United States oil giant ExxonMobil Corporation has reported an increase in its income tax expenses for the second quarter of 2024, with the figure rising to US$4 1 billion, up from US$3.5 billion in the same periodlastyear
The company’s total tax bill for the quarter stood at US$11.6 billion. However, none of this tax was paid to Guyana,whereExxonMobil continuestoenjoyatax-free status under its existing agreements.
ExxonMobil’s effective income tax rate, calculated based on consolidated company income taxes and its share of equity company income taxes, was 34%, up from 33% in the previous year “This increased from the33%rateintheprioryear period due primarily to a change in mix of results in jurisdictions with varying taxrates…”Exxonsaid.
Recently, Exxon announced its earnings of US$9 2 billion for the second quarter of 2024.The company’s Chief Executive
Officer (CEO), Darren Woods attributed Exxon’s profits to their operations in Guyana and said that, “We achieved record quarterly production from our lowcost-of-supply Permian and Guyana assets, with the highest oil production since theExxonandMobilmerger Wealsoachievedarecordin high-value product sales, growing by 10% versus the firsthalfoflastyear.”
“We delivered our second-highest 2Q earnings of the past decade as we continue to improve the fundamentalearningspower
of the company. We closed on our transformative mergerwithPioneerinabout halfthetimeofsimilardeals. And we’re continuing to build businesses such as ProxximaTM, carbon materials and virtually carbonfree hydrogen, with approximately 98% of CO2 removed, that will create value long into the future,” Woods said ExxonMobil Guyana Limited (EMGL), a subsidiary of Exxon, disclosed in June that it earned approximately US$2.9billioninprofitslast year—entirelytax-free.
ExxonMobil Guyana is the operator of the Stabroek Block with a 45% interest, while Hess Guyana Exploration Ltd. holds 30% interest and China National Offshore Oil Corporation (CNOOC) Petroleum Guyana Limited holds 25% interest. The block-partners enjoy a tax-free ride in Guyana owed to the 2016 Production Sharing Agreement (PSA), Exxon signed with Guyana back in 2016.
Theoildealprovidesfor taxes owed by the company to be paid by Guyana. The PSA states at Article 15.1 that the Contractor (ExxonMobil Guyana Limited) as well as its affiliates shall not be subjected to tax, valueadded tax, excise tax, duty, fee, charge or impost in respect of income derived from petroleum operations, propertyheldortransactions exceptasspecifiedunderthe agreement.
It goes on to state at Article 15.4 that the sum equivalenttothetaxesowed
bythecompanywillbepaid by the Minister responsible for Petroleum to the Commissioner General of the Guyana Revenue Authority (GRA). Notably, theGoGalsoagreedtoissue a receipt to ExxonMobil, indicatingthatithasmetthe local tax requirements to avoid the burden of double taxation.
Also,theGovernmentof Guyana(GoG)hasexplicitly statedthatduetothesanctity of contract the 2016 PSA willremaininplace,despite the deal being labelled as lopsided, benefitting the oil companiesmore.
Notably, a legal suit brought against these abusivetaxgiveawaysbythe Publisher of this newspaper, Mr Glenn Lall was unsuccessful as the Court dismissed the case in February2023.
Article 15 5 of the contract states, “Within one hundred and eighty (180) days following the end of eachyearofassessment,the Minister shall furnish to Contractor proper tax certificates in Contractor’s n a m e f r o m t h e Commissioner General, Guyana Revenue Authority evidencing the payment of the Contractor’s income tax under the Income Tax Act and corporation tax under the Corporation Tax Act. Such certificates shall state the amount of tax paid individually on behalf of Contractor or parties comprising the Contractor and other particulars customary for such certificates.”
“Ask the Minister...who wouldreadit?GlennLall?I can’t even go through that. Youneedtechnicalpeople.A Field Development Plan for an oil and gas sector you need specialized people They would put Glenn Lall, thespecialisttoreadit.Who inyouragencywouldreadit ifyouseeit?”
That was the response provided by Vice President, Bharrat Jagdeo to a reporter from Kaieteur News when asked to say whether his governmentwouldmakethe Field Development Plans (FDPs) public, for the oil projects approved for ExxonMobil.
An FDP outlines how a company intends to develop a petroleum field, manage the impact on the environment and society, as well as forecasts for productionandcosts.
Todate,sixprojectshave been approved for the American oil giant, operating Guyana’s prolific Stabroek Block, but FDPs outlining the specifications ofeachprojecthavenotbeen released to the public. This newspaperrecentlyacquired copies of the Liza One and Liza Two projects. Kaieteur News in a previous article exposed with the aid of the FDPs that Exxon was producingoilwellabovethe design rates outlined for each project, creating fears that the oil could be drained well ahead of the 20-year projectlife.
Jagdeo was therefore asked whether government will make the FDPs public for the projects approved underhisadministration.
As anticipated, viewers oftheVP’spressconference were briefly steered offtopic as Jagdeo addressed thepositionofTransparency Institute on the parking meter project and the fact that the body gave credit to the David Granger government for publishing
the 2016 oil deal and strengthening the Integrity Commission.
Getting back to the subject, he boasted that government has published all the Permits and Licenses forprojectsapprovedsinceit took office. “If I am not wrong, I would suspect that we are the ones also who madethe(FDPs)available,” Jagdeosaid. Whenhewasaskedifhe would make the other four available, he said, “Ask the Minister ” Jagdeo also mocked, “And who would read it? Glenn Lall? I can’t even go through that. You need technical people. A field development plan for an oil and gas sector you need specialised people They would put Glenn Lall, thespecialisttoreadit.Who inyouragencywouldreadit ifyouseeit?”
AllFDPsshouldbepublic Former Minister of Public Infrastructure and ChairmanoftheAllianceFor Change (AFC), David Patterson in an interview with this newspaper on Tuesday argued that all FDPsshouldbemadepublic. Patterson explained, “They should be available, that’s what the permit is based on. It has a lot of the details which the people should know. Several of the assumptions that the public
are making are contained in theirdesigncriteria.”
He pointed out that the Environmental Impact Assessments (EIAs) for the oil projects are equally voluminous and technical, yet these have been made available to the public “Kaieteur News and the rest of the public have gone through them line by line to discover what Exxon is
claiming so for him to hide behind the excuse that the documentsaretechnicaland people can’t read them is absolutely unacceptable,” the Parliamentarian pointed out.
The man in the street needs to know as well as the generalpublic,soforhimto hide about the technicalities just shows that they obviouslyarethingsinthere that they know will come
“For a government to claim that they are open and transparent I don’t see why Jagdeo and the PPP are hiding all these important documents. First and foremost, the oil belongs to all Guyana.What is done with the oil and how it done, how it is produced is the business of every single Guyanese - technical or not.”
Patterson added, “For a government to claim that they are open and transparent I don’t see why Jagdeo and the PPP are hiding all these important documents First and foremost, the oil belongs to all Guyana. What is done withtheoilandhowitdone, how it is produced is the business of every single Guyanese- technical or not.
intoquestionsotheyarejust simply trying to deceive the people.”
In addition to the FDPs, the former Minister highlightedthatgovernment has failed to publish the reviews of the Field Development Plans, completed by Canadian lawyer and former politician, Alison Merrilla Redford.
She was used not once, but twice for the review of ExxonMobil’s Payara and Yellowtail FDPs. Given the factthatRedfordhasnowell knowntrackrecordofbeing afiercedefenderofStateson field development plans, industry experts could not comprehend why she was selected for such an important job What has surprised them as well is “Guyana’s wild rate of approval for Exxon’s projects” following Redford’s input. They noted that Redford reviewed both PayaraandYellowtailwithin 42and52daysrespectively
24SaffonStreet, Charlestown,Georgetown,Guyana.
Tel: 225-8465, 225-8491. Fax: 225-8473, 226-8210
Guyana’s chief oil policymaker, Bharrat Jagdeo, has a bag of strategies that would make a skilled defense attorney proud. Wehavebeeninsyncwiththemforalongperiod,but must share with the public starting today, as he keeps adding moreelementstohisbagoftricks.
Ask Jagdeo something important about oil, and he changes into a magician immediately He reaches into his bag and pulls out a white rabbit that he holds aloft. It is his way of distracting Guyanese about what is really going on with their immense oil wealth. Meanwhile both he and ExxonMobil carry on with their usual game of smoke and mirrors.
Onelongrunningpracticeperfectedbythenation’schief oil policymaker is to buy himself time to evade the walls closing in around him. He dithers and he dissembles with muchtimelost,thenhebringsouthisbatteringramstobring down those asking relevant questions that Guyanese want answered, straight answers that make sense. Jagdeo made non-answers his standard strategy and first practice, even though they lost value for him. Audits of ExxonMobil billionsofUSDollarsinexpensesandtheirfindings,areone such example. Guyana’s Oil Czar twisted and turned in the wind, bought time, then came up with a solution to bail himselfoutofatightcornerandgivehimselfsomebreathing room.
The first tactic in his broad strategy having failed, we watched as he tried his hand at another slippery escapade in his second. It was to send reporters from the independent media, who were asking tough and embarrassing questions on the oil and gas sector to check with different ministers. TimeprovedtobeatimesaverforJagdeobutturnedouttobe yetanotherofhispatentedwildgoosechases.
One minister pretended ignorance, while another found solace in silence. Like the chief oil policymaker man, no minister was so reckless as to speak out of turn and spill any ofhisoilsecrets.
It is reasonable to think that seasoned ministers and reasonably educated ministers were all acting on orders. In practice, play stupid, say nothing, shed no insight; the government, the leadership, and the true nature and depth of the ExxonMobil-PPPC Government partnership relationshipallremainsafe.
Another tried and true tactic practice perfected by chief oil policymaker Jagdeo is go after his favorite scapegoats. Morethanhalfofthetimeinwhathecallspressconferences (aseriesoffarces)isspentrantingandravinginuncontrolled abandon at the Opposition PNC, or another convenient target,theoutputofthisnewspaperandtheradioprogramsof its publishers. A question is raised about an independent oversightoilbodyandJagdeoremindseveryonebyrailingat what the PNC did. It was the politicization of state bodies, which he is working hard to avoid at all costs. This was Jagdeoathisbest,hismostcunning,giventhathehasdoneso more profusely He gains two benefits from pointing at the PNC and KN: questions on an independent oversight oil body are swept off the table (more time bought) and he retainsinhisownhandsallthepowerandcontrolovertheoil sector The president, the cabinet, and the rest of the government kit and caboodle are all reduced to the role of bystandersandobservers.
Jagdeo displays the same time-buying strategy, as boostedbyallitsrelatedtwistyandtwirlytactics,onahostof other sensitive oil issues. It could be what the PPPC Government(hehimself)isdoingtorecoverthehundredsof millions improperly charged by ExxonMobil for expenses involving the already given away Kaieteur and Canje oil blocks. Or how many new barrels of oil have been found by ExxonMobil in the last eight discoveries that it announced. Or interest rate(s) charged by ExxonMobil on its loans/investmentstoGuyana.Orhowmuchtheoilcompany is paying to rent the capping stack. Jagdeo’s strategy has been to bluff his way by brawling, dodging to buy time, and hiding behind smokescreens. He thinks he is buying time. What he succeeds in doing is making himself look pathetic, impotent,andchildishlycomical.
DEAREDITOR, although many people feel sources reveal that they press conferences that the Some ministries run heshouldgoafterthecorrupt didn’t take too kindly to the government has been corruption-free operations as then Attorney General recent articles attacking c
n while others are deeply Ramesh Maharaj did in
s corruption. embedded in corruption Trinidad during the Panday
He issued multiple M
e administration. As AG, that preceding coalition; a few warningsagainstthecorrupt. stewardship of Dr Vindyha is his job - evaporate politicians offered praises — He stated that is the Persaud (Social Security) corruption!ThatDr Vindyha “well done”, “thanks for President’s role to address and Anil Nandlall (Attorney and Mr Nandlall, and a few yourintervention”! corruption And as he General and Legal Affairs), others can run corrupt-free, A
s t e v e r y admitted, evidence to among others, display clean ministries, the public government globally is convict the corrupt is hard to intolerance for corruption. asks why can’t other saddled with corruption obtain and people are not Dr Vindyha is known to m i n i s t e r s o r o t h e r There are few, if indeed any, willing to testify against move hard against staff governmentfunctionaries? t r u l y c o r r u p
accused; it is so in most engaged in or attempted acts
government, not even countries. ofdishonesty
Itissaidsheprevailsover s p
is Singapore or the Nordic Many people in Guyana
states (that display ideal and the diaspora feel Dr her bosses that they (the uncontrollable cancer that is form of governance). Some Vindyha and other corruptcorrupt) must go or else she eating away at the fabric of governments seriously f
would go. She is praised the nation, there were many address corruption and have government functionaries everywhere for her resilient commendations, pats, and been able to curtail it. The should go on an antiand uncompromising stance praises with remarks like, corrupt at times were corruption crusade like on corruption and as a role “long overdue”, “silent too charged or indicted and Attorney General Ramesh modelofgoodgovernance. long”, “timely”, and there prosecuted, serving as a Maharaj did in Trinidad That is the kind of were also several warnings: limited deterrent; China is (1996-2001). But they are incorruptible, honest
“Dem boys don’t like it and known to execute corrupt fore-warned that Maharaj leadershipanddetermination willcomeafteryou”;“Safety officials. It is not known if was fired from his job for a leader must exemplify to not assured”; “Just be any corruption accused was speaking out against clean up on corruption. Mr careful”, among others. To successfully brought to trial corruption and his boss Nandlall is also praised their credit, no politician inGuyana. Prime Minister Panday lost everywhere in Guyana and (government or opposition) At any rate, to deny that his job in the resulting action the diaspora for his legal called or wrote a response there isn’t corruption is to nevertoreturntothatexalted brilliance and running a (negative or critical) bury heads in the sand. The position.Maharajalsonever co
h confidential VP admitted in multiple (Continued on page 5)
DEAREDITOR, navigation of the COVID-19 Caribbeanby2025,theHead nation in the hemisphere. As His Excellency Dr pandemic, which wreaked of State has turned around Government has also Irfaan Ali and Prime havoc on the nation for the agriculture sector with invested large sums of Minister the Honorable almost two years; the major massivecropdiversification, money in health care, social Brigadier Mark Phillips floods that nearly crippled the infusion of Government services, and education with markfouryearsinoffice,itis the agriculture industry, funds and technology, the the construction of new time to reflect and highlight especially rice and cash rebuilding of the Rose Hall schools in several regions on the progress the country crops; and last, but not least, Sugar Factory which was and with the ultimate goal of has made since the chaotic inflation and its impact on gutted by the Granger making post-secondary andfrantic2020Generaland the people, especially on the administration, and the education free at the Regional Elections. During middle and lower classes. modernization of the University of Guyana by thosefivedisorderlymonths, WhileGuyanaisnottheonly outdated infrastructure 2025. the nation was in panic, as country in the world that has landscape after years of These initiatives by our the PPPC faced several been afflicted by inflation, n e g l e c t T h e P P P C leaders clearly underscore challenges, not knowing the which is a measure of the government has distributed the dedication, commitment results of the March 2 cost-of-living, President Dr more than 35,000 house lots and determination of elections or what the future Ali and his government, and created 45,000 jobs President Dr Ali, Prime holds. Not only was the including PM Brigadier especially for youths, who Minister Phillips and Vice PPPCdeclaredthewinnerby Mark Phillips and Vice are 65 percent of the P
the Guyana Elections President Bharrat Jagdeo, population. Not to mention sustainable and human Commission (GECOM), but have offered relief to the careful development of d
democracy also triumphed thousands of households the oil and gas sector by p
on August 2, 2020. With through fiscal grants and tax Government, despite the environment. Their resolve elections expected in late relief, and have pledged lopsided contract signed by to solve the nation’s 2025, everyone must be furtherassistance. theGrangeradministration. problems, develop the prepared to protect our As Guyanese, we are In the same period, country, and improve the cherished democracy, which blessed and should be President Dr Ali has l
could have been lost had it extremely proud to have increased salaries for public unfaltering, and should not been for steadfast efforts such outstanding, creative, servants, old age pensions instill optimism and madebythePPPCtocombat visionary and devoted have been increased for the confidence among all the barefaced rigging leaders with superb more than 60,000 senior Guyanese at home and in the engaged in by the coalition administrative and policy- citizens, and public diaspora about our country’s government. making skills; who, in four assistance and “Because We economic future. Everyone, Since being sworn-in as years, have inspired our Care” cash grant for school- regardless of their status, respective President and youths,transformedGuyana, aged children have been political affiliation or Prime Minister, the list of and moved it from the status increased significantly His ethnicity, should work achievements under the Ali- of an underdeveloped nation Excellency has embarked on collectively towards a Phillips leadership has been to that of a developed a set of broad-ranging prosperous and unified extensive and across-the- country Tofulfillsomeofhis policies to reduce poverty, Guyana. board Among those grand policies aimed at create wealth, and make Sincerely, achievementsare:successful regional food security in the Guyana the most prosperous Dr.Asquith Rose
DEAREDITOR, economy.” He then drew (indentured laborers) to agricultural families to the Negro Progress Convention different reasons Francis
A t t h e r e c e n t reference to the British BritishGuiana,confirmsthat Colony India, in response, (co-foundedin1921byMEF Kawall (President of the Emancipation Symposium, Guiana C
ion this“colonization”plan,part offered to send a number of Fredericks, a Buxtonian BGEIA in 1923-24) argued Eric Phillips, head of the Scheme of 1919 as evidence of an immigration proposal, deputations to investigate lawyer, and Theodore that newly arrived Indian G u y
ns for the origin of this grand did not materialize and did labour conditions in the Nichols, a physician) called immigrants would make it Committee, and Executive design. The implication is
Colony Their findings were for the introduction of
Member of the African c l e a r H e t o l d h i s consideration by Great recordedinthePillai-Tewary similar migration ‘scheme’ successfully for living Cultural and Development unsuspecting audience in BritainorBritishIndia.” report of 1924, and the to introduce Africans from wages. He suggested they Association (ACDA) stated Buxton that Britain was “W Hewley Wharton Kunwar Maharaj Singh West Africa and other parts concentrate on improving that Africans are in a state of prepared to have British (first Indian doctor) became report of 1925 Neither of the West Indies into the living conditions of “total crisis” and “benign Guiana become an Indian the Secretary and JA reportconsideredtheissueof BritishGuiana.InDecember Indians already in Guiana. neglect” and that African Colony He had brought this Luckhoo (first Indian ‘colonization’, but they 1923, the Secretary of the The immigration scheme political leaders should be issue up before, and on Guyanese legislator) was addressed pressing issues NPC, EP Bruyning made it was effectively dead by “educated about our history December 16, 2019 elected President of the li
known that the proposed 1924-1925.” and about an eye for an eye,” ( S t a b r o e k N e w s ), I BGEIA in 1919. Luckhoo repatriation,thepoliticaland BGEIAimmigration scheme T
instead of “turning the other r e s p o n d e d t o h i s and his colleagues initiated economic status of Indians, was a ‘distinct act of Scheme always included the cheek.” Eric is known for fabrications: the scheme in an effort to the cultural needs of Hindus discrimination’ against recruitment of immigrants providing yeoman service to “Ericextractedasingular forge closer ties with India. and Muslims and permanent Africans who were entitled undernewconditions,andas the African community, but event from the annals of These prominent Christian Indiansettlement.” to ‘first consideration’ Dwarka Nath has shown, that does not license him to Guyana’s history and British-trained citizens “The BGEIA wanted to Besides the NPC, Nathaniel more West Indians than make egregious and deduced that a little-known could hardly be considered secure ethnic balance and Critchlow (also a founding Indians, were admitted into outrageousstatements. British Guiana Colonization ‘extremists’ They were fair representation in memberoftheNPC),andhis Guyana at the end of Indian Eric Phillips and the Schemehasinfluencedmany loyal British subjects. The government (goals they B G L U o p p o s e
memory wa
iors are [Indian] attitudes in today’s immigration plan was seized repeated at the 1938 immigration scheme. Others Sincerely, pushing the idea that it is the Guyana There are two upon by the planter class centenary celebrations). The intheBGEIAdidtoo,butfor Baytoram
current state, and not just the incontrovertible facts about whoviewedtheschemeasan previous colonial powers, the so-called ‘colonization’ opportunity to address their which should provide scheme. One, this scheme plantation labour shortage, reparations to Africans was part of a larger following the abolition of Certainly, the Europeans are immigration plan initially indentureship, at a time obligated to compensate supported by the planter when the price of sugar was descendants of formerly class and some members of depressed.Attorney-General enslaved people for this the British Guiana East JJ Nunan, on December 5, historical wrong to humanity I n d i a n A s s o c i a t i o n 1919, in a meeting with the However, equating the post (BGEIA) The plan to Secretary to the Government independent Guyanese state ‘colonize’ Guiana on behalf of India, explained that the with the colonial state, and of India was not a plan plan was based upon the free demanding reparations from proposed by Britain or India. immigration of Indian the current state, instead of Two,Britainnevermadeany equity, amounts to double proposal“gifting”thecolony dipping and political of British Guiana to India (a bullyism. colony Britain also In the same speech, he controlled) These are makes the outrageous claim conjectures,easilyrefuted.” that “Indians and their “…theexistingliterature acolytes own 97 per cent of on the Indian girmitiyas
From page 4
returned as AG although he has become a champion of good governance and democracy and a thorn on bad government. He is among ‘the most revered’ and perhaps the most feared lawyer in the country; lawyers preferred not to go up against him and judges prefer not to have him appear in their court room for he rattled them and rarely lost a case on appeal at the Privy Council Corruption is known to bring down government. It happened in Trinidad multiple times and in other Caribbean states. It also played a role in the downfall of both the PNC (APNU) and PPP It is theAchilles Heel of the present government in the coming election as it was in 2011 and 2015. To be forewarned is to be fore-armed! Act against corruption;makeexamplesofthecorrupt!
Yours Truly, Vishnu Bisram
IreadthewellpresentedletterbymyfriendandpatriotEric PhillipsofACDA. Inhiseruditeletter,hemakesastrongcase for Constitutional Reform. The argument for constitutional reform has been supported by my Party, the People’s National Congress and others. Here, I publicly disagree with the arguments, logical as it may appear In one paragraph of his letter, Eric Phillips and others make a case for public education. I agree such education must involve intense work by all of our religious and social organisations. Such work is aimed to produce a generation of Guyanese with a sense of morality. Some years ago, we called for a moral and spiritual revival. The key to unlock the door to harmony and progress. Briefly, my position is that we can spend vast sums of money and time to retool, revamp or whatever remains of a Constitution that reads and sounds good. But so long as those with the authority to interpret a Constitution and manage the Affairs of State are themselves not corrupt, not power drunk and not selfish - they are wasting time and money I can fill pages with examples. Recall how the PPPcriticised what they called the Burnham Constitution of the 1980s, but once in office, sheltered behind it. In our Mother country - England, we had a King who believed in the Divine Right of Kings, ignoring Parliament and tradition. Nearer home, you had the mighty United States of America caught up in a civil war ostensiblytokeepblackAmericans,theDescendantsofSlaves equally Fromthepulpittocongress.
They recited “behold these rights to be self-evident” that all men are created equal, etcYet, generations later, it took the civilrightsmovementtomakethispartiallyareality
Thepointis,dearAubrey,DearEricandothers,weseeitin Guyana everyday, where the rules, customs and the constitution are torn asunder I can expand on this a bit later, but for now, as I postulated four decades ago, we need, and I emphasise we, need a moral and spiritual revival to produce a meaningful change, a regime of decency, justice and respect for each other My friends, a perfect constitution with corrupt, uncaringmenincharge,willleadtofrustration
Hamilton Green Elder
Minister of Education, Priya Manickchand on Monday turned the sod to mark the commencement of the construction of a new nursery school at Rockstone, Region10.
In a press release the ministry said the new nursery school will be constructed by Ele’s Trading & Hardware. The project, valuedatG$52,180,950,will be completed within six months.
To facilitate the start of the project a mobilisation amountofG$15,654,285has already been allocated. Once completed, the nursery s
approximately 150 children efforts to ensure that every construction of this new opportunity,” Minister from Rockstone and its child, regardless of their nursery school is more than Manickchand is quoted in surroundingareas,providing geographic location, has just a building; it represents thepressreleasesaying. The them with a safe and access to quality education. ourunwaveringcommitment project is expected to be c o n
a r n i n g She highlighted that the to the future of our children completed by the end of environment during their construction of this nursery and the development of our 2024,bringingmuch-needed formativeyears. school is a testament to the country Education is the educational facilities to
Speaking at the sod- Ministry of Education’s foundation upon which we Rockstone,whichwillplaya turning ceremony, Minister dedication to bridging the build a brighter future, and crucial role in nurturing the Manickchand emphasised educationalgapinhinterland we are ensuring that every next generation of leaders the government’s ongoing c o m m u n i t i e s “ T h e child in Guyana has that fromthiscommunity
Close to 2,000 families Bonne Intention (LBI) proud to be a landowner you want to build and pass it from Regions Three and PhasesThreeandFouralong “Being a young person and on,” Roopnarine expressed. Four are now on their the East Coast of Demerara. having a land is one of the Meanwhile,morethan1,500 j o u r n e y t o w a r d s
The distribution exercise most important things, persons received their homeownership, after was led by Minister of especially when it comes to certificates of title, marking receiving their house lots at Housing and Water, Collin beinginpreparationtostarta a significant step in their the Ministry of Housing and Croal, Minister within the family…Itisagoodthingto lives The ownership Water-Central,Housingand Ministry of Housing and have,” Nelson told DPI documents were provided to Planning Authority’s Water,SusanRodrigues,and Another allottee from many families from La (CHPA) ‘Dream Realised’ the Chief Executive Office Alexander Village in Reconnaissance, Cummings housing drive, at the ofCHPA,SherwynGreaves. G e o r g e t o w n , E d s y Lodge, Industry, Great International Building The Department of Public Roopnarine, said being a Diamond, Golden Grove, Exposition2024. Information (DPI) caught l a n d o w n e r m e a n s Industry, Non-Pareil, and The recipients were upwithseveralbeneficiaries everythingtoherfamily Enterprise. allocated lands at Wales who are happy to embark on ”It is something that we The documents will Phase Two housing this significant part of their have been looking forward provide the landowners with development in Region homeownershipjourney to It means everything manyopportunities Three, Non-Pareil and La Allottee, John Nelson is because you have kids and (Continued on page 9)
As the negotiations surrounding a pay hike for teachers continue, steps are reportedly being taken for the Government to come up with more than the 10 percent increase it is currentlyoffering.
General Secretary of the Guyana Teachers Union (GTU), Ms Coretta Mc Donald told this newspaper that with the discussions scheduledtocontinuetoday, the Union has been in discussionswithitmembers concerning the proposal on the table. She noted that the membership has already indicated that they are not willingtoaccepttheofferof 7 percent to 10 percent increaseontheirsalaries.
“The teachers have
weekend, rejected the previous offers and they have indicated, what they want to accept if the government is willing to offer 20 % that would have teacherssmilingIamsureof that,”McDonaldshared.
The GTU General
Secretaryreasonedthatwith biggerbudgetsannuallyand several supplementary budgets, the teachers are surethatthegovernmentcan cater to a feasible salary increase for teachers. She remindedthatwhenthejoint service and nurses received increases,teachersincreases were lumped together with other public servants
According to Mc Donald, thisislikenoincreaseatall.
TheGTUExecutivesaidthat theUnionisreturningtothe table to negotiate in good
faith, noting that it is hoped thatthegovernmentthrough theMinistryofEducationdo thesame.
Last week, Kaieteur News reported that the leadership of the GTU appearedtobedividedonits position on the Government ofGuyana’snewproposalof 10% salary increase retroactively for 2024. The newproposalalsoentails8% for 2025 and 9% 2026.This publication was informed, theGTUPresidentDr Mark Lyte had circulated a statement to the general membership of the Union stating that the General Council met on Friday and accepted the Government’s revisedproposal.
The statement said, “Colleagues, good morning.
General Council met
yesterday and made a decision to accept MoE’s revisedofferof10,8,9%for the three-year period with thecaveatthatshouldpublic servants get more than our offer, the difference will be given to teachers These direct financial benefits will be added to other indirect financialonesoutlinedinthe otherareasoftheagreement. The union wishes to have someofthesebenefitsrolled out in the month of September.”
Lyte had told the membership he intended to
sign the agreement on Monday “Hence, an early date of signing would be beneficial to our members. Towards this end, GC was asked to engage our members by region, branch, small group, etc., so as to update members These engagementsareexpectedto unfold today and tomorrow so that on Monday, we can sign the agreement. Four officers (President, 1st and 2nd VP’s, and GS) will attend the signing session at 09:00hrs on Monday at MoE’s Boardroom. We are
aware that what is agreed was not what was requested,” Dr Lyte said in thestatement.
However, a few hours after Lyte’s statement was issued, Mc Donald disseminated a statement of her own expressing disgust with the decision taken by Lyte “Colleagues good afternoon. This issue is one of grave concern to our members who have entrusted confidence in us, as such it is our responsibility to engage our members and not the GC Reps. I am unable to wrap my head around the reason we keep shying away from our members When we wanted their votes, we went outtheretomeetthemandat this time we should give them the respect. We have a Zoom platform that their dues pay for, let’s use it and layonthetabletheissuethat isbeforeus,”shesaid.
McDonaldsaid,“Asthe elected General Secretary, I disagree with the position that is being adopted at this time for several reasons and letmereminditsdemocratic right.”
Minister of Education Priya Manickchand turned the sod on Monday for the extension of the Linden Technical Institute.
Tocaterforsome250students,Ministerof Education, Priya Manickchand on Monday turnedthesodtoextendtheLindenTechnical InstitutemainbuildinginRegion10
TheprojectwillbeundertakenbyPhoenix Engineering Enterprise to the tune of $43,322,000 According to information from theEducationMinistry,thiscriticalexpansion representsasignificantinvestmentinthefuture of technical and vocational education in Lindenanditssurroundingareas
Theministeratthesimpleceremonynoted theimportanceoftheprojectstatingthat“The expansion of Linden Technical Institute is a testamenttoourgovernment’scommitmentto providing quality education and training opportunities for our youth This project will notonlybenefitthestudentsoftodaybutwill also contribute to the long-term economic development of Linden and the surrounding areas”
Withaprojecteddurationofsixmonths,the expansionwillenhancetheinstitute’scapacity
to serve 250 students, providing them with improvedfacilitiesandaccesstocutting-edge traininginvarioustechnicalfields
Alsotheimprovedinfrastructurewillalso support the introduction of new technical courses, equipping students with the skills neededtothriveinthemodernworkforce The Ministrynotedthatalreadythecontractorhas been provided a mobilization amount of $12,996,600 to ensure that construction progressesonscheduleandthatthenecessary resourcesareinplaceforthetimelycompletion oftheextension
Additionally, as a means of gaining both employment and experience simultaneously, Kaieteur News understands that five students fromtheinstitutewillbeworkingontheproject and will be paid a stipend They are: Esuan Fraser, Electrical Installation; Ksena McKinnon, General Construction; Walter Couchman, General Construction; Latrell Whinfield,GeneralConstruction;andTevonn Layne,ElectricalInstallation
Weareserenaded,almost modernization The T h e r h e t o r i c o f
Since 1992, we have been inherentlygood? daily,withlyricsofprogress, landscape of Guyana has transformation is seductive. locked into a model of Thenthereisthequestion echoed through the corridors been dotted with projects It promises a future that is development that prioritizes of sustainability. Are the of political speeches and aimed at transforming our better than the present, a v i s i b l e , t a n g i b l e projects we undertake built government reports and nation. Yet, despite the tomorrow where the outcomes—buildings,roads, to last, or will they crumble lackeys. The narrative billions of dollars spent and struggles of today are but infrastructure—over the less with the passage of time, suggests that signs of the countless ribbon-cutting distant memories. However, visible but equally important victims of poor planning and d e v e l o p m e n t a r e ceremonies, one cannot help the reality often falls short of aspects of progress, such as execution? The history of omnipresent in our but wonder whether we are the rhetoric. In the rush to social equity, environmental development in Guyana is reminded that true measure society from the freshly trapped in a cycle of endless build, to develop, to sustainability, cultural littered with the remnants of ofprogressisnotthenumber paved roads snaking through construction with no clear modernize, we must ask preservation and true failed projects, abandoned of roads built, schools urbanandrurallandscapesto destination. ourselves whether we are opportunities for our young buildings, and unfinished constructed, or hospitals the erection of new schools, Consider the roads that creating a society that truly people. The end point, it infrastructure. These are not planned. It is the extent to the blueprinting of modern have been built and rebuilt, benefits all its citizens, or seems, is not a well-defined just symbols of wasted w
h o s p
, a n d t h e often touted as symbols of whether we are merely destination but a moving resources; they are also contribute to a society where construction of police progress While they are constructing monuments to target And the more it reminders of the dangers of all citizens can thrive, where stations and water treatment undoubtedly necessary for politicalvanity moves, the more our people pursuing progress without a opportunitiesareavailableto plants. We are told, with connectivity and commerce, Hospitals are planned, migrate. clearandsustainablevision. all, and where the benefits of unflinching certainty that theyalsoserveasconvenient yet access to quality I
As we look to the future, development are shared G u y a n a i s o n a photo opportunities for healthc
a progress, we must also we must ask ourselves equitably This is the future transformative trajectory, a po
to challengeformany
whether we are content with we should strive for, and it is development curve that d e m o n s
e i r Police stations are built, Development is not an the current trajectory of the future we deserve. Until promises prosperity and c o m m i
m e n t t o yet the rule of law is unmitigated good; it comes development, or whether we we achieve this, the hive of upliftmentforall. development. But do these unevenly applied Water with trade-offs, sacrifices, have the courage to demand activity that surrounds us You see it. I see it too. roads lead us to a better t
eatment plants are and consequences The more—to demand that our willremainjustthat—abusy Indeed, much is happening. future, or do they merely constructed, yet clean water environmental impact of our leaders not only build but but directionless swarm, But the question that looms serve as temporary fixes for is stillnot a guaranteefor all. projects, the displacement of also plan, not only project moving from project to over this flurry of activity is deeper systemic issues that Thesecontradictionspointto communities, the erosion of but also reflect, not only project wi
simple yet profound: to what remainunaddressed? a deeper issue: the traditional ways of promisebutalsodeliver The reaching a meaningful end? Where is all this Schools are another disconnect between the life—these are all part of the end point of development conclusion. leading?Whatistheultimate example of this paradox. visible signs of progress and price we pay for the should not be a mirage that (The views expressed in goal of this hive of activity, New buildings are erected the lived experiences of the development we seek. But constantly recedes into the this article are those of the this constant erection of with much fanfare, yet the people. a
infrastructure and projection quality of education remains To what end therefore is acknowledge this price, or
distance It should be a
necessarily reflect the of future growth? Are we a persistent concern. The flurry of economic activity do we prefer to turn a blind improves the lives of all opinions and beliefs of this building a foundation for a physicalstructureofaschool directed? Is there a coherent eye, comforted by the belief citizens,notjustaselectfew n e w s p a p e r a n
prosperous future, or are we is but one component of a vision guiding these efforts, that all this activity is Our leaders need to be affiliates.) merely indulging in an holistic educational system. or are we simply moving illusion—a pipe dream that What about the quality of from one project to the next, dissipates with the morning teaching,therelevanceofthe driven by the imperatives of mist, leaving behind the curriculum, and the political expediency rather bitter taste of unfulfilled resources available to than a genuine commitment promises? students? These are the true to the well-being of the
Since 1992, we have markersofprogress,yetthey nation? been on a journey, or so we are often overshadowed by The answer, I fear, may a r e t o l d , t o w a r d the shiny new buildings that lie in the nature of the d e v e l o p m e n t a n d serveaspoliticalcapital. development narrative itself.
Dem boys seh dem gon open a repaved holdingupdework? road through de burial ground. De big road. Dem bring in a preacher He bless de But de funny ting is how de project end up place. Sprinkle holy water like rain falling. behind schedule. Yuh know why? Dem But dem boys seh even de preacher looking workersfrightendemdeadpeoplemorethan nervous He praying quick-quick and demfrightenbandit. looking over he shoulder Dem boys laugh Dem start digging up de place. Big when dem see that. Imagine, de man of God machine rolling in. But dem workers start frighten too. But he do he best, and dem catching cold sweat. One by one, dem start workerscomeback…slow,slow getting sick Stomach pain, headache, Butdeproblemain’tstop.Toolsmissing, vomitinglikedemeatstalefood.Demturnto materials disappear Dem boys seh it like de desupervisorandseh,“Bossman,something dead people playing tricks on dem. Is a real nah right here.” But de bossman, he seh, horrorshowdownthere.Andallthistime,de “Man, is just a lil’ bad weather.” But dem road sitting there, half-done, while people in boys know better Dem know is de dead de city waiting. Dem boys seh de dead people. De sick list get longer than de road people in de cemetery giving de workers itself. Dem workers start telling stories. One moretroublethananypoliticianinGuyana. seh he see a shadow following him.Another Oneworkersehhenotcomingbackuntil one seh he hear somebody calling he name dewholeplacewellblessed.Hesehherather when nobody was there. Even de big man in walk through de bush than step foot back on chargestarthearingtingsatnight.Demboys thatroad.Demotherworkersagree.Demtell seh de dead don’t like de idea of people de bossman, “De dead ain’t want no road, disturbing dem rest. And who can blame andweain’twantnotrouble.” dem? Construction slow down. Real slow Now, de road finally done. Dem gon cut Dem workers nah even want come back on de ribbon soon. But dem boys seh, “Watch de site. Dem seh better deal with a bandit in out!” Dem dead people still there. And just daylight than a ghost in de dark. De project like de road, dem spirit nah going nowhere. managersstartpullingdemhairout.Demgot Dem boys seh better yuh don’t drive too fast deadlines, yuh know Big man from town through de burial ground. Yuh never know calling, asking why de road ain’t done yet. whomightwantalift. But how yuh gon explain that de dead Talk half. Leff half
From page 6 and my family in the future,” Mingo said. including easier access to a mortgage from Another excited landowner, Nicolas the local banks to build their homes Lowenfield who applied for his land back in Landowner, Alishaw Singh from Diamond 2017alsoreceivedhislandtitle. Housing SchemetoldDPI thathernextmove Followingthebuildingexpo’sopeningon is to apply for a loan at the New Building Thursday, President Dr. Mohamed IrfaanAli Society (NBS). Roxanne Gooding said she with Minister Croal and CHPA’s CEO hasbeenwaitingsince2012forthedocument Greaves handed over titles to about 500 for her land at Golden Grove Block 13, East persons. Minister Croal highlighted that the Bank Demerara. “I am so glad for the PPP/C Government has executed strategic [building] Expo because I got through. They initiatives and policies over the years, worked very quickly I’m surprised and bringing relief to thousands of homeowners. thankful,”sheadded. According to him, the ministry has achieved
Dornell Mingo, another landowner, its targets for the house lot allocation, and cannot wait to build his first home to provide land titles distribution during this year’s acomfortableenvironmentforhisfamily buildingexpo.
“I’mgrateful.Ithasbeenahecticandlong With this momentum, the government is task. Since 2017, I have been checking and well on its way to fulfilling its manifesto’s updating documents to obtain my title so that promise of delivering 50,000 house lots by I can have a comfortable home for both me theendof2025.
President Ali becomes unduly exercised when his governmentiscalledtobook for failing to help Guyanese as they grapple with a horrendous cost of living crisis. Toputitmelodically, there is nothing related to excellence that is heard or discerned about Excellency Ali when he bops and hops around for the right response.
He points to how much
has been done, the consistency of the PPP Government’s kindness and care,andhowpoorlythePNC compares. I could give a damn about what the PNC didordidn’tdo.
The comrade leader should know that that is ancient history, a total irrelevancy, whether from he or the VP InAmerican: the president should tell Guyanese what he has done
for them lately President Ali may rave and rage, but his aid measures haven’t made that much of a difference.
For the edification of the leader who has lost his bearings and became overbearinginthatoperation, Guyanese are now less impressedwithhissalesand marketing skills, and much more focused on their highest priority Putting it nicely, feeding themselves andfamilydaily
Respectfully, I am compelled to share with the presidentthatoneofhisown hunger relief priorities has beenanabjectfailure,partof theshamsperformedhere.
Fairness requires that I commend both PresidentAli and the PPPGovernment for the hands of financial assistance extended to suffering Guyanese. But
there is one subsidy that is not working, what is now a provendud. Itiswhatmakes thepresidentlookslikea,er, loser:akintoonebackingthe wronghorse.
It has to do with millions donated to farmers
Fertilizers, cash, whatever other concessions doled out to farmers that eluded my attention,butforwhichthere isnothingtoshow Nothing returned by farmers. No reciprocity from farmers Not so much as some scant cent and jill relief from farmers. Torepeat,thefacts of cost-of-living life speak their own bitter truths There is enough for all Guyanatoparsethroughand concludeaccordingly
The PPP Government helped lots of farmers in tangible terms, significant ways that reduced the pressuresontheirproduction
processes and pockets. It follows, therefore, that the pricesforfooditems-greens, ground provisions, and all the stuff of the good earthshouldreflectasteepdecline due to all those subsidies grabbed and absorbed. At theveryleast,foodpricesfor the fruits of the soil should havestayedstill.
Theyhaven’t Somebody took President Ali (and his subsidies)foraride;perhaps, they even tried to make a monkey’s uncle out of him. Don’tlookatme. Iamnota farmer, and I certainly have notbeenabeneficiaryofany governmentsubsidy
Nor would I make my president into such a simian creature Cost of living realityisthatweekafterweek basic agricultural food items to be consumed by regular human beings have blown through the roof and keep soaringintothestratosphere. It is the equivalent of takingsomeone’smoneyand then buying a whip to beat him over the head with it I feel sorry for President Ali, for it is his own people givinghimalicking,making him look bad. If I were a farmer,andmostofthemare of a particular persuasion,
myprioritywouldbe tomakemypresident look good See! Checkatallthepositives that came from his subsidies. Housewives are cheerful, mothers and shoppers are giving the presidentabig,heartycheer Just helping the PPP It’s who I am, proud of being a differentkindofGuyanese.
Finally, I struggle to suppress the thought that those farm subsidies (also a dirtyphraseinAmerica)were reallyadisguisedadvanceto facilitate later political donations. The world of Guyana operates that way, doesn’tit.
Thereisnofreelunch,and the PPP is the king of that restaurant counter and cash register I will accept everythingasbeingontheup and up with those subsidies, which prompts this humble recommendation to President Ali. Since those farm subsidies have turned outtobesuchapoorcostof living (food availability, affordability, and security) investment,stopsubsidizing the cheating suppliers and start buttressing the shorthandeddemanders.
man,themiddleman,theparty man, and the conman all pretending at sowing and reaping, raise wholesale prices? The buyers will be better armed, thanks to the PPPGovernment’sversionof dollars for the distressed Take away all those billions from sugar and give it to the peoplewhoproduceballotsto work(really)andliveproudly (honestly,too)
The sellers can go on senselessly charging at Guyanese like the Light Brigade Like the British one, they will have to grasp their saddlebags of perishables, reverse their journey, and find use for their food frauds. It is the hallmarkofwisdomtoknow when to discontinue what does Guyanese little good. Yank subsidies, spank farmers, crank food shoppers.
(The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinionsofthisnewspaper)
A woman was killed on Tuesday morning after a car knocked her off her electric bike along the public road at Experiment,WestCoastBerbice,RegionFive.
Police identified the woman as Sheron Munroe of Berbice. According to police Monroe was struck down around08:20hrs.
InitialreportsarethatMunroewasridingherelectricbike in a westerly direction along the southern side of the road whenacarknockedherbikefrombehind.Theimpactflung Munroeoffthebikeandthedriverofthecarlostcontrolofthe vehicleandcrashedintoastreetlight.
An injured Munroe was picked up from the road and rushedtotheFortWellingtonPublicHospital.Shereportedly diedwhilereceivingtreatment.Thedriverandapassengerhe wascarryinginthecarwerealsoinjuredinthecrash.
The Skandi Constructor
operated by DOF Subsea, a Norwaybased company has applied to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for a permit to provide bunkerfueltovesselscharteredby ExxonMobil Guyana Limited (EMGL).
This permit would allow the vessels utilised by EMGL to stay offshoreforlongerperiodsoftime without using the time and fuel requiredtopursueotheroptionsfor fuel transfers The proposed bunkering activities are to take placeintheStabroekBlock,which covers approximately 26,800 square kilometers and lies parallel totheGuyanacoast.
According to the Project Summary published by the EPA, the main areas of operation would be in and between Liza One, Liza Two, the Payara, Yellowtail, Whiptail, and the Uaru Fields, as wellasanyfutureplannedfields.
“Currently, vessels chartered by EMGL are receiving fuel from offshoresupplyvessels(OSV)that have bunkered fuel in Guyana, or the vessels themselves are bunkering fuel in Trinidad if there are no OSVs available to bunker fuel because most installation vessels operating offshore Guyana
The Skandi Constructor operated by DOF Subsea
suchastheSkandiConstructorand Havila Phoenix do not have a shallowenoughdrafttobunkerfuel in Guyana,” the document explained.
The Skandi Constructor is an UlsteinSX121stylevesselbuiltin 2009. The fuel tanks can hold a total of 2210 cubic meters of marinefueloil.
TheSkandiConstructortypical personnel on board (POB) while operating in Guyana is approximately 65 people This POB will be the same during the bunkering operations The
operationwouldincludetheSkandi Constructor and another vessel charteredbyEMGL.
The company said bunkering will preferably be conducted during daylight hours; at wind speed less than 20 knots and significant wave height less than 2 0 metres Kaieteur News understands that DOF’s contract beganinlate2022withEMGLand extends through November 2025 with the option of two, one- year extensions.
Additionally, DOF has a five yearLocalContentMasterPlanto
coincide with the duration of the contract with EMGL in Guyana This Local Content Strategy includes onshore management and support, offshore project resources, and offshore maritime resources
The company noted that, “During fuelling operations, there isalwaystheriskofpollution.”
During the operations, there could be a release of fuel into the environment;howeverDOFshared measureswiththeEPAtominimize thisrisk.
hose, prior to and after vessel
installationmanifoldcouplingsare tightandreadyforoperation.
The developer said in its project summary, “It is important that an individual is appointed to visually and operationally check the hose remains functional duringbunkeringoperations Ifan oilsheenisdetectedonthesurface ofthewater,bunkeringoperations must cease immediately The incident must be reported to the installation control room and the causeinvestigated ”
Dr. Peter Ramsaroop, Guyana’s Chief Investment Officer and Head of GO-INVEST hands over the signed investment agreement to Mahendra Jettoo, CEO of Professional Waste Solutions Inc.
The Guyana Office for Investment on Tuesday announcedwhatitdescribed as a groundbreaking $214 millioninvestmentinastateof-the-art waste treatment facility at Coverden, East BankDemerara.
The project, led by Professional Waste Solutions Inc (PWSI), marks a significant milestonebyalocalinvestor, GO-INVEST said in a press release The investment agreementwassignedbyDr Ashni Singh, Senior Minister in the Office of the P r e s i d e n t w i t h Responsibility for Finance and the Public Service, and handed over by Dr Peter
Ramsaroop, Guyana’s Chief InvestmentOfficerandhead ofGO-INVEST
Thenewfacilitywillnot only create over 40 jobs but will also set a new standard i n e n v i r o n m e n t a l stewardship in the region, thereleasestated.
“This innovative facility willutilisecutting-edgenonincinerator technology to process exploration and production (E&P) waste generated by the oil and gas industry and other sectors, converting it into reusable oil. A byproduct of this process, known as ‘slag,’ will be recycled for use in block-making, supporting the booming local
construction industry PWSI’s commitment to green projects aligns seamlessly with Guyana’s broader Low Carbon Development Strategy (LCDS), emphasising the importance of sustainable and eco-friendly industrial solutions,” the press release noted.
Ramsaroop commented, “This investment is more than just a facility; it’s a
testament to our dedication to sustainable development and our confidence in Guyana’s ability to lead in green technologies. Under the visionary leadership of President Dr Irfaan Ali, we are paving the way for Guyana to exceed global environmental standards, positioning our country as a leader in eco-friendly industrial solutions His commitmenttoadiversified, low-carbon economy inspires us to push the boundaries of what is possible, ensuring a sustainable and prosperous
Under the leadership of CEO Mahendra Jettoo, a well-known investor in Guyana’s forestry industry, PWSI is set to become a leader in solid waste management. The company has already secured a preliminary agreement with Guyana Power and Light Inc. to manage hazardous waste from their Garden of Eden power plant, further demonstrating its capability andambition.
Importantly, PWSI is committed to supporting localbusinessesbysourcing
goods, equipment, and servicesfromlocalsuppliers
whenever possible, contributingtothegrowthof thenationaleconomy
“Our partnership with the government of Guyana d e m o n s t r a t e o u r commitment to a cleaner, more sustainable Guyana,” said Mahendra Jettoo, CEO ofPWSI.
“We are not just treating waste;wearetransformingit into value, laying the groundwork for a brighter, more prosperous future for allGuyanese,”GO-INVEST said.
The Guyana Water
Incorporated (GWI) is under firefromcustomerswhoare voicing their frustrations online over the company’s ongoingwatersupplyissues.
On Sunday, GWI reuploadedaposttoitsofficial Facebook page, advising customersthathighlevelsof turbidityandsedimentatthe Shelter Belt intake have caused significant challenges in supplying watertocentralGeorgetown.
The agency stated that “emergency works are in progress” to address the situation,estimatingthatthe repairs would take about a weektocomplete.
“GWI will continue to provide updates to customers, including on the company’s social media platforms,” the statement read However, many customers have expressed outrage, claiming that these issues have persisted far
l o n g e r t h a n G W I acknowledges Some residents report that they have been struggling with water supply problems for weeks,ifnotmonths.
In the comment section of GWI’s Facebook post, frustrated customers did not hold back One user, Oshaviyah Kattow said, “This has been ongoing for WEEKS now Months, actually! Residents of Georgetown have been receiving little to NO water for MONTHS now and the water we have been receiving has been of absolute poor quality! If is not y’all making our lives
hell, it’s GPL. Sick of this! MakehasteandFIXITcause wedon’tbegayo.WEPAY.”
Like Kattow, numerous other customers shared similar experiences, stating they have been receiving little to no water for an extendedperiod.
Others posted alarming images showing the brown, murky water coming from their taps Natalie Ann Gammell, another dissatisfied customer, posted, “Woke up this morningtocookandthiswas the colour of the water runningthroughthetap.Yall reallyneedtodobetter...Fed up.”
The quality of the water has raised concerns about potential health risks, with some residents worried about the effects of using suchwaterforbathing.
Dale Mark Larose, in a particularly frustrated post, said, “Ohh beautiful (expletive) Guyana every (expletive) time u open ur (expletive)pipetousewater isshitcomingtruebutustill have to pay for it how much longer we have to deal with this…90%ofthetimethisis the water I getting...like u gonhavetobuywaterbythe tank now...” Larose tagged President Irfaan Ali and GWIinhispost,demanding accountability
The discontent escalated further on Tuesday when GWI issued a payment notice to its customers. The timingofthenotice,amidthe ongoing water crisis, provoked a strong backlash. MarkJames,onedisgruntled resident, wrote, “You all
Images posted by customers to show the quality of water they are receiving
don’t have no Shame?!!
Sending out PAYMENT DUE and this is the Water people are receiving in
Georgetown!” alongside an image of the discolored waterfromhertapinCentral Georgetown,theheartofthe
Furthermore, GWI has since posted several images detailing the flushing
scheduleforvariousareas,a move that did little to quell the growing frustration amongcustomers.
A 42-year-old miner of Isseneru Village Cuyuni Mazaruni Region 7, was on Tuesday remanded to prison for allegedly killing his drinking partner, Laurex Henry.
Police reported that the incident occurred on August 8, 2024 around 23:45hrs at Karmarang Airstrip Upper Mazaruni River.
Euzil Augustine, father of two, appeared at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Court before Magistrate Ravindranauth Singh who dealt with the matter virtually. The indictable charge was read to Augustine where he
was not required to make a plea.
During court proceedings Augustine was remanded to prison and he is scheduled to return on September 18, 2024 at Kamarang Magistrate’s Court. According to police statement presented at court, Henry and Augustine were consuming alcohol on the Kamarang Landing. Around 23:45hrs, Henry was walking along the airstrip and braced against Augustine which angered him. As a result a scuffle ensued between them and Augustine pulled out a
knife from his pants waist and dealt Henry two stabs to his abdomen causing injuries. Augustine proceeded to walk away but was followed by an eyewitness who called the police.
Subsequently, Augustine was arrested and admitted committing the act. He was later charged with the present offence.
Earlier reports indicate that Henry had left a bar at Kamarang Landing with a friend, 31-year-old Delon Dedd Jr., who is also a miner. Shortly after , Henry saw the suspect and allegedly made
racial remarks that offended Augustine, who was armed with a knife. In response, Augustine stabbed Henry once in the abdomen.
Henry fell to the ground and was taken to the Kamarang District Hospital. Unfortunately, he succumbed to his injuries while receiving medical attention. Examination revealed a single stab wound on his lower left abdomen with protruding intestines. When questioned by the police, Augustine admitted to the stabbing, stating, “I did it because he come around me funny.”
A thirty-year-old fisherman from James Street, Albouystown was remanded to prison on Tuesday after he was charged with attempted murder.
Kevin Alicock, a father of two, appeared at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Court #3 before Magistrate Fabayo Azore to answer to the charge of attempted murder of Nazam Beni. He was not required to enter a plea for the indictable charge.
According to the prosecutor, the victim and Alicock are known to each other due to them having shared acquaintances. On
August 10, 2024, Beni was at the Meadow Bank Wharf, East Bank Demerara when he was confronted by the accused who told him to have his friends leave his brother alone.
However, the victim did not pay attention to what the accused was saying, causing Alicock to become annoyed. The accused dealt several cuffs to Beni’s head causing him to fall to the ground, hit his head and lose consciousness.
The victim was picked up by public-spirited persons and taken to the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation.
Remanded: Kevin Alicock at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Court
A miner has been arrested for allegedly attempting to murder a fellow miner by dousing him with High Wine and setting him on fire on Monday at Imbaimadai Landing, Upper Mazaruni River.
According to police, the victim, 44-year-old miner James Thomas, known as ‘Wormie’, was attacked by a 53-year-old miner who also resides at Imbaimadai Landing.
The two men, who are familiar with each other, were drinking alcohol on Monday when a dispute erupted. Police stated that the victim took hold of the suspect’s rum while ignoring pleas to return it.
In a fit of rage, the suspect seized the bottle, doused
Thomas with the rum and set him ablaze.
The flames engulfed Thomas, inflicting severe second-degree burns across his body. Thomas was transported to the Imbaimadai Health Post and later
transferred to the Georgetown Public Hospital for further treatment. The 53year-old suspect was arrested and taken into custody as the police continue to investigate the incident.
The decomposing body of a woman that was found last Saturday in a trench at the Eccles Dumpsite Road, East Bank Denerara (EBD) has been identified as that of Angela Andrea Sooknanan.
Police said that Sooknanan is said to have been suffering from mental illness and last visited her doctor on Thursday August 8. The following day she visited her Mother Charlotte Sooknanan and asked for money to pay her passage to Diamond. She was never seen or heard from since then. Her remains were found on Saturday afternoon floating in a trench along the Eccles Dumpsite Road.
Wanted! Workers for packaging pasta and chowmein. $4100-$4900 per day. Workers paid weekly. Call: 6117839. Wanted hair dressers and Nail Technician. Call: 6218851.
One Clerk for TSI Eccles office. English & Mathematics, grade 2. Email application: techserigy@yahoo.com or Call: 615-9132.
Maid to cook & clean for East Bank area. Call: 615-9132
Police visited the victim at the GPHC on Monday where they learnt that he is suffering from Clinical Basile skull fracture and internal bleeding of the brain. The accused was subsequently arrested and placed into custody where he was told of the allegations and admitted to committing the crime under caution.
Given the gravity of the offense and Alicock’s history, the prosecution opposed bail. The prosecution disclosed in court that Alicock has prior charges pending, including armed robbery, as well as a past conviction of discharging a loaded firearm at a city constable, resulting in a twelve-month jail sentence in 2021. Investigations are still incomplete, and the matter was adjourned for statements and further proceedings on September 24, 2024.
Nayelli school of cosmetology is n ow enrolling for cosmetology courses beginning September 9th,2024, 211 New Market st. Call: 2262124.
FIRST AID/CPR/AED as well as home nursing courses at St. John Association starting shortly . Call 225-9082.
SURINAME August vacation tour trip from 24-08-2024-2908-2024 for more information. Call Matthew 639-2663 or 6732348.(Whatsapp)
Bus tour to Suriname. 3 Nights & 4 days holiday, from Tuesday 27th August to Friday 30th. Contact : 650-3686.
One Cook must be able to cook a variety of local and international Dishes. Call : 223-5021 / 660-4904 between (10 am - 3pm )
Male able- bodied Staff to work in general store. Call: 231-2029, 616-5954.
One experienced Skidsteer (Bobcat) / Mini-Excavator operator, Night security & Labourer. Tele: 619-0898 / 623-2728.
2 Kitchen assistant & 1 Roti Maker. Call : 665-5074 / 6031278.
1 Cashier/ Counter clerk to work at a poultry outlet. $120,000 monthly. Call: 2275222 / 708-4374.
Handyman to work around C/ Ville. $6000 daily.Call: 227-5222 / 708-4374.
One night Guard La Penitance area.Call: 227-5222 / 708-4374.
Wanted Maths Tutor. Contact : 223-5273/223-5274.
Visa Application:U.S.A, Canada & UK:Graphics design, advertisements, wedding arch rentals.Tel:6267040.
Elevate your brand with our professional Graphic design services. Call: 619-0007, 6295526.
Need a bus or planning an outing. Call Matthew bus services & tours, Surniname/ Braz. Whatsapp : 639-2663/ 673-2348.
1-LF 45 Leland DAF Truck enclosed & 1 1/4 To Mitsubishi Truck. Tele : 6858285 / 677-3406.
Male Cleaner for Eccles. Call: 615-9132 or 645-8443.
Female Cleaner for office in Eccles. For more information Call: 645-8443
General Domestic, must know to cook, clean , press ect. 3 days, $6000, 8-4 at Keyfood, Mcdoom village next to the post office.
Cook for breakfast from 5:30. Send application, food handler certificate, 1 reference & valid police clearance to 6190568. WhatsApp & serious enquires only.
Sale Rep/ Assistant for document centre. Send application & CV, 1 reference and valid police clearance to 619-0568. Enquires WhatsApp only.
Driver, must have valid license for Car & Van. Must be able to assist in Workshop also. Call: 615-9132.
Room Attendant, Desk Clerk , Supervisor and Receptionist 23-45 Years old. 233 South Road. 225-0198.
Intropic inc looking for a female to work in factory on the East Bank. Age 35-40. Call : 716-9799.
Inventory clerk, cook & Cashier, send applications to: Beacon cafe. Tele: 6558944. Email : beaconcafe6690@gmail.com. Chainsaw Operators and Labourers needed for wood concession. Call: 670-6919. Experience accounts clerk for all administrative function company may require. Please send resume via e-mail. bakshwork@gmail.com or 662-0469.
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1 Honda CRV, includes TV, music system, alarm, reverse camera, sproiler, crashbar, low mileage PTT Series (first owner). Contact: 649-0956.
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Officer in Charge [OIC], Carlton Cameron and Psychologist, Wil Campbell along with inmates that successfully completed the 12- week anger management training.
OfficerinChargeofLusignanPrison,DeorajGyandathas said that ongoing anger management pogrammes at the penitentiary have resulted in a decline in violent behavior amonginmates.
During a Guyana Pirison Service broadcast aired on the National Communication Network (NCN), under the topic, ‘Prison in Focus.’ Gyandat explained that the prison service targets the areas of anger management so as to ensure that personswhoarechargedforoffencesofaviolentnature,when released would be fully reintegrated into society “So we [PrisonService]seektoensurethatperson[s]whoarecharged with those violent crimes as far as practicable be exposed to anger management.” The officer emphasised that following the completion of the course inmates would utilise the knowledge gained not only in dealing with their fellow inmatesbutalsowhentheyreturntosociety TheGPSreported that on July 30, 2024, several inmates successfully completed a 12- week anger management training course facilitated by Wil Campbell. During the programme, the inmates were exposedtoideasandconceptrelatingtopersonaldevelopment so that they return to their communities as reformed and rehabilitatedcitizen.
The Officer in Charge [OIC] of Lusignan Prison, Deoraj Gyandat.
A total of six electrical vehicle charging expansion.” stations have been developed in various Charging stations have been installed at locations across the country, as the Amazonia Mall, Providence, East Bank GovernmentinkeepingwiththeLowCarbon Demerara [EBD], Giftland Mall, East Coast Development Strategy 2030, aims to foster Demerara, Little Rock Suites, New the development of an electric vehicle Amsterdam, S&R Parking Lot, Parika and at industry to substitute fossil fuels with the GEA head office, Quamina Street, electricity Georgetown. According to a press release
Chief Executive Officer [CEO] of the issuedbytheGEA,ownersofelectricvehicle Guyana Energy Agency [GEA], Mahender candownloadthe Flash Charge app,register, Sharma, stated in an email response to this and charge their vehicles at these stations publicationthattheaveragecostforoneofthe during this period for free. “The instructions electrical vehicle charging station is $6,500, for use of these stations are posted at the 000. stations. Interested persons can contact the
The CEO highlighted that currently GEA at 624-5905 or email at testing of the systems and software are gea@gea gov gy for more information ongoing, hence during this period drivers are Alternatively, you can scan the QR Code notrequiredtopay Sharmaalsorevealedthat below to download the application,” GEA the GEA is “reviewing options for stated.
(BBC NEWS) Iran has in a rare telephone presence in the Middle East will bear responsibility for ParisandBerlin. missile submarine to the dismissed calls from the UK conversationonMonday to help defend Israel. The actions that jeopardise this “Such demands are void Middle East to reinforce and other Western countries But Mr Pezeshkian said powerful Iran-backed opportunity for peace and of political logic, in what the Pentagon said was to refrain from retaliation retaliationwasa“waytostop Hezbollah movement in stability,” Sir Keir, President completecontradictiontothe the “United States’ against Israel for the killing crime” and Iran’s “legal Lebanon is also threatening Emmanuel Macron and principles and rules of commitment to taking every of Hamas leader Ismail right”, according to Iranian to retaliate over Israel’s Chancellor Olaf Scholz said. international law, and possible step to defend Haniyeh in Tehran last statemedia.Israel,whichdid killing of one of its top Later, the British prime excessive,” spokesman Israel”. The US believes that month. not say it was involved in commanders in an air strike minister also expressed his Nasser Kaanani said. The a new deal for a ceasefire in Amid a flurry of Haniyeh’s assassination, has inBeirut.
deep concerns directly to Israeli military said on Gaza and the release of international diplomacy to meanwhileputitsmilitaryon On Monday evening, the Iran’spresidentbytelephone Monday that it was taking Israelihostageswouldbethe de-escalate tensions, UK itshighestalertlevel.TheUS leaders of the UK, France - the first such call since Iran’s statements seriously best way to calm tensions in Prime Minister Keir Starmer has warned that it is and Germany issued a joint March2021. “We are prepared at peak the region, and has called for urged Iranian President preparing for “a significant statement urging Iran and its S
readiness in offence and talks to resume on Thursday Masoud Pezeshkian to set of attacks” by Iran or its alliesto“refrainfromattacks Pezeshkian that “there was a defence, and we will act Israel has said it will send a “stand down its ongoing proxies as soon as this week, that would further escalate s
s k o f accordingtothedirectivesof team of negotiators to threats of a military attack” and has built up its military regional tensions” “They miscalculation and now was
finalise a deal, while Hamas the time for calm and careful spokesman Rear Admiral has indicated an agreement consideration”, Downing Daniel Hagari told a in principle to participate Street said. “He called on
despite the killing of its Irantorefrainfromattacking government spokesman leader. Hamas said on Israel, adding that war was meanwhile warned Iran and Sundaythatanydealmustbe not in anyone’s interests,” it its allies that Israel would based on where talks were a added.OnTuesdaymorning, “exact a heavy price for any month and a half ago, rather Iranian state news agency aggression against us from than any new rounds of Irna reported that Mr anyarena”. negotiations. Israel launched Pezeshkian had told Sir Keir US National Security a military campaign in Gaza that Western countries’ Council spokesman John todestroyHamasinresponse support for Israel had Kirby told reporters: “We to an unprecedented attack encouraged it to “continue share the same concerns and on southern Israel on 7 atrocities” and threatened expectations that our Israeli October, during which about peaceandsecurity counterparts have with 1,200 people were killed and “Pezeshkian stated that respect to potential timing 251 were taken hostage from the point of view of the here [It] could be this More than 39,920 people IslamicRepublicofIran,war week.” “It is difficult to have been killed in Gaza inanypartoftheworldisnot ascertain at this particular since then, according to the intheinterestofanycountry, time if there is an attack by territory’s Hamas-run health emphasizing that a punitive Iran and or its proxies, what ministry Hundredsofpeople response to an aggressor is a that could look like, but we have also been killed in the legalrightofstatesandaway have to be prepared,” he almost daily exchanges of t o s t o p c r i m e a n d added. fire between Hezbollah and aggression,” Irna added.The Defense Secretary Lloyd theIsraelimilitaryacrossthe Iranian foreign ministry Austin has dispatched a Israel-Lebanon border since separately rejected the call second aircraft carrier strike the day after the start of the for restraint from London, group as well as a guided conflict.
A38-year-old Seaman of Nelson Street NismesWest Bank Demerara on Tuesday appeared in court for allegedly assaulting his child mother and wounding her malefriend.
Seon Jackson, who is a father of six, appeared before Senior Magistrate Fabayo Azore at the Georgetown Magistrates’Court, where two charges were read to him. The first charge alleges that on June 22, 2024, at Lot 8 Water Street, Agricola East Bank Demerara Jackson unlawfully and maliciously wounded Leroy Reed. The second charge accuses Jackson of unlawfully assaulting hischildmother,AiodelleHutson,onAugust10,2024,at the same location. Jackson pleaded not guilty to both charges.
Accordingtopolicestatementspresentedincourt,the incident on June 22 occurred when Reed was visiting Hutson’s apartment. Shortly after, Jackson came to the apartmentanduponseeingReed,hebecameannoyed.As a result, Jackson armed himself with beer bottles and struckReedtwiceintheheadandface,causinginjuriesto Reed’s eyes and left ear On August 10, Jackson visited the same apartment and saw Hutson braiding a male friend’shair Asaresulthebecameannoyedanddealther several slaps. A report was made to police and Jackson wasarrestedandchargedforthepresentoffences. During the court proceedings, the prosecution objected to bail, citing the seriousness and prevalence of theoffences.Despitethis,bailwasgrantedintheamount of $75,000 for the unlawful wounding charge and $35,000 for the assault charge. Jackson is scheduled to returntocourtonSeptember11,2024.
James Anderson retired from international cricket in July. (Getty Images)
BBC Sport - James of intrigue with the shorter anything”. Anderson says he is “still fit formats because I’ve not Anderson’s last T20 enough” to continue his played any franchise stuff match was in 2014 as he cricket career and will before Watching The dedicated the last 10 years of consider a move into white- Hundredthisyear,seeingthe hiscareertored-ballcricket. ballcricket. ball swing around, it makes England are keen to tap
The 42-year-old, the me feel like I could do a job into Anderson’s expertise most prolific fast bowler in there. before the 2025Ashes series Test history, announced his “I know it’s a while since inAustralia by retaining him retirementfrominternational I played it and my age will inacoachingrole. cricket after England’s win get brought up again but I The ECB campaign against the West Indies at really feel I’ll be good which Anderson was
Lord’sinJuly enough to play that form of supporting is encouraging
Are you feeling the effects of today's low-key planetary aspects,Aries?Takeheart-it's only temporary Do your best totakethingsonestepatatime and make some plans for a littlefunthisevening.
Make some plans for recreation. Having something fun to look forward to can make even the toughest times far easier You'll be amazed how much you can manage whenthere'sanendinsight.
Don't judge someone just because his or her lifestyle differsfromwhatyouconsider normal.Youmaybetraditional, but not everyone shares your view of relationships, work, or lifestyle.
Friends seeking advice or a shoulder to cry on may be plentiful today, Cancer And you're one of best people to providethesupportandcaring theyneed.
Getting through any work you have to do shouldn't be a problemforyoutoday Evenif you flag for a bit, you're likely to get a second wind, and this will give you the drive and determination to see your projectstocompletion.
VIRGO(Aug 23–Sept 22)
Working within boundaries and restrictions could get to you today, Virgo. Yours is an independent spirit, and your best achievements are often bornofdoingthingsyourown way Likeitornot,weallhave tofollowrules.
Chances are that you'll feel upbeat and positive today. Share this energy with others who feel less than content. Your attitude can have a profound effect on friends, partners,spouse,andchildren.
SCORPIO(Oct.23–Nov 21)
Don't discount your excellent resourcefulness, Scorpio If you haven't got everything you need or all of the information required, take some time to think.Whodoyouknow?
SAGIT(Nov 22–Dec.21)
Try not to let the blues get you down, Sagittarius. While it's true some days can seem to drag, the busier you stay, the faster time will pass. Get down to finishing any work still pending and make plans for an eveningout.
Daretobedifferent,Capricorn. It's easy to fall into routinessleep and eat at the same time, wear the same style, and do your work the same way every day Beforeyouknowit,you're inarut.
If your lifestyle is very different from others, resist feeling self-conscious about it today, Aquarius. Remember that you chose your life for specificreasons.
Enhanced determination could motivate you today, Pisces, giving you the zip to plow through your work Finish projects that have been pending and think about what you want to tackle next. Don't hesitate to do something that feelscomplicatedorbig.
While Anderson stopped cricket.” morepeopletofindtheirway short of announcing his Anderson added he to play, no matter if that is retirement from cricket, his wouldmakeadecisiononhis casual cricket at home, in the immediate transition into a future at the end of the street, at the local park, at coaching and mentoring role summer and he is “not school, or at a local club or with England suggested that shutting myself off to communityproject. hisplayingdayswereover
But Anderson, who took 704 wickets in 188 Tests, says he is “open” to prolonging his career by playingshort-formcricket.
“I might be in a bit of denial because I’m well aware I won’t play for England again, but I’ve still not made a decision on my actual cricket career,” Anderson said, speaking at the launch of a new campaign by the England and Wales Cricket Board to getmorechildrenplayingthe sport.
“There’s definitely a bit
MANILA, Philippines poverty, deep divisions and Of course, there are some (AP) Filipino gymnast conflicts.ArrivinginManila, who helped, sometimes the Carlos Yulo, who won two Yulo and the other Filipino government is able to help, gold medals in the Paris athletes who participated but there is no formal Olympics, flew home to a were welcomed by flag- structure to help our hero’s welcome Tuesday waving admirers who athletes,” Marcos said, and with a nationally televised reached out for handshakes promisedtofixit. tribute by the president and andtookselfies.
Cash and gifts pledged donors pledging more than Wearinghisgoldmedals, s
$1 million worth of cash and Yulo thanked all who
gifts, including a resort supported the athletes. “I am businesstycoonsandleading house and free lunch buffets beyond b
sed and Philippine corporations for forlife. grateful,”hetoldreporters. Yuloincludeacondominium
The 24-year-old’s wins President Ferdinand unit and a resort house south in the men’s floor exercise Marcos Jr gave the athletes of Manila, amounting to and vault were the largest presidential citations and a more than 58 million pesos victory ever by a Filipino million pesos ($17,500) ($1 million) Prominent athlete since the Philippines each.ButYulogot20million companies offered free joined the Games a century pesos ($350,000) from pizzas, ice cream and lunch ago. Two Filipino boxers, Marcos, who acknowledged and dinner buffets for life, Nesthy Petecio and Aira the difficulties the athletes alongwithfreedomesticand Villegas,wonbronzemedals went through with “no internationalflights. inwomen’sboxinginParis. official technical support Filipino boxing legend
The euphoria overYulo’s from the government,” a Manny Pacquiao, who rose wins has provided a respite longstandingcomplaint. to global fame for winning for a nation long ridden with “Theydiditontheirown. titles in eight weight classes
Filipino gymnast Carlo Yulo, who won two gold medals in the Paris Olympics, arrives in Manila, Philippines, on Tuesday, Aug 13, 2024. (AP Photo/Joeal Calupitan)
andforhisrags-to-richeslife story, promised to reward Yulo with an unspecified amountofcash.
A celebratory parade for the athletes today along Manila’s main streets is expected to draw thousands of people. It will pass near a poor community where Yulo grew up and first trained in gymnastics with his siblings in a public gym, where a coachnoticedtheimpressive skillsofthethen-7-year-old.
“I’ll welcome him with a hug and we’ll jump together injoy,”RodrigoFrisco,a74year-old relative, told The Associated Press in the neighborhood where the gold medalist has become a poster boy for hope. “Who would believe that these narrow alleys and small houses would produce a champion?”
Posters with images of a smiling Yulo after his Olympic triumphs were displayed on electric posts at the entrance to his congested neighborhood and along nearbystreets.
Weightlifter Hidilyn Diaz clinched the first-ever Olympic gold for the Philippines in Tokyo in 2021.
With just two days remaining before the start of the 7th Winfield Braithwaite Caribbean Schoolboys and Schoolgirls nation will field an impressive 28-member Boxing Tournament, excitement is building squad. The Barbadian contingent is expected for the event set to take place at the National to arrive today, with the remaining teams GymnasiumfromAugust16-18. scheduledtolandonThursdayandFriday
This highly anticipated fight card aims to
In a brief interview, Ninvalle highlighted foster unity among CARICOM states, with theextensiveworktheassociationhasdoneto Guyana, known for organising several youth support its mission of nurturing young talent, competitions, once again providing a stating, “This tournament, more than any platform for young boxers to showcase their other, underscores the importance of talentsatahighlevel. investinginourfuturechampions.”
As the host nation, Guyana is ready to Guyana is expected to face tougher defend its title, aiming to extend its unbeaten competition this year, with Trinidad and streak to eight consecutive championships. Tobago and St. Lucia bringing a diverse Meanwhile, the Guyana Boxing Association lineup of skilled fighters eager to impress (GBA) remains confident in its ability to local fans. “This tournament is set to be the achieve this goal, emphasizing the biggestyetintermsofparticipatingcountries tournament’sroleinpromotingregionalunity andathletes,”Ninvalleadded. foryearstocome.Thisyear’stournamentwill
The championship is held in honour of feature the participation of Suriname for the Winfield Braithwaite, a distinguished retired first time since its inception, joining other Guyaneselight-welterweightboxerwhowon Caribbean nations like Trinidad and Tobago, gold at the 1978 Commonwealth Games in who bring a strong team to challenge the Edmonton, Canada Braithwaite’s reigning champions. St. Lucia, an emerging remarkable achievements include victories powerhouse in the sport, is also prepared to over top fighters from Australia, Ghana, compete fiercely for the title. Additionally, Kenya, and Scotland, with a first-round teams from Antigua, Barbados, and Grenada knockoutinthefinal. willaddtothecompetitivemix.
The action kicks off at 19:00hrs on GBA President, Steve Ninvalle, opening night, following the march-past and confirmed that Grenada’s ten-member team openingceremony has already arrived in Guyana, while the host
SportsMax - While heaping praise on theme that was also taken up in recent weeks outgoing Cricket West Indies (CWI) CEO by former West Indies captain Sir Clive Johnny Grave, veteran cricket commentator Lloyd. Joseph ‘Reds’ Perreira believes the next He also stressed that the mandate of candidate will have big shoes to fill to ensure Grave’s replacement must be to secure that the region’s cricket will be in a better sponsorship for the regional first-class placeinyearstocome. season,alongwithpossiblyenticingoverseas Perreira, who believes Grave enjoyed a teams to take part in regional cricket to successful tenure since he was appointed in elevatethegame. 2017, highlighted the Englishman’s recent “Whether there’s someone earmarked, vocal advocacy for more funding from the whether there’s someone within the regional ICC. Grave is set to depart the post in market,Idonotknow,butitmightbebestfor October the West Indies board to advertise the post to “I think he’s had a long run as CEO in the try and get the best available person with that Caribbean. On behalf of the West Indies kind of experience. The kind of person who Board, he has overseen many negotiations will follow up what Grave has been working and many tours. Of late, he’s been talking on, what the West Indies board has been about the poor financial cake and the small working on in terms of negotiations, in terms amount of money the West Indies have been of the ICC share of the cake, which is getting from the ICC,” Reds said in an adequaterightnow.Soit’snotjustanewman interviewwithBarbadosTODAY. cominginandstartingalloveragain;he’sgot “But I think he probably feels that he’s tohittheroadrunning,”Perreirareasoned. goingtolookdown wherehewantstomaybe Meanwhile,formerpresidentandCEOof have his final job, whether it’s an English the West Indies PlayersAssociation (WIPA), county, where his children can be educated. DinanathRamnarine,agreesthatGrave’sloss And I suppose it’s that time where he feels willbesignificant. that he’s exhausted all his energy He’s “His expertise in the sports business fulfilled, in his opinion, all what he could do industry, coupled with his extensive for the West Indies Cricket Board, and it is experience, made him an invaluable asset to timetomoveon,”heopined. the organisation. Replacing someone of his That said, Perreira pointed out that the calibrewillbeanincrediblychallengingtask, new CEO must build on the work started by asthepersonwhofollowsinhisfootstepswill Grave,especiallyintheareaofaddressingthe undoubtedly have big shoes to fill,” financial imbalance in the global game, a Ramnarinenoted.
The Guyana Cricket Board (GCB) was One-Guyana vision. The President urged the loud in its praise for President Irfaan Ali’s youngsters to spend time on honing their initiative in procuring and distributing over skillsatcricket,togivemoreofthemselvesin 400 playing kits to young cricketers (male their quest for stardom and to adopt a and female) from all across Guyana. The disciplinedapproachatmasteringthegameat distribution was done at an impressive and anearlystageintheirquestforcricketglory well-attended ceremony on Saturday,August As a passionate cricket fan and supporter, 10, 2024 at the Arthur Chung Convention President Ali has once again led by example Centre (ACCC). That the event was graced and in a tangible manner made an invaluable with the presence of His Excellency contribution to cricket driven by a the Hon Prime Ministe desire to ensure that the game Ministers of Government and ogresses on its upward a number of senior state rajectory consistent with functionaries clearly t h e p r o d i g i o u s illustratedtheimportance development taking place the Government of throughout Guyana. The Guyana(GoG)placedon President’s initiative has t h i s h i s t o r i c guaranteed that budding presentation. cricketers from across the
The ACCC was filled country can continue to with an appreciative improve and develop their audience including parents cricketskills. and cricket coaches who gave The GCB is particularly thun
erous applauses as pleased with President Ali’s President Irfaan Ali, Prime Minister insistence and commitment to have Mark Phillips, Minister Charles Ramson and cricket development taken to even the far Minister Ashni Singh delivered speeches all reacheswithinGuyana’s10Regions.Already of which were well received. The delight on theGCBhasseenahighlevelofcrickettalent the faces of the youngsters as they received emerging from areas such as Moruca, their kits was evident and was matched only Warapoka,BaracaraandGreatTroolieIsland. by the pride and joy displayed by their TheGCBwouldliketoplaceonrecordits parents. profoundgratitudetoPresidentIrfaanAliand
Inhisfeatureaddress,PresidentIrfaanAli the GoG on their continuing contribution to emphasized the importance which the GoG the progress and development of cricket places on sports as a unifying medium in his particularlyattheyouthlevel.
Sponsored by Permaul Trading and These matches will all commence at 12 Essequibo Invaders will get going Distribution along with Peter Lewis noonsharpandwillbe30oversaffairs. the following weekend playing host to Asphalt & Construction Services, our Everest O50s Masters will host the NorthSoesdykeMasters. O50s masters will take to the field this other Berbice team in the tournament, West Indies Masters player, weekend to compete in 2 matches to Ex Berbice Police Masters Former Bhesham Seepersaud will feature for kick start the 2024 Masters Cricket Guyana fast bowler Kevin Darlington theEssequibians. season. will feature for the lawmen whilst Alltheseteamsareverycompetitive Jai Hind Jaguars will host the East Everest will also have 2 West Indies and should produce some very Coast Aash Décor at the Jai Hind Masters’ players - Chanderpaul Singh entertainingcricket. ground. Jai Hind has been bolstered and Basil Persaud Other notable These masters’ tournaments are with the addition of West Indies playersintheEverestlineupare:Rohan motivating our retired players to return Masters’ players, Daniel Sadeo and Sarjoo, pacers Jermaine Neblett & tothegamewhilstgettingfitatthesame VejaiSeonarine.Theywillalsohavethe Roderick Lovell, Anil Beharry and time and serving as role models for our big hitter Ian Abel at their disposal. attorney-at-law,SanjeevDatadin,MP youths.
with $359,000
ISLAMABAD (AP) Olympic javelin gold medalist Arshad Nadeem received $359,000 from the Pakistani governmentonTuesdayasthecountrycontinuedtocelebrate hisrecord-breakingthrowattheParisGames.
Punjab’schiefministerMariamNawazvisitedNadeem’s house in a village in the Mian Channu district and presented himwithachequefor100millionrupees($359,000).
Nawazalsohandedhimthekeystoanewcarwhichhasa special registration number of “PAK 92 97” to commemorate Nadeem’s throw of 92.97 meters at Paris, which was an Olympic record. Nadeem’s coach Salman IqbalButtwasalsogiven5millionrupees($18,000).
Last Thursday, Nadeem set off celebrations across Pakistan when his throw easily surpassed the previous Olympic mark of 90.57 set by Andreas Thorkildsen of Norway in 2008. It was also well clear of India’s Neeraj Chopra, the Tokyo champion, who reached a season-best 89 45 for silver “Arshad Nadeem has brought unprecedented happiness to the nation,” Nawaz said in a statement. Nadeem won Pakistan’s first Olympic gold in 40 years,whenthemen’sfieldhockeyteamwonatthe1984Los Angeles Games. Pakistan’s last medal of any color was a fieldhockeybronzeatthe1992BarcelonaGames.
“The heights that parents’ prayers take a person to,” Nawaz said in her post on X, formerly known as Twitter, while sharing a picture with Nadeem and his mother Razia Parveen. Later Tuesday, Nadeem and his family were flown to Islamabad on a special flight from Multan to attend a receptionbeinghostedbyprimeministerShehbazSharif.
Last Saturday, the Pakistani government issued a special postage stamp with an image of Nadeem with his javelin in his hand in connection with Pakistan’s Independence Day, whichwillbecelebratedonWednesday
Seconds out Coming associated with amateur Albouystown.
u p , r o u n d n u m b e r boxing, and the ‘third man’ The opening ceremony one…BANG!! usually ensures that the and March past would be
Severalweeksofdiligent boxers‘getiton.’ h
training will culminate with Thecoaches,bothformer Gymnasium on Friday raging fistic action when boxers, understand this and afternoon, two hours before Guyana joins several other will conduct or should that the first bell at 19:00hrs. Caricom countries for be, “have been conducting?” Guyana is the defending championshiphonoursinthe sessionswiththisinmind. champion.
Winfield Braithwaite This writer visited the Caribbean Schoolboys/girls training sessions at the boxing championships at the Andrew ‘Sixhead’ Lewis National Gymnasium, Gym (ALBG) and was M a n d e l a A v e n u e , impressed at the application, commencing this Friday, and concentration to their August 16, and concluding trainingsessions.
Sunday18. Mr Poolehassingledout
Boxing was introduced a few of the boxers for into the Junior Carifta special mention Among Games in 1985 and four them are Dreshawn Willery, Guyanese boxers contested in the U15 category, Aaron for honours; Earl Green Sealey, a youngster who has (lightweight), the son of the twice clinched Best Boxer late Dick ‘Tiger’ Green, and honours in previous highM i c h a e l B e n j a m i n profile tournaments and (featherweight) procured Ezekiel Bancroft, whose Gold medals at those games fatherEonBancroft(jnr)and with middleweight pugilist, grandfather, Eon Bancroft Terrence Munroe (silver), (snr), have both enjoyed and bantamweight, Garfield productive tenures in the Sam (bronze), completing ring. Then there is Junior the medal tally for Guyana. M a d r a y, a f o r m e r Ever since then, local Organization of Eastern pugilists have dominated the Caribbean States (OECS) scene, retaining Guyana’s silver medalist. Mr Poole dominance at the Caribbean said that those are but a few level. of the boxers in the Despite dominating their Guyanese lineup that are Caribbean counterparts and expected to keep the Golden officially attaining the tab as Arrowheadflyinghigh. Caribbean Champions over This writer had engaged the years, local coaches have the coaches of several of the left nothing to chance and participating countries and have been taking their they are all exuding similar charges through their daily confidence in the charges. paces. The popular saying The other participating “Uneasy lies the head that countries, Suriname, wears the crown,” aptly Barbados, Trinidad and describes the anxiety Tobago, Grenada, and emanating from the Antigua and Barbuda are Guyanese camp as the squad unable to match the numbers prepares for highly o f t h e i r G u y a n e s e anticipated encounters when counterpart. St Lucia with thefirstbellrings. the largest contingent (13) is The Guyanese boxers the most realistic threat to have been going through dethrone defending their paces under the Champions, Guyana watchful eyes of veteran ManagerandPresidentofthe coaches, Terrence Poole and St Lucia BoxingAssociation Lennox Daniels Both (SLBA), David ‘Shakes’ c o a c h e s h a v e b e e n Christopher is confident that exceptionally tough on their the championship trophy charges over the past several will exchange hands this weeks, from as early as timearound. 05:00hrs, Monday to Friday, Meanwhile, the overseas whippingtheirbodiesintoan contingentwillstarttrooping acceptableshape. into Guyana from today, The applications of Wednesday and will be amateur boxing are vastly staying at the Britanny different in comparison with Hotel, William Street, professional boxing. The Campbellville, while local term ‘Gong to Gong,’ or as boxers have already opened the uninitiated would say, camp at the ALBG, “start to finish,” is usually C a l l e n d a r S t r e e t ,
The action on Friday promises to be intense among the young fighters.