Wire~News 1999 August-Sept.

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The Journal of the German Wirehaired

Pointer Club of America

August/September 1999


'4e~BySides Chatanuga Choo JH, NAVHDU4 DOB 4/16/97


Bauernhof (Sturm) NAVHDA UT x KTV Mein Schatz (Gipfli) NAVHpA UT

Breeder: Jon & Margeret Prescott Owner & Trainer: Charles Kissinger, Penndel, PA (215) 752-9580

on the bench ..... (and

on the cover)

Handled to perfection by Linda Dietrich, Kodi gathered 5 Majors on his way to becoming a CHI He finsihed at the Mason & Dixon KC show in April 1999 under judge Arelene Thompson Brown.

in the field .... Kodi is truly an intelligent and fun dog to live with and train. His love of the field and his never ending desire to please has brought so much joy to our lives. Since beginning his field career in February 1998, Kodi has amassed

some wonderful


for us,

including ....


1st Amateur Walking Puppy DVGWPC- handler Bernee Brawn


1st Open Puppy- DVGWPC- handler Bernee Brawn


NAVHDA NA test- Prize 1, Perfect Score 112- handler Charles Kissinger


Winner of the 1998 GWPCA Derby Classic- handler Bernee Brawn


AKC Water Test Certification-


1st Open Derby - Eastern GSPC Field Trial- handler Bernee Brawn

11/98 1998-

handler Charles Kissinger

completed Junior Hunter title- handler Bernee Brawn & Charles Kissinger finished as the GWPCA

#4 Puppy/Derby


we would like to thank .... *Jon & Margaret Prescott for breeding this wonderful litter and letting Kodi come to live with us. *John & Cheryl Crozier and "Sturm" for contributing his great genes. *Bernee Brawn, a loyal and supportive friend that saw something special in Kodi and encouraged me to develop his potential. *And the members of the Delaware Valley GWPC and the PA Chapters of NAVHDA for their support and training clinics that are equipping Kodi to reach his maximum potential.

President's Message IN THE FIELD Congratulations to Mel and Karen Lee and their FC Windwalker von Wilson on his second place win in the one-hour non-retrieving stake at the AKC Pointing Breed Gun Dog Championships! Walker's impressive periormance topped an entry of 93 gun dogs. More information on this event can be found on the AKC website (www.AKC.org) and in the AKC Gazette, which both feature photos of a GWP on point - FC/AFC Sure Shot's Justa Mismarker, owned by Penny Ljungren. With this issue of the Wire-News dedicated to the field, it's interesting to note that since 1959, when Wirehairs where recognized by AKC, there have been 103 Field Championship titles earned and 41 of them (40%) are Duals. I think that these statistics are a wonderiul credit to our dogs and to the breeders that are dedicated to preserving both form and function.

Yearbook updateThe 1996 GWPCA Yearbook is finally a reality! Thank you to both Karen Nelsen and Bernee Brawn for their efforts to complete this project. Copies will be available mail order from the Wire Warehouse. The in the 1997-1998 Yearbook is October 1, completion date prior to Y2K! I'd like to with dogs that have achieved titles during clude them in this upcoming

Entries for


at the Nationals or by deadline for inclusion 1999 with a targeted encourage everyone that timeframe to in-

Submitted by, GWPCA Treasurer Linda Micaelis GWPCA Financial Report June 30, 1999 Savings - $13,298.83


1,085.00 2,575.59

FIELD FUTURITY Please note that effective July 1, 1999, the fee for the Field Futurity litter nomination or individual nomination and renomination is slightly higher. This is the first increase since its inception.

AGILITY & JUNIORS With the rapid growth in popularity of Agility, the GWPCA will be recognizing the top dogs in this venue starting with the 1999 standings. Thank you to Lori Sargent for compiling these statistics. Also, starting in the year 2000, Peggy Harris has agreed to track the rankings of Jr.

AND FINALLY The GWPCA National Events are right around the corner! As a reminder, if anyone has recommendations to the Board or agenda items for the annual meeting, please forward them to the Secretary no later than September 10,1999. I'm looking forward to seeing you there!

September 15!!!

Treasurers Report

less less

We have a new Breeder Referral Chairman. Temple Watson has graciously taken over the job as of July. Temple can be reached at 1903 Darby Drive, Beaufort, SC 29902, (803) 524-2312.

events at the '99 Nationals will --

close on

Checking - $10,926.34 Plus 2,733.28


seed money and expenses for 1999 Nationals allocated for 1999 show futurity allocated for rescue

available funds in checking


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cooto are printed in the inro phamplet oent with the June Wire Newo or contact TC::lri Neotrud (00) ooJ-J079 ror more inro 4. The club thmk!o (dou ror (dour oupport md :senerooit(dL

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DATE: August 1, 1999 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the 1999 Annual Meeting of the German Wirehaired Pointer Club of America will be held at 8:00 PM (COT) on Sunday October 10, 1999 at Barker1 s Island Inn, in Superior, Wisconsin. Pursuant to Article III, Section 1, items to be placed on the agenda of the Annual Meeting must be received by the Secretary no less than thirty (30) days prior to the Meeting. Additional subjects cannot be brought up from the floor at the Meeting. Please send any items to the Secretary at 25821 Lucille Avenue, Lomita, CA no later than September 10, 1999.

90717. Items must be received

Nominating Committee The Nominating Committee consisting of Liz Barrett Dixon,;Chairman, Kim Moreman, Susan Owen, Nikol LItwin and Bernee Brawn has submitted the following slate of officers for the 1999 elections. Vice President- Rocky Gilleard Secretary- Barbara Tucker Eastern Director- Malcolm Decker Western Director- Mike Hemphill AKC Delegate- Pat Laurans Additional nominations may be made by written petition addressed to the Secretary and received at her regular address f)olater than September 15, 1999. Petition must be signed by five (5) members and accompanied by the written acceptance by the nominee signifiying his willingness to be a candidate.

A Fun(d) Idea Bernee Brawn and Judy Cheshire have come up with a fund raiser for the GWPCA and the rescue! .A COOKBOOK! Problem is, neither of them cook! Well, Judy does but Bernee doesn't,so they need your help. They Need Recipes! Everyone who sends a recipe will be credited on their own individual page. So Send Them In! And, they need some cute line drawings of Wires doing kitchen type things. You know, cooking, reading a cookbook, raiding the fridge .... typical Wire stuff. Recipes can be for people or for the dogs. Can be apetizers, main courses, old family favorites, deserts, drinks etc.

Join the Fun(d) ..... send your recipe via email tojustagwp@tradenet.net or by regular mail to Bernee Brawn 1408 Pineville Road New Hope, PA 18938 the cookbooks will be for sale at the 99 Nationals!


LOCAL BARKS By Laura Reeves

Perhaps we need to call this the Quarterly Local Barks, eh? All you all who are in charge of your club's newsletters, PLEASE send me just a little bit of info, via email if necessary, prior to each Wire-News deadline so we can keep the column up and running. Thanks to Lori Sargent and Sharon Jahn for being so helpful in that way. We hope to see another club starting up soon. Discussion and networking, using the internet and the GWP email list, have spawned the idea of a SouthEastern GWP Club. We wish y'all the best and good luck. Let me know if and when you have any definite plans so we can include them in the Local Barks. It's the dog daze of summer, as we all know so well, hunt tests, shows, obedience, agility, long road trips, hot weather ... aaah, how we love it! The following came across the GWP list last winter and I have a feeling many of you will appreciate it. Insert "hunt test" or "field trial" or "agility" or "obedience," it's all the same concept.

and the hair that is teased and The and and

the changing of her arm band points and the fame and the joy pain they call the thing a Dog Show

She does her best to focus so her boss won't really know Her need for points controls her but her cash flows running low and it's "so long boss, I'll see ya" when it's time for her to go You know he wants her workin' like she wants that Dog Show <chorus> It'll drive a Breeder crazy It'll drive a handler insane And she'll sell off everything she owns just to pay to play the game And a motorhome and some unpaid loans is all she'll have to show for the years that she's been chasing that dream they call Best In Show

"My daughter and I wrote this, so if you read it some place else, they stole it from me!! We made it up on a long trip to Wisconsin about a year and a half ago. It is sung to the tune of Garth Brooks song "Rodeo" Yes, feel free to send it on, just give me credit!! "


- Lucretia .....<gsp1 @ksu.edu> ..... KanPoint German Shorthaired Pointers

Oregon GWP Club

Her eyes were fixed and glazed Her entries already paid He'd give half his credit cards To convince her she should stay But he knows her loves in Tulsa He knows she's gonna go It ain't no store, no outlet mall It's that damned 01' Dog Show <chorus>

and the point's she'll be gettin' if he points the next go round It's the collars and the leads

'Til next time.

Ore*Gun Wire News Gary Wickwire, Editor email: Monanee@msn.com

Dog Show Song

It's the dogs and the bitches and the rings and the judges and the roar of the BestlnShow It's the color of the ribbon

It's the dog and the bait and the mats and the gates and they call the thing a Dog Show


The Oregon club hosted a wonderful specialty July 3 on the site of the 2000 Nationals in Bend. The Specialty show boasted an entry of 24 dogs from Oregon, Washington and California. Friday night before the show, the club hosted a Sanction A Match which pulled in an additional 10 entries. The grounds of the brand new fairgrounds, actually located in Redmond, about 20 minutes north of Bend, are huge, with gorgeous new buildings and all the amenities handy. The setting, of course, is spectacular, with a ring of snow-capped peaks all around the high desert valley. Everyone joined in a potluck lunch after the specialty and had a good time visiting and catching up. It was great to see such a strong turnout and support from the field trial crowd, who

were in the midst of the break in trial season. Winners are listed elsewhere in this issue, but congrats to one and all on a smooth show and a lovely site.

Sea- Tac GWP Club Wire{d) NW Laura Reeves, editor email: clyde@halcyon.com We're hosting our annual fun day Saturday, July 24 at Doug Ljungren's home near Ft. Lewis. All club members and GWP owners are invited. The day will start at 9 a.m. for people who want to train their puppies. Everyone with puppies or young dogs who wants to test their dogs' abilities or do some light training should arrive at Doug's by 9 a.m. Birds will be provided for a small donation. Each puppy will have a chance to work a planted bird. Doug Ljungren, Penny Ljungren and Aloysia Hard will direct the puppy training. If we have time, older and/or more experienced dogs may be worked after the puppies are done. Bird work will break when we're done, hopefully around noon. We'll return to Doug's for a burger barbecue and general membership meeting. After lunch we'll hold a puppy fun match, with Southern California GWPC member Linda Ercoli judging. The match is just for fun and practice. Puppies and young dogs are welcome to enter for free and brush up on their show skills before the SeaTac GWPC Specialty, Saturday, Aug. 28 in Woodinville. Fun match classes will be offered for 3-6 mos, 6-9 mos and 9-12 mos puppies. For the true die-hards, we plan to take the dogs swimming in a nearby pond after the match. The last dog and owner team left standing wins the door prize! We're looking forward to a great turnout and a lot of fun with our GWPs. In other news, two of the regions old ladies had a party at the STGWPC Field Trial in March. Penny Ljungren's FC/AFC Sure Shot's Golly Miss Molly, JH and Aloysia Hard's FC/AFC Pola del Chisola celebrated earning their FC and AFC titles, respectively, at the Weimaraner trial earlier in the season. Penny and Aloysia would like to point out that the term "old ladies" is one of deference only when applied to dogs! Penny Ljungren also had her 15 minutes of fame at the AKC Gundog Champi-


onships. She and her up and coming star, FC Sure Shot's Justa Miss Marker, JH, are featured on the AKC web site coverage of the event.

Ft. Detroit GWP Club The Barbed Wire Mark & Lori Sargent, editors email: windswept@voyager.net The club will host a fun hunt test on Aug. 29. What a great way to get some training in before the next hunt test, trial or hunting se'ason. Their official hunt test is set for Sept. 11. And the club hosted its "Triple Header" fun day on July 11. They offered field training, agility training, a fun match, obedience and grooming demonstrations, and one-on-one help for novice owners. Kudos to this supportive and active club. "The Walking Field Trial (May 29) started out hot and stayed that way all day long. The temps were in the 90s and, with an entry of 50 (!) dogs, the last brace never finished until 9 p.m. Staying on schedule was very important for the amount of dogs that were to be run in one day, so a big thank you goes to Dick Uhnavy for doing such a great jog getting the dogs on the line on time. Others who deserve an extra pat on the back are the judges, who put in a really long day. To Ross VanDerBos, Gun Captain and all the gunners for a job well done. Also, to Ross and Mark Sargent for helping get water out to the swimming pools for the dogs. Those pools really helped to get the

dogs around the course in that heat. Thanks, also to Bob Moses for being Field Trial Marshal, and to Pat Uhnavy for doing the food tent. And, last but not least, to Sue Owen for stepping in as Field Trial Secretary the day of the trial, since Gayle couldn't be there, It is so nice to belong to a club where everyone pulls together to get things done. It's a Club to be very proud of." (Ed. Note: Ain't that the truth!)

GWP Club of Northern California Susan Kren Cutter, editor SKCutter@aol.com Hunt Test Recap The wind gods came back for a visit again this year, but brought a few showers to challenge us as well. The horses were not wild like the bunch we had last year. However, we had one loose saddle and a judge gently dismount as the saddle rolled to the side of the horse - nice way to casually dismount with a steady horse - just kidding! We had 57 entries on Saturday and 48 entries on Sunday. The pointing breeds were well represented. We had wires entered in each of the levels, with the following results: Saturday. Junior Hunting (JH)2 wires passed in a field of 34; Senior Hunting (SH) 3 wires passed in a field of 9; Master Hunting (MH) -

4 wires passed in a field of 14 Sunday. JH - 1 wire passed in a field of 29: SH - 1 wire passed in a field of 7; MH - 3 wires passed in a field of 12 Dobbs Training Seminar (May 9, 1999) Twenty-three (23) people accompanied their dogs for a day in Marysville. The Dobbs Training Center was the destination to spend a day listening to what Jim Dobbs had to say about training dogs. Every dog got at least a half hour of individual training with their handler to demonstrate a specific point in their training. Jim gave us a "full" day of his time as he covered the following areas: I. Familiarization of equipment, features and functions II. Puppy head start program (The 3 H's: here, heel and hold) III. E-Collar Introduction IV. Teaching "Whoa", also preventing creeping and laying down on point V. The trained retrieve and preventing "hard mouth" problems VI. Teaching the dog to stand off it's game & preventing "Roading in" & creeping Jim attempted to cover his two day seminar in one day. He had far more to cover, but the majority of the dogs and handlers were not at the "steady to wing and shot level," so Jim spent most of the day addressing steadying the dog and yard or bench work. Everyone had a great time! We headed off the hill around 7pm.

i':pfiJlI Local Club Newsletters ..... Uillg list so she can include your club News! uta Hwy. N, Gig Harbor, WA 983

Anyone know who this lovable Wire is? It was sent to us by Joan Payton


T'hle: 19;9,9 AKC

Gun'D'o,g C:hla,mp,ion:sh ips Bemee Brawn The 1999 AKC Gun Dog Championships were held at the Anderson Ranch in Sunnyside, WA this past May. This is the same location that 2 GWPCA National Field Championships have been held. Lot's of Wire people were there this year. Jim & Judy Pratt, Doug Ljungren, Stuart & Pat Milbrad, Penny Ljungren and Mike Hemphill all hailing from Washington state, brought dogs to run. From Oregon we had Mel & Karen Lee, Mary Hanson and Shawn Humphrey running dogs. The Calkins, Ray and Lynn came to lend a hand with the work load. Frank Fernandez made the trip north from California and Judy Cheshire and I hailed from the east coast.

The Retrieving Championship 103 dogs competed in the retrieving stake. This was a 2 series event, with the first series 30 minutes with a bird shot on course. 18 dogs were called back for the 45 minute second series, with a kill in that series also. Two Wires made the callback- FC Flintlocks Addition, "Jack" owned by Mike Hemphill and FC Deja Vu owned by Frank Fernandez. Several other Wires made impressive showings, but with that many dogs Both of these dogs did fine jobs in the second series and made us proud, but unfortunately took home no ribbons. The course was a tough one, with lots of ravines, ridges and blind spots. The sage was very thick in spots and gave the dogs lots of opportunities to show their abilities, or to get in trouble.

The Hour Championship 93 dogs vied for the Championship trophy in the hour stake and we GWP folks had lots to cheer about when the placements were called. Mel & Karen Lee's FC Wind Walker von Wilson walked away with 2nd place! With that many competing, accomplishment. Walker did a fine job, hitting all the ridges, dropping into the draws and making spectacular finds. Congratulation to Mel & Karen. The course was strenuous for both dogs and handlers. We went up, we went down, we went sideways! I ran Petey (Bounty's Justa Pegleg Pete) in this stake, and due to bad timing I only got one chance to ride the course before it was our turn. We were a good team, I had no idea where I was going, Petey had no idea where he was going, and I am sure we both looked lost! Pete had never been on these types of grounds before so I was really interested to see how he would handle them. He handled them fine! It was me that got confused, which got him

this is quite an

Fe Windwalker Van Wilson with Mel , Karen and "Scout" Doug Ljungren confused, which got him turned and going the wrong way down a draw, which took him to the next ridge, where he couldn't hear me anymore, and I lost my voice so I couldn't even try to call him! Thank goodness Mel Lee agreed to scout for me. Mel is a born cowboy and has no fear of breaking his neck! He somehow managed to get over the ridge, round up the dog and get him back in the right direction. Whew! I was getting nervous that the darn dog would end up Coyote bait. We had 3 finds with perfect manners on all and finished our hour with a spectacular retrieve. Unfortunately it was not a retrieving stake. But we had fun.

She'a a Star An official AKC photographer was on the grounds to try to capture the event on film. The committee was asked to choose a couple of dogs for a "photo opportunity" and Penny Ljungren and her "Markie" (FC AFC Sure Shots Justa Miss Marker) was one of the dogs chosen. Birds were put out, a "gallery" was assembled and the shot was set up. For roughly 30 minutes Markie was asked to point a bird in a bag and look good doing it. I don't know who was more nervous, Penny, Doug or the photographer. But it certainly wasn't the dog, she was a star! These photos and,the placement photos can be seen on the AKC Web site and in the July Gazette. (Don't think I'm not one proud grandma. ) We really had a lot of fun telling bad jokes, talking dogs and watching some of the best bird dogs in the Northwest. Next years Championships are slated to be held in Ionia, Michigan, hope to see you (and your Wires) there!

Breeder's Forum Note: This is the second in a continuing series focusing on long-time breeders of GWP, their success and struggles. Hopefully, this will allow all of us to learn from their experience and accumulated knowledge.

Through adversity comes opportunity by Laura Reeves The moral of this story could well be: For each step back, take three steps forward. Mike Hemphill's long-term success in the dog game has frequently come as the result of some bad twists of fate. It was after someone stole his German Shorthaired Pointer that Hemphill searched for a year and acquired his first GWP in 1970. The puppy, Ch. Dame Thecla, was out of Haar Baron and Mueller Mills lines. Bought as a personal hunting dog, she went on to earn her Championship and produce many excellent puppies, including DC Flintlock's Not Too Shabby. "It was an interesting deal," Mike said, with his trademark dry humor. "At a year old, Thecla was out of control. So I took her to an obedience class. The instructor kept telling me I should show her. Finally, she said she would show the dog on a circuit she was going on if I'd pay the entry fees. Thecla won all 3 days. I started off with a show champion who finished in four weeks." Fifteen years later, Hemphill had moved with his wife, Carol, and their three children to Spokane, Wash. and bought a boarding kennel as a side-line to his work as a construction contractor. Then, in 1985, a 500-pound beam fell on him, crushing a disc in his back and Hemphill found himself unable to work at his profession. He'd been showing and running dogs in field trials, and business at the kennel was picking up, so he decided to start training field dogs professionally. To learn the trade, he apprenticed with Bill Gibbons in Phoenix (Arizona) and continues the working relationship. Today, Mike is one of our breed's top field trial competitors. He breeds and/or trains many of the GWPs placing regularly at field trials in the Northwest and at the GWPCA National Championships and field events. In 30 years of involvement with Wirehairs, Hemphill estimates he has bred 11 litters. From those he has produced two Dual Champions - Shabby, who won the National Gundog competition before it was the National Championship, and DC Flintlock's Medicine Man, "Doc." Another 12 dogs earned show championships and three others have earned Field Championships. Thecla and Doc both won Sporting Group placements, with Mike handling them.

His favorite breeding, Hemphill says, was the one that produced Doc. He was out of FC/AFC Fredrich's Figure It Out x Flintlock's Bushwacker, a daughter from Thecla and DC/AFC Lutz Zur Cadenberg, CD, TO. "I had worked with Paul Fredrichs (Figure's owner) and knew Figure was a really good all-around bird dog, everything you want in a Wirehair, and he was a good-looking dog. That was probably my favorite breeding. The pups out of Lutz were awful nice, too," Hemphill said. "My goal is to improve the field ability of the GWP for the hunting conditions we have in the U.S. We don't hunt Roe Deer. I want to keep a dog that goes in the water, but too many GWP are not athletic enough. Versatility for us means something different than it does in Germany. I think I know what the average hunter wants. They want an athletic dog that they mainly hunt upland game with, and occasionally waterfowl." He became involved with field trials, Mike says, because he thought they represented the highest challenge. While he feels strongly that hunt tests and NAVHDA tests are valuable - the first GWP to earn a perfect UT score in NAVHDA was his breeding, out of Thecla and Ch. Weidenhugel Aramis v Beau - he calls field trials the "hot rod game." "That's where you get your he-men that you need in order to keep the breed progressing," Hemphill said. "They'te all valid games, but I do believe we need field trials to keep the power in the dogs." And he says the notion that field trial dogs don't hunt is wrong.

"As of late, I've just had too ugly of dogs to show," Mike said, typically blunt, when asked why he's not in the show ring these days. "If I had a dog I felt was worthy, I'd show it." Hemphill feels his best-producing dog is Flintlock's Addition, "Jack," who in three litters has produced 11 puppies with all-breed field trial wins. One of those is a FC, three more need only one win to finish their FC requirements. Jack is out of Marsu's Super Duper Trooper and FC Marsu's Abigail of Bayfield. He is doubled up on FC Cascade Smokin' Jo, a dog Hemphill considers highly underrated.

"People who have seen me run Jack in field trials wouldn't believe he could be a hunting dog, but I hunt all my dogs all the time. There's not a field trial dog I have that doesn'tgo hunting. Part of the reason dogs run big (at field trials) is that when you're on a horse, they can see you from further away. When you're on foot they adjust their range because they want to work with you. We need to make sure we don't breed dogs you're falling over. Fifty to 300 yards is good range for hunting, anything closer and I would find the birds myself," Hemphill said.


Hemphill cant' ... Wirehairs that don't and can't hunt is a real issue for Mike. He says he has seen many GWP's that simply don't have basic instinct. He says he has a problem with breeders who sell puppies from long lines with no proven hunting ability to hunters because they didn't turn out to be "show quality." "Genetically, Wirehairs are mutts. Especially with all the outcrosses to create the breed," Hemphill said. "Other, older breeds don't fall apart as fast. I see Wires that just don't hunt, but they're very seldom out of field trial stock." The best way to judge a dog's ability is by actually watching it work, instead of breeding to titles, Hemphill says. "Go watch the dogs. See if they exhibit qualities you want. Some dogs out there you can see are a team with the trainer. Other dogs it's a constant test of wills. The only way you know is to go watch. The second best way to learn about a dog is to talk to a pro about what dog he likes. Pros know which dogs are honest and which are made dogs," Hemphill said.

has nothing to do with ability to run. It's not just structure, it's not just heart or desire. There's something that makes some dogs natural athletes while others aren't. It's not necessarily conformation." An AKC approved field trial judge, Hemphill is currently serving as interim Western Director for the GWPCA board. He is serving out a term that ends this year and intends to run again. He said he'd like to serve the people in the Western Region, "like being a councilman for your district." "I'm supposed to represent the people out here. If people have input, they should call. There's decisions that have to be made, and I try to keep a balance between representing people out here and what they think, and my 30 years of experience. I'll listen to anyone who wants to talk to me about what they think is a problem or what needs to be addressed," Hemphill said.

After watching field trial dogs for three decades, Mike has one observation that runs counter to conventional wisdom. He says a lot of the things judges look for in the show ring don't necessarily work in field dogs.

In reference to the current hot topic of black roan dogs being shown, Hemphill said, "I'd like to see judges judge dogs by our standard. If there is a vote to change the standard, I'd vote in favor of approving black dogs. But right now it says it's a severe penalty. A severe penalty is worse than a fault. All dogs have faults, they shouldn't have severe penalties. This has been coming up for 30 years. There's a minority that wants to have black dogs accepted in the show ring. That's fine if they work through channels. Black's not going to make harder coats or darken pigments. It's not going to do a lot of things except give us black dogs."

"There's nothing to stop a good-looking dog from being a good field dog," Hemphill said. "But dogs are judged at a trot in the ring. Dogs don't do that when they're hunting. Show ring conformation

You can reach Mike Hemphill at Flint3773@aol.com or 509922-8118 if you would like to contact him about a question or concern for the Board.



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of your versatile hunting companion.



~ __

Exp. Date __ Date ---Heights,~6000~




- __





Delaware Valley GWPC Specialty Show Chester Valley Kennel Club Saturday 05/15/99 Sweepstakes Jidge: Ms. Susan M. Petermann Puppy. 6 to 9 Months Dogs. 2 11 VALHALLAS REGAL DAKOTA NITE. SN 59151002. 10-17-98 By Oakhyll's Grand Poo-Bah Max - Ch Schnellberg's Ramblin'Rose JH. Owner: Dennis J Dec., Stockholm, NJ 074601207. Breeder: Malcolm Decker. 1 25 VALHALLA'S SHOOTING STARZ. SN 59151006.1017-99 By Oakhyll's Grand Poo-Bah Max - Ch Schnellbergs Ramblin Rose. Owner: Kenneth Righter., East Greenville, PA 18041. Breeder: malcolm Decker. (Malcolm Dedra, Agent). Junior. 15 Months and under 18 Months Docs. 1/BOSSW 19 WEIDENHUGEL E ST SHUFFLE. SN 51083604.01-11-98 By Ch Shadra's Otto Yon Zamow - Ch Weidenhugel Glory Days. Owner: Patricia F Roberts., Clifton Spgs, NY 144329313. Breeder: Patricia F Roberts & Cynthia Stahle. Puppv. 9 to 12 Months Bitches. 1 24 SHADRA'S X MARKS THE SPOT. SN 56342206. 0625-98 By Kettle Creek's Moe MH - Ch Blairsdales Joie De Vivre. Owner: Candace L Cane & Jerry Clark & Leslie Clark., Hyattsville, MD 207823150. Breeder: Jerry Clark & Janet Blair & Leslie Clark. Junior. 12 to 15 Months Bitches. 1 12 JUSTA LITTLE VALVOLINE. SN 53821001. 04-08-98 By DC AFC Dunkees Justa Top Flite MH - Ch Ruffcuts Justa Southwind JH. Owner: Scott Lockard & Bernee Brawn., Homer City, PA 15748. Breeder: Bernee Brawn. Junior. 15 Months and under 18 Months Bitches. 1/BSW 16 WEIDENHUGEL NO SURRENDER. SN 51083601.01-11-98 By Ch Shadra's Otto Yon Zamow - Ch Weidenhugel Glory Days. Owner: Patricia F Roberts & Cindy Stahle., Clifton Springs, NY 14432. Breeder: Patricia F Roberts & Cynthia Stahle. JUDGE: Mr. James S. Covey

3 29 TALBACH HEYWIRE EBTDE O'WYNWR. SN 30317605. 10-16-95 By Ch Wynwyre's Jumpin' Jack Flash - Rocky tops Fanni Fancy Fixins. Owner: Harold 0 Sanderson & Judy Cheshire., Glen Cove, NY 11542. Breeder: Cynthia SKelly. Puppy. 9 to 12 Months Bitches. 1/W/OS 24 SHADRA'S X MARKS THE SPOT. SN 56342206. 06-25-98 (5 Points) By Kettle Creek's Moe MH Ch Blairsdales Joie De Vivre. Owner: Candace L Cane & Jerry Clark & Leslie Clark., Hyattsville, MD 207823150. Breeder: Jerry Clark & Janet Blair & Leslie Clark. 12 to 18 Months Bitches. 1 12 JUSTA LITTLE VALVOLINE. SN 53821001. 04-08-98 By DC AFC Dunkees Justa Top Flite MH - Ch Ruffcuts Justa Southwind JH. Owner: Scott Lockard & Bernee Brawn., Homer City, PA 15748. Breeder: Bernee Brawn. Bred by Exhibitor Bitches. 1/R 16 WEIDENHUGEL NO SURRENDER. SN 51083601. 01-11-98 By Ch Shadra's Otto Yon Zamow - Ch Weidenhugel Glory Days. Owner: Patricia F Roberts & Cindy Stahle., Clifton Springs, NY 14432. Breeder: Patricia F Roberts & Cynthia Stahle. 2 20 JERELIN'S JADED DETAILS. SN 43530808. 04-15-97 By DCh/AFCh Dunkees Justa Top Flite MH - Jerelin's Tropical Storm JH. Owner: Linda H Krepak., New Tripoli, PA 18066. Breeder: Linda H Krepak. Open Bitches. 1 10 LARKSPUR'S CARAMEL AT HEYWIRE JH. SN 41060603. 12-10-96 By Ch Ripsnorter's It's Showtime - Ch Larkspur Classic Serenade. Owner: Stacie Dee & Audrey Meinke., Stockholm, NJ 07460. Breeder: Gina McCain. Best ot Breed Competition. B 27 CH VALHALLA'S FLYING DUTCHMAN. SN 42228601. 12-16-96 By Bruno's Big Guy - Ch Schnellbergs Ramblin Rose JH. Dog. Owner: Malcolm Decker., Frederick, PA 19435. Breeder: Malcolm Decker.

GWPC of Oregon Specialty Regular ClassesJudge James Covey Puoov. 6 to 9 Months Dogs. 2 11 VALHALLAS REGAL DAKOTA NITE. SN 59151002. 10-17-98 By Oakhyll's Grand Poo-Bah Max - Ch Schnellberg's Ramblin'Rose JH. Owner: Dennis J Dec., Stockholm, NJ 074601207. Breeder: Malcolm Decker. 1/W/BW 25 VALHALLA'S SHOOTING STARZ. SN 59151006.10-17-99(4 Points) By Oakhyll's Grand Poo-Bah Max - Ch Schnellbergs Ramblin Rose. Owner: Kenneth Righter., East Greenville, PA 18041. Breeder: malcolm Decker. (Malcolm Dedra, Agent). 12 to 18 Months Dogs. 1 19 WElDEN HUGEL E ST SHUFFLE. SN 51083604. 0111-98 By Ch Shadra's Otto Yon Zamow - Ch Weidenhugel Glory Days. Owner: Patricia F Roberts., Clifton Spgs, NY 144329313. Breeder: Patricia F Roberts & Cynthia Stahle. Bred bv Exhibitor Docs . 1 7 FC NAFC TNT'S HOT ROD TODD. SN 31543202. 0110-96 By Flintlock's Rapscallion - DC AFC Schnellberg's Annie. Owner: William Koeber & Walt Tait & Jerry Clark., Allentown, NJ 08501. Breeder: Maureen Tait & Jerry Clark & Susan Owen. Ooen Dogs. 2 9 CARAMEL'S STARRY KNIGHT JH. SN 34133203. 0404-96 By Ch Ripsnorter's It's Showtime - Caramel's 01' Devil Moon JH. Owner: Wendy & Richard Warwick & Audrey Meinke., Scotch Plains, NJ 07076. Breeder: Audrey & Donald W Meinke. 1/R 15 VALHALLAS BAD BOY JAKE. SN 42228603.12-1696 By Bruno's Big Guy - Ch Schnellberg's Ramblin'Rose JH. Owner: Steve & Vicki Fischer., Palm, PA 18070. Breeder: Malcolm Decker.

Saturday, July 3 Sweepstakes Judge: Aloysia Hard (12 entered) Best In Sweeostakes: Scotian Absolute Winter's Eve B: L. Reeves/J. Bonaccorso 0: Brian Hawley Bot Opp in Sweeostakes: Sure Shot's Slick Nickel B: Penny Ljungren 0: Mel & Karen Lee Regular Classes Judge: Arley Hussin (24 entered) BOB: Ch. Weidenhugel Gabby v Merlin, JH B/O: Cindy Heiller ~: Ch. Scotian Private Reserve, JH B: L.Reeves & J. Bonaccorso 0: L. Reeves & K. Harder WD: Weidenhugel Sunspot v Merlin B/O: Cindy Heiller RWD: Sure Shot's Time Flies B/O: Doug Ljungren WB/BOW: Scotian Absolute Winter's Eve .B.W.!l:. Weidenhugel Sizzle v Merlin B/O: Cindy Heiller


clubs are encouraged




so they can be included tos of the winners Email results Bernee 18938

to send the results Field Trials


in the Wire News. Also, pho-

can be included

if space permits!

to: justagwp@tradenet.net


of Spe-

etc. to the editor

1408 Pineville

or send


Road, New Hope, PA _.~::



Next deadline is September 1'~.~




I nttod


Scot-,an Abso\"'te




, DC Cadenberg Vzctor v Trey, MH x Ch. Ruff Cut Jet Set Autumn Moon, JH Breeder: Laura Reeves, The Scotia Kennel, (253) 857-5272

Co-Breeder: Jane Bonaccorso, Jet Set Kennel, (541) 955-0254

Owner: Brian Hawley

Oregon GWPC Specialty Best in Match: Judge Ms. Roberta Mocabee Best in Sweeps: Judge Dr. Aloysia Hard Judge Mr. Arley Hussin WB/BOW- 5 pt. major: At just 6 months and a week, Abby has IT! Call it presence, call it pizazz. And lordy, can this girl move! A special thanks to Colleen Sullivan for handling Abby to her wins. Congrats to ALL the winners, especially the Scotia boys... "Griz," Weidenhugel PG's Scotian Ice - RWD Sunday at the supported entry and "Henry," Ch. Scotian Private Reserve, JH, - BOS both days.

The Scotia Kennel - Where Form and Function Work Thgether



conzp"iled b,' L\'rlrl Sarldor L\'rlrl_Sandor@enzail.nzsn.conz

trials reported on from Jan 1, 1999 through through June1999.

April 30, 1999 as reported



.OPEN SENIOR DOGS (GUN DOGS) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

FC Deja Vu Wind Walker von Wilson TKO Wildcat Out of Cascade DC SGR Dirty Laundry DC AFC Wildwings Party GirlJH DC AFC Navaho Sidekick MH Flintlock's K-S-Tzarr-Schwartz FC AFC JimKath's Allure


M & F Fernandez,CA M & K Lee, OR T Nestrud, MN G & B Richardson, MI L Sandor, CA G Rezzardi, IL K Sunda, IL J & K Yates, MI

8. FC Rush's Right R Berry, CA 10. Soo Lines Dark Magic E Dixon, WI Bounty's Justa Pegleg Pete Brawn/Sakiey/Zola Sure Shot's Hot Rocks SH D Ljungren, WA FC AFC Sure Shots Golly Miss Molly SH P Ljungren, WA In Open Gun Dogs there were 38 placements by 25 dogs


in the AKC Awards





88 76 57 41 34 33 33 22

52 38 32 27 24 22 20 16

19 21 18 15 12

16 12 12 12 12

95 52 33 45 38 39 39 23

62 41 28 20 18 16 16 16

20 19

16 16

66 73

47 38

56 61 35 31

37 33 31 25

Ch. SGR Dirty Laundry (D) SN03795607 (3/5/99) by Overbaron's Country Hustler x FCAFC SGR Witches' Brew; Breeder/Owner: Gail & Bill Richardson Ch. Soo Line's Allied Freighter (D) SF789575 (3/20/99) by Ch. Dana Nordica's A Victor x Ch. Lieben-Waid's Doc's Drieka; Breeder: Elizabeth Barrett; Owner: Rhonda Amundson Sure Shot's Justa Miss Marker JH (B) SN091601 06 (3/13/99) by DC AFC Dunkees Justa Top Flite MH x FC AFC Sure Shot's Cascade Miss Tique; Breeder/Owner: Penny Ljungren AMATEUR


DC Soo Line's Allied Freighter (D) SF789575 (3/20/99) by Ch. Dana Nordica's A Victor x Ch. Lieben-Waid's Doc's Drieka; Breeder: Elizabeth Barrett; Owner: Rhonda Amundson

AMATEUR SENIOR DOGS (GUN DOGS) 1. Wind Walker Von Wilson 2. Fe AFC Sure Shot's Justa Miss Marker JH 3. DC AFC Schnellberg's Greta MH 4. Zeus of Walnub Berg SH 5. DC AFC Soo Line's Allied Freighter 6. Bounty's Justa Margarita JH 6. Sure Shot's Hot Rocks SH 6. FC AFC Pola Del Chi sola

M & K Lee, OR P Ljungren, WA W & M Tait, NJ C Schaeffer, CT R Amundson, WI Brawn/Sakiey, NJ D Ljungren, WA A Hard, WA

6. DC AFC Wildwings Party Girl JH L Sandor, CA 6. DC SGR Dirty Laundry B & G Richardson, MI In Amateur Gun Dogs there were 40 placements by 20 dogs

JUNIOR DOGS (PUPPY/DERBY 1. White Dogs Can't Jump 2. TNT's Hammerin Hank 3. Justa Hot Wheels 4. Aspen Grove's SGR Rip-N-Tear 5. Rib's Jackson'man 6. Doc Holiday Hampton 7. Dottie's Ambitious Fortune 8. Omar Del Chisola 8. Txwyr's Otto Bahn 10. St Croix's White Diamonds



n Junior Stakes there were 76 placements





27 26

22 20



COMBINED) R Gilleard, MN W & M Tait, NJ F Sakiey/B Brawn NJ R VanDerBos, MI B Kenedy, CO H Hampton S Neubauer, MN A Hard,WA F Kneipp, TX B & S Mueller, WI


Mark & Lori Sargent 10382 Fenner Rd ..

by 32 dogs

Perry, MI 48872'

(517) 675-5876

CONGRATULATIONS TO OUR NEW HUNTING TEST TITLE HOLDERS JUNIOR HUNTER Ch. Creaghan's Who's Pointing Who (B) SN32707507 (3/21/99) by Ch. Creaghan's Sun on the Moon JH x Ch. Creaghan's Carolina in My Mind JH; Breeder/Owner: Marguerite Creagan Howard DKE Liberty Aztec (D) SN42817603 (3/20/99) by Salty Pete V Rahnhaus Three Devils Liberty; Breeder: Davy Caven; Owner: Billy & Deb Darby

SENIOR HUNTER Ch. Txwyr's Gizmo Von Cibolo (B) SG020947 (3/7/99) by FC Doty's Whirwind Sir Gabby x Lutz's Krisy Von Steuben; Breeder: William Doty; Owner: Terry Woodfin


Ch. Fiddler Matilda's Cascade (D) SN19979904 (3/13/99) by Marsu's Superduper Trooper x Kunky's Matilda's Rogue; Breeder: Kenneth Middleton; Owner: Merrill & Laurie Marley Whitetail's Elsa Vom Belle (B) SN25223211 (3/21/99) by Hanover Vom Treborwolf x Ch. Whitetail's Katrina SH; Breeder: William Darby, Jr.; Owner: William Darby, MD Whitetail's Hunt'n Heber (D) SN48915704 (3/20/99) by Hanover Vom Treborwolf x Whitetail's Greta Sue; Breeder: Dr. W. Darby, Jr.; Owner: Derek & Tracy Bergeson



Ch. Darling's Tick Tock (D) SN33283912 (3/21/99) by DC AFC Cascade Ike MH x Darling Autumn JH; Breeder: Mary Calkins-Darling; Owner: U. Mostosky & J. Richards & 1. Toland Whitetail's Eba Jean Somean SH (B) SN25223206 (3/21/99) by Hanover Vom Treborwolf x Ch. Whitetail's Katrina SH; Breeder/Owner: William Darby, Jr.



compiled by Jerry Clark

1999 STANDINGS As reported in the AKC Awards for shows from Jan. 1-April 30, 1999 through the June AKC Awards. These figures are based on all statistics supplied through the AKC Awards including the corrections sections as it appears in each issue. From time to time adjustments are required as a result.

Breed Competition1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

(based on the # of GWP's defeated) Ch Wildfire's Bentley (D) T Boldin Ch Ebbtide Baycrest Spring Myth (B) G Persinger Ch J & J West Coast Connection JH (D) N Litwin Ch Farmgates Sly Guy (D) P Moebius Ch Afterhour's Show Biz Liz (B) K&J Mosing/C Whitmore Ch Schnellberg's Black Tie Affair (D) S Owen Ch Larkspur's Dakota By Chance (D) J&K Benoit /G McCain Ch Scotian Private Reserve (D) L Reeves/K Hardy Ch Ripsnorter Lightning Strike (B) H Huber/C Wisch

Group Competition1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Ch Ch Ch Ch Ch Ch Ch Ch

91 72 56 54 35 23 20 19 19

(Group placements/Best in Show competition)

Wildfire's Bentley (D) Afterhour's Show Biz Liz (B) Schnellberg's Black Tie Affair (D) Thornwood's Sumkindawonderful (B) Adpg Suthrn Breeze JH (B) Ebbtide Baycrest Spring Myth (B) Ripsnorter's Root'n Scoot'n (B) J & J's West Coast Connection

GrOUDPlacements T Boldin


K&J Mosing/C Chism S Owen P&B Diehl DVM J Cheshire/J G Persinger D Attebery N Litwin


1 7 1




6 1


2 1 2

7658 1940 729 397 270 222 153

Griggs/S Wise

OUR NEW BREED CHAMPIONS Afterhours Bud Run JH (D) SN54367701 (3/21/99) by Geronimo Bravo Afterhours Walter & Christine Whitmore; Owner: Mike Fields & Christine Whitmore Greenflats Crystal (B) SN47232002 Mawacke


total defeated

Through the June AKC Awards Book. Titles will be posted as they are printed

x Afterhours

Luomas Daisy May JH;

(3/21/99) by Kettle Creek's Moe MH x Greenflats Alicia; Breeder:


Robert Kroder; Owner: Evelyn

Von Duffin's Lucky Jenny (B) SN33818905 (3/13/99) by Ch. Sure Shot's Rockland Boss x Ch. Cascade Cate Von Duffin MH; Breeder: Ann & Terry Duffin; Owner: Donald & Susan Faust


compiled by Lori Sargent

These rankings are based on competition during the period January 1 - April 30, 1999 as reported in AKC Awards through Vol. 19 No.6, June 1999 NOVICE 1. Gremlins Spitfire Hydro 2. Ch ADPG Heywire's EZ Money OPEN 1. CH Ripsnorter's Crimson -N-Clover 2. Meise Vom Wilfenberg CD 3. Neekohaus' Spicy Thistle UD SH NAJOA 4. SGR Silent Ambition CDX MH NA 5. Hannah Rose CDX UTILITY





N Gremm C Buck


3 8

B Skurya A Geisler H Madsen

51 22


M&LSargent J Matson

1. Afterhours Baron Von Rueger UD NA NAJ C Fangman 2. Schnellberg's Jake CDX NA S Owen

5 18 6

5 16 4

NOVICE 1. Smokie Piette's Buckwheat CDX JH NA NAJ, 2. Schnell berg's Center Stage, 3. Wildwood's Die Blomme CD, 4.Ch Rheindorf's Ingenue CD JH, 5. Wind rift's Ms Indy Pendence CD NA, OPEN 1. Ch Cassio's Buyer Beware NA NAJ 2. OTCH Fox Hill's Mr Badger UDX JH NAJ OA 3. Afterhours Baron Von Rueger UD NA NAJ


C&R Piette G Bock A Neff B Hein P McGowan

17 12 6 3

S Shafer S & J Shafer


C Fangman




1999 Agility Standings compiledbyLoriSargent These rankings are based on competition during the period January 1- April 30, 1999 as reported in AKC Awards through Vol. 19 No.6, June, 1999


Afterhours Baron Von Rueger CDX NA NAJ (D) SM922411 05 (3/ 19/99) by Ch. Afterhours Robin Chaser x Ch. Afterhours Spirit of Shurcan; Breeder: Walter Whitmore & Christi Schoessow & Christine Whitmore; Owner: Christine & Robert Fangman


Bifrost Kennels litter whelped June


IDC Cascade Rogue MH IOFA Good ITop Producing Dog of Field Titles I

ICH Oakhvll's Coast To Coast JH


I CH SGR Classic Desitm JH I "Robbie" owned by 1. Blanchard I OFA Good I






ICH Sever Run's A Nina ofOakhvll




IDC SGR Silent Running CD MH


jOFA Good


11987 GWPCA Field Futurity

ISGR Past Tense

IOn Leading Sires List

1995 #4 National Puppy Derby




Littermate to DC/AFC Schnellberg's


June 99 Litter



IBrian's Maiestic Misty SH Gretta MH





ICH Bach V. Schnellberg




IDC SGR Silent Running CD MH


lOFA Good

I SGR Broken Silence JH

Ian Leading Sires List

"Abby" owned by Uhnavy's OF A Good / Elbows Clear


Thyroid Tested Normal


IDC Cascade Rogue MH

CERF Certified 2 Legs on her Master Hunter




ISGR Jed's Wench

ITop Producing Dog of Field Titles I



11987 GWPCA Field Futurity


I I I I Schnellberg's

Vanilla Mousse



ICH Jed's SGR Silent Panda JH OFA Excellent

Special thanks


Our friends at the Fort Detroit German Wirehaired Pointer Club Gail

& Bill Richardson

Linda Blanchard - Robbie's Owner

Jim Basham

BIFROST KENNELS Dick, Pat and Rich Uhnavy 321 S. Turk Lake Dr., Greenville, MI 48838 (616) 754-8874


Be sure to visit our web site to check on the pups and the other Blfrost dogs. Afterhours Uhnavys Artemis JH "Artemis" Flintlock's Bifrost's Odin "Odie"

SGR Broken Silence JH "Abby" Bifrost's Buri "Buri"


Bifrost's Ull

"Jud" Bifrost's Kali


OUTSTANDING ACHIEVERS During the year, we will be printing the photos and pedigrees of all Wires who receive a Best In Show, Master Hunter, Dual Champion, Obedience Trial Champion, Tracking Dog Excellent or Master Agility Excellent title. The owners of dogs who have achieved these titles have or will receive a letter asking them for a photo and pedigree to be printed in the Wire News. Lori Sargent has taken on the task of keeping the records and sending the letters, our thanks to her! We are now working on 1998 and will catch up with our '99 dogs in the next couple of issues.

Master Hunter- completed 4/5/98 DOB: 7/30/94 Male Breeder: Mary Spies Owner: Charles Kissinger


Axel von Ballenberg Bum's Rush Hellbender's





DC Cascade Rogue MH Desert Storm JH Ch Hellbender's

Master Hunter- completed 7/12/98 DOB:8/9/92 - Female- Breeder:Mike Owner: Ken & Suzanne Rader

Holltta Hussie CD JH



Helge V Bing

Hourr Ledenfield Maia Rader's Cricket! of Quail DC Cascade Rogue MH Cadenberg Quail V Rogue Cadenberg

Filou V Lutz COX TO

Master Hunter - completed 8/1/98 DOB:12/18/96 -Male- Breeder: Laura Reeves & Jane Bonaccorso Owners: Richard Kares & Diane Roll Nico VD Bemmeraue Ch Weidenhugel Ch Scotian Anchorsteam

Merlin V Nico MH CD Weidenhugel MH

Yolande V Quincy

DC AFC NFC NAFC Cascade Ike MH Ch Ruff Cut Jet Set Autumn Moon JH Ch Wilson Jet Set Moon Beamer JH

WIRE WAREHOUSE GWPCA BREED INFORMATION BOOKLETS: $1.50 each This booklet is great for breeders to give to new puppy owners or to people inquiring about the breed. It contains the GWPCA Code of Ethics, membership application form, the breed standard, history of the breed and the answers to the most commonly asked questions about the GWP. GWPCA YEARBOOKS: The yearbooks contain photos and pedigrees of GWPfs from 1959 to the present and are the only photographic history of the GWP in America. Unfortunately, volumes 1,2, and 9 are sold out. A reprinting of these three volumes may occur in the future. Yearbooks available as of February 20, 1999 Sold out Vol. I (1959-69) GWP History, Field Trial and Training Sold out Vol. II (1969-72) Lving with Wirehairs Vol. III Vol.lV

Sold out

(1973-75) Field Training Ideas (1976-77) The Wirehair Coat

$20.00 20 ..00

Vol. V (1978-79)GWPCA Club History & Obedience Training Vol. VI (1980-81 )Obedience & Versatile Hunting Dog Tests Vol. VII (1982-87) GWPfs Abroad

20.00 20.00 28.00

Vol. VIII (1987-89) Tribute to the Dual Champion


Vol. IX


Vol. X


Vol XI Additional


N/A Contained in a gold embossed

green binder


that will hold the next ten years of loose leaf yearbook pages (1996) pages are punched with 3 holes to fit the binder. 15.00

Items available as of February 29, 1999 Brown GWPCA Logo Cap

5.00 2.00

GWPCA Logo Decal suitable for your car or truck Copper-colored


lapel or Cap Pin


Off-white Coffee Cup with GWPCA Logo 4 of the above coffee cups GWPCA Breed Information Booklets

All prices



and handling.

20.00 1.50

Send your check or money order made payable

to GWPCA to:

Ann Duffin 64155 N. Hwy 97 Bend, OR 97701 541-388-3739

CheeR out the GW'FCA:Ukb %9 Qnd

thenet. ..wh~ .....···Iist

e\ler~thin9~u need tn. Rnow eon be found tt ..

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1998 7998 7998




#6 #4

GWPCA Amateur

II I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


Gun Dog


GWPCA Combined Open & Amateur

the #2 Amateu'

Gun Dog



Gun Oog



11 pts. towa,d he, bench Champ;onsh;p, ;nclud;ng both Majo,,;.




Field Champion/ Amateur Field Champion Sure Shot's


Justa Miss Marker JH



DC/AFC FC/AFC Dunkees Sure Shot's Justa Top Cascade FI~teMH, Miss NAVHDA Tique SHNA ofa ofa good good



extra biscuit tonight for producingPenny her second FC /AFC (FC AFC Sure Shot's Miss JustaanGWP's would like to congratulate for breeding her daughter! 7th FC. Penny, give Tique a bigGolly pat on theMolly) head and


Penny Ljungren

~ '


¢.•...•..•...•..•...•..•...•..•... ¢


Kent, WA Breeder/Owner/Trainer/Handler:



Bounty's Justa Peg Leg Pete ofa good 1998 1998 1998

#4 GWPCA Amateur Gun Dog #7 GWPCA Combined Open & Amateur Gun Dog 4th GWPCA National Championship

Drive, desire, style and a run to match His dark liver roan coat is harsh, thick and wash & wear. Petey has points toward his bench Championship.

"~" Bounty's Justa Margarita JH ofa 1998

#8 Amateur Gun Dog

Rita needs a last major to finish her Ch and a few points to complete her FC. Her harsh, flat lying coat is a breeders dream. Rita is a great gun dog, a wonderful hunting companion and has a calm and loving personality.

NAFC FCSelkirk's

Am/Can DC AFC NFC Sure Shot's Point Blank CD MH ofa good BountyHunlerofa Star Von Schyrental ofa good DCAFC


Dunkees Justa Hole N One CD MH NAVHDA UT ofago6d

Justa Tequila Sunset JH ofa excellent Sure Shot's Justa Racie Lacie ofa good


& Handlers:

Fran Sakiey, ColurnbusNJ (609) 298-6061 Bernee Brawn, New Hope, PA (215) 598-3990 justagwp@tradenet.net

Richard H. Kares

I left the door open because of the heat the other day, and as it happened, Diane (my wife) left her "Red Legged Tortoise" named 'Chuck' out to run amok in the house. These two events do not go well together ... When Diane got home from work she looked for the tortoise but Chuck was not to be found inside or out. I, with great pain for her loss, could only sit and stare at the TV, hardly seeing the scantily clad, sculptured tan bodies that they present as entertainment, on the intellectually stimulating show called 'Baywatch'. "Get out of the way!" I cried in my grief as Pamela Anderson bounded onto the screen. My sweet wife, out of compassion for my tortured state of mind simply left the room to give me the solitude I needed for healing. (I always leave the sound off during this particular show, as it is more distracting than anything) I was rather surprised then that I did not hear the comment Diane had mumbled as she left. Really! No, I mean it! I didn't hear her! I was paying attention!

A couple of days later, I had been giving a lot of

to help me find Chuck since it is you who caused this problem, and besides, you're supposed to be the great hunter. Find him." I finished presenting my case with a glare to intimidate. He looked at me and shook his head, as if to say "You are pathetic." With that he turned, and with a blast of pungent flatulence was gone. I followed to see if by chance he had actually taken my words to heart and would help me find Chuck, sparing me any more indignities. Shoot! He was supposed to be man's best friend! At least he was supposed to like me. I mean I feed him for cryin' out loud! Much to my suprise he was actually working the yard! It worked! I now knew how to get him to do stuff that I wanted him to, when I wanted him to do it! Sympathy! I filed this important training info away in my mind so I could share it with fellow Wirehair owners later. Suddenly, over by some bushes, Bru went on as rigid a point as I have ever seen. Front leg up, head low, his whole body quiv-



locate him.I asked "Honey,incan at least come shower?" my Isweetest lovingin 'Iand ~~ only want please you'might tone. be, After thought to to where Chuck andall,how I would ~~~.~ ~~ even though she needed her 'space' after her loss, there was no reason

~ Cat poop. •••••. ~ over and parted the bush with much relief. "This is what with we are looking ~.cried, trying to not connect a good kick.for!" BruI saw this coming however, and moved just enough that I was off balance while making a clean miss with my foot. Of course he took this opportunity to run under me, causing me to fall with a 'thud' on my back. As I was lying there with the wind knocked out of me he came over and started to lift his leg, positioning his aim toward me. "Now hold it right there mister!" I wheezed out with such force that it even surprised me. "Who was it that took you swimming all last year?" I asked. "And who pulled those nasty burr's and cactus spines out of you?" I said with conviction. "And who got those three ticks out of your ears last hunting season?" I finished, my anger starting to show.


for me to be outside for two days. Hey, It was only a TV show, and I would have gotten around to looking for Chuck sooner or later. Besides, the guys at work were threatening to take the steam cleaner to me if I didn't bathe soon. Even Bru, our German Wirehair Pointer, was beginning to shy away from me. Why just a little bit ago he came charging around the corner of the house in his 'slow' speed and skidded to a halt, his bristly face contorted in a grimace as only a Wirehair can. Instead of bothering to turn around he simply jumped the 10 feet onto the roof of the house and ran to the far side, sneezing as he went. His glare told me the whole story in a nutshell. "You stink!" it said. And for a Wirehair to say that, it must be pretty bad. "Hey!" I said, with as much indignation as I could muster in my smelly state, "You smelled worse than this after the Oregon hunt test". Bru had been skidding in cow pies during the test, and had smelled up the truck for the two hour drive home. His answer to my outburst was to jump off the far side of the roof without so much as a glance, landing with a splash in the fish pond two stories below. The jerk. I went into the back yard and used the hose and some potting soil to rub the stink off of me as best I could. I then swiped some clean clothes out of the rag barrel in the garage so I was freshly scrubbed, and had clean clothes to boot! Maybe this wasn't so bad after all! But I knew I needed to find Chuck and get myself out of this mess. I caught Bru peeking around the door of the garage, sniffing the air to see if I was still 'odiferous' after my 'dirt shower'. "This is all your fault you know," I said, while trying to think of why it was. "If you hadn't eaten all of those apples you wouldn't have had that nasty gas, and I wouldn't have had to open the doors". I finished up with great flourish as I surprised even myself with such a clever story. Bru looked skeptical but stayed for the moment at least. "You have

ering like a bowl of Jell-O. Hot dog! Results already! I went


Bru looked thoughtful but not convinced. I had to try for a clincher if I was ever going to get his help finding that pesky tortoise. "Who has the keys, and knows where the best hunting spots are?" I said. "Who knows your favorite spots to itch?" I could see I was beginning to get through his exceptionally thick skull. "I'll give you a smoked pork chop," I said, playing my last card just to be sure. He looked at me on this one, as I had told him the other day that we were out. "There's one package left," I admitted, knowing that he could tell I was speaking the truth. He is a sucker for smoked pork chops. He looked at me for a second or two, then trotted off with me close behind. Now we would get somewhere I was sure! We started at the lower edge of the yard, behind the garage. Bru jumped the five foot fence with ease, landing in the heavy brush of the 'green space' between the neighboring buildings and our yard. He then looked back at me, so I clambered over the fence as well, falling none to gracefully into the bushes on the far side. Into the brush he pushed, his wiry coat protecting him from the stickers and heavy ground cover that makes up the biggest part of this area. I had to crawl through most of it, and had sore knees, scratches, bruises, as well as a length of blackberry vine stuck to my ear by the time we got to the far end about thirty minutes later. I was pretty

Tortoise cont'.

bush and pushed it with his nose, backed up, and looked at me.

sure it had been a couple of hours actually ... At least it felt like it. "Are you sure Chuck is in here?" I asked him, while pulling off the sticker vine, part of my ear coming off with it. Bru seemed to be checking my wounds over from head to toe, and after a satisfied look, he took off in another direction without answering me. He trotted directly up and around the end of the house, and did not stop until he got to the bushes in the front yard, directly in front of the front door. I of course obediently followed his every move, hoping that this nightmare would soon end with Chuck safe and sound. I was more then a little amazed at the direct approach Bru took to get here though ... Bru then walked up to a small

"He's here?" I asked incredulously. "After all of the stickers and brush and weeds he is right here?" Maybe I should just shoot Bru and get it over with ... I bent over and looked under the bush. There was Chuck the tortoise, wearing that half-baked smile on his face he always wears, looking like he didn't have a care in the world. He had no idea what he had put me through. Bru on the other hand had obviously known Chuck was there under the bush all along, and had spared me nothing. Bru snickered and trotted off, very proud of himself. "One of these days ... " I thought, as I picked up Chuck and headed toward the front door, pulling stickers and weeds out of my neck and hair as I went. I put on my best 'victorious warrior' smile and called out, "Honey, I, well, we found Chuck!" ...

P>ROGRAMUPDATES On May 28th, 1999, the President of the American Kennel Club, AI Cheaure, sent a letter to all member club delegates bringing them up-to-date with AKC's DNA programs. In his letter, Mr. Cheaure referred to the status of the three programs currently in existence: Compliance Audit (DNA taken as a result of kennel visits by AKC inspectors and investigators), Parent Club (AKC and parent clubs work together for family DNA collections at specialty events), and Voluntary Certification (individuals volunteer to have their dogs DNA tested). Listed in the letter was the number of DNA profiles collected from 1/1/98 to present; the number of litters tested; those that were deemed included in the profiling (or whose DNA was correct); the percentage of included litters versus the number of litters tested; and the number of litters that had initially been excluded, but were subsequently corrected. Mr. Cheaure also reinforced AKC's pledge to uphold the integrity of its registry and focused on the vital role DNA plays in ensuring that integrity. In addition, Cheaure announced a conceptual next-step DNA program geared towards "Frequently Used Sires" that AKC's Business Committee of the Board of Directors has approved in concept. AKC's staff is presently focusing on the development of such a program for final Board consideration.

Frequently Used Sires Program (FUSP) AKC 'DNA Certification' will be required for all frequently used sires - that is, dogs producing more than "X" number of litters in their lifetime. This represents the first step in the direction of underwriting AKC's Registry with DNA Certified breeding stock. Two essential decisions remain: the effective date for the implementation of the program (e.g., 2000 or 2001) and the total number of litters sired (e.g., 3 or 5 or 7 or? litters) for inclusion in the program. AKC's DNA Programs have revealed that most mistakes in the stud book are created by incorrect paternity. Accordingly, the first requirement of a DNA Profile for the registration of a litter will be with those individual males siring the most litters. Breeders will, of course, have the option of using the voluntary DNA Certification Program for dams, and likewise for new puppy owners, to complete the underwriting of the registry with DNA.

Questions and Answers: (1) How many sires will be profiled Program? Possibly as many as 90,000.

in the first year of this new

(2) Why aren't DNA Profiles required for the dams? It is essential to add DNA Profiles to the Database in an orderly, efficient and meticulous fashion. The possible 90,000 required samples in the first year will provide an opportunity for AKC's DNA Operations Department to ensure that this volume of samples can be processed correctly, that necessary quality assurance mecha-

nisms are in place, and that the process of parentage verification can be initiated for breeders electing to also use the voluntary program. (3) Does the AKC plan to require DNA Profiles for all sires, dams, and littermates at some time in the future? The long term goal of the AKC is to have on record DNA Profiles only for all breeding stock. The AKC believes that the millions of dollars required for breeders to test all offspring will be better invested in the well being of purebred dogs in general, rather than in paying for DNA Profiles for dogs not used for breeding. Thus, the goal is DNA Profiles for all actual sires and dams, and for the offspring when (or before) parenting the next generation. (4) When will DNA Profiles be required for dams or other sires for litter registration? Advancing the integrity of the registry always occurs with due deliberation - never fast enough for some and often too fast for others. The implementation of the Frequently Used Sires Program will provide essential information to be used by the Board, Staff, Delegates, and responsible owners/breeders as additional guidelines and requirements are adopted. One unchanging fact is clear: every AKC loyalist/supporter benefits as we collectively advance the underwriting of the integrity of the Registry with DNA Profiles. (5) What happens if a breeder refuses to provide a DNA Profile on a dog that is classified as a frequently used sire? As is customary, individuals failing to follow AKC policies as adopted by the Board of Directors are subject to appropriate disciplinary action.

this and that Toni's on the mend A while ago, we told you about Toni Bravo, a member of the GWPCA and the Northern California club and her being stricken with Gullian Barre disease. The good news is that Toni is up and about, but not totally back to normal yet. She has been working for a couple of hours a week and seems to be on the road to recovery. Good luck Toni, keep up the good work and get better fast!

More best wishes Our best wishes to Gina and Frankie McCain who became the proud parents of a little girl. Unfotunately, the baby was recently hospitlzed with hepatitis, but from all accounts is back home and doing well. Our thoughts are with you.

It's decision time The black and white GWP has again become a hot topic of conversation on the internet. There are those who want the severe penalty removed, there are those who want a disqualification added and there are those who want to leave the standard as is. This latest round of discussions came about when a black and white dog was given a Group 1 at a show this summer. These conversations have led to a petition being circulated to change our breed standard. 20% of the memberhsip must sign this peitition and then it must be sent to the Secretary of the club. Whether you decide to sign this petition or not is up to you, but if the standard is opened for change please remember that last time our standard was changed (1984) it took the committee and the membership 3 years to come to agreement. I am sure we will be hearing more on this in the future.

'99 Nationals Two things for the '99 Nationals- If you will be needing to rent a horse for the field events, please call Will Langley (810) 724-3426. The other wrangler that was previously advertised has decided not tq supply horses. Will only plans to bring a certain number of horses, so you better not delay! The other item eroneously reported was that there is no camping on the show grounds. Wrong! There will be space for motorhomes and campers at the fairgrounds, so c'mon and join in on the fun!

Rueger's Home Afterhours Baron Von Rueger UD, NA, NAJ owned by Chris & Bob Fangman recently took an unscheduled leave of absence. On the way home from an agility trial, Chris unfortunately got into a car accident. Rueger escaped and spent a couple of weeks on the run. The good news is he is safe and home again, a couple of pounds lighter, a bit sorefooted, but safe! And Chris is okay also.

Breeder Referral We a new Breeder Referral- Temple Watson of South Carolina has agreed to step in and take over the recently vacated position. Temple can be reached at (803) 524-2312. If you have an upcoming litter, please let her know so she can pass the information along to puppy buyers.

1997 & 1998 Yearbooks Don'f forget to get your photos and pedigrees in by October 1 for the 97 & 98 Yearbook!!! Every single GWP who has received a title in those years is invited to be included! All the pertinent information is in this newsletter, get it together now before you forget!!!!!

Puppy pictures I am out of puppy pictures! Send more. Remember to put your name and address on them so I can return them to you.

Thats about it, next deadline will be September

1st!!! Talk to you then.

1I ,



~ #1 and #2 ) German Wirehaired Pointers "I


Woodruff's Friar Tuck OAJ

Woodruff's Bouncing Bet OAJ Tuck and Bet have made us proud to be part of their team! Len Stirling and Regina Schwabe DVM Woodruff Wirehairs Rt. 2 Box 5A SR 663 Pamplin, Virginia 23958 (804)248-5090

Come join us for Agility at the Nationals!



October through March

12 DOG MAXIMUM Monthly Fee







No Bird Charges

(707) 864-5825


274E Sunset Avenue, PMB225

Charges Of $5 Per Top-l OPoint NO TOP 10 POINTS - NO HANDLING $.05 Per Mile Per Dog For Events Outside


150 Miles

Suisun City, CA 94585 GWPPROl @AOL.COM





For Dogs Which Are Mentally Ready For Finished Dog Training



One Month--------------------Two Months------------------------------$ 800 Three Months----------------------------$1,150 Four Months-------------------------$1,500 No Bird Charges Dogs are trained to the degree of being able to pass an AKC Senior or Master Hunting Test. Most Hunting and Hunt Test dogs will require at least two months of training. If your dog requires additional, it is charged at a discounted rate.

"MASTER" HUNT TEST HANDLING Charge of $50 Per MASTER Leg If I Handle

NO PASS - NO PAY $.05 Per Mile Per Dog For Events Outside


150 Miles


Written/Email status reports of your dog's progress and performance provided at no charge. Color video - audio depiction's. $ 5.00

We Specialize In Breeding, Training Master Hunters

& Handling

& National Caliber Horseback Field Trial Dogs That Look & Run As Originally Designed

NOTE Our Consistent



Dual Oriented Field Champions DC/AFC Lutz, CDX, TD DC/AFC Shabby DC/AFC Magic, CDX, MH DC/AFC Zipper DC Victor, MH FC Bubba, MH FC Bogey (3 yrs Bubba Son - Show Points) FC/AFC Deja Vu (3 Yrs Bubba Daughter) Loki (3 Yrs - 5 Field Points - DC/AFC "T" Brother) FC/AFC/NFC/NAFC Marie (Breeder) August, 1999



card can be seen


hundreds of GWP owners across the

US and the WORLD for only


a year!!!

($10 per issue)

Send your cards to the Editor so it can be included in the next issue of The Wire News.


Calendar of Events Specialty


Field Trials/Hunting


23 &24 12-? 25-28




In order that as many GWPCA members as possible be encouraged to plan for the 1999 Nationals, please note that no Field Trials or Specialties will be approved while theNationals are being held in Wisconsin from October 8th till completion. Also, if you have an officer of the GWPCA (other than the Secretary) approve a Field Trial or Specialty, please let me know. I can then note the AKC Turn-Around Letters in the files I maintain for each club. Your club event will then also be included in the Upcoming Events column. Karen Nelsen, GWPCA Secretary

7k catJWJptdIf JeaIM3lfii ~ cfPAdh.'






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President:Judy Cheshire46 Southridge Dr., Glen Cove, NY 11542 (516) 671-3564 Vice President:Penny Ljungren28124-199thAve, SE, Kent,WA 98042 (206) 631-6232 Secretary:KarenNelsen25821 Lucille Ave" Lomita,CA 90717 (310) 530-3264 Treasurer:Linda MichaelisPO Box127,Monticello,MN 55362 (612) 878-1685 EasternDirector:Mal Decker 1951 HoffmansvilleRd., Fredrick, PA 19435 (610)754-0072


Delores Buck 34 Ovington Dr. Yardville, NJ 08620 (609) 585-4536

Mid West Director:ElizabethDixon N7815 County Rd N SpringValley, WI 5476 (715) 778-4675 Western Director:Mike Hemphill,17505 E. Cataldo,Greenacres,WA 99016 (509) 922-8118 MembershipChairperson:RhondaAmundsonW8751340thAve,HagerCity,WI54014 (715)792-2913 WebMaster: Sheri Graner, 305 Creekwood Cover, Cedar Park, TX 78613 (512) 219-0839 manatee@tris.com(home) orsheri@sirenia.com (work)


Pat Mc Gowan 1332 Bald Eagle Lake Rd Ortonville, MI 48462 (248) 627-4093

Breeder ReferralChairperson:Kasey Conner, PO Box 1032, PhenixCity, AL 36869(334) 291-0105 GWP OF NORTHERN


Tina Whitmore 4508 Marks Road, Medina, OH 44256 (330)722-8935 TWIN CITIES GWP CLUB

Liz Dixon N7815 County Rd. N., Spring Valley, WI 54767 (715) 778-4675



Pat Dunleavy 5700 W Pensacola, Chicago, IL (773) 283-8425- nasabrinka@ameritech.net



Sue Clemons 1031 Amy Belle Rd., Germantwon, WI 53022 (414) 628-3452 GWP OF EASTERN

The membl:lrsoftheqYVP~Aare devoted to the continued preservation, protec~ionand improvementoftheGem;an Wirehaired Pointer. This Code provides guidelinesforethical practices and care; and seeks to promote good sportsmanship.



Andy Miller 3103 Spring St., Omaha, NE 68105 GWP OF CENTRAL


Dennis Brwon 2412 Athlone Ct., RR2 Ames, IA 50010 (515) 233-2710 CROSS TIMBERS


Kandy Scaramuzzo 4714 Lester Dr., RR7, Arlington, TX 76010 (817) 429-8469 GWP OF NORTHERN


Sharon Jahn 1360 Estates Dr., Dixon, CA 95620 (707) 678-2289 GWPC OF SOUTHERN


Karen Nelsen 25821 Lucille Ave., Lomita, CA 90717 (310) 530-3264 GWP CLUB OF UTAH

Lynda Craig 9166 S Soiena Way, Sandy, UT 84093 (801) 943-9814 OREGON GWP CLUB

Mary Hanson 17941 SW Sandra Lane, Aloha, OR 97006 (503) 848-6845 SEATTLE-TACOMA


Laura Reeves 13216 Key Penisula Hwy., Gig Harbor, WA 98329 (206) 857-5272

and accurate records for each dog



GWPCA members will evaluate any dog or bitch used for breeding, using the criteria set forth by the breed.standard. Only those dogs free,of recognized genetic defects shall be used in a breeding program. Breeders will be selective with respect to the physical and mental soundness, health, temperament,' 'and natural hunting ability of the dog or bitch. ,-,

c.· .. ·





CARE AND TRANSFER OF DOGS: No puppies or adult dogs shall be bred, sold or consigned to pet shops or other commercjal enterprises .. , Proper care shall be provided for bitch and puppies. Puppies ::;hallbe kept until seven weeks of age. All prospective buyers should be carefully screened to assure ,that puppies have a safe, loving and stimulating home. An honest evaluation of the quality of the puppy will be made. Purchasers are to be encourage to spay or neuter all dogs that will not be used' for , breeding.' , New owners will receive the following documentation: 1. Written sales contract or co-ownership agreement 2. Copy of the AKC registration 3. Feeding instructions 4. Medical records 5. Three"generation pedigree 6. Trainingrecommendations 7. Copy ofthis Code of Ethics <::,.,<,'»:-<;:':;.


", ':' _-



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: ,

GYVPCAmembers are prepared to assist puppy buyers when questions orproblems arise fOl"the life of the dog. New owners are encouraged tci become involye,din GWPCA activities, region'al GWP Clubs, dog training, and/or dog performance events. SPORTSMANSHIP: , , GWPCAmembers shall always cQnduct themselves ill a manner which willreflect credit upon themselves, their dogs, and the sport of dogs, regardless of location or circumstance. '

The German Wirehaired Pointer Club of America

w-lRE~NEWS The GWPCA Wire News is published by the German Wirehaired Pointer Club of America, Inc. The GWPCA is a non-profit Illinois corporation which was founded in 1959 to promote and develop the German Wirehaired Pointer. Since 1959, the GWPCA has been recognized by the American Kennel Club as the member club responsible for the developement of the GWP in the United States. The GWPCA Wire News is published for the members of the GWPCA and is a benefit of membership in this club. The Editors of the GWPCA Wire News wish to encourage everyone to send articles of information of interest to our members. The Editors of the GWPCA Wire News reserve the right to edit or refuse to print any letters or articles sent into the GWPCA Wire News. Articles or letters appearing in the Wire News do NOT necessarily reflect the views of the GWPCA, the GWPCA Wire News or it's Staff. Individuals interested in membership in the GWPCA should contact the club Membership Director.

Publishing Schedule DEADLINE

ISSUE October/November National Issue February/March

(Front Cover- taken)

September 1 November 1 January 1


Inside Front cover, back cover and inside back cover are available on most issues. Arrangements can be made for late submissions, but you must let me know if you want to place an ad and it will be after the deadline. This is the only way I can be certain of getting the newsletter to you on time. IMPORTANT! Since the Wire News is mailed 3rd class, the Post Office will not forward to a change of address. Please make sure you send any change of address to the Treasurer and to the Membership Director. (Not to the editor!) FIRST CLASS DELIVERY IS A VAILABLE. You will receive your newsletter in a few days of mailing instead of weeks. Send a check for $10.00 (to cover 1st Class postage) to the Treasurer.

If you do not receive your issue of the newsletter. contact LindaMichaelis

(612) 878-1685

ADVERTISING RATES member/non Front Cover (includes inside story)


Back Cover


Inside Front or Back Cover



Full Page


Half Page


Quarter Page


Center Spread


All pedigrees must be typed and all ads must be accompanied full payment.

Send all advertising

received by the deadline unless prior arrangements The editor will not be responsible


to the Editor. All ads must be have been made.

for typos on any ads received that

are not camera ready.

Second Ad (sameadvertiser.sameissue.fullpage)$50.00/no discount Business Card (6 issues)


all prices include one photo. Each additional Additional

photo is $15.00 additional.

best. Pictures can be reduced, but enlargements

may become fuzzy.


Reverses (writingovera photo) Bleeds (picturesrunningedgeto edge) Second Color on page

For best results, use a good clear picture, color is fine, but black and white reproduces

$25.00 additional $15.00 additional $25.00 additional

Mail all ads in an envelope enclose returned.

a stamped

with cardboard protecting

them. Please

self addressed envelope if you want your pictures

Gb. Cflipsnorfer's.Etgbfnlng


~ ~


~ ..



, O'Nl'\e •..: Clai •..e Wisch 37860 Cha •..les+o'Nl'\ Pike P~ •..ce"ville, VA


Co O'Nl'\e •..: ·Ho'Na •..d & +-Ieidi +-h.1be•.., T•... 402 L10yds Rd. Ol<fo •..d,PA 19363

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