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Kaieteur News

Friday April 19, 2019

Kaieteur News


Friday April 19, 2019

Kaieteur News Printed and Published by National Media & Publishing Company Ltd. 24 Saffon Street, Charlestown, Georgetown, Guyana. Publisher: GLENN LALL Editor: Adam Harris Tel: 225-8465, 225-8491. Fax: 225-8473, 226-8210


That sacrifice is needed


his country is in dire need of those sons and daughters, those leaders and servers, those powerful and less fortunate to be selfsacrificing. What happened today, some two thousand years ago on a forlorn, dismal hilltop in a backwater province of the sprawling Roman Empire provides a model, a standard for all of us Guyanese to aspire to, and then to deliver. Whether skeptic or agnostic, believer or nonbeliever, there is this pulse pounding drama of that first Good Friday that comes alive today across the globe. Whether embraced as sacred truth, or dismissed as and distanced from as an enchanting fable, there is this literary record of something special that is believed by the faithful to have occurred in that most obscure of dead ends. Over a billion souls across the globe can proudly or humbly trace the mysteries and mysticisms of their blind obedience to that rather frail, but resonant beginning from nowhere by a nobody —a poor village carpenter’s son. For that billion and more, this supposedly Greatest Story Ever Told, and its surging, awesome climax is not of the literary, but to be embraced as truly, purely, and absolutely literal. It happened then; it is happening now. It was all about the self-sacrificing. Where are Guyanese in this regard? Where are those patriots whose umbilical cords are wrapped and inseparably sewn into the fabric of the Guyanese soul? Where coming back is about giving? Where staying and ascending does not decay to the nauseating and enfeebling insistence on the self-serving? Leaders in every realm—political, social, ecclesiastical, commercial, and professional—must start by reflecting (whether believer or not) on the man from Galilee suspended by the cruel shafts of nails on that Cross, and ask of themselves: do I measure up? Am I imitating? Have I exemplified? The Guyanese gospel stands as a register of atrocity, iniquity, and boundaryless hypocrisy. From presidents to paupers, it is an impious litany of political Pharisees, who lead the charge in words that weigh heavily and which incite to piercing; and ever after to the soullessness that is the Guyana of today. There is this unholy scrambling for position and the perquisites that cascade from such ambitions and achievements. And then there is a population of the lost sheep of this country thrown to and preyed upon by the stalking wolves in a dehumanizing Darwinian tussle for survival, the upper hand, and perpetuation. On this Friday of extraordinary grace, of unparalleled portents, where are those Guyanese figures, men and women, who are not of the angling and clawing and climbing of the crab barrel that has condemned this society to its destitution of vision? Where are they? It just could be that they are preoccupied with counting the pickings, as well as planning on how to be wellpositioned for future counting from future pickings? As this country is drained to the bone, and diminished in spirit from the routines of roguery, a dozen or eleven is needed as never before to dedicate mind and muscle to making this loved land a better place. Out of a gritty, uninspiring back alley of darkness and nothing, a no man’s land of nonentities, came a figure for the Ages. There were a dozen willing hearts, and then one turned. Guyana can afford one (or two or seven) of such hearts turning. It cannot overcome eleven against and only one or two standing for what is progressive. Not with oil, not with race, not with the relentless pursuit of cash of any kind, at all costs, by any means.

Editor’s Note; If your sent letter was not published and you felt its contents were valid and devoid of libel or personal attacks, please contact us by phone or email.

Males who prey on women, routinely, are really the scum of the earth DEAR EDITOR, The law does not allow a man to saturate himself with the white or amber stuff to fortify himself with “dutch courage” in order to enable the commission of the worst offence against God and His humanity. My theology informs me that we were all made in His image hence the enormity of the offence. Omwattie Gill is no longer with us. She, according to your Editorial of Wednesday April 17, 2019, ‘’was only 21 years old, the mother of a 7-month-old daughter and had been a victim of domestic violence”. Why? “What is the matter with my gender?” I ask rhetorically. My generation was taught to respect women. This was basic education in our primary schools during the erstwhile years of myself and compatriots. The school I attended was schoolmastered by my father. One day, during the mid-morning break, Beryl Green told me something I did not like. My response was to plant a manly cuff in her face. She smiled and then said triumphantly, “I am going to

tell Sir”. She did. I heard C.O. Patterson’s bellowing voice from the top floor: “What, my son hit a girl? Boys go get him”. Half of my standard six friends with great difficulty, subdued me, and held me down on my face. My father did a 15-minute workout on my derrière, exclaiming with each lash “My son hit a girl?” I extricated myself and ran home to the sanctuary of Aunt Blanche who was holidaying with us then. My father came home to continue the brutality, but Aunt Blanche intervened and rebuked him. By the way, my abhorrence at the maltreatment meted out to my gender by women is likewise an aberration of the same barbaric kind but embalmed in subtlety. This meme must cease, forthwith. Some males of the species currently abiding in Guyana and elsewhere are a disgrace to their creator. Teachers, Pastors and such ilk need to understand and inculcate the following to their anxious male charges from the earliest incubative period - we are male by birth and men by choice. We have recruited a

regime of cads and bounders, and rosters of rogue scholars who seem to be marinated in mischief because males have lost their moorings. What do we have now? Women have been infected by the orgies of violence and both genders seem to have outsourced their brain. I understand very well the proliferation of maladroit males of the most unsavoury kind. I also understand how women could goad us to fury. Yet, that is no excuse for us to wage a donnybrook in the home of which the headship rests on us. (Oops, no offence to the women’s equality corps). I have a bullet proof repugnance and contempt for males who do not act manly. Males who prey on women, routinely, are really the scum of the earth. Males who by choice refuse to take the uplifting hands tendered by various governments and civic organisations, present or past, to deliver them from the cycle of delinquency, ought to be sanctioned. Our women folk must bear some responsibility. It is not wise to be cute and clueless. Women must understand that you have a

duty to upgrade yourselves. The opportunities for individual, educational and social uplift were not available in my day. Yet our generation of Guyanese produced the best of humanity of their day. Most readers are not aware that in the 60’s British Guyana had the greatest amount of graduates per capita in the Commonwealth. Men, surely we can do better. Now oil would be flowing soon. Money would begin to flow like the oil. This writer is not a prognosticator of doom and gloom, but yet I am not excited at its advent. Oil is likely to lay the foundation that would spawn politicians who would take their overweening and arrogant postures to a new level, and with that, our young men. May the dark side of our social endeavour cease and may the realization of our common humanity jerk us all into the reality of who we really are as Guyanese of the human kind. Kind regards Justice (Ret’d) James Patterson Guyana Elections Commission

The role of PPP/C legislators is to hold APNU+AFC to account in or out of parliament DEAR EDITOR, The National Assembly is to meet on Friday, April 26. Notices with the Order Paper for the sitting have been received by Members of Parliament. This will be the second sitting of the House to be held since passage of the No Confidence motion (NCM) on December 21, 2018. It is only when the MP’s on the government benches are properly seated and the sitting is officially declared in session by the Speaker, that the picture will be clear as to who has vacated their seats and who hasn’t. Interestingly, appearing in the Order Paper there are two items in the name of the Minister of State and the Minister of Business. Whether the Ministers themselves will rise when called upon by the Speaker to present the statement and the report respectively or, whether other government MPs will rise to do so due to the two ministers’ absence, is left to be seen on the day of the sitting. There are several important bills that will be introduced for first reading they include; Interception of Communications (Amendment) Bill 2019; Procurement (Amendment) Bill 2019; Customs and Trade Single Window System Bill 2019; Customs (Amendment of schedules)

Bill 2019; National Accreditation Council (Amendment) Bill 2019; National Accreditation Council Act 2 2004 (Validation) Bill. In addition, there are several Reports to be presented for adoption. Whether these bills will be proceeded with while the CCJ ruling remains pending will be seen during the sitting of the Assembly. The PPP/C has long indicated that its MP’s will not be participating in the National Assembly until such time when the CCJ rules on the validation of the NCM. In the circumstances, since the parliamentary struggle for the PPP/C is a ‘No Go’ until such time that the CCJ rules, the extraparliamentary struggle assumes greater significance. The Guyanese people should not be made to punish by being subjected to hearing the views exclusively of those from the government benches who will speak to those bills. And though this heavy dose of progovernment propaganda will be insufficient, it is anticipated that government’s propaganda machine will swing into full gear trumpeting the rusty tune that the parliamentary sitting is a reflection of government being back to

business as usual. Following passage of the bills, it is to be expected that government-sponsored propagandists and spin doctors will be hard at work in their efforts to contaminate the environment with their politically-biased views on the bills, much to the disadvantage of the parliamentary opposition. In this regard, it is equally important for the nation to hear the views of the political opposition on the bills slated for debate. Opposition MPs should be mobilized to take the extraparliamentary information highway with a view to informing the populace of their political and technical views on each bill or the suite of bills. The Guyanese electorate expect no less. Democracy must not lose further ground in Guyana.The role of PPP/C legislators in Guyana is to hold the APNU+AFC to account in or out of parliament, more so in the prevailing context, where constitutional democracy is on trial and where the court has become the principal arena of the struggle to maintain the rule of law as well as the civil and political rights of the Guyanese people. Yours faithfully, Clement J. Rohee


Kaieteur News

Friday April 19, 2019

DPI DIRECTOR OFF-COURSE ON SUGAR INDUSTRY DEAR EDITOR, The GAWU’s attention was drawn to the Director of the Department of Public Information (DPI), Mr. Imran Khan’s commentary programme titled ”The current political situation”. The programme, a fairly new production by the DPI, has, in our view, taken partisan positions, something the current Government had bitterly complained about when in Opposition. It undoubtedly goes to show, in our view, that talk is really cheap. In a most recent programme, the DPI Director addressed the issue of unemployment. In touching on the subject, Mr. Khan referred to the sugar industry and said that the 7,000 sugar workers who were made jobless were put on the breadline because of the ”…necessary and inevitable right sizing of the industry….” While the DPI Director is entitled to his view, a right we uphold, at the same time, we cannot see eye-to-eye with him. The fact remains that the Administration’s hands were not tied, so to speak, regarding its approach to sugar. Mr. Khan would well know that the Sugar CoI recommended an alternative

path and one which would have protected rather than destroyed livelihoods and deepened misery and hardships in our country. Moreover, we are at a loss to understand how the closure of estates is deemed as right sizing, when the Coalition Government has promoted the reopening of the estates after a divestment process. The DPI Director next says that the sugar workers ”…have all received severance payments to the tune of hundreds of thousands and millions of dollars…”. It appears that Mr. Khan wants Guyanese to believe that the monies paid to sugar workers were some form of concession by the Government. However, as many already know, the workers were entitled to those payments in keeping with the statute and the collective labour agreement. Also, the sums that the workers received were earned as a result of the many dedicated years of service to the sugar industry. On this matter, we should not forget that the Government openly flouted the laws and withheld the workers’ entitlements, an injustice that was righted following the intervention of the High Court.

Mr. Khan next tells us that “…many of the workers have used their severance pay to start new businesses…” This indeed may be a fact for some workers, and the GAWU is heartened by such developments. But those developments should not be used to obscure the reality that for very many of the workers, they have been forced to stingily utilize their severance payments to meet the basic costs of life. The reality is that workers have not been able to secure gainful employment elsewhere and had to dip into their payments. The reality is that those monies received, for many, are exhausted or near the exhaustion point. The reality is that some workers and their families do not have adequate meals. The reality is that some workers have had to make the painful choice to remove their children from school. The facts of life in the closed communities are far from the blissful picture Mr. Khan, sordidly, tried to paint. A recent short film produced by Dr David Dabydeen has highlighted poignantly the real realities of life since closure. From that film, Gail Garnette, the wife of an ex-

Different day, same disappointment DEAR EDITOR, I have written about this issue before, and absolutely nothing was done. Yet, here we are again, because I refuse to accept wrong behaviour as the new norm. Every weekday morning I sit in traffic at the western side of the Harbour Bridge, queuing to get over the bridge. Most times it will take me 40 minutes to get over the bridge - on occasions even over an hour. If this was the

reality for everyone, then fine, so be it. But it is not. While over a hundred cars are patiently in the line, the police will let anyone who is their friend, neighbour, etc., to jump the line and go to the front. They allow these cars to drive on the wrong side of the road. Not simply a few cars. One morning I counted over 40 cars jumped the line and passed me. The daily frustration is indescribable. Even

persons who are known to me are being allowed to jump the line, and these persons are of no high position in Government, or anything of the sort. Will the Divisional Commander sit back and let his subordinates do whatever they want? This is the last straw, the next step is to make a complaint to the Office of Professional Responsibility. Yours truthfully, Jason Lowe

worker shared that ”…since the estate close we ain’t getting nothing…”. We also hear from 13-year old, Devina Budwah who was forced to withdraw from school. Devina explained that sugar workers in the community would assist her to attend school, however, after they became jobless they could not have afforded to help her and she had no choice than to leave school. Gordon Thomas, an exWales worker, pointed out that ”…Wales is a ghost town actually…” This is the reality for many of the villages

linked to the now-closed estates. Several other media reports have confirmed the hardships the peoples of the closed estates face on a daily basis. Certainly, this reduces the credence of the Mr. Khan’s assertion to zero. To claim otherwise, is to add insult to injury. So while Mr. Khan c h o o s e s to ”pontificate” from the cushy platform afforded to him by the DPI, the reality is that he is sadly off-course when it comes to the facts of

life nowadays in the communities of the closed sugar estates. For the workers, life since then has been a painful and difficult experience. They and their families have been forced to make choices they thought they would have never had to make. And worse yet, it appears that they have been forgotten by those who put them in the sad circumstances they find themselves today. Yours faithfully, Seepaul Narine General Secretary GAWU

OH, THE POSSIBILITIES IF GUYANA IS GOVERNED CORRECTLY! DEAR EDITOR, With the discovery of Guyana’s oil resource, it brings with it the opportunity for Guyana to be put forward into the modern age, but only if governed right, as even with the finance and resources, some of the world’s top oilproducing countries are still underdeveloped and their citizens living in a state of poverty. How is this possible you might ask? To answer this question, we must first look at what poverty is. Poverty is a political construct; people are poor because of the decisions made by the politically powerful. Some oil-rich countries remain poor because the funds are not used to benefit the country or the citizens in any way. It is as if the funds never existed, because there is no disclosure on what it is being used for, as in the case with Guyana’s land, which large portions have been sold off to foreign companies and yet there is no improvement in the lives of the citizens.

In order for Guyana to avoid this, we must first put policies in place to ensure that there is no misuse of the funds. A revenue oversight committee of citizens should be organized to monitor the process so as to ensure that the funds are being used for their required purposes. After the funds are properly secured, we can then focus on how it can be used to develop the country. Tangible Development - not just hearing statements of how it is being used, but actually seeing the benefits. For example, infrastructural developments, better health care facilities and educational institutes which will cater to developing Guyana’s human resource. As you may know, Cuba is known for having some of the best doctors, this is so because they have invested

in programs and institutes to develop the quality of medical care in their country. Therefore, investing in our citizens would play an essential part in the overall development of Guyana. They would have access to higher levels of education in areas such as health care, agriculture, etc., without having to spend millions of dollars to travel abroad to study. Instead, foreigners would look to our country as a base where they can travel to and study. All this can be made possible if Guyana is governed correctly. Yours Respectfully Fernando Alli


Kaieteur News

Friday April 19, 2019

Disheartened by the resignations of dual SAYING GAWU IS INDEPENDENT to our country. I of the diaspora who puts citizen MPs loyalty AND IMPARTIAL HAS NO WEIGHT hoped in vain, that at least Guyana second should be alEDITOR, one of them would denounce lowed to run Guyana. If they WHEN THERE IS NO PROOF OF SAME DEAR I am disheartened follow- their foreign allegiance and want to sit in Parliament, there DEAR EDITOR, I waited patiently for the reply of GAWU’s General Secretary Seepaul Narine, to my letter “The GAWU/PPP relationship is unhealthy”, because I seriously wanted to see the defence he would have mounted, given his glorious ability to write millions of letters at every mention of GAWU’s name. Editor, Mr. Narine has nonetheless failed miserably to defend against the letter that described truthfully that: 1. GAWU is the trade union arm created and controlled by the People’s Progressive Party. 2. All senior functionaries of the union have always come from the PPP 3. That the union collected billions of dollars in dues from sugar workers 4. That the union failed to inform its membership and the country that it was the PPP’s (Jagdeo’s) investment into the non-functioning state-ofthe-art Skeldon mega Factory of US$200M (more than the Cheddi Jagan International Airport project) that put the final blow on a shattered and already broken sugar industry 5. The union failed aggressive resistance against the destruction of the sugar industry under the PPP

6. It is the State, who after all of this, has to pay the more than 22,000 sugar workers represented by the PPP’s trade union, GAWU Editor, it was never my intention to “tarnish” the GAWU, but to state factual information that more than shows an incestuous relationship between the union and the PPP, and the almost impossible task that the government has, trying to convince sugar workers that serious and drastic measures had to be taken to stabilise an industry that tax payers were holding up while receiving nothing in return. It was my intention, rather, to show how the union, controlled by a party executive and other PPP members and sympathisers, could be and is being used by the PPP as a tool to hold the government to ransom. What is more concerning and upsetting to me as a citizen, tax payer and non-supporter of the PPP is that this party with an awful and dangerous leadership has this massive power to play/control over 22,000 citizens (sugar workers) while the State has to use tax dollars to pay them. How can a political party control a union whose membership is paid by the State? That is my real concern. Editor, Mr. Narine regurgitated a lot of rhetoric that GAWU cares for sugar workers; that they have always stood for sugar workers etc. etc. He made no real statement to dismantle the issues I have

listed above, because they are the cold hard facts. I however respond to Mr. Narine’s suggesting that I probably think that the Union is too critical of the Government. Not at all, Sir, I too am critical of the government. I never gave the impression that the Union is too critical of the government, I however indicated that the Union is not in a genuine place in its utterances and acts toward its members or the government, because of its bloodline relationship to the PPP. And to the fact that GAWU would more than likely be true to its political parents, the PPP, ahead of those it should truly serve. Saying the Union is independent and impartial has no weight when there is no proof of same, and in this case, the facts against GAWU are listed. And no Mr. Narine, I do not expect any Union to sit by when its workers are out of jobs, but GAWU knows the truth about the sugar industry and their embattled position in all of this. GAWU/PPP wants the government to give sugar workers more work, GAWU/ PPP wants the government to rehire and reopen the estates, but why wouldn’t they? In my opinion, sugar workers have always been PPP pawns to be used as political bait. I strongly believe too that the GAWU may very well play a key role for the PPP during campaign time or where other party events or activities are held, so yes, they’ll keep sugar workers like puppets on a string. After all, GAWU and the PPP have the most to lose if they can no longer control the 22,000 membership. Peter Joseph Local Observer

ing the resignations of dual citizen MPs. It appears that the words “To be loyal to my country and to be obedient to the laws of Guyana” have lost their weight. Perhaps it is because the maple syrup is sweeter than sugar or I suspect, the afternoon tea is smoother than mauby. Regardless, I am now able to vote for the first time, and I want to see leaders who are loyal. I want a leader who not only knows how to recite the anthem and pledge, but one who knows how to fulfil them.Let me make it clear that this is not a critique of those MPs that resigned. It truly is a matter for them to decide if they prefer the Canje Pheasant or the Bald Eagle. However, a large part of me believed that at least one of them would display their

show young people what it means to be patriotic. Now, it appears that it is for us young people to independently learn how to put the country over self-interest, and how to put Guyana first. This is not to say that members of the diaspora should not have a say in our country. Their commitment to Guyana has been steadfast. I am also not in denial of the plethora of skills available to our country through the diaspora. However, some of these resigned MPs have been living in Guyana for decades. Therefore, they are no longer part of the diaspora, and I fear that the rhetoric has wrongfully digressed into a debate about diaspora participation when these MPs are resident Guyanese. Nevertheless, no member

is only one right answer to the questions: Guyana or America? Guyana or Britain? Guyana or Canada? Where are the champions like Janet Jagan? According to a 14/12/1997 New York Times article, she gave up her American citizenship to become a Guyanese National. She wasn’t even born here and she had no Guyanese heritage. Yet, she knew how to put Guyana first and still, the born and bred Guyanese can’t get it right. I hope that young Guyanese, although disillusioned, are not discouraged by these resignations. Let us continue to dedicate our energies towards the happiness and prosperity of Guyana. Yours Faithfully, Othniel Lewis Proud Citizen of Guyana

When climbing the political ladder were you beyond reproach, Mr. Green? DEAR EDITOR, The blatant attempts of former Prime Minister Hamilton Green to rewrite history cannot be allowed, out of an abiding interest to make available facts and not fiction to the youths of our country. I never thought the day would come when this gentleman would question the qualifications and criticize the academic credentials of another political leader of Guyana or anywhere else for that matter, as he is attempting to do in his most recent letter to the press, where he describes the Presidential Candidate of the People’s Progressive Party/Civic as

being highly deceptive about his purported academic credentials in seeking to occupy the highest post in our land. Could this gentleman tell the public what are his academic credentials that allowed him to occupy the second highest post in our land, even sometimes acting in the highest post? I don’t think any decent, striving and devoted Guyanese can disavow his call for good quality leadership in Guyana to take us to that high plateau of development and goodness he describes, but it is the sincerity of the messenger who is bringing this message that

Three-card tricksters DEAR EDITOR, The origin of three-card tricksters probably goes back to the introduction of playing cards. What I know just goes back to the days of the inside field at D’Urban Park racecourse. Three-card was there. So was over and under and other board games.It seems that it was generally known that all these were games of chance and the luck of the draw. Three-card had their folks set to win one, much as appears to be the case now around Stabroek. All these games, as played, taught a vital life lesson - caveat emptor (buyer beware). As youngsters observing these goings-on, race days you’d giggle and sometimes break out in laughter whenever someone get ‘tek’. Victims often ‘suck their teeth’ and wander away embarrassed. At times losers would make a scene that was quickly resolved. Though it seemed that sometimes folks would win. These games became part of the culture of outdoor events, attracting folks who believed they could win one. Some walked away wiser and would never play again. Others became suckers who had believed they would beat the odds and sleight-of-hand of the dealers. Now there’s at least one legal casino with lots more games of chance. Lots more money involved here. Nothing more sleight-of-hand than them slot machines. Some folks may win a little. Many folks lose a lot.So let’s keep the three-card game, it’s part of the culture, and consider regulating where played, and consider licensing these ‘salt-of-the-earth’ dealer folks. Certainly, this game belongs to outdoor events. We all need to know which side we’re on - whether we’re suckers or folks who laugh at those who get ‘tek’!Freedom to win. Freedom to lose. Freedom to walk-on-by. Phil Edwards

must be questioned, based on his apparent inability to recognize that this is exactly what is missing in Guyana today, which makes his letter a classic piece of satire. Must someone go so far overboard as he does in most of his letters when he heaps tons of unwarranted praise on his leaders? He needs to be more empathetic and mindful of the plight of the average Guyanese particularly the pensioners, and therefore stop describing Guyana as ‘Paradise Island’ since 2015, because it is not. He needs to quietly express his gratitude privately if he feels so inclined to the government of the day, and not try to convince us all that we are living the good life. His insistence on including irrelevant little snippets of history in his letters is mindboggling to say the least, but it is his appeal on one hand for sanity and measured language to avoid history from repeating itself, and his call for our leaders to clothe themselves with a sense of responsibility and for their armour to be the truth while they be persons of quality, rectitude, honesty and dignity, that is the most egregious of all. I say this because in the very letter, he turns around and describes the political opposition as a small cabal of iconoclasts deceiving and threatening persons. How tongue-in-cheek is that? I ask Mr. Green the question: When he was climbing the political ladder, did he practice restraint, honesty, and was he like Caesar’s wife, beyond reproach? Why is he making such demands of our young leaders? Sincerely, Jason Howard


Kaieteur News

Friday April 19, 2019

Full disclosure of Exxon’s Procurement Strategy, Rules would be in Guyana’s interest- Tender Board Head By Kiana Wilburg ExxonMobil is expected to provide the Government with annual reports on the number of local goods and services it is using for its offshore projects. But how does one know if the procurement strategy and rules being employed by the USA firm allow for the maximum use of local content? Head of the National Procurement and Tender Administration Board (NPATB), Berkley Wickham, says he would support the full disclosure of ExxonMobil’s rules and strategy which govern its procurement of goods and services. Speaking with Kaieteur News recently, Wickham said, “If you have to report to the government on local content then it would be important to see if the rules you are using allow for the maximum use of locals. “In addition, we would have to put the necessary mechanisms to ensure that this happens too. This can’t be left hanging. There also needs to be a policy directive (on the procurement of goods and services by oil operators).” “We also need a mechanism to measure number of small businesses, for example, which are benefitting. And a mechanism to see in Year One

versus Year Two, what percentage of local content was used; if there was a decline or increase between the two years and reasons for those. “A measuring mechanism needs to be in place. So I do support the call for the procurement strategy of the oil firms to be made public not just for scrutiny but for national discourse.” The NPTAB Head added, “This has to be something for national discussion. Guyana needs to be able to be part of developing the strategy and say well ‘We want to attain a certain level by year X and therefore, we will measure it year by year. “And to achieve this, we can amend this part and that part of the oil company’s procurement rules so more locals are involved.” Wickham said he is a firm believer that there needs to be transparency on this matter but at the same time, local companies have to gear themselves up to deal with the demands of the new industry. He stressed that there are new standards and levels which they must strive to meet. IMPROVING THE PROCUREMENTACT Wickham had also told Kaieteur News that he believes the Procurement Act needs to be improved in an effort to ensure locals benefit

the most from contracts in the oil sector. In this regard, he said that Guyana’s procurement laws contain a provision called a margin of tenderer reference. The law states, “The procuring entity may grant a margin of tenderer reference not exceeding 10 percent to tenders submitted by domestic contractors or for the benefit of tenders for domestically produced goods, provided that such preference is specified in the tender documents.” “If the lowest evaluated tender was submitted by a foreign tenderer, the evaluating committee will apply the margin of preference to the prices submitted by all foreign tenderers, for evaluation purpose. “If, after applying the margin of preference, the lowest evaluated tender was submitted by a domestic tenderer, such tenderer shall be awarded the contract.” But considering the massive scale of Guyana’s oil wealth to come, Wickham, says that perhaps it is time for amendments to be made to this provision, among others, since they date back to 2003. Wickham said, “There needs to be a national discussion on whether the 10 percent is good enough. We are in the process of modernizing the current Procurement Act. We had a consultancy to do

PPP will not disclose campaign finances, this election cycle – General Secretary General Secretary of the People’s Progressive Party, Bharrat Jagdeo, has said that the party is not against publishing a register of campaign donations during an election cycle. However, the party does not intend to do so at this time. During a press conference at the Office of the Leader of the Opposition, Wednesday, the former President was asked whether the party would commit to declaring its campaign finances. “I said already that we are in favour of campaign finance reform, that – should we have a law – we’ll work towards it with the government.” He said that three years ago, when Kaieteur News asked him about campaign financing, he had said, “We are prepared to support legislation now to ensure that oil companies do not contribute to campaign.” It was suggested that the PPP could set an example for other parties by releasing a register of campaign donations without being compelled by law. Jagdeo was reminded that he has said that the PPP is an upright institution, separate from other par-

ties. To this, Jagdeo said, “We are separate. We have a better policy perspective. Corruption was minimal, compared to the others [under the PPP government] but we’re not stupid.” He said, “We are not doing it if the others are not doing it. Why should we, the People’s Progressive Party [do so]? Ask APNU. The last elections, they said they would disclose this. We never made that commitment.” He said that A Partnership for National Unity + Alliance For Change (APNU+AFC) coalition is not doing so. Hence, the PPP has no reason to. Jagdeo said that the PPP has stated before that it will support the establishment of campaign finance laws to compel political parties to declare such. In the meantime, the PPP will keep its finances private, and “when there is a law that we have to comply with, we will comply with it.” “[We can do it] like the US, where every donation made goes in a public register,” but the Opposition Leader said that he’s worried about what he describes as the vindictive

nature of the current government. “This is why, in that context, you can’t disclose people’s names because Amna Ally or Congress Place will harass those people.” He cautioned that such a register could be used to target donors. Asked whether he needs to have a law to compel him to do so, he said that he would support a pact between political parties. “We are prepared to do that, so that oil companies do not make any contribution to campaign. We are prepared tomorrow, and we don’t need legislation. We can sign something together.” This pact, he said, could make it so that all the parties commit to refusing campaign donations from oil companies. “We are prepared to do that now,” he said, “if you ask the others, ask the People’s National Congress and the Alliance For Change (AFC) if they are prepared to do that, then you can get an independent party to put it together. We’ll sign to that.”

that and we have reviewed the recommendations together with the Public Procurement Commission and those revisions are now with the Attorney General’s Chambers for drafting.” The Tender Board Head added, “And I would think thereafter, there will be a public process for stakeholder engagements to look at what was recommended for amendment. So there will be ample opportunity at that stage for the people to have a say on what they think should be included to promote more local participation for the oil sector.” Wickham had also emphasized that amendments to the Act are crucial to ensuring local businesses benefit the most from the sector.

NPATB, Berkley Wickham

He said, “This is very important. If we are talking development and the good life, then this is a necessary step. I would think, and I am not a politician, but it is only fair for the people of Guyana to

benefit as much as possible from the gains of the oil and gas sector. “So this is a crucial step to propelling local businesses, and particularly women-owned businesses.”


Kaieteur News

Friday April 19, 2019

Venezuela refuses to engage World Court on border case -Guyana moves to speed up process

Neighbouring Venezuela appears to be paving the way for a non-recognition of a final decision of the International Court of Justice, in The Hague in a case involving the border of Guyana. That country, battling Guyana over a large part of Essequibo, has decided it will not submit arguments critical to whether that United Nations court has jurisdiction to hear the case. The Government of Guyana yesterday signaled intentions to ask ICJ to speed up hearings to determine jurisdictions. This will pave the way for the other proceedings proper

to begin. According to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Government of Guyana is informing the Guyanese people of the latest developments in the case it has brought against Venezuela in the International Court of Justice (ICJ) to confirm the validity of the Arbitral Award of 3 October 1899, which fixed the land boundary between the two States. “Last year, the Court determined that it would be appropriate to determine whether it has jurisdiction over the case before considering its merits. Pursuant to its Order, Guyana submitted its written Memorial on Juris-

diction - demonstrating that the Court has jurisdiction to decide on the validity of the Arbitral Award and the resulting boundary - on 19 November 2018,” the statement explained. Although the ICJ fixed April 18, 2019 as the date for Venezuela to submit a Counter-Memorial on Jurisdiction — in response to Guyana’s Memorial — Venezuela failed to make a submission on that date, and indicated in a letter from its Foreign Minister that it had chosen not do so. The ministry said it now wants speed.“In consequence, Guyana has decided to ask the Court to proceed directly to the holding of oral hearings, at the earliest possible date, to determine its jurisdiction over the case. Guyana is confident that the Court will agree that it has jurisdiction, and then proceed to decide on the merits of Guyana’s suit.” Guyana submitted the case to the Court after the Secretary General of the United Nations determined, pursuant to his authority un-

der the Geneva Agreement of 1966 - to which Guyana, Venezuela and the United Kingdom are Parties — that the dispute over the validity of the Arbitral Award, and the resulting boundary, must be decided by the Court. Guyana is arguing that that constitutes a sufficient jurisdictional basis for the Court to proceed. “Guyana regrets that Venezuela, notwithstanding its obligations under the Geneva Agreement and the Secretary General’s decision to refer the matter to the Court, has chosen not to participate in the case. However, as the Court itself has made clear, the door

remains open to Venezuela to join in the proceedings, which will continue to a final and legally-binding judgment, pursuant to the Court’s rules, whether Venezuela participates or not.” Government said it has taken note of the Venezuelan Foreign Minister’s recent tweet that at some point in the future, it will supply the Court with “information” about the case to assist it in the exercise of its judicial functions. “If this is a first step toward Venezuela’s full participation in the case, Guyana welcomes it. At the same time, Guyana has reserved its right to object to any submission by Venezuela that violates the

Court’s rules or is otherwise prejudicial. The next step will be for the Court to schedule the dates for the oral hearing on jurisdiction. Guyana will inform the public as soon as these dates are set.” Venezuela is facing one of the worst crises in the hemisphere despite holding one of the biggest oil reserves in the world.It is facing shortages of food and basic supplies. Citizens are fleeing by the thousands to other countries, including Guyana. The revived claims on Guyana have been seen as a deliberate move to divert attention from the internal problems in that Spanish-speaking country.


Kaieteur News

Friday April 19, 2019

Good Friday must not become Bad Friday Good Friday is a Christian holiday which marks the death of Jesus Christ by crucifixion some two thousand years ago. It is for Christians a solemn day in which they recap the events of Calvary, the place where Jesus met his death. Christians went to church and then hurried home in silence to mourn the death of Jesus it was a day for churchgoers. It was almost unheard

of for a good Christian to miss a Good Friday service. On Good Friday, many persons who have not, all year, seen a Church door, flocked to their churches. Good Friday is one of those days in which attendance at Church was unmatched. Traditionally in Guyana this was also unquestionably the quietest day of the year. On Good Friday if a pin dropped you could hear it. It

was a day in which the country halted. The British and Dutch who colonized our country ensured that certain practices, related to Christianity were incorporated into the law and were part of national customs. They ensured that this was a solemn day regardless of whether or not you were a Christian.On Good Friday of yore, everything shut down. Businesses – big, small and

40 Guyanese to be honoured with entrepreneurial Awards


nder the theme ‘Building Bridges, Passing Batons’, Brand YOUth will be honouring 40 young Guyanese at its inaugural Forty Under Forty Entrepreneurial Awards Ceremony. This event will be held on April 25 at the National Cultural Centre from 6pm – 8pm (18:00– 20:00hrs). Brand YOUth is a movement rooted in excellence, unity, community and selfempowerment. It is a “Conversations with Selwyn” (CWS) initiative. Conversations with Selwyn is a New York based web-TV broadcast that was created by author, broadcaster, motivator and mentor Selwyn Collins in 2012. In 2015, he created a special platform for young people to appear on the programme every Sunday afternoon to share their stories. In 2016, a five-part series called Guyanese Youth in Business was created.

Author and Motivator, Mr. Selwyn Collins A seven-part series, called Guyanese Youth in Review, was produced the following year by CWS. It is from those series that Brand YOUth evolved with a vision to see an end to poverty in Guyana, realize gender equality, and see the nation reach its full potential in becoming the bread-basket and ‘Silicon Valley’ of the Caribbean region. In a missive to the media, the Movement noted that

most of the Guyanese being honoured would have appeared on the CWS platform. The event is expected to be attended by Minister of State, Joseph Harmon; Minister of Public Telecommunications, Catherine Hughes; Minister of Public Affairs, Dawn Hastings –Williams; Opposition Member, Gail Teixeira; Canadian High Commissioner, Lilian Chatterjee and many others.

tiny – closed their doors. The factories did not grind, workers did not work, shops did not open and the streets were mainly deserted since persons did not venture out of their homes except to go to Church. This latter exercise was so solemn that the going and coming from church was a hush exercise. Schools were in recess but strict restrictions were imposed upon the children on this day. They could not go outdoors to play. And indoors they were required to be extremely quiet. This was not a day for playing music, games or for dancing. That would have been unthinkable forty years ago. The streets were barren for most of the day. No alcohol was sold on Good Friday. The bars were shut tight. There was no noise nuisance on Good Friday. Not a kite was to be seen in the sky. People stayed locked away in their homes. Most Christians did not eat “rank” on Good Friday. Cross buns and vegetarian meals were consumed in austere amounts on this day by both Christians and nonChristians. On Good Friday, persons stayed home and tried to pass the day away quietly. It was

usually hard to avoid boredom. The radio – there was no television in those days – added to the somberness of the day by mainly playing only religious songs. It was a day to remember and in many ways a day to endure. The quietness and confinement are long gone. Today Good Friday is still solemn but this does not stop persons from being on the streets. It will also not stop many shops from opening for the day so as to make a dollar. This raises a most important issue. Guyana is a land of many religions. Not all Guyanese observe Good Friday. For obvious reasons it is not a holy day for Hindus and Muslims. So what should prevent a person who is not a Christian from having access to the markets, shops and

stores? After all, should a person in a free society not have the right to choose? One of the reasons why despite Good Friday not being a holy day for non-Christians, stores and shops generally do not open, is out of respect for the religious feelings of Christians. But mainly because of tradition. Every person should respect the religious observances of others. And thus even if there is no law against certain practices, citizens should by their own actions ensure that no disrespect is brought to any religious grouping.


Kaieteur News

Friday April 19, 2019


Restricting Jagdeo’s right to free speech will come back to haunt As each day goes by the APNU+AFC leaders are cementing deep in the psyche of countless numbers that they are not morally and politically superior to their predecessors – the PPP. I have always voiced my viewpoints without political preference. My opinion is that the police investigation of Charrandass and now Jagdeo’s statement about “chasing them” does not appear to be devoid of a political dimension. Yesterday as I was about to let my dog out from the car, the driver of the vehicle that was reversing is a personal friend of mine, Leslie Sobers. Leslie is the chairman of the broadcasting authority. I reminded him that the authority needs to zoom in on violations by NCN and not only private stations. I gave Leslie examples of the wild rhetoric of Nagamootoo and Ramjattan against Charrandass on NCN, rhetoric that can incite violence. Just a brief diversion; last Sunday, I was on the panel of the radio programme – Hot Seat Rewind – that included the editor-in-chief of NCN, Leron Brummel. I pointedly told Leron that NCN has the identical appearance as when the PPP controlled it. I gave the examples of interview programmes during the no-confidence vote (NCV) controversy and not one independent guest or opposition figure was invited. And this trend continues.

The police interviewed Jagdeo over remarks he made in Berbice. He reportedly urged his followers to chase out APNU+AFC leaders when they come to Berbice. As someone who has spent his entire life in political activism, I see nothing threatening or inciting about that emotion. It is an outburst of demagoguery that has been used millions of times by ruling and opposition parties since competitive elections in 1957. In the 23 years that the PPP has run this country (1992-2015), PNC and AFC leaders have echoed sentiments in tempestuous ways that mirror Jagdeo’s advocacy. During the inferno of “mo fyaah, slo fyaah” led by the opposition PNC, similar demagoguery took centre stage. Guyanese leaders are known throughout the world for their ignorance of the lessons of history and that goes even for Walter Rodney. If you do not like Jagdeo, do not tamper with the foundations of laws just to get at him. If you want to get at Jagdeo, then use basic, raw political strategies as all politicians all over the world do. But at no time bend, corrugate, manipulate, massage the rule of law to undo your political opponent. It can come back to haunt you. How will this happen? When your opponent gets into power he will do the same to you and they will cite

your lack of integrity in pursing your political goals – in other words, you are in no position now to cry foul. How such a simple lesson of history can be ignored by humans is beyond comprehension. Let’s examine Jagdeo’s rhetoric and juxtapose it with others who occupy the seat of power. Describing to his supporters that the NCV have made the government illegal, he told them therefore when its leaders come to Berbice, they must chase them out. There is one inherent danger in that exhortation. But semantics will take over if you cite that inherency and ask the police to intervene. Jagdeo’s words can motivate people to confront Government leaders who go to Berbice. But that semantic outlay is present in countless outbursts of APNU and AFC leaders when they were in opposition and now in office. When a government falls by a NCV and you tell the population the parliamentarian that brought it about took a bribe, unless you supply proof or lock him up, you are exposing him to danger. Nagamootoo and Ramjattan have used the semantic outlay (the words don’t have to be identical) that Jagdeo utilized and the police, three months after, have not interviewed them. Ministers have said unbalanced things about the opposition and media personalities that could have gener-

ated attacks on them. Here are a few examples; Ramjattan got on Chris Ram programme one year into the new government and accused me and David Hinds of wanting to bring back the PPP into power. Government supporters could have attacked us. President Granger and Joe Harmon in a press release accused me of making mischief when I analyzed Raphael Trotman’s press release

which stated that President Granger acting outside of the Cummsingsburg Accord made his son-in-law a minister. That could have incited people to hurt me. What about the statement of Volda Lawrence that is now in the public domain? Guyana’s politics is becoming dangerous; but then again, it always was. Guyanese rulers do not want to learn from history.

Frederick Kissoon


If only dem boys did know holiday laws dem woulda fare fuh free Today is Good Friday, a holy day and a holiday. Nobody ain’t suppose to pass no money fuh nutten. Is not dem boys seh suh; is de law seh suh. This law really outdated. It come into existence in 1919. This is now 2019—exactly 100 years ago. These fools who does sit down in parliament and pass laws still got this law in place. It seh, “Subject to the Bills of Exchange Act, it is not necessary for anyone to make any payment or to do any other act, including noting or protesting, relating to any negotiable instrument on a public holiday, but all obligation to make that payment or to do that other act shall apply to the next following day not being itself a public holiday.” If dem boys did know that was de law dem woulda never let any holiday pass without visiting de homes of de ladies of de night. After all, de law seh no monies should pass on public holidays. That is why ev-

ery business, including rum shops does shut down. A man can walk in, tek de drink and walk out without paying because de law seh you mustn’t pay. And of course you can’t call de police. No taxi, minibus or any pay transportation should be on de road or in de waters. Every holiday people got to go to church, temple or masjid. Dem boys know if you can walk you gun mek it. But if you driving and yuh run out of gas, you better run home or sleep in de car. There would be no gas station open.Is de damn stupid outdated law does mek people want to cuss. Things like this does mek people cuss. Today is Good Friday, a holy day and tomorrow, Saturday, there is no newspaper until Sunday. Because dem don’t have a newspaper fuh Saturday and since dem boys can’t cuss today, any cuss you read today is fuh Saturday. Dem boys want shoot dem effing engineer who rob-

bing Guyana blind wid dem effing inflated estimates. Is years now, year after year; dankey years, dem doing this thing. These is de people who dem Ministers depend on to guide dem on how to pay for projects. For example, if dem want build a school de engineer gun do de Maths and come up wid a cost fuh de project. He gun check how much wood, steel, nail, sand, binding wire, stone cement, zinc sheet, windows and doors. Then he gun put in de average workmanship. Based on de price de engineer come up with dem does put out de thing fuh tender.De sickening part is that all de contractors does show how dem can do de wuk far cheaper than what de engineer tell de Minister. This is wha does mek dem boys cuss. If you got to depend on a man who misleading you wid de price is time you eff him up. But remember today holy. Talk half and eff dem up Saturday.

Friday April 19, 2019

Kaieteur News



Kaieteur News

Friday April 19, 2019

Questionable Engineers Estimates costing Guyana billion$ I

n recent years, there has been increasing scrutiny of the billions of dollars being spent by consecutive governments on construction projects and for paying for services from suppliers. The tender process, until now, has been largely shrouded in secrecy. Despite tougher laws and the establishing of the Public Procurement Commission (PPC), there is growing evidence that contractors, Government engineers and others in the ministries and agencies are still finding ways to beat the system. Recently, the spotlight was brought sharply down on the role of the in-house engineers at the various ministries, regional administrations and state agencies. They play a crucial role. One of them is the preparations of what is known as Engineer’s Estimates. Using market prices, the engineers would work to prepare estimates of what a project should cost. It would include cost of steel, cement, labour, transportation, nails and roofing materials. The use of excavators, among other things, would also be factored in the cost. The idea for the Engineer’s Estimate is for the ministry or state agency to have a realistic cost that would be used as guide for budgeting purposes. However, in recent years, it has been found that the

Engineer’s Estimates are way above what is being submitted by contractors. It has raised serious questions about the competence of the engineers and brought into the equation the strong possibilities of collusion with contractors. Over the weekend, one major contractor, Peter Lewis, who insisted that his company is being sidelined, made some damning claims. He said that engineers are the crooks in the country’s procurement system. In fact, the process starts with them and ends with them. On Tuesday, there were at least two glaring cases in which the engineers seem far removed from reality or that it could be concluded that something else was happening. One tender was for the completion of a building for the Upper Corentyne Industrial Training Centre. The Engineer’s Estimate for the work was $12,042,800. There were 12 bids. All came in under the Engineer’s Estimate. The lowest was at $7.2M. There was another one where the Engineer’s Estimate was higher than the 14 bidders. The job was for the rehabilitation of the Science Lab of the St Mary’s Secondary School. The Engineer’s Estimate was $13,312,000. Contractors have been taking note of the opening of

the tenders which are covered and published by Kaieteur News and Stabroek News, another newspaper. “How do you have an inhouse engineer who is helping to put together the tender documents, so that contractors can bid, have an estimate that is higher than what people are bidding? These are the same engineers that maybe have to evaluate the tenders and even monitor the works? “President David Granger needs to look into this. The question to ask is, if we really need engineers and their estimates?” one contractor who is familiar with the process asked. Another contractor, Managing Partner of Associated Construction Services, over the weekend called on President David Granger to intervene and to launch an inquiry. There are several layers to the fraud that is occurring with the public bidding. He explained that from his investigations, engineers at ministries would collaborate with particular contractors in a kickback scheme. For example, for a road in the hinterlands, the amount of material, especially sand, is inflated. Contractors not in the know would submit estimates based on the work to be done. What would happen, Peter Lewis explained, is that the contractor who bids nearest to the engineer’s inflated figures would get the job. The rest are disqualified. Then there is an after bid-

ding scam where “henchmen” of the ministries and agencies would contact contractors for negotiations. “I am not getting jobs because I am not willing to pay,” Lewis said last week. Contractors have been hesitant to come forward fearing repercussions as there are a variety of reasons that can be used by ministries and agencies to turn a bid. Lewis has been pounding the Ministry of Public Infrastructure (MPI), on his Facebook page, questioning them. He said that two years ago, he installed the largest asphalt plant of the country, in Linden. More than 90 per-

cent of the staffers are from there. But there were never any jobs for the company. Last August, a man (name given), who said he represents a particular ministry, approached Lewis and asked for 10 percent of a particular contract to ensure it is awarded to the contractor’s company. “This happened last year. This corruption is affecting me and because of my stance, I am not getting any work. Imagine I have five motor graders and can’t get any work. According to Lewis, if the powers that be could check with is happening on the hinterland roads, it would tell a

shocking story of what really is going on. “I am challenging any engineer to justify, for example, the quantity on the hinterland roads. It is most times too low. It is difficult to make checks in the hinterlands. When the rains come, it is washed away. They blame it on the rains.” Lewis claimed that one of the most common ways to fix contracts is to inflate the amount of materials…especially sand. “I even had people coming to me and ask me to do work on projects that were not even tendered yet. That is how bad the situation is. People know in advance they getting work.”.

There are burning questions now over the Engineers’ Estimates that are being prepared by the engineers of the various ministries and state entities.

Friday April 19, 2019


Kaieteur News

SUPERBET mulls legal action against chronicle over non-compliance story SUPERBET, a Surinameheadquartered company that has 57 gambling facilities at several locations in Guyana, is mulling legal action against the state-owned Guyana Chronicle for defamation. The company in a press statement through the law firm, Mohabir A. Nandlall & Associates, is refuting information published on April, 18 2019, edition of the Guyana Chronicle under the headline, “SUPERBET gambles with Law”. According to the law firm, while the newspaper article states that SUPERBET has been operating without a licence and will face the full force of the law, the company has always been compliant with AMLCFT legislation and has submitted every single document requested by the Gaming Authority. “In fact, some time early last year, agents of SUPERBET and an Attorneyat-law, attended a meeting with Mr. Lloyd Moore, CEO of Gaming Authority. During that meeting, it was explained that certain documentary evidence must be provided in order to obtain a Certificate of Good

Standing. “We were further instructed that in order for our licence to be renewed, the Gaming Authority must issue the certificate of good standing. “On September 14, 2018, SUPERBET submitted all documents requested by the Gaming Authority in support of its application for letter and certificate of good standing. Our client was never informed by Gaming Authority or accused of being in breach of any AMLCFT legislation.” Further, the law firm said that the Gaming Authority never contacted SUPERBET to request any further information or query any discrepancies in the application and its supporting documents. According to the lawyers, six months after the application for letter or certificate of good standing was submitted, the General Manager of SUPERBET, Shrikant Kisoensingh, received a letter from Lloyd Moore, CEO of Gaming Authority inviting him to a meeting on February 19, 2019. The meeting was scheduled for 1:30pm at the

Gaming Authority’s office to discuss the revised application process for good standing certification and requirements in supervising the company’s responsibilities as a gaming entity under AML/CFT Act. “At this meeting, the General Manager of SUPERBET was informed that in the future, the application for certificate of good standing will require the submission of more supporting documents. “However, again at that meeting, we were never informed or alerted to any non-compliance with AMLCFT legislation. We were further informed that SUPERBET’s Application for Letter or Certificate of Good Standing was being processed and the processing of an Application for Certificate of Good Standing takes six to 18 months.” In addition to submitting documents in support of the application for certificate of good standing, the statement added that SUPERBET also submits a monthly betting shop threshold transaction (Continued on page 16)

A SUPERBET location in Alberttown


Friday April 19, 2019

Kaieteur News

Government to review employment Over 25 African States fail to reap full policies for persons with disabilities benefits from oil, other natural resources Minister of Public Affairs, Mrs. Dawn HastingsWilliams, said on Thursday, that the government is committed to reviewing and discussing policies aimed at increasing the number of qualified persons who have disabilities, in the workforce. The Minister was at the time delivering her charge to the 108 graduates of the National Training Programme for Youth Empowerment (NTPYE) at a ceremony hosted at the David Rose Special Needs School in Thomas Lands, Georgetown. “The government is cognizant of the challenges persons with disabilities face each day within our beautiful country. Therefore, we will continue to provide opportunities and roll out initiatives that improve the quality of life of persons living with disabilities,” Minister Hastings-Williams said.

She congratulated the graduates for completing the programme and urged them to reject the stereotypes associated with persons with disabilities and instead, to use their newly acquired skills to take their rightful place in society. “Yo u a r e c a p a b l e o f developing the skills, abilities and competencies necessary to become economically independent. The fact that you are a person with disabilities does not mean that you are not capable of being a businessperson, an entrepreneur,” she said. The programme was executed by the Board of Industrial Training (BIT) for Persons with Disabilities and was held in collaboration with the Ministry of Social Protection and the Guyana Council of Organisations for Persons with Disabilities (GCOPD). Chairman of the BIT, Mr. Clinton Williams, commit-

ted to further enhancing the programme. “We have received funding from the Basic Needs Fund, which we will collaborate with you to ensure that the funding is utilized to expand the programme so that persons with disabilities will benefit and by doing that the country will benefit,” he said. At the end of this year, the BIT expects to have successfully trained 25,000 persons, including those with disabilities, across the Ten Administrative Regions. The programme offered courses such as JAWS-Job Access with Speech, Garment Construction, Chair Caning and Mat Making, Leather Craft, Computer Skills training, Basic Cosmetology, Basic Sewing Skills and Basic Woodworking. Chairman of the GCOPD, Mr Cecil Morris also attended the ceremony.

- Guyana, other emerging producers should take note –NRGI By Kiana Wilburg Guyana and other emerging oil producers are being urged to pay rapt attention to a recent analysis that was conducted by the Natural Resource Governance Institute (NRGI). That analysis revealed that 26 of 28 sub-Saharan African countries failed to reap the benefits from their natural resources. The NRGI report attributes this failure to an “implementation gap” between the laws that govern the extractive industries and the practices in reality. Specifically, Silas Olan’g, Africa’s Co-Director for the Natural Resource Governance Institute, said that if countries in sub-Saharan Africa closed the ‘implementation gap’ and fully implemented their own laws, they could generate greater income from natural resources. “They could also better combat the negative human and environmental impacts of extraction,” said Olan’g. The NRGI Co-Director said that Africa is abundant in natural resources and is home to 30 percent of the world’s oil, gas and mineral reserves. He said that more than half of the exports of many countries in sub-Saharan Africa come from natural resources and as much as 90 percent in the most oil-dependent countries. He also noted that mineral reserves represent a large share of Government revenues across the region and have the potential to become even more important in countries with recent discoveries, such as oil and gas in Tanzania and Uganda, and large reserves of strategic minerals such as cobalt in the Democratic Republic of Congo. The official stated, however,

Africa’s Co-Director at NRGI, Silas Olan’g that the biggest implementation challenges faced by resource-rich societies in subSaharan Africa are fulfilling the legal requirements to transfer revenues collected from oil, gas and mining to local authorities, and publicly disclosing information on social and environmental impacts. Olan’g said that half of the 28 countries studied do not disclose environmental and social impact assessments, even though this is a legal requirement in many c o u n t r i e s . “Trust in Government and companies erode when legal reform is not followed and citizens are left in the dark. Closing the ‘implementation gap’ is in everyone’s interests because ultimately, it enables countries to reap the benefits that their mineral wealth should offer,” said Olan’g. The official continued, “...Sub-Saharan Africa lags behind other parts of the world in governing state-

owned mining and oil companies and natural resource funds, which manage billions of dollars of resource revenues in countries like Angola, Gabon and Nigeria. “Governments tend not to respect rules for managing assets held in natural resource funds and for disclosing conflicts of interest, particularly where corruption is poorly controlled—a reality in most of the countries surv e y e d . ” Olan’g added, “Building capacity and allowing space for independent oversight is critical for holding government institutions accountable in resource-rich countries. Official audit bodies and non-state actors like the media play an important role here.” The NRGI official said that the foregoing situation serves to illustrate that legal reforms can make headlines but it is the implementation that will ultimately deliver benefits to citizens.

Exxon announces 13th discovery in Stabroek Block A recent discovery of high quality sandstone reservoir has taken Guyana’s estimated number of recoverable barrels of crude oil well over 5.5 billion. The discovery, in the Yellowtail-1 well, is the fifth and largest discovery in the Turbot area of the block. Mike Cousins, senior vice president of ExxonMobil Exploration and New Ventures, said that the shared value of the Turbot area has grown, as successive discoveries in the area have been made. Exxon expects Turbot to become a major development hub. “Our success here can be attributed to our industryleading upstream capabilities, the strength of our partner-

ships and our ongoing commitment to growing Guyana’s offshore potential.” Cousins said. Yellowtail-1 was drilled to a depth of 18,445 feet (5,622 meters) in 6,046 feet (1,843 meters) of water, by the Noble Tom Madden. That undertaking resulted in the discovery of approximately 292 feet (89 meters) of high-quality oil bearing sandstone reservoir. The well is located approximately six miles (10 kilometers) northwest of the Tilapia discovery, one of the two discoveries announced in early February. The Noble Tom Madden began drilling the Yellowtail well on March 27. It will next

drill the Hammerhead-2 well. Later in 2019, according to Exxon, the Stena Carron is expected to drill a second well at the Ranger discovery. The Noble Bob Douglas drillship is currently completing development drilling operations for the Liza Phase 1 development. ExxonMobil is also evaluating plans to add another exploration drillship, bringing the number of drill ships offshore Guyana to four. ExxonMobil is working toward meeting the potential for at least five floating production, storage and offloading (FPSO) vessels on the Stabroek Block, so that production mounts to more (Continued on page 29)

Friday April 19, 2019

Kaieteur News

Ogle Airport lands leased since 2010 used as private football field - but small operators being stifled

This leased area was since 2010 being used as football field. A press release from Ogle Airport Inc. (OAI) public relations consultant, Kit Nascimento, stated that it is absolute rubbish for Kaieteur News to report that an aircraft operator is being denied land in favour of ExxonMobil which headquarters are being built on non airside land leased commercially in accordance with the Airport’s Lease Agreement. What he did not state was that a large portion of nonairside land which was subleased since 2010 to one of the companies he works for was allowed by the Ogle Airport Inc. Board of Directors, its Land Committee and the Airport Management to remain undeveloped to date. This large plot of non airside land is being used as a football field. Nascimento chose to comingle land outside and inside the airport to argue his case that there are no existing aircraft operator land use applications which in any way compete with the Exxon Mobil access to land for the construction of its office headquarters. What he did not state was that Hinterland Aviation, a small Guyanese domestic operator had applied to Ogle Airport Inc. since 2012 for a 100ft x 100ft plot of airside land. In a process that lasted from the application in 2012 to denial in 2017, Hinterland’s Managing Director, Captain Emile Jahan, was advised by OAI in October 2017 that not only did his company not qualify for land but furthermore, there were 40 other applications ahead of

his company. According to Nascimento, recently, the roughly 408 acres of land leased to OAI for the development of an international airport, only 150 acres is suitable for actual development- 60 acres of which is dedicated to airside development. What he did not state was that premium lands which were allocated in 2006, 2007 and 2010 were allowed to remain undeveloped to date. Furthermore, prime lands inside the airport which were allowed to remain undeveloped since 2007 are now part of an arrangement where necessary funding has been identified for its development in order to service the oil sector. Whilst he stated that the airport recently wrote to all current and potential airside operators inviting qualified Expressions of Interest for airside property he did not state that the airport did not provide a land development plan showing potential lessees where the available land existed and in what condition. According to Nascimento, on receipt of Expressions of Interest, interested operators will be required to complete a formal application to be processed in accordance with the Airport’s Land Use Policy. They are treated on a “first

come first serve basis” on the date of completion of the application, submission of designed plans and projected start-up construction date. What he did not mention is that one Guyanese aircraft operator who had paid $75M for his lease in full since 2017 and had then expended another $25M to fill in the swamp was not treated on a first come first serve basis. Two other larger companies who did not pay in full for their lands were placed ahead of that company. Nascimento also stated that OAI wishes to point out that prospective users of airside land must be able to meet internationally established standards and best practices demanded of operators on all international airports and which are compliant with the requirements of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) and the Guyana Civil Aviation Authority (GCAA). What he has not stated is that OAI and its Land Committee have different benchmarks for different companies. OAI has leased 15 acres to ExxonMobil for that oil company to build a local headquarters. The deal has raised questions as Guyana is receiving very little of the money.



Friday April 19, 2019

Kaieteur News

Jagdeo calls for police investigation Region Four RDC awards another tranche of contracts to the tune $74.9M into Housing Minister’s scandal

The awarded contractors pose for a photo with the Regional Vice Chairman, REO Lucas, and other senior regional officials Some $74.9M worth of contracts were yesterday awarded by the Region Four Democratic Council [RDC] for a number of new projects in the Region. This comes on the heels of the award of contracts to the tune of $68M just last week. Spearheading the process yesterday was Regional Executive Officer [REO] of the Demerara/Mahaica Region Four administration, Ms. Pauline Lucas, who together with contractors, signed the awarded contracts at a ceremony held in the RDC boardroom at Triumph, East Coast Demerara. The signing event was witnessed by contractors, senior officials and members of the media. The projects, this publication understands, are being funded by the Region’s

$507M funding for civil works and will see a number of new projects being undertaken within the region. The major projects are for the general rehabilitation of the Diamond/Grove Primary School which was awarded to Royal Contracting Service for $7,517,685; the construction of timber revetment at the Diamond Market Place which was awarded to Linton Nicholl’s Enterprise to the tune of $9,236,955; the construction of a road at Second Street North of Façade, Victoria, East Coast Demerara which was awarded to DEVCON Construction and Contracting Services to the tune of $11,514,798. The latter mentioned contractor also secured another contract to the tune of $10,964,140 for the construction of Timber

Revetment at the Outfall in Meertins Sluice, Soesdyke, while the extension of the lower Flat of the Soesdyke Health Centre was awarded to Singh’s Brothers Contracting Services to the tune of $6,214,788. Added to this the extension of the Clonbrook Health Centre, East Coast Demerara was awarded to R.W. Electrical Company and Building Contractors to the tune of $5,822,795. Yesterday, too, a contract was awarded for the construction of a tarmac at Golden Grove Primary School, Golden Grove Village, East Coast Demerara which was awarded to Bernard Paul and Sons Construction to the tune of $3,999,545, while the Construction of a fence at Dora Primary School on the (Continued on page 30)

Leader of the opposition, Bharrat Jagdeo, is calling for police investigation into the scandal surrounding the contracts awarded to the husband of Housing Minster, Valerie Adams-Yearwood. Speaking on the issue at a press conference, Wednesday, Jagdeo said that police should take a serious look at the situation unfolding at the Housing Ministry. “It should be investigated because now it is not just the husband that is getting the contracts, but relatives who are employed at the Ministry that are witnessing these contracts and signing unto them,” Jagdeo said in relation to reports that a relative of the housing minister’s husband was also involved in the procurement process. The Minister came under public scrutiny two weeks ago after Jagdeo reported that contracts were issued to the Minister ’s husband, Godfrey Yearwood, by CH&PA – the agency over which she presides. Minister of Housing, Valerie Adams-Yearwood released a statement challenging claims of a conflict of in-

terest with her husband at the Central Housing and Planning Authority (CH&PA), there are shocking details emerging that raise even more questions. After days of public pressure, Minister AdamsYearwood denied any input, claiming that she does not preside over the bidding and awarding process at CH&PA. The Minister and Godfrey Yearwood married in August 2017. A few months later, he was awarded contracts to build a number of turn-key homes for CH&PA. However, the minister claimed, in her statement on Monday, that she learnt of the awards only after he told her. Further, when a 2017 press release from Government surfaced, stating that the Minister “presided” over the awarding of contracts – contrary to the claim by the Minister that she does not – she claimed Monday that her presence at the event was purely ceremonial. But it isn’t just the Minister who is related to Godfrey Yearwood. This publication saw documents that suggest that

staffers at CH&PA were very familiar with the Minister’s husband. In fact one of them, Troy Marks, the Clerk of Works at CH&PA, is said to be a nephew of the Minister’s husband. According to a private contract, Yearwood in January 2018 sub-contracted a number of houses to one Desmond Murphy. Marks, and Elizabeth Simeon, a Secretary at CH&PA, both signed as witnesses to that January 2018 private contract. That is a clear no-no as CH&PA is the agency that in the first place issued the contracts to Yearwood. Chief Executive Officer at the CH&PA, Lelon Saul, had said that if a contractor is the husband of the Minister, there exists a conflict of interest. It is unclear whether he knew that Marks is related to Yearwood as well. That private contract, dated January 18, 2018, was made for the construction of 11 concrete, single-storey houses at Perseverance, East Bank Demerara, to the tune of $10.5M.

SUPERBET mulls legal action over... From page 13 report to the Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU) and a Q u a r t e r l y Te r r o r i s t Property Report to the Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU). Additionally, the law firm noted that as a result of the article, contact was m a d e w i t h M r. L l o y d Moore, CEO of Gaming Authority.

“He expressed shock at the article and disclaimed that the Gaming Authority supplied any information to anyone. He undertook to write to the Board of Directors of the Gaming Authority on the matter.” Nandlall and Associates maintain that SUPERBET is not in breach of any laws of Guyana particularly, the AMLCFT

legislation. “And in any event, SUPERBET has not been informed by any of the relevant agencies that they are in violation of any law or regulation. Our client, SUPERBET is currently considering our advice to institute legal proceedings for defamation in respect of the impugned publication.”

Friday April 19, 2019

Kaieteur News



Kaieteur News

Friday April 19, 2019

Minister Cathy Hughes is asking Gail Teixeira to apologise


inister of P u b l i c Telecommunic ations, Cathy Hughes, is demanding $10M from Opposition Chief Whip, Gail Teixeira, for libel pertaining to statements the latter made recently on a contract issued to the minister's media company. Hughes's lawyers are from the Hughes, Fields and Stoby law firm, of which her husband, Nigel Hughes, is a partner. In a recent letter sent from the law firm to Gail Teixeira dated April 16, it was claimed that on April 9, the Chief Whip who has reportedly resigned her parliamentary position, caused to be published in the local media a number of statements relating to the minister. The letter said that Teixeira said that the Department of Energy has issued a multi-million dollar contract to Videomega Productions and that there are incestuous relations within the Government where family members and extended family members are benefitting and profiting from taxpayer's money in violation of the procurement laws of the country. The Chief Whip allegedly said that there is tampering with the procurement process as well. “Videomega was also given major contracts by APNU/AFC during the 2015 elections to produce

Opposition Chief Whip, Gail Teixeira

Minister Cathy Hughes

campaign material for them and so one has to wonder whether the contract for Videomega productions will be used for campaign materials.” Teixeira is also alleged to have said that a combination of family members and partisan connections are exploiting and abusing and profiteering from the revenues of the country. “ T h e se a l l e g a t i o n s amount to a very serious libel on our client and have caused her considerable distress and embarrassment. All the allegations made against her are false and your attack on her was unjustified.” The law firm said that Hughes wanted, as a matter of urgency, a full unequivocal public retraction and apology

in terms, to be approved, and an undertaking not to repeat these allegations. The minister is also demanding $10M as a compensation for the injury suffered as a result of the libel. Teixeira was given until the end of the day to give a “satisfactory reply” or face the courts. Hughes had defended the contract to Videomega, a company she owns, insisting that she had relinquished control since she became a minister in 2015. She said she did not participate in the decision of the Department of Energy nor was she aware of the award until it became public knowledge. There has been increased scrutiny over state contracts in recent years.

Kaieteur News

Friday April 19, 2019

CH&PA allocates over 150 house lots at Mon Repos


he Central Housing and P l a n n i n g Authority (CH&PA) has announced that it allocated lands to more than 150 individuals yesterday. The lots were handed out during an exercise at the CH&PA Brickdam office. All of the allocated lands are situated in the Mon Repos area, East Coast Demerara. The beneficiaries from that exercise were among persons who attended the various outreaches which were held by the Housing agency over the past two months. The allottees included persons who attended an outreach which catered specifically to persons living with disabilities, persons who were present at the Georgetown leg of the 'Bringing Government to the

people� and other public engagements which were held over the past two months. Minister of Housing within the Ministry of C o m m u n i t i e s , Va l e r i e Adams-Yearwood, and a team from Central Housing and Planning Association (CH&PA), conducted an outreach last month, to address housing concerns of persons living with disabilities. Persons had gathered for the session at the Guyana Society for the Blind's, High Street Office. That demographic is being catered to according to their specific needs. Adams-Yearwood said that the agency is satisfied with the efforts of the CH&PA to provide housing opportunities to those who need them the most.

Daughter returns to court, remanded for mom's murder - claims she was beaten by police


amela Jameer, who collapsed at t h e F o r t Wellington Magistrate's Court before Magistrate Rabindranauth Singh, on Wednesday, made her second appearance yesterday and was read her charge. It is alleged that on April 12, 2019 Jameer murdered Rookmin Jameer (her mother). She was not required to plead to the indictable charge. She was not represented by an attorney in court but Attorney-at-law Mursaline Bhaccus sent a letter indicating that he will be representing her at her next court appearance. In court, Jameer stated that she was abused by the police while in custody. She added that she was forced to say that she killed her mother. She was subsequently remanded until May 24. Jameer was scheduled to be charged on Wednesday, however, when she arrived at the court and stood before the magistrate, she fainted. The court was recessed for 10 minutes. Then she returned but fainted again. The matter was subsequently pushed to yesterday. Jameer was admitted at the Fort Wellington Hospital for medical attention. On Friday last, 71-yearold Rookmin Jameer was allegedly murdered by her daughter Kamela Jameer.

Remanded: Kamela Jameer The daughter had told relatives and police that when she returned home from church, Friday afternoon, she found her mother on the kitchen floor in a pool of blood with her throat slit. However, based on investigations, police arrested Jameer on Saturday and during interrogation, she admitted to killing her mother. She allegedly told ranks that they had an argument after she returned home, over some money she took. One thing led to another and she was said to have grabbed a chopper from the kitchen counter and slit her mother's throat. She waited until the woman was dead then alerted relatives and the police. An autopsy performed on the old woman revealed that she died from shock and haemorrhage due to an incised wound to the neck.

Minister of Housing, Valerie Adams-Yearwood, with some of the recipients of yesterday's exercise


Kaieteur News


Friday April 19, 2019

UG not opposed to financial audit requested by unions


cting on a request from the unions of the University of Guyana [UG], the Ministry of Education may soon be requesting a financial audit for the national tertiary institution. At least this is according to a statement seen by this publication. In the statement disseminated to the media

yesterday, the Ministry of Education in a recent letter to the UG Council, advised of the unions' [the University of Guyana Workers Union and the University of Guyana Senior Staff Association] joint request to have the Auditor General's Office conduct a special audit of the University's finances. Commenting on this d e v e l o p m e n t , Vi c e

Chancellor Professor Ivelaw Lloyd Griffith said, “The Administration welcomes the opportunity to clear the air on the allegations and assertions by the unions and other individuals.” He added, “We have long indicated such, both directly to the UG Unions and in my two recent memoranda to the University community.” A c c o r d i n g t o

information released by the institution too, in January 2019, the Administration told the two unions that the institution was not in a position to pay further salary increases for 2018, having paid a four percent salary increase to academic staff and three percent to nonacademic staff, both taxfree, in December 2018. It was further noted that

on February 13, 2019, in an update to the members of the UG community on the industrial climate at Turkeyen and the call by the Unions for a forensic financial audit, the Vice Chancellor said that the Administration is willing to have its financial position examined by any competent and independent Arbiter. Following the Unions resumption of picketing at Turkeyen on March 15, Vice Chancellor Griffith, in a further update to the UG community, reiterated the Administration's willingness to have an audit done by an independent Arbiter. He also indicated that the Administration had decided to turn the dispute over to the Labour Department for conciliation. The current impasse follows the initiative by ProChancellor, Major General (Ret.) Joseph Singh, to facilitate some “Listening Sessions” with the Unions and the Administration by a three-member panel of the University Council, and the Vice-Chancellor's March 8 invitation to meet with the Unions to resume the negotiations proved futile. H o w e v e r, t h e U G Administration said that it holds the view that talks with

Vice Chancellor, Professor Ivelaw Griffith the unions should not focus exclusively on salaries but performance and a Collective B a rg a i n i n g A g r e e m e n t should also be discussed. Meanwhile, the Administration said that it is awaiting a response from the unions to its weeks-old request for several documents as part of efforts to be consistent in the pursuit of accountability and transparency. The documents sought include their Articles of Association, Certificates of Recognition, Statements of Income and Expenditure for recent years, and recent Annual Returns and audited statements.

Onderneeming woman was beaten, manually strangled - PM


postmortem has confirmed that 52-year-old Nazarene Haniff suffered a brutal beating before being slain two Fridays ago in her Onderneeming Essequibo Coast home. Police said that the postmortem revealed that the elderly woman was manually strangled. There was also evidence of blunt trauma to the back of the head. Concerned neighbours made the discovery after peering through the woman's bedroom window and seeing her lying face up on her bed. Neighbours claim that they also saw a man, who is a resident, fleeing the community. The suspect is a 37-yearold who had resided in the Pomeroon. He moved to the

The deceased, Nazarene Haniff called Aunt Molly community some five to six months ago. A source within the police department has reliably confirmed the identity of this individual. Based on additional reports, the man was also previously convicted for other offences.

Kaieteur News

Friday April 19, 2019


GTT returns with song competition File photos: The 2011 competition

A favourite in the English segment Poonam Singh


fter constant calls from the public for the return of the Guyana Telephone and Telegraph (GTT) Company Jingle and Song Competition, the company yesterday launched the GTT Plus Star Singing Competition. According to Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of GTT, Justin Nedd, the show will mirror past seasons but will see several additions to its structure. “The public asked for it, and as the Do More Company we want to satisfy our customers and all Guyanese. The competition will definitely be a platform for one lucky contestant I am excited and cannot wait for the grand finale.” The show is expected to run until June. It will allow contestants from across Guyana, 16 years and older, to compete for the grand prize of $1M and a recording single with popular local music producer Drew Thoven. The countrywide audition will commence in Georgetown between April 26 and April 28 at Duke Lodge, Kingston; followed by auditions in Berbice at the Little Rock Suites on May 4. Contestants from Linden will also be given an opportunity to audition on May 11 at the Linden Enterprise Network (LEN) Inc. The auditions segment will then conclude in Bartica/Essequibo on May

Spunky 10-year-old Nia Allen 18. Senior Marketing E x e c u t i v e a t G T T, Tashandra Inniss, said the five-legged competition promises to be exhilarating for both the contestants and the public. “It will start with the Auditions, after which we will have the Preliminaries, Quarter-Finals, Semi-Finals, Finals and a Grand Finale at which the winner will be announced. We have done some changes to the previous seasons; so both contestants and the public are in for an exciting experience. Those desirous of participating can sign up online for the auditions on https://www.gtt.co.gy/webf orm/plus-star-competition.” Inniss added that while the three finalists will all walk away with cash prices; the public will also be given an opportunity to win big with the company through weekly text to win challenges. In 2006, GTT launched its first Jingle and Song competition which garnered the attention of thousands across the country and produced popular Guyanese Artiste, Timeka Marshall. Several competitions followed and also shaped the musical careers for other local artistes like Lindener Malika Boyd and Brandon Harding, Recording Artiste, Poonam Singh, Calvin Burnette, Ryan Hoppie, and Berbician Gail Ann Singh to name a few.

Andy Rattan doing his thing

The newly introduced Bollywood segment has been equally entertaining

The duets have for the most part been quite impressive


Kaieteur News

Friday April 19, 2019

Slingerz goes big for th 18 Anniversary with


his Easter Monday, come celebrate with Slingerz Family at the West Vibes Sport bar, as the # 1 sound in Guyana turns 18. For this year's big anniversary, Slingerz Family will be bringing seven world class DJs. From Anigua: Kanabis Sound, from Jamaica: Bill Cosby and Bobby Kush, Skinny Hype and Patinum 2019 Badda dan Champion, Team

Hardball Magnum, Top Striker, Stereosonic and of course the anniversary sound Slingerz Family from Guyana. There will be crazy giveaways all night, and a special treat for the ladies too. Everyone will be free up to 8:00pm, $1000 admission after. This event is brought to you by Stag Beer and Two Brothers Pure Ice.

The Garage proudly presents...

Battle of the Bands for Easter Monday


he Garage Bar and Grill is proud to present for the third time, the “Battle of the Bands” on Easter Monday at its Aubrey Barker Road, South Ruimveldt location. Clashing will be Buster one man band out of the USA, the Stitchie Vibes Machine and the Supa Ray One Man Band. Admission will be $1000. See you there.

GOT Season 8 Ep. 2 for viewing at 704 on Sunday

The Second Episode of Game of Thrones Season 8, dubbed “The Rightful Queen”, is all set for viewing at the exquisite 704 Sports Bar this Sunday at 9 PM. There will be a lineup of unique Game of Thrones cocktails such as, “Winter is Coming,” “Ours is the Fury”, “Fire and blood”, and “The Red Woman” for you to indulge in. Show up in your Game of Thrones Costume and you can get a free drink too. See you there.




Kaieteur News

Friday April 19, 2019

for Unity Fest at GIFTLAND parking lot on Easter Monday

ALKALINE, Alkaline

Farmer Nappy

Farmer Nappy

n Easter Monday, April 22nd, NURSE to BURST fast food restaurant and Giftland will be hosting an Easter Unity Fest at the Giftland parking lot. Easter Unity Fest stars Jamaica King of the dancehall, the hitmaker, the movie star king, Beenieman, with all his big music and vibes. Also billed to perform are Trinidad Chutney hit-maker Ravi B, Shakti Strings, Slingerz Family, DJ Magnum, and more. Tickets $2.500 VIP $10.000 on sale at the Giftland Mall, the Strip, NURSE to BURST, Light Street, Rosignol Butchery, White Castle Fish Shop and Vicky's fish shop. Buy three NURSE to BURST $800 meal and get one FREE ticket, at our Light Street location, while stocks last. Brought to you also by Corona Beer, CR tell us CALL centre, Church's Chicken and Toucan Industries.

booked for Easter Saturday Stadium concert


istributors of the Xtra Beer Brand will be hosting the ultimate “Yardy Fete” experience on Easter Saturday. And the artistes booked for this event are Jamaican Prince of Dancehall, Alkaline and Soca Sensation, Farmer Nappy whose single, “Hookin Meh” has been taking Guyana by storm. The event is slated to be held at the National Stadium with early birds ticket set at $2500. The tickets will cost $3000 from April 14. Stay tuned for more details.

Shenseea to headline UG FETE on May 21 G

uyana Carnival organizers are proud to present “UG Fete” featuring the #1Trending Gyal‟ Shensea” alongside the nation's very own, Timeka Marshall on May 21st. For UG Fete, Guyana Carnival collaborates with PACE ( Philanthrophy, Alumni and Civic Engagement) and The Student's Society in order to raise funds which strive to foster the rounded development of the University of Guyana's students. This will happen through the provision of services; programmes and the facilities to complement the academic environment that is holistically conducive to learning. General tickets cost $3000 and the stage

front tickets cost $10000. UG Students will be able to receive a special rate of $2500 for a general ticket and a stage front ticket at $8000. Tickets will be on sale at the University of Guyana's Campus and the Guyana Carnival box office located at 206 Lance Gibbs Street Queenstown. The princess of dancehall will be at the Turkeyen Campus on May 20th performing where students will also be given the opportunity to ask questions. Guyana Carnival 2019 is slated for May 17th– 27th with combinations of cooler fetes, mega concerts, day tours, jouverts and a grand Independence Day road parade. Make sure you get there!

Kaieteur News



Friday April 19, 2019

Spice, Konshens, booked for Magnum

BUJU BANTON Ding Dong to perform in Guyana on May

Tonic Wine Explosion Stage Show

25 R

eggae Super star Buju Banton is confirmed to perform in Guyana on May 25, 2019 as part of the Guyana Independence Carnival Celebrations. Over the past couple days, much excitement has been generated after a few popular social media sites leaked information that Buju Banton is expected to perform in Guyana in May. Well, now it is coming directly from the horse's mouth, he is coming. After seeing how excited Guyanese were to see Buju, High Frequency Entertainment in collaboration with King Leo Promotion and the Guyana Carnival Committee decided that it is a great opportunity to make Guyana a part of the 'Long Walk to Freedom' tour. Buju Banton, who's 'Long Road to Freedom' tour was announced late last year, listed many countries in the Caribbean, such as,

Trinidad and Tobago, Barbados, St. Kitts, Suriname, Grenada and his home country of Jamaica; finally, Guyana is on that list. Banton, who has always referred to Guyana as one of his favourite countries to perform in the Caribbean, has not performedhere for over 12 years, however, he will return with his full band to give his Guyanese fans a long overdue and highly anticipated concert. The reggae superstar is known for hits such as, 'untold stories', wanna be loved', 'champion', 'deportees', 'not an easy road' and much more. Tickets for this event will go on sale online and at ticket locations locally in the coming days. Stay tuned to social media sites @guyanacarnival and our website www.guyanacarnival592.com for more details.


Entertainment POLICE


$1M UP FOR GRABS AT SMALTA & CARIBBEAN AIRLINES KITE FLYING COMPETITION (Left) Mr Errol Nelson - Non-alcoholic Business Unit Head of AMTL, Ms Gabriell Lopes - Trade Marketing Assistant of AMTL, and Mr Dion Inniss - Sales Executive, Caribbean Airlines- Guyana & Suriname


nder the Smalta brand, ANSA McAL Trading Limited teamed up with Caribbean Airlines to give away over $1M in cash, prizes and trophies through a 'Flying High Kite Flying Competition' for the most creative Branded Smalta or Caribbean Airlines Kite.

The competition will take place at the National Park, Georgetown, Bushy Park, Parika, East Bank Essequibo, C3 Park Cotton Tree Village, West Coast Berbice and 63 Beach, Corentyne, Berbice on Easter Monday, April 22, 2019. See you there.


agnum Tonic Wine in collaboration with Hits and Jams Entertainment presents Magnum Explosion 2019. In fact, three of Jamaica's most beloved superstars, Spice, Konshens and Ding Dong, are booked to perform at the Magnum Tonic Wine Explosion Stage Show come April 21, 2019 at the National Park. Gates are set to open at 9 am but the show gets underway at 9PM after families would have had their full of the Easter Kite Flying activities. Locals and other regional stars would be added to the show as it nears the April 21 deadline. Early bird tickets cost $2000 and VIP tickets cost $10,000. Purchase them at the HJ box office on 206 Lance Gibbs Street, Queenstown and stay tuned to HJ94.1BOOMFM for daily updates.

Ding Dong


The latest Entertainment hotspot that caters for all


osmos is the new exciting destination for patrons of all walks of life looking for the ultimate experience. Whether you're craving a chef inspired meal, an afternoon hang spot or a great night out, Kosmos has you covered! There are daily happy hour specials, live band, nightly shows and theme parties combined with ultra modern environment and international line of beverages makes us the only place you will ever want to be. You will always want more at Kosmos. (See schedule for upcoming events at right)

Kaieteur News

Friday April 19, 2019

'King of Di Crowd' Auditions set for April 27' at Sports Hall


ntry forms are now available for pick up and drop off for the highly anticipated “King of Di Crowd” auditions which are slated for April 27 at the National Sports Hall Tarmac. Entry forms can be found at Ansa McAL, Ingrid's Bar, Sweet Point, White Castle

Fishshop, Rumours Bar, Frenzy Bar, West Vybz Sports Bar, Park Square and Jaigobin and Sons. A total of $1M in cash and prizes are up for grabs and one year bragging rights by the winner. Be sure to secure your spots guys!

rden a G d n a w o h S t a H l a u Ann l 27 Party billed for Apri eel or over 32 years, the Inner Wh n bee Club of Georgetown has hosting the most elegant Hat of Show which attracts hundreds ns, rde Ga e nad me Pro visitors at the ed for bill is it r, yea s Thi . eet Middle Str April 27. n and The hat competition for childre It is . ion act attr in ma adults is often the t, gan Ele : ries ego cat e held in thre Topical/Comical and Original. n is done Registration for the competitio are ts stan nte Co on the day itself.


m as required to register from 2.30p. ugh Tho m. 0p. 3.3 at ses clo n registratio e is still participation by the male populac to hes wis b Clu small, the Inner Wheel to les ma the for on itati extend a warm inv r. yea this participate eshing At the event, there will be refr ptious um Scr . teas served at 3: 30 PM sale. on be also l wil s cakes and pastrie ice Pol the by ed vid pro Music will be ting pain face be also l wil re The d. Force Ban t cos ets tick and games for children. Tea at $500. $2500 and the entrance fee is set

Lake Mainstay to host CAR & BIKE Show, After Party on Easter Saturday


ake Mainstay Resort will be hosting its 10th Annual Car & Bike Show and After Party on Easter Saturday, 20th April, 2019 at the Resort's Beach in Mainstay/Whyaka Village on the Essequibo Coast. The gates will be opened from 15:00 hrs. (3 pm) and the show commences at 18:00 hrs. (6:00 pm). For those persons interested in partaking in the show you can download the application form from the resort's Facebook page @ www.facebook.com/lakemainstay. The registration deadline is April 18th, 2019. Over $1M in cash prizes and trophies will be up for grabs. Admission: Adults - $1,000.00 and Children - $500.00 (under 10 years old). See you there.


Mother and Daughter Pageant organizers begin search for contestants T

he search has started for contestants for this year's Mother and Daughter Pageant. The event will be held on the eve of Mother's Day in May. Pageant Producer Dr. Sulan Fung told the Entertainment Police that this year's event will focus on the “Supa Power of Love.” She explained that once again, contestants are being sought for the three categories of the show, which are Junior, Middle and Senior. Over the years, the pageant has stood out as a way of bringing mothers and daughters closer together. Several past contestants have credited the pageant with the closer bonds that they now enjoy with each other. As part of the pageant preparations, the contestants will be involved in training and various activities. Committee Member, Mrs. Ingrid Fung, who started the pageant, said the event is dear to her and her daughter and she knows and understands the role it has been playing to strengthen family ties in an enjoyable and relaxing way. If you are interested in being part of this

year's pageant, contact Mrs. Fung on telephone numbers 226-2825 or 626-0460.



ajesty International, the official license holders of the Miss World franchise recently announced the postponement of the 2019 Miss World Guyana competition which was scheduled for May 26th, 2019 at National Cultural Centre, Georgetown, Guyana. The organization is now accelerating a global restructuring program to build on the progress the Miss World brand has made in executing social programs to best serve the Guyanese community on a long-term basis. The restructuring will also give the organization opportunities to foster personal and professional growth among young people and create marketing opportunities to bring differentiated value and innovation to related industries. At the organization's brainstorming session held recently, License Holder, Natasha Martindale said, “We will make Guyana's Miss World license a franchise for the people and one that focuses more on boosting overall moral than the glitzy outcome of the journey which in turn would unveil greater paths to success for those choosing to get involved”. The 2019 Miss Guyana's application and recruitment campaign returned an overwhelming response to the recruitment cycle with 73 entrants and 65 active and potential candidates of which a total of 30 received invitations to the casting call worldwide. The casting call was postponed facilitating an improved program that would better prepare all entrants for success at every level of the journey regardless of their circumstances or outcome. We are committed to building the confidence of our youth by taking this task even more seriously and as a result, National Director, Natasha Martindale took the initiative to shift the timeline for 2019 competition to 2020 whilst addressing some key recurring issues directly impacting the quality of journeys every year. To ensure candidates are given a better chance at competing at the national and

international level we will be giving them more time to prepare by introducing a preparatory period whereby candidates would gain the confidence that is required to become the face of Guyana. A longer preparation period would build more visibility, add value, boost confidence, build character and the resilience for each journey to be more meaningful. Adding to the preparation period, the organization is currently finalizing a multimillion-dollar prize package including a cash prize of One Million Guyana Dollars for the Miss World Guyana 2020 including USA & UK/EUROPE media tour, promoting Guyana and Guyanese brands internationally. Although the decision to delayed the competition was not an easy one, the organisation believes it is one that would better promote cultural heritage and social cohesion throughout our regions; create well rounded role models that other young people would emulate –especially since approximately 57% of the people in Guyana are under the age of 26; and, drawing on best practices to determine how we can all work together to a present a more youthful presence as the face of our country to boost tourism across the regions and added value to all partners. As a result of this restructuring, the recruitment cycle for Miss World Guyana 2020 is extended to May 15th, 2019 with the 2020 quarterfinalist journey being announced at a later date in May. Those who planned to apply for 2020 journey are invited to do so now at www.missworldguyana.gy and or via our facebook/Instagram pages. Candidates who already apply and were invited to the casting call need not reapply and are currently being reevaluated as quarterfinalists on submission of their paperwork. In the coming weeks, the organisation promises to release continuous updates in relating to the 2020 Miss World Guyana national competition with the announcement of Mr. World Guyana to follow soon.


Friday April 19, 2019

Kaieteur News

Orealla village now has six internet hotspots

The village of Orealla in the easternmost part of the Ancient County of Berbice is now online. Minister of Public Telecommunications, Cathy Hughes, and head of the National Data Management Authority, Floyd Levi, on Wednesday officially

commissioned six Internet Hotspots spread across the community. These hotspots are located in the Community Benab, the Community ICT hub, the Police Station, the Health Centre and the school building. Now the residents of

Orealla have free, unimpeded access to the Worldwide Web via the government donated laptop computers and any other computerized device. The benefits for every single residents are many, Minister Hughes said, as she urged the residents to make

full use of their connectivity. The benefits to the delivery of modern healthcare to villagers were especially singled out. Dr. Lerone Henry, at the Orealla Health Centre, said that the Internet Connectivity will do a great service for the community. For the first time in history, doctors and healthcare providers at the Orealla Heath Centre now have direct video communication with doctors and specialists at Central Hospitals such as the New Amsterdam and other Regional hospitals as well as the Georgetown Public Hospital. Access to the Internet, he said, greatly improves their ability to conduct diagnoses with direct assistance from specialists national and international, and in real time. He also said that he would no longer have to make the two-hour journey up the river

to the coast for consultations on difficult cases. The Orealla Police Station is also online allowing police officers to connect directly and in real time with central and divisional Police stations and outposts. While commissioning the Orealla Community ICT hub, Minister Hughes said that the hub will serve as the gateway for students and teachers to the world of information. Ten laptop computers were installed there, all connected to the Internet and loaded with most of the textbooks used by the Ministry of Education. This, she said, is a tremendous help to parents who would not have to purchase these books in hard copy at great cost. Toshao of Orealla, Carl Peneux, expressed the residents’ appreciation for this initiative of the Public Telecommunications Minis-

try. He stated that this was a history-making occasion because Orealla had remained cut off from national activities and benefits for some decades. He outlined one more major benefit - the village council’s plans to boost its visibility to tourists and show off its attractive culture which includes indigenous handicraft will come to fruition. While expressing their appreciation, the Minister was told that the residents had already begun to earn revenue from the online sale of two intricately indigenous hammocks woven by the Women Group of Orealla. Before leaving, Minister Hughes donated five new Tablets to five crucial community groups in the village including the Women’s Group, the Farmers Group, the Sports and Fisheries Groups. (MoPT)

Minibus driver freed of rape charge A minibus driver was yesterday freed of a rape charge after a mixed 12-member jury unanimously found him not guilty of the offence. Thirty-five year-old Vishnu Persaud, who faced a criminal trial at the Sexual Offences Court of the High Court in Georgetown, wept silently in the prisoner’s dock as the verdict was delivered and he was declared a free man. Persaud was accused of raping a nine -year- old female at her home in Vreed-en-Hoop on September 21, 2017. He was accused of sneaking into the home of a nineyear-old girl and raping her while her parents were away. The child’s mother said that the suspect went to the home on September 21, 2017 to meet with the child’s grandfather and noticed that the girl was home alone. He allegedly climbed over the verandah, entered the home and committed the act. Persaud had however maintained his innocence throughout the trial. He was represented

Freed of rape: Vishnu Persaud by Attorney Bernard Da Silva. State Prosecutors Seeta Bhishundial and Lisa Cave presented the case against Persaud. At the conclusion of the matter, yesterday, presiding Judge Brassington Reynolds admonished Persaud to take the opportunity he had been given to make the best of the re-

mainder of his life. The judge noted the experience should serve as a sobering one. Justice Reynolds therefore advised Persaud live his life striving to please his Creator, whomever he perceives him to be. According to news reports, the child’s mother recounted that her daughter told her that the man confronted her from the verandah and threatened to kill her if she made any noise. “She said that the man took off her clothes and raped her on the chair and when the pain became too much, she started crying and he put his hands over her mouth but she managed to bite him and push him off and run and lock herself in the toilet.” The mother said that her daughter later spotted her attacker at a bus park, and he was wearing the same attire that he was dressed in when the attack occurred. The child’s relative apprehended the suspect and took him to the Vreed-en-Hoop Police Station where he was released on $100,000 bail after two days.

Friday April 19, 2019


Kaieteur News

Former Insurance Manager Mastermind’s wife, gang member remanded for Canje robbery slapped with $20M Fraud Charge A man and a woman were yesterday slapped with seven counts of robbery under arms at the New Amsterdam Magistrate Court. Sylvester ‘Squeaky’ Joseph, 29, of Cumberland Village, East Canje and the wife of the mastermind behind the Canje robbery, Ashley Drigpaul, appeared before Magistrate Peter Hugh to answer to the seven charges. It is alleged that on April 13, 2019, at New Area, Canefield, Canje, Joseph robbed Rohan Deonarine of three gold chains and an IPhone 6; Premchand Seelochan of two gold rings, one silver band and one wrist watch; Tarmattie Seelochan of $300,000, one gold ring and two cell phones; Aditie Rambhudan of nine gold rings, two gold bangles, three gold chains, a cricket band, $110,000 and a Samsung Galaxy S7; Andre Beerbhajan of one Toyota Allion, one

Remanded: Mastermind’s wife, Ashley Drigpaul

Remanded Gang member: Sylvester ‘Squeaky’ Joseph

IPhone, a gold chain, a silver band and $20,000 and Fizal Latiff of $10,000 and a Samsung Galaxy S5. They were not required to plead to the indictable charge. They were not represented by an attorney and were remanded to prison until May

24, 2019. Meanwhile, Kaieteur News was reliably informed by a police source that the mastermind was apprehended in Linden yesterday morning. He has since been transported to Berbice where he is being processed for court.

A former Insurance manager has been charged for fraud. Lyndon Stephney appeared on Wednesday before Magistrate Faith Mc Gusty at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Court to respond to allegations of uttering a forged document. According to the charge, between July 23, 2018 and August 31, 2018 at Georgetown, with intent to defraud, Stephney gave a forged invoice valued at US$92,774 to Arthur Gallagher, for payments made to CHUCKS Enterprise. The bill valued to the sum of $20,400,000 was for the renewal of insurance policy for JAGS Aviation. Stephney pleaded not guilty to the charge. He was represented by attorney-atlaw Adrian Thompson who asked that his client be placed on reasonable bail. On July 23, 2018 while working at BK International Stephney allegedly issued

Charged: Lyndon Stephney several invoices to Esau Samad, Chief Accountant of the company. The invoices totaling US$92,494 were for the annual insurance policy for Jags

Aviation Inc. The court heard that Stephney was responsible for finalising the annual premium insurance policy. However, he issued incorrect invoices to the Chief Accountant of BK International. The incorrect bill caught the attention of the complainant and a police investigation was launched. Stephney was later charged for the offence. During the hearing on Wednesday, Police Prosecutor, Seon Blackman, initially objected to bail being granted to Stephney, citing the nature of the offence and the amount of money involved. His objections were overruled by the Magistrate Mc Gusty. She released Stephney on $150,000 bail. The bail is on condition that Stephney lodges his passport with the clerk of court and report every Monday to Brickdam Police Station until the conclusion of his trial.


Kaieteur News

Friday April 19, 2019


Kaieteur News

Friday April 19, 2019

“Night out with stranger landed Man who leaves EPA ‘pumpless’, remanded me in court”- man tells magistrate

A night out with a ‘stranger’ landed 22year-old Akeem Bennett in court, after he was accused of stealing the individual’s cell phone. The mason, of Lot 12 Supply, East Bank Demerara, was brought before Chief Magistrate Ann McLennan in the Georgetown Magistrates’ Courts where the charge was read to him. The accusation alleged that on April 14, 2019 at Seawall Road, Georgetown, Bennett stole one Samsung S8 valued at $85,000 property of Travis Rampaul. The two men reportedly went to the seawall to ‘lime’. After being asked to carry out an errand for Rampaul, Bennett allegedly removed the cell phone from the car. The defendant pleaded guilty to the charge, but gave his explanation of what happened on the night in question. Based on his account, the magistrate entered a not guilty plea. According to Bennett, he was at a Chinese restaurant ‘liming’ when Rampaul, whom he said was a stranger to him, pulled up in a car and asked him who he was with. “I told him that I don’t lime with people I does lime by myself. Then he asked me what I drinking and I said I’ll take a bottle of water. After he buy the water for me he told me let’s go to town and get two girls.” Bennett related that they went to Georgetown and picked up two girls from a bar then headed to the seawall. It was there that Rampaul reportedly handed over all his money, his phone and a gold chain. “I feel this man carry me like a bodyguard because when he gave me the stuff he told me that I should keep them for him because people does get rob on the seawall,” Bennett stated. He alleged that Rampaul then asked him to collect a pack of cigarettes from the car. However, when he went to the car there were no cigarettes. He said Rampaul then sent him to purchase a pack of cigarettes. “I give he the money and chain and I keep the phone because he didn’t ask for it. I then went to buy the cigarette but four men robbed me on the way. I was scared to return and say what happen because I didn’t know how the

Mark Bynoe was yesterday brought before Chief Magistrate Ann McLennan after being charged for stealing two articles valued at $1M, property of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). It was alleged that between February 13, 2019 and February 14, 2019 at Ganges Street, Sophia Georgetown, Bynoe stole one Myers pressure pump valued at $500,000 and one Myers pressure tank valued at $500,000, property of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The defendant appeared in the Georgetown Magistrates’ Courts and denied the charge after it was read to him. Bynoe who was not represented by an attorney informed the court that he is 30 years old and resides at ‘D’

Akeem Bennett man would react.” Bennett allegedly headed to a friend in Georgetown where they called the Timehri Police Station to report the matter. They were advised to wait for a patrol vehicle in the area to return to look out for the ‘robbers.’ “We stand up outside and shortly after a patrol van came and the same man who I was with was in the van. They took me to the station and put me on the bench but when I explained to the (Rampaul) what happen and that I would work to pay him back for the phone he just tell me that I have to go to court.” The alleged victim was not present in court. Bennett was released on $10,000 bail and instructed to report to the Grove Police Station every Friday.. The matter was adjourned until April 23, next and the prosecutor was instructed to ensure that the victim is present at the next occasion.

Exxon announces 13th discovery ... The Noble Madden Drillship

From page 14 than 750,000 barrels of oil per day by 2025. The Liza Phase 1 development is expected to produce up to 120,000 barrels of oil per day utilizing the Liza Destiny FPSO, by the first quarter of 2020. That FPSO will arrive in Guyana by the third quarter of this year. Exxon expects Liza Phase 2 to startup by mid-2022. Ac-

cording to a release from Exxon, the project plans to use the Liza Unity FPSO to produce up to 220,000 barrels per day. That investment is subject to government and regulatory approvals. Payara, the third development, is also expected in 2019, with startup projected for 2023.The Stabroek Block is 6.6 million acres (26,800 square kilometers). ExxonMobil’s

subsidiary Esso Exploration and Production Guyana Limited (EEPGL) is operator and holds 45 percent interest in the Stabroek Block. Hess Guyana Exploration Ltd. holds 30 percent interest and CNOOC Petroleum Guyana Limited, a wholly-owned subsidiary of China National Offshore Oil Corporation Limited (CNOOC), holds 25 percent interest.

Remanded Mark Bynoe Field Sophia, Squatting Area. Police prosecutor, Gordon Mansfield, related the facts of the charge which stated that on the day in question about 05:00hrs, a rural constable

was on his way to work when he saw Bynoe and another person pushing two separate carts. The push carts allegedly contained the stolen items. The matter was then reported and on April 15, 2019 the defendant was contacted by police ranks. The allegation was put to Bynoe who denied it. Furthermore, the defendant was arrested and placed into police custody where the present charge was instituted against him. Prosecutor Mansfield also highlighted that Bynoe was positively identified by the constable who reported the matter. Therefore, based on the facts related the prosecutor objected to bail. Bynoe was remanded to prison until May 3, next when the matter will continue.

Cop held in probe into removal of gun linked to manslaughter case A police corporal and a barrack labourer are under close arrest as investigators attempt to ascertain how a revolver that is linked to shooting death of Marlon Fredericks was removed from a safe-box at the East Ruimveldt Outpost. The corporal is reportedly one of the individuals who had the keys to a strongbox in which the revolver and other firearm are kept. It is unclear why the barrack labourer has been held. According to reports, on Tuesday, the corporal who is under investigation, alerted ranks at the station that the revolver, which is the property of the City Constabulary, was missing. Shortly after, ranks at the station received an anonymous call from an individual who said that he had found a firearm a short distance from the outpost. The firearm turned out to

Gregory Bascom

Marlon Fredericks

be the missing revolver. There is speculation that individuals were renting the weapon out to criminals and panicked when it was reported missing. The firearm is linked to the January 2018 manslaughter case in which Gregory Bascom, a City Constabulary lance corporal, was charged for killing 34-year-old Tiger Bay resident Marlon Fredericks. According to reports,

Fredericks, 34, who was unarmed, was shot by Bascom as he escaped from detention at the Bourda Market Outpost.The Tiger Bay resident, who was described as mentally ill, was shot in his mother’s presence, as he ran out of the Outpost, where he was being detained on allegations of simple larceny, assault, and for assaulting a peace officer.The accused is on $800,000 bail.


Friday April 19, 2019

Kaieteur News

Region Four RDC awards another tranche of...




1-60 KVA english made generator $1.9. Contact #6500402/603-1402

Visa Application: U.S.A, Canada & UK; Graphics design, advertisement, Wedding arch rentals. Tel: 626-7040; 265-4535. ICONIC MARKETING & PRINTING –TEL: 6006887: We create A/works, logos, business cards, posters, etc, placements of ads included. I N S TA L L AT I O N S , REPAIRS AND PARTS FOR AC, FRIDGE, WASHING MACHINE, STOVE ETC. CALL NICK 627-3206, 6301600 Accounting(part-time)Taxes, financial statements for Bank etc.System renew.628-3652/ 222-4665. VEHICLE FOR SALE Allion, primo, spacio, allex, noah, RZ pitbull bus, mazda axela, bluebird, 192 fielder wagon. 650-7501

Three(3) pure breed German Shepherd pups (Black & Tan) eight weeks old. Tele# 6260953/ 650-9998. Used steel scaffling.Call:6231615. MASSAGE & HEALTH HERBAL REMEDIES: DIABETES, INFERTILITY, MENSTRUAL DISORDERS, ENLARGED PROSTATE, KIDNEY, GALL STONES & SKIN DISORDERS ETC. CALL SPARMAN #6765924 LEARN TO DRIVE N. Outar Driving School, Learn to Drive the right way @ Cuffy Square. Affordable package. Call: 644-5166/6912561 LAND FOR SALE Lot 8 Triumph Railway Embankment E.C.D, unfurnished building suitable for any business.Contact: 220-6799/603-9547/613-1395. Uitvlugt-$2.5M neg, Parfaite Harmony-$1.7M. Tel#6421252. Herstelling $5.5M, Eccles $7M, Farm$4.5M, Parfaite Harmony transferrable $3M,$3.5M, Tuschen $1.5M, $3.5M.Call 666-2326.


Foundation & Column completed, Land size 40x80, structure 30x24 Price $6.5M.Diamond Scheme contact Ganesh#669-9539/ 693-5096. Parfaite Harmonie $1.4M, Schoonard $3.5M, Dairy $1.8M, Farm $3.2M.Tel#6560701/651-1959. Loo creek 35 Acres from Road $35M, Saxaealli 25 Acres, River Friendship $30M, Support River Front $30M.Shawn#2312199/618-7483. PROPERTY FOR SALE House for sale, Eccles Housing Scheme. 7 bedrooms, 3 toilets and bathrooms enclosed. $28.5M. Call 6420391/ 001447587233657. yashardabhola4@gmail.com 1 Flat concrete property at Diamond 19th Street.12M neg. Contact#680-2952/6632063.




Industrial Sales Representative, 5 Subject CXC Age 25+ Experience in Sales, must own vehicle, email r e s u m e : vacancy@josarltd.com

Top flat two bedroom Apartment with toilet and bath, overhead tank and p a r k i n g available.Price:$45,000.Phone#6128380. WANTED Wanted experienced hire car driver at Ramada Princess Hotel. Contact 616-5419, 2657075 One live-in domestic or couple to work on resort at Mahaicony River. 649-3783/ 225-6571. Attractive waitress for bar. Age 20-28yrs, 11am-8pm. Call#233-5481/650-3680. Wanted Land to Buy:Herstelling, Eccles, Farm, Province, Parfaite Harmonie, Tuschen, Uitvlugt and other places.Call 666-2326.

DemBake @ Land of Canaan is seeking distributors & experienced drivers & sales agents. Email CV: admin@demerarabakery.com / 266-5848 Female kitchen assistant for interior location. Job entails assisting cooks and cleaning. Call 618-2020. Vacancy exists for certified accountant. Bring in application to Agri Parts Machinery and Services. 1 Experienced male sales attendant with stocktaking knowledge. Apply with handwritten application & recommendation. KeyFood McDoom Village. General domestic. 3 Days work. Must know to cook. Apply with 2 references. KeyFood McDoom village

Wanted Security Guard.Apply immediately, Herdmanston Lodge, 65 Peter Rose Street.

Dispatcher to work at a reputable taxi service in greater Georgetown. Contact# 6130700.

Cleaners to work in Georgetown.Call:227-1717.

One Qualified tutor to teach a 3 yr old boy from 8:30 to 12:30 or 12:30 to 17:00.Apply at Alabama Trading 65 Robb street.

Truck Driver to drive Garbage truck in Linden.Contact 4446248. We buy Land in Parfaite Harmonie, Uitvlugt, Eccles, Providence, Herstelling, Farm.We Pay in $US.Tel#6481635. Live in waitress to work in a bar.Must be 18-23yrs old. Must have ID.Contact# 2212785. Person to work at Hot dog cart.Should have valid food handlers certificate.Call#6904722 Security Guard.Location lower E.C.D & G/town.Age 4055.Contact Kamal 614-7147/ 643-9861. 1 Live in domestic. Must know to cook.Age 25-50yrs. Salary $25,000 per week.6103974. PROPERTY FOR SALE South; Aubrey Barker 100x100.$35M, John street Cambellville $40M, Thomas street Cummingsburg 27M.Contact#231-2199, 6187483. TO LET 1-Two bedroom unfurnished Apartment, Albert st. Albertown Preferably student or two working pupil.No Pets.Call:223-6977.

One general domestic. Must able to prepare vegetarian meal. Apply at Alabama Trading 65 Robb street Bourda. One female Cleaner.Apply at Alabama Trading 65 Robb Street Bourda. Receptionist, Deskstaff.Ages 25-40, 233 South Road Lacytown/225-0198. Vacancy for Female Accounts Clerk.Apply at Alabama Trading 65 Robb Street Bourda. Vacancy for Experienced Supervisor.Apply at Alabama Trading 65 Robb Street Bourda. Domestic assistant 1-2 days a week $3,000 per day. Home located on the E.B.D.Call#6904722. Vacancy for Security Guards.Contact#227-1717. TO LET Self contain rooms for working couple/single person $32,000 monthly, light & water, Lodge.Call:623-0076. Business space to rent. No restaurant. Serious enquiries only. 233 South Road 225-0198/615-0317.

From page 16 Soesdyke-Linden Highway was awarded to K&P Project management to the tune of $8,770,619. J&R General Construction Services was awarded the last of the nine projects which is the construction of a timber revetment of the koker at Lilaudrie, Friendship, East Bank Demerara to the tune of $10, 8 6 4 , 2 0 5 . REO Lucas extended congratulations and best wishes to the successful contractors even as she reminded them that they would have bid, among others, for the respective projects. She also reminded the contractors yesterday that she is not prepared to accept any substandard work and or untimely completion of projects as the region will continue to increase its observation and monitoring of projects and contractors. “Do not take it upon your own to change anything and let me repeat this that I am reminding you contractors to take it upon your own to change anything and tell me that some doctor or nurse tells you that they didn’t want the wall or door here or they wanted it there or she didn’t want this window but rather that window because you must seek approval first from the region as there are protocols to follow and I am reminding you that you must follow these if any changes needs to be made to do certain things,” REO firmly said. She added, “If the work is not done with quality you will hear from me because I will talk to you once and then I will write so you do my work. You do what you are being paid to do and I think that the region will be happy and more so, the people of the Demerara Mahaica Region would be very happy with you.” The Regional Executive Officer declared that she will

continue her 2018 trend of a “no nonsense approach” to contracts being issued by the Region. She reminded them also about their responsibility to the region and more particularly the residents. Regional Vice Chairman, Mr Earle Lambert, who heads the Regional Works Committee urged the contractors to do the works at a very high standard even as he too reminded the contractors that quality is the watch word. He told them that as head of the Works Committee he and others will be visiting the projects from time to time. “When you give us the quality work it means that you have delivered on the service and you would have qualified yourself for more works from the region. I don’t expect to have, on behalf of the region, problems from contractors but as the REO said we would like our work to be done in a timely manner,” the Vice Chairman warned. Vice Chairman Lambert shared with the contractors his hope that they are not using a small workforce in executing these contracts whilst bidding in other regions. He said that the region is cognisant that Region Four is one of 10 regions and in many cases contracts bid in many other regions thus using their small workforce to execute a number of projects. “It means that our work will be delayed...we have to have our work done in a timely manner and if that is not so, the REO will be answerable for funds that this region would have been allocated because based on the fiscal management system you have to spend our money in a timely manner. I would like to say on behalf of the Regional Chairperson congratulations and I hope that you would stand to your word based on what you would have tendered and we would all be happy in Region Four as a result of your work,” said Lambert.

Friday April 19, 2019


Kaieteur News

GPHC certifies first batch of Implant Contraceptive Providers Yesterday, the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC) officially certified 16 persons who were trained to provide and administer implant contraceptives. The team will go on to train others to administer the implants the effective and correct way. Dr. Oneka Scott, MCH Officer (Ag), Ministry of Public Health, expressed her excitement for the participants. She said, “In the beginning of the training I challenged you to remember the component that reminds you why you became health care workers in the first place… to remember that your tone of voice is important. “Completing the management of the patient is important. Getting in touch with the side that the patient often hides from you is important. “And I hope that as I challenged you over the last three days, most of you were reflective of that…You will do a lot of your things in practice a whole lot better.” Dr. Scott reminded them that a maternal life is a life like anyone else but is special because that life gave life.” Dr. William Adu Krow, of the Pan American Health Organisation, gave some statistics on how many lives implant contraceptives can save. He shared a story about a woman in Region One, who was begging not to be sent home without a form of implant contraceptive, but her request could not have been met because it was not available. He added that women should never ask for contraceptive implants and can’t have access to them.

“We can prevent 33% of deaths, if women who knew [about] contraception have contraception. In this country it is between 33 and 34 percent unmet needs, because we have people who want contraception and cannot get it.” Dr. Adu Krow said that when he heard about the woman’s story he immediately went to the Family Planning Department and asked for 200 implants. He then asked how long was the waiting list and the response he got shocked him when they said 200 isn’t enough. He said that he then asked for another 200 implants that had to be bought on the open market for a higher cost; but he saw the need for it. He extended an invitation to the Ministry of Public Health and GPHC to ascertain if there is anything PAHO can do to help because there should not be a woman who wants contraceptives and cannot get. Public Health Minister Volda Lawrence could not attend the ceremony so the Deputy Permanent Secretary, Ms. Shellon Bess, attended on her behalf. Ms. Bess congratulated the team whose members have been training since 2016. She thanked them. She identified herself is a recipient of the implant saying she has no complications. Dr. Rudolpho Montez always gave his remarks which echoed those of the others before him. He was followed by the distribution of certificates and the vote of thanks by Dr. Umadai Rattan.

Scenes from the ceremony


Kaieteur News

Friday April 19, 2019


Kaieteur News

Friday April 19, 2019

UG students present research projects in Guyana and Georgia, USA


early 400 under graduate students of the University of Guyana (UG) were involved in research conferences held in Guyana and Georgia, USA, last week. The conferences were intended to showcase their research projects. The Guyana aspect took the form of the Third Annual Undergraduate Research Conferences, held over three days from April 10. The event in Georgia was the 2019 National Conference on Undergraduate Research, an international gathering that brings together student researchers from around the world. The UG conferences were held over three days. The first two days at Turkeyen and the third day at the Berbice campus. Day One involved presentations by lecturers on how to support and strengthen undergraduate research. The second day was devoted to student presentations. This was attended by almost 240 students, 52 of whom made presentations.

Day Three took place at the Tain campus. This forum was attended by 150 UG and high school students, with 28 UG students making presentations. The annual student conference is a key component of UG’s Undergraduate Research Programme, which is an integral part of UG’s Renaissance Project and the brainchild of Vice-Chancellor Professor Ivelaw Lloyd Griffith. Held under the theme “Undergraduate Research: Sharing Experiences, Making Impacts,” the UG conferences witnessed several firsts—the first time students from each campus presented at the other campus; the first time first-year students participated, and the first time that students from the Department of Law presented research papers. An additional innovation was the launch of a book, ‘Integrated Phonics Workbook for Beginners’, by Nicolita Benjamin-Collins from the Berbice Campus. The publication has its origins in the author’s research while a student at UG.

Student researchers were drawn from computer science, law, biology, agriculture, chemistry, mathematics, environmental sciences, forestry, English, education, and civil engineering. With funding provided by the Ministry of the Presidency, the Ministry of Natural Resources, the Geology and Mines Commission and UG’s Office of Philanthropy, Alumni, and Civic Engagement (PACE), the Turkeyen conference was inspired by a Keynote Address delivered by Professor Babatunde Ogannaike, the William L. Friend Professor of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering at the University of Delaware who is a Visiting Professor at UG this semester, while the inspiration at Tain was provided by Dr. David Singh, the former VicePresident for Guyana of Conservation International. Reflecting on the events, Director of Undergraduate Research, Dr. Troy Thomas, noted that the conferences “provide opportunities for students to interact and share experiences across disci-

GNBA releases list of compliant broadcasters The Guyana National Broadcasters Authority (GNBA) has released the list of who are the only compliant broadcasters for this year. Consequently they are the only broadcasters authorized to broadcast. The Authority said it wishes to emphasize that those broadcasters not listed are deemed illegal broadcasters. CABLE BROADCASTERS Premium Communications Inc.; E - Networks Inc.; Infinity Telecommunications Inc.; Go - Tech Inc.; Movie Star Inc.; Northwest Television Inc. RADIO BROADCASTERS Freedom Radio Inc.; Little Rock Radio Inc.; Pinnacle Com. Inc. – Radio; Radio Guyana Inc.; Hits & Jams Entertainment Inc.; NTN – Radio Inc.; I Radio Inc.; CNS Radio Inc.; News- Talk Guyana Inc.; JREM; Keystone Solutions Inc.; National Communications Network (NCN); National Media and Broadcasting Company Inc.; Two Brother’s Inc. and Linden Wireless Communication Network Inc. TELEVISION BROADCASTERS; CNS Inc.; Countryside Broadcasting Inc. Ch 19; Community Broadcasting Network; Dave’s Television Ch 8 Inc.; Little Rock

Television Inc. – TV; Pinnacle Communications Inc. Television; STVS Ch 4/21 Inc.; Television Guyana Inc.; GWTV Channel 2 Inc.; MTV Inc.; NTN Inc. – Television andNational Communications Network (NCN). The GNBA said it intends to take legal steps within the parameters of the law, against illegal broadcasters. “According to the Broadcasting Act 2011, Section 43 (C), anyone who carries on a broadcasting service at the licensed location after the licence granted to him has been suspended, cancelled or expired commits an offence and is liable on summary conviction to a fine of one million dollars and imprisonment for one year and all machinery and equipment used, or which can be used, for broadcasting and owned by or in the possession of the person concerned is liable to be forfeited.” The Authority said it plans to put in place a Broadcaster Award System to give recognition to outstanding broadcasters at a gala event. Those broadcasters will be the recipients of a number of trophies, plaques, monetary rewards, discount in broadcasting fees etc.

“GNBA urges noncompliant broadcasters to bring themselves in conformity with the law and to honour their obligations to the Authority. GNBA looks forward to broadcasters’ continued cooperation.”

UG team at the conference held at Kennesaw State University in Georgia.From left to right: lecturer Len Singh, Tiffany Jordan, Nirvanie Sukdeo, Marissa Williams, and Ramzee Small. plines and across the campuses of the university. They unite students both in the spirit of sharing with and learning from each other and in volunteerism.” He also observed, “Our students are as excited to be part of the preparation for the conferences as they are to present their research and this augurs well for nurturing an undergraduate research culture at the university. “I am happy and excited to be part of this journey as we grow in breath and deepen in impact each year.” Assistant Director Pamela Rose said, “Our conferences hold promises for enhancing our students’ university experiences, providing opportunities for their academic and professional growth, and offering them

pathways to present and explore research beyond the university.” She added, “We thank the government agencies for sponsoring the conferences this year, and we encourage the private sector to come on board.”Meanwhile in Georgia, four students and recent graduates, led by lecturer Lenandlar Singh, made their first presentations at the international conference. Tiffany Jordan, an Agriculture major from Tain, presented ‘Escherichia coli Contamination of Lettuce (Lactuca sativa. L.) in the Farm-to-market Continuum in Region Six.’ Ramzee Small, Medical Imaging major from Turkeyen, spoke on ‘Patient Dose Audit in Computed Tomography at Cancer Institute of

Guyana.’ Nirvanie Sukdeo, Medical Imaging major from Turkeyen presented her research on ‘Determination of Calibration Cycle for Computed Tomography at Cancer Institute of Guyana,’ and Marisa Williams, who studied Environmental Studies at Turkeyen, spoke about ‘Assessment of Water and Aesthetic Quality of Pit Lakes at Abandoned Mines in Linden, Guyana.’ UG is preparing to send seven students—from both Turkeyen and Tain—to the biennial World Undergraduate Congress in Germany in a few weeks. Full funding for the team, to be led by Assistant Director Pamela Rose, is provided by the World Congress and the Ministry of the Presidency.


Friday April 19, 2019

Kaieteur News

Khangura Russell Wilson: Seattle Seahawks fires NY Tri... quarterback signs NFL’s most lucrative deal From page 36 BBC Sport - Seattle Seahawks quarterback Russell Wilson says he wants to play until 2031 after signing the most lucrative deal in NFL history. Wilson, 30, signed a fouryear, $140m (£107m) contract extension with a $65m (£50m) signing bonus. The deal means Wilson, who won the Super Bowl with the Seahawks in 2014, is under contract in Seattle until the end of the 2023 season. “I want to be a Seahawk for life,” he said. “My goal is to play for 20 years, so I would be 43 around then.” Wilson’s contract, worth $35m (£26.8m) a year, surpasses Green Bay Packers

quarterback Aaron Rodgers’ $33.5m (£25.7m) deal. Wilson has led Seattle to the play-offs in six of his seven seasons with the team. They beat the Denver Broncos in the 2014 Super Bowl before defeat by the New England Patriots in 2015. He gave the team a deadline of Monday to offer him a deal, but said he never wanted to play for another side. “For me, for my family, we love Seattle, and it’s the place I want to be,” he said. “I’ve always wanted to be here. When I first got drafted in 2012, I wanted to be here forever - this helps solidify that. “I’ve got many more

years to go and a lot more winning to do - we’ve got more Super Bowls to win. I’m excited about that.” Wilson has passed for 25,624 yards, 196 touchdowns and only 63 interceptions in 112 NFL games, never missing a start. He was selected with the 75th overall pick in the third round of the 2012 NFL draft, the sixth quarterback taken that year. “I was going to make the 31 other teams regret it - that was my mentality, and still is today,” he said. “There’s no better place than here, and obviously a great city with amazing fans the best fans in the world - so it’s a special thing.”

Glasgow’s 11-ball 47 which included seven sixes and a four with six of his sixes coming one over from Ravindran which included five wides and cost 41 runs. Ricardo Ramdihol (19) and Zechariah Mootoo (10) put together 39 for the first wicket before Nigel Deodat (19) and Marvan Persaud (17) chipped in as MYO made 192 as Ravindran (3-63), Khangura (2-31) and Seepersaud (2-28) did the damage with the ball for the NY Tri State who reached 1939. Stanley top scored with 67 and Mukkamalla made 66 as Glasgow returned with the ball to take 4-67, while Deodat had 3-42. The tourists will oppose Ogle Rubis at the Ogle ground tomorrow.

Battle of... Friday April 19, 2019 ARIES (Mar. 21–Apr. 19) Family problems may have a friend or love partner feeling unsettled and helpless, Aries. This person could have a few communication problems, especially if firmness is required.

LIBRA (Sept. 23–Oct. 22) Your intuition is operating at a very high level, Libra, except where your family is concerned! No matter how hard you try, you can't seem to make sense of anything anyone says, let alone does.

TAURUS(Apr.20–May20) Has someone given you a chore to do and then taken off without giving you any instructions? It's no wonder you feel confused and frustrated!

SCORPIO (Oct. 23–Nov. 21) Telepathic messages you get from a friend or relative could seem confused and garbled, Scorpio. This might bother you, especially if the person is normally practical and rational.

GEMINI (May 21–June 20) Staying indoors might not be the best thing today. CANCER (June 21–July 22) A family member may be absent without explanation. This might worry everyone, and not without reason. It's best to stay calm and phone friends, colleagues, and anyone who might know where this person is. LEO (July 23–Aug. 22) A sibling or neighbor might not feel very communicative, Leo. It may seem that this person isn't behaving in their normal, friendly manner, but isn't sharing why. VIRGO (Aug. 23–Sept. 22) Are you working on a project that requires a little ingenuity? If so, today you may draw a blank. No matter how hard you think about it, you can't come up with a good way to proceed. Perhaps it would be best to put it away and do something else for a while.

SAGIT(Nov.22–Dec.21) Are you upset over money? Try to be rational. Your concerns are probably far more negative than the reality of the situation. Be objective and go over your budget to learn the facts. CAPRI (Dec. 22–Jan. 19) Some news about a major event could unsettle and confuse you, Capricorn. There could be contradictory reports, and commentators may confound the issue even more. AQUARIUS(Jan.20–Feb.18) Spiritual studies might seem fascinating and confusing, Aquarius. Are you reading a book whose author isn't clear? Perhaps this isn't the best work to bring you the information you seek. PISCES (Feb. 19–Mar. 20) Your intuition may guide you in a direction that seems at odds with what logic and practicality tell you. This could put you in a quandary.

From page 37 and Boys Under-10, 13 and 15, has a BMX cycle as the first place prize. There will be a River Swim on Sunday morning with the oldest and youngest swimmers to be rewarded apart from the other category winners. Cash incentives would also be at stake, entrance fee is $1000 with all the fees going back in prizes.

CICC overcome Windsor... From page 39 Muneshwar Balgobin struck 60 with five fours and four sixes while Rajiv Kadarnauth made 33 not out, Surindra Ramadin 30 and Mohan Chetram 22; Harrinarine Bissondyal snared 3-33 and Naveed Alli 2-18.

Trophy Stall rides with Jumbo Jet Triple Crown Guyana’s leading distributors in silverware, Trophy Stall, continued its support of horseracing by committing sponsorship for the final leg of the Inaugural Jumbo Jet Thoroughbred Racing Committee (JJTRC) Triple Crown final leg which gallops off this Easter Sunday at the Port Mourant Turf Club in Corentyne, Berbice. At the South Road location, Proprietor, Ramesh Sunich, presented organiser, Nazrudeen Mohamed, with over half a dozen trophies which will be awarded to top performers at this Sunday’s anticipated race meet. Mohamed expressed gratitude for the generous gesture by Sunich, while the owner noted that he is always ready to support horse racing which attracts

fans from all walks of life. The Triple Crown race promotion provides a bonus of $500,000 for whichever horse can complete three consecutive victories and come this Easter, the mare Valentina, in the three-yearold Guyana Bred category, will be the only animal in the running for the Triple Crown bonus. The feature race will attract a total prize purse amounting to almost $2million with the winner of that C Class and lower race pocketing $1million. The winner of the threeyear-old Guyana bred race will pocket $400,000, the F Class winner; $350,000, H Class; $300,000, I Class; $250,000, J class; $230,000, K Class; $220,000, L Class; $200,000, L Class and lower; $140,000.

Guyana beat L/Wards... From page 36 50 overs (Mavindra Dindyal 87, Zachary Jodah 68 not out). LEEWARD ISLANDS 168 for eight off 50 overs (Jewel Andrew 48 not out; Isai Thorne 4-37). At Vivian Richards Cricket Stadium: T&T won by six runs. TRINIDAD & TOBAGO 231 off 47.5 overs (Kavir Boodoosingh 59, Romario King 37; Solomon Bascombe 450). WINDWARD ISLANDS 225 for nine off 50 overs (Divonie Joseph 68, Mahid Lambert 50; Joshua Davis 3-49). At Coolidge Cricket Ground: Jamaica won by 46 runs. JAMAICA 289 for seven off 50 overs (Jordan Johnson 93, Steven Wedderburn 71; Jaden Lorde 3-58). BARBADOS 243 for nine off 50 overs (Edwin Currency 59, Joshua Morris 37; Reon Edwards 3-54).

Friday April 19, 2019


Kaieteur News

Axed selectors set to contest dismissals BRIDGETOWN, Barbados, CMC – Legal counsel for the recentlysacked Cricket West Indies selection panel, Tony Astaphan, has slammed comments by Cricket West Indies president Ricky Skerritt regarding their removal, and also plans to challenge the manner of their dismissal in court. Chief selector, Courtney Browne, along with Lockhart Sebastien and Eldine Baptiste, were all removed from their posts last week, as CWI announced it would revamp its entire selection process. In announcing the changes at a media conference in Antigua, newlyelected CWI president Ricky Skerritt, said “we have terminated the old embedded selection policy which secretly, but actively, victimized some players and banished them from selection consideration”. Astaphan, however, took issue with the remarks. “My clients are very troubled by their dismissal and the manner of their dismissal, particularly the statements made about the ‘old embedded selection policy which secretly but

Sacked CWI chief selector, Courtney Browne. actively victimised players and banished them from selection consideration,” Astaphan told the Mason and Guess radio show here. “That’s a serious [charge] and it affects the manner of dismissal of Mr Browne, Mr Baptiste and Mr Sebastien.” He continued: “What we are looking at now within the context of the labour code of Antigua and Barbuda is whether having regard to all the facts and circumstances, including the terms of the agreements signed by these good gentlemen, who as you know have dedicated their lives to West Indies cricket, constitute independent contractors or employees under the Antigua and

Barbuda labour code. “It an issue we are looking extraordinarily carefully …” Astaphan contends that the selection policy at the centre of discussion, which allegedly marginalised certain players, had not been set by Browne or his panel. Instead, they had simply executed their duties based on an existing policy. In the case of Browne, Astaphan said the former Barbados captain and West Indies wicketkeeper had always gained excellent reviews during appraisals, which preceded the renewal of his contracts with CWI. Quoting from those appraisals carried out by current director of cricket,

Jimmy Adams, and predecessor, Richard Pybus, Astaphan said Browne had been described as “diligent” and a “strategic thinker”. “He has been there since 2010 and you having before every renewal of his contract, gone through what is called an employee job assessment and getting extraordinary marks on matters of ethics and selections, to be thrown out like that with the commentary of a discriminatory selection policy which he did not set,” the Dominican explained. “I think it is a well-known fact there there was a selection criteria either approved by the board or requested by the board, and there was a technical team set up with the specific jurisdictional authority to decide who was eligible or not. They were the ones that made the decision as to who was eligible or not. “The selectors were required only to select from people who were eligible from selection and it seems as if these gentlemen have been sent packing because [there are those] who believe there is an old embedded selection policy which secretly but

actively victimised players, of which Mr Browne, Mr Baptiste and Mr Sebastien were a part.” He added: “That’s extraordinary when you consider the findings made in the 2014, 2016 assessment by Richard Pybus, when he did the assessment of Courtney Browne. It said ‘Courtney has worked diligently’ … whereas Jimmy Adams was much more specific [saying] ‘Courtney has effectively managed the selection panel and its processes’. He communicates effectively to all stakeholders and is a strategic thinker’.” Browne was replaced by interim chairman Robert Haynes, while Adams and interim head coach Floyd Reifer, were also appointed to the panel. The move was part of sweeping personnel changes which also saw the sacking of interim head coach Pybus and his entire staff, which had been appointed for the recent England tour. Vasbert Drakes, who served as an assistant coach, recently indicated through his lawyer, Barbadian QC Ralph Thorne, that he would be taking legal action against CWI. And Astaphan reiterated

that the manner of, and comments regarding his clients dismissal, needed to be also put before the court. “If we’re right and we think we are, that Mr Browne, Mr Baptiste and Mr Sebastien … in substance and in law employees under the Antigua and Barbuda labour code, the monies they got would be wholly inadequate,” he noted. “I don’t think anybody can seriously suggest that getting a phone call and a letter after years of service to Caribbean cricket can be considered fair. “And to make the suggestion in a statement to the media which has been repeated in numerous publications in the Caribbean … that there was this so called conspiracy in which these good gentlemen were involved and as a result of which there needed to be radical change of the selected policy which obviously included their dismissal – that’s a very serious problem for the industrial court of Antigua to look at.” CMC Sports understands, however, that Sebastien has distanced himself from any planned legal action against CWI.

BCB gives out $120,000 in financial stipends to National Players under Dr. Puran Singh Scheme

Oma Matadin receives stipend from BCB President Hilbert Foster. BCB President Hilbert Foster hands over stipend to Berbice Under-15 captain Isaiah Thorne. The Berbice Cricket Board under the Presidency of Hilbert Foster in 2018 started a financial scheme to assist young cricketers with a stipend, when they gain selection to the National Team. Under the Dr. Puran Singh’s National Players Incentive Scheme, the vibrant

Berbice Cricket Board provides $10,000 to every Under-15, Under-17, Under-19 Male cricketers and Under-19 Female and Senior Female Cricketers who represents Guyana. The Berbice Cricket Board in late February handed over $80,000 to eight females

cricketers who gained selection on the senior teams. They were Erva Giddings, Shemaine Campbelle, Shabiki Gajnabi, Plaffiana Millington, Melanie Henry, Sheneta Grimmond, Lafona Gilgeous and Tremayne Smartt. On Wednesday 10th April, 2019, President Hilbert Foster handed over $60,000 to the five Berbice Players selected on the National Under-15

team along with Coach Julian Moore. The five players that are recently in Antigua are Matthew Pottaya, Isaiah Thorne, Tameshwar, Mahadeo, Rampertab Ramnauth and Sobhai. The presentation continued on Monday 15th April, 2019, when the Berbice Cricket Board President handed over another $60,000 to Oma Matadin. Matadin

received the stipends on behalf of Shabiki Gajnabi, Lafona Gilgeous, Ashley Ramnauth, Ameera Abrams, Ashmini Munisar and herself. The players are part of the Guyana Under-19 Female Team that would be taking part in the Regional Under-19 Female Tournament. The Berbice Cricket Board later in the year would be handing over more stipends to

Berbicians elected on the National Under-17 and Under19 Male Teams. Foster at both presentation stated that the Berbice Cricket Board was very proud of all of its players and urged the players to always strive for excellence. He reminded them of the importance of representing the county of Berbice as ambassadors on and off the cricket field. As Berbice Cricket Ambassadors, they would be following the footsteps of John Trim, Rohan Kanhai, Basil Butcher, Joseph Solomon, Alvin Kallicharran, Leonard Baichan and Roy Fredericks. Berbice Cricketers, the Berbice Cricket Board President told the young cricketers that they are highly respected around the world for their cricketing skills, humbleness and high standard. Foster also pledged that as long as he remain President of the Berbice Cricket Board, that the present high standard would be upheld. He expressed gratitude to Dr. Puran Singh, who resides in Barbados for his sponsorship of the Scheme at the cost of $300,000.


Wehby to lead task force on governance reform ST JOHN’S, Antigua, CMC – Prominent Jamaican businessman and government senator, Don Wehby, has been named to lead a Cricket West Indies task force on the much talked about issue of governance reform. The move comes just weeks after new CWI president Ricky Skerritt promised to revisit the Patterson Report and others, in order to undertake an overhaul of the regional governing body’s governance structure. Wehby had also been appointed chairman of a similar committee back in 2016 under former president Dave Cameron, tasked with reviewing the remaining recommendations from the Patterson, Lucky and Wilkins reports on governance. Skerritt was one of the members comprising that committee. CWI announced yesterday Wehby’s task force would be tasked with ensuring the regional governing body “reforms its governance to achieve greater transparency and accountability to shareholders, as well as all stakeholders.” “Senator Wehby is an independent business executive, who brings a wealth of experience in corporate governance. We

Friday April 19, 2019

Kaieteur News

Business executive Don Wehby. could not be more pleased to have someone with his considerable expertise lead this task force,” said CWI president Ricky Skerritt. “For CWI and the game in the West Indies to succeed in the long term, we must rebuild the trust of our fans and our key stakeholders. That is not going to be easy because we have to convince some very important people that corporate governance advancement is in all of our interests.” CWI has been heavily criticised in the past for ignoring the key recommendations of the Patterson, Lucky and Wilkins reports. The governing body also gave short shrift to the most recent CARICOMcommissioned Barriteau Report which, among other things, called for the “immediate dissolution” of

the organisation. Skerritt, who was elected on the basis of engaging the controversial topic of reform, said all previous reports would now be re-engaged. “What we have to do now is go back, dust off those reports and use them to see which of the governance changes are still relevant and which ones we can implement as quickly as possible.” Wehby, a former CWI independent director, said he was anxiously looking forward to the role. “It has to be an essential part of doing business and I am excited to be working with a leadership team that is so focussed on quality and integrity,” he said. “I look forward to leading the reform of CWI’s corporate governance and enhancing its culture and reputation to build a stronger governing body.”

GFF-KFC National ‘Independence Cup’ launched The Guyana Football Federation (GFF) and the Edward B. Beharry Group through their Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) franchise holding, have joined forces to produce a nationwide Under-20 tournament, coined the ‘Independence Cup’. The tournament, which was launched yesterday at KFC’s Vlissingen Road Branch, will be contested on a straight knock-out basis and caters for approximately 102 clubs across the nine regional member associations of the GFF. Each team will vie for one spot as the regional representative. The association matches are from April 27 – May 20, while the National playoffs are May 31 – June 9 and eligible players must be born on or after January 1, 1999. At the association level, should scores remain level at 90 minutes, the match goes straight to kicks from the penalty mark, while for national playoffs, extra time will be given. GFF’s Technical Director, Ian Greenwood, spoke at the launch, and he noted that this tournament presents a solid opportunity for development of the nation’s future but also gives the technical staff a

chance to scout for talents for the upcoming CONCACAF Men’s Under-23 Olympic Qualifiers in July. More so, GFF President Wayne Forde faced criticisms from the media about the rationale of not having the tournament at the Under-23 level given the Olympic qualifiers are on the horizon. Forde indicated that it is not just the prerogative of the federation in these ventures but also those of their sponsors noting that, “Up until now we did not have anything happening at the Under-20 level. The goal of the federation is to have leagues at the U-13, U-15, U-17, U-20 and the senior level, and this is one step in the direction of that goal.” Meanwhile, Charissa Rampersaud, KFC Guyana Training Manager, explained this is the company’s effort in helping young people achieve their goals. It further aligns with KFC’s goal to assist young people in being well-rounded and productive members of society. First place will cop $500,000, second $300,000, third $200,000, while fourth place finishers will receive a trophy.

Banks DIH sail with Bartica Easter Regatta Committee; on board from inception Banks DIH has maintained its support in a tangible way of activities associated with the Town of Bartica and more directly, Easter Regatta. The entity recently handed over a cheque for an undisclosed amount to the Regatta Committee to assist with offsetting expenses associated with hosting of the event which will be at its best this weekend in the Town. Banks DIH Ltd. Bartica Branch Manager, Ms. Amanda Murray in handing over their contribution to Bartica Easter Regatta Committee Secretary, Ms. Cianna Persaud reminded that her company has been on board with this activity from its inception, dating back to the 1960s. Ms. Murray noted that Regatta has now been etched permanently into the Sports Tourism Calendar of Guyana and brings with it, huge benefits for all the direct and indirect

stakeholders. “Banks DIH is then, more than animated to maintain its support for this product called Easter Regatta. It is an event which all and sundry wants to be associated with and we are happy that a s accompany we have been a pioneering partner. We wish the Mayor and Town Council the best in their efforts as organisers and encourage all Guyana to come and support.” Ms. Persaud in return expressed sincere thanks to Ms. Murray and Banks DIH for its unflinching support noting that the Easter Regatta is more than just sports and the other activities; “It’s about building and empowering a community through sports and other activities and we are more than grateful for your company’s partnership from the inception of this event.”

Banks DIH Bartica Branch Manager Ms. Amanda Murray hands over cheque to Bartica Easter Regatta Committee Secretary, Ms Cianna Persaud in the presence of District Sales Supervisor, Keron Savory.

Rising Stars and Zeeburg through to Amrit Rai Memorial T20 final Zeeburg SC and Rising Stars will battle in the final of the Amrit Rai Memorial T20 tournament following victories in their respective semi finals games played last Sunday. Rising Stars defeated Canal Number Two Sports Club at Zeeburg. Rising stars won the toss and elect to bat first, scoring made 182- 7. Travis Cato scored 43, while Keon Roberts made 40 and Marvin Cheong 37; Narindra Persaud took 2-24. In reply, Canal Number Two reached 161-9. Shane Persaud claimed 3-13 and Keon Roberts 2-17. At Met-en-MeerZorg Sports Club ground, Zeeburg Sports Club decided to bat on a flat track and managed 1677 with Ravindra Dookie scoring 42, Richardo Poloram

Malcolm Hubbard

Keon Roberts

39 and Balbinder Shivpersaud 37; Omesh Stephen Joseph (3-17) led the attack for the Parika-based Omesh XI, while Ganesh Narine supported with 2-34. In reply, Madanlall Doodnarine top scored for

Omesh XI with 48, but his late attack was not enough as the team ended on 145-9 in 20 overs. Mark Gonsalves supported with 21; Malcolm Hubbard snared 4-34, while Yutesh Dhanpaul supported with 2-30.

Friday April 19, 2019


Kaieteur News

International Import and Supplies T&T and Windward Islands supports Fisherman Masters unbeaten on Day 1 of Girls U-19 T20

Zameer Hassan accepts the cheque from Mohini Heera. International Import and Supplies has thrown its support behind Fisherman Masters to aid in their successful participation in the New York Softball Cricket League slated for June. At a simple presentation ceremony held at its location at 15 Garnett Street, Kitty, the entity presented a cheque to

Marketing Manager of Fisherman Masters Zameer Hassan. The entity’s representative Mohini Heera said they are happy to support the team and wish them well in the tournament, while Hassan expressed gratitude for its input. He informed that this will

be their first tournament on foreign soil and they are looking to do Guyana proud. Hassan said that they have embarked on a fund raising venture in the form of a raffle to assist with their trip and is calling on the public to support the team since sport plays an integral role in the development of a nation.

Jumbo Jet Triple Crown final leg

Shoot completed for Sunday’s finale The Jumbo Jet Thoroughbred Racing Committee (JJTRC) will complete the first Triple Crown horseracing event to be contested in Guyana this Easter Sunday at the Port Mourant Turf Club in Corentyne, Berbice, where turfites will witness keen action among the horses and jockeys from Guyana, Trinidad & Tobago, the USA and Jamaica. A rematch between Lucky Star that won the second leg’s feature race, and Vera’s Finally of the Jumbo Jet Racing Stables, will headline the feature race that will be ran over seven and ¾ furlongs. Yesterday, Chairman of the Organising Committee of the Triple Crown, Nasrudeen Mohamed Jr., revealed exciting news of the completion of a shoot to start the one-mile race, a project that cost in excess of $500,000, according to his estimates. He had noted before the project’s completion the importance of it, “The horses will have a level and exact one mile start. The start of the seven & 3/4 furlongs race was usually used for the one-

The shoot where the one-mile race will begin at the Triple Crown’s final leg this Sunday at Port Mourant, Berbice.

COUVA, Trinidad- Hosts Trinidad and Tobago defeated both Barbados and Guyana at the National Cricket Centre in Balmain Couva in the opening day of the Cricket West Indies (CWI) and Trinidad and Tobago Women’s Cricket Association’s Girls 19 and Under T20 Championships. Alysha Gomez starred with the ball for TT against Barbados, taking 4/12, while Shania Abdool struck 35 to help TT defeat Guyana in their second match of the day. Meanwhile, Jamaica’s opening round saw losses against the Windward Islands and a Canada Developmental team. Barbados also lost both of their matches for day. Hoping to emulate their senior team counterparts who recently won both the Super50 Cup and T20 Blaze during the senior women’s tournament in Guyana, this Barbados team lost to Trinidad and the Windward Islands. Morning Session: NCCTT won by 8 wickets vs Barbados. BAR 87/7 (20), Shaunte Carrington 26, Alleyne 13; Gomez 4/12. TT 90/2 (13.5). Sawh 32* Farrow 25*, Carrington 1/17, Scantlebury 1/25. Alysha Gomez was Player of the Match Gilbert park- Guyana won by 6 runs vs Canada. GUY 108/4 (20). Cherry Ann Fraser 37, Mandy Mangru 19; Khan 3/16. CAN 102/7 (20). Khokar 23, Michandani 18; Ashimni Munisar 2/13, Shabika Gajnabi 2/15, Fraser 2/21.

Shabika Gajnabi (left) and Cherry Ann Fraser Cherry Ann Fraser was Player of the Match. Preysal - Windward Islands won by 37 runs vs Jamaica. WWI 103/9 (20). Jephina Joseph 34, Hector 18; Boreland 3/19, Wilmott 2/6. JAM 66/9 (20); Jack 3/11, Glasgow 2/10. Jephina Joseph was Player of the Match Afternoon Session - NCCTT won by 8 wickets vs Guyana. GUY 108/6 (20), Gajnabi 52, Africa Gentle 16; Gomez 2/20. TT 110/2 (14.2). Shania Abdool 35, Sawh 26*, Nivina Ramnauth 1/26. Shania Abdool was Player of the Match.

Gilbert Park- Canada won by 7 wickets vs Jamaica. Jamaica 86/8 (20). Kate Wilmott 19*, Shearer 13*, Campbell 14; Perera 4/12 Vig 2/10, Khan 2/12. Canada 87/3 (13.3). Vig 21* Martin 12* Khokar 13; Shearer 2/23. Achini Perera was Player of the Match Preysal - Windward Islands won by 7 wickets vs Barbados. Bar 102/7 (20). Shai Carrington 29, Holligan 23; Gasper 2/8. WWI- 104/3 (14.2). Qiana Joseph 60*, Hector 18*; Scantlebury 1/13. Qiana Joseph was Player of the Match.

Wins for SS Jaguars, Maria’s Pleasure and G Square Cavaliers

miler before due to the fact the mile was on the turn and a race shouldn’t start on a turn.” The feature race will attract a total prize purse amounting to almost $2million with the winner of that C Class and lower race

pocketing $1million. The winner of the threeyear-old Guyana bred race will pocket $400,000, the F Class winner; $350,000, H Class; $300,000, I Class; $250,000, J class; $230,000, K Class; $220,000, L Class; $200,000, L Class and lower; $140,000.

Sans Souci Jaguars, Maria’s Pleasure and G Square Cavaliers recorded victories when the Wakenaam Cricket Committee Birbal Constructing Establishment T20 tournament continued on Sunday last. At the Wakenaam Community Centre ground, Sans Souci Jaguars beat Good Success by nine runs. Sans Souci Jaguars batted first and managed 126-9 with Beesham Moses scoring 24 and Nokta Moses 23. Bhumeshwar Ramkissoon claimed 3-25 and Imran Khan 2-20. Good Success responded with 117-7. Khan made 25 and Gurnauth Khemraj 21; Zameer Zaman claimed 221. G Square Cavaliers beat Noitgedacht SC by nine wickets. Noitgedacht SC took

Kevin Hemraj

Dayawant Shiwanadan

first strike and posted 135-7. N. Retemiah and B. Antonio made 26 each, while Cleon Retemiah made 23 not out and D. Retemiah 13. Marlon Dindyal claimed 3-28 and Lokram Narine 2-25. G Square Cavaliers responded with 136-1 in 17 overs. Dayawant Shiwnandan slammed 61 not out with seven fours and one six, while Satnarine Sahadeo and Dindyal got 23 each with Dindyal being unbeaten.

At Zeelandia, Maria’s Pleasure defeated the home team by six wickets. Batting first, Zeelandia managed 1648. Navishaul Pooran struck 80 as Leorayan Ramlakhan captured 2-21 and Bernard Lewis 2-25. Maria’s Pleasure responded with 166-4 in 13 overs. Ramlakhan stroked an unbeaten 64 while Kevin Hemraj made 49 not out. Ryan Atkinson had 1-22.


Friday April 19, 2019

Kaieteur News

GSAUMA C/Ship set for July, Locals in need of support On March 31st last, Korean International Martial Arts Guyana (KIMAG) hosted the Pre-Qualifier Martial Arts Championship where over 100 competitors from various organizations across Guyana competed to earn themselves a spot on the podium and a chance to represent the Golden Arrowhead at the 4th Annual GUYANA/South America Undiscovered Martial Arts Championship (GSAUMA), which is carded for July 26th - 28th 2019 at the Cliff Anderson Sports Hall, Home Stretch Avenue Georgetown. A total of 55 students have managed to secure a spot on Team Guyana where they will take on teams from Suriname, Trinidad and Tobago, Barbados, USA, Canada and India in various categories such as Empty Hand and Weapons Kata, Point Sparring, Submission Grappling and more. The biggest anticipated events will be the Team Kata and Team Sparring as the various countries would compete for their bragging rights and the Championship Trophy. Nevertheless, for the success of this event and the development of Martial Arts and our National Team, KIMAG is seeking the support of the General Public

Students that will be representing Guyana at the upcoming meet. and corporate Guyana in sponsoring either the National Martial Team and or to contribute in the successful hosting of this upcoming event. Team Requirements: Team

Tracksuits, Karate Uniforms, Gears Bag, Water Bottles, Head Gears, Gloves and Shin and Instep Guard. Anyone who wishes to support can contact Instructor Roland Eudoxie on 678-9880 for

information. They can also transfer directly to the organisation’s bank account. Bank Name: Citizen Bank Guyana Inc. Account No. 218995432 Account Name: Koren

International Martial Arts Guyana Transaction Code: 1. Event Sponsor (ES) 2. Team Sponsor (TS) Committed event sponsors are National Sports

Commission, Farfan and Mendes Limited, Mines Service Limited, Banks DIH Limited, Ministry of Business Department of Tourism, Hand-in-Hand and KFC Guyana.

GCA/Tri State USA 50-over U-19 League

Khangura fires NY Tri State to 3rd successive win - GYO lose by 154 runs as Mukkamalla, Bansal also hit fifties By Sean Devers On a two-paced Bourda track and parched and slow outfield, fifties from Abhayjit Khangura, Ishaay Bansal and Saiteja Mukkamalla fired the touring NY Tri State unit their third straight win when the Americans beat GYO by 154 run in the third round of the GCA/ Tri State USA 50over U-19 League yesterday. Playing at the only ground in South American to host

Test Cricket and the venue for the West Indies first ever Test victory in 1930, the visitors elected to bat and reached 230-7 in a game reduced to 40 over due to a late start caused by excess preparation moisture in the pitch. Khangura reached the ropes six times in an unbeaten 61-ball 65 after Mukkamalla, who hit six fours and two sixes in 50 from 62 ball and Bansal with 51 from 52 balls with six

fours had given their team a solid 98-run first-wicket stand. Pradesh Balkisoon (3-24) and Sheffeek Deonarine (221) bowled well for GYO who were dismissed 76 in 26.4 overs as only Mohammed Khan (26) and Rohan Suknanand (16) reached 15 in the one-sided contest as Khangura crowned a wonderful all-round performance with 2-10.

Windies U-15 Championship in Antigua

Guyana beat L/Wards by 104 runs Guyana, led be a Playerof-the-Match performance from Zachary Jodah, beat the Leeward Islands by 96 runs yesterday at Liberta after winning the toss and making 264 for 6 in 50.0 overs in Sunny conditions and a green track. Rampertab Ramnauth, who scored the tournament’s first century in the opening round, fell for a duck, while

his opening partner; Jadon Campbell made 21. Mavindra Dindyal, the other Guyanese with a ton, continued his good form before he was bowled by Tijunai Stevens for 87, while Zachary Jodah was not out on 68 and got support from Thaddeus Lovell (32) and Jonathan Van Lange (10). Akadianto Willet had 2-55 for Leewards who were

restricted to 168 for 8 in 50.0 overs as Jewel Andrew was unbeaten on 48, Willet (31) and Devanand Singh (21), Pacer Isai Thorne had the impressive figures of 10-0- 374, while Jodah was economical with figures of 82-16 -1. Scores: At Liberta: Guyana won by 96 runs. GUYANA 264 for six off (Continued on page 32)

He got support Guyana U17 off-spinner Andre Seepersaud (2-9) and Adil Shivakumar (2-19) at a venue which hosted 30 Tests and 11 ODIs from March 1930 to May 2006. GYO began their chase in horrific fashion as Khangura sent Yeudister Persuad’s stumps cartwheeling off the first ball of the innings before trapping Philip Mcturk as two wickets fell without a run on the Board. After Suknanand (16) was removed by Shivakumar at 393, Khan swept and pulled leg spinner Gautham Ravindran for three fours before dumping the 13-year-old legspinner Shivakumar for six and cover driving him for four. But once Khan missed a sweep at a full delivery and was bowled by Shivakumar at 54-4 nobody else reached double figures as two batsmen were run out. Earlier, Mukkamalla and Bansal played an array of audacious shots as the partnership grew rapidly.

Abhayjit Khangura followed up his unbeaten 65 by ripping out the first two batsmen to leave GYO on 0-2 at Bourda yesterday. Mukkamalla pulled a longhop from Suknanand for a couple to reach his 50 from 47 balls but when two short of the 100 stand, he drove Suknanand to cover in 17th over. The 100 was posted in the 18th over before Bansal was LBW to Balikisoon at 102-2 before Khangura flayed

the bowlers to all parts of the ground in scorching heat and shared useful partnerships with Isaiah Jagernauth (11), Ravindran (10) and Skipper Sanjay Stanley (16). Meanwhile, NY Tri State beat MYO at YMCA by one wicket despite Seon (Continued on page 32)

Kaieteur News

Friday April 19, 2019


Bartica Easter Regatta – Powerboat Races

Battle of the giants when the ‘Jaguar’ meets ‘Quicksilver’ We are just days away from what is anticipated to be one of the most cracking powerboat races showdown in the history of the Bartica Easter Regatta, this Sunday and Monday at the Golden Beach Circuit. Thousands of fans, local and overseas are expected to converge at this venue to soak in the action apart from enjoying some fun and frolic in an atmosphere that is second to none. A chat with some of the experts on the water top in boats that are likened to formula one cars, reveals a plethora of information and pride as well as heavy financial investment to be the best in the business. Defending F1 champion, Dave Scott and his champion boat, ‘Jaguar’ would be aiming to seal the championship for the eight consecutive year but will have to contend with the virtually young and promising, Sean Belle, son of the veteran, Clarence Belle. Scott also disclosed that he is fully prepared to retain his champions and bragging rights for another year noting that he has improved on his skills and ability in handling the boat. Young Sean Belle on the other hand, said he has been making the rounds in learning the trade and modern trends. He admitted that he is still learning and credits his father, Clarence for getting him into the sport but he of himself has taken it a few notches further in terms of understanding what it takes to be at the top of the game. The young mechanic said that he has something special to unfold and his ability to build engines will go a long way in taking him over the edge and possibly,

dethroning the champion. Both camps as well as the other racers have invested millions of dollars in getting their engines and boats in tip top shape for the races. Apart from Scott and Belle, there will be a number of other daredevils in contention in the Unlimited/F1 (5 races), 115Hp to 200HP (5 races), 90HP (5 races), 25HP to 40HP (4 races), 15HP (3 races) as well as the Jet Ski which will be 3 races. Among them would be Selwyn Joseph (Girls Dem Shuga), Jose Jardine (Flash), Baul Jardine (Targaryen), Canon Belle (High Rollerz) and the hottest racer out of the Pomeroon, Neil Gonsalves. The ever popular ‘Jaguar’ will certainly be the boat to beat but his main rival, Sean Belle is boasting that the Jaguar would be tamed this year since quicksilver will taking the champion down. Boat pilots have agreed that fans will be in for a treat come this Sunday and Monday at Golden Beach and cannot afford to miss the expected spectacle. Most of the racers have already met with Bartica Mayor Gifford Marshall as a group to discuss plans but more importantly, the safety of the racers, come competition days. The Coast Guard is expected to be integrally involved in this year’s races and measures would be put in place to secure the race course with safety being paramount. Apart from the powerboat races on Sunday and Monday, Grass Track will take center stage tomorrow at the Mongrippa Hill Field when the best riders in the nation from East

The father and son combo of Clarence Belle (right) and Sean Belle ready and prepared for battle with their F1 machine, Quicksilver which they are backing to be the new boss of the circuit.

Coast, Linden, Essequibo, Georgetown and Bartica collide. A total of 14 races are carded from 10:00hrs tomorrow morning. Young BMX riders from the Town will also have their time to shine during the Grass Track races tomorrow with four (4) races planned for them. Each of the races which will be for Girls Under-12 (Continued on page 34)

Mayor Gifford Marshall (2nd right) seen during the meeting the powerboat racers recently at his office.


Kaieteur News

Friday April 19, 2019

BCB launches Stag Beer 50-Over Round Robin First Division Cricket Tourney with Ansa Mcal


Ansa Mcal CEO Troy Cadogan hands over sponsorship to BCB President Hilbert Foster.

etween late 2016 to February 2018, the Berbice Cricket Board was unable to successfully complete one cricket tournament, while no proper tournament was being organised at any level. On Tuesday last, the Hilbert Foster led Berbice Cricket Board launched its 15th tournament for 2019 and 41st since February last year.

Beverage giants Ansa Mcal (Guy) Ltd joined hands with the Cricket Board to launch the first cricket tournament of the year at the First Division level. The two organisations launched the Ansa Mcal/BCB Stag Beer 50Overs First Division To u r n a m e n t . B e r b i c e Cricket Board President Hilbert Foster stated that the tournament would be contested by eleven teams, divided into two Zones with the Teams in each Zone played on a Round Robin basis. The two top teams from each Zone would go on to the Semifinals. The two zones would be Zone A: West Berbice, Blairmont Community Centre, Tucber Park, Young Warriors, Rose Hall Canje and Police Sports Club, while Zone B would consist of Albion Community Centre, Port Mourant, Rose Hall Town Gizmos & Gadgets, Upper Corentyne and Skeldon. Foster disclosed that at least five more First Division Tournaments would be organised in 2019 including another 50-Overs and 40Overs Tournaments. The Berbice Cricket Board is also in talks with several sponsors to host a Two-Day First Division Tournament as well. Foster, who also spearheads the Berbice Cricket Board Marketing drive, stated that the Tournament would be of the highest standard with players like Romario Shepherd, Devendra Bishoo, Ve e r a s a m m y P e r m a u l , Gudakesh Motie, Clinton Pestano, Keon Joseph,

Kevin Sinclair, Anthony Bramble, Raun Johnson, Kevlon Anderson, Seon Glasgow, Javed Karim, Demitri Cameron and Eon Hooper all playing for their different teams. Clubs would only be permitted one non-Berbician for the entire tournament, while teams would be expected to be properly uniformed. Clubs who might be struggling to uniform their teams at the start of the 2019 season are asked to inform the Berbice Cricket Board for a temporary exemption. Walkovers shall be granted half hour after the scheduled start of play, while Clubs shall lose their rights to the toss if they are not present by 09.15 hours to spin it. Foster recalled that when his administration took over last year, Clubs were complaining of no cricket but now they are saying that it is too much. The Berbice Cricket Board, in 2019 would be organising cricket at the Under-13, Under-15, Under-17, Under-19, Under21, Under-23, Primary School, Secondary School, Intermediate, Internal Zone, Female, Secondary Division and First Division levels. He expressed gratitude to Ansa Mcal, Stag Beer and Troy Cadogan for their support of Berbice Cricket. Cadogan in brief remarks stated that he was very impressed by the activities of the Berbice Cricket Board and its committment to the development of the game. He expressed confidence that that tournament would be well organised and that his Company would receive wide spread media coverage.

Aguilleira, Mohammed dropped for England tour


T JOHN’S, Antigua, CMC – We s t I n d i e s selectors have announced a 14-member women’s squad for the upcoming tour of Ireland and England, which sees the exclusion of the experienced duo of Anisa Mohammed and former captain Merissa Aguilleira. The squad, which welcomes back experienced batsman Stacy-Ann King after a three-year absence, will be led by regular captain Stafanie Taylor and includes fellow veteran Deandra Dottin. West Indies women will

take on Ireland in a threematch Twenty20 series from May 26-29 before clashing with England in a tour comprising three OneDay Internationals and three T20s, from June 6-25. SQUAD – Stafanie Taylor (captain), Hayley Matthews (vice-captain), Deandra Dottin, Afy Fletcher, Karishma Ramharack, Chedean Nation, Chinelle Henry, Kycia Knight, Kyshona Knight, Shakera Selman, Shamilia Connell, Shemaine Campbelle, Natasha McLean, Stacy Ann King.

Friday April 19, 2019

Kaieteur News

CICC overcome Windsor Forest CC Hosts Cornelia Ida Cricket team defeated Windsor Forest Cricket Club by 77 runs when the teams collided on Sunday last in the West Demerara Cricket Association Beacon CafĂŠ 50-over tournament. In a match which was reduced to 45 overs, Cornelia Ida posted 236-9, batting first.

Dhaniram Azamudeen made 34, while Naveed Alli got 34, Ravindranauth Seeram 28 not out and Imran Abdul 28. Bowling for Windsor Forest SC, Aditya Kadarnauth had 3-31 and Sachin Balgobin 2-40. Windsor Forest SC responded with 159-8. (Continued on page 34)


t r o Sp Bartica Easter Regatta – Powerboat Races

Battle of the giants when the ‘Jaguar’ meets ‘Quicksilver’

Getting ready todefend his F1 championship, Dave Scott aboard his champion machine, ‘Jaguar’.

Trophy Stall rides with Jumbo Jet Triple Crown

Ramesh Sunich (left) and Junior Mohamed of the organising committee.

From left, Technical Director Ian Greenwood looks on as KFC’s Charissa Persaud hands over the sponsorship cheque to GFF President Wayne Forde. Competitions Director Ian Alves is on the right.

GFF-KFC National ‘Independence Cup’ launched Axed selectors set to contest dismissals Windies U-15 Championship in Antigua

Guyana beat L/Wards by 104 runs Printed and published by National Media & Publishing Company Ltd., 24 Saffon Street, Charlestown, Georgetown. Tel: 225-8458, 225-8465, 225-8491 or Fax: 225-8473/226-8210.

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