Kaieteur News

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Canadian mining firm eyes 4 flights weekly to export Guyana’s gold


Canadian mining firm, G Mining Ventures (GMIN) anticipates three to four flights weekly from theirOkoWestgoldprojectlocated in Region Seven (CuyuniMazaruni) to export gold from Guyana as well as facilitate other businessandemergencies.

In April 2024, GMIN bought Reunion Gold, another Canadian companyforsomeUS$638million – through this transaction GMIN acquired Reunion’s flagship Oko WestMine.

The Oko West project is expected to produce 353,000 ounces of gold annually over its 12.7-year mine life, with a total outputof4.5millionounces.

On Wednesday November 27, G M I N s u b m i t t e d t h e Environmental ImpactAssessment (EIA) and Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the Oko West projecttoGuyana’sEnvironmental ProtectionAgency(EPA).

In a statement the company said, “The comprehensive documents were officially submitted…this submission marks a significant step forward advancing the Oko West Gold Mines Project, emphasising GMIN’s commitment to sustainable and environmentally responsibleminingpractices.”

The Oko West Mine

Inoneofthedocuments,itwas stated that an airstrip will be constructed in the project area. It wasexplainedthatwhileanumber of alternative locations were considered, in the end it was decided that the airstrip will be located to the south of the mine infrastructure and close to the pit/processingplant.

“The airstrip will be designed to accommodate airplanes up to thesizeofaTwin-OtterorCaravan and will be approximately 850 meters long The airstrip will be used for the export of gold, personnel transport, and health and safety emergencies during all phases of the Project,” it was stated

An average of three or four flights is anticipated per week. These flights will occur during daylight hours, as the airstrip will notbelit.Goldproductionisslated tocommenceby2028.“Theairstrip

will be unpaved and constructed from laterite. The airstrip will be oriented northeast-southwest, as required by prevailing winds,” the documentstates.

By the third quarter of 2025, GMIN is looking to start construction on its gold project.

The Oko West Preliminary Economic Assessment (PEA) highlightsanaveragegoldgradeof 2.00 grams per tonne (g/t) and a high metallurgical recovery rate of 92.8%.

The company had said that the PEAconfirmsstrongeconomicsfor a low-cost, large-scale mining

operation using both conventional open pit (OP) and underground (UG)methods.

According to GMIN, with operatingcostswellbelowindustry averages and a high rate of return, the project is ideally positioned to benefit from favourable macroeconomic conditions, including strong gold prices, low inflation, and Guyana’s rapidly developing economy

The open pit mine is projected to have a life of 15 years, which includes 2 years of pre-stripping and involves four pit phases. In contrast, the underground mine is

expected to operate for 13 years, including 2 years of development, acrossthreezones.

The milling operation is planned to run for 13 years. It was explainedthatduringthefirstthree years of commercial production, the processing feed will be provided entirely by the open pit. From the fourth year onward, underground mining will begin supplying a significant portion of themineralizedmaterial.

Notably, the Oko West project payback period is estimated at 3.8 years, based on a gold price of US$1,950perounce.


Fifty-five(55)socialserviceprovidersrecentlycompleted a four-month risk-informed training programme designed to strengthentheirabilitytopositivelyimpactvulnerableyouths acrosstheregion.

Theinitiative,ledbytheMinistryofHumanServicesand Social Security in partnership with USAID under the Youth Resilience, Inclusion, and Empowerment (Y-RIE) programme, focused on trauma-informed care and positive youthdevelopmentstrategies.

Participants included caregivers, counsellors, youth officers, child protection officers, and staff from juvenile detention centres. The training aims to enhance collective interventionsthatsupportat-riskyouthandtheirfamilies.

SpeakingatthegraduationceremonyheldatCaraLodge, MinisterofHumanServicesandSocialSecurity,Dr.Vindhya Persaudhighlightedtheprogramme’ssignificance.Shenoted thatthetrainingstemmedfromdiscussionsaimedatfortifying governmentsystemstoaddressthechallengesfacedbyat-risk youths.

“Noteveryyoungpersonisstrongenoughtocopewith whatlifethrowsatthem.Noteveryyoungpersonisstrong enoughtowithstandpeerpressureandinfluencesandnot every young person can come out unscarred from the impactofbullying,abuse,andviolence,” MinisterPersaud statedonTuesday

Asaresult,theministernotedthetrainingequipssocial (Continued on page 6)

Minister of Human Services and Social Security, Dr. Vindhya Persaud and graduates of the risk-informed training programme


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Violence against children whether physical, emotional, orsexualcontinuestobeamajorprobleminourcountry Its impacts are severe, leading to injuries, sexually transmittedinfections,mentalhealthissuessuchasanxiety anddepression,anddeath.Accordingtothelatestavailable globaldatabyUNICEF:every4minutes,somewhereinthe world,achildiskilledbyanactofviolence;about90million childrenalivetodayhaveexperiencedsexualviolence;650 milliongirlsandwomen(1in5)alivetodayweresubjected tosexualviolenceaschildren,includingover370million(1 in8)whoexperiencedrapeorsexualassault.

Additionally,UNICEFsaidinfragilesettings,girlsface anevengreaterrisk,withtheprevalenceofrapeandsexual assault in childhood slightly more than 1 in 4. The organizationsaidnearly50millionadolescentgirlsaged1519(1in6)havebeenvictimsofphysicalorsexualviolence bytheirhusbandsorpartnersinthepastyear

Additionally, it said 410 to 530 million boys and men (around 1 in 7) experienced sexual violence in childhood, including 240 to 310 million (around 1 in 11) who were raped or sexually assaulted. According to UNICEF 1.6 billionchildren(2in3)regularlyfaceviolentpunishmentat home; more than two thirds are subjected to both physical punishmentandpsychologicalaggression.Theorganization said violence takes the lives of about 130,000 children and adolescentsunder20eachyearonaveragewithboysfacing a higher risk of dying from violence: 3 out of every 4 childrenandadolescentskilledbyviolencewereboys.

Instances of abused children litter the pages of our newspaperwithalarmingfrequency Itdoesnotmatterwhat schoolofpsychologyorsociologywebelievein.Allagree that it is not clothes but the child that “maketh the man”. Subconsciously, one’s childhood experiences, especially injuries, exert a great influence over one’s thinking as an adult; and if we create damaged children, we will end up withdamagedadultswhohavedifficultyinnotactingantisocially

Unpleasant experiences sink into the psyche to later emergeas“disorders”.Itisuniversallyacceptedthatevery child has a right to be considered of equal intrinsic worth, and hence entitled to equal socio-economic, civil and political rights so that he/she may realize his/her potential and share in life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. A workingdefinitionofchildabusemaybeanyactofomission or commission that endangers or impairs a child’s psychological health and development judged on the basis ofacombinationofcommunitystandardsandprofessional expertise.Itmaybecommittedbyindividuals,individually orcollectively,who,bytheirage,status,knowledgeetc.,are in positions of differential power that renders a child vulnerable.

Of the types of child abuse, physical abuse consists of any non-accidental form of injury or harm inflicted on a child by a person; this includes beating, burning or wounding.

Physicalabuseiscommoninoursociety,wherecorporal punishment such as slapping, etc. is considered the norm. However, corporal punishment that injures the child to the point where medical attention is required is a form of physical abuse outside the limits of normal corrective discipline. It is sometimes difficult for even doctors to determinewhetherachildwhoisbroughtintoahospitalis the victim of an accident or whether the injury has been caused by physical abuse. It is therefore imperative for doctors to place importance on this task, and be able to differentiatebetweenaccidentsandabuse.

Sexual abuse cases – any sexual act with a child performedbyanadultorbyanotherchild–alsoaboundin Guyana. Females appear to bear the brunt of this type of abuse,althoughboysarealsoatrisk.Whileallsexualabuse of children is heinous, incest —- sexual activity between individuals related by blood —- reportedly cause the greatestandmostlong-lastingtraumainchildren. Ironically, it may be the most common type of sexual

Mr. President, Skeldon VendorsAre Suffering – Will You Keep Ignoring Their Plea?


One year ago, tragedy


t, consuming stalls in a devastating fire that left a trail of destruction and despair

The flames didn’t just s c o r c h w o o d a n d merchandise they seared throughthelivesanddreams of thousands of vendors, many of whom have yet to recover Today, I am compelled to speak about a lingering injustice that cries out for resolution (on their behalf): the vendors’ electricity has yet to be reconnected.

That night, as embers cooled, poli

descended with somber words and lofty promises, vowing to ease the anguish and restore order. Yet here we are, one year later, and those assurances ring hollow Vendors who lost everything now endure the scorching sun, suffocating heat,andrelentlesshumidity as they struggle to rebuild. Imagineworkinglonghours in conditions so stifling, it’s akintobeinglockedinacar underthesummersun.

This is the daily reality for these hardworking individuals—while those in power luxuriate in airconditioned offices and sip coldwater

Two weeks ago, the vendors gathered the

courage to confront the Minister Parag. For a fleeting moment, hope glimmered.

The Minister scolded local officials and GPL in a dramatic public display, pledging swift reconnection and railing against the injustices faced by these citizens. Yet what followed was silence—her words and assurances fading like echoes in an empty room. Her promises, like the promises of so many before her, proved to be nothing morethantheatrics.

Whatmustthesevendors do to have their voices heard?

They have pleaded with themayor,spoketotheTown

Clerk, appealed to GPL, implored regional officials, beggedtheMinisterandnow stand before the President, hopingagainsthopethatthis timewillbedifferent.

How much longer must they endure this neglect? How much more indignity musttheysufferbeforethose in power act with genuine compassionandurgency?

These are not faceless people; they are mothers, fathers,brothers,andsisters. They are the backbone of a community, eking out an honest living against unimaginable odds They have suffered enough. The fire was not their fault, yet theycontinuetopayitsprice


What are the emoluments of the current Chief Executive Officer of WITH GUYSUCO?



, Reference to my letter published on Tuesday, December 3, 2024; where several issues were highlighted regarding the functioning of the twelfth Parliament of the Cooperative Republic of Guyana, including Minister Zulfikar Mustapha’s refusal to provide responses to questions posed by me on salary and benefits of the newChiefExecutiveOfficer of GUYSCO, Mr Paul C h e o n g , d u r i n g consideration of Financial Papers 1 and 2 of 2024, on August9,2024.

My attention was drawn to a letter published in your column, dated Wednesday, December 4, 2024; by Mr Yannick December, Public Relations Officer at the ParliamentOffice,wherehe stated, “said information was disseminated to all MembersoftheOpposition, including Ms. Ferguson, via

bothhardandsoftcopieson November13,2024.”

I have reviewed all documents received from the Parliament Office and recognizedthatresponsesto several questions (by myself and colleagues) were submitted by Minister ZulfikarMustapha

H o w e v e r , f o r transparency and being a responsible individual, I will share extract submitted by MinisterZulfikarMustapha, which is not a reflection of the questions put to him on August 9, 2024. Question: ‘The emoluments of the current Chief Executive OfficerofGUYSCO ’ Response: ‘The current CEO of GUYSCO receives $1 8Mpermonthasagainst the former CEO under APNU who received $2M permonth’

The fact remains, Minister Zulfikar Mustapha FAILEDtoprovideadequate responses to my questions

abuseofchildrenonaccountoftheopportunitiespresented because of the sexual predator being “family”. The behavioural indicators of neglect include withdrawal, or depression, when he/she assumes adult responsibilities, appearsconsistentlyhungryorthirsty,stealsfood,demands physical contact or attention, has poor social relationships, engages in delinquent acts, vandalism, substance abuse, appearsfatigued,listless,andlethargic,andispassive.How many adults around us do not fit this description? The MinistryofHumanServiceshasitsworkcutoutforit–butit istheworkofallofus,isn’tit?

and should provide publicly a breakdown of w h a t c o n s t i t u t e s ‘emoluments,’ of $1 8M per month, enjoyed by the current Chief Executive Officer of GUYSCO, Mr Paul Cheong. On taking office in August 2020, Mr Sasenarine Singh, who was unqualifiedandunfit to hold the portfolio as ‘Chief Executive Officer’ of GUYSCO, was placed to act from September 14, 2020, and his tenure ended sometimeinAprilof2024 Mr Paul Cheong was appointed (not acting) by President Ifraan Ali sometimeinMayof2024

Therefore, it is necessary for the public to know what former Chief Executive Officer (acting), Mr Sasenarine Singh was earning, as salary and benefits (allowances) and what the new substantive Chief Executive Officer, Mr Paul Cheong is receiving, as salary and benefits (allowances) Additionally, it will be of interest to the people of Guyana, to know what the qualifications of Mr Cheong are; as against his predecessor; what is his vision for the viability and sustainability of an already failing Sugar Industry, which the PPPC

continuously prop up by injecting billions of taxpayers’ money; due to their incompetence, lack of vision, foresight and poor management, just in the name of “cheap politics ”

Editor, the questions contained in my letter, published on Tuesday (December 3, 2024) are relevant I have reincorporatedthemintothis missive for emphasis and conclude by calling on Minster Mustapha to publiclyprovideappropriate responses to the people of Guyana, who I believe wouldliketoknowhowtheir taxes are accounted for by Government. 1 What is the current salary of Mr Paul Cheong,CEO,GUYSCO?

2 W h a t a r e t h e monthly benefits and allowances being paid to Mr PaulCheong?

3 W h a t a r e t h e contractual engagements between Mr Paul Cheong and GUYSCO, as Chief ExecutiveOfficer?

4. What were the salary, benefitsandallowancespaid to former Chief Executive Officer (ag), Mr Sasenarine S i n g h d u r i n g h i s engagements with GUYSCO?

YoursSincerely, AnnetteFerguson,MP

GuyanaArchives and the case of the missing ship


, On December 27th, 2023,StabroekNewsposted an article on the inability of the Guyana’s National Archives to provide travel records of indentured servants from India, who landed on the shores of Guyana over one hundred and fifty years ago. Sadly, nothing has changed from oneyearago.Butthisisnota new issue. In a passionate lecture in observance of Archives Week in 2009, Historian Dr Melissa Ifill said the relevant authorities s e e m t o l a c k a n understanding of how critical the preservation of records is, particularly its i m p a c t o n f u t u r e generations (That article was published in the Stabroek News November 1st,2009).

An Indo-Guyanese still cannot trace their ancestral heritage back to the villages they came from. How do I know that? Well, I am an Indo-Guyanese, and I attempted to trace my roots one year ago in November 2023attheGuyanaNational Archives building in Georgetown, before writing

that December 27th, 2023, article. I visited Guyana in Novemberof2023simplyto accomplish finding my ancestral records. The staff whotriedtohelpmewiththe archiveswasindeedhelpful. She tried her best using the office computer, only to conclude that the information on the ship my grandparents came on was missing. I was not able to find the record of the Ship my maternal grandparents n o r m y p a t e r n a l grandparents came on. And I’m not alone in this dilemma. There are over 300,000 Indo-Guyanese who also cannot prove that their grandparents or great grandparents were from India. To put it in simple words, the Guyana National Archivescannotprovidethe information of which specific ship our ancestors arrivedon.Thatisthecaseof the Guyana National Archivemissingship. It is indeed laughable that I am Indo-Guyanese, butIcan’tproveI’mIndian.

Iknowthissoundsfunny but hear me out. I cannot provetotheIndianembassy inGeorgetown,Guyanathat

my grandparents arrived on a ship from India approximately 120 years ago I cannot prove it becausetheGuyananational archives cannot find the record of the ship my maternal grandparents nor paternal grandparents arrived on, from India. I need that proof from the Guyana National Archives to obtain an OCI (Overseas citizen of India) card. By having a OCI card, I would notneedtogetavisatovisit India, and I can stay as long as I want and enjoy all the samebenefitsasNRIs(nonresident Indians) OCI cardholders can work in India without the need for a workvisa,andtheyhavethe same economic, financial, and educational rights as NRIs This includes the ability to open and operate bank accounts, invest in Indiansecurities,andaccess domestic airfare rates. OCI cardholders can also purchase residential and commercial properties in India.

I have visited India 13 times in the past 32 years from the USA.And I had to getavisaforeverytrip.But,

if I had an OCI card, I wouldn’tneedavisa.Onone of those trips the Indian immigration officer noticed onmyUSpassportthatIwas born in Guyana. Then he asked me “why are you visiting India”? I replied, “because my grandparents were from India”. He then asked, “do you have any relatives in India”? I answered no Then he asked, “where did your grandparents live in India”? I said I don’t know He then became suspicious and took me to a room nearby for further questioning. He and another officer interrogated me for 15 minutes trying to find out if I was coming to Indiatoengageinterrorism. ThiswasayearafterIndia’s 26/11 2008 bombing. This probably would not have happened to me if I had an OCIcard.PresidentModiof India recently visited Guyana on the 19th of November 2024. His visit according to many news sources in Guyana, was to improve and increase the relationship between these two countries economically andculturally Indiawill (Continuedonpage06)

DEAREDITOR, Confusion was not a surprising feature as the $100k pay out to residents got underway in Lethem on Tuesday 3rd December, 2024.

The confusion started withaSocialMediaPoston an untitled document informing residents that the pay-out will be done from the3rd-6thDecember2024. This was after the Vice President was credited to

have said that only Pensioners will be paid beforetheholidays.

The aforementioned documentwasthereforemet withskepticism.Apparently, manyresidentsfollowedthe advice contained in the document and visited the REO’S(RegionalExecutive Officer) Facebook Page for moreinformation.Note-not

the RDC (Regional

Democratic Council) Facebook Page as should havebeenthecase.

At the venue of the pay out there was a huge tent with seating for less than half of the residents there. There was another shed for pensioners; most of whom weretheresince8am.

Three tables were set up

to deal with residents from Lethem, Tabatinga and St. Ignatius.

Well, here is where the confusion began The pensioners had to surrender their ID Cards to the Mayor of Lethem and had the obvious expectation that they would receive their pay-outspromptly Thatwas notthecase.

Sometime after 1pm s

enquiries as to their payouts. I contacted the mayor andwastoldthatthecheques were sorted but something happenedanditwasdifficult to put all the pensioners chequesbacktogether

Another aspect to the confusion was the fact that the St. Ignatius table had a staff calling out names of residents on a PA System while the tables for Lethem and Tabatinga had a female each, with weak voices doing the same This resulted in many residents fromtheseareasnothearing when their names were called.

Apparently, there was not a system in place. For instance,namesbeginning (Continuedonpage06)

55 social service providers equipped...


service providers with the tools to intervene at critical turning points in youths’ lives, offering reassurance, empathy, and compassion. In addition, Minister Persaudsaidtheinitiativeis linkedtotheJuvenileJustice Act and aligns with the government’s broader effortstostrengthensupport

systems for young people. M e a n w h i l e , U S

Ambassador Nicole Theriot u


h e programme’s importance forGuyana’sfuture.

“The United States is proudtoinvestinenhancing your skills. The service you provide helps build a safe, prosperous, and resilient Guyana,” said Ambassador

Theriot She noted that investmentinthewell-being andsuccessofyoungpeople is one of the most critical steps toward building a resilientsociety With their enhanced capacity, social service providers are poised to play a transformative role in shapingabrighterfuturefor thenation’syouth.(DPI)

Confusion galore as $100k...

Frompage05 withtheletterAwerecalled,thenD,S,T,J, thenbacktoA.Sointensewastheconfusion thatsomeresidentsleftindisgust.

At around 2pm pensioners were informed thattheywouldhavetocomebackthenextday, Wednesday to allow for the resorting of the cheques Ithenaskedthemayoriftheywerenot goingtogivethepensionersasnacksincethey were there since 8am Sometime around 3pm mywifeanddaughter’snameswerecalled Iam stillwaitingtohearmyname WeareallParker andourchequesshouldhavebeentogetherIam a very suspicious person; and I wonder if the “something that happened” according to the mayor, resulted in the disappearance of my

chequeIamwaiting Ihaveuntilthe6thtosee If this is any indication as to how the Region’sbusinessisbeingconducted,thenwe areinbigtrouble IfIweretoorganisesuchan activity,Iwouldhavedonethepayoutsinthe respective communities on alternate days Rupununinolongerhasthe10,000residentsas wasthecasebackinthe90s Asofrightnow,27 minutes past 10 on Wednesday morning, my cheque is still to be located However, high rankingmembersofthePPPallhavereceived theirs Isthis,the“somethinghappened”alluded tobythemayor?


GuyanaArchives and the case...


becometheworld’sthird-largesteconomyby 2027, surpassing Japan and Germany, with GDP exceeding US$5 trillion. Obtaining an OCIcardwillsurelyincreasetherelationship withIndiaculturallyandeconomically Asa result, more Guyanese will visit India and mayevenstartimportandexportbusinesses with India. It’s my fervent hope that this articlewillreachtheeyesorearsofGuyana’s

President His Excellency, Dr Mohamed IrfaanAli or The Honorable Bharrat Jagdeo Vice President of Guyana, both of whose ancestors came from India as mine did. We just can’t prove it to the Indian embassy in Georgetown because the Guyana National archives cannot find the records of the missingship.

Sincerely, SriRajaji

Mr. President, Skeldon Vendors...

Frompage04 insweat,tears,andfrustration. If the President and his administration fail them, if promises continue to wither under the spotlight of accountability, what doesthatsayabouttheleaderssworntoserve thepeople?

This is not merely about electricity; it’s about justice. It’s about recognizing the humanity of those who have endured so muchandaskingourselves:canwestandby while they suffer in silence? The nation watched in shock a year ago. Today, the nationmustact.

Regards, BeatrizSinclair(Mrs.)

Avianca Airlines to begin direct flights between Colombia & Guyana next week

Minister of

To u r i s m ,

Industry and

Commerce Oneidge

Walrond on Wednesday announced that come next week Avianca Airlines is scheduled to start direct flights between Guyana and Colombia.

The minister was at the timespeakingwithmembers of the media at the Arthur Chung Conference Centre abouttheministry’songoing initiativesandplans.

“Next week, Avianca Airlines will commence direct flights between G

establish a crucial link with SouthAmericaandreinforce Guyana’s position as a regional transit hub,”


The minister disclosed that representatives of her

ministry attended several travelmarketsthattheyseek toencouragethepresenceof more international airlines operating in Guyana. She saidthishasseensignificant increase in air connectivity, launching of new routes and welcoming new carriers to thecountry

“The addition of these airlinestoGuyana’saviation landscape significantly enhances our connectivity, openingupnewpossibilities for seamless travel to and from our country This development makes it easier forvisitorstoexperiencethe unique beauty and cultural richness of Guyana while providing Guyanese with greater accessibility to international destinations,” shesaid.

Atthepress briefing,the minister disclosed that in 2024 the country welcomed

several new routes and carriers. She revealed that this year Sky High Dominicana began direct flights between Guyana and the Dominican Republic, C

introduced direct flights

na and Suriname, Inter-Caribbean Airways facilitated flights betw


yana and Grenada,LIAT2020resumed its Guyana to Antigua route, andUnitedAirlineslaunched a four-time weekly service betweenHouston,Texas,and Georgetown Further, the ministerannouncedalsothat in 2025, KLM Royal Dutch Airlines is expected to add 1072 seats per week connecting Amsterdam, St. Martin,andGuyana. It was revealed that each new airline that chooses to operatehererepresentsmuch more than expanded travel

Baramita miner charged with murder

A 30-year-old miner was on Wednesday remandedtoprisonafterhewaschargedwith themurderofDeonThomas.

Theaccused,ErisaJohnofCaseyCreek, Baramita, North West District, Region one was arrested on December 01, 2024 and chargedwiththeoffenceofmurder

John appeared via Zoom at the Port Kaituma Magistrates’ Court, before Acting Chief Magistrate Faith McGusty, who read thechargetohim.Hewasnotrequiredtoplea andwasremandedtoprison.

ThematterwasadjournedtoFebruary5, 2025forstatements.

options. “It is a powerful endorsement of the confidence the global aviation and tourism industries have in Guyana,” theministerstated.

Minister Waldrond said the presence of new airlines in Guyana signals recognition of the rapidly growing tourism sector, which continues to draw increasing numbers of visitors eager to explore the c

rainforests, vibrant culture, andwarmhospitality

Meanwhile, the tourism minister disclosed that from January to October 2024, visitors’ arrivals increased by 15% compared to the same period in 2023, totalling299,913visitors.

Notably, visitors’ arrival inOctober2024increasedby 22.5% compared to October 2023,witharecordof32,729 visitors, making this the highest figure for the month

Guyana will soon introduce injectable HIV PrEP - Health Minister

of October in Guyana’s history Outofthatfigurefor October,46%ofthevisitors were from the USA (46%), 28% from Caribbean, 8% from Canada, 6% from Europe, 6% from Latin America, and other markets accountfor6%.

Minister Walrond shared that with robust bookings reported by airlines for the Christmas period, this upward trajectory is expectedtocontinue.

P(PrEP), the daily oral pill used to reduce the riskofcontractingthehuman immunodeficiency virus (HIV)infection,willsoonbe available as an injectable to increase access to the medication, Minister of Health Dr Frank Anthony disclosed at the 2024 World AIDS Day Conference held lastweekend.

Dr Anthony said efforts are ongoing to ensure that oralPrEPpillsaredistributed across the country to help individuals at risk of HIV However, he acknowledged that some people still face challenges accessing the medication,andtheministry is focused on improving accessacrossallregions.

“Wewantedtomakesure that it is done across the country Maybe there are more people who need to haveaccessandthereforethe 5,000andsomethingpersons who are currently on PrEP, maybewecanimprovethatif weincreaseaccessacrossthe regionsandthatissomething

Minister of Health Dr. Frank Anthony during his address at the World AIDS Day Conference

thatwehavetocontinuously examine,”MinisterAnthony said.

Lookingtothefuture,Dr. Anthonyemphasizedthatthe delivery of PrEP would evolve. “We would also be able to change what PrEP looks like in the future because people taking pills and,insomecases,havingto take them every day to prevent an infection is not something that they would ideally do.We know and we have seen the effective results coming out of injectable PrEP and these have made a tremendous difference because adherence has gone up and people prefer to have this methodologybeingused.We currentlydonothavethatbut in the near future this is the directioninwhichwewantto go.”

World AIDS Day, observed on Sunday, December 1, 2024, saw members of the Ministry of Health’s National AIDS Programme Secretariat (NAPS) hosting a conference focused on

advancing a human rightsbasedapproachtoHIVcare. In his remarks, Minister Anthony highlighted the progress made in the fight against HIV/AIDS in G u y a n a , w h i l e acknowledging the ongoing challenges.

“It is essential that we recognise how far we’ve come, but also acknowledge the gaps that remain A collaborative approach is crucial to ensure equitable access to treatment and to support countries that are lagging behind in meeting global health goals,” the Minister stated via a press releasefromtheministry

Hecalledforashiftinthe narrativearoundHIV/AIDS, advocatingformorethanjust reporting statistics, but for actionable strategies that lead to meaningful improvements in health outcomes.The Minister also commended the work of NAPS, emphasizing the contributions of their dedicatedteaminadvancing the fight against HIV/AIDS inGuyana.

Erisa John

The death knell of a deep-water harbour

Fifteen years is an eternity in the world of global trade and infrastructure Long enough for empires to riseandfall,marketstoshift, and opportunities to vanish. Yet, for Bharrat Jagdeo and his cherished vision of a deep-water port in Guyana, ithasbeenlittlemorethana drawn-outpipedream.What began with lofty ambitions during his presidency has devolved into a cautionary taleofamissedopportunity Jagdeo, known for his penchant for grandiose ideas,championedthedeepw a t e r p o r t a s a transformative project for Guyana a gateway to Brazilandbeyond.

The economic rationale was compelling enough: by providing a major transshipmenthubforgoods to and from northern Brazil, Guyana could cut shipping times and costs while positioning itself as a strategic player in regional trade. It was a vision laden with promise, but as with many of Jagdeo’s dreams, it lacked the grounding in reality necessary for execution.

In 2010, amid the pomp of a Mercosur summit in Brazil,itwasreportedthata technical team was going to be established to look at the h a r b o u r a n d t h e accompanying LindenLethemroadpavement.Yet, more than a decade later, only one of those projects the road has seen even partial progress, thanks largely to a UK

infrastructure initiative aimed at countering China’s growing influence in the Caribbean. The deep-water harbour, meanwhile, remains exactly where it started: on paper, a figment of Jagdeo’s imagination, collectingdust.

The folly of Guyana’s slothfulness has never been clearer than in the wake of Peru’s Chancay deep-water port project. With a $3.6 billion investment from China’s COSCO Shipping Ports and Peru’s Volcan Compañía Minera, the Chancayportisnomerepipe dream;itisarealitynearing completion Boasting a depth of 17.8 meters, it will accommodate the massive cargo ships that dominate global trade M

e signific


ly, it is complemented by a Chinese-funded railway connecting the port to Brazil’s Amazonas state, enabling direct trade between SouthAmerica and China without the need for transshipment through CentralorNorthAmerica.

This is not just an infrastructure project; it is a geopoliticalcoup.

The Chancay port eliminates the very advantage Guyana’s proposed harbour was supposedtohave:proximity to Brazil’s northern trade routes By drastically reducingshippingtimesand costs, Chancay will dominate the region’s trade, leaving little room for Guyanatoassertitself.What was once a strategic

opportunity for Guyana has been co-opted and executed moreeffectivelybyothers.

Thefailuretoactquickly on the deep-water harbour has eroded whatever feasibility the project might have had. Worse, it has revealed the fundamental flaw in the PPPC government’s approach to infrastructure: a crippling inability to move beyond rhetoric. Even now, with oil revenues flowing into the state’s coffers, the project is notafront-burner

Jagdeo, in a position of considerable influence within the government, might have used this windfall to revive his pet project Instead, he has allowed it to languish, a casualtyofshiftingpriorities andmountingcompetition.

The Chancay project is more than just competition; itisthefinalnailinthecoffin for Guyana’s deep-water portambitions.

By the time the feasibility of the Guyanese port is reconsidered if ever—it will no longer be relevant. The trade routes willalreadybedominatedby Chancay, and the economic rationale for a Guyanese counterpart will have evaporated.

This is not to say that Jagdeo lacks vision. On the contrary, his ideas often reflectakeenunderstanding of Guyana’s potential. But visionaloneisnotenough.It must be paired with the political will, technical e x p e r t i s e , a n d administrative capacity to


Guyanese gat de best contractors

Dem boys seh

G u y a n e s e

contractors smarter than Einstein. Is onlydemcouldturnbridge building into a business

deal that does mek everybody happy—except detaxpayers,ofcourse.

Dem story go like dis: AnAmericanmanputouta tender fuh a fancy bridge.

De German contractor comefirstwidallkindabig plansandfancytechniques. He seh de bridge gon cost 20milliondollars.Man,he had diagrams, charts, and even 3D models Professionaltodebone. Next up, de Chinese contractor He look at de German plans and tek out

he copybook. But he got skills in cost-cutting, so he seh,“Boss,mecanbuildde same bridge fuh 10 million dollars ” Cheap and cheerful,hetelldem.

T h e n c o m e d e

Guyanese contractor He ain’t carry no papers, no charts, no big talk. He just walk in, sit down, and seh, “Me gon build de bridge fuh30milliondollars.”

De American man nearlyfalloffhechair “But how?”heask.“DeGerman seh 20 million, de Chinese seh 10 million, and you ain’tevenlookatdeplans!”

D e G u y a n e s e contractor smile and seh, “Simple math, boss. Ten millionfuhyou,tenmillion

see projects through to completion. On this front, Jagdeo and his government have consistently fallen short.

TheChancayprojectisa lesson in execution. Within threeyears,ithasgonefrom concept to near-completion, backed by strategic investments and a clear roadmapforintegrationinto global trade networks. It stands as a stark contrast to Guyana’s stalled efforts, highlighting the gap between ambition and achievement.

Thedeep-waterharborin Guyanawasalwaysgoingto b e a c h a l l e n g i n g undertaking, but it was not an impossible one. With the right leadership and timely action, it could have been a game-changer for Guyana. Instead, it joins the growing list of missed opportunities. For Guyana, the lesson is clear: dreams must be acted upon with urgency, especially in a competitive global environment

Infrastructure projects are notstaticopportunities;they evolve and adapt to

changing conditions. Those whofailtokeeppaceareleft behind, their ambitions rendered obsolete by more agilecompetitors.

(The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinionsofthisnewspaper.)

fuhme,andwegivedejob todeChinese.”

Dem boys seh dat is de kinda smartness dat does mek Guyanese stand out. Nobody does hustle like we. From de bridge tender to de roadside vendor, we always finding a way to mekdepotboil.

But hear nah, dem taxpayers better hold on tight,becausewiddatkinda deal-making, de bridge might end up costing even more. And if it ever fall down,demgonseh,“Isnot wefault,isdematerials!”

OnlyinGuyana,people seh, where even de contractors could pass fuh magicians. Talkhalf.Leffhalf


Waltzing over Wales

I begin with a question. What’shappeningoverthere in Wales? Specifically, what’supwiththatloanfrom the US Export-Import (EXIM)bank? Yeah,what’s going on with that US$660 millionforthathighlytouted gas-to-energy(GTE)set-up?

I know I said one question, but sneaked in two more, since nobody was watching or counting For the uninitiated I learned that from the Hon Vice President, Dr Bharrat Jagdeo, Guyana’s oil commissar Ask him one question for one factual, structured answer and what resultsisamonologuethatis longer than the Canterbury Tales. IamappealingtoHer Excellency, the British High Commissioner to enlighten Guyana’s wisest son as to how these things are done,

properformandall. Meanwhile, I am appealing to anyone who will listen to set the record straight. Come straight and clean with what is accurate about the money from the EXIMbankthatissettogush overtheWalesGTEproject, reallythreeinone. Perhaps, thatexplainswhyVPJagdeo is having such difficulty in refining his sales pitch, and makes it more complicated thatit(thethreecomponents) should be. The EXIM loan, remember that starting point ofthisfiresidechat? Hereis thetrailtodate.

During one of his recent press conferences, Dr Jagdeo was all smirks and smiles: EXIM has approved the loan. In characteristic fashion, Jagdeo opened his mouth and by some unknown law of physics (or

mandibular dexterity) kept his lips sealed. Here is the lowdown. Howmuchisthe loan amount approved, sir?

‘Itissomewhereupwardsof US$500 million.’ Now, all Guyanese should be doing cartwheels across the floor, for what qualifies to be a grand leadership revelation. Hooray, for Jagdeo. It is anyone’s guess about why not the rest. Be patient, it’s coming. Nonetheless,thank goodnessfortheYanks,they can always be counted to carrythedayinacrunch. Or, as a quick aside, was that more about keeping the encroaching Red Chinese bottled over there by the SouthChinaSea?

Whereas Jagdeo was tightlipped, SN unzipped its printing presses and there was the kind of specificity that would make a

prosecutor drool It is US$509 million. The devil is in the details about the dispositionofthedifference, over US$150 million. The people at EXIM were diplomatic tactfulness itself and priestly restraint in combination. It was the small matter of a few loose ends not adding up, not m a k i n g s e n s e Unsubstantiated, is a word that big bankers and bigger bureaucrats derive great joy whentheyareputtingsuchto use. Inthevernacularofthe street: where the hell yuh goin wid dah, buster? No wonder the blasted Wales gas-to-energy project and papers are such a closely guarded PPP Gov’t secret. Truthbetold,ifanyonedares to put that before President Ali,hewouldrailthatthatis transparency Are there any

other Tuesday morning (day clean) contractor and comrade roundups in the works? Since it is December, I could use the lightheartedfare. Ithasbeen atoughyear. NotforJagdeo andcompany. Forme,folks. Forget about all this expensive education chatter about things not adding up nor making sense, it is that somebody in Guyana is tryingtopullafastone. On an even eerier note, that US$150 million differential (US$660-US$509millionis US$150 approx.). It looks awfully close to the 20% shakedown (or padding) practiced in one PPP Government after another Local tender, local award, foreignloan,sameole,same ole. Except that the everalert Yankee bankers took a nail and spiked Guyana’s US$660(669?)loanballoon. Tek dah Tek US$509 million. Atleast,SNgotthat right, for by my schooling that is upwards of US$500 million,soeverybodyshould behappy

Well, not everybody, for there is former Coalition Government minister, Mr DavidPatterson. Unlikethe VP and SN, Patterson is holding up his hand, as if he is some traffic cop Slowdown,startover Andit has everything to do with US$500 million or US$509 million supposedly approved by EXIM. When Mr Patterson should be seeing green (loan millions) he is seeing red (cut the nonsenseout,Jagdeo). Hold

horses, nothing was approved by EXIM, and there is a process that involves others, up to the U.S. Congress. The US Congressisinwhatiscalled alame-ducksession. Plus,it is that most wonderful time of the year, when it snowed Gee Whiz, it’s Christmas (full control) for the Republicans. Who’s got time for some rinky-dink loan app from Guyana that has been languishing in the pending basket for over a yearnow?

Whether there is time or notisirrelevant. Regardless if all three (the VP, SN, or DP)thinkthattheyhavethis EXIM loan matter right, somebody has got it wrong. Wecanallagreethatitisnot US$660 million. After that, everything else is murky, snowy, smoky, and slippery There are only a few Guyanese who those majesticwordscouldfittoa tee when a loan is the issue upfordiscussion.

I am not in such

e is something funny going on withthisWalesGTEproject. Historically, funny has been politically deadly (financially also) for Guyanese.

(The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinionsofthisnewspaper.)

Man wanted for Larceny by Clerk/ Servant

The Guyana Police Force (GPF) on We d n e s d a y issuedawantedbulletinfora man who is allegedly involved in Larceny by Clerk/Servant.

The wanted man was identified as Nicholas Wade whose last known address is lot 56 Public Road La Grange, West Bank Demerara (WBD) Police reportedthatWadeallegedly committed the act between November8and9,2024.

Personswithinformation about the whereabouts of

Wade, are asked to contact thepoliceon225-6940,2258196, 226-7476, 225-2317, 227-1149 or the nearest policestation. Wanted: Nicholas Wade


Media Abuse on Robb St.

TodayVicePresident,BharratJagdeowill beatitagain.Hispresserisslatedfor2PM.

Heisthehappiestmanin Guyanawhenheisabrasive.

Thoughaleadermadeofsand,herelishes deliveringwordswiththetextureofsandpaper. Whathefakesasaweeklypressconference hasactuallydeterioratedintoone-manbrawls, uglyexamplesforcitizens,andregular sessionsofthesicknessthatissopervasive.

Asifinaracetoprovewhoisbolderand brassier,PresidentIrfaanAlihadhisown pressengagementafewweeksagotounleash hisrage.IfPresidentAli’sactioncouldbe acceptedatfacevalue,hislistenerswere treatedtoanencounterthattrashedthemto pieces,lefthangingtheirheadsinshame. Ministersofthegovernment,engineers employedbytheState,seniorpublic servantsweregivenapublicwhippingthat theyallshouldrememberforalongtime.

Hydroponic farm at Fort Wellington to begin operations soon

The Agriculture and Innovation Entrepreneurship

Programme (AIEP)

Hydroponic farm at Fort Wellington, West Coast Berbice (WCB), is expected to become fully operational withintwomonths.

This is according to the Minister of Agriculture Zulfikar Mustapha, who visited the Fort Wellington, Region 5 site, alongside a team from ExxonMobil Guyana.

“ that the Fort Wellington facility is expected to become fully operational in another two monthsandthatconstruction oftheothertwofacilitiesare onscheduletocommencein the coming week,” the ministrysaidonWednesday.

Additionally, while engaging representatives from the Oil and Gas Company, Minister

Mustapha said that the facility forms part of government’s efforts to reduce the regional food import bill, produce highvalue crops and have more young people involved in agriculture.

Hydroponic farms will also be constructed in Regions One and 10 and are

expected to provide over 1,000 young people with valuable experience in sustainable agribusiness practices.

The Mi

y of Agriculture said that this move is part of a broader


The US$4 5 million AIEP Hydroponic Project is

Stabroek Block partners, Hess Corporation and CNOOCPetroleumGuyana. The initiative was launched during the Agri-Investment ForumandExpolastyear

GWI says working fix water woes in Cummings Lodge


Incorporated (GWI) said that it is working to enhance water distribution in the NewCummingsLodge.

In a press release GWI said: “we deeply regret the inconvenience caused and

commitment to resolving the situation swiftly and effectively.”

AccordingtoGWIithas been actively working to enhance water distribution in the New Cummings Lodge area through the drillingofnewwellsatNew Cummings Lodge and NorthRuimveldt.

These we

s were intended to bolster supply following the unfortunate collapse of the Turkeyen well, which had been a critical source of water for the region, the water companysaid.

Further, the well at North Ruimveldt has been experiencing challenges due to the drop in production at that site “However, despite our best efforts, the newly drilled wells have not yet been productive, impacting the reliability of water service inthearea,”GWIsaid.


Toaddressthesituation, GWI said it is undertaking remedialworksonthewells andthenetworkdistribution system “These measures aim to restore water supply tothecommunityassoonas possible In the interim, GWI is delivering tanks of water daily to ensure that residentshaveaccesstothis vital resource. We are also maintaining regular communication to keep residents informed about ourprogress.”

GWIsaiditisdedicated to ensuring that all Guyanese have access to reliable water services, noting that they are confident that the ongoing remedial efforts will yield positive results in the shortest possible time. “As suchteamshavebeenonthe ground daily actively workingtofindsolutionsto ensure that the issues that arebeingfacedaresolvedin the shortest possible time. Daily updates on our progress will be shared through the media and our official communication channels We thank the r e s i d e n t s o f N e w Cummings Lodge and the wider community for their resilience and cooperation duringthisperiod.”

miner on $60k bail for possession of cannabis

A33-year-old miner was on We d n e s d a y granted $60,000 bail after being charged with the offence of possession of narcotics, when he appeared at the Bartica Magistrates’ Court.

Frankie Speede, of 5 Miles Housing Scheme, Bartica, is accused of having 92 grams of Cannabis at his Fifth Avenue, Bartica shop on December3,2024 Speede appeared before Magistrate Teriq Mohamed who read the charge to him. He pleaded not guilty to the charge and was placed on $60,000bail.

The matter was adjournedtoJanuary2,2025 fordisclosure.

According to police, between 13:45h and 14:30h on Tuesday, Police in RegionalDivision#7visited

Speede’s shop where they identified themselves and requestedtoconductasearch on the premises for drugs, gunsorammunition. A search was conducted in and around the shop during which police found a quantityofleaves,seeds,and stems suspected to be cannabis. The drugs were weighedandamountedto92 grams.

Speede was told of the offence committed, cautionedandarrested.

Frankie Speede
Minister of Agriculture Zulfikar Mustapha during a recent visit to the Fort Wellington, WCB Hydroponic Project site.

Local courts have no jurisdiction over foreign immovable property

- Full Court rules

TheFullCourtofAppeal hasruledthatthelocalcourts have no jurisdiction over foreignimmovableproperty

Justice Jo Ann Barlow and Justice Jacqueline Josiah- Graham, Judges of the Full Court of Appeal on Monday overturned a decision of the Justice NavindraSinghinthematter of Odessa Noel formerly Odessa Primus against her ex-husbandColinPrimus.

On 7 May, 2024 Justice

S i n g h r u l e d i n a divorce/division of property

that the Court had jurisdictiontohearmattersin relation to a property allegedly owned by Odessa Primus in New Jersey, United States of America under the Married Persons

The Supreme Court of Judicature

Property Act (MPPA) Chapter45.04.

Primus appealed the decision and contended that the local courts have no jurisdiction under section 4 (2) of the said Act to hear applications by a spouse or former spouse for a share in overseasproperty

In the matter, Ms. Noel was represented by Ms KeshiaChaseandMr Robin Stoby, SC appeared for Mr Primus.Duringthetrial,Ms. Chase made a preliminary objection that the Court did not have jurisdiction to hear the application filed March th28 2024. TheActstatesthat only immovable property situated in Guyana can be adjudicated by this Court. The Act states that

applications are restricted to propertyinGuyana.

In his argument Mr Stoby had stated that the thrust of the Act is whether thepartiesweredomiciledor resident in Guyana The Court ruled that (The Married Persons Property) Act was passed to deal with Marriedpersonswhichinits literal interpretation must includeanypropertythatcan be classified as matrimonial property

Mr Stobynotedthatthis must include any property that can be classified as matrimonialproperty

He argued that Section 4 oftheActisnotrestrictive,it states that property in Guyanaisgovernedbythe (Continued on page 23)

Omai announces new promising drill results

Canada-basedOmaiGoldMinesCorp.on Wednesday announced another promising result from its drilling at the Wenot deposit gold project located in Region Seven (Cuyuni-Mazaruni)Guyana.

The company had stated that it is advancing its expansion plans for its gold project in Guyana. The new drill results had shown potential to increase gold production andextendthelifeoftheWenotminingpit.

In a statement the company said that it discovered wide sections of gold-rich rock, including a stretch of 68.7 meters with an average gold grade of 3.16 grams per tonne (g/t).Withinthis,ahigher-gradezoneof6.65 g/twasfoundover29.9meters.Anotherdrill holerevealed45.5meterswith4.57g/tgold, including a remarkable 1.5-meter section with77.71g/tgold.ElaineEllingham, (Continued on page 22)

Omai’s operation in Guyana (Omai Gold Mines photo)


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Foreign Affairs Ministry warns Jamaicans to observe immigration laws amid Mexico detention reports

KINGSTON, Jamaica —

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade is reminding Jamaicans to observe the immigration laws of countries they visit, which it says may change over time.

Travellers are also advised to ensure they meet all entry requirements before embark-


Porter Vacancy at Vegetarian Gardens. 68 Robb & Cummings G/Town. Tel:2277714 Cell:640-0673

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ing on trips to avoid complications such as detention or deportation and ensure safe and trouble-free journeys.

The warning follows several recent social media reports alleging mistreatment in Mexico when detained upon arrival. In one case, a woman alleged that she was detained for three days without food and other necessities, and was forced to sign papers officials refused to translate. She further alleged that she was refused the right to speak to a Jamaican consulate.

In a statement on Wednesday, Minister Kamina Johnson Smith said her ministry is actively working to address reports of immigration challenges faced by Jamaicans at foreign ports of entry.

She said the Government has been engaging with relevant authorities to resolve these issues and encourages Jamaicans who believe their rights have been infringed to make reports by email to consular@mfaft.gov.jm for investigation.

In the meantime, the ministry is reminding all Jamaicans to observe the immigration laws of the countries they

visit. “In 2023, the ministry advised that a more restrictive approach was being taken by Mexico and other Central American authorities to reduce the misuse of their borders to enter the United States of America illegally. The Government therefore strongly urged and continues to en-

courage Jamaicans to refrain from this practice, which negatively impacts the travel experience for law-abiding Jamaicans at these ports of entry,” Johnson Smith explained.

She continued, “While we stand ready to defend and protect the rights of our citi-

zens overseas, we regret to remind that the Government of Jamaica cannot insist that any state allow non-nationals to enter that state. No citizen has a right to enter another country other than their own.

We can therefore only work to prevent the contravention of basic rights, particularly in terms of unlawful detention or mistreatment.”

Johnson Smith is encouraging Jamaicans to continuously evaluate their travel plans and assess their destinations according to various indicators.

Travellers are also encouraged to stay updated on immigration trends in the countries they wish to visit, so that they can make the best travel decisions, the ministry said. Jamaicans encountering difficulties while abroad are encouraged to contact the nearest Jamaican mission — Embassy, High Commission, Consulate-General or Consulate, for assistance. For immediate assistance during emergencies overseas, nationals may also reach the ministry via WhatsApp messages at +1 876 391-8105. (Jamaica Observer)

Omai announces new promising drill results...

From page 13

Omai’s President and Chief Executive Officer (CEO), said the results show the gold becomes more concentrated as

they drill deeper. She added that these findings are a big step forward for the project, with plans for more drilling into early 2025.

Ellingham said, “drilling is expected to continue well into Q1 2025 and we remain on track for an updated Mineral Resource

Estimate in Q1 2025, and an updated economic study is planned for Q2 2025. This is expected to include both an expanded Wenot deposit and the Gilt Creek deposit, which was not included in the 2024 Preliminary Economic Assessment.”

In February 2024, the Company announced an updated Mineral Resource Estimate2 of 2.0 million ounces of gold (Indicated) averaging 2.15 g/t Au plus 2.3 million ounces of gold (Inferred) averaging 2.26 g/ t Au.

The company holds a 100% interest in the gold project, which encompasses two gold deposits: the shearhosted Wenot Deposit and the adjacent intrusive-hosted Gilt Creek Deposit.

The results from the company’s first Preliminary Economic Assessment (PEA) for the Wenot Project revealed that the project is slated to yield over 142,000 ounces of gold annually over a 13-year mine life. At its peak, production is anticipated to soar to 184,000 ounces in a single year, with a total estimated production of 1,840,000 ounces of payable gold.

Minister of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade, Senator Kamina Johnson Smith (Photo: JIS)

Local courts have no jurisdiction over foreign immovable property

Frompage13 Act; however, it does not exclude matrimonial property situated outside of Guyana. However, ChasecontendedthattheActstates that only immovable property in Guyana can be adjudicated by the Court.

Following Justice Singh’s decision, Chase approached the FullCourtandaskedthattheentire decisionofthecourtasitrelatesto the jurisdiction of the Court to adjudicate over immovable property situated in the United States ofAmerica be set aside and

forarulingthatstatesthatthecourt has no jurisdiction to hear and/or determine or otherwise deal with property situated in the United States of America as the said property falls outside the jurisdictionofGuyana.

In their ruling the judges of the

Full Court of Appeal agreed with Ms. Chase. In the oral decision delivered by Justice Barlow the court ruled that the Courts have no jurisdiction under section 4 (2) of the said Act neither is there any piece of legislation or rule that allows the exercise of jurisdiction over foreign property. The judges positedthatimmovablepropertyis governedbythestateinwhichitis situated,theprincipleoflexsitus.A cost in the sum of $200,000 was awarded against Mr. Primus to be paidtohisex-wifewithinsixweeks ofthecourtorder


Barnier’s government is France’sfirsttobetoppledin a no-confidence vote in morethan60years.

Aljazeera-FrenchPrime Minister Michel Barnier’s government has lost a confidence vote in the National Assembly, deepening a political crisis and raising questions about thecountry’sbudgetfornext year

Atotalof331legislators in France’s 577-seat lower house of parliament on Wednesdayvotedtoremove Barnier’s centrist minority government, plunging the countryintopoliticalturmoil as it struggles to reduce a soaringbudgetdeficit.

The vote was called by far-left and hard-right opposition parties after Barnier used special powers to push through budget measures without a parliamentaryvote.

Barnier’s government is France’sfirsttobetoppledin a no-confidence vote in more than 60 years. He was expected to tender his resignation and that of his government to President EmmanuelMacronshortly Speaker Yael BraunPivet confirmed Barnier would now have to “submit his resignation” to Macron and declared the session closed.

Following the vote,

French far-right leader

MarineLePensaidpressure was now piling up on President Macron even though she was not calling for his resignation, adding Macron alone had the last sayonthematter

Al Jazeera’s Natacha Butler speaking from Paris said losing the vote was a “crushing defeat” for B a r n i e r a n d h i s administration.

“They were angry with Barnier’sausteritymeasures in his budget, and that it hit some of the poorest people in France,” she said, adding the country has once again “plunged into another politicalcrisis”.

Barbadian appointed President of CDB

Nation News - The Caribbean Development Bank (CDB) Board of Governors has announced the election of Mr Daniel Best as the institution’s seventhPresident.

This decision, reached today, underscores the Bank’s commitment to visionary leadership and sustainable development acrosstheCaribbeanregion.

Mr Best, a Barbadian native, brings over 20 years of experience in development finance, policy planning, and i n f r a s t r u c t u r e investment His extensive backgroundpositionshimto lead the CDB through its next phase of impactful regionaltransformation.

As President, Mr Best will guide the Bank’s strategic direction, with an emphasis on reducing poverty, addressing inequality and promoting inclusive and sustainable growth.

Under his leadership, the Bank aims to build on



l e n g e s a n d opportunities in a rapidly changinggloballandscape.

Best has had a long tenure at the CDB, having spent more than 15 years in senior roles, including Director of the Projects Department, where he managed the Bank’s investment and grant portfolios. He has also fostered key partnerships with both global and regional institutions

Currently, Mr Best

Development Advisor to the Prime Minister of Barbados, on secondment from the CDB Mr Best holds an MBA from the UniversityofDurham,along with a Master’s degree in Construction Engineering and Management and a Bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering from the University of the West Indies He is also an accredited Project Management Professional (PR)

Prime Minister Michel

and Junior Minister of Relations with the Parliament Nathalie Delattre attend a debate on two motions of no-confidence against the French government [Sarah Meyssonnier/Reuters]

Unknown flu-like disease kills at least 79 people in DR Congo

Medical teams have been dispatched to take samples of the disease (AFP)

At least 79 people have died from an unknown disease that is causing flulike symptoms in southwestern Democratic Republic of Congo, the healthministrysays.

Thehealthministrysays the majority of people who have died are between the agesof15and18.

More than 300 people have been infected with patients exhibiting symptoms like fever, headaches, runny noses and coughs, breathing difficultiesandanaemia.

Response teams have been sent to Kwango Province, specifically the Panzihealthzone,wherethe disease is most common, to manage cases and

investigate the nature of the disease.

Cephorien Manzanza, a civil society leader, told Reuters news agency the situation was worrying as the number of infected peoplecontinuestorise.

“Panzi is a rural health zone, so there is a problem with the supply of medicines,”hesaid.

A World Health Organisation(WHO)Africa regionofficialtoldtheBBC they have “dispatched a team to the remote area to collect samples for lab investigations”.

Authorities have urged the population to remain calmandvigilant.

They urged people to wash their hands with soap,

avoid mass gatherings, and avoidtouchingthebodiesof the deceased without qualifiedhealthpersonnel.

A local MP told Top Congo Radio that about 67 people had fallen sick and died between 10 and 26 November.

“It should be noted that Panzi hospital is short of medicines to cope with this epidemic. We really need assistance,”saidtheMP

The central African country has also been dealing with a severe outbreak of mpox. Between January and July this year, they recorded about 14,500 infections.

DRCongohasalsodealt withboutsofEbolaoverthe years.

New President of the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB) Daniel Best

WPA favours grand coalition of opposition parties to fight PPP

- appears uninterested in rejoining APNU

Th e Wo r k i n g People’s Alliance (WPA) has made it clear that they are not engagedinanytalkstorejoin A Partnership for Nation Unity(APNU),buttheywill support a grand coalition of oppositionpartiestofightthe ruling PPP/Civic at next year’s general and regional elections.

This disclosure was madebytheCoLeaderofthe party Dr David Hinds on Mondayduringtheirweekly press conference. Dr Hinds was asked to clarify if there were talks on rejoining the coalition and to also explain the difference between a

coalition and a grand coalition. He told reporters that, “WPA is in no talks to rejoin APNU. WPA has not signaled that it will rejoin APNU.WPAisinterestedin a grand coalition to contest the next elections.We are in notalkstorejoinAPNU.We have not said we will rejoin APNU.”

Dr Hinds explained that under the APNU+AFC Government the WPA was subsumed, and decisions were made for the party by the leader of the coalition, who were also the leader of the People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR). Heclarifiedthatthiswasthe reasontheyleftthecoalition, becausetheydidnothavean independentidentityandthis applied to parliamentary representation as well. “At

circumvent procurement

‘Govt. creating blackout crisis to system’

- PNCR says

Co Leader of the WPA, Dr. David Hinds

the moment we do not belongtotheAPNU,andour engagement with the other parties would be as WPA, and not a party that is subsumed under the APNU. We are not a member of the APNU, we are not in talks with the PNC or anybody towards rejoining the APNU,”hesaid. Currently the party is in constant contact with the leadership of both the PNC and theAlliance for Change (AFC), in terms of forming anoppositioncoalition,with each party acting in its own name and not as part of the

A P N U “ P N C u s e s PNC/APNU and that is for the PNC to explain, but we intendtoengageourpartners asWPA,”hestated.

Dr Hinds explained that with the APNU it was a partnership of parties, whereby it was a number of parties and those parties under the rubric of

A P N U + A F C , s o APNU+AFC was the grand coalition APNU was a partnership of parties that came together under an agreement and they contested the elections as APNU not as PNC, not as GAP,notasWPA,etc. “That was a partnership which is different from a grand coalition that included APNUandAFC.Goingasan independentpartyinagrand coalition you go with your ownidentity Thatisthefirst thing theAFC went into the elections as AFC they weren’t subsumed under the partnership and we would prefertogointotheelection aspartofacoalitionasWPA so that our identity is not smothered,”heexplained.

Furthermore, within a grand coalition, Hinds said “everybody should have an equal say in arriving at decisions,anditisnotabout whether you represent more people or not; it is whether your ideas on a particular issue are correct. You can’t make decisions on policies based on the number of people you represent. Look at the PPP, they represent half of the electorate, they represent half of the electorateandlookwhatthey are doing, look at what they aredoingwiththecashgrant, and other things So, decision making cannot be based on how many people you represent,” Dr Hinds said.

Businessman shoots man

Police have reportedly released a businessman on $1M station bail after he shot a man dead on Sunday at his Bladen Hall, East Coast Demerara (ECD) home.

AccordingtotheGuyana Police Force (GPF), the businessman identified as 52-year-old Pooran Singh claimed that the man was stealing Heineken Beers fromhispremisessoheshot him.

The dead man remains unidentified and the press wasleftinthedarkaboutthe killing. Police instead of reporting on the shooting death of the unidentified manonlychosetopublishan advisoryaskingthepublicto

assist investigators in identifying him. No details were shared about how he died or if police had found himdead.

Journalists had to press theGuyanaPoliceForcefor answers after information began circulating that he was shot dead by a businessman.

Pressed for answers, the f o r c e C o r p o r a t e Communications Unit (CCU), issued a statement, saying that he was killed around 02:30hrs on Sunday December 1, 2024. “The businessman was arrested, andhisfirearmwaslodged”. Atfirsttheforcesaidthat he is in custody and investigators are awaiting

The People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR) has accused the government ofcreatingacrisiswithinthe electricity sector to circumvent the procurement system and insisted that the deal with the Turkish powership in mired in corruption At the party’s weekly press conference last Friday, Opposition Advisor and Economist Elson Low toldreportersthatlongbefore governmentrentedthepower ships the PNC had been callingforthegovernmentto procure an additional 50MW as it had predicted that the 36MWaddedwouldnothave beenenough

Respondingtoaquestion posed by this publication on whether the party was concerned about power ship company Karpowership’s chequered past and Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo not confirming whether due diligence was done before signingofcontracts,Lowsaid that it is a red flag and warrantsaninvestigation He toldreportersthat,“whenthey first brought online that powership,wesaidtheyneed to bring on additional power right then and of course they didnotdothat.Sotheresultof that is that you have a powershipthatiscostingover US$1M,costingthetreasury that and looking at the other

option which could have been put in place earlier A powership is an emergency optionbecauseitrequiresnot much infrastructure to get it going.”

Theeconomistexplained that the powership is a measurethatthegovernment was forced to adopt because theotheroptionscouldnotbe broughtonlineswiftenough.

“If the government had heeded the opposition’s advice they would have saved Guyanese 50 to US 60Mimmediately.”

Low then said that the PPP is known to create a

circumvent the procurement rules. “So a serious question must be asked as the why theyhaveallowedthepower situation in Guyana to get to that level ” Low said the answer is to allow the government to engage in someformofcorruption.”

On November 22, 2024 this newspaper reported that Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo shrugged off concerns raised over the chequered past of the company Karpowership, from whom government is renting two electricity producing vessels, saying thattheonlythingthatneeds tobeknownisthattheshipis here,andsupplyingpowerto the grid at a certain cost per

kilowatthour(kwh). The vice president’s comments had come against concerns raised by the Working People’s Alliance regarding the company’s track record and demanded the government release the duediligencereportdoneon the company before the contract was awarded to it. However, in brushing aside the WPA’s concerns, Jagdeo said: “we made it clear even ifatonofinfodropsontheir (WPA) head they wouldn’t be able to use it so let me be clear what the cost per kilowatt hour is and what it entails We said that the capital cost on the operation and management for the powership in Berbice is 7.6 cents per kwh. The one here whichisnow80-90MWbut we are only buying 76 MW, so they have extra capacity, it’s 9.5 cents per kwh.” He stressedthatallthat’sneeded tobeknownisthat,“theship is there and it’s supplying x amount of power at a particularpriceperkwh.

legal advice from the

, ShalimarAliHackSC.Later duringtheday,policeissued another statement, saying that the businessman was released on a million-dollar station bail on Wednesday a

e r n o o n w h i l e investigators continue to wait on legal advice. “The suspect, Mr Pooran Singh, who was arrested by the police for discharging his licensedfirearmwhileathis residence which allegedly causedthedeathofsomeone he alleged was stealing his goods, was this afternoon placed on one million dollars ($1M) station bail”, policestated.


Heavy-duty trucks banned from using railway embankment

Heavy-duty trucks have been banned from using the Railway Embankment

The Ministry of Public Works has banned heavyduty trucks from using the Railway Embankmen

e immediately “This measure is necessary due to the rapid deterioration of the existing infrastructure caused by the high volume of truck traffic along this route,” the ministry said in advisory postedonitsFacebookpage. The ministry said it has observedsignificantdamage to the carriageway, which compromisesroadsafetyand usability for other commuters. It has ordered

thatalltruckoperatorstouse utilize the main road for transit.“Thisadjustmentwill help preserve the Railway Embankment carriageway and ensure its continued availability for lighter vehicular traffic.” Calling on the truck operators to cooperate in adhering to the directive, the ministry warned that enforcement will be in place to ensure compliance.

This is the second notice totruckdriversregardingthe use of the Railway Embankment Back in September the Ministry of PublicWorkshadadvisedall truck drivers that they are

requiredtousethemainroad and refrain from using the Railway Embankment corridor

I n a p u b l i c announcement, the ministry said back then that it had been persistently repairing bridges along the Railway Embankmentduetodamage causedbyheavy-dutytrucks.

“This situation has now become untenable, as the continued use of these bridges by heavy trucks is not only damaging the infrastructure but also adversely affecting the lives of residents and other road users,” the ministry said then.

Opposition Advisor and Economist Elson Low

Khadija ‘Bunny’ Shaw named November’s Etihad Player of the Month the

SportsMax - Jamaican star Khadija ‘Bunny’ Shaw has been named the Etihad Player of the Month for November, capping off a phenomenal period that showcased her goal-scoring prowess and undeniable impact on the pitch. Shaw beat out fierce competition from Jill Roord and Alex Greenwood to claim the covetedaward.


sixgoalsacrossfivematches in November, leading her team to four victories and securing qualification to the UEFAWomen’s Champions League quarter-finals with twogroupgamestospare.

Shaw kicked off Novemberinstyle,rounding off the scoring in a commanding 3-0 victory over Crystal Palace in what was the club’s 200th Barclays Women’s Super

League fixture. Rising to meet a pinpoint cross from Jess Park, Shaw’s clinical header further cemented her reputation as one of the



T h e s t a n d o u t

performance of the month came against Tottenham Hotspur at the Etihad Stadium, where Shaw delivered a sensational hattrick in a 4-0 victory Her

Thursday December 05, 2024


Itwillbeasthoughyou'reina newandhopefulworldtoday, Aries. The people you meet willbecordialandcaring,and the future will seem like a bright,attractiveplacetolive. Inotherwords.


Because you tend to brood over everything right now, Taurus,adaylikethiscan'tbe anythingbutbeneficial.Ithas been difficult for you to find satisfaction within the realm oftheknownworldlately


Therearedayswhenyoufeel wonderfulwithoutbeingable to attribute the feeling to any real event. Of course, your rationalmindwillsearchfora reasonforyourhappiness.


If you're in the arts or sciences, Cancer, sudden inspirationcouldcauseyouto startorcontinueaprojectthat meansalottoyou.


You will probably be perfectly in tune with the day ahead, Leo. Of course, it's temptingtorunawayfromthe reality and hardships of the moment. But at other times, w h e n y o u ' r e s o compassionate and find it easytolisten.


Don't try to control what happenstoday,Virgo,because you won't be able to fathom what'sgoingon.Howcouldit be otherwise when collective currents are interfering with yourlife.


This kind of strange day doesn't come around often, Libra. It will seem as though you no longer know what you want. Do you have a yen to takeofffortheothersideofthe globe? People won't understandyou.

SCORPIO(Oct.23–Nov 21)

Do other countries represent realopeningsforyou?Thisisa question that you will soon have to answer This may be true, but it may also be an illusion that gives you a simplistic explanation for the dissatisfactionyoufeelnowin yourprofessionallife.

SAGIT(Nov 22–Dec.21)

You're going to think this is a strange period It isn't, Sagittarius. It's just that today won't be like others. Look around and you will see that people are either depressed or trying to keep up a good façade.


Today, Capricorn, you might get the chance to take a trip around the world to visit fabulous palaces and experienceatimelesslove,and all-getthis-totallyfree!

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20–Feb.

18You will float today, Aquarius. You won't talk, you will be sleepy, and your mood won'tbethebest.OK,perfect! Getbackintoyournovel,take several siestas, and do as little aspossible.

PISCES (Feb. 19–Mar. 20)You'recertainlyinastrange mood today, Pisces True, things have been going smoothlyforthepastfewdays butbecarefulnottobefooled.

first goal came just 21 seconds into the match, setting the tone for her historic display With this treble,Shawnotonlymoved to the top of the WSL all-

Vivianne Miedema, but also became the first player in league history to score three hat-tricks against the same opponent.

Shaw’s contributions extended beyond domestic competition, as she played a starring role in Europe. In a gritty encounter against Sweden’s Hammarby, she scored both goals in a 2-1 victory Her first was a deflected strike that found the back of the net, and her second—a venomous effort from the edge of the area restored the lead shortly after the hosts equalized.

Shaw’s consistency, clinicalfinishing,andability torisetotheoccasioninkey moments were instrumental in her team’s success throughout November Her achievements underscore herpositionasoneofthetop players in women’s football today

Reigning NBA champion Boston Celtics eliminated from NBA Cup,

New York Knicks and Milwaukee Bucks advance

CNN - The New York Knicks and Milwaukee Bucks emphatically booked theirplacesintheNBACup knockout stages on Tuesday aftertoppingtheirrespective groups unbeaten, while the defending NBA champion

Boston Celtics were eliminated.

The Knicks beat the Orlando Magic 121-106 at Madison Square Garden

behind a 23-point, 15rebound performance from Karl-Anthony Towns and a triple-double from Josh Hart, who finished with 11 points, 13 rebounds and 10 assists.

Despite the defeat, the Magic also booked their place in the quarterfinals after securing the Eastern Conference wildcard, given to the second-placed team

with the best record at the endofthegroupstage,ahead of the Celtics on point differential.

The Knicks’ 4-0 record secu

quarterfinals, where they will face theAtlanta Hawks – who topped their group with a 3-1 record – on December11.

Orlando, meanwhile,

will travel to face the MilwaukeeBucks,whobeat the Detroit Pistons 128-107 onTuesdaytoalsofinishthe groupstage4-0.

The Bucks were led by 28 points, seven rebounds and eight assists from Giannis Antetokounmpo, with Damian Lillard adding 27points,fourreboundsand five assists. “They put a tournament in front of us, and we want to win it,” Bucks head coach Doc Rivers said, per ESPN. “We saidthatearlyon,andwe’re 4-0.Butwestillhavealotof worktodo.”

The Bucks continue to turn their season around impressivelyafteradifficult start and have won nine of their last 10 games to climb to fifth in the Eastern Conference regular season standings.

WayoutWest I n t h e We s t e r n Conference quarterfinals, the Oklahoma City Thunder will welcome the Dallas Mavericks,whiletheGolden State Warriors travel to face theHoustonRockets.

Luka Doncic outduelled Ja Morant as the Mavericks beat the Memphis Grizzlies 121-116 on Tuesday The Slovenian registered 37 points, 12 rebounds, four assistsandfourstealstohelp the Mavs clinch the West wildcardspot.

OKC, meanwhile, eased

Karl-Anthony Towns powered the Knicks to victory over the Magic. (Al Bello/Getty Images)

past the Utah Jazz 133-106 behind 28 points from Jalen Williamsand26pointsfrom Shai-GilgeousAlexander

Thereisguaranteedtobe anewNBACupchampionin the tournament’s second season after the defending champion Los Angeles Lakers were eliminated in group play Organizers will have been rubbing their hands together ahead of the final round of group games, with five of the eight quarterfinal slots undecided goingintoTuesdaynight.

The tournament was partly introduced to incentivize fans throughout November and December to takemoreofaninterestinthe NBA’s marathon 82-game season throughout November and December, attempting to draw in the more casual viewers who perhaps won’t tune in until after Christmas, or even the playoffs.

Wi n n e r s o f t h e quarterfinals will travel to Las Vegas to play the semifinals on December 14, withthefinaltakingplaceon December17inSinCity All knockout games are singleelimination.

Not everyone is a fan, though, with Thunder star Gilgeous-Alexander calling the tournament “all too confusing.”

“I just win and then we see where we end up,” he said.

NBA Cup quarterfinals schedule Away@home

Tuesday,December10–Orlando Magic @ Milwaukee Bucks, 7 p.m. ET


Dallas Mavericks @ Oklahoma City Thunder, 9:30p.m.ET

Wednesday, December 11 –Atlanta Hawks @ New YorkKnicks,7p.m.ET Wednesday, December 11 – Golden State Warriors @ Houston Rockets, 9:30 p.m.ET

Tuesday’sscores Away @ home (winners inbold)

Milwaukee Bucks 128107DetroitPistons

WashingtonWizards 87118ClevelandCavaliers Philadelphia 76ers 110104CharlotteHornets

Indiana Pacers 111-122


Orlando Magic 106-121

NewYorkKnicks Utah Jazz 106-133


Memphis Grizzlies 116121DallasMavericks

San Antonio Spurs 93104PhoenixSuns

Houston Rockets 111120SacramentoKings

Golden State Warriors


Portland Trail Blazers 105-127 Los Angeles Clippers

Jayden Seales and Kevin Sinclair fined for breaching ICC Code of Conduct

SportsMax-WestIndies bowlers Jayden Seales and Kevin Sinclair have been foundguiltyofbreachingthe ICC Code of Conduct in their recently concluded second Test match against Bangladesh.

Sealeshasbeenfined25 per cent of his match fee after being found to have breached article 2.20 of the ICCCodeofConduct,which relates to “conduct that is contrary to the spirit of the game.”

In addition to this, one demerit point has been added to Seales’disciplinary record, for whom it was the first offenceina24-monthperiod The incident occurred in the first over of Bangladesh’s second batting innings when Seales made an inappropriate andoverlyaggressivegesture towards the opposition’s dressing room after taking a wicket

Sinclairhasbeenfined15 percentofhismatchfeeafter he was found to have breached Article 24 of the Code of Conduct, which relates to “disobeying an Umpire’s instruction during anInternationalMatch” Inadditiontohisfine,one demeritpointhasbeenadded to Sinclair’s disciplinary record, for whom it was the first offence in a 24-month period The incident took place when Sinclair ignored the instructions of the onfield umpires to stop using language deemed aggressive and harsh towards the Bangladeshbatters Seales and Sinclair admitted their respective offences and accepted the sanctions proposed by Jeff Crowe of the Emirates ICC Elite Panel of Match Referees,and,assuch,there was no need for a formal hearing On-field umpires

Asif Yaqoob and Kumar Dharmasena, third umpire Nitin Menon, and fourth umpire Zahid Bassarath levelledthecharges.Level1 breaches carry a minimum penalty of an official reprimand, a maximum penalty of 50 per cent of a player’s match fee, and one or two demerit points. NB: Whenaplayerreachesfouror more demerit points within a 24-month period, they are converted into suspension points, and a player is banned. In addition to that, two suspension points equate toabanfromoneTestortwo ODIsortwoT20Is,whatever comesfirstfortheplayer Finally,demeritpointsto remainonaplayerorplayer

support personnel’s disciplinary record for a period of twenty-four (24) months from their imposition,followingwhich theywillbeexpunged.

Port Mourant Showdown of Champions…

GUYAMERICA Constriction, Rohan Auto Spares, Armco

The countdown has begun to one of the hottest horse racing events in Berbice, the PortMourantShowdownofChampionswith sponsorslininguptojoininthefun.

GUYAMERICA Construction, Rohan Auto Spares and Armco and are the latest companiestoshowtheirsupportfortheevent which is already attracting the attention of tophorseownersandjockeys.

TheDay’sfeatureevent,theMetroMile is already the talk of all horse owners as the December15Showdownloomslargeonthe horizonofthePortMourantTurfClub.

The feature mile event, Sponsored by Metro Office Supplies will headline the eight-racecardsettoringinthefestivitiesfor horseracingfans.

The1600MeventwillgoforaGYD4M Prizewiththewinninghorsepocketing$2M andisopentoallhorses.

The co-feature event will be the E-Class

and on board

non-winners in Guyana and F-Class & Lowerwithacombinedpurseof$2Minthe 1300Mdash.

The Two-Year-Old Guyana and West Indies-bred horses over 1200M are sure to attract the attention of horse racing fans along with a race for Three-Year-Old Guyana-bredhorsesover1700M.

The G-Class horses over 1200M, HClassNon-Winnersof2024opentoGuyana Bredhorseswillrunfor1600Mwithanother 1600MRacesetforallK-ClassandL-Class horses.

A1300MsprintisalsocardedforJ,Kand LclassMaidens.

The event is also sponsored by J’s Supermarket, Jumbo Jet, Shi-Oil, AJM, OBL, KP Jagdeo General Contractor, PermaulTrading,LakaRambrichRiceFarm, Big G Sawmill & Lumber Yard, Shook Shivmangal&friendsofUSA.

Jayden Seales (left) and Kevin Sinclair. Sinclair

Djokovic to begin bid for 25th Grand Slam crown in Brisbane

AFP - Novak Djokovic will begin his 2025 season and bid for an 11th Australian Open title at the Brisbane International, it was announced Wednesday, with the Serbian superstar now coached by Andy Murray

The 37-year-old is targeting a record 25th Grand Slam crown after failing to add to the total during a frustrating 2024, although he did win Olympic singles gold in Paris.

The ATP-WTA event runs December 29-January 5, with the Australian Open tobeginonJanuary12.

“I’m excited to be kicking off my Australian swing at the Brisbane Internationalandtocompete again at Pat Rafter Arena,” saidDjokovic.

“I am looking forward to experiencing the incredible support from the Australian fans and making this tournament onetoremember.”

Should he win, it would be his 100th career title, just the third man in the Open era behind Jimmy Connors (109) and Roger Federer (103) to


Serbia’s Novak Djokovic will begin his 2025 season at the Brisbane International. (Martin KEEP/AFP/AFP)

Djokovic was beaten in the Australian Open semi-finals this year by eventual champion Jannik Sinner with his failure to lift another major leaving him tied with Margaret Court on a record 24 GrandSlamsinglescrowns.

In a bid to surpass her in Melbourne, he has teamed up with long-time rival and the now-retired Murray.

T h e B r i s b a n e tournament will also mark the return to competitive tennis of Australian Nick Kyrgios, who has played just one ATP Tour singles match in two years after knee, foot and wrist injuries Other men’s players starting their year in Brisbane include Grigor Dimitrov, Holger Rune, Frances Tiafoe and Matteo Berrettini

Reigning Australian Open women’s champion and world number one Aryna

had previously announced she too would start her season at the Queensland Tennis Centre

Three other top-10 players including Jessica Pegula, Emma Navarro and Daria Kasatkina will also play, as will former Brisbane champion VictoriaAzarenka.

A host of other players have opted to start their year at the mixed-teams United Cup in Sydney and Perth, including women’s world number two Iga Swiatek, Coco Gauff and Jasmine Paolini

Men’s world number twoAlexander Zverev and fourth-rankedTaylor Fritz havealsosignedupforthe UnitedCup


Street Vibes, Sophia


Mighty Rulers, Melanie FC

sent packing on opening day

TThe opening night

d e l i v e r e d i n t e n s e competition,withteamslike BentStreet‘B,’MoneyBell, Albouystown ‘B’, Stabroek Ballers, and Sparta Boss advancing after an actionpackedslateofmatches.

Dignitaries graced the opening ceremony, includingMinisterofSports CharlesRamsonJr.,CEOof the Guyana Energy Conference Kiana Wilburg, and Kashif and Shanghai directorsKashifMuhammad and Aubrey Major, alongside other notable figures.

Touted as the largest futsal competition in Guyana’s history, the tournament’s curtain-raiser

he inaugural One Guyana National F u t s a l Championship, a landmark 64-team knockout tournamentorganisedbythe Kashif and Shanghai Organisation, commenced in grand style on Tuesday evening at the National Gymnasium.

featured Bent Street facing offagainstStreetVibes.Ina tightly contested match, AnthonyGaskinemergedas the hero, scoring the lone goal to secure a 1-0 victory forBentStreet.

In a surprising turn of events, Money Bell a d v a n c e d w i t h o u t breaking a sweat after their opponents, Festival City, failed to show up, resulting in a walkover victory

The night’s third matchup between Sophia Ballers and Albouystown ‘A’delivered edge-of-theseat drama Sophia Ballers surged to an early 2-0leadwithinthefirst15 minutes

H o w e v e r , Albouystown roared back in the second half, with Alex July and Devon Dooker each finding the

back of the net Dooker’s thunderous free-kick brought the score level at 2-2, forcing extra time In the additional period, Wayne Sampson netted a

decisive goal for Albouystown, sealing a hard-fought3-2comeback victory

N e x t , S t a b r o e k


Bartica’s Mighty Rulers

in a lop

ided 8-2 encounter Shamar Welch opened the scoring for Stabroek Ballers, while Celon Sue’s brace offered fleeting hope for the MightyRulers

However, a relentless S t a b r o e k a t t a c k , featuring goals from Dwayne James, Dorwin George, Seon Taylor, Jerry Burnette, and Mark Jahlua, dismantled Bartica’s defence.

The night concluded with


mphatic statement from Sparta Boss, who delivered a crushing 12-0 win over Melanie FC Sparta’s Kelsey Benjamin led the c h a r g e w i t h a tournament-high four goals, supported by Carl Griffith’s double and b





tournament, conceived under the One Guyana brand and supported by

sponsorship from entities such as ANSA McAL’s Lucozade, Magnum, and H

, Superbet Guyana, Trophy Stall, and the Ministry of C


TotoWolffpensemotionalletterahead ofLewisHamilton’sfinalMercedesrace

Independent-TotoWolff says Lewis Hamilton will leave a legacy at Mercedes that “transcends our sport” astheF1starpreparesforhis final race for the Silver Arrowsthisweekend.

Seven-time world champion Hamilton, who haswonsixofhistitleswith Mercedes, will bring the curtain down on his 12-year stint with the team at the 2024 season finale in Abu Dhabi.

Hamilton, who will be 40 in January, will move to Ferrari next year Wolff, who has been Mercedes team principal throughout the Briton’s time with the team, paid tribute to Hamilton’s work on and off the track in an emotional letter, posted on Mercedes’ websiteonTuesday Wolff begins: “After 12 incredible years, we get ready to write the final chapter in our racing story with Lewis this weekend It has been quite a journey When we first started working together in 2013, we couldn’t have imagined whatwastocome. “Six Drivers’ World Championships

driver and team partnership in F1 history Many highs that we have enjoyed. Some crushing lows that we’ve overcometogether.”

Wolff then emphasised theworkHamiltonhasdone off-track, with a nod to Misson 44 set up by the

Britishdriverwiththeaimof creating more inclusion and diversitywithinmotorsport.

“Our relationship has meant so much more than just numbers and statistics, though,” Wolff continues.

“Itisalegacythattranscends our sport, with a lasting


“One that has strived to increase diversity in our sport.

To fight for inclusion. Lewis has been the catalyst for so much of this and we have been honoured and proud to work hand-in-hand with him. That work won’t stop at the end of this year But it began because of the impetusledbyLewis.

“This weekend is a celebration.Acelebrationof everything that we have accomplished together Lewis’ association with Mercedes goes back 26 years.Everylapofhiscareer so far has been powered by thethree-pointedstar

“We will honour this unparalleled story in Abu Dhabi and across the following week as we visit Kuala Lumpur, Stuttgart, then finally Brixworth and Brackley

And honour it knowing that, while this phase of our relationship is coming to an end, Lewis will always be a partofourfamily.”

Hamilton endured a race to forget lasttimeout in Qatar – with a false start, puncture and speeding

penalty – but Wolff insists the team and Hamilton are focusedonfinishingofftheir timetogetheronahigh.

Wolff concludes: “For now, though, ourfull focusisontheraceweekend. There is no better way to mark the endofourtime together than with a strong performance on the track. Theentireteamisfocusedon addingonemorehighlightto thereel.

We also want to end the seasononthefrontfoot.

“That will help us carry momentum into the winter and onwards as we open the next chapter in our story in 2025. With George astheseniordriverandKimi as an exciting rookie talent, ourfutureisbright.Butlet’s end this present chapter in therightway

“Thank you, Lewis: for one final time,let’sdo this.Toto.”

FerraribossFredVasseur insisted after the Qatar Grand Prix that he was “not worriedatall”byHamilton’s formaheadofnextyear,with the Brit on course to record his worst championship positionin18seasonsinthe sport.

Part of the action between Stabroek Ballers and Mighty Rulers.
Lewis Hamilton won six F1 world championships with Mercedes (pictured: celebrating his last title in 2020 with Toto Wolff). (Getty Images)

Impressive performances at National Senior Bodybuilding Championships

The National Senior B o d y b u i l d i n g Championships staged on Sunday last at Olympic House delivered a night of high-octane performances andremarkablephysiquesas local athletes vied for supremacyinthefinalevent of the season. By the end of the evening, five standout

competitors Emmerson Campbell, Julio ‘Hulk’ S i n c l a i r, H a n n a h Rampersaud, Christina Ramsammy, and Romelton Siland—stood tall as the champions of their respectivecategories.

Emmerson Campbell’s Triumphant Farewell Emmerson Campbell, a

dominant force in Men’s Physique, capped his illustriousamateurcareerwith his eighth and final national title Fresh off a gold medal and pro card victory at the CAC Championships in October,Campbellshowcased impeccablesize,conditioning, and aesthetics to outshine a competitive11-manfield

His victory not only solidifiedhislegacybutalso marked a transition as he steps into the professional ranks next season. Runnerup Jonathan Jeffrey is now poised to carry the torch, with Marley Vyphuis roundingoutthetopthree. Julio ‘Hulk’ Sinclair ClaimsMr GuyanaTitle

Hannah Rampersaud triumphed over rising star Melitha Anderson.

In the bodybuilding division, Julio ‘Hulk’Sinclair proved to be an unstoppable force After securing the heavyweight title, Sinclair returned for the overall showdown and emerged victorious,earningthecoveted Mr.Guyanatitle.Heedgedout Nicholas Albert, who had been aiming to become the youngest holder of the prestigious title. Sinclair’s win underscored his dominance in the local bodybuilding scene, leaving fans eager to see his future endeavors.

Hannah Rampersaud and ChristinaRamsammyShine

Hannah Rampersaud, an IFBB Elite Pro, delivered a flawless performance in the Bikini Wellness category Marking her final appearance on the local stage, she triumphed over rising star MelithaAndersoninaclosely contestedbattle



In the Miss Bikini

elegance and precision to clinchvictoryaheadofSabita Stephenson Ramsammy’s performance was a testament

to her dedication and skill, solidifying her as one of the leading athletes in her division.

Romelton Siland Takes Men’sFitnessCrown

In the Men’s Fitness division, Romelton Siland claimedthetopspot,rounding off a night of exceptional athleticism and discipline A Celebration of Local Talent The championship event, featuring over 30 athletes, served as a platform for the best of local bodybuilding talent Sponsored by the Ministry of Sport, Fitness Express, Autopit Signs, and Camille’s Academy, the night was a resounding success, bringing the bodybuilding season to a fittingclose.

As the curtain falls on 2024, the achievements of these athletes serve as a reminder of the dedication, discipline, and passion that define the sport With several champions now set

he international stage, the f

se bodybuilding looks brighter thanever

Christina Ramsammy exhibited elegance and precision to clinch victory ahead of Sabita Stephenson.

Lucozade joins forces with Petra to host fifth Annual Int’l Goodwill Football Series

Withjustunder two weeks

until the highlyanticipatedkickoffof the KFC International Schools’ Goodwill Football

Series, ANSA McAL


Lucozade brand, has announced its partnership with the Petra Organisation tohostthetournament’sfifth

annual edition The competitionwillfeaturefour champion secondary school teams from across the

Caribbean alongside Guyana’s top four school footballteams.

This announcement was made at a presentation ceremony held at ANSA McAL’s main office in Beterverwagting,EastCoast Demerara Attendees

i n c l u d e d P e t r a

O rg a n i s a t i o n C oDirectors Troy Mendonca and Marlan Cole, Troy Peters, and Lucozade

Business Unit Head

Tr i s t o n F r e e m a n , u n d e r s c o r i n g t h e collaboration ahead of the December15kickoff.

The tournament has grown significantly since itsinception

This year’s edition will see the participation of eight high-ranked secondary school teams from Guyana, Jamaica, Trinidad and Tobago, and Suriname, doubling the originalfour-teamformat

Teamsincludedefending champions Clarendon College (Jamaica), St Benedict’s College and Speyside High School (Trinidad and Tobago), and Guyana’s DC Caesar Fox


Secondary, Dolphin

Secondary, and Chase’s Academic Foundation Suriname’s representative will be confirmed closer to thestartofthetournament.

The Lucozade brand, a longstanding supporter of sports at both local and international levels, views this partnership as a perfect alignment with its

c o r p o r a t e s o c i

Speaking at the event, Tr i s t o n F r e e m a n , Lucozade’s Business Unit

Head,emphasisedthevalue ofthecollaboration: “This is a tournament we truly believe in Associating our brand with the Petra Organisation and this International Series was an easydecision Thiseventis criticalforthedevelopment of young football talents, providing them with a platform to showcase their skills against some of the bestintheCaribbean.”

Petra Co-Director Troy Mendonca expressed his gratitude to ANSA McAL and Lucozade for their continuedsupport:

“We are extremely happytohavetheLucozade brandonboardfortheFifth Annual International

Schools’GoodwillFootball Series

The tournament has grown from strength to strength, expanding from four teams to eight of the strongest in the region Partnerships like this allow us to provide opportunitiesforourschool footballers to enhance their skillsattheUnder-18level.”

The Series kicks off next

, with matches set to take place at th

ground The competition willbringtogetheravibrant mix of regional champions and local contenders, p

matchups and invaluable


Troy Mendonca speaking with the media yesterday at ANSA McAL Distribution Inc.
Petra’s Co-Director Troy Mendonca (left) receiving sponsorship contribution from ANSA McAL’s Lucozade Business Head Triston Freeman in the presence of Troy Peters.

StreetVibes, Sophia

Ballers, MightyRulers, MelanieFC sentpacking onopeningday

K&S-One Guyana National Futsal C/ship continues today

Albouystown ‘A’striker (with ball) moving closer to goal during their match against Sophia Ballers.

Impressive performances at National Senior Bodybuilding Championships

Julio ‘Hulk’Sinclair reigned in the bodybuilding segment.
Emmerson Campbell farewell local performance.

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