791 drivers nabbed for speeding last week
- Jagdeo confirms company will recover cost from Guyana's oil

Canadian gold firm to transfer over 60,000 acres Guyana mining lands to new company

791 drivers nabbed for speeding last week
- Jagdeo confirms company will recover cost from Guyana's oil
Canadian gold firm to transfer over 60,000 acres Guyana mining lands to new company
PresidentofExxonMobil Guyana Limited (EMGL)
Alistair Routledge has said that the US$2.5 billion that was spent to purchase two Floating Production Storage and Offloading (FPSO)
vessels from Dutch shipbuilderSBMOffshoreis a more cost-effective approach for both the companyandGuyana.
Routledge made that statement during a recently aired interview by the Energy Perspectives Podcast. Last year, Exxon purchased the Liza Unity from SBM for US$1 3 billion, a few months before theendofitsmaximumlease term in February 2024 Similarly, on November 7, SBM announced that it had completed the transaction withEMGLinrelationtothe purchase of the FPSO
Prosperity, ahead of the maximum lease term, which would have expired in November 2025 The purchase involved a total cash consideration of US$1.23billion. When asked about the company’s decision to purchase a second FPSO,
Routledge said, “It’s really primarilyafinancialmatter It’s more financiallyefficient for the investors and for the country to purchase the FPSOs at this stage ” He explained that while earlyandconstructionleases canhelpensureefficientand
igh-quality project
completion,long-termleases typically involve higher financing costs. “We found that model to be a very effective one, but a longterm lease is generally a more expensive financing optionforthecountryandfor theinvestorsthanpurchasing the FPSOs,” he said Routledge added that with thevesselsalreadyprovento be operating “very well” at this stage, Exxon feels comfortablethatit’stheright timetopurchase. It should be noted that
before the end of the year, Exxon is expected to purchase a third vessel from SBM–FPSODestiny Athispressconferencea few weeks ago, Vice President Dr Bharrat Jagdeo reminded that the US$2.5 billion that was spent by Exxon to purchase the vessels will be recovered by the oil company from revenues generated from the Stabroek Block At his November 14, press conference Jagdeo said, “That’sallpartofthecostoil, it’spartofcostoil,everycent that goes into or is spent, it goes to cost oil…” the Vice Presidentnoted.
Under the 2016 Production Sharing Agreement (PSA) that requires Exxon and its partners Hess and CNOOC to pay no taxes to Guyana, 75% of the revenues generated from the Stabroek Block go to Exxon to cover operational expenses. The remaining 25% is then split between Guyana and the oil companies–outofthatshare Exxon pays a 2% royalty to Guyana.
Guyana has managed to makeitsnameknownonthe
global map for many
r e a s o n s , b u t f o r ExxonMobil, the country’s third oil project has set a remarkablemilestoneforthe company,coppingthefastest ramp-up in history of deepwateroperations.
This was revealed by President of ExxonMobil Guyana Limited (EMGL), AlistairRoutledgeduringthe most recent episode of the
Energy Perspectives Podcast, hosted by CEO of
the Guyana Energy Conference,KianaWilburg.
Reflecting on the
company’s strategic achievements for the year, Routledge noted that Exxon was not only able to hit 500 million barrels of oil since the startup of production activities in 2019, but also reached another milestone,
the one-year anniversary for production activities at the Payaraproject. He explained, “It’s been a dream startup. The Payara project set all kinds of industry records for safety, no hurts in the first year of operation, extremely high reliability, has also had the fastest ramp up from first startup all the way to full capacity that we have been able to identify in the industry,certainlyforadeep water, offshore operation So, really an outstanding project and multiple achievements within that milestoneofoneyear.”
Payara is Exxon’s third deep water project in the Sabroek Block The Prosperity Floating, Production, Storage and Offloading vessel (FPSO), w h i c h c o m m e n c e d productiononNovember14,
President, ExxonMobil Guyana, Alistair Routledge sharing remarks during the Energy Perspectives Podcast
2023, was designed to produce 220,000 barrels per day (bpd) but Exxon has increased production to about250,000bpd.
Only recently, this newspaper reported that Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of ExxonMobil Corporation, Darren Woods boastedabouttheworldclass
performance of the company’sassetsinGuyana. During the company’s third quarter Earning’s Call in November, Woods updated shareholders of the company that Exxon completed tie-in for the country’s Gas-to-Energy (GTE) project This was completed on budget and
schedule, with the company already back to full production activities. Exxon had taken the Liza One and LizaTwoprojectsofflinefor aperiodoftwoweekseachto facilitatethetie-inworks.
Meanwhile, Woods said, “Our Payara project, which remained online during the tie-ins, continues to perform above investment basis – as hasbeenthecasewithallthe projects we’ve brought onlineintheworld’spremier deepwaterdevelopment.”
ExxonMobil is the operator of the oil rich Stabroek Block with a 45% interest, while Hess Guyana Exploration Ltd. holds 30% interest and CNOOC
Petroleum Guyana Limited holds25%interest.
Currently, ExxonMobil has three projects producing oil in Guyana. It should be noted that each of these
developments have been pushedtoproduceabovethe limits outlined in project documents submitted to Guyanese regulators The company has been able to increasecapacityofthethree FPSOs through a process called ‘debottlenecking’ Exxon previously explained that the company would assess the projects for bottlenecks to improve recovery of the resources The company would then submit its findings to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Ministry of Natural Resources for consideration andapproval.
F o l l o w i n g i t s independent assessment, the regulatorwouldthenissueits b l e s s i n g s f o r t h e optimization activities, allowing Exxon to increase productiononthevessels.
The Interna
onal Measures for the Protection
of Children (Hague Convention) Bill 2024, which was read for the first
time in the National Assembly on November 25, lastwilladdanotherlayerof protection to child safety measuresinGuyana.
The proposed legislation introduced to the House by Minister of Human Services and Social Security Dr VindhyaPersaudisexpected to bring Guyana’s law on child rights in conformity with the Hague Convention on child protection which Guyanaisasignatoryto.
The Hague Convention establishes international standards and best practices for inter-country adoptions.
T h e n e w l a w w i l l particularly aid Guyanese authorities in providing betterprotectionforchildren in the instances of internationaladoption.
According to the explanatory memorandum attached to the Bill, the purposeofthelawistogive the Hague Convention jurisdiction, applicability, enforcement and cooperation in respect of parental responsibility and measures for the protection ofchildreninGuyana.
This convention enables competent authorities to protect children and cooperate in a varied range of cross-border situations, offering states practical
meanstofulfillinternational obligationsarisingunderthe United Nations Convention ontheRightsoftheChild.
Article 1 of the Child Protection Convention sets out that the purpose of the Convention is to - (a) determine the competent authority to take measures directed to the protection of thepersonorthepropertyof the child; (b) designate the law applicable to measures of protection and parental responsibility; (c) provide foraframeworkenablingthe recognitionandenforcement of measures of protection among contracting parties; and (d) establish a cooperation mechanism between the authorities of thecontractingparties.
The Child Protection Convention applies to childrenfrombirthtotheage of eighteen. It applies to a widerangeofcivilmeasures for the protection of a child and a child’s property, ranging from orders concerning parental responsibilityandcontact,to public measures of protection and care, as well a s t o m
protection of children’s property
In addition to other preliminary measures, Clause 4 of the Bill makes p r o v i s i o n f o r t h e establishment of a Central Authority for the purpose of discharging the duties
T h e C o n v e n t i o n providesforauthoritiestobe designated in each Convention country as centralauthoritiesinorderto facilitate international communication and cooperation between courts and other competent authorities.
C l a u s e 5 m a k e s provisionfortheHighCourt to exercise its jurisdiction undertheConventiontotake measures directed to the protection of children However, in exceptional circumstances a court may apply the law of another countrytowhichthechildor
the child’s property is substantially connected Clause 6 provides that the Courtshallapplythelawsof Guyana in exercising jurisdiction under the Convention.
Clause7(2)providesthat a measure in respect of which an order has been made shall, to the extent to which recognition or enforcement of the measure isauthorisedbytheorder,be of the same force and effect as if it were an order of the HighCourt.
Clause 8 deals with the registrationandenforcement of measures in Guyana. It provides that a registered measure has the same effect as a measure issued in Guyana and it prevails over any prior inconsistent measure.
Meanwhile, Clause 13 enablestheRulesCommittee established under section 67 of the High Court, to make rules of court in order to carryoutorgiveeffecttothe provision of the Act and Clause 14 enables the Ministertomakeregulations to give effect to the provisionsoftheAct.
PrintedandPublishedbyNationalMedia& PublishingCompanyLtd. 24SaffonStreet, Charlestown,Georgetown,Guyana.
Tel:225-8465,225-8491. Fax:225-8473,226-8210
Guyanese are concerned about crime, harbour considerablefearsfortheirsafety Theyarealsoconcerned by what can be interpreted as the inconsistent nature of the punishments handed out to those found guilty of criminal conduct, especially ones involving violence and firearms. Punishments for serious crimes appear to be more than inconsistent,withwordslikeerraticandinexplicablecoming tomind,astherecanbewideswingsinthesentencesmeted outtodifferentperpetratorsforsimilarcrimes.
Whenwespeakofseriouscrimes,thefocusisonmurder, rape, arson, robbery under arms, and felonies of that same frightening kind. The Guyana Police Force's serious crime resolution rate has been on the rise in recent times, and we commend this vital protective institution for this record. Nonetheless,therearetoomanycaseswhereseriouscrimes have been committed, felons charged, only for when they appear before the courts, cases falling apart for various reasons.
Insufficiency of evidence and sloppy preparation work among other concerns, have led to some accused being set freebythecourts. Theworryisthatweusuallyneverhear again of someone else being charged for that crime committed,whereacitizenmayhavebeenmurdered. This means one of two things, with first the guilty walking scotfree due to poor case preparation, or those who have never being charged roaming around at will in society without so much as a touch of the long arm of the law interfering with theirfreedom.
In terms of actual sentencing, some found guilty have beensentencedtolifeimprisonment,whilesomehavebeen slapped with sentences that are still considerable, but decadesless. Thisjustdoesnotmakesense,notwithstanding thefactsofsurroundingcircumstances,suchasremorse,first time offender, helpful probation report, and so on. We appreciate as well as the next person that each case has its own peculiar set of circumstances, and all of those could weighheavilyinthemindofajudgefacedwiththehardduty of deciding what punishment is appropriate to the crime, none like those ones that manifested a particular savagery andrecklessdisregardforlifeandlimb.Still,itisneverless thanbafflingthatoneconvictedmurderercouldbesentenced totherestofhislifeinjail,whileanother,involvedinwhat societyperceivesasnolesswantonandcallousanddreadful, isslappedwithasentenceof20to30years. Again,weare aware of the discretion that judges have in sentencing, and some of them have chalked up records that indicate a willingnesstoutilizetothemaximum. Theanxietiescometo the surface when observers believe that too much leniency has been extended to the convicted. Most of the time, the onlyoneconcernedaboutasentencethatistooharshisthe convict,whowastesnotimecryingoutaboutitbeingoverly excessive.The reality is that there are many in Guyanese society,whobelieve,thatsomemurderers,ifnotallofthem, shouldbeflogged,andputawayforlife,withnoopportunity forparole. Thosewhokillormaimduringthecommissionof violenthomeinvasionsarenotfavoredwithanysympathy; citizensarecomfortablewiththembeinglockedupforgood. However, there is another reality that has to be faced. Corruption is not limited to politics and within the public service realms, but touches every corner and level of local society Thereareconsiderableamountsofmoneyavailable tobuyjustice,todelayjustice,ortodilutejustice. Sources can be from domestic business transactions of any kind, or fromrelativeswhoareoverseasbased.Suchfundingsources havelongbeenperceivedtotamperwiththescalesofjustice, including in such crimes as rape, violence against women, andothersofalikeheinousnature.Thoughnoaspersionsare cast in any direction, this pregnant consideration hangs in Guyanese society Given concerns about disparity in punishment, there should be consideration of limiting discretiontoanarrowrangeofoffences,andwithmandatory sentences as the standard for first degree felonies. In this way there could be consistency in something that has long troubledlocalsociety
AsthetwelfthParliament of the Cooperative Republic of Guyana prepares to enter into its final year, before dissolutioninpreparationfor GRE 2025, there continues to be the derailment of Parliamentary Democracy under the PPP/C and Mr Manzoor Nadir, MP and Speaker of the National Assembly
I like many will admit that this has been the worst Parliament in the history of Post-Independence Guyana. The Government on assuming office, through their Attorney General and Minister of Legal Affairs, Mr Anil Nandlall, SC boasted of a 'robust Parliamentary Agenda ' Well, the facts I am about to present, will truly reveal the PPP/C for who they really
are, they cannot and should notbetakenseriously.Since the convening of the twelfth Parliament, in September 2020, the following are the PPP/C track record for sittings of the National
Assembly; 2
20(15), 2021(19); 2022(18); 2023(18)andfor2024(19so far), a cumulative of eightynine (89) sittings I guess there will be another sitting ortwobeforetheendofyear 2024.
Parliamentary level. Despite amendments were made to the motor vehicle laws on three occasions; fatal accidents have become immune to our society; without any strategic focus or directions from the collective at the National level.
Families and loved ones are left in pain and the governmentappearshapless, to have this scourge addressed.
The Sectoral Committee on Security in the National Assembly is dysfunctional, due to the Government's (Minister Robeson Benn) failure to convene meetings to discuss security matters. This is no fault of the Opposition, since I can only c o n c l u d e t h a t t h e Government's policy is
As a Member of the National Assembly, I am c o n c e r n e d a t t h e lackadaisical approach by the PPPC's management of the National Assembly Therearemanysocialissues, including corruption, which have taken center stage, primarily in all sectors; that should be addressed and common ground found in resolving them at the
intentionally to derail Parliamentary Democracy and they are not serious about what is happening in the country Our nation is under siege, every day a robberyiscommitted.While penning this letter, I saw a video circulating on Social Media, where bandits conducted a robbery (a second time) on a Chinese Supermarket on Aubrey Barker Road, South Ruimveldt Was anything done to avert a recurrence? Toomanyillegalgunsarein the wrong hands and the authorities, including MinisterRobesonBennhave failedtobringperpetratorsto justice.
The records of the National Assembly will show from the eighty-nine (89) Sittings of the National (Continuedonpage6)
In a piece called 'Bullshit cannot perennially baffle brains' (SN: 25/10/2017), which incidentally aptly contextualises 'Bad and Bias' in your letter section of 02/12/2024, one Mr Prescott Mann, unless this is a nom de plume, havingbeenunabletodecipher andthuscommentonthecontentofmy letter 'GECOM and ethical decisionmaking,' said 'I am left with a basic question for Jeffrey where was his voice, when all forms of biases and illegalities were being perpetrated by the then joint opposition, I refer to the constant 'illegal' rejection of the 'more than one' list that Bharat Jagdeo submitted to then President Granger I never heard an utterance from Dr Jeffrey.'
Perhaps, Mr Mann's mental difficulty is associated with his loss of hearing so let me repeat the following forhisbenefit.
“When last January, President David Granger first presented the country with his unusual interpretation ofarticle161oftheconstitution,Iwrote that 'An upper secondary school child should be able to decipher that our constitution allows three categories of persons to become the chairperson of the Guyana Elections Commission: a judge of the high court, a person qualified to be such a judge or any 'fit andproperperson'.So,PresidentDavid Granger'srejectionofthelistsubmitted tohimbytheleaderoftheoppositionon
thegroundsthat'noneofthecandidates wasaformerjudgeorsomeoneeligible to be appointed as a judge' is patently falseanditmustbedeliberatelyso'(SN: 18/01/2017). Onappealtoawider body, it is most unlikely that given our historical context, particularly in relation to the management of national elections, an interpretation that allows the president to unilaterally select the mostpartisanjudge(thisisnotdirected directly at Justice James Patterson) he wishescouldpossiblystand.
Dangerous self-interest camouflaged by bullshit cannot perennially baffle brains (SN: 25/10/2017)!”
Sincerely HenryJeffrey
International Day of Persons with Disabilities 2024: Celebrating
and Building a Sustainable
OnthisInternationalDay of Persons with Disabilities (IDPD),theGuyanaCouncil ofOrganisationsforPersons with Disabilities (GCOPD) celebrates the leadership of persons with disabilities and their vital role in shaping a more inclusive and sustainable Guyana for all persons with disabilities
The 2024 theme that was coined by the United Nations, "Amplifying the leadership of persons with disabilities for an inclusive and sustainable future," is a powerful reminder that true progress is only possible when persons with disabilitieshaveaseatatthe table. We do recognize the efforts of the Dr Irfaan Ali led Government in ensuring thatpersonswithdisabilities are meaningfully engaged
and included in Guyana's development.
However, there is a role forothermembersofsociety to ensure that the leadership potential of persons with disabilitiesismaximized.
Persons with disabilities have long been leaders in driving change, yet barriers l i k e i n a c c e s s i b l e information, an inaccessible built environment, inequitable opportunities, a n d s t i g m a a n d discrimination continue to hinder full participation of thisgroup. Addressingthese challenges as a society is essential to building a Guyana where everyone can contributeandthrive.
The Guyana Council of Organisations for Persons with Disabilities is committedtoadvocatingfor:
*The updating and
enforcement of our National building Codes congruent to the Universal design and digital accessibility, ensuring everyone can fully access public spaces and engagewithtechnology
* The creation of more inclusive policies and programs that promote leadership opportunities for persons with disabilities in allsectorswithinoursociety
* The creation of more employment opportunities for persons with disabilities in accessible and inclusive workplaces that recognize a n d v a l u e t h e i r contributions.“Wehaveseen greatexamplesofleadership
We call on all Guyana to joinusonthisDecember3in c e l e b r a t i n g t h e achievementsandleadership of persons with disabilities and in building a future wheretheircontributionsare recognized and celebrated
As we celebrate this significant day we would liketotaketheopportunityto r e m i n d a l l o f t h e international disability movement slogan “Nothing AboutUsWithoutUs”.
Regards GaneshSingh Programme manager, GCOPD
from persons with disabilities to improve the lives of persons with disabilities and positively transform the disability landscape, however there's stillmoreworktobedoneto amplify their voices and break down systemic barriers,”saidGaneshSingh, programme manager of the Guyana Council of Organisations for Persons withDisabilities.
Congratulations are in ordertotheGovernmentand people of Guyana and all who participated in the historic visit of Shri Narendra Modi, Prime Minister of India. In a few weekshetravelledtoAfrica, South America including two days in Guyana where he met with leaders of Caricomcountries.
In his many speeches he encouraged Guyanese to visit the ancient land of the Rishis. He mentioned the festival of KUMBH MELA which will be held from January 14 to February 25, 2025 in Prayagrat, Uttar Pradesh, on the banks of Ganges, Yamuna and Saraswati Rivers This spiritual event has been described as the largest peacefulgatheringofhuman beings anywhere on the planet The magazine Hinduism Today estimated thatover240millionpeople attended the event in 2019. It is estimated that this numberwillbe exceededon thisoccasion.
This cultural giant also encouraged attendance to theRamTempleinAyodhya inaugurated on January 22, 2024.
This original birth place of Lord Rama attracts up to 150,000 visitors daily EveryGuyaneseinspiredby hispresencehavebeengiven a reason to visit India. It could be female cricketers fortraining;thoseinterested inbusinessbutmostlythose with a spiritual yearning to takeaspecialdipintheholy rivers.
A significant number also has a keen interest in tracingtheirownhistorybut cannot do so unless the records of the family can be obtainedfromthearchivesin Guyana.
This group includes those residing outside Guyana which has the largestDiasporaat36.4%as of 2020 according to a U.N. populationDivision.
A significant number of these have been trying to trace and visit the actual v
es where their ancestors left from May 5, 1838to1917.
The few who have been able to do this are fortunate and rarer still are those who havedevelopedacontinuing arrangement and return regularlytoassistthepoorin thosevillages.
Those who recently visited the archives in Guyana indicate that the condition of the records needs to be preserved from further decay One set is readable,anothersetneedsa special machine to make themreadablewhileanother set is beyond repair and this number is increasing each year LieutenantMichael CharlesRemembered.
It is equally appropriate in 2024 to salute the Government and the armed forces of Guyana for their recognition of the contribution that our national hero, pilot extraordinaire, legend and friend Captain Michael Charles made to country Mike voluntarily shared his life, knowledge and skills with all Guyanese and the world.Hewasoneofthefew who could through his late great grandfather, Moses Rampershad (1897-1999), trace his history to Varanasi also known as Kashi, (formerly Benares) one of the oldest and holiest cities intheworld.
Shri Narendra Modi happens to be the representative for this districtand has been elected three times from this constituency to become the PrimeMinisterofIndia.
As Recently as October 2024 the Prime Minister inaugurated numerous developmentsprojectsinthe area including sports projects and airports. Our local hero thus shared something in common with anInternationalleadermuch respected by his global counterparts.
On or about December 19, 2023 a letter to the editors of Guyana Times, Kaieteur News and other
printmediaentitledMichael Charles, Le
The comments and lettersthatfollowedoverthe last year showed that there wasakeeninterestingetting the records of indentured servants digitized just like SurinameandMauritius.
Guyana alone received about 239,000 Indentured servants from India second onlytoMauritius. It is appropriate to summarise some of the comments:
"We visited India many times and arranged tours annuallybutwestillhaveto find our ancestral village. Wedonothavetimetotravel toGuyanaandcomeawayin frustration and anger as we cannotreadandwritemuch;
we are retired and live on a pension and cannot understand why this informationcannotbeputon a computer so our grandchildren can sit at homeonacomputerandtell us which village we can from. If the government is short of money we are willingtodonateourCASH GRANT to the cause as it also requires us to travel to Guyanatocollectit."
"We are embarrassed when our Indianfriendsand neighbours ask why we cannotspeakHindi.Nowwe havetoexplaintothemwhy wecannotfindwhichvillage we came from in India. All weknowisthatitisinUttar Pradesh or Bihar It's our dying wish to travel to see notjustIndiabuttoimmerse
The Ministry of Tourism has hit a new low
DearEditor, Isawtherecentarticleon theJonestownTour. Withall ofthewealthcomingintothe country is this really necessary? Guyanahastried fordecadestodistanceitself from the mass suicide of Jonestown.
Itwasalwaysconsidered by locals as an American tragedy, but by the world as Guyana'smomentoffame.Is thiswhatwereallyneed?Do we want to announce to the world that this is what Guyanaisabout?
Icanseeitnow:Guyana “the suicide jungle” where people come to commit suicide.Youcanleaptoyour death at the Kaieteur falls likeothershavedone,orvisit the mass suicide camp at Jonestown. If adventurous, you can walk around town while onshore from your cruiseandrisklifeandlimb, or go to Sixty-three beach wheredeadbodiesarefound. Guyana, where suicide is a serious per capita problem. Comejoininthemisery!
Nice image building by the Ministry of Tourism. They have outdone themselves this time. Please do continue to remind us of theunfortunateeventsofthe past. It is a real attention grabber for tourists who wanttogosomewhereinthe beautiful sunshine of the tropics on holiday to enjoy themselves. I guess it is betterthantheemptyseatsat thecricketstadium.Wemust dobetter!
Sincerely, Mr JamilChanglee
The cash grant will be given to verified, ID persons
DearEditor, The $100,000 cash grant willbegiventothosepersons who have a photographed identification of themselves. An ongoing verification processisinplacebeforethe cash grant can be given. A verification process is absolutely necessary to ensure that all living, breathing persons 18 years and above benefit from a portion of the sovereign wealth this country has to offer them. It also ensures thatmoniesareaccreditedto the right individuals and not to the manufactured crooks lurkingoutthere.Athorough verification will iron out all such anomalies that might otherwise mar an honest process.
This information is
stored in a database for reference,shouldanydispute surfaces. The government is very wary of the pitfalls that spoiledpastcashgiveaways; hence they are putting everything in place to foil a repeat. Government wants everyadult18yearsandover benefits, hence every verified John Jones gets his payout and not a John Jones "duplicate" turning up at another location to beat the system.
The same goes for Drupattie Ramnarine being certified to receive her cash grant and not the same Drupattie Ramnaraine (The different spelling of her surname) turning up elsewhere to get a second payout The point I am making is, the photograph
identification cancels out such situations occurring
So, there is nothing sinister about a verification process before a payout, it is not government securing votes before an election as the Opposition surmises, rather, it is an aboveboard process thatseeksthecooperationof all involved to ensure that every man gets his just
portionoftheoilwealth. Patience is virtue as government moves ahead with its large payout. They have begun with the old age pensioners and public servants, who are already in thedatabaseofpersons,then a move over into the other sectorsofoureconomy Regards NeilAdams
Assembly thus far, majority allowed the Government to either table Bills, and Financial Supplementary Papers whenever they are ready to dip their hands into the Consolidated Funds and theContingencyFunds.
Editor,whenquestionsare tabled by Members of the Opposition, many are overtaken by time, when answers are provided, due to the sporadic meetings of the National Assembly In the eighty-eight sitting, answers were provided to questions put by my fellow colleagues, Mr David Patterson, MPand Ms Nima Flue-Bess , MP The responses provided can only be described as
atrocious, cynical and disrespectful to say the least. ItissadtowitnesstheSpeaker failuresinreprimandingthese ministers and have them provide appropriate responses.
At times, these responses find their way into the hands of journalists, who must report what is given to them.
Sometimes I pity Mr Nadir, sinceIrecognisethatheisina peculiarpositionandcanonly ensure that his Political Masters requests are carried through.
At the last sitting held on Wednesday, November 27, 2024, the behaviours and attitudes displayed by Ministers of Government, particularly Mr Kwame McKoy were disastrous, distasteful, despicable and unbecoming.
However, while the attacks and onslaught were meted out to Opposition Members, Speaker Nadir, in myviewdeliberatelyallowed the Government members to getawaywithoutanyformof discipline. But, when an Opposition Member makes reference to 'Corruption,' or attempt to get the Speaker's attention, he goes the extra miletocallonthatmemberto withdraw Thereisnojustice, impartialityandfairnessfrom the Speaker He operates as though children are seated in thehouseofassembly
During the consideration ofFinancialPapers1and2,on August 9, 2024, I requested informationfromMr Zulifkar Mustapha, MP and Minister ofAgricultureonthebenefits of the new Chief Executive Officer of GUYSCO, Mr Paul Cheong, who was appointed sometime in July 2024.
At that time, Mr Mustapha was reluctant in providing the information on the floor and committed to haveinformationsubmittedto the Clerk of the National Assemblyforcirculation.Itis
disappointing for me to informyourreadersthatafter threemonths,theinformation is yet to be provided to the Office of the Clerk, despite being sent several reminders. Icanonlyconcludethatthere is something to hide by Mr M u s t a p h a a n d h i s government.
Mr Mustapha must be reminded that the money being used to effect salary payments and benefits to Mr Paul Cheong is funded by TAXPAYERS; and Members of the Opposition have ALL rights and privilege to seek information on public officers.
Editor, since the answers have not been provided and Mr Mustapha has not respondedtomyofficialletter ofremindertotheClerkofthe National Assembly, I am publicly calling on him to set aside time from his busy schedule, which I assume is preoccupied with both public and private affairs and respond to the following questions:
1. What is the current salary of Mr Paul Cheong, CEO,GUYSCO
2. What are the monthly benefitsandallowancesbeing paidtoMr PaulCheong?
3 W h a t a r e t h e contractual engagements betweenMr PaulCheongand GUYSCOasChiefExecutive Officer?
4. What were the salary, benefits and allowances paid to former Chief Executive Officer,Mr SasenarineSingh during his engagements with GIYSCO?
Finally, I look forward to reading Mr Mustapha responses to my questions above The Government frequently boasts of being transparent and accountable w h e n i t c o m e s t o TAXPAYERS' monies, I therefore called on him to exercisebothpublicly Yourssincerely, AnnetteFerguson,MP
Frompage5 ourselves in the sounds, colours,thetasteandsmellof the villages of our foreparents.""ThePresidentis a good man. He and the Vice President visited their ancestral villages. Maybe another meeting at 5.30 am wouldrevealthosewhodonot carryouthiswishes."
Itisdifficulttoexplainwhyin a country where 40% can trace their ancestry to India thatthissubjectcannotbeput onthefrontburnerandtreated withtherespectitdeserves. There are regular outreach meetings with ministers where it can be broached. There are weekly press
conferences where only oil andgasseemtomatter Where are all the investigative reporters in the print, radio andTVmediawhoshouldask about the broken promises going back as far as 1992 to preserve and make these recordsavailable?
Hopefully the authors of the bookonourlateHerowillfind space for his connection to Varanasi and that by the next anniversary many can sit at a computer anywhere in the worldandlikehimtracetheir villages of origin in the most ancient of civilizations, BharatthatisIndia.
Regards RamnarineSahadeo
Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo has blanked the possibilityoftheOpposition having representation on the national and regional procurement and tender boards, saying that their culture of obstruction needs tochangefirst.
At his news conference, lastweek,Jagdeowasasked whether government would consider amending the legislation to provide for Opposition, and probably civil society participation on the boards, so as to
remove suspicion of corruption within the system Jagdeo, in response, said,“Youknowweliveina democracy; you think President Trump will put anyone in charge of his executive function that he has to answer to the people of the country? That he’d put someone there who has a track record of being negative and disruptive and try to slow things down rather than be supportive in anyofhisagenda?”
He stressed that it is
something that the government will never contemplate until there is a change of culture in the political Opposition, as they haveahistoryoffocusingon disruption “If they’re in government, they stay in powerthroughtryingtosteal elections, not through the respect of the right of individual voters.And when they’re out of government, they try to disrupt
everything A seemingly normalthingwouldnowtake forever,” Jagdeo said. There have been a number of
Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo
flawedcontractawardsatthe National Procurement and Tender Administration Board (NPTAB) over the past few years, and this has constantly been highlighted by the Opposition as well as themedia.
ExecutiveMemberofthe People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR) and Member of Parliament, Ganesh Mahipaul, recently urged the government to createaseatatthetableofthe NPTAB for the Opposition. In fact, he said if the party getsintogovernmentatnext year’s election, it will create that space to reduce corrupt practices and ensure transparency in the procurement process. “Our callforaseatatNPTAB,and the regional tender board is notonewherewewanttobe disruptive, is not one where we want to dominate, and it will be foolish for us as an Opposition, to believe we cangoonNPTABandhavea greater number than the
government side. Of course, the government side has to have a greater number They’re in government. The Oppositionoughttobethere toensurewhateverisdoneis being done in a transparent manner. It’s done with accountability, and it’s scrutinised properly,” Mahipaulsaid. He went on to say that Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo is against this, but if the Opposition has one or two representatives on the National Procurement and Tender Administration Board, they will be able to see and expose public thievery Mahipaul reflected that when the APNU+AFC was in government Opposition representatives were on the regionaltenderboards.“The regional bodies were allowed to elect their two persons and since the People’s Progressive Party (PPP) had control of Region One, two of two of the five
memberscamefromthem.It was the same for Regions Two and Three as well.” “There was always Opposition and government representation on NPTAB, (as well as) on the regional procurement and tender administrationboardsacross thiscountry…”, Jagdeo, in recent times, has been speaking about what his government has been doing to improve the national procurement systemsandrecentlywarned that officers who are engaged in corrupt practices willfacethefullbruntofthe law if caught. “If you have been engaged in these practicesandyougetcaught, don’t come and later complain about you have kidsoryouhaveapartycard or you belong to a party or somethinglikethat,”Jagdeo told a news conference back inMay
The VP told the media then that there have been reviewsandhehasseenalot writtenaboutcorruption. In the light of this, the government has undertaken reviews at every level of the procurement system. “So let me put on notice all those people who are responsible for procurement in public corporations, statutory bodies, the ministries, regions, central ministries everywhere, all the way to the National Tender Board,” Jagdeosaid.
The situation concerning the
d i s p u t e d parliamentary seat held by the representative of The New Movement (TNM) raisesacomplexlegalissue, particularly regarding the mechanism for recalling a member when the seat was wonunderajoinderlist.
Thelegalframeworkand procedural gaps in this case haveledtoaconundrumthat demands careful analysis.
The legal issue surrounding the contested parliamentary
seat in the National Assemblyalsohighlightsthe challenges posed by the joinder list system and the absence of a clear legal framework to govern such arrangements
TheAlliance for Change (AFC), which, based upon someexpressedbutuntested legal opinion, now wants to usethatasthebasisforaloss of confidence in GECOM. But why has the sameAFC, which is not without legal expertise, not yet approachedtheCourts,ifitis so concerned, asking the Courts to declare the occupant of the seat as a parliamentarysquatter
Given the ambiguity in thelawconcerningtherecall of parliamentarians in the context of a joinder of lists, this column explores the legal complexities involved
and challenges the AFC to initiate a legal action to resolve the issue effectively I begin with explaining the conceptofarejoinderlist.
Ajoinderoflistsrefersto a practice in proportional representation systems where two or more political parties combine their electoral lists prior to an election, agreeing to share the seats won based on their combined vote The agreementtypicallyincludes thedistributionorrotationof s e a t s a m o n g t h e participatingparties.
This system enables smaller parties to gain parliamentaryrepresentation by pooling their votes, thus increasing their chances of surpassing the threshold for seatallocation.However,the process also presents significant challenges in managingthedistributionof seats, especially when the parties involved have different expectations or interpretations of the agreement.
In the 2020 general elections, the parties under thejoinderagreementwona single parliamentary seat, and by mutual consent, they agreed to rotate the occupancy of this seat. The agreement stipulated that TNMwouldholdtheseatfor a three-month term, after w hich ANUG was
supposed to take over. However, the present incumbent from TNM has refused to vacate the seat, triggeringcallsforhisrecall. The legal question then arises:whohastheauthority toeffectsucharecall?
The recall of a parliamentarian is provided for in Guyana's legislation, which allows for a member to be recalled if the Representative of the List informs the Speaker that, following meaningful consultation with the party or parties that make up the list, the parties have lost confidence in the member. This recall process is meant to be initiated by the RepresentativeoftheListof therelevantpoliticalpartyor parties.
However, a significant issue arises in the context of ajoinderoflists.Sincethere is no single representative for the combined list of parties, the legal framework fails to provide a clear mechanism for recalling a parliamentarian in such circumstances.
Each party involved in the joinder has its own representative, but no provision exists for a “Representative of the Joinder List.” This creates a legal vacuum, leaving the Speaker of the National Assembly without the
Demboyssehderoaddangerouslikede Amazon jungle, but worse, because at least in de jungle you got chance wid jaguar and snake. Pon de road? No chance at all! Yuh stepoutfuhalilexerciseindecoolmorning breeze, and BAM! Truck done use yuh as speedbump.
Dismorningwalkbusinessturnlifeand death affair De other day, one man tie he sneakers tight, seh he going fuh mek a healthy start. He lef home whole, but when hereachback,isonlyhalfhebodyshowup. Deotherhalfdehsomewhereunderacanter People seh exercise good fuh de heart, but notwhenyuhheartstopbecauseahfright!
Dem drivers pon de road behave like dem running Indy 500. Truck, car, bicycle, donkey cart—everybody feel dem got right fuh overtake and undertaker Yuh ever notice? Is always de one who feel dem late who end up in de gate. Dem gatekeepers at decemeteryworkingovertime!
But dem boys seh is not just de drivers. Depedestrians,too,gotnorespectfuhdem own life. Yuh crossing de road like yuh Moses parting de Red Sea, expectin' de trafficgonjuststoplikedewaters.Andyuh standingbydezebracrossing?Forgetit!De drivers seh de stripes pon de road is decoration,notinstruction.
Dem Boys Seh some people does born with luck. No matter how many accident dem get in, dem does emerge without a scratch.Demboysrememberdecaseoftwo
necessary authority to initiatetherecallprocess.
Those urging that the incumbent occupant of the seat should vacate may be valid from a political or ethicalstandpoint.However, fromalegalperspective,the situation is complicated by the absence of a clear statutory framework governing the recall of parliamentarians elected under a joinder of lists Whilethemutualagreement among the parties to rotate the seat may be considered binding under political or party agreements, it is not enforceable under the current legal framework Without a designated Representative of the Joinder List, the Speaker is legally powerless to interveneinthissituation.
The AFC, if it is truly concerned about the continued occupation of the s e a t b y t h e T N M representative, should pursue a judicial resolution. The legal vacuum surrounding the recall process for a joinder of lists shouldbeaddressedincourt. A judicial review of the situation could compel the
courttointerprettheexisting laws and, if necessary, issue a ruling on whether the current occupant's actions constitute an illegal occupationoftheseat.
The AFC can file a judicial review petition, asking the court to examine whether the current occupant's refusal to relinquish the seat violates any legal provisions or constitutional principles. In thisscenario,thecourtcould issue a declaration on whether the existing recall mechanisms apply to the joinder list situation and, if not, provide clarity on how such a situation should be handled.
The court may also be asked to clarify whether the current legal framework, particularly the absence of a “Representative of the JoinderList,”isanoversight thatneedstoberectified.
The AFC's concerns should be resolved through the appropriate legal channels Not through expressions of noconfidence A judicial review or constitutional challenge is the most effective means for
clarifying the law and resolving the issue. It is surprising that despite the assertions of 'squatting” our usual litigious minds are reluctant to approach the Courts. It begs the question whether they know that while they may be morally right,theyarelegallywrong.
This column insists that until the legal framework is amended or clarified, the Speaker of the National Assembly remains constrained in taking any action to resolve this issue. The AFC, therefore, must rise to the occasion by pursuing legal action that could bring clarity to this complex issue and ensure that the rights of the parties involved in the joinder agreementarerespected.
(The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinionsofthisnewspaper.)
drivers, a man and a woman. Dem driving different cars and end up in a big smash-up pon de road. De accident bad, bad—cars mash up like old sardine tin—but dem two ain'tgetascratch.
De woman crawl out she car, watch de scene,andseh,“Wow,lookatdis!Demcars donefinish,butwestillalive.Disgottobea signfromGoddatwesupposedtomeetand liveinpeace.”
De man nod quick, “Yes, yes! A sign fromabove!”
De woman smile big, like she just win lotto,andseh,“Andlookatdismiracle!Meh carmashup,butdisbottleahwinesurvive. Godsehwemustdrinkandcelebratelife!”
She hand de wine to de man. He tek it, popdecork,andguhtotownponit,drinkin' halfdebottleinonego.Thenhepassitback likeagentleman,“Yourturn!”
Dewomanlaughlilbitandseh,“Ohno,I good.Igonwaitfuhdepolice.”
Dem boys seh dat man sober up quick when he realize wha just happen. He start fuh sweat, and is not because ah de wine. But not everyone suh smart or so lucky to survive an accident. So dem boys seh that before yuh leave de house, write yuh Will. Hug yuh family Kiss yuh dog. Because walking pon Guyana road is like playing Russian roulette—except every chamber gotbullet.Staysafe,orbetteryet,stayhome. Yuhlifeworthmoredanamorningjog.Talk half.Leffhalf
It is worth repeating the question: is the PPP anti-Guyana?
Yes, it is. Oh yes, it is. The response could be extended to say thatthePPPisalsoagainstacertain kindofGuyanese.
Those would be any citizens that have the cojones to speak out against its policies, its leadership, and its actions in government. Neither the party nor government has any use for a hospitable reception to attitudes and actions that are constructive for all Guyanese. The fact that only the progressive would be commended isoflittlesolacetothegroup.
Forthatmeanstherewouldbea less than favourable response to whatisseenasservingthepartyand government’s interests more than thatofGuyanese. Theappearance, thearticulation,ofanysuchroleor position taken by citizens makes thoseGuyaneseenemiesofagroup of people who are ultrasensitive to balanced criticism. I assert that, basedonmyobservationsanytype of criticism is viewed as an existential threat by leaders and diehardfollowers.
Loose cannons are dangerous, in that they can help others to think, gainconverts,presentdilemmasfor the leadership. There is only one way to be followed. It is what the party and government say is right, what must be followed unswervingly,unquestioningly
Recall that from the last PPP Congress the General Secretary’s breaking news that the party was discarding some longstanding ‘isms’. Whatever they were, it is revealing what was retained. A visionforcompletedominanceand totalcontrol,whileparrotinginthe usual brainwashed fashion juicy morsels having to do with democracy Whatever these chaps know about democracy, a donkey knows ten times as much Meantime, a dominated and controlled citizenry is reduced to docilityandpassivity Anytypeof horse manure can be shovelled downitsthroat. Thisisthekindof population that delights Drs. Ali and Jagdeo Both want blind obedience. Both love absolute subservience. They thrill to a dumbed down population, starting withtheirownpeople.
Criticismsignifiesthatthereare some mavericks running off at the pen or mouth (loose cannons).
consideration that offers Guyana a glimpseofmovingfromPointAto Point B is dismissed as illconceived, ill-informed, and illintentioned. How does seeking a betteroildealthatcouldbenefitall Guyanese be the work of a social guerillaoperator? Sincewhendoes callingPresidentAlitoaccountfor the transparency that he so boldly promised makes that Guyanese a subversive? Why and how does anything that offers Guyana some hopetoimproveonsomeofitsless thanstellareconomicventureslead to being dammed as an enemy of the state and people, nothing but a homegrowninsurgent? Istherenot a single Guyanese who means well?
Ithaslongbeenobviousthatto be helpful is not well-received by the People’s Progressive Party It maypossesssomethingthattherest of the world believes has some merit, but it will never be good enoughforthePPP Twoareasare responsible. Thefirstisthesource of the helpful idea developed. If that person doesn’t hail from the
rightgeography,orisnotpartofthe rightdemography,orlackstheright history, then whatever the idea or visionis,itisdeadonarrival. Dies stillbirth in the womb. Thus, a country is held back because one man has fevered paranoia and amnesia, while another lives in a world plagued by youthful dementiaandleadershiphysteria.
Apologistsandpropagandists,a large part of the PPP’s wide circus world, point to high buildings and long roads, both of which sparkle with newness Indeed, they representsomething,butforwhom else besides foreign investors and local business operators? Some citizens get jobs and exposure to a differentworld. Butwhoisdoinga more succulent job (politeness prevents from mentioning what kind) on Guyana? When crucial developmentsandissueshavetobe rammedpastreasonableobjections (Wales electricity project), spirited concerns (Thomas Lands hotel appearance) then whose interests comefirst? Andwhoisbenefiting first and probably the most, if not schemers in the PPPGovernment? Whensecrecyissoprevalentinthe PPP Government and commercial
marriage, then where and how can any such thing be pro Guyana? Whenmattersandhandsareclean, thenthereisnoneedforanythingto beconcealed.Hence,therecanonly be contemptuous dismissal of the president’s embarrassing defense vestedin“confidentiality.” Sucha postureonlyreducestheownertoa caricature.
A thoughtful party, a wise government, is pleased to take a handful of ideas from citizens on the pivotal matters. Not many things,justafewwilldo. Likeoil. Likecorruption. Likeleadershipto berespected. Suchwouldbeabout good faith and goodwill Partnership with the people There’s no call to condemn everyone else as criminals or demons That’s anti-Guyana Hobblesandweakens. Perpetuates theshelflifeofperps. Aseachange is necessary if Guyana will be one of anything. Or anything at all, after all the infrastructure and all theforeigninvestment.
(The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinionsofthisnewspaper.)
Guyaneseonadailybasislongforasteadysupply of electricity desperately to ease their anxieties, to reducetheirwoesandlosses.
Expensive items are lost daily through spoilage, work hours and precious study hours gone and not coming back. When the PPPC Government first contracted with Karpowership of Turkey, the hope was that the lights would come on and that any controversywouldbeonthe‘off’switch. Whatever hopetherewasthatKarpowership,obtainedthrough UCCHoldings,wouldbeonlyaboutelectricityand nothingthatresemblescontroversyisnowdashed.
In South Africa, in Lebanon, and in Pakistan, disputes have dogged the company’s way of doing business. Allegationsofbriberyhavebeenleveled, court cases are on the record, and so are the fines levied against Karadeniz, the parent company of Karpowership. How could all of this have been missed by Government of Guyana officials tasked with identifying a reputable and capable source of powerforenergy-starvedGuyanese?
Could this be viewed as a case of simple negligence, with people acting irresponsibly under the rush of circumstances? Or was it more that, given its record that is now coming to light, Karpowership(theKaradenizparent)wasthekindof power company with which PPPC Government officialswereonlytoopleasedtosealadeal?
Canadian gold
company G2
GoldfieldsInc.isseekingits shareholders’ approval to transfer five mining properties in Guyana, covering a total of 60,300 acres,toanewcompany,G3
GoldfieldsInc. In a statement, the
company said this restructuring aims to focus G2’s efforts on its flagship Okoproject,whichcurrently holds an estimated gold resource of 922,000 ounces of indicated gold and
1,099,000ouncesofinferred gold, while allowing G3 to develop the additional properties.
The properties that will be placed under the control of the new company include the Tiger Creek Property (3,685 acres) and Peters
Mine Property (8,316 acres) in the Puruni District. In the Cuyuni District, the assets include the Aremu Mine Property (8,811 acres), the Amsterdam Option (7,148 acres), and the Aremu Partnership, which includes the historic Wariri Mine (32,340acres).
G2Goldfieldsbelieveits current share price does not fully reflect the value of theseproperties.Bycreating G3 Goldfields, the company aims to give these assets dedicatedfocusandenhance shareholdervalue.
“G2 believes that its current share price does not fully recognize the value of the Non-Core Assets, and that by completing the Proposed Spin-Out, Shareholders will benefit from unlocking the value of the Non-Core Assets Additionally, the Proposed Spin-Out will allow the Company to concentrate its efforts on its Oko project in Guyana, while G3 focuses on the advancement of the Non-Core Assets,” the companystated.
Undertheproposal,each G2 shareholder will receive one G3 share for every two G2 shares held as of the recorddate.SharesofG3are expected to be listed on a Canadian stock exchange, pendingregulatoryandcourt approvals.
Shareholders will vote on the proposal at G2’s annual and special meeting onJanuary28,2025.
If approved, the new company could launch soon after, marking a major step for both G2 and G3 Goldfields.
BackinSeptemberitwas reported that G2 Goldfields entered into an exploration agreement with a wellknown Guyanese mining familyfora30,000-acreland package in the Aremu-Oko golddistrict,Guyana. Under the agreement, G2 expands its control in the district,
adding to its already substantial land holdings, which now total 60,000 acres.
G2 said it has five drills operating in the district and plans to file an updated Mineral Resource Estimate (MRE) for its Oko-Aremu depositsinthefirstquarterof 2025 Patrick Sheridan, Executive Chairman of G2 Goldfields, speaking on the company collaborating with the Guyanese family, said, “We are very excited about this partnership, the culminationofmanymonths of negotiations. Since its inception, G2 has worked with local partners in exploring and developing this exciting gold district. This most recent alliance further consolidates G2 as the major player in the district. I am confident G2 will be able to fast track drilling on several target areas The Company is currently mobilising significant resources to the areasandwillbeexecutinga full sequence exploration programbuildinguponprior exploration success in the district.”
As of March 2024, the Oko Main Zone boasts an inferredresourceof495,000 ouncesofgoldat6.38g/tand an indicated resource of 686,000 ounces at 9.03 g/t. The nearby Ghanie Zone addsanother604,000ounces inferredand236,000ounces indicated.
T h e c o m p a n y highlighted that the Oko district is one of Guyana’s key gold-producing regions, currentlyboastingcombined resources of 7 8 million ounces of gold. The Oko districthasalonghistoryasa goldfield since the 1870s, and G2 has been at the forefront of modern exploration in the region, supported by AngloGold Ashanti, which holds a 15 03% stake in the company
modernization of the Cheddi Jagan InternationalAirport(CJIA), the government through the Ministry of Public Works is preparing to spend $1,557,000,000 more for another set of works to be doneattheairport.
In an invitation for bids (IFB) released by the Ministry recently, revealed thattheyareseekingbidsfor the ‘Construction and Rehabilitation of Office Buildings’.
Bidding for the project will be conducted through the National Competitive Bidding procedure specified in the ProcurementAct.The ministry shared that interested bidders may obtain further information from, inspect the bidding document and purchase a complete set of bidding documents at its Fort Street, Kingstonoffice.
rehabilitate office buildings for the several airline companies operating in the country The official said: “this is different from the worksthatisongoingonthe CJIA’s Administrative b u i l d i n g T h i s Administrative building when completed is set to cater for CJIA’s 300 plus staff.”
Bids for the $1.5 billion contractareexpectedtoopen onDecember18,2024atthe National Procurement and Tender Administration Board(NPTAB)office.
The contract for the airport expansion project was signed in 2011, under the then President Bharrat Jagdeo with China Harbour a n d E n g i n e e r i n g Corporation (CHEC). The Jagdeo-led administration acquired a US$138 million loan from the China Exim Bank, and used US$12 m i l
Jagdeo had related previously that the US$150 million contract was signed withCHECforanewairport. However, he said it was the Coalition government that made changes which resulted in it being a rehabilitation project According to reports, upon assuming office in 2015, the D a v i d G r a n g e r administration deemed the airport plan defective, necessitatingadjustments.
AR o u t e 4 4 m i n i b u s o v e r t u r n e d multipletimesearlyMonday morning along Carifesta Avenue near the Everest C r i c k e t G r o u n d , Georgetown,leavingseveral passengersinjured.
K a i e t e u r N e w s understandsthattheincident occurred around 07:00
According to eyewitnesses and live footage of the incidentcirculatingonsocial media, several passengers were seen lying on the ground as passersby gathered at the scene. The minibus had come to a stop on the eastern side of the road.
Route 44 bus toppled on its side, several passengers on the ground.
An official from the airport informed this publication that the contract is to cons
d Fund (taxpayers’ money) for the total project cost of US$150 million.
Subsequently, in August 2020, Minister of Public Works, Juan Edghill expressed dissatisfaction with the contractor’s work. Consequently, negotiations resulted in additional works being undertaken by CHEC at no extra cost to Guyana. While the US$150 million rehabilitation works by CHEC is completed, the PPP-administration has substantially increased s p e n d i n g f o r t h e modernizationoftheairport, albeit falling below international standards and expectations.
Police on Sunday seized 79.4gramsofganjaandover $270,000 in cash from the p r e m i s e s o f t w o businessmen, both of whom reside at Trainline, Port Kaituma, North West District.
In a press release police saidactingonintelligence,a team of ranks went to the residence and business premises of the two men: Lancelot Glen, 40 and GeorgeWhittakerHope,31. Upontheranks’arrivalat thepremises,Hopewasseen shirtless, sitting outside. On seeing the ranks he reportedly hurriedly ran inside, locked the entrance door and turned off the lights, raising the officers’ suspicions.
The team called out to Hope, who initially failed to respond After several minutes of knocking on the woodendoor,itwasopened,
andHopepresentedhimself. The ranks informed him of theirpresenceandthereason for their visit, which was to conduct a search for narcotics, illegal arms, and ammunition.
According to the police, Hope consented to the search, allowing the officers to enter through the main entrance. When asked if he was alone, he replied that Lancelot who also lived therewasnotpresent.
During the search, the team discovered a bulky black plastic bag on a table insidethebuilding. The bag was opened in Hope’s presence, revealing several small transparent ziplock bags, each containing a quantity of leaves, seeds, and stems suspected to be cannabis, police said in their press release. The suspect was theninformedoftheoffence, (Continued on page 14)
Ambulances were quicklyonthescenetoattend to those who sustained injuries, some of whom appearedtobeseriouslyhurt.
K a i e t e u r N e w s understandsthattheminibus was traveling in a westerly directionfromtheEastCoast towards Georgetown when one of its tires burst along CarifestaAvenue.
The driver subsequently lost control of the vehicle, which flipped several times acrosstheroadbeforefinally coming to rest near the EverestCricketGround.
the live video, described the moment of the incident: “he (the minibus driver) was comingthere(onthewestern side) he get blow out by the school gate (Marian Academy).Iopenedthegate andIseehepasswithspeed, and then you heard a loud
‘boodoom.’” Kaieteur News reached out to Senior Superintendent and Traffic Chief of the Guyana Police Force (GPF) Mahendra Singh, who confirmed that police investigations are ongoing and further details willbereleasedsoon.
Another significant milestonehasbeenachieved for Caribbean connection with the launch of direct flights between Guyana and Grenada.
Theinauguralflighttook off on Sunday, connecting the Maurice Bishop International Airport in
Grenada with Cheddi Jagan International Airport in Guyana.Thisnewroutewill operate twice weekly The airline’s expansion into this market is expected to stimulatetourism,trade,and cultural exchange between the two nations. Director of the Guyana Tou
Authority, Kamrul Baksh, highlighted that the combination of Guyana’s eco-tourism offerings and Grenada’s distinction as the Spice Island creates a compellingtourismpackage, and direct flights make it easier for travellers to experienceboth.
Grenada’s Minister of M
Transformation, and Acting Prime Minister Andy Williamssaidthatthismove inspires ac
ion and transformation, as the two countries pursue economic diversification and sustainable development Aside from promoting greater cultural immersion and boosting tourism, this
direct route further links the economies of Guyana and Grenada through expanded avenuesforinvestment.This includes sectors such as a g r
d manufacturing.
“Direct flights between Grenada and Guyana is morethanjustcommuteon a map. It is a symbol of what we can achieve when we come together,” the m
InterCaribbean Airways, Trevor Sadler, pledged further investments into expanding the airline’s footprint, and advancing its agenda of connecting the Caribbeancountries.
The airline’s successful launch of direct flights between Barbados and
Guyana in 2021 paved the wayforthislatestexpansion. This latest route exemplifies the airline’s dedication to providing seamless travel options and fostering closer ties within the Caribbean community
To foster cultural exchange and promote t o u r i s m , a m e d i a familiarisation trip has also been organised This initiative will see media professionals from Grenada and Guyana immersing themselves in each other’s uniqueculturesandstunning landscapes This trip highlights the convenience o f d i r e c t f l i g h t s , demonstrating how easily travellers can now access a world of exciting experiences.(DPI)
Some of the marijuana that was seized
Frompage13 andwhencautionedrespondedbysaying:“That’sallIhave, officer.”Hewasthenarrested.
Additionally,aquantityofcashinvariousdenominations (20’s, 50’s, 100’s, 500’s, 1000’s, and 5000’s) was found in different areas of the building. When counted in Hope’s presence,thecashtotalled$270,320.Thecashwasseizedasit wassuspectedtobeproceedsfromnarcoticssales.
Hope was subsequently escorted to the Port Kaituma PoliceStationalongwiththecashandsuspectednarcotics.A totalof113smalltransparentziplockbagswiththesuspected narcoticswereweighedinHope’spresenceandamountedto 79.4grams.Thenarcoticsandcashweremarked,sealed,and storedasevidence.Hopewasthenplacedintocustody
Subsequently, contact was made with Glen, the other occupant of the building. Glen was shown the suspected narcotics,informedoftheoffence,andcautioned.Hereplied, “Ilivethere,butIdon’tknowanythingaboutanydrugs.”He wasalsoarrestedandplacedintocustody. Investigationsareongoing.
In a concerted effort to improve road safety, the Guyana Police Force (GPF) hasreportedthat791drivers were caught exceeding the speedlimitinthefinalweek of November Of these, 190 drivers were issued tickets fortheirviolationsaspartof ongoing traffic enforcement exercises conducted across allregionalpolicestations.
A statement from the GPF a total of 4,276 cases were recorded during this period. “As far as possible and with the deployment of available resources, traffic ranks were out and about seeking to prevent accidents and improve road safety,” thestatementsaid.
In addition to speeding,
the GPF identified several other traffic offences. These were: 192 cases of drivers failingtowearseatbelts,and 76casesoffaultypackingof load, “with motor lorries transporting construction materials being the major contributor,” according to police Additionally, the police also recorded 291 casesofindividualsfailingto wear safety helmets, and instances where drivers allowed pillion riders withouthelmets. These efforts align with recent directives from President Irfaan Ali, who heldameetingwiththeGPF inNovembertodiscussroad safety concerns. During the meeting, President Ali
instructed the force to take immediate action against a range of roadway offences, including speeding, reckless driving, and driving under theinfluence.
In response to growing concerns over speeding, PresidentAli revealed plans tointroducestricterpenalties for repeat offenders He announced that the GPF would begin publishing the namesofdriverswhoexceed the speed limit more than three times and would suspend their licenses for repeat offenses. “They are now going to go through all the drivers because this public notice was there, and theywillmoveinaccordance with the law to have those
President Ali said The President also shared specific statistics, revealing that 893 speeding tickets were issued in November alone along the New Heroes Highway, signalling a particular focus on highspeedviolationsinthatarea.
Multiple speeding tickets issued by police
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The Sunday evening move was a stunning development since Biden came to office vowing to restore the independence of the Justice Department, which had been eroded during Trump's first term, and because he had repeatedly said he wouldn't pardon his son.
Now, weeks before he leaves the White House, Biden has wielded presidential power to absolve his son ahead of sentencings later this month over a pair of gun and tax convictions that emerged from the due process of law. His decision came days after special counsel Jack Smith moved to dismiss the federal cases against Trump — over election interference and the hoarding of classified documents — on the grounds that presidents can't be prosecuted. Taken together, the convergence of legal controversies raises questions about the bedrock notion that underpins the system of justice in the United States that everyone — even presidents and their families — are equal before the law.
Until Sunday, Biden had not intervened in the cases against his son, and the White House always insisted that he wouldn't, even though the shifting political environment caused by Trump's election victory last month seemed likely to shift his calculations. Biden started informing staff of his decision on Saturday evening, a source familiar with the matter told CNN's Arlette Saenz, and his team regrouped on Sunday morning to iron out the details.
Massive political reverberations
Politically, Biden's reversal may be seen as a stain on his legacy and his credibility. It contributes to an ignominious end for a presidency that dissolved in his disastrous debate performance in June and that will now be remembered as much for opening the way for Trump's return to the White House as evicting him four years ago.
Rep. Glenn Ivey, a Maryland Democrat, acknowledged to Kasie Hunt on “CNN This Morning” Monday that the pardon will be wielded politically against Democrats.
“I've got mixed views about it, frankly,” Ivey said. The president also may have offered an opening for Trump's party to rally behind Kash Patel, the loyalist whom the president-elect picked Saturday evening to lead the FBI and serve as an apparent agent of his campaign of political retribution.
There is no evidence of wrongdoing on the part of the president. An impeachment inquiry by House Republicans that looked at Biden's and his son's business relationships — which Democrats saw as an attempt to inflict political damage ahead of the election — went nowhere. And the cases against Hunter Biden lack the constitutional gravity or historic importance of the indictments against Trump and his frequent attacks on the rule of law.
But the political impact of Sunday night's drama could be profound. Already, Republicans are arguing the Hunter Biden pardon shows that the current president, and not the next one, is most to blame for politicizing the system of justice by meting out favorable treatment to his son.
Their claim may not be accurate, but it can still be politically effective. Trump used pardons to protect multiple political aides and contacts during his first term, including his daughter's fatherin-law, who's now his pick for ambassador to France. But any time in the future that Trump is criticized for his use of pardon power, he will be able to argue that Biden did the same to protect his own kin.
This could be especially significant as Trump comes under pressure from supporters in the coming months to pardon those convicted of crimes related to the January 6, 2021, mob attack on the US Capitol — many of whom are still in jail. Yet Biden, after a life of tragedies and heartache, asked Americans to judge him as a father who was clearly worried about the impact of a potential jail term on
his son, a recovering addict.
Trump and Biden now both argue that the Justice Department was politicized Hunter Biden was convicted by a jury in June of illegally buying and possessing a gun after a trial that exposed his drug abuse and family dysfunction. He pleaded guilty in September to nine tax offenses, stemming from $1.4 million in taxes that he didn't pay while spending lavishly on escorts, strippers, cars and drugs.
There is some validity to the president's claim in his Sunday statement that his son was “treated differently” because of who his father is. Charges relating to the illegal possession of a firearm while being addicted to a controlled substance and regarding a false statement on the matter are quite rare, for instance. And Republican congressional probes into the matter, which imploded over a lack of evidence, looked like naked attempts to damage the president.
“No reasonable person who looks at the facts of Hunter's cases can reach any other conclusion than Hunter was singled out only because he is my son — and that is wrong,” Joe Biden said in the statement.
“There has been an effort to break Hunter — who has been five and a half years sober, even in the face of unrelenting attacks and selective prosecution. In trying to break Hunter, they've tried to break me — and there's no reason to believe it will stop here. Enough is enough.” His statement is extraordinary because Biden is now arguing something rather similar to Trump — that his own Justice Department has been unfairly politicized. Biden was referring to the way that the Hunter Biden case was handled by David Weiss, a Trump-appointed US attorney from Delaware who originally investigated the president's son and was later appointed as a special counsel by Attorney General Merrick Garland.
Yet at the same time, Hunter Biden put himself in a position in which he created a political vulnerability and potential conflict of interest for his father. In addition, his business activities in Ukraine and China while his father was vice president and afterward raised serious ethical questions, even though Republicans have failed to produce evidence for claims that the current president benefited from the transactions.
It is significant, therefore, that Joe Biden's pardon includes any activity by his son starting on January 1, 2014 — the year that Hunter Biden joined the board of Burisma,
a Ukrainian energy company — while his father, who was then vice president, was deeply involved in US policy toward Kyiv.
While the pardon is its own distinct controversy, it may not have happened but for the extraordinary circumstances of a fraught political moment, with Trump due to return to power at noon on January 20. Given the selection of Patel to head the FBI and Trump's second pick for attorney general, Pam Bondi, there are reasonable grounds to expect that Hunter Biden may have been among those whom the president-elect's loyalists were likely to target, given their vows to use their powers to go after his enemies.
And now that he's acted to protect his son, Joe Biden may face calls to cast a much wider net with his pardon authority, perhaps to include prosecutors who worked on cases against Trump, including over his attempt to overturn the result of the 2020 election.
The president-elect moved quickly to capitalize on the situation in a comment that will raise expectations that he will issue pardons for January 6 convicts shortly after he takes office again. “Does the Pardon given by Joe to Hunter include the J-6 Hostages, who have now been imprisoned for years?” Trump wrote in a post on Truth Social on Sunday. “Such an abuse and miscarriage of Justice!”
And Trump's Republican allies sought to use the situation to bolster the chances of Senate confirmation for some of his most provocative picks. “Democrats can spare us the lectures about the rule of law when, say, President Trump nominates Pam Bondi and Kash Patel to clean up this corruption,” Arkansas Sen. Tom Cotton wrote on X. No moral high ground for Trump
Still, the idea that there is any moral high ground for Trump — who issued a string of apparently politicized pardons during his first term — is risible. Just on Saturday, for example, the presidentelect announced that he had chosen Charles Kushner, the father-in-law of his daughter Ivanka, to serve as ambassador to Paris. Trump had pardoned him for tax evasion, one count of retaliating against a federal witness — Kushner's brother-in-law — and another count of lying to the Federal Election Commission. Trump also issued pardons to other associates and people well connected with his family and his inner circle, including longtime fixer Roger Stone and 2016 campaign chairman Paul Manafort.
(CNN) — For the first time since a ceasefire went into effect last week, Hezbollah has fired two projectiles toward Israelioccupied territory, responding to repeated Israeli strikes since the agreement.Israelhascarried out daily strikes in Lebanon sinceThursday,thedayafter a ceasefire went into effect.
One person was killed in a strike in southern Lebanon, according to the Lebanese Ministry of Health On Monday, Hezbollah fired two projectiles, which landed in an open area, according to the Israeli military, which said no one wasinjured.Themilitarydid not specify the type of projectilefired.IsraeliPrime
Minister Benjamin
Netanyahu said in a statementthattheattackwas “a serious violation of the ceasefire” and that his country would “respond to thiswithforce.”
The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) said on Monday that its own crossborder strikes, despite the ceasefire, had been “in response to several acts by
Hezbollah in Lebanon that posed a threat to Israeli civilians, in violation of the understandings between Israel and Lebanon.” It said it had struck military vehicles at a Hezbollah missilemanufacturingsitein theBeqaaValleyandtunnels near the Syrian border in northernLebanon.
Both the United States and French governments have warned Israel that they believe the Israeli military has violated the terms of the ceasefire,accordingtoCNN affiliateKanandIsraelinews outlet Ynet. A source with the United Nations peacekeeping force in Lebanon, UNIFIL, says Israel has breached its ceasefire agreement with Lebanon “approximately 100” times since the truce went into effect last week.
CNN has asked the IDF for comment Israeli Foreign Minister Gideon Sa'ar told his French counterpart in a phonecallthathiscountryis, in fact, enforcing the ceasefire – which stipulates Hezbollah's withdrawal from the Israel-Lebanon border area – rather than
violating it, Sa'ar said on X on Monday “The presence of Hezbollah operatives south of (Lebanon's) Litani isafundamentalviolationof theagreementandtheymust move north,” Sa'ar said, adding that Israel is “committedtothesuccessful implementation of the ceasefireunderstandings.”
Hezbollah, in a statement, said that it targeted Israeli military positions “in light of the repeated violations initiated by the Israeli enemy of the ceasefire agreement ” Hezbollah accused Israel of breaking the ceasefire by “firing on civilians and
Golan Heights in 2019 Israel's defense minister, Israel Katz, said in a statement that “Hezbollah's firing at the IDF post in MountDovwillbemetwith a harsh response. What was will not be.” “Test hour,” said Benny Gantz, a former IDF chief of staff who left the government earlier this year “If we don't react strongly against the state of Lebanon, we will return to theeraofequations.”
airstrikesindifferentpartsof Lebanon, resulting in the martyrdom of citizens and injuriestoothers,inaddition tothecontinuedviolationof Lebaneseairspacebyhostile Israeli aircraft reaching the capital,Beirut.”
The IDF said the two Hezbollah projectiles were fired toward Shebaa Farms, known in Israel as Har Dov (Mount Dov), which under international law is considered occupied Syrian territory Israel seized Shebaa Farms, along with the Golan Heights, from Syriaafteritwasattackedin 1967. The U.S. recognized Israel's sovereignty over the
Both sides have, since theearlyhoursoflastweek's ceasefire,accusedeachother of violations, and the escalating tensions risk endangering the agreement altogether A senior Israeli official said Friday that the military intends to aggressivelyandunilaterally act against any ceasefire violations by Hezbollah Unilateral Israeli military action to enforce the ceasefire was not enshrined in the agreement between Israel and Lebanon, but the US provided Israel with a separate letter that provided assurances about Israel's right to act under certain
scenarios, Israeli officials toldCNNearlier
The ceasefire deal stipulatesa60-daycessation of hostilities, which negotiators have described asthefoundationofalasting truce During that time, Hezbollah fighters are expected to retreat some 40 kilometers (25 miles) from the Israel-Lebanonborder, while Israeli ground forces withdraw from Lebanese territory UN Security Council Resolution 1701, which ended the last all-out war between the two countries in 2006, has been the basis of the deal and the negotiations have mainly revolved around the treaty's enforcement.
U n d e r t h e agreement,Lebanonwould implement a more rigorous supervision of Hezbollah's movements south of the country's Litani river, to prevent militants from regrouping there United Nations peacekeeping troops, the Lebanese military, and a multinational committee will be tasked with supervising the Iranbackedgroup'smovements.
Artist impression of the Nismes Secondary School in Region Three.
The government of GuyanathroughtheMinistry ofEducationinthepastthree months has either turned the sod or commissioned approximately $3 560 billion in school projects acrossthecountry Kaieteur News has documented that during the months of September, October and November, MinisterofEducation,Priya Manickchand and her team and in some instances President Irfaan Ali turned the sod or commissioned 13 school projects across Regions One, Three, Four, SixandNine.
Among these school projects were: two nursery schools, three primary schools and eight new secondaryschools.Fromthe list of the projects, in September the Minister commissioned the new St. Gabriel’s Nursery which caters for 161 pupils and 10 staff.Theschoolwasbuiltby contractor Trevon David to the tune of $60,100,00, the ministryhadreported.
The ministry alongside President Ali had
The newly commissioned Quiko Primary School in Region Nine.
commissioned the $152 million Zeelugt Primary SchoolinRegionThree.The school which was reconstructed from its old s t r u c t u r e n o w accommodates some 600 pupils.
In September also, the Head of State joined in opening the state-of-the-art $791 million Yarrowkabra Secondary School on the Linden/ Soesdyke Highway. Thebrandnewschoolwhich now closed several primary tops on the highway was constructed by R. Bassoo & SonsConstructionCompany tothevalueof$790,571,342 contract It currently
a c c o m m o d a t e s approximately 1,019 students.
Another project that
began also was the construction of the first ever secondary school in Orealla
Village, Region Six Minister Manickchand had turned the sod alongside 4S
Security & Building Enterprise who will be building the school for $198,866,010 When completed, the school will c a t e r
The $346 million Northwest Secondary School which was commissioned in Region One.
Back in October, President Ali and Minister officially opened the reconstructed Northwest SecondarySchoolinRegion One.
This publication understands that the new two-storey school was rebuiltfor$346millionafter it was destroyed by a fire back in September 2021. It wasreportedthatthatschool can accommodate 575
students and has 23 classrooms, three science laboratories, a technical drawing room, four canteens, eight wa
shroom facilities, and two modifiedelevators.
During that month, he a l s o m a r k e d t h e
c o m m e n c e m e n t o f
construction for the
$182,360,608 Tabatinga SecondarySchool,locatedin Lethem,RegionNine.
Following that, in November Minister Manickchandturned the sod to officially start the construction of the
$1,336,166,784 secondary schoolatNismesontheWest Bank of Demerara, Region Three The school will benefit students from NismestoLaGrangeareas.
In Region Nine also, the Minster officially inaugura
ted the $13,821,020 Moco Moco Nursery School and then opened the $12, 621, 230QuikoPrimarySchool.
During the month, she turned the sod to commence construction of the first ever George Tancredo Nappi Secondary School being built for $215,802,200, and then for the $175,525,300 Maruranau Secondary School.
The ministry had reported that a new $22. 5 million secondary school block is being constricted in Yupukari Village This publication reported that in November also the $54 million Western Hog Island Primary School in Region Three which caters for 50 pupilswascommissioned.
The Education Ministry ha
dreportedpreviouslythatthe building of schools, forms part of its commitment to improve educational facilities nationwide and to ensure all students have access to safe and modern learningenvironments.
As for schools in the hinterland, the Education Ministry noted that it addresses disparities in access and quality, particularly in hinterland regions, and that the government aims to create a more equitable education systemwhereeverychildhas theopportunitytothrive.
Both the Ministries of Education and Local Government hold the r
r education facilities across thecountry
This year the education sector was allocated some $28.7 billion towards the
maintenance of school buildings and education facilities.
Out of that $16 billion wassetasideforsecondary schoolbuildings,over$3.1 billion set for primary schools,andover$3billion fornurseryinfrastructure.
Hayley Matthews first made a crucial 61-ball 69 at the top of the innings.
SportsMax - Hayley Matthews provided the latest example of her exploits as a big game player when she played a starring role to help the Melbourne Renegades Women defeat the Brisbane Heat Women by seven runs via the DLS method in the final of the 2024 Women's Big Bash League at the Melbourne Cricket Ground on Sunday.Matthews first madeacrucial61-ball69at thetopoftheinningsasthe Renegades posted 141-9
from their 20 overs after being put in to bat by the Heat.Her innings included eight fours and was crucial as the Heat bowlers were picking up wickets in quick successionattheotherend.
In fact, the only other Renegades batters to reach doublefigureswereGeorgia
Thismaybeoneofthosedays when you feel completely alone even if there are hundreds of people around, Aries No one seems to understandyourperspective.
Balance your boisterous, adventurous nature with a bit of discipline today, Taurus. It'simportanttolaugh,butit's also important to stay on task withyourduties.
Balance your boisterous, adventurous nature with a bit of discipline today, Taurus. It'simportanttolaugh,butit's also important to stay on task withyourduties.
No matter what you're doing today, have fun, Cancer Whistleatune.Turnthestereo up to full volume and dance around the kitchen as you make dinner You can find amusement in just about anything,sokeepthisinmind asyoutackleeventhemenial tasks.
Youmightneedtospendtime alone in order to reset your programming, Leo Other people's influence may be seeping into your psyche. There'snoreasontoalwaysdo or say what other people dictate.
You will find that discipline, organization,andabitofadramatic flairareexactlythethingsneededto be successful today, Virgo Just because you have to be practical doesn't mean that you have to be sternandgrumpy
You might find it difficult to deal with people on an emotional level today, Libra. Others could seem too demanding of your attention and want to keep the focus on themselves.
SCORPIO(Oct.23–Nov 21)
You might find your emotions abitdampenedtoday,Scorpio, butthismaynotbeabadthing Try not to blow things out of proportion so much Don't feel thatyouneedtoturneverysmall storyintoamajorheadline
SAGIT(Nov 22–Dec.21)
Make sure you get your daily dose of laughter and try to come out of your shell a bit more, Sagittarius. This is an importanttimeforyoutoletgo ofyourinhibitionsandopenup totheworld.
This is an important day for youtogive thanks for all that you have, Capricorn Give your loved ones extra hugs and let them know how much they mean to you If things starttogetabittooseriousand somber
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20–Feb. 18)Maintain a positive attitude, Aquarius, and things will naturally flow your way Tellafewjokesandkeepthings light and energetic You will findthatyoucanmultitaskvery well,andyouhavetheabilityto makeeveryonesmile
You may be reluctant to commit to anything major today, Pisces. Your natural tendency is to look askance at those who promise grand and wonderfulthings.You'resmart toquestionsuchtalk.
Wareham with 21 and NaomiStalenbergwith16.
Charli Knott and Grace Parsons were the main threats with the ball with 328and2-29,respectively
The Heat, after a rain delay during their reply, were set a revised target of 98off12overs.
Frompage23 visitors, who took seven wickets for 65 runs in 25 overs. West Indies lasted three more overs after the lunch break when Rana had Kemar Roach lbw, to complete his five-for and give Bangladesh an 18-run lead Before Bangladesh's innings began, umpire Dharmasena could be seen speaking to Brathwaite, the WIcaptain,andalsowiththe slip cordon. Jayden Seales wouldn't back down however, continuing to engage the Bangladesh batters before gesticulating towards the Bangladesh dressing room when he dismissed Mahmudul Hasan Joyforaduck. The chatter from the
West Indies bowlers and fielders, though, lost its voice when, Shahadat Hossain, promoted to No. 3, started going after the bowling He miscued a coupleofloftedshotsbefore he cracked Alzarri for a boundarywithasquarecut. He curled one through mid-on off Shamar before Brathwaite dropped him on 22. Shahadat however didn't back off, as he slammed Alzarri through mid-off shortly afterwards, for anotherboundary Shahadat however fell trying one lofted shot too many Seales took his catch at mid-off when he miscued Alzarri, but Shahadat's innings of a 26-ball 28 with f o u r f o u r s l i f t e d
Despite the best efforts ofcaptainJessJonassenwho made 44* off 28 balls, the Heat fell just short of their target, reaching 90-6 off 12 overs.Matthewsledtheway with 2-24 from her maximum three overs and was named player of the match.
Bangladesh'smood. It resulted in a burst of boundaries from Shadman IslamandMehidy,whocame tobatatNo.4intheabsence of the ill Mominul Haque. Mehidy struck Shamar for four boundaries in a row in the next over He struck two straightdrivesbeforeedging two through the slip cordon. Shadman and Mehidy then hit three pull shots to get as many boundaries in the following over bowled by Seales.Shadmanthenstruck Sealesfortwomorefours,to makeittenboundariesinthe spaceoffourovers. Shadman however fell shortly after the tea break, edging Shamar in a similar fashionforthesecondtimein thegame.Hemade46off82 balls, including seven fours, most of it coming in that four-over burst. Shadman's dismissalendedawhirlwind 70-run stand for the third wicket Mehidy followed Shadmanshortlyafterwards, strangled down the leg-side by Shamar and given out a f t e r We s t I n d i e s successfully reviewed a notout call. Mehidy hit seven foursinhis39-ball42.
LittonandJakerAlithen struckSealesandShamarfor two boundaries each, before Da Silva dropped Litton off Shamar's bowling. It was a slightly difficult chance down the leg-side but wicketkeepers take them regularly Litton however fellfor25,almostagainstthe run of play, when he missed Graves'off-cutter Jaker stayed firm, taking Bangladeshpastthe200-run lead. West Indies captain Brathwaite struggled to rotate his bowlers around in Roach's absence Graves filledinbutthemainbowlers struggledtokeepthevisitors quiet Bangladesh fought tooth and nail against West Indies' bouncers - of various kinds-toclaimamemorable dayinJamaica.
Scores: Bangladesh 164 and 193 for 5 (Shadman 46, Mehidy 42, Shamar 2-70) lead West Indies 146 (Carty 40, Brathwaite 39, Rana 561)by211runs.
The Diamond Mineral Water International
I n d o o r H o c k e y Championship concluded in thrilling fashion on Sunday evening at the National Gymnasium, where local team Hikers Old Boys delivered a standout performance to claim the Men'sOver-45title.
In a tournament dominated by international competitors, Hikers Old Boys stood tall as one of the few local teams to clinch a championshiptrophy Theirvictory came after a hard-fought 2-0 win overGCCVintageinthedivisional final,withBrianAsregadostealing the spotlight by netting both goals inthedecisivematch.
TheOldBoys'pathtoglorywas marked by an unbeaten campaign, astheytoppedtheirgroupwithnine points from three matches and an impressive goal difference of +11. Their dominance on the court was further recognised with individual
O-45 Division.
accolades: Robert Fernandes earned the Most Valuable Player (MVP) award for his consistent excellence, while Tristan Gomes was honoured as the Best Goalkeeper in the Over-45 category
While the Hikers Old Boys shone in their division, Queen's ParkCricketClub(QPCC)Hockey team asserted their dominance across two other divisions, capturing titles in both the Men's Open and Over-35 categories
Reiza Hosein of QPCC was awarded Best Goalkeeper in the Over-35 division, while Devohn Teixeira of Toronto Lions FHC took home MVP honours. Also, QPCC's Jordan Vieira dazzled spectatorswithhisperformancesin the Men's Open division, earning theMVPaward,whileYMCAOld Fort's Paul D'Andrade was named Best Goalkeeper in the same division.
Over in the Women's division,
George United carts off with Women's title at the just concluded Diamond Mineral Water Indoor Hockey Championship.
George United stormed to a 5-2 victory over GBTI GCC Ladies to
championship.Atthepresentation, Shannia De Freitas was named MVP for her stellar contributions, and TT Police goalkeeper Celeste
The five-day championship brought together top talent from across the region, delivering gripping semi-final and final matchesthatshowcasedthebestof indoorhockey
The event was made possible through the sponsorship of Demerara Distillers Limited, alongside contributions fromAnsa McAl, ExxonMobil, Republic Bank, Bounty Supermarkets, SterlingProductsLtd.,theMinistry ofYouth, Sport & Culture, and the NationalSportsCommission.
SomeashBoyerbenefitsfromProject“CricketGear foryoungandpromisingcricketersinGuyana”
Thirteen-year-old allrounder
Someash Boyer of Cummings Lodge Secondary School is the latestcricketertobenefitfromthis joint initiative between Anil BeharryofGuyanaandKishanDas oftheUSA.Hewastherecipientof one pair of cricket shoes that was donated by Ravi Etwaroo of Cricket Zone USA, Bronx, New York The Better Hope CC cricketer recently took part in the just concluded Demerara Cricket Board Inter Association Under15 tournament, representing East Coast. His stand out performance was 4 wickets vs East Bank. Etwaroo, as he always does, responded immediately when he wasapproachedforthisassistance.
Over the years, he has contributed to this initiative and helped many cricket clubs and young cricketers in Guyana and overseas. Young Boyer and this initiative are very thankful for the assistance and we encourage the general public to support the business We are pleased to be part of his development and every other young and aspiring cricketer in Guyana. He was encouraged to balance the game with his education.Theaimofthisinitiative istokeepasmanyyoungpeopleas possibleoffthestreetsandgetthem activelyinvolvedinsports,cricket inparticular.
Cricket related items, used or new, are distributed free of cost to young and promising cricketers in Guyana Skills, discipline and educ
characteristics of the recipients. Talentspottingisbeingdoneacross the country and club leaders also assisttoidentifysame.Progressive and well managed cricket clubs with a youth program, will also benefit.
contributing can contact Anil Beharry on 623 6875 or Kishan Dason17186640896.
E S P N c r i c i n f oBangladesh's counterattacking batting and accurate fast bowling gave them their best day on this West Indies tour so far At stumpsonthethirddayofthe Jamaica Test, the visitors lead by 211 runs after they bowledoutthehomesidefor 146 runs. This was only the second time in their history that Bangladesh took a firstinnings lead after being bowled out for less than 200 runs.
Theyfaredmuchbetterin theirsecondinnings-andthe game's third - finishing on 193for5,comingontheback of some hostile bowling from the West Indies fast bowlers. The fielders, too, broughtsomeheatwiththeir words. Bangladesh, for the most part, appeared to show restraint Umpires Kumar Dharmasena and Asif Yaqoob intervened several times to talk to a fielder or West Indies captain Kraigg Brathwaite.
Earlier in the day, West Indies had thrown away a solidpositiontofoldfor146, losingtheirlastninewickets foronly61runs.NahidRana, the sensational fast bowler, led Bangladesh with a maidenfive-wickethaul,that included some intimidating bowling of his own. Rana's figures of 5 for 61 in the
afternoon also included a bruising of Kemar Roach, who got hit twice on his shoulder while batting Roach would later come out tobowlonlyinthe31stover ofthethirdinnings,allowing Bangladesh to avoid facing themanwithadevastatingly goodrecordagainstthem.
Rana'smorningburstthat leftWestIndieslimpingwas a continuation of his performance on the second evening Apart from his pace, his height generated extra bounce on the Sabina Park pitch. It helped remove Brathwaite with a 142kph snorterthatcaughtthebatter hopping at the crease. The
fend-off resulted in a loopy lowcatchtosubstituteZakir Hasanatgully Rana forced Kavem Hodge into a mistimed pull shot shortly afterwards, but TaskinAhmedcouldn'tlatch on to the catch running in from fine-leg. It didn't cost Bangladesharun,whenlater in the same over, Litton Das took a superb catch to removeHodge.
Taskin got into the act when he bowled Alick Athanazeofftheunderedge. But it wasn't just pace that knocked West Indies down. Taijul Islam got one to spin between Justin Greaves bat andpad,bowlinghimforjust
Mehidy Hasan Miraz toopickedupawicket,when he trapped Shamar Joseph lbw shortly after the lunch break.Rana and Taskin were firedup,andHasanMahmud wasn't too far behind. He trappedJoshuaDaSilvalbw and got Keacy Carty caught behind,downthelegside,in thespaceofthreedeliveries.
Rana then made light work of Alzarri Joseph, forcinghimonthebackfoot, before foxing him with a slower ball. Alzarri timed it straight to mid-off where Mehidy took a tumbling catch It ended a fine morningsessionforthe (Continuedonpage21)
“On behalf of the executive and members of thePowerliftingfraternity,I would like to extend congratulations to Mr Dominic Tyrrell, who was voted runner-up for the 2023SportsmanoftheYear award at the Awards presentation on Thursday night on the Lawns at C
discipline,andcommitment to the sport have been duly recognised and rewarded. To the other nominees, Romeo Hunter, Nadina Taharally, the Fesupo and W o r l d M
alight as you continue to represent the Golden
Arrowhead proudly and successfully on the world stage,” stated Guyana Amateur Power Lifting Federation (GAPLF) President Franklin Wilson. He further noted, “This is the start of bigger things that will come to the sport. The sport has made tremendous strides in the pasttwoyearsonandoffthe platform,aswebuildonthe foundation of our determined predecessors who scorched the platform to position us for the successes enjoyed The sport of powerlifting has a bright future, and I encourage you all to continue being committed and disciplined in your p u r s u i t s ”
“Congratulations and best wishes,”Wilsonconcluded.
ST JOHN'S, Antigua –Cricket West Indies (CWI) has announced a 15-man squad selected for the eagerly awaited West Indies Men's CG United One Day International (ODI) home seriesagainstBangladesh. Dubbedthe“WestIndies HomeforChristmas”series, the three-match encounter will be played at Warner Park, Basseterre, St Kitts & Nevis,from8–12December 2024.
There are two changes from the squad which defeated England 2-1 in “The Rivalry” series, with all-rounder Justin Greaves and wicketkeeper-batter
Amir Jangoo replacing HaydenWalshJnrandJewel Andrew,respectively
During this period, Andrewwilljoinacohortof emerging regional batters in
CWI has unveiled the 15-man squad for the upcoming CG United One Day International (ODI) series against Bangladesh.
India to attend a batting camp at the Chennai Academy, concentrating on batting in spinning conditions.
Greaves, who brings good all-round ability, is back in the squad following his splendid run of form in the CG United Super50 competition, where he
notched a record three consecutive ListAcenturies as well as a magnificent maiden test century against Bangladesh.
Jangoo also earns selectionfollowingaprolific Super50 season, where he toppedthescoringchartwith 446 runs in seven innings at anaverageof89.20.
Commenting on the squad, Head Coach Daren Sammy said, “We continue to build towards the main target of the ICC Men's 50over World Cup where we are looking to broaden the poolofplayersevenwiththe short-term objectives of winning series, especially at home and building
momentumontherecentwin againstEngland.”
Sammy added that the inclusion of Justin Greaves and Amir Jangoo brings a balance and a dynamism to theunit.
“Greaves is capable of batting anywhere in the top six and brings that genuine all-round ability to the squad,whichiswelcomedat this stage, while Jangoo's prowess in the CG United Super50 shows his flexibility to bring another dimension to our batting unit.”
Shai Hope will lead the team, with Brandon King as hisdeputy West Indies CG United ODISquad:
2.Brandon King (ViceCaptain)
9. AlzarriJoseph 10. ShamarJoseph 11.EvinLewis
15.RomarioShepherd Team Management Unit(TMU):
· Head Coach: Daren Sammy
· Manager:RawlLewis
· A
· Assistant C
· Physiotherapist: Denis Byam
(Continued on
After weeks of rigorous preparation, the muchanticipated President's N a t i o n a l F u t s a l Championship is set to commence tonight at the National Gymnasium on MandelaAvenue.
Spanning from today until January 1, 2025, the tournament promises to be a showcase of skill and determination, featuring 64 teamsvyingforagrandprize of$2million.
In a significant boost to the championship, ANSA McAL Distribution Inc joined the roster of sponsors supporting the Kashif and Shanghai Organisation to make this event one of the largest futsal tournaments in thenation.
Yesterday, a sponsorship presentation ceremony was held at ANSA McAL's B e t e r v e r w a g t i n g headquarters, where key representatives from the company, including Triston Freeman, Business Unit Head for Lucozade; Tanita Hunter, Business Unit Head for Heineken; and Jamal Baird,SeniorBrandManager for Magnum, affirmed their commitment to the tournament They were joined by Kashif and Shanghai Organisation
e x e c u t i v e s K a s h i f Muhammad and Aubrey Major,markingamomentous occasion for the sport
SportsMax - The Guyana Amazon Warriors bounced back from their previous loss to secure a thrilling four-wicket victory over the Hampshire Hawks in the ExxonMobil Guyana Global Super League (GSL) onSunday Cheeredonbyan enthusiastic crowd in Providence, the home side chased down 146-6 with 10 balls to spare, reaching 1476in18.2overs,keepingtheir tournamenthopesalive. The match remained evenly poised until the 18th over of the Warriors' chase.
K&S Organisation executive, Kashif Muhammad (center) speaking at yesterday's presentation.
Through its flagship brands including Lucozade, Heineken, and Magnum, ANSA McAL has provided substantial contributions to ensure the success of this inaugural championship Muhammad expressed his gratitude, emphasising the partnership's importance in fostering talent and enhancing the competitive spiritoftheover640players involved.
“Weareextremelyhappy to collaborate once again w i t h A N S A M c A L Distribution Inc. to host this national championship,” Muhammad said “This partnership goes a long way in developing players' skills and will have a significant impactontheoverallgrowth offutsalinourcountry.”
With expectations high, Muhammad assured that player and patron safety is a
top priority “We have made arrangements for secure parkingandaplayer-friendly venue,”hestated.
“While the tournament begins at the National Gymnasium, our hopes still lies in the hands of the contractors for the latter phaseandfinalstobeplayed at the newly renovated Cliff AndersonSportsHall.”
Meanwhile, Triston
Freeman, Lucozade's
Business Unit Head, also shared his excitement “Lucozade has always been committed to supporting sports initiatives across the country.Thispartnership not onlyaidsinthedevelopment of futsal but also gives players an opportunity to compete on a larger stage,” Freemanremarked.
In a featured remark, Jamal Baird, Magnum's Brand Manager, further
highlighted ANSA McAL's alignment with social and corporate responsibility, underscoring the importance of initiatives like this in fostering community development.
The competition boasts an impressive prize structure for both male and female categories: - The men's tournament will see the winning team collecting a first-place purse of $2,000,000, second place finishers will cart off with $1,000,000, while third and fourthplacefinisherswillget a chance to walk away with $500,000 and $200,000, respectively It was stated that all losers in the tournament will receive $30,000 Additionally, the final six teams will be outfitted with uniforms for the business end of the tournament.
The Female segment of the tournament will see a 1st prize – $200,000, 2nd$100,000, 3rd- $60,000 and 4th-$40,000.
With the support of ANSA McAL and its prominent brands, this inaugural President's N a t i o
s a l Championship is poised to set a benchmark for future tournaments. As the action unfolds, fans can expect electrifying matches and the emergence of new futsal stars.
hometeam. Hampshire, now sitting precariously in the standings, must win their final group-stage match against top-of-the-table Victoria to have any chance of advancing to the next stageofthetournament.
With Gudakesh Motie dismissed for 16, the Warriorsstillneeded24runs from the final 18 balls Hawks captain Chris Wood took the ball but faced a brutal assault. Hassan Khan smashed a six before Romario Shepherd added two consecutive boundaries to put the Warriors on the brink. With just five runs required,Hassanfinishedthe gameinstyle,strikingafour off Benny Howell and following it up with a single tosealthewin. The victory propels the Warriors to second place in the standings with four points, keeping them firmly in contention for the tournament's latter stages. Their final group-stage matchagainstbottom-placed Rangpur Riders will determine their semi-final fate.
leadingfromthefront.After winningthetossandelecting to field, Tahir delivered a Player of the Match performance, returning impressive figures of 3-18 from his four overs. He dismissed Hampshire's top scorer Shan Masood (79 off 53 balls) with a clever piece of bowling that led to a stumping and followed it up by removing Liam Dawson and Benny Howell in quick succession Hampshire's middle and lower order struggled to build on Masood's brilliance, finishingwith146-6.
The match began with WarriorscaptainImranTahir
Inresponse,theWarriors' batting lineup delivered under pressure Shimron Hetmyer,RostonChase,and HassanKhanallcontributed vitalruns,withHassan'slate heroics ensuring a memorable victory for the
The Warriors' blend of experienced bowling, led by Tahir, and composed batting proved decisive as they movedonestepclosertothe semi-finals With the inaugural GSL heading into its business end, every point now carries immense weight, promising even more drama in the days ahead.
Match Summary: Hampshire Hawks: 146-6 (Masood 79, Tahir 3-18) Guyana Amazon Warriors: 147-6 in 18.2 overs (Hassan Khan24*,Shepherd15*)
The Guyana Basketball Federation (GBF) yesterday officially revealed the national squad for the 2024 FIBA 3x3 AmeriCup, set to run from December 12-15 in San Juan, PuertoRico.
Thisyear'stournamentfeatures 36teamsfromacrosstheAmericas, and Team Guyana is geared up to leave its mark on the international stage.
Leading the squad is Nikkoloi Smith, who competed in the 2022 AmeriCup in Miami and one of Guyana's most experienced 3x3 players. Smith's leadership and scoring ability will be key as he looks to guide the team deep into thetournament.
Joining him is Dominic Vincente, his teammate from Ravens Basketball Club, who will be making his debut on the international 3x3 scene.Vincente's athleticism and defensive versatility will add another dimensiontotheteam.
The roster is rounded out by Travis Belgrave from Eagles BasketballClubandHaroldAdams of the Victory Valley Royals in Linden Both players bring physicality and international experience, having competed alongside Smith at the Islamic SolidarityGamesinTurkey Smith, Belgrave, and Vincente also teamed up with Jude Corlette to form Team Renegade, to win GBF National 3x3 Tournament heldinJuly,whichisatestamentto their chemistry and winning mentality
GBF Vice President Rawle Toney will serve as the team's coordinator, handling strategy and
logisticstoensurethesquadisfully prepared to compete against some ofthetop3x3teamsintheregion.
GuyanatipsofftheirAmeriCup campaign in the qualifying round on December 12, where they'll battle against the Cayman Islands, Aruba,andHaitiinGroupA.
To secure a spot in the main draw,Guyanamustfinishatoptheir group, potentially setting up matchups against tournament heavyweights Puerto Rico and the DominicanRepublic.
The FIBA3x3AmeriCup, now in its fourth edition, is the premier 3x3 basketball event in the Americas and serves as a gateway to elite competitions like the FIBA 3x3 World Cup and the Olympic Games.
Sincedebutingin2021,Guyana has steadily built a reputation as a
rising force in Caribbean basketball.
In 2022, the team went unbeaten in the qualifiers, only to suffernarrowlossestoCanada(1719) and Mexico (15-16), finishing 11th out of 17 nations with a 3-2 record.
For Team Guyana, the 2024 AmeriCup isn't just another tournament, it's an opportunity to raise the country's basketball profile, earn international respect, and inspire the next generation of playersbackhome.
With 3x3 basketball rapidly gaining popularity worldwide, Guyana'sparticipationunderscores the GBF's commitment to developing the sport and positioning the nation as a contender in regional and global competitions.
Severallocalathletesand coaches will be headed to India early next year on a historic scholarship
y at JAIN University
The top-class sports specific institution will be home to those selected as they look to improve their specific and collective knowledge base and to not onlyimparttoothersontheir returnbuttopavethewayas the first batch for others to come.
Minister of Culture, Youth and Sport Charles Ramson Jr made the disclosure at the National SportsAwardsceremonyfor 2023 on November 28 at Castellani House, Georgetown.
One athlete and a coach have been drawn from the respective disciplines of Badminton, Basketball, Cricket, Golf, Swimming andTableTennis.
“ T h i s i s a b i g achievement,” Minister Ramson Jr told the athletes andcoacheswhiledelivering the feature address at the National Sports Awards ceremony
“You are going to be paving the way for many moreathletes.It'safantastic opportunity,”Ramsonsaid.
The Minister committed to keeping constant contact
with the athletes and coaches, offering support duringtheirstayinIndia.
JAIN is one the universities that is onboard with the government's flagship Guyana Online Academy of Learning
(GOAL) scholarship programme, which offers thousands of Guyanese the opportunity to study at universitiesacrosstheglobe.
“We are going to
continue to assess this programme that they are doingwithus,butfromwhat we have seen already it is a fantastic programme that is sport-specific.”
Minister Ramson urged the recipients to maximize on the “great facilities” they will experience at Jain University, noting that it is incumbent on them to transfer the knowledge and experience to the younger
JAIN University, is renowned as the best university in Bangalore, JAIN (Deemed-to-be University) promoted by JAIN Trust (JAIN University Trust) creates an exceptional space for an enhanced learning experience.
Thevibrantcultureofthe University has embraced innovation, and its
entrepreneurial perspective encourages students, staff, and faculty to challenge convention, lead discovery, and explore new ways of learning.
With a wide range of programmes and faculties,
JAIN (Deemed-to-be University) stands out as a beacon of academic excellence in the city, offering some of the best coursesinBangalore.
Ranafive-forandenterprisingbatting putBangladeshinthedriver'sseat Ranafive-forandenterprisingbatting putBangladeshinthedriver'sseat