


Officials of GuySuCo, GAWU and the Ministry of Labour following the signing of the agreement
Officials of GuySuCo, GAWU and the Ministry of Labour following the signing of the agreement
The Guyana Sugar
Corporation (GuySuCo) on Wednesday announced the signing of a three-year Collective Labour Agreement (CLA) with the Guyana Agricultural Workers Union, which guarantees workers' pay increases mirroring what central government has giventopublicservants.
AccordingtoaGuySuCo press release, the agreement coverstheyears2024,2025, and 2026. This milestone marks the first multi-year agreement between
GuySuCo and GAWU since the union's recognition in 1976,thecorporationsaid. The agreement includes increases in wages, salaries, and fringe benefits for three key bargaining units: field, factory, and factory-type employees.Italsoextendsto piece-rated and time-rated w o r k e r s , f i e l d foremen/forewomen, and fieldsuperintendents.
According to the release, under the terms of the agreement, workers will benefit from annual increasesof10%in2024,8% in 2025, and 9% in 2026.
Retroactive increases for 2024 will be disbursed in December 2024, with the new rates taking effect from January2025.
The Papa Johns franchise will open in Guyana next Monday
Over the three-year period, these adjustments will amount to a cumulative increase of just over 29%, representing a $5 billion investmentintheworkforce. Both GuySuCo and GAWU express their satisfaction withthismutuallybeneficial agreement and extend their gratitude to the Government of Guyana for its facilitation andsupportinachievingthis milestone. R
HoldingsInc.(RBH)-alocal company has acquired the exclusivefranchiserightsfor Papa Johns in Guyana, Suriname, Curacao, and Aruba and will open its first location on Vlissengen Road, Georgetown next weekMonday
According to a press release, RBH said this strategic expansion highlights its ongoing m i s s i o n t o b r i n g internationally-acclaimed
...RestaurantBrandsHoldingsInc.securesfranchise rightsforGuyana,otherCaribbeanterritories
dining brands to the region, offering exceptional quality, service, and experiences tailoredtolocaltastes.
RBH said it has established itself as a leader inthequick-serviceandfastcasual restaurant sector
“TheadditionofPapaJohns to its portfolio reinforces RBH's commitment to delivering premium dining options.PapaJohnsbelieves that using high-quality ingredients leads to superior quality pizzas. Its original
dough is made of only six ingredients and is fresh, never frozen. Papa Johns tops its pizzas with real cheese made from mozzarella, pizza sauce made with vine-ripened tomatoesthatgofromvineto caninthesamedayandmeat free of fillers,” the release stated.
RBH said it is dedicated to enhancing the regional dining landscape with innovative concepts and a (Continuedonpage10)
Guyana's Stabroek Block is one “advantaged asset” in ExxonMobil's upstream portfolio that offerstheAmericanoilgiant, lower cost of supply and higherreturns.
On Wednesday, Exxon unveiled its Corporate Plan to 2030, emphasizing strategic investments in key regions, including Guyana, to bolster shareholder value and strengthen its upstream portfolio.Thecompanyaims to deliver an additional US$20 billion in earnings and US$30 billion in cash
flow by leveraging competitively advantaged
opportunities and d i s c i p l i n e d c o s t management.
The plan underscores ExxonMobil's focus on upstreamproductiongrowth from advantaged assets like Guyana, the Permian Basin and liquefied natural gas (LNG) projects. “By 2030, more than 60% of the company's production is expectedtocomefromthese advantagedassets,whichare expected to grow by an additional 1.2 million oilequivalent barrels per day (Moebd) during that period.
Total Upstream production is expected to reach 5.4 Moebd by 2030, even as the
company plans to lower its
emissions intensity 40-50% versus2016,”Exxonsaid.
In Guyana, ExxonMobil plans to add two more oil
, Hammerhead and Longtail, bringing the total number of sanctioned projects in the countrytoeightby2030.
Exxon is the operator of the Stabroek Block which coversanareaof6.6million acres is estimated to hold 11.6billionbarrelsofoil.To date, Exxon has obtained approval from the Government of Guyana for six development projects in the Stabroek Block – Liza PhaseOne,LizaPhaseTwo,
Payara,Yellowtail,Uaruand Whiptail The first three projects are already producing oil at a daily estimated rate of 640,000 barrels per day (bpd). With theadditionofHammerhead and Longtail, Exxon said this will expand gross production in Guyana to approximately 1.3 million barrels per day, with total production capacity expectedtoreach1.7million barrels per day on an investmentbasis.
“ExxonMobil continues to strengthen its upstream portfolio of advantaged assetsthatofferlowercostof supply and higher returns. By2030,ata2024dollarreal Brent price of US$65 per barrel, a real Henry Hub price of US$3 per mmbtu, and a real TTF price of US$6.50 per mmbtu, the company plans to deliver an additional US$9 billion in Upstream annual earnings potential – more than 50% higher than in 2024,” it was stated This publication recently reported that Vice PresidentBharratJagdeohas argued that Guyana's lowcost production and quality crude position the country advantageously, allowing it to derive long-term benefits from its oil reserves. Jagdeo
wasatthetimerespondingto questions in relation to a potential oil glut causing a decline in oil prices –therebyaffectingGuyana.
Reflecting on Guyana's strategic advantage, Jagdeo emphasized that the country's light, sweet crude oil—widely regarded for its quality—combinedwithlow production costs of about US$40perbarrel,putsitina stronger position than many
other oil-producing nations.
“The good thing is that our crude is light, sweet crude. It'sagoodqualitycrude,and also our breakeven cost is belowmanycountriesinthe world. So if you had to fall off the production chart on the basis of quality of crude and breakeven cost, many other countries will fall off beforewefalloffthechart,” he asserted. He underscored that Guyana's production is
low-cost compared to other countries, making it less vulnerable in scenarios where only the most economical producers survive a downturn. Jagdeo said,“Sobeforethoseprices fall below a point where we can't produce oil anymore, lots of other countries, should there be a reduction inglobaldemand,wouldfall off the production chart aheadofus.”
E x x o n M o b i l o n
Wednesday said its annual project spending will rise to between US$28 billion and US$33billionbetween2026 and2030asitlookstoboost itsoilandgasoutputby18%, with Guyana playing a key roleinthisendeavour
In a statement on Wednesday, ExxonMobil's CEODarrenWoodssaidthe company continues to strengthen its Upstream portfolio of advantaged assetsthatofferlowercostof supply and higher returns. He said by 2030, at a 2024dollar real Brent price of US$65 per barrel, a real HenryHubpriceofUS$3per mmbtu,andarealTTFprice of US$6.50 per mmbtu, the company plans to deliver an additional US$9 billion in Upstream annual earnings potential – more than 50% higherthanin2024.
Woods noted that with the Pioneer acquisition, the company reached its target of having more than 50% of
its total Upstream production from advantaged assets (Permian, Guyana, andLNG),threeyearsearlier thanplanned.By2030,more than 60% of the company's production is expected to comefromtheseadvantaged assets,whichareexpectedto grow by an additional 1.2 million oil-equivalent barrels per day (Moebd) during that period. Total Upstream production is expectedtoreach5.4Moebd by 2030, even as the company plans to lower its operated Upstream emissions intensity 40-50% versus2016.
“ F o l l o w i n g i t s acquisition and integration of Pioneer, ExxonMobil expectstoachievemorethan US$3 billion in annual synergies, a more than 50%
increase from prior guidance,” Woods said. He said the company now has the largest contiguous acreage position in the Permian Basin with double
the number of low-cost net drilling locations versus the next closest competitor The company is applying its technology advantage to increase capital efficiency and resource recovery and expects to roughly double production in the Permian Basin to approximately 2.3 M o e b d b y 2 0 3 0 ExxonMobilalsoannounced plans for two additional developments in Guyana, Hammerhead and Longtail, bringing the total number of developments to eight by 2030 Total production capacity in Guyana, on an investmentbasis,isexpected to reach 1.7 million barrels
production growing to 1.3 million barrels per day by 2030.
According to a Reuters article,thenewtargetsbythe company come as Exxon is riding high Its Guyana operations are generating huge profits and U.S. shale businessisontracktodouble
oil production this year through its acquisition of Pioneer In LNG, it is a mixed bag with setbacks in its U.S. and Mozambique projects Woods said the increasedprojectspendingis expected"togeneratereturns of more than 30% over the lifeoftheinvestments."
Exxonaimstomorethan triple its production in the Permian, the top U.S. shale field, to 2.3 million barrels per day (bpd) by 2030 and pump 1.3 million bpd from its lucrative Guyana operations. Overall oil and
gas output should hit 5.4 million bpd, up about 18% from roughly 4.58 million
company'ssharesweredown a fraction in pre-market trading to US$112.30 with many of the projects and targets already known Exxon said it will add two projects in Guyana by 2030, in line with a previous statement of 7 to 10 total, whileitsLNGtargetremains 40 million metric tons per annum.The new targets aim to assure shareholders that returns can be sustained
through oil market price swings. Global benchmark Brent crude is expected to drop to about US$75 per barrelnextyearfromUS$81 this year, squeezing oil company profits But Exxon's 12.7% year-to-date share gain is well above the sector's about 8 4% appreciationasmeasuredby energy mutual fund. Its share-price increase contrasts with from doubledigit percentage declines in sharesinConocoPhillipsand Occidental Petroleum this year (Reuters)
PrintedandPublishedbyNationalMedia& PublishingCompanyLtd. 24SaffonStreet, Charlestown,Georgetown,Guyana.
Tel:225-8465,225-8491. Fax:225-8473,226-8210
Guyana joined the global community in
observing World Human Rights Day on Tuesday under the theme;’ Our rights, our futurenow.’
Human Rights Day is observed annually around the worldon10thDecember Itcommemoratestheanniversary ofoneoftheworld’smostgroundbreakingglobalpledges: theUniversalDeclarationofHumanRights(UDHR).This landmark document enshrines the inalienable rights that everyoneisentitledtoasahumanbeing-regardlessofrace, colour, religion, sex, language, political or other opinion, nationalorsocialorigin,property,birthorotherstatus.
TheDeclarationwasproclaimedbytheUnitedNations GeneralAssemblyinParison10thDecember1948andsets out, for the first time, fundamental human rights to be universally protected As a “common standard of achievementforallpeoplesandallnations”,theUDHRisa global blueprint for international, national, and local laws and policies and a bedrock of the 2030 Agenda for sustainabledevelopment.
Regarded as the foundation of international human rights law, the UDHR is said to be the first universal statement on the basic principles of inalienable human rights, and a common standard of achievement for all peoplesandallnations.Overtheyears,awholenetworkof human rights instruments and mechanisms has been developed to ensure the primacy of human rights and to confronthumanrightsviolationswherevertheyoccur
It is salutary to remember, however, that in the initial vote by the then fifty-six members of the UN on the declaration, eight countries abstained. In stating the rationales for their position, the latter group, including Saudi Arabia and the then USSR, remind us that the premisesundergirdingtheUNHCRaroseoutofaparticular historyintheWest,andthattheremaybecompetingvisions ofwhatconstitutes“humanrights”intheworldaroundus.
TheUSSR,guidedbyitsMarxistideology,insistedthat theUDHR’sstressonthepoliticalrightsofcitizens,without a complementary position on their economic and social rights, made the document deficient and flawed. Saudi ArabiapointedoutthatitsstatewasruledbyIslamicLaw–the Sharia – derived from the Koran and founded on a specific conception of man, whose aim is to fulfil God’s purposeonearth.ThiswasmissingintheUDHR.
ForusinGuyana,wealsohadourdebatesonthenature and existence (or suppression) of human rights in the preandpost-independenceeras,ledbyourMarxist-influenced politicians against the colonial power. But today, decades after independence of the former colonies and the experienceofthenewcitizenswiththeirnewlyconstituted governments, few would scoff at the UDHR formulation thatderivesfromtheWesternexperience.
FundamentaltotheWesternconceptionofhumanrights is its emphasis on the liberty of the person: the right to physical security and the protection of basic intellectual beliefs.AlthoughtraceabletotheOldandNewTestaments, which form the basis of Western law, the notion of the person as having rights against an always threatening Leviathan state was derived from 17th and 18th century EuropeanEnlightenmentphilosophicalconcepts.
The several Bills of Rights promulgated articulated a cleardichotomybetweentheindividualandthestate.From this point onwards, legitimate government meant limited government – government that did not go beyond certain boundaries regarding treatment of its citizens. There were greatstrugglestoputthisconceptintopractice.
Theculminationwasthecreationofalegalvehiclefor controllingthepowersofthestate,whichcametobeknown as “due process of law”. In many respects, the greatest contributionoftheWesttolegaltheory,dueprocessoflaw, simply requires that the state be subject to the rule of law
DEAREDITOR, Every reasonableminded Guyanese should appreciate the fact that the PPP/C has worked hard to safeguard a fundamental pillarfortheadvancementof their social and economic wellbeing;theRighttoelect agovernmentoftheirchoice.
S e c u r i n g t h i s constitutional Right did not comeeasily,olderGuyanese would know this The younger generation would have witnessed the 2020 elections debacle where the APNU+AFC, in an attempt todefraudtheelectorate,was laid bare before them Paying a heavy price to securefreeandfairelections wasnotpeculiarsolelytothe 2020 election, an even higher price was paid in previous elections particularly in 1973 when liveswerelost.
And while some may dispute the fact that the
PPP/C has established the most advanced type of parliamentary democracy in the Caribbean and that Guyanese benefit from of a much more prosperous economy they ever had in decades, yet a cacophony of noisy criticism, ingrained cynicism and expressions of unbounded skepticism can be heard on a daily basis emanating from known political circles and sections of the media, on balance, development projects outweighthenegativities.
That genre of political culture, coupled with the persistent expressions of extremist views and opinions tend to elevate misinformation to what some call a ‘sacred sphere’ used to communicate specious arguments that threaten the unity and solidarity amongst Guyanese and between government and the
governed in a parliamentary democracy
Incontrast,sacredvalues such as commitment to hard work, contributing at the individual and at the community levels to upholding democratic governance; willingness to go the extra mile and to do whatisrequiredforthegood of the nation as well as willingnesstomakesacrifice seems to have receded from onegenerationtoanother
At the same time, Guyanese believing and upholding those values would have, no doubt, demonstrated by dint of example, their preparedness to support efforts aimed at improving the wellbeing of all Guyanese towards the achievementofademocratic and unified Guyana with its territorialintegrityintact.
In the midst of the politicalculturenurturedand promoted by the political
opposition, notwithstanding huge investments in social and physical infrastructure, they encourage a nagging sentiment by some, who claimthatAfrican-Guyanese are excluded from enjoying the benefits that flow from revenues garnered from oil and other revenue bearing resources.Asaconsequence, the proponents of those negativeviewsshowacloser embrace of, a readiness to outrightly reject and intentionally ignore all the sacrifices made and achievements of previous generations even up to this pointintime.
As 2024 comes to a close,Guyaneseshouldtake stock and consider whether the provision of monetary resources and the vastly improved social and physical infrastructure providedbygovernmenthas helpedliftthemoutof
Guyana’s agriculture sector is experiencing a dynamic transformation under the leadership of MinisterZulfikarMustapha, supportedbytheprogressive vision of President Irfaan Ali’s administration M
approach has brought
agriculture, positioning it as acornerstoneofthenation’s economicgrowth.
This strategic focus aligns with President Ali’s broader efforts to diversify
Guyana’s economy, leveraging the country’s agricultural potential as a complement to its booming oil sector Together, they have championed initiatives that prioritize food security, economic resilience, and sustainable development for allGuyanesepeople.
Under the leadership of President Ali and Minister Mustapha, agriculture has been positioned as a key driverofGuyana’seconomic diversification.
Mustaphahasarticulated a bold vision for the sector, viewing it as essential for ensuring food security and long-term economic sustainability With Guyana’s abundant natural resources, fertile land, and favorable climate, the administration sees the country’s potential to become an agricultural hub in the Caribbean and beyond.
The government’s strategyemphasizesnotonly increasing food production but also ensuring that agriculture remains a viable source of employment and income for thousands of Guyanesecitizens.President
Ali has consistently
Simple but profound in its effects: the state may take no actionnotinaccordancewithitsownestablishedprocedures. Implicitintheconceptofdueprocessisthenecessityfor a judiciary free from the insinuations of state control or influence.Thecourtsserveasthearbiterofthelaw,andthus have the power and the duty to enforce the law against the state. Within this formulation lies the presumption of democracy Inelevatingtheruleoflawtoapositionsuperior to the state, circumscribing state activity vis-à-vis the individual,andgroundingthelegitimacyofthestateupona consensualbase,thegroundworkforademocraticethoswas laid.
Ataforumtomarkthedayearlierthisweek,Ministerof Governance,GailTeixeirawasquicktopointoutthatallof us as citizens, government, private sector have a responsibility to promote, protect and preserve democracy
highlighted agriculture’s role in achieving inclusive economic growth, reinforcing its importance alongsideoilandgas.
A hallmark of Minister Mustapha’s leadershipis his direct engagement with farming communities Regularvisitstoagricultural regionsallowhimtoconnect withsmall-scalefarmersand agricultural workers, listen to their concerns, and tailor policies that meet their specificneeds.
Thisgrassrootsapproach reflects President Ali’s broader philosophy of inclusive governance, ensuringthatthevoicesofall citizens,particularlythosein ruralareas,areheard.
Farmers across the country have welcomed the government’s proactive efforts, finding renewed confidence in the a d m i n i s t r a t i o n ’ s
commitment to revitalizing agriculture.
This two-way dialogue hasbridgedthegapbetween policymakers and the grassroots, fostering a collaborative environment that supports long-term development.
Recognizing the critical role of infrastructure in agricultural growth, President Ali and Minister Mustapha have directed significant investments into improving farming conditions Projects to modernize drainage and irrigation systems, essential forcombatingheavyrainfall and flooding, have been prioritized These adv
mitigated crop losses and provided farmers with the tools needed for consistent production.
Theadministrationhas (Continuedonpage06)
andhumanrights,andmostofall,tomakesurethateveryone istreatedequally
Shesaid“ourdemocraticgovernancehasbecomebetter, more inclusive, more participatory than before” we do not disagree,butourgovernmenthasalsobecomemorestubborn andheartlesstowardsitsstrugglingcitizens-amajorbloton itshumanrightsrecord.
Ontheotherhand,citizens’righttopublicinformationis also being suppressed with the withholdingof key data and informationonspendingofthecountry’soilresources.The governmentcontinuestoinfluenceprintandbroadcastmedia andcontinuedtoexertheavycontroloverthecontentofthe NationalCommunicationsNetwork,GuyanaChronicleand some private media outlets, giving government spokespersons extended coverage, while limiting participationofoppositionfigures.
On May 20, 2024, the Minister of Agriculture Mr Zulfikar Mustapha
announced that the replanting of canes has commenced at Skeldon Estate. He also told the nation that this cane would be transported some 30 miles by road to be crushed at Albion, which is an uneconomical idea but when it comes to the decisions in that Ministry, cost sensible ideas are not thedriver
He did not inform the nationastothefeasibilityof thisbeingdone.
Like most decisions in the Ministry, it was unresearched and just plain “shooting from the hip” in asortof“bigmanpolitics” with spending without any s e c o n d t h o u g h t
Since that announcement, some $600 million was set aside by the Ministry to be spentatSkeldon
TheBoardofDirectors of GuySuCo and Mr Paul Cheong(CEO),Iwastold, had no role in how this money is to be spent and the design of the spending plan; it was just silly political spending that would end up wasted Sources in GuySuCo advised that it is allegedly a bilateral affair between two senior officials at the corporation
Is that so? Is this how publicfundsarespent?
With no checks and balances? The Minister promisedthecountrythatby
year-end, a “substantial quantity of canes in the designated 5,000 hectares” willbeplanted.
I am advised that as of the end of November 2024, theevidencefromthefields at Skeldon revealed only about50hectaresoflandhas beenplanted.
Thatis1%oftheproject completed.
I s 1 % t h e n e w substantial? Yet I am advised that more than half of the money has been paid out, particularly to two private contractors closely aligned to the people in the Ministry who are involved inthisProject.
This matter must be inves
e Ministry of Finance and the Office of the Auditor Generalurgently IsthereanyChristmas kickback in this deal for people
nning this Project? More than one source within GuySuCo has revealed that on this Skeldon Project, no accountability is done within the Corporation, all the decisions are made at Regent Street; and all the payments are directed fromRegentStreet.
All decisions of who gets paid, how much, and when to pay are being made at Regent Street and not by the regular system within GuySuCo that traditionally had several layers of checks and balances
In particular, it is alleged that payments are
being made mainly to two contractors Whenanyone questions these requests for payments coming out of the Skeldon Project, they are told that the instructions came from Regent Street and even higher up in the Office of theVicePresident
I cannot believe that the Hon Vice President
is involved in this matter and maybe his name i
falsely Therefore, I am
accountability from his subordinates on this matter. Even Minister Ashni Singh’s name is beingcalled
I am told that in the grand scheme, deliberate instructions were issued from Regent Street for four patches of canes to be planted far apart from one another as a ploy to force the government to spend millions in 2025
to connectthesepatches.
T h e s e a s o n e d GuySuCo field managers are questioning why all the canes were not planted close to the front of the cultivation if the intentionwastotransport them to Albion Wonders never cease when it
Sincerely Leroy
It is evident that the PPP/C is promoting the decline of the BV/Triumph community in a massive way
In his Press Conference of October 24, General Secretary, Dr Bharrat Jagdeoinaboldliestated that the Government has beensaddledwiththetaskof recovering lands which the APNU-led BV/Triumph NDChasestrangedfromthe community
He focused on the attemptedsaleoflandsinthe BV Backlands and the leasing of a reserve (road way), northern portion of Triumph Side- line Dam in alignment with Agriculture Road.
That was followed up with a visit to the community where he (Dr Bharrat Jagdeo) and AG Nandall attempted to sideline the Government’s role in that attempted sale and usurpation of the northern section of Agriculture Road, but mentioned that the government (through the Ag’s Office) shall investigate the usurping of road ways including the same Triumph Side-line Dam North, Northern extremity of Bata Road by Gafoors and the Northern extremityofRepublicDrive (BVMainRoad)onwhichis beingbuilttheNationalGasto-ShoreControlCentre.
A facility which has government’sconsent
Residents are still awaiting a response to that investigation, which many feel shall not end before the required structures for the
Gas-to-Shore Control Centrearecompleted.
Atwhichpoint,theVPor other high-ranking official shall offer an appeasement for the breach of By-Laws under the guise of National priority In other words, a similar stalling process as what happened with the building on Triumph Sideline Dam, that Dr Jagdeo rantedaboutinOctober,isin progress.
The Government, the BV/Triumph NDC and the Mon Repos - La Reconnaissance NDC were embroiled in a court battle since 2021 over the ownership of the reserve/roadway North of the Agriculture Road
However, none of them saw it fit to file an injunction to stop the building which was being erected on the land a s t h e y w e r e a l l comfortable with the developer, from whom they probably see benefits or find favour within some wayortheother Itisinthis sort of backdrop, one can appreciate the falsity of VP
Jagdeo’s attempt to mischievously call out the BV/Triumph NDC for neglecting the interest of the community for playing along in a scheme which PPP supported and promoted.
A PPP/C Councillor is known to have advised t h e B V / N D C t h a t Gonsalves and McKenzie Polders were owned by the Council and the current Transports were false documents, the result of pass underhand deals His knowledge on
the iss
as repeatedly said is based
In the wake of Jagdeo’s visit, others from the PPP/C came bearinggifts
The result of these visits are promises of uncoordinated piecemeal assistance which clearly have the potential to backfire agains
proposed benefactors and
Minister of Government turns up to meet with residents and it was only the Minister’s ideas were tabled.
The people from the community were treated like sponges that absorb what the one from high came to deliver It is clear that we are seeing a topdown approach in these interactions without a clear understanding of t h e n e e
o f t h e community - a sign of a disasterinwaiting In clo
ing, it is necessary to ask that the personnel from the AG C
e instructed to do the i
n by the General Secretary about the land use issues on the approaches to the BV/Triumph Seawalls take action to have these issues resolved to the benefitofthecommunity inatimelymanner
Yourstruly EltonMcRae Resident BV/Triumph
underdevelopment and poverty At the same time, theyshouldnotlosesightof the bigger picture characterized by a world in which the search for peace and development is under constantthreatofallkindsof wars including military clashes,overterritory,trade, the environment, religion, and cultural beliefs and traditions.
In October, Guyanese were made an offer they
could hardly refuse; $100,000 dollars for each person 18 years and over in possession of an ID card.
According to the Kenyan
writer, Binyavanga Wainana,‘Itwasanamazing thing, for one moment in a hundredyears,toallfeelthe sameway Andtofeelthatit wasgood.’
Throughout history, fromtimetotime,needsand
wantsofthecommonpeople have been fused together by administrations who had the uplifting of the populace at heartandtheresourcestodo soanddidso.Theopposition arguments against cash grants are like bad meat and poorly cooked vegetables u n f i t f o r h u m a n consumption. Any shred of plausibility of their argument quickly vanished when people across the po
um enthusiastically responded and welcomed the entitlement.
Surely,itcouldn’tbethat Guyanese are so foolish and not smart enough to discern what is offered to them now
bears no comparison whatsoever to what was promisedtotheminthepast because of wrong economic diagnosis.
AWorldBankReporton cash grants states; ‘We re-
analyzedthedatafromseven randomized controlled trials of government-run cash transfer programmes in six developing c
ntries throughout the world, and find no systematic evidence that cash transfer programmes discourage work ’ According to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), ‘Evidence from seven experimental and nonexperimental impact evaluations of governmentrun unconditional cash transfer programmes
There is no evidence that cashtransferstranslatedinto an overall reduction of laboursupplyorworkeffort —infact,quitetheopposite: the transfers were used to improve household incomegeneratingactivities.’
Furthermore, according to the Agricultural & Applied Economics
‘Recipients of cash typically end up less poor and put cash towards improving different aspects of their lives. The evidence consistently showed an increase in total expenditure and food expenditure and a reduction in poverty measures There is robust evidence that cash transfers increase beneficiaries’ savings, investment in livestock and, to a lesser extent,agriculturalassets’.
In a market economy, democracy cannot function effectively without citizens understanding of at least someeconomics.
It is the State’s responsibilitytodoso.These days, with the dominanceof market-oriented economics, even decisions about noneconomic issues are dominated by economic logic.Economicshasadirect
and massive impact on our lives.
Understood like this, economics affects us in many more fundamental ways than when it is narrowly defined – income, jobsandpensions.
That is why it is vital
that every Guyanese citizen needs to recognize politics as a concentrated form of economics We should all get involved and become active economic citizens in our country where transformation is rapidly taking place, for example, by making it less cash-based. On the political side, I refer to Martha G
journalist who wrote; ‘Peopleoftensay,withpride, I’mnotinterestedinpolitics. They might as well say, I’m notinterestedinmystandard ofliving,myhealth,myjob, my rights, or any future. If wemeantokeepanycontrol over our lives, we must be interestedinpolitics.’
T h e p o l i t i c a l opposition’s penchant for misjudging and to underestimatingthePPP/C’s ability to grasp the mood of the Guyanese populace and t o f
economicandsocialpolicy decisions at government
fundamental difference between ability to fulfill manifesto promises when compared to the knee-jerk approach fraught with disastrousresultsandfailure to meet the needs of the people.
Itmusthavebeenclearto reasonable-minded Guyanesethatgovernment’s policies are based primarily on rational assessments of theneeds of the people and affordability on its part, w h i l e p o l i c y implementation is resultsoriented aimed at maximizing the material well-being of Guyanese Ultimately, the human beneficence such as; entitlement, kindness, generosity and cooperation betweengovernmentandthe populace is the glue that holds Guyanese society together.
Finally, a word of caution; as Guyanese across all walks of life enjoy their cash grant and ‘back pay’ and how to use it during the Christmas holiday season, astheypreparetowelcome the new year, they should a v o i d b e c o m i n g intoxicated with their new spending power and not take into account their future endeavours and what is required of them fora‘rainyday’ Yoursfaithfully, ClementJ.Rohee
also expanded road networks and transportation infrastructure, making it easier for farmers to bring their products to market. These improvements have reduced transportation costs, boosted profitability, and enhanced the efficiency of the agricultural supply chain, demonstrating the government’s holistic
As a nation highly vulnerable to the effects of climate change, Guyana facessignificantagricultural chal
s Minis
er Mustapha,inalignmentwith PresidentAli’s commitment to sustainable development, has made climate resilience
a central pillar of
y Collaborative efforts with international organizations have promoted the adoption of drought-resistant crops, organic fertilizers, and sustainable farming techniques that minimize environmentalimpact. By embedding climate resilience into agricultural
policy,thegovernmentaims to protect the sector from c l i m a t e - i n d u c e d disruptions, ensuring that it thrives in the decades to come.
President Irfaan Ali’s government, with Minister Zulfikar Mustapha at the helm of agriculture, has demonstrated unwavering dedication to the people of Guyana.
From fostering rural e m p o w e r m e n t t o championing food security, the administration has not wavered in its efforts to makeagriculturethrive.
Theresultsareevident:a revitalized sector, confident farmers, and a strengthened economy poised for continuedgrowth.
This agricultural renaissance not only showcases Minister Mustapha’s diligence but also reflects the broader vision of President Ali’s administration,avisionofa prosperous, inclusive, and sustainable Guyana for generationstocome.
Sincerely, MarkJohnson
The People's National Congress Reform (PNCR) and the Working People's Alliance(WPA)haveagreed to work toward forming a coalition to contest next year's general and regional elections,thepartiessaidina joint statement on Wednesday
The parties met on Wednesday in the first of a series of planned meetings. Accordingtotherelease,ina frank discussion, the two parties exchanged views on
situation,includingtheneed to ensure that the coming elections are conducted in a manner that enjoys the confidence of all parties. Towards this end, it was agreed that the work started by the Joint Opposition Parties (PNCR and WPA) should be expanded and intensified.
Accordingtotherelease, the parties also engaged in a discussion of the strengths and weaknesses of the APNU+AFC Coalition both in and out of office and
committed themselves to
identified Some of the issues discussed include the role of small parties in coalition decision-making, the need for a joint,
mechanisms to mitigate conflictswithinthecoalition and for the constituent parties to act in unison
possibility of the WPA returning to the APNU was also discussed. In the end, it
was agreed that despite mistakes, coalition politics remainsabestoptionforthe country
Againstthatbackground, the two parties decided in principle to work jointly at two levels. First, it was agreed that the work of the Joint Opposition Parties should be broadened to include other forms of political engagement Second,thepartiesagreedto begin discussions towards the formation of a coalition to contest the upcoming elections, but to leave the door open for other parties which may wish to join. A second meeting has been before the Christmas holidays.
The PNCR delegation was led by Party Leader, Aubrey C Norton and included Party Chairman, Shurwayne Holder and General Secretary, Sherwin Benjamin The WPA delegation was led by CoLeader,Dr DavidHindsand included Co-Leaders TacumaOgunseyeandRohit KanhaiandpartyChairman, DeonAbrams.
Only last week Kaieteur News reported David Hinds saying that the WPA will support a grand coalition of opposition parties to fight the ruling PPP/Civic at next year's general and regional elections. Hinds was asked to clarify if there were talks on rejoining the APNU coalition and to also explain the difference between a coalition and a grand coalition. He told reporters that, “WPA is in no talks to rejoin APNU. WPA has not signaled that it will rejoin APNU.WPAisinterestedin a grand coalition to contest the next elections.We are in notalkstorejoinAPNU.We have not said we will rejoin APNU.”
Dr Hinds explained that under the APNU+AFC Government, the WPA was subsumed, and decisions were made for the party by the leader of the coalition, who were also the leader of the People's National Congress Reform (PNCR). Heclarifiedthatthiswasthe reasontheyleftthecoalition, becausetheydidnothavean independentidentityandthis applied to parliamentary representation as well. “At the moment, we do not belongtotheAPNU,andour engagement with the other parties would be as WPA, and not a party that is subsumed under theAPNU. We are not a member of the APNU, we are not in talks with the PNC or anybody towards rejoining the
APNU,”hesaid. Currently, the party is in constant contact with the leadership of both the PNC andtheAllianceForChange (AFC), in terms of forming anoppositioncoalition,with each party acting in its own name and not as part of the APNU “PNC uses PNC/APNU and that is for the PNC to explain, but we intendtoengageourpartners asWPA,”hestated.
Dr Hinds explained that with the APNU, it was a partnership of parties, whereby it was a number of parties and those parties under the rubric of A P N U + A F C , s o APNU+AFC was the grand coalition APNU was a partnership of parties that came together under an agreement and they contested the elections as APNU not as PNC, not as GAP,notasWPA,etc. “That was a partnership which is different from a grand coalition that included APNUandAFC.Goingasan independentpartyinagrand coalition, you go with your ownidentity Thatisthefirst thing theAFC went into the elections as AFC, they weren't subsumed under the partnership and we would prefertogointotheelection aspartofacoalitionasWPA so that our identity is not smothered,”heexplained. Furthermore, within a grand coalition, Hinds said “everybody should have an equal say in arriving at decisions,anditisnotabout whether you represent more people or not; it is whether your ideas on a particular issue are correct. You can't make decisions on policies based on the number of people you represent. Look at the PPP, they represent half of the electorate, they represent half of the electorate and look what they are doing, look at what they are doing with the cash grant, and other things. So, decision-making cannot be based on how many people you represent,” Dr Hinds said.
In t h e m o v i e ,
Saturday Night
F e v e r , T o n y
Manero’s boss offers him a raise after he sees someone making an offer to Tony to come and work elsewhere. For Tony, yearning for validation and self-worth beyond the glitzy world of disco,thataraiseinpaywas an acknowledgement that sayshewasgoodatwhathe did Public servants in Guyana have been greeted with the welcome news of salary increases and allowances for 2024. This year’s adjustment, coupled with the anticipated increases for next year, represents 18% uplift on 2023 salaries a tangible benefitinaneraofeconomic flux.Suchgesturessignalan acknowledgment of the contribution of public servants Yet, amidst the applause, let us take a moment to scrutinize the broadercanvasofjusticeand equity that frames these increments.
Salary increases, laudableastheyare,mustbe grounded in reality, and reality, in turn, is shaped by inflation If inflation is allowed to soar unchecked, these hard-won gains are quickly eroded, leaving the recipients no better off than before, perhaps even worse. To ensure these adjustments translate into genuine improvements, the government must provide credible and transparent inflationdata.Inflation,after all, is the silent saboteur of purchasing power, quietly gnawingawayatpaychecks.
Guyana’s economy, turbocharged by the oil
boom, has more than tripled itsGDPinrecentyears.This astonishing growth presents a golden opportunity to recalibrate the minimum wage and converge it towards a living wage—a baselinethatreflectsnotjust survival but dignity Public servants at the lowest rungs ofthesalaryladdermustnot beleftclingingtothecrumbs of prosperity while the national cake grows ever larger Itistimetosetaliving wage that matches the country’s newfound wealth, ensuring that every worker can share in the benefits of Guyana’s economic transformation.
Yet, money alone does not confer satisfaction
Public servants crave recognition as much as remuneration. While we see promotions celebrated annually in the Disciplined Services and among teachers,thereisanalarming voidwhenitcomestopublic servants. There exists no publicly available list of those elevated within the public service—a striking oversight that diminishes morale and perpetuates a sense of invisibility Recognition is not a mere luxury; it is a necessity The effort and dedication of publicservantsdeservetobe acknowledgedwiththesame enthusiasm afforded to their counterpartsinothersectors.
More troubling, however, is the growing trend of bypassing career public servants in favour of political appointees or other handpicked individuals for senior positions This pr actice undermines the in tegrity of the public
service, eroding trust and breedingresentment.
Thenthereistheissueof ‘bunching’. ‘Bunching’ in the context of salaries refers to a situation where there is little or no difference in pay between employees who have vastly different levels of experience, tenure, or qualifications This can occurwhensalaryscalesare not adjusted over time to reflectdifferencesinyearsof service or when pay increases are applied uniformlyacrossalllevelsof apayscalewithoutregardto an employee’s position on thatscale.
Forexample,consideran officeassistantwhohasbeen withthepublicservicefor25 years.Overtime,theirsalary may have increased incrementally, but if the salaryscalesarenotproperly structured or adjusted, this same office assistant would be earning far more than his supervisorwhoisnewtothe job. This compression or “bunching” of salaries can leadtofeelingsofunfairness and demotivation among m o r e e x p e r i e n c e d employees, as it effectively devalues their years of service and experience.And who wants to be stuck as a officeassistantfor25years.
Thegovernmentmustact to rectify these disparities, establishing clear and equitable promotion pathways Promotions should not be whispered behind closed doors but trumpeted as part of a transparent and meritocratic system Every public servant, from the humblest office assistant to the h i g h e s t - r a n k i n g
Dem boys seh how people does sometimes talk too much and mek trouble fuh demself. And dem boys does gat to advise dem that when dem go to jobinterview, dem muss be careful what dem say
Dehgotthisstoryboutthreefellaswho guh fuh a wuk interview, and lemme tell yuh,thingsdidtunupfunnybad.
De fuss man guh in, sharp like razor blade.Heansweringquestionslikehewrite de whole book pon de job. End of de interview,debossmanaskhe,“Yuhnotice anythingstrange‘boutme?”
De man seh, “Yeah boss, you ain’t got noears!”
Debossfacegetvexlikepepper,andhe holler, “Outta me office! I sensitive ‘bout meears!”Desecondmangoin.Hesmooth like butter Even negotiate a bigger salary! Butsametinghappen.Debossaskhe,“Yuh
administrator, should see a future that rewards dedication and hard work. They must be disabused of the idea that promotions are only reserved for the politicalappointees.
This moment of salary adjustments presents a chance to address deeper systemic issues within the public service It is an opportunity to build a fairer framework that combines financial benefits with the acknowledgment of human worth Guyana is now buoyed by oil wealth yet
burdened with the responsibility of equitable governance. Public servants deserve not only raises but respect,notonlyincreasesin salaries and allowances but appreciation.
The recent salary increasesandallowancesare steps in the right direction. Buttheyarejustthat—steps. Let us ensure the path forward leads to a future whereallpublicservantscan live not just adequately, but abundantly, where their contributionsarecelebrated, and where justice, not
favouritism, determines their advancement. Such a futurewillnotonlyupliftthe public service but also embody the promise of a prosperousandfairGuyana. (The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinionsofthisnewspaper.)
notice anything strange ‘bout me?” De second man seh, “Yeah, boss… yuh ain’t gotnoears!”
Debossblowgasketagain.“Out!Iseh OUT!”
Nowdethirdmanstandupoutside,and de fuss two warn he. “Don’t seh nutten ‘boutdemanears!Yuhguhdonefuhsure!”
Sodethirdmangoin.Hebrightlikede morning sun, wukking he magic in de interview Den de boss drop de same question, “Yuh notice anything strange ‘boutme?”
Dethirdmansquint,studydebosshard, and den seh, “Yeah boss, yuh does wear contactlens,eh?”
De boss get excited, “Wow! How yuh knowdat?”
Dethirdmangrinandseh,“Causeyou sureashellcan’twearspectacles!” Talkhalf.Leffhalf.
hanks to former
Coalition Minister, Mr. Winston Jordan for standing up and shouting out Toothless and useless were what he said. A bigger, longer, and louder word of thanks is mailed from me to Dr Bharrat Jagdeo, Vice PresidentofOilandGasand, oh well, everything. For a man without an official portfolio, he has grabbed all the portfolios in the PPP
G o v e r n m e n t a n d
monopolizes them, as though he is the wisest man inGuyana. Heis. Justbya little hair or two too much. Whensuchisthecase,there is a boomerang that has already left its launchpad, racing on its way My head is not in the way of that guillotine.
To repeat, former minister Jordan said that the oil board and those committees are toothless, useless. I say that, for the
most part, commissions and boardsformedunderthePPP Government are largely boneless, maybe even mostly brainless. The latter is withdrawn. There is enough braininess to know what it is that Jagdeo wants, what gives him a big bang. What the honourable vice presidentwants,hegets. He takes those steps, and are theyajoytobehold. Bothin the fabricating, and in the performing afterwards
Winston Jordan's words come to mind again. Let there be concentrated attention on this oil inheritance, this most sensitive and crucial of nationalasset.
Dr.Jagdeowantedanoil moneylawofhisown,sohe went out and got one. Mr Granger had one that was sound as a thoroughbred. Twenty-two pairs of eyes, thesamenumberofearsand mouths, and an equal number of minds. Legal minds, labour minds, open minds,andyoungminds. In hiswisdom,Jagdeosaidnah. Too many cooks, too many watchers, too many interferers. Withthosecome too much trouble. Fix the law and get a handful of Guyanesewhoknowhowto fix their minds and fix oil money matters for a certain outcome. I told everybody so:thereislaw Itisapartof theframeworktomanagethe money Whichmoney? The couple of $20 dollar bills (Guyanesecurrency)thatare inmypocket?
Itakethisfurther Laws form the basis from which rules and regulations are derived. Robust ones that protect the money, not protect the ambitions of politicians, who have one objective in mind. Now, I have to engage in the tiring. Thatis,repeatmyselfforthe tenthortwentiethtime. Any country, government, company can have all the laws, rules, and regulations that the true God (or a false one) could give them. The bestofthose. Buthereisthe first revelation: what country, government, and
company have at that stage is a single ingredient Paper Atallstackof it. The laws, rules, and regs are nothing but paper They may as well be blank, for all that they mean, until thereisthatnationalmiracle that is increasingly rare to encounter Therightpeople onboard. Thepaperwithall of its hidden ink, fine print, and carefully laid webs of legal intrigues (loopholes) canandwillonlythencome alive. Those brave enough and astute enough to deliver their best for the greater good It is revelation numbertwo.
It is fine to think in the world that Dr Jagdeo rules over There is only one condition for men and women on boards and committeestorememberand follow Ensure that their thinking matches closely withhowhethinks. Tothink otherwise is treachery itself. A betrayal by one turned rogue,whoforgotwhyheor shewascalledandputwhere they are. Selections for oil board and other boards, committeesincluded,arenot madeformerit.
Butforthosewhoknow thescore. Thosewhoknow how to play Jagdeo's game. Here it is one last time. There are laws, there are boards, and there are those board games. They mostly stand as the barrenness of a mental wasteland. (The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the o p i n i o n s o f t h i s newspaper.)
Without any intention of making Mr Jordan look good, Dr Jagdeo look bad, a n d m e s o u n d i n g Solomonic, where are those people in any numbers in Guyana? In moviemaking, itissaidthatcastingisninetenthsofthedeal. Jagdeois themasterwiththepeoplehe casts. Oilmoney,though,is not a movie What handpicked actors on most boards,orthedriver'sseaton any commission or committee? Verypointedly, Ilookattheoilboardandits o t h e r s u b - b o a r d s (committees)andthereisthe alarming. The oil board is giving Guyanese the 'boards.' It is a Jagdeo kind ofboard. ForthelikesofMr Alistair Routledge and the resident diplomatic corps, I translate. Giving Guyanese 'the boards' or 'boards-ing' Guyanese means taking them for a ride. It is why I humbly disagree with Mr Jordan:theJagdeoboardsdo have their usefulness. For his visions. The Jagdeo boardsalsohaveafullmouth ofteeth. Tobitedownonhis ideas of what proper oil money stewardship is all about. And, to bite off the hand and head of anyone who gets adventurous. To think differently in Mr. Jagdeo's scheme of c a l c u l a t i o n s i s adventurousness, which leadstorecklessness.
Frompage2 commitment to excellence. “This expansion reflectsRBH'svisiontogrowitsfootprintin GuyanaandneighbouringCaribbeanmarkets while maintaining its reputation for operational expertise and exceptional customerexperiences.”
ThefirstPapaJohnslocationinGuyanawill open on December 16th at the corner of Vlissengen Road and Garnett Street. Guests can look forward to a full menu of mouthwatering pizzas crafted with only the finestingredients,wingsanddessertoptions, RHB said in the release. “The launch promises to deliver the signature quality, freshness, and service that have made Papa Johns a global favourite.” Papa Johns is a globally recognized pizza brand renowned for its commitment to “Better Ingredients, Better Pizza.” Since its founding in 1984, Papa Johns has become a leader in the pizza industry,offeringcustomersaroundtheworld delicious, high-quality pizzas and outstanding service With a focus on innovation and community, Papa Johns continues to bring people together with its crave-worthy menu and warm, inviting atmosphere.
Public servants in Guyana have been greeted with the welcome news of salary increases and allowances for 2024.
Yet, amidst the applause, let us take a moment to scrutinize the broader canvas of justice and equity that frames these increments.
Salary increases, laudable as they are, must be grounded in reality, and reality, in turn, is shaped by inflation. If inflation is allowed to soar unchecked, these hard-won gains are quickly eroded, leaving the recipients no better off than before, perhaps even worse.
To ensure these adjustments translate into genuine improvements, the government must provide credible and transparent inflation data.
Inflation, after all, is the silent saboteur of purchasing power, quietly gnawing away at paychecks.
T h e $ 2 5 B n e w laboratory facility and administration building for theGuyanaNationalBureau of Standards (GNBS) at the Sophia Exhibition Complex were commissioned on Wednesday by President Irfaan Ali and Minister of Tourism, Industry and Commerce, Oneidge Walrond.
In his address at the commissioning ceremony,
Ali spoke about the importance of the facility stating that it will play a
critical role in the development and growth of the country's economy “In the economy that we are building, in this modern transformative economy, there are many different pillars of growth and development We have
tourism, agriculture, manufacturing and industrial development, agro-processing, different aspects of the services sector, fabrication industry, pharmaceuticals, climate biodiversityareallpillarsof the economy we are building.”
He said it is important that in the building of these pillars,“weunderstandwhat isourtargetmarket,whoare
our target consumers and what are the instrument that will allow us to meet our
target market and consumers,” he told the gathering.According to the President, the new facility which will carry with it internationalaccreditation,it will allow local products to fit into international market by having the accreditation donelocally
The Head-of-State further pointed out that in having standards for the products,therealsoneedsto be standardisation “Importantly in standards is standardization Many people speak about standard as if it is an isolated event;
the problem is that standard is an important aspect of standardization. If we apply standardsthenitallowsusto build standardization and consistency in product which is important for market share, market trust and market credibility,” he related.
Meanwhile, in her remarks, Minister Walrond noted that this new facility will allow GNBS to provide over500standards,covering areas such as agriculture, e n e r g y, t o u r i s m , constructionandmore.
She noted that by embedding standards in the nationalpsyche,itiscreating a culture of excellence that
minister, the National Bureau of Standards plays a vitalroleinensuringthatthe country's local products and services meet international standards. Through its work in certification, training and technical assistance, GNBS has been helping business i m p r o v e q u a l i t y, competitivenessandtobuild consumers'confidence.
beyond Kaieteur News understands that more than 40 laboratories across the country have been certified, while since its inception in April 2022, the Made in Guyana Certification has been adopted by over 50 companies.
benefits citizens and businesses alike. “Today's occasion is a testament of our nation's progress in strengthening standards and quality, key pillars for sustainable development a n d g l o b a l competitiveness,” the ministersaid.
She said the opening of the new GNBS facility represents a bold step, in equipping Guyana with the tools that are needed to support businesses (small medium, and micro) and to protect consumers and improvelives.
According to the
Speaking on the new facility, Minister Walrond related that, “This facility will enhance significantly GNBS's capacity and it provides cutting edge servicesthatwillimpactour citizens, businesses and industries.”
Of the key areas which thisfacilitywillbeproviding services for are calibration services, testing services, it will continue to conduct testing in gold jewellery, certification services, laboratory certification amongothers.
The minister stated that through laboratory certification, this ensures consistent accurate results acrossmedicalandindustrial testing facilities, fostering trust in sectors like the oil and gas and healthcare and
The Minister announced also that GNBS has developed a Bread and Breakfast Certification which will help to enhance the country's tourism offeringandservices.
Stating that the establishment of this new facilityistopositionGuyana as a global leader in quality assurance,theministerurged the private sector and regulatory bodies “to collaborate closely with GNBS and fully utilise its services. Together we can ensure that Guyana's products and services not only meet but exceed internationalstandards.”
The building was constructed by Nabi Construction Inc. Funding fortheprojectcameoutofa U$S17M (GYD$3.4B) loan facilitated by the InterAmerican Development Bank(IDB).
‘Thug Life’ freed of attempted murder and wounding charges
Thirty-eight-year-oldDenellonEmanuel, called'ThugLife,'wasacquittedonTuesday of attempted murder and wounding charges by a 12-member jury in the High Court of Demerara.
The unanimous not-guilty verdicts brought an end to a trial presided over by JusticeNavindraSingh.Thecasecentredon an incident that occurred on September 20, 2022,atDeKinderen,WestCoastDemerara (WCD). Emanuel was accused of stabbing NizamKhanalsoknownas“Ameer,”during aconfrontationataSuperbetshop.
According to the facts presented, EmanuelandKhan,hadknowneachotherfor four years. On the day of the incident, both menwereintheSuperbetshop.Thetwowere inanargumentwhenEmanuelallegedlytold Khan that he will tackle him and therefore pulledoutaRamboknifefromhiswaistand attacked Khan. However, Khan used his bicycle to bar himself from Emmanuel and exited the shop. Shortly after Khan was journeying home when Emmanuel allegedly followedbehindanddealthimonestabtothe neck. Khan was later taken to the Leonora Cottage Hospital and was admitted in the emergencywardandwaslatertransferredto the Georgetown Pubic Hospital Corporation (GPHC) Emmanuel was subsequently arrested and told police that Khan had urinatedinfrontofhimandinthepresenceof hisdaughter
“Ameer come and pee in front by me. I talktoheandhetellme,suckhec**k.Imeet heandaskhefuhsaysorryandhechuckme, weendupinascuffleandhetekoutaknife from he waist. I tek it away from he, fired a boreathebutmenaknowwhereitketch.”
During the trial, jurors were presented with video footage of the altercation. In his caution statement to the police, Emanuel
Found not guilty of attempted murder: DenellonEmanuel
admitted to stabbing Khan but denied initiating the violence, stating, “De man attackedme,andIhadtodefendmyself.” The jury deliberated on the evidence before delivering a unanimous not-guilty verdict for both attempted murder and the alternative charge of felonious wounding. Emanuel'sdefenceteamwasledbyattorneyat-law Kiswana Jefford of Hughes, Fields, and Stoby law firm. The prosecution was represented by attorneys Muntaz Ali and ChristopherBelfield.
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
has wrapped up its investigationsintotherecent seepage of a substance from the ground at Crane, West CoastDemerara(WCD)and has concluded that there are no environmental or health riskstoresidents.
A release issued on Wednesday, said the EPA having conducted both laboratory and field testing, concluded that there is neither health nor environmental risks evident in the substance which was collected Kaieteur News first reported that Crane, West Coast Demerara residents were living in constantfearfortheirhealth since the appearance of a mysterioussubstancestarted appearingonthefloortilesin mid-October The affected residentsincluded,Basmatie Singh and her son of Nouvelle Flanders/Crane WCD and Nandani Singh and her family of Crane HousingScheme,WCD.
The seepage resulted in strange odours, health-
related concerns, and damaged floor tiles in some homes reported by residents inthearea.Andwhileinitial testsfromtheseepagefound sulfur dioxide, a harmful substance (SO2), which according to the American Lung Association is a gaseous air pollutant, composed of sulfur and oxygen; the EPA debunked the initial test results as inaccurate stating that their e q u i p m e n t h a d malfunctioned.
On Wednesday, the EPA said in the release that the investigations revealed that uponthesubstancecollected fromtilesisnothydrocarbon based, toxic gases and r a d i a t i o n b e y o n d background levels are not present in the homes where the substance was discovered, collected and tested and surveys of the community and homes revealed that the damage to ground tiles is not widespread.
Further,itwasnotedthat a few other households that reported seeing damaged
Representatives of the EPA, and several other agencies during their field investigation for the alleged seepage into homes at Crane.
tiles, including a temple in Crane, indicated that this seepage has been occurring several years now and prior totheCOVID-19pandemic.
According to the release, Executive Director of the EPA, Kemraj Parsram expressedappreciationtoall
Government ministries and departments, the University of Guyana (UG) and other local agencies which assistedwithvariousaspects oftheinvestigations.
“Our investigations, which were conducted between October 8 and November 19, 2024,
involved a comprehensive scientificanalysis,including laboratory testing of the substancecollectedfromthe tiles, air quality assessment, soil analysis, and surveys of thecommunity,todetermine the extent of the occurrence,” said Mr Parsram.
Added to this, the EPA hasalsoconfirmedthatthere have been no additional reported instances of continued odors. According to the release, various teams from the EPA conducted several visits to the areas (Continuedonpage16)
The Ministry of Labour, through the Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) Department has launched an investigation intothefatalaccidentthatclaimedthelifeofa 46-year-oldmineronSaturdaylast,atAramu Backdam,CuyuniRiver,RegionSeven.
ThedeadmanhasbeenidentifiedasOral AnthonyRouse.
TheLabourMinistryreportedthathewas employed by Alvin Higgins, a 49-year-old gold miner Investigations revealed that Rouse was working alongside four other crew members on a four-inch land dredging operation.
While working, around 09:00h, a miner jetting into the pit observed the land collapsing and shouted a warning for Rouse to escape. Unfortunately, he was unable to fleeintimeandwasburiedundertherushof soil.Further,effortsbyco-workerstorescue Rouse began shortly after the collapse, with him being unearthed around 09:30h, the ministrysaid.
Subsequently, he was transported to the Bartica Hospital for emergency medical attentionbutwaspronounceddeadonarrival.
The body of Rouse has been moved to the Bartica Hospital mortuary, where a postmortem examination will be conducted to determinetheexactcauseofdeath.
Ray Hosannah, the Occupational Safety andHealthOfficerreportedlyvisitedthesite to conduct a preliminary investigation to identifytheunderlyingcausesoftheaccident and develop safety recommendations to preventfutureincidents.
Minister of Labour Joseph Hamilton, extended his heartfelt sympathy to the grievingrelatives,co-workers,andfriendsof the deceased. The statement added, “he also takes this opportunity to remind employers and workers of the importance and need for good safety and health practices in the workplacesothatsimilarincidents/accidents that can result in the loss of lives of loved onescanbeavoided.”
FirstLadyMrs.AryaAli on Tuesday urged a new batch of graduates from the Board of Industrial Training programme to continue learning and upskilling themselves.
Addressing 193 graduates from several programmes under the BIT, Mrs. Ali said their success will be determined by their ability to adapt to changing job market demands. “In recentyears,therehasbeena dramatic change in the global labour market Traditional,purelyacademic qualifications are no longer enoughtoguaranteesuccess. There is now a broad recognition that skills, specifically technical skills like the ones you have acquired, are essential to meeting the needs of a moderneconomylikeours,” shesaid.
T h e g r a d u a t i o n
ceremony was held at the Essequibo Technical InstituteinRegionTwo.This batch included 45 young women who completed the Cosmetology programme launchedbytheOfficeofthe First Lady in collaboration withBITearlierthisyear,the Department of Public Information (DPI) said in a pressrelease.
T h e f i r s t l a d y emphasised the importance of technical skills in the modern labour market. She cited data from the World Economic Forum, which declared that 94 percent of business leaders expect employees to acquire new skills.AccordingtoMrs.Ali, the key is actively seeking o p p o r t u n i t i e s t o continuously develop and expand technical skills and expertise,ratherthanrelying solelyoninitialtraining.
She pointed to the wide
range of platforms available inGuyanainadditiontoBIT, that build technical expertise, such as those offered at the various technical institutes and the University of Guyana “Thesetrainingprogrammes provide pathways for you to gainskillsthatdirectlyalign with the needs of the job market, improving your chances for upward mobility,”shepointedout.
First Lady Ali further emphasised, “The world is changing rapidly, and the daysofasingledegreebeing enoughforalifetimeofwork aregone.Itiscriticalthatyou stay curious, continue learning and upskill yourselves throughout your careers ”Meanwhile, the graduates signalled their eagerness to put their newly acquired skills into practice. For them, the first lady's message resonated in such a
193 students graduated on Tuesday from BIT training programmes T
waythattheyaredetermined to make their mark and contribute to Guyana's growingeconomy
Sarah Stevens, who has completed the Cosmetology Course, told the Department of Public Information (DPI) that she has already begun buildingherclientele.“Now I feel qualified enough to startabusiness.
NowthatIamacertified makeup artist, I can finally get the courage to get more clients, because not everyone would want to come to self-taught makeup artists,”shesaid.
Another Cosmetology graduate, 19-year-old JevanjalieRooplall,saidthat prior to joining the course, shehadverylittleinterestin cosmetology However,with her certification, Rooplall is determined to start her own business.“This was a great opportunity for me
Minister of Labour, Joseph
Entrepreneurship has been something that has always fascinatedme,andthisisjust anopportunitytogotowards that and get something started,”sheexpressed.Over the last four years, 12,800 persons have been trained through the Board of
Industrial Training. In his remarks,MinisterofLabour, Joseph Hamilton explained that this is by design, as the government aims to shatter the gender barrier, empowering women to ventureintomale-dominated fields.
The government, through the Ministry of Human Services and Social Security, launched a senior citizen engagement programme dubbed the Golden Generation Hub in Victoria on Tuesday to combat isolation and celebrate the contributions
ofGuyana'selderly T h e c o m m u n i t y programme is the brainchild of Minister of Human ServicesandSocialSecurity, Dr Vindhya Persaud. It will connect the seniors with resources, opportunities and mostimportantly,eachother
launch ceremony, Minister Persaud highlighted the
programmeandtherationale behind its name. “Golden as atributetoyourtimeonthis earth, Generations because there are many different generationsinthisroomand hu
Senior citizens playing checkers at the launch of the Golden Generations Hubs in Victoria
communitiesacrossGuyana, we are going to be creating these golden generations hubs.
“So, that you can come out like this and come out regularly so that you can have the opportunity to enjoy many different
things,”theMinisterpointed out. The initiative speaks to theheartofthenationandis designed to honour senior citizens' contributions to societybyensuringtheylive withdignityandfulfilment.
The programme also bridgesgenerationaldivides, creating spaces where seniors can share their knowledge and experiences while fostering a sense of belonging. The hub will featureavarietyofactivities to enhance their quality of life, including social (Continuedonpage15)
Minister of Education Priya Manickchand on Wednesday warned young people particularly females against sharing nude photos and videos to persons who she said may later expose theminthepublicdomain.
Manickchandrelatedthis during a live video message on her Facebook page focusing on, “Never give up your power over who sees you.” While describing the sharing of nude photos and videos as an issue causing significant harm to many youngpeople,theEducation Ministerurgedpersonstonot fall prey to such instances. Eventhoughitaffectsalarge number, she emphasised that,forher,evenoneperson sufferingistoomany “When you are in safe places like yourbedroomoryoursitting room or your home where you feel like you're private andyoufeelsafeandyoufeel like you are anonymous, a sense of anonymity that the phonegivesyou,youcando things that you wouldn't ordinarily do in public,” Manickchandsaid.
The practice of creating and sharing sexual images via technological devices, known as ‘sexting’, has receivedattentioninthepast years, especially due to the increase of adolescent
engagement in this behaviour
Although consensual 'sexting' is not prima facie a crime, as some research has shown,ithasthepotentialto be a risky behaviour, and a threshold to get exposure to dangerous kinds of victimization as sextortion, online grooming or cyberbullying, the US
National Library of Medicinehassaidinapaper Additionally, UNICEF has said that while information and communications technologies (ICTs) and the Internet have become an integral part of modern life, andplayanimportantrolein the educational and social development of children,
they also expose children to new and evolving forms of sex
organization, child sexual exploitation has soared in recent years as reflected by t
ng production and distribution of child sexual abuse materials(CSAM)duetothe use of more advanced ICTs by perpetrators UNICEF said according to police reports, the number of CSAM now in circulation is staggering.Practicessuchas 'sexting' (the self-production and sharing of sexualised messages or images) also place children at risk of s e x u a l a b u s e a n d exploitation.
Manickchandforherpart observed that 'sexting' happensquitefrequentlyand wanted others to consider it thoughtfully and with awareness.
She related that she has seenindividuals,particularly young people, taking pictures or videos of their nakedorsemi-nakedbodies, either stills or videos and sending them to people they believe are friends or would respect their privacy. However, she has witnessed howtheseimagesandvideos have been used to harm young people, especially girls.
“When you take pictures andvideosandyousenditto anyone,yougiveupawhole lotofpowersothefirstthing
youshoulddoifyouwanted totakepicturesandvideosis toaskyourself,howyouwill feelifthiswasonabillboard, you had to pass and see or howyouwouldfeelifitwas exposedontheinternet?”the ministernoted.
She underscored that theseareimportantquestions because many young people have trusted others with intimate photos, only to be hurtwhenthoseimageswere misused The Education Minister stressed that in any instances if a person is tempted to share such images,thinktwice,asitcan cause significant harm However, if it had already beendone,don'tworrysince, “The world is not at an end andyouwillbefine.”
“If you have done that and anyone is blackmailing you or threatening you with the usage of those pictures, you just let us know (Authorities) and we will, make sure that they don't have that power over you,” Manickchandsaid.
Manickchand further pointedoutthatonceshared, even with someone who seems that they can be trusted, the sender automatically loses control over whether the photos or videoscanbepublished.“So I want to ask you to be conscious not to do that not to use your devices in waysthatcanhurtyouandto be conscious when you are doingthat.
Anyone asking you for videos and photographs probably doesn't have any good intention or wouldn't askyouinthefirstplaceand put you in those positions,” the Education Minister said. Importantly, she said that sharing,posting,orreposting nude videos and photos of someone without their permission is a crime under manylaws,anditcanleadto significant trouble It's important to be aware of the harm this can cause and to avoid doing it, Minister Manickchandstressed.
engagement comprising regular movie nights,workshops,games,andgroupoutings to help seniors connect, share stories, and formfriendships.
Active ageing initiatives such as monthly yoga, tai chi, and light aerobics sessions aimed at improving flexibility, balance, and overallhealth.
In addition, seniors will benefit from weekly sessions of mental stimulation through puzzles, memory exercises, book clubs,andbraingamestopromotecognitive
health Also, technology literacy introductory classes on smartphones, computers,andinternetuse,aresettobegin in January, to help seniors navigate the digitalage.
This training class is being offered throughacollaborationwiththeministryand theNationalLibrary MinisterPersaudnoted thattheGoldenGenerationsHubrepresents a step toward a more inclusive society, ensuringthatseniorsremainanintegralpart of their communities while enjoying their goldenyearsofhealthandhappiness.(DPI)
Drivers (25-45 Year old) to deliver Groceries & Porter to work on the canter & warehouse. Attractive salary. Tel673-7373.
Experienced bus driver for Region #3, Must have a valid bus license. Contact : 60079618/ 703-7133 or email : e.e.transportgy@gmail.com
Live-in Babysitter / Cook age 45-55 years old. Experience would be an asset. Contact : 681-4662.
Single male seeks a live-in Domestic Partner, Light housework. Salary $60,000 monthly. Call: 603-9085.
Part-time Driver, 5 years experience aged 30-45 years old, preferably from E.B.D. Tele: 665-0677.
Male sales-rep 18-28 years old, Knowledge about vehicle models would be an asset. Call : 619-1237.
Drivers / Porter. Contact : 223-5273 / 621-5907.
Wanted Electrical Apprentice, No marijuana smokers. Call: 724-0125.
For Sale 6 used American made Dental chairs excellent condition contact Mr Vino on 661-3030 or 626-8918
One Nissan Double cab pickup, fully off road setup ; -5 Million Negotiable. Call: 626-8919 / 661-3030.
For sale 1 320D Caterpillar Excavator with 3066 Engine. Contact :701-4000
Seeking single Female roommate no pets, no kids $120,000 located at betterhope. Contact: 6098881.
Elevate your brand with our professional Graphic design services. Call: 619-0007, 629-5526.
Visa Application:U.S.A, Canada & UK:Graphics design, advertisements, wedding arch rentals.Tel:6267040.
Porter Vacancy at Vegetarian Gardens. 68 Robb & Cummings G/Town. Tel:2277714 Cell:640-0673
Receptionist Vacancy at Hick’s Ville Hotel. 79 West Ruimveldt Estate G/Town. Tel :231-0951/640-0673
Maid to clean for east bank area. Call: 615-9132.
Female cleaner. Call : 6159132 / 645-8443.
One (1) painter & Male cleaner 615-9132 or 645-8443.
Pump Attendant (6am-2pm & 2pm-10pm).Mobil Providence E.B.D, Call: 265-7306. Email:Mobilramsburg@gmai.com
Receptionist, Supervisor , Laundry attendant 23-50 years old. 233 South Road Lacytown. 225-0198.
One day Guard to work around Ogle area. Call: 2275222 or 617-4662.
Vacancy for experience and non-experience sewing machine operator at Lall's Garment Enterprise Lot 6 Friendship E.B.D.
1 Honda CRV, includes TV, music system, alarm, reverse camera, spoiler, crash, low mileage PTT Series (first owner). Call: 649-0956.
One Unregistered Nissan XTrail 2016 model, Mode Premiere. Call : 649-0956.
The Georgetown Magistrates’ Traffic Court has recorded an average of 60 persons being charged each week for various traffic offences within the Georgetown district.
The traffic court in Georgetown sits on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. The most common offences being heard each week are: obscured licence plates, careless driving and dangerous driving.
The offence of having an obscured licence plate carries a maximum fine of $200,000, the same amount as for driving under the influence. During Wednesday’s court proceedings, eight new matters were called before Magistrate Shivani Lalaram. Three individuals were charged with careless driving and fined $25,000 each. One other defendant was charged with dangerous driving, failure to report an accident and failing to render assistance. This person was fined a total of $50,000—$30,000 for dangerous driving and $10,000 for each of the other offences.
According to court records, persons who are ordered to appear in court for ticketable offences, approximately only 70% typically show up. The remaining 30% have to be summoned and an arrest warrant is issued for those who fail to attend. The court also observed a higher number of traffic cases in November compared to December.
In a recent traffic enforcement exercise conducted along the Kitty Seawalls, police recorded 82 traffic violations on December 8, 2024. The operation, which focused on violations such as vehicles with coloured lights and heavily tinted windows, led to five arrests. Several vehicles were impounded, and fitness certificates were revoked. Regionally, police have recorded 42,000 traffic violations during the first week of December alone.
Late last month, President Irfaan Ali had directed the Guyana Police Force (GPF) to
take immediate action to tackle various issues on the roadways, including speeding trucks, reckless driving, and drunk driving. His call had come amid a rash of tragic accidents. During a live broadcast, President Ali, accompanied by Police Commissioner (ag) Clifton Hicken, Deputy Police Commissioner Ravindradat Budhram, and Traffic Chief Mahendra Singh, outlined several measures to improve road safety. These include the use of body cameras for police officers to capture video evidence of traffic violations, enhanced CCTV surveillance to track reckless drivers, and stricter penalties for traffic infractions.
The Head-of-State emphasised the importance of holding all drivers accountable, particularly truck drivers, and urged the Attorney General to review current laws for potential gaps. “I have asked the Attorney General to examine the laws to see where there are gaps so that truck owners can also have the responsibility of ensuring their drivers work within guidelines,” the President stated. He further stressed that CCTV cameras would play a crucial role in identifying “errant drivers” who en-
danger the lives of others.
The President noted that existing laws already allow for the suspension of licences for specific traffic violations and promised full implementation.
“Drivers on the whole, but especially those truck drivers, public transportation drivers, I am asking you, not to do anything special—all I am asking you to do in the interest of saving lives, is to comply with the law, comply with the rules,” Ali urged.
The issue of driving under the influence of alcohol also took centre stage during the broadcast. President Ali tasked the GPF with enforcing the law to its fullest extent, including holding bar owners accountable for serving alcohol to drivers. He called for bars to display clear signage about the law and warned that licences would be suspended for those who do not comply. “I require that the GPF implement the law to the maximum,” the President said, stressing the need for stricter enforcement to curb drunk driving.
In response to speeding, the President announced that the GPF would start publishing the names of drivers who exceed the speed limit more than three times and would suspend their licences for re-
peat offences. “They are now going to go through all the drivers because this public notice was there, and they will move in accordance with the law to have those licences suspended,” President Ali declared. He also revealed that, as of now, 893 speeding tickets have been issued on the New Heroes Highway alone, and the GPF would continue to crack down on violators. “We have to take these actions to save you. We have to take these actions to save you from yourselves because you put your life at risk and, in putting your life at risk, you are also putting the life of others at risk,” Ali had warned.
Hicken for his part had assured the public that the GPF would be stepping up efforts to address the issue. “We are going to double back and put all the mechanisms in place. Drivers, you are going to see us. We are going to be working with you,” Hicken said. He also announced plans to implement retraining for truck drivers to ensure safer practices on the roads. “Truck drivers, we are going to be coming after you. We are going to be putting you in order, and we are going to have retraining,” he stated.
From page 13 where the seepage of the substance was reported.
Expert advice provided to the EPA by other local agencies attributed the damages seen on the tiles to efflorescence.
“Efflorescence is a natural occurrence, resulting from soluble salts in con-
struction materials rising to the surface due to moisture,” the statement added. In addition to its findings, the EPA noted that observations also revealed that structural anomalies, including the absence of the use of Damp Proof Membrane (moisture proofing) and substandard instal-
lation techniques, also contributed to the problem. Parsram has since explained that, while the EPA’s role in this matter is now complete, he encouraged residents to reach out to the Agency, if necessary, as well as to take further action by engaging professional construction and engineering services for remediation. Residents are also free to pursue independent investigations, if so desired.
“We thank you for bringing this matter to our attention and remain committed to ensuring the well-being of all residents and the environment,” Mr. Parsram said.
Global trade in wood and paper p r o d u c t s droppedsteeplyfromrecord levels in 2021 and 2022, with the paper trade continuing to decline under pressure from digital media, according to the latest data released by the Food and Agriculture Organization of theUnitedNations(FAO).
The Global forest products facts and figures 2023 report says the worldwide wood and paper products trade saw a significant drop of 12 percent: exports decreased byUS$64billiontoUS$482 billionin2023. Thislevelwasstillabove the highest international trade value ever seen before 2021. But significantly, the factthattradevaluedeclined faster than traded quantities for most of the products indicates a drop in forest product prices in 2023 amid a general slowdown in economic growth Global production of paper and paperboard contracted by 3
o a continuous replacement of printed media with digital products.
”What we have seen happening is a combination of factors, with production and trade declining due to g
g consumer demand and trade restrictions, together with a longer-term decline for example in global paper production and trade along with the progress of digitalization,” said Zhimin Wu, Director of FAO’s ForestryDivision.
Most categories show decline Global production and trade of most major wood-based products recorded a decline in 2023 with only wood-based panels recording a marginal growthinproduction.
Industrial roundwood (used for any purpose other than energy and includes pulpwood, sawlogs and veneer logs, and wood used for fence posts and telephone or electricity
poles) - In 2023, global industrial roundwood removals declined by 4 percent to 1.92 billion m³. Globaltradedecreasedby13 percent to 100 million m³ (the lowest level since 2009).
Guyana and Qatar held their first p o l i t i c a l consultation at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs & InternationalCooperationon Tuesday
T h e p o l i t i c a l consultation was convened following the signing of a M e m o r a n d u m o f Understanding between Guyana and Qatar on
h o l d i n g P o l i t i c a l Consultations on Issues of Mutual Interest by Hugh Hilton Todd, Minister of Foreign Affairs and InternationalCooperation.
ForeignSecretaryRobert Persaudleddiscussionswith Dr Ahmed bin Hassan Al
Hammadi, SecretaryGeneral,MinistryofForeign Affairs of Qatar They were both accompanied by officials from the respective Foreign Ministries, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs saidinapressrelease.
“There are many opportunities that exist in which we can develop, and wecanexplore,andwehope thatthroughtoday’spolitical
consultation, we can examinethoseandthatitself would lead to some specific andadditionalareasinwhich we can mutually agree to in
Guyana’s Foreign Secretary, Robert Persaud and H.E Dr. Ahmed bin Hassan Al Hammadi, SecretaryGeneral, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Qatar
terms of pursuing,” Foreign SecretaryPersaudsaidinhis openingremarks.
Dr AhmedbinHassanAl Hammadi indicated that whilesomeQataricompanies havealreadystartedinvesting in Guyana, the [Qatari] government aims to expand their investments beyond the energy sector and will be exploring other ventures including real estate and hotels.
The two sides reviewed theexistingareasofbilateral cooperation which cover infrastructure, health, agriculture, and energy They agreed to advance and deepen cooperation in these areas while exploring new initiatives and endeavoured
to enhance coordination w
institutions on areas of mutualinterest.
The Amir of Qatar His Highness Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani visited Guyana on September 12, 2023, where various areas of interestandcooperationwere discussedwhichledtoaseries of undertakings between the two countries including various agreements in hospitality, biodiversity conservation efforts and support in areas of health
Before the political consultation,HEDr Ahmed bin HassanAl Hammadi and hisdelegationpaidacourtesy call to His Excellency, PresidentAli
Sawnwood (including planks, sleepers or crossties, beams, joists, boards, rafters and lumber)Production decreased in all five regions around the world in 2023 Global production of sawnwood contracted by 4 percent to 445 million m³ (the lowest since 2014), and the decline in international trade was as twiceabig–8percentto129 million m³ (the lowest since 2014). Wood-based panels (plywood including blockboard and laminated veneer lumber, particle board,orientedstrandboard, and fibreboard) - Global wood-based panel production grew by just 1
percent to 381 million m³ (owing to increased production in the AsiaPacificthatoffsetadecrease in other regions). However, international trade in woodbased panels followed a downward trend similar to thatofotherproducts,falling by7percentto84millionm³ (lowestsince2016).
Wood pulp - Global production of wood pulp declined by 2 percent to reach 193 million tonnes. In contrast, trade in wood pulp increased by 3 percent to reach a record level of 71 milliontonnes.
Paper and paperboardIn2023,productiondeclined in Europe and northern
America, while it stagnated inAfrica and LatinAmerica andtheCaribbean. It grew only in AsiaPacific World paper production dropped by 3 percent to 401 million tonnes(tradeby7percentto 104 million tonnes, the lowest since 2010). Global productionofgraphicpapers declined by 9 percent while other paper and paperboard recorded a smaller decrease of 3 percent in 2023 Productionofgraphicpapers in 2023 (84 million tonnes) wasatthelowestlevelsince 1987.
Wood pellet - Production has increased dramatically in thelastdecades,mainlyowing to demand generated from bioenergy targets set by countries.However,thegrowth forthefirsttimepausedin2023, recordingadropinproduction by 2 percent and trade by 5 percent In 2023, global production reached 47 million tonnes Engineered wood products - The first ever published data on engineered wood products launched by FAO show that in2023globalproductionof laminated veneer lumber (LVL)amountedto4million m³ (exports – 1 million m³), glue-laminated timber (glulam) - 7 million m³ (exports – 2 million m³), cross-laminated timber (CLT or X-lam) - 1 million m³(exports–0.6millionm³) and I-beams (I-joists) - 1 milliontonnes(exports–0.3 milliontonnes).
- Six Palestinians in Gaza describe how they struggle to feed their families amid the war.
Ghada al-Kafarna stood in line outside the community kitchen in central Gaza as she does every day. It was 11am and the mother of 10 had been there for the past twohours.
“For me, securing food and bread is a constant battle,” the 41-year-old explained as hundreds of children, women and men jostled around her Ghada hasnosourceofincomeand her husband suffers from a
chronic illness that preventedhimfromworking evenbeforethewar
Now the family, which was displaced from their home in Beit Hanoon in the north, lives in an UNRWA schoolturnedshelterinDeir el-Balah and relies on tekkiyyat, community or charity kitchens distributing free meals “When the tekkiyyat stop, I have no choicebuttobegneighbours forfood,”shesaid.
“My children haven’t eatenanythingtoday Forthe past four days, the charity kitchens have been closed because of the difficult situation, and my children have gone to bed hungry every night,” she explained tearfully “I ask people around me and beg them everydayforhelp.”
‘My children haven’t eatenanythingtoday’
But most people are in the same position as Ghada and are unable to offer her family any assistance. In October 2023, when Israel began its war on Gaza, it announced a “total” blockade on essential supplies to the Strip. In the more than 14 months since, Israel has restricted 83 percent of the food aid entering Gaza, according to theUnitedNations.
International aid organisations and charities have repeatedly warned of crisis levels of hunger affecting the more than 2 millionpeopleinGazawhile Israel has been accused of usingstarvationasaweapon of war On December 1, the UN agency for Palestinian refugees (UNRWA) said it halted the delivery of aid through Karem Abu Salem (knownasKeremShalomto Israelis)–themaincrossing point for humanitarian aid between Israel and Gaza –due to security concerns such as theft by armed
Thishasonlyintensified thestrugglesoffamilieslike Ghada’s already devastated bymorethanayearofwar It has taken a massive toll on her mental and emotional wellbeing.“Ifeelhumiliated anddegraded,beggingevery day to secure food for my children. I wish for death dailybecauseofthisendless struggle,” she said. “When my children cry from hunger,Isometimeslashout at them in frustration. Last night,Ihitmyeight-year-old son because he was crying for food,” she revealed, her voice filled with anguish.
“He cried himself to sleep, and I spent the night in tears ” “Our situation is beyond words Stop this tragedy We are exhausted,” shepleaded.
‘Without community kitchens, we wouldn’t be abletoeat’
LikeGhada,Mohammed Abu Rami is entirely reliant on community kitchens to feed his family of 11. The 58-year-old makes the daily trip from his tent in a temporary camp in Deir elBalah to line up at a charity kitchenwithtwoofhissons, often arriving at least two hours before the food distribution begins
“Without the tekkiyyat, we wouldn’t be able to eat at all,”heexplained.
“Last week, when the charities were closed, we went entire days without food. Our survival depends solely on what they provide.”
Holding a plastic container as he waited, Mohammed describes how his family, which was displaced from Gaza City,
lives“belowthepovertyline – no work, no money, no medicine” “We haven’t receivedanyfoodaidinover five months,” he added, his voice heavy “Who can we turn to in the midst of this famine? What can we say? We are dying under the bombardment, hungry and cold.WeonlyhaveGod,”he said. “Our patience has run out. I never imagined living through such unbearable days This is deliberate starvation - a war within a war.”
‘People dying for a loaf ofbread’
It was around 11:30am and Karima al-Batsh was strugglingtostayinaqueue outside a bakery as people aroundhertriedtoreachthe front to buy bread. She had been there since five in the morning and had arrived to find hundreds of people already waiting - everyone competing for the same scarce item of food. While thousands of Palestinians line up daily at community kitchens, an even larger number of people gather outside bakeries from the early hours of the morning, desperateforbreadgiventhe severely depleted supply of wheat flour due to Israel’s restrictions.
“I have no flour, and there’s none available in the markets,” explained the 39year-old “We haven’t receivedanyaid.”
After Karima and her family were displaced from Gaza City’s Zeitoun neighbourhood to Deir elBalah, her husband was killedinanIsraeliairstrike. The mother of four now braves the crowds outside bakeries, which have for
95,000Palestinianswholive there face starvation and malnutrition. The independentFamineReview Committee has warned that faminecouldbe“imminent” inareasinthenorth.“Iused tohaveagoodlife-ajob,a small shop, an income, and myownhome,”hereflected. “We endured the horrors of war, but to face hunger like thisisunimaginable.”
With the price of a 25kilogramme(55-pound)bag offloursoaringtomorethan 1,000 shekels ($280), Mohammed voiced the desperationofmany
o f t h e d e e p e n i n g humanitarian crisis in Gaza, where hunger and desperation have pushed people to their limits. “The scene is one of chaos and heartbreak,” said Karima as she waited for her turn. “Everyone is fighting for crumbs of bread to bring back something to their families.”
“ T h e h u n g e r i s overwhelming, and the jostling is relentless,” she added. “Last week, three womeninDeirel-Balahdied from suffocation in a stampede How can the world allow this to happen—people dying for a loafofbread?”
‘Never imagined a day whenIwouldgohungry’
Mohammed Dardouna emerged from a bakery queue - what he referred to as“thebattleforbread”-his clothes dusty and his face etched with exhaustion “Our life is like zeft (black like tar),” said 42-year-old Mohammed angrily, using a local expression to convey the inescapable hardship
Palestinians are facing, a small bag of bread on his shoulder “Iwakeupat5am tofetchwaterformyfamily
From 8 to 9am, I search for tekkiyyattofindfoodformy children. Then, I stand in line for hours to get bread, now scarce due to the flour shortage,” he explained, describing his daily routine inDeirel-Balah.
“This is the summary of life in Gaza now for many likeme.”
Mohammed, a father of eight, was displaced from Jabalia in northern Gaza where the estimated up-to-
alsofacethethreatofIsraeli strikes. With vegetables, meat and poultry and basic staples like rice and pasta now unavailable or prohibitively expensive, Fadia has no option but to cook with insect-infested flour “Flour is missing, aid is scarce, and aid parcels haven’t arrived for months. How can I provide bread or food?”sheasked.
“Whocanaffordevena fraction of that now?” he asked.“Ifthiscontinues,we will bury ourselves alive. Death feels like the only escape,” he said. “I never imagined a day when I would go hungry or watch mychildrenstarve.Stopthe war Lettheflourin.Howdo we appeal to the world? Shameonyou.”
‘This flour is spoiled butwhatchoicedoIhave?’
FadiaWadi finds herself resorting to using spoiled flour infested with weevils and worms after being unabletoendurethemassive crowdsatthebakerygates.
“As you can see, this flour is spoiled, full of insects, and has a terrible smell,” Fadia explained as she painstakingly sifted out bugs before kneading the flour into dough. “But what choice do I have? Flour is either unavailable or too expensive.”
The 44-year-old mother of nine says hunger has forced her to make unimaginablecompromises. Her eldest son was killed in an Israeli strike in northern Gaza in January, while her husband remains in the north,leavinghertoprovide for their eight remaining children.
“The war has pushed us into doing things I never thoughtI’dhavetodojustto feedmychildren.”
Although her children are reluctant to eat bread made from spoiled flour, Fadia feels it is safer than queueingatbakeries.“Itried to get bread two days ago, but I came back covered in bruises from the stampede,” she explained while kneading.“Atragic,difficult life.”
While collecting food puts people at risk of being caught in a stampede, they
“We used to throw this spoiled flour to the animals, but now we feed it to our children, not knowing or caring about the health risks,” she added. “Hunger drives us.” Now dependent on charity distributions, Fadia describes a life dominated by endless waiting and long queues.
“Everythinghereisaline— food, bread, water, everything,” she said. “We are hungry, we crave everything. I don’t know whatwillhappentous.”
‘Onions and salt have nowbecomeluxuries’ Alaa al-Batniji stood in front of a vegetable stand in Deir el-Balah carefully choosingthefewvegetables he could afford for his familyoffourchildren.
“The prices are unbelievable,”remarkedthe 38-year-old. “We used to buy vegetables by the kilo, but now it’s by the piece — at insane prices.” Bustling markets, once a source of sustenance for many, have become unattainable destinations for most displaced families due to prices skyrocketing since thestartofthewar
“Everyday,wehopethe situation improves, but it doesn’t. I never imagined seeing such extreme inflation, starvation, and hardship in my lifetime,” said Alaa, who was displaced from Shujayea neighbourhoodeastofGaza City
“I bought two onions todayforsixshekelseach— $3forjusttwoonions.Inthe past,Icouldbuyawholekilo for one shekel Two tomatoescostme10shekels ($2.80)each.”
“Thepricesheremakeit feel like I’m shopping in Chicago or Paris,” Alaa added. “Onions and salt have now become luxuries inGaza.”Heputtwoonions inabag.“Ifeelsorryforthe people enduring these unbearable conditions We’retired.”
Omai Gold Mines Corp., a Canadian company operating inGuyana'sminingindustryon Wednesday announced that it hascommenceddrillingonthe GiltCreekgolddeposit.
Thecompanyholdsa100% interest in the gold project, which encompasses two gold deposits: the shear-hosted Wenot Deposit and the adjacent intrusive-hosted Gilt Creek Deposit located in Region Seven (CuyuniMazaruni)Guyana.
Thecompanysaidthattwo initial holes are planned to potentially expand the current Gilt Creek Mineral Resource Estimate (MRE), while advancing engineering and metallurgical studies that will facilitate inclusion of this underground deposit into a nextphaseeconomicstudyfor the Omai property, anticipated inmid-2025.
Notably,Omai'sApril2024 Preliminary Economic Study included only the Wenot open pit deposit (and only 45% of the Wenot Mineral Resource Estimate).Wenot has been the focus of the 2024 drill programme to date, with over 13,000m completed Incorporating the Gilt Creek underground deposit into an expanded mine plan with the Wenotopenpitdeposithasthe potential to significantly increase projected annual production rates and life of minefortheOmaiproject.
Elaine Ellingham, President and Chief Executive Officer (CEO), commented, “We are very pleased with the baseline Preliminary Economic Assessment for Wenot, completed in April of this year However, we see
Omaiashavingpotentialtobe a much larger operation. A mine plan incorporating the Gilt Creek underground deposit with an expanded Wenotopenpitisthepathtoa longer life mine with higher annual production and enhancedeconomics.”
Ellingham continued, “To this end, we remain on track with our ongoing drilling to expand the large 2.5km long Wenotdeposit,andareexcited to accelerate work on the Gilt Creek deposit in parallel. The deposits are only 500 metres apart and will benefit from commoninfrastructure.Weare confidentthatour2024drilling at Wenot and work at Gilt Creek will unlock significant value for our shareholders in thenear-term.”
TheGiltCreekgolddeposit is a large 500m by 275m compact, intrusion-hosted orogenicgold depositwith the shallowest part being only 300m below surface. It is located approximately 500m northoftheWenotgolddeposit on the Omai property Omai expectstocompleteoneofthe twoplanneddrillholesintothe GiltCreekdepositbyyearend and metallurgical test work will be initiated early in the newyear Also,rampandmine stope design and proposed scheduling will commence early in the new year in anticipation of including the Gilt Creek deposit in a 2025 updatedPEA.
Back in October 2022, Omai announced a maiden MRE for Gilt Creek with indicationof1,151,000ounces goldaveraging3.22gramsper tonne and inferred of 665,000 ouncesgoldaveraging3.35g/t
Gunneddown: Deon Marshall
A45-year-oldGuyanesefatherandbusinessownerwas gunneddownathisworkplaceonQueenStreet,Arima, TrinidadandTobagoonTuesdaynight.
Accordingtopreliminaryreports,DeonMarshall,a GuyanesenationalresidinginMt.Pleasant,Arima,wasathis stall,theMixMasterPunchBar,apopularspotknownfor drinks,hotdogs,burgers,andicecreamwhenhewasapproached byagunmanwhoopenedfireonhim.Theincidentoccurred sometimearound8pm.
Affectionatelycalledthe"PunchMan,"Marshallwasa well-knownfigureintheArimacommunity,admiredforhis entrepreneurialspiritandhisfriendlydemeanour Amotiveis yettobeestablishedforhiskilling.Policearecontinuingtheir investigations.
Au, using a 1.5 g/t Au cutoff andaUS$1700/oz.goldprice.
The upper portion of this Gilt Creek gold deposit was minedbetween1993and2005 when it produced 2.4 million ounces at an average grade of 1.5g/tAu.Continuationofthis depositatdepthwasconfirmed in drilling by Iamgold in 2006 and 2007 with 46 drill holes totalling approximately 27,000m.Thisdrillingshowed gold mineralization down to a depth of 967m below surface, although only sparse drilling wascompletedtothatdepth.
TeamGuyanaisset to begin their campaign at the 2024 FIBA 3x3 AmeriCup tournamenttodaywithbackto-back matches against Haiti and the Cayman Islands in Group A qualifiers.
The Guyanese team, featuring Nikkoloi Smith, Travis Belgrave, Harold
Adams, and Dominic Vincente, will face Haiti at 3:00 PM, followed by a crucial encounter with the CaymanIslandsat5:00PM.
The stakes are high for Guyana, as only the top team from Group A will advance to the main draw, where they will m e e
powerhouses Puerto Rico
Republic. The Guyanese players are aware of the
determined to make their mark in FIBA Americas m
3 x 3 tournament.
prestigious event has been made possible by
Guyana, in collaboration with the Guyana Olympic Association(GOA). The team has also
support from VSH United (G
provided the entire squad with specialized footwear
T h e F I B A 3 x 3
Some unexpected but very welcomevisitorscouldarrive today, Aries They might bring some people you don't knowbutshouldconnectwith rightaway Expectinteresting n e w s , f a s c i n a t i n g information,.
Taurus, who's that intriguing new person in your neighborhood? What is it about this new neighbor that makesitimpossibleforyouto stop wondering about them? Quitobsessing.
An unexpected letter could arrive today, Gemini, with a check enclosed, perhaps a gift, bonus, or offer to make more money.This might be a welcomebreak.
If you're in the arts or sciences, Cancer, sudden inspirationcouldcauseyouto startorcontinueaprojectthat meansalottoyou.
Meditation, dreams, or visions could bring amazing insights your way, Leo. You mightfindthemtoobizarreto believe, at least at first, but follow-up research could reveal that what you've come upwithisquitecredible.
You're an adventurous soul, Virgo.Areyouthinkingabout a little mischief today? Are yougoingtoproposethatyou and a friend or perhaps your partner skip town for a day andforgetaboutwork,
A n u n e x p e c t e d communication may come today from some
connected with your career, Libra.Thisisgoodnews,butit maybesooffthewallthatyou couldwalkaroundinadazefor awhiletryingtomakesenseof itall.
SCORPIO(Oct.23–Nov 21)
Anunexpectedchancetoflyto a faraway place, perhaps at someoneelse'sexpense,could cometoyoutoday,Scorpio.A group might be involved, perhaps one connected with education.
SAGIT(Nov 22–Dec.21)
Some bizarre and rather silly dreams might come to you tonight,Sagittarius.Theymay bethesortthatissocrazythat youactuallywakeuplaughing. Don't dismiss them. Silly or not,thesedreamsaretryingto tellyousomething.
Ifyou'resingle,youcouldfeel a very powerful attraction to someone unusual and perhaps alittlewacky Ifyou'realready inarelationship.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20–Feb. 18)Have you been looking for anewjob,Aquarius?Ifso,you might hear of an opportunity from an unexpected source, perhapsatasocialgathering,if possible.
If you're single, Pisces, love may come to you completely out of the blue today The person could be standing behind you in line at the store or sitting nearby you in the park.
known for their dominance in 3x3 basketball, and the Dominican Republic, a rising force in the region, awaitinGroupD.
basketball talent from across the Americas, whichstartedin2021
Played in a fastpaced half-court format, each game lasts just 10 minutes or until one team scores 21 points, creating intense matchups that test players’ skills, stamina,andstrategy
Guyana made its debut in the tournament in 2021 and has steadily improved over the years, showcasing promising performances despite facing some of the strongest teams intheregion.
While they are yet to break through to the knockout stages, the team remains optimistic about their chances this year, having worked diligentlyontheirchemistry andpreparation.
Haiti and the Cayman Islands, Guyana’s Group A opponents, are both formidable sides
H a i t i b o a s t s a physical, defensive style of play, while the Cayman Islands are known for their sharp shooting and disciplined teamplay
Guyana will need to bring their A-game to outmaneuver these teams and secure the top spot in the group
TeamCoordinatorRawle Toney, emphasized the importance of maintaining focus throughout the qualifiers: “We need to take it one game at a time Winning the group is the goal, but it starts with executing the fundamentals against Haiti and carrying that momentum into the CaymanIslandsgame.”
ShouldGuyanawintheir qualifiers, they will face even tougher competition in themaindraw
Hosts Puerto Rico,
The challenge is steep, butGuyana’steamiseagerto provetheybelongamongthe elite.As the
lookstomake history and bring pride to theirnation.
An impressive 15member team was set to depart from various Caribbean and North American locations for Houston, Texas yesterday, Wednesday, as they prepare for the 2nd Americas Cup.
The West Indies secured a runner-up position in the inaugural tournament in March2022,followingtheir victory in the Champions Trophy held in Canada in August2021. Below is the complete
schedule for the upcoming tournament: Schedule: -
Date: Wednesday, Dec 11th
Event: Teams arrive - Date: Wednesday, Dec 11th
Time: 7:00pm-9:30pm
Event:Meet&GreetDinner &CaptainsMeeting
- Date: Thursday, Dec 12th
Event: West Indies vs USA‘A’&USAvsCanada
Venue:PrairieView#6 &PrairieView#5
Event: USA vs West Indies&CanadavsUSA‘A’
Venue:PrairieView#5 &PrairieView#6
- Date: Saturday, Dec 14th
Event: West Indies vs Canada
The West Indies O50s team will once again be captained by Zamin Amin and will include the
ZaminAmin,whobegan hiscricketingcareerwiththe Guyana under-19s before movingtotheUnitedStates, madehisseniordebutforthe U.S. national team during the 1990 ICC Trophy in the Netherlands.Overtheyears, he has been a key player for the U.S., leading the team’s wicket
ng charts multiple times. Amin has also captained the West Indies Over-50s in various tournaments and achieved significant success, including a strong showing in the Americas Cup Tri Nation Tournament in August2021andarunner-up finish in the O50s ChampionsTrophyinMarch 2022.
Sudesh Dhaniram has a storied cricket history, representing Berbice U-19, Guyana,andtheWestIndies U19s. He made headlines in 1987 with two consecutive centuriesagainstformidable
opponents and has been a consistent contributor to the Over-50s team, helping secure victories in key tournamentsovertheyears.
Sunil Dhaniram, the younger sibling of Sudesh, played alongside cricket legends like Shivnarine Chanderpaul in Guyana After moving to Canada, he m a d e s i g n i f i c a n t contributions to their national team, participating in various ODI and T20I matches.Hisperformancein the Over-50s tournaments hasalsobeencommendable, playing a pivotal role in the team’ssuccesses.
The complete squad for the tournament includes: Zamin Amin, Ian Baldeo, Julian Boyce, Ryan De Nobrega,SudeshDhaniram, Sunil Dhaniram, Rajendra Dilraj, Kenny Girdharry, Krishna Harricharran, Mike Heeralall, Fareed Hosein, William Lashley, Rajendra Sadeo, Anthony Sahadeo, andSurendraSeeraj.
- Kashif and Shanghai/One Guyana National Futsal C/ship continues today
Kitty Hustlers, Vryheid’s Lust, Timehri Warriors,LaingAvenue,andGoldisMoney advanced to the next round of the inaugural Kashif and Shanghai/One Guyana National FutsalChampionshiponTuesdayeveningat the National Gymnasium on Mandela Avenue.
Kitty Hustlers secured a dramatic 6-3 comebackvictoryoverLodge DarrenOsborne was the star of the match, scoring five consecutive goals to overturn an early 3-0 deficit JoshuaBentickaddedasolitarystrikein the 26th minute to seal the win For Lodge, SimeonLovellnettedabrace,whileChristopher Whitteraddedasinglegoal.
In another high-scoring encounter, Vryheid’s Lust defeated Campbellville’s Trini Gunners 6-2 Sean Semple spearheaded the attack with a hat-trick, while Aaron Cosbert contributedabrace AkeemFarleyaddedoneto roundoffthetally Campbellville’sgoalscame fromOwenTurnellandChristopherKing,who scoredoneeach.TimehriWarriorsedgedout TigerBay2-1tosecuretheirspotinthefinal 32. Goals from Shamar Samuels and Jafon Reynoldsmadethedifferenceafteragoalless
opening play. Laing Avenue later dispatched TheFinisherswitha4-1victory.TerrenceNero, Shamar Carrington, Isaiah Scott, and Orlando Wicketteeachfoundthebackofthenettoensure theirteam’sprogression.
After that, Gold is Money delivered a commandingperformance,dismantlingRegion Seven Ballers 10-1 in a one-sided encounter AndrewMurraystoletheshowwithastunning hat-trick,scoringtwiceinthesecondminuteand adding another in the 29th Randolph Wagner and Jamal Pedro each netted a brace, while Dexroy Adams, Shomar Koulen, and Bryan Whartonscoredonegoalapiece Thedominant display left Region Seven’s defence in shambles
The tournament has received strong support from the Government of Guyana, alongside sponsors such as ANSA McAL Distribution (Lucozade, Heineken and Magnum brands), Forrester’s Concrete, Jai Signs and Designs, Hits and Jams TV, Maggie’sSnackette,StarPartyRental,Tiger Rentals, Bakewell, SuperBet, Dinar’s Trading Limited, Trophy Stall, and Colours Boutique.
The wait is over!
After a packed year of events, the Youth Basketball Guyana(YBG)issettobring thecurtaindownonthe2024 school and youth basketball season from today, through to December 15, with the openingmatchesoftheTitan Bowl XIII and the Tertiary Knockout Basketball Tournament.
Both tournaments will run simultaneously at the i c o n i c N a t i o n a l Gymnasium, starting daily at3PM.
This year’s Titan Bowl, now in its 13th edition,
features under-18 boys’and girls’ teams, while the Tertiary Knockout, in its third year, spotlights under21boys’teams.
These competitions not only celebrate the immense talent in youth basketball in the country but also mark YBG’s sixth and seventh tournaments of the year, complementing its developmental academies andsummerprogrammes. Opening Day schedule
includes; Kwakwani Secondary facing off with Marian Academy in the curtain-raiser for the Titan Bowl Girl’s leg. After that,
Queen’s College Girls will tackle Berbice High in the secondmatchoftheevening. Meanwhile,intheBoy’s segment, St Roses High Schoolwillcomeupagainst N e w A m s t e r d a m Multilateral Secondary (NAMS) in the opener, St Stanislaus College will take onMarianAcademyBoysin the second match, President’sCollegewillalso gohead-to-headwithSchool of the Nation (SON) in match #3, while in the final two Bishops High will take on Line Path and also Kwakwani Secondary tacklingMackenzieHigh.
Action continues tomorrow with more Titan Bowl and Tertiary matches, asteamsvieforgloryinthis YBGyear-endshowdown.
Youth Basketball Guyana acknowledges the generous support of its sponsors: Francis-Lau Boyce Construction Co Limited, ENET, John Fernandes, and the National Sports Commission, whose contributionshavemadethis eventareality
Be a part of the energy and excitement of these tournaments as the next generation of basketball starstakesthecourt.
The Vergenoegen
S e c o n d a r y School secured a headline finish by clinching both the Boys’ and Girls’ Basketball titles at the recently concluded Region Three Schools Basketball Jamboree hosted by the DUp Basketball Academy
The event marked the culmination of Region #3’s first-ever two-month Junior Basketball Training Camp
a n d B a s k e t b a l l Championship, spearheaded by Chairman Anthony Kandar
The initiative, described
as a landmark for basketball development in the region, provided students with a structured and safe environment to learn and play the sport. Chairman Kandar,whoalsoservesasa coach and referee, emphasised the mission of reviving basketball’s prominence in the local sportscalendar “Over the past two months, the kids have been engaged weekly, learning the fundamentals of the game. Many players came with individual skill sets, whichmadeourjobeasierat D
Vergenoegen Secondary celebrates both titles in the recently concluded Region Three Basketball Jamboree.
y Th
programhasbeenanoverall success, and the best two teams have been crowned champions,” Kandar stated duringhisclosingremarks.
The jamboree’s thrilling finale contested at the Tuschen Primary School court saw Vergenoegen Secondary’s Boys’ team defeat West Demerara Secondary 34-25, securing the Men’s championship title. In the Girls’ division, f
s (Vergenoegen) emerged v
Combined Basketball team 9-5 to lift the championship trophy
Individual accolades were also awarded during the event. Payton Richards was named the Most Valuable Player (MVP) in the Boys’ division while Alexandra Wickham’s outstanding performance earned her the MVP title in theGirls’division. Reflectingonthesuccess ofthecampandtournament, Kandar expressed optimism forthefutureofbasketballin Region #3. “It has been a
great two months of basketball. Hosting similar tournaments is part of our plan moving forward. It is very satisfying to see students excel both on and offthecourt.
The growth of these young players is a clear indication that the sport is thriving in Region #3 and across the country,” he added.
The event was made possible through th
collaborative efforts of corporatesponsorsandlocal
y contributors included West
Indies Friends that Care, Caribbean Auto Spares, Mike Singh Investment (Canada), Dave Persaud Investments, Region #3 Chairman Ayube, REDO AlbertChindu,HarryGobin and Sons Construction, Sir Nandall, Sir Craig, Miss D
D-Up Academy Special thanks were extended to the Minister of Education, Hon. Priya Manickchand, and the Ministry’s Allied Arts Unit for their unwavering support.
As we round the final bend before the Port Mourant Turf Club (PMTC)’s Showdown of Champions Horse Race meet, the Simply Royal Racing Stables is looking to putinitsbestfinalfurlong.
Owner Dennis DeRoop toldthispublicationrecently that they are hard at work with two horses, Stormy VictoryandMorningColors.
“They [Stormy Victory and Morning Colors] are doingwell.Itookthemboth to training early this [yesterday] morning and they are both in good shape and ready for competition,” DeRoopsaid.
BothEclasshorsesarein the Co-feature event according to DeRoop who was upbeat about the weekend.
According to him, both weregettingonwellwiththe surfaceandheexpectsthem tobefightingtotheline.
“Both of them should give a good performance. They have been exercising well Especially Stormy
Victory to last race to now hasreallybeenadvancingin training,”Headded.
The stable owner/trainer continued, “Since the last race, we kept them in training and we able to see improvements. They only camedowninAugustandof course they needed to acclimatizetotheconditions here.”Lookingattheoverall year for the Simply Royal Stables,DeRoopcontended, “Westartedwellthefirsthalf oftheyear,thelastfewraces notwellbutwearehopingto finishtheyearonahigh.We have three races more to finish the year and we are hopingforsomevictories.”
The day’s feature event, the Metro Mile Sponsored by Metro Office Supplies will headline the eight-race card.
The1600Meventwillgo foraGYD4MPrizewiththe winning horse pocketing $2M and is open to all horses.
Theco-featureeventwill be the E-Class non-winners in Guyana and F-Class &
Lower with a combined purse of $2M in the 1300M dash.
The Two-Year-Old Guyana and West Indiesbred horses over 1200M are suretoattracttheattentionof horseracingfansalongwith a race for Three-Year-Old Guyana-bred horses over 1700M.
TheG-Classhorsesover 1200M, H-Class NonWinners of 2024 open to GuyanaBredhorseswillrun for 1300M with another 1600M Race set for all KClassandL-Classhorses.
A 1300M sprint is also carded for J, K and L class Maidens.
The event is also s p o n s o r e d b y J ’s Supermarket, Jumbo Jet, S h i - O i l , A J M , G U Y A M E R I C A Construction, Rohan Auto SparesandArmco,OBL,KP Jagdeo General Contractor, Permaul Trading, Laka RambrichRiceFarm,BigG Sawmill & Lumber Yard, Shook Shivmangal & friendsofUSA.