Sunday August 09, 2015
Kaieteur News
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Kaieteur M@ilbox
Kaieteur M@ilbox
Is Jagdeo the new messiah against corruption?
GUYSUCO can only recover through efficiency and a motivated workforce
DEAR EDITOR, My pursuits since the 2015 elections campaign have taken me on a different course and thus I do not pay much attention to verbal emissions from Freedom House or in particular the pedantic nonsense associated with their leader, Bharat Jagdeo. But I was sent a piece from the Guyana Times captioned “Jagdeo unveils massive corruption scandal” dated August 6th, 2015. It cannot be logical that persons within a crooked institution that siphoned off billions of state resources for over a decade in a corrupt manner, to lavish on their best friend by way of single sourced pharmaceutical contracts, now have the brass to pretend that they are the new messiahs on a crusade against corruption. The essence of the statement was that he (Jagdeo) believed that the forensic audits were “initiated in an illegal nature”. He pointed out that the APNUAFC Government provided these auditors to its staunch supporters namely Dr. Anand Goolsarran and Mr Christopher Ram. What poppy cock! The Procurement Act, 2003 states clearly that a procuring entity may singlesource when: “owning to a catastrophic event, there is an urgent need for the ... service... making it impractical to use other methods of procurement because of the time involved in using other methods of procurement”. The Minister of Finance was totally in order to use the services of anyone to conduct these forensic audits using sole sourcing, because it would have been financially
imprudent to take over the financial books without establishing the closing balance sheets and income statements at each entity after over a decade of PPP financial skullduggery. If full tendering processes were used, the earliest these audits would have commenced would have been the end of July 2015. That would have been too late for the new APNUAFC Government and would have provided enough time for the PPP operatives, still in the system, to cover their tracks. Today we would not have had a former PPP Minister and potential PPP MP in front of the courts for a serious allegation of fraud. What I cannot support is the single sourcing of the annual audits, since that is a programmed activity that is planned for well in advance. However, these forensic audits are a one-off emergency and thus qualify for single-sourcing. As to Dr. Goolsarran, I personally know of situations where he was asked to join the campaigns but both in 2011 and 2015 and on both occasions he politely refused, stating that he really enjoys and values his work in civil society especially what he was doing at the Guyana Chapter of Transparency International. I personally engaged Dr. Goolsarran on many issues of a technical nature and on every single occasion, his advice was always technically clear and never political. So it is most dishonest to brand this brother as a political supporter of any political party. He lives a simple life and just wants his homeland to be a Mecca of good governance. He see himself as one of the custodian of good governance in Guyana and therefore you will never find him building any Taj Mahals by the seaside on two massive mansion-
lots with taxpayers’ money. He shops at the market just like the ordinary people with his own money and does not run around the world living like a Caesar on the resources of the ordinary taxpayers. It is grossly immoral that a paper Maharaj who feasted off of the people for years now wants to attack this almost Gandhian figure just because he is doing good work at exposing the financial skullduggery of the PPP King Kongs. In conclusion, I observed of late, that the PPP operators have launched a campaign of extreme misinformation through several mediums, be it the Guyana Times, Citizens Report, Progressive News and the Mirror Papers. Clearly GINA and NCN are ill prepared to respond to this barrage of misinformation on the actions of the APNUAFC Government emanating from Freedom House. Yet to date, the independent news houses like Kaieteur News, Stabroek News and Capitol News cannot secure a radio and TV licence to bring balance to this situation. This topic of the issuance of radio and TV licence to the professional news agencies has to be urgently revisited, so that we can empower the professionals to bring greater balance to the airwaves. Sase Singh
DEAR EDITOR, Very few corporations in the world can survive in a competitive market under government control. State apparatus are not equipped or designed to compete in this arena and as such they normally fail miserably. It is the reason why countries like Russia quickly privatized most or all of their industries to recover their economy and in China you see Alibaba becoming the first private holding to own a bank. In the case of GUYSUCO it is no different; anyone with a good pair of lens would see that the sugar industry will not survive on the world market at the high cost of production it is experiencing. And to make matters worse, it is a political football. Some can even say that the birth of AFC came out of the misery of GUYSUCO, especially in the Berbice region. Apart from the other factors, such as diversification, there are two key factors that give companies a competitive edge; that is, constantly improving efficiency and investing in a highly motivated workforce. None of which GUYSUCO seems to possess presently. The Guyanese mindset towards GUYSUCO is that it is a “cash cow” for everyone to grab
their share, with no concern for its long term survival. All successful corporations today are focusing their resources and energy in human capital by reshaping the landscape of their leadership structure. This includes challenging their leaders to be servant leaders that build partnership with their workers, instead of a top down autocratic approach. Companies understand that everyone in the workforce wants to have a say in the decision making process and be able to provide ideas to their bosses who would listen. Monetary incentives are no longer the standard for lean productivity, it is now equally important to create a sense of ownership among everyone. Management will have to quickly learn to stop massaging their egos on the backs of the labourers and remove that negative of “master and servant” relationship. Instead managers should be measured based on their ability to have a happy and productive workforce that respects management and wants to
work for the interest of the company. Efficiency in this context then means, that there should be constant review of how to make every process move faster with less cost. From saving stationery to pulling punts through the canals should be subject to new ideas and out of the box thinking. Kaizans and other pilot projects should be done as much as possible with measurable cost savings and be implemented with speed. These ideas for process improvement should not only come from the top, but mainly generated from the bottom up. The cane cutter should be encouraged to work side by side with management to help implement and improve processes. These are concepts that are more effectively done through the private sector; however, the government would still have to ensure that there is sufficient job security for workers. And stop making GUYSUCO a political football. MALCOLM WATKINS Rise for Democracy and Unity
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Kaieteur News
Sunday August 09, 2015
Kaieteur M@ilbox
Kaieteur M@ilbox
Zulfikar’s embarrassing cry reveals how he was ‘favoured’
The GPF needs an urgent upgrade in criminal investigative techniques
DEAR EDITOR, I am reading that “Another member of the Opposition People’s Progressive Party has sued the APNU+AFC Government over the wrongful termination of his contract.” This gentleman is Zulfikar Mustapha, Executive Secretary of the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/ C). In a writ filed in the High Court against Attorney General, Basil Williams, Mr. Mustapha is claiming that “he [Mustapha] was the Community Relations Liaison Officer for Region Six, and had a three year contract with the previous government, earning a monthly salary of $356,086. Further details highlight that the contract commenced from January 30, 2013 and was scheduled to end on January 29, 2016. However, according
to Mustapha, on May 29, he received a letter from Minister of State, Joseph Harmon, informing him that his contract was terminated with immediate effect. The end scenario as far as Mustapha is concerned is that the government owes him in excess of $500,000 in damages for breach of contract. The PPP/C Candidate is thus claiming that his contract was terminated with immediate effect and therefore, he has not been given the three (3) months’ notice to which he is contractually entitled, nor was he permitted to take his vacation in accordance with clause five (5). So he is saying that he is entitled to the three months’ salary in lieu of that notice, and pro-rated pay in lieu of his vacation. Mr. Editor, there are a few minutiae that are not
necessary, and so not to be consumed with minor details, I quickly state that this man’s highlighting of his salary is enough to make good people puke. Honest. His salary is absolutely gigantic-way beyond our teachers and lecturers; way beyond our nurses and high-level health care workers; and I can add a few other classes of employees. Mr. Mustapha was quick to highlight his now ‘missing money’ but I am wondering why the absence of a ‘list of duties’ and a summary of his qualifications/experience for the post of a Community Relations Liaison Officer for Region Six? I want him to justify his suitability for the position that he was in all likelihood ‘gifted.’ Another thing Mr. Editor, I am all for examining ‘highend-high-paying’ positions of many, who were inextricably connected to the People’s Progressive Party/Civic, during its tenure of 23 years as Government of Guyana. The likes of Mr. Zulfikar Mustapha were too many, and if this ilk (of the favoured and unqualified) must be dealt with, so be it. This is all about good governance and equality. Mahase Deodatt
DEAR EDITOR, The GPF needs an urgent upgrade in criminal investigative techniques as they appear “at sea” when investigating major crimes and charging ALL responsible. I’ll highlight just two cases, Crum-Ewing execution and the beating death of the elderly lady. In the Crum-Ewing killing, detectives recover the murder weapon and arrest a suspect. Why did it take so long to bring charges against the individual? And if delaying charges is not bad enough, they have not charged anyone else for being an accessory. Editor, any competent police department investigating Crum-Ewing death would, after recovering the murder weapon, subject the suspect to a lie detector test not only to determine if he was the actual trigger man, but to also ascertain if he had accessories. Additionally, the most glaring investigative deficiency in this case is the
absence of the telephone records of the suspect from the days leading up to the killing and the moments after the killing. Moreover, all allegations made by the accused should be thoroughly investigated and not brushed under the rug as mere allegations. Why were two charges, one for illegal weapons possession and the other for murder not filed? If the defendant is found not guilty of murder would he walk out of court a free man the way others did? Regarding the killing of the elderly lady and the person captured on video at the murder scene. The police were reported in the newspapers as stating that they have a suspect in custody but not sure if he is the killer. Did the police forget about the use of fingerprints? The individual in custody is either a person of interest or the suspect! In this case also, telephone records could tie others responsible to the crime. Before ending Editor, can you
explain why you cannot publish the names of persons arrested by the police for questioning, or the names of individuals against whom allegations are made? We read in the newspapers and see on TV allegations made against named prominent individuals like Bill Cosby, TV anchor and son of former New York Police Commissioner, Joe Kelly. What makes Guyana different? If some of these individuals lived in Guyana they would have remained in a cloak of secrecy ‘protected’ by the press to continue their deviant behavior until arrested and charged. It appears that only if you are a notorious criminal like ‘Fineman’, only then your name is mentioned. By publishing the names of individuals against whom allegations are made puts the nation on guard and could result in persons whose lives were affected by the named individuals to come forward with evidence. Joe Owen
From page 4 My opinion is that the random pull-overs are a form of harassment. Based on suspicion and/or violation of a traffic law, only then should the police ask the driver to pull over If there is no response to this letter, I will call the Commissioner. I will cite the conversation I had with Mr. Moore. If the Commissioner insists that the random policy is still dormant, then I will in-
tervene whenever I see random stops because citizens’ rights are being violated. I herby ask others to join in this campaign. Finally, given the unimaginable increase in vehicles on the road, traffic personnel could better serve the nation by going to headache points in the city where it takes more than fifteen minutes just to move. Here are some of those areas. Robb and Alexander
Streets after 4 pm when there is a Robb Street open market on four days of the week. It is complete madness there. Robb and Camp Streets; Orange Walk and Regent Streets; Regent Street and Cummings Street; Avenue of the Republic and Robb Street. These are just a few areas where the traffic need police regulators during the morning and afternoon rush hour Frederick Kissoon
Does the right hand of the police force ...
Sunday August 09, 2015
Kaieteur News
Hyperinflation looming in Venezuela: nearly 82% say they can’t afford food
Some Venezuelans say that cant afford food Fox News Latino - Lucrezia Fanelldi is 81 years old but she won’t let go of her post as a secretary in a Caracas office because her pension is not enough to cover her most basic needs. “I just get the necessary, but things are more and more expensive each week,” she told Fox News Latino. “I used to buy fruits, but now I can’t because money is not enough. I am just buying lemons and drink them with water because I need vitamin C,” Fanelldi said in a recent afternoon while buying groceries in the Chacao food market, in eastern Caracas. Her case is not rare in today’s Venezuela. According to a recent poll conducted by local firm Venebarometro, 81.9 percent of those surveyed said that in the last month their income couldn’t buy enough food to put on the table. Eighty-nine said they didn’t have enough money for clothes, 81 percent said they lacked medicines, 76 percent said they couldn’t afford cleaning products, 76 percent education, 72 percent transportation and 42 percent said they didn’t have enough to pay for housing. In June, the price of the basic food basket jumped 19.9 percent, from 17,833 bolivars to 21,383 bolivars – roughly $3,400 at the official exchange rate. This increase, estimated monthly by the Labor Documentation and Analysis Center (CENDA for its acronym in Spanish), represents almost three times Venezuela’s monthly minimum wage of 7,421 bolivars. The situation forces many to tour several food markets in search for the best prices before making a purchase.
“I live in Chacao but I try to find out what the prices are in Palo Verde, near Petare [a popular segment in the east of Caracas] to see if I can cut my food budget,” Carlos Rosendo told FNL. This works for him, he said, explaining he is spending only 2.46 percent more money every week on food, which is significantly less than the increase reported by CENDA. The government hasn’t released any official economic data since early 2015. They blame inconsistencies found in the official metrics, but experts believe they just want to hide the economic crisis. El Nacional newspaper reported last week, based on unidentified “government sources,” that July had seen an overall increase of 12.8 percent of the cost of living – the largest one-month increase in the country since 1989. In the first seven months of the year inflation in Venezuela climbed 89.6 percent, according to El National sources. “The high inflation is caused by fiscal, monetary and exchange imbalances,” Asdrúbal Oliveros, economist and director of local firm Ecoanalítica, explained to FNL. “The country’s income is stalled because the official dollar exchange rate is fixed and yet the public spending is rising, and Venezuela’s Central Bank is financing it by printing money [it doesn’t have].” “This increases the amount of money on the street and raises prices,” he added. Venezuelans are increasingly worried about the possibility of a hyperinflation and experts warn that the government needs to make
some important decisions soon. According to the traditional concept developed in 1956 by American economist Phillip Cagan, hyperinflation occurs when the monthly inflation rate climbs up to 50 percent or more, so the prices double in two months or less. “Right now we are in the prelude to hyperinflation. We are showing the same symptoms of the four Latin American countries that went through it in the 1990s: Argentina, Bolivia, Peru and Brazil,” Oliveros warned. In the 20th century hyperinflation has occurred only in 56 instances around the world, according to research by Johns Hopkins University professors Steve Hanke and Nicholas Krus. Another factor pushing prices up is the acute shortage of all kinds of staples, from food to personal care products and auto parts. In order to help navigate the across-the-board scarcity, Venezuelans have come up with a few creative ideas. Dayimar Ayala, a 27-year-old journalist who had a baby two years ago, is one of them. Last year she created the Twitter account @MamiEncontro (@MommyFound) for people to post the location of stores and places where they found the baby products that are hardest to find in Caracas and elsewhere. “Being a mom is hard with these shortages,” she told FNL. “I created this account to help all the mothers like me that were going on pilgrimages to get products. This helps because people know where to go to buy medicines, diapers, or some food,” she added.
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Kaieteur News
Sunday August 09, 2015
Drought causes Panama Canal Negative outlook for Barbados to reduce ship size Panama City (AFP) - The Panama Canal will temporarily limit the size of ships using the waterway due to a drought caused by the El Nino weather phenomenon, authorities said. The Panama Canal Authority said the maximum ship draft will be cut to 11.89 meters (39 feet) from September 8, affecting 18.5 percent of vessels that normally transit the link
between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. A ship’s draft is its depth in the water, and changes as the vessel becomes heavier or lighter. The canal authority said further restrictions could be imposed on September 16 if weather conditions do not change. The maximum draft of vessels would be cut to 11.73 meters.
Canal administrator Jorge Quijano said the month of June and the first half of July was the driest period in 102 years. As a result, water levels in the lakes that feed the canal have dropped. The canal’s locks can usually accommodate ships with a draft of up to 12 meters. Dry weather conditions in March 1998 saw authorities take similar measures.
Daily Nation - A Trinidadian Investment Firm with operations here has given Barbados a “negative” outlook in light of concerns about “the trajectory of the fiscal accounts and pace of debt accumulation”. First Citizens Investments Services, in a July report authored by research analyst Kris Sookdeo, said while Barbados’ inflation monetary policy was “stable”, other fundamentals including economic outlook, trade balance/balance of payments, fiscal accounts, and credit ratings were all “negative”. “While the present administration is making an attempt to improve Barbados’
fiscal status, consolidation and weak competitiveness will continue to hamper Barbados’ economic recovery,” Sookdeo concluded. “There have been signs that the ability to borrow in the domestic market at low rates is diminishing and access to external markets has been affected by successive downgrades. With the outlook still weak for the European economy, some weakness is expected in the tourism sector of Barbados during 2015. “That said, the surge in foreign capital during 2014 could indicate that the industry is set for a recovery in late 2015. Foreign currency reserves have declined
substantially with import cover now at 14.6 weeks. As a result of this and based on the trajectory of the fiscal accounts and pace of debt accumulation, First Citizens Research & Analytics holds a negative view on Barbados,” he added. In the case of the stable inflation grade, the First Citizens analyst said “inflation measured 1.4 per cent at the end of April 2015 attributed to low commodity prices. The average annual unemployment rate at the end of March 2015 rose to 12.7 per cent, from 11.7 per cent a year earlier, largely because of job losses from the fiscal consolidation programme”.
FORT-DE-FRANCE, Martinique – An early morning earthquake yesterday was recorded a short distance from the French island of Martinique, and close to St. Lucia and Dominica. According to initial data from the UWI Seismic Research Centre (SRC), the epicenter of the 3.9 magnitude quake that occurred around
1:37 a.m. was about 22 km northeast of Fort-de-France, Martinique; 75 km north of Castries, St. Lucia; and 84 km southeast of Roseau, Dominica. The depth was 79 km. The pre-dawn earthquake followed two more intense tremors off Barbados the previous afternoon. The first 4.6 magnitude tremor occurred at 2:21 p.m.,
about 234 km northeast of the capital, Bridgetown; 350 km of Castries and 363 km east of Fort-de-France. The depth of that was recorded at 110 km. About 50 minutes later, around 3:10 p.m., a 4.5 magnitude quake hit a bit closer to the islands – 121 km northeast of Bridgetown, 240 km east of Castries and 264 km east southeast of Fort-deFrance.
Earthquake hits close to Martinique; two more quakes near Barbados
Sunday August 09, 2015
Kaieteur News
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Dem boys seh... Finance Minister gets “lean and mean” with travel allowances for Ministers, other officials De truth can’t hide “So let’s say you get US$150 as an official but you went to Barbados and you got a room by the beach for US$100 then you have to bring the bill for the US$100 and give back the US$50. If you didn’t bring the bill you will be worse off because you then have to pay 60 percent of US$150. So things are getting tighter.” By Kiana Wilburg Improving accountability and eliminating the wastage of taxpayers’ monies by public officials seem to be priority for Finance Minister, Winston Jordan as he has implemented some new guidelines for the allowances government ministers and other officials are entitled to when they travel abroad for State business. The Minister made his position on the matter pellucid during a press conference held at the Ministry of Finance on Friday. The Finance Minister explained that when the People’s Progressive Party entered office in 1992, it changed the allowance rates to suit the expenses of travel to various places. He explained, for example, that the cost to travel to Europe is more than the airfare for a Caribbean territory. He then shared with the media, a document which showed the rates existing as of May 18, 1993. It showed that when a Minister who was considered a Category A person, was travelling to the Caribbean or North America, he or she would receive a travel allowance of US$200 per night for hotel accommodation while the allowance for travel to Europe was US$250. Officials, who fell into the Category B status such as Permanent Secretaries and a similar level, received US$150 if they were travelling to North America and US$200 if they were going to Europe. The Finance Minister continued, “Other things you would get would be the US$25 out-of-pocket allowance. Both categories also received US$100 for meals. So a Minister going to North America was given US$200 plus US$100 for meals plus the US$25 out-of-pocket allowance which gives a total of US$325. An official going the same way receives a total of US$275.” Considering the challenges
he is now facing because of weak systems that existed before to ensure accountability for travel allowances, the Minister said that some adjustments were made. He said that Government has taken the decision to discontinue the practice of signing on a statement in lieu of presentation of bills. He explained that in the past, officials could have simply affixed their signature on a statement saying that the money was spent and the advance would have been cleared without having to produce a bill. Jordan said that this has ceased. “If you do not bring the bills or part of the bills to substantiate your expenditure, you will be required to repay up to 60 percent of the advance…contrary to what people believe that we are raiding the Treasury, we are actually tightening up,” Minister Jordan said. He explained that the allowance rates for travel for ministers and officials have
been adjusted in some regard. Jordan said that officials such as Vice Presidents and the Speaker of the National Assembly would be given a travel allowance of US$275 if they are going to a Caribbean Territory. If they are going to Europe, they would be given US$350 per night. He noted that the out of pocket allowance and the allocation for meals remain the same. He said that for officials who fall into Category C such as Permanent Secretaries will receive US$175 if they are going to the Caribbean and US$250 if they are travelling to Europe or Asia. The Finance Minister said, “I can tell you how mean we got so far. We broke the US$100 into three parts; US$25 for breakfast, US$35 for lunch, US$40 for dinner. The practice used to be that some people would claim the entire US$100 for the day even while they are flying in the air. If you are flying from USA to China, it is about 16 hours or so nonstop and by
Finance Minister, Winston Jordan the time you reach there the day has gone and so some used to claim meals for that. So we have now tightened up.” Jordan continued, “Lots of people were saying we were being mean by not giving them money to travel in country so what we were saying is that for transportation in the host country you can get US$25 to go and come from meetings and you get departure tax out of Guyana in the sum of $4000…” The Finance Minister Continued on page 64
Looks are deceiving. When people see a man dress up nice dem does think he is a gentleman. Dem is de man who does con people and get away wid dem money. Nuff senior government officers does dress up nice too and everybody know wha dem do wid de money in de treasury. Of course, people who dress up nice don’t fool everybody. A lady Minister walk into de Pet Store and see a parrot. She tell de owner that she like de bird, especially de colour. She ask de owner wha de bird could do and he decide to give she a demonstration. He tell she to ask de bird any question. Wid a big smile pun she face she ask de parrot how she look. Right away de parrot tell she that she look like a prostitute. De owner lef wid he mouth open. He grab de bird and carry it to de back of de office. He duck de parrot in a bucket of cold water. When he tek out de parrot he tell it that de next time he insult de lady he gun get duck in de cold water fuh a long time. He carry de bird back in front and tell de lady to ask de bird any question again. De lady ask de bird if it see she wid a man wha it would think. De parrot seh that it would think that de man is she husband. “If you see me wid two man wha you gun think?” De parrot tell she that he would think is she husband and she brother. “If you see me wid three man wha you gun think? De parrot seh that he gun think is she husband, she brother and she husband brother. De lady smile. “If you see me wid five man?” De parrot tun to de owner and seh, “Get out de bucket wid all de cold water you can get because this woman is a damn prostitute.” Talk half and remember that no matter how nice you look somebody gun always find out de truth.
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Kaieteur News
Sunday August 09, 2015
Withdrawal of millions from Commercial Banks…
Gov’t. removing deposits of semi-autonomous agencies not Public Corporations - Finance Minister By: Kiana Wilburg Finance Minister, Winston Jordan disclosed on Friday that government will only be removing the deposits made by semiautonomous agencies at the Commercial Banks and not agencies established under the Public Corporations Act. He said that government will be removing the deposits in a phased manner. Jordan noted however that even if government were to remove this money from the commercial banks all at once, the banks can easily replace that as “they have $56B parked at the Bank of Guyana doing nothing.” He made this comment during a press conference which was held at the Ministry of Finance. There, the Minister sought to
- Commercial banks have $56B parked and doing nothing
Finance Minister, Winston Jordan address the concerns among members of the Banking Association and the Private Sector Commission (PSC), given government’s decision to no longer allow its monies to be held in commercial banks.
These concerns were indicated to the media on Wednesday via a statement by the Commission. Jordan said that during a meeting with the Banking Association, he explained that government would be moving to have the funds held by agencies such as the Guyana Geology and Mines Commission (GGMC) and the Guyana Forestry Commission (GFC) placed into the Consolidated Fund. These semi-autonomous agencies, among others, have been collecting monies on behalf of the state and have held them in accounts in some commercial banks. The Finance Minister emphasized that he made it clear to the association that these monies would not be moved until the forensic audits into these agencies have concluded. Jordan had said that this sentiment was also communicated to the Chairman of the Guyana Manufacturing and Services Association (GMSA) Norman McLean. He said, however, that McLean expressed some reservations about the decision, and opined that should the administration go forward with such a decision, then it would lead to some problems for the commercial
banks. “I told him that it is government’s money and it makes no sense having it in the commercial banks when it really belongs in the Consolidated Fund. The Fund is in overdraft and putting the monies where they belong will help to reduce some of these deficits,” Jordan said. The Finance Minister emphasized that government is not thinking of withdrawing public sector deposits. He explained, “In fact, we are not withdrawing deposits from any commercial entity established under the Public Corporations Act so it has nothing to do with GuySuCo or the Guyana Rice
Development Board. These are all corporations under the said Act .We are targeting semi autonomous agencies.” Jordan said that in the past, some agencies such as GGMC were placed under Ministers but were later separated and collected enough monies to conduct their businesses. He reminded that such agencies also collected monies on behalf of the state and as a result, government has millions of dollars lying outside the Consolidated Fund. The Finance Minister said that to date, GGMC has accumulated deposits amounting to $22B from overseeing the mining sector. He said that while these monies are lying outside, government is running a deficit. He said that for 2013, government has a deficit of
$27B, for 2014 it increased to $36B and for 2015 it is about the same figure. He added, “If the money is put into the Consolidated Fund, instead of running a deficit of $30B annually, it will just run $2B because it would be significantly reduced…” The Finance Minister stressed that government will not back off from removing the monies from the commercial banks. Jordan said, “If you want to bring back transparency and accountability to this country then we must start cleaning up, we must start following the law.” He explained that there would be a review of the accounts of various agencies to ascertain whether it would be in their interest to hold some of the funds or if all should be transferred to the Consolidated Fund.
GPL’s CEO overturns decision of deputy to send home two managers A decision to send home two senior managers of the Guyana Power and Light Inc. on Friday has been overturned by Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Bharat Dindyal. Deputy CEO (Technical), Colin Welch, according to staffers, arrived at GPL’s Loss
Reduction offices on Sheriff Street late Friday as the doors were about to close for the day. He was in the company of police ranks. He reportedly served Senior Loss Reduction Manager, Loaknauth Singh, and Senior Investigator David Kaladin with letters ordering them to proceed on administrative leave as there was an ongoing investigation involving wrongdoings. The embarrassed Managers, according to angry staffers, called Dindyal who turned up shortly after at the office. Dindyal reportedly told the staffers that the letter had no value and that they should stay put. Speaking with Kaieteur News on Friday, the GPL boss said Welch breached procedures and had no authority to issue letters to staffers, sending them home. He indicated that Welch had also overstepped his
GPL’s CEO, Bharat Dindyal authority when over a week ago, he sent home Phyalyanjee Nandkumar, a Manager at the Berbice office. Under regulations of GPL, it is the Human Resources Director or the CEO who is authorized to send staffers off, once the proper procedures have been followed. There have been allegations against staffers, (Continued on page 11)
Sunday August 09, 2015
Kaieteur News
Murder suspect roams freely without handcuffs at private hospital More than two months after being involved in a stabbing incident, which led to the death of his brotherin-law, Indian national, Harkirat Singh is still a patient under guard at a private city hospital. Singh was injured in an altercation with his brotherin-law, Amrindeo Singh. According to reports, Singh’s brother-in-law who is said to have had a history of mental illness, went berserk and attacked him with a knife and hammer at their D’Aguiar Park, East Bank Demerara, (EBD) residence on May, 26 last. The brother- in- law died following the struggle but Singh, who sustained stab wounds to his neck and face, as well as lacerations to the back of the head, was admitted to the hospital. However, recently, concerns have mounted over the incident after the suspect, (Singh) who is supposed to be under police guard pending investigations into the unlawful killing of his brother-in-law, was seen wandering around the facility freely without handcuffs. Additionally, this newspaper understands that the man regularly uses his cell phone and checks his emails,
Indian National, Harkirat Singh, speaking with reporters yesterday. while under guard. Visitors of the facility voiced their concerns and expressed apprehension about the suspect being
allowed to roam the hospital. In addition to the security concerns, some persons are wondering on what basis the Indian National is being allowed such privileges. Given the complaints expressed by members of the public, this newspaper paid a visit to the hospital. Kaieteur News found the suspect, who is currently a patient of the Male Ward, under the surveillance of a police officer. Singh appeared to be in good health, as he wandered the halls without any restraints (handcuffs). The man stood with his hands behind his back as he spoke briefly with reporters. He disclosed that he has been a patient at the facility for more than a month and he does not know when he will be discharged from the hospital. Singh also related that he was feeling much better but he is still under the observation of doctors. Sources have since confirmed that Singh is yet to be charged with regards to the matter. But while details of the investigations remain unclear, reports are that the slain man’s sister witnessed the attack. She said that her brother was schizophrenic, and that
‘Wellness Agenda’ Health Fair set for Uitvlugt Community Centre Ground Premised on the theme “Make Wellness Your Goal,” the Region Three Health and Wellness Club is gearing to have yet another health fair aimed at emphasising the importance of healthy lifestyle choices. The fair is scheduled for Saturday August 15, 2015 between the hours of 10:00 and 16:00 hours at the Uitvlugt Community Centre Ground, West Coast Demerara, and will see a number of health services being offered to patrons. These will include: a blood drive, blood pressure testing, random blood sugar testing, Body Mass Index (BMI) test, dental examination/ extraction, VIA screening and vision testing, among others. According to Public Relations Officer, Nurse Joan Barry, the Club has already solicited the support of the Ministry of Public Health and other health-affiliated organisations to make the event an ultimate success. The planned fair will be among several that have been spearheaded by the Club for this year. Currently the Club has Kimani Urlin as its Chairman.
It was officially launched on World Health Day (April 7) of last year. It was however an offshoot of the Region Three Diabetic Association, which was formed in 2011 to raise awareness in Region Three communities about diabetes. The Club took on the wider mission to educate, support and empower people at a time when the Chikungunya Virus was rampant in many sections of the country including Region Three. Moreover, its introduction was intended to help improve and maintain the overall health and wellbeing of people within the Region by enlightening them of healthy lifestyle choices and behaviours. The Motto that governs the Health and Wellness Club is: ‘Think healthy, eat healthy, act healthy and be healthy’. According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), health is a state of complete physical, mental and social wellbeing and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. As such, promoting healthy lifestyle choices is
one that sees advocacy being made for persons to not only embrace healthy eating habits and exercise but also mental stability. The objective of the Club is to ensure that persons are firstly aware of what the term health means; to ensure that people receive correct and adequate information on prevention and management of health conditions; to teach people how to take responsibility for their own health; to work in collaboration with the health sector, other Ministries and agencies in the Region to improve the health status of people in the Region and to visit residences and homes of the elderly and differently able persons to make sure that they are receiving adequate care. Achieving this goal has been through medical outreach activities, which have been held on World Health Day and World Diabetes Day, health fairs and other health-related activities held in collaboration with other organisations including churches and schools within the Region.
he had recently threatened to kill family members and take his own life. The woman had blamed staff at the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation, (GPHC) for ignoring pleas to have him admitted for psychiatric treatment. According to reports, the sister was feeding the couple’s small son, while her husband sat at a dining room table, when the mentally-ill man sneaked up behind his brother-in-law, (Singh) and struck him with a hammer. He reportedly then began to stab the injured man and a fight ensued. The struggle allegedly ended with the death of the mentally-ill man and Singh suffering injuries. (Rehanna Ramsay)
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GPL’s CEO overturns... (From page 10) Dindyal said, but there are procedures that are established to handle these. He said that recently, due to complaints made, a special committee was appointed to look into the allegations. The three-man team started work on Thursday and was mandated to submit a report to the Board of Directors within 21 days. The CEO made it clear that Welch was aware that he has to submit all details he has to the Human Resources Department from where it will be pursued. For Welch to take it upon himself to issue letters to staffers sending them on administrative leave was definitely out of his remit. “There was absolutely no authority on his part and I revoked those letters to the two Managers,” the GPL CEO stated.
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Kaieteur News
Sunday August 09, 2015
Business community takes fight to criminals
$2M reward for arrest of restaurant owner’s killers Angered by the recent spate of brutal robberies, some members of the business community are saying “enough is enough” and have decided to take the fight to the gangs that seem bent on unleashing a new crime wave on the society. Friday’s hacking to death of restaurant owner Zhenjz Su and the brutal assault on his wife appeared to be the last straw. Yesterday, some prominent city businessmen announced that they have posted a $2M reward for information that would lead to the arrest and prosecution of Mr. Su’s killers. Persons with information can call telephone number 662-4076 and all information will be confidential. “We are sending out a strong message to those who think that they can just come into our business places and homes and rob and kill,” one of the businessmen told Kaieteur News. “We will not sit back and
let that happen. If the police aren’t getting anywhere, we are prepared to spend our money to get the information and help the police to put these criminals away.” Zhenjz Su, 35, the owner of the Jade Stone Restaurant in Mandela Avenue, was gagged, bound and chopped to death in the kitchen area of his restaurant. The killers also dumped sacks of rice on the body. There are reports that the intruders killed Su after he refused to open a money-safe for them. However, they made off with the day’s sales. The intruders also inflicted a savage beating on the businessman’s wife, 32year-old Fei Su, who was attacked in her bedroom. She was battered into unconsciousness, with the attackers knocking out some of her teeth. Crime Chief Wendell Blanhum disclosed that police have detained a suspect. Kaieteur News understands
that a cutlass, believed to be the murder weapon, was found at the scene. Detectives also found a piece of lumber that they believe the intruders used to club the man’s wife. The victims have five dogs, but no one apparently heard the animals barking while the family was under attack. The bandits had also tampered with surveillance cameras on the property. According to a police official, the killers gained entry from a door in the bottom flat that the business couple had mistakenly left open. Zhenjz Su, a source said, would close the restaurant at around 21:00 hrs and attend to customers through that door. A friend of the family said that after killing Su, the bandits used the dead man’s keys to open a door leading to the couple’s living quarters. Police said that Fei Su, the wife, was confronted in her home above the restaurant by
a group of men who assaulted her and took away an undisclosed sum of money before escaping. On checking later, she found the body of her husband downstairs on the kitchen floor with chop wounds to his head. His feet were tied and his mouth gagged. Mrs. Fei Su said she never saw her attackers, but one of her sons said that he saw a man, who was masked, in the room attacking her. The businesswoman said that she was beaten into unconsciousness. She recovered about two hours later and found her husband’s mutilated body, partly covered with sacks of rice, in the kitchen. The businesswoman was unable to say how much cash was stolen, but believed that the killing of her husband and the beating she sustained were deliberate acts. “They didn’t come to rob, they come to kill,” she said, adding that her son is now terrified whenever he sees strange men.
Murdered restaurant owner: Zhenjz Su The attack on the Su family La Jalousie home, West Coast is just the latest in a recent Demerara. On June 9, businessman spate of savage and senseless attacks perpetrated by Mohamed Chand and land court judge Nicola Pierre robbers. On June 5, Ganesh Ramlall, w e r e b a t t e r e d a n d the owner of Regent r o b b e d i n t h e i r Felicity, Multiplex Mall, was riddled East Coast Demerara home. with bullets by bandits in his Mr. Chand lost an eye, while Mrs. Pierre suffered a broken jaw. The men escaped with cash, jewellery and other valuables. Prior to that, a bandit posing as a passenger shot rice farmer Hardat Kissoon dead in a minibus, after trailing him from a city bank. And two Saturdays ago, surveillance cameras recorded a young man clubbing, kicking and stomping 77-yearold Carmen Ganesh to death in her home at Montrose, East Coast Demerara.
Sunday August 09, 2015
Kaieteur News
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GHRA welcomes government’s commitment to review State-Boards selections The Guyana Human Rights Association (GHRA) has welcomed the announcement by the Governance Minister, Raphael Trotman, that the original selections on State Boards were the product of pressures to produce quick results rather than a considered rejection of ethnic or gender balance. The GHRA therefore commended the decision to re-visit the selection guidelines. Last week, Trotman announced that the various State Boards across Guyana may be up for review again, admitting that government may have used inconsistent guidelines for the selection of the recent appointees and is now in the process of making the necessary adjustments to establish new criteria. Trotman acknowledged that the entire process may have been rushed and not much consideration was given to some of the appointees on the various Boards. “I know there is a criticism about insufficient gender and balance (on the Boards),” the Minister admitted, noting that Cabinet is currently in the process of establishing new guidelines which can affect the current appointees. Following the announcement of the State Board appointees, the David Granger-led Administration came under harsh criticisms from sections of society over the imbalance in the composition of the new Boards. The Guyana Human Rights Association (GHRA) protested over the appointments. The
organization had said, “All Government functionaries responsible should feel ashamed over today’s announcement that only three (9.4 per cent) of the new Chairs of the 32 State Boards in the finance sector are females.” In its most recent statement, GHRA said that the willingness on the part of the Government to acknowledge deficiencies of the original procedure and to take on board civic criticism is refreshing. This bodes well for a more productive dialogue between the governmental and nongovernmental sectors, both on this and other governance issues. The organization said that in addition to the adjustments for ethnic and gender balance, it also recommends that the opportunity provided by the review also takes into account a number of other factors determining whether these mechanisms are ‘fit for purpose’. Further, GHRA stated, “Too many statutory bodies appear to have drifted from their original purpose, namely, providing civic oversight and direction of a particular public sector activity.” The organization expressed hope that under the more conducive procedures being considered, civil society will evolve to the point where it can play a role, not only in advising on selection, but also on monitoring the performance of the noninstitutional members of State Boards. “A more vibrant civil society could consider
creating mechanisms for some form of feed-back from civic representatives to a civic forum, thereby socializing to some degree the representational function away from its current image of being entirely private or personal. We would argue, however, that the central criterion for selection should be a track record of public service, particularly in the area that falls under the purview of the particular Board. Proposals for the continuous
improvement of civic performance on State Boards, such as the above, need time, consultation and consideration,” said GHRA. The organization also pointed out that traditionally, a seat on a State Board is “too frequently seen as a reward for political activists and supporters of ruling parties. This is indefensible where appointees do not possess the minimum qualifications to justify selection. The more difficult case, however, is where the
appointee is technically qualified but has an alliance or support for the ruling party, sufficiently vibrant as to negate his or her ability to play an impartial role. A State Board comprising a majority of committed opponents would be equally dysfunctional as one of committed supporters.” The GHRA also suggested that there be a reduction in the disparities in remuneration for service on State Boards and statutory authorities.
“Apart from inherent fairness, a standard form of remuneration for members of State Boards would also help decontaminate selection and acceptance from inappropriate financial considerations. Reportedly, disparities in current remuneration are alarming and in some cases compromise independence. The GHRA would suggest a common criterion in relation to remuneration which should aim to cover realistic expenditure.”
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Kaieteur News
Sunday August 09, 2015
Mother, daughter remanded Ex-cop charged with seaman’s after selling cocaine to cop execution style murder A pregnant Ayesha Rodriques and her mother Jacqueline Rodriques were remanded to prison by Magistrate Fabayo Azore when they turned up at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Court on Friday on Drug Trafficking charges. It is alleged that on Thursday August 6 at D’Urban Street, Georgetown, the pregnant woman sold 296 grams of the drug to a Police Constable. Ayesha Rodriques pleaded not guilty to the charge but told the Magistrate that it was not that much cocaine as it was only about six to eight grams. Her mother Jacqueline, who was charged with Possession of Narcotics for the purpose of trafficking, also pleaded not guilty. The facts of the matter stated that police, acting on information, conducted an operation and went to the 54 D’Urban Street, Werk-enRust address and purchased 296 grams of cocaine from 22year old Ayesha Rodriques. The police then identified themselves and went into the house and conducted a search of the premises where
Jacqueline and Ayesha Rodriques being escorted by a Police Officer at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Court. they found labelled money under a bedroom floor board. But by then the young expectant mother had flushed the remainder of the cocaine down a toilet. Her mother who was also in the house was arrested by the police. Attorney-at-Law Paul Fung-A-Fat, who represented both women, told the court that Ayesha Rodriques is currently three and a half months pregnant and is a selfemployed clothes vendor. Jacqueline Rodriques is 42
years old and is also a clothes vendor. During the hearing, the pregnant Rodriques burst into tears and began to vomit in the court while crying out for water. A police officer then went to her assistance and began fanning her. At this point Police Prosecutor Dinero Jones said that the senior Rodriques was present on the premises at the time of the raid and she was the one who said that the drugs were hers and that her daughter just sold it to the police. He then objected to bail citing the nature and gravity of the charge. The Magistrate at this point asked everyone to leave the court room so that Ayesha Rodriques could get some air since she began sweating profusely and appeared to be in a semiconscious condition. After she was revived, Rodrigues and her mother were told by Magistrate Azore that they were remanded to prison until Monday August 10 when they will make their next appearance before Magistrate Ann McLennan.
A former policeman turned drug dealer was marched before Magistrate Fabayo Azore for the execution style murder of a seaman, over a drug deal that went sour. Ruel Brandon was not required to plead to the capital charge which stated that between July 27 and July 31 at Ruby Backdam, East Bank Essequibo he murdered Davonan Sookram. Clad in a blue shirt and jeans Brandon stood calmly while the charge was being read to him on Friday, a few days after police reportedly cracked open the case. The execution-style killing of Sookram, whose decomposed body was discovered in Ruby Backdam, East Bank Essequibo, with two bullet wounds to the head had sent shock waves throughout the country. But the Serious Crime Investigations Unit (SCIU) of the Guyana Police Force, through painstaking work managed to gather enough evidence to charge Brandon. Prosecutor Dinero Jones told the court that the investigation is still
Executed Seaman, Davonan Sookram
Ruel Brandon at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Court on Friday last.
incomplete and advice was being sought from the Director of Public Prosecution since the defendant under caution gave a statement admitting to the offence. According to the police’s case, on July 27 at 15:30 hrs the defendant went to the home of the deceased, collected him and he was never seen again. However on July 31 around 16:00 the decomposed body was found
in the Ruby Backdam under a tamarind tree. Working in collaboration with detectives from the police West Demerara Division, the SCIU, which is based at the Headquarters of the Criminal Investigations Department, Eve Leary, was able to confirm that Sookram’s death was drug-related. Ruel Brandon was remanded until Monday August 10 where he will make his next appearance before Magistrate Ann McLennan.
Drug trafficker to know fate this week
City Magistrate Ann McLennan is set to make her ruling in a drug trafficking case on Wednesday next after the defence closed its case on Thursday last, at the conclusion of a three months trial in the Georgetown Magistrates’ Court. The case involves a minerRoger Gill, of 103 Carmichael Street, North Cummingsburg, who was allegedly found with 426 grams of marijuana at his stall on Merriman’s Mall. It was
found in a calabash on May 8, after the police received information and conducted a search. When the matter was called on Thursday, the Magistrate found that there was sufficient evidence against the defendant hence a prima facie case was made out. Magistrate Mc Lennon then called on the accused to lead a defence. In doing so, the defendant, after seeking advice from his Attorney, Clive Forde, gave an unsworn testimony. Gill told the court that he was innocent of the charge. He explained that on the day in question, the police searched his stall and found nothing but still arrested him, along with another person, who was subsequently released. The defendant also called a witness to testify on his behalf. The witness swore to the court that he was telling the truth and came to testify because he was present when the police searched his friend’s stall. The witness also testified that he had known the defendant for five years. Attorney Forde submitted that the charge against his client should be dismissed because the prosecution had failed to prove their case. He contended that the prosecution had failed to prove the elements of the offence and asked the court to
Roger Gill consider that it represented doubt in the prosecution’s case against his client. On the other hand, Police Prosecutor, Corporal Deniro Jones attested that he had proven his case beyond reasonable doubt, and as such the court should find the defendant guilty as charged. Jones contested that every element of the offence was proven to indicate that Gill was indeed in control and had knowledge of the illicit substance. The Prosecutor also discredited the defence witness. Jones argued that the witness is a friend of the accused and could not be trusted. The Magistrate documented the submissions in her book of minutes and informed the parties to return to court on August 12, for decision.
Sunday August 09, 2015
Kaieteur News
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Mahadeo Shivraj is back at it again...
Set to produce courtroom drama film set in Guyana During an amorous tryst with a young woman, an inexperienced young man has his bliss interrupted when the girl’s lover startles them. A fight ensues and, in the fracas, the lover is fatally shot. Against this backdrop, the young man’s father is faced with a dilemma: does he act within the confines of the law or outside of it? Just how far would a father go to protect his son? This is the storyline behind Somnauth Narine’s “Protection Game”, and already the month-old script has garnered a high profile cast and is expected to blow the Guyanese public and the world away. In fact, Narine’s script will be in the capable hands of well-known Guyanese Mahadeo Shivraj, who will not only be acting in the adapted film but also producing and directing it. In an interview with Kaieteur News, Shivraj explained just how the idea for this murder/mystery, suspense/thriller film came about. According to Shivraj, Narine is a close friend of his who is an extremely talented writer. It was Narine who conceptualized the storyline and, after just a month of writing, premiered the finished work. “He discussed with me what he was thinking about and I just thought it was really good. All of my movies fall into different genres and I like change; I like something different,” Shivraj said. He continued, “He’s [Narine] just really good. I don’t know how he does it but he just worked for an entire month with the idea and would call me for advice. And when he sits down to write he’s just flowing.” Shivraj described the film as filled with bawdy West Indian humour, love, devotion and adherence to law. After the script was finished Shivraj began doing his bit; he began hunting for persons who would fit the nearly 30 speaking roles. He admitted that finding cast members to fit the characters had not been difficult. He shared that, when asked, everyone was enthusiastic to be a part of his latest project. Only four roles remain to be filled. Amongst the cast are renowned actress Margaret Lawrence, well-known playwright Godfrey Naughton, Max Massiah, Nirmala Narine and Akash Persaud. And even though the movie is yet to begin
Director Mahadeo Shivraj shooting, Shivraj is confident that it will be successful. The film will be shot in Guyana and is the first of Shivraj’s films to be shot entirely in the city. His others had been primarily focused on the country areas of Guyana. He said that about a third of the movie is set to take place in the High Court while there will also be a lot of scenes in police stations. He added that he is aiming to shoot between September 18 and October 15. He said too that the actual shooting takes the least amount of time with the planning and editing taking up the majority of time. Nonetheless, Shivraj is already looking forward and is hoping to release the movie sometime in late May next year, preferably on or the day before Guyana celebrates its Independence Day anniversary. Shivraj stressed that the movie will be dedicated to the people of Guyana. MORE SUPPORT NEEDED But even as Shivraj and Narine embarked upon turning the latter’s script into a movie, Shivraj noted that more support is needed from both the Government of Guyana and the Guyanese public at large. He explained that over the
years, the level of support he had been expecting never surfaced. In fact, after finishing his fifth film here in Guyana last year, he vowed to never return to Guyana until there was hope of a positive change. Similarly, he said, Narine had also vowed to not produce anything in Guyana as well. However, buoyed by the promise of change, Shivraj decided to give filmmaking in Guyana another shot. He also encouraged Narine to try again. “He wrote something to film in New York but then I said let’s give it one more try,” Shivraj said. According to Shivraj, he had been frustrated by the denial of support from the then government of the day. He emphasised that for him, support did not mean financial aid but endorsement of his products. “All I ask is that they give my product a stamp of approval as a Guyanese product, to be proud of what I am doing and help me push it. Because otherwise, all my resources and money are used in the production and then there’s no support for it,” he said. He went on that the budget for his movies are usually about US$25,000 to US$30,000. While this figure may be a small amount to other countries, Shivraj said it was huge to someone who used their own but got no return due to non-support. He said too that the lack of copyright laws was also a concern of his and was stymieing the amount of money he made. “When you put your movie on DVD it is
A mini health check is the first step to donating blood
pirated so there are no real returns,” he said. He continued, “So I’ve just kept asking over and over again for my movies to be endorsed as a product of Guyana so that others can pick it up and make it big; with endorsement it can reach a wider audience, even head out into the Diaspora. Many people here don’t know about my movies still, even though I’ve made five.” However, he said, he recently met with three government ministers and, from their feedback, there seems to be “a light at the end of the tunnel”. He said that it is not his hope to receive blind support. Expressing confidence in his work, Shivraj said that he is more than willing to provide a private screening where members of government can enjoy the film before endorsing it. “Let me blow your mind with it and then I want you to be proud about it because only then you will do something about it.” He said too that support from corporate sources is also difficult. While there had been persons over the years who
Mahadeo Shivraj during a scene of his most recent film, “Forgotten Dreams” have responded positively with donations, Shivraj said that he has been the one providing the majority of funds for his films. But while such a reality would daunt other persons, Shivraj is determined to keep pushing himself and promoting his country
through his work. Within five years, Shivraj has directed five films. “Protection Game” will join “Till I Find a Place” (2010), “A Jasmine for a Gardener” (2012), “Brown Sugar Too Bitter for Me” (2013), “83 Million Gees” (2013) and “Forgotten Promise” (2014).
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Kaieteur News
Sunday August 09, 2015
Functioning Mental Health Unit high on Ministry’s agenda The Ministry of Public Health is currently without a functioning Mental Health Unit, a state of affairs that Senior Minister of Public Health, Dr. George Norton, is keen on addressing at the soonest possible time. And support to have such a unit established and operational has been committed to by the Pan American Health Organisation (PAHO). At a recent meeting, PAHO officials spoke of plans to work with the Public Health Ministry to complete a Mental Health Strategy and have it operationalised, using work plans executed by a Mental Health Unit. Speaking of plans to revitalise the work of the Ministry’s Mental Health Unit, which this publication understands has been nonexistent for quite some time despite increasing mental challenges, Minister Norton stressed that the support of PAHO, in this regard, is most welcomed. “I don’t know if it was just coincidental that the officer from PAHO was visiting to do that cost evaluation of our Mental Health Unit when we
happened to be experiencing that situation,” mentioned Minister Norton, who was at the time alluding to a peaking suicide rate in the Region One community of Baramita. Suicide rates on a national level have reached troubling proportions in recent years, a development that requires that a Mental Health Unit be a priority, the Minister noted. “We have got to get that Mental Health Unit functioning. It is time. It is good to see what is in place; what is on hardcopy,” said the Minister as he observed that there is need for active implementation of initiatives to tackle mental health challenges. He however noted that even without a functioning Unit there have been some individuals who have been helping to ensure that some semblance of Mental Health services are provided. “We have got somebody who is doing voluntary work for the last couple of weeks; it is somebody who is well informed, who is well qualified (and) has the enthusiasm,” said the Minister, as he attempted to fathom how it was possible for the public health sector to
From left: Minister within the Ministry of Public Health; Dr. Karen Cummings; Senior Minister of Health, Dr. George Norton and PAHO Resident Representative, Dr. William Adu-Krow not have a functioning Mental Health Unit all along. “When you sit and talk to people, you want to know why we did not put this Unit in action...What was keeping us back?” the Minister remarked disbelievingly, as he disclosed that many persons have voiced some plausible ideas that could help to boost the Unit’s operation. Among these have been suggestions to have the mental health area
of the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation transformed into an inpatient unit catering to patients with mental illnesses. The need for a national reach by taking advantage of the primary health care approach has also been gaining the attention of the Minister. The latter mode, he is convinced, could serve to ensure that people across the country have access to the very crucial mental health service by trained personnel. “I think it’s an area we must operationalise; we must put more emphasis on,” said Dr. Norton as he committed to taking necessary action to have a functioning Mental Health Unit materialise. Just recently a team from the Health Ministry were exposed to a fellowship in Grenada, and, according to the Minister, efforts were
made then to highlight Guyana’s plans to revamp its Mental Health Programme. “That team was able to go out there and was able to say to their colleagues there (Grenada) that we have a plan in place and it is going to is practical, and with support we don’t see it not being successful.” An individual’s mental health is regarded as their psychological and emotional well-being. Moreover, mental health illness translates to conditions that affect behaviour, mood and thinking. These include depression, anxiety disorders, schizophrenia, eating disorders and addictions. Since last year, the then Ministry of Health had announced that it was preparing to craft a new Mental Health Strategic Plan, even as it seeks to keenly
collaborate with technical partners, the likes of PAHO/ WHO and a wide crosssection of stakeholders. A consultation to solicit the input of various stakeholders was convened in November at the Ocean View International Hotel, Liliendaal, Greater Georgetown. The event was spearheaded by the Ministry of Health and PAHO/WHO. It was at this forum that PAHO’s Dr. Jorge RodriguezSanchez, in alluding specifically to the Mental Health situation in Latin America and the Caribbean, disclosed that the burden of mental health can be enormous. He was at the time making a presentation on the Global Mental Health Plan 2013-2020. In his deliberations, Dr Rodriguez-Sanchez disclosed that 65.5 per cent of the countries in the Region have a national mental health plan and 74 per cent of these were either approved or revised in 2005 or later. He went on to note, too, that while 56.3 per cent of the countries under scrutiny have in place legislation on mental health, in many cases these laws are incomplete and do not meet international standards. This is compounded by the fact, he outlined, that psychoactive drugs are not within the reach of the population, a state of affairs that is compounded by the fact that some countries have major limitations in their information systems regarding mental health information-gathering. In fact, Dr. RodriguezSanchez asserted that in this part of the world the Primary Health Care teams are oftentimes not prepared to handle mental health problems, even as he highlighted that mental health services for children and adolescent are very limited. In underscoring also that there are few actions in place to promote and prevent mental health, the Specialist spoke of research in this regard being poor or nonexistent, even as he pointed out that some countries are also faced with a situation where mental health protection of the vulnerable populations is not a clear priority.
We are life savers, you should be one too! Donate blood today!!!
Sunday August 09, 2015
Kaieteur News
Page 25
THE FACTS ABOUT STROKE By Dr. Zulfikar Bux Assistant Professor of Emergency Medicine Stroke is one of the major causes of death in Guyana and worldwide. It also a very debilitating illness and families are often left with the struggle of caring for a loved one who is incapacitated, depressed, and often dependent on others to carry out their daily activities.
With each passing day there is some revelation or the other. Some rich people were enjoying water without paying, while the people who were being taxed by the very people enjoying the free water were in fact asking the poor to pay for them. Another revelation is going to come to the fore. Money destined for a project would be found not to have been spent on the project. Another revelation would be on the Specialty Hospital. It would be revealed that the local inspectors opted for their share of the money thus leaving Surendra Engineering to grab the rest and run. When Surendra Engineering said that it did not get the money for which it was sued, it was correct. The probe will determine
WHAT IS A STROKE? Stroke is the term doctors use when a part of the brain dies because it goes without blood for too long. Strokes can happen when the blood supply to a part of the brain is cut off, because: Ï%An artery in the brain gets clogged or closes off, or Ï%An artery in the brain starts bleeding HOW DO STROKES AFFECT PEOPLE? — The
where the rest went. ** Look out. Another river disaster looms. This is the time when such things occur with frequency. On this occasion a speedboat would collide with another. The consequences would be dire. ** Fire is a good servant. It also takes away everything a person may own. That is going to be the case with the next fire. The loss would be severe because people do not seek to insure what they have.
effects of a stroke depend on a lot of things, including: Ï%Which part and how much of the brain is affected Ï%How quickly the stroke is treated Some people who have a stroke have no lasting effects. Others lose important brain functions. For example, some people become partly or fully paralyzed or unable to speak and some may die when they have a massive stroke. HOW CAN YOU TELL IF SOMEONE IS HAVING A STROKE? — There is an easy way to remember the signs of a stroke. Just think of the word “FAST”. Each letter in the word stands for one of the things you should watch for: Ï%Face – Does the person’s face look uneven or droop on one side? Ï%Arm – Does the person have weakness or numbness in one or both arms? Does one arm drift down if the person tries to hold both arms out? Ï%Speech – Is the person having trouble speaking? Does his or her speech sound strange? Ï%Time – If you notice any of these stroke signs, call for an ambulance or try to get the patient to the Hospital as soon as possible. You need to act FAST. The sooner treatment begins, the better the chances of recovery. CAN STROKES BE
PREVENTED? — Yes. To lower your risk of stroke, you should: Ï%Take your medicines exactly as directed. Medicines that are especially important in preventing strokes include: •Blood pressure medicines •Medicines called statins, which lower cholesterol •Medicines to prevent blood clots, such as aspirin or blood thinners •Medicines that help to keep your blood sugar as close to normal as possible (if you have diabetes) Ï%Make lifestyle changes: •Stop smoking, if you smoke •Get regular exercise (if your doctor says it’s safe) for at least 30 minutes a day on most days of the week •Lose weight, if you are overweight •Eat a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and low-fat dairy products, and low in meats, sweets, and refined grains (such as white bread or white rice) •Eat less salt (sodium) •Limit the amount of alcohol you drink WHAT HAPPENS DURING RECOVERY FROMA
STROKE? During recovery, people work to regain some of the abilities they lost. Even though a part of their brain was damaged by the stroke, their brain can re-learn how to do some of the things it used to do. People who lose the ability to speak can often relearn how to speak or at least how to communicate to some degree. In the same way, people who lose the ability to walk can sometimes re-learn how to walk. Often recovery involves rehabilitation via physiotherapy. This is where the patient will be required to visit a physical therapist who would assist the patient with various exercises, stretches and practices to improve their disability. WHATARE THE CHANCES OF FULL RECOVERYAFTERA STROKE? The chances of making a full recovery depend on a lot of factors, such as: Ï%How big the stroke was Ï%What part of the brain was damaged by the stroke Ï%How old the person is (Younger people tend to recover better than older people.) Ï%What other medical
Dr. Zulfikar Bux problems the person has (such as heart failure or cancer) Ï%Whether the person was sick before the stroke happened Ï%How soon the person was treated following the stroke Scientists used to think that when a part of the brain was damaged, there was no way to recover what was lost. It turns out that is not true. The brain can recover some and adapt. The most important thing you can do to help make this happen is to stick with rehab and do all the exercises and therapies your healthcare team recommends. Also, be patient. It takes time to heal and learn new ways to cope, but work and patience can pay off.
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Sunday August 09, 2015
Remembering the baby-faced backtracker By Michael Jordan We like to think that a man’s deeds are stamped on his features, that his face is a mirror that reflects the good and ill of his past. We forget American gangsters like ‘Pretty Boy’ Floyd’, and ‘Baby Face’ Nelson, whose choir-boy features belied the fact that they were ruthless killers. We forget Guyanese serial killer Harrynauth Beharry, who murdered eight children, though you wouldn’t have known it from his nondescript demeanour. And now that we are on the subject of infamous Guyanese criminals, that brings me to Lloyd Bacchus. He was a flashy young businessman, a Michael Jackson look-alike, owner of several properties. But in 1994, someone put a bullet into the back of Bacchus’ head as he lay in his soundproof bedroom. His death would lead to the unraveling of a massive organized crime ring. It was 22:00 hrs on Saturday, January 8, 1994, and about seven friends were in the living room of Bacchus’ spacious home at Prashad Nagar. The 27-year-old Bacchus was resting in his bedroom after having called a taxi to pick him up. Some of the friends were watching television when four men suddenly entered through the front door. At least two of the men were barefooted, and all were reportedly armed. The men ordered the frightened occupants to lie on the floor. Warning them to remain silent, the gunmen turned the television set up to full volume.
Two of them remained with the group, while the others entered Lloyd Bacchus’ room. Two minutes later, the muffled sound of a gunshot was heard. The men then exited the room, reportedly with a duffel bag and then fled via the back door. After making certain that the gunmen were gone, Bacchus’ friends then entered the young
businessman’s room. There, they found the young man lying face down and motionless. He had been shot at close range to the back of the neck. The initial belief was that Lloyd Bacchus was the victim of a brazen robbery. But it soon became evident that there was another motive. And that motive lay in Lloyd Bacchus’ background.
Police confirmed that a search of the slain man’s home unearthed several blank US passports, and forged passport seals. What had been whispered in the streets was now clear: the young man who had once won a Michael Jackson lookalike contest was the head of one of the largest ‘backtracking’ rings in the country. Charging a reported
US$10,000 a client, the Bacchus ring, allegedly aided by Immigration and airport personnel, smuggled about ten clients a week to the United States and Canada. From reports, things didn’t go well for those who tried to fleece the young ‘businessman.’ Police had received information that Bacchus had abducted two children after their father failed to cough up the full payment for his ‘backtrack’ fee. Bacchus reportedly kept meticulous records of his business associates. A book containing the names of some of these associates was unearthed during the investigation. The US Embassy also confirmed that they knew of Bacchus’ escapades and had denied his application for a US immigrant visa. In fact, in January, 1993, an Embassy official had previously informed Bacchus by letter that he was ineligible for an immigrant visa, under laws which prohibited anyone who had “wrongly aided, abetted anyone to enter the US illegally.” Nevertheless, there were reports that Bacchus had managed to slip into the US on several occasions. In his 1992 application for a US visa, Bacchus had informed the US Embassy that he owned seven properties and estimated his assets at US$310,000. The then Commissioner of Police, Laurie Lewis, admitted that the Guyana Police Force was aware of the Bacchus operation. How this operation was allowed to operate with
apparent impunity under the noses of the Guyana Police Force would soon become clear. After Bacchus’ death, a murder case surfaced in the High Court in which the accused alleged that he had paid Lloyd Bacchus $265,000. Less than a week after Bacchus’ death, police rounded up several suspects. Among them was 25-year-old David Patterson, called ‘Polaro.’ On Wednesday, January 19, 1994, the accused appeared in the Georgetown Magistrates’ Court and was charged with Bacchus’ murder. But this has failed to clear up some aspects of the case. Was Bacchus the victim of a robbery or of a soured ‘backtrack’ deal? Who, if anyone, paid Patterson and his associates to execute Bacchus? However, at least one question was answered. That question had to do with the possible involvement of the police and other officials in the Bacchus operation. Several months after his execution, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) cracked a massive alien-smuggling ring with links to Guyana. Tapping the phones of the Guyanese ringleader, the RCMP operatives managed to listen in to conversations between the ringleader and several of his associates in Guyana. According to the RCMP investigations, these ‘associates’ included several airline and airport officials, and junior and senior ranks in the Guyana Police Force. Some of the culprits were overheard demanding more money for removing ‘uncooperative’ police ranks from the Cheddi Jagan International Airport on days that the ‘backtrack’ clients were scheduled to depart. Despite this exposure, quite a few of those ranks continued to hold senior positions in the Force. If you have any information on any unusual case, please contact us at our Lot 24 Saffon Street office or by telephone. We can be reached on telephone numbers 2258465, 22-58491, or 2258458. You need not disclose your identity. You can also contact Michael Jordan at his email address mjdragon@
Sunday August 09, 2015
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Alfie, Mahogany and the music that changed our lives forever It is natural to feel a touch of sadness when you hear a singer that had some shape on your consciousness has died. Recently two such artists passed away. Their music, like an event, book, movie, real-life hero, has left deep, lasting impressions on me. I was a young boy when Cilla Black made “Alfie” a big hit. It wasn’t the movie that moved me, but the theme song. Life is strange. I met my wife long after the song deeply impressed me. And quite surprisingly, she loved “Alfie.” This has remained one of my wife’s most cherished songs. It is Burt Bacharach’s only philosophical tune, but is a stunning piece of reflection on life and love. The movie, “Mahogany” came to Guyana at a time when Walter Rodney was taking Guyana by storm. I was a freshman on the UG campus then and was one of Rodney’s converts. I left the campus one evening and went to the Astor cinema to see “Mahogany.” The social
activist was played by Billy Dee Williams and I thought I wanted to be his character in real life. It turned out to be so for me. The theme song helped in the formation of my belief system. The lyrics of that melody left a permanent motif in my mind. The year before I got married, the biopic (titled The Greatest) of one of the human race’s greatest persons, the boxer, Muhammad Ali came out. The theme song was moving and touching. I personally identified with the words of the song and still do. I was sad when I heard that the composer, Michael Masser, of one of those two philosophical reflections, also passed away last week. I was young when I saw the movies, “Alfie,” “Mahogany,” and “The Greatest” and the fantastic and philosophically-laced theme songs. It was the right age for me, because those compositions helped to give direction to my philosophical directions. Cilla Black and Michael Masser are dead, but what they gave the world will remain forever. I hope you
listen to these three songs and find a way to see the films. Theme from “Alfie” by Cilla Black What’s it all about, Alfie? Is it just for the moment we live? What’s it all about when you sort it out, Alfie? Are we meant to take more than we give or are we meant to be kind? And if only fools are kind, Alfie, then I guess it’s wise to be cruel. And if life belongs only to the strong, Alfie, what will you lend on an old golden rule? As sure as I believe there’s a heaven above, Alfie, I know there’s something much more, something even nonbelievers can believe in. I believe in love, Alfie. Without true love we just exist, Alfie.
Until you find the love you’ve missed you’re nothing, Alfie. When you walk let your heart lead the way and you’ll find love any day, Alfie, Alfie.
Now looking back at all we’ve planned We let so many dreams Just slip through our hands Why must we wait so long Before we’ll see How sad the answers To those questions can be
Theme from “Mahogany” by Diana Ross Do you know where you’re going to? Do you like the things that life is showing you Where are you going to? Do you know...? Do you get What you’re hoping for When you look behind you There’s no open door What are you hoping for? Do you know...? Once we were standing still in time Chasing the fantasies That filled our minds You knew how I loved you But my spirit was free Laughin’ at the questions That you once asked of me
Frederick Kissoon Theme from “The Greatest” by George Benson I believe that children are our future Teach them well and let them lead the way Show them all the beauty they possess inside Give them a sense of pride to make it easier Let the children’s laughter remind us how we used to be Everybody searching for a hero People need someone to look up to I never found anyone to fulfill my needs A lonely place to be So I learned to depend on me
I decided long ago Never to walk in anyone’s shadows If I fail, if I succeed At least I will live as I believe No matter what they take from me They can’t take away my dignity Chorus: Because the greatest love of all Is happening to me I found the greatest love of all Inside of me The greatest love of all Is easy to achieve Learning to love yourself It is the greatest love of all
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Kaieteur News
Sunday August 09, 2015
Understanding the urgent need to temporarily relocate for enhancement Unofficial estimates indicate that some 70 percent of the vendors retailing and wholesaling greens, ground provisions, coconuts, bottled beverages and even wild meat and fish on the dilapidated Stabroek Market wharf are women. They and every other vendor, will shortly be relocated to the nearby area curiously called Donkey City, and to the much more secure and stable Stabroek Stelling nearby. Both of these locations have been properly surveyed and corrective works will be completed before the vendors are shifted. The Mayor and City Council (M&CC) of Georgetown, which is responsible for maintenance and repairs of all markets in the city, has given the assurance repeatedly that the relocation of vendors is a temporary arrangement, for an estimated six weeks, to allow for the wharf to be completely reconstructed. M&CC’s Engineers are collaborating with civil engineers in the Ministry of Public Infrastructure for the exercise
that has been separated into four phases. Already they have drawn up blueprints for the new wharf, which will eventually be supported by new piles and platforms constructed from Guyana’s own hard woods. It will have new stalls, offices and reinforced roofing. In addition, a new structure will replace the rickety slips which are used to receive goods from farmers who transport their produce up and down the Demerara River to sell to vendors. Some members of the public also interact with the farmers in their boats, purchasing vegetables, fruits and fish at very low prices. These riverain farmers will be accommodated closer to the former stelling for the duration of the demolition and the rebuilding of a completely new and more accommodating structure. We understand completely the vendors’ initial reluctance to shift from their accustomed location. They have expressed some reservation that their
customers may not follow them to their temporary relocations, which they fear could cost them a percentage of their accustomed daily revenue intake. But it is well documented that customers do not easily relinquish or walk away from service/goods providers who have always faithfully provided reliable service and good produce. In times past, vendors who used to occupy Donkey City had complained that tourists and local customers had been reluctant to enter that area. As a result they had deserted the location and set up shop on the roadway in front of the Stabroek Market. This resulted in a long period of uncontrolled encumbrance and heavy littering of the market’s surroundings on Water St., including the car park and the pavements on both sides of the roadway just north of the market. In no construct would this be deemed acceptable, but vendors insisted that they made more sales there in spite of the efforts of the City
Constabulary to impose some measure of order and ease the flow of vehicular traffic. This aspect is also included in the city council’s overarching plan to beautify the city and return the Stabroek Market and its environs to a clean, visitorfriendly heritage site which is listed on travel brochures and websites all around the world as a must-see. With technical assistance from the Public Infrastructure Ministry, they are seeking solutions that will benefit the vendors, shoppers, drivers and members of the public who must pass by this area to access transportation at the nearby bus parks or to patronize adjacent restaurants. Public Works Minister, David Patterson, is deeply invested in this expansive project, the first stage of which is to restore the beauty and functionality of the Stabroek Market. He said, “People will understand (the need to temporarily relocate) and I think we keep underestimating the cooperation and the will of our people to improve their livelihood.” The Stabroek Market wharf had been showing signs of deterioration for some years, but the M&CC was in
no financial position to effect the repairs. Countless appeals were made to the previous government to supply the funding and some technical assistance for the rehabilitation of the entire wharf, but to no avail. On several occasions, heavy winds had damaged the roof over the vending area and a section of the wharf had collapsed in 2013 injuring a well-known market handyman. Then on 21st March 2015, a stall was destroyed when a section of the roof came crashing down. Even after these incidents, the intrepid vendors chose to remain on the dilapidated wharf, but now, when the repairs are complete, they will be able to ply their trade in a safe and secure environment. The Minister also spoke about the emerging plan to repair the entire Stabroek Market. He referred to it as a unique structure and noted that though it may cost less to build a new market, “we have to maintain our history and our heritage as it was handed down to us”. The plan is to repair the heritage structure and retain as much as possible of its original architecture. The Stabroek Market was originally designed by an American Architect, Nathaniel
McKay, and was constructed of iron, steel and some wood by the Edgemoor Iron Company of Delaware, USA in 1880-1881. Though the architectural style is somewhat elusive, the iron structure and the prominent clock tower are reminiscent of the Victorian era of Great Britain. The market building originally covered an area of approximately 80,000 square feet but over the years it expanded to include the wharf, the stelling, and more recently the Stabroek Bazaar. The Stabroek market area is easily the busiest such place in the city, always bustling with people and activity. It is a central hub for taxis and minibuses that ply the East Bank, West Bank and West Coast Demerara corridors. It is generally believed to be the largest market location in Guyana, where a multitude of sellers make a living dealing in jewellery, clothing, fabric, dry and perishable goods, household artifacts and personal trinkets. It houses a popular fish market and meat section as well. In times past, it was most recognizable by its clock tower. The clock stopped working sometime in the 1990’s and the Council’s efforts to repair it were unsuccessful.
Sunday August 09, 2015
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The gun and the human rights bodies are in sync The horror story these past few weeks was the killing of another elderly citizen by a young freak who seemed to have not one emotional bone in his body. The video recorded by the closed circuit camera was so shocking that only the most morbid would want to see it over and over again. This woman was not known to have caused anyone to be angry with her, so it was shocking that out of the blue someone would want to take a huge lug spanner to her head. People saw the callous nature of the man who killed her. They also saw the planning that went into it. What has the society become? Guyana was a country in which the young respected the elderly. As a boy growing up I dared not walk past an elderly person without offering a greeting. This is still the case in parts of rural Guyana where everyone is uncle, auntie or granny. Bartica is a joy to behold. No one walks past another without a greeting. In fact I have no record of a young person killing an older person for no apparent reason. But in the city and its environs, this is becoming commonplace. It was the late
Desmond Hoyte who said that the key to eradicating crime is to catch the perpetrators. Until recently, killers managed to escape. I must say that with the new dispensation arrests are frequent, with the result that violent crime has slowed, drastically. There is the suspicion that the young killer, who the police say hailed from the city, was paid by someone to carry out the heinous act. How did this person who wanted the woman dead find someone willing to do this? Surely he/ she did not go around asking. If he/she did share his/her intention with someone and that person helped him/her procure the killer, this person is equally guilty. In the hours following the release of the video, a policeman was so sickened that he said that the solution rested with killing this sick person and doing so slowly. I must say that whenever there is certainty that the killer is in custody, he would face the courts, where he may get a sentence that could see him back on the streets in a few years, because we do not send people to the gallows these days. One judge, recognizing the reluctance of the Guyana
Government to send people to the gallows, hands down sentences that would keep the killer off the streets for the rest of his natural life. But this does not seem to be enough of a deterrent, because the killings still occur. For this year more than eighty people have been killed. People in the developed world can actually sit back and talk about the inhumane behaviour of governments when they execute someone. They have even been joined by some local organisations. It is amazing that when it is time to give criminals their due, the various human rights organisations come out in a fury. I failed to notice any comment when that young animal killed the old woman. It was the same when the gang killed the owner of the mall on Regent Street and beat the living daylights out of the land court judge and her husband. Then there are the shootings. Some people in Plaisance confronted a suspected armed robber and one of them died. I am told that the person who got killed was a passerby. The shooter escaped, so we have another murder on our hands. Such incidents allow for a nervous society. There are
people who now stay off the streets unless they have something to do. The Private Sector Commission does not take this into consideration when it talks about a slowing down of business. In fact, it seeks to accuse the government of being responsible. But then again, this is bound to happen, because there is tighter control on the parallel economy. Drugs are not flowing as it once did and those with ill-gotten gains have to worry about the antimoney laundering Act. But back to the madness, the senseless killings. I remember the government offering an amnesty to people who have illegal guns. It was Bharrat Jagdeo who described this as a waste of time, because some people have two and three. They turn in one and easily procure another. Thanks to the vigilance of the police, they have taken more than a few from the streets. The carriers are facing
the courts, but with smart lawyers and the overcrowded jails they are soon back on the streets to continue until a conviction, which is uncertain. I remember a young man named Randy Morris. He was arrested more than a dozen times and charged with all manner of crimes, some of them violent. He was never convicted so when he was killed he was conviction-free. There are many others like him who are around to continue their criminal activities. Are more jails necessary? I think so, but then again the cost of maintaining these jails can go toward making life better for the rest of society. The solution rests with parents. They should talk to their children. Indeed peer pressure is a hell of a thing. I know. But a good parent can steer children away from a life of crime. I know this too. It is a waste of time for a family to cry over a slain bandit then try to blame the people who killed him. And don’t blame poverty either.
Adam Harris There is a lot of work out there, albeit menial tasks. In the foreign countries where we tend to take up residence we do anything offered, because there is no one to help us if we don’t have money. I meet a lot of Guyanese working in all manner of places and doing jobs that they would never have undertaken in Guyana. In Guyana when the government pays the police better, I am certain that more and more people are going to seek money to pay lawyers to defend that errant child. What a waste of money.
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Kaieteur News
Sunday August 09, 2015
Skills, people & more skills By Lance Hinds If Guyana is going to participate fully in a 21st century environment using ICT as a pillar, there must be a specific set of initiatives that we must engage in order to achieve this goal. Let me give two examples of the challenge that we face and must overcome. In 2013 and 2014, I went to a series of ICT business expositions looking at the possibility of providing offshore support services out of Guyana. In one of the orientation sessions, a company from England expressed an initial interest in using our ICT support services. They however want 20 programmers and 15 data analysts available on a 24hour basis on each eight-hour shift. The overall requirement therefore was for 105 persons. End of discussion. Another shock to the system was when I went to an Animation conference with some of my Caribbean colleagues. In a meeting with Sony Entertainment, we were duly advised that while the idea of using animation studios in the Caribbean was attractive, they can get at least 500 animators per project requirement out of Korea and The Philippines. End of that
discussion as well. I am not suggesting that we can match these numbers in the short term, but what is clear is that we will have to begin to train more people for these types of industries. I believe that the solution therefore is a comprehensive training programme that runs on two developmental planks. The first plank is via the existing and traditional education system. The Caribbean Examinations Council (CXC) continues to expand its offerings in ICT. The Information Technology curricula at CSEC and CAPE are far more streamlined, courses like Digital Media have been added to CAPE, with Animation and Gaming scheduled to be offered in 2016. The challenge first of all is that there is a severe shortage of teachers within our education system who have the skills to teach this level of courses. This reduces the amount of candidates who can sit these exams. There must therefore be an initiative to prepare more teachers to teach information technology and related curriculum in the schools as a matter of primary importance. The Department of Computer Studies at the
University of Guyana, although it has improved over the past few years, must receive additional support. Better software labs and equipment with configurations that reflect as much possible the modern workplace, are badly needed. I understand that the curriculum is under review. I look forward to the results. While I respect and support the view that students must be trained purely to be computer engineers and scientists that can work anywhere, I would certainly hope that some consideration be given to at least a series of electives that would highlight the implementation of business processes in general and within Guyana’s context in particular. Last, but not certainly not least, is the creation of an information technologyspecific academic institution preferably built along the polytechnic model. This institution would concentrate on the development of students to be coders/ programmers, network technicians and administrators who are not necessarily interested in pursuing the inclusive and rounded four-year degree programme at University. These students will become
certified via the exams offered by global hardware and software training providers. The benefit of this is the provision of industry-ready professionals that can immediately begin to provide a range of mid-level services in what we hope to be a rapidly emerging industry in the coming years. The second plank is the development and implementation of a nationwide, communitybased ICT training programme. The idea is to deliver a series of short training courses to residents particularly in rural, hinterland and economically-challenged communities. This can be done by the establishment of a number of tech hubs in the 10 regions over a manageable period. These tech hubs will first serve as training centres for teaching skills like computer familiarization, word and spreadsheet processing, data capture functions, graphic design at a bare minimum. Ideally the courses will be delivered over no more than a six-month period. This will mean that more people are trained for the new jobs and special projects that are going to need these kinds of skills. The long term vision for these tech hubs would be for them to then become business incubators and collaborative workspaces to
foster innovation and entrepreneurship at the community level. It would play a significant role in ensuring that technology solutions can be home grown and we do not always have to depend for foreign intellectual inputs. For the record, I am not preaching rocket science. Many of our sister Caricom nations are already down this path. Startup firms are already emerging and offering innovative services throughout the region. There is absolutely no reason now why we cannot participate in this process. Of course the usual questions always crop up. In terms of funding, I believe that these kinds of initiatives should be multi-stakeholder efforts, so I do not expect the Government to fund them all by itself. Collaboration between community groups, civil society and private sector organizations can certainly quality for various levels of grant funding offered worldwide to similar projects. Like everyone else, we have to do the research and pound on the doors. I always think back to when I returned to Guyana in the early 1990s. There was a vibrant IT community with two or three programming houses developing payroll, inventory and human resource information systems. I even know some
Lance Hinds old stalwarts who develop systems on the NCR or the IBM system 36 for local institutions. Some of these people did not have formal training, but in typical Guyanese fashion took to the thing like a duck to water and did some marvellous things. The industry, for whatever the reasons, did not evolve into what could have now been a significant contributor to the economy. Those programming houses faded away with migration and the pursuit of greener pastures. I believe now, however, that there is a chance for an ICT renaissance, where we take our rightful place in the Caribbean as a provider of technological services. This is another chance. We may not get it again. Lance Hinds is the current President of the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce. He is also the Chief Executive Officer of the BrainStreet Group, an ICT consulting and information services company.
Sunday August 09, 2015
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SUNDAY SPECIAL Granny’s gruesome killing captured on camera – clubbed, kicked and strangled Police are hunting for a young sadistic killer who clubbed, choked, kicked and stomped an old woman to death in her own home early Saturday morning. Carmen Ganesh, 77, who lived alone, was found dead in her home at Montrose, East Coast Demerara, by her son and daughter-in law, who went to check on her after she failed to respond to neighbours’ calls. From all indications her killer was only interested in the few pieces of jewellery she was wearing at the time and the little pension she had collected from the Post Office on Friday. A surveillance camera on the premises recorded the gruesome attack from start to finish. It is believed that the killer broke into a car in the yard some time Friday night. Footage from the camera showed a man, who appeared to be in his twenties, peering out of the vehicle around 05.40 hrs. It was shortly after this time that Mrs. Ganesh came out of her house to pick flowers and perform her religious rites in her front yard. While she was doing this, the intruder, who was wearing a pair of three-quarter camouflage pants, sneaked into the house through the back door and hid next to the refrigerator. When Mrs. Ganesh eventually entered her house, the intruder clubbed her on the head with a tyre wrench. When she collapsed, the intruder dragged her into a corner and wrapped a handtowel around her neck. After that, he began to kick and stomp the old woman until she lay motionless. With Ganesh’s corpse lying nearby, the killer then calmly opened her fridge and drank a can of orange juice. The footage shows the man ransacking the house after killing the elderly woman. Eventually, the killer exited Mrs. Ganesh’s back door, jumped the fence, crossed the road then boarded a bus that was heading in the direction of Georgetown. However, no relative or villager could positively identify him. Pradoville Two scandal…NICIL paid $100Mplus to remove transmission tower Details are emerging how state resources to the tune of tens of millions of dollars were
abused during the last term of Bharrat Jagdeo to build a special seaside community on the Sparendaam foreshore, East Coast Demerara. The Pradoville Two transaction would have spanned a number of Government entities, including the Central Housing and Planning Authority, the National Communications Network (NCN) and the National Industrial and Commercial Investments Limited (NICIL). Prior to stepping down in November 2011, after he completed his constitutional two terms in office, Jagdeo and his administration in deciding to build a community for himself, ministers and friends, stumbled on a big problem. Sitting on the land was a huge transmitting tower belonging to the state-owned NCN. A decision was taken to move the tower to Dairy Road, La Parfaite Harmonie, West Bank Demerara. NICIL reportedly paid over $100M to take down the tower and build the new transmitting facility. It was a charge on NCN. Significant sums from the State were spent also on the construction of roads, drainage network and other works at Pradoville Two. The developed house lots, complete with infrastructure, were then sold below market value to Jagdeo, several ministers and Government officials and friends. There is no evidence that the house lots sale was advertised or what procedures were used in the allocations of the parcels of the ocean front properties. There are also no details of whether the recipients were
owners of properties at the time. If they were, under regulations, they would have been barred from buying the lands under regulations of the Central Housing and Planning Authority. A forensic audit is now being carried out at NICIL and CH&PA. MONDAYEDITION Vaitarna now exporting “milled lumber” GFC Commissioner says this is “some level of value added operations” It has been over three years since the Indian logging company Vaitarna Holding Private Incorporated (VHPI), has been promising faithfully to establish a wood processing facility in Guyana. In fact, it had told the media that it’s sawmill would be in full swing by the first quarter of this year. Commissioner of the Guyana Forestry Commission (GFC), James Singh said that the company recently gave him an update on where they stood in that regard. He said that he was told by Vaitarna that it has started “some level of adding value” to Guyana’s prime logs. Singh said, however, that Vaitarna which is part of the group that owns the popular Coffee Day Inc. franchises in India, is still experiencing some difficulties. The GFC Commissioner disclosed that the company’s value added operations are not as considerable as it desires at this point as it is awaiting some equipment to reach local shores so as to enhance its operations. He added, “They have already started some level of processing, but they told us
that they are awaiting some additional equipment which has been delayed for various reasons and they have provided us with justifications for the delay.” Asked to explain the “level of processing” or “adding value” to the logs which was started by the company, Singh said that “Vaitarna has commenced the conversion of logs to milled lumber,” but he explained that he would go into details on this during another interview. Milled lumber refers to wood which is already cut to any marketable size while a valueadded wood product is as a result of taking the raw materials and reproducing something that is functional. This can be in the form of furniture. In short, the value added, process ensures that the worth of the final product is more that the original raw materials. TUESDAYEDITION Killer questions granny throughout hour-long ordeal – sifts through papers, seen entering and leaving her bedroom several times Kaieteur News has obtained the graphic surveillance recording of a man calmly clubbing, throttling and then kicking and stomping 77-year-old Carmen Ganesh—and repeatedly searching her Montrose, East Coast Demerara house and talking to his dying victim through the entire ordeal which lasted almost one hour. The recording was obtained on Monday, even as police finally released a photograph of the killer, obtained from the same surveillance footage.
Kaieteur News on Monday night posted an edited version of the footage online, in the hope that individuals could identify the perpetrator and assist in his capture. The surveillance recording shows a man of African ancestry in Mrs. Ganesh’s home. He is wearing a pair of three-quarter camouflage pants and purple jersey, and what appears to be a pair of brown shoes. Apart from his image, the killer is likely to have his fingerprints and traces of his DNA at the scene. Alleged $120M fraud…Ex-minister’s former assistant questioned, released on station bail Days after being charged with the illegal transfers of a number of state vehicles, a former Public Service Ministry staffer is again at the centre of investigations by the police. On Monday, Margaret Cummings, former Chief Personnel Officer of the Ministry, turned up at the Criminal Investigations Department (CID), Police Headquarters, Eve Leary, in relation to a $120M complaint regarding to missing monies. Cummings was released late Monday afternoon on bail. WEDNESDAYEDITION Montrose Granny’s g r u e s o m e murder…Relatives believe death was contract killing Close relatives of murdered 77-year-old Carmen Ganesh are almost convinced that her killer was contracted to take her life. Judging from the killer’s
calm actions which were captured for more than an hour on surveillance cameras in and around the Montrose, East Coast Demerara house, family members believe that the man was not there just to rob the elderly woman, but was calculating enough to ensure that she suffered severely before he finally ensured she was dead. The footage showed Ganesh’s killer painstakingly going through the interior of the house, while intermittently stopping to kick or batter the already wounded woman with a piece of iron. He was also seen talking to her as if he was demanding something specific. Camera footage showed the woman’s killer combing through a set of documents on a table in the bottom flat of the house. However he appeared to have left without taking anything substantial. Family members are surprised that the killer, who had ample time to pack away loot, left behind items of significant value which were bound to attract the ordinary break and enter criminal. “First, he was in the car that had an expensive tape deck, but he left that. In the house they had flat screen TV and laptop, he left that too,” a relative observed. However they could not say for sure who would want the elderly woman dead. ‘Sell out Skeldon Factory’ – New Chairman recommends – Estate producing at over US$0.70 cents per pound, others at US$0.40 The Skeldon Sugar Factory is producing at an astonishing US$0.70 cents a pound while other estates are producing at $0.40 cents. As a result of its high cost of production, recently appointed Chairman of the Guyana Sugar Corporation (GuySuCo), Dr. Clive Thomas, is of the opinion that the $200M estate should be sold or used for other purposes. But Kaieteur News understands that such a recommendation would pose some serious difficulties, as the Skeldon Factory has no co-generation capacity. Its cogeneration plant was sold just before the General and Regional Elections held in May. Documents reveal that on March 30, last, the then Chief Executive Officer of GuySuCo, Dr. Rajendra Singh convened a meeting where members of staff were informed of the previous Cabinet’s decision to transfer assets from Skeldon Co-Generation Plant to a newly formed company, Continued on page 43
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Tomorrow, Monday August 10th, is Budget Day. The 2015 estimates will be laid in the National Assembly by Minster of Finance Mr Winston Jordan MP, in what has traditionally become known as the ‘Budget Speech’. A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) is assured that Budget 2015 will be one that meets the approval of all Guyanese. APNU believes that all Guyanese aspire to a good life, and that government spending has to be done in relation to the achieving of that good life. In his address to the 11th Parliament of Guyana, President David Granger said, “Those of us who were elected have work to do. We have a responsibility to represent the people. We have an obligation to speak for them. We have a duty to
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serve their interests. They have put their trust in us. That is why we are here… Your Government is aware that too many very young and very old persons are still classified as ‘extremely poor’ with an expenditure level that is below what is required to purchase a minimum, daily, low-cost diet. Poverty can be reduced and, perhaps, eventually eradicated with good governance and the sensible public policies that we shall introduce”. Budget 2015 will begin the process of addressing many of these problems. The budget will also address promises made by A Partnership for National Unity and The Alliance for Change (APNU+AFC) in our 100-day plan, these include a moderate increase in the old age pension and an increase in the wages and salaries for
public servants. This budget will deliver on those promises. Budget 2015 sets the tone for the way in which Guyana will be governed. The new Coalition government is committed to and will be employing a new approach to the management of the country’s resources with the aim of setting up the framework for how the administration will be approaching the governance of the economy over the next five years. This new approach includes a focus on better governance, social cohesion, building safer communities, linking the coastland with the hinterland, taking care of the environment, emphasising green technology, support for the implementation of environmentally-friendly processes for the extractive sector and the creation of a
sovereign wealth fund. In the words of President Granger, “Government envisages a prosperous Guyana. We shall craft a long-term, national economic strategy that will ensure economic stability and social security, raise the productive potential of the economy and improve the quality of life for all.” The economic and social benefits of linking the coastland with the hinterland will be enormous. The lives of Guyanese living in farflung communities will improve; a lower cost of living, job creation, the efficient and inexpensive delivery of goods and services, are but some of the positive benefits deriving from such a policy. GREENINGTHE ECONOMY There are significant economic opportunities for countries that manufacture and produce clean energy. Greening the energy sector in Guyana, by substantially increasing investment in renewable energy, provides an opportunity to make a
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significant contribution to addressing the challenges of 1) concerns about energy security; 2) combating climate change; 3) reducing pollution and public-health hazards; and 4) addressing energy poverty. By placing environmental protection at the forefront of a ‘green ‘ energy sector the government will send a clear signal to those that are involved in the sector and potential investors that our natural resources can be exploited in a way that ensures sustainability while becoming an economic driver, which provides cheaper energy sources, creates jobs and ensures public health. Supporting our Extractive sector is not only good economics but also good common sense. This industry has been the country’s largest foreign currency earner for several years. There should be no doubt that the national economy could be significantly enhanced and the livelihood of hinterland residents and miners enriched if the industry is placed on a surer economic footing. The establishment of a Sovereign Wealth Fund, derived from revenues from our forests, mines, waters, lands and other natural resources, will ensure that revenues from our national
patrimony are not squandered in the short term, but will be put aside to benefit generations to come. When APNU was launched on the 15th July 2011, we promised a good life for all Guyanese, we have never deviated from that promise; Budget 2015 is another step towards achieving that good life. At his inauguration President Granger challenged the nation to reach for that good life when he said, “we must undo the damage to our country and undertake the task of rebuilding our economy. Our engineers must build roads and bridges across our great rivers. Our scientists must seek solutions to our annual cycle of floods and drought. Our manufacturers must make more products. Our diplomats must open more markets for us to sell our goods. We must make more jewellery from our gold and diamond. We must make more world-class furniture from our timber. We must make more packaged and preserved food from our fish, fruit, meats, milk and vegetables. We must make them so we can sell them to our Caribbean brothers and sisters if we are to prosper.”
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From page 31 Skeldon Energy Inc (SEI). The effective date of transfer was stated as April 1, 2015 and GuySuCo was expected to receive a total of US$30M from the said transaction. There have only been three payments from NICIL thus far – $1,000,000, 000 on February 25, $2,070,000,000 on March 17 and $1,035,000,000 on April 17. The sale took place without there being consultations with technical personnel from GuySuCo to solicit their views on the pros and cons of the proposed arrangement.
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No Man’s Land! The Indian nationals sitting on the tarmac of the CJIA after being refused as passengers on an Insel Air flight.
THURSDAY EDITION Montrose Granny’s gruesome murder… Police not 100% sure man in custody is person in video A man who police have arrested as a suspect in the murder of 77-year-old Carmen Ganesh may not be the persons caught on camera committing the act after all. This is despite police receiving several calls from persons claiming it was him, after they would have seen the image in sections of the media earlier this week. “The police got a lot of calls that he was the man in the video, that is why they arrested him,” a police official told this newspaper. With the image not being clear enough, police sources were never too sure that it matched the man they had picked up in East Ruimveldt on Tuesday. After reviewing the footage several times, Police sources confirmed that they are not 100 percent sure that the 24-year-old man in custody is the man in the video. The detained individual is maintaining that it is not him in the video and investigators will have to rely on scientific evidence such as DNA and fingerprints to be absolutely sure. Exclusive ‘Pradoville 2’ without water meters since inception – first one installed days ago
Questions have once again been raised about the ‘Pradoville 2’ community, this time on how the exclusive area managed to go years without the installation of a single water meter. Earlier this week, reports reached this newspaper about this latest scandal. These reports indicate that the controversial community, which has been around for about half a decade, has been without a single Guyana Water Incorporated (GWI) meter since its inception. ‘Pradoville 2’ is a residential community at Sparendaam, East Coast Demerara which was created under the directive of Former President and now Opposition Leader Bharrat Jagdeo. Word of the community first surfaced sometime around 2010. Outside of Jagdeo, several other prominent persons benefitted from the creation of the community by receiving house lots. Since the creation of the exclusive community, a number of mansion-like homes have gone up in the area and these homes have been provided with water by the Guyana Water Incorporated (GWI). However, the community’s first meter was only recently
installed at the premises of People’s Progressive Party (PPP) executive member, Dr. Roger Luncheon. In fact, a special water main was laid for ‘Pradoville 2’ by the GWI in late 2010, this main had been laid even before homes had begun cropping up in the residential community. However, while there was all haste in providing the community with a direct water supply, the same haste was not applied in providing the area with a means to properly account for its huge amount of water consumption. FRIDAYEDITION Granger opens door for talks with Maduro – wants to discuss range of issues President David Granger is still willing to hold talks with Venezuelan President, Nicolás Maduro. In a brief interview with media operatives Thursday, the President said that there are a number of issues which he wishes to discuss with his Venezuelan counterpart and these have nothing to do with any so-called territorial dispute, since that matter was put to bed 116 years ago. “I would like to discuss
the reduction of tension, the removal of aggressive actions on the part of Venezuela and I would like to discuss the restoration of cordial relations among all states of the Caribbean and the hemisphere, those are the things I want to discuss with Maduro. I want to discuss making the Caribbean a zone of peace; I want to discuss giving Guyana an opportunity to develop its resources without interference,” President Granger said. Over the past two months, President Maduro has issued decrees claiming rights over Guyana’s exclusive economic zone. This is in addition to reviving its claims on the majority of Essequibo, the biggest county. The decrees give Venezuela’s gunboats permission to unilaterally patrol in Guyana’s waters, angering the new administration and sparking a flurry of complaints to the international bodies. In his address to the Parliament last month, President Granger said that “Guyana has always embraced the principle of the peaceful settlement of disputes. But in as much as we are a peace-loving nation, we will not allow our territorial integrity to be threatened or violated.” Insel Air plane grounded after refusing to take back illegal Indians An outgoing Insel Air flight, 81-791, to Aruba and other connecting destinations, was Thursday cancelled and the plane grounded after the pilot refused to transport eight Indian nationals who were refused entry to Guyana since July 19. Kaieteur News was told that Immigration Officers ordered Insel Air officials to take the men out of the
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jurisdiction Thursday morning but the pilot refused, claiming that the flight was filled. The men had arrived in Guyana on an Insel Air flight on one-way tickets and without visas. Minister of Citizenship, Winston Felix, told this newspaper Thursday that a plane containing the Indian Nationals landed at the Cheddi Jagan International Airport (CJIA) on July 19 and for various reasons, they were detained by immigration officials at the Cheddi Jagan International Airport. Felix revealed that local citizens had made representations for the Indian nationals to be released, but the administration refused to take that course. He maintained that it was the airline that was responsible for the men’s return to their originating destination.
to the police they do respond to you… I am an APNU stronghold.” “I know (police officer) kill Crum-Ewing, because when they ask me to kill Crum-Ewing and Mark Benschop, I told them no, because I’m not no killer. I even went to the police to make a report on the matter and they never took my statement,” Rodrigues said. He again repeated the names of the two persons he insists killed Crum-Ewing. The Magistrate eventually got him to settle down by informing him that he was being remanded until August 21 where he will make his next appearance before Magistrate Ann McLennan. Bandits hack Chinese restaurant owner to death, batter wife - suspect detained, murder weapon found at scene
SATURDAY EDITION ‘Grey Boy’ charged with Crum-Ewing’s murder Just after lunch Friday afternoon loud cries of innocence could’ve been heard throughout the Georgetown Magistrates’ Court as 37-year-old Regan Rodrigues also known as ‘Grey Boy’ made his first appearance to answer to the charge of murder of slain political activist, Courtney Crum-Ewing. Clad in an American Eagle T-Shirt, three-quarter pants and slippers, the defendant after leaving the holding cell to make his way to the courtroom kept reiterating, “I just want his (Courtney’s) family to know I’m not a killer… I did not kill anyone, is (name of a police officer) and (another named individual) kill him.” The unrepresented accused, a father of three, kept smiling and nodding his head repeating the words, “Yes Father” as Magistrate Fabayo Azore read the charge to him. It is alleged that on March 10, 2015, at Diamond Housing Scheme, East Bank Demerara, he murdered Courtney CrumEwing. Even though the defendant was not required to enter a plea to the indictable charge, he asked the magistrate for “a few seconds to hear me out”. Rodrigues told the court that he currently resides at Ruimveldt sea dam, and his occupation varies, since he leaves the country frequently to travel to neighbouring Suriname, but while in Guyana he would engage in mining. He further told the court that, “I know that in this country once money passes
The owner of the popular Jade Stone Restaurant on Mandela Avenue, East Ruimveldt, was hacked to death and his wife battered after robbers invaded their home at around 03.00 hrs Friday. Zhenjz Su, 35, was found gagged and bound in the kitchen area with chop wounds about the head. The killers had also dumped sacks of rice on the body. There are reports that the intruders killed Su after he refused to open a money-safe for them. While this could not be confirmed, a police source said that the killers made off with the day’s sales. The intruders also inflicted a savage beating on the businessman’s wife, 32year-old Fei Su, who was attacked in her bedroom. She was battered into unconsciousness, with the attackers knocking out some of her teeth. Mrs. Su has been admitted to a private hospital. While it is unclear how many men participated in the attack, Crime Chief Wendell Blanhum disclosed that police have detained a suspect. Kaieteur News understands that a cutlass, believed to be the murder weapon, was found at the scene. Detectives also found a piece of lumber that they believe the intruders used to club the man’s wife. The victims have five dogs, but no one apparently heard the animals barking while the family was under attack. The bandits had also tampered with surveillance cameras on the property. According to a police official, the killers gained entry from a door in the bottom flat that the business couple had mistakenly left open.
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HPV programme to get PAHO support While not detailing the nature of the challenges that were experienced, a meeting between officials of the Pan American Health Organisation (PAHO) and the Ministry of Health saw Dr. Janice Woolford admitting that there were some problems associated with the Ministry of Health’s Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Vaccination Programme. Dr. Woolford formerly headed the Health Ministry’s Maternal and Child Health Unit but has since taken up an appointment at the local PAHO headquarters. At the meeting between the two sides during the past week, she disclosed, “We initially had some problems with it (HPV programme) but the vaccines will soon be here in August.” This publication had earlier this year received information that the Ministry’s HPV programme had in fact been halted. This state of affairs was confirmed
- vaccines to slated for arrival this month
Dr. Janice Woolford by an official close to the MCH Unit. The HPV Vaccination programme was introduced in January 2012 as a $40 million venture. It was launched at the East La Penitence Health Centre by then Minister of Health, Dr. Bheri Ramsaran. He had then informed that one of the vaccines can cost as much as US$14, making it arguably the most expensive vaccination programme
Come back home From page 55 hold for their country. He thanked the promoters of the event for inviting the delegation, and urged them to continue the good work of keeping Guyanese in the social loop even though the event is a once yearly activity. The Minister was also loud in praise for the many persons who expressed interest in returning home, and assured them that his Government was waiting with open arms to welcome them. While responding to shouts from the audience about the sloth in Government not bringing persons who misused public trust and confidence to quick justice, the Minister appealed to the audience to have patience as investigations and audits were underway, and very careful assessments were to be done to ensure compliance to the objectives of the process. The audience was also appraised on the expectations and programmes planned for the 50th Anniversary of Guyana's Independence by Commission member Bobby Vieira. Also forming part of the delegation were Col Larry London (Ret/d) and Political Affairs Head in the Ministry of the Presidency, Fredrick McWilfred. The group returned to Guyana on Tuesday last.
administered by the Ministry. The former Minister had, on multiple occasions, deemed the programme a success. But, in March of last year, an MCH official confirmed that there were no vaccines, ultimately bringing the programme to a standstill. In order to reach its target of young girls between the ages of 11 and 13, the vaccine Gardasil, was being administered at schools to help tackle HPV. A potential impact of contracting cervical cancer is the development of other health conditions such as genital warts and even cancers of the anus, vagina and vulva. The official pointed out to this publication that while the programme was intended to be offered on a national scale, there were some regions that were not benefiting from it. The official disclosed too
that, at least, Regions Eight and 10 were among those that had not accessed the vaccine. This was due to the fact that the Vaccination Centre did not have enough vaccines to ensure the two Regions benefited, said the official. The programme was aimed at slashing the incidence of cervical cancer, which kills an estimated 80 Guyanese women annually. And in order to stem this health challenge, some 7,000 girls were slated to be vaccinated over a six-month period commencing in January, 2012. The official was, however, not in a position earlier this year to speak of the number of vaccines that has thus far been administered. “I don’t know much about that but there are other persons within MCH
(Maternal and Child Health Unit) who will get that tallying done,” said the official who assured that as soon as vaccines arrive the programme will be revived. But the reportedly stalled HPV programme is likely to be corrected soon, as according to Dr. Woolford it is expected that, with the support of PAHO, the HPV vaccines would arrive in Guyana by this month end. Among the vaccines that are slated to arrive this month too are those to tackle Chicken Pox and Inactivated Poliovirus (IPV). According to Dr. Woolford, it is expected that the introduction of IPV at a cost of some US$100,000 will be undertaken by GAVI. GAVI is a Vaccine Alliance which is a public-private global health partnership committed to increasing access to immunization in poor countries. “This funding has not quite been approved but the project has been approved to see the introduction of new vaccines,” Dr. Woolford said.
She disclosed that once the vaccine arrives, PAHO/ WHO in collaboration with the Ministry of Public Health will seek to have it introduced into the vaccination programme by September 1, 2015. This strategic collaboration is in fact part of PAHO/WHO’s Endgame Plan. The Plan was developed in response to the Wo r l d Health Assembly in May 2012 which declared the completion of poliovirus eradication to be a programmatic emergency for global public health. According to Dr. Woolford, based on this initiative, it was recommended that all countries must introduce at least one dose of IPV along with the regular vaccination schedule. Already PAHO has facilitated the training of health workers across the administrative regions and another bout of training within the respective regions are expected to commence shortly with continued PAHO support.
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Octogenarian who was forced to sleep with dogs leads better life
One year later...
From sleepless nights of selling elastic to support her son, to being rudely awakened by buckets of cold water and sleeping with the dogs, to finally having a comfortable bed at the Dharm Shala home, 89 year old Cybil Smith has been through a lot. But through all her pain and torment, inflicted by the very people she thought loved her, Smith’s one lesson for the public is to love, forgive and pray for those who caused hurt in their lives. Through the efforts of a few persons on social media, with the aim of making life easier for a fellow human being, Smith was able to enjoy a little more of life’s comforts last week after receiving a donation from the Metro Office and Computer Supplies. Last year, Kaieteur News reported on Smith’s harrowing story of the many nights her son’s wife and children, would throw water on her while she was asleep as well as the many days she had gone without food, instead relying on the
goodwill of her neighbours to get by. “I does sleep on the floor and when they (grandchildren and daughterin-law) passing, they kicking me and then, they does throw water on me while I am sleeping and say that I am stink,” the elderly woman had told this newspaper last year. Smith’s life had taken such a turn to a series of unfortunate events after she wholeheartedly accepted her only son’s family into her home. However her wellmeaning intentions were not repaid, as shortly after welcoming them to her home, her family threw her out. Before living in the West Ruimveldt home where she invited her family to stay, Smith said that she was living in Alberttown but was forced to move when the house she was living in was given to someone else. “I searched and I searched for a place until I met with a woman and she said she has a house and that’s when me and my son moved in here,” shared the elderly woman.
After her son started a family of his own, Smith recalled that her son asked whether he, his wife and her children could move in with her, which she agreed to. According to the elderly woman, from that day, her life took a turn for the worse. She said she endured years of abuse at the hands of her son’s wife and her three children. Smith claimed that she sustained bruises and was even dragged by her feet down the stairs by her daughter-in-law. According to Smith, her family had put her to sleep outside the house next to the dog where she would get soaked whenever it rained. There, the woman said, her skin would break out in rashes since she and the dog would be sleeping next to each other. “They don’t know what is grandmother. They curse and beat me. They put me out of my own house and I have a son but he does nothing,” was what Smith told Kaieteur News over a year ago. But now, Smith is living a life which is a far cry from the daily heartache she was
Cybil Smith (left) receiving hamper from Metro representative, Shivanie Sooklall
subjected to. Since then, the 89 year-old has taken up residency at the Dharm Shala in Albouystown and has recently garnered noticeable attention on social media. The attention was a result of a recent post from social activist, Mark Benschop, for anyone interested in assisting the elderly woman. When Kaieteur News visited Smith last week, she appeared to be in high spirits and comfortable in her new abode. At the time of the visit, Metro Office and Computer Supplies was making a hamper donation to Smith. The donation consisted of a variety of cosmetics and toiletries, which were noted as being particular favourites of Smith. She expressed
immense gratitude at the efforts of not only Metro, but those of the persons taking interest in her story. In an interview with this newspaper, Smith recalled those days with her family as being horrific and fatiguing, especially for an elderly person such as herself to experience. With regard to her daughter-in-law, Smith said that she doesn’t know where it all went wrong. “I don’t even like to think about her because I took her children as if they were my own grandchildren,” related Smith, “And we lived so good (at first).” As for her son, Smith said that she still loves her son, no matter what, even his family. “Sometimes I pray for
all of them... Everybody I pray for, even my daughter in law.” said the clearly choked up elderly mother. The last time she saw her daughter in law was during the May 11 Elections, but she noted that her former neighbours and one of her grandchildren make the effort to visit her regularly. And although it’s been well over a year since she left the West Ruimveldt dwelling, Smith admitted that the incidents of her time there still affect her, but she thanks God for the life she has now. Despite her haunting time at her former home, Smith still had one thing to say to the daughter-in-law she said caused her so much pain: “I forgive you.”
16-year-old charged with break and enter simple larceny…
Labourer granted bail, youngster remanded
By Shenice Blackman A labourer and a youngster who allegedly went on a stealing spree made their first appearance at the Providence Magistrate’s Court yesterday to answer to a charge of Break and Enter and Larceny. It is alleged that on August 5, at Lot 476 Section ‘A’ block ‘Y’, Golden Grove Housing Scheme ,East Bank Demerara, the teenager of Lot 859 Kaneville Grove EBD and Yomar Nelson,19, of 16th Avenue Diamond, Housing Scheme EBD, broke into Xanler Waaleisk’s dwelling home and carted off a quantity of items. The court heard that they stole 1 Video head piece valued $3,500 and two bottles of perfume valued $3,300. Nelson denied the
allegations while George pleaded guilty after the charge was read to them by Magistrate Leron Daly. George was ordered kept at a juvenile holding centre and Nelson was placed on $70,000 bail. Nelson’s Attorney, during his bail application, asked for his client to be released on reasonable bail. He asserted that Nelson has an unblemished criminal record and that George had asked him (Nelson) to assist him in moving out some stuff from his aunt’s house in Diamond. He further explained that his client (Nelson) is innocent of the act. Police Prosecutor, Inspector Michael Grant in presenting the prosecution’s case, revealed that on the day in question, around 10:00hrs, the police were on patrol in the Golden Grove area when
they received a phone call from a resident of the neighbourhood. As a result of the phone call, they went to the Virtual Complainant’s (VC) home where they saw the two defendants in the house with a quantity of articles packed away in a bag. The police also observed that a western window of the home had been broken. Inspector Grant also told the court that both George and Nelson were questioned by the police but could not give a good reason for being at Waaleisk’s home. He also said that while being questioned they admitted to committing the act. They were cautioned about the seriousness of the offence and later charged. Both defendants would be making their next court appearance on August 20.
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Bartica, Mahdia earmarked for Special Victims Units As it seeks to tackle the scourge of domestic and sexual violence, the government is working to set up teams comprising investigators, social workers and psychologists that will be dedicated exclusively to working sex crimes and domestic violence cases in Bartica and Mahdia. The new units, dubbed the Special Victims Units (SVUs), form part of efforts to effectively tackle the issue. Minister of Social Protection, Volda Lawrence recently told this publication that the government is seeking to establish SVUs nearer to the locations where cases of rape are occurring more frequently, rather than in the city. SVUs are usually funded with requisite social workers and investigators trained to handle cases of rape, sexual harassment, sexual molestation, and other types of sexual violence and domestic violence. “We need to ensure that we have the type of unit that is necessary to house those victims in a place and with people who understand their situation and can empathize with them,” Lawrence said. The Social Protection Minister divulged that Bartica and Mahdia have been earmarked as SVU locations. Barima-Waini (Region One) is being considered, according to Lawrence. “Those two areas we are focusing on to see how quickly we can get a place whereby we would be able to establish a housing unit for those victims,” Lawrence said. INTERIOR LOCATIONS In the city, she explained, the support is tremendous since victims may have easier
- Social Protection Minister
Minister of Social Protection, Volda Lawrence access to religious leaders and places of faith and nongovernmental organizations. “There are supportmechanisms on the coastland but in those areas there are not and victims feel the brunt of it because they have to end up at police stations, they are made to remain in cells and all of these things.” The police in these locations, the Minister lamented, do not have alternate places to house these victims, be it children or adults. She said the onus is now on the government to ensure that the mechanisms are in place to appropriately address these cases when they arise. “When we find it happening, we must be able to put those people in a safe place, a safe and caring place,” the Social Protection Minister emphasized. Lawrence also spoke of cases where victims are perceived as reluctant to speak out against their aggressors. The Minister surmised, “It is because
sometimes you take them from a harsh reality and put them in another harsh reality so they are caught between a rock and a hard place.” This is something the government intends to change. “We have to change that. When people come into our care, people must understand that these are a set of people who are willing to ‘walk the walk’ and ‘talk the talk’ with them to the end until we can get them up and running, as any one of us, functioning in the society and taking care of themselves and their family,” said Lawrence. RAPE CENTERS In the Guyana Police Force (GPF) June statistics on crime, rape was listed as one of the serious crimes policed. The statistics showed an increase of 74 percent in the number of reports of rape when compared to 2014. At the end of June this year, there were 207 reports compared to 119 for the same period last year. The Police said, too, that the majority of the reports came from Georgetown (‘A’ Division) and the East Coast of Demerara (‘C’ Division). In the past, women who took their stories of rape to the media complained that the police are inadequately prepared to handle rape reports. Victims had also expressed fear of nonprosecution due to their rapists having “links” in high places. With the whopping increase in the number of reported rapes, Crime Chief Wendell Blanhum had explained that mechanisms
Guyana wants bilateral not border talks with Venezuela It has been noted that there have been some local and regional newspapers and internet new websites headlines claiming that the President of Guyana, His Excellency Brig. David Granger has changed his mind about meeting with and holding discussions pertaining to the border controversy with Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro. This is not the case. In the body of the media reports, the language attributed to President Granger makes no mention of any “change of mind”. His Excellency merely said that he is willing to speak to President Maduro on a variety of issues of common interest, separate and apart from the border issue. President Granger rightly observed that there is much else of importance to be discussed, including trade and stability in the region. That position is a longstanding one and is captured in diplomatic and other correspondence between the two countries. The recent headlines, for the most part, do not accurately reflect this. In fact, the contents of many articles do not seem to be consistent with the headlines. President Granger and subsequently President Maduro approached the United
Nations in June and July of this year, respectively, to call for the Secretary General to carry out the role set out in the Geneva Agreement. The Secretary General has indicated that he is looking into the matter and has asked whether both Presidents will be attending the United Nations General Assembly in September. That forum may offer the opportunity for a meeting. That has been reported in the press, locally and internationally, and still stands. Guyana has accepted that approach. Subsequently, several other entities have also offered to mediate in the matter. Not surprisingly, from the comments made by some of these parties, it is clear that they acted in response to prompting from Venezuela and, like good friends, have not bothered to inform themselves of the background to the issue. We appreciate the interest and goodwill however, solutions do not merely rely on goodwill. It is only a negotiation problem if one assumes that no international law governs the issue. There are several misconceptions to this issue which are set out in the attached document. (GINA)
have been put in place by the Guyana Police Force (GPF) to tackle the problem. He said one of the mechanisms to deal with rape is the installation of sexual offences units in each Police Division. He said too that special care was taken to place female investigators within the units to interact with the victims and ensure that they feel comfortable. The GPF, he said, is working on removing feelings of distrust. He said that a social crime prevention programme has been launched. AGGRESSIVE APPROACH FROM GOVT. The government too has spoken of a more aggressive report to sexual and domestic violence. “With regards to rape, I would like to tell you this: This is a very serious situation, not only in the communities but in our work places,” Minister Lawrence said at a United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) forum held recently. There, the Minister revealed that on her first day, she met with a young woman who was sexually molested by the Head of an agency.
“The file is now with the DPP. That tells you how I am going to deal with the incidences. It must stop,” said the Social Protection Minister. Also in its 2015 Elections manifesto, the coalition, A Partnership for National Unity and Alliance for Change (APNU+AFC) which now governs, had promised to immediately implement SVUs at all Police stations with qualified social workers to handle crimes against women. “The Guyana Police Force (especially female police officers and the Special
Victims Unit) will be mandated to institute charges against a perpetrator without the victim’s consent,” the government had proposed to do. It said too it will ensure the employment of trained Psychologists to counsel battered and otherwise abused women. “These Psychologists/ Counsellors shall operate clinics, hospitals but shall also work along with the Special Victims Unit of the Guyana Police Force,” they intimated.
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Kaieteur News
Sunday August 09, 2015
BaiShanLin now transporting stones Local barge operators are crying foul against Chinese logging giant, BaiShanLin Forest Development Inc, which has come out in full competition against them. The company, which was granted massive concessions by the past People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) government, is now reportedly contracted to one prominent hardware giant to fetch stone from its quarry to the East Bank Demerara outlet. BaiShanLin has reportedly brought in scores of trucks to conduct forest activities in their concessions. However some of these trucks were offering services at a cheaper rate to local loggers. It would not be the first time that the Chinese logging company has reportedly been using its duty free and other concessions to openly compete with local businesses. Truckers, who have been hauling logs, have also complained of being robbed of their livelihood through unfair competition. According to reports reaching this newspaper, BaiShanLin entered into a two-year agreement with
local hardware company, Toolsie Persaud Limited, earlier this year, which saw the Chinese company offering to transport as much as 2000 tonnes of stone, at a much cheaper price than local operators. This, according to one barge operator, meant that the foreign company was offering service charges so low that no construction company would refuse and they were able to do this through the massive concessions given to them on the basis of their logging operations. It is understood that as recent as last Friday, BaiShanLin’s barge and tug offloaded some 2000 tonnes of stone at Toolsie Persaud’s Providence facility. A staffer said that BaiShanLin’s office behind Princess Hotel at Providence was handling all queries and there is another barge available for hiring. The company is also reported to have dropped off another 2000 tonnes of quarry materials last Monday, in keeping with its new arrangement with Toolsie Persaud. According to one operator who had complained to Kaieteur News, he has not
- pushes local barge operators out
An overhead view of the BaiShanLin’s barge building operations and compound in Region 10. done any work for the last few months because of the activities of BaiShanLin. He believes that the Chinese company has the big edge as it had brought in its equipment and built its barges using duty free concessions and could therefore readily offer low prices. The problem, he pointed out, was that it was supposed to be for the purposes of
logging. “We want to show that these people are continuing their logging and now stepping in and taking over the little we have.” He also pointed out that local operators had debts to pay to the banks, while BaiShanLin had no such trouble, operating under the cover of a foreign investor. He made it clear that it was imperative for the Government to ensure that BaiShanLin stayed within the limitations of its contract with the Government of Guyana and not step outside to “take bread out of my mouth”. With Bai Shan Lin already using its barge and tug for transporting quarry materials, it is reported that the company has as much as two other barges ready to go into operation. With several barge operators already feeling the squeeze, the operator made an appeal for Government intervention. BaiShanLin is already under the microscope after years of failing to produce any value added goods or benefit to the local economy. Its failure to implement wood processing facilities has been
criticized by the A Partnership for National Unity/Alliance for Change (APNU+AFC) administration. The company was under investigation by the last Parliamentary Opposition for its logging and mining practices. Under the Bharrat Jagdeo and Donald Ramotar administrations, the company was granted billions of dollars in tax breaks and duty free concessions, and was allowed to import scores of trucks and other pieces of heavy equipment. Specifically, the tax breaks and duty free concessions were for them to use in their logging operations. The company was able to build at least one barge and has long been in the process of constructing at least two selfpropelled barges at its Linden location. Reportedly, they have also been granted concessions and license on fuel imports, giving them a clear edge in not only the logging and mining sectors, but the transportation arena which they have now entered. BaiShanLin has also reportedly been using its barge to fetch logs of private
operators along the Berbice River. The previous PPP/C administration, led by Jagdeo and Ramotar, has been consistently secretive about the details of the investment agreement with BaiShanLin. The company has also been blamed for a major spike in wood exports in recent years. Last year, a flyover of the Berbice River area saw huge areas of cleared lands with piles of logs as far as the eye can see. Recently, Minister of Governance, Raphael Trotman revealed that Government has met with BaiShanLin and Vaitarna Holdings Private Incorporated. During the meeting, the companies had promised to get their wood processing facilities up and running within months. Trotman had noted that the companies will not escape sanctions should they fail to make good on their promise. He had indicated that their contracts would be reviewed if these further promises were reneged on. Efforts to contact senior officials from Toolsie Persaud yesterday were futile.
The BaiShanLin barge being offloaded at Providence on Friday.
Sunday August 09, 2015
Kaieteur News
PAT DIAL For many years Consumers International has been alerting consumers and the public worldwide of the dangers to health and wellbeing of manufactured snack foods and fast foods, generally known today as “Junk Food”. Junk Food was an American invention and from there it spread all over the world. In Guyana, we began using it from the 1950’s and since it was a quick way of making money, many fast food shops quickly grew up in Georgetown and even in the countryside. These fast food establishments gradually drove the many local restaurants and cooked-food sellers out of business or sometimes forced them into the Junk Food business. These Junk Foods consist of the manufactured snacks which proliferate in the supermarkets and include things like cheese puffs, chips, tortillas and various types of candybars. The other type of Junk Food is sold in fast food shops and even some establishments calling themselves “restaurants”. Such Junk Food would include fried potato chips, hamburgers, hot-dogs and various types of fried chicken. Pizzas are sometimes classified as Junk Food but many defenders of Pizzas claim that if they are produced in traditional Italian style with Italian recipes, they are quite wholesome. All Junk Food are sold with an almost obligatory choice of aerated sweet drinks like the popular colas. These Junk Foods all contain an excessive amount of salt, processed sugar and are made with cheap saturated
fats and oils. They always use chemicals like monosodium glutamate to stimulate taste buds and create the illusion that Junk Food is naturally tasty. Chemical food colouring is also used to give Junk Food an attractive appearance. Oftentimes, such colouring is used in hamburgers to deceive the user into thinking that he is eating good quality meat. These Junk Foods have little nutritional value. They contain comparatively little protein and vitamins and minerals and excessive carbohydrates. Also, the cola drinks which go with them have little nutritional value. They are low in satiation value, that is, one could eat a great deal of such food without feeling satisfied. And this feeling of not being full causes one to over eat. Another danger of Junk Food is that it is addictive, that is, one begins to feel that one must eat it all the time. They thus prevent Junk Food users from eating proper and healthier food. Children today never take home-cooked lunches to school. Instead, they manipulate their parents into giving them money to buy lunch and always buy snack food or Junk Food. They become addicted to such food and the addiction grows with them into adulthood. Junk Food does not provide them with the nutrition necessary for growing children and negatively affects their academic performance. Junk Food is dangerous to health. With their excess of saturated fats and oils, salt and sugar they increase the risk of several kinds of
ailments including diabetes and cardiovascular disease such as high blood pressure and other diseases of the heart. They also cause abdominal fat. In addition to those dangers, they have little nutritional value and a regular user of them may eventually find that his body has become imperceptibly weakened. And it damages children by making them addictive and overweight and not receiving adequate nutrition. Children’s academic performance is negatively affected. In the United States where the Junk Food danger has grown to enormous proportions, consumer bodies and health organizations and even governments have begun to move against it. But like the tobacco companies, Junk Food companies are carrying serious and sometimes successful counter attacks. In Guyana, fortunately, the situation has not become as serious as in America and this could allow the problem to be contained. It could be done by alerting the public of the dangers of Junk Food by full use of the information media and getting the Ministries of Health and Education on board. The schools must be alerted regarding protecting the children against the danger. This must go hand-inhand with the dissemination of information on the nutritional value of fresh local foods and simple recipes. The Ministries of Health and Education already have a number of suitable brochures, posters and booklets on local foods and recipes which need to be more widely and consistently circulated.
Prime Minister, TUC renew labour bonds Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo on Friday met with a high-level delegation from the Guyana Trades Union Congress comprising Messrs. Leslie Gonsalves, President, Lincoln Lewis, General Secretary, and Executives, Ivor English and Phillip Walcott at his office on Shiv Chanderpaul Drive. The hour-long meeting was cordial and both government and the TUC renewed bonds that commit them to work together for the good of the Guyanese working people. Prime Minister Nagamootoo took the opportunity to explain to the TUC leaders fulfillment by the
Coalition of the key promises made in the APNU+AFC Manifesto’s 100-Day Plan, and highlighted increase in minimum wage and old age pension. Speaking for the labour movement, Mr. Lincoln Lewis reassured that the GTUC “will continue to uphold its social responsibility to society and stands ready to
A mini health check is the first step to donating blood
work with the Granger/ Nagamootoo government” to realize common promises to the people. The Prime Minister undertook to raise with line Ministers specific concerns of the labour movement, and hoped that a review could be made periodically on approaches to labour issues. (GINA)
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Speaker to consider proposed changes for Code of Conduct by civil society members Several members of civil society are of the belief that the Code of Conduct for Parliamentarians needs to be more than mere moral suasion. They insist that it should be strengthened to such an extent that decisions which stem from its implementation should be insulated from any legal challenge. This sentiment, among others, was expressed during a meeting with the Speaker of the National Assembly, Dr. Barton Scotland and members of the Coalition for the 1823 Monument. In speaking with one of the members of the Coalition, popular columnist, Freddie Kissoon, said that the Speaker has agreed to consider their proposed changes. Kissoon explained that the Code of Conduct for Parliamentarians should seek to expel certain individuals from attaining such a prestigious office if they are found to be engaged in questionable behaviour such as racial incitement. In this regard, he pointed to former President Bharrat Jagdeo, who he said has done so before and during the 2015 General and Regional Elections. Kissoon said, “We had initiated a picket for four persons to not be appointed to Parliament from the People’s Progressive Party’s ticket and those persons are former President Bharrat Jagdeo, Bheri Ramsaran, Anil Nandlall and Ganga Persaud. These persons were engaged in questionable behaviour that the society had condemned but most importantly we had isolated Jagdeo not only for certain types of questionable behaviour but we thought he crossed the line that no Guyanese should, and that is racist incitement.” The columnist continued, “We felt that was a cardinal sin…When Jagdeo made certain unforgiveable, racist statements during the elections of which I can repeat, we felt he had disqualified himself from holding one of the highest offices in this land. The Opposition Leader is no inconsequential office. It is funded by the State to keep a watch on the government. He or she sits in Parliament and monitors the government.” “In most situations, people feel comfortable that a government is being watched
and that watchdog is looking after its interest. But the Opposition leader, like the President, should speak for all and be aware of the interests of all being violated. Half of this nation cannot trust Jagdeo to look after their interest... He has made some atrocious statements in relation to the very nature of African Guyanese…” Kissoon said that he wants some lines of moral demarcation to be included in the Code of Conduct. He emphasized that the Code of Conduct should prevent Jagdeo from being in Parliament. Further, the columnist said that the Code of Conduct should not impose a voting process in Parliament for passing certain judgments regarding the behaviour of Ministers. He said that instituting such would more than likely see members of Parliament voting along party lines. Significantly, too, Kissoon argued that having a Code of Conduct would be senseless if the decisions can be challenged in the court. He reminded that there have been several instances where the acting Chief Justice, Ian Chang made rulings stating what the National Assembly can and cannot do regarding its own business. He insisted that the Code of Conduct must be protected by the principle of separation of powers. The new Government is set to approve new regulations to govern the way Ministers and Parliamentarians behave in office. The proposed code of
conduct was discussed on Tuesday by the Cabinet of Ministers and will be used as a guide for not only Ministers and Members of Parliament (MPs), but holders of public office, Minister of Governance, Raphael Trotman had said. The document is expected to address issues of transparency and corruption, misconduct in public office and bribe taking. Over the years, the behaviour of public officials has seen very little actions or sanctions taken against public officials despite persistent allegations. The new administration had vowed to pass laws that ensure sanctions against guilty persons. According to Trotman, within three weeks, the Cabinet of Ministers will be mee t i n g i n a r e t r e a t t o discuss and approve the Code of Conduct as they have been looking at best practices that prevail in countries like the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia and even Africa. The regulations will be adjusted to fit the Guyana situation. President David Granger had also spoken on the Code of Conduct, insisting that there would be law and order during his tenure. He had said, “Our government will be one of difference and I will be able to demonstrate that there will be accountability in my administration. To ensure this, I have drafted a Code of Conduct which they will all sign on to and be called on to adhere to it. Misbehavior would not be tolerated.”
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Kaieteur News
Sunday August 09, 2015
Coalition pay increase trial balloon that fizzled, GuySuCo diversify or die By Ralph Seeram It’s an old political trick, you want to take a certain course of action, or implement policies that may be controversial, and you leak the information to the public to get a reaction. A reaction the APNU/ AFC coalition did get and it was not a pleasant one; even hardcore government supporters were outraged that they had even considered such a possibility so early in their administration. After making all those campaign promises of increased pay for public servants, reduce VAT and a host of other pledges in their first 100 days, naturally folks were looking forward for the fulfillment of those promises. So naturally when they floated the idea of vast increases for themselves, and no concrete statement on the
20% increase for government workers, the public was not prepared to accept that, and voiced publicly their disappointment at that. To their credit the Granger administration took a hasty retreat while acknowledging that the President and Cabinet Ministers salaries need “adjustment”. I would be the first to acknowledge that present pay structure for the President and Cabinet Ministers and indeed all Parliamentarians need to be revised. The problem is that it should have been low down on the priority list. That was not the expectation of the people that put them into power. This was a Public Relations blunder for the Government. One of the teething problems with this new administration, is they don’t seem to be coordinated in their message. Ministers
give conflicting statements, to a large extent this may be due to the fact that they are trying to be honest in expressing their opinion. This may be a good thing, as the previous administration, through Roger Luncheon had their message centralized, but as those in the media know, Luncheon was all semantics and no substance; the man could never answer or would never answer a straight question. One of the arguments floated out to justify the increased pay, is to avoid corruption. In other words if you pay well, Ministers will not succumb to corruption. That argument is a double edge sword, it assumes that a potential Minister is predisposed to corruption and only a decent salary would prevent or reduce the possibility that he can be bought. Again to his credit, the Granger administration
passed legislation to fine and jail Ministers guilty of corruption. Now here is the problem with that argument. There is an old adage that every man or woman for that matter has a price. Here is an old example, which was made into a movie some years ago. You ask a husband with no great financial means, to consent to have sex with his beautiful wife, the answer will most likely be a resounding no. Now if you offer him a million US dollars to sleep with his wife, well that changes the picture, the question here is how many men you think will say no. Guyana is still a poor developing country with an abundance of wealthy resources, so foreign investors or companies seeking to exploit our resources or seeking lucrative contracts, offer a “poor” politician a quarter million U S dollars for some “favours” and “concessions”; what you my readers think he will do? The reality is foreign companies and investors cater for bribes as a cost of doing business in Third World countries. They do that for a reason. They know officials in countries like Guyana can be corrupted- well to be honest, even in the good old USA politicians can be corrupted. There are former Governors, Congressmen and Senators in prison at the moment for corruption. One of the sensitive issues for the APNU/AFC coalition during the run up to last May elections was the fate of the sugar industry. Earlier reports emanating from the then opposition was that they were in favour of “downsizing” the industry, if not close it down. Of course they had to back track on this position. Now that the APNU/AFC coalition is in
power, they have to deal with the REALITY of the situation, and it is not pleasant. The PPP has been hiding the truth from sugar workers, and has been unable to arrest the haemorrhaging toll that Guysuco inflicted on the Guyanese taxpayers. The question is how long can the economy afford to subsidize the sugar industry? They are going to be many arguments as to the role sugar played for the economy past and present and the economic impact it will have on the workers. Look, most countries in the West Indies, including Trinidad got rid of the sugar industry, for the simple reason, they cannot compete on the world market. The truth is Guyana cannot compete on the world market; sugar is being produced or sold at about a third of Guyana’s production cost. The truth is sugar in Guyana has been subsidized for years by the Europeans, and that is coming to an end. The truth is, hard decisions will have to be made, and quickly, either way it is not going to be popular for the present government. So what is the solution, long and short term? Well, President David Granger has appointed a Commission with experts to find a solution. Economists are going to debate and disagree on the solution. Should the industry be privatized? That is an option if you can find buyers. If the industry goes into private hands, you can expect a leaner work force producing more. One of the things I am so surprised of is that Guysuco has never given serious thought to diversification. Guysuco has vast amount of agricultural lands already irrigated; arable land if you may that can be easily converted to other
crops, long and short term, plus fish farms. The industry has certain built-in infrastructure that can make the transition into other agricultural endeavors easier and cost effective. This should have been done by the PPP maybe 10 to 15 years ago. But no one wanted to touch the “sacred cow” for political reasons. Now the proverbial “ball’ is in the court of the Granger administration, only this time he is in a more difficult situation; any decision he makes that reduces the industry labour force, like closing factories, will be met with cries of discrimination by the opposition PPP, as most of the sugar workers are their supporters, despite the PPP knowing the truth. Unfortunately it’s Granger’s job to not only bell the proverbial cat or tiger but a stampeding elephant that is dragging the economy down with it, Billions of Dollars in subsidies. While we are on subsidies, I am aware that many Ministers are taking a pay cut from their lucrative jobs to serve as Ministers, but it’s too early to ask taxpayers to subsidize your pay cut with increased salaries; you have not earned that yet. Taxpayers need to see how you perform. You don’t get a pay increase when you start the job, it’s based on your performance. Of course Ministers knew the salaries before they decided to take office, so don’t complain about low salaries now. Most PPP Ministers got by very well on low salaries, look at their houses, now don’t ask me how they got by, just read what I said earlier about the husband and wife. Ralph Seeram can be reached at email: and Facebook.
Sunday August 09, 2015
SERVICES PLANNING AN EVENT? BIRTHDAY PARTY, GRADUATION,WEDDINGS, ANNIVERSARY, ETC. – CALL DIAMOND TENTS: 216-1043; 677-6620 Visa Application: U.S.A, Canada & UK; Guyana Passport application. Graphics design,Advertisement. Tel: 6267040; 265-4535.
Kaieteur News
WANTED One live in domestic, E.C.D – Tel: 603-5716; 644-9802 Female janitors, age 30 to 45. Please call 226-7352. We buy land in Herstelling, Eccles, Parfaite Harmonie & Elsewhere –Call:611-7223; 60-2207 Shift cashiers wanted for cosmetics/variety store on East Coast –Call: 220-2267; 642-1141 One babysitter and housekeeper needed between ages 35-40. Kindly contact 693-9068 for further information. Live in maid must know to cook-Call: 679-8765
Balloon decorating for birthdays, weddings, anniversary etc, make your event extra special! Tel Maya: 642-6664 REPAIRS AT LOW COST: FRIDGES, AIRCONDITIONERS, WASHING MACHINES, TVS, MICROWAVES, Waitresses, live in or out for FREEZERS - CALL:629- Bar- Call: 612-2522 4946 OR 225-4822 Live in or live out babysitter/ REPAIRS & SPARE, domestic –Call 219-5354 FRIDGE, FREEZER, A/C, (Monday- Friday) (8:15WASHERS, STOVES - 4:15PM) CONTACT NICK: 683- One live in maid –Tel: 6751312, 627-3206 5256 Permanent & Visitors Visa Night Security to work in G/ Applications, Professional Town –Call: 218-1156 Immigration Consultant Room D5 Maraj Building One kitchen assistant & one salesgirl to work in Madhia – Contact: 684-1718 Call: 225-6496, 662-6045 Thinking about building? 1 Experience captain to ply Then Contact Creative from Georgetown to Bartica; Construction Services, we must be 55yrs and overoffer general construction at Contact Tel# 650-0402 affordable prices –Call: 982-9935 Land to buy in Herstelling, Pool care & construction Parfaite Harmonie, Tuschen, Zeelugt and maintenance, water testing, Eccles, pool chemicals, pool elsewhere- Call: 659-1690. supplies, plumbing –Call: Laying birds to buy – 602-5128; 653-4448 Contact: 226-0772; 225-9304 Repairs at affordable prices: 2 Mason, 2 Labourer- Call fridge, air conditioner, 265-3586 between 7am-4pm washing machines, dryers, TV, microwaves & freezer- Live in middle age couple, duties husband-Driving, Call: 610-5846 or 661-8158 Wife- Domestic- Tel: 227-1830 HOUSE PLAN DRAFTING Live in waitress –Call: 604AND ESTIMATES FOR 8277; 228-5129 ONLY $15,000- CALL:6949843/227-2766 Driver with conductor for RZ K. Lakeram, building minibus, preferably from EBD contractor: carpentry, area, route 42. Serious masonry, drawings of plans, persons only! Tel: 662-3073, general maintenance – 216-1866. Call:216-0671, 622-0267, 6928 4 6 4 / ACCOMODATION Specials on room! Free breakfast, Wi-Fi luxuriously & comfortably @ Signature Inn, 82 Laluni Street, Georgetown –Tel: 226-2145; 227-5037 HEALTH Herbal nectar treatment for diabetic, hypertension and other sickness (follow me) sexual enhancers –Tel: 696-2957
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Page 63
Make Up Courses with Mac, Bare Minerals, Black Opal and Sacha cosmetics. Call: 647-1773/660-5257
1 Mazda Axela, PTT series, low mileage, e x c e l l e n t condition -owner migrating Tel: 649-0956
Rose Ramdehol Auto Sales! 25th Anniversary Sale: 2007 Toyota Premio -$3.3M, 2002 Premio $2.2M- Call: 226-8953
Jacqueline Sookram, Cocoa Stix Spa & Salon- Tel:6928633. Specialised in facial, pedicure, manicure & massage. Back to School Promotion10%-45% of all service for children, Monday – Friday (9-3pm) –Tel: 2258701; 622-2643
Tractor Massey Ferguson, from Canada – MF165 $1.8M, MF265-$2.2M, MF135 -$1.2M, Ranger Pick Up Truck -$1.5M –Call: 682-5230; 628-9596 1 Mitsubishi Lancer – lady driven, 1st owner, alarm A/C, in excellent condition$900,000 negotiable –Call: 697-4131
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VACANCY International Employment: waiters, waitresses, cooks, housekeepers, bellboys, storekeepers, receptionists, Contact Recruitment Agency: 231-6296, 6509880 Work from home, earn $5,000$20,000 daily Call MondayFriday 9am-5pm #233-6517, 6 3 8 - 0 5 9 5 Male Supervisor to work in housekeeping Dept. Tel: 2250198 or 233 South Road Lacytown. 1 Cashier, Supermarket helper, 1 Accounts Clerk/Inventory clerk, must be computer literate, apply @ Nirva Supermarket –Call: 227-5771 FOR SALE/RENT American pool tables –Call: 277-0578 EDUCATION Lessons: Maths, English, Accounts, Physics, Social Studies and office Administration, Location: Campbellville –Contact: 6106087
2013 Mercedes C250 turbo AMG coupe, retractable glass top, mileage 15K, alcantara leather interior, brush aluminum acc- Call: 650-5136 Toyota AT212, AT192, IST, EP-71 Starlet, Hilux pick up & 4 Runner, Canter, Honda 600 RR –Tel:644-5096; 697-1453 2008 FIELDER -$2.5M, 2008 RACTIS -$2.44M, CARINA 212 -$1.9M, NEVER REGISTERED & FULLY LOADED VEHICLES –TEL: 617-2891 One Toyota Carina AT150, good working condition, one new 50cc kids bike, excellent condition- Call: 642-1137; 682-0111 One Mitsubishi Canter Fuso Crane Truck, Big Crane, 3 Ton 6 lugs excellent, GTT Series, price $4.5M –Call:622-6746 One Honda CRV, Price $800,000, serious inquiries only –Contact: 689-6879 One L-Touring Wagon –Tel: 220-7518/ 627-5416 Toyota pit-bull (roof-rack), unregistered, Noah, Voxy – Call: 603-9700 Toyota NZE PLL series, fully loaded mag rims, Deck/DVD/ reverse camera- $1.5M negotiable- Call: 609-1040 1 Isuzu Truck for sale, GTT series –Call: 660-4481; 225-2562 Toyota Land Cruiser Prado, under 30,000KM –Call: 6968538; 688-0639
CAR RENTAL DOLLY’SCARRENTAL-CALL: 225-7126/226-3693 DOLLYSAUTORENTAL@ YA H O O . C O M / W W W. DOLLYSAUTORENTAL.COM PROGRESSIVEAUTORENTAL: CARS & SUV FOR RENTAL$4,000 & UPPER DAY-CALL: 643-5122, 219-3900, EMAIL: PRO_AUTO RENTAL @YAHOO.COM Aidan’s Car & 4WD Vigo pick up, cheapest rate, low security- Call: 698-7807 Wing’s Car & 4WD Vigo pick up- Call: 690-6494
2002 Yamaha R6 in excellent condition – 27,000 mileage $995,000 –Call: 650-5500, 6612953 Smart Choice Auto: Premio, Allion, Fielder, Carina 212, Bluebird –Call: 652-3820; 6654529 Unregistered IST fully loaded & PRR series Sienta, excellent condition. Call: 6917475 Just arrived from UK brand new TM trucks- Good priceTel: 679-7587, 264-1582 1 Toyota 212 Yellow Cab, Excellent condition –Tel: 2235615
2005 Premio- $2.3M, 2004 IST -$1.9M, 2009 IST -2.7M, 2006 Allion-$2.3M- Call: 226-8953, 609-3650 2007 Allion -$2.9M, 2003 Avensis- $3.3M, 2003 Fielder - $2.0M, 2007 Fileder - $2.4M - Call: 226-8953, 609-3650 2006 Auris -$2.5M, 2003 Spacio -$2.1M, 2006 Rush $2.8M, 2003 HIlux -$4.4M Call: 226-8953, 226-1973 2004 Hiece -$3.0M, 2003 Verossa -$3.2M, 2007 Nissan Duelis -$4.6M, 2008 Xtrail $4.7M – Call: 226-1973, 6093650 2006 Bluebird - $2.5M, 2001 Carina - $1.9M –Call: 6093650 Unregistered Corolla Fielder 2003, body kit, fog, rear spoiler, dark interior, roof rack Call: 617-5536 Super Deals! Unregistered 07 Allion -$3.1M, 05 Allion $2.4M, Bluebird -$2.6M, Premio -$2.2M, Fielder (Sunroof), Axela (rims) –Call: 616-3413 1- Toyota Land Rover (Discovery) manual , fully powered, alarm , 4X4 Diesel (2700 cc) Price -$6.7M Contact Rocky: 225-1400, 6215902 Toyota Allion 2004, like new & loaded, late PRR series $1.8M negotiable. Owner Migrating –Call: 628-0892 Blow Out Sale!!! Unregistered Toyota IST $2,050,000- Bodykit, TV, Spoiler, Fogs, Alloy Wheels, Crystal Lights & Alarm – Call: 643-6565, 226-9931 1-AT192 Carina (private), automatic, fully powered, A/ C, mags, CD Player, price $850,000 Contact Rocky 2251400,621-5902 1 Isuzu canter open back (diesel engine), manual, short base, price $1.3M- Excellent condition- Contact Rocky 225-1400,621-5902 1- Toyota RZ (excellent condition) manual, CD player, mags, 15 seater, price -$1.1M – Contact Rocky: 225-1400, 621-5902 1-AT212 Carina (private -new model), automatic, fully powered, A/C, mags, CD, alarm, Price $1.350M Contact Rocky 225-1400,621-5902 1- Toyota Raum (PPP series) automatic, fully powered, AC, alarm –price -$1.3M - Contact Rocky: 225-1400, 621-5902
FOR SALE LARGE QUANTITIES OF HIGH PURITY MERCURY (QUICK SILVER) 99.99995% PURITY$19,000 PER POUND CALL: 592-227-4754. 1 Green CRV PJJ Series @ Wieting & Richter Ltd, Water Street-Tel: 226-6150-7 Spare for washing machine, microwaves, fridges, stoves, timers, gearbox, motors, etc Call: 225-9032, 647-2943 One Toyota Allion (TV, Reverse Camera) PNN Series –Call: 690-9730, 604-4054 Instock subject to being unsold; 1,000 - 10,000 watts; Complete Solar Units- Mr. Beepat – 600 - 5253 5 Toyota Coaster, 1 Mitsubishi 30 seater, 1-320C bucket, must be sold- Call: 648-0121; 628-1832 Yamaha 2006 R1 1000CC for $600,000, owner leaving country –Contact: 664-5296 One Complete land Dredge with two Perkins engine for sale - $ 1.5M -Call: 684-6048 or 689-0217 XBOX 360 original game dics used at the cheapest prices also do online shopping, for more info contact- Call: 6527560 or BBM 56868255 Moving sale – all household items on sale –Call: 656-7133 1-40ft Keel Boat, 700lbs 5" seine, 3000lb ice box, 15 Yamaha Engine – ($2M)Call:660-1825 Used XBOX 360, PS Vita, PS3 I-pad & I-pods, XBOX one & games –Tel:621-7497; 6038643; 649-3277 Toyota 212, new model PPP Series –Tel: 684-5402 1 Complete music set (qsc amps, drive rack, bass boxes etc), also Yamaha 6000 watt generator –Tel: 623-2923 One welding machine- Call: 687-7725 One 1320CC Caterpillar Excavator –Call: 658-4450 XBOX 360 with 40 games$70,000 and new Nintendo Wii U $60,000 –Tel: 694-9810 52ft complete cabin cruiser. In excellent condition- Tel: 592-654-2817, 592-622-2958 1-110 Lifan motorcycle –Call: 698-8235
LEARN TO DRIVE Soman, Son & Outar Driving School at Maraj BuildingTel: 644-5166; 622-2872; 6150964; 689-5997 Continued on page 64
Page 64
Kaieteur News
Sunday August 09, 2015
GPL’s deputy head offers to return $27M in back pay he took From page 63
FOR RENT PROPERTY FOR SALE Property for sale, Grove $20M / Rent: $50,000 per month. Tel: 625-5461. 2 Storey 45x35 concrete property, lower flat incomplete. Land 65x120 @ Diamond N/S 5th Avenue, E.B.D- Call: 629-4017 2 Storey concrete property for sale at 2nd Avenue, Diamond Housing Scheme, E.B.D- Tel: 674-9266 or 686-9248 Brand new 2 storey concrete building in 5th Avenue, Diamond, E.B.D, all modern amenities & furnished kitchen–Call: 662-9335; 6123244 One 3 bedrooms 2 storey concrete house @ 8 Street Foulis H/Scheme –Call: 2563360 or 685-8485 Prime commercial / professional property located in Robb Street, Bourda, 2 buildings, sold as package -$100M negotiable – Tel: 226-2409; 682-1602 Yarrowkabra Linden Highway 200’X100’ fully fence, house, chicken & pig pen –Call: 676-0931 Republic Park Phase 1, 4 bedrooms, 48M, negotibale Call:645-2580, 609-6516 Two storey wooden and concrete business building, located at 35 Ketley and Howes Street, Charlestown. Tel: 623-9679 67 First Street Garden of Eden E.B.D –Tel: 639-8376 17-15 Block X Diamond, E.B.D –Phone: 613-3944 LAND FOR SALE Eccles Waterfront and Bel Air Gardens Ocean View land for sale- Contact:954-769-0576, Parfait Harmonie (main road), corner lot (130ftX46ft) $2.8M, $1M, $1.5M, Herstelling (110ftX60ft) $4.5M –Call: 611-7223; 6042207 Transported house land Richmond Essequibo, large lot, next to Nursery School, full up high, fruit Tree-$5MTel: 682-5230; 628-9596 Professional Realty: we buy/ sell/rent/value your real estate –Call: 694-3875; 6490353; 654-6198 Land @ Anna Catherina W.C.D - $6M – 3,200.00sq.ft – Contact Ramesh: 688-8195
Criminal charges against two senior officials of the Guyana Power and Light Inc. (GPL) who are accused of giving themselves millions in back pay, are likely not to happen anytime soon. Deputy Chief Executive Officer, Ash Deonarine, who is on leave, has offered to
PLANNING AN EVENT? BIRTHDAY PARTY, GRADUATION,WEDDINGS, ANNIVERSARY, ETC. CALL DIAMOND TENTS: 216-1043; 677-6620 Offices- $50,000 @ 220 South Road –Call: 227-0711, 6846571 3 Bedrooms top apartment to rent at Peters Hall E.B.D$50,000 per month –Tel: 6048044 serious enquiries only
TO LET Furnished 2 bedroom apartments in Nandy Park, parking available. For further information – Call: 619-4824
1-320 CL excavator –Call: 6098989
Business place located on Robb Street, next to Bourda Market –Call: 623-7731; 6290636
Newly built 2 bedrooms apartment: bath, toilet, kitchen, sitting area on High Road Greenwich Park, Parka –Tel: 649-6202/664-3508
Hair & nail station: qualified technician @ Alyssa Beauty Salon & Tattoo Parlour, 103 Regent & Wellington Sts. (Multi Complex Mall) –Call: 684-1062 1 Bedroom bottom flat @ Austin Street, parking space available –Call: 628-7953 Property for rent at #2 Canal Polder- Tel: 613-1860
FOR OVERSEAS VISITORS: FULLY FURNISHED 2 BEDROOM APARTMENTS (FRIDGE, STOVE, MICROWAVE, ETC) US $40 DAILY –TEL: 609-8132/672-8569 (MAX) 2 Bedrooms back upper flat apt- $55,000 @ Middleton St. C/Ville –Call: 223-1051; 6500716 1-2 bedrooms house in Wortmanville –Call: 616-2445
Rooms! Students are welcome! Semi-furnished with stove, fridge, microwave, internet serviceCall: 223-1757 1 Two bedrooms bottom flat; to rent, West Ruimveldt $40,000 per mouth –Call: 6927377; 672-7194 New spacious 2 bedroom apartments with kitchen, bath, camera, grill, fenced, secured yard, Vreed-enHoop – Call: 682-5230; 6289596 Self-contained rooms in Prashad Nagar, weekly & monthly rates –Tel:6593865; 629-2424, 227-2993
VEHICLE FOR SALE 1- Toyota Picnic (7 Seater) 4 doors, automatic, fully powered, A/C, mags, alarm CD –Price -$2.3M –Contact: Rocky: 225-1400, 621-5902 1-Ford Ranger extra cab (4x4) automatic, fully loaded, AC, alarm. Price $1.8M- Contact: Rocky: 225-1400, 621-5902 1-Honda CRV (immaculate condition) automatic, fully loaded, mags. Price $1.9MContact: Rocky: 225-1400, 621-5902
LAND FOR SALE 1500 acres transported land 4½ miles from Bartica R o c k , Quarry, Forestry, Agriculture. Contact Mark: 603-1266; 625-9788 Luxury Gated CommunityMall, Pool, intelligent security system, well, solar. Selling @ 6USD per Sq.ft – Call: 609-0783
1- Mitsubishi Pajero (Junior) automatic, fully powered, A/ C, 4X4 (1100cc), price -$1.2M - Contact: Rocky: 225-1400, 621-5902 1Toyota Tacoma (unregistered) Manual, 3RZ, Low Mileage, price -$3.5M Contact: Rocky: 225-1400, 621-5902 1 Diahatsu Bego/Rush – Contact: 691-1161
repay the money- over $27M of it- but GPL will have to wait until it is transferred from a US account that he has. The repayment offer was yesterday disclosed by Minister of Public Infrastructure, David Patterson during a press conference at his Kingston office. The irregular payments to Deonarine and Director, Carvil Duncan, were reportedly picked up during a forensic audit ordered by Government into the PetroCaribe Fund. Auditors found the two payments and raised the matter. Deonarine was sent on leave with Government saying that the matter was to be handed to the police. Duncan reportedly paid himself $948,000 while Deonarine, over $27M. Deonarine is responsible for administration. He reportedly wanted to receive the same level of pay as the Deputy Chief Executive Officer (Technical), Colin Welch, but his approaches to the Board of Directors were rebuffed. The payments to himself, representing back pay for the period January 2013 to June 2015, were reportedly made between May and June, shortly after the new Government took office. The payments were allegedly countersigned by Duncan,
GPL’s Deputy chief, Ash Deonarine
Minister David Patterson
the Director. With regard to Duncan, the Board of Directors of GPL had approached Government to raise the Directors’ fees from $5,000 to $20,000 monthly but no decision was made. His back pay represented the 48 months he would have been a Director. Again, both Duncan and Deonarine signed off on the payments. Duncan had defended the payment saying that he was properly authorized. According to Patterson, files have been sent to the Ministry of Public Security and office of the Attorney General for possible actions. The forensic audit is being carried out by Nigel Hinds Financial Services and
according to Patterson, it is proving “interesting but obviously we are waiting on the final report” which is expected to be out shortly. He said that Deonarine in defense of the monies he received argued that his actions were not incorrect as it was authorized by a Director. However, he asked for time to return the money, in light of the public criticisms. Patterson was unable to say if any of the monies were returned. Deonarine recently left the country. There is nothing barring him from leaving, the Minister said in response to questions. He insisted that Government will not direct the relevant agencies on how to handle the matter. Yesterday both Government and GPL officials said that it is unlikely Deonarine’s matter will go anywhere as there is a document authorizing the payment from Duncan, a signatory to GPL’s accounts. Deonarine was also a signatory. The question that arises is whether the payments were authorized. In Deonarine’s case, he has a document stating that the payment was. GPL is a state-owned entity that has been under fire for its spending and high tariffs. It is handling billions of dollars.
Finance Minister gets... From page 9 said that these changes were made due to the fact that his ministry has considerable problems trying to recover advances for travel in the past. “So to avoid this in future about clearing, we have done two things, the first being that we have discontinued the practice of signing on a statement in lieu of presentation of bills. Secondly if you don’t bring bills or part of this to substantiate your expenditure you will be required to repay 60 percent of the advance. These have been put in place since June 16,” he said. The Finance Minister concluded, “So let’s say you get US$150 as an official but you went to Barbados and you got a room by the beach for US$100 then you have to bring the bill for the US$100 and give back the US$50. If you didn’t bring the bill you will be worse off because you then have to pay 60 percent of US$150 .So things are getting tighter.”
Sunday August 09, 2015
Kaieteur News
Greek Govt. says poring over draft of third bailout agreement
ATHENS (Reuters) Greek government officials are poring over a draft of the country’s third bailout agreement drawn up on the basis of discussions with EU/ IMF lenders, a government official said yesterday, boosting hopes a deal could be wrapped up in days. Athens is racing to wrap up the bailout agreement of as much as 86 billion euros ($94.35 billion) by as early as Tuesday in a bid to get the first disbursement of aid by Aug. 20, when it faces a debt
payment to the European Central Bank. Officials from European Union and International Monetary Fund lenders met Greece’s finance and economy ministers in Athens yesterday after EU finance officials held a teleconference on Friday and noted progress in the talks. “The discussion today has to do with the prior actions for the first disbursement,” the government official said. “Tomorrow, the focus of the
talks will be on the more controversial issues in the bailout agreement.” Greece narrowly dodged a euro zone exit last month after months of acrimonious negotiations that culminated with Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras clinching a deal tied to stringent austerity and reform terms to avoid economic collapse. Since then negotiations on the agreement itself which will spell out details of the reforms and funds to be disbursed - have proceeded remarkably smoothly, with the lenders praising Greece for its cooperation. The view of EU officials on Friday’s conference call was that talks are proceeding well and may be completed over the weekend, one source familiar with the matter said. If a draft memorandum of understanding and an updated debt sustainability analysis are ready as planned on Tuesday, the Greek government and parliament would be expected to approve them by Thursday. This would open the way for euro zone finance ministers to meet or hold a teleconference on Friday to endorse the up to 86 billion euro three-year loan program for Athens.
Reuters - France is investigating Gabon President Ali Bongo’s chief of staff on suspicion of taking a bribe to help secure a contract, a judicial source said yesterday. French police had detained Maixent Accrombessi for questioning last Monday, a move sharply condemned by Gabon, but released him after finding that he had diplomatic immunity. Accrombessi is suspected of accepting a bribe from Marck, a French firm that makes military uniforms, in connection with Gabon’s award of a contract to Marck at the end of 2005, the source said. For the man suspected of bribing Accrombessi, Marck
chairman Philippe Belin, prosecutors have gone a step further by formally placing him under investigation, the source added. Marck did not immediately answer the phone or respond to an email seeking comment late yesterday. After returning home, Accrombessi, one of Bongo’s closest advisers, said on his Facebook page that he was at the disposal of the French justice system, provided Gabon’s sovereignty and his rights were respected. He did not make an explicit denial. Gabon’s presidency had said Accrombessi’s detention was “linked to an affair that has nothing to do with (his) capacities as chief of staff” and that it had been meant “to
humiliate (him) and his public function”. Gabon had excellent relations with France for decades under a system known as “la Francafrique”, where Paris granted political and military support to longserving presidents in its former African colonies exchange for commercial favours. But the friendship has cooled since Ali Bongo succeeded his father Omar as president in a disputed election in 2009, not least because France is investigating the Bongo family’s assets. France’s Total is one of the biggest oil producers in Gabon, which pumps around 230,000 barrels per day.
DUBAI (Reuters) - Iran’s foreign minister said yesterday that accusations about activity at its Parchin military site were “lies” spread by opponents of its landmark nuclear deal with world powers clinched last month. A U.S. think-tank on Friday questioned Tehran’s explanation that activity at its
Parchin military site visible in satellite imagery was related to road work, and suggested it was a clean-up operation before IAEA inspectors arrive at the site. “We said that the activities in Parchin are related to road construction,” Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif was quoted as saying by
the IRNA state news agency. “They (opponents of the deal) have spread these lies before. Their goal is to damage the agreement,” he added. The Institute for Science and International Security in Washington was quick to deny on Twitter that it was one of the deal’s opponents.
Alexis Tsipras
France opens bribery investigation into Gabonese official
Iran rejects accusations about military site as ‘lies’
Page 65
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Kaieteur News
Sunday August 09, 2015
Trump dumped from conservative event in Atlanta over ‘inappropriate’ comments WA S H I N G T O N (Reuters) - Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump was dumped from a prime speaking role to an important gathering of conservative activists on Friday for his criticism of Fox News anchor Megyn Kelly after a combustible debate performance. Trump was scheduled to deliver the keynote address last night at a conference in Atlanta organized by Red State, an influential conservative group. Red State chief Erick Erickson said he had disinvited Trump from the event because of what he described as “demeaning” remarks about Kelly who was one of three moderators during the first major Republican debate on Thursday night in Cleveland. “While I have tried to give him great latitude, his remark about Megyn Kelly was a bridge too far,” Erickson said, adding he had invited Kelly, one of Fox’s highest profile anchors, to attend his conference in Trump’s place. Trump was unbowed by the dumping. “This is just another example of weakness through being politically correct,” his campaign said in a statement. “For all of the people who were looking forward to Mr. Trump coming, we will miss you. Blame Erick Erickson, your weak and pathetic leader. We’ll now be doing another campaign stop at another location.” During the debate, Kelly asked Trump to respond to derogatory statements he had made in the past about women, calling them “fat pigs”
Donald Trump for example. Trump tried to are even lines blunt talkers wave off the question and and unprofessional dismissed Kelly during a politicians should not cross. raucous debate performance. Decency is one of those “And honestly Megyn, if lines.” you don’t like it, I’m sorry,” A variety of Republican Trump said. “I’ve been very presidential candidates have nice to you, although I could been speaking at the Red State probably maybe not be, based gathering in Atlanta and on the way you have treated Trump was scheduled for a me. But I wouldn’t do that.” prominent appearance. Erickson said in a Shortly before Erickson’s Facebook statement that in a statement, Trump’s campaign CNN interview Trump said of had just put out a media Kelly: “You could see there advisory with the schedule for was blood coming out of her Trump’s appearance. eyes. Blood coming out of her The New York billionaire wherever.” “His comment was has been riding high in the inappropriate,” said Erickson. polls in recent weeks as “It is unfortunate to have Republican search for their to disinvite him. But I just nominee to face the don’t want someone on stage Democrats’ choice in the who gets a hostile question November 2016 election. from a lady and his first Carly Fiorina, the business inclination is to imply it was executive who is the only hormonal. It just was wrong,” woman running for the he said. Republican nomination and “He is not a professional who spoke to Red State on politician and is known for Friday, applauded Trump’s being a blunt talker. But there dumping.
WA S H I N G T O N (Reuters) - The United States announced tighter security measures last week for visitors from the 38 countries in its visa waiver program, which include European nations that have seen hundreds of residents traveling to fight with militant groups in Syria and Iraq. The changes require use of e-passports - paper passports that contain chips carrying biometric information - and expand use of U.S. air marshals on international flights, the Department of Homeland Security said. Some U.S. lawmakers have been urging tighter restrictions on the waiver program, which allows citizens from participating countries to enter the United States without a visa for stays of 90
days or less. U.S. Senator Dianne Feinstein, the top Democrat on the Senate Intelligence Committee, has criticized the program as vulnerable to abuse, calling it the “the Achilles heel” of American efforts to stave off attacks on its soil. The U.S. intelligence community assessed in February that more than 20,000 foreign fighters, including at least 3,400 Westerners, had traveled to the Syria-Iraq region since 2011. Western fighters in Syria and Iraq have found some of their most willing recruits in Belgium, France and Britain, according to the International Center for the Study of Radicalization. All three participate in the
U.S. tightens visa waiver program amid foreign fighters concerns
visa waiver program, as do many European countries. “The current global threat environment requires that we know more about those who travel to the United States. This includes those from countries for which we do not require a visa,” Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson said in a statement announcing the changes. The new restrictions also require that participating countries use an international database to screen for lost and stolen passports, the department said. It said the changes build on measures taken last year to require additional information on the application people in visa waiver countries provide to travel to the United States.
Sunday August 09, 2015
Kaieteur News
Typhoon threatens China after 10 dead or missing in Taiwan
In this image released by the New Taipei Fire Department, emergency rescue personnel dig a man from a flash mudslide caused by Typhoon Soudelor in Xindian, New Taipei City, northern Taiwan, yesterday. (New Taipei Fire Department via AP)
TAIPEI, Taiwan (AP) — Typhoon Soudelor barreled toward mainland China yesterday after downing trees, traffic lights and power lines in Taiwan, where at least six people were killed, four left missing and dozens injured. A total of 101 people were hurt in Taiwan and more than 3 million households lost electricity as the powerful storm left streets strewn with fallen trees. All 279 domestic flights were canceled Saturday, as well as at least 37 international flights. An 8-year-old girl and her mother died when they were swept out to sea Thursday from a beach on the east coast, the official Central News Agency reported. The girl’s
twin sister remains missing. Other casualties included a firefighter who w a s k i l l e d a n d another injured after being hit by a drunken driver as they attempted to move a fallen tree in the island’s south. The center of the storm made landfall in eastern Taiwan at 4:40 a.m. yesterday. By mid-morning, Soudelor was packing maximum sustained winds of 162 kilometers (100 miles) per hour, Taiwan’s Central Weather Bureau said. The typhoon weakened later Saturday with top winds of up to 144 kph (89 mph) while moving away from the island in a northwesterly direction.
Strong winds and heavy rains were still expected to continue in Taiwan. Authorities in southeast China ordered the evacuation of more than 163,000 people and ships back to port ahead of the typhoon, which was expected to hit Fujian province yesterday night. More than 7,000 soldiers and police were on standby, provincial authorities said. On Friday afternoon, marine police rescued 55 university students and teachers trapped on a small island where they had been attending a summer camp, after strong gales stopped ferry services, China’s official Xinhua News Agency reported.
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Attacks on army, police, U.S. special forces kill 50 in Kabul Reuters - A wave of attacks on the Afghan army and police and U.S. special forces in Kabul killed at least 50 people and wounded hundreds, dimming hopes that the Taliban might be weakened by a leadership struggle after their longtime leader’s death. The bloodshed began on Friday with a truck bomb that exploded in a heavily populated district of the capital and ended with an hours-long battle at a base used by U.S. Special Forces. It became the deadliest day in Kabul for years. The Islamist insurgents claimed responsibility for both the police academy attack and the battle at the U.S. Special Forces base, though not for the truck bomb. The scale of the violence heightened obstacles to reviving the stalled peace process and conveyed a nocompromise message from the Taliban at a delicate time following last week’s revelation of Mullah Mohammad Omar’s death and a dispute over the leadership of the insurgency. “The question is, who is sending the message?” Thomas Ruttig of the Afghanistan Analysts Network said.
The U.N. mission in Afghanistan said the incident was the worst since it began recording civilian casualties in 2009, with 355 civilians killed or injured. The U.N. Special Representative, Nicholas Haysom, called it “extreme, irreversible and unjustifiable in any terms”. Yesterday, NATO-led coalition forces confirmed that one international service member and eight Afghan contractors were killed in the attack on Camp Integrity, a base used by U.S. Special Forces near the main airport. The blast outside the base was powerful enough to flatten offices inside, wounding o c c u p a n t s w h o were airlifted by helicopter to military hospitals during the night. “There was a big explosion at the gate ... (The gunfire) sounded like it came from two different sides,” said
a Special Forces member who was wounded when his office collapsed. The Camp Integrity assault followed a suicide bombing at a police academy on Friday evening that killed and wounded more than 40 people, the Afghan Interior Ministry said yesterday. A police source said the final tally was higher — 26 killed and 28 wounded. “The bomber was wearing a police uniform and detonated his explosives among students who had just returned from a break,” a police official said. Ta l i b a n s p o k e s m a n Zabihullah Mujahid said the insurgents launched both the police academy and Camp Integrity attacks, but he earlier refused to comment on Friday’s early morning truck bomb that tore through buildings in central Kabul, killing at least 15 people and wounding 248 others.
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Kaieteur News
T&T PM shuns election debate with Opposition Leader
Kamla Persad-Bissessar (left) and Dr Keith Rowley PORT OF SPAIN, August 20 and 27 and Trinidad (CMC) – Prime Opposition Leader Dr Keith Minister Kamla Persad- Rowley has said he would Bissessar claiming that the participate in the events. Trinidad and Tobago Debates But Persad-Bissessar, Commission (TTDC) is in the who is leading her United pockets of the main National Congress (UNC) led opposition People’s National coalition People’s Partnership Movement (PNM), says she into the polls, said that will not participate in any statements made by a PNM debate being organised by the political activist supports her TTDC ahead of the September view that either the TTDC is 7 general election. in the pockets of the PNM or The TTDC has said that vice versa. the debates are schedule for Persad-Bissessar, who last
month participated in an event organised by the Stateowned Caribbean New Media Group (CNMG) television station said councillor Isha Wells, one of the interviewers and a self confessed PNM activist, had indicated that the financiers of the Opposition party were not in favour of Persad-Bissessar. “I am saying in that circumstance where it is now being revealed by the PNM activist that the PNM and the Debates Commission had their own deal, then it meant that they never intended to be fair to me to participate in that debate,” she said. “I am certain that I will not be given a fair hearing in any debate that is moderated, carried out or produced by the Debates Commission.” She then told television journalist Khamal Georges “so, Khamal, you can tell your bosses that I will not be participating in the debate”.
elections constitute a major milestone for democracy in Haiti,” Ban said in a statement issued by his spokesperson. “The secretary-general, in particular, welcomes the increased ownership of the process by the Haitian people. Credible, inclusive and transparent elections are a key to long-term stability and promotion of a vibrant democracy.” Ban urged the political parties, candidates and their supporters to
campaign peacefully and to resolve any disputes that may arise through dialogue and established legal procedures. Inviting all Haitians to participate and exercise their democratic right to vote for the renewal of their institutions of governance, the secretarygeneral added that the UN stands “side by side” with the Haitian people and will continue to extend its full support to this important process. (Caribbean News)
Long-awaited elections set to begin in Haiti today
PORT AU PRINCE, Haiti — Elections in Haiti kick off today with the first round of legislative polls to elect 118 deputies and two thirds of the Senate. The presidential polls are expected to follow in October. Welcoming the upcoming elections, United Nations Secretary-General Ban Kimoon on Friday stressed the need to ensure credible and peaceful polls. “These long-awaited
Sunday August 09, 2015
Reporter resigns, cites ‘unfortunate experience’ with Rowley Trinidad Express Express Investigative Reporter Anika Gumbs resigned Friday stating that she was “mentally scarred” and “traumatised” by “an unfortunate experience” with Opposition Leader Dr Keith Rowley. In her resignation letter dated August 7, 2015 addressed to Express Editorin-Chief Omatie Lyder, Gumbs stated that during a visit to Rowley’s Diego Martin home on April 20 to pursue a story she was “astonished” to see he was bareback. During a conversation she said she mentioned to Rowley that she had received prank calls and “to her shock and surprise,” Rowley said: “Would you hire me to be your bodyguard outside your bedroom?” “I immediately went numb and blank. I felt completely helpless and confused as if I was being trapped in a situation that I was totally unprepared for,” Gumbs stated in the letter. Gumbs said that on a previous visit to Rowley’s home on April 9, he touched her on her back and asked if she had a tattoo of a map on it. She said she told him that the “tattoo on my back was not a map but a butterfly”. She said Rowley asked her the meaning of the butterfly tattoo, and she replied: “It’s all part of being chic”. She said as Rowley walked her to the front of his home, a bee landed on her dress and Rowley removed it, saying: “Even honey bees
‘SHOCKED’: Anika Gumbs landing on you”. Gumbs said the “entire incident prompted me to shelve all of my work dresses” and she opted instead to wear “only pant suits while on duty”. Gumbs said in January at the end of another interview with Rowley, this time at his Port of Spain office, Rowley asked whether she had recently returned from vacation and when she said she was on leave, Rowley replied: “You are looking rosy”. In announcing her decision to resign, Gumbs said: “On reflection I now feel unable to communicate with Dr Rowley any longer because he betrayed my trust and expectations…The unfortunate experience has left me mentally scarred and traumatised. As a woman I felt frightened and disrespected because of the compromising situation I unexpectedly found myself. I remain shocked that Dr Rowley, a political leader, a husband, a father and grandfather, a man I held in such high regard could have acted in such an inappropriate manner and uttered such suggestive words to me.” Gumbs said her decision to resign was not an easy one. “However, in upholding the highest standards of journalism and to avoid the Express Newspapers from being brought into disrepute,
I have opted to sever all ties with the company,” she stated. “This is the latest instalment of the No Rowley campaign.” This was how Rowley Friday described the claims made by Gumbs that he acted inappropriately towards her. “It is a continuation of the Vernella (Alleyne-Toppin)’s attempt at slander. They are both geared towards the same objective, to make me unpalatable to the electorate” he said. Rowley said he believed that the good people of this country who are sensible, would see this charge for what it is. “These are acts of desperation…The Vernella slander has failed and so (you) try and try again”. Deeming Gumbs’ claims an “outrageous and shocking conspiracy to slander me”, Rowley said he was referring the matter to his lawyers. When the Express first called Rowley, his immediate response was one of shock. “What! Where and when?” he asked. Saying that he could not recall any incident with Gumbs, Rowley said that he has dealt with her over the years but that his recollection was on the occasions that Gumbs had been to his home, it was at her request. He said he accommodated her, adding that the visits were related to information with respect to stories she was writing.
Sunday August 09, 2015
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Sunday August 09, 2015
Kamla: Zero tolerance to crime in next term
Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar holds a copy of the People’s Partnership Manifesto 2015 with Minister of Planning and Sustainable Development Bhoe Tewarie. The manifesto was launched Friday at Aranjuez North Secondary School, Boundary Road Extension, San Juan. —Photo: AYANNA KINSALE Trinidad Express - Prime Minister Kamla PersadBissessar Friday launched the People’s Partnership election manifesto and assured that on August 16, all 41 candidates contesting the September 7 general election will be presented. The manifesto launch took place at Aranjuez North Secondary School where Persad-Bissessar rolled out a plan aimed at developing every sector in the country — economy, health care, national security, as well as Tobago. It’s just about a month to go before the election and the United National Congress (UNC) has named 12 candidates so far, but the Prime Minister said “don’t jumbie me”, adding one day before nomination day, which is August 17, there will be a mass rally where all the candidates will be revealed, and when they are, victory will be certain. She also disclosed there will be no forum tomorrow night as throughout the country, different constituencies will go through the manifesto on “Manifesto Monday” with their current sitting MP. The Prime Minister said within the first 30 days of her Government’s return to office, they will bring back the Squatting Regularisation Bill, pilot the 2015-2016 national budget and work towards full implementation of procurement legislation. She pointed out parts of the legislation were proclaimed on July 27. Persad-Bissessar also promised her Government will implement strong legislation to deal with the long overdue
campaign finance reform. With respect to controversial issues such as decriminalisation of marijuana, abortion laws and gay rights, Persad-Bissessar said all these require further consultation. She said Caricom is currently looking at the decriminalisation of marijuana and when it produces its report, that report will be discussed with the people of this country. With respect to gay rights, she said the religious sectors in this country are against it and this, too, requires more discussions. “My Government has taken no decision on the issue of gay rights.... However, my Government says, and I say, that we respect basic human rights for every citizen of Trinidad and Tobago,” she said.The Prime Minister, in launching the manifesto, pointed out 285 days have passed since the People’s National Movement (PNM) promised to present a plan to the people. “My clear plan is to deliver security, prosperity and a better future for everyone,” she said. She said under her administration, the country can be assured of more jobs, zero tolerance on crime, improved child care and health care. Persad-Bissessar said the economy has grown over the past five years, and in the next five years, it will continue to soar, with focus on diversification and, in particular, the manufacturing sector. The PM said crime continues to concern her, and in the next term, stronger
measures will come. “Crime and law and order remain the number one issue facing our country, and this is our top priority for our second term in office. I will take a zerotolerance approach to crime. Let me repeat that—a zero tolerance approach to crime. “In our next term in office, we will continue the emphasis on more effective law enforcement, policing and border control. We will also strengthen surveillance and control of our territorial borders to stem the illegal entry of goods and people,” she said. And she promised there will be continued emphasis on education and health care. New laptops will be given to students entering university and iPads or tablets will be given to primary school pupils on a phased basis. The Prime Minister said there will be no rapid rail under her Government. She admitted there was consideration for a light-rail system, but this was never moved forward. Persad-Bissessar said two dedica-ted, predictable “bus rapid transit systems” from North to South and East to West will be introduced, and this will aid in alleviating the traffic congestion. She said they will also plan for a dedicated school bus transportation system and dedicated bus services for industrial estate workers. The PM said her Government will continue to link communities by building the Solomon Hochoy Highway to Point Fortin and Fyzabad; the San Fernando to Mayaro highway and the Port of Spain to Chaguaramas highway/causeway.
Sunday August 09, 2015
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Barticians gear up for Michael DeSantos/ Phoenix Sports Club Boys U-13 Tourney today Only last week, overseas based Guyanese, Michael DeSantos, in an effort to promote grassroots football in Bartica and adjoining communities, had collaborated with the Phoenix Sports Club and staged an U13 goodwill game at the Bartica Secondary School Ground. Prior to the match, the lads were engaged in a soccer clinic for boys 6-16 years old at the very venue. Mr. DeSantos had subsequently committed to other developmental gestures for the youths of Bartica and other adjoining communities. True to his word, Mr. DeSantos has planned another match and once again has teamed up with Phoenix Sports Club of Bartica to further enhance his ambitions. Towards this end, he has organized an Inter Community Boys U-13 Tournament which gets underway this afternoon at
the Bartica Community Centre Ground. Four communities, including Bartica, Karrau, Goshen and Agatash, will do battle in a potentially riveting round robin format with the two winning teams in today’s encounter battling for championship honours next week Sunday; the losing teams will do battle in the third place playoff. Meanwhile, the organizers are confident that the youths will turn in exciting displays. They referred to the just concluded match between Bartica and Goshen which ended 3-1 in favour of the former team. “The young ballweavers are all ready to showcase their talents and compete for the championship and fans could expect an action packed affair,” a release from the organizers stated. Mr. DeSantos is encouraging Barticians to
come out in their numbers in support of the youths. He admitted that there was a noticeable lull in football activities but blamed it on the poor state of the grounds coupled with a lack of interest by those persons placed in the position to make a difference in promoting the world number one sport in the mining town. He hopes that his efforts and those of the administrator of the Phoenix Sports Club will not be in vain. The first and second place teams will win beautiful trophies while there are various individual awards including MVP, best goal keeper, best defender, best midfielder and most prolific goal scorer. Further, all participating players will receive medals. Several business entities and individuals have donated handsomely to ensure the success of the tournament
Sunday August 09, 2015 ARIES (MAR. 21APRIL 20) You will take on too much if you aren't careful. Stick to basics. This is a great day for a family outing or just a drive.
LIBRA (SEPT. 24 -OCT. 23) Join humanitarian groups and let your leadership ability take over. Do you really want to start something with someone you can't reason with?
TAURUS (APR. 21MAY 21) You will benefit by taking care of other people's concerns. Try out for a local sports team such as volleyball, tennis, lawn bowling, or whatever interests you.
SCORPIO (OCT. 24 NOV. 22) If you keep busy you won't feel the personal pressures you are going through.
GEMINI (MAY 22JUNE 21)Don't get involved in other people's problems. Your personal secrets may be revealed if you let coworkers in on your family dilemmas. CANCER (JUNE 22JULY 22) Be ready to explain your actions. Don't blame everything on your mate. Don't let your emotions interfere with completing your chores. LEO (JULY 23-AUG 22) Get involved in fitness programs that will bring you in contact with new friends. Be diplomatic but stem when it comes to giving of yourself. VIRGO (AUG. 23 SEPT. 23) Exercise is always a good way to relieve stress. Stretch the truth, and you may get blamed for something you didn't do.
SAGITTARIUS (NOV. 23 -DEC. 21) You will need to work diligently in order to accomplish even the smallest amount. Hidden assets can be doubled if you play your cards correctly. CAPRICORN (DEC 22.- JAN. 20) Be prepared to counteract the damage that adversaries are about to create. You must not make unnecessary changes today. AQUARIUS (JAN. 21 FEB. 19) Use discrimination and play hard to get. Your obviously unique way of doing things has caught the eye of someone in a higher position. PISCES (FEB. 20MAR. 20) Make love, not war, and all will be fine. Partnerships will be successful. Losses are likely if you get involved with uncertain individuals.
including 3K’s Interior Cruiser Transportation Services, Hopkinson’s Mining, Logistics, Hart’s Mineral Company, Limpy Lotto Shop, Sweller Boss Stall, Colin Joseph Photo Studio, Dave Scott Service Station, Gladwyn Tracey, Rico Persaud, Michelle Gomes, Nadira Tracey, Troy Harper, Kenny Timmerman, Rawl Ward, Mark Smith, Snowflakes Fernandes and Morthlyn Augustus. The organizers are deeply ingratiated to these sponsors.
PALMA 2015 opens in style... From page 75 the honours and Canada turning the tables at Connaught the following year with GB also in attendance. The modern era of Palma had begun, comprising yearly matches until 1974, with the home team winning all but once – no doubt aided by the use of host country issued rifles and ammunition. The last of the annual matches was the first held south of Ecuador, when South Africa triumphed at Bloemfontein, much as they did 25 years later. From the Bicentennial Match (1976) onwards, the Palma moved to a three year and then a four year cycle, encompassing a wider range of venues. Since 1985 the team size has been standardized at 16. To date the Palma Match has ‘officially’ been hosted by: USA 11 times, Canada 8 times, Great Britain 4 times, South Africa, New Zealand and Australia 2 times.
Top horses show good... From page 76 Warrior, Mary Ann, Secret Escape, Little, Royal Cash, Cat Messiah, Famous Pride, The Gump, Flying Object, Regina, Secret Escape, Party Time, Little, Ranch Boy, Amigo, Blue Lightning, Secretariat, Regina, Liquid Lion, Chronic, Silent Warrior, and Plane and the newly imported Kazi Azaria among others . The top Jockey along with the runner up, the top stable and champion trainer will all be presented with trophies and other incentives compliments of the organizers. The event will be held under the rules of the Guyana Horse Racing Authority. The coordinator is Nasrudeen (Jumbo Jet) Mohamed. (Samuel Whyte)
East Coast beat Harvard... From page 77 Ramnarine Chetura, who was dropped off Mason on two, was eventually LBW to Browne at 23-2 as the pair operated in tandem, with Mason, in particular, troubling the batsmen as his five-over spell with the new ball conceded just seven runs. Ten runs later, Browne, who put down two return catches, trapped Albert (12) LBW with a well disguised arm-ball and then sent Randy Chetura (7) on his way as the East Coast combination slipped to 56-4. Boodwha, swept Browne for a disdainful six and dumped Reyes for another, hit Mason straight to cover in the first over of a new spell to break a promising stand with Singh (15) who was bowled by Reyse after hitting a six and a four and East Coast were finding runs hard to come by on an outfield which failed to provide value for shots. Moriah (10) and Balkishun (20) rallied their team to what turned out to be
a winning score and one which could have been a lot less had it not been for faulty catching and poor fielding from the lads from the Island which invented the Steel Pan. Harvard Academy being their reply in disastrous fashion when Mason, who has looked solid in the previous games, had his off stump plucked out by Ramkelwan for one with just seven runs on the board. Things got progressively worse when Akeel Sookhoo (2) clipped Ramkelwan to square-leg and Triston Jackman was sent packing next ball at 14-3, the visitors were in a deep hole. But little left-hander Reyes dropped anchor and along with the aggressive Nicholas ensured that the tourists enjoyed their best batting performance of the tour before Nicholas edged Ramkelwan to slip to end the resistance. The Academy U-17 team will face-off with Rose Hall Youth & Sports Club in Rose Hall Town in Berbice today.
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Sunday August 09, 2015
“England bombed Australia!” Colin E. H. Croft The first time that I heard “He is throwing bombs”, in sports, was from that indomitable boxing commentator; best ever; Al Bernstein, at the start of his broadcasting career for ESPN in early 1980’s, while describing such boxing luminaries as “Sugar” Ray Leonard, Roberto “Hands of Stone” Duran, “Marvelous” Marvin Haggler and “Iron” Mike Tyson. If, like me, you are also a music fan of the most productive period in popular music history; 1970 – 2000; you would know that “Gap Band” tune, circa 1982, called “You dropped a bomb on me!” Last week at Trent Bridge, Nottingham, England certainly dropped bombs on Australia! England, reminiscent of the country’s remarkable recovery after the great bombing blitz by Germany’s V-1 and V-2 rocket-bombs during World War II, attacked Australia violently, relentlessly, vehemently in Test No. 4, easily the battle for, and of, Britain, and ‘The Ashes’ too! What epic pitched combat we have witnessed this series,
from Cardiff, Wales, to London, Birmingham and Nottingham. England has thrown such serious incendiaries at the Aussies that the Antipodeans must be wondering what sort of missiles actually hit them. They certainly have been on the receiving end of a tremendous English bowling blitz, taking a terrible battering! Stuart Broad’s 8-15 in Australia’s first innings, at his home ground, to disembowel the visitors for a paltry 60 was something to behold. His father, Chris, worthy past England opener and feisty opponent too before becoming an ICC Match Referee, must be so proud. Stuart seemed to be throwing Molotov Cocktails at the frightened, shell-shocked Aussies. The purgatory of Australia’s cricketers reminded of their much braver countrymen at Gallipoli, Turkey, in World War I, which eventually brought about “Anzac Day”, highly celebrated in Australia and New Zealand on April 25 annually, to commemorate that distasteful waste of lives. At least those real Anzac warriors fighting Mustapha Kemal Ataturk and his followers had very good
reasons to be scared in 1915. What exactly is the reason, or excuse, for Australia’s cricketers looking so illprepared, embarrassingly bedraggled, at Trent Bridge? English and Australian press, in correct collaboration for once, deemed Australia’s dismal performance “Pomicide,” England being known, colloquially as “Poms”. Papa! So, you may be wondering about this seeming emphasis on war; violence and death that it brings; but this last week marked the 70th anniversary of one of the most significant life-time events ever, one of extreme importance to our world, as its scourge still, and will, always exist into eternity. Seventy years ago; 06 August, 1945; United States of America dropped the first atomic bomb used in combat – “Little Boy” – a Uranium235-based device which exploded 2000 feet above Hiroshima, Japan. 70,000 died instantly and 100,000 died afterwards from fallout and effluent. When “Little Boy”, a misnomer if ever there was one, since the bomb weighed 9,700 pounds and was ten feet long, left the bomb-bay of that Boeing B-29 Super-Fortress
Mahaica Softball Cricket League to host 10/10 cricket and cultural show The Mahaica Softball Cricket League in collaboration with the GUYANA SOFTBALL LEAGUE will be hosting a 10/ 10 softball cricket tournament for males and females along with a lot of cultural events. This will be the second area in Guyana to do so under the guidance of GSL. This tournament will encompass all areas around the Mahaica area who will be allowed to play in their respective areas.
Teams expected to participate will come from Mahaica to Mahaicony. The teams will be divided into two zones. The entrance fees each team (male and female) is two thousand dollars. Teams are required to provide their own balls as per normal. The same 10/10 rules that is played with will be applied. Teams wishing to have clarification can call Herman Persuad on tel number 6433033. The only new rule is that the teams will have to be
Berbice Cricket Board mourns the passing of Ron Legall The Berbice Cricket Board joins in mourning the passing of former scorer/ statistician Ron Legal. In a release from the board, members reflected on the pleasant and friendly person Legall was. The board stated that Legall was well respected and not many cricket administrators in these days can boast of the same traits
and be compared to him. Cricket in Guyana needs persons with the decency and commitment that Legall possessed. The board reminds the family that he is in the hands of the almighty and pledged any support the family might need. The BCB extended sympathy with all his family, relatives and friends.
resident in the areas mentioned before and be able to furnish that proof at the time of the tournament. The cultural aspect will have persons being allowed to dance for 2 minutes to local music and a song selected randomly by the DJ and on every day of the games. This requirement was forwarded to all representatives of all areas by the GSL. The tournament is to start on 7th of September and to conclude at the end of Sept. Registration forms can be uplifted by calling the above number. The prizes for the cricket is as follows: 1st prize (male and female) trophies; RUNNER UP (male and female) - trophies; MVP (Male and female) Tournament - trophies. Teams are asked to register as earliest. The winning teams will be entered in a major tournament organised by Guyana Softball League against the other winners from areas involved. Meanwhile, Herman Persuad has said he is not affiliated with any other tournament other than those under the GSL.
Stuart Broad raises the ball after claiming five for England. ©Getty Images
Colin E. H. Croft
four-engine aircraft “Enola Gay”, no-one, certainly not pilot Colonel Paul Tibbets, could imagine its result and future. Not satisfied with that mushroomed event, though, and on suppositions that Japan did not surrender as expected after “Little Boy”, but probably pay-back for Japan’s surprise attack on Pearl Harbor, 07 December 1941, USA exploded yet another atomic bomb, “Fat Man” over Japan. “Fat Man”, at 10,300 pounds, was bigger than “Little Boy.” It was dropped from another B-29, “Bockscar”, exploding 1500 feet above Nagasaki, Japan on 09 August 1945, killing as many as 150,000 people
overall. So, just imagine for a moment that those two bombs, only, killed more than one-third – 33% - of Guyana’s present population. What a thing! Yet we still play with these damned things! That is history and reality, so let us return to more mundane scenes of destructive and excellent fast bowling since perhaps WI’s Malcom Marshall, Mike Holding, Andy Roberts, Joel Garner, Colin Croft, Curtly Ambrose, Ian Bishop and Courtney Walsh; cricket, lovely cricket. I have never been to ‘real’ war, even though playing for WI in 1970’s and 1980’s was, to me at least, if nobody else in our team, war, since I was representing seven million
against the world! But I have never shot at anyone, even though, while in university in mid-late 1980’s, working at convenience stores to augment incomes, I was shot at in robberies. Also, I was married twice; dangerous stuff that; so I am a veteran of sorts of several different kinds of war. I lived! Yet, I have never seen any cricket team, even against WI teams with that vaunted past fire power, duck, bob and weave, and look so out of place as Australia appeared in Test No. 4 v England. Steve Waugh, former Australian captain, once suggested while Australia was winning ICC Cricket World Cup 1999, that then Australia played the way it did because his players had to answer to 20 million people. One must wonder as to what Michael Clarke would tell his populace now! England has retained the Ashes for the next few years, but it was quite embarrassing to observe Australia’s reaction to that shellacking meted out by England. Enjoy! E-mail address =
A new member of the Rahaman dynasty debuts today Coming from a family of motor racers, especially one that is regarded as a dynasty in the sport it came as no surprise when young Javid Rahaman was introduced as the latest member of the Rahaman line to test his skills in the sport. Rahaman, who will be piloting a Toyota Vitz, is set to appear in the Group 1 Class where he is hoping that his first introduction to racing will be a successful one. Speaking with Kaieteur Sport on Friday, at the team’s garage on Sandy Babb Street, Rahaman, who disclosed that he was married recently, said that should he dominate the division it will be a perfect honeymoon for him and a perfect start to his career in motor racing. Commenting on his preparations, Rahaman revealed that because he had to convert the car which was originally a road car into one for racing, he had to strip at least 300 lbs in weight to become eligible and competitive for the division. He added that there are no major concerns right now, informing that the machine is
handling well and it is now a question of its reliability on race day. He, however, expects it to perform reliable and is hoping that he gets the desired results. The young motor racer who is also a graduate in Food & Restaurant Management told this newspaper that is was just a question of when he will enter racing because with some much family ties to the sport the urge became almost irresistible and it was just a matter of time. Rahaman, whose father (Jad), brother (Ryan) along with cousins and uncle (Ray) have been involved in the sport for a number of years will have the added advantage of tapping into their vast experience for everything possible about the Circuit and by extension the sport. So fans could look out for another exciting prospect that will be making his debut come today. Rahaman’s entry into the sport was made possible by Two Brothers Gas Station, Gulf Motor Oil, J.R Burgers, Silhouette Restaurant, Altitude and Sushi Bar & Cocktail Lounge.
Sunday August 09, 2015
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Chunilall grabs five as Ogle take From London to Leonora: Hajji SM Yaseen Memorial T20 crown Otesha Charles looks to make mark with Lady Jags! By Zaheer Mohamed
By Santokie Nagulendran After a near five-year hiatus from International football, Guyana’s Senior Women’s team, known as the Lady Jags, resumed training last month in Georgetown, focusing on preparation for 2016 Olympic Qualifiers in Dominican Republic, which begin for the team on August 21st. The team, coached by Mark Rodrigues, contains a nucleus of players who featured in Guyana’s historic qualification for the 2010 Gold Cup, the first and only time a team from Guyana has qualified for a FIFA tournament. With the majority of the squad being based in North America, one player travelling to Guyana to take part found herself in a unique geographical position: 21-year old Otesha Charles was the sole player flying from the UK to feature for the Lady Jags, having played for Guyana previously in for the Under-20 team in 2011. Born in Guyana, Otesha Charles moved to England aged 6, and currently plays as a striker for London club Millwall FC, yet still remains connected to her home country of Guyana, “Playing for the Lady Jags has allowed me to return home and see family,’’ says Charles, who initially made her Guyanese debut in 2011 playing for the National
UK-based striker Otesha Charles will feature for Guyana’s Lady Jags in 2016 Olympic Qualifiers this month.
DEON CARTER DOMINOES POSTPONED The Annual Deon Carter dominoes tournament which was set to commence today has now been re-scheduled for next weekend after vice president of the Georgetown Dominoes Association Colin Mc Ewan was shot by armed bandits recently. He is out of danger. Meanwhile, Mark Wiltshire and Jerry Whitie will host a dominoes and a pools competition today at Whitie’s Bar 22 Best Road, West Demerara. Entrance fee for the dominoes is $10,000; the winning team will take home a trophy and $80,000, runner up $40,000 and third place $20,000. The entrance fee for the pools tournament is $1,000 and the winner will take home $40,000.
Santokie Nagulendran Women’s Under-20 side, helping them reach the second round of 2012 CONCACAF U-20 Championship qualifiers by scoring an impressive four goals against Antigua and forming a very formidable striker partnership with team-mate Ashlee Savonna, who also trained with the senior squad last month. Guyana’s National Women’s programme has been the victim of failures within administration over the past few years, with both the Under-20 and Senior team failing to play a single game in recent years, and thus tragically failing to capitalise on the success of the Lady Jags qualification for the 2010 Gold Cup. Under the Christopher Matthias-led GFF, Guyana failed to even enter a team last year for the inaugural Women’s Caribbean Cup, and thereby missed out on a major opportunity to develop as a team on the International stage once again. Charles had no contact with Lady Jags Head Coach Mark Rodrigues during this period of inactivity, but says it ended up being “a lovely surprise to get the call up!’’. Normalisation Committee Chairman Clinton Urling recently revealed that the Head Coach and the players are all taking part in the Women’s programme for no fee; an admirable gesture from all involved which embodies their commitment to the Guyana National Team. The team got together in July to prepare for the 2016 Olympic Qualifiers, and played two practice matches against male youth teams in the process at Leonora’s new track and football facility. “The girls are amazing; everyone is really friendly and supportive. We all get along although I have the only English accent, so a lot of jokes are passed. It is fun, we have been working on a system that’s been really successful and evident in both games, more so in the last game (a match against recently crowned Digicel School champions Christianburg Wismar Secondary). We only had a week and the coaches did a fantastic job in preparing us for the qualifiers!’’ Charles said when reflecting on the intense week of training the squad under-went. Despite not having had much time to play and gel together as a team, Charles remains confident in the ability of the 2015 Lady Jags and not long after attending the training camp, she received the good news that she had been selected as part of the final squad to fly to Dominican Republic in two weeks and represent Guyana as they take on St Kitts & Nevis, and Cuba in qualifiers: “It’s now down to us to go away and do our individual bits to tie up any loose ends! I believe we can make it to the Olympics!’’.
A five wicket haul by teenage spinner Alex Chunilall guided host Ogle CC to a 22-run victory over Paradise Sports and Cultural Club when the teams collided in a T20 fixture yesterday for the Hajji SM Yaseen Memorial trophy. Chunilall, who was named man of the match and Ogle’s most valuable player, grabbed 5-12 from three overs as the visitors were bowled out for 83 in 18.4 overs after being set 106 for victory on a slow and low track. Paradise reply got off to a bad start with Romain Mangra removing openers Nathaniel Ramcharitar (04) and Steve Sookdeo to leave the score a t 6-2. However Kevon Charles (13) and Daniel Hampton (09) steadied the chase somewhat with a third wicket stand of 40 before they were both removed by Chunilall. Skipper Fareed Ramjohn struck three fours in a top score of 26, but his efforts were not supported down the order as Romain Mangra and David Harper finished with two wickets each. Earlier, Ogle decided to bat and openers Soopaul Sanichar and former first class batsman Azeemul Haniff added 26 for the first wicket before Sanichar was taken off Hampton for 13. Haniff and Khemraj Dindyal then took the score to 43, but in an effort to increase the run rate, Haniff was caught at mid-wicket off Kawall Dhanraj for 19 who later trapped Dindyal lbw for 10. Ogle were never allowed to score freely as former National all-rounder David Harper followed shortly for 10. But Devraj Chunilall propped up the total in the latter stage; he slammed two fours and one six a scoring 26, while Ashmul Ali was left not out on 10. Paradise MVP Ramjohn claimed 2-13, Dhanraj 2-26 while there was one each for Hampton and Anand Ramlochan. The match was played in memory of former manager of Ogle CC and the late Hajji SM Yaseen. At the presentation ceremony which was attended by Hajjin Nazmoon Yassin, both teams received trophies and exchanged plaques, while each young player that took part in the game was given a medal compliments of the tourist.
Alex Chunilall collects his prize from Sonya Chattergoon.
Captain of Ogle CC Puran Mangra (left) accepts the winning trophy from Ogle CC manager Alim Mohamed.
Captain of Paradise team Fareed Ramjohn receives the trophy from Camille Gonsalves.
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Sunday August 09, 2015
Ruthless England complete Ashes demolition job NOTTINGHAM, England (Reuters) England ripped out the last three Australia wickets for 12 runs to win the fourth test by a crushing innings and 78 runs and regain the Ashes at a euphoric Trent Bridge on Saturday. Ben Stokes had Mitchell Starc caught by Ian Bell at second slip for nought and Mark Wood bowled Josh Hazlewood for a duck. Wood produced another ferocious full-pitched delivery to shatter Nathan Lyon’s stumps for four and complete the rout, sparking wild celebrations on the pitch and around the ground. The England players celebrated in a huddle before going on a lap of honour to strains of “Rule Britannia” and “Land of Hope and Glory” as the crowd basked in the sunshine.“It’s unbelievable. I couldn’t be happier,” England captain Alastair Cook told reporters. England were whitewashed 5-0 in the last Ashes series in Australia in 2013-14 and the touring side
The England players get together after regaining the Ashes- England v Australia- 4th Investec Test- Trent Bridge- 3rd day- August 8- 2015 had been strong favourites to retain the famous urn. “For what we’ve been through over the last 18 months, to play like we did has been fantastic,” Cook said. “I’m so proud of this young team and the way they’ve taken this opportunity.” TEST-BEST FIGURES Adam Voges was left
unbeaten on 51 in Australia’s total of 253 and Stokes finished with test-best figures of 6-36. “Our goal was to come here and try and have some success,” Australia captain Michael Clarke said at the presentation ceremony after announcing he will retire from international cricket at the end of the final test in the series.
“Alastair Cook and the England team deserve a lot of credit — they’ve shown us how to execute good swing and seam bowling. “It’s not for want of trying but the boys have been beaten by a better side. “England when they’ve had momentum have grabbed it with both hands and run with it. James Anderson and
Stuart Broad and Ben Stokes in this game showed what you need to do in games like this. “Once you find the edge you need to hang on to those chances and England have done that really well.” England won the first test in Cardiff by 169 runs but Australia bounced back to level the series with a crushing victory by 405 runs
at Lord’s. The hosts dominated the third test at Edgbaston and won by eight wickets inside three days before dismissing Australia for 60 on the first day at Trent Bridge to set up another overwhelming victory. “When you lose 5-0 there’s a big turnaround and a new side develops pretty quickly,” Cook said. “There’s a lot of talent and the guys have come in and done incredibly well. “It all comes down to hard work. A lot of that work has been done over the last 18 months,” Cook said. “I had to take a big step forward as captain. I am quite stubborn and it took a while. But ultimately you are only as good as the other 10 players.” England lead the series 31 with one match to play at the Oval starting on Aug. 20. Scores: England 391 for 9 dec (Root 130, Bairstow 74, Starc 6-111) beat Australia 60 (Broad 8-15) and 253 (Warner 64, Rogers 52, Voges 51*, Stokes 6-36) by an innings and 78 runs.
Australia’s Clarke quits after ‘failing to lead from front’ Nottingham (United Kingdom) (AFP) - Australia captain Michael Clarke said Saturday he “hadn’t led from the front” as he announced he would retire from international cricket after this month’s fifth Ashes Test against England at The Oval. The 34-year-old made his announcement after England completed a crushing innings and 78 run victory over Australia in the fourth Test at
Trent Bridge to take an unbeatable 3-1 lead in the fivematch Ashes series. “I will have one more Test and that is the end of my career,” said Clarke during the post-match presentation ceremony. “I am retiring from international cricket. I don’t want to jump ship now so I will have one more go at The Oval,” he added after reports in Australian media earlier
Forbes Burnham Memorial softball re-scheduled
The much anticipated Forbes Burnham Memorial 10/10 knockout softball competition has been rescheduled for next weekend due to the unprepared state of most of the grounds. Teams are asked to make contact with the following persons in their respective areas for information on registration. Mr. Raghubar (Essequibo Coast and Pomeroon) 6123973, Ravendra Ramgobin (West Coast Dem.) 693-2429, Mark Ernest (West Bank Dem.) 665-9851, Virendra Chintamani (Leguan) 6290013, Nazeer Mohamed (Wakenaam) 662-9256, Longsford Klass
(Georgetown) 626-7259, Mr. Shafeek (East Bank Dem.) 6562300, Rafman Alli (Lower East Coast) 654-2233, Herman Persaud (Upper East Coast) 643-3033, Rabindranauth Saywack (West Berbice) 6600049, Randolph Latcha (East Berbice) 646-7401, Ishwar Dass (Reg. 7 Cayuni Mazaruni) 641-5175 and Mortimer Danny (Linden) 639-0057. Teams that encounter difficulty in contacting their area representatives can call GSCL on 225-4802 or 226-4205, Longsford Klass on 626-7259, Rafman Alli on 654-2233 or Mahendra Hardyal on 6232704.
Saturday that he was about to end his Australia career. The fifth Test starts at The Oval, in south London, on August 20. Clarke, one of the best batsmen of his generation but plagued by a longstanding back problem and more recent hamstring trouble, is in a desperate run of form, having reached 25 just six times in his last 30 Test innings. “There’s no doubt I’ll always hold myself accountable, my performances haven’t been anywhere they need to be,” said Clarke. “I don’t blame anyone in the changing room, but I haven’t led from the front. “I started this great game at six years of age and I think it’s the right time to walk away now. “When I first came into the team I had 11 older brothers helping me get into a position where I can help the team and hopefully I’ve done that.” WARNE BACKING He added: “About 7:30pm last (Friday) night I spoke to my beautiful wife (Kyly) and my best mate in Warnie (Shane Warne). “They both 100 percent supported my decision.” Clarke has made 28 Test centuries, one short of Australia batting great Donald Bradman’s tally, in his 114-match career. England captain Alastair Cook hailed
Michael Clarke will retire from international cricket after the fifth Ashes Test against England at The Oval (AFP Photo/Lindsey Parnaby) his opposite number by saying: “To Michael from the England team you were a fantastic player, fantastic leader. You should be remembered as a great captain.” But Saturday’s defeat saw Clarke become the first Australian in more than a century to lose four successive Ashes series in England. Clarke averages just 16.71 in eight innings this Ashes, with a top score of 38 and, as a consequence, his career Test average has dropped below 50. He retired from oneday international cricket after leading Australia to World
Cup glory on home soil earlier this year, with Clarke saying he had made the decision in order to prolong his Test career. One of the few major targets left for Clarke would have been to win a Test series in England, having previously been on the losing side during Australia’s tours in 2005, 2009 and 2013. But this is one achievement that will now elude him. ‘SPECIAL TALENT’ Clarke’s Test career began in style when he made a hundred on his debut against India in Bangalore in 2004. The New South Wales shot-maker also
scored a hundred in his first Test on Australian soil, against New Zealand in 2004, making him the only Australian to score a century on both home and away debuts. “When Michael made his stunning Test debut in Bangalore back in 2004, Australian cricket knew it had found a very special talent,” said Cricket Australia chairman Wally Edwards in a statement. Edwards also praised Clarke’s leading following the passing of his fellow Australia batsman Phillip Hughes, who died after being hit on the head by a bouncer in a domestic match at the Sydney Cricket Ground in November. Clarke, lauded for a moving eulogy he gave at close friend Hughes’s funeral, then scored 128 against India in Adelaide when Australia next played a Test match - the last time he made a Test century. “His leadership throughout that tragic time was a mark of his character,” said Edwards. “He leaves the game as one of our all-time greats...We wish Michael well for his final Test match and thank him for his outstanding service to the game.” Heir apparent Steven Smith is now set to become Australia’s captain for their next Test series in Bangladesh in October.
Sunday August 09, 2015
Kaieteur News
Page 75
PALMA 2015 opens in style at Camp Perry, USA By Franklin Wilson at Camp Perry, Ohio USA with the compliments of NAMILCO, Ringbang, Fazias Collection, Crown Mining Supply and Queensway. The most intensely contested and most prestigious team event in the world, “The Palma Trophy” 2015 edition was officially launched in style yesterday morning at Camp Perry, Ohio, USA where over the next six days, the best of the finest marksmen and women the world has to offer will be battling each other. Members of the United States Army Parachute Team, ‘Golden Knights’ set the scene for what will be intense shooting at the individual and team levels with a brilliant parachute display. The opening heralded the return of the Palma Match to the USA after almost 40 years. The first Palma Match was contested in September, 1876 when the Great Centennial Rifle Match was held on Greedmoor rifle range in New York State. President of the International Confederation of Fullbore Rifle Association (ICFRA), Mr. Bernard De Beer in welcoming the teams wished everyone success while thanking them for being a part of the most sought after shooting trophy in the world. President of the National Rifle Association of America (NRA) Mr. Allan Coors in his remarks also thanked the competing nations for taking part whilst also thanking the Under-21 and 25 shooters whom he said are the marksmen and women of the future. The flags of the respective countries were hoisted to their national anthems. In the case of the West Indies, The national flag of Antigua and Barbuda was used as they are the 2016 host of the West Indies Fullbore Shooting Council Caribbean Championships. The anthem used was David Rudders, “Rally Round the West Indies”. Following practice yesterday morning from 09:00 – 12:30hrs, the World Long Range Championships (Individual Competition) started with action at 800 yards, the only one for the day. Last evening the International Palma Teams Dinner was held at Camp
World Championship of Long Range Rifle Shooting promises to be fierce
ICFRA President Mr. Bernard De Beer (right) and NRA President Allan Coors (left) during the opening ceremony. Perry Clubhouse. The World Long Range Championships will continue today at the Viale Range from 08:00hrs at the 800, 900 and 1000 ranges. The same ranges will be contested tomorrow and Monday. On Tuesday morning the 900 and 1000 yards ranges will be contested after which the top ten shooters will go into a Shoot off at 1000 yards to decide the best of the best. The Palma Team Match
will be contested on Thursday and Friday also at the 800, 900 and 1000 yards ranges. The West Indies 16member team will be named after the World Long Range Individual Championships. An 18-member squad has already been named dominated by the Guyanese shooters. Guyana is the reigning Caribbean Short and Long Range champions and also the home of the reigning Caribbean Individual
Champion in the form of Lennox Braithwaite who has been unstoppable for the past three years. This year’s Palma Match will be contested by Australia, Canada, Germany, Great Britain, New Zealand, South Africa, USA and the West Indies, and promises to be fiercely contested. BRIEF HISTORY OF THE PALMA MATCH The first Palma Match was contested by Australia,
Canada, Ireland, Scotland and the United States of America on a 36 inch bullseye, with no sighting shots and with fires both prone and supine. Since the first Palma Match, there have been a total of 27 contested by shooters from 30 countries including Cuba, runners-up in 1928. The USA dominated the early years, winning seven out of the first eight matches held from 1876 until 1928, with Canada taking the top spot in 1901. Great Britain’s first appearance was in 1877. They had not taken up t h e p r e v i o u s y e a r ’s invitation quickly enough and lost to the USA before a 24 year gap ensued as the 1878 invitation was unanswered. Camp Perry hosted its first Palma Match in 1913 w h e r e A rg e n t i n a t o o k second place with 7.65 Mausers, but the Great War interrupted the series until
1924 (an ‘unofficial’ match a l o n g w i t h 1 9 2 3 ’s uncontested match) and 1925, when Connaught Ranges first played host. A 20" V bull was introduced in the 1920s but, soon after, there was a 38 year gap between matches. The Great Depression and Second World War are likely to have been factors; but the hiatus also coincided with the disappearance of the original Palma Trophy – a 71/2 foot tall Tiffany creation with a copper spread eagle and silver laurel wreath atop a panel, mounted on ornate steel shaft, bearing the word “PALMA”, which had been outside the office of the Secretary of War in the 1930s. Before the reinstatement of the match series proper, a ‘preliminary’ match was held at Camp Perry in 1966 between Canada and the USA, with the hosts taking (Continued on page 71)
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Kaieteur News
Sunday August 09, 2015
Upper Mazaruni games should be a model activity for other communities -President Granger (Georgetown, Guyana) President David Granger has lauded the Upper Mazaruni District Sports Council for their efforts at sustaining their signature annual sporting event where youths from a number of neighbouring Upper Mazaruni villages are given an opportunity to showcase their athletic skills and be involved in something that is uniquely theirs. The President accompanied by First Lady Mrs. Sandra Granger attended the event which commenced on Monday at the Jawalla Community Center Ground. Minister of Indigenous People’s Affair, Sydney Allicock, Minister within the Ministry of Communities, Ms. Dawn Hastings and Director of
President David Granger and First Lady Sandra along with other officials arrive at the Jawalla Community Center Ground for the Upper Mazaruni games. Sports, Christopher Jones were also present. A cheque in the amount of $1M was presented to the
Council by the President who stated that his Government is committing to supporting this event and
to making it even bigger since it dovetails his vision for youth development in Guyana.
Granger said the games should be used as a model for other communities around the country to emulate. He
noted how pleased he was with the initiative that was birthed in communities within the District. “I’m impressed that no government told you to arrange this. All I would like to ask you is that ten months from now I would like the 2016 games to be dedicated to the 50th Independence celebration,” President Granger said. The President said his Administration will be working to establish proper sporting facilities in all regions so that Guyanese athletes can prepare themselves to compete and excel in whatever discipline they choose. This year, participating teams came from villages such as: Arau, Parima, Waramadong, Kamarang, Kako, Quebanang, Jawalla, Imbamadai, Chinoweng, Phillipai and Isseneru.
Top horses show good form as ninth annual $25M Guyana Cup draws near
Some of the top animals including some new imports that will feature next Sunday.
ver the past week most of the tracks and open spaces on the coast land were fully occupied as trainers, jockeys, grooms and owners’ of most of the top horses in Guyana were busy whipping their charges into shape for the ninth annual Guyana Cup Horserace extravaganza. Organized by the Jumbo Jet Businesses and friends, the mega meet is set for next Sunday 16thAugust at the Port Mourant (Big Yard) Turf Club, Corentyne Berbice. With just one week to go
b e f o r e r a c e d a y, t h e horseracing fraternity in Guyana is buzzing with excitement. With a colossal $25M available and over 100 horses set to participate in the mega event thousands are expected to throng to the venue. Both the Government of Guyana and the Guyana Horse Racing Authority (GHRA) has given their full blessing to the event which is expected to get on the way from 12:00 hrs. The feature event has a full compliment of the best runners in the country lining
up. All the top runners, plus a few new imports have been burning up the tracks and look good. Turfites will be hard press to pick a winner this early. The A class line up which is still incomplete but still includes Guyana A class champion Score’s Even, defending Guyana Cup Champion C.P Got Even, and a fearsome pack of Spit Fire, Jack in MY Style, Princess She Not, Diplomatic Cat, Curfew Tower, Treacle and the speedy Tiz A Holiday are expected to give holiday
makers a day to remember. The winning prize is set at a hefty $3M and the Guyana Cup Trophy from a total package of $6M over 1800M. The Co-feature 1600M event for 3 yrs old horses, bred and born in Guyana and the West Indies, has a winning take of $2M and trophy. There are two races for two year old horses; one for West Indies Bred animals for a winning take of $1.2M and trophy, while the second is for Guyana bred horses for a winners money of $400,000. The E class and
lower event is for a take home of $1M and trophy, the race for four year old West Indies bred animals has a winning take of $900,000 and trophy, the event for horses classified F3 has a first prize of $800,000 and trophy, in the G3 and lower race the winner will run away with $600,000 and trophy, the ‘I’ and lower race has $350,000 and trophy as a winning tag while the event for unclassified animals has a take home money of $150,000 and trophy. Among some of the other animals set to participate are
Unsettled, Bridal Stone Corner, Guyana Time, Strom Bird, Country Girl, Keep On Swinging, IT MY Choice, Gold D Cova, Settling Star, Captain Crook, Mansoon Fresh Again, Work Force, Plum Plum, Good Will Boy, Unsettled, Red and Lovely, Rosetta, Dream Come through, Precise Gold, Shantal, Honest Penny, Sent From Above, Cat Messiah, Today Is My Lucky day, Campador, Princess Page and Bird man, Firing Line, Jumbo Gift, Maid of the Cat and Witchy Poo, Amazon (Continued on page 71)
Sunday August 09, 2015
Kaieteur News
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GMR&SC ‘National Race of Champions’ Meet...
Fans could be the winners today - largest fields assembled for sometime
Kevin Jeffrey
Ravi Singh
ith the recent announcemen t by the Guyana Motor Racing & Sports Club (GMR&SC) that the laps for the Group 4 category being increased to 15 from the usual 10, many feel that no driver will have a distinct advantage, but rather the playing field will be level making the division highly competitive. Today, at the South Dakota Circuit which will host the GMR&SC ‘National Race of Champions’ Meet, the lineup in every category is largely subscribed and the group
benefitting will be the fans. According to GMR&SC Vice President Shairaz Roshandin “The change in laps is to bring Guyana in line with the CMRC. The Caribbean championship (Group 4) is set to run between 9 and 11 minutes and because of the size of our track, we had to run more laps” Roshandin confirmed that the rule change only applies to the larger group four cars and the other Caribbean classes (groups 3, 2 and bikes) will not incur changes. Additionally, with the
Meet being used as the yardstick to select the Guyana contingent to participate in the upcoming third leg of the Caribbean M o t o r R a c i n g Championship (CMRC) scheduled for Bushy Park in Barbados next month, word from the respective camps is that all the competitors are highly motivated and fully charged to provide an enthralling day of action for the most important stakeholders in the sport, the sponsors and fans. Competitors are expected out in their numbers with the event being litmus for the selection of Team Guyana to the Third leg of the Caribbean Motor Racing Championships in Barbados next month. The group 4 Division will feature reigning Caribbean Group 4 champion Kristian Jeffery, who will be going up against
his father Kevin, uncle Andrew King, the rejuvenated Rupie Shewjattan, Danny Persaud, K e i t h E v e l y n , Vi s h o k Persaud among others and this starting grid is packed with fast machines and skilled drivers making it difficult to predict a winner. The Group 3 is also loaded with top talent and with the arrival of Suriname’s Oliver Tjin Liep Shie, Trinidadian Ravi S i n g h , G u y a n a ’s o w n Rameez Mohamed, Vishal Sawh, Roshan Ali and Adrian Fernandes another rivetting contest is in the making. The Group 2 division promises to be no different in terms of competition with Chet Singh and Shairaz Roshandin set to renew their rivalry. A number of dark horses could also emerge and upset the favourites so
Oliver Tjin Liep Shie apprehension and upset could be the order of the day. What more could be said of the Group 1 category which could supply the most drama for the day, especially with many young and upcoming drivers looking to
make their name and stake their claim. Who could forget the thrills and spills that the Superbikers bring and with the rising starts in Matthew Vieira, Elliott Vieira and Kevin Persaud confirmed, the older riders might have to pull out all the stops to impede their march to dominance. These new breed of riders are exciting and fun to watch so don’t be surprised if the older guys are upstaged. What is certain is that with the selectors in attendance, competitors will be aiming to throw down the gauntlet on each other in a straight battle for supremacy and a national selection. The winner could be the fans who converge today at the South Dakota Circuit to witness what is anticipated to be one of the largest assembled fields for local racing for sometime.
Digicel Harvard Academy tour to Guyana
East Coast beat Harvard Academy by 20 runs By Sean Devers An East Coast under-17 selection, which included five players with national youth team experience, beat the touring Digicel Harvard Cricket Academy of Trinidad by 20 runs at the Fairfield ground yesterday to sink the visitors to their fourth successive defeat on South American soil. The East Coast side elected to bat first on a track which kept very low and on a heavy outfield in sunny conditions and only Gavin
Boodwha (24), Pradesh Balkishun (20) and Ryan Singh (15) managed to reach 15 as the home team fell for 127 in 29.2 overs of their allotted 35. Anton Boisson (3-9), Sanjay Browne (3-34) and Keon Mason (2-11) bowled impressively for the Trinidadians, who for the first time on tour, batted out their entire overs to finish on 107-9. Andel Nicholas followed up his 44 against Everest in the first match with a rearguard 34 with a four and a six and got support
Gavin Boodwha clobbers Sanjay Browne for six during his top score for East Coast X1 yesterday. from 13-year-old Adam Reyes who made a Shiv Chanderpaul-like 15 after coming to the crease at 14-3 and departing at 82-7 when
h e h a d h i s o ff - s t u m p knocked out by left arm pacer Gavin Moriah. Man-of-the-match Sahadeo Ramkelwan
snatched 4-21 and got excellent support from Moriah (2-26) and offspinner Vivian Albert (2-13). Mason, who opened the
bowling, bowled Vishwanauth Ramlakhan for a duck in the first over with a perfect arm ball but (Continued on page 71)
t r o Sp
Young Group 1 racer Javid Rahaman (left) receives sponsorship from Faiaz Ali of Two Brothers Gas Station and Gulf Motor Oil at the team’s Garage on Friday.
PALMA 2015 opens in style at Camp Perry, USA
A new member of the Rahaman dynasty debuts today World Championship of Long Range Rifle Shooting promises to be fierce
Flags of the competing nations at Palma 2015. The Antigua & Barbuda flag (3rd left) represents the West Indies. Inset: Members of the US Army Parachute Team, Golden Knights during the parachute display.
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