Kaieteur News

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Guyana’s largest selling daily & New York’s most popular weekly

...but still seeking partners to help  fund initiative

Nearly 500 protest

in London for insurance companies to halt support for suppor new oil projects

Protection, awareness, care and treatment key elements in Guyana’s fight against HIV - NAPS Head

AthinaAndrews EmmaAndrews

Fulcrum tells Govt. it has access to finance for gas project

Fulcrum LNG, the one-year-old company that was awarded a contract by the government of Guyana to design, finance, construct, and operate a gas project to monetize the country’s resources claimed in its bid that it had access to finance todeveloptheventure.

ThisisaccordingtoVice President Bharrat Jagdeo. The VP during his weekly press engagement at F

e e d o m H o u s e , Georgetown explained, “The public tender was issued, public evaluators evaluatedonthebasisofthe tender submitted and they scored Fulcrum ahead of others Fulcrum argued that they had access to financing and secondly thatthereareseverallarge companies associated with theirproposal.”

K a i e t e u r N e w s understands that 15 other

firmstenderedtodevelopthe non-associated gas in the StabroekBlock,operatedby ExxonMobil.

On June 21, President Irfaan Ali announced that Fulcrum LNG was selected by the government to monetizetheresources.

Aweeklater,onJune28, 2024, Fulcrum LNG in a statement said the main feature of its solution will involve the development of state-of-the-art

processing and modular, s

produce, Liquified Natural Gas(LNG)andNGLS/LPGs for Guyana as well as regionalandglobalmarkets.

Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the company, the former Vice President of ExxonMobil Guyana Limited (EMGL), Jesus Bronchalo stated, “We are honored to be selected to undertake this strategic energy infrastruc

Suriname objects to Guyana’s plan to upgrade New River Triangle airstrip

Suriname’s Foreign Minister Albert Ramdin on Friday reportedly summoned Guyana’s Ambassador to the neigbouring country Virjananad Depoo over the Government’splantoupgradeanairstriplocatedintheNew RiverTrianglealsocalledtheTigriArea.

GuyanaandSurinamehaveanage-olddisputeoverthe said area. Ramdin’s claims that Guyana’s plans violate agreementsmadein1970.

Meanwhile,StarNieuwsaSurinamesenewsagencysaid that Suriname summoned the Guyanese ambassador followingpublicstatementsmadebyPresidentIrfaanAliat the commissioning of the Gary Beaton Aerodrome at Eteringbang,RegionSevenonThursday

PresidentAlireportedlyspokeaboutpavingtheairstrip at “Camp Jaguar”, located in the Upper Corentyne area, RegionSix.ThePresidentdisclosedthatworksareexpected tobeginbeforeyearend.

StarNieuws said that Ramdin, reportedly expressed concerns over the public announcements made without discussionwiththeSurinamesegovernment.

Ramdin,intheProtestNotegiventoAmbassadorDepoo saidthatthepresenceofGuyaneseintheNewRiverTriangle isnotinaccordancewithagreementsmadebetweenthetwo countriesinChaguaramas,TrinidadandTobagoin1970.

Repeatedattemptstocontactgovernmentoficialsonthe matterprovedfutile.

project This opportunity aligns perfectly with our m

innovative, reliable, and sustainable energy solutions todevelopgasresources.We look forward to working closelywiththeGovernment of Guyana and other key stakeholders to ensure the successofthisendeavor.”

Despite informing government through its bid that the company is able to finance the gas project, Fulcrum LNG has no evidence of a completed project and has already hintedatseekingthehelpof Guyanese investors to develop the project The statementissuedbyFulcrum said, “In keeping with our project proposal, Fulcrum

LNG is considering Guyanese investors in

various components of the project.”

On Thursday, Jagdeo said that the government, ExxonandFulcrumwasstill in the discussion phase of determining whether a gas projectwouldbefeasible.He explained,“...rightnowthey are still in discussion or wouldbehavingdiscussions on whether such a project is feasibleandthenwhatwould betheelements.”

The Vice President

resourcesatthistime.These includeafloatingplatformto export Liquefied National Gas (LNG); to bring the gas onshore for industrial purposes or thirdly to bring the gas onshore to generate electricity for export purposestoBrazil.

“So those are potentially threeareasofdemand.They havetodecidefirstofallthe availability of the gas and thenthenumbersandatthat stagethenitwouldbetested sothat’swhereweareatthis stage,”Jagdeonoted.

The Vice President was keentonotethatgovernment was not worried about financing for the project at this stage since it is still being defined. In fact, he noted,“Itmayverywellend up that there is no project or its not feasible and then if that’s the case that Exxon

argues,thenwemaydecide, wealreadystartedtalkingto Suriname because there are some gas fields that Exxon has that we may be able to work jointly with Suriname to link with their situation. They have more gas in their gasfieldclosetoourborder, maybedoajointproject.We arenotputtingallofoureggs inonebasket.”


Fulcrum LNG was founded by the former Vice President of ExxonMobil Guyana Limited (EMGL), Jesus Bronchalo, five months after he left the company He was employed withExxonfor19yearsand one month before his questionableresignation.

Bronchalo’s company was later selected by the Guyana government to design, finance, construct, and operate the required gas infrastructure to provide gas monetization solutions and accelerate upstream gas developmentsinthecountry Research done by this newspaper found that Bronchaloappearstobeone of the company’s two registeredemployees.

Bronchalo, who left Exxon in February 2023, is not only CEO of Fulcrum LNG, but he also wears several other professional caps at the business he registeredinJuly2023.

According to company

records, seen by this publication, Bronchalo is also Secretary, Treasurer, Director, and President of thecompany.

From all indications, he hasonlyhiredoneemployee. Kaieteur News discovered thatIvorEllulhasbeenhired as Technical Director at Fulcrum LNG He was appointed in July 2023 and previously worked at SchlumbergerGeoQuestand CiSK Ventures, Ltd, among others Ellul held senior p

President among others in hiscareer

The limited experience of the company has raised serious questions about its capacity to fulfill its contractedobligations.


newspaper’s request for

comment, issued since August.

CEO, Fulcrum LNG, Jesus Bronchalo
Vice President, Bharrat Jagdeo
f Suriname’s Foreign Minister, Albert Ramdin

Kaieteur News

Printed and Published by National Media & Publishing Company Ltd. 24 Saffon Street, Charlestown, Georgetown, Guyana.

Publisher: DR. GLENN LALL - TEL: 624-6456


Tel: 225-8465, 225-8491. Fax: 225-8473, 226-8210


Referendum and elections

A referendum is better if it comes after next year’s general elections. This is the latest position of Vice PresidentBharratJagdeo. Aftercarefullychoosinghisfirst wordsonareferendum,thereisnofurthersidesteppingof themostimportantissuetoJagdeo. Itisthesupremacyof electionsinhisvisionsandambitions. Nationalelections arethepathwaytopower,whereitiseithergainedorlost. A referendum on renegotiation of the ExxonMobil oil contract, could wreck all of Jagdeo’s cleverly laid plans. An outcome that says “YES” to renegotiation leaves him stranded,withnowheretorun. Becauseofthethoughtof thatcleardanger,amongthebiggeronesinhisnightmarish world, he is horrified at having a referendum before elections.

First,hewasnotagainstone,butdidn’tthinkit’sagood idea Then, he niftily minimized his role by saying that a referendumwouldbeacabinetdecision Allalong,Jagdeo had his eyes on the crucial 2025 general elections, and the impact of a referendum held before it But he delayed in sayingthatanyreferendumshouldcomeafter Hisholdon powerismoreimportantthanoilfairnessandoiljustice His priority in serving the interests of ExxonMobil supersedes hisdutytoGuyanese Hisfearaboutalikelypositiveresult (Yestorenegotiation)driveshimtomuddyandslowdown the calls for a referendum before the upcoming elections Jagdeo,everthecunningmaneuverer,isworkingovertimeto buy time Weeks have passed since the Ram and McRae survey surfaced before Guyanese. The referendum conversation has not dropped off, butcontinuesatvarying levels of intensity Jagdeo’s own struggling supporters are payingcloseattentiontohistrickinessonareferendumthat couldmakeadifferenceintheirlives ButJagdeo’sstrategy isbecomingclearer,ashecomesupwithanewweeklydodge (itisbetterafterelections) Itisanotherweekgoneby In December Guyanese are more focused on having a nice holiday, such as they can manage, for their families The burningissueofholdingareferendumcouldbepushedtothat secondary holding place -the backburner This fits neatly intoJagdeo’stimeline,forearlynextyear,hecouldthensay that with elections so close, a referendum would be a logisticalproblem Oranyotherkindthathedreamsupto justifyhisposition Itwouldbeaninterference,becausethe timetoelectionsissolimited.

We disagree, while resting confidently on that proven truism: where there’s a will, there’s a way The road to a referendumcouldbefound,butonlyifJagdeohasthewillfor it Itisobviousthathehasnostomachforwhatareferendum result could produce Hence, all this dithering and blabbering about “suspect” survey, Cabinet, and now elections Thereisthefullestappreciationthattheprincipals atExxonMobilwouldhavetoagreetosittingaroundthetable ofrenegotiationshouldGuyanesevoteforittohappen But Jagdeo knows how much he is committed to ExxonMobil, how and where the company has him in a stranglehold Therefore, he has to move mountains so that a referendum doesnotgothrough,soastoblockGuyanesefromhavingthe opportunitytosay,let’shaveit Itwouldbemostdispleasing toExxonMobilshouldthatclarioncallcomefromthepeople, anditwouldmeanthatJagdeofailedtodeliveronhisendof anycommitmentsmadetothecompany.

Because Jagdeo is a leader who never takes responsibilityforanything,areferendumgiveshimaclean exit. It is upset, impatient Guyanese who want a referendum, though he tried his best to stonewall, then undermine, then distract citizens from having one. ExxonMobil’sdecision-makerswouldthenhaveachoice: resistthewilloftheownersoftheStabroekBlockoragree to renegotiate. The first would turn all Guyanese against Woods and Routledge. Best of all for Jagdeo, he gets to hide behind the will of citizens. But even that is a frightening consideration for him, so much he is in partnership with ExxonMobil. It is why he fights so craftilyagainstareferendumwithexcusesthatfoolnoone.


Govt. making childish excuses for not implementing windfall tax

DEAREDITOR, As the last month of the yearandthereforeChristmas beckons, I make a short simplestatement.First,with thevastamountofoilabove the limit being extracted every day, we have a governmentmakingallsorts of childish excuses for not implementing a windfall tax on the oil companies and thoseextractinggold.

Mr Anthony Paul from neighbouring Trinidad has putitsuccinctlythatthisisa sensible thing to do in the interestofthepopulation-a tax imposed by several countries throughout the world.

See Editorials and articles, this week in Kaieteur and Stabroek News. But yet we hear this foolishness, this unpatriotic nonsense about the sanctity ofcontracts.

Next,westillsufferfrom blackouts but if that is not enough, Dr. Clive Thomas

has unearthed damning information about this Turkishshipcompanywhich ourgovernmentemployedto s u p p l y a d d i t i o n a l generation.A scandal in the making. Is it as apparent a case of incompetence, corruption, sheer folly or a glamorous combination, all unworthyofagovernmentin chargeofthefastestgrowing economyintheworld?

I recommend as necessary reading for every Guyanese irrespective of race, colour, creed or political attachment, Editorials in the Stabroek News and Kaieteur News. We have the gas to shore monster and on Wednesday, with bold brass face, the Government seeks millions moretocompletethisgasto shore experiment at a time where international concern is being expressed about the potential danger of overheatingourworldbythe indiscriminate use of fossil

fuel and studies has shown that the use of solar panels (using the sun) can satisfy ourneedsatalowercostand inamuchsaferway

Beyondallofthisweare on a sustained spending spree, all because a government with massive funds, for some reason, seemsunwillingorunableto do what was being implemented more than three decades ago to make education free from kindergarten to university

To provide quality health care for every citizen every year and to put in place the implementation of a policy calledDefence-in-Depth.

The Editorial dealing with Education in Stabroek news, dealt adequately with what in summary, suggests thatweareproducinginour schools, young people whose only concern is to pass many subjects while losing the opportunity to mix, meddle and learn to

love one another through a sporting, cultural and allied activity Whyarewelosinga golden opportunity to make Guyana good, to keep the environment safe and sound isbeyondbelief.

Handouts will be welcomed but are not an alternative to well thought out programmes of education and providing opportunities, first, to our people before opening the floodgatesfornon-nationals.

This weekend letter is deliberatelyshortandsimple but there are so many other issuesthatwillbedealtwith in detail later, but for now, read the independent media and share it with your friends, in the communities, your religious organisations andthoseyouchatwith.For the time may soon come to remind ourselves of what a Leader once said, that ‘enoughisenough.’

HamiltonGreen Elder

Kaieteur M@ilbox Kaieteur M@ilbox

PresidentAli’sbookoffersnew andcredibleinsightsonthe Caribbeanfoodsecuritycrisis



On September 28, His Excellency, Honorable PresidentoftheCooperative Republic of Guyana. Dr IrfaanAlilaunchedhisbook titled “Achieving Global

Food Security: The Caribbean Experience and Beyond” at the Blavatnik SchoolofGovernmentatthe University of Oxford in England.

The book thoroughly examines the existing food security challenges in the Global South (Third World) countries with a special focus on the food security crisisintheCaribbean.Inthe book,Dr Alihighlightedthe urgent need to address and solvethepressingfoodcrisis issue in the Caribbean Brilliantly and cleverly written, the book not only provides a universal and comprehensive overview of the problems, causes and challenges besieging food security globally, especially in the Caribbean, but it also explores a number of strategic policy options,

p r o p o s a l s a n d

recommendations to alleviate the problem in the Caribbeanandelsewhere.

TosaythatPresidentDr. Ali understands the problems and has become a global advocate and leader on the issue of food insecurityandworldpoverty is an understatement. He wisely and thoughtfully penned the book at a time when the Global South countries including the Caribbean and Latin America, not to mention Africa are faced with the steepestincreaseinfoodand other commodity prices which have raised cost of living to its highest level in the region in recent times. The high cost of living coupled with a huge labor shortage in the Caribbean have negatively impacted developmentintheregion

Several scholars have contended that the book is written at a time when agricultural output is on the declineintheCaribbeanand elsewhere due in part to inclement weather and in some cases severe manmade disasters. If nothing else, President Dr Ali has presenteduswithascholarly and practical piece of work that bestowed on the Caribbean and the world

agricultural production and solve the food security crisis by exploiting the region’s potential for agricultural investmentanddevelopment

President Dr Ali’s heroic workhasbeenapplaudedand praisedbyscholarsinandout of the Caribbean as a significantly necessary and timelyscholarlycontribution to food security one of the most pressing global issues today

Thebookprovidesanindepthandauthenticanalysis of the present food scarcity situation faced by the Caribbean as well as an insightintothefutureifthere is not a serious effort to tackle the problem immediately President Dr Irfaan Ali issued a clarion call to the leaders of the globalcommunityofnations

to find a lasting if not a permanentsolutiontoglobal food security He told them that it would be a colossal mistakebytoday’sleadersto leave the problem for future generationstosolve.

“AchievingGlobalFood Security: The Caribbean Experience and Beyond” reveals President Dr Ali’s sincereandheartfeltconcern for food security and for the poor in the Global South countrieswhoarefacingthe brunt of the problem. The book provides a macroframework of the massive investment in agriculture in the region with the intent to increase agriculture output and thus lower the cost of living. His groundbreaking work has not only highlightedthefoodsecurity problems in the CARICOM countries,butitalsooutlined aseriesofpolicymeasuresto (Continuedonpage06)

The Lilawatee Murder 1950




, The year 1950 dawned withtheshockingmurderof ayounggirlduringanobeah ritual in Stanleytown, New Amsterdam.

It was alleged that Kathleen Fullerton, a housewifehadadreamthatshe would get rich from Dutch moneyburiedinheryardifshe sacrificed a boy child She discussed the dream with her spiritualist brother Eric Benfield, who planned a sacrifice Heorganizedafeast withmusicathishomeatlot57 Stanleytown and procured a boy to become the human sacrifice, but his reputed wife, who was not in favour of the nefariousplan,encouragedthe boy to abscond Benfield, enragedatthisset-back,made several attempts to procure otherboyswithoutsuccess.

Time was running out andindesperationheenticed his neighbour’s six-year-old daughter, Lilawattee to his feastandpreparedherforthe sacrifice Doolarie, the mother of the child, missed her and after making frantic searches, reported to the

Police who advised her to make another search and to report the results the followingmorning.

Meanwhile, residents becamesuspiciousattheweird happenings in Benfield’s house and demanded that he allowthemtosearchtherefor the missing child Benfield retaliated with abuses, while his brother-in-law Jeremiah Fullerton stood guard at the entrance to the yard with an axe It was during that time Benfield was seen to carry a bundle towards an outdoor latrineintheyard

Thenextmorningasearch party led by Assistant Superintendent Freddie Cannon found Lilawattee’s body at the bottom of the latrine pit. A post mortem examination revealed that faeces were in her stomach which indicated that the child had been placed there while shewasstillalive

Two Non-Commissioned Officers, Sergeant 3832 GreeneandCpl 3978Philips whohadfailedtoactpromptly on the report of the missing child were reduced in rank It wasfeltthathadtheygoneto Benfield’splaceonthenightof thefeastthechild’slifemight havebeensaved Kathleen Fullerton, her husbandJeremiahFullerton, herbrotherEricBenfieldand his wife Dorothy Brutus were tried. Dorothy Brutus was acquitted but the others were convicted. Despite a petition to the Governor, the deceasedwerehangedonthe morningof4thOctober1950 (75yearsagothismonthand so Kathleen Fullerton becomethesecondwomenin the history of the country to behanged.)

YoursSincerely FrankDeAbreu

Use of old photographs to verify voters unacceptable

Theuseof16-yearold photographs by the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM)toverifyvotersis unacceptable, Executive Member of the Peoples National Congress Reform (PNCR) and Member of


Mahipaul told reporters at the party’s weekly press conference on Friday that it is no secret that GECOM’s system uses manual facial recognition at the polling stationsthroughthenational


“Without doubt, these photos are inadequate in three critical regards: (i) on bothIDcardsandfolios,the photosarethesizeofasmall stamp, (ii) they are mostly blurred and otherwise unclear,and(iii)worstofall,

theyweremostlytakeninthe last H2H exercise in 2008, sixteenyearsago.Torepeat: sixteen years ago! It means that teenagers registered in 2008wouldtodaybeintheir 30s.Peoplethenintheir40s would now be in their 60s,” Mahipaullamented.

T h e M e m b e r o f Parliament said with the number of years that have elapsedsincethelastHouseto-House registration process, the physical featuresofpersonsarelikely to change. He said that a voter verification system that is solely dependent on manual facial recognition is subjecttogenuineerrorsand organized manipulation equally “GECOM must know this is unacceptable,” he stressed noting that there is a need to use biometric technology to have a more accurate means of verifying persons’identity

“For example, their sharpness, brightness and contrast. In the 2008 H2H exercise, such factors were not taken into full account. Let us add that biometrics technology has so advanced that when photos or fingerprints are collected, they can be immediately checked for quality and retakenifnecessary,”theMP

said.Mahipaulfurtherstated that,“ForGECOMtoargue, therefore,initsAugust2024 press release that the accurateidentificationofthe voter is one of its main safeguards against multiple voting and other forms of skullduggeryistoignorethe fact that its system is totally manual and is based on photos that are small, unclear, and are mostly 16years old. We reiterate our callforacleanvoterslistand electronic verification of voters using fingerprint biometricstechnology.”

The PNCR executive said too that the list of electors which he said has grown to 718,715 names, in comparison to the list of 684,354 two years ago showsthatthelisthasgrown by over 16,000 names; the equivalent of two parliamentaryseats.

“The fact that the list of electorswillsoonmatchand surpass Guyana’s entire population should sound an alarm. This situation has beencausedbytheinclusion of over 200,000 deceased local and overseas citizens andthosewhonolongerlive here,”hestressed.

Furthermore, the PNCR has repeatedly called for a clean,crediblelistbeforethe

People’s National Congress (PNC) Executive Member and Member of Parliament, Ganesh Mahipaul.

scheduled2025Generaland Regional Elections as “this bloated monstrosity of a list provides sufficient grounds to question whether GECOM can deliver an election that accurately reflects the democratic will of the Guyanese people and gains their confidence and acceptance.”“Itisnecessary, therefore, for GECOM, in line with modern election management practices, to makethebestpossibleeffort to prevent multiple voting, voter impersonation, and other frauds,” Mahipaul reasoned.

Lastweek,GECOMsaid that no definitive decision hasbeenmadeontheuseof biometrics. Chairperson of the Commission, Justice (ret’d) Claudette Singh told reportersthatdiscussionson the feasibility study on the use of biometrics before engagingstakeholders. Singh told reporters that a decision was taken to conduct a study on the feasibilityof“electronic (Continuedonpage09)

Kaieteur M@ilbox

DEAREDITOR, The Government of Guyana’sannouncementofa $100,000 cash grant for all citizensaged18andolderis apromisinginitiative,butas a student currently studying overseas, I am concerned abouthowthisprogramwill accommodate citizens like myself.

The Government has stated that even Guyanese citizens abroad will be eligible for the grant, yet there has been no explanation of how those of us outside the country at the time of registration will be included For students pursuing education abroad,

this lack of clarity is troubling.

Many questions remain unanswered:

Will there be an online registration system for citizenswhoareoverseason studies,trainingorworkand won’t be back home until aftertheregistrationperiod?

As students, we are already burdened with the challenges of adapting to a

pressures, and navigating financial constraints The cashgrantwouldbeamuchneeded support, yet the uncertainty surrounding our inclusion leaves us feeling overlooked.

It is essential for the Government to address this issue promptly Overseas studentsareasmuchapartof the Guyanese community as those residing within its borders, and we should not beexcludedduetologistical oversights.

I respectfully urge the relevantauthoritiestoclarify the process and ensure that students and other citizens abroad are not left behind in this important initiative Tr a n s p a r e n c y a n d inclusivity are vital to the successofthisprogram.

Sincerely, NathanGrant

Frompage05 strengthen the region’s food security position. The book is a bold and ambitious undertakingbytheGuyaneseleaderandwill serve as a useful resource for scholars, intellectuals,studentsandthegeneralpublic in the Caribbean and elsewhere who are seekingtounderstandtheregionanditsfood security problems Beautifully crafted, persuasiveandobjective,itwasa

Sincerely, Dr.AsquithRose.

Prime Minister makes third commitment to submit Wales gas project agreements to Parliament

...apologisestoHouse,makes another promise

Prime Minister (PM) Brigadier (ret'd) Mark Phillips,forathirdtime,last week promised the National Assembly to lay over the agreement signed with ExxonMobil Guyana Limited (EMGL) for the Gas-to-Energy (GTE) project.

During Wednesday's Sitting of the National Assembly, former Minister David Patterson reminded the House that in January 2024, the PM made a commitment to lay over all thedocuments.

He said the Clerk of the National Assembly, Sherlock Isaacs on April 2, 2024 wrote to the Prime Minister informing him of hiscommitment.

Patterson said the letter stated,“...andtoremindyou, during the consideration of the 2024 Estimate of Revenue Expenditure, the th th 77 sitting on 30 January 2024, you promised to, as requested by Mr David Patterson MP, to provide information with respect to thefollowing:breakdownof the$73Bfor2023becauseif you could remember sir,

there is a shortfall in the numbers you gave of $5.49B.”

He added that the letter also reminded the PM of his promise to provide the House with copies of the agreementwithExxonMobil Guyana Limited (EMGL)previously Esso Exploration and Production Guyana Limited (EEPGL) - for the GTEproject.

To this end, Patterson said, “Can the honourable Prime Minister say, not to me, to the country, why he hasnotkepthispromise?”

PM Phillips apologized totheNationalAssemblyfor failing to provide the responseandagainpromised to ensure the necessary information and documents are provided. According to him,thiswillbelaidassoon aspossible.

“Mr Chair,ifIhadfailed in offering my response as requested by the honourable member,letmeapologizeto this honourable House and I will seek to, in the shortest possible time, honour that request,” the Prime Minister said.

Seemingly not satisfied

with the response, Patterson pointedoutthatthiswasnow the third promise made by the PM to provide the information.The Speaker of the House, Manzoor Nadir howeverremindedPatterson that the forum allowed him to pursue with questions rather than a comment and that the PM has graciously committed to provide the information.

Earlier this year, Kaieteur News reported that the Prime Minister assured that the construction phases oftheGTEprojectisinsured and related documents can beprovidedtotheHouse.He was responding to Patterson on whether insurance is in placeforthecurrentworksto support the gas plants and whetherthegovernmentcan lay those in Parliament. The PM said, “The EPC (Engineering, Procuring and Construction) contract has its own insurance policy.” When reminded about the latterpartofthequestion,he said, “Certainly Mr Speaker.”

Similarly,ontheissueof Exxon's pipeline, the PM noted, “I am advised again

Mr Speaker that Exxon has insurance coverage with the contractor, so that is catered for…wewilllayitover.”

He also committed to providing the total sum expended on the project to date, including costs for the t r a n s m i s s i o n a n d distribution of electricity, consultancyandsubstations, amongothercosts,aswellas theagreementssignedforthe project.The GTE project is divided into two parts, with the first- a 225 kilometers pipelinefromtheLizafields offshore to the Wales developmentsiteontheWest Bank of Demerara- being financed by the Stabroek

B l o c k o p e r a t o r , ExxonMobil. This is expectedtocostaboutUS$1 billion.

The other aspect of the projectentailsaNaturalGas Liquid (NGL) facility and a 300-megawatt power plant to be financed by the Government of Guyana (GoG) through a loan from the United States Export Import (US EXIM) Bank. Thetwoplantsarepeggedat US$759million.


Since 2022, the

government signed a Heads of Agreement (HOA) with the Stabroek Co-ventures that outlines the principles and conditions for the commercial and technical arrangementsofthedeal.

In a previous article, Patterson told Kaieteur News that since 2022, he asked both the Prime Minister and the Minister of Natural Resources, Vickram Bharrat for the contracts signed with Exxon and others.

“In 2022, the Prime Minister wrote back to the Parliamentsayingnotallthe agreements have been signed, as soon as all the agreements have been signed, he will lay it over in Parliament,” the former Ministerpointedout.

Despite the repeated commitments with the pipeline now nearing completion, Patterson said believesthatthegovernment is reluctant to table the agreements as these would expose the beneficiaries of the arrangements. He said, “Obviouslytheydon'twanna lay it because that would

unravel where the feed troughs are and how unviable this entire thing is. It would show how corrupt thisthingis.”

The government has been reluctant to release documents relative to this project and numerous attempts by the Opposition toseekclarityintheNational Assembly have been defeated MP Catherine Hughes had complained last year that questions submitted by her were not allowed by Speaker of the House,ManzoorNadirsince these issues were addressed by Head of the GTE Taskforce, Winston Brassington when Guyana hosted its Energy Conferencein2023.


The Ministry of Parliamentary Affairs and Governance recently met with representatives from civil society organizations (CSOs) to discuss ways to improve human rights in Guyana.

This consultation is part ofpreparationsforGuyana's 4th Cycle of the Universal Periodic Review (UPR), a process under the United Nations Human Rights Council, the Ministry of Parliamentary Affairs and Governance said on Thursday

According to a press release, the UPR, “is a key mechanism of the United Nations Human Rights Council, which enables a periodic review of the human rights records of all UNMemberStates.”

“Guyana's review in the 4th Cycle, scheduled for May 2025, offers an opportunity to report on p r o g r e s s m a d e i n strengthening human rights protections since the last review as well as address challenges,” the ministry said. In attendance were 13 out of the 50 invited CSOs,

representing a wide array of sectors, including children's rights, women's rights, indigenous peoples' rights, LGBTQ+ rights, poverty reduction, and religious groups. Other participants included representatives from constitutional rights commissions,theUniversity of Guyana, and the National Mechanism for Reporting and Follow-up These individualsprovidedon-thespotfeedbacktotheCSOs. During the consultation, participantswereintroduced to the timeline and expectations of the 4th UPR Cycle. The thematic areas under review included legal and institutional reform, childrights,genderequality, therighttodevelopment,and equality and nondiscrimination Special focus was given to crosscutting issues such as corporal punishment, the death penalty, and the decriminalization of consensual same-sex relations.

Speakers during the consultation included Minister of Parliamentary AffairsandGovernanceGail

(R-L) - Jean Kamau (UN Resident Coordinator), Gail Teixeira (Minister of ParliamentaryAffairs and Governance), andAnil Persaud (Snr. Research Officer, MPAG), andAlicia Reece (Special Projects Officer, MPAG)

Teixeira,ResearchOfficerat the Ministry Anil Persaud, Special Projects Officer Alicia Jerome-Reece and UN Resident Coordinator, JeanKamau.

Minister Teixeira, “ r e a f f i r m e d t h e Government's unwavering commitmenttohumanrights and the importance of collaboration with CSOs in advancingthisagenda.”

She also noted that the national report which is madeonbehalfoftheStateis not only intended to cover the work done by government but will take on

an “all of society” perspective in which the achievements and progress made by all actors will take the forefront. The Minister expressed her gratitude to the CSOs for their p a r t i c i p a t i o n a n d underscoredthesignificance of their input in shaping Guyana's human rights commitments She also urged the organizations to continue engaging with the government to build strong working relationships in the best interest of their constituents. Persaud, facilitated an

afternoon session focusing on how the CSOs' contributions would inform the national report He outlinedthenextstepsinthe UPR preparation process, explaining that the Ministry w o u l d p r o v i d e comprehensive materials on the UPR process and offer mechanisms for submitting additionalfeedbackafterthe consultation.

Thestatementsaid,“Itis hopedthattheCSOspresent and others who were unable to attend will use this opportunity to share information on the work on

their organizations on the UPR issues so that they can be included in the Guyana's nationalreport.”

The Ministry extended its appreciation to all governmentagencies,CSOs, andtheirrepresentativesthat participated in this critical process.

“The insights and recommendations gathered will be integral to Guyana's efforts in meeting its international human rights obligations and advancing the well-being of all its citizens,” the press release concluded.

PrimeMinister,Brigadier (ret'd)MarkPhillips


Week after

week, the

G e n e r a l

Secretary of the People’s Progressive Party Civic (PPPC) holds court at his party’s headquarters, pontificating on everything from the cost of purchased power to the correct temperature at which to fry an egg It’s a dazzling displayofomniscience.

At last Thursday’s PPP press conference, Bharrat Jagdeowasasked,byDennis ChabrolofDemeraraWaves why the top brass of the Guyana Police Force have

not held any press conferences over the past two years, especially when t h e r e h a v e b e e n kidnappings, abductions, high-profilearmedrobberies andotherviolentcrimes.

TheGeneralSecretaryof the party in response said

that he cannot imagine why the police has not held a press conference to address concerns in the media. He went on to state that the police force does have a great story to tell about all the changes that the government has been making [in the security sector]andthattheydoneed totellthatstory

One cannot help but marvel at the irony of Jagdeo’s response His lament that the police haven’t been telling their “great story” is akin to a ventriloquist wondering why his dummy never speakswithouthim.Couldit be that the dummy has been rendered mute by the ventriloquist’s constant chatter?

The General Secretary’s Thursday routine has become a one-man show so

exhaustive;itleavesnostone unturned and no ministry unspoken for Education? Covered Infrastructure?

Addressed Security?

Naturally Oil and gas? Of course. By the time he’s done, one wonders if the ministers are left sitting in their offices and asking, “What’sleftforustosay?”

If Jagdeo were to pause for a moment of selfreflection he might realize that his weekly monologues are crowding out the very voiceshewishestoamplify

The Guyana Police Force, the Ministry of Natural Resources, the Ministry of Finance etc. After all, why

General Secretary is already doing your job, with added flair?

Instead of dominating t


Use of old photographs...

Frompage06 finger print capture during registration and biometric fingerprint identification of votersatpollingstations.”

“The feasibility study was done and submitted to theCommission.Duringthe discussion on the feasibility studywhichwereheldonthe 12th and 14th of November, Commissionerswereunable to agree on how this discussion should proceed,” Singhsaid.

The first view expressed was that stakeholder consultation was necessary before the Commission could engage in full discussions on the matter as theviewsofthestakeholders needed to be taken into


Asecondviewexpressed was that there could have been the commencement of discussions while engagements could have been held simultaneously with the stakeholders and their feedback could be considered in the Commission’sdiscussions.

The GECOM Chair said that, “A third view was that the Commission needs to discuss the matter first beforestakeholderscouldbe consulted. In this latitude, it was also mentioned that the issue of whether and how stakeholders are to be consulted would be a matter that would be addressed when the commission


Singh said that, “So having listened from the submissions from the Commissioners who are equallydividedabouthowto proceedwiththematter,and based on my own examination of the feasibility study, I took the decision that it is important for GECOM to have an understanding of, and a position on its capability to introducethesystem,before going to the stakeholders, because absence of an understanding, and position will leave the GECOM to appearing unprepared, uninformed and unable to address this highly sensitive matter.”



sweet but yuh brain better work or else yuh still gon be in trouble

Demboysrememberdestoryofdeman wahdehponabenchindeBotanicGardens crying he soul out. Another man walking throughdeGardensspotdemancryingand decidefuhplayGoodSamaritan.

Hesiddungnexttodeoldmanandseh, “Big man, wah really troubling yuh? Wife givingyuhproblem?”Deoldmanshakehe head,tearsstillflowing,“Wife?Nahman,I got de best wife in de world. Fifty years now, she still de sweetest thing, and she cook better than dem fancy restaurant chef.” So de man seh, “Ohhh, well, de childrenthen?Deystressingyuhout?”

De old man bawl louder, “Children? Nah bai, I got a whole set of dem, all big, bright, and successful. Plus, all ah dem marry people I approve of.Yuh think I got problemdey?”

De man start scratch he head. “Well,

Thursday, Jagdeo should step aside and let the ministriesdothetalking.The government, after all, is not s h o r t o f c a p a b l e communicators.Thankstoa series of strategic poaching manoeuvres, it has recruited some of the best and brightest from Guyana’s private media. In fact, the government now boasts a press and public relations corps so robust that it could rivalthestaffofamid-sized televisionnetwork.

I m a g i n e t h e possibilities! The Ministry of Home Affairs could host weeklyupdatesoncrimeand security, allowing them to explain why, despite everyone’s best efforts, bandits still seem to have a better work ethic than most civil servants. The Ministry of Natural Resources could unveil a series of glossy presentations on oil production, with pie charts, bargraphs,andasprinkleof vague optimism about “ t r a n s f o r m a t i o n a l development.”

Even the Ministry of Agriculture could get in on the action, perhaps with a c o o k i n g s e g m e n t showcasinginnovativeways topreparecassava.

Better yet, why not revive the post of Cabinet

Secretary, a position that once served as the bridge betweenthegovernmentand the public? The Cabinet Secretarycouldholdregular post-Cabinetpressbriefings, providing a structured, centralized forum for disseminating information. This would allow Jagdeo to focus on his true calling: verbally eviscerating the opposition while flashing smilesforphoto-opswiththe very individuals he spends hourslambasting.

Therevivalofthepostif Cabinet Secretary would be awin-win.

The ministries would regain their autonomy, the public would get coherent updates on government policies, and Jagdeo would be free to refine his rhetorical skills without having to worry about overshadowinganyone.

There is, of course, a danger in continuing down the current path A government that centralizes all communication through one man, risks looking less like a democratic institution and more like a personality cult. And while Jagdeo’s encyclopaedicknowledgeof every sector might be impressive, it’s also a tad unsettling.Assomeoneonce said, “If you’re too good at

everything, people start to wonder if you’re human” or superhuman.

By decentralizing the flow of information and empowering ministries and agencies to speak for themselves, the government could foster a more transparent and inclusive dialogue with the public. It would also spare Jagdeo the Herculean task of knowing everythingabouteverything, which, let’s face it, must be exhaustingfortheman.

Jagdeo has certainly mastered the art of showing up every Thursday, withoutfail.

But perhaps it’s time for him to take a step back and let others share the stage. After all, it was he who said that the ruling party has plenty of talented individuals. Why not give themalittleroomtobreathe andapodiumoftheirown.

(The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinionsofthisnewspaper.)

must be money trouble then?” De old man bawl even harder, “Money? I got more moneythanIcouldeverspend.Millionsme father left, and I investing good. Every month I collecting hundreds of thousands inrentwithoutevenliftingafinger.”

Demanconfusenow “Alright,mustbe yuhhousethen.Deplacefallingapart?”

De old man wipe he nose and seh, “House? Yuh joking, bai? I living in a mansionbiggerthandeVeePeeown.Itgat three stories, servants, pool, double garage...Dewholeworks!”

Demanfinallysnap.“Sowait,bigman, if everything so perfect, wah de hell yuh cryingfor?!”

De old man wail out loud and seh, “BECAUSE ME CAN’T REMEMBER WHEREMELIVING!”



From one sacred cow to another untouchable


he president has immunity, so it is not him. Though ministers of the PPP Government do not operate under the cover of official immunity, for all intents and purposes, they enjoy that immunity

Seized it for themselves, fortheircavalierapproachto morals,ethics,andstandards. Or they have had such immunitygrantedtothemby onewhohasnosuchpowerto grantanysuchthing.

Guess who? It is the sameleaderwhohasattached total immunity to himself. So,ifitisanyofthesebright political stars of Guyana, then who and what is so sacred that they (or it) qualifies for the homage of sacred cow, and the untouchability that goes alongwiththatsacredness?

C'monfellowcitizens,do I have to do everything around here, especially the harderjobs?

The dreadful Exxon

contract, its 2016 masterpiece,isasacredcow

There should be no arguments on that score PresidentAlihimselfsaidso,

when he spoke glowingly (and approvingly) about “sanctity of contract.” I would, too, if I know that in doing so with that repugnant andracistwhitemancontract that my bread would be well buttered.

Never have to worry about either bread or butter

So, there is that first sacred cowintheformoftheExxon contract.

Think of how abusive andshamelessamanlikeMr AlistairRoutledgemustbeto hang that contract over the heads of Drs. Ali, Jagdeo, Nandlall, Norton, and Hughes,andstillcallhimself a partner of both them and Guyanese.

It takes an illustrious character,andMr Routledge hasthecaliber,tobethatkind of man. It is why he was dispatched from the ConfederateStateofTexasto teach the natives in Guyana who is their master In a toddler's medicine measuring cup, the sacredness of that Exxon contract takes precedence over the sacredness of Guyana's sovereignty And

everybody is happy to dance on their heads about that abomination. Everybody, except me, to set the record straight. To cut a fine point on this, and to make it personal, Mr Routledge's contractissooffensivetome that I would not want to be within a hundred miles of whereverheis. Thecontract is, but not Mr Routledge, mayeveryonebereassured.

One sacred cow occupying such a huge national space is a terrible thing to contemplate. It is appallingenoughthatIoften speculate how my contemporariescanresttheir consciences or their tired minds while that contract remainsinexistence.

This odious Exxon contract is almost as big as the Venezuelan claim that hangs over Guyana's head, crampsitsbreathing. And just as cleverly conceived, given continued life. Somehow, Guyanese are living quietly with that strangest of sacred cows (Exxon's contract) One sacred cow may be claimed bysometohavetheprofound

about it. Of course, that dependsonwhichsideofthe milking they are. But if one sacredcowisslowlyrisingto the high tide of the unthinkable, then a second sacred cow must be unacceptable. Yes, it would that profaning. How many untouchables can Guyanese livewith,absorbwithouttoo muchofastirring? Insofaras this contract goes, there cannot and must not be any more space for another untouchable in this country The problem is that there is, and it is right under the eyelashes of all citizens: partisansandpatriots,bornof the land, or converted throughapaperprocess.

Itisthatcall,thatpushfor a r e f e r e n d u m o n renegotiation,thatrepresents the presence of a second sacred cow, a second untouchable.

To get to a referendum process is in and of itself an untouchableforExcellencies Ali and Jagdeo. In this particular circumstance, the employmentof'excellencies' is scandalous, if not poisonous. Areferendumon

renegotiation of the despicable Exxon c o n t r a c t h a s transformed into the equivalent of a venereal disease for some of leading political lights in Guyana, a pox on theirdays. They try to run from it. Diminishit. Denyit. Listen toDr Jagdeo.

He conjures one absurdityafteranother In this sovereign nation, the type of sovereignty and the extent to which it can be exercised are now vested in thehandsofExxon'sGuyana President,theubiquitousand omnipotent Alistair Routledge. With this in mind, I now put something before my fellow citizens. Jagdeo(andAli)wouldnever (never)agreetoareferendum on renegotiation, but if he did, it would have to be presented to Mr Alistair Routledge to get his nod of approval. In fact, I should correct myself. Mr Routledge is a Holy Bull The Exxon contractisasacredcow And areferendumwouldthethird rail -another untouchable

Some Guyanese may be askingthemselves,ifthiscan reallybewheremattersstand inGuyanawiththisoil. Itis. Believeit. StudyJagdeoand observe how a referendum reduceshimtoabasketcase. AskNandlallaboutit,andhe is likely to become a legal hardcase.

Put it to Excellency Ali and he could mutate into a psychiatric case Let a referendum happen and let Guyanese have their say drives an unholy fear into thoseleaders.

A referendum is untouchablebecauseitcould bring down all he political Humpty-Dumpties in Guyana. Demain'tridinpun dahcow,likethecalypsonian sang.(The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the o p i n i o n s o f t h i s newspaper.)

$52Mrecreationalshedtobe constructedatNorthwestSecondary

T h e N a t i o n a l Procurement and Tender Administration Board (NPTAB)hasawardeda$52 million contract for the c o n s t r u c t i o n o f a recreational shed at the newly built Northwest SecondarySchoolinRegion One.

K a i e t e u r N e w s understands that the shed is being constructed to facilitate recreational activities and assemblies for students.

The project is being undertaken by the Ministry of Education and was estimatedtocost$63million accordingtotheengineer

T h e N o r t h w e s t

Following the national biddingprocess,thecontract was awarded to Supreme Contracting and Supplies that bid $52,596,000 to completetheworks.


O n e w a s r e c e n t l y commissioned following a firethatdestroyedtheschool inSeptember2021.Thetwostorey state-of-the-art facility can accommodate 575studentsandincludes23 classrooms, three science laboratories, a technical drawing room, four canteens, eight washroom facilities, and two modified elevators.

The newly built Northwest Secondary School in Region One.

Nearly 500 protest in London for insurance companies to halt support for new oil projects

Nearly 500 protest in London for insurance companies to halt support fornewoilprojects

Inside Climate News

As a group of nearly five hundred marched through Leadenhall Market in London’s financial district wearing wetsuits, goggles, flippers and life vests, a few voices in the crowd began to sing to the tune of a popular nurseryrhyme

“Row, row, row, for life, floods are rising high,” they sang quietly “Urgently, urgently, urgently, urgently, actnoworwe’lldie”

Activists leading the march carried a bright pink life raft with the words “Insure Our Survival” painted on the side, and posters with slogans like “Stop Climate Crimes, Stop Fossil Fuels” and “Floody Hell!”

The Oct 28 march was the first in a week of demonstrations across the United Kingdom held by ExtinctionRebellionUK,the d



ivist organization, pressuring insurance companies to stop underwritingnewoil,gasand

c o s t u m e s , s o n g s , p e r f o r m a n c e s a n d demonstrations to paint a picture of the crises likely to ensue as global heating intensifies: disastrous global floods followed by widespread food shortages and ensuing civil unrest exacerbated by population growth and insufficient resources.

The U K -based campaign comes eight monthsafteraglobalweekof actionwiththesamegoalled by the international coalition Insure Our Future. As a growing body of attribution science tracks the impact of human-induced climate change in spawning more frequent and severe climate disasters, activists see insurance without which new fossil fuel projects can’t bebuilt asacriticalleveron the financial viability of the oil,gasandcoalindustries.

“The weak spot of the fossil fuel industry is insurance,” said Extinction RebellionactivistMarijnvan de Geer on the first day of protestsinLondon “Ifwecan persuadeasmanyinsurersas possible to pull out of these projects, we have a real chance of actually stopping those projects, and that’s ultimatelywhatthegoalis”


Several hundred activists marched through the streets of London on Oct. 28, holding flags bearing the Extinction Rebellion logo and posters calling for insurance companies to stop underwriting fossil fuel projects.

Credit: Keerti Gopal/Inside Climate News


In a Star Wars themed recruitment video for the Insure Our Survival actions, British naturalist and nature photographerChrisPackham called the insurance industry the “weak spot in the fossil fuel Death Star,” and urged supporters of Extinction Rebellion who commonly refer to themselves as “rebels” to descend on the cityofLondontoopposethe destructive forces of “oily darkness”

“The global week of action brought a lot of attentiononinsurersandtheir role in the climate crisis,”

Ariel Le Bourdonnec, an analyst for Reclaim Finance, a research organization focused on analyzing financial actors’ climate impacts, said of the spring protests “You see groups actually launching new campaignsoninsurers”

Activists say it’s hypocritical that insurance companiespublicizegrowing climate dangers and pull coverage from vulnerable zones while continuing to profitofftheprojectsthatare increasing the emissions driving global warming Unlike banks and fossil fuel businesses, insurance companies’ financials are intrinsicallylinkedtotherealworld ramifications of continued fossil fuel development,saidExtinction Rebellion UK activist Jamie Anderson.

“They’ve got more stake intakingthelong-termview, butitdoesn’tstopthemtaking

the short-term view for profit,”Andersonsaid

“Insure Our Survival” organizers said they were inspired by insurance c o m p a n y p o l i c y announcementsthatfollowed Insure Our Future’s global weekofaction.

In March, Probitas, a London-based insurer that’s partoftheLloyd’sofLondon syndicate, confirmed that it

Activists cite these decisions as evidence that protest tactics are effecting change

“We have absolute evidence that the pressure worked,” said Steve Tooze, an activist with Extinction Rebellion in London. “We knewthatthiswashavingan impact.Within[theinsurance company] buildings themselves, it was a topic of

Extinction Rebellion targeted major insurance and reinsurance companies including AIG, Allianz, Chubb, Hiscox, Marsh McLennan, Tokio Marine, QBEandtheworld’sleading insurance and reinsurance market, Lloyd’s of London.

Two weeks before the actions, the group wrote letters to 59 insurers, saying that they would target the

Insure Our Survival campaigners gather in the Trinity Square Gardens on the morning of Oct. 28 to march to the offices of London’s major insurers. Credit: Keerti Gopal/Inside Climate News

did not intend to insure the West Cumbria coal mine in the UK or the East African CrudeOilPipeline,thoughit attributed those decisions to t h e c o m p a n y ’ s environmental, social and governancepolicyandsaidit was not influenced by the week of protests A month later, the Zurich Insurance Group announced that it would not underwrite new oil and gas extraction and metallurgicalcoalprojects.


A l t h o u g h s o m e companies have begun to limit their coverage of fossil fuel projects, activists still faceanuphillbattletoreinin the underwriting enabling fossil fuel development In the meantime, the industry’s othercustomersaresuffering astheglobalcostsofclimatedriven disasters accumulate, leading insurance companies to raise premiums or drop coverageinvulnerablezones

companies with disruptive protest,“reluctantlyandwith regret,”unlesstheyreceiveda “public declaration” that they would stop insuring all newfossilfuelprojects.

According to Extinction Rebellion UK, QBE was the onlycompanythatresponded to the activists’ demands Days before the protests, the firm shared existing sustainability commitments, including those focused on achieving net zero emissions

for its own operations by 2030, but making no new restrictions on the underwritingoffossilfuels

“We replied that, unfortunately,thisisaformof greenwash as it ignores the massive oil, gas and coal elephant in the room the carbon emissions from their fossil fuel clients,” Tooze said.

“We’ve had no reply so far to our invitation to talk further about dropping these clients”

QBEhasastatedgoalofa net-zero underwriting portfolio by 2050 and has some restrictions on fossil fuel underwriting, including nonewcoalandoilsands,but it continues to underwrite oil and gas activities such as exploration, drilling and refining

“We see firsthand the impactsofachangingclimate on our customers, communities and partners, andwesupportanorderlyand inclusive transition to a netzero emissions economy,” wrote Sandra Villanueva, head of media relations and contentatQBEinLondon,in an emailed statement “We recognise the importance of addressing climate change and incorporating climaterelatedriskandopportunities intoourdecision-making”

Organizers said they were contacted by employees from several insurance companies who expressed guilt about their companies’ climate impact and committed to meeting withactiviststodiscusshow toinfluencetheirworkplaces


A Journey of persistence and growth…. returnstopageantryfor thethirdtime,competing in Miss WorldGuyana2024 W

Beyond the Brush Beyond the Brush

Lieve is a professional model of Guyanese

Meet thesizzling RickeitaLeitcha 22-year-oldprofessional currentlyleadingtherental departmentofaconstruction equipmentcompany. Rickeitais pursuingamaster’sdegreeinmarketing tofurtherexpandherknowledgeand skillsinthebusinessworld.Thisweek’s beautyispassionateaboutfitnessand swimming,lovessolvingpuzzlesand spendingtimewithfamilyandfriends. HerfavouritequoteisbyCalvin Coolidge“Christmasisnotatimenor aseason,butastateofmind.To cherishpeaceandgoodwill,tobe plenteousinmercy,isto havetherealspiritof Christmas.”

Rickeita Leitch

Cryptocurrency entrepreneur who bought banana art for $6.2 million eats the fruit in Hong Kong

A cryptocurrency

entrepreneur who bought a piece of conceptual art consisting of a simple banana,duct-tapedtoawall, for$6.2millionlastweekate the fruit in Hong Kong on Friday

Chinese-born Justin Sun peeled off the duct tape and enjoyedthebananainapress conference held in The Peninsula Hong Kong, one ofthecity’spriciesthotels,in thepopularshoppingdistrict ofTsimShaTsui.

“It tastes much better than other bananas. Indeed, quitegood,”hesaid.

“Comedian,” by Italian artistMaurizioCattelan,was a phenomenon when it debutedin2019atArtBasel

M i a m i B e a c h , a s festivalgoers tried to make out whether the single yellow piece of fruit affixed to a white wall with silver duct tape was a joke or a cheeky commentary on questionable standards among art collectors.At one point, another artist took the bananaoffthewallandateit.

The piece attracted so

The banana art was sold for a whopping USD $ 6.2 million

much attention that it had to bewithdrawnfromview But three editions sold for between $120,000 and $150,000, according to the gallery handling sales at the time.

Last week, Sun, founder of cryptocurrency platform TRON, made the winning bid at the Sotheby’s auction in New York Or, more accurately, Sun purchased a

certificate of authenticity that gives him the authority to duct-tape a banana to a wallandcallit“Comedian.”

Atthetime,Sunsaidina statement that the piece “represents a cultural phenomenonthatbridgesthe worldsofart,memes,andthe cryptocurrencycommunity.”

“I will personally eat the bananaaspartofthisunique artisticexperience,honoring

its place in both art history andpopularculture,”hesaid.

The South China Morning Post reported the bananaheateonFridaywas

Chinese billionaire and cryptocurrency entrepreneur

boughtinHongKong. Sun on Tuesday announced on X he had invested $30 million in World Liberty Financial, whichwaslaunchedbyU.S. President-elect Donald Trump in September as his family’s cryptocurrency venture.

Justin Sun



Windfalltaxesdonot violatepetroleumcontract


“Sinceallcontractsmust abide by national law and since such an instrument does not violate existing contracts, Windfall Profits

Taxes provide a simple and fair mechanism to ensure that countries get their just dues.”

This is the view of Trinidadian Energy Expert

a n d I n t e r n a t i o n a l Consultant,AnthonyPaul.In a recent article, Paul made the point that oil companies do not produce oil; nature does The role of the oil companies is simply to extracttheresource.

Paul explained, “Nature

blesses countries with it

Once the oil company removesit,thatassetisgone forever For this reason, countries should realise that they are not just innocent bystanders to the business ventureofoilandgas.”


contributors,” providing their natural heritage as an assetinthebusiness.This,he noted, makes countries coinvestors with a contractor, sothatbothcanmakemoney

“An investor who brings money wants to make profit inproportiontotheamountit invests. Similarly, countries should make a return on the investment of their asset, proportional to the value of that asset,” the International Consultantpointedout.

He was keen to note that Stabilisation clauses in

contracts are based on an agreed economic model whichcontemplatesarateof return to the contractor, basedonaprojectedpriceor pricing formula for the commodity on an agreed market.

However,Paulexplained that when the price of the commodityisfarhigherthan the projected price in the economic model, the extra profit is referred to as a windfall To this end, he noted, “Since the market conditions are generally beyond the control of the producer,itisthecommodity itself that creates the higher revenue,notanyactionofthe contractor.”

It has therefore become customary in jurisdictions around the world, including developed countries, to introduce a Windfall Profits Taxtoensurethattheowner


Tothisend,hesuggested “if you change the taxation here,it’sconsideredabreach ofthecontract.”

Seeking to draw a distinction between Guyana and the ABC countries, Jagdeo suggested that those companies would have been operating for decades in those jurisdictions and as suchwouldhavecomeunder the standard tax regime for the respective countries withinwhichtheyoperate. Itmustbenotedhowever

“Our Payara project, which remained online during the tie-ins, continues to perform above investment basis – as has been the case with all the projects we’ve brought online in the world’s premier deepwater development,”
- Exxon CEO, Darren Woods

of the resource gets a bigger share of the profit, in line with the disproportionate contribution the resource makes to the increased revenue, the Energy Expert said.

Further, “Since all contracts must abide by national law and since such an instrument does not violate existing contracts, Windfall Profits Taxes provide a simple and fair mechanism to ensure that countriesgettheirjustdues,” Paulnoted.

Heexplainedthatwhilea law may be necessary, it is far from sufficient, adding that Guyana can learn a lot from its neighbour in TrinidadandTobago,where, in spite of excellent legacy policy and legal provisions, poor implementation means thatthetwinislandhasbeen losing billions of dollars each year for more than two decades.

Back in 2022, amid surgingoilpricesinfluenced by the war in Ukraine, several top oil producing countries such as the United Kingdom, the United States of America and Canada introduced a windfall tax on the excess profits that were being earned by oil and gas companies.

In Guyana, Vice

President and Chief Policymaker for the oil and gas sector, Bharrat Jagdeo noted that this could not be replicated in Guyana since, “we are bound by a PSA (Production Sharing Agreement) with very specifictermsonthetaxation


ExxonMobil is the operator of the oil rich Stabroek Block with a 45% interest, while Hess Guyana Exploration Ltd. holds 30% interest and CNOOC Petroleum Guyana Limited holds25%interest.

Currently, ExxonMobil Guyana Limited (EMGL) has three projects producing oil in Guyana. It should be noted that each of these developments have been pushedtoproduceabovethe limits outlined in project documents submitted to Guyaneseregulators.

that Guyana’s PSA restricts Guyana from affecting the expected revenue of the contractor Ataxonwindfall revenue would have no impact on “expected revenue”sincethetaxwould be applied to the excess income earned when oil pricesarehigh.

AlloilprojectsinGuyana performingabove expectationintheworld’s premierdeepwaterzoneExxonCEOtells shareholders

Darren Woods, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of one the world’s largest and most successful oil and gas companies, ExxonMobil recently boasted about the world class performance of the company’s assets in Guyana.

During the company’s third quarter Earning’s Call earlier this month, Woods updated shareholders of the company that Exxon completed tie-in for the country’s Gas-to-Energy (GTE) project This was completed on budget and schedule with the company already back to full production activities. Exxon had taken the Liza One and LizaTwoprojectsofflinefor aperiodoftwoweekseachto facilitatethetie-inworks.

Meanwhile, Woods said, “Our Payara project, which remained online during the tie-ins, continues to perform above investment basis – as hasbeenthecasewithallthe projects we’ve brought onlineintheworld’spremier

The company has been able to increase capacity of the three Floating Production Storage and Offloading vessels (FPSOs) through a process called debottlenecking Exxon previouslyexplainedthatthe company would assess the projects for bottlenecks to improve recovery of the resources. The company would then submit its f i n d i n g s t o t h e Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Ministry of Natural Resources for consideration and approval. Following its independent assessment, the regulatorwouldthenissueits b l e s s i n g s f o r t h e optimization activities, allowing Exxon to increase productiononthevessels.

The Government of Guyanainits2024Mid-Year Report confirmed that all three projects underwent optimisation and topsides debottlenecking activities in thefirsthalfoftheyear

Presently, Liza One and Liza Two are producing about 160,000 bpd and 250,000 barrels per day (bpd) respectively The Environmental Impact Assessments (EIAs) each specifically outline 120,000 and220,000bpd,asthesafe operating limit for Liza One and Two, respectively Similarly, the third oil project- Payara- is also producing approximately 250,000bpdeventhoughthe vessel’s nameplate capacity is220,000bpd.

Thecompanyishowever looking to further increase the daily rate of resource recovery at the Liza Two project During a media conference last month, EMGL’s President, Alistair Routledge told reporters, “Weareongoingdiscussions reviewwithvariousagencies including the EPA and with theMinistryofNatural (Continued on page 17)

ExxonMobilCorporation, CEO,DarrenWoods

From page 16

Resource on whether to increase the production on the Unity FPSO above the 252,000.”

Routledge said Exxon believes the Liza Unity can beincreasedto270,000bpd.


ExxonMobil commences design for 7th project as Gov’t remains ‘iffy’ over approval

While the government of Guyana(GoG)remains‘iffy’ over the approval of a

s e v e n t h d e e p w a t e r development in the Stabroek

Block for oil major, ExxonMobil,thecompanyis charging ahead with preparationsfortheprojectit hopestostartupby2029.

This is according to a public document that was

r e l e a s e d b y t h e Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for the project, Hammerhead. The Terms and Scope for the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) that has beenorderedbytheregulator indicates that ExxonMobil is currently in the design phase f o r t h e p l a n n e d development.

The document states, “The Project is currently in theearlystagesofdesignand will be optimized through the engineering process ” Previously, ExxonMobil movedtoawardcontractsfor projects yet to be sanctioned by government.This was the case with its most recent development, Whiptail, the oil major’s sixth Stabroek Blockproject.

In November last year, it w a s r e p o r t e d t h a t ExxonMobil awarded a c o n t r a c t t o I t a l i a n engineering powerhouse, Saipem, for the proposed US$12 9 Billion project while awaiting approval fromtheGoG.

Another multi-billiondollar contract for the Whiptail project was awardedtoSBM Offshoreto p e r f o r m f r o n t e n d engineering and design (FEED) for Guyana’s sixth floating, production, storage and offloading (FPSO) vesselpriortoitsapproval.

When questioned about its modus operandi, ExxonMobil made it clear thatitwassoconfidentinthe regulatory systems of Guyana that it has no qualms i n a w a r d i n g U Smultibillion-dollar contracts intheabsenceoftherelevant

projectapprovals. In fact, the company’s Country Manager, Alistair Routledge said all it needs to do is provide the right “material” and “answers” to government to make the system“dependable”.

D u r i n g a p r e s s conference last year, Routledge explained, “”the procurement process is separate from the regulatory process All we are doing there is going through and aligning in such a way that we are ready to move forward as of when we r e c e i v e r e g u l a t o r y approval.”

The Exxon official told reporters that while there is risk with making such huge investments prior to receiving government’s blessings, the company sees it as an “acceptable risk” since they believe the process to be “dependable” whenitcomestosanctioning projects in the Stabroek Block.

“So yes, we are taking a little bit of risk on our side because the FDP (Field Development Plan) hasn’t been approved, but we view that that’s an acceptable risk given that we’ve seen the kind of regulatory process –its dependable as long as we provide the right material, the right answers to the government then we found that to be dependable,” Routledgesaid.

He was keen to note however that Exxon may not take such investment decisions in other countries since it does not share the same confidence of a d e p e n d a b l e p r o c e s s elsewhere.

Govt. iffy

It should be noted that while Exxon has made an applicationtotheGoGforits

seventh project, the Chief Policymaker for the sector, Vice President, Bharrat Jagdeo had made it clear that th

e approvalwouldbegranted. D u r i n g a p r e s s conference in August, Jagdeo when questioned on the seventh project said, “When and if if and or when and if we approve the project then you will be told about what the benefits will be.” At that time, the former Head of State said the company had not yet made an application for the project Following the official application by the company, Jagdeo was again asked to comment on the project when he announced t

consultant to review the

According to him, the information the company presentedwasincomplete. About Hammerhead Hammerhead is located in the south-central portion of the Stabroek Block, approximately 160 km from Georgetown. Current plans include drilling via drill ships to produce oil using approximately 14 to 30 production and injection wells Production is expected to begin in 2029 subject to the necessary regulatory approvals and operateforatleast20years.

In the Project Summary submitted by Exxon to the EPA,thecompanyexplained thattheprojectisexpectedto add 120,000 to 180,000 barrels of oil per day production capacity The Floating Production Storage and Offloading (FPSO) vessel will be capable of storing approximately 1.4 to 2 million barrels of oil

Third-party oil tankers will be scheduled to offload the oil from the FPSO, making the oil availablefor export to the international market. To date, Exxon has obtained a p p r o v a l f r o m t h e Government of Guyana for six development projects in the Stabroek Block – Liza Phase One, Liza Phase Two, Payara,Yellowtail, Uaru and Whiptail The first three projects are already producing oil at a daily estimated rate of 640,000 barrelsperday(bpd).

Govt. extends deadline for proposals on second phase of Gas-to-Energy project

The Government of Guyana (GoG) has extended thetimelineforcompaniesto submit proposals to design, finance and operate Phase Two of the Gas-to-Energy (GTE)Project.

In an advertisement published in Sunday’s edition of Kaieteur News by the Office of the Prime Minister, it was explained that the new deadline for proposals is January 14, 2025 two months later than the initial November 14,

downstream industries, e.g. fertilizer production, to be located at Wales The privately operated gas project will be located on no more than 100 acres of land, immediately adjacent to the existing 300 MW Integrated facility being developed by theGoG.

2024 timeline which was earlierissued.

Phase Two of the GTE project seeks to utilise 75 million cubic feet of gas per day (MMCFD), piped to shore by ExxonMobil Guyana Limited (EMGL). It should be noted that Phase One only utilizes 50 million standard cubic feet per day (MMSCFD),whichamounts to 40% capacity of Exxon’s 250 kilometer 12-inch pipeline. Phase Two will make use of the remaining 60% capacity of the pipeline connected to the Liza Fields in the Stabroek Block to Wales,WestBankDemerara.

The selected bidder will be tasked with the design, construction, and operation of a 250 MW combinedcycle power plant, to deliver 2,100 gigawatt hours (GWH) of electricity per annum. This will be sold to the Guyana Power and Light Inc (GPL) via a Power Purchase Agreement (PPA). It was made explicit that investors will recover their investment through the sale of electricity via a 20-to-25yearterm(negotiable)Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) “atapriceperKilowattHour (KWH)” and via the monetization of the NGLs. At the end of the PPA term, the entire facility will revert to the GOG at no cost “Phase II GTE will enjoy the same fiscal incentives as Phase I,” the RFP stated. In addition to the power plant, the contractor will design, construct and operate a NGL f a c i l i t y t o p r o d u c e approximately 6,000 barrels per day of NGL products (propane, butane, and C5+gasolene), utilising 75 MMCFDof“richgas.”

It was explained that the excess “lean gas,” estimated at 30 MMCFD will be transferred to the GoG at no cost, for utilisation in

“The project will be owned and financed 100% by the private sector, under a project finance structure, which will design and construct the integrated facilities, to a standard and specification that meets and or exceeds that of Phase I of the GTE,” the Office of the PrimeMinisterindicated. It was also noted, “Only firms(consortia)adjudgedto b e e x p e r i e n c e d i n Engineering Procurement and Construction (EPC) and Financing of comparable facilities, will be evaluated. TheGOGshallhavetheright to approve the EPC contract and appoint an independent supervision firm, to ensure that the project is built per the EPC contract and acceptable quality and specifications, pre-approved by the GOG.” Bidders will beprovidedwiththeexisting Employers’ Requirements for Phase I of the GTE project, along with a template of the EPC contract forreference.

I n t h e m e a

xpects responses to the RFP to include financial projections of revenue, expenses, and investments returns using a number of variables including the PPA price per KWH, broken down into the following three elements “(a) payment for the gas; (b) operating and maintenance c o s t ; ( c ) financing/amortization of the capital costs. Indicate the breakeven price and estimated sale price for each year along with an assumed inflationrate.” Meanwhile, subject to ensuring sufficient revenue to operate the facility and recover the investment at an agreed rate of return, the GOG has reserved the right to: (i) buy-out the project (the Guyanese SPV), anytime after the construction and commissioning, at an agreedformula,suchthatthe investor obtains a return of investment and reasonable accrued return based on the stated cost of capital; (ii) transfer of the entire volume of NGL’s to GOG/GPGI, whowillmarketand (Continued on page 18)

President, ExxonMobil Guyana Limited, Alistair Routledge
Preliminary Artist's Impression of the natural gas facility to be constructed at Wales, West Bank Demerara

Frompage17 distribute with Phase 1 NGL’s, either at zero cost or otheragreedvalue.


Govt.dipsintoTreasury for$84Bmore …another$25Ballocated forWalesgasproject

M i n i s t e r w i t h Responsibility for Finance and the Public Service, Dr Ashni Singh on Monday tabled two financial papers in the National Assembly, seekinganadditional$84.5B fromthenationalTreasury Financial Paper Number Three relates to advances from the contingency fund fortheperiod2024-11-07to 2024-11-22 and totals $456,851,845 for current estimates.

Meanwhile, Financial PaperNumberThreeseeksa supplementary provision of $84,074,229,401 for the periodending2024-12-31.It shouldbenotedthatmostof the advances made from the Contingency Fund, accordingtoFinancialPaper Number Three relates to chargesforsecurityservices.

In the meantime, a whopping $25 3B of the $84B requested in Financial Paper Number Four is for paymentstothecontractorof the Natural Gas Liquids and Power Plant, being constructed at Wales, West BankDemerara.

This follows an $80B allocation in this year’s National Budget to the OfficeofthePrimeMinister (OPM)fortheproject.Itwas explained that the provision oftheadditionalresourcesis required to facilitate payments as a result of acceleratedimplementation.

Additionally, OPM has requested an additional $422 8M for small hydro projects The Ministry of Agriculture has requested a total of $2,971,767,888 for the work programme of the National Drainage and IrrigationAuthority(NDIA).

To support the Oil and Gas Sector Development Programme, the Ministry of NaturalResourcesisseeking $125M, while the Ministry ofPublicWorksisseekingan additional223.8M.

According to the Supplementary Paper, the MinistryofHealth,Ministry ofEducationandMinistryof Home Affairs want $4.5B, $ 1 1 B a n d $ 1 4 B , respectively Minister Singh has requested that the two

financial papers be debated intheNationalAssemblyon Wednesday

The tabling of the two financial papers come only three months and 16 days following the approval of Financial Papers Number OneandTwointheNational Assembling on August 9

The two papers totaling $40B were approved following a nine-hour long debateintheHouse.

Financial Paper One, for Current Estimates, totaled $8,566,812,000 while Financial Paper Two for Capital estimates totaled $32,182,604,021. It should be noted that this year’s National Budget, the largest to date was approved in the National Assembly on February 2, 2024 to the tune of$1.146trillion.

Once cleared by Parliament, this year’s Budget will be increased to $1.270trillion.

Worldbanking onGuyana’slow-cost oiltomeetfuture demands–HessVP

ClareGardner,HessVice President for Guyana & S u r i n a m e , G l o b a l Exploration,hasemphasised the importance of Guyana’s light-sweet crude for the future of global energy markets.

Recently, it was announcedthattheStabroek Block partners have hit the target of 500 million barrels of oil produced from the block since production started back in December 2019 Hess, an American companyholds30%interest in that oil block that is estimatedtohold11.6billion barrelsofoil. In a press release on the

Clare Gardner, Hess Vice President for Guyana & Suriname, Global Exploration

announcement of Guyana’s

a significant milestone less than five years, Gardner said: “we are proud to be a partner in the successful development of this world class oil resource at an industry leading pace, cost and environmental performance.”

She added, “we look forward to continuing to work with our partners and the Government of Guyana torealizethefullpotentialof the Stabroek Block for the benefit of the people of Guyana and all other stakeholders.Theworldwill need these low-cost oil resources to meet future energy demand and help ensureanaffordable,justand secureenergytransition.”

From the 500 million barrelsofoilproduced,more than US$5.4 billion in oil revenues and royalties have been paid into the Guyana Natural Resource Fund (NRF).ExxonMobilGuyana Limited (EMGL) is the operatoroftheblockholding 45% interest and the third partner is CNOOC Petroleum Guyana Limited,

holds 25% interest. The 500 million barrels of oil was producedfromthefirstthree projects–LizaPhase1,Liza Phase 2 and Payara are

averaging more than 650,000 barrels per day (bpd) in production. The ExxonMobil-led consortium has plans in place to grow production capacity to more than 1.3 million bpd by the end of 2027, when they anticipate having all six projects up and running offshore. This will include the addition of the Yellowtail, Uaru and Whiptailprojects.

Kaieteur News had reportedthataccordingtothe International Energy Forum (IEF) and S&P Commodity Insights–thecosttoproduce a barrel of oil in Guyana is among the lowest in the world In the June 2024 report titled, “Upstream Oil and Gas Investment Outlook”itwasstated,“The lowestcostsuppliesarefrom the Middle East, Guyana, and West Africa The average weighted Middle Eastbreakevenpriceisabout US$30/bbl Brent, whereas GuyanaisUS$36/bblandthe average new well in the US requires about US$57/bbl

The highest end of the cost curve includes heavy crudes inCanadaandVenezuela.”

Last month, Hess revealed that Guyana’s oil has been its top seller over thefirstninemonthsof2024, fetching an average price of US$82.18perbarrel.

This figure, reported in Hess’s Q3 estimates highlights Guyana’s product as the company’s most valuable, outperforming other regions in Hess’s portfolio Crude from Guyana’s prolific Stabroek Block showed steady gains, selling at US$80 41 per barrelonaveragein2023,up toUS$82.18thisyear

The third-quarter report highlights the global variance in crude oil prices, emphasizing Guyana’s significance in Hess’s international lineup. Crude oilfromNorthDakotainthe United States averaged a selling price of US$73 47 per barrel, while offshore U S production sold at US$76 77 Meanwhile, Malaysia and the Joint Development Area (JDA) averaged US$81 35 per barrel.

It should be noted that despite slight fluctuations,

Hess’s portfolio saw an overall increase in average selling prices from the previousyear Forcrudeoil, theworldwideaverageprice rose from US$75 72 per barrel in 2023 to US$79.14 in2024.Excludinghedging, which provides a less buffered view of market dynamics, the average selling prices remained similar Guyana’s crude maintained a robust US$82.18 per barrel, while Hess’sU.S.crudefetchedan average of US$74 13, and MalaysiaandJDAoilsoldat US$81.35.


ExxonMobilreports ‘recordSeptember’to shareholdersas productionpeaksto 660,000barrels

As ExxonMobil Guyana Limited (EMGL) continues to push production to new heights in the Stabroek Block,thecompanyrecently reported a ‘record S e p t e m b e r ’ t o i t s shareholders.

DuringtheCorporation’s third quarter Earnings Call, the company reported US$8.6Binprofits.Notably, ExxonMobil highlighted that 4 6 million oil equivalent barrels per day (moebd) was produced- the highestsince2011. Keyamongitshighlights to shareholders was the production capacity delivered by the three projects in Guyana. Exxon said it had a “Record September in Guyana with 660,000 barrels per day” produced.

The oil giant lauded Guyana for supporting its strong earnings over the period “Strong earnings growth (was) driven by record Guyana and Permian volumes, including $1 2 billion contribution from Pioneer,” the company outlined.

EMGL presently has three projects producing oil inGuyana.Itshouldbenoted that each of these developments have been pushedtoproduceabovethe limits outlined in project documents submitted to Guyaneseregulators.

The company has been able to increase capacity of the three Floating Production Storage and Offloading vessels (FPSOs) through a process called debottlenecking.Exxon (Continued on page 36)

FPSO Prosperity offshore Guyana

MileyCyrusdeniesBrunoMarsplagiarismallegations, filestodismiss‘Flowers’copyrightlawsuit

Apartial copyright holder for “When I Was Your Man” accused Cyrus of copying Mars’songforherGrammywinninghit.MileyCyrushas fired back at recent accusations surrounding her hit“Flowers.”

Lawyersforthe“Partyin the USA” singer denied allegations of copyright infringement brought forth b y Te m p o M u s i c Investments, a partial copyright holder for Bruno Mars’ song “When I Was Your Man” that claims she plagiarized the track on her Grammy-winning No 1 smash.

Cyrus’legalteamfiledits r e s p o n s e , w h i c h Entertainment Weekly has reviewed, to Tempo’s September complaint on Wednesday, arguing that an

expert would need to be consulted to compare the twosongs.

Attorneys for Cyrus and Tempo did not immediately respond to EW’s request for comment.

Tempoholdsonlypartof the copyright to “When I Was Your Man” because it acquired the catalog of the song’s cowriter Philip Lawrence, but is not affiliated with Mars or the song’s other two cowriters, Ari Levine and Andrew Wyatt.

That distinction led Cyrus’ attorneys to file a motion to dismiss the lawsuit, which EW has also reviewed The singer’s lawyers argued that since Tempo represents only one of the song’s several cowriters, it “does not own exclusive rights and, as a

result, lacks standing to sue forcopyrightinfringement.”

Miley Cyrus tried to remake Nicolas Cage’s thriller Mandy as a musical: ‘I wanted to play Nicolas

that ‘Flowers’ would not exist without ‘When I Was Your Man,’” arguing that it “duplicates numerous melodic, harmonic, and lyricalelements”fromMars’ 2013song.

“Flowers” first hit the airwaves in January 2023, and listeners immediately comparedthesongto“When I Was Your Man” upon hearingitslyrics.

hours / When I had the chance / Take you toevery party/‘Causeallyouwanted to do was dance / Now my baby’s dancing / But she’s dancingwithanotherman.”


Tempo’s complaint claimed “it is undeniable based on the combination and number of similarities between the two recordings

Cyrussings,“Icanbuy myself flowers / Write my name in the sand / Talk to myself for hours / Say t h i n g s y o u d o n ’ t understand / I can take myselfdancing/AndIcan hold my own hand / Yeah, I can love me better than you can ” On his track, Mars sings, “I should’ve bought you flowers / And h e l d y o u r h a n d / Should’vegaveyouallmy

DollyPartonlearnsshe and goddaughter Miley Cyrus are actually related: ‘That’samazing!’ Cyrus explained how she crafted “Flowers” in an interview with British Vogue in May 2023. “I wrote it in a really different way,” she said. “ T h e c h o r u s w a s originally: ‘I can buy myself flowers, write my name in the sand, but I can’t love me better than you can ’ It used to be more,like,1950s

The saddest song

Like: ‘Sure, I can be my own lover, but you’re so muchbetter ’

Haiti: Tragically Descending into Deeper Crisis

As gang violence spirals out of control in Haiti, the limitations of international efforts to restore order, including a Kenyan-led security mission, have laid barethedepthofthecrisis.A nation already on its knees now faces an even darker abyss.Haiti’stragedyserves as a stark reminder that no m a t t e r h o w d i r e circumstances may seem, they can always deteriorate further.


Haiti’srevolution(17911804) —the first successful uprising by enslaved people—should have been a beacon of hope. Instead, it marked the beginning of relentless punishment by a global order which was infused with racism and avarice.

Forced to pay France reparations for its own freedom, Haiti was crippled by debt and subjected to invasions, occupations, and economic exploitation. This financial and political stranglehold laid the groundwork for centuries of povertyandinstability

Corruptleadership,often propped up by external powers, exacerbated the country’s struggles for decades, while natural disasters earthquakes,

h u r r i c a n e s , a n d floods repeatedly decimated its fragile infrastructure.

By the time President Jovenel Moïse was assassinatedin2021,Haiti’s constitutional institutions haddisintegrated.

The nation was left adrift, ruled by unpopular decrees without any form of public participation, amid surging gang violence, widespread hunger, and politicalparalysis.

ANationontheBrink Today, Haiti teeters on the edge of collapse. Nearly half of its population—5.41 million people—are acutely foodinsecure,andoneinsix childrenfacesfamine.

Over 700,000 people

have been forcibly displaced, while more than

900 schools remain closed, depriving hundreds of thousands of children of education.

C r i m i n a l g a n g s dominate nearly 80% of Port-au-Prince and its surrounding areas, holding 2.7millionpeoplehostageto violence, extortion, and kidnappings Even more alarmingly, thousands of children are now counted among their ranks, coerced into roles ranging from looters to murderers. These gangs,emboldenedbyweak governance, maintain their firepower and expand their reach even in the face of internationalinterventions.

Haiti’s police force, outgunnedandunderfunded, struggles to maintain order

T h e K e n y a n - l e d multinational security mission,acontingentofjust 430 personnel, has proven woefully inadequate against entrenched criminal networks.

Frustrated communities havetakenmattersintotheir own hands, forming vigilante groups to deliver brutaljustice.Inonechilling scene, gang members’ bodiesweredismemberedin front of a silent and seemingly complicit police force.

The Transitional

Council: Losing Its OpportunitytoLead

As basic services collapse and desperation deepens, the Transitional Council has squandered its chance to provide leadership.

In April 2024, under pressure from the United States and with the backing of CARICOM, Haiti established the Council to stabilize the country, restore constitutional legitimacy, and pave the way for elections.

The Council appointed Garry Conille, a former UNICEF official, as interim prime minister, alongside a technocraticcabinet.

While this initiative offered hope, it was fraught with danger from the start anddestinedtofail.

The mix of ambitious

politicians and technocratsmany of whom were not selectedbytheCouncil–set up disquiet and quickly led todysfunction.

By November, the Council’s fractious relationshipwithConilleand hiscabinetculminatedinhis dismissal In just five months, little progress had been made toward stabilizing the country or addressingtherootcausesof itscrisis.Thisfailurefurther ero

confidence and left Haiti’s plightunresolved.

UN Peacekeeping Initiative Stalled – Despite HumanitarianDisaster

Haiti’s plight is more than a humanitarian disaster - it is a test of the United Nations effectiveness. The Haitian government, supported by CARICOM and the United States, has called for a full-scale UN peacekeeping operation Such an initiative could provide the resources and personnel needed to restore order, with its costs distributed among all UN memberstates.

However, China and Russia-twoofthefiveveto powers in the Security Council - have opposed the idea, arguing that peacekeepers are meant to maintain peace, not combat urban crime or rescue dysfunctional states This effort, therefore, remains stalled.

The Collapse of Basic Services

As violence intensifies, basic services have crumbled.

The United Nations recently evacuated its staff from Port-au-Prince, citing escalating dangers Humanitarianorganizations, like Doctors Without Borders, have suspended operations due to threats against staff and patients. Food for the Poor, a nonprofit organization that manages feeding programs, can no longer deliver aid reliably because of gang blockades,roadhazards,and airportclosures.

The Transitional

Council’s inability to form an Electoral Council or advance constitutional r e f o r m s h a s o n l y compounded the crisis Without these critical steps, Haiti remains stuck in a cycleofinstability

A new prime minister, Alix Didier Fils-Aimé, has taken office, but his government faces the daunting task of rebuilding trust, addressing gang violence, and navigating a Transitional Council prone to micromanagement. Time isnotonhisside.


U l t i m a t e l y, t h e responsibility for Haiti’s recovery lies with its leadership. The Transitional Council must demonstrate unity, stability, competence,

and urgency in its efforts to stabilize the country Without decisive action to rebuild constitutional institutions and restore governance, the Council risks isolating Haiti further, plunging the country deeper intochaosasthegangsgrow stronger, more strident, and moredetermined.

Haiti’s history is one of r

commit, setting aside perceivedstrategicinterests, whe


(The writer is Antigua and Barbuda’sAmbassador to the US and the OAS. The views expressed are entirely his own. Responses and p r e v i o u s commentaries:www.sirrona ldsanders.com)

unimaginable odds, but the resilience of its beleaguered people alone cannot rebuild a nation. It is time for its leaders to rise above petty divisions and forge an agreed plan to achieve stability and peace. Only then can Haiti’s neighbours and international partners step forward with confidence to help pull the nati onfromthebrink.Thisisthe

RotaryClubofGeorgetownCentral unveilsrefurbishedUncleEddie’shome

Some attendees at the handing over of the refurbished Uncle

TheRotaryClubof Georgetown C e n t r a l o n Thursday, November 28, 2024, handed over newly refurbished accommodations to the residents, trustees, and Board of Directors of Uncle Eddie’sHomeatitsTucville, Georgetownlocation

In honor of its 40th Anniversary, the Rotary Club of Georgetown Central initiated a signature project aimed at improving the living conditions at Uncle Eddie’s SeniorCitizensResidence.The project intended to create a dignified and comfortable environment for the residents that are both safe and environmentallyfriendly,while also promoting their physical and mental well-being The Club aimed to restore Uncle Eddie’sHometoasustainable state, allowing it to generate enough revenue for ongoing maintenanceandcare

Uncle Eddie’s Home was officiallyopenedonFebruary 26, 1975, by its visionary founder, overseas-based Guyanese Mr Edward Holford,alsoknownas‘Uncle Eddie,’whosadlypassedaway shortly after the opening Ms Ivy Edghill was the first residenttoentertheHomeon June20,1975

According to a press release issued by the Rotary Club, the handover was conductedbythePresidentof the Rotary Club of Georgetown Central, Mr Jagdesh Haripershad, along withImmediatePastPresident and Project Lead Mr Peter Pompey, Past President Mrs Judy Semple-Bobb, and Ms Sabita Liddell, who represented the Minister of Human Services and Social Security (MoHSSS) Mr KoryandMrs.DianeSellers, retired humanitarian missionaries with The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS), werealsopresent.

The President of Uncle

home on Thursday

Eddie’s Home, Ms. Yolanda James, was on hand to officially accept the upgraded facility “The Rotary theme for this year is ‘The Magic of Rotary,’and I believe we can witness this magic today,” President Haripershadsaidasheopened theceremony Heemphasized that the project reflects their commitment to serving humanity and strengthening communities.

“This journey began undertheleadershipofthenPresident Peter Pompey, whosevisionanddedication brought the idea of transformingthishomefroma dilapidated and unsafe environment into a space of safety and comfort for its residents,” Mr Haripershad stated He recognized Mr Pompey’sessentialroleinthe project,whichwascompleted not only on schedule but also encompassedabroaderscope ofworkthaninitiallyplanned

The President also acknowledged Past President Judy SempleBobb for her crucial efforts in securing funding for the project. “Judy prepared and submitted a detailed proposal to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, resulting in their generous approval of US$100,000 (equivalent to 20 million Guyana Dollars). Her commitment and dedicationhavebeenvitalto our success, and we thank her.” In addition to the $20 millionincashcontributions from the LDS Church, an extra $10 million was invested in materials and workmanship by various donors, including Food for thePoor,ChungGlobalInc., and the Ministry of Public Works, bringing the total projectcostto$30million.

Peter Pompey, the Technical Project Lead, provided a brief overview of the project, detailing the j o u r n e y f r o m

PotableWaterSystemv InstallationofNewStorage CupboardsvProvideNew KitchenUtensils& EquipmentvNewBedsand BeddingvPurchaseof WasteDisposalBinsv PurchaseofMotorized LawnMowervMonthly

MaintenanceofCompound EXPANDEDPROJECT

SCOPEvPaintingofWalls andCeilingofMainBlock &SouthWingvInstallation ofSafetySignagev Repairs toAdministrationOffice, FrontFacingGuttering& Windowsv NewKitchen

conceptualization to the realization of what is now a revitalizedenvironmentforthe residents of Uncle Eddie’s Home

“TotheLDSandKoryand DianeSellers,weexpressour profoundgratitudeformaking this project possible We are forevergrateful;wemayhave hadthewill,butyouprovided theessentialresources.Toour otherpartners ChungGlobal for landscaping, Food for the Poor, and the Ministry of PublicWorks wealsothank youforyoursupport,”Pompey stated

He encouraged the Trustees and the Board of Directors of Uncle Eddie’s Home to continue improving the facilities while enhancing the quality of service for the residents Kory and Diane Sellers also shared brief remarks about the project, named the “Guyana Georgetown Mission,” and t

conditions of the senior citizens after observing the previous conditions at the facility

President Yolanda James expressed her heartfelt gratitude for the newly renovatedbuilding,promising to continue enhancing the premises Ms James invites members of the public or organizations to support their ongoingefforts

Ms Liddle, a Probation and Social Services Officer within the Ministry of Health andSocialServices,delivered briefremarksonbehalfofthe Minister She acknowledged the outstanding work that Rotary Georgetown Central has accomplished over its 40 years of existence and highlighted their significant project for 2024, which embodies their motto, “ServiceAboveSelf”


SCOPEvUpgradeof PlumbingandBathroom FacilitiesvUpgradeof

Fixtures(2)Stoves,(1) Freezer,(1)Refrigerator, (1)WashingMachinev ReplacementofBedroom Fixtures[safetyhandrails, sidecabinets,10bedswith siderails] v Replacement of FrontEntranceDoor&Sign


Glowing Lindsay Lohan shares rare insight into life as mom to son Luai

E! News - Lindsay

Lohan gave a glimpse into navigatingmotherhoodwith her and her husband Bader Shammas’16-month-oldson Luai during an exclusive interviewwithE!News.

After all, the Mean Girls starprovidedasweetupdate on their 16-month-old son’s latestmilestones.

“He’s more verbal and he’s running a lot,” Lindsay exclusivelytoldE!Newsina joint interview with Our Little Secret costars Kristin ChenowethandIanHarding. “He’slikealittleboynow.”

In fact, the 38-yearold whose new Netflix ChristmasmovieisoutNov 27—sawitinactionduringa recent outing at the park when her little one was focusedonanewtoy.

“This little boy was spraying bubbles,” she recalled. “This kid was running fast. He was older thanhim.SoIwaslike,‘Stay back!’andtriedtoholdLuai, but he was like, ‘Bubble, bubble!’” (For more with Lindsay, Kristin and Ian, tune into E! News tonight, Nov 21,at11p.m.)

Like most parents, adjusting to becoming a mom took time, especially early in her postpartum journey For Lindsay, it was crucialtoprioritizeself-care.

Lindsay Lohan and Husband Bader Shammas HavetheUltimateRareRed CarpetDateNight

“In the beginning, I didn’t want to miss a moment,” she told E! News inJunebeforejoking,“Even when the baby is sleeping, you tend to become a little stalker Butonceyougetinto a good system, you start to understand that it’s OK to taketime.”

“Ineedthis,”sherecalled tellingherself.“Ineedtofeel great in order to be great for mychild.”

The Parent Trap star, whotiedtheknotwithBader in2022,emphasizedthatthis revelationwaslife-changing afterwelcomingLuai.

“After giving birth, you realize, as women, how strongweare,”shesaid.“We forget to give ourselves credit for that. There are moments when we should take a break, sit down and stopandthinkaboutallofthe things we do and how much powerwehave.I’velearned thatthispastyearmorethanI knewbefore.”

And it turns out, Lindsay’s longtime pal Ayesha Curry couldn’t help but gush over her leap into motherhood.

“She’s a great mom,” Ayesha told E! News at the

Voices of Beauty Summit in March. “It’s been such a joy to watch. She’s just killing it.”

“She’s somehow in its early days, but she knows how to balance that worklifebalance,”theSweetJuly Skin founder continued. “I know it doesn’t exist, but it existsinherworld.Shedoes agreatjobinthat.”

After three years of dating, Lindsay Lohan announced her engagement to her boyfriend Bader Shammas, captioning her Instagram post featuring her stunningring,“Mylove.My life.Myfamily Myfuture.”

Though not much is known about their initial meet cute, Bader resides in Dubai, where Lindsay has also lived for several years. According to his Linkedin profile, Bader worked as an assistant vice president at CreditSuisse.

Lindsay took fans by surprise when she shared referred to Bader as her “husband” in a sweet dedication posted to social media Her rep also confirmed to E! News that the two did indeed tie the knot.

“Youfoundmeandknew that I wanted to find happiness and grace, all at thesametime,”shewrote,in part, in her July 2 Instagram post. “I am stunned that you aremyhusband.Mylifeand my everything, every woman should feel like this everyday.”

A little more than one monthafterannouncingtheir marriage, she shared a rare glimpseatqualitytimespent asnewlyweds.Alongsidean Instagram photo snapped of the couple in London, Lindsay wrote that she was at the “Home of the queen


Aftermakingherofficial return to acting, the Falling forChristmasstarnotedthat she had an amazing support system around her—which ofcourse,includedBader “I have an amazing

husband, who’s a very calm person, ” she told Cosmopolitan in October 2022.“Justthebest.Andmy family.”

As Lindsay put it, she’s grateful for the circle of people she has in her life today

“IfeellikeIhaveasmall group of good friends who are just reallygood people,” she added. “That’s the only support that I really need: friends, family, and loved ones.”

Lindsay Lohan

Lieve is the creator of Habitual Lifestyle, a platform focused on promoting holistic well-being.


A Journey of persistence and growth…. returns to pageantry for the third time, competing in Miss World Guyana 2024

Life is about persistence

and never giving up on one’s goals, no matter howmanytimesittakestoachieve them.ForGuyanesemodel,Lieve Blanckaert, these words prove true; as she has returned to pageantry for the third time. This time, she is competing for the coveted title of Miss World Guyana,2024.

Having previously copped Miss India Guyana title 2015 and secured the position of First Runner-Up at Miss Universe Guyana 2023,the 26-year-old Blanckaert has proven to be a determined, unyielding advocate forchange,usingpageantryasher platform to promote meaningful causes.

Speakingwith TheWaterfalls, Blanckaert, a Guyanese-Belgian explained that she views pageantry not merely as a beauty competition, but as a culmination of her personal journey one filledwithpurpose,passion,anda deep connection to her Guyanese roots.

Growing up in Georgetown, Guyana, Blanckaert was raised in acommunitythatvaluedstrength, unity, and kindness. She credits this environment for teaching her the importance of looking out for othersandappreciatingthebeauty


The model also credits her Guyanese and Belgian roots, for thevaluesofhardwork,love,and perseveranceinstilledinher She noted that losing her mother just two weeks before committing to the pageant has been one of the most challenging experiences of her life. “She was not just my greatest source of strength and inspiration, but also the guiding light for the values I hold dear Her legacy of compassion and selflessness continues to motivate me every single day,” Blanckaert told The Waterfalls

She recalled “From the age of six,mymotherwouldtakemyfive sistersandmetovisitorphanages, teaching us the importance of kindness and giving back. These m o m e n t s s h a p e d m y understanding of service and gratitude. By the time we turned 14, my sisters and I took on her mission, organizing fundraisers, mentorship programs, and donation drives to continue making an impact. It was through her example that I learned the power of community and the profoundjoyofgiving,”

Atjust14yearsold,shebegan mentoring orphans alongside her sisters, organizing clothing and

fooddrives,andredecoratingtheir rooms to make them more comfortableandinspiring.

“Those experiences taught me thepowerofcompassionandhow small,thoughtfulactionscanbring joy and hope to others,” Blanckaertreflected.

Throughthepageant,theMiss Guyana hopeful is honoring her mother’s memory by staying true to the principles she lived by and continuing her legacy of giving back. “Her love and teachings inspire me to uplift others and makeameaningfulimpact,justas shealwaysdid”

That passion for giving back led to Blanckaert’s creation of Habitual Lifestyle, a platform focused on promoting holistic well-being.

“It’saplatformwherewecome together to share knowledge, supporteachother,andunderstand thatlivingahealthylifestyleisn’ta luxury—it’sachoicewecanmake in small, impactful ways,” she explained Through Habitual Lifestyle, she offers workshops, community events, and online contenttoempowerindividualsto livehealthierlives.

Her background in Business Management has been instrumentalinshapingHabitual Continued on page 43

The stunning Lieve in her run for the Miss Universe Guyana 2023 title

Interesting Creatures...AdéliePenguin

Adélie penguins breed and raise their young on the continent of Antarctica. In S e p t e m b e r a n d October—springtime in that partoftheworld—thousands of Adélies gather on the rocky Antarctic shoreline. The huge gatherings are called colonies Adélie penguins build nests by scooping out areas in the ground. The female usually lays two eggs in the nest.

Adéliepenguineggshatchin December In the Antarctic winter, the Adélie penguins live at sea.Bothparentscareforthe eggs.Whileonestaysbehind keeping the eggs warm and safe from predators, the other parent heads out to sea to eat. They feast mainly on krill, tiny shrimplike animals, but also eat fish and squid. Parents take turns caring

for their youngsters after they hatch until the chicks areaboutthreeweeksold.At that point, both parents may leave to forage for food whilethechicksgatherinthe safety of a large group of other young penguins.These groups of young Adélies are calledcrèches.

By March, when Adélie chicks are about nine weeks old, their downy baby feathers have been replaced

bywaterproofadultfeathers. Theyplungeintothesea,and starthuntingforfoodontheir own. Like other penguin species, A

. They’re powerful and graceful in the water, with torpedo-shaped bodies that pierce through the water Their modified wings help propel them through water insteadofair Thesebirdsare swimmers,notfliers.

Adélie penguins breed and raise their young on the continent of Antarctica



Tis the season for C h r i s t m a s shopping’ and as shoppers across Guyana are preparing their homes with new furniture to welcome family and friends this

holiday, the Guyana

National Bureau of

Standards (GNBS) encourages consumers to prioritisequality

The GNBS monitors furniture based on the national standard GYS 95:2003 – Specification for Labelling of Commodities –

Part 5: Labelling of Furniture,” to promote qualityonthelocalmarket.

This standard was first introduced in 1997 and updated in 2003, to address theconsumerconcernsabout the quality of furniture sold locally The standard seeks t o p r e v e n t t h e misrepresentationofinferior wood products as premium varieties and to guide manufacturersandimporters on best practices within the industry.

By implementing this mandatory standard, GNBS aims to foster trust in these productssoldinGuyana.

The holiday season is one of the busiest shopping

periods, with consumers

seeking aesthetically pleasingfurnituretoupgrade theirlivingspaces.

The GYS 9-5 standard

ensures that locally manufactured and imported furniture sold in Guyana, adhere to specific requirements.

It mandates that essential information such as the type of material,


, origin, and care instruction are clearly displayed, enabling buyers to make informeddecisions.

Conforming to the requirements of this standard safeguards buyers against misleading claims, ensuring they understand whattheyarepurchasing.

Compliance also ensures manufacturers and retailers build consumers’ trust, enhancing their reputation for reliability andquality.

According to the standard, furniture labels must:

· Remain affixed to the itemuntilthepointofsale.

· Include the common name or item type, manufacturer mark, country of origin, material types,

finish details, and care instructions.

· Detail frame materials and filling for upholstered furniture, while mattresses require spring coil details, insulation, covering type, anddimensions.

Have legible, unambiguous and English informationlabels

The GNBS’ Product Compliance Department conducts inspections at p o r t s o f e n t r y , manufacturers premises a n d s a l e s o u t l e t s countrywide to ensure the labelling requirements are met

However, consumers can also implement the following useful tips to equip their homes with furniture that is not only stylish but safe and of superiorquality:

·CheckLabels:Ensure that the furniture you buy has complete and accurate labels.

U n d e r s t a n d

Materials: Labels should clearly state whether items are made from solid wood, particle board, or othermaterials

F o l l o w C a r e

Instructions: Protect your

investment by adhering to the care guidelines provided

The GNBS takes this opportunity to encourage Importers, Dealers and M a n u f a c

furniture to register for 2025 using the form available on the Bureau’s w e b s i t e a t https://gnbsgy org/forms-

contact the GNBS on telephone numbers 2190065, 219-0066, or via WhatsApp at 692-4627 (GNBS) or visit our Standards Portal at gnbsguycom




Whenever a small Oilproducing country emerges intheworld,alargenumber of predatory carpet-baggers congregate on the horizon awaiting the opportunity of pouncing down on the new Economy and exploiting it. By the use of well practiced techniques, they quickly edgeoutthelocalpopulation from the lucrative sectors resulting in the promise to the native population of enjoying a quickly rising standardoflivingbecoming a pipe dream. Guyana, as a new Oil-producing country, wasfacedwiththesamefate, but was able, in the nick of time, to protect Guyanese citizens by the Local Content Act which reserves certain types of investment

and employment for Guyanese with the possibility of expanding themwhenneeded.

One area of investment andemploymentescapedthe protection of the Local ContentActandthroughthis loophole a steady stream of East Asians, almost all Chinese,havebeenflooding into the country with the intention of displacing and taking over the local retail trade.

The movement has been quick and organized as if centrally directed and local retailersandagrowingbody of consumers have been complainingofthisapparent unfairexploitation.

The Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry, one of the Caribbean’soldestandmost r e s p e c t e d t r a d e organizations,hasspokenup againstthisunfaironslaught onlocalretailbusinessesand Dr Jagdeo, as VicePresident and General Secretary of the PPP, the Party in Government, has also publicly acknowledged theproblem.

Local businesspersons, while accepting the entry of new players in the retail trade,areconvincedthatthe playingfieldisnotleveland that it is the unfair competition to which the

local retailers are subjected which presents the real problem.

The elements of this unfair competition could squarely be placed at the doorofthosedepartmentsof Government which are charged with enforcing the laws and regulations which relatetoretailtrade.

Key officers in these variousdepartmentsseemto have a very relaxed attitude when they should enforce laws and regulations on these East Asian retailers and this administrative inefficiencyandlapsesneed to be brought into the open by the various responsible Ministers We will give below some of these lapses which need to be immediatelyaddressed:

Careful assessment of incometaxesofeachretailer needs to be done. Some of these East Asian entities evadeincometaxesandeven in the few instances where attempts are made to collect taxes, they resist paying. Recently, it was reported in the media that a very large hardwarestorewasassessed for $10.M taxes and after agreeing to pay, suddenly changed its position and tookthemattertotheCourts.

National Insurance contributions are ignored. Local businesses dutifully pay their contributions, in particularthelargerones.

If these East Asian businesses pay their contributions, NIS finances wouldconsiderablyimprove and a step would have been taken to establish a level playing field between local andEastAsianretailers.

Invoices of stocks need tobecarefullyexamined.

It is suspected that elements at the Customs Department corruptly admit their goods at undervalued rates or goods are admitted duty-free by hitching them on to imports by several Chinese entities which qualify for duty-free imports.

Local businesses never escape payment of customs duties.

These East Asian shops are known to sell expired or near expired goods to unsuspecting customers at cheaperprices. Suchgoods areacquiredbytheretailerat give-away prices. Indeed, there are instances where expiry dates are brazenly altered.

The distribution of certain types of goods requiresthedistributortobe licensed to do so. For instance, the selling of certain types of drugs requiretheemploymentofa qualified druggist and a special license; similarly with the sale of alcoholic drinks.

Thelocalretailersnever infringe these laws but the EastAsian retailers seem to dosowithimpunity

The East Asian retailer never issues bills (receipts) except the purchaser requests it. This makes it impossible to return or exchange an unsatisfactory purchaseoreventoestablish ownership.

Warranties; the East Asian retailers do not issue warranties on consumer durablesoriftheydo,itisfor a month or at most three months.

Unsuspecting buyers from such shops pay a cheaper price but often find theitemboughtunworkable orcostingtohaveitrepaired. Local retailers, though chargingahigherprice,have much longer warranties and dorepairfaultypurchases.

East Asian retailers pay scant regard to the Labour Laws and often open their shops outside of normal working hours, forcing staff toworkmorethanthe8-hour day Local retailers never infringe these Laws and if they do, either the Union or the Labour Department bringthemintoorder

Many of these Asian retailentitiesareestablished in the busier areas of towns without provision of any parking space thus causing traffic jams and even accidents.

Thiscontrastswithlocal businesses like DDL and

Survival supermarkets which incurred the expense of providing customer parking.

TheseEastAsiansdonot payVAT,thustheyareable to have cheaper prices than Localretailers.

Theaboveandothersare areas where a level playing field does not exist between Local retailers and the East Asians which give the East Asians unfair advantage over the local retailers and which the State of Guyana has the responsibility, capabilit y and obligation to rectify Protection of the Guyanese reta

ler is analogous to the practical and philosophical bases of theLocalContentAct.

Frompage18 previouslyexplainedthatthe company would assess the projects for bottlenecks to improve recovery of the resources The company would then submit its f i n d i n g s t o t h e Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Ministry of Natural Resources for consideration and approval. Following its independent assessment, the regulatorwouldthenissueits b l e s s i n g s f o r t h e optimization activities, allowing Exxon to increase productiononthevessels.

The Government of Guyanainits2024Mid-Year Report confirmed that all three projects underwent optimisation and topsides debottlenecking activities in thefirsthalfoftheyear

Presently, Liza One and Liza Two are producing about 160,000 bpd and 250,000 barrels per day (bpd) respectively. The Environmental Impact Assessments (EIAs) each specifically outline 120,000 and220,000bpd,asthesafe operating limit for Liza One and Two, respectively Similarly, the third oil project- Payara- is also producing approximately 250,000bpdeventhoughthe vessel’s nameplate capacity is220,000bpd.

Thecompanyishowever looking to further increase the daily rate of resource recovery at the Liza Two project During a media conference last month, EMGL’s President, Alistair Routledge told reporters, “Weareongoingdiscussions reviewwithvariousagencies including the EPA and with the Ministry of Natural Resource on whether to increase the production on the Unity FPSO above the 252,000.”

Routledge said Exxon believes the Liza Unity can beincreasedto270,000bpd.

Firecompletely destroysKN,Bhenas Footwearwarehouse leavinghundredsof millionsinlosses

The Eccles, East Bank Demerara(EBD)warehouse belonging to Kaieteur News Publisher,GlennLallandhis wife, Bhena Lall was completelydestroyedbyfire on Tuesday afternoon leaving them with hundreds of millions of dollars in losses.

The warehouse, located at Industrial Site, Eccles,


EBD,wasusedtostoreitems for both Kaieteur News and theBhena’sFootwear

The inferno started at approximately16:00hinone sectionofthestoragefacility and quickly spread throughout the building destroyingallofitscontent.

Thefireravagedthrough the10,000sqfeetfacilityfor more than four hours before firefighters were able to containtheblaze.

When Kaieteur News arrived on the scene, some employees of the Lalls were seen trying to salvage some items from the burning building They were however,onlyabletosavea handfulofitems.

A devastated Lall said that he got a call around 17:00hrsthathiswarehouse w a s o n f i r e T h e businessman said that he quicklyrushedtothescene.

“I got a call that my building is on fire and came downhere…Ihadhelpedout afriendwithasectionofthe warehouse, where he is storing some goods and, he said some electrical wire sparkedandcausedthefire,” Lallsaid.

The businessman explainedthatthefirespread quickly to sections which contained merchandise and equipment belonging to KaieteurNews,andBhena’s Footwear—the shoes store ownedbyhiswife.

He noted that just last week, three containers of

brand-new shoes and other valuable items arrived and were stored in the warehouse.

Estimatinghislosses,the businessman said, “The warehouse was full with shoes,pluselectricalfittings for the store I had some Kaieteur news printing equipment,allgone.Thefire spread too quickly and the goods were mostly in cartoonboxes.”

Lall explained that the warehouse became engulfed innotimeandnotedthatthe firefighterstriedtheirbestto containtheblaze.

“Theytriedtheirbestbut everything gone… nothing wassaved;noteventhefour walls left,” the devastated businessmansaid.

Luckily, the tower that controls the Kaieteur Radio station–99.1/99.5fm,which is located in the same

compound with the warehouse, was not damaged but the station is temporarilyofftheair

“It is absolutely devastating but what is even sadder is that today is my wife’s birthday,” Mr Lall revealed He continued, “My goods, my friends’ goods, all are gone nothing was saved. It’s hundreds of millions gone on both sides; formyfriendplusme.”

Despitethehugeloss,the businessmansaidthathewill pickupthepiecesandmove forward.

“This is all a part of life

you know, but I will thread on,”hesaid.

K a i e t e u r N e w s understands that firefighters managed to put out the fire before it spread to any other facilityattheindustrialsite.

When contacted, Fire ChiefMr GregoryWickham told this publication that he wasunabletocommentashe was still at the scene assessingthesituation.


$99BspentonWalesGas plantstodate,58%of workscompleted–Prime MinistertellsParliament …asHouseapproves another$25.3B

The National Assembly on Wednesday approved an additional$25.3Btosupport the Natural Gas Liquids (NGL) facility and the 300megawattpower plantbeing constructed at Wales, West BankDemerara.

The two plants are crucial to the Gas-to-Energy (GTE) project, which also featuresagaspipeline,being developed by ExxonMobil Guyana Limited (EMGL) to transport the resources from theStabroekBlock,offshore Guyana, to the Wales developmentsite.

Approval for the additional sum was granted by the House following a thorough analysis of the amount requested by the OfficeofthePrimeMinister


At a press conference in October, President of EMGL, Alistair Routledge told reporters that the pipeline was mechanically completed He explained, “It’s been hydrotested, pressure test and we have been going through the dewateringexerciseandthen introducing nitrogen so we have a pipeline that is ready tointroducenaturalgas…”

He noted that Exxon’s responsibilitiesincludingthe risers, pipeline through the deep-water, shallow water and onshore is on schedule for completion by this year end.Tothisend,hesaid,“So delighted to see that on course and on budget as well.”

Minerstabbedto deathduringargument at‘Honey


Brigadier (ret’d) Mark Phillips, Prime Minister of the Cooperative Republic of Guyana told the House that construction of the two plants is progressing well, with 58% of the works alreadycompletedtodateby the contractor, CH4Lindsayca.

While responding to a question from Opposition Member of Parliament, David Patterson on the project, PM Phillips explained,“TheNaturalGas PowerPlantandNaturalGas Liquidplantcommencement contract (was) December 2022…the contract sum is $159B, expenditure prior to 2024is$55.7B.”

Meanwhile, he also

informed the House, “Expenditure as at today’s dateis$44,678,828,886.The balance on the contract to date is $59,514,413,036 and you have the projected expenditure, you have the shortfall which is $23,816,018,413 Fiftyeightpercentoftheworkhas beencompleted.”

The Prime Minister also provided the National Assembly with a detailed breakdown for the $25.3B expenditure requested to support the project. Please see the table below for details.

It should be noted that EMGL is also making progress on the gas pipeline that is expected to be completedbytheendofthis

A37-year-oldminerwas killed on Tuesday by his Brazilian co-worker during an argument over who is their rightful employer The fatal stabbing took place at NineMilesBackdam,Honey Camp, Middle Mazaruni, RegionSeven.

Policeidentifiedthedead miner as, Ovid James, of Mahdia, Region Eight while the suspect was identified onlyas“Nigi”.

Their boss, Alister Culpepper, a dredge owner, told police that they washed down on Monday at around 16:00hrs After completing theprocess,heandallofhis workersleftforHoneyCamp Landing where they spent the evening consuming alcohol.

Jamesreportedlybecame intoxicated and his reputed wife, who is a cook employed with Culpepper, took him back to the mining camp.

When the duo arrived at the mining camp, the Brazilian man who is on the run, was sitting at a table drinkingHighWine.

James reportedly joined him.

“…they both started to argue as to who was their employer,” James’ wife reportedlytoldpolice.

“The Brazilian national then armed himself with a knife, walked up to the deceasedanddealthimastab to his lower abdomen,” policesaidinastatementon Wednesday

James reportedly fell to the ground and remained motionless.Itisbelievedthat (Continued on page 37)

Frompage36 hebledtodeathbeforepolice arrived.

Police took James to the Issano Health Post for additional examination by thedoctorstationedthere.

Meanwhile, efforts are being made to capture the Braziliannational.

Houseapproves$30.5B forcashgrantdistribution

The National Assembly hasapproved$30.5billionto cater for the distribution of the one-off $100,000 cash granttocitizens18yearsand above.

The sum which formed part of the supplementary funding was approved by Committee of Supply on Wednesday Prime Minister (PM) Retired Brigadier, Mark Phillips faced questions particularlyastowhetherthe $30.5 Billion is sufficient to cover all eligible persons 18 yearsandolder.

Opposition Member of P a r l i a m e n t ( M P ) , ShurwayneHolderposedthe questionaboutsufficiencyof funds.

“Mr Speaker, in the initial announcement, we heard that it was a total of $60B to be disbursed. We have since seen some changes,andnow,weseethe amount coming to the Parliamentas$30.5B,which worksouttoabout$305,000 persons 18-years and above,” MP Holder pointed out.

In response, the Prime Minister said that the entire eligible population will eventually receive the oneoff cash grant by early next year He explained that the overall estimated cost of the intervention is $60 billion and that the $30 5 billion approved by the National Assembly will provide for theinitialdistributionphase, andtheremainingfundswill be sought before the end of theyear

“Today is the 27th November, the Financial Year finishes on the 31st of December,so,itisjustabout a month. We are asking for thatmoney,andwearegoing topayoutthatmoneyasfast as possible. Come January 1st, we go into another budget cycle and the remainder money that is needed will be apportioned and allocated from that budgetcycle,thatistheeasy answer,”Phillipsexplained.

Fellow Opposition MP, Sherod Duncan enquired

when the grant will be available for distribution. “I recall that the President

stood and told this honourable House that the cash grant will be available instantaneously,” Duncan pointedout.

He said the Prime M i n i s t e r a n d t h e Government needs to be much clearer on its plans since citizens are asking questions.

Other MPs on the OppositionsideoftheHouse expressed their disapproval with the Prime Minister’s s t a t e m e n t s o n t h e distributionofthecashgrant. They sought clarity on the reason for the requirement for public servantstoregisterandhave their photos taken, arguing that their identification details are already documented in payroll records.

Senior Minister in the Office of the President with Responsibility for Finance and the Public Service, Dr AshniSinghexplainedthatit is necessary to minimise duplication He said it is important to ensure that the process is conducted smoothly and every person eligible to receive the $100,000 one-off cash grant mustberegistered.

Dr Singh explained that whileregistrationisongoing at the various public sector agencies, persons in various communities are also being registered.

“ I n a d d i t i o n t o processing public servants’ payment simply by virtue of thefactthattheyareinpublic employment, we are also r e g i s t e r i n g i n t h e communities,andthepeople whoworkinofficesalsolive in these communities,” the ministersaid.

He further emphasised, “This is a very simple,basic registrationprocess.” Dr Singh outlined the

available it will be covering financing that the government had to make sincethestartoftheproject.

On September 8, Kaieteur News reported that SeniorMinisterintheOffice of the President with responsibility for Finance and the Public Service Dr Ashni Singh met and held discussions on Gas-toEnergy project with the Senior Advisor to the President and Chair, Mr Larry T Decker, and other seniorandtechnicalofficials

efficient four-step process that governs this initiative. T

e first step is the registration exercises. Each community will have a registration

, essentially a list of dates, times and locations that will s



USEximBankapproves Guyana’sloanforGTE project–Jagdeo …Saysapprovedamount islessthanUS$660M

The US Exim Bank has approved a loan for Guyana’s Gas-to-Energy project, Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo announced onThursday

The Vice President was asked to provide an update on the progress of the loan. “For a few weeks now, we had this information, but we wantedtheannouncementto come from Exim Bank, but since it has now been forthcoming, let me say to you that the loan has been approved.”

As of November 21, the approval was sent for a 30day approval to the Congress,afterwhichitwill return to the Exim Bank’s boardforthefinalapproval.

“So that is where we stand at this point in in time,”Jagdeosaid.

When pressed further by the media, the VPexplained that though the original application was for $660M this will not be the sum received.

“No,theamountwillnot be $660 million, it will be lessthanthat,anditwillonly cover the exports out of the United States of America So, it would be upwards of $500 million, upwards of 500million.”

He added that the loan willbeprovidingretroactive financing, so if it is made

Directors,RetaJoLewis,the Lawyer pointed out that Guyana’s High Court on October 5, 2023, concluded that “…the decision by the EPA to grant the permit to EssoGuyanawascontraryto lawandwasimproper.”

Consequently, Janki said, “Eximbank should not provide funding for any project which is based on a decision (the grant of a permit) that is ‘contrary to law’ Eximbank should respect the rule of law in Guyana.”

of the Export-Import (EXIM) Bank of the United States (U.S.) in Washington DC.

Accordingtoastatement released by the Ministry of Finance, the meeting took place during the Senior Minister’s four-day visit to theUS.

The EXIM Bank was at the time still considering approvalofaloantoGuyana, valued at approximately US$646 million.The loan is meanttosupporttheGas-toEnergyproject.

As a result, during the visit discussions surrounded the bank’s support towards the project, which, when completed, is expected to significantly reduce electricitycosts,increasethe competitiveness of other industries, and reduce the nation’s reliance on heavy fossilfuels.

Atthemeeting,Dr Singh expressedappreciationtothe Bank for its continued support to Guyana, and reiterated that the Government values greatly, its relationship with the Bank.

Dr Singh met and held discussions with several other high-level officials as Guyana has been partnering in several areas such as economic growth, trade and development including enhancedsecurity

There has been a lot of talk surrounding the loan, in January of this

Lawyer, MelindaJankihadwrittento the United States Export Import (US-EXIM) Bank urging the financial institution to “respect the rule of law in Guyana” and withholdfundingforthegas plants to be built at Wales, WestBankDemerara.

Jankionbehalfofpublic interest litigants Elizabeth Deane-Hughes and Vanda RadzikwrotetotheBankon January 12, 2024 In the letter addressed to President and Chair of the Board of

groundsincludingthefailure t o c a r r y o u t a n

nvironmental impact assessmentforthegasplant; the lack of a business case; the lack of any financial information showing how spending billions of US dollarswoulddeliver‘cheap’ electricity; the failure to comply with national law and environmental risks involvedwiththeproject.

“Misunderstanding”–Exxonsaysitisstill interestedinshallowblock

InJuneofthisyear,itwas reported by the Kaieteur News that more than 16,000 Americans had written to Chair of the United States Export-Import Bank (USEXIM), Reta Jo Lewis demanding the financial institution not to fund the controversial Gas-to-Energy (GTE)projectbeingpursued by the Government of Guyana(GoG).

According to a letter from 16,452 members of Friends of the Earth United States, a non-governmental organization, the project is both a disaster for Guyana andtheclimate.

They said, “This project isbothadisasterforGuyana and the climate! The U.S. government should not be using taxpayer dollars to subsidize Exxon – a company that has recently reportedbillionsinprofits.”

The advocacy group in the missive issued late last month went on to point out that studies done indicate that the gas project is not necessary as solar panels could provide a cheaper alternate of power generation.Accordingtothe letter, “This fossil fuel projectinGuyanaisnoteven close to necessary Some analyses have shown that installingsolarpanelswould meet the energy needs of Guyanese communities Moreover, it would cost less to build, reduce bills for ratepayers, generate local jobs, and fight the climate crisis.”

The letter also pointed out that “This project will help increase the world’s dependence on fossil fuels and make limiting global warmingto1.5°Cevenmore difficult.” and that “greedy c o m p a n i e s [ l i k e ] ExxonMobil will get even richer!”

The activist group noted that the letter was sent in solidarity with Guyanese citizens who are opposing the gas project on multiple

ExxonMobil Guyana Limited (EMGL) is still i n t e r e s t e d i n t h e government’s first oil block auction, Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo revealed on Thursday He made the disclosure following his announcementlastweekthat the U.S. oil giant had pulled outoftheauction.

ExxonMobil, Hess New Ve

NOOC Petroleum Guyana Limited were approved for the shallow water block –S8 Last month, the Ministry of Natural Resources in an update on the competitive bidding round for the petroleum exploration licences, disclosed that four companieshaveacceptedthe new Production Sharing Agreement (PSA) while ExxonMobil is still reviewingthePSA.

However, during Jagdeo’s November 21, press conference he was asked for an update on the auction and during his responseonwhythisprocess has been dragged out this long.

Jagdeo had disclosed, “ So then the others, remember Exxon pulled out and they wanted to use the area for carbon capture and storage,andwedon’twantto dothatatthisstage.”

On Thursday, the Vice President said that since his public statement last week that the oil company has walked away from the auction, “Exxon has written to us saying that that might notbethefullstory,thatthey stillhavesomeinterestinit.”

He continued, “So from last week to now, after my press conference and I verified it with Vickram Bharrat, that was said in a meeting, and they said that there might have been a misunderstanding that they have not walked away from it.So,let’sseehowitgoes.”

(Continued on page 38)

Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo

Frompage37 Guyana’s maiden auction launched in December 2022 featured 14 blocks but only eight received bids The fiscalregimeofthenewPSA requiresthepaymentofa10 percent royalty and a 10 percent corporate tax. The cost recovery ceiling will be capped at 65 percent each year, while profits will be shared 50/50 between companiesandtheState.

ExxonMobil is the operator of the Stabroek Block, and it holds 45% interest in that block. Its partners Hess and CNOOC hold 30% and 25% respectively


USEXIMBankyetto approveloanrequestfor Gas-to-EnergyProjectDavidPatterson

Guyana’s oil-rich StabroekBlock,operatedby ExxonMobil, requires a meagre2%royalty,notaxes, 75% cost recovery ceiling each month which leaves 25% of profit to be shared with Guyana. Stakeholders hadwarnedthatthetermsof the Exxon deal could deter investment since the new PSA now requires greater fiscal benefits for the country This led to calls for new projects in the Stabroek Block to be subjected to these terms; however, the government remains adamantthatseekinggreater benefits could slow the pace of development and chase investors.

“For a few weeks now, we had this information, but w e w a n t e d t h e announcementtocomefrom EXIMBank,butsinceithas now been forthcoming, let me say to you that the loan has been approved,” Jagdeo told reporters at his weekly pressconference.

The Vice President also toldreportersthatthoughthe government of Guyana appliedforaUS$660Mloan tofundtheproject,itwillnot receivetheentireamount.

“No,theamountwillnot be $660 million, it will be lessthanthat,anditwillonly cover the exports out of the United States of America. So, it would be upwards of $500 million, upwards of 500million.”

However, on Friday, Pattersontoldreportersathis party’s weekly press conferencethatheforwarded the Vice President’s statement to officials at the US EXIM Bank whom the

Chairman of the Alliance for Change David Patterson on Friday disclosedthattheUSEXIM Bank is yet to approve Guyana’s loan request to fund the Wales Gas-toEnergyproject Patterson’sclaimfollows Thursday’s announcement by Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo that the loan was approved. Jagdeotoldreportersthat the loan was approved and was with the U.S. Congress for a 30-day period commencing November 21, 2024.

AFC has been in touch with for about a year He described the response receivedas“interesting.”

Reading from an email Pattersonsaid,“Noapproval was given by the EXIM Bank at their last meeting in November Thenextmeeting dateoftheUSEXIMBankis January 9, 2025, and they have, if it comes up for discussion,Imean,andif,in capitallettersonly,thencana final decision be made. If, again,incapitalletters,such a decision is made, it is then sent to Congress for approval.”

Further, the AFC executivesaid,“Ithinkthe… the sub-committee on international trade and finance, they go on to say that, however, Congress is now in what is termed their ‘lameduck’session,whichis the period between the transitionofadministrations. When Congress is fully functional, the new Congress, the new subcommittee Congress, is normally tied up in matters required by the new administration, and it is not anticipated that this matter can reach discussion or approvalbeforeMarch2024, asI’vealwayssaid.”

Patterson reminded that his source said if the US Congress does give its approval, the matter will to return to the Board of the EXIM Bank for further vetting by the legal and procurementdepartments.

“It normally takes six to nine months before any [approval is given] once everything has been vetted and approved by both of these departments. Before any disbursement can be made on the question of retroactive finances, the statement goes, we are informed,”Pattersonsaid.


beating his wife to death on Thursday at Yakarinta Village, North Rupununi, RegionNine,toldpolicethat hedidnotkillher

The man claims that his wife was murdered by a ‘Kanaima’-ashapeshifterin Amerindian Folklore that killsviasorcery

However, an eyewitness reportedly saw the man beating the woman prior to herdeath.

The victim, 72-year-old AngelinaMora,ofYakarinta Village, reportedly died sometime between 15:00h and22:00hrs.

statements appeared strange as this is not the normal practice of the US EXIM Bank. Patterson said that financing is based on their laws and have to comply withspecificregulations.

“Since they [the bank] played no part in the procurement process, retroactive finances would be unlikely In fact, they cannot recall if the EXIM Bank ever approved retroactive financing for a processinwhichtheydidnot play a part in the procurement process,” he said.

The AFC Chairman told reportersthattheonlypartof the Vice President’s statement that appears to be factual,isthatsectionsofthe loan application are ineligible “because of procurement challenges of noinformation”.

He said the AFC has received no information on what the final sum on the reviewis.

“We have 41 days until the next US EXIM Bank meeting, so the nation will soon learn more and soon learn the truth,” Patterson noted.

Meanwhile, Patterson who was a former Minister of Public Infrastructure under the APNU+AFC Coalition government said that the gas-to-energy project is limping along despitetheamountofmoney already spent by the government.

He said he recently visited the location for the project and noticed that the foundation for the plants is yettobecompleted.

Murdersuspect tellspolice‘Kanaima’ killedwife

A53-year-old man, who is in custody for allegedly

The woman’s niece, AlmalitaMarshall,wholives closebytoMora’shometold police that at around 15:00hrs she saw the man beating her aunt underneath acashewtreeintheiryard.

“Almalitawentontosay thatthecommotionlastedfor about two to three minutes duringwhichperiodshesaw thevictimfalltotheground,” policesaid.

Marshallclaimedtoothat the suspect continued beat the woman as she lay on the ground.

Laterthatday,a24-yearold Community Health Worker, Nekita Benjamin, was informed that Mora had diedatherhome.

B e n j a m i n w a s questionedbypoliceandshe told the investigators that an unknown caller had informedherofthewoman’s deatharound22:00hrs.

When Benjamin arrived at the couple’s home, the suspect claimed that Mora went straight to bed after drinking somewhere in the village and stopped breathing.

Benjamin reportedly checkedforsignsoflifeand when she found none, she proceeded to examine the woman’sbody

She saw marks of violence on Mora’s face, breasts and chest. Benjamin then questioned the suspect about the marks and he allegedly responded, “Yes, wedrinkandhadalilfight.”

A f t e r d o i n g investigations, police arrestedtheman,whoistheir primesuspect.

When interrogated, the suspect denied inflicting the injuriesseenonthewoman’s body, claiming that a ‘Kanaima’hadkilledher

Mora’s body is at the Lethem Hospital Mortuary awaiting a post-mortem examination, while the suspectremainsincustody


Why You Should and How to Start - Part 1 What Does It Mean to Exfoliate?


Exfoliatingistheprocess of removing dead skin cells fromthesurfaceofyourskin using a chemical, granular substance, or exfoliation tool.

Yourskinnaturallysheds deadskincellstomakeroom for new cells every 30 days orso.

Sometimes, dead cells don’t shed completely This can result in dry, flaky patches and clogged pores.

Exfoliating can help prevent this.

Unsure where to start?

Readontolearnmoreabout the benefits, differences between physical and chemical exfoliation, where yourskintypecomesin,and more.

How does exfoliation benefityourskin?

Exfoliating can improve the appearance of your skin inseveralways.

According to the American Academy of Dermatology, exfoliation can leave your skin looking brighter and improve the effectiveness of topical skin care products by enhancing absorption.

Regular exfoliation can also help prevent clogged pores, resulting in fewer breakouts.

Long-term exfoliating can increase collagen production. Collagen is key toglowing,vibrantskin.The protein also promotes skin elasticity, minimizing the appearance of fine lines and relatedsagging.

Whattoexpectfrom physicalexfoliation

Any exfoliating product or method that requires manualscrubbingorrubbing falls is known as a physical exfoliant.

You may already be usingaphysicalexfoliant— cleansing scrubs, body brushes, and loofahs are all commonmethods.

Thebiggestadvantageto physical exfoliation is the ease of access. You can do thisathomewithaslittleasa muslin washcloth or a do-ityourself(DIY)scrub.Italso offersimmediateresults.

If performed incorrectly, physical exfoliation can sometimes irritate your skin

and may result in

transepidermal water loss.

Following up with a humectant oil or serum can help minimize irritation and lockinmoisture.


There are a few abrasive materials to choose from for manual exfoliation, including cleansing scrubs, exfoliating mitts, dry brushes, loofahs, pumice stones, microneedling or microdermarollers.


You likely already have all the ingredients you need to make an effective DIY scrubinyourkitchen.

Sugar and milk, for example, contain acids that canhelpexfoliateyourskin.

When used topically, coffee may offer protective antioxidant properties and p r o m o t e c o l l a g e n production Research

Trusted Source also shows thatmanukahoneycanaidin woundhealing.

Want to try it out? Here are two easy DIY scrub recipes for your face and body


Whatyou’llneed:½cup coffeegrounds;1cupbrown sugar; 2 tsp milk or buttermilk;1tsp.honey Add all the ingredients to an airtight container and stir well.Gentlysplashyourface with water or wet your face using a spray mist. Spread scrub over your face and neck,avoidingyoureyes. Wet your hands and begin gently rubbing the mixture into your skin in a circular motion. Continue for 3-4 minutes. Rinse off using lukewarm water and patdry

Store any remaining scrubinthefridge.



alsofindoptionsfordifferent skintypes.

Here are some things to keepinmindwhenselecting aproduct:

Check the scope. You should never use a scrub meantforyourbodyonyour face Body scrubs are generally harsher and may teardelicatefacialtissue.

coconutoil;¼cuphoney;½ cup brown sugar and 3 tbsp.

ground oatmeal Stir together coconut oil and honey Addbrownsugarand oatmeal.Stiruntilyou’releft withathickpaste.

After wetting your skin, gently rub the mixture on yourbody Rinseandpatdry


Your over-the-counter (OTC) options are endless. There are scrubs for your face,body,andfeet.Youcan

Use one product at a time. Although it may be tempting to buy a full set of products, you shouldn’t use more than one exfoliant at a time.

U s i n g m u l t i p l e exfoliating products on the same area of skin can damagetheskinandresultin unwantedsideeffects.

Switch products out You may need to cycle throughdifferentproductsas yourskincareneedschange. Forexample:Ifyourskinhas become oily, consider using aproductwithcharcoal. WhenshouldIexfoliate?

It all comes down to personalpreferenceandyour dailyroutine.

For example, if you find your skin looks dull in the morning, exfoliating before you start your day may be beneficial On the other hand,exfoliatingatnightcan help remove any lingering makeuporotherdebris.

If you use a medicated productforaskincondition, you should space out the time between that product

andexfoliating. Avoid exfoliating if you have cuts or open sores on yourskin. Howoften shouldIexfoliate?

Ifyouhaveoilyskin,you can exfoliate as often as needed. This may be daily, every other day, or less frequent.

For all other skin types, you should limit at-home exfoliatingtoonceortwicea week.


In the snowy town of

S i l v e r P i n e s , e v e r y o n e w a s buzzing with excitement for the annual Christmas Festival.

The centerpiece of the celebration was the town's

giant Christmas tree, adorned with sparkling

lights, shimmering ornaments, and at the very top, the most important decoration of all—a golden bell that rang on Christmas Evetowelcometheholiday But this year, something strange happened When Mayor Snow went to hang the bell on the tree, it was missing! Everyone searched high and low, but it was nowhere to be found Without the bell, Christmas wouldn'tfeelcomplete.

Among the concerned townsfolk were two best friends, Ellie and Jack. Ellie loved solving puzzles, and Jackwasalwaysreadyforan adventure. “We have to find the bell before Christmas Eve!” Ellie said, her eyes s p a r k l i n g w i t h determination.

The pair started their search at the town square, where the decorations were stored. They looked behind boxes of tinsel and under

stacks of ornaments, but no bell. Just as they were about to give up, Ellie noticed tiny footprints in the snow leading away from the storageshed.

“Whodoyouthinkmade those?”Jackasked.

“I don't know,” Ellie replied, “but we're going to findout!”

The footprints led them through the frosty park and up the hill to the old clock tower When they reached the tower's door, it creaked open.Inside,theysawatrail ofglitteronthefloor

“Look!”Elliewhispered, pointing to the spiral staircase. The footprints and glitter trail climbed all the waytothetop.

Slowly, Ellie and Jack ascended the stairs When they reached the bell room, they couldn't believe their eyes. There, sitting next to thegoldenbell,wasatinyelf with pointy ears, rosy cheeks,andaguiltysmile.

“Who are you?” Jack asked.

The elf stood up and brushed glitter off his green jacket. “I'm Benny, one of Santa's helpers,” he said. “I waspolishingthebellforthe festival, but I accidentally dropped it. I brought it here

tofixit,butIcan'tgetitback tothetreebymyself.”

EllieandJackexchanged glances. “We'll help you!” theysaidtogether

With Benny's guidance, they carefully carried the golden bell down the tower andbacktothetownsquare. When the townsfolk saw the bell, everyone cheered Benny thanked Ellie and Jack for their help, then sprinkled a pinch of magic dust on the bell to make it shinebrighterthanever

As the clock struck midnight on Christmas Eve, Benny rang the golden bell, and its sweet melody filled the air Snow began to fall, andthewholetowngathered around the tree, singing carols and celebrating the magicalholiday

Ellie and Jack beamed withpride,knowingtheyhad saved Christmas for Silver Pines.Bennywinkedatthem before vanishing into the nightwithajingleofhistiny bells.

From that day on, Ellie and Jack were known as the town'sChristmasheroes,and every year, the golden bell reminded everyone of the magic of teamwork and the joyofhelpingothers.


PopsicleStickGingerbread HouseOrnaments

Make these sweet popsicle stick gingerbread houseornamentswithahiddenpicturebehindthe door!


· Popsiclesticks

· Wallet-sizedphoto

· Woodenbeads

· Woodendiscs

· Puffypaint

· Glitter

· Fauxleather,foam,feltorfabric(door)

· Red&whitetwine

· Brown, red, white, various rainbow colour paint

· ModPodge

· Strongnon-toxicglue

· HotglueInstructions


1.You'llneedeightpopsiclestickstocreatethe baseofthehouse.Itrimmedminetobeabout2/3of the original length, but you can make them whatever length you choose! Be sure to save the trimmingsifyouwanttomakegumdropslikeIdid.

2. Line up the eight popsicle sticks and glue another popsicle stick horizontally across the bottom to glue them all together (You'll have to trim the popsicle stick so that it fits accordingly across the back of them!) I used hot glue for this, butyoucoulduseanystrongglue.

3.Flipthepieceoverandglueanotherpopsicle stickacross,thistimealongthetop.

4.Gluetwopopsiclestickstothetop,forminga triangle.Again,you'llwanttotrimthesebasedon howtallyouwanttherooftobe!

5.Flipthepiecebackoverandfillinthespace of the triangle by gluing popsicle sticks horizontally across. This is a great way to use up some of the scrap pieces you trimmed off of the otherpopsiclesticks!Nowyou'rereadytopaint!


1. Peppermints: I used round disk beads that wealreadyhad.Paintedaredandwhiteswirland let dry.ThenI added iridescent glitter.To do so, I mixedsomeglitterwithmodpodgeandpaintedit over the whole thing. Helps the glitter stay on better!

2. Gumballs: If you have or can find already colorful beads, that makes this super easy But if youhaveplainwoodenbeadsorspheres,youcan paintthemanycoloryouwant!Topaintthebeads, I slid a bunch onto a bamboo skewer to make it easiertopaintthemallatonce.Thenslidthemoff carefullyandletthemdry

3.Gumdrops: Grab the trimmings from your other popsicle sticks and use those for this part. Coverthesmallendpieceswithpuffypainttogive them some texture. Let dry Then paint with a iridescent glitter/mod podge mixture and let dry again. Trim down to size. Note: Some may crack slightly on the back when cutting, but the puffy paint should hold them together and you'll never knowoncethey'regluedontothehouses!)



2.Decidewhatsize/shapeyouwantthedoorto beandcutoutatemplate.

3. Use the template to cut out your photo as desired.

4. Glue the photo to the bottom center of the gingerbreadhouse.

5. Decorate with the candies you created. For our3yearold,Iputthedotsofglueonthepieces and then he glued them onto the house! Adjust accordinglydependingonage.

6. Cut out a door from the material of your choosingusingthesametemplateyouusedforthe photo.

7.Addtrimtothedoorifdesired.Iaddedared &whitetwineborderandabeadforadoorknob.

8.Rungluealongthebackleftsideofthedoor andgluealongtheleftedgeofthephoto.

9.Gluealoopoftwineorribbontothebackof thetopofthehousefor hanging.

Share your feelings

Thereareoftentimesinourlives Whensomethingsdon'tfeelsogood, Becauseeitherwedidnotdowhat'sright, Orothersdidnotactastheyshould.

Atthesetimeswhenwebecomesad, Andlifedoesnotseemright, Wemustseethatthethingtodo Istosharewhatwefeelinside.


Thepeoplewhocanhelpwithyourfeelings Areyourparentsfirstofall; Then,too,yourpriestandyourteacher Shouldbeabletoansweryourcall.

Sotrynottokeepthingsinside, Beopentothoseyoucantrust; Makingthemunderstandhowyoufeel Willkeepyourlifehappyandprecious.

Develop Healthy Relationships at Home

We hope you are now reaping the benefits of trying to maintain healthy relationships with your family and close friends. Herearesomeotherwaysby which you can effect this continuously:

Expressyourselftoyour parents,brothersandsisters, afriend,someoneyoutrust, especially when your emotions seem out of balance. When things are not going too well in your life,especiallyatthesetimes when your activities are affected by the present

difficult situation, telling others whom you trust can helptosolveyourproblems and set you on even keel again.

Psychologists have found that by merely speakingsincerelytoothers about our feelings we can findanswersforourselves. Payattentionandact according to your conscience. Everyone has the quality to know what is right from wrong, as we wereallbornwiththis. Take caretoalwaysbeintheright when dealing with others,

UncleRoyisonceagainappealingtoallteenstowrite tohimaboutanyproblemyoumaybefacingforwhichyou needasolution.

He would also like you to contribute to this Page by submitting other material that he can include here. These include:

1. A poem, short story or bit of advice that you have writtenandwouldliketosharewithyourfellowteens.

2. Any significant event that has happened, or any interestingitemaboutwhatisgoingoninyourcommunity

3. A commentary about where you live to acquaint othersaboutit.

4.Anyadviceyouwouldliketopassontothoselikeyou whichwouldservetomakethembetter,andbeofbenefitto ourpeople.

As mentioned before, you can email me at: roypaul2002@yahoo.com


andthiswillservetobenefit allinvolvedinanysituation.

Ontheotherhand,whenwe stifleourconscienceanddo something that we know is wrong just to get the upper hand over someone else, it always rebounds to our disadvantage.

Askforhelpwhenyou feelsomethingisaboveyou.

None of us knows everything, and it will always benefit us and lead us into the solution of any problemwhenwesearchfor someonewhoisinaposition to help us. Do not be shy about asking, as the people who have the knowledge to help you will certainly

appreciate your asking, and reactaccordingly

Having fun together, praying together and eating togetherwillalwaysworkto cement proper relationships amonganygroup. Thiswill include singing together, playing games, especially those that include a number to persons, and moving around to places that you enjoy, like parks and trails, and sailing in a boat, especially if this can accommodate your whole group.

Workontheseactivities in the next week, and look forward for others in our nextissue.

When you are sincere about maintaining your relationships, any effort in this direction will be sure to help in its development.

The finished puzzle should be filled with Xs, Os, and Is. Rows, columns, and diagonals shouldnever contain three-in-

a-row of any one symbol. Each row and column should contain an equalnumber of each symbol. There is a unique solution.

Build A Box Of Friendship

by Chuck Pool

Intoaboxoffriendship, Toensurethatitisstrong, Firstalayerofrespect Onthebottomdoesbelong.

Thentothesidesattach, Inthecornerswheretheymeet, Severalanchorsfulloftrust, Devoidofalldeceit.

Theheightoffriendshipcanbemeasured Bythesidesoffour, Somakethemallalargercut, Andtheboxwillholdmuchmore.

Nowfillitupwithcourtesy, Honourandesteem, Understanding,empathy, Andpassionforadream.

Addtothatyourhonesty, Emotionsjoyandlove, Andsincetheyaresoimportant, Placethemupabove.

Butleavetheboxwideopen Soallcanseeinside, Tolearnwhatmakesafriendshipwork Fromtheboxyoubuiltwithpride.



a desire for a more varied field of vision With a tremendous effort he moved his head slowly to the left. Andthenhiseyesbulgedout fearfully, and his breath ceased, and the rough-shod ends of his short legs wriggled and rustled on the gravel.

For the Old Gentleman was coming across Fourth avenuetowardhisbench.

EveryThanksgivingDay for nine years the Old Gentleman had come there andfoundStuffyPeteonhis bench.That was a thing that the Old Gentleman was tryingtomakeatraditionof. EveryThanksgivingDayfor nine years he had found Stuffythere,andhadledhim to a restaurant and watched himeatabigdinner Theydo those things in England unconsciously But this is a young country, and nine years is not so bad. The Old Gentleman was a staunch American patriot, and consideredhimselfapioneer in American tradition. In order to becomepicturesque we must keep on doing one thingforalongtimewithout everlettingitgetawayfrom us.Somethinglikecollecting the weekly dimes in industrial insurance Or cleaningthestreets.TheOld Gentleman moved, straight and stately, toward the Institution that he was rearing. Truly, the annual feeding of Stuffy Pete was nothing national in its character,suchastheMagna Charta or jam for breakfast wasinEngland.Butitwasa step. It was almost feudal. It showed, at least, that a Custom was not impossible t o N e w Y—ahem!—America.

The Old Gentleman was thin and tall and sixty He wasdressedallinblack,and wore the old-fashioned kind of glasses that won't stay on your nose. His hair was whiterandthinnerthanithad beenlastyear,andheseemed tomakemoreuseofhisbig, knobby cane with the crookedhandle.

As his established benefactor came up Stuffy wheezed and shuddered like some woman's over-fat pug whenastreetdogbristlesup at him He would have flown, but all the skill of Santos-Dumont could not have separated him from his bench Well had the myrmidons of the two old ladiesdonetheirwork.

"Good morning," said the Old Gentleman. "I am glad to perceive that the vicissitudes of another year have spared you to move in health about the beautiful world For that blessing

alone this day of

thanksgiving is well proclaimed to each of us. If you will come with me, my man,Iwillprovideyouwith a dinner that should make your physical being accord withthemental."

That is what the old Gentleman said every time. EveryThanksgivingDayfor nine years. The words themselvesalmostformedan Institution.Nothingcouldbe compared with them except the Declaration of Independence Always before they had been music in Stuffy's ears. But now he looked up at the Old Gentleman's face with tearfulagonyinhisown.The fine snow almost sizzled when it fell upon his perspiringbrow ButtheOld Gentleman shivered a little and turned his back to the wind.

Stuffy had always wondered why the Old Gentlemanspokehisspeech rathersadly Hedidnotknow that it was because he was wishing every time that he had a son to succeed him.A son who would come there after he was gone—a son who would stand proud and strong before some subsequent Stuffy, and say: "In memory of my father." Then it would be an Institution But the Old Gentleman had no relatives. He lived in rented rooms in one of the decayed old familybrownstonemansions inoneofthequietstreetseast of the park. In the winter he raised fuchsias in a little conservatory the size of a steamer trunk. In the spring he walked in the Easter parade. In the summer he lived at a farmhouse in the NewJerseyhills,andsatina wickerarmchair,speakingof a butterfly, the ornithoptera amphrisius, that he hoped to findsomeday Intheautumn hefedStuffyadinner These were the Old Gentleman's occupations Stuffy Pete looked up at him for a half minute,stewingandhelpless inhisownself-pity TheOld Gentleman's eyes were bright with the givingpleasure His face was gettingmorelinedeachyear, but his little black necktie was in as jaunty a bow as ever, and the linen was beautiful and white, and his gray mustache was curled carefully at the ends. And thenStuffymadeanoisethat sounded like peas bubbling in a pot Speech was intended; and as the Old Gentleman had heard the soundsninetimesbefore,he rightly construed them into Stuffy's old formula of acceptance.

"Thankee,sir I'llgowith ye, and much obliged. I'm veryhungry,sir."

The coma of repletion had not prevented from entering Stuffy's mind the conviction that he was the basis of an Institution. His Thanksgiving appetite was not his own; it belonged by all the sacred rights of establishedcustom,ifnot,by the actual Statute of Limitations, to this kind old gentleman who bad preemptedit.

True, America is free; but in order to establish traditionsomeonemustbea repetend a repeating decimal. The heroes are not all heroes of steel and gold. See one here that wielded only weapons of iron, badly silvered,andtin.

The Old Gentleman led his annual protege southward to the restaurant, and to the table where the feast had always occurred. They were recognized "Here comes de old guy," said a waiter, "dat blows dat same bum to a meal every


The Old Gentleman sat acrossthetableglowinglike asmokedpearlathiscornerstone of future ancient Tradition The waiters heapedthetablewithholiday food—and Stuffy, with a sigh that was mistaken for hunger's expression, raised knifeandforkandcarvedfor himself a crown of imperishablebay.

No more valiant hero ever fought his way through the ranks of an enemy Turkey, chops, soups, v e g e t a b l e s , p i e s , disappeared before him as fast as they could be served. Gorged nearly to the uttermost when he entered the restaurant, the smell of food had almost caused him to lose his honor as a gentleman,butheralliedlike a true knight. He saw the lookofbeneficenthappiness on the Old Gentleman's face—a happier look than even the fuchsias and the

ornithoptera amphrisius had ever brought to it—and he had not the heart to see it wane. In an hour Stuffy leaned back with a battle won.

“Thankeekindly,sir,"he puffed like a leaky steam pipe; "thankee kindly for a hearty meal." Then he arose heavilywithglazedeyesand startedtowardthekitchen.A waiter turned him about like a top, and pointed him toward the door The Old Gentleman carefully counted out $1.30 in silver change,leavingthreenickels forthewaiter

They parted as they did eachyearatthedoor,theOld Gentleman going south, Stuffynorth.

Around the first corner Stuffy turned, and stood for oneminute.Thenheseemed topuffouthisragsasanowl puffs out his feathers, and fell to the sidewalk like a sunstrickenhorse.

When the ambulance

cametheyoungsurgeonand thedrivercursedsoftlyathis weight. There was no smell of whiskey to justify a transfer to the patrol wagon, soStuffyandhistwodinners went to the hospital. There they stretched him on a bed and began to test him for strange diseases, with the hope of getting a chance at some problem with the bare steel.

And lo! an hour later another ambulance brought theOldGentleman.Andthey laid him on another bed and spokeofappendicitis,forhe lookedgoodforthebill.But prettysoononeoftheyoung doctorsmetoneoftheyoung nurses whose eyes he liked, and stopped to chat with her about the cases. "That nice old gentleman over there, now,"hesaid,"youwouldn't think that was a case of almost starvation. Proud old family,Iguess.Hetoldmehe hadn'teatenathingforthree days."



Lifestyle into an accessibleandsustainable initiative.“Iwantedtocreate something that would be accessible and meaningful for communities, not just for individuals,”shesaid.

“HabitualLifestyleintoa space where everyone feels empoweredtotakechargeof their well-being... I want to create a space where individuals feel supported and have access to the tools they need to live a healthier, more balanced life,” she added.

Pageantry became a natural extension of the model’s desire to make a

experience in pageantry


Guyana as Miss India Guyana. Since then, she has used the pageant platform to advocateforhercauses.

She also co-hosted the Miss Universe Guyana 2024 pageant earlier this year, an opportunity that allowed her to connect with like-minded individuals and improve her publicspeakingskills.

Now, as she prepares to compete for the title of Miss World Guyana 2024, to be hosted in Guyana on

representing Region #4


She told this magazine

that her return to the pageantry world is with a renewed sense of purpose.

“I’mexcitedtobeback,”she added with a smile. “I’m excitedtosharemystoryand advocate for holistic living. Thismomentisatestamentto my belief that we can all achievegreatthingswhenwe staytruedtoourpurposeand remaindedicatedtomakinga difference.”

The model remains hopeful and eager for what thefutureholds.

“Competing forMissWorldGuyana2024 is just one step in this incredible journey,” she reflects “I’m looking forward to sharing it with all of you. The best is yet to come.”

Miss Demerara Mahaica vying for Miss World Guyana 2024 crown; Lieve Blanckaert in a stunning evening gown

Lieve is a professional model of Guyanese Belgian roots

Three dead in two-car smash-up at St. Cuthbert’s Mission

Threepersonswerekilled inatwo-carsmash-uparound 18:00 hrs on Saturday, at Four Mile (Tail Creek), St. Cuthbert’s Mission, Region

Four The victims were

identified as 63-year-old Olive Andrews, her daughter 29-year-old Athina Andrews, a mother of three and former Miss Indigenous Heritage pageant contestant, and her seven-year-old daughter EmmaAndrews,all


OliveAndrews EmmaAndrews

Beyond the Brush Art Exhibition 2024 edition hosts “Heartbeat of Heritage”


edition of premier Guyanese art exhibition, “Beyond the Brush.” The Lot 215 Lamaha and Campstreetsvenuewasabuzzwithartloversandenthusiasts; manyofwhombrowsedandfeastedtheireyesontheworkof some of Guyana’s amazing artists, sculptors, and photographers.

The exhibition was held from 10 AM to 6 PM on November 29 and 30, 2024 was hosted by virtual art gallery FineArt.gyunderthetheme“HeartbeatofHeritage.”

As such, the exhibition featured an eclectic collection of Guyaneseartists’originalworkcenteredonvaryingaspectsof Guyanese heritage. The vivid and vibrant pieces showcased Guyana’s heritage, and beckoned to the past, reflected the presentandgavewaytothefuture.

Severalofthepaintingsondisplayshowedthesunsetting on the Essequibo River; stars at Dusk in the interior; the red dirt in the Hilly Sand and Clay region or the green speckled throughout the forest. Several of the amazing pieces were purchasedbythoseinattendance.

Inherremarksattheopeningoftheexhibition,Guyanese Artist Sade Barrow-Browne the owner of FineArt.gy who curatedtheexhibitionunderscoredtheimportanceofheritage inGuyaneseculturalindustriesacrossmanyartforms.

Continued on page 51

Registration of pensioners for 100k cash grant to begin Monday

The Registration schedule

DPI - The registration process for National Insurance Scheme (NIS) pensioners to receive the 0ne-off $100,000 cashgrantwillbeginonMonday

The government on Friday published the official registration schedule, which will enable pensioners in the various regions to register while conducting transactions at theirrespectiveNISoffices.

RegistrationwilllastfromDecember2-6,2024. PensionerscanregisteratvariousofficesacrossGuyana, dependingontheirregionofresidence.

InRegionOne,registrationisavailableattheMabaruma Compound. Region Two pensioners can register in Anna Regina.ForRegionThree,optionsincludethelocalofficein KlienPouderoyenorLeonora.

In Region Four, registration can be done at offices in Brickdam, and Winter Place, or, Camp and Bent Streets in Georgetown,aswellasinFirstStreet,MelanieDamishana, andMahaicony

Region Five pensioners can register in FortWellington, while Region Six offers registration in Port Mourant, Corriverton,andNewAmsterdam.

Region Seven pensioners can register in Bartica, and Region Nine residents can register at the Regional Democratic Council office. Finally, Region Ten pensioners canregisterinMcKenzie,Linden.

Persons are required to present a valid National Identification Card or a valid passport to register, and are onlyrequiredtoregisteronce.

The $100,000 one-off cash grant was announced in October, and will bring significant relief to thousands of Guyanese.

OnWednesday,theNationalAssemblyapproveda$30.5 billion supplementary provision to begin distribution of these funds. Public servants and pensioners are among the first tranche of persons to benefit from the initiative. Additionallocationsfortheregistrationofpensionerswillbe providedsoon.

Baramita Hospital to undergo $548M extension

Two contractors have submitted bids to the National ProcurementandTenderAdministrationBoard(NPTAB)to extendtheBaramitaCottageHospitallocatedinRegionOne.

The contractors, Supreme Contracting & Supplies and Andrect Engineering & Construction, have expressed an interestworkingonthe$548Mproject.




TheDesignandBuildofNewMedicines Regulatory&OfficeComplex.


GuyanaEnergyAgency Supply&DeliveryofDietary, Janitorial&OfficeSuppliesfortheGEA.


Supply,Delivery,Installation,Testing&Commissioning ofEquipmentforFishFeedProductionFacilityLots1&2.

ProcurementofSecurityServices, Lot1-AnnaReginaFishCultureStation,Essequibo Lot2-SatyadeowSawgAquaculture.


ConstructionofTerrazotoFloor ofWarehouse,CDCLethem.

MinistryofEducation Supply&DeliveryofLaptops.

Nearly 500 protest in London for insurance companies to halt...

Frompage12 to stop insuring fossil fuel projects.

“They’ve got more stake intakingthelong-termview, but it doesn’t stop them taking the short-term view

for profit ” Jamie Anderson, Extinction RebellionUKactivist

On the second day of protests, six activists were arrested for using watersolublepainttowrite“Insure Our Survival” and the ExtinctionRebellionlogoon the windows of Willis Towers Watson. They also putuppostersthatsaid“stop insuring climate criminals” and referenced WTW’s own reports that climate change may exacerbate global unrest.

WTW is an insurance broker that has written extensivelyabouttherisksof climate change for the insurance industry, and provides risk management andinsurancesolutionstooil andgasproducers.

“WTW was a pioneer among global brokers to invest in climate analytics,” said a statement emailed by Miles Russell, WTW’s global head of external communication. “Today, we are a leading advisor working with companies, financial institutions, governments and vulnerable communities to help them build their resilience to physical risks and transition toNetZero.Wehaveover70 climate experts working in partnership with clients big and small and are proud of the work we are doing to address this critical risk together.”

Allianz declined to comment specifically on the weekofactionbutsaidthatit has“strictguidelineswhenit comes to underwriting or investinginfossilenergies.” It pointed to policies that included restrictions on investments in coal-based infrastructure and certain oil and gas infrastructure

Among global insurers, Allianz has held Insure Our Future’shighestscoreforthe lastthreeyearsinthegroup’s assessments of overall policiesrestrictingfossilfuel underwriting.

Lloyd’s of London declined a request for an interview or comment, and Chubb, Hiscox, Marsh McLennan, AIG and Tokio Marine did not respond to requestsforcomment.


Although they varied widely in age, many “Insure Our Survival” attendees were senior citizens taking advantage of retirement to devote more time to activism. Among them was 82-year-old Dennis Ayling, who has family in Florida and was wearing a bright yellowrainponchoonwhich he’d written, “Florida ’24, Debby,Helene,Milton.”

“Florida’s already been forgotten,”hesaid.

That day, “Insure Our Survival” activists focused on global flooding, which, intensified by climate change,haskilledthousands of people across four continents just this year DuringtheweekoftheU.K. actions, catastrophic flash floodsineasternSpainkilled at least 223 people. Insured losses from the floods are expected to add up to more than$3.8billion,Bloomberg reported.

“My whole focus now is onthenextgeneration,”said Ayling, who joined the ExtinctionRebellionin2019 after spending more than 30 years as a science teacher reading and talking about climate change “I think we’ve badly shortchanged them, and we should be doing everything we possiblycan.”

Many attendees at the march voiced frustration with the lack of public urgencyonclimate.


city of London, and the reality for people on the ground,it’sincredibletosay it,butIthinkit’sstilltoofar removedfromthem,”vande Geer said. “People are still sticking their heads in the sand, or maybe just think, ‘Well,itwon’taffectme.’”

AlthoughtheU.K.isless immediately vulnerable to the worst impacts of climate changethanotherpartsofthe world,thecountryisalready facing more common and longerheatwaves,increased wildfires, more storms and flooding,coastalerosionand threats to domestic food production.

Extinction Rebellion, known for its creative and sometimes provocative demonstrations, tried to use art to make these seemingly abstract impacts more visceral. On the second day of action, activists wheeled the “world’s last potato,” a

y attempted to auction with a £1,000,000 starting bid, and offeredbasketsofcarrotsfor £300 or leeks for £400, trying to illustrate how c

n agriculturewillraisegrocery pricesintheU.K.

Highlighting the role of U.K.insurancecompaniesin enabling climate destruction outsideofGreat Britain, the L o n

i s t s specifically demanded insurers publicly commit to not underwriting the East African Crude Oil Pipeline, which stretches from Uganda toTanzania and has received international condemnationfordisplacing local populations, human rights violations and deleterious environmental impacts.

Campaigns to stop the underwriting of EACOP, which has been called a carbonbomb,havehadsome success 29 companies have committed to not underwritingtheproject.But work on the pipeline is still

underway and Lloyd’s of London has not ruled out insuringit.

Nicholas Omonuk, an activist from Uganda who traveled to the U.K. for the week of action, said it is crucial for activists in Londontospeakupaboutthe project, given the repression thathisfellowactivistshave facedinUganda.

“We see how people are making corporations scared, and corporations are afraid of us and that’s why they oppressus,”Omonuksaid.

At the end of the first day’smarch,Omonuk—who ispartofEndFossilOccupy Uganda, a youth-led group fighting for a just transition to renewable energy sources—addressed the rest ofthemarchers.

“For us, with climate change,it’snotjustaweather issue,” Omonuk said, outliningtheintersectionsof climate impacts on Uganda, where increasing floods, landslides, drought and fossilfueldevelopmenthave driven displacement and food and economic insecurity “It’s a social issue,it’saneconomicissue, and that’s why we have to fighttogether.”

Omonuk asked British activists to recognize the disproportionate burdens that the U.K., as a seat of global financial power, has placed on the rest of the world.

“It’s your corporations that are affecting us,” Omonuk said “It’s your banks that are funding these corporations; it’s your insurancecompaniesthatare funding these corporations; andthesecorporationsmake our own government stand against us and make us look like we are standing against thegovernment.”

On the third day of protests, activists rallied

outside of Marsh McLennan dressed as zombies in tattered clothes and painted faces waving satirical newspapers with headlines like“Floodsorfire?Insurers cash in,” and handing out flyerscallingononlookersto “be a climate hero.” Marsh McLennanwonacontractin 2022 to find insurers for EACOP, despite internal pressurefrommorethan100 employees who urged the company not to broker insurance for the pipeline, citing its “disastrous consequences” for the climate, according to The Bureau of Investigative Journalism.

“Marsh is absolutely complicit in the fossil fuel industry’s continuing destruction of our planet,” said Insure Our Survival activist and Olympic gold medal canoeist Etiene Stott, outside the company’s o f f i c e “ A n d m y understanding is that Marsh insurance [is] the broker of choice if you want to get a rotten, nasty, dirty, grotty fossilfuelprojectinsured.”


According to Insure Our Future’sOctoberappraisalof leadinginsurancecompanies aroundtheworld,46insurers havecommittedtoendingor restricting services for coal projects,26foroilsandsand 19 for Arctic fossil fuel development.

E i g h t e e n h a v e committed to some restrictions on oil and gas production.

Last month, the Italian insurer Generali announced that it will no longer insure risks associated with oil and gas expansion, including new liquified natural gas terminals, power plants and refineries According to

Reclaim Finance and Insure Our Future, it is the first insurerintheworldtoadopt an exclusion policy that affects the entire oil and gas value chain, although its policies toward midstream and downstream energy companies only apply to thosefoundtobe“transition laggards.”

Anti-fossil fuel campaigners have said that the policy signals positive m o m e n t u m i n t h e movement. In particular, the Generali policy’s inclusion of LNG projects with other fossil fuel assets is a significant development for the insurance industry, said Risalat Khan, a senior strategist with Insure Our FutureU.S.

But he added that it doesn’tgofarenough,given that any expansion of fossil fuels is incompatible with the directive from scientists to limit global warming to 1 5 degrees above preindustrial levels to avoid the worst impacts of climate change. “For us, almost by definition, pretty much the entire oil and gas industry have proved themselves to be ‘transition laggards’ if you actually set the benchmarks based on science,” Khan said. “The insurance industry doesn’t take that perspective and they use various internal methodologies and it usuallyfallsshortofaligning with a true 1 5-degree pathway.”

Some campaigners said that overall climate progress from insurance companies has slowed in recent years, especially in the U.S , a trend that some have attributed in part to conservative backlash over environmental, social and governance investing and the “greenhushing” that’s comeinresponse.


Frompage45 ofStCuthbert’sMission.

Both drivers survived the deadly accident.

Kaieteur News understands that two other persons including a baby boy are also injured.The injured were transported to the DiamondDiagnosticCentrefortreatment.

Thedetailssurroundingtheaccidentare sketchybutKaieteurNewsunderstandsthat theAndrewsfamilyandthebabyboy,whose identity is unknown, were passengers of a red car bearing registration number PAE 5140. The occupants of that car were returningtoSt.Cuthbert’sMissionwhenthe head-on collision occurred with a white car bearing registration number PXX 4949 that wasleavingthevillage.

Theoccupantsofthewhitecar,thedriver and his father, who are originally from the indigenous community but reside in Georgetown,wereheadingtothecitywhen


This publication understands that the Andrewsfamilywasleftpinnedinthecarfor some time before being pulled out by EmergencyMedicalTechnicians(EMT).

Meanwhile,reportsarethatthedriverof theredcar,whoescapedwithminorinjuries, isbeingquestionedbypolice.

Newsofthetragedyhaslefttheresidents ofStCuthbert’sMissioninastateofshock.

In 2015, Athina represented the Village in the Miss Indigenous Heritage pageant. Andrews was 20-years-old at the time and was a strong believer that the high rate of school drop-outs among indigenous youth negativelyimpactsthedevelopmentoftheir villages.

AccordingtoaStabroekNewsreporton the contestants published in 2015, Athina was an aspiring nurse who enjoyed eating pepper-pot with a side serving of Otocuma wormsandCassavaBread.

I am starving in Gaza and I don’t believe the world can’t do anything

Aljazeera - For over a year now, my family and I have been displaced from northern Gaza to Deir elBalah in the middle of the Gaza Strip. Throughout this time,we,alongwiththerest of Gaza’s population, have lived every type of torture

i m a g i n a b l e a n d unimaginable. One of them ishunger Gaza is now fully dependentonfoodaid.From aplacethatcouldproduceits own food and feed its population with fresh vegetables, fruit, eggs, meat andfish,ithasnowbecomea placeofstarvation.

Sincelastyear,theIsraeli army has made sure to destroyfoodstores,markets, warehouses storing foodstuffs,farmsandfishing boats It has eliminated police forces securing aid delivery and distribution, thus ensuring that aid is lootedbeforeitreachesthose whoneedit.Forawhilenow, we have been buying “aid” food,notreceivingitforfree.

We were barely scraping by when the situation took a sharp turn for the worse in October What began in the so-called “disaster zone” of thenorthhasexpandedtothe rest of the Strip. Israel’s nutritional terrorism has struckthewholeofGaza.

The Israeli army decreased the number of trucks it was allowing to enter to just 30-40 per day and food – which was already expensive and unaffordable for most –started to disappear Now, even if we are able to buy food, we cannot find any The international agencies and various charities are of no use; they cannot provide anything.

It is difficult for me to explain and capture the feeling of hunger for someone who does not understand the depths of its pain, and it is even more challenging to explain this experience while being u n d e r c o n s t a n t bombardment and shelling fromIsraelformorethan400 daysnow

Every day, I wake up in themorninginahomefullof family members trying to

survivethismadness.Idrink a bit of barely drinkable water; it has an unpleasant salty taste that does not satisfy thirst Israel has polluted underground water and prevented fuel from entering, so the last r e m a i n i n g w a t e r desalination plant is no longerworking. IfIamlucky,Ihaveabit of coffee, of course without any sugar, and maybe a tiny piece of bread. Then I try to forget about my hunger by focusingonmystudies.

I was supposed to graduate last year, but I couldn’t complete my last semester because the genocide started. After the Israeli army destroyed all universities, Gaza’s education authorities came together and devised a plan to have students continue theireducationonline.

Gaza’s destroyed infrastructure has made this endeavour extremely difficult The internet connection is weak and, in most places, non-existent. There is also no electricity, so charging a phone or a laptopisachallenge. But this is not even half of the struggle. Studying itself, being able to focus amid the sound of screaming, bombardment anddrones,andtheconstant feeling of hunger and weakness is nearly impossible.

I study literature, which requiresonetodissectatext, to analyse the language, the characters,theirmotivesand feelings, but I cannot focus. Mybraindoesnotcomply;I

cannot comprehend what I am reading. The brain fog does not go away, no matter how hard I try to focus. The headache is followed by nausea and my stomach rumbling.

Whatmakesitevenmore difficult to focus while starving are the children. I have eight nephews and niecesalllivingwithmehere inthesamehouse,andallare undertheageofsix.

Every time they cry for food, their mothers try to change the subject or offer whatexpiredfoodtheyhave. Yet,howconvincingcanyou be when the food is too difficult to look at even for adults?

My sister and sister-inlaw have babies. Formula is almostimpossibletofind,so they try to breastfeed them eventhoughtheythemselves are malnourished. Imagine how you breastfeed a newbornonemptiness.

The Gaza health authorities reported 28 children died from malnutrition in the spring. There has been no update of this number since then. We can only imagine how many babies we have lost to starvation.

Hunger has affected everyone I see. People are visibly thinner, they walk aroundwithanemptylookin their eyes, dark circles underneath. The streets are filled with children and elderly people begging for food.Iseemiseryandhunger everywhereIturn.

Theworstisthatthefood that we have, when we do haveit,doesnotmakeusfeel

When it imposed its illegal siege on the Strip in 2007, it allowed on average of2,400truckspermonthto enter in the following three years This was a sharp decreasefromtheaverageof 10,000 trucks, which was meeting the bare minimum ofneedsbeforethesiege.



We have been having mostly expired canned food and wheat infested with worms. When I eat it, it makesmystomachproblems so much worse. I am always inpainafterameal.

Starvation is destroying our bodies and our minds, incapacitatingus.Andthisis thegoal.

It is, of course, not the first time Israel has starved Gazatoensureitspopulation isweakandvulnerable.

after 2010 when an international coalition of human rights activists and groups organised the Gaza Freedom Flotilla – a fleet of sixcivilianshipsloadedwith humanitarian aid that sailed for Gaza in an attempt to breaktheIsraelisiege.Israeli soldiers raided the ships and killed nine people, causing international outrage and significant political pressure tolifttheblockade.

Thenumberofaidtrucks increasedagainafterIsrael’s brutal assault on Gaza in 2014,whichkilledmorethan 2,200 people and destroyed parts of the Strip. International pressure again boredowntoforceIsraelinto allowingmoreaidin.

It is for this reason that I cannot be easily convinced that the international community simply cannot influence or pressure Israel.

They can, they have, and theymust.

InOctober,just37trucks entered Gaza per day, or fewer than 1,150 for the whole month. Two weeks ago, Israel allowed three trucks carrying food, water and medicine to enter the north,onlytoattackandburn down the shelter where they wereunloaded.

If 10,000 trucks per month were inadequate to meet the needs of Gaza before the genocide, then imagine what 1,000 trucks are doing for a population that has been starved for more than a year, has no clean water, medical supplies or fuel, and is suffering from various infectious diseases and injuries.

Forgive my grim outline ofourreality,butthereisno spaceleftfornicetiesasIam hungry

All I can think about is my empty stomach. All I have had while writing this article is a piece of bread from old wheat and some expired canned food. And while Israel may hope that we starve in silence, we will not.Theworldcanandmust stopthestarvationofGaza.

Palestinians gather to receive food from a charity kitchen amid Israeli-imposed starvation in KhanYounis in the southern Gaza Strip on November 19, 2024 [Hatem Khaled/Reuters]


Drivers (25-45 Year old) to deliver Groceries & Porter to work on the canter & warehouse. Attractive salary. Tel673-7373.

One male & Female staff to work in a store. Call: 2252313 / 658-8559.

Reputable transportation service is seeking experienced Chauffeur with mini bus and hire car license. Call: 645-0025 / 707-9428.

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1 Honda CRV, includes TV, music system, alarm, reverse camera, spoiler, crash, low mileage PTT Series (first owner). Call: 649-0956.

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For Sale 6 used American made Dental chairs excellent condition contact Mr Vino on 661-3030 or 626-8918

One Nissan Double cab pickup, fully off road setup ; -5 Million Negotiable. Call: 626-8919 / 661-3030.

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Newly constructed 2 bedroom house in A Safe & healthy environment. Call : 698-6496.


Elevate your brand with our professional Graphic design services. Call: 619-0007, 629-5526.

Visa Application:U.S.A, Canada & UK:Graphics design, advertisements, wedding arch rentals.Tel:6267040.

New $239.8M magistrates’ court, living quarter commissioned at Port Kaituma

DPI - A new $239.8 million magistrates’ court and living quarter was commissioned at Port Kaituma, Region One.

This forms part of the government’s continued effort to support and improve the administration of Justice in Guyana.

General domestic, must know to cook, clean , press ect. 3 days, $6000, 8-4 at Keyfood, Mcdoom village next to the post office.

Porter Vacancy at Vegetarian Gardens. 68 Robb & Cummings G/Town. Tel:2277714 Cell:640-0673

Receptionist Vacancy at Hick’s Ville Hotel. 79 West Ruimveldt Estate G/Town. Tel :231-0951/640-0673


Pastry maker, Cleaner, sales representative, security personnel at Humphrey's Bakery & Farm produce @ Ketley street. 505-1324.

One able-bodied porter & One handyman, apply at Keyfood trading Mcdoom next to the post office. Maid to clean for east bank area. Call: 615-9132.

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Vacancy exist for one sale representative, customer friendly team played Georgetown based toy store. Tele: 658-4874.

Two Electrician- Must have previous experienced in electrical installations & repairs. Call: 644-9084/664-9635. (Domestic & industrial wiring)

Royal link Auto parts are seeking 2 sales persons. contact: 616-7006.

Male project supervisor (Road Construction Field) 3550 years old, 5-8 years experience. Email Cv: rbinvestmentic@gmail.com

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Family fun Aracari Resort! crystal clear pool, safe kids & adult sections, music & food. W.B.D. Call : 2642946-9

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The unveiling and ribboncutting ceremony on Friday was led by the Attorney General and Minister of Legal Affairs Anil Nandlall, SC, and Minister of Public Works Bishop Juan Edghill.

This landmark facility, the first of its kind in the area, will serve approximately 800 residents of Port Kaituma and a broader population of 18,000 across the region.

It replaces the arrangement where court sessions were held in Matthews Ridge and most recently, the police station.

This development addresses longstanding challenges, including the burden of travel for legal services, which often strained resources, posing barriers for those who needed justice most.

The court serves as a statement that justice should be close to home by ensuring access for all.

Minister Nandlall during his address reiterated the government’s commitment to the rule of law and the constitutional rights of every Guyanese, regardless of their geological location.

Underscoring the importance of this achievement in improving the judicial infrastructure, he noted that years ago, such a facility would have been deemed impossible.

“Today you are here to see it as a reality and that is

our commitment as a government to work with every sector of our country and work in every sector of our country to ensure that the highest quality of services is delivered to the people or country where so ever, they are located,” the AG stated.

Further demonstrating the

importance of the justice system, the minister said a people without justice will never advance, as he highlighted the clear connection between a functional justice system and the social and economic wellbeing of a nation.

The building includes modern amenities, a spacious

courtroom, and three living quarters for the magistrate, court clerk, and staff.

It will also host services for domestic violence cases, probation, and social work, further demonstrating the judiciary’s responsiveness to public needs.

Meanwhile, Minister of Public Works, Bishop Juan Edghill noted that the court will reduce bottlenecks in the judicial system, leading to greater efficiency.

“The opening of this Magistrates’ Court marks a meaningful fulfilment of a promise made to the people within this catchment area. It represents a critical expansion within the Judicial network of Guyana by addressing the growing needs of our citizens,” the minister stated.

Similar facilities are set to be opened in Mabaruma and Mahdia shortly to ensure the judiciary’s mission remains to uphold the rule of law and provide fair, transparent, and efficient access to justice is being executed, while fostering public trust and confidence.

Meanwhile, presentations were made by Vice-Chairperson of the Region Anasha Peters, and the Chancellor of the Judiciary (ag) Hon. Mme. Justice Yonette CummingsEdwards.

Port Kaituma Magistrates’ Court
Unveiling of the Plague by Minister of Public Works, Bishop Juan Edghill
An internal view of the new Magistrates’ Court

Georgia president calls for new elections as protests erupt again

BBC - Georgia’s proWestern president has said she will stay in post until new parliamentary elections areheld,asprotestscontinue over the government’s decisiontoputEUaccession negotiationsonhold.

Speaking to the BBC, Salome Zourabichvili, who has sided with the opposition, claimed the current parliament is “illegitimate” after allegations of fraud in last month’selections.

Zourabichvili said she will retain her role as president, despite the country’s newly elected parliament saying it would choose her replacement on 14December

Mass protests in the capital are continuing to eruptforathirdconsecutive

night on Saturday in the capitalTbilisi.

Riot police have been deployed around the country’s parliament, the focal point of the ongoing protests, with officers using teargasandwatercannon.

Protests are also taking placeinthecitiesofBatumi, Kutaisi, Zugdidi, and other Georgianregions.

“I’m offering this stability for the transition, because what these people onthestreetsaredemanding is a call for new elections in order to restore this country and its European path,” said Zourabichvili. Hundreds of civil servants have signed letters expressing their disapproval of the government’sdecisiontoput negotiations with the EU on hold, saying it went against

Beyond the Brush Art Exhibition 2024 edition...


Sheexplainedthat“heritage includes the things we inherit; our history, our traditions,ourbuildings,our objects – all the things that are amassed to form the important character of a place.”

As such BarrowBrowne noted that “many paintings celebrate different parts of Guyanese heritage which is a deliberate part of thevisionofFineArt.gyand the focus of the online gallery.”

The artist noted that as Guyana stands on the crossroads of a potentially new age with the current oil production and with the imminent arrival of many foreign investors and nationals, heritage seems even more sacrosanct than ever

She stressed that even amidst the oil boom; countless Guyanese persons –especiallyyoungcreatives – are still leaving in numbers.

Barrow-Browne noted that“Thereisartandbeauty allaroundforthosewhosee and one of the most rewarding parts of my dayto-day life in Guyana is recognising how my fellow artists play pivotal roles as repositories of culture and heritageinthiscountrythatI callhome.”

“This caretaking has been central to the thesis of FineArt gy since its development This online gallery is a vessel for the

the national interests of Georgia Georgian ambassadors to Bulgaria, Netherlands and Italy have also resigned EPA Protesters wearing rain jackets and hoods are pummelled with jets of water,asoneofthemswears at police with hand gesture EPA Since 2012, Georgia has been governed by Georgian Dream, a party whichcriticssayhastriedto movethecountryawayfrom theEUandclosertoRussia.

The party claimed victory in last month’s election but opposition MPs are boycotting the new


On Thursday, the EuropeanParliamentbacked a resolution, describing the electionasthelateststagein Georgia’s “worsening democratic crisis” and saying that the ruling party was“fullyresponsible”.

It expressed particular concern about reports of voter intimidation, votebuying and manipulation, andharassmentofobservers.

F o l l o w i n g t h e resolution, Georgia’s prime ministersaidhisgovernment had“decidednottobringup the issue of joining the European Union on the

agenda until the end of 2028” In response, thousands of pro-EU protesters started demonstrating outside Georgian Dream offices in the cities of Tbilisi and KutaisionThursday

A group of public

nd journalists have also been protesting outside the country’spublicbroadcaster in the capital Tbilisi, accusing it of being a mouthpieceforthecountry’s rulingparty

wondrous and complex artistic possibilities of Guyana,”shecontinued.

The artist explained that her goal as creator has always been to emphasise the direct link between our artistic output and the creative possibilities of Guyanese young and old, menandwomen.

“The artists featured represent those thrilling differences.

This art represents a vibrant hope for a Guyana that celebrates and highlights the creativity of ourcitizensandIamgrateful to those of you who have played a part in this. This includes those of you in attendanceandtheinvestors and supporters of this event like.”

“Ourheritageiswrought from our pain and our pleasures, our wounds and our delights, our tears and our laughter and the dynamic work this evening reflects those vicissitudes. We must embrace who we are, and to embrace who we are we must truly pay attention and listen to who and what and how we are. We hear so often of the rich diversity of Guyana, but do we pay attention to the paradoxes of that diversity

Myurgetotheaudiencehere is to recognise the multilayered complexity of Guyana's cultural heritage and to participate in preserving that heritage by contributing to the artistic lifecycle,”sheexplained.

“The public broadcaster coversthewholeofGeorgia and they are brainwashing our population with propaganda, people who may not be sure what is goingon,”hesaid.

Four opposition coalitions and parties that won seats in last month’s parliamentary elections but refused to take up their mandates citing widespread vote rigging have issued a joint statement, calling for fresh elections under internationalsupervision.

“The public broadcaster must be freed from the influence of the Russians and the pressure of the regime,” said writer and activistLashaBugadze.


In case you haven’t heard, please be informed that as part of our continued effort to channel positive changes in our country, our publisher, Mr. Glenn Lall, has dedicated our Page Seven to be “BLUNT” about on-going indecencies in our land that should matter, not only to us at this publication, but the entire nation.



A windfall tax requires norenegotiation.

A windfall tax requires politicians not easily persuaded or influenced by oil companies, politicians who are anxious to get the bestfortheircountry

It does not affect expected income of the oil companies and has been introduced in several countries.


fromenactingawindfalltax? What new concoction will the crafty geniuses try to forcedownourthroats?

MONDAY–November 25,2024


T h i s c o u n t r y ' s resources gold, oil, and othersarebeingsiphonedoff beforeourveryeyes,leaving thecitizenswithnothingbut thebarestcrumbs.

The influx of foreign entities exploiting our resources is not a sign of genuine investment; it's a

parade of exploiters cloaked insuits.

Theseso-calledinvestors are being given unfettered access to our resources by leaders who should be safeguardingourinterests.

They a

with minimal equipment, but as soon as they discover our wealth,theyfloodthemarket with their own machinery and labor, systematically sidelining local workers and drainingourresources.Take a l o o k a t t h e interior—foreign companies

initially rent our trucks and machinery, but as profits surge, they replace them with their own equipment andpersonnel.

TUESDAY–November 26,2024


The President Irfaan Ali and Vice President, Bharrat Jagdeofrequentlymisusethe press with their media conferences (engagement, encounters, whatever) are characterized by well broadcasted bluster and bravado when dealing with


However, when the two leaders should be at their strongest and frankest, i.e., with foreign investors and partners,theiroperationisin secrecy, surrendering on their knees, and speaking in respectfultones.

They very quickly and efficiently find manners and mind their manners when foreignersareintheroom.

Themediaisnotengaged then,butblockedout.

Whenthemediadaresto ask pertinent questions on

vital issues, both Ali and Jagdeo retreat behind walls of

ia professionals with verbal broadsides.

Both Ali and Jagdeo preferthesoftquestions,the sweet subjects, that are not among the most concerning issues in the minds of Guyanese.

Guyanese taxpayers millionsaremisusedtomake friendly media men and women into spectacles of themselves.

Protection, awareness, care and treatment key elements in Guyana's fight against HIV- NAPS Head

In observance of World AIDS Day 2024, the Ministry of Health, through the National AIDS Programme Secretariat (NAPS), is calling on all Guyanese to spread


ess, promote education, and take proactive steps toward ending the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)epidemic.

This year's theme, 'Take the Right Path', emphasizes the importance of understanding how to protect against HIV, access care and treatment, and contribute to building a society free of HIV-related stigmaanddiscrimination.

The Head of NAPS, Dr TariqJagnarinespokeofthe currentfocus.

“This year, the focus is on ensuring everyone understands how to protect themselves and others, how toaccesscareandtreatment, and how to play a role in building a society free of HIV-related stigma and discrimination, ” Dr Jagnarinesaid.

He explained that HIV attacks the body's immune systemand,ifuntreated,can progress toAIDS (Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome),leavingthebody unable to fight infections. Over the years, significant advancements in medicine have enabled people living with HIV (PLHIV) to lead long, healthy lives with the propertreatment.

Dr Jagnarinesharedthat HIV is spread through unprotected sexual contact with someone who has HIV, sharing needles during drug use, from mother to child d

childbirth if not properly managed, and through contam

nated blood transfusions or organ transplants.Hereassuredthe public that HIV is not transmitted through casual contact, such as hugging, shakinghands,sharingfood, ormosquitobites.

Prevention remains crucial in stopping the spreadofHIV Dr Jagnarine outlined several preventive measures, including practicing safe sex by using condoms, using PreExposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) for people at high risk, avoiding the sharing of needles, and getting tested regularly Testing is quick, free, and confidential, and knowing your status helps protect both your health and the health of your partners. He also emphasized the importance of ensuring safe medicalproceduresbygoing only to certified healthcare providers.

“Prevention is key in stoppingthespreadofHIV,” hesaid.

For individuals who test positive for HIV, Dr Jagnarine assured that it is nottheendoftheroadwhile noting that people living with HIV have access to antiretroviral therapy (ART),whichsuppressesthe virus and allows individuals tolivelong,healthylives.

ART plays a crucial role in HIV prevention and care. Dr Jagnarinealsoexplained that Guyana provides free, high-qualitytreatmentforall PLHIV, with many individuals achieving an undetectable virus load, which means the virus is so

wellcontrolledthatitcannot be transmitted through sex.

This concept is known as "U=U" or "Undetectable =

Head of NAPS, Dr. Tariq Jagnarine


The NAPS Head also addressedoneofthebiggest challenges in the fight

against HIV: stigma and discrimination.

“ S t i g m a a n d discrimination remain some of the biggest challenges in the fight against HIV They discourage people from getting tested, seeking treatment, and talking openly about their experiences,” he said while urging the public to educate themselves about HIV, to supportthoselivingwiththe virus, and to speak out against harmful myths and misinformation.

Looking ahead, Dr Jagnarine shared NAPS' visionforthefuture.

“Together,wecancreate a future where HIV is no

longerapublichealththreat. By empowering individuals with knowledge and tools, we move closer to ending new infections, ensuring everyone living with HIV has access to care, and eliminating the barriers of stigmaanddiscrimination.”

He called on all Guyanese to join in taking the “right path” this World AIDS Day, for themselves, their families, and their communities.

Formoreinformationon HIV testing, treatment, and prevention services, the public is encouraged to contact the National AIDS Programme Secretariat (NAPS).

Kharag family to sponsor feature event at Kennard Memorial

Turf Club (KMTC) Boxing Day horserace meet

A number of sponsors

have indicated their willingnesstobeapartofthe Kennard Memorial Turf Club (KMTC), Boxing Day horseracemeet,slatedforthe entity’s venue Bush Lot, FarmCorentyneBerbice.

T h e f a m i l y h a s committedcloseto$2.5Min cash trophies and other incentivesforthefeatureC1 andLowerevent.

Seven races are carded forthedaywithprizemonies toppingthe$7Mmark.

The winning animals in the feature C1 race will gallopawaywith$1.2Mand the Kharag Family trophy overamile.

Among them are a number of long serving acquaintances including major sponsors The Kharag family of the USAand their businessentity,MetroOffice andComputerSupplies,and TrophyStall.

Police Softball cricket and Family Fun day set for today in Berbice

expectedtotakepartinthe day’s competition. Some female teams are also expectedtobeapartofthe day’s activities which is also expected to feature some indoor and other games.


Youmaybedrawntosomeone because of the things you share in common. You both appreciate art, music, and romantic dinners, but this person may not be a good permanentmateforyou.


Loveandromanceareinyour favoreventhoughroadblocks maykeepyoufromtakingfull advantage of the situation. You're being much too picky about the type of person you seek.


Ifthingsbegintostir,change, or fluctuate in love and romance,yourfirstimpulseis to overreact. This is probably the opposite of what you should do. Instead of quickly jumping to conclusions, you should sit back and let things slowlyunfold.


Whenitcomestotopicsoflove and romance, your feelings continue to be intercepted by words and opinions from others Whatyouwanttokeep privateissuddenlymademore public by mouths that just don'tstoptalking.


Certain areas of your life are expanding rapidly, causing youtolosetouchwiththemore romantic aspects The more youreachoutinonedirection, the more deprived you feel in theoppositedirection.

VIRGO(Aug 23–Sept 22)

The time has come for you to take charge in matters of love and romance. This isn't often thecaseforyouwhonormally liketoletotherstakethelead.

Actiontimeis09:00hrs andtherewillbealottoeat anddrink.(SamuelWhyte) Kennard Memorial Turf Club race track looking in good condition.


Youmaybetakingaback-seat approachwhenitcomestolove and romance. This isn't necessarilyabadthing.Infact, this kind of attitude works to youradvantage.

SCORPIO (Oct 23–Nov 21)

Love may become more sensual You should consider new ways in which to pamper your special someone There may be gossip associated with yourrelationshipthatturnsyou offatfirst,butdon'tletthatgetin thewayofexpressingyourtrue feelings

SAGIT(Nov 22–Dec.21)

Your mind may be in an expansive mode now Many things should be working for you.Yourflexibilityandability to juggle many things at once should make tasks that require thesetalentsabreeze.


Don't give up on finding the romantic partner of your dreams, because now is your chance.Talkisspurringyouto take action. Don't be surprised if a bit of friction keeps you fromjumpingintothesituation withbothfeet.


Be careful about declaring your love for someone when you haven't spent enough time with him or her to make that call.Youmaybasethisimpulse on superficial encounters and briefconversations.


Issues of love and romance may be climactic now You may be in a relationship phase approachingamajorturninthe road. Perhaps there's a sudden breakdownincommunication.

The event for H1 and loweranimalshasawinning purse of $500,000 and trophy with the distance beingsevenfurlongs.

The winner of the H and lower event gets $250,000 and trophy in the seven furlongsrace.Thereisarace for2-years-oldGuyanaBred animals with the winner set to collect $220,000 and trophyoversixfurlongs.

The winner of the event for Three years old open Guyana bred horses has a first prize pegged at $500,000 and trophy over sevenfurlongs.

The J and lower animals will be running over 6 furlongs with the winner set to take home $300,000 and trophy The owner of the winninghorseintheracefor the K non-winners and L openanimalsover6furlongs will collect $250,000 and trophy The Guyana Bred 2 years old maiden animals willcompeteover5furlongs withthewinnersettogallop away with $250,000 and trophy.

The final event for L openanimalsover6furlongs has a pole position take of $250,000andtrophy.

Incentives will be presented to the outstanding jockeys, trainers and stable


The KMTC has been toutedasoneofthetophorse racingvenuesinthecountry andanexcitingdayofracing is anticipated for the December26thracemeet.

The event will be conducted using the rules of TheKennardMemorialTurf Club.

Interested persons can make contact with Isaac Dalloo on 689-0629, Fazal Habibulla 657-7010, T

Ropnauth Sewsankar 6786722 for entry and other details.



All the various police s

departments in Region 6 and other teams are

competition has a number ofattractiveprizesonoffer The winning team is expectedtowalkawaywith $150,000.Thesecondprize is $75,000 while the team placing third will collect 25,000.

Tennis Player of Guyanese descent shines in Barbados Tournament

Thirteen-year-old Ava Sanicharan in action during the tournament.

Barbados – Ava Sanicharan (13), a young promising tennis player with Guyanese roots, recently participated in the ITF

on) J


or Tournament in Barbados, w h e r e h e r s t e a d y performances stood out on a competitivestage.

In the singles draw, Sanicharan faced Trinidad andTobago’sShilohWalker, showing composure and

focus to advance into the quarterfinals,6-1,6-0. Sanicharanthenteamedup withCanadianpartnerCamille Michel,playedasteadygamein the doubles draw, overcoming Walker again and Colombian MariaSanchezwitha6-4,7-6 (7/4) win in the first round Sanicharan, who resides in Canada, made it to the quarter-finals facing the 17year-old 2nd seed in a grueling contest losing the first set 2-6, bouncing back

Shadman hits fifty, WI drop three catches on truncated day

Roach struck twice early but West Indies let Bangladesh stage a mini-recovery

ESPNcricinfo - Kemar Roach rocked Bangladesh early, but West Indies’poor catching denied the home teamafewmorewicketson thetruncatedfirstdayofthe Kingston Test. Bangladesh finished on 69 for 2, with ShadmanIslamandShahadat Hossain unbeaten on 50 and 12,respectively Itcouldhave beenmuchworsehadtheWest Indies fielders not dropped threecatchesquickly.

The match began at 3pm localtime,fivehoursafterthe scheduledstartofplay,dueto the wet outfield at Sabina Park.Thedelayedstartforced Bangladesh captain Mehidy Hasan Miraz to bat first on a sunny day where only 30 overs were possible. The visitors, however, lost two wicketsearlyinthefirsthalfan hour Mahmudul Hasan Joy wasthefirsttobedismissed, caught behind for two, with wicketkeeper Joshua Da Silva taking a fine diving catch Roach then removed Mominul Haque with a delivery that swung into the

to take the second 6-1, but fell just short at 7-6 in the decider

Ava’s connection to Guyanaisapointofpridefor her family and the wider Caribbean community, as her participation in such

left-hander from around the wicket, before leaving and taking the edge It was Mominul’sfourthduckinthe WestIndies,asRoachpicked up his 50th wicket against Bangladesh

Bangladesh’s batters lookedripeforthepicking,but theWestIndiesplayersdidn’t back their fast bowlers with theirfielding AlickAthanaze droppedShadmanon15when he drove in front of first slip but couldn’t hold on to the chance. Captain Kraigg Brathwaite then dropped Shadmanon35atcover. Then came the comical drop when Jayden Seales drewShahadat’sedgewiththe batteroneight Theballburst out of Athanaze’s grip and went towards Kavem Hodge at first slip, who spilled the rebound,whichthenfelloutof Athanaze’sreachashetriedto collecttotheball

The slow outfield after the rain hampered the run flow as well Shadman struckthreefoursandasixin his100-ballstay

events highlights the region’s representation in international tennis Her quiet determination and passionforthesportserveas an example for other aspiring athletes from GuyanaandtheCaribbean.

As Ava continues to growanddevelopherskills, she remains grounded, takingeachopportunityas a step forward in her tennis journey Her achievements reflectnotjusthertalentbut alsothesupportofherfamily and her dedication to the sport She is set to be involved in more events in theCaribbeaninthecoming year, so Guyanese can follow her progress as this 13-year-old seeks to make hermarkinthesport

Marian Academy and Waramuri Primary set for exciting showdown in 2024 Girls’ U11 Football C/ship Final

The stage is set for the grand finale

of the Petra Organisation-MVP Sports Girls Under-11 Football Championship, following gripping semifinal matches attheMinistryofEducation

Ground yesterday Defending champions Marian Academy and formidable contenders Waramuri Primary booked their spots in the final after decisivevictories.

Marian Academy stormedintothefinalwitha commanding 3-0 win over Potaro Primary, who had impressed throughout the 2024 tournament The

defending champions endured a tense first 15 m

deadlock in the 16th minute withaspectacularstrike.

Building on the

momentum, Haley Haberkorn doubled the lead inthe20thminuteandsealed thedealwithanothergoalin the 30th. Despite valiant

efforts from Potaro’s Reneise Joseph and her team, Marian Academy’s defenceheldfirm,securinga clean sheet and their spot in

Diamond Mineral Water Indoor Hockey C/ship...


standout performance

h e a d i n g i n t o t h e penultimateday

QPCC staged a dramatic 3-2 comeback victory over Toronto Lions FHC in the Over-35 division After falling behindintheeighthminute toaJeewanjotSinghstrike, Akim Toussaint equalized four minutes later, igniting QPCC’s fightback Toussaint added a second goal in the final quarter to sealahard-foughtwin.

Likewise, the GCC Sequel dominated OFHC Expendables with a 6-3 victory in match #15 Orland Semple’s brace spearheaded the effort, supported by goals from Peter De Groot, Stuart Gonsalves, and Devin Hooper Toronto Lions edgedoutHikers4-2aftera tightly contested start, with Devohn Teixeira’s second-

half brilliance leading the way QPCCcappedofftheir impressive run by routing OFHCExpendables4-0.

MeanwhileintheMen’s Group A and B category matches, Toronto Lions FHC climbed on top of Pepsi Hikers 5-3 while Saints defeated TT Team Force 2-0 to round off a series of Day Three matches.

The action concludes todaywithMenandWomen semi finals and finals as well as the Over 35 and Ober45finals. The tournament, sponsored by Demerara Distillers Limited, Ansa McAl, ExxonMobil, Republic Bank, Bounty Supermarkets, Sterling Products Ltd., the Ministry of Youth, Sport & Culture, and the National Sports Commission, continues with more action-packed gamesovertheweekend.


In the second semifinal, Waramuri Primary overcame a determined St John the Baptist Primary

team with a narrow 1-0 victory The match’s decisivemomentcameearly, asAttai Harris scored in the 8thminute.

St John’s attacking line, backed by their animated coach, pressed hard for an equaliser, but Waramuri’s resolute defence stood tall,

ensuringtheirprogressionto thefinal.

Earlier in the day, West Ruimveldt Primary cruised past Genesis Primary with a 3-0 victory, thanks to a hattrick from the outstanding Ariel Farley Meanwhile, Stella Maris Primary deliveredashocking2-0win over Smith Memorial Primary, with goals from GabreannThomasinthe3rd minute and Jada Cranmore inthe29th.

The highly anticipated final between Marian Academy and Waramuri Primarywilltakeplacenext weekend at the same venue, where the 2024 champions willbecrowned.

The tournament, which has showcased exceptional youngtalent,hasbeenmade possible through the sponsorshipofMVPSports, Guyana Beverages Inc (Kool Kidz brand), V&V Distributors (Soft n’ Pretty brand),andsupportfromthe Ministries of Culture,Youth andSport,andEducation.

Showstoppers, Pouderoyen, Brothers and Team Family advance into Rockstone Street-Ball semis

S h o w s t o p p e r s , Pouderoyen, Brothers and Family advanced to the semifinal round when the inaugural edition of the Rockstone Street-ball Classic commenced on Friday evening at the Pouderoyen Tarmac in West BankDemerara.

S h o w s t o p p e r s dismantled Jetty Gunners 51. Deon Alfred bagged a brace in the first and 21st minute while Stephon Jupiter, Teffon Fraser, and Donte McAulay scored in the second, 11th, and 19th minute respectively For the loser,ChrisMaceyscoredin the33rdminute.

They will now battle Pouderoyen Brothers in the semifinal after the aforementioned team bested Westside Ballerz 2-1 on sudden death penalty kicks followinga1-1score.

Prior to the aforesaid conclusion, Dwayne Peters gave Pouderoyen Brothers the initial lead in the first minutewhileDarrelAbrams

in the fifth

and Samuel

in the fourth, 27th, 30th, and 40th minute apiece. For the loser, Bilaal

The winner of the event


andthe championship trophy, while the

third,andfourthplace finishers will receive $100,000, $75,000, and

respectively The event will conclude onDecember6thatthesame venue.

Meanwhile, Ballers Empire downed Agricola 4-2. The quartet of Kevin Padmore, Ravin Naughton, Jaleei Alcindor,
Garnett scored
Jabbarscoredinthesixthand 14th minute respectively
Their next opponent, Team Family,downedBagotstown Warriors 2-0 via goals from Teon Stewart and Lloyd Matthews in the sixth and 25thminuterespectively
Defending champions (MarianAcademy) held firm against Potaro Primary as Ella Fernandes and Haley Haberkorn shine in yesterday’s semifinal.
Showstoppers scorers from left: Stephon Jupiter, Donte McAulay, DeonAlfred, and Teffon Fraser

Jai Signs on board with Kashif and Shanghai Futsal tourney as new prize structure unveiled

- Teams set to play for biggest ever prizes as winner collects $2M

The Kashif and S h a n g h a i Organisation is back withYear End football in Guyana and their K&S

N a t i o n a l F u t s a l Championship, under the OneGuyanabrand,kicksoff on December 3 at the National Gymnasium. Jai Signs and Auto Designs of 1 4 , I n d e p e n d e n c e Boulevard,Georgetown,are among the latest business entitiestocomeinsupportof the staging of this tournament.

Co-director of the K&S Organisation, Aubrey ‘Shanghai’Majormadeabig disclosure, informing that the prize money has been increased and teams will be competing for the biggest futsalprizeslocally

Major informed that the grand prize has been bumped up from $1 5 million to a sumptuous $2

million. The full prize packagesaccordingtoMajor are as follows: The men’s tournament will see the 1st placed team collecting -

$ 2 , 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 , 2 n d -

$1,000,000, 3rd- $500,000 and 4th- $200,000. It was stated that all losers in the tournament will receive $30,000. Additionally, the final six teams will be outfitted with uniforms for the business end of the tournament.

The Female segment of thetournamentwillseea1st prize - $200,000, 2nd$100,000, 3rd- $60,000 and 4th-$40,000.

ManagingDirectorofJai SignsandAutoDesigns,Mr N a n k u m a r ‘ J a i ’ Rampersaud, in an invited comment shared that his company,ahouseholdname inGuyana,isverythrilledto be supporting this championship which is


already the talk of the town.

”We are happy to be throwing in our lot in an activity that will bring together so many youths from around Guyana, including female players We see this as one of the manywaysofgivingbackto

Diamond Mineral Water Indoor Hockey C/ship concludes today

The Guyana Hockey Board-Diamond Mineral

Muhammad disclosed that the response from corporate Guyana has been superb so far to the extent that the organisershadnoalternative but to increase the top prize for the male segment of the c o m p

”I must say that we are very overwhelmedbythepositive responses that we have been receiving so far from the business community for this championship So,wemetas anexecutiveandcollectively decidedthatwewillincrease theprizemoniesforthemale c o m p e t i t i o n ”

Wa t e r - s p o n s o r e d InternationalIndoorHockey Championship reached an exhilarating mid-phase on Friday at the National Gymnasium, setting the stageforanintensefinishto the 2024 competition. Over five days, fans witnessed moregrippingmatchesfilled with skill, determination, and high-scoring action acrossvariousdivisions.

Hikers captain Robert France tries to hold off Canadian international Devohn Teixeira.

ourcommunitytosaythanks for their support throughout the year. We would like to wish the organisers, and the players the very best in this inauguralventureandassure all of our continued s u p p o r t ” Accepting the sponsorship on behalf of the K&S Organisation, Co-Director Aubrey ‘Shanghai’ Major expressed the entity’s gratitudetoMr Rampersaud recalling the fact that they havealwaysbeensupportive of ventures undertaken by h

”Whilst we have not come your way in a few years, we were always confident that you,likemanyotherentities wouldrelishtheopportunity tosupportusandsportsonce again. This championship is all about empowering our players and affording them thatopportunitytoshowcase their skills in a competitive setting where they’ll be rewarded We must say thanks to you for answering the call, once again, Mr R a m p e r s a u d ”

Originally set to commence November20,theorganisers had to reschedule and now Tuesdaywillseethebigkick off of what promises to be intense action among the competing teams This high-energy, fast-paced formatwillseethebestfutsal talent from across the country, with 64 teams looking to cash in on the attractive prizes The tournamentwillrunthrough the holiday season and culminate on January 1, promising an exciting New Year’sDayfinale.

G e o r g e U n i t e d showcased their dominance in the Women’s division, thrashingTTPolice 8-1 in a goal-scoring clinic. Alanna Lewis and Shanniah De Freitas led the charge with two goals each, while Zene Henry,SavannahDeFreitas, AmandaGeorge,andSaarah Oltonalsofoundthebackof thenet.

, overpowering GBTI GCC Ladies with another 8-1 triumph.

In another clash, Saints Ladies overwhelmed TT Police with a commanding 5-0 victory Solana Crum Ewin, Claza Bobb, Africo Blackman, and Makaylah Poole delivered field goals to seal the win. The Saints continued their winning form, defeating YMCA Old Fort 3-0 in match #17, thanks to goals from Kaiyra Scoot, Clayza Bobb, and Kazaquah Uzzi George United further solidified

In the Over-45 Division, TT Masters displayed their exper

nce with a comprehensive3-0winover Carib Edrich Francois broke the deadlock in the 17th minute, followed by goals from Roger Daniel in the 26th and Derek Tang Nianinthe29thtosecurethe victory Also,GCCVintage and TT Masters played to a thrilling 2-2 draw In match #20, Hiker Old Boys unleashed a 7-1 demolition ofCarib,deliveringa (Continuedonpage56)

K and
presentation new - Nankumar Rampersaud (centre), Managing Director of Jai Signs, makes their presentation toAubrey ‘Shanghai’Major as Kashif Muhammad shares the moment.

Shadman hits fifty, WI drop three catches on truncated day

RoachstrucktwiceearlybutWestIndies letBangladeshstageamini-recovery

Waramuri’sAttai Harris eighth minute strike was enough to see them into the 2024 final. Marian Academy and Waramuri Primary set for exciting showdown in 2024 Girls’ U11 Football C/ship Final

- Teams set to play for biggest ever prizes as winner collects $2M Jai Signs on board with Kashif and Shanghai Futsal tourney as

Shadman Islam score a fifty on the opening day (Athelstan Bellamy)
Kemar Roach picked up two early wickets. (Athelstan Bellamy)

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