...Jagdeo claims rules changed to prevent private companies from being summoned, Opposition has no recollection f
EOpposition to scrutinise
the operations of oil major, ExxonMobil have been met with another barricade, as moves are afoot to prevent the company from appearing before the National Assembly
ExxonMobil Country Manager, Rod Henson (left) and team appeared before the Natural Resources Sectoral Committee in 2018 after the decision was reportedly made for private companies to not be questioned in the House.
Following several failed attemptsbyMembersofParliament (MPs) for government to provide answers and key documents to the House, the Opposition sought the guidance of the Clerk of the National Assembly, Sherlock Isaacs during a meeting of the Natural Resources Sectoral Committee on July 19, 2024. He pointed out at the time that representatives of the company can be arrested and detained until they companies and questions their appear before the Committee, in operations.To this end, she pointed accordance with the Evidence Act out, “It’s a contradiction to the role Chapter1:08. of the committees that are intended
Former Speaker of the National Assembly, Raphael Trotman
However, during his weekly the legal framework in the meeting to provide scrutiny and promote press conference, this fact was oftheCommittee. transparency on behalf of the wider disputedbyVicePresident,Bharrat He said the decision was made country.” Jagdeo, who told reporters that this during the PPP/C’s minority
Exxon hauled before the could no longer be allowed, as a government led by President committee underAPNU+AFC decision was made in Parliament to DonaldRamotar,between2011and It must be noted however that block private companies from 2015.Isaacsexplained:“Therewas after this so called “decision” was being summoned to appear before a decision some time ago, during reportedly made, according to the House. Jagdeo who was not an the minority government period, at Jagdeo and Isaacs ExxonMobil in MP at the time the decision was that time, a decision was made not 2018 under the APNU+AFC reportedly made said, “...private to bring in private organisations, Government was summoned to companies, a long time ago, the companies and so on before the appear before the Natural Parliament took a decision to keep committees.” “Now when I went Resources Sectoral Committee in the politicians away from the before the Committee that slipped the National Assembly, where the private companies cause people me After speaking with the then Country Manager, Rod like the AFC would shake them committee, it was drawn to my Henson engaged in a heated downiftheycometoParliament...” attention, (and) the minutes were exchange with PPP MP, Pauline The Clerk of the National shown to me,” the Clerk added. Sukhai. During the tenure of the Assembly in an invited comment Whenaskedifthelawwaschanged APNU/AFCinthe11thParliament, told Kaieteur News on Monday to reverse this provision, he said, “I the PPP were allowed to scrutinise morning that theVPwas correct, as was shown the minutes...I think theoilcompanyintheHouse. he was corrected after pointing to Odinga Lumumba was the Chairman of that committee when the 10th Parliament, I can’t recall It was reported that Sukhai we had a problem with the any such decision being made. If it during the meeting with Henson committee going to visit Bai Shan was,itwouldhavebeeninwriting.” said: “There is talk that Exxon is LinandotherplacesortocallinBai Trotman said during the tenure of funding a political initiative that is Shan Lin before the Committee, a the APNU+AFC Government, not yet approved by the National decision was made that we should which was after the ‘decsion’ was Assembly–that is the Green State not.” supposed made according to Development Strategy.” At this
Clerk of the National Assembly, Sherlock Isaacs
When asked if there was no Jagdeo and Isaacs, both the point, she offended Henson. He other way for Exxon to be Minister of Natural Resources and said, “Sorry ma’am but I have to summoned to appear before the E x x o n a p p e a r e d b e f o r e stop you. ExxonMobil…we don’t Committee to answer key Parliamentary Committees ” choose sides, we are apolitical. We questions, he said Isaacs said, “I’m Further, Trotman reasoned that arenotfundinganypoliticalparty.” sorry, that’s a question for the since the Opposition had majority But even after then, Sukhai politicians, I am just an officer of seats in the 10th Parliament, it continued Henson then said, the National Assembly I wouldn’t would never have agreed to “Allow me to say that is complete wanttogointothatdiscussion.”Up suppress its ability to summon hogwash.” to press time, Kaieteur News was companies to provide answers in But still, Sukhai was not unable to confirm that such an theinterestofthepublic. deterred. She insisted that she is “a agreementwasmadeinParliament. AnotherParliamentarianwhose National MP and the concerns are No recollection representation in the House dates out there, so it would be remiss of In an effort to further back to 2011, Catherine Hughes me if I do not seek the level of investigate the issue, this said, “I don’t recall that clarification that is needed at this newspaper reached out to Raphael arrangement ” Furthermore, meeting.” There were instances Trotman who was Speaker of the Hughes pointed out that such a after Sukhai’s questions that National Assembly during the move would “greatly hamper the Henson said, “Thanks for your PPP/C minority government work of the committee” as it would comments, can you repeat the Trotman told Kaieteur News, “In not be able to engage with the question?”
Thegloballabourmarket cent, equivalent to 64 9 cent, globally were NEET in families. Peaceful societies minority background still to improve young people’s outlookforyoungpeoplehas million people, represents a 2023. Two in three of these r e l y o n t h r e e c o r e struggling Without equal working prospects and improved in the last four 15-year low and a fall from NEETswerefemale. ingredients: stability, opportunities to education considers the future for years, and the upward trend the pre-pandemic rate of For the youth who do inclusion, and social justice; and decent jobs, millions of youthemployment“inanera is expected to continue for 13.8 per cent in 2019. It is work, the report notes the and decent work for the youngpeoplearemissingout characterized by crises and twomore,accordingtoanew expected to fall further to lack of progress in gaining youth is at the heart of all on their chances for a better uncertainties”. Looking at I
r 12.8 per cent this year and decent jobs. Globally, more three,” explained Gilbert F future,”addedHoungbo. longer-term trends, the Organization(ILO)report. next. The picture, however, than half of young workers Houngbo, ILO Director- The ILO report calls for reportconcludesthat: However, the report, is not the same across are in informal employment. General.
Growth in “modern” titled Global Employment regions. In the Arab States, Only in high- and upper-
Moreover, the report
Trends for Youth 2024 (GET East Asia and South-East middle-income economies finds that young men have foundations of decent work manufacturingjobsforyouth for Youth), cautions that the Asia and the Pacific, youth are the majority of young benefited more from the as a pathway to countering has been limited, although number of 15- to 24-year- unemployment rates were workers today in a regular, labour market recovery than young people’s anxieties modernization can be olds who are not in higherin2023thanin2019. secure job.And three in four young women. The youth about the world of work and brought to traditional sectors employment, education or The GET for Youth also young workers in low- unemployment rates of reinforcing their hope for a through digitalization and training (NEET) is cautions that young people income countries will get young women and young brighter future. In a message AI. concerning, and that the face other “headwinds” in only a self-employed or men in 2023 were nearly toyoungreaders,thereport’s · There are not enough post-COVID 19 pandemic finding success in the world temporarypaidjob. equal (at 12.9 per cent for authors ask them to add their high-skill jobs for the supply employment recovery has of work. It notes that too The report cautions that young women and 13 per voices to calls for change. ofeducatedyouth,especially not been universal. Young many young people across the continuing high NEET cent for young men), unlike “You have the possibility to inmiddle-incomecountries. people in certain regions and the globe are NEET and rates and insufficient growth the pre-pandemic years influence policy and to K e e p i n g s k i l l s many young women are not opportunities to access of decent jobs are causing when the rate for young men advocate for decent work for development on pace with seeing the benefits of the decentjobsremainlimitedin growing anxiety among was higher And the global all. Know your rights and evolving demands for green economicrecovery emerging and developing today’s youth, who are also youth NEET rate of young continue investing in your and digital skills will be T h e 2 0 2 3 y o u t h economies One in five the most educated youth women doubled that of skills,” the message says. criticaltoreducingeducation unemploymentrate,at13per young people, or 20.4 per cohort ever “None of us can young men (at 28.1 per cent “Be a part of the change that mismatches. look forward to a stable and 13 1 per cent, we all need to ensure a · The growing number of future when millions of respectively)in2023. socially just and inclusive conflicts threatens young young people around the “The report reminds us world.” people’s future livelihoods world do not have decent that opportunities for young This 12th edition of the and can push them into work and as a result, are people are highly unequal; GET for Youth marks the migration or towards feeling insecure and unable with many young women, report’s 20-year anniversary extremism. to build a better life for young people with limited It looks back at what has ·Demographictrends, themselves and their financial means or from any beenachievedinthiscentury (Continued on page 9)
to pay Bosai $741 million more
US$20M was approved in
Prime Minister Brigadier (Ret’d), Mark Phillips
The Parliamentary Committee of Supply last week approved the sum of $741 million that will be paid to Chinese bauxite company, Bosai to generate electricity for Linden.
Prime Minister Brigadier (Ret’d) Mark Phillips told the Committee that the subsidy of $740,970,626 to LINMINE (Community Power) will cover electricity cost for Linden fortherestoftheyear
Notably,accordingtothe2024budgetestimates,thesum of $4 billion (US$20M) was allocated to LINMINE. The mining company has an agreement with the Government of Guyana(GoG)tosubsidizeelectricitycostforLindeners.
During one his press conferences earlier this year, Vice President (VP) Bharrat Jagdeo had disclosed the government’s plan to link Linden with the East Bank of Demerara (EBD) to provide electricity and remove dependency on BOSAI to generate power for the mining town. Jagdeo had described the current power purchasing arrangementwiththebauxitecompanyasanexorbitantone. He said, “…we’re paying Bosai now, a substantial sum of moneyeveryyeartosupplypowertothecommunity,atvery exorbitant rates… because we have to buy the power from them.”
PrintedandPublishedbyNationalMedia& PublishingCompanyLtd. 24SaffonStreet, Charlestown,Georgetown,Guyana.
Tel:225-8465,225-8491. Fax:225-8473,226-8210
If only Vice President, Bharrat Jagdeo and this governmentwereworthytobetrusted,wewouldhavebeen happytohearoftheadministration’sdeterminationtostamp outcorruption.Ifonly,wecouldactuallybelievesomeofthe headlines especially coming from the state news agencies like “Dr Jagdeo reaffirms zero tolerance for corruption in public.”
On almost every occasion that Guyanese open the newspapers, watch television, listen to the radio, or follow developments on official Facebook pages, they are bombardedbyannouncementsofbuildinginmanyregions, and involving numerous State Agencies. These are for public works projects that run into the tens or hundreds of millions and, sometimes, even into the billions. On the surface,theseareallpositivethings.Onpaper,theseprojects represent improvements that have been missing from numerous communities for a long time. They are good things, on paper, and must be so recognised, for all the benefitsthattheycanmeanforthepeopleinurbanandrural areas,betheyschools,healthclinics,firesstations,andsuch. But there is another side of these infrastructure projects, a verylong,dark,anduglysidewhichmustbepresentedand re-presented.Becauseitcannotberepeatedandemphasized enough, given the culture and practices that now have a strangleholdonthiscountry
Recently at one of his press conferences, the VP emphasised that public officials must comply fully with procurement regulations to preserve the government’s pledge to a transparent and fair bidding process. He even called on officials to declare any conflicts of interest and refrain from participating in bids involving their close associates, warning that any attempts to exploit the system for personal gain would be met with strict measures. He declared, “This will not be tolerated,” noting public concernsaboutofficialsinvolvedinprocurementprocesses whilecompaniesmanagedbytheirrelativesorfriendswere bidding.Notlongafterhespokethedarknessemergedoutof the Guyana Police Force where top officers there are allegedlylaunderingmoneythroughthecreditunionandare involved in other bribe-taking schemes, which have drawn theireofHomeAffairsMinisterRobesonBenn.Butitisnot just in the Guyana Police Force these malpractices are happening. Not to say that corruption has not always blightedthepublicsectorovertheyears,butsincethereturn to office of the PPP/C in 2020 with all of the oil money at theirdisposal,theproblemhasintensified.
Whatwenowhavewithdeeprootsacrossthelengthand breadthofGuyanaisacultureofrogueryandskullduggery This is as coming from the clever minds of Guyanese politicalleaders,ministersingovernment,andthosesenior public servants (mostly) who are the hands that implement what comes down to them from budgets, policies, and programmes.Wenowlivewithahorribleandcostlyreality thathasinfectedalmosteveryonethatisneartoitspresence. Tobeclearandstraight,nogovernmenthasbeenvaccinated against the corruption virus that sweeps across this land at endemicproportions. Theremaybeapoliticianortwo,and a few public servants, who have not been bitten by the corruption and skullduggery bugs, but to locate them is an ordeal,suchararitytheyare.
Wheneverthenewssurfaceofthebuildingofaschool,or a small clinic, or some other necessary structure, men and womeninthiscountrylicktheirlipsandrubtheirhandsin anticipation,foritispartytime. Itisonebig,endlessseason ofpartyingwiththepeople’smoniesthatareearmarkedfor theseexpensiveprojects. Theringisbig,andthenetiswide, andinsideofbothcanbefoundpeoplemakingabid,public servants reviewing a tender, state engineers providing an estimate, contractors doing the work on the ground, and thoseoverseeingtheintegrityoftheproject. Itgoeswithout saying, that the politicians are a big part of these crooked exercisessincetheydeterminewhoistoget,orwhoisnotto get,acontracttodoapublicworksproject. Everyoneispart ofthegreatswindlinggamegoingoninGuyana,andallof
Guyanesemuststanduptoandspeakup abouttheplunderingoftheircountry
The number of people calling themselves proud Guyan
s quite s
icant. It is summertimeinthediaspora, meaning there will be many carnivals and festivals with Caribbean themes
Noticeably, there will be strong representation from Guyanese local and abroad wearingheadwear,footwear, and other apparel with Guyanalogosandthegolden arrowhead displayed for all toseeandfestivelyshouting how they are proud to have rootsinGuyana. I honestly do not have a
problem with people calling themselvesproudGuyanese, but I do have a problem that of 800,000 Guyanese, only less than eight speak openly about the plundering of Guyana’s oil and resources by foreign companies that pay little or no tax nor provide adequate insurance protectionthatisrequiredby law and industry standards.
When you ask many Guyanese about oil and resources, they give you a blank stare, when you ask themaboutBurnham,Jagan, PNC, and PPP, then they all show how knowledgeable peopletheyare.
Why is it like this? Are we just wired for this racially-divisive politics being designed by the politicians and the foreign exploitersforthemtolivethe good life at the expense of ordinary Guyanese?
Burnham and Jagan get all kinds of flak but these two leaderswerekeyinourpostindependence country Guyana’s survival in this period depended on them, they were in a world where every country was either Communist or Westerninfluenced, and this internal conflict in many countries destabilised them so bad
many countries went into full-scalecivilwarsthatthey have not fully recovered from. Some countries right in Guyana’s backyard in South and Central America, and even Jamaica, but BurnhamandJagandidtheir best to give Guyanese a homecountry
Every country has bad times and dark days, PostIndependence Guyana’s dark days were the 1964 riots. If this continues to be on the minds of Guyanese when voting, let’s have an inquiry and hear from survivorsordescendantsof
Our well-being and rights to equity should not be deferred
, The Jagdeo/Ali regime continues to fail the society by excluding from their planning,ifthereisonesuch, the people and their representatives.
Forinstance,thecurrent housing drive has not taken into consideration the will, desire and a clear focus on modern development, consistent with the Human Development Index (HDI). The HDI concentrates on reflecting the number of persons brought out of povertyandhavingthebasic amenities of life such as healthcare, education, potable water, access to food,etc.
Moving persons from their location to another is not only myopic but perceived by many as designedtonotonlybreakup families but engage in geographical displacement for the purpose of gerrymandering. People are being placed in areas where they are further deprived
because of the absence of or inadequate social services suchasdaycarefacilitiesand basic amenities The deprivation of these forces persons to dig into their meagre income to access theseservices.
There are instances where persons who live in Buxton, East Coast Demerara are allocated house lots in Region 3, and those living in Stewartville, West Coast Demerara are givenhouselotsatVigilance East,CoastDemerara.
Ithasalsobeenobserved that on most occasions, the design of these housing developments has not taken into consideration important elements such as sports, agriculture, security and health. The regime is not building communities, they are building new repressive areas. Thisisnotmeanttobe an insult to those who have made tremendous sacrifices and are desperate to own a home of their own. This is meanttomakethepointthat
them have good ideas on how the criminal game works, becausetheyhavebeensolonginthisdirtywayofdoingthe businessofthepeople.
Everybodyknowshowtorigthenumbers,fromestimates to cost and quantity of materials needed and supplied, all heavily padded It is a huge and well-established system of giveandtakeandmutualbackscratching,withrichreciprocal rewards all around Some of the contractors are aware that theyareuntouchableduetothedonationstheyhavemade,and theirloyaltytoleadersovertheyears So,theyknowthatwhen they shortchange and under deliver on project specifications that they will get more contracts, and even supplementary provisions to do over jobs, or to get things right this time. Nobody is called to account, none penalized, with the taxpayers made fun of, while the Treasury is pillaged and plundered. The bottom line is that all those around the millionsandbillionsarehavingarealgoodtimepickingthe people’spockets. ProjectsaretheplaceforGuyana’smany financial perverts to practice their trade, the now pervasive nationalculture.
the government ought to be doingbetter,canaffordtodo better, but lacks the will and interesttodoso.Thecurrent housing programme has failed the ordinary worker Desperation has forced peopleintoseeingevena4x4 asablessing.
The PPP had an opportunity to be guided by housing developments and communitiesofthepasteven if they did not want to acknowledge, it happened under the Forbes Burnham administration In those communities, people had all weathered roads, schools, p l a y g r o u n d , cinema/entertainment, p o l i c e o u t p o s t , market/shopping mall, healthcentres,runningwater and electricity That time of development saw the homeowner having not just keys to a house, but a house built on irrigated land with drainage and sewage systems These are all standingtoemulate,improve andbuildupon.
Asweaddressthehealth services, one will recognise that so often, proclamations are being made of the construction of new hospitals and clinics, the purchasingofequipmentand large quantities of pharmaceuticals, but yet at the same time, the services continue to decline, putting the health of the citizens at risk.Hereagain,themessage that is being sent is as we complain the government will spend money on purchasing and building rather than establishing a proficient health service to deliverforthenation. As we examine the
hubris within this society, one will observe that we are travellingapathwherethere exists a total disconnect betweenthedecisionsofthe governmentandtheneedsof the people. Issues such as respecting fundamental rightsandfreedomscontinue to elude us and while some mayconsidertheserightsnot necessary, they should be reminded that these rights form the bedrock upon whichalllegalresourcewill flow On the matter of oil and gas, citizens see the exploitation of these resourcesasopportunitiesto escape poverty This view is also articulated by the nation’spoliticalleaders,yet they do little or nothing to make it real. Whereas the World Bank says half the society lives in poverty, I rather suspect the number is higher The visibility of poverty cannot be missed. There exist two schools of thought on the management ofoilresources.1)shouldwe fightnowtogetourfairshare fromtheexistingcontractor 2) should we wait as promised that our share will comewhenwerenegotiatea newcontract,orwegetanew government.
The fight must be now for equal and equitable distribution of what the existingcontractallowsusto acquire Ordinary citizens/working class must demand our fair share now, todootherwiseistofightfor the powers that be to get more and deny ourselves. Ourwell-beingandrightsto equity should not be deferred.
DEAREDITOR, I welcome the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) interaction with the public regarding
preparations for the upcoming General and RegionalElectionsinwhich it“addressedconcernsabout electoral integrity by outlining the safeguards in place to prevent multiple voting and other forms of fraud.”
t h a t G E C O M w a s responding to concerns raisedbytheAFCwhichhad urged the removal of outdated names from the
National Register of RegistrantsDatabaseandthe introduction of biometric and electronic voting to enhance electoral integrity
GECOM’s pro forma response repeated the usual litany of safeguards of our electoral system which included the conduct of an intensive voter education programme and training of Election Day staff; accurate identification of the voter and the use of indelible ink; the presence of political party agents at each polling station and during the counting of ballots at the place of poll; and the presence of security personnelfromtheGPFand local and international observers throughout the voting and counting processes.
There was also a proposaltoinstallcamerasin pollingstations.
I am dissatisfied by both the level of concern expressed and the quality of the solutions advanced because of the fact that all available evidence suggests that the greater likelihood,
and consequence, of electoral fraud is not on ElectionDay,attheplaceof poll or involving the voter, polling day staff or scrutineeringbutinactivities after the conclusion of the poll.
This obvious fact is recognized by the Presidential Commission of Inquiry (COI) established after the 2020 elections to enquire into attempts “to undermine and frustrate the legally prescribed process f o r t h e c o u n t i n g , ascertaining and tabulation of votes and on attempts to prevent a true declaration of the results” of that election.
None of the measures outlined above are designed to prevent a true declaration of the results which is the fundamental objective of electoral fraud, and neither can the installation of cameras at polling stations for one day which would, very likely, have to be repurchasedeveryfiveyears.
It is incredibly disappointing (maybe it was not asked ) that GECOM did not address themostrecentinstanceof allegedfraudorrevealany safeguards to prevent its recurrence given that the COI found that “the integrityofandtrustinthe electoral system of Guyana was undermined a n d t e m p o r a r i l y overthrown by the shenanigans of election officials at the highest levels of the system” and that both the GECOM Chair and head of the Secretariat were among the 26 witnesses that provided testimony before the COI and assisted in
forming the opinion that there were “shockingly brazen attempts” by the former Chief Elections Officer (CEO), Deputy Chief Elections Officer (DCEO) and Returning Officer(RO)ofRegion4“to derail and corrupt the statutorily prescribed procedure for the counting, ascertaining and tabulation oftheresultsofthatelection forthepurposeofstealing thatelection.”
I would expect that all stakeholdersinourelections wouldbeinterestedtolearn, ataminimumandassoonas possible, whether the proposal by CEO Vishnu Persaudtoinstallcamerasin pollingstationsextendtothe tabulationcentre(s)andwhat is the legally prescribed procedure for the contentious counting, ascertaining and tabulation ofresults.
Also, whether the use of a s p r e a d s h e e t , computer/laptop, USB or other electronic device is illegal,mandatedoroptional andisGECOMawareofthe existence, or use, of false Statements of Poll (SOP) in the last election and what is the process for the authentication/verification of SOPs used in the tabulationofresultsanddoes it involve observers, agents andcommissioners.
If these concerns are no addressed, and the “shenanigans” not clearly identified, punished and defeated, then I fear that the integrityof,andtrustin,our electoral system would be irreparably damaged and clearly GECOM is not yet preparedforelectionssoon.
Da y s a f t e r
announcing that his government will soon launch a programme to provide homes for single mothers President Irfaan Ali on Mondayunveiledthemaster planforhisinitiative.
The plan is dubbed homestead programme and will see the government providing homes for 500 singlemothersatlocationon the Soesdyke-Linden Highway
The project, which aims to empower single mothers, will commence shortly, a brief release on the President’s official Facebook page said. It includes the construction of 500 houses on some 100 acresoflandatYarrowkabra. Prime Minister, Brigadier (Ret’d),MarkPhillips,other members of the Cabinet; technical officials and officials from the banking sector were also at the meeting.The plan was first mentioned when President Aliaddressedtheopeningof the just concluded Building ExpoattheGuyanaNational Stadium Th
programme is not just about providing housing but also creating an economic model to empower single mothers, someofthemostvulnerable in society “The Homestead Programme will integrate v
Agriculture,Housing,Lands andSurvey,theOfficeofthe Prime Minister, and Human Services,” PresidentAli had said.
Eachhomewillfeaturea smallfarmstead,includinga shade house, permanent crops, and solar energy systems to reduce energy costs and generate income.
“We will give you an opportunity to earn but including an economic activity in the plot of land that will repay your loan…” President Ali explained. He added:“We[will]giveyoua chance to graduate out of poverty into a middleincome family and who are we giving those chances to, the most vulnerable in our society, single mothers, we are going to empower them tobethebesttheycanbe.”
The head-of-state disclosed that the planning forthisinitiativehasalready
begun, with the design layout expected to be completed within two weeks. Construction on the 500 homesteads will commence shortly after, making a significant step forwardinthegovernment’s efforts to support single mothers and promote economicgrowth.
In addition to this new programme,PresidentIrfaan Ali has pioneered the building of homes for women through his Men on Mission (MoM) initiative. Back in 2022, he said the organizationwhichisfunded by taxpayers will help with the construction of approximately 150 homes across the country for vulnerablepersonswhoown theirownland. “…underthe Men on Mission umbrella, we are going to launch a massiveprogramme.Weare hopingthatthroughtheMen on Mission Initiative alone next year, we can build at least 150 homes across the country”, Ali had said back in 2022. He said then also thatbankshavealreadybeen engaged and are willing to finance the projects, once personsowntheirownlands.
Minister of Amerindian Affairs engaging Toshaos from the North Pakaraimas
The government is investing more than$400million in various projects across villages in the North Pakaraimas sub-district, Region Eight (PotaroSiparuni)aspartofeffortsto improve the livelihoods of thefirstpeople.
Thesefunds,providedby the Ministry of Amerindian Affairs, under its capital expenditure, will support initiatives in art and craft, tourism, money-making
nd agriculture.
During the Regional Toshaos Meeting in Paramakatoi on Saturday, Minister of Amerindian Affairs, Pauline Sukhai shared this exciting news withvillageleaders.
F o r i n s t a n c e , Paramakatoi, Monkey
Mountain, and Kurukaburu will receive $45 million to establish mechanic shops, creating job opportunities for young people and generating additional revenues. Other villages in the North Pakaraimas will alsoreceivevarioussumsof funding to build guest houses, support women sewing groups, set up farine factories and embark on livestockrearingactivities. Minister Sukhai emphasised the importance ofthevillageleaders'rolein en
investments are utilised effectively and reach the peoplewhowillbenefit.She h i g h l i g h t e d t h e responsibility of Village Councils in effectively managing the carbon credit revenues, Presidential Grants, and overseeing the completion of approved
projects “The whole developmentofAmerindian, are in the hands of the Village Councils the governm
ovides support, whether it is assets or financial [resources], she underscored.
As preparations for the N
Conference(NTC)continue, leaders were encouraged to eng
ir communities to identify matters that the government canaddress.MinisterSukhai alsostressedthesignificance
accountability in fulfilling theirmandates.
“If we follow the law, peoplewillhavemuchmore confidence in their leaders,” sheadvised.
attended by officials
Chairman Headley Pio,
ProjectCoordinatorBesham Ramsaywack and the
Antonio George. Minister Sukhai has been actively participating in regional
invitation of Regional D
(RDCs) to prepare leaders for the upcoming NTC, w
252 Amerindian leaders will convene to engage in strategic discussions with
A democratic system can only be sustained where there is accountability, transparency, and, in the case of plural societies, inclusion. When these principles are undermined, the system of democracy beginstounravel.
One of the most insidious threats to these principles in Guyana is Vice President, Bharrat Jagdeo, who has fully embraced the one-manruleculture.
Lookathim,listentohimoperatingunder the guise of a legitimateVPwhen in fact, he isthedefactoPresident.Heexercisesundue and excessive influence over decisionmakingprocessessomuchsothathespeaks foralltheministersanddonotallowthemto holdpressconferencestoexplainpoliciesin their own sector. This is a disguised form of autocracy and is no less dangerous than a blatant political dictatorship that presents a serious challenge to both democracy and goodgovernance.
Minister of Education, Priya Manickchand alongside the representative of the contracting firm and other officials turning the sod for the new block.
Minister of Education, Priya reported that during last week, the minister Manickchand on Monday turned the sod to also turned the sod for two teaching block commenceconstructionofateachingblockat projects. theDiamondSecondarySchool,EastBankof Itwasreportedthatabrandnewwingwill Demerara(EBD). be constructed at Tucville Secondary School
Accordingtoinformationprovidedbythe for $74,910,780 and this project will be ministry,thenewexteriorteachingblockwill executed by Kaiveri Procurement Logistics be built by Simcon Engineering Inc. to the and Investments Inc. Kaieteur News tune of $74,056,950. The ministry noted that understands that the same contractor will the contractor has been mobilised with an build a new teaching block at Campbellville initial payment of $18,514,237 to ensure the Secondary School to the tune of timely completion of the project within the $143,921,712. projecteddurationofsevenmonths. It was also reported that this year, the Oncecompleted,theblockissettobenefit Ministry of Education was allocated some 750 students from the catchment areas of $74.4B, a portion of which will be used for DiamondandtheSoesdykeLindenHighway the construction, rehabilitation, extension
“This development is part of the Ministry and maintenance of educational facilities. of Education’s ongoing efforts to enhance ThisnewspaperreportedthattheMinistryhas educational facilities and provide better embarked on an aggressive programme to learningenvironmentsforstudentsacrossthe ensure that the nation’s children have access country,” the ministry stated. Kaieteur News tosecondaryeducation.
The Special Organized Crime Unit (SOCU) on Monday issued a wanted bulletin for 22-yearold Shaquan Caesar in connection with alleged computer related forgery and other serious relatedoffencesinGuyana.
Ceasar’s last known address is Lot 5 Old Road, Den Amstel, West Coast Demerara. The police are urging the public to contact SOCU at 225-3079 or the nearest police station if they have any information about Caesar’s whereabouts.
Caesar is no stranger to police. In 2022, he appeared before Magistrate Leron Daly at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Court charged for forgingadriver’slicence.Theallegationwasthat Caesar presented a driver’s licence to a police constable, which bore his photo but contained personal information belonging to the name AnthonyJacobs.
The recent visit by President Irfaan Ali to the Bourda Market stands as a reflection of his hands-on leadership style and his willingness to act promptly to address issues of concern to the public. Following his visit, there was a swift decisiontoestablishapolice outpost in the area, a move that has been long overdue and one that deserves commendation.
The President’s prompt action demonstrates his responsiveness to the concerns of the vendors and shoppers who have had to contend with the threat of crime in and around the markets for decades now
However, while this initiative is a welcome development, it is a step in the right direction, it is not solelytheneedforastronger police presence but the broader problem of congestion and illegal vending, which creates a haven for criminal activities inandaroundmarkets.
Crime in Georgetown’s markets is not a new phenomenon.It has plagued vendors and shoppers for morethanfourdecades.The 1980s were particularly notorious Rampant
burglaries forced many stallholders to take extreme measures, such as sleeping in their stalls at night, to protect their goods. The problem was so severe in areasliketheGreensSection of Bourda Market, where vendors who operated outside the market’s main structure were particularly vulnerable. And those with stallsinsidethemainmarket, would often return in the mornings only to find their businesses burglarized overnight.Inoneinstance,it was found that some of the criminals were market vendors who broke into the businesses of their fellow stallholders.
Despitethepresenceofa market constabulary, the situation has remained largely unchanged over the years The market constabulary has struggled to maintain order and security within the market’s confines and its immediate environs. Even the police outpost near Stabroek Market has proven ineffective in curtailing crimeinthatarea. Therealissuethatneeds to be addressed is the proliferation of illegal vendingaroundthemarkets.
The congestion caused by these unauthorized vendors notonlyclogsthestreetsand pavements, making it difficult for legitimate shoppers and vendors to movefreely,butalsocreates ideal conditions for criminalstooperate.
Thechaosandconfusion that result from the unregulated activities provide cover for pickpockets, petty thieves, and more serious offenders to prey on unsuspecting victims The narrow, overcrowded lanes formed by illegal stalls become prime hunting grounds for criminals, who take advantage of the disorder to snatch bags, pick pockets, and engage in other illicit activities. Anyone familiar with the Stabroek Market areaknowsthatitbecomesa ‘war zone’ of crime, particularly after twilight. Pickpockets and choke-androb bandits descend on the area.
Until the issue of illegal vending is decisively dealt with, efforts to improve security in the markets will only be addressing the symptoms rather than the root cause of the problem. One of the main reasons
youthquake’ means creatingenoughdecentjobs, will be critical for social justice and the global economy
illegal vending has been allowedtopersistforsolong is the political dynamics surrounding municipal affairs. The City Council, which has primary responsibility for managing the markets, has been hamstrung by political considerations and a lack of political will to tackle the problem head-on Both major political parties have been guilty of playing politics with the issue, reluctant to crack down on illegalvendorsbecausethey see them as a significant voting bloc. This pandering to illegal vendors has obscured the fact that many ofthesevendorsarenot,asis often portrayed, struggling small-time traders. On the contrary, a significant number of them are wellresourced individuals who operate sizable businesses, judging by the volume and value of the goods they sell. Thesevendorshavefoundit
more profitable to operate outside the market’s legal framework, avoiding the fees and regulations that legitimate market vendors mustadhereto.
The result is that the insideofthemarkets,which should be bustling hubs of commercial activity and significant revenue sources for the municipality, have become ghost towns
Shoppers no longer need to go inside the markets; any andeverythingisbeingsold outside of the markets. The legitimatevendorsinsidethe markets are struggling to make ends meet in what shouldbeprimeretailspaces but have been rendered desolate by the exodus of customers to the illegal vendorsoutside.
The challenges facing Georgetown’s markets are notuniquetothecapitalcity Illegal vending plagues markets across the country This is a national problem.
Thisiswhythereneedstobe a national approach towards enforcing laws against illegal vending, redesigning market spaces to be more secureandshopper-friendly, and providing legitimate vendors with the support they need. Addressing the crime problem requires more than just an increased police presence; it demands a comprehensive strategy thattacklestherootcausesof the disorder in and around our markets. Only then will we be able to create safe, orderly, and convenient spaces for vendors and shoppersalike.
(The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinionsofthisnewspaper.)
The report calls for increasedandmoreeffective investment, including in boosting job creation with a specific target on jobs for
young NEETs, integrating employment and social protection for youth, and
institutions that support young people through
private partnerships and financingfordevelopment.
Demboysdoeswonderwhodoes comeupwithdeseideasforthe government The latest brainwave is to take 100 acres of land and divide it into 500 plots. This means we talkingaboutanaverageofa200feetby40 feetplot.
Deh had a time when house lots in the countryusedtobedatsizeandmostpeople in de countryside used to plant kitchen garden and have dem own livestock. Food then was never short or expensive because everybody used to plant dem kitchen garden, plant dem fruit trees and rear dem livestock.
We grow up on fresh milk, fresh meat, fresh vegetables and plenty fruits.And dat was because we used to have a large backyardfuhplantandrearweanimals. Well, de government now calling dese plots of one-fifth of an acre, a homestead. Langago,ahomesteadusedtobeaplotof
landofabout130acres.Buttimeslooklike demchangingandwegovernmentsehdata house and a kitchen garden of about 8,000 squarefeetisnowahomestead.
DehgatsomepeopleinGuyanasorich, dem house alone can qualify fuh a homestead Dem boys hear how de government plan to give out dese ‘homesteads’to500singlemothers. And de homesteads can be on the SoesdykeLindenHighwayanddemsingle mothers will be encouraged to plant breadfruittreesandgrowothercrops.
Dem boys waiting fuh see who gan tek up de offer and which breadfruit tree will growindatsoil.
Demboyswishdemsinglemotherslots of luck with deh planting in de sand and withdecostoftransportationtocometode market to buy what cannot be grown on theirhomesteads. Talkhalf.Leffhalf. Kitchen garden and house now turn
The strike of public-school teachers has standinginPPPlandthanMaduro… A.K. Singh’s money responsibility is a job I temp start torn another gaping hole in the fabric of Fromthebottom-of-thebarrel(whatolder could accept, considering the free-for-all (6%), then Guyana. The ancient tug-of-war between Guyanese used to call kuckabeh) six percent, environment and culture. Also, with initials the first 1.5% politicsandcleanpurposes,raceandfairness, some sense of sanity took charge in the like those, is he some incarnation of a step up, then has been given yet another lease on life. A government, and its people were astonished heartless banker with those money another1.5%tosweetenthepot. Thepothas distressing local existence is what Guyanese todiscoverthattheycouldcounthigher percentages of his? Yeah, curiosity kills cats much more sweetening to make it right. I have always known. Teachers have endured The new beauty from the PPP was 7.5%. like me. Though I digress, the point is speak for myself, not the GTU. I think a torrid time, and their traumas continue From my perspective, that of a clinical simple: free up the money, brother, for the another 3% with incentives thrown in as a without letup. When is the last time that any observer, the bright, new 7.5% is 6% with a teachers of Guyana. I am sure that some token of serious intentions could stir some citizen in this country, in this grand new era pale ribbon affixed. Something tells me that could be found hidden away in many places, reasonedreceptionintheGTUcorner Atthe has heard anything changing by six percent? the members in some subgroup of political especially with oil returns for Guyana current 1.5% snail crawl, there could be two It could be called the opening gambit, if this schemers in the PPP Government projected to hit the ceiling, then busting more rounds before matters settle into some wereagameofchess. Itislife,andahardone congratulated themselves for their 7.5% pay through it. It was the man who knew much, mutually tranquil state. Or they deteriorate thatnooneshouldevermistakeforagame. increaseextravagance.
Bharrat Jagdeo, who himself said so, not I. with claims and counterclaims about who is Ifitisagame,thenitisonethatGuyanese Apparently, the Guyana Teachers’Union Maximization of return was the term of art operating in good faith, and who is about the have lost, regardless of their seasons. In a didn’t take that rosy view of offer number thattheAmericansdrilledintohisskull. Like opposite. timeoflavish,exuberantabundance,teachers two. I think that the GTU saw the initial 6% the loyal soldier to foreign interests that he For its part, the PPP Government could are treated to the scrap of six percent that is forwhatitwas. Nothingbutembalmingfluid has proven to be, he was only too happy to assertthatitimprovedthepayincreasepotby touted as a hospitable greeting. Somebody to pretty up a messy situation. Just like the deliver the good news. Now his government 50% (6% to 9%). It is own behalf, the GTU must be mad, and I know that it could not be proposed 6% hike that was dead on arrival, must deliver The teachers would prefer that couldpointtoalltheyearssurrenderedfroma me. the government brain trust and bean counters it is more frontloaded than backloaded. Just constructive bargaining mindset to get a fair
There was six percent from the had to know that 7.5% had no life to it, just let all the numbers add up and be binding on dealdone,andnothingbutoneinsultingafter government to start the ball. As lowballs go, anotherfalsestart. Thequestionishowmany allparties. anotheroffersfromthegovernment-threeina therearefewlower. Afingerpokedintheeye iterations of this form of creeping
Having tested the waters twice (6%, then row-hurled in its face. All the pieces with an insulting grin as company. Take that incrementalism from the government? How 7.5%), the PPP Government wisemen up the considered, I think that the PPP Government and do what pleases. The teachers found no many more grudging, dripping, advancing ante to 9%, was what I heard, and is getting had to begin the bargaining in the doublesuch element in the six percent that the PPP percentagesascarrotandrattrapforGuyana’s closer to the real starting point. It is obvious digitsrange. Itstartedoutwithahalf,maybe Government laid so insolently on the table. teachers? How many more of these that the GTU is not hearing as well: 9% is no even as much as a third, of where it should By way of an aside, if my favourite leadership ploys is the president, vice good. Getthatsuckeroffthetable,gobackto have been. Teachers, parents, and citizens Venezuelan, Nicolas Maduro, could describe president,andthemanwithresponsibilityfor the drawing board, was its subdued public now wait on the government. Be sensible, Guyana’s head of state with that exact word the nation’s money prepared to be part of response. manageexpectationsismyadvice. Knowthe and not a peep came out of his people, then whatnowpossessesalltheattributesofafull- Itislefttotheimaginationrelativetowhat territory,knowtheparties. Knowthenorms. describing the government’s paltry six fledged charade? Thanks for the rare is happening behind closed doors. I detect a (The views expressed in this article are percent offer as insolent should meet with no transparency, Mr President. And for how growingimpatiencewiththisnickelanddime those of the author and do not necessarily resistance. Surely, I have a little higher long? Incidentally, the well-initialed Dr approach taken by the government. A low reflect the opinions of this newspaper.)
The Ministry of Public
Sea and river defence.
This is according to a
breakwater interventions to
During the passage of responding to this, Edghill Works is preparing to spend this year’s budget, initially explained that the beach at an additional $1.5 billion on some $4 5 billion were the seawall has been eroding more sea and river defence approved for sea and river and so “we are going to do projects for Region Two, defencescapitalworks. some rock armour and Three,FourandSix. A
preservethebeach.” recent invitation for bids
Opposition Member of With the new projects (IFB) issued by the ministry Parliament, David Patterson coming on stream, the whichstatethattheprojectis questioned the Subject minister informed the dividedinto10lots. Minister, Juan Edghillon the National Assembly that so
The tender revealed that expenditure of its budgetary far for the year, they have the construction works are allocation. completed 4,575 meters of slatedforareassuchasGood
In response, Edghill told seadefencecapitalworks. Intent, Essequibo Coast in the house, “The total sum Meanwhile, under its Region Two; Zeelandia at that was appropriated by the c
Wakenaam Island, Waterloo estimated to cost $154.80 estimated to cost $123.40
wayoftheAppropriationAct programme an additional at Leguan Island, and Anna million and covers million,forCrabwoodCreek understands that the funds to of 2024 was $4.5 billion, $150 million was approved Catherina/ Edinburg, West approximately550meters. (180meters)itisfor$127.45 execute these projects were today the expenditure is 74.7 in the supplementary budget Coast Demerara in Region According to the tender, million, and for No.61/ recently approved in the percent.”
Three; Garden of Eden, East the works slated for Good No.62 Village (225 meters) Supplementary budget Patterson further asked maintenance of sea and river Bank Demerara, and Essex Intent is estimated to cost the works are estimated for passed in the National about the planned works for defences in Regions Two, and Concord, Mahaica in $106.80 million, the works $150.80million. Assemblylastweek. the Kingston seawall, and SevenandTen. Region Four; between forZeelandia(120meters)is Belladrum and Washington pegged at $95 million, at in Region Five; and at Grant Waterloo (250 meters) it is 1651, Crabwood Creek and estimated for $179 80 at No. 61/No. 62 Village in million, at Anna Catherina Region Six. Also one of the (105 mmeters) it is $128.65 lots is for the upgrade of sea million, at Garden of Eden defences and incorporation (250 meters) it is estimated of rubble mould breakwater for$166.85million,atEssex and gryone along the (250 meters) it is $294.55 Kingston Georgetown million, for Belladrum (150 Seawall area. This project is meters) area the works are
The Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) recently released a report highlighting the significant role Guyana’s oil sector has played in boosting Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) across the Caribbean.
According to the report, Guyana accounted for a remarkable 64% of FDI inflows in the Caribbean, largely driven by its burgeoning oil industry The ECLAC report providesadetailedoverviewofFDItrendsinLatinAmerica and the Caribbean, noting that while some of the region’s largest economies, such as Brazil and Mexico, saw substantialdeclinesinFDIinflows—downby14%and23% respectively—Guyanaexperiencedadramaticincrease.
In 2023, FDI inflows to Guyana surged by 63.8%, reaching an impressive US$7.198 billion. This increase is primarily attributed to the rapid expansion of the country’s oilsector,whichhasattractedsignificantforeigninvestment since Guyana emerged as a new oil producer in the region. Overall,theCaribbeansawa27.6%increaseinFDIin2023 compared to the previous year Alongside Guyana, the Dominican Republic also contributed to this growth, with FDIinflowsrisingby7.1%.
ExxonMobil Guyana Limited (EMGL) and its partners in the Stabroek Block discovered oil offshore Guyana back in2015andbyDecember2019,startedproducingoil. Exxon is currently producing over 600,000 barrels per day (bpd) from just three projects in the Stabroek Block (Liza Phase 1, Liza Phase 2 and Payara). Currently, the block’s partners plan for the combined production capacity to reach approximately 1.3 million b/d by the end of 2027, with plans to develop three additional projects: Yellowtail, Uaru,andWhiptail.
Foreign and local currencies amounted to over a million in GYD.
A 42-year-old businessman, Weston GYD), 10 Chinese Yuan ($291 GYD), Pickering from Herstelling, East Bank $5,120 Trinidad currency ($157,508 GYD), DemerarawasarrestedonSundayafterpolice $70 Barbados currency ($7,312 GYD) , $50 discovered a substantial amount of foreign Jamaican currency ($66.52 GYD) 3,405 and local currency, an illegal AK-47 assault Pounds Sterling - Great Britain Pound rifle, and multiple rounds of ammunition at ($907,893GYD), 120Euros($27,388GYD) hisresidence. and$480,000 GYD.
In a press release, police said that ranks Additionally,policediscoveredanAK-47 arrived around 18:25hrs at Pickering’s 2 riflewith29liveroundsofammunitioninside SomersetCourtHousingScheme,Herstelling the magazine, wrapped in a brown towel and to conduct a search. Pickering was home hiddeninawashingmachineonthelowerflat during when the lawmen arrived who told of the property Further searches revealed an him that they were at his house to search for additional 30 live rounds of ammunition firearms, ammunition, and drugs. concealed in a pair of black and white socks Subsequently, police began a search in house wrapped in a towel, and six live 9mm rounds where they discovered a significant amount ofammunitioninabedroomontheupperflat. of currency in a brown suitcase located in a Pickering was taken into custody, while the room in the upper flat of the house. The firearm, ammunition, and currency were following currencies were found, $11,312 transported to the Providence Police Station Canadian currency ($1.7 million GYD), for processing and sealing. Investigations are $1,583 United States currency ($330,711 ongoing.
Weston Pickering arrested for illegal firearm (Ak-47 assault rifle) and ammunition along with large cache of foreign and local currency.
Two Guyana Defence Force (GDF) reporting monthly to the Diamond Police sergeants who were previously remanded for Station. trafficking 154 pounds of marijuana in a The accused made their initial court servicevehiclehavebeengrantedbail. appearance on July 22 before Magistrate On Monday, 42-year-old Staff Sergeant SunilScarce,wheretheypleadednotguiltyto Adisa Higgins from Linden and 31-year-old the charges. At that time, the prosecutor Sergeant Colvis Sam from Turkeyen, East objected to bail due to the severity and Coast Demerara appeared before Magistrate prevalenceoftheoffence. Dylon Bess at the Diamond Magistrate’s The case was adjourned to August 12, Court. 2024. Sam and Higgins were busted on July Attorney-at-law Bernard Da Silva 18, with 154 lbs. of marijuana in a service represented Higgins, while Attorney -at-law vehiclealongtheCoverdenPublicRoad,East PatriceHenryrepresentedSam.Bothlawyers Bank Demerara (EBD) during a joint successfully secured bail for their clients at intelligence-led police operation conducted thesumof$300,000each.Conditionsoftheir by ranks from Special Branch and Regional bail include surrendering their passports and Division4‘B’.
Bail granted: Colvis Sam (right) and Adisa Higgins (left).
MACORP, on Monday, a promotion, and this is part announced that Mohamed of your Corporate Social Rahim of Mohamed Rahim Responsibility Wearehappy & Sons won the first prize in about that and proud to i t s B u i l d i n g E x p o support MACORP,” she Promotion. remarked.
The promotion, which
The promotion was a ranfromJuly1toAugust11, huge success, generating 2024,offeredcustomerswho significant interest and purchased a CATmachine or enthusiasm for MACORP’s generator a chance to win an products. Other winners in all-expenses-paid trip to the thedrawincludedECVieira, CAT factory in Brazil Guy America Construction Mohamed Rahim & Sons Ashley Gonsalves, and was randomly selected from Roopan Ramotar who won over 50 customers who consolation prizes of various qualified for the promotion, Caterpillar machine models MACORP said in a press andaCATcooler. release. The prize includes President and General r o u n d - t r i p a i r f a r e ,
Minister Susan Rodrigues (5th left front row) joins MACORP’s President & General Manager German Consuegra (3rd left front row) and other team members in congratulating the winner Mohamed Rahim of Mohamed Rahim & Sons
Manager of MACORP accommodations, and a German Consuegra and the guided tour of the CAT M A C O R P T e a m factory in Brazil. “It was congratulated Mr Rahim fantastic, I am very happy and expressed their gratitude about this win I have been to the customers for trusting looking forward to this for a and believing in MACORP very long time Since The promotion drawing took growing up, I have always place last evening at the loved Caterpillar machines International Building Expo affordability of Caterpillar making it affordable for Other machines you use Water, Susan Rodrigues andalwaysdreamedofgoing at MACORP’s booth in the equipment saying “It’s persons to own new them for a certain time, then joined in congratulating Mr to see where and how these Equipment Zone which was amazing to see so many machines. have to get rid of them.” For Rahim. “I thank MACORP m a c h i n e s a r e transformed into a party Caterpillar machines in this “Even the farmers and CAT, there are always parts fortheirphenomenalsupport manufactured,” he was atmosphere with DJ Akelo country today because long minerscanaffordCaterpillar and support available, he for the building expo. I think quoted in the MACORP and patrons winning other ago, people couldn’t afford machines today,” he said, said. that you guys may have had releaseassaying. fantastic tokens from them. The economy is doing emphasizing, “CAT is a Minister within the yourbestyearyet.Thisisthe He underscored the MACORP so well and MACORP is brandthatisforageneration. Ministry of Housing and first year I recall you having
Onehundredandtwenty- Mabaruma Fire Station formed a bucket brigade four people died while 82 recorded one death and no aimed at saving the house received injuries as a result injury as a result of fires. and the four-year-old child of fires in the past seven They had a total of 15 fire who was trapped inside years, Home Affairs calls for the 2017 - Unfortunately, the fire was Minister, Robeson Benn told September 2023 period. The raging and public-spirited theNationalAssembly fires left 18 persons residents were unable to Minister Benn was asked homeless. enter the building. Not even by Member of Parliament Region Two where the the firefighters were able to (MP) David Patterson to Anna Regina Fire Station is savethelad. provide the statistics of the located, saw four deaths and
where a fire killed 20 school girls in Mahdia last year.
On July 11, 2024, Leroy Guyana Fire Service annual four persons injured. With a Archer, a three-month-old disaggregated statistics for total of 651 fire calls, the babydiedinafireatEnmore, fires, including those firesleft84peoplehomeless. ECD that destroyed a twoclaiming lives for the period The Leonora and La storey wooden and concrete 2017 - September 2023 in Grange Fire Stations in house The house was everyregionanddistrict. Region Three recorded 1744
Region Five which firecalls,16peopledied,two or injuries until the Mahdia occupied by four persons The statistics was fire calls. Six persons were houses the Onverwagt Fire were injured and 319 ended Dorms Fire which left 22 including the baby Leroy divided into various sections injured and eight died. Also Station recorded 503 fire uphomeless. injuredand20dead. and his two-year-old sibling, to show deaths, injuries, and as a result of the fires 369 calls Two persons were The Bartica Fire Station The Lethem Fire Station Lorenzo were home with his causes of the fires over the personswerelefthomeless. injuredand10dies.Atotalof in Region Seven recorded inRegionNinerecorded129 mother, Chandroutie requested period. The report Region Four saw 44 96endeduphomeless. 146 fire calls, with zero fire calls, though there were Manickchand when the fire alsogaveabreakdownofthe persons injured and 54 GoingovertoRegionSix injuries, four deaths and no deaths or injuries, seven started.Thechildren’sfather, number of buildings and dying. With a total of 6110 with the New Amsterdam, sevenhomeless. personsendeduphomeless. LeonArcherwasatwork. vehiclesdestroyed. fire calls, 1690 persons were Rose Hall and Corriverton Mahdia Fire Station in Finally, Linden Fire Manickchand reportedly In Region One, the leftwithoutahome. Fire Stations recording 1959 Region Eight had no deaths Station in Region Ten told investigators that she recorded 751 fire calls with was showering in the lower seven deaths and two flat of the house while the injuries. As a result of fires, baby was asleep in the upper 206 persons ended up flat. The distraught mother homeless. So far for the year reported that someone 2024, eight persons alertedherofthefireandshe including two children have rantothebedroomtoremove diedfromfires.Thisfigureis the baby but the room was adrasticdeclineforthesame already engulfed in flames. period last year where 29 This forced her to exit the children and nine adults houseleavingtheinfant.The perishedinfires. most recent death occurred Junior Anderson, a four- on Friday 2 August, 2024, year-old who resided atAC- whenadisabledboy,18,was Field Sophia, Georgetown killed in a fire at Imbamadai was killed on July 5, 2024 Village, Cuyuni Mazaruni, after fire gutted the one flat RegionSeven.Thedeadteen concrete home, which he was identified as Lendon was in. Neighbours recalled Cornelius. A fire reportedly hearingscreamsasoneofthe erupted around 09:00hrs and childrenofthefamilyranout destroyed the house where into the street screaming for helived.Avideosurfacedon help. After realising that the Facebook of a small wooden home was on fire, the house engulfed in flames. Guyana Fire Service was Personswereheardcryingin called even as neighbours thebackground.
A hit-and-run accident early Sunday morning in Mackenzie, Linden, has resulted in the death of an unidentifiedmale.
The Guyana Police Force (GPF) in a statement said the accidentoccurredaround04:40hrsontheWasherPondPublic Road, involvingmotorcarPHH 2656, drivenby a 26-year-old manfromCinderellaCity,Amelia’sWard,Linden.
Police said that the vehicle was traveling south on the eastern side of Washer Pond Road when it struck the pedestrian. The driver fled the scene, leaving the injured pedestrian on the roadway The pedestrian was later found unconscious and transported to the Linden Hospital Complex where he was pronounced dead on arrival.The body has been moved to the Linden Senior Citizen Association Mortuary pendingapost-mortemexamination.
Following the accident, police ranks, acting on information, arrested the driver at his residence. Investigators observed that the suspected vehicle had visible damage to the right side of the front portion of the car As a result, the driver was taken to the Mackenzie Police Station where a breathalyser test revealed readings of 0.94% and 0.95% micrograms. He remains in custody as the investigation continues.
From page 04
those who passed on to have some kind of racial reconciliation. Those who ran from Guyana in the 60’s and 70’s to the ABC countries and criticized Guyana should also tell the truth. While it is every person’s right to move to wherever they want, the diaspora should also say in the 60’s and 70’s all they got in the ABC was slave like lowpaying jobs in those countries, white people didn’t serve them in restaurants, and their own African, Indian and Pakistani brothers and sisters whom they looked up to snubbed them as low castes. I never voted for Burnham, but Burnham must be credited for keeping the Guyana dollar high, this is the number one thing that keeps foreign exploiters away. Arthur Chung, Burnham, Jagan, or Hoyte would never have given away Guyana like these current sellouts, scampish, self-serving scoundrels masquerading as political leaders in Guyana. Because of these current and recent leaders, Guyana has been sold out and is on a path to complete destruction as they have brought in both the loud and silent foreign exploiters to plunder Guyana. Global partnership is the best way for Guyana to manage its resources to benefit both the citizens who own the resources, and the investors who bring investment and expertise. But when the “foreign investors”, and a minute few locals get everything and the citizens get pittance that can’t feed them, then this becomes unacceptable and unsustainable as currently happening in Guyana. Guyana now has the loud foreign exploiters like ExxonMobil and Omai as well as the silent Chinese companies that have a significant stake in Guyana’s oil, gold, bauxite, timber, manganese, wholesale/retail business, etc., and having Guyana on the belt and road initiative, building airports, roads, bridges and other infrastructure on debt.
Guyanese do not know the implications of this, calling it progress, if this is done by revenues, it is good, but when done on debt, then it is a handing over of Guyana to them if Guyana can’t repay the debts, like Sri Lanka and other countries. The Guyanese businesses who rent them to the Chinese for a few extra dollars should know they are giving up the market share of wholesale and retail shopping businesses they owned and controlled before for a few extra dollars, but this was inevitable since the government gives the foreigners duty-free concessions on import/export duties while GRA will run down Guyanese for taxes but
would exempt the foreign companies. Guyanese who support the current “Foreign Investment”, policy note the following story.
Nigerian Authorities had to close down a Chinese Supermarket in the Capital City of Abuja because the Chinese running the market said the supermarket is only for Chinese and turned away the locals. I bet when this happens in Guyana nothing will be done, if not happening already. The VP boasts about hotels coming to Guyana creating jobs for Guyanese. The foreign exploiters don’t even want to rent Guyanese properties as they consider black and brown Guyanese unfit to live among them.
This is just like the old colonial days I know, when the colonizers lived in the gated compounds, with security and comfortable living while Guyanese lived in logies without electricity and water. The foreign exploiters will plunder Guyana comfortably from these new hotels while Guyanese will do the cooking, cleaning, pet sitting, and pampering for them. When these foreign exploiters want something you have, they are very nice to you, when they don’t need you, they look at brown and black people with scorn and disdain.
This is the exact reason the previous coalition government got unseated because they lied to the people. They can blame GECOM all they want, but they failed the citizens by lying, and that’s why they are in opposition. The political parties boast of their manifestoes, which manifest into two manifestations, one as opposition and the other when in power. The VP holds weekly press conferences giving presentations that should be done by the minister of public works, housing, education, agriculture, health, etc., but doesn’t give one on natural resources or oil of which he is directly in charge of. Instead, he redirects queries to Vickram Bharrat, who as old people say is a shadow in dark night since he avoids the public. The VP’s economic philosophy is not to collect more revenues from oil or resources companies operating here through taxes or import/export duties, but to take on debt, saying Guyana is attractive to global lenders. Of course, everyone wants to lend the richest country per capita money, but not because the country has the capacity for debt means the government has to take debt while foregoing tax revenues. The modern form of colonization is to put a resource-rich country in debt and then take over. The VP lambastes and blames APNU for all the wrongs in
Guyana, I don’t blame him, if APNU continues to accept the blame and lambasting then continue handing to them.
When The AFC leader proposed that a percentage of the oil revenue should go directly to citizens, the VP threw a tantrum, saying Guyanese are benefitting through government spending on infrastructure and other government programmes. How many citizens benefit from this continues to be a mystery. This is the perfect system for the exploiters, Guyana builds roads, airports, bridges, seaports, and power sources, which are used to land and transport the equipment and cargo to exploit the resources while simultaneously transporting the wealth of Guyana out. If these infrastructures are necessary, why should Guyana’s share and pay debt for them? When the resources are completely plundered and the foreign exploiters leave, these infrastructures will become white elephants, which Guyanese will have to maintain. Guyana is paying all the tolls, import/ export duties, landing fees, and freight expenses for the foreign companies operating here, so who is benefitting from all the infrastructure expenditures? Guyanese don’t know what the agreements with foreign companies are, and when such questions are asked, those in charge go into tantrum mode.
A Vice News undercover video had showed a Chinese agent openly saying the Guyana Government is for sale. The Minister of State of the previous government flew to China on a state trip, to this day, no one knows what deal he made on behalf of Guyana since he made no address to anyone even as he is required by law to do so.
The only thing Guyana’s MPs are good for is to separate Guyanese from their resource wealth. Guyana has the resources everyone wants, so why does Guyana continue to get nothing in its favour? Exxon wants no renegotiation, pay no taxes, no restrictions on flaring and unregulated dumping of produced water into the ocean, no meters at the oil pumps, no capping of interest rate, no ring-fencing, no penalties for questionable accounting transactions, no full liability insurance coverage, no petroleum commission, no declaration on new oil finds, and they get all of these things with not even a peep from those in leadership political, and other influential bodies that should be standing up for Guyana. When I see Guyanese suffer in their daily lives, I am tempted to look at them with scorn and disdain just like the
foreign exploiters knowing their rightful share of Guyana’s wealth is within their reach, yet they fail to reach out and take it, instead, they reach out to beg. Guyanese are awake but are still blinded by the PNC colours in one eye and the PPP colours in the other. Glenn Lall is sacrificing everything for Guyanese to remove their political party blinders, to unite and truly live like the title “world’s richest citizens per capita”.
Maybe Lall should try sweet rice on Guyanese next.
R. David
Wanted! Workers for packaging pasta and chowmein. $4100-$4900 per day. Workers paid weekly. Call: 6117839. Wanted hair dressers and Nail Technician. Call: 6218851.
One Cook must be able to cook a variety of local and international Dishes. Call : 223-5021 / 660-4904 between (10 am - 3pm )
Male able- bodied Staff to work in general store. Call: 231-2029, 616-5954.
One experienced Skidsteer (Bobcat) / Mini-Excavator operator, Night security & Labourer. Tele: 619-0898 / 623-2728.
2 Kitchen assistant & 1 Roti Maker. Call : 665-5074 / 6031278.
Josel Educational institute seeks to employ a qualified science teacher. Email: joseleducation@yahoo.com or Call: 226-7868 / 678-0652.
One Clerk for TSI Eccles office. English & Mathematics, grade 2. Email application: techserigy@yahoo.com or Call: 615-9132.
Maid to cook & clean for East Bank area. Call: 615-9132
Male Cleaner for Eccles. Call: 615-9132 or 645-8443.
Female Cleaner for office in Eccles. For more information Call: 645-8443
Allion, Pioneer
SURINAME August vacation tour trip from 24-08-202429-08-2024 for more information. Call Matthew 639-2663 or 673-2348.(Whatsapp)
Bus tour to Suriname. 3 Nights & 4 days holiday, from Tuesday 27th August to Friday 30th. Contact : 650-3686.
Nayelli school of cosmetology is n ow enrolling for cosmetology courses beginning September 9th,2024, 211 New Market st. Call: 226-2124.
1 Cashier/ Counter clerk to work at a poultry outlet. $120,000 monthly. Call: 2275222 / 708-4374.
Handyman to work around C/ Ville. $6000 daily.Call: 227-5222 / 708-4374.
One night Guard La Penitance area.Call: 227-5222 / 708-4374.
Elevate your brand with our professional Graphic design services. Call: 619-0007, 6295526.
Visa Application:U.S.A, Canada & UK:Graphics design, advertisements, wedding arch rentals.Tel:6267040.
Need a bus or planning an outing. Call Matthew bus services & tours, Surniname/ Braz. Whatsapp : 639-2663/ 673-2348.
Office space for rent at 43 Croal
Call : 681-6018 / 672-8599.
General Domestic, must know to cook, clean , press ect. 3 days, $6000, 8-4 at Keyfood, Mcdoom village next to the post office.
Cook for breakfast from 5:30. Send application, food handler certificate, 1 reference & valid police clearance to 6190568. WhatsApp & serious enquires only.
Sale Rep/ Assistant for document centre. Send application & CV, 1 reference and valid police clearance to 619-0568. Enquires WhatsApp only.
Driver, must have valid license for Car & Van. Must be able to assist in Workshop also. Call: 615-9132.
Room Attendant, Desk Clerk , Supervisor and Receptionist 23-45 Years old. 233 South Road. 225-0198.
Intropic inc looking for a female to work in factory on the East Bank. Age 35-40. Call : 716-9799.
Inventory clerk, cook & Cashier, send applications to: Beacon cafe. Tele: 655-8944. Email : beaconcafe6690@gmail.com.
Chainsaw Operators and Labourers needed for wood concession. Call: 670-6919.
Experience accounts clerk for all administrative function company may require. Please send resume via e-mail. bakshwork@gmail.com or 662-0469.
Tele : 2310363.
(ALJAZEERA) The armed conflict, one that pointed out, a six-fold International Committee of follows the premise of increase from the halfthe Red Cross (ICRC) has protecting life instead of century anniversary of the calledontheworldtorespect justifying death,” Spoljaric conventions in 1999 the Geneva Conventions as told reporters at ICRC Modern armed conflicts the international treaties headquarters in Geneva
setting out the rules of war “Today we mark the 75th dangerous since the 20th marktheir75thanniversary anniversary of the Geneva
The rule book for the Conventions,” the ICRC
conduct of war is under wrote on X. “They have urbanisation of warfare and strain and often disregarded, safeguarded human dignity “
ICRC President Mirjana in the darkest times. States dehumanisation of the Spoljaric said on Monday and non-state armed groups enemythroughlabelssuchas Conduct in conflicts such as must ensure these rules ‘terrorist’”,itwentontosay in Gaza, Ukraine, Syria and continue to save lives.” The TheRedCrossstatedthat Myanmar illustrate that the conventions ban torture and violations – including firing conventions are being sexual violence, require on hospitals, schools and largely ignored and a new humane treatment of ambulances and the killing commitment to international detainees and mandate ofaidworkersandcivilians–humanitarian law is needed, searchesformissingpeople. shouldnotbecomethenorm.
An International Committee of the Red Cross convoy crosses into eastern Ghouta near the Wafideen camp in Damascus, Syria [File: Omar Sanadiki/Reuters]
from Gaza to Ukraine. The Conventions during its war 12 other countries backing advocatessay They “reflect a global When international United Nations special in Gaza. South Africa has the case. Russia’s actions in
T h e G e n e v a consensus that all wars have h u m a n i t a r i a n l a w rapporteur on the occupied also taken Israel to the Ukraine, meanwhile, should Conventions, which mark limits”, Spoljaric said. “The “violations are committed Palestinian territory has International Court of be investigated as war out rules on the protection of dehumanisation of both with impunity, this fuels accused Israel of violating Justice, accusing it of crimes, organisations like civilians, detainees and enemy fighters and civilian further cycles of violence three of the five acts listed committinggenocideagainst Human Rights Watch have wounded soldiers, were populations is a path to ruin often resulting in protracted under the UN Genocide Palestinians in Gaza – with said. adoptedbymostoftheworld and disaster.”The Red Cross armed conflicts that span after they were finalised in said the rule book is needed decades”, the organisation 1949 “The world must now more than ever More said Actors in many recommit to this robust than 120 active conflicts conflicts today are accused protective framework for persist around the world, it of violating the conventions,
(BBC NEWS) Ukraine’s top commander remained in areas occupied by Ukrainian has said Kyiv’s forces control 1,000 square forces in the area. “We don’t know anything kilometres of Russian territory as they press abouttheirfate,”hesaid.Hewarnedpeopleto their biggest cross-border incursion in two- take shelter from missiles in rooms without and-a-halfyearsoffullscalewar windows and with solid walls. In Belgorod, Commander Oleksandr Syrskyi said theregionnexttoKursk,about11,000people Ukraine continued to “conduct an offensive were also urged to leave, as governor operation in the Kursk region” seven days Vyacheslav Gladkov told people from the after it began Ukraine’s President Krasnaya Yaruga district they were being VolodymyrZelenskysaidRussiahadbrought moveddueto“enemyactivityontheborder”. war to others and now it was coming back to He issued a similar missile warning, and Russia. told people to shelter in their basements. In
Residents in parts of the Kursk region have been warned to shelter in basements, and a growing number have been evacuated.
But Russian leader Vladimir Putin his nightly address, Ukraine’s president described the offensive as a “major acknowledged the offensive, saying: “Russia provocation” and ordered Russian forces to must be forced to make peace if Putin wants “to kick the enemy out of our territory”. A to fight so badly.” “Russia brought war to growing number of people have been others, now it’s coming home. Ukraine has evacuated from the western Russianregionfortheirsafety, with a further 59,000 told to leave on Monday The local governor said some 28 villages in the area had fallen to Ukrainian forces, that 12 civilians had been killed and that “the situation remains difficult”. Ukrainian troops launched their surprise attack last Tuesday, advancing up to 18 miles (30km) into Russia. The offensive is said to have always wanted only peace, and we will boosted morale on the Ukrainian side, but certainly ensure peace,” Mr Zelensky added. analysts say the strategy brings fresh dangers Ukrainian officials have said thousands of to Ukraine. A senior British military source, troops are engaged in the operation, far more who asked not to be named, told the BBC than the small incursion initially reported by there was the risk that Moscow will be so Russian border guards.An official told news angered by this incursion that it could agency AFP that their aim was to “to inflict redoubleitsownattacksonUkraine’scivilian maximum losses and to destabilise the population and infrastructure. In comments situation in Russia”. Some in Russia have aired on state television, President Putin said questionedhowUkrainewasabletoenterthe on Monday: “One of the obvious goals of the Kursk region - with one pro-Russian war enemy is to sow discord, strife, intimidate blogger, Yuri Podolyaka calling the situation people, destroy the unity and cohesion of “alarming”. Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Russiansociety Maria Zakharova said a tough response from “The main task is, of course, for the Russia’s armed forces “will not take long”. defence ministry to dislodge the enemy from Meanwhile, Russian ally Belarus said it was our territories,” he told a meeting of officials. bolsteringitsowntroopnumbersatitsborder The region’s governor said 121,000 people after claiming Ukraine had entered its hadbeenevacuatedfromtheirhomes.Hetold airspacewithdrones. Mr Putin that about 2,000 Russian citizens
–CricketWestIndies(CWI) has announced that Johnny Gravewillbeconcludinghis tenure as Chief Executive Officer(CEO),apositionhe has held since February 2017, at the end of October 2024 CWI extends its deepest gratitude for his dedicated service and leadership throughout his term.
In his reflection Johnny Grave said, “It has been an absolute privilege to have been CEO of CWI since February2017. Havingjust hosted a successful T20 World Cup and delivered significant surpluses for CWI for the third consecutiveyear, I do feel it is the right time for me and my family to seek a new challenge. I have received tremendous support from so manypeoplesincebecoming
CEO and I’d like to thank everyone,especiallythestaff and the players, particularly during the difficult Pandemic, for their trust in meandtheircommitmentto West Indies cricket. My family and I have loved living in Antigua and will leave with many special memories having watched our young children grow up here. I have put everything intothisrole,andnowisthe
right time for someone new withfreshenergytoleadthe organisation and continue this important work and build on the strong foundations that are now in place.”
Dr Kishore Shallow, CWI President, expressed, “Jo
h challengingtimessuchasthe COVID-19 pandemic, as well as successfully hosting threeWorld Cups including, the Women’s World T20 in 2018,theMen’sU19Cricket World Cup in 2022 and recently, the Men’s T20 World Cup, have made a
Overall,theforecastfortoday is fairly good. The aspects seemtofavorfiguringoutthe meaning of all that's transpired over the past several weeks It's an opportunity for you to take a leisurely
Have you felt somewhat lost forthepastfewdays?Thefog maylifttodayandenableyou to situate yourself at last. You'reprobablyeagertosettle a question that has nagged at you and interfered with your judgment.
You may have been feeling somewhat disillusioned. Perhapsyoulostsightofyour goals or misplaced your faith in yourself. You'll feel some reliefbeginningtoday
Youmightbetemptedtosettle certain matters by radical means. The visionary part of you means you're painfully aware of the world's wrongs. You see no reason not to take actiontocorrectthem.
Today will be fairly calm in terms of outside events, but yourinnerworldislikelytobe in a rush of activity Today you wish you could find the solutiontoyourheartachesas well as your career predicaments.
You have a lot of thinking to do about your professional goals, Virgo. You'll go over the elements to see if there isn't some way to approach thingsdifferently
Youjustcan'tdoeverythingat once, Libra. How do you expect to reduce your stress and recuperate while at the same time continue to be a superstar performer in every areaofyourlife.
SCORPIO(Oct.23–Nov 21)
Thisisagoodmomenttoadapt your logic and reason to reality, Scorpio. If you don't, you're going to run into some
Everyone knows that you find newideasplentiful.
SAGIT(Nov 22–Dec.21)
It'sgoingtobealittledifficult ta
ou to
y, Sagittarius. You, who can be easily influenced by others, will be listening to and criticizing everything that peoplesay
Haveyoubeenreviewingyour family history lately, Capricorn? Of special interest is your cultural background. What educational, social, and religious environment were you born into? What are its values?Intheend.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20–Feb. 18) It's time to elevate your senseofself,Aquarius.You're justasgoodasanyoneelse,so why don't you believe it? The problem is that you're very sensitiveabouthavinganego. Even though you know everyonedoes.
Today your intellectual and expressive abilities should receive a boost from the planets.It'sanexcellenttimeto organize your thoughts about presentingaproject.
Johnny Grave
lasting impact on CWI
organisationhastakenmany positive strides during his
Frompage25 Cup is everything for a horseman, to get this trophy meansalot.”
Sharing his challenges, Alisaid:“Therewasalotof investment in getting the horse in Guyana. The horse came from Brazil, but logistics was difficult this time There was some problem in Lethem. Two days ago, the horses were notabletowalk,andIcalled the organizers saying I may notbeabletoruntheGuyana Cup.”
The Slingerz brand is known for music, but this Guyana Cup win gives a significant boost to the new stable. With the likes of the newlycrownedGuyanaCup champion, John Bull and Ritorna Vencentori in Slingerz Racing stables,Ali saidfansshouldexpectgreat things.
OlympicKremlinpulled the trigger at the right moment, with a come from behind win against a strong and mostly experienced field of horses The defending champion, Easy Time had a lead in the majority of the race, but Olympic Kremlin stormed past the field to claim a famous win in front of a packed Rising Sun Turf Club. Ali and his Slingerz racing stables walked away with G$6 million The feature event had a purse of G$11,625,000 which was shared between the top five finishers.
Horsemen will now be gearingupforthenextmeet, which is the Presidents Cup at Rising Sun on September 22,2024.
ownership of the Coolidge Cricket Ground (CCG), wh
ur headquarters and home to our Men’s and Women’s Academies.Onbehalfofthe Board and all at CWI, I express heartfelt thanks to him for the unwavering commitment and leadership overthepastseveralyears.”
Dr Shallow further emphasised, “As we look forward to embracing a new chapter in the organisation’s
evolution, CWI is poised to deliver the new strategic plan and enter a new era of governance. This transition reflects our commitment to adapting and innovating in response to the evolving landscapeofcricket.” Cricket West Indies will b e i n i t i a t i n g a comprehensive recruitment process to select the next CEO. The organisation is dedicated to ensuring a thorough and transparent selection process Details regarding the recruitment process will be announced shortlyandwillbepublished across various media platforms to keep stakeholdersinformed.
It’s merely 4 days to the first bell of the 7th edition of the Winfield Braithwaite Caribbean Schoolboys and Schoolgirls Boxing Extravaganza and the executives of the Guyana Boxing Association (GBA) have intensified their efforts to, not only produce a qualitativetournamentbutto secure the security and comfortofthe‘SimonPures’ contestingforhonours.
T h e G u y a n e s e contingent is scheduled to open camp at the Andrew ‘Sixhead’ Lewis Boxing Gym and Sunday afternoon, the parents of those boxers were summoned to a meeting where the Director of Bouts, Terrence Poole, briefedthemonmeasuresin place for their children’s safetyandcomfort.
Mr Poole painstakingly brought the parents up to date on crucial matters relevant to the security
process as well as the children’s responsibilities andthoseofthemanagement team.
Several parents attended the briefing and were asked to confirm their approval of t h e i r c h i l d r e n ’ s participation.
Those parents were then asked t
x their s
u r e s t o a corresponding document Mr Poolethankedtheadults fortheirinterestandassured them that the GBA had installedallprotocolsforthe children’s safety and comfort.
“Youcanallrestassured that your children are going to be okay,” assured Mr Poole The Technical Director said that he was especially delighted by the enthusiastic participation of theparents.Healsosaidthat such support can only redound positively on the youth’sperformancesandby extension, contribute
positively to Guyana’s retention of the prestigious championshipatstake.
M e a n w h i l e , t h e participating boxers from theAncient City, Berbice, arrived in Georgetown late Sunday afternoon and have already opened camp at the ALBG, under the tutelage of former local boxing champion, Jeff Roberts,alsoaBerbician.
T h e f o r m e r lightweight pugilist is b r i m m i n g w i t h confidence and assures that his charges are ready to represent Guyana with pride “We are also hungry for victories,” pronouncedRoberts
The championship is staged in honour of another top local boxing stalwart, Winfield Braithwaite, a retired Guyanese lightwelterweight boxer, who represented his country at the 1978 Commonwealth Games in Edmonton,
TheHollywoodReporter - Algerian boxer Imane Khelif has filed a legal complaint for online harassment following a gender outcry from some people claiming that she is notawoman.
The first-time Olympic gold medalist’s lawyer, Nabil Boudi, told Reuters that the complaint was filed Friday
“All that is being said about me on social media is immoral. I want to change the minds of people around theworld,”Khelifsaidabout thefiling.
Theathleteunanimously took the top prize in the women’s welterweight division finals on Friday, where she beat Yang Liu of China5:0.
“Foreightyears,thishas beenmydream,andI’mnow the Olympic champion and gold medalist,” Khelif said through an interpreter following her win, per The Associated Press When asked about the scrutiny
surrounding her gender, she told reporters: “That also gives my success a special taste because of those attacks We are in the Olympics to perform as athletes, and I hope that we will not see any similar attacksinfutureOlympics.”
The outcry surrounding her gender began after her first fight at the 2024 Paris Olympics against Italian boxer Angela Carini ended after46seconds.
The European athlete told reporters that she abandonedthematchforher
PARENTS’PARTICIPATION: Attending parents pay rapt attention to the briefing of their children’s safety by Terrence Poole in the presence of some of the children.
Canada, winning the gold medal in the lightwelterweight division after victories over Alec Leatherday of Australia, Baba Sumaila of Ghana,
Michael Mwangi of Kenya and James Douglas of Scotland,byknockoutinthe first round. The traditional opening ceremony will be held at the tournament v e n u e
Gymnasium, Mandela Av
y followed by the highly anticipated fistic fury on Friday
Algerian boxer
Imane Khelif
health. “I have never felt a punch like this,” she said, crying.
Carini’s comments and the fight sparked controversy because Khelif isoneoftwoboxerswhowas permitted to compete at the Olympics despite being disqualified from the nowbannedInternationalBoxing Association’s women’s world championship in 2023. The Algerian boxer and Taiwan’s Li Yu-ting allegedly failed testosterone and gender eligibility tests, theIBAannounced.
Athena Chess proudly presents the second edition oftheMasteroftheGuianas fixed for this Saturday, August 17th, 2024. This thrilling online chess tournament kicks off at 6:00 PMlocaltimeandisopento all chess players from Guyana and Suriname.With a prize pool of USD650 up for grabs, the competition is boundtobefierce.
The first edition in 2022 was a success, with Imaan Kalidjo taking the top spot and WCM Victoria Kaslan being crowned the best femaleplayer
The tournament will be
hosted on lichess org, a popular free and opensource chess platform supported by volunteers and donors. With an average of three million games played daily by chess enthusiasts worldwide, it’s the perfect stage for our players from Guyana and Suriname, who are already active on this platform.
The format will be a 9round Swiss system, with eachplayerhaving3minutes plus a 2-second increment permove.
Additional consolation prizeswillalsobeavailable. The entry fee is GYD 1000orSRD125. Theorganiserssaid,they eagerly anticipate the enthusiastic participation of our chess players and look forwardtostrengtheningour chess ties. Join us for an unforgettable chess showdown.
For more information and registration got to: https://athenachess.com/mot g.
Frompage25 given to them. The medal wouldn’t be handedto them,they haveto work and earn it. The talent is there,” the usually candid coachstated.
Since the inception of the U20 World Championships, Guyana holds only one medal, courtesy of Kadecia Baird in the women’s400m.
Baird crossed the finish line in 51.04s,
claiming the silver medal behind the USA’s Ashley Spencer and ahead of another American,ErikaRucker Baird’s remarkable time remains the fastest U20 performance by a South Americanathlete.
ShaunaeMiller-Uibo,wholaterachieved distinction as a two-time Olympic gold medallistandWorldChampioninthe400m, finishedfourthinthesamerace.
The North East football team claimed the ‘One Guyana’ President’s Games Futsal title on Sunday at the National Gymnasium, marking the end of the inauguralPresident’sGames organisedbytheMinistryof Culture,Youth,andSportsin
The 2024 champions, North East Ballers, secured theirvictorybydefeatingthe Futsal powerhouse Bent Street in a thrilling 5-4
y shootout, after a tightly contestedfinalthatendedin a 1-1 draw North East’s impressive performance throughout the two-day tournament culminated in themliftingtheOneGuyana trophy
North East’s journey to the title saw them easily advance to the final four, thanks to a walkover win in the quarterfinals against Team Ex Pro In the semifinals, they dispatched Team Unstoppable which
eventually finished fourth with a comfortable 2-0 victory, setting the stage for theirdramaticfinaltriumph.
playoff, Team Sparta d
Unstoppable with a 4-0 victory, with Ryan Hackett scoring all four goals
performance earned him the Highest Goal Scorer award withatotaloffivegoals.
Bent Street’s journey included a nail-biting 6-5 sudden-death penalty win over Pouderoyen in the quarterfinalsaftera1-1draw in regulation time. Other quarterfinal matches saw TeamUnstoppabledefeating Team Lash Up 3-1, while Team Sparta cruised past Shattaville Gunners of Stewartville with a 7-0 victory
Additionally, North East’s Samuel Vandyke and Calv
n M
e recognized with individual accolades, winning the Best Goalkeeper and Most Valuable Player (MVP) awards,respectively
P e g a s u s r u l e d supremacy in the 2024 season after recording a gripping, 10-run victory overMasterslastSaturdayat the Emancipation Park, Mississauga in the Ontario Round-ArmSoftballCricket
A s s o c i a t i o n (ORSCA)/Adana Homes 10-10knockoutElitefinal. Their win was inspired by a pugnacious, unbeaten 95 from opener Ricardo Peters. They rattled up a competitive 174-2 from the allotment of 10-overs while Mastersrespondedwith1644atthecompletionofthe10overs.
Peters, the former Guyana youth player, cracked 11 nonchalant sixes and three fours during his electrifying, 34-ball entertainment.
After Pegasus were inserted to bat first, they capitalizedeffectivelyonthe opportunity They certainly
relished an opening stand of 95from29ballsbetweenthe rampant Peters and Kandasammy Surujnarine, who also wore national coloursattheUnder-19level forGuyana.
Both right-handers
batted with supreme confidence reaching and clearingtheboundarieswith frequency Surujnarine hit a blistering 42, an innings characterized with six effortless sixes and a four spanning19balls.
After Surujnarine was deceived and bowled by a slower-ball from the experienced Riaz Kadir, Adrina Sukhwa joined forces with Peters and they continued the flamboyant show Sukhwa, another player with representation for Guyana’s junior side, clobbered four sixes in his cameo26.
Recently Pegasus also emerged victorious in the
ORSCA/Imran Ali Real Estatetestformatdethroning Sunshine in the final rubber atthesamefacility
When Masters began their chase, they started off aggressively too with Azam Haniff and the inform Rajkumar Budhram. Haniff became the first victim having contributed 14 while Budhram and Kadir posted up a threatened, 76-run second-wicket partnership before Kadir and Budram fellinquicksuccession.
Kadir smacked six sixes in his 44 while Budram scored a fighting 38 which contained5sixes.
Seasoned campaigner Damodar Daesrath departed for 1 shortly before Abdool ‘Bird’ Samad came to the party providing some highlights.
T h e e x - C a n a d a
International player Samad slammed seven sixes to score a pulsating, unbeaten
50. Peters proved his allroundcapabilitybysnapping up two wickets for 27 runs from his maximum two oversandNishalNarinealso with 2 wickets but he conceded32runsinhistwooverouting.
Peters was adjudged the player-of the-match for his scintillating batting performance.
Meanwhile, at the postmatch presentation ceremony, President of the ORSCA Mitch Bacchus congratulated the winning teamandalsosharedsimilar sentiments to Masters for participating in the championshipencounter
He acknowledged the sponsorship of Satishwar Persaud, Managing Director of Adana Homes again for thefourthyearinsuccession.
Persaudwasalsoonhand to witness the final and he expressed delight to be associatedwiththeORSCA.
Ricardo Peters
CharlotteKoolsurgedtowin stage one of the Tour de France Femmes in a bunch sprintfinishinTheHague.
D S M - F i r m e n i c h PostNL’s Kool kicked clear witharound100mtogoand heldoffthechaserstoclaim
the first leader’s yellow jersey of the eight-stage race.
Finland’s Anniina Ahtosalo of Uno-X finished second, with Italian Elisa Balsamo of Lidl Trek in third.
Pre-stage favourite
Lorena Wiebes sustained a dropped chain with 200m remaining and could not contestthefinish.
“ItwasreallyhecticbutI likeit.
Ikeptonthinking,‘OKI like hectic, I like chaos’,” saidKool,25.
“I went so early and I thought it’s too long and it hurtsobadbutitwasenough intheend.”
Stage one was a 124km flat run from Rotterdam to The Hague in the Netherlands, with this the firsttimetherace,initsthird
edition, has started outside France.
A huge crash in the middle of the peloton at 69km to go brought dozens ofriderstoahaltbutnorider wasseriouslyhurt.
Despite a frantic run-in to the line, Wiebes looked ideally placed on the wheel of lead-out rider Barbara Guarischi.
But her chain problem forcedhertositupandKool followed Guarischi before launching out of her slipstream as the Italian looked round to see Wiebes haddriftedback.
Defending champion Demi Vollering had a relatively easy day and finishedsafelyinthebunch.
Theracecontinuesinthe Netherlandswithtwostages both taking place on Tuesday
The riders face a 67km flatcoursefromDordrechtto Rotterdam in the morning before a 6.3km individual timetrialinRotterdaminthe afternoon.
The Tour then moves from the Netherlands into Belgium on Wednesday before finally arriving in FranceonThursday,withthe final stage taking place on Sunday
o (Fin/Uno-X)Sametime Elisa Balsamo (Ita/Lidl Trek)
Lotta Henttala (Fin/EFOatly-Cannondale)
M a r i
Kimberley le Court (Mri/AGInsurance-Soudal)
Blanka Vas (Hun/SD W o r x )
Elisa Balsamo (Ita/Lidl Trek) +6secs Lotta Henttala (Fin/EF-Oatly-Cannondale) +10secs Marianne Vos (Ned/Team Visma) Same
Health) Mylene de Zoete (Ned/Ceratizit-WNT)
Kimberley le Court (Mri/AGInsurance-Soudal) E
Blanka Vas (Hun/SD Worx)
C h a r l o t t e K o o l (Ned/DSM-Firmenich PostNL)2hrs47mins40secs
With ten athletes set to representGuyanaatthe2024 World Athletics U20 Championships, coach Julian Edmonds has high expectations for the team as they head to Peru for the event, which will take place fromAugust27to31.
This marks Guyana’s largest contingent at the Championships, which first tookplacein1986inAthens, Greece.
“Everyone has earned their place on the team,” Edmonds told Kaieteur News yesterday, noting that all athletes have met the qualifying standards set by the global governing body fortrackandfield.
Leading Guyana’s team is Tianna Springer, the world’s top-ranked U18 athleteinthe400mcategory AlleyeswillbeontheYouth Commonwealth Games champion and two-time CARIFTA Games 400m
Malachi Austin, currently ranked as one of the world’s fastest U18 athletesinthe400m,hasalso secured his place in his specialtyevent.
JoiningthemareNarissa McPherson, Nalica Glen, Ezekiel Newton, Kaidon Persaud, Dh Neilson Gill, EnochMunroe,andJackson Clarke.
Athaleyha Hinckson, who made history by winning Guyana’s first-ever 100m gold at the CARIFTA Games, has also met the qualifying standard for the WorldU20Championships.
On the relay front, Guyana’s 4x400m Mixed Relayteam,withablistering timeof3:23.51atthisyear’s CARIFTAGames, currently holds the world’s secondfastestU20time,justbehind China(3:22.46).
Additionally, Guyana’s 4x400mrelayteam’stimeof 3:14 05, achieved at the
CARIFTA Games, ranks them as the ninth-fastest in theworld.
Edmonds expressed his
progress made by the countryinrelays,statingthat Guyanaiswell-positionedto reachthepodium.
“Iexpectthemtogoafar way and getting through
every round I’m a bit concernedaboutthelateness we’re getting into Peru Some countries will arrive around the 20th to get acclimatize,”Edmondssaid.
Edmonds noted that for athletes like Springer, Austin, and Hinckson, returning to Peru this time willbeadifferentexperience compared to their previous outingattheSouthAmerican U20 Championships in Athletics.
Austin won the men’s 400m during his last visit to Peru, while Hinckson made historybybecomingthefirst Guyanese to win gold in the women’s100mattheevent.
S p r i n g e r , w h o previously secured gold in the 400m at the South A m e r i c a n U 2 0 Championships,hadtosettle forbronzeinLima.
Although the athletes previously struggled with the altitude and cold, Edmonds believes this time
will be different, as the weatherwillbewarmernow than it was in July “The peoplewiththeadvantageis the home team But everyone else will be on the samepage.However,Ithink we could’ve gotten more athletes We lost Javon Roberts to injury He should’ve been there,” Edmondsreasoned.
With regards to keeping the athletes grounded, Edmonds said, “I’ve been talkingtothem,lettingthem understand they have to narrow down their circles and distraction. Whatever theywould’veachievedisin thepast.Allthatmattersnow is the U20 Championship anddoingwell.”
“They have to look forward in the future. This Championship is a defining m o m e n t i n t h e i r development.It’sthehighest levelofcompetitionfortheir agegroup.Nothingwillbe
JavidAliisontopofthe world after his newly imported Brazilian horse, OlympicKremlinpulledoff a remarkable upset win in thefeatureeventofthe16th running of the Guyana Cup at Rising Sun Turf Club, on Sundaylast.
The Slingerz Racing Stables, after three attempts in the Guyana Cup feature, finally came to the victory party The Guyana Cup winner, Olympic Kremlin had arrived in Guyana less than four days before race day According to Ali, the horsewasunabletowalkfor a few days after the intense traveling but less than 48 hours before race day, the horsebegantoacclimatize.
“Finally, after a third try in the Guyana Cup. I still can’t believe the horse just win. It is a feeling you cannot explain, to win the
most prestigious horse racing in Guyana, the Guyana Cup. This is my third-yearracing,butIhave beencomingtohorseracing inBerbicesinceIwasakid. RacingintheGuyanaCupis not easy, it is a lot of work and sacrifices. Credit must be given to the entire team andNasrudeenMohamedJr especially,”Alisaid.