Kaieteur News

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ExxonM’s ship builder profit increased to US$128M for half-year

…Guyana projects driving growth

The fourth FPSO, ‘One Guyana’ will arrive next year.

Dutchship-builder,SBM Offshore has recorded increased earnings for the first-half of 2024, buoyed by strong project performance and continued expansion in Guyana, a key growth marketforthecompany

The offshore energy g i a n t m a d e t h e announcement on Thursday Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of SBM, Øivind Tangendisclosed,“Ourgreat teams continue to deliver will be designed to produce 2027.” Asitrelatesto,FPSO strong performance and we 250,000 barrels of oil per ONE GUYANA, SBM said ended the period with a day,andwillhaveassociated that the topside modules record backlog of US$33.7 gastreatmentcapacityof540 lifting campaign has been billion. As a result, we are million cubic feet per day successfully completed and increasing our Directional and water injection capacity that integration and EBITDA [earnings before of 300,000 barrels per day commissioning activities are interest, taxes, depreciation, The FPSO will be spread progressinginlinewithplan. and amortization] guidance moored in water depth of First oil is expected in the to around US$1.3 billion about 1,630 meters and will secondhalfof2025. from around US$1 2 be able to store around 2 billion…” millionbarrelsofcrudeoil.

Tangen added, “With our To date, SBM projects in uniquevalueproposition,we Guyana, includes FPSOs expect to see more awards Liza Destiny, Liza Unity, based on the “sale & Prosperity, and the operate” model like FPSO upcoming ONE GUYANA, Jaguar, with an accelerated all crucial contributors to the cash flow profile versus the company’s growth. Exxon historical “lease & operate” had recruited the services of model.” Japanese ship builder, Forthefirst-halfof2024, MODEC, for its fifth FPSO, SBM Offshore reported ErreaWittu. Directional revenue of SBM stated that the US$1 8 billion, a 23% DirectionalTurnkey revenue increase compared to the rose to US$662 million same period in 2023. The compared with US$558 company’s Directional net million in the year-ago profit for the period also saw period. This 19% increase substantial growth, rising to reflects mainly the FPSO US$128 million up from Jaguar;theincreasedsupport US$36 million in the year- to the fleet through agoperiod. brownfield activities, Back in April, SBM had partially offset by the announced that it secured a completion of FPSOs contract with ExxonMobil Prosperity for Exxon and Guyana Limited (EMGL) to Sepetiba, for works offshore build and install Guyana’s Brazil. The company said, sixth Floating Production “FPSO Jaguar, as planned, Storage and Offloading the Fast4Ward® MPF hull vessel (FPSO) Jaguar for was launched out of drydock ExxonMobil’s Whiptail in the second quarter of development The vessel 2024. First oil is expected in

Jagdeo still ‘iffy’ on th Exxon’s 7 oil project

Vice President, Bharrat Jagdeo again on Thursday appeared to be in the ‘if’ stage on matters concerning h ExxonMobil’s 7 project Hammerhead.

Vice President, Bharrat Jagdeo

There have been concerns on the project raised to Jagdeo and recently he told this publication that there is an assumption that there will be a seventh project. On Thursday this publication asked Jagdeo to shed some light on “What improvementscanGuyanese th expect from the 7 oil project shoulditbeapproved?” He had boasted that the Thewellwassafelydrilledto

Trying to decide which administration has made the 13,862 feet (4,225 meters) word to begin with Jagdeo permits for previous projects depth in 3,773 feet (1,150 said:“Whenandif…ifandor public unlike the previous m e t e r s )

e r when and if we approve the administration and they will ExxonMobil is gearing up to project then you will be told be dealing with any issues as drill as many as 30 wells at about what the benefits will they arise. Jagdeo added, the s

nth project be. We have not looked at “Exxon still has to ExxonMobil is hoping to anything…there is currently demonstrate that they will commence production in no application in for the submit all the documents 2029 and could boost the seventh project as yet, so needed for us to assess nation’s oil output to more when the application comes whethertherequirementsare than1.4millionbarrelsofoil in that’s when we will start met. On the seventh project, per day (mbbl/d) The consideringthismatter.” we are yet to determine Hammerhead project is This has been the tune of whether we want that on the projected to yield a daily Jagdeo ever since Exxon had cost bank now ahead of any output of 120,000–180,000 begun public consultations clarityofhowwearemoving barrels(bbl)ofcrudeoil,less on the project and concerns with the monetization of the than the 250,000bbl were brought to him. At a Gas Project. So those issues produced by the country’s previous news conference in will be determined next largestvessels. response to a question, week.”

Exxon has disclosed that Jagdeo had said: “So first of The Hammerhead the planned vessel for the all, there is an assumption discovery was announced in project will have a storage that there will be a seventh Aug 2018. Hammerhead is capacity ranging from project. So we will get the ExxonMobil’s ninth oil 1.4mbbl to 2mbbl of oil. The application soon and at that discovery in the Stabroek floating production unit is time, the government will Block. The Hammerhead- 1 expected to be a very large determine through two well was drilled in a new crude carrier conversion permits, one the licence and reservoir, encountering facility 15 km south-west of then the environmental approximately 197 feet (60 Liza Destiny, Exxon’s permit, how it will deal with meters) of high-quality, oil- inaugural platform in alloftheseissues.” bearing sandstone reservoir Guyana.


PrintedandPublishedbyNationalMedia& PublishingCompanyLtd. 24SaffonStreet, Charlestown,Georgetown,Guyana.



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Independent oversight oil body

If an independent oversight oil sector body is put in

place, the already dubious utility of Vice President Jagdeowitherstozero. Ifanindependentoversight oilsectorbodyisnecessary,whereisthestrength,thevalue, in Oil Czar Jagdeo being anywhere near to Guyana’s great oil patrimony We at this paper pull no punches, say it bluntly: the presence of a credible independent oil sector oversightbodycontributestomakingJagdeointoaliability He becomes a burden that must be carried, no matter how distressing,nomatterhowrepulsive,thatthoughtmaybe. Thetruthofthematteraboutanoversightoilbodyisthat Jagdeo is bent on holding on to the power and prominence thatcomefromhimoverseeingGuyana’soil. Hegetstocall theshots,isfreetodohisownthing(whateverthatprovesto be,whateverisgoingoninhisheadatanygiventime).Ithas never been, will never be, what in Guyana’s best interests, onlywhatistothebestbenefitofJagdeo.

A strong independent oversight oil body would be a challenge and competition at the same time. A challenge because he is forced to keep an eye on it, while forced to keephisownoilmanagementstraightandsound. Itwould bethecompetitionthatgivesaleaderlikeJagdeofits,since hewouldnothavethewholeoilterritorytohimself.Whathe hasmadeasuspiciouspoliticallivingfrom,theproductthat he calls “better contract management” has proven to be nothingbutanotherofJagdeo’scopyrightedschemes. Itis whathasleftthiscountryandallitspeopleinaplaceworse than they have ever known. Both Jagdeo and his better contract management sleight of hand should be given the backofthehand.

Avibrantoversightoilsectorbodywoulddoso.Onethat is equipped with the right people, backed by robust provisions of the law, and with the resources to deliver wouldmakeGuyanesequicklyappreciatehowmuchJagdeo hascostthemwiththeiroilwealth.

Moreover, more Guyanese would realize how much valuable time Guyana has lost with this political leader runningarounduncheckedinthepeople’soilsector,likethe proverbial elephant in a China shop. Jagdeo would not be true to himself, as shabby as he is, if he didn’t bring in the OppositionPNCtothediscussionabouttheurgentneedfor an independent oil sector body In his familiar manner, he pointstowhatthePNCdidwithpubliccommissionsduring its time, with political appointments. For some reason, he feignsforgetfulnessthathehasdonetheidenticalthingwith onepublicoversightbodyafteranother

It could be that according to Jagdeo’s curious way of thinkingthathispoliticalpeople(appointments)arefarless politically oriented and less cravenly politically obligated than those put in place by the PNC when it was in government. At least, this is what Jagdeo would like Guyanesetobelieve.

Still,hehandcuffshimselfbyhisresistancetoacredible oversightoilsectorbodytotheextentthatGuyanesecanrest theirtrustinit. Tohavesuchabodyinoperationmeansthat Jagdeo would have to yield some of his current exclusive controlandinvolvementinGuyana’spivotaloilsector

The mere thought of such a development is enough to make the nation’s most senior oilman sweat profusely, unnaturally In Jagdeo’s distorted way of thinking, even givingupalittleofthiscontrolwouldexposehimtoomuch, poses a serious threat to his monopoly over the sector It wouldbeanendtothedreadfulleadershipthathaslongbeen characteristic of his disruptive and destructive political presence.Whenaleaderwhotalksupastormaboutwhatis good for Guyanese from their oil balks like this for an oversightbody,acoupleofthingstakeroot.Thefirstisthat hehasskeletonsthatmustremainburied.Thesecondisthat he likes things as they are, for that guarantees his clever political games continuing. When Jagdeo starts to circle around,it’stimeforGuyanesetotakecover,feartheworst.

Many of our politicians are mentally at rest; some are mentally at sea; some are without a moral compass


Kahlil Gibran once said, “We choose our joys and sorrows long before we experiencethem”.

He was certainly speaking to Guyanese who collectively know Guyana needs a new constitutional arrangement that will serve all its People Yet we continuewiththesorrowsof a colonial divide-and rulewinner-take-all anti-human rightsconstitution.

Guyana needs a new constitutional arrangement thatwillhealGuyana’sracial rift and encourage, facilitate and ensure Nation Building. Guyana needs a new constitutional arrangement thatcanhelpusnavigatethe “rapids and cross-waves” of global geopolitics, especially since we are an oil-producing nation. The next elections must set the stage for a vibrant inclusive prosperousGuyanathatisat peacewithitself.

This is only possible if none of the major political parties obtains a majority of Parliamentary seats at the next elections. The striking evidenceisfullinourfaces:

the APNU received approximately 49% of the vote at the last election and has zero power in Parliament.

This is not democracy Thisishypocrisy Thisbelies a shared set of values. As Nelson Mandela said, “I have fought against white domination, and I have fought against black domination.Ihavecherished theidealofademocraticand free society in which all people live together in harmony and with equal opportunities. It is an ideal which I hope to live for and toachieve”.

What Guyana needs at the next elections is

Parliamentary shared governanceasthisistheonly path to ensure shared governance is enshrined in our next constitution If neither of the parties or coalitions obtain 50% of the vote, then shared governance would result, since a national budget cannot be passed without consent of the others Critically,nosinglepolitical party would be able to unilaterally access the SovereignWealthFundasis thepracticetoday

Winner-take-all politics has been a ferocious cancer inGuyana.Itisapernicious

system that breeds and rewards ethnic domination and greed Bad political systems cough up bad political leaders, and when leaders are empowered by ethnic communities, the worst form of governance results.

Witness our 186 years sinceEmancipation.

Thereisaninconvenient truth about Guyana that is known throughout the world This inconvenient truth is that Guyana is a deeply divided racial society The United Nations has said so Former President Jimmy Carter has said so. Ethnic voting and a winner-take-all system nurtures and rewards bad governance Without an inclusive form of governance, Guyana is destined for conflict and failure.Ourleadersseemnot toknowhistory

Guyana’s motto or mission statement is “One People, One Nation, One Destiny”. It is a motto that speaksofNationhood.Itisa mottothatspeaksofUnity It is a motto that speaks of Equality It is a motto that speaksofJustice.

A winner-take-all system is about winners and losers Not winners and winners.Itisaboutdisunity Our winner-take-all system is incompatible with our motto or mission statement. It is incompatible with developing shared values, shared goals, shared expectations and shared benefits. Winner-take-all nurtures promotes, rewards and institutionalizes racism andracialconflict.

An inclusive form of shared governance is necessary for sustainable inclusive development. We canspeakaboutethnicaudits ofnationalresourcesstillthe cows come home. What is neededisvisionaryhighIQ, high EQ leadership. This does not exist.Elections are essentially an ethnic census in Guyana best summarized bythegreatMartinCarterin his poem “This is the dark time,myLove”.

Thisisthedarktime,my love, All round the land brownbeetlescrawlabout.

Theshiningsunishidden in the sky Red flowers bend theirheadsinawfulsorrow

Thisisthedarktime,my love,It is the season of oppression, dark metal, and tears. It is the festival of guns,thecarnivalofmisery

Everywhere the faces of menarestrainedandanxious

Who comes walking in thedarknighttime?

Whose boot of steel tramps down the slender grass?

Itisthemanofdeath,my love, the strange invader Watching you sleep and aimingatyourdream.

Guyana’s winner-takeall colonial divide-and ruleWestminster system will eventually lead to an intolerable gap between a smallrichethniceliteandthe masses of poor What is occurring right in front of our eyes is vicious biracialism and not the “One People, One Nation, One Destiny” philosophy of multi-racialism”.

Our historical journey through enslavement and indentureshipalongwiththe purposeful mistruths of our historical narrative have providedasuitableplatform for nurturing racism. And racismisacrimeasmuchas it is a human frailty Racism undermines all human rights. Racism has plagued Guyana because of an incorrecthistoricalnarrative that has been promoted and maintained by racial entrepreneurs.

Racism and democracy are incompatible realities. Yet, this is the reality of Guyana.

In 2016, I wrote a Letter to the Editor entitled “Towards a Just and Caring Guyana” in which I proposed a new constitution that can heal the nation. Now, in 2024 during Emancipation Month and duringour58thAnniversary of Independence, we are very far away from “a just andcaringGuyana”.

Slogans that camouflage our true reality seem to be the political masquerade to hide this sordid truth. The most recent National Electionsrevealedthedepth of the racial divide in Guyana, with African Guyanese being called “HungryBellyDogs”.

Worse still, after the 2020 elections, political leaders, church leaders and theinternationalcommunity did not speak out on this deeply held beliefs and profound racism signifying an indifference reminiscent of Hitler’s time. There were over 28 such horrible racist comments, some on YouTube by 5-year-old children, egged on by their mothers. I have kept these statements because, regardless of the “One Guyana” political mantra, these wounds are extremely deep and have ancestral resonance.

ShibataYoshikoofKobe Universityinhis2002paper e n t i t l e d “ R a c e Consciousness and the Formation of National IdentityinModernGuyana” stated “Guyana needs a process of genuine reconciliation and integration as it is now necessary to form a nonracialist national identity”. He also stated that “Essentialist models of racial and cultural authenticity dangerously ignore diversity and hybridity” We saw this s l i p p e r y s l o p e a t Emancipation.

Any government or political party that tries to create a “One Guyana” to replace our motto of “One People, One Nation, One D e s t i n y ” w i t h o u t understanding the root causes of our historic interethnic rivalries, —driven by winner-take-allpolitics,will fail If Guyana does not create its own revolutionary pathtosustainableinclusive economic and political stability, then it will be subjected to global externalities far beyond its control Oil is a great e x a m p l e o f t h e s e externalities.Onceacountry has oil, geopolitics will alwaystrumplocalpolitics. Will Guyana become an existentialformofGaza?

At the next elections, I hope there are 3 strong parties so that no party obtains49%ofthevote.This would be the greatest gift to Guyana and its People Guyanacannotafford


Yes, the same people who indigenized Guyana and lost 473,000 lives over 200 years of the criminal enterprise called “chattel slavery” were called “monkeys” and other belligerent racist names. It seems that history is not being taught in Guyanese schools resulting in this benign schizophrenic behavior among young and old.Noonehastaughtthem that without the horrific deaths and sacrifices of Africans in Guyana for over 200years,thefreedomofall otherracesinGuyanawould havebeenimpossible.

Venezuelans should continue to mount a peaceful challenge to electoral fraud


Thewords“Love,Peace, and Truth”, have different meanings and have had a variety of interpretations overtime.

Recently, the PPP with their well-oiled machinery

have continued their explanations about 1992, claimingthattheirvictoryat the Elections signalled a return to democracy’ in Guyana and more recently clever claims have been made about a democratic trajectory Hogwash A viabledemocracyistheway a society is managed every dayofeveryweekandevery month. A society, where a

government ensures justice for all, where citizens enjoy a reasonable level of safety and several sectors are allowed to function including the viability of local government organs as requiredbyourConstitution.

The word ‘democracy’ remains a chameleon term meaning different things to different people, and is sometimes used by those who believe that democracy is‘their’wayalone.Ablatant exampleofthismisnomeris thefactthatyouhaveastatecontrolled media that only publishes statements praising the PPP and demonisingallothers.

For us, Dear Editor, a living democracy means shared traditional values of decency, the rule of law, balanced reporting, and the fair treatment of citizens. Based on our history, democracy also establishes clear lines of responsibility and authority between the executive, the parliament, the judiciary and that vital other segment - the media, or, as we say, the fourth estate.

We have seen recently, the executive and its long arm behaving, or better put, believing, that they are the alpha and omega of everything under the sun.

Utility service providers continue to damage the roads



This, I have seen all my life from 1964 to 1992, the Government of Guyana had awayofbuildingnewroads. However, just after the completion of these roads, the Guyana Telephone Company or Guyana Water Incorporated (GWI) will bringacrewand“bruckup” thebrandnewroadtoinstall their water and telephone linestosupplyaservicethat the Guyanese consumers paidfor The Guyana Telephone CompanyandGWIdon’tdo Guyanese a favour because they are being compensated bytheusersoftheirservices.

I thought with the new government such behavior would change, however the culture continues today Let mementionforinstance,the streetIlivein,whichisJohn Street, Campbellville. After

years of having a bad road, theMinistryofPublicWorks repairedandresurfacedJohn Street,Campbellville. How beautiful and convenient it looked but within eight weeks, GPL cameandcuttheentireroad widthby24-incheswideand leave the beautiful street uncomfortable to drive on. As if that was not enough, theMinistrycameagainand dug up both sides of the

streetfromSherriffStreetto StoneAvenue to install new pipelines to supply their customerswithwaterandwe theconsumersandtaxpayers mustpay

I asked the Minister to investigate this matter since most of the residents cannot getaproperentrancetotheir yards and the sight is very distasteful.

Yourstruly FrankDeAbreu

Theysaylittlethingsmeana lot. For now, I’ll share two personalexperiences.

In every civilised society, including members of the Commonwealth, formerPresidentsandPrime Ministers are accorded certain entitlements such as theuseoftheVIPLoungeat the country’s International Airports. Some time ago, a senior Officer from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs called me to say that with immediate effect, former Prime Ministers would no longer be accorded that privilege. As the boys say, this is no big thing, but I write because of a deeper principle which does violence to this talk of democracy: Since that telephonecall,Ihavewritten letters to the Chief of Protocol, Foreign Affairs, informingthemofthedetails ofaproposedtrip.Aftertwo such letters, I have not had the courtesy of an acknowledgement, much lessareply Threecheersfor

our democracy They say littlethingsmeanalot.

The second is the observationofanactivityon a public open space in the Lodge Housing Scheme, whereIreside,andwhichisa small community We’ve maintained this open space since1971,andthisincluded the construction of a building intended for communityuse.Afternoting anactivityontheground,on December 11, 2023, I wrote to His Excellency the Presidentrelatingthehistory of that ground, our ongoing contribution to its upkeep, and our concern regarding the works being done without any effort to determine the history of its evolution nor consulting persons or organisations in thecontiguouscommunity

On December 29, 2023, the President’s Senior Confidential Secretary replied, and stated inter alia that ‘It has been noted that the maintenance of the playfield has always been

the responsibility of the community However, you were recently informed that works on the playfield are being implemented by a person who has been contractedbytheMinistryof Culture, Youth and Sport in which neither you nor the community were informed. Please be advised that His Excellency President Mohamed Irfaan Ali has noted your concerns and have forwarded your matter to Hon. Charles Ramson, MP, Minister of Culture, Youth & Sports for his attention.”

Somethreeweeksago,a groupofpersons,allaliento the Lodge Housing Scheme Community, approached a family member who was working in our yard. One of the persons had the gumption to approach that family member asking if they will serve on a committee to manage the facility Shortly afterwards, MinisterRamsonturnedup



, The protests (and state sponsored violence against protesters)forrespectingthe willofvoters(democracy)in Venezuela (that voted last July 28) brings back memories of responses to similar protests in Guyana andAmericaduringthelong struggle waged in Guyana and USA for free and fair electionsinGuyana.

The government in Guyana responded with harassment, intimidation, and brute force, as has been occurring in Venezuela, including killing of polling agents and opposition figures, against those who opposed electoral fraud in 1968 and all elections

Electoral riggings in Guyana post-independence thru 1992 were well documented and never disputed. But the riggings could not be overturned in a court In Guyana, as in Maduro’s Venezuela, the regime controlled the electoral institution and the court No challenge to electoral fraud was successful in either country

And any attempt to mount peaceful protests were met withabrutishresponsefrom agentssponsoredbythestate as has been happening in neighbouringVenezuela.

The July 28 Venezuela election disputed result is in court. The verdict on the disputed election count in Venezuela will favour the rulingpartyasitsappointees and members stacked the

thereafter until the restoration of democratic electionsinOctober1992.In contrast, in the democratic USA,thepoliceoragentsof the American government did not (and do not) engage in violent repressions of protests as in Guyana and Venezuela. In USA, people arefreetoengageinpeaceful protests without fear of beingvictimizedattheirjobs and or violently attacked –that were (are) routine responses in Guyana and Venezuela.

court. Thecourtneverruled against Maduro in previous challengesandwillnotdoso now Already,thecourtruled that Maduro’s challenger Edmundo Gonzalez is in contempt of court after refusing to answer a summons to attend a certification of the July 28 election results. This makes any possibility of a successful challenge to the official result that Maduro won virtually nil, not dissimilar to what occurred inGuyana.

In Guyana, disputed elections from 1968 thru 1992 and the 1978 rigged referendum,asinVenezuela on July 28, led to a wave of protests across the country This writer participated in protests in Guyana against the 1968 and 1973 elections and witnessed violence against peaceful protesters. Migrating to USAto pursue tertiary education in 1977, this writer and a few others pioneered a movement against electoral fraud and

for the restoration of democratic governance Countless protest events wereorganizedbythenewly formedgroup.

The Guyanese diaspora inNYandinWashingtonDC and other cities launched protests, rallies, marches, picketing exercises, leafletting, and other activities to focus attention on rights violations in Guyana and were never harassed, intimidated, or attackedbyAmericanpolice forces. The participants in pro-democracy activities never experienced thuggery and American security

forces never rounded up protesters or dissidents and orraidedhomestofindthem as was common in Guyana and currently underway in Venezuela.

The American people have been supportive of movements that promote democracy abroad unlike in Guyana where people postindependence have been fearful of consequences in joining or supporting a movement against powerful politicalforcesthathavehad astrangleholdonpower Itis becauseofthesolidarityand support of the American government and her people

that Guyana has become a democracy since 1992. The attempttothwartdemocratic governance in Guyana from January 2019 to August 2, 2020 was vigorously condemned and opposed by t h e A m e r i c a n Administration. Venezuelans should continuetomountapeaceful challenge to electoral fraud and demand that the will of the voters be respected. A people’s right to protest is inviolable and be respected as in America, the greatest democracy

Yourssincerely, VishnuBisram

Venezuelans should continue...

Frompage05 and with imperial haughtiness, spent a few momentsontheground,didnotengagewith anyone, such as the institutions near to this openspaceandleft.

Clearly, another example of a pattern of behaviourinconsistentwiththerequirements of decency, democracy, and even the notion ofconsulting.

Little things mean a lot, and I write this letter because Editorials and others have raised issues suggesting the rape of our democracy


Many of our politicians are mentally...

Frompage04 anythingelse.Asascientist, I am bewildered how three undemocratic parties, given their history and internal dynamics, can individually governademocracy

This is the tragedy of Guyana.

We need to stop being “victims of our past and become pioneers of our future”.

The next elections are Guyana’s most critical elections Many of our politicians are mentally at rest. Some are mentally at sea. Some are without a moralcompass.

May our ancestors intervene and bring peace, prosperity and shared benefitstoGuyana.

Guyana needs to pursue “common ground” in order to achieve the vision of a plural democracy: a multiracial, multi-ethnic, multicultural multi-party society

in which every Guyanese, regardless of age, race, religion or creed, has an equal opportunity to realize hisorherenormouspotential inapeacefulmanner

.Such common ground cannot be driven by a “slogan”halfthepopulation rejects because they feel excludedfromtheeconomic prosperityofthecountry

“Common ground” is about the need to encourage equity for all by promoting and nurturing individual initiative regardless of race, religionorclassandthatwill ensure no person will be discriminated against or given special privileges.

Sadly enough, many Guyanese live today in the bondage and heritage of an ingloriouspasthistory

The beginning of this process of good governance begins with three strong political parties at the next elections so that neither of

them receives more than 49%oftheelectorate.

Our current electoral process prevents postelectioncoalitionsandhence the only viable path to changing the constitution is with no party receiving a majority in Parliament and hencenobudgetoraccessto the Sovereign Wealth Fund can be achieved without a legal agreement to change the constitution as the current 2/3 Parliamentary vote to change the constitution will never be achievedifthereisaPartyor coalition group with more than 50% of the seats in Parliament.

Willwechoosetochoose joyormoresorrowandmore political slogans that falsifies our reality imprisonsusall?

The rest of the world is notfooledbyslogans.


The agility of Vice President, Bharrat Jagdeo is displayed weekly at his press conferences.

When he does not want to address a subject matter, though he wears the cap of the captain, he directs the media to “ask Vick”.

This repetitive and unpalatable response is unbecoming.

The VPmust stop ducking serious questions to make his press ‘cussference’meaningful and worthwhile to the media operatives who are becoming tired of this lame excuse!



Lawyer found murdered in car

- two including a police sergeant being questioned

An Attorney-at-Law, Richard Layne age 35, was found murdered in his car on Wednesday night The vehicle, a Jaguar, PYY 2850 was parked on the bridge in front of his Lot 183 Century Palm Gardens, D’Urban Backlands, Georgetown, home.

Murdered: Richard Layne

3 men arrested with meat from stolen bulls

He was found dead around 22:13hrs bleeding Layne’s mother, who lives in Starbucks coffee so he drove from a wound to the neck by Campbellville, and on her him(Layne)inhis(Harding) his friend and roommate, a arrival, they both tried car to Movietowne. They 29-year-old police sergeant opening the car doors but returned to Layne’s home identified as, Toney Sulker were unsuccessful. Sulker around 19:15hrs. Sulker was Sulker told police that at further claimed that Layne’s asleepwhentheycameback, around 22:00hrs, he got up mother then instructed him Harding reportedly told from his bed to use the to break the window on the police. washroom and then went to driver’s side. He broke the Harding continued to thekitchen. window with a hammer and hang out with Layne until “While in the kitchen, he foundLaynebleedingfroma 201:17hrs before leaving for looked through a window, woundtohisneck. his home. “Prior to leaving, and saw Layne’s car parked Layne’s cousin, Michael he claimed that he made sure onthebridgeofthepremises. Harding was reportedly the that Layne locked both gates Layne was sitting in the last to see him alive to the house and yard, which driver’s seat in a ‘slumped Harding claimed that he have automatic locks. He p o s i t i o n ’ a n d w a s visited Layne around also observed Layne’s car, motionless”,policesaid. 19:00hrs that evening and parked in the garage”, police Sulker said that he they were hanging out. He said. Hours later, Layne was immediately ran outside and recalled that Sulker was founddead.UptoPresstime, attempted to open the car hometoo. both men were still assisting doors, but they were all While there, Layne said p o l i c e w i t h t h e i r locked He then called that he wanted some investigation.

Three men were arrested on Wednesday in Corentyne Berbice with the carcasses of twostolenbullsinthetrunkaToyotaRaum.

The cows were the property of Ganisey Parsram, a 63-year-old pensioner from #64 Villageandaresaidtobevaluedat$240,000. According to the police, the men were arrested “as part of an investigation into the alleged Larceny of Cattle. The three men arrested are labourers: Noel Gray, Shermond ThompsonandOudwinBinda.


Son of the victim, Chavand Parsram relayed to the investigators that his father is the registered owner of the brand #OG98 for almost 20 years now and it was used on all of his cattle including the two stolen bulls. Investigatorsweretoldbytheyoungmanthat on August 1, 2024 around 16:00hrs, he secured the two animals in a pen that was made of ‘mesh’at the No. 64 pasture and left toventuretohisresidence.

The vehicle that transported the animals.

Hereturnedthefollowingdaytocheckon them, only to be greeted with an empty missing bulls. The three suspects were enclosure.Ataround20:00hrsonWednesday, questioned as to where they were taking the hereceivedaphonecallandwasgiventhetip meat at that time of the night without the that“someonewasstealingcattleandloading necessary documents. The men found in them in a car at No. 64 Village.” He possession of the carcass had no transit, no immediately called Springlands Police veterinary pass or notice of intention to Stationandreportedthematter slaughter at the time they were stopped and Ranks responded and went to the area searched. mentioned where they intercepted a Raum The suspects told the police that two men vehicle with registration number PPP 2810, Jerry and Brooks (only name given) gave which was being driven by Noel Gray and them the animals to transport to Cromarty occupied by Shermond Thompson and Village, Corentyne. They were then told of OudwinBinda. the offence committed, arrested, cautioned, Ranks enquired if they were transporting and escorted to the Springlands Police stolen cattle and requested to conduct a Station, along with the carcass, and placed searchofthevehicle,where‘fourquarters’of intocustodypendinginvestigation.Policeare meat were discovered. The carcasses had currently looking to contact ‘Jerry’ and Parsram’sbrandandweresuspectedtobethe ‘Brooks’,asinvestigationscontinue.

The stolen cattle.

Oudwin Binda
Shermond Thompson Noel Grey

Jagdeo’s attitude towards Kaieteur News not consistent with standards expected of public officials

It is my belief that Vice President, Bharrat Jagdeo’s displayed crass arrogance and contempt towards reporters from Kaieteur News at yesterday’s press conference. In so doing, I believe that his actions revealed the deep-seated hostility he harbours towards this newspaper and its publisher This is my consideredopinion.

It is hard to come to any other conclusion than that if one considers his general attitudetowardstheKaieteur News His dismissive attitude, marked by rustling throughpapersandavoiding direct eye contact when fielding questions from this newspaper’s reporters was not just a sign of disrespect towardsthereporters,itwas an affront to the standards one expects of public officials.

I believe that the Vice

President’s contemptuous attitudeisnotjustanaffront to Kaieteur News but to the entire journalistic community in Guyana, whichplaysacriticalrolein holding the government accountable.Ifthatishowhe is going to act towards this newspaper and considering his strong criticisms of Stabroek News, one is left with the impression that the PPP/Cgovernmentfeelsthat it is under siege from a hostile media. But perhaps, the government needs to entertainanotheroption:that it is failing to see its own faultsandshortcomings.

Insteadofengagingwith thereporters’questionswith the seriousness they deserved, Jagdeo chose to shuffle through his papers—a clear indication, in my opinion, of his disregard for the inquiries being made. This act alone

should have been a red flag for the Kaieteur News’ reporters, signaling that any attempt to seek meaningful responses from the Vice Presidentwouldbemetwith condescension and evasion. They should have aborted their questions and left immediately, never to go back.

When questioned about the update on the country’s oil reserves, Jagdeo’s response was nothing short ofdismissive.Itwasobvious that he had seen the data related to the updated reserves.Butdespitethis,he chosetodeflectthequestion, directing the reporter to ask theMinisternextweekabout the updated reserves. This evasive manoeuvre is emblematic of a larger pattern where Jagdeo consistently sidesteps straightforward questions, particularly when they

‘Relationship between...

Frompage2 matter filed to join the appeal but the Court denieditsapplication.Thegovernmentthen approached the CCJ to appeal the decision andwasaddedasapartytothecasetofight against the unlimited parent company guarantee. The Guardian reported that another recurring accusation is that the government disregards legality in infrastructuredevelopmentprojects.

Elizabeth Deane-Hughes, former Attorney-at-Lawwhochallengedthelegality of a Permit issued to Exxon for the Gas-toEnergy(GTE)pipelineprojectwasalsocited in the article. She fought against land expropriationsforagaspipelineprojectthat

wouldpassthroughherfamily’slands.After legal action, the route of the pipeline was modified, but the clashes with the governmentlefttheimpressionthatthestate would go above the law to implement its project, according toThe Guardian. “It’s all abouttheruleoflaw,”shesays.

The British new outlet noted that it “repeatedly contacted” President IrfaanAli, Vice President, Bharrat Jagdeo and Prime Minister Mark Phillips to comment on the allegations,butnoneresponded.

Similarly, President of ExxonMobil Guyana Limited (EMGL) the subsidiary of ExxonMobilCorporationdidnotrespondto interviewrequests.


If speed reading was an Olympic sport...

Dem boys seh in dis country, we got speed readers like yuh wouldn’t believe. Dem boys does read so fast, dem done finish de whole document even before de author done write it! Is like magic, but de real magic is how fast thingsdoesgetapprove.

Take dem field development plans fuh de oil blocks. Dem thick like phone book Full ah technical jargon and fine print wah mek yuh head spin. But guess wah? Dem doesgetapproveindeblink ofaneye.Deinkain’teven dry pun de paper and dem man already got de stamp ready Dem boys seh de

peoplewahapprovingthese thingsmustbesuperhuman. How else yuh explain de speed? Dem boys does wonder if dem even tek de timefuhreadalldempages. Or if dem just flipping through and nodding. De plan coulda seh “drill fuh oil in de middle ah Main Street” and dem wouldn’t evennotice!

Yuh know, when dem boyswasinschool,teacher always seh, “Read yuh books carefully, tek yuh time and study ” But apparently, that rule ain’t apply when it come to approving oil deals. It look like de new rule is “De faster,debetter!”Maybede

pertaintothemanagementof Guyana’s oil resources and especially when these questions emanate from KaieteurNews.

Jagdeo’s refusal to provide the updated figure, despite clearly having need thereportaboutthereserves isdisgustingtosaytheleast. His claim that there was no significant change in the

numbers, raises serious questions about his attitude towards interrogation from themedia.

If there has been no significant increase in the reserves, why not give the updated numbers? This calculated vagueness is an insult to the intelligence of the media present at that press conference and they should not tolerate it any longer

The Vice President was asked also whether his government would make publicthefielddevelopment plans of the four projects approvedunderthePeople’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) administration Instead of providing a straightforward ‘yes’or ‘no’

answer, Jagdeo chose to mock the reporter’s inquiry by questioning whether the reporter or the publisher of this newspaper had the ability to dissect the technical jargon of the field developmentplans.

Jagdeo’sinsinuationthat neither the reporter nor Glenn Lall, the publisher of Kaieteur News, would

understand the field developmentplansappearto be a smokescreen meant to divertattentionfromthereal issue: the government’s reluctance to be more transparent about the details of these oil projects. His assertion that these are highly technical documents, which even he struggles to understand, was an embarrassing admission for someone who oversees the critical oil and gas sector One can only hope that his condescendingtonedoesnot imply that the alleged technical complexity of these documents justifies keeping them out of the public domain. This would beadangerousprecedentfor a country that is still grappling with the implicationsofitsnewfound oilwealth.

His seeming reluctance to engage with questions about oil reserves and field development plans suggests that there may be uncomfortabletruthsthatthe government would prefer to be the subject of press inquiries. If, as is claimed, the field development plans are highly technical documents, it begs the question: who in the government is truly equipped to oversee these complex projects? The implication that such documents may be beyond thegraspofeventhehighest officials is a troubling sign thatthegovernmentmaynot have the expertise required to negotiate and manage these major field developmentplans.

(The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinionsofthisnewspaper.)

peoplewahapprovingthese plans does tek special classesinspeedreading.Or maybedemjustgotaknack fuh skimming through de important parts, like de signaturepage.

Dem boys seh if yuh blink, yuh might miss how quickthingsdoeshappenin this country De oil money ain’t even start flow good yet, but dem development plans does get approve at lightning speed. All yuh could do is sit back and admiredeefficiency Ifonly de rest ah de government couldworksofast,Guyana woulda been de richest countryindeworldbynow! Talkhalf.Leffhalf.

Corruption and inflation: imagination or real conditions

Dare to peak about corruption and cost- not to the partisan, nor what could be more often about such, and more urgently, it more citizens of-livinginthiscountryandgovernmentgets remotely construed as objectionable means there is a serious problem. Price spend (if they bent out of shape, loses its thin coating of (unwelcomed) protest, but of the piercing increases, price pains, prices pressures, have cash in hand), the less they get for food cool. Products of overblown imagination, stateoftheirownexistence. which together lead to price paralysis. And items. With prices bleeding Guyanese, according to the PPP Government, even How do they feature, what is the what is a loose, unscientific definition of something went wrong during that political rancid political partisanship of no-good significance of the nonpolitical articulations inflation if not about prices and how they surgery Food prices continue to gush, with intent. I still insist that corruption and cost- of their experiences? These are experiences relentlessly march upward within a known many Guyanese haemorrhaging. Citizens of-living are real conditions in this country, thatconveytheirowninarguable,undeniable, area for a length of time. As with some are ravaged and savaged. They are not PNC andbothareatcripplingproportions. situationsrelativetocorruptionandinflation. marches, the earth gets trampled, scorched, Guyanese crying about how bad the PPP

There are many Guyanese, who think Itouchuponinflationtoday laid waste. It could be by policy, or the Government is. Nor are they repugnant (and similarly What is it with the two national ThefirstthingtonoteisthatIusecost-of- consequences of practice. First, the PPP despised) critics pointing gleefully at food calamities, contagious viruses, I may add? living and inflation somewhat Government said that cost-of-living is not a prices and screaming that the country and its

Who has it right, the government and leaders interchangeably Ithinkthatthereisroomfor crisis; its leaders did in the earlier days. people are in terrible shape because of prices and supporters running a hostile, often taking such a liberty For what is cost-of- Then,ananthemhadthisrepetitivesoundand risingandrisingandpummelingthepeople. slashing, defence? Or could it be that living if not about prices: when citizens start at increasing volumes: look at how much has The ones doing the talking about cost of conscientious and outspoken citizens are on paying attention to cost-of-living, speaking beendone. living (crushing food prices) are ordinary the right side of bitter truths in both about it means there is a concern. When the My position is that there was some merit Guyanese honestly telling theirstories of instances? Then there are those who speak people feeling cost-of-living squeezes speak in both postures. But due to the continuing daily,weekly,agonylivedwithcontinuously, and deepening nature of the first (the price as part of their widening reality Mothers, condition is not a crisis), that argument fathers, pensioners, unemployed workers, weakened,andlostsometraction.Itsstrength industrious workers, two job workers, diminished considerably; I assert, and as will villagers, city dwellers, are all sharing their be supported shortly Second, what the market and food and table shortfalls. If government did, is doing, has been the anyone wants a poll of the pulse on food equivalent of surrendering ground to prices, I recommend SN’s weekly cost-ofinflation’s aggressive and assaultive living revelations, now at Book 87. It has presence. Personally, I believe that the PPP been an anthology of gothic price horrors. Governmenthasdonetoolittle,subsidiesand Thisistheharshrealityofnotafewbutmany other invisibles/tangibles properly in Guyana. Guyana the richest, but also considered. Incidentally, I am speaking Guyana the [food] poorest. The government almostexclusivelyaboutfood. Notclothing, saysthatithastamedtheinflationbeast. But not medicine, not housing, and not anything food prices are where they are, and official else in the slew of other mandatory food inflation levels are in the opposite components of life. Food only There is a direction. Somebody has it wrong. I will third government posture that is so takethesideofthepeople.Itisnotamatterof unworldly,thatitisoutofthisworld. Thatis, imagination, or partisan political food inflation stands at 3.8%. If that is only manipulation, but a real harrowing domestic partially accurate, then I would be Nat King condition Ordinary Guyanese are Cole crooning, with a countrywide chorus of themselves saying so. My remedy is simple: joyful Guyanese humming and applauding. manage the millions better: less for Instead of asking, like the Merry men, “tell contractors,moreforcitizens. Lesswithcash mewehyuhgetdahmoneyfrom,thereisthis that corrupts officials and politicos. Less preference placed before the PPP with envelopes, more through a package of Government: tell abee weh ayuh geh dah incentivesviatheavailabletechsystems(tax, numbah(3.8%)frum… Yeah,ithasbeenthat banks, computer trails). Take the hands out kindofpoliticalsonganddancelocally of the handout processes. Takeout the Simplicity itself emphasizes that the political masterminds and supporting cast government’s inflation vision and policy are also. Coming up, that other curse and cancer basedontheideathatputtinglessmoneyinto calledcorruption. the hands of the people chains and restricts (The views expressed in this article are the feared inflation monster (frees up funds those of the author and do not necessarily forinfrastructure;[itismorefunfilled]). The reflect the opinions of this newspaper.)

GTU rejects Govt’s 9% pay hike offer for teachers

The Guyana Teachers’ obviously not satisfied so GTUwishestoadvisethatno Union (GTU) has rejected they rejected the offer,” the agreement has been reached yet another proposal by the sourcetold Kaieteur News or signed relating to a multiMinistry of Education in Justtwoweeksago,GTU year package for teachers. relationtothesalaryincrease reported that while the Contrary to the percentages forteachers. Government of Guyana in circulation, the Union has This time, a source close through the Ministry of notandwillnotaccept.” to the union told this Educationhadproposedasix Further, the GTU had newspaper that the Ministry and seven percent salary said that it will update its of Education revised its increase for teachers, the members about the progress salary increase offer to union has not agreed to the made after the last two days teachers to 9% for 2024 and proposal or signed an of discussions between the 8% for 2025 and another 8% agreement regarding the Ministry of Education and for 2026. The source said proposed multi-year theUnion. that the proposal moved package. The office of the from 6% to 7.5% and then In a statement issued on Opposition leader had called 9%for2024and8%for2025 the Union’s Facebook page, theinitial7%proposalunfair and 2026. “The GTU was the union had said, “The (Continued on page 11)

Taxi driver gets bail on charge of

raping girl

A 22-year-old taxi driver from Aberdeen, Essequibo Coast was granted bail on Wednesday for the allegedly raping a child under 16 years old. The incident occurred on the May 13, 2023 on the Essequibo Coast The accused Haimraj Narine appeared at theAnna Regina Magistrate’s Court before Magistrate Tamieka Clarke. markedasexhibits Police statements said that Magistrate Clarke during the proceedings, the determined that the evidence court reviewed a paper presented was sufficient to committal, which included commit Narine to trial. He witness statements and will stand trial at the next documentary evidence practicable session at the These documents were Suddie Supreme Criminal submitted without the Court. Narine was granted witnesses being present and bail in the amount of were inventoried and $150,000.

“Me and this big lady ain’t get no problem”

man tells court after charged with damaging neighbour’s windows

A 22-year-old, man was remanded on Thursday to prison when he appeared at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Court to answer three charges based on offences he allegedly committedonhisneighbour,CarolAustin.

The charges alleged that on June 25, 2023, the accused Kareem Smith, of West Ruimveldt Georgetown, caused significant damage toAustin’s property Specifically, Smith is accused of damaging the woman’s windows, valued at $10,000, and a television set valued at $40,000. On the same day, he also threw missiles and unlawfully and maliciously woundedAustin. Smithwasinitiallychargedin2023andwas required to return to Georgetown Magistrates’ Court for a hearing. However, he failed to appear, prompting a year-long search by the police. Smith was apprehended on Wednesday andsubsequentlyplacedinpolicecustody

At his court appearance before Senior Magistrate Fabayo Azore on Thursday, Smith pleaded not guilty to all charges. When questioned about his previous absence, Smith explained, “I was not aware... I was in the interior working because I got to provide for my two children… I came out of the interior the other day.” Prosecutor Quincy Lacon objected to bail, citing the seriousness and prevalence of the offences. Lacon informed the court that Smith had been evading arrest forayearinrelationtothepresentoffenceandpreviouspolice reports issued against him. Lacon also reported that Smith resisted arrest, caused damage to a cell at the West Ruimveldt PoliceStationandattemptedtoescapecustodyonWednesday evening and Thursday morning. Smith responded to the prosecution’sobjectionstating,“Meandthisbigladyain’tget noproblem,eventhoughthisladyismyneighbour,Idoespass shestraight.”Bailwasdenied,andSmithisscheduledtoreturn tocourtonAugust15,2024forstatements.

GTU rejects Govt’s...

From page 10 and said all fair-minded Guyanese should join with teachers in rejecting “the insulting government proposal of 6 to 7% salary increase over the years 2024 to 2026.” The statement added“Itisanotherslaponthefaceofteachers.Oneishardpressed to even call 6-7% an increase, given that food and other types of inflation have reduced and will continue to reducerealordisposableincomeofteachers,publicservants and other wage-earners.” “Guyanese must note that while Jagdeo and the PPP continue to sit on their hands and allow hundreds of billions of dollars to be embezzled through corruptionintheprocurementsystem,theyhavenoshamein offeringGuyana’steacherscrumbsanddregs,”thestatement added.

- says being forced to make decisions without Norton

The A Partnership for “TheExecutivesthenelected meetings held on June 6, each Executive in the National Unity (APNU) Mr VincentHenry,MPtothe 2024;July15,2024;andJuly partnership is entitled to one oppositionhassaidthatithas position of Chair and Mrs. 29th, 2024 The APNU vote on any matter that been forced to make some Tabitha Sarabo-Halley, MP stressed however, that it cannot be decided on by critical decisions without the to the position of General must be noted that the consensus;thechairmanwill inputofrepresentativesofits Secretary Since those People’s National Congress haveacastingvote;theChair major coalition partner, the

r Reform is an integral part of is to be elected for a term of People’s National Congress the APNU and “as we one year Additionally, the Reform(PNCR). the party said that there shall be

In a statement on 2025 elections, we hope that no term limits and the Thursday, APNU said it met electionofchairshallbeheld on June 6, 2024 and on a date to be determined in deliberated on the major the first month of each New issue of no meetings being Year As a result, the party held since January 25, 2022. revealed that a Standard

The party said it was forced

to make the decisions since it

its stagnation for over two to “Responsibilities and duties years needed to be rectified. attend meetings when those of the Chair” will be According to APNU, the meetingsarecalled.” prepared and signed by Executive Meetings were E


held of which all Executive membersinteraliaagreedon decisions taken are that the of the APNU. Further, the Members were invited,” the June 6th 2024 that a new APNU Executive shall meet APN


anyone who becomes Chair

Chairman and General at least once per quarter or composition will now

PNCR attended any of the alternative way forward pertainingtothepartnership; Members’components. three executive committee

s Members and Individual

The grouping said that Secretary be elected for a more frequently if deemed consist of the Executive neither Mr Aubrey Norton period of six months or until necessary, to deliberate on Committee, Associate nor a representative of the consensus is reached on an a

US$75M Good Success to Timehri road project


The long-awaited East Bank Road Improvement project for Good Success to Timehri which will be executed through the Ministry of Public Works has commenced officially

Section of the EBD roadway.

Thisisaccordingtoanoticesharedbythe ministry on Thursday via its Facebook page. The notice reads, “As of today, and throughout the project’s timeline, the undertaking will be overseen by the contractor, China Road and Bridges Corporation, who will be responsible for rectifying the existing deficiencies along the GoodSuccesstoTimehriroad,encompassing upgrade to the East Bank of Demerara the pavement, drainage, street lights, signs roadway is being funded by the Interand more. To minimize disruption to traffic American Development Bank (IDB) Loan flow, repairs may be conducted during Programme–ProgrammetoSupportClimate nighttime hours. These activities will be Resilient Road Infrastructure Development closely supervised by the consulting and the Guyana government, to the tune of engineersfromSheladiaAssociatesInc.” US$117million.

The duration of the works is expected to

Through this programme, the IDB would be 975 days with the end date set for March finance US$100 million towards the project 31,2027,theministryshared.Itwasreported while the Government of Guyana would that the government through the Ministry of finance the remaining US$17 million. The PublicWorksinFebruarythisyearsignedthe loan was signed on March 6 last year and it is design and built works contract with China forfiveyears.Atthesigningceremony,itwas Road and Bridge Corporation to the tune of revealed that approximately 23.7 km of US$75,887,907.67. roadwaywillbeconstructed.Thesoontobe Kaieteur News had reported that the (Continued on page 22)

FAO begins analysing progress fight against hunger in Caribbean

The Food and government in the fight capabilities to contribute to a

A g r i c u l t u r e againsthunger global response to eradicate

Organization of Minister Dias detailed hunger and malnutrition and the United Nations (FAO) the strategy that positions address other challenges Regional Office for Latin Brazil as a regional leader in suchasreducingpovertyand America and the Caribbean hunger-reduction “Lifting inequalities International organisedthefirstmeetingin someone out of hunger and goals have been established a series of events dedicated poverty is a one-time to ensure sustainable to analysing the region’s investment. After that, it is development. progress in the fight against very difficult for the next MinisterWellingtonDias hunger and malnutrition, generations to go back. So detailed how Brazil has based on the results of the i t ’ s a w o r t h w h i l e managed to lift 14 million State of Food and Nutrition investment,”hesaid. people out of poverty thanks Security in the World (SOFI FAO Assistant Director- to a social programme with 2024)report. General and Regional two components: social

According to the SOFI Representative for Latin assistanceandfoodsecurity 2024 report, presented in America and the Caribbean, This programme is based JulyduringtheG20inRiode Mario Lubetkin, emphasized on creating a single social

that “hunger and food registry that makes it percentageofhungerinLatin insecurity are not simply possible to know the America and the Caribbean issues of food scarcity; they multidimensional conditions rose from 5.6% in 2019 to reflect structural inequalities of poverty affecting a family 6 9% in 2021, but a and systemic failures that and to generate an assistance progressive reduction was affect human dignity and income that adjusts to their recorded, reaching 6.2% in social justice throughout the needs “The transfer of 2023. worldandalsointheregion.” r e s o u r c e s m e a n s

This means that 4 3 “Having the opportunity to implementing access to food million people have stopped reflect on these experiences and other necessities. That going hungry, mainly thanks forces us to recognize that moneycirculatesintheplace to a recovery in South hungerisarealitythatcanbe where they live. And the America Brazil is currently a d d r e s s e d w i t h poorest people usually live one of the countries whose r e s p o n s i b i l

y , where other vulnerable and p

d poor people live So, in p

d collectiveworkandtoensure addition to benefiting that reducing hunger and food that all people, regardless of family, it benefits that insecurity Thus, through a their geographic location, community,”hesaid. Master Conference held at gender, or economic status, The minister added that the FAO regional office, have access to sufficient and this type of assistance is with more than 400 face-to- nutritious food,” added accompaniedbytheSafra,or f a c e a n d v i r t u a l Lubetkin. Harvest Plan, to combat participants, the Minister of This analysis process hungerandfoodinsecurity Development and Social promoted by FAO at the This plan works with Assistance, Family and regional level, which began small farmers to stimulate Fight against Hunger, with the keynote address by production, and then the Wellington Dias, shared the Brazilian minister, seeks Statecanbuyafractionofthe some of the actions to deepen the region’s harvest to give to those who undertaken by the Brazilian o p p o r t u n i t i e s a n d requireit.

Woman seriously injured after gas bottle explodes in shop

A businesswoman spent h e r 5 0 t h b i r t h d a y hospitalised suffering second and third degree burns after a gas bottle exploded and destroyed her shop on August 1 at New Scheme, Herstelling, East BankDemerara(EBD).

The businesswoman Jaiwantie Samaroo was only discharged from hospital on Tuesday and is presently staying with relatives at Tuschen, East Bank Essequibo (EBE) Her condition is regarded as serious Her husband, RandolphPereiraiscounting theirlossesestimatedtobein the millions and conducting the necessary repairs to their homeandbusiness.

He recalled that he and soon as she light the stove his son were heading and the explosion went off, downstairs when the she was pitched into a explosion took place. “My corner… the explosion just phone rang while heading pitched her into a corner, the downstairs and I stopped at roof went off, all the shutters the doorway to attend to the in front flew off, fly till over call and my son was behind the road almost into the me so he stopped too” neighbour’syard”. Pereirasaidwhileexplaining A cell phone recorded that the phone call might video of the scene showed have saved him and his son’s that the extent of the lives. He related that the destruction of the couple’s shop’s concrete walls would shop. Goods were damaged have covered them had they and debris scattered about gone down one minute their yard. It resembled the earlier Following the scene of a bombing that explosion, he rushed to find J a i w a n t i e S a m a r o o hiswifebadlyburnt. miraculously survived. One Pereira said that she was neighbour recalled hearing not feeling too well that the explosion too and morning but had gotten up described it as massive. He from her bed and went went over to render some downstairstomakesometea. assistance. “The thing even When she attempted to light blow off the padlock from her stove, there was a loud their gate”, he told Kaieteur explosion. News Theneighbour

“Washetoldmeisthatas (Continued on page 22)

Samaroo and Pereira’s shop in rubble.
A badly burnt Jaiwantie Samaroo.
The gas bottle that reportedly exploded.

Man granted $550K bail for setting fire to woman’s house

A64-year-old man of Grove Housing Scheme, East Bank Demerara (EBD), was granted bail on Thursday after he was chargedforsettingfiretoawoman’shouseintheGrovearea.

The arson suspect, Roy Anthony Callendar had allegedly committed the act on August 4, 2024 at Lot 246 Grove HousingScheme,EBD,onahousebelongingtoMariaSingh. HewasarrestedandchargedonWednesdaybyranksfromthe GrovePoliceStation.

Callendar appeared at the Diamond/Grove Magistrates’ Court before Magistrate Dylon Bess who read the charge to him,inwhichhepleadednotguiltyto. Bailwasgrantedinthe sum of $550,000 and Callendar is scheduled to return to court onSeptember11,2024.

Roy Anthony Callendar granted $550K bail for setting fire to neighbour’s house.


– Pres. Ali tells Building Expo opening

President Irfaan Ali on Thursday evening announced an ambitious new housing plan for single mothers at the opening of the International Building Expo 2024 being held at the GuyanaNationalStadium,Providence.

The plan, called the “Homestead Programme,” aims to build 500 homes within six months along the LindenSoesdyke Highway Delivering the keynote address at the opening, President Ali said: “We are launching a new innovative project… We want to deliver 500 homes in six months,aremarkabletaskbeforeus.”

He underscored that the programme is not just about providing housing but also creating an economic model to empower single mothers, some of the most vulnerable in society The Homestead Programme will integrate various government ministries, including Agriculture, Housing, Lands and Survey, the Office of the Prime Minister, and HumanServices.

Each home will feature a small farmstead, including a shade house, permanent crops, and solar energy systems to reduce energy costs and generate income. “We will give you an opportunity to earn but including an economic activity in the plot of land that will repay your loan…” President Ali explained.Headded:“We[will]giveyouachancetograduate out of poverty into a middle-income family and who are we giving those chance to the most vulnerable in our society single mothers, we are going to empower them to be the best theycanbe.”

The head-of-state disclosed that the planning for this initiative has already begun, with the design layout expected to be completed within two weeks. Construction on the 500 homesteads will commence shortly after, marking a significantstepforwardinthegovernment’seffortstosupport singlemothersandpromoteeconomicgrowth.

Over 500 companies are participating in this year’s expo. The event is being held under the theme, “Building on the foundationofsuitabilityandunity.”

For his part, Minister of Housing and Water, Collin Croal announcedthatbytheendofthe2024some40,000houselots will be allocated. “…In fact, we will be allocating over 2000 house lots over the next two days,” Minister Croal said. He addedtoothatsome1,730certificatesoftitleinnewareaslike CummingsLodge,GoldenGrove,Enterpriseandseveral (Continued on page 23)

Scenes from the opening of International Building Expo 2024. (Photo credit NCN)

Cancer Society takes medical outreach to Moraikobai

Hampers being distributed by overseas volunteers, Yasmin (front), David (middle), and Luke Groenfeld.

The Guyana Cancer Society (GCS) in collaboration with its partners and volunteers last Saturday hosted a successful medical outreach in the Region Five, Indigenous Village of Moraikobai.

According to Sharir Chan, Head of theGCS,some200patientswereseenby a medical team which comprised of urologists, HPV technicians, general doctors, and ophthalmologists. Some 300 medical services were provided to the patients and 200 hampers distributed by Food for the Poor and Aslam Baksh andFamily

The Guyana Cancer Society has promised to return to Moraikobai before the year ends for another medical outreach-this time focusing on dental health. “Dental health was excluded this tripbecauseoftheneedforinstruments”, theCancerSocietyexplained.

Sharir Chan said that one of GCS partners, “The Guyana Medical Relief” hastwomobiledentalunitsavailablebut is working on acquiring enough instruments so that it can be able to c o n d u c t d e n t a l o u t r e a c h e s independently. Moraikobai medical outreach was made possible via a collaborative effort by GCS, the Guyana Medical Relief, the US Embassy Humanitarian Assistance Programme, the Ministry of Health, the Region Five Regional Health Department and the SurgicalAssociates.

Patients awaiting medical services.
Medical professionals volunteering at Moraikobai.

USAID and PAHO join forces to help Guyana eliminate filariasis

The United States healthconcern. release.

painful and profoundly Agency for International This collaboration is a From 2017 to now, disfiguring disease that is Development (USAID) and significant milestone USAID has supported the transmitted by mosquitoes. the Pan American Health towards improving the elimination of LF in Guyana Despite significant progress

on (PAHO) health and well-being of with more than $3.5 million in controlling LF globally, it announce the next step in Guyanese citizens and to PAHO to assist the remains a health risk for t

g-standing underscoresthecommitment Ministry of Health in 500,000 citizens The partnership aimed at helping of these organizations to Guyana to strengthen the disease can be eliminated Guyana’s Ministry of Health combating tropical diseases national LF elimination with a simultaneous mass

eliminate Lymphatic in the region, the US program. LF, commonly drug administration to all Filariasis (LF) as a public Embassy here said in a press knownas‘elephantiasis,’isa people living in endemic areas.

Workers of the Ministry of Health administering Lymphatic Filariasis pills.

The latest round took USAID, is proud to partner the broader goals of USAID place in Regions 3 and 4. with PAHO

he andPAHOtopromotehealth

y Government of Guyana in equity and access to quality successfully eliminated LF thiscrucialinitiativethatwill healthcare for all By in all other administrative trulysavelives.Together,we eliminatingtheburdenofLF, regions. will leverage our collective the partnership aims to U S Ambassador to strengths to achieve a future reduce health disparities and Guyana Nicole Theriot free of LF for all Guyanese empower communities to commented, “The U S citizens.”

gh Thisinitiativealignswith productivelives.

Concrete pole crushes GPL worker’s leg

An employee of the Guyana Power and were working at the location when he fell Light Inc. had to be rushed to a private intoaholedugtoinstallthepole.Itisunclear hospital on Thursday morning after a whathappenednextbutaccordingtoreports, concreteutilitypolefellandcrushedhisright the pole fell and crushed his leg. His colegatFoulis,EastCoastDemerara(ECD). workers and public-spirited citizens assisted The employee and other co-workers inremovingthepolefromoffhisleg.

The injured GPL worker being removed.

Venezuela security forces swoop on activists as repression worsens

Venezuela’s disputed election result has sparked anti-government protests

(BBCNEWS)Thevideo begins with loud bangs on a door thatleadsto a dimlylit stairwell.

“They are entering my home arbitrarily They are destroying the door,” a womancanbeheardcrying. It is the voice of María Oropeza, a campaign coordinator for opposition coalition Vente Venezuela, who is live streaming her detentiononInstagram.

The bangs increase in intensity as she tells her followers that she has done nothing wrong: “I am not a criminal ” Officials from Venezuela’s military counterintelligence agency then burst through her door and the video cuts to black.

Ms Oropeza is the latest opposition figure who has been detained following the announcement in the early hours of 29 July of Venezuela’s disputed presidential election result. In the days since, members of the security forces have seizedFreddySuperlanoand Roland Carreño – both of whom worked for the opposition party Popular Will – and Ricardo Estévez, a technical adviser for the same opposition movement asMsOropeza.

Targetedarrests Amnesty International toldtheBBCtheyhad“wellfounded reasons to believe [the detained people’s] lives andintegrityareatrisk”.The pressuregroupsaysthatthey have been seeing a new pattern of more targeted arrests by the Venezuelan authorities since the election. Many of those detainedhavereportedlynot been told why they were being arrested. In the live

stream of Ms Oropeza’s detention, she can be heard asking those banging on her door if they have a search warrant.

She receives no answer Tension has been high since Venezuela’s National Electoral Council declared President Nicolás Maduro thewinneroftheelection-a declaration that was immediately dismissed by theopposition,whichsaidit had proof that it, not the government had won. Mass anti-government protests quicklyfollowed.

President Maduro accused the opposition of instigating a “coup” and announced plans to build two new maximum-security prisonstohouseprotestersit accuses of being “criminal fascists”.

The government says morethan2,000peoplehave been detained, some of which it accuses of “terrorism” Clara del C a m p o , A m n e s t y International’s Americas senior campaigner, said the arbitrary detentions had followed a “two-pronged trend”.

“On the one hand, they have been massive and indiscriminate when it comestoprotesterswhotook to the streets to support the opposition’s claim to election victory and, on the other, targeted and selected towards human rights defenders and opposition members,”sheexplained.

According to Ms del Campo, the mass detention of protesters is aimed at punishing and dissuading people from publicly expressing dissent. It is an observation echoed by


that it had witnessed an unprecedented “escalation of repression”. Foro Penal has received reports of people who had their phones checked arbitrarily while they were walking down the street, with the security officials stopping them citing social media posts or messages as the reason for their subsequentarrest.

The NGO told the BBC that people arrested in this manner have typically been held in detention centres without access to independentlawyers.

These detentions have led to a culture of fear, with some people now worried aboutsharinginformationon social media, attending protests, or even raising the alarm about people who have been seized for fear of punishment.

President Maduro himself has spoken of a strategy he called “Operation Tun Tun” (Operation Knock Knock). Rightsgroupssayitconsists oftheauthoritiesgoingdoorto-door to detain those with links to the protests or the opposition.

More than 2,000 have been detained since the election, according to government figures Amnesty International says that among them are more than 100 children aged between 13 and 17 and at least six people with disabilities.

Ms Del Campo said thosedetainedwere“largely accused of ‘terrorism’ and related crimes, denied legal defence,remaindisappeared

andincommunicado,andare athighriskofilltreatment”. She also said that human rights defenders and members of the opposition had been specifically targeted so as to “curtail political participation and theprotectionofrights”.

One of them is Kennedy Tejeda - a young pro-bono human rights lawyer with Foro Penal - who was arrested as he was trying to assist other people detained for protesting. As well as implementingits“Operation Knock Knock” , the authorities have also targeted activists and oppositionmembersinother ways. The BBC has been toldaboutdozensofpeople, including journalists and activists, whose passports have been revoked. Edni

López, a university professor and humanitarian worker who assisted many NGOs in Venezuela, was detainedonthemorningof4 August at the international airport in the capital, Caracas. She was planning toboardaflighttoColombia fromwhereshewasgoingto flytoArgentinaforaholiday withfriends.

She last contacted her friends and boyfriend from theairport.

In Whatsapp messages seen by the BBC, she told them that the migration authorities claimed her passport was “expired”, despiteitbeingindate.They then lost contact with Ms López. The airport later informed them she did not board her Avianca airlines flight.Aclose friend of hers told the BBC that Ms López’scasewasnotunique: “Manypeoplewithnotiesto

any political cause have stated that their passports have been cancelled as well.”Thefriend,whoasked toremainunnamed,saidthat there were apparently “no clear criteria” for deciding whose passports were void and called the detentions “unconstitutional”.

‘Give me back my daughter’

T h e B B C h a s approached the Venezuelan governmentandAviancafor comment. Avianca said it could not comment on specific passenger cases unless ordered to by an authority, but added the airline only allowed passengers who in addition to meeting travel requirements had been approved by the country’s authoritiesbeforehand.

Wehavenotyetreceived areplyfromthegovernment.

Talking to reporters, EdniLópez’smothermadea plea to the country’s authorities: “Give me back mydaughter,it’snotfairthat a Venezuelan mother has to gothroughthis.”

She also said that her daughter had a health conditionthatrequireddaily medication. After two days inwhichtheyvisitedseveral detentioncentres,herfamily finally learned that she was beingheldatoneofthemand told she would be taken to courtinthecityofLaGuaira. Theyhavesofarreceivedno information about the charges being brought againsther.

Herfrienddescribedthe s i t u a t i o n a s “overwhelming”. “We don’t know the conditions of her captivity.”

Another person close to

Ms López told the BBC:

“The only reason we think this measure was taken is because she works in the humanitarian sector and because she is a university professor.”Thefriendadded that they had heard that the charges against Ms López were of a political nature. “I can attest and testify that Edni has not participated in any political event, much less that she has issued or made a political publication on any [social] network or platform,” the friend insisted.

MsLópezisnottheonly person to be detained at the airport.

Aday earlier, prominent LGBT activist Yendri Omar Velásquezwasalsoseizedat the same airport as he was trying to leave Venezuela to report human rights violations to the United Nations. He was told his passport was cancelled and washeldforsixhoursbefore beingreleased.

The impact of these detentions is immense, not onlyonthosewhoareseized bytheauthoritiesbutalsoon those close to them. Ms López’sfriendsandrelatives asked not to be named, fearing they could face repercussions for simply highlightingherplight.

Humanrightsgroupssay that this fear is exactly what the authorities are trying to achieve. They argue that by targeting rights activists and lawyers - the very people that those swept up in the mass arrests may turn to for help - those already in detention are further isolated,andthosewhomay thinkofspeakingoutwillbe deterred.

Venezuelan human rights NGOForoPenal,
BBC Mundo


Wanted hair dressers and Nail Technician. Call: 6218851.

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Nayelli school of cosmetology is n ow enrolling for cosmetology courses beginning September 9th,2024, 211 New Market st. Call: 2262124.

Josel Educational institute seeks to employ a qualified science teacher. Email: joseleducation@yahoo.com or Call: 226-7868 / 678-0652.

One Clerk for TSI Eccles office. English & Mathematics, grade 2. Email application: techserigy@yahoo.com or Call: 615-9132.

Maid to cook & clean for East Bank area. Call: 615-9132

Male Cleaner for Eccles. Call: 615-9132 or 645-8443.

Female Cleaner for office in Eccles. For more information Call: 645-8443

General Domestic, must know to cook, clean , press ect. 3 days, $6000, 8-4 at Keyfood, Mcdoom village next to the post office.

Vacancy for tire/tyre Worker at 238 South Road & Alexander St. WhatsApp: 624-7333.

Vacancy exists for 3 Cashiers at F&R Supermarket, Vreeden-Hoop. Atleast 1 year experience, $33,000 gross weekly. Call: 617-2822.

Cook for breakfast from 5:30. Send application, food handler certificate, 1 reference & valid police clearance to 6190568. WhatsApp & serious enquires only.

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Driver, must have valid license for Car & Van. Must be able to assist in Workshop also. Call: 615-9132.

Room Attendant, Desk Clerk , Supervisor and Receptionist 23-45 Years old. 233 South Road. 225-0198.


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Visa Application:U.S.A, Canada & UK:Graphics design, advertisements, wedding arch rentals.Tel:6267040.

Labourer remanded for possession of forged Guyana currency

A 43-year-old labourer of Lima Housing Scheme, Essequibo Coast, was remanded to prison on Wednesday for having in his possession forged Guyana currency.

The accused Anand Alphonso called ‘Dolo’, was arrested on August 6, 2024 and later charged on Wednesday.

Alphonso appeared at the Anna Regina Magistrate’s Court before Magistrate Tamieka Clarke who read the charge to him in which he pleaded not guilty to.

The prosecutor objected to bail citing the seriousness and prevalence of the offence. As a result, Alphonso was remanded to prison and is scheduled to return to court on August 27, 2024.

Woman seriously injured after gas bottle explodes...

From page 16 recounted that when he got to the scene, he learnt that Samaroo’s clothes had caught fire during the explosion but she was able to take them off quickly and cover herself with a large T-shirt. An ambulance was summoned and Samaroo was rushed to a hospital where she was admitted.


Mining equipment, Maroc nozzles starting from $3,500 & chinese engine bed starting from $21,000. Call: 6981267/657-9121.


1 Honda CRV, includes TV, music system, alarm, reverse camera, sproiler, crashbar, low mileage PTT Series (first owner). Contact: 649-0956.

1 Toyota Allion, Pioneer DVD, CD & USB deck, reverse camera, alarm, low milage. Call: 649-0956.


Office space for rent at 43 Croal Street. Call : 681-6018 / 672-8599.

Hyundai (Excavator) 140 long boom. Contact : 6579231 / 692-0557 for more information.

One semi-furnish room for single working/studying male at Atlantic Ville. Monthly rent $19,000. Call : 226-0168 /226-3087 Mon-Fri.

2 connected rooms, with Kitchen,2 baths & 1 Built-in wardrope. shared ocean view area @ Atlantic Ville. $38,000 Monthly.Call : 226-0168 /2263087.

In pain

Speaking with Kaieteur News on Thursday, Samaroo said she is feeling better but still in a lot of pain. “It paining, it paining bad bad,” she said in tears while adding that she had plans to celebrate her 50th birthday in grand style the following day. “Invite ma family dem and cook because we don’t drink,” she told Kaieteur News as she recollected the tragedy of almost losing her life on August 1. Meanwhile, the Fire Service has launched an investigation but to date, no followups with Samaroo or her family was done. “Regarding the investigation with the Fire Service, nobody never call

me, nobody never revisit me,” Samaroo’s husband, Randolph Pereira said.

It is believed that a ‘Tex Gas’ bottle belonging to Massy Gas might have caused the explosion. Following the blast, they noted that the bottle was very cold and frothing. The stove was reportedly turned off when Samaroo attempted to light it, so they suspect that the gas bottle was faulty and might have been leaking in the woman’s enclosed kitchen area all night filling up the shop with fumes. “So when she spark the lighter, it was like a waiting bomb”, Pereira opined. The Fire Service is yet to wrap up investigation to

determine if indeed this was the case.

Pereira related that Massy Gas, the company that owns the gas bottle sent five representatives to his home on Tuesday but were more concerned about removing the gas bottle rather than the wellbeing of his wife.

“They refused to come upstairs and see my wife”, claimed Pereira. Kaieteur News reached out to Massy Gas for some clarity on the claims made by Pereira. The company agreed to comment and promised to return a call when an authorised spokesperson is available but up press time, Kaieteur News was still awaiting that call.

Woman seriously injured after gas bottle...

From page 16 recounted that when he got to the scene, he learnt that Samaroo’s clothes had caught fire during the explosion but she was able to take them off quickly and cover herself with a large T-shirt. An ambulance was summoned and Samaroo was rushed to a hospital where she was admitted.

In pain Speaking with Kaieteur News on Thursday, Samaroo said she is feeling better but still in a lot of pain.

“It paining, it paining bad bad,” she said in tears while adding that she had plans to celebrate her 50th birthday in grand style the following day.

“Invite ma family dem and cook because we don’t drink,” she told Kaieteur News as she recollected the tragedy of almost losing her life on August 1.

Meanwhile, the Fire Service has launched an investigation but to date, no followups with Samaroo or her family was done.

“Regarding the investigation with the Fire Service, nobody never call me, nobody never revisit me,” Samaroo’s husband, Randolph Pereira said.

It is believed that a ‘Tex Gas’ bottle belonging to Massy Gas might have caused the explosion. Following the blast, they noted that the bottle was very cold and frothing.

The stove was reportedly turned off when Samaroo attempted to light it, so they suspect that the gas bottle was faulty and might have been leaking in the woman’s enclosed kitchen area all night filling up the shop with fumes.

“So when she spark the lighter, it was like a waiting bomb”, Pereira opined.

The Fire Service is yet to wrap up investigation to determine if indeed this was the case.

Pereira related that Massy Gas, the company that owns the gas bottle sent five representatives to his home on Tuesday but were more concerned about removing the gas bottle rather than the wellbeing of his wife.

“They refused to come upstairs and see my wife”, claimed Pereira. Kaieteur News reached out to Massy Gas for some clarity on the claims made by Pereira.

The company agreed to comment and promised to return a call when an authorised spokesperson is available but up press time, Kaieteur News was still awaiting that call.

Anand Alphonso remanded for possession of forged currency note. Forged $5000 note

12-yr-old girl dies while ‘ramping’ with cousin

A12-year-old girl, identified as Chitwrattie Rohan from Mon Repos, Martyrs’ Ville, East Coast Demeraradiedfollowingan incident of alleged rough play with her 11-year-old cousin.

The grandfather of the deceased, Mohammed Ali told Kaieteur News that he found Chitwrattie on the ground in a semi-conscious state around 11:00hrs when he returned home. She was rushed immediately to the Beterverwagting Health Centre, where she was pronounced dead upon arrival.

Ali, who was not at home during the incident stated: “I really can’t tell you much about what happened,” but it is suspected she was choked byhercousinduringarough play

Atlantic restructuring makesLNG producer stronger

( T R I N I D A D GUARDIAN) While the restructuring of Atlantic LNG was challenging,it is now better poised to run at optimumlevels,delivergas in the upcoming years and keep up with the tough globalcompetition.

That’s the revelation from outgoing chief executive officer Ron Adams, during an exclusive interview with the Business Guardian earlierthisweek.

The restructuring agreement took effect in December 2023, resulting inonecompanywiththree shareholders bpTT with 45 per cent, Shell 45 per cent and the National Gas Company Ltd (NGC) with 10 per cent a change from each of the four trains having different ownership structures Adams was seconded by Shell in 2021 for the position of CEO at Atlantic, starting during the COVID-19 pandemic, for a three-year period, which ends on September 30

His replacement will be bpTT’s vice president ofTransformationAndrew Celestin who will start the positiononOctober1

T h i s w o u l d b e Celestin’s second time at Atlanticashewasthechief operating officer, before returningtobpTT Adamssaideverythree years there will be a rotation of CEO’s at the LNG company between bpTT and Shell. While he

Dead: 12-year-old

Chitwrattie Rohan

could not, at this time, say exactly where he is going, Adams said he will remain within the Shell group and hisnewpositionwouldnot likelybeinthiscountry

A b o u t t h e restructuring, he outlined there were many discussions surrounding Train I and its future and staffwerealreadyspeaking about reorganising, which was a conversation that started a couple of years before he took up the positionofCEO.

“Ifeltthattobeableto getthestafftoalignandto focus on its future, to be able to create a new strategy for Atlantic that takes into consideration the global imperatives of an energy transition, a world that is moving q u i c k l y t o w a r d s digitalisation and artificial intelligence. I thought it wasimportantthatwedoa couple of things. One is to preparetheorganisationfor thatfuture.

“So, I took the tough decision to deal with the TrainIissueandtogetthe staff to organise it; to recognize what is the forward pathway for Atlanticwithrespecttoits future trains, and also to set up that strategy for the future,”Adamssaid W i t h t h e reorganisation of the company,theCEOsaidhe had the full support of the entire leadership team as m a n a g e m e n t w a s extremely transparent withorganisation

Govt. to roll out housing plan for single mothers

Frompage18 otherareaswillbeallocated.

To this end, the minister underscoredthatwithinfour years, the government has deliveredover34,000house lots in comparison to 7000 houselotsdeliveredbetween 2015 and 2020 under the previousadministration.

He noted that while the government’s commitment to deliver 50,000 house lots within five years did not include complete houses, there is plan to deliver more

Scenes from the opening of International Building Expo 2024 (Photo credit NCN)

likethese.Henoted,“Where there is a will, there is a way.”

He disclosed that to date the government has allocated 1,700 houses with 1,500inthevariousstagesof completion.

“I have been assured by my team that before the end of this year, we will be building another 600 houses,” the minister said. Importantly, Minister Croal underscored, “the demand for affordable housing

continuestogrow,wecannot develop housing areas fast enough., To cope, we have identifiednewareas.”

The minister said the advancement seen at this year’s expo mirrors the advancement at the Central Housing and Planning Authority (CH&PA) over thepastfouryears. Minister Croal disclosed that five model homes that the housing ministry will be offeringwillbeondisplayat the expo, two being prefab

homes. “You can also meet with architects and interior designers,” the minister noted.

For her part, Minister within the Ministry of Housing and Water, Susan Rodrigues said that this year’s event has raised the bar even higher She noted too that the government’s inv

homeownership for all Guyanese

The location where Chitwrattie Rohan was allegedly choked

Behind the scenes as Hamas chose its new leader

(BBC NEWS) Over the past week, watched by the world’s media, the top leadersofHamasdescended on Qatar to choose a new political leader for their group.

Delegates flooded in from across the Middle East after almost a year of fightingbetweenHamasand IsraelinGaza.Somearrived shaken, having woken just days before to the news that the group’s previous political leader - Ismail Haniyeh-hadbeenkilledin a blast in Tehran, allegedly by Israel. Haniyeh, who had overseen his group’s negotiators in talks with Israel, played a crucial role in Hamas, balancing the militantwing’sdesiretotake the fight to Israel with calls from some to reach a settlement and end the conflict.

Hisposition,itwasclear, hadtobefilledquickly

At the mourning ceremony in Doha, Hamas leaders lined up shoulder to shoulderinahugewhitetent with carpets and fancy chairs, decorated with

pictures of Ismail Haniyeh. Hundredsofpeoplegathered to pay their respects to the movement’s late leader and hisbodyguard.

Thescenewasmorethan a memorial service - it signalled the end of an era and the beginning of a new, more extreme phase. This was not the first time I had witnessed Hamas’s top officials gather to choose a new leader after an unexpected funeral. Back in 2004 I witnessed them meet after Israel assassinated the group’s founder Sheikh AhmedYassin–themeeting taking place in his house in Gaza. Less than a month later, Israel killed his successor Abdel Aziz alRantisi.

But this time the backstage discussions reflected the extent of the crisisandchallengestheyare facing Hamas attacked southernIsraelon7October lastyear,killingabout1,200 people and taking 251 hostages back into Gaza. Since then, Israel’s military retaliation has killed more than 39,600 people,

according to the Hamas-run health ministry, and wounded tens of thousands more. More than half the buildingsinGazahavebeen damaged or destroyed and almost the entire population has been displaced. Dissent against Hamas, which has ruled Gaza since 2007, has been growing. The group itselfhastakenseverelosses.

Ontopofthis,thekilling ofIsmailHaniyehon31July in Tehran - a place he had alwaysfelttobeasafehaven - was a real shock for the organisation Hamas is convincedthatHaniyehwas killed by an anti-personnel missile while he was browsing on his phone Iran’sRevolutionaryGuards have said a projectile with a 7kg warhead was used SomeWesternmediareports sayhewaskilledbyabomb planted in the room beforehand Back at Haniyeh’s m

ning ceremonyinDoha,oneman in his mid-60s with white hair and a short beard stood in a corner away from the spotlight.

“Pay close attention to

him,”aHamasmediaofficer toldme.Whowashe?“Heis theshadowyman,AbuOmar Hassan,”hesaid.AbuOmar Hassan, or Mohamed HassanDarwish,isthehead of the Supreme Shura Council,thetopconsultative body in Hamas. According to Hamas’s constitution, he was in prime position to be the organisation’s interim head until elections which had been scheduled for next March.“Heisthemanofthe bigmissions,”Iwastold.As the mourning ceremony ended, these leaders’ real work began. For two days, the movement’s veteran

faces and shadowy figures held meetings in Doha, which has hosted Hamas’s political bureau since 2012, toelectanewleader

They chose Yahya Sinwar, already the group’s leader inside Gaza since 2017.Thechoicemaycome as a surprise to many, but anyone following his career since Israel released him in the 2011 exchange deal for captured Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit knew he was always likely to lead Hamas one day No political leader in Hamas has ever been closer to the group’s armed wing His brother

Mohammedleadsthelargest Hamas military battalion, whileMohammedDeif-the elusive Hamas veteran who led its armed wing for two decades until Israel said it killed him last month - was his neighbour, friend, and classmate.The pair grew up togetherinGaza’ssprawling KhanYounisrefugeecamp. Despite all this, many may see appointing him to the most important position in Hamas as madness Israel’s security agencies believe Sinwar planned and executed the attack on southernIsrael,andheistop oftheirwantedlist.

Russia must feel war consequences, says Zelensky amid Ukrainian attack

(BBC NEWS) Three days into Ukraine’s crossborder attack on Russia’s Kursk region, Ukraine’s

President Volodymyr Zelensky has said Moscow

m u s t “ f e e l ” t h e

consequences for its invasionofUkraine.“Russia brought the war to our land and should feel what it has done”, Mr Zelensky said in his Thursday evening address, without directly referencing the Ukrainian offensive.“Ukrainiansknow how to achieve their goals. And we did not choose to achieve our goals in the war,” he added. Russia says at least 1,000 Ukrainian troops, supported by tanks and armoured vehicles, entered its territory on Tuesday morning - in what appears to be one of the largest assaults on Russian soilsincethewarbegan.

Russian President Vladimir Putin earlier

accused Ukraine of

launching a “major provocation” Ukrainian officials have been largely silent on the offensive. The exactsituationontheground

is hard to determine, with few specific details released by either side. “Everyone can see that the Ukrainian armyknowshowtosurprise [and] achieve results,” the Ukrainian president said earlier onThursday, without directly referencing the assault.

TheInternationalAtomic EnergyAgency(IAEA)said it was monitoring Kursk’s nuclear plant, state-owned Russian news agency RIANovosti said Russia’s defence ministry said on Thursdaythatitstroopswere “continuing to destroy” armed Ukrainian units with air strikes, rockets and artillery fire. The ministry said Russian reserves had been rushed to the region.

TheInstitutefortheStudyof War, a well-respected think tank, said geo-located footage showed Ukrainian armoured vehicles had advanced to positions 10km (6.2 miles) into the Kursk region, in the first two days oftheincursion.

Meanwhile, footage verified by the BBC has shownfighterjetsflyinglow

overhead in the region in recent days. Russia’s military leadership is under s e v e r e s c r u t i n y domestically, as some popular and generally wellinformed pro-war Telegram channels have said the situationonthegroundisnot as stable as the Kremlin has suggested.

The influential pro-war Rybar Telegram channel strongly criticised the highest ranks of the Russian military on Wednesday, saying that “for two months thefullinformationwassent totheuselessheadquarters”, addingthattherewasenough

time“tomakeanappropriate decision”. Rybar’s concerns wereechoedbyseveralother pro-warbloggers.

Local leaders in regions adjacent to Kursk, both in Russia and in Ukraine, have orderedresidentstoleavefor their safety On Wednesday, the head of the Ukrainian region of Sumy, Volodymyr Artyukh, ordered the evacuation of areas bordering Kursk In the Russian region of Belgorod, governor Vyacheslav Gladkov said on Thursday that settlements across his province had been attacked byUkrainianforcesoverthe

past24hours. Ukraine’s key allies seemed surprised by the offensive - with White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre saying the US was reaching out to U k r a i n e f o r m o r e information. This is not the firstincursionintoRussiaby fighters based in Ukraine.

Some groups of antiKremlin Russians launched raids last year, which were repelled. The forces crossed intotheBelgorodandKursk regions again in March, where they engaged in clashes with Russian security forces On

Wednesday evening, Ukrainian MP Oleksiy Honcharenko said the Ukrainian army had established control over the Sudzhagashub,amajorgas facility involved in the transit of natural gas from Russia to the EU via Ukraine, which has continueddespitethewar. It is the only point of entryforRussiangasintothe EU. But on Thursday gas was reportedly still flowing from Sudzha Russia’s National Guard said it had reinforced security around Kursk’s nuclear power station, which lies some 70km north-east of Sudzha. For the past few months Russiahasmadeincremental gains in eastern Ukraine, as many of Kyiv’s ground forces have faced relentless attacksintheeasternDonbas region. In a recent interview Ukraine’s head of defence intelligence, Kyrylo Budanov, said the main offensive by Russian forces “is expected to be over in a month and a half to two months”.

Russian Defence Minister Andrei Belousov (2nd L) attended a meeting with other security chiefs on Wednesday to discuss Ukraine’s incursion in Kursk
Hamas chose Yahya Sinwar (R) to replace assassinated leader Ismail Haniyeh (L). The pair are seen here together in 2017

Kevin ‘2feet’ Joseph/ Team 13 U23 Basketball final set for tomorrow

Royals take on Flames for championship; Jets meet Raiders for third place



aying unbeaten so far in this Kevin ‘2feet’ Joseph and Team 13 promoted Under23 basketball tournament, Victory Valley Royals are favouritestotakepossession of another basketball title in the mining town of Linden,

when they face Block 22 Flames in the final come tomorrow night (Saturday) atthetournamentvenue,the Amelia’sWardHardCourt. A grand following of basketball fan

re expected to venture up to Amelia’s ward as both teams from the Wismar

shore of Linden, reached the final after respective semifinal wins against east side opponents, and eventhoughRoyalsdefeated Flames in the round robin play,57-34,theymustfancy themselves to upset the winning streak of the Royals.

Royals in their semifinal game against Jets were victorious, 7450, as Kobe Tappin proved his worth once againwithaleadingscore of 27 points, as Stephen George 22 and Rashad Hinds 13 also played well

The best shoot for the l

with a game high 30 points

Friday August 09, 2024

ARIES(Mar 21–Apr 19)

Today you're likely focused on sex, romance, and committed relationships. The planetaryenergiessurrounding love are promising, Aries. If you're in a relationship, you and your partner could make plans.

TAURUS(Apr 20–May20)

Sometimes dreams seem like just that - dreams. Travel, a project, or a new home could be a few of the things you've beentryingto accomplishfor sometimenow


You'll go one of two ways today, Gemini. Either you'll turn inward and meditate in a corner or you'll find a good friend and confide your dissatisfaction.


Today is going to be an excellent day for meeting interesting people, Cancer And there will be nothing superficial about these encounters. On the contrary, the people you are going to meet wi

u profoundly


You can expect today to be kind of intense, Leo. Even if you've made a conscious decision not to let anything get you down, you may still harbor some negative emotions from the last few days.


The little fighter that you are makes it very difficult for you to join us in the great communal river that we're alltryingtonavigate,Virgo Youprefertotravelsolo


Libra, you should be looking

ng especiallypositive,warm,and loving-attractingpeopleofall kinds to you Your selfconfidence, optimism, and determination should peak overthenextfewdays.


Creative inspiration could come from deep within today, Scorpio. Visions, dreamsanything that excites your imagination-couldbringideas fornewprojects.


Group activities prove beneficial on several levels, Sagittarius. You might project powerful warmth and love for all life You're feeling especiallyoptimisticaboutthe future.


Youmightfindyourselfinthe publiceyeatsomepointtoday, Capricorn. This is fine since you're looking and feeling great.You'relikelierthanusual to project warmth and friendlinesstoothers.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20–Feb. 18)If you've considered a careerinpublishing,Aquarius, thisisthetimetogoforit.It's alsoagreatdaytoenrollinlaw school, an advanced degree program,oranyfieldofhigher education.


Your dreams could be vivid, pleasant, and full of informationtohelpyoumakea decision. New and exciting contacts could come into your life today, Pisces, possibly provinghelpfulinshowingyou waystoincreaseyourincome.

Warrican’s late strikes...

Frompage28 added 11 runs to his score and then succumbed to the second new ball: lbw to Roach.

Bavuma was on 80 at that stage and still had one recognised batter, Kyle Verreynne, to accompany him in pursuit of a century Verreynne faced the first 20 balls of their partnership, including a beamer from Sealesthathithimontheleft glove,butdidnotseemtodo any damage. Bavuma then survived a West Indies review for lbw off Holder, which was too high on umpire’scall.

The Flames in the other semifinal matchup, scored a solid 68-58 win against Retrieve Raiders, behind Lerone Joseph’s 21 points, with Jonathan Clarke getting 20 and Jumane Reynolds nine

Raiders were led by Shemar Savoury who got a game high 29 points and Damian Vincent chipped in with 10

The third placed game between Raiders and Jets is a replay of the earlier round game w h e r e R a i d e r s triumphed, 59-51, but playing at home once more, the Jets would be looking to avenge that loss with a win.

Trophies and medals are at stake according to the organisers, who said there will be a half time show between the thirdplace playoff game which bounces off at 6 3 0 p m f e a t u r i n g Raiders and Jets, and the final at 8 30pm between Royals and Flames

Narine reclaims National Junior’s...

Frompage33 thegamesfromthecomfort oftheirhomes.

The GCF wishes to thank its sponsor De Sinco Ltd, and its MOO M I L K b r a n d f o r supporting the junior chess competitions. Awards and prizes will be presented to the winners at the annual prize-giving ceremony hosted by the GCF later in theyear

The GCF also wishes to thank the David Rose Special School for providing the venue for thetournament.

But two-and-a-half overs later, Seales bowled a full toss and Bavuma’s concentration broke He missed the flick, was hit at shin height and given out. Verreynneconvincedhimto review but only in hope. He had to leave, without a first Test century away from home,asecondagainstWest Indies and a third in his career

South Africa were 271 for6andWestIndieshadthe opportunity to run through their lower order West Indies conceded only 20 runs in 12 overs to frustrate naturally aggressive Verreynne and Wiaan Mulder, but the pair held firmandasWestIndiestired, they cashed in. But just as they started to pull away from West Indies, Warrican struck twice in two balls. Verreynne offered him a simple redemptive return catch that he held onto and then Keshav Maharaj chippedonebacktohimthat required a dive to take with bothhandsbutWarricandid that too and suddenly South Africa were in danger of a sub-350score.

Mulder and Kagiso Rabada took them to the brinkofthatandtheywillbe eyeing slightly more than thatonthethirdday

Scores:SouthAfrica342 for 8 (Bavuma 86, de Zorzi 78, Warrican 3-66) vs West Indies.

Warrican’s late strikes keep WI in contest after fifties from Bavuma and de Zorzi

ESPNcricinfo - Tony de Zorzi, South Africa’s opening batter who was dismissed for 78 before lunch, sat on the changeroombalconywithacopyof AldousHuxley’sBraveNew World. Ironic, because what played out in front of him was nothing like the novel’s dystopian reality Instead, it was as his coach Shukri Conrad predicted: same, old Test cricket. “Traditional” wasthewordSouthAfrica’s red-ball coach used to describe what he expected would be attritional cricket inTrinidad, and that is what theteamsproduced.

All but one South African batter, Aiden Markram,gotstarts.Two,de Zorzi and captain Temba Bavuma, made halfcenturies, and there were four 50-plus partnerships, but there were no hundreds.

Only one frontline West Indies bowler, left-arm spinner Gudakesh Motie, conceded at more than 3.5 runs per over and the seamers shared five wickets between them. They were disciplined most of the time and threatening for some of it, but did not consistently trouble the batters.All these thingscouldhavealottodo with the kind of surface this Test is being played on: docile, fairly dry, and lackinginlifeintheformof bounce or pace. It was the kind of surface that requires patience, not flair, and rewards those who are willingtogrind. That was evident from the first exchanges when West Indies’senior seamers Kemar Roach and Jason Holder relied on good lengthstokeepSouthAfrica quiet and were punished as

soon as they strayed. In the thirdoveroftheday,Holder dropped it a fraction short and de Zorzi scored the first boundarywhenhedabbedit behind point. In the next over,Roachwasatouchtoo fullandTristanStubbsdrove his first and last balls through the covers with confidence.

South Africa’s secondwicket pair were beaten on occasion but were mostly fairly comfortable early on. DeZorzireachedhissecond Testfiftyoff78balls,witha single off Holder ImportantlyfordeZorzi,itis also his first success in his first attempt at opening in Tests. Stubbs did not quite have the same results at No. 3 and failed to use his feet whenRoachangledalength ball in from wide of the crease. With the slip cordon up,Stubbsedgedbehindand

Holder dived across from second slip to take the catch lowdown.

Roach was pumped and greeted a leaden-footed Bavumawithadeliverythat almost kissed the bat before beatingtheoutsideedge.He kept Bavuma in the crease throughout that over but the South African captain was happy to bide his time Bavumatooktenballstoget hisfirstrunsbutwhenhedid, hegotthemwithconfidence. He stepped down the pitch and hit Motie over his head fortworunstobringup3000 runsinTestcricket.

While Bavuma’s approachremainedwatchful - understandable given this was his first Test innings since March 2023 - any aggression came from de Zorzi. He was proactive in turninganintendeddriveoff Jayden Seales into a slice

overpointandreverse-swept Motietogetto70.Withatop score of 85, also scored againstWestIndies,deZorzi would have been eyeing a first century but he undid himself with a second reverse sweep off Jomel Warrican and gloved it to Kavem Hodge at slip, 12 minutesbeforelunch.

Afterthebreak,Bavuma again dropped anchor and allowed his partner, David Bedingham,totakethefight toWestIndies.Followingon from his five centuries in eight matches in the County Championship, Bedingham showed his class when he double-stepped down the track to club Warrican over long-onandthenwaitedfora Seales delivery to late-cut it forfour

That urgency rubbed off on Bavuma, who scored his first boundary in 48 balls

when he advanced down to hitWarricanforfour.Buthe quickly went back into his shell when a pull off Seales wasalmostcaughtbyHodge atsquareleg.Instead,itwas Bedingham who fell to the pull.Hecouldn’tkeepSeales down and sent him to deep square leg, where Keacy Carty, on debut, took the catchdivingforwardtogive SealeshisfirstTestwicketat hishomeground. Ryan Rickelton started convincinglywithasublime cover drive and then watchedasBavumareached his 21st Test fifty off 123 balls. Rickelton lived dangerously and hit a full toss from Warrican straight back to him but the left-arm spinner could not hold on to thechance.LuckilyforWest Indies, the drop It did not provetoocostly Rickelton (Continuedonpage25)

Girma in hospital after fall as El Bakkali wins steeplechase

BBC Sport - Morocco’s 3,000m steeplechase king

SoufianeElBakkalishowed his class to become the first man to defend an Olympic title in the event since 1936

In a curious race, El Bakkalionlyhitthefrontfor thefirsttimecomingintothe home straight, just after his great rival Ethiopia’s Lamecha Girma suffered a heavy fall thatledtohim beingtakentohospital.

ElBakkali,whoisalsoa two-time world champion, had to work hard to chase down a surprise late break by Kenneth Rooks, but never looked in much troubleoncehepassedthe American.

Winning in a time of

eight minutes 6.05 seconds, the28-year-oldmirroredthe achievement of Finland’s Volmari Iso-Hollo, who won back-to-back steeplechases in 1932 and 1936 Rooksheldonforsilver, just ahead of Kenya’s AbrahamKibiwot. Girma taken to hospital afterfall

Mostofthepre-racetalk was about the rivalry between El Bakkali and Girma, but the climax was overshadowed as the world record holder was taken to hospital following his fall onthefinallap.

After tripping over the third-to-last barrier, the 23year-old was quickly attended to by medical staff

and had a neck brace fitted before being carried off the trackonastretcher

“Following his fall in the 3,000m steeplechase, Lamecha Girma received immediate care from the on-site medical teams Ourthoughtsarewithhim and we are sending him our very best wishes for a swift recovery,”Paris2024 saidinastatement.

“Paris 2024 is in close contact with Ethiopian Olympic officials to stay u p d a t e d o n h i s condition ”

Girma, who broke the m e n ’ s 3 , 0 0 0 m steeplechaseworldrecord in Paris last year, was defeated by El Bakkali at the Olympics in Tokyo

and the last two World Championships

ItlookedasifEthiopia might have a plan to help their man finally end his silver streak, as all three ofthecountry’srunnersat Paris 2024 - Samuel Firewu, Getnet Wale and Girma-hitthefrontearly

But just when it seemed like a fast race was in the offing, the Ethiopian trio allowedthepacetodropand thefieldbunchedupagain.

Uganda’s Leonard Chemutai looked as if he mighttakeadvantagebefore taking a fall at one of the barriers,withRooksmaking hissurgeatthebell.

That was the sign for El Bakkali and Girma to spark into life and both looked

strong until the Ethiopian’s nasty looking fall drew gasps from the crowd at the StadedeFrance.

The tall figure of El Bakkalitookfulladvantage tooverhaulhiscompetitors and win Morocco’s first medaloftheGames

Samukonga ends 28yearwaitforZambia

Muzala Samukonga also made history in Wednesday evening’s session, taking bronze in the men’s 400m to end Zambia’s 28-year wait for anOlympicmedal

T h e 2 0 2 2

Commonwealth champion finished behind the USA’s Quincy Hall and Great Britain’sMatthewHudsonSmith in a time of 43 74

seconds, setting a new nationalrecord

S a m u k o n g a h a s struggled with injury over the last two years since his Commonwealth triumph in Birmingham

But the 21-year-old has found form and fitness at just the right time, and showed his finishing prowess to snatch a medal byjustfourhundredthsofa second ahead of Jereem Richards of Trinidad and Tobago

Hejoinsthesmalllistof Zambian Olympic heroes, alongside 400m hurdler Samuel Matete, who won silver at Atlanta 1996, and

boxer Keith Mwila, who took bronze at LosAngeles 1984.
Kemar Roach celebrates snagging Tristan Stubbs. (AFP/Getty Images)
Jayden Seales had Temba Bavuma lbw with a full toss. (AFP/Getty Images)
Promisemade,promisefulfilled,viaProject“CricketGearforyoungandpromising cricketersinGuyana”,complimentsofDerrickKallicharranandfriends

T h r e e u n d e r 1 7 cricketers, who represented Berbice in the recently concluded inter county tournamentorganisedbythe GuyanaCricketBoard,have received their cricket gear that was sourced by Derrick Kallicharran, Raj Rai, Kumar Dindyal and membersofKaieteurCricket ClubofCanada.

Berbice captain and national vice captain, Afraz Budhoo and standby player Micah Amsterdam received apairofmetalspikescricket shoes each, while Guyana selectee Romario Ramdehol alsobenefittedwithafloppy hat.

Budhoo is a left hand batsman who bowls right armoffspinandisamember of Albion Cricket Club

Right arm fast bowler Amsterdam is from Tucber

Cricket Club, while Ramdehol,aproductofRose HallCommunityCenterCC, is a right arm batsman and off spinner Guyana will participate in the upcoming regional tournament to be held inTrinidad andTobago shortly

The gear were donated byDerrickKallicharran,Raj Rai, Kumar Dindyal, and membersofKaieteurCricket


representation was made to this joint initiative between Kishan Das of the USAand AnilBeharry,bytheircoach LeslieSolomon.

Abbensett, nephew of Derrick Kallicharran, who represented the sponsors, and encouraged the players to remain discipline and focused. This noble project t

Kallicharran, a former West

Indies “B” cricketer who along with his friends responded immediately This project thanked the donors for their continued supportsothatwecanassist young people and develop cricket, especially through youths.

Total cricket related items received/purchased so far: $460,000 in cash, thirteen colored cricket uniforms, two trophies, twentysevenpairsofcricket shoes, thirty three pairs of

batting pads, thirty five cricket bats, one floppy hat, thirty one pairs of batting gloves, twenty five thigh pads, three pairs of wicket keeping pads, six arm guards, two chest pads, two boxes, twelve cricket bags, six bat rubbers, six helmets, one fiber glass bat, thirteen boxes of white cricket balls, three boxes of red balls and twenty eight footballs In addition to the above, gear worth more than $600,000 was donated by Sheik

Mohamed, former National wicket keeper/batsman. All cash collected is being used to purchase cricket gear requested and not available atthetime.

To date, eighty young players, male and female, from all three counties of Guyana have benefited directly from seven gear bags, two trophies, four arm guards, thirty three bats, three boxes, six helmets, thirty one pairs of cricket shoes,twentypairsofbatting pads,twentyfourthighpads, one bat grip, thirty three pairs of batting gloves, one pair of wicketkeeping pads a

wicketkeepinggloves.Many othersbenefitedindirectly In addition, two clubs in thePomeroonareabenefited f

Pomeroon, Leguan and W

t CommitteesandCottonTree

Die Hard also received one boxofredcricketballseach, Cold Fusion Cricket Club thirteen color uniforms whileRHCCCCreceivedsix boxes of balls, fifteen white cricket shirts, one pair of junior batting pads, one pair of wicket keeping gloves, a set of stumps and bails

Other beneficiaries are The

Essequibo Cricket Board, the Town of Lethem, youth coach Travis Persaud (one box of red cricket balls), male and female teams playing the traditional hardball and softball in the Upper Corentyne area, No.65YoungTitans with 30 T-Shirts, youths of Just Try Cricket Club, Wakenaam Cricket Academy (one box of white balls), Shamar J o s e p h , N e h e m i a h Hohenkirk, Shamar Apple, Leguan Cricket Committee, Tucber Park Cricket Club and Malteenoes Sports Club (ninecricketballseach).

Cricket related items, used or new, are distributed free of cost to young and promising cricketers in Guyana.

Skills, discipline and education are important characteristics of the recipients. Talent spotting is being done across the countryandclubleadersalso assist to identify same Progressive and well managedcricketclubswitha youth programme will also benefit.

Anyone interested to contribute can contact Anil Beharry on 623 6875 or Kishan Das on 1 718 664 0896.

France beat Germany 73-69 to advance to Olympic men’s basketball gold medal game

PA R I S ( A P ) —

Guerschon Yabusele scored 17 points and France beat Germany73-69infrontofa raucouscrowdtoadvanceto the men’s Olympic basketballgoldmedalgame.

Isaia Cordinier added 16 p o i n t s a n d Vi c t o r Wembanyama finished with 11 points and seven rebounds to help France –which won the silver medal in Toyko three years ago — reach its second straight Olympicfinal.

The victory sent the crowd into a frenzy as France celebrated After a postgame handshake with theirGermanopponents,the entire team ran to the baseline and saluted the crowd — which seemed to get louder to acknowledge thetribute.

The Paris Games host nation will play the winner of Serbia and the U.S. on Saturday Dennis Schroder led Germany with 18 points

Franz Wagner added 10 pointsandeightrebounds. This ends the incredible run the Germans have been on over the last two years. Dating back to winning last year’s World Cup they had won 12 consecutive games in major international competition.

WithFrenchandGerman basketballiconsTonyParker and Dirk Nowitzki sitting side-by-side at courtside, France outscored Germany 38-25inthesecondandthird quarters to take a 56-50 advantageintothefourth. But Germany didn’t go quietly.

It closed within 69-65 on a layup by Schroder with under a minute to play. Following a free throw by Frank Ntilikina, Germany cut the deficit to 70-68onadeep3-pointerby Wagner

France dribbled the shot clock down, but Nicolas Batum came up empty on a 3-point

attempt Wagner got the rebound, but tumbled out ofboundsashetriedtoturn and dribble up the court. It forcedGermanytofoul.

Wembanyama missed his ensuing first free throw, then calmly dropped in the second to take a three-point lead w i t h 1 0 s e c o n d s remaining

France opted to foul and sent Schroder to the line

He also connected only1of2,leavingFrance up by two Cordinier was fouled and hit both free throwstosealthegame.

France stayed with the same modified starting lineup it deployed during its quarterfinal win over Canada, opening the game

with Wembanyama, Yabusele,Cordinier,Nicolas BatumandNtilikina.

EvanFournierandRudy Gobert began the game on the bench for the second straightgame.

It didn’t yield the same initialsuccessthisaround,as Germanytooka12-2lead.

It forced France coach Vincent Collet to change things up less than four

minutes in, inserting Fournier and later Mathias


Lessort to help settle things down. They did, and France gotbackwithinsevenpoints heading into the second quarter


over the next 10 minutes to send the game to halftime tiedat33.

The flurry included a two-handed, poster-ready dunk by Wembanyama over Daniel Theis that brought Frenchfanstotheirfeet.

Isaia Cordinier (8), of France celebrates after
men’s semifinals basketball game win against Germany at Bercy Arena at the
Summer Olympics, Thursday, Aug. 8, 2024, in Paris, France. (AP Photo/Michael Conroy)
Marvin Abbensett right hands over one pair of cricket shoes to Afraz Budhoo in the presence of his team mates and Anil Beharry

Close to 100 horses entered for Guyana Cup 2024

The 16th running of the Guyana Cup, which is organized by the Jumbo Jet Thoroughbred Racing Committee, is set to ignite Rising Sun Turf Club on Sunday August 11, with 10 highlyanticipatedraces.

Approximately 100 horsessecuredentryforthis prestigiouseventwhereover G$40 million in cash and prizes will be up for the

taking Last year, the Guyana Cup had 77 horses entered, and as expected, more horses were imported for this year’s Guyana Cup whichresultedinanincrease ofentries.

The opening race of the day will be the L-NonEarnerswhichisexpectedto startat11:50AM.

Race two will be the L Class event, at 12:25h,

followed by the K Class at 13:00h. Race4istheJClass race at 1:35h and Race 5 is theHClasseventat14:15h. Race six will be the F Class racewhichisexpectedtorun offat14:50h.

The two-year-old race is set for 15:25h followed by theOpenSprintat16:00h.

The penultimate race of the day will be the Derby at 16:35 hours while the

featureeventwillbethefinal race of the day, which is expected to commence at 17:30h.

With this year’s Guyana Cup purse being the most significantintheCaribbean, horses from various countrieswillbeouttobattle forsupremacy Jockeysfrom Guyana and abroad are also in the country, preparing for Sunday’s race Horses

Close to 100 horses secured entry for this year’s Guyana Cup.

entered and respective gate positions for Guyana Cup feature event are; Stat, Bossalina, Loyal Company, Beckham James, John Bull, OlympicKremlin,NovaSol, Stolen Money, Stormy Vi c t o r y, O y Ve y, RitornaVincetori and Easy Time.Thefinalentriesfrom Slingerz Racing Stables arrived on Wednesday in Guyana from Brazil to

confirm the high-profile line-up for the Guyana Cup feature.

Rising Sun Turf Club will be transformed into an electrifying atmosphere for theentirefamily

Kids will be treated to a fun park, and fans will be thrilled to have great vibes when the DJ competition takes center stage after the race.

Jamaica’s Broadbell runs season’s best for bronze in Men’s 110m hurdles in Paris; USA’s Holloway claims first Olympic title

SportsMax - Jamaica’s Commonwealth Games gold medallist Rasheed Broadbell can now add Olympic medallist to his resume after securing bronze in the final of the Men’s 110m hurdles at the Paris Olympics on Thursday

Broadbell recovered fromashakystarttopower throughthefieldontheway to be shoulder-to-shoulder with American Daniel Roberts heading into the finalhurdle.

R o b e r t s , w h o miraculously stayed on his feetafterclippingaseriesof hurdlesinthemiddleofhis race, held his nerve to produce a dive across the line to just hold off Broadbell and take the silvermedal.

Both Roberts and Broadbell were credited with the same time (13.09) withRobertsfinishingthree thousandths of a second ahead(13.085to13.088).

AmericanreigningtwotimeWorldchampionGrant Holloway ran 12 99 to claimhisfirstOlympictitle andcontinuehisdominance ontheevent.

Spain’s Enrique Llopis ran 13.20 in fourth while Japan’s Rachid Muratake ran13.21infifth.American Freddie Crittenden ran 13 32 in sixth while Jamaica Orlando Bennett and defending Olympic c h a m p i o n H a n s l e Parchment were seventh and eighth with 13.34 and 13.39,respectively


The legendary

Albion Cricket Club will be hosting their annual Cricket Academy which will bowl offfromMonday,August12 intheAncientCounty

With a number of summercampsbeinghosted

across the country such as MalteenoesandGeorgetown Cricket Club (GCC), Berbice will now look to continue a two decade long tradition of producing the next batch of stars that will one day be tasked with representingtheclub,county


The camp will be hosted at two venues from 8:30 to 15:30h, the famous Albion Community Centre and the Jai Hind Cricket Ground, withplayersagedbetween817 years set to commence theircareers.

Tebogo wins stunning 200m as Lyles is denied double

BBCSport-Botswana’s Letsile Tebogo claimed a surpriseOlympic200mgold medal as Noah Lyles was denied a sprint double at Paris2024.

Tebogo, 21, stormed clearofhisrivalstoclockan African record of 19 46 seconds and finish ahead of

Botswana’s Letsile Tebogo crosses the finish line ahead of Kenny Bednarek (L) and Noah Lyles to win the men’s 200m final. (Jewel Samad/Getty Images)

Indoor morning sessions will be held at Albion’s Community center ground Hallwhilethemorepractical approach will be conducted atJaiHind.

Among the high-profile facilitatorsfortheweek-long camp, ex-Guyana /West

Indies opener and Albion head coach Sewnarine Chattergoon, along with West Indies /Guyana spin twins Devendra Bishoo and Veerasammy Permaul among many other former playersandcoaches.


the third straight year is sponsored by formerAlbion player turned overseasbased businessman Nizul Hussain, who pumped GY$300k into this year’s programme.Thisisthe22nd editionoftheAnnualCricket Camp.

Winfield Braithwaite Caribbean Schoolboys/girls Boxing Extravaganza

Small country, Suriname, promises Big Impact on championships

Suriname, a small Dutch-speaking colony to the east of Guyana, gained its independence in 1975 from the Netherlands Twenty years later, in 1995, this country, became the 14th Member State of the Caribbean Community Now, the Surinamese are gearing up for prestigious sports accolades when, for the first time since being inaugurated into this prestigious body, they will field a team, contesting for honoursatthe7theditionof the Winfield Braithwaite Caribbean Schoolboys and Schoolgirls Boxing Extravaganza, August 1618, at the National Gymnasium, Mandela Avenue.

This publication spoke with the manager of the S u r i n a m e t e a m , SarayaTruideman, and she

Having burst out on to the track to huge cheers before the race, Lyles was seeking to become the first man since Usain Bolt to completea100mand200m double at an Olympic Games.

American Kenneth Bednarek, who crossed the linein19.62. Lyles, crowned the world’s fastest man by five-thousandths of a second in a historic 100m final four days earlier, was unable to compete at the head of the race and matchedhisTokyobronzein 19.70.

was very optimistic that her charges would make a huge impression at the tournament. “My boxers have prepared well for this outing and are ready to face all comers,” Ms Truideman declared. She said that the teamconsistsof4youthsand 5 senior boxers Two females, one youth, and one seniorboxeralsocomprisea partofthesquad.TheDutch teamwillbeaccompaniedby Head Coach, Dino Nasim while Anthony Nekrui will be her assistant Grace Sahdoe is the team’s Caregiver and according to Ms. Truideman, she is the organizational force in the unit.“Ourboxersareingreat shape and we are currently tying up the loose ends,” confided their coach. She further informed that two of her charges, Donna G and Valentino (only names provided) are both

Surinamesechampionsafter securing Gold medals in theirlastouting.

“One of my male fighters, Michael, fought once and lost He then switched to Kickboxing and hasbeendoingfine.Hewill onceagainentertheringfor conventional boxing and is expected to do well,” stressed the Surinamese coach.

Apart from the highly anticipated fistic fury, the tournament is meant to be a uniting factor among the Caricom States and the organizersareconfidentthat they have attained this goal over the years and will continue to positively impact unity within the Region Guyana is the defending champions. The action commences at 19:00hrs on the inaugural night, just after the march pastandopeningceremony

Bishoo among others in the audience listening attentively to Hilbert Foster during his speech at a previous event.

Guyana U14 footballers ready to rumble at CFU Boy’s Challenge Series in Trinidad

In a thrilling

announcement, the Guyana Football Federation (GFF) has unveiled the 18-member squad that will represent the nation in the Caribbean Football Union (CFU) 2024 Boys’ChallengeSeries.

The competition, set to kick off in Trinidad and

Tobago from August 16-24, promises a showcase of regional talent with 24 nationsvyingforglory

The youthful squad, revealed in a press release yesterday, includ

s goalkeepers Ezekiel Jackman and Kerwain Chance. Defenders on the roster are Aaron King,

Eshawn Chesney, Ezekiel Douglas, Garfield Jones, Isaac Taylor, Jaden Noble, andSimonSolomon.

The midfield is fortified by Akeel Young, Damani Hardy, Emanuel Sinclair, JadenTasher,KevinBunton, Nyron Barrow, and Pharez Noble, while the striking f

Christian and Mark


Guyana will open their campaign on August 17 againstAntigua.

GFF President Wayne Forde expressed enthusiasm for the tournament, highlighting its significance fortheyoungathletes.

“This tournament is a

huge step for these kids,” Forde stated “We’re expecting big things from thisgroup.”

WiththeCFUChallenge Series serving as a premier platform for emerging talent, all eyes will be on Guyana’s promising footballers as they strive to make their mark on the

The stylish young striker Mark Glasgow aims to boost Guyana’s chances at the regional tournament.

regionalstage Match Schedule: August17,2024:Antigua& Barbudavs.Guyanaat14:00

August19,2024:Guyanavs. Barbados at 11:00 August21,2024:St.Vincent & the Grenadines vs G u y a n a a t 1 4 : 0 0

August 23, 2024: Cayman Islandsvs.Guyanaat11:00

Young Golden Jaguar getting in some fitness works during a recent training session at NTC.

Narine reclaims National Junior’s Chess Championship


old Ricardo Narine has reclaimed his National Junior Chess Championship title after competing in the nine-round, Round Robin competition against the top ten junior qualifiers last week.

The MOO MILKsponsored tournament wrapped up on August 1st after intense competition from talented young chess players. Narine gained 8.5 points with eight victories and one draw He was followed closely by fourteen-year-old Kyle Couchman, who earned 8 points with seven wins and twodraws.

Sachin Pitamber came thirdwith6points,Matthew Singh came fourth with 5.5, and Alexander Zhang fifth with5points.

Narine, who won the championship title in 2022, won his games against Alexander Zhang and KishanPuraninthefirsttwo rounds, giving him the lead, which he maintained throughout the tournament, only missing a perfect score against his game with Kyle Couchman,whichendedina draw

Narine commented that hegainedasolidstartinthe competition after winning hisearliergames.

However, the final two rounds presented the most difficult challenges as he faced the top two seeds. As such, he was not entirely sureofsecuringthetitleuntil

the final move in the final game.

When asked about his future in chess, he replied that as a chess teacher, he finds it rewarding to spread chessandseeyoungplayers developtheirskillsandlearn the game. Narine says he intends to defend his title next year and challenge and growwiththeseniorplayers.

G u y a n a C h e s s Federation President Anand Raghunauth expressed his enthusiasm for the exceptional talent displayed by the junior competitors. He attributed the players’ success to the federation’s commitment to providing consistent training and competitionopportunities.

Raghunauth highlighted theremarkableachievement of two juniors ranking among the nation’s active toptenplayers,aswellasthe progress of three female qualifiers who secured topten positions in the Junior Nationals This, he emphasized,underscoresthe GCF’s dedication to fostering a level playing field for both male and femalechessplayers. The tournament was supervised by FIDEArbiter John Lee and assistant Jessica Callender at the DavidRoseSpecialSchool. Round one had a scheduledstartonJuly26th, 2024. The games were live streamedonDGTlivechess cloud and lichess com, enablingviewerstowatch (Continuedonpage27)

2024 National Junior Chess Championship, Ricardo Narine.

Warrican’s late strikes keep WI in contest after fifties from Bavuma and de Zorzi

Close to 100 horses entered for Guyana Cup 2024

Easy Time will be out to defend his title at the 16th running of the Guyana Cup.


Jomel Warrican had Keshav Maharaj caught and bowled. (AFP/Getty Images)
Tristan Stubbs and Tony de Zorzi gave South Africa a solid start on day 2. (AFP/Getty Images)

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