Kaieteur News

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Journalist, Gaza

Civil Defence workers killed in Israeli strike

no fiscal risks to

Change of Govt. or Stabroek Block contract not, Hess sees

‘Govt. blocking citizens’ efforts to bring ExxonMobil to heel’

Thief ditches bike for a swim in hasty get-away

ExxonMobil took 179M barrels of oil in 2024, gave Guyana 26M barrels

Gold miners sign new pact with Govt. for more duty-free concessions

Two killed in Tuschen


...driver arrested after trying to flee

CEO of Hess Corporation, John Hess

OGGN challenges Exxon to prove adherence to “highest ethical standards”

…cites failure of company to explain overstated precontract costs, defiance of int’l safety standards

Members of the Oil and Gas Governance Network (OGGN) have challenged ExxonMobil Guyana Limited(EMGL)toproveits adherence to the “highest ethicalstandards”asclaimed by its lawyer in a December 8, 2024 letter to this publication.

General Counsel, Andrew Lodge in a letter responding to a citizen, on behalf of Exxon made it clear, “We adhere to the highestethicalstandardsand a r e c o m m i t t e d t o transparencyandintegrityin allourdealings.”

In disputing this statement,OGGNmembers, Alfred Bhulai, Andre Brandli, Ganga Ramdas, Kenrick Hunte, Darshanand Khusial and Mike Persaud argued, that the company does not even comply with thelaw

OGGN said, “In 2018, Christopher Ram showed, usingtheoilcompanies’own financialstatements,thatthe pre-contract costs were overstatedbyatleastUS$92 million. If ExxonMobil is committed to integrity, it shouldexplainwhysixyears haveelapsedandnotaword to counter the integrity of Mr Ram’sanalysis.”

Meanwhile,themembers h i g h l i g h t e d t h a t ExxonMobil does not pay taxes on its oil profits in Guyana. This is in keeping with the oil contract signed with the Government of Guyana that it receives tax receipts for taxes it did not pay

OGGN however pointed out that more than 140 countries require companies like Exxon to pay at least 15%intaxes.

It therefore reasoned, “Why is Guyana NOT among them? If Exxon claims transparency, it

should publish the tax receipts it received from the Government of Guyana and disclosewhetherthereceipts are used to receive a tax creditfromtheIRS.”

Shifting its attention to the company’s offshore operations, the members of the Network argued that ExxonMobil defies the rule of law and international safetystandards.Theynoted that the Liza One and Liza Two projects are being operated above the design productionrates.

“Howcanitbeethicalto place Guyana and the Caribbean at the risk of a major oil spill especially when there is no parent company guarantee? How can ExxonMobil claim ‘the highest ethical standard’ given that this recklessness can bankrupt Guyana and many countries in the Caribbean,” the members asked.

Inconclusion,theynoted t h a t n u m e r o u s commentators in several countries have agreed that the Exxon contract is one of the world’s most lop-sided. To this end, OGGN said, “It isaprincipleofcontractlaw that, if one party does not fully understand what it is signing, the contract is invalid. ForExxonMobilto continue to refer to ‘sanctity ofcontract’insuchacontext shows substantial disregard for ethical standards. If ExxonMobil wants to be respected,itneedstoliveup toitsgrandioseclaims.”

The Oil and Gas Governance Network, founded in 2017, is a nongovernmental, non-profit organization,gearedtowards informing and educating the Guyanese public and advocating for transparency, accountability, and good governance.

OGGN members have been raising awareness in the United States about Guyana’s lopsided oil contract with ExxonMobil, protesting for changes to deal.

‘Govt. blocking citizens’ efforts to bring ExxonMobil to heel’-ChrisRam

...says rejection of referendum another puzzling, anti-nationalist approach to contract renegotiation

Chartered Accountant andlawyerChristopherRam holds the view that the government’s rejection of a referendum, to look at the termsofthe2016PSAandto get a better deal for the Guyanese, raises questions on their commitment to renegotiate the lopsided oil deal.Andhealsohighlighted how government has sought to block citizens from holding ExxonMobil accountable.

In the December 13th edition of his column in the StabroekNewstitled‘Every Man, Woman and Child in Guyana Must Become Oil

Minded-Column 145, Referendum Rejection RaisesAbout Government’s Commitment To Oil Contract Renegotiation,’ he saidthattheVicePresident’s recent dismissal of a potential referendum on the renegotiation of the current oil deal with ExxonMobil and his ruling out of a referendum alongside the elections next year, which notablyweremadewithouta statement from the president,addsanotherlayer to the “administration’s puzzlingandanti-nationalist approach to contract renegotiation.”

Referencing the survey, he recently conducted to get theviewofthepubliconthe matterhehighlightedthatit, “showed that 94% of Guyanese support the renegotiationoftheStabroek Block PSA, presenting a compelling mandate for action. This overwhelming public sentiment has made the referendum question unavoidable, though it would not usually arise in relation to a matter of this nature.”

Ram explained that the

call for a referendum “has gained oxygen only because the Government and Jagdeo haverefusedtodowhatthey promisedtodoandwhatthe 2016 Agreement expressly allows. Article 32.1 of the P

provides a mechanism for changes to the Agreement.”

However, after four years in office this administration is yet

en a preliminary step to have the processinitiated,Ramsaid.


The lawyer went on to say that, the public r e s i s t a n c e b y t h e government goes beyond

Attorney General, Vice PresidentandtheMinisterof Natural Resources have managed to stymie the efforts of citizens to bring Exxon to heel. Instead, they have chosen to take the oil company’s side in any legal action brought against them against exploitation,” Ram noted.

The Government of Guyana (GoG), in three consecutive Court matters, filed by citizens in the past two years challenging ExxonMobil, had joined the proceedings to throw its support behind the multinational oil and gas corporation. Citizens had instituted the legal proceedings against the oil giant for “robbing” the nationofitstaxes,depriving it of adequate protection against potentially devastating spills and also operating contrary to the environmental regulations governingitsactivities.

While the move by the state to throw its support behindtheoilcompanytook manyGuyanesebysurprise,

some activists believe that the government is now revealingitstruecolours.

Initially, businessman, GlennLallhadmovedtothe High Court in what was described a “historic move” challengingtheextensivetax waivers being granted to Exxon and its partners throughthe2016Production Sharing Agreement (PSA) signedwithgovernment.

Lall was fighting for companies other than the Stabroek Block licensees to payitsfairshareoftaxes,but the Attorney General, Anil Nandlall submitted strong arguments justifying the tax holidays. The case which waspreparedandfiledbyhis Attorney-at-Law, Mohamed R.Ali,outlinedthatmanyof the provisions listed under Article15.1ofthePetroleum Agreement, dated June 27, 2016 between the Guyana Government and the oil companies, grants exemptions to persons other thanlicensees,whichviolate the Petroleum Exploration and ProductionAct (PEPA), theFinancialAdministration (and Audit) Act, the P r e v e n t i o n o f Discrimination Act, and the Constitution.

In light of this, Lall

provisionsareunlawful,null and void, and of no legal effect.Thebusinessmanlost the case in February of this year In his ruling, High Court Justice Nareshwar Harnanansaidtheministeris vestedwiththepowerunder Section 51 of the PEPAand the Petroleum (Exploration and Production) (Tax laws) to grant EEPGL, CNOOC Nexen Petroleum Guyana Limited, and Hess Guyana Exploration Limited, all

companiesthatarepartiesto the case, concessions of extensivetaxexemptions.


In a second matter filed by two citizens, Frederick CollinsandGodfreyWhyte, for the oil giant to adhere to the requirements of the Liza One Permit and provide the nation with an unlimited parentcompanyguaranteeto pay for damages relating to an oil spill, the government again fought against the citizens, taking the side of Exxon.

The High Court in a ruling on May 3, 2023 ruled that the company must providetheparentguarantee within 30 days. It wasn’t longafterthattheregulatory body; Environmental

Protection Agency (EPA) filed an appeal against the full liability coverage, ordered by Justice Sandil Kissoon. The government later joined the case with Exxon to fight against the Guyanesecitizens.

T h e a p p e a l b y governmentwasasurpriseto a wide cross section of the population,whointhepages of this newspaper wrote several letters for weeks describing the action as “ u n p a t r i o t i c ” a n d

“uncaring” among others. Thequestionwasevenasked why Exxon was not leading the appeal instead of the state, since the government shouldhaveavestedinterest in protecting itself and Caribbean neighbours, who can also be impacted by a massivespill.

In a third matter, the government had again teamed up with Exxon against two citizens, who challengedthelegalityofthe


Chartered Accountant and Lawyer, Christopher Ram

Thewealthgap KaieteurNews


socialmediaandeveninthenewspapersaboutthe diamond Ball hosted by the First lady and how lavishitwas.

Theissuesofcoursewerewhetherthiseventwaspaid for by tax dollars and whether it was insensitive to flaunt suchwealthwhile40%ofGuyanesecontinuestostruggle under the load of high cost of living, unemployment and crime.

Eversosteadilyandinsidiouslythereisdevelopingin ourcountryataleoftwosocieties:onesuperrichandthe otherdesperatelystrugglingtokeeptheirheadsabovethe waterofsurvival.

And like its Dickensinian forerunner it is a tale of the best of times (the rich) and the worst of times (the poor). We have to wonder therefore, if like the latter tale, its dénouement will not be one of upheaval and revolution. After the socialist economic experimentation of the seventies and eighties, its egalitarian ethos had been achieved:wewereallmoreorlessequallydownandout.

In our slow climb out of those doldrums, the freewheeling,anything-goes,free-marketoftheneo-liberals–theantithesisofthesocialistmodel–becamethevehicleof ourliberation.

Practically all our leaders went along. Fuelled by the profitsofgreed,whichwasnow“good”;thegrowthofthe economywassupposedto“raiseallships”.Decadesafter we can see that most of the ships, i.e. the poor, have remainedmoribund.

Backinthe18thcentury,Rousseau,whocanbecalled thetheoristoftheFrenchRevolutionthatDickenswasto fictionalise,madeadistinctionbetweenthesentimentsof “amour de soi” and “amour propre” that was a crucial featurethatsparkedtherevolution.

Amourdesoiwasthestrikingofahealthyequilibrium between concerns for one's own wellbeing; one's selfworth;one'sself-regardandtheconcernandempathythat wasowedandfelttowardsthelessfortunateinthesociety Amour propre, on the other hand, was the transformation ofthehealthyregardforone'sself-worthintoamalignant narcissism fuelled by the acquisition of property and the greedandenvythatitengendered.

And this is where we have evidently arrived at in Guyana:atint,uncaringelitethatisunbelievablyrichand living in a luxurious style that can only be described as “obscene”,generatingpowerfulwavesofenvyintherest ofsocietythatcanonlybedescribedasanunderclass.

During the era of extreme disparities of wealth and status, the attacks from the disenchanted of the middle strata would be strident denunciations by a few that have joinedthepoorintheirbarricades.

Thentherewillbethosethatwouldseektoimitatethe lifestyle of “the rich and famous” by joining them. Since there is no value to a club that would have everyone as a member, it is not easy at all to become one of the elites. Most aspirants start by becoming obsequious hangers-on and yes-men that are willing to become fronts to the ongoingscams.

Others delve directly into a get-rich life of crime and corruptionandcelebrity–andentertheelitelaterally But mostcorrosiveisthedriveofsome–quitealargegroupin Guyana–toidealizetheeliteandconferontothemalmost divinequalities.

Theywillfawnovertherichandfamousandtakeitasa blessingifthelatteraretocondescendtobeintheirmidst. Oneisexposedtothisphenomenonatmostpublicevents. We hope the cauldron of envy doesn't bubble over too violently

ANUG has its work cut out


Thewaypoliticalparties come into existence before national elections and fade away after in Guyana would leadonetobelievethattheir only purpose is to win government with the least possibleeffort.

Generally, over time, partiesneedtoidentify,win, hold and expand their constituencywhoseinterests theyaggregate,integrateand represent in a fashion that allows them to play a substantial role in policymaking. Parties also provide information shortcutsthathelpthepopulaceto makecomplexdecisionsand are vital arrangements when it comes to holding all policymakers accountable fortheirperformance.

All this is usually set upon some higher moral values having to do with race, class, religion, geographic regional, etc , which party organisers ignore or misrepresent at their peril This is particularly relevant to genuine new entrants, who must sensibly navigate the

fluctuations of the existing political culture and structures Thus, in a democracy political parties, particularly new entrants, must be vibrant and careful abouttheexampletheysetin terms of the different dimensions of their behaviour and the i n f o r m a t i o n t h e y communicate. This is the general context in which a resetissuggestedforANew and United Guyana (ANUG).

Thefirstofthe17United Nations Development Goals call upon states to 'end poverty in all its forms e v e r y w h e r e ' b y implementing 'nationally appropriatesocialprotection systemsandmeasuresforall, including floors (a basic set of essential social rights and transfers in cash and kind to provide a minimum income and livelihood security for all and to facilitate effective demand for and access to essentialgoodsandservices) and by 2030 achieve substantial coverage of the poorandthevulnerable.'


kindofthinking,atno.17of its promise to the Guyanese electorate during the 2020 elections,ANUG said that it intendsto'Ensurethatabasic incomeisavailablefirstlyto those in need but eventually toallGuyanese'.

Notwithstanding Guyana'snewlyacquiredoil wealth, poverty is rife and thereisasubstantialdemand for a basic income for the poorandpossiblyeventually forallGuyanese.Confronted by this public demand, the PPP government was compelled to change its position and is at present taking half measures: distribution a 'one off' $100,000 cash grant to all those18andover Arguably, ANUG is among the first parties to have made this proposal and should have been dirving this important discussion, but where has ANUGbeen?

Then again, ANUG's number one promise was to 'Through constitutional reform establish a system of shared governance that provides security, stability andequalityforGuyaneseof

allethnicgroups.' Theparty appears to have taken the position that it did not win enough votes at the last elections to indicate that the population is interested in shared governance. But any such belief constitutes a majormisreadingofpolitical responses in Guyana Outside of who holds ultimate power, one cannot determine what the electorate wants by way of national elections in this ethnicallybifurcatedsociety. Indeed, based on such an assumption, one could also conclude that the voters would not support poverty alleviation by some form of minimum income, and perhapsthatiswhytheparty hasbeenlargelysilentonthis matter In terms of political manoeuvrings, ANUG has made important missteps that have allowed a substantial number of Guyanese to place it in the PPP's camp. Last week I stated that having noted the negative role ethnically basedpoliticaldivisionsand (Continuedonpage6)

Relentless Medicare investment bodes well for Guyana


This “New nursing school for New Amsterdam (slated)tobeoperationalised next year” must be contextualised You see, Readers, the paucity of nurses worldwide is staggering In fact, the overall shortage of health c a r e w o r k e r s w a s exacerbated by the COVID19 pandemic, and according to the World Health Organisation (WHO), there were 27.9 million nurses globally in 2020, making up nearly 60 percent of the health professions and the largestoccupationalgroupin thehealthsector,butthereis stillanestimatedshortageof up to 13 million nurses aroundtheworld. Currently, the world can make use of millions of nurses to achieve Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) target 3.c on health financing and workforce. On this note, we all need to appreciate that “Healthhasacentralplacein SDG 3: (that is to) Ensure healthy lives and promote well-beingforallatallages, as“Almostalloftheother16 goals are directly related to health or will contribute to health indirectly (NB. The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are17goalswith169targets that all 191 UN Member

States have agreed to try to achievebytheyear2030). So, yes, even as efforts are ongoing to improve healthcare delivery across the country, the bigger picture is that Guyana is a keyplayergloballyinaiding with the SDGs. The news is that “The construction of a newnursingschoolatthesite of the old New Amsterdam Hospital is expected to be completed sometime next year ” And Minister of Health, Dr Frank Anthony “…emphasisedthatthenew institution will be providing modern facilities and resourcestotrainnursesand m e d i c a l w o r k e r s effectively” And it goes withoutsayingthatattheend ofitallGuyana'sHealthCare Sector will be in a better position “… to enhance the qualityofhealthcareservices by ensuring that nursing professionals be well equipped with the latest knowledge and skills” (in this ever-evolving world of Medicare) Kudos to the People's Progressive Party Government, as this venture proves that we have a”… government who is committed to advancing the healthcare system, and addressing the growing demand for skilled healthcareworkers.”

Agoodthingtotakenote of is that there is a kind of

parity that is in the offing, thatwillbequiteevidentand which will bring 'ease' and 'comfort' to the general public.ImeanGuyanaisnot some little remote island, with a tiny land mass and a few people. It is a massive place, and so diversification and decentralisation are quitetheordertogoby That is why “The new nursing school is being constructed simultaneously with a new hospital in the township.” As we recall, back in January of this year, “PresidentDr IrfaanAlihad turned the sod for the construction of this US$161 million hospital (in New Amsterdam), which is intended to be a major hub, linkingboththeregionaland country-wide healthcare facilities.”

I just love this network that was pointed out back then: “This hospital in RegionSixisexpectedtobe the hub, and everything around it will be the mechanisms all the specialists and will all be connected through telemedicine to every other facility in this region whether in Canje Creek or Baracara (as) all the health centres and hospitals will be connected to this hospital throughtelemedicine.” It gets better since on completion, “… the new

facility will be linked to the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC), which will be connected to the MountSinaiHospitalinNew York and other major hospitals around the world throughtelemedicine.”

Enough said, but a final noteisinorder 'Editor,theissueofnurse shortages has become even more urgent in all countries. Whatmakesmattersworseis thatanincreasingnumberof nurses across the globe are expressing their intention to leave the profession due to h e a v y w o r k l o a d s , insufficient resources, burn out and stress related to COVID-19. In March 2023, initsreport,theInternational Council of Nurses (ICN) statedthat“…theworldwide shortageofnursesshouldbe treated as a global health emergency It says health systems around the world will only start to recover from the effects of the pandemic and be rebuilt when there is sufficient investment in a wellsupported global nursing workforce.”

Imagine how wellpoised Guyana is in talking uptheslack,asanewnursing school for New Amsterdam islikelytobeoperationalised nextyear


Will Govt’s promise to establish its own law school ever be fulfilled?


The establishment of a local law school in Guyana has been long anticipated by thepublic.

Itwilllessenthefinancial burden and limitations faced by students attending law schools such as Hugh Wooding in Trinidad and Tobago, Eugene Dupuch in the Commonwealth of the Bahamas, and Norman Manley in Jamaica. Stabroek News on September 25th, 2022reportedthat“Guyanais closer to securing a Council of Legal Educationrecognised law school,” according to Attorney GeneralandMinisterofLegal AffairsAnilNandlallSC.

According to Stabroek News, Minister Nandlall madeacaseforthecreationof a Council law school in Guyana at a meeting of the Council of Legal Education that was held in Bridgetown, Barbados on September 16 and17,2022.

In contrast to a proposal put forth by his predecessor, BasilWilliams,SC,whichthe

Council rejected, the Attorney General told the Council during his

presentation that the Government of Guyana is suggestingthatthelawschool beaCouncilinstitution,tobe run and administered by the CLE, but that the Government will supply the land and buildings in

accordance with the standards and guidelines establishedbytheCouncil.

After giving careful thought to this request, the Council decided to write to theGovernmentofGuyanato informthemoftheirdecision andtooutlinethecriteriaand other requirements that the Governmentmustmeet.

INews Guyana on September 18th, 2024

reported that “the Government of Guyana has finishedafeasibilitystudyfor the establishment of a law school here, and the country is close to acquiring the facility,accordingtoMinister

of Legal Affairs Anil Nandlall”.

To be honest, we are sick of hearing this song in 2024 because so many Guyanese, having graduated from the University of Guyana (UG) with a Bachelor of Law, now have to think about their financial future in order to complete the next chapter, which is admission to law s c h o o l s i n t h e aforementioned Caribbean territories.

In order to attend these esteemed law schools, I have seen a number of my friends post on social media asking for financial aid for tuition andaccommodation. Is the government actively pushing for Guyana toestablishalawschoolofits own?

One could argue that because these kinds of issues are handled procedurally, they will take time, but what aboutGuyanesewhoexcelled inUGbutareunabletoattend Hugh Wooding, Eugene Dupuch, or Norman Manley because they lack the necessaryfunds?

I am aware that the governmentwilldefenditself bysayingthatitismakingan effort, but is that effort sufficient?

Ishouldhavecommended the current government for announcing free tertiary education, as required by Article27oftheConstitution ofGuyana.

In the same way that havingalawschoolherewill benefit many Guyanese like myself who aspire to serve humanity and uphold the pillars of justice with integrity, credibility, and altruism,asthisinitiativewill surely lessen the financial burdens of many students. For I am adamant that the time has come for the Cooperative Republic of Guyana to have its own law school; the ball continues to remain in the court of our policymakers.

Girmitiya: What's


Respondingtotheuseof the term “Girmitiya” by myself and Dr Ganga Ramdas referring to the descendants of Indian indentured labourers in Guyana, my friend

Devanand Bhagwan asserted that “Hindustani, not Girmitiya, is the correct and respectful designation for descendants of Indian indentured labourers in the Caribbean” While the discussionmayappeartobe esoterictosome,thenameof a group conveys much sociocultural information abouttheiridentitythathave accruedhistorically Identity is not a fixed but rather a dynamic notion that illustratestheongoingeffort of people to seize agency in naming themselves. Our case is intertwined with our colonized origin and the ongoing decolonizing process.

The British, ruling India from the 18th century, transported individuals within and without the country as indentured labourers and routinely referred to them as “coolies”.Thewordbecame atermofopprobrium,tosay the least, equivalent to what we refer euphemistically today as the “N” word. In Guyana,theculturalactivist Rajkumari Singh attempted to valorize the term in her 1973 essay, “I am a Coolie” by highlighting their efforts to develop Guyana. Today,

the Mauritian cultural theorist Torabully has introduced the term “Coolitude” to describe the wider philosophical world view But “coolie” has not gained traction in selfidentification, as say, the word “Black” has done in theAfricandiaspora.

B h a g w a n recommendation of “Hindustani”, which as he says, is widely used in Suriname to identify the descendants of Indian Indentureds there This usage originated from the Dutch adoption of the word “Hindustan”, which along with “India” and “Bharat”, referred to the “British Raj” during indentureship. Hindustan had referred to the Moghul-ruled lands east of the Sindhu/Indus River. After independence, the constituent assembly drafting India's constitution droppedthatnameandopted for“IndiathatisBharat”.In pursuit of its own evolving identity for its 1.4 billion citizens, the present government has signaled retaining only the name “Bharat”, which originated from ancient times and its citizensasBharatiyas,rather than “Indians” or “Hindustanis”.

“Hindustanis” in Suriname, then, was equivalent to the term “Indian Indentureds” sometimes used in British Guiana by British officialdom. “Coolie” was

in a name?

also routinely used in both country Weshouldnotethat the term “Kantraki” is also used in Suriname, as is “Girmitiya” nowadays by scholars such as Ruben Gowricharn”, to highlight the agency of most indentureds in making the decision to leave their countrydestroyedbyBritish Colonialism in signing the indentureship contract or agreement.

AsBhagwanpointedout – and we have done so repeatedlybefore-“Girmit” is a mispronounciation by FijianIndianIndentureds,of the word “agreement”. The Bhojpurized “Girmitiya” refers to the “people of that agreement” – as does the Surinamese “Kantraki”. What the word emphasizes is the commonality of the living conditions, dictated by the contract under which indentureds laboured on the

plantations in each of the countriestowhichtheywere shipped The anomalous penal clause for civil breachesbytheindentureds; t h e a b y s m a l ranges/barracks/logies in whichtheywerehoused;the disparityinwomenshippedin etc., inevitably played an outside role in shaping their culture and concomitant identities It is not by accident that alcololism, suicide and domestic violence are pathologies in Girmitiya societies along with the vaunted economic successes. The attenuation of caste and regional loyalties are thus the tip of the multitudinous changes that were generated which made it almost impossible for those who repatriated to India,toreintegrateintothat society I was personally first (Continuedonpage6)

ANUG has its work cut out

Frompage4 parties have played in Guyanese history and that the APNU+AFC coalition governmenthadnotfulfilled its mandate to reform the system, ANUG argued that such political behaviour has usallwantingtobelievethat political promises mean nothing. It rejected this position and went on to promise that 'Our party undertakes that it will never enter a coalition with any otherpoliticalpartyoranyof its members for the purpose of securing a role in government.'

ANUG was thus formed toimprovethemoralbasisof politicsinGuyana,butloand behold, it is now locked in a controversy with Ms. Asha Kissoon because, although 'two wrongs don't make a right,' it colludedwith her in doing perhaps worst than it claimeditwouldnotdo:they took from the PPPwhat that party had no historical or moral authority to give and whatisagainsttheinterestof theelectorate.

Historically, the deputy speakership goes to the opposition, and during the elections campaign the PNC was lambasted for usurping that position after the 2015 elections.

By taking the deputy speaker's position, ANUG also joined the side of the PPP in its quarrel with the PNC and so lost much of its multiethnic moral capacity True, it was a member of a

joinder group that took the position, but it could have firstlyarguedforarefusalof the position and if the other partiesinsisteduponthisgift from the PPP, made a public objection to their doing and take no further part in the arrangement In a sense, AshaKissoonismerelynow following in the footsteps of ANUG: taking and keeping whatdoesnotnowbelongto her!

A discourse is raging over arrangements for the 2020 elections and the opposition is calling for significant reform of the G u y a n a E l e c t i o n s Commission (GECOM). It wants the dismissal of the chairperson who it claims has been consistently voting with the government side of thecommission,anewlistof votersandbiometrics.

There are other issues t h a t n e e d legal/administrative clarity, e.g. campaign financing, the lengthoftimeittakesforthe courts to complete elections petitions, the authority GECOMhastodecidedupon the complaints it receives before calling the elections foranyparty(Iwillnotdwell here upon the reckless positionANUG took on this issue during the 2020 elections) etc. Yet having recently met the Carter Centre during their latest fact-finding mission, reportedly '(Mr Timothy) Jonas (the former ANUG chairperson) expressed the

view that the electoral system was essentially sound; highlighting that it was the transparency of the process which allowed the public to be immediately alerted by the attempt to undermine the process in 2020'(SN:08/07/2024).

If Dr Mark France and the newANUG executive is to make any impact during the coming elections 'de gat de wok cut out fu dem'. It is true that parties do change their positions, but it is important in a competitive democratic environment for them to keep their constituencies and the electorate informed in a timely manner and to persistently lobby for their interests.ANUGwasformed knowing that the PPP and PNC are ethnically-based political parties that over decades have kept Guyana impoverished and divided. By sheer luck some wealth has dropped into the coffers of the current PPP regime, but instead of focusing on using it in the people's interest,itissquanderingitto bolster its autocracy Dr France has restated that his party intends to end the winner-takes-all system of government.Thisisgoodbut in the context of the above discourse,itwouldbeuseful for him to urgently provide some details of what he intendsonthisandarangeof otherissues.

Sincerely Dr HenryJeffrey

Girmitiya: What's in a name?

Frompage5 exposedtothiscommonalityofidentityatthe “Global Organization of People of Indian Origin” (GOPIO) launch at the Sheraton in NYC inAugust 1989. I was Co-Chair of the “Conference on Political Participation” and then led a breakout session of the Girmitiya countries in which Guyana's Cheddi Jagan, TT'sBasdeoPandayanddelegatedfromFiji andSouthAfricaetcparticipated.Someofus latermetatmyhomeinNewJerseywherewe were amazed at how much we had in common, in addition to the “dhall and rice” weatewithourfingers.

With heightened consciousness assisted by improved communications, the term “Girmitiya” is spreading rapidly far beyond Fiji and Mauritius which had early contacts. Presently, South African Indentureds are experiencing a renaissance under the Girmitiya banner India itself has begun referring to “Girmitiya countries”. There is no“correct”wastorefertooneself–simply that which is felt to be most appropriate depending on the place, time and circumstances.

Sincerely, RaviDev

ExxonMobil took 179M barrels of oil in 2024, gave Guyana 26M barrels


Guyana President, Alistair Routledge Minister of Natural Resources, Vickram

In keeping with the provisions of the lopsided 2016 Production Sharing

Agreement (PSA), ExxonMobilbenefittedfroma massive179millionbarrelsof sweetlightcrudeproducedin Guyana’s resource-rich Stabroek Block, while the country merely collected 26 millionbarrels

This information was presented by the Ministry of Natural Resources on Sunday, in an advertisement published in Kaieteur News The ministry offered insight intothekeyachievementsof not only the oil and gas sector, but the mining, and forestryindustriesaswell.

One of the highlights for thisyear,underthepetroleum sector, were the total lifts of crude exported as of November30,2024 Itshould be noted that each lift totals onemillionbarrelsofoil.

The ministry reported, “205 lifts of crude were exported as of 30th November, 2024 The GOG benefited from 26 lifts of profit oil executed at November30.”

This means that the operator of the block, ExxonMobil Guyana Limited, and its partners, HessGuyanaExplorationLtd and CNOOC Petroleum GuyanaLimitedenjoyedthe bulk of oil produced during theperiod,amountingto179 lifts,or179Mbarrelsofoil.

According to the 2016 PSA,75%oftheoilproduced monthlyshallberecoveredby Exxon as cost Exxon also

benefits from another 125% of oil produced in Guyana, which is recorded as its profits.

Despite ongoing calls for thegovernmentofGuyanato renegotiatethetermsoftheoil deal with Exxon, the administration is reluctant to engage the companies, sayingthattodosowouldbe a breach of the ‘sanctity of contract’principleandlikely lossoffutureinvestments.

Presently, EMGL is producing oil from three projectsintheStabroekBlock including the Liza One, Liza Two and Payara The ministry’s ‘achievements’ indicated that oil production surgedto624,000barrelsper day(bpd).

In the meantime, the ministry noted, “Guyana’s export value surged by a record77%in2024,powered by the country’s rapidly expandingoilandgassector, according to the Economic Commission for Latin AmericaandtheCaribbean’s (ECLAC) latest trade report”.

Furthermore, the spotlight was placed on the capping stack that has been procuredbyExxonaspartof its oil spill readiness. According to the operator, this capping stack is one of only13intheworldandone of the only two in Latin America.

Acappingstackisaheavy piece of equipment that is placedoverablownoutwell It acts as a cork to limit the flowofhydrocarbons


Exporters are beIng left to fend for themselves

Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo has a new mantra: exporters must advocate Fight for fair access within CARICOM Challenge unjust barriers It sounds empowering It shifts responsibility It also ignores reality Advocacy alone cannot dismantle restrictive trade barriers rooted in systemic abuse of phytosanitaryregulations.

B u t w h a t i s a phytosanitarymeasure?It'sa

legal, regulatory, or administrative action

Designed to protect plants from pests, diseases and harmful organisms Governments enforce them. The goal? Stop the spread of pests across regions or borders. Measures vary from outright bans to quarantine

requirements, fumigation requirements and processing standards.

It is asking too much of exporters to take the lead in dismantling trade-restrictive phytosanitary measures. It is the government which must leadinthisregard. Jagdeo must know this.

T h e S a n


ary (SPS) Agreement of the World Trade Organization (WTO) existsforareason.Itprotects against arbitrary barriers. It requires measures to be science-based, transparent andnon-discriminatory

The SPS provides safeguards Governments must base their sanitary and phytosanitary measures on scientific evidence Measures must be supported

by risk assessments and cannot be arbitrary or unjustified. For example, a country cannot ban imports of a particular fruit without demonstrating that it poses a scientifically verified risk to planthealth.

The SPS Agreement encouragescountriestoalign their measures with international standards and g u i d e l i n e s T h i s harmonization reduces the likelihood of arbitrary or protectionistpolicies.Itisfor Guyana to push CARICOM in this direction. It is for Guyana to ensure that this harmonization is endorsed within the Revised Treaty of Chaguaramas(RTC).

The SPSAgreement also provides that measures must not unfairly discriminate



Gas-to-Energy (GTE) Permit, issued to Esso Exploration and Production Guyana Limited (EEPGL)- the subsidiary of ExxonMobil Corporation. That case was filed by Vanda Radzik and Elizabeth Hughes. They had asked the Court to quash the Permit since Exxonhadnoevidencethatitownedtheland through which the GTE pipeline will pass through, when it applied to the EPAseeking approvalfortheinitiative.

In their application to the Court, Radzik and Deane-Hughes stated that Pursuant to Regulation 17 (2)(c)(iii) of the Environmental Protection (Authorisation) Regulations, an application for an environmental authorization must contain “proof that the applicant either owns the facilityorhasaleaseorotheragreementwith the landowner or occupier to enable the applicant to conduct the activity without the consent of the landowner or occupier.” Government applied to the Court to join the matter and was approved as a second respondent this past week. It is actively challenging the Guyanese women in the matter The High Court is expected to hand downitsdecisionontheallegedbreachofthe ruleoflawinSeptemberthisyear


Inlightofthesecasesandotherpositions takenbythegovernmentontheissueoftheoil

sector,Ramsaidthisstancenowtakenbythe administration starkly contrasts the pre 2020 declarations of the Vice President where he said that “they sold us out to the foreigners” and his commitment “to renegotiate what he then termed a lopsided contract.” “What makes this situation particularly troubling is that such a consequential decision (referendum) about Guyana's oil patrimony was announced not by President Ali, who holds constitutional authority over such matters, or by the Prime Minister, who is constitutionally the First Vice President, but byhisVicePresident.Thisirregularchainof commandraisesseriousquestionsaboutwho trulydrivesGuyana'soilsectorpolicy,”Ram underscored Furthermore, he said the President's silence while his Vice President makes pronouncements on matters of supreme national importance represents a troubling abdication of executive responsibility “The Constitution vests the President with executive authority to ensure clear, accountable leadership – not a ceremonial role,” Ram pointed out. Despite numerous calls by civil society and the opposition parties for the referendum to be held before or alongside the 2025 elections, the Vice President has a different plan. A referendumisageneralvotebytheelectorate on a single political question that has been referredtothemforadirectdecision.


When maths is not yuh strong point!

Demboyssehhowonepoliticalpartyin Guyana decide fuh polish up dem image. People been whispering all over how dis particular party can't even divide properly People were talking how de party gat a problem with maths and especially when it comestofindingthehalveofsomething. Yallknowwhichpartydemboystalking about.Noname.Nowarrant.

De party was so concerned about de battering dem image tekkin that it decide, “Leh we prove we smartness!” De idea?

Host a big maths competition live on Facebook so de whole country could see howbrightdeleadersofdispartyreallyare.

So it set up a little quiz with one leader questioning another And with a live audienceofotherpartyleaderstocheerand clap. Oneleadertekdemicandstartquizzing

between countries where ide


nditions exist For instance, if a country allows imports from one country with similar pest risks, it must not arbitrarily restrict importsfromanothercountry undersimilarcircumstances.

U n d e r t h e S P S , governments must ensure that their measures are no more trade-restrictive than necessary to achieve their health objectives.They must explore alternative measures that address risks without unnecessarily impeding trade.

Words mean nothing without action. The Revised Treaty of Chaguaramas (RTC)promisesfreetrade.It

gration The SPS principles can strengthen it.

Yet, Jagdeo and his government have done little to ensure that CARICOM aligns with the SPS Agreement.

TheRTCitselfisclear.It prohibits measures that unfairly restrict trade. But it needs teeth. Without explicit integrationofSPSprinciples, it lacks the strength to deter unfairpractices.Jagdeomust know this. He knows that Guyanacanpushforreforms. Regional regulations that mandate adherence to SPS rules.Yet,hedeflects.Why?

Guyana itself is no strangertoviolatingtheRTC. Trade barriers have been erected Commitments ignored Regional

integration undermined. The Caribbean Court of Justice has issued rulings against Guyana.Notonce.Morethan once.Howcanacountrywith such a record demand compliancefromothers?The hypocrisy is glaring It undermines moral authority Iterodescredibility

President Irfan Ali once declaredamission.Hewould dismantle barriers to trade withinCARICOM.Hespoke of a CARICOM market liberated from unfair restrictions.Thepromisewas grand.Thedeliveryhasbeen abysmal Jagdeo should remember those promises. He should recognize their failure. Instead, he shifts the burden onto exporters A convenient diversion A tacticofavoidance.

Exporters can advocate. They can lobby They can evenmountlegalchallenges. But they cannot enforce treaties.Theycannotcompel CARICOM states to comply with SPS principles. That is the government's role. It is their duty to lead.To engage diplomatically To negotiate reforms.

Failure to act has consequences Guyanese goods face barriers in r e g i o n a l m a r k e t s Agricultural products are vulnerable.Perishablegoods delayed. Opportunities lost. The economy suffers Jagdeo's rhetoric ignores this.Hepretendsadvocacyis enough.

The solution is clear

Incorporate SPS principles into the RTC. Mandate a d h e r e n c e a c r o s s CARICOM. Establish a regional mechanism to resolve disputes swiftly. Create penalties for noncompliance.

This requires leadership. Guyanamustleadthecharge. It must push for regional adoptionofSPSstandards.It must hold CARICOM states accountable. This is not an exporter's job It is a government'sjob.

Jagdeo's challenge to exportersisadistraction.The realchallengeishisown.The challenge of leadership. The challenge of delivering on promises.

Regional trade depends on fair rules Rules that prevent abuse. Rules that foster trust. The framework exists. The opportunity is clear Thequestionissimple: will Jagdeo and his governmentact?Orwillthey continue to pass the buck? If history is any guide, the answer is obvious Leadership is absent Responsibility is deflected. And exporters? Left to fend forthemselves.

(The views expressed in this article are those of the a u t h o r a n d d o n o t necessarily reflect the opinionsofthisnewspaper.)

another leader. Fuh mek things look good, dem start easy-easy De man ask, “What's twentyplusthree?”

De second leader screw up he face, scratch he head, and then lean into de mic like he solving a calculus problem, he seh, “Nine?”

De place went dead silent fuh two seconds,thenalldeotherleadersstartholler, “Give he another chance! Give he another chance!”

De quizmaster seh, “Alright, leh we go simpler.”Heask,“What'stwoplustwo?”De secondleadertekbout30secondsagain,asif he calculating VAT, then seh hesitatingly, “Four?”

De whole room exploded wid a chorus from de other leaders, “Give he another chance!Giveheanotherchance!...”



Iloveit. Welldone,Isay to the 5,000 in the Guyana PoliceForce(GPF).ThePPP Governmentsteppedupwith $173millioninthankyou(s), and should be showed up. I do. And to the 5,000 senior and junior recipients in the GPF, a warm thank you on behalf of all Guyanese.This is as good a December presentashasbeenreceived in a long time. Now for the roughsailing.

B e s t C o p , B e s t Detective, and the best of andsuchandsuchallhavea resounding echo, an inspiring ring. Runners-up are not forgotten, not even thosewhowereedgedoutin making the honorable mention mark. Good cops, good records, and 5,000 of them.

A sizable number and a probablyhugefractionofthe Force, indeed. From that

context, comes this spoiler, thefirsthardquestion. With somanygoodcops,whyare theystillsomanybadones?

TheGPFisnottheNewYork Police Department, with its overall strength of about 40,000 bodies, of which approximately 30,000 are in uniform. So, 5,000 of that 30,000isamere16%atbest.

Follow my train here: I am thinking of how this could be in the GPF, with 5,000 professional and industriousandtrustedones, whichmustbeatleastoneon four,ifnotasmanyasonein two of the total GPF strength,atitsbest?

Tocleartheair,thethrust ofmyinquiryhasabsolutely nothing to do with the qualifying criteria for recognition, nor the selectionprocess. Myfocus is that with 5,000 noblemen andnoblewomenintheGPF,

there should not be anywhere close to the number of bad cops in this most crucial of national agency

For sure, there will be bad cops, like there are bad doctorsandlawyers;and,ifI may be permitted, bad ministers and bad pandits and priests and maulanas. Butwithsomanygoodcops (duly honored) in such a small force, that is a considerablepresenceinand of itself. What is meant by this?

Atanytimethatthereare 5,000 pairs of eyes, 5,000 ears, and 5,000 mouths in 5,000 ethical minds, they must be seeing and hearing and speaking from the thinking that comes. About wrongdoing in the GPF About who the rogue cops are. Aboutwhoknowsinthe upper management ranks of

the GPF and who does nothing.

About who themselves (seniors) may be part and parcel of, er, what doesn’t match up well with the mission statement and the policy and procedural manuals of the GPF In a shorter version: who condones, who covers up. Here is something to think aboutfellowcitizens.

IfGuyanahas50vibrant and devoted presences, untarnished and unselfish ones, in civil society, what kind of different country there could be. For clarity, 50, not 5,000, not even 500. Incidentally, unselfish should be given a political interpretation. I assert, I insist, that 5,000 is one hell of a formidable and feared presence. Atleast,itshould be.

Becausethosetemptedto push the envelope of abuse would be anxious of discovery, fearful of a misstep. Becausethosewho may be inclined to view the GPF as a channel to shakedown the law-abiding, or hold the lawbreaking to ransom,wouldbecompelled to think twice. Too many eyes,with even the night having eyes. Eyes that see, andrecord.

Aquickscanofthenews noted that the 5,000 operate inmanydifferentsectionsof the GPF More good news. Myexpectation,therefore,is that the roads will get a facelift. Not City Council facelif

affic enforcementfacelift. SinceI am proven glutton for punishment,thereisanother expectation, which represents another facelift. When citizens with a problem contact the GPF, they get a satisfactory response and professionally responsibleaction.

When there is a huge development that envelops the GPF in a cloud (alleged high fraud at high levels, massive drug busts, among others) that the top police managementmakesitaduty to inform the Guyanese peopleproperlyandearly.

In a small GPF with 5,000 pleasing ones, there aremorethanenoughbodies to create quite a racket over m a l f e a s a n c e s a n d malingering, and assorted othermischiefs. Theremust be more noise, more e x p o s u r e s , a k a whistleblowing, if a

And report. For the record, let it be noted that I am blindly accepting that each of those 5,000 hailed and haloed police officers andranksaretrulydeserving of their verbal accolades, their hefty rewardpackages. Iam trusting the process that came up with 5,000 good cops, out of the ordinary Guyanese policemen and policewomen. May I not have committed a fatal blunder

conspicuousdentisgoingto be put in the perception of whattheGPFisabout,howit goes about its sensitive business.

Buoyed by the news of 5,000 good cops, my expectations are sky-high. More than the perception of h o w t h e G P F h a s deteriorated must be vanquished, the reality must be erased. One last thing from me personally to Top CopHickenandCrimeChief Blanhum: I still have cybercrimes committed against me that remain unsolved. I am of the firm belief that both of these fine officersandgentlemeninthe GPF know who the perps are. I help them: in and out ofparliament. Both must remember alsothatnooneisabovethe law,andthatnolaw-abiding citizen’s rights should be trampled upon. Not even when oilmen and the henchmen of headmen are involved. Do duty, commissioners. Morecould beaddedtothatfinest5,000 intheGPF

(The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinionofthisnewspaper.)

Change of Govt. or not, Hess sees no fiscal risk to Stabroek Block contract

Whether the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) retains power after theanticipated2025General and Regional Elections or a new administration assumes office, Hess Corporation’s Chief Executive Officer (CEO), John Hess, is confident there will be no fiscal risks to the contract governing operations in the StabroekBlock.

Duringaninterviewwith an international research

institute, John Hess, expressed confidence that the next government will upholdthefiscaltermsofthe 2016 Production Sharing Agreement(PSA).

ExxonMobil Guyana Limited(EMGL)operatesthe StabroekBlockinpartnership with Hess and CNOOC The agreement exempts the oil companiesfrompayingtaxes directly, with Guyana covering these costs, and allows the companies to recover up to 75% of their investments before the remaining 25% is split Of this,Guyanareceives125%, in addition to a 2% royalty paidbytheoilcompanies

Guyana’s political landscape features three major parties, each with its own stance regarding the

renegotiationoftheStabroek Block oil deal. The PPP/C has firmly stated that it will uphold the sanctity of contracts and will not renegotiate the agreement.

The People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR), while not committing to a renegotiation, has expressed a desire to engage with ExxonMobil to secure greater benefits for the G u y a n e s e p e o p l e Meanwhile,theAllianceFor Change (AFC) has also adoptedacautiousapproach regardingrenegotiation.

h a s acknowledged that the deal benefits the oil companies morethanitdoesthecountry – the Irfaan Ali-led

administration has taken the stancetonotmakechangesto the contract, touting sanctity of contract Hess described the Stabroek Block partners’ relationship with the Irfaan Ali-led administration as “strong”andonethattheyare gratefulfor “IthinkPresident Ali is doing an outstanding job leading his country building a policy for shared prosperity for every Guyanese citizen ” Hess added

In relation to the current administration, Hess said, “Look the government has been very clear that you know they will honour the contract, they will honour the fiscal terms, they will hold us accountable to that a n d t h e i r b i g g e s t

encouragement is you know let’s develop these oil resourcesandgasultimately as safely, quickly and economically as we can and Exxonasoperatorandweas a joint venture are continuingtodothat.”

Notably, during the interview,itwashighlighted that the new PSA for future oil deals includes higher royalties and an income tax provision, marking an improvement to the terms governing the Stabroek Block. When asked whether therehavebeenanychanges to the Stabroek Block agreement since its royalty was increased from 1% to 2%,Hessconfidentlystated, “No,andthegovernmenthas assured us that they will not

change the terms they want us to develop the oil.” Hess explainedthatthesoonerthe Stabroek Block partners recoup their investments, whichtodateisoverUS$55 billion, the sooner the Guyanese government will seealargershare.


Moreover,whenaskedin the scenario of a change of government, if he sees any fiscal risk, Hess affirmed, “No,no.”

In September, Leader of the People’s National Congress Reform (PNC/R), Aubrey Norton unveiled his party’s 20-point plan for the oilandgassector,promising to review the lopsided 2016 deal that was signed by the Coalition Government of

whichhewaspartofwithUS oilmajorExxonMobil. Norton, who has shied away from saying if elected he will “renegotiate” the contract had outlined the coalition’s key strategies for managing the oil and gas sector, with a heavy emphasis on ensuring Guyanese benefits more from its abundant oil resources Following the announcement,theplanwas criticised for lacking commitment to actually make changes to the deal. Further, Nigel Hughes, prominent attorney and electedleaderoftheAFChas taken a cautious stance regarding the contentious issueofrenegotiatingtheoil deal Days before his election as leader Hughes declined to comment on the potentialrenegotiationofthe contentious 2016 oil deal sayingthatthecompanyisa clientofhislawfirm. Hughes has stated that while he is unable to comment on renegotiating the lopsided deal, he has other plans if elected. He stated, “What I have said is thatIwillsetupcommittees and if we get into government, commissions that are specifically dedicatedtodealingwithoil, generally.”

Werk-en-Rust transformed with vibrant Mural, community clean-up

T h e We r k - e n - R u s t , Georgetown community has taken a significant step toward revitalisation and spreading holiday cheer with the completion of a vibrant mural at the corner of LeopoldandBreddaStreets.

This initiative is part of the ongoing Werk-en-Rust Transformation Project, spearheaded by community leader Malika Boxhill with support from Policy Forum Guyana (PFG). In a press release PFG said the mural, createdbylocalartistNigelButler, was completed on December 15, 2024, and stands as a symbol of hope and unity for the community Alongsidethisartisticcontribution, residents came together for a community cleanup and fence painting, reflecting a collective commitment to improving their neighborhood.

“This project is about showing the youths in our community that someone cares, ” said Malika Boxhill. “Living in this community, I’ve seen the potential in our young people. When they know someone believes in them, they can accomplishincrediblethings.”

Nigel Butler, who volunteered his time and talent to create the mural,added,“Arthasthepowerto

The community members who completed the mural

inspire and transform. Being part ofthisprojectwasaprivilege,andI hope the mural brings joy to everyone who sees it.” Benita Davis, Project Coordinator of Policy Forum Guyana, also expressedhersupport: “We’ve had the pleasure of partnering with Malika in the past, and we are proud to continue supporting the Werk-en-Rust community This mural is a testament to what can be achieved when we work together to uplift and empower those around us.”

T h e We r k - e n - R u s t

Transformation Project is a community-driven initiative that aims to improve living conditions in the area, which has faced significant challenges over the

The mural at the corner of


years. Malika, who also provides free lessons in school subjects, art, craft, and sewing to local children, continues to work tirelessly to create opportunities for residents and inspire pride in their

community Policy Forum Guyana’ssupportforthisprojectis part of its broader mission to promote environmental stewardship and empower communitiesacrossthecountry

Leader of PNCR, Aubrey Norton
Leader of the AFC, Nigel Hughes
President Dr. Irfaan Ali
CEO of Hess Corporation, John Hess
Leopold and Bredda

Company that won large subsea contract in Guyana eyes another large one for Exxon’s 7th project

TechnipFMC,acompany that was awarded a large subseacontractforworkson

ExxonMobil Guyana Limited’sfifthproject(Uaru Development)intheprolific Stabroek Block has its eyes setonapotentialcontractfor

E x x o n ’ s s e v e n t h

d e v e l o p m e n t - t h e Hammerheadproject.

TechnipFMCisaleading technology provider to the traditional and new energies industry; delivering fully integratedprojects,products, and services. Back in 2023, Technip had disclosed that theywereawardedacontract betweenUS$500millionand US$1 billion for subsea works on the Uaru development.

Notably, in an outlook

u p d a t e o n s u b s e a opportunities around the worldinthenext24months, Technip listed the potential for an over US$1 billion

TechnipFMC potential subsea opportunities in the next 24 months

BEACON Monument

BP Guadalupe

BP Tiber SHELL Leopard

REPSOL Block 29 EXXONMOBIL Hammerhead (Phase 7) TOTALENERGIES Block 58 WOODSIDE Calypso

subsea contract for Exxon’s Hammerheadproject.

This year, ExxonMobil made an application to the Government of Guyana for its seventh project –Hammerhead. However, the chief policymaker for the sector, Vice President, BharratJagdeomadeitclear that there is no guarantee approvalwouldbegranted.

Following the official application by the company, Jagdeowasaskedtocomment on the project when he announced that the governmenthasdiscontinued an advertisement for a consultant to review the Hammerheadproject

According to him, the information the company presented was incomplete.

However, Guyana’s Environmental Protection Agency(EPA)hasadvanced their part in relation to the application that was made for Environmental Authorisationforitsseventh project.

Exxon is aiming to receive environmental a p p r o v a l f o r t h e Hammerhead project next year. Exxon’s President

Alistair Routledge during a recentlyairedinterviewsaid, “Now, we’re initiating the Hammerhead project The first step is securing the environmentalpermit,which is underway We’re hopeful that process will conclude nextyear.”

Hammerhead is located in the south-central portion of the Stabroek Block, approximately 160 km from Georgetown. Current plans include drilling via drill ships to produce oil using approximately 14 to 30 production and injection wells Production is expected to begin in 2029 subject to the necessary regulatory approvals and operateforatleast20years. In the Project Summary submitted by Exxon to the EPA,thecompanyexplained thattheprojectisexpectedto add 120,000 to 180,000 barrels of oil per day productioncapacity The Floating Production Storage and Offloading (FPSO) vessel will be


approximately 1 4 to 2 millionbarrelsofoil.


Two killed in Tuschen smash-up

- driver arrested after trying to flee

Two persons are dead after an out-of-control car slammed into them as they were crossing the Tuschen Public Road, East Bank Essequibo early Sunday morning.

Dead are: 54-year-old Yvette Daniels and 48-yearold Vishnudat Mohabir, both ofTuschenHousingScheme. Police in a press release said that the accident occurred at about02:00hrs.

The accident involved motorcar #PKK 9890, driven by Vickash Dhunao, a 29year-old from Tuschen and thetwopedestrians.

Enquiries disclosed that motorcar #PKK 9890 was proceeding east along the northern side of the Tuschen Public Road at a fast rate, when the front portion of the vehicle collided with the two pedestrians who were at the time crossing the road from northtosouth.

Police said as a result of the collision, the pedestrians wereflungintotheairandfell onto the road surface where they received severe injuries ontheirbodies.


further collided with motorcar #PGG 5073 which wasstationaryonthenorthern side of the road, facing east, andthencametoahaltabout 100 yards from the accident scene. The driver fled the sceneandwaslaterarrested.

The two pedestrians were pronounceddeadatthescene bytheE.M.Tpersonnel.Their bodies were escorted to EzekielMortuaryforstorage, awaiting post-mortem examination.

A breathalyzer test was conducted on the driver and alcohol was found in his breath (.070% and .071% Micrograms).

The driver is presently in custody assisting with the investigation.


Drivers (25-45 Year old) to deliverGroceries&Porterto work on the canter & warehouse.Attractivesalary Tel673-7373.

Live-inBabysitter/Cookage 45-55 years old. Experience would be an asset. Contact : 681-4662.

Male sales-rep 18-28 years old, Knowledge about vehiclemodelswouldbeanasset.Call:619-1237.

Drivers / Porter. Contact : 223-5273/621-5907.

Wanted Electrical Apprentice, No marijuana smokers. Call:724-0125.

General domestic to work 2 daysperweek-Campbellville G/TOWN.Tel: 624-7436 / 621-5140.

Reputabletransportationservice is seeking experienced Chauffeur with mini bus and hirecarlicense.Call:645-0025 /707-9428.


For Sale 6 used American madeDentalchairsexcellent condition contact Mr Vino on661-3030or626-8918

One Nissan Double cab pickup,fullyoffroadsetup; -5 Million Negotiable. Call: 626-8919/661-3030.

For sale 1 320D Caterpillar Excavatorwith3066Engine. Contact:701-4000


PorterVacancyatVegetarian Gardens. 68 Robb & CummingsG/Town.Tel:2277714Cell:640-0673

Receptionist Vacancy at Hick’s Ville Hotel. 79 West RuimveldtEstateG/Town.Tel :231-0951/640-0673


Maid to clean for east bank area.Call:615-9132.

Female cleaner. Call : 6159132/645-8443.

One(1)painter&Malecleaner 615-9132or645-8443.

PumpAttendant (6am-2pm& 2pm-10pm).MobilProvidence E.B.D, Call: 265-7306. Email:Mobilramsburg@gmai.com

Receptionist, Supervisor , Laundry attendant 23-50 years old. 233 South Road Lacytown.225-0198.

Vacancy for experience and non-experience sewing machine operator at Lall's GarmentEnterpriseLot6FriendshipE.B.D.

Subby’s Sandwich Shop is hiring Restaurant Manager, Supervisors, Cooks, Kitchen Assistants, Counter Attendants Email: subbysguyana @gmail.com / WhatsApp: 657-0772.

Security Guard, Skilled & Semi-skilled carpenter Contact:Jason:643-9861/Saoud: 614-7147 Location: G-Town andHappyAcres,ECD.

Admin / Accounts clerk, Kindlycall-676-1148E-mail/ Info@wrsi.gy

Apprenticemechanic,Kindly call-676-1148 E-mail / Info@wrsi.gy




A spanking new health administrative building and training centre costing approximately $45 million was commissionedinLethem,Region Nine on Saturday

The building which was solely funded by the government of Guyana will house various offices for the admin team of the regions health department and will also see a training area to facilitate persons who are a part of the ministrys hybrid programmes.As he commissioned the building, the MinisterofHealth,Dr.FrankAnthony stressed the importance of having all the heads of departments of health

withintheregionatoneplace. This, he said, helps to makeiteasiertocategorisethe healthservicesandlocatethe responsiblepersonnel. “One ofthethingsthatwethought wasimportantwastohouse alloftheregionalhealthofficialsunderoneroof.Asyou knowweareofferinganumberofservicesandwhenwe administer these services, weneedtohaveallthepeople intheadministrationatone place,” Minister Anthony noted.

With the building being across the road from the Lethem Regional Hospital, the minister added that the proximity will help in better

management of the hospital. Meanwhile, the regions health officer, Dr. Cerdel Mcwatt stated that the buildingwillfosterbettercooperationamongtheregionalhealth officials, making it easier to oversee the operations of the health system in Region Nine.“This unit now represents a structured approach for the entire region because all of the regional heads will beinthisonebuilding.Itwill alsohelptoobserveallofthe clerical functions of the region,” the regional health officer pointed out. The upper flat of the building houses an open space to facilitate persons who are undergoing

training.Thiswillensurethat learningtakesplaceinamore conducive environment. Priortothis,traineeswere being taught in the annex building of the Infectious Disease Centre. This new buildingwillcomfortablyhold approximately 40 students. Additionally, at the side of the building is a new dormitorywhichwillalsoaccommodatestudentsandevenhealth officials.Theconstructionof thisnewinfrastructureshowcases the commitment made by the government of ensuring that every public worker is being facilitated in a safe and opportune environment.


UK, IDB strengthen partnership for development in LatinAmerica and the Caribbean

The United Kingdom (UK)lastweekreaffirmedits commitment to advancing sustainable development in LatinAmericaandtheCaribbean by announcing that it will provide a robust support packagetotheInter-American DevelopmentBank(IDB).

UK Secretary of State for Foreign,Commonwealth,and Development Affairs David Lammy and IDB President Ilan Goldfajn made the announcementduringameeting inBridgetown,Barbados,the IDB said in a press release. The package includes supportforIDBInvest’spioneering“OriginatetoShare”business model as well as plans to invest up to £80 million ($100million)initscapitalincrease,withthepotentialofa fivefold increase in the UK’s shareintheinstitution’scapital. This contribution reflects the UK’s confidence in IDB Invest and its track record of workingwiththeUKtomaximizeprivate-sector-leddevelopment in the region.

The UK has also signaled its support for the replenishment of IDB Lab, the IDB’s innovation laboratory and

venturecapitalarm. Inaddition, the UK is offering up to £15 million ($19 million) to fundtargetedinitiativesinthe Caribbean.TheUKisproviding support targeted especiallytoCaribbeancountries. Thisincludes£5million($6.3 million) to support the ONE Caribbean Multidonor Trust Fund, which provides a strategic framework for improving climate adaptation and resilience, citizen security, private-sector engagement, and food security The fund promotes regional cooperationandaimstomaximizeresources, strengthen the capacity of both the public and private sectors to tackle development challenges, and leverage economies of scale. The fund directly benefits Barbados, Belize, Guyana, Jamaica,Suriname,TheBahamas, and Trinidad and Tobago.

Inaddition,theUKisprovidingupto£10million($12.7 million)tosupportCOMPETE CARIBBEAN+, a new program that aims to foster sustainable economic growth whileincreasingthecompetitivenessofCaribbeancompa-

Company that won large...

From page 13

nies. It also aims to promote climate action and gender equalitybysharingbestpractices and the latest development research with both privateandpublic-sectoractors. Theprogramspecificallyaims tobenefitvulnerablecommunitiesinsmallislandnations.


been a steadfast partner in supportingtheIDB’sworkin addressingsomeofthepressing challenges in Latin America and the Caribbean. Together, we are advancing citizensecurity,bolsteringclimate resilience, and creating economic opportunities to (Continued on page 17)

NewAmsterdamHospital togetnewCTscan, mammographymachine

Residents of Region Six will soon benefit from enhanced medical imaging services at the NewAmsterdam Hospital as plans are underwaytoinstallanewComputerisedTomography(CT)scan machineandamammography machine.

AmsterdamHospitalandthey are waiting on the stabilisers so that they can put that in. I am hoping that will come beforetheyearcomestoanend.

“Butmoreimportantly,we havealreadythemammography machine and it is at the New Hospital waiting to be installed,” Dr Anthony disclosed. Emphasising the importance of early detection, Dr Anthony encouraged women to participate in screeningstopreventcomplications and reduce breast cancerfatalities.

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Third-party oil tankers will be scheduled to offload the oil fromtheFPSO,makingtheoilavailableforexporttotheinternational market. Moreover, in a recent update TechnipFMC saidthatithasinstalledthefirstSubsea2.0®equipmentinthe waters for the project. This marks a significant step in the project, with tubing head successfully locked into position usingaSchillingUHD-IIremotelyoperatedvehicle(ROV).

ThefirstSubsea2.0®treefortheprojectisexpectedtobe installedinthecomingmonths.Subsea2.0®isTechnipFMC’s configure-to-order subsea production system platform that uses pre-engineered components to streamline manufacturing and accelerate project delivery.

Guyana’s EPA granted the Environmental Permit for ExxonMobil’s fifth project at the Uaru field in the Stabroek Block last year The Uaru project is expected to cost US$12.7 billion and produce about 250,000 barrels of oil per day after comingonstreamin2026.

TechnipFMC had explained that they will provide project management, engineering, and manufacturing to deliver the overall subsea production system. Also, the contract covers 44 subsea trees and associated tooling, as well as 12 manifolds and associated controls and tie-in equipment.

The announcement was madebyMinisterofHealthDr Frank Anthony during the New Amsterdam School of Nursinggraduationceremony last week Monday Dr Anthony noted that access to CT scans has been a challenge. He emphasised the importance of bridging this gap ahead of the construction of the new US$161 millionstate-of-the-arthospital in the region. “One of the things that you cannot access now because it is sometimes problematicisCTscans.And, while we wait for your new hospitaltobebuilt,wewillbe puttinginanewCTscanmachine at the NewAmsterdam Hospital. We have already placed that on order and we are waiting for that to be delivered,” the minister stated.

Minister Anthony highlightedthesignificanceofthe soon-to-be-installed mammographymachinewhichwill enhance breast cancer screeningservicesforwomen in Regions Five and Six. The installation of this crucial pieceofequipmentwillalleviate the need for women to travel to Georgetown for screening. “We have already set up the room at the New

He then pointed out, “Onceweinstallthisfromnext year, we want to have a very proactive programme where people can come out and get themselves tested.And if we seealump,weshouldbeable to do the image. If we think that it is suspicious, we will do a biopsy and if we do a biopsyandwefindsomething wrong, then, we will take the necessary measures.”

Dr Anthony also announced plans to expand access to mammography machines, with installations planned for hospitals in Essequibo, West Demerara, and Lethem. Additional machines will be procured in 2025 to serve other regions without such facilities. The government remains unwavering in its promise to build a robust healthcare system through significant investmentsininfrastructure,training, and advanced medical equipment.(DPI)

Residents outraged as remains of Bartica woman

decompose due to dysfunctional mortuary

Withapopulationofover 18,000 residents, the community of Bartica RegionSevenhasbeenfaced withconstantdilemmaofnot having adequate facility to storetheirdead.

The situation reached a boiling point recently when one woman's remains reportedly decomposed due tothefaultyoperationsofthe

mortuary at Bartica. Relatives of the deceased, Debra Gilkes have since expressed outrage following theincident.

Kaieteur News understands that when Gilkes passed away at the Bartica Hospital on November 30, 2024, her grieving relatives were left with no other choice than to transportherremainstonew cold storage facility outside thehospitalcompoundsince the hospital mortuary is out of operation. The body was taken to the new mortuary facility on 7th Avenue Bartica where it was kept allegedly without adequate cold storage which resulted in the decomposition of the woman'sremains.

Aggrieved relatives of the deceased in a written statement to the press expressed their disgust as they noted that they were unable to access the body in time for a proper burial. Alliance for Change (AFC) MemberofParliament,(MP) and resident of Bartica

Juretha Fernandes highlighted the situation during a recent press conferencebyherparty She explainedthatthekeyscould notbefoundforlocksonthe

door of the new facility

“…this continued for three days until the key was eventually located by that time the body was in a state of decomposition to such an extent that it was difficult to removeherremainsfromthe refrigerator due to swelling. No official had anything to say or offer…” Fernandes stated, adding that neither the Regional Health Officer), the Regional Executive Officer nor the Medical Superintendent (MS) took responsibility for t h e s i t u a t i o n Sheexplainedthatasaresult of the dysfunctional mortuary, the Gilkes family

endured unnecessary heartache and in the end were unable to offer the departed loved one with a decent burial. “The Family couldn't even get some chemical or material to addressthebody

The facility had no running water, no attendant, no security, and no proper drainage. So family had to payforcleaning,bringwater to be used in process of caring for the remains. The family is beyond words in despair They are still grappling with the grief of not being able to provide their loved one with a dignified funeral,” she said.

The MP stated that the situation with the nonfunctioning mortuary is as a result of a series of administrative failures by the regional health officials.

She noted that “Fernandes noted that in addition to the significant financial strain,

AblackHondaVezel,PAG,7851wasstolenaround 01:00hrs.onSundayfrominfrontofBaroombar,onNorth RoadGeorgetown.

Onthefrontwindscreenisthewriting"Mr Wick"in boldwhite.Insidethevehicleweretheowner'sIDcard, personaldocumentsandaSamsung22Pluscellphone. AreportwaslodgedattheAlberttownPoliceStation.If anyoneknowsthewhereaboutsofthecarorwhomight havestolenit,pleasemakecontactwiththepolicestationon telephonenumber,225-2672orcall+592701-8019orthe nearestpolicestation.

“At present, the family is seeking answers from Ministryofhealth,thisisnot anisolatedincidentthereare anumberofothers.Ithasleft the family hurt and wanting a n s w e r s ”

According to the AFC MP

the family has received no communication or support from any regional official, who they say have failed to acknowledge their plight or provide assistance throughout the ordeal Kaieteur News reached to

officials from Bartica who explained that the mortuary has been dysfunctional for quitesometimenow “Itisa plight of the people of Bartica, when the mortuary wasatthehospital,italways had problems with cold storage. Many times people weretoldtobringicetokeep thebody.

There have always been lots of problems with the facility, the cold storage has been on and off, the drainage, no mortuary attendant, the porters have been doing the job,” the official said “The new facilityat7thAvenuethatthe R e g i o n a l O f f i c e commissioned has not been inoperationforlongenough but there are similar problems, no drainage, no attendant, no security and thereappearstobeaproblem with the cooling. Hence the problem the family experienced with the decomposed body,” the

o f f

Meanwhile, when this


Regional Executive Officer of Bartica Kerwin Ward, he denied any issues with the cold storage capacity of the mortuary He however admitted that the facility does not have a mortuary attendant and Bartica never had one. “We recently openedthatfacilityandthere are no problems. We have porters helping but we don't have a trained attendant like that, we are working on fixing,gettingthosethingsin place, ” he

Modern $1B port, wharf facility to be developed in Charity

RegionTwo(Pomeroon-Supenaam) is slated for significant economic expansion,asthegovernmentwillsoon sign a contract to develop a massive, modernportfacilityinCharity

According to His Excellency Dr Mohamed Irfaan Ali, this massive investments forms part of a broader initiative to position the region as an internationalhubforexportprocessing, servingasavitallinkbetweenlocaland regionalmarkets.Itwillalsotieintothe many investments being poured to advance and expand the tourism and hospitality sector of the Cinderella County.Speaking during an outreach event in Charity lastThursday, he said, “We have awarded the contract for the construction of a modern port facility andwharfhereinCharity,foralmost$1 billion.” PresidentAli underscored the project'simportance,whichhesaidwill complement the region's expanding agriculture sector and provide a gatewayfortheseproductstoreachthe

competitiveness of the region will also beboosted,aligningtheproductivityof the region with international markets. Elaborating further on the project, the head of state revealed that the port will be equipped with state-of-the-art facilities designed to handle modern shipping and logistics demands. These include the construction of a wharf, which will facilitate docking and loading of cargo.He further explained, “It's not only about this port and wharf facility, it's about a facility of international standard, that would bring with it, other aspects of development, including a world-class packaging and storage facility.”The Ministry of Agriculture is working to developthisprocessingfacilitythatwill help process, package, and store products to ensure they meet internationalexportrequirements.Local farmers will benefit significantly from this undertaking, as they can store and process their products safely and efficiently

“The Minister of Tourism, Industry and Commerce will tell you that the Bureau of Standards will establish a footprint here to ensure that all we are producing is within international and regional certification, so our products will not be hassled into getting into other markets,” the president explained.Another critical element of theproject,includesthejobcreationas it is anticipated that persons will be needed in the fields of shipping, logistics, agriculture and related sectors.Thiswillinturnstimulatelocal businessesinvolvedinthesupplychain. This massive facility will complement the changing landscape of RegionTwo,asnewhotelsandstadiums are currently being constructed Notably, a state-of-the-art hospital in Lima is being developed to serve the expandingeconomy Theseareamong the many initiatives being rolled out to diversify the region's economy and transformitintoaprosperouseconomic powerhouse.(DPI)

UK, IDB strengthen partnership for...


improve lives and strengthen communities across the region,” said IDBPresidentIlanGoldfajn.

“As the son of Guyanese parents, I am living proof of the ties the UK shareswiththeCaribbean.Buildingour tieswiththesefast-growingeconomies intheregionwillmaketheUKandthe Caribbean safer, stronger, more prosperous and more resilient against theclimatecrisis,”addedUKSecretary of State for Foreign, Commonwealth, and Development Affairs David Lammy at the Regional Security and Justice Summit in Bridgetown, Barbados.Thesecontributionsfromthe UK come in addition to the UK

Sustainable Infrastructure Program, or UKSIP, which was launched in 2017 and is a flagship partnership between the IDB and the UK’s Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office. The program showcases the power of blended finance and publicprivatesynergies.

Through the program, the UK uses concessional financing to support blended finance initiatives that enable IDB Invest to reduce funding costs for specificprojects.

This is complemented by technical assistancefromIDBoperations,which addresses regulatory and institutional reforms to improve the operating environment for businesses. Together,

these elements ensure long-term project sustainability and maximize developmentimpact.

Now in Phase II, UKSIP recycles reflowsfromPhaseIprojectstoexpand the program’s scope to climate adaptation,resilience,andnature-based solutions while its reach beyond Mexico,Brazil,Colombia,andPeruto includesmallandislandcountriesinthe Caribbean basin and Central America. With potential UK contributions of up to £66 million ($84 million) by 2029, including £17 million ($21.6 million) alreadyavailablethisyearforBlended Finance operations, UKSIP’s total funding could reach £177.5 million ($223.5million).

The new mortuary opened on 7th Avenue Bartica
AFCExecutive, Juretha Fernandes
Stolen Honda Vezel

FAO launches first major global assessment of salt-affected soils in 50 years

Bangkok–TheFoodand Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) has released its first major global assessment of saltaffected soils in 50 years. Thereportshowsthatnearly 1.4 billion hectares of land (just over 10 percent of the total global land area) are alreadyimpactedbysalinity, with an additional one billionhectaresatriskdueto theclimatecrisisandhuman mismanagement.

The Global Status of Salt-Affected Soils report was presented today during the International Soil and Water Forum 2024 in Bangkok. The event, coorganized by FAO and Thailand's Ministry of A g r i c u l t u r e a n d Cooperatives, discussed an action plan for halting and reversing soil degradation andwaterscarcity

Excessive salinity reduces the fertility of soils and severely impacts e n v i r o n m e n t a l sustainability In the countries most affected by this issue, salinity stress can lead to crops yield losses –

suchasriceorbeans–ofup to70percent.Thiscomesata timewhenthereisanurgent need to boost food productiontofeedagrowing globalpopulation.

The report estimates the area of salt-affected soils at 1 381 million ha (Mha), or 10.7 percent of the total global land area. It further estimates that 10 percent of irrigated cropland and 10 percent of rain-fed cropland are affected by salinity, although uncertainty remains high due to limited data availability Models of globalariditytrendsindicate that,undertheexistingtrend of temperature increase, the affectedareamayincreaseto between24and32percentof the total land surface. The vastmajorityofaridification is expected to occur in developingcountries. Today, 10 countries (Afghanistan, Australia, Argentina, China, Kazakhstan, the Russian Federation, the United States, Iran, Sudan, and Uzbekistan) account for 70 percent of the world's saltaffectedsoils.


salinisation are both natural andinducedbyhumans

The climate crisis is increasing aridity and freshwater scarcity Rising sea levels are projected to place more than one billion people in coastal zones at risk of progressive flooding andsalinisationbytheendof the century Additionallly, global wa

ming is contributing to salinisation through the thawing of permafrost.

Inadequate agricultural practices also play a significant role These includeirrigatingcropswith p

, deforestation and the removal of deep-rooted vegetation, excessive water pumping in coastal and inland areas, the overuse of fertilisers, de-icing agents, and mining activity Global freshwateruse,inparticular, has increased sixfold during thelastcentury,contributing to groundwater salinisation due to the overexploitation of aquifers for irrigation purposes.


Since salt-affected soils account for at least 10 percent of land, their sustainable management is crucialtomeetgrowingfood demands.

Thereportoffersaseries of strategies for managing salt-affected soils sustainably Mitigation strategies include mulching, using interlayers of loose material, installing drainage systems and improving crop rotations Adaptation strategies include breeding salt-tolerant plants (such as halophytes, which flourish in mangrove swamps, tropical sand and cliff shorelines, and even salt deserts) and bioremediation

using bacteria, fungi, plantsoranimalstoremove, destroy or sequester hazardous substances from theenvironment.

By highlighting the critical link between s u s t a i n a b l e s o i l management, water quality, and food production, “the report outlines strategies for the recovery of agricultural salt-affected soils, including

Journalist, Gaza Civil Defence workers killed in Israeli strike

(ALJAZEERA)AnIsraeliairstrike haskilledPalestinianjournalistAhmed Al-Louh and five Palestinian Civil Defence workers in central Gaza's Nuseiratcamp.

Al-Louh, who worked as a cameraman for Al Jazeera alongside other media outlets, was killed on Sunday in the strike on the Civil DefencepostinthecentralGazacamp, according to medics and local journalists.

The attack occurred as Israeli military strikes across the Gaza Strip killed at least 28 Palestinians on Sunday,medicssaid.Allouhisthethird journalist killed in Gaza in the last 24 hours.

Al JazeeraArabic reported thatAllouhwasworkingwhilekilled,wearing apressvestandhelmet.Hewastakento Al-AqsaMartyrsHospitalinGaza'scity of Deir el-Balah. Al Jazeera Media NetworkcondemnedAl-Louh'skilling, and called on human rights and media organisations “to condemn the Israeli Occupation's systematic killing of journalistsincoldblood,theevasionof responsibilities under international humanitarian law, and to bring the perpetrators of this heinous crime to justice”.

“We urge relevant international legal institutions to take practical and urgent measures to hold the Israeli authorities and all those who are responsible accountable for their heinous crimes and to adopt

mechanisms to put an end to the targetingandkillingofjournalists,”the networkadded.

Al-Louh had been covering Israel's war on Gaza when it first began in October2023,embeddedwiththeGaza Strip'sPalestinianCivilDefenceteams, Al Jazeera's Hind Khoudary said. “It's another heartbreaking day for Palestinians, Civil Defence teams, journalists.

We [have been] wondering, how many times are we going to continue reporting on the killing[s] of our colleagues and beloved ones?” Khoudary said, reporting from Deir elBalah.

Gaza'smediaofficesaidtheheadof thecivilemergencyserviceinNuseirat, Nedal Abu Hjayyer, was also killed in Sunday's attack. “The civil emergency headquarters in Nuseirat camp was hit during the crews' presence. They work around the clock to serve the people,” said Zaki Emadeldeen from the civil emergency service to reporters at the hospital.

“The civil emergency service is a humanitarian service and not political. They work in war and peace times for the service of the people,” he said, addingthattheplacewashitdirectlyby anIsraeliairstrike.

The Israeli military said they were looking into the attack. Several other Palestinian journalists were killed this pastweek,with195killedinGazasince Israel's war began, Khoudary said. Al

The climate crisis and human mismanagement are contributing to excessive salinisation, which, according to the report, affects more than 10 percent of the total global land area.

emerging fields like saline agriculture and salinity bioremediation,” Lifeng Li, Director of FAO's Land and Water Division, and Jorge Batlle-Sales, Chair of the International Network of Salt-affectedSoils(INSAS), wroteinitsForward.

Thereportalsocallsfora legal framework at the national and international levels to safeguard natural saline ecosystems and ensure the sustainable management of agricultural soils under irrigation, particularlyinareasatriskof salinisation.Themaingoalis to protect productivity, quality, and overall soil health,ensuringfoodquality and quantity for future generations.


The Bangkok event also saw the release of two progress reports by FAO.

The first shows trends in

Jazeera'sHaniMahmoudsaidearlieron Sunday that Palestinian journalist MohammedJabral-Qrinawiwaskilled along with his wife and children in an Israeliairattackthattargetedtheirhome inBureijrefugeecamp,incentralGaza, lateonSaturday

Earlier on Saturday, Al Mashhad Media said its journalist Mohammed BaloushawaskilledinanIsraeliattack in Gaza. SeveralAl Jazeera journalists have been killed since the start of Israel's war on Gaza, including Ismail al-Ghoul,Ramial-Rifi,SamerAbudaqa andHamzaDahdouh.

Also on Sunday, an air strike hit people protecting aid trucks west of Gaza City Medics said several were killed or wounded but exact figures were unavailable as of yet. Residents alsosaidatleast11peoplewerekilledin threeseparateIsraeliairstrikesinGaza City Nine were killed in the towns of Beit Lahiya, Beit Hanoon and Jabalia camp when clusters of houses were bombed or set ablaze, and two were killedbydronefireinRafah.

Earlier on Sunday, at least 15 Palestinians were killed after Israeli forcesstormedKhalilOweidaSchoolin Beit Hanoon, sources told Al Jazeera. Several other Israeli attacks earlier on Sunday killed Palestinians near Kamal Adwan Hospital in northern Gaza; and inShujayea,inKhanYounis.According to Gaza's Health Ministry, at least 44,976Palestinianshavebeenkilledby IsraeliforcessinceOctober7,2023.

water-use efficiency at global,regionalandnational levels, offering insights into the progress achieved and providing recommendations to accelerate efforts towards the sustainable use of water resources The second progress report examines trends in pressure on renewable freshwater resourcesfromtheeconomic sectors at a global, regional and national level The report highlights the challenges faced by regions wherewaterstresslevelsare critical,particularlyinterms of food security The progress reports address SDG indicators – 6.4.1 and 6.4.2, for which FAO is the custodian agency Both indicators are critical for agriculturalproductivityand resilience,aswellasforfood security, ecosystem balance, and enhanced climate resilience.

AbusinesswomanonSaturdaynightpulledupjustintime toseeathiefleavingherpropertyatNouvelleFlanders,West CoastDemerara(WCD),withhersolarlight. Whenhesawher,hedroppedhisbicycleandthesolarlight beforesprintingaway.Thehomeownergavechaseinavehicle butthethiefplungedoverboardintoanearbytrenchandswam away Kaieteur News learnt that the bike was lodged with police and the woman is now seeking the public's help to identifywhoownsthebicycle

Thief ditches bike for a swim in hasty get-away hast
Left behind, the thief's bicycle
The solar light he tossed away

Gold miners sign new pact with Govt.for more duty-free concessions

The Guyana Gold and Diamond Miners Association (GGDMA) andtheGovernmentofGuyanahas recently signed an Investment Development Agreement[IDA]forvehiclesandsparesfora periodoftwoYears

TheAssociation will be meeting with the GuyanaRevenueAuthorityshortlytodiscuss the working of the IDAand the requirements that miners need to meet to qualify for this incentive This much was told miners when they met at the association’s 40th Annual GeneralMeetingheldonDecember9,2024

At the meeting miners resolved to strategiseandworktogetherforgreatergrowth in the sector and President of the GGDMA, RonaldoAlphonsonotedthatdespitethemany challenges the industry faced this year, it has onlyservedtomaketheresolveoftheminers stronger

According to a press release by the GGDMA,Alphonsoexplainedthatevenwith drought and labour issues the industry must work for sustainable growth and develop and capitaliseonnewopportunities

Accordingtotheassociation,inadditionto the IDA, the government has partnered with the GGDMA for the development of several interiorroadsandbridgesandthebodyhasalso been given a fast track to getting their issues ventilated with the various government departments via the establishment of a direct miningportal

The GGDMA says it is heartened and grateful for the support that the Government continues to provide to the sector despite the petroleum boom and the rise of the constructionsector Additionally,theGGDMA saditsexecutivescontinuedtomeetregularly with President Irfaan Ali on the needs and supportfortheminingsector

“ThePresidenthasbeenfullysupportiveof thesectorandhasworkedwiththeGGDMAto advance initiatives that will help bolster growth Asaresult,thesectorwasabletoget severalbenefitsincluding:IDAonVehicleand Spares; VAT exemptions on spares for machinery, spares for the dredges and all industrialgreaseandhydraulicoils Forthose miners who sell directly to the Guyana Gold Board Thisisnowapartoftherecentlysigned IDAwiththegovernmentandisvalidfortwo (2)years,”thereleaseadded

Other benefits received from the government are: addressing labour shortages in the mining sector; three new roads for the mining sector plus $2.2B in rehabilitation works are currently being undertaken by the GGMC on existing roads. Toroparau to Kartuni Road, Kartuni to Cuyuni Road, and ToroparautoMakapaRoad.

The opening up of lands for small and mediumscaleminersthroughLotteriesheldby

GGMC; quarterly meetings with the Minister of Natural Resources and Technical Meetings with GGMC and Mining Direct

Portal linking the GGDMA, MNR, GGMC and the GGBhavealsobeen cited

“The GGDMA is satisfied with the supportgiventothe sectorbythecurrent Government,noting that several of the concessions that were returned to them since 2020 have been maintained and efforts are beingmadetoexpandbenefitsforminers The GGDMA is committed to continue working withtheGovernmenttoachievejointgoalsfor the sector and stamp out illicit activities that negatively impact the sector,” the release stated

Members at the meeting also raised the issueoftherecentshortageofmercurywhich hasseenthepriceskyrocketandsomedealers exploiting the situation Mr. Avalon Jagnandan,AdministratoroftheGuyanaGold andDiamondMinersAssociation(GGDMA), has reiterated the Association’s unwavering dedication to representing the interests of all minersacrossthecountry

Speaking on the association’s ongoing initiatives, Mr Jagnandan emphasised, “The GGDMAremainssteadfastinitscommitmentto advocatingonbehalfofourmembers Wewill continue to actively engage with the GovernmentofGuyanaandallkeystakeholders toensuretheinterestsoftheminingcommunity areprotectedandadvanced”

Aspartofitsoutreachefforts,theGGDMA hostsregularopendays,providingminerswith an opportunity to meet with the executive team, raise issues of concern, and seek assistance

Mr Jagnandan encouraged all miners to takeadvantageofthesesessions,underscoring the Association’s open-door policy and commitment to addressing members’ needs HeaddedthattheGGDMAremainsapillarof support for the mining sector, championing initiativesthatpromotesustainability,growth, andthewell-beingofitsmembers.

The 40th AGM was held at the headquarters of the GGDMA. Marking a historicmilestone,theeventintroducedamini exhibitionforthefirsttime,offeringsuppliers andserviceprovidersanexceptionalplatform toshowcasetheirproductsandservicestothe miningcommunity

Miners at the Guyana Gold and Diamond Miners Association (GGDMA) Annual General Meeting


(Reuters) - The Indiana Pacers acquired center Thomas Bryant from the MiamiHeatonSunday

Theteamsagreedtoswap second-round picks in the 2031 NBA Draft, with the Heat keeping the more favorableoftheselections.

Bryant is expected to be available for Indiana's game against the New Orleans Pelicans on Sunday in Indianapolis.

Bryant,27,isinhiseighth season in the NBA and his second with the Heat.The 6foot-10 Bryant got into 10 games this season and averaged 4.1 points and 3.2 reboundsin11.5minutesper game, his lowest averages sincehisrookieyear

In277careergames(138 starts) with the Los Angeles

Lakers (2017-18; 2022-23), Washington Wizards (201822), Denver Nuggets (2023) and Heat (2023-24), Bryant has averaged 9.3 points and 5.4reboundspergame.

The Pacers were seeking a new backup center after both Isaiah Jackson and James Wiseman were lost to tornAchillestendons.Bryant played collegiately at Indiana.

Warriors acquire G DennisSchroderfromNets The Golden State Warriors acquired point guard Dennis Schroder from the Brooklyn Nets on Sunday GoldenStatesentinjured guard De'Anthony Melton, two-way guard Reece B

unprotected second-round

Monday December 16,


Ifyouaren'tcarefulaboutthe energy you dish out today, Aries,youwillfindthatitall comes back to smack you in the face. Other people are likely to be as stubborn as you,soproceedcautiously


Today is a fantastic day for you, Taurus You should enjoy a good mood and positive experiences with others. There's most likely a slow-moving, transforming energyinyourliferightnow


Other people may be demanding of you, Gemini, so do what you can to please them. Don't go overboard in thinking you need to be someoneyou'renot.


People may be somewhat selfish and self-centered today, but this doesn't mean that you have to follow suit, Cancer


Itmaynotbetheeasiestdayto relate to others, Leo, but as usual, if you just go with the flow,youwillfindthatyoucan havefun Trynottogetcaught upinanyoneelse'sdrama.


Things should flow extremely well for you, Virgo.Loadyourenginewith extra fuel, because you will be burning red hot. Don't let anything stand in your way


pickstotheNets.Brooklynis giving a 2025 second-round picktotheWarriors.



You need bigger and longer hugs than usual today, Libra A powerful force is moving throughyourlifeandtryingto shakethingsup


s requested waivers on


Schroder averaged 18.4 points and a career-best 6.6 assists in 23 games for the Netsthisseason,sinking38.7 percent of his 3-point attempts and averaging 1.1 steals.

Schroder, 31, is in his 12th NBA season and the Warriors will be his eighth team. He spent his first five seasons with the Atlanta Hawks before he began bouncingaroundtheleague.

Melton underwent season-ending surgery to repairapartiallytornACLin his left knee on Dec. 4. Meltonisexpectedtobefully recovered prior to the 202526season. He was injured during a game against the Dallas MavericksonNov 12.

Melton, 26, averaged 10.3points,3.3reboundsand 2.8 assists in six games (two starts)thisseason.

Melton has career averages of 9.1 points, 3.7 rebounds and 2.8 assists in 356 games (148 starts) with the Phoenix Suns (2018-19), Memphis Grizzlies (201922), Philadelphia 76ers (2022-24)andtheWarriors.


Act with courage today, Scorpio.Dressasifyouwere going to meet an important statesman.Seeyourselfinthe mirror and be proud to say youlookgood.


Be conscious of your own needs, Sagittarius, and feel freetobealittleselfish.Give yourself the credit you deserve, and don't let other peoplebullyyouintofeeling like you aren't worthy of the attentionyoureceive.


Your energy and spunk should finally return after a couple days of feeling slightly down, Capricorn You should enjoy a good moodallday


This is a good day to look at thebigpictureanddiscussyour ideaswithothers,Aquarius As youwalkdownthestreet,make sureyoupayattentiontowhat's goingonaroundyou.


Your energy and spunk should finally return after a couple days of feeling slightly down, Capricorn You should enjoy a good moodallday

The 6-foot-1 Beekman signed a two-way contract withtheWarriorsinJulyand playedintwogameswiththe teamaswellasninewiththe SantaCruzWarriorsoftheG League.Therookieaveraged 18.7 points, 7.3 assists and 5 2 rebounds with Santa Cruz Beekman, 23, went undrafted out of Virginia, where he played four seasons. He earned Atlantic Coast Conference Defensive PlayeroftheYearhonorsasa juniorandsenior

The Nets signed Cui, a 21-year-oldChinanative,toa two-waydealonSept.20.He appeared in five games for Brooklyn, scoring three points in 10 total minutes, and five games for the Long IslandNets,oftheGLeague.

Olympic Kremlin...

Frompage25 and Secret Traveller (Y Kissonchand)respectively

Red Ruby won the G Class and Lower SHI OIL and OBL Lounge sponsored race with Jockey D Khelawan holding off the challenge of Jagdeo Racing Stables mate Theory of Colors(N.Patrick)

Ruby's almost flawless ridebrokethestreakofcome from behind victories down thehomestretchasStrokeOf Luck(K.Paul)andAmerican Traveller(C.Ross).

In the Guy America Construction sponsored H class, Amicable Kate (N Abrigo) followed suit in the sameveinastheearlierruns, getting an average start but storming to victory around theoutsideofBlindingLights (Y.Kissoonchand), Haley (N. Patrick) and Amazing Grace (Y Drepaul).


Chelsea beat Brentford to close in on leaders Liverpool

(BBC Sport) - Chelsea moved within touching distance of Premier League leaders Liverpool with a narrow victory over Brentford at Stamford Bridge.

Enzo Maresca's side now sit second in the table two points behind the Reds, who havetheadvantageofhaving playedagameless.

However, Chelsea's seventh consecutive win in all competitions will only servetounderlinetheirstatus asgenuinetitlecontenders.

Marc Cucurella's firsthalf header set them on their way against Brentford, with the left-back stealing in to nod in from Noni Madueke's curling delivery from the rightwing.

However, he was later shown a second yellow card after the final whistle to sour theeveningfortheSpaniard, who had scored his first goal sinceMay2022.

Chelsea'ssecondcamein the closing stages when centre forward Nicolas Jackson sprinted on to Enzo Fernandez's pass to dispatch a low shot past Bees goalkeeper Mark Flekken intotherightcorner

T h e S e n e g a l international's effort came as Thomas Frank's side threatenedtolevelinamatch which the hosts had largely dominated.

Christian Norgaard's volleywassuperblysavedby home goalkeeper Robert Sanchez, while Fabio

Carvalho was unable to convert a gilt-edged opportunity - rattling the Chelsea crossbar, from close range. However, the hosts were still made to hold on in a nervy finale after Bryan Mbeumo registered his 10th top-flight goal of the season, withawell-placedfinishpast Sanchez..

SparklingSpursthrash feebleSouthampton

Five goals in a rampant firsthalfearnedTottenhama stunningvictoryatStMary's Stadium to heap pressure on Southampton boss Russell Martin.


fromJamesMaddisonsettled any pre-game nerves for Spurs manager Ange Postecoglou, the England midfielder tucking home from Djed Spence's clever pass.Againstawoefullyopen Saints defence, Tottenham's free-scoring attackers cleaned up, Son Heung-min firing past Alex McCarthy and Dejan Kulusevski tapping in from close range insidethefirst15minutes.

Amid angry boos from thestands, Martin's response wastoabandonhisfour-man defence and revert to a back three, withdrawing a distraught Kamaldeen Sulemana straight after the

third goal.And yet it did not work as a shell-shocked Southamptonwerehitonthe break by Son once more and heteedupPapeSarrtodance through two half-hearted challenges and slot into the net.Spurs captain Son was denied three more times by McCarthy before Maddison smashed into the top of the net from a ridiculous angle deep into first-half stoppage time.

WithSpursfansdelirious in the away end, some Southampton supporters tooktotheexitsearly,rightly anticipating little hope of a miraclecomeback.

Matheus Fernandes did

thinkhehadpulledoneback in the 80th minute but his header was ruled out for offside.

The result leaves Saints nine points from safety and guaranteed to be bottom at Christmas Meanwhile, Tottenham are up to 10th, entrenched in a congested mid-table where just three pointsseparateeightteams. Man Utd score twice in 2 minutestobeatManCity

Manchester United struck twice in the closing minutes to stun Manchester City in a dramatic derby conclusion at Etihad Stadium.

Josko Gvardiol's first-

half header looked to be giving City victory in a largely dismal clash until United staged a remarkable turnaround to give new manager Ruben Amorim a landmark win early in his reign.

Amad Diallo was United's star performer, winning the 88th minute penalty that saw Bruno Fernandes equalise after the youngster was fouled by MatheusNunes.

As City tried to regroup, Diallo then pounced in the closing seconds of normal time to score from a tight angle.

It was a rich reward for UnitedbossAmorimafterhe ruthlessly axed Marcus Rashford and Alejandro Garnachofromhismatchday squad, but then suffered an early blow when Mason Mount was struck down by his latest injury, limping off a f t e r o n l y 1 4 minutes.Opportunities were at a premium in a game largelymadeupofdesperate mediocrity,Unitedlookingto have wasted their best opportunity to equalise 17 minutes from time when Fernandes raced clear on to Rasmus Hojlund's pass, only to lift his finish over the onrushingEdersonbutwide.

The game was turned on its headin thatfranticfinale, City's fans furious and jeering their side while United'sfollowerscelebrated wildly in their corner of EtihadStadium.

West Indies Cricket Saboteurs won't succeed

THE recent no-show by representatives of two Regional Territorial Boards atanimportantCricketWest Indies (CWI) meeting was an attempt to sabotage the efforts of the regional organization's leader determined to implement governance changes widely welcomed by the cricket community

AndaccordingtoKerwin John, newly re-elected president of the Tobago Cricket Association, and a TrinidadandTobagoCricket Board Director on the CWI, the desperate move by the twodissidentstakeholdersis doomedtofailure.

“It was surprising to many that the BCA and the GCB would go to such lengths to make the CWI, to whichtheybelong,lookbad intheeyesoftheWestIndian public, and indeed the international cricket community,” said the outspokenJohn.

The former stylish top club batsman reiterated the viewexpressedlastweekby his TTCB colleague Arjoon Ramlal, also a CWI director thatthedissentershijackeda democraticprocessbytrying to overturn a consensus reached by the majority stakeholders, and to which

John said the Barbados Cricket Association and the Guyana Cricket Board did a great disservice to regional cricket by their shocking action which can be only described as a dereliction of duty, and a betrayal of the trust placed in them by the people who put them in office.

they were a part without voicinganyobjection.

The zoom meeting two Fridays ago was aborted when aquorumwas notmet for the crucial governance reformastheGCBandBCA failedtoattend,havingopted not to appoint two representatives as required by CWI's Articles of Association.

In a media release, CWI said Guyana formally indicated their nonattendance, while Barbados didnotprovidearesponse.

It is the second time that boththeGCBandBCAhave optednottoattendameeting of the members, the first instanceoccurringin2021.

All other full member shareholders from the Jamaica CricketAssociation (JCA), Leeward Islands

TobagoCricket AssociationPresident, Kerwin John

Cricket Board (LICB), TrinidadandTobagoCricket

Board (TTCB), and Windward Islands Cricket Board (WICB) were present andpreparedtoproceed.

John says he concurs with CWI president Dr

Kishore Swallow that governancereformiscritical to ensuring the regional organization's growth, sustainability, and ability to inspire pride across the region.He said when unity and collaboration is needed at this critical juncture, the absence of the Guyana and Barbados support at the highest forum undermines thecollectiveeffortrequired tomoveforward.

The meeting was convened to vote on implementing governance reforms proposed by the Wehby Report, crafted to m o d e r n i z e C W I ' s governanceframework. On the agenda were significant proposals, including adjustments to introduce term limits, the term durations for the Pres


nd Vice President, and other proposals designed to s t r e n g t h e n C W I ' s governancestructure.

John maintains that the efforttostalltheprogressof regional cricket and ensure t r a n s p a r e n c y , accountabilityand equity in WestIndiescricket,isapillar ofDrShallow'splantoalign the CWI with international standards.

“The CWI under Dr Shallow will remain committedtoplacingcricket firstandnotgiveintoselfish and ulterior inclinations judgingfromthesupportwe have received for governance changes from all across the Caribbean, including the public in Barbados and Guyana,” Johnsaid.

Tottenham scored five first-half goals for the first time in a Premier League game

Queen's College captures 2024 Georgetown Inter-Schools Chess Title

It was an exuberant day for chess players fromQueen'sCollege when they emerged as the winnersinboththeOpenand FemaleTeamCategoriesand intheIndividualTournament of the just concluded InterSchools Chess Tournament involving fifteen schools withinGeorgetown.

The collaborative effort between the Guyana Chess Federation and the Ministry of Education under the Priority Areas Programme bore fruit with the staging of thecompetitiononDecember 11th and 12th, 2024, at the Queen'sCollegeAuditorium.

Over 150 students registeredforthecompetition from fifteen schools in the Georgetown Educational District, eight of which are under the Priority Areas Programme.

Members of the winning open team who represented Queen's College were Kyle Couchman, CM Sachin Pitamber, WCM Aditi Joshi, and Mahir Rajkumar. In contrast, the females consisted of Ciel Clement, Kataleya Sam, Rebha Lachman, and Parnita Kishun.

Placing second in the Open Category were Marian Academy students Macaiah

Enoe, Alek Ubaldo Singh, Joseph Prendergast, and Mayas Khan The New GuyanaSchoolstudentsAbel F

Marshall, Tejas Kandavel, and Caleb Damon came in third.

Forthefemales,theNew GuyanaSchool,consistingof Anaya Walrund, Anya

Lusianna Farlot placed second Marian Academy

Tharisha Montes De Oca, Kristin Xavier, and Chelsea Harrisontookhomethethird prizetrophy

Queen's College student Alexander Zhang took home the Individual Tournament Champion trophy, while sibling Nicholas Zhang placed second. Omar Shariff placed third All three winners are students of Queen'sCollege.

MarianAcademy student Brian Clarke took home the fourth-place prize, while Jacob McDonald from the School of the Nations won the fifth-place trophy Vir Narine of Marian Academy wonthesixth-placeprize.

Four sportsmanship awards went to Shurlan Sparman of Bishop's High, Saura Ruplall from Marian

Academy, Jeremiah Jacobs from School of the Nations and Saidy Bourne from RichardIshmaelSecondary Students from the Bishops'High,ChristChurch S


n Academy, New Guyana School, Richard Ishmael Secondary, School of the Nations, St. John's College, St. Joseph High, St. Roses High, St. Stanislaus High,

Queen's Col

nd QueenstownSecondarywere allinvitedtoparticipateinthe Open Team, Female Team andindividualcategories.

Teams were four players for the Open and Female


participating school Five studentswereinvitedtoplay in the Individual Section, including the reserve player foreachteam.

The two-day tournament had a time control of 25 minutes with 10-second increments added to the clock after each move and was played in a seven-round Swissformat.

Teams with the most points in each category were presented with trophies and medals provided by the Ministry of Education PriorityAreasProgrammein a short presentation ceremony following the competition of all rounds. Mr Saeed Zameen, the program's coordinator, was on hand to present the


The Guyana Chess Federationispleasedwiththe turnoutandenthusiasmofthe students for chess at the tournament Mr Anand Raghunauth,Presidentofthe GCF,statedthatchesswillbe taught in other regions in 2025. “We have a plan and we have to be patient in the roll out for a sustainable outcome,”hesaid. Raghunauth is very optimisticthatchesstraining inRegions2,3,6,and10will be possible next year as the GCF will diligently concentrateitseffortsin2025 on a broad-based initiative for Inter-school chess and growth of chess in the regions.

Such initiatives can see

manyschoolsbeingaddedto theChessinSchoolsrosteras the federation promotes chess as a learning and teaching tool The GCF congratulates all the winners of the Inter-School Chess Tournament and encourages the students to continue playingandlearningchessso thattheycancontinuetoreap the benefits of playing chess and make themselves tournamentready. The GCF would like to thank the sponsors who provided the snacks and beverages: Topco and SunshineSnacks.Thanksare also extended to KFC, who assisted with the meals, and toQueen'sCollegefortheuse of the auditorium. (Guyana ChessFederationRelease)


(BBC Sport) - Wolves are in talkswithAl-ShababmanagerVitor PereiratoreplaceheadcoachGary O'Neil,whowassackedbytheclub onSunday

The Premier League strugglers arelookingforaswiftappointment and the money they would have to pay as compensation to secure formerPortoandOlympiakosboss Pereira, around £800,000, is not believedtobeanissue.

Wolves have been assessing their options and have sounded other possible replacements, including ex-West Ham and Manchester United boss David Moyes.

ButclubsourceshavetoldBBC SportthatPereiraisthefrontrunner forthejob.

PereirahasbeeninchargeatAl Shabab since February, finishing eighthintheSaudiProLeaguelast season. They currently sit sixth aftersevenwinsfrom13games.

The 56-year-old Portuguese won two Primeira Liga titles with Porto in 2012 and 2013 and the Greek Super League with Olympiakosin2015.

TheWolvessquadarenotdueto return for training until Tuesday and Pereira could be in charge by then, with his first game Sunday's trip to Leicester if negotiations go asplanned.

O'Neil was dismissed on Sunday morning following Saturday's 2-1 defeat at home to Ipswich which left them second bottom,fourpointsfromsafety.

His backroom staff of Tim Jenkins, Shaun Derry, Ian Burchnall, Neil Cutler and Woody Dewarhavealsoleft.

Wolves chairman Jeff Shi said: "We'reverygratefultoGaryforall of his effort, dedication and hard work during his time at the club, and we wish him and his team the bestofluckforthefuture."

The departure of the 41-yearold comes just three days after Shi said the club were "united" behind O'Neil following Monday's 2-1 defeatatWestHam.

Saturday'sdefeatwastheir11th in 16 Premier League games this season and they have only won twiceinthetopflight.


Lopeteguijustfourdaysbeforethe start of the 2023-24 season, with Wolvesgoingontofinish14th.

Wolves began this season poorly, losing seven and drawing one of their first eight league games A run of four games unbeaten, including successive wins over Southampton and Fulham, suggested a corner had beenturned.

But they were beaten by Bournemouthandthenlostheavily to Everton before defeats by the HammersandIpswich.

They have also struggled defensively, having conceded a league-high40goalsandletintwo or more goals in 13 of their 16 matches.

On Saturday, they went behind through a Matt Doherty own goal and although Matheus Cunha hit back, they were undone by Jack Taylor's93rd-minuteheader

In addition, the Molineux club has struggled with off-field issues, with Mario Lemina being stripped ofthecaptaincyafteranaltercation with West Ham United's Jarrod Bowen on Monday.On Saturday,

is currently


RayanAit-Nouriwassentoffinthe tunnel for a second yellow card after clashing with Wes Burns, whileCunhafoughtwithIpswich's security, barging into one before ripping his glasses off his face, as wellasstrikerLiamDelap. Inthewakeofthedefeat,O'Neil said he had "never had such a struggle" to coach a group of players.Prior to Wolves, he had a year-long spell at Bournemouth in the 2022-23 season, helping the south coast club avoid relegation before being sacked and replaced byAndoniIraola.

First Place Open Team - Queen's College
Vitor Pereira
Al-Shabab in Saudi Arabia (Getty Images)

West Indies Women Tour of India…

Rodrigues, Sadhu hand India big win on belter

(Cricinfo) - An aggressive 81-run stand between Jemimah Rodrigues and Smriti Mandhana

combined with some excellentcatchinggaveIndia a 1-0 lead in the three-match T20I series against West Indies.DeandraDottinledthe fight in the 196 chase with a 28-ball 52 along with Qiana Joseph, but in the end West Indies fell 49 short with young medium-pacer Titas Sadhu taking three crucial wicketsforIndia.

Mandhana's new openingpartner

With Shafali Verma dropped, Mandhana had a new opening partner in Uma Chetry, who was playing her fifth T20I West Indies introducedspinasearlyasthe second over after opting to bowl first, bringing in leftarm spinner Zaida James to bowl to Mandhana. Thirteen runs came off it, with Mandhana pulling her for a four first ball and Chetry punishing her with back-toback boundaries through the covers Hayley Matthews brought herself on in the fourth over to bowl against the left-handed Mandhana butshewasinsteadtakenfor twoconsecutivefoursoffthe first two balls. Mandhana foundherflow,makingmore than half of the runs in the openers' 50-run stand at the endofthepowerplay Despite getting a life on

14, having been dropped in the slips, Chetry couldn't capitalise on it, struggling to score in the legside and slowing down against offspinner Kar

eventually bowled trying to flickRamharackfora26-ball 24. Rodriguesonfire The wicket, however, endedupbeingapositivefor India,withRodriguesjoining Mandhana in the middle. Rodrigues stuck to her strengths, sweeping and reverse-sweeping the ball well from the get-go for her boundaries.

Mandhana, meanwhile, went on the back foot to put the spinners away and was scoringboundariesatregular intervals as well, as the duo


went hard at the balls that were pitched up. Together theytookonMatthewsfor19 runs in the 13th over Their partnership just crossed 80 when Ramharack came back todismissMandhanafor54. Richa Ghosh, coming in atNo.4,madesureIndiadid not slow down, hitting two fours and six off the first sevenballsshefaced.Butshe didnotlastlong,withDottin having her caught at deep midwicket Rodrigues, however,continuedtopileon theruns,bringingherfiftyoff just 28 balls She hit boundaries all around the ground and also ran quickly between the wickets without tiring.Shewasrunoutinthe last over for 73 off 35 balls but not before giving India a massivetotal.

MinnuMani,supersub With Harmanpreet Kaur not taking the field for the chase, Mandhana took over captaincy duties and Minnu Manifilledinasasub.Mani made sure to make the most of her chance by taking excellent catches both in the infield and outfield on a foggy evening in Navi Mumbai. In the second over, when Sadhu had Matthews top edge a pull, Mani ran back diagonally from midon,divedandcaughttheball thatcamedownfromaheight with stretched hands. She took another one near longon when Chinelle Henry miscued Radha Yadav straightupintheair

The dangerous Dottin was dropped first by Rodrigues and then by Mandhana, she eventually endedupsmashingitintothe hands of Radha, who moved left from long-on to take the catch.WhileIndia'scatching under the lights has previously been a subject of scrutiny, they did the job quiteneatlyontheday

Dangerous Dottin, cool Sadhu

Sadhu made her comeback after an injury layoff in the Australia ODIs earlierthismonthbutthatdid notgowell.

But on Sunday, with plenty of dew around, she kept mixing up her lines and lengths, managing to get


While an excellent catch by Mani accounted for Matthews, she caught Qiana Joseph by surprise by shortening her length right afterbeingsmackedforasix.

Joseph ended up hitting the ball towards mid-off for a simplecatchanddepartedfor a33-ball49.

But with Dottin going strong,WestIndiesstillhada chance to turn the game around. Dottin was at her usual best - she got off the mark with an 80m hit over deep midwicket and singlehandedly kept the scoring

rate up despite little help from the other end. After being dropped the first time on40,shewentontosmasha six and a four to get to her half-centuryoffjust26balls. But she could not capitalise onhersecondlifeafterbeing droppedon52,gettingoutthe nextballtoSadhu. Thatwasprettymuchthe gameforWestIndies,whoat that point needed 70 off 31 balls.

Match details: India 195 for 4 (Rodrigues 73, Mandhana 54) beat West Indies 146 for 7 (Dottin 52, Sadhu3-37)by49runs

(SportsMax) - West Indies star all-rounder

DeandraDottinbecamethe first player to be sold and the second most expensive in the mini-auction for the 2025 Women's Premier League (WPL), as she was purchased by the Gujarat GiantsforastaggeringINR 1.7 crore (approximately US$200,000) in Bengaluru onSunday.

The 33-year-old cricketerbringsawealthof experience to the shortest format of the game, having played 132 WT20Is with a tally of 2,817 runs, includingtwocenturiesand 12half-centuries.

Dottin's acquisition marked the second-highest purchase of the auction, with the Giants also spending INR 1.9 crore (around US$224,000) on uncapped Indian player SimranShaikh. Meanwhile, India's Under-19 wicketkeeperbatter G Kamalini was snapped up by the Mumbai Indians for INR 1.6 crore (approximately US $189,000).

WPL Auction:

Dottin second most expensive player sold in 2025

Dottin's sale as the first playerunderthehammerin the mini-auction is a significant milestone in her illustriouscareer Interestingly, this is not the first time Dottin has been associated with the Gujarat Giants, as she was initially signed by the franchise for INR 60 lakh ( a p p r o x i m a t e l y US$71,000) before the inaugural WPL season. However,inacontroversial move,shewasreleasedjust days before the tournament beganin2023. The aggressive righthandedbatterhaslongbeen a trailblazer in women's cricket. She was the first womantoscoreacenturyin T20 internationals, achievingthefeatwitha38ball hundred against South Africaduringthe2010T20 World Cup—a record that remains the fastest century byawomanintheformat. Her return to the WPL under the Gujarat Giants banner highlights her enduring appeal and status as one of the game's most dynamicplayers.

Jemimah Rodrigues
73 off 35 balls (BCCI)
Deadra Dottin

AnnaiSec'plummetto6-2defeatasSpeyside toppleDolphin3-1

It was a kaleidoscope of colours at the Queen's College ground on Sunday as the Petra Organisation kicked off its end-of-year tournament: Fifth Annual International Goodwill Football Series. The event features four regional secondary schools from territories such as Jamaica, Trinidad and Tobago, and Suriname, as well as four localpowerhouses.

As customary, a successful march-past preceded the four exciting clashes billed for the day Thegrandcurtain-raisersaw Region Nine's Annai SecondarytakeonJamaica's Clarendon College What began as an evenly matched contest quickly shifted momentum as Clarendon's Nickoly Forbes netted the opening goal just nine

...as Petra's Fifth Annual Goodwill Int'l Series gets underway

minutes into the match, giving his team an early 1-0 lead Clarendon's defense dominated for the next twenty minutes, stifling Annai'sattemptstoreachthe net However, Adrian Cabral,Annai's#10,restored hope for his team with an excellent set-piece strike in the40thminute,levelingthe scoreat1-1.

Clarendon, the 2023 champions, remained unfazed by the equalizer Just four minutes later, Dameon Simms delivered a stunning goal to reclaim the lead, making it 2-1 before halftime.

After the break, Forbes struck again in the 47th minute, extending Clarendon's advantage. The Jamaican side continued to dominate as Anthony Reid andDuseanPetcyraveadded

Carty becomes joint-fifth fastest West Indian to 1000 ODI runs

completedhishattrickinthe 60th minute, sealing an impressive performance Despite a spirited effort by Annai, including a late goal fromGuyMoses,theRegion Nine champions succumbed toa6-2defeat.

The second match of the day, between Speyside College from Tobago and 2024 RBL U18 League

runners-up Dolphin

Secondary, ended in a 3-1 victory for Speyside Speyside's strikers asserted dominance early, with ShyonGeorgescoringinthe second minute Ezekiel Frank David equalized for Dolphin in the 12th minute, setting up an intense battle. Dolphin's defense held strong for much of the first half, but Daviel Thomas broke through to give

Part of yesterday's action as Tobago's Speyside College sunk Dolphin Secondary 3-1

Speyside a 2-1 lead. George later secured a brace with a brilliant goal in the 69th minute, rounding off the win Despite the loss, Dolphin's goalkeeper Brian Browerearnedpraiseforhis commendable performance underrelentlesspressure.

After the action at Queen's College ground, Jamaica's top performer Nickoly Forbes reflected on the match “As always, playing here in Guyana is very competitive. That said,

myteamcameready,andthe younger players stepped up to the task, enabling us to emergevictorioustoday,”he remarked.

The day's action continued at the Ministry of Education ground with two more matches: 2024 League

champions Chase's Academic Foundation faced S u r i n a m e ' s H e n r y Hassankhan Community College, while Trinidad's Intercol champions St Benedict's College took on

Region Seven's D.C. Caesar FoxSecondary Coverageof thesematcheswillfeaturein afuturepublication.

The tournament is sponsored by the KFC Franchise, with additional support from Lucozade, Sterling Products, Royal International Hotel, Skytec Enterprise, Tiger Rentals, and MVP Sports. The event is approved by the Ministry of Education and endorsed by the Ministry of Culture, Youth,andSports

Tuesday's third and final One-Day International between theWest Indies and Bangladesh was a historic oneforafewreasons.

The first was that the hostssecureda3-0serieswin andtheirfirstODIserieswin overBangladeshsince2014.

The second was that Amir Jangoo became the secondWestIndiantoscorea hundred on ODI debut with his 104* and the third, and focus of this article, is that Keacy Carty became the jointfifth-fastestWestIndian toreach1000runsinODIs.

The 27-year-old reached the milestone during his score of 95 off 88 balls including 10 fours and two sixes at Warner Park in St. Kitts.

Carty's first 1000 runs in theformathavecomeinjust 28innings,thesameamount as Shimron Hetmyer who


brought up his thousandth runagainstBangladeshatthe 2019WorldCupinEngland.

TheonlyWestIndiansto reach the mark faster are Nicholas Pooran (27 innings),RamnareshSarwan (27 innings), Gordon Greenidge (23 innings) and Sir Viv Richards (21 innings).

The St. Maarten-born U19 World Cup winner now has exactly 1000 runs in his 31 ODIs at an average of 43.47 with five fifties and one hundred, his matchwinning 128* against England in Barbados last month.

Hehasalsobeenselected totheWestIndiesT20Isquad for the first time for the upcomingBangladeshseries andwillbelookingtofeature when it gets underway on Sunday at Arnos Vale (SportsMax)

Olympic Kremlin steals the show

OlympicKremlinstoletheshowby acomfortablemargininSundaysMetro sponsoredMile,thefeatureeventofthe PortMourantTurfClub'sShowdownof Champions.Coming from 10 lengths back, the Slingerz Racing Stable Icon showed its full potency in the hands of JockeyA.Gulartbyhunting2023Horse of the year Spankhurst (C. Paria) and Jagdeo Racing Stables Loyal Company (D. Khelqwan) in daunting fashion to win.Spankhurst left the blocks like a rocket,pullingoutjustover11lengthsto the rest of the field a quarter way throughtherace.AndasLoyalcompany caught Spankhurst, the duo had a short duel in the J's supermarket and Jumbo Jetsponsoredevent

But true to form, the Slingerz horse sliced through the field, taking down horse after horse in chase of the third win on the trot.Spankhurst finished second ahead of Jagdeo Racing Stables

duo of Loyal Company and Frontline Warrior(N.Patrick).

Meanwhile in the co-feature event, the Guyana Star Sprint sponsored by SHI OIL, Slingerz Racing Stables Ritorna Vincentori had to dig deep to overturnthechallengeofJagdeoRacing Stables Oy Vey, winning by half a length.Rounding the final bend neck in neck,theduodueleddownthestretchas the raucous crowd spurred them on; jockeyA.Gulartfindingalittlebitmore than his rival D. Khelawan aboard the closesecond.TheSimplyRoyalStables pair of Stormy Victory (V Ramnarain) and Morning Colors (R Appadu) finishedthirdandfourth.Intheopening race, the Sandeep Poultry J/K/L Maidens sponsored by Big G Lumber Yard, KP Jagdeo General Contractors and AJM Enterprise, Security Rock (YDrepaul) finished just ahead of Enemy Maker (K.Blake), Three D

Movie(K.Pierreia)andPerfectGold(V Ramnarain).Race two, the Archway SnacketteK&LclasssponsoredbyLaka Ramrich Rice Farmer, Rohan Auto Spares, ARMCO Construction and K. Haniff Construction, saw a blinding effort from Bin Landen and Jockey Blaketocomefromfourthtowin.Down the home stretch, Blake opened up Bin Laden who blazed past Princess Sasha (Z.Mahsood),Sarkar(Appadu)andlate entry Kiss (Kishan) The Permaul Trading and Distribution 2 year old JuvenileStakessawanothercomefrom behind win, this time Irish Eyes (K. Razzak) upstaging the field down the final stretch.Second, third and fourth, sponsored by Orvin Mang

Construction,SateshLiquorRestaurant and Tanna Rice Farmer of Black Bush was Ruff Time (R. Appadu), Miss Simron(V Ramnarine)


Javid Ali of Slingerz Racing Stable collects the Metro Mile trophy with race winner Olympic Kremlin in frame.


Defending champions Clarendon College (Jamaica) staged dominant 6-2 win overAnnai Secondary in tournament opener

Queen's College captures


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