Kaieteur News

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Harris formally chosen

increased oil

Knife-wielding bandit robs taxi driver of jewellery

Second suspect charged with attempted murder of 6-year-old boy

contractor in E.C.D home as Democratic nominee Exxon joins Hess in boasting about profits from

$881 million wharf to be constructed at Charity Gunmen escape with millions after


Hamas chief Ismail Haniyeh buried in Qatar

Aljazeera-Theburialof Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh, assassinated in Iran earlier this week, has taken place in Qatar as commemorations were held in countries including Turkey, Lebanon, Yemen, Pakistan, Malaysia and Indonesia.

Thousands of mourners gatheredonFridayatDoha’s ImamMuhammadibnAbdul al-Wahhab Mosque to join ritual prayers before the Palestinian group’s political chief was buried in Lusail, Qataricapital. northofthe ntatives of other Represe factions and Palestinian of the public members e events in the attended th Haniyeh had city, where withmembersof livedalong liticaloffice.His Hamas’spo at the funeral family was ecuritymeasures amidtights tionalmosque. atQatar’sna ospherewasone Theatm d solidarity for of grief an inGaza. Palestinians snotofferedany Israelha n t o n t h e c o m m e n but after the assassinatio

Palestinian group calls for ‘day of furious rage’ to coincide with funeral of Haniyeh who was assassinated in Iran

October 7 incursion into southern Israel, which was led by Hamas and during which 1,139 people were killed, Israeli officials promisedtokillHaniyehand other Hamas leaders as part of a stated aim to crush the group.

The killing of Haniyeh on Wednesday, which Hamas,Iranandothershave blamedonIsrael,camehours after Israeli forces struck a southern suburb of Beirut, killing Fuad Shukr, the military commander of the Iran-alignedLebanesegroup Hezbollah. Israel has taken responsibilityforthisattack.

In Gaza, Hamas called fora“dayoffuriousrage”to protest against the assassination and Israel’s deadliestwaronGazawhich since October 7 has killed almost40,000people.

Turkey and Pakistan have announced a day of mourning in honour of the Hamasleader Thousands gathered at the Hagia Sophia Grand Mosque in Istanbul to pay

their respects to Haniyeh during the Friday prayer President Recep Tayyip Erdogan was expected to addresstheeventbuthisvisit was cancelled at the last minute The Turkish embassyinTelAvivlowered itsflagtohalf-staff,drawing the ire of Israeli officials. Far-right National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir respondedonXtothemove,

saying, “Representatives of the Turkish Embassy in Israel are invited to take flag completely down the and return home.” Israel’s foreign ministry summoned the deputy Turkish ambassadorforareprimand.

“The State of Israel will not tolerate expressions of mourning for a murderer like Ismail Haniyeh,” Foreign Minister Israel Katz said in a

statement Asymbolicfuneral washeldinLebanon’scapital Beirut as anger boiled over the killings of Hezbollah’s ShukrandHaniyeh.

“Thefeelinghereisthatwe could see an escalation because the [Iran-aligned] “axisofresistance”groupsare promisingaresponse,”saidAl Jazeera’s Zeina Khodr, reporting from Beirut Iran’s SupremeLeaderAyatollahAli

Khamenei led a public funeral ceremony for Haniyeh in Tehran on Thursday, before the coffin wastransportedtoDoha.He earlier threatened “harsh punishment” for Haniyeh’s Reporting from killing Tehran, Al Jazeera’s Dorsa Jabbari said a special committee that includes Iran’sintelligenceforces,the (Continuedonpage6)

People gather at the Imam Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab Mosque in Doha for prayers before the burial of Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh [Showkat Shafi/Al Jazeera]

Exxon joins Hess in boasting about increased oil profits from Guyana

ExxonMobil has joined Hess Corporation in boasting about increased oil profits as the second quarter of2024cametoanend.

The company released theirsecondquarterearnings report on Friday (August 2) which saw total earnings beingUS$9.2billion.

According to the report, this translates to “$2.14 per shareassumingdilution.”

CEO of the company

DarrenWoodsattributingthe profits to their operations in Guyana said that, “We achieved record quarterly production from our lowcost-of-supply Permian and Guyana assets, with the highest oil production since theExxonandMobilmerger

Wealsoachievedarecordin high-value product sales, growing by 10% versus the firsthalfoflastyear.”

Whilethecashflowfrom operating activities was $10.6 billion and cash flow from operations excluding working capital movements

was $15 2 billion Shareholder distributions of $9.5 billion included $4.3 billionofdividendsand$5.2 billion of share repurchases,

consistent with the company'sannouncedplans.

“We delivered our second-highest 2Q earnings of the past decade as we continue to improve the fundamentalearningspower ofthecompany

We closed on our transformative merger with Pioneerinabouthalfthetime of similar deals. And we're

continuing to build

businesses such as ProxximaTM, carbon materials and virtually carbonfree hydrogen, with approximately 98% of CO2 removed, that will create value long into the future,” Woodssaid.

The upstream year to date earnings for 2024 is a whopping $12 7 billion dollars, signifying an increaseof$1.7billionmore forthesameperiodlastyear

“The prior-year period was negatively impacted by tax-related identified items. Excluding identified items, earnings increased $1 5 billion due to advantaged assets volume growth from record Guyana, heritage Permian and Pioneer production,”thereportsaid.

Year-to-date net production was 4.1 million oilequivalentbarrelsperday

which the company highlighted is an increase of

“9%, or 352,000 oilequivalent barrels per day

Higher crude realizations and structural cost savings offset lower natural gas realizations,higherexpenses mainly from depreciation, and lower base volumesdue to divestments of nonstrategic assets and government-mandated curtailments.”

Furthermore, “Secondquarter earnings were $7.1 billion, an increase of $1.4 billion from the first quarter driven by the Pioneer acquisition, record Guyana and heritage Permian production, and structural costsavings.

Highercruderealizations and divestment gains more than offset lower gas realizations.

Net production in the second quarter was 4 4 million oil-equivalent barrels per day, an increase of 15%, or 574,000 oilequivalent barrels per day comparedtothepriorquarter due to advantaged volume growth from Pioneer, Guyana and heritage Permian.”

On Wednesday, Reuters reported that “Hess beat estimates for second-quarter profitonWednesday,helped by sharply higher oil production in Guyana and stronger prices Hess's production rose 27.6% to 494,000 barrels of oil and gas per day (boepd), on nearly 75% year-over-year increase in Guyana to 192,000bpd.”

“The South American country and its lucrative oil assets are at the center of a dispute between Hess, C h e v r o n https://www.reuters.com/ma rkets/companies/CVX N and Exxon. Last October, Hess agreed to sell itself to Chevron for $53 billion in stock, but the deal has been stalled by a regulatory review and challenged by

Exxon, which claims a right to Hess's Guyana assets,” Reutersadded.

Chevron and Exxon are headed to a May 2025 arbitration hearing in the latest chapter of their ongoing dispute over the massive Stabroek Block oilfield off the coast of Guyana.

ChevronsaidWednesday inafilingwiththeSecurities and Exchange Commission that it expects a decision within three months of the hearing.

The Houston-based company added it had expected and requested to hold the hearing earlier, but

thecommonschedulesofthe partiesmadeitimpossible.

The companies have been locked in a dispute sinceFebruary,whenExxon threatened to block Chevron's acquisition of a 30% stake in the Stabroek Block, which is said to contain at least 11 billion barrelsofoil.

Ongoing arbitration hingesontheapplicabilityof a “right of first refusal” contained in an operating a

en subsidiaries of Exxon, Hess andChinaNationalOffshore OilCorporation.

Anabrogationofthedeal could throw into question

Chevron's $53 billion acquisition of competitor Hess, which closed in October

Chevronsaidinthefiling that its views and those of Hess remain unchanged, while claiming that Exxon and CNOOC “continue to ignore the plain language of the operating agreement.”

Exxon operates all production in Guyana, controlling a 45% stake while Hess and CNOOC serve as minority partners.

ExxonandCNOOCLtdfiled arbitrationclaimsclaiminga pre-emptionrighttoanysale of Hess' lucrative stake in a Guyana oil-producing joint


The challenge threatens to block Chevron's biggest deal since its 2001 acquisitionofTexacofor$36 billion. Exxon and CNOOC have argued Chevron's bid for Hess triggered a right of first refusal clause in their Guyana joint operating agreement Chevron and Hessdisputethatclaim.

The all-stock sale, announced last October, has been stalled by a second request for information by antitrust regulator, the U.S. Federal Trade Commission. Its review should be completed this quarter, a spokesmanforHesssaid.

CEOofExxonMobil, Darren Woods


PrintedandPublishedbyNationalMedia& PublishingCompanyLtd. 24SaffonStreet, Charlestown,Georgetown,Guyana.



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Stop and Search

MembersoftheGuyanaPoliceForce(GPF)thatareon dutycanstopandsearchanyvehicleoranyoneatanytime. There is a qualifier, though, and it has strength. The GPF can stop and search vehicles and persons, but only within theboundsofSection18ofthePoliceAct. Inlanguagefor the understanding of ordinary citizens, the GPF rank, or officer must have reasonable grounds for doing so. The entire Section 18 reads as follows: “Any member of the Force may stop, search and detain any aircraft, vessel or vehicleinoruponwhichthereshallbereasontosuspectthat anything stolen or unlawfully obtained, or that any person suspectedofhavingcommittedanindictableoffense,may be found; and he may also stop, search and detain any person who may be reasonably suspected of having or conveying in any manner anything stolen, or unlawfully obtained.”

Clearly,theGPFhasbeengivenconsiderablepowerto doitsduties,butitisalsoconstrainedbythesameSection 18intheprotectionsthatareduetocitizens. Law-abiding citizensdowelltofamiliarizethemselveswithwhatisdue tothemandtakecomfortinwhatthelawaffordsthem. Reasonably and reasonable mean that there must be some basis for a stop and search of citizens and their property Reasonablyisnotrandomnorwhateverthewhim orselfishobjectiveoftherankondutyharbours. TheGPF hasadutytoensurethatthisisinstilledintoitsmembersat everylevelandthatitisstrictlyfollowed. Itcannotbehot oneday,thencoldonanother Theremustbeconsistencyin application of that reasonableness test on the roads and other GPF operations. There cannot be that standard for some people and its absence when others come within the radaroftheGPFandattractitsattention. IftheGPFisever goingtorisetoitsfullestheight,thenitisimperativethatthe trainingandremindersofwhatmustbethestandardcannot stop,norbetoyedwith,inthatsuchstandardfunctionswith anonandoffswitch.Thenaturalcomplementtothisisthat citizens must know where they stand relative to stop and searchandunderstandthelimitsoftheGPF’sauthority An informed citizen makes for a better GPF To comply with what is unreasonable and probably unsound, if not a violationofthelaw,istoopenthedoorforwrongdoing,lend ahandtoofficialcorruptionintheGPF

It was the Minister of HomeAffairs himself, Robeson Benn, who said that he is bombarded with calls about shakedowns and other forms of corruption practised by GPFmembers. Citizenshavetheirparttodo,andtheymust know their rights and when lawful, stand by them during stopsandsearchesoftheirvehicles,otherproperty,ortheir persons. If the GPF is going to improve, it must be a combined effort encircling the institution and those Guyanese who attract its gaze. Guyanese must know that ‘reporttothestation’hasitsplace.

Butagain,onlyonthebasisofjudgementcallsthatare reasonablybased. Judgementcallsthatcanwithstandany retaliatory legal action taken by citizens who believe that they have been wronged, because the requirements of the lawwereignored.

Wesaythisbecauseasattorney-at-lawandUGLecturer, Chevy Devonish, noted that ‘report to the station’for the wrongreasonsconstituteswhatistantamountto“unlawful detention.” Further, when the GPF takes such a matter to the court, it opens itself up to claims of “malicious prosecution.” Citizens who take what has happened to themseriouslycantheninitiatetheirownlegalproceedings andfilefordamages.

Mr DevonishruefullyrecountedthattheGPFhasbeen forcedtoshellouthundredsofthousandsofdollarstobring suchcourtfilingstoanend. Allthiscanbeavoidedwhen theGPFgoestheextrayardtoreminditsranksandofficers that the stop and search provisions of Section 18 of the PoliceAct are always in operation. Police members must apply those when conditions provide reasonable grounds fordoingso.

Without ring-fencing, improved monitoring, and timely auditing; the Profit Squeeze will continue until the oil is exhausted

DEAREDITOR, In a recent presentation by Mr Glenn Lall, he asked thefollowingquestion:What istheaveragecostofabarrel of oil? In reply, I will presentsomeinformationon the cost of a barrel of oil, basedonthecombined2023 Financial Statements of the consortium: EMGL, Hess andCNOOC.Additionally,a comparison will also be made with the cost recovery methodthatisincludedinthe Product


Published data by the Bank of Guyana show that thetotalnumberofbarrelsof oil (Q) sold in 2023 was 141,657,000(Table1).


Financial Statement of the consortium, the Total Cost

after taxes in 2023 was US$4 953 billion; and dividing this amount by the numberofbarrelsofoilsold (Q) yields an average cost per barrel of US$34.97. In 2023, Total Revenue (TR) was US$11,322 262,264.00. Dividing Total Revenue (TR) by the number of barrels of oil sold (Q) yields the average price (P) of US$79.93forabarrelofoil.

In keeping with the PSA Article 15.4 (a and b), it is stated that the Government ofGuyanamustpaythetaxes of the consortium from its profit share to the Guyana Revenue Authority (GRA) and this will satisfy the tax liability for the consortium. Additionally, the GRAmust issue a tax receipt to the consortiumforthetaxespaid

by the Government so that they can present the tax receipt for tax purposes in othercountries.Whilethisis a fraudulent transaction, as no government pays the taxes for any company, it shouldbeacknowledgedthat this tax amount must be deductedfromtheTotalCost in the project, as it comes from the profit that Guyana receives, reducing thereby theaveragecostofabarrelof oil. In 2023, the total taxes paid by the government for t

US$1,471,384,630 78; and when this am

nt is deductedfromtotalcost,the truecostofoilproductionin 2 0 2 3 i s

US$3,481,915,369.50, yielding an average cost of US$24.58 per barrel of oil

(Table 2), which is US$10 39 less than the original average cost of US$34.97(Table1). In reviewing the cost methodology employed in the PSA, it is observed that theaveragecostofabarrelof oil is more costly than the methodusedtocalculatethe average cost in the financial statements Furthermore, thisPSAmethod,alongwith no ring-fencing, guarantees thatprofitsaresqueezedand channeled into the cost recoveryaccountthatis75% o f t o t a l r e v e n u e Specifically, total cost recovery (TCR) is defined as: TCR = 75%TR = 75% (Price x Q). Therefore, the averagecostofabarrelofoil (ACBO) is: ACBO = 75% (pricexQ)/Q=0.75(Price). In Table 3 below, the total cost under the PSA method of producing 141,657,000 barrelsofoilisnotUS$3.482 billion as recorded in the financialstatements,butitis US$8 491 billion, some US$5 009 billion more, yielding an average cost per barrel of US$59 95, some US$35 37 more than the average cost of US$24 58 per barrel in the financial statements.

The implication of this result is that when the price ofabarrelofoilisUS$80.00 andthecostofabarrelofoil is US$59 95, the profit margin per barrel is only US$20.05(thatis,US$80.00 – US$59,95) In contrast, whenthepriceisUS$80.00


Rwanda’s refusal to refund UK funds –a diplomatic breach and ethical misstep

DEAREDITOR, I am writing to express mydeepdisappointmentand to heavily criticize the Rwandan government’s recent decision to refuse

refunding the UK government as part of the remigration agreement that was established under the government of Rishi Sunak ThisstancetakenbyRwanda not only undermines the agreement but also raises seriousquestionsabouttheir commitmenttointernational

cooperation and the principles of mutual respect and accountability in diplomaticrelations.

The remigration agreement between the UK andRwandawasasignificant diplomatic arrangement, aimingtoaddressthecomplex issueofillegalmigration This agreementwasintendedtobea mutually beneficial solution, providingtheUKwithaviable

option to manage illegal migration while offering Rwanda an opportunity for international support and collaboration. However, the Rwandan government’s refusal to honour their financial obligations as part ofthisagreementisablatant disregard for the principles of international agreements and diplomacy First and foremost,thisdecisionbythe R

international responsibilities Diplomatic agreements are founded on trust, mutual respect,andtheunderstanding that both parties will uphold their end of the bargain By reneging on their financial commitments, Rwanda is not onlyviolatingthetermsofthe agreement but also damaging their credibility on the internationalstage Thismove will undoubtedly strain the

diplomatic relations between Rwanda and the UK, potentially leading to wider repercussions in terms of future cooperation and support

Moreover, the refusal to refund the UK as per the remigration agreement is a clear indication of the Rwandan government’s disregardforthewelfareand rights of migrants The agreement was designed to ensure that migrants would be treated humanely and provided with opportunities forabetterfuture.Byfailing to honour their financial obligations, Rwanda is effectively jeopardizing the well-beingofthesemigrants and undermining the very purpose of the agreement. This raises serious ethical concernsabouttheRwandan government’s commitment to human rights and their willingnesstoprovideasafe

DidAshni Singh do everything possible to accommodate for a budget shortfall before asking the Guyanese people for more money?


, Reference is made to news reports that the Government of Guyana is seeking Parliament’s approval for over US$192 million (40 billionGYD)insupplementary funds to shore up needed expenditure up to the end of 2024.Earlierthisyear,Senior Minister in the Office of the President with Responsibility for Finance and the Public Service, Dr Ashni Singh had submittedanationalbudgetof 55billionUSD,whichwasthe largestintheGuyana’shistory Notabene,thecurrentbudgetis 3.5timeslargerthanthelast pre-oil budget of 158 billion

USD passed under the Coalitiongovernmentin2020 The record 2024 budget is in part financed by looting the Natural Resource Fund, Guyana’s sovereign wealth fund. TheNationalAssembly approvedthisrecordbudgetas requested in February 2024 Now, merely six months later Dr AshniSinghcomesbackto Parliament demanding a supplementary budget of US$192million,whichamounts to 35% of the 2024 national budget How come the Senior Minister in the Office of the President with Responsibility for Finance and the Public Service did not see this

development? Is this result ofbadplanning?

Didhecheckwhetherthere was room for savings or reallocationoffundsfromother budgetpoststomakeupforthe budgetshortfall?Inmyhumble opinion,thisiswhatonewould expectfromadefactofinance minister, whoshouldberunning his portfolio with caution and prudence Infact,anyGuyanese personandfamilyhastooperate on this basis to accommodate unexpected expenses, which mayoccurduringtheyear


andsupportiveenvironment for those in need Additionally, this decision reflects poorly on Rwanda’s governance and financial management If Rwanda is unable or unwilling to fulfil their financial commitments as part of an international agreement, it raises questions abouttheirfiscalresponsibility andtheallocationofresources withinthecountry Thismove could be interpreted as a signofmismanagementora lack of prioritization of important international agreements It is crucial for any government to demonstrate accountability and transparency in their financial dealings, especially when it comes to internationalobligations

Therefusaltorefundthe UKaspartoftheremigration agreement also has broader implications for Rwanda’s internationalrelations.Trust and reliability are fundamental components of diplomatic relations By breaking its financial commitments,Rwandarisks

damaging its reputation and credibility This could have far-reaching consequences, affecting their ability to negotiateandcollaborateon futu


agreements Trust once brokenisdifficulttorebuild, andRwanda’sactionsinthis instance could have longlasting negative effects on theirdiplomaticstanding.

Furthermore, the Rwandan government’s refusal to refund the UK undermines the efforts of the international community to address the global issue of illegal migration The remigration agreement was a step towards finding practical solutions to this complex problem Byfailingtohonour theircommitments,Rwandais hindering progress and potentially setting a dangerous precedent for other nations to follow International cooperation is crucial in addressing global challenges, and Rwanda’s actions in this case are a setback to these efforts In conclusion, the Rwandangovernment’srefusal

torefundtheUKaspartofthe remigration agreement established under the governmentofRishiSunakisa deeply concerning and disappointing decision This move undermines the principles of international cooperation, accountability, andrespectforhumanrights It raises serious questions about Rwanda’scommitmenttotheir international responsibilities, their governance and financial management, and theirwillingnesstoprovidea supportive environment for migrants Moreover, it damages Rwanda’s credibilityandreputationon the international stage, potentially affecting their futurediplomaticrelations.I urge the Rwandan government to reconsider theirstanceandhonourtheir commitments as part of the remigration agreement, for the sake of international cooperation and the welfare ofmigrants.


Without ring-fencing, improved...

Frompage04 for a barrel of oil and the average cost of a barrel of oil, using the data in the financial statements, is US$24.58, the profit margin is US$ 55 42 (that is US$80 00 – US$24 58) Therefore, this result confirmsthatthePSAIsnot really a Production Sharing Agreement;butinstead,itis a Profit Squeezing Arrangement; for costs are inflated and with no ringfencing as well as the Government paying the taxes for the Consortium,

profits are minimized, and costs are maximized Consequently,withoutringfencing, improved monitoring, and timely auditing; and without the end to government paying the consortium taxes, the Profit Squeeze will

continue until the oil is exhausted or until renegotiations generate a fair distribution of the benefitsforGuyana Regards Dr C.KenrickHunte Professor and Former Ambassador

Essequibo shop owner robbed at gunpoint

A female shop owner wasrobbedof$1.3millionin cash and jewellery early Thursday morning after bandits invaded her grocery shopandhomeatRichmond HousingScheme,Essequibo Coast,RegionTwo.

Police identified the woman as 58-year-old Dropattie Balgobin. Around 02:30hrs, the woman was awakened by a noise. Upon investigating, she noticed

that her shop’s door was open. As she entered the shop,shewasgreetedbytwo masked men, armed with gunsinthebuilding.

The men held her gunpointanddemandedthat she handed over the money Fearful for her life, the woman gave them her jewellery too and then they left.

Police are reviewing CCTVfootageforclues.

Hamas chief Ismail Haniyeh buried...


Revolutionary Guards and police forces was formed to investigatetheassassination, which was “one of the biggest intelligence and security failures in the country’srecenthistory”.

Ceasefire talks thrown into doubt Haniyeh was engaged in ceasefire talks with mediators Qatar, alongside Egypt and the United States. US President JoeBidenhassaidHaniyeh’s killing had “not helped” the situation.

Qatar’s Prime Minister Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdulrahman bin Jassim Al Thani, asked on X: “How canmediationsucceedwhen one party assassinates the negotiator on the other

side?” The international community called for calm amid fears of an intense regionalconflict.

Sami Nader, director of the Levant Institute for Strategic Affairs, told Al JazeerathatIrananditsallies werefacinga“verydelicate” moment “They need to calibrate the response to recover the deterrence that was [lost] without sliding intoanall-outwar,”hesaid.

Tor Wennesland, the United Nations special coordinator for the Middle East peace process, said it was “crucial that we act decisively and collectively to address the immediate threats and lay the groundwork for a lasting peace”.


Jagdeo - a one-man oil industry

There's no need for a Petroleum Commission!

Jagdeo is the best commission Guyana can have…

Guyana' oil industry doesn't need oil experts!

Jagdeo is the best and biggest expert Guyana has and will ever have!

Guyana's oil and industry doesn't need independent and credible watchdogs and managers! Jagdeo is all of them in one!

No surprise that Jagdeo and Exxon are so tight!

Jagdeo does right by Exxon;

Jagdeo is a blight to Guyanese!

Male drivers cause majority of accidents in Guyana – Minister Benn

Young male drivers reportedlycausethemajority of accidents in Guyana, Minister of Home Affairs Robeson Benn disclosed on Fridayduringthe2024Road Safety Stakeholders' Forum and Road Safety Campaign Launch.

Theeventwasheldatthe Police Officers Mess

Annexe, Eve Leary, Georgetown.

“Young men, mostly youngmensomeinthepublic transportation sector, young men who will go carousing and then become drivers of vehicles and our statistics perhaps as yet does not discern what the impact of drivingundertheinfluenceis in relation to road traffic


He added, “It merely talks about speeding but much of the speeding comes as a result of young and middleagedmentooIthink,”

Bennsaidattheforumwhich is a partnership among the Ministry of Home Affairs, the Guyana Police Force (GPF), Guyana National Road Safety Council,ANSA McAl Distribution Inc, and UnicomerGuyanaInc.

The forum addressed the commitmentandfutureplans of key stakeholders and partners on actions undertaken to reduce deaths, injuries, crashes and trauma onthecountry'sroadwaysby 50%.

“When we look at the

problem of course as it was mentioned that most of the accidents and the fatalities resulted are …mostly young men and of course there are otherstoo,whoareimpacted directly,” the Minister said duringhisaddress.

Benn acknowledged the inappropriate behaviour of road users and highlighted that as a result of this behaviour, fatal accidents/ accidents will be a continuousproblem.

Minister Benn said that most road fatalities occur on the weekends and in the evening. He said, “…From Fridays to Mondays and in the evenings are the times in which we have mostly these seriousevents.”

He continued: “…And it behooves us to pay a particular attention to better discernment of what those statisticstellsusandrespond with measures to deal with the phenomenal, which is (what) the statistics tells us about.”

At the forum, it was revealed that Guyana recorded74fatalaccidentsin 2023, while 56 road deaths are the current statistics in 2024.

As a result, the Minister said that specific attention willbepaidtobehaviours.

“…we [must] adapt the most responsible behaviour, to protect ourselves and by extensionourfriends,family, the community and the

country in respect of these issues,” he said noting that the issuing of posters about roadsafetycanaidincurbing the high incidence of accidents.

“And again, I say all our problem is improper male adult behaviour,” he said adding that “Our men still have economic power and physical power and our men still think they alone should lead.”

He continued, “ Our men still perhaps the younger ones, we have default perhaps in bringing themupofonethingtobethe leader,onethingtobethego getter, and not providing enough space I think for woman, for partnership, for

development, not yielding enough space, not opening enough more degrees of freedom for woman in partnershipinthesociety.”

Further,theHomeAffairs Minister said that road users speed because they assume theycangetawaywithit.

“It's simple, persons speed perhaps because they know even if they are charged, they would not appear in court to pay the fine,” Benn said while criticizing police officers for accepting bribery He said traffic offenders continue to break the law because they are allowed to pay bribes to escapepenalty



Gunmen escape with millions after duct-taping contractor in E.C.D home

Three gun

bicycles reportedly escaped with $5M worth in cash and gold jewellery on Thursday afterinvadingtheFoulis,East Coast Demerara (ECD), homeofacontractor

The bandits reportedly used duct tape to bind the contractor identified as Anthony Yakub, while forcing his wife to hand over thecashandgoldjewelleryat gunpoint.

Police said that Yakub was at home with his wife when the gunmen invaded and held them at gunpoint. They then duct taped the contractor's hands, nose and mouth before ordering the wife to hand over all their valuables. Fearful for their lives,thewomancomplied.

Shortly after the woman untied her husband and he immediately ran out of his house, entered his car and chased the bandits. He was abletocatchupwiththemand even knocked one off his bicycle but the thief still managed to escape with his accomplices.

Therobberywasreported tothepolicethereafterandthe contractor was taken to a hospitalfortreatmentafterhe was seen bleeding from the nose.

Investigators are reviewing footage from security cameras in the area wherethehomeinvasiontook place.

Investigations are ongoing.

The bandits then left the house and made good their escapeontheirbicycles.

Knife-wielding bandit robs taxi driver of jewellery

A 31-year-old taxi driver was robbed on Emancipation Dayatknifepointofhisgoldchainandringswhilewaitingon his friend at the Stanleytown Road, West Bank Demerara (WBD).The victim, Omeshwar Aaron, of Phase Two Belle West Housing Scheme, WBD was attacked late Thursday afternoon.AaronwasreportedlystandingontheStanleytown Roadwhenthebanditwalkeduptohimandplacedaknifeto his heck and began stripping him of his gold chain worth $82,000andthreegoldenrings.

Thebanditthenranawayafterwhichthevictimmadehis waytothenearestpolicestationtofileareport. Investigationsareongoing.

An economic lesson for Jagdeo

Whenmanagingexternal debt, focusing solely on the size of a country’s GDPcan bemisleading,especiallyifa significant portion of that GDP is tied to a volatile sectorlikeoil.Whilealarger GDP might suggest an increased capacity to absorb and service debt, it doesn’t account for the distribution ofthatdebtburdenacrossthe population.Ahighpercapita debtmeansthateachcitizen,

on average, bears a significant portion of the debt load, which can be especially burdensome in times of economic downturn.

The argument that Guyana has a much larger GDPthanin1992andmuch larger also in relation to its totalexternaldebtoverlooks the critical role that per capitadebtplaysinassessing

debtsustainability In 1992, the PPP/C rightlycriticizedthehighper capi



den, recognizingthatitplacedan onerous strain on the populace and necessitated debt relief for sustainable growth The PPP/C’s argument then was that debt relief was an imperative since the country simply couldnotgrowoutofitsdebt burden In other words, expanding GDP was necessary but without debt relief,thecountrywouldnot be able to climb out of its deepdebthole.

Today, despite a higher GDP,

sustainability remain the same The country’s economic resilience is contingent not just on the size of its economy but also

onthestabilityanddiversity ofitsrevenuesources.

With oil being the main growthpoleoftheeconomy, a decline in oil prices could lead to a substantial drop in both national revenue and GDP When oil prices collapse, it is not only oil revenues that would be affected but also the country’s GDP would contract.

Such a scenario would exacerbate the burden of servicing external debt, as the relative weight of the debtwouldincrease.Theper capitadebtwouldonceagain become a critical issue, as the country’s ability to generate income would be compromised, and the burden would fall disproportionately on its citizens.

Therefore, it is crucial


Cheating is wrang!

Dem boys seh dis country funny, funny bad. We quick fuh holler ‘cheat!’ when somebody tryfuhmekamoveinexam or sports. We set up all kinda fancy systems fuh prevent leak, peep, and sneak. Dem students gotta keep dem eyes pon dem ownpaper

And dem athletes? If yuh catch dem wid a lil needle, dem get ban quicker than yuh could blink.

And don’t talk bout marriage! Cheat on yuh spouse, and de whole village talking. Is like we got dis big morality compassfuheverything. But come elections, da

compassdoesspinwild.All of a sudden, all dem rules and morals does get throw out de window People trying fuh win by any means necessary Dem boyssehislikewegetblind fuhonesidewinning. Exams is about yuh proving what yuh know Sports is about fair play Marriageisabouttrust.But elections?Demisaboutwe future as a whole nation! Yet, we does pretend like cheating is alright as long as it bring we party to power Where de big, loud outrage gone? Dem boys seh,itgonehidinglikethief indenight. We quick fuh point finger at dem students,

athletes, and spouses, but whenitcometopoliticians and elections? We shoulda holler loud when we see corruption and dishonesty Politics shoulda got same moral standards like de rest.Butnah,wedoesonly talk ‘bout fairness in p o l i t i c s w h e n i s convenient.

Dem boys seh, if yuh gon play clean, play clean all round Not just in exams, sports, and marriage, but in politics too.‘Causeattheendofthe day, all we want is a fair deal, a fair shot, and a fair life. Yuh can’t cherry-pick morality, dat’s how de wholetingdoesspoil.


forpolicymakerstoconsider per capita debt when assessingdebtsustainability

A high per capita debt, coupledwithdependenceon a volatile sector, increases the risk of a debt crisis. The focus should not only be on the overall capacity of the economy to absorb debt but also on the potential vulnerabilities that could leadtoanunsustainabledebt burdenforthepopulation.

In the context of a potential downturn in oil prices, the size of Guyana’s GDP becomes largely irrelevant to the country’s abilitytoserviceitsexternal debt.Thisassertionisrooted in several critical economic realities.

Guyana’s economy has become increasingly reliant on oil, making it vulnerable to fluctuations in global oil prices. A downturn in oil prices would significantly reduce the country’s export revenues and, consequently, itsfiscalincome.Asaresult, the government’s ability to meet its debt obligations

would be directly compromised, irrespective ofthenominalGDPfigure.

While a high GDP may suggestarobusteconomy,it does not necessarily reflect therealeconomicactivityor the government’s fiscal health. In an oil-dependent economy, a substantial portion of the GDP may be attributedtotheoilsector If oil prices fall, the nominal GDPfigure may still appear highduetopastinvestments and infrastructure related to oilproduction.However,the real economic activity generating government

revenue would shrink, making it harder to service debt.

Debt servicing requires actual cash flow, which comes from government revenues. If oil prices fall, the revenue generated from oilexportswilldecline.This reduction in revenue means that,regardlessofGDPsize, the country might not have the necessary funds to meet i t s d e b t s e r v i c e requirements. The nominal GDP, inflated by past oil production, becomes a misleading indicator of the government’s financial capacity

In the event of plummeting oil prices, Guyana’s government will increasingly rely on non-oil revenues to sustain its activities, as the primary source of income from oil exports diminishes. If a significant portion of these non-oil revenues must be diverted to service external debt,itwillinevitablystrain public finances This diversion will likely necessitate cuts in public expenditure. Consequently, the economic and social development of the country couldbeadverselyaffected.

Adownturn in oil prices canleadtoadepreciationof the local currency, increasing the cost of servicing foreigndenominated debt This currency depreciation can alsoleadtoinflation,further strainingpublicfinancesand reducing the real value of any GDP gains. In such a scenario, the nominal GDP figure is disconnected from the government’s real

capacity to generate the necessary revenue for debt servicing.

A high GDP does not necessarily translate to a manageable per capita debt burden.Ifthepercapitadebt remains high, the burden on individual citizens remains significant. A downturn in oil prices would exacerbate this burden, as the government’s ability to servicedebtwoulddiminish, potentially leading to austerity measures or increased taxation, further stressingthepopulace.

As presently exists, our GDP is heavily skewed towards oil production Therefore, the GDP size, primarilydrivenbyoil,does not accurately reflect the economy’s capacity to handleexternalshocks.

This is why the size of Guyana’s GDP, inflated by oil revenues, becomes an irrelevant measure of its ability to service debt in the eventofrapidlydecliningoil prices. The critical factor is the actual revenue generated. Without a stable revenue base, a high GDP figureprovidesafalsesense of security and does not safeguard against the risk of adebtcrisis.

(The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinionsofthisnewspaper.)


From where, the PPP gets such classy company

Who will the PPPturn to now? Who else the party and party man will get to do dirty jobs, hatchet jobs, and subversive jobs? From where, from under which rock and hole, does the PPPget this kind of company? For sure, the fish rots from the head. And the PPP, as a party, as a government, is now rotted from the head through the scalesandfinsallthewaytothetip of the tail. Regardless of the glisteningcoloursinwhichthefish is dressed, it still rots, it continues to stink after the dreadful carcass has been removed from the sight andsmellofGuyanese. Ihavesaid it before for the benefit of my fellowcitizens,andIsayitagain,so that it registers deeply and stays. Whenthegodfatherisamadhatter, then what else is to be expected of those (the dregs of Guyanese society) that he finds comfort in surrounding himself with, those hustlerswhotellhimwhathewants tohear,thosetaintedoperatorswho do sick jobs that makes others recoil in horror? Guyanese are familiar with an old saying: “show me yuh companee an ah gon tell yuhwhoyouare.”

IgivetoGuyanesethecompany oftheoutstandingsquadofworkers

anddoersforthePPP'scause. Itis reallythemachinationsofoneman only Innormalcircumstances,that one mastermind would be the one that features most powerfully and prominently on the organization chart. SufficeittosaythatGuyana isnotanormalcountryanymore;it lostthatrecognitionandstandarda long time ago. Citizens make do with what they have, under which yokeofoppressionstheylive. The chief oppressor is the godfather, and he has his joyful company of doers and tricksters ready to dive into any cesspit and perform any dirty job that the moment (or the opponent) requires to be done. In the head of the mostly criminal company that now has become the standard caliber of a PPP that has lost its way, and couldn't find it, even if the party's elders and wisemenwerewillingtotry They are not, and so the band is disbanded a person at a time. For some reason, compulsory or randomly, the Americans are almost always in the thick of the dismantling of the PPP's fishy people and their fishier stories. Theydohaveanodouraboutthem, don't they?The first casualty was extractedfromacrowdandcarried

toacornerandquestioned. Oneof those marvelous pieces of modern technologywasthesmokinggunof smoking guns. The device was so hot that I am surprised it did not explodewhileinthecustodyofthe Americans and their laboratories that have special skills at unraveling these things. What did thePPP(anditsbiggestpeople)do? Tongue was held and teeth tightened. Lockjaw stepped in, other than the usual futile bluster from the regular bluffers. The second casualty was engaged at JFK International, and to this date, the government here has been terrorized into tranquilizing silence. A leading man from a leading national institution and all isquietontheGuyanafront. Then another ranking Guyanese made spectacular waves by being the beneficiary of an escort service, compliments of the US Government at JFK. Yanks again and at an airport that has mutated into the equivalent of an ICU located somewhere between an airplane door and the airport's automaticslidingexitdoors. Who wasnotextractedwasengaged,and then to top off all this special treatment,thereisonewhoclaimed

the proud status of being escorted. I love it, would gratefully accept oneofthosehonourguards. DownhomeinoldGuyana,the Americans were just as busy, only this time, it was a different kind of effort. Another Guyanese (one of several) is extracted, engaged, and endowed with equipment (foreign money, corporate documents, electronic feeds, and all expenses paid) to proselytize and propagandize on behalf an American Komodo dragon. Its powerful tail swings in huge, searching arcs and sweeps away badGuyaneseandenticesthegood ones. Theso-calledgoodonesare those in the PPP's galaxy of selfglorifying prattlers and pretenders who sell their souls for theYankee dollar When deceptions must be peddled, they spring to attention; the pay is that good, the lure of betrayalthatirresistible. Guyanese betraying Guyana and their fellow Guyanese. Where does the PPP (anditsresidentbadman)findthese kindsofpeoplefrom,andsoeasily, so frequently? I think that these PPP eggs were ethically and morally distressed to begin with (predators,pundits),buttheparty's culture and conditions cultivated

theworstinthem. Checkthemout. Jesus was sold for 30 pieces of silver Esausoldhisbirthrightfora bowl of broccoli. Today, the PPP hasthiskindofGuyanesehereand overseas selling themselves with abandon for undercover work and throug

arrangements. One more time for emphasis: how does Guyana keep churning out these fraudsters and pretenders, these double dealers and double dippers? The more relevant issue is this: where does this leave the PPP and its master arranger, manipulator, and conductor,PrinceMachiavelli. To whomwillhenowturn? Guyanese watchandwaittodetectwhoisthe next schemer, the next telephone owner, the next JFK traveler, the next local two-timer to be stripped of all their sordid pretenses and be exposed for who they truly are. Traitors to Guyana's call SabotagingGuyana'srichpromise. (The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of thisnewspaper.)

Emancipation arch unveiled at Victoria Village

DPI - The government has partnered with residents of Victoria Village, East Coast Demerara (ECD) to build an emancipation arch in the community in recognitionoftheresilience, sacrifices, and indomitable spiritofAfricanancestors.

Designed by 14-yearold, Kayden Meusa, the magnificent arch was unveiled on Thursday evening, as part of the community's Emancipation Dayactivities.

Attending the historic ceremony were Minister of Health, Dr Frank Anthony, Attorney General and Minister of Legal Affairs, MohabirAnil Nandlall, SC, and Chair of Victoria

Emancipation and Anniversary Planning Committee (VAPC), KennethSemple.

Minister Anthony said that the arch will stand as a lasting reminder for future

generations to fully understand and appreciate the sacrifices made by their ancestors.

“This is the history that youcamefrom.Ifwefailto remind the next generation of these atrocities, people wouldbelievethatwhatyou havetodayandwhatyouare c e l e b r a t i n g c a m e lightly…We have to find ways and means to teach peoplethishistorybecauseit is important,” Dr Anthony explained.

The health minister also believes that a lot more can be done to celebrate Victoria's rich tradition and culture.

“We have a very rich history Andwhatwewonin terms of this liberation in 1838didnotcomewithouta struggle. It came because there were lots of people over many years that were involved in struggling for change in this country We cangobackasfaras1763,” hesaid.

BackinAugust2013,the 1823Monument,whichwas

Second suspect charged with attempted murder of 6-year-old boy

Remanded: Odel Garnett

Attorney General and Minister of Legal Affairs, Mohabir Anil Nandlall, SC, and young artist, Kayden Meusa (DPI)

unveiled by then President, Donald Ramotar, honours the enslaved that lost their lives during the 1823 Demeraraslaveuprising.

Plantation Northbrook, renamedtoVictoria,wasthe first village in Guyana that was bought by the freed slaves.

Dr Anthonyemphasised

the importance of such celebrations, noting that everyone has been able to m a k e a v a l u a b l e contribution towards the developmentofGuyana.

Meanwhile, the young artist, Meusa noted that he conducted detailed research on Victoria's history to compile the design of the

arch. A plaque and a token were given to the youngster forhisexemplarywork.

Thesecondsuspectinthe attempted murder of 6-yearold Jeremiah Gustave, a student of Smith's Memorial Primary School was on Fridayremandedtoprison.

Theaccused,30-year-old OdelGarnettappearedbefore Chief Magistrate Judy Latchman.

TheboywasshotonJuly 9, 2024 on Charles Street, Charlestown, Georgetown during a dispute between the Garnett and another suspect MarlonChristopherWilburg, alsoknownas'MiceMan'.

During the dispute, gunshots were heard and the lad was shot in his head. He was rushed to the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation in a critical condition He remains a patient of the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) and is on life support.

Garnett was taken into custody on July 29, 2024, following interviews where he denied the allegations madeagainsthim.

However, witness identifications during a confrontation on July 30 further implicated Garnett in theincident.

Meanwhile, Wilburg, the firstaccusedinthecase,was arrestedearlierandremanded to prison until August 19, 2024.

The prosecution, citing theseriousnessoftheoffence and witness identifications, opposed Garnett's release Garnett will remain in custody until his next court appearance scheduled for August22,2024.

Theboy'smothersaidshe is thankful for the justice system and noted that it has beenatoughsituationforher

The emancipation arch that was unveiled in Victoria Village (DPI) V

Sod turned for construction of new Trust Company Guyana building

Trust Company (Guyana) Ltd. will soon be constructing a new office on Brickdam, Stabroek To mark the significant milestone, the company participated in a modest sod-turning ceremony.Witharichhistoryofover58 years, Trust Company (Guyana) Ltd. has been a key player in the financial sector, providing a broad range of servicessuchastraditionaltrusteeship,

mutual funds, estate planning, stock brokerage, commercial credit, i n v e s t m e n t , a n d w e a l t h management.Duringtheceremony,Mr Komal Samaroo, Chairman of the Board of Directors highlighted the importance of the new development. He said that the new building will solidifythecompany'smarketposition, and enhance customer experience and

employee convenience.The project is expected to be completed by the end of 2025 Mr Samaroo thanked the BoardofDirectors and management of Trust Company (Guyana) Ltd for the crucial role played in propelling the project to the new phase, as wellastotheemployeesfor their steadfast support of the company overtheyears.

Two Tucville Primary students who secured spots at Queen's College gifted laptops

TPrimary School

students who wrotetheNationalGradeSix Assessment (NGSA) and gained a spot at Queen's College,weregiftedalaptop, haversack and printer each, during a ceremony held on Tuesday to recognize their outstandingperformance.

The two students are 11year-old Jamel Fredericks andAmariahRodrigues.

At the simple ceremony held at the Practical Institution Centre, Samaan Drive, D'Urban Backlands, both students received the itemswhichwerecontributed by the residents of the Century Palm Gardens, D'Urban Backlands community Rodriguesinaninterview with Kaieteur News described her primary schooling as, “A good one” addingthat“itwasveryeasy but as I got to the different level of school, it became very hard and challenging anditwasverytough.”

She recalled what transpired during the COVID-19pandemic:“Istill rememberacouplestufffrom mypreviousclassbutwhenI went in Grade Four and my teacher in Grade Four and

Grade Five, they help to put moreknowledgeintomeand that's how I excelled. I feel veryhappyandexcited;allof those work; all of those studies, I did actually pay off.”

Similarly, Fredericks spoke of her academic journey in primary school. She told Kaieteur News that “GradeOnethetestwasvery easy” but elevating to the other grades became increasingly difficult She expressed elation at being able to attend the country's highestsecondaryinstitution. Meanwhile, the teacher that taught both students since Grade Four, Miss Malika Cossou said, “It was verychallengingconsidering all the obstacles we have encountered but because I wouldhaveseenthepotential inthemandtheywouldhave alsostartedacourseandthey would have able to press through, we overcame all of theobstacles.”

Cosssou explained that sheisextremelyproudofthe girls and their achievement notingthattheysetgoalsand worked eagerly towards them.

“Itisreallyagreatfeeling of accomplishment,” the teachersaid.

Representatives of Trust Company (Guyana) Ltd. at the sod-turning event held on Brickdam, Stabroek.
Jamel Fredericks (Right) and Amariah Rodrigues (left)

$881M wharf to be constructed at Charity

The Ministry of Public Works will soon be constructingan$881Mwharf at Charity, Region Two. The Charity Market wharf has been in a deteriorated state foranumberofyears.

Recently, the ministry advertised for bids to construct the new Charity MarketMultipurposeWharf.

Bidding for the project, which will be conducted

through the National

Competitive Bidding procedure specified in the Procurement Act 2003, is scheduled to open at the National Procurement and TenderAdministrationBoard (NPTAB) on August 21, 2024.

Regional Chairperson of RegionTwo,Vilma De Silva told Kaieteur News onFriday thattheprojectisexpectedto be done in two phases, with phase one being done this year and the other phase beginninginthenewyear

“Itwouldbeabrandnew wharf, the old one will be demolished and then you wouldseethestartofthenew one,”shesaid.

According to the Regional Chair, the move to havethenewstructurebuiltis becausethecurrentwharfhas outlived its lifespan posing a threat to persons that are operatingatthefacility

“Already persons who occupy there, we sent them

noticestovacatebecausethat structureoutliveditslifespan so it's only a threat for persons to be operating from there at the wharf,” she added.

Stilltoreceivethedesign w o r k s a n d o t h e r specifications for the project from the ministry, De Silva said she is unable to say if v e n d o r s w o u l d b e accommodated at the new structurewhencompleted. However, she noted that the Regional Administration is constructing a new market facilityatCharitywhichisset

to accommod

vendors.“I'mnotsure(if)we gonna house them, we want todosomechangesbutitwill berealtransformational,”she stated.

K a i e t e u r N e w s understands that the current Charity Market Wharf has beenaroundforover30years and is frequently being used by persons heading into the hinterland of Region One, and farmers living in the Pomeroonarea.

T h e R e g i o n a l Chairperson further disclosedthatanewfarmers'

of Region2/Facebook)


“Wealreadybuiltasmall wharf farther down the dam toaccommodate the persons who want to load and

offload,yesitiscompleted,” shesaid. This publication had reported in May that the Regional Administration

signed a $16,117,780 contract with Triple P Construction & General Supplies to construct the farmers'wharf.

The recently completed Charity Farmers Wharf. (Photos: RDC
The market and wharf at Charity, Region Two. (Photo Courtesy, Marco Farouk Basir's Facebook page)

UG student awarded ‘McGowan family education scholarship’

Victoria Village native Maritza Lutchman, a second-year law studentattheUniversityofGuyana (UG), has been named the 2023 recipient of the McGowan FoundationInc.scholarship.

The announcement was made duringanawardceremonyheldon July12attheHerdmanstonLodge. Lutchman,whowasselectedfroma competitive pool of applicants, received the scholarship valued at $1M.

Lutchman is the third recipient to receive the award which was established in 2021 and is funded by an annual fundraiser and donationsfromsupporters.

The foundation requires that scholarship recipients complete twenty-five hours of community service and maintain a cumulative Grade PointAverage (GPA) above 3.0.The McGowan Foundation's scholarship programme is known foritsstringentcriteria,includinga demonstrated commitment to public service and community development.

Expressing her gratitude, Lutchman vowed to uphold the values that the McGowan Foundationprizes.

According to the press release, shetoldthe My McGowanfamily,“ assuranceisgiventostaydedicated

experience to motivate and encourageotherstudentswhomay befacedwithfeelingsofdoubtand despair that I've once felt. I intend to serve as a testament of what is possible through prayer, faith and

transformative power of education duringtheceremony

“The McGowan family is committed to facilitating this transformation, one student at a time,”Hardingsaid.

Additionally,formerMcGowan Foundation President Lourdeth

Ferguson, who delivered the keynote address, emphasized the scholarship's alignment with the foundation's core values love, perseverance, honour, faith, scholarship, integrity, service, courage, and fellowship She reflected on the legacy of the foundation's founders, noting their impactoneducationandservice.

announcedthatthefoundationwill host its signature summer fundraiser,CurryQ,onAugust10. Following this event, the application cycle for the 2024 scholarship will open, continuing thefoundation'smissiontosupport deserving University of Guyana students.

CARICOM and Spain decide on areas of cooperation for the next five years

The Caribbean

Community (CARICOM) and the Kingdom of Spain

have signed a new agreement for technical cooperation in food and nutrition security, health, climate change, and disaster risk reduction for the next five years CARICOM Secretariatin a statementsaidthatthefocal areas were approved at the IV Meeting of the Joint Commission of the SpainCARICOM Fund which was held recently at the CARICOM Secretariat

h e a d q u a r t e r s i n Georgetown,Guyana.

The meeting was intended to continue the dialogue between CARICOMandtheSpanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID) to establish priority areas of cooperation and define the strategic objectives for a new cooperation program, withintheframeworkofthe Scientific and Technical Cooperation Agreement between the two parties.

Ms Elizabeth Solomon,

Assistant SecretaryGeneral for Foreign and

Community Relations, signed the agreement on behalf of the CARICOM Secretariat, while His Excellency Antón Leis García, Director ofAECID, signedforSpain.

Ms. Solomon stated that the areas were "wellaligned" with the Community's aims of increasing food security, addressing climate change, and strengthening regional healthsystems.

In terms of health, she

said: "CARICOM's strategic focus is centered on addressing emerging health challenges and fortifying health systems in the Region, with specific emphasisonpreventionand c o n t r o l o f N o nCommunicable Diseases (NCDs), enhancing maternal and child health outcomes, strengthening health systems to ensure universal access to quality healthcare services, and addressing environmental healththreats”.

She also stated that the Community is working to reduce the region's food import bill by 25% by 2025, improve intraregional trade, strengthen the agri-food system,

Assistant Secretary-General, Elizabeth (Centre, L) and Director of AECID, His Excellency Anton Leis Garcia (Centre, R), sign a new agreement for technical cooperation between CARICOM and Spain, during the IV Meeting of the Joint Commission of the Spain-CARICOM Fund held recently at the CARICOM Secretariat Headquarters. Looking on are CARICOM Secretary-General, Dr. Carla Barnett and officials from the CARICOM Secretariat and AECID.

foster long-term wealth creation opportunities for potential investors, and ensure food and nutrition security for all CARICOM MemberStates.

With reference to climate change, the AssistantSecretary-General stated that the meeting occurred at a time when severalCARICOMMember States were working to recoverfromthedevastation inflicted by Hurricane


“Thestormsthatimpact the Region are becoming stronger and more frequent The lack of access to concessional development financing and climate funding affects our ability to adapt to this crisis

Therefore, we must act u

development partners such as Spain to ensure the Community can face the

challengesahead,”Assistant Secretary-General Solomon stated.

The AECID Director h i g h l i g h t e d t h e importance and urgency of discussing how to work multilaterally as like-minded partners to address matters such as development finance, climate action, and support forHaiti.

“Weareveryengagedin Haiti. We never closed our

office. We remain engaged. We have contributed three million dollars to the international mission that is beingdeployedthere.

We salute the leadership of CARICOM not only in trying to bring security and stability to the country but also in forging a political solution and we are very encouraged by the developments on the ground.” Mr Leis stated. (CARICOMSecretariat)

foundation's President, Melissa
Maritza Lutchman (seated centre) holds the award while surrounded by members of the McGowan Foundation Inc. scholarship programme.


Wanted hair dressers and Nail Technician. Call: 6218851.

Two general workers wanted to work in Georgetown & Land of Canaan. Call: 225-6337 , 654-8997, 266-5243. One Nail tech to do house call. Please call: 223-5273/74

Wanted! Workers for packaging pasta and chowmein. $4100-$4900 per day. Workers paid weekly. Call: 611-7839.

Wanted urgently general domestic to work 3 days per week in Campbellville. Tele: 621-5140.

Wanted one male / female accounts/office clerk to work in Canpbellville. Tele: 621-5140.

Aracari Hotel WBD (VreenEn-Hoop) crystal clear swimming pool. Adult/children sections. Music & food. Contact:264-2946-9

Aracari Hotel WBD (VreenEn-Hoop) A/C rooms from $75 usd/$40 usd day rate WIFI, secure parking & poolside. Contact: 264-29469 / www.aracariresort.com


Nayelli school of cosmetology is n ow enrolling for cosmetology courses beginning September 9th,2024, 211 New Market st. Call: 226-2124.


Elevate your brand with our professional Graphic design services. Call: 619-0007, 6295526.

Visa Application:U.S.A, Canada & UK:Graphics design, advertisements, wedding arch rentals.Tel:6267040.

Auto Electrician and Mechanics needed. Send your CV To: omaransarimi@gmail.com or Call: 618-7066.

Vacancy for Receptionist and Hotel Attendant at Hick's Ville Hotel. Email: info @vegeworld.net or Call: 2310951/ 231-0952.

Now hiring: Executive Secretary, Project Engineer & Accounts Clerk, To apply send application via Whatsapp: 638-5303/ 638-1111.

Josel Educational institute seeks to employ a qualified science teacher. Email: joseleducation@yahoo.com or call: 226-7868 / 678-0652.

One Clerk for TSI Eccles office. English & Mathematics, grade 2. Email application: techserigy@yahoo.com or Call: 615-9132.

Maid to cook & clean for East Bank area. Call: 615-9132

Male Cleaner for Eccles. Call: 615-9132 or 645-8443.

Female Cleaner for office in Eccles. For more information Call: 645-8443

Experienced cook & kitchen assistant needed at Famous Flavour Creole Restaurant. Call: 676-5534 / 709-8131.

Hiring Cooks, Kitchen Assistant, Servers & Cashier. Apply at Beacon Cafe. Email : beaconcafe6690@gmail.com / whatsapp 655-8944. General domestic, must know to cook, clean , press ect. 3 days, $6000, 8-4 at Keyfood, Mcdoom village next to the post office.

Vacancy exist for one housekeeper & one cook. Please call: 657-8228. Must be over 40 years.

Vacancy for tire/tyre worker at 238 South Road & Alexander St. Whatsapp 6247333.

1 Honda CRV, includes TV, music system, alarm, reverse camera, sproiler, crashbar, low mileage PTT Series (first owner). Contact: 649-0956.

1 Toyota Allion, Pioneer DVD, CD & USB deck, reverse camera, alarm, low milage. Call: 649-0956.

Tractor foreign used Massey Ferguson 283 $2.6M Massey 165 $1.8M, Massey 135 $1.2M, Massey loader tractor $2.4M. #6825230, 6154414


4 bedrooms house at Lamaha Gardens, $2,800 USD. All amenities provided along with parking, long term only! Call: 679-2966.

Office space for rent at 43 Croal Street. Call : 681-6018 / 672-8599.

Hyundai (Excavator) 140 long boom. Contact : 657-9231 / 692-0557 for more information.


Bus tour to Suriname. 3 Nights & 4 days holiday, from Tuesday 6th August to Friday 9th. Contact : 650-3686.


Indian male seeking female for relationship (Pen-pal). Call: 734-5204.



PERSAUD of lot 59 Hope West, Enmore, East Coast Demerara, hereby give notice that I have applied to the Magistrate of the GEORGETOWN MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT for a Certificate under the Money Lenders’ Act, authorizing the grant to me of a Money Lender’s Licence to carry on the business of a Money Lender under the title of VALRICE PAWN SHOP of lot 59 Hope West, Enmore, East Coast Demerara, NOTICE of any objections to the application should be sent forthwith to the CLERK OF COURT OF THE GEORGETOWN MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT and a copy of any such notice should be sent to the subscriber, VALERIE ELIZABETH

PERSAUD of lot 59 Hope West, Enmore, East Coast Demerara,

Sworn to at Georgetown, Demerara, This 22nd day of July, 2024



FAMILY, DIVORCE AND MATRIMONIAL JURISDICTION FAMILY DIVISION Between:-Petition No. FD446 (LAKERAM) ROWENA ANGELINA nee SEWGOBIN Petitioner/Applicant -and(LAKERAM) BUDHRAM Respondent BUDHRAM LAKERAM Lot 11 Leonora Housing Scheme, West Coast Demerara. TAKE NOTICE that on the 21st day of March, 2024 a Petition for Divorce was filed against you by ROWENA ANGELINA LAKERAM nee SEWGOBIN, the Petitioner/ Applicant in the Family Division of the High Court in Georgetown, Demerara. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that as part of an Order made on the 14th day of June, 2024, the Petitioner/Applicant was directed to effect service of her Petition on you by publication of the Notice in two (2) consecutive Saturday issue of the Kaieteur News, a daily Newspaper printed, published and circulated in Guyana of General Circulation in Guyana and on the world wide web (online). AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that if you desire you may appear or attend in person or by your duly authorized agent or Attorney-at-Law at the Registry of Family Division of the High Court at Georgetown, Demerara where you will be issued with a certified copy of the Petition together with related documents.AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that if you desire to defend this Divorce, then upon receipt of the certified copy of the Petition and Application, you must file an Acknowledgment of Service, Notice of Intention to Defend (Forms are available at the Registry), Answer and/ or Cross Petition in the Registry of the Family Division of the High Court at Georgetown, Demerara within 35 (thirty-five) days from the date of the final publication of this Notice. TAKE NOTICE that the divorce is fixed for Directions Hearing on Friday the 4th day of October, 2024 at 9:15 am before the Honourable Madam Damone Younge Meeding ID: 845 1426 6584 and Password: 786 445.IN DEFAULT of your filing an Acknowledgement of Service. Notice of Intention to Defend, Answer and/or Cross Petition the Court may proceed in your absence and may make any Order it considers appropriate,

Man remanded for 2023 murder of bystander in West Ruimveldt

Remanded: Quacy Craig


Quacy Craig was remanded on Friday to prison after being charged for the alleged 2023 murder of Dexter Horsham at West Ruimveldt, Georgetown. Craig appeared at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Court before Principal Magistrate, Judy Latchman who read the indictable charge to him. He was not required to enter a plea.

Horsham was reported shot and chopped on August 10, 2023 while another was injured in the process. The


including granting the Divorce.The Registry of the Family Division of the High Court is located at the Law Courts [Georgetown, Demerara]. The office is open to the public between 8:00am and 3:30pm Mondays to Thursdays and 8:00am to

2:30pm on Fridays except on public holidays and on such other days as the Registry is closed.

Dated the 2nd day of July, 2024.

two were spectators of a property dispute between a group of men in a pick-up and a soldier.

Police reports indicate that on the day of the incident, Craig, accompanied by others, went to Lot 425 Hibiscus Street, West Ruimveldt, to evict someone from the property, which Craig claimed belonged to his grandparents.

However, the accused was met with resistance from the persons at the house and persons in the neighbourhood which resulted in verbal and physical confrontation.

During the fight, Craig allegedly took a gun from his vehicle and gave it to one of his accomplices who shot Horsham and other persons who were trying to bring about peace. One of the accused accomplices dealt the deceased several chops about his body after he was shot.

The group then fled the scene.

Another suspect, Anthony La Rose called ‘Budhu’ was arrested one day after the incident and was remanded to prison August 17, 2023.

Police persistently sought the other suspects and that lead to Craig’s arrest on July 16, 2024.

During his arrest, Craig attempted to escape, resulting in police shooting him in the buttocks. He was treated at the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC) before being placed in police custody.

He was later charged for the offence of murder.

Craig is scheduled to return to court on August 22, 2024.

Farmers oppose Guyana Black Belly breeding

(Barbados TODAY)

Sheep farmers have voiced strong opposition to a joint venture with Guyana aimed at replenishing declining numbers of the indigenous Black Belly sheep, citing concerns over transparency and questioning the programme’seffectiveness.

The initiative, launched in 2022, involves exporting 1,000 Barbadian sheep to Guyana for breeding and meat production, with carcasses and sheep skins to be sent back to Barbados.

But Rommel Parris, president of the Barbados Sheep Farmers Inc., told BarbadosTODAYthatmany farmers are skeptical of the project’s progress and outcomes.

“Alot of farmers are not in favour of exportation to Guyana right now It’s a major concern across the board,” Parris said He highlighted a lack of empirical data and detailed reports: “We are not seeing any pictures, any videos of the animals who have gone down from the beginning.

Wehavenoempiricaldatato goon,nodetailedreports.”

Despite assurances from BlackBellysheepexpertDr Leroy McClean, the consultanttotheMinistryof Agriculture leading the programme, that progress was satisfactory; Parris expressed doubts about the information being relayed.

“We’re not seeing how they are striving, if they are striving. What environment aretheseanimalsbeingkept in,andsoon?”

Parris also claimed that the sheep exported to Guyana were primarily sourced from farmers going out of business or facing market challenges, rather than those actively supporting the initiative. “It was not an indication from farmersthattheyaregoingto take part in the project,” he said.

“Most of the sheep that went down, as I was informed,wereboughtfrom farmers and not from Greenland Livestock Research Station What happened was that farmers

The first shipment of black belly sheep which arrived in Guyana back in 2022.

who were going out of business they bought the sheep from. Those sheep were tested and then exported,” Parris said. “The farmers were either going out of business or did not have a market at that particular time for their animalsandthiswastheonly marketavailable.

“They were offering a pretty penny and sometimes when it comes to having money in your pocket, one has to think about paying utilities and making sure

Male drivers cause majority of accidents...

Frompage8 aimattrafficoffenderswhoassumetheycan, “makeacallandsomebodywillgetthemoff ofit.”

“Itismyviewnowthatwewillnotgeta better hold in this situation if people are not made to feel the appropriate sanctions for reckless misbehaviour, dangerous behaviour,”Bennstressed.

As such, Benn posited that traffic fines should increase three times while announcing that the Government intends to putinplacetherequisitetechnologyintrack courtcases.

“So I will push forward the effort along withtheAttorneyGeneral(AttorneyGeneral andMinisterofLegalAffairs,AnilNandlall, SC) to increase road traffic fines by at least threetimes,”theHomeAffairsMinistersaid while lamenting that the “road deaths and thosewhohavelosttheirlivesontheroadsis formeapersonaltragedytoo.”

Minister Benn reminded that the United Nations has the global imperative of road safetyandthereductionofroadtrafficdeaths this decade.As such, it is expected by 2030 thatthedeathsonGuyana’sroadwaysshould belessthan50annually

that ewe has access to land, thenwewouldlookatgiving some kind of incentive,” Parrisproposed.

Concerns were also raised about the costeffectiveness of the Guyana programme, with Parris noting expenses related to transport, quarantine, and butchering. He warned that these costs could lead to higher prices for consumers when the lamb cuts are shippedbacktoBarbados.

your house is in order and functioning So farmers caught at it. But it is not somethingthatfarmershave gone into. It is more of a circumstance that they participated.”

The sheep farmers’ spokesman advocated for a homegrown initiative to improve the industry, suggesting an incentive programme for registered Black Belly sheep farmers similartothoseinthepigand dairyindustries.“Onceanoteeth Black belly ewe is registered and a farmer wants to breed that ewe or theybredthatewe,aslongas

Despite Barbados Black Belly lamb being hailed for producing superior meat to that of wool sheep, this country imports 1.3 million kilogrammes of lamb, primarily from New Zealand, at a cost of $14 million. Parris argued that the funds allocated to the Guyana project could have been better invested in local f a r m e r s a n d a comprehensive breeding programme.

Inbreeding remains a significant challenge for the Barbados Black Belly sheep population, according to Parris He stressed the importance of improved record-keeping and the potential use of artificial

insemination and embryo transfer technology to addressthisissue.

M e a n w h i l e , t h e Barbados Agricultural Society is set to launch a census in August to determine the current population size of sheep on the island, which could inform future breeding strategies.

Parris highlighted inbreedingasamajorhurdle in the development of the livestock.

“Inbreeding has been a problem throughout the yearsanditwillbeaproblem no matter what,” he told BarbadosTODAY

“The Barbados Black Belly sheep carries a characteristic which is unique and though people will try to breed along a certain line, you cannot go outside this characteristic. Because the gene pool is so small, we’ve never really used the aspects of artificial insemination to its fullest or the embryo transfer technology Inbreeding will happen also because of the lackofrecord-keeping.This is why registration and a censusisimportant.”

Kamala Harris formally chosen as Democratic nominee

BBC - US Vic

PresidentKamalaHarrishas passed the threshold to clinch the Democratic presidential nomination in a voteofpartydelegates.

Speaking by telephone, Ms Harris said she was “honoured to be the presumptive nominee” as thevirtualrollcallcontinues ahead of the Democratic NationalConvention(DNC) in Chicago later this month. Ms Harris is the first black womanandfirstSouthAsian womantobecometheWhite House standard-bearer for a majorUSpoliticalparty

If she defeats Donald Trump, the Republican nominee, in November she would be America’s first femalepresident.

Sheranunopposedinthe virtual roll call after PresidentJoeBidenstepped asidelastmonthandquickly endorsed her Several potential rivals followed his lead. On Friday afternoon, Ms Harris formally became the nominee after securing the support of 2,350 delegates, the threshold required to earn the nomination.

“We believe in the promise of America and that’s what this campaign is about,” she said in brief remarks by phone as she crossedthebenchmark.

“Weareinthis,weareon theroadandit’snotgoingto be easy, but we’re going to getthisdone.”

Intotal,Democratshave said 3,923 delegates - or 99% of the participants -


The roll call began on Thursday and ends on Monday Presidential and vicepresidential nominees are typically anointed at their party conventions, but the relatively late date of the 2024 DNC risks falling afoul of state ballot access laws. Ms Harris, 59, was borninOakland,California, and is the first Democratic nominee in the party’s nearly 200-year history to hailfromawesternstate.

The many identities of the first woman vicepresident

She rose through the ranks of state politics from San Francisco district attorney to California attorney general and then USsenator Beforedropping outoftherace,MrBidenhad easily won the Democratic primary Hedidnotfacestiff opposition despite voter concerns about his age and had won backing from 99% ofpledgedDNCdelegates.

But the 81-year-old faced escalating pressure from within the party to withdraw after a poor June debate performance against Trump.

The decision to hold a virtual nominating process ahead of the 19-22 August convention was made while Mr Biden was still the presumptivecandidate.

It came in response to rules for ballot access in the stateofOhio,whichrequires that candidates for the November ballot be

formally selected 90 days before the election - or by 7 August.

Republican leaders in the state had warned they would enforce the law and, though lawmakers eventually created an exemptionastheyhavedone in the past, Democrats said an early rollcall would preempt further risks of their candidates being excluded fromtheballot.

Delegatesdonotneedto voteonthevice-presidential pick. Ms Harris is expected tonameherrunningmateby Monday

The Trump campaign and some Republicans have criticisedthereplacementof Mr Biden with Ms Harris, arguingsheisthefirstmajor partycandidatetosecurethe nomination without holding a press conference or a sitdown interview Some have referred to the substitution as a “coup”. But Ms Harris has hit the campaign trail hard since Mr Biden’s endorsement, making the case against Trump in multiple campaign rallies and fundraisers across battlegroundstates.

OnFriday,thecampaign announced it had raised more than $310m (£242m) in the month of July, with more than two-thirds of people donating money for thefirsttime.

That figure is more than double the $138m raised by the Trump campaign last monthandmarksthebiggest haul of the 2024 election cyclesofar

Venezuela alleges U.S.-led ‘coup’ attempt as more governments recognize opposition victory


(Reuters) - Venezuela’s government accused the U.S. on Friday of being behind what it called a coup attempt, as some regional governments recognized the opposition candidate as the winner of the country’s disputed presidential election. Foreign Minister Yvan Gil said Washington’s recognition of opposition candidate Edmundo Gonzalez showed it was “at the forefront of a coup attempt.”

“Venezuela’s democracy isoneofthemostrobustinthe world,noefforttoundermine it will be able to do so,” the governmentsaidinastatement shared by Gil. On Thursday, U.S.SecretaryofStateAntony Blinken recognized Gonzalez as the winner, citing “overwhelming evidence” Gonzalez on Friday thanked theUS inasocialmediapost “forrecognizingthewillofthe Venezuelan people”Amajor Venezuelan opposition movementmeanwhilesaidits headquarters in Caracas was vandalizedovernightaftersix hooded men with guns overpowered its security guards, entered the office and tookequipment

“We denounce the attacks and insecurity to which we are subjected for political reasons,” the movement said on social media Tensions have escalated after the official electoral council declared President Nicolas Maduro, whohasbeeninpowersince 2013, the winner of the July 28 vote. At least 20 people have been killed in postelection protests, according to U.S.-based NGO Human RightsWatch.Atleast1,200

peoplehavebeenarrestedin connection with the demonstrations, according toMaduro,whohassaidtwo out-of-commission prisons are being revamped to hold them. Relatives of some of those arrested gathered outside police headquarters in Caracas on Thursday to callfortheirrelease.



ezuela’s e

ctoral council,ElvisAmoroso,said onFridaythatnearly97%of votes in last Sunday’s election have now been tallied and reaffirmed what he said was Maduro’s victorywithjustunder52%.

Amorosodidnotprovide detailed, ballot box-level voting tallies that governments around the world have called for to showMaduro’svictory Meanwhile,theelectoral authority’s website has been downsinceMonday,andthe government has blamed a cyberattack.Theopposition says its tally of a vast majority of the votes shows Gonzalez received more than double the support of the incumbent president, in line with independent pollingconductedbeforethe contest.

The opposition has published a public website with nearly 82% of the nationaltallydowntoballotbox level Argentina’s foreign minister on Friday recognized Gonzalez as the president-elect, while Uruguay’s foreign minister said it was clear Gonzalez obtained the majority of votes.Othergovernmentsin the region have taken a different tack Mexican

President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador on Friday described Blinken’s recognition of Gonzalez as “anexcess”andsaidBlinken was “overstepping his boundaries.”

Lopez Obrador made the commentsadayafterMexico, Colombia and Brazil, whose leadershavetraditionallybeen friendlierwithMaduro,called onVenezuela’sgovernmentto “move ahead quickly” and publishdetailedvotingtallies “We need to talk with the (Venezuelanelectoralcouncil) itself(and)otheractorsandget a clearer idea of what happened,becausethetruthis thattothisdaywedonothavea clear view because the voting tallies were not distributed as expected,” Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva’s top foreignpolicyadvisor,Celso Amorim,toldCNNBrazilon Friday

In the interview, Amorim described the opposition’s voting tallies as “informal data”, without providing proof,andsaidsomeofitwas “based on quick count mechanisms, exit polls ” Amorim, who met with Maduro on Monday after beingsentbyLulatoobserve the elections, said Brazil did not wish to interfere in Venezuelan affairs but sought “a conclusion that is most positive for the Venezuelan people” Opposition marches are expected in Venezuela on Saturday Gonzalez and opposition leader Maria Corina Machado, who said in a opinion piece published on Thursday by the Wall Street Journal that she is in hiding, are expected to attend.

Avion Kesney, Rehana Romain shine at YBG’s All Star Basketball Weekend

Team G-Boats (Yellow) and

Team Chico (White) clinched the Boys’ andGirls’Under-18AllStar titles, while Team KFC (White)dominatedtheBoys’ U14 category as Youth Basketball Guyana wrapped upanotherNationalSchools Basketball Festival season

with their prestigious All Star Weekend event at the National Gymnasium last Sunday With the 2024 season concluded, Co-director of YBG, Chris Bowman and the team have many positives to look forward to inthecomingyears.TheAll Star Weekend is a unique

opportunityforthebesthigh school players to showcase their talent and skills with a bit more freedom, without the pressure of team expectations.

Avion Kesney from the KFC All Stars now has the distinction of winning the Most Valuable Player (MVP) awards in both the

NSBF Inter-School and All Star events, achieving this feat with a brilliant 22-point game against KFC Blue in Sunday’s U14 All Stars matchup.

Saturday August 03, 2024

ARIES(Mar 21–Apr 19)

A challenging day is in store foryou,Aries.Ifyou'repartof a group or team or simply among friends, you may feel somewhatillatease.Couldit be that you instill jealousy in others? There's only one way tofindout.

TAURUS(Apr 20–May20)

Sometimes dreams seem like just that - dreams. Travel, a project, or a new home could be a few of the things you've beentryingto accomplishfor sometimenow


You'll go one of two ways today, Gemini. Either you'll turn inward and meditate in a corner or you'll find a good friend and confide your dissatisfaction.


Today is going to be an excellent day for meeting interesting people, Cancer And there will be nothing superficial about these encounters. On the contrary, the people you are going to meet will touch you profoundly


You can expect today to be kind of intense, Leo. Even if you've made a conscious decision not to let anything get you down, you may still harbor some negative emotions from the last few days.


The little fighter that you are makesitverydifficultforyou to join us in the great communal river that we're all tryingtonavigate,Virgo.You prefertotravelsolo.


Be disciplined about all areas ofyourbody,Libra.Takeextra care to eat healthful, balanced meals. Make sure you get enough sleep And even thoughyougripeabouthaving no time, get out there and exercise.


If you've been feeling deep anger,todayisn'tthedaytolet it out but rather the day to consider its source. Any large gatheringsoffamilyorfriends shouldbeavoidedatallcosts.


If by chance you still harbor some resentment toward someone, Sagittarius, it will probably come out today.You might be uncompromising or evenvengeful.


You don't suffer fools gladly, and superficial fools even less so. You have a mind to teach those around you a lesson. You'reuncompromisingtoday, and you can't understand why others don't have your same highstandards.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20–Feb. 18)Hereisadayofchallenges, Aquarius You're a pro at questioning yourself, as you'll prove today when you take a

u r accomplishments What have youcreatedofapersonalnature inthelasttenyears.


Ifyougivetheimpressionthat you're in a reserved and introspective mood (even if you aren't), you'll succeed in avoiding confrontation Today there is no such thing as a simpleexchangewithsomeone

Rehana Romain is another outstanding prospect on the basketball scene, clinching the Girls U18 All Star MVP award w i t h a n e l e c t r i c performance, scoring 18 points out of 27 as Team Chico (White) dismantled TeamBlueby13points.Her MVP performance also included 8 rebounds and 7 steals.

The Boys’U18 division, Cordel Hoyte and Colwyn Stephens dominated play against Team Blue, as Team G-Boats (Yellow) edged out theBlues59-57.

Both Hoyte and Stephens finished with double-doubles; Hoyte earned the coveted MVP awardwith20pointsand17 rebounds, while Stephens added 13 points and 10 rebounds.

Here are the highlights

West Indies announce squad...

Frompage23 balanced mix of experience and youth to maximize performance in Trinidad and Guyana. He explained the decision to rest Alzarri Joseph, citing his recent heavy workload and the need for recuperation to ensure peak performance. “KevinSinclairispresently recovering from an injury,” Coleyadded.

Thefullscheduleforthe seriesisasfollows:


1st Test: August 7-11, 2024, Queen’s Park Oval, TrinidadandTobago

2ndTest:August 15-18, 2024, National Stadium, Guyana


1st T20I: August 23, 2024, Brian Lara Cricket Academy, Trinidad and Tobago

2nd T20I: August 25, 2024, Brian Lara Cricket Academy, Trinidad and Tobago

3rd T20I: August 27, 2024, Brian Lara Cricket Academy, Trinidad and Tobago

from the Youth Basketball GuyanaHighSchoolAllStar Weekend2024: IntheUnder-14division, TeamKFC(White)defeated KFC Red 52-47. The points were shared among Avion Kesney (22 points, 8 rebounds, and 5 steals), Kemal Pickering (10 points and8rebounds),andDarren Dublin (8 points and 5 rebounds).

TeamChico(White),led by Rehana Romain and Junelly Paddy, down Team Blue 27-14. Romain top scored the game with 18 points, while Paddy contributed 8 points and 13 rebounds.

The Boys’ Under-18

division saw Team G-Boats (Yellow) toppling G-Boats Blue by a 2-point margin, with Hoyte, Stephens, and Stephen George sealing the winforTeamYellow

The match ended 59-57 in favour of Team Yellow ThetopPerformersforTeam G-Boats(Yellow)areCordel Hoyte (20 points and 17 rebounds), Colwyn Stephens (13 points and 10 rebounds), and Stephen George (12 points and 9 rebounds).

The event concluded the National School Basketball Festival season, sponsored this year by Edward B Beharry Ltd, G-Boats GY, andKFCGuyana.

National players to feature among start-studded teams as Kares One Guyana T10 bowls off today

Action bowls off today with 32 t e a m s competing in the second editionofKaresOneGuyana

T10 Blast tournament. Star attractions in former and current players in Leon Johnson,JonathanFoo,Kevlon Anderson, Christopher

Barnwell,AsadFudadin,and Keemo Paul are set to turn out for their respective teams. More so, seasoned campaigners like Omesh

Danmram,TrevorBenn,and Damion Vantull, among a host of talented national youth players, will be on show

Several active national players, former West Indies players, and numerous youth players are part of the T10 Blast,whichwillbeplayedon August 3 at three venues: Queen’s College Ground, Police Sports Club, and LusignanCommunity Centre Ground.

Thefollowingdaywillbe theRoundof16atPoliceand Lusignan,thequarter-finalsat Enmore Community Centre GroundonAugust11,andthe finals at the National Stadium, Providence, on August 25. The competition promises to be fierce, and a larger prize pool will entice the32participatingteams.

The champions will receive G$15 million, while the runners-up will receive G$500,000 The losing semifinalistseachgetG$250,000.

Players will vie for the titles of Most Runs, Most Wickets, and Player of the Final. Each winner will receive a Smart TV and a $75,000 cash prize, all compliments of Regal

Stationery AssuriaInsurance is not holding back either, offering a motorbike and $85,000 to the MostValuable Player Matches for today August3willseeMS-13AllStarsplayingTeamCorruption onPitch1from09:30hwhile Upsetters battle GPL Inc On Pitch 2 from 09:30h at Queen’sCollegeGround.

Montra Jaguars tackle Falcons XI at Police Ground from 09:30h Street Ballerz and Village Rams battle at Lusignan Ground from 09:30h EC Express play MahdiaalsoatLusignanfrom 11:30hwhileSoesdykeXIand AirportXIplayatQCpitch1 from 11:30h Renegades Cricket Club battle Tarmac Titans at PSC from 11:30h with Eccles All-Stars and

Eastsyde doing battle at QC pitch 2 from 11:30h Titans All-Stars play Stripling WarriorsatPSCfrom13:30h while PREMIER Insurance battleMinistryofHousingat QCpitch1from13:30h. Moruca SuperGiants tackleLilRamsatQCpitch2 from 13:30h with The Guards and Mahaica Super Strikersbattlingfrom13:30h at Lusignan Green Scorpions playAvinashAllStars at QC pitch 1 from 15:30h, with Brooklyn Youth Strikers and Cotton TreeDieHarddoingbattleat PSCfrom15:30h. Diamond Gunners andTGTitans play at Lusignan from 15:30h while The United Crew and BarticaBullswrapupaction atQCpitch2from15:30h.

Leon Johnson

West Indies announce squad for South Africa Series -

Kirk McKenzie dropped, Alzarri Joseph rested

SportsMax - ST


Cricket West Indies (CWI) hasannouncedthesquadfor the upcoming home Test series against South Africa, settotakeplacefromAugust 7to19,2024.Theserieswill feature two Test matches, with the first being held at the Queen’s Park Oval in TrinidadandTobagoandthe second at the National StadiuminGuyana.

shortly Thissquadreflectsa thorough evaluation of players’recentperformances and suitability for the

conditionsweanticipate.We areconfidentthatthisteamis well-balanced and capable of competing at the highest


Keychangesinthesquad include the dropping of out of form batsman Kirk McKenzieandtherestingof vice-captain Alzarri Joseph. Kemar Roach, who was injured during the recent series against England, returns to bolster the b o w l i n g a t t a c k Additionally, Keacy Carty and Tevin Imlach has been called up to strengthen the battinglineup.

Warrican. This combination reflects a balanced mix of experienced players and promising young talents, strategically selected to maximize performance in TrinidadandGuyana.

The squad, captained by Kraigg Brathwaite with Joshua Da Silva as vicecaptain, includes Alick Athanaze, Keacy Carty, Bryan Charles, Justin Greaves, Jason Holder, Kavem Hodge, Tevin Imlach, Shamar Joseph, Mikyle Louis, Gudakesh Motie, Kemar Roach, Jayden Seales, and Jomel

CWIDirectorofCricket, Miles Bascombe, expressed confidence in the squad’s ability to deliver strong performances against South Africa “The selection process for this squad was led by our Head Coach, Andre Coley, pending the implementation of our new selectionprocess,whichwill be rolled out in the coming daysandarticulatedpublicly

level,”Bascombesaid.Head CoachColeyemphasizedthe strategicselectionofa
Cricket West Indies (CWI) has announced the squad for the upcoming home Test series against South Africa.



SportsMax - Jamaica wastheonlyCaribbeanteam tosecurealaneinthefinalof the 4x400m Mixed Relay as they were dragged in qualifying by United States, which registered the first World Record of the Paris OlympicGamesattheStade deFranceyesterday

Running from lane six

n Norwood, Shamier Little, Bryce Deadmon, and Kaylyn Brown left the field in their wake to stop the clock in 3:07 41, b

wn previous mark of 3:08 80

set at last year’s World C

OlympicRecordof3:09 87 set in Tokyo, was also erased France (3:10 60) and Belgium (3:10 74) were second and third with national record times,

while Jamaica’s quartet of Raheem Hayles, Junelle Bromfield,ZandrionBarnes, a

d S



n McPherson also clocked a nationalrecordof3:11.66for fourth. They progressed as one of the fastest nonautomatic qualifiers, along withPoland(3:11.43).

Bahamas struggled throughout and ended at the back of the pack in 3:14.58. The same is true a

Republic (3:18.89) in heat two.

That heat was won by Great Brita

n in a national record 3:10 61, ahead of Netherlands (3:10 81) and Italy (3:11 59)

Stephanie Ann Mcpherson anchored Jamaica to fourth. (World Athletics)

Westside Golf Course to Host inaugural Hole-in-One Hole-in-One Challenge

with over $500k in prizes -TeesoffAugust11

The Westside Golf Course in Vreed-en-Hoop is set to host Guyana’s first ever Hole-in-One Challenge.

The Westside Golf Course in Vreeden-Hoop is set to host Guyana’s first ever Hole-in-One Challenge next Sunday,August11th.

Action tees off from 15:00h-18:00h with the highlightoftheeventwillbe the famous island green, designed by renowned

Guyanese golf course designer and Guyana Golf

Association (GGA) presidentAleemHussain. Players will vie for their chance to win over $500,000 in prizes by testing their skills on this iconic feature Golf enthusiasts will have the opportunity to win a

grand prize of $100,000 cash, along with additional prizes including airline tickets,resort stays, dinners, cases of beverages, and muchmore.

Located alongside the new highway connecting the Harbour Bridge to the existing main road, Westside Golf Course

Fraser-Pryce, Richardson and Alfred to contest same women’s 100m semifinal in Paris

SportsMax - The semifinals of the women’s 100m at the Paris Olympics will provide some of the most anticipated battles of theathleticsprogramme.

With all the projected m e d a l c o n t e n d e r s successfully making it throughtheheatsyesterday, the fields for today’s semifinals have been set with a monumental clash set to take place in the second semifinal between three of the fastest women onearth

The second semifinal will see Jamaica’s threetime Olympic champion Shelly-Ann Fraser-Pryce

lining up against American reigning World champion and current world leader Sha’Carri Richardson as well as St Lucian reigning World Indoor 60m champion and 2023 Bowerman Award winnerJulienAlfred

Fraser-Pryce was the fastest of the three in yesterday’s heats with her 10 92 to finish second behind Marie JoseeTa LouSmithintheeighthandfinal heat.

Richardson ran 10.94 to win the first heat while Alfred won the second heat in10.95.

Therestofthefieldfor semifinal two includes Gina Bass-Bittaye, Rosemary Chukwuma, Bree Masters, Patrizia Van de Weken, Imani Lansiquot and Gladymar Torres

J a m a i c a ’ s Shashalee Forbes will c o n t e s t t h e f i r s t semifinal against the likes of Ta Lou-Smith, who was fastest in the heatswithher10 87,2019 World 200m champion Dina Asher-Smith and W o r l d I n d o o r

Championships 60m

silver medallist Ewa Swoboda Zaynab Dosso, Rani Rosius, Melissa

Jeffferson, Mujinga Kambundji and Boglarka Takacs complete the field inthatsemifinal

J a m a i c a ’ s T i a Clayton and Trinidad & Tobago’s Leah Bertrand will contest the third semifinal

T h a t f i e l d i s completed by Daryll Neita, Audrey Leduc, TeeTee Terry, Karolina Manasova, Zoe Hobbs, Gina Lueckenkemper andDelphineNkansa.

The top two from each semifinal will advance to the final along with the next two fastest times

The semifinals are set to start at 12:50pm Jamaica Time (1:50pm EST) with the final scheduled for 2:20pm (3:20pm EST)

boasts a unique layout and luxurious condos with stunning views of the AtlanticOcean

All profits generated

from the event will be donated to orphanages in Region Three, supporting thelocalcommunity Players of all skill levels

from beginners to seasoned players are welcome to participate as there will be a variety of challenges and prizesforeachcategory

Shelly-Ann Fraser-Pryce, Sha’Carri Richardson and JulienAlfred will be lining up against each other in the same semifinal at the Olympics.

Fraser-Pryce, Richardson and Alfred to contest same women’s 100m semifinal in Paris

Avion Kesney, Rehana Romain shine at YBG’s All

Star Basketball Weekend

National players to feature among start-studded teams as Kares One Guyana T10 bowls off today

YoungAvion Kesney (right) claims another NSBF MVPaward.
Rehana Romain (right) receiving her MVP award at the conclusion of the 2024All Star Weekend at the National Gymnasium.
Jonathan Foo
Keemo Paul

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