Kaieteur News

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kill dozens across Gaza, including 15 guarding aid trucks …says excess profits going towards cost recovery

‘No windfall profits for Guyana from higher oil prices’

$11B is lowest bid for new West …Jagdeosaysnothingto discuss,licenceexpired

personsactingas frontsfor


Guyana's VP
Dr Bharrat Jagdeo
South Ruimveldt,Georgetownwasplunged intodarknessonThursdayafternewconcrete utilitypolesfellonAubrey Barker Road.


The Guyana Revenue Authority (GRA) has raised alarm over the abuse of the duty-freesysteminplacefor re-migrants to import vehicles,notingthatinsome cases the persons who apply for the concessions are working as fronts for auto dealers.

Thisdisclosurecomeson the heels of a ruling by the Chief Justice Roxane George-Wiltshire that the revenue body acted unlawfully by questioning the source of funds used by remigrant Reaz Manjoor to purchase a vehicle – and ordered the release of his


In a press statement, on Thursday,GRAsaid,“While GRAisrespectfulofandwill

...says persons acting as fronts for auto dealers, others to import high-end vehicles

with the intent of the measures surrounding imports of high-end luxury vehicles by some remigrants, and the abuse to the concession by some unscrupulous persons who may have been granted such a status by the Ministry of ForeignAffairs.”

The Land Cruiser that the court ordered to be released.

abide with the ruling of the Honourable Chief Justice, the Authority wishes to clarify its actions in keeping

Firstly, it was explained that re-migrants are allowed a vehicle for their own use, subjecttovariousconditions stipulated in the law Under current policy, re-migrants

are allowed to import a vehicle for personal use at significantly reduced excise tax rates—10%, 20%, or 30% depending on the engine capacity In contrast, a non-remigrant importing a high-end vehicle could face over $44 million in taxes, compared to a maximum of $6 million for a remigrant. Thissignificantdisparityhas created opportunities for exploitation.

G R A s a i d t h a t “unscrupulous individuals”, including auto dealers, are enticing potential remigrants to apply for the concession in exchange for monetaryrewards.Theseremigrants,oftenwithminimal financial means or ties to Guyana, are encouraged to secure high-end vehicles before leaving the country Alarmingly,someapplicants lack basic qualifications such as a driver’s licence, a bankaccount,orahistoryof filing tax returns in their countryoforigin.

The Authority said that, “When their (re-migrants) documentsaresubmittedand analysed, they often show little or no funds for years, but prior to or after the receiptoftheapproval,large and sudden cash injections into their just opened bank account,localorforeign,and from unknown persons and benefactors, who are nowhere to be found or refuse collaboration, of the deposit(aswasinthiscase), all with the intention of facilitating the purchase of high-end vehicles The vehicles are then utilized or purchased by ineligible persons,throughtheprocess of powers of Attorney, or possession, resulting in tens ofmillionsrevenuelossesto theState.”

Further, it was disclosed thatthepracticeisbecoming so prevalent that GRA has seen instances where employees of treaty-exempt organizations and public servants are implicated in these schemes. In response,


ng requiring applicants to provide proof of the source of funds used for vehicle

purchases; this is called the “hewhoassertsmustprove” principle.

Notably, this is in line with Guyana’s Anti-Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism (AML/CFT) laws, which m a n d a t e r i g o r o u s compliance and information sharing with several jurisdictions.

Inapleatothepublic,the GRAurgedcitizenstoreport any information on system abuses via its confidential hotline 227-6060 or extensions 3201, 3204, 3205, 3206, 3211, 3212, or 3408. Informants may be eligible for rewards under the provisions of the Customs Act This crackdown aims to preserve the integrity of the duty-free vehicle facility, ensuring it benefitsgenuinere-migrants while safeguarding state revenue.

Moreover, the GRA has announced its intention to appeal the recent court ruling, citing the severe tax implications and its obligations under various legislative acts It also emphasized that individuals found guilty of abusing the system or aiding others in fraudulent activities could face fines and imprisonment under the Customs Act and otherrelevantlaws.

This publication had reported that Manjoor returned to Guyana in August 2023 after spending over 10 years in the United States.

S e e k i n g n e w opportunities in his home country, he applied to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, where Minister Hugh Todd grantedhimremigrantstatus on 23rd August 2023 Minister Todd had informed Mr.GodfreyStatia,thehead of the Guyana Revenue Authority,ofthisdecision.

The Chief Justice quashed the GRA’s demand for further financial information and ordered the immediate release of M a n j o o r ’s To y o t a Landcruiser,whichhadbeen heldattheportsinceJanuary 2024. This is according to a press release from attorney SiandDhurjon.

GRA Commissioner General, Godfrey Statia


…Jagdeo says nothing to discuss, licence expired

WhileCGXandFrontera are fighting to hold on to Guyana’s Corentyne Block, Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo has reiterated the Government of Guyana’s position is that the licence has expired and that the block has been repossessed bytheState.

OnThursday,athispress conference, Jagdeo was asked about the letter that was sent to government by thejoint-ventureactivatinga 60-dayperiodfortheparties to the Corentyne Block Petroleum Agreement to make all reasonable efforts to amicably resolve all disputes via negotiation, as provided for in the Corentyne Block Petroleum Agreement.

I n 2 0 2 3 , C G X discovered oil at its Wei-1

well, located 14 kilometres west of the Kawa-1 discovery within the block. Although oil was found at Kawa-1 in January 2022, CGX and Frontera chose to focus on the Wei-1 well Further drilling in the CorentyneBlockwassaidto dependonpositiveresultsat Wei-1,withthejointventure reportedly having no further obligationsbeyondthiswell.

However, before the licence expired earlier this year, CGX submitted a notice of potential commercial interest to the GoG, hoping for additional time to appraisetheWei-1discovery andevaluateitsviability However, despite the company’s hopes for additional time to assess oil prospects, the government remained cautious and


“Ifthetermofthelicence andwhenthey’rerequiredto do some - or to take some actionsunderthelicencethat they failed to comply with, then there is no issue to discuss If they have a different interpretation, then we can go through the legal process As far as we are concerned, the legal advice is that the licence lapsed because of the conditions under the licence and the timelineforthelicenceitself. That’s our position,” Jagdeo saidyesterday

The Vice President further noted that while he has not seen the letter, the State’s lawyer will look into thesituation.

Notably, while he refrained from saying much on the JV move, Jagdeo

of across-the-board

Jordan calls for removal salary increases

Former Finance Minister, Winston Jordan has called for the Government of Guyana(GoG)tomodify its approachtopublicservants’ salary increases, arguing that the across-the-board method is unjust to workers onthelowerendofthesalary scale.

Duringarecentinterview with Member of Parliament (MP), Sherod Duncan, Jordan said the government must be recognised for negotiating allowances to benefit public servants. He alsosaid,“Itisgoodthatthe governmenthasbeenableto conclude an agreement with the GPSU (Guyana Public Service Union) As you know, they have been in the wilderness ever since the government came to power in1992.”

Jordan, however, recommended that the government makes a shift away from across-the-board salary increases. He explained, “It rewards both thelaggard,thesluggard,the incompetent, the top performer and everybody andthenitwidensthewealth gaporthepovertygap....Can you imagine giving a 10% salaryincreasetoaminimum wage worker? That worker gets now an increase of $8615permonth.”

Comparing that to President IrfaanAli’s salary, the former Finance Minister

noted, “The President gets a tax-free salary in the region of about $2.9M a month, so that means he is getting $290,000 additional tax-free dollarsasaresultofthis10% increase so that man and the minimumwageof$8615for awholeyear,hegetsroughly $100,000 increase and the President’s increase is almost three times his entire year’sincrease.”

To this end, Jordan pointedoutthatthewidening of the wealth gap continues with the across-the-board increases being served. He therefore suggested that the government begin planning forsalariestobecompetitive with the oil industry, the privatesector,theregionand eveninternationally

According to him, “You have to ask yourself; do you really want our nurses and our teachers to come back? Do you think you could forevergotoBangladeshand Sri Lanka and India and so on to recruit nurses at rates that are better than you are paying your locals, just on salaryalone?”

Meanwhile, Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo, during his weekly press conference at Freedom House on Thursday, addressed the issue of the 10% increase in public servants’ wages, announced byPresidentAlionTuesday He,however,pointedout thatwhileitisbeingclaimed

noted, “When your licence expires,doyouhavetogeta formal communication from the government? If it says two years your licence is approvedfor,ifyoudon’tget an approval for, if you don’t get an approval for extension, that means, consistentwiththelawofthe country,it’sdone.”

Lastmonth,BNamericas reported that the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Canadian oil explorer, F r o n t e

E n e r g y Corporation, Orlando Cabrales is insisting that the company and its partner CGX Inc. has met the legal requirements to continue exploring the Corentyne Block.

different alternatives to protect our interests in the licence I have nothing more to say at this time,” Cabralessaid.

Former Finance Minister, Winston Jordan

that public servants on the lower end of the spectrum arebeingtreatedunfairly,the fact remains that these employees are paid higher salaries compared with the privatesector “Ifyoulookat the bank now, a bank, their average entry level is between $80,000 to $115$120,000. Our average with these salary increases, our lower end will be over $100,000 so we have seen people move from many of the banking institutions and now are seeking public servicejobsevenatthelower endandsomeofthepeopleat thelowerendyoudon’teven need any qualifications,” Jagdeoexplained. TheGoG and the GPSU on Tuesday signedatwo-yearagreement that will see public servants receiving a 10% across-theboard salary increase retroactively in 2024, with an additional 8% increase to take effect from January 1, 2025.

Cabralesinsistedthatthe companies met all legal requirementstomaintainthe Corentyne Block. “We remain committed to the potentialdevelopmentofthe block, ” Cabrales told investors in a quarterly results conference call “That conviction is supportedbythediscoveries. We have complied with the conditionsoftheexploration licence and are considering

Similarly, in a statement published by CGX on Thursday it was noted that theJVremainscommittedto thepotentialdevelopmentof the Corentyne Block as supportedbytheJV’srecent discoveries at Kawa-1 and Wei-1.

It was stated that the last communication the JV had with the government was on September 25, 2024

However, to date, the companiessaidtheyhavenot received any formal communications from the Government of Guyana

regarding the status of the licence.

“The JV is firmly of the view that the Corentyne block Petroleum Agreement remains in place,” CGX and Fronterasaid.

It was further stated, “The JV recognizes that recent comments from certainGovernmentofficials have created confusion amongststakeholders,which have materially affected the JV and caused substantial harm to the JV’s efforts to develop the Corentyne Block.”

As such, the companies sentthelettertogovernment activating the 60-day period a negotiation with the hopes ofanamiablesolution.

Guyana’s Vice President (VP) Dr Bharrat Jagdeo


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It is fascinating to watch how Guyana’s chief oil policymaker,VicePresidentBharratJagdeo,squirmsinthis role that he gave to himself. From all indications, his first policy and his only policy is to come up with some bizarre concoction that looks out for the interests of ExxonMobil. He went to great lengths to do it before with a full parent companyguaranteeintheeventofanoilspill.

NowheisdoingitagainwiththeassetsGuyanaispaying 100 per cent for should there be a major oil spill at ExxonMobil’s offshore operations. This is how the man whoshouldbefightingbravelytogetthebestforhiscountry andpeoplefromtheiroilwealth,weavesatrapforhimself. Hisall-outeffortstoputwhatbenefitstheAmericanoilgiant first,regardlessofwhatthecostistoGuyanese,leaveshim lookingbothridiculousandpitiful.

“It’s a simple thing. You’re not part owner of any company Youdon’towntheseassets.So,ExxonMobilputs intheinvestment.Theycreateacompany;thecompanyhas these assets. We are entitled to receive in the future, 50%, onceeverythingispaidoff…youareentitledtocollect50% offutureprofitsandtheyget50%andthen2%royaltyonthe gross…that’syourentitlementtocollect.” ThisisJagdeoat hismostclever,whichiswhatmostcondemnshimforbeing so weak that he can’t even take a stand for what is overpoweringly logical. A national leader ought to have more respect for his own dignity than to grasp at the guidance some unbelievably mindless and possibly characterlesscounseldepositedinhishands.

ExxonMobilisinvestingtensofbillionsofUSdollarsin offshoreoilprojectsinGuyana ExxonMobilisrecouping100 percentofitsinvestmentbillions,everycentofeverydollar, rightfromthetopofoilrevenues ExxonMobilisfirstinthe collection/reward line with 75% cost recovery rights per the 2016contract ExxonMobilisalsoexactingarateofreturnon its equity billions invested, but which rate is unknown to Guyanese ExxonMobilallalonghasamonopolyof100per cent entitlement and priority in those areas, pursuant to its depravedcontractwithGuyana ExxonMobilbenefitsfrom the opportunity to invest its money in Guyana’s rich oil territory ExxonMobilgetstorecoveritstotalcosts,andwhat doesGuyanagetforputtingupitsmuch-in-demandundersea asset? ExxonMobil gets Guyana to pay for all those assets, andeveryotherassociatedcostinfull(infull) Then,Bharrat Jagdeoturnseverythingonitshead,sothathecanhumiliate himselfbeforethedictatesofExxonMobil.

Suddenly, it is convenient for this nation’s chief oil policymakertostandbeforeGuyaneseandtalkabout50per cent. Allalong,inthis50-50partnership,thecompanywas rakingin100percentofwhatitrepresentedashavingspent, and which, therefore, had to be repaid in full. But in the eventofanoilspillofcatastrophicproportions,Jagdeohas the shamelessness to embarrass himself through brazenly mentioning50percentpartnership.

Byanyreasonablethinking,whatJagdeoapparentlydid was assign 50 per cent responsibility for an oil spill to Guyana, at least when its 100 per cent paid for assets are involved. ExxonMobil is not taking back (recovering) 50 per cent of its investment plus its half share of profits. To emphasise, ExxonMobil recaptures all of its investments, andthenthisso-calledprofitcalculation. ButthereisJagdeo inwhatisprobablyoneofhisworstreincarnationsarguing thathalfoftheassetsthatGuyanacompletelypaidwouldbe swallowedbyanExxonMobilgeneratedoilspill.Weassert that Guyana invested thousands of square kilometres, a virtual ocean of coveted offshore space for ExxonMobil to roam and explore at will. Despite this half and half partnership that policy chief Jagdeo now embraces, ExxonMobilbenefitsinthatitismadeabsolutelywholefor everypennyinvestedinGuyana. Itisallcost-freeupsidefor ExxonMobil. But should there be the downside of an oil spill, 50 per cent of Guyana’s offshore assets are now committed. What next will Jagdeo do to please ExxonMobil? Frankly, he can’t do more to walk over all Guyanese.

The agriculture sector in decline; minister totally unqualified for the job

DEAREDITOR, I refer to a letter allegedly authored by one Mark Johnson (sic) captioned, “Dynamism in agriculture sector”. This is thethirdorfourthtimeIhave seen this exact letter authored by different phantoms. I’m not going to analyse the idiocy of the letter and how wonderfully well the current Minister of Agriculture is doing. The man is totally unqualified to dothatjob,andsoIturnedto the statistics of the Bank of Guyanaannualreportstotell therealstory

Let’stakethetwobiggies in our agricultural sector, remembering that it is the Minister ofAgriculture who is directly responsible for them. In 2020, the sugar production was 88,840 tonnes.In2021,thefirstfull year of PPP administration of the sector, it dropped to 58,025 T Up to 2023 December the production had not recovered to the 2020 total and was only 60,204 T, with an unbelievable drop to 47,049 T in 2022! Rice the samethe production in 2020 was 687,427T Oneyearlater,in 2021, it dropped to 558,995 T Up to 2023, with a production of 653,706 T., it stillhadnotrecoveredtothe 2020totalof687,427T

So, from 2021 January everything in these two major crops of our agricultural sector plummeted by nearly 35%. In rice, it was nearly the same-adropofnearly19%. Up to 2023 rice production was still significantly below the 2020 mark with a total productionof653,706T

Thisalonemakesafarce of the statements by this phantom Johnson that “Minister Mustapha’s

energetic, hands-on approach has brought renewed attention to agriculture, positioning it as acornerstoneofthenation’s economic growth This strategic focus aligns with President Ali’s broader effortstodiversifyGuyana’s economy, leveraging the country’s agricultural potentialasacomplementto its booming oil sector.

Together, they have championed initiatives that prioritize food security, economic resilience, and sustainable development for all Guyanese people.” But thereismuchmore.

The championed initiative referred to in that fictitious letter, informs us that food security is a cornerstoneoftheMustapha plan.Let’ssee.

The Bank of Guyana statistics always seeks to

make the food price of a certain year as one hundred as a benchmark In the current case, 2009 was the benchmarkyear In2009was 100and2020itwas152.5so in Guyana, food prices rose by 152.5 in 11 years. The next year, 2021, under this MOA the index rose to 170.3, 2022. It rose again to 194.2andin23itroseagain to 201.6. So, in three years, under this current administration,thefoodcost indexrosebyawhopping49 nearly the same rise as from 2009 to 2020. Noteworthy also, is the fact that from 2009 to 2023 the food price index rose by over 100%. 100to201.6.

This same phenomenon of food prices increases is across the board. For example, for meat, fish, eggs, the index was 100 in 2009was205in2020andin 2023 it was 284.2. Today therefore, the price for these essential items rose by nearlythreetimesfrom2009 to2023.

For vegetables and vegetable products which was 100 in 2009, rose to 191.3 by 2020 and in only two/three years, 2021 to 2023,itrosetoanastounding index of 320 9 More increaseinthethreeyearsof alleged inspired leadership, thanintheprevious11years

2009to2020.Theonlystone I see is the one tied around thepoorGuyanesenecks.

Justtoseewhattheother sectors are doing for the purpose of comparison clothing, which was 100 in 2009, was 89 in 2020 i.e., it went down, and even in 2023,theclothingindexwas 88 7 - still below the benchmarkyearof2009.

According to these statistics,andnumbersdon’t lie. We are not making any progress as an agricultural country, prices are increasing illogically in the face of the massive expenditures allocated ostensibly to make it more economical to grow our crops. For example, we see the following in our local media:“Despiteabudgetary allocationof$33.2billionin 2023, theAgriculture sector saw a total expenditure of $60.4 billion” and in 2024 they got $97 6 billion Editor, I have seen absolutelynoevidencethatit waswellspentandtheBOG numbers agree with me Repeatedly we see the PPP boasting about how much they have spent Their supporters apparently don’t needtoseeanyresultsforit, andsothebandplaysonwith thesametune.

Sincerely, TonyVieira

Irfaan gets kudos as nation expresses appreciation for PM Modi’s visit


, President Irfaan Ali has received praises from the population for the ‘state’ visit of India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi on November 19 to 21 during which the PM held bilateral


Guyana’s President, Vice President, and Prime Minister and staff and offeredvariousassistanceto Guyana. President Ali has also received a fillip or bounce in his approval numbers in his handling of the visit of the Indian leader and the leaders of CARICOM in their summit withShriModiji. Ashostnation,Guyanais a major beneficiary of the state visit. The Indian PM announced a number of measures, foreign aid, benefiting CARICOM states. He also announced a number of bilateral agreementswithandoffered specific assistance for Guyana On the whole,

Guyana and the region were on the receiving end with little or virtually no give backtoIndiaotherthanafew national honours. The PM camehopingforoilorenergy agreements, but none was offered India has offered to purchase Guyana’s oil lifts at prevailing market prices Guyana sells its oil through thirdpartyagents Guyanaand the region will receive loans for development and scholarships and training in a varietyofareasaswellasnonrepayable grants and several otherformsofassistance

Engagements with Guyanese around the nation (as well as in the diaspora) found unanimous approval forPresidentAliinvitingthe IndianPMtovisitGuyanaas well as for his overall handling of the visit and hospitalityofShriModi.The last Indian PM to visit Guyanawasin1968.Modiis the first leader of a major countryandeconomytovisit Guyana. India is the world’s

most populous nation and is also the fifth largest economy

The country and the diaspora were very excited aboutthevisit Coverageofthe visit was carried live on national TV as well as on socialmedia ManyGuyanese around the nation and in the diaspora tuned in, watching proceedings (ceremonies) at the airport as well as at other locationsandsharedphotoson socialmedia

Even the usual critics of the President and supporters of the opposition jealously praised his leadership in welcomingModiandforthe hospitality provided to the high-profile visiting dignitary Indians, both descendants of indentured labourers and recent NRI arrivals,expressedpridethat Modi has visited Guyana.

The PM was given a grand welcome by both of the diasporas when he visited them at several different sites, including one with

both groups. The public at large, and the diaspora as well,areveryappreciativeof the various forms of assistance given to Guyana by India. This was the first timethatavisitingheadofa country offered so much foreignaidtoGuyana.

Besides satisfaction with his handling of the visit, Irfaan’s Presidential approval rating has also soared as a result of the Modi visit, reaching 71 per cent end of November Irfaanhasenjoyed high positive approval rating throughouthisPresidency,the highest after Cheddi Jagan Irfaan was inaugurated on August 2, 2020 following a five-monthperiodtohavethe outcomeoftheMarch2,2020 election declared He quickly soaredtopopularityamidsthis highest approval ratings during his first year in office. Since then, his poll numbers fluctuated and is on the up againaftertheModivisit.

Yourssincerely, Dr VishnuBisram

Office of the First Lady must account for taxpayer’s money



, Guyana is in crisis

While every right-thinking Guyanese is aware of this, onlythePPPCandtheir4Fs (friends, families, favourites,andflatterers)are unaware, since they are enjoyingthegoodlifeonthe backofordinaryGuyanese.

The management of Guyana’s economy should come under public scrutiny andthePPPCbecalledoutto account for every cent belonging to the people of Guyana.

Over the last four years, the PPPC has gone on a spending spree. Just look around at the massive

buildings,constructedinand around the city Newest on the card are: ‘First Lady Diamond Ball and Global Super League,’just to name afew

Something is not right and the Jagdeo/Ali administration just doing as they like with the people of Guyana’s money with impunity, despite the many calls by the Opposition and right-thinking individuals from Civil Society for t r a n s p a r e n c y a n d accountability AsInavigate my way around and interacted with Guyanese, the one common question being asked, ‘how monies

are poorly managed, and we t

resources,whereourmonies going, things hard and cost of living keep escalating?’

The Opposition must do everything possible to get thePPPCoutofoffice!This is the worst they have seen Guyana.

Thesumofthirtymillion dollarsfromthetreasurywas approved by the National Assembly for 2024, to fund the Office of the First Lady

The reality is that a disaggregation was not providedtotheHouseduring Budget 2024; regarding the activities or programmes to

The Jonestown tragedy should not be exploited for financial gain


A letter from the tour operator offering Jonestown asadarktourismdestination wasrecentlypublishedinthe press.Whatthetouroperator and the Ministry ofTourism is suggesting is quite p r e m a t u r e a n d unempathetic The recent objections raised by the s u r v i v o r a n d e xcongresswoman who is planning to ask the White Housetostepinandstopthe use of the site as a tourism destination should give pause to those trying to exploit this tragedy for financialgain.

Jonestown has been neglectedforalongtimeand would benefit from an annual wreath laying at the memorial erected with the involvement of the U S Ambassador This will help place the appropriate spotlightonthisunfortunate event The tragedy will remain in the minds and heartsoftheAmericans,and if they feel so inclined to learn more about their past, the opportunity to participate and visit will present itself. The least we candoifthiswastooccuris accommodate their needs and curiosity if they choose to tour the location. But it must continue to be an unfortunate American tragedy. If their ambassador embraces the idea of the annual wreath laying then the tragedy of Jonestown will no longer be seen as a tragedy that the Americans hadtriedtosweepunderthe Guyanese rug, and more importantlyitwillhavetheir support for its correct use.

That being one for mourning. We must also consider the families of those affected by this

tragedy and ensure that any visit to the site or wreath laying at the memorial is donewiththeminmind.Coordinating this effort with the other established Jonestown memorials must beakeyconsideration.They should be the first ones that are invited to the ceremony led by the American Ambassador to Guyana Over 300 children died in thistragedyandwemustnot allow others to exploit their memory for financial gain. Those impacted by this tragedy must be given the opportunity to express their feelings and continue the healingprocess.

This tragedy led to a majorbreakinourcountry’s relationship with the U.S. We must also remember the impactithadonourcountry, the way we were perceived as a nation afterwards, and the sadness that came upon

our land The joyous hospitable atmosphere of Guyanaandthegoodnature of our people were temporarily forgotten by those outside of Guyana. If we are determined to make Jonestownahighlightedpart of what is Guyana then we must ensure that it is done respectfullyandcorrectly,so as to heal and not exploit. The American government must play a key role in the healing process. What the tour operator has suggested soundsmoreappropriatefor the history books and a s c h o o l l e s s o n

Unfortunately, the empathy needed to step foot on the location of this tragic incident has fallen short of whatonewouldexpect.The families and those affected must be protected from exploitation.


bedonethroughtheofficeof the First Lady This arrangement is deemed unconstitutional It is difficulttofollowthemonies passingthroughtheOfficeof the First Lady, since there is lack of transparency and accountability Editor, I am acutely aware that those closely aligned to her will cometodefendherofficeby pointing Guyanese to her handing out sanitary packages to young girls, which I have no objections to.

Whilethatisthecase,the nation is yet to know how many girls benefitted, the areas or communities they are from and what is the feedback after distribution. That’s how success is measured in any project or programme. I don’t know whether the programme is still being rolled out Additionally, her defenders will also point to the few o p e n e d s p a c e s commissionedbyher These, in my view, are not projects funded by the First Lady office They were all conceptualized and funded through the Ministry of

Public Works Her only involvement is to show up andcommission.

Therearesomanysocial issues affecting women, family,communities,youths incrimeandyounggirlsand I am still to see a proposed programme emanating from the Office of the First Lady inaddressingtheseissues.

Between 2015-2020, Former First Lady, Mrs Sandra Granger held programmes,foryounggirls and youths, who benefitted tremendously from training in ITC and other skills development.Thedifference here,allworksdonethrough her office, were publicly reported. The same cannot be said for this current First Lady

Editor, since the

OppositionMembersdidnot get answers put in the National Assembly, I will once again, as I did some monthsagothroughmedium suchasthese,tobringtothe public’sattentionandcallon the Government to provide responses, relating to the activities of the First Lady’s office. The 2025 National Budget is likely to be

debated way before the dissolution of the 12th Parliament, in preparation for GRE 2025. Therefore, the Office of First Lady, should provide a report, accounting for all sums appropriatedin2024.Again, there is need for t r a n s p a r e n c y a n d accountability

Editor, many of us were taken by surprise last Sunday, December 8, 2024, when photos surfaced, on social media of an event fromthenightbeforeandas reported, it was a Diamond BallhostedbytheFirstLady of Guyana. Let it be known thatIhavenoissuewithwhat the First Lady is doing, as she considers best. When it comes to the Office, funded by taxpayers, there must be accountability However, on seeing the images, several thoughtsflowedthroughmy mind. One, the activity was not publicly advertised. My other thought: was this necessary when cost of living has climaxed, and ordinary citizens finding it hard to make ends meet in thisoileconomy?Another, (Continuedonpage09)

Living wages for sugar workers are long overdue



Sometimes, in my moments of quiet contemplation, my mind would drift backwards to Plantation Bath, the sugarcaneplantationwhereI wasbornandraised.Inthose moments, I would vividly recall the struggles of the people within my community - including my parents–who,frommorning until late evenings, toiled each day in distant sugar cane fields to earn miserly wages not adequate to supporttheirfamilies.

Yet, they never complained. Colonial overseers, at the behest of their expatriate plantation owners, denied workers representation,andpunished those who expressed dissatisfaction.


Then, came the Man

P o w e r C i t i z e n s

Association (MPCA) professing to represent the workers However, this labour Union soon proved to be ineffective in representing the workers, submitting instead to the exploitative explanations andviewpointsofplantation owners. It was not until the Guyana Agricultural Workers Union (GAWU) came into existence that workers began to receive true representation.

However, the workers’

hardships, though incrementallyaddressed,did not drastically subside or disappear

Out of such existence, Madhoo(Reds),myformer elementary school and

later cane-cutter friend, urged me to write somethingabouthislife

His constant plea led me to pen this poem which describes the hardships and struggles of canecutters - a poem published by the GuyanaGraphicin1967.

So early, so early, it’s timetowake

M y b u n d l e , m y breakfast,Ihavetotake

Out to the fields where thecanesdothlie

Whether it’s raining or whetherit’sdry

My children still sleepingandhardlydidsee

Their father so dear to workhemustbe

Turning and toiling in bothheatandcold

From morning to night, tillhislimbsgrowold

The workers all gather

exclusion of women leaders in the main political parties in Guyana is troubling and discriminatory



The three key leaders in the PPP government: president, prime minister and vice president are males. In the PNCR, the leader of the party and opposition, the General Secretary and the Chairman are men.

TheWPAandthePNCRareplanningon formingacoalitionbeforethe2025elections andhadahigh-profilemeetingtodecideon thewayforward.

TheWPArepresentativesatthatcoalition talksweremen.

In one of the fastest growing economies in the world the exclusion of women at the helm of politics speaks to a problem of diversity and male dominance in politics. It is troubling, discriminatory and

unacceptable. Women outnumber men in Guyanaandareperhapsmorequalifiedthan theirmalecounterpartsingeneral.

I am calling on women in Guyana to demand their place in political leadership. I believe that the era of a male-dominated world,especiallyinpolitics,isathingofthe past and has no place in equal and progressive societies. I also condemn the main political parties in Guyana for the exclusion of women in top leadership positions. I am calling on the women in the toppositionsoftheUSEmbassyandBritish HighCommissiontolendtheirvoicestothis call.



In the cold morning dew orthehotbrightsun

Their twenties then clatter,thecanesdidfall

The ones who are lagging,theSardardidcall

MylunchdidItakewhen mycuttingisdone

On dams in the fields undertheblazingsun

Forthisisthewayitstill hastobe

Foralonelycanecutter,a workerlikeme

The punts are all loaded withcanesfetchedonheads

By jumping the drains andrunningonbeds

Theworkersalljostledto filltheirownshare

To relieve their burdens ofcanestheydidbear

The day has now ended tohomeImustgo



My children now sleeping for evening has come

No greetings for father whose work is undone

Then Fridays to office theplaceImustgo

To receive a packet of wagessolow

Of my week’s labor in fieldsafar

The cutting of canes is myownlittlewar.

The above poem helps to contextualize the hardships of canecutters and provide glimpses into theirlivesthen

Indeed, working

conditions have changed, yet sugar workers continue to struggle to maintain their families on subsistence wages So, it

is commendable that today’s workers, with GAWU’s representation –through the current compensation agreement with GuySuCo – can realize increases in wages that enable them to improve theirstandardsofliving.

I t i s a l s o commendable that the g o v e r n m e n t a n d P r e s i d e n t A l i , acknowledge and support the crucial contributions of sugar workers to the national economyworkers,whosestrenuous labour once proved to be the economic backbone of the country and for whom living wages are longoverdue

The Masquerade Band

Fifes, flutes, fiddles, kettle and boom drums, and shac-shac— festive music andbeatsofthemasquerade bandalongthestreet.

Children ran to see the fun

E v e r y m a n a n d woman frolicking in sweet music

There was much dancing, wining, and flouncing, and revelers moving a n d g r o o v i n g o n Christmas morning

C o s t u m e s a patchwork of outlandish colors

A mismatch never seen; more bizarre with the ghoulish masks

Men danced on stilts “Long Lady” brushed the clouds away; it was a sun-drenched day.

Mother Sally gyrated with a big, big behind

There was much dancing, wining, and flouncing, and revelers moving a n d g r o o v i n g o n Christmas morning

Nani and Nana couldn’t wait; they pranced and danced by the gate, and incited the band to raise the music like JouvayonChristmasday

Big Bertha brought out black cake,rum,sorrel, andmauby Every reveler on the street hadatreat.

There was much dancing, wining, and flouncing, and revelers moving and groovingonChristmas morning.

Then the music stopped,

The leader of the band raised hisvoice.

R e v e l e r s a n d onlookers listened to everyword:

“Christmas comes once a year, and every man shall have his share, but poor brother Joe in jail drinking sour ginger beer! Blow!Blow!”

F i f e s , f l u t e s , fiddles, kettle and boomdrums, triangle and shacs h a c h e e d e d the leader’scall

T h e v e r v e a n d energy flooded the street

There was much dancing, wining, and flouncing,

a n d r e v e l e r s moving and grooving onChristmasmorning

And the man with the “Bull-Cow” rushed tothecrowd

Children saw the lowered horns

T h e y s a w t h e flaring nostrils; they saw fire in the bull’seyes

They ran; they came back a dangerous thing to tease a mad bull born to gore

Butwhataspectacle: the sweet mischief of childrenandbull

There was much dancing, wining, and flouncing, and revelers moving a n d g r o o v i n g o n Christmasmorning.

Sincerely, Haimnauth (Cecil) Ramkirath

APA elects new President, other executives

Mario Hastings

o f K a k o Village,Upper Mazaruni District, was elected President of the Amerindian Peoples Association (APA) when that organization held its Annual General Meeting (AGM) on Wednesday in Georgetown.

According to a press releasebytheAPA,Hastings assumedtheroleunopposed, succeeding Mr Lemmel Benson Thomas. The AGM was held at the Mirage B a n q u e t H a l l i n Georgetown. TheAGM, the highest decision-making forum for theAPA, featured elections for key positions within the APA’s Executive Committee.

The results are as follows:

• President: Mr Mario Hastings (Kako Village, Region7)

• Vice President: Mr. Lemmel Benson Thomas (Kamarang Village, Region 7),electedaftersecuringthe majorityofvotesagainstMs. TeresaJoseph.

•AssistantTreasurer:Mr Allan Torres (Santa Rosa Village, Region 1), elected aftersecuringthemajorityof vo

Assistant Treasurer Ms ShakeraPhillips.

• Youth Representative: Ms Crystal Atkinson (Santa Rosa Village, Region 1), elected after receiving the majorityofvotesagainstMr Rauis Leonard, Mr Ezra George, Ms Annette Ranny (Upper Mazaruni District), and Ms Stacy Williams (Shulinab Village, Region



Regional Representatives positions,including:

• Potaro, Region 8: Mr CarlosMarco

Region7:Mr ClydeHenry

• Pomeroon, Region 2: Ms.KarolinThomas

Meanwhile, a motion was moved to postpone the Deep South Rupununi Regional Representative election as Mr Patrick Gomes, the sole nominee, had to leave the AGM to fulfilothercommitments

A by-election for this positionwillbeheldatalater datetobedeterminedbythe new Executive Committee. Notwithstanding, all other

Executive Committee were


Ms.WinnethCollymore, the Regional Co-op Officer from the Department of F

, facilitated the Association’s electionprocess.

The Full APA Executive Committee for 2025 is as follows:

1. President: Mr Mario Hastings (Kako Village, Region7)

2 Vice President: Mr Lemmel Benson Thomas (Kamarang Village, Region 7)

3. Secretary: Mr David Wilson (Akawini Village, Region2)

4 Assistant Secretary: Mr John Campbell (Santa CruzVillage,Region1)

Reynold Hudson (Hobedia Village,Region1)

6 Assistant Treasurer: Mr AllanTorres(SantaRosa Village,Region1)

AFC meets with APNU in New York

The Alliance For Change (AFC) on Thursday,saiditmetwithrepresentativesof A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) last week in New York. In a statement, the partynotedthatthemeetingwascordialand productive. Further, theAFC said, “there is an understanding that consultations will be ongoingasthepoliticallandscapeunfoldsin theupcomingpoliticalyear.”

TheAFC was keen to note that this is a continuation of the political working understanding between both parties within theNationalAssembly

On Monday, the AFC revealed that it exchanged cordialities at an introductory meeting with A New and United Guyana (ANUG) at the AFC’s office, Railway Embankment,Georgetown.


meeting was part of the AFC’s ongoing “Listening and Groundings” sessions with key stakeholders, including political parties and civil society Meanwhile, forANUG, it wasthefirstinasimilaroutreachprogramme theyhaveembarkedupon.

AFC Leader, Nigel Hughes welcomed his ANUG counterpart, Dr Mark France, who recently was elected Chairman of the party The meeting between the AFC and ANUGallowedforrepresentativesfromthe two sides to acquaint themselves with each other and, most importantly, to discuss matters of mutual interest, the statement said. In the discussions that ensued, the executive members explored opportunities for collaborative efforts to address critical national issues and challenges facing Guyanatoday

8.YouthRepresentative: (Continued on page 16)
New President of APA, Mario Hastings

No place for little boys in a big man’s world

There’s an old s a y i n g i n

Guyana: “You can’t put a little boy to do a big man’s job.” It’s one of those timeless proverbs that make you smile until you realiseitisnotajoke—it’sa diagnosis.

Guyanatodayfindsitself a living case study of this

maxim, with certain ministers of government proving that governance is more about photo-ops and less about, well, governing. Every day, it becomes clearer that some ministers are floundering, tossed into the deep end of politics like overzealous swimmers without water wings. And when the waters of governance prove too turbulent, their fallback strategyistostrikeapose,as if being photographed is proof of competence. Spoileralert:it’snot. What Guyana needs are not ministers who are busy, but ministers who are

effective. The difference is subtle but vital, like the difference between stirring soupandactuallycookingit.

Effective ministers understand their roles, appreciate their limitations, and are humble enough to enlist experts when needed. These are people who grasp the principles of ministerial responsibility and are p r e p a r e d t o b e accountable not just for their portfolios but for the promisestheymake.

Legendhasitthatbackin theday,duringtheBurnham administration, a certain minister found himself on the wrong side of accountability When the Prime Minister asked about an issue, the minister shrugged, saying he did not know about it. The Prime Minister’s response? “It’s your duty to know.” That’s governance 101, folks: if you don’t know, find out. If you can’t find out, you shouldn’thavethejob.

The trouble today is that too many ministers misunderstand their roles. Theyseemtothinkthey’rein office to, as the younger crowdsays,“pampascene.” But the job is about service a quaint notion, perhaps, but one that involves having a plan, executing it, and ensuring thattheplanismorethanjust a wish list. It’s not about throwingmoneyatproblems but about stewarding resources to maximise

benefits It’s about delegation, teamwork, and leaving the heavy lifting to those with the muscle and expertise.

Once upon a time in Guyana, senior public

officials commanded tremendous respect. They werereveredfigures,almost mythical in their gravitas. Today,however,governance has become a one-man—or one-Minister—show If you need something done, you’ve got to see the

Office of the First lady must account...

Frompage05 whatwasthepurposeoftheactivity?Where didthefundingcomefromtohosttheevent? Whatwasthecost?Itistroublingtoseewhat the Office of the First Lady has diminished to.GuyanahadseveralpastFirstLadiesand there is no evidence to substantiate that through their offices, there was lavish spending on activities not beneficial to the officeandhostingofextremeactivities.

Severalmonthsago,Iwrotecallingonthe FirstLady’sOfficetoaccountforthemonies

appropriatedtoherOffice,sinceinmyview andwhatIhavebeenassessingbecauseofthe publication on what the Office of the First Ladyisdoing,Iamnotsatisfied.Myposition thenisstillextanttoday

Ms. Ali should publicly account to the people of Guyana a listing ofALLactivities fundedbytaxpayersandhowbeneficialand successful the programmes have been to recipients.




De Ball back and de Backball

Dem boys seh de Ball donemekacomeback,and all who got fancy frocks andthree-piecesuitstashed away in mothballs dustin’ dem off High society finallygetaplacefuhshow offagain,anddetailorsand seamstresses and dem boutiques happy like dem win de lottery Is pure ordersflyinglef,right,and centre - “I want dis dress like what Lady So-and-So wearlastweek.”

But yuh know how

G u y a n a p e o p l e stay—while some prancin’ round wid champagne glass in hand, others sittin’ under de mango tree watchin’ de photos on Facebook and suckin’sour grapes. Dem seh de Ball is fuh big shots alone. Dem claim dey prefer dem lil bottom-housedancewhere

yuhcouldbrukoutwidyuh barefeetandnoonecareif yuh suit crease or yuh weavelean.

But now dem seeing dehgatbrukoutevenatde Ball. Is enough fug give dem old timers heart ache andheadache.

DemboyssehdeBallis fuh who can afford it and whocouldgetinvite.Ifyuh name nah deh pon de list, sorry, buddy, go home and dance wid yuh shadow

One fella seh he hear how some people paying whole monthsalaryjustfuhbuya tuxedo.Hemussbetalking hesalary Dempeoplewah goingtobeBallloaded.De cost of de outfit is fine changefuhdem.

But leh we be real—yuhcan’tshowupat de Ball in yuh jeans and slippers. Dis ain’t no rum

Minister Need approval? See the Minister Want advice? Guess who? The Minister. This level of micromanagement isn’t just inefficient; it’s stifling creativity, imagination, and effective management. But weallknowwherethatstyle came from and who is the undisputed champion of the one-personshow

A c c o u n t a b i l i t y, meanwhile, has become a hollow ritual. As long as accountsaresubmittedtothe Auditor General, everyone breathesasighofrelief.But accountability isn’t about ticking boxes; it’s about ensuring projects are wellconceived, taxpayers’ money is well spent, and deviations from original budgets are justified and minimized.Instead,weseea parade of projects with ballooning costs and questionable oversight, leavingtaxpayerstowonder if their money is being funnelled into progress or a bottomlesspit.

What’s needed is a hard reset of our approach to governance—startingwitha rethink of the ruling elite’s philosophy of appointing

persons to high office Governance isn’t child’s play It demands political acumen,character,and,most importantly, the maturity to understand the gravity of one’sresponsibilities.

In a divided society like Guyana, the qualities most neededinaleaderaremoral fibre and experience. The challenges of governance often have less to do with technical issues and more to do with perception. Policies must resonate with the populace, and that requires leaders who are principled, grounded, and committed to serving the people rather thanthemselves.

Unfortunately, the qualification for high office in Guyana often boils down to party loyalty, not competenceorcommitment. Many appointees lack any ideologicalanchor,resulting in sterile thought and uninspiredaction.

Thisrelianceonpersonal ability—or lack thereof—is a recipe for disaster When mediocrity becomes the standard, the system collapsesundertheweightof itsownincompetence.

T h e r e s u l t ? A n

unsalvageable situation where “little boys” are tasked with “big men’s” jobs The brain drain e x a c e r b a t e s t h i s predicament,leavinguswith fewalternatives.Andso,we circle back to our opening proverb, which now feels less like wisdom and more like a grim reality check. Governance isn’t a game of optics It’s a complex, demanding enterprise requiringbrains,brawn,and awholelotofbackbone.It’s time for Guyana to demand more from its leaders—and tostopsettlingforMinisters who think their job description begins and ends with a photo op. Because in theend,you can’tFacebook your way to good governance.

(The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinionofthisnewspaper.)

shop lime; dis high-class ting.Yuhgattolookgood! And de fashion? Oh gosh, is de real dress parade Some people spending so much pon outfit, dem coulda build a bottom-house One lady turnuplastweekinagown widsomuchfrills,demseh she look like she bring she own mosquito net. But dat ain’t stop she from tekkin’ picture fuh Facebook and givin’ de side-eye to she rival who wear a similar outfit.

Dem boys seh Ball season nice fuh de economy So leh de Ball roll.Bigshotornobigshot, everybody enjoyin’ it in dem own way—even if some just sit and bad talk while drinkin’ cheap rum. Yuhcan’tstopdeBallnow! Talkhalf.Leffhalf.



Guyanesehavetheclosenessof the guest of honor’s seat in how their rich oil inheritance is managed. The have a few choices inresponsetowhattheyread,they hear, they absorb. They can rise from their seats, and say, Hear! Hear! Ortheycansitsilently,turn things over in their minds some more. Then they can deal with the fevered brawls in their heads regardingtheleadershipseensofar withthissacredoilpatrimony

It is a rich one also. Being the citizen who has to chain the pitbull,theluxuryofchoice,offear,is notmine. Fellowcitizenshavethe privilege of looking on and decidingforthemselves,howwell, orpoorly,Itiedthedog. Theleash isshort,andsoaretimeandspaceto getthisright.

Riseupandreachwiththenew Production Sharing Agreement (PSA) intotheStabroekBlockand apply its terms to the rich and vast oil basin, of which this country knows so little, and gets so little. No! Notgoingthere. Noway,not atall.

By now it should be seen that there is a pattern that is firmly, irreversibly, in place with the oil wealth of Guyana and Guyanese. Any recommendation, any consideration that holds out a glimmer of some positive, some smidgen of what could be monetarilybeneficialforGuyanese issnuffedoutandstampeduponby Guyana’soilmanagers. Itiswhere ringfencing the projects, renegotiatingthecontract[thatwas cursed] and reaching with the new PSAandinsistingthatitmustapply to the Stabroek Block all represent dreadful diseases. Such must be avoided as though they are some destructivestrainofcoronavirusor syphilis.

Is this national oil leadership? Oristhekindofoilpartnershipwith Exxon that disembowels and

Ringfencetheoilprojects. No! The old ones are already gone, though not tamper-resistant. Just ringfence the upcoming ones, the seventh in the kettle, and those being lined behind it. There it is: NO! Again. Renegotiate the 2016 Exxon contract, a treachery and calumny that stab every Guyanese in the back. Not that again? No! WhatisnotunderstoodaboutN-O? it has been said a million times. No!No! No!

decapitates the Guyanese to whom thiswealthbelong? Mypositionis well-known, and I push no one in any direction. But all must know this. Some day and in some way, myfellowcitizensaregoingtohave todecidewhethertheyareproudoil owners or simply content to be bottom feeders. Guyanese know about running to Trinidad and Toronto for needed economic relief, some peace of mind, a little pride in one’s existence. History has returned with a vengeance, but on this occasion with a glistening difference. Guyanesearenolonger handtomouthbyanybody’scount. Citizens of this country, therefore, should no longer be beggars. But they are Now that’s an abomination, and I wonder what leaders and supporters have to say Theyaresuretohaveadeepbucket of excuses, rationales, and oil wisdoms about why NO to any change on how the oil is managed, NO on how its decided,and NO to anyGuyaneseFirstproposal. NO! is now more than a pattern, more than a culture. NO is now the national religion of Guyana’s oil stewards. Stewardshaveaduty In this country, unfortunately, it is to

say NO. Goddammit! No is No, anditwillonlybeso.

Now permit a simple citizen to move along the same road for a momentortwolonger,withapause for breath here and there. Age has its pluses; newcomers are afforded thathospitality

The latest is that rare situation when there is opportunity to consider windfall taxes on excess profits. I heard what sounded like as though it came out of a bazaar first, and then this peculiarity involving the bizarre. In the tandem of what resembled a neat political two-step, and out of the minds and the mouths of those sittingwiththepowertomakesuch decisions, it was ‘not at this time.’ Ifnotnow,thenwhen? Ifnotwhen richerandmoreadvancedoilstates have levied windfall taxes on their own companies, then will Guyana ever?

Perhaps the most revealing of all was the spectacle of those elected to the sacred duty of oil husbandry turning their backs on, and abandoning, their own family Their new love is Exxon. In Guyanese vernacular, Exxon must be a hell of a ‘sweetmaan.’ When

themenofthehouse(oilhusbands) should do their all, with all their might, to protect the family, they yanked the blanket of a full parent company guarantee away from their children should the worst happen. In the worst of times, US$2billionmaynotbeenoughto replace a bra and a brief for those wholosteverything.

Like I said, Exxon is the sweetmaan that must be made happy, since there is no knowing reactionsshouldtherebetoomuch demanding,toomuchtwistingopen his hand and extracting something fromit.

Andso,ithasbeen. Itiseither thatGuyaneseoilmanagersarethe wisestintheworld. Ortheyaretoo beholden to their Exxon sweetmaan. So,thereisnomessing with him. No to anything and everything that could mean somethingforallGuyanese.

(The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinionofthisnewspaper.)


Guyana vs Suriname

Surinamehasjustfoundoilandhasnot yetproducedanyoil,butalreadyinspiring provisions are being set in place for all citizensofthatformerDutchcolony Guyanaisproducing650,000barrelsof oil daily presently, and has already shipped out 500 million barrels since oil firststartedtoflowfromundertheseaover four years ago. With oil numbers like those, and with oil prices where they are, all Guyanese should be doing very well, enjoyingabetterthanaveragestandardof living. With oil revenues flowing into Guyanaalbeitatgangsterlevelsfromavile contract, the national government is wellequippedtodobetterforallGuyanese.

Instead of that, Jagdeo’s PPP/C Government has chosen to prioritize sharingtheoilwealthwithitsinnercircle, and a small crowd of sycophants. Guyanese have received a paltry $25,000 (slightly over a hundred US$), and some minimalsubsidieswhenitpleasesleaders todoso.


The minimum wage in the sugar industry has been set at $100,000 per month, the GuyanaAgricultural and General Workers Union (GAWU)saidonThursday

This decision was reached when the union and the Guyana Sugar Corporation (GuySuCo) concluded negotiations on a three-year salary agreement

on Wednesday In a statement, GAWU said the agreement guarantees significant wage/salary increases to sugar workers, ensuring they receive the

r e c o g n i t i o n a n d compensation they deserve. The terms of the agreement include: effective January 01, 2024, an across-theboardpayriseoftenpercent; effective January 01, 2025, an across-the-board pay rise of eight per cent and effective January 01, 2026, an across-the-board pay rise ofninepercent.

The agreements cover workers within the Union’s b a r g a i n i n g u n i t s , encompassing field, factory, and factory-type workers; field foremen/forewomen, and field superintendents.

Furthermore, GAWU said “with a shared vision for fairness, the parties have committed to achieving a minimum wage of $100,000

monthlyinthesugarindustry by January 01, 2025, ensuring that every worker below this threshold will receive additional increases.”

The Union and the Corporation have been engaged in crucial discussions for several weeks These discussions originatedfromtheGAWU’s proposals submitted earlier this year The proposals demandhigherpayratesand tackle essential issues such asimprovingtheissuanceof Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and enhancements to specific allowances for workers, among other benefits. Both parties are resolute in their

Sugar workers and other officials following the announcement of the multi-year salary pact between GAWU and GuySuCo.

commitment to swiftly conclude these discussions and address the needs of the workers, GAWU said in the statement.

During a signing ceremony, GAWU’s

President Seepaul Narine hailed the ground-breaking nature of the agreement, markingahistoricmilestone. This is the first time since GAWU became the bargaining agent for sugar workersin1976thatathreeyear agreement has been reached between the Union and the Corporation. “Some fivebilliondollarswillreach theworkers’pocketsthrough the agreement,” GAWU said. Narine emphasised the dedication and maturity

exhibited by both parties, who worked tirelessly to craft reasonable solutions and accommodations to bring this lan

agreement to life He expressed the Union’s appreciationforreachingthe agreementandcelebratedthe s

unwavering commitment to collective bargaining betweentheparties.

The Union’s President highlighted the industry’s challenges, but emphasised its importance to countless individuals, directly and indirectly He called for a renewed commitment to the industry, encouraging all workers and management personnel to elevate their efforts. His appreciation for thenegotiatorsfromboththe Union and the Corporation underscored the spirit of collaboration essential for success.

According to GAWU on behalf of the dedicated workers, the Union’s Presidentseizedthemoment

(Continued on page 16)

$11B is lowest bid for new West Demerara Hospital

With a contractor yet to be identified for the constructionofthenewWest Demerara Hospital in Region Three, the project will cost at least $11 billion toexecute.

This is according to one of the financial proposals submitted by two of the Chinese contractors who were shortlisted to further bidfortheMinistryofHealth project.

Colombian airline launches direct flights to Guyana

Colombian airline Avianca, on Wednesday, launched its inaugural flight to Guyana.

Themuch-anticipatedflightarrivedatthe Cheddi Jagan InternationalAirport, carrying 29 inbound passengers. In turn, the aircraft left with 113 passengers destined for Colombia. This new route provides direct connectivity between the two countries, whichisexpectedtoboosttourism,trade,and people-to-peopleexchange.

The Guyana Tourism Authority (GTA) also presented passengers on the first flight with Guyana-branded tokens

commemorate the event Juan Edghill, Minister of Public Works, expressed enthusiasmforthenewservice,saying,“This will further strengthen bilateral ties between GuyanaandColombia.”

He also underscored the government’s

commitment to making significant investmentsinairportinfrastructuretoenable seamless connections. This development is projected to considerably boost Guyana’s international standing, making it more accessible to visitors from theAmericas and elsewhere It also increases Guyana’s economic links with Colombia, creating chancesforcollaborationinavarietyofareas.

The introduction of Avianca Airlines marks a pivotal moment in Guyana’s aviation.This new service, together with the recent addition of several international carriers, has significantly improved the country’s connectivity Houston, St. Lucia, London, Cuba, the Dominican Republic, Grenada and Colombia are among the top locations that have become more accessible. The flight will operate three times weekly, utilizinganAirbusA320aircraft.(DPI)

During the reading of bids for the project at the National Procurement and Tender Administration Board (NPTAB) office on Thursday, it was revealed that two out of the three bidders who initially submitted bids were China CAMC Engineering CO Limited (CAMCE) and Sinopharmintl (China Sinopharm International Corporation), a consortium, and Shandong High-Speed Dejian Group Inc., which mettherequirementandwill now have their bids further evaluated.At the opening, it was revealed that CAMCESinopharmintl bid US$99,728,520 33 and Shandong High-Speed Dejian Group Inc , bid GY$11,241,510,000 to constructthehospital.

It was reported in the media, that SinopharmintlCAMCE and Shandong are no strangers to Guyana’s construction industry Sinopharmintl and CAMCE are currently the contractors undertakingtheconstruction of the six regional hospitals across the country, while ShandongHigh-Speedisthe company that rebuilt the St. Rose’s High School in Georgetown.

This newspaper reported thattheplantobuildthenew hospital follows President IrfaanAli’sannouncementin September that a new West Demerara Hospital will be constructedsincethecurrent structure has outgrown its time. The President, at that time, noted that the current hospital has seen significant improvements over the years.

The Department of Public Information, in an article, quoted President Ali as saying, “In the first four months of 2021, they did 16 surgeries. In the first four monthsof2024,theydid585 surgeries. It is easy to post one bad story or two bad stories on Facebook. But what about this? 585 surgeries that were completedcomparedto16in


Further, the hospital has been undergoing several upgrades including the construction of a new mortuaryandtheacquisition o f e q u i p m e n t f o r laparoscopic surgeries However, despite the improvements over the years,PresidentAlisaidthat the hospital can no longer meet the demands of the growing regional economy “Now with this growth, we know that the West Demerara Hospital has now outgrown its time. It has outgrown what it was built for It does not meet the modern, efficient, reliable needs of the citizens of RegionThree,”thePresident stated.

This publication understands that the construction of the new hospital is part of the government’s plan to provide world-class healthcareserviceacrossthe country It was reported that residents of Region Three will soon benefit from two new state-of-the-art hospitals Currently, new hospitals are being constructed at De Kinderen andatZeelugt.

The current West Demerara Regional Hospital
Colombian airline Avianca launched its inaugural flight to Guyana on Wednesday. (Ministry of Public Works photo)

Jagdeo: ‘No windfall profits for Guyana from higher oil prices’

…says excess profits going towards cost recovery

Chiefpolicymaker in the oil and gas industry Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo said that there is no excess profittogainfromincreased oil prices as he dismissed calls for the government to institute windfall taxes from ExxonMobil.

At his weekly press conference,heldatFreedom House on Robb Street, he made this comment in responsetoaquestionposed bythispublicationinrelation to the government not instituting a windfall taxes mechanism despite current oil prices being higher than the average price per barrel, whichcouldhavegiveneach of the 300,000 established households here $2M per month “What kind of economics here you are bringing to me…there’s no excess profit and everything else.”

Jagdeo explained that in the industry projections are made and based on that projection, prices may be higher. However, even with these higher prices, the cost recovery affixed by the contract is 75%. “It means you’re amortizing the expenses faster so you can get to a higher share of the profit You’re just amortizing the expenses faster and that’s what’s happening. So if it took you 10 years to amortize the investmentat$50,andjustto give an example, the price for oil, it may take you 7 yearstodoitat$75andthat means thereafter you were entitled to 52%, crudely putting it, of their revenue. It’s a simple method,” he reasoned.

On November 29, this publication reported that Jagdeo maintained that his government’spositionisthat windfall taxes will not be instituted at this time Windfall tax is a tax levied by governments against certain industries when economic conditions allow those industries to experienceaboveaverageor projected profits. Jagdeo, in responsetoaquestionposed by Kaieteur News on why the government is not implementingwindfalltaxes since it does not breach the existing Production Sharing Agreement (PSA) with ExxonMobilanditspartners, said, “I have dealt with windfall profits in the past, and why we believe that windfall taxation should not

be pursued at this time. I dealtwithitinthepast,ifyou gobackandread.”

In May 2022, Kaieteur News questioned the Vice Presidentontheissueandat that time he admitted that citizens in Canada, and the United States had forced their governments to increase their royalties charged to oil operators. In the United Kingdom, the government increased the one-off tax slapped on oil companies.

At that time, this publication reported extensively on the changes in the fiscal regimes for the oil operators in those countries. Canada had moved its royalty charged between five and 40%; the US in December of 2021, raiseditsroyaltyratehigher thanthe18 75%ithadbeen receiving while the UK slapped a one-off 25 per cent tax on the oil companiesthere Jagdeo had told the media that the windfall tax that some countries are exploring only came after intense pressure from their populations However, he explainedwhytheinstitution of the tax could not be replicated in Guyana. “We are bound by a PSA (Production Sharing Agreement) with very specifictermsonthetaxation side.”

Meanwhile, only recently Trinidad and Tobago energy expert Anthony Paul said, “Since all contracts must abide by national law and since such an instrument does not violate existing contracts, Windfall Profits Taxes provide a simple and fair mechanism to ensure that countriesgettheirjustdues.” Paul, an international

“An investor who brings money wants to make profit inproportiontotheamountit invests. Similarly, countries should make a return on the investment of their asset, proportional to the value of that asset,” the International Consultantpointedout.

He was keen to note that Stabilisation clauses in contracts are based on an agreed economic model whichcontemplatesarateof return to the contractor, basedonaprojectedpriceor pricing formula for the commodity on an agreed market.

Three software firms competing to set up Guyana’s Electronic Health Records System

Three software companies are competing for the contract to design, supply and install an Electronic Health RecordSysteminGuyana.

At the opening of bids, on Thursday, at the National Procurement and Tender Administration Board (NPTAB) officeitwasdisclosedthatTelecommunicationsServicesof TrinidadandTobago,RioMedLimited(originallyfromthe UK), and the Phoenix Partnership (Leeds) Limited (originally from the UK) have all met the technical requirementfortheprojectandwillbefurtherevaluated.

During the reading of bids, it was disclosed that Telecommunications Services of Trinidad and Tobago bid US$4,400,000, RioMed Limited bid US$3,300,000, and The Phoenix Partnership (Leeds) Limited bid US$5,608,256.83forthecontract.

This publication reported that the Government of GuyanathroughtheMinistryofHealthhadtenderedforthis project.

consultant,inarecentarticle, made the point that oil companies do not produce oil,naturedoes.

The role of the oil companies is simply to extract the resource He explained, “Nature blesses countrieswithit.Oncetheoil company removes it, that assetisgoneforever Forthis reason, countries should realise that they are not just innocent bystanders to the business venture of oil and gas.”

Infact,theEnergyExpert described the role of countries as “active contributors,” providing their natural heritage as an assetinthebusiness.This,he noted, makes countries coinvestors with a contractor, sothatbothcanmakemoney

However,Paulexplained that when the price of the commodityisfarhigherthan the projected price in the economic model, the extra profit is referred to as a windfall. To this end, he noted, “Since the market conditions are generally beyond the control of the producer,itisthecommodity itself that creates the higher revenue,notanyactionofthe contractor.”

It has therefore become customary in jurisdictions around the world, including developed countries, to introduce a Windfall Profits Taxtoensurethattheowner of the resource gets a bigger share of the profit, in line with the disproportionate contribution the resource makes to the increased revenue, the Energy Expert said.

Initsadvertisementlastyear,theministrystatedthatthe Government had received financing from the InterAmericanDevelopmentBank(IDB)towardsthecostofthe HealthCareNetworkingStrengtheningProgramme.

InDecember2022,GuyanasignedaUS$97millionloan withtheIDBtostrengthenhealthserviceshere.Aportionof theloanwasaimedatfundingtheprocurementofgoodsand servicesfortheinitialdesign,supply,andinstallationofthe ElectronicHealthRecord(EHR)SystemfortheMinistryof Health.

According to reports, the strategic move is part of Guyana’scommitmenttoenhanceitshealthcareservices,as outlined in the Health Care Networking Strengthening Programme.

TheElectronicHealthRecordsystemwillplayapivotal role in managing and coordinatinga comprehensivehealth information ecosystem. When developed and installed, it will get rid of the paper-based record keeping in the health system.

This publication reported that leveraging advanced informationandcommunicationtechnologies,thesoftware will handle data, information, knowledge, processes, standards,andmorewithinthehealthcaresystem.

One of the notable features is the establishment of a unified identification system, complete with a national health identifier This identifier will serve as a lifelong patient record number across the public healthcare system, streamliningpatientdatamanagement.

Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo

‘PPP and PNCR are expired goods’ Edinburg woman dies at NA Hospital after stillbirth

A 24-year-old woman died early Monday morning after delivering a stillborn babyattheNewAmsterdam PublicHospital.

The woman, Toshana Wilson, of Edinburg, New Amsterdam, Berbice, was said to be a diabetic and sevenmonthspregnantatthe time of the delivery Kaieteur News understands that Wilson was admitted to the hospital on Friday afternoonforobservation.

Wilson’smother,Melena Wilson, told Kaieteur News thatonFridayherdaughter’s bloodsugarwaslowandshe w a s a d m i t t e d f o r observation. She recounted the tragic events that unfolded from the moment herdaughterwasadmittedto themorningshedied.

“Friday,shegetadmitted because she is diabetic. I thought she was in labour to make a seven months baby, but they said everything is okay and they had everything under control Sheain’thadnosideeffects, like no organs was not damaged,”Melenarecalled.

“So,Saturdaymorning,I went to the hospital to give

her insulin and asked if she can go home. They said no, lethereat.” Themothersaid ataround2:00hherdaughter called her and told her she wasinalotofpain.

“She start crying out her sugar high and they are not giving her no insulin. She keep crying. She calling me all the time and she say, “Mommy,ohGod,myblood sugar-andshecouldtellyou if it high or low without the test because since she was a baby she know about it,” Melena said, adding that her

daughter said, “Mommy my sugarishighandtheyarenot attending to me, oh my stomach, my stomach hurting, and nobody ain’t doingnothing.”

Out of concern, Melena sent relatives to take her daughter’s personal blood glucose monitoring machine to the hospital to test her sugar level themselves. The aggrieved mother said she was told her daughter’s blood sugar level was recorded as over 600 millimolesperlitre.

Melenasaidherdaughter subsequently called her and said that she was given 10 unitsofinsulin.OnSaturday evening, Toshana was taken to the Intensive Care Unit whereshetoldthenursesthat the insulin she was given, wasnotsufficient.

On Sunday morning, Melena went to the hospital where she said her daughter toldherthatafterthedoctors administered insulin Saturday night, she was not feelingthebaby

“Shesaid,mommy,since last night they give me insulinandIfeelmybaby (Continued on page 18)

…Trade unionist saysduringlaunchofnew party

Trade unionist now turned politician SherwinDowner,onWednesday,launcheda new political party called “United Workers Party”.

ThelaunchingwasheldintheConference Room at the Caribbean Inn Inc, Mon Repos, East Coast Demerara. Downer told the press that he joins “the hundreds of thousands of Guyanese who are fed up of the PPP/C and PNC/R dominating politics for the past 58 years and I wish to say this unapologetically, that the PPP and the PNC are now expired goods; they are no longer good for our country.” Downer iterated that “theyhaveoutlivedtheirusefulness.”

Downerthenwentontostatesomeofthe thingshispartywilldointhefirst100days,if elected into power Among the promises he madeare,settingupaCommissionofInquiry (CoI) to investigate the signing of the lopsided 2016 oil contract, replacing the Special Organised Crime Unit (SOCU) with an independent investigation body and the depoliticisingoftradeunions.

“The Federation of Independent Trade Union (FITUG) and GTUC, the Guyana Trade Union Congress will be dismantled within the first 100 days,” Downer said, explaining that both of them are politically influenced.


the state and operate as independent organisations. ItisunclearhowMr Downer will disband them. “They (FITUG and GTUC)aredividingtheworkers,”headded. “Therewillbenoseparateralliesanymoreon Labour Day, there will be one rally attended by the President and the Leader of the Opposition.”

Downeralsopromisedananti-corruption unit,whichwillreplaceSOCUwhichhesaid will operate independent from the Guyana PoliceForce(GPF).

Downerpromisedtoothatanindependent prosecutor will also be hired to prosecute corruption matters. He then went on to talk about setting up a CoI to investigate the signingofthelopsided2016oilcontractwith ExxonMobilfortheStabroekBlock.“Aswe know, the then subject Minister (Raphael Trotman) said he felt pressured, in his book, to sign.The people of Guyana need to know the contributing factors as to why he felt pressuredintoacceptingthedeal,”theTrade Unionist opined. “The CoI will get down to the bottom to know exactly if there were external interferences or if his own governmentpressuredhim”.

Otherpromisesmadebyhispartyinclude, paying public servants a weekly salary, review the P.A.Y.E, introduction of grocery vouchersamongotherthings.

Sherwin Downer (2nd right) and the members of his party, “United Workers Party,” addressing the press on Wednesday
Dead: Toshana Wilson

Guyana to help drive oil output next year

…as IEA expects comfortably supplied oil market in 2025 despite demand hike

LONDON, Dec 12 (Reuters) - The world oil market will be comfortably supplied in 2025, the InternationalEnergyAgency (IEA)saidonThursday,even afterproducergroupOPEC+ extendedoilsupplycutsand a slightly higher than expecteddemandforecast.

The outlook from the

IEA, which advises industrialised countries,

points to continued headwinds for OPEC+,


Petroleum Exporting Countries and allies such as Russia.OPEC+isseekingto begin reviving output in 2025afteryearsofcuts.

Oil demand growth has been weaker than expected thisyearinlargepartbecause of China.After driving rises inoilconsumptionforyears, economic challenges and a shift towards electric vehicles are tempering oil growth prospects in the world’s second-largest consumer

Still, the IEA increased its 2025 global oil demand growth forecast to 1 1 millionbarrelsperday(bpd) from 990,000 bpd last month, “largely in Asian countriesduetotheimpactof China’s recent stimulus

measures,” it said in its monthly oil market report. Chinaisseekingtoboostthe economy and will adopt an “appropriately loose” monetary policy next year, thefirsteasingofitsstancein some14years,thePolitburo was quoted as saying on Monday

Atthesametime,theIEA expects non-OPEC+ nations to boost supply by about 1.5 millionbpdnextyear,driven by the United States, Canada, Guyana, Brazil and Argentina - more than the rateofdemandgrowth.“The relatively subdued pace of global oil demand growth is set to continue in 2025, acceleratingonlymodestly,” theIEAsaid,sayingalsothat the market was “looking comfortably supplied.” Oil prices LCOc1 pared an earlier gain after the report was released, with Brent crude trading below $74 a barrel.


To support the market, OPEC+ last week. pushed back the start of oil output rises by three months until April and extended the full unwinding of cuts by a year until the end of 2026 due to weak demand and booming production outside the group. The IEA said, even

excluding the return to higher output quotas, its current outlook points to a 950,000-bpd supply overhang next year - almost 1% of world supply This wouldriseto1.4millionbpd ifOPEC+goesaheadwithits plan to start unwinding cuts from the end of next March, itsaid.

Next year’s surplus, as forecast by the IEA, could makeitharderforOPEC+to bring back production. The hike was earlier due to start inOctober2024,butOPEC+ has delayed it amid falling prices.

Forecastsonthestrength of demand growth in 2024 vary, partly due to differences over demand from China and the pace of theworld’sswitchtocleaner fuels.

The IEA’s view is at the lower end of industry estimatesandinthereport,it trimmed its forecast of 2024 world demand growth to 840,000 bpd, down 80,000 bpdfromlastmonth.OPEC, which is at the top end, on Wednesday cut its demand growthforecastsforthisyear and next, but still expects more rapid growth than the IEAof 1.61 million bpd and 1 4 5 m i l l i o n b p d respectively

LSM Jewellers expands with new location

L. Seepersaud Maraj & Sons (LSM) Jewellershasexpandeditsoperationswitha new boutique location at 232 A Middle Street, adjacent to the Guyana Power and Light(GPL).

This marks a significant milestone for the family-run business, which traces its originstofounderSeepersaudMaraj’sstore inStabroekMarketnearly90yearsago,the businesssaidinapressrelease.

For the first time, the jeweller has ventured beyond its historic Stabroek Market location under the leadership of ManagingDirectorVeadPersaud,grandson of the founder As the third generation of jewellersinthefamily,Persaudandhisteam carry forward decades of craftsmanship, expertise,andpassionforfinejewellery,the releaseadded.

Thenewboutiquepromisesanexquisite selection of jewellery for every occasion. Customers can choose from timeless classics such as heirloom bangles and intricate filigree necklaces to contemporary designs that appeal to modern tastes. This expansion blends artistry and quality to ensureeverycustomershines.

The boutique is open daily from 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM and will remain open through the holiday season, offering

customers ample opportunity to shop for gifts or personal treasures. “We are excited tocontinueourlegacywhileembracingnew possibilities,” Persaud said “Our new boutique is a reflection of our commitment to delivering quality, artistry, and affordability Welookforwardtowelcoming both loyal customers and new faces to our newestlocation.”

Affordability has long been a cornerstone of LSM Jewellers, setting it apart in an industry often marked by high prices.

By maintaining the “Stabroek Market prices” for which the brand is known, the new boutique aims to make beautifully handcrafted jewellery accessible without compromisingonquality


Drivers (25-45 Year old) to deliver Groceries & Porter to work on the canter & warehouse. Attractive salary. Tel673-7373.

Live-in Babysitter / Cook age 45-55 years old. Experience would be an asset. Contact : 681-4662.

Part-time Driver, 5 years experience aged 30-45 years old, preferably from E.B.D. Tele: 665-0677.

Male sales-rep 18-28 years old, Knowledge about vehicle models would be an asset. Call : 619-1237.

Drivers / Porter. Contact : 223-5273 / 621-5907.

Wanted Electrical Apprentice, No marijuana smokers. Call: 724-0125.


For Sale 6 used American made Dental chairs excellent condition contact Mr Vino on 661-3030 or 626-8918

One Nissan Double cab pickup, fully off road setup ; -5 Million Negotiable. Call: 626-8919 / 661-3030.

For sale 1 320D Caterpillar Excavator with 3066 Engine. Contact :701-4000


Porter Vacancy at Vegetarian Gardens. 68 Robb & Cummings G/Town. Tel:2277714 Cell:640-0673

Receptionist Vacancy at Hick’s Ville Hotel. 79 West Ruimveldt Estate G/Town. Tel :231-0951/640-0673


Maid to clean for east bank area. Call: 615-9132.

Female cleaner. Call : 6159132 / 645-8443.

One (1) painter & Male cleaner 615-9132 or 645-8443.

Pump Attendant (6am-2pm & 2pm-10pm).Mobil Providence E.B.D, Call: 265-7306. Email:Mobilramsburg@gmai.com

Receptionist, Supervisor , Laundry attendant 23-50 years old. 233 South Road Lacytown. 225-0198.

One day Guard to work around Ogle area. Call: 2275222 or 617-4662.

Vacancy for experience and non-experience sewing machine operator at Lall's Garment Enterprise Lot 6 Friendship E.B.D.

Subby’s Sandwich Shop is hiring Restaurant Manager, Supervisors, Cooks, Kitchen Assistants, Counter Attendants Email: subbysguyana @gmail.com / WhatsApp: 657-0772.


Man tells police 10 kilo ganja is his medication

The ranks involved in the 10 kilo marijuana bust being awarded.

Asuspect reportedly told Berbice police that the 10 kilograms of ganja that they found him with was his medication, Deputy Commissioner of Police, Ravindradat

Budhram, said on Thursday at the police force’s Christmas Award Ceremony.

Budhram was at the time calling up the Berbice ranks stationed at the Weldaad Police Station, Berbice, Region

Five to be awarded for some major drug busts during the year.

On October 19, 2024, “They intercepted a motor vehicle and found ten kilograms of cannabis,” he said, before

adding that two suspects were arrested and charged.

“One suspect told them [it] is his medication…Ten kilograms of medication for him. Police arrested him,” Budhram said.

Minimum wage for sugar workers set at $100K...

From page 12 to convey heartfelt appreciation to the Government of Guyana, particularly President Dr. Mohamed Irfaan Ali. He highlighted the invaluable support from the Government that paved the way for a significant agreement.

The GAWU President also emphasised that after the change in Government in August 2020, sugar workers, who had endured an unjust wage freeze under the Coalition Government, are now being treated with fairness, justice, and equity.

He also acknowledged the Government’s commitment to revitalising the sugar industry. Mr. Narine underscored President Ali’s insightful

statement that sugar must be viewed as more than just a financial concern but as a vital contributor to our broader socio-economic landscape.

GuySuCo’s Chief Executive, Paul Cheong, according to GAWU, strongly appreciated the efforts of the Union and Management teams and singled out President Ali’s crucial role in solidifying the agreement.

Cheong, GAWU said, described the agreement as bold, providing vital assurance to the workers amid the challenges of recent years. He conveyed his excitement about the future.

The GuySuCo CEO pointed out that the industry is actively implementing plans

to enhance cane yields and advance factory improvements, believing these initiatives will benefit the industry and its workforce. He also emphasised the supportive role of the Government and is optimistic that better days lie ahead. Mr Cheong highlighted the importance of team work towards building the industry.

Chief Labour Officer, Dhaneshwar Deonarine congratulated the parties on reaching the agreement.

He noted that the Union and the Corporation shared a long-standing relationship and signalled the strength of the relations between the parties.

He commended both the

GAWU and the GuySuCo and expressed best wishes on behalf of the Minister of Labour, Joseph Hamilton and the Ministry of Labour.

The sugar workers are feeling a renewed sense of hope following the recent agreement.

Many have expressed gratitude for their union’s unwavering commitment to advocating for better benefits.

This agreement offers them a sense of security for the future and is a significant victory for the workers and their families.

It’s a powerful reminder that dedicated efforts are in place to ensure their well-being and prosperity.

APA elects new President, other executives...

From page 8

Ms. Crystal Atkinson (Santa Rosa Village, Region 1)

One Unregistered Nissan XTrail 2016 model, Mode Premiere. Call : 649-0956.

1 Honda CRV, includes TV, music system, alarm, reverse camera, spoiler, crash, low mileage PTT Series (first owner). Call: 649-0956. Elevate your brand with our professional Graphic design services. Call: 619-0007, 629-5526.

Visa Application:U.S.A, Canada & UK:Graphics design, advertisements, wedding arch rentals.Tel:6267040.

Regional Representatives:

1. Moruca: Ms. Genevieve Vansluytman

2. Mabaruma: Ms. Roxanne Skeete

3. Matarkai: Mr. Claude


4. Pomeroon: Ms. Karolin


5. Essequibo Coast: Mr Joseph Russell

6. Middle Mazaruni: Mr. Ronald Joseph

7. Upper Mazaruni: Mr. Clyde Henry

8. Upper Cuyuni: Mr. Ramadhin Ruddy

9. North Pakaraimas: Mr. Charles Peter

10. Potaro: Mr. Carlos Marco

11. South Pakaraimas: Mr. James Davis

12. Central Rupununi: Mr. Fredrick Stephen

13. South Central Rupununi: Mr. Ronald Ignatius

According to the release, the AGM remains a cornerstone of the APA’s efforts to ensure transparency, accountability, and strategic planning. In addition to elect-

ing office bearers, key achievements of the AGM included the approval of the Minutes from the 2023 AGM, review and adoption of the 2023 annual report and financial statements and approval of the APA’s proposed work plan for the upcoming year.

Ahead of the AGM, the APA also held its Ordinary General Meeting (OGM) between December 9-10, 2024, bringing together its members from across Guyana. Discussions focused on key issues such as land rights, environmental sustainability, and strengthening Indigenous

cultural heritage. Participants reviewed progress on ongoing initiatives, assessed challenges, and explored strategies to enhance advocacy at both national and international levels. The OGM laid the foundation for the AGM, reinforcing the APA’s mission to protect Indigenous peoples’ rights, lands, and traditions. The APA remains committed to fostering solidarity among Indigenous communities and ensuring their voices are central to national development conversations.

New $94M Admin Block for Linden Hospital

Th e L i n d e n

H o s p i t a l

Complex in

Region 10 will soon have a new administrative block

costing taxpayers some $94M.

T h e R e g i o n a l

Democratic Council recently advertised for a


RegionalDemocraticCouncilofRegion10. ConstructionofLindenHospitalComplexAdminBlock.


contractortobuildtheblock atthehospital.

During the recent

readingofbidsonTuesday, it was revealed that some

$94 million has been set aside to construct this block and a total of 14 contractorshavesubmitted bids Addit


RestorativeJusticeCenters-Procurement ofVehicles:OneBus.

RegionalAdministrationis preparing to spend $44 m i l l i o n m o r e t o rehabilitate the Upper

Demerara Hospital, while general rehabilitation will takeplaceattheRichmond Hill Doctors’ Quarter for anestimated$34million


RestorativeJusticeCenters-Procurement ofVehicles:OneDouble-CabPickUp.

MinistryofLabour EnclosingofBalconyatMinistryofLabourHeadOffice.

The Linden Hospital Complex in Region 10.

‘Name calling’ leads to capture of wanted man

DeputyCommissionerofPolicein chargeofAdministration,Ravindradat Budhram, during the Guyana Police Force’s (GPF) Christmas Award Ceremony recounted a tale of how “name calling” helped a rank to captureawantedman.

The rank he was speaking of was CorporalFarley,oneoftherankswhom the Force awarded for outstanding policingthroughouttheyear.

Budhram began by calling the Corporal to receive his award As he marchedforwardtoreceivehismonetary reward, the deputy commissioner said, “OnthesecondofJuly(2024)Corporal Farley, he was on the Reliance Public

Road (Berbice) Budhram paused as his colleagues broke into laughter As Farleymarchedoff,Budhramcontinued: “So this is what happened to Farley, he wasontheroadveryearlyinthemorning and a truck stopped and a porter called himname.”Hecheekilyadded,“Maybe afalsename.”According to Budhram, Farley then decided, “Look boy wa happenlookyehcomedownfromthe truck.” He explained that when the porter came down from the truck, CorporalFarleytookhimtothestation whereherealisedthathewasawanted man. “Awantedbulletinwasissuedfor him(theporter),”Budhramsaid,before congratulating Farley “That is the

Corporal Farley marching up for his award

instinctofapoliceman,”headded Corporal Farley was among the rankswhoreceivedmultipleawardson Thursday Budhramlabelledhim“The guyofthemoment.”

GuyanaRevenueAuthority ConstructionofWarehouse,OnverwagtBerbice.

Israeli attacks kill dozens across Gaza, including 15 guarding aid trucks

Aljazeera - Israeli attacks across the besieged Gaza Strip have killed

dozens of people, Palestinian medics say, hours after the United Nations General Assembly overwhelmingly approved a resolution demanding an immediateceasefire.

TwostrikesonThursday killed 15 people who were part of a force protecting humanitarian aid convoys, medicssaid.

The Israeli military said in a statement that Hamas membersaimedtohijackthe aid convoy “in support of continuing


The Palestinian news agency Wafa reported that those killed in the two air strikeswereguardingtheaid trucks.

G u n m e n h a v e repeatedly hijacked aid trucks after they roll into theenclave,andHamashas formed a task force to confront them Hamas-led forces have killed more thantwodozenmembersof the gangs in recent months, Hamas sources and medics said.

The Nasser Medical Complex in the southern city of Khan Younis said eightpeoplewerekilledina strike near the southern border town of Rafah and sevenotherswerekilledina separate strike near Khan Younis

Children were among seven people killed when a residential building in Gaza City’s al-Jalaa Street was bombed in another attack,

- attacks come after the UN General Assembly approves a resolution calling for a ceasefire in the besieged Gaza Strip

Wafareported. A separate Israeli bombingkilled15peoplein a house where displaced people were taking shelter, west of Nuseirat camp in the central Gaza Strip, medics and WAFA said Hamas said Israeli military strikes have killed at least 700 police tasked with securing aid trucks in Gaza since the war began on October7,2023. It has accused Israel of tryingtoprotectlootersand “creating anarchy and chaos to prevent aid from reaching the people of Gaza” The UN says Israeli restrictions and the breakdownoflawandorder after Israel repeatedly

targeted Gaza’s police force make it extremely difficult tooperateintheterritory

Israel’s ongoing assault has plunged Gaza into a humanitarian crisis, and experts are warning of famine, especially in the besiegednorthernareaofthe enclave where Israeli forces launched a renewed ground offensivetwomonthsago.

In the northern Gaza refugee camp of Jabalia, health officials said an orthopaedic doctor, Saeed Judeh, was shot and killed by Israeli forces whileonhiswaytoal-Awda Hospital, where he usually treatedpatients.

The Ministry of Health said his death

raised to 1,057 the number of healthcare workers killed since the warbegan

Two people were killed in another strike on a residential home in Jabalia, and several others were wounded, according to Wafa.


Months of ceasefire

negotiations by key mediators Qatar and Egypt thathavebeenbackedbythe United States have failed to produce an agreement for a truce and captive exchange betweenIsraelandHamas.

The latest attacks come astheUNGeneralAssembly approved resolutions demanding an immediate

ceasefire in Gaza and expressing support for the UN agency for Palestinian refugees (UNRWA), which Israelhasmovedtoban.

US National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan said on Thursday that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu appeared prepared to negotiate a deal forthereleaseofthecaptives held in Gaza. “We’re now looking to close a hostage release deal and a ceasefire [in Gaza]. It’s time to finish the job and bring all of the hostages home. I got the sense from the prime minister he’s ready to do a deal,”Sullivansaidatanews conference at the US embassy in Jerusalem after


Separately, Pope Francis, who has recently intensified criticism of the Israeli offensive in Gaza, received Palestinian Authority Pres

Mahmoud Abbas, with whom he discussed the “serious” humanitarian situation.

Thepair,whohavemet several times, discussed peace efforts during a p r i v a t e h a l f - h o u r audience, according to the Vatican.

Abbas then met the Holy See’s secretary of state, Cardinal Pietro Parolin, and the Vatican’s equivalent of a foreign minister, Paul Richard Gallagher

The discu

ons focused on the Catholic Church’s assistance in “the very serious humanitarian situation in Gaza”, the hoped-for ceasefire, release of all captives,and“achievingthe two-state solution only through dialogue and diplomacy”, a Vatican statementsaid.

Abbas is also due to m

et Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni and President Sergio MattarellainRome Israel’s military has levelled swaths of Gaza, driving nearly all of its 2.3 million people from their homes.

It has killed more than 44,800PalestiniansinGaza, more than half of them women and children, accordingtohealthofficials.



girldosomekickupandshe stopkick”andIsay,“Ohme goi,thebabyprobablytired, iswholenight.

Then she say, “mommy my belly feeling thick and baby girl ain’t moving, I say she tiredandIleftandgohome,” Melenarecalled.

However, the woman said she received news that her daughter’s baby died on Sunday night. She said her daughter called and said, “My baby dead! They say mybabydead!”

Melenasaidshereturned to the hospital for the midday visit and was told that everything is fine with

her daughter, but the baby died due to the spike in daughter’s blood sugar

Shortly thereafter, the mother said her daughter told her that she has to go into labour to deliver the babyandthatshewasgiven abortion pills to expel the foetus.

The elder Wilson said she left the hospital and returned with something for herdaughtertoeatsincethe doctor informed her that Toshana’s blood sugar was at120.

“Isaydoctor I’masking you, please make sure that Toshanablooddon’tgetlow because she could fall in a

coma, so please make sure she eats,” the woman recalled.

She said she returned to her home and about an hour later she repeatedly called her daughter but got no response.

Theworriedwomansent her son-in-law to check on herdaughtersinceitwasher first pregnancy and due to herchallengeswithdiabetes.

“I told him rap on the door and ask if the blood sugar okay but he said nobody ain’t coming out to he and in the midst of that I hear one scream and, and I say duhs nah ‘Tiny’? We doescallsheTiny-andIask

Mark (the son-in-law) wuh going on, and he say them (nurses and doctors) start gettingbusynowandoneof the nurses told them to wait at the doctor So he wait, wait,waitandthedoctortold him that everything was okay.”

Melena, worried about her daughter rushed back to the New Amsterdam Hospital after 23:00h and was told that her daughter wasokay

“Wegiveherthebabyto hold and she started to cry and then she developed this problem. We put oxygen on her and put her on the machine, she is alive,” the

woman said the doctor told her However, Melena claimedthatwhilewaitingat the hospital for almost an hour, the doctor informed her around 1:00hrs that her daughter died around 00:14 hrs.

The woman said she checked the room her daughter was staying in and noticed that all her belongingswerepackedup.

“I saw my daughter on the bare mattress and that’s when I break down,” the distraught mother told KaieteurNews.

Melenasaidthatshewas told her daughter lost 50

millilitres of blood after her delivery

Melena is calling on the authorities to conduct a thorough investigation into the death of her daughter

“Only God keeping me up right now,” the grieving mothersaid.

The Medical Certificate of Cause of Death (MCCD) stated that Toshana died from pulmonary edema, kidney failure, high blood pressure and myocardial infarction.

Calls to the New Amsterdam Public Hospital and the Regional Health Officer on the matter were futile.

A wounded Palestinian woman at Al-Aqsa Martyrs Hospital in Deir el-Balah in the central el-Balah Gaza Strip mourns the death of her relatives in an Israeli strike [Ramadan Abed/Reuters]

Phil Thompson replaces Donnie McClurkin as headline act

The organizers of

K i n g d o m Konnect have announced Billboardcharting American gospel artiste, Phil Thompson, knownforhisglobalworship anthems “All of My Worship” and “Atmosphere Shift”, as the new headliner fortheirupcomingconcertat the Guyana National Stadium on December 21, 2024.


McClurkin, who was originally scheduled to headlinetheshow,hashadto withdrawfromhisupcoming performances, including showsinAfricaandJamaica, duetopost-surgicalrecovery concerns, a press statement from the organisers said on Thursday

“Following two recent surgeries, McClurkin’s medical team has advised him to temporarily refrain from air travel to ensure his full recovery,” the press statementsaid,whileadding that, “In this season of both challenge and blessing, KingdomKonnectisgrateful that acclaimed worship leader Phil Thompson has

graciously stepped in to join thecelebrationofworship.”

Samuel Medas, cofounder of Kingdom Konnect, expressed his concern for Pastor McClurkin saying, “Pastor Donnie has been an inspiration to countless believers worldwide, myself included His health and well-being are paramount to us, and the entire Kingdom Konnectfamilyisliftinghim up in prayer We believe in Godforhiscompletehealing and restoration. While we deeply feel his absence, we’re thankful that in God’s perfect orchestration, Phil Thompsonwillbejoiningus for this special night of worship.”

Kingdom Konnect said that the addition of Thompson to the line-up brings fresh excitement to the event Thompson recently shared the stage with Samuel Medas at a concert in Trinidad and is eagerly anticipating his first visittoGuyana.

“After experiencing the incredible worship atmosphere in Trinidad with Samuel, I’m thrilled to be

making my Guyana debut at KingdomKonnect,”hesaid. “I’ve heard amazing things about the worship culture in Guyana, and I can’t wait to join my brothers and sisters thereinliftingupthenameof Jesus,” the new headline act said.

The rest of the stellar line-up remains unchanged, featuring Medas, Jaron Nurse, Saiku, Positive, John Mark Wiggan, Marc Isaacs andBlessedMessenger

“We want to assure our patronsthatthisconcertwill be nothing short of amazing,” Medas added while noting that, “Phil Thompsonbringsapowerful anointing and dynamic worship experience that will perfectly complement our already outstanding line-up. This is still going to be a night of unprecedented worship and celebration in Guyana.”

Tickets remain available at $5,000 and can be purchased at authorized outlets.

For more information and updates, follow Samuel Medas and Jaron Nurse on socialmedia.

Johnson Charles returns to West Indies squad for T20I series against Bangladesh

ST JOHN’S, Antigua –Cricket West Indies (CWI) hasannouncedthesquadfor the upcoming three-match T20 International (T20I) series against Bangladesh, set to take place from December15to19,2024,at theArnosValeStadiuminSt. VincentandtheGrenadines. Thisseries,thelastonhome soil for the year, will mark

the return of experienced wicketkeeper-batterJohnson Charlesafterbeingsidelined forthepasttwoseriesdueto injury

Charles, a two-time T20 WorldCupchampion,bringsa wealth of experience and firepower to the squad His return adds depth to a team looking to end the year on a high note Joining him in the

lineupisKeacyCarty,whohas earned his first T20 Internationalcall-upfollowing an impressive Caribbean PremierLeague(CPL)season Carty’s inclusion strengthens the middle-order options for theWestIndies

Rovman Powell will captain the squad, with Brandon King serving as vice-captain. Head Coach

Friday December 13, 2024


Todayisadayofoppositesfor you.You may jump from one thing to another, Aries Somehow nothing seems to sitrightwithyou,andsoyour search intensifies. Try to be the active one in the situation as opposed to the one acted upon.


Todayisaterrificdayforyou, Taurus,inwhichactionspells reward.Youcan'tgowrongby expressing your needs and how they fit with the collectiveagenda.Feelfreeto focus on you and be selfish aboutyourpassions.


Egos may rage out of control today, leaving you to wonder whatallthefussisabout.Give other people their space, Gemini. If the conversation getstooboring,justsmileand nod.


Today is a powerful day for you, Cancer Your emotions may be stubborn but realize theverythingyouresististhe verythingyouneedthemost.


Today could be an unusual oneforyouemotionally,Leo. Your usual easygoing, adaptable nature could be ruffled by people who try to takeoverprojectsthatyouare perfectlyqualifiedtodo.


Try not to be too arrogant today, Virgo, even when you'reutterlysureyou'reright about the given situation Morethanlikely,youhavethe correct answers, but it isn't necessarytobestridentabout it.


People may have an extra spark in their actions and an extrabiteintheirwordstoday You will find that you may be better off just walking away fromanysituationthatdoesn't feelright.


Express yourself to the fullest today, Scorpio. Feel free to take an unconventional approach when it comes to dealing with your emotions. Trynottoletotherscajoleyou into thinking you need to fit into an artificial construct of what you need to be and what youneedtothink.


Itmaybehardtodealwiththe opposing energies today, Sagittarius Conflicting viewpoints and twisted perspectivesclashwithinyour world.


Capricorn, this may prove a challenging day for you You're used to being the sovereign surrounded by courtiers currying your favor. There's something trying to drawattentionawayfromyou.

AQUARIUS (Jan 20–Feb 18)Take care of yourself and your needs, Aquarius. There's an advantage to making sure your emotions are cared for and stable before you try to healothers.

PISCES(Feb.19–Mar 20)

Take the unconventional approachtoday,Pisces.You're able to gain a great deal and establish a whole new perspective just by opening your lens wider in order to include what you normally shrugoff.

Daren Sammy expressed confidence in the team’s readiness, emphasizing the importance of depth and experience for this competitive series “The squadwascarefullyselected with the players available to us, and I believe this is our most settled squad with the experience needed to win championships,” Sammy said.

Sammy also highlighted thesignificanceoftheseriesfor fans in St. Vincent and the Grenadines.

“Weallwouldlovetogive the Caribbean people a good pre-Christmasgiftbywinning the series to close off the year, especially for the peopleofSt.Vincentandthe Grenadineswhodidn’tgetto see the West Indies team during the World Cup,” he added.

Shai Hope and Sherfane Rutherfordwillmisstheseries duetocommitmentsintheBig Bash League, while Akeal Hoseinwillbeunavailablefor the final match for similar reasons. Jayden Seales will replaceHoseinafterthefirst twogamesoftheseries.

The series will serve as a stepping stone towards the 2026ICCT20WorldCup,with the squad’s composition reflectingafocusoncontinuity andlong-termpreparation

West Indies CG United T20ISquadRovmanPowell (Captain)

Brandon King (ViceCaptain)














Jayden Seales replaces Akeal Hosein after the first twogamesoftheseries. W

BangladeshCGUnitedT20I HomeSeriesSchedule 1st T20I: December 15, 2024, Arnos Vale Stadium, St.Vincent 2nd T20I: December 17, 2024, Arnos Vale Stadium, St.Vincent

eager to close out 2024 on a high note, with fans looking forward to an exciting and competitive series against Bangladesh.

3rd T20I: December 19, 2024, Arnos Vale Stadium, St. Vincent The squad and management are
Johnson Charles

Dream debut: Jangoo hits magnificent 104* to lead West Indies to 3-0 ODI series sweep over Bangladesh

SportsMax-Ontheback of a magnificent debut centurybyAmirJangoo,the WestIndiescompleteda3-0 ODI series sweep over Bangladesh with a fourwicket triumph in the third game at Warner Park in St. Kitts&Nevisyesterday

The hosts entered yesterday’s encounter with

the series victory already secured and their team selection reflected that with four changes made to the side that won on Tuesday Alzarri Joseph, Alick Athanaze and debutants Jangoo and Jediah Blades replacedJaydenSeales,Evin Lewis, Justin Greaves and Marquino Mindley in the

eleven. Captain Shai Hope won the toss and decided to have a bowl first, a decision thatlookedliketherightone when Alzarri Joseph removedbothTanzidHassan and Litton Das without scoringinthethirdoverwith thescoreonjutnine. However, that proved to bethemostsuccessthehosts

would have for some time with Soumya Sarkar and captainMehidyHasanMiraz adding 136 for the third wicket That wicket finally came in the 24th over when Gudakesh Motie trapped Sarkar in front for a run-a-ball 73 including six fours and foursixes

Six overs later with the score on 171, Miraz went run out by an excellent bit of fielding by Sherfane Rutherford for 77 off 73 balls, with his knock consisting of eightfoursandtwosixes.

The next over saw Rutherford get the wicket of Afif Hossain for 15 to leave Bangladesh 171-5 with three balls to go in the31stover

The next 19 3 overs saw Bangladesh produce their best batting of the series by a mile through Mahmudullah and Jaker Ali Thepairembarkedon an unbeaten 150-run stand that saw the innings close at 321-5 off 50 overs, Bangladesh’s best scoreoftheseries Mahmudullah, who hit fifties in the first two games, was at it again with a brilliant 84* off 63 balls including seven fours and four sixes while Jaker made62*off57balls, hitting five fours and two sixesintheprocess.

Alzarri Joseph was the best West Indian bowler on the day with 2-43 from

his 10 overs Setting out to chase 322 secure a 3-0 sweep, the hosts didn’t enjoy the best start with Brandon King (15), Alick Athanaze (7) and Shai Hope (3)allfallingwithinthefirst five overs of the reply, Hope’s wicket falling with thescoreon31.

Keacy Carty and

Sherfane Rutherford then put on an important 55 for the fourth wicket before Rutherford, the hero in the first game of the series, went caught in the deep off the bowling of Taskin Ahmed for a 33-ball 30, leaving the West Indies 86-4 one ball into the 15th over

That wicket brought Amir Jangoo to the crease to join Carty and the two put on a batting masterclass to the delight of the crowd on hand in Basseterre

Their partnership of 132 for the sixth wicket saw Carty bring up a fifth ODI fifty off 49 balls and the debuting Jangoo bring up his half century off just45balls

It eventually ended when Carty, five runs short of what would be his second ODI century, played one shot too many and was caught at point by Sarkar off the bowling of Rishad Hossain in the 33rdover

Carty’s 95 came off 88 balls and included 10 fours and two sixes

Roston Chase was next to go, caught and bowled by Hossain for 12 in the 38th overs, leaving the hosts 234-6 Undeterred, Jangoo carried on and, now joined by Gudakesh Motie, looked set for a brilliant hundred that he hoped would also be a match-winningone

His hopes soon came to fruition as the 27-yearold brought up that hundred off just 79 balls with a six off Afif Hossain in the 45th over, joining Desmond Haynes as West Indians to make a hundred on ODI debut

The next over saw Motie, whomade44*off31balls in supporting Jangoo over the line, hit the winning runs with a pair of sixes off Rishad Hossain to complete the chase, with the hosts reaching 325-6 off 45 5 overs Jangoo finished 104* off 83 balls, hitting six fours and foursixes.

Rishad Hossain finished with 2-69 off 8.5 overs for Bangladesh.

F u l l S c o r e s : Bangladesh 321-5 from 50 overs (Mahmudullah 84*, Mehidy Hasan Miraz 77, Soumya Sarkar 73, Jaker Ali 62*, Alzarri Joseph2-43)

West Indies 325-6 from 45 5 overs (Amir Jangoo 104* , K


National Open Boxing Championships

in January postponed because of unforeseen circumstances

Th e G u y a


(GBA) 2024 season ending event, the annual Terrence Ali National Open Championship set for the Andrew “Six Head” Lewis gym in Albouystown today, hasbeenpostponed.

G B A m a d e t h e announcement yesterday that due to unforeseen circumstances the event has been postponed, but will be heldnextmonthonadateto beannounced.

President of the GBA

Steve Ninvalle has previously noted that, “The


will now be held

Terrence Ali National Open Championship is the most prominentlocaleventonour calendar of activities and fittingly brings to a conclusionaverysuccessful and fruitful year for the discipline.

Traditionally the championship has served as that bridge or conduit between the realms of amateur and professional, and while the advancement oftheamateurgame,bothon the local and international circuit,has evolvedinevery facet, the importance of the event has duly followed suit.”

However,itisnotlostfor the young boxers who were eager to showcase their abilities as they will have to waitforanothermonthtodo so. A number of prominent gyms had confirmed their participation, including the Guyana Police Force, the Guyana Defence Force, the ForgottenYouthFoundation, Pace and Power, New Amsterdam Academy, Rose Hall, Vergenoegen, and Republicans.

It is expected that these gyms will be even more ready for the new date next month.

CSEC PE golf numbers rising due to Guyana Golf Association efforts

The popularity of golf among s t u d e n t s preparing for the Caribbean

Secondary Education Certificate (CSEC) Physical

E d u c a t i o n ( P E ) examinations is on the rise, thanks to the innovative efforts of the Guyana Golf Association and Nexgen

G o l f A c a d e m y i n p

he MinistryofEducation.

On Tuesday, 71 students from Rosignol Secondary School traveled with their teachers Rameshwari Dharamdat, Sharyl Gangoo, ArudranauthJaikarran,Usha DallooandKevonJawahirto the Nexgen Golf Academy on Woolford Avenue for personalized coaching sessions with Master Coach AleemHussain.

The sessions are part of their preparation for the 2025 CSEC examinations.

Students being tutored during a session at the golf programme.

hard work invested in developing this initiative,” headded.

Rosignol Secondary School, a dominant force in golf for the past three years, is poised to lead the nation onceagainin2025.Withthe most students selecting golf astheirelective,theschoolis striving for a 100% Grade I passrate.

golf as their CSEC PE elective.

“Once again, the level of

Rosignol Secondary School students exemplifies the foundational work that was put into the ‘Train the Trainers’ programme from which Sir Kevon Jawahir was a graduate,” remarked Mr Hussain.


were a part of the program, and the ever-increasing participation and high grades achieved by Guyanese students in CSEC PE are a testament to the

The introduction of golf into Guyana’s secondary schoolsystembeganin2021 through a partnership between the Guyana Golf Association, Nexgen Golf Academy, and the Ministry ofEducation’sUnitofAllied Arts. Once perceived as a sport for the elite, golf has rapidly gained traction, becoming the fastestgrowing sport discipline in thecountry

Thousands of students nowhaveaccesstothesport, with hundreds opting for

Notably,therehasbeena significant increase in female participation Schools traditionally known forcricketandfootball,such as Rosignol, Berbice High, Annandale, Anna Regina, and Friendship Secondary, arenowembracinggolfasa key component of their PE curriculum.

The Guyana Golf Association and Nexgen GolfAcademy,withsupport fromgovernmentalagencies andoverseasdonorsBilland Aleena Knight, Ola, Zoe, David, Harry, and Derwin Obermuller, Steven Griffin, Tony Gideon and Danny Ramnarine, continue to expand access to the sport. Theirongoingeffortsaimto provide more opportunities for students and ensure the continued growth of golf acrossthenation.

GCC hosts stellar awards ceremony following successful 2024

-FormerGCCcaptainLeonJohnson presentsclubwithsignedbat,t-shirt

The Georgetown

Cricket Club (GCC) hosted their awards ceremony on Wednesday night, with honorary guest Sir Clive Lloyd in attendance for the mini-Gala.

Maleandfemaleathletes were given awards and plaques to honour their performances for the last year, with a number of cricketers and hockey playersbeinghailedbytheir club.

Legendary West Indies batsman Sir Lloyd was amongthenotableattendees who also played a huge role intheprizegivingceremony.

Players like Devon Lord (Most wickets), Joshua Wade (Most Runs), Khush Seegobin, Guyana Harpy Eagles all-rounder Ronaldo Alimohamed, while Phillip Fernandezcoppedtheaward for Over-45 at the Masters IndoorHockeyworldcup.

Anumber of individuals outside the athletic world were also awarded for various achievements, services to the club and overall success during the yearof2024. Theevening’shighlight featured the sentimental exchange between former Guyana Harpy Eagles captain Leon Johnson and GCC, a club who he grew up in, won many matches, tournaments and titles but more importantly carved his career as of the most iconic Guyanese and by extension, West Indies players.

The left-hander who helped Guyana dominate the regional 4-Day scene with 6 titles, retired more than a season ago, turning his talents to managing with former CPL champs,

Guyana Amazon Warriors; was showered by his club for his many feats on and offthefield

president Johnathan Yearwood with a bat signed by members of the Warriors teamfollowingtheinaugural GuyanaSuperLeague,along with an official Amazon Warriors t-shirt signed by Johnson himself, as a token totheclub.

Johnson presented GCC

VMFA concludes year with memorable Football Festival

‘We strive to create an environment where success is defined not solely by winning, but by personal growth and teamwork’ – Mills

As the Vurlon Mills Football

presence of enthusiastic families, who turned out in droves to support and celebrate the VMFA community Theday’saction culminated in thrilling matches that crowned championsineachcategory

The VMFA Giants emerged victorious in the highly anticipated U14 division, with the VMFA Hawks and Fruta Conquerors Football Club securing second and third place, respectively In theU12category,theVMFA Legends claimed the top spot, followed by Linden’s Dainty Academy and St.

Gabriel’s Primary

day so the kids could come out, have fun, play a mini tournament, and enjoy themselves, and I think we achieved that today Parents cameoutinfullnumbers We had teams all the way from Linden participating in this finaldayofactivity,anditwas fantastic Ithinkeveryoneleft satisfied,” he said While the event featured competitive play,theAcademy’semphasis on development and e

Football Festival, showcasing the Academy’s 2024achievements. Last weekend, aspiring young talents from across various sections of the

A c a d e m y (VMFA) wrapped up its calendar year of activities, founder and coach Vurlon Mills celebrated another successful end-of-year

country converged for a day of spirited competition across five age groups, including; Under-6, U8, U10, U12, and U14. The event’s lively atmosphere was amplified by the

Meanwhile, the VMFA Toucans triumphed in the U10 competition, with Rockets and Kellogg’s finishing as runners-up Reflecting on the success of the event, former Golden Jaguar and founder of the VMFA, Mills shared his vision for the Academy’s activities. “We planned this

through “There wasn’t a kid heretodaythatdidn’treceivea medal,” Mills highlighted “Thewordsfromthecoaches wereencouragingbecauseour aim at the Academy is continueddevelopment Win or lose, our job is development. The coaches’ messages were rewarding, exciting, and encouraging forthekids.”

With its objectives met, the VMFA is now looking ahead to an even more competitive and successful

2025 “At Vurlon Mills Football Academy, success is defined not solely by winning but by personal growth and teamwork. Our focus on skill development creates an environment where young athletes can flourish, promoting a healthyandpositivelearning experience,”Millsadded. Thefestival’ssuccesswas made possible through the supportofnumeroussponsors, including KFC Guyana, Toucan Distributors, BK Distribution, Kellogg’s, ExxonMobil Guyana, SBM Offshore Guyana, SQ Apparel, MVP Sports, the O f f i c e o f t h e President—National Unity, First Lady Arya Ali, St. Stanislaus College, De Sinco Limited Food & Beverage, The Siskin Group, and the Ministry of Education Their collective efforts ensured that the event provided a memorableexperienceforall involved.

Founder of the VMFA, Vurlon Mills
Coach Mills shares photo-op with members of one of the U10 Football team.
GCC awards 2024 - GCC executives and president Jonathan Yearwood (center) flanked by the club’s awardees, honorary guests among others, following Wednesday evening’s 2024 Award Ceremony for the Club. (Avinash Ramzan photo)

Guyana bounced out of FIBA 3x3

AmeriCup in Puerto Rico AmeriCup

Guyana’s journey

in this year’s F I B A 3 x 3 AmeriCup came to an early end during the qualifying round of the tournament, held in San Juan, Puerto Rico.

In their opening game, t h e G

team comprising Travis B

, D

c Vincente, Nikkoloi Smith, and Harold Adams—looked poised for victory against Haiti.

Holding a narrow lead with just 1:30 left on the clock in a tightly-contested

clash, the Guyanese men seemedincontrol.

However,asuddensurge from Haiti saw them score five unanswered points, overturning the lead and clinching a dramatic 17-15 victory

Guyana’s hopes of advancing rested on their second game against the CaymanIslands.

Despitetheirefforts,they fell short, suffering a 21-17 defeat that ended their campaign.

TheFIBA3x3AmeriCup is a prestigious event that brings together the best

national teams from across the Americas, offering

competition and high-level play

Guyana’sparticipationin this tournament was made possiblethroughthesupport of the Government of Guyana, via the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sport, and the Guyana Olympic Association(GOA).

Their efforts ensured the team had the opportunity to represent the nation on an international stage, gaining valuable experience in the process.

Travis Belgrave contesting a block during Guyana’s clash with Haiti in Puerto Rico.
(L-R) Travis Belgrave, Nikkoloi Smith, Harold Adams, and Dominic Vincente.

Amir Jangoo went past fifty on ODI debut. (Randy Brooks)


added 136 runs for the third wicket. (Randy Brooks)

Dream debut: Jangoo hits magnificent 104* to lead West Indies to 3-0 ODI series sweep over Bangladesh

Guyana bounced out of FIBA 3x3 AmeriCup in Puerto Rico

Mehidy Hasan Miraz
Soumya Sarkar
Part of the action between Guyana and the Cayman Islands at the FIBA3x3AmeriCup tournament.

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