FISHER GERMAN JUDGING RINGS PROGRAMME TUESDAY 4 OCTOBER - SHOWMANSHIP - commencing at 5:00pm followed by CALF classes in three rings WEDNESDAY 5 OCTOBER - in Rings 1 and 2 in the Showering Pavilion.
Ring 1
Ring 2
Holstein Maiden Heifer Ayrshire Maiden Heifer Any Other Dairy Breed Maiden Heifer
Jersey Maiden Heifer Guernsey Maiden Heifer Dairy Shorthorn Maiden Heifer
Followed by
Holstein in calf Heifer Ayrshire in calf Heifer Any Other Dairy Breed in calf Heifer
Jersey in calf heifer Guernsey in calf Heifer Dairy Shorthorn in calf Heifer
Holstein in milk Heifer Ayrshire in milk Heifer Any Other Dairy Breed in milk Heifer
Jersey in milk Heifer Guernsey in milk Heifer Dairy Shorthorn in milk Heifer
Not Before 11:00am Followed by
Not Before 3:30pm
Holstein Junior Cow Ayrshire Junior Cow Any Other Dairy Breed Junior Cow
Jersey Junior Cow Guernsey Junior Cow Dairy Shorthorn Junior Cow
Holstein Intermediate Cow Ayrshire Intermediate Cow Any Other Dairy Breed Inter Cow
Jersey Intermediate Cow Guernsey Intermediate Cow Dairy Shorthorn Intermediate Cow
Holstein Senior Cow Ayrshire Senior Cow Any Other Dairy Breed Senior Cow
Jersey Senior Cow Guernsey Senior Cow Dairy Shorthorn Senior Cow Jersey Lifetime Cow
Holstein Pairs Ayrshire Pairs Any Other Dairy Breed Pairs
Jersey Pairs Guernsey Pairs Dairy Shorthorn Pairs
Holstein Championship Ayrshire Championship Any Other Dairy Breed Championship
Jersey Championship Guernsey Championship Dairy Shorthorn Championship
SUPREME CHAMPIONSHIP (These times are approximate and subject to change)