hairdresser shotduringrobbery
Man killed in hit-and-run accident
Govt. racked up 11 loans in 2023 totaling $222 billion - AG Report
hairdresser shotduringrobbery
Man killed in hit-and-run accident
Govt. racked up 11 loans in 2023 totaling $222 billion - AG Report
Former head of G u y a n a ' s Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Dr Vincent Adams has criticisedthegovernmentfor their handling of the suspected oil seepage in Crane, West Coast Demerara,(WCD),andtoxic
c o n t a m i n a t i o n a t Noitgedacht,Linden.
Describing the response bytheStateas“careless”and “compassionless,”duringan Alliance For Change (AFC) press conference on Friday, Dr Adams called f or immediate independent investigations into the two incidents.
Last week, residents of Crane,WestCoastDemerara complained of oily substance seeping through their floors The EPA confirmed receiving reports from residents on the West Coast of Demerara, noting that it immediately began to send investigative teams for
site inspections and to collect samples for testing wherenecessary
The EPA also said the Agency is currently collaborating with the Guyana Geology and Mines Commission (GGMC), GUYSUCO, and the Pesticides and Toxic Chemicals Control Board (PTCCB) to identify the cause and nature of the seepage.”
In the meantime, the agencyhasurgedresidentsin the immediate vicinity to “remain calm and exercise p a t i e n c e ” a s t h e investigation proceeds Further, affected residents are advised to avoid the impacted areas within their homesfortheirsafety
“The Agency is still actively continuing investigations and, when completed, will notify all relevantparties.TheAgency will take any action necessary based on the
findings from these investigations.”
TheEPApointedoutthat it has engaged Exxon and that the company will be investigating as part of its grievancemechanism.
Speaking at the press conference Dr Adams said, “These suffering people can't even breathe in their own homes The EPA showsupandtellsthepeople that it was coming from cooking We are asking them to relocate the folks at Crane to proper living quarters and to bring in independent technical teams to investigate both incidents.”
Dr Adams also questioned the EPA's technical capacity to handle suchincidents.
He noted that during his tenureasheadoftheagency, hehadimplementedplansto equip the EPA with the necessary tools, which were later abandoned by the
current government. “The EPAitselfadmitstheydidn't have the equipment to test which doesn't surprise me,” Adams said, referring to the agency's claim that ExxonMobilhadbeencalled intoassistwithtesting.
“IsExxonnowdoingthe EPA'sjob?”
“Do we need any more evidencetoshowthatExxon is basically running the EPA? This is grossly inappropriate? Totally inappropriate?”heasked.
Meanwhile, Dr Adams, anexecutiveoftheAFCalso addressed reports of the toxic road contamination in Linden.
“The Mayor and Town Council did their own samplingandanalysis,andit shows very, very high concentrations of toxic metals…We call upon Mr [Juan]Edghilltopublishthe results and show us the evidence,”Adamsstated.
The Mayor and Town
Council at Linden had expressed concern that the materialusedtomaintainthe Noitgedacht Access Road wascontaminatedwithtoxic chemicals from a mined-out bauxite site and poses a serious health threat to residentsofthetown.
Minister of Public Works, Juan Edghill, recently visited Linden and committed to having a dust suppression system in place to reduce the presence of dust from the road in the atmosphere, even as he ordered more testing be done.
Edghill disputed the claims made in an October 15, 2024, Stabroek News article According to the
highlightingunsafelevelsof toxicmetalswasbasedonan “unsigned document” and did not reflect the actual samples collected from the road.
Edghill promised a thorough investigation into thematter
However, while both the EPA and the Ministry of Public Works have committed to transparency, promising to release the results of their testing once available, Dr Adams, the government's actions thus farleavemuchtobedesired.
“This is grossly inappropriate… the people of Guyana deserve better,” hesaid.
ThegovernmentofGuyanahas distanced itself from comments made by former President, Prime Minister and Guyana's current AmbassadortotheUnitedStatesof America, Sam Hinds on the ExxonMobiloilcontract.
In two separate letters to the media earlier this month, the AmbassadorencouragedGuyanese to rejoice over the paltry proceeds being received from Exxon and even ventured to insinuate that the country benefits from the lack of ring-fencing.
In his second letter, Hinds also suggested that the royalties being paid by Exxon makes up for the taxesthattheoilcompaniesdonot pay
On Thursday, General
Secretary of the People's Progressive Party (PPP) and Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo made it clear that the Ambassador's views donotalignwiththatoftheparty's.
Jagdeoarguedthatthemedia,in particular Kaieteur News has lost focusonthefactthatLeaderofthe Alliance For Change (AFC) is being paid by Exxon, a glaring conflictofinterest.
He however highlighted that the newspaper has jumped on the former President for sharing his thoughtsontheissue.
“They just brushed off this whole question of lack of integrity
from this conflict of interest. They justbrusheditoff.
It'sgone.KaieteurNewsforget aboutthat.Themanisworkingfor Exxonnowandheadingapolitical party that's in parliament He collecting money every day from Exxon (but) they cuss the PPPand poor Sam Hinds because he muses and shares his thoughts publicly whathethinks,”theVPsaid.
Hehowevernoted,“Butit'snot an official position of the party…Samhasearnedtherightto say what he wants. He has contributed enough to this country to allow him to have a free intellectual thought, wherever he believesin…buttheyarehounding SamHinds.”
Kaieteur News reported that following the first letter from Ambassador Hinds, the two major political opposition parties raised concerns over the views shared by theformerHeadofState.
Chairman of the AFC, David Patterson in an invited comment said that it was unfortunate that a former President of Guyana could expresssuchsimplisticutterances.
In fact, he said, “Hinds is now the country's Ambassador, so we have to be very worried about the levelofrepresentationonbehalfof the country, if he is satisfied with seeinghiscountryshort-changed.”
Meanwhile, the People's
Former President, Prime Minister and Guyana's Ambassador to the United States, Samuel Hinds
VicePresident, Bharrat Jagdeo
National Congress Reform (PNCR)spokesmanonoilandgas, Elson Low said that Ambassador Hindshasonceagainproventobea windowintothePPP'struethinking andattitude.
“He previously praised the StabroekblockProductionSharing Agreement as “fair” and now his recentcommentshavemadeitclear that the PPP is intimidated by the challenges of the oil industry. Virtually, no political leader or party worldwide would say that it prefersnottohavemorerevenue,” Lowstated.
Instead,thePNC/Rinsistedthat the country should be pushing to earn more revenue to meet the urgent development needs of the country
11 loans in 2023 totaling $222 billion
The Auditor General's Report for 2023 reveals that the Government of Guyana(GoG)borrowedatotalof $222.484 billion through 11 loan agreements The loans were sourced from various international financial institutions, with funding focusing on health care, road infrastructure,housing,andclimate resilience.
Among the major contributors
were the Inter-American DevelopmentBank(IDB),Bankof China, GlobalAffairs Canada, and theSaudiFundforDevelopment.
Highlighted loans include a $41.7billionloanfromtheIslamic Development Bank (IsDB) for the reconstruction of the SoesdykeLinden Highway, a $40.7 billion loan from the Bank of China to support the East Coast Demerara Road Project Phase 2, a $33.36 billion loan from the IDB for s
Conditional Credit Line for InvestmentProjects(CCLIP). The report also details smaller
another adjustment in February 2024, pushing the limit to $1.5 trillion.
KaieteurNewshasreportedthat Guyana's total debt has risen sharply,exceedingUS$5billionby mid-2024, according to the Ministry of Finance's Mid-Year Report. As of June 2024, the country'sdebtstoodatUS$5,063.3 million, up from US$4,508 8 million at the end of December 2023.
“Managing public expectation amid economic boom will
policy mistakes”
President Irfaan Ali during his address at the opening ceremony of the IBC
SeniorMinisterwith responsibilityfor Finance, Dr. Ashni Singh S
loans aimed at enhancing human capital development and policy reforms, with donors such as the International Development Association (IDA) and Global AffairsCanadaplayingkeyroles. In addition to the new loans, threeagreementscontractedbefore 2023 were amended this year It was stated that in response to growing financial needs, the Government of Guyana raised the external debt ceiling in February 2021to$650billion.Asubsequent increase in July 2023 brought the ceilingto$900billion,followedby
As of the end of June 2024, external Public and publicly guaranteed debt totaled US$1,924.2 million. The ministry statedthatthisincreaseisattributed to positive net flows from multilateral creditors such as the World Bank's International Development Association and the Caribbean Development Bank, as well as from bilateral creditors including China, Canada, India, and UK Export Finance. These funds support various social and infrastructural projects. Notably, the report states that the external PPGdebtstockisprojectedtogrow toUS$2,832.3millionbytheendof 2024, driven by expected continued inflows from both bilateralandmultilateralsources.
commenced offshore Guyana in the Stabroek Block back in December 2019, the country's economy has expanded. During a recent address at the opening ceremony of the inaugural
Conference (IBC) held at the G
Hotel, President Irfaan Ali address challenges surrounding the country's rapid economic growth.
With Guyana being recognised as one of the fastestgrowing economies globally, President Ali discussed the complexitiesofmanagingpublic expectations and crafting policies that ensure sustainable long-termdevelopment. Hetoldthegathering,“There is a big problem. How do you manage expectation, because it is this expectation that drives government to make mistakes and how do you respond to this expectation.” He outlined that public perception, fueled by global media, often leads to unrealistic expectations. “When everybody pickupthenewspaper,yougoin any airline, and they pick up, whoa, the fastest growing
economy,richcountry,andyouexpect thateverybodyshouldberich,andthe nextdayeveryoneisrich,”Alisaid.
The president added, “That expectationcancreatepolicycrisis,if notmanagewell.”
He stressed the importance of continuous public education to mitigate the risks posed by such expectations.
Moreover, Ali also spoke about externalpressuresfromcertainvoices within society that might prioritize short-term gains over long-term stability
“There will be voices that will pushyoutodothingsthatispopularat themoment,butyouhavetobeableto evaluatefromapolicyperspectiveand to make the decisions that would not necessarily easily guarantee you a next term, but would guarantee the country a next 50, 60, 70 years,” Ali noted.
To this end, he responded to the common sentiment that quick monetarydistributions,suchasgiving “ten million per household,” would secureaparty'sfutureingovernment.
President Ali acknowledged that Guyana's political environment is heating up as the nation approaches the 2025 Regional and General elections.
Assuch,heunderscoredtheneed forstrategicdecision-making.
PrintedandPublishedbyNationalMedia& PublishingCompanyLtd 24SaffonStreet, Charlestown,Georgetown,Guyana.
Tel: 225-8465, 225-8491. Fax: 225-8473, 226-8210
Housing development in this country remains a major challenge despite the PPP/C Government’s boasts of their successes.
In this year’s budget, the sum of $78 billion was allocated for nationwide housing infrastructure development, Finance Minister Dr Ashni Singh had said. This he said was aligning with the government’s commitment to providing affordable housing to Guyanese. He said too that the allocated funds will be utilised for substantial infrastructure projects in both new and existing housing schemes. These include the construction of roads, drains, bridges, and the installation of utilities to meet housingdemands.
It is clear that this administration’s policy of allocating house lots is more of propaganda messaging rather than genuinely delivering affordable housing for Guyanese. Sometimes it is not unreasonable to believe that there is no clear plan in responding to the housing needs of low and middle-income citizens. The complaint remains that house lots are priced out of the reach of the poor working-class citizens.Yet every morning before the crack of dawn scores are gathered in front of the Ministry of Housing if only to give themselves a chance at the spinning wheel of the roulette table that is for the high stakes of a coveted houselot. It is ironic that in a land so huge, and so much so that its neighbours’ eye large portions of it covetously, that our peoplebornandbredherehavetoputupwiththisunending nonsense, this palpable insult and injustice for a piece of land on which to construct a house, something to call their ownhome.
We have a mere 700,000 plus people, and we have been sharing out numerous house lots on a continuous annual basis as all Guyana is proudly reminded by one governing politicalgroupafteranotherandyetthereisthisabomination and disgrace, where Guyanese must rise from their beds at 04:00hrs (or 03:00hrs) and hurry out on dangerous roads to line up for a house-lot There has been enough time and opportunity to have a more citizen-friendly process, a more citizen-rewarding result Of course, this is how the regular people are held hostage by politicians and their carefully chosenbureaucratstotormentandholdtoransomthosewho dependonthemforthingsasroutineasahouse-lot.
In recent months, several people have come forward with complaints about the system currently employed to allocate house lots. In addition to the thousands waiting for yearsforaplotofland,thereisthecasewherehouselotsyet to be developed are allocated to citizens who have to wait two to three years to access them. Of the hundreds of citizenswhohavereceivedtitlesaspartofthegovernment’s drive to meet its manifesto promise of delivering 50,000 house lots, a sizable number of them have not even seen the land and those who have seen the land cannot put down anythingonitbecausetheplaceisundeveloped.
This newspaper is aware of several cases where individualsweregiventimelinestopayoffasmuchas$2 3M forhousingunitswithintwomonthsoftheallocation,buttwo years later, they are still to see the house Many of those individuals- public servants with small salaries have had to borrow the funds to pay the Central Housing and Planning Authorityforthelandorrisklosingit,yetthedreamofowning the home is still some distance away Something must be terribly wrong with the system that house lots are allocated with strict timelines to pay for it and yet the allottees have to waityearsaftertoaccesstheland Itisthereforenotdifficultto understandthenwhythesystemissoriddledwithcorruption, favouritism and adhockery Last week at his news conference,VicePresidentBharratJagdeospokeabouthow costlyitistodeveloponehouselot.Andwhilethismightbe true, this government has been wasting taxpayer’s money behindsomeofthemanypublicinfrastructureprojectsithas beenundertaking-manyofthemmiredincorruption.Ifthey were to cut the waste and reduce the massive corruption in procurement then there might be enough funds to develop residential house lots thus reducing the high price poor citizenshavetopay
DEAREDITOR, efficient, effective and less result of its acquiring suffering the results of the The suddenness with politically opportunistic ‘feedback’fromthepublicas hopeless conditions its which the regime decided to method of distributing the the regime would like us to policies have unnecessarily make a $200,000 cash grant suddenly materialised G$60 believe, the obvious wrought, it might even win to all Guyanese households nowaboutG$63billion.
t is some votes! Thus, the andwithwhichitalsoaltered What rules Guyana is not attemptingtodisguisewould opposition’s concern and both the procedure, quantity aregimethatneedstoordoes not have occurred if it had piggy-backing! and timing of this handout is pay much attention to public eschewed its autocratic Guyana has now found mostreminiscentofasimilar opinion, particularly when unilateralist mode of its El Dorado and so must difficulty and quick reversal political advantage is governance Democratic establish policies that can it had to make in relation to concerned, and the PPP governance would have instill hope in the poorest of themiserlysalaryincreasesit would not have willingly meant that given the size and its people. The most a sought to pay to those given up the political range of the expenditure, universal, $100,000 one off, qualified teachers that could advantage the process of particularlysinceitcouldnot cash grant can do is help the migrate. such a distribution offers. find resources to properly poor with their immediate
Now it appears that both Was this not so the decision remunerate teachers and financial problems and give it and some in the opposition to deal with the cost-of- other public servants, it the well-off an unneeded will have us believe that the living would not have been would have gone to the bonus.
People’s Progressive Party so abrupt and would have National Assembly, possibly What is truly sad is that (PPP) government has happened at the imminent at budget time, with a by about 2010 the global suddenly become responsive budget time. And the more properly docum
powers thought that the to public pressure. It is all politically opportunistic proposal of its intentions and world had reached a level of smoke and mirrors No processthatwouldhaveseen the ‘feedback’, which is development that could amount of parliamentary the populace paying homage apparently now responsible
circus is likely to cure me of t
for its deviations, would
the belief that, with all the capped/shirted persons havebeenacquired. requirementsofexistence.In Drs. and well-paid advisors associated with the handouts ButthePPPisunlikelyto 2015, the United Nations in the house and its lengthy galivanting around Guyana lose a single vote over the adopted its 2016 to 2030 association with such issues, nearer elections time would ‘embarrassment’it has again Sustainable Development if it wished, the government havebeenadopted. suffered. Indeed, given the G
PPP was more than able to
Of course, even if the critical personal relief it is governmentwasverymucha properly conceptualise an change of policy was the likely to bring to many (Continued on page 5)
DEAREDITOR, leadership of Counsel, Nigel among all demographics of with everyone appealing for Incumbent President Hughes, is also drawing the population. Glenn Lall anurgentreductionofcostof IrfaanAli and the ruling PPP support away from the PNC and Azruddin Mohamed everyday items people in Guyana lead the and from among dissatisfied have strong appeal among consume. oppositionAPNU(PNC)and Indians and from the the lower classes. Timothy NACTA Polling project AFC and would win a Indigenous communities Jonas and Kian Jabour of is an attempt to project comfortable majority Hughes has a growing ANUG have traction among electoral outcome based on government if the election following since he became middle and professional opinion polls, electoral were held soon, according to partyleaderlastJuly classes Other names as history, and demographic intention of voters from the Based on current survey potential candidates for data in several countries. Its latest opinion survey The and earlier polling data, the President include Roysdale director is this writer, Dr APNU or PNC, under the PPP would be virtually Forde and Amanza Walton- Vishnu Bisram, a social leadership of Opposition assured of winning a large Desir scientist who has been Leader Aubrey Norton, has parliamentary majority Irfaan Ali’s approval opinion surveys since the been losing ground to both government if the election rating continues to remain 1980s in the Caribbean the PPP and AFC. Minor were held now and if the unusually high for a ruler in region and beyond (Dr parties (ANUG, URP, etc.) opposition parties were the fifth year of his Bisram is a columnist for havebeentrailingtheothers. disunited, going into the Presidency He also remains several publications and a This conclusion is from election separately and if the top pick for President regular contributor to the the latest findings (of Norton is the Presidential among the various likely media in North America, September/October) from an candidate for the PNC challengers. He has been a Guyana and occasionally in ongoing survey being (APNU) Norton has populist, grass-roots Trinidad writing on political conducted by this writer for virtually no support among President doling out matters and on other issues. North American Caribbean Indians and has been handouts to v
He has been an occasional Te
he panelist for TV and radio (NACTA),atrendalsofound traditional support of the population and interacting programs in Trinidad and from similar surveys party’s base. Fourth fifths of withthepublic.Itwouldtake Tobago and appeared on conductedAugustandearlier v
lotofdoingtounseathimor several podcasts discussing this year The PPP is well- Norton’s leadership as thePPPfromoffice. social issues ) NACTA positionedtogainseatsatthe compared with a mere Economic issues and Opinion polling is being expense of PNC as quarterforPresidentAli. security continue to conducted continually to traditional supporters of the Disapproval Rating for dominate the list of items gauge voting intention as opposition party have been Norton has been increasing (that also include noise well as the public’s views on gravitating towards the over the last couple years pollution, traffic congestion, policymaking and various populist President Irfaan Ali with rising numbers saying health, housing costs, state contemporary issues The and the PPP Venezuelans of they are dissatisfied with contracting, among others) organisation’s surveys cover Guyanese descent is also some of his recent actions that people say are priority a range of topics including gravitating towards the PPP, that alienate party MPs and concerns that has led to political views and voting boostingitsnationalsupport. activists. Less than a fifth of dissatisfaction among a intentions, the economy, The ruling party is also the nation approve of segment of the population. government policies and making gains among Norton’s leadership as Guyanese feel that the emerging issues important to indigenous Amerindian compared with more than government and parliament thepublic. voters. two-thirds for Ali. Hughes should focus on the Yours truly, The AFC, under the new enjoy popularity approval preceding critical issues, Vishnu Bisram
I haven’t done a poll, but I daresay that no one is taking you seriously on that
DEAREDITOR, supported its replacement areas, including the
mixed up today with some
Now that Vishnu Bisram since 1980. Who bestowed struggles in INDIA years ago. Who were these has apparently arrived at the upon Bisram the authority to (emphasis is for his benefit), Guyanese you “conversed” conclusion that his self- speak for the Guyanese South Africa and other with? Were they in your proclaimedcampaignthathe “population”? As anyone as countries in Africa, the mind, in the diaspora or in was Bhagwan’s gift to academically inclined, like Caribbean and elsewhere as Guyana? let us have the G u y a n a t o b e i t s Bisram should realise, well as the notorious slave b e n e f i t o f t h e s e representative to replace the Constitutions are not trade and indentureship. I conversations,Mr Pollster former disgraced High instruments to be “fiddled” suggest he gets acquainted In another paragraph he Commissioner to India, he with.The1980 Constitution, with those areas of power to went on to speak for the has resorted (reverted?) to approvedbyParliament,was the people bestowed by PUBLIC by saying they his crusade of vilifying the never, as far as I can “whitepeople”. “had faith in Moses Government, the PPPand its remember, challenged in the I’ve already commented Nagamootoo, Khemraj leaders. courts of Guyana, either by onthe“babyandbathwater” R a m j a t t a n a n d t h e
This he did, continuing Bisramoranyoneelse. statement that tried to do coalition”. Are you hereby the trail set by his pal I wish to support Dr. damage to the stature of Dr. exposing your flank, Baytoram Rambarack and Jagan’s sensible response Jaganbystatingthathemade Bisram? othersoftheirilk,inhisletter when in 1992 he is reported “tragic blunders in
Mr. Ramkarran was not inStabroekNewsofOctober to have said that he “can’t government”and“anyonein alone in being disappointed 17, 2024. Bisram has long throwawaythebabywiththe the PPP ever invoked withthecoalition,whichwas been giving the impression bath water” I’ve also morality as a reason for evidentinthembeingkicked that he has been conducting observed that Bisram quoted replacing the constitution”. outofofficein2020. “polls” in Guyana and Ralph Ramkarran that the W h a t “ h o g w a s h ” ! ! ! I’ll close, even though coming to conclusions, but Constitution should be Constitution Reforms muchmorecanbesaidonhis my enquiries have not been completely “abrogated and C o m m i s s i o n s w e r e letter, but not without saying able to identify anyone who replaced”.I’d like to know if a p p o i n t e d i n P P P that hundreds of thousands has been questioned by him, Ralph had the same governments between 1992 of true blooded and genuine, which leaves me with the “suggestion” when he and 2015 and one during the patriotic Guyanese, some concern if he’s conducting chaired the Committee to current government. Bisram paying the ultimate sacrifice these polls in the confines of reform the Constitution. In and anyone else are (their lives) and including hismind,inasecludedspace his second paragraph, he ENTITLED to make ANY many based overseas, to ofhishabitat,somewherefar revealshisconstipatedmind, recommendation(s) he or his restore democracy to removedfromGuyana. categorically that “political like thinking fellow Guyana, finally achieved in In his first paragraph, leaders (especially from travellers may wish to make, 1992, with the Dawn of a while I agree with his third World countries) andallowtheCommissionto NewEra. assertion that the 1980 always want more powers” deliberate on them I Bisram, even though you Constitution was definitely and went on to contrast this challenge him to do that and MAY have, the time is long conducted in an atmosphere with “White rulers always let the chips fall where they past for you and others of of fear and fraud (I clearly sought or seek to reduce would be best situated. Can similarbeliefs,toshoutfrom remember incidents on that governmentpowersandgive Bisram once again enlighten the roof tops that you were dayofignominy),Iseriously more power to people” us Guyanese on his “deeplyinvolvedinthatlong question his conclusion that Bisram has certainly not contradictory statement of struggle against rigged the “population” has long educated himself in many 90% in 1978/1980 “and a elections” I haven’t done a larger majority TODAY as poll,butIdaresaythatnoone per surveys SOME YEARS is taking you seriously on A G O a n d r e c e n t that. c o n v e r s a t i o n s w i t h
There is an increase in Physical education at private schools in Guyana. Physical education is a course taught in schools that focuses on developing physical fitness and the ability to perform and enjoy physical activities. It’s good to haveknowledgeoffitnessandwellnessatanearlyage. ItisafunandeasysubjectincludedattheCSECexamsfor the Guyanese children. It involves different sports in the curriculumsuchascricket,volleyball,basketball,tabletennis etc. I do hope more private schools like Camille’s Academy add physical education to their curriculum as it keeps our physicalwell-beinginshapeandhelpuscarrygoodcognitive developmentaswell.
Sincerely, Amanda
Regards, Guyanese”. You obviously Harry N Nawbatt
Numerically, how many 18 years and older will benefit from the GY$100,000?
The reconciled matrix of GY$100,000 from the $200,000 axiom now for all over 18 instead of per family is still, sadly, shroudedinmystery
Annually, a list of all 16-year-old transitioning to 17 then 18 is sent to GECOM.Therefore, a finite % of Guyana’s adult population(18andover)isadumbrated.
Ergo, the Ministry of Finance can leverage that list from GECOM and quickly arrive at the set figure and multiply by $100,000toarriveatthedollarfiguretobedisbursed.
Could the Ministry of Finance therefore inform the Tax PayingPublicifthesoontobedisbursedfigure(GY$100,000 per 18-year-old) equates, exceeds or falls short of the apportionedGY$60billion?
If it exceeds the GY$60B, where will the excess funds comefrom?
Ifitfallsshort,oftheGY$60Bpayout,whatplansareafoot to account for the excess from the GY$60B? Additionally, theTax Paying Public is still awaiting an explanation as to the source of the original GY$60B announced by the GovernmentofGuyana
Regards, Jonathan Subrian, Esq.
Almost a year of the dreadful helicopter crash which claimed five of our best. Now we are learning the voice recordedwasbadlydamaged(DemerarawavesOctober19).
Likewise, several months and request for information on sanctionsimposedonthreecitizensisstillnotforthcoming. Whatarewetomakeoftheseoccurrences?
Shamshun Mohamed
From page 4 picture. Cash transfers are more sustainable impact, part of the lengthy process. mostly having a statistically beneficiaries should be Thefirstgoalcallsforanend significant effect on receiving the transfer for to ‘poverty in all its forms beneficiary’s expenditure longer periods of time ’ everywhere’, and the second and poverty levels and when (https://www odi org/sites/o to ‘end hunger, achieve food they do, they increase di org uk/files/resourcesecurity and improved expenditure and (improve) documents/11316.pdf). nutrition and promote poverty indicators’
Since 1967, Dr Martin sustainable agriculture’. The (http://documents worldban Luther King said, ‘I am now first goal also commits k.org/curated/en/617631468 convinced that the simplest governments, according to 0 0 1 solution to poverty is to their means, to ‘Implement 808739/pdf/WPS6886.pdf). abolish it directly by a new nationally appropriate social MostrelevanttoGuyana, widely discussed measure: protection systems and it has been suggested that ‘a the guaranteed income ’ measures for all, including simple transfer of 10 percent Contemporarily, Milton floors, and by 2030 achieve of oil revenues could Friedman, the right-wing substantial coverage of the effectivelyeliminatepoverty American economist and poor and the vulnerable.’ in several oil-exporting statistician who won the Floors are Universal Basic countries’(Ibid),andthusthe 1976 Nobel Prize in Income(UBI):‘abasicsetof notion that UBIs can be Economic Sciences, essential social rights and obstacles to more important President Barack Obama, transfers in cash and kind to socialdevelopmentgoalsisa etc., have all given some provide a minimum income result of ideological bias. support to a UBI but some in and livelihood security for With this in mind, in ‘A the upper echelons of the all and to facilitate effective universal basic income for PNC have taken the archaic demand for and access to all Guyanese’ (SN: ideological stance of essential goods and 30/08/2017), I said, ‘I associating UBI with services.’The second goal is believe that every citizen in dependency syndrome, premised on the idea that Guyana should have direct laziness, etc! Luckily, one of everyone should have access access to a proportion of the their associates, theWorking tosufficientnutritiousfood. revenues flowing from our People’s Alliance (WPA) by One would have thought oil and gas resources a way of Prof. Clive Thomas that this kind of studied reasonable percent of the and what it calls the Buxton approach, not arbitrary one- oil/gas revenue should be project supports this general off cash grants, would have permanently set aside as approach. provided the framework for directcashgrantstothemost The PPP has no interest some kind of long run ‘El vulnerable but gradually, as in a universal project of Dorado’project that initially revenue increases, reaching upliftment for in Guyana’s focuses on the poor but thelevelofaUBI(anamount caustic ethnic context, to gradually, as resources sufficient to secure basic extend and hold its political becomes available, is needs as a permanent support, it must keep other expanded to all The earnings floor no one could ethnic groups -since they are colloquial objections fall beneath) for all its main protagonist over associated with cash Guyanese.’ whom it has no control, transfers - they encourage But importantly, it Africans-inrelativepoverty laziness, binging on parties, should be noted that studies So please, notwithstanding alcohol, cigarettes, etc - found ‘at least one the propaganda, without have all been considered and statistically significant someseriousnudging,donot largely debunked. Nineteen effect,suggestingthatdesign expect the PPP government studies ‘almost without and implementation features to support or establish of any exception [found] that matter in shaping poverty process that will either cash transfers improve impacts ’ Two potentially identify the nature of education, health outcomes important design and existing inequity or lead to and alleviate poverty’. ‘The implementation features are equitable development in evidence on the impact of that ‘transfer levels need to Guyana. It is all smoke and cash transfers on poverty be meaningful to reduce mirrors. outcomes shows an poverty rates [and] for the
Sincerely, overwhelmingly positive transfer to have a bigger and Dr Henry Jeffrey
( T R I N I D A D GUARDIAN) Since the formation of the People’s National Movement (PNM) 68yearsago,itsthreeformer political leaders have never identified a successor or presentedasuccessionplan.
But as Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley drops more hints that he’s ready to retire from electoral politics, several names are being tossed in the ring to replace him Guardian Media understands it’s really a fight between Energy Minister StuartYoungandMinisterof Youth Development and
been more measured. He has was done with the highest National Service Foster never courted controversy or level of integrity and with an Cummings. commented on controversial acknowledgement of the
This week, Guardian matters even when he was responsibility that I have to Media Investigations Desk thesubjectofthem. the people of Trinidad and takes a look at the party’s In the past two years, Tobago,” he had told potential leaders, what’s at while Young has been Guardian Media in an stake for the PNM, and negotiating energy contracts interview published on whether constituents think globallytoearnandmaintain September15. their MP could represent the a revenue stream to fund the In Cummings’ case, his country as the next political country’s expenses, ministerial appointment was leader and Prime Minister. Cummingshasbeenworking hitwithascandalthathewas The frontrunner for the post with the young people of the prevented from doing his of political leader of the country to skill them up and Masters at the University of PNM is the multi-hyphenate give them opportunities for the West Indies because of politician, Energy Minister self-improvement and plagiarism.Inastatement,he Stuart Young, often dubbed entrepreneurship. Both have said a mistake was made and theMinisterofEverything. national audiences but speak a lesson was learnt. “The Dr Rowley described to them differently- while cycle of resilience—mistake Young as his “Gary Sobers”, Young has grabbed made, lessons learnt, future the legendary West Indian newspaper headlines for success accomplished is cricketall-rounder-andapart positives and negatives, the principle I hold out to from his major portfolios Cummings has engaged every young person as an over the years and his acting social media by doing his invaluable life asset, critical ones, he’s been a Minister in workout sessions or other for personal development the Office of the Prime socialtrends. and advancement. Don’t let Minister In December
B o t h Yo u n g a n d your mistakes win; learn 2022, Young was also Cummings have weathered your lessons and move on up elected chairman of the t h e i r f a i r s h a r e o f w i t h h u m i l i t y a n d PNM. Butpartysources,say controversy persistence,” he said at the Young’s competition is In Young’s case, there time. Foster Cummings, the have been several calls for While in office, he has M i n i s t e r o f Yo u t h him to resign. In May 2019, b e e n u n d e r p o l i c e Development and National the Opposition called for investigation and Guardian Service and the General Young’s firing after there Media could not get an Secretary of the PNM were 206 murders during his update up to late yesterday Cummings was only given a first 147 days as minister, he evening on the status of the full portfolio in Rowley’s was criticised by citizens for matter second term in office but the border closure during In May 2022, Opposition actively built his profile Covid-19 In May 2020, S e n a t o r J a y a n t i among the youth population Young faced resignation Lutchmedial, at a political in the party and on social calls from the Opposition meeting, revealed the media. He is widely popular over his handling of the contents of the report, which with the party’s base having March visit of Venezuela’s t h e n a c t i n g p o l i c e been a member of the PNM Executive Vice President commissioner Mc Donald for 35 years, compared to Delcy Rodriguez and last Jacob later said was an Young’s 10 and a half years. week, political analysts authentic report-it claimed However, Young holds the againcalledforhisheadover that Cummings’ contracts distinction that besides crass remarks levelled at with the HDC were used to Finance Minister Colm Opposition Leader Kamla “conducted unscrupulous Imbert,hehasactedasPrime Persad-Bissessar in the business”. InMay2023,ina Minister on the last two House. l e t t e r t o P o l i c e occasions Rowley has been
Last Friday, Young C o m m i s s i o n e r E r l a away apologised to the public as Harewood-Christopher B o t h Yo u n g a n d well as the House and was dated May 3, Cummings’ Cummings’ approaches to not sent to the Privileges attorneys-led by Ramesh office and governance have Committee. “It is undeniable Lawrence Maharaj, SC, been widely different. While that some of the tasks were asked that theTTPS publicly Young is seen as combative difficult ones that would clear Cummings’ name and in his defence of the haveattractedcriticism,both acknowledged that Special Government, the PNM and warranted and unwarranted, Branch (SB) report was Rowley- (a trait which has I am always willing to listen authenticandaddressedeach led commentators to and to improve. I am certain issueraisedtherein.In compare him to Rowley), that everything I have done (Continued on page 16) Cummings’ approach has
...Bank of Guyana says bill increased significantly to US$144.9M at mid-year
With Guyana l e a d i n g discussions on the regional push to reduce the Caribbean
C o m m u n i t y ' s (CARICOM's) food import bill by 25% by 2025, the nationhasitselfstruggledto reduce its own food importationbill.
This is according to statistics in the Bank of Guyana (BoG) Half Year Report.CentralBankfigures indicate that Guyana's food import bill has continuously climbed at the half-year mark over the past three years.
BetweenJanuarytoJune 2022, Guyana's food import bill totaled US$101 7M This did not include beverageandtobaccowhich accounted for another US$30.3M.
During the same period in 2023, the country's total food importation bill rose to
US$122.2M while beverage andtobaccoimportsreached US$30.9M.
This year, the Bank of Guyanareportstatedthatthe food import bill climbed significantlytoUS$144.9M.
The bill for tobacco and beverages also increased to US$42 3M during the period.
The Bank explained, “In the consumption goods subcategory, imports amounted to US$492.7 million, 28.6 percentorUS$109.6million more than the 2023 corresponding level This was due to increases in the sub-categories of other durables, food for final consumption, motor cars, beverages & tobacco, other non-durable goods, other semi-durable goods and clothing and footwear by US$38.8 million, US$22.7 million, US$19.1 million, US$11 4 million, US$9 6 million, US$6.6 million and
U S $ 1 4 m i l l i o n , respectively.”
Since Guyana began producing oil, the economy has grown consecutively over the past four years by double digits Although efforts have been made to increase food production locally, it is clear that the growing demand in the country, as a result of increased foreigners, cannot bemetbylocalfarmers.
On October 16, Guyana joined in observing World FoodDay,astheMinisterof Agriculture, Zulfikar Mustapha emphasized the vital role of food security in internationaldevelopment.
The Department of Public Information (DPI) reportedhimsaying,“access to nutritious food and sustainable food, is a cornerstone of the development of human dignity.”
In a press release issued
back in February this year, CARICOM said “food and nutritionsecurityisacritical goal of the initiative which aims to reduce the Region's high food import bill, in the vicinity of $6B, by 25 percent by the year 2025. Specific objectives include the removal of barriers to intra-regional trade; improving logistics and transportation;greatercrossborder investments in the agriculture sector; and the provision of alternate financingandinsurance.”
Former Chairman of CARICOM, Prime Minister of Dominica, Roosevelt Skerrit reported at the time that the region remains on course to achieve the goals identified under the 25 by 2025 Initiative He was addressing the opening th ceremonyofthe46 Regular Meeting of the Conference of Heads of Government of CARICOM, on February 25
Economistandadvisorto the People's Nation Congress Reform (PNCR) on oil and gas Elson Low toldtheKaieteurNewsinan invited comment, that it would be foolish of the government to think that the lopsided 2016 Production Sharing Agreement (PSA) governing the lucrative Stabroek Block offshore Guyanawasimprovedbythe Local Content Act and the Gas to Energy project, saying that both would have existed even if the oil contract terms of itself were madebetter
“Is Jagdeo really peddlingthenotionthatifthe Stabroek PSA were improved Guyanese could not be involved in any local contentopportunities?That's ridiculousasawiderangeof countries have local content provisions.Additionally, the Gas to Energy project is not
Economist and advisor to the People's Nation Congress Reform (PNCR) on oil and gas Elson Low
thebrainchildofJagdeo,but the Coalition government began preparation for that project. Is he saying that having witnessed the Coalition's good work he abandoned any plans to renegotiate?” Low questioned.
Reminding citizens that pre-elections the People's Progressive Party (PPP) made a commitment to renegotiate the contract he
also highlighted that Guyanese should not allow the Vice president (VP) to “confusethenationaboutthe GastoEnergyPlant.”
Hearguedthatnomatter what improvements are made to the contract efforts would still have been made to make use of the country's natural gas resources for the productionofelectricityand other products “That is totally separate from the
at the National Cultural Centre in Georgetown, Guyana.
Skerrit said that the Community took specific steps last year towards selfsufficiency through the continuedimplementationof the CommunityAgricultural Policy (CAP), fostering innovationandcollaboration amongfarmers.
The progress included increased budgetary allocations to the agricultural sector in Member States; the introduction of new crops;
improved cross-border i n v e s t m e n t s a n d collaborations; development and implementation of new agriculturetradepoliciesand guidelines; and the identificationandagreement on possible insurance products to benefit farmers intheRegion.“Itmeansthat weremainoncoursetomeet our 25 by 2025 Food Security Initiative targets, with the most critical one being to reduce our food importbillandadvancefood andnutritionsecurityforthe Community,”hesaid.
question of improving the StabroekPSA,”Lowsaid.
At a recent press conference, the VP while admitting that neighbouring Suriname has better fiscal terms than Guyana said that the former administration is tobeblamedforthelopsided 2016 oil deal. He boasted thathisgovernmentfixedthe deal by addressing the nonfiscaltermssothatGuyanese can benefit more from the sector
“Wesoughttofixthisby getting more benefits from the contract through the LocalContentLaw,theGasto-Energy project so that we can claim other non-fiscal benefits from the contract and we have had Exxon agreewiththatfromthetime wegotintooffice,butthisis great and I am happy for Suriname, very happy for themtheyhaveworkedvery hardatthis,”hereasoned.
A man of Amerindian descent who is yet to be identifiedwaskilled,during the wee hours of Sunday, in a hit-and-run accident at Tuschen, East Bank Essequibo(EBE).
Police in a statement saidtheyarelookingforthe car, PSS 8190 that was involved in the accident.
Another car was reportedly involvedintheaccidentand the driver, a 33-year-old man of Meten-Meer-Zorg, West Coast Demerara (WCD), gave police some information.
When the accident occurred, his car was reportedly parked on the southern parapet along the EBE Public Road at Tuschen. Police learnt that thevictimwasstandingwith a group people when he decided to cross the road
around 02:45 hrs. While walking over from south to north he reportedly endedup in the path of the “speeding”car's(PSS8190) andwasstruck.“Asaresult of the collision, the pedestrian was flung in the air and landed on the left side back of motorcar PRR 7218”,policesaid.
The car reportedly stopped a short distance away returned to scene but suddenly sped off after a group of people rushed towards the vehicle. The victim was subsequently picked-up by police in an unconscious state and taken to the Leonora Cottage Hospital Doctors pronounced him dead on arrival. Police said checks were made for the car but efforts have been unsuccessfulthusfar
The attendance of a heads of state. This could Africa have been known to resources. of maintaining a nonsitting Head of State at the complicat
ral participate in each other’s Even if the visit aims to political stance, showing political event of a ruling r
party congresses. Similarly, be apolitical, it risks how such visits are often party in another country is a diplomatic friction if such Russian President Vladimir d
interpreted through political practice fraught with ethical
s Putin’sinteractionsatUnited opposition parties later gain lenses. Ultimately, despite dilemmas and potential inappropriate. Russia forums and Chinese power and view the gesture the “private” designation, controversies. Opposition parties in the leaders’ ties with ruling as favouritism Historical
While diplomacy host country often criticize parties in other nations have examples, like Nelson implications are hard to encourages engagement these visits as partisan and sparked controversy Such
between nations, crossing interfering.
Obama’s post-presidency (The views expressed in necessarily reflect the into the realm of partisan They may argue that the criticism for blurring the visits, illustrate the difficulty this article are those of the opinions of this newspaper.) events risks undermining presence of a foreign leader
diplomatic norms and the at a political event diplomacy and partisan perception of neutrality that undermines the democratic
leaders are expected to process and signals undue opposition parties viewing maintain. supportfortherulingparty these actions as foreign
When a Head of State Attending a partisan meddling. attends a political event, eventmightleadtoquestions
But what if it is a private such as a ruling party’s about the visiting Head of visit?WhenasittingHeadof conference, it can be seen as State’s motives, suggesting State attends the ruling party an implicit endorsement of that they are aligning with conference of another thatpartyoritspolicies.This the ruling party for political country in a private capacity, can create concerns about or economic gain. This can distinguishing between foreign interference in the fuel suspicions that bilateral private and official roles can internal politics of the host relations are driven more by be difficult due to the country, especially in personaltiesthanbynational visibility and influence of scenarios where the ruling interests. their position Even if party is in contention with a If the opposition in the labeledasprivate,suchvisits strongopposition. host country later comes to often carry diplomatic Heads of State typically power, they may view such weight, with their words and i n t e r a c t w i t h t h e visits as a sign of actions seen as representing governments of other antagonism, leading to their country This can be countries, not individual strained relations and perceivedasimplicitsupport political parties, to preserve potentially impacting future for the ruling party, a stance of neutrality diplomatic or economic ties complicating the political Attending a partisan event betweenthenations. balance in the host country could be interpreted as International observers and challenging diplomatic favouring one faction, a n d c i v i l s o c i e t y norms that typically require c o m p r o m i s i n g t h e organizations often see such neutrality impartialityexpectedofstate visits as a departure from Critics may question the representatives. established diplomatic authenticity of a “private”
Avisit to a ruling party’s practices.They may criticize visit, arguing that it is a event, even in a private the act as an attempt to strategic attempt to support capacity, might be perceived politicize foreign relations, the ruling party without as disrespectful to the host which can lead to wider f o r m a l d i p l o m a t i c nation’s political process. It d e b a t e s a b o u t t h e implications. The presence couldappearasifthevisiting appropriate boundaries of a foreign leader at a leader is attempting to between statecraft and party partisan event can be viewed influence outcomes or curry politics. as interference in the host favour with a particular While rare, there have country’s affairs, especially political group, which can been instances of sitting if the timing coincides with straindiplomaticrelations. Heads of State attending an election or politically Such actions could political events abroad sensitive period This encourage other leaders to Hugo Chávez of Venezuela perception can provoke participate in foreign frequently attended events criticism from both the host political events, potentially organized by allied socialist country’s opposition and the leading to a trend where partiesacrossLatinAmerica, HeadofState’sowncitizens, politicalpartiesactivelyseek and leaders from countries who might see the visit as a endorsements from foreign like Zimbabwe and South misuse of position or
DemBoysSehhowSocratesusedtodeh Demanseh,“Nah,isdeopposite.” in Greece long, long time ago, and dem call Socrates shake he head. “So yuh want to he a big wise man. One day, he walking tell me something bad and yuh ain’t even downderoadwhenoneofhebuddiesrunup know if it true. Well, leh we try de last to he, outta breath, and seh, “Socrates, yuh one—Usefulness.Iswhayuh‘bouttotellme know wha I just hear ‘bout one of yuh gonhelpmeinanyway?” students?” De man hang he head. “Nah, it ain’t
Socratesstopherightdeh.“Holdon,bai. reallyuseful.” Before yuh spill yuh mouth, leh we do a lil Socratesseh,“Wellifitain’ttrue,itain’t test.IsdeTestofThree.” good,anditain’tuseful,thenwhywasteyuh Demanlookconfuse.“TestofThree?” breath?”
“Yeah,” Socrates seh. “First thing: Is it De man walk away shame-shame. And true? Yuh sure wha yuh ‘bout to tell me real that is why dem seh Socrates was a wise true?” De man scratch he head. “Nah, nah, I man. justhearitso.”
But leh me tell yuh why Socrates never
“Hmm,”Socratesseh,“Soyuhain’teven knowthatPlatowashavinganaffairwithhis sure if is true.All right, let we move on to de wife – he was too busy with all dem fancy next one—Goodness. Is wha yuh ‘bout to tests! tellmesomethinggood?” Talk half. Leff half.
First there were the Panama Papers, which caused a storm in a big pot. Second, there came the Paradise Papers, which had nothing to do with the Garden of Eden. Third, there was the Wikileaks disorderliness, then the Bahamas Leaks, which caused some big people to wetthemselves. Ithasbeen an unusually torrid time for malingerers, malefactors, and mudslingers in high places who got that favour returned straight into their kissers. NowupcomesBart Jagdeo from beyond the horizon,asifheisAlanLadd in that cowboy classic Shane. He has what is best labeled as the Brutus Files.
More accurately, the Government of Guyana has the books on Guyana Police Force battler, Assistant Commissioner (ag) Calvin Brutus According to bossmanJagdeo,Mr.Brutus is playing with fire by filing his judicial napalm, and it could lead to him cremating himself. Whattomakeofall this? Well, not too many people in the Guyana Police andGuyanaitself,especially Mr.Jagdeo,willbetookeen toknow Disclosure is helpful. I don't know Mr Brutus, take no joy in his predicament. But, if he is half the policemanthatheshouldbe, then he should be wellpositioned to play Russian
Roulette with the PPP Government and Bharat Jagdeo. Should the VP be interested,Iamsurethatthis embattled senior police officer would be ready for any Mexican (Guyana) Standoff. In this version of stalemate, it is not who draws first, but who draws what. To make matters simple, it is not only about what files the PPP Government has on the policecommander Itisalso about what he has on them. If Mr Jay wants me to call somenames,Iamwillingto do him the favour For Mr Brutus is sure to have his stack (and stashed away cache) of PPP Papers
Though old hat, the repetitionhasitsvalue. Any volumeofPPPPaperswould beguaranteedtobestuffedto overflowing about who in the government burglarized the wealth of this country, how much hay (billions) they pilfered, where the stolen treasure of the people ishoused,andwhoaidedand abetted the crimes and corruptions (inside and
outside the Force). Mr Brutus'secretfilesmayeven have some ghosts in them. One could be who killed Courtney Crum-Ewing or whowasbehindit. Another would be what the police knows about a certain Chinese national named Su. This would not be anything malicious on Mr Brutus' part; just a man looking out fornumberone. Mr Jagdeo should know about selfprotection, since his reputation overtakes him Contrariwise, if Mr Brutus was happy-go-lucky, a bit too casual, with taking care of his own business, then he is trapped by his own, how should I say this, intransigence, meaning, sluggishness of his feet. A man of his seniority and pedigreeshouldknowbetter Further, it is helpful to look at this from a different angle. ThePPPGovernment hasearnedawidereputation as an aircraft carrier of corruption. Walk on the deckandit'ssogreasedwith bad behaviour and bad boys (rude boys, too), that the
unwary would slip, slide, and snowball headlong into the ocean. Go below decks and the boilerroomisoverheating with corrupt temperatures. Go on the commander's bridge, and it is God help Guyana. Ifforsomereason, the Police deputy was so negligent that he allowed himself to be distracted (wedding bells, maybe?), then the PPP Government could have him exactly where it wants him. On the ropes. Onthedefensive. On therun. And,onthewayout. Regardlessoftheoutcomeof this rather titillating affair, Mr Brutus'sdaysasapolice bigshot are good and done. Therewouldnotevenbethe k i n d n e s s o f a n y consideration for a spot in thepoliceworkshoptowrite his memoirs. Who would want him around? What is the utility that he would represent? Not when he has become too hot to handle tantamount to being radioactive In brief, a presence not worth the
trouble. Thereissomething elsetosay. Giventhatthisis PPP Guyana, I wouldn't prioritize loading up on c o u n s e l M y recommendation is that his first order of business is to gethisownpersonaldefence apparatusinhighgear
For Dr Jagdeo's part, he must be sweating bullets. How much does the cop know? What is he going to do,whichroadishegoingto take, how far is he prepared togo?
To show that he's not slack, Jagdeo went on the attack (we have the files). I sendhimanearlyXmasgift: he must be familiar with an old Guyanese saying Knack gat knack back. For sure,BosschiefJagdeoisnot a stupid chap. So, as this matter unravels, time will confirm whether this is anothercaseofJagdeoBluff. Or, whether it is one of Brutus' Blusters. Who will blindside and broadside whom, that is the question? That may be Shakespeare. Just remember that this is PPPGuyana.
(Theviewsexpressedin this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the o p i n i o n s o f t h i s newspaper.)
A 2 7 - y e a r - o l d hairdresser was shot on Saturday night during a robbery at her salon located at Coca Road, Wismar, Linden,Region10.
Injured is Mockesha Standford. She was reportedlyshotinthelegby a lone gunman who robbed her of $130,000 cash and a customer of a fivepennyweight gold ring worth,$60,000.
Recounting her story to police,Stanfordsaidthatthe man about five feet four inchestallinvadedhersalon around 21:20 hrs. He was armed with a handgun, sported short dread locks and wore a face mask Inside the salon with Stanford were two of her
customers, Annilie Pelew and Shamiah Inniss along with a worker, Shameza Hollingsworth.
K a i e t e u r N e w s understands that the bandit heldthemallatgunpointand robbed Standford of $130,000 in cash. He grabbed Pellew's gold ring too.
While escaping, the gunman reportedly turned around and shot Stanford.
The bullet struck her to the lower part of her right leg and the gunman continued his escape. Standford was subsequently taken to the Linden Hospital Complex, wheredoctorstreatedher According to police she is stable. Investigations are ongoing.
S t r e n g t h e n i n g collaboration on issues such as emergency prevention, preparedness and response, cervical cancer elimination, and regional production of medicines and health technologies, were the main focusofPAHODirector,Dr Jarbas Barbosa's official visits to Belgium and Spain lastweek.
According to a press release by PAHO, from 1415,October,Dr Barbosamet with high-level officials from the European Union, including Members of European Parliament, Laurent Muschel, Acting Director-General of the European Commission's
Health Emergency Preparedness and Response
Authority, and Feliz Fernandez-Shaw, Director for Latin America, the Caribbeanandrelationswith all Overseas Countries and Territories at the European Commission's DirectorateGeneral for International Partnerships(DGINTPA).
Dr Barbosa highlighted PAHO's work for over a century in emergency prevention, preparedness and response, and the importance of regional
c o
organization's support to countries. “The Region of
the Americas has been disproportionately impacted byepidemicsandpandemics in regent decades, with devastating consequences
communities,” the PAHO Directorsaid.
“There are significant opportunities to strengthen our collaboration around these common challenges and we appreciate the valuablecollaborationofthe European Union, which has been key to advancing regional health priorities,” including the COVID-19 pandemic response, climate resilient health systems, combating antimicrobial resistance, ensuring the health of migrants, and strengthening regulatory capacities and regional production, among other prioritytopics.
Dr Barbosa continued his official visit to Spain from 16-17 October While in Madrid, the PAHO Director met with Dr Monica Garcia, Minister of HealthofSpain,aswellasa number of other high-level officials from the country's healthsector
D u r i n g t h e s e discussions, Dr Barbosa thanked Spain for its continuedcollaborationwith (Continuedonpage17)
With a heavy focus on investment and opportunities, the government is aiming to build a world-class economy, which will be achieved through partnership and collaboration with the private sector, President Dr Mohamed Irfaan Ali said on Saturday evening.
He was at the time speaking at the formal opening of Aiden by Best Western Hotel on Oronoque Street, Georgetown. President Ali said building such a world-class
economy requires world-class facilities and infrastructures. “We are trying to build an economy by 2030 that will have at least three million people passing through annually to utilise the services that we are building in our economy,”
President Ali said. He noted that Guyana's resistance and sustainability must be built in a manner that understands that the country is competing globally and notwithitself.
As a result, each stakeholder
thatisapartoftheinvestmentplan must adopt a winning culture. It must be centered around bold decisionsandideasthatarebacked by hard work to transform the country The president encouraged the hotel operators to have predictability in the brand of the hotel, its pricing, value, and services. “Sometimes the market canplaywithourmindsintermsof
demand and supply and the whole economic principle. But I want to encourage the operators of this hotel to ensure that there is predictability consistently It is important because it helps you to build long-term clientele,” the Presidentstated.
Additionally, the Minister of Tourism, Industry and Commerce, Oneidge Walrond described the
hotelasa“visionaryproject”which aligns with the government's developmentalplans. She noted that it will greatly contribute to the tourism sector whichisacornerstoneofGuyana's economy “Today's opening of the Aiden by Best Western is proof of what can be achieved when the private sector and government (Continuedonpage16)
President Dr Mohamed IrfaanAli on Sunday turned the sod for a new state-ofthe-art Lethem Regional Hospital.
Thenewhospitalwillbe well equipped with 75 inpatient beds, two fully functional operation rooms, a modern ER and procedure rooms, diagnostic imaging services, digital x-rays, portable x-rays, 1 CT
machine and three ultrasoundmachines.
Itwillserveasateaching hospital, equipping the
r e g i o n ' s m e d i c a l practitioners with the skills tomeetglobalstandards.
This publication had reported that the National Procurement and Tender Administration Board (NPTAB) has disclosed that CMEC- Sinopharmintl ConsortiumoutofChinahas beenawardedthecontractto design and build the new LethemHospital.
The consortium was among six firms who initially submitted bids for the contract and was then shortlisted with three other firmsoutofChinatofurther bid for the contract Information released from
NPTAB had revealed that CMEC- Sinopharmintl Consortium submitted a financial proposal of US$31,099,200 to construct thehospital.
The construction of the hospitalfallsunderaUS$97 million – Health Care Network Strengthen – InterAmericaDevelopmentBank (IDB)loan.
In its tender, the Health Ministry had stated that part of the proceeds would be allocated to the construction of the Lethem Hospital, which is envisioned to operate at a level-five standard The IDB loan, secured by the Guyana Government in December 2022,formspartofabroader effort to strengthen the nation's healthcare network undertheConditionalCredit LineforInvestmentProjects ( C C L I P ) T h e comprehensive programme aims to bolster the capacity of seven hospitals across various regions, including key hinterland areas and urbancentres.
It was reported that the loanwillbeusedtoimprove the health of the Guyanese popula
increased access to quality and efficient health services by imp
outcomes associated with low and high-complexity procedures.
This will be done by expanding the capacity of
extending coverage of
consultation, and patient management services, inclusive of the country's hinterlands, through digital health;andbyincreasingthe efficiency of the public h
strengthening key logistic, management, and support processesandinputs.
The project is also
infrastructure improvement and expansion in seven priority hospitals, namely the Georgetown Public
m Region
l Hospital (NARH), and the Linden Hospital Complex (LHC), as well as four District Hospitals located in the hinterland (Moruca, Kamarang, Kato, and
Lethem).The Department of Public Information (DPI) reported that during his address at the event, PresidentAliannouncedthat the government will soon sign a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to establish a University of West Indies (UWI) Medical schoolinGuyana. Earlier this year, President Ali said that the government was in talks with UWI for the establishmentofthisschool. Hesaidthattheaimisto ensure that the tuition fees
forthisinstitutioninGuyana would be the same as in Trinidad.
The University of Guyanacurrentlyhasitsown School of Medicine, but an additional facility would provide incentives for innovation and improved quality
“Theregionalauthorities havealreadysaidthatthereis agroupofinvestorsfromthe stateofRoraimawhowantto invest in a medical school and medical facility in Region Nine,” the president furtherdisclosed.
(BBC NEWS) Cuba’s government has saidthatpowerwillberestoredtolargeparts of the country by Monday as Category 1 HurricaneOscarapproachesfromtheeast.
OnFriday,theisland’smainenergyplant failed and knocked out electricity for 10 millionpeople.Supplywaspartiallyrestored on Saturday, before collapsing again overnight.
EnergyandMiningMinisterVicentedela O Levy told reporters on Sunday that power wouldberestoredformostbyMondaynight, while“thelastcustomermayreceiveservice by Tuesday”. Packing 85mph (140km/h) winds, Oscar is forecast to reach Cuba on Sundayafternoonlocaltime,andcouldcause flash-floodingandmudslidesineasternareas, according to the US National Hurricane Center
It is expected to hit near Guantanamo or Holguin.
For many people it has been a few days with no air conditioning or fan. Food is now beginningtorotinfridges,andsomefamilies are having to cook with firewood. Many
homes are without water as the supply depends on electric pumps. Patience is wearingthin,certainlyasexpressedbymany on social media. It is an increasingly critical situation,withschoolsandbusinessesclosed and fears for the continued functioning of hospitals.
There are fears that a significant storm would damage Cuba’s creaking energy distribution infrastructure. President Miguel Diaz-Canel said on Saturday that authorities intheeastoftheislandwere“workinghardto protect the people and economic resources, given the imminent arrival of Hurricane Oscar”.
Friday’s total blackout came after the Antonio Guiteras power plant in Matanzasthelargestontheisland-wentofflinearound 11:00 local time. The communist president hasblamedthedecades-longUSembargofor preventing much needed supplies and replacement parts from reaching Cuba Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodríguez laterechoedthepresident’swords,postingon (Continuedonpage17)
AstheFestivalofLights (Diwali) celebrations draw
nearer, the Indian Commemoration Trust
organised a Diwali (Deepavali) Mela on the lawns of the Monument Gardens on Camp Street in Georgetown.
The event, hosted on Saturday evening, featured an exciting line up of cultural performances including dance and music, art, cuisine and other items on display. It brought together families and the Hindu community to enjoy thefestivityinunison.
P r i m e M i n i s t e r Brigadier (Retr'd) Mark Phillips joined patrons and the Indian community, on behalf of the government, for the auspicious celebrations.Whilethere,he participated in the lighting of the Diya, after which he delivered remarks touching
on the symbolic meaning behindDiwali.
PM Phillips highlighted that the festivity is one that transcends boundaries of religion, serving as a universal message of hope, light and renewal and the eternaltriumphofgoodover evil.“Thistimelessmessage resonates deeply within our Hinducommunity,aswellas across all of Guyana; a nationbuilton thevaluesof diversity and unity,” he underscored.
H e w e n t o n t o emphasise, that the light of the diya embodies qualities l i k e c o m p a s s i o n , understandingandkindness, that encourages everyone to spread positivity and bring peopleinunison.According to him, these celebrations are a chance for reflection and renewal, encouraging every individual to embrace love, unity and forgiveness
to build a strong and prosperousnation.
“Letthelightofthediya inspire us to overcome the challenges we face both as individualsandasacountry, he said, adding, “May we live out the principles of Diwali principles such as kindness, generosity, and righteousness so we can continue to nurture peace, understanding, and prosperity in our beautiful country.”
T h e I n d i a n
CommemorationTrust is an organisation involved in promoting the rich Indian culture. As customary, the organises melas for every unique celebration, including Diwali, Phagwah and other festivities. Furthermore, it has been involvedinseveralprojects, the most notable being the renovation of the Indian MonumentGardens.(DPI)
TheUniversityofGuyana said it supports quality tuition-free education as government announced that fees will be removed from January2025.
In a statement on Saturday,theuniversitysaidit is obliged to clarify the current situation in response to the plethora of calls in regard to the recent and ongoing public high-level pronouncements in Guyana onthequestionoffreetuition attheUniversityofGuyana.
“The University of Guyana welcomes and supportsqualityfreetuitionat theUniversityandwhereverit can be sustainably offered in our country The University has made no other determinations subsequent to those already made in regard to this year's graduation planned for November 7th to th9 and November 16th,2024. However, recent developing conditions surrounding interpretations by students and others about free tuition has produced some conditions which must be addressedurgently.”
Some of these matters concerning implementation modalities and the paying over of fees owed by prospective graduates and continuing students to the University are being assiduously addressed by the appropriate offices of the
University and the GovernmentofGuyana.
“Thisissothatalleligible studentscangraduateontime and the operations of the University for which fees havealwaysbeenneededcan continue uninterrupted until January 2025 when this first semester officially ends ”
According to UG in support of the Government of Guyana's generous promises offreetuition,ithasextended itself for the past four years, by allowing thousands of students to attend and successfully complete their studies without fully paying fees. “Therefore, there could be no routine reason why the graduations of students already planned would be withheld by the same University which has nurtured them for all this time.”
However, UG said revenuefromfeescovermore than50%oftheUniversityof Guyana's operating expenses and are always desperately neededtowardstheendofthe year
“The University of Guyana therefore wishes to assureitsstakeholdersthatall possible avenues are being pursued to ensure the operations and best interests of everyone, most importantlythoseofour3500 prospective graduates are satisfiedinthecomingweek.”
Two car thieves on Saturday night threw a man intoatrenchatSoesdyke,East BankDemerara(EBD)before driving away with his $3M car,PVV1962.
The victim was identified as 27-year-old John Caesar Caesar is a heavy-duty machine operator and a resident of Timehri Cemetery Road,EBD.
Bandits stole his car after he went for a drink at a night club located at Soesdyke Police said that he was sitting inside his car with a designated driver when the
The car was reportedly parked a short distance away from the club and the driver's door was left open. Caesar recalledtwomenapproaching the car armed with what lookedlikeagun.
Oneofthemstuckhim-up while the other reportedly chokedhimandpulledhimout ofthevehicle.
Theythenthrewhimintoa nearby trench before driving off with his car and Samsung cellularphone.
Investigations are ongoing.
Drivers to drive Canter, and Porters to work in warehouse. Call: 673-7373. Experience is an asset.
Wanted: Experienced Puri Maker, Counter Person, Cleaner & Labourer. Apply @ Shanta's, 225 Camp and New Market Sts. 654-1361.
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From page 6 October 2021, police applied for production orders for information from several financial entities as they probed payments to companies formerly linked to the minister. Cummings’s attorneys objected to the police’s application and suspended the production orders. In an interview in May 2022, Jacob said the FIB was continuing its investigations. At a media briefing a month later acting Snr Supt assigned to the AntiCorruption Investigation Bureau (ACIB) Deryck Walker said investigations into Cummings can take “from a day to ten years” depending on what was unearthed.
In July 2021, attorneys Asha Watkins-Montserin and Keisha Kydd-Hannibal, who have been representing Cummings, in a media release denied their client was being investigated. At the time they were responding to rumours that the home of a government minister was searched by police.
2 Experienced pastry makers, 2 cleaners & 2 table hand. Apply @ Humphrey's Bakery. 38 Ketley St.Charlestown Tele : 505-1324.
Male & Female sales attendant 5 years experience (Shift system) Stretch your coin hotel/store 109 Durban St. 693-3946.
Seeking Sales Representatives with driver's license, and Truck Drivers (training provided). WhatsApp Eve Anderson Recruitment 6453463
(1) Night Security. Tele : 619-0898 / 623-2728.
Wanted domestic worker and chef contact number 677 4896
1 Honda CRV, includes TV, music system, alarm, reverse camera, spoiler, crash, low mileage PUTT Series (first owner). Call: 649-0956.
PNM’s history with succession planning Party sources said that Rowley’s indecision has led to speculation which is causing uneasiness in the party as both Young and Cummings have factions of support. Foreign Affairs Minister Amery Browne, told Guardian Media that he believed the recent public comments of the Prime Minister were not intended to trigger any assumptions or any type of power struggle. “Given my tenure and experience in national politics and in the People’s National Movement, I have come to recognise the dangers of vaulting ambition and the hubris that accompanies it. Such hubris can affect others negatively and lead to unforced errors and to the formation of camps and division in circumstances where the nation needs healing and not more toxicity and strife.
Days after Lutchmedial spoke about the document, Cummings and his family received counselling, according to his attorneys in their pre-action protocol letter. Cummings also claimed he provided all of the “evidentiary facts” to Rowley after the claims were made. Asked about it at a media conference a week later, Rowley said Special Branch reports should be taken with a bit of salt.
He said while he was not defending the general secretary of the People’s National Movement, he was provided information that contradicted the claims in the report, and it was up to the police to investigate the claims and produce the evidence to support it.
In an interview with Guardian Media on June 28 at Balisier House, Cummings was asked about the allegations and his controversial decision to sue the state over the leaked Special Branch Report. He said his rights were “infringed”.
Asked about being a political leader?
“What I can tell you if there is no vacancy. We will see,” he said.
“The PNM has a constitution, protocols, and procedures that have given the party great stability over many years. And in the end, God’s will shall always supercede the best of plans and agendas,” he said.
One of the party’s founding members Ferdinand Ferreira shared the history behind the PNM’s three political leaders-the late Dr Eric Williams, George Chambers and Patrick Manning-who never saw it fit to identify a successor. The author of two books, Ferreira, 92, said Rowley is the only PNM leader to signal Young as his possible replacement, stating this was an extraordinary move. “That is unprecedented in the history of the PNM. None of our leaders have ever clearly identified with any successor. Now signals are emerging of the political leader who happens to be the Prime Minister…he has identified somebody who he thinks should succeed him,” Ferreira, told Guardian Media during an interview last Wednesday.
The bottom line is, Ferreira said, Rowley has sent a clear signal of choice in his affinity and praise of Young. At the PNM’s party conferences held in July and August, the PM expressed con-
fidence in the crop of young people he brought into the electoral fold for the party.
Ferreira said the PNM “has had a checkered history, in terms of succession of leadership” with Williams, Chambers and Manning failing to identify a successor. “Leave it to Dr Williams alone he would have certainly not selected Chambers… leave it to Chambers he would not have selected Manning… leave it to Manning he would not have selected Rowley.”
Under Williams’ leadership, he hand-picked three deputies, Kamaluddin Mohammed, Errol Mahabir and Chambers. “But he never indicated whom he favoured to take over the party,” Ferreira recalled.
Ferreira said the population has to remember that Rowley is still the party’s leader and may carry the PNM into the 2025 general election. “What he is up to we are not too sure. He has not said he is leaving. So who is supporting who at the moment is pure speculation? We don’t know if he (Rowley) is going…because Stuart Young came out openly and said Dr Rowley will lead us in the next election.”
Cummings, the party’s general secretary and Minister of Youth Development and National Service said the same thing. The bigger question one has to ask, Ferreira said, is if Rowley will accept the nomination for the leadership post. Former Port-ofSpain mayor Louis Lee Singh said the PNM was groping in the dark with its leadership challenges. A former longtime member of the PNM, Lee Sing said the party must be cautious in putting someone to lead who has questions to answer.
He said the PNM does not have much stock to choose from within the party. “The calibre of Rowley’s Cabinet is less than mediocre.” Lee Sing said the party may have to look beyond the current batch of MPs for a successor. His personal choice to lead the PNM was former public utilities minister Rob-
ert Le Hunte, while Rowley continued to be PM to manage the country’s affairs.
Other contenders in the race Terrence Beepath, the party’s field officer said anyone interested in running for the party’s leadership can do so as their constitution is clear: “As it is right now there is no (fight for the) leadership because Dr Rowley is there until 2026…constitutionally.”
Beepath said Rowley’s swan song was a probable indication that he may not contest the 2026 leadership post. Beepath said the PM has indicated that he wants to spend more time with his family seeing that his wife Sharon has retired.
“But certainly he is going to be there to see us through the next election in 2025. After which he would probably look at retirement because he has been hinting that in the public domain.” While there is speculation that Young is being groomed to take over the PNM and Cummings is being supported by the Black Caucus, Beepath said we should not cast aside Beckles since she challenged Rowley in 2018 for the leadership post. “I am not sure she is dead as yet…I am sure she may very well put her hat in the ring. We also have Faris Al-Rawi who is also a person who might show interest. I am sure it would not be one person... it would be several.”
Beepath said it was no secret that Young was a “confidante” of the Prime Minister. While Young may be viewed as a newcomer to the political arena, Beepath said, he has his strengths. “George Chambers was one nobody predicted…even Mr Manning. Nobody predicted he would have been the leader, you see.” Questioned if there was a rift in the party regarding talk of a successor, Beepath said there was no such thing. Beepath also dismissed rumours that Rowley’s health has been sinking. “He does not seem sick. He is very strong. He’s stronger than me.”
From page 12
Elevate your brand with our professional Graphic design services. Call: 619-0007, 6295526.
Visa Application:U.S.A, Canada & UK:Graphics design, advertisements, wedding arch rentals.Tel:6267040.
1 Toyota Allion, Pioneer DVD, CD & USB deck, reverse camera, alarm, low milage. Call: 649-0956.
work hand in hand to develop our tourism products,” Minister Walrond posited.
She went on to say that the government is committed to fostering such partnerships and is confident that the investments made will pay dividends for generations to come. Meanwhile, the Director of Arimu Investments Inc, Geraldo Alphonso, the local company that is a part of the Aiden by Best Western franchise, said that the hotel came with a lot of challenges, however, they were overcome. “I am very humbled to stand here tonight and say that we have fought every battle that came our way…I encourage all investors in this country to make their mark in our beautiful Guyana,” Alphonso stressed. The hotel which is the first of its kind in South America boasts some 138 rooms. Its aesthetic showcases Guyana’s flora and fauna while some of its suites are named after some of the country’s rivers. It sees over 60 locals being employed. The hotel also saw funding from the local Guyana Bank for Trade and Industry (GBTI). The sod was turned back in March of 2021 for the US $15 million hotel. (DPI)
Five companies, including two local firms, have submitted bids to design, build and finance (DBF) a cultural marketatPalmyra,Berbice,RegionSix.
This was revealed at the recent opening of tenders at the National Procurement and Tender Administration Board (NPTAB) office. This project is being undertaken by the governmentthroughtheMinistryofPublicWorks.
President Irfaan Ali announced the construction of the facility during an Emancipation celebration held at the New AmsterdamTechnicalInstituteafewweeksago.
The cultural market will serve as an educational and talentshowcasinghubforthecountry
Quoted in a Department of Public Information (DPI) article,thePresidentsaid,“Aswebuildthenewstadium,and as we build facilities around the stadium, and as we build hotels, an important part of why people will come to Region Sixistobepartofthisnationalculturalmarket.”
“This will be a symbol of the importance of culture in bridginggapsandbringingpeopletogether Theimportance ofcultureineconomicandsocialrevolution.Theimportance of culture in developing healthy lifestyle [and] the importance of culture in celebrating the unity of our people andourcountry,”headded.
Ministry of Public Works Pre-Qualification of Contractors, Design Build and Finance - Culture Market.
Ministry of LegalAffairs
Procurement of Office Furniture & Equipment.
Ministry of Education (GESIP)
Procurement of Laboratory Equipment for the New Faculty of Health Sciences Building, U.G Lots 1-4.
Guyana Sugar Corporation Inc.
Supply & Delivery of Mild Steel & Steam Pipes.
Supply & Delivery of 4WD Double Cab Pickup.
Supply & Delivery of 80HP 4WDAgricultural Tractor
Supply & Delivery of Mobile Lighting Tower
Supply & Delivery of 200HP 4WD Agricultural Fixed Farm Tractor
From page 14 infrastructure,fuelshortages X that “if the embargo is and rising demand for the lifted, there will be no electricityfailures. blackouts. This way the US “The fuel shortage is the government could support biggest factor,” he said. The the Cuban people... if it head of the National Electric wantedto”. Union(UNE)AlfredoLópez
Cuba has also been hit Valdés also acknowledged this year by a drop in crucial the island had been facing a fuel shipments from challengingenergysituation, Venezuela On Friday, with shortages chiefly to Cuban officials announced blame. that all schools and non- Extended blackouts -
includingnightclubs,wereto widespread - are always a close until Monday Non- tense time in Cuba. In part, essentialworkerswereurged because the ability to keep to stay home to safeguard the lights on represents a electricity supply, and non- potential public order issue vital government services fortheCubangovernment. were suspended. “This is In July 2021, thousands crazy,” Eloy Fon, an 80- of protesters spilled into the year-old pensioner living in streets in demonstrations central Havana, told theAFP sparked by days-long newsagency blackouts in much of the
“It shows the fragility of country our electricity system We The Cuban government have no reserves, there is has become increasingly nothing to sustain the aware that many on the country,wearelivingdayto island have lost a degree of day ” Bárbara López, 47, a fear over speaking out about digital content creator, said the many daily problems she had already “barely theyface. been able to work for two Some are even prepared days” to take to the streets and
“It’s the worst I’ve seen chant anti-government in 47 years,” she said slogans, if conditions merit “They’ve really messed up it. now We have no power or In March, Hundreds of mobiledata.”PrimeMinister people in Cuba’s secondManuel Marrero addressed largest city, Santiago, staged the public in a televised a rare public protest over message on Thursday, chronicpowerblackoutsand blaming deteriorating foodshortages.
President Irfaan Ali and Minister of Education, Priya ManickchandonSundayturnedthesodfortheconstructionof the $182 million Tabatinga Secondary School, located in Lethem,RegionNine.Inhisbriefremark,PresidentAlistated that the project should be completed within 18 months. This publication had reported that the project which went out to tender through the Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development was awarded last month to contractor QACivilWorks,followingthenationalbiddingprocessatthe National Procurement and Tender Administration Board (NPTAB) office. QA Civil Works was among 13 firms that submitted bids for the project which was estimated to cost $198million.
In her address, Minister Manickchand underscored the government’scommitmenttoensuringthatstudentsacrossthe countryaretreatedfairlyandaregiventheopportunitytolearn in a safe and comfortable environment. The Tabatinga Secondary School is one of four new secondary schools the government intends to build in the Upper Takatu-Upper EssequiboRegionthisyear Theconstructionofthesecondary schools will ease the overcrowding at St. Ignatius Secondary, while closing the primary tops in the other communities to provide students with the opportunity to have better access to learning.“…Sothatthe1,100childrenthatareoverflowingat St. Ignatius can have comfortable seats at Tabatinga. In this region,wearefixingtheSandCreekdormandtheAnnaidorm and the Aishalton dorm so that your children can live there morecomfortably,”theministersaid.
Manickchand disclosed that since 2020 the government hasbuilt18nurseryschools,andconstructiontocommenceon several primary schools. In addition to Tabatinga, a new secondaryschoolwillbeconstructedatNappi,Maruranauand Massara Villages along with the ongoing construction of Karasabai Secondary School. The education minister noted thatthecompletionoftheseschoolswilladd2,500moreseats for secondary school students. Kaieteur News understands that across the hinterland regions, a total of 16 secondary schoolswillbeconstructed.
InRegionOne,fivesecondaryschoolswillbeconstructed; inRegionSix,therewillbeone;inRegionSeventwoschools; and in Region Eight, three schools will be constructed. Tenders have been issued for the majority of the projects. Constructionofsomeoftheschoolshasstarted.
This newspaper reported too that the government has embarked on an aggressive programme to ensure that the nation’s children have access to secondary education. The Government has set 2025 to achieve universal secondary education.
To achieve this, the Ministries of Education and Local Government have since moved to have several secondary schoolsconstructedacrossthecountry
From page 11 the Organization, particularly in the areas of cervical cancer elimination and migrants’ access to health services in the Darien.Potentialareasofcollaboration,suchasstrengthening oflocalmanufacturingcapacityofmedicinesandotherhealth technologies,werealsodiscussed.
“Spain and PAHO share important values, including universal access to health and leaving no one behind,” Dr Barbosa said. “We look forward to our collaboration so that theAmericasbecomesthefirstregionintheworldtoeliminate acancer,aswellasinensuringtherighttohealthformigrants, displaced persons and Indigenous populations, which are all priority areas.” His visit to Spain also included meetings with Anton Leis, Director of the SpanishAgency for International DevelopmentCooperation(AECID),andMariaJesusLamas, Director of the Spanish Agency for Medicine and Health Products. ThePAHODirectorunderscoredtheimportanceof regionalcooperationinstrengtheningregulatoryauthoritiesof LatinAmerica and the Caribbean, which is key to promoting local manufacturing and ensuring better preparedness for pandemicsandotherhealthemergencies.
“Weknowwhatwehavetodotoaddresstheregion’smost pressing health issues, and this includes implementing policies to promote inclusive economic growth, investing in social infrastructure and quality health education, and strengthening health care systems based on primary health care,” Dr Barbosa said. “We look forward to continued collaboration with our European partners to learn from their expertiseandhelpmakethisareality.”
(BBC NEWS) Gaza’s
In particular, Israeli forces in the enclave. Elsewhere, Hamas-run health ministry have surrounded and Israelcontinueditsairstrikes has said at least 87 people bombarded the densely- against the Lebanese group werekilledandmorethan40 populated Jabalia area, Hezbollah in the southern injured in Saturday’s Israeli which includes an urban suburbsofBeirutonSunday. air strike on the city of Beit refugee camp - with at least In a statement, the IDF Lahia in the north of the 33peoplereportedkilledina said: “Earlier this morning, Palestinianenclave. strikelateonFriday the IAF [Israel’s air force]
The ministry said a Humanitarian groups conducted an intelligencenumber of people were still havewarnedthatvirtuallyno based strike on a command under the rubble after a aidhasenteredtheareainthe centre of Hezbollah’s residentialareawashit. past few weeks. Israel’s own intelligence headquarters
statistics show that aid
deliveriestoGazaasawhole weapons workshop in casualties but added that
Beirut”. It added that several earlier - lower - figures compared with the same steps were taken to “reduce published by Hamas were period in September On the possibility of civilian “exaggerated”. Saturday, the UN’s top casualties”, including
In recent weeks, the humanitarian official, Joyce “issuing advance warnings Israel military has been Msuya,saidthatPalestinians to residents”. The IDF also c
Injured people from Beit Lahia are treated at the
in northern Gaza are reported that about 160 bombardment of northern enduring “unspeakable rockets were fired from Gaza, saying it wanted to horrors” and called for these LebanonintonorthernIsrael. prevent Hamas fighters from “atrocities”tostop. Meanwhile, the Lebanese Gaza’s Hamas-run health several buildings, with mediashowingthetreatment regrouping there. A senior Israel has repeatedly army said three of it soldiers ministryreviseditsdeathtoll “more than four, five of the injured from Beit UN official warned that the denied it is preventing were killed after a military from73to87aftertheIsraeli residential blocks... razed to Lahia at the Kamal Adwan “nightmare in Gaza is humanitarian aid from vehicle was hit by an Israeli strike on Beit Lahia. The theground”.
Hospital. The images have intensifying” and the war entering Gaza - but on air strike in Nabatieh, earlier casualty figures were The strikes targeted an been verified by the BBC as “muststopnow”. Tuesday the US told it to southernLebanon. provided by Hamas late on entire residential square, Dr beingfromthehospital. The UN’s peace process boost access within 30 days Israel has not yet Saturday Sabbah said, in betweenAbu Israel confirmed the c o - o r d i n a t o r , T o r or risk having some commented. The ministry also said Jidian roundabout and Al deathofaseniorarmyofficer Wennesland, said that A
y Lebanon’s army has that ambulance crews were Qassam mosque. Dr Sabbah in northern Gaza’s Jabalia “nowhereissafeinGaza”.In assistance cut off. At least historically stayed out of unabletoreachthesiteofthe added that dozens of people area on Sunday Col Ahsan a statement, Tor Wennesland 42,603 people have been cross-b
ashes Israeli strike The Israel were killed and many were Daksa died after leaving his said he condemned the killed and 99,795 injured in
Defense Forces (IDF) wounded “some of whom tank and being struck by an continuing attacks on Gazasincethewarbeganlast Hezbollah - but a number of described the strike as a reachedthehospital,someof explosive, said IDF civilians. “This war must October, the Hamas-run its troops have been killed in “precision” attack on a whom remain under the spokesmanRearAdmDaniel end, the hostages held by authoritiessay Israeli attacks since fighting “Hamas terror target”. It told rubble”. He urged for an end Hagari. Hamas must be freed, the
The war began after escalated last month the BBC it was “doing to the “siege” on hospitals in Threeotherofficerswere displacement of Palestinians Hamas attacked Israel on 7 Hezbollah - a powerful everything possible to avoid northernGazaand“forlifeto injured,oneseriously,during must cease, and civilians October 2023, leaving militant group in Lebanon - causing harm to civilians”. return to normal... before it’s the same incident Israel must be protected wherever around 1,200 people dead says it has been firing on Dr Eid Sabbah, Kamal too late, before our nation is began a renewed military they are. Humanitarian aid and 251 taken to Gaza as Israeli positions in solidarity AdwanHospital’sdirectorof exterminated”. offensiveinnorthernGazain m u s t b e d e l i v e r e d hostages. Israel vowed to with Hamas in Gaza. Both nursing, said the Israeli Several images - early October, saying it was unimpeded,”hesaid. destroy Hamas in response, Hezbollah and Hamas are strike in Beit Lahia had including the one below - trying to prevent Hamas InastatementonSunday, launchingagroundoffensive backedbyIran. completely destroyed havesinceemergedonsocial from regrouping in the area.
Smoke was seen rising over Beirut's southern suburbs after Israeli air strikes late on Sunday [Reuters]
(BBC NEWS) The into Israel on Sunday, association in the country’s Israeli military has warned targeting military bases. In a easternBekaaValley residents in 24 areas in statement on Sunday Israel accuses the Lebanon-including14inthe evening, IDF spokesman association of financing capitalBeirut-thatitplansto Rear Adm Daniel Hagari Hezbollah.Earlierintheday, carry out strikes in the warned that “anyone located the IDF said that dozens of c o m i n g h o u r s a n d near sites used to fund projectiles were fired at throughoutthenight. Hezbollah’s terror activities northern Israel in the past 24 The Israel Defense must move away from these hours. It also said that its Forces (IDF) said it would locationsimmediately”.“We warplanes conducted “an target banks and other will strike several targets in intelligence-basedstrikeona Force in Lebanon (Unifil) international law and historically stayed out of financial infrastructure the coming hours and command cen
supportingHezbollah. additionaltargetsthroughout Hezbollah’s intelligence deliberately demolishing an 1701,” the Unifil said in a
DF of Security Council resolution c
, a BBC thenight,”hesaid. h
observation tower and statement In a separate Hezbollah - but a number of correspondent in Beirut said “In the coming days, we underground weapons perimeter fence of a UN development, the Lebanese its troops have been killed in there were eight air strikes in will reveal how Iran funds workshop in Beirut”. It said position in the southern army said three of it soldiers Israeli attacks since fighting thecapital’ssouthernDahieh Hezbollah’s terror activities steps had been taken to Lebanese town of Marwahin were killed after a military escalated last month district,anareacontrolledby byusingcivilianinstitutions, “reduce the possibility of on the border with Israel. It vehicle was hit by an Israeli Hezbollah - a powerful Hezbollah. Lebanon’s state- associations, and NGOs that civilian casualties”. Israel follows similar incidents in air strike in Nabatieh, militant group in Lebanon - run media also reported a act as fronts for terrorism,” has been accused by recentweeks. southernLebanon. says it has been firing on strike in the east of the theIsraelispokesmanadded. Hezbollah and Lebanese “Yet again, we note that Israel has not yet Israeli positions in solidarity country.Itisunclearwhether Lebanon’s state-run officials of targeting breaching a UN position and commented on the two with Hamas in the Gaza therewereanycasualties. National News Agency civilians,whichitdenies. damaging UN assets is a r e p o r t e d i n c i d e n t s Strip. Both Hezbollah and Meanwhile, Hezbollah (NNA) reported a strike on Earlier on Sunday, the f
Guyanese poor in many locations have been crying out for an ease to their distressing cost-of-living circumstances for years, with those pleas all falling on deaf ears in the PPP/C Government.
Recently, they came up with a plan as general elections near to dole out US$500 to every adult. And while many Guyanese would be grateful for the pittance, how much better it would have been for a sizable pay increase to public servants, reduction of VAT and also bringing ExxonMobil to the table to ensure Guyana gets more from its lucrative oil resources.
Citizens have been taking note of oil money withdrawals and where those funds went, who got, who didn't. The hungry in Guyana formed the bulk of those who didn't get anything and who have been left to their own devices.
The $100,000 will be spent on Christmas shopping and the suffering will continue.
( S p o r t s M a x ) - an award, with Barbados over 20 years, and her commentator, who has Accomplished athlete and Prime Minister The representation of Barbados proudly repr
sports commentator Alex HonourableMiaMottleyand in squash, golf, and
Barbados in squash, golf, Jordan was recognized with President of Guyana Dr swimming. Fluent in four and swimming. Fluent in a Special Sports Award on IrfaanAliinattendance. languages, Jordan has also four languages, Alex has Friday night at the 85th Jordan, a versatile played diplomatic roles for played key diplomatic roles Annual Conference of the broadcaster and beloved theGovernmentofBarbados for the Government of Barbados Labour Party sports commentator across on several United Nations Barbados on several UN (BLP) Awards Ceremony the C
The prestigious event, held c
demonstrating her multi- experience in radio and TV
ch outstanding contributions to facetedtalents. broadcasting, she has Foundation School, also saw sports journalism. The “Kaitlin Alexandra focused her career on sports former West Indies cricketer citation highlighted her Jordan is a dynamic athlete, journalism,” the citation Carlos Brathwaite receiving dynamic career, which spans broadcaster, and sports read.
A close friend might pass along some seemingly harmless but nonetheless untrue gossip, Aries. Don't accept anything you hear todayuntilyoucheckthefacts foryourself.
You don't normally tend toward frugality, but today you could go overboard with your spending Frustration fromallsidesmakesyouwant to release it all at once by acquiringnewpossessions.
Some failures that you may haveexperiencedoverthepast few days could have you beating yourself up today. Perhapsyoufeelthatyouwere too hasty or too sloppy and couldhavedonethingsbetter.
odayyoumightbeabletotune in to the thoughts and feelings of others, Cancer, but you aren't likely to know exactly how to handle the situation. Should you say something or just tailor your own behavior tosuitthemoodsofothers?
Group activities are probably very much on your agenda today, Leo. You could attend an online meeting or lecture andlaterparticipateinagroup chatwithabunchoffriends.
VIRGO(Aug 23–Sept 22)
Too much pressure on the job could have you feeling like chucking it all and going somewhere by yourself You might be tempted to go on a spending spree This may spill over into your personal relationships
Inner conflict regarding spiritual matters might have you questioning your and others' beliefs. You might doubt just about everything, Libra, and you could be tempted into angry debates overdifferentconcepts.
SCORPIO (Oct. 23–Nov 21)
Although your financial situation appears to be on the upswing, you still might be feeling pessimistic and indifferent about money and lifeingeneral.
SAGIT(Nov 22–Dec.21)
Aminorandrathersillyquarrel with a friend or romantic partnercouldhaveyoudownin the dumps This is an overreaction, Sagittarius. You might need to get away for a while before you can make senseofitall.
Pressures on the job may be mounting. You might feel so disgruntled that you want to chuck it all and run away Foreign countries and distant states may suddenly seem far moreappealingthanusual.
Demands made by friends, children, or the special person in your life might have you feeling like you're moving in a dozen different directions at once. You may feel unfocused andscattered.
Anumberofdeliveries,service people, emails, or phone calls mightkeepyoujumpingtoday, Pisces,rightwhenyou'reinthe mood for a quiet day It may takeallyourefforttokeepyour cool.
Jordan’s career has seen her grow into a prominent figure in Caribbean sports broadcasting.Afterreturning to Barbados to help launch the Alex Jordan Morning see these two leaders from underscores her significant Show on SLAM 101, she Barbados and Guyana, their contributions to sports and transitioned into sports relationship, their regional C a r i b b e a n c u l t u r e , broadcasting, eventually andglobalvisionreinforcing continuingtoinspirethrough commentating for the how important it is to our her engaging presence in Caribbean Premier League. identity to understand that sportsmedia. Shehassinceearnedaglobal we are part of a collective. Meanwhile, Brathwaite, audience, covering major They are so smart and best known for his matchsporting events like the vibrant and making waves winning four consecutive Tokyo 2020 and Paris 2024 aroundtheworld;whereverI sixes in the 2016 T20 World Olympic Games, winning go in the world, people tell Cupfinal,wasalsohonoured fansacrosstheCaribbeanfor me how much they admire during the ceremony, adding herknowledgeandpassion. Mia Mottley, and it makes another highlight to a night I n a n e m o t i o n a l medeeplyproud.” dedicated to celebrating the acceptance speech, Jordan Jordan’s recognition BLP’sfinesttalents. expressed her deep pride in being a Barbadian and her admirationfortheleadership of Prime Minister Mottley andPresidentAli.
“May I just say how proudIamtobeaBarbadian. We are from such a unique place, and what has distinguishedusintheregion and the world is our government. I am so grateful for the productivity, the professionalism, the decision-making, and action of this government,” said Jordan.
She also spoke about the importance of regional unity and the strong relationship between Barbados and Guyana: “I am so happy to
From page 29
sports figures, and expectations are high that thisyear’steamwillcontinue thatlegacy.
Guyana’s delegation is poised and ready to uphold the country’s reputation for sporting excellence, as they headintowhatpromisestobe three intense days of competition.
All eyes will be on them as they work to bring home top honours in a variety of disciplines while building lasting friendships with their fellow athletes from French GuianaandSuriname.
(ESPN Cricinfo) - have stepped up with a more October 20 can be written in impactfuleffort-topscoring big, bold letters, as one of with 43, while also picking New Zealand cricket’s up three wickets, all with a unforgettable dates. Hours slightlimpduetocramps. after men’s team recorded a For added context, New famousTestwin,theirfirstin Zealand had come into the India in 36 years, the tournament on a streak of 10 women’s team delivered the T20I losses, the longest country’s maiden T20I losing streak any team has WorldCupinstyleinDubai. turned around to win a
As a nation of four cricket World Cup. On this millionclockedintoworkon night,allofthatdidn’tmatter Monday morning, Sophie though.
Devine and Suzie Bates - Bates and New Zealand “grandmas of the team” as come out swinging Bates laughed in jest - had New Zealand came out just about finished theirs, punching knowing 134 and getting their hands on the 141 by Australia and Women’s T20 World Cup England respectively had trophy, the cup that had beenrazedatthisvenueover agonisingly got away from the past few days. They lost them 14 years ago at Georgia Plimmer - who’d KensingtonOval. struck a couple of fours - in final had by then begun to for a 31-ball 32 attempting a boundary in the middle withthe
It was fitting that the two the second over, but Bates g
ramp off Nonkululeko overs. Kerr struggled, and In last year’s final, Laura legends, who have carried quickly took over She had Marizanne Kapp missed a Mlabaintheeighthover didn’t find her hitting range Wolvaardt held the chase the country’s cricket been striking at 90.77 in five p
n t i a
o u t Halliday injects until the last few deliveries together, trying to get into a ecosystem for so long, innings coming into the opportunity against Bates in momentum with her of her 38-ball vigil that position from where she through issues with depth final; here she showed intent the fifth over when she career-best brought 43. It wasn’t until couldteeoffamidacollapse. and limited financial right from the get go, getting couldn’t cleanly pick up a The dismissals of Bates the arrival of Brooke Here, she decided to punch resources, could enjoy the a boundary - walloped over nudge at square leg. Sinalo and Sophie Devine - due to Halliday, the left-hander, did awayastheenforcer,picking night of their lives in the midwicket - off her second Jafta missed a stumping the slowness of the surface - New Zealand break out of a l e n g t h s e a r l y a n d twilight of their storied ball. But from 17 off 13, she opportunity in the sixth, left New Zealand needing a rut. pummelling with her strong careers. slowed down as the failing to collect the ball as massive effort from their Halliday brought out a forearms, showing a side of
Amelia Kerr, who had introduction of spin made Bates was dragged out. It middleorder slog sweep in the 14th off her game that is in stark hoped to dedicate the win to stroke-makingachallenge. cost South Africa just 12 They went through 48 Sune Luus to break the oppositiontoherartistry the golden oldies, couldn’t Bythen,thepressureofa more though, as Bates fell de
without a boundary drought, and once With Tazmin Brits solid, the shackles were broken, it was the first time in the New Zealand had another tournament that New boundary off the very next Zealand failed to pick up a ball. By jumping around the wicket in the powerplay At crease and opening scoring 47 for 0, South Africa were areas behind square on the oncourse. leg side through sweeps and SouthAfrica in slogs, Halliday’s presence free fall after breathed life into an innings Wolvaardt’s dismissal that had been struggling to Jonas broke through to getoutofsecondgear dismiss Brits in the seventh, Halliday’s enterprise but it was Wolvaardt’s helped raise a half-century dismissal, attempting to hit stand off just 37 balls with Kerr inside-out only to find Kerr playing a support role. Bates at extra cover, that had Halliday’s highest in T20Is, a deflating effect on South in 32 previous innings, had Africa. That was Bates’ first been 33 while striking at 82. of three catches in the Here, under the pressure of a innings.Fiveballslater,Kerr final, Halliday’s career-best hadhersecondwhenAnneke 38hadcomeof28. Bosch, who had knocked A cameo from Maddy Australia out two nights ago
Green provided New withasensational74,tickled Zealand a late lift: 48 off the an attempted sweep to Izzy last five, as they finished Gaze. Originally unsure if with 158, two less than the there was an edge, Kerr score they comfortably convinced Devine to review defended against India in andwasprovencorrect. theirtournamentopener Carson then dealt the Woolvardt counter- blow that arguably ended punches for SouthAfrica South Africa’s hopes when New Zealand took a cue she had Kapp mistiming a from their batting innings slogtodeepmidwicketinthe and introduced spin in the 12th over Kapp’s agonising second over with Eden walkbackandKerr’secstasy CarsonandFranJonastrying provided two contrasting to apply the squeeze. For the emotions in one frame. A first three overs, South telling picture of who would Africa managed just two have their hands on the boundaries, but kept hitting trophy before the night was the ball into gaps to keep up out.
North Ruimveldt apiece
created the On the other hand, Gold biggest upset to is Money bested LindenAll-
date in the Bent Stars2-0.
Street ‘Champion of Andrew Murray and C h a m p i o n s ’ F u t s a l ShamarKoulenscoredinthe Championship, defeating eighth and 13th minutes, Sparta Boss 1-0 on Saturday respectively night at the National Likewise, North East La Gymnasium. Penitence downed Bent
The only conversion of Street B 2-0 Donte the contest occurred in the McAulay and Kelvin Moore 17th minute of the second scored in the third and ninth half, as Tyrese Louis minutes,respectively uncorked a power shot that The winner of the event went through the legs of the will pocket $1,000,000 and goalkeeper and settled into the championship trophy, thebackofthenet. while the second, third, and Meanwhile, Back Circle fourth-place finishers will A,GoldisMoney,andNorth receive $500,000, $300,000, East La Penitence moved and $200,000 and the o n e s t e p c l o s e r t o corresponding accolade,
…North East, Back Circle, Gold is Money march on
Action at the National Gymnasium between Linden All-Stars (red) and Gold is Money
ound with On the individual side, BackCircleB-2vs.Team Mochascorers EastLaPenitence-2 Gold is Money-2 vs respectivewins. prizes will also be given to Cruel-3
LloydMatthews-3rd DonteMcAulay-3rd LindenAll-Stars-0 Back Circle crushed the highest goal scorer, most TeamCruelscorers AntwoineKelly-12th KelvinMoore-9th AndrewMurray-8th Street Vybz 5-0 Bevney valuable player, best IanDooker-7th
Z-TekkFamilyscorers Game-5 ShamarKoulen-13th Marks bagged a double in defender, and goalkeeper, JoelSealey-18th DonaldMcKenzie-2nd Back Circle A-5 vs Game-7 the 11th and 15th minutes, respectively TeonStewart-20th OzealSmall-16th StreetVybz-0 North Ruimveldt-1 vs.
respectively, while The event continues at
BackCircleBscorer Game-3 Bevney Marks-11th and SpartaBoss-0 Jermaine Beckles, Stephon the same venue on October Sigmund Cobena-2nd Laing Avenue-0 vs 15th TyreseLouis-17th
McLean, and Ravin 25th.Belowarethecomplete and21st
JermaineBeckles-1st Game-8 Naughtonscoredinthefirst, results. Game-2 DavidGeorge-8th StephonMcLean-8th Bent Street A-0 vs eighth, and 14th minutes CompleteResults Mocha-2 vs Z-Tekk Game-4 RavinNaughton-14th StabroekBallerz-0
beatbattlingWolves. cornerfrom20yards. returned to the top of the
Mohamed Salah celebrates putting Liverpool ahead from the penalty spot against Chelsea at Anfield (Getty Images)
The defender’s header - Yet it did not give them Premier League with victory in the fifth minute of injury an immediate platform for over Chelsea at Anfield as time - was given when victory and the visitors were manager Arne Slot’s
referee Chris Kavanagh met by an undaunted outstandingstartcontinued. awarded the goal on review, opponent who denied them
TheDutchmanisthefirst to the hosts’ fury, after it space, although only an Liverpool boss to win 10 of was initially ruled out for excellent low save from Sa his first 11 games, this latest offside denied Savinho in first-half triumph sending them a Josko Gvardiol had stoppagetime. point clear of Manchester earlier cancelled out Jorgen Another Sa stop kept
City following their Strand Larsen’s opener for Ruben Dias out as City dramatic stoppage-time Wolves, who remain winless camped in the hosts’half but victoryatWolvesearlier thisseasonandarebottomof they were almost caught out Mohamed Salah put thePremierLeague. by a rare Wolves break, Liverpool ahead from the City made the early Matheus Cunha shooting spot after 29 minutes running at Molineux but wide. following Levi Colwill’s were stunned on seven P e p G u a r d i o l a foul on Curtis Jones, though minutes when neat build-up summoned Phil Foden and a second penalty awarded on play sent Nelson Semedo Jack Grealish from the the stroke of half-time for away and his brilliant cross, benchbutCityweremadeto Chelsea goalkeeper Robert whichbypassedfourvisiting wait until deep into Sanchez’s block on the same defenders, was tapped in by stoppage time to find a playerwasoverturnedbythe StrandLarsen. winner racingcleartoscore,thegoal It mean Slot’s only loss againstManchesterCity video assistant referee The recalled Jose Sa, StonesheadedinFoden’s awardedafterbeingruledout since succeeding Jurgen Stones heads last-gasp (VAR) after initially being replacing the injured Sam corner, only for Silva to be foroffside. Klopp was to Nottingham winner as City come back awarded by referee John Johnstone in goal, denied ruled offside as he was Liverpool took only F
to beat Wolves Brooks.
(ESPN Cricinfo) - A
Sherfane Rutherford scored a crucial half-century (Getty Images)
intervention, they had been racking up numerous dot 137-run stand between in the process of regaining deliveries, and picking up Charith Asalanka and some lost momentum with theoddonesandtwos. debutant Nishan Madushka Rutherford and Chase in the ARutherford cut for four provided the base as Sri middle of an 85-run fifth- in the 17th over was the first Lanka comfortably chased wicket stand off 78 West Indies boundary in 47 down a DLS-adjusted target deliveries. deliveries; by the traditional of 232 in Pallekele, to take a Wanindu Hasaranga had halfway point of 25 overs, 1-0leadintheseries. taken two wickets, while theyhadinchedto94for3.It
Asalanka top-scored
Jeffrey Vandersay and was here that a frustrated with a 71-ball 77, while Asalanka had one apiece. Carty unleashed a powerful Madushka finished with 69 But on a dry Pallekele one-handedloftoverlong-on off 54. Both departed unable surface, West Indies knew a for six to break the shackles to see the chase through, but trial by spin was always on somewhat,butthatreliefwas considering the precarious the cards after they had won shortlivedashefellgoingfor position at which they had thetossandelectedtobat. a repeat performance the come together - 45 for 3 in
Dunith Wellalage was very next delivery That the seventh over - they had into the attack as early as the brought to an end a 46-run done more than enough to fifth over - and even before partnership-theWestIndies’ ensurethewin. that medium pacer Liyanage best of the innings until that
Kamindu Mendis was had resorted to offcutters on point. thereattheendtoseethewin ahardlength-whilespinwas But with the dependable through,withanunbeaten30 in effect from both ends not Chase alongside him, off 21, and alongside him longafter Rutherford continued as was Janith Liyanage on a
Despite a promising before, picking off singles run-a-ball18. opening stand it wasn’t long and attempting to pounce on
Left-arm spinner before West Indies had anyrareloosedeliveries.But
Gudakesh Motie was the stumbled to 54 for 3, with as their confidence grew and pick of the bowlers for the Rutherford joining Keacy a persistent drizzle greased visitors, with figures of 3 for Carty in the middle, and the thesurface,thepairstruck43 47, while Alzarri Joseph scoring rate now hovering at in the last five overs they grabbed two. Despite having around four an over It was faced. With the death overs reinforcedtheirspinreserves during this period that Sri still to come, a total in the in preparation for a dry his debut in place of the Lanka’s skipper hardly let it West Indies’ best period Lanka’s spinners took total region of 275 was on the Pallekele surface, none were injured Pathum Nissanka, show Off just the second of the game had occurred control, as West Indies were cards. But then the rains able to offer as much openedtheinningsalongside delivery he faced he swept muchearlier Priortotherain content to play it safe, came. penetrationasMotie. Avishka Fernando but by the Motie for four, before While Motie too went at time he faced his fifth driving him exquisitely over six an over he at least delivery in ODI cricket, Sri through the covers an over posedawicket-takingthreat. Lanka had found themselves later Madushka, who up This was not something the alreadytwodown. untilthispointwascontentto pair of Roston Chase and Avishka drove a widish turn over the strike to his Hayden Walsh Jr could delivery straight to point, more aggressive partners, boast, as they gave up 80 while Kusal Mendis - who finally notched his first runs in the 10 overs between hadlookedingoodnickwith boundaryinthe10thover them. a trio of enterprising And this partnership
While this was down to a boundaries - top-edged an scarcely took the foot off the combination of errant attempted pull. This brought gas as the West Indies bowlingandruthlessbatting, Sadeera Samarawickrama to struggled to maintain tight the West Indian spinners the crease, and he wasted lines and lengths. Between were also impacted by a wet little time taking the the 10th and 20th over only ball as a result of a wet initiative, striking Jayden two overs didn’t contain a outfield. The rain also meant Seales for three boundaries boundary, as Sri Lanka that the pitch had become inthefifthoverofthechase. racked up 72 runs in that easier to bat on by the time With the threat of rain period. Sri Lanka took lease of the looming, Sri Lanka’s game And the scoring only wicket. plan was clear - get ahead of accelerated from that point
Earlier, Sherfane the DLS equation. But when on, with a further 41 runs Rutherford’s counterattack Sadeera fell, courtesy an scoredbetweenovers20-25. had been cut short by rain to absolute peach from Motie Madushka eventually bring to a premature close thatknockedbackoffstump, edged to slip, with Asalanka the West Indies innings on Sri Lanka were suddenly at following shortly after 185for4after38.3overs. the risk of letting the game trapped leg before - both off But even with that slipintodangerousterritory- Motie - but the required run caveat, the way Sri Lanka even with the safety of being rate had dropped to nearly approachedtheirchasemade abletobatuntilNo9. four an over by that point, them well worth their But if those watching on and any peril long since victory Madushka, making were feeling nervous, Sri neutralised.
Tevin Imlach will Nedd will have a shot to Kanhaiya Ramkarran, who lead a star- prove himself for Guyana was one of the top batsmen studded Guyana with a senior guide in left- during the Super50 Inter-
Harpy Eagles arm spinner Veerasammy county and former national squadaheadoftheupcoming Permaul. youth opener Sachin Singh CWI Regional Super50 N
round off a solid stand-by Championshipswhichbowls include pacer Nial Smith unit fortheEagles. off from October 29 across who picked up an injury H
ad Coach Ryan theCaribbean. recently which forced him HerculesandassistantCoach
A number of familiar outoftherecentlyconcluded Garvin Nedd will resume faces return to the squad inter-county their roles, with Albert followingasuccessfulMen’s Middle-order batsman C
Senior Super50 Inter-county Akshaya Persaud has been Manager tournament which ended on granted permission to return Guyana Harpy Eagles SundayatBourda. to the Combined Campuses Super50 squad - Tagenarine Imlach, who helped and Colleges (CCC),
Demerara retain their title franchisehewasdraftedtoin
recently, will have all- October 2019, ahead of the
rounder Keemo Paul as his 2019–20 Regional Super50 Anderson, Tevin imlach deputy season. (CAPTAIN), Kemol Savory, Leading run scorer from Essequibo speedster Kevin Sinclair, Kemo Paul the inter-county, opener Beaton, who had his action (
, TagenarineChanderpaulwill cleared earlier this year, will Veerasammy Permaul, feature alongside the likes of be looking to make an Ashamed Nedd, Ronaldo ali wick
Kemol impactful return to regional Mohamed, Sylus Tyndall, S
cricket. Isai Thorne and Ronsford Ronsford Beaton, Isai The Eagles also boast a Beaton Thorne and Ronaldo strong reserve squad, with Standby players: Devon AliMohamed will play key spinner’s Anthony Adams, Lord,AntonyAdams, Junior rolesintheEaglesline-up. leading wicket-taker in the
Matthew Nandu, Kevlon inter-county, Devon Lord Looknauth,Sachin Singh, Anderson, Kevin Sinclair, with all-rounders Junior Kanhaiya Ramkarran, Head Sylus Tyndall to name a few Si
ie Coach -Ryan Hercules, willbeonshowforGuyana. Looknauth. Assistant Garvin Nedd, Young spinner Ashmead Middle-order batsman ManagerAlbertClements.
The Percy Boyce Memorial Road Race was hailed a success. In photo are winners across respective categories sharing a photo-op with organizers and members of the PAB Foundation.
Robin Persaud and no less thrilling, as young Alexander Leung claimed A l e x a n d e r L e u n g ’s top honours yesterday at the relentless effort propelled Flying Ace Cycling Club’s him past the competition. Annual Percy Boyce Leung took first place, Memorial Cycle Road Race, leaving Sidwell Sandy and co-hosted by the PAB Adjani Cutting to claim Foundation. The race, which s e c o n d a n d t h i r d , commemorates the life of respectively, in a race full of national cycling champion tenacity and youthful Percy Boyce, took riders promise. from Carifesta Avenue in Veteran cyclists brought Georgetown to Perseverance their experience to the (Halfway Tree) and back, forefrontinanaction-packed with athletes competing divisionsplitbyage.Persaud acrossmultipledivisions. wasn’t done yet, dominating In the headline Senior’s the Under-50 category to event, KFC Evolution rider secure another first-place Robin Persaud showcased victory, with Hubbard once his dominance, crossing the again in second and Geron finish line in 2:26:51.39. His Williams in third. In the flawless performance earned Over-50 category, Ian him the coveted first place Jackson took the top spot, prize, leaving Paul followed closely by Roy DeNobrega to settle for HarliquinandKevinJeffery second, while Segun Category Four riders and Davenand Bisson concluded with a customary handed out trophies and local cycling calendar, once Hubbard rounded out the p r o v i d e d p l e n t y o f securing the top three spots prize-giving ceremony led monetary awards to the top again delivered a thrilling podiuminthird. entertainment, with Carlos inahard-foughtrace. by Rayad Boyce, son of the riders in each division. The tribu
Robin Persaud (far left) firing-in ahead of Paul DeNobrega in the Senior’s Race yesterday on Carifesta Avenue
The Junior’s event was Mendonca, Jaikaran Sookai, The day’s festivities late Percy Boyce, who annual race, a staple in the champion.
By Rawle Toney
thethreenations. Inter Guiana Games is not oftheregion’spremieryouth
Leading the Guyanese just an opportunity to spo
Today,Guyana’sathletes delegation is Director of competebutalsoachanceto decades, the Games have embarkedontheirjourneyto Sport, Steve Ninvalle, while represent their country with provided a platform for FrenchGuianatocompetein Dr Karen Pilgrim, a pride. young athletes to showcase the 2024 edition of the Inter prominent sports figure in “This is your moment to
GuianaGames(IGG). Guyana, will serve as the shine,” Minister Ramson p r o m o
The annual sporting ChefdeMission. said, “The Government of exchange and goodwill competitionwillseeathletes Minister of Culture, Guyana is fully invested in among the neighbouring from Guyana, French Youth and Sport, Charles your development, and we countries. Guiana, and Suriname vie Ramson Jr., met with the want you to know that this
As the 2024 edition gets for honours across seven contingent at the Guyana journey goes beyond underway, the spotlight will disciplines: athletics, National Stadium before winningmedals.” be on these young athletes, swimming, table tennis, their departure, offering TheInterGuianaGames, many of whom will be futsal, chess, basketball, and words of encouragement a yearly event, has its roots representing Guyana on the volleyball. and setting the tone for their dating back to the early international stage for the
The event, scheduled participation. 1960s. firsttime. from October 24 to 26, has Addressing the athletes, I
Over the years, the IGG long been a platform for M i n i s
e r R a m s o n fostering closer ties among has been a Launchpad for fostering regional unity and challengedthemtogivetheir the three Guianas, it has someofthecountry’stop athletic excellence among best, emphasizing that the since grown to become one
(Continued on page 25)