


Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo on Thursday poured
c o l d w a t e r o n a n announcement made by Suriname’s Head of State, Chandrikapersad Santokhi that each citizen there will benefit from the royalty receivedfromitsoilwealth. Jagdeo said that while this concept has been compared to Guyana’s
grant initiative, it should be noted that the Surinamese will not be benefitting from a cash payout.
Last week, President
Santokhi during his Independence Day address to the nation said royalties will be paid “so that every Surinamese can benefit and profitfromoilandgas”.
The Guardian reported that each citizen would receive an amount of US$750 in a savings account, with an annual interestrateofsevenpercent.
President Santokhi said, “Everyoneshallbenefitfrom this opportunity and no one will be left behind.” In fact, hetoldcitizens,“Youarecoownersoftheoilincomes.”
Weighing in on the announcement Jagdeo during his weekly press conference at Freedom House,Georgetown,said,“I see some comparisons are being made in the media between Suriname and Guyana because I saw President Santokhi announced that they will be getting a share in future royalty payments in Suriname and so it’s very different than what people are receiving here now in Guyana.”
He continued, “So in Suriname this is a royalty, theywouldhaveanIOUwith likethecitizens,fromwhatI understand it to be. That it will come into being when they have first oil in 2028thatiswhentheyexpectfirst oil. So right now you are only getting a share worth US$750 and then you will geta7%annualpaymenton that.”
The former Guyanese President said this amounts to just over US$50 per
annum, which is also not a cashpayment.
“That’s a share in future revenue, starting from 2028 and you only get 7% of the US$750 per year So, it’s very, very different. I hope peopledon’tgetcaughtupin this in very misleading sort of propaganda,” the VP stated.
In October, French oil group Total announced a US$10.5B project to exploit an oil field off the coast of Suriname with a capacity of producing 220,000 barrels per day, commencing 2028. Guyana’s oil deal has been repeatedly compared to Suriname’s since the nation, although it is new to the sector, has managed to securebetterfiscaltermsfor itsresources.
Suriname has negotiated a 6.25 % royalty, a sliding scale profit split that allows the country to benefit from higher oil prices and a tax rateof36%. Guyanaonthe other hand has accepted 2% royalty, 50% profit share after the contractor deducts 75%ascost,andnotaxes.
Despite ongoing protest and widespread calls for the government to renegotiate thecontract,thegovernment isadamantthatengagingthe contractor now would affect investment in the oil-rich Stabroek Block and breach the ‘sanctity of contract’ provision.
International Group Investment Inc., one of the companies awarded oil blocks in Guyana’s maiden auction, has expressed satisfaction with the government’s fiscal terms under the new Production SharingAgreement(PSA).
The company, led by Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Dr Levi Wilson Odoe, secured two shallowwater concessions, S5 and S10, during the auction that commenced in December 2022.
The Government of Guyanainitiallyput14blocks onoffer,butreceivedbidsfor eight The PSA framework includesa10%royaltyonoil production and a 10% corporate tax Additionally, cost recovery is capped at 65% annually, with profits split evenly between the governmentandoperators
The fiscal terms of the new PSAhave improved on
those of the PSA that was signed with ExxonMobil Guyana Limited for the Stabroek Block. That deal requires a meagre 2% royalty, no taxes, 75% cost recoveryceilingeachmonth which leaves 25% of profit tobesharedwithGuyana. Duringarecentinterview with this publication, Dr Odoe, a lawyer and international arbitrator, highlighted the favourable business environment in Guyana as a key reason for the company’s participation intheauction
“Ilikestablegovernment, because we are business people,wearenotpoliticians Any government that comes, as long as you create an enabling environment to do business, we are happy,” he said
He also emphasised the company’s agreement with the PSA terms, noting, “We havereviewedthePSAwith
ourlawyers,andwearevery happywiththecostrecovery, the signature bonus, and the royalties.Wearehappywith allthetermsandconditions.”
Dr Odoe revealed that hiscompanyisintheprocess of finalizing documentation required by the government beforetheymovealongwith the process “We are submitting this week,” he said, expressing confidence that the process would concludesmoothly
“Wearereadytogo,once we discover commercially viable oil, the finances are there to start operation almost immediately,” he noted.
IGI is teaming up with Nigerian company Sigmund Oilfields Limited for the development of the oil blocks. Dr Odoe noted that he invited Sigmund to Guyanaasheisconfidentin the company ability to execute works offshore
Brazil has announced the permanent offering of 91 oil blocks across key basins, aiming to attract significant investment and bolster energy security The Ministry of Mines and Energy revealed that the next auctioncycle,slatedfor2025,couldbringin an estimated 2.4 billion reais ($394 million) insigningbonuses.
The blocks are spread across strategic regions: 39 in Minas Gerais’São Francisco Basin, 41 and a marginal accumulationfield in the Potiguar Basin, and 11 in the coveted pre-saltarea.Companiescanexpressinterest in these blocks under the permanent offer model,triggeringbiddingopportunities.
Energy Minister Alexandre Silveira didn’tmincewordsaboutthestakes.Brazil’s production expected to hit a peak of 5.3 millionbarrelsperdayin2030—arealitythat hasBrazilonedgeinsearchoffreshreserves lesttheybecomeanoilimporterassoonasby 2040.
“This increase in production is essential to guarantee our energy security,” he said,
Guyana. Sigmund’s General Manager Chris Ubah disclosed that the company isexperiencedinoilandgas exploration, production and seismic survey He added,
“Sigmund Oilfields is a major player in Nigeria’s offshore oil and gas sector…Sigmund is also a traderofcrudeoil.”
“We are known for
unlocking opportunities…” heunderscored.Inrelationto the partnership with IGI it was stated that the companieshavebeenintalks witheachotherforabouttwo years. It was stated that the companies are eagerly awaiting the finalization of the agreement with government before they can movestraightintoaction.
alludingtotheimportanceofstayingaheadof thecurve.ThismoveispartofBrazil’spush to secure its spot among the world’s top oil producers.
Petrobras,thestate-controlledoilgiant,is already ramping up efforts in the pre-salt region with plans to add 11 platforms by 2027 However, not everyone is thrilled environmental concerns are bubbling over Petrobras’ ambitions to drill neartheAmazonRiver
Meanwhile, global oil prices are relatively flat on the day Brent crude is tradingat$73.40(+0.16%)perbarrel,while WTI increased to $69.46 (+1.08%). Brazil was the ninth-largest oil-producing country intheworldlastyear,withanaverageoutput of3millionbpd,growingby4percentfrom 2021.
TheBrasíliagovernmentaimstoincrease thispositiontofourthintheworldby2030by producing around 5.4 million bpd, and Petrobras is taking the lead in the industry (OILPRICE.COM)
PrintedandPublishedbyNationalMedia& PublishingCompanyLtd. 24SaffonStreet, Charlestown,Georgetown,Guyana.
Tel:225-8465,225-8491. Fax:225-8473,226-8210
WorldAIDS Day was founded by the United Nations andwasfirstcelebratedonDecember1,1988.Countriesin whichAIDSwasconsideredtabooarenowofferingtesting andtreatmentforthevirus.
World AIDS Day provides an opportunity for people worldwidetodrawattentiontotheHIV/AIDSepidemic.It isimportanttoremindthepublicandgovernmentsthatthe virusstillexistsandthatitisvitaltoincreaseitsawareness
WorldAIDSDayisalsomeanttocommemoratelovedones who have died from the disease, to show solidarity and celebratethosewhosurviveandthoselivingwiththevirus, andtoraisemoneytocombatit.
TheRedRibbonisrecognizedastheuniversalsymbol ofawarenessandtheglobalfightagainstAids.Thecolour red is chosen for its boldness and for its symbolic associations with passion, the heart and love. Despite medicine to treat the virus, HIV/AIDS remains a deadly disease.
Sincetheoutbreak,HIVremainsamajorglobalpublic healthissue,havingclaimedanestimated42.3millionlives to date. Transmission is ongoing in all countries globally, the World Health Organisation said, noting too that there were an estimated 39.9 million people living with HIV at theendof2023,65%ofwhomareintheAfricanRegion.In 2023, an estimated 630 000 people died from HIV-related causesandanestimated1.3millionpeopleacquiredHIV AIDSaffectsonlyhumanbeings,itislikeotherviruses suchasthefluorthecommoncold,exceptthatthehuman immune system can get rid of colds and flu, but not the H I V / A I D S v i r u s HIVis spread through sex and certain body fluids such as blood,semen,rectalandvaginalfluidsandbreastmilkfrom mothers infected with the virus. It is also transmitted by sharingneedlesandsyringes,etc.Oncesomeoneisinfected with the virus, it stays with that individual forever, but antiretroviral(ART)medicinehelpstocontrolthevirusso that people infected with HIV can live a longer, healthier and normal life expectancy ART also reduces the risk of transmitting HIV to full-blown AIDS, which is the final stageofthevirus.Despitethescientificadvancesmadein treating the disease, it continues to affect the Caribbean, includingGuyana.
Based on recent data from the World Health Organization in the Americas, which include Guyana an estimated4.0million[3.5–4.5million]peoplewereliving with HIV in 2023, of which 89% [68–>98%] knew their status, 72% [55–85%] were receiving treatment and 66% [58–75%] had suppressed viral loads. An estimated 2.9 million people were receiving antiretroviral therapy in 2023. Further, the Who said an estimated 160 000 [130 000–210 000] people acquired HIV in 2023; and the number of people acquiring HIV decreased to 0.16 [0.13–0.20]per 1000 uninfected population in 2023 from 0 18 [0.15–0.23] in 2010. 44 000 [32 000–60 000] deaths were attributedtoHIV-relatedcausesin2023,adecreaseof35% from2010.
In Guyana, there is a high HIV incidence, which has spread beyond specific high-risk groups into the general population.BackinSeptemberareportbyUNAIDSnoted thatglobally,youngpeople,15-24years,accountfor28per centofnewHIVinfectionsin2023whileintheCaribbean, they accounted for 27% of the 15, 000 new infections, up from15%in2020.
“This rising proportion of total HIV incidence among young people which ranges from 14% in Suriname and Guyana to 37% in Barbados, is concerning and warrants furtherinvestigationandseriousattention,ifwearetoend AIDSasapublichealththreatby2030,”UNAIDShadsaid.
, I thank you for your accommodatingmyletter,in which I address two issues. Issue number one is that the Guyana Chronicle must do better
I read in the November 29, 2024 issue that “Jagdeo commends GECOM for ‘schooling the opposition’ on election laws” Being piqued with interest, and desiring to be informed, I carefullyperusedthearticle, butitprovedawasteoftime. Let me point out just two placeswhereIwasleftbereft of the requisite information and explanation, usually befittingsuchreportage.
Right off the bat, I note that the report stated that “Dr Bharrat Jagdeo, has once again called out the opposition for their ‘falsehoods and noise’in an ongoing campaign to undermine the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM)forrefusingtoact constitutionally”
So, my first question is that “… once again called out…”mustbeaccompanied by some reference of previous such ‘calling out.’ That was glossed over, or maybe it was pure incompetence, ignorance and indolence on the part of the reporter, and by extension,theeditor.
My second question is that since “Dr Jagdeo has been pointing out “that the opposition has been making repeated calls for GECOM to take unconstitutional and illegal actions…”, I need to know specifically what are these ‘unconstitutional and illegalactions.’
The article again offers nothing.
The reporter and his/her reportingneedscrutiny
Issue number two relates to Dr Henry Jeffrey’s “GECOM and ethical decision-making’, which at its best makes for a very laborious piece of verbiage After struggling through the barrenepistle,Iamleftwitha basicquestionforJeffrey
The question is where washisvoice,whenallforms ofbiasesandillegalitieswere beingperpetratedbythethen joint opposition, A Partnership For National Unity/Alliance For Change (APNU/AFC)
Letmeillustrate,andone example will more than suffice. Editor, I refer to the constant‘illegal’rejectionof the ‘more than one’list that Bharat Jagdeo submitted to then President Granger He kept rejecting ‘without reason’allthenominees.
By the way, the criteria for the position are all welllaidout,andwereadheredto
in Jagdeo’s repeated submission.
During these months of duressandpanic,createdby APNU/AFC’s machinations andcarping,Ineverheardan utterance from Dr Jeffrey Hehadagreatmomentthen to comment on things ‘illegal’and‘unethical.’
His reticence then is as baffling as his present vocal boisterousness. Let me sum up how presumptuous an issue he had then on which he‘could’and‘should’have soundedhisvoice.
For this, I go back to when the “Caribbean Court of Justice (found) Granger’s appointment of GECOM Chairman “flawed”( June 2019) In the ruling, the court, ICJ, concluded that the process that was followedin the appointment of Justice Patterson was flawed and in breach of Article161(2).”Inthewords of CCJ President, Justice Adrian Saunders, “(Then) President David Granger’s ‘unilateral’ appointment of James Patterson (now deceased) as Chairman of the Guyana Elections Commission(GECOM)was “flawed” and that the PresidentandtheOpposition Leadershouldmeetbeforeto arrive at a list of six acceptable nominees from which one person would be selected. In fact, Justice
Saunders deemed the appointment of Patterson as “unfortunate,” explaining that “… the President was not entitled to lay down eligibility requirements added to or at variance with the provisions of the constitution.”
So, there was an opportunemoment,andmore so the very act by the President was so egregious, asJagdeohadsubmittedalist of 18 names, all of which Granger had rejected Mind you, and as was pointed out bytheCCJ,“ thePresident could not resort to unilateral appointment of a GECOM Chairman if the Opposition Leader “demonstrates a willingnesstoengageingood faith (in) the process outlined”
Editor, when the Jeffreys of Guyana practise ‘ s e l e c t i v e ’ a n d ‘opportunistic’ ‘voicing their ‘supposed’ analysis, they all betray their own hamartia
Look at this hypocrisy! Jeffrey is suggesting that “ thefactthatshe(Justice rtd Claudette Singh) always has voted with the PPP is sufficient reason for opposition parties to believethatsheisbiased.”I seealarger‘bias.’Itresides withDr.HenryJeffrey.
Yourstruly, PrescottMann
A monetary value can’t be placed on the trip Guyana expended on security and entertainment and local transport and probably received more (in gifts, like grants) than was incurred, making it a net gain. It was a historic visit, onlythesecondbyanIndian PM, with the last being Srimati Indira Gandhi in 1968 (Two Indian Vice Presidentswereguestsofthe state) but none were accorded the kind of publicity and world attention and not received the kind of tribute and respect bestowed on Shri Narendra Modi ji). The globalmediacoverageitself wasworthmillions.
Guyana has had close relations with India for the last 186 years. Modi’s visit offeredbothcountriesavery uniqueopportunitytoreflect on their longstanding relationship,totakestockof the pasts and take steps
towards the future of even stronger partnership. This visit further cements ties with India which has been a key development partner goingbacksince1966when G u y a n a g a i n e d independence.
Credit go to the various individuals who worked behind the scenes to make thevisithappen,nottheleast being diplomats, business people, and lobbyists like Ravi Dev, myself, and others. Special mention mustbemadeoftherolesof t h e p r e s e n t H i g h Commissioner to Guyana Dr. Amit S Telang and his predecessor Dr. K.J Srinivas. The latter played the key role in the visits of President Irfaan and Vice President Jagdeo to India in 2023,takingtherelationship to its highest and most rewarding level; Prime Minister Mark Phillips also visited India last year (ForbesBurnhamandDavid Granger visited India
earlier). Dr Srinivas was also the promoter of Irfaan being selected as Chief Guest at the 2023 edition of PBD; Jagdeo was Chief Guest at PBD 2004. There was intense lobbying by the Indo-Guyanese diaspora like myself for the selection of both as well as Donald Ramotar (2015) as Chief Guest; HC Venkatachalam Mahalinghamdidthehonors bringing the two nations evercloser
Many history making events occurred during Modi’s two days visit – the variousvisitstomonuments (Promenade Gardens to pay tribute to Gandhi’s statue and Swami Dayanand, Monument Gardens to pay tribute to the Indian indentured laborers or girmityas, SVN school to paytributetotheSwamithat founded it, address to the Parliament, engaging Caricom heads, addressing the Indian diaspora at the national cultural center that
was built with the Indian Immigrant Fund, holding bilateral discussions and making agreements, and having private engagements with old student friends going back to the 1970s when Modi met Guyanese and Trinidadians in India and others he met at conferences in USA and Trinidad (two visits), and in a private visit to Guyana in August2000.
Lamppostsfromthecity to the airports and to the places where Modi visited were decked out with flags of India and Guyana and several Posters of Modi and President Ali. The Marriot also had a huge poster welcoming PM Modi. Diaspora turned up in large numbers giving him a rousing welcome, singing Vande Mataram and chanting ‘Bharat Mata Ki Jai’ at the airport and hotel andatseveralstops.ThePM engagedGuyaneseatall (Continuedonpage06)
Denmark 1
USA 37
Barbados 47
Guyana 49
T&T 70
Jamaica 77
Suriname 87
Brazil 115
25th November was the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women and it may beusefultonotethatGuyana was one of the earliest countries in CARICOM to passadomesticviolenceact. Only the Barbados act of 1993 preceded Guyana’s This, and more importantly, theunderstandingthatsocial progress, particularly in these longitudinal projects, depends upon there being a unitednational-notpartisan -bodyofpersonsperennially dedicated to support and defend the process, is perhaps responsible for the Women Peace and Security Index being one of the rare international social indices upon which Guyana is comparatively highly ranked.
My statement as then Senior Minister of Housing, Labour, Human Service and Social Security below suggests a commitment to thisnationalapproach.Some progress has been made but thereisstillmuchtobedone.
For example, if the parliamentary opposition is correct, the existence of relevant data and enforcement are still problematic.
The 1996 Act is now replaced by an ‘upgraded’ Family Violence Act 2024 and my comments also provide a backdrop to this journey
Mr Speaker, rarely are the contradictions of our socialexistencesoglaringas in our relationship with the notion of violence Everywhere violence is condemned but everywhere itisapplied. Wearerepulsed by the use of violence in adult relationships and a crescendohascomeuponus to do something about domestic violence. Yet, the valueofafewlashestoinstill discipline in a child is well established and there is a growingchorusfortheuseof the hangman’s noose to rid society of violent crimes. Therefore, even as we take this partial and worthwhile steptoridour societyofthe scourge of domestic
violence, it is important that we realise that our understanding of the nature andimplicationsoftheuseof violence is extremely rudimentary
Mr Speaker, so far as I am aware, the precise scope of the problem of domestic violence as it relates to Guyana is largely unknown. It is customary to argue that incidents of domestic violence have increased even from the figures which PrasadandDannsgaveinthe mid-eighties, when they argued that two out of three women of all races and s o c i o - e c o n o m i c backgrounds suffered some form of domestic violence. The issue has not been adequatelystudied,butifthe claimthatdomesticviolence has increased is correct in thiseraofincreasinggender awareness,theproblemmay bemuchmorecomplexthan we appreciate Our Constitution enshrines equality between the sexes and the Equal Rights Act 1991 seeks to enforce that equality To these must be addedthemanyinternational conventions on the e l i m i n a t i o n o f discrimination and violence against women to which Guyana has become a party In the circumstances our government, and indeed this parliament, would be extremely remiss if it failed to tackle, in a progressive fashion, what is an issue of fundamentalhumanrights.
Of course, women are not the only victims of domestic violence and what appears to have increased in recent times is violence
againstchildren,menandthe elderly The Bill before this H o n H o u s e i s comprehensive in its coverage.Puttersely,byway of protection orders and various enforcement mechanisms, it seeks to protectandensurethesafety of family members confronted by physical and psychologicalviolence.
In our view the existing legal regime which relies largely on High Court
remedies by way of injunctions and proceedings for damages for trespass to person and so on, does not offer quick and effective relief to victims of domestic violence.
My reference to “our view”shouldnotbetakento suggest that this Bill is essentiallythecreationofthe government. Thecontraryis closer to the truth. Indeed, the design of a few other pieces of legislation has allowed for such mass participation.
Inthefirstplace,theBill was drafted by lawyers attached to the National Women’s Rights Campaign who used Caricom model legislation as their starting place Some thirty organisations associated to
the known political parties, trade unions, religious and professional organisations, the disciplined forces, etc., participated, in one way or another, in preparing this Bill Added to this, the Guyana Human Rights Association held a series of workshops in various parts of the country at which the draft Bill was considered in s o m e d e t a i l Recommendations for amendmentsweremadeand manyhavebeenadopted.
We wish to thank all those persons and institutionswhoparticipated in the process. We would also say to all those who claim that this piece of proposed legislation is a foreign import that nothing could be further from the truth, although attempts were made to be as broadly comparativeaspossible.
Mr Speaker, to those who contend that legislation is not the answer to these kindsofsocialproblems,put charitably, we would like to believethatsuchapositionis anoverstatementofatruism whicharguesthatlegislation is not the only answer to the kind of social problems underconsideration.
This Bill recognises the
latter and foresees the need for counseling (6:1:n) and for other institutional support(44:1).
Indeed,someofthevery persons who have helped us to frame the Bill have proceeded to develop organisations such as Help and Shelter which provides counselling and other support to victims of violence. We recognize that this is but the beginning and much more needs to be and willbedone.
I believe that those who argue that we should wait untilwhattheyconsidertobe acriticallevelofsupportisin place before we proceed to legislation lack the most minuscule understanding of social dynamics and offer only administrative sterility
A piece of legislation like this provides the focus and creates the necessity for action.
Therearealsothosewho claim that this kind of law can lead to the breakup of families and the possible pauperisation of children
How, we are asked, can we possibly equate the stability of the family with a few boxes and perhaps (my inclusion)afewkicks.
Finally, it is said that the Bill gives the police excessive powers of intervention and arrest. My understanding is that the powers allowed in this Bill arenotmuchofanextension on those already possessed bythepolice. Inanycasethe police must show good reason for intervention, and it appears an absurdity to allowthepolicetointervene if my neighbour is beating the hell out of me but not if mywifeisdoingso.
Mr Speaker, the time when one could possibly have believed that it would constituteacredibledefense tosaytoacourt:“amewife, amefeedam,ameclotheam and a me kill am” has long passed.
I trust that this House will find it possible to support the Bill before it. Thankyou.
This question is as difficult to answer as that which claims that this law shouldbeabandonedsinceit would encourage women to make malicious complaints. Both positions bespeak a warped and somewhat degraded perception of the human condition and thus willnotdetainme.
As Guyanese remain relentless in their calls for the oil contract with ExxonMobilanditspartners to be renegotiated, the company has stepped up its campaign to shut down any suchdemand.
PresidentofExxonMobil Guyana Limited (EMGL), AlistairRoutledgeduringan appearance on the Energy Perspectives Podcast aired on Sunday, said investing in confidence is always crucial tothecompany.
According to him, “I
think what’s critical around the world to support an industry that has a long horizon for investments-20 years, 30 years plus- is stability It’s always super importanttoustoensurethat we are investing with confidence, that the rules aren’t going to change, that our investors can have that abilitytolookoutwhenthey make an in
nt decision, know that it is goingtomaterialise.”
Routledge pointed out thatwhilethecompanytakes
geological and execution, “having that consistency around the regulatory and
He explained that the company plans to put six projects onstream by 2027, increasingthecountry’stotal production capacity to 1.3 billionbarrelsofoilperday. Presently, EMGL, the operator of the Stabroek Block has received regulatory approvals for six projects. Three of those are
currently producing an average 650,000 barrels per day,wellabovetheexpected capacity
While this production has resulted in record earnings for shareholders of Exxon, Guyana has been receiving a meagre portion of the revenues earned from the projects. The country is also faced with greater environmental risks for which it does not have full financialprotection.
A key provision not included in the contract
allows Exxon to shorten Guyana’sshareofprofitsby investing the earnings to develop projects yet to startup,andevenfinancethe company’s exploration activities.
To date, Guyana would havebeenreceivingagreater profit share with a ringfencing provision, since the cost of the three projects in operationhavebeenpaidoff. Despite being urged to implement a ring-fencing provision to ensure the country benefits from the current high oil prices, the government is reluctant to applythismechanism.
In the meantime, Exxon deducts75%ofGuyana’soil produced each month to recover cost. The remaining 25% is shared equally with Guyana as profits The country also receives one of the lowest royalty rates knowntothesector,apaltry
ExxonMobil holds 45% interestintheblock,whileits partners Hess Guyana Exploration Ltd and CNOOC Petroleum Guyana Limited hold 30% and 25% respectively The Stabroek Block is estimated to hold some 11.6 billion barrels of oilequivalent.
Since production commenced in 2019, Exxon has produced over 500 million barrels of oil. This however only translates to US$5.4B in oil revenue for Guyana, while the company has already grabbed about US$25 9 billion in costs alone. Since the agreement provides for a 50% profit split, it would be safe to conclude the oil companies have so far collected US$31.3B, over five times what the country received for its resources during the sameperiod.
President on Thursday told reporters that he is hopeful that his government’s oil spill bill will be tabled in Parliamentbytheendoftheyear
He was at the time speaking on the issue at his weekly pressconferenceatFreedomHouse.AskedbyKaieteurNews togiveanupdateonthebillwhichwastobetabledbeforethe recessinAugustbutitwasnotJagdeosaidthat,“Wearegoing throughthis…thetechnicalagencieshavegiventheirviews, wehavesentitupbacktotheconsultants.”
Hefurtherexplainedthattheyareawaitingthefinaldraft of the bill which will have the views included “and then we willhaveadiscussionatthelevelofthecabinetandhopefully wewillgetittotheparliamentbeforetheendoftheyear Itis still my hope to table it before the end of the year.” The Oil SpillActisaimedatensuringthecountryisprotectedduring thetransportationofcrudeoil.
Jagdeo in the past had said that the legislation, once in place,willcoverGuyanafrom“allsortsofliabilities”.Hehad explained…alawinplaceliketheyhaveintheUSandsome othercountriesthatwillcoveralsotransportationbecausewe have more crude being transported in our jurisdiction so it’s not just liabilities of the oil companies but transport companies,etceteraandthat’sbeenintheworksalongtimeso thatwecanprotectthiscountry.”
The updated Petroleum Activities Act passed in the NationalAssemblyinAugustlastyeardoesnotaddresssuch events. The law at Part X ‘Transportation and Storage’only regulatestransportationandstorageofpetroleumviapipeline andgivestheMinisterpowertograntaccesstothirdparties.
Continued on page 15
The People’s
Party/Civic (PPPC)hasmasteredtheart of political rhetoric. Few can rival its dexterity with words. It weaves narratives of inclusion while standing apart from the very institutions and individuals necessaryforsuchideals.
“Inclusion” is its buzzwordofchoice,rolling off tongues in press conferences and official events Yet, like a magician’s sleight of hand, it obscures more than it reveals. The question is not whetherthePPPCspeaksof inclusion it does so liberally but whether it practicesit Theanswer,alas, lies in an uncomfortable dissonance
It is no great insight to saythattrustliesattheheart of any system of governance predicated on inclusion. The PPPC has repeatedly invoked this axiom, particularly followingthe1997periodof political violence It will be justified in doing so in the aftermath of Guyana’s darkestdemocraticmoment: the 2020 election fiasco That debacle, orchestrated by the APNU+AFC coalition, left scars on the nationalpsyche
The PPPC’s mistrust of itspoliticalopponentsisnot
unfounded—it is justified by the audacity of an attempted electoral coup in an era when such manoeuvresareuniversally condemned. But here lies the paradox: inclusion cannotexistinanatmosphere devoidoftrust,yettrustitself cannot materialize in a vacuum It requires engagement,persistence,and a willingness to risk vulnerability for the greater good
ThePPPC’sapproachto inclusion appears to be a fortress with a drawbridge that never lowers. It speaks ofa“newpoliticalculture,” an expectation seemingly directed at its opponents. But asking the Opposition to abandon its history of undemocratic conduct is akin to asking the rain to ceasefalling.
Political parties, like people,arenottransformed by decree; they are shaped by circumstance and interaction. If the PPPC genuinelywishestousherin a new political culture, it must articulate what conditions are required for that transformation and what steps it is willing to take to foster it. Otherwise, its calls for change will remain hollow and selfserving.
Numbers,asstubbornas facts, tell their own story
The APNU+AFC coalition represents a substantial portion of the electorate, approaching half of the voting population. For all its democratic failings, it cannotbewishedaway The PPPC may find comfort in its one-seat parliamentary majorityandthedelusionof a visible decline of the coalition’s electoral fortunes Yet the recent localgovernmentelections, with victories in Linden, New Amsterdam, and Georgetown,revealthatthe APNU+AFCretainsaloyal and formidable base. To ignore this is to alienate almosthalfofthecountry,a misstep for a party that proclaims the goal of nationalunity
The PPPC’s history with inclusionary democracy is checkered at best. In the wake of the violentprotestsof1997,the party introduced the notion oftrustasaprerequisitefor shared governance. Trust, however, is not something pluckedfromtheether Itis cultivated, brick by brick, through dialogue and action The PPPC’s concessions to appoint Opposition representatives to boards and commissions have been more symbolic than substantive Such gestures are akin to placing a bandage over a gaping
Long ago, when people use to write Letters to deEditor,demlettersuseto short and sweet, like lil sugar cake Three paragraphs was de longest anybody dare go. Is like de Editors had one invisible whip in dem hand—if yuh letter long, is cut and chop, chop and cut. And when yuh pick up de paper, yuh use to feel proud fuh see yuh name, even if is only threelinesdemlef’in. But dem boys notice onething:timeschange.De letters now long like dem school assignments when teacher use to give yuh, “Write 1,000 words pon why yuh didn’t do yuh homework.” Some ah dem letters suh long, dem look like somebody printing out de Constitution. Yuh does open de paper and see one lettertekkinguptwopages. By de time yuh finish read
one, yuh forget what yuh was reading in de first place.
Dem boys seh is like people competing to see who could write de longest letter Yuhgotsomeahdem letter writers sounding like politicians giving speeches—plentylongtalk, but when yuh check, dem ain’tsehnothingnew Some ah dem repeating de same thing five different ways, justlikeamanwhowalking round in circles and calling itexercise.
And what really funny is some ah dem letters longer than de Op-Ed column! Imagine dat! Dem boys seh if yuh letter long like that, apply fuh be a columnist, nah. Every day yuh flooding de paper with thesis-length letters like yuh doing research fuh university Whogotdetime fuh read all a dat? De Letters editors need fuh
wound; they do little to address the systemic issues at hand The present administration, regrettably, has veered further from the inclusionary ideals it once espoused The PPPC’s interactions with civil society reveal an unsettling pattern: criticism is interpreted as hostility Organizationsthatquestion the government are labeled “anti-PPP,”theirlegitimacy dismissed. This intolerance toward dissent erodes the very foundation of democratic governance, whereopposingviewpoints are not just tolerated but valued.
Ifinclusionistobemore than a slogan, the PPPC mustbeginbyclarifyingits own position It must articulate the conditions under which it envisions greater political inclusion. What steps must the Opposition take to rebuild trust? What actions is the PPPC itself prepared to undertake to create a more
transparencywouldsignala genuinecommitmenttothe principles of inclusion and serve as a foundation for dialogue Inclusion, true inclusion, demands more thanrhetoric.Itrequiresthe courage to sit across the table from those who have wronged you and to chart a path forward together It requires humility, the humility to admit that no single party or ideology holds a monopoly on wisdom or virtue. And it requiresvision,avisionofa Guyana where differences arenotwallsbutbridges.
The PPPC must decide whether it is serious about realising this vision in Guyana. If it is, it cannot affordtosidelinethosewho represent nearly half the population, however grievous their political leaders’ sins may be. A democracy is not built by isolating dissent but by engaging it, testing it, and
tempering it in the crucible ofdebate.
For too long, Guyana’s political culture has been one of exclusion and mistrust. The PPPC, as the party in power, has the responsibility and the opportunity—to break this cycle. But first, it must speak plainly What does inclusionmean?Whatdoes it require? And how will it be achieved? Without answers to these questions, the party’s promises of inclusion will remain a castlebuiltonsand,eroding witheverywaveofpolitical reality.
(Theviewsexpressedin this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the o p i n i o n s o f t h i s newspaper.)
startusingscissorsagain,or better yet, one machete. Chop, chop, and chop! Most ah dem letters could fit into two paragraphs if yuh trim de fat. Cut out all dem big words and long sentences, and leave de thingsweetandtodepoint. Peoplewantfuhreadquick and move on, not tek one hourfuhfinishoneletter
Dem boys seh back in de day, even big magazine like Newsweek and Time use to edit letters down to four, five lines. Nobody complain,becausedemstill get fuh mek dem point. Is time fuh de private newspapers in Guyana remember dem roots and bring back de short and sweetletters.
Andifyuhreallyfeelde needfuhwritelong,sendit straight to de Editor Dem boys hear he looking fuh newcolumnistsanyway! Talkhalf.Leffhalf
Takepublicservantsand pensioners, by my count 100,000 cash grant eligible Guyanese, give or take. Sincetheyarealreadyinthe system, a captive subset of the qualifying population, why do they still have to register?
About76,000pensioners arereadyingfortheordealof collectingtheir2025pension books, now they must submit to another grueling process that drains stamina and soul. Consider the wait and woes at registration sites.
Perhaps,thegovernment will have an army of registration agents, and many, many of such sites. Thereistheelementoftime, andnoteismadeoftheweek allocated. Itishelpful,butI ask myself if that is enough, considering the numbers of cashgranteligiblecitizens.
W i l l t h e P P P Government, as a special courtesy to senior citizens segregate them from the crush of about 300,000 Guyanese in a mad rush to getinthelineandsignonthe dotted line? If they are lumped in with other qualifying Guyanese, it doesn’t require much to imaginetheirdistress.
Opposition Leader, Mr AubreyNorton,saidthatthe government is in a mad scramble The PPP
Governmentismad. Endof story.
Excellency Ali, who lovesthequickdash,thebig splash, delivered one involving a bucket of cash. Where is it, Mr Ali? It has not been “immediately”, as promised Dr Excellency Dr Ashni Singh, the man withthecashregister,waxed smartly about a simple and easyregistrationprocess.
How so, Dr Singh, with about 300,000 eligible people congregating at the sites and then having to return to uplift their check
Perhaps, Dr Singh helicopters from home to work I suggest that he should try to get a read on how Guyanese use their multibillion-dollarroads. If there is that level of mayhemtogettoastoplight [and through it], then only the worst is to be expected when a hundred large is involved Discipline, courtesy, and order are all under the severest stresses, with no money in the mix. Throwinahundredbigbills andmenbecomemobs.
For some reason, the mindflashestotheRomans. What did those sharpies do when they wanted to mesmerise the jaded and angrypopulace? Theygave them a circus, with free bread attached to stuff their
And, to put a crown on the festivities, the sickly Romanemperors,whomade themselves into Gods, gave them some gladiators to kill oneanother,andabundleof Christianstofeedthelionsor thebonfires.
FortheRomansthatwas respite and entertainment. The PPP Government’s equivalent is because we care, we share. Thanks for the circus, Dr Ali, Jagdeo, andDr Singh.
Dr Jagdeo was the first out of the blocks to inform the nation about an App. What happened to that, Mistah Jagdeo? Did Mr Maduro wreak havoc with that Ministry of Finance gimmick? It was that all along, wasn’t it, especially now that the owner of that app, Dr AK Singh, is busy pontificatinginpublicabout apaperprocess.
Whoistherealdoctorin that trio of heroes and superstars? Dr Singh got a shadeonthetestysidewhen peppered with questions aboutthe$100k. Iwouldbe too,ifmyownvicepresident ran out and told the Guyanese people about someblastedappthatisnow undeliverable, for all intents and purposes. Was it ever feasible? Diditreallyexist?
Incidentally, there was some picture of General
MarkPhillipsregisteringfor the cash grant. Why is that so, why is he lining up to collect, as much as he is eligible,isdue?
The PPP Government has taken care of its prime ministers (Jagdeo is three in one),ministers,andsoonin the money and allowances departments.
Isiteverydamncentthat becomesavailablethathasto be grabbed by the PPP big dogs? I assure mon general Phillips that this is not personal, no offense intended It is simply sociological,environmental, and general (no pun meant), which all Guyanese are free tointerpretastheyplease.
Bhar-rat who jumped in front and hollered that overseas Guyanese could collectthecash. Heandhis sickly, dutty PPP Government cannot even dealwiththeGuyanesewho are here, who are hoping, whoarehurting,andheraces forward to bring overseas Guyaneseintothefreeness.
Guyanese resident here are living on the borders of starvation,butJagdeo’sonly vision, only ambition, is about elections. Guyanese losing their grip on a decent living, and Daktah Jagdeo lustingafterpower
It is how the cash is tainted. It is how one cash grant sleight of hand after anotherhasvisitedexpectant
Guyanese. I remind all Guyanese of those other Guyanesewhousedtostorm airline offices for some mixed-upplaneticket.
With money in the mix allbetsareoff. Manytimes, money drives sober men mad. Look at what it has done to PPP politicians Going forward, I am calling thisthecashgrantslant. Or the PPP Government’s cash granttrashtalk.
(The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the o p i n
Residents of Beterverwagting during the community meeting
Beterverwagting/Triumph area on the East Coast of Demerara will soon benefit from training in the area of smart agricultural techniques.
This was disclosed by Agriculture Minister, Zulfikar Mustapha during a communitymeetingonSaturday,November 30th at the Beterverwagting/Triumph Community Center The meeting was a follow-uptoacommunityoutreachrecently hostedbyVicePresidentBharratJagdeo,the ministrysaidinapressrelease.
Duringthemeeting,theSecretaryforthe Beterverwagting/Triumph Community Development Council (CDC), Jason October told the Minister that there were a number of persons who are farmers and potentialfarmerswhoneedtraininginareas such as hydroponics and shadehouse cultivation.
“Mr Minister,Iseemyselfasapotential farmer and envision Beterverwagting becoming a farming hub that contributes to your vision. I can see the young people of Beterverwagting getting involved in agriculturemoresoinhydroponicsandalso shadehouse farming. I am one of the
beneficiariesoftheRAIDProjectandImust say thank you for that initiative. What we would like is for some new training programmesandworkshopstobeinitiatedin the community so that we can build that motivationandgetyoungpeopletogetmore involved in farming and agriculture,” he said.
Responding to the request for training, Minister Mustapha said that the ministry through the National Agriculture Research Institute (NAREI) will commence the trainingimmediately
“We can start that immediately I am tasking you with organizing the young people in the area. You should also get the women on board. We will work along with theCDCthatisalreadyinplace.Assoonas the group is ready, we can commence the training.Thiscanbeginasearlyasnextweek andwillbedonethroughNAREI.So,we’ll train you in a number of smart agriculture techniques such as hydroponics and shadehousecultivation,”heexplained.
As it relates to maintaining lands that were cleared for cultivation, Minister Mustaphasaidthattheministrywasopento Continued on page 15
-Hundredsofpeopleshowed up on Saturday for the Guyana Government-
Trinidad and Tobago Diaspora Job Fair at Passage toAsiainChaguanas
The event, which was hostedbytheGovernmentof Guyana in partnership with theprivatesector,providedan opportunity for people seeking employment in the South American country to interact with prospective employers
Among the crowd were Trinidadians and Guyanese who said their primary interestinattendingtheevent was to seek employment in Guyana When the Sunday E x p r e s s s p o k e t o Trinidadians, they said they were motivated to attend the
event because of what they felt were dwindling job opportunitiesavailableinthe country
Twenty-three-year-old graduateofTheUniversityof the West Indies Kasal Sant said he had obtained his Bachelor’s degree in Process and Chemical Engineering butwasyettosecureajobin thecountry.“Mypurposefor coming here today is to seek employment The officials fromGuyanahadquitealotto say about development within their country, and that’ssomethingI’mlooking forward to—and I’m not exactly seeing it in Trinidad I’mlookingtosee,firstofall, ifIcan get a job in Guyana; butalsoiftheprospectsthere are relative to those in our owncountry,”hesaid.
Asked if he had previously considered working in Guyana, he said he had, because of recent developments in the oil and gas industry in that country
“My field of study is oil and gas, and food and beverage That is something I think everyone would know that Guyana is an oil and gas industry,” he said. He said beyond earning a living, the concern of standard of living was also an essential consideration
“I was very interested to hear what the officials said
about development, includinghousing,andthatis aconsideration,because,yes, everyone wants to secure a job butthereisalsosurvival and expenses That is essential for life as well,” he
toldtheSundayExpress For a 33-year-old single
mother who said it was becoming increasingly difficult to find employment here, her main goal for attending the job fair was to earnaliving
TheCharlievilleresident, who asked not to be identified, said she was notified of the job fair via WhatsApponFriday
“I seeing there is a lot of opportunity in Guyana than here in Trinidad It is very difficult to get a job in Trinidad I am not working andIhavetomindmeandmy child,soIwanttoexplorethe job opportunities there It is really hard to live without a job,”shesaid
Businessman Rambeer Maniram, 64, who migrated from Guyana in 1979, said whilehedidnotplantoreturn to Guyana, he wanted to deepen his investment in his country of birth
“My roots arealreadyhere Icametoday to see what other business opportunitiesthereare Igoto Guyana to conduct business because there are a lot of opportunities there This is one Caribbean now, so it is notaboutGuyanaorTrinidad anymore,”hesaid
Managing director of Trinidad Tower Cranes Services Ltd and Tower Cranes of Guyana Roland Baboolal said through his interaction with Trinidadians during the event, many expressedadesiretomoveto Guyana “I’m seeing a lot of people flocking, saying they want to leave Trinidad to go Guyanabecausethereisnota lot of work here in Trinidad Theyarelookingtomigrateto Guyana, because they know that Trinidad is a little slow rightnow,andtheyhavetogo across to Guyana to find work,”henoted.
Baboolal said there were increasing opportunities for employment in the construction and energy sectors in Guyana, with
companies seeking to fill the shortage NOT DISCRIMINATORY Foreign Secretary in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs a n d I n t e r n a t i o n a l Cooperation of Guyana Robert Persaud told the SundayExpresstheinitiative sought to inform interested p e o p l e a b o u t t h e opportunities that exist in Guyanainboththepublicand privatesectors
“One of the objectives here was to present what is taking place in the country: jobs that exist; the long-term growth potential of the country; developments in health, education, housing; and the country’s quality of life and living standards,” he explained
With the recent boom in Guyana, he said the country now faced a significant humanresourcedeficit
This, he said, would be filledthroughthediasporain Trinidad and Tobago, Suriname and North America
Hesaidwhilethejobfair targeted Guyanese nationals, itdidnotdiscriminateagainst interested Trinidad and Tobagocitizens
“Itisnotadiscriminatory one, but today that emphasis is on targeting the Guyanese diaspora in Trinidad and Tobago Becauseitstartedin theGuyanesediaspora,Iwant to say that is the primary focus But certainly, if Trinidadians see an opportunity,theycancontact a company or an entity, whether they are Guyanesebased orTrinidad-based, and thatopportunityexistsaspart oftheCSME,intermsoffree movement of skill that is alsoanotheropportunity,”he said.
Hesaidwhilethejobfair fostered an environment for employment,itwasuptothe individual to follow up on theinteraction.
The Guyana Defence Force (GDF) Chief of Staff, Brigadier Omar Khan on Sunday promised continuedsupportforthefamilies ofthefiveservicemen,killedina helicopter crash last year December
On December 7, 2023, one of the GDF’s Bell412 helicopter went down between Arau and Ekereku in Region Seven. Only twooftheSevensoldiersonboard survived the tragedy Those who died are: Lieutenant Colonel Michael Charles, Colonel Michael Shahoud, Retired Brigadier Gary Beaton, Lieutenant Colonel Sean Welcome and Sergeant Jason Khan.
A memorial service was held forthefallensoldiersonSundayat the Umana Yana. During his address to those in attendance, BrigadierKhantoldtheirrelatives,
“You can count on our continued support”.
Meanwhile the Commander Chief, President Irfaan Ali reminded the nation that the five soldiers died when Guyana was facing it greatest security threat.
“They were on a mission in response to that threat,” Ali said whileexplainingwhatthatmission was.
“They were on a mission to support an integral part of our
operational readiness during this period of immense threat to our ter
and sovereignty”, the president continued. He noted that their servicewasashieldtoeverycitizen of Guyana. “The price of peace is often paid in sacrifice and commitment.”
Hetooassuredfamilymembers of continued support for them not onlyfromthearmedforcesbutthe government as well. Relatives for
theirpartpaidemotionaltributesto their loved ones sharing fond memoriesofthefallensoldiers.
As Guyana remembers the tragedy that took place one year ago, the country still awaiting details from an investigation launchedintothefatalcrash.
On November 12, Minister of Public Works, Juan Edghill stated thatadraftreporthasalreadybeen completed.
Draft Final Report into the tragic accident is completed and as per ICAOAnnex 13”, Edghillhadstated.
He added, “The Draft FinalReportwillbesenttothe various stakeholders associatedfortheircomments before the report can be finalized.”
Thosestakeholdersarethe Guyana Defence Force, National Transportation Safety Board, Transport Canada, Bell Helicopters and the Guyana Civil AviationAuthority
The stakeholders were given sixtydaysuponreceiptoftheDraft FinalReporttoreviewandprovide their comments and upon completionofthisexercise,aFinal Report will be released. Nineteen days have already passed since Edghillmadethestatement.
I n a l a n d m a r k development for early childhood education in hinterland communities, the Ministry of Education officially inaugurated the MocoMocoNurserySchool on Saturday at Moco Moco, RegionNine.
The new facility was constructed at a cost of $13,821,020 The school boasts modern classrooms, age-appropriate furniture, a playground, and essential amenities designed to foster a safe and supportive environment for children to thrive academically and socially
According to a Ministry of Education press release, the commissioning ceremony was graced by MinisterofEducation,Priya Manickchand, alongside localleaders,parents,andan enthusiastic community Minister Manickchand emphasised the pivotal role ofearlychildhoodeducation in establishing a strong foundation for lifelong
learninganddevelopment. Shecommendedthefinal outcome of the project, highlighting that it is one of twelve nursery schools constructed by the government in the region.
“Wewanttobuildsothatwe make sure every child could access a nursery education, every child could access secondary,everychildcould access primary And by access, I mean going to the classroom.Whenwegetinto the classroom, we still have to make sure they can learn andlearnwell,”shestated.
Minister Manickchand alsostressedthesignificance ofhavingtrainedteachersin theregion,whichnowboasts nearly 100% trained teaching staff. “It’s more likelythatyourchildrenwill get a solid education if we teach your teacher how to teach, and that’s what the Cyril Potter College of Education does. It teaches teachers, not content, but how to teach the content, because you can know a lot
ofthings,butnothowtoput itover,”sheexplained.
During her visit, the Minister engaged with students, teachers, and parents, urging them to seize theopportunitiesprovidedby t
government’s unwavering commitment to investing in hinterlandeducationtobridge disparitiesandpromoteequal opportunitiesnationwide
A 19-year-old pillion rider was during the wee hours of Sunday killed in a fiery crash involving a car and a motorcycle along the Washer Pond Road, Mackenzie, Linden, Region Ten.
DeadisEzekielSmithof West Watooka Linden Smithwasthepillionriderof amotorcyclewhenataround 03:45hrs it collided with a car, PAH 2213, driven by a soldier The rider was 21year-old Joel Nurse from HalfMileLinden.
thecarwasproceedingsouth alongtheWasherPondRoad while the motorcyclist was proceeding in the opposite direction along the road,” police stated before adding, “the driver of the car ended up in the path of the motorcycle.”
As the result of the collision the motorcycle slammed into car and burst intoflames Theimpactflung SmithandNurseontotheroad where they sustained injuries totheirbodies
“The car driver along with the motorcyclist and
pillion rider was all picked up in unconscious condition by public-spirited citizens and taken to the Linden Hospital Complex”, police said. Smith was pronounced dead on arrival while the soldier and Nurse received treatment.
Executive Member of the People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR) and Member of Parliament Ganesh Mahipaul is urging the government to create a seat at the tableoftheNationalProcurementandTender Board Association (NPTAB) for the opposition.
In fact, he said if the party gets into government at next year’s election it will create that space to reduce corrupt practices and ensure transparency in the procurement process. “Our call for a seat at NPTAB, and theregionaltenderboardisnotonewherewe want to be disruptive, is not one where we wanttodominate,anditwillbefoolishforus as an opposition, to believe we can go on NPTAB and have a greater number than the governmentside.
belong to a party or something like that,” JagdeotoldanewsconferencebackinMay
TheVPtoldthemediathenthattherehave been reviews and he has seen a lot written about corruption In light of this the governmenthasundertakenreviewsatevery level of the procurement system. “So let me put on notice all those people who are responsible for procurement in public corporations,statutorybodies,theministries, regions,centralministrieseverywhere,allthe way to the National Tender Board,” Jagdeo said.
He explained that the government is currently examining procedures for complianceandalsoactivitiesforcompliance withthelaws.
“And let me make it clear if we find that those officers are skirting the provisions of thelaw,theprocurementlaw,thenthereshall be consequences for them.” Jagdeo said that there are too many instances where persons have been visiting Freedom House to report discrepancies.
“People win a bid and then they try after the bid has been awarded they try to change thespecsonthebid.Anotherissueispayment forpeoplewhohavedonetheirworkandfully submitted their bills and the bills have been certified, some of the accounting officers in the ministries and the clerks they keep the processingofthepaymentforpeoplefordays on their desk. People have to run there ten times,they’vecompletedthework,theyhave torun10-15timestogetmoneyforworkthat theyalreadydid,”Jagdeostressed.
Of course, the government side has to have a greater number They’re in government.Theoppositionoughttobethere to ensure the nation that whatever is done is beingdoneinatransparentmanner It’sdone with accountability, and it’s scrutinised properly,” Mahipaul said. He went on to say thatVicePresidentBharratJagdeoisagainst this but if the opposition has one or two representativesontheNationalProcurement and Tender Administration Board, they will beabletoseeandexposepublicthievery Mahipaul reflected that when the APNU+AFC was in government opposition representatives were on the regional tender boards.“Theregionalbodieswereallowedto electtheirtwopersonsandsincethePeople’s Progressive Party (PPP) had control of Region One two of two of the fivememberscamefromthem. It was the same for Regions Two and Three as well ” “There was always opposition andgovernmentrepresentation onNPTAB,(aswellas)onthe regional procurement and tender administration boards acrossthiscountry…”
Jagdeoinrecenttimeshave been speaking about what his government has been doing to improvement the national procurement systems and recently warned that officers who are engaged in corrupt practices will face the full bruntofthelawifcaught.
Earlier this year a vessel capsized off the shores of Tobago, leaking oil into the nation’s waters. Fisherfolk on the island had expressed concerns about the loss of their livelihoods.TheAllianceForChange(AFC)inthepasthad saidthattheTrinidadspillshouldbeanadditionalwakeup callforGuyana.
Despite the fact Trinidad and Tobago has been an oil producingcountryforoveracenturyandhavinghadtodeal with several major oil spills in the past, the AFC said the countryhad struggledtocontainthespill.Takingthisinto account the opposition party said, “This unfortunate event shouldbeanadditionalwakeupcallforGuyana.”
TheAFC said currently, Guyana is producing 645,000 barrels of oil per day, representing about three times the dailyvolumeofoilproducedbyTrinidadandTobagoatits peak, thus resulting in an increased risk. The opposition party said, “It is time that Guyana puts in place a comprehensive oil spill plan backed by provision of adequateresourcesandequipment,aswellasensurethatthe operators in all our oil blocks have in place full and unlimitedliabilitycoverage.”
“Ifyouhavebeenengagein these practices and you get caught, don’t come and later complain about you have kids oryouhaveapartycardoryou
Frompage10 engagingtheCDConthisasitusuallyengagesCDCsinother areastocarryoutmaintenanceoncriticalinfrastructuresuch asdams,andcanals.
Furthermore, Minister Mustapha told farmers that the ministry will continue to work with farmers to execute projects aimed at stimulating production in the backlands of the Beterverwagting/Triumph area. Several youths and single mothers will also benefit from the ministry’s ongoing Black Giant Chicken programme, with an initial 20 individualssettoreceiveBlackGiantChicksinthenewweek.
Toassistfarmerswithaccessinglands,MinisterMustapha committed to carrying out infrastructural upgrades to the access dam as well as clearing the drainage and irrigation channels in the cultivation area. He told farmers that the National Drainage and Irrigation Authority (NDIA) has alreadycommencedworkstoclearcriticaldrainagecanalsin thearea.Ateamfromtheministryisscheduledtomeetwith farmers in the new week to develop a comprehensive agriculturalprogrammeforthearea.
much emphasis we place on education. We believe your children are capable of doing everything that every other child is capable of doing.Whatthey need is the opportunity and that you deserve the opportunity and you’ve earned the right to have the same opportunities other children in other regionshave,”sheadded.
The Moco Moco Nursery School is a timely addition to the community, addressing the urgent need for accessible early childhood education. By reducing travel distances and providing a purpose-built facility, the school ensures that younglearnerscanfocusontheirgrowthandeducation.
This initiative is part of the Ministry’s broader efforts to expand access to quality education across hinterland and remote regions. Similar projects are being implemented nationwide,ensuringthateverychildbenefitsfromGuyana’s educationaladvancements.
Drivers (25-45 Year old) to deliver Groceries & Porter to work on the canter & warehouse. Attractive salary. Tel673-7373.
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The Ministry of Education’s Sec ondary Sector recently concluded a two-day workshop designed to enhance the teaching of Caribbean History in secondary schools.
Sixty-five teachers from across Guyana participated in this comprehensive initiative, which aimed to boost their confidence and effectiveness in the classroom, the ministry said in a press release. This effort aligns with the Ministry’s broader objective to improve national performance in Caribbean History, a subject integral to understanding regional identity and development.
Participants hailed from all ten administrative regions, representing a diverse range of schools. In Region 1, North West Secondary had its presence, while Region 2 was represented by Charity, Anna Regina, and Abram Zuil Secondary Schools. Region 3 sent teachers from Essequibo Islands, Leguan, Zeeburg, Leonora, Stewartville, West
Demerara, Patentia, and Westminster Secondary Schools. Educators from Region 4 represented schools such as Annandale, Covent Garden, Bladen Hall Multilateral, Diamond, Hope, Golden Grove, and President’s College. In Region 5, No. 8, Bush Lot, Mahaicony, and Bygeval Secondary Schools were included, while Region 6 participants came from Skeldon Line Path, Winifred Gaskin Memorial, J.C. Chandisingh, Berbice High School, Berbice Educational Institute, and New Amsterdam Secondary Schools. Region 9’s St. Ignatius Secondary joined the mix, and Region 10 contributed teachers from Christianburg Wismar, New Silvercity, Linden Foundation, Wisburg Secondary, and Mackenzie High School. Georgetown, the capital, was well-represented, with participants from The Bishop’s High, Tutorial High, St. Stanislaus College, St. Rose’s High, St. Joseph’s High, St. John’s College, Richard Ishmael Secondary, North
Ruimveldt, North Georgetown Secondary, Queen’s College, New Campbellville Secondary, Cummings Lodge Secondary, Christ Church Secondary, Charlestown Secondary, The New Central High School, and Brickdam Secondary.
According to the ministry the workshop was planned to address the challenges educators face in teaching Caribbean History effectively. Over the two days, participants engaged in a detailed review of the syllabus, with a focus on identifying and addressing topics that students often find difficult. They examined the national schemes of work, ensuring alignment with curricular goals, and developed creative and practical lesson plans to make complex historical concepts more accessible. A significant emphasis was placed on the integration of technology into history teaching, encouraging teachers to use digital tools to create more engaging and interactive lessons.
Additionally, the work-
shop provided in-depth training on managing SchoolBased Assessments (SBAs), a critical component of the Caribbean Examinations Council (CXC) curriculum. Teachers explored strategies for improving the quality of student submissions, standardizing marking procedures, and providing constructive feedback. Group presentations allowed participants to collaborate and share innovative approaches to teaching challenging topics, fostering a supportive and creative professional environment.
The workshop’s outcomes are expected to have a lasting impact on the teaching and learning of Caribbean History in Guyana. By equipping teachers with the skills, resources, and confidence to deliver high-quality instruction, the Ministry of Education aims to inspire a deeper appreciation of the subject among students, ultimately leading to improved academic performance at the national level, the release stated.
In the context of World AIDS Day, which was observed on Sunday, the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) launched the “Better with PrEP” campaign, with the goal of expanding access to Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) in Latin America and the Caribbean.
The campaign, which places human rights at the center of the HIV response, seeks to reduce stigma and promote HIV prevention in populations at higher risk of acquiring it. In a press release PAHO said, World AIDS Day is an opportunity to reflect on the progress and challenges of the HIV response. In Latin America, the number of AIDSrelated deaths decreased by 28% between 2010 and 2023, while in the Caribbean the reduction has been 57%. However, new HIV infections have shown different trends during this period: in Latin America, new cases increased by 9%, reaching approximately 120,000 infections in 2023, while in the Caribbean, infections decreased by 22%, totaling 15,000 cases.
“The increase in new HIV infections since 2010 in Latin America, especially in key populations such as men
who have sex with men, transgender women, and sex workers, shows us that we cannot let our guard down,” Jarbas Barbosa, Director of PAHO said, emphasizing the urgent need to implement more accessible and effective prevention strategies.
The “Better with PrEP” campaign seeks to increase awareness of PrEP, a highly effective medication for preventing HIV when taken consistently. While this preventive intervention is proving to be crucial for controlling HIV in the region, its adoption remains limited. At the end of 2024, 24 of 33 countries in Latin America and the Caribbean had adopted PrEP as a public health policy, and while more than 160,000 people benefit from its use, efforts continue to reach the goal of 2.3 million in the region. “Today, we call on all countries in the region to transform the reality of HIV with inclusive and expanded PrEP policies. The elimination of HIV is possible, but only if we act with courage and commitment,” added Dr. Barbosa.
In an effort to reach populations at higher risk, PAHO has strengthened its collaboration with Grindr, the social
network aimed at the LGBTQI+ community. This alliance will permit the dissemination of key information about PrEP and sexually transmitted infections (STIs) through the application, which has millions of users in Latin America and the Caribbean. PrEP, recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO) since 2015, is a preventive option for people who do not live with HIV but are at significant risk of contracting it. By taking a daily pill, the risk of contracting HIV during unprotected exposure can be reduced by more than 90%.
The “Better with PrEP” campaign uses a vibrant aesthetic inspired by the pop culture of the 90s, designed to connect with communities most affected by HIV. The campaign design incorporates visual elements such as graffiti patterns, cassette tapes, and vintage CD textures to convey a message of empowerment and solidarity.
In addition, striking animations and educational messages about PrEP, HIV, syphilis, and mpox are used, adapted for dissemination on social networks. The purpose is to reduce stigma around
PrEP and increase its adoption, promoting its use as one of the best ways to protect against HIV, along with the use of condoms and regular testing.
The pathway to end of HIV
World AIDS Day is a reminder that much remains to be done to end HIV in the region. PAHO reiterates its commitment to universal access to health and to the implementation of combined prevention, which includes PrEP, PEP (post-exposure prophylaxis), condoms, and testing.
“HIV remains a public health problem in our region, but we can change the course of the epidemic if we integrate prevention into primary health care. PrEP is a key tool in this fight, and we must ensure that everyone, especially those at highest risk, have equitable and non-discriminatory access to it,” emphasized Sylvain Aldighieri, Director of the Department of Prevention, Control and Elimination of Transmissible Diseases at PAHO. HIV/AIDS is one of the more than 30 communicable diseases and related conditions that PAHO seeks to eliminate by 2030 as part of its Elimination Initiative.
Anew chapter in the educational development of Quiko Village was written w i t h t h e o f f i c i a l commissioningoftheQuiko PrimarySchool.
Minister of Education, Priya Manickchand, presided over the event, whichtookplaceonarecent trip to the region, marking a significant step forward in improving access to quality education. The newly commissioned school, valued at $12, 621, 230, is designed to provide a modern and conducive learningenvironmentforthe children of Quiko, the ministry said in a press release.
The facility is equipped with spacious classrooms, contemporary teaching resources, and ample outdoor spaces for
recreational activities. The school’s infrastructure is builttomeettheeducational needsofthegrowingstudent population, ensuring that every child has access to a safe and supportive environmentforlearning.
During her v
sit, Minister Manickchand addressed the gathering, emphasizing the importance of the new school in enhancing the educational experience for children in the area She further emphasized the Ministry’s commitment to improving educationalstandardsacross Guyana, particularly in hinterland regions, ensuring that no child is left behind regardlessoftheirlocation.
The commissioning ceremony was attended by local leaders, parents, and students, all of whom expressed their joy and
The new Quiko Primary School will serve not only the children of Quiko but also student
, providing them with easier access to education and
reducing the need for long travel distances The school’sopeningisexpected to alleviate overcrowding in nearbyinstitutions,ensuring that every child receives the attentionandeducationthey deserve. T
$508 Million spent on boosting healthcare in Region 8
I n e f f o r t s t o revolutionise the healthcare services in Region Eight, government has expended a substantial $508 million dollarsin2024.
This significant investment is in addition to the government’s budgetary allocation for the region, MinisterofHealth,DrFrank Anthony has said. He made the comments last Friday during a groundbreaking ceremonyforanewhospital in Kato. Emphasising the importance of ensuring farflung communities have equal access to healthcare, the minister noted that “this government,thispresidentis c o m m i t t e d t o t h e development of Guyana And one way that we can develop the people of our country is to make sure that we invest in their healthcare.”
Hefurtheradded“weare going out to the people finding their problems and helpingtofixtheirproblems in the community ” Throughout 2024, several transformative efforts have been implemented to construct and improve medical infrastructure, acquireequipment,andtrain personnel The minister noted prior to this investment, the majority of theregion’shospitalslacked the capabilities to provide essentialservices.
Minister of Health Dr Frank Anthony speaking at the Sod-turning ceremony on Friday
As a result, some surgeries and diagnostic tests were deemed impossible in the region, forcing patients to travel long journeys to the Georgetown to access critical services This situation has drastically improved through the ministry’s continuous investments that have already begun to make a tremendous impact on the lives of residents. Among t h e m o s t n o t a b l e achievements is the installation of an operating theatre at the Mahdia hospital.Thisfacilityisnow able to perform surgeries locallyforthefirsttime.This is a major leap forward in transforming the healthcare
in the region, providing services to those in need regardlessoftheirlocation
Since the upgrade, over 46 surgeries have been successfully performed, benefiting scores of residents of Mahdia and surrounding communities The minister affirmed that, “the investments we are making in that regional hospital are paying off.” Dr Anthony also highlighted theupgradestothehospital’s diagnostic capabilities, includinganewlyexpanded laboratorywhichnowoffers essential tests like blood work. In addition to the numerous improvements to the Mahdia hospital, the investment saw to the construction of maternal-
The new Quiko Primary School
waiting homes in key areas, includingKatoandMahdia Furthermore, the region’s number of healthcare facilities has increased from 15 to 19, ensuringthatmoreresidents can receive the care they need closer to home. The region now also boasts 11 telemedicine sites, allowing remote consultations and emergency services and facilitating hands-on training for health staff. Recognising the needs of key demographics such as the elderly and children, the ministry has facilitated a litany of programmes to deliver life-saving and essential programs to communities in the region. Women aged 21 to 65 can now receive HPV testing and vaccines, while those aged 65 and older will receive with free cataract surgeries and rehabilitation services Meanwhile, the government’s school health programme will continue to conduct health checks for every child in the region, includingvisionandhearing tests, providing free spectacles and hearing aids where necessary These efforts aim to protect the prosperity of the future generation by prioritising t h e i r h e a l t h a n d safeguarding their ability to develop into healthy and happycitizens.(DPI)
Education continues to prioritize the expansion and improvement of educational
hinterland communities to bridge the gap in access to
quality education
The commissioning of Quiko PrimarySchoolispartofthe ongoing efforts to provide every child with the resources and opportunities neededforsuccessintoday’s world.
Abusinessman, Ray Anthony Rutherford,
was on Sunday robbed of his licensed firearm and $200,000cashwhilesitting in his car atArgicola, East BankDemerara(EBD).
Two bandits reportedly
held him at gunpoint around 11:00 hrs. One of themgrabbedhisgunwhile the other took the cash. They then both ran into Agricola and then onto Flour Mill Road, making good their escape Investigationsareongoing.
Commencing on 8 January 2025, it will mandatory for all Guyanese nationals travelling to the United Kingdom without a visa to apply for an Electronic Travel Authorisation(ETA).
This new requirement applies to most visa-exempt travellers and is part of the UK’s efforts to enhance bordersecurityandimprove the travel experience, the British High Commission nere said in a press release. ApplicationsforanETAare nowopen.“Youcanapplyvia the UK ETA app available ontheAppleStoreandGoogle Play Store or through the officialGOVUKwebsite The process is simple, takes less than 15 minutes, and costs £10 Decisions are typically providedwithinthreeworking days, and app users may receive quicker responses Onceapproved,theETAwill allow multiple trips to the UKforuptosixmonthsper
visit,lastingeithertwoyears oruntilthepassportlinkedto t h e a p p l i c a t i o n expires—whichever comes first.”
According to the release travellers arriving in the UK on8January2025mustsecure ETAapproval beforehand, so thoseflyinglateon7January 2025shouldensuretheirETA isinplace “Ifanapplicationis refused,travellersmustapply for a UK visa The ETA requirementdoesnotapplyto British or Irish passport holders, or those travelling to the Turks and Caicos Islands or other British Overseas Territories.”
The introduction of the ETA system, according to the high commission, aligns with the UK’s commitment to making travel safer and more efficient, mirroring similar systems used in the US and Australia “Guyanese travellers are encouragedtoapplyearlyto avoiddelays.”
(CNN) Presidentelect Donald Trump said he would require countries that are part of BRICS — a China- and Russia-backed
group of emerging economies — to commit to notcreatingnewcurrencyor face 100% tariffs during his administration.
“The idea that the BRICS Countries are trying to move away from the Dollarwhilewestandbyand watch is OVER. We require a commitment from these Countries that they will neither create a new BRICS Currency,norbackanyother Currency to replace the mighty U.S. Dollar or, they will face 100% Tariffs, and should expect to say goodbye to selling into the wonderful U.S. Economy,” Trump posted on Truth
Social on Saturday afternoon.
BRICS had been made up of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa since2011.Earlierthisyear, Iran, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, EthiopiaandEgyptformally joined—thefirstexpansion inoveradecade.
Thirty-four countries
have submitted an expression of interest in joining the bloc of major emerging economies, South African Foreign Minister Naledi Pandor said in February
The leader of one member country, Brazil’s LuizInácioLuladaSilva,in 2023 proposed creating a common currency in South America to reduce reliance on the US dollar Using
challenge the United States’ global leadership. And it’s alsoaboontoRussia,which has been shunned e c o n o m i c a l l y a n d diplomatically by the West following its 2022 invasion ofUkraine.
chairmanship of the group.
During a BRICS summit in October, Russian President Vladimir Putin and Chinese leader Xi Jinping sought to project the message that the West stands isolated in the world, while a “global majority” of countries s
o challenge American global leadership.
The expanding group is valuabletoChinaasitlooks to forge closer partnerships with key players to
BRICS currencies and banking networks outside the US dollar-denominated system could allow member countries such as Russia, China and Iran to circumnavigate Western sanctions.Butthechancesof anewcurrencyareprobably slim due to the alliance’s economic and geopolitical differences.
announcement, Trump sp
dia Sheinbaumforthefirsttime fo
announcement, but they have offered conflicting statements about the call. Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, meanwhile, traveled to Trump’s Mar-aLago estate in Florida to meet with the president Trudeau said the Friday dinner with Trump “was an excellentconversation,”and thepresident-electcalledita “veryproductivemeeting.”
Trump’slatesteconomic threat comes days after he pledged massive hikes in tariffsongoodscomingfrom Mexico, Canada and China startingonthefirstdayofhis administration. The move, Trump said, will be in retaliation for illegal immigrationand“crimeand drugs” coming across the b
(BBC NEWS) Russia carried out “a series of air strikes” in Syria on Sunday as rebels advanced after seizingAleppo,accordingto the UK-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights(SOHR).
Twelve people were killedinastrikeonahospital in Aleppo, while a strike insidethenorth-westerncity ofIdlibkilledeightcivilians and wounded more than 50, SOHR said. Warplanes also struckruralpartsofIdliband Hama where the group leading the rebel offensive “hasrecentlytakencontrol”, itadded.
The Syrian government has meanwhile lost control of Aleppo for the first time since the country’s civil war began, the observers told news agency AFP The surprise offensive by opposition forces, which beganonWednesday,marks themostsignificantfighting inSyria’scivilwarinrecent years. It has been led by the Islamist militant group Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS), as well as allied factionsbackedbyTurkey
More than 300 people, including at least 20 civilians,havebeenkilledso far, according to SOHR Russian strikes hit Aleppo for the first time since 2016 onSaturdayasrebelfighters
swept into Aleppo, Syria’s second-largest city, the observers said. The Russian airforceplayedasignificant role in keeping President Bashar al-Assad in power during the peak of the civil war
SOHR reported five Russian air strikes in a refugee camp in Idlib early on Sunday, a north-western city in which HTS is the dominant force. SOHR later reported four strikes on Aleppo University Hospital, with eight civilians among the12dead,withotherparts ofthecityalsotargeted.
Opposition fighters seized nearly all of the city from the government on Sunday, SOHR told AFP
neighbourhoods controlled by Kurdish forces. Syria’s military withdrew from the
Meanwhile, the rebels pushed south from Aleppo into several towns in the countryside near Syria’s fourth largest city, Hama, accordingtoSOHR.
Syria’s defence ministry
said the force had
“reinforced [its] defensive lines” in the region with troops, rocket launchers and heavy military hardware
“Joint Syrian-Russian warplanes” have intensified precise strikes on rebel positions, killing and woundingdozens,itsaidina statement.Itaddeditstroops hadrecapturedseveraltowns
that had been seized and prevented rebels from advancing,andclaimedthey were fleeing the region.The situationposes“severerisks tociviliansand[has]serious i m p l i c a t i o n s f o r international peace and security”, the United Nations (UN) special envoy for Syria warned. Geir O Pederson said he had repeatedly warned of the dangers of “mere conflict management rather than conflictresolution”inSyria. He called the present conflicta“markofcollective failure” to work towards a ceasefire in the country, an aimtheUNSecurityCouncil
endorsed in 2015, demanding “urgent and s e r i o u s p o l i t i c a l
Speaking on Saturday, President Assad vowed to “defend [Syria’s] stability andterritorialintegrityinthe faceofallterroristsandtheir backers”. “[The country] is capable, with the help of its allies and friends, of defeating and eliminating them,nomatterhowintense their terrorist attacks are,” his office quoted him as saying. Iran’s top diplomat said the country, which has long been an ally of President Assad, “firmly support[s] the Syrian governmentandarmy”.
Foreign minister Abbas Aragchiissuedthestatement ahead visiting Damascus on Sunday to discuss the offensive.
The civil war, which has left around half a million people dead, began in 2011 after the Assad government respondedtopro-democracy protests with a brutal crackdown. Theconflicthas beenlargelydormantsincea ceasefireagreedin2020,but opposition forces have maintained control of the north-western city of Idlib andmuchofthesurrounding province.
Idlib sits just 55km (34 miles) from Aleppo, which itself was a rebel stronghold until it fell to government forcesin2016. HTS,which
has led the latest offensive, was regarded as one of the mosteffectiveanddeadlyof thegroupsfightingtheAssad governmentandwasalready the dominant force in Idlib. The rebels took control of Aleppo’s airport and dozens of nearby towns, according to SOHR They also announced an overnight curfew which came into force at 17:00 local time on Saturday(14:00GMT).
SOHRalsosaidtherebel fighters had advanced south toward Hama and that the Syrianarmyhadwithdrawn. Butamilitarysourcequoted in Syrian state media on Saturday night disputed this claim.The Syrian army said rebelshadlaunched“abroad attackfrommultipleaxeson theAleppo and Idlib fronts” and that battles had taken place“overastripexceeding 100km(60miles)”.
Dozens of its soldiers have been killed, it said. A US spokesperson said Syria’s “reliance on Russia and Iran”, along with its refusaltomoveforwardwith a2015UNSecurityCouncil peace plan, had “created the conditions now unfolding” in the country Pictures showedtheroadsleadingout ofAleppojammedwithcars on Saturday as people tried to leave, and smoke rising outofthecity’sskyline.
Two gunmen on Saturday disarmed a
securityguardandthenrobbedtheKang Chinese Supermarket he was protecting atAubreyBarkerRoad,SouthRuimveldt.
Police said the robbery took place around 16:00hrs when the gunmen entered and held the securityguard,LaranceJacobeemployedwithFirst DefenseSecurityServicesatgunpoint.
They relieved him of his firearm and ammunition and then took him with them into the supermarket where they robbed the owner of an undisclosedamountofcash.
The bandits subsequently escaped on a Honda XRmotorcycle.
(GSL) - Sunday’s second match in the ExxonMobilGuyanaGlobal Super League (GSL) saw English outfit Hampshire Hawks take on home favourites Guyana Amazon Warriors with both sides havingwonandlostamatch sofarinthetournament.
hitting from Warriors
home side boss the end of a tricky run chase and run out eventual
s b y f o u r wickets with ten balls remaining in front of an appreciative crowd in Providence
“The match had been a tussle and remained very much in the balance up until the 18th over of Warriors’ chase, with Gudakesh Motie falling for 16 the Warriors were left with 24 runs to get off thefinal18balls
Hawks skipper Chris Woodsteppedupforhisside
but six balls later the match was all but over, Hassan Khan pummelling him for six over the ropes before Romario Shepherd closed out th
“With just five runs then needed for a crucial win, Hassan hit Benny H
boundary four and then
needed to secure victory forhisside
The win sees the home
sidekeeptheirtournament hopes alive as they go to four points and second in the standings with one further match against bottom of the table RangpurRiderstocomein the group stages as the inaugural GSL heads towards the business end matches
Imran Tahir enjoyed a fruitful evening, after winning the toss and choosing to field first he put in a Player of the Match performance with his impressive command of spin bowling, using all his flight, guile and experience to pick up 3/18fromhisfourovers
Thingscomingatyoufromall sidesareforcingyoutomake amove,Taurus.Trynottofeel pressuredintosomethingyou don't want to do. A nervous restlessnessisapttotakeover your being and urge you to act.
Thingscomingatyoufromall sidesareforcingyoutomake amove,Taurus.Trynottofeel pressuredintosomethingyou don'twanttodo.
Lock into the practical, grounding force that is not onlyrealisticbutalsoflexible. Attendtodetailsandorganize yourself, Gemini. Be aware that you may need to alter yourcourseinordertofitwith thegroupenergy.
Today is one of those days in which prosperity is much closerthanyouthink,Cancer You will find what you seek, but it's up to you to take the first step to going after it. Morethanlikely
Indecision may leave you helplessatacrossroadstoday, Leo.Othersaroundyoucould bejustasundecidedregarding their direction. At the same time.
Today is your day to dream and dream big, Virgo. Think aboutwhatitisthatyouwant most out of life. Aim your arrow to the stars and pull back your bow as far as possible. There's no limit to howfaryoucango.
Connect with the stable, grounding energy of the day, Libra, but beware that tension may come in the form of fast talk and misguided information. People might be fickleandfrantic.
SCORPIO(Oct.23–Nov 21)
The expansive feeling you mightbeexperiencingisaptto be squelched today as you get the feeling that you've lost touch with reality Make sure you connect with real life, Scorpio.
Walk to the beat of your own drum,Sagittarius.Ifyoutryto latchontotheglib,fast-paced information of the day, you might lose your voice in the crowd. On the other hand, if you plant your feet firmly and trytoplanintoomuchdetail.
Talk to the person sitting next toyouonthebus,Capricorn,or the one behind you in line at thestore.Heorshemayhavea piece of wisdom to share that will change your life forever Knowthatyou,
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20–Feb.
18) Your self-esteem may be challenged by a fast-paced talker or unpleasant situation, Aquarius. Don't accept things astheyappearatfirstglance.
Jump on board the fast train and see how far it takes you, Pisces. You will be surprised how far you can go with minimaleffort.Yourgraceand polite manners will help you navigate to where you need to be.
motoring along on 79 runs from 53 balls and then kept the pressure on the Hawks by pocketing both Howell and the dangerous Liam
D a
eventually made 146/6 off their 20 overs but the total proved a few short
Warriors batting card
contributions from the middle order engine room of Shimron Hetmyer, Roston Chase and the impressive Hassan Khan seethemhomeinstyle
“Hawks now need to pick up points in their final fixture against top of the table Victoria in order to reach the latter
Tahir had Shan Masood stumped when the Pakistani ace was
sportsmanship throughout
competition Meanwhile, Wa
finishing with 15 points in thestandings.
Meanwhile in a postmatch interview, Wharton praisedhisteam’shardwork and dedication. Captain Wharton reflecting on victory stated that: “After the first goal, we were confident that the championship was ours,” Wharton said. “Scoring the early goals made it easier to dominate the match. I’m incredibly proud of my t
r performance throughout the tournament Winning the league was one of our primary goals, and now we’re setting our sights on the KFC Goodwill Series to showcaseourtalentsagainst evenstrongeropponents.”
The tournament was made possible through sponsorship from Republic Bank Limited, with additional backing from Guyana Beverage Inc (Busta Brand), Tiger Rentals, and MVP Sports. The competition was sanctioned by the Ministry of Education and endorsed by the Ministry of Culture, Youth,andSports,reflecting the event’s significance in nurturing youth football talentinGuyana.
(Cricinfo)-Adayaftera virtual ICC board meeting concludedwithoutfinalising thevenuefortheChampions Trophy in 2025, a final decision remains elusive
The PCB chairman Mohsin Naqvi was in Dubai today, and while he took in Pakistan’s Under-19 victory overIndia,therewasgreater intrigue over whether the PCB, the BCCI and the ICC havebeenabletocometoan arrangement over next year’stournament.
As he did in the early hours of Thursday morning, Naqvi did not categorically rule out a hybrid model for the hosting of the tournament, something he hasdoneinthepast.“Wewill do whatever’s best for cricket,” he told reporters in Dubai. “If we adopt any other formula [except hosting the tournament in Pakistan], it will be done on the basis of equality The most important thing for Pakistan is its respect;
everything else is secondary.”
Once more, Naqvi repeated what he stated multipletimesattheGaddafi Stadium earlier in the week.
“Aone-sidedarrangementis no longer acceptable It cannot be the case that we continue to go to India, but they do not visit Pakistan.
Whatever happens must be onthebasisofequality.” What form such an arrangementmightlooklike, remains uncertain. Sources told ESPNcricinfo Pakistan are looking for an equitable solution across a three-year p e r i o d w h e r e a n y arrangement made for the
Champions Trophy is replicated for tournaments heldinIndia.
Naqvi’s repeated commentsaround“equality” have raised speculation that the PCB will seek to earn some concessions should they acquiesce to a hybrid model in any form. That
couldentailanagreementto have India play their matches outside Pakistan, butadecisionthatanyfuture tournamentsIndiahostswill offerprovisionsforPakistan toplaytheirmatchesoutside India There is also the possibilityofsomefinancial recompense for the PCB in
India and Pakistan last played an ODI during the
o such an arrangement, though Naqvi didsayearlierthisweekthat decisionswouldnotbebased onmoney
E S P N c r i c i n f o understands a decision shouldbereachedinthenext couple of days, though Naqvi’s comments suggest there remain significant looseendstobetiedup.Inall likelihood,anyproposalwill have to be run past the governments of both India and Pakistan before it is presented to the ICC for approval; India was refused permission to travel to Pakistan by the Indian governmentandthePCBhas said repeatedly, as a result, thatanyactiontheytakewill
havetobeapprovedbytheir government.
“We need to settle this onceandforall,”Naqvisaid. “And whatever happens must see everyone treated equally Any agreement will notbejustfortheChampions Trophy, but for the long term.
Thetournamentisdueto begininlessthan90days,on February 19. Lahore, Karachi and Rawalpindi are thevenuesscheduledtohost thegames,thoughifahybrid option is chosen, that will involve another venue outside Pakistan. The UAE, where Naqvi met ECB officials earlier today, is the frontrunner in such a scenario.
o n (GFF),incollaborationwith title sponsor NAMILCO, officially launched the highly anticipated Maid Marian Wheat Up Women’s CuponSaturday.
This tournament represents a significant milestone for women’s footballinGuyana,asitaims to foster greater female participationinthesportand provide a platform for players to showcase their talent. The tournament will span several weeks, culminatinginagrandfinale onJanuary4,2024.
GFF President Wayne Forde delivered an inspiring address during the opening ceremony, emphasizing the importance of women’s football in Guyana’s developmentstrategy
He said; “During this traditional end-of-year football season, our female footballerswilladdaspecial flavor to the festive season by lighting up the hearts of the fans over the next five remainingweeksoftheMaid Marian Wheat Up Women’s Cup.
Women’s football is a key pillar of our
development strategy Our female players deserve a consistent platform to gain valuable game time and showcase their talent, and this is exactly what this tournament aims to achieve. Iwouldliketoencouragethe fans to come out and enjoy the beauty of women’s football.”
Thesponsorsalsoshared their enthusiasm for the tournament Guyana Beverages Inc (GBI), General Manager, Samuel Arjoon remarked, “This tournament provides equal opportunity for women Women should have equal opportunity whether it be in sports, academia, or other
The tournament promises to be an exciting showcase of talent and competition as teams vie for the title
aspects of society We are very proud to be a part of this. Your names will go downinhistory.”
M e a n w h i l e , t h e Financial Controller of NAMILCO, Fitzroy McLeodadded,“Wehopeto s e e m a n y o f y o u representing Guyana, if you’re not already on the
vergeoftheagegroupteams to compete nationally We are happy to join with our partners to get this program going,andthisisgoingtobe onethatwillprovebeneficial and exciting as we go on in thefuture.”
The opening day delivered thrilling action withfourmatchesplayed.
Looking ahead, the tournament promises to be an exciting showcase of talent and competition as teams vie for the title. Fans are encouraged to attend the upcoming matches and support the continued growth of women’s football inGuyana.
Match 1: Guyana Defence Force Group A dominatedFrutaConquerors FC with an 11-0 victory GlendyLewisledthecharge with five (5) goals, while Jalade Trim scored four (1), Sandra Johnson added one (1),andanowngoalbyFruta Conquerors completed the tally Match 2: The Junior Lady Jags secured a narrow 1-0 win over Georgetown Kanaimas, with Angel Ramniranjin scoring the decisivegoal.
•Match3:GDFGroupB triumphed over Georgetown Kanaimas 2-0, with goals from Abioce Heywood and NikitaWayne.
• Match 4: Police Force Group A showcased their strength in a 4-0 victory againsttheJuniorLadyJags. Shontella Greene, Horacia Adams,AmandaMcKenzie, andJinelleEdmondsoneach foundthebackofthenet.
(BBCSport)-Liverpool extendedtheirleadatthetop of the Premier League to ninepointsandheapedmore miseryonfadingchampions ManchesterCitywithafully deservedvictoryanfield.
Arne Slot’s pace-setters, fresh from beating Champions League holders
Real Madrid, were in rampantmoodandsubjected City to a relentless barrage fromthekick-off.
Liverpool were not flattered by the margin of victory, which leaves them 11 points clear of City, who notwonforsevenmatcheslosing their past four league games.
Virgil van Dijk had headed against the postwhile City keeper Stefan Ortega, in for the dropped Ederson,hadalreadybeenin constant action - before Liverpool went ahead after
12minutes.MohamedSalah showed perfect vision to pick out Cody Gakpo for a simple finish in front of the Kop as City were unable to cope with Liverpool’s relentless attacking intensity
Van Dijk headed wide when it seemed easier to score and Liverpool created more chances when, as City hinted at a belated recovery, the league leaders deservedly increased their leadwith12minutesleft.
Liverpool substitute DarwinNunezhustledRuben Dias into an error Luis Diaz cashed in and was brought down by Ortega, with Salah making no mistake from the spotaftermissingagainstReal Madridinmidweek.
Palmer stars as Chelsea brushasideAstonVilla Cole Palmer shone in a comfortableChelseawinover
an Aston Villa side whose worrying winless run extendedtoeightmatches.
Nicolas Jackson gave Chelsea a seventh-minute lead, squeezing a first-time
finishpastEmiMartinezafter Marc Cucurella forced Jadon Philogeneintoamistakeonthe edge of his own box before crossing.
Enzo Fernandez then
volleyedinthesecondinthe 36th minute. The Argentina midfielder finished with his right foot after an excellent touchwithhisleft,following a good ball from Palmer, withMoisesCaicedohaving wontheballinmidfield.
Palmer then curled in a sensational left-foot finish fromtheedgeoftheboxinthe 83rd minute to seal victory
The England international, like Jackson, now has eight Chelseagoalsfortheseason.
Chelsea were dominant, registering more than 64% possession,couldhavescored more - Jadon Sancho threatened, while Palmer squandered a chance from eight yards out following an indirect free-kick after a mistake by Villa pair MartinezandPauTorres.
For Villa, Ollie Watkins hadafrustratingday,missinga good chance in the 15th
minute and one just before half-time after a mistake fromFernandez. It was a day to forget all round for the visitors, with Villa goalkeeper Martinez forcedoffathalf-timewithan injury
In a second half where Chelsea continued to dominate, their only setback was an injury to Wesley Fofana John McGinn and substitute Ross Barkley had half-chances,butthevisitors couldnotfindawayback.
Chelsea have risen up to joint-second in the Premier League table on 25 points whileVilladropto12thon19 points
Unai Emery is currently enduringthelongestwinless run of his tenure at Villa, having not won in eight matches, since the 2-0 ChampionsLeaguewinover BolognainOctober.:
(Cricinfo) - Jayden
S e a l e s r e g i s t e r e d
astonishing figures of 15.510-5-4 as West Indies bowled out Bangladesh for 164ontheseconddayofthe second Test at Sabina Park. Seales’bowlingfigureswere the most economical in Test
cricket since 1977 (minimum 60 balls) In response, West Indies lost Mikyle Louis early but Kraigg Brathwaite and KeacyCartytookthemto70 for1beforebadlightforced early stumps for the second successiveday
It was Shamar Joseph, though,whofirstrockedthe Bangladesh innings. At one stage, the visitors were 83 for 2. In the next 34 balls, theycollapsedto98for6as Shamar picked up three of thefourwicketstofall.
He first ended a patient stand of 73 between
Shadman Islam and Shahadat Hossain by castling the latter for 22. Soon after, he had JakerAli caught behind with a short
ball. The batter was late on thepull;hetop-edgeditonto his shoulder and the ball lobbedbehindthestumpsfor an easy catch to Joshua Da Silva In his next over,
Shamar found the outside edgeofShadmantoprovide Da Silva his fourth catch of the innings In between, SealeshadLittonDascaught atfirstslipfor1.Afterlunch,
however, Shamar and Alzarri Joseph overused the short-ball ploy against Mehidy Hasan Miraz and TaijulIslam.Thetwobatters hung around for 116 balls
and added 41. Eventually, Taijul fended a short ball fromAlzarritothirdslip. Seales then snared the last three wickets for five runs. Taskin was the first to
depart. He tried to pull a short ball but the edge flew behind the stumps. Da Silva leapt and parried it towards second slip where Alick Athanaze dived backwards topouchitwithbothhands.
Seales had Mehidy topedgingahookintothehands of fine leg in the same over before uprooting Nahid Rana’slegstumptowrapup theinnings.
TheBangladeshseamers also started miserly, giving awayonly16runsintheten overs before tea. After tea, Rana breached the 150kph markmultipletimesandhad Louiscaughtbehindfor12.
Taijul also found help from the surface. Neither Brathwaite nor Carty could get him away Seven of Taijul’s ten overs were maidens but he could not pickupawicket.
Match details: West Indies 70 for 1 (Brathwaite 33*, Rana 1-28) trail Bangladesh164 (Shadman 64, Mehidy 36, Seales 4-5, Shamar3-49)by94runs
(GSL) - Anotherclosely fought match in the ExxonMobilGuyanaGlobal Super League (GSL) in the first of Sunday’s double header of fixtures saw Victoria overcome Rangpur Riders by a margin of 10 runsinProvidence.
After losing their first match the Riders were looking to get their points tally moving but they came up against a slick looking Australian outfit who were full of confidence after their own winning start to the tournament.
NuralHasanwonthetoss for Riders and elected to field first, he may well have been regretting the decision when glancing at the scoreboard in the ninth over and seeing the opposition cruising at 70-0 with both Victoria openers timing the ballandfindingthegaps.
BlakeMcDonaldwasthe first to fall for a well-made 40 off 29 deliveries and the old adage of ‘one bringing two’ saw fellow opener Joe Clarke succumb in the next
glue that held Riders chase together, the Bangladeshi southpaw struck an impressive half century with 51 off 42 deliveries from the top of the order but when he fell as one of playerofthematchCallum Stow’s three wickets in the game,theRidershaditallto doat108-4withalittleover fiveoversleft.
Rishad Hossain kept theRidershopesburningin the 18th over with a well struck and timely six
dispatched off Max Birthisel but Dominc
Drakes and Corey Anderson shut up shop for Victoria in the final two overs to see Victoria run outwinners.
Victoria now look the teamtobeatintheGSLand sit top of the table on four points with two wins in two. The standings don’t look so pretty for Rangpur Riders who are rooted to the bottom of the table without any points from theirfirsttwofixtures.
Christ Church’s goal scorers (from left):
Lehana Thomas and Thais King
(GFF)-OnSaturday,the GuyanaFootballFederation (GFF) concluded the Georgetown Girls’Football Festival, an exciting event that brought together aspiring female footballers aged 10-12 from various schools.Thefestival,heldat the National Training Centre (NTC), Providence, showcased the growing enthusiasm for the sport among young girls and highlighted exceptional talent from participating schools, including Marian Academy, Christ Church Secondary,RichardIshmael Secondary, St John’s
College, and North GeorgetownSecondary
The festival featured a series of competitive fixtures, with each team displaying their skill and determination on the pitch. In the opening match, Marian Academy faced RichardIshmaelSecondary Marian Academy secured a commanding 12-0 victory, withAshleyWalton leading the scoring with four goals,
supported by Haley Haberkorn with one goal
and Kaleigh Todd contributingsevengoals.
C h r i s t C h u r c h Secondary took on North
Chase’s Academic Foundation reaffirmed their dominance in the Republic Bank eight-team Under-18 FootballLeaguebystorming to an emphatic 8-1 victory over Dolphin Secondary in the final round game held Sunday at the Ministry of Education Ground Spearheaded by their talismanic captain Bryan Wharton, the team celebrated yet another league triumph, cementing their unbeaten run in the 2024tournament.
Wharton, who finished the competition with a staggering 17 goals, delivered a masterclass performance in the final, earning both the Most Valuable Player (MVP) and HighestGoalScorerawards. The prolific striker netted five of Chase’s eight goals, leavingDolphin’sdefensein tatters. His goals came at blistering speed, finding the
back of the net in the 2nd, 5th, 9th, 49th, and 50th minutes, setting the tone for anearlyrout.
Nyron Barrow (51’) and OmarSam(62’)addedtothe tally, completing the demolitionandliftingChase to the championship win once more Dolphin’s solitarygoalcametoolateto
Wharton’s explosive start, with two quick goals, dismantled Dolphin’s defensive confidence, paving the way for another dominantdisplaybyChase.
Flavio Larose, Chase’s goalkeeper, also had an outstanding tournament. He concededjustonegoalinthe
final and walked away with the Best GoalkeeperAward, underscoringhisvitalrolein theteam’ssuccess.
W h i l e D o l p h i n
Secondary suffered a heavy defeat in the final game of the league, their overall performance in this year’s championship earned them 18pointsandacovetedspot in the upcoming KFC International Goodwill U18 Football Series. The series will feature powerhouse teams such as defending champions Clarendon College of Jamaica, St Benedict’s College and Speyside High School of Trinidad and Tobago, alongside Annai Secondary, DC Caesar Fox Secondary, and Suriname’s Secondary SchoolLeaguewinner
Earlier in the day, West Ruimveldt clinched fourth placewithacommanding80winoverPresident’s
Georgetown Secondary in theirfirstmatchandclaimed a 7-0 win Goals were scored by Kaley Jack (4), Lehana Thomas (2), and ThaisKing(1).
In a later fixture, Christ Church Secondary went head-to-headwithSt.John’s
College, emerging victorious with a 6-1 result. Kaley Jack delivered a standout performance, scoring all six goals for Christ Church, while St. John’s College managed to getonthescoreboardwitha goalfromRahniaDavid.
The GFF is committed to fostering grassroots football and providing opportunities for young girls to develop their skills and acknowledges that eventslikethisarepivotalin creating a pathway for the next generation of female footballersinGuyana.
The Federation extends its gratitude to all participating teams, coaches, and supporters for their enthusiasm and dedication and will remain committed to nurturing the sport at every level, ensuring that football becomes a unifying force and a platform for excellenceinGuyana.