Kaieteur News

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Israel’s evacuation orders have displaced 90% of Gaza residents, UN says

...saysGovt.wasawareformer ExxonVPfoundedFulcrumLNG old company to monetise

Woman killed after crashing car into bridge rail

PNCR says Govt. 10%

Govt. yet to close 1999 to 2020

Inmate shot while trying Camp Street Prison audit of ExxonM's expenses salary increase vindictive, disrespectful to teachers to escape from

...but says “at least we are doing them”


Bevon Griffith
Melena Stephen
The crashed car

Womankilledaftercrashing carintobridgerail

A34-year-oldwomanwasearlyFriday morning killed after the car she was driving crashed into the rail of a bridge along the Number 43 Public Road, CorentyneBerbice,RegionSix.

Thedeadwomanhasbeenidentifiedas Melena Stephen of Lot 65 Roxanne BurnhamGardensGeorgetown.

Fourpassengersincludinganine-year boyweretravellingwithheratthetimeand are presently hospitalized at the New AmsterdamHospital.

According to police the accident took place around 04:00 hrs Police investigations revealed that Stephen was speedingsouthwhenshelostcontrolofthe

car and crashed into the bridge's rail on the westernsideoftheroad.

Stephen was left pinned in her seat and unconscious.Herpassengerswerealsotrapped but conscious. Public spirited citizens who rushed to their rescue freed the passengers and rushed them to the Port Mourant Public Hospital.TheywerelatertransferredtotheNew Amsterdam Hospital. Stephen was removed from the car by firefighters who cut her out of thevehicle.ShewastakentotheSkeldonPublic Hospitalwheredoctorspronouncedherdeadon arrival. The passengers aged 9, 54, 28 and 41 remain hospitalized with fractures and other bodyinjuries.Theyareinlistedasstable. Investigationsareongoing.

TeamMohameds buildssalon tosupport singlemother

The Mohameds in their effort to support small businesses, has constructed a salon for a single mother whose dream is to own and operate a hair and makeup business. The 21-year-old mother, Tamira Benjamin from Coomacka Mines, Region 10, is now in the process of stocking her new business while continuing to serve her clients. Previously, she offered house calls to clients as far as Linden, but now they can enjoy her servicesinthespacious,newly b u i l t s a l o n

“Mr Mohamedwishedher continued success and encouraged her to expand her services to clients across the region,” Mohamed stated in t h e p r e s s r e l e a s e

Melena Stephen
The crashed car
Tamira Benjamin, along with her child and Businessman Azrunddin Mohamed

Jagdeo backs one-year old company

to monetise Guyana’s gas

...says Govt. was aware former

Exxon VP founded Fulcrum LNG

Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo has thrown his support behind the one-yearoldcompany,withnoknown projects completed, to monetise the country's gas resources.

He told reporters at his Thursday press conference, hosted at Freedom House, Robb Street, Georgetown that the Government of Guyana (GoG) was aware of thecompany'slinktoU.Soil giant, ExxonMobil had no qualms about it, since the founderofFulcrumLNGhad alreadycuttieswithExxon.

Research by this publication found that Fulcrum LNG was founded by Jesus Bronchalo who worked 19 years and one monthforExxonMobil.

The last position he held for the company was Vice President and Chief Commercial Officer for the Guyana operations His tenure ended in February 2023.

According to reports, Bronchalo five months laterin July 2023- launched the energy company, Fulcrum LNG, boasting “experience and expertise across all aspects of the oil and gas value chain, including low-


The GoG subsequently issued a Request For Proposals (RFP) in January 2024 seeking private sector pitches for the design, financing, construction, and o p e r a t i o n o f g a s infrastructure to support current and future upstream developmentsinGuyana.

Proposalswereopenedin February this year and by June, President Irfaan Ali announced the contract awardtoFulcrumLNG. JagdeosaidonThursday, “Weknewthepersonworked with Exxon, he had left...we knew that when the evaluationtookplacebutthe evaluation took place on the basis of the proposals that weremade.”

The Vice President however joked that the evaluators may have believed Bronchalo had data on the gas which added a boosttohisproposalthatwas among comprehensive pitches from other major internationalcompanies.

“HehadleftExxonbutif anything maybe the evaluators thought that he hadthedataonthegas.Idon't know if they did that, so he would have known, because Exxondoesnotwanttogoin

Inmate shot while trying to escape from Camp Street Prison

Ac o n v i c t e d inmate was on Friday shot by prisonofficerswhiletryingto escapefromtheCampStreet Prison, the Guyana Prison Service(GPS),disclosed.

The inmate was identified as Bevon Griffith better known as “Spoony”. He is currently serving time forkillingaSophiaman.

According to the GPS, Griffithtriedtoescapeduring thelockdownprocess.

He reportedly ran out of hiscellandattemptedtoscale the prison's fence but was shotintheprocess.

“Griffith was placed on restrain before he was

Shot inmate, Bevon Griffith

thatdirectionordidnotwant to go in that direction of monetising the gas in the early period- they said they needed the gas to be reinjected.

We have a different view,”Jagdeoexplained.

To this end, the Vice Presidentopinedthatthebest proposal was selected by the evaluators According to him, “On the face of it, I thought it was the best proposal that the evaluators cameupwithandthat'swhat we're looking for, so there is nothing I found wrong with theevaluationofthebidsand I don't see anything that has come out in any major way that's wrong, except for that oh, he worked at one time withExxon.”

When asked to comment on the fact that Fulcrum LNG hasnoknownexperienceand has only been registered for

one year now, the VP continued to defend the contractaward,insistingthat the Founder has years of experience in the field through his former employment with Exxon

“ButhewastherewithExxon alongtime,buthehasbeena project developer for a long time,”Jagdeopointedout.

FulcrumLNGcontract K a i e t e u r N e

company will be responsible for the design, financing, construction, and operation of gas infrastructure, inclusive of the necessary pipelinesrequiredtoconnect the gas infrastructure crucial formonetizingupstreamgas.

Further, as part of the process, the company will have exclusivity to negotiate with the government for its entitlement of gas to ensure the viability of the project

and the overall value chain. Notably, the project will be strictly financed and owned 100%byFulcrumLNG.

Accordingtoinformation received,evaluatorsassessed 17 proposals received on a numberoffactors.


The deal between the GoG and the former ExxonMobil Executive continues to raise eyebrows as company details remain sketchy

It should be noted that Fulcrum LNG would be entrusted with developing the country's gas resources for monetisation purposes, howevergivenitsassociation w i t h E x x

n concernedaboutwhetherthe interestsofGuyanaarebeing protectedinthetransaction.

nts included: the developer's capability and credibility to execute such a project, clear written agreements among the parties, and if a consortium, evidence of consortium agreement for this project, site plan for the project, summarized and detailed project schedule, project costs, project structure diagram, business plan,listoflegalagreements, proposed capital structure and details of proposed local content.

One week later…

No clarity from Govt. on Guyana's actual oil reserves

One week after Minister of NaturalResourcesVickram Bharrat held a press conference to provide updates on the sector, the government is yet to clarify whatistheactualfigureofthecountry's oilreserves.

Bharrat announced that the country's reserve has moved up some 600M barrels putting the current reserves at 11.6B barrels. This disclosure comes two years and eight new discoveries after the last reserve update.

It is important to note that earlier this year Exxon's partner in the Stabroek Block China National Offshore Oil Corporation (CNOOC) released its 2023 annual report which statedthattheLancetfishdiscoveryhas averagedsome100milliontons,which is equivalent to 746 million barrels of oil.

This publication has reached out to the minister on multiple occasions and heisyettorespondtoinquiries,opting

instead to read the messages and leave them there. Calls to the minister have alsogoneunanswered.Turningtochief policymaker in the sector, Vice President (VP) Bharat Jagdeo for clarity, but he said: “You had an opportunity there to deal with all these things…so let me just say on reserves. On the reserves we have…I told you that there is a submission that Exxon makestous.Thesubmissionshoweda minimal increase from the last quarter…”

Jagdeo went on to say: “we have gone out to contract someone to do an auditofthesereserves.Sowesawwhat Exxonsubmittedandwearegoingtodo anauditofthereserves.Sothatwecan get the full picture and this will be a technicalauditbyhiringconsultantsto dothat.Sotheissuehascomeupweare addressingitalltheotherissueswewill dealwithatthatlevel.”

The oil minister revealed last week thatacontractwasawardedtoaFrench companytoconductantheofGuyana's

reservoir saying that, “ he said it is somethingthatshouldhavedonealong time now, “but I'm happy that we're goingtostartthissoon.”

Earlier this year, the Ministry of Natural Resources issued Epression of Interest for “Consulting Services for Conducting Petroleum Resources and Reservoir Audit.” This process had initially attracted three proposals, Egyptian company Stratoil Energy Services, French company Beicip Franlab, and DeGolyer & Mac NaughtonCorp(D&M)ofTexas,USA.

Theministry'sadvertisementstated thattheGovernmentofGuyana(GoG) hasreceivedfinancingintheamountof US$20 million from the World Bank (WB) towards the cost of the Guyana Petroleum Resources Governance and Management Project (GPRGMP) and intendstoapplypartoftheproceedsto pay a consulting firm to provide advisoryservices,technicalsupportand training and capacity strengthening servicestotheGoG.


PrintedandPublishedbyNationalMedia& PublishingCompanyLtd. 24SaffonStreet, Charlestown,Georgetown,Guyana.



Tel:225-8465,225-8491. Fax:225-8473,226-8210


National Toshaos Council Conference

The2024NationalToshaosCouncilConference(NTC) is now history We look at a couple of the developments surroundingtheNTCandwishthatsomethingsweredifferent What could be more of a new beginning, a different day for Guyana’s Toshaos, one that possesses lasting substance It seems that the more that hopes spring locally, the more it becomesobviousthatthegovernmentcomesupwithmovesthat dash them In the larger picture, the treatment of Guyana’s indigenous community provides a primer as to what other segmentsinthiscountry’sdiversedemographicscouldexpect fromagovernmentthatismorecommittedtoshowandsound bitesthantowhatstandsthetestoftime.

PresidentAliturnedupandthesedaysithasbecomemore apparent that he takes increasing delight in rolling out one costume after another, as if to exhibit the versatility of his wardrobe In a time of seriousness, one that demands soundness,thebestoutofeachoneofus,thereisaheadofstate, whoisthemanifestationoftheunreal,theunusualnowtheusual Itisgoodtoidentifywiththeindigenousinthiscountry,butthere isdifficultyinfiguringoutwhatistheendgame,whereallthis leads,andfromtheretowhere Wethinkthattheremustbean end to this fascination with the flimsy, or this country and its peoplesarenotgoingtogoanywhereotherthanwheretheyare stuck TheworldtellsGuyanesethattherearewinnersand by the most powerful of margins, yet there are stubborn nationalpoliticalleaderswhoarepleasedwiththemselvesto make losers out of citizens. Time is rushing past at breakneck speeds, and Guyanese already started out with manydisadvantages. Theissuethenbecomeshowlongwill thefanfareandmasqueradesgoon.

In handing out land titling certificates and six Absolute GrantsfromtheLandTitlingprojectoftheAmerindianAffairs Ministry,PresidentAlicouldnotcontainhistendencytowards exuberance and self-congratulation Pointing to 25-fold increaseincapitalexpendituretoAmerindiancommunities,the presidentcouldbarelyrestrainhimselffrombreakingoutintoa dance: “isn’t his commitment, isn’t this love, isn’t this a governmentthosecares ” Whenthepresidentdriveshimself intothesefrenziesofexpression,itiswisetogivehimasmuch roomaspossible Perhaps,heforgotaboutsomeofthetroubles experienced by the Amerindian community in the Chinese Landingarea ItcouldbethatheforgottheharrowingMahdia Dormitoryinferno,andtheuglinessthatpassedforaninquiry, andwhichonlyaddedinsulttotheinjuryofagroupofcitizens wholosttheirhopesforabetterlife Seasonscomeandseasons go,andtheindigenousofGuyanahaveenduredoneexploitation after another, continued political maneuvering and scheming that leave them in the same place of hardship and ongoing vulnerability Politicians must learn to stop their practice of viewingtheindigenousofGuyanaaspeopleonwhomtheirselfservinggamescanbeplayed,withnoaccountability

Right on cue, Minister of Amerindian Affairs, Pauline Sukhai, noted that the theme of this year’s NTC fosters accountability and transparent leadership. If only there couldbehalfoftheusualemptychatteraboutaccountability and transparency and delivering on both at a tiny 10-20% level, there would be so many more vibrant communities aroundGuyana. Itisastandardthattalkischeap,andthat there are few better than politicians in that respect. Transparencyandaccountabilityarewhathaveshamedthis governmentbyaglaringlackofboth. Inthesetalkfeststhat have become the norm, we question whether some Guyanese are seen as people worthy of genuine attention andsustainedaction.

Of interest was the point made by the president that involves $10M of roads, fence, and furniture contracts earmarkedforindigenouscommunities. Onitsface,itisa start,butinthistimeofplenty$10Mamountstoapittance, and the president should know that. The 14-month finish date for all the community project that PresidentAli made suchahugesplashaboutlookslikeaneatelectiongimmick, anotherslickpoliticalploy

Avision forAfro-Guyanese and indeed all Guyanese

DEAREDITOR, Fortheselasttwodays,it would not let me be - that headline “Afro Guyanese need a vision-Aubrey Norton”[DemeraraWaves].

I got an inkling of the need for a new, different changed vision and what it should be in another headline attributed to Mr

A u b r e y N o r t o n : “Government Priorities Mixed Up: Roads, bridges replace citizen’s welfare.” [Kaieteur News, 21st August,2024]

Yes, our PPP/C

Government has opted as policy to allocate a large share of our budgeted expendituretoinfrastructure –roads,bridges;tohinterland trails, airstrips, electrification, internet;infrastructuretobring our intermediate savannahs under cultivation and to sustainandexpandagriculture inourcoastland;alsoonmany newadvancedandspecialized hospitals and schools Citizens’ immediate welfare has not been overlooked entirely – old age pensions have been increased; certain support for pensioners have been restored; and there are cash payments to persons in disasters and difficult situations We cannot overlook that all this infrastructure is creating jobs,andmanyofourfellow citizens are taking the opportunitiesfortrainingon and off the job, and gaining varied experiences all the while So,Mr Nortoncould

not be saying that there is nothingforcitizen’swelfare but in his opinion and the opinion of his supporters –too much is being spent on roads and bridges and other infrastructure.Mr.Nortonis not saying that nothing should be spent on infrastructure, investing for a better tomorrow at the expense of more today The question is where to strike the balance. I offer the usual examples of theAsian tigers in the years after World War II, starting from positions lower than ours and growing steadily and rapidlyovermanydecadesJapan,SouthKorea,Taiwan. It used to be said that they wereinvesting30to40%of the little they had then, in their early years, into infrastructure, in educating and training themselves and inotherpreparatorywaysso that they (without an oil or other bonanza) maintained average GDPgrowth rates of 10% over the decades, doubling the value of their GDP (and average real income)everysevenyears

The above I read in books, but as I have said before I have also had personal testimony About 2010, I led the Guyana side in a meeting here of the “Guyana-SouthKoreaJoint Commission”. The Deputy Vice-Minister of Foreign Affairs who led the South Koreanside,asiftosaythat they didn’t always have things that good, disclosed

that when he was a child in the 1960s, things were very bad, so bad that they were living on “food aid”, “alms from other countries”. He recalled being taken in marches and protests by his parents and grandparents demanding, “Food, not Infrastructure” However, now, looking back he has to acknowledge that it was the infrastructureforciblyputin by General Park that got them onto a road of economictake-off.

There,ismyofferingina generalized way for a new changedvisionforMr.Norton and many of his AfroGuyanese followers, and indeed it is an appropriate vision, “doing, growing and developing like the Asian Tigers”,forallGuyanese This is our time for sowing, for investinginourfuture;putting the infrastructure in place to help make us and our succeeding generations more productiveandabletosustain steadily higher standards of living Patience. We must bideourtimeknowingthatit iseasytomoveuptohigher standardsoflivingbutawful when we cannot sustain it andmustmovebackdown.–that was the traumatic experience of all of us who lived through about 1975 t0 1990. We wouldn’t want to increase pensioner stipend, norourpayatunsustainable rates,onlytohavetoreduce them directly or through rampant uncontrolled, hyperinflation as we have

had before. The complaints we already have of high, increasingpricesparticularly for locally grown vegetables in our markets can be interpreted as evidence of increased consumer (workers) spending money goingaftervegetableswhose production has not increased proportionately (Timeto get someshadehouses)

A related piece of this vision is unfolded in another headline, “Jagdeo praises Amerindians for making use ofsmallamountsofmoney–wantscoastlanderstofollow suit.” [Kaieteur News, August21st,2024].Itwilldo well as part of the AfroGuyanese vision and indeed the shared vision for all us Guyanese. Itisgoodtostart at that small scale that has a chance of success, to gain some experiences, to learn, then to grow all around. Starting small allows many start-ups and the greater likelihood of recovering to tryagainwhenwefail.

Afro-Guyanese and indeed all Guyanese are invited and welcome to join withusPPP/Csharinginour vision, participating in and contributingtoourrealization ofasuccessfullifeandliving for all of us Guyanese And you may bring along Mr Norton



Former Prime Minister andFormerPresident Ambassador to the USA andtotheOAS.

The naming of roads and highways in Guyana

DEAREDITOR, A recent headline in a daily newspaper “Upgrades to Red Road and Dump Site Road” caught my attention becauseithighlightedavery importantissue-thenaming of roads and highways in Guyana.

There has been a proliferation of housing

s c h e m e s a n d t h e construction of new roads across the country, but the pace of these developments outweighstheimportanceof having names assigned to these throughfares by those inauthority

When the “Heroes H i g h w a y ” w a s commissioned,Iwashoping that it would have been the

beginningofaprogrammeto have our roads properly identified, but that does not seemtobethecase.Thereis no urgency by the Ministry ofPublicWorks.

Residentstry to improvise in whatever way possibletogivedirectionsto taxis, delivery vehicles and visitorsbutitisatediousand timeconsumingtask.

Whilestreetnamingmay seem insignificant, it is a critical component of urban developmentespeciallywith the initiation of the Global Positioning System (GPS), theinfluxofforeignerstoour shores and even local residents trying to find their wayaroundthiscountry Ihadarecentexperience

giving directions to the Guyana Fire Service during anemergencywhere,Ionthe East Bank of Demerara the streetsarenotnamed.

The fire truck was unable to locate the fire becausetherewasnostreet name or critical landmark inthearea luckily the fire was broughtundercontroldueto the kind assistance of neighbours by the time the fire truck was redirected to theincident.

The stretch of highway between South Ruimveldt round-about and Heroes Highway is another case in point as well as the famous Red and Dumpsite roads. How much longer must we

waitforthepropernamingof these roadways? “Red or Massy Road and Dump Road are being developed intofour-lanehighwayswill thesenamesremain?

The recent passing of GuyanesemusiciconDave Martins whose famous song “Not a Blade of Grass”hasleftalegacy

Now should be the ideal time to have his name inscribed to one of our nationalroadways.

There are many more iconic figures still alive that as a nation we can honour whiletheyarestillalive,and thesenewroadwayscanbea startingpoint.



Packaged sugar is available


The Guyana Sugar Corporation (GuySuCo) is pleasedtoinformconsumers that contrary to reports in some sections of the media, packaged sugar is available for sale. Production for the 2nd Crop of 2024 commenced last week and thesaleofpackagedsugar commencedonMonday, August19,2024.

Packaged sugar is available at the Blairmont Estate and from tomorrow, August 23, 2024 at the AlbionEstate. Additionally, bagged sugar is available at Albion and Rose Hall Estates Uitvlugt Estate

commenced production on August 21, 2024 and will havesugaravailableforsale on Monday, August 26, 2 0 2 4

The Corporation would like to also reiterate that there hasbeenNOpricechangeto neitherpackagednorbagged sugarandassuchbusinesses should not increase the p r i c e s o n t h e s e commodities Persons desirousofpurchasingsugar are asked to make contact with GuySuCo Marketing Department on 220-2891 ext.260,261&263. Regards G


Two calypsonians, icons on their own right


With the passing of the musical/cultural icon, Dave Martins, much accolades and tributesarebeingpaid,asthey should Dave Martins epitomisedthetrueessenceof theCaribbeanMan

Thetimeisopportunetopay toournationalhero,ouricon,the best tribute, posthumously: bestow a national award (OR? CCH?), among other forms of recognition,suchasinductioninto a musical, cultural hall, thereby giving meaning to a life lived simple, for the purpose of strummingmusicfromthesoul, where the Tradewinds blew across the Caribbean Rest peacefully sing with the angels Caricom,Iamsurewill consideranhonouringofthis, trueCaribbeanman AsIamat it: it was noted a post by a popular online media entity (News Source) alerting to the death of another calypsonian, Winfield James Winfield was a Trinidadian but was happy to have made Guyana his home May he too rest peacefully and sing with the angels Twocalypsoians,both icons in their own right, brought us much delight with that genere of music that is truly‘weown’.


Cayman National Cultural Foundation Mourns the Loss of Cultural Icon Dave Martins


The Cayman National

(CNCF) expresses deep sorrow at the passing of Dave Martins, a towering figureintheCaribbeananda visionary leader whose contributions have left an indeliblemarkontheregion. Bestknownastheleader oftherenownedTradewinds band, Dave Martins captivated audiences with his dynamic rhythms and poignantsocialcommentary Beyond his musical legacy, Dave Martins played a pivotal role in shaping the artistic landscape of the CaymanIslands. His influence extended far beyond the stage, as he initiated and produced the Batabano carnival in collaboration with Rotary, designed the national arts festival Cayfest, and created the beloved satirical revue Rundown working closely withCNCFArtisticDirector Henry Muttoo who codesigned, directed and then latertookoverthewritingof theproduction.

Dave’s leadership was

also evident in his roles as Chairman of the Cultural Foundation, Executive Director of the PiratesWeek National Festival, and President of the Cayman Music & Entertainment

Association “Dave Martins’ loss is felt not only in Canada, Guyana, and the Cayman Islands but throughout the world His legacy will live on in his music, his writings, and the many cultural institutions he helped build Speaking on behalf of the CNCF Board and Staff, we extend our sincerest condolences to hi

s remarkable contributions to CNCF, and Caymanian culture, over many years ” s a i d L o r n a R e i d , Chairperson of the Cayman National Cultural Foundation

F o r m e r C N C F Chairperson, Martyn Bould MBE,sharedhisreflections: “Iamsaddenedtohearofthe passing of Dave Martins but in turn wish to celebrate his lifeasamightyculturalicon

with whom I had the privilege of serving as Deputy Chairman when he was the Chairman of CNCF My journey at CNCF over the past 40 years has enriched my life beyond measure, and Dave’s contribution to understanding the delicate nuances of our Caymanian culture and its recognition and development are well illustrated in his foreword to Miss Lassie’s book ‘My Markings’ in 1994: ‘This book has another purpose in the work of cultural retention because it demonstrates that, in the face of massive external influences, the essence of Cayman, albeit under threat, is not completely overwhelmed The evidence is there It is not immense a n d n o t a l w a y s visible sometimes, as in the case of MissLassie, we have to go behind the breadfruit trees to find it—but it is there.’ Rest in Peace, Dave you are sadlymissed.”

Dr Henry Muttoo

OBE, former Artistic Director of CNCF, also paid tribute: “Dave did his work and passed away, peacefully, at the age of 90, withhiswife,Annette,athis bedside. He was an artist of tremendous vision and decep

mplicity, whose work reached both paupers andprinces.

I was very fortunate to have him as CNCF Chair when I started in 1989 Indeed, it was he who wrote to me in New YorktoaskwhetherIwould consider returning to Caymantobuildtheworkof CNCF

Over the 40 years I knew him, I learned a lot and will be forever g r a t e f u l t h a t h e eventually counted me among his closest and most trustedfriends.”

The CNCF extends its deepest condolences to Dave Martins’ family and to all who were touched by his remarkable lifeandwork.



The Glory Of Dave Martin’s Story


\Short,sweetandsimple, theresidentsfromRegion3, sympathize with Guyana’s loss,DaveMartin,ahumble hero, who humored the worldwiththehemandhaw of his and hers from the Caribbean.

“The Glory Of Dave Martin’sStory” Lovingly, they called himDave, HewassuchaGuyanese crave. We have to historically save, Thefolkloresongs,tous, hegave. Guyana’s great son, DavidMartin, His memories will be filedinabin.

Some addressed him as David,

To all Guyanese, he was related.

He made music even fromatin, Telling story about fish andfin.

His teasing lyrics, all locallyslated,

The picture of the Caribbean,hepainted.

Oh,whatafunnytalehe toldoncricket,

Poised in defense of his homewicket.

Dave’sguitar,wackedso wittyandwicked, But his tongue and


Rum and coke, coconut waterwithgin,

Themanwasalwaysnot out,withhisfootin.

Onanysubjectorobject, hecouldstickandpickapin, With sentiment and a sweet smile, he didn’t salt soapnorsin.

BornatHague,bredasa Demerarakid,

As a country boy, everythinghedid.


quicklybid, Talents with the Tradewinds,heneverhid. Writing and singing, Davewasbrilliantandbrave, Societyandcongeniality, heploughedawaytopave. Words of wisdom, like a washingEssequibowave, With a prince or pauper, heknewjusthowtobehave.

Dave loved Berbice, their Molson Creek and CrabwoodCreek,Venturing (Continuedonpage09)

ExxonMobil yet to respond to final report in first audit

The Government of G u y a n a h a s w r i t t e n ExxonMobil for its response tothefinalauditreportforthe first audit which shows charges amounting to some US$214Mthatwerenotused for activities directly related toexplorationandproduction in the Stabroek Block offshore.

However, Minister of Natural Resources, Vickram Bharrat at his mid-year press conference revealed that the oil company has not responded as yet to the enquiries, but there is a timeframe attached for them to do so which he did not specify

The first audit examined expenses incurred by the oil company from 19992014.Addressing the media MinisterBharratsaidthat“In terms of the audits the first

audit as you know that has been well very much ventilated in the media and elsewhere, we have closed that at the $214 figure, I would have based on advice we would have written Exxon saying that thisisthefinalreport.”

He explained that while the government is awaiting theoilcompany'sresponseto know the next step there is a timeframe attached for them to provide the answers. “We are awaiting the response. I think there is a time period forthatresponseandthenwe will take it forward from there, but from the government's perspective and our position is that the final report is being closed off at the $214 I think $214.6M,”hesaid. He further stated that, “Now let me stress too that not only for the media

- Oil Minister

becauseIknowyouknowbut for the viewers because we are live as well, let me stress too that there was this perception and allegation, against myself, the Vice President staff members that thereissomekindofsinister behindthewholeissueofthat firstaudit.”

The minister explained that in an audit there is no liquid cash involved, it is basically looking through receipts and invoices to ensure that the expenses and the monies spent are accounted for “So when we sayitis$214Mitdon'tmean in anyway $214M will be transferredfromExxontothe Ministry or Natural Resources. It don't work like that, that's not how audits

Minister of Natural Resources, Vickram Bharrat

work. It simply means that $214M once we agree $214Mwillberemovedfrom the cost bank. It means that thecountrydon'thavetopay back that $214M,” the ministerfurtherexplained.

Clearing up the misconception the minister said, “I wanted to say that because there is this misconception that its $214M US in cash. There is

PNCR says Govt. 10% salary increase vindictive, disrespectful to teachers

The People's National Congress (PNC) has once again called out the government on the salary increases offered to the teachers. On Friday, the party released a statement calling the 10% increase signed between the GuyanaTeacher'sUnion(GTU)andthe MinistryofEducationdisrespectfuland vindictive.“The People's Progressive Party's offer to the Guyana Teachers Union of a 10% increase on teacher's salary is ridiculous, disrespectful, vindictiveandareflectionofthedisdain that the regime has for teachers and otherpublicofficials.”

On Wednesday, despite objections fromasectionofitsGeneralCouncilas well as rank and file members, President of the Guyana Teacher's Union (GTU) Dr Mark Lyte signed a multi-year agreement with the governmentacceptingthe10%percent payhikeforteachersandaslewofother benefits none of which accorded with thedemandsoftheunion.

“It must be recalled that both Bharrat Jagdeo and Irfaan Ali demanded that the APNU+AFC government pay teachers 50%. They

made this demand under the then governmentbeforethediscoveryofoil, claiming that the then government could afford it. Now when there is oil the said government is contending that theycannotaffordtopayteachers50% increase.

This is the level of hypocrisy, disdain,vindictivenessandtrickerythat Bharrat Jagdeo and Irfaan Ali are metingouttothehardworkingteachers ofthisnation,”thePNCsaidFriday

Furthermore,thepartysaidthat“the so-called package delivers little or nothingtoteachersandisameresmoke screen for concealing the fact that the government is unprepared to treat teachersfairly.”

“When it is recognised that the infrastructure budget is $666B and the mainfundforPPPcorruption,thenitis obvious that the PPP is deliberately impoverishingourteachersandhaveno interestinimprovingthequalityoftheir lives,”thePNCnoted.

Meanwhile, just last week the Opposition party said that it supported theGTU'srejectionoftheproposal.

“The PNCR fully supports Guyana

Teachers'Union(GTU)andallteachers in rejecting the PPP government's insulting proposal of 10% salary increasefor2024,8%for2025,and9% for2026.Jagdeo'sclaimthattheunion's rejection results, from GTU General SecretaryCorettaMcDonald'sattempts to derail the union politically is politically hypocritical and comical. It is the same Jagdeo in 2018 who, as opposition leader, stated that teachers should be given 40% – 50% salary increasesfortheyear

NowthatthePPPisingovernment, with access to vast oil resources, its hypocrisy is on full display in its treatment of the nation's teachers with itsmeaninglessproposalsof8%–10% salaryincreases ”

Furthermore, the party said that as the next government, it intends to ensure that “the teachers receive compensation retroactively and that all public servants enjoy livable wages across the board The


no such thing like that. It's just writing off the amount from the cost bank. That is theonlytransactioninvolved there Where once the government say this is the final amount Exxon agrees andwedon'tgotoarbitration, thenthe$214Mcomesoutof the cost bank. So we don't havetopaythatbackthecost bank is reduced in other


Meanwhile, Vice

President Jagdeo had previously said that, “They still are in a back and forth; they still have been writing Exxonandawaitingresponse onalotoftheissuesthatyou have serialized in the KaieteurNews.”

The first audit into ExxonMobil's expenses incurred during the period 1999-2017 which amounted to US $1.6B was conducted bytheinternationalfirmIHS Markitandrevisedintheyear 2021. In this audit the auditors highlighted in the introduction that there was some “$214.4 million plus overhead adjustments of the costs currently included by EEPGL in the Cost Bank” that the Government of Guyana “has reasonable groundstodispute.”

New $38M nursery school for Batavia

Home to over 600 residents, the Amerindian Village of Batavia which is located along the Cuyuni River, Region Seven, is set to get a new nursery school building valued at $38,984,355.

T h e N a t i o n a l

Procurement and Tender Administration Board (NPTAB) office, who awarded the project, revealedthattheschoolwill bebuiltbycontractor-B&S ContractingService.

During a visit to the village back in May, President Irfaan Ali had announcedtheplanstobuild a nursery school there, noting it is all part of his government commitment to enhance education in the community

Minister of Education, Priya Manickchand at a press conference held at the National Centre for Educational Resource Development (NCERD) earlier this year had listed

over30nurseryschoolsthat are currently being built or wouldbebuiltthisyear

During that press conference, the minister said that having achieved universalprimaryeducation in the country, the intention is to achieve universal nursery and secondary education.

“What does universal mean, it means all over So all over Guyana we want nursery aged children to be able to access nursery schools and nursery education in Guyana is not compulsory as yet but we have registered the highest enrollment in the Commonwealth Caribbean at more than 85 percent of our nursery age cohort attending nursery school,” shesaid

The minister added that wherethereisagapitwould be where there are not enough schools and that is mostly in the hinterland regions.

Govt. yet to close 1999 to 2020 audit of Exxon's expenses

Come next month, the Government of Guyana (GoG) will award a contract for the third audit of ExxonMobil's multibilliondollar expenses, incurred between 2021 and 2023, however, two previous reviews of the company are yettobeclosed.

For the Minister of Natural Resources, Vickram Bharrat, completing the audits is not as important as starting the review process.

Theministerwasaskedathis mid-yearpressconferenceby Kaieteur News to say why there was a delay in the completion of the audits, especially when the 2016

Production Sharing Agreement(PSA)setsastrict

timeline for the completion ofsuchreviews.

BharratsaidthattheVice President, Bharrat Jagdeo previously addressed this concern, and he could not provide a different response. He nonetheless conceded that the audits have been delayed but noted “the point is that we are doing the audits.” The minister in an attempt to deflect responsibility for the incomplete audits pointed out that the PPPgovernment waspushingfortheauditsto be completed. To qualify his position, Bharrat said,

“Many other audits were delayed, no other audit was donefrom2016to2020,nota singleone.Whetherit'sinthe

CGX, Demerara-Berbice, Kanuku or whichever (oil) block. We started to push these audits and we are movingnowtothethirdaudit so the commitment is there bythegovernmentandbythe operatortoensurethatweget this audit done and I think that is important and to be doneproperlytoo.”

Audits are critical to ensuringthatthecountrywas not cheated by the oil companies through the procurement of goods and services from the company's contractors. This process is particularly important since the oil contract with Exxon provides for the operator to deduct 75% of the monthly revenues generated to clear

...but says “at least we are doing them”

its expenses. The remaining 25% is then shared with Guyana as profits. Without finalizing the audits Guyana would not be able to reclaim the illegal costs claimed by theoilcompany

Todate,twoauditsofthe company's expenses have beenconductedbutareyetto beclosed.

The first audit was done byaBritishfirm,IHSMarkit for the period 1999 to 2017.

That audit examined expenses totalling US$1.7B. Auditors had recommended US$214M be contested by the state and while the governmenthasacceptedthis recommendation, there has beennomovetothenextstep to reclaim the cost The process is still stalled with discussionsongoingbetween theGoGandExxon.

Meanwhile, the second audit was conducted by a local group, Ramdihal & Haynes Inc , Eclisar

Financial, and Vitality Accounting & Consultancy Inc. That audit examined expenses totalling US$7.3B covering the period 2018 to 2020.

Minister of Natural Resources, Vickram Bharrat

Based on the agreement, Guyanacanconductanaudit withintwoyearsfromtheend of each calendar year At the conclusionoftheprocess,the Contractormustbefurnished with the report and its findings within 60 days to provide a response The response from Exxon will detail its objection or acceptanceoftheauditclaim, along with explanations thereof. The contract also allowsthesubjectMinisterto c o n d u c t f u r t h e r investigationswithin60days of receiving the Contractor's response. It must be noted thatthePSAmakesitclearat Section 1.5 (b) that: “…If within sixty (60) days of the Minister's further investigation, the Parties are unable to agree to the disposition of the Minister's auditclaim,theclaimshallbe submitted to the sole expert inaccordancewithArticle26 oftheAgreement.”Article26 of the contract sets out the conditions as it relates to arbitration.

Power sharing is a recipe for disaster

In the aftermath of electoralcontestsinGuyana, whenever the PPPC wins an election and holds the majority in the National Assembly, the refrain for power sharing often reaches a crescendo. The chorus of dissent by anti-PPPC elements, however, is far from a principled stance on democraticgovernance.

Rather,itisareactionary impulse,agrabatthereinsof power by those who had been unwilling to share power when it was securely, either by foul or fair means, within their grasp. Calls for power-sharing in Guyana, particularly under the rubric of a supposedly tyrannical “winner-takes-all” Westminster system, are not only misplaced but also dangerously naïve. These calls fail to take account of the perils of forced cogovernance.

At the heart of the arguments, in support of power sharing is the misconception that the Westminster model, by its n

meaningful participation in governance.Thisviewisnot only reductive but also ignoresthenuancedrealities of Guyana’s political system, which is far more complex than the simplistic binaries often employed in t

l government and regional administration in Guyana providesacounterbalanceto central authority Here, the Opposition,whenvictorious in local and regional e

s significant control over regionaladministrationsand local government organs, often to the point of mismanaging these entities. This is a form of powersharing in its own right, a recognition that governance extends beyond the halls of Parliament and Cabinet and is devolved downwards to localcommunities. The cries for powersharing often reach a fever pitch when the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) occupies the

governmentbenches,onlyto dissipate into a whisper whenthepoliticaltideturns. This selective advocacy reveals a fundamental hypocrisy It is not the system itself that is at fault, butrathertheopportunismof those who would seek to subvertitfortheirowngain. Consider the experiments in power-sharing that have been undertaken in other parts of the world. South Africa, in the post-apartheid era, offers a cautionary tale.

The so-called “Government of National Unity” was lauded as a model of reconciliation, yet it quickly d e v o l v e d i n t o a dysfunctional arrangement, where political rivals were forced into an uneasy marriage that ultimately stifledeffectivegovernance.

The African National Congress (ANC) and the National Party were supposed to work together for the common good, but the reality was far different. The tensions and divisions thatweremeanttobehealed by this grand experiment

The Glory Of Dave Martin’s Story...

Frompage06 freelyfromBonasakiCreek toMarudiCreek. His preference and taste for Kaieteur Fall over NiagaraFall, Kept his Nation’s head high,proudlywalkingtall.

Guyana’s borders, neighborstriedtoclaimand rupture,

Not a blade of grass nor one curass, came Dave’s suture.Structurewithrhyme and rhythm, struck with a culture, Generations past and present, will provide for the future Dave and the Tradewinds stayed and played,atmanyanInn, Customandtraditionnot

tolose,noracompetitionor racetowin.

And so the story goes, with jamoon and our Pomeroonsocertain,

D a v e M a r t i n ’ s honeymoon, in Guyana, down came, the final curtain.

Yoursrespectfully, JaiLall


We like change we mind!

Dem boys seh we got a new nationalsportinGuyana:flipflopping.Andtrustme,itmake cricketlooklikeaweekendlime.Wemarry we childhood sweetheart with big fanfare andnuffnuffpeopleeatanddrink.Butnext morning, some ah we wake up and seh, “Wait, I like being single better.” Divorce lawyers smiling all de way to de bank, whiledefarmerscryingforrain. Andden,y’alleverhearaboutdehouse sale drama? You find a buyer who ain’t mind de leaking roof and de shaky back veranda.De paperworkalmostdonewhen suddenlyyourealize,“Nahman,thisplace got sentimental value!” So, you pull back fasterthanaminibusmandodgingatraffic cop. De buyer lef’ standing like he been dreamingalldetime.

But de real fun start when we start nominatingpeople.Webigupsomebrighteyedfella,sehhedenextsavior Butbefore deinkdryonheappointmentletter,westart murmuring,“Whotellwetopickthisone? Ain’thadnobodybetter?”Poorchapdon’t even get time to warm he seat before we

were merely papered over, leaving the underlying fracturestofester Zimbabwe provides an even starker example. The power-sharing agreement between Robert Mugabe’s ZANU-PF and Morgan Tsvangirai’s MDC in the wake of the 2008 elections was a textbook case of how shared governance can become a farce. Instead of fostering cooperation, the arrangement led to a perpetual stalemate, where policy paralysis became the order of the day. The government was neither unified nor functional, and the people of Zimbabwe were left to suffer the consequences. Closer to home, the experiences in Kenya after the 2007-2008 electoral crisis show that power-sharingcanoftenbea band-aid solution to deeper structural issues The coalition government that emerged was marked by constantinfighting,alackof coherent policy direction, and a failure to address the root causes of the political violence that had necessitated the powersharingagreementinthefirst place. At one stage, there were even calls for the establishment of a coalition Oppositiontoensurethatthe governmentofnationalunity was held to account. The experiment with shared governanceinKenyaproved a failure. These examples should serve as a sobering reminder that powersharing, while superficially appealing, often leads to the very outcomes it seeks to

lity, inefficiency, government paralysisandadeepeningof the very divisions it is supposed to heal The Westminstersystem,withall its flaws, at least offers clarity The government governs, and the Opposition opposes, each playing their role in a democratic dance that, while imperfect, has stoodthetestoftime.Italso provides more stability than p o w e r - s h a r i n g arrangements.

No one however should dispute the need, in multiethnic and other divided polities, for greater political consensus. The PPPC has recently rebuffed a proposal to develop a joint national development plan involving alltheparliamentaryparties. But this rebuff may have to do with the personal insecurities and the desire for maximum control by elements within the PPPC leadership However, just like with the demands for power sharing, there is hypocrisy in respect to efforts at consensusbuilding. During the tenure of minority rule under the D o n a l d R a m o t a r government, his efforts at seeking political consensus in the Budget approval process were met initially withcooperationandthenan a b o u t - t u r n i n t o obstructionism.

This outcome was not necessarily an indictment of the system but rather of the vicious and combative politicalculturethatseeksto undermine it at every turn. Thepursuitofpowersharing

in such a context is not a solution but a symptom of a deeper malaise: a refusal to accept the verdict of the electorate and a willingness tosubvertdemocraticnorms for short-term and selfish gain.

In defending the “winner-takes-all” system, one is not championing a system of exclusion but rather a system

Governments must be allowed to govern, and if they fail, they must be held accountableattheballotbox, notshackledbyartificialand ultimately unworkable p

Opposition in Guyana is no longer permanently locked outofoffice.Changestothe country’s demographics now allow for the present Opposition to win an election freely and fairly even with a polarized electorate, as happened in 2015 As s

, the Opposition can no longer claim that it does not have a chance of winning an election in Guyana and use this as the basis for demandingpowersharing. (The views expressed in this article are those of the a

hor and do not necessarily reflect the opinionsofthisnewspaper.)

callingfuhhehead. Andelections?Buddy,that’swherewe reallyshowoff.Wevotewithmorepassion than a preacher man on Sunday morning. Wecampaignlikewelifedependonit.But assoonasdemwin,weturn‘gainstdemso fast,youcouldgetwhiplash.“Whovotefor this clown?” we ask, pretending we didn’t celebratewhendemwin.

And de oil contract? Oh man, we march,weprotest,weholler‘boutfairness andrenegotiation.Butjustlikedat,wemek a U-turn so sharp, we head spin. Now, all we hearin’ is, “We gon review it… eventually.”

And dat oversight body we did promise?Nowwehearin’,“Nomagicfix,” like we didn’t know better It’s like we allergictostickingtoanything.

In Guyana, we commit to anything—marriage, house sale, leaders, oil contracts—until we don’t. We got buyers’remorseonsteroids.Buthey,that’s how we roll: forever undecided, forever changingwemind. Talkhalf.Leffhalf


Learning from Americans

Several columns are in thepipelinethatspeaktothe plight of those held to ransom by circumstances, over the recent centuries.

The focus is on how some reacted and went after their destiny with determination and grit, courage and resourcefulness. Another would be of those who allowed themselves to be bent by the winds, how they endedup. Theobjectiveisto furnishmyfellowGuyanese withlessons,reminders,and inspirations on what history has taught us, what is left in our hands, and what wisdomsmustcome.

IbeginwiththeBritishin ColonialAmerica. Itakethe liberty of speaking directly to my fellowAmerican, Mr Alistair Routledge, plus the broadestexpanseofGuyana. ToMr Routledge,Iwishfor

aprofitable2024forExxon, and extend good graces to himpersonally

As an American, I am confident that the Exxon Country Head in Guyana is very familiar with the visions, attitudes, and actions that inspired his forbearstoresisttheBritish, andinsodoing,earnbyforce of character, freedom from the stranglehold of British tyranny Itisinterestingthat Englishmen from the Mayflower down to the 1 7 6 0 s h a d c l o s e relationships with the British, through shared heritage, and reciprocal activities. The cavaliers of Virginia are one example. Yet they chafed, and for somethingassmallastaxes. Boston attorney, James Otis, said it best in 1761, “taxation without

representation is tyranny.” Now if that was not the opening peal of a freedom bell, then I don't know what is. The long slumbering Navigation Act was shaken tolife,andenforcedbyKing George III, through his PrimeMinisterWilliamPitt. All that was sought by England was to make the colonists pay a little duty to cover some expenses, such as defense. The uproar was heard all the way across the Atlantic, and rocked the raftersindearoldeEngland.

King George went through sevenPrimeMinisterstoget the upstart (rebellious) colonists to shell out a few shillings William Pitt failed, right-winger Lord B

Grenvillegotnowhere,Lord Frederick North struggled, t h e m a r q u e s s o f

Rockingham threw in the towelearly,thenWilliamPitt (again), who got seriously ill, and Charles Townsend. Sevenprimeministersanda King were brought to a grinding halt by the colonists. Not one damn pence,Majesty Iamcertain that Mr Routledge of America and Exxon can see whereIamgoing.

TheNavigationAct,Acts ofTrade,SugarActof1764, StampAct, TeaAct, Mutiny Act, and Quartering Act were all unsheathed and brandished at the colonists, and still they refused to part with a few farthings, for what was not such an expensive proposition. In fact, each new legal apparatus by the mother country to wrest some cash out of the colonists only stoked the fires of resentment further In Virginia, Patrick Henry tabled the seven Virginia Resolves of 1765. One of those Resolves spoke of legal autonomy, which was code for Independence,then stillyearsaway Whensome jumpedonthatoldwarhorse nametreason,PatrickHenry openlymockedthem:“Ifthis betreason,makethemostof it.”

Mr. Routledge should recall that government hustlers tried something similarherewithmelastyear to inhibit from going after Exxon and its local collaborators. My response then, and my response now,

is identical to that of PatrickHenry

What's the point of all this? It is that Guyana's leadersshouldbeinspiredby Colonial America Patriots. They resisted pound, shilling, and pence, mere pittances,aswellaskingand mother country Ours is a trillion American dollars of sacred birthright, and our luminaries are ghostly shadows of indecision, derision, and submission Colonial Americans didn't want to negotiate, they craved freedom. Our guys don't want to compel Exxon torenegotiate,andtheyhave fallen in love with selfenslavement Guyana's political leaders may see themselves as lesser people who survive by sucking up. Notthisone,brothers. Separately, if only the people at Exxon take a leaf out of their own history books,andmakethekindof adjustment that the circumstances here demand. Exxon Guyana (or however branded nowadays) has an opportunity to be Public Partner Number 1 with the Guyanese people. A partner thatisauthenticthroughand through, with fairness foremost. Shell out some cash (percentages, share, taxes) To date, legal compact and all, Exxon has been the epitome of a rapacious,ruthlesscorporate predator Istillthinkthatcan

be changed. The very last thing that anyone (I) would wish is for Exxon to mutate into Public Enemy Number 1, which many Guyanese alreadybelievedeepdownis whereithasreached.

N o g o v e r n m e n t chieftains, no media thuggees, no slippery Guyanese defender will be able to remove the stain and stench of Public Enemy Number 1 from Exxon. I appreciate that Mr Routledge has Guyana's leading people curtsying, pirouetting, and trash talking; they are not of the stuff of Nathan Hale, Paul Revere, or Nathan Bedford Forest. Iwouldhavebeenso proud. Instead, we have tricksters and backstabbers pretendingatenlightenment. Meanwhile, the fight continues For there are others seething with fury at Exxon's yoke (contract) which dilutes Guyanese potential,prosperity Exxon must learn from King George's hardheadedness. Guyanese have rights, just like the colonists, and there willbeareckoningforthem. Betterthatallbeonthesame side. (Theviewsexpressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the o p i n i o n s o f t h i s newspaper.)

Jagdeowarnscitizensnot tofallpreyofonlinescam falselyusingprominentfigures

General Secretary of the People's Progressive Party Civic (PPP/C) and Vice President of Guyana, Bharrat Jagdeo has cautionedthepublicaboutanumberofonline scams that are misusing the images of wellknown Guyanese leaders for fraudulent activities.“SoInoticedanumberofthings,a lotofscamsstuffgoingaround,”Jagdeosaid duringhispressconferenceonThursday

He highlighted his concern over the deceptive schemes falsely associating himself,PresidentIrfaanAli,SeniorMinister ofFinanceDr AshniSingh,andothers.

He noted that these fraudulent schemes often rely on sensational stories to trick people into divulging their personal information.“Andit'salotofscamstuffbut its fishing, it's something generated I think abroad and with all these sensational stories so when you go there, then they have your number,everything,andpleasedon'tfallprey tothem,”theVicePresidentcautioned.

For instance, Jagdeo spoke about one

scamthatfalselyclaimedthatDr Singhhad accumulatedwealththroughaninvestmentin specific software, encouraging others to investsimilarly

Jagdeosaid,“ifyou'restupidandyouput your money there and they gone with your money, don't blame the government, it's a scamthat'sgoingaround.”

TheVicePresidentemphasizedthatthese scams exploit the names of reputable individualstomisleadthepublic.

“Andtheyuseprominentpeopletosayoh Ashni Singh microphone was off in an interview and he was telling people how he wasinvestingthroughthissoftwareifyou're stupidyou'dloseyourmoney,”headded.

Jagdeo urged the public to stay vigilant and not engage with these fraudulent schemes. “Don't blame and sayAshni Singh had invested in the software it's a scam. People,don'tparticipateinthis,Ijustthought I bring it to your attention because it is important,”heconcluded.

Coverden residents set face against oil & gas waste treatment plant


Residents of Coverden East Bank Demerara (EBD)

have raised staunch objections to a decision to have an oil and gas waste treatment facility built in the community

The residents have been upinarmsafterreadinginthe press last week that an agreementwassignedbythe Senior Minister within the Office of the President with Responsibility for Finance andPublicService,Dr Ashni Singh for the $214M waste treatmentplant.

The agreement was officially handed over by Guyana's Chief Investment Officer,Dr PeterRamsaroop to the Chief Executive

O f f i c e r ( C E O ) o f ProfessionalWasteSolutions Incorporated, (PWSI), Mahendra Jettoo

The residents have since noted that PWSI waste facility is a highly hazardous and dangerous operation and no assessment has been done to determine the risks to the health and wellbeing of residents; risks to the environment, air, soil etc.; andthecommunity

Following a meeting on Wednesday, the residents issuedastatementexplaining that they are planning

protests outside of ProfessionalWasteSolutions Incorporated Oil and Gas Waste Treatment Plant at Coverden EBD The community group is also in the process of seeking legal advice in relation to ProfessionalWasteSolutions Incorporated, Go-Invest and Environmental Protection Agency(EPA).

“…there is no way of determining how these risks would be managed, compensation for residents and the community, etc. As such, as residents of Coverden, we are saying in thestrongestofways,thatwe donotwantthisoranyoiland gas waste treatment facility orthestorageofRadioactive materials and Industrial Radiography Devices in our community,” a statement issued on behalf of the residentssaid.


outlined among their concerns the fact that the government would sign an agreementwithPWSI,anew company that has no experience, expertise, or competency in managing oil

The Investment Agreement was handed over today by Chief Investment Officer, Dr Ramsaroop to CEO - Professional Waste Solutions Inc. (PWSI) Mr. Mahendra Jettoo.

and gas waste or an oil and gaswastetreatmentfacility

“We are also surprised to learnthatMahendraJettoo,is the Chief Executive Officer for this oil and gas waste treatment facility because Mr Jettoo was the landlord for previous developers for the waste treatment facility, Global Oil Environmental Services (GOES), an American company, and JAPARTS Guyana, the local partner,” the statement added.

According to the residents,themovewaseven more concerning since in 2021, the Global Oil Environmental Services (GOES), applied to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for approval to construct and operate an OilandGasWasteTreatment facility for the transfer, storage, treatment and disposal of Exploration and ProductionatCoverden,East BankDemerara.

That partnership was with JaParts Guyana and the EPA issued a public notice about the proposed facility, and some of the residents from Coverden filed 'Letters of Objection/Appeal' to the Environmental Assessment Board(EAB).

The residents noted to that approval was eventually given to GOES but was not given to Professional Waste Solutions Incorporated, which is a new company to operate an oil and gas waste treatment facility in Coverden.

Assuch,theresidentsare raising several questions as to what was the approval process followed by the

The Professional Waste Solutions Incorporated located at Coverden



Environmental Protection

Agency (EPA) for ProfessionalWasteSolutions Incorporated, (PWSI) to operate Oil and Gas Waste Treatment Facility in Coverden.

Thegroupqueried“What was the approval process followed by GO-Invest for the allocation of $214M to ProfessionalWasteSolutions Incorporated, (PWSI) to operate Oil and Gas Waste Treatment Plant at Coverden? Why were no consultations done with residents of Coverden and ProfessionalWasteSolutions Incorporated, (PWSI) about the Oil and Gas Waste Treatment Plant being

According to the residents, there is no way of determining how these risks would be managed, compensation for residents and the community, etc. As such, the residents of Coverden, have condemned the project in the strongest terms

“Wearesayingthatwedo not want this or any oil and gas waste treatment facility or the storage of radioactive materials and industrial radiography devices in our community,” the statement said.

Meanwhileinresponseto the concerns raised by the EPAinastatementissuedon Tuesday said that new company is essentially operating on the permit

The EPAsaid that GOES was then issued an E

n m e n t a l Authorization for five years valid August 2021 to July 2026. On July 12, 2023, the EPA received an application totransfertheEnvironmental AuthorizationfromGOESto Professional Waste Solution Inc (PWSI), citing the followingreason:

“GOES suspended operations at the current location in January 2023. However, since the permit is stillvalidforthreeadditional years, Professional Waste Solutions Inc. is desirous of recommencing operations at the current location, especially since some of the infrastructure, already in place,willremainintact.”

The EPA said that it processedtheapplicationfor transfer in keeping with the Environmental Protection Regulations, and issued an Environmental Permit (Transferred and Modified) toPWI.

The Agency took into consideration that, while the project is now under transferred ownership, all of the elements generally remain the same, with some improved process and technology

“All safeguards are captured in the transferred and varied permit, as the Agencywantedtoensurethat impacts are not significant and, importantly, that the permit holder can meet their obligations in accordance withtheAct,”theEPAsaid.

$17M in contracts awarded to install street lights in EBD housing areas

The Guyana Government is set to spend $17 million from an InterAmerican Development Bank (IDB) loan for the supply and installation of solar streetlights for housing areas on theEastBankofDemerara(EBD).

The contra

s amount to $17,022,868accordingtotheNational

Administration Board (NPTAB) office.

The project for the installation of solar integrated LED street lights for theEastBankDemeraraHousingArea (Lot 1 &2) is being undertaken by the Central Housing and Planning Authority

NPTABreleasedonitswebsitethat Twins Enterprises was contracted for both lots, with lot 1 being awarded for $8,635,228 and lot 2 awarded for $ 8,387,640.

The government received funds from the IDB towards the Road Network Upgrade and Expansion

Programme (Adequate Housing and Urban Accessibility Programme) and according to the government's advertisement for bids, the delivery/ construction period for the contract is 210daysperlot.

It was also reported in the media that the Bank had agreed in 2017 to provide US$63 5M to fund

Government's Adequate Housing and UrbanAccessibilityProgramme.

According to the loan agreement, this support will help vulnerable households, including those led by

single parents, and those living in structuresthatarenothabitable.

In special occasions, families may also opt to relocate to serviced and transportation-accessibleCH&PAsites intheprojectarea.

Further, the objective of the reformulated project is to improve the quality of life in urban and peri-urban Georgetown through better access to adequate housing and basic infrastructure for low-income populations, and through improved accessibilityandmobilityservices.

Kaieteur News understands that under this same loan programme the Housing Ministry had awarded contracts totalling $25 million in July 2022forsimilarstreetlightsforsixlow incomecommunitiesinRegionThree.

Thatprojectentailedthesupplyand installationof80-wattstand-alonesolar integrated street lights, with the lamp comprising of a solar panel, charge controllerandbattery

Magistrate tells man ‘Stop thieving mirrors or

you'll go

A 4 4 - y e a r - o l d unemployed man from Leopold Street, Georgetown, on Friday appeared at the Georgetown Magistrates' court to face a simple larceny charge.

The accused, Quincy Wills, on August 21,2024 at Brickdam Road, Georgetown in the vicinity of Demico House, stole two rear view mirrors belonging to Ryan Playter.Wills appeared before Magistrate Annette Singh where the charge was read to him.Hepleadedguilty

According to the police report presented in court, on thedayoftheincident,Playter left his home with his motor c

Georgetown to meet a friend who was waiting for him at DemicoHouse.

Playterthenparkedhiscar onBrickdaminthevicinityof the said place and proceeded tothebuilding,leavingthecar intact. Thirty minutes later, Playter returned to his motor car and noticed that his two rear view mirrors were missing.Areportwasmadeto the police and Wills was

to jail’

arrested,toldoftheallegation and cautioned Wills admitted to the offence and wascharged. Wills was fined $10,000 but was cautioned by the magistrate to stop stealing mirrors lest he receives harsherpenalties.

Magistrate Singh warned, “andifyoucomebackbefore meagainyou'regoingtojail”.

Quincy Wills

Youths in Natural Resources Apprenticeship Program visit Gas to Energy power plant construction

Lindsayca and CH4, the joint venture that was awarded the contract to construct the onshore facilities for the Gas-toEnergy (GTE) project in collaboration with the Ministry of Na

facilitated a two day tour of the construction site for the 40participantsoftheYouths in Natural Resources ApprenticeshipProgram.

InastatementonFriday, the joint venture (LNDCH4 Guyana) said the visit and tour of the construction site th nd on August 20 and 22 included a comprehensive presentation on the Gas to Energy power plant project, detailing its significance to the nation's energy future and its role in reducing Guyana'scarbonfootprint.

Notably, the local media was not invited to provide

coverage of the visit

, Humberto Lopez during a presentation told the youths in the Apprenticeship Program that the GTE project is a cornerstone of Guyana's energy transition.

To this end, he noted, “It is crucialthatouryoungpeople are engaged and informed about the opportunities and challengesin this sector We believe that initiatives like this will inspire the next generation to take an active role in the country's energy future."

Head of the Guyana Power and Light (GPL), KeshNandlallwhowasalso on-site for a separate meeting, shared his insights on the energy sector's potentialandtheimportance of youth involvement in shapingGuyana'sfuture.

In December 2022, g

US$759M contract with CH4-Lindsaycatobuildtwo NaturalGasPlantsatWales, West Bank Demerara (WBD) The Engineering,

C) contract, stipulates that CH4-Lindsayca is solely responsible for the design, p

d construction of the plants. Thefirmwillbetaskedwith building a Natural Gas Liquid plant and a 300 megawatt power plant at Wales, West Bank Demerara. The GTE project alsoentailsa220-kilometers pipeline being constructed byExxonMobil.

Country Manager of LNDCH4 Guyana,

NAREI, CAPA inked MoUs to expand agricultural interventions

TheNationalAgriculturalResearch and Extension Institute (NAREI) and the Caribbean Agricultural Productivity Improvement Activity (CAPA) on Thursday signed two MemorandaofUnderstanding(MoUs) that ensure continued success and expansion of key agricultural interventionslocally

CAPA, a project funded by the UnitedStatesAgencyforInternational

Development (USAID) and implementedbyImprovingEconomies for Stronger Communities (IESC), is dedicated to improving agricultural productivity and market efficiencies across the Caribbean.The two new memoranda signed onThursday at the Grand Coastal Hotel, Le Ressouvenir, EastCoastDemerara,extendthelistof official collaborators in Guyana to three. During the ceremony, Minister of Agriculture, Zulfikar Mustapha noted that the MoU provides a structuredframeworkthatwillsupport the nation in achieving its 25 by 2025 foodsecuritygoal.

He said the $5.3 million initiative will help stakeholders in the industry

bypromotingtheuseofmarket-driven agriculturalpracticesandtechnologies. The minister explained that it would also give them easier access to domestic and regional markets. “We are working to have a level playing fieldintheCaribbean,althoughweare having international agencies helping us to boost the capacity…and to improve production and productivity, wearealsoworkingfromthetechnical sidetoimprovetraderelationsbetween memberstatesothatwecansatisfythe demands of our market,” Minister Mustaphastressed.

The focus on increasing productivity, building buyers' capacity and improving farm-level extension systems speaks directly to the core of Guyana's national agenda for agricultural development Minister Mustapha believes that the new pact will embrace an integrated approach across the entire agricultural value chain, improving the capability of suppliers, extension workers, processors, wholesalers and even regionaldevelopmentpartners.

“We are moving in the right

direction In order to achieve sustainablegrowth,wemustfirstequip our farmers with the knowledge, tools andresourcestheyneedtothriveinan increasingly competitive global market,” the agriculture minister emphasised. According to him, the projectalsointroducedtheuseofbees' starch and innovative products designed to extend the shelf life of produce, underscoring the dedication tointegratingnewtechnologythatcan reducepost-harvestlossesandincrease thevalueofagricultureoutput.

Meanwhile, USAID's Project Management Specialist Durwin Humphrey underscored that the MoU is a critical step towards building a strongcoalitionaimedatleveragingthe strengths of partners. He was adamant that the collaboration would reduce duplication efforts, create synergies, and strategically deploy resources to address some of the pressing issues of localproducers.

Humphrey said USAID looks forward to the real impact of this structured mechanism over the next fewmonths.(DPI)

Youth in Natural Resources Apprentices with the LNDCH4 Guyana Team.
Humberto Lopez, delivering his presentation

CDB launches knowledge exchange lab to advance gender equality in Caribbean

Recognising the critical need for a collaborative platform to advance gender equality in the region, the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB) has launched the Gender Equality Knowledge Exchange Lab (GEKEL) in partnership with the UN Women Multi-Country Office - Caribbean. The Lab is designed to foster collaboration and knowledge-sharing on gender equality among partners in the Bank’s client countries, including national gender machineries, governmental and non-governmental organisations, civil society, the private sector, academia, and youth organisations.

In a press release CDB said the initiative is a key component of CDB’s broader commitment to promoting capacity-building, technical assistance, and financing across the Caribbean to achieve gender equality and enhance sustainable development. The Lab is rooted in CDB’s 2019 Gender Equality Policy and Operational Strategy, serving as a crucial platform for bringing together diverse stakeholders to address challenges and develop solutions to promote gender equality.

A central feature of the Lab is its quarterly online peer-to-peer knowledge exchange sessions, facilitated by CDB in collaboration with UN Women Caribbean, the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and Empowerment of Women. These two-and-a-half-hour sessions provide a platform for stakeholders to discuss specific topics across various sectors and explore innovative solutions. Participants can also request customised training during these sessions.

The Gender Equality Knowledge Exchange Lab was piloted on 18 September 2023, following the flagship Gender Seminar at CDB’s 53rd Annual Meeting of the Board of Governors in Saint Lucia. The pilot session attracted over 50 participants from 19 Caribbean countries and focused on implementing national gender focal point systems, showcasing regional and global best practices. The positive response from participants, who expressed strong interest in continued training through a coordinated network on gender equality themes, led to the formal establishment of the Lab.

On 24 July 2024, in conjunction with GEKEL’s official launch, CDB and the UN Women Multi-Country Office - Caribbean held a second training session on Gender Mainstreaming in Trade Policy. Facilitated by the International Trade Centre (ITC), the training brought

together 99 trade officials, policymakers, and representatives of national gender machineries from across the region. The session focused on the policy environment for women in business and trade, as well as strategies and options for integrating gender considerations into trade and trade-related policies.

During the training, CDB’s Vice President of Operations (Ag.), Mrs. Therese TurnerJones, reaffirmed the Bank’s commitment to empowering women and promoting gender equality in the region, stating: “By bringing together key stakeholders, we can identify solutions to the challenges hindering gender equality in trade and develop policies (Continued on page 18)


thereof. IT IS ORDERED that personal service of the Application relating to child with Affidavit in Support, a Statement of Arrangement for child, Blank Statement of Arrangement for children, Reply to the Application relating to child and zoom protocol by a person authorized by the Registrar be and is hereby dispensed with and that the mode of service be substituted by way of leaving sealed and certified copies of the Form 9: Application Relating to child, Form 2: Statement of Arrangement for child, blank Form 10: Reply to Application Relating to Child, a blank Form 2: Statement of Arrangement of Child together with a sealed and certified copy of this Order of Court with an adult inmate at Lot 26 Plantation Walk West Coast Demerara. AND IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the hearing of the Form: 9 Application is fixed for Tuesday the 24th day of September, 2024 at 2:30 pm before the Honourable Madam Justice Fidela Corbin-Lincoln via zoom, Meeting ID: 882 1097

6231and Passcode Court12


Male able-bodied Staff to work in general store. Call: 231-2029, 616-5954.

Wanted Maths Tutor. Call: 223-5273/ 223-5274.

Wanted! Workers for packaging pasta and chowmein. $4100-$4900 per day. Workers paid weekly. Call: 6117839.


General Domestic, must know to cook, clean , press ect. 3 days, $6000, 8-4 at Keyfood, Mcdoom village next to the post office.

Driver, must have valid license for Car & Van. Must be able to assist in Workshop also. Call: 615-9132.

One Electrician needed for Eccles. For more information Call: 615-9132 or 645-8443. Skilled labourer (road construction), 20 years or older & Welder / Fabricator, 30 years or older call: 613-0855 9am-4pm.

Canter driver needed, ages 30 years or older. Must have atleast 5 years experience. Call:613-0855 9am-4pm.

One Cook. Call: 223-5273/74.

One Salesgirl to work in a Boutique in Georgetown. Call: 698-7152.

Experienced utility operators (excavator, bulldozer, ADT) and Mechanics wanted for mining operation. Call: 688-6575.

Experienced male Cooks Crew wanted for mining operation. Call: 688-6575.

1 Operator, 1 Cook and experienced Jet + Marack men to work in Interior. Tele: 677-2385.

Visa Application:U.S.A, Canada & UK:Graphics design, advertisements, wedding arch rentals.Tel:6267040. SERVICES

Elevate your brand with our professional Graphic design services. For more information Call: 619-0007, 629-5526.

Need a bus or planning an outing. Call Matthew bus services and tours, Surniname/Braz. Whatsapp : 639-2663/673-2348.


Nayelli school of cosmetology is n ow enrolling for cosmetology courses beginning September 9th, 2024, 211 New Market st. Call: 2262124.

FIRST AID/CPR/AED as well as home nursing courses at St. John Association starting shortly. Call: 225-9082.





Petitioner/Applicant -vs- (DANIELS)



Wednesday the 27th day of November, 2024 at 10:15 am before the Honourable Madam Justice Damone Younge via Zoom Meeting ID: 845 1426 6584 and Password: 786 445.

One clerk for TSI Eccles office. English & Mathematics, grade 1 or 2. Email application: techserigy@ yahoo.com or call 615-9132. Maid to clean for East Bank area. Call: 615-9132

Female cleaner for office call : 645-8443

Male cleaner for Eccles call 615-9132 or 645-8443

Vacancy for salesgirls and boys at Lot 16, Public road Soesdyke. Call: 669-9258.

Vacancy legal computer clerk. Phone 258-0213. Email : husainsaphier@yahoo.com

Vacancy exist for security guard male and female , ages 45-60 years. Call: 225-1449 / 656-4430.


1 Honda CRV, includes TV, music system, alarm, reverse camera, sproiler, crashbar, low mileage PTT Series (first owner). Contact: 649-0956.

1 Toyota Allion, Pioneer DVD, CD & USB deck, reverse camera, alarm, low milage. Call: 649-0956.

Rumion for sale, Model 2012, PTT Series. Call : 6715759.

Nissan Bluebird for sale year 2006 (Silver) Original condition. Immediate Transfer Price Negotiable. Call / Whatsapp : 683-7761.


1-320 D Caterpillar Excavator with 3066 engine in excellent condition, if interested contact: 701-4000 Monday - Friday 8am-5pm.

Lawn grass, palms & flowers for sale. Call : 626-1044.

Mining equipment, Maroc nozzles starting from $3,500 & chinese engine bed starting from $21,000. Call: 698-1267/657-9121.

Formely of Lot 528 Haslington, Enmore Housing Scheme, East Coast Demerara, Guyana TAKE NOTICE that on the 27th day of March, 2024 a Petition for Divorce was filed against you by JULIET ROSAMOND DANIELS nee LA TOUCHE also known as ROSAMOND JULIET LA TOUCEDANIELS the Petitioner/ Applicant in the Family Division of the High Court in Georgetown, Demerara. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that as part of an Order made on the 9th day of August, 2024, the Petitioner/Applicant was directed to effect service of her Petition on you by publication of this Notice in two (2)consecutive Saturday issues of the KAIETEUR NEWS, a daily Newspaper printed, published and circulated in and around Guyana. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that if you desire you may appear or attend in person or by your duly authorized agent or Attorney-at-Law at the Registry of Family Division of the High Court at Georgetown, Demerara where you will be issued with a certified copy of the Petition together with related documents. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that if you desire to Defend this Divorce, then upon receipt of the certified copy of the Petition, you must file an Acknowledgement of Service, Notice of Intention to Defend (Forms are available at the Registry), Answer and/or Cross Petition in the Registry of the Family Division of the High Court at Georgetown, Demerara within 35 (thirty-five) days from the date of the publication of this Notice. TAKE NOTICE that the divorce is fixed for Directions Hearing on

IN DEFAULT of your filing an Acknowledgement of Service/Notice of Intention to Defend, Answer and/or Cross Petition the Court may proceed in your absence and may make any Order it considers appropriate, including granting the Divorce.The Registry of the Family Division of the High Court is located at the Law Courts [Georgetown, Demerara]. The office is open to the public between 8:00am and 3:30pm Mondays to Thursdays and 8:00am to 2:30pm on Fridays except on public holidays and on such other days as the Registry is closed.

Dated the14th day of August, 2024.

Applicant in person: Goomattie Singh Address: Lot 98 Vriesland West Bank Demerara. Tel: 612-9926







READING the Without Notice of Application on the part of GOOMATTIE SINGH, the above-named Applicant filed herein on the 17th day of July, 2024 AND the Affidavit in Support of the said Applicant sworn to and filed herein on the 17th day of July, 2024 in support

Vacancy for the night handyman and a domestic maid Call 6386816

Israel’s evacuation orders have displaced 90% of Gaza residents, UN says

AP - Successive Israeli evacuation orders in Gaza, including 12 just inAugust, havedisplaced90%ofits2.1 million residents since the Israel-Hamas war began in October, the top U N humanitarianofficialforthe Palestinianterritorysays.

U S Vice President KamalaHarrissayssheand President Joe Biden are working to end the war in


Committee says the polio virus has been circulating forthefirsttimeinaquartercentury because of the destruction of hospitals and water infrastructure, along with overcrowded living conditions.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s Office says a delegation from the country has arrived in Cairo to resume efforts to salvage a ceasefire deal The talks are being mediated by the

United States, Egypt and Qatar A crucial sticking point involves Israel’s demand for lasting control over two strategic corridors inGaza.

ThewarbeganonOct.7, when Hamas and other

militants stormed Israel, killed around 1,200 people — mostly civilians — and abductedaround250.

About 110 hostages are still inside Gaza, a third of whom are believed to be dead.

Acar accident

that occurred


evening on Rupert Craig HighwayandUniversityof Guyana Access Road East CoastDemerara(ECD)has resulted in several persons being injured including a child. Police reported that the accident on A

PMM 6481 driven by Rohit Balgobin,25, an electrician of Better Hope ECD, and motor car PRR 3591 driven by Danraj Chatrupaul, 31, a taxi driver of Second Street Lusignan.

The Israeli offensive launched in response has killed more than 40,000 Palestinians in Gaza, accordingtothelocalHealth Ministry, which doesn’t say how many were militants or civilians.

At the time of the a

Chatrupaul’s vehicle w

passengers: 33-yearold Ashley Kamaldeen and her 7-year-old son, Julian Kamaldeen, both

Frompage15 that promote inclusive and equitable growth.”

UN Women Caribbean Representative, Ms Tonni Brodber, emphasised the importance of inclusive policies, stating: “This is not just about women, it is about understanding where the women and men areintradeandhowbestwecanunderstand the trade policies and develop policies and practices that can serve women and men, highlighttheirsuccessesandimportantlynot blocktheiropportunities.”

“Public procurement accounts for 12% oftheCaribbean’sGDP,butlessthan5%of public tenders go to women-owned

from Cummings Lodge, ECD. According to police reports, Balgobin was traveling east along Rupert Craig Highway at a high speed. As he a

intersection with UG AccessRoad,heattempted to turn in a southern direction and entered the path of Chatrupaul’s

proceeding west along the highway This led to a collision between the

significant damage to the vehicles


involved sustained injuries and were taken and

Hospital Corporation (GPHC)fortreatment. Investigations are ongoing.

CDB launches knowledge... Several injured after car-crash at UG road

businesses. Helping women become more competitive in trade and in public procurement is a big part of what we do at ITCandisthereasonwhywepartneredwith UNWomentolaunchtheGlobalCampaign onGender-ResponsivePublicProcurement. I call on Caribbean countries to join our campaigntoleveragesourcingasadriverof gender equality,” said Ms Pamela CokeHamilton,ExecutiveDirectorofITC,during heropeningremarksatthewebinar Todate, the Gender Equality Knowledge Exchange Lab has trained 150 individuals, underscoring CDB’s ongoing efforts to promote gender-inclusive and sustainable developmentintheCaribbean.

2024 Massy Women’s Caribbean Premier League... Matthews stars again as Royals stay perfect


g masterclass from captain Hayley Matthews saw Barbados Royals overcome Trinbago Knight Riders in thesecondmatchofthe2024 Massy Women’s Caribbean Premier League (WCPL) at the Brian Lara Cricket Academy in Tarouba, Trinidad.

After her decisive inningsof61notoutagainst GuyanaAmazonWarriorsin

the first game of the competition on Wednesday, Matthews showed again whysheisoneofthebestin the world in the white ball format. The in-form opener struck twelve boundaries to finishunbeatenon67off56 ballstoseehersidecomplete a comfortable seven wicket victory with 17 balls to spare.

Matthews started the evening well and never

looked back. She won the tossforthesecondnightina row and chose to insert the opposition, her decision vindicatedwiththeveryfirst ballofthematchasChinelle HenrybowledKnightRiders openerKyciaKnight. Itwasasignofthingsto come as a procession of wickets fell soon after The Knight Riders total of 113/9 never looked enough to challenge the Royals stellar

battingcardandsoitproved when Matthews hit the winning four off Shikha Pandeyfromthefirstballof the 18th over The 2023 champions have two wins fromtwogamesandlookthe team to beat in the early stagesofthisyear’sWCPL.

UK Golf Club Members Donate Equipment to Nexgen Golf Academy


Tuesday August 24, 2024


Overall,theforecastfortoday is fairly good. The aspects seemtofavorfiguringoutthe meaning of all that's transpired over the past several weeks It's an opportunity for you to take a leisurely


Have you felt somewhat lost forthepastfewdays?Thefog maylifttodayandenableyou to situate yourself at last. You'reprobablyeagertosettle a question that has nagged at you and interfered with your judgment.


You may have been feeling somewhat disillusioned. Perhapsyoulostsightofyour goals or misplaced your faith in yourself. You'll feel some reliefbeginningtoday


Youmightbetemptedtosettle certain matters by radical means. The visionary part of you means you're painfully aware of the world's wrongs. You see no reason not to take actiontocorrectthem.


Today will be fairly calm in terms of outside events, but yourinnerworldislikelytobe in a rush of activity Today you wish you could find the solutiontoyourheartachesas well as your career predicaments.


You have a lot of thinking to do about your professional goals, Virgo. You'll go over the elements to see if there isn't some way to approach thingsdifferently


Youjustcan'tdoeverythingat once, Libra. How do you expect to reduce your stress and recuperate while at the same time continue to be a superstar performer in every areaofyourlife.

SCORPIO(Oct.23–Nov 21)

Thisisagoodmomenttoadapt your logic and reason to reality, Scorpio. If you don't, you're going to run into some

Everyone knows that you find newideasplentiful.

SAGIT(Nov 22–Dec.21)

It'sgoingtobealittledifficult ta

u to

y, Sagittarius. You, who can be easily influenced by others, will be listening to and criticizing everything that peoplesay


Haveyoubeenreviewingyour family history lately, Capricorn? Of special interest is your cultural background. What educational, social, and religious environment were you born into? What are its values?Intheend.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20–Feb. 18) It's time to elevate your senseofself,Aquarius.You're justasgoodasanyoneelse,so why don't you believe it? The problem is that you're very sensitiveabouthavinganego. Even though you know everyonedoes.


Today your intellectual and expressive abilities should receive a boost from the planets.It'sanexcellenttimeto organize your thoughts about presentingaproject.

The Royals obliterated the Knight Riders top order toleavethemreelingon57/6 at the halfway stage in the innings and it was thanks to Shikha Pandey and Zaida JamesthattheKnightRiders reached the total that they did.Apartnershipofexactly 50 runs off 47 deliveries for the seventh wicket helped DeandraDottin’ssidebatout theirallottedoversandposta totalof113/9.

Pandey, in particular played, well, top scoring for her side with 30 runs, her deftcutsandmanipulationof the ball into the gaps was impressive in the face of tightbowling.

Matthews took a fine diving catch in the outfield and topped off a sparkling Player of the Match performance by bowling both Zaida James and JazharaClaxtontotake2-21 withtheball.

Forthesecondmatchina row the Royals bowlers impressed and shared the wickets around, Henry, MatthewsandWellingtonall picking up two wickets apieceandQianaJosephand Aaliyah Alleyne pocketing oneeach.TheBarbadosside arefiringinalldepartments. T

Shakib among 147 named...

Frompage22 days,theFIRsaid.

The United Nations High Commissioner for HumanRightshasputthe number of deaths during the unrest at over 400between July 16 and August 4 - while some reports have put the number at over 650, with many people reported missing. Following the falloftheAwamiLeague, an interim government has been put in place in Bangladesh, and there have been significant c h a n g e s a t t h e Bangladesh Cricket Board too, where former national captain Faruque Ahmed has taken charge asthepresident.

(GGA)/ Nexgen Academy were recent beneficiaries of gear from the United Kingdom (UK) Golf Club as part of the local club’s ongoing development.

Members of the Oaks GolfClubandtheProShop located in Surrey, UK represented by overseas basedGuyaneseKrishNath contributed golf equipment to the rapidly growing golf program in Guyana on Thursday

M r N a t h , a psychologistbyprofession, isaGuyanesewhomigrated to London and explained that he was impressed by

the rapid growth of the sport.

“ T h e p r o g r a m developed by Mr Hussain is astounding given the short time frame and the fact that Golf was not a sport accessible to many Guyanese prior to his intervention”.

Even in the UK which has hundreds of golf courses, nothing of this magnitude has ever been a


ManagerPhilipHaynesand Shmari Joseph were on h

he equipment which will greatlyaidthedevelopment of the sport to beginners aroundthecountry

Shakib among 147 named in FIR for alleged murder during Bangladesh unrest

(ESPN Cricinfo)ShakibAlHasanisamong 147 people against whom chargeshavebeenfiledin connection with an allegedmurderduringthe protests in Bangladesh in earlyAugust,anofficerat Dhaka’s Adabor police station, where the case was filed, confirmed to ESPNcricinfo.

The case, of the death of a garment worker, was filed on Thursday by Rafiqul Islam, father of the deceased Mohammed Rubel.

Apart from being Bangladesh’s most famous cricketer, Shakib is a former member of parliament of the Awami League,thepartythatwas

in power in Bangladesh until earlier this month.

Sheikh Hasina, the prime m i n i s t e r o f t h e Bangladesh at the time of the protests, and many former ministers and lawmakersfromtheparty areamongtheaccused.

Shakib is either the 27th or 28th accused in the first information

report (FIR), the officer ESPNcricinfo spoke to confirmed However, Shakib was not in BangladeshonAugust5,or at any time during the protests that led to the resignation of Hasina, following which she fled the country Shakib was in Canadaatthetime,leading Bangla Tigers Mississauga

at the Global T20 Canada league, being played in Brampton Prior to that, Shakib was in the USAto take part in Major League Cricket until mid-July before flying to Canada whereheplayedfromJuly 26toAugust9 The Daily Star reported that “the case statement mentions that the complainant

alleged that some of the accused as per instruction directly or indirectly from some others opened fire whilehundredsofstudents including Rubel were protesting at Ring Road in AdaborareaonAugust5”. Rubelwaswoundedinthe firing and died in a hospital after two


South Africa Tour of the West Indies 2024… West Indies take the lead in T20I series

West Indies secured a confidence-boosting 7wicket win against South Africa,yesterday,togo1–0 in the three match series, whichwillentirelyunfoldat the Brian Lara Cricket Academy in Tarouba, TrinidadandTobago.

Afterathreateningbrush with inclement weather, Rovman Powell won the toss and gave the visitors firststrike.Theygotto1747intheir20oversthanksto an excellent innings of 76 fromTristanStubbs.

Hestruckeightfoursand three maximums in his 42ball innings and found support in Patrick Kruger, who belted a 32-ball 44 down the order following the loss of wickets at key moments The South African captain, Aiden Markram, was the next top scorerwith14.

M a t t h e w F o r d e continues to be impressive asherecordedfiguresof3–27 in his fours overs while beingsupportedbytheother speedster, Shamar Joseph, who claimed 2 – 40 from 4

Shamar Joseph took a wicket with the first ball of his first two overs. (AFP/Getty Images)

overs. Akeal Hosein and Romario Shepherd shared theotherwickets.

Later in the evening, openers Shai Hope (51) and AlickAthanaze (40) got the homesideofftoaflyingstart but lost the latter on the brinkoftheeighthoverwith the score on 84 Both openers laced their innings with three maximums and twofoursbutHopefaced36 deliveries while Athanaze played30.

Pooran then entered and exhibited a man-of-the-

match performance to power West Indies to a comfortable victory His shot-filled, unbeaten scored of 65 earned him the MoM award and was crafted off just 26 deliveries, in which he smacked 7 sixes and two fours.

OttneilBaartmanledthe SouthAfrican attack with 2 – 30 from 4 overs while Kwena Maphaka claimed theotherwicket.

The second match is scheduled for Sunday, August25,from15:00hrs.

Rupununi residents receive sports gear from the People’s National Congress Reform

Resident of the Rupununi Savannah’s area recently were theproudrecipientsofanumber ofsportsgearandequipmentfrommembers of the People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR).

A number of officials’ from the PNCR recently paid a visit to the area where they engaged the resident in variousactivitiesincludingsports

The delegation subsequently handed over a number of the sports gear and equipment to the residents including thosefromAchawibvillage

The team that journeyed to the area was led by the party’s General Secretary Sherwin Benjamin and Member of Parliament and Shadow Minister of Education Coretta McDonald among others.

The visiting delegation noted that resident in the area are very good at sports, but rarely gets the opportunity to participateataverycompetitivelevel

They plan to return and help organize theresidentsinfulfillingtheirfullpotential.

General Secretary Sherwin Benjamin hands over some sports equipment to a resident of the Rupununi area

Guinness ‘Greatest of the Streets’ Championship…

Bartica Zone kicks off tonight - Nationals set for Sept. 6

Following four yearsofinactivity duetotheCOVID pandemic, the increasingly popular Guinness ‘Greatest oftheStreets’returnedwith a bang this year, with massive support seen in all thecommunitiesthathosted thecompetition.

Played in Georgetown, Berbice,Linden,Essequibo,

and East Bank/West Demerarasofar,attentionis now focused on the Bartica community,thefinalstopin the Zone segment, before the staging of the highly anticipated National Championship set for Pouderoyen Tarmac on September6.

Unrivalled in its popularity, the event has developed into the most sought-after accolade

among street teams, with bragging rights being the main motivator for teams within the communities where the tournament is played. This motivation is then carried over to the national finals, where the winning team can boast of being the best in the country, an achievement that lasts for oneyear

Tonight, fans in the Barticaareawillwitnessthe start of two days of fierce competitionsettoculminate tomorrow with the final, wherethewinningteamwill be crowned zone champion and have the right to representthatcommunityat thenationaltournament.

Sixteen teams have e

competition for prize moniestotallinginexcessof $600,000.

The winning team will receive $300,000, while second, third, and fourthplace finishers take home $200,000, $100,000, and $80,000 along w

th trophies,respectively

According to a member of the organising committee, all systems are in place for two nights of intense rivalry as teams battle for the right to representthecommunityon the biggest stage, the nationalfinal.

Meanwhile, the buzz surrounding this year’s national finals has been reverberating throughout the entire country, and according to feedback, the organisersarepullingoutall

the stops to make the onenight wonder a memorable one.

Firstly, they’ve increased prize monies for the winners substantially, with a total of over $2 millionincashandtrophies upforgrabs,whilefanswill also be rewarded with special giveaways throughoutthenight.

Guinness Brand Executive Lee Baptiste, in aninvitedcomment,saidhe was pleased with the support received from the teamsandfansthisyearand has been encouraged to make it even better next year

“The support this year’s has been extremely encouraging, especially since we were returning after a four-year absence.

Thisjustshowshowpopular the tournament is, and we will continue to take this f e


o o u r deliberationswhenwemeet at our internal meetings,” Baptistesaid.

He added that the introductionofEssequiboas one of the new areas in the annualeventandthesupport enjoyed from

community have enhanced the company’s resolve to continuethecompetition.

Meanwhile,thenational champion will collect $1 million and the winning trophy, while second, third, and fourth-place finishers will receive $500,000, $350,000, and $200,000, respectively

Thefansalsocameinfor highpraisefortheirsupport

tournament’s history, which, accord


o Baptiste,continuestogrow

He disclosed that while availability of suitable venues remains an obstacle in some communities, they are hoping that the initial conceptofplayingthegame invariouscommunitieswill return.

Meanwhile, as the organisers await the winner of the Bartica Zone, the followingteamswillcontest the national competition: Georgetown-Laing Avenue and North Ruimveldt; West/East Bank Demerara: Ballerz Empire and Showstoppers; East Coast: Demerara-Liliendaal Hustlers; Berbice: East Bank Gunners; Essequibo: All Stars and Linden-Silver Bullets.

Confidence high as final four teams clash for championship honours

The final four

teams in the

K a r e s O n e Guyana T10 Tapeball Blast 2024 are not taking each otherforgranted. They are keen on reachingthefinalonAugust 24 at the National Stadium, Providence.

At a press conference

on Thursday, team representatives touched on

their laser focus on achievingtheirobjectives

The first semi-final is

set for 15:00h between




s Family), followed by Titans All-Stars against


d G

s at 17:00h The exhibition matchisfrom19:00h,withthe final from 20:30h The organisers have reminded patrons that admission to thevenueisfree

Each of the losing semi-finalists on August

24 wi

e $250,000, compliments

of PremierInsurance.


$500,000 from SuperBet Guyana, and the winner pockets $1 5M from Star R ntals More so, players will vie for the titles of Most Runs, MostWickets, and Player of the Final Each winner will receive a SmartTVand a $75,000 cash prize compliments of Regal Stationery and Computer Centre

Assuria In

rance will present a motorbike,

The tournament has been filled with thrilling action, and the finals are expected to be no different

and $85,000 will go to the MostValuablePlayer

A d d i t i o n a l l y , $100,000 will be split equally between the Kawasaki Super Striker of thetournament(playerwith

rate minimumof12balls) and the Most Economical bowler (lowest economy rate minimum of 24 balls) Admission to the venueisfree

Guyana T10 Blast also enjoys the support of Kares Engineering, Banks DIH Limited,MontraRestaurant and Lounge, Demerara Mutual, ETS, Metro Office and Computer Supplies, Jacobs’ Jewellery, Digital Technology, First Change Builders Inc, KFC Guyana, H

Services, NEW GPC Inc , Building Expo 2024,

Sankar’sAutoWorks,ENet, Avinash Contracting and Scrap Metal Inc , Trophy

AL Distribution, Camille’s

RS53 RestoBar and Lounge, Samaroo Investments, and Coel’s Boutique

From left: Diamond Vantull (Diamond Gunners), Christopher Barnwell (Titans All-Stars), Dinesh Bisessar (Montra Jaguars) and Deonarine Seegobin (Mahadia – Movements Family)
Shai Hope made 51 off 36 balls

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