



President of ExxonMobil Upstream Company and Vice President of Exxon Mobil Corporation, Liam Mallon
President of ExxonMobil Upstream Company and Vice PresidentofExxonMobilCorporation,LiamMallonwillbe retiringafter34yearsofservicewiththecompany
In a statement on Tuesday, Exxon announced that Mallon’sretirementwilltakeeffectonFebruary1,2025.
The Board of Directors has appointed Dan L.Ammann president, ExxonMobil Upstream Company and vice president,ExxonMobilCorporation.
Additionally, it was announced that the Board has also appointed Barry L. Engle president, Low Carbon Solutions (LCS) and vice president for ExxonMobil Corporation effectiveJanuary1,2025.
ChairmanandChiefExecutiveOfficer(CEO)ofExxon, Darren Woods said, “We thank Liam for his long-standing, dedicated service to the company, and we wish him all the bestinhiswell-deservedretirement.”
Woods was keen to note that the appointments will continue the company’s approach of leveraging the diverse skillsandexperiencesofaveryaccomplishedexecutiveteam to bring fresh perspectives and approaches to each of the company’sexceptionallytalentedorganizations.
He said, “This has served us well over the last several years and is a useful, innovative way to strengthen our leadership teams, challenge conventions and broaden our people.”
Mallon, who has been president of ExxonMobil UpstreamCompanysince2022,joinedthecompanyin1990 inAberdeen,Scotland.
He constantly praised Guyana, even describing the country as “one of the most incredible success stories.” In March, Upstream Online reported that Mallon told the attendees at a CERAWeek session, “In my 40-year career, I haveneverworkedonanythingsoexcitingandsoprolific.”
Mallon’s enthusiasm for the Guyana was palpable as he furtherhighlighted,“Itisoneofthemostincrediblesuccess stories.”
Meanwhile, Ammann joined ExxonMobil in 2022 as president,LowCarbonSolutionstogrowthecompany’sLow Carbon Solutions business and focus on delivering profitable,large-scaleemissions-reductionsolutionsforkey industries.Hehadpreviouslybeenchiefexecutiveofficerof Cruise,whichismajority-ownedbyGeneralMotors(GM),in 2018andwasappointedpresidentofGMin2014.
EnglejoinedExxonMobilinSeptember2024withthree decades of experience in the automotive industry, including General Motors where he was president of GM North America,GM’slargestbusinessand,beforethat,presidentof GMInternational.
PrintedandPublishedbyNationalMedia& PublishingCompanyLtd. 24SaffonStreet, Charlestown,Georgetown,Guyana.
Tel:225-8465,225-8491. Fax:225-8473,226-8210
Whatever our other difficulties with Suriname, only kudos could come for President Chan Santokhi for the 'royalty' decision announced by his government. Each citizen of Suriname will get US$750 deposited into their savingsaccount.
There is the incentive to let it stay there and earn more fromthe7%interestrateattached. Thisdecisionrepresents giving to Surinamese something from what they own, their natural resource wealth. Looking at that in isolation, what could be a better example of prudent oil leadership that partnerswitheverycitizen,extendsnationalrichestothem.
Theoilisscheduledtostartflowingin2028,foursyears fromtoday ButhereitisthatSuriname'sleaderputachain ofeventsinmotion,andthenacteduponrecommendations. Pursuant to the Suriname Constitution, citizens are coowners of their natural resource endowments. Words on a sacred national document made to come to life by a government and a leader that are determined to share the wealth. It is by a mechanism to ensure that the wealth is spread so broadly that every man, woman, and child can appreciate,canenjoy,theirownershipofoilandgasassets, andtastethebenefits.
Without a doubt, President Santokhi and his team are aware that new infrastructure is a vital necessity, as well as thepropermaintenanceofwhathasalreadybeenbuilt. But they are also familiar with the fact that there is one out of every five Surinamese who are battling with poverty, according to the World Bank. In a country gearing up to produce 220,000 barrels of oil daily before the end of this decade, Santokhi and his government put all the people of Surinameonthefrontburner
Allofthemandnotjustonesegment,aswasannounced during the president's Independence Day address. All of them whether viewed as allies or adversaries.Through this alone, it is obvious that from this early stage that the incumbentSurinamegovernmentisusingthecountry'soilto inspire the people of Suriname and not to disappoint them withdeceptionsandprevarications. Approximately10%of Suriname's600,000populationisovertheageof60. They wouldbeamongthoselikelywhodreamedofthediscovery ofoil,andthenlivedapieceofthedream,beforegoingtothe greatbeyond.
The citizens of impoverished Third World countries dotted across the globe look at oil producing nations, and longfortheircountrytobeamongthem. Guyanajoinedthat exclusiveclubfiveyearsago. Surinameisreadyingtobegin its production, with the thinking over there being how to sharethewealthandspreadthejoy,sothateverycitizenfeels liketheybelongtoanoilproducingnation. Becauseitsfruits come to them in what is tangible, because money talks. Promises can be poured down the toilet, for all they are worth,andespeciallywhentheykeepchanging,areignored.
Toprioritizetheinterestsofcitizens,allofthem,mustbe the greatest driving force, the first instinctive reactions, of leaders. But only honest political leaders, thoughtful and unselfishleaders,arecapableofdealinginandlivingup to such a priority By no stretch of the imagination will the smaller population of neighbouring Suriname be projected to be reckoned among the richest people in the world, with mindboggling Gross Domestic Product growth. The estimateddailyoilproductionwhichisexpectedtocomeon laterforSurinameishealthy,butitisnotinthemillionplus dailybarrelcategorythatissoontobeGuyana's. Butfrom theseearly,excitingdays,thereisPresidentSantokhigiving hispeoplealift,showingthemwhattheoilcandoforthem. Besidesharingthewealthandencirclingeverycitizentobea participant in their oil prosperity, the US$750 savings account promise and provision with a 7% interest rate alongside,speaksimpressivelyaboutcaringleadership. Thoughthetemptationwaspresenttomakecomparisons withthebankruptcyofGuyanesepoliticalleadership,thatis left for another day It is better that President Santokhi's language echoes resoundingly from Suriname to Guyana and create its own impression. It is sure to be impressive, giveGuyanesepause,makethemthink.
DearEditor, The Guyana Trades Union Congress (GTUC) is deeply concerned about the political dysfunction in society that is causing tension, disruption, deprivationandlawlessness.
This situation is made worse by Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo's recent statement that the PPP regime will not involve the opposition in key decisionmakingbecausehethinksthe Opposition engages in obstruction.
Good sense must prevail in this multiethnic and multiparty society The vice president must be told that his arrogance is not only misplaced but out of order There is no constitutional provision that prevents the O p p o s i t i o n f r o m
In fact, the Constitution of Guyana, which Jagdeo in hiscapacityasvicepresident has sworn to uphold, mandates a system of inclusionary democracy, which is spelt out in Article 13. All citizens have a right to involvement in the management and decisionmaking processes of the State that affect their wellbeing.
Guyana is not the vice president's sole property nor is this a one-party state where he presides as lord over his minions. Whilst GTUC is deeply concerned aboutthegrowingdisrespect by the vice president for his fellow citizens, the Opposition must recognise their silence only serves to
makeabadsituationworse. There is need for greater political militancy in this society The role of the Opposition is not only to make promises about what will happen should they entergovernment,butalsoto opposepoorgovernanceand stand with the people to demand better These are important in every democratic governance system.
We are living in a political climate of intolerance.Thisregimewill not cede ground, include others or respect the Opposition's constitutional rolewithoutafight.Astrade unionists, we know power concedes nothing without a struggle.Strugglewemust. T h e d a y - t o - d a y
management of the state continues to leave many behind and creates opportunities for the government and nouveau riche to exploit the nation's wealthforthebenefitoffew Weareheretoday,onbehalf of the working class, to say we are not impressed with the $100, 000 payment to citizens 18 years and older, northemannerinwhichitis beingpaid.
GTUC believes the countrycanaffordtotreatits citizens better We are also concerned, given past shenanigans with previous cash-grants, that this will be another field day for the corrupt within the system to become rich in the absence ofrigorousoversightsuchas legislation, an open system (Continuedonpage6)
I was thoroughly impressed by the level of service at GPHC Emergency
I recently had cause to visit the Emergency Room of the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC) due to a medical emergency, and I feel compelledtosharemyexperience.Itis easy to overlook the good amidst the criticisms that often surround public institutions, but credit must be given whereitisdue.
I was thoroughly impressed by the levelofserviceprovidedbythestaff.Of particular note is Dr Jacobs, a young female physician who treated me with care, courtesy, and a level of thoroughnessthatreassuredmeduringa difficulttime.Notonlydidshefocuson findingthebestsolutiontomymedical issue,butshealsotookthetimetoguide and teach two young interns, exemplifyingbothprofessionalismand
During my five-hour stay, I witnessed a cross-section of Guyana—peopleofallages,ethnicities, and backgrounds—seeking treatment. What struck me was the dignity and compassion with which every patient was treated Despite the varying temperamentsandcircumstancesofthe individuals coming through those doors,thedoctorsandnursesremained professionalandempathetic.
Thismomentofreflectionmademe proud of what we can achieve as a nation. In the ER, there were no divisions—only the shared goal of providing care and saving lives. It remindedmeoftheGuyanaweaspireto be:united,inclusive,andunderstanding of the value of every individual. It is
improvementsinthehospital'ssystems. Computerizationhassignificantlysped uptheprocessingofreturningpatients, emergencies are treated with urgency, and despite limited staff and space, the teamworksefficientlytoprioritisecare. While there is always room for improvement, the progress is undeniable.
I commend the management and staffofGPHC,aswellastheMinistryof Health, for the strides made in improvingpublichealthcare.Letthisbe an example for us all—when we work together with respect and compassion, wecanbuildabettercountry Thisisthe Guyana I dream of, and I trust that we will all have the will to work to see it becomearealityineverysphere.
Our President should not havetoexplainhimselftothe Surinamese government. If it is truly our territory then we should act accordingly If the dispute needs to be finally resolvedthenwemustusethe appropriatechannelstodoso. Thediscussionsoverabridge between our two countries is obviously premature and by no means should we contemplate such a project u n d e r t h e c u r r e n t circumstances.
Our ambassador to Suriname should be recalled and the Surinamese government put on notice of ourintenttotakethismatterto the International Court of Justice for final settlement. It istimeforourgovernmentto secureourbordersandensure that our territorial integrity is unquestioned.
IntheArtofWarSunTzu said, "One bushel of the enemy's provisions is worth 20ofourown".Itisimportant toreflectontheimportanceof this statement and the guidanceitprovidesinpolicy development.Ourneighbours have embraced this philosophy and Guyana is disadvantaged as a result. Many strangers are amongst usduringatimeofprosperity Some with good intentions and others with bad intentions.
We must discern between themandactaccordingly The distribution of wealth will attract many and amongst them those who seek to exploit our people The conflictwithVenezuelaisstill not resolved, and the wealth from the oil and gas sector is alsobeingexploited.Wegive strength to others and seek charity in return. We give sheltertoothersandtheyseek advantage in return The weakening of the state
continues as corruption strengthens and those who seek Guyana's demise continue to benefit from the wastefulspending.
TotheEast,ourneighbour provides their citizens with a higher distribution of wealth thatisbackedbyanattractive interest rate Further strengthening their future prosperity and the gains obtainedbyawellnegotiated oil contract. Wealth which they can utilize for further territorial gains at our expense.Atthesametime,we are willing to build a bridge for easier access and trade while our territorial dispute remains unsettled with our easternneighbours.
There is an opportunity for our leaders to first focus withinbeforelookingoutside for growth. Trying to solve the world's problems without first solving those within our borderswillonlyleadtofolly and a reduction in resources. Guyana learned this lesson during the sugar boom of the past and the embargo which followed.Itistestamenttothe errors of that time in our history
Pursuing a similar path today that is driven by characters with super egos and a drive for fame, will bring future folly to our fragile country Remember, that it was not too long ago that Guyana was one of the poorest nations in the hemisphere. We were once oneofthemostprosperousas well At that time, our exchange rate was 2:1 with theU.S.Fixtheproblemsthat are preventing good governance and the future prosperity of the Nation will bemoresecure.Itisalsotime to secure the border to the east.
Bestregards, Mr.JamilChanglee
DearEditor, Iwriteinresponsetothe appeal from Hon. Jermaine Figueira, specifically referencing me, for writers in the mass media to use their voice to promote unity and inspire change. We all must raise our voice in unison against injustice, bias,andhate.
We cannot be subjective on what is right, close our eyes to friendly forces that do wrong, and assail the other side even when we know they are on the right. Wemustbeconsistentinour support for what
objectively just. Jermaine is among a few MPs who are highly respected and have cross over racial appeal among the public as found outinsurveysconductedby NACTA. He, along with Senior Counsel Roysdale Forde, Annette Ferguson, Amanza-Walton Desir, Volda Lawrence, Ganesh Mahipaul, Pandit Dinesh Jaiprashad, Christopher Jones,andafewotherswho alsohaveastrongfollowing inthePNCcamp.
Many Guyanese support the principled position he tookonissuesevenwhenat
odds with his party leader As
landscapeisdeeplydivided. He does not say it, but writings and views are divided along racial and or political lines. Discourse is markedbydeepdivisions.It will take a lot to eliminate suchdivision. As he urges, change is desired in every society. In his missive, Jermaine was focusingonsportsbutreally means commentaries in all spheresoflife.Ihardlywrite on sports. But I agree that sports play a most critical
role in bringing diverse peopletogetherandmustnot be used for separateness. Bringing people together does not mean they must abandon their identity and culture and conveniently sacrifice who they are as a people for something with which they cannot identify or be a part of.I assure Jermaine that my thoughts andwordsofexpressionsare focused on inclusiveness, equality and equity, and respect for all regardless of ethnicityandreligionandor other forms of social
Incompetent and callous behaviour of data entry staff at Forestry Commission
I would like to highlight the strange and boisterous behaviour of a particular Data Entry Supervisor especiallywithstakeholders within the confines at the G u y a n a F o r e s t r y Commission in Kingston, Georgetown.
It's totally unacceptable when employees or stakeholders alike are admonished by upper-level staff for trivial matters There are better ways to solve a problem without hurling cacophony remarks on someone because of a simple mistake This employeefeelstoopowerful because of a close relationship to the ruling political party and the subject minister of natural resources Doesn't this
senior staff realise that us stakeholders are the stalwarts of the logging sector, and we are not accustomedtohearscreams andineptitudewheneverwe do business with the Commission. It seems as though these seniors think this organisation belongs to them so they could do as they pleased and anyone who speak up will be silenced. This is the type of unprofessionalism ongoing at GFC for almost two decades. Even the junior staff are at the wrath of this uncouthindividual.
Ihavethreequestions: Can this employee fathom the extent of emotional damage being done to staff and stakeholders?
What's this employee
qualifications for that position?
What is the HR doing about such rude behaviour
faced by staff and stakeholders on a daily basis?
The chairperson of the board is either blind to such discourteousness or is failingintheirjobtoaddress these issues. Everyone just caresabouttheirpocketsand
lifestyle and neglects their duties towards the forest sectoroperatorswhohelped tobuildtheloggingindustry in Guyana. This is the sad reality in which we are living in. I am begging for thisletterofconcerntoreach thegeneralpopulaceaswell as the government as a whole.
Yourssincerely TiaCampbell
DearEditor, Culture and its many manifestations helped to steady the foundation of a
modern society Music has always been a significant component in the life of a communityandnationstate.
T h e G u y a n a
Association (GMSA) expresses grave concern regarding the ongoing industrial action at the port of Port-of-Spain in Trinidad and Tobago, which has severely disrupted regional trade and impacted businessesinGuyana.
This strike and now 'goslow operation,' which has been persisting for over two months, has caused significant delays in the clearance of containers carrying raw materials and time-sensitivegoods.
A s a r e s u l t , manufacturers and businesses in Guyana are
incurring substantial financial losses, particularly during this critical Christmas season when import volumes are significantlyhigher
These delays have also
contributed to price increases for consumer goods, including basic necessities,asbusinessesare forced to navigate higher costsassociatedwithsupply chaindisruptions.
Trinidad and Tobago plays a crucial role as a transshipment hub for
t h e C a r i b b e a n , f a c i l i t a t i n g t h e movement of goods to Guyana and countries in the
Prolonged disruptions at its ports are jeopardising regionalsupplychains,with dire implications for businesses and consumers alike.
The GMSA calls on the Government of Guyana to workwiththeircounterparts to urgently intervene and facilitate a resolution to this impasse.
The Association urges port management and the Seamen and Waterfront Workers Trade Union (SWWTU) to prioritise dialogue and collaboration with the aim of swiftly restoringoperations. The recent Industrial Court ruling directing workerstoresumedutiesisa step forward, but the underlying issues require immediate attention to preventfurtherdisruptions.
TheGMSAimploresthe authorities to recognise the broader regional impact of thesedisruptionsandtotake decisive steps toward restoring normalcy at the portofPort-of-Spain.
A swift resolution is essentialtosafeguardingthe economic interests of both Trinidad andTobago and its trading partners across the Caribbean.
Guyana Manufacturing andServicesAssociation
Frompage5 classification Regrettably, that feeling has not been mutual as recently perpetratedinthemediabya formerpoliticianwhosought to downplay and minimise the contributions of Indians innationalculture.
We must condemn the motivations behind misinformation which is being as facts. Jermaine is right that our history has been very painful and in addition to national abuse experienced by every group during the colonial era and the period of the dictatorship,eachgroupalso had its own particular experienceofsufferingsasa people because of identity Every effort must be made not to re-experience the period of authoritarian rule
In every society, music is used as a rallying call, whether in the places of worship or the battlefield. Nationalsongshaveerupted instadiumsinsupportofone or otherteamstakingpartin a contest to encourage participants to give of their best.
Last evening, December 1, 2024, I was happy to attend the 20th Annual Recital&AwardsCeremony 2024 of the Clemsville
Music Conservatory under the caring and energetic leadership of Dr Wendy Rudder,A.A.
Onhandtohelpwiththe distribution of trophies, prizes and certificates were the American, Chinese and Surinamese Ambassadors The Mistress of ceremonies wasMrs.GabrielleAtherley Travel arrangements forced metoleavebeforetheendof t h e p r o g r a m m e ; nevertheless, it was good to
seesomanyyoungboysand girlstakingpartandlearning to play the popular instruments, such as the pianoforte, saxophone, violin,vocalsoloandothers.
It is my view that the media, Facebook, etc should help advertise what may seem simple events suchastheabove,whichcan do so much to bring our peopletogetherinapleasant andpeacefulmanner Congratulations to Dr
Rudder and the other music teachers around our country who must compete against noise-makers that I never regardasmusic. To the parents, keep encouraging your children and others to learn to play some musical instrument as this helps to improve their characterandisasignificant aspect of our children's education.
HamiltonGreen Elder
Frompage4 ofaccountabilitythatcanbe reviewed by the public and enforcement of strident penalties to target violators. We are not satisfied the government is putting such safeguardsinplace.
We are convinced from the manner in which decisions are being made that they are not wellthought out, they are mere showmanship to mask another heist on the nation, as was done with previous cashgrants.
Not better off than we werebefore
TheGTUChaspresented to this nation, since 2019, a structured approach to manage the nation's new wealth, in a 15-point proposal, that would ensure opportunity for equal and equitable distribution, and the creation of an enabling environmentforalltothrive.
Public servants are still being asked to give of their best and throw pittance as wagesandsalarieswhenthe country can afford more.
majorityofGuyanesearenot better off than they were prior to December 2019 when production was not started.
Look around you, whilst some are driving fancy cars and living the life of the nouveau riche, there is poverty and squalor everywhere People are struggling to make ends meet,paybillsandputthree squaremealsonthetable.At least two-thirds of the population is relatively poor when compared to our vast wealth.
Look around- more people are begging, newly constructed roads look as though they were daubed over, the shoulders of the roadareaccidentswaitingto happen; interconnected roads are falling apart, contractors are failing to meet deadlines and; buildings, new or newly renovatedlooklikeeyesores.
concerted efforts to steady theship,lestweallgounder Itcomesbacktothepoint the GTUC is makingJagdeo is out of order in his thinking and statement that the Opposition's role in this economyiscontingentonhis acceptance of their behaviour Anyactionbythis manthatseekstoexcludethe opposition and sections of society from key decisionmaking must be met with concomitantresistance.
something cannot be done rather than take the lead and tell us how it can be done. That body was never intended to be impotent.An institution that tells you a problem, within its remit, cannot be corrected rather than showing how it can be done is intellectually bankrupt and its leadership unworthy to provide service tothisnation.
or the blunders committed by the coalition from just a few years ago. We must abhor racial or party dominance. We all must use our pen to promote a just and equitable society that make everyone feels they belong while also recognising the contributions of all in the construction of our nation and respecting cultural differences. We must have respectful meaningful discussions even with those wedisagree.Respectforone another will lead towards a moreunitednation.Wemust foster a culture of meaningful discussion even when we hold different views or take opposing positions.
Yourstruly, VishnuBisram
High cost-of-living continues to erode real wages Our human development index lags behind many of our Caribbeancounterpartseven as we boast of being the richestnationpercapita,and the world's fastest growing economy
Wedon'tfeelit.Wedon't seeit.Wedon'tliveit.
The PPP under Jagdeo's leadership has not been a good steward of our money NotonlywasGuyanaranked the most corrupt country in English-speaking Caribbean b y T r a n s p a r e n c y International, but many can recallfailedmultimillionUS dollarsprojects,likeSkeldon Factory, Amaila Falls, the recent unaccounted billions paid out in various cash grants.
As of September 2024, Guyana has earned approximately 5.44 billion U.S dollars from oil sales and royalties. Yet the
We are not getting the bangforourbucks.Theonly people benefitting from this shamdevelopmentarethose who are getting the kickbacks.
Not an economy for the smallman
This is not an economy forthesmallmannoranyone who seeks opportunity for structured and sustained d e v e l o p m e n t Unemployment and underemployment among our young remain high Many are not trained to constructively participate in this economy or are being shutout.GTUC,onceagain, registereditsdisappointment with the 10-day work programme for it is not intended to train and empower our people but make them stooges of the PPP
The PPP lawlessness in managing the state and our resources has reduced this nationtoa'hustleeconomy,' where rouges run wild and onlytheruthlessandcorrupt canthrive.
This situation demands
Ifwefailtostandupand assert ourselves against this growing political tyranny, social and economic marginalisation, then we get the government we deserve. We must not only see this situationashowonecancash inonthenation'swealth.We must be equally concerned about the manner in which this wealth is being managed, and ensure that it is sustainable, accountable andtothebenefitofall. For what affects one invariably affectsall.
GECOMmustgetitright GTUCalsotakesnoteof the situation at the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM). This Congress believes that theVoters' List is corrupt and must be cleansed. Biometrics serve as one of the measures to deliverfree,fairandcredible elections. GECOM, like us, would have read the reports by the local, regional and internationalobserverstothe 2020Elections,andbefore. Withoutexception,every reportcastigatedtheListand recommendedreforms.Why is GECOM not prepared to actandcorrectthissituation?
GTUC does not want to hear about make-believe hindrances such as cost and the need for constitutional amendment Money or constitutional amendment is not out of reach if we are desirousofdeliveringtothis nation what the trade union movement initiated the struggle for- “one man, one vote.”ShameonGECOMfor presenting excuses why
T h e O p p o s i t i o n leadership must get up and assert itself. You are ceding too much ground; ground thatisresultingintheerosion of the respect for the rule of law; basic rights and entitlement for the ordinary man This is a grave disservicetothepeople.
No one party or individual has the answer to the nation's problems or knowsitall.Mr Jagdeomust betoldsoinwordsandwhen hefailstoabidebycommonsense and constitutional approach,hemustbetoldby our actions. The pervasive political, social and economic justice of society is worrisome and does not portend well for peace and harmony among the differentgroups.
GTUC always stands ready to work with those whoarepreparedtoworkfor peoplewhoentrustthemthe responsibility to serve them and not individual's interest. Opposition Leader, Aubrey Norton must get up and assert himself and provide thesocietywiththerequired leadership. President Irfaan Ali must stand up as leader, work with the Opposition and others in society consistent with his c o n s t i t u t i o n a l responsibilities, and stop outsourcing the presidency to Mr. Jagdeo In this wealthy nation, the people deserve better and we must deliver.Enoughisenough!
Guyana Trades Union Congress
United States oil major ExxonMobil has declined to comment on whether it wants to use the new shallow-water block it won at Guyana’s first auction for carbon capture and storage contrarytowhatthiscountry wants.
However, the company
confirmed that it is continuing to negotiate with the Guyana Government on the terms for developing the shallow-water oil block, an Exxon spokesperson told Reuters on Monday. Exxon, Hess and CNOOC won offshore block S8 in a bidding round launched in late2022byPresidentIrfaan Ali’sadministration,Reuters reported.Thegroupremains interested in the block and talks are continuing, an ExxonMobil spokesperson said via email, Reuters articlesaid.Accordingtothe n e w s a g e n c y, t h e
ExxonMobil Guyana President, Alistair Routledge
spokesperson declined to disclose whether it aimed to use the block for carbon captureandstorage,orforoil andgasexploration.
Vice President Bharrat Jagdeohadinitiallyreported thatExxonhadpulledoutof the block since they wanted to use the area for carbon captureandstorage,“andwe
don’t want to do that at this stage ” However, last Thursday, Jagdeo walked backonhisstatementsaying that since he made the disclosure, Exxon wrote governmentsayingthat“that might not be the full story, that they still have some interest in it.” “So from last week to now, after my press conference and I verified it with Vickram Bharrat, that was said in a meeting, and they said that there might h a v e b e e n a misunderstanding that they have not walked away from it.So,let’sseehowitgoes.”
December 2022 featured 14 blocks but only eight received bids The fiscal regime of the new PSA requiresthepaymentofa10 percent royalty and a 10 percentcorporatetax.The Continuedonpage24
Blocks in dark grey received bids during the maiden auction
The Guyana Bar
Association's (GBA) opposition to amending the Legal Practitioners Act to allow foreign legal practitioners,includingthose from non-signatory countries, to practice in Guyana raises profound questions.
Such an objection is not onlyarestraintonthetradein
services but also a protectionist measure that hindersGuyana'spotentialto benefitfromtheglobalisation of legal services. The GBA's opposition is retrograde particularly given Guyana's historical openness to globalisation in other sectors and the significant presence of U.S. and other foreign interests in the country It is also a short-sighted and counterproductivestancethat runs contrary to global trends, international legal principles and Guyana's own economicinterests.
Supporting restraints on foreign legal practitioners from practising in Guyana represents an unnecessary restraint on individuals' right toplytheirtrade.Bylimiting practice to nationals of signatorycountries,theGBA implicitly enforces a protectionist regime that stifles competition and innovation within the legal profession Guyana, like other modern economies, benefits from the skills and expertise of professionals who bring diverse legal traditions and practices Denying access toAmerican attorneys, for instance, prevents Guyana from harnessing the substantial expertise present in the
United States. In turn, this weakens the overall quality of legal advocacy and jurisprudence within Guyana.
Such restrictions contradict the principles of international labour mobility promoted by treaties like the GeneralAgreementonTrade in Services (GATS), which underscores the importance of liberalizing professional services, including legal services. The GBA's stance appears to sideline these broader international norms, favouring a narrow interpretation of local legal practice at the expense of global cooperation and benefit.
Protectionist policies, while sometimes justifiable in fledgling industries, are counterproductive in mature professions like law The GBA's opposition to foreign practitioners effectively shields local attorneys from competition rather than incentivizing them to improve their practices and adapt to global standards. Such policies reduce the q u a l i t y o f l e g a l representation available, and limitclients'abilitytochoose legal representation best suitedtotheirneeds.
Allowing foreign practitionersintoGuyanacan significantly bolster the country's legal capacity, particularly in specialized fieldssuchasoilandgaslaw, intellectual property, and international arbitration Giventheburgeoningoiland gas industry in Guyana, the presence of experienced American lawyers could provide local attorneys with
invaluable mentorship and collaboration opportunities. Thiswouldnotonlyimprove the competence of the legal fraternitybutalsoensurethat Guyaneseinterestsarebetter represented in international transactionsanddisputes.
Restricting foreign practitioners limits the pool of available legal talent, which can adversely affect access to justice Clients seeking specialized legal e
ind themselves underserved due to the limited capabilities of the local bar For instance, complex cases involving cross-border transactions or international arbitration may require expertise that is not readily available within Guyana. Allowing foreign practitioners to operate can help bridge these gaps,
foreign receive the best possiblerepresentation.
Ironically, Guyanese professionals, including lawyers, have long benefited fromtheopennessofforeign jurisdictions. For Guyana to now impose restrictions on foreign attorneys' reek of hypocrisy and undermines the spirit of reciprocity that g
professional relations. The United States is among Guyana's largest investors, particularly in the energy sector Allowing American attorneys to practice locally wouldsendastrongsignalof Guyana's commitment to
practitioners from investing countries often serve as
Dem boys seh de traffic in Guyana tun like a wild west movie – every driver for demself,anddepedestriansandcyclistsnah gatdesignatedlaneanymore.Demwildoats on de road turning de pedestrian and cycle laneintoamotorizedlaneforundertaking.
Wahwrongwidwepeople?Dempolice know what is going on but de drivers keep creating dem own third lane, like de public roadisabuffetandeverybodycantakewah demwant.
Sheriff Street turn highway now Cycle lane?Gone!Pedestrianlane?Gone!Alldem driversseh,“Whywait?Let'screateanother lanetoborethroughthetraffic!”Andbefore you know it, deh got three lanes, one of whichisillegal.
But guess wah? Is de police own fault too. Dem know de prime spots where dis happening, but dem ah gat enough ranks to place persons permanently at this spots where the violations taking place. Dem behavingblindlikeabatindaytime. Dem boys seh is not just Sheriff Street.
critical intermediaries, bridging the gap between local regulations and international business standards. Excluding them risks alienating investors who may view such restrictions as a broader hostility toward foreign participation.
Under principles enshrined in international law, particularly those articulated by the World Trade Organization (WTO), countries are encouraged to minimize barriers to the free flowofservices.
Legalservicesfallunder the purview o
s framework, and imposing r
inconsistent with these principles.
Rather than opposing foreign participation, the GBA should focus on modernizing its regulatory framework to ensure that foreignpractitionersmeetthe
requisite standards of competency and ethical practice For example, introducing a qualifying examination for foreign attorneysorrequiringthemto undergotraininginGuyanese law would balance the need for quality control with the benefitsofliberalisation.
Rather than clinging to protectionist measures, the GBA should embrace a forward-looking vision that prioritizes the liberalization of legal services, aligns with international norms, and fosters a more dynamic and globally competitive legal profession.Onlybydoingso can Guyana truly position itself as a modern, open, and progressive nation in an interconnectedworld.
The Attorney General must be commended for consulting with the Guyana Bar Association (GBA) Such engagement reflects respect for the views of key stakeholders in the legal profession. However, the G
underscores deep-seated i
t competition rather than genuine concerns about the quality or integrity of legal p
apprehensions warrant a
e Attorney General is neither bound to comply with nor agree with their advice, p
contradicts the broader national interest. The time has come for him to act decisively and reject their restrictive stance, paving the way for the necessary amendments to liberalize Guyana'slegalservices.
(The views expressed in this article are those of the authoranddonotnecessarily reflect the opinions of this newspaper.)
Over on de East Bank Public road, going north to de Harbour Bridge is every man, woman, and taxi for demself. And on de oppositesidebydeEccleschurch?Ohgosh! Datplaceisawholenewlevelofchaos.
Dem boys seh de police need to have a permanentpresenceatdespotswherethird lanes are being created for undertaking purposes.Chargedemviolators!Ifyoudon't haveenoughpersonnel,setupcamera. Let demoffendersfeeldesqueezeindehpocket sodemstopsqueezingdecyclelane.
Dis nonsense causing more traffic and confusion People walking and riding deservedesamerespectasdrivers.Instead, dem lawless drivers acting like de road is a free-for-all.Ifdepolicecan'thandleit,place someschoolchildrenwithdemphoneandlet demvideodemoffenders.
Chargedemuntildemcry Putcamerasif dehlazytopatrol.Letpeopleknowdecycle lane is not fuh undertaking slow traffic, is fuhpeoplewhocyahaffordfourwheels. Talkhalf.Leffhalf.
Guyanese could be excused if they thought that I am in the hunt foranSUVmadebyNissanMotors of Japan. What is being searched for are Guyanese pathfinders Where are they, when now most needed? CanthepeopleofGuyana haveoneatleast,iftheycan’thave ahalfdozen? Thequestionsleadto some clashes between teeth and tonguebecausetheprospectsareso few,theterritoryissobarren.
Many segments of the multicolored demographic of Guyana have stereotyped a particular smaller section as ‘passive.’ Passive to the point of being docile. Sharp words that come back to haunt, as shall be revealed below Two major segments within the national population base of Guyana insult eachotheraboutwhichoneismore passive these days, were held as beingsoforalongtime.
Both of those two segments don’t look too good themselves, when their own records are examined. Asifnottobeleftoutof the degrading domestic action, the foreignerscomehere,lookaround, and hoist a glass (or a drinker’s dozen)tocheertheirgoodfortune. It is as has been studied and said, reported over and over again:
Guyanese are a marvel of passivenessanddocility Fromtop tobottom,andasfarasitssidescan bestretched.
Which group of citizens anywhere in the world would own allthisoil,andstillallowabatchof foreignerstocomein,takeover,and walk all over them? Without a finger lifted to fight off the intruders. Which country in the world could be so lacking in substance and sinew that it cannot produce one national leader who possessesthemuscleandthewillto standupandleadhisorherpeople to thwart and neutralize a horde of invaders?
Specifically, a horde of invaders, in the mold of Christopher Columbus and Francisco Pizarro and Hernan Cortez, who come fishing not for gold, silver, and other precious metals but those invaders who are here today for the most precious commodityofall:oil.
Now that the conference table hasbeensetup,thequestioncould be asked, a series of them. Where are the pathfinders in Guyana? Where are those who are determined to blaze a path that shifts the local oil story (and culture) to that point where it has
Guyana and Guyanese written all overit?
CanGuyananotfindoneleader that is a pathfinder where this sacred national oil patrimony is concerned? Surely, this country cannot be so pauperized and paralyzed that it cannot boast of one son or one daughter who is brave enough, has enough brainpower and willpower to be curious,atleast.
Curious about the possibilities with this oil Curious about carving out a way that brings the most joy to citizens first, and not first to the exploiters, who are really predators behind their smiling disguises. Curious about the kind of personal sacrifice that has to be made, and then steel self tomakeit.
Part of the local political leadership game now in full swing is to point the finger of blame and shame at each other. Meanwhile, the people at Exxon are busy with merrily ringing up their cash registers. Let them fight. Exxon willfetchawaytheoilandmakeits incomestatementsflourish.
The blame game is a neat trick that is now transparent, because it has been used for so long that the sheen has worn off. It exposes
ragged human material beneath. When local political groups and leadersfindfaultwithoneanother, the idea is to distract the population, make a big show of being about something, despite representing nothing that puts Guyanese on a different level with theiroilwealth.
Whatleadersareplayingisone of the oldest con games around. They take aim at each other, when what they are really engaging in, actuallyperfecting,issettingupthe Guyanese people. For a hard fall.
For another disappointment from the hollowness of their promises (later will be greater). Or, on the competingside:wecanandwilldo better Likehelltheywill.
I will tell Guyanese what they do well. Guyanese leaders have become very good at being grovelers. They take the path of least resistance and pride themselves in being pathetic rollovers before the White man.
The easier undertaking, the more headlinegrabbingoneistobashthe known internal enemies and make demonsoutofthem.
It is easy It does not cost anything. Anditnevergoesoutof season. Electionsseasonshaveone objective: rekindle the passions,
restore the flames. All the old myths (plus newer ones), the old prejudices,andthebookofancient ignorance are exhumed, so that Guyanese can consume one another
When Guyana and Guyanese need pathfinders, this is who and what they get. Sacrifice, who is that big fool? Lead from the front in the fight for more from this oil, now there is the biggest fool around. When Guyanese need pathfinders and trailblazers, they findthemselveshavingtosettlefor dissemblers and dodgers at best, and hookers and brownnosers at theirworst.
The discovery of oil should haveunearthedthebestinGuyana. What was discovered is how passive and pitiful Guyana’s politicalplayersare. Howpleased they are with their paltry, passive selves.
(The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinionsofthisnewspaper.)
The Public Procurement Commission (PPC) in 2023 paid just over $175.7M in employment costs, a $115M increase from the previousyear
According to the Audited FinancialStatementsofthePPCfor theyearendedDecember31,2023, the Procurement Commission received a government subvention that year of $253,161,486, compared with $199,766,955 in 2022.
The greatest portion of this subvention last year went towards employment costs, while another heftypaymentof$19.7Mwaspaid fortherentaloftheofficebuilding that houses the PPC on New GardenStreet,Georgetown.
According to the Financial Statements, which were recently tabled in the National Assembly, the Public Procurement Commissionalsoincurred$16.3M in training costs. Kaieteur News understands that the training
countrywide by the legal and
It should be noted that during the Consideration of the 2024 Budget Estimates, questions were raised in Parliament by former Minister David Patterson, regarding the operations of the Commission.
Hewasinformedthatsincethe PPC was re-established in 2022,
conducted, while only two reports were completed at the time Minister of Parliamentary Affairs, GailTeixeirawaskeentonotethat the Commission can only conduct investigations into matters reported She however later revealed that a dozen requests for investigationswerereceivedbythe PPC between July 2022 and December2023.
Teixeira said: “The present PPC, as far as I understand, is
respondingtotherequeststheyget, the availability of documents, etcetera to investigate and they have said here, they have completedfourinvestigations,they have two that they have published and that is between July 2022, when they were appointed and December 2023 And if my calculationofmonthsisright,they did better than the original and the firstPPC.”
While she accused the former PPC of merely completing two investigations between 2018 and 2020, Patterson contended that six probes were in fact conducted. Turning his attention to total budgetary allocations since 2022, whichamounttoatotalof435.1M ($199.8M in 2022, $235.3M in 2023), Patterson asked for an explanation, given that only two reports have been completed. He alsoquestionedthesalaryreceived by the Chairman and members of theCommission.
The Public Procurement Commission in Georgetown
To this end, Minister Teixeira said it was public knowledge that ChairofthePPC,PaulineChaseis paid $15.6M annually, along with telephone,entertainmentandtravel allowances and another $3.9M for security Hertotalwagesandsalary onanannualbasisis$20M.
Meanwhile, the Deputy Chair, Berkley Wickham earns $1.1M monthly, along with a traveling allowance of $140,760, $120,000 forentertainmentand$240,000for telephone allowance, annually, similar to what is received by
Chase. On an annual basis, the Deputy Chair bags $13.7M. The other three members of the Commission are: Joel Bhagwandin, Rajnarine Singh and Diana Rajkumar, are paid $900M each, monthly, along with other allowances. Teixeira said the total wage bill for the commissioners amount to $61.2M and $6.6M for benefitsandallowance.
With only a minor number of reports completed by the body, Pattersonhadquestionedwhether Continued on page 22
Chief Justice Roxane GeorgeWiltshireruledonTuesday,thatthe GuyanaRevenueAuthority(GRA) acted unlawfully by questioning the source of funds used by remigrant Reaz Manjoor to purchaseavehicle.
The Chief Justice quashed the GRA’sdemandforfurtherfinancial information and ordered the immediate release of Manjoor’s Toyota Landcruiser, which had been held at the port since January 2024. This is according to a press release from attorney Siand Dhurjon.
ManjoorreturnedtoGuyanain August2023afterspendingover10 yearsintheUnitedStates.Seeking new opportunities in his home country, he applied to the Ministry of ForeignAffairs, where Minister Hugh Todd granted him remigrant status on 23rd August 2023 Minister Todd had informed Mr Godfrey Statia, the head of the GuyanaRevenueAuthority,ofthis decision.
Remigrants, after being awarded their remigrant status by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, benefit from preferential tax conditions when they import a vehicle and their other personal effects.Aremigrantwhoimportsa vehicle such as the 2023 LC300 ToyotaLandcruiserwithanengine sizeof3,500ccwouldonlyhaveto pay an excise tax of 30%
The Land Cruiser that the court ordered be released
(approximately $4,300,000)
Without the remigrant status, the taxes for the same Landcruiser would cost $43,784,000. Of that amount $6,627,000 would be customsduties,$29,983,000would be excise taxes and $7,174,000 wouldbethevalue-addedtaxes.
Notably, the Chief Justice granted all of the orders sought by Dhurjon on behalf of his client Manjoor The Chief Justice also issued declarations stating that the Landcruiser was the property of ManjoorandthatManjoorhadbeen
duly recognized as a remigrant by Minister Hugh Todd. The Chief Justice ruled that the GRA’s requirement for, “credible informationregardinghissourceof funding,”hadbeenillegal.
An order of certiorari was issued to quash this requirement. TheChiefJusticealsocommanded, by order of mandamus, that the GRAgrant Manjoor all applicable tax exemptions as a remigrant and that they clear and release the vehicle once Manjoor paid the relevanttaxes.
Manjoor’s Landcruiser, which had arrived in Guyana on 18th January this year, had been stored onthewharf,accruingstoragefees.
TheChiefJusticeorderedtheGRA to pay the storage costs until the vehicle’s release, which had been estimated by Manjoor to be just under$1,000,000.Additionally,the Court ordered the GRA to pay Manjoor$350,000inlegalcostsby 31st December 2024. The Chief Justiceremarkedthatthecostshad been high because “we have traversed this road before and they (the GRA) seem not to understand.”
After the ruling, GRA counsel Ms.NicklinBelgravesoughtleave to appeal, but the Chief Justice deniedtherequest,stating,“I’mnot granting leave to appeal.This here isbeyondthepale.Youhavenolaw, thereisnoprovision.”
According to the release, Manjoorhadsubmittedallrequired documents to the GRA to qualify for his tax exemptions. However, insteadofgrantingtheexemptions, GRA officials began requesting additionalfinancialinformation.In response, Manjoor fully cooperated, providing various documents, including affidavits, a letter explaining his case, bank
transactions related to the vehicle purchase, a copy of the cheque used, the receipt from the auto dealership, wire transfer details from his aunt who provided the funds, and other relevant paperwork.
The GRA suspended all processing of Manjoor’s tax exemptions until he could provide information to satisfy them. The GRAprovidednothinginwritingto Mr Manjoor of their position until 30th April, 2024 when Mr Gavin Low, Deputy Commissioner of the GRAwrotetoMr Manjoorstating that “it is the duty of the GRA to verifythelegitimacyofany
Continued on page 22
Persons who received the $100K cash grant in Region Nine on Tuesday
Withthehopeofdistributingat least300,000cashgrantstocitizens 18yearsandolderbeforetheendof the year, the Government of Guyana on Tuesday commenced distributioninRegionNine(Upper Takutu/UpperEssequibo).
The distribution exercise is being spearheaded by Prime Minister Brigadier (Ret’d) Mark Phillips and Minister of Local Government and Regional Development,SoniaParag.
The process commenced at 10:00 am at the Tabatinga Sports Complex for residents of Lethem and St. Ignatius and is slated to continueuntilDecember6,forthat area. For other villages in the Region, Government announced as well that these will be listed along with their distribution schedulesoonest.
The administration has prioritised public servants and pensionersoverthelastseveraldays, with registration schedules for NationalInsuranceSchemeandOld AgePensionersdisseminatedtothe publicviathemedia
Moreover, public registration for the cash grant commenced on Tuesday in several areas including Region Four and outlining areas.
The government has outlined a four-step process for the initiative which begins with the registration exercis
ising each community having a registration schedulethentechnicalteamswith pre-programmed tablets will be dispatchedtogatherpersons’data.
The second stage is the verificationoftheregistrantswith the next stage being the cutting of cheques then distribution to
Government’s $100,000 Cash Grant Initiative was announced by President IrfaanAli in October last andeveryGuyanesecitizen18years oldandoverwillreceivethepayout
Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo lastThursdayannouncedthatwhile the government is looking to distributethe$100,000one-offcash grant to public servants and pensioners first – not every citizen willreceivetheirsbeforeChristmas Jagdeo said, “What I can say to Guyaneseisthattheywillgetit,not everyone will get it before Christmas Alotofpeople ask, Oh, will I get it before Christmas but I would say to people you still will get it…and it might come in good afterChristmas.”
TheVicePresidentstatedthathe hadpreviouslystatedsincethecash
grant initiative was first announced in October, that the process would take the government about five monthstocomplete
“The president said that we are tryingtohurrythisuptoseeifwecan completeatleastthepublicservants andthepensionersbeforetheendof the year We may be able to do that and then a number of other people whoareregistered ”Jagdeonoted LastWednesday,theCommittee ofSupplyapproved$305billionto caterforthedistributionoftheoneoff $100,000 cash grant to citizens 18yearsandabove Thisisexpected to cover the first phase of the distribution and includes public servantsandpensioners.Jagdeoalso disclosed that the government is aimingtodistributethecashgrantto about 300,000 persons before the end of the year. Jagdeo noted that
the2025budgetwhichisexpected tobepassedbyFebruarywillcater for the second phase of the distribution of the $100,000 cash grant.
“And then we can seek to appropriate the balance of the money, we anticipate that it will be about another $30 billion because we think about 600,000 adults you have in the country, or just over that ”theVicePresidentstated The Vice President noted that the government anticipates that in the future, there will be similar grants.Assuch,henotedthatonce the government completes the database for the distribution, the future distribution will become easier. Once this initiative is completed,$60billionwouldhave beenplacedinthehandsofcitizens acrossthecountry.
Massy Gas Products Guyana Limited (MGPGL) on Monday denied that there was a gas bottle explosion at a Better Hope, East CoastDemerara(ECD)homelast week despite camera footage in the victim’s home demonstrating otherwise.
In a statement, the company said, “There was no explosion, neither were there any reports of injury to persons nor damage to property.”
The incident occurred on November 29, 2024, at the home of Necolece Alexander in Nora Dam, Better Hope, ECD. The company stated that they were informed of the incident at 10:00 hrs and arrived at Alexander’s residence at around 14:35 hrs.
During their investigation, Alexander explained to the MGPGLteamthatwhilecooking, thecylinderranoutofgas,andshe replaced it with a cylinder from MGPGL.
The company said that, very shortly thereafter, fire was observed at the cylinder but this was extinguished using a fire extinguisherandwater Further,the companysaidthatnoinjurieswere reported.
Kaieteur News contacted Alexander on Tuesday, to confirm
The items that were destroyed during the gas bottle explosion
said,“Ilitthestovesotherangeat thetopwasonandthenIturnedon theovenbecauseIhadunfinished food. I proceeded to cook, and that’s when it all happened. It explodedbehindme.Ithoughtthe fire was all over me. My first thoughtwas,‘Ohmygosh,thegas bottleexploded,’”sherecounted.
CCTVfootageoftheincident, shared with Kaieteur News, captured the moment the fire erupted The video shows Alexander cooking with her children nearby when the gas cylindersuddenlyignites,sending a large fireball into the air In response, Alexander quickly grabbed a fire extinguisher, managing to put out the flames. Her children, visibly frightened, wereseenhidinginacorneraway fromthefire.
her injuries. She recounted, “I lookedatthebackofmythighand saw that the area was black and blue,Ithoughtblisterswouldcome out the next morning but it didn’t. Butforthepastcoupleofdays,Ifelt
discomfort around my thigh and calf. But now, I don’t sense any morediscomfort.”
In an interview with Kaieteur News on November 29,Alexander recounted what transpired. She
Meanwhile, in light of the incident, MGPGL issued a reminder to all cooking gas users, urgingthemtoremainvigilantand adheretosafetyguidelines.
“With the holiday season upon us,whenmorecookingandbaking are done at home, consumers are reminded to use only recommended products and conduct leak tests when making regulator connections,” the companystressed.
“MGPGL recommends the Kosan-branded LPG jumbo regulator, and the Codan 2601 gas hose, both of whichareauthorizedforsafeuse.” Mention was also made of an upcoming Gas Awareness and SafetyCampaign.
However, Massy Gas in its statement said that Alexander’s gascylinderwaslocatedunderthe kitchen sink. “The hose clip was plastic, the hose clip was slack around the hose and both the regulatorandhosewereburnt,”the company said A soap test confirmedthatnoleakswerefound inthevalveorcylinder To resolve the issue, the companysaiditprovidedanewgas cylinder and replaced the fittings withproductsfromarecommended manufacturer The stove was then lit, and Alexander confirmed that everything was to her satisfaction, thecompanysaid.
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The Guyana Trades Union Congress (GTUC) is deeply concerned about the failure of the political opposition to hold the government accountable.
In a statement issued on Tuesday ahead of a press conference held at Critchlow Labour College, the GTUC underscored that the issue has caused tension, disruption, deprivation and lawlessness.
“There is need for greater political militancy in this society. The role of the Opposition is not only to make promises about what will happen should they enter government, but also to oppose poor governance and stand with the people to demand better. These are important in every democratic governance system,” the Trade Union Congress said in the statement.
The organization led by Trade Unionist Lincoln Lewis believes that the situation is made even worse by Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo’s recent statement that the
People’s Progressive Party (PPP) regime will not involve the opposition in key decision-making.
As a result, the GTUC is appealing for good sense to prevail in the situation and pointed out that all citizens have a right to involvement in the management and decision-making processes of the state that affect their
“There is no constitutional provision that prevents the Opposition from involvement in key decisionmaking. In fact, the Constitution of Guyana, which Jagdeo in his capacity as Vice President has sworn to uphold, mandates a system of inclusionary democracy, which is spelt out in Article 13…,” the organization said.
“Guyana is not the Vice President’s sole property nor is this a one-party state where he presides as lord and others his minions. Whilst GTUC is deeply concerned about the growing disrespect by the Vice President for his fellow citizens, the Opposition must recognise their silence only serves to make a bad situation worse,” the GTU added.
On the issue of the dayto-day management of the State, the GTUC is of the view that it continues to leave many behind and create opportunities for the government and nouveau riche to exploit the nation’s
The GTUC said that it believes the country can afford to treat its citizens better.
“We are here today, on behalf of the working class, to say we are not impressed with the $100,000 payment to citizens 18 years and older, nor the manner in which it is being paid,” GTUC stated.
The GTUC said that it is convinced from the manner in which decisions are being made that they are not wellthought out.
“We are also concerned, given past shenanigans with previous cash-grants, that this will be another field day for the corrupt within the system to become rich in the absence of rigorous oversight such as legislation, an open system of accountability that can be reviewed by the public and enforcement of strident penalties to target violators…We are not satisfied the government is putting such safeguards in place,” the Union stated.
With a contract recently awarded to construct the state-of-the-art hospital in Lethem, Region Nine, four consultants have been shortlisted to bid to supervise the project.
During the reading of bids at the National Procurement and Tender Administration Board (NPTAB) office, it was revealed that the bidders are CB & Associates in joint venture with Coles Associates Ltd - US$1,881,333 (Exclusive of all Indirect Local Taxes); Consortium Concremat, Vielca Ingenieros S.A, GR Engineering Company –US$3,017,821.55 (Exclusive of all Indirect Local Taxes) and US$1,207,128.62 (Indirect Local Taxes); Ingenieros Civiles Espcialiatas (Colombia), Ingenieria De Proyectos S.A.S - $837,528,587.75 and $134,004,574.04 ((Indirect Local Taxes); and VIKAB Engineering Consultants Ltd (VECL) in jointed venture with Jain Consultants Guyana Inc. – US$2,730,375 (Exclusive of
all Indirect Local Taxes).
This publication reported that when bids opened in September for the contract five consultants had applied and submitted their proposals.
In October, President Irfaan Ali and Minister of Health, Dr. Frank Anthony among other officials turned the sod to commence the construction of the $6.5 billion new state-of-the-art Lethem Regional Hospital.
It was previously reported that the construction of the Lethem Hospital falls under a US$97 million – Health Care Network Strengthen – InterAmerica Development Bank (IDB) loan. Part of the proceeds will be allocated to the construction and supervision services of the Lethem Hospital, which is envisioned to operate at a level five standard.
This publication had reported that the National Procurement and Tender Administration Board (NPTAB) had
From page 12 this was value for money. Minister Teixeira in her response pointed out that the PPC has 13 functions under Article 212 of the Constitution, one of which is investigations. In addition, she noted that the Public Procurement Act also outlines other
roles of the body in compliance with the constitution. Consequently, she said, “Do we think we are getting value for money? Yes, in the anti-corruption field and in being able to investigate and have an authority that is constitutional and independent of the government…the money
is well used because it allows for that oversight function and being able to monitor what is going on.”
The minister therefore noted that it was disingenuous for the MP to only question the number of reports rather than its other functions.
disclosed that CMECSinopharmintl Consortium out of China has been awarded the contract to design and build the new Lethem Hospital.
It was reported by the Department of Public Information (DPI) that the hospital will feature two fully functional
operation rooms, a modern Emergency Room (ER), and procedure room, diagnostic imaging services, digital xrays, portable x-rays, one CT scanning machine and three ultrasound machines, as well as outpatient specialised clinics and a digital health control room.
From page 13 transaction that has tax implications…the GRA is not satisfied that you have displayed credible information regarding your source of funding.”
Manjoor then retained Dhurjon to assist with the matter. On 8th August 2024, Dhurjon sent a letter to the GRA warning of potential legal action if the tax exemptions were not granted and the vehicle was not cleared for release. In his letter, Dhurjon argued that the GRA’s demands for information about the source of funding were illegal and could not be used to deny Manjoor his tax exemptions. Despite this, the GRA did not respond to Dhurjon’s letter or a followup email sent weeks later. On 28th October, 2024, Mr. Manjoor instituted proceedings against the GRA over its failure to grant him his tax exemptions and to permit the clearance of his vehicle. In his affidavit filed on behalf of the GRA, Gavin Low claimed that the individual
who provided Manjoor with the funds for the vehicle purchase was not recognized in their system, and that Manjoor had failed to provide “valid identification” for her. Low further stated that the GRA’s responsibility was to ensure that the money used by Manjoor was not derived from illegal activities such as money laundering or tax evasion. He emphasized that the GRA had not denied Manjoor his tax exemption, but was simply waiting for the source of funds to be “substantiated.”
Dhurjon submitted to the Court that there was no provision known to law that permitted the GRA to require a remigrant to substantiate their source of funding and that was irrelevant to the administrative process of granting the necessary tax exemptions. Dhurjon noted that the GRA had already conceded that Manjoor was a qualifying remigrant and that the GRA was not substantially challenging any of the facts asserted by Manjoor.
The Working People's Alliance (WPA) is calling for the government to establish an upstream national oil company, citing thatGuyanaisnowarapidly developing petro-state and thatgloballyover75%ofoil production is obtained from State-ownedenterprises.
During the party's weekly press conference on Monday, Co-leader, Dr David Hinds, said his party shares the widely published view expressed by its
Executive Member, ProfessorCliveThomas,that as a swiftly developing petro-state, Guyana must remainattheforefrontofoil production.
He said that despite the presentdominanceofbigoil companies here, over 75 per centofglobaloilproduction is obtained from State Owned Enterprises (SOE) and 90 per cent of global reservesareheldbySOEs.
Therefore, the case for a national oil company in Guyana depends solely on the location on the supply chain, whether it be upstreamordownstream,Dr Hinds said. He explained that since upstream and downstream oil and gas production is a reference to its location in the supply chain, the two can be categorised three ways: as upstream, downstream, or midstream.Somecompanies are termed “integrated” because they perform the functions of two or three of thesestreams.
“Upstream oil and gas production include exploring, developing, identifying, extracting and producing materials
Downstream oil and gas production include the postproduction of crude oil and natural gas activities
Midstream operations link upstream and downstream and include transportation
and storage services,” he said.
The party rejects a downstream State-Owned Enterprise(SOE)intheform of a refinery and is instead callingforanupstreamSOE as was advised by the
(NRGI), and by Professor Thomas.
“Creating an upstream SOEsupportsthebuildingof localoperationalcapacityin
increases government
improving the state's ability to monitor what other companies are doing here.
AnSOEalsoplaysavariety ofroles,includingoperating in the commercial sphere, regulatory responsibilities, creatingpolicy,andfinancial expenditures,” Dr Hinds said.
Even though they are proposing the establishment of an oil company here, Dr
firm must be held responsible for shooting death of teen’- Avalon and Reshma Jagnandan
The parents of 18year-old Jared Jagnandan want Cerberus Security Inc , private security firm, to be held responsible for his death.
Jagnandanwasshotdead on March 21, 2024 at his workplace, S M K Shaft Auto Sales and Spares, Lusignan, East Coast Demerara (ECD). The teen was employed as a Marketing, Sales and Projects representative with thecompany
Reports are that he was allegedlyshotbyaCerberus Security Inc. security guard ondutyatthebusinessplace. Jagnandan was reportedly sittingashortdistanceaway from the security guard's desk when a loud explosion was heard When his employer turned around, an injuredJagnandanwaslying on the ground bleeding profusely
The security guard identified as 20-year-old DeandrellSemple,aresident of Lot 30 Kingelly Village, West Coast Berbice (WCB) immediately informed the owner of SMK Shaft Auto Sales and Spares that Jagnandanwasshot.
Semplehasbeencharged with manslaughter and is on $1Mbail.
Jagnandan's parents, however, Avalon and Reshma Jagnandan, believe that Cerberus Security Inc.
In a statement to the press, the Jagnandans said, “While we are pleased with this progress (instituting charges against the security guard), justice involves holding all parties accountable.”
They believe that the security firm acted “recklessly, negligently and criminally” by placing a firearm in the hands of an individual who was allegedly untrained or licensedtouseone.
K a i e t e u r N e w s understands that an investigation was launched intothefirm.
“It has now been more than8monthssinceourson's death, no investigatory processshouldtakesolong”, theJagnandansstated.
Hinds warned that “while some such SOEs are highly successful companies, others have trouble being c o m p e t i t i v e w i t h international companies and demonstratingstrongbenefit to the populations they serve.”
Back in February 2022, at the annual oil and gas conference, Vice President
Bharrat Jagdeo had told attendees that government was considering using the remainingoilblockstoform anationaloilcompany
“At some point in time, the remaining blocks which we have, many people are asking,“whencanweaccess these blocks or some concessionoffshore?”Inthe past, it was first come, first
According to the aggrieved parents, breaches of the Private Security Act by the security firm were found.
“Why must we continue tobegforjusticeasifweare requesting something to which we are not entitled?” questionedtheparents.
“To date, we also have not been able to see footage ofourson'sdeathwhichwas capturedbyCCTVcameras. Despite numerous requests from our attorney to the PoliceForce,”theyadded.
The Jagnandans also questioned whether their son's employer, S.M.K Shaf Auto Sales & Spares was everinvestigated.
“Has it been determined that they bear no criminal culpability without such investigations?”theyasked.
served basis,” Jagdeo said.
“Sincewehavefoundoil,we have made it clear that we will either go to an auction sometimeinthethirdquarter of this year, with or without seismic done on our part. That decision still has to be made in government or alternately, use those blocks to form a national oil company.”
Two fish vendors were remanded on Tuesday to prison after being charged with themurderofNigelDevonWilliams.
The duo 23-three-year-old Joshua Persaud of Vigilance, East Coast Demerara (ECD) and 28-year-old Keyon Lewis of South Cummings Park, Georgetown, was accused of allegedly assaulting Williams withacutlassandpieceofwood.
They reportedly accused Williams of stealing$90,000andacellphonefromoneof them. TheincidenttookplaceattheStabroek MarketBizarreinGeorgetownonNovember 23, 2024. Three days after the assault, Williamswasfounddeadathishomelocated atofLot806'C'Field,Sophia,Georgetown.
Both Persaud and Lewis appeared at the Georgetown Magistrates' Court before ActingChiefMagistrateFaithMcGustywho read the charge to him. They were not requiredtopleadtotheindictablecharge.
Accordingtopolicestatementspresented in court, one of the accused had lost his cell phoneandmoneyattheStabroekMarketand suspected thatWilliams stole the items.The accusedapproachedWilliamsandaskedhim ifhehadtakenthecellphoneandmoney.He deniedtheallegationsandPersaudandLewis choppedandbadlywoundedWilliamsabout hisbody.
The ambulance was summoned to the
scene and Williams was transported to the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC) He was treated and later discharged. However, three days after his discharge from the hospital, he was found deadathishomebyhismother
Apost-mortemexaminationrevealedthat he died from haemorrhagic shock due to multipleincisedwoundsandblunttraumato theheadandchest.
Lewiswasrepresentedbyalawyerwhile Persaud was not. The prosecution requested advice from the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) for one month, and the accused are scheduled to return to court on January8,2025.
Kaieteur News reported that Williams livedwithhismother,DoretteAnneLaRose, who recounted finding her son with injuries undertheSpecialConstabularyOutpoststeps atStabroekMarket.Williamshadmentioned being attacked by someone named 'Stitchie' forallegedlystealingfromhim.
LaRose subsequently found her son motionless on his bed and summoned emergency medical services, and he was pronounceddead.
Investigation Department (CID) processed the scene and observed injuries on various partsofWilliams'body.
New leader of A New and United G u y a n a (ANUG), Dr Mark France hascalledonthegovernment to eschew partisan politicking and to increase t r a n s p a r e n c y a n d accountability with the spending of Guyanese tax dollars.France was elected onNovember30,2024when that fledgling party held its fifth National Conference at theGeorgetownClub.
Dr France also
encouraged the main opposition to engender constructive criticism
dialogue in creating equitable solutions for the myriad of issues plaguing Guyana and - not just “criticise for the sake of criticism”. The new ANUG leader also thanked the media for the body of work they produce, and reminded them of their journalistic ethos to acquit themselves byconductingenhanceddue diligence, investigative and forensic journalism, and deliver unfiltered and unbiased information, to the public.
At the conference, a reportontheactivitiesofthe party for the preceding year (2023-2024) as well as the fully Audited Financial Report for 2023-2024 was presented This was delivered by the outgoing General Secretary, Mr Timothy Jonas, SC Jonas thanked all for their
Frompage8 cost recovery ceiling will be capped at 65 percent in a given year, while profits will be shared 50/50 between companiesandtheState.
ExxonMobil is the operator of the Stabroek Block and it holds 45% interest in that block. Its partners Hess and CNOOC
hold 30% and 25% respectively Guyana's oilrichStabroekBlock,operated by ExxonMobil, requires a meagre2% royalty, no taxes, 75% cost recovery ceiling each month which leaves 25% of profit to be shared with Guyana. Stakeholders had warned that the terms of the Exxon deal could deter investment since the new PSA now requires greater fiscal benefits for the country.This led to calls for new projects in the Stabroek Blocktobesubjectedtothese terms; however, the governmentremainsadamant that seeking greater benefits could slow the pace of development and chase investors Moreover, Block S4, a shallow water portion, has been awarded to
v o l u n t e e r i s m a n d encouragedleveragingofall opportunities to accelerate growth and alleviate inadequacies facing our fellow Guyanese, daily Regarding the elections of office bearers of the ExecutiveCommitteeforthe year2024-2026,thisprocess was administered by the Accounting Firm, Ram & McRae.
Mr Christopher Ram directly supervisedANUG's election process France, praised the outgoing Executive Committee and acknowledged their unswerving commitment to ANUG. He also thanked all ANUG members for continued support and reposing confidence in ANUG.Thenew2024-2026 Executiveswerethentasked with taking ANUG to the nextlevel.
Thisinvolvesinteracting with all stakeholders in Guyanatolistentotheissues affecting all of Guyana and putting forward logical and reachable solutions.ANUG anticipates accelerated communication with the media network, to ensure that all Guyanese are equitablyrepresented.
Additionally, Dr France entreatedallpoliticalparties and GECOM to ensure that our(Guyana's)Constitution, in its present form, is obeyed. He observed that Campaign Financing c
TotalEnergies EP Guyana B.V inconsortiumwithQatar Energy International E&P LLC and Petronas E&P OverseasSDNBHD. Outof Nigeria, International Group Investment Inc. was found eligiblefortwoshallowwater concessions—S5 and S10. An American and Ghanian partnership, Liberty Petroleum Corporation and Cybele Energy Limited, was approved for the shallow waterblock—S7. Delcorp Incorporated, a Guyanese company, in collaboration with Watad EnergyandCommunications Ltd and Arabian Drilling Companywasapprovedfora d e e p w a t e r b l o c k titled—D1.Government had disclosed that International Group Investment Inc accepted the PSA with processing ongoing; Cybele Energy Limited accepted the PSAandisinthefinalreview stage; Delcorp accepted the PSA and is now in the final stages of review and the To t a l E n e r g i e s - l e d consortiumacceptedthePSA and is currently in the final reviewstages.
combustible issue, with many of the political parties yet (unwilling?) to submit a report of their Campaign Expenses for the General and Regional Elections of March 2020 and thereafter Finally, ANUG's Chairman, Dr France,highlightedother areas of concern which ANUGwillbeaddressingin
the ensuing term and asked f o r t h e e n h a n c e d participation from all members and Guyanese, at large, asANUG's Manifesto willbeforthcoming.
The results were as follow:
Chairman – Dr Mark France.
General Secretary –
JonathanSubrianEsq. A
Secretary – Mr Joel Ramesh. F
y (Treasurer) – Mr Stephen Patterson.
Organizing Secretary –Mr JaveedAlly Committee Members (10)
Mr NiallStanton.
Mr KurtAnderson.
Mr JavisCharles. Mr Mohamed Esau Shaheed.
Mr AkeemMcDonald.
Mr DexterGeorge. Mr ArronAustin.
Seven Cuban nationals, including fourfemalesandthreemales,appeared at the Georgetown Magistrates' Court on Tuesday after the Guyana Police Force(GPF)issuedanorderforthemto be deported from Guyana for overstayingtheirtime.
The seven persons were identified as Yamina Rina Stivens, Lourdes LeonardCarabolla,ArtetisDominiguez Bartista, Yamika Regla Morrjon Boza, Jaciel Antonio Rosa Rodriguez, Luis Raul Bango Rodriguez, and Yunier Aballe Artigas.When the matter was called, Acting Chief Magistrate McGusty read the deportation order issued by the GPF via the Immigration Department.
The order was made pursuant to Section 28 (1) of the ImmigrationAct,
Fiveofthesevenwereorderedtobe deported while two others were permitted to leave voluntarily by December 4, 2024.Given the language barrier,thecourtprovidedaninterpreter toassistintheproceedings.Thecharges against the Cuban nationals detailed that they had entered Guyana legally but failed to adhere to the immigration regulations by overstaying their time andfailingtoapplyforanextensionto stay.ThecourtheardthatBozaentered Guyana on February 20, 2024, with permission to stay until March 19, 2024, but overstayed without seeking an extension. Similar cases included Rodriguez, who arrived on July 12, 2024, and was authorized to stay until August 11, 2024; Carabolla, who
entered on January 2, 2024, with approvaltostayuntilFebruary9,2024; Artigas,whoarrivedonAugust6,2024, andwasallowedtostayuntilSeptember 5, 2024; and Bartista, who entered on thesamedatebutalsooverstayed. Magistrate McGusty authorized their detention and deportation due to theirfailuretoapplyforanextensionof stay
However, Stivens and Rodriguez, who had entered Guyana legally in 2023 and overstayed their one-month permit,weregrantedtheoptiontoleave voluntarily.Their lawyer told the court thatRodriguezwouldpayforticketsfor their return to Cuba. The Magistrate granted their voluntary departure and ordered that they leave Guyana by today
Aljazeera-Israelhascontinuedto poundGaza,killingdozensandissuing new evacuation threats.The Israeli military launched strikes overnight that killed at least 14 people in the north of the enclave, according to reportsonTuesday.
Meanwhile,newforcedevacuation orderswereissued,callingonpeopleto leaveareasinthesoutherncityofKhan Younis.
Medics reported that eight people were killed in a series of overnight strikes in Beit Lahiya, while four others were killed in Gaza City A further two people were killed in attacksinJabalia,thelargestofGaza's eight historic refugee camps in the northernpartoftheStrip.
Later, the Israeli army ordered residents in the districts of Khan Younis to flee, prompting a westward
“For your own safety, you must evacuate the area immediately and move to the humanitarian zone,” the army said a statement on X, citing rocketlaunchesbyPalestiniangroups.
Research states that there are no “humanitarianzones”inwhichpeople can find safety, and that forced evacuation orders do not help those fleeing to find safety or shelter from harm.
The use of these terms by Israel is aimed at bestowing legitimacy on forced displacement and creating the illusion of adherence to humanitarian law, the Action For Humanity nongovernmentorganisationstated.
Palestinian and United Nations officialsalsosaythattherearenosafe areasintheenclave.MostofGaza's2.3 million people have been internally
displaced, some as many as 10 times
year.Palestinian groups have accused Israel's army of trying to drive people from the northern edge of Gaza with forcedevacuationsandbombardments tocreateabufferzone.
Thearmydeniesthisandsaysithas returned there to prevent Hamas fighters from regrouping in an area it hadpreviouslycleared.
ThePalestinianCivilDefencesaid its operations in Jabalia, Beit Lahiya and Beit Hanoon have been halted for nearlyfourweeksduetoIsraeliattacks on their teams and fuel shortages.On Tuesday,itsaid88ofitsmembershad been killed, 304 wounded, and 21 detainedbyIsraelsincethewarstarted, while 13 of 27 vehicles in the central and southern Gaza Strip were out of operationduetofuelshortages.
B B C S p o r t -
Motorsport'sgoverningbody wants to change its rules to limit the ways its leadership canbeheldtoaccountforbad governance.Asetofrevisions to the statutes governing the audit and ethics committees has been circulated to memberclubstobeapproved at a vote of the FIA general assemblyon13December
These would ensure that any ethics complaints were overseenbytheFIApresident and president of its senate, ratherthanthesenateitself. And they would remove the power of the audit committee to investigate f i n a n c i a l i s s u e s independently.The proposals comeafterayearinwhichthe ethics and audit committees investigated a number of allegationsabouttheconduct ofFIApresidentMohammed
BenSulayem. Theseincludedquestions about the finances of Ben Sulayem's private office; the establishment of a $1.5m "president's fund" to pay member clubs, which vote fortheFIApresident.Neither of these were progressed. Andtwoseparateallegations that Ben Sulayem interfered in the operations of grands prix in 2023, which were dismissed.The former chief executive officer Natalie Robyn left the organisation after raising questions about thegeneralgovernanceofthe FIA and its professional practices, including finances inthepresident'soffice. Andtheheadoftheaudit committee Bertrand Badre andauditcommitteemember TomPurveswerefiredinthe summer,externalinthewake oftheseinvestigations.
The compliance officer Paolo Basarri, who looked into the allegations and reported them to the ethics committee, was fired last month.The changes to the statutes, which have been seen by BBC Sport, remove the ability of the compliance officer to report to the audit committee and remove the audit committee's ability to investigateanymatterunless asked by the president of the senate.Andtheywouldmean the FIA president controlled the appointment of the head of the ethics committee, and removetheroleofthesenate and compliance officer in its operations.The president of the FIA Senate, Carmelo SanzDeBarros,isamember of Ben Sulayem's fourperson leadership team In essence, critics say the changeswouldneutralisethe
Speak your mind clearly, Aries. Other people aren't mind readers like you are If youkeepwaitingforsomeone to figure out what you're thinking,itwillbealongtime beforethetruthcomesout.
Youcansoartogreatheights on a moment's notice today, Taurus. There's a fast-paced, sociallymindedqualitytothe day that will encourage people to share more of themselveswithothers.
Try to see the positive in people, Gemini. Relax and don't get so worked up over yourinternaldrama.
You should find that the adventurous side of you has thesupportofyouremotions, Cancer These two parts of your spirit are working in harmony to help you stretch beyondyourlimits.
Dressinyourverybesttoday, Leo Feel free to kick up your heelsandhavesomefun Thisisa greattimetocommunicatewith friends,socializeifpossible,and haveafabuloustime
You will find that the more peacefulandunderstandingyou aretoday,Virgo,thebetteroffyou will be in general Doors will open and people will welcome youwithgreatfanfare.
ability of whistleblowers to expose questionable behaviour to the ethics and audit committees, and the abilityofthosecommitteesto pursue actions against any wrongdoing The senate, which no longer has to be sentanyethicsreport,isa12person body that includes Prince Faisal Al Hussein of Jordan, the Mexican billionaire businessman CarlosSlimDomit,andAkio Toyoda, the chairman of the Toyotacarcompany
The FIA has declined to comment.
Whatisthebackground tothesechanges?
general of mobility and director of communications, as well as the three most seniorHRstaff.
The ethics committee in MarchclearedBenSulayem, whostoodforelectionsaying he would promote transparency at the FIA, of two allegations from a whistleblower that the FIA president had interfered in the Saudi Arabian and Las VegasGrandsPrixin2023.
managing director and chief financialofficeroftheWorld Bank and Purves is the former chief executive officerofRolls-Roycecars. Robyn is a former car industry executive who worked atVolvo, Nissan and DaimlerChrysler
Whatchangesarebeing proposed?
Makesureyouleavethingsin better condition than you found them, Libra. This is a good time to tidy your personal space and the environment.
This is one of those days in which it's easier to be yourself, Scorpio. Don't feel likeyouneedtochangeyour personalitytofitasituation.
Communicationisakeypart of the day, Sagittarius. You will find that a great deal of information is available to youwhenyouaskforit.
Bring things back into balance, Capricorn. You've probably been so focused on yourself that you've completely forgotten about others.
This is a good day to look at the big picture and discuss your ideas with others, Aquarius.Asyouwalkdown thestreet,makesureyoupay attention to what's going on aroundyou.
- You will be in an excellent mood, Pisces, and find your positiveattitudeamplifiedasyou communicatewithmoreandmore peopleTheonethingtowatchout fortodayislazinessTheremaybe a great deal of it going around, especiallyinyourcamp.
The move to change the FIAstatutescomesattheend of a tumultuous year at the body, which has seen the departureofseniorstaffsuch as its sporting director, F1 technical director, chief executive officer, digital director, head of commercial legalaffairs,governanceand regulatory director, race director, compliance officer, aleadingstewardanddeputy steward, the head of the women in motorsport commission, secretary
The whistleblower said they had witnessed Ben Sulayem seek to overturn a penalty to Aston Martin's Fernando Alonso in Jeddah, and seek to force the race directornottocertifytheLas Vegas track before its first race.The ethics committee said it found no evidence to supporttheallegations.
Badre and Purves were fired from the FIA after the audit committee asked questions about three separate issues - alleged inappropriate use of the president's expenses, the departure of Robyn as CEO and the $1 5m (£1 19m) president'sfund.
Badre is a former
The alterations to the statutes make a series of changes to the workings of the audit and ethics committees.
To replace the ability of the ethics committee to "investigate and assess" complaintswithapoweronly to "carry out an initial assessment to determine whether an in-depth investigationisnecessary".
Thisreportwouldthenbe submitted to the president of the senate, "who may decide totakefurtheraction".
This essentiallygives the power to investigate ethics issues to the president of the senate and removes it from theethicscommittee.
The changes also insert clausesthatsaythatiftheFIA president is the subject of an investigation by the ethics committee, the report is submitted to the president of the senate; and if the president of the senate is investigated, the report goes totheFIApresident.
This essentially means the FIA president and the presidentofthesenatewould decideeachother'sfateinany ethics inquiry.The changes remove the power of the compliance officer to "investigate any suspected irregularities" and report to thesenate,andtheirpowerto investigate any irregularities concerningtheFIApresident oranyotherpersononhisor her team.And they remove thecomplianceofficer'sduty to report to the ethics and/or auditcommittee.
Theyalsoremovetherole of the audit committee in "assuring the accuracy, relevance, and permanence" of the FIA's accounting methods and "check that the internal procedures for the collection and control of information guarantee this", and replaces it with a simple requirement to "review" them.And they remove the requirement for the audit committee to be involved in the closing of the FIA's accounts, the supervision of FIA financial issues and
president of the senate to "consult" the committee "if he/shedeemsitnecessary".
(Reuters) - Spinner Sufiyan Muqeem took career-best figures of five wickets for three runs in 2.4 overs as Pakistan thrashed hosts Zimbabwe by 10 wickets to clinch the threem a t c h T w e n t y 2 0 International series with a
game to spare in Bulawayo o n T u e s d a y
After electing to bat, Zimbabwewerebundledout for 57 in 12.4 overs, their lowest ever score in T20 matches,beatingthe84they scraped together in Sri Lanka
The home side had a bright opening stand as Brian Bennett (21) and TadiwanasheMarumani(16) puton37in27balls,butthey lost 10 wickets for the addition of only 20 runs as left-arm wrist spinner Sufiyanrippedthroughtheir
m i d d l e o r d e r
Pakistanmadelightwork of the chase and reached their target with 87 balls remaining and without the loss of a wicket
Openers Saim Ayub scored 36 from 18 balls and
Omair Yousuf 22 from 1 5 d e l i v
e s i n Pakistan's largest ever win by number of balls r e m a i n i n g
Pakistan won the first gameoftheseriesby57runs. The third and final fixture will be played at the same venue on T
Pakistan's Saim Ayub in action. (Action Images via Reuters/Ed Sykes/ File Photo)
Scores: Pakistan 61 for 0 (Ayub 36*, Yousuf 22*) beat Zimbabwe 57 (Muqeem 5-3, Afridi 2-2) by ten w i c k e t s
The popular Trophy Stall and Superbet are the latest business entities to come on board with the Kashif and ShanghaiOrganisationforits
Year E
nd football
tournament, the K&S
N a t i o n a l F u t s a l Championship, under the OneGuyanabrand.
Evenastheactionkicked off last night at the National Gymnasium on Mandela Avenue with the official opening and salvo of matches,TrophyStallandits Proprietor Ramesh Sunich made a contribution of trophiestobepresentedtothe outstanding performers Sunich, known for his benevolence,isnostrangerto Kashi
activities having contributed in the past. He readily gave
Superbet also made their contribution to the K&S organisers with Marketing Assistant Joshua Hussain makingtheirpresentation. Known for delivering high quality sporting and o t h e r e v e n t s , t h e representatives of the two businesses expressed pleasure at seeing the orgnaisation back with year end football and indicated that they were pleased to be able to offer support as the eventputsonstagethetalent of a number of young footballers across the country
Some64teamsregistered fortheeventandawhopping 700plusplayersandofficials will be showcased over the coming nights which started last night. The teams have their sights set on capturing the attractive prizes on offer, chiefly the first prize in the men's tournament of $2M. The ladies' segment will see the winner collecting $200,000. Even the losing teams will not walk away emptyhandedwitheachloser collectingatoken$30,000.
Additionally,thefinalsix teams will be outfitted with uniformsforthebusinessend ofthetournament.
The Female segment of the tournament will see a 1st prize - $200,000, 2nd$100,000, 3rd- $60,000 and 4th-$40,000.
pacedformatwillseethebest futsal talent from across the country, with the 64 teams looking to cash in on the attractiveprizes.
Ann's Grove FC secured a commanding 3-0 victory over Buxton United FC.
This high-energy, fast-
The full prize packages are as follows: The men's tournament will see the 1st placed team collecting$ 2 , 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 , 2 n d$1,000,000, 3rd- $500,000 and4th-$200,000.
The tournament will run through the holiday season and culminate on January 3 and not January 1 as was originallystated. Gamesare
settobeplayedonTuesdays, ThursdaysandSaturdays. ItwasdisclosedbyMajor thatfourmotorcycleswillbe given to the outstanding performers. The Male and FemaleMVPsalongwiththe highest goal scorer and the bestgoalkeeperareinlineto claimthosemotorcycles.
SportsMax - Barcelona captain Raphinha scored twice as they won in LaLiga for the first time in a month,
Barcelona captain Raphinha scored twice.
crushing Real Mallorca 5-1 at the Estadi Son Moix.Hansi Flick's league leaders–whowerewithoutavictoryin three matches in the competition –netted four times in a dominant second-half performance as they extended their advantage over Real Madridtofourpoints.
A comical mix-up between Martin Valjent and Johan Majica allowedFerranTorrestogiveBarca a12th-minutelead,thoughthehosts levelled when Vedat Muriqi tapped home to cap a lightning counterattack on the stroke of half-
time However, that equaliser only served to anger Barca and they pulled clearaftertheinterval.
Raphinha restored their lead from thepenaltyspotinthe56thminuteafter theexcellentLamineYamalwasfouled, with the teenager then curling in a wonderful 74th-minute cross to tee up hiscaptain'ssecondgoal.
SubstitutesFrenkiedeJongandPau Victor added to the goalfest with late strikes from inside the box to wrap up an easy win for the Blaugrana, who have played two games more than second-placedMadrid.
The Upper Demerara FootballAssociation (UDFA) Futsal Year-End Tournament 2024/2025 was officially launched on Monday at the RetrieveHardCourt,Linden.
The launch, attended by representatives from various clubs and sponsors, signalled the start of what has become one of the most anticipated football events in the region, especially as traditional football facilities remain unavailable for conventional playinLinden.
This year's tournament is set to run from December 15, throughJanuary1,2025,with games scheduled on multiple dates at the Retrieve Hard Court,oneofthefewavailable venuesforfutsalinLinden.
The competition promises to be bigger and more competitive, as it features 15 teams from across the region, including the debut of the highly anticipated Rockstone AllStars.
Participating teams are Block22,A/Ward,BlueBerry Hill, Botofago, Capital FC, Coomacka, Eagles, Hi Stars, Fearless, Rockstone FC, Milerock, Netrockers, Silver Shattas,ToppXXandWinners Connection.
Teamswillbedividedinto four groups, with the top two teams from each group advancing to the quarterfinals.
The knockout stages will showcaseintensematchupsas teams compete for $1M and braggingrights.
The second-place team will pocket $500,000, thirdplace$200,000,whiletheside finishing fourth will go home with$100,000.
Last year's tournament saw Milerock crowned champions after thrashing CapitalFC7–1inthefinal.
With the absence of a standard football facility in Linden,thisfutsaltournament has grown in significance, providing players and fans alike with a platform to celebrate their love for the sport.
The event also serves as a developmental opportunity for young players to gain exposure and showcase their skills in a highly competitive environment.
The tournament is backed by several prominent sponsors, including Banks DIH under the Guinness brand, GT Beer, Rainforest Waters, and Jermine and Son Supermarket.
The Ministry of Culture, Youth, and Sport and other local businesses have also pledged their support, emphasizing the importance ofcommunityinvolvementin theevent'ssuccess.
BMC invites clubs/ teams to register for the 2025 BMC O40s Tournament
BIGMANCRICKET-GYinvitesallclubs/teamtoregister for the BMC O40s T20 tournament which shall commence earlyinthenewyear Fiveclubs/teamshadalreadyregistered earlierthisyear-Regal,XBerbicePolice,VNSCC,Enterprise StarSports&EssequiboMasters. st ThedeadlineforregistrationisDecember31 ,2024. Squads are limited to a maximum of 20 players and all st playersMUSTbe40yearsofageonorbeforeDecember31 , 2025,toparticipateinthistournament.Itshouldbenotedthat BMCwishestobroadenandexpanditsdatabaseofplayersand inthisregardoperatesmoreonaninclusivebasisratherthanon an exclusive basis and looks to attract players who have just retiredfrominternational,nationalorseniorcrickettojointhe BMCtocarryontheir“SECONDINNINGS”.Assuch,BMC willallowamaximumof3playerswhoareover35tojointhese squads but only one over 35 shall be eligible to play in any matchatatime.
Please contact us at to windiesmasters@gmail.com obtainregistrationforms.Feesare$25,000perclub/team.
On a day blessed with glorious sunshine, Jai
HindJaguarsinsertedNorth Soesdyke Masters to take firststrikeinthefinalsofthe BMC O50s tournament
North Soesdyke were rockedbacklosingtheirfirst 4 wickets with just 25 runs ontheboard.
It took a brilliant 96 run partnershipbetweenSudesh Persaud and Yussuff Uniss that helped to repair the damage Sudesh batted through the innings only to be run out off the last delivery for 64 with 7 boundari
Yussuff contribution was 63 with 7 boundariesand1maximum.
North Soesdyke finished witharespectable189for9 off their 30 overs. There were 2 wickets apiece for Husain Hassan and
JaiHindJaguarsinreply knocked off the target for the loss of just 3 wickets with 7 overs to spare Khemraj Sumair belted a sparkling 80 with 10
maximums. Together with Zamin Zakir who hit a polished 63, the Jai Hind Jaguarsbattedtheladsfrom EastBankintosubmission.
Thewinner'strophywas donatedbyTrophyStalland this was presented to skipper Vejai Seonarine. R. Jaisingh took home the Runner up trophy Sumair was named man of the match.
s Sunday 1 December, 2024 at the YMCA Thomas Lands, Shihan Amir Khouri
th8 Dan assisted by Sensei th Parmeshwar Persaud 4 Dan rd and Leonard Leuwaisee 3 Dan conducted karate examinationsforkyugrades.
The exams started at 10.00hrs and concluded at 13.30hrs.
The results were announced to the examined students and photographs taken.
Asuccessful day, resulted inthefollowingpromotions:-
Promotedfrom th th 10 kyutoYellowbelt8 kyu:-
Ramgobin, Lawrence Williams, Bibi Millington, Otavia Bobb, & Kayden Hackett.
th rd 5 kyu to Brown belt 3 kyu:KarrisaSavory
th4 kyutoBrownbelt3rd kyu:Erik Lynch, Natalia Persaud, Wayne Browne, Aleeza Azimullah, Shreya Persaud,AnushaSingh,Maya Balram, Keshya Beaton, Keith K A Beaton, Gary T h o m p s o n & L e o n Jagmohan.
Emmerson Campbell
rd nd 3 kyu to Brown belt 2 kyu:-
Reigning Mr. Guyana
Samuel Blank, David McEwan, Elijah Harris, NailahLewis,DezionSears& ErinHopkinson.
Men's PhysiqueChampion, CAC gold medalist, and pro-card winner
th10 kyu to Orange belt th7 kyu:-
th th 10 Kyu to Blue belt 5 Kyu:-
th th 8 kyutoOrangebelt7 kyu:-
Alvita Forrester & TanveerRamcharitar
th th 7 Kyu to Green belt 6
Kristian Richards, Asim Hamilton, Kyron Huntley, AfeerahAli,SoofianGuptar,
th th 7 Kyu to Blue belt 5 Kyu
Jaden Benjamin, & MalachiArgyle.
th th 6 kyu to Blue belt 5 kyu:-
Runako Delph, Romana Ramjit, Samuel Persaud& NathanHenry
th th 5 kyu to Purple belt 4 kyu:-
Miah Rajkumar, Adam Baksh, Madison Narine, Frank Persaud, Devraj
Josiah Dick, Veerendra Krishna, Ameer Shariff, Shawn Ranjit, Rachael Seymour, Al'lure Thompson, Sachin Pitamber & Phillip Persaud.
nd st 2 kyutoBrownbelt1 kyu:-
Tremiyah Lake, Mariah Francis, Adi Persaud, & KadenSavory
Thanks was extended to the Parents for their support whichwasoverwhelming.
Hard and continuous training under their instructors, resulted in the students'success.Keepitup.
Training continues at the CanaanKarateDojo-Landof Canaan (Sensei Parmeshwar Persaud): Tucville Shotokan Karate Club – Tucville (Sensei Leonard Leuwaisee): th YMCADojo Sensei's 5 Dan h Roger, 4 Dans Keith & rd Malcolm, 3 Dans Matthew, st Andre & Leonard, 1 Dan Bevon and Shihan Amir th Khouri8 Dan.
YMCA karate classes will h close on Friday 13 December th2024andre-openonMonday6 January2025atregulartimes.
ESPNcricinfo –Bangladesh posted their first TestwinintheWestIndiesin 15 years when they beat the hostsby101runsinJamaica.
It was a remarkable comeback by the visitors after their big defeat in the firstTestinAntigua,withthe series finishing 1-1. It was cathartic for a side that lost their last five Tests so emphatically, as the likes of Taijul Islam, Jaker Ali and Nahid Rana scripted their thirdawaywinin2024-their mostinacalendaryear
Left-arm spinner Taijul took 5 for 50 in the fourth inningstohelpbowloutWest Indiesfor185.Itwashis15th five-wicket haul, fourth abroad and a first in the Caribbean after 10 years. Taskin Ahmed, Hasan Mahmud and Rana took the otherfivewickets.
Rana took his maiden Test five-wicket haul in the secondinnings,helpingbowl WestIndiesoutfor146.
Bangladesh had made only164intheirfirstinnings, buttheirrevivalinthesecond innings was a notable one too.
This was courtesy of Jaker,whocrackedfivesixes and eight fours in a counterattacking91.
Jaker scored 62 out of Bangladesh's 75 runs in the morningsessionofthefourth day WestIndieswillfeelthey gaveawayagreatstartinthe Test match when Jayden Seales returned remarkable figures of 5 for 4 from 15.5 overs.
A fired up Seales however leaked runs in the third innings as Bangladesh shifted the momentum in a feistythirdafternoon.
On the fourth morning, Jaker held Bangladesh's key togrowtheirleadfrom211.It didn't start well for him, as AlzarriJosephpingedhimon the top of his helmet. The Bangladesh physio Bayezid IslamKhantookabitoftime to clear Jaker, with the BCB wary of his history of concussions.
T h e s i t u a t i o n c o m p o u n d e d w h e n Bangladeshlostbacktoback wickets.
TaijulIslamedgedashort ball on 14. The sixth-wicket pair added 34 runs in 15.4 overs but did the crucial job of seeing Bangladesh throughtostumpsonthethird day Mominul Haque
completed his second Test pair when he fell off his fourthball.Helookedvisibly ill as he walked off, with Bangladesh's tail now exposed.
With his backs to the wall, Jaker went after the West Indies attack He hooked Roach over wicketkeeper Joshua Da Silvaforaboundary
Jaker then timed a pull shot off Alzarri for his first six, which took him to his third consecutive fifty in his firstthreeTests.
He is only the second Bangladesh player with the featafterZakirHasan.
Jaker got on a roll in the nexttwoballs.Heflayedata short ball to get a four over theslips,andthenfollowedit up with a hooked six. Jaker smashed Roach over wide long-on in the next over, but hefoughtbackwithtwomore wickets Roach removed Mahmud and Taskin in consecutiveovers.
Jaker however had one more burst of boundaries in him. He smashed Shamar Joseph for two fours in an over, both pull shots, before launching Roach for his fourth six, straight down the ground. His fifth six was off Shamar, hoicked over midwicket,beforefallingtoa catch in the deep later in the over
Taijulgottoworkasearly asthefifthoverwhenhehad Mikyle Louis in a tangle. Attempting to drive the ball, Louisedgedtheballontohis front foot, with Shahadat Hossain claiming a diving catchatforwardshortleg.
Sensing the need to grab the momentum, Brathwaite went after the Bangladesh bowling He had already picked up a boundary with a square-cut, but after the lunch break, he drove Mahmudthroughthecovers. HelaunchedTaijuloverwide long-on for a six, but Keacy Carty couldn't quite get the bowlers away at the other end.
Taskin had Carty caught behind for 14, after a buildup of dot balls, before Taijul accounted for the big one of Brathwaite. He troubled the West Indies captain a few times, before getting one to turn and pop on the shoulder
of Brathwaite's bat Mahmudul Hasan Joy ran to his right from slip, to complete a tumbling catch. Taijulthengotonetopitchon
a rough patch and spin back through Alick Athanaze's huge gap between bat and pad.Athanaze,whowentfor an expansive drive, looked confused about his approach inhissix-ballstay
Allthistime,Hodgekept hisshape,lookingsharpashe picked up regular boundaries.
He slapped Rana and cut Taskin in consecutive overs. He struck Mehidy for two foursinanover,beforegoing inside out against Taijul beforetea.
West Indies started the thirdsessiononahappynote. Hodgegottohisfiftyoffthe firstballaftertheinterval,but hefellshortlyafterwardstoo. HodgeplayedbacktoaTaijul delivery that kept very low, trappinghimlbw
Keshav Maharaj and Shoaib Bashir have also got him out in similar fashion before.
Taskin then cleaned up Justin Greaves with one that
kept a little low too, but the batterdidn'tmakeaneffortto get low enough to meet the ball Joshua Da Silva's miserable series ended when Taijul had him lbw, again another West Indies batter fallinglbwtoaballthatthey could have played off the frontfoot.
When Mehidy brought
aroundMahmudforasecond spell, he made an instant impact.
He removed Alzarri and RoachtobringBangladeshto the brink.Then came the big moment when Rana, who changed the momentum of the game with his firstinnings five-for, removed Shamar with a yorker to seal
Scores: Bangladesh 264 (Shadman 64, Seales 4-5, Shamar3-49)and268(Jaker 91, Shadman 46, Mehidy 42, Roach3-36)beatWestIndies 146 (Carty 40, Brathwaite 39, Rana 5-61, Mahmud 219) and 185 (Hodge 55, Brathwaite 43, Taijul 5-50, Mahmud2-20)by101runs.