h e G u y a n a
Petroleum Commission at and everybody like what we Government, among other this time, Bharrat said the are doing here right now I things, said on Wednesday body is likely to materialise don’t really see a major that the establishment of a inthefuture. difference between the Petroleum Commission here
As such, he made it clear C
now will slow down the oil that the same individuals petroleum unit at the andgassector hired to work in the ministry of natural resources
This was the view of ministry’s Petroleum Unit at this point in time when we
will be appointed to the need to make firm, quick, Resources, Vickram Bharrat Commission “It’s these decisive decision with during his half-year press same gentlemen and ladies regards to advancing this conference, hosted at the who you see here managing sector,”hesaid.
Minister Vickram Bharrat (center) sharing remarks during his press conference. Also present are Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Natural Resources, Joslyn McKenzie (right) and Commissioner of the Guyana Geology and Mines Commission, Newell Dennison (left).
the unit will be on the A
Petroleum Commission C
Kingston Georgetown becausewecan’tthrowthem comprise of specialists to Bharrat told reporters during away and bring a set of new help regulate, manage and his almost four-hour long staff and say you go, we will coordinate all petroleum media briefing that while it staff a commission with related activities for the sounds nice to say “put the thesepeople,”Bharratnoted. benefit of citizens in that doingnow.”
s o f Local Content Legislation, petroleum commission in He said those individuals country In fact, the minister everything,”henoted. having a new PSA in place, place” the advantages and that have been hired are
believesthatthecommission Bharrathoweverwenton having improvements in disadvantages must be already experienced and professionalsinawiderange may even slow down the to question the role of the production licenses and considered. qualified. of areas such as science and rapid developments taking Petroleum Commission, environmental permits and He was responding to a
To this end, Bharrat business should be hired to place in the industry “A highlighting the “efficient” putting all of the monitoring question from Kaieteur argued that the Petroleum ensure the interest of the commission like that might functions carried out by the capabilities in place, I don’t News on the subject when he Commission would not be a country’s welfare is be slower in decision- Ministry’s Petroleum Unit see a commission doing explained, “The Petroleum “magic fix”. “What new will protected at all costs m a k i n g t h a n t h e over the last few years anythingdifferentfromwhat Commission will basically happen? What different will Recognising the critical policymakers making “Haven’t we managed the thepetroleumunitisdoingat be doing what we are doing happen in the sector that is importance of such a body, decision with regards to how sector well over the last few the Ministry of Natural at the Petroleum Unit at the nothappeningrightnow?We the PPPin its 2020 Elections weadvancethissectortaking years, building out the Resources,” the minister Ministry of Natural have total transparency and Manifesto promised to into consideration that we framework, putting the reasoned. Resources. I don’t think we accountability We have a “establish a regulatory havealimitedtimeframeand legislative framework in A l t h o u g h t h e will be doing anything good way of sharing framework which is aclosingwindowsowehave place too, having a new government may not be different from what we are information with the media independentofpoliticians”. to look at the advantages and Petroleum Activities Act, a looking to establish the
ExxonM’s partner CNOOC in 2023 reported 746M barrels in one discovery
In its 2023 annual report in the Stabroek Block now
Jamaica Stock Exchange peak in 2037 at 2.3 million that was released this year, and that by itself is a ConferenceheldinJanuary boe/d, with oil accounting ExxonMobil’s partner, significantfind.”
During an interview at for 90%, they said. “High-
China National Offshore Oil His belief is that the the conference, he made the quality, low-emissions and Corporation (CNOOC) said analytics company has no disclosure of an additional 4 cost-effective barrels have that one of the eight new data on which their analysis billion barrels of oil being already reached European discoveries Lancetfish and calculations are based, discovered. “As of this point markets,” the analysts said. which was discovered in since the government and in time, we don’t know the “Currently, all gas April 2023, averaged 100 Exxonarethe‘custodians’of full extent of the oil deposits productionisassociatedwith milliontons,translatingtoan the data Should Exxon but it’s huge and I could oil and reinjected, but the estimated 746 million exhibit or share any data, explain what that means. It’s marketed gas is expected to barrelsofoil. especially internationally at about… I would say they increase.”
However, the Guyana conferences, Bharrat is have identified at least 15 Concerns have been Government on Wednesday saying that approval has to billion barrels of oil in the raised about the lack of claimed that since the last be sought from the (Stabroek) Block. So at this transparency about the update in 2022, the reserves government. “So I am not fact, hiding it will only resourceswehave.” point in time, I would say country’s oil reserves. The have only grown by 600M sure where the analysts will stagnate our economy in this Government’s Exxon has identified about Government of Guyana has barrels This glaring get the data on Guyana country.” unchanging tune 25 to 35% of that,”Ally who failed to regularly update the contradiction, which was from ” “Like one person Bharrat cautioned the Despite three different isaneconomiststated. public on the status of the done at a televised news said,wehave18Breserves,I media that, “we gotta be crediblesourcesreportingon Notwithstanding, Ally reserves and how they are conference will further don’t know where they get factual, we gotta be truthful, thesignificantincreaseinthe said that over 4 billion being managed. In April, undermine government’s the data from honestly wecan’tlietothepeopleand country’s reserves, the barrels more have been Vice President Bharrat claim of being transparent in because Exxon and the say we have 18B whoever government continues to discovered.Addedtothis,he Jagdeo explained that while its dealing with citizens in GovernmentofGuyanahave said that I don’t know where sing its unchanging tune of explained, “If you have the the recent discoveries made theoilandgassector that data, we have our they got the information “no significant increase ” time, I can explain to you by ExxonMobil are During his press consultant that is working from but certainly not from After each revelation, the what has happened. You see substantial, they do not conference on Wednesday, with us but these people Guyana. I can tell you that.” Vice President was atonestage,AfricaandLatin represent a significant the Minister of Natural magicallypullafigureourof He is confident that the repeatedly asked about the America were joined increase in the country’s Resources, Vickram Bharrat theair,”helamented. information the company status of the reserves to together So West Africa is overalloilreserves. w a s a d d r e s s i n g a n The minister explained used did not come, “from which his response has been, closertotheSouthAmerican The Vice President told estimation by S&P Global thatifthecountryindeedhas Exxon,notfromtheMinistry ‘there has been no major coast, of which Venezuela, reporters, “Right now, there saying, “that is not true and 18B barrels in its reserves, of Natural Resources, not change in the reserves.’ The Guyana, Suriname, a part of is an assumption that the speaking of resources, we they would not be hiding it. from GGMC. I don’t know; country manager for Exxon andthereisunderthatcoasta information is being have had a minimal increase “If we have 18B, we will say maybe they have some Guyana Alistair Routledge basin of oil, huge basin of withheld, that’s false I in resources. I think we have that because it means well magic wand that they can hasalsomaintainedthesame oil.” “Every day we are pointedouttoyouthatweget moved to 11.6B now, 11.6B for our country There’s no pull the data and they can tune.
f i n d i n g n e w o i l these reports every three barrels equivalent offshore reasontohideitasamatterof
The University of Guyana has launched existence. the Institute for Marine and Riverine Minister Edghill expressed concern for Ecologies and Economies (IMAREE) at its the crises facing Guyana’s water bodies, BerbiceCampus. including the negative impacts of climate
This new institute is a crucial addition to change, pollution, and the loss of Guyana’s premier tertiary educational biodiversity caused by overexploitation and institution, particularly in a nation that otherhumanactions. boaststhetitle“thelandofmanywaters,”the He commended the University of MinistryofPublicWorkssaidinarelease. Guyana for this timely initiative, stating, “It Thelauncheventwasattendedbyseveral ishightimethatwefocusourscholarshipon officials, including Vickram Bharrat, the examination and chronicling of the Minister of Natural Resources, and marineandriverineresourcesthatournation representatives from the University of has been imbued with, toward a view of Guyana, such as Prof. Gomathinyagam sustainable usage and rehabilitation where Subrimanian, Director of the UG Berbice necessary.” The minister also discussed the Campus, and Prof Paloma Mohamed government’s initiatives to manage Martin,Vice-ChancelloroftheUniversityof Guyana’s maritime resources sustainably, Guyana. while supporting livelihoods and mitigating
DuringthelauncheventattheUniversity theeffectsofclimatechange. of Guyana’s John’s Science Centre in He highlighted Guyana’s Maritime Berbice, Minister of Public Works, Juan A. Economy Plan, which provides a vision and Edghill, emphasised the importance of this direction that considers national issues, initiative. international commitments, and the Henotedthatwaterisanessentialpartof challenges faced by small developing states. everyday life in Guyana, yet the ordinary The plan aims to support economic growth, personoftentakesforgrantedtwothings:the livelihoods, and jobs, as well as reduce life below those waters and the ways in losses from natural hazards, extreme which these waterways preserve our weatherevents,andclimatechange.
International experts discoveries Nobody months and the reports that from US analytics company knows the full extent (but) we have state what the S&P Global recently put the every day they are finding reserves are and that has not current reserves at 18 7 more,”headded. changed materially over the billion barrels, an increase Meanwhile, in a May past maybe year or so, so from a previous estimation report, American analytics that’s not withholding bytheChairmanoftheWales company S&P Global Inc. information that we have.” Development Agency Asgar said that Guyana’s oil A c c o r d i n g t o h i m , Aliwhoputthereservestoat reserves has increased to “Information about the least 15B barrels in May of approximately 18.7 billion reserves have been part of thisyear. barrels of recoverable thatreportandit’saroundthe Chairman of Wales resources since 2015. The same 11 billion barrels. I’ve Development Authority, report was compiled by S&P pointed out that…a Asgar Ally in January had Global Commodity Insights discovery doesn’t mean that said that some 15 billion analysts Fernanda Machado, you know the size of the barrels of oil have already Mariana Anjos and Jerry reserve. That to get to that been discovered to date in Jarvis. “In just nine years, it size of reserve, long after the the Stabroek Block. Ally, a has established itself as the discovery, you have to do former Finance Minister and fifth largest [basin] in Latin appraisal, see the type of former Deputy Governor of America, while continuing rock, a complex process the Bank of Jamaica, to grow,” the analysts said. before you get to the represented Guyana at the Production is expected to reserve.”
PrintedandPublishedbyNationalMedia& PublishingCompanyLtd. 24SaffonStreet, Charlestown,Georgetown,Guyana.
Tel:225-8465,225-8491. Fax:225-8473,226-8210
Guyana’smajorinstitutionsareundersiegeatthehands ofthePPP/CGovernmentthatisfirmlyfocusedonavision of total control. One public institution after another has surrendered their independence, are no longer seen as neutralastheyshouldbe.
The PPP/C Government juggernaut moves with the confidenceofanirresistibleforce.Theresulthasbeenthat manyconstitutionalbulwarkshavebeenrolledaroundlike dice in the hands of the government, the craven will of its leaders.Recently,thejudiciaryhascomeunderattackfrom government sources, with it being the latest constitutional protectiveplanktargetedinanenvironmentthatteeterson thebordersofanuanceddictatorship.
Among Guyana’s public institutions wounded by the manipulations of a calculating PPP/C Government, the GuyanaPoliceForcestandsoutstarkly TheForcehasbeen politicized and weaponized to jump to the bidding of governmentleaders. Leadersareversedinsayingtheright things in public but implement the opposite behind the scenes. The Force is compromise and demoralized to the detriment of Guyanese interests. In the usual manner of insecurepoliticians,thosewithafetishforcontrol,aForce thatisprofessionalanduntouchable,isseenasathreat. One thattakesitsdutiesseriouslyanduncompromisinglyinstils fear in a government that recommends itself as clean, but whichisweigheddownbyanendlesslitanyofcorruption. Fromperceptionstopractices,thisistherealityoftheForce inGuyana,andthisisnotgoodforanyGuyanese.
TheEnvironmentalProtectiveAgency(EPA)hasfallen underthesuffocatinggripofaselloutPPP/CGovernment, with ExxonMobil (and other downstream operators in the oilsector)settingtheirownstandardsandbeingallowedto get away with those. One government leader is always seeking to reassure Guyanese with repeated references to “technical people.” He gives the impression that the EPA knowswhatitisdoing,isinfullchargeoftheoilcompanies and those that support them. The reality is that the local EPAhasbeenguttedandhobbledbythedeterminedactions of a PPP/C Government that is more for the foreign companiesthanitisfortheGuyaneseownersofthenational oil wealth. The EPA doesn’t have a good supply of the qualitytechnicalpeoplethatitneeds,whichhasreducedit toapawninthehandsoftheforeignoilcompaniesandtheir onshore vendors. This seems to be the overall thrust of government’s objectives; and it is what forms part of the gamesandsmokescreensofnationalleaders.Speaksweetly in public, besiege the EPA to a state of weakness, which meanshelplessness.
To restate the obvious, there is something about the mediathathasdriventodistractiononePPP/CGovernment after another Because it has so many secrets that must remainhidden,thegovernment’stoppeoplefearafreeand independentmedia. Tolimititsexposure,thegovernment has full control over State media in all its forms and has cultivatedprivatemediasourcescommittedtolookingthe other way, asking no tough questions. In contrast, PPP/C Governmentleadersshowtheirrealsidewhentheyattack, abuse, and seek to crush independent media house, their journalists, and their other contributors. What honest government, which principled national decisionmakers, livesinsuchconditionsofperpetualdread? Agovernment that conducts the business of the people cleanly should welcome an independent and vibrant media as an asset, if not as a partner that helps to get the best for Guyanese. Unfortunately,thishasnotbeentheexperienceofGuyana’s independentmedia.
Lately, the judiciary, like the independent media, one thatisnottotallyoverpoweredanddominatedbythePPP/C Government, has come under attack. Justices Sandil Kissoon and Gino Persaud have incurred the wrath of an impatient and hostile government unhappy with their rulings. Then, a magistrate felt some government heat in
Throwing money at GuySuCo now is just fueling more corruption and has nothing to do with reviving that
I see the usual drivel written about GuySuCo by RobinSinghintheStabroek newspaper of August 11, 2024. In which he alleges that GuySuCo and its 8000 workers have received another4billiontranche,and it shows the PPP’s commitment to the industry and its workers and (sic) notwithstanding that the Opposition is objecting to thenew$4billiontranche,as acompletewasteofnational funds.ItisSingh’sviewthat the$4billionwillrevivethe industry Obviously,hislove of fiction forbids him to see the truth. And today 14th August 2024, I see the Opposition asking some telling questions in Parliament, with quite unacceptableresponsesfrom thePPP I promised myself that I would not write on GuySuCo matters anymore, since it is very disturbing to do the numbers and see the depths to which that entity
hassunken,butIamgoingto write to expose any publication which seeks to tell the public that what the PPP is doing in GuySuCo makessense.
Editor, I and former colleagues have been doing the numbers, and we are convinced that GuySuCo’s costperpoundofsugartoday exceeds 1 US dollar/pound, and since the production of GuySuCo is so poor, we appeartobeimportingsugar from other countries like GuatemalaandBelizetoday
But now, since I see the n e w C E O w h o s e qualifications to be in that position has to be purely political, since I was on that Board for 3 years 2020 September to September 2023, I can’t say that I saw the gentleman at many of those meetings, and I also don’trememberhimmaking much of a contribution at eventhosehedidattend.
Furthermore, as a cane farmer delivering cane to Uitvlugt estate, I consider
Editor, to counter these spurious claims made by Robin Singh et al, I must give evidence why such a very complex corporation can be destroyed very quicklywhenmannedby
himtobenotonlyincapable of performing as CEO, especially since his back up staff in the corporation is at best poor, but he has placed himself in a complete conflict of interest situation, since he is the CEO of a companytowhichheisalso delivering cane. On the 21st May, 1976, i.e. the night of the nationalization of the Guyana Sugar industry in 1976, I attended a dinner at the Hotel Tower with my father and the then Minister of Agriculture at that time, Gavin Kennard, after we came from the handing over of the sugar holdings of Bookers to the Government of Guyana. That night at dinner,Mr Kennardtoldmy father that he was their first choice to be the new chairman of GuySuCo not Harold Davis, but he failed the test because he is also a cane farmer delivering cane to that company As villainous as the PPP make him out to be, Burnham at least understood two things, 1. That you can’t run a countrywithtotaljokersand incompetent people, and 2. You can’t place them in conflict-of-interest positions, e g Ministers whose families are getting massive government contracts, etc. The alleged c o r r u p t B u r n h a m government understood the dangerofconflictofinterest, which apparently the PPP can’t or refuses to accept. The Minister is now on the record as looking around Guyana and did not see any competence, that’s why he broughttheCubans.AllIcan say is that he is completely blind, but cunning, because Cubans won’t alert the peopleofGuyanawhenthey see the massive wrongdoing goingonthere.
I write to respond to the AFC’s call on, ‘GECOM to provide updates for improvedelectoral system’ published in S/N’s edition of 3/8/24; S/N editorial; ‘Safeguards
Against Elections Skullduggery’ published on 12/8/24; Henry Jeffery’s ‘Elections skullduggery’ publishedinK/Non12/8/24
and Oscar Dolphin’s ‘Disappointed GECOM did not address most recent allegationofelectoralfraud,’ carried in the K/N’s August 13,2024edition.
S / N e d i t o r i a l piggybacked somewhat on the AFC’s statement of 3/8/24 that called on GECOM‘toprovideupdates for improved electoral system.’Thatsaid,Iconsider it necessary to respond to a h o s t o f q u e r i e s , pontifications and speculationscontainedinthe four publications which, if accepted by readers, would convey the impression that GECOM is unprepared for
elections 2025. Since my a p p o i n t m e n t a s a commissionerofGECOMin August 2022, and with the knowledge and experience I accumulated(1984-1991)as to what occurred in the past and before GECOM arrived to where it is today, I have formedtheopinionthat,save for mischievous and unlawful acts by the human factor,GECOMiscapableof executing its constitutional mandate However, like every government or constitutional body in any part of the world, the populace tend to be suspicious and distrustful of them.
The S/N editorial provided a useful reminder and stressed an undeniable fact that ‘the five-month impasse that delayed the transition in governments hadnothingatalltodowitha bloated list of voters or malpractices at polling stations’ but that ‘It was all about a rearguard effort hatched at the Kingston offices of GECOM and
the ongoing elections fraud case. Cumulatively, public institutions are besieged, with the PPP/C Government intensifying its efforts to strip them of any independence theyhave. Thisistothediscreditofagovernmentthat delights talking about democracy, but has lost touched with democracy’s values, the ways in which a genuine democracyfunctions.
unleashed at the Ashmins building where the District Four Returning Officer was accommodated.’
Andasiftobelabourthe point,theeditorialwentonto state;’It(GECOM)mayfeel that it has greater control of the process having managed to engineer some of its preferred choices into key positions at GECOM. That is,however,ofnocomfortto theordinaryvoterwhowants to be convinced that the secretariat and the people at the Kingston HQ and the District Four office will comport themselves with honestyandintegrity.’
As regards the question of ‘comforting the ordinary voter that GECOM will fulfill its constitutional mandate with honesty and integrity,’ I know that the Commission has plans to launch a Civic and Voter Education strategy that will place specific focus on the rebuilding of trust and confidence in the
Commission and its Secretariat to conduct credible elections. To this end,adshavebeenplacedin mainstream media inviting suitably qualified persons to apply for a post to head the C&VE activities of GECOM. S/Neditorialwaskeento alertthat;‘Theelectionsbell
hasclearlybeenrungbutthe public cannot be convinced thattheGECOMSecretariat has been immunized from malignbehaviour.’
Just in case it has been forgotten, all should be remindedaboutthenewlaws thatarenowinplacetodeter the type and level of unlawful acts and skullduggery committed in 2020 by senior Secretariat Staff, aided and abetted by some members of the then Commission.Inthisregard,I have no doubt that any sleeping or rearguard elements embedded within GECOM’s machinery and who may be either hatching orbentonunleashingillegal acts to rig the process must know that if they do the crime, they will have to do the(jail)time.
Undisputedly, the whole of Guyana and it’s diaspora a r e a w a r e o f t h e machinations that occurred at the Ashmins building where ‘clear attempts to falsify the election results’ were perpetrated by a political cabal in cahoots with their partners embedded at the then GECOM.
Andwhileitisimportant to remind of that sordid attempt to rig the results of theelections,wemustnever (Continuedonpage06)
In response to a letter writer in another section of the media regarding the potential for Guyana to follow China wasting national resources in its thrust for development, this is indeed possible, and has beenthecasewiththePPP’s now unheralded sojourn in government.
In his grand scheme to enthrall Guyanese that ‘development’ishere,Irfaan Ali posed with his ‘master plan’ to build a $6.0 billion proposal, quite obviously not seriously considered or been advised, and sought to address the problems peculiartotheeconomicand socialplightofsingleparent moms as a specific class/targetgroup.
By his proposal Irfaan quite openly admits to the trenchant housing challenges of this group, a consequence of the encroaching economic constraintssponsoredbythe PPP, which include undereducation, underemployment, domestic stress in extended family homes and the potential for
abuseatthehandsofderelict dads ready to make the next child. It’s quite easy to see an economic solution that involvesmonthlystipendsto provide financial stability, counseling,nurseryservices and accommodation for involved children, reeducation/skills training to provide opportunities for higher income jobs, where ever these may be. This is a
demonstrate ill-advised p
misallocation where the needy remains in need, that have been part of the PPP’s approach to economic development, a phrase they seeonpaperbutquitelikely are seriously impoverished as many Guyanese literally are, in understanding or responding to Their programmes with few exceptions have been political gimmicks Like keeping sugar workers i
d on financiallybustedestatesfor their votes at taxpayers’ expense. A grand idea, the
Berbice Bridge has become an albatross around the necks and lives of Berbicians with no let-up in sight. Going back to the $6.0 billionIrfaanAlihomestead, it is very easy to envisage a 100, 500, 750 mothers and their children living with their fathers visiting them lookingforaplacetostayif possibleperpetuatingabuse, the filthy environment of ghetto life that accompanies economically depressed communities Adequate water,lights,schools,health centers, jobs available in surrounding communities? Or they have to bus themselves to Linden, Georgetown, the East Bank, etc ? Undoubtedly gargantuan economic waste is possible, and underway with the PPP, going back even before the US$40.0 millionFipMotilallRoadTo Nowhere (Amaila Falls) along with kickbacks was built There’s the CJIA project that almost never ended, the sawdust in bags saga, and all those road projectsthatareforever (Continuedonpage09)
Frompage04 these incompetent political hacks the PPP keeps putting in charge of our national business My example is that in 2021 from the 15th of May to the 12th of June, only a total of 25.3 inches [642.4 mm] of rain fell at Albion/PortMourant. This was not an exorbitant amount of rainfall by any yardstick for Albion’s designed drainage system, in Guyana to drain our rainy seasons since Dutch times, the entire country’s drainage system was designed to remove 1 5 inches of precipitation every 24 hours in Agriculture, and 2 inches in the housing areas Usingthosecriteria in the period 15th May to 12th June, if the Albion drainage system was working properly, the estate could have removed [29 days @ 1 5 inches/day] 43 inches [ 1 0 9 2 2 m m s ] o f rainfall
When I, was chairman
of the operations
c o m m i t t e e , I investigated how there couldhavebeenafloodof the entire Albion
cultivation for two
m o n t h s l i t e r a l l y destroying the entire cultivation, with so small
I discovered that of the 11 huge 3-foot diameter drainage pumpsAlbion/Port Mourant has to drain its cultivation only six were working.
Also the incompetent managementatAlbionatthe time, failed to secure its cultivation from the rising Canje River, which has always been the custom and practiceinthepast.
Ialsodiscoveredthatthe “technical team” of GuySuCo wrote a pack of lies and submitted it to the MOAandthePresident.
This led in the end, to the President [wrongly and publicly] arguing with the head of the GAWU union in a confr
That flood was not a natural disaster, it was caused by incompetence andneglect
In less than one year after taking over from the coalition, under a CEO, who never worked in sugar orclearlyinanyothermajor corporation before, was
appointed by the PPP, and presided over the almost complete destruction of the Albioncultivation.
Editor that day when I blew up in the Board meeting, I had already resigned, but t
chairman begged me to attend the meeting, and
nonsense, I was unable to contain myself further, when the CEO refused to abide by the ruling of the chair and called him Lowenfeld.
Because of me and the then Chairman, Mr D
y complaining about how badly the corporation is being run, the board of
major functionaries of the
or6timesin threeyears.
Throwing money at GuySuConowisjustfueling more corruption and incompetence and has nothing to do with reviving thatdeadcorporation.
forget the traumatic experience and willful shenanigansexecutedbythe APNU+AFC who love to talk about upholding the guardrails of democracy but whoatthesametime,sought to tear down those very guardrails by initiating an illegal and unconstitutional process with a view to imposing a nonconsensual chairmanatGECOM.
So when we come to parleying over the ‘type of Chair the country or its people need’, we should never forget what the nation went through to identify a chair for that body since given the extant political climate, the dangers that lie ahead should not be underestimated when it comes to choosing ‘the type of chair the country or its peopleneed.’Asregardsthe editorial’s observation that;
‘It is worthwhile pointing out that the PPP/Cnominated commissioners also failed to prevent the corruption of the process,’I l e a v e t h a t t o t h e commissionersconcernedto addressthatallegation.
‘S/N is quite in order in positing that ‘With expanded means of communications with the hinterland, what GECOMshouldbefocusedon is a declaration of results as earlyaspossibleaftertheclose
ofpolls.’Inthatregard,clearly lessonshavebeenlearntfrom past experiences.With that in mind,Ihavelittleornodoubt that GECOM will focus on ensuring publication, as soon aspossible,ofthedeclaration of the results in line with the new statutory provisions for Statement of Poll by Statement of Poll publication of the results of theelectionsinrealtime.My understanding is that the results declared by the ten (10) Returning Officers are, infactstatutorydeclarations of the results for the respective Electoral Districts. I was pleased to note that notwithstanding the decision by the commission to consider the introductionofbiometricsin theelectoral process, S/N editorial referenced‘thesystemutilized by GECOM for the 2020 electionsstatingit‘functioned marvelously thanks to the industrious and heroic work carriedoutbythehundredsof pollingdayworkers‘toenable voterstocasttheirballots,for these to be counted, results posted up outside polling stations and the relevant documents transmitted to the districtreturningofficers’ Ontopofthat,theeditorial wasquiteemphaticinpointing out; ‘That system functioned marvellously and does not requirebiometricsorcameras
to create grounds for upheaval.’
S/N also referenced the EuropeanUnion(EU)followup mission 2023 report Mention was made to the effect that; ‘the present electoral list remains problematical’ and that ‘the oppositionisadvocatingthata newvoterregisterbecompiled through House-to-House Registration combined with electronic capture of fingerprints, as well as advocatingtheintroductionof biometric (fingerprint) verificationofvotersatpolling places)’AsfarasIamaware, thereisnolawcurrentlythat provides for the conduct of H o u s e - t o - H o u s e Registration. Moreover, my understandingisthatthereis strict compliance with all statutory provisions for sanitizing the National Register of Registrants (NRR)and,byextension,the voters lists extracted therefrom Again, as I pointed out earlier, the issue of biometrics is before the commission for discussion, however,Iamflummoxedas to why this information was not provided to the Opposition Parties by the GECOM Commissioners whoarealignedtothem.
On the question of the voters’register, the editorial added; ‘The PPP/C government, on the other
hand,preferstoimprovethe existing voter register t h r o u g h e x t e n d e d continuous registration and somewhat improved procedures for the removal of deceased registrants. We shall see if the opposition willgoto,andhopetowinan election with the current list because the PPP does not wantitchanged!’
To support its view, the editorialremindedthat;‘The European Union (EU) Final report recommended a thorough update of the decade-old register well ahead of the next election cycle, based on inclusive consultations and political consensus’. We were also reminded that ‘The CaribbeanCommunity2020 recountgroupsuggestedthat such a cleaning of the list should be the minimum condition before the 2025 elections.’
In this connection, it is apposite to recall that the exercisecalledforbytheEU and CARICOM is an ongoing one which commenced in 2022. Since then, four (4) Claims and Objections exercises have sincebeenconducted.
The thread-worn and high-sounding views advanced by the AFC that; ‘thereisnolongeranypublic confidenceintheintegrityof theelectorallist,’that‘aplan should be outlined how the bloated list will be handled forthenextelection’andthat ‘updatingthevoterslistisof ‘crucial’ for ensuring the integrity of the electoral process’isaclearindication thattheAFCislikeashipat sea without a digital compass especially since that party is represented on thecommission.
From my recollection, GECOMtookpainstopoint out the measures it has in place, as well as new measures that are yet to be putinplacetoensurethatthe attempt to rig in 2020 is not repeated. And a proposal to install cameras at Polling Stations to record all activitiesthereinonElection Day ought not to be dismissed until such time it isfullydiscussedandafinal determinationismade.
In so far as Henry Jeffrey’s ‘Elections Skullduggery’ dated August 11,2024andpublishedinthe KaieteurNewsisconcerned, in the main his column merely regurgitated past events and falsified pronouncements not worthy of response Jeffrey documented a number of speculative points and
unsubstantiated comments whichhesoughttopeddleas facts. In this regard, I wish to point out four such instances.
First, he posited that ‘Riggingelectionsbywayof a bloated list has now become the modus operandi in Guyana and is the major reason why only just over 20% of the population is certain they are not manipulated;’ Secondly, he pleaded, ‘Please spare me the nonsense about foreign monitors certifying elections;’ Thirdly, he claimed; ‘The former GECOM Chief Elections Officer claimed that there w e r e s o m e 4 , 6 8 6 impersonations and other irregularities;’Andfinally,he a resurrected a number of unsubstantiated charges made by one Malcolm Harripaul againstGECOMregardingthe 2011 General and Regional Elections
But there are certain basic flaws in all four of Jeffery’s contestations First, he was unable to present a scintilla of evidence whatsoever to substantiate his claim that ‘rigging elections by way of a bloatedlisthasnowbecomethe modus operandi in Guyana’ Secondly, he did not even attempttogiveadecentlevelof credibility to this blatant falsehood.Thirdly, he failed to call into question and to admit that it is the same ‘bloated list’ that was used for the 2015 elections that brought the APNU+AFC to power Thirdly,itappearsthat Jefferyhasjoinedthewiththose despise the presence of internationalelectionobservers because ‘they interfere in Guyana’sdomesticaffairs’His positioninthismatterseemsto be premised on the unified stance the APNU+AFC adopted towards the International Observers who challenged and exposed the riggingofthe2020elections.
Finally, as regards the claim about 4,686 cases of impersonations and other irregularities which he ascribed to the former Chief Election Officer, is Jeffery aware that no evidence has been provided to support even one single case? The coincidence of Jeffery’s claim with that of the
A P N U + A F C i s s o transparent that any visual impairedpersoncansee.
Editor, I now turn to certain concerns raised by one Oscar Dolphin in his letter carried in the August 13,2024editionofS/Ntitled “Disappointed GECOM did not address most recent allegationofelectoralfraud.’
In case Mr. Dolphin missed it, he should get a copy of GECOM’s last press release whichshowedthenumerous measuresthatareinplaceto guard against the committal of skullduggery. Those measures notwithstanding, Mr Dolphin in his recollection of what transpired at the 2020 elections, sought assurances abouttheaccuratetabulation anddeclarationoftheresults of the elections. In this regard, I invite Mr Dolphin to refer to that legislation enacted in December 2022, to ensure that the unlawful actsperpetratedbyGECOM Senior staff at the 2020 electionsareneverrepeated. Frommyrecollectionand forthebenefitofMr Dolphin, the legislation include (i) e n a b l i n g t h e appointment/accreditation of Party Agents to work alongside each Deputy Returning Officer to ensure the secured movement of StatementsofPoll;(ii)public display of each Statement of Poll(SoP)onadisplayscreen toallpresenttoseewhilethe votesrecordedontheSoPare beingtabulated;(iii)realtime publicdisplayoftheinputting ofthevotesrecordedoneach SoP simultaneously as the SoPitselfisbeingdisplayed, ( i v ) a d e q u a t e accommodation to ensure that duly accredited Party Candidates/Agents and Observers can observe the tabulation process without hindrance;(v)treatwithvalid concerns from any Party Candidate/Agentpertainingto the authenticity and accuracy of SoPs while they are on display;(vi) the highly populatedDistricts 3, 4, and 6havenowbeensplitinto3, 4 and 3 Sub-Districts respectively to facilitate earlier tabulation of the r e s u l t s f o r t h e s e Districts;(vii) publication of all SoPs, on the GECOM website;(viii) upon completion of tabulation, immediatedeclarationofthe results of the elections for each District by the respective Returning Officers, and (ix) subject to the completion of declaration of the results by the ten Returning Officers, the Chief Election Officer shall, immediately thereupon,collatetheresults for the General and for the Regional Elections and submit the results for the entire country to the Commission.
Yoursfaithfully, ClementJ.Rohee C o m m i s s i o n e r , GECOM
One of Guyana’s public institutions that wounded by the manipulations of a calculating PPP/CGovernmentistheGuyanaPoliceForce.
TheForcehasbeenpoliticisedandweaponisedto jump to the bidding of government leaders. The Force is compromised and demoralised to the detrimentofGuyaneseinterests.
Intheusualmannerofinsecurepoliticians,those with a fetish for control, a Force that is professional and untouchable, is seen as a threat. One that takes its duties seriously and uncompromisingly instils fear in a government that recommends itself as clean, but which is weighed down by an endless litanyofcorruption.
From perceptions to practices, this is the reality of the Force in Guyana, and this is not good for any Guyanese.
In an effort to foster comments from the business
a d e a n d community, members of investments opportunities B r i t C h a m , G u y a n a between Guyanese and Governmentofficialsamong United Kingdom (UK), the others.
British Chamber of He shared that the much C o m m e r c e G u y a n a anticipatedeventalreadyhas (BritCham) will be launched over 50 businesses from inLondonnextmonth. Guyana, UK, Europe, This is according to Canada, and the USA that Chairman of BritCham, would be participating Fizal Khan who made the Notably, out of that number UK has a long relationship announcement during a 40 are Guyanese registered with Guyana Guyana is news conference Tuesday at businesses British High already UK’s leading trade d
t h e B r i t i s h H i g h Commissioner to Guyana, partner in the whole of the relationship with their Commissioner’s residence Jane Miller at the press Caribbean, we have more partners. “We are not fly-byin Bel A
rdens, conference said that this than £1.6 billion worth of night, we don’t come in and Georgetown. According to London launch is another trade last year and we really fly away, we develop long the Chairman, the BritCham step in the growing the valuethat,”sheexplained. term relationships and also Guyana London launch is relationship between the UK She added that the UK is we provide innovation,” she slated to be held on and Guyana. “We all know an important business shared. September 11, 2024 at the about Guyana’s economic partner for a number of In encouraging business famous Lord’s Cricket growth. This is a massive reasons, some being because owners and decision-makers Ground in London and will opportunity for Guyana and they are reliable, they to participate in the event, begin at 7pm. The event will we also hope there would be provide quality goods and Miller said this event will include presentations and opportunity for the UK. The services and that they also provideanopportunitytosee how the Guyana market can grow and be promoted in the United Kingdom and vice versa. In his brief remarks, Chief Investment Officer (CEO)andHeadof (Continued on page 16)
- escape with cash, hold supervisor, labourer at gunpoint
BanditsonTuesdaynightintrudedandrobbedasupervisor andoccupantoftheJohnnyP’sSupermarketatgunpointofan undisclosedamountofcashandvaluables.
According to the police report, the alleged robbery took place on Tuesday at around 20:00hrs at the Johnny P’s Supermarket located at Lot 12 Aubrey Barker Road, South RuimveldtGardens,Georgetown.
Afemalesupervisoratthesupermarketwasrelievedofone gold chain, while a 51-year-old labourer who resides in the upper flat of the establishment was relieved of one Samsung cellphonevaluedat$45,000bythreemaleperpetrators,oneof whomwasarmedwithahandgun.
The supervisor told investigators that she was in the process of closing the supermarket when the perpetrators entered through an open door The armed perpetrator struck her face with the handgun, causing a minor laceration, and relieved her of the gold chain she was wearing around her neck. Meanwhile, his accomplices relieved the 51-year-old labourerofhiscellphone.
The perpetrators then proceeded to the cash register and retrieved an undisclosed amount of Guyana currency before making good their escape. Detectives are reviewing CCTV camerafootageastheinvestigationcontinues.
The rhetoric of what constitutes progress is often tied to the language of economics.
InGuyana,intellectually bankrupt leaders have tried to convince us that road to prosperity is paved with the bricks of GDP growth, foreign direct investment, and infrastructural expansion.
The vision is one of gleaming cities, bustling marketplaces, and a rising standard of living. These however are not always quantified. Yet, amid this flurry of numbers, one criticalelementisfrequently overlooked the human person. The end product of development is not the
economy; it is the individual, the living, breathing human being who mustinhabitthesocietythat is being built And this person is not simply an economic entity; their essence cannot be captured byeconomicmetricsalone.
The idea th
economic vision alone can d
development is a seductive one. It offers a sense of control, a way to measure progress in clear, objective terms. Yet, this focus on economics risks reducing the human person to a mere statistic,aunitofproduction orconsumptionwhosevalue is determined by their contributiontotheeconomy
In this view, development becomes a matter of increasing output, raising income levels, and ensuring that the machinery of the economyrunssmoothly
But the human person is not a cog in the economic machine They are a complex,multifacetedbeing whose needs extend far beyond the material. The s
r, clothing is indeed a prerequisite for human development,butitisnotthe end point While the satisfactionofbasicneedsis undoubtedly crucial, it is importanttorecognizethatit isonlythestartingpoint,not the destination Human
Frompage05 inneedofrepairswastingtaxpayers’money Not to mention those over-budget construction expenditures. These days I spend my spare time trying to estimate the amount of kickbacks collected. Corruption money
ButthatcanbechangedcomeNovember 2025. Justlikein2015.
Sincerely CraigSylvester, Democratic
Shoplifting is one of the oldest professions in Guyana.Butisonlyoverde past 20 years since we gat
developmentbeginswiththe provision of food, water, shelter,andhealthcare,butit must go beyond these necessities Once basic needs are met, the focus should shift to the higherorder needs that contribute to a person’s overall wellb e i n g e d u c a t i o n , meaningful work, social connection, and personal fulfillment
To understand the true nature of development, we must look beyond the economic vision and embrace a broader, more humanisticunderstandingof whatitmeanstolivewell.At the heart of the humanistic visionistherecognitionthat humanbeingsarenotmerely economic actors. We are social creatures, emotional beings,spiritualentities,and ethical agents. Our wellbeing is not solely determined by our material circumstances; it is also shaped by our relationships, our sense of purpose, our capacity for joy, and our ability to live in accordance w i t h o u r v a l u e s Development, therefore, mustencompassnotonlythe satisfaction of basic needs but also the cultivation of these deeper aspects of humanexistence.
makes life meaningful? What brings happiness? What allows a person to flourish? These are not matters that can be left to economistsorpolicymakers to decide through metrics and models. They require a broaderperspective,onethat draws on philosophy, psychology, ethics, religion and the arts disciplines thatexplorethefullrangeof humanexperience.
The limitations of economic metrics become evident when we consider the complexity of human well-being Take, for example, the concept of happiness. Economists may attempt to me
ure happiness through surveys andindices,buttheseefforts oftenfallshort.Happinessis a deeply subjectiv
experience, influenced by a w
d e r a
o f factors relationships, work, health, community, andevenspirituality.Itisnot something that can be fully capturedbyasinglenumber orformula.
Dem was afraid somebody gan go and shoplift dem bag from de bagbay Ithappen!
Shoplifting nah gat nottintodowithaperson’s economic circumstances Some people just wicked andliketosteal.
Dehhadpeopleusedto go in dem store like a magga dag and come out like a barrel. Yuh did want know how dem put on so much weight in so short a time.
Dis is no joke. But at one time, dem find a woman with a ladder
s o m a n y m o r e supermarkets and stores fuh browse in dat people realizing how prevalent is d e p r a c t i c e o f shoplifting.Lang ago when yuh had dem department store,demhadpeopleused to go in dere and push things in dem bags. Dat is how yuh had to establish bagbays. Even dem government stores used to have to step up bag bays.But dem bag bays never stop people fromstealing.Infact,some people used to be fraid of leavingdembagsindebag bay
hidden under her skirt. It reminddemboysofdeman wah get caught shoplifting in a supermarket. Dem carryheinfrontofdecourt becauseheshopliftacanof peaches.
De judge asked him, “How many peaches were inthecanyoustole?”
Thejudgegavehimhis sentence, “You will have five weeks in prison, one foreachpeachinthecan”.
The wife of the man, who was present in the courtroom,raisedherhand andsaid,“YourHonour,he alsostoleagallonofrice!”
Thehumanisticvisionof development asks us to consider questions that cannot be answered by economics alone: What
This is why we need to turntothehumanitiestohelp shape our vision of the future, one that places the human person above everythingelse.
(The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinionsofthisnewspaper.)
Moreover, the pursuit of economic growth can sometimesleadtooutcomes that are detrimental to human well-being The paradoxisthattheverytools we use to measure developmentcanblindusto thetrueendofdevelopment: theflourishingofthehuman person. As we look to the future,itisclearthatapurely economic vision of development is insufficient. We need a broader, more inclusive approach that recognises the full range of h u m a n n e e d s a n d aspirations This means rethinkingourpriorities,our policies, and our metrics. It meansembracingavisionof developmentthatisnotonly about economic growth but also about human flourishing. The true end point of development is the creation of a society where every individual has the opportunity to live a good life—a life that is rich in meaning, purpose, and happiness.Thisisthevision ofdevelopmentthatwemust strivefor,onethatplacesthe human person at the center ofoureffortsandrecognizes that the ultimate goal of development is not economicbuthuman.
I am caught between two when he tries to bluster and and ‘answered a million Bharrat J: he tied bundles thought is what does he have extremes when Guyana’s bully his way out of times’and ‘talk toVick.’It is with the white brothers, so to hide with this oil? Plenty chief oil policy mandarin, answering tough questions another patented Jagdeo now he must parrot their many locals believe. My Bharrat Jagdeo, is part of the on his management and dead-endandGuyanesehave lines About judicial stand is ‘how plenty is Truly,Ifeelsorryfortheman discussion. First, there are decision-making with the been dealing with him [BJ] predictability About parent plenty?’ Jagdeo. waves of laughter at the people’s patrimony The f o r t o o m a n y l o n g company guarantee. About I also feel sorry for He lectures Guyanese holes that he digs for more he futzes and flails disappointing years not to investor sentiment and they brother Jay. He gets abouthowoilbrightheisand himself; the second is I feel futilely,themoreIamseeing see through that slick shift are spooky people. About bombarded from all angles. many of those sam
sorry for the leader and the dancing bear President thatdanglesMinisterVickas return on investment for SN editorials that enrage. Guyanese point to Alistair brother When I watch from Ali. Who learned from bait. Tobefrank,thatnewest Exxon et al now and PeepingTomarticlesthatsee Routledgeandaskwhatheis a distance how he manages whom, that is the polite Jagdeo three-card move is maximizing returns for much,shoutmore,scorchhis still doing here. He and his Guyana’s great oil treasure, inquiry, if I may? I laugh at what gives Guyanese the Guyaneseuptheroad. waking hours. If I were to billboards He and his the thought solidifies that themasterprevaricatorwhen shivers They are still I am reduced to laugher, say Lall, any of such cricket sponsorship. Please Jagdeo should have been at hetrieswalkingsidewaysfor hanging for want of one not anger, when this world co
keep him far from the li’l the2024ParisOlympics. He extended periods, only to straight oil answer Even champion Guyanese oil epilepsy episodes gather duck curry competitions is would have been a surefire lose his way I laff at him more frankly, the natural leaderconvinceshimselfthat stormy energy in Jagdeo, all I ask. Jagdeo brought all gold medal winner in when he turns his gaze resources man has since all Guyanese are deaf, dull, sendhimoffthedeepend. It of this on his head. All he breakdancing, tightrope sideways, speaks from the unveiled the new Minister and daft. To keep him on is too much for one man, no had to do was humble sleepwalking, backflipping, sides of his mouth, and ends Vick Bharrat: a brand-new level ground: all Guyanese matter how invincible he himself a tad, listen. and trapezing. Clean sweep up making himself a politicalreligiontakenup. It minusthisone,skipperchief. may fool himself into Implement also. Instead, he forchampandcountry. sideshow and a side joke. I is one that requires vows of Bottom line: when I watch thinking that he is. When it snarled and slapped his hand I laugh at the big Guyana give him a helping hand: silence, plus total abstinence Jagdeo gliding clumsily, is not what he is doing about onthetable,sethisdogsfree. oilmanwhobitoffmorethan Guyanese are bored stiff from anything to do with goring reporters arrogantly, ring-fencing, it is taxes. He knows who, how, and his mouth could hold when withhisanticsandfacialtics, shedding light on Guyana’s and making a pathetic Before he could stutter and against whom. I told Jagdeo he assigned himself sole with his own disgruntled storybook oil riches. It is the spectacle of himself, I see a sputter about those two, andmanyofhisPPPbrethren control of the national oil people leading the growing stuff of fairies and wicked man selling smoke and the Jagdeo gets many fusillades that the Americans may be portfolio Talk about armyofdisillusioned. Those witches. PPP operational stuff of the sewer and and still more broadsides boisterous, but they don’t choking and gurgling are not answers to the fairies are known quantities, pushing Guyanese to believe about interest rates and the have much regard for helplessly, and Jagdeo is the b u r n i n g q u e s t i o n s but I throw in fiendish that it is snow Pure, clean rate at which he carries on. blowhards, bloviators, and man. The man requires an surroundingoil. wizards to maintain gender snow, no; one snow job after Damnit! The man isn’t even those who Guyanese call expert in Heimlich Getanewact,OilChamp neutrality and balance. I another, yes. When a man allowed to hold a press Christmas blow-blows manoeuvre therapy on Jagdeo. It is time to jettison can’t stop laughing (not must shelter behind the Fifth conference the way he They cooled him down with constant call to free his such escape strategies loving to remove any Ray (his right against self- wants. OFAC, then cornered him airwaves. I laugh at him (farces)as‘answeredbefore’ Charles ideas) at brother incrimination), the reflexive That is, bully his way, with Nigel Hughes. On the take advantage of some little former, the word is that people, and chatter nonstop Jagdeo fingerprints may be abouthowheisthebestthing around developments. Re that Guyana has ever had the latter, the Yanks going for it Meaning, blindsided him. That is my before and after the story with my oily brother Georgetown Seawall Barry: laff story first; sorry According to Jagdeo, if it citylater wasn’t for him, Guyanese (The views expressed in would still be living without this article are those of the electricityandinslavery He a u t h o r a n d d o n o t conveniently forgot the new necessarily reflect the ones that he perpetuates. opinions of this newspaper.)
The $475 million Saturday, Minister Edghill contractors to assist Avinash rehabilitation of Cemetery reported that 96% of the Construction One subRoad originally slated for project had been completed. contractor is tasked with completion on Monday, He noted that two bridges completing the bridge at remains unfinished as works were left to cure after being Cemetery Road and Princess continue on the troubled recently cast with cement. Street, while the other is project. The bridge embankment responsible for widening the
During a site visit on closer to Princess Street is culvert at Sussex Street Saturday, Minister of Public currently being cast and is Avinash Construction will Works Juan Edghill stated, expected to be completed by h
t h e “Within the next 48 hours, Saturday evening, but it will c
the site will be cleaned up require approximately two Middle Road and Sussex and the machines and weeks of curing before it can Street and begin site cleane v e r y t h i n g w i l l b e beasphaltedforuniformity up. removed.” However, as of The Cemetery Road
However, a visit to the Tuesday, construction project, which began over a siteonTuesdayrevealedthat activities were still year ago, has faced multiple the clean-up had not yet underway, and the bridges delays. Initially expected to commenced. had not yet been completed. finish in July 2023, the When contacted for a project was postponed to comment on the delays, the January 2024, then to March minister was asked, “What 2024.Duetoongoingdelays, aresomeotherworksthatare Minister Edghill had tobedoneinordertosaythat previously threatened to the roads are completed?” terminate the contract with Edghill responded, “Did you the original contractors. In listen to the live I did April, Avinash Contracting Saturday? Everything is and Metal Works Company right there. I have already were given a second chance spoken to the matter to complete the project, publicly; what do you want whichcommencedin2022. metosaydifferently?” In July, the ministry
During his inspection on a p p r o v e d t w o s u b -
Vishwanauth Narine at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Court.
Former Chief Photographer of the Guyana Chronicle, Adrian Narine was on Wednesday charged with sexually assaulting a woman and placed on $100,000 bail when he appearedattheGeorgetownMagistrates’Court. Narine whose formal name is Vishwanauth Narine was arraignedbeforeSeniorMagistrateFabayoAzoretoanswerto twochargesofsexualassault.Narinepleadednotguiltytothe charges.ThecasedatesbacktoDecember2023,whenNarine was sent on leave by the management of the newspaper after oneofhiscolleaguesreportedtotheAlberttownPoliceStation thathehadsexuallyassaultedhertwiceinDecember
The Guyana National Newspapers Limited (GNNL) said backthenthatithadpromptlyinitiatedaninternalinquiryand fully cooperated with the Guyana Police Force’s investigation.Narinewasimmediatelysentonadministrative leavependingtheoutcomeofthepoliceinvestigation.
Narine’s attorney-at-law, Jermaine Jarvis, stated that his clienthasbeenreportingtothepoliceandisnotbeingpaidby the Guyana Chronicle as he remains on administrative leave. The lawyer asked for bail to be granted in a reasonable sum and the police requested that if bail was granted, certain conditions be maintained, including the accused not having any further contact with the victim and not being in the vicinity of the victim. Narine is set to return to court on September11,2024,forfurtherproceedings.
Am e r i n d i a n Indigenous people are Heritage Month celebrated and preserved 2024 has been “Amerindian Heritage
launched and Month serves as a beacon of includes new activities to our commitment to the honouring the rich cultural justice, equity, and tapestry and invaluable recognition of the unique contributions of the cultural heritage that our Guyana’sfirstpeople. Amerindian communities
T h e M i n i s t r y o f bring to our national Amerindian Affairs, in identity,” MP Charlie collaboration with the underscored. National Toshaos Council The month’s activities (NTC), inaugurated the include a poem and jingle month of activities at the competition, Amerindians Umana Yana in Kingston, G o t Ta l e n t ( A G T ) , Georgetown on Wednesday. educational lectures, and This year’s celebration is events under the moonlight themed ‘Many Voices, One % activities that are being S o n g C e l e b r a t i n g held for the first time Amerindian Heritage 2024.’ Meanwhile, this year’s Member of Parliament, Amerindian heritage village AlistairCharliedeliveredthe is Campbelltown in Region k e y n o t e a d d r e s s , Eight. underscoring the historical AnAmerindianinterfaith context and journey that has s e r v
broughtmuchprominenceto extravaganza, crafts and Amerindian Heritage cuisine and culture nights, a from Amerindian villages in Month. fitness walk, an art the ten administrative S e p t e m b e r w a s exhibition, heritage sports, regions. dedicated as Amerindian School, and the heritage The launch ceremony Heritage Month by the late pageant, are among the was attended by members of President, Dr Cheddi Jagan activitiesplanned. the diplomatic community, in 1995, to ensure the The month’s highlight NTC executive members, contributions, culture, and will be heritage sports, and other prominent history of Guyana’s drawinghundredsofathletes officials. (DPI)
Scenes from the launch of the month of activities at the Umana Yana in Kingston, Georgetown.
A 29-year-old resident of Matthews injuries to his left foot and ribs. He was Ridge, North West District (NWD) Region assisted by a passerby and was transported to One died after being pinned by a tractor on the Baramita Cottage Hospital, where he was MondayatJawboneBackdamTrail. admittedinseriouscondition.
Police identified the man as Horman Shortly after, police were summoned to Bumbery the scene. Upon their arrival around 22:15
According to police reports, Bumbery hrs,Bumberyandthedriverhadalreadybeen was an occupant in a tractor driven by a 35- removed from under the tractor by publicyear-old namedAnzelAshby Also present in spirited individuals.They were both escorted thetractorwas31-year-oldLeonMeadaswho to the Baramita Cottage Hospital where areallresidentsofMatthewsRidge. Bumberywaspronounceddeadonarrivaland Enquiriesdisclosedthatthedriverandthe Ashbywastreatedanddischarged. two occupants were heading to Jawbone Ashby was arrested and tested with a Backdam. Meadas was seated on the right- breathalyzer, which showed a result of 0.0 side fender, while Bumbery was on the left- micrograms He was further placed in side fender At the time of the incident, the custody assisting police with investigations. tractor was traveling downhill when the left- The body of the deceased was escorted to the side front and rear wheels fell into a pothole. Port Kaituma Hospital Mortuary, awaiting a Thisledtothetractortippingoverontoitsleft post-mortemexamination,whileMeadaswas side, pinning Bumbery underneath and also medevaced to the Georgetown Public trappingAshby Hospital Corporation for advanced medical Meadas fell off the tractor and sustained attention.
Tractor involved in the accident.
City Workers have been in dialogue with the GLU and Council over their retirement benefits.
A lawsuit is likely to be brought against the Georgetown municipality over an alleged refusal by the administration of the city to place long-standing employees on the Fixed EstablishmentarrangementofCityHall.
The employees said they are at risk of losing their retirement benefits. Many of the employees began working with the Mayor and City Council (M&CC) since they were teenagers and are now over forty Despite their long years of service,theynow faceretirementwith littleto no prospects of receiving a pension.As such, the workers have described the situation as deeply unfair Elton Williams, 42 one of the affected employees told this newspaper that the matter has beendraggingonsince2006.
“I am a heavy-duty operator working with the council for 20 years and I know of a lot of workers like me who council has refused to place on the fixed establishment because they don’t want to pay our pension,” he said. The city worker explainedthatheandtheotherworkersarerepresentedbythe Guyana Labour Union (GLU) led by Carvil Duncan, in the discussions with the municipality However, the Council has been adamant that in order for the workers to be placed on the FixedEstablishment,aworkermustbe45-yearsoryounger,in ordertoreceivepensionfromtheageof55.
Williams explained that “The matter had reached arbitration in 2006, and there was an agreement that the workers should be placed on fixed establishment but the Council never did that. Now, we are here 20 years later facing thesameproblemsandtheworkersaretiredbecausewefeelas thoughareinterestsarebeingoverlooked.It’slike100persons whostandtolosetheirpension.”
He believes that the Council wants to avoid placing the workers on the fixed arrangement in accordance with the arbitration agreement; because this would mean they have to remitallthemoniestheyhavebeenpayingtothepensionfund forthepast20years…Sotheyhadbeengoingaroundthebush withit.”
Williams said the GLU has also not given the concerned workers any assurance that the matter will be resolved. “We havebeenwaitingontheUnionortheCounciltogiveussome definite answers and they ain’t saying nothing. So, we have started to talk to lawyers on this because we are not getting anywhere with this.” Under the fixed establishment, it allows workers of the City Council to be able to claim their pension when they retire at 55 years old; they are entitled to noncontributory pension and gratuity on retirement …they must serve at least 10 years to be eligible for pension and gratuity This newspaper understands that under the unfixed establishment, men retire at age 65 and women at 60. Additionally, this arrangement requires persons are paid contributory pension scheme benefit. Council contributes 5 % and employees 5 % of their basic monthly salary towards thescheme.
“We always fighting and make up back”
- Albouystown man tells magistrate after jailed for assaulting wife
A24-year-old resident of Hogg Street, Albouystown, Georgetown was slapped with nine charges in relation to assault, threatening behaviour, abusive language and, throwing missiles, against his common-law partneronWednesday
The accused, Johnny Marshall appeared before Senior Magistrate Fabayo Azore at the Georgetown Magistrates’Courtwherethe charges were read to him. Thefirstthreechargesread (Continued on page 16)
Sentenced 11 months imprisonment, Johnny Marshall.
Wanted hair dressers and Nail Technician. Call: 6218851.
Wanted! Workers for packaging pasta and chowmein. $4100-$4900 per day. Workers paid weekly. Call: 6117839.
Male able- bodied Staff to work in general store. Call: 231-2029, 616-5954.
One experienced Skidsteer (Bobcat) / Mini-Excavator operator, Night security & Labourer. Tele: 619-0898 / 623-2728.
2 Kitchen assistant & 1 Roti Maker. Call : 665-5074 / 6031278.
1 Cashier/ Counter clerk to work at a poultry outlet. $120,000 monthly. Call: 2275222 / 708-4374.
Handyman to work around C/ Ville. $6000 daily.Call: 227-5222 / 708-4374.
One night Guard La Penitance area.Call: 227-5222 / 708-4374.
Wanted Maths Tutor. Contact : 223-5273/223-5274.
Cook needed to work in a bar at Providence. Call : 625-3037 / 233-5450.
Experience sales girl needed at Courtney's Boutiques. Stall B Bourda Market.Tel:2273407 / 616-7283.
Nayelli school of cosmetology is n ow enrolling for cosmetology courses beginning September 9th,2024, 211 New Market st. Call: 2262124.
FIRST AID/CPR/AED as well as home nursing courses at St. John Association starting shortly . Call 225-9082.
SURINAME August vacation tour trip from 24-082024-29-08-2024 for more information. Call Matthew 6392663 or 6732348.(Whatsapp)
Bus tour to Suriname. 3 Nights & 4 days holiday, from Tuesday 27th August to Friday 30th. Contact : 650-3686.
General Domestic, must know to cook, clean , press ect. 3 days, $6000, 8-4 at Keyfood, Mcdoom village next to the post office.
Cook for breakfast from 5:30. Send application, food handler certificate, 1 reference & valid police clearance to 6190568. WhatsApp & serious enquires only.
Sale Rep/ Assistant for document centre. Send application & CV, 1 reference and valid police clearance to 619-0568. Enquires WhatsApp only.
Driver, must have valid license for Car & Van. Must be able to assist in Workshop also. Call: 615-9132.
Room Attendant, Desk Clerk , Supervisor and Receptionist 23-45 Years old. 233 South Road. 225-0198.
Intropic inc looking for a female to work in factory on the East Bank. Age 35-40. Call : 716-9799.
Inventory clerk, cook & Cashier, send applications to: Beacon cafe. Tele: 655-8944. Email : beaconcafe6690@gmail.com.
Chainsaw Operators and Labourers needed for wood concession. Call: 670-6919.
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Need a bus or planning an outing. Call Matthew bus services & tours, Surniname/ Braz. Whatsapp : 639-2663/ 673-2348.
The Government of Guyana has banned the use of gold to pay miners wages and transact business in Guyana’s mining district.
Guyana’s Natural Resources Minister, Vickram Bharrat at a press conference on Wednesday said his government has decided to take this step as one of the ways to clamp down on smuggling and stop decline in gold declaration.
The Guyana Geology and Mines Commission (GGMC) published a notice in the daily newspapers saying that “mine operators and claim/permit holders are prohibited against payment of wages and services in gold.”
“This public notice reminds all mine operators, claim holders, permit holders, and lessees that paying
wages or compensating goods and service providers with gold in any form is strictly prohibited,” GGMC said in the notice before adding, “This is in accordance with the governing regulations regarding the conveyance of gold, which forbids such transactions without the proper permits or licences from the relevant authorities.”
The notice reminded too that “all mine operators and claim/permit holders and licensees must only sell gold to the “Guyana Gold Board and/ or authorised dealers and their agents, or traders licensed by the GGMC” and warned that failure to comply will result in their gold being seized and legal action taken against them.
For years, the use of gold to transact business in Guyana’s interior location has been a common practice.
Some of the reasons for this are because of the remoteness of some of the locations and the difficulty to get cash there-especially when it comes to the paying of wages.
Most workers prefer to be paid immediately after a wash down (known as cut); only few would opt to wait on their bosses to travel to the cities and nearby landings to get cash.
From page 8 GO-Invest, Dr. Peter Ramsaroop said that the government will be looking forward to this event in terms of connecting with the diaspora in the UK to come and invest in Guyana, “what we are looking for from the British is knowledge in the ICT sector, we believe that with artificial intelligence (AI) coming in place, Guyana can be a data center hub.”
“The diaspora in the UK as many know is significant to the Government of Guyana, we have been courting them
1-LF 45 Leland DAF Truck enclosed & 1 1/4 To Mitsubishi Truck. Tele : 6858285 / 677-3406.
3 Bedroom flat house in Tuschen & High income property in Providence. Call: 644-9333 / +1 (917)771-5202.
1-320 D Caterpillar Excavator with 3066 engine in excellent condition,if interested contact: 701-4000 Monday - Friday 8am-5pm.
1 Honda CRV, includes TV, music system, alarm, reverse camera, sproiler, crashbar, low mileage PTT Series (first owner). Contact: 649-0956.
1 Toyota Allion, Pioneer DVD, CD & USB deck, reverse camera, alarm, low milage. Call: 649-0956.
in terms of business opportunity. The President would love to see Guyanese with knowledge and money and business ideas to come back to Guyana, in addition to the British companies that would be visiting, we are reaching out aggressively to the diaspora,” he elaborated.
Also encouraging companies to tap into the opportunity, Country Director of Trade and Investment at the British High Commission, Sherwyn Naughton noted that the event would give UK companies the idea of how business works in Guyana and the opportunities that are available here.
Most importantly, for local companies he noted that
it allows them to engage with UK firms in getting acquainted with the different sector the UK has to offer, whether it be in technology, infrastructure, automotive, manufacturing, food and drinks. It was further highlighted by Naughton that over the years they have seen between the two companies the increase of trade in areas such as machinery, vehicles, and as recent an increase of trade in the oil and gas sector. Joining the event come September are companies such as GTT/Brava, Ernst and Young Guyana, Nations University, ExxonMobil Guyana, Guyana Private Sector Commission, Guyana Chambers of Com-
merce and Industry, just to name a few. Businesses in the areas such as education, energy, tourism, construction, agriculture, logistics will be in attendance.
Kaieteur News understands that BritCham was officially launched year in Guyana and is an independent body, which act as a hub and partner for British and Guyanese companies interested in working together or investing in each market, as well as fostering a strong ecosystem for information sharing and networking, improving the ease of doing business, and collaborating with UK and Guyanese authorities to support the business community.
“We always fighting and make up back”...
From page 14 that on July 25 2024 Marshall unlawfully assaulted, threw missiles and used abusive language towards Shevon Samuels. Three other charges read that Marshall again on July 26, 2024 unlawfully assaulted, threw missiles and used abusive language towards the said person.
The last three charges read that Marshall on August 2, 2024 unlawfully assaulted, made use of threatening behaviour, and threw missiles at the said person. Marshall pleaded not guilty to threatening behaviour and throwing missiles charges allegedly committed on August 4 and throwing missiles and abusive language on July 26. However, he admitted and pleaded guilty to the rest.
It was disclosed in court that the couple has been living together for the past few
years - a union that bore two children. Samuels works as a bartender while Marshall does freelance construction work.
According to police statements presented in court, on July 25, 2024, while Samuels was at work, Marshall visited her workplace, verbally abused her, and threw her belongings into the yard. When Samuels returned home, Marshall continued to abuse her, threw a deodorant bottle at her, pushed her down, and kicked her. On July 26, Marshall and Samuels had a disagreement and he allegedly verbally abused her, threw a cigarette at her, pushed her down, and kicked her.
The situation escalated on August 2, 2024, while Samuels was watching a movie on her phone, Marshall questioned her about con-
tinuing the court case against him. When Samuels confirmed that she would proceed, Marshall struck her in the face, hit her with a Magnum wine bottle, pushed her into the yard, and kicked her, causing severe pain and semi-consciousness. Neighbours attempted to assist, but Marshall threatened them with a pair of scissors, police said.
Samuels fled to the Ruimveldt Police Station to report the incident, leading to Marshall’s arrest.
During the court proceedings, an unrepresented Marshall told the court, “We always fighting and make up back… I love this girl.” Magistrate Azore dismissed the four charges Marshall pleaded not guilty to. For the remaining charges, Marshall was sentenced to a total of 11 months in prison.
Du r i n g t h e
opening of
tenders on
o the information provided, the project which is being
Tuesday at the National Procurement and Tender Administration Board (NPTAB) office, bids were openedforthecompletionof the male kitchen at the Lusignan Prison, East Coast Demerara.
Belowarethecompaniesandtheirbids: OfficeofthePresident Constructionofakitchen.
Supplyanddeliveryofalong lastinginsecticidenet.
Supplyanddeliveryofcanvas yachtingbootsfortheindustry
undertaken by the Ministry
$20,710,557 and a total of six contractors have bid for theworks.
understands that an initial contract was awarded in 2022 by the NPTAB for the construction of the kitchen The project was awarded to NPInvestmenttothetuneof $56,100,907
Supplyanddeliveryofmaleandfemale safetybootsandshoes,lot1&2.
- help sought from partners overseas to nab people funding crimes in Jamaica
Prime Minister, Andrew Holness
TRIGGERED by the slaughterofeightJamaicans at Cherry Tree Lane, Clarendon, on Sunday and the injury of nine others in what law enforcers say was an act of reprisal, Prime MinisterAndrewHolness,in declaring a “total assault on gangs” across the island, p l e d g e d t h a t t h e “Government will use this opportunity to deal with the gangsonceandforall”.
Theattackcarriedoutby men armed with highpowered rifles aboard a white motor car at 8:45 pm disrupted birthday celebrations being held by a 31-year-old bar owner for her boyfriend, a 23-year-old mechanic from the area After the shooting ended it was discovered that several individuals had been shot. Amongstthecasualtieslaya seven-year-old boy, while a baby of one year and eight monthswasinjured.
S p e a k i n g a t a n emergency press briefing at Jamaica House on Monday morning, after a meeting of the National Security Council, the prime minister said it had been confirmed that players from multiple gangs, including people overseas and those behind bars,playedaroleinwhathe described as “an act of terror”.
D e c l a r i n g t h a t
Jamaica has “played with gangs for far too long” the prime minister said, “We will not treat this as another criminal act; we will treat this as an actofterror
Therefore, we have given directions to the security forces to launch an all-out assault on the gangs that are involved ” Operationally, they must go after every single gang today every gang leader should ‘tek weh dem
self’. The security forces have now been given a directive, after our National Security Council meeting: ‘Go after every single gang — and erode them,’ the primeministersaidgrimly
Added Holness: “There is no way that eight persons can be killed in one incident in Jamaica and the State stands as if nothing happened
Every gang member will feel the full force of the State today This must never happen in Jamaica again Everyone involved in this incident will be brought to justice in whatever form the justice isvisiteduponthem.”
The prime minister, in branding the incident “coordinated, organised armed violence”, said the perpetrators will be treated ascriminalterrorists.
In noting that “operations are underway at all levels”, he said Jamaica has sought the support of international partners to nab those overseas who are facilitating, directing, and funding criminal operationshere
On Monday, chief of defence staff of Jamaica Defence Force (JDF) ViceAdmiral Antonette Wemyss Gorman, in noting that “the occurrence in Clarendon merits special attention by the security forces”, said in addition to all the ongoing Anti-Gang Task Force operationsandothersecurity operations, she has directed a specific team to treat with thisparticularincident.
She said the special operations team will assist JamaicaConstabularyForce (JCF) in conducting special and targeted operations to ensure that the perpetrators arebroughttojustice.
(BBC NEWS) Police in New Zealand are racing to trace sweets containing “potentially lethal levels of methamphetamine” after they were distributed by a charityinAuckland.
Up to 400 people may have received the sweets fromAucklandCityMission aspartofafoodparcel,said theanti-povertycharity The sweets were donated anonymously by a member ofthepublicinasealedretail package, it added. At least three people, including a child, sought medical attention afterwards though none are currently in hospital.
“We did not know that the lollies contained methamphetamine when they were distributed,” the charity’s spokesperson told the BBC. Each individual sweet could have a street value of around NZ$1,000 ($601; £468), according to the New Zealand Drug Foundation.Policesaywhile the incident could be
accidental rather than a targeted operation, they had not drawn any conclusions as it is “a bit early to say”. The charity alerted the authorities on Tuesday after being alerted by a recipient about the “funny tasting” sweets.
Helen Robinson, chief executive of Auckland City Mission, said that some of the charity’s staff members tried the sweets themselves and agreed with the complaints, and started to “feel funny” afterwards They then sent sweets that were still on site to the NZ Drug Foundation for tests, which confirmed that potentially lethal levels of methamphetamine were contained in the samples. In a statement, the foundation said they found about 3g of methamphetamine in a sweet that was sent for testing.
“A common dose to swallow is between 1025mg, so this contaminated lolly contained up to 300
doses,” says its head Sarah Helm, adding that swallowing such amount of the drug is “extremely dangerous and could result i n d e a t h ”
Methamphetamine can cause chest pain, racing h e a r t , s e i z u r e s , hyperthermia, delirium and loss of consciousness, according to the foundation. According to Ms Robinson, the mission distributes around50,000foodparcelsa year and only commercially manufactured food are included in these parcels. Police have asked people
Newborn twins were reportedly killed in an Israeli strike in Gaza while their father was at a local government office to registertheirbirth.
Asser,aboy,andAyssel, agirl,werejustfourdaysold
when their father MohammedAbual-Qumsan went to collect their birth certificates. While he was away, his neighbours called to say their home in Deir al Balahhadbeenbombed.The strikealsokilledhiswifeand the twins’ grandmother “I don’tknowwhathappened,” he said. “I am told it was a shell that hit the house.” “I didn’t even have the time to celebratethem,”headded.
Gaza’s Hamas-run health ministry says 115 infants have been born and then killed during the war
According to AP news agency, the family had followed an order to evacuate Gaza City in the openingweeksoftheIsraelGaza war, seeking shelter in a central part of the strip, as the Israeli army instructed.
The BBC has asked the Israeliarmyforcommenton
the strike, and is waiting for aresponse.
Israel says it tries to avoid harming civilians and blames their deaths on Hamas operating in dense residential areas, including using civilian buildings as shelter But officials rarely comment on individual strikes.Severalsuchshelters in Gaza have been attacked inthepastfewweeks.
On Saturday, an Israeli air strike on a school
building sheltering displaced Palestinians in Gaza City killed more than 70 people, the director of a hospital told the BBC. An Israeli military spokesman
Mohammed Abu al-Qumsan shows the birth certificates of his twins after learning they were killed in a strike
that have sweets wrapped in brand Rinda’s yellow pineappleflavourpackaging tocontactthemimmediately “It’s vital the public are awareoftheselolliesandthe hazard that they present,” Detective Inspector Glenn Baldwin said in a press conferenceonWednesday
Describing it as a “deeply concerning” matter, he said that such cases of food laced with meth had happened before and they would likely work with Interpolontheinvestigation, which may take some time.
Rinda, a Malaysian
confectioner, told BBC News that it has come to their attention that their products may have been misused in connection with illegal substances and the company “does not use or condone the use of any illegal drugs” in their products.
“We will work closely with law enforcement and relevant authorities to address this issue and protect the integrity of our brand,” the firm said in a statement Steven Peh, the general manager of Rinda, told local news site Stuff NZ that the contaminated candy he had seen in photoswaswhite,whereas Rinda’sproductisyellow
Theauthoritiesarestill trying to understand the scale of the spread 16 packets have been recovered so far – police say each packet could possibly contain 20 – 30 sweets but they don’t know the exact number in the 16 packets Up to 400 peop
e been contacted by the charity. Ms Robinson said the sweets likely came into the charity’s posession in about mid-July, but that they are calling everyone as far back as1Julytobesafe.
Ben BirksAng, deputy director of the NZ Drug Foundation, said the organisation believes the incident was unlikely to b e i n t e n t i o n a l a s “disclosing substances as somethingelsetosmuggle it into another area is common”
But there are still fears that other charities could be affected Ms Robinson said she had contacted other charities to check fortheirsweets
“To say we are devastated is an absolute understatement,” she told the press, adding that one in five in New Zealand e x p e r i e n c e f o o d insecurity, which makes the incident “deeply distressing”.
New round of Gaza ceasefire talks to take place in Doha on Thursday
(ALJAZEERA) A new round of Gaza ceasefire negotiations are set to take place in Doha, involving officials from Israel, Qatar, theUnitedStatesandEgypt, officialssaid.
saidtheschool“servedasan active Hamas and Islamic Jihad military facility”, which Hamas denied. Israel disputedthenumberofdead, but the BBC could not independentlyverifyfigures from either side. Hamas-led gunmen killed about 1,200 people in an attack on Israel on 7 October, taking 251 others back to Gaza as hostages That attack triggered a massive Israeli military offensive on Gaza and the current war More than 39,790 Palestinians havebeenkilledintheIsraeli campaign, according to Gaza’s Hamas-run health ministry
It is not yet clear if the Palestinian group Hamas will join the high-stakes talksintheQataricapitalon Thursday However, the US Department of State says Qatar has assured WashingtonthatHamaswill berepresented.
Hamas has voiced scepticismaboutthechances of the talks delivering real results, blaming Israel for stalling the talks, as nearly 40,000 Palestinians have been killed by Israeli forces in10monthsofwar
“Going to new negotiations allows the occupation to impose new conditions and employ the maze of negotiation to conduct more massacres,” senior Hamas official Sami Abu Zuhri told the the Reutersnewsagency Reporting fromAmman, Jordan,AlJazeera’sHamdah
Salhut said the group wants mediators to go back to the original framework for a deal that was presented by US President Joe Biden in May “They say, until they have that guarantee, they willnotbemakingadecision aboutsendingadelegationto thetalks,”shesaid.
Meanwhile, Israel’s prime minister has confirmed an Israeli team will attend Thursday’s talks inDoha,astatementsaidon Wednesday
“Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has approved the departure of the Israeli delegation to Doha tomorrow, as well as the mandate for conducting the negotiations, ” a statement from his office said. Mossad chief David Barnea, Shin Bet head RonenBar,NitzanAlonand OphirFalkwillmakeupthe Israeli delegation, Omer Dostri, spokesperson for Netanyahu, told the AFP newsagency Alon coordinates issues related to the captives, and Falk is a political adviser to
Therenewedtalksfollow appeals by the mediating nations,whohavewarnedof a regional conflagration if the 10-month assault on Gaza continues Senior Iranian officials have said onlyaceasefiredealinGaza would hold Iran back from direct retaliation against Israelfortheassassinationof Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh on its soil last month. Reporting from the WhiteHouseinWashington, Al Jazeera’s Kimberly Halkett said the US has maintained that some progress will be made at the talks,evenasBidenhassaid reaching a breakthrough is “gettingharder”.
“Even though it doesn’t bode well, the United States saying there will be forward movement and that they are planning for that,” she said. “So that’s been the messaging, the primary focus being trying to get some sort of ceasefire, hopingthatthatwillprevent wider escalation in the region,”shesaid.
Sportsmax - West Indies captain Hayley Matthews produced another all-round masterclass to fire Welsh Fireintotheknockoutstages of The Hundred women’s tournament following a comprehensive nine-wicket win over cellar dwellers SouthernBraveattheUtilita BowlonWednesday Matthews,whohasbeen enjoyingsuperbformforthe Welsh Fire, was again on
song,asshecaptured4-14in 20 balls to restrict Southern Brave to 103 before hammering an unbeaten 26ball 35 to get her franchise acrossthelineat106-1with 26 balls to spare. Captain Tammy Beaumont was also left unbeaten as she topscored with 59 off 40 deliveries.
Withthewin,WelshFire arenowinastrongposition, due to their superior net run
rate,tofinishintopspotand qualifyautomaticallyforthe Hundred final at Lord’s on Sunday Oval Invincibles require a convincing win over Trent Rockets on Wednesday afternoon to leapfrogthem.
Scores: Southern Brave 103allout(100balls);Welsh Fire106-1(74balls)
“I think we’ve been really good. When you look atourline-up,we’vegotalot
of experience, and we’ve played on that really well,” Matthews said in a postgameinterview
“The bowlers have done a really good job at making sure we don’t have to chase too big of a total. I think it’s been a complete team performance, and that’s where we’ve performed really well; everyone’s been chippinginandplayingtheir role,”sheadded.
Overall,theforecastfortoday is fairly good. The aspects seemtofavorfiguringoutthe meaning of all that's transpired over the past several weeks It's an opportunity for you to take a leisurely
Have you felt somewhat lost forthepastfewdays?Thefog maylifttodayandenableyou to situate yourself at last. You'reprobablyeagertosettle a question that has nagged at you and interfered with your judgment.
You may have been feeling somewhat disillusioned. Perhapsyoulostsightofyour goals or misplaced your faith in yourself. You'll feel some reliefbeginningtoday
Youmightbetemptedtosettle certain matters by radical means. The visionary part of you means you're painfully aware of the world's wrongs. You see no reason not to take actiontocorrectthem.
Today will be fairly calm in terms of outside events, but yourinnerworldislikelytobe in a rush of activity Today you wish you could find the solutiontoyourheartachesas well as your career predicaments.
You have a lot of thinking to do about your professional goals, Virgo. You'll go over the elements to see if there isn't some way to approach thingsdifferently
Youjustcan'tdoeverythingat once, Libra. How do you expect to reduce your stress and recuperate while at the same time continue to be a superstar performer in every areaofyourlife.
SCORPIO(Oct.23–Nov 21)
Thisisagoodmomenttoadapt your logic and reason to reality, Scorpio. If you don't, you're going to run into some intellectual problems Everyone knows that you find newideasplentiful.
SAGIT(Nov 22–Dec.21)
It'sgoingtobealittledifficult talking to you today, Sagittarius. You, who can be easily influenced by others, will be listening to and criticizing everything that peoplesay
Haveyoubeenreviewingyour fam
ly, Capricorn? Of special interest is your cultural background. What educational, social, and religious environment were you born into? What are its values?Intheend.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20–Feb.
18) It's time to elevate your senseofself,Aquarius.You're justasgoodasanyoneelse,so why don't you believe it? The problem is that you're very sensitiveabouthavinganego. Even though you know everyonedoes.
Today your intellectual and expressive abilities should receive a boost from the planets.It'sanexcellenttimeto organize your thoughts about presentingaproject.
Southern Brave had of repairing the damage were dashed when Jess Jonassen had Georgia Adams (six) stumped Maia Bouchier (10) was Matthews’ second scalp, brilliantly caught by PhoebeFranklininthedeep, before Freya Kemp (two) knicked one behind to give Jonassenhersecondwicket.
AfterBeaumontinserted Southern Brave at the toss, Matthews dismissed the inform Danni Wyatt (two), caught at deep midwicket, before Smriti Mandhana (one) departed four balls later to the pace of Shabnim Ismail to leave the Brave 15 for 2 at the end of the PowerPlay Whatever hopes
Matthews got her third when she bowled Naomi Dattani (two) and then completed her allotment with the scalp of Kalea Moore (zero), as Southern Brave were in totters at 47 for7.
ChloeTyronwastheonly bright spark of the innings, as she posted an aggressive 38-ball 55, including seven foursandasolitarysixatthe backend,asshedominateda 52-run eight-wicket stand with wicketkeeper Rhianna Southby(15).
Matthews’ haul was supported by Jess Jonassen (3-21) and Freya Davies (214). Despite losing Sophia Dunkley (seven) to Lauren Bell early, the result was never in doubt for Welsh Fire, as Beaumont was especially strong on anything loose, working the field with sweeps and cuts, while Matthews picked the gaps behind square in a 72runstandoffamere54balls. Beaumont raised her half-century in just 31 balls in a knock that had 10 boundaries, while the Barbadian,Matthews,struck fiveboundariesinherknock as Welsh Fire continue to blaze heading into the business end of the tournament.
Frompage25 dethrone defending Champions, Guyana, and Manager and President of that contingent, David ‘Shakes’ Christopher is confident that the championship trophy will exchange hands this time around.
TheGuyaneseentourage comprisesabunchoffitlads, alleagerto‘swingleathers.’ Already, local boxing administrators have secured the requisite permission from the parents of the participating boxers to engage their overseas opponents.
Thepreliminaryweighin sessions commence on Friday morning, supported b y t h e m e d i c a l examination
Team Grenada arrived in Guyana and was resting at the Hotel Britanny, W i l l i a m S t r e e t , Campbellville where the other teams are also campingout
The Guyanese are encamped at the Andrew ‘Sixhead’ Lewis Boxing Gym (ALBG), Calendar Street, Albouystown St Lucia will arrive sometime tonight and most of the other teams will follow theirtrail
The organizers have a s s u r e d t h a t a l l participatingcountrieswill beinGuyanabytoday
The parents of the local boxers have already been briefed and assured of the
safety of the lads while the openingceremonywouldbe held at the National Gymnasium on Friday afternoon, two hours before the first bell at 19:00hrs. Guyana is the defending champion.
The 2024 President’s
together young table tennis players from across the country on Sunday, August 11th at the National Gymnasium. The event featured several categories including Novice Boys, Novices Girls which pitted the players from the various
summer camps across the country, “B” Class Open, DoublesandOpen. In the Novice Boys bracket, Dane Johnson from the ancient county of Berbice emerged as the champion, defeating his opponentswithscoresof3-0 (2, 7, 8) in the final Johnson’s path to victory included wins over Carpio
Participants of the One Guyana Table Tennis event take time out for a photo.
and Morgan in earlier rounds. In the Novice Girls division, Tiffany Lord also from Berbice prevailed, securing the championship with a decisive 3-0 (6, 7, 4) victory in the final match overA.Hector
The “B” Class Open category saw Malachi Moore crowned as the winner after a hard-fought final match vs Colin Wong. Moore’s journey to the top included victory over strong competitor Umar Percival, whileWonggotpastSamara Sukhai, who had earlier defeated veteran Xen Goliath in thrilling five
games. TheDoublesOpenevent proved to be an exciting showcase of teamwork and skill. The pair of Malachi Moore and Colin Wong claimed the championship titlewithafinalscoreof3-1 (7, 9, -3, 6) against the formidable duo of Niran BissuandElishabaJohnson. Moore and Wong earlier defeated Nigel Bryan and JoelAlleynewhileBissuand Johnson defeated Umar and LeviPercival.
T h i s i n a u g u r a l President’sCupTableTennis Tournament a brainchild of His Excellency Dr
Mohamed Irfaan Ali which p
s disciplines with sponsored prizes. The competition not onlycrownedchampionsbut providedaplatformforthese athletes to showcase their skills and gain valuable competitive experience and alsohighlightedthedepthof young table tennis talent in thecountry
As the sport of table tennis continues to grow in popularity, events like the President’s Cup play a crucial role in nurturing the next generation of players and promoting the sport at thegrassrootslevel.
Former Guyana youth cricketer
Jonathan Rampersaud continued withhisimpressiverunthisyearin USAafterputtingupagoodshowagainlast Sunday inspiring West Coast Warriors to a commanding,82-runwinoverTriniBoyz.
It was the quarter-final encounter of the 2024 New York National Cricket League (NYNCL)30-overtournament.
Rampersaud first struck a disciplined, unbeaten 65 to help West Coast Warriors gatherarespectable182-8fromthe30-overs.
Hethenreturnedwithhistidyoff-spinto grab3-16fromsixeconomicaloversasTrini Boyzwerealloutfor104inthepenultimate over.
The left-handed Rampersaud hit two foursandsimilarnumberofsixesduringhis 56-ball appearance at the crease. The 20year-old Rampersaud also featured in a steady, 53-run fourth-wicket stand with YoughestirBachanwhocontributed52.
CorneliusJaisinghadded22runstowards the backend of the innings as Carlos Baker took2-51fromhismaximumsixovers.
Left-arm seamer and fellow Berbician KenlyAdamssupportedRampersaudwith318 off 5.3 overs and leg-spinner Brandon Cabose claiming 2-17 (5) to complete an outstanding bowling performance for West CoastWarriorsonaresponsivetrackatLido Beachvenue.
Earlier in the season, Rampersaud had chalked two half-centuries and some fine
Jonathan Rampersaud
Guyana’s 23-member team assembled at CJIAyesterday ahead of their departure for the CFU Boys’U14 Challenge Series in Trinidad.
Th e h i g h l y anticipated 2024
C F U B o y ’s Under-14 Challenge Series is about to kick off, and Guyana’s national team is ready to make their mark on the international stage. A spirited 23-member delegation, including an 18man squad, departed local shores yesterday en route to Trinidad and Tobago for the competition, which will run from August 16-24 at the renowned Hasely Crawford Stadium.
This year’s series boasts the participation of 24 nations, all vying for supremacyinyouthfootball.
Guyana will open their campaignagainstAntiguaon Friday, August 16. Grouped with Antigua, Barbados, St Vincent, and the Cayman Islands, the Young Jaguars face a challenging road ahead. Their second clash comes against Barbados on August 17, followed by matchups with St Vincent and the Grenadines, and a final group fixture against the Cayman Islands on August20.
Led by the Guyana Football Federation (GFF), the team brings a wellrounded roster of talented players Goalkeepers Ezekiel Jackman and
Kerwain Chance will guard the net, while defenders Aaron King, Eshawn Chesney, Ezekiel Douglas, GarfieldJones,IsaacTaylor, Jaden Noble, and Simon Solomon will form a solid backline. In the midfield, Akeel Young, Damani Hardy, Emanuel Sinclair, JadenTasher,KevinBunton, Nyron Barrow, and Pharez Noble are set to provide stability and creativity The attack will be spearheaded byJadenChristianandMark Glasgow, two dynamic forwards ready to make an impactontheregionalstage.
GFF President Wayne Forde expressed confidence
2024 CWI Regional U17 2-Day Championships… Guyana vs. Trinidad & Tobago Day 1
Ramdeholl had an exceptionaldaywiththeball bagging 6 first innings wickets,butGuyanatrailthe Trinidadians by 108 runs with 6 wickets remaining goingintothefinalday
ThedynamicRamdeholl was electric with his offspin, accounting for more than half of the team’s dismissals and responsible for the collapse of the middle/lower-order as he snared1stinningsfiguresof 6-38.
Little support was required from the other Guyana bowlers despite seamersJonathanVanLange grabbing 2 victims and Emmanuel Lewis (1-1) along with Darwin Joseph (1-5)alsofindingsomeluck.
Were it not for Trinidad skipper Brendam Boodoo stroking 52 with a four and two sixes, 38 from Jayden
Romario Ramdeholl snared 6 first innings wickets yesterday.
Kent and lower-order resistance from Aaidan Racha(31),theirsidewould have been posting less than the eventual 202 all out in 65.4overs.
At stumps Guyana were inatrickysituationbeing944,withAfrazAliBudhoothe key with his 36* and Ramdeholl (15*), returning
in the team’s preparation, emphasizing the importance of these tournaments for player development. “The GFF continues to invest heavily in the development ofouryoungplayers,”Forde said “These tournaments provide early international exposure for our Boys, which is essential for their personal growth, while allowing us to measure the progresswearemaking.”
Forde also extended his best wishes to the team, expressing optimism for a successful tournament. “I would like to wish the playersandstaffasuccessful tournament,”hedeclared.
Afraz Ali Budhoo will be the key today with his unbeaten 36.
toshowhisbattingskills,as he and Budhoo will be key today
Opener Rampersaud Ramnauth(18)wastheother top-scorer as four Trinidad bowlers claimed a wicket eachonthefirstday ActioninRound1wraps up today at the Inshan Ally Park,TrinidadandTobago.
o f t h e O n e
G u y a n a President’s Games came to an exciting conclusion on Monday at the National RacquetCentre,showcasing both emerging talent and seasonedveterans.
In the Men’s Open, PhillipSquiressolidifiedhis reputation as one of the top playersbyclinchingthetitle. Squires, known for his consistent play, faced off againstRonaldMurray,who had made headlines the day before by upsetting top seed GeraldScotland.
Murray’s thrilling semifinal win, a 4-2, 1-4, 10-7 victory,markedhisfirst-ever Men’s Open final
appearance However, Squiresprovedtoostrongin the final, delivering a dominant 5-3, 4-0 win to
securethechampionship. Squires had earlier breezedpastSeandenDavidLonge with a commanding
Mark Wiltshire and Country boy promotions will be hosting a post Emancipation dominoes competition on Sunday (August 18) at Parika CommunityCenterground.
Entrance fee is $15,000, while $200,000 have been added to the prizes (in the pot). The tournament will be played on a four-game six-sitting two in one out basis,andteamsareaskedto registersoonest. Thefirstplacetrophyhas been sponsored by the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sport Teams can contact Wiltshire on 6598672forregistration.
4-1, 4-0 victory in the semifinal, setting up the showdownwithMurray In the Novice Medley
category, Dequan Wray claimed his first title, showcasinghispotentialina highlycompetitivefield.
Meanwhile, in the Ladies’Open,topseedPaula Kalekyezi continued her impressiveseason,makingit to her second final of the year
Kalekyezi powered through Erin Tucker with a 4-2, 4-1 win to secure her place in the championship match, highlighting her dominantform.
The tournament ended on Monday with the Open Singles finals, bringing a successful close to the inaugural One Guyana President’sGames.
The event showcased a mix of rising talent and established players, promisingabrightfuturefor tennisintheregion.
Aces Cricket Club crowned new champions
A n u n b r o k e n , enterprising 108-run thirdwicket stand between Canada-based Guyanese NaveedAli(67*)andDevon Rambarran (60*) spurred Aces Cricket Club to the 2024 Ontario Round-Arm Softball CricketAssociation (ORSCA)/Adana Homes P r e m i e r 1 0 - 1 0 championship LastSaturday at the Emancipation Park, Mississauga, Aces Cricket
Club beat defending champions Wildfiya by 21 runs. Having won the toss and decided to bat, Aces Cricket Club galloped to a respectable 133-2 from the allocation of 10-overs while Wildfiya left ‘burning’ at 112-6 when the 10-overs completed.
Ali batted 31 balls and clobbered 9 effortless sixes whiletheotherright-handed Rambarran also batted with similar belligerence to smack8sixesoff18balls. Theylinkedupaftertheir team was struggling at 25-2 inthethirdover RoyLochan createdtheearlydisasterfor Aces Cricket Club by removing both batsmen and he finished with 2-7 from two frugal overs When Wildfiya appeared at the crease, Navindra Nauth providedsomeearlyimpetus with 33 while his brother Ravindra Nauth offered supportwith25. Wildfiyaat onestagewascoastingalong at 83-3 but slipped to 99-6 before things wrapped up undertremendouspressure.
Rambarran was chosen as the player-of-the-match after his pulsating batting towardsthebackendofAces CricketClub’sinnings. At the post-match ceremony, Rambarran and his team collected a trophy each Wildfiya was also givenonefortheireffortasa finalist President of the ORSCA Mitch Bacchus congratulated Aces Cricket Club of being the new champions and expressed commiserationtoWildfiya.
The Guyanese-born Bacchus also thanked Satishwar Persaud, the ManagingDirectorofAdana Homes, for his continued sponsorship of the 10-10 tournament with this year marksfourinsuccession.
Testcricketreturns to the Guyana NationalStadium Providenceaftermorethana decade,withtheWestIndies looking to secure a victory against the visiting South Africans, following their competitive, drawn first match played in Trinidad & Tobago.
International cricket once again graces the Providence Stadium after more than a decade of absence at the venue. The Windies young core of batsmen gained tons of confidence after pulling off an empathic draw in the last game, with a shift to the more spin-friendly Providence venue likely to host another competitive battle.
Both teams put in some work yesterday at Providence, with the Windies utilizing the
The young in-form Windies core of batsmen will be key for the remainder of the series.
morning session to do some outfield simulations and training, while the South Africans engaged in similar
With relatively young sides doing battle, West Indies have a slight edge when compared to having a few more seasoned players at their disposal. During the
Winfield Braithwaite Caribbean Schoolboys/Girls Boxing championships...
Thosedarkdaysarenow history when boxing was regarded as a barbaric sport that attracted only societal rejects and hooligans searching for an avenue to vent their anger Indeed, the ‘civilized’mindwouldwant torejectthe‘developmental’ aspect of the sport, especially when witnessing two gladiators venomously going after each other for three, three-minute segments and an unsavory objective of inflicting serious injuries and hurting each other Even as the championship has been attributedtooneofGuyana’s great punchers, Winfield Braithwaite, one cannot ignore the input of the late CliffordMatthewAnderson, who has contributed vastly to the development of the sport,notonlythroughyears of fruitful participation but also through the impact he made on the lives of dozens of local boxers during his stint as the National Coach of Guyana Ironically,
Winfield Braithwaite would have also enjoyed a stint under Cliff’s expert guidance Braithwaite is very much alive but efforts toengagehimindiscussions have so far been fruitless. Hopefully,wewillbeableto e
conclusion of the 3-day slugfest.
Cliffhaslonggonetobe withhismakerbuthehasleft alastinglegacythateventhe staunchest critic would find difficult to emulate. Of all his utterings, those who would have experienced his teaching methods and philosophical approaches to the sport he revered as ‘The Sweet Science,’ would admit that now, years after Cliff, as he was familiarly addressed, has departed this realm, that sobriquet is now firmlyembellishedtobejust that.
Cliff is still enjoying peaceful solitude with his maker but his works will be
last game, it was Alick Athanaze’s second innings 92 which inspired the draw, while Keacy Carty, Mikyle Louis and Kaveem Hodge showed glimpses of form duringthefirstinnings.
West Indies had a good last game with the ball, as their wickets were shared between both spinners and pacers,ledbyspinnerJomel Warrican who finished with 6wicketsoverall.
However, with veteran fast-bowlers Kemar Roach and Jason Holder getting a few scalps under their belts, today’s second encounter could see the seasoned duo leadingfromthefront.
On the South African side, Captain Temba Bavuma will be keen on picking up where he left off with his 86 steadying his team in the last game
Outside of Bavuma, South Africa will rely heavily on opener Aiden Markram, hard-hitting Tristan Stubbs and opener Tony De Zorzi, whocracked78and45inthe Queen’sParkOvalgame.
All-rounder Wiaan Mulder, new glove-man
Kyle Verreynne and David Bedingham all looked good as they continue to build on their international Test careers heading into today’s match.
Bowling-wise, both teamswillfancythemselves especiallywithafewseniors in the mix, with Holder, Roach and Jayden Seales leading the Windies seamers.
Warrican and left-arm spinner Gudakesh Motie, who will be playing on his homeground,willbetasked with carrying the West
Indies spin assignments
South African world-class pacerKagisoRabadaisthree wickets away from 300Test victims, while veteran spinnerKeshavMaharajwill be on a mission to continue bagging wickets with medium-pacer Lungi Ngidi gaining confidence from his wickets in the previous outing.
Other moves could see West Indies pacer Shamar Joseph being brought into the XI for his first Test at home. Prior to this match, Providencehostedjust2Test matches with the last being almost13yearsago.
WestIndies’recordatthe venue is currently 1-1 after losing to Sri Lanka by 121 runs in 2008, before beating Pakistanby40runsin2011. Action bowls off at 10:00hrs.
on full display, starting tomorrowFriday,August16 to SundayAugust 18, when Guyana joins several other Caricom countries for championship honours in the Winfield Braithwaite Caribbean Schoolboys/girls boxingchampionshipsatthe National Gymnasium, MandelaAvenue.
Guyanahasalwaysbeen regarded as the ‘Caribbean Powerhouse’andisstilltobe
championships However, this time around, those pugilists will have to be at their punching best if they
distinguished honour of retaining the accolade at
participating countries are S
, Trinidad and Tobago, Grenada, Jamaica, Antigua andBarbuda,andStLucia.
Of all the participating countries, St Lucia with the largestcontingent(13)isthe mostrealisticthreatto (Continuedonpage21)