Kaieteur News

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o v e r t h e Guyana’s President, Irfaan monetization of Guyana’s Ali and other ministers at the gas resources with a Office of the President. In a controversial contract tersestatementfollowingthe handed to a one-year-old meeting, the Office of the United States company by President said Dr Ali met


e g o v e r n m e n t , with CNOOC Group’s Vice ExonMobil’s Stabroek President and Chief Block partner - China Supervisor, Professor Yu National Offshore Oil Jing and fellow Vice Corporation (CNOOC) has President, Yu Jin along with expressed an interest in a adelegation. similardeal. Discussions, the Office According told Reuters of the President said focused n

President Irfaan Ali meeting with officials of CNOOC on Wednesday

, on opportunities in the gas CNOOC Chief Executive sector and ways in which Government’ssocialagenda. responsibility for Finance located approximately 200 of revelation that a one-year-

Zhou Xinhuai told an CNOOC can align its

Accordingtothestatement,a and Public Service, Dr kilometres offshore Guyana, old US company Fulcrum

number of key officials from Ashni Singh; Minister of covering 6.6 million acres.

Thursday, the same day top responsibility with the the oil corporation were also Natural Resources, Vickram ExxonMobil is the operator BronchalowasaformerVice a part of the meeting Bharrat and Director of with 45% interest and Hess - President of ExxonMobil President Ali was joined by Presidential Affairs, Mrs another US company has a Guyana was given the Prime Minister, Brigadier MarciaNadir-Sharma. 30% working interest contract. (Ret’d), Mark Phillips; CNOOC International CNOOC’s in

est in The main oppositionSenior Minister within the holdsa25%workinginterest monetizing Guyana’s gas People’sNationalCongress Office of the President with in the Stabroek Block, resourcescomesontheheels (Continued on page 3)

Govt.under no pressure to make decision on CGX - Jagdeo

Vice President (VP) (CGX) were supposed to

offshore Guyana. This goal clarified that the estimate pursuing options for a Bharrat Jagdeo said that the provide more information to is based on an estimate that considers those quantities of potential farm-down of their government is under no thecabinet.Iguesswhenthat the northern Corentyne area petroleum estimated, as of a interests, to bring in a new pressure to make a decision goes there they will make a holds between 514 and 628 given date, to be potentially partner, with advisory inrelationtoextendingCGX decisionandthenyouwillbe million barrels of oil r e c o v e

f r o m support from Houlihan Energy’s exploration license notified,”hestated. equivalent (mmboe) in undiscovered accumulations Lokey. whichhasalreadyexpired. The VP said that the prospective resources, as by application of future However in June of this TheVPwasaskedbythe company was asked whether discussed in a virtual development projects. This yearittheVicePresidenthad media to provide “an update they have come up with a informational presentation means the estimate is not warned the companies that it on CGX’s notice of partner or the money to lastweek. purely proven barrels in the was “crunch time” In potential interest in its invest but they have so far Gabriel de Alba, Kawa-1andWei-1wells,but response to a last-minute C o r e n t y n e B l o c k not provided satisfactory

discovery ” Jagdeo said answers. “The Minister of

Chairman of Frontera’s it is inclusive of unproven

Board of Directors and Co- barrels from prospects yet to CommercialInterestfiledfor that, “the minister made it Natural Resources met with Chairman of CGX’s Board bedrilled. theWei-1Well located in the clear that right now they do themaskedthemanumberof of Directors, noted that the CGX and Frontera have Corentyne Block, on June not have a license He said questions and I think he estimate is confined to one been working to find 26, just days ahead of the that to you they do not reported that to the while the company had been zoneoftheblock. sufficient resources to June 28 deadline for the have So we are under no government.” given some time to return “The Joint Venture

Corentyne Block’s appraisal pressure because that’s the At a previous media with further updates, the believes that approximately

situation as of now It’s not conference Jagdeo had said information provided so far 514 to 628 mmboe PMean development, following underscored that stringent like the renewal of a license that cabinet is highly was insufficient. ”We are unrisked gross prospective ExxonMobil’s successes conditions must be met to dependent on our decision unlikely to extend the not inclined to give any resources may be present in The partners are actively retaintheblock. They do not have a license exploration license granted extension but [Cabinet] the Maastrichtian horizons at this stage I think he made to CGX Energy Inc. and still wants some additional alone,” de Alba said. He that clear at the meeting and F r o n t e r a E n e r g y information,”headded. therefore

d the so we are under no pressure Corporation, who are joint InDecemberof2023this possibility of additional tomakeadecisionnow ” venture partners in the publication reported that resources in the deeper He further explained that Corentyne Block offshore CGX Energy Inc and Campanian and Santonian he had not been to cabinet in Guyana. “Cabinet is not FronteraEnergyCorporation geologi



awhilebutheisguessingthe inclined to grant an joint venture partners have However,thejointventureis issue will come up there extensiontothelicense,”he announced their plans to treating the Maastricthian as eventually “The cabinet saidthen. initiate oil production by apriorityzone. started the discussions they He emphasised that 2030 in the Corentyne Block The news release also

CNOOC ready to monetise Guyana’s...

From page 2 the-art gas processing and thought that he had the data Guyana, Chief Executive Reform (PNCR) has modular, scalable facilities on the gas. I don’t know if Zhou Xinhuai told the questioned the deal and also to produce Liquified Natural they did that…on the face of briefing. called for an investigation Gas(LNG)andNGLS/LPGs it, I thought it was the best On new energy, Zhou into the awarding of the for Guyana as well as proposal that the evaluators said the company would contract. regionalandglobalmarkets. cameupwithandthat’swhat focus on investing in Bronchalo founded The limited experience we’re looking for, so there is projects that offer the best Fulcrum LNG in July 2023, of the company has raised nothing I found wrong with costadvantages,forexample onlyfivemonthsafterheleft serious questions about its theevaluationofthebidsand the commissioning of the Exxon. capacity to fulfill its I don’t see anything that has world’s first 5-megawatt He was employed with contracted obligations come out in any major way offshore high-temperature the oil giant for 19 years and Bronchalo’s company was that’s wrong, except for that flue gas waste heat power one month prior to his selected as “the most oh, he worked at one time plant. questionable resignation responsive compliant withExxon.”

CNOOC said it expected Bronchalo’s company was bidder” among 16 others Meanwhile, Reuters oil prices to keep in a range later selected by the who tendered to develop the reported CNOOC Ltd as of $75 to $85 a barrel for the Government of Guyana non-associated gas in the saying that fossil fuel will be second half of 2024 It (GoG) to design, finance, Stabroek Block, operated by a stabilising factor in global targets annual capital construct, and operate the Exxon Additionally, the energy demand for the expenditure at 125 billion requiredgasinfrastructureto CEO’s link to American oil foreseeable future. CNOOC yuanto135billionyuan($18 provide gas monetization supermajorExxonMobilhas isastate-runcompanyaimed billionto$19billion),versus solutions and accelerate sparked concerns among to pump 700 million to 720 last year’s 129 6 billion upstream gas developments G u y a n e s e , b u t t h e million barrels of oil We’ll be discussing that inthecountry government has dismissed equivalentfor2024,or3%to question with our guest The deal was announced thepossibilityofaconflictof 6% above the level of last today, Itsinterimearningsat by President Irfaan Ali in interest. In fact, VP Jagdeo year, CNOOC told an $11.2 billion were slightly June 2024. There were no during his Thursday press earnings briefing after below the $12 4 billion mentions of completed conference told reporters posting a record interim reported by PetroChina, projects by Fulcrum on its that Fulcrum LNG’s profit CNOOC expects Asia’s largest oil and gas website. Be that as it may, proposal was the best domestic natural gas producer, but more than Kaieteur News understands received by the government. production to maintain double those of refining that the main feature of Jagdeo said, “He had left strong growth through 2030 giant Sinopec, at $5 2 Fulcrum LNG will involve Exxon but if anything, and stands ready to monetise billion. ($1=7.0942 Chinese the development of state-of- maybe the evaluators vast gas resources in yuanrenminbi)

Kaieteur News

& Publishing Company Ltd. 24 Saffon Street, Charlestown, Georgetown, Guyana.

Publisher: DR. GLENN LALL - TEL: 624-6456


Tel: 225-8465, 225-8491. Fax: 225-8473, 226-8210



Anew Berbice River Bridge is the latest coming outofthePPPCGovernment. Wheneverthereis anannouncementoftheupcomingconstruction ofanewbridgetohelpcitizensgobackandforthacrossan expanseofwaterthatmustqualifyaswelcomenews. Once the engineering is sound, the price is right, and the entire process between the drawing board and the first wheels acrossitssurfaceistransparentandmeetallcriteria,thenitis a time for applause and celebration. We at this publication wouldliketosaythatfromtodaybutmustbemorecautious. Thepassageoftimeandalongrecordofleadershipsleights of hand have left a bad taste when big, expensive capital projectsareinvolved.

AnewbridgeacrosstheBerbiceRiverwouldbeaboonto commuters. What goes in to building this bridge from the beginningwoulddeterminethereceptioncomingoutofhere andfromcitizens. First,Guyanesemustgetthefulldetailsof the cost of this project, which is sure to run into the tens of millions. The secrets surrounding the construction of old Bridge (existing one) must, of necessity, be replaced by the fullest level of transparency There must not be any of that cloak and dagger stuff involving so-called ‘confidential’ investors and their need to maintain anonymity For what reasondoesthatbecomesovitallyimportant,wewillbebold enoughtoask? Inviewofthemysteriessurroundingthelast Berbice Bridge, and the sharp disagreements that they generated,somelessonsoughttohavebeenlearnedastohow toapproachprojectsliketheseinamorecrediblemanner

Next in line is the need for a reliable feasible study To confirm what we have said before, any projects with such significanceshouldbesubjecttorigorousfeasibilitystudies, asconductedbyreputablesources. Anacceptablefeasibility study would include the technical as well as the financial aspects(andsoforth)oftheprojectunderconsideration. The governmentshouldhavelearnedbynow,andknowbynow, that its practice of rushing projects into existence, and keeping the public in the dark, is not in the best interests of eitherthenationalleadershiporthoseofGuyanese. Having failedtodoso,andamidalltheongoingcontroversies,with the expensive Wales gas-to-energy project as the leading billboard,itwouldbebeneficialtothePPPCGovernmentto refrain from any ideas about repeating its shoddy practices withtheoutlinesofthenewBerbiceRiverBridgenowtaking shape. Aproper study informs the public, a true feasibility study inspires citizens to lend their support for not just the pending new Berbice River Bridge, but any projects of similar magnitude. Give Guyanese a study that they can grip,andtheywillrallyaroundaproject(bridge)thatmakes sense.

Relative to where the proposed new bridge will be located is a key piece of information that should be in the hands of citizens at the earliest. The location must make sense,theprosandconsstanduptoscrutiny,andalwayswith aneyetothefinalprice. Howitcomparestoothersthatmade it into the evaluation would go a long way towards convincinglocalsthatthelocationhasitsmerits,andstands head above others that were identified The first considerationisthatitmustbeaboutbusinesssenseandnot about hidden political motives that have usually cost the taxpayersofGuyanaanarmandaleg. Theycanbarelyget by,asitis,sotoburdenthemwithnewobligationsthatcould have been minimized would be the height of leadership callousness.

The cost for crossing holds special meaning for commuters. This is why it is mandatory that everything be clean and tight from the inception with this bridge. The Guyanapoliticalhabit(bothPPPCandPNCR)ofloadingup thepocketsoftheirfatcatfriendsmeansthatcommutersend up paying through the nose for cream shared by senior political decision makers with their circle of opportunists. Whenabridgeisdoneleanandmean,thencommutershave anaffordabletoll,abridgetheycansupport.

Islam’s role in the cultivation of sugar and some notable Guyanese


I take this opportunity to write on the subject of religion. To begin, I must mention how sugar cultivation played a role in shaping religious identity in Guiana.

As early as 1634, sugar wasbeingcultivatedatKykOver-Al, Fort Island located in Essequibo where the Mazaruni River meets the CuyuniRiver

The word Kyk-Over-Al comes from Dutch for “see overall”.Inaround1616,the Dutch established a colony onthis1.5-acreislandandby 1637, they were exporting sugarcanetoHollandwhere it was used to manufacture sugar Guianaatthetimedid nothaveamilltoprocessthe cane juice into sugar It is interesting to note that the main export from Guiana at thetimewasannattowhichis anorange-redcondimentand food colouring and derived fromtheseedsoftheAchiote tree.

T h e I n d i g e n o u s communities in Guiana cultivatedannattoandtraded it to the Dutch for an export market. By1674,theDutch commander, Hendrick Rol, established in number of sugar plantations to be cultivatedbyAfricanslaves. Five plantations were establishedinBerbiceatthat time with the number of slavesinthecolonybeingin thehundreds.

TheAfricanslavescanbe creditedforbringingIslamto


By the end of the 17th century,Islamwasalreadyin placeinGuiana.

Islamic practices were possible and there is some evidence that while Islam was not practiced as an established communal religion,Islamicritualswere observed by individuals and small groups Slavery officially ended in 1834 and this followed the period of Indentureship which included a number of Muslims being brought to Guiana from the British colonized India. During this period, it was possible for both African and East Indians to observe their religious practices, to travel in the country and become organized.

ThefirstMasjidwasbuilt in the 1860’s either at Philadelphia on the East BankofEssequiboorNo.78 village in Corentyne, Berbice The first organization, Jamiatul Ulama-E-Deen of British Guianawasfoundedin1934 to provide religious leadership and education to the Muslims in what was thenBritishGuiana.

In 1936, the Islamic Association of Guyana was formedfollowedbytheSadr Anjumain in 1939 to unify all the various organizations underoneumbrella.In1948, the Islamic Association agreed to merge with the Sadr and form the United Sadr Islamic Anuman




The Muslims of Guyana enjoyed a period of rapid progress and development. However, in the 1960’s, the Muslimleadersgotinvolved politically and formed a Muslimpoliticalpartywhich wasadisgraceandperhapsa detriment to the community asawhole.

In the years, between 1964 and 1978, a number of Muslim organizations were founded which claimed to have national, international and regional representation oftheMuslimsofGuyana.

This fractured landscape tookplacetofillthevacuum createdduetoamajorsplitin the USIA. The 1970’s was marked by the disunity and confusion within the community The leader of onefactionsatwithoneside ofthepoliticaldivisionwhile another side with the other faction of the political division The disunity, organization in-fighting, proliferation of many smaller organizations and their claims to leadership, had a devastating effect on theMuslimcommunity

Regardless of the political divisions, Muslims have always remained in kind and caring community that refused to compromise the tenets and principles of their religion. My ancestors were Muslims. My great grandmother who had five children was born in British Guiana and practiced Islam with sincerity and


Her last son was one of Guyana’slegalgeniusesand hehaddiedafewweeksago. HisnamewasRexHMcKay born Samuel Haniff and his last rites were performed at the Muslim Youth Organization (MYO) complex in Georgetown Overtheyears,I’vecometo personally know Mohamed Haniff my uncle and Mr AhmadAliofNandyPark.

His widow, Fazeela Ali, treated me like I was her brotherandItoo,treatedher like she was my sister although we are not related byblood.

Letmepleasereflectona few outstanding Guyanese of Islamic background, Mr Mohammed Shahabuddeen former Attorney General, Vice President and Learned Judge of the World Court; Mr Ayube Edum, General Secretary of the MPCA in 1936;Mr AyubeHamidwho made his name on the radio waves and his song Suhani Root even played in English Parties at midnight Old Year’s night 1950’s; Rafiz Khan made his name on radio with a local Indian performance, some of his finds are Mohan Nandes, Gobin Ram Tilak Sudama, Balandin, Bami Balkarran artists came from all over Guyana. In Sports – is the very talented cricket Fauod Bacchus who played for GuyanaandtheWestIndies. Hewasextremelytalentedin (Continuedonpage5)

contract for the reconstruction of the Linden Highway


I went on a listening and grounding move at the Yarrowkabra Creek for the signingofthecontractforthe reconstructionof the Linden SoesdykeHighwayroad,for US$161 millions on the 27/8/2024 When the PresidentoftheCooperative Republic of Guyana saw me in the crowd, he started his target practice to shape his campaign for 2025 election. This was clear that some kind of fear is lingering around his confidence of winning the upcoming elections.

As I listened attentively to the president trying to destroy the image of the Coalition for their action in government 2015 to 2020, I come to realize this is a full campaign taking place with

State funds using the contracts as a means to pull the votes of young contractorswhoarelobbying for jobs. While some of his utterance was truthful of some of the past that had t a k e n p l a c e , t h e measurement of what his governmenthaddoneinfour yearsandwhattheCoalition had done in its five years couldn’tstanduptoscrutiny when you take into account ofthefinancereceivedbythe Coalition and what was receivedbythePPPinterms ofrevenues.

2,017,524,800,000 Guyana dollars all because of the oil revenues.

Editor,thePPPwouldbe able to do far more than the Coalition government had done that is the reality, because the ‘cuss-down-oil contract’ has become a profitable contract that the PPP government would not fighttochangealthoughthey saidtheywould. Imustgive him some credit for a good political dance, focusing on me, to send his political messages,luckyme,Iamnot thin skin or fearful of any one,Istandstrong.

As the President called on me, to verify if roads are being built in the area and I said yes, because I am a believer in truthfulness, he gained political energy, but

The APNU+AFC had spent around 6,028 94 billion US in its 5 years, the PPPafterthisyearfinishwill spend about 16,116,604 billion US, which means 10,087,624 billion US more than the Coalition government, totaling

retrogressedandhewentinto the depth of digging to find faults of the past administration, which gave me the impression that the PPP somehow is afraid of a partythattheyclaimisdead. I would like to let the President know with all the talksofdevelopment,alotof his projects are faulty and billionsarebeingwasted.

Please note the maintenance cost will be high also, in the village of Yarrowkabra and other villages on the highway We already seeing the roads are deteriorating, contractors, andengineersneedtobeheld to account for poor works done for hard-earned taxpayers’dollars.

Sincerely, MichaelCarrington AFCViceChairman

Ogunseye’s responds to Sultan Mohamed


After long and careful consideration trying to understand why a letter written by Dr David Hinds in honour of the 99th birthday of Eusi Kwayana would move anyone in their right senses to write a letter like the one written by Mr Sultan Mohamed with gross misinformation and outright falsifications. What manner of man is he? However, I choose to respond for the benefit of the younger generationandunsuspecting readers.

His premise, “Kwayana and Rodney had different goals”, if this meant that Walter Rodney and Eusi Kwayanahaddifferentgoals for their lives, Mohamed might be correct. But that is not what he meant. He is telling readers that during Walter’sactivisminGuyana, he and Eusi had different political goals. This selfappointed‘KnowAll’knows thingsthathavenoexistence inreality Unlikehim,Isatin the WPA’s Executive before Walter arrived in Guyana. I aminapositiontochallenge Mohamed’s false narrative. When the information of Walter being denied work at UG emerged, Eusi brought

theleadershipofASCRIAto discuss the developments andwhatshouldbedone.He pointed out the political importanceofWalterandthe fact that he was not tainted by race politics, and we should create a unifying responsethatcutacrossrace andthepoliticaldivisionsin the country This led to the organizing of the Walter Rodney defense committee, involvingseveralforces,and individuals including

Jagan’s PPP The rest is history When WPA was formed before Rodney’s arrival, the political goals were well established: (1) recognition of the historic race contradiction, and its negativeeffectsonthenation and to seek a solution (2) buildapoliticalorganization that facilitates the struggle and aspirations of all race groups(3)recognitionofthe class struggle and the need for multi-racial unity as paramount to success. In a nutshell advance the Guyanese revolution as a multi-racial, multi-class projectdrivenbytheunityof the working class/working people Rodney had no problem with any of the above, he embraced those goals 100%. At no point in

Islam’s role in the...

Frompage4 the field and even had 250testrunsversusIndiafor theWestIndies.AlsoIslamic d e s c e n t i s Ti m o r Mohammed,whoplayedfor Guyana and the West Indies Youth.

In Business – there was one Abdul Gafoor was opened a hardware store in Sussex Street, La Penitence in late 50s, not knowing it would become a business magnetinGuyana.

Hepassedthetorchtohis son, Sattaur Gafoor, who lead the business with dynamo and integrity; alwaysagivertopeoplewho need.

He made a major contribution financially to the Islamic community by building Masjids and other

places of worship. He also helped scores of Muslims and other people of other Religion.

I cannot recall a Senior Police Officer of Islamic descent, but our present Brigadier General from the GuyanaDefenceForceisMr OmarKhan.Iamwritingthis to attest to the beauty of Islam and to encourage otherstoreflectonthelifeof the Prophet Muhammad, may the peace and blessings ofAllahbeuponhim. Yourstruly, Mr.FrankDeAbreu

the WPA Executive did the issue of ‘Black Power’ever arise, let alone any comparison between Kwayana’s and Rodney’s perspectives.Thisispurelya fiction of Mr Sultan Mohamed’simagination.

It was no secret that ASCRIA saw black power through a Pan-African lens, when Brother Stokely Carmichael/Kwame Ture, wasabandonedbyhishostin his visit to Guyana in 1971, ASCRIA filled the role. I was present at Queen’s College when the Indian detractors in the audience asked Carmichael about his definitionofblackpower,he repliedthatblackpowerwas for Black People/Africans. He did not stop there and suggested that Indians build Indian power He was in my view giving one of the highest honours a revolutionarycangive,toan oppressed racial group who experienced indenture and colonialism Yet Indian detractors of Carmichael even decades after the event are still poisoned by their anti-African mentality Many years ago in a letter, I c

f Carmichael’s position on IndiansintheCaribbeanand blackpower Readersshould remember that in the period referred to above, the WPA wasnotinexistence.

If one followed the erroneous logic of Sultan Mohomed, Kwayana called for‘partition’,-endofstory But history will show that the proposal made in the

name of Kwayana was for a “jointpremiership”between Jagan and Burnham, and if rejected partition, as the last resort The younger generation has a right to know the truth and hold the truth.Inthepropagandawar that followed led by Jagan/Burnham and their parties, the proposal’s objectivewasnotdiscussed, which was to avoid the pending crisis over which race would control Guyana after independence We know what followed, a civil war between Africans and Indians. What is also not known in this narrative is that the PPP and PYO were by 1964 also calling for partitionasalastresort.This is a quote from the Sunday Chronicle in December 1964: “Indian religious organizations yesterday supported Premier Jagan’s talkofpartition;accordingto a Press release by Pandit Reepu Daman Persaud, secretary, British Guiana Sanatan Dharma Maha Sabha He disclosed the Indian organizations cabled Britain’s Prime Minister stating that Burnham’s refusal to form a coalition with the PPP constitutes denial of the Indian population which is 51 percent of the population of therighttoparticipateinthe government.

TheIndianorganizations urged Mr Wilson to use his goodofficestobringabouta solution between all parties. “Unlessthesestepsaretaken immediately”, the press release stated: “the Indian

community will have little alternative but to begin considerationofpartition.”

F o r K w a y a n a ’s detractors, attempting to avoid that ‘bloodbath’ was anunforgivablepoliticalsin.

I am not surprised that Mr ‘Know-It-All’ is unaware that Kwayana himself had spokenandwrittenabouthis Joint Premier proposal, admittinginretrospectthatit was too sophisticated and advancedapoliticalsolution for a colony just emerging fromcolonialism.

Moreimportantly,Eusiis the only major leader in the anti-colonial struggle for independence to have publicly engaged in selfcriticism of his role during that period of Guyanese politics He presented a paperatasymposiumheldat The Bishops’ High School where he addressed those issues. This isn’t for Sultan Mohamed,whodoesn’tcare, but rather for the education oftheyoungergeneration.

Now let me address the question of Walter Rodney being the Leader of the

WPA The WPA at that period never named anyone the leader of the organization/party, we practice collective leadership of the executive. This was before Walter’s activism and during. The waystruggledevelopedafter Walter’s return, declaring any member more soWalter asleader,wassettingupthat comrade for execution. It was the multi-racial, multiclass masses in the Civil Rebellion that made Walter Rodney the leader of the WPA and the mass movementatthetime.

On another matter, Sultan Mohamed’s claim that Rodney and Jagan had devisedaplanfortheWPAto integrate into the PPP—an assertionmadeonlyafterthe deaths of both Rodney and Jagan is yet another of Sultan’sfabrications.Iclose, by saying that even the ‘wicked’intheirquesttosow seedsof‘dirty’openthedoor toenlightenment.

Youssincerely, TacumaOgunseye.


The new Berbice bridge project should be based on solid, transparent and publicly available data


Theinfallibleonesareat itagain.

In a letter in Stabroek News (SN), the letter writer sought to justify the PPP’s past decision to construct a floating bridge crossing the BerbiceRiver Now15years later, they are seeking to dismantle that bridge and replace it with a fixed concrete bridge. Sadly, the letter only magnifies the short-sightedness of the government - all at the expense of the residents of Berbice.

Every Guyanese, inclusive of the opposition, havealwaysbeensupportive ofbridgingallourrivers,not onlytheBerbiceRiver,since thisisaprogressivemeasure. However, we have always cautioned that our support was conditional on data which shows the technical

and financial sustainability of such a project. We must ensure the citizens of Berbice,aswellastherestof thecountryreceivevaluefor money since our history is replete with short sighted, unplanned and eventually failed projects implemented bythePPP

A bridge over the BerbiceRiverhashadalong history of poor decision making by the PPP In February 2000, Ballast

Nedam International submittedabidtoconstructa fixed bridge in the sum of US$30.8M-thissubmission was rejected by the PPP In June 2004, another bid for a concrete fixed bridge was submitted by another Dutch company Diwydag International in the sum of US$34.6M - this bid was also rejected by the PPP Interestingly both

companies proposed constructing these bridges upstream of Everton, at the shortestriverspan(1.15km).

Exactly two years after rejecting bids to construct a fixed bridge, in June 2006, the PPP entered into a ConcessionAgreement with the Berbice Bridge Company Inc. (BBCI). The owner of the major shareholder,QueensAtlantic Investment Inc. (QAII) was reportedly the best friend of thecurrentVice-Presidentto constructafloatingbridgeat theleastfavourablelocation.

This location was the least favourable for several reasonsincludingthesizeof theriverspan(1.6km).

The agreement was penned for a projected cost of US$32.43M (the final project cost was US$45M). It is acknowledged that the final project did bring much needed relief to the Berbice travelling public, but it also h a d t h e n e g a t i v e consequences of saddling the citizens of Berbice with thehighestrivercrossingtoll in the Western Hemisphere (US$11 per car) coupled witheconomicdeclineinthe t o w n s h i p o f N e w Amsterdam.

Inanefforttoensurethat these private investors achievedtheguaranteedrate

of return (12%), the PPP passed the Berbice River Bridge Act 2006, which prohibited,theoperationsof any Ferry Service for vehicles over the river The Berbice River is the ONLY waterway in the whole of Guyana that is not serviced by any river service for vehiclecrossing.

But, despite all these concessions, BBCI announced that effective November 2018, tolls for cars would be raised to G$8,040 (266% increase) and boats to G$291,040 (174%increase).

This imposition was blocked by Administrative Order by the Coalition government, the order was unsuccessfully challenged

by BBCI all the way to the CCJ Interestingly, four years after returning to office, the PPP government has not removed this Order, signaling their full agreement with the actions oftheCoalition.

It should also be noted, that in 2015, the Coalition approached BBCI, in an effort to keep the Government’s commitment to reduce the tolls, with the proposition of purchasing theirshares.

The major shareholder (QAII) insisted that the then government pay his company, the cost of its shares PLUS a 23% rate of returnperannumfrom2006. Should the PPP government attempt to purchase the

shares of BBCI, it would be of interest to learn if similar payment demands will be made.

“Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting differentresults”andthusin aneffortnottoreproducethe s a m e r e s u l t s o f unsustainable projects while burdening the citizens of Berbice, the Alliance For Change(AFC)hasurgedthat any new bridge project be based on solid, transparent and publicly available data to ensure Guyanese are provided with strategic and sustainable development projects that are good value forourmoney Regards, DavidPatterson

Soesdyke-Linden Highway renovation long over due


Therecentsigningofthe contract to rehabilitate and modernise the SoesdykeLinden Highway represents a monumental step forward for all who traverse this critical stretch of road. For years, the highway has been synonymous with peril, as too many lives have been tragically lost, limbs severed, and vehicles damaged due to both recklessdrivingandthepoor state of the roadway The need for action has been glaringly obvious, and the countless letters and pleas for intervention are finally being answered. The visible and invisible showing of excitement surrounding this developmentispalpable,and forgoodreason.

AsaproudLindenerand a very frequent user of this highway,Icanattestthatthis news of the highway’s imminent renovation is a welcome relief to all who rely on this route The improvementssettobemade will significantly enhance the safety and convenience ofthehighway,transforming it into a more modern and reliable artery that connects communities and facilitates smoother travel. The muchneeded installation of lights, reflective signage, road markings and rest stops marks a major step toward bringingourinfrastructurein line with the demands of a growing and progressing nation.

The prospect of job

creation through this project adds another layer of optimismforthefuture.The local economy of the communities along the highway and into Linden should be given the opportunity to benefit from t h e e m p l o y m e n t opportunities that will emerge as construction gets underway Thisdevelopment isnotonlyaboutimprovinga roadway but also about uplifting the lives of those whocallthisareahome.The potential influx of jobs if given,canprovidethemuchneeded economic boost to many communities includingLinden,whichcan enablemanyfamiliestoease the burden of the extremely highcostoflivingtoenjoya betterqualityoflife.

However, while we celebrate the signing of this contract, it is essential that the contractor/s remains fully committed to the project’ssuccess.Thisisnot just another construction job; it is a lifeline for many who depend on the highway for their daily commute and livelihood As such, the contractor must honor all contractual obligations, ensuring that the work is carried out with the highest standards of quality and integrity

Our supervising engineers must be professionalineveryregard. Cutting corners or delaying the project would only exacerbate the issues we havelongfaced. The completion of the

highway within the stipulatedtimelineisequally critical.Timelydeliverywill notonlyrestorenormalcyto the lives of commuters but will also demonstrate the contractor’s professionalism andreliability Thepeopleof Linden, and all who use this roadway, deserve nothing less than a roadway that reflects the promise of progress and safety The government has shown its commitment to this cause, andnowitisincumbentupon the contractor to fulfill that vision by executing the project with precision and dedication.

In conclusion, it is equallyimportanttoreiterate that the rehabilitation of the Linden Highway represents a watershed moment for the community and the country asawhole.

It symbolizes the longoverdueresponsetothecalls for safer and better infrastructure This development is more than just paving roads; it is about safeguarding lives, boosting the local economy potential, and steering the nation toward a brighter future. As we celebrate this moment, we must also hold the contractor and the government accountable for deliveringonthepromiseof a better highway, one that meetstheneedsoftodayand lays the foundation for tomorrow

Yoursrespectfully, Hon.JermaineFigueira MP

Govt. mandates more time for Math in secondary schools

Inanefforttoaddressthe Hussain which highlighted a

- classes must now be taught in morning hours

Chief Education Officer during these periods should declining pass rate in totalof16guidelinesschools (Secondary), through the be recorded in a separate mathematics at the must now implement before established channel, for a exercise book to facilitate

Caribbean Secondary the6thofSeptember,2024in reduction or exemption to marking,” the ministry Education Certificate order to improve the guideline#1. implemented. (CSEC) level, the Ministry mathematics performances

Importantly, (3) all Addi


y, the of Education is now amongstudents. mathematicsperiodsmustbe mathematics jargon must be mandating that beginning in T h e C E O i n t h e timetabled in the AM explicitly taught as used in the new school term all document stated that the sessions (morning sessions), past CSEC papers and found secondary schools and “Ministry of Education has and (4) all mathematics in the CSEC syllabus (A secondarydepartmentsinthe observedseveralundesirable periods must be timetabled glossary of terms). (8)As far primary schools must have practices in the teaching of in double periods, except if as possible, schools should more periods allotted for the mathemat

Chief Education Officer, Saddam Hussain.

ss an exemption request is aim to finish the CSEC subject which will now be s

madebytheschool’sHeadof syllabus by the end of the taught during the morning Specifically, our monitoring Department for mathematics Christmas term in Grade 11. hours. mechanisms revealed that practices.” the timetabling and teaching to the school’s Senior The CEO listed in the

U.S. Southern Command conducts joint training with GDF

This is according to a C S E C m a t h e m a t i c s Consequently, “the of mathematics in all Leadershipforapproval. documentalsothattheEaster circular sent out by the Chief performance has been ministry wishes to provide secondary schools and The ministry further Term in Grade 11 should be Education Officer, Saddam affected negatively by these the following guidelines for secondary departments in implemented that (5) Grades used for the solution of primary schools across the 10 and 11 mathematics CSEC-type questions country,”theCEOrelated. teachers must meet weekly (papers 1 and 2) and general Accordingtothecircular, to plan lessons, identify review (1) Mathematics must be resources, design evaluation It was stated that (9) taught in all classes of all instruments, evaluate past Regional Mathematics grades, for a minimum of lessons, plan remediation Subject Committees must be 240 minutes per week strategies and all other resuscitated to facilitate Schools can choose to have related curriculum activities. monthly meetings, whether more periods allocated to Also (6) problem-solving virtuallyorin-personandthe mathematics and the practice must be allocated a main purpose of these school’s cur

AspartoftheUnitedStatesandGuyana’s commitment to partnering with Guyana in strong ongoing military-to-military support of mutual goals and to further partnership, the U.S. Southern Command strengthening the longstanding security ties conducted a Joint Combined Exercise and betweenourcountries. Training (JCET) from July 29 toAugust 26, The U.S.-Guyana defense partnership in close coordination with the Guyana focusesonareasofmutualinterest,including DefenceForce(GDF). countering transnational criminal

The U.S. Southern Command routinely organisations, maritime security, disaster conducts similar activities and engagements preparedness, humanitarian assistance, and withdefensepartnersandalliesintheregion humanrights. and around the world, the US Embassy here U.S. Southern Command’s enduring saidinapressrelease.Duringtheirtimehere, partnership with the GDF is critically the U.S. Southern Command team trained important and highly valued, and U.S. with their Guyana Defence Force Southern Command is steadfastly counterparts in jungle operations, with a committedtoexpandingandstrengtheningit focusontactics,techniques,andprocedures. in ways that are mutually beneficial to our This joint activity underscores our steadfast countriesandpeople.

m minimum of two (2) periods meetings must be to explore s

b e perweekforallclasses.“The different methodologies in immediately adjusted to solving of CSEC past-paper teaching mathematical reflectthischange. questions must commence at content External help (2) Schools which have Grade7.InusingCSEC-type should be sought from recorded an exceptionally questions, consideration NCERD,CPCE,UG,among high CSEC pass rate for must be given to the topic otheragencies. mathematics in the last two and level of difficulty It is (10) In conducting their (2) years (2023 and 2024) recommended that problem- designatedsupervisory can apply to the Assistant solving questions completed (Continued on page 9)

Ministry launches refresher training for nursery curriculum rollout

The Ministry of Education, in collaboration with the Guyana Education Sector Project Programme (GESPP), has commenced a pivotal four-day refresher trainingformastertrainers.


The training, being hosted at the National Centre for Educational Resource Development (NCERD), marks a key step in the nationwide implementation of the Guyana Renewed Nursery Curriculum, set to begininSeptember2024. may no longer be effective today,” Persaud

According to a statement by the ministry, further added, “The modern education the refresher course aims to prepare master landscape requires a shift from traditional trainers with the essential knowledge and teaching methods to a more student-centered academic strategies needed for the approach, leveraging technology to enhance curriculum’s rollout. This initiative follows learning.” the successful pilot phase of the Guyana Persaud underscored the curriculum’s Renewed Nursery Curriculum, which ran new focus on early literacy and numeracy, from September 2022 to July 2024, the crucialforlong-termacademicsuccess.“Our release stated. The pilot, which received vision is to make every child a reader by positive feedback from educators, has led to Grade 3. To achieve this, the curriculum will refinements in the curriculum to better serve now feature separate subjects for literacy and allnurserystudentsacrossthecountry numeracy, reflecting feedback from teachers

Theministrynotedthatdecisiontoupdate nationwide.” the curriculum arises from the recognition The renewed curriculum will provide a that the previous system, in place since 1976, consistent, high-quality educational no longer meets contemporary educational experience, emphasising critical thinking, needs. Assistant Chief Education Officer for creativity, and collaboration. The Ministry of Nursery, Devendra Persaud, emphasised the Education, in the released expressed their importance of adapting to modern dedication to work with educators and educationaldemands.“Theeducationsystem specialists to ensure the successful is dynamic, and what worked well in the past implementationofthenewcurriculum.

Chief Education Officer for Nursery, Devendra Persaud


There is a strange phenomenon that occurs when power and public finance intertwine.Asort of intellectual alchemy arises that transforms debt into ownership and risk into security This transmutation isoftenorchestratedbythose who understand the magic words and numbers that can convince the populace that what is theirs is in fact someone else’s, and what is someone else’s is in fact theirs.

In Guyana, this alchemy founditslatestexpressionin

Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo’spersistentassertion that the Marriot Hotel is 100% owned by the government.Thisdespitethe web of loans and financial instrumentsthatunderpinits existence.

One might recall the story of a man whose name aloneappearedonthetitleof hishome,yetheclaimedthat the bank owned it. He had taken out a loan covering more than 80% of the property’s cost. Legally, his name on the transport made him the de jure owner, but

the debt held over his head made him feel otherwise. This man’s honesty, though misinterpreted by some as ignorance, was rooted in a deepunderstandingofwhere powertrulylies.Ownership, as he knew, is not just about holding the title but also about having the means to controltheasset.

Similarly, when Jagdeo proclaimsthattheMarriotis fullygovernment-owned,he appeals to the simplistic

ownership. The reality,

Govt. mandates more time for Math...

Frompage8 activities, head teachers and deputy head teachers must prioritize mathematics classesacrossgrades.

The document stated (11) the mathematics SBA must begin no later than the second week of the August term of Grade 10 and it can commenceearlierifaschool so chooses. (12) Schools must establish a committee to review a sample of mathematics SBAs, while (13) evaluation strategies, similar to the mathematics SBA, must be used in different grades for students to develop an appreciation for the application of mathematics.

Further, (14) a remediationstrategymustbe immediately implemented for Grade 11 mathematics and Education Officers are instructed to observe and

r e p o r t o n t h e implementation of the remediation strategy in all schools under their supervision, the ministry outlined. “(15) Schools are aware that certain ‘nonmathematical’factors affect students’ performance in mathematics such as attendance and punctuality

The school’s senior leadership team is required to identify these factors and implement systems to mitigatetheirinfluence.(16)

A recommendation will be made for disciplinary action to be taken against all supervisors (at the levels of the school and Department ofEducation)ifstudentsare not taught, though timetabled,orifthesyllabus is deliberately not completed,” the CEO informed.

It was reported that the

Caribbean Examination Council (CXC) this year recorded an overall decline in the mathematics past rate acrosstheCaribbean,withit dropping significantly from 43% in 2023 to 36%, which saw most candidates achieving grade three in the subject.

Additionally, releasing the preliminary results for thecountryjustrecently,the CEOhadannouncedthatthe country’s performance in mathematics decline compared to last year. Hussain had stated that mathematicspassratessawa 3%decrease,droppingfrom 34%in2023to31%in2024. Atthatresultsceremony,the MinisterofEducation,Priya Manickchandsaidthatthere will be placing monitors at schools which continue to see students getting a Grade Fourinmathematics.


De weather playing games with we!

Last Wednesday, when de met office seh we gon get heatwave inSeptemberandOctober,ithad GTpeoplesweating.Likedeheatwavestart already! Well, just as everybody planning fuh buy extra fan and stock up pon ice, bam!Abig storm come outta nowhere. Is like de weather trying fuh mek de met office look bad. Dem boys seh dis storm was so sudden, even de fish didn’t know wheretoswim.

Yousee,disisdeting‘boutGuyana.De weather and de weatherman does always fight. De man seh sunshine, and you does get rain. De man seh rain, and is like de Sahara Desert in town. Is like de weather playing hide-and-seek with de forecast. And every time, de weather does win. But what really happen last Wednesday? De whole place was hot. Blue skies! Sun was shiningbright.Peoplethinking,“Oh,lawd, de heatwave done start!” But no! Storm comeandwasheverything.Demboyssehit waslikedeweatherjustgetvexanddecide


Initially, loans were expectedtocover71%ofthe total costs of the Marriot project. That changed along the way According to a forensic audit into the hotel, the National Industrial and Commercial Investments Limited (NICIL) injected US$15.5 million, interestfree, into the project. A syndicated loan from Trinidad,whichamountedto another US$15.25 million, wastheothermajorloanthat helpedtofinancethehotel.

Syndicated loans are not a benig

nancial instrument; they come with strings, or rather, ropes, attached.The audit revealed that these syndicated investors had special rights, givingthempreferenceover othercreditors.Iftheproject faced financial turmoil, the first in line to be paid were these investors, not the government.Thesyndicated loan’s interest rate of 9.15% during construction and 8 65% post-construction, with an 18-month moratorium,ensuredthatthe syndicatedlenderswouldbe well-compensated for their risk, their ‘investment’ secured by mortgages and debentures.

Jagdeo’sportrayalofthe Marriotaswhollyownedby t h e g o v e r n m e n t conveniently omits these financialencumbrances.The true nature of ownership is laidbarewhenoneexamines who holds the financial reins By financing the majorityofthehotelthrough debt, the government effectivelyhandedcontrolto its creditors Should the hotel fail to meet its obligations, these creditors could claim the property, thankstothelienssecuredby mortgages and debentures. In other words, the

government’s ownership is conditional, a facade that exists only as long as the creditorsaresatisfied.

It is worth pondering why, in a country with low interestratesonsavingsand on treasury bills, no bond was floated to involve Guyanese citizens in the project. As it stands, the identities of the syndicated investorsremainshroudedin mystery, their identities unknowntotheverycitizens whosetaxesunderpinpartof the government’s financial commitmentstothehotel.

Onecanonlyimaginethe outcry if the Marriot had gone belly-up, leaving the government to explain why foreigncreditors,notNICIL were the first to be compensated The syndicate’spreferencerights would have ensured that, even in financial ruin, their interests were prioritized Who knows, they might havetakenpossessionofthe hotelatabargainprice.

Jagdeo’s assertion of government ownership, therefore, must be scrutinized not through the lensoflegaltitlebutthrough the practical realities of financial obligations Ownership, in this case, is a legalfictionmaintainedbya precarious balance of debt andrevenue.

The Marriot’s salvation camefromtheserendipitous discovery of oil, which broughtaninfluxofbusiness travellers and oil workers and boosted the hotel’s previously poor occupancy rates. Without this stroke of fortune,thehotelmighthave found itself in the very predicament its financing m o d e l h a d m a d e likely—struggling to meet debt repayments and at the mercyofitscreditors.

This is the real lesson of

the Marriot Hotel saga: that ownership is not merely about holding shares but about controlling one’s destiny By relying heavily on debt financing, the government could have ended up ceding control to its lenders, placing a public assetatrisk.Thenarrativeof 100% ownership is a comforting tale, a myth designed to placate the public while obscuring the precarious financial foundations upon which suchownershiprests.

The Marriot, much like the Berbice River Bridge, stands as a monument to a controversial financial strategy In the case of the latter, there was no act of fortunetoboosttherevenues of the bridge. In fact, the A P N U + A F C , b y administrativefiat,movedto take control of the structure to avoid an onerous tariff beingimposedonusers.

Thisstandsasareminder that in the world of public finance, as in personal finance,trueownershipisnot about titles or shares As Jagdeo continues to tout the government’s ownership of the Marriot, one cannot help butrecallthemanwhoknew that while his name was on the title, it was the bank that truly owned his home Ownership,intheend,isnot about appearances but about power andinthecaseofthe MarriotHotel,thatpowerlay notwiththegovernment

(The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinionsofthisnewspaper.)


Longtimeago,demboysrememberde magic formula fuh ending drought. Just organize an international cricket match at Bourda. Guaranteed rain! You coulda bet yuh last dollar pon it. Dem boys seh if de SaharaDesertwantrain,justbuildacricket stadium.ButWednesdayrain,itdidn’tneed nocricket.Itdidn’tneednospecialdance. AllitneededwasdeVeePeetochangehe press conference day Normally is Thursday, but he change it to Wednesday Bam!Rain!

Dem boys seh de weather more predictable than de met office. When dem sehbringumbrella,youlefithome.When dem seh sunshine, you better look out fuh rainstorm.Isarealjoke!So,whenyouhear demetofficetalking,youknowwhattodo. Pack everything – raincoat, umbrella, sunscreen, and shades. De weather in Guyana,itdon’tplaybyderules.Itplayby itsownrules.Anditalwayswin! Talkhalf.Leffhalf!



For he’s a jolly good fellow Forhe’sajollygood fellow… That would be CEO of Fulcrum LNG, Jesus Bronchalo. He is Guyana’s newly minted gas monetization man. That’s like saying that the IMF worksinthebestinterestsof countries to which it offers those Mafia type loan shark deals that they can’t refuse. For Guyanese who may be focusing on Senor Bronchalo and his born on the run company, Fulcrum, take it from me: that is barkingupthewrongtree.

Senor Bronchalo didn’t take his leave from Exxon after19years. Nofolks,he wasspunoffbyExxontoset upshopintheNevadadesert in what was a nimble piece of corporate footwork Bronchalo left and then he had this come-to-Jesus vision The result is Fulcrum, LNG. Where is God when I need him to guide along these primrose paths… Hip,hip,hoorayfor Bronchalowithahalfcurtsy to Alistair Routledge and Exxon for coming up with

anotherstunnerforawinner Who else but a former company insider deep in its Guyanaoperations!

Bottom line reality amounts to this: if any Guyaneseisreadytobesuch a sucker as to fall for that one, then go right ahead. Theycangoaheadandmake their own day without any helpfromme.

Exxon and Bronchalo didnotdivestthemselvesof eachotherafter19mutually fruitfulyears.Nosiree,Bob:

Exxon just diversified into Guyana’sgaswithitstrusted corporate soldier Bronchalo as the captain of that commercial ship that made its appearance in sunny Nevada. Exxon even got a manwithanamethatwould make Guyanese swoon, even an atheist like Bharrat Jagdeo. Man! do these guys operatingoutofTexaswrite the book on how to wheel and deal with oil and gas... Incidentally, I hope that there isn’t anybody in Guyana who harboured the thought that Exxon was going to stand idly by and

relaxitsstrangleholdonthis country’s oil and gas sector, by letting the gas business go to some stranger Why, even the Chinese partner in the Exxon-spearheaded offshore oil consortium was edged out of the 17 headed bidding field. Somebody at Natural Resources made sure that there were no slipups, and that everything had just the right appearance. I would not be surprised if somebody from the national tender board present during the bidding proceedings in the capacity as a special consultant relative to how these delicate matters (bids) are handled From my perspective, everything about this sweetheart setup is just that, too sweet, as in toogoodtobetrue.

And if there was one thing that Americans of the caliberofAlistairRoutledge taught me was that when mattersmushroomoutofthe desertjustlikethat,thenitis neither as good (clean) as made out to be, nor has anythingthatistrueaboutit.

Atleast,notforpoor,dumb, sluggishGuyanaalwaysleft to lament its fate in the loser’s circle. I urge my fellow Guyanese to look at that whirlwind sequence of developments again: BronchalowasatExxonfor an eternity, then in a jiffy it wassplits-Ville,thenalmost overnight, there was this sandcastle springing out of the rocky Tahoe, Nevada wilderness Is Senor Bronchaloagasshowmanor what? The only ingredient missing at this point are some fancy, high-stepping Las Vegas showgirls to createtherightkindofsales environment for the sale of Guyana’sgas. Justputiton Guyana’sbill.

Separately, Guyanese should be thankfulthat they got a guesthouse for Fulcrum’s headquarters

Back in the day on Wall Street,therewerethesePost Office Boxes that served as the addresses of many shell companies. Iftheenquiring here wants to know where, whythosePOBoxeswerein Nevada,ofcourse. Though

ittookawhileforthe dots to be connected and the ancient 1980s computer systems to crank up and crank out that detail about a pattern that was not good for know-yourcustomer standards. Or what the so-called principal was all about; that was the second giveaway: it was almost always a solo operator Just like Senor Bronchalo,withanodtothat ghost worker serving as a decoy for gullible Guyanese.

The title of Technical Director does have an impressiveringtoit. Given that it is gas, there is also a certain smell to this whole shebang that makes people likemewanttoretch.

The third giveaway was the seeming nonchalance of the esteemed Bharrat Jagdeo, Guyana’s Vice President of Oil and now Gasaffairs.

So, now there is the JagdeoandBronchaloshow There is nothing comedic about that pairing; it is all

economic Listen to Guyana’smightymanofoil (and gas): me worry about the man’s former relationship to Exxon? Not me,folks.

It is why I reserve a specialplaceinmyheartfor Jagdeo: the man knows where his bread is buttered (both sides) and by whom andwithwhat. Todate,Dr Jagdeohasnotshownanyill effects from the overly high fat content of that specially enrichedbutteronhisbread. The last word is this to Guyanese: just don’t expect too much from gas money with this fellow Bronchalo. He has that Jagdeo halo abouthim.

(The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the o p i n i o n s o f t h i s newspaper.)


WASHINGTON, Aug 29 (Reuters) - Democrat

Kamala Harris leads Republican Donald Trump

45% to 41% in a Reuters/Ipsospollpublished onThursdaythatshowedthe vicepresidentsparkingnew enthusiasm among voters and shaking up the race aheadoftheNov 5election.

The 4 percentage point advantageamongregistered voters was wider than a 1 point lead Harris held over theformerpresidentinalate JulyReuters/Ipsospoll.The new poll, which was conducted in the eight days endedWednesdayandhada 2percentagepointmarginof error,showedHarrispicking up support among women andHispanics.

Harris led Trump by 49% to 36% - or 13 percentage points - among both women voters and Hispanicvoters.Acrossfour

Reuters/Ipsos polls conducted in July, Harris had a 9 point lead among women and a 6 point lead among Hispanics Trump led among white voters and men, both by similar margins as in July, though his lead among voters without a college degree narrowed to 7 points in the

latest survey, down from 14 pointsinJuly.

The findings illustrate how the U.S. presidential racehasbeenshakenupover the summer President Joe Biden,81,foldedhisflailing campaign on July 21 after a disastrous debate performance against Trump sparked widespread calls from his fellow Democrats to abandon his re-election bid. Since then, Harris has gained ground against Trump in national polls and thoseincriticalswingstates. While national surveys including Reuters/Ipsos’ giveimportantsignalsonthe views of the electorate, the state-by-state results of the ElectoralCollegedetermine thewinner,withahandfulof battleground states likely to bedecisive.

Inthesevenstateswhere the 2020 election was closest - Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Georgia, Arizona, North Carolina, Michigan and NevadaTrump had a 45% to 43% lead over Harris among registeredvotersinthepoll.

“It’s obvious that running against Harris is more challengingforTrumpgiven the shift in these numbers, but it’s certainly not

insurmountable,” said Matt Wolking, a Republican campaign strategist who worked on Trump’s 2020 campaign. He said Trump needs to stay as focused as possibleinhiscampaign“so he’s not scaring” away voterswhowereleaninghis waybecausetheydidn’tlike Biden Since formally accepting the Democratic nomination last week, Harris has embarked on a tour of battleground states including Georgia, where B i d e n h a d b e e n hemorrhaging support before he ended his campaign.


S o m e 7 3 % o f Democratic registered voters in the poll said they were more excited about voting in November after Harrisenteredtherace.And whileaMarchReuters/Ipsos poll found that 61% respondentswhointendedto voteforBidenweredoingso mainly to stop Trump, 52% of Harris voters in the August poll were voting to support her as a candidate rather than primarily to opposeTrump.

“Weseeitinthispollthat people are more motivated about the future than the

past,” said Aimee Allison, founderofShethePeople,a liberal group that aims to growthenumbersofwomen of color in elected office.

“TheyseeKamalaHarrisas the future, and Republicans seethiselectionasjustabout Trump Voters are more likely to be engaged when given the option of ‘more than’ beating Trump.” But Trump voters also voiced enthusiasm about their candidate, with 64% saying their choice was more motivated by backing Trump than opposing Harris.

Voters picked Trump as having a better approach to managing the U S economy, 45% to 36%, a wider margin than Trump hadinanotherReuters/Ipsos pollthisweek.

Harris,bycontrast,hada 47% to 31% advantage on abortionpolicy Theissueis salient for Democrats after the conservative U S Supreme Court in 2022 struck down women’s national right to abortion. Trump nominated three conservative justices to the court during his 2017-2021 presidency Some 41% of voters in the poll - and 70% of Democrats - said they

in a Reuters/Ipsos poll

were worried the next president might sign a national ban on abortions.

The latest poll’s survey period partially overlapped with the Aug 19-22

Democratic National Convention in Chicago where Harris formally accepted her party’s nomination, and it remains tobeseenwhetherthesame level of enthusiasm for

Harris will continue. The poll was conducted nationally and gathered responses from 4,253 U.S. adults, including 3,562 registered voters Independent candidate Robert F Kennedy Jr., who suspended his campaign on Aug. 23 while the poll was still being conducted, had the support of 6% of voters inthesurvey

Democrat, Vice President Kamala Harris leads Republican Donald Trump 45% to 41%

ExxonMobil partner discloses another discovery that contradicts Govt.’s claim

that reserves only grew by 600M barrels

State-owned China National Guyana, the company’s first operations, boasting a net profit southeasternportionoftheblock.

on discovery of 2024. While EMGL attributable to equity shareholders Notably, according to the (CNOOC) a 25% partner in the did not disclose the estimated increase by 25% to RMB79.7 company’s filing the Hong Kong StabroekBlockhasputthereserves recoverable resources from the billion(overUS$11billion). Stock Exchange, “Overseas, a new increase over the 600 million discovery it was stated that the CNOOC said that in the first discovery with in-place oil and gas barrels growth that was recently Bluefin well encountered half of the year, it focused on volume over 100 million tons, announced by the Government of approximately 197 feet (60 metres) increasing oil and gas reserves and Bluefin, was made at the Stabroek Guyana(GoG). of hydrocarbon-bearing sandstone production. Within the six months blockinGuyana.”


This second revelation by that Guyana’s Stabroek Block CNOOC shows that Guyana’s reserves stood at 11 billion barrels reserves have

ed of oil; since then eight new significantlysincethe2022update. discoveries were made joining the However, Vice President Bharrat more than 30 already made on the Jagdeo has been contending that Stabroek block since 2015. It is sincethe2022updatetherehasonly important to note that earlier this been a “minimal” increase in the year CNOOC released its 2023 reserves. annual report which stated that the

At one of his recent press Lancetfish discovery has averaged and was drilled in 4,244 feet (1,294 period, the company made seven conferences, Jagdeo said, “On the these reserves. So we saw what some 100 million tons, which is metres) of water The Bluefin well new discoveries and successfully reserve, I told you that there is a Exxon submitted, and we are going equivalent to 746 million barrels of is located approximately 8 5 appraised 18 oil and gas bearing submissionthatExxonmakestous, todoanauditofthereservessothat oil. kilometres southeast of the Sailfin- structures. One of the discoveries this submission showed a minimal we can get the full picture ”

Back in March, ExxonMobil 1 well, in the southeastern portion the company pointed out is the increasefromthelastquartertothis Notably, a French company has

Guyana Limited (EMGL) Stabroekblock. Bluefin discovery on the Stabroek quarterofprovenreserves,minimal been awarded a contract to assist announcedadiscoveryatBluefinin This week CNOOC posted its Block, which CNOOC said further increase… We have gone out to thegovernmentwithunderstanding the Stabroek block offshore first-half results on its global expand the reserves in the contract someone to do an audit of thecountry’sprovenreserves.

Govt. promises toll-free travel on Demerara, Berbice bridges next year

President Irfaan Ali on River Bridge, the toll for crossing

between Piers 34 and 35, will be (NICIL) holds 10 percent, NIS Thursday evening made three willbefreeofcost,”hestated.

300 feet wide and 164 feet high, owns 20 2 percent, and other announcements during the The US$260 million 2 8- allowing Handymax-type vessels stakeholders include Hand-incommissioning of the new kilometre new Demerara River to pass through unobstructed. The Hand Fire Insurance (10 percent), Schoonord to Crane four-lane Bridge, a key project to alleviate towerssupportingthespanwillrise New GPC (20 percent), Queens highwayinRegionThree. traffic congestion caused by the 220 feet above the carriageway, Atlantic Investment Inc (20 In his speech, President Ali current Demerara Harbour Bridge making the total height of the percent), and Secure International revealed three major plans for free (DHB), is now 64% complete and structure 384 feet above water FinanceCo.Limited(20percent). crossing from next year for the slatedtobecompletedbynextyear, level. Once completed, the bridge Recently, the government new Demerara River Bridge, the the Department of Public will connect Regions Three and invited contractors to submit current Berbice River Bridge and Information (DPI) recently Four, playing a crucial role in applications to be prequalified for when the Wismar River Bridge is reported. enhancingefficiencyandeconomic the design, build and finance of the completed. The new bridge is being activityinthearea. new Berbice River Bridge. This President Ali announced that constructed by China Railway Moreover, President Ali also structure is expected to mirror the once the new Demerara River Construction (International) discussed the government’s plans US$260 million new Demerara Bridge is completed, crossing the Limited, with the Italian firm regardingtheBerbiceRiverBridge. RiverBridge. bridge will be free of cost. “On the Politecnica overseeing the project.

He revealed, “we are in the process Additionally, President Ali completion of the new Demerara The bridge’s main span, located of discussing with the Berbice announced that once the Demerara Bridge Company the possible River Bridge becomes toll-free, the acquisition of that bridge by the Wismar River Bridge will also government,” he said If the follow suit when that bridge is acquisition is not finalised by the completed. “We are bridging the time the new Demerara River hearts and minds of every Bridge is operational, the Berbice Guyanese. We are bridging every River Bridge crossing will also community,andwearedoingitfree becometoll-freesimultaneously ofcost,”heconcluded.

As it relates to the current In January 2024, the Berbice River Bridge, that bridge government and China Railway was constructed between 2006 and Construction Corporation Limited 2008 at a cost of $8 billion, and inked a US$35M contract for the received financial backing through construction of the new four-lane loansandequitycontributionsfrom Mackenzie/Wismar Bridge in the variousentities,includingthestate- Upper Demerara-Berbice region. run National Insurance Scheme The four-lane bridge is expected to (NIS)andprivateinvestors. becompletedintwoyears.Itwillbe It must be noted that the bulk of pre-cast and will measure 220 the money invested in the Berbice meters. It will carry all road safety Bridge came from NIS. Sharing signs, lighting and have a 32-meter ownership percentages in the horizontalclearageand11.5meters Berbice Bridge Company Inc vertical clearage It will be (BBCI): National Industrial and constructed in the vicinity of West Commercial Investments Ltd Watooka,Wismar

Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo
President Irfaan Ali


In a groundbreaking institute explained that OCT cardiologists can accurately T h e A d v a n c e d Carpen, Head of Cardiology importantly, the patients.” achievement, the Caribbean isacutting-edgetechnology determine the optimal Interventional Cardiologist and Medical Services of He praised the procedure for Heart Institute (CHI) on that enables doctors to view location for placing a stent, a and lead doctor for the OCT Georgetown Hospital and its safety, reliability, and Wednesday successfully the interior of blood vessels smalltubethatkeepsarteries case, Dr Terrence Haynes Consultant Interventional highaccuracy performed its first Optical without the interference of open. stated in the press release, Cardiologist at CHI, Cardiac The introduction of OCT Coherence Tomography blood flow “This technique F

“OCT provides detailed Technician Jason Solomon, technologyatCHIrepresents (OCT)procedure. provides exceptionally

This transformative clear and detailed images, incorporates Artificial

cross-sectional images with Registered Nurses Shinice a transformative step

Moore, Marissa Jeffers, and forward in cardiac care, Dr procedure, which was similar to inserting a tiny Intelligence (AI) with deep p

Katya Villarreal Clinical Gary Stephens, CEO of CHI

cameraintothebloodvessel learning image analysis to operational efficiency by Specialist from Abbott and conveyed “The Caribbean Georgetown Public Hospital to capture high-resolution help cardiologists select the enabling more accurate VeruschkaSol. Heart Institute remains

(GPHC) pictures,” CHI stated most appropriate stent size diagnoses,andhelpingguide While expressing his dedicated to innovative

t These precise images assist for each individual patient. treatments with precision to

solutions and elevating the advancement in cardiology cardiologists in making Recent clinical trials have improve patient outcomes,

standard of cardiac care.The and also a milestone for the more informed decisions shown that imaging-guided all of which contribute to technology in Guyana, Dr successful use of Optical CHI.

stenting outperforms the better overall cardiology Mahendra Carpen said, “it Coherence Tomography A press release from the c

angiography-onlyapproach. procedures.”

will greatly benefit the marks a new chapter in the

To that end, the team that Cardiology department, the institute’s ongoing mission performed the surgery healthcare sector, the to deliver outstanding consisted of Dr Mahendra


Canada appoints new high commissioner to Guyana

Canada’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mélanie Joly has announced the appointment of Sébastien Sigouin as the High Commissioner (Designate)to Guyana and Plenipotentiary Representative to the CaribbeanCommunity

Mr Sigouin succeeds Mr Mark Berman, the high commission here said in a release. Sébastien Sigouin (LLB, University of Sherbrooke, 1993; PhD and LLM [International Relations], Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, Geneva, 2002) joined the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade in 1997 as a human rights and humanitarian affairsadviser

Sébastien Sigouin has been appointed High Commissioner (Designate) to Guyana and Plenipotentiary Representative to the Caribbean Community

At headquarters, he has also served as manager of the International Programme and States (2015 to 2018) and executive director director of policy for the Canadian Human responsible for relations with Central Rights Commission (2002 to 2010). He was Americancountries,CubaandtheDominican also director of strategic planning and Republic (2018 to 2022). Most recently, he operations for Canada’s development was executive director of the Haiti Division. assistance programming (2010 to 2015), Sébastien Sigouin is expected to present his deputy head of the Permanent Mission of Letters of Credence to the Government of Canada to the Organization of American Guyanasoon.

The CHI team that performed the Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) procedure.

$15.1B Schoonord to Crane four-lane road commissioned

Section of the

Built to help alleviate traffic congestion in Region Three, President Irfaan Ali on Thursday joined residents to officially commission the new $15.1 billion Schoonord to Crane four-lane highway.

As reported previously, the contract for the new fourlane highway which connects the West Bank of Demerara to the West Coast of Demerara was signed back in September 2022 by the Ministry of Housing and Water, Central Housing and Planning Authority (CH&PA) after it was awarded through the national tendering process.

The new four-lane project was built by eight contractors and done in eight lots. It measures some 4.1km of dual carriageway reinforced concrete road and some of the features of the highway includes an emergency lane, medians, the rehabilitation of 2.4km of roadways, two roundabouts, 11 reinforced concrete box culverts, 36 prestressed bridges, road signage and markings.

In his address at the commissioning ceremony, the Head of State said that this highway is just the first phase of the highway that would lead to Parika. “This is not just about the Schoonord to Crane highway this is about the realisation of a grand vision, that vision that seeks to transform every single region of our country.” According to the President, after opening up the link to Parika,

they will further build connecting roads that will eventually link to Bartica in Region Seven. “The infrastructure interlink that we are talking about is to position Guyana as a major transport and logistics hub, it is to open up the opportunities in tourism and it is to expand the opportunities in agriculture,” he explained during his remarks.

Also speaking at the event was Minister of Housing and Water, Collin Croal said that the road project forms part of government’s infrastructure vision which is “to lift our people out of poverty and to create the condition for economic growth and development in every region.” The minister went onto state that this highway will immediately bring further development, reduce travel times, reduce traffic congestion and “open new opportunities for entrepreneurship which bodes well for the longterm viability of West Demerara and its prospect for further development.”

He urged residents to take up the agricultural and industrial opportunities that would now be made available through the opening of this new access road.

In her address, Minister within the Ministry of Housing and Water, Susan Rodrigues congratulated the many young professionals who helped bring this project into fruition, noting “while we try as hard to deliver on our projects and our policy it is


Wanted! Workers for packaging pasta and chowmein. $4100-$4900 per day. Workers paid weekly. Call: 6117839.

Skilled labourer (road construction), 20 years or older & Welder / Fabricator, 30 years or older call: 613-0855 9am-4pm.

Canter driver needed, ages 30 years or older. Must have atleast 5 years experience. Call:613-0855 9am-4pm.

all aimed to ensuring our people is happier and more comfortable at the end of the day and that is our paradox responsibility.

Stating that commissioning the highway is a monumental occasion for the region, she told residents, “This highway and connecting roads will bring tremendous relief to your commute. I seen you on social media, I hear your frustration, I know how long it takes for you to travel between this region, and Region Four and other places and this brings tremendous relief to you. You can spend more time with your family and have more productive hours.”

Meanwhile, Regional Chairman of Region Three, Ishan Ayube in his brief remarks noted the importance the highway will play in not only his region but for Regions Two and Seven.

“The importance of this highway can never be underscored and many of us as we sit here might only think that region three residents will benefit from this project, I want to tell it is not so because Region Three is a transit region for Region Two and Region Seven and every day we have businesses coming from Regions Two and Seven pass through to region 4 and other parts of this country.

So this highway will make an impact out of the region, Regions 7 and 2 residents will benefit from this highway,” he stated.

One Cook. Call: 223-5273/74.

One handyman to work 3-4 days per week at Kalyan centre in Lamaha Street, Georgetown. Tele: 627-3390 / 227-6681

Experienced qualified Welder / Fabricator & Mechanic wanted for mining operation. Call : 688-6575.

Drivers to drive Canter, and porters to work in warehouse. Tele: 673-7373. Experience is an asset.

Armed security with experience, rate 400-450 hourly. Contact 603-5140.

Canter Driver age 30 year or older, Must have at least 5 years experience. Call: 6130855 between 9:00 am - 4:30 pm.

Excavator operator, Must have at least 5 years experience. Call: 613-0855 between 9:00 am - 4:30 pm.

Bob cat operator, Must have at least 5 years experience. Call: 613-0855 between 9:00 am - 4:30 pm.


Elevate your brand with our professional Graphic design services. Call: 619-0007, 629-5526.

Visa Application:U.S.A, Canada & UK:Graphics design, advertisements, wedding arch rentals.Tel:6267040.

Need a bus or planning an outing. Call Matthew bus services and tours, Surniname/Braz. Whatsapp : 639-2663/673-

Driver, must have valid license for Car & Van. Must be able to assist in Workshop also. Call: 615-9132.

One (1) electrician for Eccles Call 615-9132 or 645-8443.

One clerk for TSI Eccles office. English & Mathematics, grade 1 or 2. Email application: techserigy@ yahoo.com or call 615-9132.

Maid to clean for East Bank area. Call: 615-9132

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Kitchen Assistant needed, Tuesday- Saturday, 8am3pm, Light work, Paid weekly. Call : 612-5739 / 225-6927 / 663-9560.

One (1) painter Call 615-9132 or 645-8443.

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Nayelli school of cosmetology is n ow enrolling for cosmetology courses beginning September 9th, 2024, 211 New Market st. Call: 2262124.

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Dear Sir/Madam,

This letter serves as a request to advertise our trade name in your daily newspaper in occurrence with the requisite criteria and law in obtaining a Money Lender Certificate. Pursuant to section 4, Money Lenders Act) Osafa Bess of Lot 111 Miles Mahdia, Pataro Siparuni, Region 8 and Athoya Ramsarran of Lot 15 Rahaman’s Park East Bank Demerara, hereby give notice that WE have applied to the Magistrate of Essequibo District to be held in Mahdia, Pataro Siparuni, Region 8 for a Certificate under the Money Lenders Act authoring to grant us a Money Lender’s Licence to Carry on the Business of Money Lender under the Title of BESS’S JEWELLERY & PAWNSHOP located at Lot 111 Miles Mahdia, Pataro Siparuni, Region 8. NOTICE of any objections to this application should be sent forthwith to the CLERK OF COURT OF THE ESSEQUIBO MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT, and a copy of any such Notice should be sent to the Subscriber Osafa Bess and Athoya Ramsarran.

new US$15.1billion Schoonord to Crane four-lane highway.

UN calls for de-escalation as Israeli West Bank raids continue

The Israeli military - pictured here on Wednesday - has conducted raids in a number of West Bank cities over the past two days

(-BBC NEWS) - Five morePalestinianshavebeen killed by Israeli forces in a second day of raids in the occupied West Bank, with the UN calling for deescalation.

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) said they were “five terrorists who had hidden inside a mosque” in Tulkarm, near the boundary with Israel Israel began what it said was a major counter-terrorism operation in the West Bank on Wednesday Therehavebeen conflictingdeathtollsasthe operation unfolded across multiplecities.

The IDF said yesterday that nine militants had been killed, five in Jenin and Tulkarm, and four in alFaraa refugee camp. The Palestinian health ministry said on Thursday that 12 people had been killed in

IDF attacks so far UN

Secretary General Antonio GuterreshascalledonIsrael to immediately halt its operation, saying it was


HeurgedIsraeliforcesto “exercise maximum restraintanduselethalforce

only when it is strictly unavoidable”. The IDF said the five Palestinians were killed after “exchanges of fire”inTulkarm.Itidentified one of the fatalities as Mohammed Jaber - also known asAbu Shujaa - who was reportedly the local leader of the Tulkarem Brigade,whichisbackedby thePalestinianIslamicJihad militantgroup.TheIDFsaid Jaberwaslinkedtoanumber of attacks on Israelis, and was planning more Elsewhere, in Jenin, ambulances are stopped and checked by military jeeps

parked around the government hospital as security forces continue their operation in the city’s refugeecamp.

The camp is a base for armed groups, as well as a home to unarmed civilians, and has been the scene of many fierce gun battles in the past. There’s little news comingoutfromthecampat the moment, with Israeli forces blocking access and

Palestinian phone networks down Residents, medics and journalists have been trying to read the situation inside from the occasional explosions and bursts of gunfire heard since last night.Onepersoninsidetold theBBCthatitappearscalm atthemoment,andtheycan hear drones buzzing overhead. It is the second dayofwhatIsraelimediasay could be a days-long operation in the West Bank.

The Israeli military said it had made arrests and seized weapons Homes and infrastructureweredamaged in the attacks, Palestinians said.It is the largest such action in the West Bank since the days of the second Palestinian intifada, or uprising, two decades ago.

Israel’s ambassador to the UN, Danny Danon, said the operation has a “clear goal: preventingIranianterror-byproxy that would harm Israeli civilians”. In recent days Israeli politicians have accused Iran - which backs

both Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad - of trying to smuggle in explosive devices with the aim of attacking Israel Israel

“cannot sit idly by and wait forthespectacleofbusesand cafes exploding in city centres”,MrDanonsaidina post on X. There has been a spikeinviolenceintheWest Bank since Hamas’s 7 OctoberattackonIsrael,and the subsequent war in Gaza. EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell said Israel’s operation in the West Bank “must not constitute the premises of a war extension fromGaza”.

Elsewhere on Thursday, Mr Borrell said he was startingtheprocessofasking EUmembersiftheywantto impose sanctions on “some Israeli ministers” He accused the ministers - who he has not named - of “launching unacceptable hate messages against the Palestinians, and proposing thingsthatclearlygoagainst internationallaw”.

$78.6M to complete works on Diamond Fire Station

The Ministry of Home

Affairs is seeking a contractor to complete the reconstruction of the fire station at Diamond, East BankDemerara.

Thiswasrevealedduring the opening of bids on Tuesday at the National Procurement and Tender Administration Board (NPTAB) office At the opening, a total of six contractors submitted bids for the project which is estim

$78,666,939. K a i e t e u r N e w s understandsthattheministry went out to tender for the completion of the station after the initial project was terminated.


Back in 2023, the Home AffairsMinistryhadentered into a contract withTripleA Construction Service to the tune of $88,777,781 to rebuild the fire station but b e c a u s e o f p o o r performance,theprojectwas terminated.


Renovationofstudents'dormitory atAishalton,RegionNine.

Renovationandextensionofstudentdorm atNorth-WestSecondary,RegionOne.


Supplyanddeliveryofcement forEteringbang,RegionSeven.

Renovationofstudents'dormitory atSantaRosa,RegionOne.

Constructionofteaching blockatCummingsLodgeSecondary

A t t h e t i m e o f

terminationworkswere65% completed. This publication understands that the station is being built at Section A Diamond between 2nd and 3rd Streets. Meanwhile, at the opening also it was revealedthattheMinistryof Education is preparing to construct new teaching blocks at the Cummings Lodge Secondary School, and at Soesdyke Secondary School.

It was disclosed that a

total of 27 contractors submitted bids for Cummings Lodge School projectwhile22firmforthe Soesdyke School project. In addition, the ministry is set to undertake renovation worksatanumberofschool dormitoriesinareassuchas: Aishalton in Region Nine, Matthews Ridge in Region One, Santa Rosa in Region One, and at North-West SecondaryinRegionOne.

B e l o w a r e t h e companiesandtheirbids:

EnvironmentalProtectionAgency(EPA) Supplyandinstallationofair-conditioningforEPA.



Constructionofstudent'sdormitory atMatthew'sRidge,RegionOne.

Constructionofteachingblock SoesdykeSecondarySchool.

Police say investigating Slowe again

CommissionerofPoliceand former Chairman of the Police Service Commission, Paul Slowe is reportedly being investigated on allegations that he has been engagedinmaliciousattacks onafemale.

The probe comes amid the ongoing legal proceeding against Slow fromprevioussexualassault allegations made against him that are before the Georgetown Magistrates’ Court.

In a press release police saidthatithaslaunchedthis new probe in response to recentaccusationsmadebya female against Slowe. The investigation focuses on allegations that Slowe has b e e n e n g a g i n g i n “malicious” attacks on the victim via social media According to the police, theseactionshavecausedthe victim further trauma and harm,contraveningthespirit and intent of the Sexual OffencesAct.

In the statement issued on Thursday, police authorities emphasised that Slowe’s online behaviour represents a clear breach of the Sexual Offences Act of

TheGPF hasnoted thatthisconductundermines the principles of the legislation designed to protect victims of sexual offences. “These utterances and attacks on a victim of a sexual offence represent a clear breach of the Sexual (Offences) Act of Guyana,” policesaid.

Thecurrentinvestigation is being carried out in collaboration with international partners. Once completed, the police will seek legal advice on potential charges related to thesenewallegations.

Kaieteur News reported that on October 18, 2021, Slowe was charged with threecountsofsexualassault committed against a female colleaguewhileheservedas Chairman of the Police Service Commission (PSC) in 2020 The allegations involved claims that during histenureatthePSC,Slowe sexually assaulted a female Assistant Superintendent on multipleoccasions.Thecase remains pending in the Magistrate’s Court. Slowe hasbeenreleasedonbailand has consistently denied the allegations,labelingthemas baseless.


Space Gym and other leading Gyms join forces with STRIDE592’s SOCA Heart Project



Cardiovascular Advocacy (SOCA) Heart Health

Projecttoday,Friday,August 30,2024,between5:30PM6:30 PM at their Mandela Avenue location to host the S

TrainingChallengeKick-off Party, to amplify awareness of the vital importance of consistent physical activity


InrecognizingthatHeart disease remains one of the leading causes of death in Guyana, Stride592 and Space Gym, through this event, is dedicated to providing resources to fight this preventable condition whilepromotinghearthealth and wellness throughout the community

This collaboration will spearhead a series of events

…aims to Promote Heart Health Awareness

supported by two other l

s centers—Genesis Gym and the Good Life Wellness and Fi

Center that complement the ongoing community running and walking program and prepare participants for the SOCAHeart 5K/10K event, scheduled for Sunday, September 29, 2024, to celebrateWorldHeartDay At the kick-off event,

DGI Distribution and Mr. Med Pharmacy will provide participants with free glucose and blood pressure testing, reinforcing the project’s focus on holistic health Participants can participate in weekly training and health promotionalactivities.

Guyana’s medal drought continues at World U20 Championships


dal drought at the World U20 Championships in Lima, Peru, continues after JacksonClarke’sexitinthe men’s 200m at the semifinalstage.

1,finishing7thandextending thecountry’swaitforanother medal since Kadecia Baird’s silverinthewomen’s400mat the 2012 Championships in Spain. Clarke was the only

Friday August 30, 2024


You tend to enjoy solitude, Aries, and today you might feel more reclusive than usual.Youcouldbeinvitedto spend time with friends but not feel like accepting. You might even feel a little irritatedbythem.


Today there might be tension in the air with no discernible cause, Taurus Family

members could seem preoccupied with problems they can't quite define. Your naturalinclinationmightbeto trytocheerthemup.


You could get some mysteriousphonecallstoday, Gemini, like wrong numbers or hang-ups. Other people

m i g h t s e e m l e s s communicative than usual, Gemini.


Confusion over money matters might come up for you today, Cancer. You may needtocheckyourrecordsin order to shed light on some pasttransactions.Don'tpanic. Allshouldbewell.


Someone close to you might seem more preoccupied than usual, Leo, and perhaps a bit difficult to deal with. Don't take this personally It has little if anything to do with you.


Todayyoumightbefeelinga bit tense, Virgo, and you probably won't understand why The secret? It's the planets. You might tend to jumpatunexpectednoises.


You probably aren't going to feel much like socializing today, Libra, though friends might contact you Your patiencehaswornabitthinand you could get annoyed at incidents that normally wouldn'tbotheryou.


Uptight is the word for today, Scorpio. At some point you might find yourself the center of attention. While you normallymightnotmind,now it could make you a bit nervous.

SAGIT(Nov 22–Dec.21)

You'relikelytowanttobeleft alone with your own thoughts today Relaxing with a good book might be at the top of your agenda, Sagittarius, and you aren't liable to want to be interrupted.


Worries over money could have you edgier than usual, Capricorn. While you may be doing well, you still could be insecure and think your funds might not stretch far enough. Try to consider the situation objectively

AQUARIUS (Jan 20–Feb 18) You probably crave solitude, Aquarius Even though you may have committedtodoingsomething for a friend or relative, now youfindtheideairritating.


Although you're normally a sociablepersonwhofeelsmost comfortableinthecompanyof others,Pisces,todayyoumight ratherbealone.Youcouldfeel alittleundertheweatherorbe stressed from job-related worries.

Weekly Friday events include SOCA Zumba at 4:30 PM, hosted by Genesis Gym, and SOCA Strength Training at 5:30 PM, hosted by Space Gym On Saturdays,personslivingon theWestBankcanpartakein the Run/Walk/Body Session at 6:00 AM hosted by the Good Life Wellness and FitnessCenter

Eachactivityisdesigned to foster social connections, offer support, and promote the preventive benefits of regular physical exercise Training sessions are also open to individuals of all fitness levels, offering a supportive environment to learnaboutthemechanicsof distance walking and running, build endurance, improve cardiovascular health, and foster a sense of community

Activities include strengthtraining,warm-ups, interval training, long runs, andcool-downexercises,all tailored to ensure participants are wellprepared for the 5K or 10K distances. Participants will benefit from fitness experts, trained group leaders, nutritional guidance, and motivationalsupportasthey preparefortheeventday

ToregisterfortheSOCA Heart 5K/10K Walk/Run, Kids & Family Relay, and Heath Summit, please visit STRIDE592.com or contact the organizers at 592640–2444 for mor

registrationisencouragedto secure a limited edition tshirtandracebibsandtotake advantage of the training programs.

International Import and Supplies...

Frompage24 can return to the county of Essequibo. Fisherman Masters will contest the Masters over-40 category Thisyear’sedition Prime Minister’s T20 Cup willbeplayedfromOctober 11-13th.

The US-based Clarke booked his spot in the semifinals by winning Heat 2 of themen’s200mwithatimeof 2137s However, Clarke clocked 2188s in Semifinal

Guyanese athlete to advancepastthefirstround of the 200m, as Athaleyha Hinckson (24.39s) and Nalicia Glenn (25.20s) did notprogress.

International Import and Supplies supports Fisherman Masters

International Import and Supplies has continued with its supportofsportslocally The company recently presented an undisclosed sum to Fisherman Masters Cricket team to aid in their participation in the upcoming Georgetown Softball Cricket League Inc


Captain of Fisherman Masters, Zameer Hassan, w h o r e c e i v e d t h e sponsorship, expressed gratitudetothecompanyfor their support. He added that the players are confident of doing well in the competitionandpreparation has commenced. “We are looking forward to winning our third title at this tournament and the players arebuzzingwithconfidence. Wehaveplayedunbeatenfor the past 17 games, and we are hoping to continue our winningstreak,”headded.


turn out for Fisherman Masters are; Dubraj Singh, Daniram Lallaram, Ravi Murray,RameshwarNarine, Danny Thomas, Stanley Mohabir, Desmonf Harris, Zaki Zalim and veteran PooranSingh. Hassan lauded the Essequibo businessman, PameshwarJagmohan(Joe), CEO of the entity for his continuous support for


Recently, Jagmohan invested over G$30m to construct a play field at Hampton Court, Essequibo Coast. Hampton Court once hostedfirstclasscricketand this venture by the businessmanwillhelptoreignite the passion for the game in the area, and it is hopedthatfirstclasscricket (Continuedonpage23)

Canada-based Legay spins Apollo Sport Club to victory with 5-20

Asplendid bowling performance from former Guyana youth player and left-arm orthodox spinner Dennis Legay spurred Apollo SportsClubtoacomfortable,5-wicketwin over Dream Crushers Cricket Club in the c

Commonwealth Cricket Association of Toronto Premier 40-over cricket competition.

Legay snatched 5-20 from seven frugal overs to help his team dismiss Dream Crushers Cricket Club for a paltry 117 in the 27th over before Apollo Sports Club reached 121-5 withahealthy57ballstospareatKeeleTop venuelastSaturday

Only Karanvir Singh negotiated Legay well to put up a decent knock of 36 For the successful side, another ex-Guyana youth player Sharaz Ramcharran hitting 36 while Adrian Sukhwa also with Guyana regional Under-19 experience chipping in with 34

Apollo Sports Club struggled initially after they were placed at 13-2 as Krishan KantShardagrabbed2-38fromsixovers.

Apollo Sports Club is still leading the points’tablehavingchalkedup9winsfrom 11games.The9-teamtournamentcontinues thisweekendwithaseriesofmatches.

Dennis Legay
Captain of Fisherman Masters, Zameer Hassan (left), accepts the sponsorship from Mohini Heera, senior acounts clerk.

2024 GCB U13 Inter-county Tournament… Demerara suffer 7-wicket thumping at hands of Essequibo

TheCinderellaCounty boys handed Demerara a huge 7-wicket defeat yesterday at Affiance Ground to bowl off the 2024 GCB U13 Interc o u n t y 5 0 - O v e r tournament.

It was a low-scoring game which resulted in Essequibo chasing 84 for victory, before eventually racing to 85-3 in 19.3 overs after coming out aggressive.

Joseph Bholo led his team’s batting with an aggressive 24, adding to his3dismissalsandarun out behind the stumps in Demerara’s innings earlier.

Earlier Demerara could muster just 84 runs in29.1oversbeforebeing bowled out It was a collective bowling effort from the Essequibians, who managed to keep theiropponentsunder100 runs.

Marcus Thomas (218), Usain Fredricks (27), Tyrese Stehpeny (216) and Gishwar Tillack (2-2), alongside Bholo weremenacinginthefield and with the ball as they inspiredahugewin. Round 2 continues today with Berbice seekingtotakeadvantage ofasoftenedDemeraraat LBIGround.

Preparation underway for President’s Cup horse race

Qualityhorseracingwill takeCentrestageonSunday, September 22 at Rising Sun Turf Club when the Jumbo Jet Thoroughbred Racing Committee host the 2024 President’sCup.

After an exhilarating Guyana Cup earlier this month, the horses are well

rested, and began preparation for the next major horse racing Guyana, the President’s Cup.Horses are currently engaged in work-outsessionsatvarious tracks around Guyana, namely, Rising Sun, Bush Lot West Coast Berbice and PortMourantTurfClub.

The organizers have announced that nine races are on the provisional program, and more than G$ 15,000,000(15million)will be up for grabs. The feature race of the President’s Cup will have a total purse of close to G$ 6,000,000 (six million) dollars and the race willberunatapproximately eightfurlongs.

Thatracewillbeopento all horses, three years old andover.Allentrieswillonly be accepted by entry forms. Asownersenter,thatwillbe the gate draw Horses will not be able to race without entryforms.Entryformsfor thePresident’sCupwillbeat t h e P o r t M o u r a n t Racecourse, the Rising Sun Turf Club, the Bush Lot

Takeaways: Red-hot WI expose SA’s lack of depth on the road to 2026 to

West Indies won the T20I series against South Africa 3-0. (AFP/Getty Images)

United Turf Club & 106 Smyth Street, Werk-EnRust,Georgetown.

Other races on the provisional programme include the three-year-old Guyana and West Indianbred, Sprint ‘E’ Class for horses three years old and over, two-year-old maiden, H1 And Lower Open to ‘G’ Class Non Earners on Guyana Cup. Also open to ‘G’ class Non winners in Guyana, H3 and Lower, ‘J’ ClassOpentoH3Nonearner inlasttwostarts,KClass/J3 Non-Earner Last Start and the L Class/J Class and K Class and Non Earner Last Start. Entries for this year’s President’s Cup will be openedonSeptember11and close on September 17. No lateentrieswillbeaccepted.

Slingerz Racing Stables, whoarethereigningGuyana Cup champion with the newly imported Olympic Kremlin, will be out to defend their title. John Bull, anotherhorseoftheSlingerz Racing Stables, is the defending champion of the President’sCup.

All the top horses are fresh from intense action at the Guyana Cup, and those who were unable to acclimatise for the Guyana

Cup, have certainly acclimatised for Sunday, September 22 President’s Cup.

(EPSN Cricinfo) - West Indies did as West Indies have done and won another T20I series - their third against South Africa in 18 months and fifth out of six matches in that time - and remained what coach Daren Sammy called a “serieswinning team.” They won’t be able to test whether they can repeat that in tournaments until an actual tournament, but there the signs they can cope with changesinpersonnel.

West Indies’ bowling depthshinesthrough They were without AlzarriJoseph,JasonHolder and Andre Russell but Matthew Forde, Shamar Joseph and Romario Shepherd stepped into their spots seamlessly While Shepherd was not really required with the bat, he filled the role of the third seamertoperfectionandwas athreateverytimehehadthe ball in hand. Forde and Josephhadeachonlyplayed two T20Is before this series but each picked up - and in Forde’s case equalledcareer-best figures and showed an ability to take wicketsatthetopandbottom of the innings Between them, Shepherd, Joseph and Fordewerethethreehighest wicket-takers in the series and collectively ensured WestIndieswontheseries.

T h e i r s t a n d o u t performances, according to captainRovmanPowell,was the way his bowlers responded when defending 179 in the second match. SouthAfrica were 129 for 3

in the 14th over and on course to level the series whenAkealHoseinstarteda collapse that caused them to lose 7 for 20. Shepherd and Joseph both took wickets in that period as well. “When weputonthepressureinthat second game, the way the bowlers replied was fantastic,”Powellsaid.

ButSouthAfrica’sneeds work

In the absence of their entire first-choice attackKagiso Rabada, Anrich Nortje, Marco Jansen, KeshavMaharajandTabraiz Shamsi were rested for the series while Gerald Coetzee and Lungi Ngidi were ruled out through injury - South Africa’s back-ups were found wanting Nandre Burger was expensive in his only outing, Ottneil Baartman did not have enough firepower around him to be effective and 18year-old Kwena Maphaka facedabaptismoffire.Still, white-ballcoachRobWalter was pleased to give Maphakaarunatthehighest level impressed by his pace (he often bowled above 140kph), his confidence to change it and the movement hegot.

“He bowled well in different periods as a young cricketer and this will be a great experience for him,” Walter said “Left-arm always gives a different angle,heisabletoswingthe ball when there is a bit of shape, we saw some really exciting change-ups, and he bowledsomeseriouslygood overs in the death phase of

the game, which has shown his ability to deal with the pressure ofT20 cricket. It is earlydays,sowedon’twant toputtoomuchpressureona young cricketer and just allow him to make his way into international cricket But all the attributes are there for him to be a really good cricketer for South Africa.”

Maphaka will return home to complete his final school exams and has spent mostofthetourstudying,but allowed himself to completely soak in the experience of being around some of his heroes. “Aiden Markram and Lungi Ngidi are some of the best players in the world and it’s always nice to share a change room withguyslikethat,”hesaid.

“Ayearago,Iwaswatching theseguysonTVsobeingin the change room with them and chatting about the plans that I’ve seen them execute on TV is definitely somethingquitesurreal.”


The rest of South Africa’s line-up do not have the excuse of inexperience andhaveshownhowmuchis lacking when Quinton de Kock,HeinrichKlaasenand David Miller are not in the XI.

Reeza Hendricks and Ryan Rickelton were unconvincing as an opening pair and both are struggling with form, as is captain Aiden Markram. Hendricks has only scored one halfcentury in 15 T20I innings this year, and three other scores over 30. Rickelton

has played 13 internationals across all formats and is yet to score a half-century, and Markramhasnotscoredfifty in 12T20I innings this year. Thatmeantthemiddleorder was constantly under pressure and without Klaasen and Miller, South Africa did not have the firepowertostepup. Stubbswastheexception and finished as the leading run-scorer in the series and also had South Africa’s higheststrikerate. His 76 in the first match meant West Indies had to chase the highest successful totalatthevenueandhis15ball40intheshortenedthird match meant South Africa could put a competitive score on the board. Walter singled him out as a “standout in terms of his personal performances with the bat,” which also extended to the Test series, wherehescoredhisfirstfifty inhisnewroleatNo.3. South Africa’s problem was that they did not have anyone to support Stubbs as Rassie van der Dussen struggledandtheallrounders barely contributed. Patrick Krugerhadonegoodinnings -inthefirstT20I-butonthe evidence of this series, it is difficulttoseehoweitherhe or Donovan Ferreira will displaceJansen.

Overall, Walter described it as a “tough series,” which South Africa willhavetouseasabuilding block in their journey to 2026. Their next T20Is are against Ireland in September

2024 Republic Bank Men’s Caribbean Premier League… Amazon Warriors bowl off title defense bowl off against Falcons

The2024editionof the Caribbean Premier League bowls off its second round tonight with the defending champions GuyanaAmazon Warriors looking to make a statement against the home team, Antigua & Barbuda Falcons.

The Warriors will be keen on seeing where their stars’ current form while testing their best combinations of players to findtherightfit.

Guyanawillrelyontheir batting with Rahmanullah Gurbaz, Shimron Hetmyer, Shai Hope, Azam Khan, Saim Ayub all returning to themix.

Afewutilityplayerslike Kevin Sinclair, Romario Shepherd, Keemo Paul, Dwaine Pretorius, Raymon Reifer and Ronaldo Alimohamedwillhaveearly chances to get themselves furtheracclimatized.

Warriorsshouldfeelsafe this season in their bowling department, with a more matureShamarJoseph,rareguard skipper Imran Tahir and a cast of quality, interchangeable operators withtheballwiththelikesof JuniorSinclair,Alimohamed andothers.

The Falcons will also be looking for similar success

as their new franchise could be on a mission to make somenoisethisyear With a string of stars

their franchise

Shamar Springer and Brandon King to name a few, the Falcons pose more than a competitive threattothechamps.

Today’s opening game at the Sir Viv Richards Stadium will be crucial for the Warriors, who will be tasked with beating the Falcons on their home turf when their 2024 campaign officially gets underway


Guyana Amazon

Warriors: Imran Tahir, Shimron Hetmyer, Saim Ayub, Shai Hope, Romario Shepherd, Azam Khan,

G u d a k e s h M o t i e ,

Rahmanullah Gurbaz, Keemo Paul, Dwaine Pretorius, Kevin Sinclair, Raymon Reifer, Ronaldo

Alimohamed, Shamar Joseph, Kevlon Anderson, Matthew Nandu and Junior Sinclair.

Antigua & Barbuda

Falcons squad: Imad Wasim, Brandon King, FabianAllen, Sam Billings, Mohammad Amir, Chris Green, Fakhar Zaman, Roshon Primus, Justin Greaves, Hayden Walsh, Jahmar Hamilton, Teddy

Bishop, Kofi James, Shamar Springer, Kelvin Pitman, Jewel Andrew and JoshuaJames

Farmsup team up with LGC...


layout will test the skill and precision of all golfers, promisinganexcitingdayof play The tournament will alsoincludespecialcontests such as Nearest to the Pin and Longest Drive, adding anextralayerofcompetition andexcitement.

Theeventwillculminate in a prize presentation ceremony around 1:00 PM, where the winners will be celebrated for their achievements.

FarmSup,foundedinthe 1990sinGuyana,beganasa small supplier of agricultural inputs like fertilizers and seeds It quickly grew, expanding its product range and forming partnerships with international brands to introduce advanced farming technology to local farmers.

By the early 2000s, FarmSup became a major player in Guyana’s agricultural sector, known for enhancing farming practices through quality

products and training. With over 150 staff on board Farmsup operates not only intheAgriculturesectorbut also in Construction, Mining, Marine, Power Generation and Warehouse Solutions.

The company also represents an impressive lineup of world-renowned brands, including Develon, Bobcat, Mercury Marine, Tatu, Jacto, Shaktiman, Solis, Volvo Penta, and more Today, FarmSup remainsaleadingsupplierin Guyana.

Participants are reminded to register by contacting the Lusignan Golf Club directly at 2205660 or via WhatsApp at 677-3758, ensuring their registration is completed by 5:30PMonAugust30th.On the day of the tournament, participantsshouldreachout to the Club Manager or the ClubCaptaintocollecttheir scorecards, settle the tournament fee and prepare fortee-off.

in Chris Green, Sam Billings, Mohammad Amir, Imad Wasim, Fakar Zaman,
Guyana Amazon Warriors players celebrate victory during the Republic Bank Caribbean Premier League 2023 Final. (Getty Images)

Farmsup team up with LGC to kick start the Guyana Open Golf season

Jason van Dijk Managing Director hands over the sponsorship cheque to LGC PRO Brian Hackett in the presence of Frank Thomas Service Manager and Dale Vansluytman Sales Manager.

The Lusignan Golf

Clubissettohost t h e h i g h l y anticipated Farmsupsponsored golf tournament on Sunday, September 1st, 2024. This tournament is expected to draw seasoned golfers from across the region, with a format that promises both competitive playandcamaraderieamong participants.Themedalplay over 18 holes tournament is expected to tee off at 09:00 am.

According to LGC

Public Relations Officer

Brian Hackett the club is grateful to have Farmsup on board.“Farmsuphastakena bold and precise step in supportingsportsingeneral, especiallygolf. This is not Farmsup first tournament and we at the LGC are extremely pleased for making this possible. I am anticipating a great tournament for the tournament as many of the country’s top golfers will taketothecourseonSunday totesttheirskills.”

Theplayerswillcompete in the following categories: Men’s Flights: 0-14 Handicap, 15-28 Handicap, Prizes - 1st, 2nd, and 3rd placeineachflight(basedon net scores), Special PrizesBest Ladies’ Prize, Nearest to the Pin (#4), Longest Drive(#5),BestNetOverall and Best Gross. This event will follow a traditional medal play format, with competitorsvyingforhonors across multiple categories. Thecourse’schallenging (Continuedonpage26)

Preparation underway

President’s Cup horse race

Imran Tahir, captain of GuyanaAmazon Warriors lifts the Republic Bank Caribbean Premier League Trophy after winning the Republic Bank Caribbean Premier League Final at the Providence Stadium on September 24, 2023. (Getty Images)
Cup winner Olympic Kremlin will be out to
Jackson Clarke

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