Kaieteur News

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Govt. reveals plans to develop other oil discoveries from existing projects

The Government ofGuyana(GoG) isconsideringthe development of other oil discoveries made in the Stabroek Block by U.S oil majorExxonMobil,fromthe projectscurrentlyproducing oil. This was revealed recently by Minister of Natural Resources, Vickram Bharrat. Heexplainedthatit may be more feasible to develop new discoveries at projects that are already in operation.

The Minister said, “If youhaveadiscoverycloseto the Liza Field, obviously

you have to tie in that well into the production from the Lizavessel.Youcan’ttakeit to another development. It makes no sense because of the cost of the infrastructure (and)subseaequipment.”

Tothisend,henoted,“So they may very well be new wells that are tied in to the developments that exists right now.” While it may prove more feasible to developotheroildiscoveries f

addressedtheenvironmental aspectofsuchamove.

ExxonMobil to date has

made 41 discoveries in the 26,800 square kilometers

S t a b


k B

c k Government has since sanctionedsixprojects,with a seventh development p

y approvals. In the meantime, t h e c o m p a n y h a s commenced oil production atthreeoftheprojects-Liza One,LizaTwoandPayara.

The fourth projectYellowtail- is poised for startup in 2025, while the f i f t h a n d s i x t h developments- Uaru and Whiptail are slated to come onstreamby2026and2027 respectively It should be

notedthateachoilprojectis approved after the developer, ExxonMobil, submitsanapplicationtothe Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) outlining the s p e c i f i c s o f t h e development.

The regulator, after reviewing this application, would decide whether an Environmental Impact

Assessment (EIA) is requiredtoinformthepublic of the dangers, benefits and measures that will be taken to mitigate hazards associated with the project. To date, each oil project has beensubjectedtoanEIA.

Notably, this study assesses risk based on a specific rate of oil production and location of the wells, among other technicalfactors.

It also estimates dischargessuchasproduced water and other waste using the specified rate of oil production It would therefore mean that a new EIA may be necessary to

inform the regulator of the hazards involved with the additionalwells. Additionally, oil spill modeling is conducted by the consultants using the location of the wells. This too will require further studies to determine the damagefromanoilspillthat canoccur,affectingnotonly Guyana but neighbouring countries.

Minister of Natural Resources, Vickram Bharrat


ChairmanofthePeople’s National Congress Reform (PNCR), Shurwayne Holder hascalledforaprobeintothe q u e s t i o n a b l e g a s monetization deal between the government of Guyana andaone-year-oldcompany, founded by the former Vice President of ExxonMobil Guyana,JesusBronchalo.

The Shadow Minister of Natural Resources told this newspaper on Tuesday that the award of the contract to Fulcrum LNG has set off alarmbells.

He explained, “While I understand fully the experienceofthecompany’s (Chief Executive Officer) CEOintheoilandgassector, we must consider that the companywhichheleadshas been established just a year ago and has no track record ofundertakingsuchprojects. I assume it’s a company operationandnotaoneman show.”

Moreover, Holder insisted that the conflict of interest involving the company’s CEO and Exxon cannotbeignored.

The Opposition Member of Parliament said, “I don’t care what (Vice President Bharrat) Jagdeo says about Exxonnotbeinginfavourof gas monetisation. You can’t believe anything he says, he often speaks with a forked tongue, so we cannot just takeJagdeo’sdefenseofthis company.”

The Shadow Minister of Natural Resources further highlighted that the PPP’s track record is stacked with companies that lacked competencetoundertakethe workandfailedtosatisfythe terms of their contract, yet these were defended by the administration.

Holder was also keen to pointout,“Thepublicisalso privy to allegations of corruption in the oil and gas industry as per the Vice News video release of discussions between VP JagdeoandSuZhiRong.”

In commending this newspaper for its investigative journalism and informing the nation on the background details of

…says conflict of interest question cannot be ignored given VP Jagdeo’s sordid past

FulcrumLNG,heurgedthat enough has been exposed to warrant a full-fledged investigation of the contract award. Holder insisted, “If thisgovernmenthasnothing to hide then it must do the right thing and launch an investigationimmediately.”

A l t h o u g h t h e government has dismissed thepossibilityofaconflictof interest between Fulcrum LNG and Exxon, Holder is adamantthattheVP’swords shouldbetakenwithapinch ofsalt.

“On one hand, he gives the impression that he has full knowledge of the procurement process; to some extent that he has conducted his own review and found what was proposed by Fulcrum LNG tobethebest;yetinthesame breath, he sort of distances himself from the process. The public is no closer in understanding the various proposals by the different companies and why the obvious conflict of interest and lack of experience of Fulcrum LNG was overlooked,”theMPstated. Hethereforecalledforan independent, transparent probe of the controversial gasdeal.


Fulcrum LNG was founded by the former Vice President of ExxonMobil

Guyana Limited (EMGL), Jesus Bronchalo, in July 2023,onlyfivemonthsafter he left Exxon He was employed with the oil giant for 19 years and one month prior to his questionable resignation.

Bronchalo’s company was later selected by the Government of Guyana (GoG) to design, finance, construct, and operate the requiredgasinfrastructureto provide gas monetization solutions and accelerate upstream gas developments in the country.The deal was announced by President IrfaanAliinJune2024.

There were no mentions of completed projects by Fulcrum on its website. Be thatasitmay,KaieteurNews understands that the main featureofFulcrumLNGwill involve the development of state-of-the-art gas processing and modular, scalablefacilitiestoproduce Liquified Natural Gas (LNG) and NGLS/LPGs for Guyana as well as regional andglobalmarkets.

The limited experience of the company has raised serious questions about its capacity to fulfill its contracted obligations Bronchalo’s company was selected as “the most responsive compliant bidder” among 16 others whotenderedtodevelopthe non-associated gas in the

StabroekBlock,operatedby Exxon.

Additionally, the CEO’s link to American oil super major ExxonMobil has sparked concerns among Guyanese, but the government has dismissed thepossibilityofaconflictof interest. In fact, VP Jagdeo during his Thursday press conference told reporters that Fulcrum LNG’s proposal was the best receivedbythegovernment. Jagdeosaid,“Hehadleft Exxon but if anything, maybe the evaluators thought that he had the data on the gas. I don’t know if theydidthat…onthefaceof it, I thought it was the best proposal that the evaluators cameupwithandthat’swhat we’relookingfor,sothereis

nothing I found wrong with theevaluationofthebidsand I don’t see anything that has come out in any major way that’s wrong, except for that oh, he worked at one time withExxon.”

Whenaskedtocomment on the fact that Fulcrum LNG has no known experience and has only been registered for one year now, the VP continued to defend the contract award, insisting that the Founder hasyearsofexperienceinthe field through his former employment with Exxon “But he was there with Exxonalongtime,buthehas been a project developer for alongtime,”Jagdeopointed out.

Fulcrum LNG has not responded to this

newspaper’s invitation to commentonthemattersince Saturday SKETCHY DETAILS

M e a n w h i l e , investigations by this newspaper found that the formerExxonVPappearsto beoneofonlytworegistered employeesofFulcrumLNG. Bronchalo, who left Exxon in February 2023 is not only CEO of Fulcrum LNG, but he also, wears several other professional caps at the business he registered in July 2023 Bronchalo is also Secretary, Treasurer, Director and President of the company From all indications, he has only hired one employee. Kaieteur News discovered thatIvorEllulhasbeenhired as Technical Director at Fulcrum LNG He was appointed in July 2023 and previously worked at SchlumbergerGeoQuestand CiSK Ventures, Ltd, among others Ellul held senior posi


, CEO and President among others in hiscareer.

A deeper dive into the company’s records also led Kaieteur News to the businessaddressofFulcrum LNG. The energy company operates from what appears to be a two-storey guest houselocatedat937TAHOE Boulevard, Incline Village, Nevada, USA Fulcrum LNG,accordingtocompany records, operates from Suite 130B.

Shadow Minister of Natural Resources, Shurwayne Holder
Vice President, Bharrat Jagdeo

Kaieteur News

PrintedandPublishedbyNationalMedia& PublishingCompanyLtd. 24SaffonStreet, Charlestown,Georgetown,Guyana



Tel: 225-8465, 225-8491. Fax: 225-8473, 226-8210


Jesus Bronchalo

It is a strange sound, indeed, coming out of the government. Jesus is the one, Jesus is the best, Jesus will get the job done. We encourage those who may have gotten carried away to slowdown: it is not the religious Jesus that we are speaking of, but the one that is all about business.

The business of money, the business of gas, the businessofbeingtheonemanwhowilltakeGuyanatothe headoftheline.JesusBronchaloishisnameandgasishis game. Atleast,thatiswhatVicePresidentBharratJagdeo is saying, and when he says so, then that is the end of all discussionsontheissue.JesusBronchaloisthemantoget the cash registers singing their music from gas money to come.

Mr BronchalospentclosetotwodecadesatAmerican supergiantExxonMobilandwhenhelefthistitlewasVice PresidentandChiefCommercialOfficerofthecompany’s Guyana operations. As far as climbing the corporate ladder and he being a stellar achiever go, Mr. Bronchalo seems to have been pedestrian, given where he reached after 19 years. This is not comforting for Guyanese and theirinterests.Evenlessimpressiveisthisbusinessthathe setup,FulcrumLNG,withintheshortspanoffivemonths after leaving ExxonMobil. It has one employee and operates out of Nevada, of all places. Mr Bronchalo himself is Founder, CEO, Secretary, Treasurer, Director andPresidentofFulcrum.ThoughFulcrummayboastofa ‘Technical Director’, from all indications it is a one-man operation,andthatmanisJesusBronchalo.

The startling thing about this is that Guyana’s oil czar, Vice President Jagdeo finds all this so reassuring that he even finds humor in the whole situation. He himself had raved and ranted years ago about the bad deal that this countrygotfromExxonMobil(thankstotheAPNU+AFC Coalition) and knows firsthand how ExxonMobil seeks every avenue to pull a fast one on Guyana (per audit findings).

He also knows, and has said so himself, that it is vital that Guyana is always on high alert so that it is not taken advantage of again and scammed again. The gas asset is notanickelanddimebusiness,butonethatcouldunlocka rich stream of revenue for Guyana. It is imperative, therefore, that the best be had from it, which means that it mustbeplacedinthebesthands.

To be frank, Mr Bronchalo and his Fulcrum LNG business do not look like the combination that will do justice by Guyana’s gas and the monetizing of it. All thingstakenintoconsideration,Fulcrumlooksandsounds like a one desk, one chair, and one phone operation. In other words, the shell made official by an address that is part of a guest house. It would be interesting if the guests, shouldtherebeany,werenotmerelywheelersanddealers in the free-swinging world of gas monetizing, with nothingofarespectedcorporateelementaboutthem.

To take matters higher, Nevada has a special place in UShearts. Onepartofitisworldfamousforacertainkind of action. The last thing that Guyanese should hope for is that their government has placed them in the hands of those who are out to make a fast dollar for only themselves.

Huge mistakes and errors in judgment were made by thepreviousCoalitionGovernment. Itwouldbetheworst bad luck for there to be a repeat with this PPPC Government.All the evidence points to that former place offaultandfailure.

Insomesense,itcouldbesaidthatthereissamelackof seriousapplicationofallfacultiesledtothedisasterthatis the 2016 Production Sharing Agreement, which is the Guyana-ExxonMobil oil contract. Jagdeo is similarly glassy-eyed, where no advice is well-received, and today he is even frivolous with the nation’s gas, which involves hundreds of millions, if not billions in time, ofAmerican dollars.Ifhewereintheopposition,Jagdeo’svoicewould have been the loudest raised against Bronchalo as Guyana’sgasmonetizingspearhead.Heisn’ttheone.

GPHC admits

it does not have an experienced

Neuro-interventional Radiologist, specialised supplies required for brain aneurysm surgeries

DEAREDITOR, supplies such as cerebral catheters, Neuro-interventional Radiologist has T

he stents for cerebral angioplasty, titanium recently returned from training and is G

coils,andflowdivertors. expected to play a crucial role in Corporation (GPHC) has taken note of A well-equipped CATH lab is also

the article titled “A tale of two health essential for these minimally invasive capabilitiesinthefuture.Inaddition,we systems”publishedonAugust26,2024, interventions. are currently in communication with by Kaieteur News. We wish to clarify Currently, within our local health one of our international partners, our position regarding the hospital’s sector—both public and private—there Northwell Health, to explore the capability to perform surgeries for is no availability of an experienced possibility of bringing in a Neurocerebral aneurysms and address the Neuro-interventional Radiologist nor interventionalRadiologisttoGuyanaso concerns raised about the state of our the specialized supplies necessary to that this critical surgery can be healthcaresystem. performtheseprocedures.Intheprivate performedatGPHC.

Surgery for cerebral aneurysms, sector, care is often provided on a case- GPHC remains committed to commonly referred to as brain by-case basis through arrangements providingthehigheststandardofcareto aneurysm surgery, is among the most with overseas Neuro-interventional all patients and to continuously technicalandchallengingneurosurgical Radiologists who collaborate with local improving our capabilities to meet the procedures. neurosurgical teams to carry out these needs of the public. We appreciate the

Whether conducted through open intricatesurgeries. opportunity to clarify these matters and surgery or endovascular techniques, While GPHC possesses a CATH lab reaffirm our dedication to advancing these procedures demand a highly and qualified Neurosurgeons, we healthcareinGuyana. specialized surgical setting to ensure acknowledge that we do not have an Sincerely, positive outcomes Specifically, experienced Neuro-interventional Stacy Peters endovascular treatment for brain Radiologist, nor the specialized Manager, Strategic Planning & aneurysms requires the expertise of an supplies required for brain aneurysm Communications ag/Public Relations experienced Neuro-interventional surgeriesatthistime.However,wewant Officer Radiologist, highly skilled to assure the public that GPHC is Georgetown Public Hospital Neurosurgeon,andaccesstospecialized actively working to address this gap. A Corporation

Carbon money and indigenous investments


from ad-hoc planning, but there is a rural business, ecotourism, green It is important to learn that the need for village leaders to have the development and agriculture. Perhaps revenues generated from the Low autonomy to allocate resources for the Ministry of Amerindian Affairs can Carbon Development Strategy (LCDS) initiatives beyond physical structures assistinfacilitatingsuchaninitiativeby are being directed to Indigenous andtransportationetc.Thismayinclude sourcing the experts in Cooperatives communities in Guyana From investing in education by establishing and Rural banking along with local observation, these funds are primarily village libraries to do research, opening knowledge to establish such creative allocated towards physical village shops, and investing in ways of dealing with carbon money in infrastructure and transportation: such Starlink’s fast-speed internet to sell to Amerindiancommunities. as buildings, sports facilities, buses those who can afford the monthly fees, When this is achieved the initiative tractorsetc. which can generate employment can assist and encourage Indigenous

While these investments are opportunitiesforyoungpeople. communities to utilize the Carbon beneficial, they do not adequately In addition to prioritizing revenues not only for immediate prepare the communities for long-term sustainable development, communities spending but also for saving and sustainability and indigenous ways of must consider investing in banking and investinginwaysthatarebeneficialand development. establishing cooperatives to ensure the sustainableforfuturegenerations.

The current approach requires sustainable use of funds. Initiatives like Yours Sincerely, accountabilityforthespendingoffunds rural cooperatives can contribute to Medino Abraham

For a smooth international flow of passenger traffic to Guyana, remove irritants

DEAREDITOR, Bibi Z Singh who passed away a few endure these frustrating moments. I

My family and I left for Guyana on monthsago. addressed this issue earlier about 2 August 26, 2024. Our visit was not that OntravelingwithAmericanAirlines months ago when I sent the Ministry of of a vacation but rather to carry out four 737 to conduct these projects, I had the Worksarequesttoconsiderthecreation separate humanitarian projects in opportunity to examine the Customs of an online form similar to the Guyana. and Immigration form issued by the Electronic G5 Customs and

We had been in regular contact with Guyanaauthorities. Immigration form of Jamaica. They community leaders to determine the The wording especially on the promised to examine this matter but I poorest of the poor; single female Customssideoftheformissofinethatit have not heard anything since then. households; and people with strains the eyes to read. Not only that, Whether this has been accorded any disabilities.Basedonourfieldinquiries, with Guyana moving into the priorityishardtotell. weidentified4areastobeserved. technologyera,onewouldhavethought I am therefore calling on the They are West Coast Demerara; the that this form should have been Minister of Works and the Minister of PakuriMission(formerlySt.Cuthbert’s available on line for travelers to Home Affairs to give serious Mission, Mahaica River); the complete. considerationtothisirritantandmoveto Dharamshala in Canje, Berbice; and This measure would also save much maketravellesscumbersome. selected sites on the Corentyne Coast. time and speed up the processing of The traveling public will be Our target is to reach out to a combined passengersandreduceirritants. delighted if international travel flows total of 600 needy families with support Passengers spend much time to line smoothly And this should not be a in the form of food hampers (each with up for security check, to board the difficult project to implement (convert multiplefooditemsthatweigh40lbs). aircraft (25-30 mins), to get out of the Customs&Immigrationpaperformtoa

This project is funded by the MBBF aircraft(15-20mins),andthenwaitina digitalone).Guyana’smoderneconomy NGO (whose Leader is Shri Marcus long line (35 -45 mins) to pass through deservesnoless. Bisram)andhehasgraciouslydedicated immigration and Customs). Of course, Sincerely, this project to the memory of my wife the diplomats and VIPs don’t have to Dr. Tara Singh


DEAREDITOR, Representation of the People his mistaken opinion even in m

i s m a t andmobilizationtoavoidthe frustrated,stymiedandstuck Reference is made to Act (ROPA). Interestingly, the face of evidence to the G

in a rut

Rather than Henry Jeffery’s letter thereisnotasinglereference contrary sketching of doubts about unlawfulactandtorejectany pontificating on ‘what ‘Clement Rohee: not much t o d e m o c r a c y n o r Jeffery’s went a step free and fair elections in attempt to subvert the African Guyanese are facing wiser’ published in the transparencyinhisletter further,inhisletterhesought Guyana was so gloomy that democraticprocess. today …’ Jeffery needs to August 20th, 2024 edition of Jeffery studiously to create doubts about the he couldn’t recognize how Awarethattheholdingof climb down from his K/N. avoided any reference to the legitimacy of the PPP/C divisive and dangerous his free and fair elections has armchair and walk a mile a A p a r t f r o m t h e sordideventsattheAshmin’s government using his views are on the matter gained greater support day amongst and engage innuendos about my building Furthermore, he favourite hobby-horse to do Small wonder why he failed publicly because of people in conversations ‘incapacity to properly grasp failed to recognize and so. To that end, he chose to see both governments and GECOM

d about how they feel about the nuances of comparative accept the constitutional ‘ n

capacity to deliver their where they live, what they discourse;‘ ‘failing to grasp provisions that guide commonsense,’preferring to ensuringthatfutureelections mandate efficiently and do, and how they perceive the dynamics that normally GECOM for the holding of bemoreconfidentinhisown in Guyana would be of the

y’s their communities. In the exist between teaching and free and fair elections flawed opinions and, as a higheststandard. pessimism and bitterness, cityandtowns,hewouldalso le

ning’ and being Instead, he chose to wander consequence, embracing the

appears to have consumed hear about their struggles ‘somewhat confused and o f f m e a n i n g l e s s l y, questionable electoral

t e d h o w whatever remains of his and hopes for sustained clearly intending to mislead introducing extraneous legacy of the PNC. In his indifferentheisatadvancing objectivity improvement in the cost of the public a la PPP;’ I references that reflect his attempt to rubbish my constructive solutions to and academic astuteness. living, perceptions of consider Jeffery’s jabs at me memory processed bias experience at GECOM and address issues such as In his letter, Jeffery’s hangs corruption and about the as self-serving, tantamount about a ‘bloated list’, a my views on governance, domestic violence, climate on unabashedly to the fight against crime. Jeffery toelitistacademicposturing. narrative on the decline Jeffery countered by change, poverty, labour fatalistic notion that there is would recognize that Moreover, they all pale into principally because of a referring to ‘comparative relations and problems of no hope for free and fair Guyana is changing for the insignificance when my judicial decision in the case social discourse’ to bolster development among others. elections in Guyana and that better not the worse. He political steadfastness and filed by Christopher Ram what he started out by His refusal to do so, caused rigged elections will be the would recognize the stark loyalty to the PPP is versusGecomandtheAG. claiming that ‘Guyana is in himtosupport order of the day so long as contrast between his bubblejuxtaposed with Jeffery’s Jeffery’s reaffirmation of its present perilous state.’ In a narrative of decline, opposition demands are not some wo


nd the grass-hopping from PNC to how politically biased he is, so doing, Jeffery failed to making things appear worse, met irrespective of whether dynamism of an economy PPP/C; from PPP/C to was demonstrated in his recognize that when and obscuring actual they are unconstitutional or that is gradually changing APNU; from APNU to attempt to downplay the ‘comparative discourse’ progress taking place in ultraviresofROPA. fromonethat,fiveyearsago, ANUG; from ANUG to seriousness, relevance and trumps ‘contemporary Guyana. It therefore suited He wants people to lose was viewed as stagnant, Afro-centrism; from Afro- applicability of the new discourse’ and contrasting Jeffery to cast doubts on the hope and be pessimistic depressed and lethargic. centrism to the WPA; from electoral laws I referred to in factors are overlooked, the d e v e l o p m e n t a l a n d about election in Guyana; to While numbers tell the the WPA to Stabroek News; myresponsetohisscurrilous end result is that more recent governance architecture in sap the peoples’ motivation whole story about winners from Stabroek News to attack on GECOM claiming socio-political occurrences Guyana. and to discourage them from and losers in an election, Village Voice, from Village that that body is ‘incapable become imprisoned by a Playing on fears that being hopeful and optimistic loserslikeJeffery,thriveona Voice to Politics 101 and of fulfilling its mandate.’ generalized academic cliche democracy is more a threat leaving them to feel (Continued on page 6) fromPolitics101toKaieteur This was clearly another enabling Jeffery to stray than an enabler of wishes of News. The pattern of an attempt by Jeffery to create from the substantive matter the electorate, Jeffery failed unstable mindset in search doubts in the minds of underdiscussion. to realize that fear of a for relevance speaks for Guyanese about the fairness Not satisfied with his r e c u r r e n c e o f t h e itself. With that In mind, the of the electoral process; effort to dash the hopes and

APNU+AFC’s attempt to publicissensibleenoughnot never mind his awareness of aspirations of the Guyanese steal the election, can be an to relyon his writings of, nor the APNU+AFC’s mad rush peopleforamoreprosperous effective source of vigilance his discourses considering to hijack the will of the Guyana, Jeffery sought to his chequered political, and electorate in favor of the make his pessimism appear inconsistent ideological A P N U + A F C T h i s attractive by besmirching trackrecord. shamefulness, it seems, has and casting doubts about the While perusing the noboundaries. conduct of elections in contents of Jeffery’s letter, it Apart from ridiculing the Guyana, he recklessly occurred to me that he sum total of Guyana’s asserts, questionable scrupulously electoral architecture, ignored the significant Jeffery sought to downplay advancesmadewiththesuite the important role played by of new electoral laws to international election bring about significant observers. In this regard, he improvements on the tried to bend reality around

Triumph Village and Guyana have lost a great daughter: Ameena Gafoor


Pleaseallowmetoexpressmydeepsadnessatthepassing of a dear mentor-SisterAmeena Gafoor Words are failing me right now Triumph Village and Guyana have lost a great daughter,anassetthatisirreplaceable.RabindranathTagore’s beautiful words expressed how she has influenced many a talent:

‘’At the immortal touch of thy hands, my little heart loses itslimitinjoyandgivesbirthtoutteranceineffable.’’ Shewill bemissedbyallwhoselivesshetouched.‘’Ourself,asaform of God’s joy, is deathless. For his joy is amritham, eternal bliss. We know that the life of a Soul, which is finite in its expression and infinite in its principle, must go through the portals of death in its journey to realize the infinite. — RabindranathTagoreSleepinpeaceBeautifulSoul.



From page 5 sense of opposition and injustice rather than a sense of dialogueandcooperation.

Theattemptatstealingelectionresultsbyoperativesofthe APNU+AFC should be considered an act against their fellow electorwho,nowadays,increasinglyexpresstheirabhorrence to elections rigging by those who try to convince them that abandonment of a ‘bloated list’ and the introduction of biometrics are panacea for holding free and fair elections. Jeffery and his influencers must understand that by dressing up themselves as born again democrats and by putting the plague on both houses claiming that, ‘both the PPP and the PNC have over many years been manipulating elections in Guyana and have deliberately constructed and sustained a bloated list register,’will not in any way remove the stain on thePNC’sfortheirattempttohijacktheelectoralprocess.

It is these kinds of misleading arguments that Jeffery and others propagate in an effort to deceive, while pretending to uphold the guard rails of democracy even as others who stand forjusticeandfairplayexposethefalseandaccusatorynature oftheirbaselessnarrative.

While many Guyanese continue to participate eagerly in nationbuilding,andtoworktowardstheattainmentofabetter life through hard work and personal sacrifice, others who live in their racist and judgment houses, try to frighten and convince their followers into believing that with G$29K or US$150permonthiswhattheyareentitledtoliftthem out of poverty But one thing is for sure, the episode at Ashmins building won’t repeat itself anytime soon. And the threat to ‘brace for a bumpy ride’ is nothing new With PNC around, there will always be a bumpy ride on the road to free andfairelections.Inanyevent,itisGECOMthatwillbeatthe drivers’wheelwhilethe

PPP/C and international observers will exercise utmost vigilance to ensure that there are no roadblocks on the road to ensurethatGuyaneseelectagovernmentoftheirchoice.

Yours faithfully,

Minister Bharrat pledges Govt.’s continued support and incentives to strengthen mining sector

In his message for MiningWeek2024,Minister of Natural Resources, Vickram Bharrat, affirmed t h e g o v e r n m e n t ’s unwavering support for the mining sector through incentives to ensure the economic prosperity of the industry The Natural Resources

Minister underscored the sector’s critical role in Guyana’s economy and the i m p o r t a n c e o f environmentalstewardship.

“AswecelebrateMining Week 2024, I would like to expressourappreciationand best wishes to all the stakeholders in the mining sector, more particularly the

small- and medium-scale Guyanese miners who continue to apply this trade and also to the staff of the Guyana Geology and Mines Commission,whocontinues to work tirelessly to ensure that the mining regulations are enforced, to ensure that the health and safety and well-being of miners are

protected at all times, and, more importantly, to ensure that our environment remainsintact,”hestated.

The minister highlighted theneedforminingactivities to align with environmental protectionefforts.

“Thethemeunderwhich Guyana Geology and Mines operate, I think, is very fitting as well: ‘Mine with the Environment in Mind.’ We cannot, at any point in time, speak of mining or extraction of natural resources without thinking or without the preservation and protection of our environment,”hesaid.

Moreover, highlighting the sector’s significance, Minister Bharrat noted its substantial contribution to the nation’s economy He explained that mining continues to be one of the

Guyana’s Gross Domestic Product(GDP).

“Mining has been the bedrock on which our

economyhasbeenbasedfor several decades and will continue to be a sector that

continue to prosper in,” he explained.

With nearly 30,000 Guyanese employed in the sector, the Minister assured continued government support and incentives, stating, “As a government, we are committed to ensuring that we grow the sector, to ensure that we

incentivesforminers...allin ensuring that this economic activitycontinuestoprovide the kind of economic benefits that Guyanese wouldhaveenjoyedoverthe lastdecadesorso.”

Speaking at his recent press conference, Minister Bharratattributedthesteady decline in gold production and declaration over recent yearstoacombinationof


CityCounciltoauditunauthorized billboardsandothersignage …as Councillors bemoan loss of revenue

The Georgetown Mayor and City Council (M&CC) has expressed its concerns over the purported loss of revenueduetotheerectionof unauthorized billboards throughoutthecity

The issue was raised by members of the Council at a statutory meeting held on Monday During the meeting, City Councillors, Lelon Saul and Clayton Hinds expressed grave concernaboutthenumberof unlicensed billboards, banners, and posters erected aroundtheCity

Further,theCityCouncil is particularly concerned about the utilisation of City spaces without its consent and the disregarding of the current protocol to carry out suchactivities.

The councillors highlighted the fact that the municipality has not been abletocollectrevenuesfrom the businesses utilizing billboards to advertise their businessesandservices.

E x p r e s s i n g h i s frustration, Saul noted that aninvestigationisnecessary to ascertain how many businesses have billboards and how many of them have authorization from the city andarepayingtheirdues.

“Every day, billboards are going up around the city

The Georgetown Council is concerned about loss of revenue due to the erection of unauthorized billboards across the city.

and nobody seems to know or seems to know or see anything,”Saulasserted. He told the Council that in his view, the City Engineer’s Department has not been managing the issue properly

“This has been going for yearsnowandtheEngineer’s Departmenthasnotgivenus any information on this. I think it is time that they answer us How much money are we collecting? I don’t know if they can even say…”thevisiblyfrustrated


Councillor Hinds raised

concerns about the legitimacyofthebillboards.

“We don’t even who is operating with permission and who is not We currently have applications from a company called Pixels but we don’t know much about this company except that they would help erectsomebillboardsforthe GuyanaPoliceForce.”

Hindsalsopointedtothe numberofelectronic


When it comes to balance, the state media is a mirror with no reflection

Vice President Bharrat independent newspapers, thestrings.

reality of their own media Jagdeo, in his latest press Kaieteur News and Stabroek The transition of power

practices It is not the conference, found himself News, by giving voice to backtothePPPCin2020did providing a platform for all independent press that needs grappling with media government critics, perform nothing to alter this voices, especially those that to change its ways but the imbalance. He griped about a vital service: holding narrative If anything, it challenge the status quo. For statemedia.IfJagdeoistruly the perceived injustice by power to account, and solidified the state media’s thestatemediatoclaimtobe concerned with media Kaieteur News and Stabroek providing a platform for role as the government’s public service broadcasters, balance, he should start by credibility and reeking of News, accusing them of those marginalised by the megaphone, blasting its they must first earn that title

hypocrisy focusing on a handful of government’s narrative message across the nation, by abandoning their role as transforming the state media

(The views expressed in dissenting voices at the Were it not for these outlets, while critics were left to government mouthpieces from a tool of propaganda this article are those of the National Toshaos’ Council the voices questioning the shout into the void. In this andembracingtheprinciples into a genuine public

Conference (NTCC) while government’s actions on context, Jagdeo’s lament ofjournalisticintegrity broadcaster Until then, the necessarily reflect the neglecting the supposedly Amerindian issues, among about media imbalance rings Jagdeo’s gripe with the PPPC’s pronouncements on opinions and beliefs of this vast majority of Toshaos others, would be drowned in hollow It is akin to a pot independent press should media balance will remain

singing praises to his a sea of state-sanctioned calling the kettle black, a serve as a mirror, reflecting what they are empty affiliates.) government. But this spectre propaganda. spectacleofhypocrisywhere backtohimandthePPPCthe

of bias, so meticulously The state media has the PPPC, which has constructed in the Vice become a mouthpiece of the masteredtheartofone-sided President’s mind, dissipates government. Instead of a media coverage, now cries when subjected to the harsh public service, it has become foul over the independent lightofscrutiny a mirror reflecting only the media’s refusal to toe the Jagdeo’s outcry, in its government’s image Its line To demand balance essence, is not an isolated editoriallineisanechoofthe from the private press while incident of political chagrin. ruling party’s talking points. overseeing a state media It reflects a broader malaise During the budget debates apparatus that functions as a afflicting the state of earlier this year, those who partisan tool is not just democracy in Guyana. It is a dared tune into the state disingenuous; it is an affront tale as old as time, where channels were subjected to to the very principles of free those in power, armed with an onslaught of government speechanddemocracy the machinery of the state, spokespersons, their The PPPC, like many wage a perpetual battle speeches dominating the political parties before it, against the inconvenient airwaves, one after the other seeks to control the truths that independent T h e O p p o s i t i o n , narrative. The independent mediadarestohighlight.Yet, representing nearly half the press, by highlighting the in his incessant tirade, populace,wasaffordedscant voices of dissenters, disrupts Jagdeo conveniently ornoairtime. this narrative, providing the sidesteps a glaring This pattern is not new, public with a fuller, more hypocrisy—that of the state- nor is it unique to the current nuanced picture. This is not owned media’s blatant administration The bias; it is the essence of partisanship This one- APNU+AFC coalition journalism. The role of the sidedness makes a mockery government, during its brief press is not to serve as a of any claim the People’s tenure from 2015 to 2020, cheerleader for those in Progressive Party/Civic demonstrated a similar power, but to question, to (PPPC)mightmaketomoral disdain for media plurality probe, and to reveal the authority on the issue of The state media under their truths that those in power balancedcoverage. watch was a mirror image of mightprefertokeephidden. Toclaim,asJagdeodoes, its predecessors, providing True balance in media that the private press’s coverage so lopsided that it coverage requires more than attention to government became a farce. The public just a superficial tallying of critics is a disservice, is to broadcaster was reduced to a supportive versus critical ignore the essential role of puppet theater with voices. It requires a thepressinademocracy.The government hands pulling commitment to fairness, to

Dem Boys Seh...

We living in strange times, man!

First, they tell we that women and men caretaker. You got to feed, clothe, and raise equal, then they turn ‘round and give all the them children. And no, you can’t drop dem alimony to the wife. But hear nah, things off by grandma every weekend!” All dem changing.Demlawyersandlawmakersdone mothers out there, brace yourself, because change the game. Imagine this: a man can the fathers coming for you, and this time, now claim alimony from he ex-wife! Yes, theycomingwithlegalbacking. you read that right. Is like pigs flying or the Fathersdemandingequalrightsnow,and rice price dropping—something nobody dem seh, if women can be breadwinners, everexpecttosee! thenmencanbehomemakerstoo.Soalldem

So all them years men been paying out lil children gun soon have to start calling till they pocket flat, now it look like the their papa “Mr Mom.” Dem boys seh the women gun have to feel the squeeze too. mothers better start learning to pay child Dem Boys seh, imagine the look on she face support, because them courts looking to when the judge seh, “Madam, you got to leveltheplayingfield. support your ex-husband now.” Is a whole Time gone when men use to give and new ball game, man. Is like cricket where de givetilldemain’tgotnothingleft.Now,they batsman and de bowler switch role, and looking to take some too. Is a whole new nobodyain’tknowwhogottobatnext. world, and dem men ready to step up and But wait, it don’t stop there. Dem Boys take they share. So ladies, watch out. The seh if a man can get alimony, why he can’t scales tipping, and dem fathers coming with get custody too? Imagine the judge saying, receiptsandtheylawyeronspeeddial. “Mr Father, you is now de primary Talk half. Leff half

Democracy and the PPP

Damn! I/we keep making the same mistake, a fatal one, again and again. Democracy and the PPP: in, from, by the PPP Reality check: democracy and the PPP do not belong in the same sentence. Whether PPPaspoliticalparty,orPPP

as a government (of anything), democracy is a stranger, an interloper, a fearedspecter,inthatspace. How so? Why say so? Where and when is this so apparent? That democracy

a n d t h e P P P a r e incompatible. I urge every thinkingGuyanese-partisans and the liberated, tribalists and the emancipated, bigots andthenewlyreoriented-to think of this in a particular context,andthesubstanceof whatItendershouldregister beyond argument, any furtherverbalfisticuffs.

Think of a married couple with chronic compatibilityissuesbeforea learnedbutwearyjudgewho has heard it all The judgment is inevitable: irreconcilabledifferences. I call that the essence of commonsense.

Whymaintainthepublic façadewhentheinternalsare a storm-tossed sea? Why continuewiththeintolerable tortures,whenthedomestics aresooutofwhack,struggle to stay together by an expenditure of exhausting energy?

Not worth it anymore! Not worth the pretense that neighbors and well-wishers, friendsandin-laws,allknow has been a long, dreary exercise in futility It is better to cut the chord and free each other to carry on towards new adventures

Now that is living and not pretending,anditshouldnot bealientothePPP.

Maybe Jagdeo, but not Mohabir Thatisgoingafter life with a zest and not getting bogged down in a political life that is a zoo withoutcagesandgates,one thatpressesinwithdemands from all sides at the same time. Jagdeoknowsthatfor sure; on the other hand, Nandlall's mind doesn't work that way I spare the president today because this is,shallIsay,abovethesum ofhisallowances.

I single out Jagdeo and Anil because these two champions of democracy love to wax profusely about it yetare so naked from the neck down where real democracyisconcerned. As theygo,sodoesthePPPgo. Where democracy and

the PPP is concerned, one fancies himself as the theorist, while the other is happy to perform in the role

a s c o n t o r t i o n i s t

Considering these two inspiring political characters, the keen eyed should have picked up that t h e r o l e s a r e interchangeable. ItiswhatI like about the PPP (party or national government) -it is versatile, can hop from foot tofoot. Orchangeheads. I make this simple as simple canbe.

Let's not get trapped in that sophisticated construct about agreeing to disagree. Where democracy and the PPP is concerned, disagreeing is fine, but only if the result is agreeing with whatever new gimmick is being pitched by Jagdeo. The best environment is w h e n t h e r e i s n o disagreement, absolutely none. Not one. Not from any one source. Not from onedamncitizen.

This is the book of Jagdeo, the sacred text of Nandlall, from which he cites, with the occasional platitude about democracy's idealsdribblingoutfromthe corner of his mouth to keep things honest. See! I told everyone that these guys don'tmessaround.

In this season and context, Ali doesn't count, whichisthesmallmatterand realityofbeingaconvenient placeholder

Improper pursuant to a strict following of the Constitution, but it is how democracy works, for there isthefreedomtodojustso.

H e r e i s something else for Guyanese to chew on: given the tirades that Dr Ali has shared in his four years,hehasthepotentialto beworsethanthetwoothers together Frightening for sure, but there is a man who sees himself as God, king, constitution, and country all rolledintoone. Forgetabout divinerightofkings. InDr Ali's head, he is the divine personified, his idea of democracy exalted Somebody, do me a favor andgetmeoutofhere.

Disagreeing with these guysisdangerous.Forproof check with me. To disagree with them is to damage the PPP franchise. To disagree with them is to degrade the PPPbrand. Toagreeblindly is the PPP version of democracy Toagreetotally isfairness,justice,truth,and theGuyaneseWay

Just ask Dr Anil “No free-for-all” Nandlall To agree is fidelity to the PPP, certificate of 'reliable' citizenship, the selfpreservation afforded by certain kinds of erudition. The kinds that Jagdeo and Nandlall advocate and call democracy

Therefore,itishealthyto observe skullduggery and call it PPP spirituality It is wisetoappreciatebigotryat workbutlabelittheblessing ofgrouptherapy But,most of all, it is the height of democracy to absorb leadership malevolence and virulencebutshrugthoseoff as things of innocence, with nolastingoffense.

Both Jagdeo and

Nandlallaresomuchinlove with themselves that instead ofpatientlyworkingthrough differences, they prefer driving a jackass cart over them. Where there is no readiness towards learning and understanding, then there is only baleful contentment with stunting anyopeningforgrowing.

When the media is seen as an obstacle then blow it away or undermine it by going around it. That's PPP democracy When public officers are honest, then get rid of them. Safeguards against unpleasant shocks later That's PPP-style democracy

When public institutions or procedures are too cumbersome (get in the way), then rearrange them. That'sthePPPanditssprings of democracy When whomeverandwhatevercan bemanipulatedforthePPP's interests,butagainstthoseof the people, then that is as goodasdemocracygets.

As in war, where people serveascannonfodder,soin peace (and PPP democracy) people are what is fed into theshredder Inathumbnail, democracy and the PPP do not belong together Not in thesamesentence. Notonin anyknownuniverse.

(The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinionsofthisnewspaper.)



Seventy-sixpersonswerehired on the spot at a recent job fair hosted by Guyana Shore Base Inc. (GYSBI) in collaboration with its parent company, Muneshwers Limited, and its Joint Venture partners.

The event, held at the Everest CricketClub,waspartofabroader initiativetofillover200vacancies across various operational roles, with further hiring expected in the comingdays.

The job fair attracted 1,765 applicants, resulting in immediate hires for positions such as Hauler Drivers, Crane Operators, Civil Engineers, Site Supervisors, Security Supervisors, Auto Electricians,NetworkTechnicians, Forklift Operators, Welders, Mechanics, Construction Equipment Operators, Banksmen, Operations Assistants, Craftsmen, General Laborers, and Porters Thosehiredwillsigntheircontracts bytheendoftheweek.

AmongthosehiredwasNarine Dharshand,aresidentofWestBank Demerara, who will fill the role of Security Supervisor at Muneshwers Limited. Expressing his excitement, Dharshand said, “I amexcited,thisismydreamjob.I have always wanted to get into the oilandgassector.”

Similarly, 20-year-old Devon Gardener was offered the role of Operations Assistant at GYSBI. Reflecting on the experience, Gardener noted, “It was intimidatingtobesurroundedbyso many persons at the job fair, but I was elated that the position was offeredtome.”

Rod Carew, a 36-year-old, will be taking up a role in General Maintenance He praised the interviewprocessandcommittedto


at the GYSBI job fair on Saturday


“This is the best job fair I have been to because of how it was organised. It was smooth and very calm, I got through very quickly From the advertisement and the event, I can see that the company hashighstandards,andIwanttobe part of it. I am so happy that I was hired today I am going to be as diligent and disciplined as I could be and perform as best as I can,” Carewshared.

Deoraj Bijnauth, an electrician with over seven years of experience, was also successful in securing a position after having been unsuccessful at previous job fairs.

“Theysawsomethinginme...I am happy that they saw something in me. The process was quite smooth...andIamexcitedtostart.I went to a few other job fairs, and I wasn’tsuccessful,soIamhappyit wasasuccessthistime,”hestated.

In brief remarks, Robin Muneshwer, Executive Director of

GYSBI and Muneshwers Limited, acknowledged that the companies rarely make on-the-spot hires, preferring to conduct thorough checks before making offers However, the high caliber of candidates at this event prompted immediateoffers.

“We [prefer to process] them very carefully and ensure they check out first but...we had some exceptional candidates. It shows thatthereisatremendousinterestin ourcompaniesandwhatwedoand therearemanyGuyaneseoutthere looking for jobs We are big supportersoflocalcontent,andwe continue to push this drive of training and mentoring local persons,”Muneshwersaid.

Lilowtie Chintamani, Human Resource Manager at GYSBI, noted that this job fair was the largesteverhostedbythecompany She highlighted the importance of theseeventsinreachingandhiring talentedindividuals.


amount of persons who came out heretoday Thefirstpersoncameat around 5:25 a.m. It has become a difficult task these days to hire persons,andthisiswhatweneedin Guyana; job fairs, because we found the numbers came out here. It’s so refreshing to see and they came from all walks of life. I am truly happy with the response we have gotten, ” Chintamani expressed.

Minister within the Office of the President with responsibility for Finance, Dr Ashni Singh, visited the fair and commended GYSBI and Muneshwers Limited for their role in creating employment opportunities for Guyanese He emphasized the government’s commitment to ensuring that every working-age citizen has access to marketable skillsandsuitablejobs.

“That is the Guyana that Muneshwers/GYSBI story fits squarely within. GYSBI, of whom the senior partner is Muneshwers,

constitutes a partnership between GYSBI and international partners doingworld-classwork,competing with world-class companies, and doing world-class work for ExxonMobil and the oil and gas industry, and demonstrating that local content is very real and very achievable by Guyanese companies that demonstrate a commitment to and a capacity for excellence,”Dr Singhsaid. He added, “We must really applaud because you provided a remarkable example for Guyanese companies and an example that is most worthy of emulation and an e x a m p l e t h a t w a s instrumental...Guyanese nationals, like the people who are gathered heretoday,wewantthemtobeable to participate fully and meaningfully and rewardingly in theoilandgassectorasitgrowsand expands in our country GYSBI story fits within our agenda for creating opportunities for Guyanesecompanies.”

UG saddened by death of former lecturer, author and researcher, Dr. Ameena Gafoor

The University of GuyanaonTuesdaysaidthat itissaddenedbythepassing of “our dearest former lecturer, author, researcher, benefactor, and recipient of an Honorary Degree of Doctor of Letters, Ameena Gafoor.”

Mrs Gafoor died on Monday at the age of 83 followingaperiodofillness.

In a statement, the University said “To paraphrasethewordswritten and read by the University’s Official Master Orator, Al Creighton, at the Conferral Ceremony in 2022,Ameena was“asymbolofendurance and enlightenment; a flame providing light, steadfast and persevering, against the persistent force of a prevailingwind.”

“Her life, well lived, provides a model of “illumination and hopeful victory over darkness in timesofadversity.”

The University, said it celebratesanindividualwho

triumphed over humble and difficult beginnings a mother, wife, literary critic, researcher, ed

or, anthologist,culturalactivist, c r e a t i v e w r i t e r , philanthropist, and social worker

“Mrs. Gafoor was the founder and editor of the

publication, The Arts Journal, the founder and director of The Arts Forum with a special interest in the visual arts and Indian art.

She was a member of the JuryfortheGuyanaPrizefor Literature and has four l

ns, including an autobiography and the forthcoming

Bibliography of Guyanese Writers, which she was making final arrangements foratthetimeofherpassing. Shewasafeministcriticand aMuslimwomanwhowrote in the context of Islamic womanhood in Guyana, which is rare and can only otherwise be found in the

work of a handful of other Guyanesewomen.”

The statement noted too thatMrs.Gafoorestablished theAmeenaGafoorInstitute,

a cultural, literary, intellectual, artistic, and research centre set up in her name, with headquarters in England, managed by the Institute’s Director, Prof DavidDabydeen.

“The Ameena Gafoor Institute advances research and scholarship in a number of areas, including the history, wide-ranging studies, and literature of Indian Indentureship,” the Universitysaid.

Among other things, Mrs.GafoorwastheCEOof the Gafoor’s Foundation, and,alongwithherhusband, hardware mogul Dr Sattaur Gafoor, recently gifted the University of Guyana its Multi-Purpose Centre, whichisinthefinalstagesof completion.

“The University records its deep appreciation for her

Mrs. Ameena Gafoor after she was conferred with an Honorary Degree of Doctor of Letters by the University of Guyana in 2022. Also in photo are; Chancellor Prof. Edward Greene, Vice-Chancellor Prof. Paloma Mohamed-Martin and Dr. Sattaur Gafoor (centre).

life and contributions and extends its deepest condolences on behalf of Chancellor Prof Edward Greene, Vice-Chancellor Prof Paloma Mohamed-

Martin, Deputy ViceChancellors, Senior ManagementTeam,Faculty, staff, and students, in particular from the Faculty o f E d u c a t i o n a n d

Humanities (FEH), with which she was closely associated.”

Sympathy was extended toherhusband,children,and lovedones.


Frompage8 unfavourable weather conditions, outdated miningpractices,andlabourshortages.

Heoutlinedthechallengesfacingthegold mining sector and the efforts being made to address them. This publication had reported that from 2019 to 2023, gold declarations dropped by approximately 209,000 troy ounces, according to the Bank of Guyana annualreports.Recently,thegovernmenthad warned gold smugglers to desist from the practice.

Minister Bharrat pointed out that gold production has been on a downward trend since its peak in 2016. “I don't think it's any secret that gold production has been on the decline. I think if you look at the chart, you willsee2016peak,andthenafterthat,itwent straight up and continues in the 2022-2023,” Bharrat said. He highlighted that several factors have contributed to this decline, particularlysevereweatherconditions.

“In 2021 and 2022, there was significant flooding, not only on the coast, but the hinterland communities. I myself went into the Mazaruni district, and I saw the devastation of the flooding in that major miningdistrict,”Bharratexplained.

Headdedthatin2023,theindustrywashit by a significant drought, which hindered operationsinkeyminingareas “Somepeople were unable to go and work simply because there was no water,” he noted The minister noted that the situation has reversed again in 2024withanotherboutofsignificantflooding, furthercomplicatingminingactivities

Minister Bharrat also highlighted issues related to the mining practices of small and medium-scaleminers,notingthatmanyhave been repeatedly mining the same properties resultinginlowrecoveryrates.

“The other reason being, which we have noticed, and I think it was mentioned by the commissioner,isthatfordecades,oursmalland medium-scale miners have been mining thesamepropertiesoverandoveragain,”the ministersaid.

“[Small- and medium-scale miners] recovery rate in gold mining is too low, 3540%iswaytoolow,”hestated.Theministry is working with miners to introduce new methodsandtechnologytoincreaserecovery rates, which Bharrat believes will lead to higherproductionandprofitability

In addition to technical challenges, the ministerpointedtotheaccessibilityofmining landsasasignificantbarrierforsmallminers.

“Accessibility to land has always been a cry from small miners,” the minister said, stressing the need for more prospecting to ensure mineralized properties before investment.

Labourshortagesintheminingsectorare another growing concern. Bharrat noted that many miners are moving away from the industry, often shifting to more lucrative opportunities in the oil and gas or constructionsectors.

“What we have seen is a lot of people moving from the mining sector into the oil and gas or construction sectors, or they are engagedinothersectorswhilethey'vescaled down their activities in the mining sector,” Bharratexplained.

Despite these challenges, Bharrat affirmed that the GGMC is actively working to address the issues, particularly by increasing recovery rates and improving access to mining lands. Additionally, a US$1.8 million contract was recently signed with anAmerican firm for mineral mapping ofGuyana'smininghotspots.

ExxonMresumespumpingoil fromLiza1and2

(Reuters) - An ExxonMobil consortium’s crude output in Guyana has been fully restored at two floating production facilities after workers completed a natural gas pipeline tie-in, a company spokespersonsaidonMonday

Output had fallen to between 400,000 and 500,000 barrels per dayfromJuly2throughtheendof the month, government data showed, a sign that planned work on the floating production storage and offloading (FPSO) facilities had begun. Oil production was at 669,000 barrels per day as of June 30,theofficialdatashowed.

“Wesafelyexecutedshutdowns of the Liza Unity and Destiny FPSOs to facilitate pipeline tie-ins for the gas-to-energy project,” the spokesperson said by email. “Both FPSOs are back online at full productionlevels.”

Exxon said earlier this year it would shut two offshore oil production vessels in Guyana for two weeks each between July and August to connect a natural gas pipeline that would feed planned onshore power plant and gasprocessingfacilities.

Oil output at one of Exxon’s FPSOs was halted from July 2-15, while the second FPSO suspended

operations on July 19-31. The consortium’s third facility was unaffected, the data showed. The associated production volumes weredeferred,notlost,Exxonsaid.

The Exxon-led consortium, which includes Hess (HES N), and CNOOC Ltd (0883 HK), is responsibleforallproductioninthe SouthAmericannation.

The Government of Guyana (GoG) plans to utilise about 50 million standard cubic feet (MSCFD) of gas per day to generate 300 megawatts of

…asworkscompletedto tie-innaturalgaspipeline

Guyana’s second FPSO, the Liza Unity

electricity to power the national grid. Gas will be piped to shore fromtwoprojects,theLizaOneand Liza Two ExxonMobil is constructing the 12-inch pipeline that will run approximately 220 kilometers from the FPSOs offshoretotheWalesDevelopment Site,WestBankDemerara.

While Exxon progresses with theconstructionofthepipeline,the Government of Guyana is yet to make key documents public, relative to the massive gas project beingdeveloped.Notably,theGTE

project is Guyana’s single largest financialprojecteverpursuedinthe country’s history. Despite this however,theprojectdoesnothave a feasibility study which demonstrates how viable the initiative is The pipeline is expected to cost the country some US$1Bbuttodate,thereisnoFinal InvestmentDecisioninthatregard.

Additionally, the Natural Gas Liquid (NGL) facility and power plant are expected to cost another US$759M. Government is upgrading the

transmission and distribution network to support the project and hasbeentaskedwithcompensating citizensalongthepipelineroutefor theirlands.Anewcontrolcenterto managethepowerprojectisalsoto be constructed, increasing the cost of the gas project. Despite efforts by the Opposition and media for agreements relative to the GTE project to be laid in the National Assembly, government continues to delay the release of the documents sparking further concernsabouttheproject.

Govt.andGTUcondemnedforimposing “starvation”wagepackageonteachers “star

The Working People’s

Alliance (WPA) has condemned the Guyana Teachers’ Union and the Government of Guyana for what it described as the imposition of a starvation wagepackageonteachers.

Government last week signed off on a 10% salary increase deal and other incentiveswiththeunionfor teachers However, the packagehasbeenrejectedby majority of the teachers and hasdividedtheleadershipof the GTU with calls now beingmadeforthePresident, Dr Mark Lyte to be removed.

In a statement issued on Tuesday,theWPAsaid:“the imposition of a ten percent

increase in the first instance is grossly inadequate when one takes into consideration the steep rise in cost-ofliving coupled with the financial capacity of the government.Itisaninsultto our teachers to grant them such a meager increase on their already ridiculously low salaries while the government spends huge sums on other areas of the economy Granting a ten percent increase on salaries of $120,000 or less (which more than half of our teachers earn) is tantamount to cruel and unusual punishment How can a government which boasts of Guyana’s high growth rate fight so hard to deny its


The WPA said it is, therefore,forcedtoconclude that the government was drivenbyanextra-industrial relations agenda “Any honest appraisal of the government’s actions throughout this process should leave no doubt about its non-commitment to collective bargaining and to a living wage for the country’s teachers The bullying of the union at every twist and turn is unparalleled in Guyana’s post-colonial history In the end, the package is more a


unreasonable offer than a negotiated settlement or

compromise While collective bargaining was forcedonthegovernmentby the court, the final outcome represents a serious underminingofthiscardinal principle of industrial relations.”

The WPA said it is also appalledatthegovernment’s insensitivity to criticisms of realandperceivedracialbias inthedistributionofincome to the various sections of government workers. “That the majority of teachers are of one racial group which does not support the government should in normal circumstances temperthebig-stick.


But the government seemed oblivious to that reality In addition to its racialinsensitivity,theWPA said it is incensed at the manner in which the government appeared

unsympathetic to the mostly women teachers. “We view this economic brutality of women as a backward step that scars Guyana’s image. Inacountrywherewomen’s work is undervalued, this l a t e s t a s s a u l t i s unacceptable.”


According to the WPA even the intervention by the judicial branch that forced a return to collective bargaining did not overly deterthegovernment.“WPA sees this political stubbornness and racial insensitivity as a worrying developmentthatcouldhave seriousconsequencesforthe expansion of democratic governance.”

The party noted that government’s argument that attendant allowances in areas such as health and housing amount to benefits for the teachers is at best

misleading, noting that allowances can never be a substitute for wages. In any case,theallowancesgranted fall way short of what the GTU had proposed. Further, a perusal of the allowances granted by the government showsabiastowardsthoseat the higher end of the salary scale.Withthevastmajority of teachers at the lower end, the allowances are at best negligible.

“In the circumstances, theGTU’sacceptanceofthe package is baffling. After taking strike action for seventy-fivedaysandgiving up its initial proposal of bargaining from 2019 rather thanfrom2024,theunionin the end has delivered nothingofconsequencetoits membership. The increases of10%,8%and9%overthe next three years amount to approximatelyathirdofthe Continuedonpage17

The WPA said that teachers were betrayed by their union and Govt.

Education Ministrydetails new benefits for teachers under new agreement with GTU

The Ministry of Education (MoE) has outlined benefits for teachers under new Memorandum ofAgreement (MOA) signed with the Guyana Teachers Union (GTU) on August21,2024.Inastatement,theMinistry of Education said that under the agreement teacherswillreceivesalaryincreasesoverthe next three years: a 10% increase in 2024, followedbyan8%increasein2025,anda9% increasein2026.

According to the release, teachers in remote areas will benefit from the increased RemoteAreaIncentive(RAI).InNovember 2023,thisallowancestoodat$9,000.

The Ministry noted that it was subsequentlyincreasedinDecember2023to $20,000. With the new agreement, teachers willnowreceive$23,000monthly Teachers with doctoral degrees will see their monthly allowance rise from $30,000 to $32,000, a 7%increase.

It explained that those with master’s degrees, who received $10,000 monthly in November 2023, saw their allowance doubledto$20,000inDecember2023.

TheMoEsaid,“Withthisnewagreement, they will now receive $22,000. Educators holding postgraduate diplomas, advanced graduate diplomas, and certificates in education will also see their monthly allowances increased to $7,000 and $5,000. Additionally, teachers who have completed the Certificate in Education Management Course will now receive a monthly allowanceof$5,000.”

Additionally, the station allowance, which compensates teachers for working in particular locations, has been increased to

$5,000 for all eligible categories The increase varies based on the category Similarly, the hardlying allowance has been standardizedat$5,000.

In another change, according to the Ministry is the clothing allowance, which went from $8,000 to $15,000. This boost comesalongsidea50%increaseinduty-free concessions, from 100 to 150 annually Furthermore, teachers holding a substantive appointment as a Senior Master/Mistress or above within three years of retirement, who have not previously benefited from a concession, are now entitled to a duty-free concessionformotorcarsupto1500cc.

Teachersinhinterlandandriverineareas arealsoeligibleforconcessionsonoutboard enginesandATVs.

The Ministry has also doubled the number of annual scholarships for teachers from 50 to 100, enabling more educators to pursuestudiesattheUniversityofGuyanaor through the Guyana Online Academy of Learning (GOAL). Additionally, teachers reemployedafterretirementwillnowbepaid at their last salary scale before retirement, ensuring they remain adequately compensated for their experience and service.

Withthenewagreement,teacherswillbe compensated for marking and supervising SBAs and the National Grades 5 & 6 Mock Exams, a move that recognizes the critical role they play in student assessments. Nongraduateteachers(TS1AtoTS5B)willalso receivetwoadditionalincrementsafterthree years of continuous service, benefiting over 9,000 teachers (more than 60% of the

teachingworkforce).Insomecases,thiswill resultinsalaryincreasesofupto15%.

According to MoE, this agreement represents a comprehensive package designed to enhance the welfare of our teachersandtorecognizetheirpivotalrolein

shaping the future of our country The MinistryofEducationremainscommittedto continuousdialogueandpartnershipwiththe teaching fraternity to ensure sustained progress and development in the education sector


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Wanted! Workers for packaging pasta and chowmein. $4100-$4900 per day. Workers paid weekly. Call: 6117839 /637-0983.

Skilled labourer (road construction), 20 years or older & Welder / Fabricator, 30 years or older call: 613-0855 9am-4pm.

Canter driver needed, ages 30 years or older. Must have atleast 5 years experience. Call:613-0855 9am-4pm.

One Cook. Call: 223-5273/74.

One Salesgirl to work in a Boutique in Georgetown. Call: 698-7152.

Experienced utility operators (excavator, bulldozer, ADT) and Mechanics wanted for mining operation. Call: 688-6575.

Experienced male Cooks Crew wanted for mining operation. Call: 688-6575.

One handyman to work 3-4 days per week at Kalyan centre in Lamaha Street, Georgetown. Tele: 627-3390 / 227-6681.

Experienced qualified Welder / Fabricator & Mechanic wanted for mining operation. Call : 688-6575.


Elevate your brand with our professional Graphic design services. Call: 619-0007, 629-5526.

Visa Application:U.S.A, Canada & UK:Graphics design, advertisements, wedding arch rentals.Tel:6267040.

Need a bus or planning an outing. Call Matthew bus services and tours, Surniname/Braz. Whatsapp : 639-2663/673-


Nayelli school of cosmetology is n ow enrolling for cosmetology courses beginning September 9th, 2024, 211 New Market st. Call: 2262124.

FIRST AID/CPR/AED as well as home nursing courses at St. John Association starting shortly. Call: 225-9082.

Driver, must have valid license for Car & Van. Must be able to assist in Workshop also. Call: 615-9132.

One Electrician needed for Eccles. For more information Call: 615-9132 or 645-8443.

Litigation/companies clerk. Experience essential, Applications with CV & References to Cameron & Shepherd / csmain@cameronandshepherd.com

One clerk for TSI Eccles office. English & Mathematics, grade 1 or 2. Email application: techserigy@ yahoo.com or call 615-9132.

Maid to clean for East Bank area. Call: 615-9132

Female cleaner for office call : 645-8443

Male cleaner for Eccles call 615-9132 or 645-8443

Vacancy at P.S.G.C.S for General Cleaner, Mason, Carpenter, Fabricator/ Welder, Maintenance Workers & Handyman/ woman. Call: 621-6969/ 615-7784.

Experienced cook & kitchen assistant needed at Famous Flavour Creole Restaurant. Call: 676-5534 / 709-8131.

Vacancy Exist For two Experienced Dispatcher At Confidential Cabs. Call: 231-5784, 231-4001, 231-4000.

Kitchen Assistant needed, Tuesday- Saturday, 8am3pm, Light work, Paid weekly. Call : 612-5739 / 2256927 / 663-9560.

Vacancy for the night handyman and a domestic maid Call 6386816


1 Honda CRV, includes TV, music system, alarm, reverse camera, sproiler, crashbar, low mileage PTT Series (first owner). Contact: 649-0956.

1 Toyota Allion, Pioneer DVD, CD & USB deck, reverse camera, alarm, low milage. Call: 649-0956.

Rumion for sale, Model 2012, PTT Series. Call : 6715759.

Nissan Bluebird for sale year 2006 (Silver) Original condition. Immediate Transfer Price Negotiable. Call / Whatsapp : 683-7761.

PAHO study highlights challenges in access to hypertension medication in Caribbean

Washington, D.C., August 26, 2024 (PAHO)– A recent Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) study published in the Journal of Pharmaceutical Policy and Practice reveals significant barriers in access to essential hypertension medications across Latin America and the Caribbean, including outdated essential medicines lists and diffuse procurement practices, and underscored the need for more standardized antihypertensive medicines to help reduce the cardiovascular disease burden in the region.

Cardiovascular diseases are the leading cause of death in the Americas, accounting for over 2 million deaths annually. Hypertension affects 35.4% of adults aged 30-79, and remains inadequately managed: 37% of individuals with hypertension in Latin America and the Caribbean are undiagnosed, 15% of those diagnosed do not receive treatment, and 47% of those treated do not have their blood pressure controlled. These gaps contribute to elevated rates of stroke and heart disease.

PAHO has been helping

countries address this issue through the HEARTS initiative, which aims to enhance hyp ertension management and cardiovascular risk prevention through standardized tr eatment protocols and improved access to essential medications.

The study, covering 22 countries participating in the HEARTS initiative, found notable inconsistencies in the inclusion of recommended antihypertensive medicines on National Essential Medicines Lists (NEMLs). The limited availability of fixed-dose combinations (FDCs) antihypertensive products on such lists was particularly concerning. FDCs, included in the World Health Organization (WHO) List of Essential Medicines in 2019, have demonstrated to effectively control blood pressure, enhance patient adherence, and reduce side effects and adverse events compared to monotherapy.

Additionally, the study revealed significant variations in medicine registration, pricing, and procurement practices, which collectively hinder access and affordability.

“Antihypertensive medicines

are inexpensive to produce and can save millions of lives,” Pedro Orduñez, Advisor on Chronic Diseases at PAHO and one of the authors of the study, said. “Reducing the price and improving the quality is a key intervention to improve access and quality of care.”

“Despite the high prevalence of hypertension, many people in the region lack access to the medications needed to control their blood pressure,” Christopher Lim, lead author of the study and Chief of PAHO’s Strategic Fund, said. “Our findings highlight the need for decision-makers to update NEMLs to include these critical medicines.”

Key recommendations from the study include:

1. Update National Essential Medicines Lists: Align NEMLs with evidencebased guidelines and include essential FDCs to improve treatment adherence and control.

2. Improve procurement practices : Streamline procurement processes and leverage pooled procurement mechanisms, such as the PAHO Strategic Fund, to consolidate demand, negotiate better prices,

availability, and ensure consistent supply of qualityassured medicines.

3. Increase transparency: Address transparency issues in medicine pricing through standardized reporting and the development of platforms for price information sharing.

4. Enhance market access : Support the registration and availability of essential medications across all countries to prevent market fragmentation and ensure equitable access.

“PAHO’s Strategic Fund can play a crucial role in helping countries overcome these challenges by facilitating pooled procurement of qualityassured medications,” Lim added. “This approach has proven successful in the management of other diseases and offers valuable insights for enhancing access to antihypertensive treatments.” The study’s results underscore the importance of continued collaboration among governments, healthcare systems, and stakeholders to address barriers in access to medication in order to improve cardiovascular health outcomes throughout the region.

200 youths completed Pan Minors Music Literacy programme

The Pan Minors Music Literacy Programme wrapped up on Friday, with some 200 participants receiving their certificates at the Umana Yana in Kingston, Georgetown.

As customary, this year’s programme was made possible through a collaboration between the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sport, and Republic Bank Limited. During the closing ceremony, Minister of Culture, Youth and Sport, Charles Ramson Jr. highlighted the government’s continuous investments in the steel pan industry to create talented and prominent players throughout the nation.

“This is an investment that the Government of Guyana has made in you and


1-320 D Caterpillar Excavator with 3066 engine in excellent condition, if interested contact: 701-4000 Monday - Friday 8am-5pm.

Lawn grass, palms & flowers for sale. Call : 626-1044.

General Manager, Operations of Republic Bank, Ms Denise Hobbs, hands over a certificate to a participant

I’m going to make a commitment on behalf of the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sport that the groups who shared their talents today, will be playing at the next event the ministry hosts that is appropriate for your talents to be showcased…You all will be compensated for your talent,” Minister

Ramson underscored. According to the sport minister, the government has tripled its investment in the steel pan industry, to allow more persons to participate in the art. As part of cricket carnival events, the government will also be adding these new steel pan talents to the schedule,

allowing them to have a feel of the big stage. A state-ofthe-art steel pan school for teaching and competition purposes will also be designed soon. Apart from engaging in steel pan activities, participants were able to build life lasting bounds and friendships. (DPI)

Twobidtodesign,supplyandinstall syrupclarifieratAlbionSugarEstate

Two contractors have submitted bids to design, supply and install a syrup clarifier at the Albion Sugar Estate, RegionSix.

According to the National Procurement and Tender Administration Board (NPTAB) the bidders are Garnet Engineers (US$1,288,888) and Excel Guyana Inc (US$1,898,993).

KaieteurNewsunderstandsthatasyrupclarifierisusedto removeimpuritiesfromtheextractedsugarcanejuice.

The project falls under the Guyana Sugar Corporation (GuySuCo).


NationalAgricultural Research and Extension Institute (NAREI)

Construction of housing facility for processing equipment at Port Kaituma, Region One.

Guyana Sugar Corporation (GuySuCo)

Design and supply and installation of a syrup clarifier atAlbion Estate.

Ministry of Health

Supply, delivery and installation of medical equipment for programmeA, lots 1 to 6.

Central Housing and PlanningAuthority

Construction of Office Building for CHPAat Plantation Houston, Phase 2, lots 1 to 3. (Retendered)

Motorcyclist accident with car hospitalized following

Amotorcyclistishospitalizedafterhecrashedintoacaron Nelson MandelaAvenue and David Rose Street, Georgetown on Sunday Hospitalized is Marlon Schuloz of Mandela SquattingAreaandhispillionrider,AkeemRollinsoflot1600 CoventGarden,EastBankDemerara(EBD).

According to reports Schuloz was speeding north along David Street when he failed to stop at the intersection at MandelaAvenue.Asaresult,heendedupintothepathofacar, causing a collision. Schuloz and Rollins fell on the ground. They were both picked up and rushed to the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC) where Schuloz was admitted as a patient. He sustained head injuries and a broken arm. Meanwhile, Rollins who received minor injuries was treatedandsentaway Aninvestigationhasbeenlaunched.

Govt. and GTU condemned...

From page 14 union’s proposal. It is in essence a violation of the membership’s mandate to its leadership to accept nothing less than 29.6%. When one takes into consideration taxes and the rising cost-of-living, most teachers would likely see littleornoincreaseinrealterms.”

Noting that this is a serious blow to trade unionism, which is already in a weakened state, the WPA said it sympathises with teachers and other public servants who expressavoteofno-confidenceintheirunions.

“The apparent non-democratic manner in which a section of the GTU leadership is alleged to have acted adds insult to injury WPA, therefore, has no hesitation in expressing support for any rebellion by the teachers against theagreementandagainsttheirunionleadership.Theculture ofwantonbetrayalofworkersbytheirunionsisoverbearing andmustbeconfrontedbytheworkers.”

Finally, the party said given the sad state of public education in Guyana, it continues to believe that adequate remuneration for teachers is a prerequisite for a renewal of the system. “The results of the recent CSEC examinations show the unchecked downward spiral. If teachers are not paid a living wage, many suitable candidates would not be attracted to the profession while those in the profession would leave for greener pastures. Further, government cannot demand higher standards from teachers when they pay them inadequate wages. If WPA is part of the next government, it would in the first instance grant the current wage increases proposed by the unions which we think are reasonable. We would then engage the union towards bringing teachers’ salaries on par with those in other CARICOM countries and consistent with Guyana’s vastly improved economic profile. WPA would also implement a Universal Basic Income for all citizens which would further enhanceourteachers’economicsecurity.”

Construction worker remanded for killing Tuschen taxi driver

Thirty-year-oldRonaldSackoon,aconstructionworkerof Zeelugt, East Bank Essequibo (EBE), was on Tuesday remandedtoprisonforstabbingandcausingthedeathofLeon Parahoo,ataxidriverofTuschen,EBE.

The incident occurred betweenAugust 17 and 18, 2024 in Parika. Parahoo, who was hospitalised after the attack, succumbed to his injuries on August 23, 2024, while in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) of the Georgetown Public Hospital (GPH).

Sackoon appeared before Magistrate Rhondel Weaver at the Leonora Magistrate’s Court, where the indictable charge was read to him. He was remanded to prison until September 23, 2024. Sackoon was represented by Attorney-at-law, BernardDaSilva.

According to police statement presented in court, ranks hadarrestedandinterviewedAlejandroAlli,a22-year-oldtaxi driver and also an acquaintance of the suspect. Alli allegedly recountedthatonthenightofthestabbing,hehadjustdropped off a customer at Parika Junction from Tuschen when he was approached by Sackoon whom he had known for about three months. Sackoon, who had been drinking, requested a ride to Nancy’s Bar at Parika Access Road. During the journey, Sackoon told him to stop the car saying that he forgot something. He abruptly exited the vehicle heading in a northerly direction and returned minutes later with a knife, stating that he just “juck up” somebody (Parahoo). Sackoon thenplacedtheknifetoAlli’sneckandtoldhimtodrive.

Alli testified that Sackoon threatened him with the knife, ordering him to drive while warning that he would kill Alli’s family if he reported the incident. Fearful, Alli complied but eventuallystoppedthecar,confrontedSackoonwithapieceof woodthathenormallykeepsonthedriver’ssideofhiscar,and forced him out of the vehicle. Sackoon exited the car and fled towards the riverside. Alli later reported the incident to the police and guided them to Sackoon’s residence at Lot 531 ZeelugtNorthHousingScheme.

PoliceconductedasearchofSackoon’shome,discovering two kitchen knives. Sackoon was taken to the Parika Police Station,wherehewasplacedincustody.Authoritiesnotedthat Sackoon appeared to be behaving abnormally, possibly under the influence of alcohol or another substance. Further investigation revealed that Parahoo and Sackoon had a prior altercation in 2023, during which Parahoo had previously woundedSackoonwithastab.

Remanded: Ronald Sackoon
Dead: Leon Parahoo

UN ‘doing what it can’to deliver Gaza aid as evacuation orders cause extreme difficulties

UNITED NATIONS, official, who spoke on opportunity, seizing every Aug 27 (Reuters) - United Monday on condition of crack that we can fill So Nations aid operations in the anonymity When asked if every situation is assessed Gaza Strip continued on conditions in Gaza had daybyday,hourbyhour ”

Tuesday, a day after a senior caused a halt to U.N. aid U.N. safety and security U N o f f i c i a l s a i d deliveries on Monday, chief Gilles Michaud said on humanitarian efforts had Dujarric told reporters: “The Tuesday that over the ground to a halt because new conditions in Gaza yesterday weekend the Israeli military Israeli evacuation orders made it extremely difficult only gave a few hours notice forced the shutdown of the forustodoourwork.” for more than 200 U N mainU.N.operationscenter “We are doing what we personnel to move out of U N spokesperson can with what we have,” he offices and living spaces in Stephane Dujarric on said “We’ve been saying Deir Al-Balah in central Tuesday appeared to temper from the beginning - this is Gaza. the remarks by the U.N. aiddeliverybyseizingevery He said the “the timing couldhardlybeworse”witha massive polio vaccination campaign due to start shortly that required large numbers ofU.N.stafftoenterGaza.

Kuru Kuru man wanted for larceny, other serious crimes

The Special Organised CrimeUnit(SOCU)through the Guyana Police Force (GPF) on Tuesday issued a wanted bulletin for a 28y e a r - o l d m a n f o r questioning in relation to larceny on public officer, financial crimes and other serious related offences in Guyana.

The wanted man has been identified as Keenan Trotman.

The wanted bulletin public if seen or anyone has stated that his last known information on the address was Kuru Kuru whereabouts of Trotman to College Road Soesdyke- contact SOCU on 225-3079, LindenHighway 225-3084, or the nearest

Thepoliceareurgingthe policestation.

City Council to...

From page 8 for guidelineson how to deal billboards being installed withtheissueofbillboardsin across the city and the thecity revenue that should be Meanwhile, City Mayor garneredfromit. Alfred Mentore called on the “We don’t know whether City Engineer’s Department we have been receiving any to begin an audit “to paymentsfortheseelectronic determine the number of billboards,” the Councillor signs erected, the nature of said In response to the the information, duration of questions raised by the publication and persons councillors, Town Clerk responsible for erecting the Candace Nelson informed signs”. He directed officials the Council that a meeting of the City Engineer’s has been held with a popular Department to establish an printing company to in inventory of the billboards relation to outstanding and report to the Council payments. withinoneweek.

“Ameeting was held and “With reference to the Mr Neal Sukhlal of ‘Municipal and Districts Impressions was asked to CouncilsAct’Chapter28:01, submit the list for his part VIII, Section 239 which billboards and that was says “A council may let any subsequently submitted to land which it possesses,” the me and also we spoke of the Council strongly believes p a y m e n t s t h a t a r e that they possess this outstanding. He did say that authority According to the he has a payment plan in ‘Guyana Lands and Surveys place…Soweareworkingto Commission Act 1999’ Part address this issue,” theTown II: 4.1, the function of the Clerkdisclosed. commission is; (A) “to have The Town Clerk said too charge of and act as guardian that as part of the plan, the over all public lands, rivers Council has reached out to and creeks of Guyana,” the the Ministry of PublicWorks Cityofficialstated.

Displaced Palestinians shelter in a United Nations-run school, amid Israel-Hamas conflict, in Deir Al-Balah in the central Gaza Strip, August 27, 2024. REUTERS/Ramadan Abed

“The United Nations is civilians.” “It’s urgent that accordingtoIsraelitallies. being told by Israel “to determined to stay in Gaza,” humanitarian actors can Since then, Israel’s concentrate within the he said in a statement continue their work, without military has leveled swathes Israeli-designated zone in Al “Humanitarian aid delivery threat from displacement or of the Palestinian enclave, Mawasi, which spans to only continues–atremendousfeat military operations. We urge driving nearly all of its 2.3 about41squarekilometersor giventhatweareoperatingat all parties to protect civilians million people from their roughly 11% of Gaza’s total theupper-mostperipheriesof and facilitate humanitarian homes, giving rise to deadly area.” It said overcrowding, tolerablerisk.” access at all times,” the hunger and disease and with a density of 30,000 to

The International Rescue organizationpostedonX. killingatleast40,000people, 34,000 individuals per square Committee said on Tuesday The current war in the according to Palestinian kilometer (77,000 to 87,000 that the new evacuation Palestinian enclave began on healthauthorities. per square mile), had orders by Israel had forced it Oct. 7, 2023, when Hamas The U.N. Office for the exacerbated a dire shortage of and other humanitarian gunmen stormed into Israeli C o o r d i n a t i o n o f essential resources such as groups to “halt aid communities, killing around HumanitarianAffairs said on water, sanitation and hygiene operations, during what is 1,200 people and abducting Tuesday that Gaza’s supplies, health services, already a dire situation for about 250 hostages, population was increasingly protectionandshelter.

Workshop puts spotlight on Guyana’s oil spill response preparedness

Gu y a n a i s spill contingency plan since understanding of potential per ton of carbon dioxide intensifying its 2020, which was tested in an risks, a robust response equivalent. The workshop

e f f o r t s t o exercisein2022.Inaddition, f

he would see participants being enhance national capacity the PM said that the necessary resources and exposedtomechanismssuch for oil spill preparedness and workshop coincides with capabilities to act swiftly It as the readiness evaluation r e s p o n

t h e the ongoing drafting of the also requires collaboration tool for oil spills, which will commencement of a four- N

n t help identify gaps in the day workshop on oil spill P r e v

n d agencies, industry players, n

nal contingency contingencyplanning. Management Bill 2024 the private sector, non- planning and enhance

The workshop, held at “We are at the stage where governmental organisations, overallresponsecapabilities. the Guyana Police Force wewanttoputabillbefore andthepublic. RAC/REMPEITC-Caribe Headquarters, is being the National Assembly to Thus far, Guyana has representative, Matthew conducted by the Regional make this whole issue taken several proactive Martin commended the Activity Centre/Regional lawful in Guyana. This measurestostrengthenitsoil progress made by the M a r i n e P o l l u t i o n workshop serves as a spill preparedness and government in Guyana’s Emergency, Information, precursor to the passage of response capabilities preparedness efforts. “We and Training Centre for the this critical legislation, Among these efforts is the have got a great start from Wider Caribbean Region further solidifying our passage of the Petroleum whatisalreadytherewiththe (RAC/REMPEITC-Caribe). commitment to oil spill Activities Bill 2023, which work that has been put in so

During the opening p r e p a r e d n e s s a n d replaces the outdated f a r f o r i n c r e a s i n g ceremonyonTuesday,Prime response,”PMPhillipssaid. Petroleum Exploration and preparedness for oil spill Minister Brigadier (ret’d) Underscoring the ProductionActof1986.This response, and over the four Mark Phillips emphasised importance of preparedness new legislation ensures days, we are going to look at the critical importance of the in mitigating the risks responsible and modern how we can improve the workshop. “This workshop associated with the managem

existing national oil spill presents a distinct burgeoning oil and gas p

y contingency plan and opportunity for us to industry in Guyana, Prime A

n a l l y , t h e become even more prepared, d e v e l o p a d e e p e r Minister Phillip stated that governmenthassignificantly notonlyinGuyanabutinthe understanding of oil spill the repercussions of an oil strengthened oil permits and region,” Martin said. The contingency planning and spill could be far-reaching environmental regulations to workshop is sponsored by to refine the skills required and long-lasting, impacting minimise liabilities and the International Maritime to effectively implement everything from tourism and manage environmental and Organization (IMO), the our national oil spill fisheries to the overall health economicimpacts. U n i t e d N a t i o n s contingency plan,” the ofthenaturalenvironment. For instance, in the event Environmental Programme PrimeMinisterstated. As a result, he pointed of excessive flaring, Regional Coordination Unit,

He further noted that out that preparedness companies are required to and RAC/REMPEITCGuyanahashadanationaloil involves a comprehensive compensateatarateofUS$5 Caribe. (DPI)

Wanted by police: Keenan Trotman

Campbelle (L) of Guyana Amazon Warriors.


Wednesday August 28, 2024


Your intuition should be keenerthanusualtoday,Aries, but right now you're apt to be more interested in historical figures, perhaps people associated with spiritual disciplines.


Happiness reigns in the home, Taurus, as everyone seems to have reached a new understanding of one another You could also experience a newsenseofpeaceandquiet.


Today you might attend a virtual group event of some kind involving your neighborhood , possibly with a partner. You and your friend might take an active part in discussinggoalsforthegroup.


Circumstances are changing regarding your professional goals, Cancer You may have been thinking about a change for a long time, but someone you meet today, could provide the motivation you need to finallydecide.


You're probably good at applying your spiritual principles to the way you live, Leo.You're especially good at it today, particularly when it comestounderstandingothers deeply

VIRGO(Aug 23–Sept 22)

You're usually more outwardly directed, but today you might breakthatpattern Youcouldbe in a contemplative mood and wondering about everything from metaphysics to philosophy to money to your future

Defending champions It was hard going small target Once Erin Barbados Royals booked throughout for the Royals in Burns - the tournament’s top their place in the final of the thefaceoftightbowlingwith runmaker-wasdismissedby 2024 Massy Women’s just 25 runs added in the Athanpanthu to leave the Caribbean Premier League PowerPlay and 33 on the warriors 44/5 in the twelfth (WCPL) with a 17 run boardafterthefirsttenovers. over the game drifted out of victory over Guyana Erin Burns starred for the sight for Winfield-Hill’s Amazon Warriors at the Warriors once again, this side. Brian Lara CricketAcademy time with the ball in hand as The Royals chalked up inTarouba,Trinidad. she returned figures of 3/31 another win and look Ball dominated bat on a off her four overs as the increasingly strong in this testing wicket under lights. Royals reached a total of year’s competition, now it is The Royals were inserted 101/8 off their twenty overs. a case of who they will meet after Warriors captain Qiana Joseph top scored for in Thursday’s final with Lauren Winfield-Hill won the 2023 champions with 19 Trinbago Knight Riders and the toss and Hayley runs, the slow left-armer Guyana Amazon Warriors Matthews’s side struggled to later pocketed 3/16 with the both tied on two points break the infield or find the ball to cap a Player of the apiece Deandra Dottin’s boundary in the early stages. Matchperformance. Knight Riders have the Matthews fell for just two The Warriors found chance to secure their place runsoff13deliveriesandthe conditions equally as tough in the final but will need to normally fluent Chamari intheirresponse.TheRoyals find a way of beating the Athapanthu used up 27 put the squeeze on and undefeated and dominant deliveries for her 15 runs showed their class and Royals tomorrow night in before being pinned lbw by composure in defending a ordertodoso. ChloeTryon.


Today you might crave the companionship of friends and lovers alike, Libra. You're probably in the mood for some good food, good music, and great conversation, and that's just what you'll get if it’s possibleinanyway

SCORPIO(Oct.23–Nov 21)

You're feeling pretty strong now, Scorpio. You're probably in fairly good health and your mind is sharp You've outgrown some areas of your life that no longer seem what theyoncewere.

SAGIT(Nov 22–Dec.21)

Are you getting along better than ever with a significant other, Sagittarius? If so, it's probably because you're more attuned to what your partner thinks,feels,needs,andwants.



Members of your household could communicate with each other almost telepathically Youmightfinditstrange,butit shouldn'tbesurprising.


It you’re able to attend a social event today, Aquarius, you won't feel like talking. You couldbecontentjusttolistento whateveryoneelsesays,feelat peace, and enjoy the warmth, music,andcompany


Someone, perhaps a close friend or partner, could present you with a small gift today, Pisces, possibly a book. There might not be any special occasionotherthanyourfriend thought you'd enjoy it.This can bringupwarmandaffectionate feelings.



From page 26 expensive figures on debut and the lessons have kept coming. Playing his third international in six days and giventheballinthethirdover of the shortened chase, Maphaka started with a full, wide delivery outside off which he had to bowl again. With the gas ramped up to 141kph, Pooran took one run off his next ball to put Hope on strike and he showed Maphaka no mercy He sent successive short balls over the leg side for six before being foxed by a slower ball. Maphaka could not close out the over quickly and sent down a no-ball and another wide before Pooran whipped him away for the third six of the over to putWest Indies in charge of the chase Maphaka’s first over cost 22 runs.

Hetmyer hits out

ItwashisfirstT20Iofthe year but Hetmyer looked as though he had not missed a beat after he found his feet. It took him seven balls to find hisfirstboundaryanditcame offtheoutsideedgeofLizaad Williams but runs came easily after that. Hetmyer pulled a Maphaka short ball over long leg for six, then sent Ottneil Baartman to opposite ends of the fieldsthrough mid-off and backward point - for successivefoursandfinished theoverwithathirdfourover fine leg. He was the senior partner in a half-century partnership with Hope and scored 31 runs off 17 balls to ensure West Indies finished instyle.

Hayley Matthews (R) of Barbados Royals celebrates the dismissal of Shemaine

Four-year Caribbean Developmental Programme to be submitted to IBA

(From left) GBA President Steve Ninvalle poses alongside his Caribbean counterparts Vincent Straun of the Bahamas, Neil Roberts of Grenada, Shawn Blair of St. Maarten, Vice President Ronald Joefield of Trinidad, Edwin Bass of Curacao, and David Christopher of St. Lucia after the conclusion of the America Boxing Confederation (AMBC) Forum.

President of the Guyana Ninvalle said, “The our technical officers, who Boxing Association (GBA) importance of the forum and werediscussedindetailinan Steve Ninvalle recently resulting developments efforttoimprovetheirability disclosed that a four-year cannot be easily quantified and performance. Naturally Caribbean Developmental and/or understated.What the better judges, referees, and Programme will be region and specifically the coachescanonlyservetothe s u b m i t t e d t o t h e Caribbean territories strive benefit of the sport. If we International Boxing toaccomplishasacollective, want to improve our sport Association (IBA). This was despite having their and its overall quality and done at the America Boxing individual ambitions and product, the advancement of Confederation (AMBC) objectives, is to create a technical officers are Forum on Monday in competitiveandprofessional required That is the Havana,Cuba. ecosystem to develop the universal truth rooted in Ninvalle, who presented discipline, which in turn will empiricalevidence.” the pilot initiative on behalf reduce the skill gap that The upgrading of of the region, confirmed that exists between this region t e c h n i c a l o f f i c e r s , theproposedprogrammehas and the traditional areas of specifically referees, judges, importantly received the power In the simplest of and coaches, was also support of IBA President terms, this programme is discussed.Meanwhile,itwas Umar Kremlev, who lauded essential to the holistic further revealed that the the project and confirmed advancementoftheregion.” region, led by Trinidad and that the entity will provide The GBA President Tobago, will be undertaking the necessary resources for added, “This initiative will a Caribbean Professional itsimplementation. also serve in the evolution of Series.




on saleatBoxOfficefromAugust29

Tickets for the playoff stages of the Maximum of 6 tickets per person for the Republic Bank Caribbean Premier League stands, 8 tickets per person for the mound, (CPL) will be on sale at the GuyanaAmazon Qualifier 1 – Maximum of 10 tickets per Warriors Box Office, 223-224 Camp Street, person and Final – Maximum of 4 tickets per Georgetown from 9am on Thursday 29 person. August.

Tickets prices are as follows: Eliminator, Demandisexpectedtobeveryhighasthe Qualifier 1 and Qualifier 2; Mound –AmazonWarriorslooktodefendthetitlethey GY$3500, Orange – GY$6000, Red –wonin2023. GY$6500andGreen–GY$7000.

Purchases will be limited for each Final: Grass Mound – GY$4000, Orange customer as follows: Eliminator – Maximum – GY$7500, Red – GY$8000 and Green –of 10 tickets per person, Qualifier 2 – GY$8500.

Tough start for Guyana at World U20 C/Ship

- Austin, Springer and McPherson in 400m action today

It was far from the start Coach Julian Edmonds had hoped for as Guyana endured a tough opening day at the World U20 ChampionshipsinLima,Peru.

The mixed relay team of Enoch Monroe, Narissa McPherson, De Nelson Gill, and Tianna Springer finished sixth in Heat 2 with a time of 3:26.06, falling short of advancingtothefinals.

In the women’s 100m, 16-year-old Athaleyha Hinckson, the reigning CARIFTA U17 and South American U20 100m champion,clocked12.01secondstoplacesixthinHeat1.

In the men’s 100m, Ezekiel Newton (10.80s) and Jackson Clarke (10.68s) were unable to progress beyond their respectiveheats.

Looking ahead to Day 2, McPherson and Springer will compete in the women’s 400m, while CARIFTA U20 and South American U20 Champion, Malachi Austin will be Guyana’sonlyrepresentativeinthemen’s400m.

Since the inception of the World U20 Championships in 1986, Guyana won just one medal—a silver in the women’s 400m,earnedbyKadeciaBaird.

Baird clocked an impressive 51.04s to finish second behind the USA’s Ashley Spencer, edging out another American,ErikaRucker

Baird’s time remains the fastest U20 performance by a SouthAmericanathlete.

Shaunae Miller-Uibo, who later became a two-time Olympic gold medallist and World Champion in the 400m, finishedfourthinthatrace.

2024 CWI Men’s Rising Stars U17 2-Day Championships

Rain curtails action yet again as Guyana end day 1 in charge

JamaicaandGuyanahadtheopeningdayofactionruined thanks to rain, with the second day of action tentative followingTuesday’sshowers.

Guyana kept their opponents to 152 all out in 47.1 overs withOdaneBinnsthetop-scorerwith33. Skipper and medium-pacer JohnathanVan Lange picked up3-18withhelpfromspinnerRiyadLatiffwhohad3-15.

Pacer Devon Wharton returned 2-27 along with left-arm spinnerGolcharranChulaiwhofinishedwithsimilarfigures. Thefinaldayisscheduledtoresumeat9:00hrstoday

Team Guyana at the U20 World Championship.

Shepherd, Pooran and Hope help West Indies sweep South Africa 3-0

(ESPN Cricinfo) - West Indies took 70 more minutes out of the grabbed the contest by the scruff of T20 captain has not got past 20 in series to announce himself, even as completed a clean sweep of the game and reduced it to 13 overs a the neck. Shai Hope and Nicholas hislastsixcompletedinningsinthe he got his eye in. Stubbs had faced T20I series to underline a period of side.

Pooran shared a second-wicket format and only once in his 12 just four deliveries when he pulled dominance against South Africa in SouthAfrica’s total of 108 for 4 partnership of 58 off 20 balls to put knocks. Three balls later, McCoy over backward square leg thisformat.SinceMarch2023,they lacked significant individual WestIndiesinapositiontopushfor Shepherd’s slower ball had Ryan for his first six, then hit a full ball have played SouthAfrica ten times contributions, which has been a victory before an unbeaten 56-run Rickelton caught at mid-off to send through cover for four and finally in T20I cricket and won eight concern for them throughout the stand between Hope and Shimron SouthAfricafrom61for1to66for smashedashortballoverdeepmidmatches, including back-to-back 3- series.They were kept quiet by two Hetmyer ended the match with 22 3,with20ballsleftintheirinnings. wicket for a 101 metre six. Stubbs 0 series victories either side of the West Indies’ spinners, Akeal ballstospare.

Stubbs signs off on a high took 16 runs off three balls and T20 World Cup. The last of those Hoseinandstand-incaptainRoston Shepherd’s double strike After registering his first Test finished his innings on 40 off 15 wins came in a shortened affair in Chase, who conceded 22 runs in Romario Shepherd became the half-century in Trinidad earlier this balls to push SouthAfrica over 100 Trinidad. five overs between. Only Tristan leading wicket-taker of the T20I month, Stubbs finished the T20I andtowardsacompetitivetotal. A rain delay caused the series Stubbs scored more than 30 and series with two wickets in his first series as the highest run-scorer and Maphaka learns the hard way finale to start an hour later than the West Indies’target was adjusted to over, and South Africa’s tenth, to displayed a level of maturity that Kwena Maphaka’s first IPL scheduled 3pm start time but no 116. push the visitors back in their bodes well for his future with the match was a baptism of fire when overs were lost when play got The hosts were on the back foot pursuit for quick runs. His first ball South African side. With South Travis Head and Abhishek Sharma underway Another weather earlywhenBjornFortuinhadAlick brought success asAiden Markram Africa in need of quick runs, he tore him about and he conceded 66 interruption, midway through the Athanaze caught at mid-on in the went after a back of a length ball took on West Indies senior seamer runsinfouroverstorecordthemost fifthoverofSouthAfrica’sinnings, first over but the rest of the batters and nicked it off. South Africa’s Obed McCoy in his first over of the (Continued on page 23)

GFF fosters future football stars with successful Koolkidz Grassroots Summer Festival

The Guyana Football Federation (GFF) continues its efforts to rebuild football at the grassroots level across Guyana’s 83,000 square miles. Partnering with its long-time sponsor, Guyana Beverage Inc., under its Kool Kidz brand, the GFF recently concluded their 2024 Grassroots Summer Festival last Saturday at the National Training CentreinProvidence.

Thefour-weekfestivalbroughttogetheryouthplayersundertheage of14fromdiverseregions,includingBartica(RegionOne),EastCoast Demerara, East Bank Demerara, West Coast Demerara, and surrounding areas. These young athletes participated in an intensive programme focused on developing and strengthening their football skills.

GFF Technical Director Bryan Joseph described the festival as a “fantastic four weeks” for the Kool Kidz Grassroots football programme. He reaffirmed the GFF’s commitment to continuing this initiative,aimingtoinspiremorechildrentoengageinthesport.

Over 100 participants took part in the festival, where they had the opportunity to learn from top-level coaches, physiotherapists, and football mentors. The primary objective was to enhance the players’ understanding of the game, allowing for more accurate assessments of theirabilities.

To add excitement to the festival, mini-friendly tournaments were organised for different age groups, providing a lively conclusion to whatwasasuccessfulevent.

Coach ColinTasher reflected on the festival, noting its competitive natureandtheabundanceoftalentshowcased.“Thisyear’sfestivalwas very competitive across all aspects of football. We got to see a lot of talent in one place and a glimpse into the future of football in Guyana,” Tasher stated. He also highlighted the enthusiasm and skill level of the youngplayers,recognizingastrongpooloftalentinthecountry

CoachTasher also praised the GFF for organising such a successful festival and expressed optimism about the future of Guyanese football.

“With the success we’ve seen this year and the continued efforts of the GFF, we will see many more strong players representing Guyana in the nearfuture,”heconcluded.

GFF-KoolkidzGrassrootsSummerprogrammeunderscoresWayne Forde’scommitmenttolifttheleveloffootballinGuyana,whilegiving everychildanequalopportunitytoreachtheirfullestpotential.

In a brief comment, Forde viewed in on the overall purpose of the festival,saying,“Ourgoalistocreatewholesomeactivitiesfortheboys and girls during their August break. The children who are already playing football are given an opportunity to develop new skills, play competitive games and make new friends. Those kids who are not involved in football got a chance to experience the world’s greatest sportinafunfilledenvironmentanddevelopalifelongloveandpassion for football. The Kool Kidz Summer Festival is about fun, laughter, friendshipandofcourse–football.”

Participants paying keen attention during a lecturing session with GFF representative.

moment! Sponsor representative handing over trophies for individual performances at the conclusion of the 2024 programme.


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