Guyana’s largest selling daily & New York’s most popular weekly
Fiveyearson:Still no change to lopsided company boasts Guyana's developments most successful in the world
President Irfaan Ali and other officials, on Wednesday, visited the Vreed-en-Hoop Shorebase Inc (VEHSI) on the Demerara River where he was apprised of the development of the project. The shorebase will support petroleum operations, including offshore subsea equipment installation for capital projects, storage and preservation of emergency response equipment including capping stacks. President Ali was told that the facility can be expanded to house other important infrastructure, including a fuel terminal, container port and dry dock. Inc

‘Therealjewelinthe crownisGuyana’
Mark Lyte suspended by GTU over wage deal
Over 50 properties acquired to clear way for new Berbice River Bridge – AG
Man chopped to death at mining camp
‘Blue’ Christmas for GPL workers …as union, company fail to agree on salary hike –Hess
‘The real jewel in the crown is Guyana’–Hess
He s s Corporation's Chief Executive Officer (CEO), John Hess,
has hailed Guyana's Stabroek Block as the standout asset in the company's global portfolio, describing it as the “real jewel in the crown,” during aninterview
He emphasised that the country's offshore oil resources are central to Hess Corporation's strategy of balancing short-cycle shale production with long-cycle offshore developments for sustainablegrowth.
“We have three ships on producing gross 660,000 barrels a day We have the line of sight and sanctioned FPSOs going for another three that will take our gross production to 1,300,000 barrels a day in 2027,” Hess noted, referencing the company's operations in the prolific Stabroek Block Guyana's crude has been Hess'stopselleroverthefirst nine months of 2024, fetching an average price of US$82.18perbarrel.
Hess highlighted that unlike U.S. shale, which he described as a mature industry with limited growth
prospects, Guyana's potential remains largely

untapped and holds longterm value. He explained, “The inventory life of shale companies is 8 to 10 years… So I think it's an annuity business now that provides very,verylowgrowth.”
Guyana's low cost of production and high-quality crude have made it an indispensable part of the company's portfolio. Hess said this aligns with the company's goal to “grow the resource, have a low cost to supply and deliver industry leadingcashflowgrowth.”
With plans to bring additional production online through more FPSOs, Hess emphasized that Guyana's
resources are not just vital for Hess Corporation's sustainability but also for meetingfutureglobalenergy demands.“Theoilisgoingto be needed because of depletion and also demand growth in the world, and they'll still be room for OPECaswell,”hesaid.
The Stabroek Block which covers an area of 6.6 million acres is estimated to hold 11.6 billion barrels of oil Hess is a 30% shareholder in the Stabroek Block which is operated by ExxonMobil and which holds 45%, and the third partnerCNOOC,with25%.
To date, Exxon has obtained approval from the Government of Guyana for six development projects in the Stabroek Block – Liza Phase One, Liza Phase Two, Payara,Yellowtail, Uaru and Whiptail.
The first three projects arealreadyproducingoilata daily estimated rate of 640,000 barrels per day (bpd). With the addition of Hammerhead and Longtail, Exxon said this will expand gross production in Guyana to approximately 1.3 million barrels per day, with total production capacity expectedtoreach1.7million barrels per day on an

Moreover, in October 2023, it was announced that American oil giant Chevron will be acquiring Hess CorporationforsomeUS$53 billion. The takeover would give Chevron access to Hess's most valuable asset in Guyana. However, Exxon and CNOOC filed for a r b i t r a t i o n a t t h e International Chamber of Commerce in Paris, arguing that they have a right of first refusal over Hess's stake.
MarkLytesuspended byGTUoverwagedeal
President of the Guyana Teachers Union (GTU) Dr Mark Lyte and his Second Vice President, Julian Cambridge, were suspended on Tuesday evening following a meeting with members of the Union's GeneralCouncil.
This newspaper was informed of the suspension hours after a motion was moved to have the two men removed. The decision to suspend the two GTU executives was purportedly due to them accepting the 10 per cent pay increase offered by the Government to teachersbackinAugust.
K a i e t e u r N e w s understands that the motion to suspend Dr Lyte and Cambridgewassupportedby 22 of some 32 persons who attended the meeting A source close to the issue told
The hearing is set for May 2025.
Exxon's CEO Darren Woods has stated that the company wants to know the value of Hess's 30% stake in the Stabroek Block in the US$53 billion takeover and also participate in the sale of Hess's share in that block. Woods said, “We developed
the value of that asset. We havetherighttoconsiderthe value of that asset in this transaction, and then the right to take an option on it.”
He added, “We have an opportunity, as does CNOOC, the other partner, to participate in that opportunity to have the right offirstrefusal.”
The Government of Guyana (GoG) has acquired over 50 properties to cater for the new Berbice River Bridge.

Suspended: Dr. Mark Lyte
this publication that the movetosuspendDrLyteand nd2 VP Cambridge had been in the making for some time now
“Since that agreement was signed, teachers across thecountry,werepeevedand upset.Manyoftherank-andfile members might say that there was an ulterior motive

accepted the offer, it was constitutionallycorrectsince this is what most persons votedfor,”thesourceadded.
K a i e t e u r N e w s understands that with Dr Lyte being suspended, st Marissa Williams, the 1 VP, will take over his functions. Noonehasbeenappointedto actforMr Cambridge.
Suspended: 2nd Vice President, Julian Cambridge
by those who signed the agreement,butwhenthedeal was signed it was in keeping theconstitutionoftheGTU,” thesourcesaid.
“There was a general council meeting and most of the people voted in support, acceptingthe10percentthat the government was offering atthetime.So when Mr Lyte
To the displeasure of many teachers last August, Dr Lyte signed a multi-year
agreement with the government accepting the ten per cent pay hike for teachers and a slew of other benefits Among other things, the agreement stipulates that teachers will receive a salary increase of 10% for 2024, 8% for 2025 and 9% for 2026. These are the same increases that were previously rejected by the Union.
This is according to Attorney General and Minister of Legal Affairs, AnilNandlall,SC.
He made the disclosure during the debates on the Acquisition of Lands for P u b l i c P u r p o s e s (Amendment) Bill on Wednesday “We just completedtheacquisitionof 50-odd properties along the east bank for the Berbice RiverBridge,”hesaid.
Back in October, this publication reported that threecompaniesoutofIndia and four from China are among nine that applied for the contract to design, build andfinancethenewBerbice River Bridge. The project is being executed through the MinistryofPublicWorks.
information provided, the bidders are China Road &

Attorney General and Minister of Legal Affairs, Anil Nandlall, SC
(China); Ashoka Buildcon Limited (India); China Railway Construction Caribbean Limited (China) in jointed venture with
Company Limited (T&T); Shandong High-speed Road &BridgeCompanyLimited (China) in jointed venture withAJM Enterprise; China Railway First Group Company Limited (China) in jointed venture with (Continued on page 18)
Pres. Ali fumes over calls for more transparency in spending of oil money
President Irfaan Ali, on Wednesday, sought to play down calls from the public for greater transparency in the spending of oil resources and instead wailed in on critics of his government saying that those who are raising questions have a convenienceofconscience.
Speaking during an early-morning Facebook Livebroadcast,PresidentAli said up front that he wanted to “address some characters in our society, who exercise whatIwouldtermegotistical arrogance.”
In recent weeks, scores of people have called on the government to list projects oil money is being used to fund but the administration has resisted this, with Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo saying that this will be a difficultundertaking.
Boasting that the current administration brought transparency to the Natural Resource Fund Act the Presidentsaid,“ThenewAct of 2021 that we passed simplify a formula setting a ceiling of the transfer from theNRFnotasecretaccount, buttheConsolidatedFund.It establishes a simplified formula; it establishes a ceiling and it establishes that the money must be
t r a n s f e r r e d t o t h e Consolidated Fund. Further, it goes on to say, instead of
t h e A c t t h a t t h e y illegitimately passed, where none of us would have known what the revenues are, the new Act of the People's Progressive Party/Civic government, ensured that all receipts be published in the official gazette.”
President Ali said that when his government took office in August 2020, they inherited a Natural Resource FundAct(NRFAct)thatwas illegal as it was rushed through the Parliament by the previous administration after the no confidence motion was passed. “…You would recall that on the 21st of December 2018, a no confidence motion was passed by the National Assembly.
On the third of January 2019 after the no confidence motion was passed, the NRF Act was passed by the National Assembly after the no confidence motion with no input from the then opposition, the People's Progressive Party/Civic,” he recalled.
Without providing specifics of how the oil money is being spent or addressing the questions raised,Ali said that transfers into the Consolidated Fund are included in the National Budgetwhichisinturnspent on the country's social

sectors. “After all of that, after the Parliamentary approval by everyone in Parliament, it still must get thescrutinyfromtheAuditor General, the expenditure, t
e examination from the Public Accounts Committee - none of this existed in the illegitimateAct,''headded. Leader of the Alliance For Change (AFC), Nigel Hughesduringarecentpress conference, had issued a scathing statement, in response to the explanation provided by Jagdeo, on government's failure to account for the use of the country'soilrevenue.Jagdeo had said that itemising the expenditure from oil money would be difficult and went on to highlight the steps
taken by government to ensure transparency in the use of the resources. He reasoned, “How do you balkanize revenue coming into the Budget? (It) becomes a very difficult thing to do. So, where the transparency is done, transparency is that every cent spent from oil money, from non-oil revenue and from borrowing, has to be appropriated by the National Assembly through a Budgetary Appropriation Process, whether it is the original Budget or through Supplementary Budgets which then form an appropriation act or a s u p p l e m e n t a r y appropriation act, which itemizes all of the expenditure of the state and how much is going to be spent….”
For his part, Hughes q u o t e d a l e t t e r b y businessman, Dr Terrence Campbell, published in the December 7 edition of the Kaieteur News highlighting the failure of the Investment Committee to perform its functions, as outlined in the Natural Resource Fund (NRF)Actof2021.
In a section of the letter, as quoted by Hughes, Dr Campbell, the Opposition's representative on the Investment Committee, said he was shocked to read
Jagdeo's comments that “balkanization of revenues” in the Consolidated Fund would make it difficult to show how NRF funds were being spent. He explained, “a little over a month ago, I began pressing internally for the Board of the Fund to demand the justification for withdrawals from the Fund in accordance with Section 16, Subsection 2 and Subsections(a)and(b).”
These Subsections specify that withdrawals must be for national development priorities and or essential projects to ameliorate the effects of a natural disaster Dr Campbell said his request was met with stout resistance,eveninthefaceof threats to initiate litigation.
“In essence, the Board signs a blank cheque with each withdrawal. This effectively reducestheBoardtoarubber stamp and the Public A c c o u n t a b i l i t y a n d Oversight Committee, whichissupposedtoprovide oversight, to a white elephant,” the Committee Memberconcluded.
To this end, Hughes said this was perhaps the most disturbing news that he had read for the month as thereis essentially no scrutiny of the resources meant for future generations, by the Investment Committee. “If
GTUC calls for PAYE to be abolished
The Guyana Trades Union Congress (GTUC) on Tuesday, called for the PayAs-You-Earn (PAYE) tax system to be abolished and activate the Unemployment Regulation in the National InsuranceSchemeAct.
General Secretary of the GTUC, Lincoln Lewis, told reporters during a press conferencethat,“Thecostof livingistoohigh.Thereisno way this should be acceptable given this new resource wealth, and the people are struggling and starving,”Lewissaid.
Respondingtoaquestion posed by a reporter on whether he believes that abolishing the PAYE for the working class can lead to 'Dutch Disease' he said that that depends on how the economy is managed “…This issue of a 'Dutch Disease,' it all depends upon
how we will manage the economy This(PAYE)isnot onethingthatdirectlyaffects the economy that may cause what is considered the 'Dutch Disease,'” Lewis said.
Further, he reasoned that themoneythegovernmentis foregoing when it gives away the large amounts of concessions to the foreign investors and companies amounttoalotmorethanthe sum collected for PAYE from the ordinary citizens of the working class He stressed that this PAYE is somethingtheyareburdened with while “the people who do the business, they get big tax concessions when they importequipment.”
This newspaper reported lateSeptemberthatfor2023, the Government of Guyana hadtopaythecombinedsum of $306 billion in income
taxes for ExxonMobil Guyana Limited and its Stabroek Block partners, HessandCNOOCaccording to the companies' audited financial statements, while for the same period Guyana earned $336 billion from its oil.
This arrangement, which saw the Government paying almost the same amount it earned from oil in taxes for the oil companies, last year, is as a result of the 2016 Production Sharing Agreement (PSA) the p r e v i o u s C o a l i t i o n Government signed with the U.S. oil major Exxon is the operator of the Stabroek Block, with 45% interest; Hess Guyana Exploration Limited holds 30% interest andChinaNationalOffshore Oil Corporation (CNOOC) Petroleum Guyana Limited holds 25% interest. Last
year, the three companies earned $1.3 trillion in profits – entirely tax-free in Guyana However, while Exxon, Hess, and CNOOC arenotrequiredtopaytaxes, the 2016 oil contract provides for the taxes to be paid to the Guyana Revenue Authority (GRA) by the Government out of its share ofprofitoil.
According to the PSA, the Stabroek Block partners are allowed to recover 75% of the oil produced to recover their investment costs, the remaining 25% is considered profit, which is split between Guyana and the Stabroek Block consortium, giving each 12 5% However, the consortium pays a 2% royalty from its share to Guyana. From its 14.5% Guyanathenhastopaytaxes for the oil companies
we really sit down and think what that means, in other words, this has now become a slush fund, a facilitating entity that literally carries outthegovernment'sbidding when in effect the primary responsibility is to overlook exactlywhatthegovernment is doing with our money, our asset, our investment and attempting to stop them, interrogate them,” the lawyerstated.
F a s t f o r w a r d t o
December 14, the Kaieteur News reported that Jagdeo said that the Government of Guyana will only list emergency projects being funded by oil money “Any clown would know the national development priorities of the government is reflected in its annual budget, which is approved by Parliament. Parliament determinesthat,nottheNRF (Natural Resource Fund) members of the Board or Terrence Campbell from the Investment Committee. It's the Parliament, the people who are elected by the peopleofthecountry
Not an Opposition representative to the Investment Committee,” the VP said. Jagdeo's statement follows a series of concerns raised earlier in the week regarding the lack of transparencyintheuseofthe country'soilrevenue.
Notably, the provision of the Stabroek Block contract, which gives Exxon and its affiliates a tax-free ride in Guyana, has attracted criticisms locally and internationally The contract states inArticle 15.1 that the Contractor (ExxonMobil Guyana Limited) as well as its affiliates shall not be subjected to tax, valueadded tax, excise tax, duty, fee, charge, or impost in

respect of income derived from petroleum operations, property held or transactions exceptasspecifiedunderthe agreement.

PrintedandPublishedbyNationalMedia& PublishingCompanyLtd. 24SaffonStreet, Charlestown,Georgetown,Guyana.
Tel: 225-8465, 225-8491. Fax: 225-8473, 226-8210
Traffic enforcement and inducement
This newspaper has been reporting weekly on the GuyanaPoliceForce’s(GPF)trafficenforcementcampaign acrossthecountry,astheyseektobringsomeorderbackto the roadways. We have also noted that despite the enforcement,roaddeathscontinueandanaverageofabout 60peopleappearincourtinGeorgetownalone,forbreaking trafficlaws.Weknowtoo,thatforevery60personscharged, another 120 are let off the hook by rogue policemen who solicitbribes.
In our Wednesday edition, we reported that a total of 8,407 traffic cases were processed from December 1 to December 15, 2024, during enforcement exercises conductedcountrywide.FromDecember1toDecember7, 2024,theGPFmade4,231traffic-relatedarrests.According toapressstatementissuedbyPoliceonDecember9,2024, the most common offences included exceeding the speed limit (695 cases), failure to wear seatbelts (223 cases), drivingundertheinfluence(DUI)(99cases),andviolations relatedtotintedwindows(551cases).
Further offences included 15 cases of faulty load packing, primarily involving motor lorries transporting construction materials Additionally, there were 94 instancesofmotorbikeridersfailingtowearsafetyhelmets, and50casesofriderspermittingpillionriderswithoutsafety helmets.Policealsohighlightedthat69caseswererecorded forunlightedmotorvehiclesinthefrontand72forunlighted motorvehiclesattherear
Guyana’s roads are not only clogged with vehicles and people, but also clogged by a dense smog of official corruption.Itiswhatcharacteriseslocaltrafficculture.This iswithlessafocusondriversandotherroadusers,foragood part no saints themselves, and more on how Police ranks carryouttheirsensitiveduties.Itisaboutwhatstartswitha traffic stop, and with what should be a traffic ticket (but is not)forthoseviolationsthatqualifyforsuchtreatment.
From the traffic stops and the traffic ticket that is nonexistent,therefollowsthenextclever,well-practisedlinein thegame:itisthetraffictricks.
Aviolationhasoccurred,andthetrafficstopbyranksis justified. As a matter of routine, a traffic ticket should be issued,andboththeviolatorandtheattendingrankarefree to move on to other business. But the issuance of a traffic ticketalmostneverhappens,ifatall. Thisisdespitethefact that it was the GPF itself that had informed the public that such and such traffic violations should be issued with a ticket. ThefirstlimitationisthattheGPFrankhasnoticket book,eitherbydesignorarrangementorindividualpractice. If there is no ticket book available on the scene, then it follows that no ticket can be issued. Regarding why GPF trafficranksshouldbelackingsuchanessentialtoolintheir dailyroadactivitiesisasubjectofmuchdebate. Concerning why ticket books and tickets are not present for use in the stationhousesoftheGPF,onlyaddstothemystery(andthe negativeconclusionsdrawn). Itcouldbethatticketbooks arethere,butnobodyreachesforthem,orcarestousethem.
Now this brings us to the traffic tricks, perhaps premediated,maybeevenprearranged,inthestationhouses from the fertile minds and long experiences of the duty officers,andaspassedontotheranksgoingoutontheroads, eitheronfootoronwheeledmethodsofmovement. What thenproceedstotakeplaceisthatinnearlyeveryinstanceof a possible traffic offence being committed, there is an officialoffencegatheringenergyandspreadingitstentacles. Itiswherethediscussionbegins,withunsaidandexpected negotiationstofollow,asamatterofcourse.
To proceed to the station house can be interpreted two ways. First, it is of a dedicated Police rank doing his duty, following his official training, or in a bow to the guidance from the officer manning the desk, and responsible for oversight of road ranks. Second, it could be a subtle invitation and overture at work to get the matter over and donewithrightthereandthen,withnotimewasted. Timeis money, and the trade-off through what is experienced by
Dr. Jerry Jailall hasn’t done his homework
Dr Jailall was kind enoughtojointhediscussion onoureducationsystemand has suggested that “Guyana should probably be b e n c h m a r k i n g i t s educational system to high achieverssuchasSingapore, notCaricom”.
He has also called the Common Entrance exams/NGSA “the root of educational evil as it is a colonial relic, kept alive by people who seem to be mentally lazy to reform that uselesssystem”.
Usually, in order to obtain a doctorate one must also do immense levels of research. Unfortunately, Dr Jailall did not overcome the mental laziness that he has accused others of when he proceeded to discredit the CommonEntranceexamsas “the root of educational evil”. IfMr Jailallhadtaken the time to look at the educational system in Singapore he would have seen that they have the Primary School Leaving Examination (PSLE), which
is “an annual National examination that is taken by candidatesattheendoftheir finalyearofprimaryschool, in Singapore”. (Reference: Singapore Examination & Assessment Board) The PSLE is fundamentally similar to that of the NGSA inthatitevaluatesthelevelat whichstudentsareatinorder toprovideoptionsforfurther education.
MyimpressionisthatMr Jailall is considering an educational system that is similar to the U.S. where students attend the schools based on their location. The US ran into problems which Guyana does not have. Mr JailallstatedthatGuyanahas “one system for the gifted and more affluent, and another inferior system for the rest”. It is important to rememberthatstudentsofall socioeconomic classes are placed in a school based on their performance in the NGSA. There is no homogeneous class system inplace.Thisisthebeautyof Guyana’s education system. It doesn’t matter where you
liveorhowmuchwealthyou have. A student’s placement in a school is determined by their ability In the U.S., grade system schools are usually better where the affluent live due to the taxes collected from the area. To o v e r c o m e t h e socioeconomichomogeneity of the student body, the schoolsystemintheU.S.had tobusstudentsintodifferent areas. This also aided in increasing racial diversity, due to the high correlation betweenraceandwealth.
What Mr Jailall has overlooked are the benefits of the NGSA and the investment strategy undertaken by Guyana over the years Guyana had limited resources and many developmental needs. The government focused on providing access to education to everyone and due to the limited resources, thegovernmentalsoensured that our top students were given the best opportunities possible with the little money available. A top studentcouldcomefromany
corner of the country, thus t h e u s e o f t h e NGSA/Common Entrance exam to ensure that indepe
r socioeconomic status, a top studentcouldaccessthebest ed
Fortunately, our nation has gainedadditionalwealththat now allows for further investment in all schools across the country This will ensurethatthelatebloomers andthosewhowereunableto access the best facilities due to a few marks at the NGSA arealsoabletoaccessawellequipped educational facility
I hope this helps clarify any inconsistencies in Dr Jailall’s understanding and helps provide some clues as to what Singapore, which still pursues O-Levels, is doing. It is important to remember to show humility in one’s actions and words, especially when the mental laziness and cluelessness thatyouhaveaccusedothers ofmaysitwithinyourself.
Bestregards, Mr.JamilChanglee
Jonestown should not be promoted and profited from as a tourist attraction
Since Wanderlust Adventures GY, in the person of Ms Roselyn Sewcharran, disclosed their intention of mounting a Jonestown Tour as a tourist attraction, supported by the Guyana Tourism Authority, they describe it as a “Jonestown Memorial Tour”,Iwroteatsomelength (published on 7th December inallthenewspapers,except the Guyana Chronicle) expressingmyconcernabout thisidea,asdidMr NevilleJ. Bissember
Ms Sewcharran subsequently responded to
these letters, though not m e n t i o n i n g t h e m specifically She described them as “misconceptions” and undertook to explain “thepurposeandapproachof thisexperience”.Perhapsshe is well intentioned. She says that “our work has involved extensive research, fact checking, interviews and community engagement” and claims that our guides are “thoroughly trained and knowledgeable” Perhaps, but yet she has not bothered to consult with the only two Guyanese still alive who were intimately involved at the highest level of
both parties (offender and official) fixes everything in a hurry, with nobody else any wiser Paperwork and bureaucracyandmagistracyarealleliminatedwhenthereis mutualunderstandingtokeepheaddownandopenupwallet. This is what the absence, calculated or otherwise, of traffic tickets in the hands of Police ranks reduces traffic enforcementtoonGuyana’sroadways. Driversdemanding ticketsdrawablankbecausethereisnonetogive.Itispartof what is now a consistent shakedown, as gleaned from the reportsoffrustratedmembersoftheroad-usingpublic.
To be compelled to travel to the station house eats up time, with more given up there. It is part of the feeling-out process,andcomingtoanagreement. Always,thecourtsare dangled as where the matter could end up, and who knows howmuchmoretimewillbeneeded,howmanymoreinfines willresult. Mostofthosewhohavebrokenatrafficruleor regulation quickly settle, which is cheaper in time and money The ranks on the streets know this, and so do their officersstudyingthecustomerswhoarehauledbeforethem. ItwouldbeshockingifPolicecommanderswerecluelessof this corrupt practice in play Give traffic tickets to ranks, minimizetemptations,helpsqueezePolicecorruption.
governmentinthiseventand I question where and by whom her guides were “thoroughlytrained”.
Not surprisingly, the announcementofthisprivate operator to exploit Jonestown as a tourism attraction,withtheblessings of Guyana’s Tourism Authority and, indeed, the Minister of Tourism, Industry & Commerce, has invited the attention of the international media, includingevenCNN,allofit generally negative for Guyana.
Other letters on the subject have since appeared in our media. Two of particular note. One from DonaldSinclairandtheother from Ruel Johnson. Both Sinclair and Johnson have referred directly to Bissember’s letter but not mine. Sewcharran and both Sinclair and Johnson have soughttojustify“Jonestown as a tourism attraction” by drawing parallels of other tragic events such as Auschwitz in Germany, Ground Zero in New York, Rwanda Genocide and others of similar horror I strongly disagree. There is no justifiable comparison with Ms Sewcharran’s approach to presenting Jonestown as a tourist attraction.
In Germany, for example, the Auschwitz Memorial was, in fact, commissioned over a number of years, first by a group of former prisoners establishingaMuseumanda Protection Board to protect thesitein1946,followedthe next year by the Polish Parliament creating the Auschwitz Birkenau State Museum and, in the 1960s, theCouncilforProtectionof Monuments to Struggle and Martyrdom constructed a monument on the site with the approval of the International Auschwitz Committee and the Minister ofCultureandArt.
In the case of Rwanda, the Kigali Genocide Memorial was started when the Kigali City Council and the Rwanda and National Commission for the fight a g a i n s t G e n o c i d e commissioned a UK based Genocide Prevention Organization,AegisTrust,to establishtheMemorial.
It is also interesting that Fielding McGehee, CoDirector of the Jonestown Institute, a Resource Center on Jonestown at San Diego State University (which I have visited), on hearing about the Wanderlust Adventures proposal, recalledthatoneofthe Continued on page 6
Shabazz’s termination remains just the tip of the iceberg
Reference is hereby madetotheabovecaptionas it relates to: The Golden Jaguars suffered its second consecutive loss to S u r i n a m e , b y a n embarrassing 1-5 margin; in the Dutch speaking South American country’s Capital Paramaribo,afewweeksago following a 3-1 defeat at the Leonora Track and Field Facility; in the opening encounter.”
However, conceding 8 goals, in 2 matches and s c o r i n g a m e r e 2
compounded by to a goal difference of “-6”, surely leaves much to be desired since in my estimation, playing in League ‘A’, calls forahigherlevelforallofthe essential components the sport requires, based on the opponents. In erstwhile, did the Golden Jaguars and by extension the GFF fit the bill? Empathically, no, which would be an understatement.Sinceallthe ‘A’League opponents in the group stage have superior domesticstructures,thisnow
brings me to an essential question. Why retain the services of the Technical Director, who in my estimation has failed miserably to develop footballnationally?Whatare his “roles and functions?”
That with six (6) editions of the Elite League already completed, with the seventh (7) forthcoming! Why is it the Technical Director has not compiled a “policy paper” that would place “Club Football, on upward trajectory”?
Editor, the “twin towers
of: “Jurassic Administrative Leadership, compounded by Stone Age Football” continuestosignificantlyaid the promotion of continued under-development of local football. Sufficeittosaythat it’s wholesomely unfair to any Senior National Coach to utilise the Elite League matches as a yardstick for nationalselection. Whyisit
t h a t u n t i l n o w a Division/Tier, with at least fourteen (14) teams, is below, drawn from all the affiliated associations, playing over two (2) rounds
Inadequate payment options at Cheddi Jagan International Airport duty-free shop
I write to express my concern regarding the limited payment options available at the duty-free shop located in the arrival terminaloftheCheddiJagan InternationalAirport(CJIA).
During a recent trip, I was met with the frustrating r e a l i t y t h a t t h i s establishment only accepts United States dollars (USD) and Guyanese dollars (GYD), with no provision for card transactions via point-of-sale (POS) machines.
resulting in each team playing twenty-six (26) matches in the League with the top two (2) being promotedtotheEliteLeague whosebottomtwo(2)would be relegated. This format wouldenableClubstructures to be maintained and not diminished, which has been continuouslyongoing!
While time and space will not allow me to elaborate further, it’s my sincere desire to enquire of thefollowing:
a ) Wi t h i n w h a t timeframe would the Elite League become SemiProfessional, ahead of Professional, in its true sense?
This shortfall presents a significant inconvenience fortravellerslikemyselfand many others, especially internationa
urists arriving from countries where card payments have becomethenorm. In today’s world, many travellers rely on debit or credit cards for their purchasesandmaynotcarry large amounts of cash or the specificcurrenciesaccepted. This practice is not only outdated but also reflects poorly on our efforts to promoteGuyanaasatouristfriendlydestination. As the primary gateway



to our country, CJIA should aim to provide an efficient and seamless experience for travellers. Duty-free shops are often the first point of interactionformanyvisitors, and encountering such limitations sets a negative tone for their stay Offering POS machines for card paymentswouldbeasimple yet impactful step towards modernizing the airport’s facilities and enhancing the overallcustomerexperience.
I urge the relevant authorities, including the managementofCJIAandthe duty-free operators, to
p r i o r i t
z e t h e implementation of card payment facilities. Doing so w
n t t o accommodating the diverse needs of international travellers while aligning with global standards in the tourismandretailindustries.
I hope this letter will prompt the necessary action to address this issue,
ensuring that future travellers are spared the inconvenience that I and othershaveexperienced.
Yourssincerely, RobertBostwick


b) In relation to the aforementioned, would youthdivisionsfromU-11to U-21 be compulsory for participation in the Elite League,whichwouldbealso applicable for participating teams competing in all national competitions under theauspicesoftheGFF?
c ) F r o m a n administrative standpoint: Does the GFF Finance Committee, (President also) have the technical ability to: compile a Financial Policy Paper, compatible to a Budget outlining inclusive of: “Air Travel!” Moreso, with return air fare, from Georgetown to Lethem,
For a contingent of 26 persons, the astronomical cost is $1,820,000$2,860,000 for just one match!WiththeEliteLeague having ten (10) teams, resulting in each team playing their quota of eighteen (18) matches, over tworounds(homeandaway) then aerial transportation would likely account for more than 50% of the Budget! However, what is ironic, if not pathetic is that in one instance can an airplane fly twenty persons alongwithcrewmembersin a single flight from Ogle to Lethem return? While from CJIAtoPiarco,returnwould cost within the cheapest and most expensive domestic flightpreviouslymentioned. The only other feasible alternative remaining as a cost reductive measure, would be to “play all of Lethem home team(s) matches in Linden, utilising a chartered Thirty and Fifteen-Seater Bus respectively; for the return trips: of teams and equipment.” Nevertheless, is there an adequate football facilityinLinden,conducive tohostingsuchmatches?
F o l l o w i n g t h e terminationofShabbazz’s Continuedonpage6

Atotal of 365 Guyanese are preparing to apply their newly acquired skills in the country’s labour force, after completing the One Guyana DigitalProgramme.
This is the first cohort under this initiative, which waslaunchedinFebruaryof this year. The training programme equipped Guyanese participants with in-demandtechnologyskills, including software development, front-end design, and mobile app development.
Ninestudentsshowcased their innovative digital
projects to President Dr MohamedIrfaanAliatState House on Tuesday These projects, including patient management apps, waste management systems, and tutoring platforms, demonstrated insightful
solutions to critical challenges in education, health, and agriculture. Having completed the training, these students are now being engaged in essentialcareerdevelopment skills, including resume building,topreparethemfor successful entry into the technology sector “They
will soon commence their job interview training after the Christmas break. They will also be trained on how to secure employment contracts using popular job placement portals such as Upwork and Indeed,” the Presidentsaid.
He added, “So far, we have hundreds of job opportunities lined up, and this is what the programme was about.” President Ali said these investments in upskilling the country’s youth form part of the government’sdrivetohavea highly skilled human
Businessman charged with $30 million fraud
A 51-year-old businessman, on Wednesday, appeared before the Georgetown Magistrates’Court on a charge ofobtainingmoneybyfalsepretence.
Irshad Ramzan, of Lot 23 Public Road, Eccles, East Bank Demerara, is accused of defraudingChurumanHarnandanoutof$30 milliononFebruary5,2024,atCroalStreet, Stabroek,Georgetown.
ThechargeallegesthatRamzanobtained themoneyfromHarnandanwiththeintentto defraud him, by falsely promising to repay thesuminthreeinstalments:$15millionon April 5, 2024; $5 million on June 5, 2024; and $10 million on August 5, 2024 However,itisclaimedthatRamzanfailedto makeanyoftheagreedpayments.
During the court session, Acting Chief MagistrateFaithMcGustyreadthechargeto Ramzan,whowasnotrequiredtoenteraplea at this stage. Private prosecutor Juman Yassin informed the court that both parties had signed an agreement in which Harnandan provided the $30 million to Ramzantosecureabarge.Yassinexplained, “Hesubsequentlytoldtheinformantthathe can’tgetthebargeandinordertorepaythe $30million,heenteredintoanagreementto pay back the money in instalments. He has notdoneso.”
Ramzan’s defence attorney, Konyo Saniford-Holder, raised concerns about the charge, arguing that it was not properly drafted.“Thischarge,inmyopinion,appears to be erroneous in terms of the particulars stated in this offence because it seems to suggest that it is obtaining money by false pretence,butitjustcitestherepaymentdates and amounts,” Saniford-Holder said. “It doesnotaddresstheinitialcontractthatwas breached,anditappearsasthoughmyclient is not denying that a contract was breached—thisisacivilmatter.”
Saniford-Holder also applied for bail, emphasising that Ramzan is a father of two and the sole provider for his family. She mentioned that Ramzan operates a logistics company,ProgressiveInitiative,andargued that the money would be repaid by the time thetrialbegins.
She also asserted that her client is not a flight risk and has no previous offences. After considering both arguments, MagistrateMcGustygrantedRamzanbailin the amount of $250,000. He is scheduled to return to court on January 22, 2025, for clarification of the charge and to file statements.
Ex-police credit union staff charged with fraud
A 30-year-old former Guyana Police Force (GPF) clerk, appeared at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Court on Wednesdaytofacemultiplechargesoffraud.
Melissa O’Brian, a resident of Lot 801 Paradise Housing Scheme, East Coast Demerara,isaccusedofdefraudingtheGPF by falsifying accounts and forging documents.
The charges were read before Acting Chief Magistrate Faith McGusty According to the prosecution, O’Brian, on June 13, 2024, while working as a clerk at the GPF Credit Union on Camp Street, Georgetown, intentionally falsified a passbook belonging to Collin O’Brian. The passbook falsely showed a special savings balance of $110,000. Between January 12 and April 9, 2024, O’Brian allegedly falsified another passbook belonging to France Garlinton, showing three payments made to the GPF CreditUnion.Additionally,onJune13,2024, O’Brian reportedly forged a withdrawal voucher,allegedlysignedbyCollinO’Brian,
resourcesasset.PresidentAli urged more persons to get involved. “This is aimed at
Guyanese to join the programme because we are investing heavily in the programme,” he said. The programme, supported by the Government of Canada, condensed a three-year course into six to eight m
The initiative falls under theGuyanaOnlineAcademy for Learning (GOAL) programme, and enables graduates to work remotely inGuyanaforrenownedtech companies across the globe. They will be able to earn betweenUS$30,000toUS$ 40,000 annually The programme will also be
extended and presented as a One Caribbean Digital Initiative, according to PresidentAli.
PresidentAlipledgedthe government’s ongoing support and mentorship to thetraineesastheytransition from the programme into entrepreneurship or employment.
O’Brianpleadednotguiltytoallcharges. During the court proceedings, her attorney, Leslyn Noble, requested bail, stating that O’Brianhadan“unblemishedrecord”during herserviceattheGPFandisnowemployedat theGuyanaPostOfficeCorporation.
Noble also highlighted that O’Brian is a mother of three, including a one-year-old child,andthatshecooperatedwiththepolice during the investigation. She also noted that her client is charged with a non-violent offence.
The prosecution, however, objected to bail,citingtheseriousnessandprevalenceof the offence After considering both arguments, Magistrate McGusty granted O’Brianbailof$150,000—$50,000foreach charge. She was also given the condition to surrenderherpassportandreporttotheGPF Office of Professional Responsibility (OPR) onthelastFridayofeverymonth.O’Brianis scheduled to return to court on January 22, 2025.
Meanwhile, the Senior Minister in the Office of the P r e s i d e n t w i t h Responsibility for Finance and the Public Service, Dr Ashni Singh, said these presentations demonstrate the significant progress made in the programme. He said it indicates that with these enabling platforms the students will forge a new path for the Caribbean region. “You have also learned the ability to identify problems or identifyissuesthatcouldbe developed, that could be a d d r e s s e d b y a technological solution, because successful apps thatwillhaveanationalor a global footprint require notonlythetechnicalskills how to write a good program, but the ability to spot an opportunity,” the ministersaid.
Additionally,Ministerof Local Government and Regional Development, Sonia Parag echoed these sentiments, adding that the President’s vision of positioning Guyana’s youth at the forefront of the country’s technological transformation is taking shape. At the programme’s launch in February, the government announced a $9.5 million contribution to theinitiative.(DPI)
Jonestown should not be promoted and...
Frompage4 Jonestown survivors had proposed a memorial type project which was abandoned after opposition by other members of the Peoples Temple community and warned against relying “onsupposedwitnesseswho will be part of the tour” and that “the memories and stories that have trickled down through generations might not be accurate”. He said“itdoesnothelpanyone understandwhathappenedin Jonestown”.
Ruel Johnson’s letter, as distinct from Sinclair’s, has soughttounnecessarilydraw political conclusions, wrongly holding the
Burnham government equally responsible for a massacre which would have occurrednomatterwherethe Peoples Temple was located andJimJonesconcludedthat they were externally threatened Hence, the hitherto secret frequent suicide death rehearsals which took place at Jonestown in anticipation of a perceived external threat long before the Ryan visit turnedrehearsalintoreality Ihavesignificantrespect for both of these gentlemen, as, indeed, I have for Minister Oneidge Walrond and the Guyana Tourism Authority Thereis,however, a huge difference between a private tourism company promoting a tour and profiting from the memories of Jonestown as a tourist attraction and calling it the “JonestownMemorialTour” and how the Auschwitz Memorial in Germany and the Kigali Genocide Memorial in Rwanda were
commissioned Sunday Stabroek News (15th December) in an excellent Editorial on the Wanderlust Tours announcement, asks the question “is it an act of respect to take tourists around the site of mass murder? This is not Auschwitz, which is a memorial and a museum. There is no memorial at Jonestown, no mark of respect for those who were killed”.
The Stabroek news
Editorial goes on, quite correctly, to point out that “the factors which led to Jonestown are part of US history, particularly that of California, and are best told in that setting. How the settlementfunctionedhereis part of Guyanese history That is a topic for research, notatour”.
So let me repeat what I wrote in my letter of 6th
D e c e m b e r , 2 0 2 4
“Jonestown and all that occurred there was an ugly, horrible stain on the history of our country The memory of it, in my view, and the result of my unique involvement in explaining it totheworld,atthetime,most certainly convinces me that this is not and should not be promoted and profited from as a tourist attraction which has suddenly been advanced by a private tourism company and, surprisingly, supported by the Guyana TourismAuthority”.
Should our government seriously consider the need for establishing a fully researched and financed Jonestown Memorial and Museum on the now abandoned site where the Peoples Temple community lived, farmed and died and then invite tourists to visit? In my view, absolutely yes. Should our government be supporting a private tour operator taking tourists to a place in the jungle where Jonestown once existed and innocent people were murdered by a crazy cult leader as a tourist attraction toourcountry,howeverwell intended?Absolutelyno.
Yourssincerely, KitNascimento
Shabazz’s termination remains...
Frompage5 contract, Guyana’s football fraternity must be eternally grateful for the services of the individual who, despite alltheodds,perseveredwith the “Jurassic Style of Administrative Leadership” ofwhichmanyotherforeign international coaches would depart almost immediately, along with their entire coachingstaff.
bestowed upon Shabbazz, but rather would have
workedintandemwithlocal assistant coaches Then another sore point in performance,istheManager, whichneedsreviewal.
Since, from all indications the individual has not represented the players welfare efficiently and professionally compatible to the requirementsas:TheLiaison between the GFF and the players.
Withbestregards. Respectfullyyours, LesterSealey

IOM head urges balanced migration policies to drive Guyana's growth
In observance of International Migrants Day, held on Wednesday, Eraina Yaw, the head of the International Organization for Migration (IOM) and DeputyCoordinatorforIOM Caribbean, called for balanced migration policies thatwillhelpharnessthefull potential of migration to fuel Guyana'sgrowth.
Yaw emphasised the significant role migration has played in shaping the Caribbean, both historically and in the present, and cites i t s i m p o r t a n c e f o r sustainable development. In a press statement issued on
Caribbean website, Yaw said, “migration carries profound significance for sustainabledevelopmentand resilience, not only for Guyana but for the entire Caribbean Community (CARICOM).”
With the focus of harnessing migration for economic growth, the head ofIOM statedthatGuyanais undergoing an economic transformation, driven by recent oil discoveries and expanding industries. Yaw highlighted that to fully capitaliseonthisgrowth,itis crucial to manage labour migration effectively. This includes ensuring that the
benefits of economic growth reach all Guyanese citizens.
Ya w c a l l e d f o r a comprehensive approach that focuses on labour m o b i l i t y, t r a i n i n g , certification, and the recognition of skills, includingpriorlearning.
H o w e v e r , a k e y challenge identified by Yaw is the issue of "brain drain," where skilled professionals leave Guyana for better opportunities abroad. This exodus threatens to deplete the country's talent pool needed for innovation and development. Yaw also noted the opportunity of "brain gain” - the return of

skilled professionals who cancontributetheirexpertise to Guyana's development. The goal, she said, is to create policies that strike a balance between these two forces, ensuring the country can attract and retain talent while benefiting from returningprofessionals. Yaw pointed to the growing regional policy i n i
e movement of individuals and skills across the Caribbean. She believes that by embracing this regional framework, Guyana can tap into a diverse talent pool, boosting economic growth and resilience. The policy, she added, strengthens the Region's collective capacity to address labour market needs.
“Despite the clear
cooperation, nationalistic identities can sometimes hinder our progress,” Yaw said in the statement. She stressed the importance of

Eraina Yaw, Head of Office of IOM Guyana, and Deputy Coordinator, IOM Caribbean
fostering a sense of regional unity, where the success of one CARICOM member state contributes to the prosperity of the entire community Building this collective identity, she emphasized, is key to overcoming barriers and ensu
Strengthening connections with the diaspora through targeted programmes can incentivize investment and help skilled Guyanese return home with their expertise and resources to support nationaldevelopment.
O n I n t e r n a t i o n a l Migrants Day, Yaw reaffirmed her call for a balanced approach to migration, one that fosters sustainable growth and supports the development of Guyana and the wider Caribbean. She highlighted the need for policies that build the necessary skills for economic growth, balance brain drain with brain gain, leverage CARICOM's free movement of skills, and promote regional unity Yaw concluded that only through coordinated efforts and collaboration can the Region unlockthefullpotentialofits human capital and achieve lastingprogressforall.
Yaw also underscored the importance of engaging the Guyanese diaspora, which she described as a powerful resource for investment, knowledge t

The stakes are high in Guyana’s democracy
I n a n y v i b r a n t democracy, the mechanisms thatbindittogetherarethose that mediatedifferences, not
extinguish them To understand this principle is to grasp the essence of democratic governance: it thrivesnotinconformity,but in the acknowledgment and resolutionofdisagreements.
ThePeople’sProgressive Party/Civic (PPPC) government of Guyana would do well to heed this fundamental tenet, for its current trajectory appears less about mediating differences and more about exacerbating them a perilous path for any nation professing democratic ideals Democracies, by
design, are noisy, contentious, and rife with dissent.Werewealltoagree
on every matter of governance,electionswould beredundant,freedomofthe press unnecessary, and an independent judiciary obsolete.
Disagreement is part of themake-upofdemocracy It isbecausedisagreementsare inevitable because competing priorities and clashingideasandidealsare the hallmarks of human societies—that we require a democratic system This systemservestochanneland mediate conflicts,
preventing them from spilling over into violence andchaos.
Yet,democracydemands morethanthemerepresence of elections or institutional frameworks. It demands an ethos of inclusivity, dialogue,andaccountability
ThePPP/Cgovernmentmust recognize that the democratic will of the people,whilesupreme,isnot synonymous with unbridled majoritarianism. A simple majoritarian approach, unchecked by institutional
safeguards, leads to instability and populist excesses. When the government weaponises its majoritytobulldozedissent, it undermines the very principles that legitimize its authority
As Professor BenAnsell of Oxford University once noted, to guard against this, liberal democracies impose restrictions on what even democratically elected governments can do. Such restrictions are not constraintsonthewillofthe people; they are safeguards against the descent into authoritarianism Courts, independent agencies, devolved governments, and the media are not mere a d o r n m e n t s o f democracy they are its spine These institutions
Dem Boys Seh...
serve as counterbalances, holding governments accountable, restraining their excesses, and ensuring theyoperatewithinlegaland moral boundaries. Without these checks, democracy risks becoming a tyranny of themajority,wheredissentis stifled, and governance devolvesintoarbitraryrule.
Yet, in Guyana, these c o u n t e r b a l a n c i n g insti
utions face an onslaught. The free press, a foundation of democracy, is under siege. Week after week, press conferences are weaponizednottoinformor engage but to attack opponents,disparagecritics, and issue veiled threats. Such actions chill free expression, and erode the media’s capacity to hold power to account. When a government treats criticism astreacheryanddissentasan affront,itsignalsatroubling shift from democratic governance to authoritarian impulse.
Equally troubling is the absence of meaningful dialogue between the governmentandthepolitical Opposition Democracy’s mediating function requires more than rhetorical commitments to inclusivity; itdemandsaction.
Yet, in Guyana, this action is conspicuously
De road to national unity
Deh gat some of we leaders so arrogant thatevenanimalscan’ttekthem. Itremind dem boys of de time when de PNCR, de AFC,anddePPPsehdemgungopunahike to promote more unity among demselves. Whole day dem walk, till night ketch dem, and de hotel weh dem bin see pun de map disappear like some people campaign promises.
Dem end up by a farmer house and beg fuh spend de night. De farmer seh, “No problem,butmeonlygotspacefuhtwoinde smallroom.Oneahy’allgunhaffisleepinde animalpenoutside.”
DeAFC seh, “Me humble bad. Me nah neednofancyroom.Meguntekdepen.”
when dem hear a knock pun de door Is de AFC.Heseh,“Bai,mesorry,butdepengota horse,andmenahablefuhsleepwidsuchan animal.”DePNCRseh,“Noworries,megun tekdepen.”
DeAFCanddePPPstartrelaxwhendem hear another knock. Is de PNCR. He seh, “Man,depengotapig,andmenahablefuh dealwiddefilth.”
De PPPseh, “Lemme show y’all how a real leader does sacrifice. Me gun go in de pen.”
DePNCRanddeAFCfinallythinkdem settleingoodwhenanotherknockcomepun de door When dem open it, who deh standingoutside?Dehorseanddepig! Talkhalf.Leffhalf.

absent. Refusing to engage in face-to-face consultations with the Opposition or reducing political discourse to mudslinging contests betrays a disregard for the democratic process The refusal of the political Opposition to shake hands with those they oppose is equally problematic. Such gestures, or the lack thereof, symbolise a broader unwillingness to bridge divides and engage in the hardworkofcompromise. By side-lining its critics and isolating its opponents, the government creates a vacuum where grievances fester, and polarisation deepens. This is not g o v e r n a n c e ; i t i s governance’s antithesis. If democracy in Guyana is to become more deeply entrenched, the PPP/C governmentmustabandonits combative posture towards the press Journalists are not adversaries; they are vital
Threatening or disparaging the press weakens the public’sabilitytoholdpower to account and undermines t r a n s p a r e n c y a n d accountability Instead of attacks and belittling critics, thegovernmentshouldfoster acultureofopenness,where criticism is welcomed as a means of improvement rather than dismissed as an actofhostility
Similarly,theOpposition must rise above petty intransigence. Democracy is not served by entrenched refusal to engage. Shaking hands with political adversaries is not an act of surrender; it is an act of respect for the democratic process. The Opposition’s role is not merely to oppose but to offer constructive alternatives and participate in the governance of the nation By refusing to engage meaningfully, they abdicate their responsibility tothepeopletheyrepresent.
The stakes are high Democracy in Guyana, like

anywhere else, is fragile. It requires a recognition that governance is a shared enterprise.The path forward is clear: engage in dialogue, respect the press, empower c o u n t e r b a l a n c i n g institutions, and commit to the principles of inclusive governance. Anything less risks not only the erosion of democracy but also the fracturingofthenationitself.
ThePPP/Cgovernmentmust decide whether it will be a promoter of democracy’s enduringpromiseoranagent of its decline. The choice it makeswilldefinenotonlyits legacy but the future of Guyana’sdemocracy
(The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinionofthisnewspaper.)



A leader undresses in public
Often when men of power open their mouths, it is fascinating how they give themselves away The more powerful they are, devoured by power, and the more that they speak with contemptuous regard for essentials, the more they reveal who they are at the core. They carelessly, unknowingly sometimes, arrogantly often, undressthemselves.
They do so in public, which once again emphasizes the law of unanticipated revelations. Today, I present Dr. Bharrat Jagdeo, Vice President of anything with a name, as well as those without, maybe even not in existence. Oftentimes, the man is too wise for his own good. It has happened to me, so in the spirit of this special time of the year, this hour of grand cash infusions, I extend the usual helpinghand.
Two references, only two, are presentedto sketchhow Dr Jagdeo renders himself naked, with not even a fig leaf left for him to hide behind. From the grand old city of Istanbul sailed an electricity vessel from a group calling itself Karpowership. Guyanese in dire need of a steady supply of electricity needed that rescue boat, anything that could help them salvage something out of their
energy-savaged days. So, it's here. Thecompanyhasahistoryofdoing business a certain way It is a way that Guyanese know well, because they have paid harsh prices at the hands of their own governments here, their parliaments, and their other elected and selected officials. Bribery and malfeasances need no introductioninGuyana.
The company has its history, butJagdeohadareadystory Isthis electricitywantedornot? Inatime ofrollingandinundatingblackouts, is this a time for naysayers and second guessers (and other subversives) to quibble, criticize, condemn?
There are such times, Mr Jagdeo. For clean governance, for political leadership that can be trusted (recall the US$214 million audit findings developments, disposition{s}), for a Guyana that triestodothingsright.
And succeeds. If today a power-shippartnerwithpolkadots, then tomorrow what about a gas plantthatbecomesaplague? Stand for something, brother Jagdeo. No harmadmittingtoslippage.There's an army of minions ready to carry the baggage Remember the US$214 million audit findings that Exxon and somebody with such sweeping power in Guyana
orchestrated. These matters have a certain melody to them. Just like those two-worded songs that included a name. One was “Oh, Donna”; another went under the label of “O, Carol”. It is better to redress than undress. Because if for something like a powerboat, thenwhatelse? Whereisthelimit? What is there to restrain? What excusesnext?
More recently, the vice president roared out of the paddock, as though his socks were on fire. Perhaps they were, considering the issue that inflamed him. The Opposition is interested in a seat on the procurement bench. It might be easier for one of its members to get on the chancellor's bench. Ah, public procurement is where my heart is, my soul invested. Hundreds of billions in thekitty,andtheOppositionhasthe temerity, the infelicity, the impudicity to suggest that it be allowed to be near that rich honey Pardon is asked for huffing a page from the honourable Attorney General's playbook The Opposition is not only just too rich, it is too damn problematic. The extra effort needed to cover up. The exposures that could follow The reductions in income (loot) to beforegone. Thereismadness,and
there is pure, unadulterated madness. Thelatterbelongsto the Opposition for that e c c e n t r i c , d a n g e r o u s proposition. Gone with the wind in Dr Jagdeo's mind is how the democracy that he loves works. There is true love, and there is love that betrays. Take a pick and present it to Mr Jagdeo, with my compliments. This is the PPP Government of Master Bluffer, Dr. Irfaan Ali, who treasures accountability, despite Jagdeo's raucousresistantnegativity:NO!to the Opposition. Electricity, anybody? What better way to get accountability, Mr President? I humbly address both of them who hold that lofty position. My biggest anxiety is if an Opposition member (or two) were to be permitted to participate in public procurement proceedings, and then decide that self-help is the best course of survival. The leopard spots may fade with arthritis, but the fundamental character of most Guyanese politicians is a thing of beauty What's in it for me? In other words, no Opposition objectionsfacilitatecollections. What's the point of referencing apowerboatandprocurement? Itis that if Dr Bharrat Jagdeo, a former

president, a current chief policymaker, could think along these lines, react in this manner in the glare of the midday sun, then how is he and what is he about in private relative to other things held sacred in Guyana? May I dare to think, be bold enough, to identify the Guyana Constitution? With its checks and balances, its untouchable safeguarding state institutions, its revered rights of citizens, even the lowest, the most unpleasant? Whatregardwouldhe have, could he be capable of, in private, re those cherished standards, protections that should not be invalidated? Look at the state of each one of those state bastions, under Mr Jagdeo's guiding hand, and there's the answer Last, be brave: peel the onion. Examine the raw, pungent, putrid state of the State itself. (The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of this newspaper.)

Still no change to lopsided Exxon contract boasts Guyana's developments most successful in the world
Today marks five
y e a r s s i n c e
E x x o n M o b i l commenced offshore deepwateroilproductionhereand although the US oil major continues to boast of record profits owing to the lopsided nature of the contract it secured, the Government of Guyanaisyettotakestepsto change the deal so that Guyanesecanbenefitmore.
The government has also failed to implement key strategies for the prudent management of the resources and measures that allow for public oversight and accountability ExxonMobil is the operator of the prolific Stabroek Block where more than 11 billionbarrelofoilresources have been discovered since 2015. ExxonMobil Guyana operates the block in partnership with Hess and CNOOC.
The agreement exempts the oil companies from paying taxes directly, with Guyanacoveringthesecosts, and allows the companies to recover up to 75% of their investments before the remaining 25% is split. Of

President Irfaan Ali
this,Guyanareceives12.5%, in addition to a 2% royalty paidbytheoilcompanies.

President of ExxonMobil Guyana, Alistair Routledge
Inapressreleasetomark the five-year anniversary, ExxonMobil Guyana said the five years of production is a significant achievement that underscores the transformative potential of thecountry'sgrowingenergy sector “Since “first oil” at the offshore Liza Phase 1 project five years ago, Guyanahasbecomethethird largest per-capita oil producer in the world. The oil-and-gas sector has spurred trem
Help us to identify this body

The man who was found dead. He is yet to be identified.
Police in a release issued onWednesday said, “His body is presently at the Memorial Gardens Funeral Home awaiting family identification and post-mortem.” Anyone with information that can lead to identifying the relatives of the deceased is asked to kindly contact the Police at telephone numbers: 225-8196, 225-2683, 911 or the MemorialGardensFuneralHomeon223-7317.
ndous economicgrowthinGuyana, helping to elevate the country to one of the fastestg r o w i n g e c o n o m i e s globally,” the company said. ExxonMobil Guyana said it is dedicated to enhancing localcapacity,andGuyanese businesses and workers play critical roles in its operations.
It noted that more than 6,000 Guyanese are currently employed in goodpaying industry jobs, and ExxonMobil Guyana and its suppliershaveinvestedmore than GY $2 trillion to procure goods and services from more than 1,700 local Guyanese businesses "We're focused on capacity building, local content d e v e l o p m e n t , a n d environmental stewardship to ensure the benefits of Guyana's oil-and-gas production reach every corner of the country,”
ExxonMobil Guyana P r e s i d e n t , A l i s t a i r Routledge, said “We're grateful for the strong collaboration with our coventurers, Hess and CNOOC, and with the Government of Guyana – all ofwhomhaveplayedcrucial roles in responsibly developing Guyana's natural resources.”
ExxonMobil Guyana's deep-water developments arethemostsuccessfulinthe world. In five years, the companyhasstartedupthree complex offshore megaprojects on schedule and on b u d g e t , w h i l e simultaneously advancing plans for five additional projects by the end of the decade. Production capacity in Guyana is expected to

surpass 1.7 million barrels
per day, with gross production growing to 1.3 million barrels per day, by 2030. “Working alongside our co-venturers and the Government, we are doing our part to foster a brighter future for all Guyanese,”
s a i d R o u t l e d g e “ExxonMobil Guyana proudly celebrates this fiveyear milestone as a shared achievement, and we look forward to continuing our successful collaboration withthepeopleofGuyana.”
Meanwhile, Guyanese have been protesting for changestotheabrasiveterms of the contract signed with Exxon and Co-venturers HessandCNOOC;however, even without bringing the companies back to the n e g o t i a t i n g t a b l e , government can implement measures that allow greater governance of the sector, which is now the key driver ofthiscountry'seconomy
F i v e y e a r s a f t e r commencing production activities on the country's first Floating Production Storage and Offloading (FPSO) vessel, Guyana has not implemented systems to verify the daily number of barrels being produced by ExxonMobil.
The country has not only started up two more FPSOs without independent meters to verify production, but has also, to date, sanctioned a totalofsixprojects.
Inthemeantime,Guyana is dependent on the production statistics reported by the operator of theprojects.
Inadditiontotheabsence of a parent company guarantee in the event of an oil spill, and the lack of ringfencing on the projects, concerns have been raised about the transparency in the
Guyana's first Floating Production Storage and Offloading (FPSO) vessel, the Liza Destiny
management of the sector and the spending of the oil funds.
The National Assembly in December 2021 passed a Natural Resources Fund Act togoverntherevenueearned from the petroleum industry
It earmarks specific guidelines for the use of the funds. However, there has been no indication from government as to a single project financed from this revenuestreamtodate.
The first withdrawal from the account was made in May 2022. Parliamentary approval was granted for the sum of US$607.6 million to be transferred during the fiscal year 2022 and another US$1.002 billion in 2023.
Section 16.2 of the NRFAct
e x p l a i n s t h a t “ A l l withdrawals from the Fund shall be deposited into the Consolidated Fund and shall be used only to finance – (a) national development priorities including any initiative aimed at realizing an inclusive green economy; and(b)essentialprojectsthat are directly related to ameliorating the effect of a majornaturaldisaster.”
Government has not identified what are the “national development priorities” being funded by the oil revenue. The country is therefore, in the dark regarding the use of the funds.
With little transparency regarding the use of Guyana's oil wealth, International Financial Analysts worry that the revenue may not be used to develop the country and improve the lives of its poor citizens For instance, Director of Financial Analysis at the Institute for Energy Economics and Financial Analysis (IEEFA), Tom Sanzillo, had pointed
out befo
government has not been prioritising saving the funds generated from the industry like Norway but has instead, has embarked on a massive infrastructural and energy development scheme which may very well benefit its partner, ExxonMobil, more than the citizens in the country
He reasoned, “It may work to Exxon's benefit to put in new roads, it may be Exxon's benefit to build a new gas plant but they don't need that kind of electricity system in Guyana and who knows if they actually need the roads that are being built because there is no public processsowhatyouhaveisa planandtheplanistousethe money to keep the existing political structure in power and that's what is going to be done.”
Meanwhile, Director of Energy at Americas Market Intelligence, Arthur Deakin, had also shared the view that the government lacks a clear structure on how the resources from this sector will be used to transform the lives of Guyanese. He noted thatGuyana'soil sector has been moving at one of the fastest paces known in the industry; however, when it comes to translating that wealth to the population, this has been takingsometime.
In fact, the specialist pointed out that for the wealth to benefit the population, it would require structural planning by the administration. To this end, D e a k i n s a i d , “ T h e government lacks a clear vision, a clear plan on how it's gonna spend the money it's receiving from the oil revenue, so I think there is a l o t o f r o o m f o r improvement.”
‘Blue’ Christmas for GPL workers
…as union, company fail to agree on salary hike
This could be a 'blue' Christmas for workers of the Guyana Power and Light (GPL)duetoabreakdownin w a g e s a n d s a l a r y negotiations, the National Association of Agricultural, Commercial and Industrial Employees (NAACIE) has said.
In a statement on Wednesday, NAACIE, the workers' union, said it submitted a proposal to GPL Inc. on June 28th, 2024, for increases in wages and salary and other benefits and had their first meeting on September 27th, 2024 “GPLinform the negotiation team that in terms of Across theBoardincreasestheywill have to wait for the pronouncement of the Stakeholder, and we continued to discuss the otherbenefits.”
NAACIE noted that on Tuesday December 10th, 2024, President Irfaan Ali announced the agreement
between the Government andthePublicServiceUnion for an across-the-board increaseof10%for2024and 8% for 2025 with additional increases/movements in salary scales which will bring the total average increases on salary to 26% and increases in other benefits.
According to NAACIE, it has an agreement with GPL where increases in salary have three parts: (A) 3% Annual Automatic in Scale Increment that is to avoid de-bunching and paid inJanuaryeveryyearandhas conditions attached to qualify for this payment; (b) Annual P
ormance Incentive, which is a one-off payment and (c) Across the BoardIncrease.
AttheNAACIEandGPL negotiation meeting held on December 13th, 2024, at the GPL Sophia Training Building, GPLsaid that they are offering to the members
of NAACIE a 7% Allinclusive Increase which will include the Annual Performance Incentive and the 3%AnnualAutomatic in Scale Increment which was paidinJanuary2024.
“The members were in total shock and rejected the offerbythecompany,stating that the 3% Annual Automatic Increment is an in-scale increase and not all employees in GPL have received it The Annual Performance Incentive Increase is a one-off payment and does not add to your salary and that they are requesting the 10% Across the Board increase that was p r o n o u n c e d b y t h e Stakeholder,” NAACIE said. Accordi
g to NAACIE,GPLsaidthatthey cannot agree to that, and the meetingconcluded.
“From Friday December 13, 2024, to December 18, 2024, there has been no official word from GPL and

as such the executive and members of NAACIE have instructed the union to serve G P L
n e - m o n t h u
m a t u m . A l l t h e employees of GPL are requesting is that GPL c o m p l y w i t h t h e pronouncement that was made by the President of the Cooperative Republic of Guyana,” the union's statementconcluded.

Man chopped to death at mining camp ...Wanted bulletin issued for Brazilian suspect
A 31-year-old man died on Tuesday after he was brutally chopped, allegedly by his Brazilian co-worker, during a fight at their work place on Monday at Omai backdam,EssequiboRiver
Dead is Brian Marco, a l s o k n o w n a s 'Toney/Regular boy”. Marco was an excavator operator
The suspect has been identified as 52-year-old Antonio Silva De Oliveria.
Police, on Wednesday, issued a Wanted bulletin for the man, citing his last known address as Lot 75 Church Street, Alberttown, Georgetown and Brazil
Anyone who sees Silva De Oliveria or who has any information about his whereabouts is asked to contact the nearest police station.
Police reported that the incident occurred around 15:30h.
Investigations have revealed that Marco and the suspect are employees of Chunilall Babulall called 'Vulture', at his mining operation at Omai backdam. Itisstatedthattheduowould operate separate excavators inthesameminingpitduring the night to prepare for work duringtheday

Several other workers gathered and the cutlass was takenawayfromthesuspect. Some of the workers then started to assault the suspect, leading General Manager, Paul Khan, to rush to his assistanceandtakehimaway fromthescene.
Marco was taken to the Mackenzie Hospital for treatment, but was later pronounceddeadbyadoctor onTuesdayabout01:13hrs.
The suspect reportedly escaped from the scene and police are looking for him as investigationscontinue.
On Sunday during the night, whilst Marco and the suspect were working in the pit, they reportedly had a misunderstanding,whichled toMarcoassaultingSilvaDe Oliveira. The following day at about 15:00h, Marco was reportedly sleeping in a hammock in front of a shop at the backdam While another worker, Asgar Mohammed, was sleeping on a bed next to Marco. The shop is owned by Babulall andoperatedbyIanTrotman. It is reported that the suspect showed up at the shop armed with a cutlass and attacked Marco, dealing him several chops about his body According to Police, “Ian shouted at the suspect, whilstAsgar held onto him.”
Mahaiconycouplemulllegalaction againstMassyforgascylinderexplosion
The Mahaicony couple whose home was severely damaged when a gas cylinder exploded early
Tuesday morning, is contemplating taking legal action against Massy Gas Products.
Theexplosionresultedin the walls and doors of the house blowing off. Ms. Oneka Williams one of the occupants of the Little Abary, Mahaicony, home told the Kaieteur News on Wednesday that while she is thankful that no one was injuredduringtheexplosion, she is hurt by the way the company has handled the situation thus far “I am waiting for copies of the reportsfromtheGuyanaFire Service and the Police in casethelawyerneedsit.
We will be meeting with a lawyer to seek legal advice and then take it from there. This is not the first time in the past few months one of their bottles cause an explosion and we are not prepared to let it go down easy,”shesaid.
Mr Murtland Wills, her spouse, told this publication that he has been exploring his options and “a lawsuit just might be a wake-up call for them. We have no water, the explosion shatteredall of ourlines.”
Thecoupleiscommitted to fighting the case, saying, “We lost at least $1.5M due to the damage and we have not been offered any compensation or satisfaction
by the persons who visited.”
Whenthisnewspapervisited the couple on Tuesday, they appeared shaken from the incident. Debris were seen scattered around the back yard and the water pipes were all shattered Ms Williams told the Kaieteur N e w s that an initial investigation by the Police from the Mahaicony Police
Station revealed that the cause of the explosion was gasrelated.
“They come after we made the report and they said, “Oh, is the gas caused it,”' she recalled. A team of four fire fighters from the Mahaica Fire Station was later dispatched to the scene. The team conducted a detailed inspection, while





this publication was on the scene. The gas bottle in question was retrieved and examined since all of the electrical appliances were unplugged, and the outlets were checked to determine whether the explosion might have been electrical. As a fireman poured water onto the bottle through the knob where the gas head is attached, a series of bubbles were observed coming up.
The fireman informed the couple that the top and bottom of the knob were l e a k i n g A f t e r t h e investigation was completed and photographs were taken, the firemen ensured that the areawassafeandleft.
Some time around 14:00hrs, three person reportedly claiming to be representatives of Massy Gas Products visited the residence and offered to examine the defective cylinder They subsequently informed the couple that there was nothing wrong with the gas bottle. When they were asked to provide their names and the location that they are attached to they refused, claiming that they needed permission to do so. Ms. Williams then asked themtoleaveherpremisesas even after showing video evidencetheyrefusedtotake h e r c l a i m s i n t o consideration. “I told them to leave because they ain't offer no sort of satisfaction or compensation. Just keep telling me it wasn't their bottle fault. So the Fire Servicelying?Thisisnotthe first blow up that happen with their bottles. I read abouttheoneinthenewsthat left the lady in the hospital,” she said “Christmas is coming, it will take about $1.5M to $2M to fix this because we have to break downwhat'sleftandrebuild. [I] also have to get a contractor to look at the cracks in the kitchen wall and foundation to see what canbedone,”sheadded. Investigations are ongoing.
Syria not a threat to world, rebel leader Ahmed al-Sharaa tells BBC
(BBC NEWS) The de factoleaderofSyria,Ahmed al-Sharaa, has said the country is exhausted by war and is not a threat to its neighboursortotheWest.
In an interview with the BBCinDamascus,hecalled for sanctions on Syria to be lifted.“Now,afterallthathas happened,sanctionsmustbe lifted because they were targeted at the old regime. Thevictimandtheoppressor should not be treated in the sameway,”hesaid.
Sharaa led the lightning offensive that toppled Bashar al-Assad’s regime lessthantwoweeksago.He is the leader of the Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS), the
dominant group in the rebel alliance,andwaspreviously knownbyhis nom de guerre of Abu Mohammed alJolani. HesaidHTSshould be de-listed as a terrorist organisation.Itisdesignated as one by the UN, US, EU and UK, among many others, as it started as a splinter group of al-Qaeda, whichitbrokeawayfromin 2016.
SharaasaidHTSwasnot aterroristgroup.
They did not target civiliansorcivilianareas,he said.Infact,theyconsidered themselves to be victim of the crimes of the Assad regime. He denied that he wanted to turn Syria into a
version of Afghanistan
Sharaa said the countries were very different, with different traditions Afghanistan was a tribal society In Syria, he said, there was a different mindset.Hesaidhebelieved in education for women.
“We’ve had universities in Idlib for more than eight years,”Sharaasaid,referring to Syria’s north-western province that has been held byrebelssince2011.
“Ithinkthepercentageof women in universities is more than 60%.”And when asked whether the consumption of alcohol would be allowed, Sharaa said:“Therearemanythings
I just don’t have the right to talk about because they are legal issues.” He added that there would be a “Syrian committeeoflegalexpertsto write a constitution. They willdecide.Andanyruleror presidentwillhavetofollow thelaw”.Sharaawasrelaxed throughout the interview, wearingcivilianclothes,and tried to offer reassurance to all those who believe his grouphasnotbrokenwithits extremist past Many Syrians do not believe him. The actions of Syria’s new rulersinthenextfewmonths will indicate the kind of countrytheywantSyriatobe - and the way they want to ruleit.
WCD family gets new $15M
First Lady, Mrs.
Arya Ali, on
We d n e s d a y, fulfilled a lifelong dream of theReddyfamilybyhanding them the keys to their new home at Meten-Meer-Zorg, WCD.
According to a press releasefromtheOfficeofthe First lady, just one week beforeChristmas,thefamily, headedby39-year-oldsingle motherandsolebreadwinner Lisa Reddy, entered their furnished three-bedroom home valued at $15 3 million.
The occasion marked a significant milestone in the journey toward stability and self-sufficiency for a family which has faced tremendous
challenges, the release stated, adding that the home w a s d e s i g n e d t o accommodate Lisa and her foursons–ages2,7,11,and 13 – as well as her 63-yearold mother, Daisy Reddy, who is deaf and mute. It is furnished with a sofa, television, stove, fridge, dining table and chairs, and beds.
Sadly, the family’s matriarch, 94-year-old LucilleReddy,passedaway in September, just before the completion of
construction, which commenced in June of this year “The loss has been deeply felt in the family, as she was a guiding force in the family’s hope for a



better future,” the release added
“Thishomerepresentsso much more than just four walls.It’sthefulfilmentofa dream that has been passed down through generations,” the First Lady said shortly after handing over the keys tothehouse.“Iamincredibly proud to be a part of this journey and to support this family as they begin a new chapter in their lives. I hope thishomeprovidesthemnot onlyshelterbutalsothehope and security they need to continue building a brighter future,”sheadded.
Mrs. Alialsohighlighted thatthisprojectwaspartofa largereffortbyherofficeand the Government of Guyana to support persons with disabilities (PWDs), and women,particularlythosein vulnerablesituations.
In addition to the new home, the First Lady has pledged $500,000 to the family for a poultry farm
which will supplement their monthlyincomeandsupport the educational aspirations of the four young boys. As the sole provider, Lisa has worked tirelessly to care for her children and mother, despite challenges and limitedresources.
“This is a dream come through for our family I want to thank God, and our First Lady who made this possible She was here yesterday putting up curtains, cleaning and sweeping;sheismorethana First Lady to us. She has a kind heart. Words cannot explain how I feel right now,”atearfulLisarelayed.
She added that her sons have told her that this is a “baton” handed to their family and it is their duty to ensuretheypayitforwardby being a blessing to another family
This is the third house handed over to a family through the Office of the
First Lady in as many years.
In 2022, a $12.2 million house was handed over to a familyofsixsiblings,andin 2023, a $13.6 million house was handed over to a family of four whose sole breadwinner was diagnosed withprostatecancer
Mrs Ali’s work has focused heavily on the economic empowerment of women and vulnerable groupslikePWDs.Thisyear alone, 100 women received technical and skills training through her office: 40 women from the hinterland received maritime and offshoretraining;45women from Region Two received trainingincosmetology;and 15 women were trained in various disciplines at the Carnegie School of Home Economics.
Additionally, three single-parent mothers received $1 5 million in grants this year to fund their start-ups.





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Crimedownby5.9%inRegion3- Commander
Police in Region Three have recorded a decrease of 5.9percentincrimeand36.1 per cent reduction in traffic accidents, so far this year
A press release issued by Police, on Wednesday, said Region Three Commander MahendraSiwnarinerevealed the statistics on crime and traffic accident reductions there during theAwards Ceremony and Luncheon held, on Tuesday, at the Leonora Technical Institute.
Duringtheevent,Commissioner of Police, Clifton Hicken, praised the dedication and commitment of Siwnarineandhisofficersfor their efforts in achieving the reductions. The press statement said, “Commissioner Hicken expressed his satisfaction with the region’s effectivepolicingandeffortsto build meaningful partnershipswithresidentsandcommunities throughout Region #3.”
During his address to the officers,Hickenreiteratedthe importanceoftheForce’sStrategic Plan 2022-2026, emphasising its six pillars: Operations, Partnership, Developing Our People, Infrastructure, Performance, Pro-
fessionalism, and Accountability. Regarding infrastructural development in the Region, the Commissionerannouncedthatallstations in Regional Three are nearly 99 per cent upgraded, designed to be modern and moreaccommodatingforboth the public and the officers stationed there.
“Importantly,thestations are so designed to accommodate members of the public, to accommodate the police, but more importantly, it is conducive for you to work beyond the normal means, [but] while the buildings are there, you have a responsibilitytoensureitiswellkept,” Hicken said. He urged the ranksinattendancetoqualify themselves academically, as he said this is the direction that the Force is headed in.
“Get yourself a piece of paper[getyourselfqualified). The organisation you’re in is more professional than before,” Commissioner Hicken asserted.
Expoundingontheroleof partnership, the Commissioneremphasisedtheimportance of this pillar of the Force’s Strategic Plan and urged the junior ranks to fo-
cus heavily on building partnerships with the communities they serve. “Partnership is one we’re not going to get ridof.AsIlookaroundhere,I look at the soldiers, and I’m smiling, because I’m always happy to have the soldiers around us. But more importantly,I’mseeingciviliansand I’mseeingchildren...andthat is partnership,” he said.
Whileacknowledgingthe efforts of the ranks in the region and the reduction in crime and accidents, Hicken reminded them that despite their strong performance, there is always room for improvement.
“You’reworkinghard,but you’re not working hard enough.Youaredoingbetter, but there is always room for improvement,”hesaid.“And so I’m sending a message now to ASP Grant and the Traffic Officer, next year, by the first quarter, the stats mustchange.Ithastochange. You cannot, cannot have an entireregionintermsofpartnership and you’re still gettingcrimes.Itmeansthepartnership is not working, and you need to put that as a priority,” the Commissioner cited.
“Do your work, and you aregoingtobepromoted.I’m saying that to say this, everybody cannot be promoted atthesametime,butworkand you’re going to be recognised,” the Commissioner pointed out. To show his appreciation and spread Christmas cheer among the division’s ranks, Commissioner Hicken announced a $400,000 cash incentive for the Region.
Duringtheceremony,several hardworking and dedicatedofficersatalllevelswere recognised and awarded trophies and cash incentives. Among the honourees were Detective Corporal Yannick Henry, who received the Region’s ‘Best Cop’ award, andRegionalTrafficOfficer, Assistant Superintendent Maniram Jagnanan, who earnedthe‘Runner’s-upBest Cop’award.
The ceremony was also attended by key figures, including Director of the GPF Academy, Woman Superintendent Sonia Herbert, Deputy Commander of Region Three Superintendent Kevin Das, and various regional partners and stakeholders.
Over 50 properties acquired to clear way for new Berbice River...
From page 2 China Railway Eryuan EngineeringGroupCompanyLimited (China); Rockey & Son Construction (local); Kalpataru Projects InternationalLimited(India);Vishwa SamudraEngineeringPrivate Limited (India); and Aecon GlobalServices(Canada).
1 Honda CRV, includes TV, musicsystem,alarm,reverse camera, spoiler, crash, low mileage PTT Series (first owner).Call:649-0956.
Aracari Hotel renovated rooms ,A/C, TV, Restaurant, bar, pool, gym Stay 7 nights, 1Free!Call:264-2946.

In January, President IrfaanAli announced that his government intended to constructafixedhigh-spancrossingbridgeacrosstheBerbice River ThePresidentmadethe announcementduringhisaddressatthesod-turningevent for the US$161 million modern hospital in New Amsterdam,RegionSix(East Berbice-Corentyne).
“We are already understanding for the future needs ofthisregion.Thatiswhywe are accelerating the plans for a fixed high-span crossing bridge across the Berbice River just like the one in the DemeraraRiver,”hestated.
The President initially made the announcement of a new Berbice River Bridge back in October 2022. This structure is expected to mirror the US$260 million new Demerara River Bridge. Following the ministry’s advertisement, at the commissioning ceremony of the SchoonordtoCranefour-lane highway road, the Head-ofState had announced that plans are underway to have
the current Berbice River Bridge toll-free and that the new bridge when completed willalsobetoll-free.
He said at the time, “we are in the process of discussing with the Berbice Bridge Corporation the possible acquisitionofthatbridgebythe government,” he said. If the acquisitionisnotfinalisedby the time the new Demerara River Bridge is operational, the Berbice River Bridge crossingwillalsobecometollfreesimultaneously
Moreover, the current Berbice River Bridge, which was constructed between 2006 and 2008 at a cost of $8 billion, received financial backing through loans and
equity contributions from variousentities,includingthe state-run National Insurance Scheme(NIS)andprivateinvestors.
It must be noted that the bulk of the money invested in the Berbice Bridge came fromNIS.Sharingownership percentages in the Berbice BridgeInc.(BBCI):National Industrial and Commercial Investments Ltd (NICIL) holds 10 per cent, NIS owns 20.2percent,andotherstakeholders include Hand-inHand Fire Insurance (10 per cent),NewGPC(20percent), Queens Atlantic Investment Inc.(20percent),andSecure International Finance Co. Limited(20percent).

Still no change to lopsided Exxon contract boasts Guyana's developments most successful in the world
Today marks five
y e a r s s i n c e
E x x o n M o b i l commenced offshore deepwateroilproductionhereand although the US oil major continues to boast of record profits owing to the lopsided nature of the contract it secured, the Government of Guyanaisyettotakestepsto change the deal so that Guyanesecanbenefitmore.
The government has also failed to implement key strategies for the prudent management of the resources and measures that allow for public oversight and accountability ExxonMobil is the operator of the prolific Stabroek Block where more than 11 billionbarrelofoilresources have been discovered since 2015. ExxonMobil Guyana operates the block in partnership with Hess and CNOOC.
The agreement exempts the oil companies from paying taxes directly, with Guyanacoveringthesecosts, and allows the companies to recover up to 75% of their investments before the
remaining 25% is split. Of this,Guyanareceives12.5%, in addition to a 2% royalty paidbytheoilcompanies.
Inapressreleasetomark the five-year anniversary, ExxonMobil Guyana said the five years of production is a significant achievement that underscores the transformative potential of thecountry'sgrowingenergy sector “Since “first oil” at the offshore Liza Phase 1 project five years ago, Guyanahasbecomethethird largest per-capita oil producer in the world. The oil-and-gas sector has spurred tremendous economicgrowthinGuyana, helping to elevate the country to one of the fastestg r o w i n g e c o n o m i e s globally,” the company said.
ExxonMobil Guyana said it is dedicated to enhancing localcapacity,andGuyanese businesses and workers play critical roles in its operations.
It noted that more than 6,000 Guyanese are currently employed in goodpaying industry jobs, and ExxonMobil Guyana and its
Help us to identify this body

suppliershaveinvestedmore than GY $2 trillion to procure goods and services from more than 1,700 local Guyanese businesses "We're focused on capacity building, local content d e v e l o p m e n t , a n d environmental stewardship to ensure the benefits of Guy
s production reach every corner of the country,” E
e s i d
is yet to be identified.
Police in a release issued onWednesday said, “His body is presently at the Memorial Gardens Funeral Home awaiting family identification and post-mortem.” Anyone with information that can lead to identifying the relatives of the deceased is asked to kindly contact the Police at telephone numbers: 225-8196, 225-2683, 911 or the MemorialGardensFuneralHomeon223-7317.
, A l i s t a i r Routledge, said “We're grateful for the strong collaboration with our coventurers, Hess and CNOOC, and with the Government of Guyana – all ofwhomhaveplayedcrucial roles in responsibly developing Guyana's natural resources.”
ExxonMobil Guyana's deep-water developments arethemostsuccessfulinthe world. In five years, the companyhasstartedupthree complex offshore megaprojects on schedule and on b u d g e t , w h i l e simultaneously advancing plans for five additional projects by the end of the decade. Production capacity in Guyana is expected to surpass 1.7 million barrels
per day, with gross production growing to 1.3 million barrels per day, by 2030. “Working alongside our co-venturers and the Government, we are doing our part to foster a brighter future for all Guyanese,”
s a i d R o u t l e d g e
“ExxonMobil Guyana proudly celebrates this fiveyear milestone as a shared achievement, and we look forward to continuing our successful collaboration withthepeopleofGuyana.”
Meanwhile, Guyanese have been protesting for changestotheabrasiveterms of the contract signed with Exxon and Co-venturers HessandCNOOC;however, even without bringing the companies back to the n e g o t i a t i n g t a b l e , government can implement measures that allow greater governance of the sector, which is now the key driver ofthiscountry'seconomy
F i v e y e a r s a f t e r commencing production activities on the country's first Floating Production


President Irfaan Ali
Storage and Offloading (FPSO) vessel, Guyana has not implemented systems to verify the daily number of barrels being produced by ExxonMobil.
The country has not only started up two more FPSOs without independent meters to verify production, but has also, to date, sanctioned a totalofsixprojects.
Inthemeantime,Guyana is dependent on the production statistics reported by the operator of the projects. In addition to the absence of a parent company guarantee in the event of an oil spill, and the lack of ring-fencing on the projects, concerns have been r
ncy in the management of the sector and the spending of the oil funds The National AssemblyinDecember2021 passed a Natural Resources Fund Act to govern the revenue earned from the petroleum industry It earmarks specific guidelines for the use of the funds. However, there has been no indication from government as to a single project financed from this revenue streamtodate.
The first withdrawal from the account was made
Guyana's first Floating Production Storage and Offloading (FPSO) vessel, the Liza Destiny

President of ExxonMobil Guyana, Alistair Routledge
in May 2022. Parliamentary approval was granted for the sum of US$607.6 million to be transferred during the fiscal year 2022 and another US$1.002 billion in 2023.
Section 16.2 of the NRFAct
e x p l a i n s t h a t “ A l l withdrawals from the Fund shall be deposited into the Consolidated Fund and shall be used only to finance – (a) national development priorities including any initiative aimed at realizing an inclusive green economy; and(b)essentialprojectsthat are directly related to ameliorating the effect of a majornaturaldisaster.”
Government has not identified what are the “national development priorities” being funded by the oil revenue. The country is therefore, in the dark regarding the use of the f u n d s W i t h l i t t l e transparency regarding the use of Guyana's oil wealth, International Financial Analysts worry that the revenue may not be used to develop the country and improve the lives of its poor citizens For instance, Director of Financial Analysis at the Institute for Energy Economics and Financial Analysis (IEEFA), Tom Sanzillo, had pointed
government has not been prioritising saving the funds generated from the industry like Norway but has instead, has embarked on a massive infrastructural and energy development scheme which may very well benefit its partner, ExxonMobil, more than the citizens in the country.
He reasoned, “It may work to Exxon's benefit to put in new roads, it may be Exxon's benefit to build a new gas plant but they don't need that kind of electricity system in Guyana and who knows if they actually need the roads that are being built because there is no public processsowhatyouhaveisa planandtheplanistousethe money to keep the existing political structure in power and that's what is going to be done.”
Meanwhile, Director of Energy at Americas Market Intelligence, Arthur Deakin, had also shared the view that the government lacks a clear structure on how the resources from this sector will be used to transform the lives of Guyanese. He noted thatGuyana'soil sector has been moving at one of the fastest paces known in the industry; however, when it comes to translating that wealth to the population, this has been takingsometime.
In fact, the specialist pointed out that for the wealth to benefit the population, it would require structural planning by the administration. To this end, D e a k i n s a i d , “ T h e government lacks a clear vision, a clear plan on how it's gonna spend the money it's receiving from the oil revenue, so I think there is a l o t o f r o o m f o r improvement.”






Thomas’s hat-trick inspires D.C Caesar Fox 10-5 victory, as Annai Sec’ hammer Dolphin
The2024KFCUnder-18 International Goodwill Football Series, which is coordinated by the Petra Organisation, continued yesterday at the Ministry of Education (MoE) and Queen’s College (QC)
grounds, with local
powerhouse Annai Secondary and D.C. Caesar Fox Secondary securing their first wins of the tournament. As the series approaches the semifinals tomorrow and the grand finale on Sunday, December 22, these hinterland giants have regained their footing after stumbling in their openingtwogames. In the first match of the dayattheQCground,Annai Secondary delivered a commanding 8-1 victory over Dolphin Secondary, whoareyettowinamatchin this year’s campaign.
Annai’sSudeshPersaudwas the star of the game, showcasing precision and flair by netting four brilliant goalsinthefifth,56th,80th, and 85th minutes. Persaud’s efforts were complemented by Adrian Cabral, who scored twice in the 66th and 81stminutes,whileMatthias JohnandJoshGlasgoweach contributedagoaltosealthe emphaticwinforAnnai.
Meanwhile, at the same

venue, Region Seven’s D.C. Caesar Fox Secondary crushedSuriname’s Henry Hassankhan Community College 10-5 in a high-scoring affair This victory marked a strong comeback for D.C. Caesar Fox,whohadearliersuffered defeatstoChase’sAcademic Foundation and St. Benedict’s College of Trinidad. Stephon George ignited the home team’s momentum with two early goals in the 5th and 12th minutes, quickly followed by Lot Crane’s strike in the 13thminutetoestablisha3-0 lead.
Thursday December 19, 2024
Nothing is simple where your family is concerned If you've forgottenthat,don'tworry You mayhavetodealwithsomeof your lingering problems with certainfamilymembers.
Youliketogivepeopleadvice andhelpthemfinddirectionin their lives - sometimes when they haven't even asked. But nowit'syourturntofeelalittle lost.Youmayneedtogetaway from it all to get some perspectiveonyourlife.
You may put your integrity under the microscope today. We all have deep convictions thatwewouldneverletgoof. Butsocietypressuresus,andit isn't always easy to live in perfect harmony with our ideals.
Your freedom is more important to you than anything else in your life. It's often very difficult for you to get involved, whether personallyorprofessionally
Todaycouldbeaturningpoint foryou,Leo.Isitpossiblethat you've finally learned how to say no? You spend so much time on other people's problems that you have little energyleftforyou.
VIRGO(Aug 23–Sept 22)
Today you will be able to explore the power of your emotions. Don't try and fight what you call your "oversensitivity " A force fromchildhoodwillpermeate you and help you to find out whatyourrealneedsare.
BCB AGM outlines plans for continued development in 2025
The Berbice Cricket Board (BCB) held their Annual General Meeting (AGM) on December 15, lookingaheadastheyseekto continue more growth and development with 2025 aroundthecorner
The AGM was hosted at the Rose Hall Community Centre, where BCB president Dr Cecil Beharry ledtheday’sactivities.

Libra, you feel secure in the warmth and depth of your emotions.Todayyouwillhave the opportunity to reenergize and regenerate yourself from theinsideout.
SCORPIO(Oct.23–Nov 21)
Theatmospheremayseemabit oppressivetoday,Scorpio.You like to be free to do what you want to do, and it may bother youthatthepeoplearoundyou don't make themselves availabletoyou.
SAGIT(Nov 22–Dec.21)
You may feel a bit tied down today Itwon'tnecessarilybea bad day, but you may wonder about certain aspects of your family life. Don't try and kid yourself.
There are days when you should take everything with a grain of salt. Today you may realize how important it is to gain the appreciation and respect of a certain person. It isn't worth getting worked up about. You will only make thingsworse.
Aquarius, you shouldn't even try to find a reasonable explanation for what goes on around you today There isn't one. Be carried by the tides of emotionsfromthepastthatrun throughyourbodyandsoul.
Today you may ask yourself if you're satisfied. How is your personal life? Do people live uptoyourstandardsorareyou a
dissatisfied? It may be time to
Kemron Thomas extendedtheadvantagewith a 36th-minute goal, making it 4-0 before Henry Hassankhan responded with two quick goals in the 37th and 39th minutes to narrow the gap to 4-2. The second half, however, belonged to D.C. Caesar Fox. Thomas completed his hat trick with goals in the 56th and 90th minutes Jim Carter and Dominic Elliman also shone nicely, each scoring twice; Carter in the 51st and 82nd minutes and Elliman in the 53rd and 86th minutes to round off the dominant performance ahead of the knockoutstage.
The action continued at the MoE ground with an exciting double-header on thecards.Leaguechampions
Chase’s Academic Foundation, boasting two wins against Henry Hassankhan College and D C Caesar Fox, faced Trinidad and Tobago’s undefeated Intercol champions, St. Benedict’s College. This clash of titans promised to be a thrilling contest.Inthesecondmatch, the 2023 champions Clarendon College squared off against Tobago’s Speyside College in another eagerly anticipated encounter
As of press time, results for these matches were unavailable.Adetailedrecap of the final two games on Wednesday will feature in a subsequentedition.
The tournament is proudly sponsored by KFC, withadditionalsupportfrom ANSA McAl Distribution (Lucozade), Royal International Hotel, Tiger Rentals, SkyTec Enterprise, MVPSports,theMinistryof Education, and the Ministry of Culture, Youth, and Sports.
TheBCBheadoutlineda number of plans which featured goals and ideas to furtherhelpboostthestateof cricket in the Ancient County;planswhichinclude cricket development, financial development, among other areas which include selection committee objectives,etc.
Apartfromplansheading into 2025, a full review of 2024wasamongtheprimary aspects of the meeting Senior BCB executive
AngelaHaniffandSecretary RyanAlgusubmittedreports on behalf of the board, regarding numerous areas which have been crucial to the BCB during 2024 and goingforward.
Other topics including c o n c e r n s a n d recommendations were handled by the BCB president directly, as the Ancient County board seeks to continue their growth in thenewyear

Omari Glasgow, carrying the hopes and dreams of a nation to...
Frompage26 journey is a beacon of hope. It demonstrates thatthedreamofplayingatthehighestlevels offootballisattainable,evenforthosefroma countrywithlimitedresourcesandexposure.
At a broader level, Glasgow’s success underscores the importance of structured developmentpathways.
Chicago Fire’s commitment to nurturing histalent,fromtheirMLSNEXTProsetupto
IfGuyana’sfootballauthoritiescaninvest in similar systems, the nation’s footballing potentialcouldfinallyberealized.
As Glasgow takes the next step in his
career,hecarriesthehopesofanation. His story is a reminder that football in Guyana, though beset with challenges, has a bright future, and it begins with players like him.

Diamond Secondary SchoolonSundaylastatthe Durban Park Tarmac, won the James Uprising Lewis trophy in a Tapeball cricket tournament staged at the venue.
St John’s College defeated Covent Garden Secondary in preliminary action Covent Garden batted first and scored 73 runs for 6 wickets, Ravin Singh top scored with 51runs, while Lamar Bailey took 4 for 17 in his allotted overs.
When St. John’s college batted,theyreached48for6, with 12 balls left to get the requiredruns,ShawnPrince, took the Covent Garden bowlers to task as they scored 75runs for 6 wickets to win the sir James aka Uprising Lewis trophy and medals donated by The TrophyStall.
In the second and final competition, Diamond Sec. School defeated St College

towintheForeignSecretary Trophy Diamond Secondary batted first and scored 38 runs in their overs; Akash Roopnarine top scored for Diamond with 23. When St. John’s college batted, they only made 33 runs for 5 wicketsintheirovers.
The organisers have expressed thanks to all the schools that took part in all the competitions for 2024 andishopingforsponsorsto come on board for 2025 for Ta p e b a l l c r i c k e t competitions to get more better Special thanks is extendedtotheTrophyStall.
GCF eyeing growth across other regions in 2025 following successful Inter-Schools tournament
K&S/One Guyana National Futsal Championship
Stabroek Ballers, Spart Boss, Bent Street ‘B’, North East & Unstoppable advance
With round-of-16 spots on the line, the round-of-32 of the inaugural Kashif & Shanghai / One Guyana National Futsal Championshipgotofftoanexhilaratingstart onTuesdaynightattheNationalGymnasium.
Thefirstteamtobookitsspotinthenext round and with it, qualified for the February 2025GuyanaEnergyConferenceandSupply
Goals were tough to come by in the first halfasbothteamsweresolidindefence.But this deadlock was finally broken in the 11th minute when Unstoppable’s LeondroArthur found the back of the nets. But almost immediately,Albouystowndrewlevelwitha goal off the boot of Timothy Thomas in the 12th.
KioyseRobertsonrestoredtheadvantage for Unstoppable on the stroke of half time, 15th minute. There was another semi goal droughtintheopeningminutesofthesecond halfanditwasuntilthe24thminutethatAlex JulydrewAlbouystownlevelagainat2-2.
Celebrating his signing to the first team of MLS side Chicago Fire, Omari Glasgow opened the scoring for Sparta in the 2nd minute, but Festival City responded in like manner one minute later through Colwin Best.
Curtez Kellman, with back to back goals inthe4thand5thminutebroughtSpartaback into the game with Jermain ‘Panky’ Junor addingthefirstofhisbraceinthe6thminute asSpartaracedtoa4-1lead.
Jerome Permaul pulled another back for FestivalCityinthe9thminutebutthethreegoalcushionwasrestoredforSpartabyJunor on the stroke of half time. Goals in the 20th and 22nd minute from Akeen Jaikarran and TavelDecemberdrewFestivalCitycloserto Spartabutthatwastheendoftheirsparkfor thegame.
Kellman closed out proceedings with his third of the match in the 27th minute to see Spartasafelythroughtothenextround.
The GCF is keen on growing the sport across schools in other regions as part of their long-term developmental plans.

TheChessFederation(GCF)followinga successful Inter-Schools tournament is eyeingamassivedevelopmentplanfor2025 with hopes to expand its reach across the country
PresidentoftheGCFAnandRaghunauth iskeenonpushingchessintootherregionsin Guyana.
Aftertherecentlyconcludedcompetition, Raghunauth during his remarks said meticulous planning with some patience is neededforsuchamove.
Having more schools involved increased thecompetitionandlearningpoolasitrelates to growing and expanding the sport across Guyanainanaggressivemanner
Raghunauth added that the GCF has
already formulated the necessary blueprints forsuchapathforwardwhichwillprofitthe fraternityanditsupcomingyoungtalents.
Areassuchasregions2,3,6and10areon theradarfordevelopingasthenexthubsfor thesportin2025.
A detailed initiative for pushing more inter-school competition within chess is another crucial area of identification by the GCFforthenewyear
Aftersomestifftwodaysofcompetition, Queen’s College dominated the tournament andtheGCFlaudednotonlythewinners,but all those who played a role in making the tournament a successful model for learning the essentials of chess, while keeping the youngstarssharpandready
Thescriptunfoldedagainlikebeforewith Unstoppable once again taking the back the lead in the 27th minute through an Osric Barrow strike, but this time around, Albouystown were not able to respond and fell short, as Unstoppable notched their secondwintoadvance.
The night’s second clash proved to be an easypassagetothenextroundforNorthEast as they ravaged Buxton, 9-2. It was the East Coast side that drew first blood in the 4th minute compliments of a Stephen Dolphin goal.
Thereafter though, it was all North East whichfiredintheirninegoalsinthefirstand secondperiodofplayledbyLennorCortwith a helmet-trick (10th, 12th, 22nd, 26th).
Tyreese Dennis tucked in a hat-trick (15th, 17th,18th),withoneeachfromCalvinMoore (9th) and Rishaun Ritch in the 24th minute. Buxton scored their second on the stroke of fulltime,thankstoClevonBarnwell(30th).
BentStreet‘B’keptacleansheetagainst AlexanderVillagewhomtheytrounced,4-0. ShaneJonesledwiththreegoalswhichwere scoredinthe1st,15th,and17thminute.Tyler Lylenettedtheotherinthe6thminute.
Next up was Sparta Boss, mirroring a national team, but they encountered a scare from the determined Festival City team.
The night’s final clash saw Stabroek Ballers making light work of Team Family from Mocha, 8-3. Doubles from Dorwin George(12th,28th),andMarcusTudor(14th, 30th)ledStabroekBallerswithoneeachfrom Shamar Welch (1st), Deon Alfred (16th), Gerry Burnette (23rd) and Dwayne James (25th). Team Family got a brace from Teon Jones (29th, 30th) and Chris Macey in the 27th minute. Action will continue tonight whenfivemoreteamswillmakeitthroughto the round-of-16. Timehri Hustlers will face Kitty Hustlers to start proceedings at 19:30hrs.Espanyolwillthentakecenterstage when they come up against LaingAvenue at 20:15hrs.
Stabroek ‘B’ will then oppose Show Stoppers at 21:00hrs, Bent Street face Spaniard at 21:45hrs with the night capper between Back Circle ‘A’and Vryheid’s Lust at22:30hrs.
All 16 teams advancing will all receive full uniforms. This inaugural Kashif & Shanghai / One Guyana National Futsal Championship is powered by the GovernmentofGuyana,MinistryofCulture, Youth and Sport, Ansa McAl Distribution Inc., Forrester’s Concrete, Jai Sign’s and Designs,HJTV,StarPartyRental,Bakewell, Superbet, Dinar’s Trading, Trophy Stall, Tiger Rental, Colors Boutique, Guyana Energy Conference and Supply Chain, and SQApparel.

Hear Me Out
OmariGlasgow,carryingthe hopesanddreamsofanationtotheMLS
When Omari Glasgow signedhisfirst-teamcontract with Chicago Fire FC, it wasn’t just a personal milestone, it was a pivotal moment for Guyanese football.
Glasgow, 21, becomes onlythesecondhome-grown Guyanese player, following GregoryRichardsonin2009, to secure a Major League Soccer(MLS)contract.
Richardson’s brief but impactful stint with the Colorado Rapids paved the way for today’s young hopefuls,andGlasgow’srise represents a torch passed through generations of Guyanese footballers chasing their dreams on the internationalstage. Be


moment. Richardson, then 26, joined the Colorado Rapidsafterimpressingwith Joe Public in Trinidad and Tobago’s Pro League. His MLS career, though shortlived,openedawindowinto what was possible for Guyaneseplayers.
Meanwhile, other Guyanese-borntalentsfound success in the MLS through national team affiliations abroad.
Aubrey David, now representing Trinidad and Tobago, had a spell with FC Dallas, andAlex Bunbury, a bona fide Canadian legend, graced the league with the Kansas City Wizards after a glitteringcareerinEurope.
Glasgow’s achievement is significant in this lineage. ItshowsthatlocalGuyanese talent, not just those who represent other nations, can breakintooneoftheworld’s most competitive football leagues.
His signing is both a vindication of Guyana’s football potential and a clarion call for greater investment in the sport at home.
The journey of Omari Glasgow has been nothing short of inspirational. Since signing with Chicago Fire FC II in 2022, he has methodically worked his way up the ranks, amassing 62 regular-season appearances, 15 goals, and 13 assists in MLS NEXT Pro.
His call-up to the first team is a testament to his persistence and talent

G l a s g o w ’ s accolades at the international level, including his record-breaking 20 goals for the Golden Jaguars and his historic Golden Boot at the 2024 CONCACAF Nations League,furtherunderlinehis potential.
WhatsetsGlasgowapart is not just his talent but his drive to succeed. His ambitiontousetheMLSasa stepping stone to Europe speaks volumes about his mind-set.
In his own words: “I worked hard throughout my career to get to this level… Going forward, it’s about playing regular MLS football and transitioning to one of the top clubs in Europe.” For a nation that often struggles to retain its brightest stars in local leagues, Glasgow’s aspirations are both refreshingandnecessary
Carrying the torch for Guyanese football is as burdensome as it is honourable. With his MLS signing, Glasgow becomes the face of hope for a generation of young players in Guyana. But this role comes with immense pressure.
Football in Guyana, despitemomentsofpromise, has struggled with systemic issues, from inadequate infrastructuretoinconsistent youth development programmes Glasgow’s
success,therefore,isnotjust his own; it’s a symbol of what’s possible when talent is nurtured and given a chancetoflourish.
To set himself apart, Glasgowmustfocusonafew key areas, starting with consistency, where the transition from MLS NEXT Pro to the senior team is significant, and Glasgow mustseizeeveryopportunity to prove he belongs at this level.
Professionalism, staying grounded, disciplined, and committed to continuous improvement will be crucial as he navigates the challenges of top-tier football.
H e m u s t s h o w leadership, since as the standard-bearer for young Guyanese talent, Glasgow hasanopportunitytoinspire the next generation by sharing his journey and staying connected to his roots.
Glasgow’s platform allows him to highlight the need for better football infrastructure and support systems in Guyana, paving thewayforfuturestars.
TheimpactofGlasgow’s MLS signing cannot be overstated For young playersinGuyana,his
Continued on page 24

Trophy Stall hands over trophies for Kennard Memorial
Turf Club Boxing Day Horse Race meet Tur
P- over 45 horses entered so far
reparations are moving apace for t h e m u c hanticipa
over $7M in cash, trophies and other incentives up for grabs.
ed Kennard
morial Turf Club
(KMTC) Boxing Day Horse
With just over a week remains before race day, horse owners are making sure that their animals have beenenteredearlyandarein excellentshape.
So far over 45 of the country’s top animals have been entered for the event which is set for the Club’s track at Bush Lot Farm, CorentyneBerbice.
The seven-race meet has
ThepopularTrophyStall throughitsManagerRamesh Sunich has already handed over trophies for the event.
The handing over was done by Mrs. Devi Sunich of the Trophy Stall to Honorary PresidentoftheKMTCMrs. ChandKennard.
A number of other sponsors have also inked theirnametobeapartofthe day’sactivity
ThefeatureC1andlower event is expected to be a ding-dong affair as most of the top horses in that category are expected to feature. They will compete
for the Sunny Kharag MemorialStakesandTrophy with the winner set to race awaywithanenticing$1.2M andtrophyover7furlongs.
The race for three years old open Guyana Bred animalshasawinner’sprize of $500,000 and a trophy over7furlongs.
Animals competing in the H1 and lower horses contest will aim for the $500,000 and trophy first prizeover7furlongs.
There is a reward of $300,000 and trophy available for the top animal intheJandlowerraceover6 furlongs.
The other races on the day’s card are the L class
Windiesfalterindisheartening serieslosstoBangladesh
Taskin Ahmed returned 3 for 16. (Cricket
West Indies)

SportsMax - The West Indies crumbled toadisappointingdefeatagainstBangladesh in the second T20 International on Tuesday nightattheArnosValeGroundinStVincent, surrendering the three-match series with a game to spare. Chasing a modest target of 129, the hosts were bowled out for a paltry 102,fallingshortby27runs.
Bangladesh’s total of 129 for 7 was their lowest-ever successfully defended total against the West Indies while batting first, exposingthehomeside’sinabilitytoadapt.It was a disciplined effort from Bangladesh’s bowlers,ledbyTaskinAhmed’sincisive3for 16, with spinners Mahedi Hasan, Rishad Hossain,andTanzimHasanallclaimingtwo wicketsapiece.
West Indies’ chase unravelled almost immediately Taskinstrucktwiceinthethird over, removing Brandon King for 8 and Andre Fletcher for his second consecutive duck in the series. Mahedi then dealt further blows, dismissing Johnson Charles lbw and inducingNicholasPoorantoedgetoslip.By the ninth over, the hosts had crumbled to 42 for 6, with any hope of a comeback slipping away DespiteRostonChase’sresistance,which included a few late boundaries, and some support fromAkeal Hosein, the West Indies
open, the K class nonwinners and L open and the gallop for the Guyana Bred twoyearsoldmaidenhorses. The winners in those events willtakehome$250,000and trophy
Other sponsors on board include P and P Insurance Brokers, Kharag Family of USA, Patsan Trading Establishment, Horse Shoe Racing Services, Colin Elcock Delmur Company Limited, Metro Company Limited. Mike’s Pharmacy, NandSMataiandCompany, RohanAuto Sales, Khanai’s Guyana Electrical Agency, Devin Sawh Mechanical Work Shop, Joe Jagmohan, Big G Sawmill and Lumber
The KMTC facility,
recently, is in top shape and an exciting day of racing is anticipated.
Trophy Stall will be presentingtrophiestothetop

jockeys, trainers, sables amongothers.
couldnotclawbackintothegame.Bothfell to the relentless Bangladesh attack as the inningsfoldedin18.5overs.
Earlier, the West Indies had managed to keepBangladeshtoamodesttotal,thanksto strong bowling performances from Akeal HoseinandRostonChase.
Hosein removed Litton Das early in the powerplay, continuing his impressive form, while Chase’s delivery to dismiss Tanzid Hasan was a highlight. However, Shamim Hossain’sunbeaten35off17ballslateinthe innings proved decisive, lifting Bangladesh toadefendabletotal.
ThelossmarksaseriesdefeatfortheWest Indies and exposes glaring issues in their battinglineup,whichfailedtoadapttoapitch offering considerable assistance to the bowlers. Bangladesh’s clinical performance ensuredtheycelebratedtheirseriesvictoryin style, leaving the hosts to reflect on another missedopportunity
The final match of the series will now serveasadeadrubber,butfortheWestIndies, it is a chance to salvage some pride after a lacklustreshowingonhomesoil.
Scores: Bangladesh 129 for 7 (Shamim 35*,Mehidy26,Motie2-25)beatWestIndies 102(Chase32,Hosein31,Taskin3-16)by27 runs.
Interested persons can contact Isaac Dalloo 6890629, Fazal Habibulla 6577010, T Jagdeo 618-7278, Ropnauth Sewsankar 6786722forfurtherdetails.
The event will be staged under the aegis of the KMTC.





