Kaieteur News

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Pradesh Dwarka ofAnna Regina secured 23 Grade Ones & three Grade Twos
Dave Chowtie of Queen's College secured 23 Grade Ones & six Grade Twos.
Aniyah Couchman of Queen's College secured Grade Ones in 11 units
Rudranauth Sankar ofAnna Regina, secured 23 Grade Ones, & one Grade Two


Inacountrywithanabundance of natural resources including oil, old age pensioners should not be receiving the meagre $36,000 per month being offered by the government The Alliance For Change (AFC) is calling on the administration to increase the monthly stipend so that Guyana’s seniorscanlivebetterlives.

Speaking at a public meeting last Saturday in Linden, advisor to the Leader of the AFC on Indigenous Affairs, Laura George highlightedtheneedforanincrease in the pension, citing the high cost oflivingandtheearningsfromoil, whichwouldallowthegovernment todoso.

“The increases by percentage that they [Government] like to announce is to mislead us into believing that the percentage is a huge increase, it is not a huge increase,” George told Lindeners. Noting that the elderly should be treatedwithrespectanddignity,she continued, “I have been calling on our people, the Indigenous people andthisiswhereIamcallingonall of Guyana, we must understand that our pensioners, our elders are thereasonswhywearehere…”

Meanwhile, Kaieteur News recently spoke with several pensioners about the impact that the high cost of living has had on theirqualityoflifeandthewaythey managewiththe$36,000pension.


Juliana Joseph, 81, a retired teacherrelated:“Ithinkthecostof living is very high and think something must be done to reduce it…. Ireallyfeelthatwecoulddo withsomethingmore.Foraperson is depending on $36,000, (I) can’t survive on that, it cannot last a week. Thegovernmentneedstodo some kind of price control so that priceisnotfixedonthefantasiesof those market people to protect the vulnerablepeople.Weareacountry getting oil money and all sorts of things, therefore it should be evident with the people, we must benefitfromthat.”

Phillip Bourne, 76: “No, the pension is not enough for me, my problem is the food, food prices haveincreasedbutapartfromfood prices that have increased I can cope.IamnotcopingwellbutIam surviving…I eat three meals a day andIpaymybills.“

Joy Couchman, 73, a former Ministry of Public Works employee: “It is very inadequate for me but I got to try by God’s gracebecausethereisnothingIcan doaboutit. Itisverysmalltome.I amsolelydependentonthepension money Ihavetopayratesandtaxes some months; I pay and some

months, I don’t because I have to eat, I have to buy toiletries for myself.Ihavetogotothehospital ….Rightnow,Idon’tevenhavegas tocookandgetsomethingtoeat.I got to go buy a bottle of gas and actually after buying that money done.Iwishthegovernmentcould raise the money more; it will be a littlebetterforme.”

Anthony Clark, 74, retired policeman: “I find it a hard time with the money we are receiving now, because if you aren’t careful, if you go in the market and if you don’t write a list and go with that list and show yourself, you in

trouble All the years you’re working, them say you suppose to save for when old age meet, you can’t only depend on old age pension,butwhenyouworkingyou can’t even get to save nothing that whyyouendupinthispredicament when you reach old age. I’m a retired police, cost of living is so high and they need to give pensionersmorebenefit,becausein all of our life as big people, you contributing to the country someway,somehow.”

Only recently President Irfaan Aliduringafacebooklivesaidhis Continued on page 22

Alliance For Change [AFC] Advisor to the Leader on IndigenousAffairs, Laura George
Anthony Clark, 74, Retired Policeman
Joy Couchman, 73, a former Ministry of Public Works employee
Phillip Bourne, 76


- Norton says roads, bridges replace citizens’ welfare

With over $200

b i l l i o n allocated for roads and bridges this year, Leader of the People’s National Congress Reform (PNC/R), Aubrey Norton, has criticised the government’s focus on infrastructure spending, arguing that the funds could be better utilised to provide publicservantswithalivable wage.

Speaking at a press conference on Tuesday, NortonaccusedthePeople’s Progressive Party (PPP) of prioritising projects that benefit a select few whiles neglecting the broader population’sneeds.

“ThePPP,asweknow,is hell bent on spending the bulkofthecountry’srevenue on infrastructure projects in the false hope or wishful thinking that this expenditure will trickle down to the masses. It has not and it will not,” Norton said.

Tothisend,hestatedthat the current administration’s strategy primarily benefits “cronies and party leaders,” leaving the majority of Guyanese to grapple with poverty and high cost of living.

Moreover, Norton outlinedhisparty’sapproach

Leader of the People’s National Congress Reform (PNC/R), Aubrey Norton

to national development, which he said would put people at the center of the agenda. “We want to reduce poverty; we want to reduce thecostofliving.Wewantto see our workers get better wagesandsalaries,”hesaid. He also criticised the P P P ’ s r e c e n t recommendation of a 10% salary increase for teachers asinsufficient,arguingthatit failstoaddresstheneedfora livable income. “We believe thatyouhavetoimprovethe lives of the people. You can comewithwhateverpackage youwant.Ifthepeopledon’t have the basic income to live, then the people are in

He pointed to examples, suchastheArmstrongAward and the APNU’s previous salary increases, which he saiddidnotleadtoinflation.

Furthermore, Norton accused the PPP of using inflation as an excuse to suppress wages while enrichingaselectgroup.

“This inflationary argument, praised by the PPP, is one to suppress the wages of workers while allowing their cronies to benefitfromthebillionsjust increasing the wealth, accentuating the poverty,” Nortonsaid.Hesaidthatthis

deep trouble, and we don’t wantthemthere,”hesaid. When asked how his party would manage the economy if in office while providing significant wage increases, Norton said, “the inflation argument by the government, can never be a viableargument.”Heargued that the massive sums allocated to a few contractorscouldbeabigger inflation driver than higher wages for public servants.


According to reports Government has allocated $221.4B to the Ministry of Public Works in the 2024 budget with $204.1B being allocated to roads and bridges, $2 3B to air transport, $8.1B for river transport, and $6.9B for sea andriverdefence.

A whopping $1 146T budget was approved earlier this year Notably, in 2023, the government expended

$134.3B to improve road connectivity across Guyana, of which over $65.9B was expended under the miscellaneous, urban and

programmes to upgrade, construct and rehabilitate roadsincommunitiesacross the country Afurther $8.5B was expended to construct, rehabilitate, and maintain ourbridges.

Amid concerns of highcost-of-living and inflation, at a recent press conference, Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo, outlined measures

government to alleviate the impact.Hesaid,“Butlookat whatwehavedonethisyear

I pointed out what we did to keep gas prices lower, and people get subsidies on the internet, water, electricity, and all of that These interventions aim to provide reliefacrossmultiplesectors of the economy, addressing the multifaceted nature of inflation and cost of living concerns.”

Also, speaking on the 10% for teachers, Jagdeo stated, “We spent nearly $40B on wages and salaries for teachers per year. This hereworksoutto$4B;the10 per cent and over the three years when you look at it cumulatively, that will be maybejustabout12percent. Itwouldbeabout$12B.”

Kaieteur News

PrintedandPublishedbyNationalMedia& PublishingCompanyLtd. 24SaffonStreet, Charlestown,Georgetown,Guyana.



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Vickram Bharrat from absentee minister to hallucinatory

Minister Vickram Bharrat is in awe to Bharrat Jagdeo, oweshispoliticalexistencetothevicepresident. Hehasno choicebuttoparrotwhatmakesnosensetoreasonablemen and women, which imitates the standards that the vice presidenthasmadehispersonalbrand.

Itisunfortunate,partofthecontinuingdisasterofGuyana that the Minister of Natural Resources could say with a seriousfacethat,“fromaneutralpointofview,wewouldsee thatGuyana'soilandgassectorisoneofthebettermanaged oil and gas sector in the world.” Minister Bharrat knows better, knows what is closer to the full truth of Guyana's oil and gas sector, but he is so much at the beck and call of politicalconsiderationsthatheisunashamedtodeliverwhat fallsfoulofthefacts.Itiscringeworthy,forwhattheminister said is best described as bordering close to insipidity We startwithMinisterBharrathimselftolaysomesimplepoints beforeGuyanese,theworld.

MinisterBharratcollideshead-onwiththistruth:hehas been silent; he has been missing for most of the last four years. The world has been inspired to the point of fevered excitement with Guyana's oil and gas developments, as announced by ExxonMobil, and he has been nowhere in sight. WhenGuyaneselooktohim(thesubjectminister),he has been a phantom. When citizens look for, hope for, an updateortwo,afewencouragingwordsfoundedonfacts,the minister has been like a tomb: hollow, quiet, unbreathing. PerhapsthatiswhatmeetsthedefinitionofMinisterBharrat foroneofthebettermanagedoilandgassectorsintheworld.

Thesecondclashwiththeminister'sbrazenandcomical claim about “one of the better managed” is that almost impenetrable secrecy has been the norm around oil and gas developments. ButMinisterBharratisbold-faced,eventwofaced enough, to speak with a straight face about “transparency” in this the most crucial of Guyanese economic sectors War has been declared against transparency in Guyana's oil and gas sector, with abundant secretsbeingthePPP/CGovernment'sdominantculture,but Minister Bharrat has the audacity to pretend that there is transparency

Hastheministerlostit? Doesheliveintherealworldor, like PresidentAli, has taken up full-time residence in some fantasy land of his own creation? The true level of proven (andknown)totalcurrentoilreserveshasbeendegradedby his ministry and his chief policymaker in the oil and gas sectortoagameofguesstimates,butthesectoris“oneofthe bettermanaged.” Likewise,billionsinprojectexpensesare hidden, full audit reports are kept from the public, but the sectoris“oneofthebettermanaged”intheworld.

Mostglaringofall,andthisisajudgmentcall,thereisthe heavilymarketedWalesGas-to-Energyprojectaboutwhich Guyaneseknowthreethingsonly ItcostsUS$2B(themost expensive local one to date), it is a web of tricky schemes (Jagdeo's footprint), and it has been plagued by secrets (supporting documents concealed). It could be that in the worldthatMinisterBharratoperates,secretsandschemesare partoftheprevailingstateofmind. AsGuyanesenowknow from hard experience, secrets and schemes are also compulsory components in the management practices of a government fanatically committed to such a self-serving, if notself-enriching,environment. MinisterBharratmayhave earned himself a unique honour: he is the only one who believes that this country's oil and gas sector is “one of the bettermanaged”globally Seeingthattheministerhasgrown intoacleverpolitician,thereistheprobabilitythathehimself may not believe what he said about “one of the better managed.” It was what he was ordered to do, what the situationtobeglossedovercalledfor,sohejustdidit,while hopingfor thebest.Guyanaloses billionsannuallyfromno taxes,noring-fencing,andnoindependentoversight,yetitis “oneofbettermanaged”anywhere.Clearly,MinisterBharrat isnowavictimofhisownhallucinationsandthoseofBharrat Jagdeoalso.

Bharrat's disinformation on oil production

rates is

DearEditor, I read without surprise, theAugust10,2024KNclip “MP Vickram Bharrat provided misleading, deceptive information to Parliament on rate of oil production – David Patterson”.Weallknowthat “misleading and deceptive” areparliamentaryjargonsfor “lies”; but, in all fairness, let's also charitably attribute some of the Honourable Minister's mouthings to ignorance.

Ministersareexpectedto at least be responsible and competent enough to read and comprehend for themselves,mattersofgrave concerns to their people. Unfortunately, this Minister who is vested with the allimportantsafekeepingofthe mosthazardousoperationsin Guyana, i.e., oil & gas and mining, has carved out a record of lack of intellectual curiosity, incompetence, wimpiness, and don't care a damn attitude about the health, safety and environment of the Guyanesepeople. Besideshisunseemliness plausibly called out by MP Patterson, this is the same man, who, in order to kowtow to Exxon, lied with his characteristic wry smile, t h a t t h e L i z a 1 Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) allowed Exxontofreelyflareupto14 billion cubic feet of gas, when in fact, nothing of the sort ever existed in the EIA whichunequivocallyordains thatflaringisprohibited.

Thisisalsothesameman who denied ditching of the 2019 World Bank Plan for

unprincipled and dangerous

rigorous oil & gas oversight withahighlyspecialized36member EPA Petroleum Unit, and the EPA Study Leave Policy sponsoring employees to pursue advanced studies for a fiveyear service in return However, the appearance of the Plan's cover page in the media, forced his shameless about face lie that the Plan was still being executed, though,notasingleposition in that Plan has been filled; and despite his farce about full monitoring, there isn't a single person with even one hour of training in oil & gas tounderstandorquestionthe simplest of Exxon's activities, thanks to his sabotage of the World Bank Plan and EPA Study Leave Policy

Exxonnodoubttakesfull advantage of this impotence astheycalltheshotsandget whatevertheydemand.They knowtheyhavecaughtabig big pakoo and surely know whattodowithit.

On top of that, the Ministercontinuestodisplay his advanced stage of grandiose delusions and dishonesty, when he unabashedly tells the nation that “We have total t r a n s p a r e n c y a n d accountability and everybodylikeswhatweare doing.”Isthismaninsane,or just takes Guyanese for fools! Does he really think that “total transparency” means: hiding Exxon's files in the EPA Director's office away from all, including the staff;hidingthepeople'sown petroleum reserves from them; refusing to show the purported $2B parent

company guarantee deposit; that the Petroleum Commissionshouldbemade up of people from his Ministry, though they crucified former Minister Trotman for being entrusted with too much authority in his first Commission draft document; and refusing to make public, the Field Development Plans (FDP) under the insulting pretext that it is too complicated for Guyanese to understand. I wish to advise that the Minister not judge others by hisstandards.

May I also educate the Minister that there is something called the UN EscazúAgreementsignedby Guyana in 2018 and ratified in 2019, obligating him to providing public access to such information like the FDPs.

Returning to Patterson's exposure of Bharrat's disinformation act, the safe oil limits set by Liza 1, Liza 2, and Payara EIAs, are 120,000 barrels oil per day (bopd), 220,000 bopd, and 220,000 bopd, respectively, totaling 560,000 bopd However, the Minister acquiescestothecurrentrate of 650,000 bopd, soon to be upped to 708,000 bopd - a dangerous 26 % above the safelegallimit.

Taking Liza 1 for example,itsEIAenshrinesin vanillaplainlanguagethatit is“designedtosafelyoperate at sustained peaks of 120,000 bopd”, but the Minister is hell bent on irresponsibly defending its dangerously illegal current rate of 163,000 bopd, which is 36% above the safe rate.

Bharrat's story is that the EIA's safe limit is 144,000 bopdandnot120,000bopd–a flat-out falsity If Exxon believed his story, wouldn't theyhaveraiseditduringthe Coalition'stime?Theanswer is a resounding NO! for Exxon knows that the Coalitionwouldinstantlysee itswackiness.

For the Minister's edification, that 144,000 bopd is a number exactly 20% (normally applied) above the 120,000 to model the estimated maximum air pollution emissions within a 20% accuracy, and has absolutelynothingtodowith theproductionlimit.

This proves my earlier point that there is no one at the EPA who has any clue relative to these technical matters In any case, shouldn't Bharat's math proficiencyatleasthelphim grasp that the current 163,000 bopd rate which he defends, still exceeds his fictitious144,000 bopd that he claims to be the legal limit? The honorable Ministeristhereforeadvised to keep his mouth shut or embarrass himself and Guyana, until he finds someone knowledgeable to sensiblydiscusssuchsubject matters.

The irrefutable fact remains that the EIA is sanctifiedintheEPAActand Permits, and any change without public consultation is illegal. It is revered as the 'bible' being the only comprehensiveprojectstudy that defines the hazards and mitigative actions, and sets the safety envelopes that (Continuedonpage5)

The words “Negro” and “Coolie”


I read recently that the words Negroes and East

Indians are being discouraged by ministry and othergovernmentagencies.

I understand such words make some Negroes and some East Indians uncomfortable. Sir, here is myplight.

I was born in Hunter Street Albouystown in the early 60s and we could not usetheword"aBlackboyor Indian boy" to my parents, thisorthatorsomeoneatthe door rapping, he or she is Black or Indian. We were taughttosayfromagethree, you must say Negro or East Indian sixty years later, you nowtellingmethattheword NegroorEastIndianandyou


Well Sir, I must comply, however I would like to tell youastorywhathappenedin 1939whenJackCampbell,a Bookers Director was touringAlbionSugarEstate. He saw some well-painted huts with ventilation with freshwaterattached.

Mr Campbell later becameSirJackCampbellas he walks further down, he saw some dilapidated logies andrangesthatwereusedby the African slaves before 1834, he then asked the overseer the Scottish gentleman "Who lives in those comfortable huts with water, he said the mules. Sir Jackthenasks"Wholivesin the logies and ranges; the overseersaidtheCoolielive

there.SirJacksaid,"Whydo you have the animal living like people and the people living like hogs?” The overseer responds, “Sir, a mule cost eight cents and a coolie is free.” Check Glem Seecharran Bittersweet SugarPage#4Chapter1.

Letmepleaseremindmy readers that the first people to represent the East Indians in 1839/1840 were the freed Negroes.

There was a report in India that the East Indians werebeingtreatedwell,then came another report to the Indian government that the Indians would be in confinementandbeaten.The beatenconfinementwasvery touchingfortheNegroes.

I remember my mother

wouldsaytousasboysifyou should fall or get sick, the first people to come to your side will be a Negro person, thosewordsliveinmyblood tothisday Whenyoureferto humanbeingasanNwordor a C word or a B word, it demoralisesandmakesthem feel uncomfortable. Those three words should be outlawed and strictly enforced by the authorities within the law, unlike many other laws which are good butnotbeingenforcedbythe authority I would like to randomlyaskfivepolicemen about a law, I believe three out of five will not know anythingabout.Let'sgiveita try!

Yourstruly, FrankDeAbreu

No EIA was done for oil and gas waste treatment facility at Coverden

D e a r E d i t o r , Iwouldliketorespondtoan article that was published in the Stabroek News on August 17, 2024, titled 'Environmental, community concerns over Coverden project already addressed –PWSIhead'.Iwouldlikefor all communities in Guyana topaycloseattentiontowhat Iamabouttowrite.In2021, t h e G l o b a l O i l Environmental Services (GOES), an American company, applied to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for approval to construct and operate an

OilandGasWasteTreatment facility for the transfer, storage, treatment and disposal of Exploration and Production at Block 'X' TE Huiste, Block I, 'T' Hustle Coverden, East Bank

D e m e r a r a

This was a joint venture partnership between Japarts Guyana,asthelocalpartner

The EPA issued a public notice about the proposed facility,andIwasoneofthe residents from Coverden who filed a 'Letter of Objection/Appeal' to the Environmental Assessment Board (EAB) The EAB

Bharrat's disinformation...

Frompage4 must be followed – a

conviction assuredly avouchedbynoneotherthan Exxon's own experts at public meetings Its sacrosanct nature is reason why it takes such diligence to complete, taking years in some cases, and involving notonlytechnicalexpertsof thepreparers,butalsopublic input.

Nevertheless, Bharrat crazily waves on the invalidations of EIAs in servility to Exxon and its greediness, bringing grave riskstoGuyana'seconomic, health, safety and environmentaldevastation–a treacherous act that enhances the chances of an oil spill while he dutifully stands with Exxon against an oil spill cost protection guarantee, without which, G u y a n a w o u l d b e bankrupted No wonder, Guyanaisranked76thoutof 142 countries by the World Justice Project, with a very poor 2023 rule of law index scoreof0.5outof1.0.

In stark contrast, the Coalition followed the rule of law with strict adherence to the EIA's safe limit of 120,000 bopd; and further, toensurethattheratesdonot evencomeclosetoreaching thatlimit,theEIAprescribes a safety cushion at a controlled rate of 100,000 bopd which was maintained throughout the Coalition's tenure However, upon taking office, the PPPC immediately and illegally upped the rate to 130,000 bopd and kept increasing it tothecurrentrateof163,000 bopd This undeniably makes obvious that Exxon respected the competent oversight of the Coalition, but grabs the once in a lifetime opportunity to capitalize on this Government's slackness, incompetence, and subservience to their demands – sentiments echoed by the Honourable Judge Kissoon in his sage rulingagainstExxon.


organisedahearingforthose who had objected, and the d e v e l o p e r, a t t h e Neighbourhood Democratic Council(NDC)inSoesdyke. However, before the EAB hearing, the developers, GOES and JAPARTS held a community consultation at the site where the Oil and GasWasteTreatmentfacility was to be constructed

At that meeting, a representative of one the developers indicated to me, that they did not anticipate that the community would have objected so strongly and this had placed them as the developers in a difficult situation because they had already invested millions of dollars into the venture, includingrentingthefacility from Mr Jettoo, and if we did not approve the venture they would have lost millions. Mr Jettoo was the landlord for the developers GOES and JAPARTS at Block'X'TEHuiste,BlockI, 'T' H

n The representative furtherrequestedifwecould have given serious consideration to approving t

someonewhoisalawyerand well versed in policy in oil andgasandenvironmentand shared the matter He indicated that as villagers,

we do not want it to necessarily appear as if we are just objecting to the investment but at the same time, we have to be comfortable with the investment and protect our community and the health and wellbeing of the villagers. He suggested that we should explore if there are ways to do this, so I designed a concept note for w h a t I c a l l a n 'Environmental and Social Impact Management Plan' (ESIMP) which is slightly different from an EnvironmentalManagement Plan (EMP). I shared the ESIMPconceptnotewiththe lawyer as a proposed alternative to and in the absenceofanEnvironmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and Environmental Management Plan (EMP). He indicated that I should inform the EAB of the concept note for the ESIMP We thought that the ESIMP could have served as a management tool to guide the operations of the oil and gas waste treatment facility o n h o w t h e environmental and social impacts of risks and opportunities would have b e e n m a n a g e d .

TheEABhadsetanother hearinginMayof2021,and they agreed for me to take

two experts, not to participateinthehearing,but to be present. One of the expertsisaChemistandhas aPhDinSoilChemistry,the other is an expert in public policy and community development Having listened to the presentation by the representative from GOES and the responses to questions about how the operation of the oil and gas wastetreatmentplantwillbe conducted, the soil scientist indicated to me, that once GOES do what they are saying about how they intended to operate the facility and EPA does its work on oversight and monitoring,thingsshouldbe ok for the community

The public policy and community development expert indicated that once GOES and JAPARTS develop their Community Development Plan, the community should ensure that a Community Development Agreement is

signed between the

community and the developers. I also shared with the two experts the concept-note for the ESIMP and they agreed that it presents a framework for managing the risks and protection for the community in the venture. I therefore approved he

venture at that hearing However, although I indicated to the EAB that I hadtheESIMPconceptnote, they never requested to review it The developers also went around the community and got some residents to sign a list, however,manyofthemwere hearingaboutthefacilityfor thefirsttimeatthatpointand there were those residents who did not agree with the decision and made their disapproval known Editor, I have to inject my faith here. I fasted and prayed for forty days during that period asking God for this venture to be discontinued if it was not goodforthecommunityand the residents. So, I was not surprised when sometime in 2022 or 2023, I learnt that GOES and JAPARTS were no longer conducting the venture, and the oil and gas facility was not moving forward So, we were shocked last week when we read the articles in the press about the agreement signed by the Senior Minister

(Continued on page 6)

The NTC and Indigenous people in Guyana



Starting yesterday, August 19th, the National Toshaos Council (NTC), the groupofleadersrepresenting Indigenous communities across Guyana, is meeting in Georgetown to plan and developpoliciesandprojects for sustainable development. The council will also elect a new executive committee andchairmantoserveforthe nextthreeyears.

This NTC meeting will

seetheparticipationofyoung and newToshaos, which is a positive development It's great to have them representingtheirpeopleand all communities. However, it's important to note that many of these leaders likely have a neutral political stance,whichisgoodinsome ways. Given this reality, we should be cautious of the potential for politicians to exploitthisneutrality

In Guyana, everyone is

freetosupportandvotefora politicalpartyoftheirchoice, but when it comes to the Toshaosandtheleadershipof theirpeopletheyshouldhave self-determination and be free from political interference.

Many times, politicians put leaders that they can manipulate and do things in their favour which undermines Indigenous autonomy and modus operandi Anactthatusually

results in substandard and insignificant benefits and representationofourpeople.

Toshaos must be vigilant and question authorities about projects that have proven to be wasteful or of poorqualityincommunities. Which commonly have politicalpartylinksaswellas projects planned by outsiders.Forinstance,there

have been cases of fly-bynightprojectswithoutproper consultation with the people beinghastilyimplementedin our communities. This has resulted in the misuse of taxpayers' money which could have been spent on other significant sustainable initiatives.

Our leaders should also inquireaboutthepoorquality

of road construction in the interior, which is an ongoing problem leading to constant and expensive repairs Authoritiesneedtoprioritize the construction of durable publicroadsintheinteriorto putanendtotheyearlywaste of taxpayer money on road repairs.

Yoursfaithfully, MedinoAbrahamMSc

No EIA was done for oil and gas...

Frompage5 within the Office of the P r e s i d e n t w i t h Responsibility for Finance and Public Service, Dr AshniSinghwhichwasthen handed over by Go-Invest Chief Investment Officer, Dr Peter Ramsaroop It was even more shocking to learn that Mahendra Jettoo who was the landlord for GOES and JAPARTS, was now the Chief Executive Officer for this new companyProfessionalWaste Solutions Incorporated ( P W S I ) The decision to approve the oil and gas waste treatment facility was premised on GOES' vast experience and expertise in the oil exploration and production waste disposal; treatment of drilling-related waste products; chemical and civil engineering; among others. Wedidnotgiveapprovalfor Professional Waste Solutions Incorporated, (PWSI)tooperateanoiland gas waste treatment facility in our community Whatisdisturbingisthatthe government and Go-Invest approved $214M to Professional Waste Solutions Incorporated, (PWSI), a new company, even though the company did not get approvals from thecommunity TheEPAhad waived the EIA for the venturesinceatthetimewith GOES and JAPARTS and now a new company is conducting the operations, with no expertise in oil and gas waste treatment and the EPAhasstillnotrequiredan E I A

Does it mean that if Mr Jettoo withdraws from this venture, his security guard can continue the operations of an oil and gas waste treatment facility and get hundreds of millions from the government with now EIA, EMP or safeguards in place for the environment, and residents in Coverden? Is this how business is conducted in this country? We have not given approval to Professional Waste

Solutions Incorporated, (PWSI) to conduct operations of an oil and gas waste treatment facility in Coverden.Weintendtoseek legal advice in relation to Professional Waste Solutions Incorporated, GoInvest and EPA. We will protest and fight to protect our community, the environment, and the health and wellbeing of the residents.

To residents in communitiesacrossGuyana, my advice based on this lesson learnt, is do not approved ventures in your communities for these complex and hazardous operations. Insist that the EPA ensures that and EIAs and EMPs are done. Do not accept EPA's no objections toEIAsbeingdoneforthese ventures.

TotheAttorneyGeneral, ensure that the law allows communities to do Community Development Agreements with investors o n C o m m u n i t y D e v e l o p m e n t Plans/Activities. What was alsointerestingwasthatafter GOES and JAPARTS were allowed to moved ahead with the oil and gas waste treatment venture, National Hardware and NonDestructive Testers Limited ( G u y a n a ) I n c , a Trinidadian company, applied to EPAfor approval to Storage of Sealed Radioactive Source –Industrial Radiography Device', at the 'Clay Brick Factory' in Coverden and EPAagaindidnotrequirean EIA.

So,Coverdenwasgoing tobethedumpinggroundfor hazardous waste and storing hazardous chemicals if the residents did not resist. This is really all about business.


The government has to develop a policy/masterplan on collection, treatment and disposalofoilandgaswaste, including where the treatment facilities will be l o c a t e d

This government, Go-Invest and EPA are not serious a b o u t p r o t e c t i n g c o m m u n i t i e s , t h e environment and the health andwellbeingofcitizensand weascitizenshavetoprotect our communities.We do not want this waste treatment facility at Coverden We have our development and growth projects and programmes, and this facility will interfere with our plans for the village. The Environmental Protection Agency Act No. 11of1996,statesunderPart IV Environmental Impact Assessments Article (3) (a) 'Any person who may be affected by a project exempted under subsection (2) (a) may lodge an appeal with the Environmental Assessment Board established under section 18 w i t h i n sixty days of the date of publication of the Agency's d e c i s i o n a n d t h e Environmental Assessment Board shall within a reasonable time publish a decision confirming or setting aside the Agency's decision Fifth Schedule ' Article 3 (b) 'Every person who commences a project beforefinaldeterminationof an appeal under paragraph (a) shall be guilty of an offenceandshallbeliableto the penalties prescribed u n d e r paragraph (d) of the Fifth S c h e d u l e ' According to the EPA Act, Article 3 (b) above, Professional Waste Solutions Incorporated, (PWSI), which is a new applicant, could be guilty of anoffencesincetheresidents of Coverden who can be affected by this project did notevenhaveanopportunity to submit an appeal to the environmental Assessment B o a r d The EPA must inform the residents how approval was grantedtoPWSIwithoutthe regular process being followed.

Yo u r s s i n c e r e l y, CitizenAudreyannaThom

Value of Hess’ oil riches in Guyana to be explored by arbitration panel

( R e u t e r s ) ‘ A n arbitration panel that will decide a high-profile clash between Exxon Mobil and Chevron will delve into the secret value of Hess’ oil riches in Guyana’, four people familiar with the mattersaid.

Chevron last October offeredtopay$53billionfor Hess,oneofthetwobiggest deals in the largest wave of consolidation in the oil industry in decades The asset most coveted by Chevron in the takeover is

Hess’s stake in a Guyana field operated by top U.S. rivalExxon.

Exxon and China’s CNOOC, another partner in theventure,havechallenged the deal, claiming a contractual first right to buy Hess’s stake in the field, a matter to be decided by a three-person arbitration panel.

Getting the panel to considertheappraisedvalue is central to Exxon’s claim that the deal is an asset acquisition disguised as a

merger Exxon believes the Guyana asset is so valuable thatthemergerwouldtrigger achangeofcontrolandgive Exxon and CNOOC a right of first refusal to the asset sale,thepeoplesaid.

On the other hand, Chevron and Hess do not believe the Guyana valuation will have any bearing on the panel’s view ofthecontractarbitration.

‘Exxon’s right does not apply because there is no changeinHess’controlofits

Guyana unit’, people familiar with their thinking said.

Valuation can be a critical and lengthy step in change of control disputes, saidChristopherB.Strong,a vicepresidentattradegroup Association of International Energy Negotiators (AIEN) and a partner at Vinson & Elkins law firm, which has doneworkforExxon.

Theprizeinthecontestis Hess’ 30% stake in the Stabroek offshore Guyana jointventurewithsome11.6

billion barrels in oil and gas discoveredsofar

The consortium, which includes Exxon with a 45% stake and CNOOC with 25%, operates all of Guyana’s output and earned $6.33 billion in profits last yearbypumping137million barrels of oil. That output is expected to more than triple by2027.

Exxon CEO Darren Woods told Reuters earlier thisyearhewouldconsidera counterbid for all or part of Hess Guyana’s stake, but only after the arbitration panel accepts its claim to first right, and a price has beendetermined.

Woods’positionremains unchanged, people familiar with his thinking said this month. Wall Street analysts estimate Hess Guyana represents about 70% of Chevron’s$53billionbid.


The case hinges on whether a change of control in Hess Guyana will occur The deal is structured so Hess will remain intact and become an affiliate of Chevron,thetwocompanies have said “Exxon and CNOOC continue to ignore the plain language of the operating agreement, and Chevron and Hess remain confidentthatthearbitration will confirm that the Stabroek ROFR (right of first refusal) does not apply to the merger,” the companies said in response toReutersquestions.

Chevron CEO Michael Wirthrecentlydismissedthe chance of any compromise with Exxon and CNOOC. The companies had held talks earlier this year, but they halted when Exxon filed the arbitration case. “It doesn’t appear that (a compromise) is how this is goingtoendup,”Wirthsaid onAug.2.

However, if the panel accepts, the right of first refusalapplies.Hesshassaid it will not sell its Guyana stake to Exxon or CNOOC.

H e s s w i l l r e m a i n independent if the Chevron deal is quashed, CEO John Hesssaidearlierthisyear


Chevron could use a Guyanaboost Itsprofitshave fallenforthelastsixquarters on a year-over-year basis Its sharepricehasdropped87% in the last 52 weeks, compared with a 7 7% increaseatrivalExxon

In May, Exxon closed its $60 billion acquisition of top US shaleoilproducerPioneer NaturalResources,whichwas the biggest acquisition in the latestconsolidationwave.The deal helped Exxon deliver $9.24billioninsecond-quarter earnings, more than twice Chevron’s profit for the same period

“(Exxon) is in the best shape I’ve seen it in 20, 25 years. It has put itself in a remarkable position,” said oilanalystPaulSankey Meanwhile, Chevron’s CEO is shaking up the company, replacing lieutenants and relocating the company’s headquarters to Texas from California. Wirth also aims raise up to $15 billion from asset sales, aftertheHessdealcloses.

Hehadhopedtoclosethe deal in the first half of 2024, andthedelaystallsChevron’s ability to reap cost savings, staffing and operating synergies in addition to slowing its asset sales Hess shareholders miss out on getting Chevron’s much higher dividend payments, whichwasalureforthedeal

A second-half 2025 closing could pressure Chevron into a settlement that lessens promised deal benefits, analysts and investors said. But if the valuationprovestobehigher than Exxon expects, it also could make a counterbid moreexpensive.

“Exxon may be creating enough uncertainty in the situation that it’ll be worthwhile for Chevron to perhaps give up some economics in order to get this thing resolved,” said Roy Behren, co-president at Westchester Capital Management, which owned nearly $226 million in Hess stock at the end of June, accordingtoLSEG..

The most significant development in our agricultural sector in recent times

There was a time when youwantedbargainsonfood onsaleatthemarketsallyou hadtodowastowaituntilthe sellers were leaving to make yourpurchases.

Many of these sellers did not want to pay the cost of transporting their leftover produce back home and so they would sell it at dogcheap prices This ain't happeninganymore.Nolasthour bargains are available because most sellers are not willing to drop their prices. They prefer to take their producebackhomeandbring them back the next day or nextweek,dependingonhow often they sell. Sellers, who nowoftenoperateinmultiple markets,arealsolessinclined to drop their prices. Instead, theytaketheirproducehome or dump them, leading to a vicious cycle of wastage and inflatedprices.

Inthiscontext,thelaunch of the Guyana Marketing Corporation's(GMC)project to dehydrate fruits and vegetables is perhaps the mostexcitingdevelopmentin the agricultural sector in recent memory. In a sector often dominated by the narrative of challenges and setbacks,thisinitiativestands out as a sign of progress, a tangible step towards addressing one of the most pressing issues faced by our agricultural sector: postharvestlosses.

The benefits of this initiativearefar-reachingand have the potential to bring significant positive changes to the lives of farmers, consumers, and the local economy

agriculturalsectorinGuyana has been grappling with the issue of post-harvest losses. The statistics are staggering: in 2016, the Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) estimated that postharvest losses for cassava wereashighas23%,andfor tomatoes,ashocking34%.At the same time, the National Agricultural Research and Extension Institute (NAREI) estimated that about 30% of all fruits and vegetables produced in the country are not consumed This represents a significant loss not just in terms of wasted produce but also in terms of lost income for farmers and higherpricesforconsumers.

The GMC's dehydration project is a bold and innovative response to this problem. By focusing on the dehydration of fruits and vegetables, the initiative aims to extend the shelf life of these products, reducing the need for farmers and sellers to dump unsold produce.

This is a significant step forward, not just for farmers and consumers but for the entire agricultural sector. By reducing post-harvest losses, farmers can increase their income, and consumers can benefit from lower prices.

Moreover,theprojecthasthe potential to spur the growth ofanewindustryinGuyana: the processed dried foods industry

Dehydration is a wellestablished method of preserving fruits and vegetables, and its potential in Guyana is immense. In

many countries around the world, dried fruits such as apples, peaches, dates, cherries, and grapes are not just popular snacks but also valuable export products Guyana has the potential to tap into this market, leveraging its rich agricultural resources to produce a range of dried fruitsandvegetablesforboth local consumption and export.

Already, there are promising signs of what can be achieved A local company is manufacturing dried dates, coconuts, papayas,andpineapples,and duringtheChristmasseason, many Guyanese use locally processed foods that have undergone some form of dehydration, such as carambolaandfive-finger

Under the APNU+AFC, sun-dried tomatoes were producedintheinteriorusing solar dryers, a product that has a large market in North America.

The Pomeroon region, with its abundant fruit production, suffers from significant post-harvest losses, but with the right investment in dehydration technologies, this region could become a hub for the productionofdriedfruits.

Bycreatinganewmarket for dried fruits and vegetables, the project can help to diversify the agricultural sector, reducing its reliance on fresh produce and opening up new opportunitiesforfarmersand processors.Thiscouldleadto the creation of new jobs and the development of new


The government cleaning and de people messin

The government cleanin' up, but how longbeforederubbishpileupagain?Islike throwin' water on duck back—no matter how much yuh wash, de duck still gon' go backindemud.Demcleanupdecity,haul awaytonso'garbage,butsoonasdemdone, herecomesJohnnyWalkerandMissToss-itAnywhere.Yuhsee,isnotdegovernmentor deCityCouncildatcausedismess.Iswe! We turn into litter monsters, not even bugs anymore. We throw way garbage like it's a national sport—bottles flyin' out car windows,bagso'trashdumpedatdecorner, cupsandcansdecoratin'destreetslikesome uglyfestival.Islikesomepeoplebelievede roadisdeyprivatedustbin,an'demexpectin' somebodyelsetopickitup.

skills, particularly in rural areas where agricultural employment is often the mainstay of the local economy

In fact, the expansion of drying technology can spur hinterland food production and food processing. This can have a transformative effect on the lives of hinterlandresidentsandhelp to reduce extreme poverty in theinterior

The project has the potential to stimulate the overall growth of the local economy The processed

driedfoodsindustryisahighvalue sector, with significant export potential By developing this industry, Guyana could increase its agriculturalexports,bringing in much-needed foreign exchange and boosting the country's economic growth.

At the same time, by producing dried fruits and vegetables locally, the project could help to reduce the country's reliance on imported processed foods, improving food security and reducing the country's trade deficit. This initiative, small as it is, is not just an important step forward for the agricultural sector; it is a model for the kind of innovative,forward-thinking projects that are needed to drive the development of the Guyanese economy in the yearstocome.

(The views expressed in this article are those of the authoranddonotnecessarily reflect the opinions of this newspaper.)

Demboyssehdegovernmentcouldaput one million garbage bins on every street corner, but yuh think dat gon' stop people from tossin' dey trash anywhere but in de bin? Nah man, as soon as de bin full, is de groundthat'sgon'collectderest. Is true, de authorities coulda do more. More fines, more clean-up drives, more public shamin' maybe. But yuh see, de real problem is not de authorities—it's we. We like to act all prim an' proper when we go foreign. We wouldn't dare drop a sweetie paperondestreetso'NewYorkorLondon. Butrighthereathome,islikederulesdon't apply Wequicktobreakdelawan'quicker toblamesomebodyelse.

Dem boys seh unless we change we nasty ways, de faster de government clean, defasterwegon'messupagain.Istimewe stop being litter monsters an' start takin' pride in we country Or else, we might as well give up an' start buildin' we houses on topdegarbage.Atleastwewouldn'thavefar togotodumpdenextload. Talkhalf.Leffhalf!


I had the early idea to disagree with the Hon Minister of Natural Resources, Mr Vickram Bharrat when he said that a Petroleum Commission would slow down the oil sector A change of heart occurred at lightning speed. Discretion is the better part ofvalor,andthereisnoway that I am engaging in any wrestling match with those two heavyweights that he ensuredwerebyhisside.

A picture is worth a million sterling Geology and Mines Commissioner, Mr Newell Denison was the picture of solemnity to the point of grimness, while Permanent Secretary Joslyn McKenziemadesuretokeep his head down with eyes glued to the floor “Me, I ain’t messin wid dem two guys: life is too meaningful to get into a fight that is unwinnable.” For the record, I had long acquaintancewiththosetwo fine Guyanese, which I cannot say about Minister Bharrat. Theplanistostick closetohimthenexttimehe

decidestotraveltoJFK. The conversationshouldbemore thanenlightening.

The normally tightlipped Natural Resources minister was unusually talkative A PetroleumCommissionisnot a“magicfix” VicePresident Jagdeo, the real natural resources supremo, said the samethingbefore. Dothese guys have the same speechwriters? Then, it could come in due time, which was what Jagdeo covered his rear end with before.

Again,thesamespeaking fromonescript,whileleaving the door slightly open for a Petroleum Commission Hedged language by both Minister Vickram Bharrat and the Chief Minister Bharrat Is that really necessary? Both are downplaying the need for a Petroleum Commission, while upscaling the Petroleum Unit in the Ministry of Natural Resources. Onewouldthink that this vaunted Petroleum Unit would not be another top secret national

subagency, like the Special rank of the Guyana Police Force.

My thinking is that such an expert and highly hailed Guyanese (or whomever) group, at least, would be introduced to Guyanese for them to determine who are these mysterious experts entrustedwithsuchsensitive work for hopeful citizens. Perhaps, Minister Bharrat is displayinghiscleversideby havingMessrs.Denisonand McKenzie as his bookends, as he signals the elevated role of his secretive PetroleumUnit.

Commissioner Newell Denison, I believe, is a man who possesses training and skills in the field Is he a member of that Petroleum Unit now saddled with so much? Ifheis,whydoeshe looksounhappy? Isthatfine fella whose name was hung out to dry for the US$214M audit findings reduction to US$3M a member, or memberinwaiting?

If so, my comfort level just took a dive Nothing personal,butitisjustthatheis

somewhat shaky, or always seems to be around shaky setups that don’t quite land on firm ground PS McKenzie, being the player thatheis,isamanwhocould be trusted to carry a load quietly and artfully, a vital skill for a Jagdeo-type PetroleumUnit.

The question is whether Mr Mac is a member of that team of luminous Guyanese workers in the Petroleum Unit shoved into the spotlight. All this matters becausemyinterpretationof the situation is that the PetroleumUnitisbeingheld outasaverygoodsubstitute for a national Petroleum Commission.

In the normal scheme of developments and presence like these, this Petroleum Unit of which both Bharrat SeniorandBharratJuniorare now talking up a storm would be mostly technical and operational in nature. I willgiveanyPetroleumUnit of even limited merit that credit. ButaPetroleumUnit is not a substitute for a Petroleum Commission and both Bharrat One and Bharrat Two have been aroundlongenough,andare sensibleenough,toknowso.

It was Big Bharrat who saidinanothersectionofthe media inAugust 2020 that a

P e t r o l e u m Commission would be in place in six months Forty-eight months later, the same Bharrat Jagdeo now sells to Guyanese this creature that he calls a Petroleum Unit, while consistently and strenuouslyinsistingthatitis thegenuinearticle.

That is, a workable, likeable, and presentable Petroleum Commission in drag Irepeatsomethingthat I have said before: it is at times like these that I am intrigued by how much of a combinationofHoudiniand Machiavelli and Modi that BharratJagdeois. ThisVice President of Guyana is so wily that he could sell sand to the Saudis or bows and arrows to the Indigenous people of Guyana. To say this differently, he took a mosquito (Petroleum Unit) and made it into a manatee (Petroleum Commission).

ThissuperstarJagdeoshould bemadeGuyana’spresident for life, regardless of what the constitution and courts say Iraisehisprolifesome more:heshouldbepresident ofExxon,withnofurtheruse for such Dallas Cowboys as Darren Woods and Alistair Routledge.

Hereistheendgame The best Petroleum Unit cannot

andmustnotbeaproxyfora Petroleum Commission In its best hands-o n expressions, the former is about the interpretational, organizational, operational, and governmental. At a higher and detached (independent) level, a Petroleum Commission is about clinical stewardship, unfettered insights, positive and probing strengths amongmanyotherhopefully neutral attitudes, attributes, andactions.

A powerful Petroleum Unit is still a public service animal subject to sophisticated political manipulation. A wellmanned Petroleum Commission backed by the right instruments could stand guard and get the best from this oil wealth that is nowenshrinedwithsomany quirks and what looks, sounds, and smells queer I present Bharrat Jagdeo’s PetroleumUnitasExhibit1.

(The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinionsofthisnewspaper)

Caribbean-wide decline in CSEC, CAPE passes — Math moved from 43% to 36%

T h e C a r i b b e a n ExaminationCouncil(CXC) on Tuesday announced that there was a regional decline of the overall pass rate for both the Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination(CAPE)andthe Caribbean S



This announcement was made during the official release of the preliminary resultsinDominica.

During the opening ceremony, Octavia Alfred, Minister of Education, Human Resource Planning, Vocational Training and National Excellence of Dominica delivered the feature address. Remarks were delivered by Robert Guiste, Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Education and Dr Wayne Wesley, RegistrarandCEOofCXC.

Dr Nicole Manning, Director of Operations, Examination Services Division, CXC, delivered a presentation on the 2024

to95%in2024.Physicsunit one fell by 1%, from 98% in 2023 to 97% in 2024. Pure Mathematics unit one saw a significant decrease from 93%in2023to86%in2024. For CSEC, grades one to threearedeemedacceptable. Preliminary results revealed asignificantdeclineinseven subjects. Chemistry saw a 3% decrease, from 67% in 2023to64%in2024.English Adroppedby2%,from78% to 76%, while French

Examination Administration andResults.

Manning announced that the overall regional performance for CAPE was 92.19%,whichshedescribes as a “slight reduction” from previous year, 2023 For CSEC, there was an overall performanceof69%,slightly consistentto2023.

The CAPE grades from one to five are considered acceptable by CXC. Some preliminary results presented,showedadecrease in acceptable grades in six main subjects Notably, Biology units one and two saw a drop, with unit one decreasingfrom88%in2023 to 84% this year Caribbean Studies and Literatures in English both experienced reductionsfrom97%in2023

d e c r e a s e d b y 1 % Information Technology fell from86%in2023to81%in 2024.

Integrated Science experienced a decline from 67% to 58%. Mathematics saw a significant drop from 43% in 2023 to 36%, with most candidates achieving grade three. Principles of Accounts fell from 72% in 2023to67%in2024.

Manning highlighted several factors contributing to this year’s academic decline. These include an increase in the number of CAPE subject entries and candidates 26,436 in total—while CSEC saw a reduction in subject entries but an increase in candidate entriesto116,232.Therewas also a rise in absenteeism,

witha5%increaseforCAPE anda7%increaseforCSEC. Additionally, there were more reported irregularities and hardships during the exams.

Dr Wesley Registrar and CEO of CXC in his remarks stated that this year the performance in mathematics isabitlowerthanlastyear

“When we did further analysis we recognised that whenwemadetherestriction of five subjects including mathematics and English that [mathematics and English) dropped to 4.9%, whatthattellsusisthatfrom 2018 to now, every year we have been losing almost 11,500 students on average who will not fully matriculate into university becausetheyneedmathsand English… if you don’t have maths and English employerswillpayyouless,” hesaid.

Wesley highlighted that the ongoing decline in math and English performance could negatively impact the Caribbean’s economic competitiveness by reducing the number of students capable of driving innovation and critical thinking.

“You have less students being able to drive the innovation that is required for the economy to advance and for critical thinking and problem solving and for attitudestobedeveloped.We areinaverychallengingtime that we need to give greater attentiontomathematicsand English,”Wesleystated.

To address these challenges, CXC is working on initiatives to improve teaching and learning in Mathematics and English. Wesley mentioned that a teamhasbeencommissioned to develop standards for literacy and numeracy, incorporating Artificial Intelligence to enhance educationaloutcomes.

Dr. Wayne Wesley, Registrar and CEO of CXC
Dr. Nicole Manning, Director of Operations, Examination Services Division, CXC delivering preliminary results


- Opposition Leader says parties have major difference on management of oil sector, spending on infrastructure

Opposition Leader, Aubrey NortononTuesdaysaidhedoesnot agree with the joint 15-year developmentplan,proposedbythe Alliance For Change (AFC), since the three major political parties differ fundamentally on national priorities.

The plan was touted by Leader of the Alliance For Change, Nigel Hughes during an outreach in Linden. Hughes was adamant that such a policy was not only critical toattractforeigninvestment,butto ensure there is continuation of transformative projects which would otherwise be terminated or cancelled over political disagreements.

Norton who also leads the People’s National Congress Reform noted that while he appreciatestherationalebehindthe suggestion, describing the plan as “well-intentioned,” collaboration with the ruling People’s Progressive Party presently is

highly improbable. He explained, “The PPP is focused on ensuring their families, friends and favourites become rich at the expense of the people with the use of corruption as their favourite meansofaccumulatingwealth.”

Norton said the PNCR/APNU believes in putting people first and atthecentreofitsagendabothasa moralobligationtoguaranteetheir well-being and as a social and economic investment. Meanwhile, henotedthatthePPPis“hell-bent” on spending the bulk of the country’s revenues on infrastructure projects in the false hope or wishful thinking that this expenditurewilltrickledowntothe masses.

On the other hand, the Opposition Leader noted that his party’s focus on people is geared towards respecting and enhancing their rights, dignities, security, and aspirations, while the PPP’s attitudeseemstopointinadifferent

direction. Norton cited the wage increases for teachers and other public servants, questioning how the political parties could agree to the increases offered by the incumbentadministration.

Additionally, the Opposition Leader, the PNCR/APNU, as part ofthenextgovernment“willwage war on corruption and financial wasteingovernmentspending.

On the contrary, the PPP is naturally comfortable to facilitate or condone tens of billions of dollars diverting into the bank accounts of its friends, families, andfavorites.”Nortonwaskeento note that the PNCR/APNU’s contrastingapproachonthisaspect alone is enough to doom any collaboration on writing a developmentstrategy

Importantly, the party leader highlightedthatthetwosidesdiffer fundamentally in the management of the country’s oil resources as well.“Forus,fullliabilitycoverage

foroilspillsisamust;aPetroleum Commission is a must; full and effectiveauditsareamust;closure offinancialloopholesandleakages inoilrevenuesisamust;increasing our share of the pie is a must; and ensuring Guyanese benefit fully from oil revenues is a must,” Norton urged. He believes that the PPP do not share any of those convictions and in fact opposes them as is evident in its resistance against setting up a Petroleum Commission and joining the legal case against full liability coverage inthecaseofanoilspill.

Norton said the PNCR/APNU sees the need to embed the principles of good governance in Guyana’s national political milieu and sees no evidence that the PPP will embrace or support such endeavours to promote the rule of law, transparency, accountability, responsiveness, inclusion and participation, equity or basic humanrights.

Finally, the leader said joint economic planning must be based on a solid political consensus or shared political understandings, however “The PPP’s inborn obsession with total political control makes such a consensus impossible.” He pointed out that the record would show that the PNCR/APNU is open to joint efforts when they are likely to succeed, as in the defense of Guyana’sterritorialintegrity

On the subject of continuity however,hesaidthepartydoesnot see itself stopping or reversing projects since many under the PPP were conceptualized by the Opposition.

Opposition Leader,Aubrey Norton



Three boys, two from Anna Regina Multilateral School in Region Two and one from Queen’s College (QC) in Georgetown havetiedwiththemostGradeOnepassesat this year’s Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate(CSEC).

At the Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination (CAPE), another QC student, Aniyah Couchman copped 11 grade one passestocovetthetopspot.Thisisaccording toMinisterofEducation,PriyaManickchand who on Tuesday released the preliminary CSEC and CAPE results at the Queen’s Collegeauditorium.

Cautioning that this is only the “preliminary results” and not yet official results,theministerrevealedthattiedforthe top spot are: Rudranauth Sankar of Anna Reginawhosecured23GradeOnesandone Grade Two, Pradesh Dwarka also of Anna Reginawhosecured23GradeOnesandthree Grade Twos, and Dave Chowtie of Queen’s Collegewhosecured23GradeOnesandsix GradeTwos.

Shenotedthatamongthetopperformers forCAPEareCouchmanwhosecuredGrade Onesin11units,GradeTwointwounitsand GradeThreeinoneunit;LateishaMcArthur ofQueen’sCollegewhosecuredGradeOnes in eight units, Grade Two in four units, and GradeThreeintwounits;andOmariHolder ofSt.StanislausCollegewhosecuredGrade Ones in eight units, Grade Two in five units andGradeFourinoneunit.

In brief remarks, the Education Minister saidthat“despitetherewasateachers’strike while the children were preparing for their exams, they did not perform ‘badly’ “. “Guyana had a strike at one of the most crucial times in these children’s preparation andyouknowitmorethanme.Someschools didn’t[teach],andyouseethatintheresults andsomeschoolsdid…”

Noting the decline in the pass rate for mathematics and the ministry’s intervention tobringupthegrades,theministermentioned

that by September, every student in the country will be equipped with a scientific calculator, geometry set, past papers organised topic by topic done by the ministry’s math specialist, graph books, and haveallthetextbookstheyneed.

Duringheraddress,shealsosaidthatthe ministryhasreviewedthenumberofsubjects someschoolsallowthestudentstowriteand noted that more schools will have eligible children writing more than 12 subjects at CSEC. “They are children who can write 30 subjects and still do well and we shouldn’t shut that down for them, and so we have opened it up.All of the List-Aschools have all been mandated to fix their timetable to

allowthestudentswhoareeligibletowriteas many subjects they want,” she announced. She added that “eligible” meaning students whowanttowritemoresubjects.

Meanwhile, of the list of CSEC top performersthisyear,theyareBriannaSobers ofQCwhosecured20GradesOnesandfive GradeTwos;RandhirToneyofAnnaRegina Secondarywhoobtained19GradeOnesand seven Grade Twos; Venisha Devi Lall of

Anna Regina Secondary who secured 18 Grade Ones, eight Grade Twos and three Grade Threes; Sohail Mohamad of New Amsterdam Secondary who obtained 18 Grade Ones and three Grade Twos; and Makenna Mandisa Johnny of QC who secured18GradeOnesandtwoGradeTwos. Additionally,AnaayaJainofQCsecured 17GradeOnes,sixGradeTwosand Continued on page 22

Aniyah Couchman of Queen’s College secured Grade Ones in 11 units
Rudranauth Sankar ofAnna Regina, secured 23 Grade Ones, & one Grade Two
Lateisha McArthur of Queen’s College secured Grade Ones in eight units
Pradesh Dwarka ofAnna Regina secured 23 Grade Ones & three Grade Twos
Omari Holder of St. Stanislaus College secured Grade Ones in eight units
Dave Chowtie of Queen’s College secured 23 Grade Ones & six Grade Twos

Labourer killed after slapping drinking buddy

A 22-year-old labourer was killed on Monday afternoon after reportedly slapping his drinking buddy several times at Sandhills, BerbiceRiver,RegionTen.

Dead is Francis Sukhu, of Sandhills, Upper Demerara-Berbice Police reports are that the drinking buddy stabbed Sukhu several times with a pair of scissors following an argument that escalated into violence.

The stabbing took place between 17:00 and 18:07hrs onMondayatashoplocated in Sandhills. Investigators weretoldthatSukhuandthe suspect were drinking rum andlimingwithfriendsatthe shop.

Thingstookadeadlyturn when an argument erupted between the suspect and Sukhu, police said. Sukhu allegedlyslappedthesuspect several times to the face as therowbecameheated.

Police said that the suspect reportedly left the shop but returned armed with a pair of scissors. He allegedly ran up to Sukhu and stabbed him five times abouthisbody Sukhu collapsed to the ground and the suspect ran away Sukhu was rushed subsequently to the Linden HospitalComplex,wherehe was pronounced dead on arrival.



Dead: Francis Sukhu

-wantscoastlanderstofollowsuit Jagdeo praises Amerindians for making use of small amounts of money

Vice-President (VP), Bharrat Jagdeo on Tuesday highly praised Amerindian villages at the ongoing National Toshaos Council Conferenceforbeingableto make good use of the “relativelysmallamountsof money”thathisgovernment hasgiventhemasgrants.

The Toshaos and village leaders were at the time reporting what they were able to achieve with a mere $1M the government had granted them for sport development, when the VP interjected.

“It’s amazing how much people have been able to accomplish in these communities using relatively small sums of money”, Jagdeo said while adding that he wants coastlanders to take a page out of their book. “Coastal people don’t do voluntary work, everything you (the government)got to do, even weed the grass on the ground,” the VP continued beforeiterating“forthoseof us who live on the coast we should take a lesson from whatthesepeoplehavebeen abletodo.”

“On the coastal area people are always complaining even if the grass grows a little bit they alwayscomplain,”henoted.

Although the Toshaos wereabletoupgradesomeof their grounds with needed infrastructuretheystillmade it clear to Jagdeo that the

money received is only “a small change” and is not sufficient to complete some of their projects One Toshao said he was left without money to pay workmen (men from his village)tobuildapavilionat his village’s sports ground. Others noted that price for materials at location is high and to fly them in is expensivetoo.

The Government at the NTCC committed to giving themanother$1Mandwhen some of them opined that it might still not be enough,

J a g d e o , d e s p i t e acknowledging that the grants are “relatively small amounts of money” advised that they can use some of their “LCDS Money,” (CarbonCreditFunds).

Some 242 villages will have to divide a total US$23.2M the government has allocated to indigenous communities from this year’sCarbonCreditSales.

Those monies were divideduponTuesdaybased on the population of each village, a formula that the NTC (National Toshaos council) had agreed on last year

Villages with a population of over 1000 received GYD$35M each, other villages with a population between 500 and a thousand received GYD$ 24M while those with smaller population only got GYD$15M.

This amount might still not be enough for some villages to accomplish what they need. Nevertheless, the VP,Jagdeo,hasbeencalling on Guyanese to live within their means although the county is among the largest and most lucrative oil producing nations in the world Guyana was shortchanged with its Stabroek block oil deal signedin2015.Thecontract favours ExxonMobil and its partners more than the people of Guyana and

acknowledged this multiple times.

However,heisunwilling totakeastandtorenegotiate thedealwhichwilldefinitely increase the revenues that the citizens of Guyana are receiving now and even in thefuture.

TheVPin2021,duringa B

attending the 2021 Offshore Technology Conference (OTC) in Houston Texas, USAhadsaid,“Wedon’tsee ourselves wealthy as yet, oil revenue, the magnitude that would see major flow to Guyanaisnotcomingforthe next few years”. Back then Guyana was only receiving US$300M to US$400M a year, so the VP continued: “US$300M/US$400M a year now is not a lot of money and many people think, oh the wealth will come tomorrow or, it’s here todayandsuddenlywehave tostartsplurging.”

Jagdeo as such was adamant, “We have to live withinourmeansforquitea while into the future”. He had even doubled down on his position by adding, “People believe we have a lot of money to give,” and drew reference to publicly voiced opinions, initially by professor, Clive Thomas, who has called for a US$5,000 cash transfer to each Guyanese families annually, a proposal which Jagdeorubbished.

Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo on Tuesday at National Toshaos Council Conference (NTCC)


...Govt. blames rain, outdated mining practices for declining gold production


Vickram Bharrat, has attributed the steady decline in gold production and declaration over recent years to a combination of unfavourable weather conditions, outdated mining practices, and labour shortages.

Speakingatarecentpress conference, Bharrat outlined thechallengesfacingthegold mining sector and the efforts being made to address them. Thispublicationhadreported that from 2019 to 2023, gold declarations dropped by approximately 209,000 troy ounces, according to the Bank of Guyana annual reports.

Recently,thegovernment had warned gold smugglers todesistfromthepractice.

During his recent press conference, Minister Bharrat pointed out that gold production has been on a downward trend since its peak in 2016. “I don't think it's any secret that gold production has been at the decline.

I think if you look at the chart,youwillsee2016peak, and then after that, it went straight up and continues in the2022-2023,”Bharratsaid.

He highlighted that several factors have contributed to this decline, particularly severeweatherconditions.

“In 2021 and 2022, there was significant flooding, not only on the coast, but the hinterland communities I myself went into the Mazaruni district, and I saw the devastation of the floodinginthatmajormining district,”Bharratexplained.

Headdedthatin2023,the industry was hit by a significant drought, which hindered operations in key mining areas. “Some people were unable to go and work simply because there was no water,”henoted.

The minister noted that the situation has reversed again in 2024 with another bout of significant flooding, further complicating mining activities.

Bharrat also highlighted issues related to the mining practices of small and medium-scaleminers,noting that many have been repeatedly mining the same properties resulting in low recoveryrates.

“Theotherreasonbeing, whichwehavenoticed,andI thinkitwasmentionedbythe commissioner, is that for decades, our small and medium-scale miners have

been mining the same properties over and over again,”theministersaid.

“[Small and mediumscaleminers]recoveryratein gold mining is too low, 3540% is way too low,” he stated.

The ministry is working withminerstointroducenew methods and technology to increase recovery rates, which Bharrat believes will leadtohigherproductionand profitability

In addition to technical challenges, the minister pointedtotheaccessibilityof mining lands as a significant barrier for small miners “Accessibility to land has

alwaysbeenacryfromsmall miners,” Bharrat said, stressing the need for more prospecting to ensure mineralized properties beforeinvestment.

Labour shortages in the mining sector are another growingconcern.

Bharrat noted that many miners are moving away from the industry, often shifting to more lucrative opportunities in the oil and gasorconstructionsectors.

“What we have seen is a lotofpeoplemovingfromthe miningsectorintotheoiland gas or construction sectors, or they are engaged in other sectors while they've scaled

down their activities in the mining sector,” Bharrat explained.

Despite these challenges, Bharrat affirmed that the Guyana Geology and Mines Commission (GGMC) is actively working to address the issues, particularly by increasingrecoveryratesand improving access to mining lands.

Recently, Kaieteur News reported that the Bank of Guyana (BoG) has reported that the country's gold declaration decreased within the first three months of 2024.

According to the Central Bank, the declaration fell to 89,845.8 troy ounces, when comparedtothesameperiod lastyear

It was stated that the dip in the gold declaration was mainly due to lower declarations from small- and medium-scaleminersby24.2 %. It was explained that the lower declaration is as a result of prolonged dry weather which made access to water limited in many miningareas.

Notably,itwasstatedthat the sole large-scale operator, Aurora Gold Mine Inc (AGM), Zijin Mining's, recorded an increase in declarations by 5.2%, which

resulted from continued favourable performance in their underground mining operations.

In Guyana's gold industry, there has been a noticeable decline in declarations over the past severalyears.

Kaieteur News had reported that from 2019 to 2023, gold declarations dropped by approximately 209,000 troy ounces, accordingtotheBOGannual reports.

With Guyana's gold declarations dropping by approximately 209,000 troy ounces over the past five years,VicePresidentBharrat Jagdeo expressed the Government of Guyana's concernaboutthistrend. He had warned that strict penalties would be imposed on those found guilty of under-reporting gold declarations to evade taxes androyalties.

Jagdeosaidatoneofhis previous press conferences, “We are still very concerned about what is happening in the market,” adding, “We believe that there are people that are not selling to the Gold Board to avoid taxes and we believe at that time thatitwasorganisedandthat itwashavinganimpact.”

Guyana records decline in Math, English at CSEC - Chief Education Officer

Chief Education Officer (CEO), Suddam Hussain revealed on Tuesday that Guyanahasseenadeclinein performance in Mathematics andEnglishattheCaribbean

Secondary Education Certificate (CSEC) level in 2024.

Hussain made the announcementsattherelease ofthe2024CAPEandCSEC results held at the Queen's CollegeAuditorium.In2024, 721 students from 17 secondary schools and private centres across Guyana wrote the CAPE exams, an increase from 701 candidates in 2023 The overall pass rate for CAPE remainedat93%.Candidates entered 60 units across 33 subject areas, with several subjects achieving 100% passes.

Regarding the CAPE results, Hussain disclosed

that 25 units across various subjects achieved a remarkable 100% pass rate, including Agricultural Science Unit 1, Animation and Gaming Unit 1 and 2, AppliedMathematicsUnit2, Computer Science Unit 2, PureMathematicsUnit1and 2, Economics Unit 2, Environmental Science Unit 1, Geography Unit 1, Entrepreneurship Unit 2, Green Engineering Unit 1 and 2, Spanish Unit 2, Physical Education and Sports Unit 1, Performing Arts Unit 1 and 2, Logistics Unit 1, Building and Mechanical Engineering Drawing Unit 1, Food and NutritionUnit2,Information Technology Unit 2, Physics Unit2,TourismUnit1and2, andElectricalandElectronic TechnologyUnit1. However, the news was less positive for the CSEC exams. In 2024, a total of

Chief Education Officer (CEO) at the Ministry of Education, Suddam Hussain

11,612 students entered for CSEC,aslightdecreasefrom 12,108 in 2023. The CEO stated that the overall pass

rate for grades 1-3 declined from 67.34% in 2023 to 67.23%in2024.Specifically, he highlighted declines in

English A, where pass rates fellfrom72%in2023to69% in 2024 - a 3% drop. In contrast,EnglishBpassrates improved from 64% in 2023 to70%in2024.

Notably, Mathematics pass rates also saw a 3% decrease,droppingfrom34% in 2023 to 31% in 2024.

However, Additional

Mathematics recorded an increase in pass rates, rising to 53% in 2024. Notably, in the sciences, Chemistry saw a decline from 60% in 2023 to 59% in 2024, while Integrated Science also recorded lower pass rates. However, Physics improved from 54% in 2023 to 66% in 2024. Hussian stated that there were mixed performances in thebusiness-relatedsubjects. Principles of Business saw a 1% increase in pass rate, rising to 74%. However, he added that Economics

showed a slight decline, dropping from 74% to 71%. Principle of Accounts maintainedapassrateof68% i n 2 0 2 4 O f f i c e Administration and EDPM recorded improved performances, with Office Administrationmovingfrom 85% to 88%, and EDPM from 87% to 93%. Social studies also saw an increase, rising from 53% to 58% in 2024. Conversely, Caribbean History recorded a slight decline, going from 67% in 2023 to 64% in 2024 Geography pass rates improved from 37% to 42%, while Religious Education maintainedahighpassrateof 88%. Music recorded a 50% passrate,whileVisualArts,a subject that was part of the Ministry of Education's (MOE) priority programme, saw a significant increase from74%to84%.

MinisterofNaturalResources, Vickram Bharrat


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Police issue missing person notice for school girl who disappeared three months ago

The Guyana Police Force (GPF) on Tuesday issued a missing person notice for a 15year-old girl, who was last seen dressed in her school uniform three months ago.

The missing teenager has been identified as, Telisha Carryl of Lot 725 Anna Catherina Housing Scheme, West Coast Demerara (WCD).

Carryl who attends the Vreed-en-Hoop Secondary School, was last seen dressed in her school uniform on May 20, 2024. “If seen please contact her grandmother Desiree Richmond on 665-3313 or her mother Asnte Richmond on

Missing: Telisha Carryl

677-7343 or the Lenora Police Station on 268-2328/268-2399.

AFC bemoans low monthly...

From page 2 government has implemented deliberate initiatives and policies over the last four years to address the rise in food prices and cushion the costof-living here. He spoke about the rise in global food prices and the costs of transportation, goods and services resulted from the RussianUkraine war, and the global pandemic, among other dis-

ruptions. He noted too that in the European Union, food price inflation increased from the last quarter of 2021 to reach 3.5 per cent in January and 7.5 per cent in May 2022. In Latin America and the Caribbean, food price inflation surged steadily from January 2022 to 81.6 per cent by September 2023.Food price inflation in the United States increased to 10.9 per cent in July 2022, the highest since 1980.

Three boys tie for top spot...

From page 15 one Grade Three; Chitra Parbhu of Saraswati Vidya Niketan (SVN) who obtained 17 Grade Ones, two Grade Twos and one Grade Three; Bomeka Singh of Anna Regina Secondary who secured 16 Grade Ones and five Grade Twos; and Gevasha Harpaul also of Anna Regina Secondary who obtained 15 Grade Ones and 12 Grade Twos.

In relation to CAPE, the following students from QC secured Grade Ones in six units and they are Sheridan Dyal, Makaila Henry, Arthur Roberts, Gabriella Roberts and Korphiena Stephen, while Jenna Hoosein of SVN secured Grade Ones in six units.


to be able to sacrifice a lot of things, things that you enjoy the most. In my time, I sacrificed all the gadgets and social media just because I wanted to be here and here, I am,” the top performer said.


Another top performer from Anna Regina Secondary, Pradesh Dwarka expressed that he felt amazing after learning of his results. “I’m feeling great, this is an experience I have been waiting for so long, so it feels so satisfying that I get to experience what I longed for.”

He said his preparation for the exams started early in the day and that he “put in a lot of hard works”. Asked about his future plans, Dwarka said he intends to pursue his tertiary education where he can obtain a Degree in Civil Engineering. He added that his father is a contractor and he would like to pursue this to help his father in this field of work.



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“This is the global environment in which we are a part of and operating. When you look at our figures and the inflation rate for Guyana compared to all of these regions, it is remarkable in the way that we have been able to manage our economy…And the way we have been able to cushion these costs,” the president said. In 2023, Guyana’s food inflation rate was 3.8 per cent, 7.8 per cent in Jamaica and 81.67 per cent in the Latin American region. The low food inflation rate in Guyana is because of the deliberate investments and measures implemented by the government to boost food production by providing the necessary support to the poultry sector and farmers. “This is not by any accident. This is by the deliberate interventions of the government. This is by the policies and programmes in the budget that are buttressing the economy and creating an environment that leads to stability,” the head of state explained. The government he said, ‘implemented a slew of measures to further reduce food inflation such as the removal of value added tax (VAT) on fertilisers, agrochemicals, pesticides and several inputs in the poultry industry, at an annual estimated cost of $262 million’.

“And this does not include the more than $1 billion that was spent in 2023 to provide agricultural implements to farmers.”, President Ali added.

Speaking to this publication after learning of his results, an excited Sankar said the journey has been a tough one with many sleepless nights. “From 6 (am), my day would start I would go to lessons, one after the other then school; from school I go to lessons, come back 12 in the night and maybe 2 in the morning. I would have to complete SBAs and on top of that I would have to revise because it was 24 subjects I did, it was really tough. That was how my days went by,” he explained.

He thanked his parents and grandparents who were his sole motivators. Asked about his future plans, Sankar stated that he is thinking about heading into the medical field. “It’s a great field, I think saving lives is the best job…” Sankar also advised students sitting the 2025 CSEC exams to be committed, dedicated and be able to sacrifice a lot things if they want good results. “You have

Speaking with the media, top CAPE performer, Couchman said she felt very happy to know that all of her hard work paid off. “I was very nervous for these results but it’s good to know that the combination of all my hard work led up to this,” she added. According to the 19year-old, her next step is pursing computer engineering and she intends to further her studies overseas. Looking to pursue CAPE at QC, Gabriella Lee Ann De Santos who secured 14 Grade Ones, 6 Grade Twos and 1 Grade Three, told media operatives she felt “pretty good” about her results and advised students who will be writing the exams next year to study early and not wait until the last moments.

Upgrade to CJIA baggage system faces fresh delays

The planned upgrade to thebaggagehandlingsystem

at the Cheddi Jagan International Airport (CJIA) is facing fresh delays as the governmentrecentlyfiredthe contractor over poor performance.

Minister of PublicWorks

Juan Edghill had announced amovetoupgradethesystem to better cater for increasing flow of international passengers at CJIA. The airport was scheduled to benefit from significant upgrade aimed at enhancing passenger'stravelexperience and giving Guyana's tourism sector a boost. Edghill told Kaieteur News on Tuesday that the contractor, K&S General Construction was terminatedduetoafailureto meet the project deadline.


the works being completed sothegovernmenthadtotake decisive action and so now we must retender the project and invite a restricted number of contractors to bid tocompletetheproject.”

The minister expressed his disappointment at the delaysevenashestressedthe importance of the baggage handling system in the overall management of the airport.Theupgradedsystem would have streamlined baggagehandlingandreduce wait times for travelers. It will also eliminate the need for passengers to take their bags to the scanner “The baggage make-up area is important for the efficiency of the airport but the airport has written me as a minister, informingmeofthefailureof the contractor and we're


Meanwhile in an invited comment, Chief Executive Officer at CJIA, Ramesh Ghirtoldthispublicationthat the baggage system upgrade was supposed to be completed in July “The originalcompletiondatewas April 16, that was the first deadline then he committed to July but he failed to meet that deadline as well, we eventually gave the firm a noticeofterminationbecause we could not go on with the delays to such a critical part of daily operation,” Ghir added.

Heexplainedthatthenew In-line baggage system would make process a lot muchefficientforpassengers andairlineworkers.“Wehad todosomecivilworkswhich is really an extension cover

...as Govt. fires contractor over poor performance

fortheareathatwasgoingto a c c o m m o d a t e t h e equipment,”theairportCEO explained.

He noted that the project which was pegged at $81 million is at least 60 percent complete. “To complete the works, we are now going to shortlist some contractors to submit bids to finish the works,” he said. Ghir noted too that the previous contractorwasbeingpaidfor measuredworkdone.“So,as far as we know we should have enough money to pay for the project to be completed Minister of Public Works, Juan Edghill had announced a set of upgrades to CJIA including the construction of the Commercial Centre –to create a more modern and comfortable space for

construction of a brand-new

building –to improve efficiencyand operationsfor over300airportstaff.

During an inspection of thesitebackinJune,Minister Edghill said the government isdedicatedtoensuringthese projects are completed on schedule and to a high standard. He said these upgradesarepartofabroader initiative to modernize CJIA andtransformitintoaworldclass facility for Guyana. These additional works on the commercial centre will see new spaces for food concession areas, 15 dutyfree shops, lounges, play parks, and restaurants along with a new administration buildingtohousetheairport's more than 300 airport staff.

Avinash Contracting and Scrap Metal Inc was contracted to build the administrative building with abudgetof$890millionand on the rigid pavement with a budgetof$703million,while PD Contracting is working on the $874 million CommercialCentre.

25 persons begin aviation training

Tw e n t y - f i v e individualsareset to embark on specialised training in air trafficcontrolassistanceand aeronautical information services at the Guyana Civil Aviation Authority and the Civil Aviation Training School.

T h i s s i x - m o n t h programme, one of the largest of its kind, has attracted participants from various regions, including Regions Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, and Seven, with additional recruits from Regions Nine and Ten following a recruitment driveinGeorgetown.

The training began with an opening ceremony at the Timehri Control Tower on Monday, where trainee HanifaSimeon,aresidentof Paruima, expressed her

enthusiasm for the programme Simeon described the opportunity as ararechanceforindividuals fromthehinterlandtopursue careers in aviation. “Out in the hinterland, sometimes it is really difficult for us, we don’t always get these job opportunities but then this came up so it is a rare opportunity for me as an Amerindian.

When I was younger in school,Iwantedtobeapilot but my parents didn’t have themoneysowhentheytold us they were funding this, I felt like it was a great opportunityforme,”shetold

Col. (ret’d) Egbert Field and trainees

you have to cut corners to make up for time that was lost.

The necessary checks and the necessary protocols arenotinplacewhenyouare late so punctuality must become a lifestyle,” he stated.

Similarly, Director General of the Guyana Civil AviationAuthority(GCAA), Lt.Col.(ret’d)EgbertField, urged trainees to take their studiesseriously

consciousness,” Field advised.

Principal of the aviation school, Clifford Van Doimen, also welcomed the new trainees, encouraging themtomakethemostofthe training.

the Department of Public Information(DPI).

Another trainee, Saskia Sparman, who hails from Timehri, shared her excitement about the programme, noting that her lifelong curiosity about aviationinspiredhertoseize theopportunity

The training programme will consist of three months of academic instruction followed by three months of practical, on-the-job training.

Training is scheduled from 8:00 hours to 15:30 hours, Monday through Friday Minister of Public Works,BishopJuanEdghill, addressedthetraineesduring the ceremony, offering words of encouragement while emphasising the importance of punctuality, focus,andteamwork.

He stressed that lateness among pilots and air navigation officers is a known contributor to accidents,urgingthetrainees to make punctuality a habit.

“Pilots and air navigational officers who are late are the

“I’ve always been curious about how the aviation system works,” she said Sparman further emphasised the importance of taking advantage of government initiatives like this,whichshebelievesoffer v a l u a b l e c a r e e r opportunities for persons NavendraNarine,oneofthe youngesttrainees,expressed his eagerness to start the programme, having counted down the days until he was eligible. He noted that it is his passion to be part of the aviation sector by any means, to contribute meaningfully to the service andsafetyofpassengers.

ones who create accidents because when you are late,

“Guiding those pilots andaircraftthroughourskies is serious business. I want you to throw away all childish behaviour and take up the mantle of safety

Theprogrammerequires participantstobebetween19 and 26 years old, with at least five CXC subjects, includingMathematicsand English Successful graduates of the training a r e g u a r a n t e e d employment with the Guyana Civil Aviation Authority, with ongoing training opportunities for careeradvancement.(DPI)

GWI says water quality, supply improving in Central

The Guyana Water Incorporated (GWI) said there has been a steady improvement of the water quality in Central Georgetown since the press briefing held August 15, 2024, where the company outlined the challenges e


“As daily monitoring and water quality testing continue, the results have


improvementsinthequality and supply,” GWI said in a press release. According to the water company while

s Stabroek, Regent Street, Hadfield and Alberttown are showing high levels of water clarity, other areas at the further end of the

experiencing gradual improvements. In response, GWI has dispatched technical teams andisaggressivelyflushing the network to improve the clarity of the water “GWI remains committed and is working assiduously to

continues to improve so residentscanhaveaccessto better quality of water,” the statementadded.

Minister of Public Works, Juan Edghill
Minister of Public Works, Bishop Juan Edghill, Director General of the Guyana Civil Aviation Authority (GCAA), Lt.

12 killed in Israeli strike on Gaza school

(BBC NEWS) At least 12 Palestinians have been killed in an Israeli air strike on a school housing displaced people in Gaza City, the Hamas-run Civil Defence authority says. A spokesman said rescuers were struggling to recover a number of missing people believedtobetrappedunder the rubble at Mustafa Hafez school in the western Rimal neighbourhood.

The Israeli military said it had targeted a Hamas commandandcontrolcentre inside the school, and that it had taken steps to mitigate risk of harming civilians. Earlier, it announced that troops had recovered the bodiesofsixIsraelihostages being held in the Khan Younisarea.

Themenwereamongthe 251 people kidnapped by Hamas-led gunmen in the 7 October attacks on southern Israel last year, when about 1,200 people were also killed.Israellaunchinganair and ground campaign to destroy Hamas in response, during which more than 40,170 people have been killed in Gaza, according to the territory's Hamas-run healthministry.

Womenandchildrencan beheardscreamingandseen running from the dustenveloped Mustafa Hafez school in a video posted on social media showing the immediate aftermath of Tuesday morning's strike.

The camera then pans to show rubble on the ground beside the completely flattened remains of a twostoreybuilding.

"We were sitting safely, we did not see the explosion," witness Umm

Mohammed later told Reuters news agency "The people are gone, they're dead. They are under the rubble " Civil Defence spokesman Mahmoud Basal said in the afternoon that rescue crews had so far recovered the bodies of 12 people.Hesaidthestrikehad targeted the entire wing of the school, where he estimatedthat700displaced peoplehadbeenliving.

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) said aircraft had conducted a “a precise strikeonterroristswhowere operating within a Hamas command and control centre” which had been embedded inside the school and used to plan and launch attacksagainstitstroopsand Israel.

"Prior to the strike, numerous steps were taken to mitigate the risk of harming civilians, including theuseofprecisemunitions, aerial surveillance and additional intelligence," it added.

The IDF accused Hamas ofviolatinginternationallaw by operating within civilian infrastructureandexploiting Gaza's civilian populationallegationswhichHamashas


Earlier this month, the UN Human Rights Office condemnedwhatitcalledthe "increasing frequency" of Israeli strikes on schools sheltering displaced people and accused the IDF of conducting them "with apparent disregard for the high rate of civilian fatalities".

Thewarningafteratleast 70 Palestinians were killed inanairstrikeonal-Taba'een school in Gaza City, accordingtothedirectorofa localhospital.

The IDF said the school had "served as an active Hamas and Islamic Jihad military facility", and that it had confirmed the identities of 31 "terrorists" who were

The UN condemned earlier this month what it called the “increasing frequency” of Israeli strikes on schools


The UN said at the time that it had been at least the 21st strike on a school serving as a shelter since 4 July and that they had resulted in at least 274 fatalities. Also on Tuesday, the Civil Defence said five people had been killed in a strike on a house in Bureij refugee camp, in central Gaza, while Palestinian news agency Wafa cited medical sources as saying four had been killed in nearbyDeiral-Balah.

The IDF said its troops and aircraft had "eliminated numerous te

sts" operating in central Gaza, includingtwowhoexitedan underground tunnel and attempted to plant an

explosive device. It came as the US Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, visited Egypt to continue to apply diplomatic pressure to try to secure a ceasefire and hostagereleasedealbetween Israel and Hamas The BBC'sTomBateman,whois travelling with Mr Blinken, saystheAmericanshopefor some sort of breakthrough within the next week or so, but that the mood on the ground in the region has not matchedthatexpectation.

After talks with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Monday, Mr Blinken said Israel had accepted a US proposal aimed at bridging the remaining gaps between the warring parties. But Hamas

US of "acquiescing" to what it calledMrNetanyahu's"new conditions".

Thegroupalsocriticised as misleading President Joe Biden's claim that it seemed to be “backing away” from an agreement A major sticking point is Mr Netanyahu's insistence that Israeli troops remain in the Philadelphi corridor, a narrow strip of land running along Gaza's border with Egypt, which Hamas has rejected.

Hesaysitisnecessaryto prevent smuggling and Hamas rearming itself, but Hamassaysitwouldamount to continued Israeli occupationandnotanendto thewar.

Russian forces claim another town captured in east Ukraine

(BBC NEWS) Russia's military says it has captured a small town in eastern Ukraine called Niu-York, as part of its push towards big population centres in the Donetskregion.

Ukraine's military has not confirmed the loss of Niu-York, saying only that 'Russianforcesareattacking close to the town' and other areas. The army was giving the attacks "a worthy rebuff... and the fighting continues",itsaid.

Although only a small settlement, controlling NiuYork would represent anothersteptowardsthetwo DonetskhubsofToretskand Pokrovsk.Oneoftheaimsof Ukraine'sseizureofterritory in Russia's Kursk region is thoughttobetoforceRussia to move some of its forces away from the eastern campaign.

Thereisnoindicationso farofthathappening,despite Ukraine's commander-inchiefOleksandrSyrskyinow claiming control of 93 Russianvillagesandtowns.

President Volodymyr Zelensky described the situation in the east as difficult, but said Ukrainian troops were doing all they couldtodestroytheRussian forces.

Themilitarychieftolda briefing that Russia was sending additional troops to the front line in the east. A Russia defence ministry statement said active operations by units of its Centre forces group had defeated Ukrainian troops, referring to Niu-York as "one of the largest settlements of the Toretsk agglome

ation and a strategically important logistics hub". It also called

the town by the Russian nameofNovgorodskoye.

Russian military bloggers shared footage late on Monday of a Russian tricolorflagbeingpostedon the roof of a school in NiuYorkwiththeUkrainianflag lying on the ground However, the video first circulated two weeks ago and Ukrainian forces had since blown up the flag and damaged the roof with a droneon8August.

Niu-Yorkisjustsouthof the mining town of Toretsk, and Russian forces on Monday said they had also captured Zalizne, to the south-east of Toretsk Ukrainian forces said they were still fighting back in Zalizne and local sources were quoted as saying they still had control of 20% of Niu-York too, although they had far fewer reserves than

the Russians. On Monday, Ukrainian authorities ordered the evacuation of Pokrovsk, as Russian forces continue to advance on the town.

According to a military briefing on Tuesday, Russia had directed more than a thirdofits87attacksduring the day on it push towards Pokrovsk Local officials say Russia's military is now about 10km (6 miles) from the outskirts of the town.Regional head Vadym Filashkin has said 53,000 peoplestillliveinPokrovsk, including almost 4,000 children.

Ukraine's commander in chief said the counteroffensive in Russia's Kursk region had now advanced 28-35kmbeyondtheborder, with 1,263 sq km under Ukrainiancontrolandatotal of 93 population centres.

Russian Defence Minister Andrei Belousov said three new military groupings had been formed to counter the Ukrainian operation in three border regions, Kursk, BelgorodandBryansk.

Their task would be to protect "citizens and territories from attacks" from drones and other and otherassaultmeans.Russian officials have played down the success of the Ukrainian operation in the Kursk region Maj Gen Apti Alaudinov, commander of Chechnya's Akhmat special forces unit, told RussianTV that Ukraine's military had sustained very serious losses.

Asked to respond to reportsthatthreebridgeshad been blown up over the River Seym, cutting off evacuation and supply routes, he said "the fact that

somebridgehasbeenblown updoesn'tmeananything".

However, state news agencyTasssayslocalpolice are now having to use privatelyownedboatstoget civilians to safety because bridges are down. German photographer Nanna Heitmann said she had spoken to Russians in the regionwhowerefuriousthat state media were not giving the full picture: "They're shocked, they are angry A lotofpeoplewait,thousands of people waiting in lines to find shelter, to find basic needs like blankets, pillows etc."Russia'sVladimirPutin, who has appeared wrongfooted by the Ukrainian offensive, compared it on Tuesday to a 2004 school massacre by Chechen militants in Beslan where more than 300 people were killed.


The Guyana Table Tennis Association (GTTA) has e n l i s t e d h i g hperformance coach Alexandre Gomes to conduct an intensive training camp in Guyana from August22toSeptember4.

The training camp is designed forelite-levelplayerswithadvanced technicalskills.

While primarily targeting Guyanese players, the GTTA noted that athletes from Trinidad and Tobago, Barbados, and Jamaica have also expressed interest in participating.

According to the GTTA, the primary goal of this camp is to expose national table tennis team members and coaches to advanced t

and methodologies.

The aim is to enhance the technical, tactical, and strategic

abilities of the players, ultimately boosting their performance in competitions. This initiative also focusesonmentoringandpreparing the ath

g tournaments.

Additionally,theGTTAhopesto explore a potential long-term partnership with Coach Gomes to support the development of both players and coaches in Guyana


possibility of having him stay for an extended period to assist in the preparation of national teams for keytournaments.

The training camp w

specifically focus on preparing key players Shemar Britton, Natalie Cummings, and Chelsea Edghill, who have qualified for the Pan American Championships in El SalvadorfromOctober13to30.

Coach Alexandre Gomes is a



Take yourself on a mental adventuretodayinwhichyou explore new aspects of your world. Discuss philosophy and religion. Get to the core of a matter that seriously interestsyou.


Todayisyourday,Taurus,so live it up! If it seems like things have been rather intense lately, don't worry, they'reapttolightenupquite a bit today Feel free to be your usual jolly self, the one whoaddshumortothegroup.


Be careful that you aren't acting in a way that you dislikeinothers,Gemini.You could find that you're slowly taking on the traits of the peopleyoudespise.


The day's general mood shouldfitquitewellwithyour agenda, Cancer There's no needtofixateonthenegative.


You may need a translator to get through to people today, Leo.Itcouldbehardtomake decisions,butnotimpossible. Today'stipistoerrontheside ofadventure.


Use your power resources today, Virgo, as you have a greatdealofdynamicenergy atyourdisposal.Youhavethe ability to transform and conqueranythingnow

respected figure in theglobaltabletenniscommunity

His coaching career includes working with top-tier athletes such as Quadri Aruna, a world top-10

playerfromNigeria. He has also coached national teamsfromtheUSA,China,Europe, and Asia and served as the Head Coach of Peru’ national team for severalyears.

Currently, he is one of the lead coachesatthe888TableTennisClub in Burlingame and San Diego, a prominent high-performance trainingcenterintheUnitedStates.

Shemar Britton, one of Guyana’ leadingtabletennisplayers,credited Coach Gomes for helping him qualify for the 2023 Pan American Games. Britton was instrumental in bringing Coach Gomes to Guyana following a training camp in Barbados.

Thistrainingcamprepresentsan exciting opportunity for players in Guyana and the region to enhance their skills under the guidance of a world-classcoach.

Sterlingleftoutof Chelseasquadfor Europeangame


You could be asked to make some spontaneous decisions todaythatyoumightnotfeel entirelycomfortablemaking, Libra. You could feel you don't have enough facts to makeaneducateddecision.


Emotionally,youmayfeelas ifyou'rerunningupagainsta brick wall, Scorpio. It could bethatyourfirstreactionisto drownyoursorrowsindrink. Escapismisonlyatemporary remedy.


Youremotionscouldbeextra powerful today, Sagittarius, although something may not feelasifit'ssittingright.


Takeholdofthisdayasifit's your own and use it to grow your dreams, Capricorn

You'll find a great deal of power and dynamism in the air urging you to take the adventurousroute.


There'safierytonetotheday that can't be ignored, Aquarius. You may find that adjustmentsneedtobemade inyourownplanofattackin ordertogetonthesamepage.


There'sanextrasparkinyour eyethatpeoplewon'tbeable toignore.Today'sagoodday to get your point across, because you'll find people moreopenandreceptive.

BBC- Raheem Sterling has beenleftoutofChelsea'ssquad for their Europa Conference League play-off first leg with Servette.Thursday'sgameisthe second in succession the 29year-old England forward has not featured in a matchday squad, after he was omitted fromChelsea'sPremierLeague openerwithManchesterCity Defenders Ben Chilwell, Wesley Fofana and Tosin Adarabioyo were also not included on Chelsea's A-list submitted to Uefa for Thursday's match at Stamford Bridge (20:00 BST), with the secondleginSwitzerlandon29 August Should Chelsea progress they could name Sterling in their squad for the Conference League group stage.Sterling's representatives said in a statement before Sunday's defeat by City they wanted "clarity" over the player'sfutureattheclub.

Chelsea have spent about £185m on 11 signings this summer,leavingmanagerEnzo Maresca with a squad of more than 40 senior players.Maresca said after the City game he "wants"SterlingatChelsea,but acknowledged "there is not enough space" for all his playerstofeatureinmatches.

Three Guyanese...


SafiyaGouldingrepresentsthe futureofrefereeinginGuyana.

Despiteheryoungage,shehas already begun to make her markbyofficiatingintheElite League.

Her selection for the CFU Challenge Series is a clear indication of her potential and the effectiveness of the GFF’ training programs. “or me, being at this tournament, it's a verybigdeal...Whatmotivates me is seeing other referees develop. And I always tell myselfthat,hey,Iwanttomeet this level. So I have to work towards meeting this level ”She advised her colleagues back home, “ust to stay focused, stay motivated... Just keep working towards what you want, and you will see the opportunities that they haveouthereforyou.”

The GFF is committed to continuingitsinvestmentinthe developmentofrefereesacross Guyana,ensuringthattheyare notonlypreparedtoofficiateat regional events like the CFU Challenge Series, but also ready to take on international assignments. The Federation’ goal is to produce world-class officials who can represent Guyana with pride and professionalism on the global stage.

Table Tennis Coach, Alexandre Gomes

ICC Women's T20 World

Cup to be moved to the UAE

The International Cricket Council ( I C C ) h a s confirmed that the ICC Women’ T20 World Cup 2024 will be moved from Bangladesh to the United ArabEmirates.

The event, scheduled to takeplacefromOctober3–0, will now be staged in Dubai andSharjah.

The venue was changed following the countrywide anti-government agitations in Bangladesh through July and early August, which ended when Sheikh Hasina, the prime minister, resigned andfledtoIndia.

An interim government has been put in place by the army since, but widespread incidents of vandalism and

looting, as well as acts of violence, have been reported fromBangladesh.

As a result, Australia, India, New Zealand and the United Kingdom (England and Scotland) had issued travel advisories to their citizens to not travel to Bangladesh.

ICC Chief Executive Geoff Allardice confirmed themoveinapressreleaseon Tuesday

“t is a shame not to be hosting the Women’ T20 WorldCupinBangladesh,as we know the Bangladesh Cricket Board (BCB) would have staged a memorable event.

I would like to thank the team at the BCB for exploringallavenuestotry

and enable the event to be hosted in Bangladesh, but travel advisories from the governments of a number of the participating teams meant that wasn’ feasible However, they will retain hosting rights," Allardice said.

”We look forward to takinganICCglobaleventto Bangladesh in the near future.

I’ also like to thank the Emirates Cricket Board for stepping in to host on behalf oftheBCBandSriLankaand Zimbabwefortheirgenerous offersofsupport,andwelook forwardtoseeingICCglobal events in both of those countriesin2026,"headded.

ICC Chair Greg Barclay confirmed to the Board that

he will not stand for a third termandwillstepdownfrom the post when his current tenure finishes at the end of November. Barclay was appointedastheIndependent

ICC Chair in November 2020,beforebeingre-elected in2022.

Currentdirectorsarenow required to put forward nominations for the next

Zion Hickerson victorious at first US Tennis tournament

ZionHickersonclaimedhisfirstU10USTA JuniorCircuitTitleatCourtSenseTraining CenterinBogota,NewJersey

Inthefinal,hedefeatedRahulBedekar4-0 afteratoughchallengeinthesemifinalendedin a4-3tiebreak.

Zionhadtheopportunitytocloseoutthe matchat4-2buthemadesomeerrorswhen tryingtobreakhisopponentat3-2.Eventually, heheldhisnervetowinthefinalgameduring thetiebreaker

ThistournamentisapartofhisUSTour whichincludedhisrecentlycompletedfootball trainingcampwithAtleticoMadridin WashingtonDC.Hehasonemoretennis tournamentthismonth.

SpecialthankswenttoMinistryofYouth, Culture&Sports,GuyanaTennisAssociation, GuyanaOlympicAssociation,SheltezTennis ClubandhissponsorsBKGroupofCompanies, JaiSigns&AutoDesignGuyana,Ideal-Life INC.,Tri-StoneAutoSales,NabiConstruction Inc.,DeSincoLimitedFood&Beverage,Hand InHand,FireSideGrill,ANSAMcAL DistributionInc.,DSinghTrading,TotalAir CargoSales&HandlingAgentsInc.,Vegetarian Gardens,CevonsWasteManagement,Sandra MariaAB(Sweden)andWJEnterprise.

Chair by August 27, 2024, and if there is more than one candidate,anelectionwillbe heldwiththetermofthenew Chair commencing on December1,2024.

Windies women’s squad
Zion Hickerson

Khalil, Carvahal through to Men’s Doubles’ semis

Onthepenultimate evening of the i n d i v i d u a l category at the ENetsponsored Caribbean Area Squash Association (CASA) Senior Caribbean Squash Championships, high-level squash matches lit up the Georgetown Club Courts on Monday

Itwasadisappointingday for the host, as Daniel Ince exited early, falling to B a r b a d o s ' K h a m a l Cumberbatch with scores of 7-11, 11-7, 11-8, and 13-11.

AlexArjoonalsofaceddefeat in his semi-final match against the top-seeded Cumberbatch after a strong showing against fourth seed ShawnSimpson,winning118, 11-8, 11-8 Shomari Wiltshire battled Cameron Stafford in a thrilling fivegame encounter but ultimatelylost11-5,11-6,1012,7-11,11-5.

Over in the women's category, number-two seed

Ashley Khalil was eliminated by her teammate Mary Fung-A-Fat in straight

sets, 11-6, 11-7, 11-6. FungA-Fat'svictoryadvancedher to the Women’ Single final, where she will face defending champion Margot ProwofBarbados.

Fung-A-Fat's journey to the final included victories over Guyana's Gabby Fraser and Cayman’ Marian Goodall on the opening day, followed by a dominant performance against Safirah Sumner and a quarterfinal win over Barbados' Eboni Atherley,whomshedefeated 11-5,11-6,11-4.

Arjoon, meanwhile, is guaranteedabronzemedalin

Guyanese Duo Khalil and Ince-Carvahal came good against Trinidadians Thong and Sorrillo in an 11-6 and 11-7 win to advance into semifinals (ENet photo)

the Men’ category as the injured Cameron Stafford willnotcompeteinthethirdplace playoff Another bronze medal match is between Ashley Khalil and Barbadian Amanda Haywood is scheduled for 5:30PM.

Across at the National Racquet Centre, the Guyanese pair of Jason-Ray Khalil and Samuel InceCarvahal advanced to the semi-finals of the Men’ Doubles championship with a decisive 24-minute victory over Trinidad and Tobago’ Seth Thong and Leonel

'Not in this lifetime’
- Warner says T&T lacks necessary ingredients to qualify for another FIFA World Cup

If the words of former FIFA vice president Austin “Jack” Warner are anything to go by, then Trinidad and Tobago is basically grasping at straws where qualification to the 2026 FIFAWorld Cup isconcerned.

In fact, Warner, known forhisbluntpersonality,isof theviewthattheTwinIsland Republic will not make another appearance at the global showpiece anytime soon, as it lacks a proper football structure and, by extension, competence from acoachingperspective.

Even with the increased opportunity opened up by United States, Canada, and Mexico securing automatic berths as hosts, Warner believesthisoffersverylittle hope for the Soca Warriors chances.

Three teams will qualify directly to join the hosts as Concacaf'srepresentativesat theWorldCup,whileanother two will have a second

chance at qualification t h r o u g h a n i n t e rconfederationplayoff.

Trinidad and Tobago's lone FIFA World Cup appearance to date was in Germanyin2006.

“Letmetellyouthis,and whoisvexwell,vex.Wewill not see a World Cup final in football in our collective lifetime,notevenfortheone coming up (2026), and remember, I have told you so,”WarnertoldAndreErrol Baptiste on the ISports radio programlastFriday

“We have gotten more chances and more slots to qualify, but our chances will notbebetterbutworse.First ofall,wedon'thavethetalent at the top, and in terms of coaching, we don't have that will to allow our football players to succeed. We don't have the competition at the bottom. Ask the average Trinidad and Tobago footballer to name five footballersinthecountry.He

can't The average Trini cannot, and something is wrong,”headded.

The recent sacking of Angus Eve and the hiring of his assistant Derek King on aninterimbasis,Warnersaid, doesn'thelpthesituation.

“IknowDerekKingvery well; he used to coach my club called Joe Public. I know him very well, but Derek King is out of his league. Derek King does not understand the nuances of coaching at the World Cup level, and that is the differenceIamtalkingabout. Derek King is not in Leo Beenhakker's class, so to speak,andEnglandgotridof Gareth Southgate, so what are we doing in terms of this?”Warnerquestioned. Though it is argued that the Trinidad and Tobago FootballAssociation(TTFA) lacks the adequate finances tocompensateahigh-calibre coach, Warner, a former M

Security, alluded to the possibility of the current government shifting funds around to provide more supportforsports.

“Irecallwheresportsmen and sportswomen had to spend their own money attending to injuries. It does not help until we get serious about sports. Nothing from nothing will leave nothing,” henoted.

While taking a swipe at corporate companies in Trinidad and Tobago that refuse to render assistance until after the fact, Warner used the Jamaica Football Federation's (JFF) hiring of EnglishmanSteveMcClaren todrivehomehispointabout nationalpride.

“They will not get corporate support They (corporate TT) only come at the end. They come at the end, not at the beginning, where they are badly needed,”Warnerstated.

He continued: “There is


D e s p i t e l i m i t e d preparation on the doubles court, Khalil and InceCarvahal cruised to an 11-6, 11-7 win, securing a semifinal spot against the Bajan duo of Darien Benn and ShawnSimpsontoday At press time, Mary Fung-A-Fat is set to face off with Margot Prow in the women’ final, while Cumberbatch will take on Julian Jervis of the Cayman Islands in the Men’ final. Detailed coverage of the finals will be provided in a futurepublication.

no local coach that can take Trinidad and Tobago to the WorldCupatthistime,andI mean that sincerely, and that is not a criticism. That is a realistic statement; we don't haveit;wejustdon'thaveit.

“Jamaica is looking for a top-class coach; they have never considered Dwight Yorke. Look where Jamaica hasgone.Theydon'thavethe energy and oil we have, but theyhavethepride.Wedon't have that, and that is the difference.”

On another note, the former Concacaf boss expressed optimism that his legalbattlesregardinga2015 indictment for corruption, willbebehindhimsoon.

“The matter will be thrown out, but it takes time in Trinidad and Tobago. All thecolleaguesthathavebeen arrested and imprisoned in the United States have since appealed based on the Supreme Court statement and judgment (that prosecutors in the US overreachedtheirboundaries whentheyappliedlawsofthe United States to groups of people, many of whom are foreignnationals).

“Iamnowwaitingtosee what will come out of these appeals, and I will take it fromthere,butIdon'twantto say too much on


excepttosay,Iamvery optimistic,”

this stage,
Jason-Ray Khalil and Samuel Ince-Carvahal (left) share photo with Seth Thong and Leonel Sorrillo of Trinidad and Tobago yesterday at NRC (ENet photo) T
Austin “Jack” Warner

Providence pitch given ‘satisfactory’ rating by ICC for T20 World Cup

The pitch at the Guyana National Stadium received a “satisfactory rating by the InternationalCricketCouncil (ICC) following cricket's global governing body's review report for this year's T20WorldCup.

The pitches for the first two matches at New York's Nassau County Stadium during the men's T20 World Cup 2024, as well as the one for the semi-final between Afghanistan and South Africa at the Brian Lara Academy in Tarouba, have beenrated“unsatisfactory.”

Theverdictcomesnearly two months after the tournament,whichIndiawon bybeatingSouthAfricainthe final.

In those two games in New York, Sri Lanka were bowled out for 77 against South Africa on June 3, and Ireland were shot out for 96 byIndiatwodayslater

In the second game, a number of players from the two sides copped blows on the body as a result of the uneven bounce Rohit Sharmahadtoretirehurtasa precautionary measure after beinghitontheupperarmby JoshLittle.

Rishabh Pant, too, was struck on the body by Little, while Ireland's Harry Tector wasstruckonthefingerbya short ball from Jasprit Bumrah.

Atthetime,AndyFlower had said the pitch in New York was “bordering on dangerous”, while former England captain Michael

Vaughan called it “shocking”.

The modular venue in NewYorkwasreadiedinfive months. Damian Hough, the Adelaide Oval chief curator, wasbroughtinbytheICCto


But after criticism from variousquarters,theICChad acknowledged that the pitches there had been substandard and the short turnaround time between matches – New York hosted eight games in two weeks –didn'thelp.

Remedial work was carried out, and ahead of the following game, between Canada and Ireland, areas where grass shoots were growing under the cracks were covered with topsoil and rolled in to make the surfacemuchflatter

Thesurfacesusedforthe subsequent fixtures in New York, including India vs Pakistan, where 119 beat 113-7, have been rated as “satisfactory”.

Guyana National Stadium

But the bigger point of scrutiny, perhaps more than NewYork,wasonthesurface

for the semi-final, where Afghanistanwerebowledout for56.Somedeliveriesrolled

alongtheground,whileafew rearedupfromasimilarspot.

At the time, Afghanistan

head coach Jonathan Trott was clear “that's not a pitch youwanttoplayasemi-final

Ingeneral,surfacesatthe BrianLaraCricketAcademy were challenging West Indies,whoscored149there and defended it narrowly against New Zealand, were tottering at 30 for 5 at one stage.

The ICC rates pitches, and outfields, for all international games on a scale of very good to unfit: verygood,good,satisfactory, unsatisfactoryandunfit.

T h e s u r f a c e a t Providence for the India vs Englandsemi-finalwasrated “satisfactory”, while the KensingtonOvaldeckforthe final between India and SouthAfricawasrated“very good”.

The ICC was largely happy with the state of the outfields, with only New York and Guyana receiving “satisfactory” ratings, while theotherswere“verygood”. (ESPNcricinfo)

Andre Russell celebrating a Uganda player's wicket during their T20 World Cup match at the Guyana National Stadium (AP Photo)





Nicolette Fernandes says reunitingwithfellowex-pros Siyoli Waters and Samantha Teran at the WSF World Masters Championships in Amsterdam gave her “ bit of dread and fear”as well as tinglesofexcitement.

Fernandes, the former World No.19 from Guyana who retired from the PSA Squash Tour in 2016, is top seed in a high-calibre women’ 40+ draw at the FransOttenStadion.

The 41-year-old won her quarter-final11-4,11-3,11-2 againstMiljaDorenbosofthe Netherlands on Monday and next faces South Africa’ Karen Blom, while the other semi-final is a blockbuster between South Africa’ former World No.28 Waters andMexico’ex-WorldNo.11 Teran.

“ have to admit, when I sawtheplayerlistitdiddrive a little bit of dread and fear into me!”said Fernandes. “

was like, ‘h no, we’e gonna do this again!’But they are twooftheladiesIconsidered my friends when I was on tour,sotoplaythemagainis justatreatforme.”

Fernandes added she “ad to have her arm twisted”to play at the 2022 World MastersinWroclaw,butafter winning the 35+ title there she “ell back in love”with squash after a period where she barely stepped on to a court following her retirementfromtheTourand thenthepandemic.

“thoughtIwasn’goingto enjoyit,butIfellinlovewith the whole atmosphere, and here in Amsterdam it’ no different,”she said. “ played at this venue when I was growingup,sotocomeback and play with less pressure and more enjoyment, amongstfriendsthatIhaven’ seen in decades, has been a real treat. I’ just loving it.”


FARMSUP Flagship Road Race Cycling

The highly anticipated FARMSUP Cycle Road Race, sponsored by Farm S u p p l i e s L i m i t e d (FARMSUP), is set to pedal off this Sunday, August 25, promising an exciting and competitive event for both participantsandspectators.

The race will see cyclists from various categories including Junior’, Senior’ Veteran’, Over-50 and C

challenging route from McDoom to Timehri and back.

Theeventwillcommence at7:00AM,withthecyclists roll

FARMSUP building located in Rome, McDoom Participants will start on the Rome Access Road before making a left onto the McDoom Public Road, signaling the official ‘oll start’oftherace.

The route is designed to testtheenduranceandskillof the cyclists The Junior category participants will turn back at the Soesdyke Junction, while the Senior and other categories will continue further to the Cheddi Jagan International Airport (Roundabout) before making their way back to Georgetown.


event returns on Sunday

will navigate the connecting road at Plantation Diamond, near DSL Cash and Carry Store, making a right turn before proceeding onto the Hero’Highway

As the race nears its conclusion, the cyclists will make a left turn at the penultimate roundabout near the Jaguar statue, with the finish line positioned along thefinalstretchofroad.

Lots of individual prizes will be up for grabs. Cash prizeswillalsobeawardedto the top six riders; First place stands at $20,000 (Senior), $15,000 (Vets), $12,000 (Junior’s), and $15,000 (Cat4) Second place finishers will be rewarded as follows; $15,000 (Senior’s), 12,000 (Vets and Cat4), $10,000(Over50)and$8000 (Junior’s). Third place purse

starts at $10,000 (Senior’s), $9,000 (Cat4 and Vets) and $9,000(Over50). Participants are advised to arrive at the FARMSUP building at least 30 minutes before the official start time. Thisprecautionisinplaceto avoid any delays due to the "Jamzone"activityscheduled for the same day, which may cause increased traffic in the area.

Flashback! Paul DeNobrega (center) share podium with Paul Chooweenam and Kemuel Moses at the 2021 edition.

Three Guyanese referees selected for CFU U14 Challenge Series

Three Guyanese referees enisha Prescott, Brandon

Cyrus, and Safiya Goulding—avebeenselected to officiate at the Caribbean Football Union (CFU) Boys Under-14 Challenge Series, taking place in Trinidad and TobagofromAugust16to24.

According to the Guyana Football Federation, this achievement highlights the effectiveness of their r i g o r o u s t r a i n i n g programmes, which are designed to develop referees ofthehighestcalibre,capable ofperformingatregionaland internationallevels.

“After completing intensive training and fitness sessions, these officials have demonstrated exceptional

skill and promise, earning them the opportunity to gain valuable experience at this prestigious tournament,”the GFFsaid.

The CFU Challenge Series, a highly competitive biannual event, serves as a key development platform, showcasing young football talent from across the Caribbean.

Kenisha Prescott, who recently officiated at the CONCACAF Girls Under15 Championship in Costa Rica, is one of the standout referees recognized for her hard work and dedication.

Sheattributeshergrowthand success to the GFF’ training programs,whichhavehelped her elevate her officiating to newheights.

CWI to hold election for Vice President on September 20

On Thursday, August 8, 2024, at a Board of Directors meeting, in consideration of the recent judicial pronouncement from the High Court of Guyana concerning the challenge to the Vice President's election initiated by the Guyana Cricket Board, the decision was made to have the reelectionsassoonaspossible. This decision means that Azim Bassarath has vacated the office of Vice President forCWI.

Former CWI Vice President, Azim Bassarath

“ am grateful for the opportunity to be here to showcase my talent, which willhelpmetoelevatetothe next level,”Prescott shared. She added, “ set realistic short-term goals and try to achievethem.SoIwouldtry in each tournament, I would try to reach the semifinals or finals. And once I achieved that goal, it would aid me in achieving my larger goal, which is to attend a Gold Cup, a World Cup,” Prescott said.

Brandon Cyrus, who has been officiating for approximatelysevenyears,is another referee who has greatly benefited from the G F F ’

development programs

importance of mentorship andguidanceprovidedbythe Federation, Cyrus said, “irstly, I need to acknowledgethefactthatthe opportunity of even being hereisaveryspecialthingto me...

None of this would be possible for me without my mentors...Thesepeoplehave helped craft me and shaped me in such a way that I am readytotakeonanyobstacles ahead.”He emphasized, “hat I have to say to the others home,it'snotimpossible.So I invite you to have a clear mind and be ready, have a good work ethic, and it's always possible to achieve anygoal.”

At just 19 years old, (Continuedonpage29)

The CWI President continued, "I am particularly grateful for the level of c o o p e r a t i o n a n d professionalism in which Mr Bassarath has handled this matter, and therefore extend mygratitudetohimforsuch."

Pursuant to the CWI Articles of Association, a Special Meeting of Members will be convened on September 20, 2024, for the solepurposeofelectinganew VicePresident.

CWI reaffirms its unwavering commitment to democratic principles and t r a n s p a r e n c y T h e forthcoming election will be conducted with the highest standards of fairness and in alignment with CWI's core values.

Commenting on the Board's position, CWI PresidentDrKishoreShallow said, "This situation presents an invaluable opportunity to strengthen the CWI MemorandumandArticlesof Association Over time, policies and frameworks will always be tested.As a Board, wemustremainopen-minded andcommittedtoevolvingin all aspects; this circumstance isatestamenttosuchfact.".

(L-R) Brandon Cyrus, Kenisha Prescott and Safiya Goulding

atfirst USTennistournament

ZionHickerson Khalil, Carvahal

Nicolette Fernandes in action at the World Master’Championships
Guyana National Stadium
Jason-Ray Khalil and Samuel Ince-Carvahal (left) share photo with Seth Thong and Leonel Sorrillo of Trinidad and Tobago yesterday at NRC (ENet photo) T
Zion Hickerson won his first tournament on US tour

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