GTU leadership divided on Govt.’s proposed 10% pay hike for teachers in 2024
Norton gets policy ideas from ‘Bam Bam Alley’ and Plaisance Line-Top
Govt. yet to recoup over $1 billion for damages caused by vessel that crashed into Harbour Bridge

GTU leadership divided on Govt.’s proposed 10% pay hike for teachers in 2024
Norton gets policy ideas from ‘Bam Bam Alley’ and Plaisance Line-Top
Govt. yet to recoup over $1 billion for damages caused by vessel that crashed into Harbour Bridge
The Guardian, a UK based media house recently reported that citizens of oilr i c h G u y a n a a r e contemplating to leave the country as the cost of food soars, making it difficult to feedtheirfamilies.
In the article published last month, ‘Guyana banks onfutureasa‘newQatar’in high-stakes gamble over oil production’- the global media group delved into the country’s prospects with its newfoundoilwealth.
The independent media organization interviewed a numberofpublicofficialsin Guyana as well as members ofcivilsociety
Highlighting the plight of Guyanese was Mark Murray, a 38-year old constructionworker Hetold The Guardian that he was considering emigrating “You can’t feed your family as you like. The average person cannot eat earning $20adayinGuyana.”
In a country where the cost of food has soared – a mealatafast-foodchaincan cost£25–manyfeeltheyare paying the environmental price of oil and gas explorationbutnotprofiting from the economic boom, the British media house reported.
Guyanese locally and abroad have been protesting for changes for the lopsided oil contract signed between the government of Guyana and ExxonMobil back in 2016.
The deal allows Exxon and partners - Hess and CNOOC- to deduct 75% of earnings each month to recover their investments. The remaining 25% is then split evenly with Guyana as profits. The country also receives one of the lowest royaltyratesintheindustrya meager two percent on its sweet,lightcrude.
Although Guyanese continue to demand a renegotiation of the deal for better fiscal terms, both governmentandthepolitical opposition are reluctant to engagetheoilcompaniesfor
a renegotiation of the contract.
Guyanese public servants in particular have been fleeing the country for better working conditions and remuneration over the years but with the country’s discovery of oil resources, citizens were hopeful that theirfortuneswouldchange. This phenomenon however continues today as the country continues to lose its teachers,nurses,doctorsand other sk
Politicians have announced that Guyana w
e importing the human resources it need from other countriestofillthegap.
In its report, The Guardian said despite complaints, the pace of Guyana’s growth is noticeable out on its streets. The British media observed that although the country’s capitalcityGeorgetownstill faces serious infrastructure gaps, trucks carrying construction supplies and workers labouring on new highways, hotels, shopping malls and luxury homes in gated neighbourhoods are everywhere. New hospitals and schools are under development inside and outside the capital as part of thepresident’spublicservice promises.
Notably, Mayor of Georgetown, Alfred Mentore underscored the
importance of Guyanese being able to benefit from thecountry’swealth.Hetold The Guardian, “We need to makesurethatnotonlythose causingthisgrowthgainbut alsothoseatthebottomlevel alsobenefit.”
He continued, “Our
capital’s GDP per capita grew63%in2022andabout 40% in 2023. The capital works and infrastructure growth are at a rapid pace,” but this is not enough Mentoreurged,“Weneedto makesurethatnotonlythose causingthisgrowthgainbut
alsothoseatthebottomlevel alsobenefitfromthiskindof trickle-downeffect.”
Also sharing her views on the subject of Guyanese benefitting from their oil resources was teacher and General Secretary of the Guyana Teachers Union (GTU), Coretta McDonald. She told The Guardian, “I see a lot of optimism from government officials and scepticism from ordinary people...real people in the streetsarenotseeing,atleast for now, the concrete benefitsfromtheoil.”
PrintedandPublishedbyNationalMedia& PublishingCompanyLtd 24SaffonStreet, Charlestown,Georgetown,Guyana.
Tel: 225-8465, 225-8491. Fax: 225-8473, 226-8210
Guyana’s chief oil policymaker, Vice President Jagdeo isright:thequestionabouttheinterestratethatExxonMobil ischargingGuyanahasbeenaskedmanytimesbefore.Heis dead wrong, though, when he persists with the farce that he hasprovidedananswerabouttheExxonMobilinterestrate. Jagdeo knows that a non-answer is not an answer, never qualifiesasone.
The record is of Guyana’s chief oil representative, one given(orwhohasgivenhimself)plenipotentiaryoilpowers, running away from giving a clean, straight answer on this most crucial of questions: what is the interest rate ExxonMobilischargingGuyana?
To give Guyanese an interest rate number should not amount to such a difficult development, which triggers repeated confrontations from oil czar Jagdeo. Resistance to coming clean with something as basic as the interest rate being charged and paid signifies that there is some level of darkness,ifnotdanger,inJagdeosharingit.
There is no competitive disadvantage for ExxonMobil, Guyana’s partner in its growing and soaring offshore oil sector The American oil giant rules the roost in Guyana, virtually enjoys unchallengeable power in doing whatever fulfills the visions of its board of directors and top executives.
In other words, no other oil company could come here and remove the stranglehold that ExxonMobil has over the PPP/C Government, Guyana’s oil wealth and, it could be said to a considerable extent, the people of Guyana. A concernthatballoonsintoaproblem,aseriousone,couldbe present in both ExxonMobil and Jagdeo if the interest rate charged makes both look less than straightforward. It could be the explanation for this mystery and this fierce objection from Jagdeo (and with ExxonMobil spurring him on from behind the scenes) over making known the interest rate charged.
Interest rate scenario one follows this outline. If ExxonMobil was charging Guyana an interest rate close to whatothermajoroilcompaniesarecharginghostcountries, then it would have given free rein to Jagdeo to speak loudly about that rate. When such an interest rate is charged by ExxonMobil, then publicizing it confirms how much of a trusted and valuable partner the company is to this young, oil-producingcountry Itwouldbeaseasonedveteraninthe oil business showing the new kid on the oil block (Guyana) howthebusinessworks,whilegivingitaboosteverystepof the way A fair and favourable interest rate would be the evidence,anditissomethingnottobekeptsecret.
If, however, what ExxonMobil is doing is charging an armandalegforaninterestrateontheUSbillionsitinvests here, then that is something to be hidden away, as if the life of both Jagdeo and ExxonMobil depend on it.Areasonable position is that ExxonMobil is probably charging Guyana a loan sharking interest rate, in which case secrecy about that interest rate becomes very prized. Naturally, this leaves Guyana’schiefoilrepresentativeinamuddle.
Hisbackisagainstthewall,andtheonlyescapehehasis the speciousness of that ‘question has been asked a million times’ and that it ‘has been answered’ on each occasion. AfterhavingthedubiouspleasureofdealingwithJagdeofor over two decades, we, at this publication, have come to appreciate that Jagdeo has his own interpretations for what certainwordsintheEnglishlanguagemeanorshouldmean. It is his way of twisting and packaging things, most of them farcical, or loaded with unknowns. Using this Jagdeo standard as the measuring rod, when he says that he has answered repeated questions about interest rates, then his ideaofansweringispartofhiscamouflage,sodeficientitis. Answering an interest rate question without a number has no merit, nothing to recommend it. A numberless interestrateisnotjusthalf-baked,itiswhatmakeshalf-wits of Guyanese, because it does not inform or enlighten in any manner Guyanese, the owners of a massive oil patrimony, are misinformed, misled, and mistaken for fools. Jagdeo himselfknowsthattheinterestratechargedbyanoilpartner shouldnotbesuchahernia,causehimsuchconstipation.
DEAREDITOR, fact that you have a state-controlled country’s International Airports. Some The words “Love, Peace, and media that only publishes statements time ago, a senior Officer from the Truth”, have different meanings and praising the PPP and demonising all MinistryofForeignAffairscalledmeto have had a variety of interpretations others. say that with immediate effect, former overtime.
For us, Dear Editor, a living Prime Ministers would no longer be
Recently, the PPP with their well democracy means shared traditional accordedthatprivilege.Astheboyssay, oiled machinery have continued their values of decency, the rule of law, this is no big thing, but I write because explanations about 1992, claiming that balanced reporting, and the fair of a deeper principle which does their victory at the Elections signalled a treatment of citizens. Based on our violence to this talk of democracy: return to democracy’ in Guyana and history, democracy also establishes Since that telephone call, I have written more recently clever claims have been clear lines of responsibility and letters to the Chief of Protocol, Foreign made about a democratic trajectory authority between the executive , the Affairs,informingthemofthedetailsof Hogwash. A viable democracy is the parliament, the judiciary and that vital a proposed trip.After two such letters, I way a society is managed everyday of othersegment-themedia, or,aswesay, have not had the courtesy of an every week and every month.Asociety, thefourthestate. acknowledgement, much less a reply where a Government ensures justice for Wehaveseenrecently,theexecutive Three cheers for our democracy They all, where citizens enjoy a reasonable and its long arm behaving, or better put, saylittlethingsmeanalot. level of safety and several sectors are believing, that they are the alpha and The second is the observation of an allowed to function including the omega of everything under the sun. activity on a public open space in the viability of local government organs as They say little things mean a lot. For LodgeHousingScheme,whereIreside, requiredbyourConstitution. now, I’ll share two personal and which is a small community We’ve
The word ‘democracy’ remains a experiences. maintained this open space since 1971, chameleon term meaning different In every civilised society, including and this included the construction of a things to different people, and is membersoftheCommonwealth,former building intended for community use. sometimes used by those who believe Presidents and Prime Ministers are Afternoting anactivity ontheground, that democracy is ‘their’ way alone. A accorded certain entitlements such as onDecember11,2023, IwrotetoHis blatant example of this misnomer is the the use of the VIP Lounge at the (Continued on page 5)
DEAREDITOR, that country, especially in the American
Virtually every major contract has or had backyard those in Latin America and the some kind of corruption. This government Caribbean, but impacts America as well –and its coalition predecessor seemingly have mass migration of people to the USA and all faced an impenetrable brick wall in the attendant burdensome problems linked to combating corruption, in bringing to justice itasexperiencedoverthelastseveralyearsat officials, police, and business persons on the the American borders and communities take. A solution would be to seek American wheretheysettled. Recognizingthenational assistance to bring to book the egregiously security threat posed by corruption in corrupt, the big boys, in order to set an developing countries, President Biden exampletodeterthecorruptfromplyingtheir established an anti-corruption entity and robusttrade.Whenstudyingeconomicsatthe issued a strategy on countering corruption. graduate level at CCNY and at CUNY This is probably what led to the recent Graduate s Center in the early 1980s, sanctions of Guyanese officials and business discussions in courses on development in the persons and visa cancellations. It is rumored Third World often focused on corruption. It that some 100 visas were revoked this year was felt that the USA could clamp down on and more in preceding years. More visa corruption in Third World countries if it cancellations may be coming as they should wanted by denying visas to the corrupt visas, to manners of the corrupt whether they be indicting them, and bringing them to trial. government officials, police, and business Some forty years later, it seems to be persons. happening. Government leaders in every country
The USA has a law and an agency (with oftenstated,“Taketheevidencetothepolice” serious powers) to combat global corruption; when people complained about corruption. it is certain Washington will cooperate with Evidenceishardtoobtainwhencorruptionis Guyanaonanyrequesttocombatcorruption. disguised.Politiciansareveryclevertocover
An American agency launched three up corrupt acts.And the police, some of who years ago to combat corruption globally areverycorrupt,areknowntomakeevidence statedthatcorruptioninanycountryposesan disappear not only on corruption but when existential threat to national prosperity and politicians were accused of committing securityanddemocracyineverycountry Itis seriouscrimes. indisputable that corruption is widespread in Witnesses were known to disappear, Guyana, as admitted by leading government murdered, or silenced. Individuals with officials Government leaders claim evidence don’t wish to come forward for fear helplessness. of being harassed, intimidated, losing jobs or
When government officials steal using businessesorperks,evenoflosingtheirlives. whatever methods and police demand graft So those with evidence have been silent. If (bribe), and when both have contracting government is serious about combating companies getting billions in state contracts, corruption, then it must do more than simply then honest businesses cannot compete with state,“Taketheevidencetothepolice”. them.Thesmallbusinesseshavenochanceof Government itself may not have the competing with the big guns. The result evidence on or the capacity to investigate eventually is growing poverty, widening corruption. internal conflict (ethnic and otherwise), The corrupt are known to make errors in plummeting trust in government, increased their vast network to hide their loot. They crime and lawlessness, among other engage in money laundering by purchasing problems. propertyathome,comingtotheUSAto
Corruption in a country not only affects (Continued on page 6)
DEAR EDITOR, stipulated the independent government to During one of the Emancipation Day provide legal ownership or rights of commemoration activities, Eric Phillips, the occupancy for Amerindians over: “areas and head of the local Reparations Committee, reservations or parts thereof, where any tribe once again repeated the slander he has been or community of Amerindians is now making over the past decade that the ordinarily resident or settled and other legal Amerindian Act of 2006 was an act to give rights,suchastherightsofpassage,inrespect themreparations.Andonceagain,Iamforced of any other lands they now by tradition or torepeatthattheIndigenousPeopleswerenot custom de facto enjoy freedoms and given lands on any “reparatory” basis. Land permissions corresponding to rights of that for the Indigenous Peoples was part and nature.Inthiscontext,itisintendedthatlegal parcel of the Articles of our Independence ownership shall comprise all rights normally from Britain which acknowledged, even by attachingtosuchownership.” the one-sided positivistic international law We cannot fail to point out that they created, the rights of our Indigenous Amerindian land titling was subjected to Peoples. extremely gratuitous attacks from members
In1965,thefirstAmerindianMP,Stephen of the APNU/AFC administration, of which Campbell accompanied the PNC delegation, Eric Philips was an official of the StateAsset headed by Forbes Burnham, to London to Recovery Agency (SARA). Unlike the negotiate the terms of Guyana’s imminent descendants of Columbus and most of those independence. In the official Agreement for theycolonisedandhegemonised,the the Independence of Guyana, (Annex C) (Continued on page 50)
From page 5 Culture, Youth & Sports for his attention.” Excellency the President relating the history Somethreeweeksago,agroupofpersons ofthatground,ourongoingcontributiontoits , all alien to the Lodge Housing Scheme upkeep, andourconcernregardingtheworks Community, approached a family member being done without any effort to determine who was working in our yard. One of the the history of its evolution nor consulting persons had the gumption to approach that persons or organisations in the contiguous family member asking if they will serve on a community committeetomanagethefacility
On December 29, 2023, the President’s Shortly afterwards Minister Ramson Senior Confidential Secretary replied, and turned up and with imperial haughtiness, stated inter alia that ‘It has been noted that spent a few moments on the ground, did not the maintenance of the playfield has always engage with anyone, such as the institutions been the responsibility of the community near to this open space and left. Clearly, However, you were recently informed that another example of a pattern of behaviour works on the playfield are being inconsistent with the requirements of implemented by a person who has been decency, democracy, and even the notion of contracted by the Ministry of Culture, Youth consulting. and Sport in which neither you nor the Little things mean a lot, and I write this community were informed. Please be letter because Editorials and others have advised that His Excellency President raised issues suggesting the rape of our Mohamed Irfaan Ali has noted your democracy concerns and have forwarded your matter to Hamilton Green Hon. Charles Ramson, MP, Minister of Elder
DEAREDITOR, However, in recent years, central people to become professionals and carbon and other sources of income for our
The Indigenous population of Guyana is governments have been working hard to contribute to the sustainable development of population and the nation. When these are currently around eighty thousand and bring these amenities to our villages, aiming the interior Nonetheless, our people are achieved, there will be fewer Community growing from nine different nations in the not to neglect us as before but to provide grateful for the government’s assistance in Field Officers (CSOs) dependent on country’s interior Despite representing a equal opportunities for improvement in our cash grants and support to our schools but temporary jobs in villages working and third of the country’s population, our communities. most believe that public funds should be earningbetterjobs. communities have historically faced The current administration is providing investedinothersignificantprojectsaswell. Temporary or slab dash investments are challengesinacquiringlanddemarcationand essential services such as healthcare and This is where our people should meet the not sustainable for the development of accessing proper education, healthcare, and education.Ithasalsobeenbuildingschoolsin government halfway helping them to engage communities because it does not empower other essential services the state provides remote areas to ensure Indigenous peoples communities through the process of Free people to use their skills and talents. They because of various reasons.These challenges have access to meritocratic learning and Prior and Informed Consent (FPIC) so that becomevictimsoflivingfromhandtomouth stemmed from our right as citizens to have higher education Although these we can be on equal footing on the plan of justlikemining. outside assistance, which helped us integrate investments in education are commendable, developmentappropriatetous.Wherecarbon This activity caused much damage to our and assist in the nation’s development. more effort is needed to enable our young revenues can be spent on modern services culture and ecology Many of our young such as Wi-Fi, running water at homes, and people frequent the mines to get quick cash, more decent paved roads to market our farm however, they must be conscious of the products and maintain a healthy lifestyle destruction of the forest, rivers and soil eatingorganicproductsandlessuseofplastic caused by this activity The use of mercury is in communities Other areas for more harmfultotheenvironmentandhumanssince investments can be in sports, agriculture, the substance seeps into surface water which business, health, cultural preservation, we, animals and birds consume for our science, and technology For example, survival. establishing well-equipped community We must learn from the native American libraries with reliable internet services can proverb“It’sonlywhenthelasttreeiscutand support research on diverse fields of the last river is poisoned, that we will realize knowledge to pursue higher education to wecannoteatmoney”.Hence,thereisaneed foster academic and vocational learning for for our people to continue taking care of the young people, including how to create rivers, wild animals, land, creeks, and forests ‘cooperatives’ which can evolve into the thatsustainusandcontributetothegreen banking and investing of revenues from (Continued on page 50)
From page 5 corruption.Their names would be on a list by deposit cash in the accounts of others to hold the Treasury Department at every airport. for them or even in their own bank account, Some were questioned when they visited the and or purchase property and expensive USA; visas were revoked. Some would have vehicles. Names are known and whose assets rattedonothersduringquestioning.Evidence were confiscated by US authority The would exist to put the corrupt away. Charges Guyana government is no longer helpless. or indictments are needed. Once indicted, Assistanceisjustarequestaway Americahas there would be a request for extradition and the capacity and will to take on the corrupt. It trialandconfiscationofloot. has been doing so in recent months not only The government will have to develop the against corrupt Guyanese but those from courage to request assistance from the USA othercountriesalso. oncombatingcorruption.
Washington would have evidence on Yours sincerely, Guyanesewhohavebeeninvolvedinmassive Vishnu Bisram
Incaseyouhaven’theard,pleasebeinformedthataspartofourcontinued effort to channel positive changes in our country, our Publisher, Dr Glenn Lall, has dedicated our Page Seven to be “BLUNT” about ongoing indecenciesinourlandthatshouldmatter,notonlytousatthispublication, buttheentirenation.
TheyHavenosay Guyana's leaders have this massive oil prize, but ExxonMobil has reduced themalltosize.
No leader speaks clearly on oil, no leader steps forwardtoblazeabetterpath withthisoil.
Who has whose mouths; who has their hands in Exxon'spocket?
Weaskwhoseminddoes Exxoncontrol,whowantsto talk oil, who separates and takesastand?
Last week Guyana celebrated Emancipation. It is still timely to question the extent of its freedomespecially considering the economic stranglehold foreign companies have on itseconomy
In Guyana's case, the overwhelming influence of foreign multinationals has led to significant economic and political ramifications, raising concerns about the true extent of the country's freedom.
Guyanaisexperiencinga m o d e r n f o r m o f recolonization through for
multinational corporations exerting significant control
o ver its vital industries, including oil, gold, bauxite, andtimber Thisnewwaveof economic dominance is fa
government's consent – a modernday'slavecatcher'.
It is the view of an increasing number of Guyanese that ExxonMobil shouldnotbetrustedtobethe sole provider of oil production and other data to thiscountry
Wecouldnotagreemore, for the company has done little to dispel such a hard,
As more developments aboutthekindofpartnerthat ExxonMobil is surface, the morecitizensgettoseewhat ExxonMobil is most consumedby
Amid all the noise being made by Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo about the Government having the mechanisms and agencies in placetoproperpolicetheoil and gas sector in place of a Petroleum Commission, ExxonMobil is ripping off Guyana,laughingalltheway to the bank, and actively seeking ways to gouge this countrystillmore.
We have become that company's foot stool, with Jagdeointhelead.
Given all this, it is clear
Leader of the
Opposition, Aubrey Norton during a recent interview withGlobeSpansaidthathe meets people and gets information by hanging out at 'Bam Bam Alley' (a hang out spot located on Orange Walk, Georgetown) and the Plaisance Line-Top, East CoastDemerara(ECD).
“There are some around who always believe that I shouldn'tbeonOrangewalk, BamBamAlleyliming,that I shouldn't be on Plaisance Line-Topandtheycalloutall theplacesthatIshouldn'tbe because of their perception oftheplace,ofcourseIhave a different view,” Norton told Globe Span as he explained that one of his weaknesses as Opposition Leader is ignoring people's perception.
“IbelievethatiswhereI meet the people, that is where I get information, thereiswhereIlinkwiththe people,” Norton said while
adding, “And so to me, thoughthereareelementsin society who use that as a downside, I believe it has a positiveelement.”
The Opposition Leader further explained, “When I go into a village and I sit down with people, villagers andwegaff,wetakeadrinkI learnfromthem”.
The Opposition Leader recalled that not too long ago, he was at Orange Walk purchasing some fish and chips “or something else”
andsomeonesaidtohimthat heshouldnotbetherebuthe did not agree with their point-of-view
“A (I) mean I am of the viewthatIneedtobeonthe ground with people, I worked under Forbes Burnham and I seePrison escapee recaptured in Region 8 him transform from statesman to an ordinarypersonandIbelieve that is what is needed," Norton said on the Globe Spanprogramme.
“We need to know when tobeastatesmanlikeperson and you need to know when tobeordinaryandaccessible and be able to relate to the averageman,”Nortonadded whilenotingthatmanyofhis party's supporters do not want handouts of “40 or 50 milliondollars”.
“They just want you to show that you care for them and that the things you will do will bring benefit,” he noted.
Despite criticisms about his approach to politics, Norton maintains that he should ground with the people.
“I am one who believe thatineverypositive,thereis anegativeandviceversasoI have the tendency to look at the negative and derive the positive from it and when I amlookingatthepositives,I also look at what negatives will come from it so I can attenuate the negative impact,”Nortonsaid.
production numbers cannot be trusted. The same can be said for everything that it doesoffshore.
The agility of Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo is displayedweeklyathispress conference.
Whenhedoesnotwantto address a subject matter, though he wears the cap of the captain, he directs the mediato“askVick”.
This repetitive and unpalatable response is unbecoming.The VP must stop duck
s questions to make his press 'cuss-ference' meaningful and worthwhile to the media operativeswhoarebecoming tiredofthislameexcuse!
An energetic President Irfaan Ali Thursday evening tookParliamenttothelaunch of the International Building Expo, shouting at the top of his lungs that government's progress to his colleague “Mr Speaker”.
Those listening online and in the audience were forcedtoendureanagonising presentation by the Head of State who shouted throughouthisremarks.This wasanembarrassmenttothe people of this country at the “international forum” with members of the diplomatic corpssubjectedtoafrontseat view of what sounded more likearumshopquarrelrather thanafeatureaddressatwhat is dubbed an international exposition.
Mr President, an Irish Proverbstates,“Aloudvoice can make even the truth
prison escapee, Jose Awad, of LimaSands, Essequibo,was recaptured on Friday by policeinRegion8.
The Guyana Police Force (GPF) in a statement issued on its Facebook page saidthatAwadwasservinga two-yearsentenceforBreakand-Enter-and-Larceny whenheescapedonMay14, 2024 while working at the prison'ssnackette.
A police team led by Station Sergeant Blackman, acting on intelligence from R e g i o n 8 S e n i o r Superintendent Khalid Mandall,apprehendedAwad in El Paso/Tumatumari Village, Region 8 at around 17:50hrsonFriday
He was arrested for the offences of Escape from Lawful Custody and Simple Larceny of an unregistered motorcycle. Priortohisrecapture,the Guyana Prison Service had offered a $300,000 reward forinformationleadingtohis arrest. His wife and mother-inlaw were previously taken intocustodytoassistwiththe investigation.
Awad is currently in policecustodyattheMahdia PoliceStation. Meanwhile, the police areremindingthepublicthat aiding and abetting a prison escapeeisacrimepunishable b y u p t o 3 y e a r s imprisonment.
Ademocratic system can often implement to solidify perspectives in the decision- l a w. O n e - m a n r u l e cornerstone of democracy, is only be sustained where their control. This can making process means that undermines each of these also diminished under onethere is accountability, include the weakening of the the resulting policies may principles. When a single man rule. When decisions transparency,and,inthecase judiciary,theunderminingof not reflect the needs and individual has excessive are made by a single of plural societies, inclusion. legislative bodies, and the desires of the broader controloverthegovernment, individual, the voices of the When these principles are suppression of dissent. Over population. This can be a transparency is often people are marginalized undermined, the system of time, what was once a robust sourceofproblems. sacrificed Decisions are Citizens become mere two-thirds majority, to democracy begins to democracy can become a As is known with the made behind closed doors, spectators, rather than active override a presidential edict unravel. mere façade, with the case of Forbes Burnham in and the public is kept in the p
Oneofthemostinsidious trappings of democratic Guyana, one-man rule is
governance of their country safeguarding democracy threats to these principles is processes but none of the often accompanied by the
Thisdisengagementcanlead This would ensure that the emergence of one-man substance. rise of a cult of personality, implications of those
d executive decisions reflect rule.Thistakesplacewherea Yet, there are persons wheretheleaderisportrayed decisions This lack of disillusionment, weakening broader consensus, thereby single individual, often whobelieveinone-manrule.
the democratic process even preserving the balance of under the guise of a They argue that it not only indispensable This is a corruption,astherearefewer further power essential to good legitimate leadership role, brings about efficiency in dangerousdevelopment,asit mechanisms in place to Guyana, even under its governance and preventing
governance but that in creates an environment preventorexposethemisuse democratic system, must be the emergence of one-man excessive influence over po
s, where loyalty to the ofpower vigilant against the dangers rule. decision-making processes. autocratic tendencies are individual supersedes
Accountabilityisanother of consolidating power and Even more dangerous is This disguised form of needed for stability and loyalty to the principles of casualty of one-man rule. In influence in the hands of one when a party official is autocracy is no less progress.
democracy and the rule of a healthy democracy, leaders man. permitted to wield excessive dangerous than a blatant They claim that when law The leader’s image areaccountabletothepeople The country already influence over the affairs of political dictatorship and decisions are made by a becomes synonymous with and to other branches of operates with an Executive the state and government. presents a serious challenge single, decisive leader, the thestate,andanycriticismof government.However,when President, vested with full Constitutionalreformcannot to both democracy and good process is streamlined, and their actions is seen as a power is concentrated in the executive authority, making fixthismalady governance. the country can move threattothenationitself. handsofoneperson,theyare it imperative to ensure that It is for the public must
Democracy thrives on forward without the delays This cult of personality often shielded from this power does not become speak out against this the collective input of its caused by debates, canleadtothesuppressionof accountability The checks unchecked. troubling trend, which often c i t i z e n s a n d t h e
n e g o t i a t i o n s , a n d dissent Those who and balances that are As Guyana embarks on s t e m s f r o m w e a k representatives. It is much compromises On the challenge the leader’s supposed to keep leaders in constitutional reform, one of presidentialleadership. better also when power is surface, this argument may decisions are labeled as line become ineffective, and the key priorities should be (The views expressed in distributed among various seem compelling, especially enemies of the state or as the leader may feel to introduce mechanisms this article are those of the branches of government, in times of crisis when quick traitors In such an emboldened to act with that place a check on this a u t h o r a n d d o n o t each with its checks and d e c i s i o n - m a k i n g i s environment, the media, impunity
concentration of power necessarily reflect the balances, ensuring that no necessary However, this civil society, and even
P a r t i c i p a t i o n , a Allowing the Cabinet, by a opinions of this newspaper.) single entity or individual efficiency is often illusory ordinary citizens may be wields unchecked authority and comes at a significant intimidated into silence, However, when one person cost. leadingtoachillingeffecton begins to dominate the The concentration of free expression and the open decision-making process, power in one individual exchange of ideas This these democratic institutions l e a d s t o a l a c k o f stifling of dissent is areatriskofbeingeroded. accountability Decisions antithetical to the very
One-man rule often made unilaterally are not essenceofdemocracy,which emerges in systems where subject to the rigorous relies on the free flow of there is a concentration of scrutiny that is essential in a informationandtheabilityof power, whether in the democratic system. This can citizens to hold their leaders executive branch, within a result in policies that are accountable. political party, or even in a poorly thought out, harmful Good governance, on the corporate setting The to the public, or designed to other hand, is characterized danger lies not just in the benefit a select few at the b y t r a n s p a r e n c y , actions of the individual but expenseofthemajority accountability, inclusivity in the systemic changes they They absence of diverse and respect for the rule of
Dem boys seh punctuality is like a does tell you, “I right around the corner!” unicorn.Everybodytalk‘boutit,butnobody But that corner could be in another village. ever see it. In de dictionary, punctuality gat He always five minutes away That is, if you simple meaning but in reality, it hard to living in a time warp.You does sit there and define. wait,andwonderifheevenleavehomeyet. Dat is because dem gat all kinds of And poor Miss Early-Bird. She does punctuality. You got Mr. Never-On-Time. show up 15 minutes before time. She sit He got lateness down to a science. When he down alone, drinking coffee, waiting for the show up, half hour done gone. He walk in rest. She always on time. She still believe in likeheisroyalty.Likeweallheretoseehim punctuality but there is no one to appreciate make a grand entrance. He always got the hercomingearly. sameexcuse.“Trafficbad!”Butweallknow Sohereweare,livinginacountrywhere the truth. He does leave home when he feel punctuality is just a nice word. Nobody like. know what it mean. Everybody late, and Then there’s Miss Fashionably-Late. everybody got a reason. But dem boys seh She think the world does spin just for she. time don’t wait on nobody Unless yuh She seh she don’t want to be the first one always late. Then time does stand up and there. She believe showing up on time is a waitjustforyou. bigcrime.Sosherollinlateenoughtomake But one man solve de problem of late a statement. But not too late to miss the coming at he wuk place. He had a staff of 30 whole show She call it style. We call it bad and he establish a system of free parking for manners. 29vehiclesonafirst-come,first-servebasis. And then there’s Mr Almost-There. He Talk half. Leff half.
Budgetbillionshavebeen national showstoppers since 2021, with new records annually Even in the best of societies-advanced,watched, measured, censoredcorruption is a problem Here,buildingandimproving and laying the groundwork forthenextcenturyisatfever pitch.
Infrastructure budgetary allocations have matched, often exceeded belief: close toifnotoverhalfthenational budget Faultfinders howl about political payback, cronycabals,corruption.The PPP Government denies and dismisses.Otherthancriteria neglected, procedurals not adheredto,inafewinstances, it's all much ado about nothing. Pump station, army wharf,schoolcontractaward d e v e l o p m e n t s notwithstanding. Corruption watchers holler tip of the iceberg.
The government counters, what iceberg? Whereisit,whatevidence?It takes a government that is supremely confident in its network of silence, its machinery of official and environmental aiders and abettors, to speak so boldly Who has it right? Like inflation, is corruption a
product of the Guyanese imagination, or a deadly and deadening condition? In life, inconvenient truths seep out, confirmations arrive in the worstoutlines.
The tender board has transformed into a secret society, seemingly making up its own rules and practices, depending on the buyer, player, or the o r c h e s t r a t o r T h e procurementcommissionhas bent over backwards to pretendthatithasonpampers and doesn't drip with syphilis. From evaluators to engineers, from Cabinet to contract pre-arrangements, and from awarders to checkers, there is a highperformance engine that purrs smoothly, performs flawlessly Top government leaders impatiently wave their hands, grimace in disgust: what do the naysayers want, blood, bodies,burialsocieties?
EnterUncleSam:thereis a corruption network in Guyana: Bribery, government officials, bad business. In local patois: 'baad fuh daaz'.
Enter the Guyana Police Force: from crime stats to allegations of crimes committedonitsinside,plus
those on the hard streets. Who isn't taking leave is taking a push up the ladder Who isn't held up elsewhere is held out here as paragons of policing. Guyana style, of course.
Enter the Guyanese media:
Fire station, pump station, who is stationed close to whom, and whose station in life makes corrupt thingspossible.Thequestion is how one gets to such stationsinlifeonaminister's pay ('laff') and senior public servant package (more 'laffs'). Few senior ones are also having a good laugh. I agree with Reader's Digest that laughter is the best medicine But we must remember physics and the zero-sum setup. One man's laughterisanothermanbeing set up for a slaughter Check those Guyanese who continually lose out. They know better than to protest publicly
In its defence, the PPP Government said it is about respectfortheruleoflawand order Whose definition of law and by whose order? Who are the lawgivers, law leaders, and lawbreakers, mostly rolled in one? The rule of law respected, or a
clever respect for the law of money,otherpeople'smoney that is tampered with, tainted?Again,Idon'tspeak, Iletthepeoplespeak.
Credible cries are raised by Guyanese all but locked out of the contract award arrangements, feastings Whole families bid successfully: father, mother, current generation, extended generation. Some families are closely related to high political ones. Front men, backdoor operators, underthe-tableperformers.
The corruption circle widens, narrows. In Guyana, silenceisgolden.Tostoopis to conquer Maybe, better will come. PNC people bid occasionally; so, who is shafted? Discretion is more rewarding than valor The Doberman commission has lockjaw, while the parliamentarycommitteeisa political plaything. Why are those states necessary? I could believe that Guyana has the most principled people around the whole publicworksapparatus.They are so principled that they outshine the political, official, legal, professional, and commercial luminaries in places like Canada and Scandinavia Keen-eyed
Guyanese should spot that America is excluded.
Balance sheet last line: Guyana has the mostincorruptiblepeople.Or they have gotten away with plenty, by the confluences of political authorship, surrounding events, and walls of silence, with the worst corruption per capita, consideringthecircleofdirty hands,dirtierminds.
Some commonsense helps. Locally, unexplained
How do some ministers andpublicservantsfindtime to do a halfway decent job, even to be on the job, given their real estate portfolios?
How do some contractors find the time to oversee and deliver quality, given the magnitude of their tender winnings? Given the paucity of auditing skills, capacity, what is looked at, what is avoided, through refined scoping and schemes of work?
Whenthingsaretoogood to be true, I take the later Then they are anything but. PPP leaders get defensive, find objecting citizens offensive Why? The defensivepoliticalfolkshave
their loaded closets of skeletons. Why again, and how big and how many? Corruption:hallucinationsor imaginations? Or the real, raw conditions of a country that has no compass, no moorings, no care about footing, the appearance of things?
Before bowing out, I weighwhatelsetheUShasin its bag of surprises that are not surprises, given the local corruption culture, national religion, domestic political religion.
Like Guyana's food inflation index, the local corruption index, is a world beater,solowbothare.World beater, or Guyanese deader than dead in each instance, that's the question.Aparting present is timely: if an apparitionthatissaidtobea duck barks, howls, growls, lunges,evenbites.Guyanese can educate me: waddling duck, or a frightening dog. PPPhelpiswelcomed.
(The views expressed in this article are those of the authoranddonotnecessarily reflect the opinions of this newspaper.)
With just two more set of works to be finished,MinisterofCulture, Youth and Sport, Charles Ramson on Friday said that therehabilitationoftheCliff Anderson Sports Hall is expectedtobecompletedby Septembermonth-end.
The Minister made the announcement while responding to questions posed by Opposition Members of Parliament (MP) Nima Flu-Bess and AnnetteFergusonduringthe sitting of the National Assembly MP Flu-Bess had asked the minister to provide the total sum of money spent of the rehabilitation and whether money was catered for the project in this year's budget.
In response, the minister informed the House, that in 2022,theyspent$47million; in 2023, they spent $237 million; and to date, they spent $8 million, taking the totalto$292million.“Inthis year, we have $59 million thatisbudgetedfortheSports
Hall,”headded. Following up on the project, MP Ferguson had askedtheministertoprovide the name of the contractor anddurationoftheproject.
The minister related that thereweremultiplecontracts w h i c h i n c l u d e d , “Rehabilitation of the main roof – Rishma and Sisters Enterprise, rehabilitation of the electrical installation –A Ogransein & Sons, rehabilitation of side walls –R Persid (Construction), designandsupervisionwhich
An artist impression of what the CliffAnderson Sports Hall is expected to look like when fully completed.
is – Engineering & Management, and the northernfrontofthebuilding –ECSConstruction,andthen t h e H VA C – E C S Construction which was a contract we terminated in 2023 based on poor performanceandwewentout to tender.”With there being multiple contracts, the minister further informed that they have completed already the plumbing and installation, the main roof, thesidewalls,thefaceofthe northernfrontandextension,
and the sealing of the units andventedwalls.
“So the only two outstanding projects which areexpectedtobecompleted bythe30thofSeptemberare the HVAC and the finishing on the inside,” he told the NationalAssembly Speaking further on the project, the minster said that in a next phase, there would be the installation of bucket seats at the sporting facility In the current rehabilitative works,theextensionthatwas carriedout,hementionedthat
it now houses four dressing rooms.
“The extension (is) to now house four dressing rooms to cater for the international standards, because you now have to have four dressing rooms as well as anti-doping room, physio rooms, all of that is now catered for in the extension. The bucket seats would come subsequent to these projects being completed,”heelaborated. Kaieteur News had reported that the ministry
commenced a rehabilitation project in 2022 to have the sporting facility enhanced andmodernized.
During a visit to the Sports Hall back in November 2022, Minister Ramson told this publication that a contract worth $97M, which was awarded to ECS Construction & General Supplies,coversonlythefirst phase of the rehabilitation project. That phase he noted entails the redesign of the front section of the building (Continuedonpage50)
Vice President, Bharat Jagdeo is all words and no action. He continues to dodge the setting up of the Petroleum Commission.
A Petroleum Commission would mean having to relinquish some closeness to the action and, more importantly, that irresistible element, which is power and control.
A Petroleum Commission that is fully functioning and very capable would serve as that independent, professional, and credible agency that stands in the way of the temptations to steal our oil money.
The Government of Guyana is yet to recoup in excess of $1B from a Panamaniancompanywhose vessel, MV Tradewind Passion crashed into the DemeraraHarbourBridgeon October 8, 2020, Public Works Minister Juan Edghill told the National Assembly onFriday
Edghill was at the time responding to a question posed by former Minister of Public Infrastructure, David Patterson
On the 85th Order Paper, the question submitted by Pattersonreads,“OnOctober 8, 2022, MV Tradewind Passion collided with Demerara Harbour Bridge, causing extensive damage in excess of G$1B (1) Can the HonourableMinisterprovide this National Assembly with the sums recouped by the DemeraraHarbourBridgeor the Ministry for damages causedbythiscollision?”
Pattersonalsoquestioned whether the vessel still operatesinGuyana
In his written response Edghillsaid,“Nofundshave been recouped either by the
Demerara Harbour Bridge Corporation or the Ministry ofPublicWorks Aclaimhas been filed by the Demerara Harbour Bridge Corporation torecoverdamagesinexcess of$1B”
The minister said that, “The ship owners made an applicationunderSection402 (i)(a)oftheGuyanaShipping Act Chapter 49:01 to limit
their liability Despite strenuous objections by the Counsel of the Demerara HarbourBridgeCorporation, theapplicationwasgranted”
Tradewind Passion obtained a court order to limit its liability to the sum of G$ 246M. The proceedings are currently pending awaiting
confirmed that since the vessel departed Guyana’s waters, it has not been operatinginthecountry
In 2022, the collision made headlines across the country when the vessel crashed into the bridge causing an employee of the Bridgetobehospitalizedafter sufferingafracturedleg.
Other staffers narrowly escaped unhurt and the damage to the bridge was described as the worst engineers have ever seen, leavingitinoperableforover 48hrs
This publication reported that the Panamanian flagged vesselcrashedintothebridge closeto02:00hrsonOctober 8, 2022, during a retraction forthepassageoffivevessels It was reportedly filled with fuel for the Guyana Oil C o m p a n y L i m i t e d (GUYOIL) and was the last vessel to pass through from north to south when the collisionoccurred.
InNovemberofthesame year, this publication also reportedthatthreeworkersof theDemeraraHarbourBridge (DHB) have been sent on l e a v e p e n d i n g a n investigation into how the Panamanian oil tanker that crashed into the Bridge on October8,2022causing$1B in damages, left Guyana withoutpayingup
According to a release from the ministry, the vessel was detained to facilitate an i n v e s t i g a t i o n a n d subsequently released as a resultofacourtorder
However, Justice Fidela Corbin-Lincoln had ordered that the vessel be released after the owners agreed to lodge some $2474M at the court
On November 11, 2022,
theHighCourtruledthatthe Canama Trading S De RL Company is entitled to constitute a limitation fund under Section 414 (1) of the Shipping Act by paying or lodging with the Court, as security, $245,567,28801 in keepingwithanagreementit haswiththeDHBC
According to the Statement of Claim (SoC) filed at the High Court, the DHBCsaidthatthecollision caused $1B and counting in damages and that there has been no compensation despite several oral requests demanding payment of the sum
As such, the Corporation claimed $1B for special damages and $50M in damagesfornegligencesince the master of the vessel owned by the Panamanian company was negligent and failedtoexercisetherelevant international safety conventionsforsafetyatsea Minister Edghill said, “It must be noted that there was noactualpaymentofmonies intotheCourt”notingthatthe VesselsailedoutofGuyana’s waters without notifying the General Manager of the DHB
However, contrary to Minister Edghill’s statements, the operators’ lawyers attached to the Cameron and Shepherd Law
Firm said there was no requirement for a deposit
The Law Firm said that an application was made to the Court for the vessel’s release on the security of a Letter of Undertaking (LOU) by the insurers for approximately $250M.
”The LOU is an internationally recognized guaranteethatisacceptedfor the release of ships under arrestorbyagreementofthe parties when an accident occurs. The sum of two hundred and fifty million guaranteedisarrivedatonthe basis of a formula set out in the Shipping Act which is itself based on an international convention subscribed to by the GovernmentofGuyana,”the attorneys explained in a lettertotheeditor
Theattorneyssaidthatin ordering the release of the ship, the Court accepted the deposit of the LOU with the Registrar
“Noorderwasmadefora deposit of cash If such an order was sought by the Demerara Harbour Bridge, weareconfidentthatthecourt would have rejected it Therefore, the statement of theHon Ministerbemoaning thereleaseoftheshipwithout the deposit of cash had to havebeenmadewithoutlegal advice,”theysaid
Meetthe stunning23-year-oldOleneSingh,a residentofKuru-Kururu,Soesdyke-LindenHighway
Oleneisacertifiedgraphicdesignerwithapassionfortheart.She hasherownsmallbusinesswheresheexerciseshertalent.Besidesher professionalwork,Oleneenjoyscooking, swimming, dancing and playing games in her free time. Shetold The Waterfalls “Oneofmygoalsistohavefinancial security,somuchsothatIcanhelpthosethatarelessfortunate.” Thisbelle’s favouritequotefromDenzelWashington“Ifyoudon’tfail,you’renoteventrying.”
ExxonMobilachieves highestoilproductionin decadeswithrecord growthinGuyana
As oil production in Guyana continues to grow, profits for oil major, ExxonMobil has reached new records. The company initssecondquarterearnings call told shareholders that it recorded its highest oil production since the merger betweenExxonandMobilin 1998.
According to the report, “Net production in the second quarter was 4 4 million oil-equivalent barrels per day, an increase of 15%, or 574,000 oilequivalent barrels per day comparedtothepriorquarter due to advantaged volume growth from Pioneer, Guyana and heritage Permian.”
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Darren Woods said, “We achieved record quarterly production from our lowcost-of-supply Permian and Guyana assets, with the highest oil production since the Exxon and Mobil merger.”
Stemming from the successful production figuresinthesecondquarter of 2024, Exxon also achieved a record in highvalueproductsales,growing by 10% versus the first half oflastyear.
This meant that profits for the company also increasedovertheperiod.To this end, Woods explained, “We delivered our secondhighest 2Q (second quarter) earnings of the past decade as we continue to improve the fundamental earnings powerofthecompany.”
Exxon also updated its shareholders that during the second quarter of 2024, the company submitted an application to Guyana’s Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), seeking approval for its seventh proposeddevelopmentinthe oil rich Stabroek Block, Hammerhead “Production capacity is expected to be 120,000 to 180,000 barrels per day, with anticipated start-up in 2029, pending Guyanese government approval,” the company added.
On August 2, Exxon revealed its second quarter earnings, describing its performance as industryleading with US$9.2B in
profitsrecorded. This record growth was mainly driven by the increased oil production in Guyana ExxonMobil Guyana Limited (EMGL), the operator of the Stabroek Block added a third project to its portfolio of successful deepwater developments in November last year This project, the Payara development, reached its peak production early this year, adding over 220,000 barrelsofoilperday Thisis in addition to the oil being producedattheLizaOneand Liza Two projects in the Stabroek Block producing an average 160,000 bpd and 250,000 bpd respectively Bothprojectshaveexceeded nameplate capacity, producing above the safe operating limits of the Floating Production Storage and Offloading (FPSO) vessels. The Payara project too has exceeded its initial design capacity of 220,000 bpd,nowproducingbetween 230,000 to 240,000 bpd, according to recent data publishedbytheMinistryof NaturalResources.
Oppositioncondemns Jagdeo’sattack onjudiciary –saysitwelcomes observers
Kaieteur News – The political opposition has condemned the attacks of Vice President (VP) Bharrat Jagdeo on the judicial system. Both leaders of the Alliance for Change (AFC) and the People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR) on Friday during their r e s p e c t i v e p r e s s
conferences, called out the VPfor his comments on the election fraud case at his weekly press conference heldonThursday Jagdeo said that, “Given what has happened in Venezuela and the close parallel to what we see here in Georgetown, it would be crucial to reflect on democracy especially now thatthetrialshavestartedfor those who the Commission ofInquiryfoundculpableof tryingtostealtheelectionsin
favour of the APNU/AFC. We have waited for a long timetogettothisstage.”
“The last attempt was dismissed by the Chief Justice and the trial has started. And, you will see a similar pattern now and the frustration expressed by the p
ions uncalledforthatthedefense lawyers are again trying to stall the trials by making frivolous objections And often, these objections are entertained,”headded.
The VP confidently told reportersthatthewayhesees thingswiththeongoingtrial “thismatterwillendupatthe CCJ [Caribbean Court of Justice] ultimately Therefore, it is crucial that the records be in the public domain,iftheyarenotgoing to be kept in the Court, so thatwhatispresentedandthe testimonies in the witnesses willbeavailableinthemedia andelsewhere.”
Furthermore“Itiscrucial t h a t w e h a v e t h e international community lookingatit.Theyareurging
that people who try to undermine public officials and democracy and the will of the people must face prosecution.Now,weareata stagewherewewouldinvite them to observe the court drama that is taking place,” headded.
In response to Jagdeo, AubreyNortonleaderofthe PNCR said that, “The Opposition categorically condemns the recent attacks by the Vice President, Mr Bharrat Jagdeo, upon the
magistratepresidingoverthe trialoftheelections’matters, the nine accused charged, their attorneys, and the general administration of justiceinGuyana.”
Norton continued that Jagdeo’s attack on the judiciary is “vicious unjustifiable attack against the integrity of the magistrate and the administrationofjusticeasa whole by accusing the magistrate of entertaining frivolous objections, failing to record evidence, and of suppressing evidence; and has threatened at the very commencement of the proceedings to subject the ruling of the Court to scrutiny by the Caribbean Court of Justice These unfounded allegations are clearly intended to cast the Courtandtheadministration of justice in a dim public lightfromtheoutsetofthese proceedings.”
The PNCR leader stressed that the law should beallowedtotakeitscourse free from political interference and his party has steered clear of the mattertoallowjusticetorun itsduecourse,howeverthey are taking a pause to “condemn the wicked attempts of the government toinstillfearinthecourtsby its threats and the disservice the government is doing to the good people of this country by its campaign of lies and misinformation about the conduct of these proceedings.”
Hewentontosaythatthe VP’s invitation to have international observers and the international community viewthecourt’sproceedings which are very public can onlybeviewedascalculated to coerce the Court to find theaccusedguilty
“The Vice President’s i n v i t a t i o n t o t h e International Observers and International Community to view proceedings which, by their very nature are public, andwiththeaimof‘ensuring that people don’t act or public officers do not act with impunity in the future where they are vested with eitheraresponsibilitybythe law or the constitution and they in this case, in a partial manner discharge that responsibility, and in a corruptmanner’,canonlybe viewed as calculated to coerce the Court to find the accusedpersonsguiltyofthe offences charged regardless of what the admissible evidence before the Court discloses.”
law and Leader of the AFC Nigel Hughes at a press conference on Friday said that, “The statements from theVicePresidentapartfrom theirintemperanceindicated clearly the fact that the executive thought that it is appropriate while a case is being heard for a non profession person i.e. a non lawyer to comment during the proceedings adversely aboutthedecisionsmadeby asittingmagistrate.”
The lawyer explained that there are provisions in the law for appeals to be madeduringthehearingofa matter against the decisions a magistrate makes and this optionisalsoaffordedtothe prosecution. However, “In this case the Vice President who holds not an insignificant amount of powerinthecountrydecided to attack the magistrate and thedecisionsshehadtaken.”
Voicing his support on the VP’s suggestion to have international observes and the international community present to witness the proceedings, Hughes is welcominganyinternational observeraswellaslocalones toattendsincethetrialsdone in Guyana with the exceptionofsexualoffences aredonequitepublicly
“So we welcome any observers and I don’t think the presence of observers whethertheyarenationalsor foreigners makes a difference to the conduct of the case, or will make a difference to the conduct either by the attorneys or by themagistrate,”hesaid.
Hughes expressed the party’s confidence in the bench, the judiciary and the ability of the magistracy saying“nobodyknowswhat the outcome of the case will be, we certainly don’t think theeffortstoattackthebench during the hearing of a matter is acceptable, we certainlydon’tthinkthatthat is acceptable but sure we welcomeobservers.”
Monday goafterExxonMforoil moneyillegallyspentin Canje,Kaieteurblocks …saysJagdeo,PPP/C havenointerestin recoveringError! Hyperlinkreference notvalidoilfunds
The People’s National Congress Reform (PNC/R) is of the view that the Government of Guyana and Vice President, Bharrat Jagdeo have no interest in
recovering the oil funds Exxon used from the Stabroek Block to offset expenses in Kaieteur and Canje.
Economist and advisor ontheoilsectortotheparty, Elson Low told this publication in an invited comment on Saturday evening that his party has been urging the government to engage the operator (Exxon) and make it clear thatthemoniesspentinother blocksshouldnotbecharged to Stabroek. “We have previously urged the government to urgently engagetheOperatortomake it clear that expenses which carry across blocks should not be included in the Stabroek Block cost recovery bank as this is a wide-ranging issue Drill ships used for the Kaieteur andCanjeOilblocksarejust another example of this problem,”hesaid.
The PNC is of the belief that had Exxon been engaged in a timely manner, the dispute would have already been resolved and the funds recovered or the costs removed altogether. Low stressed that the opposition “can only concludethatthePPPhasno interest in recovering these costs. This has been their attitude towards cost Error! Hyperlink reference not valid. Oil audits from the inception,andthechaosthat came from the disputed $214m USD, which the country has still not recovered funds from, is an exampleoftheirattitude.”
Furthermore, “We believe through proactive actiononissuesoflegitimate confusion, we can avoid escalating disputes. Where disagreement remains, however, robust audits that areenforcedisvitaltoensure Guyanese get the money theydeserve.”Latelastyear, anauditreport—draftedbya localconsortiumRamdihal (Continuedonpage16)
Frompage15 & Haynes Inc , Eclisar Financial, and Vitality Accounting & Consultancy Inc. and bolstered by the internationalsupportofSGS
a n d M a r t i n d a l e
Consultants gave a meticulous breakdown of five instances where the Stabroek Block’s financial resources were used for Kaieteur –a block Exxon walkedawayfromaswellas Canje.
Kaieteur News had reportedthatasaresultofthe five instances in which the Error! Hyperlink reference notvalidoilcompaniesacted in violation of the contract, auditors insisted that the Stabroek Block account be
r e i m b u r s e d w i t h
US$3,812,653. In the first instance, the report states thatExxonusedtheStabroek Block revenues to cover a permit fee for a Kaieteur
G e o t e c h n i c a l a n d
Geophysical Survey When auditorsmadethisdiscovery androastedExxonforsucha flagrant violation of international best practices, Exxon agreed that it should nothaveoccurred.
As a result, auditors asked that the US$16,039 used to cover that survey be returned to the Stabroek Block cost bank. Auditors saidthiswasdoneinOctober 2022.Inthesecondinstance, auditors found that Exxon included its cost recovery statement for the Stabroek Block, 100% of the costs associated with an Emergency Response Study
for Error! Hyperlink reference not valid. spills fromGuyanawells.oilspills fromGuyanawells.Auditors said the Stabroek Block revenues should not have been used to cover 100 percent of this activity since the study looked at wells in the Kaieteur and Canje blocks Auditors said Stabroek’sshareshouldhave been50%ofthecostorUS$ 32,575 while Canje’s share should have been 25% or US$16,287 64 and Kaieteur’s share 25% or US$16,287 Exxon was therefore asked to return US$ 32,575 to the Stabroek Block’saccount.
Inthethirdcase,auditors said Exxon charged the Stabroek Block’s producing projects, 100 percent of the cost for various vehicles. The auditors contended that since the vehicles are also used to support activities related to the Kaieteur and Canje blocks, Exxon must return US$404,285 to the
Stabroek Block account. In the fourth case, the auditors said Exxon charged the account of producing StabroekBlockprojects,100 percent of the renovation costs for Exxon’s Duke Street office, including upgrades, furniture, and setup costs Auditors reasoned that Exxon operates all of its Guyana operations out of the Duke Street office, so charging 100%ofthemorethanUS$6 million of renovation costs entirely to the Stabroek Block’s account “is patently inequitable.”
Inthefifthcase,auditors found that Exxon charged the account of producing Stabroek Block projects 100% of the costs from Environmental Resources Management,ERMGuyana, and RPS Group for various studies on the impact of Error! Hyperlink reference not valid Oil and gas operations on fish, bird, and turtle migrations, habitats, andsurvival.Auditorsurged E x x o n t o r e t u r n
US$1,391,902 to the StabroekBlockaccount.
Meanwhile, the second audit report on ExxonMobil Guyana Limited’s expenses totalling US$7 3B has exposed how the company brazenly used Stabroek Blockprofitstopayfordrill ship expenses related to two separate and distinct blocks Kaieteur and Canje. In this case, the auditing team found that Exxon had four drill ships from Noble Corporation working during early 2020. However, the COVID-19 pandemic made staffing all four vessels challenging Auditorswereinformedthat Exxon took the decision to suspend the services of the Stena Carron drillship and the Noble Tom Madden and move them closer to shore intoa“hotstandby”(idlebut still operational) mode until the staffing issues could be alleviated.
In the case of the Stena Carron,auditorssaidrecords show Exxon had Stena on standbytoexecuteworksfor Stabroek as well as Canje and Kaieteur which it walkedawayfromthisyear Records show that Exxon had the Stena Carron drill ship drill the Tanager-1 well in the Kaieteur Block beginning September 9, 2020 and ending November 23, 2020. Stena was then movedtotheadjacentCanje Block where it worked on theBulletwood-1wellwhich began December 31, 2020 and ended March 2, 2021. Stena was also used to drill the second well in Canje calledJabillo-1whichbegan on March 12, 2021 and endedMarch20,2021.
Vice President (VP) Bharrat Jagdeo at one of his press conferences last October though maintaining that the company had committed illegalities by using Stabroek’s Error! Hyperlink reference not valid. oil funds to pay for works in other blocks, had said that they will face no punishment for it
Addressing the media at his October 26, 2023 press conference, the VPsaid that the oil company will face consequences.Whenhewas asked by this publication to expound on the issue, he stated that according to the contract signed with Guyana,theexpenseswould not be included in the cost bankfortheStabroekBlock.
“I maintain my position that it would be illegal and I repeatthat.Theauditswould have revealed that now and asIsaidbefore,therewillbe consequences. If you did unauthorized work, you don’t go to jail according to PSAitjustdoesn’tformpart of the cost bank,” the VP said.
Fast forward to August 2024, the VP was asked by this publication to give an updateontheprogresssofar by the government to recover the monies Exxon misused, but was met with blunt refusal by the VP to answer on the matter Last Wednesday,hewasaskedby KaieteurNewstosayifthere were “Any developments to recover the money the auditors discovered Exxon spent in the Kaieteur and Canje Error! Hyperlink referencenotvalid.blocks?” oil blocks?” Jagdeo responded: “So the last time you said that the minister doesn’twanttoanswersome ofyourquestions.Sohewill have a press conference and all of these routine things,
that are not policy-based, youcanfindoutthere.”
He instead directed Kaieteur News to the oil ministerwhorarelyresponds andalsododgesquestionson keyaspectsofthesector
GlennLallslamsJagdeo forrepetitivenews conferences
–saysVPfailingto addresskeyissuesin oilsector,otherserious nationalconcerns
Businessman and civil societyadvocate,GlennLall hascriticisedVicePresident, Bharrat Jagdeo for what he described as his repetitive weekly press conferences as wellashisfailuretoaddress keyissueswithintheoiland gas sector and other matters ofnationalconcern.
During an edition of his weekly radio programme last week, the businessman called out the VP on the repetitive nature of his weekly press conferences
saying that, “Last week, he had a 2-hour Press Conference, I didn’t play it because is the same dhal on the fire, he just keep ‘gotaying’ it, stirring and stirring.”
He added that the only topics the VP seems to be interested in on a weekly basis are the “12 new hospitals, Rickford Burke, Kaieteur News, letter writers, columnists, roads, schools, Nigel Hughes, the media, opposition never got a plan, bridges, PNC, the usualthings,andnotasingle word about the biggest things–ouroilandgold,and when he is asked by reporters, is like you light a fireunderhiscushion.”
Jagdeo, the chief policymaker of the oil and gas sector has repeatedly stonewalledquestionsinthis area posed to him by this newspaper
Lall highlighted the recent series of questions
Jagdeo was asked by this publication and the oppositiononthedocuments fortheGas-to-ShoreProject; when it will be laid in parliament for the public to seeit.“Everyweek,Kaieteur News asking Bharat Jagdeo when he is going to make public or put the project documentsinParliament,he sendingthereporterstoGail Teixeira and she said she ain’t know anything about that.
He sends them to Vickram Bharrat, he too has nothing to say…” Noting that Jagdeo is hiding the documents, Lall said, “because of the gangsterism that wrapped up in that US$3B project ” The businessman noted that while Jagdeo seems enthusiastic about the project, he gets upset, “so cold when questions are asked of him to show the proofthatitwillbecomethe electricity saviour for Guyana.”
Lall who is also publisher of this newspaper, believes the project will amount to a white elephant given the astronomical increase in cost He reasoned, “No feasibility study, no Press Conference on this subject matter, price doubled and it is still feasible; Jagdeo plug that feasibleoutofthinair.That’s another white elephant that will hang Guyanese for the so-calledcheapelectricity.”
Lall said that another instance of the VP’s failure to be transparent is with updating the Guyanese public with the current state ofthecountry’soilreserves. KaieteurNewshasspentthe last two years asking for an update for the nation. Lall said, “Look this man, when he was asked and asked about how much barrels of new oil EM found in the 8 discoveries they made recently, he first told the nation the discoveries were substantial, but not significant.
The second answer he gave,hesaidExxonMobilis busy pumping making moneyfromtheoilandthey donothavetimetocountup how much barrels they found. The third thing he said, to count up is a long process…”
Lallwentontoexplainto his audience that it was not until an international analytics company S&P Global put the country’s estimated reserves at almost 19B barrels, and this publication again enquired that the VP promised to
updatethepublicinaweek’s time “Well, a foreign company threw a bone to us with the total figure of 19B barrels When Kaieteur News found the article and published that story, and Jagdeo had nowhere to run or hide, he threw out a statement saying within a week,heisgoingtotellus,a weekhascomeandgoneand wearestillwaitingforhimto releasethefigures,tellingus how much oil Exxon has foundtodate,”Lalladded.
‘Idon’tfeelbadabout Guyana’soildeal’ …ExxonMnegotiatortells Bloombergoflopsided contract
Former Exploration Manager for SouthAmerica for ExxonMobil and geoscientist, Rod Limbert was quoted in a recent Bloomberg article stating that he does not feel bad about the Error! Hyperlink reference not valid. oil deal Guyanasignedontowiththe UnitedStatesoilgiant.
U S based media company, Bloomberg in a recent report, “The untold storyofhowExxonscoreda
Former Exploration Manager for SouthAmerica for ExxonMobil, Rod Limbert
US$1 trillion oil bonanza that 30 rivals passed up” by Kevin Crowley, highlighted the story of the Stabroek Block which is now producing over 600,000 barrels of oil per day from just three projects (Liza Phase 1, Liza Phase 2 and Payara). Exxon controls the block that holds 11 billion barrels of recoverable oil, worthnearlyUS$1trillionat currentprices.
Limbert was part of Exxon’steamthatnegotiated the Production Sharing Agreement (PSA) for the Stabroek Block which was later signed in 2016 by the previous APNU+AFC administrationafteroilwas (Continuedonpage17)
Frompage16 discovered offshore Guyana in2015.
The PSAfor the prolific Stabroek Block has been at the center of contentious debates with experts as well as citizens citing that Guyana signed onto a deal
that benefits the oil companies more than the country
While Guyanese leaders have long accepted the lopsidednatureofthedeal,it remains in place as, ExxonMobil Guyana Limited (EMGL) and its partners Hess Guyana Exploration Ltd. and China National Offshore Oil Corporation (CNOOC) Petroleum Guyana Limited continuetobenefitfromit.
Former Minister of Natural Resources, Raphael Trotman, who served under the APNU + AFC Coalition government between 2015 and 2020, was the one who signed the heavily criticized lopsided PSA with Exxon. The2016dealgivesGuyana an industry-low 2% royalty Presently, Guyana shares revenue with ExxonMobil after the company deducts 75percenttowardsthecosts incurred to develop the resources in the Stabroek Block This arrangement, withthelackofring-fencing, sees Guyana paying for projectsthatareyettobegin production activities. Each month bills from future producing developments are addedto thelistof expenses to be cost recovered by Exxon. After the 75 percent is deducted to pay back the oil company, Guyana then shares 50/50 of the 25 percent remaining with
Exxon as profits This amounts to 12.5 percent of profitsfromtheoperations.
Bloomberg reported that Guyana has become the bedrock of Exxon’s postCovidcorporaterevival.The Texas oil giant has a 45% shareofafieldthatcostsless than US$35 a barrel to produce,makingitoneofthe most profitable outside of
Countries (OPEC) With crude currently trading at US$85 a barrel, the Error! Hyperlink reference not valid. oil field would make money even if the transition from fossil fuels caused demand to collapse and pricesdroppedbyhalf.
The report states that Exxon’srivalsnodoubthave aching regret. Almost 30 other companies, including Chevron Corp., passed up the chance to buy into the Guyanadiscovery ShellPlc, previously a 50% partner, walked away Chevron is now paying US$53 billion for Hess Corp., which has a 30% stake in the project.
Exxon this year filed an arbitration case against Hess, claiming it has a right offirstrefusaloverthestake. (Hess says thatright doesn’t applyinamerger.)
It was reported that like many geoscientists, Limbert knewthatthesourcerockfor Venezuela’s oil the La Luna formation—extended under the Atlantic into maritime territory held by Guyana, Suriname and FrenchGuiana.Thestraighttalking Australian became fascinated with an onshore discoveryinSurinameinthe 1960s, when villagers
accidentally found what became a billion-barrel oil fieldwhiledrillingforwater inaschoolyard.
Limbert thought the schoolyard’s oil had originated off Guyana’s continental shelf and migrated more than 100 miles onshore over millions ofyears.Hetooktheideato the Exxon team responsible for entering new basins in mid-1997 “They had a picture of a downwardpointingthumbattheendof their presentation,” Limbert says.HecontactedGuyana’s government about acquiring drillingrightsanyway “Ijust didn’ttellanyone,”hesays.
In1997,Guyanawasone of the poorest countries in South America, still suffering from the socialist and isolationist policies of strongmanForbesBurnham, whorosetopowersoonafter independence from the UK in 1966. Limbert and two colleagues flew from Houston to Georgetown to acquire old well logs and discuss the potential for drilling rights with the Guyana Geology and Mines Commission(GGMC).
“The ground floor was literally the ground floor,” Limbert says. “By that I mean the desks and chairs wereonthedirt.”TheExxon teamalsometSamuelHinds, Guyana’s president at the time who talked mostly about cricket, Guyana’s national pastime. “I wasn’t inanyparticularhurrytotalk about business, because I had no authority to do anything,”Limbertsays.On returningtoTexasandarmed withfreshdata,Limbertwon permissiontobegincontract
negotiations for exploration rights.
Citing the legions of failedwells,Limbertpushed for and won a highly favourable deal The Stabroek block offered to Exxon was more than 1,000 times bigger than the average Error! Hyperlink referencenotvalid.oilblock in the Gulf of Mexico. It required no upfront payment, and if Exxon struck oil, the company wouldkeep50%oftheprofit afterdeductingcosts.
The Bloomberg report states that Guyana later received heavy criticism for the contract “I have examined my conscience aboutitoveraperiodoftime, butIdon’tfeelbadaboutit,” Limbert says “It was a complete fit for what we knew and what we didn’t know.”Itwasstatedtoothat the deal helped the government in another way Guyanafacedseriousborder disputesbothwithSuriname to the east and Venezuela to the west Aligning with Exxon would mean anyone picking a fight with Guyana wouldalsobepickingafight with the world’s most powerfuloilcompany
Atcurrentrateof productionoilinLiza1& 2couldbedrainedbefore 20-yearlifespan
The Liza One and Liza TwoprojectsintheStabroek Block are both currently operating above the design rate outlined in the Field Development Plans (FDPs), sparking concerns about the early depletion of resources fromthedevelopments.
Each project has a 20-
year lifespan, but with American Error! Hyperlink referencenotvalid.oilgiant, ExxonMobil pushing the Floating Production Storage and Offloading (FPSO) vessels above the design rate, the oil in each field couldbedepletedlongahead ofitstime.
Kaieteur News was able tosecurecopiesoftheFDPs for the Liza One and Liza Two projects, which revealed alarming details aboutthedevelopments.The FDPisatechnicaldocument that provides detailed information on the project, including the design details, equipment and chemicals to be used during the operations and production profiles to guide the extractionofresources.
According to the Liza One FDP, the project’s total reserves for developed resource are forecast to be 452 million barrels of oil (MBO) for a 20-year production period The project, which commenced production in 2019, should have been producing 98 thousand barrels per day (kbpd) in 2024 (see table attached) but Exxon has pushed production to as muchas160kbpd,according to information on the Ministry of Natural Resourceswebsite. Similarly, the Liza Two project which commenced oil production in February 2022 was expected to be producing at 211 kbpd this year but over 250 kbpd is being pumped daily by the American oil super major The Liza Two field, according to the FDPhas an expectedproductionvolume of570MBO.
So far, it is unclear how much oil in total has been produced at each of the projectssincestartup. It is however clear that with Liza One producing a whopping 60,000 barrels above the design rate and Liza Two pumping 40,000 barrels extra daily, the lifespan of the two projects couldbedepletedwellahead ofthe20-yearlifespan.
The higher daily production has not only sparked safety and environmental concerns as the country remains without an unlimited parent company guarantee to clean up and compensate after an Error! Hyperlink reference not valid. oil spill, but has raised questions regarding the country’s ability to benefit from a greater portionofitsoilwealth.
Based on the 2016 oil contractGuyanasignedwith ExxonMobil, Hess and CNOOC, 75% of the monthlyrevenueisdeducted by the companies to repay investments. The remaining 25% is shared with Guyana as profits. The country also receivesanadditional2%as royaltyeveryquarter
The country’s Vice President, Bharrat Jagdeo, whomanagestheoilandgas sector at a previous press conference, told reporters that in another few years, after Guyana repays Exxon and partners for the investments,thecountrywill enjoymoreprofits.
But with more oil being produceddailytohelpcover those expenses, it is unclear how the country would benefit more when the resourcesarelikelytobe
uyana’s ongoing construction boom forces manufacturers of building materials to increase production to meet the country’s infrastructure needs. As a result, certain suppliers are constantly modifyingtheiroperationsto satisfy the demand for construction materials, p
e components.
One such company is Kares Engineering which has become a cornerstone of construction excellence in Guyana. The company was established in November 1996bybrothersRadeshand Krishna Rameshwar, both
Engineers. In 2011, after acquiring a contract funded by the Inter-American MixandPre-StressingInc. and their prices were very producer of piles and to join the GNBS Approved satisfaction. Development Bank (IDB) to Managing Director, high. That is what prompted concrete components in
Managing-Director of Kares Engineering Mr. Radesh Rameshwar (centre) proudly poses with Made in Guyana Certificate among staff at the company’s Bushy Park location.
Mr Rameshwar believes build bridges and culverts in Radesh Rameshwar said: “at me to invest in my own Guyana, with a production
Region Five, the company that time, there was only one equipment and technology, capacity of 100 piles per
that Certification from the
GNBS is crucial for all local launched its Pre-Cast and contractor offering pre-cast and lead Kares Engineering week.” certification was driven by businesses and encourages Pre-Stressing Division and pre-stressing services, to become the largest He said his vision for theneedtomeetthestringent others get certified. “It not known as Bushy Park RediKares Engineering was
only fosters trust and driven by a deep desire to expanding oil and gas
g contribute to the growth and industry and international customers but also helps development of Guyana companies operating in businesses to meet and Despite the challenges over Guyana,”hesaid. exceed minimum standards. the years, he remained The Managing Director I encourage other companies committed to his goal of lauded the GNBS team for to pursue certification to building and developing his facilitating a smooth improve their standards and homeland.Thiscommitment process “The process, ensure their customers saw the company expanding facilitatedbytheGNBS,was benefit from high-quality its operations from just smooth and efficient. The products and services,” he fifteen (15) staff to a GNBS team provided posited. Kares Engineering w
, is a part of the International employees The company ensuring that we met all the Building Expo from August has also expanded its necessarystandards.” 8-11 at the Providence servicestoencompassawide He said the certification National Stadium where the range of civil engineering hashadaprofoundimpacton companywillbeshowcasing projects, including the Kares Engineering. While itsGNBScertification. construction of bridges, the company has always The GNBS also has a w
, prioritised quality, the booth at the location where components for shore base certification introduced new entrepreneurs can sign up to
get certified under any of the restaurants, culverts, roads Customer Feedback Form, G
andmuchmore. which has enhanced their programmes For more
In its quest to pursue customer service The information on the GNBS continueddevelopmentofits positive feedback received Certification, visit our products, the company
website at or call approached the Guyana underscores the company’s 219-0064-66 or the GNBS
commitment to continuous
Standards (GNBS) in 2023 improvement and customer WhatsApp692-4627.
By Rennie P
WelcomebacktoTalking is a start-up dedicated to CompetitiveAnalysis
Pure Bliss Desserts, a herreach. the data reveals For Dollars & Making Sense. providing eco-friendly Analyze competitors to boutique bakery founded by Sales Strategy instance, Michelle noticed Today, we’re diving into household products. Leona’s identify their strengths and Michelle, offers a delightful Sales Channels: Identify that her vegan dessert line market analysis and crafting marketanalysisbeganwitha weaknesses Green Leaf range of artisanal desserts. and utilize multiple sales was particularly popular, a robust marketing and sales deep dive into the growing examined both direct Michelle’s marketing and channels. Pure Bliss sells prompting her to expand this strategy specifically within trend of environmental competitors (other eco- sales strategy focuses on directly to customers as well offering. thecontextofGuyana. c
Whether you’re an consumers. She identified
friendly brands) and indirect leveraging social media, as through local cafes and Conclusion
local collaborations, and foodmarkets. Effectivemarketanalysis emerging entrepreneur or an niche market of urban, eco- householdproductbrands). e
Customer Relationships: and a solid marketing and established business owner, conscious individuals who Assessing competitors’ servicetobuildherbrand. Foster strong relationships sales strategy are the understanding your market are willing to pay a premium
Components of an with customers Michelle backbones of any successful and effectively reaching forsustainableproducts. strategies, and customer Effective Strategy prioritizes personalized business. By understanding your customers are crucial Steps to Conduct Market feedback helped Green Leaf Marketing Strategy service, often remembering your market landscape and steps towards sustainable Analysis positionitselfuniquelyinthe Branding: Establish
’ crafting strategies that success. Industry Overview market. strong brand identity that preferences, which fosters resonate with your target
Let’s unpack these Begin by understanding SWOTAnalysis resonates with your target loyalty audience, you can navigate concepts with examples the broader industry trends.
the competitive business from some of Guyana’s For Green Leaf, this meant analysis to identify internal
Incentives: Use promotions environment of Guyana with excitingnewbusinesses. studying the global shift strengthsandweaknesses,as indulgence and quality, to drive sales. Pure Bliss confidence.
MarketAnalysis: towards sustainable living w
l appealing to dessert lovers frequently runs seasonal Remember, your journey Understanding andhowit’sreflectedlocally opportunitiesandthreats. seekinguniquetreats. promotions and offers doesn’tendhere.Continueto Your Landscape Utilize resources like
loyalty discounts to repeat refine your strategies, stay Why Market industry publications, and strengths included a strong Develop a robust online customers. attuned to market changes, Analysis Matters market research firms to brand ethos and high-quality presence Michelle uses Measurement and and always keep your Market analysis is your gatherdata. products, while challenges Instagram and Facebook to Adjustment customers at the heart of gateway to understanding Target Market involved higher production showcase her creations, Continuously monitor yourbusinessdecisions.Feel the environment in which Identification costs and limited market engage with followers, and y o u r s t r a
ut at your business operates. It Define your ideal awareness. promotenewproducts. effectiveness. Use metrics talkingdollarsgy@gmail co involves evaluating industry customer by demographics, Marketing and Sales Local Engagement: such as sales data, customer m with your thoughts, trends, identifying target psychographics, and Strategy: Reaching Participate in local events feedback, and social media questions, and success customers, and analyzing behavior patterns Leona Your Customers and collaborate with other engagement to assess stories.
c o m p e t i t o r s T h i s focused on middle to upper- Why It’s Crucial businesses Pure Bliss performance. Until next time, keep c o m p r e h e n s i v e income urban dwellers aged Awell-crafted marketing partners with local cafes to Be prepared to adjust pushing forward on your understanding helps you 2 5 - 5 5 , w h o v a l u e and sales strategy helps you offer her desserts, expanding your strategy based on what entrepreneurialjourney! make informed decisions, sustainability attract, engage, and retain spot opportunities, and Tools like surveys, customers It’s about mitigaterisks. interviews, and focus groups delivering the right message Green Leaf Eco Products canprovidevaluableinsights to the right audience through G r e e n L e a f E c o into customer needs and therightchannels. Products, founded by Leona, preferences. Pure Bliss Desserts
The expansion of Bureau continuously seeks developments not only for Building - Enforcement, involved in this important to promoting standards that t h e h o u s i n g to develop new standards or accommodate new residents GYS 200: Specification for sector can purchase digital ensure the safety, quality, sector, coupled adopt those from the butalsoaddresstheevolving Hollow Clay Blocks, GYS copies or physical prints of
with investments CAR
215: Specification for Load- these standards from the construction materials and inoilandgas,realestate,and Organisation for Standards communities and the effects Bearing Masonry Concrete
agriculture, has propelled and Quality (CROSQ) and ofclimatechange.
o m y, otherstandardisationbodies. The standard covers pre-
stakeholders can also visit continues to develop,
Specification for Ready- theBureau’sstandardsportal adherence to these standards triggering a spike in the Among the many construction planning, MixedConcrete,andGCP9- a t is vital to enhancing the d
r n e w standards adopted by the including the necessary 13: Code of Practice for [gnbsguy com](http://gnbsg quality and safety of our infrastructure. GNBSistheGCP38Codeof approvals for building, the Buildings – Foundations and to review the scope infrastructure. This weekend, at the Practice for the construction need for a contract between Excavations. ofthestandards. For further information, International Building Expo, ofhouses. the contractor and client to M
Adopted from CROSQ, address the obligations of
please contact the GNBS at
telephone numbers 219distributorsareshowcasinga this document applies to both parties, and procedures engineers, contractors, International Building Expo 0065, 219-0066, or via diverse array of modern and single-storey houses up to for making changes or homeowners, and anyone underscores its commitment WhatsAppat692-4627.
g 7.62mx12.19minplan,built resolving disputes The materials and methods to using hollow block masonry document also addresses meet this rising demand. As or timber-framed walls with materials to be used for the an exhibitor, the Guyana timber-framed or concrete foundation and other aspects N
Bureau of roofs. It provides technical of the house, treatments for Standards (GNBS) is information to supervise the termites, excavations, risk activelypromotingtheuseof construction of a safe and assessments,andmore. National, Regional, and durable house and to O
h e
n o t a b l e International Standards to facilitate checks during the
ensure that the materials constructionphase. standardsincludetheGCP9meetqualityrequirements. This standard is crucial 3 Code of Practice for To promote structurally as urbanisation, combined Building: Fire Safety Use sound buildings and related with natural population and Occupancy, GYS 527infrastructure,theGNBShas increases and shifting 2018: Requirements for the available twenty-one (21) demographics, drives the Design and Construction of construction-related necessity for expanding Septic Tanks and Associated standards. housinginfrastructure. Secondary Treatment and These standards address With more people DisposalSystems,GYS168: the safety, durability, and seeking homes, effective Bases for Design of resilience of structures planning and construction Structures - Serviceability of against natural hazards such practices are essential to BuildingsAgainst Vibration, as floods and vibrations.The ensure that housing GCP 9-1: Code of Practice
PAT DIAL were united in 1831 to form bountiful supplies of honey and infrastructure. With Development Strategy From 2010, over $1.9 thecolonyofBritishGuiana. Mangrove honey is much over 23,000 hectares of 2030". have been invested in his column will The British developed valued byconsumers. Mangroves, they support The State has developed Mangrove preservation and againtouchonthe theircolonymuchfasterthan Mangroves are a carbon fisheries, livelihoods, food a 10-year National restoration and regular
Ts u b j e c t o f the Dutch. Like the Dutch, sink and enhance Guyana’s security and provide habitats Mangrove Action Plan and injections of money are Mangroves because of its they empoldered their efforts against climate for diverse wildlife an Inter-Agency Committee expected to be made as abiding importance agricultural land and built change. Mangroves are important in dedicated to promoting required, as for example, historically, socially and sea defences but it is only in T h
sustainable Mangrove $275. millions have been economically the 20th century, with the livelihood for many coastal enhancing efforts against management and over 500 allocated this year to W h e n t h e D u t c h growthofEcologicalStudies communities, one food climatechangeasoutlinedin hectares of Mangrove have rehabilitation initiatives in colonizers first visited and a deeper understanding resource being the varieties Guyana’s Low Carbon beenrestored. RegionsTwoandFive. Guyana in the 17th century, of the Environment that the of fish which live among the t
Mangroves They are an Mangroves were growing Mangroves came to be ecotourism attraction with along the entire coast, in grasped. the rich biodiversity which some parts so thick that they The United Nations Mangrove forests offer and could be considered as recognizedtheimportanceof
Mangroveforests. Mangroves by declaring a Authority and the Ministry
TheDutchfirstsettledon Mangrove Day each year o
the coast and utilized the witharelevant motto.
Mangrove as a convenient In this year 2024, the development Mangrove and easy source of wood for motto is “Mangroves restoration and preservation house building, fires for matter Safeguarding our support several Sustainable cooking and even to make Coastal Guardians for Development Goals (SDG) boatsandrafts. tomorrow” to the achievement of which It was only when they Though this motto Guyana is seriously had cut down large stretches identifie
he most committed. of Mangrove and the sea had important function of At the recent function of beguntocomeupontheland Mangroves, that is to guard unveiling the plaque at the that they understood the against the flooding by the Kingston Seawall Esplanade importance of Mangroves as sea and tidal waves and so in commemoration of an effective defence against making the soil less fertile International Mangrove Day theseaandflooding. when it would have been 2024, the Minister of They held up to their impregnated with salt, there Agricultures summarized Mangrove depletion and to are other positives which theimportanceandimpactof avoid the threat of constant emanatefromMangroves Mangroves:“Mangrovesare flooding,theybegantomove Mangroves provide a our coastal guardians, vital their settlements to the river home for bees as well as to Guyana’s environmental banks towards the end of the feedinggroundssincealarge and economic health”, he 18thcentury number of flowering plants said, “they act as natural In1815whenEssequibo, grow among the Mangroves. barriers against coastal Demerara and Berbice were When hives are established erosion and surges, finally ceded to Britain, they in the vicinity,they provide protecting our communities
Thereareeightspeciesof Thoughtheylookandact Chinese medicine and for turnedintoapill. pangolins. Four are found is a lot like anteaters and their meat, a delicacy among For many years, the Asia Chinese, Sunda, armadillos, pangolins are some ultra-wealthy in China Asian species were the Indian, and Philippine morecloselyrelatedtobears, andVietnam. primary target of poachers pangolins and they’re cats,anddogs. Pangolin scales are made and traffickers. But now that listed by the IUCN as Pangolins are found in of keratin, the same material their numbers have been critically endangered. The areaswhereantsandtermites that makes up fingernails, depleted, smugglers are four African species the abound This includes hair, and horn Pangolin increasingly turning to ground pangolin, giant tropical forests, Savannah scales, like rhino horn, have African pangolins. In two pangolin, white-bellied, and grasslands, thick brush, and no proven medicinal value, record-breaking seizures in black-bellied—are listed as even cultivated areas. Many yet they are used in the space of a week in April vulnerable. All species face live on the ground, sleeping traditionalChinese medicine 2019, Singapore seized a declining populations in large burrows or tree tohelpwithailmentsranging 14.2-ton shipment and a 14because of illegal trade. In hollows Some, like the from lactation difficulties to ton shipment of pangolin 2016,the186countriesparty black-bellied pangolin, can arthritis.The scales typically scales—from an estimated to the Convention on climb trees thanks to their dried and ground up into 72,000 pangolins—coming International Trade in extremelylongtails. powder, which may be fromNigeria.
Endangered Species Pangolins cannot thrive (CITES), the treaty that outside of their natural regulates the international habitats, and efforts to raise wildlife trade, voted to ban them in captivity have not the commercial trade in been successful. Because of pangolins. this, and how difficult it is to
Characteristics and monitor them in the wild, behaviour there are many pangolin
Pangolins are solitary facts still unknown to us, and active mostly at night. includingtheirlifespan. Most live on the ground, but Reproduction some, like the black-bellied The only time pangolins pangolin,alsoclimbtrees. spend time together is when Theyrangeinsizefroma they mate and bear young. large housecat to more than Some pangolin fathers will four feet long. They are stayinthedenuntilthesingle largely covered in scales offspring is independent made of keratin—the same Babies are born with soft m a t e r i a l a s h u m a n scales that harden after two fingernails which gives days, but they will ride on them the nickname “scaly their mothers’ tails until anteater.” When threatened, they’re weaned at about they roll into ball, like an threemonths. armadillo, and they can They reach sexual release a stinky fluid from a maturity at about two years glandatthebaseoftheirtails old. asadefensemechanism. Illegal trade
Like anteaters, pangolins The shy, harmless have long snouts and even pangolin is becoming longer tongues, which they increasingly well known for use to lap up ants and one reason: It’s believed to termites they excavate from be the world’s most mounds with their powerful trafficked non-human front claws. They’re able to mammal. Tens of thousands close their noses and ears to of pangolins are poached keep ants out when they’re every year, killed for their eating. scales for use in traditional
By Darren Hinds
This year’s list of guest
along their respective self- will be available to patrons speakers is particularly improvement journeys in throughout the day of the
Many people are just a impressive, with Feliz order to equip them with the event is quite impressive, conference away from Robertson and Sophie tools to nurture and manage even including a live embarking on a new, more Dolphin hosting and co- healthy interpersonal and p
fulfilling, more purposeful hosting, respectively, and personalrelationships. violinist.As such, the tickets journey in life. While this names such as Nigel
Attendees will be able to for the event will cost may be hyperbole to some Cumberbatch, Gregory participate in interactive attendees$20,000. degree, there is no doubt that Shaw, Mikhail J. McKenzie, sessions that will assist them
conferences have life- and, the mastermind behind in developing their self- relationship coach noted that changing impact, especially the event, Michelle worth and communication she hosts many other when those involved truly Cumberbatch. skills, to the end of workshops,conferences,and attend with the objective of A d d i t i o n a l
y, a n advancing and developing programmesatamuchlower betteringthemselves.
their passions and fostering
Hundreds of Guyanese panelists, including Renata healthyrelationships. absolutely free to about were able to experience this Bailey, Mitch Cumberbatch, On this note, Coach $
first hand at ‘Coach Apostle Kwame Wilson, LA
Cumberbatch emphasized encourages anyone with an Michelle’ Cumberbatch’s Saul Vere Jacobs, Kadija that the conference is not
inaugural “Manifesting the Jacobs, Jamella Chesney, aimed at any particular themselves and manifesting Relationship You Want” Ishaka Roger Jackman, have socioeconomic bracket, but thethingstheywanttoattend conference, which was held b
o rather at any person who the annual “Manifesting the at the Pegasus Hotel last participate. desiresmoreofthemselves. Relationship You Want” August. Those patrons, as Cumberbatch told The
Whether one’s goal is to conference as well as the well as new ones, will have Waterfalls that although the start a family, improve their smaller-scale initiatives she that experience available to conference is titled financial management, or hoststhroughouttheyear them once again on August “ M a n i f e s t i n g t h e gain employment, the Cumberbatch wants 25th at the Princess Ramada RelationshipYouWant”,itis conference seeks to help attendees,attheveryleast,to Hotel from 08:00hrs to not centered solely on them manifest it into reality leave the event with an 17:00hrs. romantic relationships, but fromwithinthemselves. understanding of the reality There are dozens of has a much deeper focus on
The event will be a full- that good things aren’t testimonials from attendees theselfthanonemightthink. day conference, and always reclusive to certain of Cumberbatch’s initial “The name “Manifesting attendees will receive much people, and that we as a conferencethatillustratejust the Relationship You Want” more than tool and people are not limited or how valuable the tools and does not only deal with strategies, as this annual d e f i n e d b y o u r strategies she offers outward relationship
event has seen much circumstances. attendees are; many stand to primarily, but it deals with planning, preparation, and “Once you are in a space receive from Cumberbatch the inner relationship with manifest all the things navigate our choices,” she investment to ensure its that you know who you are, and her diverse panel of oneself because once we externally, from intimate said. success and quality The your thinking is going to guest speakers at this year’s discover who we are relationshipstorelationships
The real objective of the sheer variety of speakers, shift,andthat’swhen event. authentically, we are able to at work to the way we conference is to help people panels, and activities that (Continued on page 42)
In an initiative that is set “In the Bahamas, every experience. Ms Shundell’s programme’sbroaderimpact to leave a lasting impact on childundermyguidancewas personal connection to the onthecommunity the community of Ann’s able to read by the end of the community played a
Teacher Shundell’s Grove East Coast Demerara school year This success significant role in the vision extends beyond the (ECD), a beloved teacher was due to the teaching programme’ssuccess. reading programme. “I plan Roylyn Shundell Jerrick- strategies, I developed and “I used to teach in this to expand the reading B e n j a m i n , k n o w n implemented,” the teacher community, and I wanted to initiative by organizing affectionately as ‘Teacher explained. give back. My mother was a trainingsessionsforteachers Shundell,’ introduced the Upon returning to giver who baked treats for in other areas. This will help first-ever free Summer Guyana in 2022, she theentirestreet,andaftershe them implement similar ReadingProgramme. continued to assist children passed away, I wanted to programmes in their
The programme held at with their reading, driven by honour her memory communities,”shesaid. the Ann’s Grove Secondary her deep-rooted belief in the Although I can’t bake, I can Additionally, she aims to School from July 8 to July powerofliteracy teach, and this programme developmorereadingclinics 26, 2024, aimed to ignite a The idea for the summer wasmywayofgivingback,” and expand the programme passion for reading among reading programme was sheadded. to other villages by April childrenofallages. borne out of teacher The programme’s impact next year Her ultimate goal
Teacher Shundell’s Shundell’s passion for was evident in the children’s is to ensure that every child dedication to education reading and her desire to enthusiasm and progress becomes a proficient reader, “Reading is a gateway the teacher emphasized. Her spansoverthreedecades;her address the literacy “The classes were designed capableofnotonlydecoding that makes all other learning programme aims to make love for tea
s i n h e r to enhance reading, writing, text but also writing, possib
e Without i
, thisgatewayaccessibletoall combined with a profound c o m m u n i t y “ T h e and speaking skills. Each storytelling, and engaging o p p
n i t i e s f o r children, fostering a lifelong commitment to nurturing programme began as a child was given a book to deeplywithliterature. advancement are limited,” loveofreadingandlearning. young minds. Her journey modest reading clinic take home daily, which they began in the Sabbath School designed to guide parents on eagerlyreadandreturnedfor of theAnn’s Grove Seventh- fostering reading at home. It a new one,” the teacher dayAdventistChurch,where quickly expanded as we saw explained. shefirstencounteredthejoys agrowingneed,”shesaid. Its success was reflected ofteaching. Through evaluations to in the children’s transformed “I started teaching Bible determine each child’s attitudes towards reading. stories at a young age. After readinglevel,theteacherand “Seeing the children’s completing my CXC exams, her team developed a excitement and progress was I began my first official tailored curriculum This incredibly rewarding. They teaching role at Clonbrook approach proved successful, couldn’t wait to come back Primary School as an acting with over 150 children from the next day to get another teacher for Grade Ones,” she A n n ’ s G r o v e a n d book,”shesaid. recalled. surrounding villages, Parents also noticed the She continued “I saw including Victoria and Hope positive changes “Many these children as blank ECD. parents reported that their slates, and watching their The summer reading children were excited about transformation over the year programme, held at Ann’s reading at home. They saw wasincrediblyrewarding.” Grove Secondary School, improvements not just in Her career eventually was not just an opportunity their reading abilities but in took her to the Bahamas, for children to improve their their overall enthusiasm for where she was recognized as reading skills; it was a learning,” She added. This TeacheroftheYearin2012. comprehensive literacy feedback highlighted the
Frompage17 depleted before the 20-year period. This is particularly alarming since the government is continuously approvingmoreprojectsthat oftencarryahigherpricetag compared to previously approveddevelopments.
PNCRdemandsJagdeo addressconcernsover interestrateschargedby ExxonM …saysmanagementofoil sectoramountsto criminalderelictionof duty
The People’s National Congress Reform (PNC/R)
i s d e m a n d i n g t h e government of Guyana to clarify the interest rates/equity charges Guyana is paying to oil major, ExxonMobil for its investments in the Stabroek Block.
In a press statement on Tuesday, the main political Opposition party called on the government to clarify whether or not Exxon is charging interests on its investments in the Stabroek Block and, if so, at what interest rate. In its blistering statement,thePNC/Rargued that the reluctance of Vice President, Bharrat Jagdeo –who manages the petroleum sector – to fully disclose information on this matter hasgone“beyondeyepass”. It was only last week during his press conference at Freedom House that the VP faced questions on the issue from Kaieteur News. Jagdeo however Error! Hyperlink reference not valid.refused to address the rate of return being charged bytheoilcompany
Pointing to the importance of the matter at hand, the PNC/R explained that tens of billions have beeninvestedtodevelopthe oil fields to date.As such, it noted that even an interest rate of 5% would result in a huge cost to the country To this end, the political group flagged the possibility of Guyana losing billions in revenueleakage.
AccordingtothePNC/R, “Thesemoniescouldinstead beusedtoalleviatethecostof-living crisis, raise salaries, eradicate poverty and meet many other urgent needs.”
Consequently, the party argued, “His (Jagdeo’s) d i s d a i n f o r h i s responsibilities as the PPP’s oil autocrat thus represents an assault on the well-being
of every Guyanese his cavalier approach to this matter and others in the oil sectoramountstoacriminal derelictionofduty.”
Expounding further on the issue, the PNC/R drew attention to Annex C in the 2016 Production Sharing Agreement (PSA) which states that interest expenses are recoverable without the approval of the minister if they are “consistent with marketrates.”
The party however observed that in the first audit of Exxon’s costs, incurred between 1999 and 2017 and commissioned by the Coalition government, the document made it explicit on page 4 that the companydidnotrecoverany interestexpenses.According to the report, “interest and financing costs are recoverable under the 2016 PSA However, EEPGL confirmed during the audit period that no interest or financingchargeshavebeen included in cost recovery –theauditteamhasconfirmed that no interest or financing costs are included in the amount presented in the Q4 2017 cost recovery statement.”
Such an explicit and direct statement is however missing in the second audit ofExxon.TheUS$7.3Bcost recoveryauditfortheperiod 2018 to 2020 was commissionedbythePPP
SincethePSAallowsfor interest expenses to be recoverable without the approval of the minister, the party cautioned that any audit that lacks necessary thoroughness will not automatically flag them whentheyappearinthecost recovery bank, especially when the Stabroek Block operator says Guyana is not being charged interest on developments.
“As a result, it is, at minimum, incumbent upon thegovernmentofGuyanato
monitor quarterly expense reports to identify whether interestisbeingchargedand to raise this issue with the operator if it is not living up to its word,” the PNC/R explained.
The party was keen to note that the second audit in addressing the issue of withholding tax (Exception 17), it tangentially suggests thatinterestisbeingcharged. Consequently, the PNC/R statedthatthisraisesseveral questions;chiefamongthem is whether this is indeed the case,whattheinterestrateis, and how it compares with marketrates.
“Itdoesnotrequiremuch effortonthepartofJagdeoto clarify the situation. The people of Guyana must so demand…billionsofUSDof thenationalpatrimonyareat stake Going forward, auditors must be instructed tolookcloselyattheissueof interestandprovidedetailed and specific commentary,” theOppositionpartyurged.
Additionally, the group noted that government must also keep a close eye on expense reports to note any interest charges. “If interest isindeedbeingcharged,they mustengagetheOperatorfor the recovery of these funds, and report this to the nation. The government cannot afford to continue blindly when so much is at stake,” thePNC/Rsaid.
‘Ibetmycareeron Guyana’–former HessExecutive
KaieteurNews–Former Hess Vice President of Exploration for Guyana and Suriname, Tim Chisholm, had bet his entire career on Guyana’sStabroekBlock.
This is according to a Bloomberg article, “The untold story of how Exxon scored a US$1 trillion oil bonanzathat30rivalspassed up”byKevinCrowley It was reported that
company agreed to take a 30%stake. “Ibetmycareer on it,” Chisholm said, adding, “I would have definitelybeenfiredifithad notworked.”Notably,today, the Stabroek Block is now producing over 600,000 barrels of oil per day from just three projects ( Liza Phase 1, Liza Phase 2 and Payara). Exxon controls the block that holds 11 billion barrels of recoverable oil, worthnearlyUS$1trillionat currentprices.
Moreover, Eisner, who had coveted Guyana since working with Chisholm at Apache,wasnowworkingat CNOOC.
ChisholmstudiedVenezuela for Exxon in the 1990s, and Pablo Eisner had worked in the region for Repsol SA. The pair wanted a slice of Stabroek, but when that was not an option, they led Apache into Suriname instead. Before they could drill a well, Apache managementhadachangeof heart and cut its exploration team. Chisholm and Eisner were laid off within a halfhourofeachother Chisholm went to Hess and Eisner joined CNOOC. Each says they believed they had unfinishedbusiness.
After negotiating a sweetheart deal for the Stabroek Block before oil w a s d i s c o v e r e d , ExxonMobilquicklysetupa dataroomatitsGreenspoint office in Houston, inviting about 30 oil companies With only about 20 showed up, geoscientists from each interested party got a daylong presentation from theExxonteamandasecond daytoanalyzethedata.
Hesswasthelasttocome through. Chisholm grilled Exxon’s team for more than two hours. “(They) did a very good job of, I would say, not overselling it,” Chisholm said in a 2020 lecture “That was very critical to me believing (They) had passion for what itwas.”
In mid-2014, Hess was considering entering the block, after Shell dropped a bombshell and wanted out after six years of paying for seismic data. The decision was “part of a broader groupwide review of our frontier exploration portfolio,”thecompanysaid inresponsetoquestions.
Shell’s decision left Exxon owning 100% of Stabroek and only weeks before it had to inform the Guyana government whether or not it planned to drill. Within Hess, Guyana was a tough sell, but the
towardsthecostsincurredto develop the resources in the Stabroek Block This arrangement,withthelackof ring-fencing, sees Guyana paying for projects that are yet to begin production activities.
Each month bills from f u t u r e p r o d u c i n g developments are added to thelistofexpensestobecost recovered by Exxon. After the75percentisdeductedto pay back the oil company, Guyanathenshares50/50of the 25 percent remaining with Exxon as profits. This amounts to 12.5 percent of profitsfromtheoperations. >>>>>>>>>>>>
“Everybody was offered Stabroek, but you need a maverick, big-headed geologist banging the table, even breaking the table to say,‘Thisisgood,’“hesays. “At CNOOC, that was me.” Eisnerconvincedhisbosses, and CNOOC took a 25% stake.
Exxon’s (ExxonMobil Guyana Limited) share of Stabroek was now 45%, but crucially, the two newcomers agreed to fund most of the well cost. With
Exxon’s own money now
largely protected, management gave the goaheadtodrillLiza.
By 2015, the oil companies discovered oil and the following year signedwhatisnowknownas the heavily criticized lopsideddealwhichbenefits theoilcompaniesmorethan the country The Production Sharing Agreement (PSA) for the Stabroek Block was signed in 2016 by former Minister of Natural Resources, Raphael Trotman, who served under the APNU + AFC Coalition government. The 2016 deal gives Guyana an industry-low 2% royalty Presently, Guyana shares revenue with ExxonMobil after the companydeducts75percent
Caption: Former Hess Vice President of Exploration for Guyana and Suriname,TimChisholm
ExxonM,EPAbosses facingarrestafterfailing toappearbefore ParliamentaryCommittee …MPsunanimouslyagree toexpediteprocess
Kaieteur News –American oil major, ExxonMobil and regulator of the petroleum sector, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) have been dodginginvitationsfromthe Natural Resources Sectoral Committee of the National Assembly over the past sevenmonths.
Representatives of these agencies can however be arrested and detained until they can appear before the legislative body This is according to the Evidence Act Chapter 1:08 This sectionofthelegislationwas quoted by Clerk of the National Assembly, Sherlock Isaacs during the last Natural Resources Sectoral Committee, convened on July 19 Alliance For Change (AFC) Member of Parliament (MP), Catherine Hughes sought the guidance of the Clerk, after expressing her concerns over the stymied workoftheCommittee. To this end, Isaacs pointed out that, “a witness could be anyone in Guyana, either private or public sector able to give any information with respect to the subject matter of any question arising for its determination or has any books, plans, or documents inhispossessionorunderhis controlinanywayrelatingto the subject matter of that question,thatbodymay (Continuedonpage37)
Frompage36 cause a summons to be issuedtothepersoninForm 1intheSchedule.”
In explaining the process, Isaacs noted that if the agency fails to appear after receiving an invitation issued by the Clerk of the Committee, the Clerk of the National Assembly would then dispatch a letter to the Agency emphasising the importance of their appearance before the Committee Should the agencies still refuse to appear before the Committee, the Clerk of the National Assembly would seek assistance from the Registrar of the Supreme Court to garner momentum by issuing a summons for theirappearance.
The Summons would serve to inform in keeping with the Evidence Act that, “Ifanypersonsummonedto attend as a witness before a legislative body, refuses or neglects, without sufficient cause, to attend at the time and place mentioned in the summons, that body may issue a warrant in Form 2 in theSchedule,orinanyother form the circumstances require,signedbytheperson carryingoutthefunctionsof secretary to the body, authorisinganddirectingthe Registrar or any marshal to arrest that person and detain him in custody until he can be brought before the legislativebody.”
D u r i n g t h e Parliamentary Sectoral
Meeting, members unanimously agreed that the Clerk of the National Assembly should expedite the process for the agencies toappear
InApril this year during an AFC press conference, Hughes explained that the Committee, through Isaacs, had written the request to Exxon, through the Prime Minister’s office to follow the established protocols The MP however indicated that when theAFC enquired about the appearance of Exxon; they were informed that Isaacs requested copies ofthecorrespondencesfrom the Office of the Prime Minister that were sent to Exxon.
At that time, she told reporters, “As a member of theCommitteeweknowthat wehavebeensendingletters since November of last year so we are going over to six months and of course what hasbeentold,isalthoughwe request that if you can’t make the proposed date, please recommend a date,
t h e s u b s e q u e n t correspondencejustsayswe are unable to attend.” The MP argued it was “wholly unacceptable” that Exxon and the EPA were dodging scrutiny since it impacts the tenets of transparency and accountability
NewOilPSAtoothless withoutPetroleum Commission–GlennLallsays
Kaieteur News – Civil Society Advocate and businessman Glenn Lall is questioningtheGovernment of Guyana’s reason to have in place oil laws and a new agreementsbutnogoverning bodytoenforcethem,saying that the new Petroleum SharingAgreement(PSA)is toothless without the PetroleumCommission.
On his Monday August 5th edition of his weekly
programme on the Kaieteur Radio, Lall played a clip of Jagdeo responding to the question on when the Petroleum Commission will beputinplace.Thequestion was posed by a reporter of thispublication.
Lallsaidthat,“Youheard him, you see how upset and evasive he became, we are asking him about the group of people to manage the oil sector,thathehimselfsaidis the government’s ultimate goal to put in place. Today he running from that, telling usaboutwhatthePNCdidn’t do into a new law he is puttinginplace.”
Lall also questioned “Youcanhaveallthelawsin place and if you don’t have the police and a court, then what do you have? Lawlessnessandthatiswhat we have in Guyana ever since we found that oil, lawlessness.”
at previous press
conferences that the government is currently looking at building capacity
intherelevantagenciestobe abletobettermonitortheoil sector To this Lall asked “whoinGuyanathathasthe expertise to manage this industry? Let me tell you Guyanese – none, nobody The GRA doesn’t have anyone, the Energy Department has no one, and the EPA is a toothless poodle.”
Explaining the purpose ofthecommission,Lallsaid “aPetroleumCommissionis abody,asetofqualifiedand experiencedpeopleintheoil business, who can help us manage that oil the way it shouldbe,thatwillmakeall Guyanese super rich.” This administration had given its word in its manifesto that if electedtooffice,aPetroleum Commission would be in place to facilitate better contract management of the oil sector, so Guyanese can benefitfromthatoilwealth.
The businessman recalled, “President Ali, as soon as he took office, told this nation, a Petroleum Commission would soon be in place.VPJagdeo said the same thing, the Natural Resources Minister, Vickram Bharrat, when asked about it promised to get back to my reporter two yearsnow,andtothisdayhe never get back to the building, much less the reporter on this most important toolkit needed for this Oil bonanza we have. Today, four years later, that same Bharat Jagdeo singing a different tune about that PetroleumCommission”.
Lall reminded his listeners that, “a Petroleum Commissionisthefirstthing you have to put in place when you find oil, noting that all other countries that want to get the best out of theiroilhaveputthatteamof experts in place right away Saudi Arabia, Norway, Kuwait, Brazil, name them, the biggest oil producing nationsonearthfordecades, still have international experts helping them to this day in every area to safeguard their oil assets fromthehandsofoilthieves, includingthepoliticians.”
However, Lall said Jagdeo “knows if he puts a truly independent team of experts to help manage that oil, it gon cut up all the darknessgoingonwiththem out there A Petroleum Commissionwouldshinethe light in every corner, so we can see and know what is going on.” “A Petroleum Commission in place would ensurethattheoilblocksthat they gave away would have
beensoldintheopenmarket and would have given us moneytobuildhighwaysall across Guyana already A Petroleum Commission will tell ExxonMobil that the interestratesmustbecapped andtheymustletGuyanaput meters at all the pumps or they have to stop pumping o i l A P e t r o l e u m Commission will instruct Bharat Jagdeo – we need a document signed
y E
ully compensate Guyanese and anybody else who suffers damages from an oil spill,” headded.
Speaking at his weekly press-conference on Wednesday, Jagdeo said the PPP/C-led administration has done enough already to transparentlymonitortheoil sector “There is no magic w i t h a P e t r o l e u m Commission,” Jagdeo told themedia.
‘Relationshipbetween oilcompanies&Govt,a disrespecttoGuyanese’–CivilSocietyActiviststell UKmediahouse
Kaieteur News – As US super major, ExxonMobil strengthens its foothold in Guyana with more projects being sanctioned in the Stabroek Block, the company’s relationship with the government of Guyana has become disrespectful to Guyanese, according to former President of the Transparency Institute of Guyana Inc (TIGI), FrederickCollins.
Collins in an interview with a British media houseThe Guardian- said, “The relationship between the oil companies and the Government of Guyana is one of disrespect for the peopleofthisnation.”
In the article published last month, ‘Guyana banks onfutureasa‘newQatar’in high-stakes gamble over oil production’- The Guardian explored the country’s tremendous potential with
the vast resources discovered offshore. Even with all the wealth discoveredoffshore,citizens remain skeptical about benefits from the resources and are instead concerned about the governance of the blossomingindustry
The former President of thelocalwatchdogbodytold t h e g l o b a l n e w s organization, “The governmenttakesthesideof the oil company against the people, as has been seen in legal challenges to the way the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is operating.”
Collins and another Guyanese, Godfrey Whyte took the EPA to Court for failingtosecureanunlimited parentcompanyguaranteeto protect the nation from the burdensomecostsassociated with an oil spill. The High CourtruledinMaylastyear in favour of the citizens. It determinedthattheEPAhad shelved its statutory responsibilities in exchange of a derelict and submissive deposition,leaving“Guyana and its people in grave potential danger of calamitousdisaster
The EPA however appealed the ruling along ExxonMobil; the Guyana government though it was not a party to the initial matterfiledtojointheappeal but the Court denied its application.Thegovernment then approached the CCJ to appeal the decision and was addedasapartytothecaseto fight against the unlimited parentcompanyguarantee.
The Guardian reported that another recurring accusation is that the government disregards legality in infrastructure developmentprojects.
Elizabeth DeaneHughes,formerAttorney-atLaw who challenged the legalityofaPermitissuedto ExxonfortheGas-to-Energy (GTE) pipeline project was also cited in the article. She fought against land expropriations for a gas pipeline project that would
pass through her family’s lands.After legal action, the route of the pipeline was modified, but the clashes withthegovernmentleftthe impression that the state would go above the law to implement its project, according to The Guardian. “It’s all about the rule of law,”shesays.
The British new outlet noted that it “repeatedly contacted” President Irfaan Ali, Vice President, Bharrat Jagdeo and Prime Minister MarkPhillipstocommenton the allegations, but none responded.
Similarly, President of E
subsidiary of Exxon Mobil Corporation did not respond tointerviewrequests.
Lawyerfound murderedincar –twoincludingapolice sergeantbeingquestioned
Kaieteur News – An Attorney-at-Law, Richard Layne age 35, was found murdered in his car on Wednesdaynight.
The vehicle, a Jaguar, PYY2850wasparkedonthe bridgeinfrontofhisLot183 Century Palm Gardens, D’Urban Backlands, Georgetown,home.
He was found dead around 22:13hrs bleeding fromawoundtotheneckby his friend and roommate, a 29-year-old police sergeant identified as, Toney Sulker Sulker told police that at around 22:00hrs, he got up from his bed to use the washroom and then went to thekitchen.
“Whileinthekitchen,he looked through a window, and saw Layne’s car parked on the bridge of the premises. Layne was sitting in the driver’s seat in a ‘slumped position’ and was motionless”,policesaid.
Sulkersaidthathe (Continuedonpage38)
Frompage37 immediatelyranoutsideand attempted to open the car doors, but they were all locked.
He then called Layne’s mother, who lives in Campbellville, and on her arrival, they both tried opening the car doors but were unsuccessful. Sulker further claimed that Layne’s mother then instructed him to break the window on the driver’sside.
Hebrokethewindowwitha hammer and found Layne bleedingfromawoundtohis neck.
Layne’s cousin, Michael Harding was reportedly the last to see him alive Harding claimed that he visited Layne around 19:00hrs that evening and they were hanging out. He recalled that Sulker was hometoo.
While there, Layne said that he wanted some Starbuckscoffeesohedrove him(Layne)inhis(Harding) car to MovieTowne. They returned to Layne’s home around19:15hrs.Sulkerwas asleepwhentheycameback, Harding reportedly told police.
Harding continued to hang out with Layne until 201:17hrsbeforeleavingfor hishome.
“Prior to leaving, he claimed that he made sure thatLaynelockedbothgates tothehouseandyard,which haveautomaticlocks.
He also observed Layne’s car, parked in the garage”, police said. Hours later,Laynewasfounddead. Up to Press time, both men were still assisting police withtheirinvestigation.
MPVickramBharrat providedmisleading, deceptiveinformation toParliamentonrateof oilproduction–David Patterson
Kaieteur News –
Minister of Natural Resources, Vickram Bharrat on Friday told the National Assembly that the current rate of oil production is within the limit outlined in the Environmental Impact Assessments (EIAs) for threeprojectsintheStabroek Block, currently producing oil.
TheMinisterinawritten response to Alliance For Change (AFC) Member of Parliament (MP), David Patterson explained, “I must note that the Liza Phase 2 ESIA (Unity FPSO) was
AFC Member of Parliament (MP), David Patterson
approved for a maximum production rate of 300,000 barrels per day while the Payara ESIA was approved for a maximum production rate of 264,000 barrels per day…theLizaPhase1ESIA was approved for a maximumproductionrateof 144,000barrelsperday.”
As such, the Minister reasoned, “These facilities are clearly still operating within their approved productionrates.”
Data on the Ministry of Natural Resources website indicates that Liza One is producing as much as 160 thousand barrels per day (kbd), while production at Liza Two reached over 250 kbdinJuly
Meanwhile, the third project,Payara,isproducing between230-250kbd.
Patterson in his question askedtheMinistertoprovide copies of documents submitted by ExxonMobil, detailing the technical and environmental assessments undertaken to justify the increased production above the previously approved ratesbytheEPA.
Bharrat in his response explained that production optimisation is a standard practice globally, executed across many production fields, after a facility has beencommissioned.
Hepointedoutthatwhile approvals of Field Development Plans (FDPs) cater for the Licence Holder’s best estimate of expected production, the Floating Production Storage and Offloading vessels (FPSOs) are designed to accommodate higher productionlevels.
The Natural Resources Minister further made it clear that production optimisation and the resulting increased production levels are not done casually, but is closely monitored by ExxonMobil Guyana, the Ministry, the Guyana Geology and Mines
The Payara EIAstates 264kbd was used to assess impacts from the project and 220kbd is the peak production design rate. (Source: Payara EIA)
Source: The Liza Two EIAstates the facility can “safely operate” at peaks of up to 250kpd. (Source: Liza Two EIA)
Commission (GGMC) and the EPA, until the approved productionlevelisachieved, andthereservoirandfacility performance are to this end, the Minister concluded, “Production optimization, once done safely and efficiently, brings benefits
for all stakeholders, Governmentincluded.” DeceptiveandMisleading Meanwhile, former Minister of Public Infrastructure, D
his newspaper that the response furnishedtotheHousebythe Minister was purely “deceptiveandmisleading.”
Patterson pointed out that the EIA for Liza One underlinesapeakproduction of 120,000 barrels per day (bpd)whiletheLizaTwoand Payaraprojectsaredesigned to produce 220,000 bpd each.
Thefiguresquotedbythe Minister as the “maximum productionrate”forthethree projectswereinfactusedby expertsthatpreparedtheEIA toarriveatpotentialimpacts from the project, rather than safeoperatinglimits.
Patterson said, “The operator designed these FPSOs to operate at a specificvalueat120,000and 220,000barrels.
Liza One is producing 163,000bpdwhichis40,000 barrels above the design rate…whatheisnotsayingis the design was for exactly whatisnameplated.”
The former Minister reasonedthatbyrampingup production beyond the design rates of the FPSOs mentioned in the EIAs, Guyaneseareleftinthedark o n t h e i n c r e a s e d environmental impacts from theproject.
“Theyhavenotdoneany further public consultation and the EPA is doing a disservice to the nation becauseforeachprojectthey are telling the nation these arewhatthepossiblehazards you can have for an FPSO producing200,000;however ifyouaregoingupnow,like they have, to 260 and 280,000, by right, they are supposed to have another public hearing because the perilswillincrease.”
For instance, he explained that with oil productioncomesassociated gas and produced water which the public is clueless about how it is being handled.
Further, he questioned, “If they want to do d e b o t t l e n e c k i n g (optimization) why don’t they do the design right up frontinsteadofstartingoffat
220 and then coming six or eightmonthslaterpushingit all the way up to whatever newnumber.”
As such, Patterson said the response provided by Bharrat to the National Assembly and by extension the citizens of Guyana “is both deceptive and misguiding and I think it’s a disservicetothisnation.”
The MP had also requested copies of the technical assessments conducted by the EPA and other agencies to verify safety of the operations above the design rate however these were not provided.
He said he was told that Exxon submits these documents to the agency which is reviewed and approved.
Frompage38 can’t be made public,” Pattersonsaid.
Jagdeoclaims:‘Nomajor shiftinoilreserves’ …butUSfirmsaysoil reservoirgrewby7.7 billionbarrelssince2022
Kaieteur News – There has been no significant change in the country’s oil reserve, Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo disclosed on Thursday The Vice President who is the chief policy maker in the oil and gassectortoldreportersthat based on ExxonMobil’s second quarter report no major change has been seen inthereserves.
Jagdeo’ s statement comes despite international experts from US analytics company S&P Global putting the current reserves at 18.7 billion barrels, an increase from a previous estimation by the Chairman of the Wales Development Agency Asgar Ali who put the reserves to at least 15B barrelsinMayofthisyear
Aftereachrevelation,the Vice President was repeatedly asked about the status of the reserves to whichhisresponsehasbeen ‘there has been no major changeinthereserves.’
Two weeks ago, he promised to provide the number of barrels in the reserve when Exxon presentsitsquarterlyreport.
This week at his press conference this publication asked for the promised updateandhesaidthat,“You will get the exact figures nextweekfromtheminister, but,asIsaidbeforetherehas been no major change. You quoted some agency from abroad that has given a high figure, there has been no major change in the report that we receive, so the
minister on Wednesday will let you know the exact of barrelsofthereserve.”
In contradiction to the VP’s and Exxon’s country m a n a g e r A l i s t a i r Routlegde’s maintained statements of no significant change, Chairman of Wales Development Authority, Asgar Ally in January said that some 15 billion barrels of oil have already been discovered to date in the StabroekBlock.
Ally, a former Finance Minister and former Deputy Governor of the Bank of
GuyanaattheJamaicaStock Exchange Conference held inJanuary
During an interview at the conference, he made the disclosureofanadditional4 billion barrels of oil being discovered.
“As of this point in time wedon’tknowthefullextent of the oil deposits but it’s huge and I could explain whatthatmeans.It’sabout… I would say they have identified at least 15 billion barrels of oil in the (Stabroek) Block. So at this point in time, I would say Exxon has identified about 25to35%ofthat,”Allywho isaneconomiststated.
Although eight new discoveriesweremadesince Guyana’s last resource update in April 2022, with one of those estimated to hold some 746 million barrels of oil, Exxon and Guyana’s Vice President havestatedthatthecountry’s estimated 11 billion barrels of recoverable resources remain with no significant improvement.
Notwithstanding, Ally said that over 4 billion barrels more have been discovered.Addedtothis,he explained, “If you have the time, I can explain to you what has happened.You see
they do not represent a significant increase in the country’s overall oil reserves.
The Vice President told reporters, “Right now, there is an assumption that the information is being withheld, that’s false I pointedouttoyouthatweget these reports every three
atonestage,AfricaandLatin America were joined together So West Africa is closertotheSouthAmerican coast, of which Venezuela, Guyana, Suriname, a part of andthereisunderthatcoasta basin of oil, huge basin of oil.”
“Every day we are f i n d i n g n e w o i l discoveries Nobody knows the full extent (but) every day they are finding more,”headded.
Meanwhile, in a May report American analytics company S&P Global Inc. said that Guyana’s oil reserves have increased to approximately 18.7 billion barrels of recoverable resourcessince2015.
Thereportwascompiled by S&P Global Commodity Insights analysts Fernanda Machado, Mariana Anjos andJerryJarvis.
“Injustnineyears,ithas established itself as the fifth largest [basin] in Latin America, while continuing togrow,”theanalystssaid.
Productionisexpectedto peak in 2037 at 2.3 million boe/d, with oil accounting for90%,theysaid.
“High-quality, lowemissions and cost-effective barrelshavealreadyreached European markets,” the analysts said. “Currently, all gas production is associated with oil and reinjected, but themarketedgasisexpected toincrease.”
Concerns have been raised about the lack of transparency about the country’s oil reserves. The Government of Guyana has failedtoregularlyupdatethe public on the status of the reserves and how they are beingmanaged.
In April, Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo explained that while the recent discoveries made by ExxonMobil are substantial,
months and the reports that we have state what the reservesareandthathasnot changed materially over the past maybe year or so, so that’s not withholding informationthatwehave.”
According to him, “Information about the reserves have been part of thatreportandit’saroundthe
same 11 billion barrels. I’ve pointed out that…a discovery doesn’t mean that you know the size of the reserve.Thattogettosizeof reserve, long after the discovery, you have to do appraisal, see the type of rock, a complex process before you get to the reserve.”
(Continued from last S u n d a y e d i t i o n )
“On Earth, names can be changed easily,” he retorted. Thesweatstainshadbegunto seep through his light blue shirt, and the X-RING glasses once more happily tattledonhimonforlying.
“Iseebyyourliesthatitis much the same in your culture,”shesmiled.
“But my name isn't President Racha, it's Jackson Fickle!”hesaid.
“Our spy has been on your staff for some time, tracking your whereabouts and gathering information We knew that you would be passing by the Portus Black Hole at lunchtime today. So, he simply placed a tracker in yourtunafishsandwich…”
“Inside the sandwich…,” hewhisperedinthought.
“That's right And once weisolatedyourlocation,we simply harpooned your vessel and pulled you through to our location,” she said proudly “It really couldn'thavegonebetter.”
The guards behind him smiledateachother
Jackson sighed and hisheaddown.
“I don't think I was supposed to eat that sandwich,”hesaid.
The Inquisitor looked at him
curiously Her glasses scanned him feverishlybutdidnot flash.
“What do you mean?”sheasked.
“I thought it w meant for me. But now thinking that I made mistake…”
whythealarmwasgoingoff. But, since the other guard hadn't moved, each guard assumedthattheyweredoing the right thing by standing still. It was in this way the guardsignoredthealarmand stared at the Inquisitor while the alarm rang loudly throughouttheroom.
The Inquisitor was about to yell at one of them for not checking on the alarm (she was still deciding on which one to yell at), when a Byzong cadet opened the other door across from Jackson and ran over to the Inquisitor.
“You have a very strong jawline. The Admiral would liketoseeyouonthebridge,” he said, while standing at attention.
“Youhaveexquisitetaste i n j a w l i n e s , ” s h e complimented “I'm in the middle of an interrogation! Whatdotheywantwithme?”
“We received a signal from inside the Jaggidal AsteroidBelt.AVlopcruiser
is freaking out and asked me to get you right away.” He leaned in to whisper “We can't seem to find their ship anywhere on our radar It must be their most advanced vesselyet.Undetectable.”
TheInquisitorthoughtfor amoment,thenstoodup.
“We're not finished,” she saidtoJackson.
The cadet led her out of the room swiftly, and closed thedoorbehindthem.
Jackson hardly had time to watch it close, when the other door across from him opened again A young Byzong woman stepped in and pulled aside the Inquisitor'schair.
“What lovely scowls you have. My name is Tarza and I'm here to check on the prisoner's health Is this him?” she asked, pointing to Jackson.
“You're very beautiful,” said one guard. “This is the Presidential prisoner,” he correctedproudly
Tarza smiled “Of course.”
“The sandwich baggie had the initials 'T.F.' on it, which must have stood for tuna fish. I thought it stood formyname.”
“You just claimed your namewasJacksonFickle.”
“Itis.Butmyrealnameis TheodoreFickle.ButIprefer mymiddlename…Jackson.”
The Inquisitor leaned backinherchairandletouta longbreath.
“Ah,thischangingnames business again. I don't need glassestotellmethat'safib.”
BeforeJacksoncouldsay another word, an alarm went off inside the warship. The sound was a high-pitched rhythmic ringing and he couldn'thelpbutthinkthatit sounded similar to a giant triangle being played by an aggressivepercussionist.The guards looked at each other andthenattheInquisitor
The guards wondered if they should leave and see
is threatening to fire on us,” theyanswered.
“TheVlopsareourallies. Why would they want to fire on us?” Inquisitor Slah was not in the mood for a cadet prank.
“That's exactly what the Admiralasked!”heanswered excitedly “And they said they've had a really bad day andthey'rejustinthemood.”
The Inquisitor looked awayinthought.“Theyarea temperamental bunch.” She turnedbacktothecadet.“But whatdoesthishavetodowith me?? I'm an Inquisitor, not a Negotiator.”
“They said the only way they'llconsidernotfiringisif theyspeaktoyou.”
“But why me? I haven't even spoken to a Vlop since UUofU,”shemused.
“No one knows,” he answered. “But the Admiral
· Toiletrolltubes
· Paper/light cardboard pieces
SometimesmyMommycookssomefood, ThatIdon'tlikemuchtoeat; Butthenshetellsmethatthey'regood Formybrainsandbonesandteeth.
She looked Jackson over narrowed eyes, and a“tsk”sound. “I don't believe t ! T h i s prisoner…” she started.
“Presidenti al prisoner,”
the guard addedagain.
“President ial prisoner,” she corrected, “ i s c l e a r l y ffering from a m C Phantom facerash!”
guards came aroundtohersideofthetable andstaredatJacksonintently
“Heis?”askedtheguard. “Idon'tseeanything.”
“Of course you don't! It's a Phantom Level infection. Invisibletothenakedeye,but hasaverydistinctfeel.”
“But… you didn't touch hisface.”saidtheguard.
“Of course I didn't! Do you know how contagious a Form C Phantom Level face rashis?!”
The two guards took one stepback.
“He needs to get to the medicalstationwherewecan properlytreathim.He'llneed to isolate immediately I'll take him since I know the proper precautions, and you clearly don't. Have you even sprayed yourself with nasal protection?” she asked, incredulous.
The guards quickly coveredtheirnoseswiththeir hands.
“I knew it! You're lucky (Continuedonpage41)
Pumpkin,squashandboulanger Areallfilledwithvitamins, Andsoareboraandkalaloo, Wewouldbesoweakwithoutthem.
SonowItrytoeatitall, Thoughsomearehardtoswallow, swallow Becausemymotherknowswhat'sgood, AndallthatIneedtogrow
· Googlyeyes
· Wrappingpaper
· Paint How to make this colourfulcarpfishcraft:
· Take your toilet roll tubes,cutthebottomcorners diagonallyandthengluethe endstogether
· Decorate your tube however you like, we recommend colourful wrapping paper and bright, metallic paints and of course,googlyeyes.
· Cut fin and tail shapes fromyourlightcardboardor paper, then decorate. Stick theseonthetailendandside ofyourfish.
· To make a hanging mobile,makeasmallholein the top and bottom of your fish and string the length through, trying a small knot aftereachfish.
1. Use your resources wisely.
Anotherthingweneed todoistoensurethatwedo not waste our time and resources in unnecessary pursuits,andtokeepafocus onwhatisgoodandpositive, rather than allowing the negative things to cloud up ouractionsandourmind. As I mentioned last week, whatever you determine to do sincerely, your subconsciousmindwillkeep working on it, even when youarenotthinkingaboutit, tobringabouttheresultyou want. This means that if youstartonsomeprojectand do not have the confidence that you will succeed, your subconscious will obey and notworkashardtogetyouto your goal. Have a positive outlook, move forward with confidence, and things will workout.
2.Havepatience. Remember also that “Rome was not built in a day” This means that everything worth getting takes some time in the making Therefore, we alwaysneedtobepatientand
not to expect the exact results we want to be accomplished in a short time.
Aslongasyouknowthat you are doing your best, the results will come in good time. By practising patience, youarealsodevelopingyour personality in many ways thatwillproveahelptoyou inotherefforts.
This to my mind also encourages us to have faith in anAlmighty Creator who will help us to achieve all the good things we desire, as long as we have faith in His power to do all things. After all, He created the Universe,andsomusthave the means to do anything we ask, as long as we developthisfaithinHim.
3 Determine your courseofactiontomakethe bestofyourself.
UncleRoyisagainappealingtoourreaderstomakea contributiontothiscolumnbyeithergivingafeedback onwhatispublished,askingforsomehelpwithsome personal problem, offering some advice to fellow teenagers,orsharingthenewsofwhatishappeningin his/her community Please send your contribution to
turmoil that it is now very hardtoidentifytherightway by which people should be conductingthemselves. Ina world where children are exposed to all sorts of indecency and violence, we need to determine our own courseofactionsoastoreap the lasting success and happinessweareallstriving for
From the efforts to the legalisation of drugs and same-sex marriages to the killingofinnocentpeopleso that others may live abundantlives,itseemsthat it is now more urgent than ever that we establish the thingsweneedtodotokeep ourselvessafe.
Itisacommonthingto hear parents complaining about their children leaving thingsinamess,whetheritis their clothes, school books and equipment or toys and other things they use Leaving your things in a messy manner is not only bad for the time, but it also helpstoformabadhabitthat ishardtobreakoutof. This can cause problems later at your work place, at home whenyouhaveyourownand have a spouse and children of your own, and in general life in your society Keep yoursurroundingscleanand your stuff tidy always and you will do the opposite –derive a good habit that will serveyouwell.
Frompage40 your noses haven't fallen off yet,” Tarza shouted as she helped Jackson up from his chair
“We'llbegoingnow,”she said as she ushered Jackson towards the door she came from.
“But”, said one of the guards, through the hands covering his mouth “The Inquisitor has more questionsforhim…”
Tarza pushed Jackson through the door, not stoppingorturningaroundto addressthem.
“She'll just have to wait. He shouldn't be around anyoneforatleast…24…48
Theguardswerenotsure if they should allow their Presidentialprisonertoleave theroomornot. They were each fairly certain that the Inquisitor wouldbeupsetifshelearned that he had left. However, theyalsoassumedthatifhim leavingwastrulyaproblem, then the other guard would have stopped them before they left. And since both of thembelievedthistobetrue, neither of them said a word. Andthiswashowitcameto be that the door shut with Tarza and Jackson on one side, and the guards on the other
Fill in the squares so that each digit from 1 to 5 occurs exactly once in each row and column.Greater-than and less-than signs indicate the relationship of the two adjacent squares.There is only one solution, and you can find it without guessing.
Thegameoflife,asineverysport, Isfilledwithlossesandwins, Andjustaswecherishthevictorieswegain, Wemustwelcometheopportunitiesforimproving.
Lifeisfullofupsanddowns, Beforewecanscoreagoal; Wetrytofindwaystobeattheopposition, Andkeepcontroloftheball.
Eachinningweplayisatestofourskills, Astowhetherwegiveuporplayon; Thetougherthebowling,themorewelearn, Soastoscorebetterinthenextone.
Soholdyourchinup,whatevertheodds, Andkeepmovingtowardssuccessandfame; Yoursistodecidetocontinuetowardsyourgoals, Andnotgiveupinthemiddleofthegame.
We all have within us the ability to make the best of ourselves. Think of what this means to you and make the effort to attain this.
In the Tiktok Live Interview Vybz Kartel is asked some pressing questions and in answering, he reveals many exclusive details. Vybz was asked if he plans to sue the government forwrongfullysendinghimto prison for 13 years, his response was an indirect yes, hinting at a possible lawsuit aimed at the Jamaican Government.
Freely speaking, Kartel revealedthatthelastlegofhis case leading up to him being released, cost him approximately $14 million JMDandalsoelaboratedthat his Privy Council leg of the trial cost him a staggering 600,000 pounds, which is equivalent to almost $100 millionJMD. e-shenseea-feud-betweenthem/
“If me neva have my money, mi dead inna di show,”Kartelsaid.
He was also asked about hishealthandhowheplansto cope.Hisresponsewasthat,it iswhatitisandwentontosay that his health is his number one priority followed by his family.Kartel also revealed thathehasmanysongsthathe wroteandiscurrentlywriting, songs he has already voiced as well, however he will not bereleasinganymusicatthis moment until his health is backontrack.
Exclusively speaking, Vybz Kartel also gave an updatethathisfirstShowwill be in December, but he will not say the exact date or whereitwillbeheld.
The live interview was a veryinformativeandexciting one. We look forward to his speedy recovery and lots morenewmusicaswell.
Thediscussionalsoledto the question of other prisoners remaining behind barsbecausetheycan'tafford the high lawyer fees that comes with fighting for freedom, Kartel said he believeso,becauseduringhis timespent,hewastransferred to a few other prisons and it wasevident.
Frompage33 manifestation starts to happen because nothing is outside of your reach anymore,” she said She continued, “I want to actually disturbpeople’spatterns,Iwant to shift their thinking, and I wantthemtoknowthathappy endingsarenotexclusivetoany one person or group of people”Sponsors of the event include Morena Vogue, Crave Café, Sterling Products Limited, Camille’s Academy, GloSeeMarketing,ShopJust Because, Kevin’s Reflection, CCL Lowe’s Construction
Services, Hits & Jam 94.2 BOOMFM,Women’sHaven Guyana, Stephen Validum DesignsandMakeupArtistry, a n d W e l l c a r e Pharmacy Tickets are available at the following locations: Kevin’s Reflections at 391 Corlita Street, West Ruimveldt, Georgetown; Princess Ramada Hotel: Track BS Block Z Plantation, Georgetown; Cares worthat103CarmichealStreet North,Georgetown;andat1116 Central Amelia’s Ward, Linden, next to Semp and SonsHardwareStore
Shequana Holder Miss Caribbean Culture Queen 2024 (Photo credit: MCCQ)
Guyana’s Shequana Holder was crowned Miss
Caribbean Culture Queen 2024, just as her 21st birthdaybeganonTuesday,markingaremarkable milestoneinherpageantryjourney Theprestigiouseventwas heldinNevis,whereHolderemergedvictoriousover10other contestants, becoming the second Guyanese woman to win thetitle,followingSheminaPeroune’striumphin2023.
Holder’s powerful and commanding performance captivatedthejudgesandaudiencealikefromthestartofthe pageant to the very end. She amassed an impressive 1,883 points,sweepingfourofthefivemajorawards,includingBest Interview, Best Talent, Best Evening Gown, and Best QuestionandAnswer
DominiqueTrotmanofAntiguaandBarbudaclaimedthe firstrunner-uppositionwith1,799points,whileKyannaDyer of Dominica secured the second runner-up spot with 1,761 points.
Holder’s electrifying presence on the stage in Nevis was notonlyapersonalvictorybutalsoasourceofimmensepride for Guyanese, especially for those from her hometown, QueenstownEssequiboVillage.
Back in June 21, Holder dazzled audiences and judges alike to win the Miss Guyana Culture Queen 2024 title. Her local victory was nothing short of spectacular, earning her 1,400pointsandahostofaccolades,includingBestNational Dress, Best in Swimwear, and Best inArchery, Best Talent, and the prestigious FACE of Guyana Fashion Showcase award.
Holder’s journey to the crown is a testament to her dedication and excellence in pageantry Her prior achievements include winning titles such as Miss Teen Scholar2021,MissAfricanHeritageQueenforRegionTwo 2019,andMissAnnaReginaMultilateralSchool2018. Additionally, her success as the second runner-up at the Miss Jamzone 2023 pageant highlights her consistent performance and unwavering commitment to the pageant circuit.
In the world where most products are madewithchemicals, one has to be wary of the harmful effects of the variety of mascaras, lip balms, conditioners,shampoos, and many others can have on theirbodies. Thiscautionary phrase is all too familiar to Princess Cosbert, a 38-yearold survivor of cervical cancer and owner of the business,EssenceofHerbs
Cosbert told T h e Waterfallsshewasinspiredto launch her business after she diagnosed with cervical cancerabouteightyearsago “Thankfully” she survived her battle with the terminal illness and it is all thanks to herherbalproducts.
Cosbert said she started her production of natural products in the year 2016, whenshehadcervicalcancer
t h a t a f t e r s o m e pharmaceutical medications did not assist her in her cancerbattle.
Shesaidsheventuredand fell in love with creating natural products of her own Cosbert shared that she inherited the skill from her late father, a herbalist who introduced her to creating suchproducts.
“Pharmaceutical drugs didnotwork,herbsdid.Asthe saying goes, the apple does notfallfromthetree,mydad was a herbalist, he passed away and so I got that knowledge a little from him but mostly it is the Creator,” theentrepreneursaid.
Taking a trip down memory lane, the woman recalled she started with seasoningsandthenshemade teas,butshesoonrealizedthat itis not just what the human intakesinsideoftheirbodies butalsowhatisplacedonthe
She related, “So I started tolookforwaysinwhichIcan make certain products, less toxic” During the course of completing multiple research, and making new productswhichwereattimes difficulttocombine,Cosbert saidthatshelearnt,“Mostof them are made from chemical-harsh chemical andnon-harshchemicals.
“I look for the one (product)thatevenifthereis chemical,itisnotharshbutI try my best to get natural products...tomakesurethatif it is not natural even if it’s chemical, it’s not harsh chemical,”Cosbertsaid.
A s a r e s u l t , t h e entrepreneur became specialized in making a variety of products naturally such as lip balms, hair conditioner, shampoos, mascaras, toning serum, lip glossandteabags.
She later took a step to introduce her products to the market and ventured to Guyana Marketing Corporation(GMC)withjust $20,000 Withbeliefthather Continuedonpage50
The leadership of the Guyana Teachers’ Union (GTU) appears to be divided on its position on the Government of Guyana’s new proposal of 10% salary increase retroactively for 2024.Thenewproposalalso entails 8% for 2025 and 9% 2026.
OnFriday,asnewsspread ofthenewproposal Kaieteur News contacted GTU’s presidentDr MarkLytewho said, “I am not aware of any suchreport.”
Calls to the General Secretary of the Union went unanswered and no response was provided to text messagessent
However,thispublication understandsthatonSaturday, theGTUPresidentcirculated a statement to the general membership of the Union stating that the General Council met on Friday and accepted the Government’s revisedproposal.
The statement said, “Colleagues, good morning
General Council met yesterday and made a
decision to accept MoE’s revisedofferof10,8,9%for the three-year period with thecaveatthatshouldpublic servants get more than our offer, the difference will be given to teachers These direct financial benefits will be added to other indirect financialonesoutlinedinthe otherareasoftheagreement. The union wishes to have someofthesebenefitsrolled out in the month of September.”
Lytetoldthemembership that there he intends to sign theagreementonMonday
“Hence, an early date of signing would be beneficial toourmembers Towardsthis end,GCwasaskedtoengage our members by region, branch, small group, etc., so astoupdatemembers.These engagementsareexpectedto unfold today and tomorrow so that on Monday, we can sign the agreement. Four officers (President, 1st and 2nd VP’s, and GS) will attend the signing session at 09:00hrs on Monday at MoE’s Boardroom. We are
aware that what is agreed was not what was requested,” Dr Lyte said in thestatement.
Further, the GTU
Presidentsaid,“However,our teachers deserve to be compensatedineveryavenue possibleduringthesedifficult times.Ihavealsopushedfor dues to be remitted to GTU on or before September in keeping with court ruling. Please inform me where sessions with members are held today and tomorrow
However, a few hours after Lyte’s statement was issued, General Secretary of theUnion,CorettaMcDonald disseminated a statement of her own expressing disgust with the decision taken by Lytetosigntheagreementin haste.
“Colleagues good afternoon Thisissueisoneof grave concern to our memberswhohaveentrusted CONFIDENCEinus,assuch it is our responsibility to engageourmembersandnot theGCReps.Iamunableto wrap my head around the reasonwekeepshyingaway fromourmembers.Whenwe wanted their votes, we went outtheretomeetthemandat this time we should give them the respect. We have a Zoom platform that their dues pay for, let’s use it and layonthetabletheissuethat isbeforeus,”shesaid.
McDonald said, “As the elected General Secretary, I disagreewiththepositionthat is being adopted at this time forseveralreasonsandletme remindit’sdemocraticright. Our members were consulted when we needed their support to withdraw their services, they came out in their numbers, many of themhavebeenchastisedbut they stood their ground for 75 days. As a UNION that hasbeenbuiltonthebacksof STRONG MEN and WOMEN,wewhocarrythe torch must never go down looking toothless and powerless or as elected leaderswithnovision.”
McDonald who is a Member of Parliament (MP) noted that Parliament approved a Supplementary Budget of $40B, $95B of which has been allocated to the Guyana Sugar Corporation (GuySuCo) as
well as $16B to the Guyana P o w e r a n d L i g h t Incorporated(GPL).
“ andwewhohavebeen producing (check out CSEC andGrade6examresults)are preparedtoaccept10,8,and 9% Thisisunacceptableand more the rush to sign off on this, leaves much to be desired.Havewecheckedto seewhattheinflationrateis? Why are we accepting decreasedincreases?Arewe so tired that we’re not preparedtogoalittlelonger? What has happened to the prayers we were offering? Whereisourfaith?I’msure a little longer will give us something better,” Mc Donaldsaid.
The GTU official proposed that the Union writes to President IrfaanAli about the proposed salary increases, “ we have been talkingingoodfaithandthat good faith should have seen theMOEseekingtohavethe appeal withdrawn Good faith can’t be one-sided and thatweshoulddemandsince we let go of our 2019-2023 Proposal. I propose that we write HE, President Ali and share our concerns on this now 10% offer and finally pushoffonthesigninguntil after we would have met withourmembers.”
The Guyana Teachers’ Union (GTU) had recently rejected the ministry’s 9% increase for 2024 and 8% respectively for 2025 and 2026
(NBC News)Allegations of the sexual abuse of Palestinian prisoners by members of the Israeli military are “horrific,” the UnitedStateshassaid,aftera graphic video broadcast on Israeli news added fuel to mounting criticism of the'sconductinthewar inGaza.
Earlier this week, State Department spokesperson MatthewMillerrespondedto a question about a video shownonIsrael'sChannel12, the country's most watched commercial station, that allegedtoshowtheabuseofa Palestinian man at Sde Teiman, a military facility
where thousands of Palestinians have been detainedsinceOctober
“We have seen the video, andreportsofsexualabuseof detaineesarehorrific,”Miller said, adding that the reports s h o u l d b e “ f u l l y ” investigated by the Israeli government.
“There ought to be zero tolerance for sexual abuse, rapeofanydetainee,period,” headded.
The White House also called the reports of rape, torture and abuse “deeply, deeplyconcerning.”
Spokesperson Karine Jean-Pierre added: “We have been clear and consistent with Israel that it must treat all detainees humanely and with dignity in accordance with international law, must respect detainees' human rights, and must ensure accountabilityforanyabuses orviolations.”
It was the first time that U.S. officials had referred to the video allegedly showing sexualassault.
NBC News has not confirmed details of the reportedabuseorifthevideo circulating was of that incident, but the allegations came out amid a roiling
controversy over the treatment of Palestinian detaineesthatwassparkedin July,whentheIsraelimilitary charged a reservist with aggravatedabuseandopened an inquiry into nine other soldiers over allegations of mistreating a Palestinian detainee.
A doctor at Sde Teiman interviewed by the Israeli
newspaper Haaretz expressed shock at the severityoftheman'sinjuries.
On Thursday, the Israel Defense Forces confirmed that five soldiers remain in detention for allegations of “serious abuse,” and the investigationisongoing.
“The military court accepted the request of the
military prosecution in its entirety and stated in its decision that the evidence showsareasonablesuspicion of the commission of the acts,” it said in a written statement.
A report released
Monday by B' Tselem, a Jerusalem-based Israeli human rights group, alleged there was “repeated use of sexual violence, in varying degrees of severity, by soldiers or prison guards against Palestinian detainees as an additional punitive measure,” citing witnesses who described “blows to the genitals,” “the use of metal tools and batons to cause genital pain,” and “cases of
gang sexual violence and assaultcommittedbyagroup ofprisonguardsorsoldiers.”
One detainee cited by B'Tselem described an attempt by a member of the Israel Prison Service's Initial Reaction Force to sodomize him with a carrot, while others recorded the act on theircellphones.
“I screamed in pain and terror,” the testimony read. “Itwentonlikethatforabout threeminutes.”
The detainee, who was taken into custody in 2022, saidtheincidentoccurredon Oct.29,2023.
The detentions have spiked since Hamas' Oct. 7 terrorattackonIsraelthatleft 1,200 dead, and saw 240
kidnapped, some of whom are believed to have been sexually abused. Since the beginning of the war in
Gaza triggered by Hamas' incursion, some 40,000 Palestinians have been killed, according to the enclave's health o f f i c i a l s , m a n y thousands more have been injured and an overwhelming majority of the strip's population driven fromtheirhomes.
AreportreleasedinApril by the United Nations' agency for Palestinian aid, UNRWA, also detailed cases of sexual abuse by Israeli forces against detainees, including sodomizing them with “something like a hot
In May, the U.N. special rapporteur on torture, Alice JillEdwards,calledonIsrael to investigate torture and other inhumane treatment, including sexual abuse, of Palestiniandetainees.
“How we treat others duringmomentsofcrisisisa sign of how much we have internalized human rights,”
Edwards said “No circumstances, however exceptional, can ever justify tortureorill-treatment.”
According to the U.N., thousands of Palestinians, includingchildren,havebeen detained by Israel since the startofthewaronOct.7,and atleast53havedied.
ThePalestinianprisoners commission, an organization that is part of the Palestinian Authority and is based in Ramallah in the occupied West Bank, estimated that there were about 9,900 PalestiniansinIsraeliprisons asofthebeginningofAugust.
Data from the Israel Prison Service cited by B'Tselem says there were 3,615 Palestinians in administrativedetentionasof March.
InadditiontotheIPS,the Israeli military also holds detainees, and when asked how many Palestinians have beenarrestedsinceOct.7,the IDF told NBC News it had “nocomment.”
Shortly after Israeli
authorities announced on July 29, they had detained reservists for allegedly abusing prisoners, hundreds of people demonstrated in frontofSdeTeimanandBeit Lid, where the soldiers are believedtobeheld,toprotest theirdetention.
While the arrest of the reservists had brought this case to wider attention, B'Tselem argued that the abuse of Palestinian detainees is systemic in Israeliprisons.
In a heated meeting of lawmakers in July, a parliamentarian asked if it was legitimate “to insert a stickintoaperson'srectum?”
“Yes!”lawmakerHanoch Milwidsky, of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's right-wing Likudparty,shoutedinreply If the detainee is a Hamas militant,hesaid,“Everything is legi
mate to do! Everything!”
Netanyahu has not publicly add
ssed Milwidsky's comments, and his office did not immediately respond to a requestforcommentonthese orthecaseoverall.
The prime minister also hasn't commented on the alleged abuse except for callingforcalmamidprotests against the arrests of the Israeli reservists, and condemningthosewhobroke into a base believed to be holdingthem.
Th i s s u m m e r , International Children's Outreach (ICO) held its highly anticipated annual summer camp, bringing together children from diverse backgrounds for learning, fun, and community building. The camp, known for its focus on STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) education, also providedawidevarietyofactivities designed to nurture creativity, teamwork, and personal growth washeldatICO'sCraig,EastBank Demerara,location.
There, children engaged in handsonSTEMprojectsthat ranged from robotics to environmental science experiments.
These activities were not just educational but also designedtoinspirealifelong love of learning and innovation.
Alongside the academic focus, the camp offered arts and crafts, sports, and teambuildingexercises,ensuringa well-rounded experience for allparticipants.
One of the camp's highlights was the daily distribution of gifts to the children, adding an extra layer of excitement and appreciation.
Children of Craig and its environs benefited from ICO'sAnnual Summer Camp
The kids enjoy an indoor game during the summer camp
Children building stem kits at ICO's summer camp
Craig.It'saboutgivingourchildren the tools and the encouragement theyneedtobuildabrighterfuture, for themselves and for our entire community,"Charlessaid.
The annual summer camp has become a cornerstone of the ICO's outreach efforts, reinforcing the organization's mission to empower young people through education andcommunitysupport.
These tokens of encouragement, thoughtfully selected, were more than just presents they symbolized the camp'scommitmenttorecognizing each child's unique contributions and progress Beyond the immediatebenefitsoftheactivities, the camp served as a vital safe havenforthechildren.
In a world where many young people face challenges that can disrupt their growth and wellbeing,ICOsummercampoffereda
environment where children could explore their interests, build friendships,andgainconfidencein asupportivesetting.
Onica Charles, the founder of ICO, a proud Guyanese and native
of the village where the camp is hosted, expressed her deep honour in being able to give back to the communitythatshapedher "Thiscampismorethanjustan event—it's a continuation of the values I learned growing up in
As the camp wrapped up another successful year, the children left with new skills, cherishedmemories,andasenseof belonging, eager for the opportunitiesthatlieahead.Forthe community, the camp is more than just activities—it's a testament to the power of coming together to supportthenextgeneration.
As ICO looks to the future, thereisnodoubtthatthecampwill continue to be a beacon of hope, education,andunityformanyyears tocome.
BEIJING, Aug. 6 (Xinhua) -China unveiled an action plan on Tuesdaytospeedupthebuildingof “new electricity system” as part of thecountry'seffortstopursuelowcarbon development and ensure energysecurity
The plan, jointly issued by the NationalDevelopmentandReform Commission, the National Energy Administration (NEA) and the National Data Administration, outlines steps to be taken in nine areasbetween2024and2027.
Chineseauthoritieswillworkto increase the transmission of clean electricity through the grid using advanced power generation, regulation and control technologies.
As wind and solar power generation in China's deserts and desertifiedareasisincreasing,there are growing needs to transmit the clean energy to electricityconsumingregions,theNEAsaidin apressreleaseontheplan.
China aims to raise the total installedcapacityofwindandsolar power generation facilities in desertsanddesertifiedareasto455 million kilowatts by 2030 Cu
In the document, China also plans to upgrade its coal-fired power plants to achieve a "substantial reduction" in carbon emissions.
"Coal-firedpowerwillremaina crucialsourceofreliableelectricity supply in our country To achieve the goal of peaking carbon emissions, it is necessary to accelerate the low-carbon transformation(ofthissector),"the NEAsaid.
China's new-energy vehicle markethasbeensteadilyadvancing in recent years, with sales of such vehicles up 32 percent in the first half of 2024, creating enormous demand for charging facilities in thecountry
In the plan, China pledges to expand charging infrastructure for electric vehicles (EVs), strengthen the integration and interaction between EVs and the power grid, and establish an array of standards forcharginginfrastructure.
By the end of June, the total number of charging piles in China reached 10.24 million units, an increaseof54percentyearonyear,
gional transmissionlinesmainlytransport coalandhydropower
Staff members of the State Grid Qinghai Branch work at the 750-kV power project site in Gonghe County of Hainan TibetanAutonomous Prefecture, northwest China's Qinghai Province,April 23, 2024.
(Photo by Wang Xiaogang/Xinhua)
Last week, an NEA spokesperson said that his administration was promoting the building of charging facilities in ruralareastotapthepotentialofEV sales,andone-thirdofthecountry's provincial-level regions had built charging piles in towns and villages. Tuesday's document also
specifies measures aimed at ensuring the stable operation of China's electricity system and boosting the development of the powerdistributionnetwork.
C h i n a ' s e l e c t r i c i t y
consumption, a key barometer of economic activity, recorded robust expansion in the first half of this year,climbing8.1percenttonearly 4.66 trillion kilowatt-hours. To
power the world's second largest economy, the country needs a reliablesupplyofelectricity
Adhering to the path of green development,Chinahascommitted tothedualcarbongoalsofpeaking carbon emissions by 2030 and achieving carbon neutrality by 2060, in a much shorter time span compared with developed countries. ■
...previously said,“there is a cost of capital,” now claims no interest being charged
TVice President Bharrat Jagdeo
Jagdeo before: “Regardless of whether you make the financing in the form of a loan or equity, you have to get a rate (of) return. There is a cost of capital and that is how it is.”
he rate of return non-disclosure of the rate of on ExxonMobil’s return charged by the investments has company.
b e e n a v i d l y He said, “Last week I pursued for years by explainedagainforthe100th stakeholders, as without a time that there is no interest cap on this cost, oil charged on the cost bank... companies can easily abuse right now, as of now, there is the provision, walking out no interest, zero interest that with millions and possibly ischargedtothecostbank.” billions of US-dollars Jagdeo said this was annually The lopsided verified by the auditors
Jagdeo now: “Last week, I explained again for the 100th time that there is no interest charged on the cost bank... right now, as of now, there is no interest, zero interest that is charged to the cost bank.”
Production Sharing reviewing the company Agreement (PSA) with expenses. The VP further Exxon and partners allows explained that Exxon was the recovery of uncapped not funding the Stabroek interest on investments to
unreasonably through this projects and the likes, we are Blockoperationsfromloans, meet expenses related to the financingcostsprovidedthat for the petroleum sector provision, Jagdeo indicated not charging financing costs butfromthecompany’slocal Stabroek Block, without the suchexpenses,feesandcosts previouslytoldreportersthat thatthegovernmentwantsto to Guyana so one of the earnings which are not sent prior approval of the are consistent with market the issue is complex and maintain momentum in the things that’s been raised toitsparentcompany Minister with responsibility rates.” reflective of the cost of oil sector and attract before is Guyana in debt to Itmusthoweverbenoted forPetroleum. This question has been raising capital. He argued investmenttothecountry the Stabroek investors and that the PSA also allows for The PSAstates in Annex frequently raised at Vice that raising capital for the oil He said, “We don’t it’snottrue.” the operator to deduct ‘C’- at costs recoverable President, Bharrat Jagdeo’s and gas industry is a difficult wanna kill the momentum. Jagdeowaslateraskedto interest on “other financing without the prior approval of press conferences with task, as many banks The moment you start a confirm the statements by costs” which include the the Minister- that “interest, varying responses being worldwide are moving away disputetokillthemomentum Routledge when he said, “If c
p a n y ’ s e q u i t y expenses and related fees providedovertheyears. from supporting projects of the industry, everything he says that and there is an contribution or investments incurred on loans raised by ‘Raising capital is linkedtofossilfuels. driesuphereforawhile.And interest rate and there is a
the company’s the Parties comprising the difficult’ Though Guyanese are then you also can’t get the charged interest rate in the earnings. This means that Contractor for Petroleum The public would recall concerned that the country investmentdollarsthatareso cost bank then it wouldn’t be interest payments are not Operations and other that the Chief Policymaker could lose out on billions scarce now for this industry allowed. So it’s a straight limited to loans taken by to flow, which is what we forward matter for me as far Exxon to develop the wanttoflowheresoourlocal asI’mconcerned.” StabroekBlock. people can start doing better ‘There is a cost of “I pointed out that this too.” business’ was checked by the
The firearm and stolen items found in the abandoned house.
Following an armed robbery at the firearm used in the robbery wrapped in a ‘Thousand Dollar Store’ in McDoom, East black plastic bag. They also recovered one Bank Demerara (EBD) on Friday, detectives Guyanesepassport,oneTrinidadianpassport, haverecovereda.32pistolalongwithseveral a Republic Bank Visa card, and two passports,IDcards,andbankcardsbelonging identification cards, all belonging to one of tooneofthevictims. therobberyvictims. Acting on intelligence, a team of CID The recovered items were processed and officers from the Ruimveldt Police Station, taken to the East La Penitence Police Station led by an Inspector, searched an abandoned forfurtherinvestigation. two-story concrete building along Middle Whileseveralpeoplewerequestioned,no Road, La Penitence, Georgetown on arrests have been made so far The police are Saturday During the search, the police found continuing their efforts to identify and a brown female Michael Kors handbag apprehend the perpetrators of this armed containing the .32 pistol suspected to be the robbery
‘Ask Exxon’ Meanwhile, at a press auditors...they are funding When the matter was conference in June 2023, the this from equity and money raised again at another press VP said Guyana was paying earned that they don’t engagement hosted by the a rate to Exxon as this is a repatriate to their parent VP, he directed Kaieteur standard practice for a return company I pointed out that N e w s t o q u e s t i o n to be generated on a they lease a lot of the FPSOs ExxonMobil on the interest c o m p a n y ’s e q u i t y and so the people who are rates it is charging the “Regardless of whether you leasing the FPSOs may country make the financing in the charge or borrow and In October 2023, form of a loan or equity you therefore they have an President of ExxonMobil have to get a rate (of) return. interest cost but that is Guyana, Alistair Routledge There is a cost of capital and subsumedintheleasecostso during a press conference that is how it is,” Jagdeo Exxonwouldleasethevessel explained Guyana was not asserted. but the interest cost by the beingchargedaninterestrate Tune changes people who are leasing the on its multibillion-dollar On Thursday, the Vice vessels might be subsumed investments in the Stabroek President revisited the in the cost of the lease,” Block.
s u b j e c t , f o l l o w i n g Jagdeosaid.
According to him, statements by the People’s To this end, he made it “ExxonMobilisnotcharging National Congress Reform clear, “Zero interest at this any interest on what we are (PNC/R) and the Alliance point in time (is) charged to recovering like for the Liza For Change (AFC) on the thecostbank.”
From page 45 with the confidence that she will be bigger products were excellent, Cosbert captured and better this time around. This year, she the opportunity for her products to be sold. has a booth set up at Guyana’s International She then started to introduce her products to Building Exposition 2024. She optimistic other supermarkets which accepted. She about the visibility that platform will offer later attended exposition which made her her business and is excited for the receive bigger tools and tips to complete her opportunities it will provide in the future.To productionofnaturalproducts. learn more about Cosbert’s business, Cosbert faced some setbacks as a result Essence of Herbs, One can contact her on of the Corona virus disease (COVID-19) telephone number 644-9491, or via email pandemic - her business was halted Additionally, Despite that hindrance, she refused to give Essence of Herbs is located at 2166 Farm up and continue her business all over again Phase2,EastBankDemerara(EBD).
Wanted! Workers for packaging pasta and chowmein. $4100-$4900 per day. Workers paid weekly. Call: 6117839. Wanted hair dressers and Nail Technician. Call: 6218851.
One Cook must be able to cook a variety of local and international Dishes. Call : 223-5021 / 660-4904 between (10 am - 3pm )
Male able- bodied Staff to work in general store. Call: 231-2029, 616-5954.
One experienced Skidsteer (Bobcat) / Mini-Excavator operator, Night security & Labourer. Tele: 619-0898 / 623-2728.
2 Kitchen assistant & 1 Roti Maker. Call : 665-5074 / 6031278.
1 Cashier/ Counter clerk to work at a poultry outlet.
$120,000 monthly. Call: 2275222 / 708-4374.
Handyman to work around C/ Ville. $6000 daily.Call: 227-5222 / 708-4374.
One night Guard La Penitance area.Call: 227-5222 / 708-4374.
Elevate your brand with our professional Graphic design services. Call: 619-0007, 6295526.
Visa Application:U.S.A, Canada & UK:Graphics design, advertisements, wedding arch rentals.Tel:6267040.
Need a bus or planning an outing. Call Matthew bus services & tours, Surniname/ Braz. Whatsapp : 639-2663/ 673-2348.
Office space for rent at 43 Croal Street. Call : 681-6018 / 672-8599.
One semi-furnish room for single working/studying male at Atlantic Ville. Monthly rent $19,000. Call : 226-0168 /226-3087 Mon-Fri.
2 connected rooms, with Kitchen,2 baths & 1 Built-in wardrope. shared ocean view area @ Atlantic Ville. $38,000 Monthly.Call : 226-0168 /2263087.
Josel Educational institute seeks to employ a qualified science teacher. Email: or Call: 226-7868 / 678-0652.
One Clerk for TSI Eccles office. English & Mathematics, grade 2. Email application: or Call: 615-9132.
Maid to cook & clean for East Bank area. Call: 615-9132
Male Cleaner for Eccles. Call: 615-9132 or 645-8443.
Female Cleaner for office in Eccles. For more information Call: 645-8443
General Domestic, must know to cook, clean , press ect. 3 days, $6000, 8-4 at Keyfood, Mcdoom village next to the post office.
Vacancy for tire/tyre Worker at 238 South Road & Alexander St. WhatsApp: 624-7333.
Vacancy exists for 3 Cashiers at F&R Supermarket, Vreeden-Hoop. Atleast 1 year experience, $33,000 gross weekly. Call: 617-2822.
Cook for breakfast from 5:30. Send application, food handler certificate, 1 reference & valid police clearance to 6190568. WhatsApp & serious enquires only.
Sale Rep/ Assistant for document centre. Send application & CV, 1 reference and valid police clearance to 619-0568. Enquires WhatsApp only.
Driver, must have valid license for Car & Van. Must be able to assist in Workshop also. Call: 615-9132.
Room Attendant, Desk Clerk , Supervisor and Receptionist 23-45 Years old. 233 South Road. 225-0198.
Intropic inc looking for a female to work in factory on the East Bank. Age 35-40. Call : 716-9799.
1 Honda CRV, includes TV, music system, alarm, reverse camera, sproiler, crashbar, low mileage PTT Series (first owner). Contact: 649-0956.
1 Toyota Allion, Pioneer DVD, CD & USB deck, reverse camera, alarm, low milage. Call: 649-0956.
SURINAME August vacation tour trip from 24-08-2024-2908-2024 for more information. Call Matthew 639-2663 or 6732348.(Whatsapp)
Bus tour to Suriname. 3 Nights & 4 days holiday, from Tuesday 27th August to Friday 30th. Contact : 650-3686.
Property at Good Hope on the main road. Land size 150 x 120, house is 8,000 sqare feet.Contact: 663-0800/
Nayelli school of cosmetology is n ow enrolling for cosmetology courses beginning September 9th,2024, 211 New Market st. Call: 2262124.
Mining equipment, Maroc nozzles starting from $3,500 & chinese engine bed starting from $21,000. Call: 6981267/657-9121.
Land 30.991 acres at Princess Carolina upper Demerara river West Bank. Contact: 6630800/ ssrinvestgy
Land lot 17 Bushy Park Parika (275 x 72) river and road access. Contact: 663-0800/
Land 120 x 600 Alliance Road Timehri river and road access.Contact: 663-0800/
Land Lot 816 Plantain Mon Repos Housing Scheme. Contact: 663-0800/
Land 31 x 600 section A Triumph Badlands. Contact: 663-0800/
: 6858285 / 677-3406.
From page 10 which would be reconstructed.
The minister explained at the time that the works at the Sports Hall will be done in phases that will run concurrently.
This publication had reported that in December 2022, the National Procurement and Tender Administration Board had awarded an initial contract for the installation of the HVAC systems at the facility. That project was given to ECS Construction & General Supplies to the sum of $89,840,020.
Aside from the $97 million contract, and the $89 million contract for the HVAC, the NPTAB had also awarded a contract in
December 2022 for electrical installation. That project was awarded to A. Ogransein & Sons to the tune of $31,409,000.
From page 6 development of the country. Our people must also learn to adapt to the changes occurring with the entry of technology that is transforming our lives, particularly the young generation, to know how to use gadgets wisely for success in enhancing their education, culture and traditions and not allow them to replace family, collective efforts and outdoor activities. The Indigenous man or woman must continue to know how to fish and hunt and toil harder to earn more cash to pay bills and also be technologically savvy in contemporary Amerindian communities across Guyana.
As Indigenous people, we must continue to be smart to deal with outside influences, be it economic, modernity, religion, or other strong forces. Our resilience which is rooted in cultural values, and unity and collectively empowered us over the years to dialogue with outside influences assisted us to find ways to sustain our worldview and Indigenous identity. These unique gifts must be fostered to further lobby for our lands to be demarcated so that we continue to be stewards of the forests and lands contributing to Guyana’s green
From page 5
Indigenous Peoples view the land they occupy as sacred since they are sustained in every way through the crops they can grow, the animals they can hunt or fish, the shelters they can build, the cotton fabric they can cover their nakedness with and the herbs from the forest that provide medicines to cure their ailments.
When most Indigenous peoples refer to land, as one writer notes, “they do not mean a measurable or quantifiable extension of land, an object of geography and even less a commodity. (Land for them) exceeds the modern limit of reality in presence, it implies the past, heritage, memory. (It) has to be defended not for the sake of property but for the sake of protecting the ancestors, of preserving an origin that is both “past” and always already “present”. Like most modern man, our coastlanders can learn the true meaning of “environmental consciousness” from our Indigenous Peoples who
Following that, NPTAB awarded a $60,324,675 contract to S&K Construction Consultancy Service & General Supply for the completion of the northern face of building. In addition, according to a few opening of bids at the NPTAB, the main roof modification works was estimated to cost $12.5 million, sealing of vents and vented walls works were estimated to cost $14.9 million, and plumbing installation was estimated to cost $9 million. These estimates are according to the ministry’s engineer. economic blueprint and also dealing with social ills in communities.
Modern development should not only be centered on material comfort but emphasis must also be placed on addressing social issues like domestic and gender-based violence, broken homes, teenage pregnancies, excessive use of alcohol, incest, and other ills which plague our communities causing many families and children to suffer from trauma. There is a need for collective efforts to address these issues that spoil our ‘good life’ in communities. As such, church leaders, teachers, and villagers should mobilise to visit homes and hold regular workshops to educate people on these issues.
This initiative can help Indigenous communities combat social ills and have fewer people suffering emotionally in communities. It can also serve to bring awareness to people’s craving for material comfort that they should pay attention to social ills reality in the hinterland.
Medino Abraham Researcher on Indigenous people in Guyana
have not been completely brainwashed as most of us are into believing the earth is to be raped and ravished.
The APNU/AFC government attempted to undermine - through stratagems such as attempting to subsume Amerindian Land Rights under a Commission of Inquiry into “African Ancestral Land Rights” and wild claims that some Indigenous peoples are not actually “indigenous” to Guyana - was the authoritative legal acknowledgement of Amerindian Land rights. Unlike what is being asserted by some individuals like Phillips, claiming to speak on behalf of African Guyanese, the lands to which Indigenous Peoples are been given title, are not “reparations” for any past actions of the departed European powers, but an acknowledgement of their unbroken rights over land to which they were spiritually and culturally connected. The Dutch, whose rights and responsibilities the British assumed, never conquered but made treaties with the Indigenous Peoples and offered
them annual tributes. The land demarcated is not on the basis of Guyana assuming the debts of Britain as a successor state, but directly by the latter in Annex C. By 1976, the Amerindian Act passed by the then PNC government to give effect to Annex C, resulted in some Amerindian villages obtaining title to their lands. But it was not until a new Amerindian Act was passed by the PPP government in 2006 that the full meaning of Annex C was given meaning. Unlike the allusions as to when any particular Amerindian Tribe arrived in Guyana, Art 60 (1) of the Act declares simply, “An Amerindian Community may apply in writing to the Minister for a grant of State lands provided - (a) it has been in existence for at least twentyfive years; (b) at the time of the application and for the immediately preceding five years, it comprised at least one hundred and fifty persons.”
Sincerely, Ravi Dev
CAIRO, Aug 10 (Reuters) -
turning point as mediators push to
An Israeli airstrike on a Gaza City resumeceasefiretalks. school compound housing
A Hamas official told Reuters displaced Palestinian families the group was studying a new killed around 100 people, the Gaza proposal for discussion but did not Civil Emergency Service said on elaborate. Saturday
Egypt said the killing of Gaza Israel said around 20 militants civilians showed Israel had no had been operating at the intention of ending the war Qatar’s compound. foreign ministry described the
Video from the site showed strikeasa“horrificmassacre”. body parts scattered around and
Speaking to Al-Jazeera more bodies being carried away television, Khalil Al-Hayya, the and covered in blankets on the head of the Hamas team for the floor Empty food tins lay in a indirect ceasefire talks with Israel, puddle of blood, and burnt said statements of condemnation mattresses and a child’s doll lay werenolongersufficient. amongthedebris.
In another video, men prayed close down embassies, and sever over a dozen body bags laid out on tieswiththeoccupation,”hesaid. the ground of the Tabeen school Egypt, the United States and complex. Qatar have scheduled a new round
Theterritory’sCivilEmergency of ceasefire negotiations for Service, which has a credible Thursday, as fears grow of a record in stating casualty numbers, broader conflict involving Iran and and the Hamas-run government itsLebaneseallyHezbollah. media office said in separate
statements that the complex had “The compound, and the beenfilmedon.
said the head of general security in Benjamin Netanyahu, who has said been attacked as its occupants were mosque that was struck within it, Israel says Palestinian militants Hamas’s military wing, Walid he will not end the war until Hamas performingdawnprayers. served as an active Hamas and embed themselves among Gaza’s Alsousi, had been assassinated in no longer poses a threat to Israelis,
“So far, there are more than 93 Islamic Jihad military facility,” civilians, operating from within southern Gaza There was no saidhewouldsendadelegation. martyrs, including 11 children and Lieutenant Colonel Nadav schools, hospitals and designated immediateHamascomment. Israel launched its assault on six women. There are unidentified ShoshanisaidonX. humanitarian zones - which Hamas NEW ROUND OF Gaza after Hamas fighters stormed remains,” Palestinian civil defence He said the numbers published anditsalliesdeny
CEASEFIRE TALKS into southern Israel on Oct. 7, spokesperson Mahmoud Bassal by the Hamas-run media office did Hamas said the strike was a The European Union’s foreign killing 1,200 people, mostly toldatelevisedpressconference. not appear to correspond to the horrific crime and a serious policychiefJosepBorrellsaidonX civilians, and capturing more than Tens of thousands of displaced IsraelDefenseForces’information, escalation Izzat El-Reshiq of that he was horrified by the images 250 hostages, according to Israeli Palestinians have sought shelter in but the army provided no evidence Hamas’s political office said the fromtheschool. tallies. Gaza’sschools,mostofwhichhave ofthat. dead did not include a single A spokesperson for Palestinian Since then, nearly 40,000 been closed since the war began 10 An Israeli army official said the combatant.
President Mahmoud Abbas, Nabil Palestinians have been killed in the monthsago. part of the mosque that was struck A separate strike on Saturday Abu Rudeineh, urged Israel’s ally IsraelioffensiveinGaza,according Around 350 families had been wasreservedformen. killed three Palestinians in Al- Washington to put an end to “blind to the health ministry, which does sheltering at the compound, Bassal “This was verified by Nuseirat in central Gaza and support that leads to the killing of not d
n said - some of the hundreds of intelligence, and the strike was another killed one person in nearby thousands of innocent civilians, combatantsandcivilians. thousandsofPalestiniansdisplaced carried out using three small, DeirAl-Balah,medicssaid. includingchildren,women,andthe Health officials say most of the byIsrael’sonslaughtonGaza. precise munitions which cannot Later in the day an Israeli strike elderly”. fatalities have been civilians but
The upper floor housing cause the scale of damage that the killed three Palestinians in Rafah, Egypt, Qatar, the United Arab Israel says at least a third are familiesandthelowerfloor,usedas Palestinians are reporting,” the near the border with Egypt, where Emirates, SaudiArabia and Turkey fighters. Israel says it has lost 329 amosque,werebothhit,hesaid. officialsaid. the Israeli army has operated since allcondemnedthestrike. soldiers in Gaza, while Iranian-
The Israeli military said the It was not immediately clear May,medicssaid. Senior Hamas official Sami backed Hamas does not publish its deathtollwasinflated. whichfloororfloorsthevideoshad Separately, the Israeli military Abu Zuhri said it should serve as a casualties.
- Civil defence teams are working to recover bodies of 58 passengers, four crew killed in fiery crash in Sao Paulo state
As recovery efforts continue, questions swirlaroundthecauseofthecrash.
A report on Friday from Brazilian television network Globo’s meteorological Authorities in Brazil are working to Local airline Voepass’s plane, anATR 72 plane, physical characteristics, documents centresaidit“confirmedthepossibilityofthe determinewhatcausedaplanetocrashinSao twin-engine turboprop, was headed for Sao and belongings such mobile phones were formation of ice in the region of Vinhedo”, Paulo state, killing all 62 people on board in Paulo’s international airport with 58 being used to aid in identification, firefighter and local media cited experts pointing to one of the worst aviation incidents in the passengers and four crew members when it Maycon Cristo said at the crash site on icingasapotentialcause. SouthAmericancountry’shistory wentdownonFriday
Lieutenant Colonel Carlos Henrique Civil defence teams worked through the Theairlinehadreviseditsinitialdeathtoll “Once all this evidence has been BaldioftheBrazilianairforce’scentreforthe night into Saturday to recover the remains of down to 61, but on Saturday brought it back collected, we will remove the victims from investigation and prevention of air accidents passengers and crew members killed when upto62afterfindingapassengerwhowasnot thewreckageandplacetheminthevehicleto told reporters in a Friday news conference the Voepass airline flight crashed in a fiery ontheoriginallistofnames. betransportedtoSaoPaulo,”headded. that it was still too early to confirm whether infernonearthecityofVinhedo. “The person is a passenger who was not
Relatives of the victims have also icecausedthecrash.
At least 21 bodies had been recovered on the list of names released last night travelled to Sao Paulo to help provide
Theplaneis“certifiedinseveralcountries from the site by Saturday morning, with two because, for technical reasons, his identity genetic material for DNA identification of to fly in severe icing conditions, including in victims identified on site, the Sao Paulo state had not been confirmed,” Al Jazeera’s body parts and other information on the countries, unlike ours, where the impact of government said. All the bodies are being MonicaYanakiewreportedfromSaoPaulo. dead, said Henguel Pereira, coordinator of ice is more significant”, said Baldi, who movedtoSaoPaulo’spolicemorgue. The position of the bodies on the crashed the Sao Paulo state government’s civil headsthecentre’sinvestigationdivision.
The students of Phillipai Village in the Upper Mazaruni of Region Seven will soon benefit from their own secondary school that will be built by Prored Resources at a cost of $275,230,000.
A c c o r d i n g t o informationpublishedbythe National Procurement and Tender Administration Board (NPTAB), the $275 millioncontractwasrecently
awarded to Prored Resources. The project is being executed through the MinistryofEducation.
K a i e t e u r N e w s understands that when completed, the new secondary school building will allow for the closure of theprimarytop(asecondary department in a primary school) present in the village.
Phillipai Secondary is one of several secondary schoolstheMinistryintends tobuildinthehinterland.
Minister of Education, Priya Manickchand and the contractor turning the sod for the new wing at the Tucville Secondary School.
It was reported that currentlytheDCCaesarFox Secondary School in Waramadong is the only secondary school in the UpperMazaruniDistrict.
InadditiontoPhillipai,a new secondary school will be built at Jawalla Village and when completed, the twoschoolswillhelptoease the overcrowding at the DC Caesar Fox Secondary School.
It was also reported that this year the Ministry of Education was allocated some $74.4B, a portion of which will be used for the construction, rehabilitation, extension and maintenance ofeducationalfacilities.
M e a n w h i l e , t h e Education Ministry on Friday turned the sod to construct a new wing at the Tucville Secondary School inGeorgetown.
The construction of the new wing is aimed at enhancing the learning environment for students andstaff.
According to the ministry, the project valued at$74,910,780,isscheduled to be completed within six monthsbycontractorKaveri Procurement Logistics and Investments Inc. The new structureissaidtoinclude16 modernclassrooms.
Minister Manickchand on Friday said “this expansion is a critical investment in our children’s education and our country’s future. The new classrooms and facilities will greatly enhance the learning environment, reflecting our commitment to providing every student with access to qualityeducation.”
Thisnewspaperreported that the Ministry has embarked on an aggressive programmetoensurethatthe nation’schildrenhaveaccess tosecondaryeducation.
From page 56 battle when he flattened
The new ball was taken to Markram at second slip, truncated, it was absorbing. Holder’s off stump in his as soon as it became and Roach was struck just Matters resumed with South tenth over Three balls later, available but South Africa under the knee-roll on the Africa 13 overs away from Keshav Maharaj had Joshua stuck with the spinners front pad and given out lbw thesecondnewball,andthey da Silva caught at mid-on to Markram went on to bowl an Hereviewedonlytoseethree restarted with spin from both claimhisfourthwicketofthe eight-over spell before being reds on the replay from ballends, which meant Aiden innings. replaced by Kagiso Rabada, tracking. Markram had to begin the Maharaj would have had who took his 292nd Test
Attheotherend,Maharaj day’s proceedings Jason five in his next over when wicket with this fourth ball. kept going and only ran into Holder immediately took the KemarRoach,on0,poppeda Bedinghammadenomistake troubl
l opportunity to put pressure chance up off the outside atfirst-slipandtookthecatch Warrican took him on on South Africa’s white-ball edge in the direction of to dismiss Kavem Hodge. Warrican hit Maharaj over captain and creamed the first David Bedingham at silly
his head for six at the start of ball through the covers for point It needed quick continued to dismantle West his38thover-andhebowled four He went on to hit reactions and a bit of luck to I
all 38 in succession - and Markram over mid-off and stick,but the balljust evaded Gudakesh Motie met a full then over long-on for six toward deep midwicket, but Bedingham’s outstretched delivery by closing the face moretwoballslater Markram won the mini- righthand. ofthebattooearlyandedged Jayden Seales also showed some positive intent and ended Maharaj’s 39th over by hitting him over midwicket for four Maharaj was denied the opportunity to get his tenth Test five-for by Lungi Ngidi, who replaced Rabada, bowled Sealestotakehisfirstwicket of the match Maharaj bowled 40 overs, unchanged - from the Media Centre end, acrosstwodaysintotal. With more rain expected on Sunday, South Africa were in a hurry to score as many runs as possible. So, Markam and de Zorzi went out with intent. They were busy at the crease and quick between the wickets Markram showed his class with back-to-back cover drives off Roach’s second over In the last over of the day,deZorzihitSealesinthe air through point for four, and two balls later, reached forawideballandgotathick outside edge. Hodge, at first slip, hesitated for a millisecond and ended up getting both hands to the ball but dropped it to end a disappointing day for West Indies.
From page 53
veteransarebrimmingwithconfidencethattheirchargeswill shinebrightlyatthisforum.“Wehaveagreatcropofboxers, allreadytothrowdownthegauntletandwintheirrespective bouts,”declaredMr Poole.Hesaidthatallofhischargesare well-prepared for the upcoming assignment while the coaches are ready to accept the retained ‘prestigious accolade.’
Quizzed on the eventuality of an upset, Poole declared, “While not being impossible, such an outcome is highly improbable.”Hesaidthatheisawareofthehardworkofthe otherteamsacrosstheterritoryandtheirambitionstoliftthe championship trophy “Notwithstanding, the Guyanese boxers are focused and have been extremely disciplined duringtheirtrainingschedules,”hereaffirmed.
The tournament will see 7 teams joining the host nation and defending champion, Guyana, all eager to procure the top accolade. Among them are Trinidad and Tobago, Barbados, Grenada, Bahamas, Suriname, Antigua and Barbuda,andStLucia.
The march past and opening ceremony are scheduled to get underway next Friday, August 16 at the Games venue, NationalGymnasium,MandelaAvenue.
You've worked hard for your money, Aries, and today you should reap the benefits of your efforts Earnings, investments, property valuesall should be worth considerably more than they wereayearago.
Alovepartnermayhaveheard some great career news today and want to take you out to celebrate. Go - no matter what youhavetoreschedule.
Relations with family and other household members should be at their very best today, Gemini. If you see colleagues outside of work, they could also be congenial andsupportive.
Words of love could be exchanged between you and your romantic interest today Obstacles to open and honest communication have been cleared away in the past few weeks.
Moneymattersshouldbegoing wellforyounow,Leo,sotoday you might decide to make a long-desired expenditure for your home You might decide to buy furniture, do some redecorating, or even purchase anewhome
VIRGO(Aug 23–Sept 22)
You should look especially goodtoday, andfeeloutgoing and charming Friends, neighbors, and strangers may comment on how great you look. Communicationis apt to be warm, informative, and supportive.
Your imagination should be flying high today, Libra, and your creative juices flowing freely. Exceptional ideas for projects involving writing, music, or painting could pop intoyourheadduringtheday
SCORPIO(Oct.23–Nov 21)
If possible, a social event could take place today involving a small number of friends you may not have seen foralongtime.You'llfeelgood about catching up and meeting excitingnewpeople,too.
SAGIT(Nov 22–Dec.21)
Have you been pursuing a career involving the creative arts, Sagittarius? If so, news of an upcoming success could come your way today This is a gratifyingdayforyou.
A friend who lives far away might call or email you today, Capricorn. Your friend may be planning to visit your area and want to get together with you. This should make you very happy
AQUARIUS(Jan.20–Feb. 18)
Does your job have a good profit-sharingplan,Aquarius,or do you own company stock? If so, expect to hear that its value has skyrocketed beyond what anyone had hoped This is worthy of celebration and your colleaguesshoulddojustthat
Romance should be going beautifully for you today, Pisces. Your romantic partner looks especially attractive and probably is in a great mood. You might decide to attend a lecture together or plan a weekendgetaway
Boxing pundits of
“Pride comes before a fall.” yesteryear can fondly Simply put, local punchers reminisce of those nostalgic canillaffordtolightlyregard moments as spectators of the ambitions of their amateur boxing cards in the Caribbean counterparts as Cliff Anderson Sports Hall they, the latter group, have (CASH). Those were the all indicated that they are days when Guyana engaged focused and good and ready in bilateral sports activities tocartoffthespoils. with the mighty Cubans and
T h e c o a c h e s a r e matchedthosepowerhouses, extremely important to the poundforpound. matrix and even as the
Of all the variables that pundits cheer the boxers to pushed the local team to victory, they will be keenly victory, crowd support has observing the input of the beenthemostdefinitive.The coaches.
Caribbean Schoolboys/girls dominance and might want pundits may remember
Terrence Poole and boxing title. The uninitiated toshrugasideanypossibility ‘Starry,’thetypical‘diehard’
Lennox Daniels are the may evaluate the history of of a loss by this power team. ofthesport,prancingaround coachesinchargeofthelocal the t
ament and However, as the popular the Cliff Anderson Sports team’spreparationandboth G u y a n e s
s ’ Guyanese saying goes, Hall(CASH)andwavingthe (Continued on page 56) Golden Arrowhead (and the Republican flag) while engaged in victory chants.
S u c h s u p p o r t w a s instrumental in upheaved team spirit and eventual victory
Who could forget the epic battle between local pugilist, Anthony Andrews and his Cuban counterpart, JoquainCampanioni? How many of our current boxing supporters could regurgitate the memories of past-time boxers, the likes of Darius Forde, Winston Richards, and the Houstner brothers, Dereck and Allan, among others, punching out victories over the mighty Cubans?
Those were epic moments as thosewarriors flew the Golden Arrowhead with distinction,turning in performances that inspired t h e s p e c t a t o r s a n d strengthened local boxers’ standing as legitimate forces.
Boxing is a sport where the pugilists employ the strategies doled out by their coaches and in the end, the entire team wins. However, while the coach and his m e t h o d o l o g i e s a r e oftentimes the deciding factor of the boxers’ triumphs, it is the support of the spectators that could make that difference and inspire the local boxers to epicvictories.
Next week, Friday 13thGuyanese amateur boxers will stepinto the limelight, against several of their Caricom counterparts, in defense of the prestigious Winfield Braithwaite
ENet, Guyana’s only in action. We have gone Most Wickets, and Player of bowler (lowest economy with sponsors, the finals and Jacobs’ Jewellery, Digital locally-owned and leading further, and the quarter-final the Final. Each winner will rate—minimumof24balls). Cricket For Charity match Technology, First Change
ons matches will be on show receive a Smart TV and a It will bring over involving President Dr. Builders Inc, KFC Guyana, company will broadcast the ENet is certainly helping to $75,
G$3.4M being distributed in Irfaan Ali has been brought Hoosein’s Security Services, quarter-final matches of the take this sport to higher compliments of Regal cashprizes. forward to Saturday, August NEW GPC Inc., Building second Kares One Guyana heights”, John Ramsingh of Stationery and Computer M
T10TapeballBlastsetforthe FLSportnoted. Centre.
Goldsmith has opted to Matches at the National OfficeMax, Sankar’s Auto Enmore Community Centre The organiser also Assuria Insurance will increase the prizes for each Stadium will commence Works, ENet, Avinash Groundtodayfrom09:30h. reminded those who wish to present a motorbike, and Player-of-the-Match from from 15:00h and run into the Contracting and Scrap Metal
nal experience the live thrills at $85,000 will go to the Most the quarter-finals. From now evening. Inc., Trophy Stall, ANSA
thevenuethat“theonlything ValuablePlayer
Corruption vs Montra you need to do is come early
The Kares One Guyana
Additionally, $100,000 jewellers will donate a silver T10 Blast also enjoys the Camille’s Academy, R Jaguars at 09:30h, Tarmac and secure a parking spot, as will be split equally between chain to each Player-of-the-
s Kisson Contracting Service, Titans vs. Mahdia at 11:30h, admissionisfree.” the Kawasaki Super Striker Match. Engineering, Banks DIH Ministry of Human Services Titans All-Stars vs The According to Ramsingh, of the tournament (player A
Limited, Montra Restaurant and Social Security, RS53 Guards at 13:30h, and each of the four winners will with the highest strike organisers indicated that due and Lounge, Demerara RestoBar and Lounge, Brooklyn Youth Strikers vs. pocket $100,000 while each rate—minimum of 12 balls) to unforeseen circumstances Mutual, ETS, Metro Office Samaroo Investments, and DiamondGunnersat15:30h. loser will get $30,000, for a and the Most Economical and based on discussions and Computer Supplies, Coel’sBoutique. Matches will be on E1, total payout of $520,000, and those on the go can sponsored by the Ministry of access it from the efficient Culture,YouthandSport. Dream TV app on their He elaborated that, at mobiledevices. minimum, each of these
Additionally, FL Sport eight teams will regain its willhavethematchesliveon entrance fee of $25,000, YouTube,itsmobileapp,and while the winner receives an itswebsite. earlybonus.
“We are extremely Each of the losing semithankful for the support of finalists on August 24 will ENet, a transformative force take home $250,000, i n t h e l o c a l compliments of Premier telecommunications sector Insurance.
Last year, they broadcast Second-place–$500,000 matches from the National from SuperBet Guyana, and Stadium, and many people the winner pockets $1.5M got to see the matches from fromStarRentals. the comfort of their homes More so, players will vie and see many budding stars for the titles of Most Runs,
The entire country is buzzing are: Stat,
Loyal Company, With this year’s Guyana Cup purse for the 16th running of the Beckham James, John Bull, Olympic being the most significant in the Guyana Cup which takes Kremlin, Nova Sol, Stolen Money, Caribbean, horses from various
centre stage today, (Sunday S t o r m y Vi c t o r y, O y Ve y, countries will be out to battle for August11)atRisingSunTurfClub. RitornaVincetoriandEasyTime. supremacy Jockeys from abroad are
This Jumbo Jet Thoroughbred
The first of 10 races will be the L- also in the country, preparing like their RacingCommittee-organizedeventwill Non-Earners, which is expected to start localcounterpartsforSunday’srace. see the country’s top horses and newly at11:50am.RacetwowillbetheLClass Scattered showers past through the importedhorsesfromvariouscountries, event, which starts at 12:25h and is ancient county of Berbice during the battleforover40milliondollarsincash followedbytheKClassat13:00h. past week, but the track remains firm to andprizes. Race 4 is the J Class race at 1:35h, displayhigh-qualityhorseracing. Fans from abroad have already and Race 5 is the H Class event at Rising Sun Turf Club will be secured tickets to the most exciting 14:15h. Race six will be the F Class transformed into an electrifying horse race event of the year. Defending race, which is expected to be run off at atmosphere for the entire family Close champion,EasyTimewhodrewoutside 14:50h. to 100 horses confirmed entry for the gate 12 at last week’s drawing is the The two-year-old race is set for grand-one day races. Kids will be favorite to win again. The feature event 15:25h, followed by the Open Sprint at treated to a fun park, and fans will be which will have 12 horses provides 16:00h.The penultimate race of the day thrilled to have great vibes when the DJ strong competition and sets up a will be the Derby at 16:35 hours, while competition takes centre stage after the mouthwateringcontest. thefeatureeventwillbethefinalraceof race. Additionally, a roster of local
Horses entered and respective gate theday,whichisexpectedtocommence artists are confirmed to add more positions for Guyana Cup feature event at17:30h. entertainmenttotheatmosphere.
It was a monumental day for cricket in growthasanation.
President Ali alongside GCB President Bissoondyal Singh, Prime Minister Mark Phillips among fellow Ministers and the players pose with their cricket kits yesterday.
…“Cricket is not just turning up and holding a bat when you’re talented, you have to give more of yourself” - President Ali
areaslikeRegion7andHinterlandregions,in lawsofcricket,somethingthatcanhelpGCB Guyana yesterday, as His Excellency Singh dubbed the move as “A truly ordertoharvestthenaturaltalent. in their mission to correctly grow the sport President Dr Irfaan Ali made a historic historic occasion”, while speaking on “Ibelievethattherawtalentthatexistsin acrossthevariousfacets. presentation of cricket gear to hundreds of opportunitiesbeyond sports such as access to these regions can add to cricket”, while “Investment in sports is a huge part of the Guyana Cricket Board (GCB) Academy universities,addingthatnowisthe“Besttime calling for the return of the ‘Ball in sock’ oneGuyanamovement.Bynextyearwe’llbe players, who were the first set of tobeasportspersonorayoungprofessional.” setup in every cricketer’s home, urging them hosting international cricket in Region 6 at beneficiariestoofficiallybeapartofwhatis Delivering his feature address, His to spend less time on devices and focus more theStadium”,addingthatthegovernmenthas expected to be a magical journey for the Excellency opened up by saying “Today is onhittingtheball. already put in a request to host the complete sport. not about cricket but holistic living. We “Cricketisnotjustturningupandholding Women’s CPL tournament at Anna Regina
Among the high-profile Cabinet believethattheplanswehavecanhelpcreate a bat, when you’re talented and gifted you nextyear. members present alongside President Ali, an ecosystem for cricket,” said the country’s have to give more of yourself,” saidAli, who Region10’scricketvenuewillbedoneby was Prime minister Mark Philips, Finance leader called on the players to not become too year end while the indoor facility at Minister Ashni Singh, Minister of Sports Citing the need to deliver firsthand the carried away by their talents or skills, but Providenceisalmostcomplete;withplansfor Charles Ramson Jr, Minister of Foreign gear and equipment needed to help foster a rather find a more humble, dedicated a 20 acre cricket academy on the East Coast Affairs Hugh Todd, Minister of Housing strong developmental structure across approach to mastering their skills as already in progress, all part of the President’s Colin Croal, Minister of Health Dr Frank Guyana,theprojectwassolelyundertakenby professionals. visionforcricketdevelopment. Antony and Home Affairs Minister Robeson President Ali; who ensured that hundreds of He added that barring natural Talents and Meanwhile,PrimeMinisterMarkPhillips Benn. current and upcoming Guyana Cricket Board gifts, players could easily keep their skills called yesterday’s presentation to the kids, Hundreds of young cricketers from the (GCB) Academy players are now more dormant should they not take the time to “Strategyinaction”,addingthatexpansionof Essequibo, Berbice and Demerara sets of the equippedforthejourneyahead. nourishorbuildonit. cricket in Guyana, will inevitably help the GCBAcademy,wererecipientsofbats,balls, WiththeGCBAcademyspreadingacross The President challenged the Attorney West Indies team on their way to reclaiming pads, helmets and other accessories which areasasfarasMoruca,PresidentAlicalledon General and Minister of Legal Affairs Anil their tag as best in the world again. (Clifton made up the kit, presented individually to the Board to place emphasis on other rural Nandlall to prepare manuals on rules and Ross) eachboyandgirlattheArthurChungCenter, EastCoastduringSaturday’sgroundbreaking ceremony
During his opening speech, Minister Ramson said the day was a monumental one for cricket, the government and Guyana as a whole.
“Today is a historic day, there has never been a single day that this large investment is being made for young cricketers across the entirecountry,”saidtheSportsMinister Ramson took the opportunity on the behalf of the Ministry of Sports, to laud President Ali for being a leader who loves cricket and is driven by a desire to see the sport soar to its highest heights; through a number of countrywide endeavors, projects andprograms.
The Sports Minister said Guyana is on a preparation course for the 2028 Olympics, where for the first time ever, Guyana will be aimingtobeapartoftheglobalevent.
FinanceMinisterAshniSinghsaidhewas privileged to join President Ali on such a historic occasion for Guyana’s continued
Jason Holder loses his off stump (AFP/ Getty Images)
(ESPNCricinfo)-ATestthatseemeddestinedforadraw issetforathrillingfinalday,weather-permitting,afterSouth Africa grabbed the game by the scruff of the neck on the fourth evening. Despite having only two hours of play on Saturday,SouthAfricatooka124-runfirstinnings’leadafter they bowledWest Indies out for 233 and then scored 30 runs infiveoverstoputthemselvesinapositiontopushforawin.
Rain has affected every day of thisTest so far, and with a yellow-level alert in place and more than 50mm of rain in someareasoftheisland,itseemedthematchwouldmeander, if go underway at all, today But, after a six hour delay, play started at Queen’s Park Oval and South Africa took control. TheyforcedaWestIndiancollapseof6for60in16.1oversto ensuretheywerebattingagainbytheendoftheday
Giventheamountoftimelostoverall,andparticularlyon the first and fourth days, that this much has happened is impressive enough. Only 15 overs were possible on day one and30werescheduledfordayfourandthoughtheactionwas (Continued on page 56)