Kaieteur News

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Man dumps haversack with firearm, ammo,after seeing police

…escapes on motorcycle

Ranks of the Guyana Police Force (GPF) early Friday morning discovered a suspected Glock 17 9mm pistol with serial number MAZ866 along with a fitted magazine in a haversack that was dumped in the Leopold Street,Georgetownarea.

Reports are that the haversack containing the gun and ammunition were dumped by a male who upon seeing the police sped away onamotorcycle.

Police said that ranks were performing patrol duties in the Force’s motor vehicle PAC 5235 in the Brickdam Police Station District. Actingoninformation,thegroupon patrol went to Cross Street, in the vicinity of LeopoldStreetwheretheyobservedamaleof African descent, dressed in dark clothing. The man reportedly had a black strapped bag across his shoulder and was perched on a blacktripmotorcycle. ammunition.

When the man saw the police, he Upon ejecting the magazine two live reportedly threw the bag on the western side 9mm rounds of ammunition were found. of the street and sped off south along Cross Checks were made for the suspect who is yet Street. The ranks searched the area and tobelocated. discovered the bag with the gun and Investigationsareongoing.

Azruddin Mohamed donates to life-saving fund for woman with Saccular Aneurysm

Guyanese businessman source funds to have her Thursday where he made his Azruddin Mohamed on surgery done at a private contribution. He also called Thursday donated to a fund institution. on corporate Guyana to to assist in a life-saving However, despite her contribute noting that even a surgery forAnjanie Singh of efforts, she was only able to small donation could make a Mon Repos, East Coast secure quarter of what is difference in saving the Demerara (ECD) who was required. woman’slife. diagnosed with Saccular After hearing of the To donate towards AneurysmonMay1,2024. woman’s plight, Mohamed Singh’s surgery, please click Singh was forced to stop was moved to make a t h e l i n k working due to the severe significant donation to her https://gofund.me/17d4c298 symptoms experienced cause The businessman or through MMG at 644including loss of appetite, visitedthewoman’shomeon 4484. vomiting, and persistent headaches.

To have access to the

intervention, Singh, who is also the sole provider for her family, needs to source $7M since the surgery and treatment needed for her

Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation(GPHC).

Since her diagnosis, Singh has been trying to

The lodged gun and ammunition
Businessman Azruddin Mohamed (right) and Anjanie Singh.

Exxon’s return on investments should not be used as an avenue to further deprive Guyana of its oil wealth - Norton

L e a d e r o f t h e should not further deprive

Jagdeo clarified that the operations from equity and Opposition, Aubrey Norton thisnationofitswealth. companywasnotusingloans from their own retained has said that Guyana’s oil During a recent press to fund the developments in earnings.There is no interest wealth should not be briefing, he told Kaieteur the Stabroek Block; cost so don’t you think they s u b j e c t e d t o News, “As a country, we therefore, there was no get a return on their equity? disproportionate returns on invited Exxon to invest; we interestcostaddedtothecost They’re getting a massive ExxonMobil’sinvestments. expect them to have returns bank. return on their equity and ExxonMobil is the ontheirinvestment.Whatwe

The Vice President made that is exactly what is operator of the Stabroek d o n ’ t w a n t i s t h e itclearthatthecompanywas happening here. They have Block in which it has a 45% disproportionate returns and using the revenue generated chosen not to go down the interest. Its Co-Venturers, in that regard like we said, in the block and funding the interest route, but they are Guyana Exploration Ltd we will use that article in the developments through getting a return on their holds a 30% interest and PSA to make the changes to equity Accordingtohim,the equity.” CNOOC Petroleum Guyana ensure the people of Guyana company was earning a Since there is no interest Limited holds a 25% benefit and that there is a ”massive” return on its cost, Kaieteur News asked interest. reduction of the asymmetry equity the Chief Policymaker for Under the provisions of involvedinthePSA.”

He explained, “If you the oil and gas sector on the 2016 Production Sharing Meanwhile, with regard supply financing, nobody Thursdaytosaywhattherate Agreement (PSA), the to the unknown rate or doesitandyou’reaninvestor of return on the company’s partners invest in the return, the Leader said, “We for free, if there is a cost to equityis. development and operations haveaskedforit,weneedthe you then you recover the To this end, Jagdeo We’d have to develop an ‘jumbie economics’,” the of the Block and recover details as I have said before, cost. So whether it comes in explained that the rate economic model that allows leaderpointedout. those costs from Guyana’s but our general policy the form of a loan or an changes over time, adding us to put all those factors in Massive return oil each month. Notably, positionhasnotchangedthat equity,yougetareturn.Soin that the company will enjoy and then arrive at what is Chief Policymaker of 75% each month is allocated we need to make changes to this case, Exxon has made it greater returns in the future reasonable,butformetojust Guyana’s petroleum sector, to cost recovery, while the ensure that we benefit more, clearthereisnointerestcost. after the investments have say that to me that would be Vice President Bharrat remaining 25% is shared andeveryareaofthecontract They are financing the beenrepaid. withGuyanaasprofits. should be dealt with to

In addition to its profits, ensure that the people of however, Exxon also enjoys Guyana benefit significantly a “massive” rate of return on while ExxonMobil gets its investments, as was reasonable returns on its revealed earlier this month investments.” by Vice President Bharrat The Opposition Leader Jagdeo. declined to comment on

An investor’s rate of what a reasonable rate of return is the percentage of return would be. He said he net gain or loss by an needed the necessary investment over a period of information at his disposal, time. This is a critical area lest he presents “jumbie that can be abused by oil economics ” Norton companies to profit more explainedthatfactorssuchas through unfair charges to the how much has been invested country to date, depreciation, and The government remains decommissioning would reluctanttodisclosewhatthe have to be assessed for him company’s rate of return is toarriveatthatfigure. but the Opposition Leader “All of those variables has urged that those costs will have to be factored in.

Opposition Leader, Aubrey Norton


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Teachers, students and the 10%

If there is a victory to be claimed that privilege

belongstothechildrenabouttogobacktoschoolin a few days. They and their parents and guardians can breathe a sigh of relief that the wait is over, the uncertaintynowstilled. Schoolswillbereadyforbusiness inSeptemberwithclassroomshummingwiththesoundof childrenatworkandatplay. Thevoicesofteacherswillbe heard,astheycarefortheyoungmindsputintotheirhands duringmostoftheirdaylighthours. Itwillbeschoolaswe havealwaysknownit. Theconcernatthebackofthemind iswhetherwearefoolingourselves. Therealityisthatthis country could be engaging in a weak game of pretense, whilehopingforthebest. Namely,thatallthosewhowere enmeshed in the long and bitter teachers’ strike swallow theirpride(andhurtfeelings),pickupthepiecesandmove along with energy and determination. The right numbers wouldhavebeentheremedytoapoint,butthereactionto what was finalized and is now official has been less than inspired.

Byanystandarditcouldbesaidthattheteachers’strike wasbruising,withbrutalnotanexaggerationinthethinking ofmanyGuyanese. Teachershaveeveryrighttothinkthat theyarebeingforce-fedwhatisindigestiblebecauseitisso unrealistic. Tenpercentfor2024,with8and9percentfor thefollowingtwoyearsmightsoundliketheingredientsof generosity But not in the context of where Guyana is, especiallywherecostoflivingis,andhowitrubsthenoses ofGuyaneseintothedustdaily Thereisthestrongbeliefin many quarters that even double that 10% still would not havehelpedGuyana’steachersconquerthecrushingcostof living situation that they face, and before which they are forcedtogivegrounddaily Thereisnoquestionthat20% (orsomenumberinproximity)wouldhavebetterequipped them to confront the daily challenges posed by cost-oflivingrealities. But10%isadropinthebucketconsidering that everyone knows where the prices for basic items are and seem to be heading. It just never seems to be in a downward direction, and even when such is the case, it is notforlong.

Aside from the nuts and bolts of percentages, teachers believethattheyareongoodgroundsinthinkingthat10% is just one more straw in a long line of insults from the currentgovernment. Theycanpointtoalltheirgoodfaith concessions involving prior unaccounted for years when collective bargaining hung in the balance. And they can point out that those have not been reciprocated with one similargesture,notevenone,fromthegovernment. They would be right, for they know how the government has quickly found billions to support other areas that are a problem for this country Though the preference by some would be to forget and move along, there are some things thataresuretoranklestill. Amongthemwerethevindictive attempts by the PPPC Government to gut their efforts at ventilating their grievances on the streets, through the underhanded methods employed. In holding their heads high and fighting a strong fight for better, teachers were reviled and abused in old and new ways. But now the expectationisthatallwillbeconsignedtothepast,andthat thesmoothandsweetwilltakeholdwhentheschoolbells ringandthedoorsopen.

Teachersmustwonderwhathappenedtothehonestyof those who were loud in their calls that they [teachers] be dealt with fairly just a few short years ago. Was there any honesty in them then, or just the usual ugly politics of Guyanainaction? Usingthesamemeasuringrod,is10% nowrepresentativeofgovernmenthonesty,orisitanother expression of the poisonous nature of Guyana’s politics? Whateveritis,theclassroomsandlunchroomsandparentteacher meeting rooms will not be unscathed. Some wounds take a long time to heal. These things should matter,exceptthatinGuyanatheydon’t.

I have not attacked or intimidated anyone



Ireadthestatementfrom the Guyana Police Force issued on Thursday August 29, 2024, which states that the “Guyana Police Force is currently investigating another serious allegation made under the Sexual (Offences)ActofGuyanaby a female against Paul Slowe”.

I am not aware of any such allegation. No such allegation was put to me at anytime.

In relation to the second part of the statement, I was charged on May 19, 2021,

with three counts of sexual assault.

The complainant alleged thatonMarch26and29and April 2, 2019, I rubbed her leg on three separate occasionsduringmeetingsat Police Headquarters, Eve Leary,atwhichseveralother personswerepresent.

Theallegationsarefalse. These charges last came up in the Georgetown Magistrates’ Court on August 20, 2024, for report. On that date the Magistrate sent the matter to Georgetown Magistrates Court3forreportandfixture

onSeptember23,2024. I have been using social media to keep the public informed of the progress of thesecharges. Ihaveneverattackedthe complainant,norinanyway shape or form intimidated, or attempted to intimidate thecomplainant.

Nothing that I have said on social media, or anywhereelse,inrelationto these charges can be remotely construed as intimidation.

I see the statement by the police as a desperate attempt to intimidate and

silencemeandtotarnishmy impeccable reputation.


I have provided my lawyers with a copy of the statementreferredtoabove

As I have stated repeatedly, Justice delayed isjusticedenied! I continue to anxiously look forward to my day in courttoclearmyname Paul Slowe CCH, DSM, Assistant Commissioner of Police(Ret’d).

Former Chairman of t h e P o l i c e S e r v i c e Commission.

Sharp Descent into Barbarism



More than one hundred years ago Rosa Luxemburg, the Polish/ German freedom fighter made the remarks thatwewillhave“Socialism or Barbarism.” In 1918 in a speech, months before she was murdered, she returned to the topic of the necessity for a new, more humane system, this is what she said “...Socialismisnecessary, because if the proletariat fails to fulfill its duties as a class, if it fails to realise socialism, we shall crash down together to a common doom.”

She was no doubt influenced by the terrible destruction she experienced during the First World War Since then, we have witnessed many more massive destructions by imperialist wars the largest being some sixty million lives lost during World War Two.

History and time has proved her right and today the situation continues to deteriorate We are all witnessing the total destructionofapeopleinthe GazaStrip.TheIsraeliarmy, thefourthlargestarmyinthe world with very modern equipment, has unleashed a genocidal attack against the civilian Palestinian people. At the time of writing, more than 40,500 Palestinians have been confirmed dead duetodirectmilitaryactions and some one hundred thousand severely injured almost all have lost one or more of their limbs. These figures are changing upwardsonadailybasis. What is most distressing is the fact that it is civilian homes that are targeted, hospitals, schools; places of worship are all being systematically destroyed. It appears that the intention is not just to kill babies, children, women of

childbearing age and young men but to destroy their culture,theirwayoflife.

The figures of the dead are really very conservative.

A study published by a reputable Medical Journal, “Lauret”, put the figures of the dead at one hundred and eighty-six thousand (186,000)persons.Theysaid that even that figure is a conservativeestimate.

The Journal arrived at those figures by estimating those who are buried under millionsoftonsofrubbleand those who were vapourised by the sheer heat of the thousands of tons of bombs that were dropped on the narrow strip averaging twenty-one miles long and fourmileswide.

Rosa Luxemburg, no doubt concluded that by 1918, Capitalism had already outlived its usefulness and its continuation was posing a real danger to humanity as a whole.

They added to the figure oftheknowndeadthosewho havediedfromtheirwounds because they became infected and those who had been cut off from medicine to treat other types of diseases e g Diabetes, cancer,bloodpressure,etc.

Included as well are those who have died from diseases such as polio, dysenteryandbystarvation.

This is fascism in plain sight.TheIsraeliregimecan be easily compared to the NaziregimeinGermanyand NetanyahubehavesasHitler did.

The fact that we are spiralling down to Barbarism is seen from the impunity with which they are allowed to conduct this ethniccleansing.

This fascist regime is beingsuppliedwiththemost sophisticated weapons from theleadingimperialiststates,

particularly the United States.

Indeed, at the beginning of the massacre in October 2023, the United States and many European countries opposed a cease fire. They wanted Israel to destroy the Palestinian leading resistance organisation, Hamas This organisation has emerged as the most robustresistersoftheIsraeli colonial occupation of their lands The NATO states encouraged Israel to do the ‘job’asquicklyaspossible.

Butthatisnotall.TheUS and its allies are supporting the Israelis to ignore the decisionsoftheInternational CourtofJustice(ICJ)andthe InternationalCriminalCourt (ICC) They use their tremendouspowertoprotect the fascist regime at the UnitedNations.

At the same time, they havemovedtroopsandother military equipment, both land and sea to allow the regime to continue the

slaughter of a helpless, exhausted and starving population. Their presence intheregionistodiscourage anyone from going to the assistance of the Palestinian people.

The US is clearly not an honest broker even though they hypocritically speak of peace agreements, while continuing the supply of weapons to Netanyahu’s regime.Theirmainaimisto protect Israel despite the barbarism which they are displaying, the greed for the raw materials from the regionknowsnobound.

The US has managed to push out all other states that can bring some sanity from theareaandcanreallyactas honestbrokers.

The attack of the NATO states is making the United Nations and all its arms impotent.

Indeed,theUnitedStates has even joined Netanyahu instarvingPalestiniansas (Continuedonpage06)

Guyana is moving along the path of modernisation and transformation

DEAREDITOR, The announcement by President Dr Mohamed Irfaan Ali that commuters would soon benefit from toll-free travel across the new Demerara, Berbice and Mackenzie/Wismar bridges isindeedwelcomenews.

According to President Ali, “we are bridging the hearts and minds of every Guyanese. We are bridging everycommunityandweare doingitfreeofcost,because we are doing it out of the abundanceoflove”.

The face of Guyana is already changing with the construction of several major infrastructural works. These projects cost huge

sums of money which apart from job creation also has a multipliereffectonthelocal economy Iamparticularlypleased to learn that the new and modern bridge across the DemeraraRiveristhefirstof its kind in South America and designed to serve Guyanese for at least a century

Congratulations to the Guyana Government for the initiatives it is taking to improvethequalityoflifeof the Guyanese people. The country is clearly moving

transformation. HydarAlly

Did U.S. sanctioned-Guyanese receive due process and fair justice?

DEAREDITOR, American economic

nctions (including revocation of visa of politicians and business

people) financial restrictions — have been aroundfordecadesbuthave assumed a more prominent role in recent USA’s

cially regarding Guyana and other countries in the Americas andtheCaribbean.TheU.S. and other developed countries have tremendous leverage within the global financial system to impose sanction on anyone or nation.

It is a tool of USA to address threats to American national security and of democracyinatargetedstate as well as to crack down on corruption, among other justifiable reasons It is intended to deter certain behavior But there are concerns on unintended consequencesandimpacton innocent parties, such as businesses or individuals that have no connection to the activities of the sanctioned.

And it violates sovereignty of a nation and natural rights of people. As pointed out by the public in encounters all over the country in recent weeks, there is ethical as well as judicial problem posed by sanctions. Are individuals who are sanctioned treated

fairly, and do they receive due process? Are their fundamentalrightsviolated?

Due process is a basic principle of American naturalrightsasenshrinedin the constitution It is a principle in which individuals accused of a crimeorwrongdoingwasor is informed about it and has or had an opportunity to mountadefense.

The above questions were raised by Guyanese at homeandintheDiasporain widespread engagements with them Critical comments were also made on whether the Guyana government should impose sanctions (punishment) on Guyanese who are sanctioned by a foreign power if they were not accused and or convicted of a wrong doing in home jurisdiction.

These questions and comments were specifically raised in reference to wellknown businessmen Messrs Azrudin (son) and Nazar (father)Mohamedwhowere sanctionedbyUSAlastJune, among unverified others

The Mohamed’s are well known as philanthropists, andAzrudin is very popular with a large following on social media and on the ground among the less fortunate who have nudged him to enter politics to help make their lives better Nazar contested and won a traditionalPNCseatforPPP

that the party never won in localelections.

Social media is replete with rumors of dozens of Guyanese politicians and business persons who were similarly sanctioned The public feels it is fair to raise theissueofdueprocess.Itis not known whether any of the sanctioned were given notice of allegations, a hearing, and an opportunity to challenge allegations. Americanlawsdonotallow for such rights to foreigners accusedofwrongdoingand residing abroad. The US government is empowered tocancelvisasandorimpose economic sanctions on businesses and or their ownersatanytime.Isitfair? Shouldn’t the accused be subjected to presumption of innocence and fair trial –justice as an aspect of democracy and equality for all.

The Mohamed’s were not accused of any wrong doing by the Guyana government But their licenses relating to several businesses were revoked They were also forced to close bank accounts. Is that fair? The sanctions have tarnished their reputation and disrupted their businesses; the latter are shutteredandhundredshave losttheirjobs.Theaffiliated businesses provided employment to a couple hundred, contributed taxes to the treasury, have helped

to grow GDP, and helped many with charitable contributions Nazar Mohamed is also known to h a v e c o n t r i b u t e d significantly towards the restoration of democracy in 1992 and in deterring election fraud in 2020; he wasactivebehindthescenes combating fraud. Should innocent workers be penalized for actions of the sanctioned? It is also noted that publicly announced sanctions have affected associationofthesanctioned with fellow business persons, relatives, and f r i e n d s , t a k i n g a psychological toll, in addition to a financial one, on many Their immediate familiesarealsodistressed.

The Mohammed’s are liked by a significant chunk of the population. They are known to have done a lot of charitableactivitiesandtheir beneficiaries have queried the sanctions. They helped many as found in random surveying Several individuals have praised their generosity It is noted thathardlyanybusinessmen havebeenaskindasthemin recentyears,assistingvaried causes from religion to feeding the poor to education to housing to health,andmore.Theyaskis itfairtotargetthem?

Criticsofsanctionpolicy say that those who were sanctionedshouldhavebeen


DEAREDITOR, On August 26th, at the Mayor and Councillors of the City of Georgetown’s (M&CC)Statutorymeeting, a ridiculous, selfish, and shameful institutional rate policy for political parties was bullied through the approvalprocess.

The continuous cry of being cash-strapped and inadequately supported by the central government, compounded by defaulting ratepayers, has always surfaced when the question ofwhytheM&CCisfailing to execute its mandate arises. Monday’s decision proved to every single citizen of Georgetown, and by extension Guyana, that “the apple doesn’t fall far fromthetree.”

It is hypocritical for a political party to demand that every citizen pays their rates and taxes, even resortingtoparateexecution for non-compliance, while having the audacity to instituteapolicythatallows political parties to pay a mere 25% of their original duesallthewhilecontinuing tobenefitfromtheonlycore service provided, which is garbage collection, albeit in aninconsistentmanner

As a Councillor, I have alwaysheldaclearandopen mind on any idea or suggestion proposed by my fellow Councillors, as I genuinely believe in the necessityofdeliberationand diverse opinions. However, the welfare of all citizens


Hence, while this matter wasbroughtbeforeusbythe Mayor, Mr Mentore, as a request from the PNC’s coalition partner, Alliance for Change, it was decided that the matter would be further discussed, but outstanding rates must be dulysettled.

I wish to make it abundantly clear that PPP/C Councillors on Monday, the 26th,disagreedstronglyand statedallofthereasonswhy, including seeing this document as self-centered, not in the best interest of citizens, an abuse of power, hypocritical, among others, and even pleaded with our fellow Councillors while stillpointingoutmanyofthe deficiencies in the document.

It is clear now that the PNC-ledcouncil,headedby Mr Mentore, always had ulteriormotives,whichwere exposed by Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo during his weekly press conference, revealing an enormous amount of money owed to theM&CCbythePNCona number of their properties, which includes $6.7 billion on its Congress Place propertyalone.

CitizensofGeorgetown, (Continuedonpage06)

20% increase in fatal accidents involving trucks - GPF

Therehasbeena20 percent increase in the number of fatal accidents involving trucks on the country’s roadways this year, the Guyana Police Force (GPF) reportedthisweek.

Inastatement,theForce said that for the period January 1 to August 26 this year, 205 accidents were recorded with 18 of them being fatal in comparison to the same period in 2023 which saw 158 accidents with15beingfatal.

The non-fatal accidents for 2024 stands at 187 as of August 26 and when compared to 143 for 2023, representinga31%increase.

In May, a woman identified as Martha Williams was crushed by a container truck while crossing High Street, Georgetown.

One eyewitness recalled seeing her suddenly running across the road before hearing a loud popping sound.Whatwasleftbehind wasthebodyofawomancut in half with body parts scattered across the road. When Kaieteur News arrived on the scene, it was gruesome.

Other persons recalled seeing the container truck stopping in the corner and the driver running away from the scene leaving the porterbehind.

Kaieteur News later learnt that the woman was

The aftermath of accidents involving trucks.

killed five minutes after leaving some friends at a location on Princess Street, Georgetown.

Weeks later after

Williams’s death, 68-yearold Rudolph Caines of Hillfoot Village lost his life after his car collided with a truck at Hillfoot Access Road, Soesdyke Linden Highway

Police in a press release stated that the accident occurred at the junction of Hillfoot Public Road and Hillfoot Access Road, Soesdyke-Linden Highway, involving a truck, and a motorcar owned and driven by Rudolph Caines, with occupant Maxine Caines, age 66, both of Hillfoot Village Soesdyke-Linden Highway

Inquiries revealed that the motorcar was traveling north along the eastern side of Hillfoot Access Road, Soesdyke-Linden Highway As the car approached

Hillfoot Public Road on the Soesdyke-Linden Highway, it is alleged that the driver failedtostopandveeredinto the path of the truck, which wastravellingwestalongthe southern side of the same road.

This caused the truck to collide with the right-side centreportionofthecar

As a result of the collision, both vehicles were damaged leaving both the driver and the occupants of the car with serious injuries.

The occupants of the car were placed in a passing vehicle, and transported to the Diamond Diagnostic Centre, where they were both seen and examined by doctors on duty However, Rudolph Caines was pronounceddeadonarrival.

Also in May, a 33-yearold father of two identified asDeorajBaldeoalsoknown as ‘Alex’ of Zeelugt, EBE died after crashing into a

Sharp Descent into Barbarism...

Frompage04 they have suspended all funds to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA)whichisthemain relief organisation helping thediresituationintheGaza andWestBank. Our world has now become a very dangerous place. The law of the jungle is replacing international law andinternationalinstitutions whicharebeingdeliberately subverted and ignored Morality has taken wings in international relations and

thepoorandoppressedmust continue to be exploited for the benefit of a few in the developedimperialiststates.

The descent towards Barbarismisaccelerating.


Former President of Guyana

lumber truck on the Orangestein Public Road, EastBankEssequibo(EBE).

According to police, the deadly crash took place around05:15hrs.Policesaid too that another man, 55year-old Fazal Abrahim, who was sitting in the front passengerseatbesideBaldeo wasalsoseriouslyinjuredin theaccident.

Investigations have revealed that a truck, GVV 9777, driven by 60-year-old Ramgobin Prahalad of Parika Outfall, EBE reversedfromnorthtosouth out of a Stone Depot and collidedwiththefrontofthe minibus, BSS 7322 that Baldeowasdriving.

Police said that Baldeo wasallegedlyspeedingwest along the road, when the crashoccurred.

AvideoseenbyKaieteur News showed the aftermath ofthecrash.

Thetruckwasfilledwith lumberandtheentirefrontof theminibuswasmangled.

The motionless Baldeo

was seen pinned in the driver’s seat of the wrecked minibus.

In the same month, 18month-oldKarsonMayersof Belmont, East Coast Demerara (ECD) died after thecarhisfatherwasdriving crashed into a truck around 13:45hrs along the Brittania Public Road, West Coast Berbice(WCB).

He was a passenger along with Monique Richmond in a car being driven by Kishawn Mayers, 30.

According to police, the senior Mayers allegedly crashed the car into a truck owned by John Fernandes Limited.

Thetruckwasreportedly travelling east while the car was heading in the opposite direction.

In July, football coach CarlyleHuntewasthedriver of a motorcar that collided with a lorry on the

Soesdyke-Linden Highway killing him and his 9-yearold grandson, Malique Roberts.

In a statement to the media, police reported that the driver of the lorry, Sawdeo Persaud told investigators that he saw Hunte’s car proceeding southatafastrate.

“Enquiriesdisclosedthat the driver of the lorry was proceeding north along the western side of the Soesdyke-Linden Highway, in the vicinity of Kairuni, when he noticed the car proceeding south along the eastern side of the road at a fast rate As the car approached him, the driver allegedly lost control and ended up on the western drivinglaneandintothepath ofthe lorry.”

Hunte was accompanied by his three grandchildren, Robertsandtwoothers,aged 10and12.

Georgetown’s Chief Citizen needs...

Frompage05 and by extension Guyana, should take the opportunity to examine the significance of whatunfoldedrightbeforeoureyes.

It’s no secret what the agenda of the leadership of this PNC-ledcouncilis,but whatIcanpromiseasaPPP/CCouncilloris thatwewillcontinuetofightandadvocatefor thebettermentofGeorgetown.

Yours respectfully,

Steven Jacobs, C


Govt. should focus energy on fixing Math problems

rather than surveying schools with pit latrines - PNCR

The People’s National the education sector but the Congress Reform (PNC/R) resultsarepoor believes that the Ministry of “ It is very difficult to Education should place its spendmuchmoremoney,far focus on policies that tackle more money and have worse therecentdeclineinpassrate results and yet here we are for Mathematics at the withthecommunity,”hesaid C

adding, “So now they Examinations Council ( G o v

scrambling at the last minute surveying schools with pit to try to fix an issue that they latrines. should have been focused on

Chairman of the PNCR fromtheverybeginning.” and Shadow Minister of Low reminded that N

, though Guyana is blessed ShurwayneHolderonFriday with a plethora of resources, during the party’s weekly many citizens performed press conference spoke of poorly in Mathematics and the three percent decline in English Language and this mathematics passes which hinders their ability to afterfouryearsofoilmoney,

represents a drop from 34

you know rather than focus (Government) should be

education sector, much,

Furthermore, he pointed much more need to be to be percentin2023to31percent opportunitiesthatexist. on the Mathematics and the focusing on why about two- out that in light of the done.” in2024. “Of course a large English,” Holder said thirds of the students who increased budget for the Similar comments were “I was shocked to see or portion of the population referencingaStabroekNews wrote CXC (Caribbean e d u c

, voiced by Elson Low, the to learn that the Government dropped out of high school articleonthesubject. ExaminationsCouncil)don’t Mathematics pass rates party’s Treasurer who noted via Priya Manickchand the before they could even take While citing that under havemorethanfivesubjects, continuetodecline. the government’s recent MinisterofEducationisnow those examinations,” he said the PNCR government the (from) grade one to three, “Something is definitely initiative which mandates focused on doing a study noting that “One of the Mathematics pass rate was they should worry, they wrong and the budget has moretimefortheteachingof collecting data on schools things we want to see in that 48 percent, Holder further should be very, very increased,” the PNCR Mathematicsinschools. that still have a pit latrine training program is people Chairman said while the H

Government, “Prefer to Government is operating as Mathematics exam again so focus on the top one percent, if

w they can open up new those getting 20-29

subjectsatCXC.” government is woken up to themselves.” Holder said, “It is very, the fact that there’s a serious The PNCR officials very disheartening to see mathematics problem in this stated that building the how they’re (Government) country “ foundationofhumancapital trying to sort of trick the Lowalsoraisedconcerns is vita

erms of population into believing about the large amount of advancing the country’s that all is well in the money being pumped into development

Pensioner struck by car dies while receiving treatment

A76-year-old pensioner who was struck the northern side of the Public Road at a fast by a speeding motorcar on Thursday died rate when the left front side of the car hit the while receiving treatment at the Leonora pedestrian, who was crossing the road CottageHospital. southwardtonorthward.

ThedeceasedhasbeenidentifiedasEton Levans fell to the ground after being hit Levans of Vergenoegen, East Bank and was picked up in an unconscious Essequibo(EBE). condition by the driver of the motorcar and

Police in a statement said that the rushedtotheLeonoraCottageHospital. accident involved motorcar bearing Hewasexaminedbyadoctorondutyand registration number PPP 3346 that was diedwhilereceivingmedicalattention. driven by a 27-year-old from Zeelugt North, Levans’ body was taken to the Ezekiel EBEandLevans,apedestrian. Funeral Home for storage. A post-mortem

Reportsarethecarwasheadedeastalong examinationisscheduledtobedone.

PNCR Treasurer, Elson Low Chairman of the PNCR, Shurwayne Holder

Of waivers and optics

We can find no better example of self-interest m a s q u e r a d i n g a s magnanimitythantherecent motion passed by the GeorgetownCityCouncilto bestowagenerousreduction in municipal taxes on political parties. It does not takeadiscerningobserverto seethismotionforwhatitis: aself-interestdecisionanda blatantconflictofinterest.

T h e P e o p l e ’ s Progressive Party/Civic (PPPC), and Bharrat Jagdeo are not going to lose the opportunitytomilkpolitical capitaloutofthisill-advised motion. They will, as they have done, paint the motion asself-serving,passedbythe very party that stands to benefit.

In truth, the PNCR’s councillors, who hold a majorityintheCouncil,have onlythemselvestoblamefor the bad optics of this decision. To propose and pass a motion that directly benefits one’s own party to the tune of hundreds of percentage points less in taxes than would otherwise be due is, to put it mildly, unseemly It reeks of an ethicallapse.

This reduction, from a commercial rate of 275% of assessed taxes to an institutionalrateofjust25%, is no small concession. It represents a substantial waiver, one that raises questions about the motivations and intentions behind the motion which was passed with the support of the majority PNCR councillors.

The PNCR councillors may argue that this move is

designed to relieve political parties of undue financial pressure or to treat them as institutions rather than businesses. But in a city struggling to make ends meet, and where businesses are saddled with relatively exorbitant taxes, such an argument falls flat. It is an insult to those who have borne the brunt of the city’s financial mismanagement, a mismanagement that has seen the infrastructure

crumble, se

vices deteriorate, and the quality of life for its residents steadily decline under successive PNCRcontrolledcouncils.

It is incumbent upon political parties to set an

e principles of fairness and responsibility The notion that political parties should benefit from a tax reduction at a time when ordinary citizens are not, recalls the case of the APNU+AFC Ministers approving a 50% increase in salaries for themselves.

If anything, political parties,whichrelyonpublic support and often claim to representtheinterestsofthe common man, should be at the forefront of paying their fulltax.Thesepartiesshould not seek to benefit from a reduced rate until a similar concession is offered to ordinaryratepayers.

The decision to reduce taxes for political parties is notonlymorallydubiousbut also strategically unsound. At a time when the Council should be focusing on

enhancing reve

collection to fund vital services, it is instead opting to forego potential income. This myopic approach does nothing to address the systemicissuesplaguingthe city’sfinances.

But there is also another fundamental concern. What Georgetown needs is not piecemeal solutions that benefit a select few, but comprehensive reform that ensuresallsectorscontribute equitably to the upkeep of thecity

Businesses, which are alreadyoverburdenedbythe existing tax structure, bear the lion’s share of the financial burden. They are subject to relatively high rates and taxes This is compounded by steep penalties for late payments. The challenges faced by these businesses are further exacerbated by the rampant illegal vending that goes unchecked in the city. Vendors,whopayanominal cleaning fee, are allowed to set up shop directly in front of established businesses, undercutting them and creating an uneven playing field. In the meantime, garbage is piling up in the city, including in residential areas.

To address these issues, this column has previously advocated for the implementation of a flat tariff on the square feet of businesses and residential areas.Therecanbedifferent ratesforhigh-endandprime commercial areas. For example, businesses in Regent Street should pay higher rates than say


Yuh cyah escape it, no matter where yuh go. Is like everybody in dis country decide dem have to be loud fuh be heard, evenifdemdehrightnexttoyuh.Yuhever trygoaweddingreceptionoraparty?Fuh say“Hi”todepersonnexttoyuh,yuhgot to shout like yuh calling fuh a taxi in de middle of de night. And if yuh deh in a club?Forgetit!Demdon’tevenplaymusic nomore;demdoesblastitlikedemtrying tocommunicatewithaliens.

Deminibusestekittoanotherlevel.De musicdoesblaresoloud,itlikedebusturn into a moving concert. Yuh does step in feelingfresh,andbydetimeyuhreachyuh stop,yuheardrumsalreadymashup.Dem boys seh is only a matter of time before somebody start selling ear plugs at de bus parks. Is either dat or yuh learn sign languagefuhwhenyuhcomeout.


Aseparateflatrate,saya $100 per every drum, for garbage collection should also be introduced This should be applicable to every household and business, regardless of the nature of their economic activity It should be treated as a service charged and should cover the cost of garbagecollection.

Such measures would provide a stable and predictablesourceofincome for the city, while also ensuring that the burden of maintaining cleanliness and order is shared equitably among all residents and businesses.Asanitationrate, uniformly applied, would

ease the financial strain on the city’s coffers and eliminate the need for arbitrary and politically motivatedtaxwaivers.

The freedom which the Councilisabletowaiveand alter rates needs to be checked in the public interest. It is high time for the central government to intervene legislatively The current arrangements leave citizensatthemercyoflocal councils. The government musttakestepstoprotectthe public interest by enacting legislation that governs the imposition and waiver of ratesandtaxes.

One proposal is to establish a regulatory body that oversees municipal tax

policies, ensuring that decisions are made transparently and based on sound financial principles, rather than political expediency Such a body would provide a check against the kind of selfservingmaneuversthathave come to characterize the Georgetown City Council’s approachtogovernance.

(The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinionsofthisnewspaper.)

But de real problem is de Sunday jukeboxbattles.Sundayusedtobeadayof rest, but now is de day fuh see which neighbor can outplay de other One man put on he jukebox loud, de next neighbor say,“Igonshowyuh!”andturnupheown. Before yuh know it, de whole village in a musicalwar,andeverybodyelsesuffering in silence—or noise, in dis case. Even de dogsbarkinglouderjustfuhkeepup. Demboyssehislikedewholecountry going deaf and nobody notice. Or maybe demalreadydeafanddatiswhydemhave to shout. Whatever de reason, one ting clear: peace and quiet dead and gone. Noisetekover,anditlooklikeitain’tgoing nowhere. De only solution? Maybe we all need to tek out a megaphone and join in, becauseifyuhcan’tbeatdem,yuhmightas wellmakesomenoisetoo. Talkhalf.Leffhalf





e more I read what this country and that is bought and sold so attention, ponder at length. course. One of my greatest statements attributed to His citizens have as the bright cheaply in Guyana A It doesn’t have to be the regrets is that President Ali ExcellencyPresidentAli,the apex of their presidency moment of introspection, of

and former president Jagdeo less impressed I am by his Somesimple,directwordsto deep self-examination and

y came to their fullest flower drowns out the whispers ideaofwhatistheessenceof PresidentAli are worth a try, reflection, is invaluable. I appearance before the of power after that quality of involving his government at the presidency Agood one, have their merits. There are daresay, sire, that it makes microphone does not have to schooling and attention to very senior levels. I have a respected and inspiring enormous benefits in for a better president and a spiral (or decline) to an Old groominghadhaditsday At just pointed to the writing on one. The more frequently practicing calmness in muchbetterpresidency Year’s Nite moment of times, when I hear President the wall, he and his people (thank God it is so seldom) I c o m p o r t m e n t ( a n d Communications; I am

Ali in full flow, I find myself should be able to read the amforcedtoabsorbasnippet communications). It is not told that there is an art to it.

offering a silent prayer: no, names on it. Now that is of Excellency Ali in full- well to be so agitated on Maybe so, maybe not. More pounding on the table, and Mr President, don’t loosen where transparency lives, throated Enrico Caruso (or every occasion, particularly science, but definitely some carrying on at high decibels, that tie, and please don’t and there are neither secrets Pradeep Kumar) crescendo, during those when the structure, with a dash of that Mr President, is most yank off shirt and get ready normanygovernmentnames the more I reel and say to reception is less than arthelpstoconveymessages unpresidential. A calm word to get down in the dirt. In exempted. I know one thing myself that this cannot be rapturous. The forced kind that make listeners pay makes many a storm reverse observing President Ali in with absolute certainty: my action, I have this flashback name is not there nor to one of those old Westerns anywhere for anything. Ali suchas Shane (AlanLadd)or and Jagdeo know that but Warlock (Richard Widmark) can’t help themselves where a brawl for the ages When their people go low, I w a s a b o u t t o t a k e go high. Straight at the two centerstage. Somebody was ofthem(andNandlall). bursting out of their shirt to Third, President Ali prove either their machismo reduces his presidency (even or their sense of righteous besmirches himself) to the toughness. That may be cheap and tawdry when his exciting for the big movie message on most occasions screen, but real life is not a and most matters must be motion picture, and the spiced up with some presidency of Guyana is not reference to the PNC. Take the product of some out the PNC (what it did, if it s c r e e n w r i t e r ’ s ever did anything good) and craftsmanship. Ielaborateto the president and vice assistthepresident. president become insecure

There are three areas and uncertain about the randomly selected to strength and credibility of emphasize to President Ali, their messages. To give life his cluster of advisers, and to their pronouncements and the Guyanese people that he programs, the PNC is is going about the leadership compulsory Leave out the of this country in the worst PNC, and President Ali’s way possible. Corruption is message is flat, suffers from chronic and cancerous and is flatulence, and sounds killing this country Yet, in frivolous My word of Excellency Ali, there is this humble counsel to Guyana’s thunder of bluster about how headofstateisthathealways much his government has keeps his head on. He must been with transparency and be confident that his PPP accountability. Which Government can stand on its government, Mr President? own feet without the At which high point in the orthopedic mechanics of the last four years, master? If PNC needed to proceed up there is the accountability to thestairs. the degree spoken of, then Last, I have some bad why are those damnYankees news for President Ali. It is intercepting, escorting, said that some of the people detaining, and questioning can be fooled some of the Guyanese with different time, and not all of them all close relationships to he and the time. I regret to inform his government? Why is the him that things have seizing of instruments and deteriorated to such a dubious escorting of people d e p l o r a b l e a n d now almost an expected part unpardonable state in of the United States Guyana under his watch that G o v e r n m e n t ’s J F K none of the people is fooled welcoming committee? Not none of the time. Even PPP for rank-and-file Guyanese, diehards have their hair and but people high in his pants on fire things are so government Second, if bad.

t h e r e w a s t r u e Hecoulddecideiftopass accountability, then those this memoonto Jagdeo. The all-but-forgotten major presidency has its own overseas drug hauls would natural dignity about it not have occurred. Nor the Please don’t desecrate it talk of a “network of further, Excellency Ali. Be corruption” (damn Yankees controlled. Becool. again) have any grounds to (The views expressed in gain traction. The president this article are those of the should know that when he a u t h o r a n d d o n o t strikes high notes about necessarily reflect the corruption, none of that opinions of this newspaper.)

GT Mayor refutes claim that Council’s new rate policy is to help clear billions owed by PNCR -

City Mayor Alfred Peoples National Congress

allowing them to be Mentore assures that speaks to it owing $6.7 exempted from paying rates that the new billion dollars,” the Mayor and taxes or at least

but provides no proof

Institutional Rate said. reclassifying those rates to Rate Policy’ with the sole residents of Georgetown Policy implemented by the The PNCR treasurer, “institutional rates” under purpose of helping the without a subvention from City Council is not geared Elson Lowe also shied away the Municipal and District opposition party clear the the government, they cannot towards helping the Peoples from clarifying whether the Council’s Act,” Mentore billions of dollars it owes in repair their home which is National Congress Reform party has paid its taxes. He explained. backtaxes. the City Hall without a (PNCR) clear its debt to the told Kaieteur News, “We’re Notably, he said the D u r i n g a p r


m the Council. not in the practice of putting Municipal and District conference on Wednesday, government, they cannot However, Mentore has the party’s financial Council Act, Section 214 Jagdeo told reporters that his discharge most of their been unable to provide information in the public states that: A Council shall party’s Councillors have d u t i e s w i t h o u t a evidencetosupportthis. domain.” have power to exempt from rejected the move because subvention,”hesaid.

In an invited comment This is even after the liability to pay rates either the reason for the tax Nandlall

the City Mayor said the ruling People Progressive wholly or in part for any reduction was to cushion the reduction or exemption of financial information of the Party Civic (PPPC) posted a property used for the t a x e s o w e d b y t h e rates and taxes should be partyisonewhichheisnotat receipt on its social media advancement of religion, opposition. directed to the less fortunate libertytodivulge. platform clarifying that the education or social welfare,

“...We dug a bit deeper insteadofpoliticalparties. “It’snotformetodivulge party’s rates and taxes have notwithaviewtoprofit Georgetown Mayor & City and it seems as though there “ObviouslythePNCand such confidential info, but beenpaid. According to Mentore, Council (M&CC) of is a specific reason for this theAFC owe rates and taxes checkingtherecords,thereis Vice President (VP) the law also covers facility introducing ‘Institutional proposal Congress Place thattheycannotaffordtopay noaccountinthenameofthe Bharrat Jagdeo accused the used for sports or healthy owes $6.7B, and a demand and they get their acolytes at institutionswhileleavingthe notice was sent to them for City Hall to move a motion power to the Minister of this money So how do you t o w r i t e o f f t h e i r Local Government to get your rates and taxes for indebtedness and these designate any other property $6.7B…That is a huge sum people are seriously forexemption. soclearly,theyhavenotbeen contesting to be the next Meanwhile, on Friday, paying for a very long time government of this country the PNCR chose not to and therefore the interest has and these people are talking addressqueriesregardingthe accrued and therefore they about accountability and alleged $6.7 billion debt in now have to pay this huge transparency and they’re rates and taxes owed to the sum of money,” the VP gettingtheiracolytesinthere Georgetown City Council explained. to write off their rates and f o r t h e i r S o p h i a Attorney General and taxes,” the Attorney General headquarters, at the party’s Minister of Legal Affairs said. weeklypressconference. Anil Nandlall had also H o w e v e

criticised the Council’s Mentore has defended the C

move. During his weekly decision pointing out that Holder nor Treasurer Low programme ‘Issues in the M & C C i s l a w f u l l y responded to the question News’ on Tuesday evening, empowered to exempt whenasked. he described the decision as political parties from paying The party made it clear a “vulgar and shameless rates. that the press conference act,” “We have a document will only address issues “TheGeorgetownMayor that has classified political raised in the statement & City Council (M&CC) parties in existence for more which was based on cannotevenaffordtopickup than ten years as ‘social and infrastructure and the Gasthe garbage from the welfare institutions, ’ to-Energyproject

Georgetown Mayor Alfred Mentore

New Int’l hotels in Guyana will not

increase cost-of-living - Jagdeo

…says more hotels will create more jobs and opportunities for locals

Vice President (VP) Bharrat whether the influx of tourists, we are pushing people to provide constructed to support the Jagdeo has dismissed concerns that drawn by the growing number of thelocal[cuisine],”hecontinued. expand

across G

Furthermore, Jagdeo said that government had moved to sell the

e the surge in hotel construction hotels, might lead to higher prices

eorgetown and for goods and services, potentially increased tourist activity would GuyanaMarriottHotel. surrounding areas, will further adding more difficulties for drive demand for local products, Since June 2023, state-entity drive up the cost of living. Instead, Guyanese that have been benefiting farmers and other the National Industrial and he argued that the expansion of complainingaboutthehighcost-of- suppliers. He cited examples like Commercial Investments Limited hotel capacity could stabilize or living. the Guyana Marriott and Hard (NICIL) was in talks with even lower accommodation costs, The Vice President responded Rock Café, which have already American businessman Ramy Elbenefitingbothlocalsandreturning by pointing out that increased hotel started incorporating local foods Batrawi, who had bid US$90 nationals. availability would enhance into their offerings. Jagdeo added, million for the Kingston, Guyana’s rapidly expanding oil competition, making it easier for

“So it means more demand for our Georgetown property However, and gas sector has attracted people to find reasonably priced farmersandanythingelsetosupply before the deal was finalised the significant international attention, accommodations. fresh fruit, vegetables, and a whole businessman passed away bringing leading to increased demand for “SothewayIseeitisthatifyou range of supply, so I can only see it endtothosenegotiations. high-qualityhospitalityservices.In have greater supply, you have inapositivesense.” Moreover, the Vice President addition to the seven new hotels greatersupply Soalotofourtourist

ng ahead, Jagdeo had revealed that despite the that are expected to be open next are Guyanese who come back envisions Guyana as a future host criticism the hotel faced when the year, Hilton on Wednesday home. So far the bulk of the people for major international events, construction was announced – the announceditsdebutinGuyanawith who come into our country are local economy He noted that the supported by the new hotels and hotel has emerged as a profitable the signing of a dual-brand project Guyanese who return home,” seven new hotels alone would stadiums. “I can see it in a more venture, but justified the sale of the planned for the capital, Jagdeosaid.

create approximately 300 jobs for positivesenseandwewillbeableto hotel by stating that it was a Georgetown. The upcoming Hilton Jagdeo said that returning Guyanese and significantly boost host more international events like business decision. Jagdeo said that Georgetown and DoubleTree Guyanese nationals face high the tourism industry by providing cricket; we are building a couple of whilethehotelismakingaprofit,it Suites by Hilton Georgetown accommodation costs due to more affordable options for stadiums, we can run a whole is of no supreme benefit to the owned by an affiliate of Assets limited availability As such, he visitors. tournament in the future if we have Government owning it anymore, Group and managed by Hilton will believes that more hotels would “So about 300 Guyanese can twostadiums…soIseethesethings adding that within a few years, mark the company’s first entry into mitigate this issue and make find jobs in these hotels that are entirely in the positive sense,” the several hotels are expected to come the country, bringing a combined Guyanamorecompetitive. built,soitcanhaveapositiveeffect VicePresidentsaid. on stream and in order to avoid totalof411roomstothecity He also said he believes more on employment creation. If you Itshouldbenotedthatwhilethe competition, this is the best time to At his press conference on hotels would have positive effects have more tourists here too, they Government of Guyana (GoG) has maximise the profit and sell the Thursday, Jagdeo was asked on tourism, employment, and the would consume more local stuff so been pushing for more hotels to be hotel.

Vice President, Bharrat Jagdeo


…says fugitives opted to return to the U.S.

The Ministry of Home the Ministry’s Facebook who departed Guyana on Affairs on Friday debunked page, the ministry said, August 13, 2024, is wanted claims that Guyana has “there have been no in Queens, New York, for extradited persons to the extraditions from Guyana to incorrectly used during a three fugitives who had he fled to Guyana upon manslaughter in the Second UnitedStatesofAmericathis the United States ofAmerica News Source broadcast on outstanding warrants were postingbond. Degree, Criminally year in 2024 to date. The term August27,2024.” arrested by the Guyana Gilgeours departed Negligent Homicide and In a statement issued on “ e x t r a d i t i o n ” w a s The statement said that PoliceForce(GPF).Thetrio, Guyana on July 31, 2024. Flight to Avoid Prosecution all citizens of the U.S. opted Gilgeours is wanted in or Giving Testimony The to return to the U.S. rather Prince George’s County, offenses were committed in than face deportation from Maryland, for a homicide 2019. Guyana. The three persons and two attempted murders. The Home Affairs have been identified as On July 4, 2024, during a Ministry explained that the Quincy Hinds, Rakeem block party attended by extradition “involves a Antonio Gilgeous and approximately 200 people, a formal request from the RavindraDharamjit. disputeledtoanexchangeof government of one country Hinds departed Guyana gunfire, resulting in the to the Government of on May 11, 2024. He was death of a six-year-old child Guyana No extradition charged in 2019 in the and injuries to an adult male requests were received from EasternDistrictofNewYork and female He was the United States for any of with conspiracy to import identified as the shooter and thethreeindividuals.” cocaine and conspiracy to fled from New York to The ministry said it possess cocaine with intent G u y a n a t o e v a d e remains committed to to distribute. After making prosecution. transparencyandaccuracyin an initial court appearance, Meanwhile, Dharamjit, allmattersofpublicinterest.



Two Chinese nationals were on Thursday around 21:00h. The duo was awakened by robbed by four armed and masked men who four masked men who demanded their forcefullygainedentrytotheirSupplyPublic valuables. Road,EastBankDemerara(EBD)home. The armed men ransacked the house and The victims, identified as 49-year-old Fu carted off cell phones, laptops, and other Gofu, and Manyi An, a 38-year-old, both valuableitems. sales persons-were robbed of their cell On inspection, it was discovered that phones,laptopsandothervaluables. bandits gained entry to the home by prying Kaieteur News understands that the open a glass window on the ground floor of victims reside at a two-storey house and that thetwostoreyhouse. on the day in question; they retired to bed Investigationsareongoing.

Sir Shridath Ramphal passes on

…hailed as a ‘Gem of Guyana’;‘a Caribbean Man’

Sir Shridath “Sonny” Ramphal, efforts were instrumental in the (OE),theOrderofMeritofJamaica a towering figure in international eventual termination of apartheid, (OM),theOrderoftheCompanions diplomacy and one of the earning him global respect and ofOliverTambofromSouthAfrica, Caribbean’s most respected elder admiration. Nelson Mandela once and Honorary Companion of the statesmen, died peacefully on saidofhim:“Heisoneofthosemen Order of Australia (AC). He was August 30, 2024, at the age of 95. who have become famous because, also appointed to the Order of New His family confirmed that Sir intheirfightforhumanjustice,they Zealand, New Zealand’s highest Shridath was surrounded by his have chosen the whole world as civilhonor childrenatthetimeofhispassing. theirtheatre.”

President IrfaanAli

Sir Shridath was born on Sir Shridath also served as President Irfaan Ali in his October 3, 1928, in New Chancellor of the University of message of condolence said, “The Amsterdam, British Guiana (now Guyana, the University of the West passing of Sir Shridath Ramphal Guyana). He was predeceased by Indies,andWarwickUniversity He markstheendofanera,notonlyfor his beloved wife of 67 years, Lady was involved in various global GuyanabutfortheentireCaribbean Lois Ramphal, who passed away in initiatives,servingonalltheGlobal andtheCommonwealthofNations. 2019. Commissions that produced We mourn the loss of an His illustrious career spanned landm

severaldecadesandleftanindelible environment, development, and regionalist par excellence, and a mark on global diplomacy, disarmament between 1980 and committed internationalist Sir Caribbean development, and the 1995. His leadership as Chairman Shridath’s life was one of fight against institutional racism. of the West Indian Commission magnificent service—dedicated to He was a distinguished alumnus of culminated in the 1992 report, his homeland, to the region, and to King’s College London and Gray’s “TimeforAction,”whichremainsa theworld.” Inn, London His career was seminal blueprint for Caribbean He highlighted Sir Shridath’s marked by a series of pivotal roles, development.

including Assistant Attorney- In addition to his diplomatic Guyana’s territorial integrity and General of the West Indies contributions, Sir Shridath was a sovereignty and his efforts before Federation, Minister of Justice and key figure in environmental the International Court of Justice Foreign Affairs of Guyana, and conservation, serving as President (ICJ)andtheTribunaloftheUnited S

Sir Shridath Ramphal

al of the of the World Conservation Union Nations Convention on the Law of Commonwealth, a position he held and Special Adviser to the UN theSea(UNCLOS). for 15 years, making him the Conference on Environment and

“[They] were not just a service longest-serving individual in that Development. He also played a became the first lawyer to appear Shridath received numerous to the nation; they were acts of role. significant role as Chief Negotiator virtually before the International prestigious honours, including the supreme and selfless devotion to As Commonwealth Secretary- for the Caribbean on External CourtofJusticeduringtheCOVID- OrderoftheCaribbeanCommunity the land that nurtured him,” Ali General from 1975 to 1990, Sir EconomicRelations. 19 pandemic, representing Guyana (OCC), the Knight Grand Cross of said. Shridath played a key role in the Even in his later years, Sir inacriticalbordercontroversycase theMostDistinguishedOrderofSt. Describing Sir Shridath as “a international campaign against Shridath remained active on the withVenezuela. Michael and St. George (GCMG), gemofGuyana”,PresidentAlisaid apartheid in South Africa. His international stage At 92, he Throughout his life, Sir the Order of Excellence of Guyana (Continued on page 21)

Fire Service issues guidelines ahead of three-month heatwave

TheGuyanaFireService(GFS) higher-than-average temperatures, are closely monitored to prevent in its effort to protect lives and raising concerns for public health, themfromspreading.” property from fires, while agriculture,andlivestock. Further, the GFS advised that providing special services and The Hydrometeorological persons monitor water sources, by humanitarian aid has outlined Service warns that the increased keepingitaccessibleforfirecontrol several guidelines, as it relates to likelihood of extreme heat and and ensure fire hydrants are not the heatwave which is expected to heatwave days could significantly blocked. occur in Guyana between impact vulnerable groups, Additionally, if there is a fire, SeptemberandNovember2024. including the elderly, children, and the GFS advises that a report is The Hydrometeorological those with pre-existing health madepromptly businesses are equipped with fire informed and to take the necessary Service of the Ministry of conditions. “If you see a fire, report it extinguishers,smokedetectors,and precautions to protect lives, Agriculture on Wednesday Taking this into account, the immediately to the Guyana Fire smoke alarms. In addition, the Fire property, and the environment

al Fire Service urges citizens to Service Early intervention is Service said persons should also during this period of elevated temperatures across Guyana. This adhere to the following guidelines: crucial to prevent the spread of develop and practice evacuation temperatures Citizens are period, traditionally the warmest “Refrain from open burning of fires,” the GFS said while noting plans for homes and businesses to encouraged to stay alert, practice months of the year, particularly in debris, agricultural waste, or any the importance of community ensureaquickandorderlyresponse fire safety measures, and report September and October, is activities that could spark a fire. If awareness. incaseofafire. emergencies via emergency lines expected to experience even burning is necessary, ensure fires

The GFS advised homes and “The public is advised to stay 912and226-2411-3,”GFSstated.

(Photo credit:

‘One hand’ remanded for attempted murder

Mohan ‘One hand’ Lall

A 42-year-old labourer of Windsor Castle, Essequibo Coast was on Friday charged for attempted murder and remandedtoprison.

The accused, Mohan Lall, called ‘One Hand’appeared at the Suddie Magistrates’ Court before Magistrate Tamieka Clarke.Hewasnotrequiredtoplead.

Reports are that on Monday,August 26, 2024 at Windsor Castle,Lallattemptedtokill40-year-oldDerrickRamsaroop, apart-timeworker

The case was adjourned to September 24, 2024 for report anddisclosureofstatements.

Reg. 5 RDC to spend $54M to repair nine health centres

The Regional Democratic Council (RDC) of Region Five will spend approximately $54 million to rehabilitate nine healthcentresintheregion.

This is according to information released in the Region’s invitationforbids.

The Bush Lot Health Centre is earmarked for rehabilitation at an estimated cost of $3,800,000, works at the Rosignol Health Centre are estimated to cost $5,569,300, the Litchfield Health Centre $4,659,490, the Trafalgar Health Centreanditslivingquartersareestimatedtocost$4,436,145, the Dundee Health Centre is pegged at $4,184,430, and the BiabooHealthCentreisestimatedtocost$8,017,296.

Additionally, the Britannia Health Centre will be rehabilitated at an estimated cost of $8,699,240; the Mora Point Health Centre will be rehabilitated at a cost of $10,666,656, and the No 7 Health Centre will see rehabilitativeworkscostingapproximately$12,000,000.

Meanwhile,theRDCisalsoseekingmaintenanceservices for the drain, concrete slab and incinerator at the Biaboo HealthCentrewhichisestimatedtocost$2,867,722.

It was reported in the media that President Irfaan Ali had noted the need to repair and upgrade all health facilities in the country,toensurecitizensreceivethebesthealthcareservices.

At the recently concluded National Toshaos Council (NTC)ConferenceopeningceremonyPresidentAlidisclosed thattheMinistryofHealthhascompletedanassessmentofall healthfacilities.

“The mapping exercise is completed and within 14 months they have to finish every single facility across the country,” the Head of State said noting that the same will be doneforeducationalinstitutions.

Sir Shridath Ramphal passes on...

Frompage15 he was a towering figure in the Caribbean, and a respected leader in the Commonwealth.

“His loss is deeply felt, but his legacy will continue to inspire generations to come. Guyana has lost one of its finest sons, and the Caribbean and the Commonwealth, a giant among men,” the president added.

“On behalf of the Cooperative Republic of Guyana,thelandofhisbirth, I express my deepest condolences to his family, relativesandtothecountless friends, associates, and admirers who were touched by his life and work. Our thoughts and prayers are with his family during this timeofgrief.

We stand with them, celebrating the life of a true legend Sir Shridath Ramphal,” the head-of-state said.

Attorney General (AG) AnilNandlall

Attorney General Anil Nandlall recognised Sir Shridath for his outstanding contribution to Guyana. He saidthatSirShridathplayed a pivotal role in settling Guyana’s maritime dispute with Suriname. He was the Co-Agent and Counsel on the Guyana-Suriname Maritime Arbitration (2004 –2007).

“In respect of the ongoing case between Guyana and Venezuela, Sir Shridath was one of the leading lawyers from the

inception. He remained part of the legal team until his demise. Being privileged to beaffordedanopportunityto work with that team and appear at the International Court of Justice, I had the first-hand opportunity of observing Sir Shridath at work. Personally, it was an intellectually stimulating exercise. He was already in his 90’s but his agility of mind and intellectual nimbleness was superlative. Even at that age, his energy and enthusiasm were boundless. When he could not travel, he would call to have discussions during the work sessions and before and after every Court Hearing. The respect which he commanded from the otherlegalluminariesonthe t e a m w a s s i m p l y extraordinary,” theAttorney Generalstated.

He added that no doubt, Guyana and the Caribbean have lost a distinguished son.

“He has lived a full life and left an unmistakable mark.

The footprints of his contribution will remain embedded on the national and global stage for generations to come,” Nandlallsaidonbehalfofhis chambers, and the legal professionofGuyana.

People’s National CongressReform(PNCR) In a Facebook post, the People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR) said that theyaredeeplysaddenedby the passing of Sir Shridath.

On June 30, 2020, Sir Shridath Ramphal, Guyana’s Co-Agent and Head of the Legal Team in Guyana’s border case against Venezuela, opened Guyana’s arguments before the International Court of Justice (ICJ) on the issue of the court having jurisdiction to hear the matter

“The Party extends condolences to his family, relativesandmanyfriendsat this

bereavement,”thepartysaid notingthatadetailedwillbe issued.

May his Soul Rest in Eternal Peace, ” the statementsaid.

Alliance For Change (AFC)

In its tribute to Sir Shridath, the Alliance For Change (AFC) underscored that Sir Shridath was Guyana’s most prominent S t a t e s m a n , w h o distinguished himself as a Guyanese, both in Guyana, andinternationally

“Sir Shridath Ramphal has to be counted alongside formerPresident’sBurnham andJaganasoneofthemen and women who were

instrumental in shaping the independent Guyana into whatitistoday Hewaspart of the firmament of the Guyana we have inherited,” thepartysaid.

AFC highlighted that as Secretary-General of the Commonwealth Secretariat Sir Shridath positioned the Commonwealth in the postcolonial era as being a truly global organisation, and gave a voice to African, CaribbeanandAsianstates.

The AFC extended its heartfelt condolences to the relatives of the late Sir ShridathRamphal.

“It can be said that Sir Shridathdied“withhisboots on”-fightingforjustice,and for his people, until his last breath,”itwasstated.

BarbadosPrimeMinister MiaMottley

Mottley, on her Facebook page said Sir Shridath deserved the title of ‘CaribbeanMan’.

“If ever there was one who walked among us who truly deserved the title of Caribbean Man, it was Sir ShridathRamphal.

Atthesametime,ifever weneededadefinitionofthe term Global Citizen, a look attheresuméofSirShridath wouldbeallwerequire,”she said while extending condolences to the family and friends of Sir Shridath onbehalfoftheGovernment andpeopleofBarbados.

The Prime Minister said too, “I can think of no other productofourregionwhose namewasfollowedbymore “letters” from more organisations and countries than Sir Shridath — all well deserved.

Today, as we reflect on his passing, I am satisfied that the extent of his service to this region and the world foralmostthree-quartersofa century has irreversibly stamped his name in annals ofCaribbeanhistory.”

Prime Minister Mottley noted that though Sir Shridath was born in Guyana, he left “a formidable footprint in virtuallyeverynationofthis region”.

“He was schooled as a lawyer at Kings College, England and Harvard in the United States, was knighted in the United Kingdom and conferred with the highest

national honours in New Zealand,Australia,Indiaand South Africa. And he was oneofthefirstpersonstobe awarded the Order of the CaribbeanCommunity

Sir Shridath, the longest serving Commonwealth Secretary-Generalever,also had the distinction of being Assistant Attorney General of the West Indies Federation and the admiration of late South African freedom fighter and president Nelson Mandela, for waging the fight against Apartheid on the global stage,”shesaid.

Prime Minister Mottley said that the Region has produced many outstanding leaders in a multitude of areas “But there is a smaller group that stands at the pinnacle of Caribbean greatness, people whose lifetime of labour for the betterment of West Indian people has compelled us to view them, not by the countryoftheirbirth,butby their efforts to make us recognise and honour our oneness.

Sir Shridath, that is how weshallrememberyou.”

The Barbadian Prime Minister said she was most intrigued by Sir Shridath’s clarity and sharpness of mindwhenheparticipatedin the 50th anniversary Conference of CARICOM heads in July last year, as well as in the discussions that led to the Argyle Declaration in St. Vincent and the Grenadines five monthslater

Judge orders ‘immediate suspension’ of X in Brazil

The judge has ordered the full and immediate suspension of X in the countryuntilallrelatedcourt orders on X are complied with.

Aljazeera -ABrazilian Supreme Court justice ordered on Friday the “immediate suspension” of social media platform X in the country after a court-imposed deadline expired for the company to i d e n t i f y a l e g a l representativeinBrazil.

The move is the latest chapterinanongoingfeud between Braz

an Supreme Court Justice Alexandre de Moraes and

Elon Musk, which also included the freezing of the satellite internet provider Starlink’sfinancialaccounts inBrazil.

In the decision, de Moraes ordered the full a n d i m m e d i a t e suspension of X in the country until all related court orders on X are complied with, including the payment of fines amounting to 18.5 million reais ($3 28m) and the nomination of a legal representativeinBrazil. De Moraes ordered tel

suspension order and to

Elon Musk has denounced censorship orders by a judge in Brazil to remove accounts accused of spreading disinformation

[File: Susan Walsh/AP Photo]

confirm to the court within 24 hours thatithad carrieditout.

In a bid to avoid the use of virtual private networks (VPNs) to circumvent the

blockage, de Moraes said t

companieswhotriedtokeep access to the social network thatwaycouldbefinedupto 50,000reais($8,900)aday

expected the Supreme Court justice to order a shutdown “soon”, after a court-imposed deadline expired for the company

representative in Brazil

Earlier this year, de Moraes ordered X to block certain accounts implicated in probes of so-called digital militias accused of spreading distorted news and hate

Musk, denouncing the order as censorship, responded by closing the platform’s offices in Brazil

X, formerly known as Twitter, said at the time that its services would still be available in Brazil

A m i d t h e underlying feud over X, Brazil’s Supreme Court also blocked the local bank accounts of the Starlink satellite internet firm, which is 40 percent owned by Musk, leading the company on Friday to ask the court to suspend thatdecision


Skilled Labourer (road construction), 20 years or older & Welder / Fabricator, 30 years or older. Call: 6130855 9am-4pm.

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Nayelli school of cosmetology is n ow enrolling for cosmetology courses beginning September 9th,2024, 211 New Market st. Call: 2262124.

as well as home nursing courses at St. John Association starting shortly. Call 225-9082.

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ROSAMOND nee LA TOUCHE also known as ROSAMOND JULIET LA TOUCE-DANIELS Petitioner/Applicant -vs- (DANIELS) KEÍÍÅÔÇ Respondent ÔÏ: ÊÅÍÍETH DANIELS Formely of Lot 528 Haslington, Enmore Housing Scheme, East Coast Demerara, Guyana TAKE NOTICE that on the 27th day of March, 2024 a Petition for Divorce was filed against you by JULIET ROSAMOND DANIELS

nee LA TOUCHE also known as ROSAMOND JULIET LA TOUCEDANIELS the Petitioner/ Applicant in the Family Division of the High Court in Georgetown, Demerara. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that as part of an Order made on the 9th day of August, 2024, the Petitioner/Applicant was directed to effect service of her Petition on you by publication of this Notice in two (2)consecutive Saturday issues of the KAIETEUR NEWS, a daily Newspaper printed, published and circulated in and around Guyana.

AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that if you desire you may appear or attend in person or by your duly authorized agent or Attorney-at-Law at the Registry of Family Division of the High Court at Georgetown, Demerara where you will be issued with a certified copy of the Petition together with related documents. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that if you desire to Defend this Divorce, then upon receipt of the certified copy of the Petition, you must file an Acknowledgement of Service, Notice of Intention to Defend (Forms are available at the Registry), Answer and/or Cross Petition in the Registry of the Family Division of the High Court at Georgetown, Demerara within 35 (thirtyfive) days from the date of the publication of this Notice.

TAKE NOTICE that the divorce is fixed for Directions Hearing on Wednesday the 27th day of November, 2024 at 10:15 am before the Honourable Madam Justice Damone Younge via Zoom Meeting ID: 845 1426 6584 and Password: 786 445.

IN DEFAULT of your filing an Acknowledgement of Service/Notice of Intention to Defend, Answer and/or Cross Petition the Court may proceed in your absence and may make any Order it considers appropriate, including granting the Divorce.The Registry of the Family Division of the High Court is located at the Law Courts [Georgetown, Demerara]. The office is open to the public between 8:00am and 3:30pm Mondays to Thursdays and 8:00am to 2:30pm on Fridays except on public holidays and on such other days as the Registry is closed. Dated the14th day of August, 2024.


Applicant in person: Goomattie Singh Address: Lot 98 Vriesland West Bank Demerara. Tel: 612-9926









READING the Without Notice of Application on the part of GOOMATTIE SINGH, the above-named Applicant filed herein on the 17th day of July, 2024 AND the Affidavit in Support of the said Applicant sworn to and filed herein on the 17th day of July, 2024 in support thereof. IT IS ORDERED that personal service of the Application relating to child with Affidavit in Support, a Statement of Arrangement for child, Blank Statement of Arrangement for children, Reply to the Application relating to child and zoom protocol by a person authorized by the Registrar be and is hereby dispensed with and that the mode of service be substituted by way of leaving sealed and certified copies of the Form 9: Application Relating to child, Form 2: Statement of Arrangement for child, blank Form 10: Reply to Application Relating to Child, a blank Form 2: Statement of Arrangement of Child together with a sealed and certified copy of this Order of Court with an adult inmate at Lot 26 Plantation Walk West Coast Demerara. AND IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the hearing of the Form: 9 Application is fixed for Tuesday the 24th day of September, 2024 at 2:30 pm before the Honourable Madam Justice Fidela Corbin-Lincoln via zoom, Meeting ID: 882 10976231and Passcode Court12.




JOY ANN ALLISON HARRYRespondent/ Applicant -and-


Applicant/Respondent (2) SCVEN AUGUSTUS ROBERTS



Unknown Address TAKE NOTICE that on the 8th day of July, 2024 a Application was filed against you by LATOYA DENISA ROBERTS nee PRESCOD, the Applicant/ Respondent in the Family Division of the High Court in Georgetown, Demerara. AND FURTHER TAKE

NOTICE that as part of an Order made on the 30th day of July, 2024, the Applicant/Respondent was directed to effect service of her Application on you by publication of the Notice in two (2)consecutive Saturday issue of the Kaieteur News, a daily Newspaper printed, published and circulated on the Worldwide web. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that if you desire you may appear or attend in person or by your duly authorized agent or Attorney-at-Law at the Registry of Family Division of the High Court at Georgetown, Demerara where you will be issued with a certified copy of the Petition together with related documents. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that if you desire to defend this Application, then upon receipt of the certified copy of the Application, you must file an Reply to Application Relating to Children, and/or an Notice of Intention to Defend (Forms are available at the Registry), in the Registry of the Family Division of the High Court at Georgetown, Demerara within 35 (thirty-five) days from the date of the final publication of this Notice. TAKE NOTICE that the divorce is fixed for Directions Hearing on Thursday the 10th day of October 2024 at 9:00 am before the Honourable Madam Debroah Kumar-Chetty Meeting ID: 703 085 9517 and Password: DKCfanct1.

IN DEFAULT of your filing an Reply to Application Relating to Children, and/or an Notice of Intention to Defend (Forms are available at the Registry) the Court may proceed in your absence and may make any Order it considers appropriate, including granting the Divorce.

The Registry of the Family Division of the High Court is located at the Law Courts [Georgetown, Demerara]. The office is open to the public between 8:00am and 3:30pm Mondays to Thursdays and 8:00am to 2:30pm on Fridays except on public holidays and on such other days as the Registry is closed.

Dated the 8th day of August, 2024.



Dear Sir/Madam,

This letter serves as a request to advertise our trade name in your daily newspaper in occurrence with the requisite criteria and law in obtaining a Money Lender Certificate. Pursuant to section 4, Money Lenders Act) Osafa Bess of Lot 111 Miles Mahdia, Pataro Siparuni, Region 8 and Athoya Ramsarran of Lot 15 Rahaman’s Park East Bank Demerara, hereby give notice that WE have applied to the Magistrate of Essequibo District to be held in Mahdia, Pataro Siparuni, Region 8 for a Certificate under the Money Lenders Act authoring to grant us a Money Lender’s Licence to Carry on the Business of Money Lender under the Title of BESS’S JEWELLERY & PAWNSHOP located at Lot 111 Miles Mahdia, Pataro Siparuni, Region 8. NOTICE of any objections to this application should be sent forthwith to the CLERK OF COURT OF THE ESSEQUIBO MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT, and a copy of any such Notice should be sent to the Subscriber Osafa Bess and Athoya Ramsarran.

Popular wine, jewellery manufacturers amongst five certified by GNBS in August

The Guyana National Bureau of Stan dards (GNBS) on Friday announced that five new local manufacturers were added to its certification programmes.

This marks a significant step forward in the adoption of standards and the drive for quality in Guyana’s manufacturing sector. These certifications underscore the GNBS’ ongoing commitment to enhancing the competitiveness and marketability of Guyanese products locally, regionally and internationally.

Of those newly certified, four manufacturers can now use the GNBS Approved Made in Guyana Standards Mark on their products, while under the GNBS Product Certification programme, one can now use the National Standards Mark on jewellery manufactured.

Among the Made in Guyana certified businesses was AJ Signs & Propa GT Local Wines of Middle Walk,

Proprietress of Flavour MeSpices, Itisha Primo poses with the GNBS Made in Guyana Certificate and Certified P roducts.

Buxton, East Coast Demerara (ECD). The business can now affix the prestigious mark on its Fruit Flavoured Wines –Red Silhouette, Bliss Night Nurse, Miss Addicted, The CEO, Is We Own, Mr. Fix Up and Tek Time.

The certificate was pre-

sented to Proprietress, Abigale John by GNBS Executive Director, Trevor Bassoo who congratulated the business for joining the growing list of over 4o other businesses which have opted to take advantage of this certification.

On August 29, Flavour Me Spices of John and Norton Streets, Werk-enRust, Georgetown was given the green light to use the Made in Guyana mark on its grated garlic, grated ginger, ginger and garlic paste, garlic chili oil, assorted pickles, hot and spicy sauce and green seasoning.

On August 30, Coconut Grove of Patentia Housing Scheme, West Bank Demerara was certified to use the Made in Guyana Mark on its Golden Crunch Coconut Biscuits.

Earlier in August, Ashdel’s Enterprise of Paradise, East Coast Demerara was certified for its Instant Plantain Porridge (100g), Instant Beef Pepperpot (100g) and Instant Veggie Pepperpot (100g).

The Made in Guyana Standards Mark is a registered mark that aims to provide recognition to locally manufactured products on the local and international markets and is a signature of

quality for authentic Guyanese Products.

Moreover, King’s Jewellery World, a leading name in the local jewellery industry, was certified under the GNBS Product Certification Programme for conforming to the requirements of the National Standard, GYS 50:2022 – Specification for Gold Articles. This certification strengthens the company’s dedication to quality and excellence. The GYS 50:2022 standard outlines the stringent requirements for the manufacturing, alloying, testing and labelling of gold articles made of 9-23 karat gold.

Notably, the Bureau encourages other businesses to join its certification programmes using application forms available on the GNBS website: gnbsgy.org. To learn more, contact the GNBS on telephone numbers: 219-0064-66, the GNBS hotline: 219-0069 or WhatsApp: 692-4627.

23 schools to have delayed reopening

The Ministry of Education on Friday announced that 23 schools in Regions: Three, Four, Five, Eight, Nine, and Ten will not re-open on Monday, September 2, 2024 in keeping with the beginning of the new academic year.

In a memorandum, the ministry said that the delayed reopening is due to rehabilitative work.

“It should be noted that rehabilitative work was historically undertaken in most schools during the August vacation with a completion rate of 98.1%.

However, some contractors and other service providers, even with their best efforts were unable to complete the following schools and dormitory…”

The schools in Region Three that will be reopened after September 2, 2024 are: La Grange Nursery and Tuschen Primary School which will be reopened on

September 4. The Patentia, Uitvlugt and Parika Salem Secondary, Tuschen # 2 Nursery and Vreed-en-Hoop Secondary (Grades 7 -9) will all be reopened on September 9.

In Region Four, the Diamond Special Needs and Yarrowkabra Primary will be reopened on September 4, while in Georgetown the Comenius Primary School, Happy Hearts Nursery, and Precious Jewels Nursery will be reopened on September 9 and the Headstart Nursery set to reopen on September 4.

The Bushlot Secondary School in Region Five is set for reopening on September 9, while in Region Eight the Campbelltown Primary will be reopened on September 16th and the Kamana Primary School on September 9th.

In Region Nine, the ministry said that St.

Did U.S. sanctioned-Guyanese...

From page 05 warned about their actions and if unwanted behavior persists, then they could have been sanctioned. The public also notes that some egregiously corrupt business folks (and government officials) who should be sanctioned have been left untouched.

The public is divided on sanctions with some suggesting that the U.S. government should re-examine aspects of the sanctions and that the

Guyana government should look at how they negatively affect the social, economic, and political rights of the Mohamed’s and other Guyanese.

They note there is potential for abuse.

The public is worried that politicians could use sanction as a weapon against political opponents or rivals including those pondering to seek elective office.

Yours truly, Dr. Vishnu Bisram

Ignatius Nursery and Rupunau Nursery will both reopened on September 9, and in Region 10, Ameila’s Ward Student dormitory and St. Lust Primary will be reopened on September 23.

Additionally, Coomacka Primary, West Watooka Nursery and Watooka Day Primary (Grade 3 block) will all be reopened on September 9.

The government through the Ministries of Education and Local Government manage and operate 1,196 public school facilities at the Nursery, Primary and Secondary levels, and 24 dormitories.

The new academic year 2024-2025, begins on September 2, 2024.

Israeli forces kill local Hamas commander in West Bank

ZABABDEH, West Bank, Aug 30 (Reuters)Israeli forces killed a local commander of the Islamist movement Hamas in the flashpoint city of Jenin on Friday as they pressed a major operation in the occupied West Bank for a thirdday,theIsraelimilitary said.

ThemilitarysaidBorder Police forces had killed WassemHazem,whoitsaid was the head of Hamas in Jenin and was involved in shooting and bombing attacks in the Palestinian territory.

Two other Hamas gunmen who tried to escape the car they were all traveling in were killed by a drone, it said, adding that weapons, explosives, and large sums of cash were foundinthevehicle.

Hamas confirmed the deathofallthreemen,whoit saidweremembersofitsAlQassam Brigades armed wing.

In the village of Zababdeh, just outside Jenin,aburnt-outcarriddled

with bullet holes stood against a wall where the vehicle came to a halt after being pursued by an Israeli specialforcesunit,residents said.

Villager Saif Ghannam, 25,saidoneofthetwoother men who escaped from the vehicle was killed just outside his house by a small drone strike that shattered

A woman walks during an Israeli raid in Jenin, in the Israeli-occupied West Bank, August 30, 2024. REUTERS/Raneen

thewindows,whileasecond man was killed a short distanceaway Ghannam said Israeli forces had removed the bodies but large pools of blood lay on the ground where he said the men were killed.

Theincidentoccurredas Israeliforceskeptupalargescale operation involving

hundreds of troops and police that was launched in the early hours of Wednesday morning in Jenin and Tulkarm, another volatile city in the northern West Bank, as well as the JordanValley

Israeli armoured personnelcarriersbackedby helicopters and drones pushed into Jenin and

Tulkarm on Friday while armored bulldozers plowed uproadstodestroyroadside bombs planted by the militantgroups.

The escalation in hostilities in the West Bank takes place as fighting between Israeli forces and Hamasmilitantsstillragesin the Gaza Strip nearly 11 months since it began, and clashes with the Iranianbacked Hezbollah movement in the IsraelLebanon border area have intensified.

In the first two days of the West Bank operation, at least 17 Palestinians were killed, including the local commander of the Iranianbacked Islamic Jihad forces inTulkarm.

Israel’s military, in a summary of its operations, said:“Sofar,theforceshave eliminated 20 terrorists in exchanges of fire and airstrikes and apprehended 17 suspects linked to terroristactivities.”

Since the Hamas attack on Israel last October that triggeredtheGazawar,more

than 660 Palestinianscombatants and civilianshavebeenkilledintheWest

Bank, according to Palestinian tallies, some by Israeli troops and some by Jewish settlers who have carried out frequent attacks on West Bank Palestinian communities.

Israel says Iran provides weapons and support to militant factions in theWest Bank - under Israeli occupation since the 1967 Middle East war - and the military has as a result cranked up its operations there.

The British government saidonFridayitwas“deeply concerned” by Israel’s operation in the West Bank andsaidtherewasanurgent needforde-escalation.

“We recognize Israel’s need to defend itself against security threats, but we are deeply worried by the methods Israel has employed and by reports of civilian casualties and the destruction of civilian infrastructure,” a Foreign Officestatementsaid.

Zelensky sacks Ukraine air force commander Oleshchuk

BBC - President Volodymyr Zelensky has sacked the commander of Ukraine’s air force, Lt Gen Mykola Oleshchuk, amid debate over the destruction of one of the country’s valuable new F-16 fighter jets.

MrZelenskydidnotgive a reason for the dismissal, but in a post to Telegram he said that it was his responsibility to “take care ofallourwarriors”.

On Monday, one of the US-made F-16 fighter jets delivered earlier this month from Ukraine’s Western allies went down during a barrage of Russian missiles, killingthepilot.

The cause of the crash was not a direct result of an enemy strike, Ukraine said, and Lt Gen Oleshchuk sparred with some politicians over who was to blamefortheloss.

In his post to Telegram, Mr Zelensky said he had decided to replace Lt Gen Oleschuk,notingthat“atthe command level, we must strengthen ourselves and protectourpeople”.

“I am immensely grateful to all our military pilots, all engineers, all mobile fire group warriors, and all air defence personnel,” Mr Zelensky said. “To everyone who is truly fighting for Ukraine, forresults.Andthisisjustas necessary at the command level, we must strengthen ourselves and protect our people Protect the personnel, protect all our warriors.”

Ukraine’s air force earliernamedthekilledpilot asColOleksiyMes.

“Hefoughtheroicallyhis last battle in the skies,” it said,addingthathehadshot down three cruise missiles andadroneon26August. Mes,whosecallsignwas Moonfish, was one of Ukraine’s most experienced pilots. He had been trained abroadforF-16missions.

Lt Gen Anatolii Kryvonozhkowasappointed interim commander of Ukraine’s air force, the army’sgeneralstaffsaidina statement The officer previously oversaw the central air command,

leading operations in the centreofthecountry.

He takes charge as officials have clashed over thelossoftheF-16jet,which has ignited fierce debate in Ukraine Ukrainian politician Mariana Bezuhla, who sits on a parliamentary defence committee, claimed onThursdaythatthejetwas downedbyUkraine’sPatriot airdefencesystem.

M r O l e s h c h u k responded earlier on Friday that an investigation was

Lt Gen Mykola Oleshchuk was sacked the day after he paid his respects to an F-16 pilot killed in action

underway and no one was hidinganything.Heaccused Ms Bezuhla of discrediting military leadership and said the time would come for an apology

After the announcement ofhisdismissal,MsBezuhla posted on social media that truthwouldprevail.

Around 65 F-16s have been pledged by Nato countriessinceUSPresident Joe Biden first authorised willing European allies to send them to Ukraine in


Mr Zelensky has dismissed multiple military commanders since Russia launched its full-scale invasioninFebruary2022.

In February this year, he sacked the commanderin-chief of the country’s armed forces, Valerii Zaluzhnyi

LtGenOleshchukcame as Ukraine continues its incursion into Russia’s western Kursk region, which started with a surprise offensive on 6


The commander of Ukraine’s armed forces, Gen Oleksandr Syrskyi, said on Friday his troops had advanced a further 2 km (1 2 miles) into Kursk overthepastday

Also on Friday, a Ukrainian delegation met US Defence Secretary L l o y d A u s t i n i n Washington.

The head of the Ukrainian president’s office,AndriyYermak,and Defence Minister Rustem Umerov spoke about the situation on the battlefield, the need for weapons and equipment, and recent attacks on the energy system,theofficesaid

The Ukrainians said the country needs to strengthen its air defence in order to protect people and critical infrastructure.

And in June, he dismissed Lt Gen Yuriy Sodolafterpubliccriticism about the top general’s excessive casualties and a c c u s a t i o n s o f incompetence


Champion Gauff comes from behind to beat Svitolina

(BBCSport)-Defending champion Coco Gauff came backfromasetdowntobeat Ukrainian Elina Svitolina andreachthefourthroundof theUSOpen.

American third seed Gauff’s bid to become the first woman to defend the title since Serena Williams in 2014 is still alive after a hard-fought 3-6 6-3 6-3

victory on Arthur Ashe StadiuminNewYork.

Svitolinaearnedthefirst break of the match in the eighth game when she superbly broke to love after Gauff’s backhand could onlyfindthenet.

A nervous silence then fell on the main show court at Flushing Meadows and Gauffcouldbeheardsaying

to her team “I’m missing so muchinthenet”.

Three-time Grand Slam semi-finalist Svitolina, 29, then followed-up the break ofservewithaholdtoloveto securethefirstset.

After saving a break point, Gauff set up the first ofherowninthesixthgame of the second set and converted it with a brilliant


With her confidence boosted and the crowd behind her, Gauff then held serve to take firm control of thesecondset.

After a Svitolina hold, Gauff served out the set to love to force a decider, letting out a huge roar in frontofherhomecrowd.

The 20-year-old American continued her momentum by breaking Svitolina’s serve twice to surgeintoa4-1lead.

Saturday August 31, 2024

ARIES(Mar 21–Apr 19)

Today you're likely focused on sex, romance, and committed relationships. The planetaryenergiessurrounding love are promising, Aries. If you're in a relationship, you and your partner could make plans.

TAURUS(Apr 20–May20)

Sometimes dreams seem like just that - dreams. Travel, a project, or a new home could be a few of the things you've beentryingto accomplishfor sometimenow


You'll go one of two ways today, Gemini. Either you'll turn inward and meditate in a corner or you'll find a good friend and confide your dissatisfaction.


Today is going to be an excellent day for meeting interesting people, Cancer And there will be nothing superficial about these encounters. On the contrary, the people you are going to meet wi

u profoundly


You can expect today to be kind of intense, Leo. Even if you've made a conscious decision not to let anything get you down, you may still harbor some negative emotions from the last few days.


The little fighter that you are makes it very difficult for you to join us in the great communal river that we're alltryingtonavigate,Virgo Youprefertotravelsolo


Libra, you should be looking

ng especiallypositive,warm,and loving-attractingpeopleofall kinds to you Your selfconfidence, optimism, and determination should peak overthenextfewdays.


Creative inspiration could come from deep within today, Scorpio. Visions, dreamsanything that excites your imagination-couldbringideas fornewprojects.


Group activities prove beneficial on several levels, Sagittarius. You might project powerful warmth and love for all life You're feeling especiallyoptimisticaboutthe future.


Youmightfindyourselfinthe publiceyeatsomepointtoday, Capricorn. This is fine since you're looking and feeling great.You'relikelierthanusual to project warmth and friendlinesstoothers.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20–Feb. 18)If you've considered a careerinpublishing,Aquarius, thisisthetimetogoforit.It's alsoagreatdaytoenrollinlaw school, an advanced degree program,oranyfieldofhigher education.


Your dreams could be vivid, pleasant, and full of informationtohelpyoumakea decision. New and exciting contacts could come into your life today, Pisces, possibly provinghelpfulinshowingyou waystoincreaseyourincome.

After failing to convert three match points Gauff eventually secured the win withherfourth,screamingto thecrowdindelight.

She will take on the winnerofthematchbetween American Emma Navarro and Ukraine’s Marta Kostyuk for a place in the quarter-finals.

Coco Gauff won her first Grand Slam title at the age of 19 at last year’s US Open (Getty Images)

Bournemouth sign Chelsea goalkeeper Kepa on loan

( B B C S p o r t )Bournemouth have signed Chelsea goalkeeper Kepa Arrizabalaga on a seasonlongloandeal.

Kepa, 29, is the world’s most expensive goalkeeper after moving to the Blues in 2018fromhisboyhoodclub AthleticBilbaofor£71m.

This week the Spain international extended his contract at Chelsea, which hadbeenduetoexpireatthe

“Iamsoreadytobehere andplayinfrontofourfans.

endofthe2025season,bya year “I know Andoni Iraola well, so of course that was a big reason for coming here, he spoke very well about everythinghere,”Kepa,who played with Bournemouth bossIraolaatBilbao,toldthe club’s YouTube channel, external.

“Hopefully we can win something and it could be a greatyear.”

He spent last season on loan at Real Madrid, where hemade20appearancesasa replacement for the injured Thibaut Courtois, winning La Liga and the Champions League.

By signing a new deal at Chelsea,theBluesavoidthe prospectoflosingKepaona freetransferattheendofhis loanspellwiththeCherries.

“We are delighted to bring a player of Kepa’s


r e t o A F C B

urnemouth, ” said Cherries chief executive NeillBlake.“Wewereaware of his availability and were keen to take the opportunity to bring him to the club on loan. “We believe he will be an exciting addition to our talented goalkeeping department.”

Real manager Carlo Ancelotti had been interested in re-signing the S

s dependent on Andriy Lunin leavingtheclub. That left Kepa training, along with 14 other players, away from manager Enzo Maresca’sfirst-teamsquad.

Kepa also rejected a permanent move to Saudi ProLeagueclubAl-Ittihadin


Also on Thursday the Cherries announced winger Jaidon Anthony had joined Burnley on a season-long loan.

The 24-year-old was a key player for Clarets manager Scott Parker when hetooktheCherriesintothe PremierLeagueinthe202122season,andlinksupagain with his former boss at Turf Moor

Brentford accept £40m Toney bid from Saudi’s Al-Ahli

(BBC Sport) - Brentford have accepted a bid in the region of £40m for Ivan Toney from Saudi Pro LeagueclubAl-Ahli.

Sources close to the England forward say they believe the deal will go through, and Toney will completethetransfer.

Toney,28,hasnotplayed for Brentford so far this seasonandmanagerThomas Frank has already ruled him out of Saturday’s game againstSouthampton.

The Bees turned down a £35m bid from Al-Ahli beforethestartoftheseason and Toney has also been linkedwithChelseainrecent weeks. Napoli strikerVictor Osimhen has also been linked with a big money movetoAl-Ahli.

The Saudi transfer window does not close until 2 September, so Toney’s transfer does not have to be completed by the Premier League deadline of 23:00 BSTonFriday

Toney would be one of themosthighprofileplayers tomovetoSaudiArabiaand would joins the likes of Cristiano Ronaldo, Karim BenzemaandNeymarinthe country Fellow England international Jordan

Ivan Toney joined Brentford in 2020 (Getty Images)

HendersonjoinedAl-Ettifaq fromLiverpoolinJuly2023 but left for Dutch clubAjax aftersixmonths.

From Euro 2024 final to Saudi?

ToneywaspartofGareth Southgate’s England squad at Euro 2024, although his three appearancesincluding in the defeat by Spaininthefinal-wereallas a late substitute when England were chasing the game.

Toneyscoredapenaltyin the shootout victory over Switzerland, when he found thenetwithoutlookingatthe ball as he stared down the keeper.,external Hewasleftoutofinterim England manager Lee

League games on Thursday andhassixcapsandonegoal forthenationalteam.

Toneyscored20goalsin the2022-23PremierLeague seasonandnettedfourtimes in his first five matches last season after returning from an eight-month suspension for breaching FA betting rules.

Hehasscored72goalsin 141 games for Brentford since joining from Peterborough in 2020 with 36goalsand11assistsin85 P r e m i e r L e a g u e appearances.

Toneyhasalsoscored30 of the 32 penalties he has takeninhiscareer

Kepa Arrizabalaga won his second Champions League in June after winning the competition with Chelsea in 2021 (Getty Images)

Hamilton sets pace after Antonelli crashes on debut

(BBC Sport) - Lewis Hamilton set the pace for Mercedes in Friday practice at the Italian Grand Prix as his likely replacement Andrea Kimi Antonelli crashed on his debut for the team.

Hamilton headed

McLaren’s Lando Norris by 0.003seconds,withFerrari’s Carlos Sainz third in the second session. They were followed by their teammates Oscar Piastri and CharlesLeclerc.

Championship leader Max Verstappen was only 13th fastest after making a mistake on his qualifying simulation run and running wideatParabolica.

But the Dutchman looked quick on the racesimulation runs later in the session, pretty much neck and neck with title rival

Norris. In the first session, Verstappen was fastest by 0.228 seconds, with a time set on the soft tyre, from Leclerc, who was on the medium tyre McLaren’s Lando Norris was third ahead of Ferrari’s Carlos Sainz.

Norris, who trails Verstappen by 70 points in the championship, said he expected all four top teams to be in the fight for victory thisweekend.

“The car was quick,” Norris said “Oscar was quick He made a big mistake and lost probably 0 4 or 0 5 seconds so he easilyshouldhavebeenP1.I amquitealongwayoff,soa bitofworkformetodo.

“It’s close between Ferrari, us - Red Bull I’m sure are after P1, and

Mercedesaswell.Lookslike eight cars all looking fast. Shouldmakeitexciting.”

A difficult start for Antonelli

Italian Antonelli drove George Russell’s car in first practice, as part of his preparations for F1 - he is expected to be named as his team-mateatMercedesnext year in the coming days, following Hamilton’s move toFerrari.

The 18-year-old went fastest on his first flying lap but - in trying to further improve after Hamilton had beaten his time by 0.6secshetooktoomuchspeedinto Parabolica and crashed heavily

Hewasunhurtbutthecar wasbadlydamagedandwas not ready for Russell until nearly 25 minutes into the secondsession.

Man Utd sign Uruguay midfielder Ugarte from PSG

( B B C S p o r t )Manchester United have signed midfielder Manuel Ugarte from Paris StGermainforafeethatcould reach£50.5m.

The 23-year-old Uruguay international has agreed a five-year contract with the option to extend it forafurther12months.

Hejoinsforaninitialfee of£42.1m,withthepotential for £8 4m in additional payments.

Ugarte becomes the club’s fifth signing of the summer transfer window and takes their overall spendingtojustover£190m.

Hemade37appearances for PSG in all competitions last season after joining them from Sporting Lisbon for a reported £50 5m, helpingtheParisianstotheir 12thLigue1title.

It is understood PSG have negotiated a 10% sellon clause for Ugarte, with both clubs privately claimingtheyarehappywith thedeal.

“It is an incredible feeling to join a club of this magnitude; one that is admired all around the


“Manchester United is an ambitious club and I am an ambitious player I know how incredible United fans are and I cannot wait to experienceOldTrafford.

“I’m someone who is so determinedtosucceed;Iwill sacrificeandgiveeverything formyteam-mates.Together wewillfighttowintrophies and reach the level where thisclubneedstobe.”

United sporting director

Dan Ashworth said:

“Signing Manuel was another of our primary targetsforthissummer

“He is among the very best ball-winning midfield playersintheworldandhas

Russell’s day was then compromised further when Kevin Magnussen crashed hisHaasafewminuteslater, leading to a red flag for just

an excellent record at both club and international level. Hisqualities,experienceand passion will be a great complement to our strong groupofmidfielders.”

Ugarte’smovetoUnited was confirmed hours after Scotland international Scott McTominay left the Old Trafford club to sign for Napoli.

United have received a £25.7m fee and have a 10% sell-on clause for the 27year-old academy graduate, who made 255 appearances in all competitions, scoring 29times.

Earlierintheday,United confirmed the arrival of 18year-old Mali youth midfielderSekouKonefrom Guidarsforafeeunderstood tobeintheregionof£1m.

Unitedhavespentnearly £600monnewplayerssince Erik ten Hag became manager in 2022 Ugarte joins Joshua Zirkzee, Leny Yoro, Matthijs de Ligt and Noussair Mazraoui as summersignings.

The sale of McTominay means the club have recouped more than £85m thissummer

over10minutes. But he still managed to endthedaysixthfastestafter arunonthesofttyres.

Haas’ Nico Hulkenberg,


Nugent sets new world lead and national record as Caribbean athletes shine at

(SportsMax)-Jamaica’s Ackera Nugent continued herstellarformattheRome Diamond League meeting on Friday, setting a new world-leading time and leadingastrongshowingby Caribbean athletes who secured multiple podium finishes.

Nugent, who had alreadymadeheadlineswith a meet record of 12.29 in Silesia, Poland last week, delivered another masterclass in the 100m hurdles, clocking an impressive 12.24 seconds. Her time not only eclipsed the previous meet record of 12 37 set by Jasmine Camacho-Quinn in June 2022 but also improved her own national record of 12.28,setearlierthisyearat the Jamaica National Championships Nugent’s performancewasevenmore remarkable, given the negative wind of -0 4m/s duringtherace.

Nugent, who reached the finals of the Paris Olympicsbutwasunableto complete the race, showcased her resilience and exceptional form with this victory Despite the significance of defeating American Masai Russell,

Rome Diamond League

who won in Paris and finished second in Rome withatimeof12.31,Nugent emphasized that her win was not about revenge but about capitalizing on her currentshape.

“This victory is not like revenge for the Olympics for me. I am just in really good shape. I was injured before, and this is a new experienceforme.Iamstill soyoung.Istillgottoshow up,”Nugentremarked.“My emotions?Iguesstheyhave not kicked in yet because I amstillsofullofadrenaline. I cannot tell you. Yeah, I kind of expected to win here. I really enjoyed this race.”

Nadine Visser of the Netherlandsroundedoutthe podium, finishing third in 12 52 In other events, Jamaica’s Romaine Beckford achieved a new lifetime best in the men’s high jump, clearing 2.30m to secure second place. The victory went to Sanghyeok Woo, who also cleared 2.30m but claimed the win withacleanerrecord.

Themen’s400msawan intense battle, with Muzala Samukonga of Zimbabwe emerging victorious in 43 99 seconds Grenada’s

Kirani James and Trinidad and Tobago’s Jereem R

he remaining podium spots, finishingin44.30and44.55 seconds,respectively In the men’s discus, Olympic champion Roje Stona of Jamaica had to settle for second place with a throw of 67 85m, as S l o v e n i a N LesKristjanÈehsecuredthe winwithamassiveeffortof 68 61m World record holder Mykolas Alekna finished third with a throw of 67 68m Stona, competing in his first Diamond League meet, expressed mixed emotions aftertheevent.

“This is my first time in Rome, my first time at a Diamond League I got beaten at the last attempt, but these things happen in sport,” Stona reflected. “I had my opportunities. But, yes,Iamabitdisappointed. Theresultisstillgood.ButI amneverreallysatisfied.”

Shian Salmon delivered a brave performance in the women’s 400m hurdles, finishing second behind American Olympic silver medalist Anna Cockrell, who won in a commanding 52.59seconds.

RB’s Daniel Ricciardo and the Aston Martins of FernandoAlonso and Lance
Manuel Ugarte has won 22 caps for Uruguay (Getty Images)
Andrea Kimi Antonelli got out of the car unscathed after his crash in first practice (Getty Images)

VSH United (Guyana) Inc on board with Strikers All Female board with Summer Special Domino Tourney

VSH Guyana Inc., who is the authorised distributor for Red Wing Safety products in Guyana and specialises in safety ASTM Class 75 footwear for men and women just to name a few of its products, is once again on board in the StrikersSummerSpecialAll Female Dominoes Tourney, whichisslatedforAugust31 at Strikers Sports Club, MeadowBrookGardens.

At a simple presentation heldatStrikersSportsClub, the Head of Business Development handed over the 2nd place prize (inclusive of medals and trophy)toarepresentativeof theStrikersSportsClub.

In a brief remark, Mr Robertson welcomed the idea of having females

bonding in a sporting disciplineandhailedtheidea of the organizers in conceptualizingsuchagreat gesture and has given assurance of VSH’s continuoussupport.

Theentrancefeeisslated at $12,000 per team, to participate for the top prize o f $ 2 5 0 , 0 0 0 , t h e Championship Trophy and medals.

The first runner-up will receive $125,000, the corresponding trophy and medals, third place will be $75,000richerandwillhave a trophy and medals to accompany A bonus fourth place has been added and that team will receive $40,000andatrophy Once aga


Investments and Mr Ryan Rambalakhavedonatedtwo hampers each for the top players of the winning teams.

Theeventisscheduledto commence at 15:00hrs. All interested female teams can make contact with the organiserat592-623-7670.

Other sponsors that heeded the call and are on b o a r d a r e G l

Manufacturing and Drug Company Limited, Austin’s

Associates, Luminous Consultancy & Electrical

, B

Transportation Services, Dynasty Sports Club, RJ Services, Blue Flames Sound System, Star Party Rentals and Raphael’s TradingEnterprisetodate.

RHTCCCC once again benefits from Project ‘Cricket Gear for Young and Promising Cricketers in Guyana’

The fast-rising

R o s e H a l l

C o m m u n i t y

Center Cricket Club has once again benefitted from this joint initiative between Kishan Das of the USAand AnilBeharryofGuyana.The clubwaspresentedwithone setofstumps.Thisprojectis very impressed with the work of this young cricket club which has already produced cricketers at the WestIndiesjuniorandsenior levels. Young fast bowler Isai Thorne and allrounder Ashmini Munisar are just twotomention.Wetakethis opportunity to congratulate coach Amber Rahaman and his team for their outstanding work. National under-17 cricketer Romesh Bharrat was the recipient of onebrandnewpairofbatting gloves.

At a simple presentation

recently, Rahaman expressed gratitude to this initiative for its continued support. We are so happy to assist young people and develop cricket, especially throughyouths.

Total cricket related items received/purchased so far: $460,000 in cash, thirteen colored cricket uniforms, one set of stumps and bails, two trophies, twentysevenpairsofcricket shoes, thirty three pairs of batting pads, thirty five cricket bats, one floppy hat,

thirty two pairs of batting gloves, twenty five thigh pads, three pairs of wicket keeping pads, six arm guards, two chest pads, two boxes, twelve cricket bags, six bat rubbers, six helmets, one fiber glass bat, thirteen boxes of white cricket balls, three boxes of red balls and twenty eight footballs. In addition to the above, gear worth more than $600,000 was donated by Sheik Mohamed, former National wicketkeeper/batsman. All cash collected is being used to purchase gear requested andnotavailableatthetime.

To date, eighty four young players, male and female, from all three counties of Guyana have benefited directly from seven gear bags, two trophies, four arm guards, thirtythreebats,threeboxes, six helmets, thirty one pairs ofcricketshoes,twentypairs of batting pads, twenty four thigh pads, one bat grip, thirty four pairs of batting

gloves, one pair of wicketkeeping pads and threepairsofwicketkeeping gloves Many others benefited indirectly. In addition, two clubs in the Pomeroon area benefited from two used bats Pomeroon, Leguan and Wa k e n a m C r i c k e t CommitteesandCottonTree Die Hard also received one boxofredcricketballseach,

Cold Fusion Cricket Club thirteen color uniforms whileRHCCCCreceivedsix boxes of balls, fifteen white cricket shirts, one pair of junior batting pads, one pair of wicket keeping gloves, twosetsofstumpsandbails. Other beneficiaries are The Essequibo Cricket Board, the Town of Lethem, youth

coach Travis Persaud (one box of red cricket balls), male and female teams playing the traditional hardball and softball in the Upper Corentyne area, No.65YoungTitans with 30 teeshirts,youthsofJustTry Cricket Club, Wakenaam Cricket Academy (one box of white balls), Shamar

Joseph, Nehemiah Hohenkirk, Shamar Apple, Leguan Cricket Committee, Tucber Park Cricket Club andMalteenoesSportsClub (ninecricketballseach).

Cricket-related items, used or new, are distributed free of cost to young and promising cricketers in Guyana. Skills, discipline and education are important characteristics of the recipients.Talent spotting is being done across the countryandclubleadersalso assist in identifying. Progressive and wellmanagedcricketclubswitha youth program, will also benefit.

The success of this initiative would never have been possible without the support of the following: Javed and Imran of West Indian Sports Complex, Option Group of USA, Hilbert Foster, Bish Panday of P and P Insurance Brokers, Sean Devers, TrevisSimon,ÅrïêlJ.Tïlkú, Aaron Beharry, Leanna Bachan and Imran Saccoor, Devon Ramnauth, Teddy Singh,RomashMunna,Ravi Etwaroo, Kelvin Brijlall, Ravin Harkishun, Surendra Harkishun, Allan Mangru and Dennis Mangru, Vishal Mahabir, Sherman Austin, Huburn Evans, Rajendra SadeoandRameshSunichof Trophy Stall, Sheik Mohamed of Star Sports

Awards and Trophies, Ajay Gainda of Cricket Equipment Guyana, Gajanand Singh, Peter Ramkissoon, Rabindranath Saywack, Roshan Gaffoor, Ameer Rahaman, Chin Singh,DeneshChandrapaul, Davo Naraine of UK, Dr Cecil Beharry, Raj Mathura, Raj Bharrat, Latch Mohabir and family, Suresh Dhanai, Vishal Nagamootoo, Moses Nagamootoo Jnr, Regal Sports Store, Omkar Singh, Parmanand Dhaniram, Reshma Mathura, Booman S i n g h , K r i s h n a Rengensamy, Ishwar Singh, Ricky Deonarain of 4R Bearings, Terry Mathura of TDMJ Inc , Kennard Verapen and NY Pioneer CC, Anita and Derek Kallicharran, Subhas Powan Persaud of DX Sports, Ramjit Singh, Vishnu Dudnauth, Johnno Persaud, Bob Harrischan, Kumar Dindial, Shazam Hussain, Ravi Lutchman of JIS&L NY and Muhammad Afzal of Cyber Trading, Georgetown.

The role of the media cannot be underestimated and we thank you for your continued support from the inception. Distribution will continue.

Anyone interested in contributing can contact AnilBeharryat623-6875or Kishan Das at +1-718-6640896.

Coach Amber Rahaman displays the token.
Vice-captain of Big Boss Female Team, Lovern Spencer, along with other female captains took a photo op with Mortimor Robertson, Head of Business Development at VSH United (Guyana) Inc. in the previous edition of the tourney

Royals claim back-to-back WCPL titles

Barbados Royals

c o n q u e r e d

Trinbago Knight Ridersbyfourwicketsinthe final of the 2024 Massy Women’sCaribbeanPremier League(WCPL)attheBrian Lara Cricket Academy in Tarouba,Trinidad.

Soon to be crowned Player of the Tournament

Hayley Matthews won the toss and chose to insert the opposition and the Royals captain herself struck a vital blow early on, bowling the dangerous Deandra Dottin forjustsixrunswithalovely ball that zipped off the wicket and onto the stumps.

Chinelle Henry then held a smartreturncatchtodismiss JemimahRodrigues,leaving theKnightRidersstruggling on10/2insidethreeovers.

Jannillea Glasgow and Shikha Pandey steadied the ship,facing31ballseachfor 24 and 28 runs respectively but the Knight Riders fell from 53-3 in the eleventh overto75-8inthe17th.

A struggle to find the boundary was a theme throughout the Knight Riders’ innings, they managed just two sixes and

six fours in their twenty overs in contrast to the Royals who peppered the advertising hoardings 13 timesinfivelessovers.

The Knight Riders’total of 93-8 never looked like

GYMKHANA Horse Race Meet set for October 13

- Horse Racing returns to Supply Sideline Dam

The excitement is palpableashorse racing action makes its much-anticipated return to Supply Sideline Dam on October 13

Organised by Shock Wave Entertainment, the premier event, the GYMKHANA Horse Race Meet, is set to electrifytheEastCoastonce again.

Anandandhisdedicated crew are gearing up to deliveranunforgettableday for villagers and horse racing enthusiasts alike, promising a heart-pounding spectaclethatwillleavefans ontheedgeoftheirseats.

In just under two months, the normally quiet East Coast will be transformed into a hub of racing fervor, with the thundering hooves of some of the nation’s finest horses echoingthroughtheair.

This Race day, the anticipation will come to a head with a stellar lineup of races, meticulously crafted to cater to different skill levels and category groups, ensuring a competitive and thrillingatmosphereforall.

Barbados Royals with the trophy celebrate winning the Women’s 2024 Massy Caribbean Premier League Final (Getty Images)


The reigning champions did then lose some momentumaswicketsbegan to fall in clusters. Ramnath snared the big wicket of Hayley Matthews (13) with the first ball of the seventh over, a lofted back foot punch flying too close to Dottinatbackwardpoint,the fielderleapingtoherleftand clinging on to a smart chance.

The Sideline Dam is set to ignite on the second Sunday in October as some of the top jockeys in the nation descend upon the EastCoastofDemeraraDirt turf, ready to grace the Suppy/Mahaica patrons with spectacular racing action.

The2024GYMKHANA Horse Race event boasts an impressive roster of horses, includingfanfavouriteslike Ms Grippy, Top Gun, Country Rack, Lion Heart, FireMaker,andmanymore. Anand and the Shock Wav


invitations to all who wish to be part of this

sted parties are encouraged to contact Anandat6593995tosecure theirplaceinwhatpromises to be a day of high-speed excitement and thrilling competition.

For those eager to e

adrenaline rush up close,

unforgettable event is a steal,atjust$1000

being enough to prevent the Royals scooping a second consecutive WCPL title and soitproved.

ChamariAthapaththuset about the lowly target with relish, hitting a flurry of earlyboundariestobreakthe backofthechase.Beforethe game the Sri Lankan allrounder had spoken of how much she enjoys playing in thetournament.

“I have played in every leaguearoundtheworld,but

Ilovethiscompetition.Itisa differentatmosphere.

The players, support staff and everything is different compared to other countries The players have a different vibe in the dressingroom”

Earlier in the afternoon, Aaliyah Alleyne starred with the ball in hand for the Royals, the right arm seamerbowlinganaccurate line, exerting pressure and forcingsomerashshots.

She ended with figures of 4/21 off her four overs and threw in some entertaining and wellchoreographed dance moves upon picking up her wickets

It was to be a Player of theMatchperformance. Pandey bowled fast in search of early wickets for theKnightriders,beatingthe bat without success Nevertheless, the Royals motored to 48-0 in the

Qiana Joseph landed some lusty blows before being caught on the long off boundary in spectacular sliding fashion by Shamilia Connell.Alleynewascaught in a similar yet simpler vein by Connell, the batter going for the lofted six down the ground but not quite middling it enough to clear thefielder Williams and Henry fell cheaply as some jitters seemed to seep into the Royals with the finishing lineinsight,andyet,despite a characterful showing with theballbytheKnightRiders the result never truly looked indoubt.

Chamari Athapanthu (39*) anchored the innings and struck the winning runs back down the ground with five overs left unused and four wickets remaining. Her Royalsteammatesswarming the pitch in a pink hued throng to celebrate back-tobackWCPLtitles.

Patriots win CPL 2024 opener off last ball

A thrilling final ball victory for St Kitts & Nevis Patriots over Antigua & Barbuda Falcons kicked off the twelfth iteration of the Republic Bank Caribbean PremierLeague(CPL)atthe SirVivianRichardsStadium inNorthSound,Antigua.

Patriots captain Andre Fletcher called the coin correctlyandelectedtofield first and SouthAfrican pace merchant Anrich Nortje, who would play a crucial cameo with the bat later in the game, skittled Falcons openerTeddyBishopforjust 1 Fakhar Zaman then opened his muscular shoulders, hitting five fours and two sixes in making 43 off32ballswithKofiJames ablysupportingwitha22off 24.

England’s Sam Billings was spectacularly caught on the boundary rope at deep midwicket, Odean Smith showcasing pristine footwork and clear thinking in juggling the catch to himself on the boundary edge.

The star of the Falcons

inningsthoughwas17-yearold Jewel Andrew, who showedmaturitybeyondhis years and an eye-catching



talent by striking 50 off just 30ballstopostachallenging target of 163-4 for the Patriotstochase.


An ebb and flow of runs and wickets followed as a dramatic match headed down to the final over and


to surge further development in Squash

In a significant development for sportsinGuyana,the G o v e r n m e n t , i n collaboration with the G u y a n a O l y m p i c Association and the Guyana Squash Association (GSA),

has inaugurated the country’s first-ever Doubles SquashCourtattheNational Racquet Centre (NRC) on Woolford Avenue, Georgetown.

The new facility was unveiled just in time to host the recently concluded Caribbean Area Squash Association (CASA) Senior Championship, one of the region’s premier squash events. This state-of-the-art courtmakesGuyanaonlythe second territory in the Caribbean to offer a fullsizedDoublesSquashcourt,

marking a notable advancementforthenation’s sportinginfrastructure.

The introduction of the new court is expected to greatly benefit local squash players by providing enhanced training opportunities, more gametime practice, and improved preparation for both local a n d i n t e r n a t i o n a l competitions. Additionally, it is anticipated that this developmentwillencourage more squash events to be heldinGuyana. Guyana’s performance in Doubles Squash has been impressive, with recent achievements including a historic fourth consecutive C A S A S e n i o r

Championship title The addition of the new court is seen as a crucial step in fosteringfurthersuccessand growthinthesport.

David Fernandes, President of the GSA, expressed enthusiasm about the new facility, stating, “Thisisindeedanimportant step for us as well as the Caribbean because now athletes have two locations in which they can come to compete on a full-sized Doublescourt.”

He highlighted that despite the lack of a dedicated Doubles court in the past, Guyana has still achieved notable success in international competitions, including medals in Women’s events, Junior CommonwealthGames,and CAC Games Fernandes remains optimistic that the new court, funded by the Government, will serve as a foundationforthecontinued developmentofsquashinthe Caribbean, enhancing opportunities for athletes and elevating the sport’s profileintheregion.

last gasp win, they equal their win tally of last year’s tournament after just one game.

Kyle Mayers was awardedPlayeroftheMatch for a crucial 39 off 24 balls fromnumberthreebutwhen he was dismissed by MohammadAmirinthe16th over it left the Patriots on 133/6andwithplentystillto do. Despite wickets falling steadily,includingtwointhe finalover,thePatriotslower order managed to get over thelineandchalkupawinto kickofftheircampaign.

“I’m happy we won this game” Patriots captain Andre Fletcher reflected in themomentsaftervictory “I want us to be positive but at thesametime,wehavetobe smart about it. Enjoy the cricket as much as possible, enjoy each other’s success andsticktogetherasateam. Oncewedothat,wehavethe personneltodowell.”

then the final delivery Nortje held his nerve to get thesingleneededoffRoshon PrimustogivethePatriotsa

The 2024 CPLis up and running and the opening matchwellandtrulywhetted theappetiteforthenextfive weeksofaction.

Crystal Palace sign Arsenal striker Nketiah for £30m

(BBCSport)-Arsenal striker Eddie Nketiah has joinedCrystalPalacefora feeintheregionof£30m.

The 25-year-old has signed a five-year deal withtheEagles.

The South Londonborn player is the club’s fifth signing of the summer transfer window, and follows the deadlineday arrival of French defender Ma

ence Lacroix, who signed for £18m.

“It’s amazing to sign for Crystal Palace – I’m excited to get going,” said Nketiah. “Every time I come back to South London, it always puts a smile on my face, so it’s goodtobebackhome.”

Palace chairman Steve Parishadded:“It’sbrilliant towelcomeEddie,asenior England international, backtoSouthLondon.We aredelightedhehassigned for Crystal Palace. I am confident that his energy, talent and hunger to succeedwillendearhimto his new team-mates and supportersalike.”

Nketiah moved to

Arsenal aged 14 from Chelsea’syouthset-upand went on to score 38 goals in 168 games for the Gunners.

Palace also confirmed the signing of goalkeeper Matt Turn

from Nottingham Forest late on transferdeadlineday

The 30-ye

d f o r m e r A

a l shotstopperhasjoinedona season-longloan.

Turner, a USA international, joined Forest from Arsenal last summer and played 21 timesfortheclub.

“I’m really excited to be here and I’m ready to gettowork,”saidTurner

“I’ve heard a lot about [goalkeeping coach] Dean Kiely from Wayne Hennessey, and o b v i o u s l y D e a n [Henderson] and Remi [Matthews]havegotalot of experience, so it’ll be great to get to know them, learn how they work, support them in whatever ways I can, but also push them to be the best versions of themselves ”

Tabraiz Shamsi and Anrich Nortje of St Kitts and Nevis Patriots celebrate victory in the opening match of the 2024 CPL. (Getty Images)

Republic Bank Caribbean Premier League 2024…

Warriors stun Falcons by 3-wickets in intense showdown

De f e n d i n g

champs Guyana

A m a z o n

Shai Hope’s played a crucial innings of 41 for the Amazon Warriors. (Getty Images)

Warriors opened their account with 3-wicket win overtheAntigua&Barbuda

Ramson’s blitz leads Harpy Eagles into final

The Minister of Sport during his half-century knock.

Minister of

C u l t u r e , Youth and

Sport, Charles Ramson Jr,

yesterday smashed a dominant 57 to lead Harpy Eagles to a convincing 31run victory over Black Caimans when the Ministry of Culture,Youth and Sport held its retreat at the Kuru KuruCollege.

Ramson blasted five towering sixes and four fourstotakeEaglesto89for

Falcons during last night’s matchunderlightsattheSir Viv Richards Stadium, Antigua.


Fakhar Zaman led with 40 (3x2, 2x6) while Kofi



rounderImadWasim’s21ball 40 down the order, helped Antigua to 168-6 after20overs.


m spinner Gudakesh Motie

w a s t h e

performer, capturing 3-25 with a wicket going to South African fast-bowler DwainePretorius

The champs lost some footing during the chase

but recovered remarkably, ending on 171-7 with Shai Hope (41), Rahmanullah Gurbaz (20), Romario



(32) and Pretorius(20*)allplayinga roleinthevictory S


r Springer (2-42), along with left-arm spinners Wasim (2-28) and Chris Green (2-32) tried but

Warriors will now turn their attention to the St Kitts and Nevis Patriots, who they take on in their

Wedesday, September 4, atWarnerPark

one at the end of the fiveover affair Terry Joseph chippedinwith14.

In reply, Caiman were restrictedto56forthelossof sixwickets. CliveChristino took three wickets for six runs to solidify Harpy Eagles’ solid performance, whileJosephPerrytooktwo foreight.

Harpy Eagles will now looktocapturethetitlewhen the oppose Arapaima in the final.

Gudakesh Motie led the Amazon Warriors attack with 3 – 25. (Getty Images)

Dwayne Pretorious hits the winning six for theAmazon Warriors in their opening match against theAntigua and Barbuda Falcons. (Getty Images)


Warriors stunFalcons by3-wickets inintense showdown showdown

The new doubles court being occupied during the recently staged CASASenior Championships. Republic Bank Caribbean Premier League 2024…

Guyana’s New Doubles Doubles court to surge further development in Squash

Shai Hope’s played a crucial innings of 41 for theAmazon Warriors. (Getty Images)

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