come and go cleanly is very important to me and I found several. In fact in some classes, I found several. But I also was looking for dogs with balanced side movement. Clean coming and going with maximum reach and drive is a very hard combination to put together. But when my class winners came back in for Best in Sweeps, every one moved like that. It was a real pleasure to watch. Some Comments on my Best and Best Opposites: Afterhours Major League, whom I put up for Best in Sweeps had a wonderful front assembly and used it extremely well. He was not only exceptionally clean coming at you but had a great deal of reach on the go arounds. His rear was nicely balanced to the front, with an almost level hip. He was extremely clean and powerful on the go away and had strong drive to match the front reach on the go arounds. His movement was extremely powerful and efficient. His back was of good length and he carried it in a very solid manner. Set up , he presented a good picture of German Wirehair type. He embodied very good substance, and was definately masculine without appearing clumsy or heavy. My Best of Opposite was Stephens Mollie. She also was very clean on the come and go, but a little more moderate in reach and drive than the aformentioned male. She presented a wonder-

seeing before was my Best Veteran, Ch. Cassio's Victory Parade. He had an exceptional front, very smooth, clean shoulders, and a wonderful topline. head

His was

very elegant, and yet it was still all male. He was in wonderful coat condition, and great muscle tone. For Best of Opposite, I chose Ch. Ripsnorter's Die Zauberflote JH. A lovely feminine bitch of good type. She still had wonderful movement and was in fabulous condition. It was hard to believe she was over 10 years old. She also was in great coat condition, and was extemely clean on the up and back. A Final Note in Passing . While I was deeply honored by both the number and quality of my entry, I missed one thing especially at these nationals I didnt get to spend enough time with several of myoid freinds in the breed. The hardest part of judging on the last day of the weekend is the fact that I really never got to spend much time talking to most of you whom I have come to know and respect in German Wires. I never got to "park" with the Wire people, and except for the dinner meeting on Sunday evening, hardly got to see anyone before the day of the National. My apologies to all of you whom I may not have seen or had the time to talk dogs and friendships with. There will be other National weekends, in the future, and I look forward to seeing you all again.

Puppy Sweepstakes Judge: Mr. Robert Perry 21 Dogs- 30 Bitches 6- 9 Docs (12) 1. Cassio's Classic Cavalier- Breeder/Owner: x Ch Cassio's Whipped Cream

Joy Brewster

By Ch Cassio's

Victory Parade

2. Backwoods Link to BlauermondBreeder: Greg & Liz Dixon By Ch Soo Lines Allied Freighter x Wilsons Goergia Peach Owner: Stephanie Scheurmann 3. Blueline With A Twist -Breeder: J Lambert & H Rathburn By Ripsnorters Tail of Woe Be x BL Briare Patch Owner: Lynn Rowell 4. Justa Nother Daytona Win For DJ- Breeder: Bernf3e Brawn By DC AFC Dunkees Justa Top Flite MH x Ch Ruffcuts Justa Southwind JH Owner: Karen Chowdrey & Bernee Brawn 9-12 months (3) 1. Darling's Turbo- Breeder: Mary Darling & Julie Richards By DC AFC Cascade Ike MH x Darling Autumn JH Owner: Mary Darling 2. Kaizan's Twist N Shout- Breeder/Owner: Keith Nash By Ch Fairoaks Timebomb V Wiesen MH x Ch Kaizan's Wind N Fire 3. Afterhours

Pick A Winner-

Boy x Ch Afterhours


Steve & Christi Chism By Afterhours


Risky Business JH CGC

15-18 months (6) 1. Afterhours Major Leaque -Breeder/Owner Stormin Norman x Afterhours Foxy Roxy 2. Ch Jay Mars Cina's Runaway Train- Breeder: Nickol Litwin & M Jay Collins By DC NFC Jay Mars Blakes Windczar SH x Ch Jay Mar'sAB's Vina of Orion SH Owner: Ron & Chris Kosman & Nickol Litwin

:Walt & Christine


Bitches 6-9 months (13) 1. Blueline Little Bit O'ClassBreeder/Owner: Jeremy Lambert & Heidi Rathburn By Ripsnorters Tail of Woe Be x BL Briare Patch 2. Justa Ariel Too Tuff To Tame- Breeder: Bernee Brawn By DC AFC Dunkees Justa Top Flite MH x Ch Ruffcuts Justa Southwind JH Owners: Mary Patrice Ezzo DVM & Bernee Brawn 3. RLB's Blauermonds Bella Mia Breeder: Roger & Lois Bultman By Backwoods Flexible Flyer x Ch Ripsnorters RLB Samantha Owner: Stacy Risler & Robert & Mary Strassman 4. Txwyr's Dan's In Trouble- Breeder: Terry Woodfin By DC AFC Cascade Ike MH x Ch Txwyrs Gizmo Von Cibolo Owner Daniel Kainer 9-12 months (6) 1. Stephens MollieAfterhours Amanda


Stephens .

By Kaizan's

Kokojo Thunderhart

x Ch

2. Blu Sand's Rising Star- Breeder: Guy Rezzardi By Ch Jed's Silent Polar Express x DC AFC Navaho Sidekick MH Owner: Guy & Sandra Rezzardi 3. Gavic Darling's English Gem- Breeder: P & G Robinson by Black Prince x Femke's Footsteps Jewel Owner: Mary Darling 4. Larkspur's Rebecca of Cottonwood Breeder: Heather & Shane Box By Ch Larkspur's Goodrunofbadluck x Arkayem's Classic Snowbird Owner: Kathryn Schwer

By Ch Afterhours 15 to 18 months

(4) 1. Ch Da-Lins P Poke Sally Annie Breeder/Owners: By Ripsnorter Makin A Statement x Ch Da-Lin's Little Darlin Owner: Kasey David & Linda Conner 2. Afterhours Cover Girl- Breeder: Walt & Christine Whitmore & Christi Chism By Ch Afterhours Stormin Norman x

3. Jay Mar's Magic Rocket ManBreeder: Nickol Litwin & M Jay Collins by DC NFC Jay Mars Blakes Windczar SH x Ch Jay Mar's AB's Vino of Orion JH Owner: Don & Cathie Magoon . 4. Afterhours Thronwood GriffyBreeder: Walt & Christine Whitmore &

Afterhours Whitmore

Foxy Roxy Owner: Christine

3. Greeflats Crystal- Breeder: Robert Kroder By Kettle Creek's Moe MH x Greeflats Alicia Owner Evelyn Mawacke 4. Jay Mars Outwest Czarina- Breeder/ Owner: Nickol Litwin & M Jay Collins By DC NFC Jay Mar's Blakes Windczar SH x Ch Jay Mar's AB's Vino of Orion SH

C Chism By Ch Afterhours Stormin Norman x Afterhours Foxy Roxy Owner: Patti Diehl Best

In Sweeps






of Opposite Stephens

(15-18 months Dogs)

($144.00) Mollie

(12-15 months bitches)

Veteran Sweepstakes Judge

Mr Robert

5 Dogs7-10 Yr Docs (4) 1. Ch Cassio's Victory

Parade Breeder/Owner

Joy Brewster

By Ch J andJ Show and Tell JH x Ch Cassio Laurwyn's Cake


2. DC AFC Dunkees Justa Top Flite MH Breeder Bernee Brawn By DC AFC Dunkees Justa Hole N One CD MH x Sure Shot's Justa Racie Lacie JH Owner: Bernee Brawn and Dr Francis Sakiey 3. Ch Weidenhugel Jersey Von Nico JH Breeder: Revell By Nico VD Bemmeraue x Ch Weidenhugel Quincy Owner Patricia F Roberts 4. Ch Shurcan's Finders Keepers Breeder: Barbaaa and Judity Cheshire By DC Cascade Rogue MH c Ch Laurwyn's bacon Burger Owner Sheri Graner Ray 10 vrs and over(1)

Mildred Yena V Halligan Shurcan

1. Ch Thornwoods True Grit Breeder Patricia & Barry Diehl By Ch Shurcan Baron of Afterhours x Ch Chancelors Desert Brease CD Owner Patricia Diehl


In Veteran



13 Bitches

7-10 Yrs Bitches (9) 1. Ch Wyrebrand Darling Coco Breeder Jean & Fred Renner by Ch Afterhours Wyr'n Bo Jest x Ch Wyr'n Ladyluv of Golden PI. Owner Mary Darling 2. Ch Afterhours Private Number Breeder Walt &

10 Yrs and over (4) 1. Ch Ripsnorter's Die Zauberflote JH Breeder Jeffery & Helen George By Ch Tidewaters Valentiono Owner: Pat Ranker

Christine Whitmore & Christi Chism By Afterhours Robin Chaser x Ch Afterhours Sprit of Shurcan Owner Christine Whitmore & Franz Neuwirth

Halligan & Judy Cheshire By Ch Geronimos Flying Warrior x Ch Shurcan Laurwyn's Bacon Burger 0: Judy Cheshire

3. Ch Shurcan Potogold Sheza McRae CD JH Breeder BArbara Halligan & Judith Cheshire By DC Cascade Rogue MH x Ch Shurcan Laurwyn's Bacon Burger Owner Danielle McCallum

3. Ch Cascade

4. Ch Ripsnorters Afarrah The Hart CGC Breeder:Helen George & Linda Yetter ch Ch Windhaves Stutzer Stumper x Larksput Matchwood Mega Owner Lisa & Helen George

2. Ch Shurcan's

Duffin By DC 4. Ch Johmar Johmar Justin Jr & Christine



Cate Von Duffin

JH B: Barbara

MH B/O: Terry and Ann

Cascade Rogue MH x Muffin Von Duffin Lady B Good JH B: Heidi Johnson By Ch Tymex Johmar Cheyenne 0: William Buck Buck


of Opposite


Ch Ripsnorter's Die Zauberflote


($60.00) Ch Cassio's



'98 Nationals stride that the dog that won the class did, but this is a dark eyed dog with a handsome head.

Regular Classes

Today is Monday, October 26, 1998 and we are at the 39th German Wirehaired Pointer Specialty Show. We are at the Phelps Wildlife Management Area in Summerduck, Virginia. There is an entry of 171 dogs. I will be making remarks in every class 1 through 4, plus further discussions of the Best of Breed, Best of Opposite Sex, Best of Winners and the Awards of Merit. I am really looking forward to today. It is 8:45 a.m. There are 3 Junior Showmanship, and then at 9:00 a.m. we will start with the main specialty show. The weather is absolutely magnificent. It is cool with promise of getting up to 70 degrees during the day. We are way out in the country. It is a very beautiful countryside, typical rolling Virginia hillsides with all shades of green and the autumn leaves changing. It's truly a beautiful site; we have a nice tent, a big ring and I am really looking forward to today. My stewards are Karen Stozick and Ellen Grevatt.

The third dog is a dog well prepared for the ring. His coat is in lovely shape. He is beautifully trained, but here again too short and cannot take the stride. The two placed above him had the advantage in their fronts being back under them where they belonged and a better lay-back of shoulder.

12 to 18 Months Dogs There are 9 in this class with 2 absentees.

Puppy. 6 to 9 Months Dogs There are 15 entered with 3 absentees.

First in this class to

a puppy well off for balance and proportion. He takes a lovely long stride, quite sound coming and going with a decent head, eye and expression. I wish that I was seeing a little bit darker eyes in the breed as they have been presented to me in the first class, but this is a puppy with a lot going for him. He carries a lovely topline from the side and covers ground easily. Second and third, I wouldn't be surprised if they were brothers. They have a lot to offer. They are quite sound, quite hard coated, decent balance and proportion. They are a little prouder of their tails than I really like to see in the breed, but their shoulders are good and they move well. They are a nice pair of dogs. The fourth puppy a little different type, he's longer than the three placed ahead of him, but fits the standard. He takes a lovely long stride. He is a good shouldered dog with good planes to his head. It was an interesting first class to judge.

Puppy 9 to 12 Months Dogs There are 3 in this class, and they are all here. This class has been won by a lightly marked dog just under a year of age. He is more of the proportion called for in the standard, being slightly longer than tall. The dog has a beautiful shoulder, beautiful return of forearm, handsome head and good planes on his head. He takes a long ground-covering stride; really flows over the ground, and he's in hard coat. Second to a darker marked dog. This dog is a little short in coat, but the coat that he has is very harsh and strong. Because I think he's a little too short, he cannot take the

This class is won

by a well marked Wirehaired Pointer. This is a dog of the proper scope in my opinion, balance and proportion, takes a long, lovely stride. He is skinny, but he is at that age when many male dogs are skinny. He never put a foot wrong, lovely planes of his top skull and foreface, well set and well carried tail - good coat and texture. Second, to a dog very similiar in make, shape and stamp. This dog's coat was in lovely shape and his muscle was in lovely shape. He's not used to going on a lead correctly at all times, but he's a dog with use. He's in magnificent condition, and when we finally got through to him ,did take the proper stride and carried a topline. But the dog that won the class had the clear advantage in being very smooth, very controlled and very sure of himself. Fourth, to a brighter marked dog. The two dogs above him were better in balance and proportion and proportion of bone to size. Here is a dog that moves well and naturally. The fourth dog is a very typical Wirehair. The three placed above him had advantage in a little better front construction and full mouths. I have already given out the ribbons and have been informed that the first and second are full brothers.

Bred By Exhibitor Dogs There are four entered and 2 are absent. First in this class is a handsome, good going, good moving, good ground covering dog in lovely muscle and condition and in good coat condition. He covers ground easily and keeps a proper topline as he goes. He is good behind. It was a hungry knife that got his tail. He is a very short-tailed dog, which doesn't bother his field ability, but certainly makes him not have that nice appendage that we like to see on the end of our German Wirehairs. The second dog is a very handsome dog. He's a little rough and raw boned at this particular point and time and doesn't quite know what the inside of a dog show ring is like. He is a lovely size with a good quality of coat. The dog that won the class had the advantage in ability to use his legs in a hunting dog manner.

Open Dogs There are 12 entered with 1 Move-Up and the rest are present. There was a puzzlement in this class, as the dog that stands in second is a dog of lovely type and in beautiful condition. He has been well prepared for this dog show. He is in beautiful body weight, his coat's in perfect shape. But the dog that won the class, I think is more correct in balance and proportion than the dog that is second. I preferred the balance of bone to size and return of forearm on the winning dog. He takes a nice long stride. He keeps a lovely topline. His tail is in the proper place; he carries it off the level of his back. He looks very well going around the ring and he has good planes of head and a dark eye. The third dog is a handsome dog. Once again beautifully prepared for the show ring. He may be a little shorter than I want. The

looks very well from the side. She's not bodied up or bodied out yet, but she's quite sound and will improve with age. The fourth bitch is white with liver markings of course, not the use of her legs or her topline on the move of the 3 that placed above her.

12 to 18 Months Bitches There are 7 entered and all present. This class has been won by a nicely made bitch, who takes a free stride, keeps a proper topline , correct set and carriage of her tail. This bitch is in good coat and good muscle, and has nice planes to her head. The second bitch is a whiter bitch. This bitch has a lot to offer. She's got a lovely dark eye and a lovely attitude. The bitch that won the class is more correct in the set and carriage of her tail. The third bitch is

other two dogs were a little better in shoulder lay-back. This dog's outline would be improved if he was not quite so proud of his tail. Here is another dog with a lovely colored eye. The fourth dog is a very immature dog, but deserved his place in the ring. I think he has a lot to go on. He takes a long, lovely stride. He is not a big dog. His best days are ahead of him.

similiar in many respects to the bitch that won the class. She is just a little looser and hasn't come together yet. The fourth bitch, somewhat similiar to the bitch that was second. This bitch is immature, but sound on the move and in nice condition.

Winners Dog Two handsome dogs for Winners and Reserve. The winner coming from the 12 to 18 class and the reserve coming from the Open Dog class. What decided between the two was a slightly better balance and proportion of the winning dog plus his hard coat, his hard condition and his ability to take a long, lovely stride without dipping, weaving or losing his topline or his correct tail carriage.

Puppy. 6 to 9 Months Bitches There is 1 absentee in this class. Now everybody is going to think that I am color blind, because the first three in this class are the lighter colored ones, all just about 6 months old. The bitch that won the class won it on her balance and proportion, and her ability to take a stride, come and go quite soundly, lovely shoulder, a very attractive head, eye and ear and her topline. She had the advantage over the second place bitch on the set and carriage of her tail and a little bit more positive in front. The third bitch, very similiar in make, shape and stamp. The two bitches placed ahead of her had the advantage in carriage of tail, out rather than up. The fourth bitch is a darkly marked bitch, very well of for her ability to take a stride from the side. This bitch is going to be a late maturer. I would love to see her a little later on. I think she is going to make a very handsome bitch.

9 to 12 Months Bitches There are 4 entered in this class and all present. A lovely, tall, well proportioned bitch has won this class. She is in very lovely condition. When she settles into her stride she takes a gorgeous long ground covering stride, and she's very sound coming and going with a very well placed and carried tail. The second bitch is very similiar. The bitch that won the class was just a little bit more positive in all of her attributes than the second bitch, but they are very similiar. The third bitch is young, just nine months of age. She

Bred By Exhibitor Bitches tered

There are 11 enand there is 1

move up and 1 absent. A lovely class won by this 10 month old beautiful puppy bitch that stands in first. She has proper balance and proportion, beautiful bone substance, well placed and well carried tail. She has a lovely head and eye and is presented in gleaming condition. She has a hard coat and just a lovely bitch. Second to a bitch of the same similiar make, shape and stamp, not the body and substance of the puppy that won the class, but this bitch keeps herself together well on the move and has a lovely topline. Third to a bitch that is a little different in type, but one I am willing to accept. She is a 4 year old, a little smaller, but she keeps herself together, takes a lovely stride and I love her head, eye and expression. The fourth bitch is very similiar in make, shape and stamp to the bitch that was placed second. This is another bitch that needs to come along and mature in body. It was a very nice class.

American Bred Bitches There are 4 entered with 1 absent. A 10 month old puppy has won this class. She is a very pretty bitch, not yet mature which you can't blame her for. She takes a nice stride, she's a lovely type and quite sound. The bitch in second is a 4 year old and of course in much better body than the bitch that won the class. The bitch that won the class on the use of her legs and her "door busting" attitude when she went to move. Those were quite darkly marked livers. The third bitch is a dear, lightly marked who is not very happy to be out today.

Open Bitches There are 19 entered and 4 absentees.

First in this class is

the type of bitch that I have been using all day. She is a handsome bitch, well up to size with a lovely topline, good carriage and set of

her tail. She uses her legs nicely. For me, she is a little over fat. Second is a smaller bitch whose coat is not in particularly good order. She looks a little bit like some moths have been at it! She is a bitch that takes a lovely stride, very sound and has a high opinion of herself. She gets around the ring in very good order. The third bitch is a very attractive bitch shown in hard coat. The two bitches ahead of her had the advantage in having more perfect mouths, but this bitch does not have a bad mouth it is just that there is a tooth in the wrong place. The two bitches placed ahead of her were using themselves a little better behind. The fourth bitch fits well in here. She is not quite as sound as the other bitches, but she's got the scope and she has lovely balance and proportion. She was presented in nice condition. The fourth bitch has had a trauma to her nose. Obviously, she met somebody under the woodshed that took a piece out of her nose and she was not quite as steady in her showmanship as she might have been. She is a lovely type.



It was a very close decision between the winner of the Bred By Exhibitor Bitch Class and the Open Bitch. I decided in favor of the Bred By Bitch who was just a little cleaner through her shoulder. The Open Bitch was maybe carrying a pound too much, but they are a lovely pair of bitches. We have had a good lunch with a 1 * hour break and we are going to resume at 1 :30 p.m. Veteran Dog Class There are 2 entered and both are here. First in this class is a heavily marked very handsome, very typey correct balance and proportion, very sound Second to a whiter dog, a little different type dog that won the class had the advantage in sion.

Veteran Dog. He is of and looking very well. also quite sound. The head, eye and expres-

very well from the side.

It was a beautiful class.

Best of Breed There are 42 entered for Best of Breed, but that does not include the move-ups. We will bring them all in and check them off and mark the absentees; and then we are going to dismiss the dogs and work with the bitches.

Dogs A ward of Merit Ch Ripsnorters Thunderhart, This is a very handsome dog who is very similiar in type to the bitch that I put Best of Breed. He held himself together, and he is of proper scope. I wish he was in better coat, but he is a lovely dog in hard condition. Ch Schnell berg's Black Tie Affair- A dog very similiar in type to the dog that received the first Award of Merit. He's in harder condition than the first Award of Merit. Ch Wildfire's Bentley- is in absolutely magnificent condition. He is a little short for me and a little upright with his tail, but he is quite sound and a very attractive dog.

Award of Merit Bitches Ch ADPG Sutrhn Breeze JH- She is very similiar in type to the dog #83. She is a little short for me, but a lovely bitch in lovely condition. Ch Weidenhugel Gabby V Merlin JH- Here is a bitch that with a bit more condition could have even been more competitive than she was. She has the proper amount of scope, lovely mover particularly from the side. She covers ground easily and well.

Best of Breed Ch FairOaks No Doubt About It JH- this bitch is what I con-

Field Trial Dog Class Single entry won by a dog that I enjoyed watching work in the Field Trial Exhibition that we had in California last week. He is a dog in lovely condition, beautiful type and very similiar in type to the dog that won the Veteran Dog Class.

Veteran Bitch Class There are 13 entered with 4 absent.

First in this beautiful

Veteran Bitch Class to a bitch that is a beautiful type. She may drop just off just a little bit to her tail-set. She covers the ground beautifully and well. She has a lovely neck and shoulder with a front back under her where it belongs and lovely planes to her head. Second to a big going white bitch. The bitch that won the class had the advantage in just a little smoother use of her hindquarter, but this is a big roomy bitch that covers ground as though she meant to find birds. The same can be said for the third bitch. She is lovely bitch, the bitch that was second had the advantage in being just a little more cleaver coming and going. But this is a wonderful bitch with a wonderful spirit and attitude. The fourth bitch, shown by a young man, fits well in here. This is a bitch that carries her age well. She is in lovely body weight, comes and goes quite soundly and looks

sider correct for balance and proportion in the breed. She is the correct length , she has a beautiful shoulder, she has some real forechest , and she has a handsome head. She moves easily and well aand is in very handsome condition.

Best of Winners Larkspurs Darkwing TyeDye- to the beautiful puppy bitch from the Bred By Exhibitor Class. She fits well in here, looks well in the Specials Class. She is a beautiful puppy and I hope she continues on. Best of Opposite Sex a dog who is very Ch J and J West Coast Connectionhandsome with a lovely shoulder, beautiful coat and condition , correct length and scope for me, very sound on the move. Actually most of these had quite dark eyes. The collection of quality today blew my mind. I didn't think we were going to have anywhere near the great amount of quality and it has been a very rewarding day. Thank you to all. Anne Clark

Marked c路atalogs

for the 1998 GWPCA Nationals are available.

(includes Specialty Show, Field Events, Futurities, Obedience, Agility) Send $12.00 ($10 for the catalog and $2 for postage)

to Bernee Brawn - 1408 Pineville Road, New Hope, PA 18938

REBA GOES NA.TIONAL! Winding down her show career, Reba put a large feather in her cap by winning BEST IN SHOW at the 1998 German Wirehaired Pointer Club of America National Specialty.

Soon embarking on another challenge ..... Motherhood. Reba will be bred in December 1998. And then, it's off to the field to work towards her MH title. An intense, extremely birdy little dog, with a ton of heart and style, we look forward to this new venture. We thank Helen Hatton and Lisa Clipse for their wonderful care and conditioning and for putting up with this little package of dynamite. Inquiries regarding the litter Contact Helen Hatton (740) 397-0171

The memories will last a lifetime. Thank you one and all for the kind words, and congratulations .... and thank you to Anne Rogers Clark for finding my little girl in such a crowd. It was truly an honor.

BEST IN SHOW GWPCA 1998 National Specialty

Ch. FairOaks No Doubt About It JH

"Reba" Handled to perfection by Helen Hatton

Best Of Breed- Ch FairOaks No Doubt About It JH

Best Of Opposite Sex- Ch J and J's Westcoast



Winners Dog

Wnners Bitch &

Afterhours Major Leaque

Best Of Winners Larkspurs Darkwing Tye Dye

Judges Award of Merit's

Ch Weidenhugel

Gabby V Merlin JH

Ch ADPG Suthrn Breeze JH

Stud Dog- Ch Larkspurs Goodrunofbadluck

Highest Scoring Dog In Trial

Best Junior Handler Stacie Dec

Ch Casio's Fron Page News

Brood Bitch- Ch Shurcans Potogold Sheza McRae CD JH


============~--======::::::~~~======~""""""""""""--------Regular Classes

3. Bounty's Justa Maraarita B/O: Fran Sakiey & Bernee Brawn By FC NAFC Selkirks Bounty Hunter x Ch AFC NAFC Justa Tequila Sunset JH 4. Jerelin's Afternoon Delite JH B/O Jerry & Linda Krepak By DC AFC Dunkees Justa Top Flite MH x Jerelin's Tropical Storm JH

Judge Anne Rogers Clark 6-9 month dogs (12) 1. Backwoods Link to Blauermond B: Liz & Greg Dixon By Ch Soo Lines Allied Freighter x Wilsons Georgia Peach 0: Stephanie Scheuermann 2. Cassio's Classic Cavalier B/O: Joy Brewster By Ch Cassio's Victory Parade x Ch Cassio's Whipped cream 3. Cassios Classic Commander B/O: Joy Brewster by Ch Cassio's Cassio's Whipped Cream 4. Blueline With A Twist B:J Lambert & H Rathburn By Ripsnorters Briare Patch 0: Lynn Rowell 9-12 month

Victory Parade

x Ch

Tail of Woe Be x BL

dogs (3)

12-18 month dogs (7) 1. Afterhours Major Leaque B/O: Walt & Christine Whitmore By Ch Afterhours Stormin Norman x Afterhours Foxy Roxy 2. Afterhours Thornwood Griffy B:W & C Whitmore By Ch Afterhours Stormin Norman x Afterhours Foxy Roxy 0: Patti Diehl 3. SGR Winter Silence B: Gail Richardson By DC SGR Silent Running CD MH x Hellbenders Desert Storm JH 0: Terry & Ann Duffin 4. Da Lins P Bustin Loose B/O: Kasey David & Linda Conner By Ripsnorter Makin A Statement x Ch Da Un Little Darlin Doas (2)

1. Da Lin's P Albe Back B/O: Kasey David & Linda Conner by Ripsnorter x Ch Da Lins Little Darlin

Makin A Statement

2. Oakhyll Destiny's SGR PHD B: L Strothman & J Thompson By DC SGR Silent Running CD MH x Ch Oakhyll Magic's Destiny JH 0: Linda & James Thomspon & G Richardson ODen Doas (12) 1. Liebenwalds Indiana Jones B: D Nordrum By Ch Ripsnorters Tannenbaum Razz's Jezebel 0: Diana Nordrum & R Friedell


x Ch

2. Larspurs Nothing Shocks Me B/O: Gina McCain By Ch Ripsnorter's It's Showtime x Ch Larkspurs Classic Serenade 3. Larspur's Gregarious Gustaf B: G McCain By Ch Ripsnorters It's Showtime x Ch Larkspurs Classic Serenade 4. Valhalla's Bad Boy Jake B: Malcolm Decker By Bruno's Big Boy x C h Schnellbergs Ramblin Rose JH 0: Steven & Vicki Fischer Winners




6-9 month


Major League

Dog- Liebenwald

(12-18 months)





1. Justa Ariel Too Tuff To Tame B: Bernee Brawn By DC AFC Dunkees Justa Top Flite MH x Ch Ruffcuts Justa Southwind JH 0: Mary Patrice Ezzo DVM & Bernee Brawn 2. Justa Little Valvoline B: Bernee Brawn By DC AFC Dunkees Justa Top Flite MH x Ch RuHcuts Justa Southwind JH 0: Kimberly Overdorf & Scott Lockard 3. Von Duffin's Lady Chatter B/O Terry & Ann Duffin By Ch Rogue Issac x Ch Von Duffin's Rockland Wags 4. Backwoods On A Point B: G&L Dixon & R Wilson By Ch Soo Line's Allied Frieghter x Wilson's Georgia Peach 0: Kim Moreman 9-12 month



1. Afterhours Saint Pauly's Girl B: Steve & Christi Chism & Christine Whitmore By Afterhours Loverboy x Ch Afterhours Risky Business JH 0: Steven & Cynthia Anderson 2. Afterhours Amazin Grace B: Steve & Christ Chism & Christine Whitmore By Afterhours Loverboy x Ch Afterhours Risky Business JH 0: Temple Watson & Christi Chism 3. Weidenhugel Wild N Innocent B/O Patricia Roberts & Cynthia Stahle By Ch Shadra's Otto von Zamow x Ch Weidenhugel Glory Days 4. Darling's Serena B: Mary Darting & Julie Richards By DC AFC Cascade Ike MH x Darling Autumn JH 0: Mary Darling 12-18 month


Bred Bitches


1. Afterhours Cover Girl B: Walt & Christine Whitmore & Chriti Chism By Ch Afterhours Stormin Norman x Afterhours Foxy Roxy 0: Christine Whitmore 2. Stephens Mollie B/O Dan Stephens By Kaizans Kokojo Thunderhard x Ch Afterhours Amanda


1. Larkspurs Lily of the Valley B: G McCain By Ch Larkspur Goodrunofbadluck x Ch RKM's Aranwood Anne Oakley 0: Gina McCain & Diane Drigg 2. Jagenfeld Blaze Hardy JH B/O Clifford T Mayes By CH J & J Play Me or Trade Me JH x Ch J & J Sara Moon Hardy JH 3. Mirwan Stacked the Deck B: D Culbreth & P Hopkins & C Eudy By Ch Mirwan A Rainbow Chaser x Ch Mirwan A Sophicate 0: Tommy & Nina Cagle ODen Bitches

1. Darling's Turbo B: Mary Darling & Julie Richards By DC AFC Cascade Ike MH x Darling Autumn JH 0: Mary Darling 2. Afterhours Pick a Winner B: Steve & Chriti Chism & Christine Whitmore By Afterhours Lover Boy x Ch Afterhours Risky Business JH CGC 0: Steve & Christi Chism 3. Kaizan's Twist N Shout B: Keith & Cris Nash by Ch Fairoaks Timebomb v Weisen MH x Ch Kaizans Wind N Fire 0: Keith Nash

Bred Bv Exhibitor



1. Fairoaks California Dreamin B: Lisa Jaffee & Helen George & Lisa McMillan by Ch Jamars Back in Time x Ch Ripsnorters Fraulein Heidi 0: Marilyn Powell & Billie Hayes 2. Larkspur's Caramel At Heywire JH CGC B: G McCain By Ch Ripsnorters It's Showtime x Ch Larkspur Classic Serenade 0: Stacie Dee & Audrey Meinke 3. Cassio's Annie Oakley B/O: Joy Brewster By Cassio's Whipped Topping x Ch Cassios Miss Universe 4. Jerelin's Park'N Lot Passion x Jerelins Tropical Storm JH Winners Reserve

B/O: Linda Krepak By DC AFC Dunkees Justa Top Flite MH

Bitch - Larkspurs Darkwing Tyedye (Bred By) Winners- Fairoaks California Dreamin (Open)

Non Regular Classes Veteran Dogs (2) 1. Ch Cassios Victory Parade B/O Joy Brewster By Ch J&J Show an Tell JH x Ch Cassio Laurwyns Ginger Cake 2. Ch Shurcan's Finders Keepers B: Barbara Halligan & Judith Cheshire By DC Cascade Rogue MH x Ch Shurcan Laurwyns Bacon Burger 0: Sheri Graner Ray Field Trial Dogs (1) 1. DC Cadenberg Victor DC AFC Cadenberg

V Trey JH B: Silke Alberts By Ch Weidenhugellntripid

V Goetz x

Magie V Rouge CDX MH 0: Mildred Revell

Vetern Bitches (9) 1. Ch Afterhours Private Number B: W&C Whitmore & C Chism By Ch Afterhours Robin Chaser x Ch Afterhours Spirit of Shurcan 0: Christine Whitmore & Franz Neuwirth 2. Ch Wyrebrand Darling Coco B:Jean & Fred Renner By Ch Afterhours Wyr'n Bo Jest x Ch Wyrn Ladyluv of Golden Pt 0: Mary Darling 3. Ch Cascade Cate Von Duffin B/O: Terry & Ann Duffin By DC Cascade Rogue MH x Muffin Von Duffin 4. Ch Afterhours Electrick Outlet CD B: Patricia Pape & Christine Whitmore Baron of Afterhours x Mamba 0: Eileen & Patrick Fahey Best of Breed ComDetition Best of Breed

By Ch Shurcan

141 Soecials)

Ch Fairoaks No Doubt About It JH B: Lisa Jaffe & Nikol Vampotic By Ch Jamars Back In Time x Ch Jaymar Wiesens Rite on Target SH 0: Lisa Jaffe & Lisa McMcMiliian Best of Opposite Sex Ch J & J's West Coast Connection JH B:Ann Rosati & Joan Hussar By Ch Jamar's Oh Henry JH x Ch J and J's Jammon Showgirt 0: Nickol Litwin & Lisa Jaffe Best of Winners Larkspurs



(Bred By Bitch)

Judges Awards of Merit Ch Wildfires Bentley B: Kathryn Wachterbach 0: Terrance Boltin Ch ADPG Suthrn


Breeze JH B: Danielle

By Ch Ripsnoter • McCallum

Ka Lins Wild Hart x Tina V

& Barbara

Halligan By Ch Heywire's

Supersonic Stryker x Ch Shurcan Bruzzone Suthrn Bell 0: Jean Griggs & Judith Cheshire Ch Weidenhugel Gabby V Merlin JH B/O: Cynthia Heiller By Ch Weidenhugle Merlin V Nico MH CD x Ch Weidenbach Ulla V Rap JH CD Ch Schnell bergs Black Tie Affair B: N Stahl & S Owen By DC AFC Cascade Ike MH x Schnellberg's Rayle Bird CD 0: Sue Owen Ch Ripsnorters Thunderhart B: Lisa & Helen George By Ch Ripsnorter Aspenglow Warrior x Ch Ripsnorters Afarrah the Hart 0: Lisa George Cipse & Tollie Longo Stud Doa (3) 1. Ch Larkspurs Goodrunofbadluck B: Kathryn Schwer & G McCain By Ch Larkspurs Bi Leroy Brown x Ch Ripsnorters Classic Carta 0: Heather & Shane Box 2. Ch Cassio's Victory Parade B/O Joy Brewster By CH J and J Show and Tell JH x Ch Cassio Laurwyns Ginger Cake 3. Ch Soo Line's Allied Freighter B: Liz Dixon By Ch Dana Nordica' A Victor x Ch Leiben Walds Doc's Drieka SH 0: Rhonda Amundson Brood


Class (5)

3. Gavic Darling's English Gem B: Paul & Gloria Robinson By Black Prince x Femke's Footsteps Jewel 0: Mary Darting 4. Jed's Blusands Genuine Risk B: Guy Rezzardi By Ch Jed's Silent Polar Express x DC AFC Navaho Sidekick MH 0: Ed & Barbara Tucker

1. Ch Shurcan potogold Sheza McRae CD JH B Barbara Halligan & Judith CheShire by DC Cascade Rogue MH x Ch Shurcan Laurwyns Bacon Burger 0: Danielle McCallum 2. Ch Ripsnorters Lightning Strike B: Jeff & Helen George By Ch RipsnorterThunderhart x Ch Ripsnorters Fraulein Heidi 0: H Huber Jr & H. Huber III & D Navitski 3. Ch Navajo Unexpected B: Florence Orlando By Ch Arkayem's Thombyrd CD JH x Patches III 0: Janet Fast

Bred Bv Exhibitor

4. Ch Txwyr's Gixmo Von Cibolo B: William Lutz's Krisy von Stueben 0: Terry Woodfin



1. Larspurs Darkwing Tyedye B: G McCain By Ch Larskpurs Goodrunofbadluck x Ch RKM'sAranwood Annie Aokley 0: Gina McCain & B&S Agland 2. Ebbtide Baycrest Springtime B: Shyla Gunther & Garnett Persinger By DC AFC Dunkees Justa Top Flite MH x Ch Ebbtide Summer Breeze JH 0: Shyla & Ed Gunther

Brace Class (1) Ch Cagle's Larkspur


McCain By Ch Ripsnorter's

& Ch Cagle's


Doty By AFC Dotys Wirlwind




Sir Gabby x

B: Gina & Frankie

x Ch Larspurs Zoe Dancer 0: Tommy & Nina Cagle


1998_Trial Judge Mr Frank Washabuagh Novice A (3) 184 BL Back To The Point B: Jeremy Lambert By Hanover Vom Treborwolf x BL Briare Patch Rathburn

0: Jeremy

Lambert & Heidi

Novice B (3) 194- Ch Casio's Front Page News B: Joy Brewster By Ch Cassias Victory Parade x Ch Cassias Zaney Thistle & Mrs Monroe Kornfeld & Susan Brendel ~ Ch Cagle's Nina Cagle


174 Ch Schnellber's Mark Sargent

Kadee B: Gina & Frankie McCain By Ch Ripsnorter's

0: Bev

Thundert x Ch Larkspur's Zoe Dancer

Murray & Dr

0: Tommy

In the Rough JH B: Sue Owen By DC AFC Dunkee's Justa Top Flite MHx Schnell berg's Anneliese

0: Lori



Ooen A (5) No Qualifiers Open B (3) 190 Ch Schatten 0: Barbara Boes

Wald Tag Spat Biene COX OA B:/O: Ch Laurwun Cassia Mocha Cake CD x Das Brillo Van Schatten Wald CDC

Utility A (3) No Qualifiers High Scoring Oog In Trial Ch Cassio's Front Page News (Novice B 194)


1 st

When looking at the catalog of results from our first GWPCA Agility event, the bare numbers do not do justice to the fun we had. Sure only one dog out of 17 received a qualifying score but did you see the also-rans? There was the dog that circled the ring three times, took a tunnel twice and leaped over 3 obstacles to rejoin his handler. There was that priceless moment when a ballistic Wire teetered on one paw on the Pause Table trying not to fall off and managed to pull it off. There was the dog fresh out of the hunt test who knew there were quail under the Uhaul and jumped the ring gates to look for them. There was the puppy that jumped on the judge, did three obstacles, licked the ring stewardfs face and did three more obstacles. How about young Stacie Dec and her speed demon dog J.J .. And what about the dog whose down on the table was more like a slow roll-over with a grin on her fuzzy face? You had to be there. Judge Nancy Williams said, "This is the most fun I've ever had." She started the Jack Russell Terrier Club in this sport but the GWPs put on a show to eclipse those little maniacs. The spectators were wonderful with laughs and cheers to egg the dogs on to greater deeds of agility mayhem. Those dogs really love a crowd.

Congratulations to Carol Piette and Buckwheat in garnering the only qualifying ribbon for 20" Jumpers with Weaves. Congratulations to all the competitors who gave it their all and patiently waited while we set course after course. Thank you to Barbara Boes and Dick Piette for doing that score table job that nobody else wanted. Carol Piette did double duty as course builder and scribe. Len Stirling timed for most of the match until he had to leave for the hunt test and then Randy Berry was recruited out of the audience. Thank you Sheri Graner Ray for capturing the fun on video and staying to support us even though the dog stayed home. A big thanks to the green shirts from Michigan for their support and help in reloading that Uhaul (Linda Blanchard, Barbara and Bob Hein, Pat McGowan, Lori Sargent, and Sue Owen). What a super group of people! Chris Buck and Adele patiently ran the gate and made those great dog cookies. Carol Anderson

helped whenever Linda Strothman

she could. Thanks for those adorable

Halloween squeakie toys. Linda Krepak set up, packed up and ran her first open course all in the same day, and Eileen Newsome saw to it that we had gorgeous orange sweatshirts to wear. A big thank you also to Judy Cheshire and Bernee Brawn who lobbied to have agility at the Nationals and got it done. Nancy Williams rewrote all of her courses to accommodate the altered ring configuration and then guided her crew through course-building and other tasks with patience and humor. She really enjoyed our dogs. We had a good start. Agility is on the agenda for the next Nationals. You may have to compete with otl1er breeds but there will be legs and titles to be garnered. And as we learned at Sumerduck, all the handlers end up doing something at the show to make it work. Regina Schwabe, Agility Match Chairman

, ..,

#1 Field Futurity Sumerduck, Virginia 1998

FLINTLOCK'S BIFROST'S ODIN Odie's strong desire and excellent temperment

along witha a drive that just won't quit, have made him

a supreme joy to work with.

Odie made us proud at this years Nationals, particularly during the Field Futurity. On the call back he had a good retrieve to hand. He also ran in the Amateur Championship with fellow Fort Detroit member, Jim Yates handling him for the first time. Working with Jim, he had three finds and a retrieve with the first bird. Finally, he ran in the National Championship but unfortunately

went birdless.

Dick put the puppy and derby points on Odie in walking stakes, but when it came to the horseback riding stakes we needed the expert training and handling of Jim Basham. This September at his first Open Gun Dog stake, he took first place defeating 33 others. At the tender age of two Odie only needs four retrieving points for his Field Championship.

Currently Odie is ranked fourth

in Field - Junior Dogs

It has always been our belief and desire to do what we can to help a dog reach his or her potential. We want to thank Mike Hemphill, Jim Basham, Jim Yates and our Fort Detroit friends for all of their help and support. We are also proud to announce that Artemis has just had her first litter. Afterhours Uhnavys Artemis JH SN104081 /06 OFA good/Elbows Clear/Thyroid tested c1ear/CERF Certified X

Ch Afterhours Stormin Norman OFA Excellent Whelped November 10, 1998: 2 Females and 4 Males

Call Dick, Pat or Rich at

BiFrost Kennels

for more information (616) 754-8874

"Odie" Fe Flintlock's Addition x Flintlock's Late For The Sky Breeder: Mike Hemphill Handler Jim Basham

Owners: Dick, Pat and Rich Uhnavy


Brace 4 Prairiewood's Wild Rose (F) Backwoods Flexible Flyer x NAFC FC AFC Breezin' Britta Von Kinni B/O/H: Todd & Ellen Manns

field futurity

Ansel's Brillow Ally (F) Ch Soo Lines Allied Freighter x Alison's Meg of Lakeville B: Michael Edwards O/H Rhonda & Brian Amundson

Judges Wayne Scubelek and Dave Pomfret Brace 1 Prairiewood's Rocketman (M) Backwoods Flexible Flyer x NAFC FC AFC Breezin' Britta Von Kinni B/O/H: Ellen & Todd Manns Ch SGR Classic Design (M) Ch Oakhyll's Coast To Coast JH x SGR Past Tense B: B & G Richardson O/H: Linda Blanchard Both dogs broke away nicely and started hunting. Classic Design made a nice cast through the first field to the Cedars with Rocket hitting objectives along the way. 15 minutes into the brace, Rocket found his bird and pointed it nicely. Classic hunted hard throughout the brace, but was to go birdless on this day. Both dogs finished to the front, in gun dog style.

Rose was away quickly hitting objectives but staying in close gun dog range. She had her bird pinned 19 minutes into the brace and finished well. Ally also broke nicely and hunted hard thought the course. She was to go birdless today. Brace 5 Flintlocks Bifrost Odin (M) FC Flintlock's Addition x Flintlocks Late for the Sky B: Mike Hemphill 0: Richard & Patricia Uhnavy & Rich Uhnavy Jr. H: Jim Basham Backwoods Milomore (M) Backwoods Flexible Flyer x NAFC FC AFC Breezin Britta Von Kinni B:Todd & Ellen Manns 0: Kim & Charles Moreman H: Liz Dixon

Brace 2 Larkspur's Caramel at Heywire JH (Becca)(F) Ch Ripsnorters' It's Showtime x Ch Larkspur Classic Serenade B: Gina McCain 0: Stacie Dec & Audrey Meinke H: Dennis Dec Von Duffin's RKLD Cappuccino (F) Ch Sure Shot's Rockland Boss x Ch Cate Von Duffin MH B/O/H: Terry & Ann Duffin Cappuccino took a bit of time to get warmed up and then made some nice casts in the middle of the course. She hunted hard but found no birds today. Becca was very busy thru out the entire course and made game by the pipeline. Unfortunately, no bird could be produced and both dogs finished close.

Odie broke away cleanly and hit the cedars and had his first find of the day. At the big pine at the pipeline Odie showed considerable manners and had a nice broke find. He finished with some nice casts and was strong at the end. Milo also broke nicely to the front and was working in a nice gun dog fashion. His find was at the cedars and he ended his bid going strong and to the front. After discussion the judges called back the following dogs for a retreive. Von Duffin's RKLD Cappuccion Rader's One Over Par Backwoods Milomore Flintlocks Bifrost Odin

Brace 3 Rader's One over Par (Bogey) (M) Rush's Right x Back Point's Mistake B: Mike Sutos 0: Ken and Suzanne Rader H: Randy Berry Schnellbergs Shooting High (M) DC AFC Cascade Ike x Schnellberg's Rayle Bird CD B/O Sue Owen H: Liz Dixon

All retrieves were executed to the satisfaction

of the judges.

The placements, trophies and payouts were awarded at the Annual Banquet by Stake manager Mike Hemphill.

Bogey brok away strong and made some very nice casts in the first field to the cedars. Shooting High hunted hard and was rewarded with a covey find in the cedars. He showed his initiative and drive in the field by the river and finished strong.

1. Flintlocks Bifrost Odin $338.25 payback 2. Backwoods Milomore $202.95 3. Rader's One Over Par $135.30

60% to owner $202.95 $121.77 Owner $81.18 owner

40% to nominator/breeder $81.18 nominator $54.12 nominator

4. Von Duffin's RKLD Cappuccino 36 Litter and Individual Nominations

- 36 Renominations

- 10 ente'red



puppy classic

Judges Joe Luisi & Dean Browning Scribe- Fran Sakiey The winner of the Puppy Classic received a specially designed Lenox plate made especially for the GWPCA Nationals. The placing dogs received a Woodbury pewter plate with the GWPCA logo on it and all received their ribbons encased in a handmade shadow box. Many of this years Puppy Classic entries were under the age of 8 months of age. For their age, they showed promise and next years Derby should be a fun stake to watch. Our thanks to judges Cindy Hibler and Dean Browning for sharing their time and expertise to watch our puppies. Brace 1. Lucky Lil V Rahnhaus (F) Dillon Vom Dester x Lady Bird Watson B: Leon Watson O/H: Rocky Gilleard Justa Hot Wheels (F) DC AFC Dunkees Justa Top Flite MH x Ch Rufcuts Justa Southwind JH B/O Bernee Brawn H: Jim Basham Both puppies backed from a picked her up. and continued

broke nicely to the front with Lil making the first point. Wheeler distance. Lil was not up to Rocky's expectations today and he Wheeler went on to have bird contact at the 15 minute mark to have a snappy, busy race.

Brace 5 St Croix's Ruff Cut Diamond (F) NFC DC Jay Mar's Blakes' Windczar SH x NAFC FC AFC St Croix Rawhide Ruby B/O/H: Bruce & Sue Mueller RK's Shot on the Rocks (M) DC AFC NFC NAFC CAscade Ike MH x Ch Wrights Shot of Scoresby B: K Worley 0: Shane O'Leary H: Mike Hemphill Diamond showed some good ground speed and range with Rocks more moderate. Both dogs finished well with Diamond showing a bit more independence. Brace 6 Txwyrs Herr Spoetzl (M) NFC NAFC DCAFC Cascade Ike MH x Ch Txwyr's Gizmo Von Cibolo B/O/H: Terry Woodfin Brillow's Mia Spoiled Peach (F) Ch Soo Lines Allied Freighter x Wilson's Georgia Peach B: Greg Dixon & Ron Wilson 0: Rhonda & Brian Amundson H: R Amundson Both dogs had a slow break away but got going once the main part of the course was reached. Peach showed moderate range with Spoetzl running short. They showed some independence and finished the brace well. Brace 7 SGR Tinderbox (F) Ch SGR Dirty Laundry x Brian's Majestic Misty SH B: B Krajewski O/H: Ross VanDerBoss Von Duffin's Lady Chatter (F) Ch Rogue Isac x Ch Von Duffin's Rockland Wags B/O/H: Terry & Ann Duffin A good break away ws followed by a close working brace. Both dogs showed indendence and a willingness to check out likely cover.

Brace 2

Brace 8

RLB's Milo Kidd (M) Backwoods Flexible Flyer x Ch Ripsnorters RLB's Samantha B: Roger & Lois Bultman 0: Greg Dixon H: Liz Dixon St Croixs Diamond Jim (M) NAFC DC Jay Mar's Blakes Windczar SH x NAFC FC AFC St Croix Rawhide Ruby O/B/H: Sue & Bruce Mueller Both dogs showed good initiative with Milo showing the bigger run and maturity. Jim showed promise for such a youngster (6 mos and 2 wks old) and will be a dog to watch in the future.

St Croix's White Diamonds (F) NFC DC Jay Mars Balke's Windczar SH x NAFC FC AFC St Croix Rawhide Ruby B/O/H: Burce and Sue Mueller SGR & TNT"s Nitro Nikki (F) Ch SGR Dirty Laundry x Brian's Majestic Misty B" B Krajewski 0: Walt & Maureen Tait H: M Tait A good break away and race was shown by both dogs. Niki had good ground speed and showed good range while running to objectives. White Diamond also showed a willingness to run to cover and promise for the future. Both dogs finished strong.

Brace 3 Aspen Grove's SGR Rip N Tear (M) Ch SGR Dirty Laundry x Brian Majestic Misty SH B: Brian Krajewski O:H: Ross VanDerBos Justa Ariel Too Tuff To Tame (Phoebe) (F) DC AFC Dunkees Justa Top Flite MH x Ch Ruffcuts Justa Southwind JH B: Bernee Brawn 0: Dr. Mary Pat Ezzo & Bernee Brawn H: B Brawn Both dogs broke away quickly and to the front with Phoebe being spotted at the cedars. After this initial big move she closed down and worked at a good gun dog range making some good casts, but lacking in total independence. Rip worked in a good workmanlike fashion and stayed busy. Both dogs finished nicely. Brace 4 JED's Blusands Genuine Risk (F) Ch Jed's Silent Polar Express x DC AFC Navaho Sidekick MH B: Guy Rezzardi 0: Barb and Ed Tucker H: Ed Tucker Txwyr's Utter Chaos (M) NFC DC AFC Cascade Ike mH x Ch Txwyir's Gizmo Von Cibolo B/O/H: Terry Woodfin Chaos' handler chose to walk the brace and Ed being the gentleman he is, joined him on foot. Both dogs worked well for a walking handler and stayed busy going to likely cover.

Brace 9 Txwyr's Dan's In Trouble (M) NFC NAFC DC AFC Cascqade Ike MH x Ch Txwyr's Gizmo von Cibolo B: T Woodfin 0: Dan Kainer DVM H: Joyce Woodfin SGR Winter Silence (M) DC SGR Silent Running CD MH x Hellbernder's Desert Storm JH B: Gail Richardson 0: Terry & Ann DuffinH: Terry Duffin A slow breakaway was followed by a close working brace. Both dogs were out in front at a short to moderate range. Brace 10 Backwoods How Nice (F) Ch Soo lines Allied Freighter x Wilson's Georgia Peach B/O/H Greg and Liz Dixon St Croix's Bodacious Butch (M) Rawhides Rowdy Texan x St Croix's Fly'n Fritzi Ritz B/O/.H: Bruce & Sue Mueller A good break away with both dogs going to the front. They then settled into a short to moderate working range and finished well. Brace 11 Txwy'r Bird on a Wire (M) DC AFC Cascade Ike MH x Ch Txwyr's Gizmo Von Cibolo B: T Woodfin O/H: Wendy Johnson Von Stueben's Satin N Lace (F) Rush's Right x Black Point's Mis Take B: Mike Sutos O/H Randy Berry Bird was a close working dog while Lace showed some range and independence. Lacey made some nice moves to check out the cover and objectives and Bird stayed close to her handler.

Placements 1. RLB's Milo Kidd 2. SGR & TNT's Nitro Nikki 3. Justa Hot Wheels 4. St Croix's Diamond Jim


..: ... amateur


JUdges Joe Luisi & David Pomfret Scribe Mr Tim Carwile

Twenty-four notable entrants met at the Phelps Wildlife Management Area located in the Virginia foothills in Remington to contest the 1998 German Wirehaired Pointer Club's National Amateur Field Championship on October 28, 1998. Judges for the event were Joe Luisi of New Jersey and Dave Pomfret of Virginia, both longtime trainers and handlers with impeccable credentials. Their decisions were well received and their hard work much appreciated. Cheryl Browning served as Captain of the Guns, assisted ably by her husband, Dean, and Gerry Garnsey among others. Their marksmanship was critical to all competitors as the stake required a retrieve on course. Stake Manager was Liz Barrett-Dixon whose complete and accurate announcements of each brace at the line proved invaluable to your scribe and was a welcome courtesy to the gallery. Weather for the running on Wednesday was somewhat damp with patches of ground fog that burned off quickly. The dawn temperature was in the high forties with the autumn foliage at its peak and spectacular. Though Thursday was clearer at dawn, both days warmed eventually to the low seventies-not ideal for the running of birddogs but certainly superior to the unseasonably hot and dry conditions which central Virginia has suffered in weeks past.

Brace #3FC AFC NAFC Breezin' Britta Von Kinni ("Britta ") -(F) 3/16/92 St Croix's Breezin Boogaloo x Homer's Dream Jetta B: S&R Homer O/H: Todd Manns Bounty's Justa Peg leg Pete (" Petey") - (M) 10/25/94 FC NAFC Selkirk's Bounty Hunter x Ch AFC NAFC Justa Tequila Sunset JH B: Fran Sakiey/ B Brawn 0: Ken Zola/Sakeiy/Brawn At 9:12, the third brace was off and running. Britta appears regularly to the front while Pete is largely unseen. At 16", Britta noticeably tires but is found pointing at 31" and handles the bird kindly. At 41", both dogs point; the find is declared divided and both dogs maturely handle two birds flushing over their heads, no fault being found. Brace #4-

Brace #1Ch. Soo Lines Allied Freighter ("Ansel") - (M) 1/5/90 Ch Dana Nordica's A Victor x Ch Lieben Waids Doc's Drieka SH B: Liz Barrett Onwer/ Handler: Rhonda Amundson Valhalla Wildwings Loki ("Loki") -(M) 7/27/95 Wildwings Sureshot Odie x Piemonte April v Chisola BL Joe Langlois Owner/Handler: Ian Larson At just over 2 minutes, Ansel was confronted with a wild flush and handled it nicely with a stop to flush. At 9", the dogs have a divided find just before the pines; Ansel loosened slightly as his brace mate's handler attempted to produce the bird. Judge Luisi advises that he sees the quarry, a hen pheasant, on the ground running and, as Mr. Larson flushes for his charge, the pheasant's flight path comes unfortunately close to Ansel, who loosens his stance but regains his composure nicely and both dogs are heeled on. At 17", Ansel is found standing, nicely honored by his bracemate. The judges determine that a retrieve should be attempted and the call to the gunners is answered by Cheryl Browning. Cheryl's clean harvest is the first of many to which the dogs were treated over the course of the two-day stake. Ansel handles the retrieve handily after Loki heeds his handler's caution at the flush. Both dogs race nicely up the hill and across the powerline at 25", Ansel continuing to show to the front and, at 26", Loki shows himself on the left edge of the woodline, well ahead. At 30", Ansel is discovered standing under a lone cedar; Loki has a mannerly back but, again, shows perhaps a little too much exuberance and is reluctant to heel away after the flush; as this is th,e second incident of delayed chase, Loki is taken up by Mr. Larson. There being no further bird contact, Ansel is roped at 45". Brace #2Zeus of Walnubberg (Zeus") - (M) 7/29/94 Schoreders Summit Thunder x Caramels Grta of Walnubberg JH B: Charles Schaeffer O/H: Skip Shaeffer SGR Nightmare(F) 8/4/95 Ch Jed's Polar Express x SGR Witchcraft B:G Richardson & M Eckhorn O/H - Terry Duffin Both dogs break away nicely and are without initial bird contact until 26" when Zeus is found standing with nice style; again difficulty is encountered in putting the bird in the air, and when finally done, Mr. Shaeffer wisely elects to discharge his blank pistol as the bird's path of flight was toward the gallery; dog is steady. At 35", a bird flushes wild downwind of the running "Nightmare" who declined to stop to flush and was taken up. At 36", Zeus is found standing nicely and is confronted with and nicely completes a rather difficult retrieve occasioned by the terrain. Time expires without further bird contact.

Flintlock's Limited Edition -(M) 3/20/95 FC Flintlock's Addition B: Mike Hemphill 0: Joe Demoura H: Tom Dolan Jim Kath's Catalyst ("Cruiser ") - (M)3/28/91 Haag's Camerman CD SH x Schnellberg's Barbwire Cody SH B: Barb Berta O/H: James Yates Disappointingly, this brace ended too quickly. Both dogs broke smartly off the breakaway but, at 2", just as the dogs made the first left turn at the end of the breakaway onto the woods road, "Cruiser" pointed a hen pheasant, took unfortunate steps and was retired along with his bracemate who declined to honor. Brace #5Rader's One Over Par ("Bogie")(M) 7/26/96 Rush's Right x Back Point's Mistake B: Mike Sutos 0: Ken and Suzanne Rader H: Ken Rader - Ken Rader TKO Wildcat Out of Cascade ("Rodi") - (F) 7/1/94 FC AFC Cascade Steamer x Charmaine Von Wilson B: Ray & Lynn Calkins O/H: Tari Nestrud At 7", both dogs were found on point separately in the pines. Ken flushed and Bogie was sent for and nicely completed his retrieve----{)ne rendered particularly difficult because the bird fell behind a large tree that blocked the view of the dog. The gallery's attention was then directed to downhill some thirty yards to "Rodi" and Tari, as Bogie and Ken were sent on. After some time in the flushing attempt, Tari elected to take an unproductive. At 14", a divided find is declared and both handlers are required to repeatedly caution their dogs in the flush attempt. As no bird is produced, the dogs are heeled away. At 22", "Rodi" absented herself from view, emerging back on course at 28", coming from behind. She was found standing at 38" well into the cover. Tari flushed a hen pheasant and the gunners made a dificult kill. Unfortunately, Rodi made the decision that retrieving was not on her mind today and she was picked up. At 43", Bogie was seen standing in the cedar line; the flush, shot and retrieve were satisfactorily accomplished in good order when time was called. Brace #6Flintlock's KS Tzarr Swartz ("Max ") - (M) 10/9/95 FC Flintlocks' Addition x Flintlocks Cheap Trick B: Mike Hemphill 0: Kosta Sunda H: Rocky TNT's Hot Rodd Todd ("Todd") - (M) 1/10/96 Flintlocks Rapscallion x DC AFC Schnellbergs Annie B: Walt & Maureen Tait/J Clark O/H: Bill Koeber At 7", Todd was seen on point in the pines after an exuberant and forward pressing race off the line. Despite a difficult, time-consuming effort to pro-


duce the bird, the flush was finally accomplished successfully and the retrieve made stylishly to hand. Todd's bracemate was not so fortunate, being ordered up for failure to honor. At 15", after some absences, Todd was again discovered in front on course, standing stylishly. Bill was able to produce Todd's quarry very quickly and he again demonstrated style and steadiness through the flush and shot. At 43", the onlookers are again rewarded for their vigilance as Todd is discovered again immobile after a notable absence-ahead, in cover, on course and stylish. After this birdwork is completed, again with impeccable manners, time is called.

Flyer x Jay Mars Blakes Blue Angel G: Greg & Liz Dixon O/H Todd Mans At 11", Allure is found standing under the cedars, the bird is produced and delivered to hand, all in good order. At 21", as we enter the big field after crossing the pipeline, Ryder is absent and, because barks are heard, Todd calls and Ryder shows on the edge in front. At 25", Allure makes an impressive cast, circling the river field on the edge, to the creek. At 28", Ryder is seen by the scout watering in the creek crossing but is out of sight. Word is received in due course that he is working nicely with his brace mate up ahead. At 42", Ryder is seen standing in the last left edge of cover before camp but considerable work failed to produce a bird as time expired.

Brace #7-


Rush's Right ("Bubba") - (M) 8/4/92 Eichenlaub Aero x Eichenlaub Arival B: Greg & Barbara Pirak 0: Randall Berry H: Bounty's Justa Margarita ("Rita") - (F)4/15/94 FC NAFC Selkirks Bounty Hunter x Ch AFC NAFC Justa Tequila Sunset JH B/O:Fran Sakiey/Bernee Brawn H: Brawn

DC AFC Schnellberg's

Leaving the line at 1:20 p.m., both dogs move smartly to the front and, at 2", just before entering the woods at the end of the breakaway, Rita slides to a beautiful point; Judge Pomfret remains to observe her manners while Judge Luisi and this reporter rides on with Bubba .Rita made a very difficult retrieve over the creek by the pines and continued on. At 6", Rush points just before the pines under a large locust. The gunners were unable to harvest the bird though Rush was entirely mannerly. At 12", Rush is again found standing and, for reasons of safety, Judge Luisi requested that the handler fire his blank gun on the flush. Rush was seen taking steps at the flush but responded positively to his handler's commands. At 15", Rush is found standing yet again in what has become a favorite spot for game-a very small clump of honeysuckle adjacent to a cedar line. Judge Luisi asks the gunners to advance in an attempt to obtain a retrieve for this periormer. Rush is again steady through the shot. The retrieve is made, albeit with some difficulty.


10Gretta MH ("Gretta") -(F) 5/11/91 Ch Schnell bergs

Sydney CD MH x Schnellbergs Anneliese B: Marge Owen O/H Walt Tait FC AFC NAFC St. Croix's Rawhide Ruby ("Ruby") - (F) 9/1/90 Rawlees Gene's Delight x Rawhides Dizzy Lizzy B: Don Paltani O/H:Sue Mueller Off at 7:20 a.m., Gretta is found at standing

roughly 6 minutes into the

brace, stylishly honored by Ruby; flush in good order. At 10", Gretta found standing in the pines; birdwork in good order. At 22", just past the power line crossing as we made our right hand turn, deer were seen but no dogs were seen. At 26", Ruby was found standing after several minutes' absence; birdwork in good order, a hen pheasant. At 35", Gretta is found standing alone in the pines; good order. At 45", Gretta is found standing again in the last edge before camp; relocation;

no game produced; time called.

Brace #11 Ch. Ruffcuts Justa Southwind JH -("Weasie) (F) 10/11/94 DC AFC Cascade Ike MH x Ch Wilson's Matilda of Ruff Cut B: L&I Eagle O/H: Bernee Brawn Ch. JED's Silent Polar Express (Bear)(M) 8/8/91 DC Cascade Rogue x Ch JEd's SGR Silent Panda JH B/O James Tucker H: Ed Tucker Whistled off at 8:25 a.m. At 6", Weasie

These two dogs have been separated since 2" and, at 19", your reporter heard 3 shots behind us on the course. Gunner Gerry

is found standing alone about 100 yards to the right of the pines, the bird was flushed and shot, but unfortunately that particular area is now known as " NO NO BAD DOG" corner. "Bear" continued on but failed to find birds

Garnsey was critical of my hearing, smilingly advising that there were in fact four shots fired. Judge Pomfret reported later that your humble reporter was correct but noted that this was uncharacteristic! He also reported that Rita put on a nice gun dog periormance with 2 finds.

and his race was not up to its handler's expectations.

Brace # 8DC AFC



Brace 12 Flintlocks Bifrost Odin ("Odie" ) M 7/15/ 96 FC Flintlocks Addition x Flintlocks Late


("Badger")(F) 11/17/93 Ch Navaho Trail Blazer Jh x Ch Maestro Wind Song of Navaho JH B: Gary & Sue Martin O/H: Guy Rezzardi Rader's Cricket of Quail MH ("Crickef')(F)

for the Sky B: Mike Hemphill 0: Richard & Patricia Uhnavy & R Uhnavy Jr H: Jim Yates Piedmonte Guido v Chisola ("Guido) - (M) 1/23/95 Ch Ali Del Chisola x 8/9/92 HOurr x Cadenberg Quail

v Rogue B: M Sutos 0: Ken & Suzanne Rader H: Ken Rader At 7" in the cedars, both dogs are found standing. The Judges elect to observe Cricket's birdwork first. Because the bird cannot be produced expeditiously, on the flush Mr. Rader fires his pistol whereupon Cricket was observed taking steps as her handler returned to her after the flush but was left down. Badger was then asked to handle her bird and did so in order, delivering the bird to hand. At 15", Cricket was found standing at the honeysuckle clump and, in due course after the flush and shot, delivered a nice hen pheasant to hand. At 27", Cricket is found standing loosely about 30 yards to the left of the course thoroughfare. Despite the best efforts of Ken to flush, he was unable to produce game and the team moved on .. At 36", both dogs are found standing in the cedar edge adjacent to the big field. Badger handles first and is steady. Cricket is unable to maintain her composure at the flush and follows the flight of her bird, despite multiple cautions but is left down as she is not interiering with the work of her bracemate. At 41", Cricket is found standing again in the cedar edge at the top of the hill. Unfortunately the bird refuses to fly and it is pop gunned. At 43", Judge Pomfret reports that Badger had a mannerly find at the top of the hill after the green river bottom.

quarry. This nice young dog went back to camp a bit early. Guido has an exuberant race but comes up from behind often and is reluctant to handle kindly. At 31", Guido skirts the river bottom edge with excellent ground speed and points smartly. Though a retrieve is attempted, it is not completed as the bird was not called down and the judges allowed Guido to continue on without penalty in this difficult situation. Gretta was called back for a retrieve; completed Placements 1st-

TNT's Hot Rodd Todd


DC AFC Navaho Sidekick MH

3rd- DC AFC Schnellbergs 4th-

Brace #9FC AFC Jim Kath's Allure (" Allure") -(F) 1/1 0/93 Overbarons Country Hustler x FC AFC SGR Witches Brew B: G&B Richardson O/H Jim Yates Prairiewood's

Piemonte april V Chisola B: Joe Langlois 0: Dr. Aloysia Hard H: Tom Dolan Odie is found standing at 12". Handler relocates at 15" and produces the bird which is retrieved mannerly after a difficult shot as two birds emerge from the cover. Just fifty yards on, Odie again points-this time at the honeysuckle clump-and hen pheasant is flushed; unfortunately, Odie resisted his handler's commands to continue on course in favor of a pursuing his

Easy Ryder

(" Ryder

") -(F) 5/19/96 Backwoods



FC AFC JimKath's Allure






rIt{l)ltLll~(I) •• (DC AFC Schnellbergs

Annie x Flintlock's Rapscallion)







OFA 24 E





















OWNFR- Rill Kn ••h••r 65 Pasadena PI. Hawthorne, NJ 07508 973.423.9025 CO-OWNER- Walt Tait 31 Nippins Ave. Mt Holly, NJ 08060 609.261.3271 TRAINER- Dani!'!1RII(jan 524 Old York Rd Flemington, NJ 08822 908.782.7654

A sincere thanks to all the members of the Del Val GWP Club, without your support and encouragement

this wouldn't have been possible.


found on the cedars but relocates with no bird contact. She covered her

1998 National


course in gun dog fasion. Again bird contact is made, no shot is available

Judges Ivan Clark and Art Moritz Brace 1. Flintlocks Bandit- (F) 10/9/95 FC Flintlocks Addition x Flintlock's Cheap Trick B: Mike Hemphill 0: Hal Christensen H: Mike Hemphill Priairiewoods Easy Ryder- (given in amateur) Manns At 7:35 Bandit is on point in the cedars, she moved a bit on the flush, but the bird was shot and a retrieve was made. Ryder was lost soon after the breakaway and was not found until the next day.

and is blanked. Rita again hit a covey in the field next to the river, with the help of the gunners several are flushed, but none hit by the gunners. Bernee decided to try again, more flushed, none shot. Handler decides three times may not be a wise idea and takes the dog on. Dog handled all with ease. She finished at gun dog range but with no retrieve.

Brace 2 Flintlocks Limited Edition-H: Mike Hemphill Bifrosts UII- (M) 4/25/96 SGRDirty Laundry x Hellbenders Desert Storm JH B: Mary Spies 0: Richard & Patricia Uhnavy H: Jim Basham Both dogs broke away strong and to the front. Limited Edition was found standing at the first row of cedars. No bird was found and both dogs moved on. UII made a break for it and was not seen again in his 45 minutes. Limited Edition had two more finds and unfortunately both opportunities were missed by the gunners. Brace 3. Rushs Right- H: Randy Berry SGR Nightmare- Terry Duffin Both dogs broke nicely to the front, maintaining a medium gun dog range. At 11 minutes Bubba is found standing with nice style. Retrieve was made with all in order. Over the pipeline Bubba made a nice move into the cedars, both dogs showing biddability in their handling. Randy's dog had bird contact on the cedars on the second half of the course in the cedars, with all manners in order. Bubbas 3rd find was all in order. Both dogs finished to the front although a bit short. Nightmare was to remain birdless on this day. Brace 4. Flintlocks KS Tzar Schwartz (Max)- Hempill Bounty's Justa Peg leg Pete(Petey)- Brawn Both dogs broke away and after a bit of the "male" thing went to work. At 7 minutes Petey is found standing in the cedars with retrieve in order. At the safety zone Petey took the cedar swale to the left and made a nice move to the front, Max was still not with his handler. Max and Mike joined up at the pipeline and found his bird in the small field after the cedars. Petey backed and was taken on. The birds were running around in the woods, the gunners made a great shot and the retrieve was made. Meanwhile Petey made a last ditch effort at the end of the course where he was found standing deep in the bushes. Scout announced birds lifted as he rode up. Both dogs finished strong and to the front at a good shooting dog range. Brace 5. DC Cadenberg Victor V Trey JH (M) 6/4/94 Ch Weidenhugel Intrepid v Goetz x DC AFC Cadenberg Magie V Rouge CDX MH B: Silk Alberts 0: Mildred Revell H: Rand y Berry Zues of Walnuberg H: Skip Shaeffer In the first field both dogs moved to the front to the treeline. Zues hits birds first but no shot was available. Up the shoot to the No Kill Zone both dogs worked in a gun dog fashion. Zues struck blood again on the pipeline and a nice retreive was made. A running bird got the best of Victor and he took a couple of steps on it. Handler elected to leave him down and try for more. Brace 6. Bounty's Brawn

Justa Margarita

Ch Soo Lines Allied Rhonda Amundson

H: Bernee



Ansel found the pheasant on the breakaway and went with it. Rita is

Brace 7. Jim Kath's Catalyst H: Jim Yates FC AFC NAFC Breezin Britta Von Kinni H: Todd Manns At 7 minutes Britta is standing with gunners missing the shot. Britta made a big move to the front over the creek with Cruiser not to be seen. Through the no kill zone, Cruiser is still not with us. Britta worked at a nice gun dog range to the bottom of the pipeline. She had a find at the hill with Rocky making an incredible shot. Britta makes a blind retreive and Cruiser makes an appearance with the gallery. Britta again hits point all in order. Cruiser was making nice moves and finds his bird at 33 minutes. Britta backing. No kill was made and the dogs were taken on. After the woods Britta had a stop to flush and both dogs finished their bid. Brace 8. FC AFC NFC St Croix's Rawhide Ruby H: Sue Mueller Raders One Over Par H: Randy Berry Ruby broke away strong and to the front. Bogie started a bit slower at medium gun dog range. Bogie is found standing on the treeline with Ruby backing from quite a distance away. Bird is missed and both dogs are taken on. Ruby hits a bird just yards away from the first, gunners hit their mark, but handler chose not to make the retrieve since the bird appeared to be wounded only. Bogie made the next hit at the small hedgerow in the second field, bird was blanked but it was too much for him to stand. Handler chose to pick him up and so ended his bid. Ruby made the move up the shoot to the no kill zone and was not found until we were heading down to the pipeline. A very nice move along the river brought Ruby into the cedar fields where she covered all the edges with speed. She slowed considerably at the end of her 45 and unfortunately had no other opportunities for her retrieve. Brace 9. Ch JEDs Silent Polar Express H: Jim Basham Piemonte Guido V Chisola H: Mike Hemphill This was to be the last brace of the day Both dogs starting out at gun dog range, with Guido making the first move. He was found standing in the second field, bird was shot and he made a nice blind retrieve. Coming into the no kill zone the dogs were seperated and came back together at the pipeline. Bear is standing with Guido backing. Mike took Guido on and Bear is relocated, bird is flushed and missed. Guido finds the next bird with Bear backing. Then the reverse on down the course. Bears birds would not fly and handler pop guns them. Guido is

standing on the trail by the creek and bird is flushed. Bear has an-

cedars just before the culvert. Aquail was flushed, the gunner called dead bird and Rodi was sent. Rodi searched for the downed bird and time was

ther find with Guido backing and unfortunately broke at the shot thus ending his day early.

called. No bird was produced. Unfortunately the description of Badgers run was lost, but it must have been a good one since she was give the 2nd place ribbon.

Brace 10 DC AFC Schnell bergs Greta H: Walt Tait FC AFC NAFC Flintlocks

Brace 13 TNT's Hot Rodd Todd- H: Dan Burjan Valhalla's Wildwings Loki- Berry Todd broke fast and to the front and was not

Hawkeye (M) 5/21/93 Flintlocks Strange Brew x Flintlocks Razin Kane B: Mike Hemphill 0: Shawn Humphrey H: Mike Hemphill Both dogs go nicely to the front. Hawk showed first at about 4 min-

seen again until the following brace. Loki gave a strong Gun Dog performance and frequently dug into the woods 75 to 100 yards. Coming through the woods after the river field, Loki went to the right and hit the high treeline. He went forward and we found him standing toward the end of the field. A pheasant was produced and harvested. Loki handled it cleanly. Into the last woods prior to the open finishing field, Loki dug into the woods on the left and moved forward. He was last seen passing the small pond about 100 yards to the front. We next found him standing on a covey of Bobwhite, through the woods and about 40 yards into the field. He handled this cleanly and time was called.

utes out,. with Greta unseen at this point. Greta hit first blood at the treeline looking good. Hawkeye backed and was taken on. No shot was available and Greta was taken on. Crossing the creek into the second field both dogs took the shoot to the no kill zone continued to the pipelline. Greta was found at the bottom of the hill on a point. Hawkeye moved on towards the river. Gretas bird was in the tree with Walt flushing and pop gunning it. She is again standing just down the hill, Gunners move in for the kill and Greta makes a very nice retrieve. Greta hits her next bird about 80 yds down the course all is in order. She finished strong and to the front. Brace 11 Bifrosts Odin H: Jim Basham Jay Mar's Blakes Blue Angel (F) 1/6/94 Haag's Director x Rawhide's Flake B: J Collins 0: Greg Dixon H: Greg Dixon Both dogs broke strong to the front making nice moves. Zip was found moving to the front in the first field, a bit hard to handle. Neither dog was in sight into the second field but Zip appeared to make the move up the shoot. Odie and Jim reunited at the shoot and made the move up the shoot. Zip makes a huge move up the shoot to the house in the no kill zone but makes it back at the pipeline. At 30 minutes neither dog has a bird. At 31 Zip makes contact at the bottom of the pipeline on a pheasant with a succesful retreive. A stop to f1ust at 35 minutes with all in order for Greg and Zip. Both dogs were in the final field moving strong and to the front, Odie was found standing in the sunflower field just out of camp, but it was believed he was backing one of the dove hunters children. 1Unfortuanately, the scribes tape went blank at this point, so every brace from here is sketchy.

Brace 14 Ch Ruffcuts

Justa Southwind

JH H: Brawn

FC Flintlock's Addition (M) 9/3/93 Marsu Superduper Trooper x FC Marsus Abigail Von Bayfield B: Dan Gaska O/H Mike Hemphill Weasie found the first bird at the infamous NO NO BAD DOG corner, and made her retiieve. She went on to have 3 more finds. Jack had his first find in the cedars with all in order. He then moved up throught the "tube" and had a nice covey find wich Weasie backed. Jack took the draw to the left in the no kill zone and finished the course strong and to the front. Brace 15 Rader's Crickett of Quail MH H: Ken Rader FC AFC KimKaths Allure H: Jim Yates Crickett had a 200 yard breakaway down the tree line on the left and came to the tee and puttered a bit then moved down the road. She came to the open field and turned to the left along the tree line then right up along the brush row to the front. She moved over the hill out of sight and we found her standing in the tree line at about 10:00. We tried to flush the birds to the south with little success and they finally flew north right over Crickett's head. She made a very stylish jump. The End!! Allure ran a good gun dog race with multiple finds and a good retrieve

Brace 12 DC AFC Navaho Sidekick MH H: Guy Rezzardi TKO Wildcat out of Cascade H: Greg Dixon Rodi and Badger broke away well. Found Badger on point at the cedars with Rodi backing. Rodi was heeled out and sent on across the creek. Badger hooked up again and had a find in the no-kill zone, with Rodi backing again. Both dogs sent on, and Rodi was found standing. No bird was produced. Rodi was sent on again and found standing. A covey of quail was produced, but no bird killed. Rodi was sent on again and pointed in the

Placements 1. DC AFCSchnelibergs Gretta MH 2. DC AFC Navaho Sidekick 3. Piemonte Quido del Chisola 4. Bounty's Justa Peg leg Pete








CD MH x Schnelibergs




1997 97-98 96-97 95-96 1996 1993 1994 1995

TRAINER Jim Basham Rt 224 Nova, OH 419.652.3798


OWNERS Walt & Maureen


31 Nippins Ave

Schneliberg Kennels 15730 26 Mile Rd

Mt Holly, NJ 08060 609.261.3271

Macomb, MI 48042 810.7881.3621

Zacco 0: Aloysia Hard H: Mike Hemphill Prairiewood's Rocketman (M) Backwoods Flexible Flyer x FC AFC NAFC Breezin Britta Von Kinni B/O/H: Todd & Ellen Manns

1998_ Judges Ms. Cindy Hibler and Dean Browning Scribe- Fran Sakiey Brace 1 Valhalla's Bad Boy Jake (M) Bruno's Big Guy x Ch Schnellbergs Rose JH B: Mal Decker 0: Steve & Vicki Fisher H: Mal Decker


Both dogs were well to the front with Rocket hitting a small covey of quail. Just passed the first creek Omar was out of sight and was found running the river hedge row. He established point, but no bird was flushed. As time was called, both dogs were going to the front and running strong. Brace 6

Jay Mar's Cina's Dusty Diamond JH (M) NFC DC Jay Mar's Blakes Windczar SH x Jay Mar's ABS Vina of Orion JH B: Nickol Litwin & M.J. Collins 0: Ron Beckett & Allison Urbon H: Marylou Linge Both dogs had a good break away and 5 minutes into the brace Diamond had bird contact, no point was seen but a few minutes later he had a nice point on a quail. Jake had his first find in the second field and later pointed nicely in the field by the river. Both dogs worked nicely at a close gun dog range.

St Croix's Bodacious Butch (M) Rawhide's Rowdy Texan x St Croix's Fly'N Fritzi Ritz B/O/H: Sue & Bruce Mueller Von Stueben's Satin N Lace (F) Rush's Right x Back Points Mis Take B: Mike Sutos O/H: Randy Berry Both dogs showed good speed and stayed out to the front. At 10 minutes out there was bird contact but no point was seen. Both dogs slowed and finished at a short to medium pace. Brace 7

Brace 2 RLB's Milo Kidd (M) Backwoods Flexible Flyer x Ch Ripsnorters RlB's Samantha B: Lois & Roger Bultman 0: Greg Dixon H: Liz Dixon Jerelin's Indecent Legacy (F) DC AFC Dunkees Justa Top Flite MH x Jerelins Tropical storm JH B/O/H: linda & Jerry Krepak Both dogs broke to the front making a big cast through the trees and to the cedars. legacy's first bird contact was in the cedars with Milo finding his a few minutes later. Both dogs had nice points on quail and both showed ground speed and independence.

Valhallas Rockbridge Kate (F) Bruno's Big Guy x Ch Schnell bergs Ramblin Rose B: Mal Decker O/H Ray Brown Backwoods Milomore (M) Backwoods Flexible Flyer x NAFC FC AFC Breezin Britta Von Kinni B: Todd & Ellen Manns 0: Kim & Charles Moreman H: Liz Dixon Milo had his birds pointed at 10 minutes and 12 minutes into the brace. He showed good gun dog range wth Kate running a more moderate range. Both dogs worked hard, hit cover and finished strong with Milo well to the front.

Brace 3

Brace 8

Side By Sides Chatanuga Choo (M) Adel V Horan's Bauernhof x KTV Mein Schatz B: Jon & Margeret Prescott 0: Charles Kissinger H: Bernee Brawn RK's shot on the Rocks (M) DC AFC NFC NAFC Cascade Ike MH x Ch Wrights Shot of Scoresby B: K. Worley 0: Shane O'leary H: Mike Hemphill The third brace of the Futurity broke away at 12 noon with both dogs showing to the front. Staying well to the front, Kodi established point at the 10 minute mark with another 10 minutes later. He showed a good gun dog race and covered the ground nicely. Rocks ran a medium gun dog race.

Jerelin's Afternoon Delite JH (F) DC AFC Dunkees Justa Top Flite MH x Jerelins Tropical Storm JH B/O/H: Linda & Jerry Krepak St Croix's Diamond Jim (M) NFC DC Jay Mar's Blakes Windcazar SH x NAFC FC AFC St Croix Rawhide Ruby B/O/H: Sue & Bruce Mueller Delite showed some concern with her handler being on a horse, but after a few minutes got it together and started to hunt. She made some good casts and had bird contact 10 minutes into the brace. 5 minutes later she hit

Brace 4 Ch Valhalla's Mistletoe (F) Bruno's Big Guy x Ch Schnellbergs Rose JH B/O/H: Malcolm Decker Ansel's Brillow Ally (F) Ch Soo Lines Allied Freighter lakeville B: Michael Edwards O/H: Rhonda Amundson


x Alison's Meg of

Both dogs showed a medium to good gun dog race with Missy establising point at the 20 minute mark. Ally found her bird shortly thereafter with another 5 minutes later. Both dogs worked hard with Missy being the harder running of the two. Brace 5 Omar Del Chisola

(M) Claus Del Chisola x Orma Del Chisola B: Ernesto

a nice point. Jim ran a short to medium race and had bird contact at the 25 minute mark. Brace 9 Prairiewood's Wild Rose (F) Backwoods Flexible Flyer x NAFC FC AFC Breezn Britta Von Kinni B/O/H Todd & Ellen Mann The last brace of the 1998 Derby Classic broke away at 4:30. Rose had bird contact very shortly after the breakaway and established point at 4:45. Not up to her handlers expectations today(and just recovering frm a long illness), Todd decided to pick her up. The placements were called at that evenings steak dinner. The winner received a lenox dinner place made especially for this event. with the stake and horse, dog and bird emobssed in gold. The winners were:

1. Side By Sides Chatanuga 2. Backwoods



3. Ch Valhalla's Mistletoe 4. Jerlin's Afternoon

Delite JH

1998 National Amateur Placements 1. TNT's Hot Rodd Todd 2. DC AFC Navaho's Sidekick MH 3. DC AFC Schnellbergs Greta MH 4. FC AFC JimKaths Allure

1998 National Championship Placements 1. DC AFC Schnellbergs Greta MH 2. DC AFC Navaho Sidekick MH 3. Piemonte Quido del Chisola 4. Bounty's Justa Pegleg Pete

Wisch & H Huber 1998_


27, 1998

I would like to thank everyone who came to Sumerduck & supported the 1998 National Hunt Test. The members of the Del-Val Club were very pleased with the large number of entries: 7 - Masters, 10 - Seniors, 34 - Juniors. The weather was excellent the day of the hunt test - sunny skies & moderate temperatures. The courses were made for this event as the terrain was fairly level with plenty of cover to hold the birds. The day progressed without any delays or problems due to the efforts of: Jerry Clark - who did an excellent job as line marshall Dick Uhnavy - who marshalled on course A Ray Brown - who planted birds on both courses Mark Sargent - who helped with the gunning Dennis Dec - Asst. Chairman who marshalled & planted birds Donna Dec - who served as hunt test Secre-

Jerelin's Indecent Legacy (F) 4/15/97) By DC AFC Dunkees Justa Top Flite MH x Jerlins Tropical Storm JH B/O: Linda Krepak Jerelin's Jaded Details (F) (4/15/97) By DC AFC Dunkees Justa Top Flite MH x Jerlins Tropical Storm JH B/O: Linda Krepak Caramel Starry Knight (M) 4/4/96) By Am Can Ch Ripsnorters It's Showtime x Caramels 01' Devil Moon JH B: Don and Audrey Meinke 0: Wendy & Richard Warwick Side By Sides Chatanuga Choo (M) (4/16/97) By Adel V Horans Bauerhof x KTV Mein Schatz B: Jon & Margeret Prescott 0: Charles Kissinger Jay Mars Magic Rocket Man (M) (7/24/97) By DC NFC Jay Mar's Blake Windczar SH x Ch Jay Mar's ABS Vina of Orion JH B: N Litwin & M Jay Collins 0: Dona & Cathie Magoon Haar Baron's Gretchens Legacy (F) (4./6/98) By Haar Barons Hans Legacy x Ch Navaho Unexpected B: Janet Fast 0: Anne Geyer & Janet Fast Ch ADPG Heywires EZ Money (M) (10/7/94) By Ch Ripsnorters Thunderhart x Ch Shurcan Potogold Sheza McRae CD JH B: J Cheshire & D McCallum 0: Christine Buck SGR Marschallin (M) 10/13/97) By DC SGR Silent Running CD MH x Hellbender's Desert Storm JH B: Gail

tary Charlie Kissinger - who marshalled & planted birds Barb Kissinger - who kept the judges & marshalls fed

Richardson 0: Len Stirling Schwabe DVM

Haar Barons Ring a Din'g Legacy (M) (4/15/97) By Haar Barons Han's Legacy x Ch Navaho Unexpected B/O: Janet Fast Ch Valhalla's Mistletoe JH (F) 12/16/96) By Brunos' Big Guy x Ch Schnell berg's Ramblin Rose JH B/O: Mal Decker

Congratulations to the qualifiers who are listed below: Hunt Test Chairman, Decker


Master (7 entered) Judges George Heaney Vic Radicioni No Qualifiers

Woodruff's Frial Tuck OAJ (M) (8/8/93) By Ch Woodruff's Will Scarlet x Orca Vom Altmoor B: Marion Storehmer 0: Len Stirling & Regina Schwabe Valhalla's Bad Boy Jake By Brunos' Big Guy x Ch Ramblin Rose JH B/O:


Senior (10 entered) Judges George Heaney & Vic Radicioni Qualifiers Am/Can Ch Schnell berg In The Rough JH (F) By DCAFC Dunkees Justa Top Flite MH x Schnell bergs Anneliese B: Sue Owen 0: Lori & Mark Sargent Ch AFC NAFC Justa Tequila Sunset JH (F) By DC AFC Dunkees Justa Hole N ONe CD MH x Sure Shot's Justa Racie Lacie JH B: Bernee Brawn 0:

_....-'" .~~





DVM (M) 12/16/96) Schnellberg's Steve & Viki

Fischer Kusvill Koko Nasa (M)

Water Test

Judges Dean Browning & Joe Luisi The following dogs passed the water test Haar Barons Ring A Dings Legacy- Jan Fast Haar Barons Gretchens Legacy- Anne Geyer Haar Baron Hi Gaes Legacy- Jan Fast Ch Walnubberg Upland Thunder SH- Tom Jarnich Caramels Greta of Walnubberg JH - Charlie Schaeffer Caramels Starry Knight- Wendy & Richard Warwick Txwyrs Dans In Trouble- Kainer Txwyrs Herr Spoetzl- Terry Woodfin Ch Txwyrs Gizmo Von Abolo- Terry Woodfin Txwyrs Utter Chaos- Terry Woodfin Valhalla Wildwings Loki- Larson/Javier Bounty's Justa Margarita- Fran Sakiey & Bernee Brawn Bounty's Justa Pegleg Pete- Ken Zola/Fran Sakiey & Bernee Brawn Justa Ariel Too Tuff To Tame- Mary Pat Ezzo & Bernee Brawn Lucky Lil V Rhanhaus- Rocky Gilleard Ch Shurcan Heywire Hellraisin JH - Judy Cheshire TNT's Hot Tod Todd- Bill Koeber & Walt Tait

Bernee Brawn/Fran Sakiey/ Mal Decker Oakcrest Busters Showtime (M) By Ch Ripsnorter's It's Showtime x Ch Ripsnorters Lightning Strike B: H Huber Jr/H Huber 111/ D Navitaski 0: Chris Jones Junior

& Regina

A & B course

Judges Vic Radicioni & Goerge Heaney Cheryl Browning & Tom Jarnich Ch Side By Side Contess of Hilltop (F) (4/16/97) By Adel V Horans Bauernhof x KTV Mein Schatz B: Jon & Margeret Prescott 0: J Prescott & Betty Stroh Jay Mar's Outwest Czarina (7/24/97) By NFC DC Jay Mar's Blakes Windczar SH B/O: Nikol Litwin & M Jay Collins Txwyr's Herr Spoetzl (M) (2/4/98) By NFC NAFC DC AFC Cascade Ike MH x Ch Txwyrs Gizmo Von Cibolo B/O: Terry Woodfin Justa Hot Wheels (F) (4/7/98) By DC AFC Dunkees Justa Top Flite MH x Ch Ruffcuts Justa Southwind JH B/O Bernee Brawn Justa Ariel Too Tuff Too Tame (F) (4/7/98) By DC AFC Dunkees Justa Top Flite MH x Ch Ruffcuts Justa Southwind JH B:Bernee Brawn 0: Mary Patrice Ezzo DVM & Bernee Brawn

Oackhylls Dutchmen- Ross VanDerBos Oakcrest Busters Showtime- Chris Jones

Valhallas Rockbridge Kate (f) 12/16/96) By Brunos Big Guy x Ch Schnell berg's Ramblin Rose JH B: Mal Decker 0: Ray & Pam Brown Txwyr's Utter Chaos (M) (2/4/98) By DC AFC Cascade Ike MH x Ch Txwyr's Gizmo Von Cibolo B/O: Terry Woodfin Txwyrs Dans In Trouble (M) 2/4/98) DC DC AFC Cascade Ike MH x Ch Txwyr's Gizmo Von Cibolo B: Terry Woodfin 0: Daniel Kainer DVM Oakcrest Showstopper (M) (4/5/97) By Ch Ripsnorter's It's Showtime x Ch Ripsnorters Lightning Strike B: H Huber Jr/H HUber 111/ D Navitaski 0: Claire

Side By Sides Chatanuga Choo- Charlie Kissinger Maestros Justa Allegro MH- Brian Washa Ch Hellbender's Jesse James CD MH- Dennis Dec Hellbenders Jake MH- Charlie Kissinger Flintlocks Bifrost Odin- Dick & Pat Uhnavy & Richard Uhnavy Jr Flintlocks Bifrost UII- Dick & Pat Uhnavy Valhallas Rockbridge Kate- Ray Brown ~

Kusville Koko Nasa- Pat Dunleavy


Letters To The Editor Just got in .... ready to crash and try and catch up on some sleep, but had to write my thoughts down on this years National Specialty. Well, it was Fun, Fun, Fun. I honestly can't remember having so much fun at a national event ..... yes, winning was great, but the friendly people and laughter is what will stick in my mind the longest. We had some problems with our rental car, (the van from Hell), and thanks to the lending hands of Jo and Pat Neil from Canada, we managed to make it to all of spoiled handful back in the ring for me. Also a big thank you to Pat Laurans, who got me a chair for my injured leg and helped find a helping hand to show my dog. And to Lisa Bruzzone for running to get me ice and a wrap. There were so many others who lent a helping hand and really made me feel part of a family. The banquet was a blasLllaughed till I hurt, the BBQ was a hoot, and I told my handler, Bob, he just had to start wearing his underwear on the outside more often, it was very becoming. Thank you to the OelVal club for a job well done ... it was truly a National to remember. What a great fun loving family we are and I am proud to be a part of it. Lisa Jaffe FairOak Wires

M.or~ed eotologs for the

1998 GWroA


ore stl I ovoibbl e. ineltd es sh()w. ()be&enee. ogil itij.. hunt test fieH triol

Send ~12.00 IHO for u'e edoloq olld $2 for rostoqel

"Berflee "Browfl 1408 "Pifle"ille R()od New H()pe.lA. 18938

Calendar of Events Specialty


Field Trials/Hunting


MARCH 27&28 6&7



In order that as many GWPCA members as possible be encouraged to plan for the 1998 Nationals, please note that no Field Trials or Specialties will be approved while theNationals are being held in Virginia. (October 23-November 1) Also, if you have an officer of the GWPCA (other than the Secretary) approve a Field Trial or Specialty, please let me know. 1can then note tile AKC Turn-Around Letters in the files I maintain for each club. Your club event will then also be included in the Upcoming Events column. Karen Nelsen, GWPCA Secretary


••• ••• ••••

••• •••••••



••• •••


1999 GWPCA membership dues are payable on or before •••• •+ January 1st. All dues must be paid prior to March 31 in - •• order to be included iin the membership roster. + -: •_+ •• Send your dues check to the ••• •••• ••• GWPCA Treasurer ••• •••• •••• ••••••• •••• •••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••

Backwoods Flexible Flyer - "Archie" - would like to congratulate his kids on their success at the 1998 GWPCA Nationals ...

RLB's Milo Kidd Backwoods Flexible Flyer X Ripsnorters RLB Samantha 1st GWPCA Puppy Classic Major pointed conformation Breeder: Roger & Lois Bultman

Backwoods Milormore Charles Breeder: & Kim Todd Moreman &GWPCA Ellen Manns NAFC/FC/ AFC Breezin' Britta Kinni Backwoods 2nd 1998 Flexible Owned Flyer by Field XYon Futurity Currently 2nd 1998 in GWPCA Top Ten Derby Puppy/Derby Classic

RLB's Blauermonds Bella Mia Backwoods Flexible Flyer X Ripsnorters RLB Samantha 3rd 6-9 Sweeps bitch GWPCA National Specialty 3rd in Futurity Junior bitch class Pointed - has both majors Owned by Stacy Risler & Bob & Mary Strassman Breeder: Roger & Lois Bultman

路 .. and wishes the best of success for the future, whether in the field, the ring, or on the couch!

Backwoods Mo Kick

Backwoods American Flyer Backwoods Flexible Flyer X Sure Shot's Justa Missmarker

Top 10 Puppy/Derby Multiple GWPCA 1997 Wins Backwoods Pointed Breeder: Flexible - has Greg Blakes both Flyer majors Blue XLizJay-Mar's Angel &Derby Dixon

1999 Field Futurity Nominated 1999 Show Futurity Nominated Breeder: Penny Ljungren

WINTER TRAINING There are still a few spaces left for dogs for the Texas trip. Leaving the middle to end of January for a 6 week trip, make plans now for your dogs' continuing education in the field! Backwoods Kennels Greg & Liz Dixon N7815 Cty Rd N Spring Valley, WI 54767 (715)778-4675 email: bkwdsgwp@win.bright.net




GWPCA Webmaster

News and Views

Sheri Graner Ray <sheri@sirenia.com> "Becky" is in good health. She eats well and her ear problem has cleared up. She does not do well in a crate as she barks and howls. In the house she can be a bit mischeiveous and has been known to steal shoes, food and the occasional pillow. She does not get along well with other dogs. She is happy outdoors and would make a good indoor/outdoor dog if she had a large place to run off some energy. There has been no interest in her where she is and she only has until this weekend to live. For more information on Becky contact Dianne Huysken by email or by phone (616) 344 9673 or contact Mal Decker "Gus" is a 2 year old, black roan male who didn't make it as a "bomb dog" and is now looking for his own home. He is severely overshot and needs some training. He's good around people. For information on Gus contact: Mal Decker "Alex" 4 year old neutered male, no other dogs or cats. Good with children. Liver & White ticked. Contact Patti Diehl at (937) 885-4171.

"Fritz", a 7y/o male in a shelter in Indiana. He's neutered, likes kids and other dogs. For more information, contact Barb Weiss at 812-858-9622 or the shelter directly: 812-858-11 32 "Artemis



v. Nichols"

is a

male GWP. He is being placed because he does not get along with children. For more information contact: Anthody (410) 583-1660.

All Cyberspace Wire owners are invited to join us in the "Wire Chat Room" on Wednesday nights at 8:30 Central time. To get to the chat room, go to the GWPCA Web page and click on "Chat". This will take you to the right place. You will have to sign up and get a password, but once you are in, Delphi will remember your password for you everytime you come to chat. Lot's of things are discussed, some serious, some not so serious. So, don't forget....Wednesdays, 8:30 Central Time Be there, or be square!


CheeR ()Ltt the GWWA

In California: Chester is a 1 1/2 yr old neutered male. Needs to be in a home with no

~b lhqe c.t

kids as has history of growling at children. Obedience trained.

wwwqw reo .e()WI


Not gun shy. For more information on Chester contact: Cindy Heiller, DVM

while ~Lt ore sLtrfin

In Boise Idaho Humane Society there are two German Wirehaireds. One is Millie, a female and former hOl,Jsepet. She is good with everything, gentle, and housebroken. She seems a bit sad and confused. For more information call Sheila Ames,Volunteer coordinator at (208) 342-3508 ext. 28 Editors Note: Millie was

the net ..wh~ n()t j()in the qwr Wloil list ewr~thinq


~Lt need 1i> Rn()w eon be f()Ltnd c.t

/wwwhofl in .eo""


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Give us a try ...

TOP TEN FIELD 1998 trials reported on from Jan 1, 1998 through September

30 1998 as reported in the

AKC Awards through November1998.

compiled by Lynn Sandor

Lynn_Sandor@email.msn.com # DOGS

.OPEN SENIOR DOGS (GUN DOGS) 1. DC/AFC Schnellberg's 2. FC Flintlock's Addition

Gretta MH


127 109

W & M Tait, NJ M Hemphill, WA


3. Rush's Right 4. TNT's Hot Rod Todd

R Berry, CA B KoeberlW Tait, NJ

5. Sure Shots Justa Miss Marker 6. DC AFC Navaho Sidekick MH 7. TKO Wildcat Out ot Cascade

P Ljungren, WA G Rezzardi, IL 1. Nestrud, MN

7. Jay-Mar's Blakes Blue Angel 9. Ch Wildwings Party Girl JH 10. Flintlock's K S Tzarr Schwartz

G DixoniL Barret Dixon, WI L Sandor, CA K Sunda, IL

In Open Seniour Gun Dogs there were 101 placements


96 96 96 71

60 112 84

PTS 100 66

60 53 50 47 44 44 43







P Ljungren, WA M Lee, OR





P Ljungren, WA M&K Lee, OR K Nelsen, CA



36 56

26 25

40 30

22 22

4. Sure Shots Justa Miss Marker 5. Wind Walker von Wilson 6. AFC Sure Shots Golly Miss Molly JH 7. Sure Shot's Rocket Dream 8. Ch SGR Witch Hunt MH


9. Deja Vu M&F Fernandez, CA 9. Bounty's Justa Margarita Sakiey/Brawn, NJ In Amateur Senior Gun Dogs there were 65p/acements by 30 dogs



1. Flintlock's Ugly Mug 2. Jay-Mar's Cina's Dusty Diamond 3. Backwoods Miormore

S Humphrey, 10 R BecketV Urbon C&K Moreman, WI

4. Flintlock's Bitrost's Odin 5. Backwoods Western Flyer 6. Backwoods Reggie 7. Saddle Up Anja V Lutz 8. Yon Duffin's Cappuccino 9. Piemonte Elena V Chisola 10. Cascade CJ

R&R&R Uhnavy Jr, MI G &L Dixon. WI G Dixon, WI J Peters, CA T & A Duffin, OR A Hard, WA R&L Calkins, OR

/n Junior Dogs there we 78 placements


(D) SN40954401


by Ch.

Weidenhugel Merlin V Nico CD MH x Ch. Ruff Cut Jet Set Autumn Moon JH; Breeder: Laura Reeves & Jane Bonaccorso; Owner; Laura Reeves & Kelly Harder Fuzzy


Wildwings Cafferata;

V Gemutlichkeit

(B) SN34332808

Sureshot Odie x Baffi yon Chafferata; Owner; Barbara & Barney Berlenbach

(8/15/98) Breeder:

by Rich

Ch. Matilda's Rogue Banjo (D) SN19979907 (8/23/98) by Marsu's Superduper Trooper x Kunky's Matilda's Rogue; Breeder: Kenneth Middleton; Owner: Merrill & Laurie Marley

AMATEUR SENIOR DOGS (GUN DOGS) W & M Tait, NJ Zola/Sakiey/Brawn, L&R Calkins, OR

JUNIOR HUNTER Ch. Scotian Private


by 36 dogs.

1. DC/AFC Schnellberg's Gretta MH 2. Bounty's Justa Pegleg Pete 3. AFC Cascade Cadence MH




Ch. Walnub Berg's Upland Thunder JH (D) SN18118105 (5/16/98) by Schroeder's Summit Thunder x Caramel's Greta ot Walunberg JH; Breeder: Charles Schaeffer; Owner: Thomas Jarnich Madison ot Mason Creek (B) SN11601706 (8/15/98) by M C Wired x Twister Yon Mason Creek; Breeder: Barbara Grygiel & Janet Nahom; Owner:

Bruce Lyon



Rader's Crickett of Quail SH (B) SN00600709 (7/12/98) by Hourr x Cadenberg Quail V Rogue; Breeder: Mike Sutsos; Owner: Kenneth & Suzanne Rader













27 34

19 17

15 12

13 12




CD MH (B) SN13777701


by 41 dogs.

BACKWOODS KENNELS Bird Dogs Trained Field Trial/Hunt

Test Training & Handling

Summer Camp / North Dakota Winter Camp / Texas



FIELD CHAMPION Ch. Cadenberg Victor V Trey JH (D) SN16929306 (7/18/98) by Ch. Weidenhugel Intrepid V Goetz x DC AFC Cadenberg Magie V Rogue COX MH; Breeder: Silke Alberts; Owner: Mildred Revell Flintlock's Ezekiel (D) SN13354703 (8/29/98) by FC AFC Bo Taylor V Rahnhaus x Flintlock's Belle V Rahn Haus; Breeder; Mike Hemphill; Owner; Joseph Demoura AMATEUR


Cascade Cadence MH (B) SM90946201 (3/28/98) by DC Cascade Rogue MH x Cascade Sunset; Breeder/Owner: Ray & Lynn Calkins

NEW Champions As of August 31, 1998 (through the October AKC Awards) ADPG Liesel Ez Weihnachten (B) SN20947909 (6/21/98) by Ch. Ripsnorter's Thunderhart x Ch. Shurcan Potogold Sheza McRae CD JH; Breeder: Judy Cheshire & Danielle McCallum & Jame McCallum; Owner: Katherine Hoover

Valhalla's Flying Dutchman (D) SN42228601 (7/31/98) by Bruno's Big Guy Schnellberg's Ramblin' Rose JH; Breeder/Owner: Malcolm Decker

Creaghan's Not P'Lite to Point (D) SN32707501 (7/25/98) by Ch. Creaghan's Sun on the Moon JH x Ch. Creaghan's Carolina in My Mind JH; Breeder: Marguerite Creagan Howard; Owner: Vicki Brackins Ebbtide Baycrest Spring Hunt JH (D) SN34968409 (7/27/98) by DC AFC Dunkee's Justa Top Flite MH x Ch. Ebbtide Summer Breeze JH; Breeder: Shyla Gunther & Garnett Persinger, Owner: James Hanna & Garnett Persinger & Shyia Gunther Fairoaks Follow Me Boys (B) SN32570805 (7/12/98) by Ch. Jamars Back in Time x Ch. Ripsnorter's Fraulein Heidi; Breeder: Lisa Jaffe & Helen George & Lisa McMillan; Owner: Alan Kingsford & Lisa Jaffe

Maestro's Miss M MH (B) SN21124102 (7/27/98) by DC AFC Dunkees Justa Holenone CD MH x Ch. Ripsnorter's Die Zauberflote JH; Breeder: Patricia Ranker & Helen

(8/22/98) by Ch. Afterhours Cassios Jean Renner & Christine Whitmore;

Aspendels the Devil Wind (D) SN43901905 (8/22/98) by Ch. C Wobegon Warrior x Ch. Aspendel the Warrior's Maiden; Breeder: Bob Perry & Linda Hof; Owner: Bob Perry

Cadenberg Ursus V Trey JH (D) SN11421108 (8/2/98) by Ch. Weidenhugellntrepid V Goetz x DC AFC Cadenberg Magie V Rogue COX MH; Breeder: Silke Alberts; Owner: Bob Rittenhouse

Robert Linn

Maestro's Justa Luna-Tic (B) SN26118904 (7/5/98) by DC AFC Dunkees Justa Holenone CD MH x C. Ripsnorter's Die Zaubertlote JH; Breeder: Patricia Ranker & Helen George; Owner: Lawrence Wolfe & Patricia Ranker On Point's Beginning Darling (B) SN44084901 (7/26/98) HotCoco x Darling Autumn JH; Breeder: Mary Calkins-Darling; Pinecreeks

Afterhours Snow Job at ADPG (B) SN13276608 Landlord x Wyrebrand Surely U Jest; Breeder: Owner: Renee Nappier

Bris's Osage Spectacle (B) SN40575107 (8/23/98) by Ch. Maestro's Justa Snuffleupagus JH x Bris's and Lady's Gizmo Girl JH; Breeder: Serena Dillingham & Jack Dillingham; Owner: Mike Bates & Serena Dillingham & Teri Bates

Jay-Mar's Cina's Runaway Train (D) SN47355301 (7/5/98) by NFC DC Jay-Mar's Blake's Windczar SH x Ch. Jay-Mar's Ab's Vina of Orion JH; Breeder: Nickol Litwin & M. Jay Collins; Owner: Chris Kosman & Nickol Litwin


Van Duffin Fallschrim Jager JH (B) SN38818909 (7/4/98) by Ch. Sure Shot's Rockland Boss x Ch. Cascade Cate Von Duffin MH; Breeder: Ann & Terry Duffin; Owner: Scott Rager & Katherine Unruh

Bris-N-Mojos Justa Tigger (B) SN41238104 (8/31/98) by Ch. Maestros Justa Snuffleupagus JH x Ch. Maestro Razz's Royal Lady CD TO SH; Breeder: Serena Dillingham & Jack Dillingham; Owner: Luci & John Traster

Hellbender's Jesse James CD MH (D) SN18347509 (7/12/98) by Hellbender's Bum'sRush x Hellbender's Desert Storm JH; Breeder: Mary Spies; Owner: Dennis Dec


x Ch.



(B) SN46111908

Statement x Ch. Pinecreeks Ripsnort'N Owner: Jennifer & Rex DeVries

J and J Raisen A Ruckus (B) SN20279106 (8/30/98) by Ch. J and J New Yorker x Ch. J and J Jamman's Show Girl; Breeder: Ann Rosati & Lisa Jaffe; Owner: Evelyn Van Uden & Ann Rosati & Joan Hussar

by Darling's Steamin' Owner: Kim Moreman

(6/20/98) by Ripsnorter

Secret JH; Breeder:

Doc's Wild Like the Wind CD (D) SN2137691 0 (8/30/98) by Marsu's Huxstable Lee JH x Colorado HB Louise; Breeder: H.E. Harding Jr.; Owner: Cathy Milachek & Debra Hensley

Makin' A

Charlotte Jean Epley;

Jet Set's Full Sail of Scotia (B) SN40954402 (8/29/98) by Ch. Weidenhugel Merlin V Nico CD MH x Ch. Ruff Cut Jet Set Autumn Moon JH; Breeder: Laura Reeves & Jane Bonaccorso;

SGR Dirty Laundry (D) SN03795607 (5/16/98) by Overbaron's Country FC AFC SGR Witches' Brew; Breeder/Owner: Gail & Bill Richardson



Side By Side Contessa of Hilltop (B) SN43760601 (7/31/98) by Adel V Horan's Bauernhof x KTV Mein Schatz; Breeder: Jonathan Prescott & Margaret Prescott; Owner: Jonathan Prescott & Betty Stroh




Robert & Jane Bonaccorso Hank (D) SN26026002

(8/8/98) by Eagle Cap R B Jaeger Meister

x Weidenhugel Whistle V Jersey MH; Breeder/Owner: Wallace & Mary Lou Li Ri-Jo's Break Point (B) SN46964202 (8/27/98) by Ripsnorter Makin a Statement Ch. Kaizans Give Me a Break; Breeder/Owner: Rita & Joel Plough


Steensview Cascade Buckaroo (D) SN06006406 (8/23/98) by NFC NAFC DC AFC Cascade Ike MH x Cascade Bag of Trix; Breeder: William Hosford; Owner: Mary Hanson

~--------------------------------------~ LUNA was sired by DC AFC DUNKEES JUSTA HOLE' N ONE CD, MH, NAVHDA

do it all puppies UT "Putter"(OFA Good)and her mother is CH RIPSNORTER'S DIE ZAUBERFlOTE


JH "Tigger" (OFA Good). This litter produced 5 CHAMPIONS, 2 MASTER HUNT-





GROUP placer. TOP FLITE, a 2nd generation DC/AFC/MH is a proven sire with

has been bred to kids winning in both the show ring and the field events at this years, and last years




Nationals. This breeding was planned for a good looking, hard working litter with


(ofo good)

sound temperments and competiitive conformation.

,/'!\'- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - ~ ~

For more information

and pedigree contact: Colleen





NY (716)


or email



the Ml"\L1'tip'e best i~ show


p~ppies d~e deceMl'\beJ-A 20th ~ ch vvitdfiJ-Aes beJ'\ t'e y t< ~

ch J-AipsJ'\oJ-AteJ-A sligh tJ'\iJ'\g stJ-Aike


oWl"\e~ te~~el"\ce boldil"\ vvebb b~idge ~oad~alpha~ga

770 751 9133


Fort Detroit GWP Specialty Show Friday 11/27/98 Sweepstakes-


Paul Morrison


Sweeostakes. Puoov. 6 to 9 Months Doas. 1 FARMGATE'S MORGAN. By Ch Schnellberg's Second Act - Ch Beechtree's Farmgate's Betty B. Owner: Paula & Jude Moebius. Breeder: Jude Moebius & Paula Moebius. 2 FARMGATES


By Ch Schnell berg's


Beechtree's Farmgate's Betty B. Owner: Paula & Jude Moebius Jude Moebius & Paula Moebius. Sweeostakes. Puoov. 9 to 12 Months Doas. 1 KAIZANS TWIST N SHOUT. By Ch Fairoaks Timebomb - Ch Kaizans Wlnd'N'Fire. Owner: Keith Nash. Breeder:

Act - Ch Breeder:

Bred bv Exhibitor Doas. 1 FARMGATE'S MORGAN. By Ch Schnellberg's Second Act - Ch Beechtree's Farmgate's Betty B. Owner: Paula & Jude Moebius., Breeder: Jude Moebius & Paula Moebius. Ooen Doas. 11W HELLBENDER

- Ch Larkspur Gina McCain. 3 LARKSPURS

V Wiesen MH Keith Nash &


(4 Points/9 dogs)

By Ch

SGR Dirty Laundry - Hellbenders Desert Storm JH. Owner: Bill & Gail Richardson., Breeder: Mary ESpies. (Ms Claudia McNulty, Agent). 2 LARKSPURS NOTHIN SHOCKS ME. By Ch Ripsnorters It's Showlime Classic




Gina McCain.,


Showlime - Ch Larkspur Classic Serenade. Michelle Boyd. Breeder: Gina McCain.

Eau Breeder:

SN By Ch Ripsnorter's


Owner: Gina McCain & Jim &

Cris C Nash. (Sue Owens, Agent). Sweeostakes. Junior. 12 to 18 Months Dogs. 1/BSW AFTERHOURS THORNWOOD GRIFFY. By Ch Afterhours Stormin Norman - Afterhours Foxy Roxy. Owner: Patti Diehl Breeder: Walter & Christine Whitmore & Christi Chism

PUOOV. 6 to 9 Months Bitches. 1 FARMGATES BIRDY ON POINT.

2 RI-JO'S HEARTBREAKER. By Ripsnorter Kaizans Give Me A Break. Owner: Ronda

Wynwyre's Nature's Quest. Owner: Connie Burgess., Grafton, OH 44044. Breeder: Connie Burgess. (Connie Hammon, Agent). 3 FARMGATES GRETCHEN By Ch Schnellberg's Second Act - Ch Beechtree's Farmgate's Betty B. Owner: Paula & Jude Moebius., Mineral Point, WI 53565. Breeder: Jude Moebius & Paula Moebius. 4 BACKWOODS ON-A POINT. By Ch Soo Line's Allied Freighter -

Makin A Statement - Ch James & Rita Plough.,

Cardington, OH 433159549.sperlrcs@on-ramp.net Breeder: Rita J Plough & Joel S Plough. 3 DARLING'S TURBO. By DC NAFC Cascade Ike MH - Darling Autumn JH. Owner: Mary Darling & Eileen Fahey Breeder: Mary J Calkins-Darling & Julie Richards. Sweeostakes. Puoov. 6 to 9 Months Bitches. 1 WACOWYRE'S WHAT ZA MATTA. By Ch Kaizan's

Wilson's Georgia Peach. Owner: Dixon & Ronald E Wilson. Bound To Be - Ch

Wynwyre's Nature's Quest. Owner: Connie Burgess., Grafton, OH 44044. Breeder: Connie Burgess. (Connie Hammon, Agent). 2 FARMGATES GRETCHEN. By Ch Schnellberg's Second Act - Ch Beechtree's Farmgate's Betty B. Owner: Paula & Jude Moebius Breeder: Jude Moebius & Paula Moebius. 3 MAYWIRES DOTTIE DOOWOP. By FCh/AFCh - Ch Afterhours Sweet Maggie May JH. Owner: Breeder: Christine & Steven Kopfstein. Sweeostakes. Puoov. 9to 12 Months Bitches. 1 AFTERHOURS SAINT PAULY'S GIRL. By Ch - Ch Afterhours Risky Business JH. Owner: Christi Christine Whitmore. Breeder: Steven & Christi Whitmore.





Puoov. 9 to 12 Months Bitches. 1 AFTER HOURS SAINT PAULY'S GIRL. By Ch Afterhours Lover Boy Ch Afterhours Risky Business JH. Owner: Christi Schoessow Chism & Christine Whitmore. Breeder: Steven & Christi Chism & Christine Whitmore.

2 STEPHENS MOLLIE By Kaizans Kokojo Thunderhart - Ch Afterhours Amanda. Owner: Dan Stephens., Delaware, OH 43015. Breeder: Dan Stephens. (Ms. Helen George, Agent). 3 JED'S BLUSANDS GENUINE RISKBy Ch Jed's Silent Polar Express - FCh/AFCh Navaho Sidekick MH. Owner: Edward & Barbara Tucker


MH. Owner:

Regular Classes JUDGE: Mrs. Keke Kahn Pupov. 6 to 9 Months Doas. 1 FARMGATES BENTLY By Ch Schnellberg's


Afterhours Lover Boy Schoessow Chism & Chism & Christine

By Ch Larkspurs Owner: Heather


Walter &

RISK. By Ch Jed's Silent Polar Ex-

press - FCh/AFCh Navaho Sidekick Tucker., Breeder: Guy Rezzardi.


12to 18 Months Bitches. 1 AFTERHOURS COVER GIRL. By Ch Afterhours Stormin Norman Afterhours Foxy Roxy. Owner: Christine Whitmore., Medina, OH 442568351. Breeder: Walter & Christine Whitmore & Christi Chism.

Quisenberry & Dale Hurlock Breeder: Heather Box & Shane Box. 2 STEPHENS MOLLIE. By Kaizans Kokojo Thunderhart - Ch Afterhours Amanda. Owner: Dan Stephens. Breeder: Dan Stephens. (Ms. Helen George, Agent). 3 AFTERHOURS COVER GIRL. By Ch Afterhours Stormin Norman -


Second Act -

Flintlock's Hawk Eye Thomas Kopfstein., .

Sweeostakes. Junior. 12to 18 Months Bitches. 1/BOSSW COTTONWOOD'S MAKERSAIDTAKEHER. Goodrunofbadluck - Arkayem's Classic Snowbyrd.

Afterhours Foxy Roxy. Owner: Christine Christine Whitmore & Christi Chism.

By Ch Schnellberg's

Ch Beechtree's Farmgates Betty B. Owner: Kimberly Moreman & Paula Moebius., Breeder: Jude Meobius & Paula Moebius. 2 WACOWYRE'S WHAT ZA MATTA. By Ch Kaizan's Bound To Be - Ch



& Barbara

Act - Ch

Beechtree's Farmgate's Betty B. Owner: Paula & Jude Moebius Breeder: Jude Moebius & Paula Moebius. Puoov. 9to 12 Months Doas. 1/R KAIZANS TWIST N SHOUT. By Ch Fairoaks Timebomb V Wiesen MH - Ch Kaizans Wind'N'Fire. Owner: Keith Nash Breeder: Keith Nash & Cris C Nash. (Sue Owens, Agent). 12 to 18 Months Dogs. 1 RI-JO'S HEARTBREAKER. By Ripsnorter Makin A Statement - Ch Kaizans Give Me A Break. Owner: Ronda James & Rita Plough., Breeder: Rita J Plough & Joel S Plough. 2 AFTERHOURS THORNWOOD GRIFFY. By Ch Afterhours Stormin Norman - Afterhours Foxy Roxy. Owner: Patti Diehl Breeder: Walter & Christine Whitmore & Christi Chism. 3 DARLING'S TURBO. By DC NAFC Cascade Ike MH - Darling Autumn JH. Owner: Mary Darling & Eileen FaheyBreeder: Mary J Calkins-Darling & Julie Richards.

Breeder: Guy Rezzardi. Bred bv Exhibitor Bitches. 11W/BW RIPSNORTER'S




(5 Points)


Riposnorter's Makin A Statement - Ch Ripsnorter's dogs) Private Daner. Owner: Jason & Lisa Clipse.Breeder: Helen George & Patricia Gabriel. 2



By Ch Larkspurs

Goodrunofbadluck - Arkayem's Classic Snowbyrd. Owner: Heather Quisenberry & Dale Hurlock Breeder: Heather Box & Shane Box. Ooen Bitches. 1/R AFTERHOURS-K-S-TZARR-VARGA. By Ch Afterhours Stormin Norman - Afterhours Foxy Roxy. Owner: Christine WhitmoreBreeder: Walter & Christine Whitmore. 2 BRIS LIMITS OUT AT PINE CREEK. By DC AFC Dunkees Justa Top Flite JH - Ch Maestro Razz's Royal Lady CD TO JH. Owner: Charlotte J Epley. 3 CADENBERG WICKED ONE V.IKE. By DCh/AFCh Cascade Ike MH - DCh/AFCh Cadenberg Magie V Rogue COX. Owner: Susan Owen., Breeder: Silke Alberts. Veteran Bitches. 1 CH WYREBRAND


COCO. By Ch After Hours Wyr N Bojest

- Ch Wyr N Lady Luv On Golden pt. Owner: Mary Darling & Lori Cherkinsky. Breeder: Jean K Remner & Frederick C Remner. Best of Breed CH SCHNELLBERG'S





Ike MH - Schnellberg's Rayle Bird CD. Dog. Owner: Susan Owen.Breeder: Norman Stahl & Susan Owen .. Best of Oooosite CH THORNWOODS Grit - Ch Afterhours

SUMKINDAWONDERFUL. By Ch Thornwoods True Cassios Locket. Bitch. Owner: Barry A Diehl DVM &

Patty Diehl Breeder: W & C Whitmore & C Schoessow & P Diehl.



CR. SGR Dirty Laundry

SGR Silent Running Brooke

OFA Excellent/Normal Thyroid 1997 GWP A#4 Gun Dog 7-Field Points

1997 Top 10 GWPCA Puppy/Derby OFA Fair FC/ AFC Cascade Steamer MH OFA Good, NAFC 1985 & 86 Leading Sire of Field Trial CH Overbaron's Country Hustler OFA ExcellentINormal Thyroid 1992 GWPCA #1 Puppy/Derby 1993 GWPCA Field Futurity

SIRE: CH SGR Dirty Laundry OFA ExcellentINormal Thyroid 1997 GWPCA #4 Gun Dog, 7 Field Points

Smokin' Jo V Rahnhaus OFA Good FC/AFC SGR Witches' Brew OFA Goo9lThyroid Normal 1990 GWPCA field Futurity 1989 #1 GWPCA Puppy/Derby

Nominated For Both Field & Show Futurities

DAM: SGR Silent Running Brooke 1997 Top 10 GWPCA Puppy/Derby OFA Fair (pictured)

Rt. 2, Box 379, Jackson, MN 56143 (507) 847-4505 e-mail: rlb@rconnect.com


Vanilla Mousse

Smokin' Jo V Rahnhaus OFA Good FC/AFC SGR Witches' Brew OFA GoodIThyroid Normal 1990 GWPCA Field Futurity 1989 #1 GWPCA Puppy/Derby


FC/AFC Marie Laveau Yon Steuben OFAGood 1990, '91, '92 GWPCA #1 Gun Dog 1991, '92 GWPCA NAFC 1992 GWPCA NFC CH Bach V Schnellberg OFA Good

DC SGR Silent Running CD, MH OFA Good/Thyroid Normal 1987 GWPCA Field Futurity

To reserve your pup, call

FC/AFC Marie Laveau Yon Steuben OFA Good 1990, '91, '92 GWPCA #1 Gun Dog 1991, '92 GWPCA NAFC 1992 GWPCA NFC

FC/AFC Marie Laveau Yon Steuben OFA Good 1990, '91, '92 GWPCA #1 Gun Dog 1991, '92 GWPCA NAFC 1992 GWPCA NFC


I am looking a at couple of old magazine articles; one which was written in 1943 and describes the split between Show and Field opinions. The other, written in 1959 talks about the Wirehair, Shorthair and Weimaraner and indicates that the Wirehair is the most popular hunting dog in Germany. It also says that the Wirehair runs bigger than the Shorthair and Weimaraner in Germany. Now I have been around Wires, Shows and Trials since 1971. I know that our breed has had on going dialog regarding the differences of opinion between Show and Field for at least 27 years. I'm sure it will continue for many years to come But at least we have not let the differences split the breed like the Irish Setter, English Setter, English Pointer and other field breeds. Dialog is good. At one point we had more Dual Champions per capita than any other breed. The Brits used to hold this honor and I'm not sure which breed does now, but we can't be far from the top. This is surprising in that we not only face the Show and Field split, but we throw into the mix the black & white, the NAVHDA and VDD aspects of a versatile dog. We could easily be expected to develop into three or maybe four breed types. But we haven't. Although this article is focused upon field attributes of our dogs, we should never forget to maintain good conformation, coat, color and personality in our breedings. Most recently there has been substantial dialog about the various filed attributes of our Wires; what they were intended to be and why field trials are bad and not meant for our breed. I've been racking my brain to think of a short way to put forward the "field trial" perspective and gain some level of understanding from the uninitiated, without requiring everybody with a differing point of view to ride multiple field trial braces over a period of years to fully understand. I think I've come up with my best shot; a short story. Lets say that there was a long standing and respected breeder of Wires in Germany. You know, one of the "Original Country" kennels that breeds for versatile dogs that hunt upland game, waterfowl and fur. Where dogs are bred to track running game, wounded game and day old dead game on a drag track. Where it is well recognized that Wires are to track both on land and water. Let's say this breeder produced a dog which was imported to the U.S. at age 6

months. This dog became a personal hunting companion and Show Champion for its U.S. owner. At 4 years of the dog started Field Trial training and quickly became a Field and Amateur Field Champion. He won our National Field Stakes and was the number one Adult Field Dog three years in a row. Other than at the Nationals, all of this dogs wins were in All Breed competition from the West Coast to the Mid-West. He won in Gun Dog Stakes and All Age Stakes. He won in walking trials and in horseback trials. He never ran in closed breed stakes; but he continued to be hunted on wild pheasant and Put & Take Pheasant Clubs - off of foot. Now remember, this is a dog that came directly from our roots, Germany. A dog from a breed that some say shouldn't be AKC Field Trial dogs. And then, lets add that this dog became an Obedience CD and earned a Tracking Dog degree. I guess wefd have to agree that he was a Versatile Dog. Now, as the story goes, this dog was bred to a nice performing hunting bitch which was a Show Champion, had an Obedience Degree and a Tracking Degree; had been tested and passed some level of NAVHDA test; but had never run in Field Trials. Each of the pups from the first litter were tested in NAVHDA Natural Ability and ALL passed with Perfect Scores. This breeding was repeated four more times and, although not every pup was tested in NAVHDA, a number of them were. At one point this particular breeding produced more Perfect Score NAVHDA Natural Ability dogs than all the other Perfect Score dogs in NAVHDA. This record likely does not still hold, but I'd suspect that the breeding still out numbers all other Perfect Score Wirehairs; certainly the most for any particular breeding. Now here were High Quality Versatile Pups from a Field Trial Dog. A dog that actuallyexisted; Dual & Amateur Field Champion Lutz zur Cadenburg, Companion Dog, Tracking Dog. A dog that came from Germany - not from some cross bred U.S. kennel. Lutz was injured in 1977 and was NOT the top field dog for that year; he was for 1976 & 1978. Other than that small exaggeration, this is a true story. We'll never know how great of a dog Lutz could have been as he was not afforded early year training and development, he did not compete in youth dog stakes and he was only trained on weekends; living with Silke Alberts during the week and me on the weekends. Now Lutz was exceptional, however; he was noUhe exception to the rule that great

Field Trial dogs produce great hunting dogs. What is the exception and makes this story worth telling, is that Silke was able to get so many puppy owners involved with NAVHDA testing and other recognized dog events. Out of all the breedings of Lutz & Cena, only two went into Field Trials. Zipper from the second litter became a Dual and Amateur Field Champion. Cort, from the third litter was never broke, but he was a great young dog that won an American Field All Age Derby Chuckar Classic against all pointers. Cort was also the Sire of Marie Leveau. Lutz was bred far too sparingly, but he was bred to a few bitches other than Cena. He produced several other Field Champions from different bitches, but he produced far more high quality versatile hunting dogs. I have four regrets with regard to Lutz; one of which is that we didn't freeze some semen. For if we had frozen semen, we'd be producing even more top quality Wirehairs yet today. There are many field line kennels with his blood in the background. I think this is a fine example of how a German bred versatile purpose dog can run in AKC trials and how field trial breedings do produce great hunting and versatile dogs. Now for someone to describe field trials and the likely get from field trial dogs, when they have only seen one or a few stakes; but, have not participated for a reasonable period of time, have not trained a dog for these events, have not run under the phony conditions trialers are afforded and have not produced and measured trial dogs' get; is like someone trying to describe the difference in the flavors of vanilla and chocolate when they've never eaten any chocolate. Some who render these opinions may not have even eaten any vanilla. When talking trials with an inexperienced person, the issue of defining Big Running and Run-Off keeps coming up. Many who do not participate in trials spread the word that a puppy from a field trial breeding will run too big and be uncooperative. These people fail to recognize that there is a big difference between running big and handling! cooperating vs. running-off and self hunting. Many people will never know the difference; including some who judge field trials. I've only seen two run-ofts in Wirehairs. Both were from the same kennel. That's two out of how many. But the real issue is, these same big running dogs would not run so big were it not for the way they were conditioned, trained

and patterned. If these same dogs were owned by someone who only hunted them; someone who taught the dog to pace himself for the all day hunt and not the short 30 minute burst, then they would work closer to the gun and be high class bird dogs for the hunter. How do I know? Because I've seen and done it time after time. The amount of DESIRE & STYLE that field trialers require has also been recently mentioned in the vein of something to be undesired. In reality, trialers want no more desire or style than a proud hunter would want in a high quality hunting dog. There is no breed pride and no breed improvement in a dog that doesn't have the desire to hunt for birds and when he happens across one, he simply stands there - loose on both ends, tail hanging and wagging, head down and looking around, eyes wondering and nose sniffing the grass and passing butterflies. Thirty years ago I took a Standard Poodle bitch and trained her to hunt pheasant. She had some desire, a little ground speed and not a bad pattern; but she had no style in running or on point. She stood her birds, but without intensity. But she put birds in the bag. The quality of that Poodle bitch just simply isn't enough if we are to maintain the quality our forefathers built into our breed. If a Wirehair hunter doesn't want the attributes that a pointing dog was designed for, then perhaps he or she has the wrong breed. If a hunter is looking for a dog that slowly and methodically hunts every bush within gun range, then it sounds like a flushing breed is more in order. But, if what is desired are the attributes of an upland pointing dog, which runs beyond gun range to likely objectives, points and sets the birds and holds them for the arrival of the hunter, then he or she should always demand quality and propagate it. This breed was not meant to be mediocre as evidenced by the at:>ove story and dogs which still run in Germany and the U.S. today. Now don't say, but ~ese dogs are not upland specialist, they are a versa'Ie breed dog. Yeh, they are. And each of the versatile qualities should be igh quality. They should 'etrieve with the best, they should track with the best and they should hunt upand game with the best. =act is, AKC field trials don't :xus on the retrieving and

tracking aspects of our breed. Yes, they are measured when the opportunity is presented, but they are not tested each time the dog is presented. There are other venues for this type of testing, and I don't hear any trialers talking about the inappropriateness of doing so or discouraging owners who might be interested in such. In fact, a number of avid Wirehair field trialers also test their dogs in NAVHDA. Field trials are not for everyone and they're not inexpensive. To make a dog competitive, it requires a lot of knowledge, ability, hard work, dedication and money. If you want to do it yourself, you can plan on giving up all weekends for most of the year. You'll be up with the chickens traveling to your training grounds and you'll have far more disappointing days than good ones. To get in big time, one might expect to invest from $40,000 to $80,000 in playtime assets. And then there are the all year training expenses, birds, travel, entry fees and so on. Or you could pay someone like me $3,000 to $6,000 a year (depending upon how extensively the dog is campaigned). So either way it is not cheap; neither in financial resources or time investment. And when you're done, you'll have a different dog. Old Rover will blast off the line and give you everything he's got in the first 30 to 60 minutes. Then he'll burn out and need to rest. He'll not be that all-day-dog you were used to. He'll not depend upon you for many directions and will go about his independent business without your full participation. He'll be all business and not be permitted to play clown games or mouse around or become distracted from his obligations any more. He'll not be permitted to be preoccupied with another dog and he'll have to stop playing "I'm the big stud" and stop marking every bush. He will be far more

exposed to injury and perhaps come up with a few new scars, having spent many hours in the field, and he'll be hard as a rock, thin (not underweight) and well muscled. He'll not be that well rounded doughboy that many Show Judges seem to prefer. One should not expect to take a low budget, minimum conditioned, short running, all day hunt-paced dog to a trial and be competitive. Old Rover may go out there, hunt around, even find lots of birds near the horse track, be honest and clean and still not get a smell of a placement. Trial dogs are measured against a minimum standard and the best performance of the day. So even if you've done well you may not have done best. And, even if your dog is of the highest potential, if you are not willing or desirous of putting in the time, effort and money to make the dogs competitive, you will be disappointed and disillusioned. So please remember, if you haven't or don't eat a lot of chocolate to gain a full appreciation it is near impossible to render a knowledgeable opinion. Those who have only seen a candy bar ortwo from afar should not try to change the sport to meet the quality, training or conditioning of their dogs. And those who have no idea of what went into a field trial dog could not be expected to have any concept of what will come out of them Field Trialing is a Journeyman sport; you can't just read about trials or watch them and fully understand. You've got to serve an apprenticeship and pay your dues, Once done, you'll know for yourself that Good Field Trial Dogs make and produce Good Hunting Dogs. It is still true in our breed, that these are the SAME DOGS playing a DIFFERENT GAME. Except for the luck of ownership the same well bred dog may be a class hunting dog, a versatile test dog, a hunt test dog or a field trial dog. And pups from a well bred field trial dog will be as good as any well breed field dog, and perhaps better than most as they normally come from a line of well tested and specifically bred dogs So, if you've not been involved in trials, come on out and watch; maybe even get involved and gain enough experience to be able to make an educated first hand determination.


compiled by Jerry Clark

New Obedience Titles

1998 STANDINGS As reported in the AKC Awards for shows from Jan. 2-June 20-, 1998


Breed Competition-

Ch. Windhaven's Good Time Charlie (D) SN01832403 (3/16/97) by Windhavens Ridge Runner x Ch. Windhaven's Wheel of Fortune; Breeder: Robert Furlong & Helen George; Owner: Donald & Rose Mary Holmes

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Ch Ch Ch Ch Ch


on the # of GWP's defeated)

ADPG Suthrn Breeze JH (B) Thornwood's It Had To Be You (D) Fair Oaks No Doubt About It JH (B) Weidenhugel Gabby V Merlin JH (B) Fair Oak's Designer Genes (D)

259 189 154 135 109

J Griggs/J Cheshire P&B Diehl L Jaffee/L McMllan C Heiller,DVM L&J Jaffee

Zero C Von Adlerbach (B) SN018211 05 (6/21/98) by FC AFC Cascades Tuffy x Baron's Star Von Buck; Breeder: Terry & Ann Duffin; Owner: George Lancaster

Neekohaus' Spicy Thistle COX SH NA (B) SN15281008 (7/12/98) by Ch. Windriver's Sage x Wildwings Cascade Rosie; Breeder: Joseph Langlois; Owner: Helena Madsen

6. Ch RK's Baby Sioux of Geronimo (B) 7. Ch Blauermond's The Accomplice (D) 8. Ch Cassio's Benjamin Jack (D)

94 92 89

M&L Marley R & M StrassmaniS J Brewster

9. Ch Maestro's Justa Snuffleupagus JH (D) 10. Ch Schnellberg's Ruff Wire Zoe MH (B)

81 67

S&J Dillingham S Owen

Group Competition1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Ch Ch Ch Ch Ch Ch Ch Ch Ch



ADPG Suthrn Breeze JH (B) Thornwood's It Had To Be You (D) Wildfire's Bentley (D) Fair Oaks No Doubt About It JH (B) Larkspur's Country Classic (B) Cassio's Benjamin Jack (D) Cassio's Blitz Attack (D) Weidenhugel Gabby V Merlin JH Schnellberg's Ruff Wire Zoe MH (B)

10. Ch Farmgates

15,170 4582 2931 1234 1134 991 705 264 324

Sly Guy (D)

UTILITY Scheueman


in Show comeetition\ Gustav Jaeger MH x Katrin Jaeger MH; Breeder Edwin Wilkins; Sargent

J Griggs/J Cheshire P&B Diehl T Bodin L Jaffee/L McMillan G McCain J Brewster J Brewster C Heiller DVM S Owen




Mark & Lori


Woodruff's Bouncing Bet NA (B) SM92577306 (6/6/98) by Shonager Von Galli CO JH x Woodruff's Diana of Oakhyll NA; Breeder/Owner: Regina Schwabe DVM & E. Leonard Stirling Woodruff's Friar Tuck NA (D) ILP89241 (6/6/98) Owner: Schwabe DVM

P Moebi~~,::



E. Leonard Stirling & Regina



These rankings are based on copetition during the period Janyary 2 - August 20, 1998 as reported in the AKC Awards through Vol. 18, No.8, October 1998. NOVICE


1. Ch. Ripsnorter's Crimson-N-Clover - B. Skurya 2. Ch Cassios Front Page News, Murry/Kornfield 3. Ch. Jerelin's Hurricane Harriet - J. Reese

81 25 17

4. Ch. Cagle's Larkspur Kadee - T&N Cagle 5. Zero C Von Adlerbach- G Lancaster 6. BL Back to the Point, H Rathburn/J Lambert

17 11 10


33 9 20


8 6 19

7. 6GR Falcreek Silent Ambition MH- M&L Sargent 7 8. Jay-Mar's Honor V Schnellberg JH- Litwin!Collins! Owens 5 9.. Cascade Jitterbug Wirehar, P Masterson 3 10. Jerelin's Tornado Tess JH - G&L Krepak 0

13 6 25

OPEN 1. Hannah Rose CD - J. Matson


2. Ch. SGR Whispering Winds CDX JH - M. Brooks 3. J and J Chance of a Lifetime CD - E. VanUden

24 0

4. Payton's Hot Cup O'Java CD JH - A & J Payton 5. Ch Hellbenders Renegade Thunder CD.

5 17 14 3 3

0 0

UTILITY 1. Neekohaus'

Spicy Thistle COX SH - H. Madsen

8 3


2. Heywire's Song of the Sea COX - B. Murray/J.Cheshire 32 3. OTCh. FoxHill's Mr. Badger UDX JH - S&J Shafer 9


1998 AGILITY STANDINGS These rankings are based on competition during the period January 2 - August 20, 1998 as reported in AKC Awards through Vol. 18 No.8, October 1998 - compiled by Lori Sargent

NOVICE 1. 2. 3. 4.

SGR Falcreek Silent Ambition CD MH - M&L Sargent Otch FoxHill's Mr. Badger UDX JH - S&J Shafer Ch. Cassio's Buyer Beware - S. Shafer Jerelin's Tornado Tess CO JH - G&L Krepak

5. Woodruff's Bouncing Bet - R. Schwabe/E. Stirling 6. Neekohaus' Spicy Thistle CDX SH - H. Madsen 7. Ch. Jerelin's Hurricane Harriet CO - J. Reese 7. 8. 9.

Brandenburg Von Raths - M. Sell Schnellberg's Jake CDX JH - S. Owen Ch. Fairoaks Timebomb V Wiesen MH - S. Owen/L. Jaffe

s Friar Tuck NA - E. Stirling/R.


2.. \'toodrutrs Bouncing Bet NA - R. Schwabe/E. ~

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Stirling ':eao(ohaus' Spicy Thistle COX NA SH - H. Madsen

52 46 25 24 18



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Mark you calendar now! October 8th

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