Kaieteur News

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Govt’s hiding of oil companies’ interest rate a major blow to citizens-AFC

Former Head of the and the other thing is we do everybody should have m u l t i b i l l i o n - d o l l a r Environmental Protection not even know what the known, rather than investment in the country’s Agency (EPA) Dr Vincent interest rates are. So that is speculating and trying to oilsector Adamshasonceagaincalled one of the major flaws in back calculate stuff. So I do It must be noted that out the government for how this government is not know, what the interest several countries including hiding the interest rates managing this oil sector rate is, I do not know if it’s neighbouring country, being recovered by There is no transparency better than some capped. Suriname do not allow oil ExxonMobil saying it is a whatsoever you would Let’ssayifwecapitat10%,I companies to charge interest major flaw in managing the think the question has do not know if our interest on their investments sector b e e n a s k e d b y t h e rate would never go above

Previously, VP Jagdeo said He made the comments newspapers, all the major 10% or whatever that Guyana was paying a rate to last Friday at the Alliance newspapers in the country, number is ” The AFC Exxon as this is a standard

F o r C h a n g e n e w s what’s the interest rate that member is of the belief that practice for a return to be conference Adams was we are paying Exxon or what needs to be done is “of generated on a company’s the companies each receive Co-Venturers, Hess and asked to state their position wherever the money is course to approach Exxon to equity “Regardless of an interest on the financial CNOOC. Annex ‘C’ of the on the government’s refusal coming from That has renegotiate this contract to whether you make the investments. This rate of Agreement, specifically in to join the rest of the oil- neverbeenrevealedsowedo make sure the interest rate financing in the form of a return, though justified by Section 3.1, which governs producing world on capping not know what the interest will be one of the loan or equity, you have to Jagdeo remains a mystery, costs that can be approved the interest rates. Adams rateis.” consideration that we will get a rate return. There is a although this country’s without the Minister’s

said: “Well all of that comes He added, “It should havetolookatintermsofour costofcapitalandthatishow resources are being used to approval states: “…interest, in part of the negotiations have been made public, financialwell-being.” it is,” Jagdeo asserted paythosecompanies. expenses, related fees TheAFChasbeensaying Despite multiple attempts by ExxonMobil is free to incurred on loans raised by over the years that they this newspaper to clear the recover the in

support making the interest air on this issue however, the expenses and fees incurred Contractor for Petroleum rates public so that citizens government has refused to onloansforthedevelopment Operations and other can have an idea of what is tell the nation how much of the resources in the financingcostsprovidedthat being recovered by the oil interest was being charged Stabroek Block, without suchexpenses,feesandcosts companies. Last November, o n t h e c o m p a n i e s ’ consent from the Minister are consistent with market this publication reported Dr investments ExxonMobil responsible for Petroleum. rates.” The government, A d a m s f l y i n g t h e and its partners, Hess and This is outlined in the 2016 despite repeated requests, government for the lack of CNOOC each make annual Production Sharing hasbeenreluctanttodisclose transparency in the interest equity contributions to Agreement (PSA) Guyana the interest rates being rates which ExxonMobil is support the Stabroek Block signedwithExxonMobiland chargedbythedeveloper. charging Guyana for its operations Consequently,

est, the Parties comprising the

Former EPA Head and AFC member Dr. Vincent Adams
River View Welding

‘Independent oversight body of oil sector not necessary’

- Jagdeo says Govt. has enough transparent oversight already

Months after promising said. have the same sense of submit economic forecasts that his government will TheVPisoftheviewthat urgency to do that,” he said onpetroleumtotheMinister; install a Petroleum a Petroleum Commission adding, “…Anybody who is

Commission when the time might not make any sense

assessing this sector from petroleum data, manage a is right, Vice President, because the technical 2020 to now would have

Bharrat Jagdeo is now persons that will be

seen the massive changes in repository and at the request changing his tune that nominated to sit on the body the tools available to the of the Minister, undertake independent oversight of will be politicians too country to manage this reconnaissance exploration Guyana’s oil and gas sector “They would put a Vincent sector…Only the jaundiced including data acquisition; isnotreallynecessary Adams, he is a great would not see that ” assess and approve appraisal

Speaking at his at his technical man although he is

Naysayers aside, Jagdeo programmes; advise the weekly press-conference on a politician (just) like how assured back in January that Minister on matters related Wednesday, Jagdeo said the they put their executive the government’s ultimate to petroleum activities such PPP/C-led administration member on the PPC (Public

goal is a Petroleum as field development plans, has done enough already to Procurement Commission) Commission to complement plans for the development of transparently monitor the oil then say oh it acts other advancements in the petroleum transportation, sector “There is no magic independently- It’s a sham”, sector processing, and treatment w i t h a P e t r o l e u m Jagdeoargued.

Importance of oversight facilities, decommissioning efficient utilization of Commission. Jagdeo said it Commission”, Jagdeo told Different tune

Contrary to the Vice plans for petroleum fields petroleumresources. is as a result of the KaieteurNewsinresponseto BackinJanuarythisyear, President’s statement, the a n d p e t r o l e u m

At that press conference, government’sinsistenceona a question posed to him by the Vice President was Petroleum Commissions can infrastructure; monitor Jagdeo assured that this has rapid build out of the the media house on when he singing a different tune. In nonetheless perform various petroleum activities and not been removed from the management framework for will put the independent fact, when the question was functions as designated by carry out the necessary government’s agenda He the sector that a new Natural bodyinplace. raised then at his first press the necessary legislation. inspection and audit related had said, “The petroleum Resource Fund Law was

“There is no magic, we conference for the year,

After discovering petroleum activities that include “any commission, we said we are passed, a new Petroleum have given our agencies the Jagdeo assured that the in 2007, Ghana for example, other function related to the building capacity in the Activities Law was enacted tools to manage the sector.” government will honour its established its Petroleum object of the Commission or Ministry (of Natural and a revamped model

Showing his frustration promise to have a Petroleum Commission four years later assigned to it under any Resources) ” He further p r o d u c t i o n s h a r i n g having been asked about the Commission when the time with a mandate “to regulate, enactment.” explained during this period agreementfordeepwaterand body, Jagdeo continued: isright.

manage and co-ordinate all Initsanalysisofthe2011 where the government is shallow water concessions

“ForChrist’ssake,youknow Sucharegulatorybodyis activities in the Upstream law, the Offshore Journal focused on creating a came into being. “All of what it would take to get that established by a government

Petroleum industry…” Its descri

fortified framework for those things had to be driven inplace,thehardworkthatit to oversee and manage the functions entail importantly, Petroleum Commission as managing accountability in politicallytoachievethem.A willtaketogetthatinplace,” exploration, development, to analyze petroleum havingfunctionsthatextend the sector, swifter action technical body would not before adding that the and production of petroleum economic information and (Continued on page 21) would be needed for a APNU+AFC opposition resources with

ts numberofcriticalmatters. could have done it in the five jurisdiction It ensures Healludedthatthisisnot years they were in office. compliance with laws and the type of approach one “They did nothing, we did in regul

s would normally see from a a record time and now we licences and permits, and technically outfitted body have expanded the scope for often plays a role in l i k e a P

e u m amodernlawfrom1986”,he promoting sustainable and

Vice President, Bharrat Jagdeo


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Emancipation Day

Today Guyana observes Emancipation Day whichcommemoratestheabolitionofslavery in1834.EmancipationDayisalsoobservedin many former European colonies in the Caribbean and areasoftheUnitedStatesandCanadaonvariousdatesin honour of enslaved people ofAfrican descent and other formsofslavery

The SlaveryAbolitionAct of 1833 which abolished slaverythroughoutmostoftheBritishEmpirecameinto force the following year on 1 August 1834. But only slavesundertheageofsixwerefreed.

Formerslavesovertheageofsixwerere-designated as apprentices and were required to work 40 hours per weekwithoutpay,aspartoftheircompensationpayment to their former owners. Full emancipation was finally achievedatmidnightonJuly31,1838.

The commemoration of Emancipation Day on August1,1838isanimportantdayforGuyana Itisa day when Guyanese, mostly Afro-Guyanese, celebrate the freedom of theirAfrican ancestors and thebeginningoftheGuyanesenation Itendedanera of the dehumanization, brutalization and cultural destructionofmanbyman

The institution of slavery lasted for more than 400 years It was the most inhumane in the history of mankind.

It was a phenomenon that spanned the globe SlaverywasorganizedandexecutedbyEuropeansin pursuit of the accumulation of wealth and the development of Europe Slavery brought affluence to the nations of Europe and NorthAmerica; poverty and underdevelopment to the Caribbean, Africa, parts of Asia and other regions of the world It resulted in the disparity in wealth between the rich andpoorcountries.

EmancipationnotonlyendedslaveryinGuyana, it also sparked several radical changes in the social, political,economicandculturallifeofthecountry It was responsible for the arrival of the other racial groups who were brought to Guyana as indentured servants from India, China, Madeira (Portugal) and other parts of Europe to replace the Africanlabourforceonthesugarplantations.

Emancipation had a positive effect on the development of towns and villages in the country It created the opportunity for the development of modern villages and towns inhabited by the majority of Guyanese today It was the dawn of a new era that gave birth to the trade union movement, the liberation of trade, the development and the opening of the hinterland by pork knockers

The civil service was born and the setting-up of artesian shops and small businesses created new communities Many earned a living through the planting of cash crops while others with skills were employed

Emancipation was once a week-long celebration of cultural activities, festivals, concerts, parades, galas and a wreath-laying ceremonyasatributetotheancestors

Today it is confined to a day Most of the festivities before this year were organised by the Africa Cultural and Development Organization (ACDA) and the Cuffy 250 group with the common goal of promoting African culture and to educate the nation about history of slavery and its impact onthecountry

Every year,ACDAwould choose a country from Africa as part of the festival since most AfroGuyanese do not know their ancestralcountry Happy EmancipationDaytoall.

Kaieteur News would want the Government to take control of the procurement decisions of ExxonMobil



A curious narrative was spun by the Kaieteur News lead article on July 30, headlined ‘Mozambique demands oil companies provide salaries, contract sumstoGovt.-whileJagdeo says Guyana has no say in award of contracts by ExxonM’.

The newspaper reported that Mozambique can receive reports from oil companies related to procurement of services and employed persons It explained, among other things, that Mozambique requires companies to contribute to training of its nationals, and to submit reportsonthenationalitiesof the companies it contracts. KaieteurNewsalsoreported that Mozambique mandates quotas for the hiring of its nationals to the companies’ workforce.

Conveniently, Kaieteur News opted not to note that Guyana has a similar framework. Guyana’s Local Content Act gave effect to the establishment of a Local Content Secretariat, which

receives periodic reports aboutoilcompanies’plansto procure, hire and train Guyanese talent, as well as post-implementation reports. The Secretariat is a regulator of local content. It ensuresadherencetotheAct, which sets aside quotas for hiringofGuyanesenationals to certified companies, and procurement of goods and services from Guyanese companies Further, the Petroleum Agreements Guyana signs with oil companies, require that they contribute a fixed amount annually to a training fund forGuyanesenationals.

Over the years, Kaieteur News has reported on these matters, covering local content earnings and successes extensively It therefore begs the question, whether the newspaper mischievously pretends not to know information critical to the context of the article, to create a false impression of the local State of affairs. Wasthearticlewrittenbyan ignorant reporter, and reviewed by editors not informedenoughthemselves


The newspaper went on to state that, “However… [Vice President] Dr Bharrat Jagdeo has said that the Government has no say in Exxon’s awards of contracts or the spending of oil companies in the sector.”

This is a futile attempt by KaieteurNewstotarnishthe work of Vice President Jagdeo and to present a dichotomy between Guyana and Mozambique, with respect to the management oftheirrespectiveoilandgas sectors. As explained above and conveniently forgotten by Kaieteur News, Guyana

addition to facilitating the

Government with regular reports, has secured over US$1 billion for Guyanese companiessincetheActwas signedintolawbyPresident IrfaanAli.

H o w e v e

e Governmentcannotgointo a company’s procurement department and dictate its day-to-day affairs That KaieteurNewswouldwant

the Government to take control of the procurement decisions of ExxonMobil, a private company, should alarm every business owner Guyana receives profit oil and royalty because the company is

Guyana does not have a participating interest in the StabroekBlock Therefore, it cannot c o m m a n d

E x x o n M o b i l ’ s procurement and spending decisions. Not to mention, the government has done so much to strengthen the legal framework with the Petroleum Activities Act. The fiscal framework is also enhanced by the NaturalResourceFundAct 2021 and the model Petroleum Agreement for theoffshoresector Kaieteur News does this kind of conveniently forgetful and logically unsound journalism quite a lot. The Guyanese public deservesbetter Yoursrespectfully, RonMcPhoy

When nuclear powers view each other as an existential threat, the rest of the world is endangered

DEAREDITOR, AccordingtotheRussian authorities, one of the reasons why the war was launched against Ukraine was because of ‘the rise of fascisminUkraine’.Itwasin the light of that threat, amongst others, that some commentators claimed that the Russian military had embarked on ‘a historic mission.’

Whether justified or u n j u s t i f i e d , t h e Russia/Ukraine war should be viewed in a global context. That war, pregnant with the prospect of a nuclear catastrophe, as well as Israel’s war on Palestine and the threat of a widening war in the Middle East, has caused many world leaders tocharacterizetoday’sworld as chaotic, in a state of disarray and disorder That viewisreinforcedbytherise ofextremerightwing,ultranationalist and pro-fascist politicalforcesprincipallyin theindustrializednations.

While the Gaza-Israel

and Ukraine/Russia wars continue to dominate public attention, at the same time, they befog awareness of the other critical geo-political inflection point between the UnitedStatesandChina.We are now witnessing wars where Ukraine and Israel, backed by the West on one side, and the Global South ontheother–seeeachother as an existential threat that must be lowered and if possible,defeated.Giventhe maximalist objectives all around, it is almost impossible in current circumstances to reach a lasting and mutually

a c c e p t a b l e p e a c e arrangement.Inaphonecall with Biden in July 2022, President Xi of China warned against “playing with fire” over Taiwan, saying;“thosewhoplaywith firewillperishbyit.”

And in a backhanded manner, Air Force General Mike Minihan referring to China/US relations was quotedbyReutersinJanuary

28, 2023 saying; “My gut tells me we will fight in 2025. He asserted that “war betweenChinaandtheUSA willbeginin2025.”

Withthethreatofnuclear war looming larger, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov declared in explicit terms; “We have informed the nuclear powers, the United States, Britain and France, that Russia cannot ignore the ability of F-16 fighter aircraft sent to the Kiev regime carrying nuclear weapons No amount of assurances will help here. In the course of combat operations, our servicemen are not going to sort out whether each particularaircraftofthistype is equipped to deliver nuclearweaponsornot.”

The grave threat of war asideforthetimebeing,itis important to remind that democracy,amajorpillarof ‘the establishment,’ and a euphemism for the freemarket economy is under threatbytheriseoftheultra-

Right, the MAGA and profascist forces especially in the USA and Europe. Some of these forces, while not in government, either remain a major political force or are gaininggroundelectorally

The question has been asked whether the answer resides in the fight back electorally in Europe and America against what those who claim that fascism is ‘a historicphaseofcapitalism,’ or what the Global South claim’stobe,theircollective pushback against that historicphaseofcapitalism?

In both developed and developing countries, there appears to be an increasing fearofanoncoming


A n d w i t h t h e temperaturerising,President Biden in a speech to delegates gathered to mark the 75th anniversary of NATO remarked; “This is a pivotal moment for Europe, for the transatlantic community, and, I might add,fortheworld.”

Addressing breaches of the traffic laws in West Demerara

DEAREDITOR, I am writing to urgently call upon the police in West Demerara to address the continuous and flagrant breaches of the Motor Vehicles and Road Traffic laws. The current state of affairs is untenable, particularlyduringthenights and early hours of the weekendswhentheroadsare inundated with speeding, intoxicated drivers This poses a severe threat to public safety and demands immediateintervention.

Oneofthemostpressing issues is the unchecked prevalence of heavily-tinted windowsandwindshieldson cars, minibuses, and trucks. Thesevehicles,coupledwith trucks equipped with excessively bright ‘spot’ lights and others adorned with coloured lights, create hazardous conditions for all road users. The cacophony

of loud music from minibuses and cars further exacerbates the danger, contributing to an environmentofrecklessness andchaos.

It is disheartening to observe that many traffic ranks are frequently seen mingling in bars, drinking, andsocialisingwiththevery drivers they are supposed to regulate, particularly during weekends. This behaviour not only undermines the authority of the police but also emboldens these errant drivers. There are alarming reports of traffic ranks acceptingbribesandturning a blind eye to blatant violations, which only perpetuates the lawlessness onourroads.

While it is not our intention to call for the

imperative that the police

Licensing (Amendment) Bill This legislation

imposes several duties on bar owners to prevent the misuseofalcoholandshould be upheld to ensure public safety

Moreover, the Motor Vehicles and Road Traffic (Amendment) Act 2022 has i

measures to combat drunk d



ncluding classifyingtheactofcausing death through drunk driving as vehicular manslaughter As Attorney General, Anil Nandlall rightly stated during the debate and subsequent passage of the Bill, “Our citizens must be abletotraverseour






, Here are some stunning facts:Inasinglesquaremile, mangroves hold as much carbon as the annual emissions of 90,000 cars; mangroves protect coastal communities by buffering storm surges; mangroves serve as “nurseries” for numerousspecies,sheltering them from predators and currents.

In other words, Guyana was ‘right on target’ on GlobalMangroveDay,when the news heralded that the country is investing some $1 9B in mangrove conservation. Let me add thatmangrovessupportfood security for coastal communities who eat and sell fish, clams and crabs.

Mangrovesareinfactamong the world’s most productive ecosystems, as their high productivity sustain a rich food web, providing food, fiber, and fuels alongside cultural services that help maintain human well-being. Theyadditionallysupportall four dimensions of food security:availability,access, stability,andutilization.

At the higher and larger scale,mangrovesplayavital roleincoastalecologyandin sustaining and securing coastal communities. They reducetheharmfuleffectsof coastal erosion, storms and flooding and are one of the most cost-effective methods of managing disaster risk along coastlines Where Guyana is concerned, it is

goodtoseethatwearedoing our part as regards mangrove I was very pleased that the Ministry of Agriculture, through the National Agricultural Research and Extension Institute(NAREI),hostedan exhibition and signboard unveiling ceremony at the K i n g s t o n S e a w a l l Esplanade The event marked the celebration of InternationalMangroveDay 2024, under the theme, “Mangroves Matter: Safeguarding Our Coastal GuardiansforTomorrow.” Chief Executive Officer of NAREI, Jagnarine Singh, on the occasion, and on behalf of spoke on behalf of MinisterofAgriculture, (Continuedonpage22)

The struggle must continue to protect and defend freedom


The Guyana Trades Union Congress (GTUC) extends Emancipation greetings to all Guyanese, particularly our African brothers and sisters whose ancestors were enslaved for centuries as property, cargo ofanotherrace(Europeans).

One hundred and eightysix years ago, the valiant struggle by Africans for humandignityandrespectwas advanced a step further with t h e E m a n c i p a t i o n Proclamationwhichendedthe most brutish system of man’s injustice towards another Freedom from chattel slavery notonlysetintrainaseriesof eventsprovingtotheworldthe indomitablespiritofthenewly freed, and the capacity of human fellowship across

racialdiversity,butthatofselfdetermination in charting a course for further upliftment anddevelopment

Thenationwillrecallthe doggedpursuitforeconomic freedom, via the Village Movement, that saw the purchasing of plantations to establishcommunities,local government, build stability, familial and otherwise, and advance development. This sense of thrift not only proved beyond a shadow of doubt a people’s capability, who though for hundreds of years toiled and lived under inhumane conditions, whips reigning down on their backs,familiestornasunder, treated as property not human beings, in the fouryear ofAmelioration (18341838) were able to achieve


The achievements must not only be testimony of the ability to self-determine but also determination not to be enslaved or constrained by pastunpleasantries Heirsand beneficiaries of these struggles,sacrificesandgains mustengageinredoublingof efforts, vigilance and insistence to be allowed to continuetheforebears’work.

g, protecting,strengtheningand d

bequeathed and leaving a firmer foundation for future generationsmustbecomethe mantraandsolemnpledge

But the fight to defend and protect freedom is far from over All Guyanese, particularly the African

community, must continue the fight for social, political a n d e c o n o m i c freedom/empowerment In this oil-rich economy, rated the world’s fastest growing economy and richest per capita, the pervasive deprivation, discrimination, exclusion and poverty is unacceptable! Freedom is not free; it requires eternal vigilance and continuous sacrifices. In the 21st century, we must continue thefighttogivetruemeaning to Guyana’s aspiration to be “One People, One Nation, One Destiny.” This cannot be supplanted or superseded by ‘One Guyana’for in that ‘One Guyana’too many are left us, deprived and trampledon.

And to the extent where

Africans are deprived of equality in the social, cultural, political, civic and economic environment, all out efforts must be made to securethese.Letitbesaid,in the pursuit of said determination,itmustmatter not the identity or diversity of those who suppress or support the cause! The only thing that must matter is the cause, for it speaks to and solidifies the inalienable rights of all humankind. To ignore this would be unlike the ancestors who worked withothersinfurtheranceof their interests and resisted


commitment anything is possible,anddescendantsof the enslaved must continue the unfinished journey to freedom. Emancipation merelymarksanattainment, significant though it is, it is n o t t h e f i n a l marker/finishing post for freedom.

The struggle must continue!

Regards Guyana Trades Union Congress

Addressing breaches...

Frompage05 roadways with a sense of security and psychological peace of mind that some erratic,drunkendriverisnot using his vehicle as a lethal weapon along the roadways of this country We must havethatsenseofsecurity.”

I c o m m e n d

Commander Siwnarine for his efforts in addressing these issues, but it is clear that he cannotdoitalone It is essential that all his ranks fall in line and

support this mission to curb the madness on our roadways

Consistent and fair enforcement of traffic laws is crucial to ensure safer roads and peace of mind for allcitizens.

I urge the police in West Demerara to take immediate action to rectify this situation and restore order and safety toourroads

Yourssincerely, KevinMohamed

When nuclear powers...

Frompage04 onslaught against extant ‘democratic traditions and values’ as well as the demandforamoreinclusive global dispensation that reflects the interests of the Global South on a global scale.

In this regard, fingers have been pointed to the p o l a r i z a t i o n a n d worrisome developments in electoral politics especially in Europe and theUSA

Thus, the serious doubts

inthepolitical,diplomatic and military circles whether there are real prospects for peace and securityintheworldtoday in the light of the e m e r g e n c e o f a geographic spread of prodemocracy forces versus the emergence of profascist, militaristic and ultra-right political forces who appear to be gaining ascendance in the world today

Yoursfaithfully, ClementJ.Rohee


Jagdeo’s policymaking

It is clear: Jagdeo’s policymaking is reactionary and retaliatory!

He is happy, he does nothing, no new policy!

When Jagdeo gets rattled, he retaliates!

Exxon rattled him, so he reacted…

He never had a problem with Exxon before!

Now he doesn’t want to hear the company’s name, spits it out!

Jagdeo’s policy was to defend Exxon at the expense of Guyana!

He attacked the PNC, KN, KN’s publisher and contributors…

Now he is at a dead stop: no place left to run; no friends left to save him!

Centre for International Border Studies hosts seminar on territorial integrity

…points to need for rigid analysis of

hemispheric issues

The Centre for International Director, Dr Mark Kirton pointed disputes.” controversy in some capacity, Responding to a question about Border Studies, onTuesday, hosted out a need for serious analysis of O

stressed the importance of not

s, both national and regional issues, presentationswasgivenbyAdmiral resolvingthedisputeviamilitaryor organisation’s vision, Dr.Kai-Ann Sovereignty, and Territorial particularlyinrecenttimes. OlumuyiwaMorakinyoOlotu,who otherviolentmeans. Skeete, who is an educator at the Integrity in the Caribbean’ which “We committed ourselves to visited Guyana with a delegation Mr Carl Greenidge, former UniversityoftheWestIndies’Cave featured speakers from several engaging in evidence-based, data- from the National Defence College Minister of Foreign Affairs, and Hill campus in Barbados, nations, including a delegation driven research and providing ofNigeria. current Government of Guyana underscored the importance of the fromNigeria. recommendations and options to Admiral Olotu lectured on Advisor on Borders opened the younger generation’s involvement T

event m

d the policy makers, stakeholders in ‘Leveraging Nigeria’s Conflict presentations with a brief in international relations, organisation’s first public event Guyana and the international Management Experiences for explanation and overview of the particularlyintheCaribbean. sinceitwaschristenedjustovertwo community We’ve seen that this is Resolution of Territorial Disputes Guyana-Venezuela controversy “When the Centre was monthsago. a changing geopolitical in the Caribbean and Beyond’, and and its proceedings in the conceptualized, one thing that we

The matters focused on by environment, and I think there his presentation gave a thorough InternationalCourtofJustice. all agreed on was that we need to CIBS and discussed at the seminar needs to be more rigid and rigorous overview of Nigeria’s border OtherpresentersincludedCIBS mentor other students and other are of marked importance to analysis of some of the issues that disputes and outlined ways in Fellows Dr Kai-Ann Skeete of persons. It’s one thing to publish Guyana and its welfare due to the confrontourhemisphere,”hesaid. which Guyana and the Caribbean Barbados,ProfessorPauloGustavo and get the word out there but you nation’scurrentgeopoliticalaffairs. He continued, “This is our first couldlearnfromthem. Correa of Brazil, and Dr Clement still want to bring more people into As such, the Guyana-Venezuela public event and we thought we The presentation shed light on Henry of Guyana.Additionally, Dr the field of international relations border dispute was at the core of should start [with the Guyana- some of the similarities between Jorge Santibanez Romellon, and spread the passion and the love most discussions, and almost all of Venezuela border issue] because Africa, particularly Nigeria and its Director General of Liaison at El for it, because [the youth] are the the presenters referenced it directly that’s a significant issue for us as a neighbours, and Guyana, with Colegio de la Frontera Norte in futureandwhattheysayanddowill and comparatively to their people and for the Caribbean. We respect to colonialism, resources, Mexicowherehespoketotheissue define the future. They now get to respectivenations/subjects. thought we should have andconflictresolution. of borders and territory through the redefine their narrative and the Speaking to the purpose of the presentations on the experiences of Olotu, and the other presenters lens of the Mexico-United States conversation for the future,” she organisation and the event, CIBS other states through their border that discussed Guyana’s border border said.

How free is Guyana?

As G u y a n a

c e l e b r a t e s Emancipation,it is timely to question the e x t e n t o f i t s freedom especially considering the economic

stranglehold foreign companies have on its economy In Guyana’s case, the overwhelming influence offoreignmultinationalshas led to significant economic and political ramifications, raising concerns about the true extent of the country’s freedom.

Guyanaisexperiencinga m o d e r n f o r m o f recolonization through foreign capital, with multinational corporations exerting significant control over its vital industries, including oil, gold, bauxite, and timber This new wave of economic dominance is facilitated by thegovernment’sconsent, Foreign companies dominate key sectors of Guyana’s economy, including bauxite, gold, diamonds, manganese and, in the recent past, timber Thesenaturalresourceshave long been the backbone of the country’s economic potential. However, the terms under which these resourcesareexploitedhave often placed foreign interests above national sovereignty Contracts signedwiththesecompanies frequently include concessions that local companies can only dream of, effectively placing these foreign entities above nationallaws.

example,signedbetweenthe Government of Guyana and the oil companies provide a stability clause that if at any time after the signing of the PSA,therearechangesinthe laws of Guyana, and those changersadverselyaffectthe oil companies, the government has to take prompt affirmative action to restore the lost of impaired economicbenefitssothatthe oil companies are not disadvantaged. In other words, no new laws can

economicinterestsoftheoil companies.

foreign multinationals sidelinelocalcompaniesand u n d e r m i n e s t h e government’s role in managingandregulatingthe country’s precious resources.Theconcentration ofsuchpowerinthehandsof foreigncompaniesraisesthe question:howcanGuyanese people truly determine their own future when their natural wealth is controlled byexternalentities?

leadership and the extent to whichtheycanactinthebest interestsofthenation.

Another concerning aspectofGuyana’ssupposed freedomistheimpositionof sanctions on local individuals and firms at the behest of foreign governments In some instances, these sanctions are imposed without the foreign government p

The Production Sharing Agreement (PSA), for

In the gold industry, certainforeigncompaniesin the past have enjoyed the exclusive right to export gold a privilege then reservedforthegovernment. Thisandotherspecialstatus g r a n t e d t o


Jagdeo gat it wrong

Demboyssehdis one got to be a sickening joke. Jagdeo braggin’ ’bout how goodhegovernmenthandle deCOVIDcrisis.Yuhgotto laughifitwasn’tsoserious. When dem tek office in August 2020, we had just 21COVIDdeaths.ByApril last year, that number balloonto1300.

Dem boys seh deh numbersdon’tlie.

Jagdeo dem boasting how dem manage de pandemic. But is like dem tekdesamereopeningplan fromAPNU+AFCandslap on a new label. Same plan, same risks, different consequences.

But Jagdeo seh dem do

it better He musse got a different kind of calculator tocountsuccess. Dem boys seh, from 21 to 1300, that’s de story Dem re-open de economy quick, quick, quick. Is like dem forget ‘bout de virus. Man start gatherin’ like de pandemic done. Carnival vibesbutwithCOVIDinde air Somepeopleevenwent fishing in theAbary during curfew hours. Dem boys seh de reopening wasn’t smart.Itwasrash. Jagdeo seh it was necessary to open up back. People got to eat, business gottorun.Butdemboysseh at what cost? How many lives lost? But Jagdeo praisehegovernment.

Dem boys seh de governmentmeknuffnoise ’bout vaccine. But still, people dead And now Jagdeo talkin’ like is some great achievement. Is like passin’exam with a scrape and callin’ yuhself valedictorian.

Demboyssehisajoke, but it’s not funny Jagdeo need fuh listen Dem deaths, dem pain, dem grief, dem not for boastin’. Dem is reminders of missteps.Demislessons.

So, Jagdeo, tek a seat. De people remember De peoplenotfooled.Yuhcan’t rewrite de past. And no amountofsugarcoatin’gon mekbitterpillsweet.


The issue of sovereignty becomesevenmorepressing when considering the government’s apparent inability to renegotiate oil contracts with foreign companies.Despitethelegal right t


, the gov

nment seems constrained by external pressures.Thisreluctanceto renegotiate terms that could potentiallybenefitthenation more equitably points to a deeperissue:theinfluenceof foreign powers in shaping national policies If a country’s government cannot freely exercise its right to negotiate or renegotiate agreements that impact its economy, can it trulybeconsideredfree?

The case of oil exploration and production isparticularlypoignant.The original contracts with foreign oil companies were n e g o t i a t e d u n d e r circumstances that have since changed, including significant discoveries that have substantially altered the country’s economic outlook.Yet,thegovernment hasnotmovedtorenegotiate these contracts, leading to suspicions of external influence or pressure. This situation raises concerns about the autonomy of Guya

ding substantial evidence of wrongdoing to the Guyanese authorities This external imposition of penalties raises questions about the respect for Guyana’s sovereignty by powerful international players. The economic and political realities facing Guyanaaredeeplyrootedin its history The country’s wealth in natural resources has long attracted foreign interest, often leading to exploitative arrangements that have favoured external parties This historical context has created a legacy of dependency on foreign investment and expertise, whichcontinuestoshapethe country’s economic landscape.

However, the current realities demand a reexamination of these arrangements. The modern global economy offers opportunities for greater local involvement in the m a n a g e m e n t a n d exploitation of natural resources Yet, Guyana’s experience suggests that the country is still grappling with the remnants of a colonial mindset, where foreign interests are prioritized over local development.

The failure to provide local companies with the

sameconcessionsasforeign companies, and ensure equitable distribution of the country’s natural wealth speaks to a deeper issue of governance and national self-determination. The questionofhowfreeGuyana reallyiscannotbeanswered solely by looking at its political independence It re

economic structures and relationships that define its placeintheglobaleconomy

For Guyana to truly be free, it must assert greater control over its natural resourcesandensurethatthe benefits of these resources are equitably shared among its citizens. This includes renegotiating contracts with foreign companies, enforcing national laws without exceptions, and protecting the country’s sovereignty from external pressures.

Ultimately, the question of freedom in Guyana is not just about political independence; it’s about economic sovereignty and the ability of the nation to chart its own course. The dominance of foreign companiesinkeysectorsand the influence of external powers in national affairs challenge this notion of freedom.

(The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinionsofthisnewspaper.)


will it ever be for this


Emancipation! Manwas now a day trampled by more of economic emancipation tampering with the money yet to deliver it. PPP is born to be free. Therehad to human notoriety and that belongs to every single that must be shared with one pea in that pod, the be an Emancipation Day indignities right here in citizen of this country but others. PNC is another The because men made slaves of Guyana. only if it is managed The oil money, as small arrival of oil should other men. From fetters to The oil came and the honestly It has not been so. as it is, could still mean have eradicated the

freedom. From the removal thoughts were that the Which leader, what kind of s o m e t h i n g , m a k e a economic gaps; wise leaders circumstances Leaders of shackles to the richness of drudgery and economic government thinker, where difference, in the lives of would have seen to that, wouldn’t have a need to asoaringofthespirit. Itwas misery of the Guyanese does one find a government Guyaneseonthelowerrungs worked ethically and manipulate their minds, or what was meant to be. From people would fade slowly at that drafts an oil fund bill to of the economic ladder But industriously to arrive there. massage their memories, to day one. From Egypt and first, then more quickly with be finalized into law, and thoseinchargeofthemoney, They haven’t; and they do the point that all they see are MosestoBabylonandCyrus each passing year, to its leaves out a penalty for the decision-makers in the not even bother to justify internal enemies The to America and Lincoln, the rightful place over the stealing or any other kind of sitting government, have their actions anymore. The coming of oil has driven whips were stilled, and men horizon. Never to return. wrongdoing with the abandoned ideas pertaining preference is to deliver Guyanese to line themselves thrilledtothejoyoflibertyat Instead of Guyana’s oil people’s oil money? It is to fairness, equity, and the broadsides to those who tell up one against the other last. Free as a bird, free as a wealth, the inheritance of all freedom from imprisonment inclusivity that should be leaders how naked they are, Some cheap, sleazy cult whiff of cool summer’s eve Guyanese, being used to free (emancipation) for some in prioritized. To make this and why more people are not leader turns on a switch and air August 1 is a day at long them, it is being misused by government who oversee, country be the real country pointing to their shame all the lights go off in many last of human dignity; one leaders to squeeze them into who participate, in misdeeds that it should be but has Guyanese reality is that the Guyanese heads. It is a that came about due to the a corner and keep them of this kind. It is slavery for never even tried to be rich have become superrich, frightening picture of i n f a m y o f s l a v e r y locked up there. There is those not so doggedly National leaders have talked theusualmassofpoorgrown citizens openly and readily Regrettably, August 1, is enoughoiltodeliverthekind dishonest as even to think of about it, promised it, but are larger and poorer An enslavingthemselves. amputating cost of living August 1 should not be a regime, with ever-increasing day of singular celebration prices for food and most for Guyanese of African other necessities of life, has descent only Universal buried struggling citizens emancipation compels its deeper, pushed them farther celebration by all freedom back. This is not the long- loving people. The experts awaited for, glorious, scattered across the globe emancipation promised by say that Guyanese are on top oil. This is of Guyana’s of the world. Somebody political leaders in the PPP should explain to half of Government, and to a lesser them (to me) why their feet degree in the PNC are fastened in the dungeon. opposition, consenting to If our feet are cemented, serve in the enslavers’ riveted,tothefloor,thenhow kitchen and leave their can our heads soar to heights people to fend for that are rightly ours? We try themselves. When trust is too hard, and we could split betrayed, then confidence ourselvesintwo. flees. And when both of Oil slavery. Callous and those are lost by the cunningleadershipslaveries. expectant in an oil- It is August 1, and every producing country, then Guyanese should be first in what is the result if not this line. Now, there is an new man-made slavery that Emancipation Day to d i s g u i s e s i t s e l f a s remember! A dream or a capitalism’s prosperity and damnation? Yet, this is the oildemocracy jarring reality of the Emancipation! The PPP Guyanese condition on this Government makes a big August1,EmancipationDay production out of it, how intheyearofourLord. Heis much they would do to make takinganap. thathappenfromtheoil. We must rest our chains, ThePNCOppositionisat ease our fears, ignore our a lower level of brightness. pains, rise above it all in the If one or the other were true grace of a spirit that cannot to their public postures and be defeated. Emancipation verbal productions, then will come. Guyanese must Guyanese would be more find a way to overcome. We than the richest people in the shallovercome! world. (The views expressed in Guyanese would be the this article are those of the economically freest, they a u t h o r a n d d o n o t would be the proud owners necessarily reflect the of what is unfettered and opinions of this newspaper.)

PAHO, GCF climate resilience project underway

To further enhance the benefits of tackling climate and Health Workshop in Climate Change, as well as forthe formation of a Health mapping of the current state climate resilience of health change and air pollution October. The meeting o t h e r i n t e r n a t i o n a l Sector Climate Change and inventory of existing systems in the Caribbean,the together.The tool estimates included contributions from agreements.The need for a Committee. documents on climate Pan American Health the health and related t h e M i n i s t r y o f comprehensive national In Trinidad and Tobago change and a call for Organization (PAHO), economic gains achieved by HealthWellness and Elderly policy on data sharing was i n proposals to fund research supported by the Green M e m b e r S t a t e s b y Affairs and PAHO/WHOand h i g h l i g h

b y t h e April,stakeholdersrepresenti programs related to climate Climate Fund (GCF), is implementing actions and a d i v e

a y o f participants as a critical ng various government change. fostering access to resources measures to mitigate climate stakeholders participated, success factor for collective institutions and various OtheroutputsoftheGCF neededtorespondtoclimatic change. So far, stakeholder including various ministries, actiononclimatechange. ministriesdiscussed the projectaretocreateaclimate threats in seven Caribbean meetings/workshops have agencies and civil society Similarly, in Guyana in integration of health and change and health data countries. been held in Guyana, Haiti, o

climate change topics into

e Guyana, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint overarching message to the stakeholdersessiontheresaw both inter and intra- implementation roadmap, Jamaica, Saint Lucia, Saint Lucia, and Trinidad and stakeholders represented some40healthprofessionals ministerial planning for execute an onlinetraining Kitts and Nevis, Haiti, Tobago.The GCF Readiness was clear and unequivocal – convened to discuss actions climate change action course for national climate Belize, and Trinidad and Projectcomplements the The urgent need to protect being undertaken at both the T

change representatives, Tobago. With a budget of EU/CARIFORUM Climate p

national and global (Green organisations, ministerial healthcare professionals and €$776,400, the project is Change and Health Project theextensive impacts of Climate Fund, GCF) levels d e p

d interested members of the focused on establishing (2020-2025) and aims to climatechange. to build Climate Change agenciesthat were already public, increase public opera

al strengthen technical and In November2023, a Resilient Health Systems implementing actions to awareness and outreach on committees and generating institutional capacities of w

ugh Ministries of Health and

there. The session also build resilience to the health and climate change

served to gain critical impacts of climate change. and develop and submit a vulnerability and adaptation increase collaboration with resilience of the health feedback on the gaps that Haitihostedthefirstmeeting multi-country concept note assessments and country other sectors to implement system in St. Kitts and Nevis exist to integrateclimate of

on health adaptation and/or profiles. The project is mitigation and adaptation by integrating climate change intothe health sector Committee on Climate mitigation action to the GCF expected to culminate this strategies and improve change considerations into This led to the development ChangeandHealthattheend for funding at the end of year Consultants are frameworks to reduce health policy and practice. of the Terms of Reference of June andprioritized the 2024. (PAHO) assistingthe countries in emissions and strengthen This project complements estimatingtheir health climate resilience of health other initiatives in St. Kitts sector’s carbon footprint and systems. The GCF project and Nevis including the applying health co-benefit began in-country work implementation of the measuring tools like inSaint Lucia in July PAHO Smart Hospitals CLIMAQ-H to help 2023and held the first inter- Initiative, the Caribbean countries to maximize the ministerial ClimateChange Action Plan on Health and


The Greater Guyana Initiative (GGI) Integrated Science, Technology, and alongside the University of Guyana and the Engineering. Throughout the camp, the Ministry of Education concluded its Third curriculum seamlessly incorporated the Annual Regional Accelerator for STEM participants’ career aspirations, while Students’Readiness(RASSR)camptoday educators were introduced to novel teaching

Beginning on July 14, 2024, at the approachesinSTEMeducation. University of Guyana, the camp was crafted The UG-RASSR Camp provides a to discover, guide, and cultivate young talent comprehensive five-year, fully funded from all of Guyana’s 10 Administrative experiential learning opportunity, offering Regions, focusing on those who are keen on, continuous mentorship and support for andcapableofdrivingthenation’sgrowth. students.

According to the Ministry of Education, Its goal is to spark an interest in higher each year, the programme supports 100 education and create dynamic opportunities youth, enhancing their skills in areas like for students to collaborate and apply Mathematics, Chemistry, Biology, Physics, scientificprinciplesinSTEM.

Participants of the STEM Students’ readiness camp.

Govt.toterminatecontractsofcompaniesthatfail toremitworkers’NIScontributions-


Companies that have not that failed to remit the and also they are going to be for the poor guy, who is b

o r handed over to police,” working and can’t get

tely 1700 Jagdeosaid.

medicalcarewhentheyneed Insurance Scheme (NIS) employees over a three-year Hecontinued,“Soweare it.” contributions face the risk of periodhavesincepaidup. notskimpingonthiseffortto

The government official having their government While a specific figure tackle all of these things. said that his government is contracts terminated and was not disclosed, the VP People can do well in this making every effort to being investigated, Vice said that the payout amounts country, they can do ensure that the system works President Bharrat Jagdeo to over $130 million for the extremely well, (and) they andcitizensaretreatedfairly announcedonThursday workers who work in don’t have to act in that Meanwhile, Senior Jagdeo was speaking at RegionsTwoandThree. illegal manner or greedy Minister in the Office of the his weekly press conference “…I made it clear that if manner.”

P r e s i d e n t w i t h held at the Freedom House, they (the Companies) don’t The Vice President said Responsibility for Finance Robb Street, Georgetown. pay all of the outstanding toothatmanyofthebusiness and the Public Service, Dr TheVicePresidentdisclosed NIS, they are going to lose people “drive fancy vehicles Ashni Singh on Wednesday that two security companies the government contracts but would not pay the NIS spoke of government’s zero tolerance for employers NIS deductions to the failing to remit contributions Scheme for all of their (the to the NIS. He charged the employers’) employees, the NIS to immediately ramp up Department of Public effor

nsure all Information quoted Dr employers remit employees’ Singhassaying. contributions.

“ T h i s i s n o t a

Dr Singh was at the time discretionary matter; the law speaking at the NIS requires you to deduct the graduation ceremony for e m p l o y e e s ’ N I S Trainee Inspectors which contributions and for washeldattheACCC. yourself (the Employers

During his address, Dr contribution) and to pay it Singh said that as a result of over to the NIS in a timely targeted and dedicated effort manner… and I am saying to by Government and the NIS employers out there today over the last three weeks to a that Government will not month, several private tolerate the failure to pay securitycompaniesthatwere over or remit in a timely defaulting have paid over mannerNIScontributionson contributions for more than behalf of employees, not 2,100 security guards for onlycurrentemployeesbutif which they were previously you have any backlog please notpaying. make sure that you come in

“This Government’s promptly to the Scheme and position is that we have zero pay off that backlog,” the tolerance for employers Ministerurged. failing to pay over NIS Meanwhile, Dr Singh contributions to the Scheme, urged citizens to check on Dr Singh said as he charged t h e i r r e c o r d s a n d theNIStoimmediatelyramp contributions in good time up efforts to ensure that and not wait until they attain employers are paying over theageof60.

Vice President, Dr. Bharrat Jagdeo

$3B dairy farm facility to reduce country’s dependency on imported dairy products

In its efforts to boost Responsibility for Finance Investment (Go-Invest), the (CARICOM’s) food import localproduction,createjobs, and the Public Service, Dr i n v



n billby25percentby2025. and reduce the country’s Ashni Singh and handed collaboration between The Go-Invest facilitated dependency on imported over by Guyana’s Chief Tropical Orchard Products this investment, and has dairy p

ucts, the Investment Officer and Comp

, a ensured that the project Government of Guyana on Agency Head of the Guyana subsidiary of Demerara aligns wi

l Tuesday handed over an Office for Investment, Dr DistillerLimited(DDL),and development goals and investment agreement to the Peter Ramsaroop to the LG Group, an Israeli maximizes benefits for the Demerara Dairy Inc. (DDI) Cha


and Ch

company This partnership local economy The farm for the establishment of a $3 Executive Officer of which underscores the which will be located at billion state-of-the-art dairy Demerara Distillers Limited potential for international Moblissa, Region 10, will be farm and milk processing (DDL) Komal Samaroo, the cooperation to drive local home to 925 animals, facility Department of Public industry development and including 500 milking cows The agreement was Information(DPI)reported. economicgrowthalignswith and 415 heifers Each signed by the Senior According to a press President Irfaan Ali visions milking cow is expected to Minister in the Office of the statement released by t o c u

e a n produce10,000litersofmilk

annually, ensuring a robust

Chief Investment Officer and Agency Head of Guyana Office for Investments, Dr. Peter Ramsaroop, (left) along with Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of

The DDI project will processing. complement existing local

The scope of the project investments in the dairy is comprehensive, including sector, such as the Amaya the cultivation of 250 MilkCompany hectares of field crops, the “Since its inception in construction of a 22-tonne 2023, the Amaya Milk per day animal feed centre, C o m p a n y h a s b e e n anda13.7tonnesperdayraw producing high-quality m i

f a r m bottled milk and delicious Additionally, the processing paneer, which have quickly plant located at Diamond, become popular in local East Bank Demerara (EBD), shops and supermarkets,” will have the capacity to Go-Invest said in its press produce 19 2 tonnes or statement.

18,600 liters of premium To this end, by boosting milkproductsdaily local dairy production, the

Thereleasefurtherstated initiative supports national that the facility which is goals of self-sufficiency expectedtocreatesignificant and sustainability in food employment opportunities is production. The dairy farm projected to generate 70 and processing facility is direct jobs and an additional poised to become a 150 indirect jobs, thereby cornerstone of Guyana’s contributing to the local dairy industry, producing economy and improving high-quality milk products livelihoods. forlocalconsumption.

Demerara Distillers Limited (DDL) Komal Samaroo

GWI to spend $99M to drill another well at Onderneeming after spending over $100M to drill two wells

After spending over $100 million to drill two wells at Onderneeming in Region Two, the Guyana Water Inc. (GWI) is set to spend approximately $99,522,179 to drill a third potablewaterwellthere.

The National Procurement and Tender Administration Board’s (NPTAB) website disclosed that the contract was awarded to Zeco Group of Services Inc. In October 2023, NPTABannouncedthatan$85,791,376contractwasawarded to Morris Jeffrey Enterprise to drill and construct a well in Onderneeming, and in April this year, another $194,344,860 contract was awarded to C&H Engineering and Construction CompanyInc.todrillyetanotherwellatOnderneemingandat Parika in Region Three. Both projects are being executed by theGWI,anagencywhichfallsundertheMinistryofHousing andWater Thedrillingofwells,andsettingupofwatersupply systemsacrossthecountryisaimedatincreasingtreatedwater coverageto90percentonthecoastby2025.

It was reported that the drilling of wells at Onderneeming is to complement the Water Treatment Plant that is being constructedthere.

InJune,theMinistryofHousingandWatersaidthatworks on the Onderneeming Water Treatment Plant are advancing steadily, marking a significant step towards improving water accessibility and quality for residents along the Essequibo Coast. Once completed, the treatment plant is expected to benefit over 4,000 households, serving approximately 20,000 individualsfromTaymouthManortoSupenaam.

SubjectMinister,CollinCroalduringhisvisitattheproject site noted the importance of the ongoing project stating, the EssequiboCoastcurrentlylacksaccesstotreatedwater Itwas notedthattheOnderneemingTreatmentPlantisthefirstoftwo major investments planned to enhance water infrastructure in the region. The treatment plant will focus on removing iron content from the water, ensuring cleaner and safer drinking water for residents, while the wells are set to boost the water supplyintheregion.

The $1.2 billion Onderneeming Water Treatment Plant is beingconstructedbyToshibaWaterSolutions.

Minister Croal had also expressed satisfaction with the project’s progress, highlighting its anticipated completion by thelastquarteroftheyear.

The Onderneeming Water Treatment Plant being constructed in Region Two.

GPHC collaborated with Smile Train Guyana to offer comprehensive cleft palate speech therapy training.

GPHC partners with Smile Train Guyana to offer comprehensive Cleft Palate Speech Therapy Training

Smile Train Guyana, in Department.

placed at health facilities palate repairs, helping them students from Columbia at GPHC via Smile Train c


t h The initiative stemmed across all 10 regions of use their new palate to University who volunteered Guyana. Georgetown Public Hospital from a similar training Guyana, providing physical, produce new sounds and their time and expertise In addition to surgical Corporation(GPHC),hosted attended by four Guyanese occupational, and speech correct habitual speech duringthetraining. intervention, GPHC

it’s first intensive Cleft representatives in Barbados therapy However, dedicated errors Dr Crowley Ideally, patients who provides nutritional and Palate Speech Therapy earlier this year It was speech-language therapists emphasized that while have undergone cleft palate psychological support to all Training programme for during this training that the are present only in Regions surgical interventions for repairs require 12 weeks to a patientsandtheirfamiliesfor local speech therapists and idea was conceived to invite 4,5,and10.

cleft palate repairs are life- year of quality speech postoperative care at home, Rehabilitation Assistants in Dr Catherine Crowley, a During the training, 10 changing, patients need therapy to fully restore their along with speech therapy Guyana. renowned Speech-Language patients who had undergone speech therapy to effectively speechcapabilities. GPHCremainscommittedto According to the GPHC, Pathologist and Professor of cleft palate surgeries usetheirnewpalate.Shewas To date, 46 cleft palate providing holistic cleft care the first-of-its-kind training PracticeatTeachersCollege, attended with their parents supported by 10 graduate repairs have been performed tothepeopleofGuyana. b r o u g h t t o g e t h e r Columbia University, New andbenefitedfromtwo daily representatives from the York City, to conduct this 45-minutetherapysessions. David Rose School for the training in Guyana Dr R e m a r k a b l y, t w o Handicapped, Palm’s Crowley, who also serves on patients were discharged Rehabilitation Clinic, Smile Train’s Global after demonstrating Diamond Special Needs Medical Advisory Board, competency in their therapy

Speech Therapy and brought her extensive sessions.

Audiology Centre, Ministry expertise to our local This initiative ensures of Education Diagnostic therapists. that both children and adults Centre, Ptolemy Reid The GPHC said that the who have had cleft palate Center, Fort Wellington training aimed not only to surgeries, as well as those Hospital, and Lethem build the capacity of local who have lost their speech Regional Hospital.Atotal of professionals in diagnosing capacity due to conditions nine Therapists and four and treating cleft palate like tracheostomy or Rehabilitation Assistants speech issues but also to swallowing disorders can were trained, including one enable these therapists to benefit from the expertise of Rehab Assistant and two train their peers from other the newly trained therapists S p e e c h - L a n g u a g e regions who could not andassistants.

Therapists from GPHC’s attend Rehabilitation Speech therapy is crucial S p e e c h T h e r a p y Assistants are currently for beneficiaries of cleft

Hess 2Q profit beats on strong Guyana output

(Reuters) - Hess Corp (HES.N), beat estimates for second-quarter profit on Wednesday, helped by sharply higher oil productioninGuyanaandstrongerprices.

The South American country and its lucrative oil assets are at the center of a dispute between Hess, Chevron (CVX.N), and Exxon (XOM.N). Last October, Hess agreedtosellitselftoChevronfor$53billion in stock, but the deal has been stalled by a regulatory review and challenged by Exxon, whichclaimsarighttoHess’sGuyanaassets.

Hess’s production rose 27.6% to 494,000 barrels of oil and gas per day (boepd), on nearly 75% year-over-year increase in Guyana to 192,000 bpd. Its Bakken shale production volumes in the Bakken shale in output also rose, the company said. It, the US and the Stabroek block offshore however, expects a fall in current-quarter Guyana. production due to planned downtime in BackthenHess’netincome,thecompany GuyanaandSoutheastAsia.Third-quarternet said, was US$972M in the three months production is expected to be in the range of ended31March,comparedto$346millionin 460,000boepdto470,000boepd. the first quarter of 2023, according to the

Hess said it expects its Guyana output to company’slatestearningsreport. fall10%asanaturalgaspipelineisconnected This would mean that Hess’s profits have this quarter, and expects its North Dakota almost tripled over the previous reporting outputtodrop4.5%onplannedmaintenance. period. According to Hess, its overall net The company’s average realized crude oil productionofoilandgaswas476,000barrels selling price also rose nearly 13% to $80.29 of oil equivalent per day, up 27 percent from per barrel in the second quarter A three- 374,000barrelsofoilperday(bpd)in2023. person arbitration panel is expected to decide The Bakken production surged by 27,000 on the dispute with Exxon. Exxon believes (bpd), according to Hess, “while Guyana the process could extend to 2025 while both offered up an additional 78,000 (bpd) this Chevron and Hess expect a resolution by the quarter ” The first quarter results endoftheyear Hess’quarterlyprofitof$2.62 “substantially outperformed” expectations, per share beat analysts’ average estimate of according to a report from analyst firm TD $2.48pershare,accordingtoLSEGdata. Cowen back then. Overall production beat Back in April Hess Corporation had projectionsby9percent,whileHess’Guyana announced that its profits leapt by $626M in output beat consensus by 28 percent, Cowen the first quarter of 2024 thanks to higher hadnoted.

Husbands and wives now have equal protection under the law post-divorce

…as National Assembly passes amendments to Matrimonial Law

With resounding support irreconcilable differences

the Summary Jurisdiction spousalsupport. from both the Government which has caused the (Magistrates) Act, which As a result, the man and Opposition, the irremediable breakdown of o n l y p

i d e f o r moved to the High Court to Matrimonial Causes themarriage,”Nandallsaid.

maintenance and protection

, Amendment Bill 2024 was The AG said too that the ofthepropertyofawife. specificallySection14ofthe passed on Wednesday in the understanding of gender

Chandan-Edmonds said, Matrimonial Causes Act on National Assembly The equality has evolved since

“I offer my support for these the grounds that it violated amendments will give both the old legislation was amendments…Forcenturies his constitutional rights to husbands and wives equal draftednearly100yearsago. women have relied on the equalprotectionandbenefits rights and protection in the “These amendments mercy of judges for spouses from the law and is eventofadivorce. r e m o v e e x i s t i n g who felt it is necessary to discriminatory on the basis

Piloting the Bill, discriminatory provisions punish harshly in a ofsexandgender

Attorney General (AG) and and guarantees equal rights,

separation…Men can now In her decision, Justice Minister of Legal Affairs, which are a fundamental s e e k s i m i l a r George-Wiltshire declared Anil Nandlall, SC noted that human right. Because there protections Financial that Section 14 of the the amendments are part of are a series of provisions in support is necessary for both Matrimonial Causes Act, efforts to further modernize the principal Act, that

Attorney General (AG) and Minister of Legal Affairs, Anil Nandlall, SC

parties in the divorce C h a p t e r 4 5 : 0 2 i s and update the legislative confers protection upon a proceedings,bothpartiescan discriminatory on the basis frameworkinGuyana. wife but does reciprocally, nowequallybenefit.” of sex and gender and is The AG noted that the confers such protection on

The move to amend the therefore unconstitutional as law on marriage and divorce the husband. So, in those law is based on a landmark being in violation of Article nationally to reform divorce ofHousingandWater,Susan has evolved internationally provisions we have brought rulingbyChiefJustice(AG) 149 andArticle 149 D of the laws.Iamextremelypleased Rodrigues, said the Bill will and so should the legal t h o s e e q u a l i t y a n d

Roxane George-Wiltshire, Constitution of Guyana, to that we are completing it improve Guyana’s global provision which govern equilibrium,”Nandlallsaid. last February that the theextentthatonadecreefor now Toward healthier standing on human rights marriagesinGuyana. The Attorney General

S e c t i o n 1 4 o f t h e dissolution or nullity of families even after the unit andgenderequality “In times past, the said in an environment

Matrimonial Causes Act, marriage,itprovidesformen mayhavebrokendown,”she “Amending our laws to dissolutionofamarriagewas whereequaltreatmentisnow

C h a p t e r 4 5 : 0 2 i s only to pay a gross or annual said. reflect the gender-neutral only legal under the grounds a guaranteed fundamental discriminatory based on sex sum of money to or maintain Manickchand continue: award of alimony in a of infidelity; it was sin- right, the law must make and gender, because it only their former wives, and not “Iamverypleasedtosaythat divorce auger well for based. One had to prove that provision for equal permitted wives to obtain for women to pay a gross or thislawis goingtohelpus to Guyana’s credentials in the either party was being treatment. maintenanceafterdivorce annual sum of money to or look after women. This law making another step towards unfaithful for the divorce to Speaking in support of Therulingstemmedfrom maintain their former is going to help us to look achieving full gender belegal.” the amendments, Minister of a constitutional motion filed husbands. after men. This law is going equality,”sheposited.

“Thiswasover100years E d u c a t i o n , P r i y a to challenge the alimony As such, Clause Five of to help us to stay true to our Additionally, opposition ago…What societal values Manickchand, said she is laws that have existed in the Amendments will now c o n s t i t u t i o n a l Members of Parliament, were 90 years ago, what p l e a s e d t o s e e t h e

Guyana since the early see both husband and wife provisions This law is Geeta Chandan-Edmond, family values were 90 years amendment finally come 1900s. being granted orders under going to help us preserve Volda Lawrence, and ago, what social…and legal before the National

In the matter, a husband judicial separation while family relationships even Haimraj Rajkumar all spoke realities were 90 years ago, Assemblywhiledetailingthe through his attorney, Tamara C l a u s e S i x o f t h e when the family structure i n s u p p o r t o f t h e are radically different from legalantecedenceofthelaws

Evelyn-Khan, sought to Amendments provides for can no longer stay in the a m e n d m

n t s T h e what they are today By the regulating marriages and apply for his ex-wife to pay payment of alimony to both structure that it originally Matrimonial Causes sheer passage of time, this divorces. him maintenance following the husband and wife. The began.”

Amendment Bill 2024 law requires reform… The “I am very proud. We their divorce but was told Principal Act had only Also supporting the proposes to amend other amendments will [now] started this process in 2008 that he could not apply allowed for alimony to be legislation’s passage, provisions of the Principal make provision for divorce when as Minister of Human because the law does not paid to the wife or her Minister within the Ministry Act, and specific sections in o n t h e g r o u n d s o f Services, I consulted allowformentobenefitfrom trustee.

Govt. seeks over $40B more in supplementary spending

On the back of its record $1.146 tocitizensannually trillion budget, the Irfaan Ali

Further, to bring greater reliability in


From page 3

beyond that of any other regulatory body in Ghana. “It is a supra-national regulator with diverse powers, which stem from its tripartiterole.Inadditiontobeingaregulator in the technical sense, the Commission is also the manager of Ghana’s petroleum resources, and as coordinator of policies in relation to them, the Commission acts as the interface between the

economies of scale and joint operations, as well as ensuring that at times – critical resourcesarenotlost.”

Government has returned to the terms of the supply of power being provided National Assembly for over $40B more to by GPL, in May this year, 36-megawatts of plug into the failing Guyana Sugar power was added to the national grid through Corporation, boost electricity supply and an agreement with the Turkish Company build roads and improvement water systems Karpowership. inthehinterland.

Another sector under which Government

Senior Minister in the Office of the is seeking approval for a supplementary sum PresidentwithResponsibilityforFinanceand is the agriculture sector including a sum of the Public Service Dr Ashni Singh on $9 5 billion for the Guyana Sugar Wednesday presented Financial Papers Corporation (GUYSUCO) as part of the Numbers 1 and 2 of 2024 to the National Government’s continued efforts to revitalise Assembly theindustryinlinewithitscommitmenttothe

According to a press release from his countryandtore-energizelocalcommunities ministry,FinancialPaperNumber1forwhich devastated by the unconscionable actions of the Minister is seeking approval caters for the country’s former Governing party - A Supplementary Estimates (Current) in Partnership for National Unity/Alliance For relation to advances made from the Change (APNU/AFC) Coalition. The former Contingency Fund totalling $8.6 billion for administrationunderitstenureclosedseveral the period 2024-04-01 to 2024-07-30 while sugar estates during the period 2015-2020. Financial Paper Number 2 caters for This sector had traditionally been one of the Supplementary Estimates (Current and major sectors of the country’s economy upon Capital) totalling $32.2 billion for the period which many citizens depend for their ending2024-12-31. livelihood.

Among the major sectors is electricity Additionally, in Financial Paper whereatotalof$16billionisbeingsoughtfor Number2, Government is seeking a the Guyana Power and Light (GPL) of which supplementary sum of $2.3 billion to settle $4billionisunderFinancialPaper1anda$12 outstanding payments owed to numerous billion Supplementary request in Financial suppliersofgoodsandservicestoanumberof Paper 2, the release stated. “It would be Government agencies over the years recalled that President Irfaan Ali had FinancialPaper2alsocatersforasumof$1.6 announced that Government would be billionundertheMinistryofPublicWorksfor absorbing the impact of rising fuel prices on SeaandRiverDefenceworks,$297.4million the cost of services provided by electricity tosupporttheoperationsoftheTransportand companies to ensure that it does not translate Harbours Department, $159.2 million for the to higher electricity prices for Guyanese,” completionoftheBarticaStellingand$680.5 accordingtotherelease. million to facilitate critical upgrades to Ferry

Additionally, the ministry said Vessels. government is seeking a supplementary Further, as Government continues to approval of $1 1 billion for additional improve connectivity across the country resources to support electricity companies in especially in the infrastructure sector, Linden, Lethem, Mabaruma and Matthews Government is seeking an additional $904 Ridge. Importantly, the Government has millionfortheconstructionandrehabilitation implementedseveralmeasurestomitigatethe of hinterland roads and $600 million for the risingcostoffuelincludingtheremovalofthe completion of infrastructure for the critical Excise Tax on this commodity since March supply of water to these far-flung 2022 resulting in over $80 billion in savings communities.

That body said it “sets frameworks, stipulatesregulationsandmakesdecisionsin areas where it has been delegated authority Further, we are responsible for conducting metering audits and collecting fees from the petroleum industry ” The body also government and contributes to “administrative competence, industry ” Government agencies and mapping of resources and petroleum data departments are required to cooperate with administration.” It has about 70 teams with theCommission. designated mandates and the teams are

The Norwegian Petroleum Directorate is delegated authority for products, processes a governmental specialist directorate and andquality administrative body Established in 1972, it Itwasnotedinthe2019,US$20MWorld reports to the Ministry of Petroleum and Bank loan document that Guyana had Energy With the same functions as a completed, independently and with donor Petroleum Commission, that body’s duties support, a review of the existing oil and gas include being an advisor to the Ministry of sector governance structure and had legal Petroleum and Energy It has a “national andpolicydraftsinplaceincludinganoiland responsibility for the data from the gaspolicy(2016),localcontentpolicy(2017 Norwegian continental shelf. Our data, & 2018), the “Petroleum Commission Bill” overview and analyses constitute a crucial (2017&2018).ItsaidinDecember2017,the factual basis on which the activities are Ministry of Finance had requested the founded. US$20M Credit from the World Bank

It said it is the driving force for realising “aimed at supporting broad governance theresourcepotentialbyemphasising“long- reformsofitsO&Gsectorwiththeobjective term solutions, upside opportunities, toaddresseconomicandsocialimpacts.”


Wanted hair dressers and Nail Technician. Call: 6218851.

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General domestic, must know to cook, clean , press ect. 3 days, $6000, 8-4 at Keyfood, Mcdoom village next to the post office.


Elevate your brand with our professional Graphic design services. Call: 619-0007, 6295526.

Election fraud trial... Prosecutor wants witnesses retake stand over admissibility of ‘credible’ evidence


Darshan Ramdhani KC, who is the lead prosecutor in the election fraud case, on Wednesday questioned the court’s omission of what he described as ‘credible evidence’ from witnesses.

Ramdhani submitted a motion concerning the admissibility of evidence, arguing that it pertains to what witnesses observed and heard in the presence of the defendants and how this evidence should be used in the case. The prosecutor requested that witnesses should retake the stand to reaffirm their statements, allowing the prosecution to demonstrate why these omitted statements are credible and relevant to the case. He expressed concern that similar issues might arise with other witnesses who have yet to testify. These concerns were addressed at the Georgetown Magistrate’s Court before Senior Magistrate Leron Daly.

Between Monday and Tuesday, two witnesses testified against former top officials of the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) and senior members of the former

A Partnership for National Unity + the Alliance For Change (APNU+AFC) Coalition government. The trial involves nine defendants facing 19 conspiracy charges, including former GECOM Chief Election Officer Keith Lowenfield, former District Four Returning Officer Clairmont Mingo, former Deputy Chief Election Officer Roxanne Myers, former Health Minister Volda Lawrence, APNU+AFC Chief Scrutineer Carol Smith Joseph, and former GECOM employees Sheffern February, Enrique Liven, Michelle Miller, and Denise BabbCummings.

The charge alleges that Lowenfield, Mingo, and Myers, between March 2 and August 2, 2020, conspired with Lawrence, Joseph, February, Liven, Cummings, Miller, and others to defraud the electors of Guyana by presenting false votes from the March 2, 2020, General and Regional Elections.

Minister of Local Government and Regional Development, Sonia Parag who was a candidate for the People’s Progressive Party Civic (PPP/ C ) testified on Monday in re-

lation to the tabulation process being conducted. Meanwhile on Tuesday, former Election observer Rosalinda Rasul took the stand.

Ramdhani told the court that these witnesses were critical in proving the “conspiracy” that unfolded during the tabulation process of counting electoral votes.

He said that when the prosecution reviewed the summary of the case, they were led to some uncertainty to Her Worships’ “clear decision on the admissibility of statements” made by the defendants.

“I think these evidence from both witnesses so far

and these are very critical witnesses to the prosecution...” The prosecutor pointed out that the admissibility of statements is in regards to whether a witness can say who they saw and what they said in the presence of the defendants. He further advised the court several principles of law should be applied in the case. “We have three types of evidence essential in the court matter so far, statements made by defendants; statements made to singular defendants and their reaction…” Defence lawyer, Darren Wayne objected to Ramdhani’s statements, suggesting a potential conflict of interest between the prosecutor and the witnesses. He requested that the court investigate any ties between them. Defence lawyer, Eusi Anderson added that other defence attorneys should make submissions regarding Ramdhani’s requests before a decision is made. Magistrate Daly acknowledged the arguments from both sides and indicated she needs time to consider the matters.

The court was adjourned at noon and will reconvene on August 5, 2024.

More Awareness Necessary for Mangroves...

From page 05 Zulfikar Mustapha, rightfully “… lauded the country’s progress in mangrove restoration, conservation, and management.” He detailed that “Mangroves are our coastal guardians, vital to Guyana’s environmental and economic health … They act as natural barriers against coastal erosion and surges, protecting our communities and infrastructure (and) with over 23,000 hectares of mangroves, they support fisheries, livelihoods, food security, and provide habitats for di-

verse wildlife.”

Editor, Guyana has indeed come a very long way, as “… since 2010, the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) Government has committed over 1.9 billion Guyana dollars to strengthen coastal district resilience through mangrove restoration.”

This translates to more than 500 hectares of mangroves being restored across 35 locations in Regions Two, Three, Four, Five, and Six. For this year alone, Singh pointed out that “… an additional 275 million dollars have been al-

located for rehabilitation initiatives in Regions Two and Five.”

Without belabouring the importance of the Government’s role in the mangrove drive, I hope that our people will realise that its restoration initiatives significantly impact several Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), including SDG 14 (Life Below Water), SDG 8 (Decent Work and Economic Growth), SDG 13 (Climate Action), SDG 15 (Life on Land), and SDG 2 (Zero Hunger). No doubt about it, as the CEO stated

that” Our efforts enhance the resilience of coastal zones, biodiversity, livelihood support, and the fight against climate change.”

No wonder the average rates of global mangrove loss are now slowing, and mangroves are being restored across their endemic lands despite external threats.

Let us celebrate our contribution and keep intensifying our efforts. Afterall, mangroves are vital to the world’s well-being.

Yours truly, HB Singh.

1 Ground floor 2640 square feet approve by nyc for business & residence form E.B.D. Call:629-3834/223-9677. Visa Application:U.S.A, Canada & UK:Graphics design, advertisements, wedding arch rentals.Tel:6267040.

Office space for rent at 43 Croal Street. Call : 681-6018 / 672-8599.


Bus tour to Suriname. 3 Nights & 4 days holiday, from Tuesday 6th August to Friday 9th. Contact : 650-3686.


Nayelli school of cosmetology is n ow enrolling for cosmetology courses beginning September 9th,2024, 211 New Market st. Call: 226-2124.

1 Honda CRV, includes TV, music system, alarm, reverse camera, sproiler, crashbar, low mileage PTT Series (first owner). Contact: 649-0956.

1 Toyota Allion, Pioneer DVD, CD & USB deck, reverse camera, alarm, low milage. Call: 649-0956.

Attorney at law Darshan Ramdhani KC

Six firms bid to design and supervise construction of elderly home at Enmore

Six consultancy

f i r m s h a v e submitted bids to provide design and supervision services for the construction of the New Care Centre for the Elderly tobelocatedatEnmore,East CoastDemerara(ECD).

Thebiddersaccordingto the National Procurement

and Tender Administration

Board (NPTAB) are: Engineering & Agricultural

Consultants, Phoenix Industries,KalitechInc.,GY Procurement & Engineering ServicesInc.,SizweJackson Consultancy Service, and OriginInvestments. The construction of the elderly home is a project

Belowarethecompaniesandtheirbids: MinistryofHumanServicesandSocialSecurity ConsultancyservicesforthedesignandsupervisionofNew CareCentrefortheElderlyatEnmore,EastCoastDemerara.

OfficeofthePresident ExpansionofMainOfficeatCampandChurchStreet.

GuyanaEnergyAgency Operationsandmaintenanceoffour solarPVMiniGridsinRegionNine.

OfficeofthePrimeMinister ProcurementofserverforPublicAffairsDepartment.

MinistryofLocalGovernmentandRegionalDevelopment RehabilitationofStabroekMarketsanitaryblock.


being undertaken by the MinistryofHumanServices andSocialSecurity

D u r i n g t h e presentation of the 2024 NationalBudgetbySenior M i n i s t e r w i t h responsibilityforFinance, Dr Ashni Singh it was disclosed that the governmentisinvestingin

a number of services for the elderly This year, he said that a number of specific interventions are targeted at improving the quality of life of the elderly

As a result, $172M has been set aside to build the New Care Centre home for theelderly



Supplyanddeliveryofonenew250KVA DieselgeneratorforMoraikobai,RegionFive.



MinistryofNaturalResources ProcurementofDataManagementServices forGuyana’sExplorationandProductionData.

Venezuela shops shuttered,

transport limited amid fears of more opposition arrests


CIA, Venezuela, July 31 (Reuters) - Stores were closed and buses not running around much of Venezuela on Wednesday, astensionsoveradisputed presidential election and rumors of opposition arrests kept many people home.

Socialist President Nicolas Maduro, who has ruled since 2013, was declared the winner of the weekend vote by the electoral council. But the opposition says its tally of about 90% of votes shows thatitscandidateEdmundo Gonzalez received more than double the support attractedbyMaduro.

The U.S.-based Carter Center,whichobservedthe vote, said in a statement late on Tuesday that the election “cannot be considered democratic.” It saidtheprocesswasflawed throughout and called the electoralauthority’sfailure to publish disaggregated resultsa“seriousbreach.”

Maduro on Wednesday presented a writ to Venezuela’s top court to “activate an electoral dispute.”

“The United Socialist PartyofVenezuelaisready to present 100% of the electoral tallies that are in ourhands,”hesaid.

The United States, Brazil, Chile and others have urged the electoral authority - which the opposition accuses of beinginMaduro’spockettopublishafullbreakdown of results. “Our patience andthatoftheinternational community is running out,” said White House national security spokesperson John Kirby on Wednesday “It’s running out on waiting for the Venezuelan electoral authorities to come clean andreleasethefulldetailed dataonthiselection.”

The dispute has led to widespread protests that Maduroandhisgovernment have denounced as an attempted coup Gonzalez has said 11 protesters have died Maduro has said Gonzalez and Machado shouldbeheldaccountable for alleged crimes of the protesters Jorge Rodriguez, the head of the Congress for Maduro’s ruling socialists, insisted on Tuesday that both opposition figures should bearrested.“Thebosses(of theprotesters)shouldgoto prison,”hetoldlawmakers.


twomembersofthesecurity forces also died and has invited people to report crimesassociatedwithwhat itcalls“fascistactivities”via anapp Fearsweregrowing among the opposition on Wednesday that police would arrest Gonzalez and Machado, who last appeared in public in CaracasonTuesday

“Ialerttheworldabouta cruel and repressive escalation by the regime,” Machado said on X on


Attorney general Tarek Saab said 162 people had been arrested and 77 public officials injured in the protests Last week, he denied to Reuters that Venezuelaprosecutespeople for their political beliefs Opposition members who have sought asylum at the Argentine ambassador’s residenceinCaracassaidon social media there were police cars parked outside andthebuilding’selectricity hadbeencut Thesixstaffers have lived at the embassy sinceMarch,whenwarrants wereissuedfortheirarrests, part of a series of warrants and arrests directed at the oppositionprior to election day

Brazil has urged Maduro to respect the boundaries of the Argentine embassy in Caracas, according to a Brazilian official familiar withthematter

Voluntad Popular said its national coordinator Freddy Superlano was detained on Tuesday Saab has not responded to a request for comment on Superlano’sdetention.

Ricardo Estevez, a senior official with Machado’s party Vente Venezuela, was also arrested,thepartysaid.


In the capital Caracas many shops were open, thoughlineswerelongand someproductswerelowin stock, and there was increasedmilitarypresence around the presidential palace, according to Reuterswitnesses.

Vegetables and other perishableswereespecially scarceandcouldtakemore time,evendays,tobeginto arriveinstores,retailsector sourcessaid.

Public transport in other cities and towns across Venezuela was operating at reduced volume and many stores either remained closed or plannedtoshutearly

Hamas leader shot dead in Iran

... killing stirs fears of retaliation

CAIRO/DUBAI,July31 (Reuters) - Hamas leader

Ismail Haniyeh was assassinated in the Iranian capital Tehran early on Wednesday morning, an attack that drew threats of revengeonIsraelandfuelled further concern that the conflictinGazawasturning into a wider Middle East war

The Palestinian Islamist militant group and Iran’s Revolutionary Guards confirmed Haniyeh’s death. TheGuardssaidittookplace hours after he attended a swearing-in ceremony for Iran’snewpresident.

Although the strike on Haniyeh was widely assumed to have been carried out by Israel, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s government made no claim of responsibility and said it wouldmakenocommenton thekilling.

Haniyeh was killed by a missile that hit him “directly” in a state guesthouse where he was staying, Khalil Al-Hayya, a seniorHamasofficial,tolda news conference in Tehran, quotingwitnesseswhowere with Haniyeh. “Now we are waiting for the full investigation from the (Iranian) brothers,” AlHayyasaid.

Haniyeh,normallybased inQatar,hadbeenthefaceof Hamas’s international

diplomacyasthewarsetoff by the Hamas-led attack on Israel on Oct. 7 has raged in Gaza. He had been taking part in internationallybrokered indirect talks on reaching a ceasefire in the Palestinianenclave.

The assassination occurred less than 24 hours after Israel claimed to have killed Hezbollah’s most senior military commander in the Lebanese capital Beirut in retaliation for a deadly rocket strike in the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights.

Two Lebanese security sources said on Wednesday that the body of Hezbollah operationschiefFuadShukr hadbeenfoundintherubble ofabuildinghitbyanIsraeli airstrikeinBeirut’ssouthern suburbs.Netanyahumadeno mentionofHaniyeh’skilling in a televised statement on Wednesdayeveningbutsaid Israelhaddeliveredcrushing blows to Iran’s proxies of late, including Hamas and Hezbollah, and would respond forcefully to any attack.

“Citizens of Israel, challenging days lie ahead. Since the strike in Beirut there are threats sounding from all directions. We are prepared for any scenario andwewillstandunitedand determined against any threat. Israel will exact a heavy price for any aggression against us from

Palestinian group Hamas’top leader, Ismail Haniyeh speaks during a press conference in Tehran, Iran, March 26, 2024. Majid Asgaripour/WANA (West Asia News Agency) via REUTERS/File Photo


The latest events appear to set back chances of any imminen

sefire agreement in the nearly 10month-old war in Gaza between Israel and the IranbackedHamas.

Hamas’armedwingsaid in a statement Haniyeh’s killingwould“takethebattle tonewdimensionsandhave major repercussions” Vowing to retaliate, Iran declared three days of national mourning and said the U.S. bore responsibility because of its support for Israel.


Iran’s Supreme Leader AyatollahAliKhameneisaid Israel had provided the grounds for “harsh punishment for itself” and it wasTehran’sdutytoavenge Haniyeh’s death Iranian forces have already made strikes directly on Israel

Kartel freed!

- Dancehall star, co-accused set free by Court ofAppeal

KINGSTON, Jamaica Entertainer

VybzKartelandhisco-accusedweresetfree Wednesday after the Court of Appeal ruled againstretryingthemforthemurderofClive “Lizard”Williams.

The judgment was handed down a short whileago.

Thedecisionwasmadebyathree-judge panel,includingJusticesMarvaMcDonaldBishop,PauletteWilliamsandDavidFraser

Before the ruling, an abbreviated summarywasprovidedforthesolepurpose of assisting members of the public with understandingthematter Thefulljudgement w i l l b e m a d e a v a i l a b l e a t www.courtofappeal.gov.jm

Vybz Kartel, real name Adidja Palmer; Shawn ‘Shawn Storm’ Campbell; Kahira Jones; andAndre St John were convicted of theSeptember2011murderofWilliams.

Lawyersrepresentingthequartetmadean appeal to the local Court ofAppeal in 2020, buttheirconvictionswereupheld.

Dancehall artiste

Vybz Kartel

earlierintheGazawar Israeli government spokespersonDavidMencer

told a briefing with journalists that Israel was committedtoGazaceasefire negotiations and securing the release of Israeli hostagesheldbyPalestinian militantsinGaza.

U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken, at an event in Singapore, sidestepped a question on Haniyeh’s killing, saying a ceasefire deal in Gaza was key to avoiding wider regional escalation. He told Channel NewsAsia that the U.S. had neither been aware of nor involvedinthekilling.

Qatar, which has been brokering talks aimed at halting the fighting in Gaza along with Egypt, condemned Haniyeh’s killing as a dangerous escalationoftheconflict.

“Political assassinations and continued targeting of civiliansinGazawhiletalks

continueleadsustoask,how canmediationsucceedwhen one party assassinates the negotiator on other side?”

Prime Minister Sheikh M o h a m m e d b i n Abdulrahman Al Thani said onX.

Egypt said Haniyeh’s assassination showed a lack of political will on Israel’s parttocalmtensions.

Palestinian President

M a h m o u d A b b a s condemned the killing and Palestinian factions in the Israeli-occupied West Bank called for a strike and mass demonstrations.

In Israel, the mood was buoyant as Israelis welcomed what they saw as a major achievement in the war against Hamas Residents in besieged Gaza feared Haniyeh’s death would prolong the fighting that has devastated the enclave.

“This news is scary We feelthathewaslikeafather to us,” said Gaza resident HachemAl-Saati.


Haniyeh’s most likely

successor is Khaled Meshaal,hisdeputy-in-exile who lives in Qatar, analysts and Hamas officials said.

Under Meshaal, Hamas emerged as an ever more important player in the Middle East conflict due to hischarisma,popularityand

regional standing, analysts said.

Meshaal narrowly survived an attempt on his life in Jordan ordered by Netanyahuin1997.

Appointed to the top Hamasjobin2017,Haniyeh moved between Turkey and Qatar’s capital Doha, escaping the travel curbs of the blockaded Gaza Strip and enabling him to act as a negotiator in the truce talks ortotalktoHamas’allyIran. Threeofhissonswerekilled in an Israeli airstrike in April. His deputy Saleh AlArouriwaskilledinJanuary by Israel, leavingYehyaAlSinwar, the Hamas chief in Gazaandthearchitectofthe Oct. 7 attack on Israel, and Zaher Jabarin, the head of the group in the West Bank, inplacebutinhiding.

That assault by Hamasled fighters killed about 1,200 people in southern Israeli communities and some250peopleweretaken to Gaza as hostages, Israeli talliessay

In response, Israel launched a ground and air offensive in the coastal enclave that has killed more than 39,400 people, according to Gaza health officials,andleftmorethan2 m i l l i o n f a c i n g a humanitariancrisis.

No end appears to be in sight for Israel’s campaign there as the ceasefire talks falter

Al Jazeera journalist, cameraman killed in Israeli attack on Gaza

Ismail al-Ghoul and Rami al-Rifi killed in Shati refugee camp, west of Gaza City, in Israeli strike on their vehicle.

Aljazeera - Al Jazeera

Arabic journalist Ismail alGhoul and his cameraman Rami al-Rifi have been killedinanIsraeliairattack ontheGazaStrip.

The reporters were killedwhentheircarwashit on Wednesday in the Shati refugeecamp,westofGaza City, according to initial information.

Iran’s capital,Tehran, in an attackthegrouphasblamed onIsrael.

Al Jazeera’s Anas alSharif, reporting from Gaza, was at the hospital where the bodies of his two colleagues were brought

words can describe what happened ”

ThePrivyCouncilalsoremittedthecase backtotheJamaicaCourtofAppealtodecide whetherthereshouldbearetrial.

The accused’s appeal was then taken to the United Kingdom-based Privy Council, and on March 14, 2024, their murder convictions were overturned on the grounds ofjurormisconduct.

Theywereintheareato report from near the Gaza house of Ismail Haniyeh, the political leader of H a m a s w h o w a s assassinated in the early hours of Wednesday in

“Ismailwasconveying the suffering of the displacedPalestiniansand the suffering of the wounded and the massacres committed by the [Israeli] occupation against the innocent peopleinGaza,”hesaid “The feeling – no

Ismail and Rami were wearing media vests and there were identifying signs on their car when they were attacked They had last contacted their news desk 15 minutes beforethestrike aDuring the call, they had reported a strike on a house near to where they were reporting and were told to leave immediately They did, and were traveling to Al-Ahli Arab Hospital when they were killed

Jockey Paul Delph eyeing fourth win at Guyana Cup

Paul Delph is the firstjockeytowin a Guyana Cup feature event back in the inaugural event in 2007 Delph piloted Ice Follies of the Jagdeo Racing Stables andherecordedwinsin2012 and 2014 with Ellies Vision

a n d C P G o t E v e n respectively The 16th running of the Guyana Cup, whichissetforAugust11th, willbeonewhereDelphwill want to script history, becomingthesecondjockey


Currently, Colin Ross is the only jockey with four wins in the prestigious Guyana Cup. According to Paul Delph, who is known amonghispeersasLilPaul, hesaidheislookingforward foragooddaywherehewill beeyeinghisfourthGuyana Cupfeatureracewin.

“You need some luck on the day All the horses are working well ahead of the GuyanaCup.

As a jockey, you have to

exercise a lot. That is the main thing, fitness is important,” Paul said. Paul disclosed that he carries a weight of 110lb and he eats therightfood.

TheGuyanaCupwillbe the biggest event ever in the history of Guyana’s horse racing,andPaulisexcitedto winbig.

Meanwhile, Jockey Ross, whowonhisfirstGuyanaCup in 2008, has since recorded winsin2017,2018and2022 With his current form and

knowledge, Ross is tipped to becomethefirstjockeytofive GuyanaCupwins

The 16th running of the Guyana Cup is organized by the Jumbo Jet Thoroughbred Racing and more than 40 millionGuyanadollarsincash beingpaid

Last year’s Guyana Cup saw a total purse of $24 million According to organizers, the 2024 Guyana Cup will certainly be the biggest, and the day will be packed with side attractions

Thursday August 01, 2024


You'll find that things are slipping nicely into place for you today, Aries Your persuasivemannerandgentle nudges are just enough to get peoplewhereyouwantthem.


When faced with ten entrees onthemenu,itmightbehard for you to choose just one. Feelfreetoordertwoormore, Ta u r u s D o n ' t l e t indecisiveness slow you down.Atthesametime.


Your dreams won't come true unless you believe in and act onthem,Gemini.Nooneelse is going to do it for you. Unless you have a fairy godmother, you need to take mattersintoyourownhands.


If people hassle you or give you a hard time about your appearance today, pay them nomind,Cancer Youhavethe righttoliveyourlifeanyway youwantto.


Reachforthepotofgoldatthe end of the rainbow, Leo. It's closerthanyouthink.Indeed, your dreams are completely within your reach, and there are huge forces at work helping you achieve your goals.


Today is your day to dream and dream big, Virgo. Think aboutwhatitisthatyouwant most out of life. Aim your arrow to the stars and pull back your bow as far as possible. There's no limit to howfaryoucango.


Expand your mind to its furthest reaches today, Libra. T

ere's an incredible opportunity opening up for you in which you can make great strides in a creative realm.Followthemusic.

SCORPIO(Oct.23–Nov 21)

Your mind may seem rather cloudy today, Scorpio, but don't let this hinder you. In fact, you'll find that you can use this feeling of fantasy to your advantage. Try to bring moremagicintoyourlife.

SAGIT(Nov 22–Dec.21)

Today is an excellent day for you,oneinwhichyou'llfinda great deal of strength in your emotions, Sagittarius Trust that your instincts are serving youwell.


Things might get a bit confusing for you today, Capricorn. Don't feel like you needtomakesenseofitall.In fact, this task may be impossible. Just be yourself. Let your creative nature shine through.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20–Feb.

18)Mixyourrealitywithabit of fantasy today, Aquarius. Allowyourfeettocomeoffthe ground for a little while. Give yourselfarest.Takesometime to meditate and clear your mindofyourdailyworries.


Let yourself go into high creative mode and drift into a whole other world, Pisces. Escape your present reality and explore your fantasies through any sort of artistic endeavor Dreamasbigasyour mindallows.

Thefirst-everfunparkissetto ignite the Rising Sun Turf Club,wherekidswillwitnessa parading bar on spot, and multiple stages will be set up acrossthevenue

Th e b ig g es t D J competition will also ignite Rising Sun Turf Club where top DJs will battle for supremacy

Ten races are listed on the provisional programme, andentriesareopen,andwill close on August 3. No late entries will be accepted at

Frompage29 with Taylor Fritz later Wednesday

“If I play like what I did today (with Pegula),” Gauff said, “we have a good chance.”

Gauff arrived in France asoneofthebiggeststarsin her,orany,sport.

The 20-year-old from Florida won her first Grand Slamsingleschampionshipat theUS OpenlastSeptember, and she collected her first major doubles title at the French Open in June — although not with Pegula, who was out injured, but with Katerina Siniakova of the Czech Republic. Gauff alsohasreachedasinglesfinal attheFrenchOpen,losingthe trophytoIgaSwiatekin2022. That major tournament is played each year at Roland Garros, the same clay-court facility being used to host ParisGamestennismatches.

Muchova was the runnerup to Swiatek at the French Openlastyearandalsomadeit to the semifinals at the U.S. Open before losing to Gauff inamatchinterruptedfor50 minutesbyaclimateprotest.

Frompage30 multipleinjurydelays.

Defeat means her side can only progress to the Paris 2024 quarter-finals as one of the best third-placed sides and must wait for the rest of the day’s games to finish before their fate is known.

Marta,38,wonOlympic silver at Athens 2004 and Beijing 2008, losing to the United States on both occasions.

She is the all-time leading scorer in World Cups, men’s or women’s, with 17 goals in 23 appearances across six tournaments.

thisyear’sGuyanaCup. In addition to the feature event, which will run at approximately 1800 metres, other races on the provisional card include: the 1600-metre derby, 1000-metre Spr

Classic, the 1000-metre two-year-old, 1000-metre F1 class, the 1600-metre H1 class, the 1400-metre J & Lower, 1400-metre K Class, 1400-metre LClass and 1400-metre nonearners

Guyana Cricket Board salutes Sir Clive Lloyd on his conferral with the Order of the Caribbean Community

“The quintessential statesman who continues to receive outstanding awards and accolades from around the world 39 years after the curtain fell on his illustrious playing career,” Those were thewordsofPresidentofthe Guyana Cricket Board (GCB), Mr Bissoondyal Singh, in an invited comment on son of the soil

Sir Clive Hubert Lloyd’s conferral with the Order of the Caribbean Community (OCC), the Region’s exclusiveaward.

The Order of the Caribbean Community awardhasbeendescribedas a “celebration of excellence among the peoples of the Region Honourees representtheinterestoftheir

NationStatesandtheRegion in the wider international arena and by their service craft a niche for the C a r i b b e a n i n t h e internationalcommunity Sir Clive is the second

Guyanese after Sir Shridath Ramphal (1992) to be awarded the OCC and also the fourth cricketer after Sir Garfield Sobers (1998), Mr

Brian Charles Lara (2008) andSirVivRichards(2022). SirClivehasaddedhisname to a select group of distinguished West Indians who have contributed outstandingly to regional development.

T h e P r e s i d e n t , Executives and Members of the GCB join the nation in congratulating Sir Clive Lloydonbeingtherecipient of this prestigious accord at the recently-held 47th Regular Meeting of the Heads of Government of CARICOM.Ourmodestand soft-spoken national hero has once again added to his expandinghonourrollwhich includes his Knighthood in January2022fromtheDuke of Cambridge Prince William at Windsor Castle and his induction into the ICCHallofFamein2019.

Inhisinternationalplaying days,SirCliveLloydblazeda trail of outstanding achievements from 1966 to 1985 during which time he played 110 test matches, was captain in 74 of the matches winning 36 of those matches making him the most

successful captain in West IndiesCricket;thisincludeda sequenceof26testswithouta loss including 11 consecutive victories Hishighestscoreof 242notoutwasamonghis19 test centuries Sir Clive’s crowning moment was on June 21, 1975 when as captain he held aloft the Presidential Trophy presented to him by Prince PhillipofEnglandafterWest Indies had defeated

Australia by 17 runs at Lord’s to win the inaugural One-Day World Cup (60 overs)inwhatwasdescribed asthelongestdayincricket.

SirClivealsoplayedand made an indelible mark for 20 seasons with Lancashire in English County Cricket

and was captain for 5 of those seasons. He was also outstanding for Guyana in RegionalFirst-ClassCricket and was captain when Guyana in 1983 became the firstterritorytowinboththe four-day and the one-day titles in a Regional Season. After his playing days, Sir Clive served as an ICC Match Referee and in 2008 was appointed Chairman of theICCCricketCommittee. The GCB is once again proud of yet another achievement by our legendary cricket hero on his conferral of the OCC and takes the o p p o r t u n i t y t o congratulate him and wishhimtheverybest

Seales, Hodge achieve career-best positions on latest ICC Men’s Test rankings

SportsMax -West Indies

seamer Jayden Seales and batsmanKavemHodgehave been rewarded for their standoutperformancesinthe recently-concluded Test series against England, as both achieved career-best moves up the latest ICC Men’s Test bowling and battingrankingsyesterday

Though West Indies suffered a 3-0 whitewash in that ICC World Test Championshipseries,Seales emerged as a standout performer, as he earned the playeroftheseriesawardfor his13wicketssnaredacross allthreegames.

That performance saw the 22-year-old Trinidadian move seven places up to a career-best 26th position, joining teammate Jason Holder,whoheldfirminthat position Veteran seamer KemarRoachremainsthetopranked West Indies bowler at 17th, with Alzarri following SealesandHolderasthenext best-ranked player at 31st. KyleMayers(37th),Shannon Gabriel (43rd), Gudakesh Motie(52nd),RostonChase (59th), Shamar Joseph

(64th), Jomel Warrican (66th), and Rahkeem Cornwall (82nd) are the other Caribbean bowlers in thetop100.

On the batting chart, Hodgeinchedupthreeplaces to 72nd, following a credible display in the three-match series The 31-year-old Dominican tallied 216 runs, including a maiden Test century

C a p t a i n K r a i g g Brathwaite remains the highest-ranked West Indies batsman at 41st, with out-offavor Jermaine Blackwood s lip ping to 52n d

Wicketkeeper/batsmanJoshua daSilva(62nd),Holder(70th), Mayer (76th), Tagenarine Chanderpaul (86th), and Roston Chase (92nd) are also in the top 100

Meanwhile, England batter Joe Root reclaimed the number one Test batting position after scoring 87 in the first innings of the third andfinalmatchagainstWest Indies in Birmingham, which his side won by 10 wickets.ThisisRoot’sninth stintasnumberone.Hisfirst tenure at the top of the

rankings commenced in August2015,andhewaslast at the top in June last year after a fine performance in the opening match of the Ashes series, also in Birmingham.

While Root overtook Kane Williamson to take the top spot, Babar Azam, Daryl Mitchell, Steve Smith, and RohitSharmahaveallgaineda spot each as Harry Brook slipped to seventh position after attaining a career-best thirdpositionlastweek

Intheweeklyupdatetothe rankings that also takes into considerationperformancesin the Ireland versus Zimbabwe Test in Belfast, England captain Ben Stokes, who struck54inthefirstinningsin Birmingham and a quickfire 57 not out off 28 balls in the second, has moved up four positionsto30thinthebatting rankings.

Zimbabwe’s Sean Williams has re-entered the rankings in 33rd position after scores of 35 and 40, whileEnglandwicketkeeper Jamie Smith’s knock of 95 has lifted him 31 places to 64thposition.

Sir Clive Lloyd with the World Cup trophy.

Coco Gauff is out of women’s doubles at the Paris Olympics a day after her singles loss

PARIS (AP) Coco Gauff lost in women’s doubles at the Paris Olympics yesterday, a day after her tearful exit in singles.

Gauff and her U.S. teammate, Jessica Pegula, were the top-seeded women’s pair but were eliminated in the second round by the Czech duo of Karolina Muchova and LindaNoskova2-6,6-4,105inamatchtiebreaker.

Gauff said. “Both of them just played a better tiebreaker.”

“We were playing well,”

On Tuesday, Gauff was defeated by Donna Vekic of Croatiainstraightsetsinthe thirdroundofsingles,where the American was seeded

second Gauff got into an argument with the chair umpire over an officiating decisionclosetothefinishof that match.Even after the

twosetbacks,Gauffstillhad something to play for in Paris, where she was one of the U.S. flag bearers during last week’s opening ceremony and had hoped to head home with three medals. She was scheduled toplayinmixeddoubles (Continuedonpage27)

Coco Gauff and Jessica Pegula of the United States play Linda Noskova and Karolina Muchova of the Czech Republic during their women’s doubles match, at the 2024 Summer Olympics, Wednesday, July 31, 2024, at the Roland Garros stadium in Paris, France. (AP Photo/Andy Wong)

Brazil great Marta goes off in tears after red card

BBCSport-Brazil’salltime leading goalscorer Martawalkedoffthepitchin tears after being shown a straightredcardduringtheir 2-0 defeat by Spain in the Olympic women’s football tournament.

Marta, who will retire from international football this year, was sent off for narrowly missing Olga Carmona’s head with a dangerous high-footed tackleduringthegroupstage gameinBordeaux.

Brazil were level when Marta was sent off just beforehalf-time,withSpain scoring in the 68th minute and then the 17th minute of second-half injury time - an extensionpromptedby (Continuedonpage27)

Nationalunder17selecteestobenefitfromProject “CricketGearforyoungandpromisingcricketersinGuyana”, complimentsofDerekKallicharranandfriends

Afraz Budhoo, Romario Ramdehol and Micah Amsterdam, players that represented Berbice Under17teamintherecently concluded Guyana Cricket BoardInterCountyUnder17 cricket competition will benefit shortly from gear donated by Derek

Kallicharran, Raj Rai, Kumar Dindyal, and members of Kaieteur CricketClubofCanada.

Kallicharran and his friends continue to support this joint initiative between Kishan Das of the USAand AnilBeharryofGuyana.

Budhoo and Ramdehol were selected as part of the finalteamwhileAmsterdam is on the standby list BudhooandAmsterdamwill receive one pair of metal spike cricket shoes each, whileRamdehol,onefloppy hat.

Thatpresentationwillbe donebeforetheteamdeparts for Trinidad and Tobago to participate in the Regional tournament to be played from August 11. During the tournament, Leslie Solomon, coach of the county team reached out for

assistance for the kids. The project had none of the gear requested but reached out to Kallicharran, a former West Indies“B”allrounderandhe responded immediately as he normally does. He then reached out to Rai, Dindyal and members of Kaieteur

thedonorsfor their continued support. We will continue to support young people and are happy to be associated with the development of cricket especiallythroughyouths.

Jackson withdraws, replaced by Sashalee Forbes in the 100m dash at 2024 Paris Olympics

SParis indicate that Jamaican sprinter Sashalee Forbes will compete in the 100m dash when the track and field events commence at the 2024 Paris Olympic Games tomorrow, Friday Speculation about Forbes replacing Shericka Jackson has been confirmed by Jamaica’s Athletics Manager Ludlow Watts, whotoldTelevisionJamaica that Jackson has withdrawn fromthe100mevent.

Sportsmax TV sources had confirmed on Tuesday thatForbeswasinformedby team management that she would be replacing Jackson intheblue-ribandsprint.

On July 9, Jackson experienced what was described as ‘a cramp’ during the women’s 200m race at the Istvan Gyulai MemorialheldattheBregyó

incident raised concerns about her fitness as the Olympicsapproached.

With no official updates from her MVP Track Club, rumors about Jackson’s health have intensified. In a recent interview with Jamaican media, Coach Stephen Francis provided

’s condition. When asked about her health,Francisresponded,“I think that is something you’re going to have to address to her medical

personnel but as far as I knowsheappearstobeokay tome.”

While Francis remained reticent about Jackson, he wasmoreforthcomingabout anotherathlete,TiaClayton. He expressed confidence in Clayton’s potential to perform well in the 100m, with some local pundits predictinghersuccessinthe blue-ribbonsprint. The confirmation from Watts brings clarity to the situation, affirming that Sashalee Forbes will indeed replace Shericka Jackson in the100mdash.

CC. The gear was sent with Reshma Mathura This projectthanks
Reshma Mathura left presents the tokens to Anil Beharry
Sashalee Forbes
Marta plays her club football for Orlando Pride. (Getty Images)

US and Spain top groups at the Olympics, Brazil’s Marta sent off in last major tournament

M A R S E I L L E , France (AP) — Trinity Rodman and Korbin Albertbothscoredandthe United States remained undefeated at the Olympics with a 2-1 victory over Australia yesterday to conclude the groupstage.

The Americans, who already qualified for the quarterfinals, will play Japan on Saturday at Parc des Princes in Paris Australiahadtowaituntil the day’s matches were over to learn if it advanced.

The United States is the winningest team at the Olympics, with four gold medals in women’s soccer They’re playing under new coach Emma Hayes, who is tasked with turning the team a r o u n d a f t e r a disappointing Women’s WorldCup

So far the team is off to a good start The front trio of Rodman, Sophia Smith, and Mallory Swanson have scored seven of the team’s nine goalsinFrance

“The team is feeling good, we’ve had three great performances,”

Crystal Dunn said “Obviously there’s always things that we look at where we’re like, ‘Alright, this could be better’ But overall I’m proud of the group I think we really came together” Dunn had a wellstruck attempt from distanceinthe38thminute but Australia goalkeeper MackenzieArnoldpushed it up and over. Moments later, Arnold stopped Lindsey Horan’s header fromcloserange.

R o d m a n b r o k e throughinthe43rdminute whenshepokedintheball in a scramble in front of thenet.

Videoreviewstretched on for several minutes — apparently because of a technical issue and Australia coach Tony Gustavsson was given a yellow card in the confusion.

Albert, who was subbed into the game during the second half, addedagoalinthe77th.

“I was trying and hoping for a goal,”Albert said.“I’vebeenworkingat itinpracticeandmentally, just trying to focus on it. Andthenitjusthappened. I actually closed my eyes and then I opened them and I was like, ‘Oh my Goditwentin.’”

U.S. midfielder Sam Coffey got a second yellow card in the fourth minute, meaning she won’tbeavailableagainst Japan.

TheMatildaspeppered U S goalkeeper Alyssa Naeher in a scramble as time wound down and Alanna Kennedy helped Australia avoid the shutout with a goal a minuteintostoppagetime.

The Americans’ game against Australia was a rematch of the bronze medal match at the Tokyo Games.

TheUnitedStateswon 4-3 on goals from Carli Lloyd and Megan Rapinoe, who have both sinceretired.

Hayessaidsheworked through the possible things that could derail them in France — like lookingaheadtothemove to Paris for the quarterfinal.

“Today played out how I thought it would,” Hayes said. “I said to the girlsbeforethegame‘This is a banana skin game.’ They said ‘What’s that?’ Theysaid‘it’scalledatrap inAmerica.’”

Germany advanced in second place behind the U.S.byroutingZambia41inSaint-Etienne.

Lea Schueller scored twogoals—thefirstinthe 10th and the second just pastthehourmark.

KlaraBuehlhadgiven Germany a 2-0 lead in the 47th — shooting low into the bottom corner from outsidethebox.

Barbra Banda struck her fourth goal of the tournament two minutes later to give Zambia hope of salvaging something, but Schueller’s second extended Germany’s lead again.

A brilliant volley by substitute Elisa Senss in the seventh minute of stoppage time completed thewin.

KEVIN ‘2Feet’ Joseph / Team 13 U23 Basketball Semifinals on tonight

Tonight the semifinals in the Kevin ‘2Feet’ Joseph / Team 13 Under23 basketball competitionwillbeplayedat the Amelia’s Ward Hard Court.

In the first semifinal gamescheduledfor6 30pm Block 22 Flames, who failed to show against Retrieve Raiders in their preliminary round, and lost viaawalkover,willnowtry to win on court and book a

The other semifinal is set for 8 30pm and the Victory Valley Royals, the only unbeaten team in the tournament, will face the challengeofAmelia’sWard Jets who they defeated 4239 when the two teams played each other in the r o u n d r o b i n

In the latest results,Victory Valley Royals overcame Central Mackenzie Kings, 69-55, last Saturday night to have an unbeaten record in round robin play and toppedthepoint’sstandings in what was the final game in the preliminary round i


Earlier, Retrieve Raiders won againstAmelia’s Ward J e t s , 5 9 - 5 1 Royals’ Kobe Tappin top scored with 24 points and Godwin George had nine

points The best scorer for Kings was Joe Warner with 1 1 p o i n t s

For the Raiders’ victory, Shemar Savoury scored a game high 26 points and Damian Vincente hit in n i n e Joel Benjamin with 14

points and Stephan George 12, were their best players f o r J e t s Last Friday Retrieve

Raiderswonviaawalkover over Block 22 Flames

In the other game, Jets defeated Central Mackenzie Kings, 47-35, as Stephen

George netted 10 points, and Tyreese Arthur did likewise for the Kings scoring 10 p o i n t s Eliminated, were the Kings club, with the other four reaching the semifinals Trophies and medals are on offerforthetopclubs.

Part of last Saturday’s action that determined the last four teams in the tournament.

Hoosein’s Security, KFC Guyana and New

GPC pledge support to Kares One Guyana T10

Hoosein’s Security Service Inc., KFC Guyana, and New GPC Inc. have signaled their interest in being on board the second edition of the Kares One GuyanaT10TapeballBlast.

Yesterday, Hoosein’s Security Service Inc. and KFC Guyana supported the tournament,whileNewGPC committedtobeingapartner In an invited comment, John Ramsingh of FL Sport thanked the companies for their commitment, which plays a significant role in producing a high-quality tournament.

Ramsingh elaborated that a lot of behind-thescenes work goes into the output,andthemuch-needed support aids those endeavours in becoming successful.

Allofthematcheswillbe scored live, and from the quarter-finals onwards, they will be streamed on social mediaandotherplatforms.

The tournament commences on August 3 with matches at the Queen’s College Ground, Police Sports Club, and Lusignan CommunityCentreGround.

Othermatchdayswillbe theRoundof16onAugust4 atthePoliceSportsCluband Lusignan, while the quarterfinals return to the Enmore Community Centre Ground onAugust11.

The finals and Cricket forCharitymatchwillbeon August 25 at the National Stadium,Providence.

The competition promises to be fierce, and a larger prize pool will entice the 32 participating teams.

The champions will receive G$1.5 million, while the runners-up will receive

G$500,000. Thelosingsemi-finalists eachgetG$250,000.

QC pitch one at 13:30h; Moruca Super Giants v Lil Rams – QC pitch three at 13:30h; The Guards v Mahaica Super Strikers –13:30h at Lusignan; Green Scorpions v Avinash AllStars – QC pitch one at 15:30h; Brooklyn Youth Strikers v Cotton Tree Die Hard – PSC at 15:30h; Diamond Gunners v TG Titans–Lusignanat15:30h; The United Crew v Bartica Bulls – QC pitch three at 15:30h.

The Kares One Guyana T10 Blast also enjoys the s u p p o r t o f K a r e s Engineering, Banks DIH Limited, Star Rentals, Ministry of Culture, Youth and S

Matches on August 3: MS-13 All-Stars v Team

Corruption – QC Pitch 1 at 09:30h;UpsettersvGPLInc – QC Pitch three at 09:30h; MontraJaguarsvFalconsXI – PSC at 09:30h; Street Ballerz v Village Rams –Lusignan at 09:30h; EC Express v Mahdia –Lusignan at 11:30h; Soesdyke XI vAirport XI –QC pitch one at 11:30h; Renegades Cricket Club v Tarmac Titans – PSC at 11:30h; Eccles All-Stars v Eastsyde–QCpitchthreeat 11:30h; Titans All-Stars v Stripling Warriors – PSC at 13:30h; PREMIER Insurance v Min. Housing –

Restaurant and Lounge, S

a Mutual, ETS, Metro Office and Computer Supplies, Jacobs’ Jewellery, Digital Technology, First Change Builders Inc, KFC Guyana, Building Expo 2024, Giftland OfficeMax, Sankar’sAutoWorks, ENet, Avinash Contracting and Scrap Metal Inc., Trophy Stall, ANSA McAL Distribution, Camille’s Academy, Ministry of Human Services and Social Security, RS53 RestoBar and Lounge, General M a r i n e , S a m a r o o Investments, and Coel’s Boutique.

Golden Stars to tackle Buxton tomorrow in EDFA Men’s Senior League Football

The East Demerara Football Association (EDFA) Senior Men’s League,whichcommenced on Sunday last at the National Training Centre (NTC)inProvidence,sawa disappointing appearance from Golden Grove-based Golden Stars Football team, losing 2-1 in the openeragainstAiryHall.

The Guyana Football Federation(GFF)President, Wayne Forde attended the opening ceremony at NTC marking the start of the exciting2024league

The league witness a fiery start to the competition,intheopening m a t c h b e t w e e n Mahaicony-basedAiryHall and Golden Stars and saw

Airy Hall edging out The Stars with a 2-1 scoreline Elton Amsterdam struck earlyforAiryHallinthe7th minute, but Joshua Harper managed the equalizer for Golden Stars in the 30th minute The match-winner camelatewhenDanielBlair netted Airy Hall’s second goal of the evening in the 84th minute to seal the 2-1 victory The league action will resume tomorrow (Friday)eveningatBuxton Ground with an exciting doubleheader At 19:00 hours,BVTriumphUnited will face off against Mahaica Determinators, followed by a clash between home team Buxton Stars and Golden Stars.

Marketing Assistant for KFC Guyana Charmaine Farnum (left) and John Ramsingh of FL Sport.

GGA Annual General Meeting set for August 21

Paramaribo Golf Club and Guyana Golf Association partnered to host events during the last year.

The Guyana Golf Association (GGA) is pleased to announce that it willholditsAnnualGeneral Meeting (AGM) on August 21, 2024, at 6:00 PM. The meetingwilltakeplaceatthe Scout Association Ground onWoolfordAvenue.

The AGM provides an important opportunity for members and stakeholders of the GGA to review the pastyear’sactivities,discuss strategic plans, and address any pertinent issues affecting the sport of golf in Guyana.

Parts of theAgenda will see, Opening Remarks, Welcomingandintroduction bytheGGApresidentAleem Hussain, approval of Minutes, Review and approvaloftheminutesfrom thepreviousAGM.

President’sReportwhich entails an overview of the y e a r ’s a

i t i e s , achievements, and challenges.

Treasurer’s Report, Presentation of the financial statements and budget for

theupcomingyear Committee Reports with Updates from various committees,includingjunior development, tournament o rg a n i z a t i o n , a n d membership.

Election of OfficersElection of new officers for thecomingterm.

S t r a t e g i c P l a n Discussion along with the presentation and discussion of the strategic plan for the growth and development of golfinGuyana.

Also, an open forum for

members to provide feedback, suggestions and askquestions.


members to attend this important meeting to contribute to the future of golf in Guyana. For more

information or to confirm attendance in person or via Zoom, please contact Al Wilsonat656-9475

Seales, Hodge achieve career-best positions on latest ICC Men’s Test rankings

GuyanaCricketBoardsalutesSir CliveLloydonhisconferralwiththe OrderoftheCaribbeanCommunity

Jockey Paul Delph eyeing fourth win at Guyana Cup

Hoosein’s Security, KFC Guyana and New

pledge support to Kares One Guyana T10


From left: John Ramsingh, Shivanie Mohamed of Hoosein’s Security Services Inc, Chief Executive OfficerAssaf Hoosein and another company representative.
Jockey Paul Delph won the first ever Guyana Cup in 2007.
Jayden Seales (left) and Kavem Hodge

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