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By-laws and Regulations Class Times Judges Sponsors Ponies and Horses Cattle
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Sheep Pygmy Goats Dogs Women’s Institute Hidden Talents Flower Tent
Please find entry forms stapled in the centre of this schedule. Simply detach and return to the secretary with your entry fee. Subject to the following BY-LAWS AND REGULATIONS of the Executive Committee
All stock Exhibited for competition in class 18 must be bona-fide the property of the exhibitor & shall have been kept on the Exhibitor’s premises for the specified period of 3 months (see condition 6) previous to the day of the Show. For Horses and Ponies exhibited in Ridden Classes, Exhibitors are requested to provide saddles and bridles for that purpose. All persons intending to exhibit must forward to the Secretaries at the Society’s Office the necessary particulars as to Class and age of Stock to be exhibited, with the names of Sires and where applicable, Herd Book Numbers on or before the 18th July 2022. The amount of Entrance Fees must be in all cases paid at the time of making the entry. Owing to the cost of Postage, entries will not be acknowledged but Numbers and Instructions will be sent out 2 weeks before the Show. Every Exhibitor shall prove the correctness of his Certificate to the satisfaction of the Executive Committee if and when called upon by them to do so or, failing to furnish the required proof, may be prohibited from exhibiting and any prize, if awarded may be withheld and the award cancelled. The Judges will be specially cautioned not to award a prize to any unsound animal and to pay special attention to freedom from hereditary disease. Lameness or other unsoundness from accidental injury shall not necessarily disqualify, and in every case where the Judges have a doubt as to the soundness or correct age of any animal exhibited, they shall consult the Veterinary Surgeon of the Association. All animals shall be bona fide the property of the Exhibitor on the day of the Exhibition, and in respect of the District Prizes shall have been bona fide the property of the Exhibitor for three months prior to the day of the Show. Every Exhibitor of Livestock shall forfeit and pay to the Society the sum of £1000 as and for liquidated damages if any animal which he Exhibits is to his knowledge suffering from any contagious or infectious disease and for each and every animal if more than one. The age and height of stock exhibited to be ascertained by the Honorary Veterinary Surgeon to the Society on the morning of the Show. In the event of an objection to the horse’s height, this matter shall be decided by the British Horse Society under the joint measurement scheme. All Male equine Exhibited 3 years old and over to be gelded. (Unless otherwise specified). Any persons making a protest must make the same before the close of the Exhibition and must make a deposit of £10 with the Secretaries immediately on making the protest, and should the protest be considered frivolous the deposit will be forfeited and go to the funds of the Society. All cattle to be haltered and paraded in the ring to be judged and if not so haltered will be disqualified. Every Bull over 12 Months Old must be led by a clamp or ring in his nose. All Livestock shall be on the field on the morning of Exhibition by 8.30am except by special permission from the Secretary (After that hour the gates will be closed) Horses and Ponies may arrive during the day, but we would advise you to come at least 1 hour before classes are due to start as start times may be subject to change and no allowance or delay to classes can be made for traffic congestion. All prize winners must parade, otherwise the Society will with-hold the Prize Money Awarded. Exhibitors or their servants must see that Stock under their care is properly placed and cared for. The Committee or the Secretaries will not be responsible for errors, mistakes or accidents that may occur. Trade Exhibitors are desired to make known to the Secretaries the quantity and descriptions of the Equipment they intend to Exhibit on or before the 1st August 2022. Such Equipment must be in the ShowYard on the day previous to the Exhibition before 6 p.m. and all paint upon such Equipment must be thoroughly dry or they will not be allowed to enter the Yard, and the Exhibitors shall on request by the Secretaries remove their Equipment to such spaces as may be allowed to them. If their Equipment shall prove an annoyance to the general public they must be required and compelled to desist working the same. Stands to be open to the public at 9 a.m. and not be closed/dismantled until 5.30 p.m. on day of the Show. All trade Exhibits to be removed from the Show Ground by Friday 23rd August 2022