ExxonMobil charters one of the world's largest cargo planes to bring in specialised drilling and exploration equipment for its operations in the Stabroek Block. The Antonov AN-124 Ukrainian aircraft Landed at the Cheddi Jagan International Airport Sunday afternoon.
Body of woman found in trench at Eccles dumpsite road
Govt's Dubai sugar revival hopes fall flat
New medical centre in pipeline for ExxonMobil’s employees
On December 17, 2020 the headline screamed from the governmentcontrolled Guyana Chronicle 'Dubai sees sweetness in Guyana's sugar”. The article was based on a visitbyan eight-member delegation from the United Arab Emirates (UAE) late2020.
The team which was led by his Highness,SheikhAhmedDalmook Al Maktoum of Dubai, met with President Irfaan Ali, Agriculture Minister, Zulfikar Mustapha and other senior Government officials. Mustapha later told the Guyana Chronicle that he highlighted the opportunities in agriculture to the investors, placing specific emphasisonsugar “Theyindicated their willingness to invest, so anotherteamcamebackrecentlyto look at sugar, a team from
GuySuCo (The Guyana Sugar Corporation) accompanied the visiting team on a tour of all the estates.Sotheywentandexamined all the estates already,” Minister Mustapha had said during an interviewwiththestatepaper
TheGuyanaChroniclereported back then that the visiting team comprisedmainlyexperts,whohad a specific task of analysing the operations and viability of Guyana's sugar estates. “I had a chatwiththemaftertheirvisittothe estates and they seemed very interested, remember they are technical people and not policy makers, so whatever they observe theyhavetotakebacktothepolicy makers, but they were impressed with the sugar industry in Guyana, in terms of investing and so on,” saidtheagricultureminister Dubai isnostrangertosugar,asthisState
ishometotheworld'slargestportbased sugar refinery, Al Khaleej SugarCo.
Fast forward to August 2024 almost four years later Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo was asked by this newspaper: “In 2020 President,Aliwouldhavemetwith a team from Dubai as there was a companythatwaslookingtoinvest in the sugar industry Can you say whathappenedwiththisventure?”
In response Jagdeo said that, “The President has met with a lot of
people who might be interested in sugar, and we still have…that's an option that is actively being explorednowaboutgettingprivate equity into the sugar industry. So that is still under active considerationbutifitdidn'thappen by now since you've asked now it meant that the terms of the engagement may not have been favourable to Guyana and that is why a descision wasn't made.”
He added, “Since you're asking now I can't give you a specific
answer to that question because I don'tremember.
You are talking about 2020 somebody approached us in 2020, but if it didn't move forward that mayhavebeenthemajorfactorwe alwayslookoutforwhatisbestfor o u r c o u n t r y ”
Thesugarindustryhasbeenfailing for a number of years and yet the government continues to pump billions into it. Only last week the NationalAssemblyapproved$40B (Continuedonpage19)
The eight-member delegation from Dubai meeting President Irfaan Ali and other senior government officials back in 2020
Norton slams ExxonM deal in interview with UK media
...but afraid to commit to renegotiatinglopsidedcontract
OppositionLeader, Aubrey Norton while still afraid to commit to renegotiating thelopsided2016Production Sharing Agreement, signed by the Coalition government
with Exxon, recently criticised the deal in an interviewwithTheGuardian, aUK-basedmediahouse.
In its article published lastmonthundertheheadline 'Guyanabanksonfutureasa 'new Qatar' in high-stakes gamble over oil production' TheGuardiansaidtheLeader of the Opposition criticised the low royalties being paid toGuyanaasperthetermsof the agreement the country signed with American oil giant, Exxon Mobil and partners, Hess Guyana
Exploration Ltd and CNOOC Petroleum Guyana Limited.
That contract, often describedastheworstoildeal in the world, positions Guyana to receive a meagre 2% royalty and 12.5% of profits generated Each month, Exxon and its CoVenturerstake75%oftheoil to repay its investments across the oil rich Stabroek Block The remaining portion, 25% is split with
According to the report by The Guardian, the leader of the opposition, criticises theroyaltiesandtermsofthe contract signed with ExxonMobil and the policy ofdistributingthebenefitsof oil,butdoesnotquestionthe exploitation.
He said, “Oil allows us the resources to develop the country Thedownsideisthat you have a government that isn't focused on the developmentofthepeopleof Guyana.”
intheinterviewdidIsaythat. What I did say was, that the law provides for action to be taken to ensure that the people of Guyana benefit from our resources, and that the contract provides for changes to be made in keeping with Article 31.2 of the Agreement and that the PNCR will do everything withintheconfinesofthelaw to ensure our people get increased benefits from the oilandgassector.”
The Leader of the Opposition in the initial article spoke at length about G u y a n a ' s c h a n g e d circumstances, compared to when the deal was first signed,injustifyingtheneed forchangestothecontract.
Norton, who leads the largest Opposition party in the Guyana, the People's National Congress Reform (PNC/R) has been afraid to commit to renegotiating the lopsided Exxon deal should he be elected to govern the country
In April 2022 Norton issued a statement following an article published by Kaieteur News under the headline“Nortonbackscalls for renegotiation of oil contract”.Hesaid,“Nowhere
He explained that when Guyana drew up its first oil relatedcontract,therewerea lot of high risks associated withtheinitialprojects.
He said that as he understands it, the tendency of negotiations at the time, was to cater for those high r
uncertainty that surrounded thepresenceandvalueofthe resource.
“Nowthattheevidenceis there, that we have the oil resources,Ibelieveitisanew context and we must engage Exxon (Mobil) noting the new context,” Norton highlighted at the time Morerecently,thePNCRhas committed to engaging Exxonduringitsfirst50days in office for better terms should it be elected, though theOppositionLeaderisstill afraid to use the word “renegotiation”.
A renegotiation simply means entering into
discussionstoeffectchanges to an initial agreement
Stakeholders have called on Guyana to re-engage Exxon and its partners to secure a better deal for its people, whiletheleaderscontinueto refuse.
Only in February this year, Trinidad and Tobago's Minister of Energy and Energy Industries, Stuart Young told the Guyana Energy Conference that he stands ready to help Guyana renegotiate the lopsided ExxonMobil contract to ensureallGuyanesebenefit.
The conference hall was insilenceasYoung'sremarks
echoed through the Guyana Marriott Conference room. Young explained, “We in Trinidad and Tobago have spent the last seven years, afterdealingwithdecadesof contracts, renegotiating almost all of our contracts in thegasindustry.”
He also pointed out that the twin island in December last year achieved another significant milestone by becomingthefirstcountryin the world to restructure its Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) facilities, following five years of discussions across the table with BPand Shell.
To this end, Young said, “Itcanbedone,soourability to sit down right across the aisle and to share with those whoarenowenteringintothe negotiations of their PSCs (Production Sharing Contracts), their E&P (ExplorationandProduction) Licenses etcetera should not be underestimated because wehavedonethesamething in our gas supply contracts fortheupstream.”
Theministerwaskeento note that investors have not left the country because of T&T's effort to secure better termsforitspeople.
House approves $16 billion more for GPL to purchase fuel
The National Assembly on Friday approved the total sum of $16 Billion to purchase fuel for the Guyana PowerandLight(GPL)Inc.
The Committee of Supply first approved the sum of $4 Billion which is part of Financial Paper 1, and caters for advance the GovernmentofGuyana(GoG)took from the Contingency Fund to purchasefuelforthestateagency
Prime Minister Brigadier (Ret'd) Mark Phillips who had to give account for the advance, told theHousethatthemoneywasspent onsome547,000barrelsoffuelata costofUS$34perbarrel.
Opposition Member of Parliament (MP) David Patterson first asked for a breakdown of which area the fuel was used to supply
In response, Prime Minister Phillips said, “The fuel was supplied to the Guyana Power and Light and it
system where we are generating power for the people of Guyana who live in theDBIS,fuelsupply to Essequibo, fuel supply to Bartica. Wherever GPL operates their generators the money is utilised to supplyfuelandtocoverallGuyana PowerandLightoperations.”
Further, MP
lubricants the money was spent on what it was
appropriatedfor,thatistokeepthe lights on for the people of Guyana…”
During the evening session, Financial Paper 2 was up for consideration.
Thiscatersforanadditional$12 Billion for GPL. Responding to questions on this, Prime Minister Phillips stated that the money will bespent1,641,000barrelsoffuelat acostofUS$34perbarrel.
Again, in response to enquiries by MP Patterson, the Prime Minister said, “Minister Speaker justasIexplainedthismorning,the sumisforfuel. That is petroleum, oils and lubricants…in order to sustain the operationsofGPL.”
He further disclosed that the allocations will be used to provide the 36-megawatt power ship in Berbice with 1,125,222 imperial gallonspermonth.
OppositionLeader, Aubrey Norton
Opposition Member of Parliament (MP), David Patterson
We reported last week that Vice President Bharrat is prepared to go along with what ExxonMbil has told him regarding Guyana’s current oil reserves. At a news conference lastThursday he insisted that the reserves have not shifted significantly, although reputable US firm, S&P Global recently disclosed that the oil reserves currently stands at 18.7 billion barrels, an increase from a previous estimation by the Chairman of the Wales Development AgencyAsgarAllywhohadputthereservestoatleast15B barrels in May of this year Based on Jagdeo’s report last week the reserves have not significantly changed, which meansithasnotmovedtoofarfromthe11billionbarrelthat wasannouncedin2022.
Thatlastresourcecount,datedApril26,2022,declared therecoverableresourcefortheStabroekBlockatnearly11 billionoil-equivalentbarrels.Sincethen,Exxonannounced eightsubsequentdiscoveries,theSeabob-1andKiru-Kiru-1 wells,Sailfin-1,Yarrow-1,FangtoothSE,Lancetfish-1,and Lancetfish-2 wells, along with the recently announced Bluefin discovery It was revealed that the Lancetfish discovery, which was made inApril 2023, averaged some 100milliontons,whichisequivalentto746millionbarrels, according to the conversion formula of the Independent Petroleum Association of America. Yet Jagdeo is going along with ExxonMobil claiming that there was no significantincreasesincethelastupdate.
WehavesaidheremanytimesthatGuyanadoesnothave independentmetersattheoilpumpsoffshore,somuchofthe information regarding production is being fed to it by ExxonMobil- a company which cannot be trusted. Any Guyanese that places an iota of trust in what ExxonMobil doeshereneedstoobtainsomeprofessionalattention. Any national government, populated by patriotic leaders that thinkofExxonMobilasatrustedpartner,reallyoughttobe nowherenearthecorridorsofpower Wesayitasbluntlyas we can: ExxonMobil is not to be trusted, ExxonMobil has done little to garner credibility with Guyanese on their oil, has been as untrustworthy as they come when certain deplorable aspects of its presence here are weighed. The companyhasbeenfoundwanting,andbyalargemargin.
Inreverseorder,thereisthisfascinatingUS$214million in audit findings that was mysteriously shaved all the way downtoUS$3million.Rightnow,bothExxonMobilandthe PPPCleadershiphaveeggontheirfaces,anditisnotofthe freshly cooked kind. This US$214 million audit is a stink bombthatisnotlosinganyofitsaroma,evenasthePPPC Government labors around the clock to suppress the odors that intensify.Why did ExxonMobil engage in what it did, andhowcouldapartnershipthatcallsforthehighestlevels of reciprocal trust deteriorate to this ugly state? With the productionofoilsome120milesfromGuyana’sshoreline, this question takes on even more severity. With Guyana limited in terms of capacity and technology, and all the essentials of requisite expertise, the issue of trust becomes evenmoreurgent.
Then, there is this inexplicable matter of billions in oil expensesthattheGovernmentofGuyanaconcealsfromits owncitizens.Guyanesearetheonespayingtheseexpenses. Given what is taken out from their oil revenues, they have everyright,therefore,toseeeveryitemthatExxonMobilhas billed Guyana for under one project heading or the other Thisassumesanevengreatermomentumwhentheabsence ofring-fencingisgiventhesharpestgaze.
CouldExxonMobilbetrustedtobefairandprincipledin billingthiscountryforexpensesthatbelongonlytoouroil projects? We at this paper are insistent: NO! Should ExxonMobil be trusted to bill Guyana with accurate quantities and prices for materials and labor and systems said to be used in our oilfields? Again, our answer is a resounding:NO!
In focusing on ExxonMobil’s accounting books, the company was caught with its pants down, and it is a sight fromwhichGuyaneseturntheirfaces. ExxonMobilbilled
Freddie attacked me because I exposed the inconvenient truth of racism that the world knows about
I recently wrote three LetterstotheEditor Thefirst addressed the European Zoo like imagery of People of African Descent being asked to parade in African clothing t o r e c e i v e s m a l l Emancipationgrantsfromthe governmentofGuyana.
The second discussed the fact that Emancipation is not Freedom unless it has economic, political, cultural andsocialrightsandequityin the society that has been emancipated The third addressed the issue of a Parliamentary prerequisite to obtain inclusive government at the 2025 elections. No
P a r t y o b t a i n i n g a Parliamentary majority of 33 seats.
I sent these letters to the Kaieteur News, the Stabroek News,theGuyanaChronicle, the Village Voice, Demerara Waves, and the Guyana Times.TheGuyanaChronicle andtheGuyanaTimesdidnot print any of the three thereby signifying their continued commitment to censorship andracialbias.
Then suddenly, Freddie Kissoon,withcowardlypride, attacked me, not my ideas, in theGuyanaChronicle.Thisis his new dark cave where he has sought ethnic refuge and entrenchedhimself.
In my third letter, I explained how the last elections were a “period of terror” for People of African descent in Guyana as there was a carefully orchestrated campaign of racial hate of “Black people” on social media managed by experts who used strategic segmentation to espouse negative views of people of African Descent including using words like “hungry bellyniggers”.
Kissoon’s pathetic response to my ideas was to spend half of his article discussingVincentAlexander and IPADAG, then suggesting I am like Vincent Alexander This type of predatory and primitive analysis lacks both depth and
substance.Thisisbecausehis childlike mind informs Freddie that his readership needsthistypeofrawbloodto appreciate his daily schizophrenic diatribes. Poor Freddie.
Freddie Kissoon is a knownpathologicalliarashe denies he never heard the words“hungrybellyniggers” and challenged me to present evidence He ended his bizarre article by stating “I monitored the entire fivemonth period in 2020 of attempted rigging by the PNC, APNU, the AFC, and covert support from certain civil society groups like the Guyana Human Rights Association, Red Thread, SASOD, Transparency
International Guyana Chapter, and there was never any report of anyone using such a derogatory remark aboutAfricanGuyanese.This is the first time I am reading that such a statement by was made.
Eric Phillips should do the decent thing and supply the evidence or face being ostracised, like Tacuma Ogunseye and Rickford Burke”.
Really? Freddie did all this monitoring and didn’t find this campaign of ethnic fearmongering.
Well Freddie, attached to this letter to all the Editors in Guyana, is another document entitled “elections racism”. These are all Facebook and socialmediadocuments.
The folks were so empowered by the campaign that they have their photographs on their Facebook assault of Africans in Guyana. In essence, they felt good to put their faces to thisracialandpoliticalfrenzy ofhate.Especiallyracistwere the many quotes from the Facebook site named “PPPC Family”.
There were hundreds of commentsontheseFacebook pages, all showing a dark Guyana. Some pages were replayed on thousands of other pages And Freddie didn’tseeany Hasjournalism
GuyanaUS$460millionforpre-contractcostsfrom1999to 2015,butitsownaccountingsystemsdisclosetherevealing amount of US$368 million. This is how a US$92 million differentialgotbaggedandtaggedanddroppedonGuyana’s head. How can this company called ExxonMobil ever be considered as worthy of any smidgen of trust from any Guyanese? ExxonMobil is ripping off Guyanese, laughing allthewaytothebank,andactivelyseekingwaystogouge this country still more. Given all this, it is clear that ExxonMobil’s production numbers cannot be trusted. The samecanbesaidforeverythingthatitdoesoffshore.
gone to the dogs? I am sure many politicians, church leaders and NGOs saw these pages. I sent them to the Observers and to the United Nations
Well Freddie Kissoon, hereistheproof.
I will also share this with the Ethnic Relations Commission later this week as I have asked for a meeting withtheChairmanonanother matterthatisquiteexplosive. I hope the ERC gets on with the job of Social Inclusion instead of their mission of Social Cohesion. People of African Descent in Guyana want to be included not to be onsomesloganizedcampaign that tells them to be nice to everyonewhiletheyarebeing brutalised. I hope the ERC gets about the job of implementing the 66 United Nations recommendations, e s p e c i a l l y t h e recommendation about disaggregating data to show exclusion or inclusion in contractsetc. These recommendations are several years old. Why hasn’t Ravi Dev with his theoretical Ethic Impact Statements demand this s i m p l e s c i e n t i f i c analysis?Nowthetruthofthe matteristhatFreddieattacked me because I exposed the inconvenient truth of racism that the entire world knows about People of African descent in America, the Caribbean, Brazil, Colombia andAfrican states know this. It is not a secret Freddie. Just ask the Diplomatic communitylivinginGuyana.
In 2008, I wrote 7 letters entitled the African Renaissance in Guyana. He called me “Hitler” and questioned who gave me the right to speak on behalf of Africans in Guyana Of course,hecould.Wesawthis attitude repeated in Gweneva this April at the United NationsPermanentForumfor People of African descent. Here is a summary of the seven letters and the eleven principlesIespoused.
1. We build together, we sharetogether,weareone.
2. Shared governance is a fundamental“humanright”of AfricansinGuyana.
3.Stimulateculturalpride and the courage to prevail againstallodds.
4. Nurture a commitment to self-determination through self-employment.
5 A commitment to tackling the scourge of HIV/AIDS
6. The economic, social, cultural and political revitalizationofourvillages
7 Recapture the importance of a sound education as a basis for economicsustainability
8 Nurture and create Youth leaders committed to self-determination, selfemployment, respect for all cultures, justice, equity and theruleoflaw
9 Bring all African organizations and all African Leaderstogether
10 The African intelligentsia must immerse itself in the struggle to end poverty, ignorance and backwardness
11. African Guyanese to take control of their own destiny economically, politically, socially, psychologically and culturally
Freddie Kissoon has normalized schizophrenic idiocy
This ailment of his is surpassed only by his genetic dishonesty and learnt oxymoronicambivalence.
When in 2008, Freddie calledmeHitler,Irepliedthat he was living in a “Circle of Self” —— “Circle of Self”, namely: self-importance, self-deception, self-deceit, self-indulgence, self-denial and self-destruction. Freddie is part of a unique group in Guyana that have become vertically integrated “communal shells” of misinformation and misdirection.
Ravi Dev just wrote a deception and diversion on the Amerindian Act of 2006 not being reparations. Great goingguys.
My American Whie House Fellow classmate and lawyer insisted that I sue Freddie Kissoon in Guyana and the United States for “libel and criminal defamation” for calling me Hitler I did not. Perhaps I should. Is there a statute of limitation of character assassination?
I wonder if the Guyana Chronicle and Guyana Times willprintthisfourthletterand theFacebookexamplesIhave provided, given their attachmenttothepropaganda ofFreddieKissoon.
Elections rigging, is using‘illegitimate and undemocratic means of tilting the playing field clearly in the favour of one party or candidate at the expense of others.’ Since it involves human beings, a level of elections skulduggery is to be expected and the following categories have been identified: gerrymandering, vote buying, repression, denying media access, intimidating supporters of other parties, digital hacking, stuffing ballot boxes, multiple voting and duping the international
community Nicholas CheesemanandBrianKlass claim that to be safe, elections are best rigged longbeforeelectionsday,by which time only four main rigging options are available Two– multiple andillegitimatevoting-can be deployed while voting occurs and two –stuffing ballot boxes and tampering with the counting processcome into play once voting hastakenplace.‘Thesefour strategies have one thing in common, they can only work if the electoral c o m m i s s i o n i s involved’(Nicholas CheesemanandBrianKlaas (2018) How to Rig an Election. Yale University Press).
The British colonialists rigged elections against the Peoples’ Progressive Party (PPP) and were prepared to tolerate the Peoples’ NationalCongress(PNC)of Forbes Burnham doing so because they consideredand now the evidence that they were correct has
become public - that the PPPconstituted a threat to the international liberal democratic order From the Western standpoint, which I s h a r e , u n d e r n o circumstances should majorityrule-‘democracy’particularly one rooted in a stable ethnic allegiance, have been allowed to undermine the liberal order. In mitigation of its intended behaviour, at the independence discussions the British rulers offer shared governance, but the PPP, perhaps because, unknowing to the Guyana population, it had already made written commitments to take Guyana in the d
ance, refused. Immediately upon the fall of Soviet communism, the West supported free and fair elections, and these brought thePPPtogovernment.
But Guyana’s ethnic configurationthenturnedits destructivepowerinternally Onceaddedtoacompetitive democratic environment, a different kind of political disorderarosethat,although solvable, the local political elitehastodatebeenunable toresolve.Instead,theyhave beenpractisingandaccusing each other of all manner of
This is the operational context in which, with the 2025 elections in mind, a few days ago the Alliance For Change (AFC) ‘expressed dissatisfaction with the integrity of the electoral system, especially as it pertains to the voters list’ and called upon the chairperson of the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) ‘to provide a comprehensive update on the measures being implementedtoimprovethe system [and]assure the nation that the current system will inspire public confidence in the 2025 elections’(SN:03/08/2024).
The party noted that the bloated voters list has ‘contributedinnosmallpart to the resulting stand-off,’ i e the 2020 elections dispute now before the courts, of which the PPP is making the kind of huge politicalsonganddancethat has plagued this country since the return to ‘democracy’ in 1992. The AFC implored GECOM to stay within the law but in seekingtosupportthestatus quo,initsresponseGECOM sought to pass the buck by
taking refuge in ‘the law’ and the ineptitude of its directorate.
For example, ‘the introduction of biometrics requires legislative changes and, until such is enabled, GECOM cannot proceed with implementing such a feature’. When it comes to updating the electoral list, GECOM cannot update the
extracted therefrom except by way of the existing legal provisions. Then, a ‘motion on the introduction of biometricswasdiscussedby the Commission and a decision taken to conduct a feasibility study The feasibility study has since been completed and copies have been circulated to all m
’ The Commissioninformedthatit routinely updates the NRRDBbytheveryroutine methods - claims, objections, or continuous registration exercises – that AFC and others have found insufficient!
Assessing the legally truncated partial house-tohouse registration that was done by GECOM in 2019, theEuropeanUnion(EU) (Continuedonpage06)
Theworldisbecominga dangerousplaceascountries throughouttheworldpursue their own respective “farright”ideology
We have Russia invading Ukraine on the pretext that NATO was expanding on its borders
Then we have the UK Brexit and the rise of the far right which is gaining politicalsupport
Then we have India with its (new) mantra of India for Hindus as opposed to India for everyone
T h e n w e h a v e expansionist China
America with its rich supporting politicians withfar-rightagendas
Then we have Israel which is determined to wipe Hamas off the map
with some countries determined to wipe Israel offthemap
Then there is the EU that is considering increasing military spendingproposal Letus n o t
Confrontation and conflictseemthenorm. It is inevitable. War is coming. Safe havens are no more; nowhere feels safe anymore.
No one is listening to peacemakers anymore Instead, they are more concerned about whose ideologyisright.
They talk about AI (Artificial Intelligence) being an economic cureall without remembering that AI is a “tool” which can be used for good or bad
Then we are faced with Global Warming thatthreatensusall
But is there a United front? The answer is a resounding “NO” as every country is pursuing its own economic wellbeing to make its citizens wealthier regardless of thecost
O U R G r e a t Knowledge that we have gained over the Centuries have not made us any wiser; it is making us morebarbaric
The war that is coming will demonstrate whatismeant
, On Wednesday, August 7, President Irfaan Ali descended his royal throne and mingled with the common folks at Bourda Market.Itappearedtobean impromptu visit so, naturally, one would imagine that his utterances were in the same vein; spontaneous and lacking coherence, a rare illness endemicinAli’sgovernment and jokingly referred to by M&CC operatives as the ‘Garbage In Garbage Out’ (GIGO)epidemic.
L i k e a t y p i c a l chameleon, he continues to deceivethenationtoachieve his narrow political objectives, often casting aspersions and blaming otherswhen,infact,itishis government that should be
s h o u l d e r i n g t h e
responsibility and concomitant blame for the ineptitude of which he speaks.
Mr Ali has the gall to
blame the municipal government for crimes committed during the night at the Bourda Market, a stance even his councillors would find laughable. Just before spurting such unintelligible dogma, the esteemed President should realize that there is a strong
correlation between s o c i o e c o n o m i c policies/programs and crime; a breakdown of the former will, naturally, impactconcomitantlyonthe latter. Furthermore, the apparent reluctance of Ali’s administration to address
corruption in the public service will impact on other typesofcriminalactivitiesin otherareas.Theintellectuals refer to this as ‘The Boomerang Effect.’ One would expect a responsible government to implement relevant policies and programmes aimed at reducing/discouraging criminalactivitiesandtakea firm stance against public corruption, rather than the blame-shifting strategies being employed by Mr Ali andhismerryman.
The Capital City, G e o r g e t o w n , i s approximately 70 square kilometers, with an approximate population of 230,000. It features a vast network of roads, canals, and public open spaces, etc.
The functions and responsibilities of the municipal government are clearly defined under the Laws of Guyana Chapter 28:01 These include maintenanceofthedrainage network, roads, and burial grounds, restrictions upon subdivision of lots, public health services, and waste management disposal among other services. The provision of these services requires a huge financial outlay, which the council is presently challenged to achieve, not by its negligence, but due to the reluctance of the central government to firmly and genuinelysupporttheefforts of the legitimate entity (M&CC) in accruing its ‘pound of flesh’ from defaulting taxpayers
Further, the central government has thwarted investmentinitiativesbythe council through objections from the Local Government Minister and undue influence on administrative staff to stymie or delay implementation of investment initiatives. Such insensitive and unpatriotic attitudes are further compoundedbytheinability or unwillingness of most ratepayers to honor their obligation to the city and it seems that their reluctance stems from an affirmative nod from the power bosses within the government President Ali should have addressed that pertinent issue during his recent walk about (or should that be ‘TALK ABOUT?’) among thevendors.
Unsurprisingly, the bulk of those citizens and institutionsheavilyindebted to the city, comprise government and several business entities The Councilhas,inthepast,and continues to appeal to all delinquent ratepayers, to honour their obligations otherwise, the Council will be forced to resort to
applying the parate execution under Section 22 of Chapter 28:01, Laws of Guyana This gives the M&CCthepowertolevyon the properties of defaulters but is being regarded as the verylastresort.
It is reasonable to assume that PresidentAli is cognizant of the city’s financial challenges, therefore, he should have
been bellowing for all to hear, denouncing the inherent lawlessness exhibited by errant taxpayers. This is vital for the Council to effectively fulfillitsmandate.President
A l i h a s b l a t a n t l y demonstrated absolute disrespectfortheMayorand City Council and continues tomakeunilateraldecisions, implemented by PPP/C and central government operatives. Most of those decisions are lopsided and aredeleterioustothecitizens ingeneral.
Naturally, the result is unattainable outcomes due toalackofdetailedanalysis. One only needs to observe the haphazard placement of a containerized police outpost at the offload cargo bay of the Bourda market. Such decisions increase the dangertolifeandlimbandin a n y l a w - a b i d i n g atmosphere, would be treated as a criminal act.
Collaborating and consulting with the council would have yielded a more broad-based examination of the issue and a prudent commonsensical approach that would have ultimately benefitedthecity Wastedisposalisanother bugbear and here the city is currently facing two main challenges: a lack of contractual capacity and the reckless dumping of waste by both businesses and ordinary citizens The council is actively working with two contractors to improvement of their services, and we, the
directorate committee, are confidentthatthisissuewill be resolved soon. However, the indiscriminate dumping of waste reflects the lack of respect for the law by citizens and the Council is challenged in its efforts to contain or eliminate such unhealthy practices. The cold reality is that citizens are openly disregarding the
lawandAli’sadministration seems to be comfortable amidst the nonsense. But what else can one expect? Mr. Ali’s motives are clear; encourage lawlessness and then cast the blame on the innocent bystander. It appears to be a smart move but slowly, the people are realizingwhat’shappening
‘Elections skulduggery’...
Finalreportrecommendeda thorough update of the decade-old register well ahead of the next election cycle, based on inclusive consultations and political consensus.Atthesametime ensure greater effectiveness of the ‘continuous’ registration system by improving access – both in termsofgeographicalspread of registration offices and duration of the registration periods ’ The Caribbean Community 2020 recount group suggested that such a cleaningofthelistshouldbe the minimum condition beforethe2025elections.
Rigging elections by way of a bloated list’ has now become the modus operandi in Guyana and is the major reason why only just over 20% of the populationiscertaintheyare n o t m a n i p u l a t e d Notwithstanding, the PPP’s protestationstothecontrary, fromhisownexperiencesin ‘How the PPPand GECOM rigged the 2011 elections,’ Malcolm Harripaul (Commentary 12/02/2011) provided the following examples of PPP behaviour that fits well with the categorisation above Multiple voting, buying votes, PPP control of GECOM, GECOM creating obstacles to polling agents, polling places located at the homes of PPP supporters, phantom voting, ballot box tampering, PPP demanding recounts and GECOM securedballotboxes.
Please spare me the nonsense about foreign monitors certifying elections. There are many examples of the courts rejecting results after they were certified by such monitorsandofthemonitors acting in their own national self-interest!
During the 2020 elections process the chairperson of GECOM, having requested and received reports from the relevantstateofficialsabout elections skulduggery, concluded that they were of sufficientimporttocomeby
way of an election petition. The former GECOM Chief Elections Officer claimed that there were some 4,686 impersonations and other irregularities. In 2013, the court in Moldavia overturned a certified election when it found that 5,623ineligiblepersonshad voted. But it appears that Guyanese will not now receive the judicial adjudication GECOM recommended.
The EU election followupmissionof2023reported thatthepresentelectorallist remains problematical and that the ‘opposition is advocating that a new voter registerbecompiledthrough house-to-house registration combined with electronic capture of fingerprints, as well as advocating the introduction of biometric (fingerprint) verification of votersatpollingplaces.
The PPP/C government, ontheotherhand,prefersto improve the existing voter register through extended continuous registration and somewhat improved procedures for the removal of deceased registrants.’We shall see if the opposition willgoto,andhopetowinan election with the current list because the PPP does not wantitchanged!
The AFC requested recommendations from GECOM but GECOM passed the buck, and this indicates that the political elite has much work to do.
‘The freedom of a people largely depends upon its vigilance in designing, establishing and reforming i t s g o v e r n a n c e mechanisms to keep the political establishment in check However, the political context is, more or less, opportunistic and eventhemostwellthought through arrangements may prove inadequate for this task
Tomeetthiseventuality, apeopleneedtoalwayskeep its power dry’ (‘A people must keep its powder dry,’ (SN:02/07/2014).’
Regards Dr HenryJeffrey
If an independent oversight oil sector body like the Petroleum Commission is put in place, the already dubious utility of Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo will wither to zero.
If an independent oversight oil sector body is necessary, where is the strength, the value, in Oil Czar Jagdeo being anywhere near to Guyana's great oil patrimony.
We at this paper pull no punches, say it bluntly: the presence of a credible independent oil sector oversight body contributes to making Jagdeo into a liability. He becomes a burden that must be carried, no matter how distressing, no matter how repulsive, that thought may be.
New medical centre in pipeline for ExxonMobil’s employees
ODITC, a joint venture (JV) between Guyana's Orinduik Development Incorporated, Windsor
Technologies, and 3t EnerMechisexpandingitsoil and gas training center in Lusignan, East Coast Demerara to offer medical services to employees of ExxonMobilGuyana.
In the organisation's Project Summary, published by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), it wasexplainedthatthefacility will offer a range of testing and assessments, “critical to ensure all persons traveling offshore have received the n e c e s s a r y
testing/assessments as per Exxon and the Guyana government'srequirements.”
Services to be offered include TB skin testing; audiometry testing; OEUK (Offshore Energy UK) medical protocols (for the 0&G sector); fitness testing via Chester Step Test; preemployment and work visa medical testing as well as drug and alcohol testing (via urinalysisandbreathalyzer).
The institution said it planstoaddtheseservicesto its existing business so will not require additional construction activities Further, it outlined, “As the services are related to
medical it must be noted we will not be handling any
laboratory work associated withsuchabusinessoffering. Our services are largely physical and non-evasive testing.”
Meanwhile, with regard to safety of the operations, the Project Summary states that all persons performing t
assessments are qualified nurses and doctors, with all doctorsregisteredandindate
undertheMedicalCouncilof Guyana.
y, all equipment is controlled by the Quality Manager and medical personnel are provided with appropriate Personal Pro
Equipment(PPE)toperform necessary testing and assessments.
All biohazard materials willbepickedupbyMidway Specialty Care Center from thefacility OnSunday,there was no notice to the public published by the EPA, regarding the facility It also did not say whether the project will require environmentalstudies.
In 2022, ODITC became thefirstaccreditedcentrefor training and certification fromtheOffshorePetroleum I n d u s t r y Tr a i n i n g
Organization (OPITO) Founded in 1977, OPITO is t h e n o t - f o r- p r o f i t organisation that defines the standards in the offshore oil andgasindustry It was established to support the region's growing need to increase its oil and gastalent.
The new facility, according to the developers, obtainedtheOPITOapproval to train personnel across a range of rigger, banksman and slinger skills and competencies after meeting the strict criteria set out by the global skills organisation fortheenergysector
The more than US$20M facilityfeaturesitsownskills hall, welding and fabrication shop, rigging and lifting areas,technologysuiteanda 14ftdeepseasurvivalpool.
admits to buying and selling weed
A miner caught with marijuana in his possession on Saturday told police that he bought the drugs from Berbice, Region Six, to retail.
The miner, Ronel Trotman, 38, of Golden Grove,EastCoastDemerara, (ECD) was busted with 781 gramsofmarijuanainsideof his haversack along the trail at Itabali, Region Seven. Region Seven ranks were conducting an operation in theareawhentheystoppeda truck.
Trotman immediately said that the haversack belongs to him Police cautioned him about the illegal possession of drugs and he admitted that he sells marijuana.
“It is me weed; I buy it from Berbice to sell", he reportedly told police. He wasarrestedandispresently in custody at the Bartica PoliceStation.
Trotman was one of five passengers traveling on the heavy-dutyvehicle. While searching the truck and their belongings, police found a multicoloured haversack containingthemarijuana.
The Marijuana found in the miner's haversack
Has Jagdeo changed his position on the position of Foreign Secretary?
The Stabroek
News of May
1 7 t h 2 0 1 9 reported that then
Opposition Leader, Bharrat Jagdeo, as questioning the decision of the Granger administration to create the postofForeignSecretary
While he did not oppose the return of the former Minister of Foreign Affairs, Carl Greenidge, to the ministry to deal with border matters, Jagdeo questioned the range of Greenidge’s portfolio. He was quoted by the Stabroek News as asking, “He has become the ForeignSecretarywithinthe Ministry of Foreign Affairs with responsibility for the DepartmentofFrontiersand Territorial Integrity and the Department of Trade and Economic Cooperation. So what is the portfolio of the minister?”
Jagdeo was reported as evenqueryingthetitleofthe post of ‘Foreign Secretary’, pointing out that in the United Kingdom, the Foreign Secretary is the minister He asked, “What h a p p e n s t o t h e minister…andwhathappens
totheDirectorGeneral?”he added. Healsolatchedontothe issue of dual citizenship expressing concerns as of if the then Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo would have an issue with Greenidge in the position given Greenidge’s dual citizenship Readers will recall that this issue of dual citizenship was one of the
APNU+AFC government hadtodemitofficefollowing the legal challenges to the no-confidence motion. The court had ruled that it was unconstitutional for a member of the National Assembly to have dual citizenship
Fast forward to 2020, and the PPPC comes into office And one of its appointments was that of a Foreign Secretary in the Ministry of ForeignAffairs, a position given to a former MinisterofapreviousPPPC government. One must ask whether Jagdeo does not have a problem any longer with the title of ‘Foreign Secretary’ and whether it
overlaps or intrudes on the responsibilities of the substantive Minister of Foreign Affairs and InternationalCo-operation.
The public needs to be advised as to the division of responsibilities between the Minister and the Foreign Affairs and the Foreign Secretary I wonder if he is asked about this at his next pressconferencewhetherhe will say he has changed his position as regards the post and whether, if questioned aboutanypossibleoverlapin responsibilities between the Foreign Secretary and the Minister, whether he refers the reporter to the President ortheMinister
It is not clear also whether he holds the same objection, as he did in the past, to any dual citizen working within the Foreign Ministry as a high level. During his tenure as President, Guyana did have Honorary Counsels who were nationals of other countries or Guyanese with foreign citizenship who were appointed to such posts. Do we have any dual citizens working at Takuba
PresidentAli’s ‘GIGO’approach...
Frompage06 andwillrespondappropriately
The double standards of the Ali administration will backfire, and the stench would be far more nauseating than that of the huge piles of garbage
his government clandestinely approves Regards, LelonSaul LtCol(Ret’d) CouncillorM&CC
A day at de races
Horseracingisa mirror of class relations in society Dem boys seh, if yuh want fuh see who running things, go to the races.Isnotthehorseswho runthings,butthebigones sitting in the VIP stands. Dem with the fat wallets andtheflashyclothes.The ones who get free pass to watchdehorsesrunandget debestviewindehouse. But wha happen to de small man? De die-hard fans who keep de sport alive? De same small man who love de Sport of Kings, who bet he last dollar hoping fuh catch a break. He got to fork out $6,000 just fuh stand up in the sun or squeeze in like sardines in de stands, sweatinglikeifherunning the race heself. And if he
tek he family, well, he better be prepared fuh eat drybreadfuhtherestofthe week cause is $6,000 per head.
Dem boys seh, the big ones don’t worry ’bout de cost of living. They don’t have to. While de small man watching de race, he thinking ’bout how he gon pay de bills. De irony is thick.
The horses running at full speed, but is de small man who really running. Running fuh make ends meet,runningfuhpaydem bills, running fuh survive, running just fuh afford to go to de races. And at de end of de day, he $6,000 short.
Dem horses getting whipped to run faster. But at the end of the day, dem gettingthreesquaremeals.
In that same Stabroek Newsreportof2019,Jagdeo was also critical of what he deemed as sinecure appointments
A similar criticism has been made about such appointments in the present government in which Jagdeo is a Vice President. I wonder whether hedoesnotseetheirony
We have a situation whereGuyanahasaForeign Minister and a Foreign Secretary Thepublicshould be told of what are the responsibilities of the latter The website of the Foreign Ministry states that the present holder is also G u y a n a ’ s H i g h Representative for the
United Nations Security CouncilAffairsandCo-chair of U S -Caribbean High LevelAction Committee on FoodSecurity
Inrelationtotheformer, this column had long suggested that the holder of t h e p o s t o f H i g h Representative for the United Nations Security
Council should be permanently based in the United States This is especially because meetings of the Security Council can be called on an emergency basis, including late at nights.
Thepublicalsoneedsto be advised as to what has become of the position of Director General of the
Ministry of ForeignAffairs. This was a post that was usually reserved for the Head of all the diplomatic services. Thispostseemsto havebeenabolished.Hasit?
Ontheissueof“Director General” did you, the readers, know that the MinistryofAgriculturehasa Director General? Is this a publicservicepost?
(The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinionsofthisnewspaper.)
Some of dem in de stands wah cheering dem on, might only manage two. Dem horses living better thansomeofwe.
Dem boys seh, is not justaracetrack.Isamirror It show yuh the gap between the haves and the have-notsinthiscountry It show yuh how de rich live in a different world, while de small man struggling to evenstandupinthesunand watchtheshow
Sonexttimeyuhatthe races, remember who really winning. It ain’t the horse. It ain’t the jockey It’s the man sitting comfortableindeVIPbox, watching the rest of we sweatandstruggle.
But like dem boys always seh, is just another dayattheraces. Talkhalf.Leffhalf
Int’l Building Expo or Guyana Presidential Expo
If President Mohamed IrfaanAliwishestobetaken seriously, he must conduct himself with the seriousness befittinghishighoffice. His personal instincts may be to shout and scream, but he is not the British Beatles of John Lennon and Paul McCartneyfame.
HeisGuyana'sPresident Irfaan Ali, and he must always bear that in mind, whateverthecircumstances.
The International BuildingExpoattheSophia Center was one such recent circumstance. Truthbetold, I think that Guyana's PresidentAligotabitcarried away All the way to some Trinidadiancarnival,evenas far as Mars. Seeing that the USAmbassador,Excellency NicoleD.Theriothailsfrom Louisiana, the president's topofthechartsexpositionat pealing volume had to have reminded her of the New Orleans Mardi Gras bacchanals, which are wellmanaged riots in full flow, but under the covers of restraint and police rigor LikeWillimaFalknerwrote,
itwasallsoundandfuryand leaving nothing to the i m a g i n a t i o n O r longsuffering eardrums
Thanks for nothing, ExcellencyAli.
Ihavetriedtogivehima hand before. I must report failure; there is no listening. Butitismydutytotheleader andcountry(allcitizenstoo) to keep on trying with a bigger, bolder, and more determined hand for the big president.
Accepting losing has neverfeaturedwellwithme, so I persevere. I appreciate that the men and women, who are paid to guide the president are squeamish, or simply not up to the task beforethem. Butsomebody mustdothedirtyjobsaround here, so it might as well be me, since there are no volunteers. Icannotandwill not stand idly by and let my president self-destruct. His doing so in private is one thing (maybe even pardonable, if negligible), but not when he makes himself lesser in full public view ShoutinginSophiais
the silly season taken to extreme Shouting at microphone busting volume at the International Building Expo in Sophia is condemning Guyana's presidentandhispresidency intohillbillyterritory Asthe Brits would say, it is not proper form, just would not do. Where are those weak and absentee people around the president when he needs them the most? Why do all thenastyjobsinthiscountry must fall on me? Like making whispered recommendations in this public space to a dear nationalleader Likegiving himalookstraightintheeye andtheslightestshakeofthe head from side to side. No sir! Don't do that, don't go there Calm down Maintain a modicum of control. Easy does it, lower on the larynx too. Okay, that'stheticket. See,Iknew I had some usefulness to offer this country and its biggestpeople. Thefactisthatwhenever President Ali proceeds on one of his now patented
brawls, there are many Guyanese who hurry to crawl under the nearest, biggest rock; or up the highest, most convenient tree. Screamingatthetopof the lungs is most unbecoming of a president. Diplomats do their funny dances. But what President Ali did in front of them was as close to bellowing and skin stripping as I can remember hearing from anyone.
Thepresidentmaythink that his impressions of Chuck Berry or Little Richard was karaoke at its best. If asked, the foreign visitors at the Expo and the diplomatic community in attendance would quickly put that local leadership misimpression to rest. It painsmetoremindPresident Ali that he is the highest officer in this land called Guyana. He would do well to conduct himself as one that has the honor of such rank. He is not a drill sergeant on parade ground duty President Ali is the commander in chief. The
last thing that Guyanese need is another Donald Trump here. They already haveonepresentlyandthatis more than good enough for them.
Leave the bubbling over andbawlingouttothejunior fella,Dr President. Guyana hasonlyonesittingpresident and there are no points to prove.
WhydoIcare? Whyam Idoingthesethings? Imust be a sucker for more curses and stabs in the back. The reality is that I owe the president. JustlikeIhadthe bitter message to deliver to then President Granger (he and his group lost the elections,sohemustbowout gracefully), so I do for PresidentAli:pauseandtrya little listening, then take a graceful bow To state this differently,morecaustically: itistimetostoptheshouting and bouncing around as if a rapper and an overage bopper The worst idea that PresidentAlicouldentertain isthatheisBigE.Small,and that he is on display He is MohamedI(am)Aliandthe
BuildingExpowasnotadrill rapperconcert.
Iaidhimsomemore;this time I fall back on one of those storied Yankee sayings. From American Rough Rider, Theodore Roosevelt: speak softly and carryabigstick. Nottobeat people like me, but those who truly deserve such. I havesomenamesfromright inside his party, his office also For his political comrades, the charge is about felonies; for his servants, it is gross dereliction of duty, not protecting their president from himself. Like ah keep saying, it's a hard, thankless job,butthereisnonebutme to do it. Get better, Mr President. Andbeassuredof my best wishes. Messages delivered.
(Theviewsexpressedin this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the o p i n i o n s o f t h i s newspaper.)
Israel widens evacuation orders in Gaza
...Hamas wants plans for a deal instead of more talks
Strip (AP) — The Israeli military ordered more evacuations in southern Gaza early Sunday, a day afteradeadlyairstrikeonaschoolturned-shelterinthenorthkilledat least 80 Palestinians, according to local health authorities The airstrike was one of the deadliest attacksinthe10-monthwar
Hamas appeared to push back against resuming negotiations on Thursdayinpursuitofacease-fire. In a statement, it urged mediators United States, Egypt and Qatar to submit a plan to implement what wasagreedonlastmonth,basedon U S President Joe Biden's proposal,“insteadofgoingtomore rounds of negotiations or new proposalsthatprovidecoverforthe occupation'saggression.”
Israel has repeatedly ordered mass evacuations as its troops return to heavily destroyed areas where they previously battled Palestinianmilitants.
The vast majority of Gaza's population of 2.3 million people havebeendisplaced,oftenmultiple times, in the besieged territory 25 miles(40kilometers)longbyabout 7miles(11kilometers)wide.
The latest evacuation orders apply to areas of Khan Younis, Gaza's second-largest city,
including part of an Israelideclared humanitarian zone from whichthemilitarysaidrocketshad been fired. Israel accuses Hamas andothermilitantsofhidingamong civilians and launching attacks from residential areas The humanitarian zone has steadily shrunk during the war with the various evacuation orders
Hundreds of thousands of people have crammed into squalid tent camps with few public services or sought shelter in schools, though the United Nations says hundreds of those have been directly hit or damaged Khan Younis suffered widespread destruction during an airandgroundoffensiveearlierthis year Tens of thousands fled again lastweekafteranevacuationorder
The new order came in leaflets droppedfromthesky
As smoke rose on the horizon, hundreds of families carrying belongingsintheirarmslefthomes and shelters, seeking elusive refuge. One child carried a stuffed Hello Kitty doll as others walked throughrubble-filledstreets.
“We don't know where to go,” saidAmalAbu Yahia, a mother of three, who had returned to Khan Younis in June to shelter in their severelydamagedhome.Itwasthe fourth displacement for the 42-
year-old widow, whose husband waskilledwhenanIsraeliairstrike hittheirneighbors'houseinMarch. She said they went to Muwasi, a sprawling tent camp along the coast, but couldn't find space.
RamadanIssa,afatheroffiveinhis 50s, fled Khan Younis with 17 members of his extended family,
A Palestinian displaced woman by the Israeli air and ground offensive on the Gaza Strip flees from Hamad City, following an evacuation order by the Israeli army to leave parts of the southern area of Khan Younis, Sunday, Aug. 11, 2024. (AP Photo/Abdel Kareem Hana)
joininghundredsofpeoplewalking towardcentralGaza.
“Every time we settle in one place and build tents for women andchildren,theoccupationcomes and bombs the area,” he said, referringtoIsrael.“Thissituationis unbearable ” Gaza's Health Ministry,whichdoesn'tdistinguish
between civilians and combatants, saysthePalestiniandeathtollfrom thewarisapproaching40,000.Aid groups have struggled to address the staggering humanitarian crisis, while international experts have warned of famine.The war began when Hamas-led militants burst (Continuedonpage18)
Agri. Minister discusses medium, long term plans for Reg. Five
Agriculture Minister, Zulfikar Mustapha on Saturday said government is working to modernise the country's drainage and irrigationsystem.
The minister made the disclosure during a meeting with farmers from Prospect and other surrounding communities in Region Five (Mahaica Berbice), the ministry said in a press release. Minister Mustapha said that the government is currentlyworkingtodevelop an integrated drainage systemforthecountry
“We started that
programme with the constructionofthehigh-level HopeCanalwhenwewerein government prior to 2015.
When that canal was constructed, many persons were criticizing it, calling it 'Jagdeo'swhiteelephant'.We saw the usefulness of that canal when we had the flood in2021.Whilealltheareasin the country were affected, that area and Georgetown werenotaffectedbecausethe
water was draining directly to the Atlantic Ocean,” he explained.
Minister Mustapha also said the tender for the highlevel Hope-like canal being constructed in Region Five will be out in the coming week. “In our manifesto, we said we'd construct other high-level canals in various partsofthecountry Basedon our assessments, it was observed that the best places to construct these canals wereinRegionsThree,Five, andSix.
Work has already commencedinRegionSixto constructtwoofthosecanals. Wearedoinganembankment from Number 66 Village to the Canje Creek to prevent water from coming from the backlandsintothecultivation areas when there is heavy rainfall.
In Region Five, we'll do another set of high-level canals. In the coming week, the tender will be out. The expression of interest has already been published for
Some of the farmers at the meeting in Region Five
these canals. This Danzig / Prospect area is slated for one. With that, we'll install several irrigation pumps to bring water from the backlands into the irrigation system so that farmers can have sufficient irrigation Thiswillworkinconjunction with the high-level canal so that we will not experience floodingwhenthereisheavy
rainfall. We are also constructing a pump station at Cottage. That pump will help with the long-term developmentofthisarea,”he explained.
While speaking on the medium-termplans,Minister Mustapha said that the requests made by farmers duringmeetingswithofficers from the Guyana Rice
Development Board GRDB) for infrastructural upgrades to drainage and irrigation structures as well as the clearing of canals will be done. “We'll work to clear those canals and build those dams.Thesewillbemediumterm developments because wehavetohaveaworkplan. I cannot send machines into the area without doing a
proper analysis and survey. So, the NDIA will be working on that. The NDIA Chairman will be coming with a team to look at the area, and once the survey is complete, I will designate machinery to do the work. I am optimistic that within a month, those works can commence, ” Minister Mustaphaadded.
Exxon will still make money even if oil prices drop by half
With the cost to produce oil in Guyana being among the cheapest in the world, ExxonMobil Guyana Limited (EMGL) and its Stabroek Block partners are guaranteed to make a profit evenifoilpricesdropbyhalf.
ExxonMobil Guyana is the operator of the Stabroek Block with a 45% interest,
while Hess Guyana Exploration Ltd. holds 30% interest and China National Offshore Oil Corporation
(CNOOC) Petroleum Guyana Limited holds 25% interest.Guyanahasemerged as one of the fastest growing economiesintheworldowed totheoilproductionoffshore.
Bloomberg's Kevin Crowley in a recent article stated that Guyana has become the bedrock of Exxon's post-Covid corporate revival It was statedtoo,“…(TheStabroek Block)costslessthanUS$35 abarreltoproduce,makingit one of the most profitable outsideofOPEC.Withcrude currently trading at US$85 a barrel, the oil field would make money even if the transition from fossil fuels caused demand to collapse andpricesdroppedbyhalf.
Kaieteur News had reported that the cost to produce a barrel of oil in Guyanaisamongthelowest, saidtheInternationalEnergy Forum (IEF) and S&P Commodity Insights in a June 2024 report. The report titled,“UpstreamOilandGas Investment Outlook” sheds light on the changing dynamics of global oil production costs, with particular emphasis on Guyana's position as a costeffective producer in the industry According to the findingsofthereport,thecost of oil production worldwide has experienced an increase. Thereporthighlightsthatthe majority of new oil supplies canbeextractedatanaverage cost of US$60 per barrel Brentorless.
Among the regions
identified for their competitive production costs areGuyana,theMiddleEast, and West Africa. The report reveals that the Middle East boasts the lowest average breakeven price at approximately US$30 per barrel Brent, followed closely by Guyana with a
breakeven price of US$36 perbarrelBrent.
Last month, this publication reported that accordingtoPhillipRietema, Vice President and Business Service Manager at EMGL, the company's Guyana p r o j e c t s c o m p e t e internationally and are some of the bests in the world.
Duringanepisodeofthelocal EnergyPerspectivespodcast, Rietema addressed price fluctuations in the industry, and pointed out that these projects are designed to withstand market volatility
He said, “So these projects, they all have costs of supply underUS$40abarrel…”
According to an August 2024SECfilingbyHess,the average selling price for the Guyana crude is around US$82. Exxon is currently producing over 600,000 barrels per day (bpd) from just three projects in the Stabroek Block (Liza Phase 1, Liza Phase 2 and Payara). Currently, the block's partners plan for the combined production c a p a c i t y t o
a c h approximately 1 3 million b/d by the end of 2027, with plans to develop three additional projects: Yellowtail, Uaru, and Whiptail.
The first significant oil discoveryinoffshoreGuyana wasmadebyin2015atwhat isnowtheLizaprojectinthe Stabroek block. Since then, ExxonMobilanditspartners, have made more than 30 additional offshore oil and natural gas discoveries withintheStabroekblock.
In addition to Exxon's low breakeven price for its Guyana operations, the company secured a 'sweetheart'dealbackin2016 for the oil block The Production Sharing Agreement (PSA) for the Stabroek Block gives Guyana an industry-low 2% royalty Also,Guyanashares revenue with ExxonMobil afterthecompanydeducts75 percent towards the costs incurred to develop the resources in the Stabroek Block.Afterthe75percentis deducted to pay back the oil company, Guyana then shares50/50ofthe25percent remaining with Exxon as profits.Thisamounts to 12.5 percent of profits from the operations.
Moreover, ExxonMobil Corporation and fellow U.S. oil giant Chevron Corporation are currently embroiled in a legal battle over Guyana's lucrative StabroekBlock.Chevronhas agreed to acquire Hess Corporation in a deal valued at US$53 billion This acquisition would grant Chevron access to Hess's 30% stake in the Stabroek Block, a prospect that has sparked tension with ExxonMobil. Exxon asserts that it holds the right of first refusalonHess'sshareinthe Guyanaoilblock,aclaimthat has led to the ongoing court dispute The case is scheduled to continue next year
The Stabroek Block
Stolen fuel from toppled truck found at businessman's shop
ABarticabusinessmanwas onSaturdayarrestedafter he admitted to stealing fuelfromatruckthattoppledalonga trail near Takatu Landing, Region Seven.
The stolen fuel is worth some $450,000 and was found at his shop locatedatTakatuLanding,nottoofar from the accident scene Some $150,000 worth of groceries and a toolkit valued at $80,000 were also stolenfromthevehicle.
Police did not say if they were able to recover these items but reportedthatthebusinessmandidnot act alone and they are presently lookingforhisaccomplices.
According to police the stolen items and truck belonged to Brian Tiwari (BK). Police said thatTiwari,
operates a mining operation at Farback Backdam, Cuyuni River, RegionSeven.
On Friday August 9, 2024, he instructedtwoofhisemployeestouse histrucktotransportsixteendrumsof diesel valued at $800,000, a quantity of groceries worth $150,000, and a Toolkitvaluedat$80,000.
The truck was driven by a 23year-old man from Mora Camp, Mazaruni River and commenced the journey to the back during the early morninghours.
“At approximately 02:00hrs on Saturday, while traversing the trail near Takatu Landing, the truck overturned, causing the fuel and groceries to spill onto the road”, policesaid.
Both the driver and the porter
sustained injuries and were transported to the Bartica Regional Hospital for medical treatment, leavingthegoodsunattended.
At around 09:00 hrs. that day Tiwarireportedlysenthissupervisor, ShawnWilsontocheckontheitems. When Wilson arrived at the location he found that nine drums of diesel valued at $450,000, groceries worth $150,000 and the $80,000 toolkit were missing The matter was reported to the police and based on information investigators received theyvisitedthebusinessman'sshopat Takatu Landing around 14:30 hrs. A search was conducted there and policefoundthestolenfuel.
The businessman was arrested and taken into police custody as investigationscontinue.
PAHO urges Caribbean countries to strengthen Mpox surveillance
ThePanAmericanHealth Organization (PAHO) has called on countries of the Americas, including the Caribbean, to strengthen surveillance, including laboratory detection and genomic sequencing of confirmed cases, following the identification of a new variantofmpoxvirus,CladeI (CladeIb),inthesub-Saharan AfricanRegion.
In an epidemiological alert, PAHO said that while the new variant has not been reported in the Americas, countriesshouldremainalert to possible imported cases.
On Friday, PAHO said the newvariantisassociatedwith sustained transmission, as
monkeypox virus, a species of the genus Orthopoxvirus. PAHO said two different cladesexist:cladeIandclade II. Symptoms include fever, intense headache, muscle aches,backpain,lowenergy, swollen lymph nodes, and skinrashormucosallesions.
The rash tends to be concentrated on the face, palmsofthehands,andsoles of the feet, but can also be found on the mouth, anogenital region and eyes and symptoms typically last between two to four weeks and go away on their own withouttreatment. Sincethe beginningof2024toJuly26, 2024, PAHO said the Democratic Republic of
well as the occurrence of cases in a wider range of age groups than during previous outbreaks, including children.
It is estimated to have emerged in the Democratic Republic of the Congo in September 2023 and is associated with a significant increase of cases in the country,PAHOsaid.Mpoxis a viral illness caused by the
Congo Ministry of Health reported 14,479 cases of mpoxand455deaths.
According to the report, “thenumberofcasesreported in the first six months of this year match the number reported in all of last year.” Casesofthenewvarianthave also been reported in Rwanda,UgandaandKenya. It said testing is also (Continuedonpage19)
The stolen drums of diesel
(BBCNEWS)Ukrainian troops have advanced up to 30kminsideRussia,inwhat has become the deepest and most significant incursion sinceMoscowbeganitsfullscale invasion of Ukraine in February2022.
Russia’s defence ministry said its forces had engaged Ukrainian troops near the villages of Tolpino andObshchyKolodez,asthe offensiveintheKurskregion entered a sixth day Foreign ministry spokesperson Maria Zakharova accused Kyiv of “intimidating the peaceful population of Russia”.
President Volodymyr Zelensky, who directly acknowledged the attack for the first time in an address last night, said 2,000 crossborder attacks had been launched by Russia from Kursk this summer “Artillery, mortars, drones. We also record missile strikes, and each such strike deserves a fair response,”
Mr Zelensky told the country in his nightly addressfromKyiv
A senior Ukrainian official told the AFP news agency that thousands of troops were engaged in the operation, far more than the small incursion initially reported by Russian border guards While Ukrainianbacked sabotage groups have launched intermittent
cross-border incursions, the Kursk offensive marks the biggest co-ordinated attack on Russian territory by Kyiv’s conventional forces.
“We are on the offensive. The aim is to stretch the positions of the enemy, to inflict maximum losses and todestabilisethesituationin Russia as they are unable to protect their own border,” theofficialsaid.
Russia’s defence ministrysaidonSundaythat its forces had “foiled attempts by enemy mobile groups with armoured vehicles to break through deepintoRussianterritory”.
Butinanapparentadmission that Kyiv’s forces have now advanced deep into the Kursk border region, the defence ministry reported
engaging Ukrainian troops near the villages of Tolpino and Obshchy Kolodezwhich are about 25km and 30km from the RussiaUkraine border Footage circulating online and verified by the BBC also appeared to show a Russian strike near the village of Levshinka, around 25km from the border Ukrainian troops have claimed to have captured a number of settlements in the Kursk region. In Guevo, a village about 3km inside Russia, soldiers filmed themselves removing the Russian flag from an administrative building.
Clips have also emerged of Ukrainian troops seizing administrative buildings in Sverdlikovo and Poroz,
while intense fighting has been reported in Sudzha - a town of about 5,000 people. Ukrainian troops have already filmed themselves outside Sudzha at a major gas facility involved in the transit of natural gas from Russia to the EU via Ukraine, which has continueddespitethewar In Sumy, which borders the Kurskregion,BBCreporters witnessedasteadystreamof armoured personnel carriers and tanks moving towards Russia.
The armoured convoys aresportingwhitetriangular insignias, seemingly to distinguish them from hardware used within Ukraine itself. Meanwhile, aerial photos have appeared to show Ukrainian tanks
engaged in combat inside Russia. Photos analysed by BBCVerifyalsoappearedto show Russia constructing newdefensivelinesnearthe Kursk nuclear power plant.
Ukrainian forces engaged at Obshchy Kolodez were within 50km (31 miles) of thefacility
Contrasting satellite imageryofthesamelocation captured yesterday with imagery from a few days earlier, images show several newly constructed trench linesinthevicinity,withthe nearest roughly 8km (5 miles)fromtheplant.
Russia says 76,000 people have been evacuated from border areas in the Kursk region, where a state of emergency has been declaredbylocalauthorities.
Acting regional governor AlekseiSmirnovalsosaid15 people were injured late on Saturdaywhenthewreckage of a downed Ukrainian missilefellonamulti-storey building in Kursk’s regional capital,Kursk.
OleksiyGoncharenko-a Ukrainian MP - hailed the operation and said it was “taking us much closer to peace than one hundred peace summits” “When Russianeedstofightbackon their own territory, when Russian people are running, when people care, that’s the only way to show them stop this war,” he told the BBC.
The Kursk offensive comes after weeks of Russian advancesintheeast,wherea succession of villages have been captured by the Kremlin’sforces.
Some analysts have suggested that the Kursk attack is part of an effort to force Russia to redeploy forces away from eastern Ukraineandrelievepressure on the beleaguered Ukrainian defences. But the Ukrainian official told AFP therehadbeenlittlelet-upto dateinRussianoperationsin the east. Earlier this week, Russian President Vladimir Putin said the offensive was a “major provocation” Moscow has already retaliated against the U k r a i n i a n a t t a c k Emergency services in Kyiv saidamanandhisfour-yearold son were killed in a missile strike on the capital overnight.Air defences also destroyed53outof57attack drones launched by Russia during its overnight airstrikes, air force officials said.
Four North Koreanmanufactured missiles were also fired as part of the barrage, they said. Russia hasbeenforcedtoturntothe isolated Asian state to restockitsmunitions,withthe US alleging that vast amounts of military hardwarehavebeenshipped byPyongyang.
Biden explains why he dropped out of White House race
PresidentJoeBidensayshe dropped out of his reelection bid because he feared that the intraparty battle over his candidacy wouldbea“realdistraction” for Democrats and that his highest priority was to defeat Donald Trump in November
In his first interview since quitting the race, Mr Biden, 81, said he had “no serious problem” with his health. He blamed his poor debate performance on being sick at the time, and brushed off concerns about hisageandmentalacuity.
“A number of my Democratic colleagues in the House and Senate thought that I was going to hurt them in the races,” he said.
“AndIwasconcernedif I stayed in the race that wouldbethetopic.You’dbe interviewing me about, Why did Nancy Pelosi say, whydidso—andIthought it’dbearealdistraction.”
Former House speaker Nancy Pelosi was widely reportedtohaveledthepush
The US president pledged to campaign for Kamala Harris saying he was going to do whatever his vice-president “thinks I can do to help most”. “We must, we must, we must defeat Trump,” he told US broadcasterCBSNews.Mr Biden said if he had continuedhiscampaign,the presidential contest would have gone “down to the wire”.
to oust Mr Biden - a claim shehasnotexactlydeniedafter his halting debate performance against Trump on 27 June. During the prerecorded interview broadcast Sunday, Mr Biden misspoke several times but generally seemed more coherent than during theliveteleviseddebate.He chalked up his poor debate performance to illness –previously he’s also mentioned jet lag and lack ofrestasfactors.
Apotential battle to replace him at the top of the Democratic ticket never materialised and party support swiftly coalesced around Vice-President
Harris, who has so far outperformed Mr Biden in opinionpolls.
The president has said heintendedtobeabridgeto thenextgenerationwhenhe ran for the White House in 2020. “When I ran the first time, I thought of myself as beingatransitionpresident. I can’t even say how old I am.It’shardformetogetit outofmymouth.”
In the CBS interview, Mr Biden returned to the moment he decided to run against Trump – when a gathering of far-right activists in Charlottesville, Virginia in 2017 turned deadly.
He accused Trump of emboldeningracistsandthe far-right. “Every other time the Ku Klux Klan has been
involvedtheyworehoodsso they’re not identified,” he said.“Underhispresidency, they came out of those woods with no hoods, knowingtheyhadanally.”
He also repeated his concerns about what might happen after November’s election,sayinghewas“not confident at all” that there willbeapeacefultransferof power if Ms. Harris defeats Trump.
Hewentontosaythathe was concerned that there wouldbeviolenceifTrump loses the election. “He means what he says,” Mr. Bidensaid.
“We don’t take him seriously. He means it. All the stuff about, ‘If we lose, it’llbeabloodbath’.”
“He’s a genuine danger
to American security,” Mr Biden said Trump commented at a rally in March that it would “be a bloodbathforthecountry”if he loses, however his campaign has repeatedly said he was referring to the economy and the auto industryandthatDemocrats have taken the quote out of context.
At the same time, the former president has repeatedly insisted, without evidence that he was cheated out of victory in 2020 and has warned that there will be attempts to “rig”thevotethisyear. He has pledged to pardon some or all of the peopleconvictedforrioting attheUSCapitolinJanuary 2021.
Journalists in the Sumy region witnessed Ukrainian armour moving towards the Russian border
$475M Cemetery Road project to be fully completed today -Edghill
The long-awaited $475 million Cemetery Road rehabilitation project which faced significant challenges will now be finished within the next 48 hours, enhancing the aesthetic of the West and E a s t R u i m v e l d t communities.
During an inspection on Saturday afternoon, Minister ofPublicWorks,JuanEdghill noted that 96 per cent of the works had been completed with two bridges left to be cured after being recently cast with cement. Currently, the bridge embankment closer to Princess Street is being cast and is expected to be done by this evening. However, it needs approximately two weeks of curing time. It will then be asphalted to ensure uniformity
During that time, that section of the road will only
accommodate light traffic. Some sections of the road werewidenedbytheuseofa c u l v e r t d e s i g n t o approximately six feet Streetlights have since been installed along the road's median to improve security forresidents.
“Within the next 48 hours,thesitewillbecleaned up and the machines and everything will be removed. Butasitisrightnow,trafficis able to flow through Cemetery Road in a very efficient manner,” the ministerstated.Duringavisit tothecommunityofRasville in July, the minister made a promise to have the road finished before schools reopen, however, that commitment has been fulfilled one month ahead of school reopening. All the work that has been executed over the past two weeks was
contractors who worked simultaneously to meet the deadline after a 'Programme of Execution' was agreed upon.
These include Devcon Construction Inc. which did the culverts and is now finishing up with the pedestrian bridges and GDJ Logistics which transformed the site by removing the obstaclesandcompletingthe paving works that needed to bedone.
Additionally, final works are still being done by
Company which is the main contractor that was awarded
difficulties faced by this contracting company, the Ministry of Public Work's Special Project Unit stepped in to render significant assistance to ensure that the
project meets its final timeline.
“This is also a learning curve.And as a government, we learned and as a nation, wemustlearn.Experienceis required when undertaking certain major jobs.The clear problem here was the low bid.Youcouldwinacontract bycominginlowbutinorder toexecuteitatthatpriceyou havetomanageandthatwas a part of the problem,” MinisterEdghillnoted.
Meanwhile, highlighting that fences were built to enclose the cemetery; the minister is pleading with persons to not destroy the fence when they are visiting
the area to build tombs for their deceased family members He noted that during the construction process, the fences were beingdestroyedbypersonsto facilitate the mixing of cementforthetombs.
“We put up the fence as part of the project The funeral parlours or the relatives of the deceased, whentheywouldliketobuild a tomb, they are cutting the mesh, dumbing the building materialsonthecarriageway, andmixingeverythingonthe carriageway…So,wehaveto make a public appeal. When the government brings improvement, people just
can't for their convenience destroy a piece of infrastructure,” the minister charged citizens. The final product of the Cemetery Road project sees the upgrade from two lanes to four lanes, allowing the smoothflowoftraffic.Itwill enhancethelivesofresidents living nearby Officers from the ministry have been working tirelessly to get the project completed for the final due date.Ahallmark of the PPP\C government is to modernise the country's infrastructure and enhance the livelihoods of citizens. (Department of Public Information)
Bodyofwomanfoundintrench atEcclesdumpsiteroad
Thedecomposingbodyofawomanwas on Saturday afternoon found floating in a trench at the Eccles Dumpsite Road, East BankDemerara(EBD).
scene ranks were sent to the scene and the body was removed from the trench. Blood reportedlyoozedfromhernostrils.Herface wasswollenandthebodywascladinapair oflongblacktightsandagreyarmlesstop. There were no marks of violence on the remains.The body is yet to be identified at theMemorialGardensFuneralHome.
Israel widens evacuation orders...
Frompage11 through Israel's defenses on Oct 7 and rampaged t h r o u g h f a r m i n g communities and army basesneartheborder,killing around 1,200 people mostly civilians and abducting around 250 people. Of the roughly 110 remaining hostages, Israeli authorities believe around a thirdaredead.
The conflict has threatened to trigger a regional war, as Israel has traded fire with Iran and its militant allies across the region.“Ihopethattheywill thinkthisthroughandwon't gettoapointwheretheywill force us to cause significant damage and increase the chancesofwarbreakingout onadditionalfronts,”Israeli Defense Minister Yoav
GallantsaidSunday In Lebanon, the Health Ministry said an Israeli strikenearthesoutherntown ofTaybehkilledtwopeople, without giving details Israel'smilitarysaiditstruck a cell of the Lebanese militant group Hezbollah. Hezbollah announced the deaths of three militants, without details, and said it conducted rocket and artillery attacks on Israeli militarypositions. In the occupied West Bank, which has seen increased violence since the war began, Israel's military said that an Israeli civilian was fatally shot in an attack by“terrorists”intheareaof Mehola Junction The military said the “terrorists” opened fire from a passing vehicle at other cars, and
another civilian was wounded Soldiers were pursuingtheattackers. Israel's airstrike on Saturdayhitamosqueinside aschoolinGazaCitywhere thousands of people were sheltering The Israeli military said it killed 19 Hamas and Islamic Jihad militants Hamas and Palestinian activists disputed that, saying two of the 19 were killed in earlier strikes and others were known to be civilians or opponents of Hamas Northern Gaza has been surrounded by Israeli forces and largely cut off from the world,anditwasn'tpossible to independently confirm accounts from either side. European leaders and neighbors of Israel condemnedthestrike.
PAHO intensifies support to Central America to control dengue
PAHO/WHO - PAHO staff explain the sampling methodology to obtain data on the presence of mosquitoes and the correct use of forms for collecting information on dengue and malaria to health inspectors and epidemiological surveillance liaisons in the Chorotega region, Costa Rica.
Credit Washington, DC, August 8, 2024 (PAHO) — The Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) has redoubled its efforts to help Central America manage a significant increase in dengue cases, which have risen by 98% in the sub-region compared to the previous year. Throughout the Americas, 2024 has been a record year, with more than 11 million reported cases and over 5,900 deaths.
In response to this epidemic, PAHO has deployed a series of strategic measures. Since 2023, in collaboration with the Executive Secretariat of the Council of Ministers of Health of Central America and the Dominican Republic (SECOMISCA) and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), a comprehensive plan has been implemented that includes
training in diagnosis, clinical management, and vector control.
This initiative includes the development of updated protocols and the provision of reagents to improve epidemiological and laboratory surveillance of dengue.
To support decisionmaking in prevention and control, a situation room was also created that is accessible at all times to technical teams from Central American countries.
“Our efforts focus on strengthening the capacity of countries to address the dengue epidemic.
This not only includes the rapid detection and diagnosis of cases, but also the adequate and timely management of patients, which is crucial to reduce the severity of cases and save lives,” Dr. Luis Gerado Castellanos, Head of the Unit of Neglected, Tropical and Vector-borne Diseases at PAHO said. In line with its Integrated Management Strategy for Arboviral Disease Prevention and Control, PAHO has also launched virtual collaboration spaces (VCS) in various Central American countries. These spaces facilitate the
real-time analysis of epidemiological, clinical, and laboratory data, which is crucial for the rapid identification and response to outbreaks, allowing for more effective public health decisions.
PAHO has also strengthened entomological surveillance to identify and control the population of denguetransmitting mosquitoes, and has facilitated the acquisition of insecticides and supported the operational evaluation of the use of innovative technologies, such as the release of mosquitoes infected with Wolbachia, to promote vector control. Surveillance of insecticide resistance has also been strengthened to ensure they remain effective or are replaced when necessary.
As well as this, virological surveillance has been strengthened through the provision of reagents, as well as updated algorithms for laboratory diagnosis and surveillance.
There has also been a significant push to update national clinical guidelines, and training has been provided to health professionals, with the aim of preventing severe cases and reducing deaths. Community participation
is fundamental in the prevention of dengue, as breeding sites in homes and surroundings are the main foci of propagation.
PAHO has promoted the production and distribution of educational materials and risk communication strategies to reduce the mosquito population and control the disease. Central American countries have also been encouraged to organize Mosquito Awareness Week to mobilize authorities and communities in the elimination and prevention of breeding sites.
Technical missions by PAHO experts in this sub-region have aimed to improve clinical diagnosis and the rapid detection of cases, as well as to strengthen response at the primary healthcare level to ensure effective patient management.
With these coordinated efforts, PAHO remains committed to its mission of supporting countries in the Americas in reducing the impact of dengue, protecting public health, and strengthening local capacities for the adequate management of the disease during this record year.sons in the Chorotega region, Costa Rica.
Wanted! Workers for packaging pasta and chowmein. $4100-$4900 per day. Workers paid weekly. Call: 611-7839. Wanted hair dressers and Nail Technician. Call: 6218851.
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Josel Educational institute seeks to employ a qualified science teacher. Email: joseleducation@yahoo.com or Call: 226-7868 / 678-0652.
One Clerk for TSI Eccles office. English & Mathematics, grade 2. Email application: techserigy@yahoo.com or Call: 615-9132.
Maid to cook & clean for East Bank area. Call: 615-9132
Male Cleaner for Eccles. Call: 615-9132 or 645-8443. Female Cleaner for office in Eccles. For more information Call: 645-8443
General Domestic, must know to cook, clean , press ect. 3 days, $6000, 8-4 at Keyfood, Mcdoom village next to the post office.
Govt’s Dubai sugar revival hopes fall flat...
From page 2 in supplementary spending for the government out of this amount the Guyana Sugar Corporation (GUYSUCO) received a whopping $9.5 B. The former APNUAFC administration had downsized the industry, but on retaking government the PPPC Government reopened the shuttered estates. However, GuySUCo has been limping along. Just last week also the
privately-owned Stabroek News reported that GuySuCo recorded losses of $7.8b in 2021 and $10.2b in 2022.
However, Jagdeo continues to argue that sugar production is the primary source of job opportunities and income for families in Berbicea stronghold of PPP/C at elections.
He said removing disposable income from people would affect the entire region,
as the source of income from sugar employment is essential for the local economy.
“The source of the disposable income is the source for other people, who are selling other types of services,” Jagdeo said.
He said the industry not only provides employment opportunities, but also supports the drainage and irrigation network for households in the area.
PAHO urges Caribbean countries to strengthen...
From page 14 underway in Burundi to determine whether reported cases in that country are also due to the new variant. As a result of the hike in cases, on August 7, the World Health Organization (WHO) Director-General Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus announced that he will convene a panel of experts to advise him on whether the expanding outbreak constitutes a global
health emergency. While no cases of the new variant have been reported in the Americas, PAHO recommended that countries of the Americas “remain vigilant to the possibility of introduction in the region.”
The epidemiological alert urges country health authorities “to continue surveillance based on laboratory testing and timely reporting of confirmed and probable cases.” Genomic surveillance is also
key to determine the circulating clades and their evolution. PAHO also recommended the dissemination of public health messages to inform and educate target populations, including health personnel and populations with the highest prevalence of HIV and other sexually transmitted infections (STIs), primarily, though not exclusively, men who have sex with men, to improve early recognition of signs and symptoms.
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The sugar industry in Guyana has been struggling for years
Athanaze, rain keep SA at bay in the first...
Frompage22 first session but only had 15 before the rain came down. Maharajopenedthebowling and, with his third ball, had the usually sedate Kraigg Braithwaite caught at sweeper cover as the West Indian captain tried to take onafullball.
Stubbs judged his run from theboundarywelltoholdon tothecatch.
At the other end, Rabada tested Keacy Carty by beating his outside edge, almost
having him played on, and thought he had him caught behind but didn’t He then reviewed an lbw appeal that hit Carty’s front pad in line with offstump Ball-tracking showed it was clipping the top on umpire’s call and Carty survived but then rain arrived
An hour was lost and when play resumed, Rabada returned with a plan. He set up Mikyle Louis with a series of full deliveries
including a fabulous yorker that was well kept out and then bowled a short one. Louis got a top edge to midwicket where he found Stubbs, who held on to a secondgoodcatch. WithCartyandAthanaze at the crease, South Africa wouldhavehopedtoexploit their inexperience but the youngpairsurvivedandthen thrived.
Athanaze became
comfortable sweeping and Carty took 12 runs off Ngidi’ssecondover
The third-wicket stand grew to 46 before Carty hit Maharaj towards cover whereMulderfellforwardto takealowcatch.
South Africa could not priseWestIndiesopeninthe secondsessionandputdown twochances.
Hodge offered Markram a return catch when was on nineandMarkramcouldnot holdon.
Hodgesurvivedagainon thelastballbeforeteawhen, on 24, he gloved a Maharaj delivery in Bavuma’s
Monday August 12, 2024
Overall,theforecastfortoday is fairly good. The aspects seemtofavorfiguringoutthe meaning of all that's transpired over the past several weeks It's an opportunity for you to take a leisurely
Have you felt somewhat lost forthepastfewdays?Thefog maylifttodayandenableyou to situate yourself at last. You'reprobablyeagertosettle a question that has nagged at you and interfered with your judgment.
You may have been feeling somewhat disillusioned. Perhapsyoulostsightofyour goals or misplaced your faith in yourself. You'll feel some reliefbeginningtoday
Youmightbetemptedtosettle certain matters by radical means. The visionary part of you means you're painfully aware of the world's wrongs. You see no reason not to take actiontocorrectthem.
Today will be fairly calm in terms of outside events, but yourinnerworldislikelytobe in a rush of activity Today you wish you could find the solutiontoyourheartachesas well as your career predicaments.
You have a lot of thinking to do about your professional goals, Virgo. You'll go over the elements to see if there isn't some way to approach thingsdifferently
Youjustcan'tdoeverythingat once, Libra. How do you expect to reduce your stress and recuperate while at the same time continue to be a superstar performer in every areaofyourlife.
SCORPIO(Oct.23–Nov 21)
Thisisagoodmomenttoadapt your logic and reason to reality, Scorpio. If you don't, you're going to run into some
Everyone knows that you find newideasplentiful.
SAGIT(Nov 22–Dec.21)
It'sgoingtobealittledifficult ta
u t
y, Sagittarius. You, who can be easily influenced by others, will be listening to and criticizing everything that peoplesay
ately, Capricorn? Of special interest is your cultural background. What educational, social, and religious environment were you born into? What are its values?Intheend.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20–Feb. 18) It's time to elevate your senseofself,Aquarius.You're justasgoodasanyoneelse,so why don't you believe it? The problem is that you're very sensitiveabouthavinganego. Even though you know everyonedoes.
Today your intellectual and expressive abilities should receive a boost from the planets.It'sanexcellenttimeto organize your thoughts about presentingaproject.
direction at second slip Bavumawenttohisrightbut theballevadedhim.
Hodge’s dance with dangerendedinthefirstover after tea when Maharaj found turn and bounce and Hodge got the faintest of edgestoKyleVerreynne.
But Athanaze was not easily moved and was excellent against the short ball.
He scored quickly, reached 50 off 58 balls and tookonSouthAfrica’smain bowlers.
He scored 18 runs off 19 balls he faced from Rabada and 47 off 62 from Maharaj and had three figures in his sights until he top-edged a sweep from Maharaj to Ryan Rickelton at deep-backward square leg. By then, West Indies were on safe ground and it was too late for South Africatopushforaresult.
The captains shook hands on a draw in fading light with 6 4 overs of play remaining
SLBAPresident warns that...
Frompage23 this,coupledwiththemeager sum allocated by the government in the national budget,canhardlysufficefor theastronomicalbillsthatwe face,”hecontinued. Healsosaidthatthesport isenduringtestingtimesand needsafilliptokeepitalive.
Mr. Christopher further lauded the efforts of the President of the (Guyana) Boxing Association, Steve Ninvalle for ‘keeping the developmentalmachineryof thesportchugging.’Henoted that boxing serves as a reformative catalyst for youngsters but even amidst the stringent efforts of administrators, many boxers strayawayandslipbackinto delinquency “When we organize such tournaments a s t h e i m p e n d i n g championships, our pivotal objective is to harness the youths and preserve their i n t e g r i t y t h r o u g h involvement in productive activity, ” asserted Christopher He relived the memories of a young boxer residing at the Boy’s Training Center, a reformative institution in Gros Islet area “He representedStLuciawhilein that institution and was responding remarkably to therehabilitativeprogramme but upon release, slipped back into crime because of lackofsupport,”Christopher lamented.Hefeelsthatthere must be continued guidance for such youngsters which boils down to adequate funding through generous input of the corporate community
The (St Lucian) Sports Minister, Kenson Casirmir, trieshisbestbutgovernment allocation is too meager for an expansive programme,” Christopherpointedout. He said that he has implored on his boxers the
importance of a convincing victory if only to strengthen the calls of his executive for improved funding “This might just be the fillip we need for improved support,” hedeclared.
The St Lucians are scheduled to be among the first teams arriving for the tournament The opening ceremony will precede fistic activities Guyana is the currentdefending
CONCACAF Girls’ Under-15 Championship
Junior Lady Jags conclude campaign with Lady strong performance
The Guyana Girls
U n d e r - 1 5
National Team, the Junior Lady Jaguars, concluded their group stage campaign in the 2024 CONCACAF Girls’ Under15 Championship on Friday evening with a 2-1 defeat against host nation Aruba. Despite the loss, the Junior Lady Jaguars have shown tremendous growth and resilience throughout the tournament.
The match was a hardfought battle, with Guyana putting up a valiant effort against a determined Aruba side.KimoraEdwardsfound the back of the net to keep Guyana in the game, but Arubaultimatelysecuredthe win with two well-taken goals.
Coach Gavin Fredericks reflected on the team’s journey in the tournament, saying, “Despite falling short of moving forward to thenextround,ourteamhas shown that they are capable of playing high-quality football.
This is important as we layasolidfoundationforthe future of our program.” He added, “I am immensely proudoftheeffortsputforth by the players and their unwaveringdetermination.”
Furthermore, he extended heartfelt gratitude t o t h e s t a f f a n d administration of the Guyana Football Federation (GFF) for its invaluable supportandcontributions.
The Junior Lady Jaguars started their campaign with 0-0 draw against Anguilla and impressive victories over St. Vincent and the Grenadines (3-0) and Guadeloupe (1-0), before facing their toughest challengeagainstAruba.
T h e t e a m ’ s performance in the group stage has demonstrated th
experience on the regional andinternationalstage
The Guyana Football Federation (GFF) remains fully supportive of the Junior Lady Jaguars,
SLBA President warns that his charges are coming with ‘Blood in their eyes’
Boxing Association (SLBA), David ‘Shakes’ Christopher, is optimistic about his team’s success at the impending Winfield Braithwaite Caribbean Schoolboys and Schoolgirls
Boxing tournament, scheduledtogetunderwayat the National Gymnasium, Mandela Avenue, August 16-18next.
Mr Christopher was relaxingathishomeinBois D’Orange, St Lucia shortly after observing his charges complete another satisfying training session under the tutelage of Coach, Conrade Fredericks.
He spared a few moments to share his thoughts and warned his adversaries that, “We are coming with blood in our eyes.”
The St Lucia contingent consists of 10 boxers, 2 coaches, and a manager, Shannon Labourne, who also serves as an executive member of the St Lucia
While brimming with confidence,Christophersaid that the preparation period has been tough but his charges employed strong determination and ‘stick to itness’ in their bid to whip their bodies and minds into therequiredshape.
Notwithstanding, the SLBAPresident pointed out that his executives have battledstrenuouslytofielda large contingent as their mainobjectiveistodethrone defending champions, Guyana.
“The procurement of adequate fundswas indeed
challenging but through the strenuous efforts of the organizing committee, coupled with the generosity of the corporate community in St Lucia, we were able to meet our financial obligations,” Christopher stressed.
Notwithstanding, Mr Cristopher feels that much moreassistancemustbehad from this sector if the local boxers are to reach the pinnacleofsuccess.
“Too many of our businessmenandwomenare just delivering lip service andthis,
efforts and the progress they’ve made in this tournament The GFF is committedtothecontinued development of these young athletes and looks forward to building on the
foundation laid during this championship
As the team reflects on their journey, the GFF extends its gratitude to the players, coaching staff, and supp
dedication and hard work.
and their
The Junior Lady Jaguars have represented Guyana with pride,
Some of the Junior Lady Jags team members.
GBA President, Steve Ninvalle
SLBAPresident, David ‘Shakes’Christopher
South Africa tour of the West Indies 2024… Athanaze, rain keep SA at bay in the first drawn Test
(ESPN Cricinfo) South Africaranoutoftime,ideas and most importantly bowlers as they fell five wicketsshortofwinningthe firstTestagainstWestIndies in Trinidad. With 142 overs lost to rain over the five days, South Africa made a fist of the final day when theybattedquickly,declared early and gave themselves a little over two sessions to bowl West Indies out. But, Alick Athanaze, playing in hiseighthTestmatch,scored a career-best 92 and shared in half-century stands with Kavem Hodge and Jason HoldertodenySouthAfrica andsavethematch.Thiswas the first drawn Test worldwide in 28 matches, sinceJulylastyear Weatheraside,questions will be asked of South Africa’s selection after they chose an extra batter at the expense of a fifth frontlinebowling option and were forcedtorelyheavilyontwo players Keshav Maharaj bowled 66 2 overs and
KagisoRabada30outofthe 148 1 West Indies faced across both innings, while Lungi Ngidi and Wiaan Mulder contributed 30.5. In the absence of a second specialist spinner, Aiden Markram delivered 21 overs.
There may also be some scrutinyontheQueen’sPark Oval pitch. It lacked pace and bounce and did not facilitateafree-flowofruns, apparently because the squarehasalreadybeenused extensively for club cricket this season. Whatever the reason, it made for an attritional style of play, emphasised by the amount of time lost and both teams did well to turn most of the final day into a cat-andmouse battle with all three resultspossible.
South Africa came out with clear intent on the fifth morning:togetrunsandget themquickly TonydeZorzi and Aiden Markram scored 48inthefirst10.2oversand the 13 they took off Jayden
Seales’ third over best illustrated their approach. DeZorziappearedtodefend the first ball but somehow timed it well enough to get through mid-off and almost totheboundaryandthepair ran three. Then Markram smashed a Seales short ball through midwicket and droveafulloneaeriallyover mid-on for two fours Timing, power and finesse all went into their 78-run openingstand.
When Jomel Warrican was introduced in the 16th over, de Zorzi tried to be innovative and paddle him away fine but gloved a legstump delivery to Joshua da Silvatoendhis60-ballstay He fell five runs short of scoring successive halfcenturiesinthisTestandhas putapeginthegroundasan enterprisingopeningoption.
Tristan Stubbs was in at No.3 and edged the fourth ball he faced past the only slip to frustrate Holder but calmed his nerves with a sweep off Warrican in the
next over The sweep shot was profitable for him and Warrican was a clear target. Markramhithimforsixover long-on once but when he trieditasecondtime,hedid not get enough behind the shot and was caught on the boundarybyHolder
TembaBavumastayedin hisNo.4spotandprovideda foil to Stubbs, who was given a licence to thrill. He reverse-sweptandadvanced on Warrican to hit him over the leg side and scored 36 runsoffthe25ballshefaced fromhim.Intheprocess,he reached his first Test fifty, off 42 balls - the secondfastest maiden half-century by a South African after Dudley Nourse’s 40-ball fifty on debut. Stubbs also took on the senior seamer, KemarRoach,andscored13 runsoffthreeballsfromhim before Roach took out his leg stump, and SouthAfrica declaredhalfanhourbefore lunch They gave their bowlers20minutesinthe (Continuedonpage22)
Guyana Cup 2024: Slingerz Racing Stables’ Olympic Kremlin steals Guyana Cup
JavedAliandhisteamat Slingerz Racing Stables weretriumphantatthe16th running of the Guyana Cup when Olympic Kremlin pulled off an upset win in the 1600 meters feature event at the packed Rising SunTurfClub.
Olympic Kremlin who arrived in Guyana on Wednesday last, found the perfect timing to move into top gear and defeated a talented field of 10 horses, which included defending champion Easy Time, who rode third. Nova Sol, a newly imported horse, finished second while Oy Veyranfourthinathrilling featurerace.
It was a prompt start to the day at Rising Sun as Little Africa claimed victory in the Mohamed Excavating Inc L Class Maidensandnon-earnersin last start. Lords Gift came second followed by Money Jet and Three D Movie in thatorder
ShakeTheBankthenlit up the track with a win in the Prem’s Electrical L
Class race for horses that didnotearnintheirlasttwo starts and classified K Class. Get Them Bobby finished second in that race while Quiet Warrior and She’saMonicaroundedout thetopfourfinishers.
TopGunrodetogloryin the S. Jagmohan K Class event. Bin Laden finished second while Money Time and Swinging Jet were the othertopfourfinishers.
Amazing Grace ran a beautiful race in the BM Soat Auto Sales J Class, finishing ahead of Rachel, Hayley and Trump in that order
The combination of Dr Dwight Waldron and Yap Drepaul then tasted backto-back success when Emotional Damage defied all odds to claim victory 8!
The J’s Supermarket H Class Drepaul used his experience to finish ahead of Blinding Light in a thrilling sprint home Stroke of Luck finished third while Theory of Colorscamefourth. Trinidadian Jockey
DillionKhelawantookrace six into his own hands storming to victory with Jagdeo’s Racing Stables’ Soca Harmony in the Associated Construction F ClassClassic.
Converter returned second while Red Ruby came third and American Travellercamefourth.
ItwasallJetModeinthe KP Jagdeo Juvenile Dash.
The Jumbo Jet Racing Stable horse, piloted by Jockey Milla, displayed class, leaving the dust behind Secret Traveller, Miracle Star and Miss Simroninthatorder
The Jumbo Jet Racing Stables then got back-toback wins when the newly imported Stormy Entry chargedtoasweetwin.
Creemore had to settle for second while Morning Colors came third and Jessica’s Pride came in fourth in race eight, the Avinash Contracting Sprint Classic.
Thepenultimateraceof the day was the Forresters Guyana Derby, running at
Inaugural ‘One Guyana’ President’s Games… Tennis heat up the courts at NRC
The 2024 ‘One Guyana’ President’s Games kicked offitsLawnTennissegment in electrifying fashion on Saturday at the National Racquet Centre. With the energy of the nation behind them, the competitors took to the court, embodying the spirit of unity and fierce competition that defines the One Guyana Sports initiative.
1600metersandtheJumbo JetRacingStablessecureda hat trick, winning three racesinarow
Jockey Colin Ross was the architect behind Forza Baby’s dominant win. Sex Appeal finished second while Sea Bird settled for thirdandRoyalInkcamein fourthplaceinracenine.
The 2024 Guyana Cup wasorganizedinfinesseby t h e J u m b o J e t Thoroughbred Racing Committee and a packed Rising Sn Turf Club witnessed the scintillating races.
This Guyana Cup was one with a difference, with the high-quality of races, increase in entry and kids weretreatedtoaqualityfun park, and local artists displayed their talents. The DJ Competition which was the largest in Guyana’s historywasalsoasuccess.
The President’s Cup is setforSeptember22,2024, atRisingSunTurfCluband is organized by the Jumbo Jet Thoroughbred Racing Committee.
Spearheaded by the President of Guyana, His Excellency Dr Irfaan Ali, the One Guyana Sports programme is a celebration of sportsmanship, camaraderie, and national pride across six thrilling disciplines As each participant battled for the coveted ‘One Guyana’ brandedtrophy,theintensity onthecourtswaspalpable.
In a match that had spectators on the edge of their seats, Johnathan Fagundes pulled off a stunning escape in the Round of 16. Facing Osafa DosSantos,Fagundesfound himselfindirestraits,staring down five set points However, with nerves of steel and a powerful serve, he mounted an incredible comeback,clinchingthefirst set5/4(6)beforedominating thesecondset4/0tosealthe victory Itwasaperformance that will be talked about for yearstocome.
Meanwhile, the veteran Ronald Murray showed that experience still reigns supreme, as he bulldozed throughJuniorBoys’#2seed
Denzel Luthers in a
commanding 5/4 (5) - 4/1
victory. Murray’s unrelenting pressure and precise shot placement left Luthers with no answers, as the seasoned player secured hisplaceinthenextround.
The quarterfinals also delivered high-octane action, with No 2 seed Phillip Squires dismantling Immanuel Barker in a swift 4/1 - 4/0 win Squires’ relentless aggression from the baseline overwhelmed Barker, showcasing why he is one of the tournament’s topcontenders.
No 1 seed Gerald Scotland lived up to his expectation; delivering a masterclass performance to earn his second win of the seasonoverJavedKhan.Ina matchthatfeaturedpowerful rallies and strategic play, Scotland held his nerve to securea5/3-5/4(4)victory, booking his spot in yesterday’ssemifinals.
More thrilling matches were billed for Sunday, inching closer to the grand finale across the side disciplines. The Games also concluded with intense matchupsintheOneGuyana Futsal (football), Table Tennis and Volleyball championships, with results soontobeannounced.
Meanwhile the Table Tennis Edition of the championship kicked off yesterday with Open Novice’s,B-ClassOpenand Doubles Open categories. Detailed coverage of those matches will be issued in a futurepublication.
Johnathan Fagundes (right) and Osafa Dos Santos after their round-of-16 matchu
Shuttle Strikers win inaugural ‘One
Guyana’ President’s Cup Badminton title
The President’s Cup tournament,organisedbythe MinistryofCulture,Youth& Sports in collaboration with the National Sports Commission, concluded on Saturday at the National Gymnasium. Hosted by the Guyana Badminton Association (GBA), the eventwasateamtournament with four captains selected through a random draw conductedduringpracticeon Thursday night. Ultimately Shuttle Strikers lifted the title with a 3-0 win over Terminetters.
The action got off to an excellent start with each team showcasing a unique cheer
The tournament eventuallyservedoffwithan official draw a little after noon, Akili Haynes and his
team (Shuttle Strikers) lookedformidableunitfrom the onset; solidifying a spot inthefinalwitha4-1victory against Nkosi’s Black Panthers. While in the other semi-finals,theTerminetters triumphed over the Court Conquerors by winning threematches.
The finals saw the Terminetters and Shuttle Strikersfaceoffinathrilling match, with the Shuttle Strikersemergingvictorious with a 3-0 scoreline, claiming the inaugural President’s Cup Badminton title.
N o t a b l y , t h e participating teams were madeupofathleteswhowill represent Guyana at the Carebaco Regi
nal Tournament in Aruba from August22-25,2024.
Shuttle Strikers won Badminton title of the inaugural President’s Games
AlickAthanaze used the reverse sweep to try and hit Keshav Maharaj off his length (AFP/Getty Images)