Wire~News 1999 Nationals

Page 1

~ The Journal of the German WIrehaired Pointer Club of America

:Hayyy :Holidays

Ch 'R!Psnorter's LitJhtni'"tJ Strike "Ql.nnie"

1999 GWPCQl. rNationa( SyeciaCty r.Best of c?p'p0site Sex

Nationals 1999




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tJn (oving memory of

~icfiard P. Piette january 17, 1937 -Oct06er 11, 1999 Dick and I were married for 40 years. I guess we were a perfect match, because we both loved dogs. We received a Cairn Terrier as a 'Wedding present and have had many dogs over the years. About 20 years ago the hunting/pointing breeds became part of the family (English Setters & German Shorthairs). Fifteen years ago we rescued a German Wirehaired Pointer and have had one ever since. Presently we have 4 Wires, two 5 yr. aids and 21 yr. olds. Dicks' love was to take his dogs out to the bird field and watch them run and point. Since his semi-retirement ,dog training was part of our daily life. He wanted to follow in his grandfather's foot steps and train a field trial Champ. His grandfather tria led Pointers and had many champions. His grandfather also died (at the same age of 62) at a field trial at Solon Springs. He had gotten off of his horse, sat under a tree and died doing what he also loved to do. My two sons, Rich and Randy,and I can't thank everyone at the nationals enough. Words are not available to express my gratitude for all of the support and strength we received. My sons had never taken part in our love of field trial events. and they were totally impressed with all the dogs, horses and events out in the fields. Our family (2 sons & 2 daughters) will truly miss Dick, but accept the fact, because he lived a blessed life. He enjoyed life to the fullest, loved his dogs Bandit, Buckwheat, Bell (his dream of a champ) and Beau and died like he said he always wanted to. On a beautiful day, in a wonderful place, running his dog in the fields.

Carol Piette

Richard F. Piette "Dick" Hortonville Age 62, died unexpectedly October II, 1999, of a heart attack while running his dog, Beau, at a German Wirehair Pointer Club of America field trial event in Solon Springs, Wisconsin. He was born January 17, 1937, in Appleton. He was owner of Piette Enterprise/Constructionand a general contractor for many years. He is survived by his wife, Carol, Hortonville; two sons, Richard (Meri Kay) Piette, Appleton, and Randal (Lori) Piette, Fremont; two daughters, Renee Piette, Las Vegas, Nevada, and Robin (Jim) Richards, Hortonville; and eight grandchildren. In memory of Dick Piette the German Wirehair Pointer Club of America will present a yearly trophy in the puppy stakes at the GWP nationals. Any memorials should be directed to GWPCA, c/o Carol Piette, W8489 Grandview Road, Hortonville, Wis., 54944. A memorial service was held by the club on October II during the national field trial. Private services are pending.

From the BoardMeeting of October 8, 1999 Called to order: 6:25pm CST

Adjourned: 8:30pm CST

Present: Members Liz Barrett-Dixon, Judy Cheshire, Mike Hemphill and Linda Michaelis; Guests Bernee Brawn (Editor, GWPCA Wire-News), Rocky Gilleard (GWPCA vice-president elect), Doug Ljungren (GWPCA Field Events Advisory Committee Chairman), Mark Sargent (Chairman, 2001 GWPCA National Events) and Lori Sargent. Secretary's

Report - Secretary not present.


Report - Linda Michaelis gave a summary report through


~ Nationals - No representatives available at meeting. club will be hosting. Deferred to Annual Meeting


2OQ.LNationals - Fort Detroit GWPC will host the 2001 Nationals. Mark and Lori Sargent addressed plans. Field Events are slated for the grounds at Ionia used in 1995. The Specialty show will be at the Ionia Fairgrounds. Tentative timeframe is the second week of October 2001. The club is looking at several locations for the banquet within a 3O-minute drive. Committees are presently being formed. Balloting for 2001 Judges - The results of the balloting for the judge for the 2001 Specialty was as follows: Dr. James Sillers - 25 votes Joseph Gregory - 6 votes Keke Kahn - 5 votes Michele Billings - 3 votes Thomas Bradley - 3 votes C. P. Herendeen - 3 votes Patricia Laurans - 3 votes Betty Sandberg - 3 votes. A total of 40 other judges received one or two votes apiece. Only 44 GWPCA members participated in the voting process. It was noted that the pattern of voting was different from previous years with an extremely high percentage of votes going to one judge. Unfortunately, as the top two choices were judges who recently caused enough controversy among GWPCA members to prompt the Board to write an educational piece on the standard for the AKC Judges Newsletter, it was felt that it would not only be hypocritical but detrimental to the breed to approve either of these judges to officiate at the National Specialty Show. This information and decision was shared with the representatives of the Ft. Detroit GWPC Club to take back to their membership as they are planning to host the Nationals that year. Due to the unusual circumstances of the balloting results, the Ft. Detroit club will have the option of choosing another judge from the list or suggesting someone who will best suit their needs. Versatility Ratings - A program to recognize the versatility of the German Wirehaired Pointer was suggested by club member, Laura Myles (WA). The Board has approved the formation of a committee to design the essential elements of the program, ascertain titles and testing that are appropriate and determine the methods of administering records. Rocky Gilleard will chair the committee. Any GWPCA member interested in working on the committee should contact Rocky (715 426-0216). Annual Administrative Fee - Traditionally, regional clubs have been charged an annual $50 administrative fee by the GWPCA. As AKC has simplified the process for event approval, the parent club will eliminate the fee. Local clubs holding events under the auspices of the GWPCA will still be required to submit the necessary fees to AKC. ~Gazette Column - GWPCA participation in the breed column section of the AKC Gazette needs to be increased. Laura Reeves has agreed to coordinate this effort. Anyone with ideas regarding subjects of interest or a willingness to write a short article for the Gazette should contact Laura (253 857-5272 email c1yde@halcyon.com).

GWPCA National Specialty Show Field Dog Class - An error occurred in the 1999 premium list regarding the Field DoglBitch class. As previously voted on, the requirements will be "dogs or bitches who have a placement in a licensed or member AKC field trial broke dog stake or that have earned a qualifying score towards a Master Hunter title at a licensed or member AKC Hunting Test for Pointing breeds." This will be included in the revision of the National Events Manual. Awards - The Board has agreed to have Gail Richardson design an award for our Dual Champions. These are expected to be ready by October 2000. The Board will check with Gail regarding this. It was suggested and approved that breeders of Duals will be recognized with a certificate from the GWPCA. The Field Events Advisory Committee has discussed upgrading trophies for the Field Trial. They would like to see one suitable trophy be given in lieu of the combination of the USA plaque and a trophy purchased by the local club. The Board is in favor of considering a shared expense by the GWPCA and the National Events and expanding the upgraded trophies to the Specialty Show. The Advisory Committee will keep the Board informed of their progress in upgrading the trophies. GWPCA Advertising - Expense and methods of advertising were discussed. Although there has been an increase in GWPCA membership, it couldn't be determined if this was a result of advertising or the use of e-mail and our website. Due to the anticipated expense of retroactive Dual Champion awards for the coming year, it was decided to continue only with our current reciprocal ads and possibly add information about rescue to them. Rescue Procedure - Presently the vice-president of the Board is the designated coordinator of Rescue. In reality, rescue has proven to work best with the Directors of each region referring any inquires to Christi Chism or Mal Decker, both who have been very active in this area. Sheri Graner lists all rescue dogs on the GWPCA website. Christi has agreed to be the designated rescue coordinator and work with a list of volunteers from all over the country that she has compiled. AKC will be notified of this. Reevaluation of ROM - Discussion of the definition of "bench" titles and the fact that a dog or bitch would not necessarily be required to produce a "show" champion of record in order to qualify for ROM was undertaken. As the get should reflect the versatility of the breed and conformance to the breed standard is part of this, it was felt there should be a minimum requirement for "show" championship titled get. The question of whether or not neutered or spay offspring should require OFA certification was also brought up. The Board will ask Gail Richardson to revisit and reevaluate the qualifications. Clarification of Reimbursable Expenses - Bills submitted by Board members for reimbursement must be clearly documented as club business. The use of the Internet and e-mail was discussed. Although much club business is now conducted via e-mail, it was decided that these vehicles of communication are also widely used on a personal level and that club business did not increase this expense. Therefore, there does not appear to be a need to reimburse any Board members for Internet expenses at this time. Maintenance of the GWPCA computer has always been an accepted expense. The Secretary will be asked to pass the computer on to someone of the Board's choice at the end of 1999 so that it can continue to be utilized for club business. Respectfully submitted,

Liz Barrett-Dixon

on the cover. ...


cfi. ~!Psnorter's 1999 yerman

£.iglitni11f1 Strike


Wire '}-{aired 'Pointer C[ub Nationa[ ¥ecia[ry :Best 0!P0site Sex

: •


Annie has multiple Sporting Group Placements and has been in the Top 5 most of 1999.Annie is well on her way to becoming a top producer. Annie & her puppies have oustanding tempraments and are a pleasure to live with.

Her first litter by Ch. Ripsnorter's It's Showtime DOB 4/5/97 Ch. Oakcrest Showstopper, JH - to run Sr and Utility in 2000 Can. Ch. Oakcrest Kaus -n- Kaos Oakcrest Buster's Show time, NA VHDA NA Prize II & 2 Sr. Hunter legs, will run Utility in 2000 Oakcrest Kosmos Kramer, Major pointed

Her second litter by Ch. Wildefires Bentley DOB 12/17/98 Drakkar - n - Vivas First Man Up, 1999GWPCA National Futurity Winner Drakkars Firstmark of Sonbar, 2 5 pt majors from the puppy classes Drakkar -n- Vivas First Lady, Winners Bitch & Best of Opposite in Sweepstakes@TCGWPC from the puppy classes Drakkars First Step to Stardum, Both majors from 6-9 mo puppy class


Annie will be bred back to Ch. Wildefires Bentley in late spring 2000, inquires welcome. Annie is shown in the breed ring by top Junior handler Howard Huber III, and most weekends in Open Jr. Showman-. ship by Kelly Wisch. • Mountain View Claire Wzsch Purcellville, VA (540)


Oakcrest Howard & Heidi Huber, Jr. Q-4ord, Pa .•



TIRED OF GETTING your WIRE NEWS after EVERYONE ELSE? You can get your Wire News delivered FIRST CLASS and get it FAST! Send $10 (to cover postage) to the treasurer and you will be put on the FIRT CLASS mailing list! Send check to GWPCA Treasurer LINDA MICHAELIS at PO Box 127, Monticello, MN 55362 (612) 878-1685




Jfya havn t gotten the message ..... Your Dues are Due on January 1 of2000!!!!! 2000 DUES,DUES,DUES,DUES,DUES,DUES,DUES,DUES* Don't miss an issue of The Wire News, Don t be left off of the Membership Roster Do the Due(s) and be the First GWPCA member in the Millenimum! Send to Linda Micae/is at the addres shown above!!!!!

• • •

•• • •



Well , winter has hit the Northwest and much of the rest of the country. We have rain, rain, mud and rain. Everybody's planning holiday parties and all the dogs in the know are preparing to gorge themselves on holiday leftovers! During this season of Thanksgiving and holiday cheer, please remember our fuzzy friends. Keep in mind this list of holiday do's and don'ts: Frostbite and snow removal salt Snow and salt should be removed from your pet's paws immediately. Frostbitten skin is red or gray and may slough. Apply warm, moist towels to thaw out frostbitten areas slowly until the skin appears flushed. Contact your veterinarian as soon as possible for further care. Snow removal products should be stored out of the reach of pets and small children as their toxicity varies considerably. Toxic plants and holiday/winter products: Low toxicity poinsettia leaves/stems; balsam/pine/cedar/ fir; angel hair (spun glass); Christmas tree preservatives; snow sprays/snow flock; tree ornaments; super glue; styrofoam; icicles (tinsel); and crayons/paints. Moderate toxiCity - fireplace colors/salts; plastic model cement Moderate to high toxicity - holly berries and leaves; bubbling lights (methylene chloride); snow scenes (may contain salmonella); aftershaves/perfumes/alcoholic beverages; and chocolate (dark is more toxic than milk). Highly toxic - mistletoe (especially berries); epoxy adhesives; and antifreeze. Please note that some items have special problems. For example, whereas angel hair is usually considered to be of low toxicity, it can irritate eyes, skin, and the gastrointestinal tract; the content of Christmas tree preservatives varies and often effects depend upon the amount ingested; styrofoam, small parts from Christmas tree ornaments and toys, as well as tinsel, can cause mechanical obstructions in the gastrointestinal tract; snow flock can cause problems if sprayed into the mouth and inhaled; and chocolate, of any type, should never be given to a pet. Antifreeze deserves special

mention because even a very small amount can be rapidly fatal to pets. Other holiday concerns: If you plan to take your pet with you during holiday visits, make sure that your pet is welcome first (with all the activity, it may be better to board your pet or hire a pet sitter). HOliday treats, such as rich, fatty food scraps, bones from fish, pork, and poultry, alcoholic beverages, and chocolate, can be harmful or toxic to pets. Do not allow friends and relatives to give your pet special treats it could ruin everyone's holiday (including your veterinarian's). Do not allow pets to play with ribbons, yarn, or sixpack beverage holders and don't put ribbons or yarn around your pet's neck. If you want to decorate your pet, invest in a holiday collar. These last for many years, are more attractive, and are a lot safer! Cover or tack down electrical cords. (1998 Copyright American

Veterinary Medical


'Til next time.

Sea- Tac GWP Club Wire(d) NW Laura Reeves,

editor email:

clyde@halcyon.com The club's Christmas Party is set for Dec. 5. Everybody brings an item to donate to the rescue auction and a potluck dish. The auction was one of our biggest fund raisers last year and we always look forward to the annual day of fun and relaxation. Again in January, we will staff a booth at the Sportsman's Show to promote Wirehairs and responsible pet ownership.

Ft. Detroit GWP Club The Barbed Wire Mark & Lori Sargent, editors email: windswept@voyager.net The club congratulated members Barb

By Laura Reeves

Hein and Gail Richardson,

who were hon-

ored by the GWPCA at the 1999 Nationals. Barb was recognized for her achievement in titling a GWP in four areas of competition - a first in the breed. Gail was presented with an Outstanding Contribution Award for her contribution in painting the Master Hunter portraits for so many years. For anyone who reads "Wing & Shot" magazine, or can get ahold of one, look for an article on hunting grouse and woodcock on Drummond Island. You'll notice a GWP featured in the article. The dog is none other that SGR Gingersnap, JH, owned by Ft. Detroit member Richard Hirneisen, who is Ginger's owner and the author of the article. (Richard also was a winner of the Wire News writing contest last year.) Information on the Conservation and Reinvestment Act, HR 701 , is included in the most recent issue of the club's newsletter. "This legislation would provide approximately $450 million per year in outer continental shelf oil and gas revenue to states for wildlife conservation and related education and recreation." For more information, visit the Teaming With Wildlife web site at www.teaming.com. The club's specialty was held Nov. 27. Their Christmas party, set for Dec. 11, will feature a gift exchange for the dogs.

GWP Club of Southern California The Hotwire Suz Rawn, editor email: rawn@loop.com The club's field trial was held Nov. 27-28 at Castle Butte Wells near California City. The announcement called for members to, "Please refer to your Premium List for the map to the site or call a member who didn't throw theirs away. Bring the basic desert surviva I equipment such as water, food, crate or tie downs for dogs and spouses, snowshoes and parka, thong bikini, etc." I guess they expect a pretty good weather variety


Send Laura to: Reeves, 13216 Key Peninsula Hwy. N, .... Gig Harbor, WA 98328 Local If you Barks. don't Laura know what is happening she can't let doings the rest of are the world know. or email yourletto info to Laura at:newsletter pleaded with send your newsletters toeditors; Laura so your clubs can be included in thebegged and lor All local club officers, members etc. encouraged,

~I ~I



$1.50 each This booklet is great for breeders to give to new puppy owners or to

people inquiring about the breed. It contains the GWPCA Code of Ethics, membership application form, the breed standard, history of the breed and the answers to the most commonly asked questions about the GWP. GWPCA YEARBOOKS: The yearbooks contain photos and pedigrees of GWP's from 1959 to the present and are the only photographic history of the GWP in America. Unfortunately, Volumes 1,2, and 9 are sold out. A reprinting of these three volumes may occur in the future. Yearbooks available as of February 20, 1999 Sold out Vol. I (1959-69) GWP History, Reid Trial and Training


Sold out

Vol. II


Lving with Wirehairs


Vol.11I (1973-75)

Reid Training Ideas


Vol.IV Vol.V Vol. VI

Sold out


& Versatile Hunting Dog Tests

20.00 20.00 20.00

Vol. VII (1982-87) GWP's Abroad


Vol. VIII (1987-89) Tribute to the Dual Champions Vol. IX (1990-92)

20.00 N/A

Vol. X


(1976-77) The Wirehair Coat (1978-79)GWPCA Club History & Obedience Training

(1993-95) Contained in a gold embossed green binder 38.00 that will hold the next ten years of loose leaf yearbook pages

Vol XI (1996) pages are punched with 3 holes to fit the binder. Combined 93-96 Yearbook complete wtih binder Items available as of February 29,1999 Brown GWPCA Logo Cap GWPCA Logo Decal suitable for your car or truck Copper-colored lapel or Cap Pin GWPCA Breed Information Booklets

All prices include


and handling.

15.00 (price does not include binder) 50.00 5.00 2.00 10.00 1.50

Send your check or money order made payable

to GWPCA to:

Ann Duffin 64155 N. Hwy 97 Bend, OR 97701 541-388-3739


[Q)@~ ~@W@

The information source for the hunting dog owner We give you information about places to hunt, training tips, bird counts, seasons, recipes, news from the internet, trial dates and much

for their event! Their supported entry show and Christmas party is set for Dec. 5. You can find the club's new website at www.GWPSoCal.com. Interim web person Harvey Rawn has registered the permanent domain name and published a Welcome page while the club searches for a regular Webmaster. Two of the many little nuggets of wisdom in the newsletter seem particularly appropriate at this time of year: 1) When you're happy, dance around and wag your whole self. 2) GWPs are proof that God loves us and wants us to be busy!

more. No one covers upland and waterfowl hunting like Bird Dog News. Come see us on the internet. We have the largest hunting dog site on the net at; WWW.Bird-Dog-News.com Now in our fifth year.

Bird Dog News 563-gw 17th Ave NW, New Brighton, MN 55112 PhlFx 612-636-8045 six issues $17/yr

Give us a try ...

GWP Club of Northern California Susan Kren Cutter, editor email: SKCutter@AOL.com Sharon Jahn reported on the club's walking field trial on Aug. 21-22. "The heat came back to the Sacramento Valley just for our Trial, but at least it did not hit 112 degrees like last year - only 106 late Sunday afternoon. And to think, we had been having a wonderful summer up to the previous weekend. Well, everyone still had fun. Club members should be proud of their dogs. Congratulations to all who ran their dogs and extra kudos to those that placed! "We had a wonderful steak BOO Saturday eve with fresh white sweet corn and more food than one could finish in one setting. n The club's Christmas party is set for Dec. 11 at Randy and Sharon Berry's house. Randy also gave an inclusive report on the '99 National and the results for each member's dog that was entered.

Odie Finishesl

Fe Flintlock's Bifrost's Odin (Photo courtesy of Jim Basham)

At only three years old Odie has finished his Field Championship. Breeder, Mike Hemphill, handled him at the Inland Empire German Shorthaired Pointer Field Trial near Spokane, Washington. He defeated 26 other dogs in the All-Age Stake for a five point major to finish up on October 2, 1999.

Jim Basham handled Odie to a first place win in the 1998 National Field Futurity and also to a five point major at his first Open Gun Dog Stake defeating 33 others in September of '98. Dick Uhnavy handled him for three puppy derby points early on. Hemphill and Basham have done an excellent job working together to further Odie's training. Odie is owned by Dick, Pat and Rich Uhnavy.

Shown here with Dick Uhnavy and his 1998 151 place Field Futurity Ribbon Special thanks to: Breeder, Mike Hemphill for giving us the opportunity to enjoy Odie as well as his training and handling. Jim Basham for his training and handling. Jim Yates for his handling in amateur stakes. Our friends at The Fort Detroit GWPC for their help and support. As well as, the many people that have positively impacted this wonderful breed over the years.

321 S. Turk Lake Dr., Greenville, MI 48838

(616) 754-8874



Your Thoughts At this years Banquet, an Opinion Poll was placed on all of the tables. Although the majority of those attending did not fill them out, many took a few moments to give us their thoughts on several subjects. Some chose only to answer some of the questions, some gave several answers to all of the questions. Here is the input we received. Polls returned- 52 Are you a member of the GWPCA? Yes 45 N07 Not yet 4 How many years have you been a member Longest 30 Shortest 6 mos. Why are you a member? Keep in touch -6 To Show- 4 Because we love the breed-7 To supportlpromote the breed-12 Wire News-2

Avg. 10.5

To learn about the breed-9 Don't know-3 To improve the breed-4

Are you a member of a local club? Yes- 40 No- 12 (they had no local clubs to belong to) Why did you come to the Nationals? To see the dogs-16 So they could win-5 To compete-17 To see breeding stock-10 members of host club-5 retired and had the time-1 See friends and meet new GWP owners-13 To party -4 How many Nationals have you attended? The most- 20 Their- 1st- 5 Avg.-7 How far would you travel to attend a National? Up to 500 miles-5 500- 2000 miles- 5 Anywhere -everyone else Have you participated in voting for the National Specialty judge? Yes- 28 No-20 Do you feel voting for the National Judges is: A good and fair way to pick the judge- 27 A waste of time~ 4 the old way was better)- 4 Doesn't make any difference to me- 7 Note: of the 52 participants 4 felt that the BOD should not have final approval over the judges selection On average- How many dogs do you bring to the Nationals? High - 12 Low- 0 Average -3.54 Do you have dogs entered in; Host club Specialty - 31 Nat. Specialty (included 00, agility)-39 Field Trial-22 Hunt Test-20 If you were running the Nationals, what would you do to imporve the event? Have the show and field events on the same grounds-3 Provide more information prior to the event-5 Keep the continuity the same from year to year-2 Seperate the Annual Meeting and Banquet-3 Increase officer participation-2 Better trophies or something for everyone-2 Bigger rings-2 Hold in conjunction with all breed shows-4 More participation from local c1ubs-1 Better awards for titles-1 Have Poop Picker Upper contest-1 More Beer-1 What one thing could the GWPCA do to become a better organization? Increase local representation, Encourage participation from other organizations (NAVHDAetc),Mandatory that officers attend the nationals,Treat Volunteers better, Promote the club better,Make rules harder to

change, Improve communication ,Get rid of the politics Try to get along better between different factions, The Powers that Be stay objective,Keep personal agendas out of the c1ub,More Beer Do you have any recomendations to imporvoe communications between the club and it's members? More input from local reps and clubs,increase the use of email.print all minutes of board meetings in Wire News,Offer seminars on the breed,lncrease publication of the Wire News,Make sure all info is accurate and timely, Everything should come to the membership and not only to the BOD,Everything is running well, Acknowledge dogs performances whether member of the GWPCA or not,What good do suggestions do? Do you advertise in the Wire News? Yes -30 If not, why not? Several did not because they felt they had nothing to advertise. Several because this was their first dog. And a few others did not because of financial reasons. What would you like to see included in the Wire News? Happy with the publication,More candid photos ,Written critiques on Nationals (all events) and local Specialties,More field training articles,More articles by mentors or those who have been in the breed for a long time, Committee Reports,Statistics for show, field and Juniors,Names of group judges who have awarded GWP's,More participation from membership, More personal experiences and humor Have you ever put a dog in a Yearbook? Yes- 25 No -18 For what titles? Ch -18 HuntTest TItle-12 Field (FC AFC DC)- 6

08- 5

How important do you think it is to keep the GWP one breed without a show field split? Highest importance-46 Very important-2 Somewhat important-3 Who cares-1 What can the GWPCA do that would ensure this? Hold the field and show National events together-6 Encourage the Dual dog-10 Better awards for Dual dogs- 8 Improve communications between factions-3 Show Champions should have HT qualification before receiving title-3 Field Trial dogs should have show points before receiving titile-3 Educate judges on the field qualities of the breed-2 Pay extra for dogs that have both -1 More consideration to timing of National events- currently benefits field events-1 Offer aUAKC events at the nationals-1 If any changes were to be made in our breed standard, what ONE thing would you like to see changed? Note' several people mentioned a couple of things- so the numbers here won't jive vety well No change is necassary-1 Make standard clearer-1 Remove penalty for Black-1 0 Make a decision one way or another on black-5 ,Make Blacks a disqualification-3 Accept blacks or disqualfy them -1 Increase penalty on overgrooming-3 More emphasis on coat, color and size-3 More emphasis on 10-9 ratio (height vs length) -2 Accept light eyes as okay-1 No grooming, no baiting at the National-1 Is there anything we missed that you feel is important? Encourage owner handlers at the nationals, Dissallow professional handlers at the Nationals, Do a better job of picking judges for the Nationals, Becoming political ,Hold breed seminars between the Host Specialty and National for participants, Get the Versatile Champion program underway,Be able to vote for officers at the Nationals,Have open discussions on topics of importance to the breed and membership Are you having a good time Yes-52

1999 GWPCA National Specialty Show Sweepstakes, Futurity and Obedience Trial October 9


10, 1999

Head of the Lakes Fairground, Superior, Wisconsin Hosted by the Twin Cites GWPC

The '99 Nationals was the first national specialty show I have attended, and to do it as show chairman was a little scary. EspeciaUy with trophies that would not pass a three foot drop test, but I had faith in the membership of the Twin Cities club to get the job done. Thanks to Carol Piette and Regina Schwabe for Handling the agility trial and Lori Lee for handling the duties of show steward. Everyone did a great job and things ran smoothly. We would also Liketo thank everyone who helped set up the rings and mats on Thursday! It was great to see everyone pitch in and lend a hand, whether TCmembers or not. The curling club building at the Head of the Lakes Fairgrounds worked weU as a show site, except for the final step down to ring leveL After one lady feU and a couple of near falls, we applied~ watch your step~ labels and red tape , some people still missed the step, but nobody else feLL In the Parade of Champions and Title Holders, Charlie Kissinger performed the -Missing Dog~ formation. Ruth Foster Judged the obedience classes despite a severe stomach problem, I wish more dogs would have been entered in the obedience classes, but I don't think Ruth could have survived


I had fun, hope you did. Wayne Starkson-j!l99

National Specialty Show {lJairman

Twin Cities Specialty Friday, October 8, 1999 Head of the Lakes Fairgrounds Superior, Wisconsin

Sweepstakes Mr.Joe Dogs (17 total) 6-9 mos. puppy dogs (4) BIS-1 Neudorf's Afterhours & Christine Whitmore

(31 entries)


l. Droel


Tequila Sunset JH 0: K ZoIa, F Sakiey & B Brawn 4. Weidenhugel E St. Shuffle B/O: P Roberts By Ch Shadra's Otto Von Zamow X Ch Weidenhugel Glory Days

Judge: Mrs. Esme Treen (26 dogs-23 bitches-8 non regular & 12 specials)

Gambler 0: Franz Neuwirth

DOGS (26 total)

2. Schnellberg's Good by Design JH 0: Susan Owen 3. Jet Set's Ragtop Day At Scotia 0: Torn & Jodi Quesnell & J Bonaccorso

6-9 Puppy (2) 1. Neudorfs Afterhours


BlO: C Whitmore

& F.

4. Jet Set's Defying Gravity 0: Sylvie & Nash Thompson

Neuwith By Ch Ebbtide Summer Private Number

9-12 mos. puppy dogs (5) 1. Drakkars Rrst Mark of Sonbar 0: Bruce Wuornos

2. Jet Set's Defying Gravity B: J & R Bonaccorso By DC AFC Dunkees Justa Top Rite MH X Ch Jet Set's Full Sail Of Scotia 0: S& N Thompson

2. Drakkar N Viva's Rrst Man Up 0: Terrence Jennifer Harris

Boldin &

3. RLB's Butch Zacker 0: Roger & Lois Bultman & Gary Ward 4. Afterhours Ghost O'B1auermond Risler & Christi Chism

0: Charles

& Stacy

12-18 mos. puppy dogs (8) 1. Farmage's Morgan 0: Paula & Jude Medius 2. Ch Afterhours Bud Run JH 0: Mike Felds & Chrisine Whitmore 3. Nottoway's Rumored a Renegade 0: Kirkland & Jennifer Mosing 4. Backwoods American Ryer 0: Greg & Liz Dixon Bitches (14 total) 6-9 mos puppy bitches (5) 1. Jet Set's Margaritaville Bonaccorso 2. Schnellbergs Reeves




& Jane

PG's Perl O'Scotia 0: P Moore & Laura

3. Von Duffin Lady Bug 0: Ann Duffin &Meg Eden 4. Sure Shot's Wide Open Spaces 0: Doug Ljungren & Judy Cheshire 9-12 mos. puppy bithes (5) 80S -1 Drakkar N Vivas Rrst lady 0: Terrence Boldin & J. Gran 2. Scotian Absolute Winter's Eve 0: Brian Hawley 3. Afterhours Trick or Treat 0: Christi Chism 4. Drakkars Rrst aass Gal of Viva 0: Jennifer Harris Gran & Terrence Boldin 12-18 mos. puppy bitches (4) 1. Nottoways Up To No Good 0: Krik & Jennifer


2. Weidenhugel Sizzle v Merlin 0: Cynthia Heiller DVM 3. Ch Afterhours Kaizan's I LuvLucy 0: Chistine Whitmore 4. Ida Hills Magic Madame 0: Dwight Muth

Veteran Sweepstakes

(3 total)

Judge Mr. Joel Droel

10 yrs. and over dogs (1) 1. C-h Weidenhugel Jersey van Nico JH 0: Patti Roberts -7 yrs and under 10 yrs (1) Ch Afterhours ~l'lI.um.bllI Whitmore & Franz Neuwirth

9-12 Mas. (4) 1. Drakkars First Mark Of Sonbar B: T Boldin By Ch Wildire's Bentley X Ch Ripsnorter's Lightning Strike 0: B Wuornos




By Ch Ebbtide Number


Heat X Ch Afterhours


3. Sure Shot's Wide Open Spaces B: P Ljungren By Windwalker Von Wilson X FC AFC Sure Shot's Golly Miss Molly SH 0: D Ljungren & J Cheshire 4. Von Duffin Lady Bug B: T & A Duffin By Ch Sure Shot's Rockland Boss X Hellbender's Bugbite 0: A Duffin & M Eden 9-12 Mas. (4)

2. Drakkar N Vinas Rrst Man Up B: T. Boldin By Ch Wildefires Bentley X Ch Ripsnorter's Lightning Strike 0: T Bolding & J Harris 3. Rib's Butch Zacker BIO: R & L Bultman & GWard By


DC SGR Dirty Laundry X SGR Silent Running Brooke 4. Afterhours Ghost O'B1auermond B: C & SChism & C

By Ch Afterhours Lover Boy X Ch Afterhours Risky Business JH 0: C Chism 3. Scotian Absolute Winter's Eve B: L Reeves & J

Whitmore By Alterhours Lover Boy X Ch Afterhours Risky Business JH 0: C & S Risler & C Chism 12-18 Mas. (4) 1. Ida Hill's Will Be Magic B/O: J & L Michaelis By Cadenberg Smokin' Magic X Ida H~l's Madame Von Duffin 2. Backwoods American Ryer B: P Ljungren By Backwoods Rexible Ryer X DC AFC Sure Shot's Justa Miss Marker JH : G & L Dixon 3. Weidenhugel Sunspot V Merlin B: C Hieller By Ch Weidenhugel Merlin V Nico CD MH X Ch Weidenbach Ulla V Rap CD JH 0: J Otto & M Myers 4. Farmgate Midwest Express B:J & P Mobeius By Ch Schnellberg's Second Act X Ch Beechfree's Farmgate Betty B 0: J Moffatt Bred By Exhibitor (5) WD-1 Schnellbergs Good Bv Design JH BlO: S Owen By Ch Schnellberg's Black Tie Affair X Ch Schnellbergs Ruff Wire Zoe MH 2. Farmgates Morgan 00: P & J Mobius (Same As Above) 3. Jet Set's Ragtop Oat At Scotia B: R & J Bonnaccorso By DC AFC Dunkees Justa Top Rite MH X Ch Jet Set's Full Sail Of Scotia 0: T & J Quesnell & J Bonaccorso 4. Silvar Keeper Of Faith B: S & T Ray By Ch Shurcan's Rnders Keepers X Ch Fine And Dandy Von Duffin JH 0: M Bowles & S Ray AlOOrican Bred (1) 1. St Croix's Diamond Jim B: B & S Mueller By NFC DC Jay Mars Blakes Windcar SH X NAFC FC AFC St Croix's Rawhide Ruby 0: S & B Mueller

Dog&-7 yrs. and under 10 yrs. (1) BIS- 1 DC AFC Dunkees Justa Top Rite MH 0: Bemee Brawn & Dr Francis Sakiey


Heat X Ch Afterhours

BITCHES (23 total) 6-9 Mos.(4) 1. Schnellberg Pg's Perl 0' Scotia B S Owen By Ch Schnellberg's Black TIE! Affair X Ch Schnellbergs Ruff Wire Zoe MH 0: P Moore & L Reeves 2. Afterhours Catch The Sprit B: C Whitmore & F Neuwirth

open (10) RWD -1 School/berg's Center Stage Na B: S Owen & N Vampotic & M J Collins By Ch Ch Schnellbergs Second Act X Ch Jaymar Weisen's Rite On Target MH 0: G Bock 2. Aflerhours Major League B: W & CWhitmore & CChism By Ch Afterhours Stormin Norman X Aflerhours Foxy Roxy 0: W & C Whitmore 3. Bountys Justa Peg leg Pete B: F Sakiey & B Brawn By FC NAFC Selkirks Bounty Hunter X CH NAFC AFC Justa

B: T Boldin By Ch Wildefires Bentley X Ch Ripsnorters Lightning Strike 0: T Boldin & J Gran 2. Afterhours Trick Or Treat B: C & SChism & C Whitmore

Bonaccorso By DC Cadenberg Victor V Trey MH X Ch Ruff Cut Jet Set Autumn Moon JH 0: B Hawley 4. Drakkars Rrst Oass Gal Of Viva B: T Boldin By Ch Wildefire's Bentley X Ch Ripsnorter's J Gran & T Boldin

Lightning Strike 0:

12-18 Mos. (3) 1. Weidengel Sizzle V Merlin B/O: C Heiller By Ch Weidenhugel Merlin V Nico MH CD X Ch Weidenhugel Ulla V Rap JH CD 2. Ida Hills Magic Madame B: L & J Michaelis By Cadenberg Smokin Magic X Ida Hills Madame Von Duffin 0: DMuth 3. Nottoways' Up To No Good B: K & J Mosing & C Whitmore By Geronimo Bravo Afterhours X Ch Alterhours Show Biz Liz 0: K & J Mosing Bred By Exhibitor (4) RWB-1 WeidenhU!JeI No Surrender BlO: P Roberts By Ch Shadra's Otto Von Zamow X Ch Weidenhugel Glory Days 2. Afterhours Saint Pauli Girt B:C&S Chism & C Whitmore By Ch Alterhours Lover Boy X Ch Afterhours ness JH 0: C Chism & C Whitmore

Risky Busi-

3. Jet Set's Margaritaville B: R&J Bonaccorso By DC AFC Dunkees Justa Top Rite MH X Ch Jet Set's Full Sail Of Scotia 0: L Reeves & J Bonaccorso 4. Larkspurs Lily Of The Valley B: G McCain By Ch larkspurs Goodrunofbadluck X Ch RKM's Aranwood Anne Oakley 0: G McCain & D Dings American Bred(4) 1. Rib's B1auerrnond's Bella Mia B: R & L Bultman By Backwoods Flexible Flyer X Ch Ripsnorter's Rib Samantha 0: S Risler & R&M Strassman 2. Afterhours Cover Girl B: W & C Whitmore & C Chism By Ch Afterhours Stormin Norman X Afterhour Foxy Roxy 0: C Whitmore 3. Gunsmokes

Miss Ashley B: J Monson By Cadenberg

Smokin Magic X Allison's Ariel 0: T Poorker

Open (4) 1. Justa Airiel Too Tuff Too Tame B: B Brawn By DC AFC Dunkees Justa Top Rite MH X Ch Ruffculs Justa Southwind JH 0: M P Ezzo DVM & B Brawn 2. Afterhours K S Tzarr Varga B: W& C Whitmore By Ch Afterhours Stormin Norman X Afterhours Foxy Roxy 0: C Whitmore 3. Ida Hill's Madame Von Duffin B: T & A Duffin & K Ferguson By Ch Sure Shot's Rockland Boss X Ch Cascade Cate Von Duffin MH 0: J & L Michaelis 4. Gunsmoke Miss Kitty B: J Monson By Cadenberg Smokin Magic X Aliens Ariel 0: S Jackson VETERAN DOG (1) 1. DC AFC Dunkees Justa Top Rite MH B: B Brawn By DC AFC Dunkees Justa Hole N One CD MH x Sure Shot's Justa Racie Lacie JH 0: B Brawn & F Sakiey VETERAN BITCH (1) 1. Ch Afterhours Private Number B: W & C Whitmore & C Chism by Ch Afterhours Afterhours Spriti of Shurcan Neuwirth

Robin Chaser x Ch 0: C Whitmore & F

Field Trial Dog (3) 1. Ch Docs Wild Uke The Wind CD JH B: H Harding By Marsu's Hustable Lee Jh X Colorado HB Louise 0: C Mialcheck & 0 Hensley 2. Ch Backwoods Milormore B: T & E Manns By Backwoods Flexible Ryer X NAFC FC AFC Breezin Britta Von Kinni 0: K & C Moreman 3. Ch Gunsmoke Dillon 810:J Monson By Cadenberg Smokin Magic X A1isons Ariel 0: J Monson


Kelly Wisch


Field Trial Bitch (3) 1. Ch Gunsmoke Miss K T Caitlyn 810: J Monson By Cadenberg Srnokin Magic X A1lisons Ariel 2. Ch Schnell bergs In The Rough CD SH B: S Owen By DC AFC Dunkee's Justa Top FUte MH X Schnellbergs Anneliese 0: M & L Sargent & S Owen 3. Ch Gunsmoke Unsikable Molly B 810 J Monson By Cadenberg Smokin Magic X A1isons Ariel

Mrs. Cynthia

There were no other qualifiers

in Obedience

Best Of Breed (12 Specials Plus 6 Class Dogs) BOB- Ch Wildelires BenllevB: K Engle By Ch Ripsnorters Ka Uns Wild Hart X Tina V Wachterbach 0: 0 & E Pusateri & M Steel & T Boldin Best Of Opposite Ch Afterhours Show Biz Uz B: W & C Whitmore By Ch Afterhours Stormin Norman X Afterhours Foxy Roxy 0: K & J Mooing & C Whitmore Best Of Winners(Winners Lady

Best of Opposite Sex Ch Afterhours Show Biz Uz


Novice A (High in Trial) 1.ZJi.5.. Ch Ripsnorter's Luv Ya Man B: H George & P Gabriel By Ch Ripsnorters Irs Showtime X Ch Ripsnorters Private Danceer 0: R Miller

Bitch) Drakkars N Viva's First

Winner's Dog Schnellberg's Good by Design

GWPCA Show Futurity Saturday October 9 Judge: Mrs. Janice L. Johnson Junior Classes- For GWP's whelped on or after December 1, 1998 through march 31, 1999. Intermediate Class- For GWP's whelped on or after August 1, 1998 through November 30, 1998 Senior Class- for GWP's whelped on or after april1, 1998 through July 31, 1998 Prize Money- Actual futurity expenses will be decucted from the Futurity Mmoney, the reamining money was devied as follows: 12.5% to the winner of each class ($230.00) 12.5 % additional to Best in futurity ($230.00) 12.5 % additional to Best Opposite Sex to Best in futurity ($230.00) Each winner's share was divded 60% to the owner and 40% to the breeder/nominator Junior dog (7)

Intermediate Dog (3)

1. Drakkar N Viva's First Man Up

1. Silvar Keeper Of Faith B: Sheri Graner Ray & Tim Ray 0; Marcelle Bowles & Sheri Ray by Ch Shurcan's Rnders Keepers X Ch Fine And Dandy \Ion Duffin 2. JED's Wild Turkey 8.Q: Ed & Barbara Tucker by Ch Jed's Spitze Geschutz MH x Jeds Bewitched 3. Afterhours Ghost O'Blauennond B: Christi & Steve

B: Terrence Boldin O:Terrence Boldin & Jennifer Harris by Ch Wildefires Bentley x Ch Ripsnorters Ughtning Strike 2. Jet Set's Ragtop Day at Scotia B: J & R Bonaccorso 0: Tom & Jodi Quesnell & Jane Bonaccorso by DC AFC Dunkees Justa Top Rite MH x Ch Jet Sets Full Sail of Scotia 3. Drakkars Rrst Mark of Sonbar B: Terrence Boldin

Chism by Ch Afterhours BusinessJH

Lover Boy x Ch Afterhours Risky

Run JH B: C Whitmore

0: M


& C Whitmore by Geronimo Bravo Afterhours x Afterhours Luomas Daisy May JH

2. Nottoways Rumored A Renegade B: Kirk &Jennifer Mooing & Christine Whitmore 0: Kirk &Jennifer Mosing by Geronmimo Biz Uz 3. Backwoods

Bravo Afterhours American


x Ch Afterhours


B: Penny ljungren

Greg & Uz Dixon by Backwoods Rexible AFC Sure Shot's Justa Miss Marker JH :

O:Bruce Wuornos by Ch Wildfires Bentley x Ch Ripsnorters Ughtning Strike 4. Schnellberg's Good By Design JH B:.Q: Susan Owen by Ch Schnellbergs Black Tie Affair x Ch Schnellberg's Ruff Wire Zoo MH


0: X DC

4. Weidenhugel Sunspot V Merlin B: Cindy Hieller DVM 0: Jill Otto & Mary Myers by Ch Weidenhugel Merlin V Nico CD MH X Ch Weidenbach

Best In Futurity ($460.00)

Ulla V Rap CD JH

Best of Opposite Sex in Futurity ($460.00)

Orakkar N Vivas First Man Up

Jet Set's Margaritaville

Junior Bitch (7)

Intermediate Bitch (2)

1. Jet Set's MargaritaviUe B: Bob & Jane Bonaccorse 0: Laura Reeves & Jane Bonaccorso by DC AFC Dunkees Justa Top Rite MH x Ch Jet Set's Full Sail of Scotia 2. Schnellberg PG's Per1 O'Scotia B: Susan Owen 0: P Moore & Laura Reeves by Ch Schnellberg's Black Tie Affair X Ch SchneIlbergs Ruff Wire Zoe MH 3. Drakkar N Vivas Rrst Lady B: Terence Boldin 0: Terrence Boldin & J Gran by Ch Wildefires Bentley X Ch Ripsnorters Ughtning Strike 4. Scotian Absolute Winter's Eve B: L Reeves & J

1. Afterhours

Bonaccorso 0: B Hawley by DC Cadenberg Victor V Trey MH X Ch Ruff Cut Jet Set Autumn Moon JH

Senior Dog (5) 1.Ch Atterhours Buds

Trick or Treat B: Cristi & Steve Chism &

Christine Whitmore 0: Christi Chism by Ch Afterhours Lover Boy X Ch Afterhours Risky Business JH 2. Ch Afterhours Kaizans I Luv Lucy B: Walt & Christine Whitmore & Patricia Diehl 0: Christine Whitmore by Ch Afterhours Stormin Norman x Thomwoods Afterhours Rainy

Senior Bitches (5) 1. Justa Ariel Too Tuff Too Tame B: Bemee Brawn 0: Bemee Brawn & Mary Patrice Ezzo DVM by DC AFC Dunkees Justa Top Flite MH x Ch Ruffcuts Justa Southwind JH

2. Weidenhugel

Sizzle v Merlin 8.Q: C Heiller by Ch Weidenhugel Merlin V Nico MH CD X Ch Weidenhugel Ulla V Rap JH CO 3. Ch Nottoway's It's Only Money 0: Kirk & Jenifer Mosing 4. Nottoways Up To No Good B: Kirk & Jenifer Mosing & Christine Whitmore 0: Kirk & Jenifer Mosing by Geronimo Bravo Afterhours X Ch Afterhours Show Biz Uz

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1=UruRITY WINNER 00, ~." ,:


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p-res-e nti ng ... Jet





DC/AFC Dunkee's Justa Top Flite, MH x Ck. Jet Set's Full Sail of Scotia

Breeder/Co-owner: Jane & Robert Bonaccorso Jet Set Kennel, (541) 955-0254

Co-owner: Laura Reeves The Scotia Kennel, (253) 857-5272

1999 GWPCA National Specialty Salty led a successful pack of Scotia Kennel participants at the National, with Best of Opposite Sex in Futurity - at 7 months old. Thank you to futurity judge Janice Johnson for finding this promising young girl. Congrats also are in order for Salty's brother, "Cruiser," Jet Set's RagTop Day at Scotia, who earned his first JH leg at the National's Hunt Test. Also, a big thank you to my last-minute assistants, Roxanne and Marty Roach. Congratulations

to all the winners in all the events during Nationals. See ya'll next year in Oregon!

The Scotia Kennel - Where Form and Function Work Together

1999 GWPCA Sweepstakes Saturday, October 9

Puppy Sweepstakes (33 entries) Judge It was an honer to judge your Puppy and Veterans Sweepstakes at the 1999 GWPCA Nationals. I was pleased with the overall quality, your puppies are a "window" into the future of your breed. The GWP is first and foremost a versatile breed, those qualities should ALWAYS be appreciated. I found temperments to be very good, no bite problems, good feet, some variety in head types and coats. Shoulders, front movement in particular, and eye color are areas I felt need some attention. Some movement issues may be related to immaturity and lack of conditioning and should improve. Any of my first place puppies were worthy of a Sweeps win on any given day.

Mrs. Linda Kelly

Dogs (18 total)

Bitches (15 total)

6-9 mos. puppy dogs (5) 1. Neudorf's Afterhours Gambler Christine Whitmore

6-9 mos. puppy bitches (5) 1. Schnellbergs PG's Perl O'Scotia 0: P Moore & Laura Reeves

0: Franz Neuwirth


2. Schnellberg's Good by Design JH 0: Susan Owen 3. Jel Sel's Ragtop Day At Scotia 0: Tom & Jodi Quesnell & J Bonaccorso 4. SGR T Z's markus von Pines 0: W & D Fursez

2. Jet Sel's Bonaccorso




& Jane


3. Sure Shot's Wide Open Spaces 0: Doug Ljungren & Judy Cheshire 4. Van Duffin Lady Bug 0: Ann Duffin &Meg Eden

9-12 mos. puppy dogs (4) 1. Drakkar N Viva's Rrst Man Up 0: Terrence Boldin & Jennifer Harris 2. Drakkars First Mark of Sonbar 0: Bruce WUomos 3. Afterhours Ghost O'8lauermond Risler & Christi Chism

0: Charles

& Stacy

4. RLB's Butch Zacker 0: Roger & Lois Bultman & Gary Ward

9-12 mos. puppy bithes(5) 1. Drakkar N Vivas Rrst Lady 0: Terrence Boldin & J. Gran 2. Afterhours Trick or Treat 0: Christi Chism 3. Drakkars Rrst Class Gal of Viva 0: Jennifer Harris Gran & Terrence Boldin 4. Scotian Absolute Winter's Eve 0: Brian Hawley

12-18 mos. puppy dogs (9)

12-18 mos. puppy bitches (5)

81$-1. Fannaae's Mexgan 0: Paula & Jude Modius 2. Ch Afterhours Bud Run JH 0: Mike Felds & Chrisine Whitmore

8OS-1. Noftowavs J.!ILfQ.~ 0: Krik & Jennifer Mosing 2. Ch Afterhours kaizans lIuvLucy O:C whitmore 3. Ch Nottoway's it's only Money 0: K & J Mosing 4. Weidenhugel Sizzle v Merlin 0: Cynthia HeWer DVM Ida Hills Magic Madame 0: Dwight Muth

3. Backwoods American Ryer 0: Greg & Uz Dixon 4. Nottoway's rumored A Renegade 0: K & J Mosing

The Veteran dog was truly a "special treat". He outmoves all his younger eompetitiors, and what spirit! Thank you ver much for asking me to judge.

Sincerely Linda Kelly

Best ot Opposite in Puppy Sweeps Nottoways Up To No Good

Veteran Sweepstakes (3 total) Judge: Ms. Unda Kelly Dogs-7 yrs. and under 10 yrs. (1)

Bitches -7 yrs and under 10 yrs (1)

BIS- 1. DC AFC Dunkees Justa Top Rite MH 0: Bernee Brawn & Fran Sakiey

B08-1. Ch Afterl10urs Neuwirth

10 yrs. and over dogs (1) 1. Ch Weidenhugel

Jersey von Nico JH 0: Patti Rober1s

Best in Veteran Sweeps DC AFC Dunkees Justa Top Rite MH

Best ot Opposite in Veteran Sweeps Ch AttertJours Private Number






& Franz

1999 GWPCA National Specialty Regular Classes Judge: Mrs. Robert Forsyth

DOGS (31 total) 6-9 Puppy (3) WD-IBOW LNeudorf's Afterhours Gambler BK): C Whitmore & F. Neuwith By Ch Ebblide Summer Heat X Ch Afterhours Private Number 2. Jet Set's Defying GraVity B: J & R Bonaccorso By DC AFC Dunkees Justa Top Rite MH X Ch Jet Set's Full Sail Of Scotia 0: S& N Thompson 3. SGR Tz's Markus von Pines B: G Richardson by DC SGR Dirty Laundry x SGR Past Tense JH 0: W & D Furesz IH2 Mos. (5) 1. Drakkar N Vivas First Man Up B: T. Boldin By Ch Wildefires Bentley X Ch Ripsnorter's Ughtning Strike 0: T Bolding & J Harris 2. Drakkars Rrst Mark Of Sonbar B: T Boldin By Ch Wildire's Bentley X Ch Ripsnorter's Ughtning Strike 0: B Wuornos 3. JED'S Wild Turkey BIO: E & B Tucker by Ch Jed's Spitze Geschutz MH x Jed's Bewitched 4. Afterhours Ghost O'B1auermond B: C & SChism & C Whitmore By Afterhours Lover Boy X Ch Afterhours Risky Business JH 0: C & S Risler & C Chism 12-18 Mos. (5) 1. Farmgate Midwest Express B:J & P Mobeius By Ch Schnellberg's Second Act X Ch Beechtree's Farmgate Betty B 0: J Moffatt 2. Backwoods American Flyer B: P Ljungren By Backwoods Rexible Flyer X DC AFC Sure Shot's Justa Miss Marker JH : G & L Dixon 3. Weidenhugel Sunspot V Merlin B: C Hieller By Ch Weidenhugel Merlin V Nico CD MH X Ch Weidenbach Ulla V Rap CD JH 0: J Otto & M Myers 4. Weidenhugel Teague v Einer B: M Revell by Ch Weidenhugel Einer v Pilot x Weidenhugel Delia v Xero Bred By Exhibitor (5) 1. Larkspur's Tuba Charged B: G & F Meain by Ch Ripsnorters Thunderhart x Ch Larkspur's Zoe Dance 0: J & R Gerhart & G McCain 2. Schnellbergs Good By Design JH BfO: S Owen -By Ch Schnellberg's Black Tie Affair X Ch Schnellbergs Ruff Wire Zoe MH 3. Silvar Keeper Of Faith B: S & TRay ByCh Shurcan's Rnders Keepers X Ch Rne And Dandy Von Duffin JH 0: M Bowles & S Ray 4. Farmgates Morgan B/O: P & J Mobius By Ch Schnellbergs Second Act x Ch Beechtree's Farmgate Betty American Bred (1) 1. St Croix's Diamond Jim B: B & S Mueller By NFC DC Jay ~"'.arsBlakes Windcar SH X NAFC FC AFC St Croix's Rawhide Ruby 0: S & B Mueller Open (12) RWD- 1 Weidenhugel E Sf Shuffle 810: P Roberts By Ch Shadra's Otto Von Zamow X Ch Weidenhugel Glory Days 2. Nottoway's Rumored A Renegade B: K&J Mosing & C Whitmore by Geronmimo Bravo Afterhours x Ch Afterhours Show Biz Uz 0: K&J Mosing 3. Schnell berg's Center Stage Na B: S Owen & N Vampotic & M J Collins By Ch Ch Schnellbergs Second Act X Ch Jaymar Weisen's Rite On Target MH 0: G Bock 4. Larkspurs Nothing Shocks Me B:G McCain by Ch Ripsnorters it's Showtime x Ch Larkspurs Classic Serenade 0: C McCain & D Dings BITCHES (22 totaO 6-9 Mos.(3) 1. Schnell berg Pg's Perl 0' Scotia B S Owen By Ch Schnellberg's Black Tie Affair X Ch Schnell bergs Ruff Wire Zoo MH 0: P Moore & L Reeves 2. Sure Shot's Wide Open Spaces B: P Ljungren By Windwalker Von Wilson X FC AFC Sure Shot's Golly

(31 dogs-22 bitches-14

non regular & 17 specials)

Miss Molly SH 0: D Ljungren & J Cheshire 3. Von Duffin Lady Bug B: T & A Duffin By Ch Sure Shot's Rockland Boss X Hellbender's Bugbite 0: A Duffin & M Eden 9-12 Mos. (4)1. Afterhours Trick or Treat B: C & S Chism & C Whitmore By Ch Afterhours Lover Boy X Ch Afterhours Risky Business JH 0: C Chism 2. Drakkar N Vivas First Lady B: T Boldin By Ch Wildefires Bentley X Ch Ripsnorters Ughtning Strike 0: T Boldin & J Gran 3. Drakkars Rrst Class Gal Of Viva B: T Boldin By Ch Wildefire's Bentley X Ch Ripsnorter's Ughtning Strike 0: J Gran & T Boldin 4. Scotian Absolute Winter's Eve B: L Reeves & J Bonaccorso By DC Cadenberg Victor V Trey MH X Ch Ruff Cut Jet Set Autumn Moon JH 0: B Hawley 12-18 Mas. (3) RWB- 1. Nottowavs'()p ToNo GoodB: K&J Mosing& C Whitmore By Geronimo Bravo Afterhours X Ch Afterhours Show Biz Uz 0: K & J Mosing 2. Weidengel Sizzle V Merlin BIO: C Heiller By Ch Weidenhugel Merlin V Nico MH CD X Ch Weidenhugel Ulla V Rap JH CD 3. Ida Hills Magic Madame B: L & J MiChaelis By Cadenberg Smokin Magic X Ida Hills Madame Von Duffin 0: D Muth Bred By Exhibitor (4) WB- 1 Afterhours Saint Pauli Girt B:C&S Chism & C Whitmore By Ch Afterhours Lover Boy X Ch Afterhours Risky Business JH 0: C Chism & C Whitmore 2. Weidenhugel No Surrender 810: P Roberts By Ch Shadra's Otto Von Zamow X Ch Weidenhugel Glory Days 3. Jet Sets Margaritaville B: R & J Bonaccorso By DC AFC Dunkee's Justa Top Rite MH x Ch Jet Set's Full Sail of Scotia 0: L Reeves & J Bonaccorso 4. Von Duffins Lady Chatter 810: T & A Duffin by Ch Rogue Issac x Ch Von Duffins Rockland Wags American Bred(4) 1. Afterhours Cover Girl B: W & C Whitmore & C Chism By Ch Afterhours Stormin Norman X Afterhour Foxy Roxy 0: C Whitmore 2. Rib's B1auermond's Bella Mia B: R & L Bultman By Backwoods Flexible Flyer X Ch Ripsnorter's Rib Samantha 0: S Risler & R&M Strassman 3. Gunsmokes Miss Ashley B: J Monson By Cadenberg Smokin Magic X Allison's Ariel 0: T Poorker 4. Backwoods On A Point B: G & L Dixon By DC AFC Soo Une's Allied Freighter MH x Wilson's Georgia peach 0: K Moreman Open (4) 1. Justa Airiel Too Tuff Too Tame B: B Brawn By DC AFC Dunkees Justa Top Rite MH X Ch Ruffcuts Justa Southwind JH 0: M P Ezzo DVM & B Brawn 2. Jo Rals Classie Hoosier Miss B: J & R Gerhart & H George by Ch Larkspurs Cruisin Classic x Ch Ripsnorters Jo Ral Cassie 0: J & R Gerhart 3. Afterhours K S Tzarr Varga B: W& C Whitmore By Ch Afterhours Stormin Norman XAfterhours Foxy Roxy O:C Whitmore 4. Gunsmoke Miss Kitty B: J Monson By Cadenberg Smokin Magic X Allons Ariel 0: S Jackson VETERAN DOG (1) 1. DC AFC Dunkees Justa Top Rite MH B: B Brawn By DC AFC Dunkees Justa Hole N One CD MH x Sure Shot's Justa Racie Lade JH 0: B Brawn & F Sakiey VETERAN BITCH (1) 1. Ch fterhours Private Number B: W & C Whitmore & C Chism by Ch Afterhours Robin Chaser x Ch Afterhours Spriti of Shurcan 0: C Whitmore & F Neuwirth FIELD TRIAL DOG (6) 1. DC Cadenberg Victor V Trey MH B: S Alberts By Ch

Weidenhugel Intrepid V goetz x DC AFC Cadenberg Magie V Rogue CDX MH : M Revell 2. Ch Backwoods Milormore B: T & E Manns By Backwoods Rexible Ryer X NAFC FC AFC BreeZin Britta Von Kinni 0: K & C Moreman 3. Ch Docs Wild Uke The Wind CD JH B: H Harding By Marsu's Hustable Lee Jh X Colorado HB Louise 0: C Mialcheck & D Hensley 4. FC Rader's One Over par B M Sutsos By FC Rush's Right x Black Points Mis Take 0: K & SRader FIELD TRIAL BITCH (6) 1. Ch Backwoods Mo Kick B: G & L Dixon By Backwoods Rexibte Ryer x Jay Mars Blakes Blue AngelO: R Bultman & G Dixon 2. Ch Schnellbergs In The Rough CD SH B: S Owen By DC AFC Dunkee's Justa Top FLite MH X Schnellbergs Anneliese 0: M & L Sargent & S OWen 3. DC AFC Sure Shot's Justa Miss Marker JH B: P Ljungren By DC AFC Dunkees Justa Top Flite MH x FC AFC Sure Shot's Cascade Miss Tique SH 0: P Ljungren 4. Ch Gunsmoke Miss K T Caitlyn 810: J Monson By Cadenberg Smokin Magic X Allisons Ariel BEST OF BREED (17 Specials Plus 6 Class Dogs) Ch Wildefires Bentley B: K Engle By Ch Ripsnorters Ka Uns Wild Hart X Tina V Wachterbach 0: D & E Pusateri & M Steel & T Boldin BEST OF OPPOSITE Ch Ripsnorters Ughtning Strike B: J & H Goerge By Ch Ripsnorter's Thunderhart x Ch Ripsnorters Fraulein Heidi 0: C Wisch & H Huber Jr. Best Of Winners (Winners Dog) Neudorf's Afterhours Gambler JUDGES AWARDS OF MERIT Ch Afterhours Bud Run JH B: C Whitmore By Geronimo Bravo Afterhours x Afterhours Luomas Daisy May JH 0: M Relds & C Whitmore DC Cadenberg Victor von Trey MH (FT Dog) JUNIOR SHOWMANSHIP Open Junior Class- Kelly Wisch STUD DOG (2) 1. Ch Wildefires Bentley 2.Ch Schnellberg's Black Tie Affair B: S OWen & N Stahl by NFC NAFC DC AFC Cascade Ike MH x Schnellbergs Rayle Bird CD 0: S Owen BROOD BITCH (4) 1. Ch Ripsnorter's Ughtning Strike B: J & H Geoge 0: C Wisch & H Huber Jr 2. Ch Afterhours Show Biz Uz B: W & C Whitmore By Ch Afterhours Stormin Norman X Afterhours Foxy Roxy 0: K & J Mosing & C Whitmore 3. Ch Beechtree's Farmgates Betty B B: D & D Beechtree By Von Genthe'sChester X Ch Beechtree's Molly B JH 0; J & P Moebius 4. Ch Ruff Cut Jet Set Autumn Moon B: L & I Eagle By DC AFC NAFC NFC Cascade Ike Mh X Ch Wilson Jet Set Moonbeamer Jh 0: K Harder

OBEDIENCE CLASSES (8 entries) NoviceB 193- Schnellberg's Center Stage NA B: S Owen & N Vampotic & M Collins by Ch Schnellbergs Second Act x Ch Jaymar Wiesen's Rite on Target MH 0: G Bock Open B (High In Trial) 193.5-Schnellberg'sJakeCDXJH NANAJ B: KSchmidt By Gero Vom EggerbachtaJCDX x EIle JH 0: S Owen

TCGWPC & GWPCA National Best of Breed & Best Stud dog Ch Wildefires Bentley

Best of Opposite Sex & Best Brood Bitch Ch Ripsnorter's Lightning Strike

Winners Bitch Afterhours St. Paulie Girl

TCGWPC Best In Sweeps & GWPCA Nationals Winners Dog & BOW Neudorf's Afterhours Gambler

GWPCA Nationals Reserve Winners Dog Weidenhugel E Street Shuffle

Veteran Dog DC AFC Dunkees Justa Top Rite MH

Reserve Winners Bitch Nottoway's

Veteran Bitch Ch. Afterhours Private Number

Up To No Good

Field Trial Dog & JAM DC Cadenberg Victor V ffey

Judges Award of Merit Ch Afterhours Bud Run JH

Reid Trial Bitch Ch Backwoods Mo Kick


St. PauU


C'lf. ~fterhours Lover 'Bay &' c1ยฃ lJ![terhours 'Risky 'Business j'l-f CยงC

1999 ยงWPC?t 'lfationa{5 Winners 'Bitch

'Breeder): Steve Chism, Christi Schoessow Chism &' Christine Whir-more Owners: Christi Chism and Christine Whitmore

cfi iJtjter'l-foursPrivate 1fum6er




& Son

Owners: 'Franz 1feuwirth &: Tina Whitmore

~fterHours iJ(enne( (330) 722-8935

the ยง~!M'BLP'Ry(ays to win....

'1feud01's ~er1-fours ยงam6fer Winners d08 - ~est of Winners at 7 months oed


Owners and r:Breeders:

'Franz ']{euwirth and <TinaWhitmore


Wart 8r


'Bud made a "'Run" at the 1fationaLS

and Bot a judges 'Award


Way togo boys!

cfi ~er1-four5 ~ud ~un J']-( ~er']-(ours Xenne( - Walt Whitnwre (330) 722-8935

(the 1st) 1999 GWPCA

National Agility Trial l>Il>W'T WE. HAVE


Congratulations to all of the Wires and their agile owners for a successful Agility trial. 16 dogs came on Saturday and many entered Sunday's the 2 days, and glorious weather!

All Breed trial as well. We had a total of 140 runs during

Participants in the agility trial were Linda Blanchard, Bob and Barbara Hein, Terry & Ann Duffin, Brian Washa, Robert Miller, Pat McGowan, Carol Piette, Sue Owen, Gayle Bock, Barbara Boes, Lori Sargent, Mark O'Sell, Regina Schwabe and Jennfer Harris (Wire owner with a Boxer!)

Standard Titling

Novice B 20" 24"

Sgr Die Marchallin Regina Schwabe Ch Schnellberg's In The Rough CD SH Lori Sargent Schnellberg's Center Stage NA Gayle Bock

Open B

Schnellberg's Jake CDX JH NA NAJ


Sue Owen

Jumpers With Weaves Novice B 24" Ch Schnellberg's In The Rough CD SH Lori Sargent Open B


Brandonburg Von Raths NA, NAJ


All Breed Agility Trial Sunday October 11

Standard TrtJeing Novice B 24"

Ch Schnellberg's In The Rough CD SH Lori Sargent

Novice B 20" 24"

Sgr Die Marchallin Schnellberg's Jake CDX NA NAJ

Jumpers With Weaves Novice B 24" Schnellberg's Center Stage

Regina Schwabe Sue Owen

Gayle Bock

"Ja ke" 1999 National High in Trial Obedience Winner

Sch.nellberg's Jake CDX JH NAJ OA CGC Owner: Susan Owen Schnellberg Kennel

Breeder: Keith Schmidt

"Ja ke"

"the ultimate black wirehair"

"J a k e " finished

his Nationals

career in style, not only winning HIT, but finishing his Open Agility title with a 1st place.

"J a k e "

has attended all but

one National since 1993. I can't think of any other Wire to be so campaigned nation wide. Now at the age of 9 1/2 it is time to bid Nationals farewell.

"J a k e " is far from retiring

as we are

working to achieve that coveted UD obedience title, and an excellant agility title. And heck, who knows..... maybe one more National when it's 2001 in our own backyard.

Thank you "Jake" for a lifetime of joy and thrills!

1999 National Specialty Winner 1999 Twin Cities Best

of Breed

over 50 group



13 Best in Shows

THANKSto everyone for making this all possible. ON TO 2000!!

OWners Dana Er Ellie Pusateri Malanie Steel Terrence Boldin Handled by Jane Alston Meyers

Ch Wildefires Bentley

Judges: Mrs. Jane Forsyth- Best of Breed, Stud Dog Mrs. Janice Johnson- Futurity Ms. Linda Kelly- 9-12 Puppy Bitch Class Mr. Joe Droel- Best of Opposite in Sweeps Mrs. Esme Treen- Best of Winners A VERY BIG THANKS TO: Jane and Greg Myers Dana & Ellie Pusteri Melanie Steele Kathryn Engle

& Rindi Gaudet

ps- We regret we were not able to say our thanks and good-byes in person at the Banquet.

Terrence Boldin & Jennifer Harris-Gran

1999 National Field Events Solon Springs, Wisconsin October 11 through 16th


On behalf of the Twin Cities German Wirehaired Pointer Club, I would like to thank all participants, judges and volunteers in helping to host the 1999 GWPCA National Field Trial in Solon Springs, Wisconsin. We had another successful and fun event this year. We were once again extremely fortunate with the Northern Wisconsin weather with only one day of cold drizzle out of a possible six days. Even though the cover was unusually high this year, we chose a course that was in excellent condition with plenty of objectives for the dogs to work towards, yet still allowed the dogs to stretch out and cover some ground. We would like to thank the Douglas County Wildlife Management Area for the use of these great grounds. Fred Strand, Natural Resources Director, and his entire team are given credit for

maintaining such a beautiful area. There are so many people too numerous to mention for helping out with this event. THANK YOU to everyone who donated vehicles for the dog wagon, helped with the running of the dog wagon, kept the coffee hot, scribed, marshalled and planted birds. This type of teamwork is what makes a National event such as this a success! We have received the following comments from three of our four Field Trial judges, which I think speaks to the quality of our dogs and our National Field Trial Event: "Thank you all for being so nice to us and showing us that a trial could be run in an efficient manner. Also that people could all get along at the same time. We appreciated you all helping to take care of our horses and us. Please tell everyone that we thank them. I certainly did enjoy seeing some really nice Wirehairs and have a great respect for them as good bird dogs." - Sherry Ebert "I thought you put on an excellent quality Championship and I was impressed with the Wirehairs. Everyone worked hard and also knew how to have fun. Thank you for including me." Mike Walsh "We are still talking about what a wonderful time we had in Wisconsin judging the Wirehaired Pointer Nationals. The hospitality shown to us was exceptional and all of the little things you did each and every day to make our stay more comfortable was greatly appreciated. We will keep these memories fondly." - Pete Wilber. Our thanks to Purina and to Trial Siazin' Innovations for their support of the GWPCA events. Please let them know we appreciate their supporthing their business's. On a sadder note, the running of the Derby Classic was interrupted with a very sad death of a fellow club member, Mr. Dick Piette who was handling one of his dogs in the Junior Hunt Test. We halted the Derby Classic and all met at the ~~_.~,~_ clubhouse to pay homage to Dick with our fellow National Field Events participants. Towards the end of the week, we were pleased to provide horses for his two sons so they could watch their father's young dogs compete in the Puppy Classic with John Schoonover as the handler. Our best wishes to his wife, Carol two sons Rick and Randy, daughters Renee and Robin as well as the rest of their family. Sincerely, Ellen Manns; National Field Trial Secretary Twin Cities German Wirehaired Pointer

1999 GWPCA Derby Classic Judges: Mike Walsh & Bill Webb Start: Monday, October 11, 1999 bottom of the hole at 1:28 but we did not see him point Shades finished strong and forward hitting it hard. Link finished forward, but short.

BRACE 1: Txwyr's Utter Chaos, JH (Casey) O/H Terry Woodfin Von Duffin's Lady Chatter (LC) 01 H Terry Duffin The first brace of the Derby Classic broke away at 8:00 AM. Casey was found on point at 8:10 but no bird was produced. At 8:15 Casey was again on point and this time Terry got the birds in the air. Both dogs forward with medium gun dog courses. Casey had another find at 8:18,8:25 with Terry attempting to flush birds. Nice style, birds produced and the chase was on! No birds for LC despite a valient effort

BRACE G St. Croix Diamond Jim (Jim) OIH Sue & Bruce Mueller Aintlocks Eagle Eye (Ziggy) OIH Mike Hemphill. Breakaway at 1:50 PM. Jim broke hard and fast on the breakaway,and seemed to be among the missing. VVhen the gallery turned the first corner, and crested the hill Jim was spotted forward and to the left moving at warp speed across the hill where the last water tank is. Bird in

BRACE 2: Aspen Grove's SGR Rip-N-Tear (Rip) O/H Ross Van derBos St. Croixis Ruff Cut Diamond (Midge) O/H Sue & Bruce Mueller. No birds produced for either dog in this brace. Midge had a little trouble with direction for the first couple of minutes and then came forward on course. Rip had a medium gun dog course, attacking the course, hunting hard, but couldn't produce a bird.


BRACE 3: Side by Side Dazzler (Yedda) Silke Alberts, H Randy Berry Ida Hill's Magic Madame (Oncore) O/H Dwight Muth. 9:20 breakaway. At 22 minutes both dog were forward with a medium gun dog course, Oncore hunting hard. Both dogs bird less in this brace.

the air spotted at 2:02 for Jim. Ziggy seen on point at 2:04 and bird produced. Jim made a cast thru the bowl and around the top and had a nice find at the top in the bushes. Both dogs brought forward and at 20 minutes both dogs have shortened considerably, but they are hunting and forward. BRACE 8: SGR Winter Silence (Splash) O/H Terry & Ann Duffin Justa Hot Wheels (VVheeler) O/H Bernee Brawn & Fran Sakiey. Breakaway at 2:30 PM. At 7 minutes out both dogs hunting well. At 13 VVheeler points and bird is produced. At 15, Splash produced birds. Both dogs still working close, but forward. At 17minutes out VVheeler produced another bird.


Bill Kennedy H Greg BRACE 9: RLB's Jackson Man (Jackson) Dixon Ida Hillis Will be Magic (Willy) John & Linda Michaelis H Dwight Muth. Breakaway at 3:11. Willy had a find close to the trail at about the 5 minute mark, as Jackson took off on the side bowl near the pines. He stopped to point at about 6 minutes, but no bird was produced. Jackson made a nice move along the lake and up the top of the hill as Willy came along the side of the pines of the bowl and had a find. Jackson went to the top of the bowl and stopped again on point at the trees at 12. Willy came in and both dogs worked the area, but no bird found. Both dogs moved nicely across the edge. Jackson on point at 17 minutes on the left side of the pines, no birds produced. Bird in the air for Jackson at 29 minutes.


At this time the running of the Derby Classic was halted because of a tragedy on the hunt test course. An hour was given for everyone to collect their thoughts and to remember Dick Piette who suffered a fatal heart attack. BRACE 4: Justa Ariel Too Tuff To Tame (Phoebe) ODr Mary Pat Ezzo & Bernee Brawn IH Bernee Brawn


White Dog's Can't Jump (Amos), Rocky Gilleard, H Mike Hemphill. Amos moved through the country beautifully, but was not rewarded with any bird work. He worked hard thru likely cover with no result. Pheobe could not seem to get the hang of this cover and ran a short to medium gun dog course and did not have a bird. BRACE ~ Armbrust



DD Mouse


O/H Art

TNT's Hammerin' Hank (Hank) O/H Walt & Maureen Tait. Breakaway at 11:24. Hank hit the cover hard, pointing twice, but no bird produced either time. Mouse also worked the cover hard, medium gun dog course, but had no birds. BRACE 6..:.Sure Shot's White Shadow (Shades) O/H Penny Ljungren Backwoods Unk to Blauermond (Link) Stephanie Scheuennann, H Rhonda Amundson.


Breakaway at 1 :16 PM. Link had a find 10 minutes into the course. Both dogs ran shorter to medium gun dog range but stayed forward and working hard, good drive. Link had another find at the

BRACE 10: Txwyr's Herr Spoetzel JH (M) 2/4/98 NFC NAFC DC AFC Cascade Ike X Ch. Txwyris Gizmo Van Cibolo SH (Spotz) 0: Terry Woodfin, H: Joyce Woodfin Suzanna (F) 8/1/98 Barney III, SH X Colorado Annamarie OIH James W Brown. Breakaway at 3:47 Suzanna picked up at about 4 minutes for tagging bracemate. Spotz ran a short gun dog race, no birds at 4:05. He put the heat on in the last few minutes, hunting hard at the top of the valley by the scrub oak, but had no birds at the end of the brace. BRACE 11: Kruser's Big Jake (Jake)(M) 11/15/97 Armbrustis Hay Baron Junior X Justice Windy Rogue 0: Richard Kruse H: Art Armbrust Matey Von Duffin Hornblower (Matey) (M) 2/26/98 Ch. Rogue Isaac X Ch. Van Duffinis Halleyis Comet, MH James & Beverly Moos


H: Terry Duffin. Birds were flushed at breakaway by this brace. Jake was on point with birds produced at the 1 minute mark. At 3 minutes, Jake is again on point, then flushed bird and retrieved it to his handler. He moved nicely at 5 minutes at the pines and then up the edge of the bowl at the top. Around the bowl and towards the pines, moving fast and forward. Matey had a bird in the air at 4:47. Both dogs finishing strongly thru the bowl with short to medium gun dog courses. BRACE 12: St. Croix's White Diamonds (Nel) (F) 4/6/98 NFC DC Jay-Maris Blake's Windczar, SH X NAFC FC AFC St. Croix's Rawhide Ruby O/H Sue & Bruce Mueller Ebbtide Justa Spoiler (Libby)(F)4/7/98 DC AFC Dunkees Justa Top Flite, MH X Ch. Ruffcutis Justa Southwind, JH OtH Bemee Brawn & Garnett Persinger. Breakaway 4:55. Nel made a nice move on the breakaway to the left and was brought forward by scout at the top of the hill. Nel had a find at 12 at the top of the bowl. Scout and handler working to get back on course with Nel who is chasing the bird towards the far woods. Both dogs working forward at time, a little shorter than pre-

1st: 2nd: 3rd: 4th:

viously. Libby had a short to medium gun dog race, with no birds. BRACE 13: RLB's Milo Kidd (Milo) (M) 1/31/98 Backwoods Flexible Flyer X Ch. Ripsnorters RLB's Samantha OtH Greg Dixon Txwyr's Otto Bahn (Otto) (M) 2/4/98 NFC NAFC DC AFC Cascade Ike, MH O/H Fred Kneipp. Both dogs broke away well at 7:55 on Tuesday morning with Otto faster and more forward. Otto worked the cover well, making wide sweeping casts, but was unable to produce a bird. Milo started short, but got stronger as the brace continued, having a find at the pines after the bowl. Milo had a second find at 17, in the second bowl. Both dogs finished well in the heavy cover, Otto bird less. BRACE 14: Dottie's Ambitious Fortune (Dottie)(F) 3/5/98 DCAFC Soo Line's Allied Freighter X Wilson's Georgia Peach 0: Steve Neuebauer H: Greg Dixon. Last brace of the day, Dottie starting off at a fast pace and worked the cover to the left of the course. She made a nice move around the far edge of the bowl on north side of course. Still working fast forward, she found birds at 25 in the circle of pines below the last hill. At time, Dottie was seen below the trees working across the breakaway field.

1999 Derby Classic Placements St. Croix's White Diamonds Owners: Bruce & Sue Mueller Dottie's Ambitious Fortune Owner: Steve Neubauer Justa Hot Wheels Owners: Fran Sakiey & Bernee Brawn St. Croix's Diamond Jim Owners: Sue & Bruce Mueller

1999 GWPCA Puppy Classic Judges

Pete Wilber

and Sherry

Ray Ebert

The 1999 GWPCA Puppy Classic started on Friday morning, October 15, 1999 with an entry of 9 young hopefuls. The puppies were cast off from the corral and ran on the wide open prairie area east of the clubhouse. There was ample terrain for these pups to showcase their talents - and the star of the day was Big Oaks Black Jac OKK, owned and handled by Vern Grimsled. This pup was in the second brace and from the moment he was turned loose he was on a mission. Jac hit the far outer reaches of the course and disappeared for a short while. He showed far to the front and headed back in the direction of his handler and never let up for his 20 minutes. The 2nd place dog Piette's OKK laBelle La Veau, owned by Dick and Carol Piette is a littermate to the winner, and came from the last brace. She showed fine potential as a future gun dog hunting hard from the start, but not running near as big as her littermate. But she showed plenty of drive and desire. Belle was handled by family freind and breeder John Schoonover. Piette's OKK laBeau LaVeau was 3rd, and was

1. Big Oaks Black Jac OKK (M) 8/27198 OKK So Laveau x OKK Flo Jo Laveau B: John & Ruth Schoonver OIH: Vem & Ruth Grimslid 2. Piette's OKK La Belle La Veau (F) 8/27198 OKK So Laveau x OKK Ro Jo Laveau B: John & Ruth Schoonver 0: & Carol Piette


3. Piette's OKK La Beau La Veau (F) 8/27198 OKK So Laveau x OKK Ro Jo Laveau B: John & Ruth Schoonver 0: & Carol Piette


very similar to the second place dog, again showing plenty of desire. Beau, also owned by the Piettes was handled by John. The 4th place finisher, Side By Side Dazzler, owned by Silke Albers and handled by Randy Berry hunted hard throughout her couse, but tired at the end.

4. Side by Side Dazzler (F) 1/2/99 NAFCIFC TNTs Hot Rod Todd x Ch Side by Side's Apfelschnapps

B: Jon &

Margeret Prescott 0: Silke Alberts H: Randy Berry

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to NAVHDA or use your credit card:

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dog breeds.

- Only $60

A Full Year NAVHDA Membership


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1999 GWPCA National Field Futurity Thursday, Judges:


Pete Wilbur

BRACE 1: Aintlock's Eagle Eye (Ziggy) M 6/2/98 NAFC FC AFC Flintlock's Hawk Eye X Harlequin's Smokini Lifl Ms O/H Mike Hemphill Txwyr's Otto Bahn (Otto) M 2/4/98 NFC NAFC DC AFC Cascade Ike, MH X Ch. Txwyr's Gizmo Von Cibolo, SH O/H Fred Kneipp. Thursday morning, 7:47 breakaway. Both dogs broke away well, with Otto hitting the right side of the valley and standing at 7:54 in the pines. Otto was steady to flush as birds were produced.

14, 1999

and Sherry

Ray Ebert

Annbrusts' Justice DD Mouse (Mouse) M 11/16/97 Armbrust's Hay Baron Junior X Justice Windy Rogue OIH Art Armbrust. Breakaway 9:44. Willy was standing at 10:04 in the small pines in the bowl, with birds produced. Mouse put in a shorter gun dog race, forward and hunting hard and handling well. Willy worked hard and fast forward. Both dogs finished well at time. BRACE 5: Ch. Blu Sands Rising Star (Star) F 9/9/97 DC Jed's Silent Polar Express X DC AFC Navaho Sidekick, MH O/H Guy Rezzardi Justa Hot Wheels (Wheeler) F 4f7198 DC AFC Dunkee's Justa Top Flite, MH X Ch. Ruffcuts Justa Southwind, JH 0: Bernee Brawn & Fran Sakiey H: Fran Sakiey. Breakaway at 10:21. At 10:37 Star was standing after a nice cast down into the bowl by the lake, with bird produced. Both dogs moved thru the country well, with good speed. Wheeler worked thru the stand of pines on the right after the bowl, pointing and relocating. Star came in, pointed briefly then left, with Wheeler moving up and standing. A sharptail flushed wild from the vicinity and then Fran put up a quail for Wheeler. Both dogs finished well, working into the heavier cover. BRACE 6: TNT's Hammerin' Hank (Hank) M 6/22/98 Overbaron's Country Hustler X DC AFC Schnellberg's Annie 0: Walt & Maureen Tait H: Walt Tait.

At 8:10 Ziggy had front of handler, working At 8:15, another stop to 8: 17. Both dogs finished

a stop to flush. Ziggy made large casts in his way back and forth across the valley. flush for Ziggy. Bird contact for Otto at well, working closer in the heavier cover.

BRACE 2: St. Croix's Diamond Jim (Jim) M 4/6/98 NFC DC JayMaris Blake's Windczar, SH X NAFC FC AFC St. Croi)('s Rawhide Ruby 0: Sue & Bruce Mueller H: Bruce Mueller SGR Winter Silence (Splash) M 10/13/97 DC SGR Silent Running, MH X Hellbender's Desert Storm, JH 0: Terry & Ann Duffin H: Terry Duffin. Breakaway at 8:30. 8:50, Splash on point just past the bowl. 8:52 Splash registered another find, caught bird and retrieved to handler. At time, both dogs still working hard, no bird for Jim. BRACE 3: Cascade Kamchatka (Kami) F 81 8/97 NFC NAFC DC AFC Cascade Ike, MH X Cascade Cinder 0: Jenny Frey H: Ray Calkins Aspen Grove's SGR Rip-N-Tear (Rip) M 2/ 12/98 DC SGR Dirty Laundry X Brian's Majestic Misty, SH O/H Ross Van der 80s. Breakaway 9:07. At 9:14 Kami was standing, but no birds were produced and again at 9:27 again, no birds. At 9:36 finally a bird in the air for Kami. Rip putt in a strong performance, at a medium gun dog range, but unfortunatetty was birdless. BRACE 4: Ida Hill's Willbe Magic (Willy) M 4/22198 Cadenberg Smokin' Magic X Ida Hill's Madame Von Duffin 0: John & Linda Michaelis H: Dwight Muth

Breakaway 11:03. Hank ran as a bye dog and had bird contact 11:10. He was forward with a shorter, to medium gun dog race. Hank stood at 11:26 with Walt flushing his birds and then proceeded on into the rain!. Hank finished strong, working the cover to the front of handler. BRACE 7: Van Duffin's Lady Chatter (LC) F 2/25/98 Ch. Rogue Isaac X Ch. Von Duffin's Rockland Wags 0: Terry & Ann Duffin H: Terry Duffin Miss Holiday (Holli) F 10/8/97 Rawhide's Rowdy Texas X PDK's Sandblaster O/H Bill Perkins. Breakaway at 11:37. Bird contact was had at the 10 minute tree for Holli. Both dogs worked at a shorter gun dog range, forward but working close to their handlers. LC pointed just above the bowl, with a bird produced at 11:57. At time, both dogs working hard and forward at a short gun dog range. BRACE 8: Txwyr's Herr Spoetzl, JH (Spotz) M 2/ 4/98 NFC NAFC DC AFC Cascade Ike, MH X Ch. Txwyr's Gizmo Von Cibolo, SH 0: Terry Woodfin H: Joyce Woodfin White Daggs Can't Jump (Amos) M 6/2/98 NAFC FC AFC Flintlock's Hawk Eye X Harlequinis Smokin Lit'l Ms 0: Rocky Gilleard H: Mike Hemphill. Breakaway at 1 :34 PM after lunch. Spotz was picked up by Joyce at about the 5 minute mark,

after having carded one find. Amos worked well, and at 1 :55 pointed with good style at the top of the bowl, with a bird produced. Amos worked at a medium gun dog range, forward and hunting with a little more range once out of the thick cover in the valley. He finished strong. BRACE 9: Ida Hill's Magic Madame (Oncore) F 4/22/98 Cadenberg_ Smokin' Magic X Ida Hill's Madame Von Duffin O/H Dwight Muth St. Croix's White Diamonds (Nel) F 4/6/98 NFC DC Jay-Mar's Blake's Windczar, SH X NAFC FC AFC St. Croix's Rawhide Ruby 0: Sue & Bruce Mueller H: Bruce Mueller. Breakaway at 2:15, still drizzling. Both dogs broke away well, and worked hard and forward going into the first valley. At 2:29, a bird was seen in the air with Oncore underneath. Both dogs worked well thru the second valley. A covey find for Oncore at 2:39 in the stand of pines, showed good style. Nel made an all age move, was spotted three hills over, and as the gallery got to the bottom of the valley, she was seen coming back over the hills toward us, made a nice move across the top and continued on forward. No bird contact at time for Net. BRACE 10: Kruser's Big Jake (Jake) M 11/15/97 Armbrust's Hay Baron Junior X Justice Windy Rogue 0: Richard Kruse, Jr. H: Art Armbrust Txwyr's Utter Chaos (Casey) M 214/98 NFC NAFC DC AFC Cascade Ike, MH X Ch. Txwyr's Gizmo Von Cibolo, SH O/H Terry Woodfin. Breakaway at 2:51. Both dogs from this brace hunted the cover well at a medium gun dog range, and until a minute before time had no bird contact. Casey at 28 minutes out carded a find, stood well and chased the bird when flushed. Jake made some really nice moves thru the bowl area and into the last valley, but no birds found at time. BRACE 11: Saddle Up Buckaroo M 9/9/97 Rush's Right X Black Point's Mis-Take 0: James C. Peters H: Randy Berry Sure Shot's Time Aies M 7/28/97 FC AFC Flintlock's Hawk Eye X FC AFC Sure Shot's Maggie, MH O/H Doug Ljungren. Breakaway 3:30 and it's still raining. Buckaroo was picked up

by Randy shortly after the breakaway. Flier worked thru the country very well -snappy and driving hard. Hunting at a medium gun dog range he had bird contact at the pines in the last valley. Nice course, forward and still going hard when time was called. BRACE 12: Miss Doc Holiday (Doc) F 2120/98 Rawhide's Rowdy Texan X Rawhide's Best Shot O/H Bill Perkins Matey Von Duffin Hornblower (Matey) M 2/26/98 Ch. Rogue Isaac X Ch. Von Duffin's Halley's Comet, MH 0: James & Beverly Moos H: Terry Duffin. Breakaway 4:09. The rain has stopped, but a wind has come up and it's cold! Matey standing at 4:18 with Doc honoring. Both dogs were working at a shorter gun dog range at the 10 minute tree, still forward and hunting hard. Matey finished his half hour strong and forward working the heavy cover, with Doc still working hard, but shortened considerably. BRACE 13: St. Croix's Ruff Cut Diamond (Midge) F 4/5/98 NFC DC Jay-Mar's Blake's Windczar, SH X NAFC FC AFC St. Croix's Rawhide Ruby 0: Sue & Bruce Mueller H: Bruce Mueller. Breakaway at 4:50. Bird contact for Midge at 4:55 and she retrieved the bird to hand. Bruce opted to pick Midge up at about the 10 minute mark. BRACE 14: Brillow's Mia Spoiled Peach (Mia) F 3/5/98 Wilson's Georgia Peach X DC AFC Soo Line's Allied Freighter O/H Rhonda Amundson Dottie's Ambitious Fortune (Dottie) F 3/5/98 Wilson's Georgia Peach X DC AFC Soo Line's Allied Freighter 0: Steve Neubauer H: Greg Dixon. Breakaway 5:12. Dottie broke away to the left and made a big move to the pines. Mia had a bird in the air at 5:24. Scout was sent looking for Dottie, and she was spotted working in the first valley moving forward coming from the power line. Both dogs made nice casts and were hunting well. At 5:37 and at 5:38 Dottie was under a bird. 5:40 Mia had bird contact, but did not point. At 5:42 Dottie was pointing in the first pines on the left after the bowl with birds produced and all in order. At time, Dottie and Mia were still working hard and forward thru the country.

1999 Field Futurity (28 starters) Income and Expense Report

Litter & Individual Nominations Renominations Entries Total

41 @$20 68@ $10 30@ $45

$820.00 680.00 1350.00 $2850

Expenses Printing Postage Refunded entry trophies Phone Money order ribbons Birds Judges Total Expenses

35.95 116.85 45.00 250.0 20.00 5.00 16.00 347.0 364 20 1200

Total Purse




1. Dottie's Ambitious Fortune (F) DC/AFC SooLine's Allied Freighter x Wilson's Georgia Peach 60% owner $495.000 Steve Neubauer 40% breeder $330.00 Breeder/Nominator: Greg Dixon & Ron Wilson H: Greg Dixon 30% $495.00 2. Ch Blu Sands Rising Star (F) 9/9/97 DC Jed's Silent Polar Express x DC/AFC Navaho Sidekick MH $495 Breder/Nominator/Owner: Guy Rezzardi Handler: Guy Rezzardi 20% $330.00 3. Ida Hill's Magic Madame (F) 4/22/98 Cadenberg Smokin' Magic x Ida Hill's Madame von Duffin 60% owner $198.00 Dwight Muth 40% Breeder/Nominator $132.00 John & Linda Michaelis Handler: Dwight Muth 4. SGR Winter Silence (M) 10/13/97 DC SGR Silent Running CD MH x Hellbernders B: Gail Richardson O/H: Terry & Ann Duffin

Desert Storm JH

••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• The Board of Directors of the GWPCA has approved an increase in the fees for the futurity as of July 1, 1999. This affects the field futurities to be run in the fall of 2001 and beyond. Unfortunately, this increase in fees was published in the newsletter but the forms in the newsletter were not updated.

•• • •

The litter nomination fee is now $25 and must be received within 90 days of whelp. The fee to nominate an individual (BEFORE he/she is 6 months of age) is also $25. The forfeitures for the renomination of properly nominated dogs has increased to $15 and this fee must be received before the dogis first birthday. Please send the additional fee ($5.00 payable to the GWPCA Field Futurity) ASAP so your paperwork can be completed and renomination/confirmation slips be returned. Ray Calkins Field Futurity Chairman








liNE'S AlliEd




biRd FiNdiNG AbiliTY,





My MOM; WilsoN'S

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DOTTiE'S AMbiTious


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1999 GWPCA




SGR Winter Silence "Splash" had a Show Futurity placement last year and a Field Futurity placement this year. Talk about Versatility .....

Terry and Ann Duffin 64155 N. Hwy 97 Bend, OR 97701 (541) 388-3739


BRACE 1: Ansel's Brillow Ally, (Ally)(F) 4f7197 DC AFC Soo Line 's Allied Freighter X Alison's Meg of Lakeville, OIH Rhoncla Amundson OKK Bewitching Spellbinder (T)(F) 1/10/93 Overbaron's Country Hustler X FC AFC SGR Witches' Brew OIH John Schoonover. Breakaway at 8:34. T brroke away strongly and hit the course to the far right along the road and across into the woods with scout in pursuit. In the first valley, T is seen still moving forward to the right and then crosses back and forward in front of the gallery. Ally is on point at 20 minutes, bird flushed and all in order. At 32 minutes, T is missing and has been gone for about 15 minutes. She showed up at 37 minutes into the brace. At 42 out, Ally had another find. On relocation, the bird popped, but Ally stood, all in order. Short to medium gun dog race for Ally throughout, but hunting hard in front of handler. T gone too long, out of contention. BRACE 2: DC Jed's Silent Polar Express (Bear) (M) 8/8/91 DC AFC Cascade Rogue, MH X Ch. Jed's SGR Silent Panda, JH O/H Ed Tucker DC AFC Navaho Sidekick, MH (Badger)(F) 11/1/93 Ch. Navaho Trailblazer, JH X Ch. Maestro Windsong of Navaho, JH O/H Guy Rezzardi. Breakaway at 9:25. Badger gone from the breakaway, and not seen again until 34 minutes. Bear was standing at 39 minutes, but no bird was produced. At 40, Bear pointed again,with no bird produced. Short to medium gun dog race for Bear, hunting hard but unfortunately with no find. BRACE-a:. Hellbender's Bifrost UII (Jud)(M) 4/25/96 DC SGR Dirty Laundry X Hellbender's Desert Storm, JH 0: Richard & Patricia Uhnavy H: Jim Yates Bounty's Justa Pegleg Pete (Pete)(M) 10/25/94 NAFC FC Selkirk's Bounty Hunter X NAFC AFC CH Justa Tequila Sunset, JH O:Ken Zolal8ernee Brawn/ Frank Sakiey. Breakaway at 10:17. At 12 minutes, Jim was having trouble keeping Jud forward (since he found mom and dad in the gallery wagon), and elected to pick him up. At 17 minutes out, Pete is in the woods, scout is sent and he returned at 22 minutes. He had a find at 25 minutes, bird flushed and all in order. Pete continued on with a medium gun dog course and finished strong. BRACE 4: Lehmschlogs Bottle Rocket (Barney)(M) 7/4/93 DC Uodibars Bushman X Cascade Tasmanian Devil 0: Stuart Milbrad H: Doug Ljungren Ch. Oakhyll's Obsidian Von Duffin (Cid)(F) 7/9/95 Kaiser Der Jagd COX SH & Ch. Oakhyll's Magic Destiny O/H Terry Duffin. Breakaway at 11:11. Barney hunted hard the entire course at a medium gun dog range. Stayed to the front and handled well.

Finished strong, but had no bird. Cid hunted hard from the breakaway, staying forward and hunting smart. Cid didn't quit, but also was bird less. BRACE 5..:. Jimkath's Warlock (Warlock)(M) 7/31/94 Flintlock's Dakota X FCAFC Marie Laveau Von Steuben OIH Jim Yates Ch Side By Side's Chatanuga Choo JH (Kodi)M 4/16/97 Mel V. Horan's Bauernhof X KTV Mein Schatz 0: Charles Kissinger H: Bernee Brawn. Breakaway 1 :30 Both dogs broke away well with Kodi working a nice gun dog course and Warlock working forward and away. Both dogs continued to work at nice gun dog range, with Kodi swinging wide and Warlock to the front. At 18 minutes, Kodi ran over some birds and did a delayed stop to flush. A bit too delayed, and handler picked him up. Warlock worked into bowl at nice gun dog range worked hard thru the pines and into the last phase of the course, but was not rewarded with a find. BRACE 6: NAFC FC AFC Breezin' Britta Von Kinni (Britta) B 3/ 16/92 St. Croix's Breezin' Boogaloo X Horner's Dream Jetta 0: Todd & Ellen Manns H: Todd Manns Aintlock's Rapscallion (Rap) M 7/28/94 Overbaron's Country Hustler X Flintlock's Bell V Rahn Haus O:Jim & Kathleen Yates, H: Jim Yates. Breakaway at 2:17 PM. Britta standing at 8 in the first pines on the right; birds produced and all in order, with good style. Britta standing again at20; covey flushed as Todd approached, Britta stood thru out. No sign of Rap since the breakaway cast. Britta was working well on the second half of course, working forward around the bowl and thru the pines in very nice move. Forward and consistently to the front in moderate gun dog course. Britta standing again at 2:55; no bird produced. Britta finished strong at 45; no sign of her bracemate. BRACE 7: NAFC FC AFC St. Croix's Rawhide Ruby (Ruby) F 9/ 1/90 Rawlee Gene's Delight X Rawhide's Dizzy Lizzy 0: Sue & Bruce Mueller H: Sue Mueller Piemonte Guido V Chisola (Guido) M 1/23/95 Ch. Ali del Chisola X Piemonte April v Chisola O/H Aloysia Hard. Breakway at 3:15. Ruby breaking away well, wide and to the right of the course up to the pines. She was standing at 3:23 in the first pines, good style. Covey flushed, all in order for Ruby. Guido worked forward over the first hill at a good gun dog range. He was found standing, and after a difficult flush the bird flew over his head and was promptly captured by Guido and brought back to Aloysia. Ruby continued moving forward, making nice moves. Worked well thru the evergreen grove, has been forward all thru her brace. She made a nice cast to the left into the last bowl and is standing at

Breakaway 7:34. Both dogs broke away well on this cold morning. Link opened with a big move and scout was sent looking forhim. Max was standing at 7:45 with Rocky trying to produce birds at the top of the first big hill. Still no sign of Link after opening cast. No birdn was produced for Max, and he was sent on. Link was brought to the front by the scout and had a find at 8:00, which unfortunately he , retreived without being asked to. Max in the mean . time was working forward and doing a nice job across the bowl. At 8:10 Max was standing again, in the big • ~ stand of pines, was relocated, bird produced and everything in order. Max finishes his course well and in good gun dog fashion.

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BRACE 11: Call's For a Shot of Bailey's (Bailey) M 2/8/95 Backwoods Flexible Flyer X St. Croix's Call to Glory 0: Todd & Ellen Manns H: Todd Manns NFC DC AFC Schnellberg's Gretta, MH (Gretta) F 5/11/91 Ch. Schnellberg's Sydney CD MH X Schnellberg's Anneliese Walt & Maureen Tait H: Walt Tait. Breakaway 9:35 Both dogs headed for the horizon. Gretta showed to the front and into the first valley toward the 10 minute tree and worked the valley hard on the left. Gretta cut across the valley and headed up into the brush when a bird in the air was seen.


Gretta was standing, apparently a stop to flush. Walt fired, and Gretta heeled away, all in order. Gretta promptly went across the valley to the left, worked up to the top of the valley and went on point at 9:45; bird produced, gun fired and Gretta sent on. Still no sign of Bailey. Gretta now working thru the country at a very good pace, nice gun dog range. At time, Gretta still working hard across valley with move similar to Marky's; no sign of Bailey at pick up time. BRACE 12: AFC Cascade Cadence, MH (Drummer) F 8/12/91 DC NAFC Cascade Rogue MH X Cascade Sunset OIH Ray Calkins FC AFC JimKath's Allure (Allure) F 1/10/93 Overbaron's Coun-





Yates H: Jim Yates. Breakaway At & 10:25 Wrtches' Brew 0: 10:18. Kathleen Jim

~ Drummer

was standing just before the first big valley, relocated, bird found and all in order. No sign of Allure since breakaway. Allure joined the course coming from the lake area of the valley on the left. Drummer worked the valley after the first water barrel, with Allure heading out at high speeds. At the top of the bowl, Allure returned, while her bracemate has been working hard thru the cover. Drummer was standing at 10:49 just before the big stand of pines with good style. 2 birds produced, and Drummer was sent on with all in order. Allure found standing at 10:56, relocated 3 times, but no bird produced. At time, no bird for Allure; and Drummer finished her course strong. \ N

BRACE 10: Rush's Right (Bubba) M 8/4/92 Eichenlaub Aero X Eichenlaub Arival 0: Randy Berry H: Ken Rader DC AFC Sure Shot's Justa Miss Marker JH (Marky) F 8/4/93 DC AFC Dunkee's Justa Top Flite, MH X FC AFC Sure Shot's Cascade Miss Tique SH O/H Penny Ljungren. Breakaway 8:31 Bubba on point at 8:34; bird produced and all in order. Marky made a nice move to the right across the first valley. 8:48, scout calling point for Bubba, after being gone from the 10 minute tree. At 8:49 scout calling point for Marky at the top of the hill past the second valley. Penny flushed bird, Marky turning slightly to mark, but all in order. Bubba stood with good style and intensity as handler and judge came up, but left when the bird flushed. Marky standing again at 8:57, found on point by the judge. Bird had left, so Penny fired pistol and heeled Marky away. Marky worked wide thru the cover at good speed, found standing again at 9:08, good style. Bird flushed, and all in order. Marky working a little shorter in the last bit of course where the cover is really heavy, but still good drive. Marky sent across the breakaway valley for the last minutes of the brace made a very nice cast up the hillside and finished strong.

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BRACE 13: Sure Shot's Hot Rocks (Rocky) M 4/5/95 Ch. Sure Shot's Rockland Boss X FC AFC Sure Shot's Maggie O/H Doug Ljungren Prairiewood's Easy Ryder (Ryder) F 5/19/96 Backwoods Flexible Flyer X Jay Mar's Blake's Blue AngelO: Todd & Ellen Manns H: Todd Manns. Breakaway 11:12. Rocky found standing in the first valley, but no bird produced. Ryder gone from the breakaway, but found in the first valley moving up the right side. Just before 10 minute tree, Rocky standing again, but no bird produced. Rocky found by scout at 11:27 on point. Bird produced, all in order. After being gone for about 5 minutes, judge thought he saw an orange collar on the far side of the bowl. Upon closer inspection, Rocky found standing next to scrub oak at 11:50. Bird produced, shot fired and Rocky heeled away. At time, Rocky still working the cover hard at a medium gun dog range. After being gone, Ryder found and worked to the front; birdless as time is called. BRACE 14: Aintlock's Bifrost Odin (Odie) M 7/15/96 FC Flintlock's Addition X Flintlock's Late For The Sky 0: Richard & Patricia Uhnavy H: Jim Yates NAFC FC TNT's Hot Rod Todd (Todd) M 1/10/96 Flintlock's Rapscallion X DC AFC Schnellberg's Annie 0: Bill Koeber & Walt Tait H: Bill Koeber. Breakaway 1 :12 PM At the brealaway, both dogs hooked left and were gone with both returning at 1 :25. Todd was standing at 1:40 in the big stand of pines; no bird produced and after a relocation he was sent on. Todd found standing again at 1 :49; bird produced and when flushed, Todd gave chase. At time, no bird for Odie. BRACE 15: FC Rader's One Over Par (Bogey) M 7/26/96 Rush's Right X Black Point's Mis-Take O/H Ken Rader Zeus of Walnub Berg (Zeus) M 7/ 29/94 Schroeder's Summit Thunder X Caramel's Greta of Walnubberg 0/ H Skip Schaeffer. Breakaway at 2:02. At 2:04 Bogey was on point, with bracemate moving on thru the cover. Bird produced, dog moved

slightly to mark, but all in order. At 2:10 Zeus is on point on a covey right off of the road in the valley before the 10 minute tree. Bogey worked the far side of the valley to the left all the way to the top and then back down again into the area where Zeus had just had the covey find. A bird popped, with Bogey doing a stop to flush, then trotting away. Ken stopped him, then picked him up. Zeus worked well thru the valley after the first water barrel, and into the bowl area working at a medium gun dog range. At 2:28 Zeus was standing, bird was produced and he heeled away in good order. Next was a stop to flush for Zeus at 2:36 at the water barrel on a covey sun bathing. Zeus worked his way down to the pines and on thru, finishing his course still moving strong at a shorter gun dog range. At 44 minutes, Zeus had 2 more birds, flushed and all in order.

BRACE 16: DC AFC Wildwing's Party Gir1 (T) F 7/27/95 Wildwing's Sure Shot Odie X Piemonte April V Chisola OIH Lynn Sandor Von Duffin's Nutmeg (Meg) F 1/23/96 FC AFC Cascade's Tufty X Brushfire Ginger Snap O/H Terry Duffin. 2:55 breakaway. Scout found T standing at 3:04 with a covey find, all in order. Meg was moving forward and to the right. T swung hard on point going up the first valley, but on relocation, no bird produced. No sign of Meg. T was on point again at 3:16, no bird produced. Meg seen chasing a bird, so was hooked up. T really bombing thru the country, worked thru the pines, and then into the thick cover moving forward. T was found standing at 3:30 above the stand of pines; bird produced and all in order. T was still working hard at pick up time into the breakaway valley.

1999 National Amateur Championship (33 starters) Judges Mike Walsh and Bill Webb 1.2 x NAFC/FC/AFC St Croix's Rawhide Ruby Owners Sue & Bruce Mueller 2. DC/AFC Sure Shot's Justa Miss Marker JH Owner Penny Ljungren 3. NAFC/FC/AFC Breezin' Britta von Kinni Owners: Todd & Ellen Manns 4. AFC Cascade Cadence MH Owners: Ray & Lynn Calkins (not in picture)



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---------~--------At 11ears o\d "\2.ub1"sti\\ has ~hat it ta"es! '5he again el-emp\ifies ~hat ~e fee\ is important in a c.\ass bird dog. "\2.ub1"remains a p\easure to hunt and Gompete ~ith and has passed that gift on to her Ghi\dren.

lhe ne~ mi\\enium is fu\\ of Diamonds


(NFC-DC-J'a~ Ma['f)e.\a"es Windaar '5\'\ .,.NAFC-FC-AFC-'5t C-roiis ~~hide {2.u~) lqqq Nationa\ Der~ c.\assic.Winner '5t C-roiis White Diamonds "Ndr' lqqq 4th 1'\au in the Der~ c.\assic. '5t C-roiis Diamond Jim "Jim" "Jim" a\so has (,pts on the benc.h'



O'llne.d ~1: ~ruu fr ~ue. Mue.\\e.r ~t c..ro~ Wire.hairf, WI2-U>3 Sloth

c..o- O'llne.r/~re.e.de.r Don 'Pa\tani J'r. lZ-a'llhide.I'e.nne.\f> m1 'Pinure.f>t 124


t2-iver fa\\s, Wl ?4022. (11?) 42.'5-q0(i3

~ La l'\atte,




03BD --------------


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Announcing the


1999 GWPCA National


Navaho Sidekick MH

Theyoungest Wirehair bitch to earn a Master Hunter title at

17 months of age.

She then moved on to obvious success in

BluSantls GWP's Guy ÂŁ4 Lori Rezzardi fames St. Channahon~ IL 60410

24414 ~


field trial competition. Badger has been nationally

ranked every

year since sh~s been in competition. owner trained and handled.

Also the

1999 GWPCAField Futurity




Ch BluSands RiSing Star Sire: DCJEffs Silent Polar Express

Dam: NFC(DC(AFCNavaho Sidekick MH


Beauty ....Style .....Desire.....Bira ness....Ath letic Ability Watch (or Star anet her littemrates

in the

fielet anet in the ring. A repeat breeaing is planned (or this winter. Reserve your pup now!!

BluSands GWlYs Guy Er Lori Rezzardi 24414 W. fames Sf. Channahon, IL 60410


1999 GWPCA National Championship JUdges:

Friday October 15, 1999 Pete Wilber & Sherry Ray Ebert

BRACE 1: NAFC FC TNT's Hot Rod Todd (Todd) M 1/10/96 Flintlock's Rapscallion X DC AFC Scnellberg's Annie Von Duffin's Nutmeg (Meg) F 1/23/96 FC AFC Cascade's Tufty X Brushfire Ginger Snap 0: Terry & Ann Duffin H: Terry Duffin. The first brace of the National Championship started bright and early on Friday morning. Todd ran a nice gun dog race for owner Bill Koeber with several finds. There was a bit of confusion on the direction of the course, coupled with a non-productive (several dead bird were found at the spot), at the crossing road. Upon release, Todd made a big move, unfortunately was sent in the wrong direction, but, upon return he found the birds he was originally pointing. Bill flushed and fired and and with very little time left worked the dog on foot to finish. Note: Before the breakaway of the second brace, the judges made an announcement that we were not allowed to touch the dogs at all, except to water them. Following some questions on what was considered "touching", the second brace was cast off. BRACE 2: Aintlock's Bifrost Odin (Odie) M 7/15/96 FC Flintlock's Addition X Flintlock's Late For The Sky 0: Richard & Patricia Uhnavy H: Mike Hemphill DC Cadenberg Victor V. Trey, MH (Vic) M 6/4/94 Ch. Weidenhugel Intrepid V Goetz X DC AFC Cadenberg Magie V Rogue, COX MH 0: Mildred Revell H: Randy Berry. Breakaway at 10:50 AM Friday morning in sunshine and cool weather. Just after the breakaway, the judge saw a bird in the air, and on closer inspection found both dogs moving forward and not chasing. At 11:02 Victor was standing, not looking quite sure of himself, but a bird was produced and all was in order. Odie was seen at the top of next valley moving forward. Victor again was standing, with manners intact at the flush. Odie reappeared going into the valley just before the10 minute tree and was working forward. A stop to flush for Victor at 11:15,Randy fired and they moved on. At 11:30 there was no sign of Odie and the scout was sent in search of. At the 45 minute mark, Odie remained birdless, Vic seemed a little tired, but finished still hunting the cover. BRACE 3: Zeus of Walnub Berg (Zeus) M 7/29/94 Schroeder's Summit Thunder X Caramel's Greta of Walnubberg O/H Skip Schaeffer Wilson's Georgia Peach (Jo) F 11/1/95 Severn Run's Pressure Cooker X Charmaine Von Wilson, JH 0: Ron Wilson & Greg Dixon H: Greg Dixon. Jo and Zeus both doing a nice job, working at gun dog range, not extreme. 1:20 Zeus is in pursuit of a bird and picked up. 1:24 Jo is standing in the middle bowl, good style, bird produced and all in order. 1:34 Jo is standing again, 2 birds produced, and she was sent on. 1:42 Jo on point, dog relocated on her own, no birds were produced. Jo picked up for this breech of manners. BRACE 4: NAFC FC AFC Breezin' Britta Von Kinni (Britta) F 3/16/92 St. Croixfs Breezini Boogaloo X

Homeris Dream Jetta

0: Todd

& Ellen Manns H: Todd Manns

OKK Bewitching Spellbinder (T) F 1110/93 Overbaron's Country Hustler X FC AFC SGR Witches' Brew 0: John & Ruth Schoonover H: John Schoonover. Breakaway at 1 :51 PM. Find for Britta at 1 :53, bird found and with all manners in order, she was sent on. At 1 :59 Britta is standing, T came in and failed to back, so was picked up. No bird produced, and on we went. Britta was working hard at a medium gun dog range, making some nice moves arid using the country well. She made a nice cast on the far side of the power lines and then crossed over into the woods on the right. A Sharptail was seen in the air, and when Britta was found she was standing for an apparent a stop to flush. Todd fired his pistol and Britta sent on. Next for Britta was a find with a nice bit of reloaction work, bird was produced and with everything going well, she again was sent on. At 2:30 Britta standing again, no bird produced this time and she finished strongly across the puppy course. BRACE 5: Bounty's Justa Pegleg Pete (Pete) M 10/25/94 NAFC FC Selkirk is Bounty Hunter X NAFC AFC Ch. Justa Tequila Sunset, JH 0: Ken Zola/Fran SakieylBernee Brawn H: Fran Sakiey FC Flintlock's Addition (Jack) M 4/3/93 Marsu's Superduper Trooper X FC Marsu's Abigail v Bayfield OIH Mike Hemphill. Breakaway at 2:54. At 3:08 the judge (here after known as "old eagle eyes" ) spotted Pete being a bad dog, and he was rounded up and put on a rope. At the same time, Jack was found standing. Mike searched but could not find the bird, relocated Jack and this time he nailed it. Maners all intact on flush and shot. Jack was standing again, Mike searched but no bird was produced After the water barrel, Jack was found locked up on point, this time birds were flushed with all in order. Jack finished his 45 minutes clean and strong. BRACE ~ Flintlock's Limited Edition (Eddy) M 3/20/95 FC Flintlock's Addition X Flintlock's Cheap Trick 0: Kelly Hanson H: Mike Hemphill Big Oaks Georgia Peach (Dixie) F 7/26/95 DC Uodibar's Bushman X Sure Shot's Miss Fancy Pants 0: Vern & Ruth Grimslid H: Vern Grimslid. Breakaway 3:45 with breezey cool conditions, sun trying to break thru, but the temp's are dropping. At the one minute mark, Vem spots Dixie on point. At the same time, point is called by Mike for Eddy who is standing in the first stand of pines on the right. Bird produced for Eddy, and he is heeled away. No bird produced for Dixie. At 3:51 Dixie is on point again, bird flushed and all in order. Stop to flush for Dixie at 3:53. At 3:55 trying to get to the front, Dixie establishes point again, with beautiful style, however Vern cannot produce game. Handler opted to pick her up at this point. Eddy made a nice move across the top of the bowl and appeared to be standing. Mike put Eddy on the checkcord and we headed back to the breakaway. BRACE 7: Rush's Right (Bubba) M 8/4/92 Eichenlaub Aero X Eichenlaub

Arival O/H Randall Berry NFC DC AFC Schnellberg's Gretta, MH (Gretta) F 5/11/91 Ch. Schnellberg's Sydney, CD MH X Schnellberg's Anneliese 0: Walt & Maureen Tait H: Walt Tait. Breakaway 4:16 Gretta on point from her breakaway cast in the first pines on right, with Bubba backing very nicely. Bird was flushed, and both dogs showed manners. At 4:26 Bubba is on point, and relocated,but no birds were found. Gretta moved well across the top of the bowl area, fast and forward, and hit a nice point. Steady to flush and shot, Gretta was sent on and shortly thereafter ran over a bird on the trail and failed to stop to the flush, thus ending her bid. Bubba worked the edge well along the breakaway valley, up thru the pines toward the water barrel before the road crossing. He finished into the puppy course making some huge casts, moving strongly, but ended birdless. BRACE 8..:. JimKath's OKK Temptress (Tress) F 2/15/95 Overbaron's Country Hustler X FC AFC Marie Laveau van Steuben 0: Kathleen & Jim Yates H: Jim Yates NAFC FC AFC St. Croix's Rawhide Ruby (Ruby) F 911/90 Rawlee Gene's Delight X Rawhide's Dizzy Lizzy 0: Sue & Bruce Mueller H: Bruce Mueller. Breakaway 5:11 pm, last brace of the day, conditions cool and cloudy and getting dark! Both dogs were off like shots at the breakaway. Both were seen at the top of the first hill, moving across to the left. At the top of the bowl, Ruby is not in sight ,but Tress is seen moving across the top to the right and beyond. Tress had a stop to flush at the bottom of the hill before the water barrel with everything in order. After the water barrel, Ruby is spotted standing on the road, but brace mate Tress failed to back and was roped. No bird produced for Ruby. Coming out under the power lines into the breakaway valley, Ruby hit the very top of the hill and went out of sight. She reappeared, coming out of the woods to the front, after the scout was sent. On into the puppy course at the end of the course, Ruby made a huge cast across the prairie, but at time had no birds. BRACE 9: Piemonte Guido v. Chisola (Guido) M 1/23/95 Ch. Ali del Chisola X Piemonte April v Chisola 0: Aloysia Hard H: Mike Hemphill Jay-Mar's Blake's Blue Angel (Zip) F 1/6/94 Haag's Director, TO SH X Rawhide's Flake OIH Greg Dixon. Breakaway at 7:52 on a cloudy, breezy Saturday morning. One minute into the brace, Zip pointed on the road with a bird walking in front of her. Bird was flushed and Zip heeled away, cast off and immediately pointed again. Another bird was flushed and all manners were in order. Zip hunted the course nicely past the first water tank. Guido was working nicely also then disappeared into the heavy cover on the left, with Zip working on the top left side of

the bowl. Guido gone again after the second water barrel, and subsequently picked up. Zip finished strong on the puppy course making a cast out to the far swamp edge and then cutting across the field to the right to finish. BRACE ~ FC AFC JimKath's Allure (Allure) F 1/10/93 Overbaron's Country Hustler X FC AFC SGR Witches' Brew 0: Kathleen & Jim Yates H: Jim Yates FC Rader's One Over Par (Bogey) M 7/26/96 Rush's Right X Black Point's Mis-Take 0: Ken & Suzanne Rader H: Randy Berry. Breakaway 8:50 AM. At 9:12 both dogs are maintaining almost a shooting dog race, but at this time no birds for either. Bogey draws first blood at the top of the bowl at 9:20, and on a relocation, the bird wild flushed. When the blank was fired, another bird flew, but Bogie stood, all in order. At 9:22 Allure is on point in small pine grove,and with manners all in order Allure was sent on down the course. Bogey was picked up at this point for bumping a bird. Allure pointed again, but Jim could not produce a bird. She finished up with a big shooting dog race, finishing hard and forward. BRACE 11: Hellbender's Bifrost UII (Jud) M 4/25/96 DC SGR Dirty Laundry X Hellbenderis Desert Storm, JH 0: Richard & Patricia Uhnavy H: Mike Hemphill JimKath's Warlock (Warlock) M 7/31/94 Flintlock's Dakota X FC AFC Marie Laveau van Steuben 0: Kathleen & Jim Yates H: Jim Yates. Breakaway at 9:49. Both dogs broke away hard and headed left up the hill and away. Both dogs picked up at 10:10 for breaches of good gun dog manners. BRACE 12: DC AFC Sure Shot's Justa Miss Marker (Markie) F 8/4/93 DC AFC Dunkees Justa Top Flite, MH X FC AFC Sure Shots Cascade Miss TIque O/H Penny Ljungren DC AFC Navaho Sidekick, MH (Badger) F 11/17/93 Ch. Navaho Trailblazer, JH X Ch. Maestro Windsong of Navaho, JH O/H Guy Rezzardi. Breakaway at 10:20. Badger connected first, standing at 10:23 to the left of the water tank at the trees. No birds produced. At 10:30 Markie is standing on the edge of the scrub oak, birds found by Penny and after a difficult flush, all in order and Markie sent on. Badger hits next, standing at 10:32 & 10:34 above the bowl to the left in heavy cover with birds produced. Markie broke away to the right above the bowl and after the scout was sent, was found pointing . A nice point, with good manners and Penny cast her off. Again she was found standing with a covey of quail in front of her. Off we went once more. Both dogs worked well into the breakaway valley with Badger working right and Marky on the left. 10:55 Marky established point in the pine grove before the road above Rocky's office. She started hunting again before handler released, was whoa'd,and no bird produced. A covey find at 11:05 completed Markies bid for

today. Badger scored another find after the road, and made a huge finish on the puppy course. BRACE 13: Aintlock's Rapscallion (Rap) M 7/28/94 Overbaron's Country Hustler X Flintlock's Belle V Rahn Haus 0: Kathleen & Jim Yates H: Jim Yates lehmschlogis Bottle Rocket (Barney) M 7/4/93 DC Uodibar's Bushman X Cascade Tasmanian Devil 0: Stuart & Patricia Milbrad H: Dave LaChance. Breakaway 11:15. Rapscallion broke away hard and fast, with Barney not far behind. At the top of the hill above the bowl, Rap was seen going away on top of the far hill heading into the valley before second water barrel. At 11:24, Barney was standing on point to the left of the trail above the bowl. After a long search, Dave finally flushed the bird. Barney made a slight move at the flush, but was heeled away and sent on. Rapscallion returned with a present for Jim and was put on the rope. Again at 11:36 Barney pointed just after the second water tank, but no bird could be flushed. Barney was working hard and wide to the left of the valley before road. He shortened slightly in the puppy course, but still finished well. BRACE 14: Cadenberg Wicked One V Ike (Maggie) F 3/18/96 NFC NAFC DCAFC Cascade Ike, MH X DCAFC Cadenberg Magie V Rogue,MH COX 0: Sue OwenlWalt & Maureen Tait H: Greg Dixon Prairiewood's Easy Ryder (Ryder) F 5/19/96 Backwoods Flexible Flyer X Jay-Mar's Blake's Blue AngelO: Todd & Ellen Manns H: Todd Manns. Breakaway 1 :20 PM At 1 :27 Ryder was found on point, bird produced and Todd moved her on down the course. Maggie is standing in the grass field, and unfortunately the flushed bird went right over her head and she made a move to grab it, then stopped. Maggie was out of contention for the day. Ryder has another find at 1 :36 and handled everything well. At 1 :44, Ryder was picked up. BRACE 15: FC Flintlock's KS Tzarr Schwartz (Max) M 10/9/97 FC Flintlock's Addition X Flintlock's Cheap Trick 0: Kosta Sunda H: Mike Hemphill Calls For A Shot Of Bailey's (Bailey) M 2/8/95 Backwoods Flexibile Flyer X S1. Croix's Call to Glory Todd & Ellen Manns H: Todd Manns.


Breakaway at 2:11. Four minutes into the brace, Bailey is standing, but no bird produced and he was sent on. Max was picked up at 2:22. Just before second valley. Bailey, apparently not feeling well, was picked up by his Todd. BRACE 16.:. AFC Cascade Cadence (Drummer) F 8/12/91 DC Cascade Rogue X Cascade Sunset O/H Ray Calkins Sure Shot's Hot Rocks (Rocky) M 4/5/95 Ch. Sure Shot's Rockland Boss X FC AFC Sure Shot's Maggie O/H Doug Ljungren. Breakaway at 2:49. At 2:55 Rocky was found on point after making a nice cast to the right side of the course; bird produced and dog sent on. Another find at 2:59 proved Rocky's manners and he continued on hunting hard and making some very nice casts. Drummer was picked up by her handler. At 3:06 and 3:10 Rocky pointed with Doug doing a creditable job of flushing. After a brief absence Rocky was found on point by the scout on the far edge of the sumac before the powerline. After a through search, Doug tapped Rocky on but no birds were produced. Coming into the breakaway valley "old eagle eyes" spotted Rocky under a bird and thus ending his nice performance. BRACE 17: Ch. Backwoods Mo Kick (Mo) F 5/19/96 Backwoods Flexible Flyer X Jay-Mar's Blake's Blue AngelO: Roger Bultman & Greg Dixon H: Greg Dixon DC AFC Wildwing's Party Girl (T) F 7/27/95 Wildwings Sureshot Odie X Piemonte April V Chisola 0: Lynn Sandor H: Dave laChance. Breakaway 3:35. Both girls being in season, were moved to the bottom of the runnning order. Mo hit the first point at 3:37 in the stand of pines just off of the breakaway, no birds produced after a relocation. Soon after, T pointed, but again no bird produced and she is sent on. Both dogs made nice casts above the bowl and at 3:50 T stands a bird at the down tree above the bowl. Dave has trouble locating the quarry and after a relocation the bird is produced with manners in order. Two more non productives forT ends her day on the grounds. A nice covey find for Mo at 4:03 showed her style and proved her manners. Mo was running a shorter gun dog race,but opened up in the valley before road, then shortened again into puppy course. Mo was picked up at top of hill going into puppy course.

1999 National

(34 Pete Wilber

Championship starters)

Judges & Sherry

1. DC/AFC Navaho Owner

Ray Ebert



Guy Rezzardi

2. Lehmschlogs Bottle Rocket Owner Stuart Milbrad 3. FC Flintlock's Addition Owner Mike Hemphill 4. Jay-Mar's Blakes Blue Angel Owners Roger Bultman & Greg Dixon


1999 Hunting Test Well, another Nationals has come & gone, where did the time go?? On behalf of the Twin Cities German Wirehaired Pointer Club we would like to offer our sincerest condolences to the Piette family on the loss of their father and husband, Dick. We would also like to thank our Junior judge, Jill Piechowski as well as Paula Moebius, Jan Monson, Richard Uhnavy Jr. and all other club memberslparticipants that were able to offer their medical assistance in this situation. I would like to say a HUGE thanks to all the club members that helped our hunt test run as smoothly as possible considering the circumstances. We had a separate course for the Junior stake & we couldn't have done it without Stacy Risler handling the paperwork, scoring & ribbons. Dave Benson & Wayne Wiener did an outstanding job gunning (hardly a bird was missed!) not to mention the superior birdplanting by Wayne Starkson,Gary Ward & Don Erlandson. Tari Nestrud kept everyone on the right track as our Marshall, not a straggler left behind. I'd also like to thank Rocky Gilliard, Bruce Mueller, Todd Manns, Kim Moorman & Rhonda Amundson for helping with water tanks, lunches & other miscellaneous tasks. Thanks to Sue Mueller for taking care of our expenses & to Ellen Manns for helping with the printing & running orders. I know we had lots of other helpers so if I missed someone I truly apologize, you know who you are! I'd also like to thank our Junior judges Todd & Jill Piechowski, and Senior & Master judges Dan Voss & Carl Olson for a great job on judging! We had no formal complaints which is pretty impressive at the national level! We also had Ken Krago, our AKC rep. in attendance for the day and I can honestly say he left a happy camper, only good things to report! On to the important stuff, QUALIFIERS!!!!!!!

1999 Hunting Test Qualifiers Master Hunting Test Qualifiers (7 entered) Judges Carl Olson and Dan Voss

Woodruff's Diana of Oakhyll NA (F) 11/2/88 by Ch Windhaven's Stutzer Stumper x Ch Olympus She Can Do Magic CD B: L Strothman & C Stuart 0: R Schwwabe & L Stirling H: L Stirling

FC AFC Pola del Chisola (F)5/26/90 Notus del Chisola x Lara del Chisola B: Ernesto lacco O/H: Aloysia Hard Maestro Justa Allegro MH (F) 5/22/95 DC/AFC Dunkees Justa Hole N One CD MH x Ch Ripsnorters Die lauberflote JH B: P Ranker O/H:B Washa

Ch Farmgates Sly Guy (M) 1/23/95 By Von Genth's Chester x Ch Beechtree's Molly B JH B: 0 & D Beechtree O/H: P Moebius SGR Die Marschallin (F) 8/17/97 by DC SGR Silent Running CD MH x Hellbenders Desert Storm JH B: G Richardson 0: R Schwabe & L Stirling HJ: L Stirling

Winhawk's Holdn It Together (M) 2/22/94 Gustav Jaeger x Katrin Jaeger B: EWilkins O/H: B Schmidt Senior Hunting Test Qualifiers (10 entered) Judges Carl Olson and Dan Voss

Ch Ripsnorters Luv Va Man (M) 2/20/96 by Ch Ripsnorters Its Showtime x Ch Ripsnorters Private Dancer B: H George & P Gabriel O/H: Robert Miller

Barb & Ed Tucker

Winhawks Ripsnorter Ruby (F) 2/1/95 By Emmo SH xCh Windhaven's Wheel of Fortune B: J&H Goerge OtH: B Schmidt

Junior Hunting Test Qualifiers (27 entered) Judges Todd Piechowski and Jill Piechowski

Woodruff's Friar Tuck OA (M) 8/8/93 by Ch Woodruff's Will Scarlet x Orca vom Altmoor B: M Stroehmer OtH R Schwabe & L Stirling

Jed's Konisan


Ch Gunsmoke's Unsindable Molly B (F)10/3/97Smokir. Magic x Alison's Ariel B/O/H: J Monson


Gunsmoke's Texas T Bone (M) 10/3/97 By Cadenberg Magic x Alison's Ariel B: J Monson O/H: T Lord


RLB's Captain's Ty One On (F) 12/10/98 DC SGR's Dirty Laundry x SGR Silent Running Brooke B:R & L Bultman & G Ward O/H: 0 & K Ertaodson

Cadenberg Windfall V Ike (M) 3/18/96 By NFC NAFC DC AFC Cascade Ike MH x DC AFC Cadenberg Magic V Rogue COX B: S Alberts O:M & B Anderson H: J MOnson

Ch Jet Set's Full Sail of Scotia (F) 12/18/96Ch Weidenhugel Merlin v Nice MH CD x Ch Rough Cut Jet Set Autumn Moon JH B/O/H: L Reeves & J Bonaccorso

Schnellbergs Good By Design (M) 1/29/99 By Ch Schnellbergs Black lie Affair x Ch Schnellbergs Rough Wire loe MH B/O/H: S Owen

Jet Set's Rag Top Day at Scotia (M) 2/17/99 DC AFC Dunkees ,ta Top Flite MH x Ch Jet Set's Full Sail of Scotia B: J & R Bonaccorso 0: T & J Quesnell & J Bonnacorso H: K Harder

Weidenhugel No Surrender (F) 1/11198 By Ch Shadra's Otto van lamow x Ch Weidenhugel Glory Days B/O/H: P Roberts

Once again I'd like to thank everyone who attended as well as helped out = & look forward to seeing everyone at the next Nationals Sincerely, Kelly Erlandson Hunt Test Secretary Twin Cities German Wirehaired Pointer Club

Editors note: unfortunately there were no pictures taken of the HT Qualifiers. Hint, hint to future hosting clubs!!!


From Judges Sherry Ray Ebert and Pete Wilber. (National Championship and Futurity)

First of all...The hospitality was excellent. The Twin Cities club is one of the best clubs to judge for on any circuit. Special recognition and orchids to Ellen and Todd Manns, Sue and Bruce Mueller and all who made our judging a pleasure. We appreciate the trust that goes with the assignment. When a national club attempts to operate and coordinate a broad scale event like this ..E.G. National Specialty, hunt test, water test, etc., there is an inordinate amount of work to be done. Considering the scope of this event, it went very well. We who campaign the continental pointing breeds need to remind ourselves that these dogs were not developed for American horseback field trialing. We are trying to make dogs perform to the "amesian" standard which they were not developed to do. It is a considerable credit to the versatility of the dogs and their handlers that we succeed at all. Considering the National Championship, our job was made somewhat easier by not dividing it into gun dog or all age. We like the idea, however ,you must be aware that choices of judges will dictate the type of dog that becomes your National Champion. In regard to the dogs we judged ...you showed us dogs that could run shooting dog courses, dogs that could find birds, dogs that could point them with considerable style. and dogs that could finish 45 minutes strongly. However, we couldn't find all of those traits in one dog. Having said thaLOur first two dogs were deserving of the title. Another day and another trial would no doubt produce a different result. Thank you for the opportunity to watch and judge the nations best Wirehairs. Sincerely, Pete Wilber and Sherry Ebert PS- I was very impressed. We had some nice dogs that had some boo-boo's that cost them. Sherry Ebert

WATER TEST Judges: Mike Walsh and Bill Webb The following dogs passed the water test

DOG Pass Prairiewood's Easy Ryder Pass Ch Blu Sands Rising Star Pass Ansel's Brillow Ally Pass Ch Gunsmokes Unsinkable Molly B Pass Txwyr's Otto Bahn Pass Gunsmoke's Texas T 80ne Pass Piette's OKK La Beau La Veau Pass Ch Gunsmoke Dillon Pass Ch Gunsmokes Miss K T Caitlyn Pass St. Croix's Diamond Jim Pass Gunsmokes Smokin' Rhino Pass Jed's Konigin Gabriella Pass SGR Dry Clean Only Pass Aspen Grove's SGR Rip-N-Tear Pass Ch Backwood's Milormore Pass Flintlock's Umited Edition Pass St. Croix's White Diamonds Pass Jed's Blusands Genuine Risk Pass Jay-Mar's Blakes Blue Angel Pass Zeus of Walnub Berg Pass Wilson's Georgia Peach Pass Piette's OKK La Belle La Veau Pass RLB's Milo Kidd

OWNER Todd & Ellen Manns Guy Rizzardi Rhonda & Brian Amundson Jan Monson Fred Kneipp Tom Lord Richard & Carol Piette Jan Monson Jan Monson Sue & Bruce MJelier Tom Lord Ed & Barb Tucker Ross Van Der 80s Ross Van Der 80s Kim & Charles Moreman Kelly Hanson Sue 8. Bruce MJelier Ed & Barb Tucker Greg & Uz Dixon Skip Schaeffer Greg DixonlRon Wilson Richard & Carol Piette Greg Dixon

HANDLER Todd Manns Guy Rizzardi Rhonda Amundson Jan Monson Fred Kneipp Tom Lord Carol Piette Jan Monson Jan Monson Sue MJelier Tom Lord Ed Tucker Ross Van Der 80s Ross Van Der Bos Kim Moreman Mike Hemphill Sue MJelier Ed Tucker Greg Dixon Skip Schaeffer Greg Dixon Carol Piette Uz Dixon

Do you have: A highly


GWP that you

would like to run on equal footing at the 2000 Nationals?????

~'re looking/or: High potential Wires to run at the 2000 Nationals, in Oregon. I will be running Wires in all of the 2000 summer and fall trials at Madras. (the grounds for the nationals) Natural ability and training count alot, but getting familiar with the terrain, cover,

Our Record SpeakJ For Iuelf! objectives, wildlife, altitude, water, etc. Two GWP Field Champions Last Season

Can Make Tbe Difference!

& Two Masters Hunters Last Season

& Currently So, unless you live there, you can't do


#3 better than placing a dog in our proven program.


#7 Top Ten Open Gun Dogs (through September,

1999 Trials)

F.C. Jim Kaths ftllure F.C Cruiser (futurttg Winner)

Ouerbarons Country Hustler These are some of the notable wires who, along

F.C Ift.F.C Pola Del Chisola F.CI ft.F.C Bo Taylor U. Ranhaus

with lots of great hunting dogs, have gone on winter training with us in Arizona.

F.C Flintlocks Ezekial

This is a great way to get your dog in to lots of

F.C Ift.F.CI DftFC FUntlocks Hawkeye

wild birds. Each dog is worked every day.

F.C Flintlocks ftddition Leaving the first week in January and return-

D.C Flintlocks medicine man (Puppg De~

of the year)

ing the middle of Feb.

FUntlocks Ugly mug

F.C FUntlocks Bifrost Odin

(puppy de~

dog of the year)

Mike Hemphill (509) 922-8118

F.C FUntlocks ItS. Tzarr Swartz (PUptlg De~

~450.00 Flint3773@aol.com

Flintlocks Kennels- Greenacres, WA

FUntlocks lady Hawk

dog of the !Jl!ar) FUntlocks

Rap SealUon

AKC News PET TRAVEL BILL CONFERENCE TO CONTINUE AFTER FIRSTOF YEAR The "Safe Air Travel for Pets" bill (Sen. Lautenberg-NJ) pending in Congress appears to have stalled for the remainder of 1999. As reported in earlier AKC web announcements, this bill places rigid new requirements on airlines transporting live animals, including the retrofitting of most airline cargo holds. The new requirements are so strict that the airlines industry has stated that it may be forced to discontinue carrying live animals, including dogs, d the Lautenberg bill passes. In early October, the Lautenberg bill was added to a larger, unrelated measure, the Federal Aviation Administration Reauthorization bill. Members of the House and Senate have been negotiating differences between their versions of the FAA bill for the past several weeks. With a Congressional recess imminent, those negotiations have apparently broken down and will not continue until after the first of the year when Congress returns to work. AKC would like the Lautenberg bill to be considered separate and apart from the FAA bill. No hearings have been held, no studies have been performed, and no debate has occurred on the issue of pet safety during air travel. All ramifications of the bill must be explored and considered. AKC remains, as always, a steadfast supporter of strict gUidelines for the care and transport of animals and supports improving the conditions of animals during air transport wherever practical.

AKC asks that dog owners who want to preserve their to travel with their pets use the recess to voice their objections to the Lautenberg provisions. Contact the House and Senate conferees during the next several weeks and ask that the Lautenberg bill be taken out of the FAA Reauthorization bill. AKC's Canine Legislation Departmentdoglaw@AKC.org

Junior Showmanship Scholarship Announcement The Junior Scholarship program of the American Kennel Club was initiated in 1997, and is proud to announce the continuation of the program for the 2000 - 2001 school year. The criteria for awarding these scholarships include the following: 1) applicant's need; 2) applicant's academic achievement; 3) applicant's involvement in the fancy. Each applicant is required to submit current school transcript as well as an essay including a description of his/her experiences and interests in purebred dogs, including what they perceive as their future role in the fancy. To obtain an application or more information contact Karen Reuter, 919-854-0195 or juniors@akc.org. The deadline for applications is February 1,2000.

Field Futurity

GWPCA Annual Meeting October

10, 1999



Inn, Superior


Liz-Barrett Dixon, on behalf of the hosting Twin Cities GWPC, welcomed everyone attending. The meeting was then called to order by President, Judy Cheshire. The host club was thanked for the excellent job that they had done and the work and detail that has been put into the National Events. The minutes of October 25, 1998 were accepted as written and published in the Wire-News.

Secretary's Report Karen Nelsen was not present. It was refXlrted that the proposed by-laws changes would be tabulated after October 15, 1999 and published in the Nationals edition of the Wire-News. (follows this report) Also, the AKC has requested and been sent a list of winners of the GWPCA National Field Championship and GWPCA National Amateur Field Championship since 1988 as they will be acknowledging these accomplishments with a certificate

Treasurer's Report Linda Michaelis gave a year to date summary refXlrt through 9/30/99 (see attached).

Board Report Judy Cheshire gave a report of Board business. New annual awards will be added for accomplishments in Agility for the final 1999 standings and an award for the top Jr. Handler with a GWP will start with statistics for 2000. Lori Sargent will continue to track the agility standings and Peggy Harris has offered to keep statistics for the juniors. Gail Richardson is currently working on an enhanced award for Dual Champions. The target date for completion will be October 2000 so that they can be awarded at the Nationals in Oregon. Current members who have finished a Dual will be eligible for retroactive awards. Beginning with the 1999 Dual Champions, breeders of these dogs will also receive a certificate of recognition. The National Events Manual is currently being updated and should be completed by the end of the year. Copies will be distributed to all regional clubs. The Board has approved the formation of a committee to investigate and formulate a plan for versatility ratings suggested by club member Laura Myles. This will be a certificate program with requirements most likely consisting of dogs titled on the bench, in the field and in either obedience or agility. It has been suggested that field requirements include both water work and tracking. The commITtee will be charged with designing the essential elements of the program, designating how it will be administered (preferably with a permanent data base) and determining credentialing and competency of all testing. Rocky Gilleard has volunteered to chair the commtttee and both Laura Myles and Jonathan Prescott have expressed interest in serving on the committee. Any members interested in working on this project should contact Rocky or any member of the Board (all Board members and Board members-elect that e present were introduced).

AKe Delegate's Report Patricia Laurans was not present, but a written report was ead which highlighted AKCrs work in the areas of responsible dog hip, canine health and performance and the emergence and use of DNA. Ms. Laurans, as a Board member of AKC in addition to esponsibilities as the GWPCA AKC Delegate, has created and . ed a committee to develop a Breeders Education Program.

Reports of Standing Committees: Show Futurityysia Hard refXlrted that futurity nominated litters were in-

creasD:l each year with a total of 39 entries in the 1999 Show Futu. encouraged all members to nominate their litters.

Report given by Ray Calkins. A total of 41 litters were nominated for the 1999 Field Futurity, with 68 dogs renominated, resulting in 29 actual entries. A very large entry for this event. Year to date, 39 litters have been nominated for the 2000 Futurity. There has been a fee increase this year, which is the first increase since the inception of the Field Futurity. The Nomination and Renomination process was also reevaluated and found to be liberal as compared to other clubs. Nomination forms for both Futurities can be found in the Wire-News.

Rescue Christi Chism refXlrted on the success of rescue efforts for 1999. A list of contacts, by state, has been compiled and Christi will continue to coordinate the efforts of all volunteers and act as the AKC liaison. The GWPCA expressed its appreciation to Christi and all those who have helped GWPs in need. WebSite Sheri Graner gave an update on the GWPCA website ( HYPERLINK http://www.gwpca.com www.gwpca.com) and reinforced the success of rescue efforts with the support of the website. There have been 55,000 "hits" on the site by people from all over the world. The chat section is presently being revamped. Members wishing to include their dogs on the gallery page (no "win" pictures, please) should contact Sheri (HYPERLINK mailto:manatee@tris.com or HYPERLINK mailto:sheri@sirenia.com)

Heahh Committee Regina Schwabe reported on the status of the Health Committee. She suggested that the committee be expanded and has invited all vets that are members of the GWPCA as well as any other interested members. Anyone interested should contact Regina (gwpchi@tco.com) . Howard Falberg will be representing the GWPCA at the AKC Canine Health Foundation Conference, which is in conflict with our National Events this year. Regina reminded all regional clubs that donations to the AKC Canine Health Foundation will be matched, up to a total of $1,000, by the GWPCA. These donations should be earmarked for the GWPCA so that they may be held in an interest-bearing fund until enough is accumulated to participate in a special project. The Ft. Detroit GWPC graciously made a donation in 1998.

Judges Education Judy Cheshire refXlrted that there was not a formal seminar at the Nationals this year but that several judges did attend and were offered ringside tutoring. Both Laura Reeves and Paula Moebius worked on Judges Education and will continue on the Committee. Other educational offerings were given in different areas of the country and were well accepted.

Breeder Referral Temple Watson (South Breeder Referral chainnan.


has taken



Field Events Advisory Committee Doug Ljungren gave a refXlrt on the activity of the Field Events Advisory Committee. The committee was formed in 1992 with approval of the GWPCA Board. All regional clubs that are licensed to give field events are entitled to a representative of their choice on the committee. Additionally, there are three "experts at large" and two hunt test members. The purpose of the committee is to provide a forum to address issues pertaining to field events and to act as a resource for the Board and general membership in regard to those issues. Doug went on to give a summary of the items discussed at the 1019/99 meeting including modification of the Field Trial judges


Old Business GWPCA Yearbooks

The pUblication of the GWPCA Yearbooks have been historically late. Bernee Brawn took over the job as editor of the yearbooks in May of this year and has completed the 1996 Yearbook, which is available from merchandising chairperson, Ann Duffin. 1997 and 1998 will be combined and is planned to go to the printer by January 1, 2000. Everyone with titled dogs for those years was encouraged to include their dogs in these publications, as theyire the only pictorial chronicle of our breed. 2000 National Events Update Update given by Terry Duffin. Nationals will be held in Bend, Oregon the week of October 7, 2000. The plan is to hold three independent specialties with the field events to follow. Theme will be lWestern Affair with Wirehairsi. Regina Schwabe and Carol Piette offered to assist the Oregon club with the Agility Trial.

New Business 2001 Nationals The Fort Detroit GWPC plans to host the 2001 Nationals. Mark Sargent, acting as overall chairman for the Events, explained that the club is in the process of forming committees and has decided on grounds (field events at the Ionia trial grounds and the show at the Ionia fairgrounds). Tentative date will be the second week of October 2001. More detailed information will be available as plans are put into place Election of Officers As no additional nominations were received by the Secretary, the following slated presented by the Nominating Committee will be elected by acclamation: Vice President, Rocky Gilleard (WI), Secretary, Barb Tucker (MI), Eastern Director, Mal Decker (PA) and Western Director, Mike Hemphill (WA). NAVHDA Ratings Prize Designation in AdvertisingThere was a suggestion that when advertising appears in the Wire-News regarding a dogis NAVHDA rating, that the inclusion of the prize designation (Le., Prize I, Prize II, Prize III) be a mandatory requirement. The Secretary was unable to supply the name of the person who put this on the agenda. Therefore, it could not be ascertained if this person is a GWPCA member or not. Nonetheless, this was investigated. NAVHDA, itself, does not require that ads include the prize designation. Those present were asked if there was anyone who wished to speak to this issue or if there was any discussion. As no one came forward, the agenda item was not pursued. Change Criteria for Judging the GWPCA Championships Ray Calkins (OR) made the recommendation that the GWPCA Championship Stakes be judged on a "Gun Dog" standard rather than our presently accepted "Best Dog of the Day" standard. Ray's feeling is that the GWP is a gun dog in type and that it should be judged specifically on that standard. Discussion followed. Doug Ljungren (WA) addressed the issue by making the following points: Our present definition of "best dog of the day" has worked successfully for 16 years; every Derby and Futurity is judged as "best dog of the day". It would be inconsistent and illogical to reward these dogs and later on in their careers possibly exclude them from our championships; seven of the eight pointing breeds accommodate all-age performance either by championships or best dog of the day. In the breed that does not provide for this, it has contributed to a division - there is both an AKC parent club championship and an American Field Championship; the very premise of our National Events is to keep our breed united as "one breed" and changing the judging standard could potentially cause a division by excluding a segment of our field dogs. Jim Yates (MI) expressed the opinion that this was brought to the annual meeting without any lead-time for either regional clubs or the general membership to give adequate thought to the subject. It was explained that although agenda items must go to the Secre-

tary 30 days prior to the meeting, that this item was not shared with the rest of the Board in that time frame. Jim Brown (CO), Bernee Brawn (PA), Aloysia Hard (WA), Randy Berry (CA) and Ellen Manns (WI) expressed opinions to support "best dog of the day" standard. Mark Sargent (MI) made the point that we have the Master Hunter test as a venue for dogs working with handlers on foot. And that the Hunting Test is passlfail while field trials are defined as competition. Ray Calkins spoke to educating our field trial judges regarding the "best dog of the day" standard and made a motion that education be done prior to the National Events. Discussion on this ensued. It was concluded that in addition to the AKC rulebook, each Field Trial Committee makes an effort to educate its judges. Ray rescinded both his motion and the agenda item.

Annual Awards Prior to the presentation of the annual awards, the outgoing officers were thanked for their hard work for the GWPCA and presented with mornentos from the club. Gail Richardson also received an award for outstanding selVice to the club for her efforts in doing the Master Hunter portraits and the organization of the GWPCA Record of Merit recognition. Editors Note *A list of al/ Award winners is pUblished on seperate page in this issue.


Longtime member and past GWPCA Secretary, Barb Hein, was honored for being the first to title a GWP in four arenas - Show, Field, Obedience and Agility. Congratulation to Barb and Ch. Rheindorfi's Ingenue, CD, JH, NA. The meeting was adjourned at 10:30 pm. Respectfully submitted, Liz Barrett-Dixon

German Wirehaired

Pointer Club of America

PROPOSED BY LAWS CHANGES BALLOT Given below are the final tabulations received from Mr. Dean Browning regarding the proposed By-Laws changes. The membership approved all the proposals. The American Kennel Club will be advised of the changes and we will await their final approval. ARTICLE III, SECTlON 1 - Meetings Notice of the time and place of the Annual Meeting shall be included in the Wire-News immediately preceding the month of August, OR be sent to each member by First Class Mail no later than 45 days prior to the meeting. FOR __ 1째5 AGAINsT __ 0 _ ARTICLE V, SECTlON 4 - Nominations A Nominating Committee shall be chosen by the Board of Directors before June 1 in each year. FOR __ 105 AGAINST __ O .. ARTICLE V, SECTlON 4 A - (last sentence in paragraph) The committee shall then submit its slate of candidates to the Secretary before July 1, who shall have the slate printed in the Wire-News prio to August, or if no issue is forthcoming, the list shall be mailed to ea member of the Club not later than August 15 in each year via First Class mail so that additional nominations may be made by the members if they so desire. FOR __ 106 ~AGAINST O__ ARTICLE V - SECTION 4 F No more than two officers, with the exception of the office of President, shall be elected from the same region. Regional Directors shall not be considered officers. FOR __ 85 AGAINST __ 21 _ Respectfully Submitted Karen Nelsen, Secretary

Top Show Dog (BreedPoints) Ch. Fair Oak's No Doubt About It, JH - L. Jaffe/J. McMillan Top Show Dog (Group Points) Ch. ADPG Suthrn Breeze, JH, CGC - J. GriggslJ. Cheshire Top Junior Field Dog (Tie!) Ch. Backwood's Milormore - C. and K. Moreman Flintlock's Ugly Mug - S. Humphrey '1 Open Gun Dog & #1 Amateur Gun Dog DC/AFCINFC Schnellberg's Greta, MH - M. and W Tait '1 Novice Obedience Dog Ch. Ripsnorter's Crimson N Clover B. Skurya '1 Open Obedience Dog Hannah Rose, CD H. Madsen Master Hunter Titles 1998 Ch. Afterhours September Odyssey, MH C. & J. Pariette DC Cadenberg Victor V Trey, MH M. Revell Hellbender's Jake, MH B. & C. Kissinger" Ch. Jaymar Weisen's Rite on Target, MH N. Litwin & M. J. Collins RadeR's Crickett of Quail, MH K. & S. Rader Ch. Scotian Anchorsteam, MH R. KaresID. Roll Weidenhugel Whistle V Jersey, MH M. & W Linge Amateur Field Champions 1998 AFC Cascade Cadence R. & L. Calkins AFC Sure Shot's Golly Miss Molly P. Ljungren AFC Wildwing's Party Girl, JH L. Sandor Field Champions 1998 DC Cadenberg Victor V Trey, MH M. Revell FC Flintlock's Ezekial J. DeMoura FC Jim Kath's Catalyst J. & K. Yates FC Rushrs Right R. Berry FCINAFC TNT's Hot Rod Todd B. Koeber & W Tait DC/AFC Wildwing's Party Girl, JH L. Sandor Dual Champions 1998 'DC Cadenberg Victor V Trey, MH M. Revell DC/AFC Navajo Sidekick G. Rezzardi DC/AFC Wildwing's Party Girl L. Sandor All-Breed Best in Show Winners 1998 Ch. ADPG Suthrn Breeze, JH, CGC J. GriggslJ. Cheshire Ch. Wildefire's Bentley, CGC T Boldin Record of Merit 1998 Ch. Cascade Cate Von Duffin, MH (bitch) A. & T Duffin Supreme Record of Merit 1998 DC/AFC Dunkee's Justa Hole 'N One, CD, MH, NAVHDA UT (dog) Bernee Brawn "Hellbender'S Jake, MH was inadvertently omitted from the list of Master Hunters for 1998 and did not receive recognition at the annual meeting. Our apologies to Barb and Charlie Kissinger.

Judges Education Update (From the GWPCA Board of Directors) Educating those who evaluate German Wirehaired Pointers against both the breed standard and performance standards can be a monumental task. Methods of education include written material, videos, slides, lectures and "hands on" experience with the breed. Dogs competing for a bench championship title are judged against our breed standard which is specific for German Wirehaired Pointers only and addresses structure and characteristics that have been predetermined to define GWPs. Dogs competing for performance titles (field, obedience, agility) are judged against standards that determine how they perform specific tasks and apply to all breeds or all pointing breeds. All standards, whether they are breed specific or not, are open to interpretation by the judge or by any individual who is reading it. For example, our breed standard referring to the dog's bite states that "The incisors meet in a true scissors bite." It seems pretty straightforward that our dogs should have a scissors bite. The standard says it and certainly implies it. However, there are those who feel that because the standard doesn't refer to overshot, undershot or level bites as "faulty", that they are acceptable. Occasionally issues arise that prompt educational material to be generated. Several years ago, there were complaints about judges rewarding dogs that were too big and/or too small, dogs that were excessively groomed and dogs that had poor quality coats. The Judges Education Coordinator, addressing all faults in the GWP standard that are severely penalized, drafted a memo to all judges licensed for GWPs. Recently, another incident occurred regarding the long-standing issue of black and white dogs, which created a controversy. In consultation with AKC's Judges Education Department, it was suggested that we utilize the AKC Judges Newsletter as a vehicle for judgeis education. This is a publication that goes out to all AKC judges and often includes information from various parent clubs to address specific points in their standards that they would like clarified. The GWPCA Board, with a vote of- six (6) in favor - one (1) opposed, chose to follow this suggestion.

A written petition to change the standard, addressed to the Secretary and signed by twenty percent of the membership in good standing, will be considered by the Board. A Breed Standard Committee will then be appointed by the Board to review and study any proposals to amend the standard. The committee will then make recommendations to the Board and the Board will report both the recommendations and the Board to the membership.

of the committee

A vote must be done by written ballot sent to all GWPCA members. A favorable vote of 2/3 of the responding members is required to effect any change to the breed standard. AKC will be apprised of the entire process from start to finish. Making changes to the breed standard is an extremely serious undertaking. Any change should not only reflect a majority consensus of the GWPCA membership, but a positive, documented opportunity for improvement within the breed itself.

Wa[t- ?lee &' ~irds no show ri660n5, hunting nofMJ"notria ( titles test titles,

just ayleasure to hunt with

Judges education does not reflect personal opinions of individuals. It merely clarifies the breed standard as it is presently written. If a judge (or judges) blatantly disregards a fault that does not require any interpretation of the standard whatsoever (i.e., an absolutely smooth coat vs a wire coat, or a 28" bitch vs a 23" bitch), then education is in order. Judges are berated for rewarding "lesser" dogs, or expressing opinions that we may think are inappropriate. However, when we show dogs in the breed ring, part of our responsibility as breeders, exhibitors and so-called "breed experts" is to help educate judges by bringing them dogs that we feel are correct according to the breed standard. Education is always a two way street. It has been suggested that the GWPCA Board take the initiative to change the standard. The job of the Board is to facilitate the day to day running of the club and acts as a forum through which the membership may express its views and concerns. The constitution of our club provides a clear methodology to guide the Board in acting on behalf of the majority of the GWPCA membership. To simplify and paraphrase the constitution:

Waft Whitmore

C330) 722-8935

Minutes of the GWPCA Field Events Advisory Committee Head of the Lakes Fair Grounds, site of the National Specialty Show Saturday, October 9,1999,8:00 -10:00 p.m. The Field Events Advisory Committee meeting was open to all interested GWPCA members. It was held at this time and place for the convenience of the maximum number of GWPCA members. The Advisory Committee is made up of one representative from each local club licensed to hold field trials, plus 3 members-atlarge, and 2 hunt test members. The local club representative serves at the will of their club. There are 13 members on the Advisory Committee. (A list of committee members is given at the end of this report.) Nine Committee members voted at this meeting, including three that provided their vote via others in attendance. Approximately 20 other GWPCA members were present. Chairman Doug Ljungren had developed an agenda based on input from the Committee. The agenda was distributed to the Committee on August 31,1999. Discussion Item #1 - A brief history of the development of the Advisory Committee Background: To give everyone a common understanding of the development of the Advisory Committee, Doug Ljungren gave a brief history.

Background: GWP field trials are now the only trials where collaring is not allowed. Last spring the Advisory Committee decided to address this issue. This is an important issue since it would change the AKC Field Trial Rules as they pertain to GWPs. In order to provide a logical basis for discussion, four articles concerning collaring were written - two supporting collaring and two opposing it. These were distributed to the Advisory Committee on August 31.(these articles are printed in this issue of the Wire News) Discussion: Ray Calkins and Mal Decker wrote the articles opposing collaring. Since neither was present at the meeting, Doug recapped their arguments. Objections to collaring include (1) It reduces the opportunity for a judge to assess how well the dog is trained (2) Collaring can be abused (3) Allowing collaring will lead to other reductions in performance standards. Bernee Brawn and Randy Berry wrote articles supporting collaring. They each stated their reasons. Reasons in favor of collaring include (1) It is a kinder and gentler way to handle a dog during a critical point in the performance (after the dog has pointed a bird) (2) Pen raised birds don't always flyaway, leading to artificial situations (3) With all other breeds allowing collaring, a decision to not allow collaring will have little impact on wirehairs completing a field championship (4) There is a concern that other breeds will gradually stop attending GWP trials, making it difficult for some clubs to survive.

Discussion: The "Nationals" in its current format started in 1982. The National Field Trial Rules and Guidelines were first written in 1986. The intent was to provide guidance to hosting clubs and to bring consistency to the running of the National field trial (no hunt test was held at that time).

A 45-minute discussion followed. Both committee and non-committee members contributed to the discussion.

The Advisory Committee was formed in 1992 by a vote of the GWPCA Board. The general purpose of the Advisory Committee is to provide a forum for the GWPCA to logically address issues pertaining to field trials and hunt tests, including issues concerning the running of the National field events. The Committee's specifiC objectives are: 1. Update the Rules and Guidelines as necessary. 2. Provide local knowledge for hosting clubs regarding the National field events. 3. Provide a knowledgeable resource for the Board with regard to field event issues that are directed to them. 4. Provide a structure for GWP field event issues to be

collaring.) The Chairman will write a letter to the Board recommending this change.

raised by the general membership. 5. Review the national field event judges proposed by the hosting club and make recommendations to the Board. In 1997 the Advisory Committee requested that the Board review its function to determine if the objectives of the Committee could be better achieved by other means. The Board provided no comments or suggestions for change. Discussion: There was agreement that the committee functions pretty well. There were no specific suggestions for change. Doug expressed some concem over the 3 at-large positions and the 2 hunt test positions since there was no transition mechanism. This issue will be addressed in the coming year. Discussion Item #2 - Should collaring be allowed at GWP sponsored field trials?

Action: The Committee voted 8 to 1 to allow collaring. (Note - Since this is an important issue, Doug contacted the remaining Committee members to obtain their vote. The final vote was 12 to 1 to allow

Discussion cess.

Item #3 - Modifying the field trial judge selection pro-

Background: Currently the host club selects the field trial judges. The Advisory Committee votes on the local club's selection and passes them on to the Board along with a recommendation to approve or reject. Many hosting clubs have voiced a concern that they could be accused of selecting "home town favorites". The Advisory Committee has discussed this issue for a number of years but has been unable to come to a consensus on an alternative method of selection. Discussion: There was agreement that two of the judges should be familiar with how dogs typically hunt the terrain and cover where the Nationals is being held. There was some concern about the cost of bringing in "outside judges". A number of alternatives for selecting the outside judges were discussed. Decision: The Committee voted to have the hosting club select two judges (one for each set of judges) and the Advisory Committee would select the other two judges from a list of judges that it will compile. The expense of getting a judge to the Nationals would be a consideration, but only one of many that go into the selection of judges. The committee asked Doug to talk to Fort Detroit to see if they wanted to start this process in 2001. (Note: Since it will take the committee some time to develop their list of prospective judges

and since Fort Detroit is well along in their planning, it was agreed the new process will not be implemented until 2002.) Discussion Item #4 - Should the Championship trophies plaques) be replaced and if so, what are the alternatives?


Background: The plaques have been given out since the start of the Nationals in 1982. It has been discussed a number of times that this trophy should be upgraded, but no firm alternatives have been put forth. Discussion: Both Ellen Manns and Bernee Brawn had done some research into new trophies. Both had looked into having a statue of a GWP on point set on a wooden base. The Committee liked this idea. Doug felt the second place dog in the Championship stakes should also get an "improved trophy". This led to a discussion about cost. Costs will not be known until more research is done. Decision: Ellen and Bernee were asked to act as a committee to continue their research. They are to develop a number of alternatives with the cost of each.

Discussion Item #5 - Qualification for Championship Stakes Should qualifying broke dog placement occur prior to closing day for the National field trial? Background: Currently to enter the championship stakes, a dog must have a derby win or placement in a broke dog stake. Dogs have entered the Nationals without a broke dog placement prior to the closing date with the hope they would place in the weekends between closing and the Nationals. If the dog does not place, it is scratched.

was no reason to change. Decision: Doug was asked as the chairman of the committee to prepare some remarks to be given at the General Meeting against adopting the gun dog standard. Discussion Item #7 - Tracking Collar Recommendation Pointing Breed Advisory Committee

of the AKC

Background: This spring our Advisory Committee recommended to the Board that tracking collars be allowed in all stakes at the National field trial. The consensus of our Advisory Committee is that tracking collars are a safety device that should be available to all. The Board approved this recommendation. AKC held a Pointing Breed Advisory Committee meeting in May. At that meeting, the AKC Advisory Committee recommended that tracking collars only be allowed in all-age and derby stakes. This is inconsistent with the opinion of our Committee. Discussion: Ray Calkins was our breed representative at the AKC Advisory Committee meeting. Several committee members have heard from those in attendance at the AKC meeting that Ray was quite outspoken against the use of tracking collars. At the time of the AKC meeting our Committee's vote had not been finalized, therefore Ray may not have known the majority opinion. Decision: Since AKC has not yet acted on the AKC Advisory Committee's recommendation, our committee decided to request that the GWPCA Board contact AKC to ensure that AKC understands our majority opinion on this subject. Doug agreed to write a letter to Judy Cheshire (GWPCA President) with this request.

The Chairman adjourned the meeting at 10:15 p.m. Discussion: The Committee felt that scratching dogs and reshuffling braces was not the way to run a quality event. There was agreement that this was an oversight when the Rules were originally written and should be corrected. Decision: The vote was unanimous to change the Rules to state that in order to enter the Championship stakes, a dog must have a broke dog placement prior to the closing date.

Members of the Field Events Advisory Committee are: Club Representatives: Bernee Brawn Jim Yates Liz Dixon Art Armburst

Background: At the General Meeting to be held Sunday, Ray Calkins had placed on the agenda the idea that the Championship stakes should be judged to the gun dog standard. Currently the standard is "best dog of the day", meaning the judges are ask to evaluate the dogs performance with no preference given to an all-age vs gun dog performance. The agenda item as it is stated, is extremely significant since it would change the entire basis of judgement.

Doug Ljungren Ray Calkins Silke Alberts Terry Duffin

Delaware Valley Fort Detroit Twin Cities Nebraska Sea-Tac Oregon Northern California Southern California

At-Large Members: Mike Hemphill Sue Mueller John Schoonover

Western Region Mid-West Region Eastern Region

Discussion: The Committee felt placing this item on the agenda of the Annual Meeting without review or comment from the Field Advi-

Hunt Test Members: Aloysia Hard & Walter Furesz

Discussion Item #6 - Item on the General Meeting Agenda - Judging the Championship Stakes to a Gun Dog Standard.

sory Committee was inappropriate. The primary reason for having the Field Advisory Committee was to address this kind of issue. The Committee was unanimous in its strong opposition the idea. The primary reason was that it would divide the breed in the field by excluding the all-age performance. This is against the most basic principle underlying Nationals week - to do everything posSible to "keep the GWP one breed". Many felt that the exclusion of the allage performance would contribute to the starting of an American Field GWP Championship event. All agreed that the current "best dog of the dog" standard has worked fine for 16 years and there

Anyone having any comments on any of the issues discussed at the FTAC meeting should contact theGWPCA Director for their region or their club representative.











(517) 522-5048

October 22, 1999 To: Judy Cheshire, President GWPCA From; Doug Ljungren, Chairman GWPCA Field Events Advisory Committee Subject: Collaring The Field Events Advisory Committee has addressed the issue of collaring at GWP trials. Specifically the question voted on by the committee was "Should collaring be allowed at GWP sponsored field trials?" The Committee's vote was 12 to 1 to recommend to the GWPCA Board that collaring be allowed at GWP trials. I am passing on this recommendation for action by the Board. In order to provide the Board some background information on the issue, attached are four write-ups, two in favor of and two opposed to collaring. Sincerely, Doug Ljungren

Comments must be sent to the GWPCA Board of Directors or to your Regional Director prior to February 1,2000. Should the GWPCA allow collaring at GWP Field Trials? Bernee Brawn

A bit of background. I became involved with the world of purebred dogs through obedience. I trained and completed many obedience titles on several breeds of dogs including Irish Setters, Weimaraners, and Wires. I also ran an obedience school for roughly 10 years and taught others how to train their dogs, mostly pets, but many went on to serious competition and completed CD's and CDX's. I believed in the theory that a dog should be under complete control at all times and that when told to do something he should do it. At that time we used mostly correction training and pooh poohed the cookie pushing methods of training. Today most obedience training is done with positive reinforcement and most of your top notch trainers use food or playas an inducement. The dogs are much better workers today then in those old days, they are happier and much more willing to complete the tasks taught to them. And they do it with style and flair! When I became involved with field trialing, the methods used were similar. The dogs were worked on check cords and pretty much forced to do what we asked. Dogs were flipped when they broke or chased a bird. Corrections could be severe and not condusive to producing a "class" bird dog. The electric collars had only one button "HIGH" and more dogs were ruined than trained. The dogs were steady because they were really "broke" in the truest sense of the word. Training was not a fun time. Today we have new methods of training. We understand more doggy physcology, and we understand the use of positive reinforcement and use it. We have the technology of the variable intensity training collars, automatic bird launchers and pop up backing dogs which are invaluable in producing a high class bird dog. Just as in obedience training, our training methods have changed to benefit both dog and handler. Today the act of "breaking" a dog is less stressful on both. now we can really call it training. Our dogs are happier, have more style and enjoy the work. I consider "collaring" to be positive reinforcement. It is a moment to praise your dog with a pat on the head, it gives the handler a chance to sweet talk him and tell the dog how good he was. It gives both handler and dog a chance to take a deep breath and focus on the next task at hand.

What is collaring.? Section 6H in the AKC rule book- In a Gun Dog, All Age, Limited Gun Dog or Limited All Age stake at a licensed or member trial held by a GSP* or GWP trial, the handler is prohibited from controlling the dog by the collar at any time, amd may not touch the dog in such a manner as to restrain or control it; except that he may tap the dog lightly on head or body to realease it in any situation. Section 6K - After a dog has been on point in Gun Dog and all Age stakes, and has been steady to wing and shot, and after the handler has collared the dog (where permitted by Procedure 6H) the handler may give the dog to a scout for the sole purpose of allowing the handler to mount his horse. In a collaring stake this is what's generally accepted- 1. dog stands for flush and shot 2. dog demonstrates that it is steady to wing and shot and the bird has flown away 3. handler takes the dog by the collar and moves it down the course to continue. 4. The dog may be handed to the scout so the handler can get on his horse. A dog MUST demonstrate that it is steady to the flush and shot before it may be collared. Collaring ONLY comes into play AFTER all of these things happen. *As of 9/1/99 The GWP is now the ONLY breed not allowing collaring at their field trials.

ARGUMENTS AGAINST COLLARING Many of the arguments against collaring are more against poor judging. I have seen handlers with very long arms grab a dog as the shot is fired and I have seen these handlers place dogs. Fault of the collaring rule? No, fault of the judges. I have seen judges allow scouts to take a dog on down the course. Again, poor judging. I have seen handlers use the collaring opportunity as a chance to correct their dog. A good judge will be watching for this type of behavior from handlers and should be taking it into consideration when placements are decided. We cannot legislate common sense, nor give someone an eye for a bird dog that doesn't have one. We can however put more thought into the process of choosing our judges and we can let our judges know what is acceptable and what is not.

Argument #1. Collaring will stop a dog from delayed chases.

What is a delayed chase? The dog points bird, handler flushes bird and fires shot. Dog is taken on down the course and released. Dog goes back to follow the flight of the flushed bird in an attempt to either catch it or to repoint it. A delayed chase happens after the dog has been released to continue the course,whether collared or heeled. A dog that chases the flight of a bird that has just been flushed, before it has been taken from the area of the find, has simply "broke". The dog is out of competition.

Argument #2. Collaring will take away from the trainability aspects of our dogs. I truely believe a dog that is steady to wing and shot, retrieves downed and wounded game and backs it's bracemate is showing an amazing amount of trainability. Dogs that hunt to the front of the handler, check in with the handler, and come in when called also are showing it's willingness to please and cooperate. Some feel that collaring allows handlers to drag their dogs away from birds rather than do the training required to correctly heel a dog away. They will say it is easier to teach a dog to hop on his hind legs than to train it to heel. Sure, there will be those who drag and there will be dogs who hop. Just as we have dogs who will heel along quietly and those who need to be commanded repeatedly. Have you ever won a stake because your dog heeled quietly at your side? If you judge, have you ever given a blue to a dog becuase it heeled so wonderfully no matter what else the dog did?

Argument #3. Collaring will only benefit the professional trainer. I have heard the argument that the pros love collaring because it lets them train less and finish more dogs. If anything, the pro has the benefit with a "no collaring" rule. His job is to train dogs, all day every day. He is paid to train dogs. He has the time, the equipment and the experience. The Amateur on the other hand, has a full time job, a family and many other responsibilities beside the "hobby" of dog training. The Amateur is involved with the sport because he loves it and loves the dogs. Remember, handlers will still have the option to "heel" their dogs away if they choose to do so. But, wouldn't you like the opportunity to praise your dog after a good performance and not have to to brow beat him to "heel". Wouldn't you like to take your dog by the collar, lead him away quietly and send him on down the course? I also feel that collaring the dogs promotes a more "positive" picture and will help get rid of a lot of "negative" judging.

But Master Hunters have to heel away. Why lower the standard for our FT dogs? My questions is "Why not allow these dogs to be collared?" In a Hunting test the goal is to test the dogs in as realistic situations as possible. If you were hunting, had birds in a big bush that you could not flush would you take the dog away by the collar or attempt to heel him away? When we have gone hunting, we attempt to be as quiet as possible so not to make our presense known. The last thing we want to do is be loud and scare off other game in the area. When you are hunting, you very well may go after singles that have flushed from a covey. In a trial or hunt test this is not something we want our dogs to do. That would be considered a delayed chase. Hunting tests are not competitive events. To complete a MH, a dog never has to beat another dog. It has to complete certain requirements a designated amount of times. The tests were designed on purpose so they would NOT be competitive. A Field Trial is a Field Trial, a Hunting Test is another game altogether.

Argument #4. If you cannot heel your dogs away from a bird, then you need to do more work. Why would you ever want to heel your dog away from a bird? "Now listen here Fido, I want you standing on your 路toenails, every inch of you quivering but if I say the word "Heel" I want to to wipe your doggy mind clean, forget that bird and just simply walk away with me. No funny stuff now, just do it! And by the way, when we find the next bird, I want you on your toenails and quivering!" While we strive to make field trials as realistic as we can, the days of the wild bird trials are long gone. Wild birds fly AWAY! Pen raised birds run AROUND! And if they do fly, it is usually only for a short distance and usually land in view. Retrieving is an important aspect of the GWP and we all spend a lot of time trying to perfect it. We want our dogs to run out quickly and get that bird and get it back to us. Let's try to think like the dog point bird, flush bird, bird flies, gun shoots, bird falls short distance away. I can get it boss, I saw it fall, whenever you give the signal! No, wait, don't go get that bird, ignore it and go on and look for more birds! But boss .... the bird is right there, I saw it go down. I know I can go get it! NO, NO, NO, HEEL, HEEL, HEEL! What the heck? In the east, we have hedgerows that are thick and ususally full of multiflora rose. You couldn't get in there with a flame thrower. Birds like to covey up in these bushes and you pray your dog does not go on point anywhere near them. The birds simply will not leave, will not fly, and simply run back and forth and back and forth. Most judges will just tell you to make an honest attempt and fire your gun. But then, we have to heel our dogs away from there. Good luck! There are just some things we should not expect our dogs to do willingly.

Argument #5. We don't want our dogs to become

(fill in the breed).

Some say if we allow our handlers to collar dogs, then we will want to get rid of the retrieving requirement next. Or the water certification. I believe this is just a scare tactic used by some who don't want the rules to ever change just as they don't want our dogs to ever change. Lefs be honest, the sport ot field trialing has changed in the past 20 years. The dogs competing have changed, the training methods have changed and the level of competition has changed. We have to opportunity to change with the times, use new training methods, cofll)ete with our best or stay stagnent. Or, we can do as some other breeds have done and run GWP only events. We may not like it, but now that the GSP trials will become collaring trials, we may very well see only Wires at a Wire trial. Some people will like that, cof1l)etition will lessen thus making it easier to finish dogs. Is that what we want for our GWP Field Champions? If we are not careful, we may indeed become just like the . And there are several other avenues to show that type of training. NAVHDA puts a lot of emphasis on obedience, hunting tests etc. If that is the style of work you desire, those options are there for you. An interesting statistic In 1998 there were 460 pointing breed field trials. There are 8 GWP clubs currently holding trials. 2 Trials a year= 16 trials. Total 16 non collaring events compared to 444 collaring. (this takes into account the fact that GSP trials will now be collaring events. ) A few last thoughts. I am sure that we have all attended and run dogs in trials hosted by other breeds who allow collaring. How many of you do not collar your dog in those trials? If you have won, did you not accept the points awarded because it was a collaring trial? Go through the AKC Awards book and see how many Wires are winning points at trials that allow collaring. Nowhere in the rule book does it state that you MUST collar your dog at any trial. If you choose not to collar, then don't collar. If you think your dogs performance will be enhanced by it's ability to heel away from a situation, then by all means go for it. Let's catch up with the rest of the bird dog world. Let's not continue to abuse our dogs. Support collaring for German Wirehaired Pointers and get field trials back to being a kinder, gentler sport.

Talking Points


Of Allowing Collaring


SYNOPSIS I write in support of allowing collaring for the following reasons: •

It helps diminish the effects of unnatural

and unrealistic situations:

In the days of all wild bird field trials, requiring dogs to be heeled off-collar from wild flushes, fly-aways, honors and other bird contacts was an appropriate expectation. But, in today's phony planted bird environment, such expectatjons are unnatural and wlfealistic. Pen raised birds often walk around in front of a dog, may nm around extensively during the flushing attempt and frequently don't flyaway but a few yards. Requiring a dog to heel away from these situations is unnatural and Wlfealistic. Training our dogs to perform these UImatural acts out of pure obedience can often take the edge off and put our breed at a competitive disadvantage. Preparing a dog for these unnatural situations can cause softness and bliking problems.

It helps to level the playing field: Until recently, only the Wirehairs and Shorthairs did not allow collaring at their licensed club trials. The Short11airs recently approved collaring. Now, it is only in Wirehair trials that no dogs of any breed may be collared. Conversely, all dogs of any breed (including Wirehairs) may be collared when participating at any other breed trial. So, if we believe we are building some higher level of obedience into our breeding programs by requiring dogs at Wirehair sponsored trials to be heeled away off collar, then we are sadly mistaken. There are far more non-Wirehair trials to attend on an 31mual basis then there are Wirehair trials. In Hunt Tests all dogs entered can measure up to the standard and pass. In Shows we only compete against our own breed and within our breed, we don't compete for championship points against the opposite sex or existing Champions. But, in Field Trials, only one dog wins the points; and he'll be in direct competition wit11all other pointing breeds, with both males and females of each and with existing Field Champions from each of the breeds. Comparatively, wilming an all breed field trial stake is like winning Group; with the caveats that only the Wirehair must be able to do it off-lead; and that only the Group Wilmer will eernl Championship Points. How tough it would be to Finish our dogs if we only received Ch31npionship Points for WilUling Group - and to boot, all the otller dogs in tlle Group could be on a lead, but tlle Wirehair must be able to nm arOlU1dtlle ring off lead and stack without being touched. Not very realistic! In addition to not allowing collaring, our breed along with only the GSP's and Weirmaraners, require 4 of tlle 10 Championship Points to be won in Retrieving Stakes. Only tlle Wires and Weimaraners still require a Water Test. We may some day have to give into tlle pressures of animal rights organizations, like PET A, 311dgive up our retrieving requirements; but Imtil then I do not advocate doing so - even though training for these skills 31ldretaining these instincts in our breed puts us at a distinct disadvantage. Retrieving, from land and water, is part of our dog's heritage and should be retained. On tlle other hand, not being collared away from unnatural and unrealistic situations is not 311instinctive versatile trait of our dogs and should be elinunated. Doing so would put our dogs on a more level playing field and would remove an unrealistic man-made obstacle which needlessly puts our dogs at a competitive disadvantage.

It helps add to the safe operation of trials: The two most tillsafe gunning situations are horseback gunners and birdfield gwmers. On horseback the gl\lU1erShave the additional perils of riding a horse and mounting and dismotillting with a shotgun involved. Often times they feel tlle need to get to a pointing dogs location rather quickly and move their horse at a faster than normal pace. Then, they are faced with a somewhat different setting for each glUming situation as well as a more scattered gathering of handlers, judges, marshals and gallery. The second safety issue involves the handlers themselves. After a piece of birdwork tlle handler would like to keep control of hislher dog. but is also often attempting to mount a horse. Many tjmes the horse is a

rental and may not be as calm and depenilllble as a personal horse. In such situations, the handler is Illore than likely to be a less experienced rider as well. In these circumstances the handler needs to devote [1111 attention to gaining horseback in a safe manner and should not have to be concemed about where his/her dog may be or what trouble they may be about to encounter. For tius reason alone, AKC should make collaring and handing the dog off to a scout manillltory for horseback handlers.


It helps control the costs of sponsoring


Many trialers feel that birdfields are the most artificial method of showing a dog on birds; and that showing a dog on birds on course is more realistic. In retrieving stakes, the most re.c1listicsituation wou]d be to have horseback gwmers and have them shoot the first or all birds found on course. Even if Field Trial Committees can find willing and able horseback glU1l1ers; at $75 per horse per day, there is an additional expense of $300 to $600 per trial. Many clubs would like to plant coveys of birds and have each handler flush only one bird per find. That way the birds tend to stay in likely objectives on course for the remaining dogs. Flushing all birds at the find requires the clubs to replant the coveys at great expense. If a handler is allowed to collar, he/she is far more willing and able to flush just one bird and then collar the dog away - leaving the remaining birds to be present in likely objectives for fuhlre dogs. RlIIming a trial in such a maImer gives all dogs an equal opportunity to demonstrate their abilities to nUl intelligent courses and find birds in likely locations. Callbacks, under controlled gluuung situations can then be performed for the dogs in placement contention.


It helps demonstrate dog's ability to handle kindly and adds an element of courtesy, civility and professionalism to our" gentlemanly sport": We "require" our Gun Dogs to handle kindly and our All Age Dogs to be under reasonable control. Then we put them in phony situations involving uIUlatural bird responses and ask them to overcome the unrealistic temptation to do what comes naturally - retrieve a bird thilt "fell" from the sky following a shot. Frequently, to an)id a delayed chase, a dog which handles kindly in all other respects must be hacked and all but intinudated to leave one of these UlUlatural situations. These happelungs are not pretty and are not preferred by anybody; but, ilssuming the dog does not make il delayed chase, tile judges normally overlook these occurrences as they too recognize the IU1l1ilturaland unrealistic situiltion. The bottom line is that \\e require the off collar extrilction of the dog and do not rewarded or downgraded for the milIlller in \\hich it is done. Many people tillk about the lack of positive judging, but to disallow collaring runs in the same negiltive vein. We should do everything in our power to illlow our dogs to show their best wares Opponents of th.is measure will say that to allow collaring will be to allow "green broke" dogs to avoid the oppoI1unity to break and chase. Shouldn't we set our dogs up for success, not failure. Especially not failure cilused by unnatural and unreillistic miln-made impositions. It is an incompetent judge who is unable to tell the difference between calmly reaching down and taking control Vs. rushing to grab a dog before he breaks. Perhaps it is not collaring, but judging which is at Issue. Field Trials may not be the Sport of Kings, but it is a close mnner-up. The lustory and trildition of trials is one of a gentlemanly sport. Collaring adds an element of gentleness which is condoned by all other breeds in both AKC and American Field. The courtesy of one to another shown by dismounting and collaling the handler's dog until he/she is ready to re-assume control goes a long way to maintain an element of the tradition and proves that c1uvalry is not tnIly dead.


An Argument




By Ray Calkins The GWPCA was recognized by the AKC in 1959 and shortly thereafter started holding field trials. For nearly 40 years the GWPCA required dogs running in its field trials to be "healed off' fly aways. The main reasons for field trials are to demonstrate talent and to evaluate trainability. The bond between handler and dog and a willingness to comply with a command that goes against instincts is a great indicator oftrainability. The dog that easily responds to a quiet verbal command rather than chasing fly aways is a more cooperative, trainable and desirable animal. Recently short cuts have become in vogue and collaring has become the battle cry of some trainers. I have two objections to collaring1. It is a short cut to training It is far easier to collar a dog than to train him to heal from a bird. Less training equals more dogs on the string, thus more money the professional trainer can make. I understand their profit motive and the more dogs they handle the better their odds of winning. Additionally collaring equalizes the only advantage the amateur handler has--the rapport he has with his dogs. Everything else favors the pro. 2. It is currently abused Dogs are grabbed just before or as they are breaking and dragged away from birds. The dog's rear legs hardly touch the ground while they are strangled by their own collar, intimidated by the process. Once the dog is collared, judges seem to ignore what is done to the dog. To distract a dog's attention and prevent a delayed chase a dog is choked or his ear pinched and handed to a scout (double handling) while the handler mounts. If a handler could only slip two fingers under the collar and a cooperative dog was walked away (on all four feet), I would have less objection, but that isn't what occurs. There is a great pressure to reduce the performance standard and require less training and demand less of the dog. This lessens the accomplishments of the FC of the past and makes the title less meaningful. After collaring will be retrieving and we will be left with nothing but crazy derby dogs that don't handle and can only be found because they wear a locating collar. The title of FC and AFC will be worth nothing. Be careful in what you do. Collaring adds nothing to the sport, only cheapens it!



I have been field trialing since the early sixties , first with Pointer and Setters and the later with Weims Back then there was no collaring. Slowly all the other breeds one by one have allowed it. Due to this I feel that the quality of the bird work has suffered. As both a judge and a handler I have seen the collaring rule abused so badly on many many occasions, a handler taking a dog a 100 yards down the hedgerow with his feet just about off the ground or grabbing the collar to prevent the dog from breaking. This is a way of getting a green broke dog around a bird or stopping a delayed chase. Collaring has become the lazy mans way of training. In the past if your dog was in a bad situation such as in heavy brairs and unable to make the bird fly, you asked the judge if you could fire a blank and then collar your dog off. Most times the judge said ok. Another reason to collar is on a back where the other dog is not easily seen and the handler is having trouble finding the bird, again you could ask the judge if you could collar your dog and move on. You should only take the dog far enough to be out of the problem area. The newer people coming into field trialing only see collaring and don't know the history and the pride of seeing their dog do great bird work. The way to fix the problem is to instruct both the handlers and the judges about the rules. If all birds where shot for a retrieve this would not come into play. I also feel that a dog that does well should be patted or told that they did well. The no touching rule should be changed. I feel that we owe the breed a better fate then becoming ~ike the other breeds. If we allow collaring what next, -rop the Water Test? Let this BREED be the standard that e others have to look up to and not just part of the _.. ediocri ty field trialing is headed for. We have come a g way in the past twenty years, lets not take any steps backward. As for the bird hunters out there, its hard to collar your dog and shoot the bird at the same time.

Malcolm Decker Valhalla Farms GWP's


German Wirehaired Pointer

:l;JT (203)655-2;


& Don Meinke

Puyyies 'Due January~ooo Ch Haar Barons Secret Diplomat Ch Sunshine Jake NAVHDA NA Woldweise Adel BISSIDC AFC Dunkees Justa Hole N One CD MH NAHVDA NA ofa good Supreme ROM Ch Talbach's High Society CD Ch Malpat's Justabump CDX Ch DV Scholar von Rowe CD

BISS/ DC AFC Dunkees Justa Top Flite MH, NAVHDA NA, ofa good FC AFC NFC Baron von Schyrental Sure Shot's Benny Boy ofa good FC AFC NAFC Halb's Miss Chief ofa good Sure Shot's Justa Racie Lacie ofa good FC AFC Halb von Pommoregon FC AFC NAFC Halbs Sure Shot ofa good Gisela van Grafenberg

Potential, Potential, Potential! We are looking forward to a litter of" good looking, easily trained,do whatever you want to do" puppies. And we are looking for dedicated owners who will allow thern to be all that they can be!


Tommy (danish imp) Ch Apache von Hillery Ava v Hillery BISSIBIS Am.Can Ch J and J Show an Tell JH ofa good Argentieri's Brown Sugar AmlCan Ch J and J American Flower CD Waltzing Matilda

Ch Caramel's 01' Devil Moon JH, CGC ofa good BISSIBIS Ch Windhaven's

Stutzer Stumper

Ch Oakhytl's Kobold Ch Oakhytls Hexe vam Jagdschloss Caramel Apple Annie JH ofa good Wolfweise Mountain Boy East Mountain Molly Carbre Autumn Eve

"Briar" has

a dense-

harsh coat, dark


is the sire of 9 Champi-

ons/1 Dual Championl1 AFC/2 Senior Hunters/16 Junior Hunters/ Obedience titles/Agility titles. The "kids路 have done him proud by receiving Group placements, wins in both the Field Futurity and Show Futurity, along with several placements in the Nationals Championships, Derby & Puppy Classics and by simply being great all around companion dogs! He is producing good angulation, solid toplines, great movement and outgoing - easy temperments.

eyes, pretty shoulders, good angulation. and a friendly, loving temperament. She easily completed her Ch. and her J.H. title at a young age and spends most of her time in the grouse woods with Dad. Briar will go back to complete her Senior Hunter title. She is the daughter of a National Specialty winner and the half-sister of another. Her prior litter of 4 produced 1 Ch. and 1 other who needs a major to finish, a CGC, TDI, and a J.H.who is successfully working on his Senior Hunter title. All those tested are OFA good, have good hard coats and are sound in body and mind. Briar is from a litter of 6. Four of them earned JHs easily and two are bench champions.


by Lynn Sandor



TOP TEN FIELD 1999 trials reported on from Jan 1, 1999 through AKC Awards through November 1999.



as reported

in the



.OPEN SENIOR DOGS (GUN DOGS) 1. AFC Wind Walker van Wilson 2. Valhalla Wildwings Loki 3. FC Deja Vu 4.DC AFC Wildwings party GirlJH 4. FC Rush's Right MH 5. FC Flintlock's K-S-Tzarr-Schwartz 6. TKO Wildcat Out of Cascade 6. Ch Backwoods Mo Kick 7. DC AFC Navaho Sidekick MH 7. FC Rader's One Over Par


177 M & K Lee, OR 90 I/J/L Larson, CA 88 M & F Femandez,CA 71 L Sandor, CA 63 R Berry, CA 65 K Sunda, IL 57 T Nestrud, MN L&R BultmanlG Dixon 50 46 G Rezzardi, IL 39 K&S Rader, CA

In Open Gun Dogs there were 93 placements

PTS 62

58 52 47 47 36 32

32 28

by 40d ogs

M & K Lee, OR 132 R Amundson, WI 126 P Ljungren,WA 52 D Ljungren, WA 75 L Sandor, CA 46 R&L Calkins, OR 49 W & M Too, NJ 33 C Schaeffer, CT 54 Zola/SakieylBrawn, NJ 27 E&T Manns. WI 28

In Amateur Gun Dogs there were 81 placements

1. White Dogs Can't Jump 2. Justa Hot Wheels 3. TNT's Hammerin Hank 4. Aspen Grove's SGR Rip-N-Tear 5. St Croix's White Diamonds 6. Dottie's Ambitious Fortune 7. Rib's Jackson'man 8. K-S-Tzarr-Emma 9. Rintlock's Elvis Impressme 10,Doc Holiday Hampton


Justa Stormy Whirlwind (B) SN53821006 (8/15/99) by DC AFC Dunkees Justa Top Flite MH x Ch Ruff Cut's Justa Southwind JH; Breeder: Bernee Brawn; Owner: Daniel Fuhrer Ch. Tag-Along's Kazoo (D) SN49980801 (8/15/99) by Ch. Fiddler Matilda's Cascade JH x Ch. Geronimo's A Cheyenne Warette; Breeder/Owner: Merrill & Laurie Marley Heidi of Green Valley (B) SN22793505 (9/19/99) by Kodemeister of Morse Lake x Gretchin Vom Hirschtrieb; Breeder: Jay Curtis Rockwell; Owner: Jody lIer Ch. Schnellberg's Sneak Preview (D) SN38572909 (9/11/99) by Ch. Schnellberg's Second Act x Ch. Jaymar Wiesen's Rite on Target MH; Breeder: Nickol Litwin, M. Jay Collins & Susan Owen; Owner: Dennis Germann & Susan Owen Shadra's Ringmaster Q'Blairsdale (D) SN56342212 (9/26/99) by Kettle Creek's Mae MH x Ch. Blairsdales Joie DeVivre; Breeder/ Owner: Janet Blair & Jerry & Leslie Clark Soo Une's Animated Boy (D) SF920177 (9/25/99) by Ch. Dana Nordica's A Victor x Ch. Lieben-Waid's Doc's Drieka SH; Breeder: Elizabeth Barrett; Owner: Chasa Lee Hare & Elizabeth Barrett



R Gilleard, MN 115 F SakieylB Brawn NJ 108 W & M Tait, NJ 90 R VanDerBos, MI 90 B & S Mueller, WI 67 S Neubauer, MN 58 B Kenedy, CO 41 SundlliChristensen,UT 35 T Dangerfield 31 H Hampton . 31

In Junior Stakes there were 160 placements

91 59 41 38 32 30 28 24 21 18

by 37 dogs




AMATEUR SENIOR DOGS (GUN DOGS) 1. Wind Walker Von Wilson 2. DC AFC Soo Line's Allied Freighter 3. DC AFC SureShot'sJustaMissMarkerJH 4. Sure Shot's Hot Rocks SH 5.DC AFC Wildwings Party Girl JH 6. Cascade Missing Link 7. DC AFC Schnellberg's Greta MH 8. Zeus of Walnub Berg SH 9. Bounty's Justa Pegleg Pete 10. Prairewood's Easy Rider

from the october & November AKC Awards

83 72 52 51 50 41 33 28 27 25

53 dogs

Doctor Cid Jones (D) SN19434101 (8/1/99) by Fritz Von Wald x Perle V Domenberg; Breeder: Richard Berg; Owner: Somerset Jones Greenflats Cedar (B) SN47232006 (9/19/99) by Kettle Creek's Mae MH x Greenflats Alicia; Breeder: Robert Kroder; Owner: Craig Frank

MASTER HUNTER Feldschau Bruna Calah Susi SH (B) SN09802606 (9/25/99) by DC AFC Dunkees Justa Holenone CD MH x Ch. Larkspur Calah Alibaba CD SH; Breeder: Carol Maynard; Owner: Frank Susi Ch. Jay-Mar's Ab's Ueut Wart SH (D) SN20898501 (9/25/99) by Jay-Mar's Blusassy's Baron x Ch. Jay-Mar's Autumn Reign CD SH; Breeder: M. Jay Collins; Owner: James & Fran Kidder




Wirewoods Sure Shots KC (B) SN25658104 (9/26/99) by Ch. Sure Shot's Rockland Boss x FC AFC Sure Shot's Cascade Miss Tique SH; Breeder: Penny Ljungren; Owner: Jim & Linda Rice

WINDSWEPT German Wirehaired Pointers

PCIA Fe Sure Shots Justa Miss Marker JH (B) SN091601 06 1098 (8f21199) By DC AFC Dunkees Justa Top Flite MH x FC AFC Shot's Cascade Miss TlQue SH Breeder/Owner Penny Ljungren

Specializing in personal bird dogs

Upland Birds AMATEUR FIELD CHAMPION ind Walker von Wilson (0) SN2979660505 6-99 (9/25/99) by Severn run Pressure cooker x Charmaine von Wilson JH Breeder V\Illson Owner Mel & Karen Lee

Mark & Lori Sargent 10382 Fenner Rd. Perry , MI 48872


Hunting * Conformation Obedience * Agility (517) 675-5876


compiled by Jerry Clark

1999 STANDINGS As reported in the AKC Awards for shows from Jan. 1-August 31, 1999 through the October AKC Awards. These figures are based on all statistics Awards including the corrections sections as it appears in each issue. From time to time adjustments are required as a result

supplied through the AKC

Breed Competition- ('-'-t on the # of GWP's defeated) 1. Ch Wildfire's Bentley (D) 2. Ch Weidenhugel Gabby V Merlin JH (B) 3. Ch Ebbtide Baycrest Spring Myth (B) 4. Ch Farmgates Sly Guy (D) 5. Ch Jar Mars Irish Blameys10neJH (D) Ch Ripsnorter Lightning Strike (B) 6. Ch AftertJour's Show Biz Liz (B) 7. Ch J & J West Coast Connection JH (D) 8. Ch Scotian Private Reserve (D) 9. Ch Ripsnorter's root N Scoot N JH (B) 10,Ch Geronimos Bronco WArrior (D)

Group Cornpetition-(Group placementslBest 1. Ch Wildfire's Bentley (D) 2. Ch AftertJour's Show Biz Liz (B) 3. Ch Ripsnorters root N Scoot N JH (B) 4. Ch Schnellberg's Black Tie Affair (D) 5.Ch Ripsnorter's Lightning Strike (B) 6. Ch Weidenhugel Gabby V Merlin JH (B) 7.Ch Farmgate's Sly Guy (D) 8. Ch Ebbtide's Baycre4st Spring Myth (B) 9. Ch Thornwood'sSumkindawonderful (B) 10. Ch Cassio's Blitz Attack (D)

T Boldin C Heiller G Persinger P Moebius C & R Burke H Huber/C Wisch K&J MosinglC Whitmore N Utwin ReeveslHardy D Atteberry J Steffes

183 123 99 89 79 79 67 56 42 35 34

in Show comoetition)

GroupPlacements T Boldin K&J MosinglC Chism D Atteberry S Owen H Huber/C Wisch C Heiller P Mobieus G Persinger P&B Diehl DVM J Brews1er

8lJi 7 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

1 25 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0



21 1 1

13 2

o 1 o

1 1 1 2 2 1 1


o 1 2


~ 3 2

6 2 o 2

o o

total defeated

18,764 1940 1057 880 652 635 617 451 397



1999 Agility Standings路

These rankings are based on competition during the period January 1 - September 30, 1999 as reported in AKC Awards through Vol. 19 No. 11, November 1999compiled by Lori Sargent 'for 1999, Agility standings will be based on the number of dogs defeated.



by Lori Sargent

1999 Obedience Standings' These rankings are based on competition during the period January 1 - September 30, 1999 as reported in AKC Awards through Vol. 19 No. 11, November 1999 - compiled by Lori Sargent DELANEY POINTS RRST

NOVICE 1. Gremlins Spitfire Hydro 2. Ch ADPG Heywire's EZ Money



13 11

1. CH Ripsnorter's Crimson -N-Clover B Skurya 51 2. Meise Vom Winenberg CD A Geisler 22 3. Zeroc VonAdlerbachCD G Lancaster 13 4. Windrift'sMs. IndyPendenceCD NA P McGowan 9 5. Neekohaus'SpicyThistleUDSHNAJOA H Madsen 6. SGR Silent Ambition CDX MH NA M&L Sargent 7. Hannah Rose CDX J Matson 8. AfterhoursBaronVonRuegerUD, NA, NAJ C Fangman UDLJIY 1. Ch Oakhytl'sCharmO'B1airsdale UD J Blair 57 2 AfterhoursBaronVonRuegerUD NANAJC Fangman 16 2. Schnellberg's Jake CDX NA S Owen 4 4. Neekohaus' Spicy Thistle UD, SH,NAJ,OA H Madsen

31 5 7 3 26 6 5 4


N Gremm C Buck


14 4 4 4

"For 2000, obedience standings will be based on score. Each dog's score will be averaged. The highest average score will determine the standings. Placements will not be given bonus points. This will help to minimize the regional differences and focus more on the dog's perfor-


NOVICE OOGS OEFEAlEO** 1. Brandonberg Von Raths NA NAJ - M. O'SeIi 32 2. Schnellberg's Center Stage NA - G. Bock 30 Ch. Rheindorf's Ingenue CD JH NA - B. Hein 30 3. Smokie Piette's Buckwheat CDX JH NA NAJ - C&R Piette 29 4. Schnellberg's Jake CDX JH NA NAJ - S. Owen 22 5. Weidenhugel Brie V Simon SH - S. Jahn 18 6. Gremlin's Spitfire Hydro CD - N. Gremm 15 7. Jerelin's Park'n Lot Passion JH - L. Krepak 10 8. Bris Umits Out at Pinecreek - C. Epley 6 Wildwood's Die Biomme CD - A. Neff 6 9. Jay-Mar's Honor V Schnellberg CD JH - UtwinlCollinsJOwen 4 10. SGR Die Marschalin - R. SchwabelE. Stirling 2 Aspendel Seminole Wind - P. Baak 2 OPEN 1. SGR Falcreek Silent Ambition COXMHOANAJ- M&L Sargent 2. Ch. Cassio's Buyer Beware OA NAJ - S. Shafer 3. Afterhours Baron Von Rueger UD OA NAJ - C. Fangman 4. Ch. Jerelin's Hurricane Harriet CD OA - J. Reese 5. Schnellberg's Jake CDX JH NA NAJ - S. Owen 6. Neekohaus' Spicy Thistle UD SH OA NAJ - H. Madsen 7. Brandenberg Von Raths NA NAJ - M. O'SeIi OTCh Fox Hill's tk. Badger UDX JH OA NAJ - S&J Shafer EXCELLENT 1. Woodruff's Friar Tuck OA OAJ - E. StiriinglR. Schwabe 2. Woodruff's Bouncing Bet OA OAJ - R. SchwabelE. Stirling

69 38 33 31 12 6

22 8

'For 2000, agility standings will be based on score and time. Placements will not be given bonus points. This will help to minimize the regional differences in class sizes and focus more on the dog's performance. The system will be explained in more detail in the next Wire-News. "These standings include all Jumpers-with-Weaves


earned in 1999.

Club Events GWP of Utah Field Trial The GWP Club of Utah is alive and growing ....slowly. Club members had a good fall trial season with multiple placements in both the juvenile and adult stakes in all breed compeitition. Our hunt test was held early in September and was very successful with over 40 dogs entered. Many thanks to both the judges and the hunt test committee. The fall field trial ws small as field trials go, but that made for a relaxing and enjoyable weekend. The Wirehair placements are below. Open Puppy 1ST Flintlocks Elvis Impressme O/H: Tom Dangerfield 2ND K.S. Tzarr Emma 0: K. Sunda and Hal Christensen 3RD 4TH

OKK Indy Go Girl O/H Debbie madsen Eng. Setter

Open Derby 1ST K.S. Tzarr Emma O/H Hal Christensen 2ND Weim 3RD 4TH

OKK Indy Go Girl O/H Debbie Madsen Withheld


Kelly Hanson H: Mike


Operl U mited Gun Dog 1ST GSP D

Piemonte Quido del Chisola

!--lenl:>' .

Medford, NJ Great weather, good friends and 3 days of bird dogs. What else could you ask for? Our members turned out in force to help with the running of this 3 day event. The Del Val club is blessed with a batch of hard working folks, who even though they may not have a dog to enter, still like to come out and lend a hand. Lee Decker queen of the kitchen, keeps everyone fed with the help of hubby Mal and Barb Kissinger. Tom Jarnich jumped in to help by judging one of the stakes when a judge couldn't get there. Charlie Kissinger, Fran Sakiey, Leslie Clar1<and many other always pitch in to lend a hand where ever needed. Thanks to you all.

Open Umited Gun Dog 1. Fieldways Mademoisell- GSP- Manning 2. Bounty's Justa Pegleg Pete- GWP- Sakiey Brophy- IS -Basham 3. Runnymeades Genie 4. Tarbaby's Magnolia-IS- Webb Amateur Gun Dog 1. Bounty's Justa Margarita- GWP -Sakeiy/Brawn 2. Ch Walnubergs Upland Thunder SH- GWP- Jarnich 3 & 4 witheld. Amateur Umited Gun Dog 1. Falcons Jeb- GS-Chisnea


Open Gun Dog 1ST GSP


Fall Field Trial- Nov. 5-7

Our congrats to Fran Sakieyand Bernee Brawn who completed the last points needed for an Amateur Field Championship on Bounty's Justa Margarita. It was a good trial.

Amateur Gun Dog 1ST ptr. 2ND Cascade Quest O/H Kay Craig 3RD GSP 4TH wit held

2ND Flintlock's Limited Edition HelTl>hili 3RD Britt

Delaware Valley GWP Club

0: Aloysia

Hard H: Mike

2. Ch Clover Hill Dances with White Dog- GSP-Cavella 3. DC AFC UpNAdams Piper Cherokee-GSP-Tazza 4. Runnymeades Genie O'Brophy-IS-Culver Open Derby 1. TNT's Hammerin Hank GWP-Tait 2. Markees Dear John-Weim-Vater 3. Cascade All About Adventure-GWP-Sekut 4. Hidden Hollow Elbee-GSP-Maloney Open Puppy no wire placements Open Gun Dog 1. Fieldway's Mademoisell-GSP-Manning 2. Ch Up N Adams Piper -GSP-Tazza 3. Ch Clover Hill Dances with White Dog-GSP-Cavella 4. Hellbender's Bitrast UII -GWP-Uhnavy-Basham Amateur Walking Derby 1. Justa Airels Too Tuff Too Tame-GWP-Brawn 2. TNT's Hammerin Hank -GWP-Tait 3. Schnellberg's Abbey-GWP-Moore 4. Ebbtide Justa Spoiler-GWP-Brawn

& Ezzo

& Persinger

New Titles as of the October & November Awards CHAMPION Afterhours Kaizans lIuvlucy (B) SN57761002 (8/21/99) by Ch. Afterhours Stormin Norman x Thornwoods Afterhours Rainy; Breeder: Walter & Christine Whitmore & Patricia Diehl; Owner: Christine Whitmore Blueline Capture the Magic (B) SN52627602 (8/5/99) by Ripsnorters Tail of Woe-Be x BL Briare Patch; Breeder: Heidi Rathburn & Jeremy Lambert; Owner: Doloris Wells Cassia's Classic Tradition (B) SN53146203 (8/7/99) by Ch. Cassio's Victory Parade x Ch. Cassio's Whipped Cream; Breeder: Joy Brewster; Owner: Bruce Ross & Joy Brewster Darling's Coco Pebbles (B) SN38858202 (8/1/99) by NFC NAFC DC Cascade Ike MH x Ch. Wyrebrand Darling Coco; Breeder: Lori Cherkinsky & Mary Darling; Owner: Robert Gilchrist

Hellbender SGR Dirt Devil (D) SN34408202 (9/19/99) by DC SGR Dirty Laundry & Hellbender's Desert Storm JH; Breeder: Mary Spies; Owner: Bill & Gail Richardson Larkspurs Gregarious Gustaf JH (D) SN41060602 (9/11/99) by Ch. Ripsnorter's It's Showtime x Ch. Larkspur Classic Serenade; Breeder: Gina McCain; Owner: James & Michelle Boyd & Gina McCain NOVICE AGILITY Weidenhugel Brie V Simon SH (B) SN21773401 (8/1/99) by Ch. Weidenhugel Simon V Alexe x Ch. Weidenhugel Schazi V Nico; Breeder: Mildred Revell; Owner: Sharon Jahn Ch. Rheindorf's Ingenue CD JH (B) SM90864604 (9/4/99) by Haag's Cameraman CD SH x Ch. Rheindorf's Heidi Von Kawell CD JH; Breeder/Owner: Barbara Hein

Fine and Dandy Van Duffin JH (B) SN32842305 (8/20/99) by Ch. Sure Shot's Rockland Boss x Ch. Cascade Cate Von Duffin MH; Breeder: Ann & Terry Duffin; Owner: Sheri Graner Ray & Timothy Ray

NOVICE AGILITY JUMPER Brandonberg Von Raths NA (D) ILP83781 (8/28/99); Owner: Mark O'Sell

Larkspur's Caramel at Heywire SH (B) SN41060603 (8/8/99) by Ch. Ripsnorter's It's Showtime x Ch. Larkspur Classic Serenade; Breeder: Gina McCain; Owner: Stacie Dec & Audrey Meinke

OPEN AGILITY SGR Falcreek Silent Ambition COX MH NA NAJ (B) SN13777701 (9/4/99) by Gustav Jaeger MH x Katrin Jaeger MH; Breeder: Edwin Wilkins; Owner: Mark & Lori Sargent

Liebenwaid's Indiana Jones (D) SN22695803 (8/29/99) by Ch. Ripsnorter's Thunderhart x Ch. Tannenbaum Razz's Jezebel; Breeder: Diana Nordrum; Owner: Diana Nordrum & R.W. Friedell RLB's Maddie Mae (B) SN52054909(8/28/99)by Backwoods Flexible Flyer x Ch. Ripsnorter RLB's Samantha; Breeder/Owner: Roger & Lois Bultman

UTILITY DOG Ch. SGR Whispering Winds COX JH (B) SM95275802 (7/10/99) by DC SGR Silent Running CD MH x Ch. Klondike Miss Emily JH; Breeder: G Richardson; Owner: Mike Brooks

FC AFC Sure Shot's Justa Miss Marker JH (B) SN09160106 (8/ 21/99) by DC AFC Dunkees Justa Top Flite MH x FC AFC Sure Shot's Cascade Miss Tique SH; Breeder/Owner: Penny Ljungren

GWP rescues available .... you can also view them on www.gwpca.com Rex" a nine y/o male. He does hunt. His sire is Valhalla Timber Roadzee, Dam is Armbarusts Misty Blue MC 0 For more information on Rex contact Mal Decker Oscar 6 y/o male. Good with kids and people. Likes other dogs and is house broken. He hunts and holds his points Call Earl Rayes at 516-205-1308 Female, "Janey" is between 6 - 8 yrs old. She has alot of coat, and hates cats. She does point and retrieve. She loves water too. There will be no problem getting this girl to retrieve out of water! Male, "Wallie", likes his birds, but obviously has not had much training. He gets along fine with bitches, but not other male dogs, and he would kill a cat. He loves attention, and needs it desperately! If you are interested in adopting one of these two, please contact Cindy at wynwyre@cham-cor.com or Christi Chism Goshen, NY 6 year old male GWP, dark roan, gun shy but good with both adults and kids. Owner is moving and can't take the dog with him. He got him from a breeder in the Buffalo area, but doesn't remember who it was. For more information, contact joseph Cassel- (914) 291-7216.

Denver, CO "Fred" a 7 year old male, was rescued from a humane society and is currently being fostered. He gets along great with other female dogs, is well mannered and in perfect health. He does not like small childern at all. for more information on Fred, contact Eric Johnson. New York "Buddy" is in the Port Jervis Shelter he is a three y/o male blw friendly but needs training. For more information call the shelter: 914-856-3677 Bellevue, Washington A bIw male, no tatoos, appears purebred. Nice personality. He was left tied to a tree, is under weight, and lacks a whole lot of obedience. Good natured, between 1-2 years old.. His time is somewhat limited. He is available Friday October 8th. For more information contact: Kari (206) 296-3940. Bellevue, Washington 2-4 year old female, turned into the humane society due to the death of her owner. She is fine with kids but hasn't had any training and isn't house broken. Really sweet. For more information on her, contact Laura Myles.

Champion! Master Hunter - completed 6/19/99 DOB7/24/97 -Male- Breeder:Nickol Litwin & M. Jay Collins Owners: Ron & Chris Kosman & Nikki Litwin Haag's Director NFC DC Jay-Mars Blake's Windczar SH Rawhides Flake Ch Jay-Mar's

Cina's Runaway

Train MH

Jay-Mar's Blusassy's Baron Ch jay-Mar's AB's Vina of Orion JH Ch Jay-Mar's Auturmn Reign CD SH

Master Hunter- completed 6/5/99 JOB: 11/24/94 Breeder: M. Jay Collins : Ron & Chris Kosman & Liz Barrett Dixon

Haag's Director Jay-Mars Blusassy's Baron Jay-Mar's Marsu's Sassy


AS's DeannaTroi MH Ch Dana Nordica's A Victor Jay-Mar's Autumn Reign CD SH Ch Leivben-waid's

Doc's Drieka SH

Important Announcement from the OFA As of January 1, 2001, the OFA will require permanent dog identification on all submissions. A microchip, tattoo or DNA profile are accepted means of identification. This infonnation must be reported to the OFA on the application form at the time of submission.

FROM THE MEMBERS ..... TO THE MEMBERS To the members of the GWPCA, As an approved member of the AKC judging community, I receive Judges Newsletter, a publication from the American Kennel Club. In the, September 1999 issue, an article appeared attributed to the Board of Directors of the GWPCA. I am enclosing a copy of the article along with the masthead. I do not know if this is the entire submission although no evidence appears that it is edited. As a 15 year member of the GWPCA (my wife and I joined within 30 days of securing our first GWP), the subject of black in the coat caught my eye. It presents quite clearly the board's position on the issue as it currently appears in "our" standard. Brava to our governing body for the attempt to make clear the level of exception and affront taken with the practice of judging in direct contravention to what is the current standard. Let me quickly add, it is not the point of this letter to advocate either position in this heated controversy. Resolving to a conclusion where it (black in the coat), is either allowed or made a disqualification will not be lightly undertaken. Or for that matter should it be? That process may become the provice of the GWPCA leadership in the future, an acty that would require great courage and diplomatic skill. Possibly asking judges in a letter prepared expecially for those who are approved for the breed to refrain from accepting assignments in our breed if they feel they must judge in direct contravention to what we, the Parent Breed Club, have approved as our standard. Obviously, I do not have the solution, but I find it sad that in the meantime the dogs we profess to care so much about are being used as pawns in power games between various factions. Let me ask one other question in closing. is this issue more or less important as part of the standard than height (size) bite, coat dnesity, eye color and the other issues that could be debated with the equal vigor and energy? Jerry Clark To the members of the GWPCA, As a member of the GWPCA I am very distressed at the numbers of members who do not participate in voting for the judge for the National Specialty. When the Del Val club proposed this change, it was done in the spirit of democracy. It was done with the thought that the membership would take this responsibility to heart, and vote for judges that had the best interest of the breed at heart. It seems that democracy, in this club at least, is not something the majority holds dear to their hearts since less than 10% of the membership is participating. Those who are voting, seem to be doing so with their own interests at heart, and not that of the breed or of the GWPCA. In the

vote for the 2001 judge, it is apparent that a group got together and voted as a "block". In theory there is nothing wrong with that. But, it seems apparent that, in this case, no thought was given to the overall benefit to the event, our breed standard, or to the welfare of the GWPCA. It is being bantied about that the Board has chosen to ignore "all" of the faults in our standard, and have chosen to zero in on one. the penalty for black in the coat. Yes, in this instance it appears to be true. While overgrooming can be in degrees, while soft coats maybe or may not be "obvious", a black and white dog is not the liver and white color called for in our present standard. Sorry folks, but it's true. We know that there are proponets of this color out and about, and we know that they would like to see the standard changed to include this color. Great... go for it ... but until the standard is changed, it is what it is! I would hope that if a judge gave a BOB and a Group 1 to a sroooth coated dog or to a dog with a coat like an OES, that all of you would be jumping up and down and asking for them to be reprimanded. And you would be right! The Board of Directors of the GWPCA has rejected the first two top vote getters. My hat is off to them. Both of these judges, knowingly, willingly and quite blatently showed the GWPCA what they thought of our Breed Standard. Their actions prompted the BOD to draft a letter to the Breed Judges newsletter asking, pleading and demanding that our standard not be ignored. The Board did their duty, they upheld our standard! How in the world could we be angry with them for doing that? How could the Board of the GWPCA, in good faith to the membership and our constitution and by-laws, give these judges the ultimate compliment by asking them to judge our National Specialty? And isn't that what it should be? An honor to judge the GWPCA's most important show event of the year? I would hope so. To those who have chosen not to take the time and make the effort to vote for a judge, I have to ask why? If you don't show, ask those who do. if you do show, think carefully about who you think best understands our breed. Your choices very well may have a great impact on the GWP for years to come. The National Specialty winner will be bred to, will produce litters, will contribute to our gene pool. So we had all better take care as to who it is that picks the winner. Please, take the time. Put a bit of thought into it. Consider all of the ramifications. Choose wisely, but most of all---- get involved. I would also like to take this opportunity to thank the membership of the Twin Cites Club, for putting on a terrific week of GWP nirvana. It was great!!!! Bernee Brawn Justa GWP's

Beginning in 2000, the GWPCA will offer a Top Junior Handler award. Hopefully, this will encourage our young Wire lovers to get out there and become involved with the sport of dogs .. It would also be wonderful to have some stories on these youngsters who are involved with showing, hunting tests or field trialing. All you mom's and dads are encouraged to send us a story about your special junior or some first hand experiences from you Juniors! Pictures would be nice also! The article below was taken from the AKC's website and is a good introduction to Junior Handling.

Junior Showmanship Tara Whitcomb's last birthday is one she'll always remember. On the day the Bradenton, Florida, girl turned 10, she stepped into the Junior Showmanship ring for the first time and walked out carrying her first first-place win. One reason dog shows are great family events is that they're not just for grown-ups. In fact, only kids from 10 to 18 may compete in Junior Showmanship by showing, or "handling," any AKC-registered dog that is at least 6 months old. In Junior Showmanship, it's the handlers, not the dogs, who are judged. Juniors show their abilities presenting their dogs according to the same guidelines that adult handlers use in the breed ring. Juniors are encouraged to develop their handling abilities, dress appropriately, conduct themselves in a proper manner and present their dogs in a well-groomed condition. There are two classes in Junior Showmanship. The first is Novice, where everyone starts. After three first-place wins in the Novice class, juniors move up to Open class. Tara earned her first-place wins so quickly that she joined the Open class within a few weeks. Some kids, like Tara, follow older siblings into Junior Showmanship. Others, like Christopher Ryan, stumble into a discovery that changes their lives. Chris was a fifth-grader in Westwood, Massachusetts, when he [Image] got an Alaskan Malamute pup and enrolled in obedience training. One night he learned that conformation classes met in the same building. He watched the conformation class and was hooked. "I attended handling classes for quite a while, so I could be completely prepared (to compete in Junior Showmanship)," Chris says. He clearly remembers his first Junior Showmanship event. "I didn't know what to expect. I was familiar with procedures in the ring, but didn't know what it would feel like. I was nervous, but really excited." Chris, who's now 19 and aged out of Junior Showmanship last year, says competing taught him a lot about life. "It teaches a good work ethic, to work hard for something you appreciate, and sportsmanship. There are lots of benefits." One special benefit Chris earned this year was a college scholarship from the American Kennel Club. "I'm really grateful for it," he says. "It's one way the AKC recognizes Junior Handlers for hard work in school, in the community and -.. dogs." (Image] Right now, Peter Kubacz, a 1Oth-grader from Jackson, New Jersey, enjoys other benefits of the sport. ullike the traveling," says Peter, who's shown his Irish Setter as far away as Toronto, Arizona and California. "I have a lot of friends at the shows. We hang out, go o movies, dinner. I like seeing new places and meeting new people." Both Chris and Peter made it to the ultimate in Junior Showmanship-the er Kennel Club Show in New York City. To get there takes eight first-places Open aass during the previous year. For Peter, placing second at the Westminster was exciting. He wasn't disapthat he didn't come in first, because he knows what's important. -ods other kids, "It's just a show. Don't take it so seriously. If you win, ; j'OU don't., there's another show tomorrow." _n'C" a JurUor Handler who knows what Tara's just discovered: "It's fun!" If you'd like more information about Junior Handling, please request re, '"Getting Started in Junior Handling," part no. GEJRSH, from AKC Cus- orderdesk@akc.org; phone (919) 233-9767; or fax (919) 233-3627. AKC Junior Showmanship Scholarship Program The AKC Junior Showmanship Scholarship program was initiated . scholarships have been awarded for the 1999-2000 academic or awarding the scholarships includes: need, academic achieve::--.Q!vement in the dog fancy. Applicants are required to submit current ::E."lSCrlpts and essays describing their experiences and interests in purebred It they perceive as their future role in the dog fancy. For more information, please e-mail juniors@akc.org or call Mari9) 854路{)194.


Kelly WischBest Junior handler at the 1999 Nationals

President's Message


Everyone who attended the 1999 Nationals went away with bittersweet memories. The Twin Cities GWPC did an excellent job. Their organization, consideration and hospitality were outstanding. However, the loss of GWPCA member, Dick Piette, during the opening hours of the Hunting Test brought sadness to us all. Dick suffered a massive heart attack while running his dog in the junior test. He was doing something he loved with friends who shared his passion. Our thoughts and sympathies go out to Carol and her family. The strength, unity and grace they displayed set an example that we will long remember. With the support of all that were at the field events, a perpetual trophy will be offered in Dick's memory for the GWPCA Puppy Classic. Anyone wishing to contribute to this trophy fund should contact Linda Michaelis, PO Box 127, Monticello, MN 55362. The last GWPCA National Events of the century will forever be a reminder of what is truly important in life - friendships, caring, the spirit of life and our dogs. To all of you who were on the grounds that day - those who were at Dick's side and acted immediately the Field Trial Committee whose compassion reflected what we were all feeling and each of you who shared a kind word or a few tears Thank you. Judy Cheshire

• t.

~~; " "

Treasurers Report Submitted

to the membership

on October


friends from across the pond ..... at the Nationals

10, 1999

Membership receipts have remained comparable to last year at $12,980 for the year. The actual number of members is also comparable with 540 paid memberships, with a total of 654 voting members. Profits from the 1998 Nationals, sponsored by the Dei-Valley Club, totaled $2620. Rescue donations for this year, to date, are at $1120 an increase of $400 over last year at this time. One of the reasons for this increase was the fine effort made by both the Del-Valley Club and those attending last yearis Nationals as they were able to raise $750 to be applied directly to the rescue fund. Currently, we have spent $1150 this year. This number would be much greater if it wasnit for the sacrifices of your own personal time and money that many of you have made. WireNews advertising, at $5240, has increased by 20% over last year and currently covers about 68% of the cost of publishing. WireNews expenses were up by 13% due to greater printing costs associated with the additional advertising along with increased postage expenditures. One new item this year, is the AKC Canine Health fund. The GWPCA has agreed to match any donations made by local clubs and this year we have contributed a total of $250 to this fund. Our club insurance has increased from $452 per year to $1175 this year. This increase is due to our adding liability coverage protecting the directors and officers from personal lawsuit as well as coverage for use of memberis vehicles by non-members. I would like to point out that none of the coverage available covers club members, only non-members.

Some Trivia Bill and

I would

like to thank the club for the beautiful leather

address book and hunting journal. They have been put to good use. Thank you I get questioned alot reguarding the age of the youngest Field Champion, Master Hunter or Dual. So I have Completed a list to the best of my records ..... here goes DC .... DC Schnellberg's Annie D.O.B. 3-12-94 title 11-9-96/2yrs8mos-28days. sire: Ch Schnellberg's Sydney CD MH/ dam: Schnellberg's Anneliese. FC ..... FC/AFC SGR Witches' Brew D.O.B. 8-30-88 title 10-Q4-90/

Finally, for the record,

the current



$13,337.26 9,247.53 1,903.00 3,315.59 plus 1999 natlis seed money 2,758.28

checking balance is less futurity forfeits of less rescue funds of

TOTAL AVAILABLE Linda Michaelis!



$20,124.48 GWPCA


2yrs-1 mon-Sdays. sire: Smokin Jo V Rhanhaus,l dam: NFC/NAFC/ FC/AFC Marie Laveau Von Steuben. MH


Hunt Warrior MH D.O.B. 6-13-95 title 9-21-96/

1yr-3mos-8days. sire: DC SGR Dirty Laundry/ dam: Ch Alison's Drahted Brunhilda MH There are 4 dogs who have completed a MH before their second birthday just a bit of triva for you all .... Gail Richardson

The German Wirehaired Pointer Club of America

"WIRE~NEWS The GWPCA Wire News is published by the German Wirehaired Pointer Club of America, Inc. The GWPCA is a non-profit Illinois corporation which was founded in 1959 to promote and develop the German Wirehaired Pointer. Since 1959, the GWPCA has been recognized by the American Kennel Club as the member club responsible for the developement of the GWP in the United States. The GWPCA Wire News is published for the members of the GWPCA and is a benefit of membership in this club. The Editors of the GWPCA Wire News wish to encourage everyone to send articles of information of interest to our members. The Editors of the GWPCA Wire News reserve the right to edit or refuse to print any letters or articles sent into the GWPCA Wire News. Articles or letters appearing in the Wire News do NOT necessarily reflect the views of the GWPCA, the GWPCA Wire News or it's Staff. Individuals interested in membership in the GWPCA should contact the club Membership Director.

Publishing Schedule ISSUE



April/May 2000


January 1 March 1


May 1

Inside Front cover, back cover and inside back cover are available on most issues. Arrangements can be made for late submissions, but you must let me know if you want to place an ad and it will be after the deadline. This is the only way I can be certain of getting the newsletter to you on time. IMPORTANT! Since the Wire News is mailed 3rd class, the Post Office will not forward to a change of address. Please make sure you send any change of address to the Treasurer and to the Membership Director. (Not to the editor!) FIRST CLASS DELIVERY IS AVAILABLE You will receive your newsletter in a few days of mailing instead of weeks. Send a check for $10.00 (to cover 1st Class postage) to the Treasurer.

If you do not receive your issue of the newsletter, contact LindaMichaelis

(612) 878-1685

ADVERTISING RATES member/non Front Cover (includes inside story)


All pedigrees must be typed and all adslIl!J.S1 be accompanied

Back Cover


full payment.


received by the deadline unless prior arrangements

. 'e Front or Back Cover Page


to the Editor. All ads must be have been made .


Page eJ Page Spread


The editor will not be responsible for typos on any ads received that


are not camera ready.


-\d (sameadVertiser. sameissue.lull page)$50.00/no discount


Send all advertising

Card (6 issues)


. dude one photo. Each additional photo is $15.00 additional.

For best results, use a good clear picture, color is fine, but black and white reproduces

best. Pictures can be reduced, but enlargements

may become fuzzy . Mail all ads in an envelope with cardboard protecting

Additional ayer a pldo) ~edgetoedge) on page


Feafures $25.00 additional $15.00 additional $25.00 additional

a stamped

them. Please

self addressed envelope if you want your pictures


THE WIRE NEWS STAFF Editor: Bemee Brawn, 1408 Pineville Rd., New Hope, PA 18938 (215) 598-3990 email-justagwp@tradenet.net Show Top Ten: Jerry Clark, 157 Rt 526, Allentown NJ 08501 (609) 259-7579 ReId Top Ten: Lynn Sandor 255 Flood Ave .., San Francisco, CA 94122 (415) 585-5555 Obedience Top Ten: Lorie Sargent, 10382 Fenner Rd., Perry, MI48872 (517)675-5876 VHDA & OFA: Bobby Applegate 218 N. Lincoln Ln., Arlington Heights, IL 60004 (708) 394-5188\ Health & Genetics: Regina Schwabe, Rt 2, Box 5A SR663, Pamplin, VA 23958 (804) 248-5090 Rescue- contact the regional director where help is needed Local Barks- Laura Reeves13216 Key Penisula Hwy., Gig Harbor, WA 98329 (206) 857-5272





GWPCA OFFICERS & DIRECTORS President: Judy Cheshire 46 Southridge Dr., Glen Cove, NY 11542 (516) 671-3564 Vice President: Rocky Gilleard, PO Box 11394, S1. Paul MN

DELAWARE VALLEY GWP CLUB Delores Buck 340vington

Dr. Yardville, NJ 08620 (609) 585-4536

Secretary: Barbara Tucker, PO Box 677, Grasslake, MI 49240 (517) 522-5048 JEDSGWP@VOYAGER.NET Treasurer: Unda Michaelis PO Box127, Monticello, MN 55362 (612) 878-1685 Eastem Director: Mal Decker 1951 Hoffmansville Rd., Fredrick, PA 19435 (610) 754-0072 Mid West Director: Elizabeth Dixon N7815 County Rd N Spring Valley, WI 5476 (715) 778-4675

FORT DEmOIT GWP CLUB Pat Me Gowan 1332 Bald Eagle Lake Rd Ortonville, MI 48462 (248) 627-4093

Westem Director: Mike Hemphill, 17505 E. Cataldo, Greenacres, WA 99016 (509) 922-8118 Membership Chairperson: Rhonda Amundson W8751 340th Ave, Hager City, WI 54014 (715) 792-2913 WebMaster: SheriGr~r,

305CreekwoodCover, Cedar Park, TX 78613(512)219-0839

(home) orsheri@sirenia.com



Breeder Referral Chairperson: Temple Watson, (841) 524-2312 temple@hargray.com GWP OF NORTHERN lina Whitmore


4508 Marks Road, Medina, OH 44256 (330)722-8935 TWIN CITIES GWP CLUB Uz Dixon N7815 County Rd. N., Spring Valley, WI 54767 (715) 778-4675


GWP CLUB OF ILLINOIS Pat Dunleavy 5700 W Pensacola, Chicago, IL (773) 283-8425- nasabrinka@ameritech.net GWP CLUB OF WISCONSIN Sue Clemons 1031 Amy Belle Rd., Germantwon, (414) 628-3452 GWP OF EASTERN

WI 53022


Andy Miller 3103 Spring St., Omaha, NE 68105 GWP OF CENmAL IOWA Dennis Brwon 2412 Athlone Ct., RR2 Ames, IA 50010 (515) 233-2710 CROSS TIMBERS


Kandy Scaramuzzo 4714 Lester Dr., RR7, Arlington, TX 76010 (817) 429-8469 GWP OF NORTHERN CALIFORNIA Sharon Jahn 1360 Estates Dr., Dixon, CA 95620 (707) 678-2289 GWPC OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA Karen Nelsen 25821 Lucille Ave., Lomita, CA 90717 (310) 530-3264 GWP CLUB OF UTAH Lynda Craig 9166 S Soiena Way, Sandy, UT 84093 (801) 943-9814 OREGON GWP CLUB Mary Hanson 17941 SW Sandra Lane, Aloha, OR 97006 (503) 848-6845 SEATTLE-TACOMA GWP CLUB Laura Reeves 13216 Key Penisula Hwy., Gig Harbor, WA 98329 (206) 857-5272

CODE OF ETHICS The members of the GWPCA are devoted to the continued preservation, protection and improvement of the German Wirehaired Pointer. This Code provides guidelines for ethical practices and care, and seeks to promote good sportsmanship. RECORDS: GWPCA members

will maintain


and accurate


for each dog and litter.

BREEDING: GWPCA members will evaluate any dog or bitch used for breeding, using the criteria set forth by the breed standard. Only those dogs free of recognized genetic defects shall be used in a breeding program. Breeders will be selective with respect to the physical and mental soundness, health, temperament, and natural hunting ability of the dog or bitch. CARE





No puppies or adult dogs shall be bred, enterprises. Proper care shall be provided for bitch Puppies shall be kept until seven weeks screened to assure that puppies have An honest evaluation of the quality of Purchasers are to be encourage to spay New owners 1. 2. 3. 4.

sold or consigned

to pet shops or other commercial

and puppies. of age. All prospective buyers should be carefully a safe, loving and stimulating home. the puppy will be made. or neuter all dogs that will not be used for breeding.

will receive the following documentation: Written sales contract or co-ownership Copy of the AKC registration Feeding instructions Medical records


5. Three-generation pedigree 6. Training recommendations 7. Copy of this Code of Ethics GWPCA members are prepared to assist puppy buyers when questions the life of the dog. New owners are encouraged to become involved regional GWP Clubs, dog training, and/or dog performance events;

or problems arise for in GWPCA activities,

SPORTSMANSHIP: GWPCA members shall always conduct themselves in a manner which will reflect credit upon themselves, their dogs, and the sport of dogs, regardless of location or circumstance.

Il ill,



Ill' I nl, ud I:u:.:l:

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n / t)!J


orA Number









Doq •.• Nalll(\








GWP-2131G39M GWP-2119G48F-T

SN34225702 SN26968002 SN24561502

GWP-2120E51F-T GWP-2123G24M-T GWP-2103G36F

SN45864302 SN36707305

DR-42G30F-T GWP-2138G28F

172967 SN43319604 SN43525405 SN46839321

GWP-2124G28F-T GWP-2109F24M GWP-2113G31F GWP-2117G58F GWP-2122G24F GWP-2102G29F-T

SN32570803 SN19100806 SN47232005 GW-1927 SN47012702 SN47355301 SN37690902

GWP-2132G24F-T GWP-2118F24M-T GWP-2108G34F-T GWP-2128E28F-T GWP-2125G28M-T GWP-2127E28FGWP-2126G28M-T GWP-2100E25F GWP-2111E27MGWP-2112G27F-T




SN41522204 SN41522203 SN41522205 SN41522208 SN43530807 SN43530805 SN43530806 SN39549904 SN19514906 SN41060603 SN41060602

GWP-2136G55F GWP-2106E31F-T GWP-2130G28M GWP-2101E57M-T

SN18925307 SN20947905

GWP-2137E58F-T GWP-2121G25M-T GWP-2104G25F GWP-2133G27F GWP-2105G25F GWP-2135G28F GWP-2134G28F GWP-2129G40M GWP-2114E42FGWP-2116E27M-T GWP-2115E24F-T


SN47009707 SN44570409 SN43800601


SN44570401 GW-1995 GW-1994 SN33854002 SN33858603 SN44463802 SN45318005
































Date Elbow

Printed test


GWPs OFA Certified

10/26/99 07/01/99

OFA Number



of Dogs






GWP-ELl22- T GWP- ELl23- T GWP-ELl28- T GWP-ELl27- T GWP-ELl24- T GWP-ELl26- T GWP-ELl25- T GWP-ELl15 GWP-ELl19- T GWP-ELl18- T GWP-ELl17-T GWP-ELl16- T GWP-ELl21- T GWP- ELl20- T Courtesy

Reg. No. SN26968002 SN24561502 SN44159301 SN41522204 SN41522203 SN41522205 SN41522208 路SN43530807 SN43530806 SN39549904 SN41060603 SN18925307 SN44463802 SN45318005

of Roberta


Page #





to 09/30/99



GWPs OFA Certified




to 09/30/99






OFA Number

Reg. No.

GWP-TH3/39M-T GWP- TH13/63F

SN33283912 SN14556901


of Roberta








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