Kaieteur News

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Amid oil boom, Hilton heads to Guyana to set up two hotels

Hilton on Wednesday announced itsdebutinGuyanawiththesigningof a dual-brand project planned for the capital,Georgetown.

The upcoming Hilton Georgetown and DoubleTree Suites by Hilton Georgetown owned by an affiliate of Assets Group and managed by Hilton will mark the company’s first entry into the country, bringing a combined totalof411roomstothecity Guyana’s rapidly expanding oil and gas sector has attracted significant international attention, leading to increased demand for high-quality hospitalityservices.

Essequibo men charged for raping underaged girls

Jagdeo on Wednesday told reporters that the

This development is part of an government generally provides lands for oceanfront, mixed-use business and significantdevelopments. entertainment complex The Hilton

He made reference to the government’s Georgetown will cater to both business and policy regarding incentives and said in some leisure travelers, offering world-class cases land is given to facilitate the accommodations and amenities The construction of more hotels due to the DoubleTree Suites by Hilton Georgetown, shortageofrooms. whichwillfeature158suites,aimstoprovide

Jagdeo highlighted the results of these anupscaleexperienceforextendedstays. policies, noting that seven international

Ahighlightoftheprojectistheexpansive hotels are currently under construction, with conference center, which includes a 25,900threeadditionalprojectsfollowing. square-foot ballroom and additional meeting

“If you want to build a hotel now anyone rooms covering 10,800 square feet. These and it’s an international hotel The facilities are expected to position government will give you the incentive Georgetown as a leading destination for regime. It’s not preferential. It’s not for one businesseventsintheregion. person.It’sacrosstheboard.Everyhotelwill

Withover225hotelscurrentlyopenanda get the same regime, and we will work with pipeline of more than 170 properties, Hilton you to find the land to build it,” he said at his plans to expand into eight new countries and weekly press conference held at Freedom territories,includingGuyana,by2027. House,RobbStreet. Meanwhile, Vice President Bharrat

men from



iver He Magistrates’ Court before Two have been charged with appeared on Monday at the Magistrate Clark on rape and were granted bail in Charity Magistrates’ Court Tuesday The 18-year-old is separate court appearances before Magistrate Tamieka chargedwithrapingafemale this week. The men were Clark who read the charge to student under the age of 16 identified as Desmond him The Prosecutor between September 1, 2023, George, a 35-year-old objected to bail. However, and September 30, 2023. resident from Charity $300,000bailwasgrantedon Despite objections to bail Housing Scheme, Essequibo condition that the accused being granted, Williams was Coast and Nicolas Williams, reports to the Station placed on $300,000 bail on an 18-year-old from Sergeant at the Charity condition that he must not Onderneeming Sand Pit, Police Station every last interfere with the victim or EssequiboCoast. Friday of the month. George her family He is scheduled George is accused of is set to return to court on to return to court on raping a woman from the September23,2024. September 26, 2024 for the Essequibo Coast on July 22, Meanwhile, Williams disclosureofstatements.

the 2023, at Siriki, Upper appeared at theAnna Regina Essequibo Coast,
oon R
Desmond George
Nicolas Williams

Jagdeo denies any relationship with Fulcrum owner

Vice President (VP) Chairman of the People’s administration.

- says only met the former ExxonMobil VP once

in January 2024 seeking Bharrat Jagdeo on Thursday National Congress Reform Holder was also keen to private sector pitches for the said he does not have any (PNC/R),ShurwayneHolder point out, “The public is also d e s i g n , f i n a n c i n g , relationship with the owner calling for a probe into what privy to allegations of construction, and operation of a one-year-old company he described as the corruption in the oil and gas of gas infrastructure to that his government handed q u e s t i o n a b l e g a s industry as per the Vice support current and future the contract to monetise monetisation deal The News video release of upstream developments in Guyana’s gas, saying that he Shadow Minister of Natural discussions between VP Guyana. only met the man once Resources told this JagdeoandSuZhiRong.”

Proposalswereopenedin although he was Vice newspaper on Tuesday that Jagdeo’s throw support February this year and by President of ExxobnMobil the award of the contract to Jagdeo however, has June, President Irfaan Ali Guyanaforseveralyears. Fulcrum LNG has set off thrown his support behind announced the contract Chief Executive Officer alarm bells. He explained, the one-year-old company, award to Fulcrum LNG (CEO) of Fulcrum LNG “WhileIunderstandfullythe although questions abound According to company Jesus Bronchalo worked for experience of the company’s about its lack of experience records, seen by this 19 years at ExxonMobil and (Chief Executive Officer) with no known projects publication, Bronchalo is spent quite a few years in CEOintheoilandgassector, completed to monetise gas also Secretary, Treasurer, Exxon.

direction or did not want to Guyana.Concernshavebeen we must consider that the resources He had told Director and President of the A deeper dive into the go in that direction of raised about a possible company which he leads has reporters at a previous press company that has been company’s records also led monetising the gas in the conflict of interest situation been established just a year conference that the c o n t r a c t e d b y t h e Kaieteur News to the early period, they said they regarding the issue and the ago and has no track record Government of Guyana Government of Guyana business address of Fulcrum needed the gas to be reopposition has even hinted ofundertakingsuchprojects. (GoG) was aware of the (GoG). From all indications, LNG. The energy company injected. We have a different thattopgovernmentofficials I assume it’s a company company’s link to U.S oil he has only hired one operates from what appears view.” mighthavelinkstothedeal. operation and not a one man giant, ExxonMobil and had employee. to be a two-storey guest Headded,“Onthefaceof Kaieteur News on show.” no qualms about it, since the K a i e t e u r N e w s houselocatedat937TAHOE it, I thought it was the best Thursday asked Jagdeo: Moreover, Holder founder of Fulcrum LNG discoveredthatIvorEllulhas Boulevard, Incline Village, proposal that the evaluators “How would you describe insisted that the conflict of had already cut ties with been hired as Technical Nevada, USA Fulcrum cameupwithandthat’swhat your relationship with the interest involving the Exxon Research by this Director at Fulcrum LNG. LNG, according to company we’re looking for, so there is CEOofFulcrumanddidyou company’s CEO and Exxon publication found that He was appointed in July records, operates from Suite nothing I found wrong with at anytime during your cannotbeignored. Fulcrum LNG was founded 2023 and previously worked 130B. The CEO’s link to theevaluationofthebidsand interactions discuss gas The Opposition Member by Bronchalo who worked at Schlumberger GeoQuest American oil super major I don’t see anything that has monetization?” Jagdeo of Parliament said, “I don’t 19 years and one month for and CiSK Ventures, Ltd, ExxonMobil has sparked come out in any major way responded: “I met the care what (Vice President ExxonMobil The last among others. Ellul held concerns among Guyanese, that’s wrong, except for that gentleman once when they Bharrat) Jagdeo says about position he held for the senior positions, including but the government has oh, he worked at one time were making a report on the Exxon not being in favour of company wasVice President Managing Director, dismissedthepossibilityofa with Exxon.” When asked to Gas to Energy Project,it was gas monetisation. You can’t and Chief Commercial Chairman, CEO and conflictofinterest. comment on the fact that a contentious engagement believe anything he says, he Officer for the Guyana President among others in Jagdeo has said that Fulcrum LNG has no known with him because we were often speaks with a forked operations. His tenure ended hiscareer. evaluators were well aware experienceandhasonlybeen discussing the pricing policy tongue, so we cannot just inFebruary2023. The limited experience of Bronchalo’s 19 years of registered for one year now, for the gas that’s the only take Jagdeo’s defense of this According to reports, of the company has raised service at Exxon. The VP the VP continued to defend time I saw him he came as company.” The Shadow Bronchalo five months later- serious questions about its even joked that this may the contract award, insisting part of the taskforce…Never Minister of Natural in July 2023- launched the capacity to fulfill its havepositionedhiscompany that the Founder has years of sawhimagainandthenImet R e s o u r c e s f u r t h e r energy company, Fulcrum contracted obligations above the bidders. “He had experience in the field him subsequent to the award highlighted that the PPP’s LNG, boasting “experience Bronchalo’s company was left Exxon but if anything, through his former of the contract never in track record is stacked with and expertise across all selected as “the most maybe the evaluators employment with Exxon between. So that is clear and companies that lacked aspects of the oil and gas responsive compliant thought that he had the data “But he was there with I shouldn’t really be feeding competence to undertake the value chain, including low- bidder” among 16 others on the gas. I don’t know if Exxonalongtime,buthehas intoit.” work and failed to satisfy the carbon solutions.” The GoG who tendered to develop the they did that, so he would been a project developer for

On Wednesday this terms of their contract, yet subsequently issued a non-associated gas in the have known, because Exxon a long time,” Jagdeo pointed newspap

ted these were defended by the RequestForProposals(RFP) Stabroek Block, operated by does not want to go in that out.

Health Ministry steps up vigilance at ports of entry in response global concerns over Monkeypox -


Mpox is a viral zoonotic infection that results in a rash similar to that of smallpox.

stockpiles vaccines

medical professionals in Guyana are being Emergency Of International Concern up vigilance at the country’s official ports of mobilised to respond swiftly to any potential (PHEIC) by the World Health Organization entry and moved to stockpile vaccines in outbreak He stated that “A National (WHO)afterasurgeofcasesinAfrica.Other response to the growing global concerns Response Committee has been established to cases have been reported elsewhere, such as aboutthespreadofMonkeypox. guide the strategic distribution of the in Sweden Pakistan, the Philippines, or Minister of Health, Dr Frank Anthony vaccines, ensuring that those at greatest risk Argentina, but no infection has so far been disclosedrecentlythathealthworkersatports are prioritised.” Dr Anthony noted too that detected in the Caribbean. There are two of entry across the country have been the laboratory testing capabilities have also strains of the virus, with the Clade I(b) strain instructed to be vigilant for individuals been bolstered for test results to be available being the most virulent and transmissible in showing symptoms of Mpox. Dr Anthony within hours of specimen collection. This the current outbreak Mpox can be said that the country has taken proactive rapid testing is expected to play a crucial role transmitted through direct or indirect contact stance in safeguarding public health, and in containing any potential outbreak by with an infected person, animal, or evenstockpiledvaccinetoprotectvulnerable points, looking for signs of the viral enabling quick identification and isolation of contaminated surfaces Mpox can be populations. He noted the health workers infection,”Dr Anthonystated. infected individuals “If any person is diagnosed in Guyana through RT-PCR have been trained to look out for symptoms In addition to the increased surveillance, infected, they would be isolated at the analysis at the National Public Health suchasthecharacteristicskinrashassociated Dr Anthony noted the Ministry of Health has Infectious Disease Hospital, Liliendaal, for Reference Laboratory in Georgetown, the with the virus. “Port health officers have already stockpiled Mpox vaccines He between two to four weeks,” the minister authorities also explained while urging undergone specialised training to identify explained that “These vaccines will be said.

healthcare professionals to send all samples potential cases of Mpox among incoming administered to specific segments of the Mpox is a viral zoonotic infection that within 24 hours of collection or keep them passengers These officers are now population deemed most vulnerable to the results in a rash similar to that of smallpox. refrigerated within one hour for up to six conducting visual inspections at all entry virus.”Further,theHealthMinisternotedthat The malady was declared a Public Health days.

Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo


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Govt. and the media

OnWednesdayoneofourcolumnistsPeepingTomput thespotlightonthegovernment’sresorttoattackingthetwo privately-ownednewspapers,KaieteurNewsandStabroek News and pointed out how grossly biased the national broadcaster,NCNandtheGuyanaChroniclehavebeen.

Thecolumnistaddedthattheindependentnewspapers, Kaieteur News and Stabroek News, by giving voice to governmentcritics,performavitalservice:holdingpower toaccount,andprovidingaplatformforthosemarginalised bythegovernment’snarrative.Thecolumnaddedthatwere it not for these outlets, the voices questioning the government’s actions on a range of issues would be drownedinaseaofstate-sanctionedpropaganda.

The state media as was rightly observed has become a mouthpieceofthegovernment.Insteadofapublicservice, it has become a mirror reflecting only the government’s image. Its editorial line is an echo of the ruling party’s talkingpoints.

Take for example the Guyana Chronicle; it serves no useful purpose other than regurgitating content being producedbytheDepartmentofPublicInformation.

In fact, the DPI, Guyana Times and all the other PPP surrogate news entities individually and collectively are doing a far greater, more professional job in selling the governmentthantheGuyanaChronicle.

OnanygivendayyoureadtheChronicleitisasclearas day that the paper lacks structure, direction, coordination andfocus.Itseemslikethedailytaskoftheeditorsthereis tojustproduceapaperregardlessofhoworiginal,credible andrelevantthecontentis.

Thisisatravesty,buttheVicePresident,BharratJagdeo the super minister in President Ali’s Government spends endless time to critique the editorials and news articles of theStabroekNewsandKaieteurNewsathisweeklypress conferences. He even goes as far as suggesting which organisations these newspapers should cover and what should be their focus. He demonstrates when probing questions are asked of him. He does not want to be accountabletothecitizens,butrathercontrolthenarrative withhisweeklyrabblerousing.TheVPissoincensedatthe privatenewspapersthathedescendsintomudslingingand character assassination. Guyana is poorer with him at the helmofthisnation.

The state media is not even serving the PPP/C well. When Jagdeo himself has had to resort to the Guyanese Critic to give exclusive interviews and announce major policy initiatives and plans tells you how bad things have gotteninthepublicinformationsector

LiketheChronicle,thesamecouldbesaidofNCNthat cedes no place for even a positive story coming out of Congress Place or from theAFC.Theairwaves both radio andtelevisionisdominatedbyPPPCmessaging,evensome of the broadcasters have donned Freedom House party colours.

ItisinstructiveofhowbadthingsareinGuyanawhenit comestopressfreedomwhentheverycountriesthatdidso much to settle our political storms in 2020, are now promptedtospeaktowhathasbeenbecomingtoomuchthe norm in Guyana. The list of abuses hurled at the independentpressislongandtroubling. Thoughonlyafew entitiesqualify,bywayofdedicationtofearlessduty,forthe accolade of ‘independent’ their work has become increasinglyendangered,andtheirexistencesqueezedinto narrowerandnarrowercorners.

Therealpress,thecompanyofauthenticprofessionals, has been locked out, hidden from, treated to a different standard. Thebestthatcanbesaidisthatitisalower,more worryingstandard;theworstisthatithasbeennostandard at all, save for the unacceptable ugliness, for the obscene thatexceedscivilizedlimits.

The PPPC Government is the leading culprit in the excessesmetedoutagainstthepress,thejaggedbarbsthat have become an inseparable part of the workbench of

Groups in solidarity with the Coverden community and demand independent EIAon PWSI operations


, We write in solidarity with Coverden and its community advocates, Penelope Howell and Audreyanna Thomas, who have exposed alleged b


Environmental Protection Act(EPAct)andruleoflaw in the awarding of an environmental permit to Professional Waste Solutions Incorporated (PWSI) by the EPA to operate an on-shore oil and gaswasteprocessingfacility intheircommunity

PWSIwasestablishedon June1st,2023andaccording to its website, describes itself as a 100% Guyaneseowned waste management enterprise, specializing in handling of exploration and production (E&P) of waste derived from the oil and gas sector Further, it states: “Our strategically chosen headquartersliesadjacentto

Coverden, Block X, Public Road EBD.” It has been further verified that the owner of BlockX is one Mr Jettoo. However, there have been no consultations conductedbyPWSIwiththe

Coverden community, and no specific information disseminated, nor any discussions held concerning thisnewcompany

Amongst questions posedbyPenelopeHowellin hersecondopenlettertothe EPAarethefollowing:

Who is available to engage us on this most “troubling development” at thistime?

What sort of “waste” shallbetreated?

Where shall the “waste” besourcedfrom?

What exactly are the “usable products” that this waste shall be transformed into?

Itshouldberecalledthat in 2022 another waste facility, “Non Destructive Testers” operated by a Trinidadian company, was similarly awarded an environmentalpermitbythe EPA - with waiver of Environment & Social ImpactAssessment (EIA)and without due process for engaging community members and providing necessary information, etc.

The Coverden community protested and objected and benefitted from a Public H e a r i n g b y t h e

Environmental Assessment Board (EAB), then chaired by Ms Pradeepa Bholanath. On July 21, 2022, and after listening to the community and investigating the situation, the EAB overturned /set aside the EPA’s environmental permit for the company and the projectwassuspended.Both Ms Howell and Ms Thomas were key community representatives in that matter; so they know the ropes and what their rights are and what is due process undertheEPAct.

The EPA issued a Press Release last week (dated August 21, 2024) “in responsetorecentarticleson OilandGasWasteTreatment Facility at Coverden” In summary,theEPAstatedthat it had granted a 5-year E n v i r o n m e n t a l Authorisation to a company named Global Oil Environmental Services (GOES) in August 2021 valid until July 2026, “ having screened the project internally and determined that no EIAwas necessary.”Accordingtothe EPA, a Public Hearing was held on May 10, 2021 and EAB went along with the EPAdecision.

The EPA Press Release states that GOES suspended its Coverden operations in January2023andonJuly10, 2023receivedanapplication (though the actual applicant is not named) to transfer environmental authorization from GOES to Professional ServicesWasteServicesInc. (PWI/PSWI) for this new company to “recommence” operations in Coverden, and that the EPA transferred the permit. The EPA said “it screened the project and determined that that an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) was not required.” This is, however, legally wrong, since Schedule 4 no. 5 of the EP Act requires an EIAfor any installationforthetreatment ofindustrialwaste.

Additionally, there have been no public community c o n s u l t a t i o n s o r engagements by this new PWSI entity; Further, we do not see anywhere a comprehensive listing of PWSI competencies, scientificexpertiseandtrack record in the handling or storage of hazardous oil & gaswaste,northe (Continuedonpage06)

Theextentofcorruptionthatexistedduringthedictatorship wasrelativelysmallwhencomparedwiththevolumeof moneypilferedfromthetreasuryoverthelastdecade

DearEditor, MrNigelHinds(Aug25) raised several apt but controversialissues,someof which need a response. He

advocates economic nationalism,givingapassto local businesses sanctioned for corruption while also calling for better opportunitiesforthepoor

Everycountryengagesin political and economic nationalism But extreme nationalist sentiment harms

a country as it drives away capital and does not feed hungry bellies or lead to

r a p i d e c o n o m i c development Burnham’s

extreme nationalism bankrupted the economy

Countries that have

experienced rapid development in recent decades, including China and India and the Asian tigers, did so because of capitalismandnoteconomic nationalism attractive, f

honestandhardworkingjournalists. Weatthispublication should know, for our people have felt the brunt of the wickednessconcocted,havebeenmadespecialtargetsfor what is grimy, what savages most claims of good governance,ofethicalpoliticalleadership.

ItisclearthePPPCGovernmenthasdeclaredavirtual war on the few professionals in the local media stream, whoseektogettothebottomofsubstantivedevelopments in the oil and gas sector The full truths swirling there under shrouds of secrecy are defended with frightening determination,passion,andenergy Theresultisthatthere has been consistent Government callousness intended to intimidate, to chase away, and to decimate the ranks of those pressing for truths and facts. Not what bolsters government stories, and boosts the image of leaders, but whatareofnothingbutthefullnessoftruthsandfacts.

When press freedoms, freedom of opinion, and freedom to work, are all subject to escalating indignity, then what is in motion is not democracy, but the stealthy marchofheinoustyranny.


HindsaskedifBurnham, Jagan, and Hoyte would haveacquiescedto(foreign) sanctions on local business persons over corruption Neither Burnham, Hoyte or Jagan would have objected to enforcement of sanctions on the egregiously corrupt. Whywouldagovernmentor itsleaderresistsanctionsand indictment of corrupt businesses or persons? It would be akin to condoning corruption. One should note thattheextentandamountof corruption that existed during the dictatorship was relatively small when compared with the volume of money pilfered from the treasuryoverthelastdecade.

It was reported that Burnham regime was corrupt, but the ruler exercisedrelativecontrolon corruptionalthoughhenever indicted anyone for stealing state wealth. Jagan had zero tolerance for corruption Hoyte sought to end corruption and also sold off s t a t e a s s e t s ; h e denationalized state corporations. Thus, foreign

sanctionsagainstthecorrupt during the presidencies of the above were not necessary Also, the Americans only recently started going aft

r corruption after enactment of the global anti corruption Act Corruption poses a grave danger to democracy, and therefore, sanctions againstthecorruptshouldbe welcomed Hoyte, Jagan, and Burnham would have endorsed sanctions against the corrupt. The Americans are not sanctioning all businesses but only those that have been tied to run away acts of corruption in cahoots with crooked government officials. Jagan, a man of incorruptible honesty, most certainly would have supported such action. It is noted that USA government has not only sanctioned Guyanese business persons and businesses but corrupt government officials also. Would American hands off approach been better for Guyana?

Hinds unjustifiably attackedExxonandother


Many questions about that proposed new Berbice River bridge

DEAREDITOR, I note with some alarm, the statement or rather decision of the present Administration, the PPP to build another bridge across theBerbiceRiver

Firstly, has the location forthisnewspendingofour moneybeenidentifiedandif so, where is the technical engineering study to justify the location of this billion dollarproject?

Second, are we drifting into the silly season related to the existing Berbice River Bridge? As such, I publicly challenge the Government to deny or comment on any of the following.:

*Adetailed study was done for the building of a bridge across the Berbice

River, when I was

Minister The report should be in the archives oftheMinistryofWorks

T h a t r e p o r t recommended that the bridge be built from

Ithaca, West Bank Berbice River to a point between Rotterdam and Stanleytown, on the East Bank of the Berbice River

The study revealed that the Berice River was narrower at that point and

theriverwasgenerallycalm. Thesoilonbothbanksofthe river were firmer and suitable for this type of construction. When the site of the present bridge was identified during the PPP regime, it was pointed out that the cost to build the bridge, north of the recommended location, wouldbesubstantiallymore thattheIthaca,Stanleytown, Rotterdamlocation.

If I recall, it almost doubled the cost It is for t h a t r e a s o n , t h a t international financial agencies, the World Bank, etc.refusedtoprovidefunds for the bridge at its present location, which deemed it irresponsibleandfinancially awaste..

The PPP Government

then with typical stubbornness created a private company and took money from the National InsuranceScheme(NIS)and others to fund the bridge. In passing, this contributed to the failure of the NIS to satisfy its obligation to workers as intended by architects of the NIS under t h e B u r n h a m administration.

Those of us who know t h e h i s t o r y a n d demographics of Ithaca and Stanleytown -

Rotterdam, need not go too far to get the reason for shifting the bridge at a greater cost to its present location.

Editor, I ask that you

possible), when next the Government functionary talks about a new Berbice RiverBridge.

I’ve heard while in East B

ce, G

functionaries claimed that the decision to locate the bridge where it is now, was not political and that it had noth

do with improving the livelihood of people at Ithaca and the people of StanletownRotterdam.

I await a response from a Government that

transparency and talks about‘OneGuyana.’

Before Independence, the Insignia on our public buildings was that of the garter, a maxim in the Anglo-Norman language, a dialect of old Norman French spoken by the mediaeval ruling class in England. ‘ Honi Soit Qui mal pense - he modern translation meaning evil be tohimwhoevilthinks.

I urge the President to fulfill his promises and turn our community into a true masterpiece

DEAREDITOR, I read with interest the Stabroek News editorial titled “Masterpiece,” dated August 18, where President Irfaan Ali, during the opening of the recent Building Expo, extolled Silica City on the highway, callingithis“masterpiece.”

Several thoughts came to mind when I read those words Is Silica City going to be another of the P r e s i d e n t ’ s “masterpieces,” similar to the Remigrant Scheme atProvidenceGarden?

Allow me to remind readers of the history of the Remigrant Scheme Guyanese in the diaspora were urged to take advantage of the house lots at the Remigrant Scheme at Providence, E



establishedseveralyearsago bythecurrentadministration toprovideaNorthAmerican style of living for Guyanese inthediaspora.


Remigrant Scheme is fa

masterpiece Instead, it h

community plagued by

broken promises, brown and black drinking water, and ineffective drainage systems

I hope the new Silica City will not follow the same pa

h as the RemigrantScheme

T h e R e m i g r a n t Scheme was envisioned a

citizens returning from overseas, but todayitisno longer true to that purpose, as mo

purchased homes in the scheme.

Of the over 400 house lots, only about 25 percent of the homes are c o m p l e t e d T h e remaining lots, although sold,arenowovergrownand home to anacondas, mosquitoes,andotters.

I urge the President to fulfill his promises and turnourcommunityintoa truemasterpiece

We paid some of the highest per square foot for land in Guyana, and we deserve to see that investment reflected in the qualityofourcommunity Regards


Ali sidesteps concerns about new Berbice River Bridge …launchespoliticalattackinstead

In a recent outreach to RegionSix,PresidentIrfaan Ali sidestepped concerns raised by the Alliance For Change(AFC)regardingthe proposednewBerbiceRiver Bridge, opting instead to accuse the opposition party o f h y p o c r i s y a n d obstructionism.

Thisresponsecameafter the AFC called for transparency of a feasibility study and justification before the government proceeds with the bridge project, which could have significant financial implications for Guyanese taxpayers.

According to a video posted on Facebook, during the outreach, President Ali, accompaniedbyAgriculture Minister Zulfikar Mustapha and Tourism, Industry and Commerce Minister Oneidge Walrond, criticised theAFCforraisingconcerns onthenewbridge.Insteadof directly addressing the concerns about the bridge’s potentialcostwhichcouldbe around US$260 million, feasibility, and impact, the President launched into a critique of the AFC’s past actions, particularly their handling of the sugar industry during their time in government.

“Look at the hypocrites that we have in AFC. You know, when we were in opposition, when they shut down,allthesugarestatesin Region Six and across the country, close to 8000 people directly lost their jobs,mostofwhomarefrom Region Six,” the head-ofstate said in a video shared on social media He continued, “and today, the same people, it’s not feasibility study that they want for Berbice Bridge again…”

Hewentontoaccusethe AFCofattemptingtostymie development in regions where they believe investmentscouldbeseenas political moves “But inherently, these hypocrites can’t help themselves, anything developmental they gotta stop, anything in certainregions,theyhaveto stop. They believe that any investment in these regions is a political investment and then they try to lie to the people.”

PresidentAliassuredthe public that the new Berbice RiverBridgewouldbebuilt, promisingthatitwouldbring significant benefits to commuters and the region’s economy “But I’ll make sure the Berbice River

Bridgewillbedone,andthe and the commuters very shortly with a series of announcements, a series of interventionwewillmaketo make it more competitive, less costly, more efficient and we already said Berbice is going to be a major industrialarea,”Alisaid.

Ali contended that the AFCdoesnotcareaboutthe development of the country and is only interested in “politicalexpediency.”“The people of Region Six must askthemselves,whyisitthis samegroupofpeople,again, aretryingtoblockafourlane bridge across the Berbice River that will help them, that will work 24 hours, improve efficiency, and that will create the opportunity for the expansion of trade, i m p r o v e m e n t o f competitiveness, creation of jobs, and the build out of what we’re going to see in RegionSix,”headded.

AFCConcerns In their statement on Monday the AFC made it clear that while they are not opposedtodevelopmentand modernisation,theyinsiston responsible governance whenitcomestolarge-scale public expenditure The party called on the government to release any

pre-feasibility studies that have informed the decision to move forward with the bridge project. They also stressed the importance of conductingacomprehensive feasibility study and an Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) before proceeding with any furtherdevelopments.

According to reports the current Berbice River Bridge, which was

constructed between 2006 and 2008 at a cost of $8 billion, received financial backing through loans and equity contributions from various entities, including the state-run National InsuranceScheme(NIS)and private investors. It must be noted that the bulk of the money invested in the Berbice Bridge came from NIS Sharing ownership percentages in the Berbice Bridge Company Inc (BBCI): National Industrial a n d C o m m e r c i a l Investments Ltd (NICIL) holds 10 percent, NIS owns 20 2 percent, and other stakeholders include Handin-HandFireInsurance (Continuedonpage16)



transporting of same. In our opinion, this is unethical business practice, and not legally viable for EPA to simplyreplaceonecompany with another through an internal review and “transference” of a permit withoutdueprocess.

To date the EPA has never required EIAs for any of the numerous onshore services and supplier companies to oil and gas companies, including, for example, Schlumberger Guyana Inc, and Tiger Rentals, even though the hazardous nature of oil and gaswastesiswellknownand documented.

What we know of hazardous offshore waste accordingtoERM’sEIAsis thatforLiza1andforLiza2, some13,144metrictonnesequivalent to 28,977,559.7 pounds or 85% of the hazardous wastes generated in those offshore oil fieldsare being transported to onshore waste management facilities. (pg. 59 table 2-6, Liza 1 EIA& pg. 2-51 table 2.12-8 Liza 2 EIA). These totalsdonotincludePayara, presently in full production mode These types of hazardous wastes include drilling muds and cuttings whicharecontaminateswith heavy metals (e g , lead, mercury) hydrocarbons and naturally occurring radioactive materials (NORM). Produced water, scalesandsludgewhichtend to be highly hazardous and associated with NORM wastes that accumulate inside pipelines and tanks, requirespecialhandlingand disposal, posing risks of radiation exposure to w o r k e r s a n d t h e environment Unused or spent hazardous chemicals used in drilling, production and maintenance, such as corrosion inhibitors, biocides, and cleaning agents, are toxic, corrosive,

orreactive,requiringcareful handlinganddisposal.These wastes require careful management to prevent e n v i r o n m e n t a l contamination and protect human health, so it is alarmingtoknowthatPWSI intends to use the byproducts of these hazardous wastes for construction and roadbuilding.

The EPAct outlines not only procedures for Environmental Impact Assessments(EIAs)butalso identifies the types of projects requiring EIAs T h e s e i n c l u d e –

“construction works, installations or schemes, the extraction of natural resources or any other project which may significantly affect the environment. Such projects are required to apply to the EPA for an environmental permit and submit a project summary which includes site, design, size of project, effects on environment, duration of project and nontechnical explanation of the project.”Oil&gaswastefall intothecategoryofaproject which would affect the environment and the wellbeing of communities within, next to or bordering such a project We once again call attention to the fundamental rights and protections of Guyanese citizens under our

Constitution: Specifically: Article25whichoutlinesthe dutyofcitizenstoparticipate in activities geared towards improvement of the environment & protection of the health of all Guyanese, Article146whichguarantees freedom of expression and participation - “No person shall be hindered in the enjoyment of participating in the management and decision-making processes of the State” further guaranteed by Article 13;

Article 149D which guarantees equality before

the law; And the Escazú Agreement which Guyana has signed and ratified, whichamplifiestherightsof personstoasafeandhealthy environment with full disclosureofinformationfor all projects impacting the environment and human well-beingandguaranteeing t h e p r o t e c t i o n o f environmentaldefenders. We affirm our solidarity with the Coverden community and register the followingdemands:

An independent EIA on PWSI operations Project summary detailing PWSI capacityandtrackrecord,its operations, types of waste it will “process”, all health, environmental and safety provisions in place and all waste transportation requirements as set out in Guyana EP Act The characterization of all types of waste that will be acquired, transported, received, stored, processed and otherwise handled by PWSI Publication of a public notice by the EPAas required by the EPAAct on thespecificPWSIprojectso astoallowforanyquestions / objections to be raised by affected persons A cease order to be immediately placed on PWSI to halt all activitiesuntiltheyconform will the EPAct and Rule of Law including public consultations and information-sharingdirectly with the Coverden communityandthepublicat large.

Sincerely, Danuta Radzik, Dr Janette Bulkan, Vanda Radzik, Elizabeth DeaneHughes,Dr Alissa Trotz, Jocelyn Dow, Joy Marcus, Susan Collymore, Red Thread, Leila Jagdeo, Fred Collins, Sherlina Nageer, Alfred Bhulai, Dr Vincent Adams, Dr. Ulric Trotz, Dr. T r o y T h o m a s , Transparency Institute of GuyanaInc.(TIGI)


Not very Presidential

OnMonday,theAllianceForChange(AFC) raised concerns about the Government of Guyana’s new high-span concrete bridge across the Berbice River, demanding transparencyandjustificationfortheproject.

They also questioned the future of the current bridge under its concessional agreementandpotentialcompensationissues.

PresidentIrfaanAli’sresponsewasanything but demure. Instead of addressing these concerns with the measured, respectful tone one would expect to educate citizens, he dismissed the AFC’s concerns, calling them hypocritesandfocusingonunrelatedissues.

This lack of thoughtful engagement is a disappointing departure from the leadership Guyanadeserves.

Govt.inks US$161 million contract to reconstruct Linden-Soesdyke Highway

- project includes 2,900 street lights, reflective road markings, lay-bys for trucks

The government of markings and lay-bys for

US$183,567,095 according Guyana on Wednesday trucks. to the Ministry of Public signed a US$161M contract Kaieteur News reported Works’engineer’sfigure. with Trinidadian firm t h a t t h e N a t i o n a l The upgrade to the Namalco Construction Procurement and Tender Soesdyke-Linden Highway Services (from Trinidad & Administration Board is being funded by a loan Tobago)injointventurewith (NPTAB) published on its f r o m t h e I s l a m i c Guyamerica Construction website that Namalco and Development Bank (IsDB) Inc. (Guyana) to reconstruct Guyamerica were awarded a n d i s t h e f i r s t the Linden- Soesdyke the US$161,369,374 developmentalprojectthatis Highway contractonJune26,2024. being funded by Bank in The reconstructed Kaieteur News also Guyana. highway is aimed at reported that the joint It was reported in May a c c o m m o d a t i n g t h e venture companies were 2023 that the Government of increasing tonnage that amongfourbiddersvyingfor Guyana and the Islamic traverses the Highway daily the contract when it was DevelopmentBank,signeda The project will include the opened in January 2024 at US$200M Framework

Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Public Works, Vladim Persaud (center) signing the US$161 million contract with the contractors for the Linden-Soesdyke Highway project on Wednesday.

installation of some 2,900 NPTAB. The project was A g r e e m e n t f o r t h e the rehabilitation and Linden. be pedestrian bridges at the street lights, reflective road e s t i m

highway Theprojectwillsee the other at Five Corner in from one section, there will

e d t o c o s t reconstruction of the reconstr


on of 73 “This project will bring sideofthemajorbridges,”he kilometresofthehighway jobtoalotofpeoplebecause detailed.

Speaking of the scope of when this highway is In addition to that, the works at the signing rehabilitated there will be PublicWorksMinisterstated ceremony, which was held at 2,900 street lights along the thatinrelationtothedangers the Mighty Enchanter Creek entire highway. For the of trucks parked on the on the highway, Minister of persons living on the highway and not being Public Works, Juan Edghill highway let me tell you properlylitatnight,theywill said that the project will see about this project, all the be introducing lay-bys so the construction of three bridgeswillbedone,andyou there will be more places for roundabouts, one at the nolongerhavetowalkonthe trucks to park on the side of Soesdyke-Linden junction, bridge in the middle of the theroadandnottoobstruct one at Millie’s Hide Out and traffic when you moving (Continued on page 16)

The triumph of anarchy over order

Is there nothing we can getrightinGuyana?Takefor example all these commercial and industrial concerns that are propping up in housing districts; they are destroying the quality of lifeofcitizens.

Imagine you are a pensioner and want to retire in peace. But the authorities decide to grant permission for your neighbouring property to be turned into a religious house, or a bar or evenafactory,obliviousand unconcernedastotheeffects onyou.

Thisiswhatishappening inGuyana.Zoning,oncethe heraldoforderandsanityin urban planning, has become the relic of a bygone era. It has become as obsolete as the rotary phone or the typewriter

InGuyana,itappearswe have dispensed with zoning in favour of a wild, unfettereduseofland,where the boundaries between residentialandindustrialare blurred, if not obliterated altogether The recent inferno that consumed a furniture and pillow factory, astoragebond,andinflicted damageonanearbybuilding within a residential housing scheme on the East Coast is but a symptom of a deeper malaise the complete abandonment of common sense.

The rules were once clear:housingschemeswere meant for housing, not for factories, not for storage bonds, not for the kind of industrial concerns that transform tranquil neighborhood

sintopotentialfiretraps.But somewhere along the way, these rules have been eroded, forgotten, or willfully ignored. Zoning laws, it seems, have been sacrificed on the altar of expedienceandprofit.What use is a law if it is not enforced? What good is a regulation if it can be sidestepped by the greasing of palms or the right connectionsinhighplaces?

When the Diamond Housing Scheme was first developed, it was supposed to be one of order and planning a community designedforfamilies,notfor commerce or industry

Today, what was once a residential haven has morphed into a commercial free-for-all, where former housing lots have been converted into a medley of businesses, each one chipping away at the peace and safety of the neighborhood.

One does not need the wisdom of Solomon to understand that this would never have been possible without the tacit or explicit permission of those in authority And so, we must ask: who is responsible for thisdescentintochaos?Who has allowed the rules to be bent, broken, and discarded likesomuchrefuse?

Theconsequencesofthis laxityarenotconfinedtothe occasional fire or the creeping blight of commercial encroachment. For those who have the misfortunetolivenearthese industrial concerns, life

becomesadailygamble.The threattotheirhomesiseverpresent, an unseen menace thatlurksinthebackground, ready to strike at any moment Insurance companies, ever wary of risk, become reluctant to offer coverage, and when they do, it is at a premium an additional burden on homeowners already stretched thin Safety and security, once taken for granted, are now luxuriestobepaidfor

Yet, the most egregious example of this creeping anarchy comes not from the factoriesandbusinesses,but from the disruption of the sacred. In the Mahaica area, atemple,aplaceofworship and tranquillity, finds itself besieged by the raucous cacophony of a nearby resort Or so says the members of the temple

Regardless, however, one w o n d e r s w h a t considerations, if any, were given to the temple when permission was granted for the resort. Was there no thought to the potential disruption of religious ceremonies, no respect for thesanctityofthespace?Ina society where the spiritual still holds sway, the thoughtless granting of permission for such an establishment is not just a lapse in judgment; it is an affront to the very fabric of thecommunity

The situation demands not just inquiry but action. The government must investigate how and why these breaches of zoning h a v e b e e n


Dem big trucks mashing up de road to de prison

Dem big trucks deh mashing up de road to de prison, and yuh got to wonder if dem drivers even know who got to use de road! Man, demtrucksheavierthanafullSundaypotof cook-up! Every time one pass, de whole place does shake like a mini-earthquake. Andisnotlikedemtruckscarryingfeather or pillow; dem got bricks, cement, and everythingbutdekitchensink. Now,look,weunderstanddetrucksgot wuk to do, but man, ease up pon de poor roadnah!Deprisonersgottousedatsame road, and when dem bounce around in de prisonvan,dembackcan’ttekit.Yuhknow isbadwhenevendeprisonersbeggingfuh smooth ride. Dem does complain, “Ow, de roadharderthanwesentence!”

And don’t even talk about de government! Every time dem big trucks pass and mash up de road, is more money wegottoborrowfuhfixit.Degovernment does call up dem foreign bank and say,

allowed to occur. More than that, there must be accountability—those who have allowed residential areas to be overrun by commercial and industrial interests must be held to account. Higher charges for ratesandtaxesmaybeastart and a deterrent, but they are notasolution.

The time has come to restore order, to reclaim our neighborhoods from the chaos that has been allowed

to take root. Zoning may seem anachronistic to some, but without it, we are left withalandscapeofdisorder, wherethelinebetweenhome and hazard is erased, and where peace is sacrificed on thealtarofprofit.

Zoning was meant to protect us from the folly of ourowngreed,toensurethat homesremainedhomes,and factoriesremainedfactories.

“Hey, we need a lil loan to patch up de potholes again. Yuh know dem trucks mekking it like Swiss cheese.” De foriegn bankpeoplemustbeseh,“Y’allneedtoget yuh road situation under control. We can’t behandingoutloanslikefreesamples.”

But yuh know how it does go. Next thingyuhhear,debigtrucksstillonderoad, de potholes getting bigger, and de government tekking another loan. Maybe dem should just rename de road “Loan Street”andcallitaday Orbetteryet,putup a sign: “Prisoners Need Smooth Ride—DriveLight!”

One day, dem prisoners might be holding up signs saying, “Fix de Road! PrisonersDeserveComfortToo!”Andatde rate dem big trucks breaking up de road, it won’tbelongbeforedathappens.So,listen nah,truckdrivers,dousallafavor:lighten upyuhload,andletdeprisonersenjoydelil roaddemgotleft! Talkhalf.Leffhalf

In abandoning it, we have invited anarchy into our midst,andwehavenooneto blamebutourselves.

(The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinionsofthisnewspaper.)

Where Guyana is, where can it go?

I encourage every Guyana of now What of why I find so many soil to bear fighters born in lowest grass in efforts Guyanesetostudywherethis teachings, what values, what revolting. blood and ready to shed it. to sniff out excuses that country of ours called spirit. Or take the labor With the best and WhyshouldMadurofearone rationalizes sanctity of Guyana is and settle for movement and its leaders: brightest lost, Guyanese Guyanese pretender as being c

e whateversoothestheirsouls. what happened to that could only get the PPP a warrior, one PPP sacredness of Guyana’s The best and brightest long militant spirit of yore, that Government they have. And Machiavellian character national sovereignty has denizens of darkness recoil gone. The moral crater fighting for a farthing extra struggle with an opposition who has been groomed from been besmirched. Eagles inhorror widens and deepens. The for thousands of toilers. By that must first carry itself, the womb to be a man of don’t slither around in low What to expect from a ethicalswampstretchesforth what contagion have such before it can carry anyone. tricks, a servant to guile, and grass like snakes, they soar country deteriorated to this darkly and endlessly The bullocks been diseased, state The boldest and surest gone one well-schooled in the arts with energy and daggers for most self-disrespecting of bold crumbles without a dissipated? Doeseverybody explains why civil society is of deception? Guyanese talons. Considering all this, states? What could be done fight, little of even a genuine have their price, flimsy so limited numerically, have been so treacherous to w

with it, about it, or for it? flicker sparking with stayingpower,feeblestgrasp spinally, intestinally The their own selves that they parliament degraded to, if What to give to it? Where to inspiring incendiary streaks. on the ropes in a ferocious strongest and most assured have little of the traitor’s not a slave master’s house? begin? Why even bother to In aggregate, this is where I death struggle, for one last left and the professional impulse left in them; all used A big, fancy house, where care, to begin again? My am about the Guyana that inch. Is this where life has class withered for want of up. Look at arch imperialist only the crassest kind of issue is that no matter how exists, what Guyanese have solidified? It is better to mental acuity Last, the Alistair Routledge and he colored man and woman are many times I have been left as their legacy of a congratulate Bharrat Jagdeo private sector whored itself knows why he smiles so welcomed.Somebodygotell pushed to get up from the country, a once proud one. and his PPP for having a to the sexiest bidder, biggest archly. the Americans that I said so. ground, I somehow find the No country can become a chest overflowing with bankroller, most committed Check out the most Forget it, since even that is willingnessdeepinsidetodo country when its ethical booty to share with the frail stalker. vauntedandvenerablehouse asking too much of these so and just keep on going. guardians are among the and frivolous who put on an In sum, Guyana is one in this land, the National lowdown, stalking, bush Thus: one seed is planted; most unethical. No volume outward show of manly big setup, put-on, come Assembly of the Guyanese wacking cowards that are some force bigger and better of oil can fuel revitalization, sturdiness. He doesn’t have hither, and then the long, peopleandthereispartofthe peers. Iwilldoitmyself. than me comes and takes therequisitetransformation. a measly 30 pieces of silver huge, hard let down. I see a continuum of the stark I wait with glee to see matters from there to Pick any context, and to share, but 300 times 30, bigfarce,wherenobodyisas grimness that stalks this whofrominsidethePPPthat wherever they must lead. those that the PPP and can effortlessly extend he or she appears, and country Why is there no Ali and Jagdeo has cobbled There is still hard ground to Government has not bought that 300 to 3000 times 30 for nothing is as it seems. Yes, I tone goddamn legal eagle t o g e t h e r w o u l d b e cover, and determined foes out before, it buys out today Guyana’s now countless wax unapologetically in who is fiercely outraged that dispatched to social media toovercome,soImustgoon. to betray those trusting in sellers Confirmation absolute terms today in this the supremacy of this (or any other channel or If the Fates have determined them. The context could be swarms re the roost of freest expression of my nation’s sovereignty lies charnel house) to strike me that it must be alone, then the shepherds of religious betrayers that roam this land thoughts, this harsh cri de prostrate because it has been down for ravishing the that is what it must be. The houses: no backbone, no in all sizes, genders, colors, Coeur for a country that has subjugated by the white virginal innocence of the choice is not mine to make. serene magnificence amid and orientations. Ordinary lost its stones, bones, and man’s wiles. Are these party and its conjurers. For Still, the human components thehalf-acreofhellthatisthe Guyanese now get a glimpse cojones alongside its fertile proud Guyanese black men now, I am not just offending in me often wish that there and women or paralytic their own tender sensibilities were a few that nucleus of princes? Arethereanynoble rubbed raw for too long. Guyanese on whom one can Guyanese Indian men and Now I toy with and terrorize look w


women who are severely the delicate constitutions of confidence,relyonfully,and wounded in the spirit by this their white friends. Look at conclude that all will be well white gloved slap from lily all of them: from dummy to withtheworld. white hands across the face PhD, from the malevolent to (The views expressed in of every single Guyanese one hoary monstrosity after this article are those of the man, woman, and child? another, and there is Guyana

Our legal eagles should be writ large: the dregs of a necessarily reflect the screamingabovethetreetops society gone to sleaze, gone opinions and beliefs of this and at the street level, not tothedogshowlingfearfully, n

slithering around in the and gone to where even affiliates.)

‘Aunty Lilian’ turns 115

LilianElliotknownasAuntyLilian called has 11 children, 120 years-oldandneverremarriedbecause of Mashabo Lake, Region Two grandchildren, and 80 great hewasherfirstlove. th celebrated her 115 birth anniversary grandchildren. Aunty Lilian thanks God for her onJuly31,2024. According to one of her daughters, longevity and continues to eat cassava Aunty Lilian, as she is fondly she lost her husband when she was 45 bread.

Minister of Human Services and Social Security Vindhya Persaud (centre) with Lilian Elliot and with others as a Dyna ride wheel chair was handed over to her.
Lilian Elliot

UK firm secures major contract for deepwater project offshore Guyana

United Kingdom maintaining a dynamic lazy operation. We look forward based firm CRP waveconfiguration. to future collaborations and

Subsea has been This is achieved using a supporting more projects for awarded a major contract by high-capacity compliant ourvaluedcustomer.” a leading energy technology internal clamp that applies a It was disclosed that the company to supply over 100 controlled, uniform manufacturing of the DBMs Distributed Buoyancy circumferential pressure will take place at CRP Modules (DBMs) for an oil aroundtheriser Subsea’sadvancedfacilityin f

eld project located The clamps ensure that NorthWest England and that a p p r o x

m a t e l y 2 0 0 theDBMsremainsecurelyin the project engineering has kilometersoffshoreGuyana. place, and consequently already begun, with the

The announcement made minimising the risk of delivery of the modules onAugust 23 did not divulge pipeline damage and scheduledforMay2025. any further details on the extending the operational DBMs are typically awardingcompany lifeofthefield. operated between structures

The DBMs will be Ben Stubbens, Head of and a surface vessel or deployed on two 8-inch Sales at CRP Subsea, platform, providing uplift dynamic flexible risers commented on the award, generated by a two-part These risers will play a stating: “We are proud that a buoyancy element and a crucial role in transporting key customer chose us to clamp. oil from subsea installations supply DBMs for this

Moreover, it was stated to a flotation unit positioned project. It’s fantastic to see that CRP Subsea’s unique above They will be our marketing-leading clamping solutions allow operatingatdepthsofaround internal clamp technology operators to securely attach 1,700 metres.The DBMs are continues to be the solution DBMs at any point along the engineeredtomanagethetop of choice. It’s renowned for length of a rigid or flexible tension on the floating reducing installation risks pipeline or cable, ensuring production, storage, and and ensures reliable the modules maintain their offloading (FPSO) unit by deepwater flexible riser position.

CRP Subsea Distributed Buoyancy Modules

Sod turned to build 6 new schools in the last three months

Having been allotted E d u c a t i o n , P r i y a $74 4B to rollout its Manickchand and team had education agenda this year, turned the sod earlier this the Ministry of Education month for the $52,180,950 has turned the sod to signal nurseryschool.

t h e b e g i n n i n g o f The school which will be construction for six new built by Ele’s Trading & schoolsamongotherprojects Hardware is set to be over the last three months. completed within six The construction of the months. It was reported that schools is set to collectively it will benefit approximately cost the government 150childrenfromRockstone approximately$2B. anditssurroundingareas.

The new schools are In June, the minister mostly for the hinterland ventured to the Amerindian regions with five being village of Jawalla in Region secondary schools and one Seven and marked the nurseryschool. c o m m e n c e m e n t o f

Of the list of school construction of a brand new projects which amounted to secondary school there. The a p p r o x i m a t e l y school which will cater for $1,994,549,620, is the up to 250 students will be construction of a new built by Sheriff Construction AlsoinJune,theministry s

- close to $2B being spent

The area earmarked for the Jawalla Secondary School.

school will be built by The construction of nurseryschoolatRockstone, Inc to the tune of turned the sod to commence Waramuri Village, Region Sheriff Construction Inc. to M

Region 10 Minister of $231,959,143. the construction of the first One. The school will be thetuneof$199,376,751. Secondary School in Region constructed by Trevor David Also in that region, the Eight will be built for Construction Services at a sod was turned for the $208,282,809 by contractor costof$326,598,400. Micobie Secondary School K’sTrucking&Construction In Region Eight, the project. The new school, the Service. minister and team visited first in the village will Along with the brand KopinangVillage last month benefit approximately 150 new school projects, the and turned the sod for the s

Minister of Education, Priya Manickch (centre) and team turning the sod recently for the extension of President’s College.

ministry also turned the sod construction of secondary

school there which is set to Engineering Services for extensionsatafew cater for 250 students. The $253,561,500. (Continued on page 16)

Guyana braces for heat wave

-asHydrometServicewarnsof record-breakingtemperatures inSeptember-November

The Hydrometeorological Service of the Ministry of Agriculture on Wednesday predicted above-normal temperatures across Guyana from September to November 2024.

This period, traditionally the warmest months of the year, particularly in September and October, is expected to experience even higher-than-average temperatures, raising concernsforpublichealth,agriculture,andlivestock.

The Hydrometeorological Service warns that the increasedlikelihoodofextremeheatandheatwavedayscould significantly impact vulnerable groups, including the elderly, children,andthosewithpre-existinghealthconditions.

“During this time, heat-related illnesses such as dehydration, heat exhaustion, and heat stroke become significant risks… with the potential for an above average number of heat wave days this year, the Hydrometeorological Service urges the public to take preventive measures,” the Servicecautioned.

The public is urged to take preventive measures, such as staying hydrated, limiting outdoor activities during peak heat hours, and ensuring that living and working spaces are wellventilated.

The forecast also highlights the potential challenges for agriculture and livestock during this period. September to October coincides with the driest months in Northern Guyana andtheonsetofthelongdryseasonintheSouth.

“Farmers may face challenges due to reduced water availability and increased stress on crops, leading to lower yields,” the statement noted. The prolonged exposure to high temperatures could affect the growth and productivity of key crops, with water-intensive crops being particularly vulnerable.

Livestock is also at risk, as heat stress can negatively impact animals’ health and productivity The Hydrometeorological Service advises farmers to ensure adequate water supplies, provide shaded areas, and continuouslymonitorlivestockforsignsofheatstress,suchas reducedfeedintake,lethargy,andincreasedbreathingrates.

Moreover, the forecast is based on observations that averagedaytimetemperaturesacrossGuyanafromJanuaryto July 2024 have consistently exceeded historical norms of 32°C, with some months recording higher temperatures than thesameperiodin2023,whichwasarecord-breakingyear. Typically,upto35heatwavedaysareobservedduringthe September to November dry season, but there is a significant chance of increase this year, posing further risks to public health,agriculture,andlivestock.

As such, the Hydrometeorological Service urges all stakeholders to take the necessary precautions during this periodofextremeheat.

“Stay informed of weather updates, implement watersaving strategies, and take measures to protect your health, crops,andlivestock,”itwasfurtherstated.

The Hydrometeorological Service said it will continue to provide updates to its seasonal outlook as new information becomes available and recommends that special attention be paid to its short-range forecasts and weather analyses. For more information, visit the National Weather Watch Center’s website at www.hydromet.gov.gy or contact the forecasting desk, operational 24/7, via telephone at 261-2284 or 2612216.

(Photo credit: Yourweather.co.uk)


Male able-bodied Staff to work in general store. Call: 231-2029, 616-5954.

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Nayelli school of cosmetology is n ow enrolling for cosmetology courses beginning September 9th, 2024, 211 New Market st. Call: 226-2124.

FIRST AID/CPR/AED as well as home nursing courses at St. John Association starting shortly. Call: 225-9082.

Driver, must have valid license for Car & Van. Must be able to assist in Workshop also. Call: 615-9132.

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Maid to clean for East Bank area. Call: 615-9132

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Litigation/companies clerk. Experience essential, Applications with CV & References to Cameron & Shepherd / csmain@cameronandshepherd.com

Six land surveyors take oath of office

Six land surveyors took the oath of of fice on Wednesday before President Irfaan Ali at Office of the President, Georgetown.

During the swearing-in ceremony President Irfaan Ali charged the new surveyors to execute their duties in accordance with truth and accuracy.

“Your work therefore must be guided as I said by commitment by truth and accuracy, ensuring that every measurement, every map, and every report you produce affect the highest standard of your profession,” President Ali said.

Further, the Head of

President Irfaan Ali presents a certificate to one of the newly appointed land surveyors.

State urged the newly appointed land surveyors to “stand resolute in your professionalism always re-

membering the sacrifices you made, the hard work that shape you to be here today (Wednesday).”

“Remember that the true value of your work lies not in the financial rewards, but in the trust and respect you earn from those who rely on you expertise,” said President Ali. The swearing-in ceremony was witnessed by Commissioner of the Guyana Lands and Surveyors Commission (GL&SC), Enrique Monize, Director of the Guyana Online Academy of Learning (GOAL) Professor, Jacob Opadeyi, Coordinator of the Surveyor Department Marvin Wright, and members and examiners of the Land Surveyors’ Examination Board.

Sod turned to build 6 new schools in the last three months...

From page 13 secondary schools. During this month, Minister Manickchand marked the start of a new wing at the Tucville Secondary School in Georgetown. The project valued at $74,910,780, is scheduled to be completed within six months by contractor Kaiveri Procurement Logistics and Investments Inc. The new structure is said to include 16 modern classrooms.

Kaiveri Procurement is also contracted by the ministry to build an annex at the New Campbellville Secondary School valued $143,921,712.

The Diamond Secondary School on the East Bank of Demerara (EBD) will also get a new teaching block which will be built by Simcon Engineering Inc. for $74,056,950.

Meanwhile, on the East Coast of Demerara (ECD), the

minister turned the sod for a new $386,378,625 two-storey teaching block at President’s College. This project will be undertaken by Mohabir’s Construction and is expected to be completed in 12 months.

Similarly, the Linden Technical Institute main building in Region 10 will be extended and the works will be done by Phoenix Engineering Enterprise to the tune of


With these school projects now under construction, the ministry is set to turn the sod for a few more new projects as those are in the tendering stage.

It was reported that the ministry is building and rehabilitating schools across the country so as to create more space for students and ensuring they are learning in a comfortable environment.

Ali sidesteps concerns about new Berbice...

Experienced cook & kitchen assistant needed at Famous Flavour Creole Restaurant. Call: 676-5534 / 709-8131.

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Rumion for sale, Model 2012, PTT Series. Call : 6715759.

Nissan Bluebird for sale year 2006 (Silver) Original condition. Immediate Transfer Price Negotiable. Call / Whatsapp : 683-7761.

From page 06 (10 percent), New GPC (20 percent), Queens Atlantic Investment Inc. (20 percent), and Secure International Finance Co. Limited (20 percent).

One of the AFC’s main concerns is the current Berbice Bridge, which operates under a concessional agreement that extends until 2030. The party questioned whether the government plans to prematurely terminate this agreement and, if so, what compensation would be provided to the Berbice

Bridge Company. The AFC also highlighted the financial difficulties previously faced by the Berbice Bridge Company, which had claimed it was operating at a loss. The party reminded that in 2018, the company attempted to raise tolls fourfold- a move that was blocked by the AFC. The party said that it is concerned that the government’s announcement of a new bridge could lead to further legal disputes. Moreover, the AFC stated that there were doubts about the feasibility of the existing Berbice Bridge,

adding, “The then-PPP government resorted to a controversial public-private partnership (PPP) model, aspects of which are still under judicial review.” As such, the party urged the government to avoid repeating past mistakes by ensuring that the new project is based on solid, transparent, and publicly available data. They questioned whether the decision to build a new bridge might be based on flawed assumptions, pointing out that the current administration has recently acknowledged the in-

feasibility of other large-scale projects, such as a deep-water harbour and an oil refinery. The AFC questions whether a similar assessment has been conducted for this bridge, and if not, why the project is being pursued. The party also noted that key details, such as the location of the proposed bridge and the anticipated toll rates, have not yet been disclosed. They highlighted that these factors are crucial, as they will directly affect the livelihoods of those who rely on the bridge for daily commutes.

Govt. inks US$161 million contract to reconstruct...

From page 8 traffic. “Those of you who live and traverse this thoroughfare know that we’ve been having significant breakaways or what we call washouts. This project entails improving the drainage of the entire highway…The road markings that will be on the road, it will be high quality marking that will provided for reflective view in the night, so when you are driving and the light get to the marking and signs it will be bright to help you navigate the turns, it will be of reflective nature,” he further explained.

This publication understands that there will be emergency stopping and resting areas placed at specific locations along the highway. During his speech, Minister Edghill mentioned too that the

entire highway will be dug up and will see new bases and new surfaces being put in place. According to him, the Soesdyke –Linden Highway was built between 1966 and 1968 and sank in some sections over the years given the number of vehicles that traverses it.

To this end, he said one of the main objectives of the project is “to cater for the new level of tonnage that is coming through the highway. The objective of getting this highway going is that we have to improve and meet the current transportation demand, there are thousands of vehicle on this road every single day so we have to improve that.”

Meanwhile, President Irfaan Ali in his feature address said that the reconstruction of the highway will take

two years and some 300 persons are to be employed to execute the works. The President urged the residents of Linden and communities along the Highway to maximize on the job opportunities that will be available.

The President further said that this project is part of a wider menu of investment that is aimed at the transformation of the country, the opening of opportunities, the rebuilding and expansion of the economy and the integration of different regions within the country.

“This highway is integral, not only for the connectivity between Regions 4 and 10 but importantly it is important because it is one of the main artery that support the development in the hinterland communities and wider afield. But

more importantly this highway will be linked to other key and critical infrastructure that would expand the productive capacity of our country that would expand the land availability and open new areas for a multifaceted investment portfolio,” he explained.

Kaieteur News reported that in October last year that the NPTAB had awarded a contract to Kuwaiti firm, AlHabshi Engineering Consultants in joint venture with Guyanese company – CB & Associates Inc. to provide supervision services for the project. The contract cost is US$ 1,775,000.

The Linden-Soesdyke Highway was in dire need of repairs and the Government has spent millions over the years repairing the roadway due to exhaustive use.

Lawn grass, palms & flowers for sale. Call : 626-1044.

Employers urged to improve safety measures at workplaces

participants attending the seminar

Amid growing concerns about workplace fatalities, Minister of Labour, Joseph Hamilton on Wednesday cautionedemployersinboth publicandprivateentitiesto improve on safety measures intheirplaceofwork.

The minister mentioned made the remarks during a seminar hosted by the ministry’s Occupational Safety and Health (OSH)

Department where discussions were held on improvements of safety and health measures particularly within the construction sector. The event took place at the Regency Suites Hotel onHadfieldStreet,Werk-enRust, Georgetown, and was attended by 80 participants frombothpublicandprivate organisations. The seminar, themed ‘Investing in Prevention Pays: It Saves Lives and It Saves Money’, featured several notable speakers, including :Minister Hamilton, OSH Consultant Gwen King, and Divisional Director of Quality, Health, Safety and Environment (QHSE) and Operational Support Department at Guyana Power and Light (GPL),Inc.,GaryHall.

were made to enhance

y implementing robust safety andhealthpractices.


nister Ham

ton during his remarks stressed the importance of developing a robust safety culture and expressed grave concern about the rise in w

The seminar was organised in response to numerous complaints from workers about unsafe c o n d i t i o n s i n t h e construction sector. In light of these concerns a panel discussion was organised where recommendations

es, particularly in the mining andconstructionsectors.He stated, “As Guyanese, we havetwochoices:one,wedo nothing and we continue where we have been going andhopethatGodbeengood to us or we change. If we choose to do nothing, then we should prepare to play dominoes and cards at wake houses.”


the seminar as a crucial step in educating employers and shiftingthenationalmindset

towards a proactive approach in preventing work-related incidents. He encouraged participants to collaboratewiththeMinistry of Labour to establish joint technical committees aimed at ensuring consistent adherence to safety and health practices For workplaces with more than 19 employees, he emphasised the need to establishanOSHcommittee tosupportthismission.

OSH consultant King highlighted the construction industry as one of the most hazardous workplaces, noting that many incidents couldbeavoidedwithbetter

Police seize high-powered rifles, shotgun in Region #7 raid

Police on Wednesday seized two highpowered rifles, a shotgunandalargequantity ofammunitionduringaraid at Waikarai Backdam, Region#7.

The operation which was led by an inspector of police was conducted between 12:05 pm and 12:45 pm and involved the search of various locations withinaminingcamp.

safety measures. She noted thatoverthepastthreeyears, the ministry recorded 32 occupationaldeathsreported in 2023, following 27 in 2021 and 21 in 2022. These incidents predominantly occurred in the mining, construction, agriculture, and manufacturing sectors. Additionally, in 2023, the Ministry investigated 175 non-fatal accidents out of 577 reports, with the a g r i c u l t u r e a n d manufacturing sectors accounting for the majority oftheseincidents.

According to King, common causes of injuries and fatalities in the workplaceincludefallsfrom height, being struck by moving veh

Minister of Labour Joseph Hamilton addressing at the seminar


In relation to workplace fatalitiescases,backinMay thisyeartheministry’sOSH Department investigated the death of 20-year-old Bryan Hardial, a labourer of Lot 105, Covent Garden, East Bank Demerara. According toreports,Hardialwasinthe processofraisingagutterto be installed on the front of thethirdfloorofthebuilding under construction. During this process, a part of the guttercameintocontactwith theliveelectricalwiresatthe frontofthebuilding,causing Hardial to receive an electricalshockandfellfrom thethirdfloortotheground.

Two individuals are currentlyincustodyandare assisting with the ongoing investigation, police said in a press release. The ranks havesecuredtheconfiscated firearms and ammunition, and efforts are underway to apprehend other individuals linkedtothecase.

This operation is part of ongoing efforts by Police in the region to ensure public safety and combat illegal activities.

Duringtheoperation,the ranks discovered: one 12gauge shotgun and two rifles, including an AR-15 andanAM-15.Additionally, a total of 399 rounds of ammunition, including: 150 rounds of .223 ammunition and 130 rounds of 9mm ammunition, 30 rounds of .38 special ammunition and 6912-gaugecartridgeswere seized.

electrocution from contact withelectricalequipment.In order to mitigate the issue, King emphasised the necessity of investing in preventive measures to save lives, stating, “It is against this background that the ministry thought we needed to invite you here today to sensitise you about good workplace safety and health practicesandencourageyou to invest in prevention since itsaveslives.”

Divisional Director and Operational Support at GPL

In March, the ministry conducted another investi

workplace fatality at Printipaul Sigh Investments located at Wharf Area, Providence, East Bank Demerara.

The inves


The arms and ammunition seized during the police raid in Region Seven on Wednesday

Gary Hall described the seminar as timely and crucial, bringing together stakeholders to address critical safety issues, including fatalities caused by contact with electrical lines He noted that six people had died in seven months from electrocution, with two deaths related to constructionactivities.

on revealed that Ravichandra Seemangal,amechanic,was riding his bicycle while at the same time, a telehoist operator was reversing the vehicle.

The telehoist collided with the bicycle and Seemanga

ustained injuriestohisabdomen,feet, andhands.Hesuccumbedto his injuries while receiving treatmentatacityhospital.

Over 10 killed as Israel launches major raid on occupied West Bank

Israeli military deploys hundreds of soldiers, backed by jets and drones, targeting threeareassimultaneously Aljazeera - At least 10 Palestinianshavebeenkilled afterIsraellaunchedalargescale ground and air attack on the northern part of the occupied West Bank, according to health officials in the territory The incursion,whichbeganearly on Wednesday, involved hundreds of ground soldiers supportedbyfighteraircraft, drones and bulldozers, targeting three areas simultaneously – Jenin, TulkaremandTubas–inthe largest assault in two decades.

The director of the ambulancedepartmentatthe Palestine Red Crescent Society told Al Jazeera that Israeli forces killed four people in the Far’a refugee campinTubas.

TheRedCrescentsaidits teams were having trouble reachingtheinjuredbecause Israeli forces were preventingambulancesfrom entering the area The Palestinian Health Ministry said two people were killed in Jenin, while three others were slain when an Israeli drone struck their vehicle in thenearbyvillageofSeir

Another Palestinian was later reported to have been shotandkilledinthevillage of Kafr Dan, west of Jenin, according to the Wafa news agency. Reporting from NablusintheWestBank,Al

Jazeera’s Nida Ibrahim said that Israeli forces had described the operation in the north of the occupied territoryas thebiggestof its kindsince2002.

There are an estimated 80,000 Palestinians in the areas where the military operationsarecontinuing.

The number of raids on the West Bank has “more than tripled” since the outbreak of Israel’s war on Gaza in October, she said, adding that locals across cities and towns confirmed to Al Jazeera that three strikes took place in three different locations overnight. “In the past few weeks, we’ve seen an intensification in the use of aerial strikes against Palestine fighters the Israeli military claiming they are combatting the use of IEDs [improvised explosive devices], ”


Omar Baddar, a Middle East political analyst, said that the incursion appeared to be part of a longer-term Israelistrategyto“ethnically cleanse” the Palestinian territory

“I think the context of it isworthnoting,whichisthe fact that Israel has been intending to annex and ethnicallycleansehugeparts of theWest Bank for a very, verylongtime,”Baddartold AlJazeera.

Israel’s military described the nine people killed as “armed terrorists who posed a threat to securityforces”.Inaposton Telegram, it also claimed to have arrested more “wanted suspects” in Jenin and T u l k a r e m , w h i l e confiscating explosives “plantedunderroads”inthe Far’a camp. Israeli Minister of Foreign Affairs Israel

The extent of corruption

Frompage04 multinationals when comparing them with alleged corrupt Guyanese businesses.Hestatesthatthe amount of revenues earned

by Exxon and other multinationals from oil dwarfed the amount of money looted by Guyanese companiesfromthetreasury, adding that the latter businesses have created thousands of jobs for Guyanese and paid large amountsoftaxes.

Itisnotfaircriticism.Exxon hasalsocreatedthousandsof jobs and contributed revenues to the country that was never imagined making it possible to expand infrastructure development and to fund educational and health programs, and to tackle widespread poverty

Exxon’screationofjobshas led to collection of huge

amounts of revenues from payroll and sale taxes and fromthespreadeffectsinthe circularflowofmoney

Mr Hinds as an (Accountant) would know thatbusinessesinvestmoney with an expectation of the highestrateofreturn.Exxon investedahugeofamountof capital(billionsofAmerican dollars)inGuyanaexploring for fossil energy; it was a very risky investment at the time with no guarantee of a returnoninvestment.

There was a pre exploration agreement, and after oil was discovered another agreement that the government negotiated and signedauthorizingExxonto developblocks.

Perhaps it was more favorable to Exxon than to the government; that is the natureofariskyinvestment. Both sides agreed to it. It

Katz called for the army to evacuate Palestinians from the West Bank, in a post on X.

“We must deal with the threatintheWestBankaswe aredoinginGaza,including the temporary evacuation of Palestinian residents and whatever other steps are required. This is a war for everythingandwemustwin it,”hewroteonWednesday Advertisement

Israeli forces have been closing down roads leading to Jenin, Tulkarem and the Far’a camp. According to residents at the Nur Shams camp, in Tulkarem, they were given three hours to leave if they wanted to.

“There’s no direct evacuation order, but this suggests a potential escalation, ” Ibrahim reported.

Nabil Abu Rudeineh, spokesman for the

Palestinian Authority (PA) presidency, said Israel’s escalating war in the West Bank in addition to the war intheGazaStripwillleadto “dire and dangerous” results.

“Israel’s objective numberoneisnotGaza,itis the West Bank. This is the heart of what they say is the Biblical land,” Hassan Barari, a professor of internationalaffairsatQatar University, told Al Jazeera, adding that Israel aims to e x p e l e v e n m o r e Palestinians.

ButtheIsraelimilitaryis likely to continue facing fierceresistancefromanew generation of hardened fighters that are just as committed to protecting their homeland, without puttingtheirhopesinthePA, Barariadded.

Quoting Israeli military sources, Israeli media reported that the army was expected to continue the raidsforseveraldays.

Baddarsaid:“Ithinkthat they [Israeli forces] saw an opportunity given that the world is distracted by the horror that Israel is unleashing on Gaza to kind of escalate in the West Bank.”

In Jenin, the director of one of the city’s hospitals was told the Israeli army intended to raid the medical facility and ordered them to evacuate. The hospital has 200 employees and 150 patients.

Palestinian armed

groups said they were fighting Israeli forces in the Nur Shams and Jenin refugeecamps.

The al-Quds Brigades said its “fighters targeted an enemy infantry force with a highly explosive device in NurShams”.

The Qassam Brigades said it “detonated locally made and highly explosive devices in Jenin against the invading military vehicles” and that its fighters were “engaged in violent clashes withtheoccupationforces”.


Since Israel launched its war on Gaza, Israeli army raids have become a nightly occurrence in towns and villages in the West Bank, with Israeli soldiers and settlers killing at least 646 Palestinians, including 148 children, and injuring more than 5,400, Palestinian healthofficialshavesaid.

During this time, Israeli soldiers have arrested at least 10,200 Palestinians, according to the Palestinian Prisoner’s Society and the Commission of Detainees andEx-DetaineesAffairs.

The same groups report that at least 3,432 Palestinians are being held in Israeli military prisons without charge under “administrativedetention”.

A t l e a s t 1 , 4 3 2 Palestinianhomes,andother structures, have been demolished, displacing 3,270 Palestinians, according to the United Nations.

that existed during the dictatorship...

would not be fair, therefore, to attack Exxon when both sides reached an agreement. It is also anti business to attack an investor for seekingthebesttermsforits riskyinvestment.

Exxon could have walked away from exploration and production during negotiations if the terms were not acceptable. Would Guyana have benefited in such an eventuality? Exxon and government must have felt that the terms agreed upon were workable at that time. Exxonhitoil!Thecompany and the government have benefitedenormously

The revenue from exploration and production of oil have enriched the nation;governmenthasused that revenue in multiple projects, and some local companies, not all, are

barefacedly siphoning off someofthatmoney

Regardless of the behavior of foreign MNCs on the favorable terms of investment, one must not excuse the behavior of local thieves who rape the treasury

They are stealing from thenation,fromthepoorand from the future of our children whose lives we all seektoimprove.

And since the local police and the government can’t uncover evidence to prosecutethecorrupt,thenit behooves the nation to support the Americans for taking the initiative to sanctionthecorrupt.

The government should encourage theAmericans to sanction all the corrupt, not just some of them, and undertake additional measures like indicting and

prosecuting the sanctioned corrupt and confiscating assets that should be returnedtothetreasury

Economic nationalism andpatriotismmustnotbe an excuse to close eyes to corruption

T h e c o u n t r y i s reminded what happened to Guyana during the 1970s and 1980s era of economic nationalism; investors avoided Guyana and the country became bankrupt with among the highest per capita debt leadingtomassmigration

Hoyte and Jagan moved away from economic nationalism and offered very friendly terms to foreigninvestors

Oneisalsoremindedthat corruption militates against thepoortoupliftthemselves and of becoming like the eliteofPradoville.Onemust

alsonotethatwithoutExxon money, Guyana would not be growing at the current pace. Also, Exxon is great for national security of Guyana.

Without the presence of Exxon and its huge investment, USA would not have had much interest in deterring Venezuela’s incursionintoGuyana

It is in Guyana’s interests to offer favorable terms of investment to attract foreign capital, especially from ABCE countries,thatwillserveas a


inst Venezuela’s threat Attacking multinationals like Exxon does not serve nationalinterest

Local investors should also get favorable terms to encourageentrepreneurship.

YoursTruly, VishnuBisram

The health ministry said Israeli forces had surrounded two hospitals in Jenin (EPA)

2024 Massy Women’s Caribbean Premier League… Knight Riders claim spot in Final

Jemimah Rodrigues lifted Trinbago Knight Riders into the 2024 Massy Women’sCaribbeanPremier League(WCPL)finalaftera nerve-jangling four-wicket victory over Barbados Royals at the Brian Lara Cricket Academy in Tarouba,Trinidad.

Chasing 131 for a place in Thursday’s final, Knight Riderswereinbigtroubleat

43/3 before Rodrigues steppedupwithanunbeaten 59off50balls.

The Knight Riders needed six runs off the final over, but a calm Rodrigues hit Hayley Matthews for a boundary onthethirddeliverybefore a single on the next ball ensured their title dreams remainedalive


a dress rehearsal for the final, Knight Riders were 43/3 but capitalised on sloppy fielding from Royals Rodrigues received a life on 43 when Djenaba Joseph fumbled at shortfineleg

The Knight Riders’ attack had struggled in the tournament, but bowled superbly in the PowerPlay totearintotheRoyals’top-

order Opener Chamari Athapaththu spearheaded a recovery with 70 off 63 to lift Royals to 130/7 but it ultimatelywasn’tenough. Royals had already clinched a place in the final after winning their openingthreematches But it was high stakes for Knight Riders, who entered the match sitting behind Guyana Amazon Warriorsonnetrunrate P

Thursday August 29, 2024


Some unexpected but very welcomevisitorscouldarrive today, Aries They might bring some people you don't knowbutshouldconnectwith rightaway Expectinteresting n e w s , f a s c i n a t i n g information,.


Taurus, who's that intriguing new person in your neighborhood? What is it about this new neighbor that makesitimpossibleforyouto stop wondering about them? Quitobsessing.


An unexpected letter could arrive today, Gemini, with a check enclosed, perhaps a gift, bonus, or offer to make more money.This might be a welcomebreak.


If you're in the arts or sciences, Cancer, sudden inspirationcouldcauseyouto startorcontinueaprojectthat meansalottoyou.


Meditation, dreams, or visions could bring amazing insights your way, Leo. You mightfindthemtoobizarreto believe, at least at first, but follow-up research could reveal that what you've come upwithisquitecredible.


You're an adventurous soul, Virgo.Areyouthinkingabout a little mischief today? Are yougoingtoproposethatyou and a friend or perhaps your partner skip town for a day andforgetaboutwork,


A n u n e x p e c t e

communication may come

e connected with your career, Libra.Thisisgoodnews,butit maybesooffthewallthatyou couldwalkaroundinadazefor awhiletryingtomakesenseof itall.

SCORPIO(Oct.23–Nov 21)

Anunexpectedchancetoflyto a faraway place, perhaps at someoneelse'sexpense,could cometoyoutoday,Scorpio.A group might be involved, perhaps one connected with education.

SAGIT(Nov 22–Dec.21)

Some bizarre and rather silly dreams might come to you tonight,Sagittarius.Theymay bethesortthatissocrazythat youactuallywakeuplaughing. Don't dismiss them. Silly or not,thesedreamsaretryingto tellyousomething.


Ifyou'resingle,youcouldfeel a very powerful attraction to someone unusual and perhaps alittlewacky Ifyou'realready inarelationship.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20–Feb. 18)Have you been looking for anewjob,Aquarius?Ifso,you might hear of an opportunity from an unexpected source, perhapsatasocialgathering,if possible.


If you're single, Pisces, love may come to you completely out of the blue today The person could be standing behind you in line at the store or sitting nearby you in the park.

delayed due to rain and the Knight Riders were desperate to make the most of the favourable bowling conditions after winning the toss.

perfect start after nicking offMatthewsinthefirstover with a full delivery that movedlate.

Qiana Joseph lived

dangerously and rode herluckafterbeingdropped by Jess Jonassen at mid-off.

But Joseph’s risky innings soonendedwhenshebottom edged a wild slash off Shamilia Connell, whose spectaculardebutforKnight Riders continued when she clean bowled Aaliyah Alleyneforaduck.

Athapaththu held the innings together, but couldnotgettinggoingas

Heart-breaking end to Malachi...

Frompage25 World U20 Championships in 1986, Guyana won just one medal—a silver in the women’s 400m, earned by Kadecia Baird at the 2012 U20 Championships in Spain.

Bairdclockedanimpressive 51 04s to finish second behind the USA’s Ashley Spencer, edging out another American,ErikaRucker

Baird’s time remains t h e f a s t e s t U 2 0 performance by a South Americanathlete

In the semis, the South

American U20 and CARIFTA Games U20 400m champion (Austin), cruised to a 46 92 seconds time to finish second in Heat 5 to book his place in thesemi-finals

The 17-year-old Austin, who also holds the Commonwealth Youth Games400msilvermedal,is theonlyGuyaneseathleteso far to progress beyond the heats at the 20th edition of t h e U 2 0 W o r l d Championship.

Tianna Springer, a backto-back CARIFTA Games c h a m p i o n a n d Commonwealth Youth 400m champion, narrowly missed qualifying for the next round of the women’s 400m, finishing fourth with atimeof54.49seconds.

Springerledtheracebut lost momentum in the final 20meters.

NarissaMcPherson,also competing in the women’s 400m, clocked 54 67 seconds, finishing sixth in Heat2.

As the competition enters its third day, 16-yearoldAthaleyhaHinckson,the 2024 CARIFTA U17 and South American U20 100m champion, will aim to redeem herself in the women’s 200m when she

linesupinHeat3. Hinckson will be the only Guyanese athlete competing in the 200m

clocked 12 01 seconds, finishing sixth in Heat 1, and did not advance to thenextround.

Republic Bank Caribbean Premier League 2024… Falcons and Patriots collide in Season 12 opener

Edition 12 of the C a r i b b e a n Premier League (CPL) will commence this evening at 19:00 hrs with Antigua and Barbuda Falcons playing in their debut season against the 2021 edition winners, St Kitts and Nevis Patriots, in NorthSound,Antigua.

The Falcons are

replacing Jamaica Tallawahs in this season of the Republic Banksponsored League and have absorbed the majority of players from theTallawahssystem

Both teams boast formidable squads, with a very familiar atmosphere as several players were recently engaged in the 2024T20WorldCup

Antigua & Barbuda Falcons squad: Imad Wasim, Brandon King,

Fabian Allen, Sam

Billings, Mohammad Amir,ChrisGreen,Fakhar Zaman, Roshon Primus, Justin Greaves, Hayden Walsh, Jahmar Hamilton,

Teddy Bishop, Kofi James, Shamar Springer, Kelvin Pitman, Jewel AndrewandJoshuaJames Yesterday, the updated squads for the Republic Bank Caribbean Premier League (CPL) were confirmed.

StKitts&NevisPatriots squad:KyleMayers,Tabraiz Shamsi, Rilee Rossouw, Evin Lewis, Sherfane Rutherford, Sikandar Raza, Anrich Nortje, Andre Fletcher, Tristan Stubbs,

Dominic Drakes, Mikyle Louis, Odean Smith, Joshua Da Silva, Veerasammy

Permaul, Ryan John, Ashmead Nedd and Johann Layne.

Meanwhile, in other team news, the Saint Lucia Kings replaced Heinrich Klaasen who is no longer available due a family emergency

The Kings replaced him with New Zealand wicket keeper Tim Seifert. Seifert has CPL experience having represented the Trinbago KnightRiders.

The Knight Riders have selected USAplayer Andries Gous, who will

David Gous will play for the Knight Riders for

It was a tough 2023 season for Evin Lewis with both bat and captaincy. (Getty Images)

their first four group games The Barbados Royals have selected Sri Lankan left arm spinner

Dunith Wellalage and Shamarh Brooks for their first two games to cover for David Miller and

Shannon Gabriel retires from international cricket

(ESPN Cricinfo) - West Indies fast bowler Shannon Gabriel has retired from international cricket, ending a career that began in 2012. The 36-year-old played 59 Tests, 25 ODIs and two T20Is picking up a total of 202wickets.

“During the past 12 years,” Gabriel said on Instagram on Wednesday, “I have dedicated myself to playing international cricket for the West Indies. Playing this beloved game at the highestlevelhasbroughtme immense joy, but as the saying goes, all good things mustcometoanend.Today,I am announcing my r e t i r e m e n t f r o m Internationalcricket.

“Firstly, I would like to express my gratitude to God for the numerous blessings and the opportunities my family and I have received during my time playing for the West Indies. Secondly, I want to extend my heartfelt thankstoCricketWestIndies

administrators, coaches, and staffmembers.Wordscannot adequately convey the appreciation I have for your hard work and support over theyears.Lastbutnotleast,I amgratefultomyteammates andallthosewhohavestood by me and supported me along the way You have made my journey to the top trulyspecial.

“Moving forward, my plan is to continue representing my country [TrinidadandTobago],club, and franchise teams around theworldwiththesamelove and passion I have shown throughoutmycareer.”

Gabrielwasathisbestin Test cricket, where he used hisheightandhisstrengthto greateffect,sometimeseven on lifeless pitches. He holds the fourth-best matchfiguresforaWestIndian-13 for 121, which he picked up athomeagainstSriLankain June 2018. His ability to generate pace and bounce wereimpressiveenoughthat

West Indies fast bowling legend Courtney Walsh compared him to Patrick Patterson and Ian Bishop. It took a while for him to tap into these gifts consistently but by 2017 he became a regular member of the team andwaspartoffamouswins like the one against England atHeadingley

Theotherbigmomentof Gabriel’s career came with the bat, when he took strike in Dominica with West Indies nine down against Pakistan.

There were only seven balls left to draw the Test, and with it, the series. He went for a big slog and got bowled. This was 10 days after he put in a Player-ofthe-Match performance to helpWestIndiestoabouncebackvictory Gabriel ran into further troublein2019whenhewas banned for four ODIs after making an apparently homophobic remark at Joe Root.

GFF concludes KFC Elite League...

Frompage21 withplanstobuildonthesuccessesofSeason 6. Noting that the GFF is committed to furtherenhancingtheleague’sinfrastructure andexpandingitsreach,Adamssaid,“Weare excitedabouttheprospectsforSeason7and deeply value the continued partnership with KFC Guyana and all our sponsors, whose support has allowed 250 young men to showcasetheirtalentsthroughfootball.”

Adamsalsoacknowledgedtheroleofthe mediaandmatchofficials,thankingthemfor theircontributionstotheleague’ssuccess.As preparations for the next season begin, the GFFremainsdedicatedtoadvancingfootball in Guyana and supporting the development ofyoungathletesacrossthecountry Fanscan expect updates and announcements as the FederationgearsupforSeason7.(GFFPress Release)

Keshav Maharaj, who are
Africa duties.

- anticipates greater season 7

GFF concludes KFC Elite League with improved talent and increased fan engagement

The Guyana Football Federation (GFF) wrapped upSeason6oftheKFCElite League over the weekend, closingachaptermarkedby steady progress in local football.

This season saw improvements in several areas,includinglocaltalent, fan engagement, matchday atmosphere, and overall competitionquality

The season culminated with the Guyana Defence Force Football Club (GDF F C ) s e c u r i n g t h e championship, a result of consistentperformancesthat kept fans engaged throughout the league Cominginsecondplacewas Slingerz FC and in third place, Guyana Police Force FC. Season 6 also brought

several noteworthy developments that contributed to the league’s growth.

Matcheswereheldunder high-quality floodlights at the GFF National Training Centre (NTC) Guyana’s home of football, providing an improved environment

for both players and spectators Furthermore, over six months, 378 goals were scored across 90 matches, delivering continuous action and excitement.

The league also saw a boost in attendance, with over 11,000 fans attending the matches, while many others engaged through social media and the FIFA+ platform. Additionally, fan behaviour throughout the season was exemplary, with nomajorincidentsreported, reflecting positively on the overall atmosphere of the league.

During the presentation ceremony,onbehalfofGFF President Wayne Forde and the Council, Vice President R a w l s t o n A d a m s commended the champions, Guyana Defence Force FootballClub(GDFFC),for t h e i r o u t s t a n d i n g performance throughout the season. “This season, GDF FC captivated us with their thrilling and intense performances, showcasing discipline and flair night

The 2024 KFC Elite League Champions, GDF, were ecstatic at their recent triumph.


The Vice President also offered congratulations to allteamsthatparticipatedin theleague,recognizingtheir hard work over the past six months. “Your commitment h a s b e e n t r u l y commendable We look forward to seeing what you will bring to Season 7,” he noted.

As Season 6 comes to a close the GFF is already focusedonthenextseason, (Continuedonpage20)

Big Man Cricket O50s Tournament…

Everest Masters, East Coast Aash Décor record victories

East Coast Aash Décor

O50s Masters had a rollickingdayoutafterbeing hosted by the powerful Jai HindJaguarsMasters.

Taking first strike, Jai Hind Jaguars compiled a formidable 168 all out with useful contributions coming from R. Deonarine (36), S. Mangali(17),IHussain(21) and Ravi Mangali (15) BowlingforEastCoastAash Décor was spearheaded by W London with 5 for 10. East Coast Aash Décor knocked off the runs in 25 overs for the loss of only 3 wicketstowinby7wickets. ArthurDuketopscoredwith 51 scattered with three 6s and three 4s Seeraj Bhimsain finished unbeaten on 44 with a solitary 6 and three 4s. Earlier, opener N. Samlallscored26withasix andthree4s.

Over at the Everest Cricket Club ground, Everest O50s Masters took first strikeandrattledup the first200+scorefinishingon 209 for 8 in their allotted 30

overs. Seasoned opener, Sahadeo Hardaiow scored a blistering half century 54 pepperedwitheight4sanda maximum Batting at number5,LatchmanYadram marshalled the innings with a magnificent unbeaten half century(63)withfive4sand three6s.

Dharshannan Lall hit a quickfire33towardstheend laced with four 4s before he was run out. The wickets wereevenlysharedamongst theExBerbice-Policemen. Taking their turn at the crease,thealawmenflattered to deceive and could only muster 168 off their allotted 30 overs. Ryan DeNobrega compiled a polished 52 and was ably supported by DeoprakashRamdatwith38 and Zahir Moakan with 25. KMangalchippedinwith15 but it just wasn’t enough as the Ex Berbice-Police fell shortby41runs.

North Soesdyke Masters traveleduptotheCinderella County to challenge the Essequibo Invaders but,

unfortunately, the match got rainedout.

The following day, Essequibo Invaders hosted EastCoastAashDécoratthe Reliance ground The Invaderstookfirststrikeand rattledupthehighestscorein the tournament- 225 all out off 29 2 overs D Lall slammed a blistering top score of 80 with eleven 4s and 2 maximums. He was ably supported by D Lackan- 34; M. Gonsalves and B. Seepersaud with 17 apiece.M.Shawpickedup3 wickets and A. Duke, 2 wickets.

East Coast Aash décor pacedtheirinningsnicelyto overcome that formidable score to win by 4 wickets finishing on 228 for 6 off 29.2overs.OpenerV Gobin topscoredwith63whilstthe evergreen Arthur Duke scored another match winning half century (51). There were other useful knocks from N. Samlall-32, C. Jeenarine (31) and M. Shaw(18).

2024 GCB U13 Inter- County tournament…

Essequibo begins title defense against Demerara

Defending U13 Interc o u n t y c h a m p i o n s Essequibo will Kickstart their mission to defend the

title when they play Demeraratoday

Theopeningroundwillbe played at Affiance Ground, withchampsexpectedtofield a strong team on the back of lastyear’ssuccess Round2willseeBerbice playing Demerara at LBI Ground on Friday. The final roundissetforSaturdaywith EssequibotacklingBerbiceat LBI Ground to cap off the threeroundtournament.

Last year’s edition was a huge part of youth cricket development, with a number ofplayerslikeBhomeshLall, Brandon Henry, Makayah Holmes, Justin Dowlin, Reyaz Latif and others cementing themselves as futurestars 2024GCBU13 Inter-county tournament Squads

Demerara - Lomar Seech

an (Captain), Nathan Bishop (VC), Makai

today today …Cinderella County to host opening battle

Dowlin, Mickel Johnson, Joshua Williams, Wasim Ali, Balashankar Narine, Afraz K h a n , N a t h a n i e l Ramkhelewan, Jermaine

Grosvenor, Deshawn Ramnauth, Prosper Jacobus, Jasani Craig, Mario Singh HezekiahHohenkirk Standbys - Orvin Ramond, Caleb Bastian, Azariah Duncan, Ethan Persaud,NoelMadramootoo

will be on a mission to retain their title

Berbice - Leon Reddy (Captain), Sahid Gajnabi (V/C), Lemuel DeJonge, Asgaralli Nabi, Saiad Jumratty, Luke Amsterdam, Altaf Ali, Antony Persaud, Ryan McPherson, Gautam Dhanraj,KemarJoseph,Jaden Ganpat, Dinesh Singh, Solomon Hercules, Sumit Samaroo Manager - Egbert LykenEdwards, Coach-WinstonSmith

Essequibo - Ethan Silas, (Captain), Ravid Fredricks (VC), Usain Fredricks, Marcanthony Obermuller, Tyrese Stehpeny, Zaheer Ramkisson, Justin Henry, Savir Narine, Eshwar Tillack, Arif Singh, Tufan Chatterpaul, Fayyad Baskh, Joseph Bolo, Marcus Thomas, Rondel Nurse Coach-ParmeshPersaud, Manager-WayneHolder

Motie climbs to number three in latest ICC T20 ranking - Pooran, Hosein also make gains

The West Indies trio of Nicholas Pooran, Gudakesh MotieandAkealHoseinhas made significant jumps in the T20 World ranks following their series win overSouthAfrica.

F o l l o w i n g a comprehensive3-0sweepof South Africa recently, the hard-hittingPooranwhowas amongthetopbatsmeninthe South Africa series, jumped threeplacesto9thamongthe T20I batters with a rating of 660.

The other West Indian batsmen in the top 20 are Brandon King, who is tenth with a 643 rating, and JohnsonCharles,whositsat 11thon642pointsalongside

African T20 captain AidenMarkram.

Left-arm spinner Hosein shottothesecondspotwhile hisfellowleft-armspintwin, GuyaneseMotie,achieveda career-best 3rd place world rank, as the West Indies continue to rebuild their position as one of the more dominant teams in T20 Cricket.

Hosein has a rating of 680, only better by England’s Adil Rashid (718), while Motie’s career best placement was earned witharatingof674.Theonly other bowler in the top 20 is

Alzarri Joseph, who currentlyoccupies15thwith aratingof620.

Netball rival clinic concludes in Linden tomorrow

Efforts to reintroduce netball in Linden have begun,highlightedbyaoneweek clinic that started on Monday and will conclude tomorrow (Friday) at the Mackenzie High School hardcourt. This initiative to fasttrack the sport among boys and girls aged 8 to 17 in Linden followed a visit by Guyana NetballAssociation President, Aileen Bowman, who met with interested parties at the Regional Democratic Council (RDC)

twoweeksago. Veteranbasketballcoach and former National player, Abdulla Hamid and former

Braithwaite-Walton, are leading the effort to revive thesportinLinden. At the conclusion of the clinic,ameetingisexpected to be held to establish a Linden Netball Committee, which will work to promote the sport across schools in Linden.

Nicholas Pooran (Photo: CWI Media)


The Guinness ‘Greatest of the Streets’ National Championship, which is slated for September 5th at the Pouderoyen Tarmac, West Demerara, was launched yesterday at the Colours Boutique Robb Streetlocation.

The launch coincided with the staging of the official tournament draw, whichconfirmedthefixtures

o f t h e o n e - n i g h t extravaganza. The process was conducted by two representa

ves from Colours Boutique to ensure additional transparency as the brier process was explained prior to its commencement.

Nine teams, including thesevendivisionalwinners, willfeatureattheevent.

They are Georgetown championLaingAvenueand second place finisher North Ruimveldt, West Demerara Champion Ballerz Empire and second place finisher Showstoppers, Essequibo winner All-Stars, Berbice

champion East Bank Gunners, Linden winner Silver Bullets, East Coast Demerara winner Hustlers, andBarticachampion.

F o l l o w i n g t h e conclusion of the process, East Bank Gunners of

Berbice will oppose Linden’sSilverBulletsinthe first quarterfinal, while

BallerzEmpireofEastBank Demerarawasdrawnagainst

North Ruimveldt of Georgetown in the second fixture.

Mighty Ruler of Bartica

was drawn against Showstoppers of West

D e m e r a r a , w i t h

Georgetown’sLaingAvenue facingoffagainstthewinner of the playoff fixture between Essequibo’s AllStars and Hustlers of East CoastDemerara.

The winners will advance to the semifinal round. The winner of the eventwillpocket$1,000,000 and the championship trophy, while the second, third, and fourth-placed teamswillreceive$500,000, $350,000, and $200,000 apieceandatrophy

Guinness Brand

ExecutiveLeeBaptistesaid, “This is the climax of the season,whichisonenightat the Pouderoyen Tarmac in West Demerara. We expect excellentcompetition,aswe have many of the top teams inthecountry Weencourage the teams to play hard and respect the rules. This is Banks DIH’s way of giving back to the community We wantacleansetofmatches.”

He further said, “We want to thank the communitiesandthepersons that came out and benefited from the event. This is our

way of giving back to the communities and players

This event is part of our c o r p o r a t e s o c i a l responsibility,andwewould like to thank Colours Boutiquefortheircontinued support in providing the uniforms and balls for each zone and the national championship.”

Compete FixturesSeptember6th

Playoff 18:30hrs: Hustlers (East

Coast) v All-stars (Essequibo) QuarterfinalsFixtures

Heart-breaking end to



Guyana’s 12-year medal drought at the World U20 Championship continues, as Malachi Austin was unable to finish his Men’s 400m semifinalraceinLima,Peru lastevening.

Withabout150metersto go,Austin,whowasinlane5 and in a prime position to finish in the top two, suddenly pulled up. This would have secured him a spotinthefinals—amoment of promise turned to heartbreak.

Reports reaching Kaieteur News reveal that Austin had earlier voiced concerns about a niggle in hislegduringhiswarm-up.

Despitetheeffortsofthe Guyanese medical team, who did all they could to prepare the country’s medal h

heartbreakingly forced to abandon the race. It was especially devastating given

thatmanyhadseenhimasa strongcontenderforgold. Sincetheinceptionofthe (Continuedonpage21)

(1)19:00hrs: East Bank Gunners(Berbice)vs.Silver Bullets(Linden) (2)19:30hrs: Ballers

Ruimveldt(Georgetown) (3)20:00hrs:MightRuler

(Bartica) vs. Showstoppers (WestDemerara) (4) 20:30hrs: Laing Avenue (Georgetown) vs PlayoffWinner SemifinalFixtures (5)21:00hrs:Winnerof1 vs.Winnerof3 (6)21:30hrs:Winnerof2 vs.Winnerof4

Thirdplaceplayoff: (7)22:00hrs:Loserof5v Loserof6 Final (8)22:30hrs:Winnerof5 vWinnerof6

Team representatives and officials at the launch of the Guinness ‘Greatest of the Streets’National Championship
Tianna Springer narrowly missed advancing in the women’s 400m

(ICC/Getty Images)

Gudakesh Motie andAkeal Hosein celebrate a dismissal.
MalachiAustin had a devastating end to his medal campaign at the World U20 Championships.
Imad Wasim (9) of Jamaica Tallawahs is dismissed by George Linde (R) of St Kitts and Nevis Patriots during the 2023 Republic Bank Caribbean Premier League T20 season. (Getty Images)

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