Kaieteur News

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operation paused

drained before 20-year lifespan of projects Govt. admits oil could be

Corentyne mom kills bedriddendaughter,

Cultural Icon, Ameena Gafoor

passes on


Chinese gold company produced due to evacuation orders thencommitssuicide

PNCR will release plans for oil sector closer to elections - Norton withoutwaterforamonth

….oil minister says it's a good thing for the country over 68,000 ounces in first six months of this year in Guyana


Author, cultural icon, and philanthropist, Ameena Gafoor
Minister of Natural Resources, Vickram Bharrat
Mother, Liloutie Barker

Cultural Icon, Ameena Gafoor passes on

Author, cultural icon, and philanthropist,

Ameena Gafoor passed away at the age of 83 on Mondayafteraperiodofillness.

Mrs Gafoor, wife of businessman Sattaur Gafoor has been described as someone who came from humble beginnings. In a statement, President Irfaan Ali hailed Mrs Gafoor, as a truly extraordinary woman whose contributions to our nation, and especially to the literary arts were exceptional.

“Ameena's kindness and generosity were unmatched, touchingthelivesofmanythrough her consistent support for various philanthropic endeavours, particularlyinthepromotionofthe literary arts. Her efforts nurtured and uplifted the talents of writers, poets, and artists across Guyana, making a lasting impact on our nation,”thePresidentsaid.

He said "Ameena will be remembered not only for her profound influence in the literary worldbutalsoforherhumilityand warm-spiritedness".“Hergracious nature and compassionate heart made her a beloved figure to all who knew her In her passing, Guyana has lost a true literary luminary and one of its kindest souls On behalf of the Government and people of Guyana, I extend our deepest

condolences to her husband, family,andallwhomournherloss. May her example continue to inspirekindness,generosity,anda love for the arts in all of us. May Allah'sdivineblessingsandmercy bewithher."

Mrs. Gafoor foundedTheArts Journal, Gafoor of which she was the editor and contributed significantlytoCaribbeancultural history She also co-founded the Gafoor Foundation with her husband,SattaurGafoor

Thefoundationovertheyears has assisted scores of Guyanese. Back in 2020, Mrs Gafoor established the Ameena Gafoor Institute for the Study of Indentureship and its Legacies at Cambridge University She was Secretary of the Arts Forum Inc (2002; a cultural platform that claimsspaceforinvisibleartistsin society),EditorofTheArtsJournal (2004-present),anddirectorofthe Guyana Book Foundation AmeenawasalsoChairmanofthe Doobay Medical and Research Centre Board of Directors. She was the Founder and Administrator of the Gafoor Foundation which supports organisations like ChildLink; Step-by-Step Foundation for Autism; The Blind Institute; the Palms; a retirement home for the elderly;andtheDharmShala.

Back in 2020 Dr Vishnu

Bisraminalettertothisnewspaper praised the work of Mrs. Gafoor Saying that she boasts an impressive record of supporting

publicservice,promotingthearts, andscholarlyresearchwork.“She ishighlyrespectedbyGuyanesein the diaspora for her work. It is hoped that the Ameena Gafoor Institute on Indentureship will encourage research to fill the void of limited research on indentures

Indentureship institute is long overdue. No such institute exists anywhere in Guyana or the Caribbean There are statesponsored institutes and research projects on the legacies of slavery but none on indentureship or the Indian exp

governments in Guyana and the Ministry of Culture have not been verysupportiveofprogrammesor a


He noted then in his letter that indentured servants from India accounted for 90% of the indentured labourers in Guyana post-slavery and 95 percent in Trinidad.

governmentsinGuyanaandinthe Caribbean have not shown much interest in, or been forthcoming with sponsorship of projects relatingtoindentureship.

He said scholars on indentureship told him that an Institute to examine the Indian legacyinGuyanaandelsewhereis welcomed “The Gafoors are

applauded for conceiving this indentureshipInstitute.Itisfitting tostartitnowsincethisyearmarks thecentennialoftheofficialendof indentureship.

The recruitment of indentured labourersendedinMarch1917and the inhumane practice of indentured servitude came to an endonJanuary1,1920.

Ameena Gafoor is saluted for herleadershipandcommitmentto conceiving this worthy institute. The institute is urged to provide college scholarships for underprivileged high school students, especially from neglected rural areas to promote research into the history and culture of Indian indentureds. It is expected that this Gafoor Indentureship project would fund research of new and experienced academicsandthatitwouldhelpto produce budding scholars on the indentureship experience like the internationally acclaimed David Dabydeen, Clem Seecharran, Baytoram Ramharack, Basdeo Mangru, Rhyaan Shah, Gaiutra Bahadur, and Ameena Gafoor, herself, among others. It is hoped that the Ameena Gafoor Institute on Indentureship would also produce outstanding new scholarship (research) and that it would help to make a positive impact on Indo-Caribbean people.”

Author, cultural icon, and philanthropist, Ameena Gafoor

Govt. admits oil could be drained before 20-year lifespan of projects

….oil minister says it's a good thing for the country


Vickram Bharrat has

admitted that oil from the three projects currently in operation could be depleted aheadofthe20-yearlifespan due to the optimization of production at the Floating Production Storage and Offloading(FPS)vessels.

Bharrat during a news conferencetoldreportersthat while the operator of the StabroekBlock,ExxonMobil GuyanaLimited(EMGL)has ramped up production offshore, the technical teams attheMinistryandExxonare working to ensure that the activities do not affect the environment.

Hewashoweveraskedby this newspaper to explain how the optimization works could affect the 20-year estimatedprojectlifeforeach ofthedevelopments.

Bharrat explained that while the oil at a specific project could be depleted before its estimated lifespan, it was also possible for the projects to produce beyond


Hesaid,“Yesitcanfinish before the 20 years or it can evengobeyondbecauseasa reservoir matures, you can getmoreoutofitandthenas we have more discoveries, wecanaddthosewellstothe existingdevelopmenttoo.”

Bharrat pointed out that ramping up oil production has now become a trend in oil-producing states since this could prove more financially viable for a country- in this case, Guyana.

According to him,

“Rampingupproductionand producing the oil in a reservoiratafastertimethan youcanisactuallygoodfora country because it comes back to the window that is available for fossil fuel to surviveandthepricethatwill beavailable.”

He explained that the market would be crowded with suppliers even though the demand would go down.

Consequently, he noted, “So if you have this large supply offossilbutasmalldemand, the price will go down so

much that it will make no sense for countries to produce oil and gas anymore.”

TheMinisterrecalledthat thepriceforoilwentdownto $10-$20 per barrel, which makes perfect sense for the government to take advantage of the current oil price of about $80-$85. In

fact, he boasted that the administration should be commended for the position ithastakenwithregardtothe ramped-upoilproduction.

It was reported that all three FPSOs in the Stabroek Block are producing above the safe operating limits o u t l i n e d i n t h e Environmental Impact Assessments(EIAs).

The Liza Destiny FPSO wasapprovedtoproduce120 thousand barrels per day (kbd) while the Unity and Prosperity vessels were designedtoproduce220kbd.

DatafromtheMinistryof Natural Resources however indicates that the Liza Destiny is producing about 160kbdwhiletheLizaUnity is producing 250 kbd and Prosperity230,000bpd.

Itshouldbenotedthatthe government has refused to ring-fence the Stabroek Block projects, with the objectiveofbenefittingfrom a greater share of profits in

the future Ring-fencing would ensure that each oil project pays for itself and allow Guyana to enjoy more profits after the cost of the projecthasbeenrepaid. In the absence of a ringfencing provision, the companieshavetheauthority to use the income from producingoilprojectstopay forotherprojectsthatareyet tocommenceproducingoil.

The lack of ring-fencing, coupled with the ramped-up production activities have created fears that the country's resources could long be depleted before it begins to enjoy a fair share of benefits from the sector, asthegovernmentcontinues to refuse to amend the lopsided terms of the 2016 Production Sharing Agreement(PSA).

MinisterofNaturalResources, Vickram Bharrat

PrintedandPublishedbyNationalMedia& PublishingCompanyLtd 24SaffonStreet, Charlestown,Georgetown,Guyana.



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The management of the oil sector

Put politicians near anything of substance and rank perversitiesbecomestandardpracticeandwayoflife.Thisis the case of Guyana’s oil sector. When one thinks of the US$214M audit fiasco cum scandal involving ExxonMobil all of this registers with increasing certainty. In Guyana, the wonderful development of a massive national patrimony nowtakesontheappearanceofanationaltragedyinmotion. CharteredAccountant,ChrisRam,inoneofhiscolumns,had called the absence of a Petroleum Commission a recipe for a resource curse, which could be extended to mean a political curse.

To insulate the activities and money of the national oil patrimony, the establishment of a Petroleum Commission made the rounds, and everybody agreed that it would be a good thing, with the right people onboard. This was the position of the PPPC Government and that of its key figure, Vice President Jagdeo. It was all lip service, and just for the show In this country, citizens have noticed that politicians have schooled themselves to say the right things and display the right postures, on crucial issues of governance and leadership, but with a major hidden qualifier Citizens are toldwhattheywanttohear,butofwhichthereisnointention todeliver

The Petroleum Commission is one such vital issue. It was hot, then became cold, and nowhere in consideration of thePPPCGovernment. Fromallindications,VicePresident Jagdeoisallwordsandnoaction. APetroleumCommission would mean having to relinquish some closeness to the actionand,moreimportantly,thatirresistibleelement,which is power and control. APetroleum Commission that is fully functioning and very capable would serve as that independent,professional,andcredibleagencythatstandsin clean and convincing stewardship over the tempting oil patrimony To reiterate, a Petroleum Commission gives Guyaneseabetterchanceofgettingfairnessandjusticefrom their wealth; it would be the opposite of what politicians can ever come to represent, ever deliver Local history stands as thebesttestimonial,forthelongtrailofevidenceisthere.

We at this publication believe that this applies to all political groups in this country A Petroleum Commission worthitssaltwouldhavedonebetter

It couldn’t have done worse, and definitely would not have made such a fool of itself, as all Guyana learned about the still-to-be-resolved US$214M fiasco. The Ministry of Natural Resources fell on its face, with a small team of its workers supposedly making decisions that were never, shouldneverhavebeen,partoftheirmarchingorders. Or,at least, this is the official version that does not stand firmly rooted, and which comes across as suspicious the longer this shakystorystaysinthepubliceye.

When powerful politicians cast caution to the winds, and do not listen to anyone but themselves, then this is the straw that they are forced to eat. The hard experiences from other poorpartsoftheworldwhereoilwasdiscoveredconfirmthat allowing politicians to put themselves in charge of national oilwealthisarecipeforcatastrophe. Thereisaprovenneed for an unfettered Petroleum Commission that boasts a significant presence from civil society working alongside competent technical people to represent a vital check and balance.

Beforethegushofoilmoney,manypoliticiansinbothof the major parties have done inexplicably well, and without any consequences. Now that oil money comes in many different forms, politicians position themselves to be the gatekeepers, so that they can possibly collect multimilliondollar tolls. It is why there is so much secrecy, and it also explains the degree of hostility unleashed by politicians when pressed for straight answers on this oil. Though a Petroleum Commission may have its gaps, it would be far better than what any local politician can embody The resource curse is already at work in Guyana, with the first onestarnishedbeingdirtypoliticians.

The duplicity of the House Slaves crushed the 1823 Demerara Rebellion

DEAREDITOR, descendantsofthoseAfricanslaveswho made by the same bureaucracy to keep August remains a month of great civilised the entire Coastal Belt, to people away from the educative and significance to all of the people of honour them and to ensure that their informativepresentation. Guyana. On the 1st of August, the martyrdomisnotinvain. Inlife,weoftenexperiencelabelson horrible and inhumane activity of The booklet written by Bro. Noah a jar that do not truly represent the slavery was brought to an end through Yahshnarun, titled ‘The Ancestors of contents of the jar In Guyana, large an Act of the British Parliament. This the Manumitted Africans of Guyana,’ groups of citizens, many operating in was the culmination of many uprisings, is necessary reading, for political and the high positions of the present and protests, and the result of Africans social activists and students, so that we administration, flaunt deceptive labels. who were tricked, captured, and can all be knowledgeable and so strive One example is those, who like me, enslaved on their arrival in Guyana. for total liberation. A liberation we are carryAnglo-Saxon-Englishnamesalien The 1823 Demerara Rebellion helped yet to achieve. By a happy coincidence, to those who endured that Transbreak the back of colonial slavery perhapsabetter-knownevent,thatisthe Atlanticjourney Tothosepersons,Isay Slaves along the East Coast of 1763 Revolution is captured in the bestrong,bebrave,beproudofwhoyou Demerara, using available means of exceedingly well-researched and are, and embrace the utility of ancestral communication, took action to relieve powerfully presented book, written by piety And so, no matter what position this burdensome process conducted by Professor Elisa Carbone, titled ‘Blood you hold in this Government, neither theplantocracy on the River.’ Professor Carbone had disgrace nor let down your courageous ThankstotheduplicityoftheHouse the advantage of going through many ancestors. Some of them, recognizing Slaves, the uprising was crushed. The documents in Dutch and interviewing that their abode ships were taking them bleedingheadsofsomeofourancestors manyAfricans. to an unknown destination, jumped werecutoffandplacedonstavesaround Fortunately, the good lady will be in overboard. thatareaoffMiddleStreet,knownasthe Guyana to speak to and with the Nation Today,theirbonesarerattlingonthe Parade Ground. This brutality was on this important period of our history, seabed of the Atlantic Ocean, pleading intended to tell the slaves to behave and the many lessons for contemporary with us to be proud, to be strong, and to themselves and most of all, to Guyana on Saturday, August 31, 2024. resist all forms of evil and subtle reunderstand their place in the scheme of She will make a presentation at the enslavement. As such, we expect all things As far as the imperial Theatre Guild at 6:00 p.m. I hope that, Administrators, MPs, and indeed all government was concerned, its place unlike the failed attempt by the Guyanese, not to allow anyone to was to provide free labour, so that the Government bureaucracy and their instructyoutostayawayfromthisevent Master could accumulate enormous acolytes on Emancipation Day, August on Saturday afternoon at the Theatre wealth. It was an attitude that exists to 1, 2024, to suffocate the traditional Guildat6:00p.m. this day, and on this day, I ask every Emancipation Day activities at the Hamilton Green Guyanese, but especially the National Park, I hope no effort will be Elder

The looming pariah state status of Haiti and the role of CARICOM


destabilized the country, leaving a collusion between the police and

As a documentary journalist who politicalvacuumandexacerbatinggang criminal elements, further eroding has spent significant time covering the violence.With no clear path to stability, publictrustinlawenforcement. complexities of Haiti, I feel compelled the risk of Haiti becoming a pariah state The human rights situation in Haiti to share my observations about the ismoreimminentthanever. has drawn the attention of international nation’s current trajectory. Haiti, a The most glaring sign of Haiti’s bodies, including the United Nations, nation known for its rich history and slide toward pariah status is the which has expressed concern over the cultural vibrancy, is increasingly at risk complete erosion of governance. The deteriorating conditions However, of becoming a pariah state—a term assassinationofPresidentMoïseandthe despite these concerns, there has been reservedforcountriesthatareostracised subsequent political crisis have left the little concrete action to address the root by the international community due to country without effective leadership. causes of the crisis The lack of chronic instability, human rights Armedgangsnowcontrollargeportions accountability and justice in Haiti is a violations, or persistent defiance of of the capital, Port-au-Prince, and other key factor pushing the country toward global norms. While Haiti has faced regions, rendering the government pariahstatus. numerous challenges throughout its virtuallypowerless.

Haiti’seconomicsituationisequally history, the current trajectory is Public institutions have become dire. The country is the poorest in the alarming If unaddressed, Haiti’s dysfunctional,andtheruleoflawhasall Western Hemisphere, with over 60% of situation could deteriorate further, but collapsed. The judiciary, often the its population living below the poverty l

nal last defense against tyranny, is in line. The economy, heavily dependent consequences The involvement of disarray, with courts either closed or onremittancesandforeignaid,hasbeen regional organisations like the operating under the influence of crippled by the ongoing political and Caribbean Community (CARICOM) is powerful figures. This breakdown in securitycrises.Inflationisrampant,and therefore crucial in preventing this governance has not only worsened the the local currency, the Gourde, has lost outcome. security situation but also deepened the significant value, leading to

To understand Haiti’s current humanitariancrisis. skyrocketingpricesforbasicgoods. predicament, it is essential to look back

As the state weakens, human rights The agricultural sector, once a at its history Since gaining abuses in Haiti have surged. Reports cornerstone of Haiti’s economy, is in independence in 1804, Haiti has faced from human rights organisations have decline due to environmental cycles of political instability, economic documented widespread violations, degradation, lack of investment, and underdevelopment, and external including extrajudicial killings, poor infrastructure. Food insecurity is interference. Despite being the first arbitrary arrests, and torture. Armed widespread, with many Haitians unable black republic and the first independent gangs,operatingwithnearimpunity,are to afford even basic staples The nation in Latin America and the responsible for much of the violence. economic collapse has fueled social Caribbean, Haiti has struggled with These groups have been implicated in unrest, with protests against the systemic corruption, weak governance, massacres, kidnappings, and sexual government becoming increasingly and deep-rooted socio-economic violence,creatinganatmosphereoffear frequentandviolent. challenges. andlawlessness.

The devastating earthquake of 2010

The economic collapse is not just a

The Haitian National Police (HNP), domestic issue; it has regional exacerbated these issues, as billions in weakened by corruption and lack of implications as well. Haiti’s economic aid failed to bring about long-term resources,hasbeenunabletoeffectively instability has led to increased recovery TheassassinationofPresident counter the rise of these gangs. In some migration,withthousandsofHaitians Jovenel Moïse in 2021 further cases, there have been allegations of (Continued on page 6)

I voted for the APNU/AFC in 2015, and like thousands of other Guyanese, I was deeply disappointed by their performance

DEAREDITOR, d e a l i n g w i t h T h e plans for aquaculture. But out to communities, sharing

GuySuCo is not better off with the Cubans

A winning strategy for our farmers


Who could forget the APNU/AFC/PNC coalition what came of it?Yet another their vision for a better life. moment in 2015 when then has a track record of failing flop to add to their list of Thatvisionhasbeensteadily Prime Minister Moses to deliver on its promises. failures. Contrast that with unfolding since they took Nagamootoo stood before a So, I ask you—how can we what we see today a office. Minister Mustapha room full of Sugar Cane trust the pledges they’re thriving sugar industry and a has been relentless in his Farmers at their first-ever making now or the ones blossoming aquaculture efforts to develop the National Cane Farmers they’ll surely make in the sector, thanks to the agriculture sector, proving Conference and, with a lead-up to the 2025 General visionary leadership of that this government has the straight face, declared, “The Elections? Nagamootoo’s President Irfaan Ali and strength and determination focus is to make sugar work. words were nothing more Minister of Agriculture to make our nation both We have too many workers thanemptypromises,andthe ZulfikarMustapha. progressiveandcompetitive. who stand to lose with the deception didn’t stop This government isn’t I v o t e d f o r t h e collapse of the industry.This t h e r e i t p e r s i s t e d just paying lip service; APNU/AFC in 2015, and new Government will not throughout their entire time they’re backing up their like thousands of other allow sugar to sink”? Well, inoffice. words with real action. Guyanese, I was deeply guesswhat?Itsank. Take Noel Holder, for Billions have been invested disappointed by their I b r i n g u p t h i s instance, who served as in these industries, breathing p e r f o r m a n c e a s a memorable piece of history Agriculture Minister back life back into them after the government, especially because it perfectly then. He too promised big APNU/AFC nearly drove when they allowed the illustrates the kind of things to Sugar Cane them into the ground agriculture industry to leadership we’ve been Farmers,talkingaboutgrand GUYSUCO, while still wither away I won’t be facing challenges, is making making that mistake again. progress. People are back at Come 2025, my support will work in the fields and stay with the PPP/C because factories,returningtothelife I’ve seen the progress t h e y ’ v e k n o w n f o r they’ve brought to every generations. And let’s not sectorofthiscountry forget how the PPP/C, even Sincerely, while in opposition, reached George Paddy

The plan to have farmers focus on a specific product instead of small amounts of a variety of products is a good export strategy CRG suggests modifying one aspect of the strategy being proposed by the Ministry of Agriculture. Instead of producing and then seeking a market for the products, the Ministry would be more successful in helping farmers if they were to first find and guarantee a market for productstobeproduced.

A great opportunity exists in producing high-demand, profitable products such as organic bananas and coconuts. Theorganicproduceindustryisgrowingataveryfastratedue to the health benefits of the organic farming process, and the profitabilityoftheorganicfoodsectoreasilysurpassesthatof the nonorganic foods. Given the extensive amounts of virgin landavailabletoGuyanesefarmers,Guyanacanquicklyramp upproductioninthissector

The Ministry of Agriculture can also provide the muchneeded service of securing long-term contracts with top buyers of high-volume, profitable organic products such as bananas and coconuts. Thus, giving Guyana and Guyanese farmersawinningstrategyandapathtosustainablegrowthin theagriculturesector.

Best regards,

Mr Jamil Changlee

Which side are you leaning on Vick?

DEAREDITOR, already lopsided contract In response to Minister signed by the previous of Natural Resources, governmentofGuyana Vickram Bharrat’s “No Whose side is the need for Independent Minister of Natural meters on oil pum[s” one Resources on: The People of would think putting our GuyanaorExxonMobile? own meters on ExxonM oil Justwondering pumps would be an extra Sincerely, precaution against being Gloria Holder further exploited by the Aconcerned citizen

DEAREDITOR, the Guyanese technicians T h e M i n i s t e r o f with the arrival of these Agriculture, Mr Mustapha Cubans. in the National Newspapers Even the documents they said that the “Cuban prepared were of a poor engineers who arrived here standard and the locals have in May to assist the sugar much more informed industry will be here for 12 informationonthismatter m o n t h s b a s e d o n I am told that the performance”. When asked Guyanese technicians are what will be their specific demotivated because the purpose by the media, Mr Cubans are being paid twice Mustapha said “It will as much as the Guyanese provide critical support to with free housing, and fixed promote the mechanization hours (only 40 hours) and if of agricultural operations as they work overtime it is a means of improving double, while the Guyanese agricultural productivity and senior staff do not get to utilize available human overtime. resourcesbetter”. I am told that the 12Is Mr Mustapha on a month cost of this project different plant or is he will cost the Corporation focused on the NDIA $164 million (Guyana contracts to even bother money)includingflightback about the falsehoods being to Cuba, free housing, and fed to him by the GuySuCo freefoodforallofthem. BoardofDirectors? The Guyanese engineers Insiders in the Industry do not get free food from are complaining that GuySuCo. But the PNC and although Mr Paul Cheong AFC as usual – are asleep at promised them interpreters the wheel and allowing the in May, none were provided Minister of Agriculture and and to date, they are the Board of GuySuCo to struggling to communicate ransack the accounts. Fed up with the Cuban engineers, so withthisincompetenceinthe very little communication is Ministry ofAgriculture. My beingdonewiththeCubans. deepest condolences to a These complaints are verygoodformerMinisterof being flagged all over social Agriculture, Dr Simpson Da mediaandinRichmondHill. Silva. May his soul rest in People are saying that peace. nothing of substance was Sincerely, added to the knowledge of Leroy Charles

People are sick and tired of hearing some communities getting billions of dollars in support while others go without

DEAREDITOR, perform The existing scenario Article 13 in the constitution conversations and actions are not helps the society to understand the You cannot change something, makes a mockery of the political defines the Principal Political happeningtomaketheConstitution nexus of Article 13 and the with any degree of credibility or system and conditions acceptance ObjectiveoftheState,requiringthe work.Therecontinuestobeendless importance of amending the commitment, if you have failed to of non-accountability from those political system an “inclusionary conversation about constitutional Appropriation Act would understanditandgiveitachanceto elected by the people, paid by the democracy” which replaced reform in the absence of a serious undoubtedlyhavethesupportofthe work. I continue to believe, unless people to be in service of the ”consultative democracy,” which push for constitutionalcompliance, people Any political side, shown otherwise, that the rigours p


arose from the 1999 constitutional depriving and denying the very Government or Opposition, that

about obligationstothepeople. reform process. Yet more than two people claims are being made to be moves to realise this amendment in constitutional compliance, I strongly believe in order to decades after this amendment was interestedinandwatchingoutfor the NationalAssembly to make the including change/amendment, are change the constitution it is signed (2001), there has been no I am firm in my conviction that allocation of financial resources not being done In this important to first understand the law, executive order, policy, and the ordinary man and woman will inclusivewillbeseenbythepeople environment, such behaviours instrument-which is the foundation programme instituted to give it galvanise behind any political asactingintheirinterest. empower the Jagdeo/Ali regime to upon which legislation must be effect. For instance, there has been leadership that helps them to People are sick and tired of continuewithitslawlessness,abuse built-andwhatisbeingdonetogive no movement to ensure all understand the Constitution, and hearing some communities getting of the nation’s resources, escalate life to this document consistent Guyanese have a say in the what they must do to make it work, billions of dollars in support while theirdivideandconquerpolicy,and with the people’s aspirations as management of revenue accrued including pushing for amendments others go without. Something is run roughshod over the people. expressed in Article 13 and the from oil and gas by amending the ifneeded.Thereseemstobegreater wrongwiththispicture. Ignorance of the Constitution of nationalmotto.

Appropriation Law to ensure that interest in obeying the article

Regardless of how the Guyana and non-adherence to the Our national motto ”One both the Government and within the constitution to effect conversation on constitutional supreme law empower both the People One Nation One Destiny” OppositionsidesoftheHousework amendments to consolidate power reform is seen as a sexy topic, Government and the Opposition. underpins the common desire of all towardsconsensus. but not to obey other aspects of the something is wrong with this The only victims under these Guyanese, irrespective of whence The Guyana Trades Union constitutionthatsafeguardcitizens’ sexiness for whilst the grass is circumstances are the ordinary wecameorhowwearrivedonthese Congress (GTUC) is on record social, economic and political growing the horse is starving. people. shores, to forge relationships that proposing this law be amended to rights. Make no mistake, no part of Unequivocally, it is not the On one hand, the government’s could guarantee respect, havetheBudgetpassedbyatleasta the constitution can be amended constitution that is failing, it is the misconduct is accepted as a meaningful participation, and two-thirds majority which would withoutcomplyingwiththearticles elected leaders who we are all weakness of the constitution and is peaceful co-existence of all under entail negotiations among the withinthatsayhowitmustbedone. payingtoactinourbestinterest. being used by a non-militant established principles that hold all parliamentarians from various Any political leader, be it

Sincerely, opposition as an excuse not to accountable,withoutexception. regions and parties These Government or Opposition, that Lincoln Lewis

The looming pariah state status of Haiti and the role of...

From page 4 CARICOM has long advocated for to mobilize the necessary financial becoming a pariah state. If the crisis, ensuring that the efforts of risking their lives to reach the political stability, human rights, and technical support to effectively current trends continue, Haiti risks various actors are aligned and United States, Guyana, the and sustainable development in addressHaiti’schallenges. becoming a country that is not only mutually reinforcing The Dominican Republic, and other Haiti. Its involvement has been Another issue is the delicate isolated but also one that poses a organisation should also continue countries in search of better crucial in mediating political balance CARICOM must maintain threat to regional stability and to press for accountability and opportunities. This migration crisis disputes, facilitating dialogue between supporting Haiti’s security To avert this outcome, justice in Haiti, ensuring that those has strained relations with among political actors, and sovereignty and intervening in its there must be a concerted effort responsible for human rights neighboring countries and has providinghumanitarianaid. internal affairs. The organisation from both the Haitian government abuses are held accountable. I am further isolated Haiti on the In the wake of President has been cautious about taking and the international community, committed to continuing to internationalstage. Moïse’s assassination, CARICOM actions that could be perceived as including CARICOM. The Haitian document Haiti’s story, to give Haiti’s growing isolation is expressed deep concern and called infringingonHaiti’sindependence, government needs to prioritize the voice to those who are too often another indicator of its potential for calm and dialogue. The which has sometimes led to a more restoration of law and order, the ignored, and to hold those in power pariah status. The international organisation dispatched a mission reactivethanproactiveapproach. rebuilding of public institutions, accountable. But it is my hope that community’s response to Haiti’s to Haiti to assess the situation and Despite these challenges, and the provision of basic services by shining a light on these issues, crises has been inconsistent and, at offer support. CARICOM has also CARICOM remains a critical actor to its people. This will require a we can also inspire action—an times, counterproductive. While worked to engage the broader in the international response to commitmenttofightingcorruption, action that will help Haiti reclaim there have been efforts to provide international community, urging Haiti’s crisis. The organisation has improving governance, and its place as a proud, independent humanitarian aid and support for coordinated efforts to restore the potential to play a leading role ensuring that the rule of law is nation, rather than allowing it to democratic processes, these have stability in Haiti. Despite these in coordinating regional and upheld. slip into the shadows as a pariah often been undermined by the efforts, however, CARICOM’s international efforts to support At the same time, the state. In conclusion, Haiti stands at complexity of the situation on the impact has been limited by the Haiti’s recovery However, to do so international community, a critical juncture. The country can ground. sheer scale of the crisis and the effectively,CARICOMwillneedto particularly CARICOM, must re- either continue on its current path The Caribbean Community complexity of the political strengthen its internal cohesion, engage with Haiti in a meaningful toward pariah status, or it can take (CARICOM), as a regional landscapeinHaiti. enhance its capacity to mobilize way This includes providing decisive action to reverse course organisation with a vested interest One of the challenges resources and work closely with support for security sector reform, andrebuilditselfasafunctionaland in Haiti’s stability, has taken steps CARICOM faces is the lack of a other international actors, facilitating dialogue among resp

he to intervene and support the unified approach among its includingtheUnitedNations(UN), political actors, and offering international community The country However, CARICOM’s member states. While there is a the Organization of American economic assistance that is tied to choice is clear, but the window of interventions have been met with shared recognition of the need to States (OAS), and the African measurable outcomes. CARICOM, opportunity is rapidly closing. It is mixed results. CARICOM has a support Haiti, differences in Union(AU). with its regional expertise and imperative that all stakeholders, unique role in Haiti, given the political priorities and capacities The combination of weak historical ties to Haiti, is uniquely including CARICOM, act now country’sstatusasafullmemberof havehinderedthedevelopmentofa governance, human rights abuses, positionedtoleadtheseefforts. beforeitistoolate. the organisation and its deep cohesive strategy Moreover, economic collapse, and Moreover, CARICOM must Sincerely, cultural and historical ties with CARICOM’sresourcesarelimited, international isolation has set Haiti advocate for a more coordinated Wayne Lyttle other Caribbean nations and the organisation has struggled on a dangerous path toward international response to Haiti’s Documentary Journalist

Chinese gold company produced over 68,000 ounces in first six months of this year in Guyana

Zijin Mining Group Co.

Ltd, a Chinese-state owned mining giant operating in Guyana, through its subsidiaryAuroraGoldMine (AGM)hasdisclosedthatthe company produced 1,949 kilograms (over 68,000 ounces) of gold within the firstsixmonthsof2024.

This information was revealed in the company's interimhalf-yearreportonits globaloperations.According tounofficialtranslationfrom the report, AGM who owns 100% of the Guyana project, produced 1,949 kilograms of gold. It was stated too that since the group holds full ownership, all 1,949 kilograms are attributed to the group's equity production.

The Chinese Mining Group's presence spans across 17 provincial-level regions in China and encompasses operations in 15 countries worldwide, including their ventures in

Guyana. Their foothold in Guyana's mining landscape was solidified in August 2020whentheyacquiredthe largest gold mines operation

in the country from Canadian-ownedAGM for a substantial sum of US$238 million.

Recently, Minister of Natural Resources, Vickram

Aurora mining operation in Guyana (Source: Zijin)

Bharratpointedoutthatgold production has been on a downward trend since its peak in 2016. He said, “I don'tthinkit'sanysecretthat gold production has been on the decline. I think if you lookatthechart,youwillsee 2016 peak, and then after that, it went straight up and continuesinthe2022-2023.”

MinisterBharrathadalso revealedthatthegovernment has no issues with AGM, since the company's gold recovery level is in the 90's while small- and medium scale-miners' recovery rate lagbehind.Theministerhad underscored that with the company venturing into underground mining, the

Corentyne mom kills bedridden daughter, then commits suicide

A73-year-old woman last week allegedly poisoned her 52-year-old daughter, then took her own life at their Lot 104 Warren Village, East Corentyne Berbice, Region Six, police have confirmed.

Dead are Liloutie Barker and her daughter,DaviNandalall.Accordingto information from the police, the incidentoccurredonAugust21,2024at their residence when Barker gave her daughterwhoisbedridden,apoisonous substanceandmomentslatershedrank the same substance and subsequently passedonthesamedaywhileNandalall diedtwodayslater

Barker'shusband,FranklinBarkera 61-year-old Government Ranger, told investigatorsthathiswifesufferedfrom diabetes and hypertension while his daughter, Nandalall was disabled since shewas14yearsold.Themaninformed police that about one week prior to the incident, Nandalall was not eating and that his wife reportedly told him on several occasions that she is going to drinkpoison.

On Wednesday around 07:30hrs, police learnt that Barker was having breakfastwhensheaskedhimifhewas

ready for work, to which he replied “no”.“Hiswifethentoldhimthatsheis afraid to be at home when he goes to


The man further reported to police that after their conversation, she then gave him a black pouch containing jewellery and subsequently went back tothekitchen.Aboutfiveminuteslater, themansaidBarkershoutedforhimand confessed that she drank poison and gave the same substance to their daughter Franklinranintothekitchen where he found his wife lying on the floor with a green substance coming fromhermouth.HealsosawNandalall with the same green substance to her mouth.Withthehelpofaneighbour,he rushed both Liloutie and Nandalall to the New Amsterdam Hospital However, Liloutie reportedly died on the same day while Nandalall was receiving treatment until she passed awayonFriday

Franklinreportedthematteraround 09:00hrs on the same day where ranks acted swiftly and visited the scene. Upontheirarrival,policefoundabottle labelled "Herbixzone" containing a greensubstanceonatableunderashed inthebackyard,andaglass withgreen substanceonatableinthelowerlevelof thebuilding.


company is set to produce evenmoregold.

Kaieteur News had reported previously that the Bank of Guyana (BoG) disclosed that the country's gold declaration decreased within the first three months of 2024. According to the CentralBank,thedeclaration fell to 89,845.8 troy ounces, when compared to the same periodlastyear

It was stated that the dip in the gold declaration was mainly due to lower declarations from small- and medium-scaleminersby24.2 %. It was explained that the lower declaration is as a result of prolonged dry

weather which made access to water limited in many miningareas.

Notably,itwasstatedthat the sole large-scale operator, AGMrecordedanincreasein declarations by 5.2%, which resulted from continued favourable performance in their underground mining operations.

TheAuroragoldproject, originally developed by Guyana Goldfields, operates in the Cuyuni-Mazaruni region as both an open-pit and now underground mining operation, sprawling acrossanextensiveareaof12 square kilometers or 2,965 acres.

Man wanted for murder of drinking buddy

TheGuyanaPoliceForce has issued a wanted bulletin for Anthonio Benedict in relation to the murder of FrancisSukooonAugust20, 2024 at Sandhill, Upper BerbiceRiver,Region10.

Benedict's last known address was in the Sandhill, UpperBerbiceRiverarea.

Kaieteur News recently reported that a 22-year old Labourer, Francis Sukoo, was on August 20, 2024 killed after reportedly slapping his drinking buddy severaltimesatSandHill.

Police reports are that Sukoo's drinking buddy stabbed him several times with a pair of scissors following an argument that escalatedintoviolence.

The stabbing took place between 17:00hrs and 18:07 hrs at a shop located in Sand Hill.

Investigators were told that Sukoo and the suspect were drinking rum and liming with friends at the shop. Things took a deadly turn when an argument erupted between the suspect andSukoo,policesaid. Sukoo allegedly slapped the suspect several times to the face as the row became heated.

Police said that the suspect reportedly left the shopbutreturnedarmedwith a pair of scissors He allegedly ran to Sukoo and stabbedhimfivetimesabout hisbody

Sukoo collapsed to the ground and the suspect ran away

The injured man was subsequently rushed to the Linden Hospital Complex, where he was pronounced deadonarrival.

Mother, Liloutie Barker

Govt. willing to spend big bucks to recover money Exxon illegally took out from Guyana's oil profits

The Government of Guyana has committed to recovermoniesExxonMobil illegally took out from Guyana's oil profits, no matter the cost attached to theproceedings.

Minister of Natural Resources, Vickram Bharrat recently disclosed that the government has since written the oil company abouttheUS$214Mthatwas usedforactivitiesnotrelated to production and exploration in the Stabroek BlockoffshoreGuyana.

The use of the money was revealed in final report for the first audit of Exxon's expenses dated 1999-2019. ExxonMobil has a 60-day period to respond to inquiries from the governmentbuthavenotyet doneso. Should Exxon fail to respond and no mutual agreement is reached, the government and the oil company shall proceed to arbitration.Accordingtothe provisions in the Production Sharing Agreement (PSA)

signed between the parties, the oil company's litigation costs must be paid by G

irrespective of whether it couldproveExxon'sfault.

The2016PSAstatesthat, “All costs and expenses of litigationandlegalorrelated seriesnecessaryorexpedient fortheprocuring,perfecting, retention and protection of the contract area and in defending or prosecuting lawsuits involving the contract area or any thirdpartyclaimarisingoutofthe


he agreement or sums paid in respect to legal services necessary or expedient for the protection of the interest of the parties are recoverable.

Where legal services are rendered in such matters by salariedorregularlyretained lawyers of the contractor or an affiliated company of the parties' comprising c o n t r a c t o r , s u c h compensation will be included instead under subsection 3, 1 (B) or 3.1(D)


I n l i g h t o f t h e aforementioned, Minister Bharrat was asked if the government considered the cost that will accrue should thepartiesgotoarbitration.

“The question with arbitration and cost, we are not there, we are not there. I don't want to assume or to procrastinate,wearehoping that this matter can be resolved amicably between the two parties and that we don't reach the stage or arbitration,” the minister said.

He continued: “If we have to go to the stage of arbitration, we will have to becauseitis$214MUSDwe aretalkingaboutandifitwill cost us one tenth of that, it makesperfectsensebecause itisfor$214Mtobewritten off from the cost bank. So I am just saying if we gotta spend ten or five or three or two million, I don't know what's the cost none of us know as yet but I am just saying it makes sense because you are saving $214M USD, so if it gets to

that stage we will have to offsetthecost.”

The Government of Guyana (GoG) has made it clear that it will not be engaging in any settlement with ExxonMobil over the US$214million in questionable costs flagged by British auditor, IHSMarkit.

Last October, Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo wasaskedbythisnewspaper whether government has considered settling the dispute with the oil giant given how tedious the processhasbeenandthefact thatGuyanawillberequired tocoverthecostsofExxon's legaldefence.

To this end, Jagdeo informed that the GoG has

been guided by two sets of advisors on the matter that havebothrecommendedthat the US$214M sum be returned to the cost bank.

This means that the US$214M will be split as profits, which will allow Guyana to receive US$107M while Exxon will enjoytheotherUS$107M.

Consequently, Jagdeo asserted, “I don't believe thereisscopeatthisstagefor settlement especially given themagnitudeofreduction.”

He explained, “Exxon is talking about moving from US$214M to US$3M and if we settle with that, then it's only half of that we get and so those figures are not palatableatall.”

As such, the former

Head-of-State noted, “We may have to go to arbitration.”

Meanwhile, he told reporters that government has not done an assessment of what the arbitration processwouldcost.

He however pointed out that he believes this is the fittestmethod.

“Given all that has happened, I think you need an independent third party on this. If you settle on any figure, say US$214M with Exxon people will say oh you caved to Exxon, if you settle at US$3M, it is worse so a third party is needed to deal with all of these issues. We should not engage, I think, in any negotiations,” theVPsaid.

PNCR will release plans for oil sector closer to elections - Norton

Leader of the People's National Congress Reform (PNCR), Aubrey Norton saidhispartywillreleaseits policy for the management of the oil and gas sector closertotheelections.

The Opposition Leader was addressing the media duringapressconferenceon Tuesdaylastwhenhemadeit clear that the group has consistently outlined its positions on the sector, however, with regard to a comprehensive document outlining its policies, this will be done closer to the elections.

“We have consistently outlinedourpolicypositions onoilandgas,andsoitisnot forthelackofapolicy What you are seeking is one document. We will, like I have said before, we have put many policy positions, we will have a clear oil and gas policy document for the electorate as we move towards the elections,” NortontoldKaieteurNews

This newspaper previously reported that the PNCR's former Coalition partner, the Alliance For Change (AFC) recently revealed plans to release its policy statement on the petroleum sector Chairman oftheparty,DavidPatterson disclosed that the first of about 18 policies seek to ensure there is transparency and sharing of information with the public. “We have 18 different policy

statements and every week we will announce one. The first one is on transparency, accountability and access to information,” the former Minister of Public

Infrastructure disclosed during an interview with Kaieteur News, on the sidelines of a Parliamentary Sitting.

Patterson added, “There will be time limits and it wouldbeinscribedinlaw,so under an Alliance For Change government, no reporter has to ask for these information – they will be made public…so no longer can any politician say that information cannot be made availabletothepublic.”

K a i e t e u r N e w s understands that the AFC's Oil and Gas policy will also feature the party's stance on ring-fencingandwastewater disposal, among several others. Ring-fencing in the

petroleum industry is a financial term which means that each oil project should pay for itself. In Guyana's case, politicians have not ring-fenced the projects in the Stabroek Block. In this manner, the revenue generated by the three projects that are currently producingoilareusedtopay for other projects which are now being developed. The lack of ring-fencing thereforeshortenstheprofits available to be shared with Guyana.Eachmonth,Exxon is allowed to deduct a whopping 75% of Guyana's oil towards cost The remaining 25% is split with the country as profits, with the country receiving an additional 2% as royalty –paideveryquarter

Guyana has often been urged by international experts to ring-fence the projects to ensure the country enjoy the early benefitsfromthesector

The AFC previously voiced its support for the Stabroek Block projects to be ring-fenced, however its key Opposition partner, the People's National Congress Reform(PNC/R)remainson thefencewhenitcomestoa decision on the subject Norton had said while there may be benefits to ringfencing,hispartywouldstill need to assess each project individually to determine whether it would go that route.

The Government’s stranglehold on the National Toshaos Council Conference

Vice President Bharrat commandeer the autonomy not just a matter of support, challenge the government independently, to host its Jagdeo’s recent comments at of the National Toshaos but of ownership By when necessary, and to annual conference without the People’s Progressive CouncilConference. framing the conference as a advocateforthetrueneedsof the spectre of government Party Civic’s (PPPC) press To truly grasp the depth part of the government’s theindigenouscommunities. controlhangingoverit. conference lastThursday are of this misrepresentation, governance efforts, he The National Toshaos The government, for its objectionable. They serve as one must understand the effectively lays claim to its Council must, therefore, part, must recognize the a stark reminder of how easy origins and purpose of the successes, co-opts its begin the difficult but limits of its role. It must mantle of good governance. itistodistortthepurposeand NTCC. The NTCC is not, outcomes, and frames any essential task of raising its respect the autonomy of the It should be a time for the autonomy of institutions andwasneverintendedtobe, dissenting voices as own funds. It must seek National Toshaos Council, Toshaos to lead, to speak, meant to represent the a platform for government m a r g i n a l a n d support not from the state, engaging with it not through and to be heard—free from people. consultation.It is, by its very unrepresentative of the butfromitspeople,andfrom the conference but through theguidinghandofthestate. The Vice President conception, a meeting of the outcomeofthedeliberations. allies who believe in the p r o p e r, s t r u c t u r e d (The views expressed in proclaimed, “If any media Indigenous leaders, a This is a classic tactic of cause of indigenous self- consultations with the this article are those of the house were to be truthful, conclave of Toshaos, where control, one that seeks to determination It must Council itself. The NTCC a u t h

they would say that the theycanconvene,deliberate, delegitimize any narrative establishafinancialbasethat shouldnotbeanoccasionfor necessarily reflect the conference [National and address issues pertinent that does not align with the

the government to claim the opinions of this newspaper.) ToshaosCouncilConference to their communities free government’s version of (NTCC)] is a great success from external influence. It is events. and that it’s a model of good s u p p o s e d t o b e a n The indigenous leaders governance; that it is an autonomous forum, one that of the National Toshaos unprecedented level of e x i s t s o u t s i d e t h e Councilmust,therefore,take e n g a g e m e n t a n d governmentalmachinery umbrage with Jagdeo’s c o n s u l t a t i o n b y a Jagdeo’s comments, comments. To accept his governmentwithasectionof however, distort this reality framing of the NTCC is to its population that cannot be By framing the NTCC as a accept a diminished role for found anywhere in the world government-organizedevent themselves, one that is where Indigenous people are focused on engagement and s u b s e r v i e n t t o t h e concerned and we stand consultation, he suggests government’s agenda. It is to s t r o n g l y o n t h e s e that the indigenous peoples’ allow the NTCC to be comments.” participation is not self- t

These words, soaked in determined but orchestrated autonomous gathering into a the self-congratulatory by the state. This is more government spectacle, a rhetoric typical of those than a mere semantic sleight carefully managed show of perchedhighontheechelons of hand; it is a deliberate “


n d of government, are not reframing of the relationship consultation” designed to merely a matter of public between the government and showcase the government’s relations puffery. They theindigenouscommunities. supposedbenevolence. represent a profound IttransformstheNTCCfrom To preserve the integrity misunderstanding—or,more a platform for Indigenous and purpose of the NTCC, likely, a deliberate self-determination into an the National Toshaos mischaracterization—of the instrument of government Council must reclaim its NTCC’sverynature. policy, reducing the Toshaos autonomy. It must assert its By branding the NTCC to mere attendees in a right to organise, fund, and as an exemplary act of pageantofgovernance. manage its own conference, government “engagement By claiming that the free from government and consultation by a NTCC is a model of good intervention. As long as the governmentwithasectionof governance,isapaternalistic NTCC relies on government its population”, Jagdeo has, and patronizing narrative, funding, it remains in effect, annexed what casting theToashoas as mere vulnerable to the wiles and should be an independent p a r t i c i p a n t s i n a control of those in power platform for the Indigenous governmental exercise Autonomy is not merely a peoples into a spectacle of rather than as leaders of their matter of principle; it is a government control His people. practical necessity Without assertion that the conference The Vice President’s financial independence, the is a hallmark of good statements also betray a NTCCcannothopetoescape governance is, at best, a troubling implication: that the government’s influence. misrepresentation; at worst, t h e g o v e r n m e n t ’ s It cannot hope to speak with it is an attempt to co-opt and involvement in the NTCC is an untainted voice, to

Dem Boys Seh...

We now gat a new Office

Dem boys seh, suddenly, everybody gat secret. an Office. Dem boys know ‘bout the Office Demboyssearchdembigbookwahdem of the President, Office of the Prime does call de Estimates of Expenditure and Minister,OfficeoftheOmbudsmanandeven dem boys nah find no official Office called the Office of the First Lady But now dem de Office of de Vee Pee. We know he gat an hearing ‘bout a new one – the Office of the office with desk and chair at de Oh Pee. But VeePee.Wha’isdat? an office is not an Office – if yuh understand

The Facebook page of de Vee Pee seh de whatahmean. Office of deVee Pee hosted a reception at de The Vee Pee hosting a reception for the Seawall fuh dem indigenous leaders who indigenous leaders at the seawall. Dem boys attend the National Toshaos Council seh de seawall muss be de new palace. From Conference. hostingjoggersandlovers,nowithostingbig

ButdemboysneverknowdeVeePeegat reception. Dem boys seh, all you need is a anofficialOfficeoftheVeePee.Isthisdethe seawallandyoutoocanhaveanOffice.Dem same Vee Pee who does wear two hats? One boys seh next time y’all passing de seawall, minute he General Secretary and de next look out for a big sign – “Office of the Vee minuteheisaVeePee?Demboysconfused. Pee.”

This new Office sound like one big Talk half. Leff half


NIS may be a monster in plain sight

The NIS could be a monsterhidinginthemiddle oftheroom. Itisaroomwith the clearest view But the NIS is still trying to make itself small, nonproblematic, and unthreatening The mystery is that it has succeeded.

Some circumstances have surfaced, which nudge in a certain direction: thousandsofGuyanesecould beimpacted. Tokeepmatters calm, I will not say that they havebeencheated.

Misled, yes. Ran ragged and runaround, yes again. Butcheated,Iholdoffonthat onemomentarily Still,Iam usingwhathascometometo approach two ministers: Dr Vindhya Persaud of Human ServicesandDr AshniSingh of money dancing to his song'sfame.

First,aTaskForceshould be set up at one of the two ministries to get a grip on a

rash of holdups of veteran Guyanese workers by one NIS posse after another If the Task Force sounds too official or ominous, then the NIS Dispute Resolution Desk is fine. Not at the NIS, butateitherHumanServices or Finance. One minister must find the time to care, a big deal in the PPP Government, and the other must find the money to pay (not such a priority for rankand-filecitizens). Whoisnot seenasrankhasbeenmadeto walkinanendlesssinglefile forever

Or made to file up and down some NIS office, before being filed down to size,viz.,theythrowuptheir handsandgiveupindisgust. The NIS saves the day, and saves a few million. It also saves a few employees who may have touched some stuff. TheAG(ahcomintuh he) gets to save a day for

some later, bigger, sexier issueincourt.

Second,togiveanideaof whatisbeingcalledthesecret NIS iceberg, consider this. Reports are that when some atNISlearnthatanemployer hasgoneoutofbusinessfora while, then some luckless claimants are also going down the tubes with that company Some fortunate former workers have been collectingwhatisduetothem from the NIS. There are, however, some of their former colleagues who have gottennowhere,aredownon theirluck.

My concern (outrage, really)isthatthishasnothing to do with luck, but everythingtodowithwhatis fair,right,andjust. ThePPP is about all three, so nobody should have a problem with me saying so; certainly not the two honorable names mentioned. When matters

distilltothisunhappylevelof a belly-up employer and some beaten down old-time workers, it should not terminate at what Guyanese call 'provin offense ' Whateverthehellthatmeans. A Guyanese who worked some combination of 15 years or more with different employers should not be left hanging like this; especially when they are vulnerable to the ravages of age, even m a d e n e e d y b y circumstances.

No!Iamnotgoingtoget started on the cost of living and the lower life form advocaciesfrombigpolitical kahunas about how much theyhavedonetoameliorate thesituation.

The redline issue is that too many Guyanese workers have been shortchanged, then shafted, then rolled around in the dirt, and then given the boot. The NIS version of that is short and sweet: no proof, no pay No employer printout, no NIS pension. Goodbye and get lost.

When there are still Guyanese like me around, nobodygetslost. Theygetin thefaceoftheNISfirst.Then they get in the face of the president, both the first and second ones. I trust that the PM doesn't feel slighted Today, I manage myself and dealwiththeirproxies.

Third,Iamnowlumping two issues under one tent. Departed workers who may have qualified can collect

pensions due to them wherever they end up, which is a boon for the NIS. Part B involves those who departed for foreign shores. Considering Guyana's nonstop migratory trajectory, NIS should be in the black for benefits saved. It takes a cheapskate Guyanese,onewhohasdone wellinAmericaorCanada,to look to Guyana and its hangdog NIS to hand over what belongs in this their s i l v e r y e a r s Notwithsta

convention where the contributions of current employeespayforpriorones, t

contributions should have beenatahealthywatermark.

Of course, this is without recasting the gaze from the NIS in Brickdam to that bridge over the Berbice River Since that involves some PPPfamily nakedness, Ithinkdecencyandcourtesy shouldbeobserved.

The man formerly in the Maldives(howdoesanytrue blueGuyaneseendupthere?) maynotcare.

But the lady minister is too much of a holy woman formetobetheupstartthatI can normally be and spoil theseproceedings.

Thepenultimate(next-tolast) point is that the Holy Guyanese Axis of the NIS, thePPPGovernment,andthe Ali-Jagdeoduetmaycomfort themselves that the 24–48hour syndrome will take hold.

To wit, this issue that so negatively affects many Guyanese will disappear off theradarinthesameamount of time Fat chance! Fuhgeddaboudit! Message delivered.

Last, the giveaway was w h e n t h e G u y a n a Government went on the offense by appealing the judge'sruling.

No,Mr AG;thejudgedid not err. Talk to Guyanese straight, Mr. AG. If that ruling is allowed to go through,thewholekokercud bruk dunk with the NIS flooded up to its baldhead withclaims. SeehowsmartI am! It is why Dr AK Singh features so sweetly in this writing. Heeithershootsup Guyaneseworkers;orhecan showhowmuchhectaresfor them,woundedandbleeding astheyare.

AGNandlallhasasimilar choice. By the way, is this man's name really Lall. I have never known one that floats around so much to get whathewants. NotevenLal Bahadur Shastri and look whattheRussiansdidtohim inTashkent.

(The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the o p i n i o n s o f t h i s newspaper.)

Woman, 63, feared dead after missing for over six months

...Family cites

A63-year-old woman

who reportedly wandered off from her homeearlythisyearisfeareddead by relatives after many attempts to locateherwenttonoavail.

The missing woman, Gale Husbands, who suffers from dementia and is a diabetic went astray after she left her home at D'Urban and Louisa Row, Georgetown in early February 2024 Gale was last seen in D'Urban Street, Wortmanville Since February to date, relatives have searched endlessly to locate Husbands but were never successful.

During an interview with this publication, the husband of the missing woman, Karl Husbands related in detail the occurrence he had with her on the day she went missing.

Thedayshewentmissing Husbands (Karl) highlighted that on the day of Gale's disappearance, which was a Muslim holiday, he and his family collectedfoodfromtheMasjid.He

lack of police involvement

related that during doing so, a friend of his was robbed and as such,hedroppedGalehomewhile citing to her, “All of us can't be in the car, so I told her to stay home andwatchLifetimemovie.”

Contrary to that, Husbands related that he then returned home again, but headed out back after a neighbour asked him, whether he was working to drop her somewhere.

Eventhoughhewashesitant,he said, “I get a work, let me take it.” Importantly,hestatedthatwhenhe wentinsideofthehousetopickup hisphoneandthenventurebackout to his work, he noticed Gale looking lost. He said, “She looks like she is in a daze in her own world, but I say she was watching Lifetime.”

Subsequently, he went back to work until 16:30hrs, when he decided to call Gale but her phone went unanswered “She ain't answering, so I told my sister downstairs, I asked her to go upstairsandjustfindoutwhy,Gale isn't answering her phone ”


Upon checking, Gale was not found in the house. Husbands related,“IgetstressedoutandIsay oh God, so I fly home fast right away, and call my mother-in-law and told her Gale isn't home.”

Husbands along with other family members started to seek Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) footage, which hopefully could have guided them in the direction Galewanderedoffto.

Moreover, as a result of Gale going missing, Husbands related with regrets, that, “on the day, it waslikethedevilwasprolonging.I told the lady I was not working; I don't know what was in my mind whenItelltheladycome.”

He further expressed the fear thatengulfedhim,whenrecentlya woman'sbody,whichlookssimilar to Gale was reportedly found in a trench.

“I could have sworn it was my wife...It'saterriblethingandIthink ittroublemyheart.”Husbandssaid.

Nevertheless, a police report was made about the incident

However, Husbands and another family member clamped down on the lack of police involvement in thematter

“The police ain't really doing nothing, then they collect a phone from us (Gale's phone) and they ain'tgivewebackthephoneandit's over six months now And they neverreturnthephone.”Husbands saidfrustratedly

Additionally, another family memberspeakingonthesameissue highlighted,“Onethingofconcern, whichIwouldliketospeakonisthe generallackofinterestandcareand concern that the Guyana Police Force does absolutely nothing just the normal push around No attemptintoaninvestigation.”

He further explained that the family insisted that police collect Gale'sphone,soananalysiscanbe conducted to determine whether shereceivedcallsortextsthatcould haveluredher

However,hestressed,“Wetook the phone in, and we can't get in touchwiththepersonwehandedit to.”

Missing: GaleHusbands

The family member then told Kaieteur News, “Evidently, the authorities in Guyana do not care about human lives. Human lives is one person missing or one person dieinanaccidentisjustastatisticto them.

To this end, Gale was last seen wearingafloraldress(white,green, pink). If anyone has seen or has knowledge of her whereabouts, please call 617-1596 or 669-2832. She has been ill and experiencing symptoms of dementia (nervous breakdown).

AFC demands transparency, justification for new Berbice River Bridge

TheAlliance For Change (AFC) has expressed their concerns about the government's proposal to construct a new Berbice RiverBridge.

Recently,thispublication reportedthattheGovernment ofGuyana(GoG)throughthe MinistryofPublicWorkshas issued a notice inviting contractors to submit applications to be prequalified for the design, buildandfinanceoftheNew BerbiceRiverBridge.

Back in January, President Irfaan Ali during hisaddressatthesod-turning for the US$161 million modern hospital in New Amsterdam, Region Six (East Berbice-Corentyne),

had stated that his government was pushing to have a fixed high-span crossing bridge, across the Berbice River He said, “We arealreadyunderstandingfor the future needs of this region. That is why we are accelerating the plans for a fixed high-span crossing bridge across the Berbice River just like the one in the DemeraraRiver.”

The president initially made the announcement of a new Berbice River Bridge back in October 2022. In a

statement on Monday, the AFC underscored the need

particularly given its

Guyanese taxpayers. It was stated, “If modelled after the NewDemeraraRiverBridge, [it] is projected to cost the taxpayers of Guyana in excessofUS$260million.”

The AFC made it clear that while they are not opposed to development and modernization,theyinsiston responsible governance when it comes to large-scale publicexpenditure.

The party has called on the government to release any pre-feasibility studies that have informed the decision to move forward withthebridgeproject.They also stressed the importance o f c o n d u c t i n g a comprehensive feasibility study and an Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) before proceeding with any further developments.

According to reports the current Berbice River Bridge, which was constructed between 2006 and 2008 at a cost of $8 billion, received financial

backing through loans and equity contributions from variousentities,includingthe state-run National Insurance Scheme (NIS) and private investors. It must be noted that the bulk of the money invested in the Berbice Bridge came from NIS Sharing ownership percentages in the Berbice Bridge Company Inc (BBCI): National Industrial andCommercialInvestments Ltd (NICIL) holds 10 percent, NIS owns 20 2 percent, and other stakeholders include Handin-Hand Fire Insurance (10 percent), New GPC (20 percent), Queens Atlantic InvestmentInc.(20percent), and Secure International Finance Co Limited (20


One of the AFC's main concerns is the current Berbice Bridge, which o p e r a t e s u n d e r a concessional agreement that extendsuntil2030.Theparty questioned whether the government plans to prematurely terminate this agreement and, if so, what compensation would be provided to the Berbice BridgeCompany

TheAFCalsohighlighted the financial difficulties previously faced by the Berbice Bridge Company, which had claimed it was operatingataloss.Theparty reminded that in 2018, the company attempted to raise tolls fourfold, a move that wasblockedbytheAFC.The

An artist impression of what the new Demerara River Bridge will look like. Same model to be followed for new Berbice River Bridge

partysaidthatitisconcerned that the government's announcement of a new bridge could lead to further legaldisputes.

Moreover,theAFCstated that there were doubts about the feasibility of the existing BerbiceBridge,adding,“The then-PPP government resorted to a controversial public-private partnership (PPP) model, aspects of which are still under judicial review.” As such, the party urged the government to avoidrepeatingpastmistakes by ensuring that the new project is based on solid, transparent, and publicly availabledata.

Theyquestionedwhether the decision to build a new bridge might be based on f

pointing out that the current administration has recently a c k n o w l e d g e d t h e infeasibility of other largescaleprojects,suchasadeepwater harbour and an oil refinery The AFC questions whetherasimilarassessment has been conducted for this bridge, and if not, why the projectisbeingpursued.

The party also noted that key details, such as the location of the proposed bridgeandtheanticipatedtoll rates, have not yet been disclosed. They highlighted that these factors are crucial, astheywilldirectlyaffectthe livelihoodsofthosewhorely on the bridge for daily commutes.

Itwasfurthernoted,“The A F C r e m i n d s t h e government that despite Guyana's newfound oil wealth, the country's needs far exceed its revenues. It is imperative that every dollar spent yields maximum returns for the benefit of all Guyanese Reckless spending on projects that lack clear feasibility and do notofferforeseeablebenefits intheshortandmediumterm willplaceanunduefinancial b u r d e n o n f u t u r e generations.”

Another $31M to spend at newly commissioned District No. 10 Health Centre

Having spent approximately $46 milliontobuildtheDistrictNo.10Health Centre, the government through the Regional Democratic Council (RDC) of Region Five is gearing up to spend a further$31millionforseveralworksatthe recentlycommissionedfacility

In a recent advertisement in the daily newspapers, the RDC stated that it is seeking bids for the construction of a doctor'slivingquartersatthehealthcentre. This project is estimated to cost $21,303,398.

The Regional Administration is also seekingcontractorsfortheconstructionof a fence, drains, and landscaping works at the same living quarter This project is estimatedtocostanother$9,935,618.

Kaieteur News reported previously that earlier this month, the Minister of Health, Dr Frank Anthony, and the regional team commissioned the new health center at Lakeville, which is set to

enhancehealthcareservicesforresidentsofDe Hoopandneighbouringvillages.Itwasreported thatthenewhealthcentreisfullyequippedwith medical supplies and equipment to cater to approximately1,200residents.

At the commissioning ceremony, the Ministernotedthatthehealthcentreformspart of the government's initiative to provide better healthcare and other services to improve the lives of all Guyanese. Dr Anthony highlighted that the Health Ministry is training medical personnel within communities to serve in their respectiveRegion.“Theseprogrammesarehere forpeopletoenroll.Wehavemanyprogrammes available, but we need people to come forward andbetrained,”hesaid.

In addition to those projects, the regional administration is looking to contract a contractor for the construction of a fence, and drains and execute landscaping works at the Esau & Jacob Health Centre living quarter in Mahaicony Creek. This project is estimated to cost$12,504,316.

Section of Hogg Street without water for a month

AsectionofHoggStreet in the Pont Trench area, Albouystown has been without water for about a month, leaving residents frustrated and struggling to cope.

Despiteassurancesfrom Guyana Water Incorporated (GWI) that water distributionissuesinCentral Georgetown were being addressed, a few residents remainwithoutwater

Ms. Hubbard, a resident of the affected area, described how the lack of waterhasseverelydisrupted her daily life. “It's been e x t r e m e l y challenging with hardly any rainfall, we're hoping for a quick resolution. It's frustrating to be without waterwhileothersaroundus have their supply restored,”

she said.Another resident, Crystal Allicock who returned from a trip to find the water situation unchanged, shared her struggles.

“Therewasaguydown the street who used to help by running his hose and filling up the tanks for us.

I've had to purchase bottles of water daily Not a single drop of water is coming out of the pipes, even in the yard,”thewomanshared.

The prolonged dry spell has only worsened the situation, with residents noting that the lack of rain has left them without alternative water sources.

“It's been two weeks now that I've had to send my clothes to the laundromat becauseIcan'twashthemat home,”Allicocklamented.

A section of the Hogg Street area that has been without water for a month

Notably, the issue was brought to the attention of GWI, who acknowledged thatablockageinthesystem is preventing water from reaching the affected residents. It was stated too that the water situation is expected to be fixed sometime this week

However, the residents e x p r e s s e d t h e i r disappointment with what they perceived as the slow

response from the utility company

“We haven't even heard f r o m t h e m a b o u t distributing water to us or offering any assistance while they work to fix the issue,” Ms. Hubbard said.

The residents are now calling on GWI to expedite their efforts and provide immediate relief as the water shortage continues to impacttheirdailylives.

Jeremy Smith
…remains on remand due to pending cases Manonreducedbailforpublishing nudepicturesofex-girlfriend

A 33-year-old IT

Technician was on Monday grantedreducedbailwhenhe appeared at the Georgetown Magistrates' Court before Magistrate Orinthia Schmidt to answer three cybercrime charges and damage to propertycharge.

The accused, Jeremy Smithisaccusedofacquiring and distributing intimate photographsandvideosofhis ex-girlfriend.

The allegations against Smith state that between March11andMay6,2023,at Meadow Brook Gardens, he unlawfully obtained electronic data, including videos and photos, from his ex-girlfriend's WhatsApp messages.

Further, between May 27 andJuly16,2024,atthesame location, he is accused of publishing obscene and distressingcontentfromthese messages using a computer system.

At Smith's first appearance, bail was set at $75,000 for each charge; however, it was reduced to $60,000 per charge on Monday

Despite the reduction in bail, Smith remains on remand at the Diamond Magistrates' Court due to an incident on July 26, 2024, where Smith allegedly threatened his ex-girlfriend, vandalized her property, and breached a restraining order againsthim.

Magistrate Sunil Scarce remanded Smith in custody followingthatincident.

Smith and his exgirlfriend had an on-and-off relationshipoverthepastyear andahalf.InDecember2022, she filed a restraining order against him, which he has subsequentlybreached.

She told this publication that he contacts her continuously from different numbersonherWhatsApp.

Smith's second court appearance was conducted virtually before Magistrate Schmidt. He was represented by attorney, Darren Wade who requested a reduction in bail,citingadditionalmatters pendinginothercourts.

Tenders out to build Nismes & Kaneville Secondary Schools

With $74.4 billion allocated towards the construction, rehabilitation, extension, and maintenance of educational facilities across the country among other projects, the Ministry of Education is seeking contractors to build two brand new secondary schools in Regions Three and Four.

This is according to a recent tender issued by the Ministry who is seeking contractors to build schools at Nismes in Region Three and at Kaneville in Region Four. No estimated costs were provided for the projects, but it was stated that works for the Nismes school will be done in five lots.

At a commissioning ceremony for a primary school last year September, President Irfaan Ali had announced the plans for the secondary school at Nismes and one for Crane. During his speech at the time, he said the Ministry of Education had completed a very important document, that is an infrastructure analysis based on population and students,

The secondary school which is under construction at Tuschen, Region Three.

and which identifies what additional infrastructure is needed based on demand of the education system.

Speaking briefly about the new schools, the Headof-State related that the facility slated for Crane, will be about 30,000 sq. ft. and would be built to accommodate 1,000 students.

He added that the second facility in Nismes will be constructed to accommodate about 600 students and that

would be about 1200 sq. ft.

He stated that one of the reasons behind building such infrastructures is that in these areas, there are new housing communities being opened, and so this is creating demands in sectors such as education. In addition to Region Three, the ministry intends to build a secondary school at Vreed-en-Hoop, while an $864 million secondary school is being constructed at Tuschen.

CXC signs MOU with St.


While at Kaneville, a new secondary school is in the pipeline for Prospect on the East Bank of Demerara. Kaieteur News had reported that the Education Ministry had embarked on a very aggressive programme to ensure that all children have access to secondary education.

The Government has set 2025 to achieve universal secondary education in the country.

John’s University

facilitate regionally qualified candidates

The Caribbean Examinations Council (CXC) has signed an MOU with St. John’s University to facilitate the formal recognition and entrance of CXC qualified candidates into the New Yorkbased institution.

After conducting a review of CXC’s CAPE courses, St. John’s University recognized the benefits of partnership.

The University agreed to recognize the value in relevant CAPE Units and qualifications for entrance to the prestigious college.

The MOU was finalized by CXC’s Pro-Registrar and Deputy CEO, Eduardo Ali and Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs at St. John’s University, Dr. Simon Geir Mollers during a virtual signing ceremony on Monday.

According to the Public Relations Officer (PRO) of CXC, Folayann Taitt, the MOU is as a result of the diligent work of teams from both institutions.

“This MOU marks an important milestone for both institutions…We stand poise to establish a meaningful relationship which will provide opportunities for qualified CXC candidates and also for CXC and St. John’s University,” Taitt said.

Under the MOU, St. John’s University will formally recognize CXC’s

qualifications for the purpose of matriculation by CXC candidates. This will facilitate a smoother process for students seeking to access the various programmes available at St. John’s University.

St. John’s University Dr. Mollers said that the University is very pleased to partner with the Caribbean Examination Council to support the academic and professional aspirations of Caribbean students.

“We do this by recognizing the students’ hard work which is important, their academic achievements which is equally important. Also very important is the academic credential from their home institution…We promise to provide them with a wealth of opportunities to excel at our campus here in New York City and also beyond,” Dr. Mollers said.

He continued “We truly look forward to welcoming students from the Caribbean here in New York because we believe that having different perspectives, different experiences, really foster an environment that reflects our value in education…”

“We are educating the next generations of leaders who are prepared to contribute to the global society which is becoming more and more complex as we move forward.”

In his remarks, CXC’s Deputy CEO noted that the Caribbean Examination Council has been seeking to reposition itself for greater regional and global impact.

“As CXC engages in global partnership arrangements, it is not only that we provide services that develop and strengthen us as an organization but it really also allows us to fulfill our


Male able-bodied Staff to work in general store. Call: 231-2029, 616-5954.


Driver, must have valid license for Car & Van. Must be able to assist in Workshop also. Call: 615-9132. Wanted Maths Tutor. Call: 223-5273/ 223-5274.

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One Cook. Call: 223-5273/74.

One Salesgirl to work in a Boutique in Georgetown. Call: 698-7152.

Experienced utility operators (excavator, bulldozer, ADT) and Mechanics wanted for mining operation. Call: 688-6575.

Experienced male Cooks Crew wanted for mining operation. Call: 688-6575.

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on Monday.

mission in human capital development in the Caribbean and of course beyond…As one of the leading institutions within CARICOM that is the Caribbean Community is benefit for the CITZENS region”

He noted that CXC understands the value of partnership and continues to engage with like institutions to support Caribbean integration and development.

“I am pleased to established a relationship between Caribbean Examination Council and a leading higher education institution…We have been ensuring pursuing regional and international stakeholders for some time… who understand this impetus, this goal, and this objective.

“We work together to share knowledge and experience that supports us in our endeavours,” Ali said.


Elevate your brand with our professional Graphic design services. Call: 619-0007, 629-5526.

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Nayelli school of cosmetology is n ow enrolling for cosmetology courses beginning September 9th, 2024, 211 New Market st. Call: 2262124.

FIRST AID/CPR/AED as well as home nursing courses at St. John Association starting shortly. Call: 225-9082.

One Electrician needed for Eccles. For more information Call: 615-9132 or 645-8443.

One clerk for TSI Eccles office. English & Mathematics, grade 1 or 2. Email application: techserigy@ yahoo.com or call 615-9132. Maid to clean for East Bank area. Call: 615-9132

Female cleaner for office call : 645-8443

Male cleaner for Eccles call 615-9132 or 645-8443

Vacancy at P.S.G.C.S for General Cleaner, Mason, Carpenter, Fabricator/ Welder, Maintenance Workers & Handyman/ woman. Call: 621-6969/ 615-7784.

Vacancy for salesgirls and boys at Lot 16, Public road Soesdyke. Call: 669-9258.

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1-320 D Caterpillar Excavator with 3066 engine in excellent condition, if interested contact: 701-4000 Monday - Friday 8am-5pm. Lawn grass, palms & flowers for sale. Call : 626-1044. FOR


1 Honda CRV, includes TV, music system, alarm, reverse camera, sproiler, crashbar, low mileage PTT Series (first owner). Contact: 649-0956.

1 Toyota Allion, Pioneer DVD, CD & USB deck, reverse camera, alarm, low milage. Call: 649-0956. Rumion for sale, Model 2012, PTT Series. Call : 6715759.

Nissan Bluebird for sale year 2006 (Silver) Original condition. Immediate Transfer Price Negotiable. Call / Whatsapp : 683-7761.

Vacancy for the night handyman and a domestic maid call: 638-6816.
From left: Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs at St. John’s University, Dr. Simon Geir Mollers and CXC’s Pro-Registrar and Deputy CEO, Eduardo Ali signed the MOU

UN says Gaza aid operation paused due to evacuation orders

(BBC NEWS) - The operates against Hamas and 1,200 people were killed and United Nations says it has otherarmedgroups. 251 others were taken had to temporarily suspend Earlier on Monday, it hostage. More than 40,430 its aid operation in the Gaza said troops were continuing people have been killed in Strip because of Israeli to “dismantle terrorist Gazasincethen,accordingto military evacuation orders in infrastructure” and the territory’s Hamas-run the centre of the Palestinian “eliminate terrorists” on the health ministry Local territory outskirts of Deir al-Balah. officials in Deir al-Balah say Asenior UN official told Up to 88.5% of Gaza has about 250,000 people have

r been forced to flee several humanitarian staff had been evacuation orders since the neighbourhoods of the town unabletooperateonMonday start of the war between since 16 August, when the because of safety concerns. Israel and Hamas, according Israel Defense Forces (IDF) Evacuation orders covering to the UN, which is the started to issue evacuation p

- primary provider and ordersthere. designated humanitarian distributor of humanitarian Humanitarian staff from zone in and around the aidintheterritory variousUNagencies,NGOs, centraltownofDeiral-Balah That has forced an and service providers, along

United Nations says it has had to temporarily suspend its aid operation in the

Itcouldspreadveryrapidly,” careforthetimebeing,while - where the UN has its main estimated 1.8 million people with their families, have also

he added. ”Malnourished tryingtomaintainlife-saving operations centre - had to shelter inside the been displaced as a result of However, UN staff have children A decimated treatment. From around 650 forced staff to relocate humanitarian zone, which the orders. The UN said a been instructed to find healthcare sector Very poor patients, only 100 remain in quickly and leave equipment spans only about 41 sq km new order issued on Sunday solutions to allow operations water and sanitation. People the hospital, with seven in behind,theysaid. (15.8 sq miles) and lacks that covered one block in the toresume. live amid garbage, amid the intensive care unit,

However, the official critical infrastructure and south of the town had “We’re not leaving lakes of sewage. They’re according to the Ministry of stressed that UN agencies basicservices. affected 15 UN and NGO because the people need us stressed, they’re anxious, Health,”itadded. would not be leaving Gaza The Israeli military premises, as well as four UN there,” the official said their immune systems are “This situation is and were now trying to find launchedacampaigninGaza warehouses. “We’re unable “We’re trying to balance the suppressed.” unacceptable. Al-Aqsa has somewheretooperatesafely todestroyHamasinresponse to deliver today with the need of the population with Mr Rose said Unrwa and been operating well beyond The Israeli military has said to an unprecedented attack conditionsthatwe’rein,”the the need for safety and other UN agencies had been capacityforweeksduetothe it issues evacuation orders to on southern Israel on 7 senior UN official said on security of the UN focusing their efforts on the lack of alternatives for try to protect civilians as it October, during which about Monday “As of this personnel ” Sam Rose, a polio vaccination campaign patients. All warring parties senior deputy field director due to start this Saturday, must respect the hospital, as for the UN agency for which plans to inoculate well as patients’ access to Palestinian refugees more than 640,000 children medicalcare.” (Unrwa) who is in Deir al- and prevent an outbreak. Dr Anas Ibrahim, an Balah, warned that both UN “The vaccines have come in. emergency physician at the staff and Palestinian We’re calling for calm, for hospital, told BBC Arabic’s civilians were “being humanitarian pauses that Gaza Today programme on squeezed into ever smaller will allow the vaccination Monday that the situation areasofGaza”. programmes to pass and be there was “indescribable”.

“The humanitarian zone implementedsuccessfully.” “As the evacuation news declared by Israel has M é d e c i n s S a n s spread, patients with shrunk. It is now about 11% Frontières (MSF) has also fractures and wounds all of the entire Gaza Strip,” he warned that the latest began to evacuate the told reporters in New York evacuation order in Deir al- hospital for fear of being via video link. “This isn’t Balah also affected areas exposed to an offensive,” he just11%oflandthatisfitfor closetoal-AqsaHospital,the said.“Feelingsofterror,fear, habitation,fitforservices,fit town’smainmedicalfacility andpanichaveoverwhelmed for life. These are dunes, The medical charity said in a all people at the hospital. these are crowded areas, statement on X that an Everyone is afraid now where people are living explosion about 250m everyone is waiting to see cheek by jowl, doing (820ft) from the hospital on what will happen.” The IDF whatevertheycantogetby.” Sunday had triggered panic, said the evacuation order did

“It is precisely in these with many people choosing not include nearby hospitals circumstances that polio has to leave afterward. “As a or medical facilities and that recentlyre-emergedinGaza, result, MSF is considering patientsandmedicalstaffdid withasmallnumberofcases. whether to suspend wound notneedtoleave.

Three remanded for armed robberies at

East Coast gas stations

ThreemenwereonMondayremandedto the Guyoil Station on the Railway prisonattheSparendaamMagistrate’sCourt Embankment road and Chico Ramas gas after they appeared before Magistrate Clive station at Coldigen, ECD, on August 20th Nurse for a series of armed robberies at gas 2024; and Rubis Gas Station at Success, stations on the East Coast of Demerara ECD,onAugust23rd2024.”

th th betweenAugust20 tothe24 2024. The suspects allegedly entered the gas

The accused are 21-year-old Joel Joshua station in a grey Axio motor car and were Williams, 27-year-old Akeem Marques and armed with pistols and cutlasses. They 19-year-old Tyron Peters all of Bachelor’s exited and robbed pump attendants and a Adventure,ECD. security guard. They relieved the victims at

A statement from the police said that, the three locations of cash, cell phones and “Police in Regional Division 4’C’ arrested jewellerytotalling$340,000. and placed before the court three men from They were later arrested by police on the East Coast of Demerara for allegedly August 23rd and placed before the court, committing a series of armed robberies at charged with robbery under arms and three filling stations (gas stations), namely remandedtoprison.

Gaza Strip.

Jamaica lifts the CFU Boys’ U-14 Challenge Series Tier I...

being sent through on goal to double his tally and extend histeam’slead.

From page 25 makeit4-1forJamaica. 68' Hussey found a Morris’hat-trick came in streaking Jaeden Brownthe 62'. The French Guiana Hanniford, who gladly defense failed to deal with a accepted the assist to get his cross from the left side and nameonthescoresheet.

TheYoung Reggae Boys, now running rampant, had a golden opportunity to put the

Morris quickly dispatched The fin


e thelooseballintothebackof sounded, confirming game firmly beyond doubt in thenet. braggingrightsforJamaica. the56'. Brownlookedtoget The Jamaica goal spree In addition to the trophy, his hat-trick but hit over the continued with Samuel the Jamaicans earned the crossbar after being put Taylor making it 6-1 in the individual awards. Spence through on goal again. In the 64' when he pounced on a was the best goalkeeper in 58', Morris cut in brilliantly loose ball in the penalty area Tier I, Brown the top goalon his left foot and his to slot home from close scorer with a tally of nine, deflected effort ballooned range. and Clarke was the Most over the head of Sante to Goal seven came in the ValuablePlayer

Igloo Hockey Festival set...

From page 26 look forward to an actionpacked weekend filled with thrilling games, fan-friendly activities, and a variety of interactive experiences designed to engage and entertain spectators of all ages.

“We are excited to bring back the GCC Igloo Hockey Festival and continue our tradition of fostering community spirit through sport, ” said a club spokesperson. “This festival is a unique opportunity for players and fans alike to come together and celebrate theirloveforhockey.”

Tuesday August 27, 2024


A love partner could be gloomy today, Aries This might be the kind of day when nomatterhowmanytimesyou draw your mate's attention to the doughnut, he or she still seesonlythehole.


You tend to be curious, Taurus, and you're always trying to learn more about yourmanyinterests.Buttoday you couldbe eagerto research a subject but be unable to find any information about it no matter how many libraries or databasesyouexplore.


The need to attend to business or networking obligations disguised as parties could get toyoutoday,Gemini.


Your home could be empty today, Cancer Other household members may be away and you could find it depressing Instead of enjoying the solitude, you could feel like the walls are closinginaroundyou.


Someone close to you might be uncharacteristically silent today, Leo Something is bothering them terribly, and they don't seem to want to talk about it. You're willing to listen or help, but don't try to coaxyourfriendintosharing.

VIRGO(Aug 23–Sept 22)

Financial worries might come up today, Virgo. You may check your bank balance and find that you have little money This might come as a shock, because you thought therewasplentythere.


Today you might be so gloomy that you don't even want to get up. It might not be a good idea to stay home, however. Try to findsometaskstodistractyou.

SCORPIO(Oct.23–Nov 21)

Anyworktodaycouldrequirea higher level of concentration thanyoucanmuster Youmight lapse into daydreams, think about personal matters, and feel guilty because you aren't doing what you're supposed to bedoing.

SAGIT(Nov 22–Dec.21)

Today your creative impulses couldseemblocked.Youmight be trying to reach your own or someone else's deadline. You may feel the need to get some work done, while your muse seems to have gone on vacation.


A friend who planned to stop by tonight might not show up, Capricorn. You may worry since this person isn't one to blow you off. Don't imagine accidents or disasters The culprit'sprobablytraffic.


Travel of any kind might be virtually impossible today Airports could be jammed, flights delayed, and planes plagued with mechanical problems If you're traveling by car, expect road construction andbacked-uptraffic.


This isn't a good day to invest in anything. Don't spend much time working on speculative projects, Pisces, and don't put your money into anything but gold, land, or blue-chip stocks andbonds.


From page 27

finishedinsecondplace,whiletheWomen’sTeamclincheda well-deserved first place.Ashley Khalil, the 2022 Caribbean Singles Champion, was instrumental in the team’s success, securing a thrilling three-set victory over her Barbadian opponent.

The men’s team also showcased their strength, achieving a dominant 4-0 victory overTrinidad andTobago.The team, consisting of Shomari Wilshire, Daniel Ince, Jason Ray Khalil, and Sam InceCarvahal, contributed significantly to Guyana’scommandingperformance.

This recent victory solidifies Guyana’s reputation as a powerhouse in Caribbean squash, highlighting their exceptional skill and determination in a sport that requires strategicacumenandintensefocus.

A key feature of the festivalisitspartnershipwith Igloo, the primary sponsor of the event. Igloo’s ongoing s u p p o r t h a s b e e n instrumental in the festival’s s u c c e s s a n d t h e i r commitment to promoting sports and community engagement aligns perfectly with the festival’s goals.As a token of appreciation, Igloo will enjoy prominent visibility throughout the event, including on-site branding,digitalpromotions, and interactive features that highlight their innovative products to a dedicated audience.

In a recent press release, the Club expressed its gratitude to Igloo and other s p o n s o r s f o r t h e i r unwavering support. “As our title sponsor, Igloo plays a crucial role in the success of t h e f e s t i v a l T h e i r involvement not only en h an ces th e ev en t experien

strengthens the bonds within our community,” the release stated.

The GCC Igloo Hockey Festival is a testament to the enduringspiritofhockeyand the community that supports it. With its exciting lineup and inclusive atmosphere, this year’s event promises to be a memorable celebration of the sport and the communitythatcherishesit.

At the E-Net Caribbean Squash Championships XXIX 2024, Guyanese athletes earned several medals: Mary FungA-Fat won silver in the Women’s Individual category, and Alex Arjoon secured third place in the Men’s Individual category IntheDoublesevents,theGuyaneseWomen’steam ofAshley DeGroot andAshley Khalil took first place, while the Men’s team of Jason Ray Khalil and Samuel InceCarvahalfinishedthird.

In theVeterans category, Regan Pollard placed second in the Men’s 40-and-over, Ramon Chan-a-Sue finished second in the Men’s Over 50, and Lloyd Fung-a-Fat secured third in the Men’s Over 60.TheWomenVeterans also excelled, with Lydia Fraser earning second place in the Over-50 category andIndiraBarkerwinningfirstplaceintheOver60category Guyana’s continued success at the 24th CASA Senior Squash Championship underscores their exceptional talent and resilience, maintaining their stronghold on the regional squashlandscape.

GuyanaAmazonWarriors secure first victoryin 2024MassyWCPLwith Burns’blazingknock

The Guyana Amazon Warriors claimed their first victory in the 2024 Massy Women’s Caribbean Premier League (WCPL) with a commanding eight-wicket win over the TrinbagoKnightRidersattheBrianLaraCricketAcademyin Tarouba,Trinidad.

A stunning 78 off 48 balls from Erin Burns was the cornerstone of their successful chase, helping the Warriors overcomeashakystarttosecurethewinwith16ballstospare.

Chasing a target of 131 in favourable batting conditions, the Warriors found themselves in early trouble at 15-2 after losing Natasha McLean and Stefanie Taylor within the first few overs. The pressure mounted as Jonassen and seamer Shikha Pandey applied the brakes, making run-scoring difficultinthepowerplay

However, Burns, alongside captain Lauren Winfield-Hill, who scored a solid 46 off 47 balls, steadied the ship with an unbroken 119-run partnership, the highest ever in the competition. The duo expertly navigated the tricky period, combining aggressive stroke play with calculated risk-taking, whichpaidoffhandsomely

Burns, who was dropped twice during her innings, capitalized on those chances to anchor the chase. She reached her half-century off just 32 balls and continued to find the boundarywithease,particularlydownthegroundandthrough

Amazon Warriors picked up their first WCPL win thanks to Erin Burns.


Winfield-Hill played the perfect supporting role, rotating thestrikeandallowingBurnstodominatetheinnings.

Earlier, the Knight Riders posted a total of 130-6, a score that seemed competitive at the halfway mark. The team’s captain,DeandraDottin,andHarshithaSamarawickramalaid astrongfoundationwithahalf-centuryopeningpartnership.

Samarawickrama,replacingtheinjuredMegLanning,was particularly impressive, displaying elegant strokes and punishing anything short as she guided the team to 37-0 after the powerplay Despite the solid start, the Knight Riders’ momentum stalled once spinner Chloe Tryon was introduced intotheattack.

Tryon, who finished with figures of 4-21, struck with her very first delivery, dismissing Dottin with a brilliant catch by AshminiMunisaratgully ShethenbowledSamarawickrama, who attempted a reverse sweep, and stifled the Knight Riders in the middle overs. Jemimah Rodrigues and Jess Jonassen provided a late surge with a quick 44-run partnership, but Tryon once again swung the momentum in the Warriors’ favour by removing Jonassen for 28 and then dismissing KyciaKnightinthepenultimateover.

TheKnightRiders’finaltotalultimatelyfellshort,andthe Warriors, despite the early hiccups in their chase, displayed their depth and resilience to record their first points of the tournament.Thisvictorywillserveasasignificantconfidence boost for the Warriors as they look to build momentum in the competition. Both teams had entered this match desperate for a win after losing to the Barbados Royals in their opening fixtures, but it was the Warriors who emerged triumphant, thanks to Burns’ heroics and Tryon’s pivotal bowling performance.

Jamaica lifts the CFU Boys’ U-14 Challenge Series Tier I trophy

Reggae Boyz celebrating their CFU Boys’ U-14 Challenge Series Tier I trophy.

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Young Reggae Boyz also take home the individual awards French Guiana are the runners-up

Jamaica 7-1 French Guiana handcornerofthegoal. SCARBOROUGH, Tobago (August Jamaicalookedtoreplyimmediately,and 25, 2024)–A seven-goal blitz in the second Morris found space close to the penalty spot half saw Jamaica defeat French Guiana to be on a corner-kick. The strongly built forward crowned champions of Tier I of the CFU out jumped his opponents, but his 24' headed Boys’ U-14 Boys Challenge Series. The effort went straight into Sante’s grateful match was played on Sunday at the Dwight hands. Buoyed by that opening goal, the YorkeStadium. team from French Guiana grew in the game, Carlando Morris scored a hat-trick, stringing together some passes in the middle KelvinDJBrownabrace,andSamuelTaylor of the field. Enzo Cherica and Guezo and Jaeden Brown-Hanniford scored a goal Atoukou moved the ball more, trying to each in the Jamaican rout. Matheo Francois imposeFrenchGuiana’sbuild-upstyleonthe convertedforFrenchGuiana. game.

Jamaica signaled their intentions to put TheyoungReggaeBoysthoughttheyhad French Guiana under pressure early, with equalizedinthe33',whenHusseyturnedwell Tevin Savage making early inroads into the inside the penalty area and shot to the rightFrench Guiana defense, getting behind and hand side of the goal. However, Sante pulled crossing twice in the first two minutes. Kyle off a critical save to preserve the lead. The Hussey found space early, but he sent his 3' whistle wasn’t long in coming, and French curling effort over the bar Jamaica kept Guiana took the one-goal lead into the halfprobing and came close to grabbing the timebreak. opening goal in the 9' when Morris was Jamaica, looking to get back into the playedthrough,butLeoJosilemarshaledhim contest, made changes at half, most notably well to allow French Guiana’s Hugo Sante to the inclusion of Kelvin D.J Brown, who put advanceoffhislinetogathercomfortably the opponent under pressure immediately on It was difficult for French Guiana to get resumption. The burly forward went on a out of their half as they struggled to find a purposeful run, but the final pass was found solution to the Jamaican press. That early wanting. press presented a 14' chance for Savage. The Momentslater,Husseygotashotoffafter Jamaicanskipperfoundtimeandspaceinthe turning his man, but his effort, while it penalty area, shot from an acute angle, and squeezed under Sante’s body, went beat Sante. However, the ball hit the crossbar agonizinglywideofthemark. beforeFrenchGuianascrambleditaway The equalizer came in the 41'. Brown Resorting to long balls, French Guiana outpaced the defense to shoot, but his effort was almost gifted the lead in the 17', as a waswideofthemark. Husseymoppedupthe speculative free-kick slipped through the missed effort to cross to Morris who hit the handsofJamaicankeeperMarcodeanSpence woodwork. The rebound fell to Brown who andhitthepost.Butnoonewascloseenough madenomistakethesecondtime. tocapitalizeontheerror Jamaicawasonthe Jamaica pressed high up the field and attackagainandmadegoodinroadsdownthe brought tremendous pressure to bear on French Guiana right side. Davion Clarke French Guiana. Hussey, seemingly never far lookedtopickoutMorriswithacurlingcross away from the action, solicited no less than in the 18', but the towering forward could not three saves from Sante, each one more getenoughonhisheadertotroubleSante. difficultthanthelast.

French Guiana took the lead in the 22' Hussey was the key to unlocking the against the run of play On one of French French Guiana defense again. The winger Guiana’s rare forays into the Jamaican half, picked out Morris with a delightful cross in Matheo Francois found space on the edge of the 53' and Morris hit his first-time volley the Jamaican penalty area, and he received firmlyintothebackofthenet. Aminutelater, the ball smartly to send a sensational, curling itwasBrownwithanaudaciouschipafter effortoverSpence’sheadandintothetopleft-

(Continued on page 23)

Igloo Hockey Festival set to return August 30

After a brief hiatus edition, promising to bring spirit. The 2024 edition aims players of all skill levels forallparticipants. testament to the resilience caused by the global back exhilarating hockey to build on that legacy, have the opportunity to The festival is more than and passion of the hockey pandemic, the GCC Hockey actiontothecommunity offering a diverse range of shine, creating a competitive justaseriesofmatches;it’sa community Attendeescan Turf is thrilled to announce Originally launched in talent across multiple age yet welcoming environment celebration of the sport and a (Continued on page 23) the return of its annual GCC 2016,theGCCIglooHockey categories, including Under IglooHockeyFestival. Festival quickly established 14 Mixed, Under 17 Boys Set to take place from itself as a premier event on and Girls, Under 21 Boys August 30 to September 1, the hockey calendar, andGirls,andOpenMenand this year marks the festival’s renowned for its vibrant Women.Thisinclusiverange much-anticipated third atmosphere and competitive of divisions ensures that

Flashback! GCC’s Meshach Sargeant being chased by a band-of-Saints defenders during 2016 tournament.

Mixed Relay team hunting World U20 Championship Gold today

The 20th edition of the World Athletics U20 Championships beginstodayinLima,Peru,with10 Guyanese athletes ready to make history

This is Guyana’s largest-ever contingent at the event, placing the nation in a strong position to add to its medal tally Currently, Kadecia Baird’ssilverinthewomen’s400m remainsGuyana’ssolemedalatthis competition.

Among those competing, 18year-oldUS-basedsprinterJackson Clarkewilltaketothetracktodayin Heat7oftheMen’s100m,bringing with him a personal best of 10.32 seconds. Ezekiel Newton is set to compete in Heat 2 of the Men’s 100m.

Athaleyha Hinckson, who recently made history by winning Guyana’s first-ever 100m gold at the CARIFTA Games and South American U20 Championship, will also be in action in the women’s 100m.

- Hinckson, Clarke and Newton in 100m

Director of Sport, Steve Ninvalle (third from left) along with athletes and officials of Guyana’s team to the World U20 Championship.

Guyana’s Mixed Relay team, McPherson (400m), Nalica Glen Edmonds noted that for athletes thanitwasinJuly. medal wouldn’t be handed to them, ranked the second fastest in the (200m/4x400m), Kaidon Persaud like Springer, Austin, and “The people with the advantage they have to work and earn it. The world this year (only behind (4x400m), Gill (4x400m), Enoch Hinckson, returning to Peru this isthehometeam.Buteveryoneelse talent is there,” the usually candid China’s 3:22.46), is tipped as the Munroe (4x400m), and Jackson time will be a different experience willbeonthesamepage.However, coachstated. favouritetoclaimgoldintheevent. Clarke(100m/200m/4x400m). compared to their previous outing I think we could’ve gotten more Since the inception of the U20 Theteam,consistingofMalachi Before departing, Director of at the South American U20 athletes. We lost Javon Roberts to World Championships, Guyana Austin, Tianna Springer, De SportSteveNinvalleextendedwell ChampionshipsinAthletics. injury He should’ve been there,” holds only one medal, courtesy of Neilson Gill, and Narissa wishes to the team on behalf of the Austin won the men’s 400m Edmondsreasoned. Kadecia Baird in the women’s McPherson,clocked3:23.51towin GovernmentandpeopleofGuyana. during his last visit to Peru, while With regards to keeping the 400m. gold and set a new CARIFTA Head Coach Julian Edmonds Hinckson made history by athletes grounded, Edmonds said Baird crossed the finish line in Gamesrecord. had told Kaieteur News that becomingthefirstGuyanesetowin “I’ve been talking to them, letting 51.04s, claiming the silver medal Tianna Springer, the world’s “Everyone has earned their place gold in the women’s 100m at the them understand they have to behind the USA’s Ashley Spencer top-ranked U18 athlete in the ontheteam,”notingthatallathletes event. narrow down their circles and and ahead of another American, 400m, leads the team. The Youth have met the qualifying standards Springer, who previously distraction Whatever they ErikaRucker Commonwealth Games champion setbytheglobalgoverningbodyfor secured gold in the 400m at the would’ve achieved is in the past. Baird’s remarkable time and two-time CARIFTA Games trackandfield.

All that matters now is the U20

400m champion is expected to “I expect them to go a far way Championships, had to settle for Championshipanddoingwell.” performance by a South American drawsignificantattention. and getting through every round. bronzeinLima.

“They have to look forward in athlete. Malachi Austin, one of the I’m a bit concerned about the A

the future. This Championship is a ShaunaeMiller-Uibo,wholater fastest U18 athletes globally in the lateness we’re getting into Peru. previously struggled with the defining moment in their achieved distinction as a two-time 400m, will also compete in his Some countries will arrive around altitude and cold, Edmonds development. It’s the highest level Olympic gold medallist and World specialtyevent. the 20th to get acclimatize,” believes this time will be different, of competition for their age group. Champion in the 400m, finished The rest of the team includes Edmondssaid. as the weather will be warmer now Nothing will be given to them. The fourthinthesamerace.


Guyana has once again demonstrated its dominance in the Caribbean squash arena by winning their fourth consecutive Caribbean Area Squash Association (CASA) Senior Championship. The 24th edition of the CASASenior Squash Championship, sponsored by ENet, concluded last Saturday at the Georgetown Club and National Racquet Centre. Guyana emerged victorious with a total of 64 points, narrowlysurpassingBarbados,who finished with 60 points The Cayman Islands also had a commendable performance, finishingthirdwith54points. G u y a n a p

o r m e d exceptionally well in the team events.TheMen’sVeteransTeam (Continued on page 23)

Sports Minister, Charles Ramson (center) shares exciting moment with the Guyana Squash players at GTC after winning their fourth consecutive CASA Senior championship (photo: newsroom)

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