Kaieteur News

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Fire destroys Coldingen pillow factory

A businessman is now at his wits end after a fire of unknown originWednesdaymorningdestroyedhispillowfactoryandhome atColdingen,EastCoastDemerara(ECD).

In addition to the factory, the fire also destroyed the home of the businessman as well as several pieces of vehicle parts and at least one truck that were in the compound just outside the factory Kaieteur News understands that the fire started in the Pillow Factoryandspreadtothehousebehind.

During an interview with this publication, a neighbour related that the incident occurred between 9:00hrs and 10:00hrs after herselfandhusbandsawsmokeemanatingfromthepillowfactory

“We saw a small fire like a garbage heap but the smoke was very dark maybe because of the sponge because it’s a pillow factory,” the woman recalled. She further stated that the fire soon startedtospreadrapidlythreateningothernearbyhouses.“Wesaw the fire getting bigger my husband started to throw water to prevent the fire from spreading to our home because we did not know whether it will spread.” Owner of the factory, Azad (only nameprovided),toldKaieteurNewsthatheestimatedhislossesin theregionof$50million.

…owner puts losses at $50M

The aftermath of the fire at the Pillow Factory.
The house that was destroyed by the fire.

Senegalsetsupcommission toreviewalloil&gascontracts


says move is to ensure deals align with nation’s interests

While ExxonMobil

local tax requirements to Guyana Limited (EMGL) avoid the burden of double and its Stabroek Block taxation. partners, Hess and CNOOC,

Jagdeo change of tune continue to enjoy tax

A passionate and almost exemptions and other

benefitsfromalopsideddeal functioning as Leader of the in Guyana, foreign oil Opposition, just over three companies operating in years ago, said in an Senegal now face the interview that the then possibility of contract

APNU+AFC Government revisions by the new

“sold” the country to administration to ensure a “foreigners” because that fairer distribution of benefits administration failed to foritscitizens. includering-fencingtoshore

On Monday, Senegalese up profits from the 2016 Prime Minister Ousmane

Sonko announced that the Agreement (PSA) with governmenthasofficiallyset


up a commission that is ExxonMobil. tasked with reviewing oil

At that time, Jagdeo and gas contracts that were Global reported. Phase one lopsided–one that benefits ofoilby2027fromGuyana’s Guyana Limited) as well as assured that when the signed with multinational of Sangomar, which the oil companies more than Stabroek Block. The Exxon its affiliates shall not be People’s Progressive Party corporations. African News alongside BP’s massive it does the country, the deal gives Guyana a 2% subjectedtotax,value-added Civic (PPP/C) returned to reported that the PM made Greater Tortue Ahmeyim PPP/C Government has royalty on its rich resources, tax, excise tax, duty, fee, office, this would be a the announcement on (GTA) gas project could refused to bring Exxon back and agrees to the oil charge or impost in respect priority when the contract is national television insisting overhaul the Senegalese to the negotiation table, all companies recovering 75% of income derived from renegotiated. “They sold us that the team of legal, tax, economy, will produce while allowing the oil of investments before the petroleum operations, out to the foreigners. The oil and energy sector experts 100,000 barrel of crude, company to ramp up remaining 25% is shared, property held or transactions companies, every time there will work meticulously to according to the Australian productionoffshoreGuyana. with Guyana receiving except as specified under the is a find out there, our people make sure all legal aspects oilandgascompany

The first oil discovery 12 5% The arrangement, agreement.Itgoesontostate should be sad because are carefully examined and President Faye has was made in 2015 and by withthelackofring-fencing, at Article 15.4 that the sum nothing comes our way We are aligned with the vowed to ensure the nation December 2019, the block- sees Guyana paying for equivalent to the taxes owed are gonna renegotiate those country’snationalinterest. benefits from its resources partners moved to oil projects that are yet to by the company will be paid contracts because that’s not Sonko reiterated his that are being extracted by production Since 2015, commence production by the Minister responsible whatwehadinmind,”Jagdeo government’s ambition to foreign companies. Faye’s ExxonMobil and its partners activities. for Petroleum to the said then He added, “When

rgy announcement looking for a have made more than 30 Notably, the oil deal Commissioner General of wewereintheearlydays,we contracts in the national change in a country of additional offshore oil and provides for taxes owed by the Guyana Revenue were coaxing the people interest Back in April, approximately 18 million natural gas discoveries the company to be paid by Authority (GRA). Notably, (ExxonMobil) to go along. Senegal’s newly elected people, strongly contrasts within the Stabroek Block. Guyana. The PSA states at the GoG also agreed to issue They (Coalition) came into President, Bassirou with that of Guyana’s Vice The government recently Article 15 1 that the a receipt to ExxonMobil, office–threebillion Diomaye Faye had revealed President (VP), Bharrat disclosed that the block Contractor (ExxonMobil indicating that it has met the (Continued on page 10) plans for a comprehensive Jagdeo who while in holds some 11 6 billion audit of the nation’s oil, gas, opposition promised to barrels of oil. With three and mining sectors, and their renegotiate the lopsided projects producing oil in the terms and conditions under ExxonMobil Guyana Stabroek Block some which they were handed out L i m i t e d ( E M G L ) a US$1.5 billion monthly is by his predecessor Reuters subsidiary of American oil being generated The three r e p o r t e d t h a t t h e giant Exxon, but has since projects–LizaOne,LizaTwo announcement followed a changed his tune- even and Payara – producing over campaign promise to denying that he had ever 600,000 barrels of oil daily renegotiate the terms of oil, madesuchapromise. Guyana’s oil production gas and mineral contracts Guyana refusing comes from three floating with foreign operators in the to review deals production, storage, and country On June 11, 2024 InGuyana’scase,thereis offloading (FPSO) vessels: Senegalofficiallybecamean the 2016 Production Sharing LizaDestiny,LizaUnity,and oil and gas producer for the Agreement (PSA) that was Prosperity. Exxon already first time after Australian signed by the former has another three projects in group Woodside Energy APNU+AFC Government the pipeline – Uaru, announced first oil at its w i t h E x x o n . W h i l e YellowtailandWhiptail. Sangomar project off the Guyanese have long Exxon targets a daily African country – S& P accepted that the deal is output of 1.2 million barrels

Guyana’s Vice President (VP) Bharrat Jagdeo
Senegal President, Bassirou Diomaye Faye. (REUTERS/SCANPIX) Guyana’s President Irfaan Ali


PrintedandPublishedbyNationalMedia& PublishingCompanyLtd. 24SaffonStreet, Charlestown,Georgetown,Guyana.



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The $30K electricity subsidy and government handouts

The PPP/C Government came up with another

trickrecently-its$30,000electricitysubsidyto pensioners The gesture is part of the administration’sadhocapproachtogovernance:theywake uponemorninginthemonthofAugustanddecidetheywill givetheelectricitysubsidytopensioners,neverminditwas budgetedforandcouldhavebeenintroducedmuchearlier intheyear

It is clear that the unveiling of this programme has nothingtodowithagovernmentthatcaresforitscitizens, butmoretodowithpolitickingandafailingadministration tryingtowinfavourwiththepopulation.Thesubsidyitself would not work. The average household spends around $10,000 in electricity charges, which means that within three months of the year the $30,000 would have been exhausted. The government continues to spend billions to subsidise electricity generation to benefit the foreign companieswhoarethebiggestconsumers.

Butthegovernmentissobentontreatingitscitizensas beggars they are stuck on giving them handouts. When many citizens in an oil rich country are struggling and hurting,thethoughtofwhatispopularisinandofitselfan insultandanabomination.

Wehavealwayssaidandstoodbyonestandard:almost half in the Guyanese population are in urgent need of meaningfulandsustainedassistance.Thehandouts,though helpful, have all the endurance of a Band-Aid, or some homemadepoultice.

It is time for the PPP/C Government to introduce a programmeofreliefthathasmaterialsalaryincreases,tax relief, and other cost-of-living relief measures as part of a long-term plan that makes a difference in the lives of the statisticallyrichestpeopleintheworld. Allofthisislong overdue; it is time to be rid of the temporary and the piecemealapproach.

Thenamidthehandoutsculture,foodpricescontinueto surge despite governmental concessions to importers.The real question remains: has the government conducted any surveillanceorsurveystoestablishwhetherthesebenefitsit hasofferedtoimportershavebeenpassedontoconsumers? TheincreaseinthecostoffoodinGuyanaisaddedtobeby limitedproductioncapacities.

Despitebeingendowedwithfertilelandandfavourable agricultural conditions; Guyana does not produce food on thescalenecessarytodrivepricesdown. Thegovernment hasbeenmakingalotofnoiseaboutbeingself-sufficientin poultryproduction.

Thisoughttohavereducedthecostofsuchproductson the market. The contrary has happened; prices have increased.ItischeapertoimportchickenfromBrazil,even with the high tariffs, than to buy it locally But in order to protect the local poultry market, the government will not allowthemassimportationofchickenfromBrazil.

The cost-of-living crisis is far more complex than the governmentportrays.Itisnotmerelyaboutanoverheating economy or higher demand. It is about an economic structure that permits sellers to hold consumers at their mercy, increasing prices at their whim and expecting consumerstopay

We, and other citizens of this country, have expressed misgivings about handouts, be they in cash or other form. NeitherPresidentIrfaanAlinorhisPPP/CGovernmenthas looked with favour on Guyanese who quietly questioned certain programmes put into motion. The handouts were one such programme, and our position was that it was not sustainable,thatitwaspronetosignificantcorruption,and that there has to be better ways for government to offer relieftoGuyanese.

Govt’s mineral-mapping project seems ill-conceived


The recent reports that the Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR) has commissioned “Consulting Services for Mineral Mapping Study of Guyana’s Mineral Resources (Gold Resources and NontraditionalMinerals)”stirred myinterestassomeonewho has some familiarity with such work. On reading the Invitation for Request for Proposals (IRP), however, one is hard-pressed to reconcilethesketchyoutline of the IRPwith the apparent elaborations to the press by Minister of Natural Resources Vickram Bharrat. To tie the pieces together, one would need to see the entire multi-year project document, which the MNR should release should one exist. Notwithstanding, the project raises several concerns in terms of its conceptualization and deliverables, starting with the two smallest: (i) several deliverables cover what the MNR ought to know itself, such as “government policy and legal framework regardingmineralresources, Investment climate and current situation, Location, and nature of mining activities in Guyana”; (ii) much of the work identified in the IRP could be accomplished through capacity building at GGMC and through any of the

number of cooperation agreements between GGMC/MNR and sister organizations, such as the one signed in 2019 with Chile,forlessthecost.

More fundamentally, however: (iii) I would be surprised should our local small and medium-scale gold miners (one of the targetedgroups)declarethat they would benefit from a mineral map that shows the gold grounds already discovered in the mining districts.

Ourlocalminerslookfor gold by ground prospecting in known gold-producing areas. If “new” ground is discovered or if there is a “shout”, word spreads throughouttheentiremining community

What purpose would a map serve that tells miners what they already know? In any case, much of the gold ground is already locked up by large claimholders, who are more interested in finding out how much gold lies on their own properties, rather than in a general mineralmap.

(iv) The previous effort in this regard was the UNfunded1968report(AGuide to Mineral Exploration in Guyana by J.R. Macdonald, for those who are familiar)

which gathered and reviewed all the geologist field reports over the previousdecades,plottedall the then-known gold

occurrences, and presented the information in one convenientvolume.

This enormous effort is credited with driving the gold exploration boom in Guyana from the late1980s, which eventually led to the discovery of the world-class gold deposit at Omai. Of note,however,isthefactthat it was the foreign exploration companies that benefitted from Macdonald as they were the ones with theexpertisetograspthefull significance of his geologicalassessments.

Before long, the Macdonald report had b e c o m e “exhausted” meaning all the historically-identified gold prospects had been thoroughly explored using moderntechniques.

To find new or undiscovered gold deposits, foreign exploration companies conducted a series of exploration reconnaissance projects covering massive expanses of Guyana’s hinterland, using airborne geophysics, regional geochemistry, and updatedgeologicalmapping andthinking.

Nothing much emerged from this investment in terms of new large-scale commercial gold finds.The questionthenfortheMNRis t h i s : a p a r t f r o m (re)digitizing and re(integrating) this info, what more is the MNR

project aiming to achieve in this regard? One hopes that effort is not wasted in repeating fieldwork already done and repackaging reports.

(v)The IRP also speaks about non-traditional minerals – which would more naturally interest foreign mining investors Non-traditional minerals refer to such so-called strategic and critical elements as lithium, cobalt, andrareearths.

WithoutseeingtheMNR project document (should one exist), I think it would have been better to conceptualize this aspect of the project differently as follows:PHASE1:basedon the stated geo-data needs, fiscal incentives, legal and regulatory framework, etc that large mining investors require, assess the current situation in Guyana and make recommendations to increase the country’s competitiveness as a mining investment destination. PHASE 2: design and conduct all necessary work for geological data coll

n (


uding fieldwork), processing, display, retrieval, and storage.

Priority should be given to the unexplored and underexplored areas especially in middle and southernGuyana.






Iamsosadtohearofthe passing of Dave Martins, as isallofGuyana.

I have known Dave for many decades and admired him for the enormous body ofworkhehasproducedasa song writer and singer, but muchmoreimportantly,asa Guyanesewhowasneverfar from his roots in his mind though,infact,heearnedhis international reputation mainly as the Leader of the Tradewinds performing in Toronto, Canada. President Ali, in paying tribute to Dave, underlined the fact that “his music not only invited us to laugh at ourselves but also encouraged us to stand tall

and be proud of our Guyanese and Caribbean heritage”.

Dave was indeed the quintessential Caribbean manandGuyanesepatriotin thetruemeaningoftheterm. Of course, he will never be forgotten for “not a blade of grass”, written and sang by Dave in defense of our territorial integrity and, in particular, the Essequibo regionwhereDavewasborn andgrewupasayoungman. In my view he was much morethanacalypsonian.His songs, which as he had said reflect and portray his everyday conversation with thepeoplehehasmetacross the Caribbean, reflect the folkloreofourpeople.Iwill

alwaysrememberthat,when I was President of the Guyana Rugby Football Union, and in that capacity led Guyana’s rugby team to p a r t i c i p a t e i n a n international tournament in the Cayman Islands where Dave was living at the time, Davecomingtotheairportto meetusandDaveinvitedme to stay at his home and then hostingtheentirerugbyteam of almost 30 persons to dinner at his home. Dave then did so again, a second time,anumberofyearslater whenweplayedrugbyinthe Cayman Islands. When serving as President of the Tourism and Hospitality AssociationofGuyana,Ihad invited Dave to deliver the

featureaddressatoneofour dinners We had invited

AnnetteArjoontodisplayan e x h i b i t i o n o f h e r photographs depicting the indigenous aspect of our touristattractions.Davesaw andadmiredthephotographs and asked my wife, Gem, about the photographer, whichultimatelyledtoDave meeting and marrying her The Nation will mourn the passing of a great and distinguished Guyanese songwriter, singer and storyteller, who has left behind a song forever to be played over and over again as our second national anthem.

Regards KitNascimento

Dave Martins’music and lyrics brought into life the Caribbean man’s idiosyncrasies


, The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines “icon” as ‘a person or thing widely admired, especially for having great influence or significance in a particular sphere.’Undisputedly, Dave Martins is such an icon notably, in the sphere of music. But Martins is also a historical phenomenon. The essence and content of his music can only be understoodthoughtheprism of the respective socioeconomic formations of Caribbean societies, their evolution as well as the generational changes in the respective populaces of thosecountries.

Dave Martins’music and lyricsweretrulydemocraticin the sense that he was able to bring into life not only the C a r i b b e a n m a n ’ s idiosyncrasies but to blend eachpeculiaronetogetherina holisticfashionthatgaveitreal life in lyrical expression, meaningandunderstandingof what being a Caribbean man andwomanislike

Those who ‘live on another planet,’ in glass

housesorarenotaufaitwith the Caribbean peoples’ Idiosyncrasies and their distinctive, if not peculiar expressions in language, of their intricate customs and mores, and who consider themselvestheelitebytheuse ofhighfalutinlanguageandthe practiceofcorrespondingairs and graces setting them apart from the ‘dregs of society’ must have ‘learnt a thing or two’ from Martins’ ‘West IndianAlphabet,’‘WestIndian Suitcase’or‘Copycats’among others Dave Martins, I believe, would have died a happy, optimistic man knowing his music especially the household, ‘Not A Blade Of Grass’ would one day accomplish its historic mission Dave Martins’s engagementwiththecultural milieu at home and abroad, was greatly facilitated through his musings reflected in his weekly Stabroek News column; ‘And So It Go.’ In my opinion, Martins’ columns could be considered his correspondence with others intheculturalworldatlarge. In that regard, he sought to

communicate to his friends andfollowersadeepcultural and spiritual camaraderie grounded in shared convictions about the transformative potential of social commentary through music. In that respect, his social commentary expressed through the lyrics in his songs differ in genre with the social commentary of the exceptionally high qualityofsongandmusicin the rest of Caribbean for example in kaiso, calypso, soca, reggae chutney, socarypsoandgospelypso.

The content of Martins’s

dispositions, abilities, idiosyncrasies and talents In other words,the embodiment of an essential human need that;‘ManShallNotLiveBy Bread Alone’ And it was preciselyinrecognitionofthat humanneedthatMartinswas able to create the mastery in lyrics to reflect human nature and every-day life of the Caribbean people The beauty of Martins musical artistry was his ability to translate from the abstract,

his conviction that all active people were the creators of thelyricsofhismusicandto make it part of a living Caribbean-wide culture Reading between the lines, one could easily discern from what he wrote that it was not only those like himself who worked creatively to bring into musicalandlyricalform,the songsweenjoybuttellingus there was a much bigger picture where lyrics can be democratic because it captured the emotional expressionofpeople.

On April 17,2022 in his S/N column ‘And So it Go’ Martinsmadeaninteresting,if not revealing statement concerning ‘The Musician’s Life’ In that connection, he wrote; ‘The professional musician’s life has many attendant aspects, other than the activity itself, so that any successful Caribbean musicianwilltellyouthatone oftheproblemsisdealingwith hecklers who consider themselves comedians and will shout stuff at you from thecrowd,veryloud.’Andas thoughthatconfessionwasnot

sufficient,Martinswentonto explaininanothercolumnhow hismusicontheonehand,and his column on the other, demonstrated clearly that culture is a historical phenomenon and that its essenceandcontentcanonly be understood in connection with the respective socioeconomic formation of Caribbeansocieties.

InitsMay23,2021edition of S/N, Dave Martins in his column,‘AndSoItGo IDo Not Know’ wrote; ‘People oftenaskmeaboutthiscolumn or that, or this song or that “Boy, where you get the idea for this? What kind of brain yougot?”Anddowntheroad, theremaycomeadaywhenI maybeabletoanswer,butas ofnowtheanswer,honestly, is“Idon’tknow.” It’snotas if I go looking for these things;thetruthistheycome looking for me, landing on me out of nowhere, and sometimes they come from otherpeopleandItrulydon’t ask. I simply recognize the suggestionasagoodoneorit hassomeotherappealtome, and I go with it, giving thanks for whatever God


Dave Martins’ musical legacyinvitesusasCaribbean peopletoreimagine(shadesof Paul Mcarthy call) the world through the prism of human creativity and collective endeavor a world animated not only by economic and politicalimperativesbutbythe boundless possibilities of human imagination. In Shakespeare’s ‘Twelfth Night’, we read; “If music be the food of love play on”As we Guyanese fans mourn the loss of this musical icon, we alsocelebratethetimehelived and sang amongst us and for us We will never refuse an over abundance, nor lose appetite for Dave Martins music as the food of love nor lifebecausewheneverwefeel a sense of frustration, it is his musicweshallturnto.

Yoursfaithfully, ClementJ.Rohee

Historic Guyanese and Caribbean Presence at Democratic Convention

DEAREDITOR, The Democratic NationalConvention(DNC) isbeingheldinChicagothis week There is a large presence of Guyanese, other Caribbeanpeople,andIndian Americansattheconvention

They are playing an important role in supporting VicePresidentKamalaHarris to help her become the 47th President They are at the conventiontorallywithVice President Kamala Harris, the nominee, to help her win the Presidency Her candidacy is asourceofimmensepridefor JamaicanandotherCaribbean

people and IndianAmericans (indeedAsians) Thispridehas translatedintostrongfinancial contributions from Indian Americans and grassroots support from Caribbean people Indian community leaders have been actively involved in the Democratic campaign with fundraising holding fundraisers in their homes and restaurants and in grass roots activism, door to door campaign Indian Americansarealsoinvolvedin theRepublicancampaign

It has been an electrifying Democratic convention Kamala seems to be able to

connectwiththedelegatesatthe convention and even with voters en masse in her appearancesatcampaignstops Kamala has chosen Tim Walz as her VP nominee who was slatedtoacceptthenomination on Wednesday night Kamala will formally accept her nomination on Thursday evening bringing the curtain down on the four days of conventionproceedings

Kamala is a historic candidate with a deep connection to Jamaica and India, both places where she spent time She was born in OaklandtoaJamaicanfather, Donald Harris, a professor emeritus of economics at Stanford University, and Shyamala Gopalan, an Indiaborn academic (Biologist) who studied at UC Berkeley earningadoctorateinnutrition and endocrinology She has a sister, also with an Indian name, Maya Their father Donald spent long periods awayfromthefamilyresulting in the parents divorcing The court awarded the kids to Shyamala Kamala and MayavisitedJamaicaaskids but spent more extensive periods of time (when school notinsessioninCalifornia)in Chennai (Madras) India with their grandparents. Kamal’s

middle name is Devi Sanskrit for Hindu Goddess; many Guyanese had or have the name “Devi” as a first or middlename

TheirIndiangrandparents also spent a lot of time with them in America Kamala Devi said her mother and grandparents instilled Indian valuesandtraditionsinherand sisterMaya Kamalacredited hergrandfather,hernanna,a bureaucrat in India, for imparting discipline and traininginherstudiesandfor public service. She did not speakmuchaboutherfather but always spoke about her mother,Shyamala.

ANewYorkTimesarticle delved into Kamala’s ethnic background - half Indian and ofAfricanandIrish(fromher father’s parents) She is the first Black female, firstAsian female, first Jamaican American, first Caribbean American, first Indian American, first South Asian, firstAsian,firstIndian/African Mixed She is a mixed American similar to Obama whowashalfIrishwhiteand half Black Kenyan She plays her ethnicity well depending on the crowd. Republican nominee and former President Trump suggested that Kamala had

somehow been duplicitous, asserting that she had identified herself as Indian American for years, only to “turn Black” for political gains. Kamala grew up and was raised by her Indian mother and Indian grandparents.Hermothersenther to study law at Howard

University, a Black institution Kamala had consistently said she is IndianandBlack.Shewrote:

“IgrewupwithastrongIndian culture, and I was raised in a Black community All my friendswereBlack,andwegot together and cooked Indian foodandpaintedhennaonour hands, and I never felt uncomfortable with my culturalbackground” Kamala expressed pride in her Jamaican roots and wroteofhervisittoJamaica with her father The support from Jamaican, Guyanese, and the Caribbean and IndianAmericancommunity isimpactfulandtheirnumbers will make a difference especially in battleground states (like Florida, Georgia, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan, North Carolina); there is significant Caribbean presence in Florida, Georgia, andPennsylvania TheIndian community is flush with

money and have been known to donate tens of millions of American dollars in every electioncampaigngoingback tothelastthreedecades Their commitment to Kamala’s campaign is crucial in fundraisingefforts,raisingtens ofmillionsofdollars Theyalso fundraiseforTrump Interms of voter support, most Caribbean people back Kamala Guyanese are divided with almost a third supporting Donald Trump Many Indian Guyanese Americans back Trump Other Indian Americans are alsodividedintheirsupport–a third backing Trump and two-thirdswithKamala. Thereisalotofenthusiasm among the Democrats nationwide Caribbean people and Indian Americans in particular see Kamala Devi as one of their own who has a chance of becoming President ofthemostpowerfulcountryin theworld Itisafeelingbeyond imaginationforthem Andthat is why many with roots from Jamaica, Guyana, Caribbean islands,andIndiaare rallying with her The election is a toss-up that can go either way Polls Kamala slightly ahead.

Yourstruly, VishnuBisram

$15B estimated to build four-lane road to new Demerara Bridge

At a recent

opening of tenders at the National Procurement and Tender Administration Board(NPATB)officeitwas

disclosed that the constructionofthenewfourlane approach road to the NewDemeraraRiverBridge

is estimated to cost $15,829,549,552.

The project which will be executed through the

Central Housing and Planning Authority (CHPA)

willbedoneinsixlotsanda total of 52 contractors from local and overseas have submittedbids.

According to the engineer’s estimate, Lot1 is $2,129,892,314, Lot2 is $1,144,599,820, Lot3 is $2,020,451,965, Lot4 is $2,696,076,285, Lot5 is $2,032,042,985,andLot6is $5,806,486,183.

Itwasstatedinthetender document that the constructionperiodfor each lot is seven months and the



Constructionoffour-laneapproachroadto NewDemeraraRiverBridge-Lots1-6.

newfour-laneroadwouldbe on the eastern side of the newbridge.

This publication had reported previously that the compulsory acquisition of several plots of land along the East Bank of Demerara for the purpose of the construction of the new Demerara River Crossing hasbeengazetted.

A c c o r d i n g t o information contained in an extraordinary gazette published on April 6, 2024,

the lands are being acquired for public purpose to build connecting roads for the New Demerara River CrossingontheEastBankof Demerara between Plantations Peter’s Hall and Providence (EBD), passing through the lands described in the schedule to the order was declared to be public work under section three of theAcquisitionofLandsfor PublicPurposeAct.

The Government of Guyana had announced the

acquisitionoffortypiecesof property from private land owners as it moves ahead with efforts to construct a newDemeraraRiverBridge (DHB)crossing.

It was reported in May, that some 15 Peter’s Hall, residents rejected the Government’s proposal for the acquisition of their properties in order to facilitatetheconstructionof the new bridge, citing their needforfaircompensation.

In 2022, a US$260

million contract was awarded to the joint venture of China Railway Construction Corporation (International) Limited, ChinaRailwayConstruction (Caribbean) Co., Ltd and ChinaRailwayConstruction Bridge Engineering Bureau Group Co , Ltd for the project.

The new crossing will replace the current bridge, which has already outlived its lifespan by some 40 plus years.

Deep suffering at Chinese Landing as Govt. ban on mining bites

Newly elected Toshao of their children in secondary than a decade long dispute

- Village Toshao tells NTC conference

(GPF). Details of those risks (Orin Fernandes at the time) Chinese Landing, North schools.” over Titled Lands- Four were outlined in the petition is saying allow only us to West District, Region One, Miller continued She Mining Blocks that were the village had filed with the mine but shutdown the Nikita Miller on Tuesday said that her villagers are awardedtoamineridentified IACHR The government othersbutthatisnotwhat told NaturaI Resources indeed grateful for the as M.V and had led to them had sent in a team to meet theyargued.Becausemining Minister, Vickram Bharrat “school children cash grant” filingapetitionwiththeInter with the residents and wherever it is done could be that the mining ban his but without work they are American Commission on investigate the risks that causing the pollution so that government placed her still unable to feed their Human Rights (IACHR) to threatened their human iswherewearenow,wehave village on has created “lots childrenonadailybasis.She intervene so that that rights. cured the breach that went of hardships” for the alleged too, that although government could stop M.V

Chinese landing newly elected Toshao, Nikita Miller

Not long after that beforethecommission.” villagers. there is a ban, all mining and other outsiders from meeting Vice President at In January, 2024, Former “Thebanwasnotonlyon persons are still working on miningthedisputedlands. one of his press conferences Opposition MP, Mervin the four mining blocks (that the disputed lands while The government had inAugust, 2023, said that his Williams had criticisd the are presently in dispute) but villagers cannot even work placed a ban on all mining at government has taken steps move saying that the on all the village lands so we outside of the disputed Chinese Landing after the to ban all mining in Chinese government is just being can’tgoandwork.” miningblocks. IACHR issued a resolution Landing. According to the vindictive because the She described it as a Miller said that when last year The international VP then it is the only way to residents never asked for all “horrible ban that negatively villagers attempt to do so, body had called on the curethesourceofthedispute mining to stop only mining affected her village ” they are threatened with Guyanese authorities to over the titled lands. “The on the disputed blocks. He Families cannot provide seizure of their equipment. implement a series of Community of Chinese Government of Guyana took opined that the ban is the necessary (and) basic food Chinese Landing residents measures to protect the Landing. steps to shut down the government’s way of stuff, they cannot maintain have been involved in more

e mining there and therefore punishing the Indigenous commission the Carib there will be no pollution people for speaking out. A Community, a total of 210 breach, there will be no few months later in March, residents is at serious risk of harassment there,” Jagdeo Chinese Landing issued a suffering irreparable harm to had said during the press statement calling on the their human rights by miners conference. government to lift the ban and even some members of He had added, “It seems because villagers were the Guyana Police Force as though now the Toshao facingtremendoushardship.


The People’s


Party/Civic (PPPC) has once again demonstrated its profound intellectual bankruptcy and anappallinglackofempathy for the very people it claims toserve.Therecentdecision toofferpensionersa$30,000 annual subsidy on their electricity bill—some eight monthsintoayearmarredby soaring prices —is nothing short of a cruel joke, thinly veiled as a cost-of-living reliefmeasure.

The sheer incompetence and cynicism of this policy exposes the government’s failure to grasp the basic tenets of equitable social policy It also demonstrates its proclivity for across-theboard measures that equally benefittherichandthepoor, rather than ensuring that the poor benefits more than the rich. Let us begin with the timing of this so-called relief. It is implementedat a time when pensioners and the general populace have already endured eight full months of unrelenting price increases Inflation has gnawed at their modest incomes, reducing their purchasing power to a shadowofwhatitoncewas.

A n d y e t , t h e

government sitting comfortably atop billions earmarkedforcost-of-living relief—allowed these funds to languish in the Treasury For months, they dithered, seeminglycluelessastohow these desperately needed

resources should be allocated. It is only now, with the year well advanced and the damage done, that the PPPC emerges with a solution, one so belated and inadequate that it is almost insulting.And they have the temerity to tell the nation that the electricity subsidy was catered for in the 2024 Budget, which was read since January 15th, and was catered for under the MinistryofHumanServices andSocialSecurity Butitis notjustthetimingthatisoff. The very design of the subsidy is riddled with flaws, reflecting a profound misunderstanding of the realities facing pensioners. Thisisatargetedsubsidy,we are told, aimed at easing the financial burden on those who have given so much to society But a closer look revealsthetruenatureofthis largesse: it benefits not all pensioners, but only those who are property owners or tenants with a metered electricity connection In other words, to qualify for this subsidy, one must have registered account with the GPL and as we know only those who own property or are paying rent qualify to have a registered account.

This amounts to an exclusionary criterion that leaves thousands of pensionersineligible. Consider, for instance, the countless pensioners who live with their children in properties owned or rented by their offspring.

These elderly citizens, who may be among the most vulnerable, do not qualify for the subsidy simply because they do not have a meter in their name. The absurdity of this policy is glaring: the government has created a benefit ostensibly for the elderly, yet has crafted it in such a way that some of the neediest pensioners are excluded from receiving any assistance at all Adding insulttoinjury,thesubsidyis not means-tested, meaning thatmultimillionaires thos e who could well afford to cover their electricity costs w i t h o u t s t a t e assistance—are eligible for the same $30,000 as a pauperized pensioner struggling to make ends meet. This is not just poor policy;itisamoralfailingof the highest order To equate the needs of a wealthy pensioner with those of someone living on the edge of poverty is to ignore the starkinequalitiesthatdefine oursociety Itistoperpetuate a system where the rich get richerwhilethepoorareleft to fend for themselves with the scraps that fall from the table.

IfthePPPCwereserious about addressing the hardships faced by pensioners, it would have t a k e n a d i ff e r e n t approach one rooted in equityandcommonsense.A truly effective subsidy would have been targeted at those pensioners most in


Play de music, show de movies

Demboysseh,onceuponatimewhena star fall from de sky, everybody feel it. Radio play dem tunes all day, and TV run dem movies all night De old folks remember when a singer dead, de whole countrygetsad.Radiousetoplaydemusic back-to-back, so everybody could remember de good times. De voice, de lyrics, de melody—everything flood de airwaves.

Butnow?Demboyssehyuhcan’teven hear a note when a legend pass on.Angela Bofill dead in June, and yuh could have hardly hear she voice on de radio just after she died. She got a voice like no other Sweet,smooth,likehoneyonyuhears.But deradiostationswentdeaf.Notapeepfrom dem.Yuhtunonyuhradio,andyuhhearing desameolenoise.Deyoungpeopledunno whoshebe.Andyuhcan’tblamedem.How dem gon know if nobody playing she songs?Samethingwithdebigscreenstars. Louis Gossett, de man who light up de movies, dead and gone. But dem TV stations act like dem blind. Not a single

need of financial assistance, those whose electricity consumptionislowandwho are,therefore,morelikelyto be struggling. Instead of a blanketsubsidythatbenefits the rich and the poor alike, thegovernmentshouldhave introduced a system, where the amount of the subsidy is linked to electricity consumption.

Such a system would have had multiple benefits. First, it would have allowed for a higher annual subsidy for those who truly need it, providing meaningful relief ratherthanthetokengesture that $30,000 represents Second, it would have encouraged reduced electricity consumption, aligning with broader goals of sustainability and e n v i r o n m e n t a l responsibility By incentivizing pensioners to use less electricity, the government could have helped reduce the strain on the national grid, while also p r o m o t i n g e n e rg y conservation a pressing concerninaworldfacingthe existential threat of climate change.

But perhaps the most significant benefit of such a system would have been its ability to target the most vulnerablepensioners,those whose financial situation is precariousandwhoaremost in need of government support. By focusing the subsidy on those with low electricity consumption, the government could have

ensured that its limited resources were directed to those who would need the subsidythemost,ratherthan being spread thinly across the pensioner population thathaveregisteredaccounts with the GPL, including thosewhohavenorealneed forassistance.

The PPPC’s failure to adopt such a sensible approach is a damning indictment of its lack of vision and its disregard for the welfare of the people. Instead of crafting policies that address the root causes of poverty and inequality, thegovernmenthasoptedfor a quick fix, one that is as ineffective as it is inequitable.

The$30,000subsidy,far from being a solution to the cost-of-living crisis, is merely a Band-Aid on a gaping wound a wound that has been inflicted by a failuretoprioritizetheneeds ofthemostvulnerable.

What is needed now is not more of the same, but a radical rethinking of how socialpolicyisdesignedand implemented The government must recognise that true progress cannot be achievedbythrowingmoney at a problem without understandingitsunderlying causes.

Itmustmovebeyondthe simplistic notion that all pensioners are alike, and instead,developpoliciesthat reflectthediversityofneeds within this group.And most importantly,itmustabandon

themisguidedbeliefthatthe rich and the poor can be treated the same. The time has come for the PPPC to show that it is capable of thinking beyond the next electionandiscommittedto truly building a society wherenooneisleftbehind.

The $30,000 electricity subsidyisnotjustafailureof policy; it is a failure of imagination. It reflects a government that is out of touch with the realities facing its citizens and is more concerned with optics thanwithoutcomes.

The pensioners of this country deserve better than this They deserve a government that sees them notasamonolithicbloc,but as individuals with unique needs and challenges. They deserve policies that are designed with care and compassion, not with expedienceandindifference. Andaboveall,theydeservea g o v e r n m e n t t h a t understandsthattruecharity isnotaboutgivingeveryone the same, but about giving each person what they need to live with dignity and respect.

(The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinionsofthisnewspaper.)

movie to remember he by Long ago, dem cinemasusetoshowrerunswhenanactoror actressgoes.Now,yuhluckyifyuhcatcha glimpseofdemanonscreen.Whathappen topayingrespect?Whathappentokeeping dememoriesalive?

Thisweek,demboyshearDaveMartins gone too Aman who sing bout we life, we culture,weeverything Demboysexpectde radio stations to stop and pay respect But demboysnahholdingdembreath DemDJs too busy playing de latest noise We did blasting‘Notabladeofgrass”recentlywhen Venezuelabinactingup Desongbinplaying alldaypundegovernmentradio Weneedto hearitagainandallofDave’sotherhits. When a star fall, yuh supposed to remember dem.Yuh supposed to play dem songs, run dem movies, and talk bout de goodtimes.Butnowadays,itlooklikedem stations got short memory Maybe dem forget what it mean to honor de dead. Or maybe,justmaybe,demnahcarenomore. Restinpeace,Dave! Talkhalf.Leffhalf

Govt. grinding Guyanese into the dust

We used to advise the conscientious objectors cronies with their sweetheart latter to the NIS, had those After a lifetime of toil, and aggressive traders and Perhaps, the ubiquitous and secret projects? It is always used as part of his advocacy now at 73, she is subject to salespeople in Wall Street’s industrious Attorney a seemingly different set of by Attorney Ram, and on the inflexible and, in effect, warzones that ‘since they General, Mr Mohabir, could Guyanese,anexclusiveclub, which basis the court issued whatamountstothepunitive some ways that mean believe in this instrument so ponderthatquestion,allowit who has the freest access to its order Yet he is subjected for her life calendar Hence, something. much, they must put their tosinkintohisconscience,if most of the lucrative to this travesty of justice, I agree with Mr Ram that a Now, if PresidentAli and money where their mouths thereisstillone. advantages of this country which is now a crying shame sliding scale regime would former president Jagdeo are.’ What could be better Mr Zainul Haniff and May I be allowed a fourth onanationalscale. Literally be most helpful to Guyanese could look at their own proof of one’s commitment Ms Julia Clarke, two question: is this set of Why is the NIS in its trapped, like Ms Julia monthly $3M pay package to a cause, belief in an Guyanese older than I, untouchables, near invisible,

Clarke, in what is a lifetime andfollowsuit.Otherformer undertaking, product? This should not have had to deal always suspiciously rich an

sentence of no NIS pension. presidents have their own was exactly what Chartered with the permanent national inseparable part of President denying and stonewalling For fairness, people like me choice to make There Accountant and attorney-at- ordeal that is the NIS. The Ali’s masquerade called this Guyanese? In thinking who didn’t put in any would be no need for the law,Mr.ChrisRamdidinthe NIS has squeezed the ‘One Guyana?’ Meaning, of Mr. Haniff’s predicament, considerable length of work NIS. Topushmatterstotheir instance of two denied and benefitsoncereceivedbythe waan fuh wee, and waan fuh and the unassailable proof(s) timehereshouldbebarred. I natural conclusion, there distraught NIS pensioners: chronicallyill,diabetics(and dem? he tendered, I wonder that if like the minimum threshold may be no further need for he did not just put his own others). The NIS has been In the situation of Mr. AG Nandlall had used those of 500 contributions. And if this tricky, dangerous, and money into their hands as a creative and aggressive in Haniff, there is no call for sameunyieldingstandardsas 10 years local work would devastating apparatus called substitute relief measure, he trimming what is due to any sweetheart arrangement, the NIS as part of his risk hurting the NIS’s a government in Guyana. made it into a monthly expectant Guyanese some special concession i n t e r p r e t a t i o n s a n d viability, then make it 600 look at what it has done to obligation. That is, until workers, who range from the This worker qualifies for an conclusions, what would contributions. When a state Guyanese. Look at what something gives, be it the disabled to the elderly to the NIS pension. Should he havebeenthefateofsomeof agency is carved out with most of the members of this governmentortheNIS.Time genuinely eligible. Question supporthisclaimwithvideos hisseniorpartycomrades. such rigid lines, an attorney PPP Government have done for another question: why is number three: what is the of turning up for duty day Regarding Ms. Clarke, general that is so adamant, for themselves, and by the Guyana Government NIS good for, if not only as a after day, collecting a she is short by 11 and a government so manyloaded containersfrom always openly given to funding mechanism for the paycheck, and with the contributions. Short she is, doggedly (and doggish) t h e o v e r f l o w i n g crushing Guyanese? I speak schemes of top political evidence of NIS deductions admittedly; but by a mere 11 against its own citizens, it treasurehouse of national not of dissenters or grafters and their sweetheart imprinted? Hesubmittedthe contributions and not 111. doesn’tsurprisethatsomany goodies. Finally, Guyanese citizens are hurting so badly should look at themselves Media coverage originating and where they have been in Mr Ram’s office captured forced into, then do the the pain of Mr Haniff and comparison. It is time for Ms Clarke The former my last question: of what depends on friends and g o o d h a s b e e n t h e family to manage his month, government? Time to dust whilethelatterstaresintothe myself off for I took an void of medical demands, uncharacteristic slide on that with more looking likely one: of what good has been They are a sizable minority the government of IrfaanAli inthiscountry and Bharrat Jagdeo when This is what ridicules Guyanese live in an President Ali (is nah like we economic graveyard long ain do nuthin…) and VP beforebreathingtheirlast? Jagdeo (luk how much wee (The views expressed in duh ) I think that this article are those of the somebody did them a u t h o r a n d d o n o t something. I am glad that necessarily reflect the Mr Chris Ram did what he opinions and beliefs of this did for Mr Haniff and Ms. n e w s p a p e r a n d i t s Clarke. It should help in affiliates.)

Senegal sets up...

From page 10

barrelsofprovenreservesandtheygaveupzeroroyalties,no taxes,noring-fencing.”

Soon after taking office in 2020, the now Vice President (VP) has not only changed his tune but also his tone when it comes to the renegotiation of the Exxon contract and securing greater benefits for Guyanese. The People’s Progressive Party (PPP/C) has consistently dispelled claims that they promised to renegotiate the Stabroek Block PSA, whileinopposition.Jagdeo,akeyfigureinGuyana’senergy policy, reiterated during press conferences and interviews that the current contract’s terms must be respected to maintain investor confidence. He underscored the economic benefits Guyana derives from the agreement, including substantial revenue and job creation in the oil sector Jagdeo had defended the government’s decision by stating, “We haveaPSAthatdeterminesoursharesoftheproceeds,sowe arelimitedbythat.”

As it relates to President Irfaan Ali, Guyana’s 9th ExecutivePresident–hehasmaintainedafirmstanceagainst renegotiatingtheexistingPSA.InaninterviewwiththeBBC last year, Ali acknowledged criticisms that the deal skewed benefits in favour of ExxonMobil, stating, “We did not have the best of deals ” Despite recognizing the deal’s shortcomings,Ali underscored the importance of upholding the sanctity of contracts, asserting, “We cannot go back and renegotiate.”

US$1.8 million contract inked with U.S. company to map Guyana’s mineral hotspots

The Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR) andAmerican company Global Venture Consultancy on Wednesday morning signed a US$1.8 million deal to conduct a comprehensive mineral mapping of the nation’s mining hotspots.

The multi-year project for Mineral Mapping Study of Guyana’s Mineral Resources, targets both traditional gold reserves and emerging non-traditional minerals. The areas that have been identified as priority for 2024 are the NorthWest Mining District, Cuyuni Mining District, Mazaruni MiningDistrict,andPotaroMiningDistrict. Itwasstatedthat the project is intended to add to a previous inventory which wascompletedin1968.

Kaieteur News had reported that Global Venture Consulting’s bid of US$1,981,218 was ultimately selected following a tendering process. However, at the contract signing event it was revealed that the ministry was able to negotiatea5%reductionofthecost,toUS$1,875,000.

The contract signing event hosted at Duke Lodge in Georgetown, was attended by Minister of Natural Resources, Vickram Bharrat, Permanent Secretary of MNR, Joslyn McKenzie, Her Excellency Ambassador Nicole Theriot and others.

In his address, Minister Bharrat said, “This project will reenergize the small and medium scale sector in Guyana we know that large scale is progressing well…” Bharrat noted that the project will also benefit indigenous communities to workwiththeGuyanaGeologyMinesCommission(GGMC) sothattheirminingactivitiescanbemorelucrative.Henoted that instead of spending large sums on prospecting or prospecting in areas that do not yield great benefits, when the project is completed the government will be better able to pointGuyanesetomineralisedareas.

“What is also important too with this project is to identify whatever critical minerals that may exist in Guyana….” Bharrat said the project ties in with Guyana’s Low Carbon Development Strategy (LCDS 2030), as the world moves towards renewable energy “Critical minerals will become more critical…we believe that there may be traces of critical minerals in Guyana,” the minister said. Bharrat is hopeful thattheprojectwouldprovideinformationonGuyanahaving (Continued on page 17)

Officials at the signing ceremony of the mineral mapping contract.

Deep divide as GTU accepts Govt’s 10% pay offer

Despite objections from a section of its General Council as well as rank and file members, President of the Guyana Teacher’s Union (GTU) Dr Mark Lyte on Wednesday morning signed a multi-year agreement with the government accepting the ten percent pay hike for teachers and a slew of other benefits none of which accorded with the demands oftheunion.

- teachers, executives flay union President for inking deal

President of GTU Dr. Mark Lyte (centre) during the signing. (Ministry of Education Photo)

Among other things the agreement stipulates that teachers will receive a salary increase of 10% for 2024, 8% for 2025 and 9% for 2026. These are the same increases that were recently rejected by the union the negotiations were at of the officers…as a matter president of the Guyana Kaieteur News caught up “thenafterbeingtrickedthey of fact most of the Teacher’s Union to its entire with some of the union’s were placed in a position negotiations committee membership. The president executive members at the wheretheyhavetovote.” pleaded with the president has again thrown the Ministry of Education on “Today we came to the that we should ask for some members under a bus and I Brickdam just after the pact meeting here at the Ministry time look again at what we think he feels happy about

was signed General of Education, hoping to are doing before we sign on this simply because the

S e c r e t a r y, C o r e t t a continue from where we left to an agreement,” she president doesn’t have along McDonald and Upper off last week, because, remarked. moretimeinthesystemandI D e m e r a r a U n i o n remember last week we said McDonald explained am saying it’s unfortunate Representative Vanessa we are not accepting and that many of the members that after so many years of Kissoon were opposite the therewereseveralconditions are of the opinion that the being an outstanding union, building. in that proposal that were no president went to the theunionisatthispoint.” depends on what they want. to the president via a

O n a p p r o a c h i n g yet confirmed on, that we ministry on Wednesday with McDonald said the What I can say to you the whatsapp message I am McDonald and Kissoon they had not yet fleshed out on, the intention to sign off on members of the GTU are a president has signed on disappointed in that even in appeared to be in disbelief of and having turned up here the agreement which she very vocal bunch and have behalf of the union, cajoled thenegotiationsgroupIhave the morning’s proceedings. today to hear that we are described as yet “again been voicing their concerns, the second vice president to been saying to the group and Duringaninterviewwiththis signing an agreement many another trickery from the “sothenextstepoftheunion sign on behalf of the general to our members that we need publication McDonald said secretary and that there in to return to our membership that,“TheGTUisatthelevel itself is illegal but we will before we make any now where a couple of take the next steps as our decisions especially critical persons, have decided to members so desire,” the GS decisions like these that will hijack the union (and) to stated. affect the livelihoods of our hijack the rights of our Benefits teachers.” members I remember

The signature page of the agreement.

Sheadded:“weaskedfor Sheaddedthattherewere general council was briefed $1500 for the marking of meetings that the president on where we are sometime SBA’swegot$500,weasked didn’tattendanditisbaffling last week with regards to the for 300 duty free concession toseethattheagreementwas negotiation. General council we got 150, and now if we signed even though “the was misled let me say that are talking about persons general secretary who was and so general council who care and a government present did not agree to sign bought into what they heard. that wants to see teachers it, the deputy general When that was subsequently live comfortable then all of secretary who was there did revealed to general council those conditions that we’ve not agree to sign, the first by the general secretary that asked for we have got the vice president who in the this is not the position, these minimum of those condition absence of the president will are our positions here is andIdon’tseehow10%will have to act as president did where we are in terms of our cushion those other not agree to this, the negotiations,generalcouncil conditions that we have not immediate past president Mr at that point many of the beenfavourablewith.” Colin Bynoe did not agree. members retracted their VanessaKissoontoldthis However we had two votes.” publication that, “I feel persons signing on behalf of

She highlighted that if deceived because I was not our teachers ” Kissoon there is a claim that you are around,howeverIampartof admitted that she walked out representing a body of the negotiation team and I of the meeting since the people, those same people am the general council actions taken were must be engaged before representative for the Upper disrespectful to teachers and decisions are taken. “The Demerara Branch. Now the shewasdisappointed. general council attended a general council meeting first Teachers disappointed meeting on Friday last but of all that the president is Earlier this week this they were never informed speaking about, I was not publication reached out to a that they will be attending to there at that meeting nor my few teachers to get their take takeavote.Insteadtheywere alternate could not have on the 10% the government informed that they would be made it when we had that wasoffering.Memberof given an update on the stage meetingandImadeitknown (Continued on page 17)

GTU General Secretary Coretta McDonald
Upper Demerara Union Representative, Vanessa Kissoon

Chinese doctor leads complex liver surgery at GPHC

The Georgetown thesepatients.

Public Hospital Without intervention, C o r p o r a t i o n fewer than 5%of patients

( G P H C ) o n survive beyond five years, Wednesday announced the GPHC said. It added that successful completion of the surgical resection is first laparoscopic liver considered the most resection in the hospital’s effective treatment for liver history. metastases, offering patients

The ground-breaking the only potential cure procedure was performed by through complete tumour Dr Zhao Chang Yong, head removal.Thesuccessofsuch of the 19th China Medical surgeriesdependsonvarious Team, in collaboration with factors, including tumour GPHC’s Dr Adhikar size, location, and extent, limited access to surgical Surgery Week, GPHC patient eligible for surgical Team’s collaboration with Ramjoo and Dr Andrea and can involve either open expertise and resources w i t n e s s e d i t s f i r s t intervention. GPHC has significantly Kissoon, GPHC said in a surgery or minimally Laparoscopic techniques, in laparoscopic resection of The laparoscopic hepatic advanced the hospital’s pressrelease. invasive laparoscopic particular, offer reduced two liver segments The

The surgical team led by Dr. Zhao Chang Yong, head of the 19th China Medical Team, in collaboration with GPHC’s Dr. Adhikar Ramjoo and Dr. Andrea Kissoon.

This team of surgeons techniques. The goal is to recovery times and lower patient, initially seen in May performed using advanced demonstrating the potential executed the complex remove as much of the p o s t o p e r a t i v e 2024, underwent diagnostic instruments and equipment

surgery on a 49-year-old tumour as possible while complications, but these are imaging, which revealed a supplied by the China outcomes through continued female patient diagnosed preserving healthy tissue, rarely practiced in settings solitary metastatic liver M

cooperation. The patient has with colorectal cancer liver ultimately improving with limited infrastructure tumour. After receiving operation successfully since been discharged and is metastasis.Livermetastases, patient-survivaloutcomes. andtraining. neoadjuvant chemotherapy removed the tumour, recovering at home, with occurs in approximately Despite its benefits, In July 2024, under Dr to shrink the tumour, achieving grossly negative follow-up t

nt 15%-25% of patients with surgical resection for liver Zhao’sleadershipandaspart subsequent imaging margins, and the patient is planned. colorectal cancer and is the metastases is underutilized of the recently concluded confirmed the tumour’s recovering well This The success of this leading cause of mortality in in many regions due to China Medical Team reduction, making the complex procedure not only i n t e r v e n t i o n h a s savedalifebutalsoprovided significantly reduced the invaluable training patient’s tumour burden, opportunities for GPHC’s offering a greatly improved surgicalresidents. prognosis GPHC said it

Law to be revised to allow for better access to monies left by deceased persons - AG

Additionally, this remains committed to milestone exemplifies the advancing medical care and power of international improving patients’outcome collaboration and highlights t h r o u g h i n n o v a t i v e the transformative impact procedures, international such partnerships can have partnerships, and the onhealthcaredelivery continuous education of its

The China Medical medicalstaff. passedon. their finances held in bank further alleviate financial

Nandlallnotedthatunder accounts without having to strains on families during the current law, when an undergo the lengthy process difficulttimes. individual passes away, their of obtaining a letter of Ac

assets are placed into an administration The

Explanatory Memorandum estate. AccordingtotheAG, legislationwasalsoamended of the Deceased Persons the management and to increase the legal Estate Administration distribution of the estate threshold from $1000 to Amendment Bill 2024 the typically require a legal $750,000. amendment pertains to cases process. If you die and leave “ T h i s a l

Attorney General (AG) and Minister of Legal Affairs, Anil Nandlall SC

a will, you appoint an beneficiaries to access funds administration are absent. executor and the executor of up to $750,000 without The memorandum reads that goesandtakeschargeofyour n

f “Section 20 of the Deceased assets and gives effect to a

your instructions in your Attorney General explained Administration Act is will However that while noting that the amended by the substitution Government has moved executor must apply for amendmenthoweverstilldid ofthatsectiontoprovidethat to revise the Deceased probate to manage the estate not make provisions for in the absence of letters of P e r s o n s E s t a t e s ’ similarly if there is no will financial assets held in place administration,apersonmay Administration Act in a bid then that person must apply other than banks “The pay to a claimant, money to help give relatives of the for letters of administration provision did not cater for deposited by the deceased dead better access to monies to manage and distribute the financial assets left in places person with the person or that they left behind This is estate’s assets, ” he like credit union funds or moneyowedbythepersonto according to Attorney explained. According to the final salaries… The latest the deceased person, a sum General(AG)andMinisterof AGonlyspouses,achildora amendment seeks to rectify notexceedingsevenhundred Legal Affairs, Anil Nandlall sibling or next to kin can this by expanding the andfiftythousanddollars.” SC Nandlall who tabled the apply for letters of $750,000 threshold to The amendment adds amendmentstothelawduring administration. However the include all types of holdings, that the “person with whom a sitting of Parliament held process of obtaining the not just bank accounts. This the money was deposited by on August 9, last. During an letters of administration has change will enable the deceased person or by airing of his programme proven time-consuming and beneficiaries to access funds whom money was owed to ‘Issues in the News’ on costly for the average from various sources, such thedeceasedpersonincludes Tuesday, Nandlall disclosed Guyanese.As such, he noted as credit unions or unpaid but is not limited to any thattheamendmentispartof that in an attempt to address wages, without undergoing individual, anybody of Government’s efforts to help this issue, two years ago, the the lengthy and often costly

relieve citizens who have to State amended the current probate process,” the

overcome several legal law to allow for a Minister of Legal Affairs financial institution or barriers to access their loved relative/beneficiary of pointedoutasheemphasized national insurance body, and onesfinancesoncetheyhave deceased to be able to access that the update is intended to includestheState”.

Amerindian MP thrown out of Toshaos conference

Opposition Member of Parliament

totheplightofourpeople”. and Leader of the GuyanaAction Party

DeFrance believes that the move to (GAP), Vincent Henry said on Tuesday throwHenryoutmightbebecauseofhis he was not allowed to sit in at the political affiliation. “For us to fix our ongoing National Toshao’s Council country, we must learn to look beyond Conference (NTCC) despite being an the veil of political parties and work indigenousman. together for the greater good,” he

“ThepresentationbytheMinisterof advised.” “All must have a fair and Natural Resources Vickram Bharrat equalsayindeterminingwhatisbestfor was stopped because of my presence all Guyanese, through healthy and and then the police escorted me out of respectfuldialogueandinteractions.” the Arthur Chung Conference Centre,”

He said too “as people of the first the opposition MP said in a Facebook nation,itisourdutytolead.Noonewill post. According to Henry those who putourinterestsfirst.Wemustrepresent accosted him said that he was an us. The time for petty politics is long imposterandthenlatertoldhimthatthe past. Today is the time for collective conference is only for Toshaos. The nationbuilding.” minister’s interactive session with the

DeFrance is not the only one who Toshaos ended around 16:30hrs Council. Any Amerindian”, DeFrance weighed in on the eviction of Henry A following an announcement by one of said. Partnership for National Unity (APNU) the chairpersons that it was time to take He added that a few years ago, he inastatementsaidthathisevictionfrom abreak. himself as Guyanese of Amerindian the conference is a “vile and illegal act”

The NTC and the government have heritage, wanted to attend the NTC and blamed the PPPled administration. come under strong criticisms by the conference and had reached out to “APNU rejects the purported excuse opposition. One of the executives of A Lennox Shuman (a former Vice- thattheconferenceisonlyforToshaos.” New and United Guyana (ANUG), Chairman of the NTC) regarding who APNU stated too that the Amerindian Mark DeFrance stated, “It pains me can attend. DeFrance said that Shuman Act dictates that the NTC shall “allow therefore to see such treatment meted had directed him to theAmerindianAct Amerindians to attend its meetings.” out to a son of our soil, a man who has and since then he has attended the last “Guyanese should denounce the PPP’s given to our great nation in various three NTC meetings “Sometimes actionforwhatitisablatantviolationof aspects of life, but more so a sitting observing and even asking questions the rights of Mr Vincent Henry and MemberofParliament.” and giving suggestions, as is my right,” another act of PPPbad mindedness and DeFrance pointed out that the DeFrance related before adding: “I do control freakism”, APNU said. The Amerindian Act of 2006 gives Henry hope that our former Deputy Speaker government and the NTC are yet to the right as an Indigenous person to (Lennox Shuman) has not lost his voice respond to the allegations made that attendtheconference.“Chapter43(3)b and will call out those who have they broke the law by throwing out an of the act, states clearly who can attend disenfranchised an Amerindian brother indigenous Member of Parliament out meetings of the National Toshaos’ (Henry) of his right to attend and listen oftheNTYCconference.

Woman now charged with murder for setting ex-boyfriend on fire

Twenty four-year-old Melissa David of New Market Street, North Cummingsburg, Georgetown, who was previously charged with attempted murder committed on her ex-boyfriend is now facing a murder charge following his death.

It was alleged that David on May 22, 2024 set her child father on fire following an argument over his missing wallet. On Wednesday David appeared virtually before Magistrate Judy Latchman at the Georgetown Magistrates’Court where the charge of attempted murder was upgraded to murder She was not required to plea to the indictable charge and was subsequently remanded and is schedule to return on September 18, 2024. The now deceased is Edmond Moses, a taxi driver, 32, of New Market Street Cummingsburg. Moses was first admitted to the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC) for treatment following the attack. However, on July 11, 2024 he succumbed due to his injuries. David made her first court appearance on May 24, 2024 before the then Acting Chief Magistrate, Sherdel IsaacsMarcus at the Georgetown Magistrates’Court where she was initiallychargedwithattempttocommitmurder.Shewasnot

(Continued on page 15)

Man put away for two years for stealing solar lights

A 48-year-old man was jailed for two years on Wednesday when he pleaded guilty to a charge of stealing two solar lights valued at $60,000.

The defendant, Gary Kanhai, appeared before Principal Magistrate Judy LatchmanattheGeorgetown Magistrates’ Courty The charge accused Kanhai of stealing two solar lights propertyofBhomeshLall.

According to the prosecutor, Kanhai is known to the police and has been arrestedonseveraloccasions for similar offenses. He was convicted and sentenced to three years in prison back in 2014 for another simple larceny charge. On August 15,2024,thevictim’sworker had secured the two lights in a guard hut on the premises, to the Alberttown Police but when the security guard Station, where the matter reported for work on August was reported Further 18, the lights were missing. investigations led to him An alarm was raised and being charged with the Kanhaiwaslaterfoundathis present offense. In court, home on Thomas Street, Kanhai pleaded guilty where the two lights were confessing he had picked up recovered. Kanhai was taken thelights.

Dead: Edmond Moses
Remanded: Melissa David
Gary Kanhai at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Court.
Opposition MP Vincent Henry

Woman now charged with murder for...

From page 14 hrs when David approached him again and required to plea to the indictable charge and threw the wallet at him Moses searched the was remanded. Kaieteur News understands wallet and noticed the money mentioned was the two shared a relationship in the past and missing and inquired about the cash He have a child together Although they are confrontedDavid,whodeniedtakingthecash separated, they lived in the same apartment As Moses moved to the veranda, David buildingbutseparateapartments. allegedly approached with a container of Policeofficialreportsdisclosedthataround liquid.Shethrewtheliquidathimandthenset 16:30hrsonMay22,2024Moseswasaboutto him on fire with a lighter Moses managed to leavehisapartment,leavingbehind$18,000in remove his burning clothes and went into the his wallet As he was about to exit, David shower to out the fire. The incident was approached him and told him that their child reported to the police, and Moses was rushed needed an Ensure drink However, Moses to GPHC with burns to his chest, right hand, responded that she should get it herself He groin, and legs. David was arrested and subsequently left and retuned around 17:55 admittedtosettingMosesonfire.


Male able-bodied Staff to work in general store. Call: 231-2029, 616-5954.

Govt. looking for contractors for new Berbice River Bridge

The Government of Guyana (GoG) through the Ministry of Public Works has issued a notice inviting contractors to submit applications to be prequalified for the design, build and finance of the New Berbice River Bridge.

celerating the plans for a fixed high-span crossing bridge across the Berbice River just like the one in the Demerara River.”

General Domestic, must know to cook, clean , press ect. 3 days, $6000, 8-4 at Keyfood, Mcdoom village next to the post office.

2 Kitchen Assistant & 1 Roti Maker. Call : 665-5074 / 6031278. Driver, must have valid license for Car & Van. Must be able to assist in Workshop also. Call: 615-9132.

Wanted Maths Tutor. Call: 223-5273/ 223-5274.

Wanted! Workers for packaging pasta and chowmein. $4100-$4900 per day. Workers paid weekly. Call: 6117839.

Skilled labourer (road construction), 20 years or older & Welder / Fabricator, 30 years or older call: 613-0855 9am-4pm.

Canter driver needed, ages 30 years or older. Must have atleast 5 years experience. Call:613-0855 9am-4pm.

One Cook. Call: 223-5273/ 74.


1 Honda CRV, includes TV, music system, alarm, reverse camera, sproiler, crashbar, low mileage PTT Series (first owner). Contact: 649-0956.

1 Toyota Allion, Pioneer DVD, CD & USB deck, reverse camera, alarm, low milage. Call: 649-0956.

Rumion for sale, Model 2012, PTT Series. Call : 6715759.


Visa Application:U.S.A, Canada & UK:Graphics design, advertisements, wedding arch rentals.Tel:6267040.

Elevate your brand with our professional Graphic design services. For more information Call: 619-0007, 629-5526.

Need a bus or planning an outing. Call Matthew bus services and tours, Surniname/Braz. Whatsapp : 639-2663/673-2348.

One Electrician needed for Eccles. For more information Call: 615-9132 or 645-8443.

One clerk for TSI Eccles office. English & Mathematics, grade 1 or 2. Email application: techserigy@ yahoo.com or call 615-9132.

Maid to clean for East Bank area. Call: 615-9132

Female cleaner for office call : 645-8443

Male cleaner for Eccles call 615-9132 or 645-8443

Vacancy for salesgirls and boys at Lot 16, Public road Soesdyke. Call: 669-9258.

Vacancy at P.S.G.C.S for General Cleaner, Mason, Carpenter, Fabricator/ Welder, Maintenance Workers & Handyman/ woman. Call: 621-6969/ 615-7784.


Nayelli school of cosmetology is n ow enrolling for cosmetology courses beginning September 9th, 2024, 211 New Market st. Call: 2262124.

FIRST AID/CPR/AED as well as home nursing courses at St. John Association starting shortly. Call: 225-9082.


1-320 D Caterpillar Excavator with 3066 engine in excellent condition, if interested contact: 701-4000 Monday - Friday 8am-5pm.

Lawn grass, palms & flowers for sale. Call : 626-1044.

According to an advertisement in Kaieteur News Wednesday August 21st edition, interested contractors can obtain further information by purchasing a complete prequalification document from the Ministry of Public Works from Monday August 26th. The prequalification requirement include: letter of intent to finance from institutions of repute and previous experience in the design/ build modality or project implementation for projects of this magnitude.

Bids will be opened at the National Procurement and Tender Administration (NPTAB) office in Georgetown on September 18, 2024 at 09:00 hours. Back in January, President Irfaan Ali during his address at the sodturning for the US$161 million modern hospital in New Amsterdam, Region Six (East Berbice-Corentyne), had stated that his government was pushing to have a fixed high-span crossing bridge, across the Berbice River. “We are already understanding for the future needs of this region. That is why we are ac-

One middle age AfroGuyanese man is interested in a single female companion. Text or call : 662-2018.


SURINAME August vacation tour trip from 24-082024-29-08-2024 for more information. Call Matthew 639-2663 or WhatsApp: 673-2348.

The president initially made the announcement of a new Berbice River Bridge back in October 2022. Moreover, the current Berbice River Bridge, which was constructed between 2006 and 2008 at a cost of $8 billion, received financial backing through loans and equity contributions from various entities, including the staterun National Insurance Scheme (NIS) and private investors. It must be noted that

the bulk of the money invested in the Berbice Bridge came from NIS. Sharing ownership percentages in the Berbice Bridge Company Inc. (BBCI): National Industrial and Commercial Investments Ltd (NICIL) holds 10 percent, NIS owns 20.2 percent, and other stakeholders include Handin-Hand Fire Insurance (10 percent), New GPC (20 percent), Queens Atlantic Investment Inc. (20 percent), and Secure International Finance Co. Limited (20 percent).

Lindeners can now pay rates and taxes via MMG

On Wednesday, Linden’s Deputy Mayor, Dominique Blair, announced that residents of the town can now pay their rates and taxes through the Mobile Money Guyana (MMG) platform, effective immediately.

“This new service is part of our ongoing commitment to make public services more accessible and efficient for all Linden residents,” the deputy mayor said.

He further stated, “By utilising MMG, we are providing a fast, reliable, and secure way for residents to stay up to date with their payments without the need to visit our offices in person.”

According to the deputy mayor, the decision to implement MMG as a payment method comes in response to the growing demand for digital services and the need to streamline administrative processes. With MMG, residents can now pay their rates and taxes anytime, anywhere, using their mobile devices. This move is expected to improve overall customer satisfaction. To guide residents on how to pay using MMG, the statement provided the following steps:

1. Download the MMG app on your mobile device or access it via the website.

2. Register or log in to your MMG account.

3. Select the “Rates and Taxes” option under the payment services.

4. Enter your payment details and con-

firm your transaction.

5. You will receive an instant confirmation of your payment.

Deputy Mayor Blair added, “This initiative reflects our commitment to driving change and improving the lives of our residents. We encourage everyone to take advantage of this new service and experience the ease and efficiency it offers.” For more information or assistance, residents are advised to contact the Linden Town Council’s office during regular business hours or visit their Facebook page.


President Mohammed Irfaan Ali
Deputy Mayor, Dominique Blair, Elect of Linden

Deep divide as GTU accepts Govt’s 10%...


Parliament and GTU member Ronald Cox told this publication that, “The GTUwastryingdesperately since 2019 (that was a whole issue by itself) to finalise an agreement with the MOE (government by extension).

Following the established trajectory set by the coalition coupled by other economic factors (fastestgrowingeconomy in the world) it is fair to conclude that any percentage under 15% for 2024 with an incremental increase for 2025 and 2026 will be considered unreasonable.”

He stressed that, “The current measures of the government to fight the rising cost of living are meagre worsened with the great challenges of alleged discrimination and corruption.

However, 10% is definitely not what the general membership is prepared to accept at this time, especially with a lesser % for 2025 and 2026!”

Sir Randy Mingo who was always vocal since the firststriketoldtheKaieteur News that, “Many of those


benefits will not benefit all the teachers, that is the first thingandthatisthegreatest issue that many of us have.

Just a selected few would benefit from those incentives that they are talkingabout.

So that is why we the teachersaremoreinterested in the higher percentage on salaries.

They are talking about health checks and all of these things, we don’t want health outreaches and all those things for us togo.”

Abiding by the general council

T h e G T U i n a statementviaitsFacebook Page on Wednesday said that the agreement comes after months of talks betweenthetwosides.

“The GTU wishes to thank members for their resilience, support, and commitment throughout theprocess

The General Council decision reflects the members’wishesbasedon the instructions given to theexecutives

As we move forward, the GTU remains committedtoadvocatingfor the needs of our members andassuresitsmembersand

From page 07

the general public that we will continue to press the employer for additional membersbenefits.”

Pres.Ali’stake Meanwhile Preseiden Irfaan Ali said in a Facebook live that, “over the next three years, teachers would see a direct increase of 27 per cent to theirsalaries.

But that is not the totality of the increase. I want to go through some aspects of the holistic agreement. In 2024, they will receive a 10 per cent increase.

In2025,theywillseean eight per cent increase and in2026,theywillseeanine percentincrease.”

He added, “”Holders of an advanced graduate diplomawillreceive$7,000 monthly

Holders of a certificate in education will receive $5,000monthly

That’s a 25 per cent increasefromwhereitwas. Holder of a certificate in education management course will receive $5000 monthly based on this agreement.

These teachers will benefit from this allowance for the first time in their teachingprofession.”

US$1.8 million contract inked with U.S....

Frompage17 mineralslikeLithium,which he said is the most sought after For her part, the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Global Venture Consulting LLC,EmilyKingstatedthat hercompanyisreadytomap outtheminingindustryfora better understanding of the country’s mineral potential. She also spoke about the cutting-edgetechnologythat GlobalVentureConsultancy willbeusingfortheproject.

“By crafting these mapping and surveying plans with precision, Guyana is set to leverage cutting-edge target detection, and predictive analytic tools. Guyana is poised to become the very first country to undertake almost a national scale mapping programme using thisinnovativeapproach.”

Ambassador Theriot in heraddressunderscoredthat mineral mapping provides a clear picture of what lies beneaththesurface.“Thisis a country of remarkable natural beauty and rich biodiversity. It is also blessed with significant mineral resources that hold the potential to add to the country’salreadyimpressive great, from gold and diamonds to bauxite…these minerals are not only a cornerstone of economic

growth but they are key to unlockingnewopportunities toprogress.” She added, “mineral mapping is a fundamental process to understand the full extent of these resources, it involved comprehensive analysis and document of mineral deposits across the country, providing crucial data that can guide policy making, attract investment and ensure that resource extraction is conducted in a responsible sustainable manner.” Thisyear,thesum of $400 million has been allocated for the project. At his recent press conference, Minister Bharrat had underscored the importance of updating Guyana’s mineral inventory, noting that the existing data is severely outdated In mining, the mineral inventory, or mineral mapping, has not been updated for decades So today,ifwepointaminerina directionandsaythatthereis mineralthere,thatdataisold data that was that would have been acquired maybe 40, 50 years ago, and a lot has changed from now to then,”Bharratstated.

“We will start with specific mining districts... because we have a larger

amount of our small miners and major scale miners concentrated in those four mining districts,” Bharrat said. Moreover, he stated that the project is not only about identifying existing mineral deposits but also aboutpositioningGuyanato tap into the global demand for critical minerals, particularlythoseneededfor r e n e w a b l e e n e rg y technologies.

“So this is a project that will help us significantly to identify not only where our deposits are, but all minerals, and you know, in keeping with what is happeningaroundtheworld, e s p e c i a l l y i n t h e transitioning phase from fossil to renewable, critical mineralsarecritical.Critical minerals are needed. They are heavily in demand,” Bharrat outlined He pointed out the global interest in minerals such as lithium, especially in South America,andsuggestedthat Guyana could potentially havetracesofthesevaluable resources. Sothisprojectis going to help us to identify all of these minerals in that wehave.So,itwillhelpusin the allocation of properties, and to ensure that we see a general forest,” the minister concluded.

Gaza nurse says whole family, including quadruplets, killed in air strike

(BBCNEWS)Anursein Gaza has told the BBC his wife and six childrenincluding a group of quadruplets - were killed in anattackinthecentralGaza strip.

“My entire family has been wiped out in an instant”, says Ashraf El Attar, “leaving me with nothing”. The nurse - who works at Gaza’s European hospital - says his family home in Deir-al-Balah was hit in the early hours of Sundaymorning.

He survived with minor injuries.

Israel has not spoken aboutthisspecificattack,but has said its forces were operatinginthecity Itsaysit only targets members of armedgroups.

Killed in the strike were Mr El Attar’s wife - Hala Khattab,ateacher-andtheir six children - a 15-year-old boy,aone-year-oldgirl,and their four 10-year-old quadruplets.

Speaking to BBC Arabic’s Gaza Today podcast, the nurse says that around 6am on the morning

of the attack he was getting ready for work when he “heard the alarm sound and s u d d e n l y l o s t consciousness” When he cameto,Mr ElAttarsayshe wasin“severepain”andthe house“wasinruins”.

All the outer walls of their apartment building were destroyed “I desperatelycalledoutformy children and my wife, but it wastoolate.

“My six children, includingfourtwins,andmy wife were killed instantly in theattack,”hesays. The strike took them by surprise, Mr El Attar says. The night before, the family had spent time “enjoying a soap opera together”, trying to “escape the harsh reality ofwar”.

Mr El Attar’s motherand grandmother to his six children - says she “cannot comprehend” why their home was hit. “My son Ashraf works as a nurse at the European hospital, where he is dedicated to helpingpatients.“Wehadno connections with any organisations,”shesays.The

Hala Khattab and her six children were killed when an air strike destroyed their family home in Deir al-Balah

couple had an “incredibly challenging time” raising their children, she says, in particularthequadruplets.

“Thebabiesfacedsevere health issues in their early monthsandnearlydied.

“We provided oxygen cylinders at home, and one of them, Hammam, underwent hernia surgery,” shesays.

MrElAttarsayshiswife - Hala - was “dedicated” to

helping displaced people

She was working for the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (Unrwa), he says, a UN agency that provides support for Palestinianrefugees.

Nowthenursesaysheis forcedtocometotermswith the life they could have had together

“I worked tirelessly to support my family and watch my children grow up,

dreaming of giving them a betterfuture- abighouse, a car, and mobile phones,” he says. But now “all those dreams have been destroyed”.

“Idemandjusticeformy family”, he says, something he vows to pursue through “anyinternationalcourt”.

“Israel has committed a grave injustice. My entire familyhasbeenwipedoutin an instant, leaving me with nothing.”

The Israel Defense Forces has not commented on this specific strike, but has said it was operating in Deir al-Balah over the weekend.

In another statement on Monday, it said it had been operating in the outskirts of Deir al-Balah “eliminating terrorists,destroyingcombat compounds above and belowground”.

It says it only targets members of armed groups, and blames civilian deaths on Hamas - who it says places fighters, weapons, tunnels and rockets in residentialareas.

Hamas-led gunmen killed about 1,200 people in an attack on Israel on 7 October 2023, taking 251 others back to Gaza as hostages.

That attack triggered a massive Israeli military offensive against Gaza and the current war, during which more than 40,170 people have been killed in Gaza, according to the territory’sHamas-runhealth ministry

Obamas, dancing delegates and other takeaways from DNC day two

(BBC NEWS) Kamala

Harris’s White House run received a boost from the Obama double-act at the Democratic National Convention on Tuesday evening, when attendees also saw party members break into dance and heard speeches from Republican defectors.

Rapper Lil Jon added some extra celebrity firepowertotherollcallas Democratic delegates went through the formal process of giving Ms. Harris their backing.

Monday night included anemotionalsend-offfrom President Joe Biden, who reflectedonthedecadeshe had spent at the top of US politics before he stepped aside for Kamala Harris to take on the Democratic presidentialcandidacy.But the next evening, the Obamas were eager to imbue the convention with

positive messaging about the future - and to land a few gags at Donald Trump’sexpense.Hereisa look back at some of the night’s memorable moments.

Michelle Obama’s ‘blackjobs’jibe During back-to-back speeches, Barack and Michelle Obama mixed

gags w

ous exhortations to Democrats to get out and vote in November - pointing out that Ms. Harris was in a close race with Donald Trump.



Republican presidential candidate as being selfish and dangerous, quipping

that he was obsessed with crowd sizes And Ms Obama mocked Trump for his use of the term “black jobs”onthecampaigntrail. She suggested that Trump might himself be seeking one of those jobs - in a reference to her husband’s previous tenure of the WhiteHouse.

By contrast, Ms. Harris

represented “hope”, Ms Obama said, echoing her husband’s campaign messagingfrom2008.

F o r m e r T r u m p spokeswoman blasts exboss One of the night’s speakers was none other thanTrump’sformerWhite House press secretary

Stephanie Grisham, who resignedinthewakeofthe attackontheUSCapitolby Trump’s supporters on 6 January2021.

Ms. Grisham said she would vote for Ms. Harris in November, and explained her defection by saying: “I couldn’t be part oftheinsanityanylonger.”

She launched her own broadside at Trump, accusinghimofhaving“no empathy,nomorals,andno fidelitytothetruth”.

OtherRepublicanswho had crossed the political aisle made speeches, tooincluding Mayor John

Giles of Mesa, Arizona. Whethertheirinterventions will sway Republicans is far from certain, given the tight grip that Trump and his wing have on their party

The ex-president’s alliesmadesuretolaunch fresh barbs of their own Trump’s presidential running mate JD Vance usedanewsconferenceto attack Harris over the “failures” of her vicepresidency, focusing on crimeandpublicsafety

D o u g E m h o f f introduced as the ‘goofy dad’ America’s Second Gentleman had his own moment in the spotlight Ms Harris’ husband

Doug Emhoff was introduced to the stage by his son Cole, who said their “blended family” hadadjustedtotheirhighp r o f i l e l i f e i n Washington

Rapper Lil Jon got delegates on their feet dancing

President’s Cup horse racing set for September 22

Horseracingrivalrywill be renewed on Sunday September 22 at the Rising SunTurfClubwhentheOne Guyana President’s Cup runsoff.

After an exhilarating 16th running of the Guyana Cup, horsemen will be gearing up for another big clash, while fans will be hopingtoseetheirfavourite

horse come out on top Guyana will be an actionpacked venue in September, withCricketCarnivalonthe horizon.

The 16th running of the Guyana Cup was hailed a great success, with more than8000fans,while10topqualityracestreatedthefans to a spectacle. Organizer of theGuyanaCup,Nasrudeen

Mohamed Jr., is focused on improvingthesport.

“Wehaveaplan,anditis to elevate the sport and take it to the level it needs to be, thatistheSportofKings.”

“We are working along with the authorities. This year we should get the legislation, and we are looking forward to that, and the sport will get even

Thursday August 22, 2024


Some unexpected but very welcomevisitorscouldarrive today, Aries They might bring some people you don't knowbutshouldconnectwith rightaway Expectinteresting n e w s , f a s c i n a t i n g information,.


Taurus, who's that intriguing new person in your neighborhood? What is it about this new neighbor that makesitimpossibleforyouto stop wondering about them? Quitobsessing.


An unexpected letter could arrive today, Gemini, with a check enclosed, perhaps a gift, bonus, or offer to make more money.This might be a welcomebreak.


If you're in the arts or sciences, Cancer, sudden inspirationcouldcauseyouto startorcontinueaprojectthat meansalottoyou.


Meditation, dreams, or visions could bring amazing insights your way, Leo. You mightfindthemtoobizarreto believe, at least at first, but follow-up research could reveal that what you've come upwithisquitecredible.


You're an adventurous soul, Virgo.Areyouthinkingabout a little mischief today? Are yougoingtoproposethatyou and a friend or perhaps your partner skip town for a day andforgetaboutwork,


A n u n e x p e c t e d communication may come today from someon

connected with your career, Libra.Thisisgoodnews,butit maybesooffthewallthatyou couldwalkaroundinadazefor awhiletryingtomakesenseof itall.

SCORPIO(Oct.23–Nov 21)

Anunexpectedchancetoflyto a faraway place, perhaps at someoneelse'sexpense,could cometoyoutoday,Scorpio.A group might be involved, perhaps one connected with education.

SAGIT(Nov 22–Dec.21)

Some bizarre and rather silly dreams might come to you tonight,Sagittarius.Theymay bethesortthatissocrazythat youactuallywakeuplaughing. Don't dismiss them. Silly or not,thesedreamsaretryingto tellyousomething.


Ifyou'resingle,youcouldfeel a very powerful attraction to someone unusual and perhaps alittlewacky Ifyou'realready inarelationship.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20–Feb. 18)Have you been looking for anewjob,Aquarius?Ifso,you might hear of an opportunity from an unexpected source, perhapsatasocialgathering,if possible.


If you're single, Pisces, love may come to you completely out of the blue today The person could be standing behind you in line at the store or sitting nearby you in the park.

better,” Mohamed said in a recentinterview Olympic Kremlin, the Guyana Cup champion will be out to dominate, while John Bull, another horse which is owned by Slingerz RacingStables,willbeoutto defend the President’s Cup title.

Former Guyana Cup Champion Easy Time, who rode third at this year’s Guyana Cup, Nova Sol, and OyVeywillhehopingtogo onestepfurther Spankhurst, whohadalonglayoffdueto injury, could return to horse racing,whichwillmakethis year’s President’s Cup competitionasupremeone.

The usual top jockeys hadanordinaryoutingatthe GuyanaCup,asveteranYap Drepaulreturnedtowinning waysandtookthechampion jockeytitle,withtwowinsin three races he ran at Rising Sun.ThelikesofColinRoss, Ronaldeo Appadu, and Nicholas Patrick will be hoping for better results at the upcoming President’s Cup.

Suicide Squad captures inaugural Cue Sports National Team’s event title

In a t h r i l l i n g conclusion to the C u e S p o r t

Association of Guyana’s (CSAG) first-ever National Team Pool tournament,

Team Suicide Squad, led by Captain Kamil Hussain, narrowly defeated Team

Predators to claim the championshiptitle.

The intense final match took place last Sunday at Butcher’sPoolsHall.

Launched earlier this year,thetournamentmarked the country’s largest 8-Ball Pool competition, earning recognition from the N a t i o n a l S p o r t s Commission.

The event showcased exceptional talent and professionalism in both JuniorandSeniorcategories, proving to be a resounding success.

The tournament officially kicked off on July 26andranthroughtoAugust 18, attracting participants from various regions across thecountry

A total of 20 teams, comprising 140 players, competedfiercelyforthetop spot In the end, Team Suicide Squad emerged

victorious, lifting the inaugural CSA National Team’strophy.

In a nail-biting final, Team Suicide Squad edged out Team Predators, securing the coveted firstplace prize of $700,000, along with several additional prizes and incentives

The winning team, guided by their captain Kamil Hussain, included seasoned players such as Anthony Xavier, Johnathan Parbhu,JameelDe’Agrella, Chandrapaul Ramlachman, Nairpaul Balram, and Sewchan Narine, all of whom contributed to their triumphantperformance

Following the victory, Captain Hussain expressed his pride in his team’s performance over the past fewweeks.

“ Wi n n i n g t h i s tournament is incredibly

satisfyingformeasaplayer, but it wouldn’t have been possible without my team. They played exceptional pool throughout the competition, and I’m really proudoftheguysforpulling off such a wonderful tournament,” Hussain told thispublication. Hussain also extended his gratitude to the sponsors andfansthatsupportedthem throughout the tournament, acknowledging their vital roleintheteam’ssuccess.

T h e f o u r - w e e k competition featured matches at four top-tier venues, including Sunil & San Pool Bar in Mahaica, Butchers Chili Spot on Sheriff Street, Suraj Sports BarinMetenMeerZorg,and Jason Pool Bar in South RuimveldtGardens.T he tournament was proudly sponsored by IvanaoffVodka.

Team Suicide Squad wins inaugural National Team’s Pool tournament

Guinness ‘Greatest of the Streets’ heads to to Bartica on Saturday

The Guinness ‘Greatest oftheStreets’Barticaedition to start Saturday evening at the Community Centre tarmac.Theeventwillserve as the final zonal competition before the commencement of the national championship on September 6th at the PouderoyenTarmac.

According to the coordinating committee, “The excitement for the stagingoftheBarticaedition

is palpable in the community All the players, the communities, and their respective fans are eagerly anticipating the kickoff After all, it has been several years since the tournament was staged in the region owing to the pandemic, so the excitement and anticipationareatanall-time high, which bodes well for the success of the competition.It’salmostasif

theeventisbeingplayedfor the first time in the region given the hiatus ” The coordinating committee further said, “The area is historically known for producing quality players at everylevel,andassuch,this is no different. We expect a highly competitive affair, which has been a staple of not only the region but the entire season of the event. The expectation is for the best team to represent the region at the national competition, which is only weeksaway.”

The opening night will featuretheroundof16,with the respective winners advancingtothequarterfinal section.

In the opening match. GenasydewillopposePolice at19:00hrs,whileBeachside 04 will tackle Pluto at 19:30hrs,andBayBoyswill engageAgatash at 20:00hrs.

Flashback- Scenes from the Guinness ‘Greatest of the Streets’ Bartica Championship at the Bartica Community Centre Tarmac.

In the fourth contest, Falmouth Stars will lock horns with Mighty Ruler at 20:30hrs, with Avengers battling Spanish Men at 21:00hrs, and JonesAvenue opposing Stelling Crew at 21:00hrs.

In the final two fixtures, Misdemeanor will face off against Almanac Kings at

Bajans dominate men, women senior CASA C/ship

At the 2024 Caribbean Area

S q u a s h Association (CASA) Senior Championship, the Open Singles events wrapped up on Tuesday at the Georgetown Club, where Barbadian Margot Prow successfully defended her Wo m e n ’s t i t l e b y overcoming Guyanese contender Mary Fung-A-Fat in the final. In the Men’s category, Prow’s fellow Barbadian, Khamal Cumberbatch, claimed the topspot.

In the Women’s Open final, Margot Prow defeated MaryFung-A-Fatinstraight sets, winning 3-0 in a match thatlasted25minutes.

Prow controlled the first set 11-6 and, despite FungA-Fat’s early efforts in the second set, managed to take it11-7.

With a two-set lead, Prow remained dominant, closingoutthefinalset11-6 to secure her second consecutiveWomen’stitle.

Afterthematch,Fung-AFat reflected on her performance, stating, “It’s hard to go from a win and carry through. Mentally, it’s

Khamal Cumberbatch during a post match interview after winning the CASASenior Men’s Singles event final

like an emotional rollercoaster.” She added, “Fromthebeginning,Iwasa bit heavy-footed, not mentallyassettled,mylines weren’t as good today, and she (Prow) was just on. All credittoher,shedeservesthe wintonight.”

Prow celebrating her second CASA Senior title, noted that, “We’re friends, but when you get on court, youneedtoputthatallaside and really focus on your game.”

When asked which of her two titles was more satisfying, she responded,

“Probablythisone!Takinga title after a title is a lot of pressure,sowinningittwice feelsreallygood.”

Likewise, in the Men’s

Barbados showcased his dominance by defeating Julian Jarvis of the Cayman Islands in straight sets, 1311,11-9,and11-5,inamatch lasting38minutestocapture theMen’sIndividualtitle.

exciting action in the Doubles, Teams, and Mixed Teamsevents.

22:00hrs, and Ruler Top Form will match skills with New Modern Crew at 22:30hrs. The second night will feature the quarterfinal, semifinal, and eventual championshipmatch.

Theeventualwinnerwill represent the zone at the



19:00hrs: Genasyde vs. P o l i c e 19:30hrs: Beachside 04 vs. P l u t o

20:00hrs: Bad Boys vs A g


21:00hrs: Avengers vs

21:30hrs: Jones Avenue vs.

22:00hrs: Misdemeanor vs

22:30hrs: Ruler Top Form vs.NewModernCrew

Roraima Airways/Nexgen Golf Academy to host first National Hole-in-one Challenge

The West Side Golf Coursewillcomealivesoon as a recent collaboration between the Nexgen Golf Academy/Guyana Golf Association (GGA) and Roraima Airways Limited will see pros vying for top prizes in the first ever

national Hole-in-one championships.


recently by Roraima

Airways Limited boss, Captain Gerry Gouveia and GGA president Aleem Hussain, following the two entities teaming up to bring moreexposuretothesport.

This landmark event would offer golfers across the country an exciting opportunity to showcase their skills and compete for extraordinary prizes at the Westside Golf Course. The National Hole-in-One Challengepromisesnotonly a thrilling competition, but exceptionalrewardsaswell.

Prizes on offer in this prestigious event include an

unforgettable trip to Kaieteur Falls on a Roraima Airways aircraft; a day trip to Arrowpoint Resort; and cash prizes, beverages, and the ultimate bragging rights inthegolfingcommunity

competitive spirit, and the chance to win incredible prizes.

Captain Gerry Gouveia, who also serves as the country’s National Security Advisor and is a prominent figure in the aviation and tourism sectors, in expressing enthusiasm for the event, has said, “This collaboration represents a significant step forward for thedevelopmentofgolfasa tourism product in Guyana.

We aim to create a memorable experience for participants and spectators alike while promoting the sport and the natural beauty

“Overthepastfewyears,the Guyana Tourism Authority has been actively engaged withMr Hussaintodevelop

golf as a sports tourism activity, and we at Roraima Airways recognize the tremendousbenefitsthatwill come to Guyana via sports tourism.”

Westside Golf Course, with its challenging Island Green, is the perfect venue for this high-stakes competition.The innovative course design was featured in the world-renowned Golf Architecture Magazine, showcasing Aleem Hussain as the only Guyanese-born golfcoursedesigner

Hussain also heads Nexgen Golf, leaders in innovative golf experiences, who would bring their expertise to ensure a professionally managed and excitingevent.

”This event is not just

about the competition; it’s about bringing the community together and celebrating the sport of golf,” Philip Haynes,

General Manager of Westside Golf Course, has said “We are proud to partner with Captain GouveiaatRoraimaAirways and Nexgen Golf to make thiseventareality.”

Roraima Airways is a leadingaviationandtourism company in Guyana. It is known for its exceptional service and commitment to promoting the country’s naturalwonders.

Westside Golf Course is the newest golfing destination in Guyana. It offers a unique and challenging course for golfersofalllevels.

FormerEnglandAll-RounderLewisto featureinCharityCricketMatch

CParticipantscanexpecta day filled with food, music,

The National Hole-inOne Challenge is open to golfers of all skill levels, making it an inclusive event that encourages widespread participation Beginners would play from a different distance in order to allow them equal opportunity to participateandwin.

lairmonte Lewis, aformerEngland cricketer born in Guyana, will play for Team Kanuku in the Kares One Guyana T10 Tapeball Blast 2024CharityCricketMatch, scheduled for Saturday, August 24, at the Guyana National Stadium in Providence.

The lanky bowling allrounder, who represented Englandfrom1990to1998, willbecaptainedbyLennox Cush. Their team will take on President Dr IrfaanAli’s TeamRoraimainthisevent.

Now 56, Lewis brings valuable experience, having played32Testsand53OneDayInternationals.Histeam is expected to include notable players like Ramnaresh Sarwan, young talent Shahid Ramzan, Sewnarine Chattergoon, Rawle Ferguson, Jeremy Garrett, Minister Susan Rodrigues, and Robbie Rambarran,amongothers.

In 2023, the charity match raised over G$17 million for organizations acrossGuyana.

This year’s event featuresanexcitingline-up.

Thefirstsemi-finalkicks off at 3:00 p.m. between Montra Jaguars and Mahdia (Movements Family), followedbyTitansAll-Stars facing Diamond Gunners at 5:00p.m.Thecharitymatch

is scheduled for 7:00 p.m., with the final set for 8:30 p.m. Eachlosingsemi-finalist will receive $250,000, courtesy of Premier Insurance. The runner-up will earn $500,000 from SuperBet Guyana, while the winning team will take home $1.5 millionfromStarRentals.

Individual awards include prizes for Most Runs, Most Wickets, and Player of the Final, each receiving a Smart TV and $75,000 in cash from Regal

Stationery and Computer Centre.

Assuria Insurance will present a motorbike and $85,000 to the Most ValuablePlayer

Additional prizes include $100,000 to be shared between the Kawasaki Super Striker (highest strike rate with a minimum of 12 balls) and the Most Economical Bowler (lowest economy rate with a minimum of 24 balls).

Admissiontotheeventis free.

Clairmonte Lewis
Gerry Gouveia

- Shabazz announce Golden Jaguars roster for League A

Middlesbrough FC star Isaiah Jones set for Golden Jaguars debut against Suriname


Isaiah Jones, star player forMiddlesbroughFC,isset to make his debut for the Golden Jaguars after being named in Coach Jamaal Shabazz’s 24-man squad for thestartoftheCONCACAF NationsLeague.

The Golden Jaguars have qualified for League A of the Nations League, where they are grouped w i t h C o s t a R i c a , Guatemala, Martinique, Guadeloupe,andSuriname.

Guyana will kick off their campaign on September 5, marking the return of international football at the National Track and Field Centre, where they will face one of theiroldestrivals,Suriname.

After the clash with their Dutch-speaking neighbours, the Golden Jaguars will travel to Fortde-France for a match againstMartinique Regarding the squad selection, and thanks to another good find by scout Faizal Khan, Jones, a fan-

favourite at English Championship club Middlesbrough FC, will be looking to impress Coach Shabazz.

The 25-year-old joined Middlesbrough from nonleague side Tooting & Mitcham in 2019 and made his league debut for the Teessiders in August 2021 after loan spells with St Johnstone and Queen of the South.

Jones is the only debutantinCoachShabazz’s squad, as the veteran Trinidadian coach has chosen to rely largely on familiar faces and players who played key roles in the team’s promotion from LeagueBtoLeagueAinthe NationsLeague.

Meanwhile, in a recent interview with Kaieteur News, Shabazz said his objective remains clear: to maintaintheirspotinLeague A.

“TheLeagueAdrawwas averyinterestingoneforus. AlltheteamsinGroupAare ranked above us in the FIFA

andCONCACAFRankings, so, ourmainambitionreally is to stay up in League A at the end of the season,” Shabazzstated.

According to Shabazz, “Most Caribbean teams, when they go up to League A, by the end of the season, they get demoted back to LeagueB,sosurvivaliskey forus.”

The fourth edition of the Concacaf Nations League

will showcase the Confederation’s 41 men’s seniornationalteams,taking placeduringtheFIFAMatch Windows of September, October, and November 2024.

The Finals, where a new champion will emerge, are setforMarch2025.

The tournament will maintain its three-league structure(A,B,andC),with teams allocated into the leagues based on their performance in the previous edition(2023/24).

InLeagueA,comprising 16 teams, a Quarter-final round is incorporated DuringtheGroup Stage,the 12 lowest-ranked League A national team (determined by the Concacaf Rankings)

are divided into two groups ofsixteamseach.

They will engage in a “Swissstyle”leaguesystem, with each team contesting fourgames(twoathomeand twoaway).

Following the Group Stage matches in September and October 2024, the top two finishers from each group (totalling four teams) will progress to the Quarterfinals.Theywilljoin the four highest-ranked League A teams (Mexico, United States, Panama, and Canada).

Scheduled within the September, October, and November2024FIFAMatch Windows,theQuarter-finals forLeagueAwilltakeplace inNovember2024.

The climax of the 2024/25 Concacaf Nations LeaguewillunfoldinMarch 2025 during the Finals, where the tournament’s fourth champion will be crowned.

Goalkeepers: Quillan

R o b e r t s ( W


bs FC, N

w Zealand), Kai McKenzie Lyle (Oxford City FC, UK) and Akel Clarke (SlingerzFC,Guyana)

Omari Glasgow (centre) celebrates with teammates Liam Gordon and Stephen Duke-McKenna after scoring for Guyana.

Defenders: Curtez Kellman (Slingerz FC, Guyana), Jalen Jones (Oxford City FC, UK),

Colin Nelson (GDF FC, G u y a n a ) , Te r e n c e Vanco

Albion FC, UK), Leo

Lovell (Slingerz FC, Guyana)

Liam Gordon (Walsall FC, UK), Jeremy Garrett (Slingerz FC, Guyana), R e i s s G r e e n i d g

(Maidstone United FC, UK) and Samuel Cox (Oxford City FC, UK)

Midfielders: Nathan Ferguson (Maidenhead United FC, UK), Ryan H

(GDF FC, Guyana), Elliot Bonds (FleetwoodTownFC,UK), Daniel Wilson (Western Ti

FC, Guy

), Nathan Moriah Welch (Hibernian FC, Scotland), Stephen Duke McKenna (Harrogate FC, UK) and Kadell Daniel (Croydon Athletic,UK)


FC, USA), Omari Glasgow (Chicago Fire FC, USA), Isaiah Jones (Middlesbrough FC, UK) and Deon Moore (Woking Football Club, UK).

Middlesbrough FC’s talisman, Isiah Jones, will make his Golden Jaguars debut against Suriname.

Bajans dominate men, women senior CASA C/ship

MiddlesbroughFCstar IsaiahJonessetfor GoldenJaguars debutagainst Suriname

Barbadian Margot Prow brought herA-game to the court against Guyanese Mary Fung-a-Fat to claim Women’s crown in the individual category final

- Shabazz announce Golden Jaguars roster for League A Roraima Airways/ Nexgen Golf Academy to host first National Hole-in-one Challenge

Aleem Hussain

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