
Landlord dies after tenants brutally beat him


Minibus crashes into GPL pole at De Kinderen causing power disruption

Landlord dies after tenants brutally beat him
Minibus crashes into GPL pole at De Kinderen causing power disruption
Ex x o n M o b i l Guyana Limited
(EMGL) has finalised the purchase of a third Floating Production Storage and Offloading (FPSO) vessel from Dutch shipbuilder SBM Offshore. The announcement was madebySBMonThursday “SBM Offshore and ExxonMobilGuyanaLtd,an affiliate of Exxon Mobil
Corporation, have completed the transaction related to the purchase of FPSOLizaDestiny,aheadof the maximum lease term, whichwouldhaveexpiredin
December 2029 The
p u r c h a s e a l l o w s ExxonMobil Guyana to assumeownershipoftheunit while SBM Offshore will continue to operate and maintain the FPSO up to 2033,”thecompanysaidina statement.
The transaction comprises a total cash consideration of US$535 million. This will bring the total cost spent to purchase the three FPSOs to just over US$3billion.
The FPSO Liza Destiny has been on hire since December 2019 and since 2023hasandwillcontinueto
be operated through the integrated operations and maintenance model combining SBM Offshore and ExxonMobil’s expertise and experience delivering outstanding operational performance.
In August, this publication reported that EMGL was considering the purchase of the Prosperity and Liza Destiny FPSOs ahead of the end of their maximum lease terms in
Last yea
Exxon purchased the Liza Unity from SBM for US$1 3 billion, a few months before theendofitsmaximumlease term in February 2024.
Similarly, on November 7, SBM announced that it had completed the transaction withEMGLinrelationtothe purchase of the FPSO Prosperity The purchase involved a total cash consideration of US$1 23 billion.
PresidentofExxonMobil Guyana, Alistair Routledge, has said that the purchase of the FPSOs is a more costeffective approach for both the company and Guyana.
interview aired by the “Energy Perspectives” podcast.
When asked about the company’s decision to purchase a second FPSO, Routledge said, “It’s really
primarily a financial matter It’s more financiallyefficientfortheinvestorsand for the country to purchase theFPSOsatthisstage.”
He explained that while earlyandconstructionleases canhelpensureefficientand h
completion,long-termleases typically involve higher financing costs. “We found that model to be a very effective one, but a longterm lease is generally a more expensive financing optionforthecountryandfor theinvestorsthanpurchasing
the FPSOs,” he said Routledge added that with thevesselsalreadyprovento be operating “very well” at this stage, Exxon feels comfortablethatit’stheright timetopurchase.
Notably, at his press conferenceafewweeksago, Vice President Dr Bharrat Jagdeo reminded that the money (US$3 billion) that was spent by Exxon to purchase the vessels will be recovered by the oil company from revenues generated from the Stabroek Block.At his November 14, press conference Jagdeo said, “That’s all part of the cost oil, it’s part of cost oil, everycentthatgoesintooris spent, it goes to cost oil…” theVicePresidentnoted.
Under the 2016 Production Sharing Agreement (PSA) that requires Exxon and its partners Hess and CNOOC to pay no taxes to Guyana, 75% of the revenues generated from the Stabroek Block go to Exxon to cover operational expenses. The remaining 25% is then split between Guyana and the oil companies–outofthatshare Exxon pays a 2% royalty to Guyana.
While serving as Opposition Leader, Bharrat Jagdeo said Guyanese should be sad each time ExxonMobilmakesanewoil discovery since the then administration accepted a baddeal.Heevenwentonto committo“renegotiatethose contracts”.
However, on Thursday, Jagdeo, who has since been appointed as Vice President, said he never meant that the deal with Exxon would be renegotiated During his press conference, Kaieteur NewsremindedtheVPofhis statements, shared while he was the Leader of the Opposition,andaskedhimto say whether he still holds thatviewandwhy
In his response, Jagdeo said,“Yes,soIsaidthatandI heldtotheviewandnotonly didIsaythat,Isaidthatthese contracts,someofthe,orthe c o n t r a c t s w i l l b e renegotiated - contracts. So, we had at that time six contracts, that is with Kaieteur, Canje block, several blocks. So, when we said we are not gonna renegotiate the Stabroek contract,andbecauseweare alreadyinproductionandwe willkillthemomentum.”
He went on to explain,
“Remember when I was talkingaboutthis,therewere six contracts outstanding so we said we will renegotiate those contracts and we’ve effectively kept our promise
Twenty-nine-year-old Vickash Dhunao, the driver involved in the Tuschen smash-up resulting in the death of two pedestrians, appeared at the Leonora Magistrates’ Court to answer to driving under the influence (DUI) and unlighted motor vehicle charges.
Dhunao, who lives at Tuschen, East Bank Essequibo (EBE) appeared before Magistrate Alisha George where he was charged with driving a motor vehicle whilst his breath alcoho
vel exceeded the prescribed limit,contrarytoSection39 A (1) of the Motor Vehicle and Road Traffic Act,
Chapter 51:02, and unlighted Motor Vehicle
(front) Breach of Regulation 35 (1) of the Motor Vehicles and Road Traffic Regulation Chapter 51:02 Dhunao pleaded guilty to both charges and was fined $200,000 on the DUI charge or two months imprisonment, and fined $10,000 for the Unlighted MotorVehicle.
However, in relation to the cause of death by dangerousdriving,Policein a statement issued on Friday,saidthatthefilehas been prepared and sent to the Director of Public Prosecutionsforadvice.
On December 15, 2024, at Tuschen, EBE, two pedestrians, 54-year-old YvetteDanielsand48-yearold Vishnudat Mohabir died. It was reported that the
becausewemadeitclearthat the new fiscal regime would have to apply to all of the contracts that were outstandingthenorcurrently outstanding, except the StabroekBlock.”
Jagdeo said his previous statement often causes confusion, since it was interpreted to mean that the Stabroek Block contract would be renegotiated. He, however, noted that government has kept its promise to “renegotiate the contracts” since the new Production Sharing Agreement(PSA)willapply totheotherblocks.
“We have effectively renegotiated five of them becausewemadeitclearthat the new PSAwould have to applytoallofthefivethatare outstanding, outside of the Stabroek Block, so Canje, Kaieteur, everything else,” hesaid.
accident involved motorcar #PKK 9890, driven by Dhunao.
Enquiries disclosed that the motorcar bearing registration number PKK 9890 was proceeding east along the northern side of the Tuschen Public Road at a fast rate, when the front portion of the vehicle collided with the two pedestrianswhowereatthe timecrossingtheroadfrom northtosouth.
Policesaidasaresultof thecollisionthepedestrians were flung into the air and fellontotheroadwherethey suffered severe injuries to their bodies. The motorcar also collided with motorcar bearingregistrationnumber PGG 5073, which was stationary on the northern side of the road facing east, before coming to a halt about 100 yards from the accidentscene.
Thedriverfledthescene andwaslaterarrested.
A Breathalyzer test conducted on the driver found alcohol on his breath measuring 070% and .071%micrograms.
becausenothingcomesour way. We are going to renegotiatethosecontracts becausethat’snotwhatwe had in mind. When we were in the early days, we were coaxing the people ( E x x o n M o b i l a n d partners)togoalong.They (APNU+AFC) came into office (and met) 3 billion barrels of proven reserves and then gave up zero royalty, no taxes, no ringfencing, no local content for these people to spend anymoneyhere.”
He continued: “Paying our people GY$72,000 a month when the foreigner is getting US$10,000.
Although Jagdeo’s comments at the time were focused on the lopsided natureoftheExxoncontract, he now claims that the statements were meant for theotheroilblocks.
Back in 2019, Jagdeo while being interviewed on 94.1FMsaid,“Theysoldus out to the foreigners - the oil companies. Every time there is a find there, our people should be sad
Bringing water from California to drink here. We are paying for all that. Landscaping - they wanna contract it to a company coming from abroad and the Trinidadians and others are just walking in notonlyintheoilsectorbut they are getting all the primelandstoo…Sothatis whyIgotbackintopolitics. I’mnotpreparedtoseethis happen;Ihavenodesireto bePresidentagain.”
Currently, ExxonMobil, the operator of Guyana’s resourcerichStabroekBlock istheonlyproducerofoilin the country It is therefore difficult to determine the effect a change in fiscal terms would have on those other blocks where production is not likely to commenceanytimesoon.
In the meantime, government has said the Stabroek Block holds approximately 11 6 billion barrels of oil Exxon has beengiventhegreenlightfor
on, producing over 650,000 b
ls per day (bpd) currently Guyanese have b e e n d e m a n d i n g a renegotiationofthetermsof theoilcontractsincethedeal m
y favours the contractor. For instance, Guyana receives a meagre 2%royalty,oneofthelowest known across the industry. Exxonanditscontractorsare also exempted from paying taxes. Meanwhile, each month,theoilcompaniescan
Guyana’s oil to recover its
nts The o
l companies still benefit from the remaining 25% which is split evenly with Guyana as profits.
PrintedandPublishedbyNationalMedia& PublishingCompanyLtd. 24SaffonStreet, Charlestown,Georgetown,Guyana.
Tel:225-8465,225-8491. Fax:225-8473,226-8210
Partisanpoliticsshouldbeonalesserscale;transparency mustbesosteadythatitiscredible. Thisisthecallfromthe newslateofGuyaneseelectedtogointo2025-2026atthehelm ofANew and United Guyana(ANUG) In addition,ANUG urgedthemainoppositiontobemindfulofhowitusescriticisms of the PPP/C Government’s actions Dialogue and solutions should be inseparable aspects of the opposition’s overarching participationinthedemocraticprocess
TheintensityofpartisanpoliticsinGuyanaisruinousto any visions about national unity The PPP/C Government hasadutytolowerthepartisanheatthat’snowacceptedas normal. Thebestwaytomanifestthisisforleaderstotone down their rhetoric. The insulting manner in which government leaders deal with the opposition in general, and criticalcitizensspecifically,onlylendtodeeperacrimonyand morepolarization Noreasonableindividual,noGuyanesethat trulylovesthiscountry,couldbeathomewithwhatpassesas government’s public narratives and postures The PPP/C Government leadership may pretend that it owns the high groundontheissueofrawpartisanshipthatroils Therecordis there to prove that government leaders don’t own any high ground Iftherestillisdisagreement,thentheymustcomeup withpersuasiveargumentsaboutwhytheyarealwaysdividing Guyana into ‘us’ vs ‘them’ Why there is this continual referencetowhatthePPP/Cisdoingtoday,asopposedtowhat theAPNU+AFC did close to five years ago? This is most unhealthy for an unsettled polity like Guyana, a fledgling democracy that is still struggling to find its comfort zone. Wefeelcomfortableinassertingthiswithoutfearaboutthe openly raucous nature of the government and its leaders. There are enough of the experiences of KN’s own people thatstandasproof.
Also, the new ANUG executive called for more transparencyfromthegovernmentonhowitspendstaxdollars Oil is bringing in billions of US dollars, and the government mustdobetterthandealinvaguegeneralitiessuchas“national developmentpriorities” Thegovernmentisclearlydeceiving itself when it holds onto the position that it is being generous with information that Guyanese need to know National development priorities don’t say much of anything and, to be blunt, serves as the best possible disguise for all the skulduggeries that have this country in an unshakeable grip Thisisasorepointforthegovernment,oneitprefersnottohear, andnotinfrequentlyusesitspowertogoafterGuyanesewho attractitswrath Thegameofrighteousindignationlongplayed by some of the more senior PPP/C Government is not only misplaced, but a joke Matters are only made worse by retaliatoryleadershiprhetoric,sincefewerarethecitizensthat place any faith in its defences There is only one way that facilitates the degree of transparency now compulsory in Guyana Thebusinessofthegovernment,theprojects,mustbe done cleanly, with qualified people selected to deliver them Oncegovernmentleaderscanstoptheirfarces,behonestwith themselves (and supporters), there is a chance of some appreciation for what true transparency means, and it doesn’t deterioratetoarunningcontroversyondelivering
The freshANUG leadership team noted the positives that existinGuyana’sjournalisticrankstoday,andraisedthebaron expectations Dr Mark France, ANUG’s new leader, emphasized the ongoing need for ‘unfiltered and unbiased information’disseminatedtothepublic Itisencouragingthat ANUG took this stance, because journalism by professionals havecomeinforalongandunrelentingbatteringfromPPP/C Governmentleaders Infact,formorethanafewseasonsnow, journalism in Guyana has been characterized by the sharply partisanandthebiased Officialdistortionsandcover-upshave becomeroutine,withqualityoilinformationsufferingthemost When taxpayers’dollars are used by those with the power to attack the independent media, and the media is turned into distrustfulcamps,thenitisobviousthatthereismuchworkto bedone.OneANUGpartnerdidn’tdothegroupwell. The hopeisthatthisnewteamwillrepresentwhatisdifferent.
, Writing about Syria these days, one can be perceptive or obsequious. You either have to be very judicious in selecting the information you choose to read and to follow or be sentimental and careless in selecting background material and sources of information about developments in Syria in particular and the Middle Eastingeneral.
Hafizal-Assad,fatherof Bashar al-Assad who I had the pleasure of meeting in November 1996 during President Jagan’s official visit to Syria, impressed me as a consummate politician withimmenseknowledgeof Middle East politics and the importance of Syria’s geostrategic location In the discussion with President Jagan he demonstrated his ability to balance his country’s geo-strategic interestswithitsneighbours’ loop in conformity with the adage,‘Youcanchooseyour friendsbutyoucan’tchoose yourneighbours.’
I have followed developments in the Middle East for many years and though I do not consider myself an authority nor expertonthesubject,having visitedanumberofcountries in the Middle East first, as ForeignAffairs and later, as Foreign Trade Minister and, afterlisteningtoandreading the work of professional analysts in the USAand the Arab world with long experience in Middle Eastern politics; biased and unbiased podcasters and ‘opensources’withbootson the ground in Middle East countries,Iamablenavigate the religious/ideological fogginessandtocutthrough the thicket of complex and bizarre politics of that region.
It was from that perspectiveIcametorealize that, as I watched onTVthe fast-moving events in Syria on November 27, 2024 that there were other obscure movingparts.Itdidnottake me long to understand what was happening; I knew it would certainly not be two angelsinwhitesittingwhere the slain body of Syria lay, one at its head and the other atitsfeet.Thedestructionof Syriaisnottheend,Iranwill now be the next principal target.
The situation has been aptly captured by the UN Special Envoy to Syria: “After enduring ‘nearly 14 years of relentless suffering and unspeakable loss, this
dark chapter has left deep scars, but today we look forward with cautious hope to the opening of a new one one of peace, reconciliation, dignity, and inclusionforallSyrians.”
Press reports indicate that the situation in Syria remains fluid and fraught w i t h u n f o r e s e e n developments. It is not an easyquestiontowriteabout. I suspect that because of the complex and controversial n a t u r e o f r e c e n t developments in that country, mainstream media in Guyana has shied away from editorializing or publishing op-eds while letters to the editors on the subject are almost nonexistent.
What I witnessed as regardsIsrael’swaronGaza andthedestructionofSyria, unmasked the so-called ‘Rules-based World Order’ in contradistinction to Cheddi Jagan’s call for a ‘NewGlobalHumanOrder.’
Events in Syria demonstrated that when certain world or regional powers want regime change in a particular country, they set themselves the strategic objective to achieve it. In Syria’s case, jihadists who were once hunted down by Western nations as terrorists havebeeninstalledtogovern thecountryas‘liberationand freedomfighters.’
Arming, training and lending diplomatic support to the Islamists of Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (H.T.S.), a coalition led by a group formerlyknownasJabhatalNusra, the Syrian branch of Al Qaeda who had set themselves the task to establish a Caliphate in Syria, demonstrates the extent certain regional and worldpowerswereprepared to go to facilitate regime changeinSyria.Somecallit ‘destruction through inclusion, or, inclusion throughdestruction.’
The Syrian experience demonstrates that governments must either ‘play by the rules’ set for them by others or get out. Though it is possible, but highlyimprobablethatsome may return to power, that depends on a dramatic shift inthecorrelationofforcesin favour of those who once incurred the wrath of the powers that be Guyana experienced what I describe as‘TheInAndOutDoor’in 1964,1992,2015and2020.
If there are fundamental lessonstobelearntfromthe collapse of the state and government of the Syrian
Arab Republic, they would be, in my view, the misapplication of geopolitics and practice of realpolitik;neglectofSyria’s long-standing role as a pivotalgeo-strategicactorin theMiddleEast.
Geo-politics or geographicpoliticshastodo with the foreign policy of a country with contiguous borders to other countries andbeyond.
Syria has borders with five countries; Lebanon, Turkey, Iraq, Jordan and Israel Israel always maintained a belligerent posture towards Syria; Turkey was viewed as untrustworthy; relations with Iraq and Lebanon were ambivalent due to Hezbollah’s influence in the former and the Islamic Brotherhood’s influence in thelatter Jordanforitspart, had cultivated strong ties withWesternnations.
For Turkey and Israel, geopolitics appeared to be thedrivingdynamicfortheir conquest and dominance over Syria, and a desire to ‘balkanize’itsterritory How Syria’s territorial integrity and its quest for national unity was undermined by foreign powers is an important lesson Guyanese mustalwaysbearinmind
Assad’s understanding of geopolitics was reflected in his attempt to convince those with close ties to the West that Syria was losing out But this proved ineffectivewhenhefailedto strikeabalancebetweenold andnewfriends.
From reports, Assad appeared convinced that onlywithsupportofwestern governments the crippling sanctionscouldbeliftedand thelossofoilrevenuescould be restored. He figured that thegatewayfordoingsowas through the Arab League in general and the monarchies in the gulf states. Assad’s geopolitics appeared to be drivenbytheneedtoreverse his country’s loss of influence and his desperation to seek a place and space for his country in theglobaleconomy
The significance and importance of space, a euphemism for geopolitics wasreflectedinS/Neditorial ‘Guyana’s petro status and the 2025 general elections’ published on December 17, 2024: ‘No less significant is the greater ‘space’ that the country now occupies as an area of global strategic significance on the global map, which, of course, is attended by favourably
alteredglobalperceptionsof itsimageasastatewithinthe internationalcommunity.’
The collapse and disintegration of Syria follows similar occurrences i n t h e U S S R , Czechoslovakia,theGerman Democratic Republic, Yugoslavia. And just as the collapseoftheSovietUnion, wasthegreatestgeopolitical catastrophe of the 20th century, in the same way, Syria’s collapse, will prove to be the greatest geopolitical catastrophe of the21stcentury
National unity has been on Syria’s domestic agenda for many years. But it has proven to be the Achilles heelforthecountry Divisive and subversive local and external forces took advantage of the country’s ethnic, nationality, tribal, minority and religious peculiarities to destabilize and to make the country ungovernable. Guyana has ethnic peculiarities that opposition elements seek to exploit.
According to a Turkish proverb ‘He who has no bread has no authority.’Due to the crippling and corrosive effects of Western imposed sanctions, deprivationofrevenuesfrom its oil resources, a wrecked economy, a demoralized militarywhohadsuccumbed to external forces after fourteenyearsofwar,Assad had no ‘bread’ to offer his people,asaconsequence,he hadnoauthority Thankfully, theIrfaanAliadministration has‘bread.’
In late 2023, reports began to circulate about Assad’s desire to accommodate and to appease western powers. To that end, he initiated certain domestic and external measures. His decision to mendrelationswiththeWest rather than with Turkey proved disastrous. Turkey had grown impatient. The Jihadists were unleashed. In no time they overran Idlib, Aleppo and Homs and headed unimpeded for Damascus.
Assad’s friends stood aloof and watched the collapse of a neighbour To themSyria’scollapseserved as a reminder and perhaps, reinforcement of a conviction of what the cost wouldbeweretheytoignore therealitiesofageopolitical space dominated at present by pro-American and Israeli considerations and spheres ofinfluence.
Therewerenoprotests (Continuedonpage06)
, It was felt that the incident which sparked off the riot was the climax of animosity towards the citizens of Portuguese descent by those of African descent who felt that there was a difference in justice metedouttothem.
One case cited was the murder of Julie Chase, a mulattogirl,byherparamour Manoel Gonsalves, a Portuguese,inbroaddaylight in the presence of a witness He had shot the girl with a revolver after accusing her ofinfidelity Gonsalveswas
condemned to death, but for somereasonortheother,the Officer administrating the Government at the time considered the case and the sentence was commuted to penalservitudeforlife.
Unfortunately, not long before a citizen of African descent had been executed for a similar offence. This made the Afro-Guyanese population indignant that justicemetedouttoonerace was different to the other The government classes were well aware of the mistakemade,andtheJudge of the Supreme Court
memorialized the Secretary ofStateonthesubjectinfear that such distinctions in the administration of justice might have serious consequences The memo wasconfirmedinaveryshort time,butthenthedamagewas alreadydone,thereforewhen the rumour went on March 19th, that a person of Portuguese-descent had killed a boy of African descent, those of Africandescentweremorethanready to take justice into their own hands
DEAREDITOR, It is one thing to want to sell your property and it is quiteanotherwhenforcedto sell.Ifthegovernmentneeds the land of a private citizen
t o i m p l e m e n t i t s development plans, then it should be willing to pay a premium for that land in question. It is not the private citizen who is going on the open market trying to get a buyer at a fair price It is the government going to the citizentryingtogetthatperson tosell Wemustalldoourpart and help in our country’s development, but if it is you who needs what I was not sellingthenitisyouwhoneeds toprovideapremiumtocover the inconvenience The marketpricereflectswhatitis worthtoawillingseller The marketpriceplus25%iswhat itshouldbeworthtoanurgent buyer, especially when that buyer is the government and the seller wasn’t looking to sell. Compensate the land
owner who is being inconvenienced.
The argument over ancestrallandsbringstomind
our Indigenous Peoples We areafterallonthelandofthe AmerindianPeople Shouldn’t we first ensure that all of the AmerindianTribeshavewhat is rightfully theirs? Any land purchase by the State should have the approval of the Amerindian People and they should be compensated accordingly There have been several emotional moments during the last sitting of Parliament, and mention has beenmadeofwhatwastaken that belonged to the African andtheIndian However, we must remember and never forget that the Amerindian land is upon which everything has been built. They have never been compensated for what theotherfivepeoplesofour landnowconsidertheirown.
A hund
s of owne
ship is of no consequence when one considers the thousands of years that the Amerindian has possessed the land before it was forcefully takenfromthem.
Ifitisyoursandavisitor comesandsaysthathefound
Dr. Vishnu Bisram is an excellent, deserving nominee for India’s 2025 Pravasi Samman
DEAREDITOR, This letter serves as my recommendation to the Government of India
t h r o u g h t h e H i g h Commissioner of India to G u y a n a f o r i t s consideration to bestow the 2025 Pravasi Bharat SammanAward(PBSA)to Indologist and avid
promoter of India, Guyana’s illustrious son Dr VishnuBisram,aname that has been well known for decades throughout Guyana and the diaspora for his writings and other activities
i t a n d b u i l d s h i s infrastructure upon it and calls it his, does this change who the rightful owner is?
Ofcoursenot!Wemustfirst make things right by the Amerindian and treat each transaction with respect for therightfulowner Forevery land deal an agreed to percentage should go the AmerindianPeople. Maybe itisthatadditional25%that the Amerindian People are due. Butfirstandforemost, an agreement must be made that clearly identifies what may be used and what is owedtotherightfulowner
Thosewho“discovered” thepropertyofothersshould be the first to return what is not theirs and subsequently pay for what the owner is interested in selling. How elsecanitbeclaimedthatthe State owns assets? Correct what is wrong so what we buildmaybebuiltonasolid foundation.
Sincerely, Mr.JamilChanglee Chairman
T h e C o o p e r a t i v e RepublicansofGuyana
Having learned of the call for nominations for the 2025 PBSA, I am publicly announcing my recommendation of Dr. Bisram for the PBSA for h i s o u t s t a n d i n g contributions to Guyana, the Guyanese diaspora, the Indian diaspora, the Caribbean and its diaspora in America, and to India In multiple ways, Dr Bisram has exceeded the criteria and r e a s o n s f o r t h e prestigious Samman, India’s highest award given to an overseas based Indian (from the diaspora)
The honour is given to a nominee for roles in one or more of the f o l l o w i n g : b e t t e r understanding of India abroad, support of India causes, building closer links between India and the diaspora and the home countries of the diaspora, humanitarian causes, philanthropy and charitable work,
gaining prominence or eminence in a field, enhancing India’s image abroad, among other criteria.
Dr Bisram has contributed in each of the above criteria It is noted that Dr Bisram penned a dozen articles relating to Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s trip to Guyana including urging the Guyana government a few years back to invite the Indian PM to visit Guyana and countless more on India-Guyanarelations
Dr Bisram is well known for his many roles
as an indefatigable champion for free and fair elections, combating
excellence, academia, and for his courage to speak out onissuesthatthe publicisfearfultomention.
Dr Bisram is well known and respected for his intellect and diverse skil
capacity and capability,
, personal achievements, stellar community service and c
k, championing of issues in America that have been beneficial to Guyana, the Caribbean and India,
promoting the image of India, cementing ties between India and Guyana aswellasbetweenIndiaand thediaspora,andhisprolific writings – each of which individually is worthy of honour and combined is worthyofacountry’shighest award.
Dr Bisramisalsowell known and admired for organizing cultural events, seminars, and academic conferences in NewYorkandgloballyon G
No Guyanese has penned more writings on di
India than him and no
d Guyanese has written as much as him on Guyana related issues The public has not forgotten that Dr Bisram was among those, including myself,intheforefrontinthe media against the 2020 attemptedelectoralfraud.
In looking at several p
recipients of PBSA, Dr Bisram’s contributions to India and the Indian
im highly deserving of the
y honour given by the Government of Guyana Yourstruly, Dr.JerryJailall
m a n f r o m Buxton, East Coast Demerara (ECD) appeared at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Court, on Friday, to face robbery with violence and malicious damagetopropertycharges.
KacyMarshall,ofLot43 Buxton Company Road, ECD, is accused of robbing Devon Charles of a gold chainvaluedat$335,000on July24,2024,atRegentand Camp Streets, Georgetown. During or after the robbery, Marshall allegedly used personal violence, causing Charles to suffer a fractured skull and chest injuries. Additionally, Marshall is accused of maliciously damaging an Apple iPhone 11 Pro Max, valued at $185,000.
Magistrate Faith McGusty, whoreadthechargestohim.
Hepleadednotguiltytoboth charges.
his arrest and requested reasonable bail, citing M a r s h all’s r e cen t unemployment, his two minor children, and the fact that he appeared in court voluntarily However, the prosecutionobjectedtobail, emphasizing the severity of thechargesandthepenalties involved.
The prosecution also highlighted the injuries sustained by Charles A d d i t i o n a l l y, t h e prosecutionstatedthatvideo footage showed Marshall fleeing the scene and noted that the stolen jewellery had notbeenrecovered.
During the proceedings, Marshall’s attorney, Jevon Cox,appliedforbail,noting that his client had been arrested on August 9, 2024, andwasplacedon$100,000 station bail, and has been reporting regularly to the Alberttown Police Station.
Frompage04 nor demonstrations in Arab nor Muslim countries against foreign intervention in Syria. There was a total hushhushandfingersonthe lips of governments in the region.
Julani now considers himself a ‘statesman,’ however, he remains a U S - d e s i g n a t e d terrorist with a tenmillion-dollar bounty on his head, but this does not seem to matter as western nations rush to Damascus for talks on state-building plans for the territory Julani now controls
Since late November 2024, Julani issued statements reassuring
Syria’s many religious minorities, particularly t h e A l
w i t e s a n
hat his g
up has embraced pluralism and religious tolerance however, the coming days, and weeks will be a test of those statedintentions
If it is that Julani is proffering benevolence to theSyrianpopulaceandto the millions of refugees abroad, then Syrians would know from their own experience that benevolence is a fragile thing, it is withdrawn as easilyasitconferred.
Yoursfaithfully, ClementJ.Rohee Former Minister of ForeignAffairs
Cox questioned why Marshall was only being broughttocourtmonthsafter
After considering both arguments, Magistrate McGusty granted bail in the sum of $120,000: $75,000 fortherobberywithviolence and $50,000 for the damage to property Marshall is scheduled to return to court on January 17, 2025, for furtherproceedings.
Man dies after tree falls, traps him in mining pit
A53-year-old man was, on Thursday, killed whenatreefellwhilehewas working in a mining pit at KumungKumungBackdam, RegionSeven,trappinghim.
The dead man has been identified as Oscar King, who resided at K u m u n g K u m u n g Backdam, Puruni River Police reported that the incident occurred
between 16:00h and 17:00h
King was employed by Paul Holder, a 53y
) Holder is the owner of a land dredge at Kumung Ku
, B
ckdam where King and four other employeesworked.
I n v e s t i g a t i o n s revealed that prior to the incident, King and his c o - w o r k e r s w e r e working in a mining pit measuring 40 feet in width by 60 feet in length by 8 feet in depth
While working the jet, the southern side of the pit collapsed, causing a tree to fall and trap King, who was buried in mud
His co-workers dug him out, but he was motionless Police were info
d upon arrival transported King to the Puruni Health Post w h
arrival The miner’s body was taken to the Bartica Regional Hospital where it awaits a post-mortem examination “Statements have been taken, and the i
LeaderoftheOpposition Aubrey Norton, on Friday, reiterated his call for Chancellor of the Judiciary
Yonette CummingsEdwards and Chief Justice
Roxane George to be confirmedinthesubstantive posts.Nortonwasatthetime responding to questions posed by reporters on Thursday’s appointment of C l i f t o n H i c k e n a s Commissioner of Police
The Opposition Leader
t e r m e d H i c k e n ’ s appointmentas“illegal”and said there is need for the ChancellorandChiefJustice tobeappointedsoonest.
The women have been acting in their respective postssince2017.
“Now, as it relates to the Chief Justice and the Chancellor, I have said very earlyinmytermasLeaderof the Opposition, I agree for them to be appointed. The
question of why they aren’t appointed is a question for President Ali,” Norton told reporters.
Norton, in June 2022, indicated to President Irfaan Ali that he has no objection to both Cummings-Edwards and George being appointed as Chancellor and Chief Justice,respectively.
Kaieteur News reported on June 8, 2022 that Norton
had informed President Ali that he agreed
he confirmation of Justice Cummings-Edwards and JusticeGeorgeasChancellor and Chief J
, respectively
Norton through the People’s National Congress Reform (PNC/R) member
and attorney
w, Roysdale Forde, presented a
Parliamentary Affairs and Governance, Gail Teixeira, informingthegovernmentof the Opposition’s support for the appointment of the Chancellor and Chief Justice.
IntheletterdatedJune7, 2022,FordetoldtheMinister that: “This serves to inform you that the Leader of the Opposition Mr Aubrey C Norton is in agreement that JusticeYonnetteCummingsEdwards be appointed Chancellor of the Judiciary
and Justice Roxanne George-Wiltshire be appointed Chief Justice in keeping withArticle 127 (1) of the Constitution which states that ‘The Chancellor and the Chief Justice shall each be appointed by the President, acting after obtaining the agreement of t h e L e a d e r o f t h e Opposition’.”
To this end, Norton told membersofthemediaduring his weekly press conference that since the Opposition Leader has already fulfilled h i s c o n s t i t u t i o n a l responsibility, the President is now charged with making theappointment.
“I am saving the President the trouble of h a v i n g t o a s k f o r agreement what I have doneistoremoveanybarrier whatsoever I’ve made it c l e a r t h r o u g h t h e representative in his letter thatIaminagreementonceit is the appointment of the Chancellor and the Chief Justice There is no stumbling block left…it is nowoutthere;aformalletter
Chief Justice (ag) Roxane George
statingthatthePresidentcan go ahead removing (the need) of him having to engage me to say I am appointing the two. He can just go ahead because the society seems to agree that the two learned women are equipped, they have served, ruled in different directions soIdon’tthinkthattheycan be accused of being partisan to one political party or the other,”hesaid.
A few months later in September of the same year the Kaieteur News reported that President n Ali said the time has not come as yet for him to appoint a substantive Chancellor and Chief Justice. “We are not at the
Chancellor of the Judiciary (ag) Yonette Cummings-Edwards
stage of addressing those issuesasyet,thereisnothing stallingit,andisjustthatwe have not commenced addressing that as yet. I am trying to complete the J u d i c i a l S e r v i c e Commission, these things must be in place almost instantaneouslynowthatwe have the clearance,” the President said The Constitution mandates consultation and agreement between the President and theLeaderoftheOpposition onthetwotopjudicialposts. Justice Desiree Bernard wasthelastconfirmedChief Justice from 1996 t0 2001 andChancellorfrom2001to 2005.
Th e G u y a n a
R e v e n u e Authority (GRA) hasonceagaindemonstrated a perplexing propensity to stray beyond its statutory remit It is once again wielding powers it does not have,andfashioningitselfas a regulatory authority in areasnotofitsown.
This time, the GRA is requiring, as of January 1st next year, inspection certificates from the places of origin for reconditioned vehicles imported into the country Ostensibly,thisnew rule aims to address a proliferation of complaints
concerning imported r e c o n d i t i o n e d vehicles ranging from altered mileage readings to defective engines and substandard parts But nowhere has the GRA clarified the legal basis for this demand By what authority does the agency believe it can act as a gatekeeper of vehicle standards when its primary mandateistocollecttaxes?
The recent courtroom humiliation suffered by the GRA—a defeatat the hands
of a remigrant who successfully argued that the agency lacked legal authority to demand the source of funding for a
vehicle should have servedasacautionarytale.
It was a sobering reminder of the dangers of administrative overreach Yet,undeterredbyitspublic scolding, the GRA has chosen to wander even
furtherafield,venturinginto territory that, by all appearances, belongs to the Bureau of Standards. If the courts have already made it clear that the GRA is not at libertytoinventpowersasit goes along, why does the agency persist in this bureaucraticadventurism?
The issue here is not merely one of legal overreach but also one of principle and practicality
The GRAis a tax-collecting agency Its raison d’être is the collection of revenue to fund the machinery of the state. It is not—and was never intended to be a regulatory body tasked with setting or enforcing standards for consumer goods, much less for imported vehicles That responsibility resides squarely with the Guyana National Bureau of Standards(GNBS)andother relevant authorities The GRA’sdecisiontoimposean inspection certificate requirementappearstohave neither the legal scaffolding nor the institutional competencetosupportit.
Even if one were to accept, for argument’s sake, that there are genuine consumer protection concernsregardingimported reconditioned vehicles, the proposedsolutionisrifewith flaws and raises more questions than it answers. Chief among these is the issue of enforceability How exactly does the GRA propose to verify the authenticity and reliability
of these inspection certificates? An exporter in Japan for instance, could easily produce a favourable certification, regardless of the vehicle’s actual condition After all, the economicincentivestodoso areglaringlyobvious.
More troubling, however, is the question of cui bono—who truly stands to gain from this measure? The introduction of such a requirement bears all the hallmarks of a traderestrictive policy By creating additional hurdles for the importation of reconditioned vehicles, the GRA may inadvertently tip the scales in favour of newcar dealers, who have long soughttocurtailcompetition from the reconditioned vehiclemarket.
One cannot help but wonder whether this latest forayintostandard-settingis part of a broader pattern of institutional overreach. The GRA’s insistence on inserting itself into areas beyond its mandate risks creatingmoreproblemsthan it solves. If the agency’s leadership is so cavalier about its legal boundaries, how can taxpayers be confidentthatitwillexercise its existing powers—which are considerable with integrityandrestraint?
The GRA’s overreach threatens to set a dangerous precedent.Ifatax-collecting agency can unilaterally imposestandardsonvehicle imports, what’s to stop it from extending its tentacles
We gat some politician who hands
Dem boys seh a bigshot politishun in Guyana who rakin in G$50 million a year decide fuh show off and releasehetaxreturns,likeis somebigAmericancustom. De whole country get fuh seehowmuchhemekkin. Well,heneighbourwho living hand-to-mouth and running a lil charity dat strugglinmorethanGPLtek one look at de tax returns
and seh, “This man swimminginmoney,andhe ain’t giving nobody nothing!”
De neighbour decide fuhpayheavisit.Heknock pon de big brass gate and wait. When de politishun comeout,deneighbourseh, “Look, boss, I see yuh
mekkin G$50 million a year,butyuhnagiveonered cent to charity! Now me charityneedhelp,andguess wah?
I live right next door
Write me a lil G$1 million check, and me promise yuh won’thearfrommeagain.”
De politishun buss out one long steups and seh, “Yuhreallybelievebecause I mekkin G$50 million, I got money fuh fling around? You know wha goingoninmelife?”
De neighbour start fuh stutter,“Uh…well…”
De politishun cut in quick-quick.“Youknowme father house bun flat last year? He na got a blade o’ grasslefttohename!”
De neighbour seh,
into other areas of commerce? Will it next demand inspection certificates for imported electronics, furniture, or textiles? The slippery slope is all too apparent, and the potential for abuse is immense.
A g e n c i e s a n d institutions must operate within the confines of their mandates,lesttheyencroach upon the roles and responsibilities of others The Bureau of Standards is the entity legally empowered to set and enforceproductstandards.
TheGRAtherefore,must reconsider its position and
abandon this ill-advised inspection certificate requirement. If there are genuine concerns about the quality of imported reconditioned vehicles, these should be addressed through the appropriate channels namely, the Bureau of Standards and other relevant agencies.The GRA must resist the temptation to expand its mandate beyond its legal boundaries, no matter how well-intentioned its actions mayappear
One can only hope that the courts will continue to act as a check on the GRA’s overreach.Thejudiciaryhas
willingness to hold the agency accountable, as evidenced by its recent ruling against the GRA’s unauthorized demands on re-migrants.
(The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinionofthisnewspaper.)
“Wait… I na hear bout dat…”
“And you know me son crash he car de odda day? Dehospitalbillsbiggerthan a sand truck overload pon deEastBankroad!”
De neighbour rub he head,“Ah…sorry,boss…”
“And you know me sisterhusbandtekoff,gone back to Suriname, and lef she wid four pickney fuh feed?”
De neighbour now feelingshame.Heseh,“Oh man, me ain’t know all da story…”
De politishun lean in close and seh, “Well, if I ain’t give dem one dollar, wha mek you think you special?”
TheGuyanaPoliceForce trafficranksarebusy,andso is the Traffic Court. The scorecardtellsthestoryof60 errant drivers forced to park themselves before the Magistrate in the Traffic Court for various offenses. Of the three-score drivers charged, one in three don’t turnup. Dealwiththat,fora dealcouldbecutontheroad. Here are a few unworthy roadthoughts.
For each one of those 60 drivers who violated some traffic rule or reg, I could point out ten with my eyes closed. Oh, that is at a minimum, taking things easy, definitely traces of leniency Any arguments, anyone? Get a load of this one, fellow drivers. One driver was charged for dangerous driving and failing to report an accident and he or she is $50,000
lighter in the pocket. My mind is more muddled than usual,soanappealismadeto any kind citizen: help wanted. Witha$30,000fine fordangerousdriving,isthat citizen going to be inspired to go a bit softer on the gas? Say,like30to40kilometres perhourless? Atthislevelof fine,Icouldbetemptedtogo out, get a gallon of gas, and get going on the roads Unfortunately, this is not jokeystuff,fordeadlythings arehappeningontheroads. I takethelibertyofguidingthe traffic magistrate(s) to the top of the fine charts -six figures, to the maximum, as circumstances dictate Simply stated, there is that deterrent factor Of course, slick businesspeople get to write that off, and wellconnected road users, get theirticketswrittenoffatthe scene of their crimes. One
phonecallisallthatittakes, and there is usually the calling off of the dogs
Apologies to Guyana’s dedicated, professional, and ethical traffic ranks for referring to them as canines thataremadeintopawns. Everybody agrees, from politicianstothepolicetothe peasant to a pedestrian like me:speedkills. Whereisthe thrill in that finish line?
Speeding is a major contributor to reckless driving which escalates (or deteriorates) to dangerous driving. C’mon, Mr and Madam Magistrate: $30,000 and $50,000 fines are an incentive to rush out and push the gas pedal down. It is said that the law must not be punitive nor vindictive, whicharebestlefttoranking politicians. But I would argue that the rehabilitative withalowfineismoreabout
theimaginarythanfacingup toreality
Incidentally, that 30% of shake-and-bake drivers that moonedtheTrafficCourtby theirabsence,Icanvisualize a summons being issued. But there is a higher probability of arresting a minister in the Cabinet than one or a couple of that 30% crowdprowlingaboutonthe roadswithoutacareandwith a smirk. There is law in paper form, and there are thoselawsoftheroadandby the side of the pavement. It isthatwordthatExxonhates so much: negotiation. I assureoneandallthatIhave no intention of insulting Mr AlistairRoutledge,whoafter all qualifies as a citizen of this vaunted oil republic (maybe even a voter too). I hope he didn’t collect that $100,000. Sometimes I just can’thelpmyself. Thepoint
is that unless there is seriousness in applying the law, all the rest is just talk.
Blabber and blubber, which President Ali knows all too well, and which the erudite John Hess called ‘noise.’ Ifhehadhisway,it wouldbeNorthKorea’sidea ofdemocracy
Guyanese are misusing their roads, mangling and killingeachother Reckless and dangerous drivers are.
Americans come here (they are known characters by now)anddrivetheiroiltruck overeveryGuyanese(sansa few). I call that a clear and presentdanger Ifdangerous drivers are a big problem, dangerous oilmen are a biggerone. Theyarekilling the spirit of Guyanese, leaving them living with a sick look on their faces. There is Uncle Tom and Uncle Sam, and there are thesegreatoilfathers. Kings of the local road, I anoint them. Nowbacktotheroad, anditstaggers.
Can’t be accurate: 42,000 traffic violations regionallyinthefirstweekof December alone. Those must be for the CARICOM Region,andnotthetenhere? Ifdomestic,itistimetostay stuckindoors. Thisisworse
than coronavirus. If 42,000 traffic violations, then how come only 60 tickets? This mustbeatypoinvolvingtwo orthreezeroes. Thenagain, could be the printer’s devil, or the devil in the details. Time for a grim reality check. Christmasiscoming, rum drinking is increasing, meaning more speeding, traffic folks are feeling the cost of living. Yeah, that lovely confluence of events. Peoplehavetomakealiving using all the ingredients of thelocaltrafficformula,they have to go on driving. All those tickets written makes mecalculatehowmanywere not and why not. President Aliturnsuptheheat,thecops do the beat. Everybody drives over honest, hardworking Guyanese Perverted politicians do it. Dangerous drivers do it Unscrupulous cops do it. And dem peeple frum de outsidedoittoo.
(The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinionofthisnewspaper.)
The MaritimeAdministration Department (MARAD) on Fridayhasindefinitelysuspendedthecaptainandbowmanof a vessel for overcharging passengers, who ply the GeorgetowntoVreed-en-Hooproute.
Passengers were being charged $500 instead of $100 by thecaptainandbowmanofthevessel.
MARAD,inapressstatement,remindedpassengersthat thewatertaxifarebetweenGeorgetownandVreed-en-Hoop remainsat$100regardlessofthetimeoftheday
“Any boat operator not adhering to the approved fare structure should be reported immediately to MARAD,” the Departmentsaid.
Meanwhile, the suspension follows the circulation of video on social media showing the captain and bowman demanding $500 from passengers. The video was posted on Moses Profitt’s Facebook page showing the captain and bowman in a heated argument with passengers about the unauthorizedincreaseinboatfares.
The captain/bowman was heard saying, “This man (a passenger)acknowledgemewhenIsaid$500.Howy’allfeel y’allcomeintheboat?”
Another person was heard telling the frustrated passengers, “You (passengers) don’t know what is a verbal agreement?It8o’clockandtheguardlockingthegate.”
Inresponse,apassengersaid,“So$500tocrosstheriver?I wanty’allremembery’allsolicitingmoneyfrompeople,not say$300,youwant$500.”
Twenty-six-yearold Noah Beaton, thesecurityguard who confessed to stabbing Toshao Ridley Joseph of Tasserene Village, Region Seven, 19 times was, on Friday, remanded to prison formurder
Beaton of lot 43 Bent Street, Werk-en-Rust, Georgetownappearedbefore Acting Chief Magistrate Faith McGusty at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Court, where the indictable chargewasreadtohim.
On Tuesday, he surrendered to police and confessedtostabbingJoseph 19 times on December 16, 2024, at the Signature Inn Hotel in Laluni Street, Queenstown,Georgetown.
During the court proceedings, Beaton’s attorney, Bernard Da Silva, stated that his client had no prior criminal record and explained that Beaton had allegedly been sexually abused by the deceased as a child.
“The now deceased was asked to confess and on refusal of that request, the deceased choose to again makesexualadvancesonthe verynight,thattriggeredthe accused of what the psychologistwoulddescribe as internalized anger and he r e a c t r a t h e r t h a n responding,”DaSilvastated.
The prosecution
r e q u e s t e d a l o n g adjournment due to incomplete case files Beaton was remanded to prison until his next court appearance on January 31, 2025. As Beaton left the courtroom, he appeared visiblyfearfulanddistressed abouthisfuture. It was reported that
Joseph had travelled to Georgetown on Sunday to participate in the second executive meeting of the National Toshao’s Council (NTC)andhadcheckedinto the hotel at 18:23 hrs. Other Toshaoswerealsostayingat thehotel.
However,Josephhadleft shortly after checking in but returned around 00:50 hrs withamalefriendcarryinga ‘RudeBoy’bottle(alcoholic drink)inhishand.
Josephpurchasedabottle of water from the hotel’s
receptionistandtheduowent to his room. An hour and a halflaterthemalefriendleft alone.
At around 07:50 hrs, Joseph was found brutally stabbedtodeathandlyingin apoolofblood.Hehadbeen stabbed 19 times with 11 of thewoundstohisback.
Footage of the suspect leaving the hotel was released to the public. The man suspected to be Beaton was seen walking out of the hotelwithacellphoneinhis hand.
An excited crowd as Lennel Williams’s name was revealed the winner of the GLCL’s Christmas promotion.
Ei g h t y - o n e
customers of the Guyana Lottery Company(GLCL)onFriday wonseveralprizes,including a brand-new Toyota Yaris Cross,10SamsungS24Ultra phones, 10 laptops and 50 grocery vouchers valued at $100,000.
Toqualify,thecustomers were required to purchase a Lotto Supa 6 Christmas Spectacular ticket for a chance to win in the $30 million Christmas promotion The drawing occurred at the GLCL Regional Office on Robb Street,Georgetown.
The grand prize, the
ToyotaYarisCross,courtesy of Beharry Automotive Limited was won by Lennel Williams of West Coast Berbice(WCB).
The 81 lucky customers will receive their prizes on Monday at the GLCL head office on Lamaha Street, C u m m i n g s b u r g , Georgetown.
GLCL’s General Manager, Kalima Ali, said the promotion is the biggest of the year She said the Lottery Company has been consistently giving back to itscustomers.
“Thank you to our customers, our players, what a better way to have a
merry time, to have these
w everybodywillwanttobuy So, we want to say thank you and just want to reward our winners and our players,”Alisaid Similarly, Sheldon Murray, the Business Development Supervisor of GLCL said, “We are giving away fabulous prizes. This will help the community as the Guyana Lottery Company continues to give back to the public, show our gratitudeandrespect.”
Murrayalsorevealedthat this promotion saw the largest number of participants.
A Route 32 minibus crashed into a Guyana Power and Light Inc (GPL) utility pole on Friday, causing a disruption in service to customers near the Tuschen and Zeelugt New Housing Schemes,WestCoastDemerara(WCD).
Astatement issued by GPL said that the incident occurred at De Kinderen, WCD.
“Our teams have been dispatched to the location to carry out repairs Remedial work is expected to take approximately four (4) hours,” the companysaid.
Further, GPL urged all drivers to exercise caution on the roadways as incidents of this nature cause unnecessary service disruptions and inconveniencetocustomers.
GPL stated, “We thank you for your patienceandunderstanding.”
A 23-year-old Venezuelan national was arrested, on Friday, after he was caught with three grams of cocaine, during a Police roadblock along the One Mile and BarticaPotaroRoad.
The man has been identified as Ulise Mijanes.Policereportedthataround01:30h, ranksstoppedamotorcarbearingregistration #PWW 1175, which was proceeding along theroad.
Upon interception, ranks observed Leonid Tobin, a 47-year-old Teacher and Mijanes, who was the passenger in the vehicle.The officers noted that Mijanes was actingsuspiciously
As a result, a search was conducted on bothoccupantsandthevehicle,duringwhich nothingillegalwasfoundonthedriverorthe vehicle. However, whilst searching Mijanes, Police discovered several pieces of whitish rock-likesubstances suspected to be cocaine inhisleftsidepantswaist.
“Ulisewastoldoftheoffencecommitted, andheremainedsilent,”Policesaid.
TheVenezuelanmanwasthentakentothe Bartica Police Station where the items were weighedinhispresence.Thewhitesubstance amounted to 3 grams. It is expected that chargeswillbeinstitutedagainstMijanes.
Police are investigating the death of a 50-year-oldmanwhodiedonedayafterhis tenants were seen brutally beating him at his Mon Repos, East Coast Demerara (ECD)home.
The dead man is identified as Kenrick Hakim of Lot 142 Fourth Street, Martyrs Village,MonRepos,ECD. Police on Friday arrested one of his tenants,whoaccordingtothemwasonthe run.Thesuspectwasidentifiedas27-yearold construction worker, Ramlagan Mahadeo,called‘Dado’.
Mahadeo, according to Police, was nabbed at Black Bush Polder, Corentyne, Berbice, Region Six, during an intelligence-led operation under the command of Region Six Police Commander, Senior Superintendent ShivpersaudBacchus.Mahadeoandhis Continued on page 18
Drivers (25-45 Year old) to deliver Groceries & Porter to work on the canter & warehouse. Attractive salary. Tel673-7373.
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2022 NO.30 DEMERARA IN THE HIGH COURT OF THE SUPREME COURT OF JUDICATURE DECLARATION OF TITLE In the matter of sub- parcel 27EP, being portion of Lot 27 (twenty-seven) portion of preliminary parcel 395 all being portion_of Plantation Friendshipor Land Registration Block No XXVIll, Zone: East Bank Demerara, in the County of Demerara, Guyana, as shown on a plan conducted by V. Deokinandan, Sworn Land Surveyor, dated the 24th day of May, 2021 and recorded in the Guyana of Lands and Surveys Commission on the 110 day of June, 2021 and numbered COS-1401 -andIn the matter ofTitle of Land (Prescription and Limitation) Act, Chapter 60:02 -and- In the matter of an Application by ELTON PARASRAM, TERRENCE ALEXANDER BEDAYSIE and TREVOR ALEXANDER BEDAYSIE. PUBLICATION First Second Third ELTON PARASRAM, TERRENCE ALEXANDER BEDAYSIE and TREVOR ALEXANDER BEDAYSIE all of Lot 27 Plantation Friendship, East bank Demerara, Guyana, has presented a Petition for Declaration of Title to the property described in the Schedule hereto. Any person intending to oppose the said petition_must within 1 (one) month after the date of the first Publication of this Notice File in the Registry of Court in the City of Georgetown Demerara, Notice of his Opposition and An Affidavit or Affidavits in support thereof and serve a copy thereof upon the said ELTON PARASRAM, ERERENCE ALEXANDER EDAYSIE nd TREVOR ALEXANDER BEDAYSIE. Georgetown, Demerara This 28th day of November, 2024 “..........
MEMORANDUM: The address for service of the Petitioner is at the Chambers of Mr. Donavon A. Rangiah, Attorneys-at-Law for the Petitioners of and whose address for service and place of business is at Lot 156 Charlotte Street, Lacytown, Georgetown, Guyana
e.c.t. Tele : 6247436/ 621-5140- Campbellvile G/TOWN.
Attorney-at-law for Petitioners SCHEDULE Sub-parcel 395E of Sub-Parcel 27EP, being portion of Lot 27(twenty-seven) portion of preliminary parcel 395, part of Lot 27 Plantation Friendship or Land Registration Block No. XXVIII, Zone: East Bank Demerara, in the County of Demerara, Guyana, as shown on a plan conducted by Seaon M. James, Sworn Land Surveyor, dated the 27th day of February, 2023 and recorded in the Guyana of Lands and Surveys Commission on the 3rd day of March, 2023 and numbered COS-1618.
Petition No.FD-1171 BETWEEN ELIZABETH SEEPAUL nee DANPAUL Petitioner/Applicant -and- SEEPAUL also known as SEEPAUL DANRAM Respondent TO: SEEPAUL also known as SEEPAUL DANRAM Formerly of Lot 336 First Street,Cummings Lodge Greater Georgetown GuyanaTAKE NOTICE that on the 23rd day of August, 2024 a petition for Divorce was filed against you by ELIZABETH SEEPAUL nee DANPAUL, the petitioner/ Applicant in the family division of the High court in Georgetown, Demerara. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that as part of an order made on the 21st day of October, 2024, The petitioner/ Applicant was directed to effect service of her petition on you by publication of the notice in two (2) consecutive Saturday issues of the Kaieteur News , a daily newspaper printed and circulated in and around Guyana. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that if you desire you may appear or attend in person or by your duly authorized agent or Attorney -at-Law at the registry of Family Division of the high court at Georgetown, Demerara where you will be issued with a certificate copy of the petition together with related documents.AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that if you desire to defend this Divorce, Then upon receipt if the certified copy of the petition and application, you must file an Acknowledg ement of services, Notice of intention of Defend (Forms are available at the registry), Answer and/or Cross petition in the registry of the family Division of the High court at
Georgetown, Demerara within 30 (thirty) days from the date of the final publication of this noticeTAKE NOTICE that the divorce is fixed for directions Hearing on Monday the 13th day of January, 2025 at 9:00 am before the Honourable Madam Justice Priscilla Chandra-Hanif in person. IN DEFAULT of your filing an Acknowledgement of services. Notice of intentions to defend, answer and/ or Cross petition the court may proceed in your absent and may make any Order it considers appropriate, including granting the divorce. The registry of the family division of the High Court is located at the Law Courts (Georgetown, Demerara). The office is open to the public between 8:00am and 3:30 pm Mondays to Thursday and 8:00am to 2:30pm on Fridays except on the public holidays and on such other days as the registry is closed. Dated the 24th day of October , 2024.
2024-HC-DEM-CIV-FD-1172 IN THE HIGH COURT OF THE SUPREME COURT OF JUDICATUREFAMILY, DIVORCE AND MATRIMONIAL JURISDICTION FAMILY DIVISIONPetition No.FD-1172BETWEEN DAYARAM (TAIJPAUL) Petitioner/Applicant -andDAYARAM(HARDAI)Respondent TO: HARDAI DAYARAM UNKNOWN.TAKE NOTICE that on the 23rd day of August, 2024 a petition for Divorce was filed against you by TAIJPAUL DAYARAM , the petitioner/ Applicant in the family division of the High court in Georgetown, Demerara.AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that as part of an order made on the 13th day of November, 2024, The petitioner/ Applicant was directed to effect service of her petition on you by publication of the notice in two (2) consecutive Saturday issues of the Toronto Sun Newspaper.AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that if you desire you may appear or attend in person or by your duly authorized agent or Attorney -at-Law at the registry of Family Division of the high court at Georgetown, Demerara where you will be
issued with a certificate copy of the petition together with related documents.AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that if you desire to defend this Divorce, Then upon receipt if the certified copy of the petition and application, you must file an Acknowledgement of services, Notice of intention of Defend (Forms are available at the registry), Answer and/or Cross petition in the registry of the family Division of the High court at Georgetown, Demerara within 30 (thirty) days from the date of the final publication of this notice. TAKE NOTICE that the divorce is fixed for directions Hearing on Friday the 31st day of January, 2025 at 9:00 am before the Honourable Madam Justice Priscilla ChandraHanif in person. IN DEFAULT of your filing an Acknowledgement of services. Notice of intentions to defend, answer and/or Cross petition the court may proceed in your absent and may make any Order it considers appropriate, including granting the divorce.
The registry of the family division of the High Court is located at the Law Courts (Georgetown, Demerara). The office is open to the public between 8:00am and 3:30 pm Mondays to Thursday and 8:00am to 2:30pm on Fridays except on the public holidays and on such other days as the registry is closed.
Dated the 29th day of
Aljazeera - At least two peoplearedeadandasmany as 68 injured after a car rammed into a crowded Christmasmarketinthecity ofMagdeburg,thecapitalof the central German state of Saxony-Anhalt.
OfficialsonFridaynight described the incident as an intentional attack and announced that the driver had been taken into custody a t t h e s c e n e . A n investigationisunderway.
GermanChancellorOlaf Scholzwasamongthemany offeringtheircondolencesin the immediate aftermath of the incident His office indicated that he would be visiting the scene on Saturday
“The reports from Magdeburg suggest something terrible has happened. My thoughts are with the victims and their families,” Scholz wrote on thesocialmediaplatformX.
“We stand by their side andbythesideofthepeople ofMagdeburg.Mythanksgo to the dedicated rescue workers in these anxious hours.”
The interior minister for Saxony-Anhalt, Tamara Zieschang, identified the suspect as a 50-year-old doctor from Saudi Arabia who arrived in Germany in 2006. He was previously unknown to security services.
Another state official, Premier Reiner Haseloff, toldalocalnewsoutletsthat one of the dead was a child and the other an adult. He added that he could not say whether there would be further deaths as a result of thesuspectedattack.
“Thatisspeculationnow Every human life that has fallenvictimtothisattackis a terrible tragedy and one human life too many,” Haselofftoldreporters.
He said that officials currentlybelievethesuspect in custody was the sole perpetrator behind the car ramming.
“As things stand, he is a lone perpetrator, so that as far as we know, there is no further danger to the city,” Haselofftoldreporters.
Among the injured, 15 were identified as being in critical condition, according to the city government’s website. Another 37 people had injuries of medium
severityand16wereslightly injured.
Local media reports indicatethecarinvolvedwas seen driving at high speeds before striking the crowd at about7pmlocaltime(18:00 GMT). Christmas markets areatraditiondatingbackto theMiddleAgesinGermanspeakingpartsofEurope.In Magdeburg, a city of about 240,000 residents, the market was set up in a town square, with stalls selling regionalfoodanddrink.
“It’s a terrible tragedy This is a catastrophe for the city of Magdeburg and for the state, and for German generally as well,” Haseloff said. “It is really one of the worst things one can imagine, particularly in connection with what a Christmas market should bring ” Al Jazeera correspondent Dominic Kane,whowasheadedtothe scene of Friday’s suspected attack, said the Christmas market would have been especiallycrowdedwhenthe carstruck.
“It’s the last Friday before Christmas. It’s the tradition all over Germany that Christmas markets are places that people go to, especially on Friday night,” Kanesaid.
“And then think about the physical geography of themarketconcerned,where itis.It’snotthatfarfromthe town…notthatfarfromthe river Elbe, in quite a picturesquecityactually So there will have been lots of reasons for people to be in the centre of the city at the time.”
Kane added that the suspect’s reported use of a rental car would provide investigators an avenue to learn more about his actions inthelead-uptotheattack.
“Obviously,therewillbe arecordofwhenthecarwas picked up, where it was picked up and what documentation was used to get the car in the first place. These are all lines of inquiry,”Kanesaid.
Friday night’s suspected attack comes eight years after a similar car ramming
in the German capital of Berlin on December 19, 2016.
In that case, a Tunisian suspect, 24-year-old Anis Amri, intentionally drove a truck into a Christmas market in a major public square,Breitscheidplatz.
Twelve people were killed in that attack and as many as 56 were wounded. Amri was eventually killed in a shootout in Milan, after fleeingtoItaly
Raphael Bossong, a senior associate at the German Institute for
International and Security Affairs, speculated that the two incidents will likely be seen as related, though it is tooearlytospeculate.
“Unfortunately, this is a very sad anniversary, and I’m sure the perpetrator chose this thing for that purpose, to bring up this memory,” Bossong told Al Jazeera shortly after the news broke. He added that Friday’s suspected attack was likely to have political repercussions in Germany, which is slated to hold federalelectionsinFebruary
2025. “We are entering an election period, and the German debate is already very polarised around these issues of migration,” Bossong explained “I’m surethiswillonlyaddfuelto thefire,assadasitis.”
In particular, security arrangements – both at the marketandinthecountryas awhole–arelikelytocome underscrutiny.
“All Christmas markets and all these facilities in generalnowaresupposedto be cordoned off against traffic,inthesensethatsince no car and no lorry could drive into them,” Bossong told Al Jazeera. “Probably the authorities will have to dosomeexplaining.”
Already, the billionaire techentrepreneurElonMusk – an increasingly prominent figure on the far right – has used the attack to call for Chancellor Scholz’s resignation.
“Scholz should resign immediately,” he wrote in a commentonhissocialmedia platform X. “Incompetent fool.”
Earlier in the day, Musk had announced he would backthefar-rightAlternative for Germany (AfD) party in Germany’s upcoming elections.“OnlytheAfDcan save Germany,” he posted, signallinghissupport.
CAIRO, Dec 20
(Reuters) - Israeli airstrikes killedatleast25Palestinians in the Gaza Strip on Friday, medics said, including at leasteightinanapartmentin the Nuseirat refugee camp and at least 10, including seven children, in the town ofJabalia.
Mediators have yet to secure a ceasefire between Israel and the Islamist group Hamas after more than a year of conflict
Sources close to the discussions told Reuters on Thursday that Qatar and Egypt had been able to resolve some differences between the warring parties
but sticking points remained.
Israel began its assault on Gaza after Hamas-
communities on Oct 7, 2023, k
ng 1,200 people and taking over 250 hostages, according to Israeli tallies. Israel says about 100 hostages are still being held, but it is unclear howmanyarealive.
Authorities in Gaza say Israel’s campaign has killed more than 45,000 Palestinians and displaced most of the populat
of 2 3 million Much of the coastalenclaveisinruins.
Frompage15 common-law wife Sarah areaccusedofkillingtheir landlordHakim.
E y e w i t n e s s e s reportedly saw the couple beating the man on his veranda around 18:00hrs on Wednesday The next day, Hakim died from his injuries while receiving t r e a t m e n t a t t h e Georgetown Public HospitalCorporation.
Kaieteur News understands that Hakim was beaten by his tenants after he confronted them about playing music too loud.
A neighbour had reportedly complained to Hakim about the loud music.Itreportedlyledtoa “cuss out” between the female tenants and the neighbour over the complaintmade.
During the verbal exchange, the neighbour reportedly accused the womanofbeingunfaithful to her husband The argument ended there but another one began, this
time between the couple (the tenants) over the allegation.
The two suspects then left but returned later (at around 18:00hrs) still arguing with each other
Subsequently, they were seen beating Hakim on his veranda.
Eyewitnesses alleged thattheydealtanumberof cuffsandkickstoHakim’s head and body The physical assault reportedly lasted for about an hour
After badly beating the man, the couple took him to Mahadeo’s mother’s home located a short distance away where he spentthenight.
Reportsarethataround 07:00hrsthefollowingday (Thursday) the couple realized that Hakim was seriously injured from the beating and then rushed himtothehospital.
Unfortunately, Hakim passed away around 15:00 hrs.thatday
Multiple marks of violence were seen about hisbody
Awounded Palestinian child receives treatment at a hospital, in the aftermath of an Israeli strike, amid the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas, in Nuseirat in the central Gaza Strip, December 20, 2024. REUTERS/Khamis Said
20 (R
s) - The
Republican-controlled U.S. House of Representatives passed legislation, on Friday, that would avert a
President-elect Donald Trump’s demand to also greenlighttrillionsofdollars innewdebt.
TheHousevoted366-34 to approve the bill, the day after rejecting Trump’s debt ceilingdemand.
The Democraticcontrolled Senate will also need to pass the bill to advance it to President Joe Biden,whotheWhiteHouse saidwouldsignitintolawto ensure the U.S. government will be funded beyond midnight (0500 GMT Saturday), when current fundingexpires.
The legislation would extend government funding until March 14, provide $100 billion for disaster-hit states and $10 billion for farmers. However, it would notraisethedebtceiling—a difficulttaskthatTrumphas pushed Congress to do beforehetakesofficeonJan. 20.
Agovernmentshutdown would disrupt everything from law enforcement to national parks and suspend pay checks for millions of
federal workers. A travel industry trade group warned that a shutdown could cost airlines, hotels and other companies $1 billion per week and lead t o w i d e s p r e a d disruptions during the busy Christmas season Authorities warned that travellers could face long linesatairports.
The package resembled a bipartisan plan that was abandoned earlier this week afteranonlinefusilladefrom Trump and his billionaire adviser Elon Musk, who said it contained too m a n y u n r e l a t e d provisions
M o s t o f t h o s e elements were struck from the bill — including a provision limiting
U.S. House Speaker Mike Johnson
investments in China that Democrats said would conflict with Musk’s intereststhere.
“He clearly does not want to answer questions abouthowmuchheplansto expand his businesses in China and how many American technologies he p l a n s t o s e l l , ” D e m o c r a t i c Representative Rosa DeLauro said on the Housefloor
Musk, the world’s richest person, has been tasked by Trump to head a budget-cuttingtaskforcebut holds no official position in Washington.
The bill also left out Trump’s demand to the nation’s debt ceiling, which was resoundingly rejected
by the House — including 38 Republicans on Thursday
The federal government spent roughly $6.2 trillion last year and has more than $36 trillion in debt, and Congress will need to act to authorize f u r t h e r borrowing by the middle ofnextyear
Representative Steve Scalise, the No. 2 House Republican,said lawmakers had been in touch with Trump but did not say whether he supported the newplan
Sources said the White House has alerted government agencies to prepare for an imminent shutdown.
The federal government last shut down for 35 days during Trump’s first White House term over a dispute about border security
Previous fights over the debt ceiling have spooked financial markets, as a U.S. government default would send credit shocks around theworld.
The limit has been suspend
h a t technically expires on Jan 1, though lawmakers likely would not have had to tackle the issue before thespring
(BBC Sport) - A fully clothedTysonFuryweighed in at a career-heavy 20st 1lb for Saturday’s heavyweight world title fight against champion Oleksandr Usyk inSaudiArabia.
Ukraine’s Usyk will defend his WBA (Super), WBC and WBO titles against two-time champion Fury at Riyadh’s Kingdom Arena.
Dressed in a leather jacket, white trousers and a baseballcap-whichhekept
on when he stepped on the scales-Furyweighedinfour stone heavier than his opponent.
He cut a more relaxed figure than he
as throughout the week, even shaking hands with Usyk’s team.
But the 36-year-old Briton seemed eager to get Friday’s weigh-in over and lookedawayafterjustseven seconds during their final face-off.
They had shared an 11-
The Morecambe fighter walkedoffwithoutgivingan on-camerainterview
Usyk, asked how he was feeling, simply replied: “Nothing.”
The 37-year-old edged a split decision win for the undisputed title in May, inflicting a first careerloss onFury
He too was fully dressedinatracksuitashe tipped the scales, making itdifficulttodeterminethe boxers’ conditioning and shape, as he weighed in at 16st 1lb, five pounds lighter thanforthefirstfight.
Thingsshouldgowellforyou today,Aries.There'sanadded serenity in the air that will help calm your nerves There's no need to make thingsmorecomplicatedthan necessary
It might seem like someone hasdumpedabucketofwater onyourheadtoday,Taurus.It seems like your fire is out. Keepinmindthatthisisonly temporary and that your internal flame will be rekindledsoon.
Tensionmayrunhightodayas things come to a great emotional climax. It might seem as if everyone is out to get you, Gemini, but more than likely this paranoia is a figmentofyourimagination.
More than likely you will be caught up in a wildly intense emotionaldramaifyouaren't careful, Cancer Try to stay calmandcollected.
Youwillfindstrengthinyour inner reserves today, Leo. Don't hesitate to let your deepest thoughts shine through. Keep your antenna up. You will find that there's an electricity in the air that keeps people's emotions at peaklevel.
VIRGO (Aug 23–Sept 22)Youmayfeelabitsluggish today, Virgo. Your warrior spirit would rather stay home on the couch than get up and fight. This is fine. You may simplyneedabreakfromyour questforworlddomination.
You may feel a bit confused today It might seem as if the wind has suddenly been taken out of your sails. Don't get discouraged by the slow weightiness of the day Take the opportunity to relax and rechargeyourbatteries.
SCORPIO(Oct.23–Nov 21)
Your mind may seem rather cloudy today, Scorpio, but don't let this hinder you. In fact, you'll find that you can use this feeling of fantasy to your advantage. Try to bring moremagicintoyourlife.
Today is an excellent day for you, Sagittarius.You will be a welcome addition to any crowd. Your delightful nature isatitsmostactive.
Theworldprobablyisn'tgoing to revolve around you today, Capricorn, so get used to it. Even though this may not be the news you want to hear, it's probably the news you most needtohear
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20–Feb. 18)Initiateadeep,meaningful conversation with someone you've lost touch with, Aquarius. It could be that a long and ugly point of contention is on the brink of resolution. Allyouneedtodoismakethe firstmove.
Your transmission may be stuck in reverse today, Pisces. Thisdoesn'tmeanyoucan'tbe productive. You may need to change your approach Carefully assess a situation beforeyouproceed.
“You can analyse it
anyway you like but tomorrow night you’re going to find out who is the best,” Fury’s promoter, FrankWarren,said.
“You know both of them will come to fight We are going to see something extra, extra special ” Tyson Fury cut the face-off short after seven seconds
“What I would really appreciate is for the PresidentofGuyanaandthe Prime Minister of Barbados tohaveadiscussionwiththe presidents of the two associations and hopefully we can get them on a wavelength of change and governance reform That would certainly help the situation.”
These were the words of Cricket West Indies (CWI) President Dr Kishore Shallow in a
Tr i n i d a d G u a r d i a n Media Group Interview
on December 15th, seeking the intervention of Guyana’s President to deal with the Guyana Cricket Board (GCB) opposition to the Wehby Governance report reform
It should be of no surprise to any keen
observer of Guyana
Cricket, that it has become such a rogue
member in the CWI
boardroom, that the president is imploring Guyana’s President to intervene
On November 27, 2023, I noted in a Kaieteur Sports article titled, “Warning Signs: Addressing the Guyana Cricket Leadership” , highlighti
modern dysfunction traits of the GCB under the failing leadership of “selected” not “elected” president Bissondyal Singh.
Since flagging the issues in 2023 the new comical development from GCB in 2024 was them suing CWI via Guyana’s high court over their nonsensical and without merit claim, that Azim Bassarath was elected CWI Vice President in a “Flawed&Illegal”manner
While I disagreed with CWI leadership taking the legal advice from its lawyers to ask Bassarath to resign - in the end after Bassarath resigned on August 20th, 2024 - one month later on September 20th, Bassarath wasre-electedunopposed.
So essentially the
Singh-led GCB spent almost two years railing against Bassarath Had no CWI board support in putting up a replacement candidate.Bassarathwasreelected unopposed & GCB didn’t even attend the meeting.
A complete waste of everyone’stime
GCBs failed tirade against Bassarath was no different from very suspicious reasons to remove Hilbert Foster as GCB vice president and CWI Director, due to spurious insinuations that the Berbice Cricket Board financial statements could notstanduptoscrutiny
At all levels in recent years Berbice has produced th
majority of Guyana’s c
Nobody took seriously any correlation between Foster’s administrative successinproducingplayers from the county & GCB’s accusation.
But West Indies cricket directorship was denied having a man like Foster based on his administrative success record on the inside due to Singh.
This brings us to the GCB’s Wehby governance reportopposition
If it was former GCB/CWIofficialsAnand Sanasie, Dru Bahadur, Ramsey Ali, Anand Kalladeen opposing Wehby report reform, that wouldbedifferent.
But for Singh to do it considering he was part of a decade-long Guyana cricket opposition to all the aforementioned guys, islaughable.
He was not a member of CWI when the Wehby r e p o r t w a s commissioned, during stakeholder consultation &latercompleted.
Singh owes his ascent to GCB solely to Ricky Skerritt & Kishore Shallow CWI re-election in2021
I f S a n a s i e h a d somehow won the 2021 CWI election, nobody in the Caribbean cricket world would know about
Sohowisitpossiblethat Singh as the novice, newbie CWI director is joining up with the equally failing veteran Barbados Cricket Association (BCA) director CondeRileyinoppositionto thesereforms?
Singhisungratefultothe people who helped get Sanasie out of Guyana cricket and the CWI board room.
AstheGCBcontinuesto falter along and be a CWI outcast, all leadership and innovative Guyana cricket initiatives are coming from theheadofstate.
Whether it be a commitment to support CWI, the cricket carnival ideaaroundCPL,theGlobal Super League or the construction of new cricket grounds in Berbice and Essequibo.
Whoever is advising the President on cricket should probablygodowntoBourda and give the GCB some ideas.
The GCB hasn’t had a public campaign election free of court and political maneuvering in my time in sportsmedia.
T h e r e f o r e t h e democratic sports process means Guyana’s cricket needs the GCB President to beelectedafterarobustnonoutside interference process where a person can campaign on a vision for Guyana cricket & earn the voteofmembersinthethree counties, while the public gets to assess their campaign.
All CWI presidents and board directors from other islands go through this process–theGCBcontinues to be the embarrassing outlier
Therefore, I will add to Dr Shallow’s call that not only should the Head of State intervene over the GCB Wehby report opposition, but also over having a public Guyana cricket board election, so that CricketWest Indies can have better Guyana representation.
Colin Benjamin is a current CONCACAF Venue PressOfficer&formerWest Indies communications officerfrom2019-2023
Herstelling A were crowned champions of the EastBankDemeraraCricket Association (EBDCA) /SPL T10 tournament which concludedonSunday.
Herstelling A beat Demolitionbythreewickets inthefinalatFarm.
Demolitionwereofftoa flyer following their insertionastheyracedto50 without loss in just three overs. However, Herstelling A managed to apply the brakes on the scoring as Demolition were restricted to 100/5. Skipper Damion Vantullslammedsevenfours and two sixes in a top score of 49, while Sanjay Algoo made 28 with two fours and twosixes.
Bowling for herstelling A, Rickey Sargeant claimed 3-12 off two overs while Anand Bharat and Beepaul Bandoohadoneeach.
Herstelling A in reply scored104/7in9.3overs.
Malcom Hubbard
clobberedtwofoursandfour sixes in a cameo 36 , while Sagar Hatiramani made 21 with one four and two sixes andRickySargeant17.
Bowling for Demolition ,Vantulltook2-6,J.Ferrel215andLeonSwammy 2-26.
Earlier, Herstelling A beat Uprising by 31 runs in theirsemifinalmatchup.
Herstelling A made 123/7,battingfirst.
Rickey Sargeant scored 45 from 15 balls with two fours and five sixes, while Vivian Beckles made 26, Ricardo Adams and Richie Looknauth14each.
Bowling for Uprising , Laurel Parks grabbed 4-13 includingahat-trick.
In reply, Uprising were limited to 92/5. M. Parks struck 46 ,Adrian Hinds 16 and Alphius Bookie 12
Bowling for herstelling A, BeepaulBandoohad2-3.
Demolition beat North Soesdykeinthesecondsemi final
Frompage27 take out of it. We’ve been able to score runs, which is crucial in any format. In the last match, getting to 160 for one shows that we’ve got the capability within the dressing room to put big totals on the board Hopefully, we can carry thatintotheODIsaswell,” shenoted.
The captain also stressed the importance of discipline with the ball, especially in curbing India’saggressivebatting.
“When we were really disciplined with the ball, we were able to get the Indian batters to try different things That’s goingtobekeyintheODIs as well. We know they’re goingtowanttoscore,and we have to find a way to make that as difficult as possible,” Matthews declared.
Though the upcoming ODI series presents new
challenges, including adapting to unfamiliar conditionsandmanaginga demanding schedule, Matthews remains optimistic that quick turnaround between matches is an opportunity toimproveswiftly
“It can be tiring, but that’sthenatureofitthese days. I kind of like the back-to-back games within a few days because itgivesyouanopportunity to get back and right your wrongsalotquicker
So we’re definitely going to pay a lot of attentiontotherestingand recovery process,” she said.
“Hopefully we get our travel over with pretty early tomorrow, recover really well, and get our mindsandbodiesreadyfor that first ODI match because we’ll need to assess conditions quickly andaccurately,”Matthews ended.
(SportsMax) - West IndiesT20IcaptainRovman
Powell has called on his players to use their upcomingtimeofftoreview their approach to the game after suffering a humiliating 80-run defeat to Bangladesh inthethirdT20IattheArnos Vale Ground in St. Vincent on Thursday. The loss completeda3-0seriessweep for Bangladesh and capped off a disappointing year for theWestIndiesT20Iside.
Powell, speaking after thematch,wascandidinhis assessment of the team’s performance, pointing out recurring issues that have plaguedthemthroughoutthe year
“I think in the middle overs we bowled really
well,” Powell noted. “We didn’t control the power plays as we wanted, and we didn’t execute in the back end Losing wickets in clusters—if we keep losing wickets in the first and second over of the power play, we’re always going to find ourselves behind the game.
“Ithashappenedtousin the last eight or so T20I games,” he continued. “It’s something that we have sometimetorectifynow.”
With the West Indies T20Iteamnotsettoregroup until mid-2025, Powell believes the extended break offersplayersanopportunity t o a n a l y z e t h e i r performances and address weaknesses, particularly in
West Indies T20 Captain, Rovman
Powell (Photo: CWI)
“Guys have an opportunity to actually look at their game, review their game, and see the mistakes we have made as a batting groupduring2024,”hesaid.
“Hopefully, in 2025, those little mistakes will be corrected.”
well, moving the team from ninthpositiontofourthinthe world,” he said. “But it’s disappointing to see the last few series falling off here just a bit. When a team is falling away, you can sense it. It’s something for us to rectifyin2025.”
Despite the setbacks, Powell acknowledged the efforthisplayershaveputin throughout the year and expressed gratitude to the team’ssupporters.
Powell expressed disappointment not only with the series but also with how the team’s form has deteriorated over the course of2024.
“Myfirstfullyearasthe captain—I started out really
“Iwouldn’tsaythat,you know—thanks to the boys fortheefforttheyhavegiven usthroughout2024andtoall the fans around the Caribbean,MerryChristmas and Happy New Year,” he concluded.
Powell also praised
Bangladesh for their impressive performance, particularly after their struggles in the preceding 50-overseries.
“They have been fantastic,”hesaid.“Tocome to the Caribbean after a disappointing 50-over series and to come against a good T20Iteam,allthecreditgoes to them. I wish them safe travels as well.” The West IndiesT20Iteamfacesalong road to recovery, but Powell remains optimistic that the break will allow the team to regroup and return stronger in 2025.As the players take time to reflect and refine their game, fans across the region will hope for a brighter future for West Indiescricket.
In a significant move to bolster the local football landscape, the Petra Organisation welcomed a distinguished visitor yesterday as Futebol Real Brazil executive Naranda Wilson arrived in Guyana. His mission? To selectoneoutstandingplayer for an all-expenses-paid, three-month professional training stint in Brazil; a golden opportunity for one aspiringfootballer
The announcement was madeduringawell-attended pressbriefingheldonFriday attheOrientalHotel,Garnett Street, Georgetown. Petra Organisation executives Marlan Cole and Troy Mendonca met with Mr Wilson to discuss the terms of this transformative initiative. The programme, targeting top performers from the ongoing Under-18 International Goodwill
Series, promises to enhance theskillsandexposureofthe s e l e c t e d a t h l e t e significantly
Wilson, a highly respected Sports Consultant withextensiveexperiencein sports management, scouting
development, shared his vision for this initiative
Havingworkedwithathletes across the Caribbean and SouthAmericaindisciplines
such as gymnastics, Taekwondo, and football, Wilson has a proven track record of success. His work has included involvement in prestigious events like the FIFA World Cup and the Olympics.
Wilson emphasised the importance of this opportunity, stating, “We at (Futebol Real Brazil) aim to extendourservicestoyoung players in Guyana, building on our relationships with
countries like Trinidad and Tobago and Jamaica. This i
an immersive experience in Brazil’s p
essional footballenvironment,which
instrumental in player development.”
He elaborated on the training programme, which will take place at a top-tier academy in Brazil. “Players aged six to 20 undergo preparatory training there, ranging from one to three months.Thedatashowsthat exposu
h an environment significantly
oth d o m e
t i c a l l y a n d internationally,” Wilson said.
Wilson concluded by highlightingthevalueofthis opportunity: “Living and training as a professional player for 30 to 90 days in
(SportsMax) - West Indies Women’s captain Hayley Matthews believes her team can draw valuable lessons from their 2-1 T20I series loss to India as they gear up for the three-match ODIseriesstartingSunday
Despite a heavy 60-run defeat in the decisive third T20IonThursdayattheDY Patil Stadium in Mumbai, Matthewsseesopportunities for growth in the challenges herteamfaced.
India’s dominant batting performance in the final T20I, again spearheaded by captain Smriti Mandhana (77), and Richa Ghosh (54) saw the hosts amass 217-4, while their disciplined bowlingattackrestrictedthe WestIndiesto157-9.
Though it was a tough loss to take, Matthews acknowledged that her side fell short in execution, particularlywiththeball.
“Yeah, I think it just probably came down to execution again today We had really strong plans, but India also went back and obviously did some homeworkaswell.Kudosto the way their players came out and batted Smriti
obviouslyhadagreatseries, but her knock today was probably the best one,” Matthews said in a postmatchpressconference.
“HavingtobowlatRicha attheendwasquitedifficult. You felt almost as if you didn’t land it on a penny; it was going to be pretty hard tostopherfromscoring.But yeah, at the same time we probably feel like we do need to be a bit more disciplinedwiththeball.But look, a series like this is goingtohelpustolearnalot, andhopefullythat’swhatwe takefromthis,”sheadded.
Despite the series loss, Matthews pointed to the
Brazil in one of the world’s elite footballing nations, is an unparalleled experience. This initiative not only benefits the selected player but also contributes to the broader development of footballinGuyana.”
Troy Mendonca, CoDirector of the Petra Organisation, expressed his gratitude and excitement for thepartnership.“Thismarks a significant milestone for our programmes From humblebeginningswithjust four teams to now offering
o v e r s e a s t r a i n i n g opportunities, we are proud t
e t h i s groundbreaking initiative It’s a testament to our commitment to youth football development in Guyana.”
programme’s potential impact: “With the ongoing
Futebol Real Brazil, Sports Consultant, Narada Wilson speaking at yesterday’s press briefing
KFC Goodwill Series showcasing our best young talents, this initiative comes at the perfect time. It opens doorsforourplayerstogain international exposure and experience, elevating their gametonewheights.”
The collaboration betweenFutebolRealBrazil
and the Petra Organisation signifies a monumental step forward for football in Guyana By providing youngathleteswithaccessto world-class t
aining facilities and a professional environment, this initiative lays the foundation for a brighterfutureinthesport.
positivesherteamcouldtake forward, particularly their ability to post competitive scores.
“With the bat, there’s stillalotofpositiveswecan take out of it. We’ve been able to score runs, which is crucial in any format. In the lastmatch,gettingto160for oneshowsthatwe’vegotthe capability within the dressing room to put big totals on the board Hopefully,wecancarrythat into the ODIs as well,” she noted.
Thecaptainalsostressed the importance of discipline withtheball,especiallyin (Continuedonpage23)
Powell expressed disappointment not only with the series, but also with how the
form has deteriorated over the course of 2024.
game-changingopportunity foryouthfootballers
Despite the series loss, Matthews pointed to the positives her team could take forward