

Each household in Guyana lost $1.7M in 2024 through the Government of Guyana's refusal to implement a 65% windfall tax on the excess profits currently being earned by American super major, ExxonMobil.
A windfall tax does not violate petroleum agreements since it is appliedtotheexcessrevenue earned. This means that the expected income of a contractor is not affected in anyway Oil producing countries around the world, such as Canada, the United Kingdom and the United States among others had imposed this tax on the massive excess revenue being enjoyed by the oil companies as a result of higheroilprices.
In Guyana's case, the country'sChiefPolicymaker forthesector,VicePresident, Bharrat Jagdeo is adamant that this mechanism cannot beappliedtoExxonMobilas it would constitute a breach of the 2016 Production Sharing Agreement (PSA) with Exxon and its CoVenturers This argument hashoweveralreadybeenset
aside byTrinidadian Energy Specialist, Anthony Paul who clarified that windfall taxes do not violate petroleumagreements.
Paul explained, “Since all contracts must abide by national law and since such an instrument does not violate existing contracts, Windfall Profits Taxes provide a simple and fair mechanism to ensure that countriesgettheirjustdues.”
He was keen to note that Stabilisation clauses in contracts are based on an agreed economic model whichcontemplatesarateof return to the contractor, basedonaprojectedpriceor pricing formula for the commodity on an agreed market.
However,Paulexplained that when the price of the commodityisfarhigherthan the projected price in the economic model, the extra profit is referred to as a windfall.
To this end, he noted, “Sincethemarketconditions are generally beyond the control of the producer, it is the commodity itself that creates the higher revenue, not any action of the contractor.”
It has therefore become customary in jurisdictions around the world, including developed countries, to introduce a Windfall Profits Taxtoensurethattheowner of the resource gets a bigger share of the profit, in line with the disproportionate contribution the resource makes to the increased revenue, the Energy Expert said.
$1.7Mlostperhousehold Guyana currently has approximately 300,000 households, each of which could have received $1.7M had the GoG impose a 65% windfalltaxonExxon.
Daily production this year averaged 630,000 barrels per day (bpd), at an
average oil price of US$72. ItshouldbenotedthatExxon needstoearnatleastUS$55 per barrel to recover its investment and make a profit.
Thisthereforemeansthat for this year, Exxon
g e n e r a t e d a b o u t
US$16,556,400,000 as a resultofthehigheroilprices. At the projected price of about US$55 a barrel, the companywouldhaveearned US$12,647,250,000.
As such, this year
a p p r o x i m a t e l y
US$3,909,150,000 in windfall taxes went to the company
H a d G u y a n a implementeda65%windfall taxontheexcessprofits,the
country could have
benefittedfromanadditional US$2,540,947,500 which amounts to almost $1.7M (GYD) for each of the 300,000households.
In the absence of a competent and experienced Petroleum Commission, Guyana's oil sector is managed predominantly by VP Jagdeo who has pointedly said the country will not be pursuing this provisionatthistime.
He previously explained that the country will instead allow Exxon to enjoy the excess profits being earned from the high oil prices at thistimesothatthecompany c o u l d r e c o v e r i t s investmentsfaster.
Asforthesecondlargest politicalpartyinGuyana,the People's National Congress Reform (PNCR), they have indicated th
e circumstances presently do n o t w a
n t t h e implementation of such a provision.
Advisor to the Leader of the Opposition on Economics, Elson Low explained that the whole discussion of windfall taxes came about when the PNC waslookingatthepossibility of oil being sold at $170 per barrel, which would have brought about a substantive changetotheentireindustry.
“So, I would say that given that we are not looking at such a substantial change to the industry it's not something that we are lookingat.
It is not something that we have raised in our oil policies. However, looking at our previous statements it is only in a very bizarre scenario that we would incorporate that into the model, but I would say that windfall taxes are a bit beside the point,” Low reasoned.
“It means you're amortizing the expenses faster so you can get to a higher share of the profit. You're just amortizing the expenses faster and that's what'shappening. Soifittookyou10years toamortizetheinvestmentat $50, and just to give an example, the price for oil, it maytakeyou7yearstodoit at $75 and that means thereafter you were entitled to52%,crudelyputtingit,of their revenue. It's a simple method,”hesaid.
Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo on Thursday told reporters that Guyanese are benefitting from the country's oil wealth He was speaking at his weekly press conferenceheldatFreedomHouse, RobbStreet,Georgetown.
He was asked by a Kaieteur News reporter, whether the unprecedented discoveries that oil and gold companies continue to boast of, is reflectedin thelivesof Guyanese.Inresponse,hesaid,yes and explained that while the discoveries are one aspect, productionisanother Hereminded that, to move from one step to another in the process, significant capitalinvestmentisneeded.
“Ipointedoutthatourtotal,the aggregate savings in our banking system, now total for Guyanese companies and also individuals, mightbearound$8billionthat'sall ofoursavings.Everyoneofus,the moneywehaveinthebank,plusthe companies, 8 billion US dollars. If we had to take that to build one FPSO, we can't fund a single
Referencing the millions of tons of bauxite that has been discovered but are yet to be extractedheexplainedthatitisnot beingexportedbecausethemarkets havechangedgloballyandthereis aneedformassiveinvestmenteven thoughthemineralhasbeenlaying thereforyears.
“So, for you to have a viable strategy, you have to ensure that you have a free, fair fiscal framework that allows an investor to make a decent return on their capital if they take the risk. But at the same time, you have a fair incentive, a flow up back to the Treasury And I think in the People'sProgressiveParty,wehave sought, we have accomplished both,”theChiefPolicymakersaid.
Justifying the concessions being given to companies, especially large companies Jagdeo toldreportersthat,“Wehavegiven enough incentives for people to wanttoinvestandrisktheircapital and raise capital, which we don't
have.Butatthesametime,wehave changedthefiscalterms.”
He added that this shows that Guyanese “get more, not just the fiscal terms, but the same thing with the passage of the Local Content Law that more opportunities,notofafiscalnature, but in terms of a procurement and supplies opportunity that they benefitfromthis.”
TheVicePresidentsaidthathis administration handles economic growth differently and does not only talk about the discoveries madeintheoilandgassector
Notwithstanding the Vice President'sstatementsonThursday, Kaieteur News reported on September 15, 2024 that Guyana's hope of benefitting from a greater shareofprofitsfromtheoilandgas sector has been further delayed as ExxonMobil Guyana Limited (EMGL) has added another US$19B in development costs for thecountrytorepay Jagdeotoldreportersatthetime thatsomeUS$7Bisinthecostbank
to be repaid by Guyana. While thosecostsarelikelytoberecouped by the Stabroek Block partners by theendofthisyear,thecountrywill still continue to receive a meager share of the revenues generated in theStabroekBlock.
Jagdeo explained, “Seven odd billion (US-dollars) remains in the cost bank at this time. So I said to them (the technical staff), what about the approved projects, becauseonlysomeelementsofthe costoftheapprovedprojectswould havebeeninthecostbankalready So what if you were to include the fullcostortheestimatedcostofall the approved projects. How much morewouldyouhavetoaddtothe costbankandtheygavemeafigure ofaboutUS$19Btobeadded.”
The Vice President said the additional US$19B relates to costs associated with Yellowtail, Uaru andWhiptail-Exxon's fourth, fifth and sixth projects, respectively Additionally,henotedthata“small balance” is also remaining on the Gas-to-Energyproject.
While the combined US$26B will compensate the Stabroek Block partners for the investments made to date, the government of Guyana has been approving more projectswhichnotonlyinflatesthe cost bank but delays the country fromreceivingmoreprofits.
Under the 2016 Petroleum Agreement, the Stabroek Block partners can deduct up to 75% of the monthly production to recover the investments made This condition will continue to apply until the oil companies' costs have been fully compensated. In the meantime,Guyanawillcontinueto receive 12.5% profit and a meager 2%royalty
Duringthefirsthalfofthisyear alone, Exxon and partners took US$8.5BfromtheStabroekBlock. A whopping US$7.5B alone was deducted for cost recovery while the partners gained approximately US$1B in profits Meanwhile, Guyana received US$1.2B during the same period, according to the government'sMid-YearReport.
Printed and Published by National Media & Publishing Company Ltd. 24 Saffon Street, Charlestown, Georgetown, Guyana.
Publisher: DR. GLENN LALL - TEL: 624-6456
Editor-In-Chief: NIGEL WILLIAMS Tel: 225-8465, 225-8491. Fax: 225-8473, 226-8210
Fiveyearsasanoilproducingnation,andGuyaneseare toldthattheyhavetowaitanotherthreeyearstoseesome real money from their oil wealth. One leader offered that promisedthree-yearsweetenertopacifycitizenswhogrow increasinglyunhappywithwhattheygetfromtheiroil. He hasdevelopedawell-earnedreputationtoshiftthingstosuit his own objectives, evade owning up to mistakes made. Who would be so reckless as to put any trust in that 2027 promise? Manyhavebeenmadebefore,andmostofthose promiseshavecometonothing. Withanationaljewelthat isanuggetasbigasamountain,itisdangeroustohavesuch a leader near that oil. The facts of Guyanese life stand as proof of collective leadership failure, local leadership cowardiceand,even,leadershipbetrayal.
Fourleaderscirclearoundthisoil,allcompetingtosee who could be weaker than the others. Leaders circling oughttoimpressanimageintheeyeofvultureswheeling overhead over a carcass. It is what they have reduced the hopes and aspirations of Guyanese to, with their dissemblingandobfuscationsonwheretheystandwiththis oil. The leaders of ExxonMobil can trumpet to global audiences about how much of a world class property Guyana’soilis,andthebestthatGuyana’sleaderscandois give their citizens banana peels on which to walk. One speaks of 2027 and how much more there could be, and anotherisallaboutmuchhewouldsetinmotionoverayear from now, should local political circumstances help him. ExxonMobil’s executives speak with authority of their company’srichpresentanditsbrighterprospects,basedon Guyana’soil. Guyana’spoliticalstewardsarestillspeaking infeebletermsofwhathasnotbeen,andwhatmaybe. Five years of oil production, and Guyana’s four main leaders carry themselves like men whose best asset is a begging bowl.
Threewords:sanctityofcontract,havebeenusedasthe holeinwhichtheleadersoftheGovernmentofGuyanahide themselves. Theypayshortthriftto,lookwithdisdainon, the contract that they have with Guyanese, what they committed to do if trusted with power The power that Guyanese put in the hands of their government, in its leaders, has been reduced to the crippling. Sanctity of contractisnowthesupremelawofGuyana,moreinviolable thanGuyana’sConstitution. Thosethreewords,sanctityof contract,havebeenusedbyGuyana’sGovernmentandits leaders to convert this country from an oil producing countrytooneenslavedtoExxonMobil. Thelustforpower ofgovernmentleadershasgreasedthewheelsofthebarter that gives sanctity of contract its lofty stature. Guyanese have been reduced to pawns in a bigger political and corporategame,forcedtobecontentwiththepaltryreturns thattrickledowntothem.
Threemorewords,renegotiatethecontract,haveshown citizens what kind of leaders they have. Five years of oil scraps, four leaders pleased to crawl before ExxonMobil, and three words (renegotiate the contract) that can do so much for this country resisted with excuses and nifty dodges.
Two Americans, ExxonMobil’s CEO Darren Woods andGuyanaCountryHeadAlistairRoutledge,sitlikekings enthronedoverthiscountry’soil. Weappreciatethatthey mustbepartneredwith,butundernocircumstancesshould any of Guyana’s four top national leaders should be kneeling in homage before the two of them. Sanctity of contract is kneeling, rebuffing efforts to renegotiate the contractpresentsapicturetotheworldofthemcrawlingon theirbellies. Thisstateofnationalimpotencemustnotbe condonedanylonger,whenthereisthatonebitterreality
Onerealitythathangsoverthis5-year-oldoilproducing countryisofhungryGuyanese. Thosecondemnedtoexist on the margins, the gullible and impoverished who only nowsee-throughthedeceptionsofleaders. Thismustnot beinacountryproducing650,000barrelsofoildaily. This must change now, or the next five years will be worse. Leaders work to get rid of the repulsive ExxonMobil contract,orGuyanesemovetogetridofthemlegitimately.
The Environmental ProtectionAgency(EPA)has taken note of an article published in the Kaieteur News on December 20, 2024, under the headline, “EPA shamefully omitted sections Exxon Permit to argue against unlimited parent company guarantee foroilspills-Dr Adams.”
The EPA has carefully reviewed the article and hereby offers the following comments:
1. The EPA is cognizant that Dr. Vincent Adams is a formerpoliticalappointeeas Head of the EPA during the administration of the A Partnership For National Unity+AllianceForChange ( A P N U + A F C ) Government, and appears to have relevance in only one particularmediaentity
2. Notably, Dr Adams, has continued to use this avenue in his attempts to mislead the people of Guyana by suggesting that ExxonMobil had in the past agreedtoanunlimitedparent company guarantee, and further that this provision was reversed by the present Administration, resulting in ExxonMobil now being reluctant to provide this coverage.
3.Inthislatestarticle,Dr Adams accused the EPA of deliberately not stating the entireclauseofthesectionof the Permit for the “Liza Phase 2 Development Project – Stabroek Block, Offshore Guyana”, which is beingreferenced.Inturn,the Kaieteur News, in quoting Dr Adams, fails to mention thatascreenshotoftheentire section was included in the mediareleaseforDr Adams to review, if he so desired. The screen shot is again included.
4. For clarity, the full section reads: “The permit Holder must, as soon as reasonably practicable, provide from the Parent Company or Affiliate CompaniesofPermitHolder
and its Co-Venturers (‘Affiliates”) one or more legally binding agreements to the EPA, undertaking to provide adequate financial resources for the permit holder and its Co-Venturers to pay or satisfy their respective environmental obligations regarding the StabroekBlockifEEPGLor its Co-Venturers fail to do so.”
1. Screenshot of section of 24-yearAgreement on Liability For Pollution Damage and Insurance Coverage:
2. Screenshot of section on Parent Company Guarantee for the Permit Holder
5. The question which therefore arises is on what basisdoesDr Adamsascribe false equivalency to the meaning of the words “adequate” and “unlimited”. Isitalegalinterpretation?Or is it a literal interpretation? The Agency invites Dr Adamstoclarify
6. The EPA maintains that Financial Assurance, as provided for in the Environmental Protection Act Cap 20:05, requires the Agency to set an amount in any form of financial assurance required of any PermitHolder
7 The Agency then requestedthatanestimateof
the reasonably credible cost for responding to and cleanup of worst-case oil spill be estimated in the case of financial assurance required for oil and gas operators to informusofanamounttobe required.
8. This means that an estimatehadtobearrivedat, as per the conditions of the law In this regard, the EPA reviewed guidelines used by the National Offshore Petroleum Safety and Environmental Management Authority (NOPSEMA) as well as authorities in the United Kingdom, USA and Canada.
9 International
re conducting an exercise to arrive at an estimate of the reasonable credible cost of an oil spill. This would then be used as a guide on what the parent company guarantee would be, hence US$2 billion was arrived at fortheStabroekBlock.
10. The US$2 billion is the floor With increasing developments, that estimate canincrease.So,itisnotthe ceiling, it is the floor If the costismore,thereisaclause that says the EPA and the guarantor can negotiate fulfillingthatincrease,while thepolluterstandsthefull Continued on page 5
Venezuela under Nicolas Maduro continues its inexorable hybrid war againstus.Thelatestsalvois last week’s inauguration of the bridge to Ankoko Island intheCuyuniRiver,thatwas startedlastMay Aswehave emphasized, as opposed to the “kinetic” wars going on in Ukraine and Gaza, in modern times, these are resorted to only after the “hybrid” war tactics have foundered.Thelatterinclude political, diplomatic, economic, and financial initiatives along with the spreading of propaganda, criminality, infiltration by fifthcolumnists,orattacking importantcomputersystems.
Lest some have forgotten, Ankoko Island formed part of the border with Venezuela consequent to the “full and final 1899 Arbitral Award”. We were awarded the eastern half of the island, which was duly demarcated by a Mixed Commission between 1901 and 1905 However, in October 1966, five months after our independence and eight months after the Geneva Agreement was signedbyVenezuelatochart the way forward to resolve their border controversy, Venezuelan troops invaded our half of Ankoko Island, established a military base and has been illegally occupyingitsince.
When bridge to Ankoko was completed, not even six months had elapsed since Maduro had signed the Dec 14, 2023ArgyleAgreement, committing Venezuela and Guyananottoresorttoforce over the border controversy.
That Agreement was supposedtodefuseaclaimed successful December 3rd referendum held by Maduro to authorize the annexation of“GuayanaEsequiba”.Yet, in April he signed the referendumdecisionintolaw and in May, satellite images
revealedtheBridgefromthe Venezuelan mainland to Ankoko.
TheVenezuelanStrategic Operational Commander of its National Armed Forces (FANB), Major General Domingo Hernández Larez revealed that the move was the start of operations to implementtheannexationof Essequibo:“Engineersofthe territorial defensive system complied crossing the Cuyuni River through the campaign bridge to bring harmonyandprogresstoour territory of the Guyana Essequibo State. Machinery will pass, we will build schools, universities, health centers, supply centers, interconnection tracks, commerce and many other productiveprojectsinfavour ofourfellowEssequibans”.
Venezuela’sinauguration ofthebridgemustbeseenfor what it is: Venezuelan affirmation that it continues to aggressively pursue its annexation of Essequibo President Ali saw it as that and, addressing the GDF at Camp Ayangana, declared, “As Venezuela seeks to further their illegitimate claimtoourterritory…wedo not take lightly (to the provocation) and condemn the bridge that they would havebuiltonterritorythatis not theirs.” Moving beyond condemnation, he offered a glimpse into our strategy to counter Venezuela’s aggression – diplomacy and defence capabilities: “We will continue to engage our friends and allies, we will continue to build our resilience.”
In the first “friends and allies” prong, the incoming Trump administration is expected to take a much firmerstanceagainstMaduro and Venezuela than his predecessor This is not necessarily only because of our friendship, which has beenstrengthened
Continued on page 6
Frompage4 cost.
11.TheEPArequiresExxonMobilanditspartners–Hess and CNOOC – to provide authorities with an annual declarationoftheirliquidity Thisensuresthatatalltimes,the Agencyisawarethatthecompaniescancovertheirliabilities.
12.InkeepingwiththeEnvironmentalProtectionAct,the EPA remains committed to ensuring that Guyana’s interests andtheenvironmentareprotected,andwillcontinuetodoso, atalltimes.
Regards, EPA
I echo the sentiments of Mark Anthony Rodrigues (Dec 18) praising Mr Azzrudin Mohamed’s charitable giving and kindness during this season. He has brought much joy to families and children in particular during this festive season.
Mr Mohamed and his father, Nazar, have been known for years to generously support worthy causes to aid the less fortunatenotonlyduringthe holiday season but throughout the year His kindnesshasalsomadehima victim especially from our government that has sought to stop his acts of charitable giving.
Azzrudin’s charitable giving over the years has made him enormously popular among the lowerc l a s s m a s s e s a s
acknowledged by a PPP aligned pollster in reports in the media Azzrudin’s growingpopularityandcalls bythepublicforhimtoenter politics have irked the government.
He is certain to take support from both major parties and will guide this countryintherightdirection providing better governance and ending widespread corruption.
Unexpectedly, Azzrudin and businesses tied to him and his family were sanctioned by American authorities last June. Was it meant to shut down any ambition to enter into politics?
Azzrudin and family did not run afoul of American laws. They were accused with allegedly violating Guyana’s tax laws. They werenotgivenadayincourt and their right of innocence
was taken away from them. ViolatingGuyana’slawsisa matter for the Guyanese authority not America Azzrudin’s tax files were in order as per Guyanese authority.
His licenses and permits wereinorder.YettheGuyana government proceeded to sanction the Mohamed’s who have not been able to conduct any business since last June and who have lost millions of American dollars.
Their permits and licenses to operate various busin
revoked,costingthemtensof millions of American dollars.
The government has been unfair to the Mohamed’s.
It is about time Irfaan and Jagdeo come clean and saywhatisgoingonwiththe Mohamed’s. What is the issue?Wheredoesthisstop? Why should the Mohamed’s liveinfear?
Are the sanctions intendedtosilenceAzzrudin anddeteranyplantorunfor office? What kind of democracy are we living in? Is it democracy for PPP only?
The country yearns for change,anendtocorruption that is widespread The people are in support of A z z r u d i n a n d t h e Mohamed’s. He will bring change! Is this why governmentpenalizinghim?
Thecompaniesarelosing money and many have lost their jobs and the governmenthaslostmillions in dollars in taxes. I am sure the Guyana government actions has led to stress and sleepless nights for the Mohamed’s.
Yourstruly, ShakeebUddin
I want Guyanese to dream without limits, succeed without barriers, and live without fear
I have always found comfortinviewingtheworld throughrose-tintedglasses,a perspectivemanydismiss as naive and delusional. For me,itisnotmerelyignoring painandinjusticebutdaring to hope for resilience and change.
Amidst injustice, war, andcorruption,Iseedelicate intricacies and untouched beautiesflourishinginevery corner,waitingtobenoticed.
I am from Guyana, a magnificent nation marred by deep scars. Decades of colonialism, corruption, political division, and underdevelopment left indelible marks on my people.
The continuous injustice and broken promises of leaders consumed by power ignited my passion to understandandtransformthe world.
I often grapple with the paradoxofprivilege—whyI, withopportunities,shouldbe
granted a voice when countless others remain silenced. Coming from a wealthy family known for philanthropic endeavours, I was blessed yet acutely aware of the inequities surroundingus.Myfamily’s sacrificesaremyfoundation. My parents devoted their livestoensuringmysiblings, and I had opportunities they could only dream of. The sacrifices my parents enduredremainetchedinmy heart. They trekked miles on treacherous roads under the boiling sun, wearing flimsy rubber shoes with nothing but plastic bags as backpacks. During political unrest,theyqueuedforhours to purchase bread, knowing any misstep could lead to arrest.Returninghome,they would bury what little they had to avoid losing it to authorities.
These stories of resilience and determination are a stark reminder of their
commitment to securing a betterfuture.
I graduated with First ClassHonoursinJournalism from Edinburgh Napier University, w
understanding of the power of storytelling. My work documenting the plight of the Wai-Wai Tribe in Guyana, facing cultural extinction, was a stark reminder of how easily c o m m u n i t i e s a r e overlooked. However, the mostprofoundawakeningof my purpose emerged from a deeplypersonalstruggle:my niece’s diagnosis with Rett Syndrome Watching my niece struggle, I understood what it meant to fight for survival, to be heard and seen, and it led me to found Precious Angels Charity, a non-profit organisation dedicated to raising awareness and securing fundingforresearch.
Witnessing her fight ignited a passionate resolve
to advocate for her and all other untouched potentials waiting to be noticed. It is a cliché ambition to want to changetheworld.Still,ithas always resonated deeply withmetopursueacareerin politics, and my journey starts here with a sincere beliefthatOxfordUniversity willarmmewiththetoolsto create meaningful change. This path may be long and arduous,andthegoalalmost impossible, but I step forward to take on the challenge Journalism allowed me to realise that while telling stories is crucial, I must create solutions that will bring lasting impact. Politics, to me, is not just about governance and diplomacy; it is about people—those who are voiceless and marginalised,likewomenin refugee camps whose potential remains untapped, yearning for opportunities, or an Indigenous child marginalised in a modern world.
I am fortunate, yet this privilege haunts me For every success I achieve, countless others like m e i n t e l l i g e n t , hardworking, and full of potential—remain silenced by circumstances. People in war-torn countries fighting for fundamental human rights in Palestine or Afghanistan they, too, deserve the chance to soar They worry not about their educationbutaboutsurvival. Their suffering remains unheard of and reduced to numbers, but behind every statistic is a story that
Why, then, should my lifebedifferent?Whyshould Ibetheonetowalkthispath while others suffer? I do not know why my life differs from theirs, but I know I must use my life to make a difference. These questions fuel my determination to reshape the world - to be a voice for the voiceless, an advocate for those without power,andaleaderforthose leftbehind.
I want to dissect the systems of governance that allow oppression to fester, such as the ongoing illegal occupations and genocides. For my proposed field of research, I will focus on CumulativeCivilianHarmin War This area of study profoundly resonates with m y p a s s i o n f o r understanding the human costofwar,mainlyhowwar disproportionately affects vulnerable groups like childrenandwomen.
The core research question is: How does cumulative harm from warfare affect civilian populations,andwhatarethe long-term psychological impacts on children and women? I will combine qualitative interviews of civilians with quantitative analysis of casualty data from war zones to explore the measurable impact and livedexperiences.
My ancestors endured unimaginable hardships, surviving centuries of c o l o n i s a t i o n a n d indentureship.Theyinstilled an unbreakable spirit, determination to rise above
circumstances, and an insatiable desire to lead purposefully. My ambition to lead Guyana as the first Guyanese-born female president is not a desire for powerbutareflectionofmy unwaveringbeliefinjustice. I dream of guiding my country from corruptionand divisionintoafutureofunity andprosperitysothatwecan finally heal the wounds inflicted by slavery, indentureship, and political betrayal.
My education at Oxford, amongthebrightestmindsin the world, will sharpen my u n d e r s t a n d i n g o f International Relations and developthestrategiesIneed to lead my country and contributetoglobalchange.
After graduating from the prestigious Oxford University, I will soar and mountmytalents,skills,and achievements toward creating a future where womenintherefugeecamps andthepeopleofmybeloved Guyana can dream without limits, succeed without barriers, and live without fear I will transcend, carryingwithmethedreams ofmyfamily,mypeople,and thosewhodeserveavoicein a more just and equitable world.
So,Iwearmyrose-tinted glasses proudly because I will notice the delicate intricacies and profound beautiesflourishinginevery corner I will tell their story, and I will fight for them. OxfordUniversityiswhereI ammeanttobe.
Yoursrespectfully, HadiyyahMohamed
Frompage5 immeasurablyafterMarch2020;therearethe common interests on hemispheric security, oil and democracy Earlier this month, Pres Ali visited SOUTHCOM’s Florida headquarters and met their Director of Strategy, Policy, and Plans, Air Force Maj. Gen.JulianC.Cheater.Luckilyforus,former USAmbassador Sara-Ann Lynch was at the meeting in her present role as “Civilian Deputy to the Commander and Foreign PolicyAdvisor,USSouthCom”.
Onour“resilience”wehavebeensteadily and strategically augmenting our physical andmanpowercapabilities:whilewemaynot be able to defeat Venezuela’s far larger military on our own, at a minimum we can makethemthinktwicebywagingthetypeof asymmetric warfare we have seen deployed with success in the Mid-East theatres. We have recommended establishing a military baseinEssequibo.
In Sept, PresAli launched the “National Defence Institute” (NDI), which in partnership with the US National Defense University and The Perry Center for HemisphericDefenseStudies,hesaidispart ofamuchlargerplanaimedatprotectingand safeguarding Guyana’s national interests, particularly its sovereignty and territorial integrity. In reference to Venezuela’s hybrid warfare against us, in its inaugural “CEO Cybersecurity Workshop”, NDI’s Assistant Director Dr Seon Levius delivered a hardhitting exposé on Venezuela’s orchestrated cyberoperationstargetingGuyana. WewillhavetoalsocounterVenezuela’s diplomaticefforts.InourownCaricom,fifth columnists like St Vincent’s Ralph Gonsalves, have been cultivated to subvert initiatives like the agricultural “25 by 25”, withitsAgroAlbainitiative.
Sincerely, RaviDev
This Christmas, whether youareenjoyingpepperpot, baked turkey, garlic pork, chicken masala, or potato salad, here is what I truly wish for ALL Guyanese: a
referendum on the ExxonMobil oil contract. It is time we, the people of Guyana, decide what we want from our oil and stop accepting the scraps being thrown at us by the PPP, PNC,andExxonMobil.
What's happening with our oil wealth isn't just w r o n g i t ' s p u r e , unadulterated evil. Words like robbery, looting, or disrespect don't even begin to capture the betrayal unfolding before us. This is beyond all that. Remember the story of Esau selling his birthrightforabowlofstew?
Well,thePPPandPNChave sold out Guyana's birthright
to ExxonMobil for less than abowlofchickenstew—no, forabowlofCrapostew
Five Years of Oil, Still LivingLikeBeggars
On December 19, 2024, we marked five years of oil production, and by now, Guyana should have been debt-free. Every household should be collecting a handsome sum of money monthly from our oil wealth—without having to renegotiate the contract Instead, Guyana is still borrowing money to run the country, while ExxonMobil is walking away with billions of US dollars annually, and half the population is scrambling for a $100,000 cash grant (roughly$500USD). This isn't just about the lopsidedcontract—it'sabout thecomplicityofourleaders
inbetrayingtheirpeople. Where'sthe20%?
Fourteen months ago, ExxonMobil was supposed toreturn20%ofthemassive Stabroek Block to Guyana under the contract That portioncouldhavebeensold to pay off our national debt and double salaries across the country Yet, here we are—empty-handedandstill waiting.
What do you call that? Evil, or pure evil? In a country drowning in debt and paying high interest on loans,thisisnothingshortof anationaldisgrace.
NoMeters,No Accountability
For five long years, Exxonhasbeenpumpingour oil,andGuyanadoesn'teven have a SINGLE of its own meters at the oil pumps to trackwhat'sbeingextracted.
Tomakemattersworse,when our auditors requested accesstoExxon'smeters,the companybluntlyrefusedand wouldn't even reveal their location.
Would any honest business partner behave this way?Whatdoyoucallthatif notpureevil?
RobbingUsBlind, andNoOneCares Audit reports have exposed Exxon robbing Guyana blind, yet the PPP andPNCremainsilent.Nota word,notasingleaction. Is this leadership? No, it'sbetrayal.
Exxon is taking three-
quarters of our oil profits daily to fund other oil projects, and Guyana has no sayinwherethatmoneygoes orhowitisspent.
Whatdoyoucallthat? A fancy roast pork platter for Exxon's Christmas dinner, while the people of Guyana areleftwithhotdogs? NoOilSpillCoverage
Ifanoilspilldestroysour land,rivers,andlivelihoods, weareonourown.ThePPP istellingus-theGuyanese–thatwewillhavetofindour ownmoneytotakeExxonto court for compensation.The PNC, as usual, remains silent.
Whatdoyoucallthat? A disasterwaitingtohappen.
$45MillionaDay, NoTaxes
Exxon pumps 650,000 barrels daily, earning $45 million USD a day, yet they don't pay a single cent in taxes When asked to implementaWindfallTaxon Exxon's excessive profits, both PPP and PNC refused, saying, we are not going afterthatatthistime.
What does that mean for you? Pepper pot for ExxonMobil and their shareholders, filled with everymeatyoucanimagine, while you, the rightful ownersofthatoil,getpepper potsauceandstalebread.
Because these leaders refuse to ring-fence oil projects, Exxon is freely takingbillionsofUSdollars in profits every year This is money that could have put approximately $300,000 a m o n t h i n t o e v e r y household'sbankaccount.
What do you call that?
The best Christmas cake with icing and cherries on top for Exxon, while Guyanesesettlefordryblack cakewithnorum.
ExploitationWithout Transparency
Exxon is also pocketing billionsinexplorationcosts, finding oil daily, and
refusing to disclose what t h e y h a v e f o u n d
Meanwhile, they boast to their shareholders that Guyanaistheircrownjewel.
What are our leaders saying?Prepareyourfingers forthenextelection.
Contracts and Deals WithoutGuyana'sInput
Exxon awards massive contracts and makes rental and leasing deals worth hundreds of millions of USD—all without Guyana havinganysay
Inwhatpartoftheworld does a 50/50 partnership work like this? One partner makes all the decisions, whiletheothersitssilentlike achurchmouse.
Here's the kicker: None of these issues require renegotiatingthecontract. Windfall Tax? Can be implementedtoday Ring-fencing? Just a simpledecision.
Metersattheoilpumps? Aquickfix.
Alltheseproblemscould besolvedwithasingleletter or phone call to Exxon. But ourleadersrefuse.
IfthePPPandPNCwon't actonthesesimpleissues,do you really think they will renegotiate the contract to benefityouin2025?
This is why I am demanding a referendum. It is time for us, the people of Guyana, to decide how our oil wealth is managed and what we deserve from it. These leaders have proven time and again that they won'tstandupforus.
AChristmasWishfor Change
As you celebrate this Christmas, remember: We alldeservebetter Ourfuture generations deserve better Let's demand better for today, for tomorrow, and for the many prosperous years ahead.
Merry Christmas, Guyana. Let's fight for the brighter future we all
The ease with which Bharrat Jagdeo, General Secretary of the People’s Progressive Party (PPP), casts aspersions on the policiesofothersismatched only by his government’s startling incapacity to formulatepoliciesofitsown.
At a recent press conference,Jagdeomadeyet another of his trademark superficial and thoughtless statements, suggesting that had the former President under the APNU+AFC government been in power, the Warrau migrants who recently appeared at State House would have received no attention. The comment, speculative at best and disingenuous at worst, starklyunderscoresaglaring truth: Jagdeo’s government has failed, abysmally so, to articulate any coherent policy for addressing the deluge of Venezuelan migrantsnowinGuyana.
To appreciate the magnitude of this failure, onemustfirstunderstandthe evolvingnatureofmigration from Venezuela. Since the catastrophicimplosionofthe Venezuelan economy, over fivemillionpeoplehavefled the country Initially, only a small number found their way to Guyana. But relative to Guyana’s small population,eventhismodest influx posed significant challenges, particularly in regionssuchasRegionOne, wherethepotentialexistsfor migrants to outnumber locals. Despite these early challenges, theAPNU+AFC government, under thenPresident David Granger, tookmeasurestoaddressthe issue.
Granger’sadministration outlined its position clearly: migrants fleeing economic and social persecution who were willing to abide by Guyana’slawswouldbemet with humanitarian
assistance. Yet the Granger administration also emphasized that Guyana’s borders would not be a revolving door for unchecked migration (KN April14th2016). This balanced approach also found expression in a “FrontlineVillage Policy,” a comprehensiveconceptnote adopted by Cabinet to address the multifaceted challenges posed by migration and security threats Citizenship, registration, security, unemployment, education, health, infrastructure, and social cohesion—all these issues were considered. The policy also recognized the broadersecuritythreatposed by Venezuelan instability, including incursions by criminal gangs (DPI Feb 22nd2018).
Additionally, Granger’s government sought and secured international support for its efforts. In 2018, assistance was obtained from the International Organization of Migration (IOM) to aid Venezuelan migrants UNICEF was involved in providing relief to migrant children. The United States extended aid to Venezuelan migrants in Guyana as early as 2017. These initiatives were undertaken at a time when Guyana—then not yet an oil-rich economy—had limited resources. Contrast this with the current PPPC government, which governs amidst newfound oil wealth but lacks even the pretence ofacoherentmigrantpolicy.
Jagdeo’s criticism of the APNU+AFC government’s handling of migrants is not just baseless; it is hypocritical. For while he rails against the supposed inadequacies of others, his own government’s track record is a damning indictment of neglect and
Since 2020, the dynamics of migration from Venezuela have shifted dramatically.Thenumber of migrants in Guyana has surged,andtheseindividuals are no longer merely fleeing economic collapse Many now come seeking employment, drawn by the opportunities afforded by Guyana’s booming economy Venezuelan migrants have become the backboneoftheconstruction sector; without them, the sector would face severe disruptions This shift in migration patterns demands a policy response commensuratewiththescale and complexity of the issue. Yet, the PPPC government has offered nothing in the form of such a policy –except of course if it is in someone’shead.
Jagdeo’s government’s failure to develop a migrant policy is emblematic of a broadermalaise:theinability to govern effectively Policy formulation, after all, is not merely an exercise in political theater; it requires vision, planning, and execution.Onthisscore,the PPPC government falls woefullyshort.Itsneglectof the migrant issue is particularly egregious given the stakes involved Migration is not just a humanitarian concern; it has far-reachingimplicationsfor national security, economic development, and social order.
Consider the broader context. The PPPC government has presided overaneraofunprecedented economic growth, fueled by oilrevenues.Thisnewfound wealth provides the resources necessary to address complex challenges such as migration Yet, instead of leveraging these resources to develop and
Nowadays when fuh get a haircut, yuh gattomekappointment.Isallbecausemore peoplewantprofessionalbarberfuhcutdem hair Andpeoplelesspatient.Demnahwant to sit down whole half day in barber shop waitingfuhahaircut.
It mek dem boys remember de story aboutdismanpokinheheadinabarbershop inGeorgetowneverycoupledays.Oneday, he seh, “How long before meh could get a trim?”
De barber tek a look round de shop, see peoplewaiting,andseh,“Abouttwohours.”
Demanseh,“Alright,”andhedisappear Coupledayslater,desamemanstickhe headbackindedoor “Howlongfuhatrim?”
De barber peep again and seh, “About twohours.”Demanjustsmileandwalkoff.
implement a comprehensive migrant policy, the government has chosen to focus on empty rhetoric and partisan attacks This is policy-making by neglect, a dereliction of duty that jeopardizes not only the well-being of migrants but also the stability and prosperity of Guyana as a whole.
Jagdeo’s penchant for deflection is welldocumented. He excels at shifting blame and obfuscatingresponsibility,to d i s t r a c t f r o m h i s government’s shortcomings. But his recent comments
about the Warrau migrants reveal a deeper truth: his administrationlacksboththe capacity and the will to govern effectively It is a government adrift, preoccupied with political survival rather than substantivegovernance.
What makes Jagdeo’s failureparticularlygallingis itscontext.Migrationisnota new issue; it is a global phenomenon that has been reshaping economies and societies for decades. The experiences of other countries offer valuable lessons on how to manage migration effectively From
Germany’s integration programsforSyrianrefugees to Canada’s skilled worker initiatives, there is no shortage of models to emulate. But such examples requireawillingnesstolearn and adapt, qualities that are conspicuously absent in the PPPCgovernment.
(The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinionsofthisnewspaper.)
Nextweek,demanpopbackindesame spot. “How long before meh could get trim now?”
De barber size up de crowd and seh, “Abouthourandahalf.”Demangoneagain.
De barber tun to he partner sitting in de cornerandseh,“Aye,Suresh,followdatman and see weh he does guh every time he lef here.”
Suresh gone and trail de man like a private investigator Bout fifteen minutes later,Sureshcomebackdeshop,helaughing tilltearsrollingdownheface.
Debarberseh,“Suresh,wehdemandoes guh?”
Sureshcatchhebreathandseh,“Bai,he guhstraightbyyuhhouse!”
Oil money is the sweetest. Politicians are the weakest. Oil cash is romance, makes Guyanese politicians dance.
Icoulda been a rap c o m p o s a h Definitely a soul singah,maybeevenanIndian melody makah. What is it that gives Guyanese politicianstheheebie-jeebies with billions of barrels of underwateroil? Itissaidthat oil and water don't mix. Somebodyshouldcheckinto the combination of oil and Guyanese politics. I am listeningtothewholecropof local smarties, the ones who called themselves political leaders In case any Guyanese forgot them, I namethem.
President Irfaan “We are honorable people”Ali. Vice President Bharrat 'My Name is Exxon' Jagdeo. Leader of theOppositionAubrey'Don't put words in my mouth' Norton. And, of course, the other opposition leader, Nigel 'Oil and Gas Committee' Hughes. Do theseguysfeetactuallytouch the ground? Frankly, I cannothelpbelievingthatall four of them live in an alternative oil universe. If
thisisthebestthatGuyanais capable of producing, doing theirbestforGuyanese,then I hear that sad refrain of the Chi-Lites echoing: let's just kissandsaygoodbye. Goodbye to oil dreams. Goodbyetothoseoilmillions that were equal parts mirage and mockery Goodbye to anyconfidencethatthelocal cohortofpoliticalluminaries will bring home the oil bacon. Oil has its viscosity, bacon is greasy. The combination of the two makes Guyanese skid. To nowhere, but downward WhenGuyaneseneedahand up, theAli-Jagdeo duet gave themahandout. Itisworsethanahandout. It is a hand-me-down, that $100,000. Whenthetwisted insiders,trickyfinaglers,and nasty operators were done grabbing, ailing and fading Guyanesewereremembered, treatedtodeli'lleffleff. Whatkindofcountrycan this be, with all this oil, and allofitsleadersspeakingthe samelanguage,singingfrom the same songbook, and
crooning the same tune? When I say leaders, don't think of only political ones. Name one churchman, one temple man, one from the mosque who has had one wordabouthowoilshouldbe prioritized to benefit all Guyanese. Onlyonenamed. Go ahead! Make my day But back to Messrs. Ali, Jagdeo,Norton,andHughes. After all their seemingly bitter public brawling about whodidn'tdowhat,andwho shoulddowhat,withthisoil, there is something conspicuous.
They are all, in effect, saying the same thing Exxon is a big, bad, dog. Leave the Exxon contract alone.
Don't talk to me (to us) a
Renegotiationisoffthetable, dead, according to each of them,allfourofthem. Icall that holding one head; speakingwithonevoice. As a quartet, they make rings around the Mormon Tabernacle Choir and the Mississippi Mass Choir
Goddamn it! What is so difficult to understand about No Renegotiation of the Exxonoilcontract?
To introduce some tranquility into this oil patrimony, here's a thought. How could any GuyaneseBrown, Black, Grey, Gay, Orthodox, or Unorthodoxplace one speck of faith in these guys? Somebody should be imprisoned for trusting them. Say the word renegotiation and they all manifest a peculiar condition.
Themaketracksthatrun parallel to the discussion that's necessary, absolutely compulsory They tell the people why negotiation cannotbedone.
Or why not now, but maybe later Or how the contractthatwassocriminal isnowsobeautiful.
Anotherdrifterfoundthe perfect answer: sanctity In this country, oil has made Guyanese so profane that they pelt bricks at mandirs and masjids, and call that piety (sanctity). A third
decided that the best course was to mark his oil calendar: in another 365days. Thenjusttokeep the suspense going, threw in 100 more days to keep Guyanesedanglingintheair longer Still another, settled for easy street. Adelegatorin-chiefhewillbe,withanoil and gas committee to advise he. Whatslacknessisthis! If a shirker today, then tomorrow doesn't look too catholic.
I wonder what Alistair
“Super boss” Routledge thinks of all this. If superbosssoundslikesomenewly patented gasoline, it is. Has he done a number of the Big Four,orwhat! Doeshehave Guyana's brightest political starsweaving,backpedaling, plunging, doing every mannerofduckingtogetout oftheway? Ofrenegotiating the contract? Another thought emerged, is now shared with fellow Guyanese. I,too,amnownot forthemnotsayingnordoing anything about renegotiating the Exxon contract. Here's
thenasty Theycouldmakea bigproductionofengagingin “renegotiating” the oil contract Pretending at renegotiating, when such is nothing but a sham, show, farce and joke. An insider's joke with everybody at the renegotiating table winking and nodding, while laughing at how expectant Guyanese arebeingmadeforfools.
The last laff is that they get to return and face Guyanesehopefuls,sellthem this: we tried, but we failed. Exxon was immovable. A real superpower What a bunchofmalarkey! Whydid Guyana have to have all this oilandthenallthesewalking political dead? Oil dead. Renegotiation dead. Go figure.
(The views expressed in this article are those of the a u t h o r a n d d o n o t necessarily reflect the opinionofthisnewspaper.)
In case you haven’t heard, please be informed that as part of our continued effort to channel positive changes in our country, our publisher, Mr. Glenn Lall, has dedicated our Page Seven to be “BLUNT” about ongoing indecencies in our land that should matter, not only to us at this publication, but the entire nation.
Monday December16,2024
Allthisoilandso muchpoverty
Guyana cannot have all this oil, and ExxonMobil increasing production by leaps and bounds, while about 40% of citizens, at least, are crying out about how they can't manage in a killing cost of living environment.
Allthisoilwealth,yetall this national poverty, brilliant statistics notwithstanding, and more oil projects coming out of ExxonMobil's assemblyline forapproval.Whatthisbadly needs are honest, visionary leaders - not the ones we currently have who are all bent on filling their pockets attheexpenseoftaxpayers.
Tuesday December17,2024
Growingcallsfor renegotiation
Asanotheryearcomesto a close, Guyanese continue to call for the current ExxonMobil deal to be scrappedorrenegotiated. Guyanese want that odious contract renegotiated so that the country can get more,whichmeansthatthey coulddobetter Butevento mention the word 'renegotiation' in the presence of ExxonMobil's local generals such as Alistair Routledge, could lead to political downfall.
VP Bharrat Jagdeo and Opposition Leader, Aubrey Norton, know this, so they arenotgoingtogoanywhere near anything that confirms
Theoddsareheavythata simple 'yes' or 'no' question placed on a referendum ballot could put the PPP/C Government, and Jagdeo by extension, in a difficult place. Their own instincts emphasisethatareferendum on renegotiation of the oil contract poses considerable danger A cleanly run referendumisalmostsureto confirm that Guyanese want renegotiation,andtheywant itnow Theywantmaterially differentcontracttermsfrom whatexisttoday
Wednesday December18,2024
As the general elections draw near, the opposition each day is coming up with all the sweet things you can
think of. These days they have been rolling out Former Finance Minister, Winston Jordan who has been commenting on everythingunderthesun.
Yesterday we reported him telling the government to write ExxonMobil
requesting talks on renegotiating the lopsided oilcontract.
The same Jordan who less than five years ago was defending this crooked deal, is now calling on the government to change it. Instead of calling on the government to write Exxon, whyisn'tJordanadvisinghis Leader,AubreyNortontodo it?
It was this same Jordan who as finance minister institutedaseriesoftaxeson Guyanese- some bordering on the bizarre like increased fees on operators of donkey carts.
ThePPP/CGovernment, led by Dr Irfaan Ali, is
Security guard arrested after nabbed with illegal gun, ammo
failing in almost every aspect of its heavy responsibilities to watch out forwhatisrightandsafefor allGuyanese.
Instead of the leaders in the PPP/C Government manifesting the necessary strength, courage and wisdom,sothattheinterests of Guyanese are supreme, there is this shameless rolling over under ExxonMobil's boots, and letting the company trample uponGuyana.
Itiswithoutquestionthat every Guyanese should be living in a festive holiday mood every day, not just at Christmas. This country has anabundanceofnaturalgifts of which the whole world desires a piece. The first piece, and a fair piece, should be the portion of every Guyanese. A fair oil dealwillguaranteethemthat fairpiece.
Friday December20,2024
Yesterday marked five years since ExxonMobil has
beenpumpingoilinGuyana. They used the occasion to boasthowgoodtheStabroek Block is to their business. It is a pity our leaders cannot boastthesameway Withall the oil we got, so much so that ExonMobil said their projects here are the most successful in the world, yet our government has been borrowing left right and centre to develop the country In the five years of oil production, every major project undertaken by the government has been financedthroughloans.
ExxonMobil has an unbeatable advantage It knows that Guyana's politicians put personal ambitions ahead of any interestinGuyanese.
It is why the company hashadsuchacakewalkhere and could give such short thrift to any mention of renegotiation of the vile 2016oilcontract. Talkabout renegotiation and Routledge transforms into a terror, whichcausesthePPP/Cand PNCRtorunforcover
A17-year-oldbanditwas shotdeadonFridayafterhis accomplice reportedly opened fire on a security guardduringarobberyalong Aubrey Barker Road, South Ruimveldt,Georgetown.
The dead teen has been identified as Carl Rolland Reid of the Tucville S q u a t t i n g A r e a , Georgetown. He was shot dead around 21:10hrs while his accomplice escaped Next to his bullet ridden body police found a toy gun and inside his pants crotch was a cell phone he had stolenfromawomanandher daughter just moments beforehewaskilled.
According to police, Reid and his accomplice were on a black motorcycle bearing registration number CL7753whentheyattacked androbbedthevictims,a45year-oldwomanandher15year-olddaughteronAubrey BarkerRoad.
Police said that the mother and daughter were standingonthenorthernside of the junction, Aubrey Barker Road, and Kaikan Street, North Ruimveldt, waiting for transportation to
gohome,whenReidandhis accomplice pounced on them. Both men got off the motorcycleandpointedtheir guns a
ctims demanding that they hand overtheirbelongings.
Fearfulfortheirlives,the woman gave them her $65,000 cellphone and her handbagcontaining$12,000 whil
y took her daughter's $35,000 gold chain, her $200,000 cellphone and her handbag containing$4000.
Meanwhile, a 30-yearoldsecurityofficer,guarding a n e a r b y C h i n e s e Supermarket saw what was goingonanddecidedtostep out of his guard hut armed witha9MMpistol.
"As the Supernumerary Constablesteppedoutofthe hut, one of the suspects dischargedfourroundsinhis direction," police said, before adding that the man returned fire emptying his clip of 15 rounds The (Continuedonpage47)
Senior Magistrate Sunil
Scarce on Friday upheld a no case submission, dismissing a fraud charge against 76-year-old Vishnu Mungal who waschargedwithobtainingmoney byfalsepretense.
Mungal had been accused of obtaining $14,040,000 by false pretense, with the prosecution alleging that he had tricked Karan Singh into believing he owned a barge and could deliver 5,000 tons ofstonesonMarch2,2023.
The matter was tried by Senior Magistrate Scarce at the Diamond
Magistrates' Court. Mungal made his first appearance on November 1, 2023 and denied the allegation put to him. He was placed on $100,000bail.
Defense lawyer, Bernard Da Silva, in a no case submission pointed out that Singh had never directlypaidmoneytoMungal,nor hadhesentthefundstoanaccount owned by the defendant. Instead, Singh had wired the money to an accountinTrinidadassociatedwith New World Transport, a company he had previously done business with.
Da Silva argued that the transactiondemonstratedthatthere wasnodirectlinkbetweenMungal and the money, undermining the fraudcharge.
“Karan Singh was the main witness in this matter During his evidence, under cross examination he admitted as follows: that, he never paid any money directly to the defendant, or any account operated by him, or bearing his name,” the lawyer said in his no casesubmissiontothecourt.
ThedefensearguedthatSingh's decision to send money to a
familiaraccountreflectedtrustina businessrelationshipandnotfraud.
The lawyer also stated that Singh admitted during cross examination, “That, he is aware that, New World Transport is locatedinTrinidad,eventhoughhe claimedtonevervisitandthat,heis familiarwithsomeonebythename of Brian Balfour of New World Transport [NWT] with whom he did business on previous occasions.”
“He (Singh) also said that, he spoke with Brian Balfour many times on the phone,” Da Silva added.
Taking that into account the Attorney highlighted that the complainant's actions, including (Continuedonpage49)
"Christmas is the season for kindling the fire of hospitality in the hall, the genial flame of charity in the heart. May your holidays sparkle with the beauty of love and laughter". These are the thoughtful words and wishes of the dazzlingly gorgeous Krystal Peters. Krystal is a Guyanese makeup artist / entrepreneur who describes herself as a very outgoing person, who love adventures, animals and dreams of someday becoming a successful serial entrepreneur
The year 2024 has underscored a grim reality: poverty continues to be an unyielding adversary, sowing division and instabilityinaworldalready grappling with profound economic, social, and environmental challenges Thesituationisnotconfined to any one nation or region. Poverty transcends borders, cultures, and economies, imposing its cruel yoke on millions, driving instability and exclusion, and creating fertile ground for unrest and conflict. It is, as Nelson Mandela declared, “a prison” from which millions mustbesetfree.
This is not a new struggle, but the stakes have never been higher History teachesusthatwhenthegap between rich and poor widens,inequality,injustice, andexclusiondeepen.These conditions foster a sense of powerlessness and resentment among the impoverished, sentiments that, when shared broadly, ignitemovements,uprisings, and revolutions. Data from the United Nations indicates that over 700 million people worldwide still live in extreme poverty, a stark reminder of the scale of this crisis. The persistence of poverty within nations mirrors its presence on the globalstage,wherepoorand vulnerable states are often excluded from decisionmaking forums or relegated to the role of passive recipients of unfulfilled promises. Yet poverty, like the climate crisis and pandemics, recognizes no borders.Itdemandsaglobal, collectiveresponse.
In the Americas, the Organization of American
States (OAS) has long declared its commitment to eradicating poverty But declarations,howevernoble, do not feed the hungry or provideopportunitiesforthe disenfranchised Real progressdemandsmorethan lipservice;itrequiresaction. It is disheartening that some OAS member states resisted the “Manifesto Against Poverty”—a declaration of principles that could have laid the foundation for a robust plan of action. The rejection was rooted in ideological objections to the term ‘manifesto,’ an issue that underscores how political posturing can impede progress. Likewise, the establishment of a joint Working Group to address poverty, a resolution agreed by the OAS, remains unimplemented, stalled not byalackofsolutionsbutbya deficitofpoliticalwill.
The reluctance to act decisively is not unique to the Americas Globally, multilateralism itself is under siege, weakened by populist nationalism and the erosion of shared purpose. Yetresistancetocooperation must not be a deterrent; it mustbemetwithresolve.As formerUruguayanPresident
José “Pepe” Mujica lamented, Latin America’s failure to collaborate even during the COVID-19 pandemicwasemblematicof a broader absence of unity and urgency “We couldn’t have been more stupid,” he said of the missed opportunities to safeguard livesandlivelihoods.
Despite these setbacks, there is reason for hope. Recent developments, such as the launch of the Global AllianceAgainstHungerand
Poverty under Brazil’s presidency of the G20, provideamodelofwhatcan beachievedwhenleadership is coupled with actionable commitments. Antigua and Barbuda was proud to becomethefirstsmallisland state to join the Alliance, reflecting a historical commitmenttosocialjustice that dates back to the 1930s with the founding of the Antigua Trades and Labour Union.TheAlliance’s“2030
extending social protections a n d c o m b a t i n g hunger demonstrate that change is possible when a
s determination.
Similarly, the work of forums like the OAS’s Working Group on MultidimensionalPovertyis vital By sharing best practices, strengthening technical capacities, and fostering dialogue, these e
e meaningful action The challengeisimmense,butso too is the potential for transformation As my remarks at a recent OAS w o r k s h o p o n multidimensional poverty emphasized,povertyisnota divine inevitability. It is a human-made condition that can be eradicated through deliberate, coordinated, and inclusiveaction.
The eradication of povertyisnotmerelyamoral imperative; it is a necessity for global stability and prosperity Persistent poverty fuels not only domestic instability but also international conflicts, as competition for scarce resources exacerbates tensions.Addressingpoverty
is therefore both an act of justice and a strategic investment in a more equitable and harmonious world.
The international community must rise to this challenge. This begins with matching rhetoric with resources Governments, particularly in the Americas, must move beyond declarations and take bold stepstodismantlethesystems thatperpetuate poverty.This includes implementing compr
investing in education and healthcare, and fostering economic opportunities that lift communities out of poverty
Concrete steps, such as targeted cash transfers, universal school meal programs, and investments
in smallholder farmers, have been proven to work and must be scaled globally M u l t i l a t e r a l organizations must also prioritize genuine collaboration over performative posturing, ensuring that the voices of marginalized nations and communities are not just heardbutheeded.
As Nelson Mandela’s wordsremindus,itistimeto set the millions trapped in povertyfree.Theroadahead isfraughtwithobstacles,but the path to a more just and prosperous world begins with the courage to act. The stakes are too high for inaction;thecostoffailureis too great. Together, through multilateral cooperation and unwavering commitment,
By Sir Ronald Sanders
we can break the chains of poverty and build a future wherenooneisleftbehind.
Brazil deserves the world’s appreciation for its initiative; the world should respond with the political will to free people from the shackles of poverty and unleash their potential to contribute to a prosperous worldforall.
(The writer is Antigua and Barbuda’s Ambassador to the US and the OAS. The views expressed are entirely his own Responses and p r e v i o u s commentaries:www.sirronal dsanders.com)
USEXIMBankloan forGas-to-Energy projectexposesinstitution topolitical,financial andlitigationrisks –Int’llawyer
International awardwinning lawyer, Melinda Janki,haswarnedtheUnited States Export Import (US EXIM) Bank that approving Guyana’s application for a loan to support the Gas-toEnergy (GTE) Project
exposes the financial institution to political, financialandlitigationrisks.
In a submission to the Bank, dated December 6, 2024, Janki lobbied the Board to refuse Guyana’s US$656M loan application, pointingouttherisksforthe Bank as well as potential breaches of fiduciary duties andtheresultingharmtothe American people and Americaneconomy.
The lawyer explained thatthemainpoliticalriskto theUnitedStatesofAmerica arises from the threat to VenezuelaandtheCaribbean islands as a result of petroleum operations being carried out by ExxonMobil Corporation through its subsidiary, ExxonMobil GuyanaLimited.
“Exxon’s petroleum operations are an integral partoftheproposedgasplan; thegasplantcannotfunction unless Exxon produces oil. Exxon’sLizaPhaseOneand Two Projects will provide ‘associated gas’ for the gas plant.
An EXIM Bank loan for the gas project cannot be detached from Exxon’s operations and would therefore be tainted by the risks and any ensuing harm from Exxon’s operations,” Janki stated in her submission.
She therefore noted that if there is an ‘unplanned event’ such as a well blowout, the resulting oil will impact a number of Caribbean states Janki attachedamapfromExxon’s environmental impact assessment depicting one spillscenario.
The lawyer pointed out, “The United States risks international censure for supportingunsafeoperations and could face international pressureforcompensationin theeventofanoilspill.” Financialrisk
Meanwhile, Janki went ontohighlightthattheBoard has a fiduciary duty of care which requires members to be good stewards of the publictreasury “Indeciding whethertomakethisloanthe Board must at a minimum consider whether the loan is thebestuseofthetaxdollars of hardworking Americans. There are two reasons for concludingthatitisnot.The first is the requirement for American jobs. The second is that the gas project is not financially viable,” the lawyerstated.
She recalled that Section 2(a)(1) of EXIM Bank’s charter states that, “The objects and purposes of the Bank shall be to aid in financing and to facilitate exports of goods and services,imports andinso doing to contribute to the employmentofUnitedStates workers.”
Tothisend,Jankiargued that oil and gas are outdated technology, reflected in a declining market and increased risks of stranded assets.
On the other hand, she said new technology for clean renewable energy is already taking over with the market set to grow massively
Janki told the US EXIM Bank that investment in renewable energy brings greater returns than supporting fossil fuels In fact, it brings more jobs, cheaper energy which stimulates industry and is better for the economy, she said.
“The choice before this Board is whether to make a loanforanoverseasgasplant in a declining sector or whether to assign this funding for clean energy thereby creating more (and better) jobs for Americans and enabling the United States to capture a bigger share of a growing renewable energy market,” thelawyerstated.
Importantly, Janki flagged the lack of any financial analysis to justify using gas for energy in the country
Shewaskeentonotethe conclusion of the Institute for Energy Economics and Financial Analysis (IEEFA) which assessed the gas project and found that it is, “ unnecessary and financially unsustainable”, “anexampleofmoneybadly spent” and that the planned investments “are based on unrealistic assumptions
about future electricity sales” which would result in “underutilized infrastructure and stranded costs for the governmentofGuyana.”
The international lawyer toldtheUSEXIMBankthat Exxon’s petroleum operations have so far resulted in eight court cases brought by Guyanese “Thesecaseshaveresultedin numerous wins for the peopleincludinganorderfor Exxon to produce a parent company guarantee from ExxonCorporation,anorder to provide proper insurance, an order cutting Exxon’s environmentalpermitsdown from 25 years to five years, and declarations of law that Exxon was in breach of its legal obligations,” she highlighted.
Janki further noted that the Caribbean Court of JusticehassaidthatExxon’s co-venturers Hess and CNOOC cannot carry out petroleum operations under their petroleum production licences.
She added that the Court also said that Exxon must abide by international conventions and protocols ontheenvironment.Assuch, the lawyer warned of the possibility of delays to the gasprojectbyfuturecasesor evenahalttotheventure.
Moreover, she cautioned that the US EXIM Bank is also exposed to legal risks. “EXIM Bank has been sued beforeintheUnitedStates.If this loan is approved, it is entirely possible that there may be grounds for other lawsuits based on noncompliance with the law,” Jankisaid.
The lawyer explained that section 11(a)(1) of the EXIMBankCharterrequires the institution to “establish procedures to take into
radiative forcing which affects the global energy balance leading to global warming and its knock-on effects such as a breakdown oftheglobalclimatesystem, risingsealevelsandahotter ocean,”shesaid.
Additionally,Jankinoted that Greenhouse gas pollution also causes ocean acidification and death to marinelife.“Greenhousegas pollution knows no boundaries.Theimpactswill affect the American people. Thus,Boardapprovalofloan will cause harm to the American people,” the Lawyerwarned.
account the potential beneficial and adverse environmental effects of goodsandservicesforwhich supportisrequestedunderits direct lending and guarantee programs. Such procedures shall provide for the public disclosure of environmental a s s e s s m e n t s a n d supplemental environmental reports required to be submitted to the Bank, including remediation or mitigation plans and procedures, and related monitoringreports.”
Additionally, Janki said Section 11(a)(1) applies to projects which “(C) may h a v e s i g n i f i c a n t environmental effects upon the global commons or any country not participating in the project, or may produce anemission,aneffluent,ora principal product that is prohibited or strictly regulatedpursuanttoFederal environmentallaw.”
Tothisend,theGuyanese Lawyer noted that the proposed 300-megawatt gas plant would produce over 980,000 tons of carbon
dioxide per year and therefore would have significant environmental effects on the global commons.
She contended that the gas plant requires an environmental assessment which has not been carried out.
The award-winning environmentallawyer,inher comments to the Bank, highlighted the harm to Americans from the project. S h e r e a s o n e d t h a t greenhouse gas pollution from the proposed gas plant has not been assessed for its impacts on the global commons as required by S11(1)(C).
“These impacts include
Thedriverispresentlyin custody assisting with the investigation.
Changeofgovt.ornot, Hessseesnofiscalriskto StabroekBlockcontract By Renay
Twokilledin Tuschensmash-up - driver arrested after trying to flee
Two persons are dead after an out-of-control car slammed into them as they were crossing the Tuschen Public Road, East Bank Essequibo early Sunday morning.
Dead are: 54-year-old Yvette Daniels and 48-yearoldVishnudatMohabir,both of Tuschen Housing Scheme Police in a press releasesaidthattheaccident occurredatabout02:00hrs.
The accident involved motorcar#PKK9890,driven by Vickash Dhunao, a 29year-old from Tuschen and thetwopedestrians.
Enquiries disclosed that motorcar #PKK 9890 was proceeding east along the northernsideoftheTuschen Public Road at a fast rate, whenthefrontportionofthe vehiclecollidedwiththetwo pedestrians who were at the time crossing the road from northtosouth.Policesaidas a result of the collision, the pedestrians were flung into theairandfellontotheroad surface where they received severe injuries to their bodies. The motorcar (PKK 9890) further collided with motorcar #PGG 5073 which was stationary on the northern side of the road, facingeast,andthencameto a halt about 100 yards from the accident scene The driverfledthesceneandwas laterarrested.
Thetwopedestrianswere pronounceddeadatthescene by the E M T personnel Their bodies were escorted to Ezekiel Mortuary for storage, awaiting postmortem examination A
breathalyzer test was conducted on the driver and alcohol was found in his breath ( 070% and 071% Micrograms).
Whether the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) retains power after theanticipated2025General and Regional Elections or a new administration assumes office, Hess Corporation’s Chief Executive Officer (CEO), John Hess, is confident there will be no fiscal risks to the contract governing operations in the StabroekBlock.
Duringaninterviewwith an international research institute, John Hess, expressed confidence that the next government will upholdthefiscaltermsofthe 2016 Production Sharing Agreement(PSA).
ExxonMobil Guyana Limited (EMGL) operates the Stabroek Block in partnership with Hess and CNOOC The agreement exempts the oil companies from paying taxes directly, with Guyana covering these costs, and allows the companies to recover up to 75% of their investments before the remaining 25% is split Of this, Guyana receives 12.5%, in addition to a 2% royalty paid by the oilcompanies.
Guyana’s political landscape features three major parties, each with its own stance regarding the renegotiationoftheStabroek Block oil deal. The PPP/C has firmly stated that it will uphold the sanctity of contracts and will not renegotiate the agreement The People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR), while not committing to a renegotiation, has expressed a desire to engage with ExxonMobil to secure greater benefits for the G u y a n e s e p e o p l e Meanwhile,theAllianceFor Change (AFC) has also adopted a cautious approach regardingrenegotiation.
While the current g o v e r n m e n t h a s acknowledged that the deal benefits the oil companies morethanitdoesthecountry – the Irfaan Ali-led administration has taken the stance to not make changes to the contract, touting sanctityofcontract.Hess Continued on page 17
Frompage16 described the Stabroek Block partners’ relationship with the Irfaan Ali-led administration as “strong” andonethattheyaregrateful for “I think President Ali is doing an outstanding job leading his country building apolicyforsharedprosperity
for every Guyanese citizen…”Hessadded.
In relation to the current administration, Hess said, “Look the government has been very clear that you know they will honour the contract, they will honour the fiscal terms, they will hold us accountable to that a n d t h e i r b i g g e s t encouragement is you know let’s develop these oil resources and gas ultimately as safely, quickly and economically as we can and Exxonasoperatorandweas ajointventurearecontinuing todothat.”
Notably, during the interview,itwashighlighted that the new PSA for future oil deals includes higher royalties and an income tax provision, marking an improvement to the terms governing the Stabroek Block. When asked whether therehavebeenanychanges to the Stabroek Block agreement since its royalty was increased from 1% to 2%,Hessconfidentlystated, “No,andthegovernmenthas assured us that they will not change the terms they want us to develop the oil.” Hess explainedthatthesoonerthe
Aubrey Norton unveiled his party’s 20-point plan for the oilandgassector,promising to review the lopsided 2016 deal that was signed by the Coalition Government of whichhewaspartofwithUS oilmajorExxonMobil.
Norton, who has shied away from saying if elected he will “renegotiate” the contract had outlined the coalition’s key strategies for managing the oil and gas
sector, with a heavy emphasis on ensuring Guyanese benefits more from its abundant oil
resources Following the announcement, the plan was
criticised for lacking commitment to actually make changes to the deal.
Stabroek Block partners recoup their investments, whichtodateisoverUS$55 billion, the sooner the Guyanese government will seealargershare.
Moreover,whenaskedin the scenario of a change of government, if he sees any fiscal risk, Hess affirmed, “No,no.”
In September, Leader of
the People’s National Congress Reform (PNC/R),
Further, Nigel Hughes, prominent attorney and electedleaderoftheAFChas taken a cautious stance regarding the contentious issueofrenegotiatingtheoil
deal Days before his election as leader Hughes declined to comment on the potentialrenegotiationofthe contentious 2016 oil deal sayingthatthecompanyisa clientofhislawfirm.
Hughes has stated that while he is unable to
comment on renegotiating the lopsided deal, he has other plans if elected. He stated, “What I have said is thatIwillsetupcommittees and if we get into government, commissions that are specifically dedicatedtodealingwithoil, generally.”
Goldminerssignnew pactwithgovt.formore duty-freeconcessions
The Guyana Gold and D i a m o n d M i n e r s Association (GGDMA) and the Government of Guyana has recently signed an Investment Development
Agreement [IDA] for vehicles and spares for a periodoftwoYears.
The Association will be meeting with the Guyana RevenueAuthorityshortlyto discuss the working of the IDA and the requirements that miners need to meet to qualify for this incentive This much was told miners
when they met at the association’s 40th Annual General Meeting held on December9,2024.
At the meeting miners resolved to strategise and work together for greater growth in the sector and President of the GGDMA, RonaldoAlphonsonotedthat despite the many challenges theindustryfacedthisyear,it has only served to make the resolve of the miners stronger
According to a press release by the GGDMA, Alphonso explained that evenwithdroughtandlabour issues the industry must work for sustainable growth and develop and capitalise onnewopportunities.
According to the
association,inadditiontothe IDA, the government has partnered with the GGDMA for the development of several interior roads and bridgesandthebodyhasalso been given a fast track to gettingtheirissuesventilated withthevariousgovernment departments via the establishment of a direct miningportal.TheGGDMA says it is heartened and grateful for the support that theGovernmentcontinuesto provide to the sector despite the petroleum boom and the rise of the construction sector Additionally, the GGDMA sad its executives continued to meet regularly with President Irfaan Ali on theneedsandsupportforthe mining sector “The President has been fully supportive of the sector and has worked with the
GGDMA to advance initiatives that will help bolster growth. As a result, the sector was able to get several benefits including: IDAon VehicleandSpares; VAT exemptions on spares formachinery,sparesforthe dredges and all industrial grease and hydraulic oils For those miners who sell directly to the Guyana Gold Board. This is now a part of therecentlysignedIDAwith the government and is valid fortwo(2)years,”therelease
added Other benefits r e c e i v e d f r o m t h e government are: addressing labour shortages in the mining sector; three new roads for the mining sector plus $2.2B in rehabilitation works are currently being undertakenbytheGGMCon existing roads. Toroparau to Kartuni Road, Kartuni to CuyuniRoad,andToroparau to Makapa Road The
As part of its outreach efforts, the GGDMA hosts regularopendays,providing miners with an opportunity to meet with the executive team,raiseissuesofconcern, and seek assistance Mr Jagnandan encouraged all miners to take advantage of these sessions, underscoring the Association’s open-door policy and commitment to addressing members’needs. He added that the GGDMA remains a pillar of support for the mining sector, championing initiatives that promote sustainability, growth, and the well-being of its members The 40th AGM was held at the h
GGDMA.Markingahistoric m
openingupoflandsforsmall and medium scale miners through Lotteries held by GGMC; quarterly meetings with the Minister of Natural Resources and Technical Meetings with GGMC and MiningDirectPortallinking theGGDMA,MNR,GGMC andtheGGBhavealsobeen cited.
“The GGDMA is satisfied with the support given to the sector by the current Government, noting that several of the concessions that were returned to them since 2020 have been maintained and efforts are being made to expand benefits for miners.
The GGDMA is committed tocontinueworkingwiththe Governmenttoachievejoint goals for the sector and stamp out illicit activities that negatively impact the sector,”thereleasestated.
Members at the meeting also raised the issue of the recent shortage of mercury which has seen the price skyrocket and some dealers exploiting the situation. Mr Avalon Jagnandan, AdministratoroftheGuyana Gold and Diamond Miners Association (GGDMA), has reiterated the Association’s unwavering dedication to representing the interests of allminersacrossthecountry
Speaking on the
association’s ongoing initiatives, Mr Jagnandan emphasised, “The GGDMA remains steadfast in its commitment to advocating on behalf of our members. We will continue to actively engagewiththeGovernment of Guyana and all key stakeholders to ensure the interests of the mining communityareprotectedand advanced.”
introduced a mini exhibition for the first time, offering s
providers an exceptional platform to showcase their products and services to the miningcommunity.
Govt.teamsupwithUS firmtodevelopanother gasmonetisationstrategy …after paying US$20k to ex-T&T Minister
The Ministry of Natural Resourcesrecentlydisclosed its partnership with S&P Global to guide the development of a Gas MonetisationStrategy The announcement follows a release of a draft Gas Monetization Strategy, prepared by formerTrinidad & Tobago (T&T) Energy Minister,KevinRamnarine. Following its release for national consultation, the National Gas Strategy was widelycriticised. In fact, Vice President (VP), Bharrat Jagdeo, who prev
ut the strategy,concededthatthere were several known issues with the 43-page document before l
ing it a “discussion paper” It was reportedthatRamnarinewas paid some US$20,000 to prepare the National Gas StrategyforGuyana. Government had also previouslycriticisedS&Pfor its pronouncement on Guyana’soilreserves.Atthe time, Guyana’s reserves had notbeenupdatedinovertwo years, although eight new discoverieshadbeenmadein theStabroekBlock,operated byoilmajor,ExxonMobil. Jagdeodisputedthe Continued on page 18
Frompage17 figures presented by S&P, indicating that the reserves had not significantly grown from its last estimate of 11 billionbarrels.Hesaid,“You quoted some agency from abroad that has given a high figure, there has been no major change in the report that we receive.” S&P has been a trusted source, providing global analytics and financial information Guyana is actively pursuing the use of natural gas in the LizaOneandLizaTwofields fortheGas-to-Energy(GTE) project.
Thegovernmenthasalso hired another US firm, Fulcrum LNG to design, finance, construct, and operate the required gas infrastructure to provide gas monetisation solutions and accelerate upstream gas developmentsinthecountry. Discussions between the GoG, ExxonMobil and Fulcrum are said to be ongoing.
Though the government did not reveal additional details about its partnership with S&P, the Ministry highlightedchallengestothe developmentofthecountry’s gas resources. According to theMinistry,thiswillrequire
a robust framework Additionally, it noted the
need to assess gas measurement capacity and training for related agencies suchastheGuyanaNational Bureau of Standards and the Guyana Revenue Authority, as well as technical officers attheMinistry
Meanwhile, the Ministry said there may be need for additional infrastructure to facilitatetheadditionalstaff, after being trained, for gas measurement.
Moreover, it was explained that a list of 22 standards have been recommended by an Inter-
A g e n c y Te c h n i c a l Committeeand approved by the National Standards
Council as National
Standards to date This r e q u i r e s f o c u s o n implementation.Guyanahas an estimated gas reserve of 17 trillion cubic feet
Government has been consistent with its intent to develop these resources to generate additional revenue forthecountry
Govt.urgedtoformally writeExxontoinitiate renegotiationprocess
Former Minister of Finance, Winston Jordan, is urging the Government of Guyana to initiate the process for a possible renegotiation of the 2016 Production Sharing Agreement (PSA) with ExxonMobil Guyana Limited.
Exxon’s Guyana operator holds 45 per cent interest in Guyana’s lucrative Stabroek Block, which is 6.6 million acres and has 11.6 billion barrels
of oil. Hess Guyana Exploration Ltd. holds 30 per cent interest and CNOOC Petroleum Guyana Limited holds 25 per cent interest.The2016dealgives Guyana an industry-low 2% royalty Presently, Guyana
shares revenue with
ExxonMobil after the companydeducts75percent towards the cost incurred to develop the resources in the StabroekBlock.
During the People’s National Congress (PNCR’s) Nation Watch programme, on Sunday, Jordan said, “I see nothing wrong in writing to Exxon, initiating the process of renegotiating the contract; until you do that you do not know what will be Exxon’s response,youdon’tknow.”
While the current g o v e r n m e n t h a s acknowledged that the deal benefits the oil companies morethanitdoesthecountry – the Irfaan Ali-led administration has taken the stance to not make changes
to the contract, touting sanctity of contract. In response to this, Jordan explained that it is known thatthecontractprovidesfor amutualagreementbetween government and Exxon, before the contract can be amended.
“Weknowthatisbothof usthathavetoclaphandsto come to an agreement. So, I will initiate it and we will come to the table and let us see what is in it for me what isinitforyou.ThatiswhatI see.Okay,ifthenegotiations go south, they go south, but you can’t just keep sitting down and hollering sanctity ofcontract,”headded.
ExxonMobil Guyana President, Alistair Routledge, has defended the heavily criticized deal it signed with the previous Coalition Government for thelucrativeStabroekBlock. Last month, in an interview with Financial Times, Routledge defended the contract, saying the terms were competitive for a
attracted limited interest
Just two companies –Hess and CNOOC – replied to 35 letters sent out by Exxon seeking partners when Shell pulled out of the consortium in 2014, he said. Routledge said returns to GuyanacouldexceedUS$10 billion over its operations’ decades-longlifetime.There wouldbenorenegotiationof the agreement as “contract sanctity is super important for investors,” he added “Everybody can cherry pick certain things but at the end of the day, it’s a collective economic return for an economy [whose current] national budget is only around US$3 5 billionUS$4 billion It is quite transformational,”hesaid.
Further, during Exxon’s last press conference with
the media, Routledge made it clear that Exxon is not opentorenegotiatingtheoil contract. He was asked aboutusingtheprovisionin the contract that caters for Guyanaandthecompanyto m u t u a l l y a g r e e t o renegotiate the contact He said,“Wehavenointerestto invokethatArticle AsIsay, we’ve made US$55 billion worthofcommitmenttothe country To go back and to undermine the basis of that investment would seriously challenge any future investments ”
StabroekBlockoffers uniqueopportunities forhighestreturnon investment–Exxon’sVP …sayseveryyear companydrillsat twicethespeed
ExxonMobil’s Senior Vice President, Neil Chapman, has highlighted the Stabroek Block as a prime location for highreturn on investments Chapman said that despite being in the early stages of development, it is already performing well and offers significant untapped opportunities to recover the 11 billion barrels of oil equivalent.
The Senior Vice President speaking recently about the company’s progress, stated, “I like to remindyou,andIalwayslike to remind everybody, we’re still very early in the developmentoftheStabroek Block ” He outlined ExxonMobil’s progress in Guyana, noting that the companyhasbeenexceeding itsoutlinedplans.
Currently, three floating production, storage, and offloading (FPSO) vessels are in operation in the StabroekBlock,withadaily production rate of about 660,000 barrels of oil
ging, to enh
nce recovery rates and well placement accuracy This technology allows ExxonMobil to visualize real-time movements of oil, gas, and liquids within reservoirs, improving the placement of wells and b o o s t i n g r e c o v e r y efficiency
Chapman noted, “We’re adding two new FPSO developments to recover moreofthe11billionbarrels of announced discovered resource.”
Bytheendofthedecade, Exxon aims to have eight FPSOs in production, achieving a combined capacity of 1 7 million barrels of oil equivalent per day(boe/d)andanestimated production of 1 3 million boe/d.
Chapman underscored, “Three boats [FPSOs] are online, five to come. These eight boats are going to be deployedacrosshundredsof square miles What that means is, when you’ve got eight foundational boats, you’ve got lots of opportunities for tie backs, you’ve got lots of opportunities for infield drilling Those are the highest return investments you’ll ever make in the upstreambecauseyou’vegot most of the capital already deployed.”
Further, the senior executive highlighted the importance of drilling efficiency, noting that the company is now drilling at twicethespeeditachievedin 2019 “Drilling is really critical…you can see we’re industry leading, and every yearwe’redrillingatafaster pace,”Chapmansaid.
He highlighted the company’s success of delivering the first three FPSOs on schedule and within budget, attributing this achievement to Exxon’s aggressive yet achievable planning He highlighted that a third of the cost for these projects lies in the FPSO, a third in subsea infrastructure, and a third in drilling. “The budgets and these schedules are the most aggressive in the industry,” hesaid.
Moreover,Chapmanalso detailed the application of advanced technology,
EPA’sunlawfulconduct, laxregulationwould implicatetheUSinany resultingharmfromgas project-Int’llawyertells
International Lawyer, MelindaJanki in an 11-page submission to the United States Export Import (US EXIM)Bankhaswarnedthat Guyana’s Environmental Protection Agency (EPA’s) unlawful conduct would implicate the country in any resulting harm, associated with the Gas-to-Energy (GTE)project.
Back in April 2023, it was revealed that Guyana made an application to the US EXIM bank for a US$646M loan to support the Natural Gas Liquids (NGL) facility and the 300megawatt gas-fired power plant-twocomponentsofthe venture.
American oil major, ExxonMobil is constructing a 12-inch diameter pipeline that will transport gas from the Liza Fields to power the twoplants.
TheUSEXIMBankhad opened a comments period for feedback on the project. Jankihaspointedlyaskedthe Bank not to provide financing to Guyana for the g a s p l a n t s I n h e r submission, the Lawyer pointed out that safety in petroleum operations requires a strong regulator and strict enforcement of applicable rules and standards.
Shesaid,“Alaxregulator in Guyana not only imperils Guyana and neighbouring states but unnecessarilyputs in danger the lives of workers, including Americans, employed in Exx
Janki went on to explain thatin2023,anationalcourt described the regulator as a “derelict, pliant and submissive Environmental Protection Agency” which h a d a b d i c a t e d i t s responsibilitiesputting Continuedonpage36
Reindeer range: North American (green), Eurasian (red), and Alaskan introduced(orange)
The reindeer or
caribou[a] (Rangifer tarandus)isaspeciesofdeer w i t h c i r c u m p o l a r distribution,nativetoArctic, subarctic,tundra,boreal,and mountainous regions of Northern Europe, Siberia, andNorthAmerica. Itisthe only representative of the genus Rangifer. More recent studies suggest the splitting of reindeer and caribou into sixdistinctspeciesovertheir range.
Reindeer occur in both migratory and sedentary populations, and their herd sizesvarygreatlyindifferent regions The tundra subspecies are adapted for extreme cold, and some are adapted for long-distance migration.
Reindeer vary greatly in
size and color from the smallest, the Svalbard r e i n d e e r ( R t ) platyrhynchus), to the largest,Osborn’scaribou(R. t osborni) Although reindeerarequitenumerous, somespeciesandsubspecies areindeclineandconsidered vulnerable. They are unique among deer (Cervidae) in
that females may have antlers, although the prevalence of antlered females varies by subspecies.
Reindeer are the only successfully semidomesticateddeeronalarge scaleintheworld.Bothwild and domestic reindeer have been an important source of
In some traditional Christmas legends, Santa Claus’reindeer pull a sleigh through the night sky to help Santa Claus deliver gifts to good children on Christmas Eve.
food, clothing, and shelter for Arctic people from prehistoricaltimes.Theyare stillherdedandhuntedtoday In some traditional Christmas legends, Santa Claus’sreindeerpullasleigh throughthenightskytohelp Santa Claus deliver gifts to good children on Christmas Eve.
Scotiabank has been recognised as Guyana’s Bank of the Year 2024 by The Banker Magazine, a FinancialTimespublication, which is regarded as the industry standard for bankingexcellence.
TheBanker’sBankofthe Year Awards aim to recognise institutions that havegrownwhileretaininga solid balance sheet, improvedthequalityoftheir
service, invested in technology and considered their role within their local communities.
In commenting on the Bank’s achievement, Nafeeza Gaffoor -Country
Manager, Scotiabank Guyana indicated “This has certainly been an exciting year for us and our clients. Weintroducednewproducts, servicesandtools,delivering an improved banking experience for clients and supportingthemwithgetting theirbankingdonefasterand more conveniently I thank our clients for their dedication, confidence and trust and our employees for continuingtoinnovatewhile maintaining a client centric mindset.”
Notable highlights from thisrecognitioninclude:
The launch of the new Scotia Caribbean app, which has biometric sign-in
and a redesigned user experience, making secure mobile banking more accessibletoclients24hours aday,7daysaweek.
. The upgraded Scotia OnLine Banking platform, which now includes onetime password protection and expanded bill payment options to include local utilities and mobile money providers such as Mobile Money Guyana, GPL, GWI andDigicel.
. Introduction of our proprietary application technology, which enables clientstoacceptandprocess paymentsthroughself-check
h seamless, self-sufficient technology Scotiabank is theonlybanklocallytohave invested in its proprietary digitalapplication.
TheBankerMagazineis the world’s longest running international banking magazine, recognized as a leading source of information on finance and investmentaroundtheglobe.
This year, Scotiabank was also named the Bank of the Year 2024 in Bahamas, Barbados Canada, Trinidad & Tobago and Turks & Caicos. Read more about Scotiabank’s 2024 Awards on The Banker’s website here.
Persons living with HIV face many difficulties of coping and accepting this. However, it is one thing contracting the disease from a partner and others contractedthroughtraumatic experiences like rape. Yet Sasha (not her real name) a victim of HIV acquired throughrape,bravelyshares herstorytoshedlightonthe strength and resilience she h a s d e m o n s t r a t e d throughoutherHIVjourney
Sasha's ordeal began at theyoungageof12whenshe was raped by her stepfather, leadingtohercontractionof HIV It wasn't until she becamepregnantinherearly 20s that she discovered her HIV-positive status Recalling her harrowing experience, Sasha revealed, “whenIgetmyfirstdaughter I joined a clinic and that's when I found out I was HIV positive…Ididn'tgetitfrom no partner, I get it from my stepfather, he raped me and mymotherpassedawaywith it(HIV)andaftershepassed away, that's how I come to learnit.”
After hearing the tragic news, Sasha felt frustrated and wanted to take her own life, saying, “ I go fuh kill myself and cut up myself.. Mybiggestconcernwasthat mychildrendon'thaveit.”
Luckily over the years, all four of her children are HIVfree.
Since Sasha's diagnosis, she admitted it was a rough road for her in coping. She faceddiscriminationandfelt isolated. “It was terrible for me because nobody don't want me to use anything
fromthem;acup,aspoonor plate Not even wearing something from them,” she explained.
D e s p i t e f a c i n g discrimination and isolation post-diagnosis, Sasha found solace in her HIV support group, where she received invaluable support and guidance.
“One of the women is likeamothertome,ifIhave aproblemandIfeelitisnot nice to me I would call her and she would give me advice,”Sashaexplained.
Likemostpersonsliving with HIV, Sasha's treatment journeybeganwhenshewas introduced to Antiretroviral Therapy (ART), which would become a lifeline. ART works by suppressing the HIV virus, allowing the immune system to heal and protectthebodyfromfurther damage. But the road to stability was not easy. She saidthatherfirsttimetaking the pills, “I started vomiting and getting sick but eventually I don't feel pain anymore.”
However, Sasha's resilience was tested further when her child's father passedaway,withhisfamily blaming her for his death.
This added layer of discrimination only fueled Sasha's determination to overcome her struggles for thesakeofherchildren. Sashaconfessedthatshe didnotcopewithherdisease well in the beginning. “ It wasstressful,Istopdrinkmy tablets,I usedtodrink and partied but as I continued, thingsstartcomingoutofmy skin and eventually I came
off of those bad habits because I have my children tolivefor,”Sashaexplained. Sasha explained that her kids are her biggest motivation to continue moving forward “Every time I think about doing something to myself I always remember my kids. Because I say tomorrow I gone,whogoingtolookafter mykidslikeme,”thewoman
Now as a single mother of four children, she admittedthatsheisafraidof forming new relationships withotherpersons.
She stated that she is afraid of spreading the disease to others Sasha recountedanoccasionwhere she finds it difficult to be accepted. “I had someone who I was dealing with and
one day I was sitting in his carandhetoldme'thedayI find out that any woman gives me any sick, I would kill she whole family', and insideofmeIwaslikewhat? AndsincethenIgetthisfear insideofmetotryagain.”
Her story is one of
Through her journey, Sasha has not only survived but
thrived becoming an inspiration to others facing similar battles. In her own words:“staystrong,youwill get through this and seek good treatment, this is not theend,keeppushing.”
Inaworldthatoftenfeels unforgiving, Sasha has overcome a lot and is a shining example of the power of hope, resilience, andloveinthefaceofHIV
The Guyana Prize for Literature’s
t h i r d - p l a c e winner, “Requiem for the Living” captivated audiences during its stage debut at the National Cultural Centre on December 15, 2024.Written by Jamal La Rose and directed by Godfrey
Naughton, the play combined suspense with humor,delvingdeepintothe complex relationship betweentwosisters,Beverly andElizabeth.
According to the Ministry of Culture Youth and Sports the story explores themes of childhood trauma, familial tension, love, and anger, as Beverly (played by Feliz Robertson) returns to her childhood home to confront her painful past. Her sister Liz (Latiefa Agard) and her family, still living at the home, provide a tense backdrop for Beverly’s
inheritance of their parents’ legacy
ely culminating in a tragic murder-suicide The play closed with an emotionally chargeddanceperformedby the Wright’s Temple Dancers, adding an artistic flairtothetragicconclusion. The talented cast also
Henry Muttoo and Gem Madhoo-Nascimento for GEMSTheatreProductions; FatheroftheManbyPaloma Mohamed, directed by SimoneDowding; Children of Baby (2nd Place winner) byMosaTelford,directedby Nickose Layne for the National Drama Company; and Requiem for the Living (3rd Place winner) by Jamal La Rose, directed by GodfreyNaughton.
included Jude Holder as B
Frederick Minty as Paul (Liz’s husband), Sheron Cadogan Taylor as the fiery neighbor Jay-jay, Akeila David as Liz’s son Joel, and Kelly Asgill as a police officer
“The production was staged under the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sport’s ‘Write to Stage’ support
programme which started in 2023 has already seen the successful production of six prize-winningplaysfromthe archivesoftheGuyanaPrize forLiterature,”thestatement said. The initiative, which brings Guyana Prizewinning plays to life on stage,hasreinvigoratedlocal theatre, especially after the Guyana Prize for Literature was revived in 2022 followingasix-yearhiatus.
The ministry further stated
ts inception,theWritetoStage programme has successfully staged several other Guyana Prize-winning plays, including : Sauda by Mosa Telford, directed by Ayanna Waddell for the National DramaCompany; Makantali by Harold Bascom, directed by Godfrey Naughton; The Last of the Red Men by Michael Gilkes, directed by
The Ministry stated that Minister OF Culture Youth andSports,CharlesRamson, “attheendoftheproduction, committed to the continued staging of the programme and indicated that patrons can look forward to a new menuofplaysin2025.”
With Requiem for the Living’s success, it’s clear that Guyanese audiences have an appetite for plays that are not only thoughtprovoking but also deeply emotional, showcasing the power of theatre as an art form.
Scenes from the Guyana Prize-Winning Play “Requiem for the Living” which captivated audiences at National Cultural Centre
The rich aroma of the indigenous dish, pepperpot, is the common sign that it's Christmas morning in many Guyanese household. For those who may not know how to prepare this meal or arespendingChristmasawayfrom home, a local business has taken pepperpot one step further to transformitintoaninstantmealfor you.
Ashdel's Enterprise, located at 7th Street Paradise, East Coast Demerara (ECD), was this year certified under the Guyana National Bureau of Standards (GNBS)PermittousetheMadein Guyana Certification Mark Programme This allows the company to use the GNBS
approved standards mark on its Instant Beef pepperpot (100g), Instant Veggie pepperpot (100g) andInstantPlantainPorridge.
Proprietress of the business, Grace Parris explained that her venture was launched in 2018 following calls for locally made foodstobeincludedintheMREsor Meals-Ready-to-Eat kits used by
Proprietor ofAshdel's Enterprise Grace Parris received her certificate from the GNBS onAugust 12, 2024
Guyanese soldiers when deployed tothehinterlandregions.
“We were showed what the foreign [kits] had – it was a completekitofthingstoeatwhich you did not have to cook…and what I was tasked with is making our local food in a ready to eat format.Istartedworking,tryingto package and seal things that could last for you know, a long period of time…,”sheexplained. Parris explained that she (Continuedonpage35)
Get ready to deck the halls and turn up the vibes!
ThisChristmasDay,thecosy village of Vergenoegen East Bank Essequibo (EBE) is pulling out all the stops for its 23rdAnnual Village Day Celebration, promising an unforgettable day of music, culture,andcommunityfun.
What started as a small street party organized by a group of ambitious young men23yearsagohasgrown into one of Guyana’s most eagerlyawaitedevents.With thousands of revellers pouring in from all over the country, the Vergenoegen VillageDayisnowamassive celebration of Guyanese heritageandunity
This year’s event, spearheaded by Slingerz Family Entertainment, boastsanelectrifyingline-up that will leave you dancing wellintoBoxingDay
Headlining the main stage at the National Track and Field Centre are two of
dancehall’s biggest stars, TeejayandKraff.
Timoy Jones, known as “The Up Top Boss,” Teejay has been a powerhouse in dancehall with hits like “FromRagstoRiches”,“Up TopBoss”,and“Drift.”
His infectious melodies and relatable lyrics have solidifiedhisplaceasoneof the genre’s most beloved artists.Expectaperformance that’ll have the crowd waving and singing along in
On the flip side, Tevin Randall, aka Kraff, brings his signature edgy style to thestage.Arisingstarinthe dancehall scene, Kraff has carved out a name with bangers like “Sleep Walk,” “CalmC,” and “Cya Style Me.”
Hisgrittylyricsandhighenergy performances promise to set Vergenoegen ablaze in the best way possible.
Adding to the musical magicarelocalstarsCarlvin Burnett and AW Lyrical, who’ll deliver the homegrownvibesweallknowand love.
Before the big show moves to the spacious National Track and Field Centre, the festivities kick off earlier in the day at the Vergenoegen Rice Mill Tarmac, the event’s traditional home base. But this isn’t just about the music; the Vergenoegen villagedayisallaboutgiving back.
As customary, Slingerz Family Entertainment has planned a special toy giveaway,bringingsmilesto thefacesofthecommunity’s youngestmembers.
It’s the perfect way to spread Christmas cheer and remindeveryonethatthetrue spirit of Village Day lies in togethernessandgenerosity.
While the Vergenoegen Rice Mill tarmac holds sentimental value for many, ongoing construction has promptedavenuechangefor safety reasons. But don’t worry the shift to the
National Track and Field Centre ensures plenty of space for everyone to enjoy t h e h i g h - e n e r g y performancesincomfortand security
Vergenoegen Village Day has a legacy of hosting the crème de la crème of reggae and dancehall, from legendslikeBeenieManand Capleton to modern charttoppers like Popcaan and Shenseea. It’s no surprise that this event is hailed as one of the premier entertainment showcases in Guyana.
More than just a music festival, the Vergenoegen Village Day is a celebration ofthevibrant,resilientspirit of Vergenoegen, a village whose name fittingly means “satisfaction”inDutch.It’sa melting pot of cultures, traditions, and, most importantly,people. Whether you’re a longtime fan of the event or a first-timer, this year’s Vergenoegen Village Day celebration promises to capture the heart of what makes Vergenoegen so special.
Christmas is often termed a "holy day" or a "festival"orfestiveday The holydayisthereligiousfacet ofChristmasandthe'festive' is its secular facet. In older societies such as Europe, from the MiddleAges, there has always been a rivalry between the secular and religious and until the 19th century, the religious predominated In the Victorian era, with Charles Dickens and other such writers, the festive and secularaspectsofChristmas were brought to the fore thoughtheethicalaspectsof Christianity were equally promoted, especially charity and assisting the poorer membersofsociety
In 17th and 18th century Guyana,thePlanterClassas a whole, had no desire to promote Christianity among their slaves and they themselves were not a religious group. Christmas was the only holiday accorded to the slaves: For the only time of the year, slaveswerepermittedtovisit their friends and relatives in other plantations, to use as much sugar and rum as they wished,tocooktheirAfrican dishesandtosinganddance andcelebrate.
Though,intheearly19th century, there were a few churches, notably St George's Cathedral and St Andrews Kirk, only Europeans attended them. The Congregational Church catered to slaves and nonwhites but they had a continuous struggle to surviveandwereonlyableto beproperlyestablishedafter Emancipation.
After Emancipation, the Freedmen and women continued to celebrate Christmas as they did under slavery, but their celebrations were spontaneous and bigger It was at this time the MasqueradeBandsemerged, African drumming was widely revived with Cumfa dances and African foods such as cook-up, fufu, metemG, konkey, sugar cakes, and the Guyana fruit cake,blackcakeandsponges began to emerge. Drinks such as pine drink, sorrel, mauby, and ginger beer began to make their appearance. The Churches became more active and African congregations grew with teachings of the Nativity and hymns and Christmas Carols The
and activitieswererespectedbut there was far more involvement with the
secular WithEmancipationcame Indentured immigration from various parts of the world and each of these
immigrant groups enriched Chri
s The Portuguese immensely strengthened Catholicism
with colorful Mediterranean customs making Christian teachingsoftheNativityand thelifeandteachingsofLord Jesus more attractive. They
madelastingcontributionsto the Christmas cuisine with the Boldamel honey cake andgarlicporkandtheuseof various types of cheeses.
TheIndianspopularizedrice and rice dishes, making the Christmas dal puri, and curried chicken and roti as (Continuedonpage35)
being a necessary part of the Christmas fare. The Chinese contributions to Christmas food were chowmein, fried rice androastpork.
All these various groups that came in the 19th century were quickly integrated into the Guyanese Christmas and brought a verve and commitment to it and though a large proportion were not Christians, they came to appreciate the NativityandtheteachingsofLordJesuswhich,inmanycases, didnotdifferfromtheirtraditions. Accordingly,inGuyanese society, there is no religious conflict or tension and this is typified by all Guyanese, irrespective of their religious or racialbackground,beingenthusiasticChristmascelebrants.
ChristmasdecorationswiththeChristmascoloursofred, blue, green and gold are everywhere in shops, in the streets, and in homes, fairy lights and Christmas trees, being most prominent. Theshopsarefullofnewstockandbuyersandthe commercialcommunityispleasedwiththethrobbingrevival ofthesecularaspectsofChristmas.Andallfamiliesenjoythe uniquefestivityoftheGuyaneseChristmas.
IntheGuyaneseChristmas,thereligiousandsecularhave beensynthesizedandthegreeting“HappyChristmasandmay its Peace and Goodwill permeate our lives” comes from the heart.
initially began making instant chicken stew, but this product wasunsuccessful,leadingtotheadditionofCassareepwhich isthestapleproductinGuyanesepepperpot.Uponlearningof the benefits of cassareep in the product, the businesswoman switched from chicken to beef and commenced the Instant Beefpepperpotproduct.
ThisproductandtheInstantVeggiepepperpot,aresoldin boxes with the sauces in separate packets from the meat or chunks.
“Itstartedinjustaregularpackaging.ButthenIattendeda trainingsponsoredbyUSAIDwhereweweretoldtoobserve how people handle our products. When I observed the handlingoftheproduct,Ididnotlikeit,andthenIswitchedto theboxes”,sheexplained.
“Itispepperpot,asweallknowwhatpepperpotis.Ithas the cassareep, and it is made just like how the traditional Pepperpot is made where you cook and add your spices and stufflikethat”,Parrisadded.
Forconsumerswhoareconcernedaboutthepreservatives added to the products, Parris explained that the products are naturallypreservedthroughagro-processing;therefore,there are no added preservatives to the instant meals. She likened the product to other canned food imported and sold on the localmarket,notingthatherproductissafeandhasashelflife ofoneyear
With increasing demands for the products this Christmas season, the businesswoman indicated that the reviews have beengood.”
Parrissaid,gettingherproductscertifiedunderthePermit to use the Made in Guyana Certification Mark Programme, has significantly increased her sales. Speaking about her decisiontopursuecertification,sheadded:“WellIbelievein standards; my product is a traditional product that every guy knows what it is…and so to my mind, that Made in Guyana brand gave me a marketing tool for people to say it is Guyanese,anditislocalandmadetoaparticularstandard.”
TheMadeinGuyanaStandardsMarkisaregisteredmark that aims to provide recognition to locally manufactured products on the local and international markets and is a signatureofqualityforauthenticGuyaneseProducts.
The Proprietress encouraged other businesses to get certifiedundertheprogramme.
“The process was smooth, and I would say quick. The certificationalsoequippedmewiththeknow-howtoaddress theincreaseddemandformyproductswithoutlosingquality. Let’s make the ‘Made in Guyana’a standard that we can be proudof.Itisaseal,alogothatisrecognizable,andyouknow thattheproductwiththesealisaqualityproduct.Noneedto wonder if it was made in less than perfect conditions”, she emphasized.
TheMIGcertifiedInstantBeefpepperpot(100g),Instant Veggiepepperpot(100g)andInstantPlantainPorridge,along with other certified products can be found in the Bounty Supermarkets,DSLandtheGuyanaShop.
To sign up for the MIG certification, visit the GNBS website:www gnbsgy.orgorcall:219-0064-66orWhatsApp: 692-4627.
Guyana at risk of a “calamitousdisaster”.
Further, the court also criticised the EPA for “adopting a stance of avoidance, concealment and secrecy” and acting “in unison” with Exxon, the Attorney-at-Law noted, while the former Executive Director,Dr VincentAdams
described the EPA as “abysmal”.
Meanwhile, Janki
highlighted that the associated gas will be brought to shore via a pipeline. She informed the USEXIMBankthatin2023, in a legal challenge to the pipeline brought by two citizens,anationalcourtsaid that the EPA’s decision to g r a n t E x x o n a n environmentalpermitforthe pipeline was, “contrary to lawandimproper.”
The EPA has exempted the gas plant and associated infrastructure from an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA). “This is contrary to national law which requires an EIA for
every project which may significantly affect the environment.Unlessthereis anEIAforthegasprojectitis impossible to identify the danger to people and the environment and ensure that the EPA imposes proper conditions on construction andoperationtomitigatethat danger,”theLawyerargued.
She pointed out that a portion of the pipeline is in water that is over a mile deep, with no technology which can monitor the structure in real time to detectleaks.
To this end, she cautioned, “An Eximbank loan for the gas project with knowledge of the EPA’s unlawful conduct and lax regulation would implicate theUnitedStatesofAmerica inanyresultingharm.”
16,000Americansobject toloan
While the Guyanese award-winning international LawyerhasrequestedtheUS EXIM Bank to refuse the loan application by Guyana, 16,000 Americans had also writtentoChairoftheUnited
States Export-Import Bank, Reta Jo Lewis demanding the financial institution not tofundthecontroversialgas project.
According to a letter from 16,452 members of Friends of the Earth United States, a non-governmental organization, the project is both a disaster for Guyana andtheclimate.
They said, “This project isbothadisasterforGuyana and the climate! The U.S. government should not be using taxpayer dollars to subsidize Exxon – a company that has recently reportedbillionsinprofits.”
The advocacy group in the missive issued in May 2024 went on to point out that studies done indicate that the gas project is not necessary as solar panels could provide a cheaper alternate of power generation.Accordingtothe letter, “This fossil fuel projectinGuyanaisnoteven close to necessary. Some analyses have shown that installingsolarpanelswould meet the energy needs of
Guyanese communities Moreover, it would cost less to build, reduce bills for ratepayers, generate local jobs, and fight the climate crisis.”
The letter also pointed out that “This project will help increase the world’s dependence on fossil fuels and make limiting global warmingto1.5°Cevenmore difficult.” and that “greedy c o m p a n i e s [ l i k e ] ExxonMobil will get even richer!”
The activist group noted that the letter was sent in solidarity with Guyanese citizens who are opposing the gas project on multiple groundsincludingthefailure t o c a r r y o u t a n environmental impact assessmentforthegasplant; the lack of a business case; the lack of any financial information showing how spending billions of US dollarswoulddeliver‘cheap’ electricity; the failure to comply with national law and environmental risks involvedwiththeproject.
Fiveyearson:Stillno changetolopsided Exxoncontract-company boastsGuyana’s developmentsmost successfulintheworld
Today marks five years s i n c e E x x o n M o b i l commenced offshore deepwateroilproductionhereand although the US oil major continues to boast of record profitsowingtothelopsided nature of the contract it secured, the Government of Guyanaisyettotakestepsto change the deal so that Guyanesecanbenefitmore.
Thegovernmenthasalso failed to implement key strategies for the prudent managementoftheresources and measures that allow for public oversight and accountability ExxonMobil istheoperatoroftheprolific Stabroek Block where more
than 11 billion barrels of oil resource
discovered since 2015
n partnership with Hess and CNOOC The agreement exempts the oil companies from paying taxes directly, with Guyana covering these costs,
ws the companies to recover up to 75% of their investments before the remaining 25% is split Of this, Guyana receives 12.5%, in addition to a 2% royalty paid by the oilcompanies.
Inapressreleasetomark the five-year anniversary, ExxonMobil Guyana said the five years of production is a significant achievement that underscores the transformative potential of the country’s growing energy sector. “Since “first oil” at the offshore Liza Phase 1 project five years ago,Guyanahasbecomethe third largest per-capita oil producer in the world. The oil-and-gas sector has spurred tremendous economicgrowthinGuyana, helping to elevate the countrytooneofthefastestgrowing economies globally,”thecompanysaid. ExxonMobil Guyana said it is dedicated to enhancing localcapacity,andGuyanese businesses and workers play critical roles in its operations.
It noted that more than 6,000 Guyanese are currentlyemployedingoodpaying industry jobs, and ExxonMobil Guyana and its suppliershaveinvestedmore thanGY$2billiontoprocure goods and services from more than 1,700 local
Guyanese businesses “We’re focused on capacity building, local content d e v e l o p m e n t , a n d environmental stewardship to ensure the benefits of Guyana’s oil-and-gas production reach every corner of the country,”
ExxonMobil Guyana
President, Alistair Routledge, said “We’re grateful for the strong collaboration with our coventurers, Hess and CNOOC, and with the GovernmentofGuyana–all ofwhomhaveplayedcrucial roles in responsibly developingGuyana’snatural resources.”
ExxonMobil Guyana’s deep-water developments arethemostsuccessfulinthe world In five years, the companyhasstartedupthree complex offshore mega-
projects on schedule and on b u d g e t , w h i l e simultaneously advancing plans for five additional projects by the end of the decade. Production capacity in Guyana is expected to surpass 1.7 million barrels per day, with gross production growing to 1 3 million barrels per day, by 2030 “Working alongside our co-venturers and the Government, we are doing our part to foster a brighter future for all Guyanese,” s a i d R o u t l e d g e “ExxonMobil Guyana proudly celebrates this fiveyear milestone as a shared achievement, and we look forward to continuing our successful collaboration withthepeopleofGuyana.”
Meanwhile, Guyanese have been protesting for changestotheabrasiveterms of the contract signed with Exxon and Co-venturers HessandCNOOC;however, even without bringing the companies back to the negotiating table, government can implement measures that allow greater governance of the sector, which is now the key driver ofthiscountry’seconomy Five years after commencing production activities on the country’s first Floating Production Storage and Offloading (FPSO) vessel, Guyana has not implemented systems to verify the daily number of barrels being produced by ExxonMobil The country has not only started up two more FPSOs without independentmeterstoverify production, but has also, to date,sanctionedatotalofsix projects In the meantime, Guyana is dependent on the production statistics reported by the operator of the projects. In addition to the absence of a parent company guarantee in the event of an oil spill, and the lack of ring-fencing on the projects,concernshavebeen raisedaboutthetransparency in the management of the sector and the spending of theoilfunds.
The National Assembly in December 2021 passed a Natural Resources FundAct togoverntherevenueearned fromthepetroleumindustry It earmarks specific guidelines for the use of the funds. However, there has been no indication from government as to a single project financed from this revenuestreamtodate.
Thefirstwithdrawal Continued on page 37
Frompage36 from the account was made in May 2022. Parliamentary approvalwasgrantedforthe sum of US$607.6 million to be transferred during the fiscal year 2022 and another US$1 002 billion in 2023 Section16.2oftheNRFAct
explains that “All withdrawals from the Fund shall be deposited into the ConsolidatedFundandshall beusedonlytofinance–(a) national development priorities including any initiative aimed at realizing aninclusivegreeneconomy; and(b)essentialprojectsthat are directly related to ameliorating the effect of a majornaturaldisaster.”
Government has not identified what are the “national development priorities” being funded by the oil revenue.The country is therefore, in the dark regarding the use of the f u n d s . Wi t h l i t t l e transparency regarding the use of Guyana’s oil wealth, International Financial Analysts worry that the revenue may not be used to develop the country and improve the lives of its poor citizens.
For instance, Director of Financial Analysis at the Institute for Energy Economics and Financial Analysis (IEEFA), Tom Sanzillo, had pointed out before that the government has not been prioritising saving the funds generated from the industry like Norway but has instead, has embarked on a massive infrastructural and energy development scheme which may very well benefit its partner, ExxonMobil, more than the citizens in the country
He reasoned, “It may work to Exxon’s benefit to put in new roads, it may be Exxon’s benefit to build a newgasplantbuttheydon’t need that kind of electricity system in Guyana and who knows if they actually need theroadsthatarebeingbuilt because there is no public processsowhatyouhaveisa planandtheplanistousethe money to keep the existing political structure in power andthat’swhatisgoingtobe done.”
Meanwhile, Director of Energy at Americas Market Intelligence, Arthur Deakin, hadalsosharedtheviewthat thegovernmentlacksaclear
structure on how the resources from this sector willbeusedtotransformthe lives of Guyanese. He noted
that Guyana’s oil sector has been moving at one of the fastest paces known in the industry; however, when it comes to translating that wealthtothepopulation,this has been taking some time. Infact,thespecialistpointed out that for the wealth to benefit the population, it would require structural p l a n n i n g b y t h e administration. To this end, Deakin said, “The government lacks a clear vision, a clear plan on how it’s gonna spend the money it’s receiving from the oil revenue, so I think there is a l o t o f r o o m f o r improvement.”
‘Therealjewelinthe crownisGuyana’–Hess
Hess Corporation’s Chief Executive Officer (CEO),JohnHess,hashailed Guyana’s Stabroek Block as the standout asset in the company’s global portfolio, describing it as the “real jewel in the crown,” during aninterview
He emphasised that the country’s offshore oil resourcesarecentraltoHess Corporation’s strategy of balancing short-cycle shale production with long-cycle offshore developments for sustainablegrowth.
“We have three ships on producing gross 660,000 barrels a day We have the line of sight and sanctioned FPSOs going for another threethatwilltakeourgross production to 1,300,000 barrels a day in 2027,” Hess noted, referencing the company’s operations in the prolific Stabroek Block Guyana’s crude has been Hess’s top seller over the first nine months of 2024, fetching an average price of
Hess highlighted that unlike U.S. shale, which he described as a mature industry with limited growthprospects,Guyana’s potential remains largely untapped and holds longterm value He explained, “The inventory life of shale companies is 8 to 10 years So I think it’s an annuity business now that provides very, very low growth.”
Guyana’s low cost of production and high-quality crude have made it an indispensable part of the company’s portfolio Hess said this aligns with the company’sgoalto“growthe resource, have a low cost to supply and deliver industry leadingcashflowgrowth.”
With plans to bring additional production online through more FPSOs, Hess emphasized that Guyana’s resources are not just vital for Hess Corporation’s sustainability but also for meetingfutureglobalenergy demands.“Theoilisgoingto be needed because of depletion and also demand growth in the world, and they’ll still be room for
The Stabroek Block which covers an area of 6.6 million acres is estimated to hold 11.6 billion barrels of oil. Hess is a 30% shareholder in the Stabroek Block which is operated by ExxonMobil and which holds 45%, and the third partnerCNOOC,with25%.
To date, Exxon has obtained approval from the Government of Guyana for six development projects in the Stabroek Block – Liza PhaseOne,LizaPhaseTwo, Payara,Yellowtail,Uaruand Whiptail.
The first three projects arealreadyproducingoilata daily estimated rate of 640,000 barrels per day (bpd). With the addition of Hammerhead and Longtail, Exxon said this will expand gross production in Guyana toapproximately1.3million barrels per day, with total production capacity expectedtoreach1.7million barrels per day on an investmentbasis.
e Moreover, in October 2023, it was announced that American oil giant Chevron will be acquiring Hess CorporationforsomeUS$53 billion. The takeover would give Chevron access to Hess’smostvaluableassetin Guyana However, Exxon and CNOOC filed for a r b i t r a t i o n a t t h e International Chamber of Commerce in Paris, arguing thattheyhavearightoffirst refusal over Hess’s stake The hearing is set for May 2025.
Exxon’s CEO Darren Woods has stated that the company wants to know the valueofHess’s30%stakein the Stabroek Block in the US$53 billion takeover and alsoparticipateinthesaleof
anAgreementsignedbyhim and ExxonMobil, where an unlimited parent company guaranteewasrequiredtobe provided.
Hess’s share in that block. Woods said, “We developed the value of that asset. We havetherighttoconsiderthe value of that asset in this transaction, and then the righttotakeanoptiononit.” He added, “We have an opportunity, as does CNOOC, the other partner, to participate in that opportunitytohavetheright offirstrefusal.”
EPAshamefully omittedsectionsExxon Permittoargueagainst unlimitedparent companyguaranteefor oilspills-Dr Adams
t h e Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Dr Vincent Adams has called out the regulator for “shamelessly” omittingaportionoftheLiza Two Permit in a statement last week arguing the absence of a provision requiringanunlimitedparent companyguarantee.
In a press statement on December 11, the EPA challenged Dr Adams to confirm whether there was
TheEPAquotedasection of the Liza Two Permit which addresses oil spill coverage. It said, the permit states under section 12 5 “ThepermitHoldermust,as soon as reasonably practicable,providefromthe Parent Company orAffiliate CompaniesofPermitHolder and its Co-Venturers (‘Affiliates”) one or more legally binding agreements to the EPA, undertaking to provide adequate financial resources for the permit holder and its Co-Venturers to pay or satisfy their respective environmental obligations regarding the StabroekBlock…”
In his response on Thursday, Dr. Adams said that the EPA failed to state theentireclause.Tothisend, he pointed out that the full clause without omissions is, “ThepermitHoldermust,as soon as reasonably practicable,providefromthe Parent Company orAffiliate CompaniesofPermitHolder
and its Co-Venturers (‘Affiliates”) one or more legally binding agreements to the EPA, undertaking to provide adequate financial resources for the permit holder and its Co-Venturers to pay or satisfy their respective environmental obligations regarding the StabroekBlockifEEPGLor its Co-Venturers fail to do so”.
As such, the former EPA boss argued, “As all can see with your own eyes, the last ninewords,“ifEEPGLorits Co-Venturers fail to do so” representing the essence of the Guarantee, were dishonorably omitted in EPA’s citation to bolster its shamefullieanddeceivethe public.”
Dr Adams argued that it is unimaginable that Government officials would so barefacedly lie to the public, in spouting “sheer madness” that “nowhere in thepermit(Liza2)signedby Dr Adams is there any reference for unlimited parentcompanyguarantee”. Hewaskeentopointout that the clause was proudly crafted by him on behalf of the EPA and people of Guyana and first enshrined intheLizaTwopermitsince April2019,wascopiedword for word into all subsequent permitsissuedbythesame Continuedonpage38
body Further, the
Environmental and Petroleum Engineer pointed out that almost daily for the past four years, the same EPA was being schooled by thenewsmediaandlocaland internationalexperts.
Moreover, Dr. Adams said, “Their own boss-man Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo regularly chides the deficient original Liza 1 permit (devoid of the Guarantee) signed by Mr Khemraj Parsram as the worst permit ever, while he embraces the Guarantee clauseIcraftedintheLiza2 permit to fix the deficient Liza One permit, when he declared publicly in various media forums that “yes, full liabilitycoverage(insurance plus unlimited parent company guarantee) is in all of the permits…it is by law they have to do this…that is an obligation…they are liableforanyoilspillbylaw
and the EPA for full coverage”.
He was keen to note that theEPAwassuedandlostin the High Court for going against its own permit, with Justice Sandil Kissoon adjudicating the clause to mean that “The Permit Holder is mandated to provide insurance and provide a further financial assurance of an unlimited parentcompanyguaranteeto indemnify the Government againstallliabilities.”
The former EPA boss explainedthatthefullclause inthePermit,whichtheEPA claimed did not require an unlimited parent company guarantee,simplymeansthat if the child company –
EMGL’s insurance is inadequate-(failtodoso)to cover an oil spill, then the Parent Company – Exxon and Affiliates – have to provide further financial resources (the Guarantee) to covertheremainder
He said this is as simply put by the Judge that, “there is no hurdle to the unlimited guarantee the Permit Holder is mandated to provide insurance and financial assurance of an unlimited parent company guarantee to indemnify the Government against all liabilities and if the Guarantee is in place, and there is the release of hydrocarbons then EMGL, totheextentthatitisunable todoso(EPA’somission)as it is largely an assetless subsidiary, then EXXON, the Parent Company comes
into play If, however, that event occurs and there is no unlimited parent company guarantee, then the State is liableforallthatoccurs.”
Dr. Adams concluded thatthesadtruthisthatwhile the EPA leadership is betraying its own people, denying them this necessary unlimited parent company guarantee, it is in contrast, disloyally granting Exxon the unlimited guarantee to stand with the company against Guyana at all cost. Heurgedcitizenstoreadthe rulingbyJusticeKissoonon themattertodrawtheirown conclusion.
Hickenappointed topcop…fivedeputy commissionerssworn-in
President Irfaan Ali on Thursday set aside conventions and appointed C l i f t o n H i c k e n a s Commissioner of Police although he has passed the age of retirement and is being kept on as head of a forcebesiegedbyallegations ofcorruption.
The issue of whether Hickencouldhavebeenstill appointed to the top post within the Guyana Police Force had been fiercely debated in the press, but government has maintained thattheysawnothingwrong with doing it. In addition to Hicken, President Ali also appointed Crime Chief Wendell Blanhum, Special Organised Crime Unit (SOCU) Head Fazil Karimbaksh, Assistant Commissioners of Police Ravindradat Budhram and Errol Watts and Simon McBean, Commander for Region Four as deputy commissioners.
PresidentAli, during the ceremony, expressed high expectations for the newly
with other arms of government and continued modernisationofoperations.
“When you look at our operation efficiency, when you look at our training, modernising the force, the strategic direction, the strategic planning is in keeping with what the economyisevolvingintobut more importantly, it is in keeping with what is expected of Guyana in this region,” The Head of State
said,“Yes,soIsaidthatandI heldtotheviewandnotonly didIsaythat,Isaidthatthese contracts,someofthe,orthe c o n t r a c t s w i l l b e renegotiated – contracts. So, we had at that time six contracts, that is with Kaieteur, Canje block, several blocks. So, when we said we are not gonna renegotiate the Stabroek contract,andbecauseweare alreadyinproductionandwe willkillthemomentum.”
appointed leaders He emphasised the critical importanceofunity,respect, and professionalism in the execution of duties, stating thatthesuccessofthepolice forcehingesonthecollective strengthofitsleadershipand officers. “The prosperity of every country lies in the bosom of the security of the nation,” said President Ali. “Today we have men and women including the DirectorofCANU,(Director of Customs Anti-Narcotic Unit, James Singh) who is here, who are placed in position of leadership in the security architecture of our country to execute their responsibility in a manner that will build, uphold, and extend public trust,” he added.
The President further calledonthePoliceForceto act as a cohesive body, working together to achieve the goals set forth by the Constitution and the people of Guyana. He stressed that the fight against crime requires both strategic planning and operational efficiency, which the new leadership team is expected to provide “I expect the leadership of the Guyana PoliceForceandallthemen and women who constitute this body of service to our country to act together in unison In upholding our constitution, protecting our laws, protecting the people ofourcountry,”hesaid.
As part of his address, PresidentAlihighlightedthe recent successes of the GuyanaPoliceForce,noting that the country’s crime detection and solving rates are among the best in the region He acknowledged thatwhilethepoliceforceis a central component of national security, its success dependsonthecollaboration
related As Guyana continues to evolve as a nation, Ali emphasised that theleadershipoftheGuyana Police Force will play a crucial role in ensuring that its security architecture remains robust, responsive, andtrustedbyall.
Jagdeobackpedalson promisetorenegotiate Exxoncontract
While serving as Opposition Leader, Bharrat Jagdeo said Guyanese should be sad each time ExxonMobilmakesanewoil discovery since the then administration accepted a baddeal.Heevenwentonto committo“renegotiatethose contracts”.
However, on Thursday, Jagdeo, who has since been appointed asVice President, said he never meant that the deal with Exxon would be renegotiated.
During his press conference, Kaieteur News reminded the VP of his statements, shared while he was the Leader of the Opposition,andaskedhimto say whether he still holds thatviewandwhy
In his response, Jagdeo
He went on to explain, “Remember when I was talkingaboutthis,therewere six contracts outstanding so we said we will renegotiate those contracts and we’ve effectively kept our promise becausewemadeitclearthat the new fiscal regime would have to apply to all of the contracts that were outstandingthenorcurrently outstanding, except the StabroekBlock.”
Jagdeo said his previous statement often causes confusion, since it was interpreted to mean that the Stabroek Block contract would be renegotiated. He, however, noted that government has kept its promise to “renegotiate the contracts” since the new Production Sharing Agreement(PSA)willapply totheotherblocks.
“We have effectively renegotiated five of them becausewemadeitclearthat the new PSAwould have to applytoallofthefivethatare outstanding, outside of the Stabroek Block, so Canje, Kaieteur, everything else,” hesaid.
Back in 2019, Jagdeo while being interviewed on 94.1FMsaid,“Theysoldus outtotheforeigners–theoil companies.Everytimethere
is a find there, our people should be sad because nothing comes our way We are going to renegotiate those contracts because that’s not what we had in mind. When we were in the earlydays,wewerecoaxing thepeople(ExxonMobiland partners) to go along. They (APNU+AFC) came into office (and met) 3 billion barrels of proven reserves and then gave up zero royalty, no taxes, no ringfencing, no local content for these people to spend any moneyhere.”
He continued: “Paying our people GY$72,000 a month when the foreigner is getting US$10,000 Bringing water from California to drink here. We are paying for all that Landscaping – they wanna contract it to a company coming from abroad and the Trinidadians and others are just walking in not only in the oil sector but they are getting all the prime lands too… So that is why I got back into politics. I’m not preparedtoseethishappen;I have no desire to be Presidentagain.”
Although Jagdeo’s comments at the time were focused on the lopsided natureoftheExxoncontract, he now claims that the statements were meant for theotheroilblocks.
Currently, ExxonMobil, the operator of Guyana’s resourcerichStabroekBlock istheonlyproducerofoilin the country It is therefore difficult to determine the effect a change in fiscal terms would have on those other blocks where production is not likely to commenceanytimesoon.
In the meantime, government has said the Stabroek Block holds approximately 11 6 billion barrels of oil Exxon has beengiventhegreenlightfor sixprojectstodate;threeare already in operation, producing over 650,000 barrels per day (bpd) currently Guyanese have been demanding a renegotiation of the terms of the oil contract since the deal mostly favours the contractor. For instance, Guyana receives a meagre 2%royalty,oneofthelowest known across the industry Exxonanditscontractorsare also exempted from paying taxes Meanwhile, each month,theoilcompaniescan deductupto75%of Continued on page 39
Frompage38 Guyana’s oil to recover its investments The oil companies still benefit from the remaining 25% which is split evenly with Guyana as profits.
Exxonpurchasesthird oilshipfromSBM
ExxonMobil Guyana
Limited (EMGL) has finalised the purchase of a third Floating Production Storage and Offloading (FPSO) vessel from Dutch shipbuilder SBM Offshore.
The announcement was madebySBMonThursday
“SBM Offshore and ExxonMobilGuyanaLtd,an affiliate of Exxon Mobil
Corporation, have completed the transaction related to the purchase of FPSOLizaDestiny,aheadof the maximum lease term, whichwouldhaveexpiredin
December 2029 The
p u r c h a s e a l l o w s ExxonMobil Guyana to assumeownershipoftheunit while SBM Offshore will continue to operate and maintain the FPSO up to 2033,”thecompanysaidina statement.
The transaction comprises a total cash consideration of US$535 million. This will bring the total cost spent to purchase the three FPSOs to just over US$3billion.
The FPSO Liza Destiny has been on hire since December 2019 and since 2023hasandwillcontinueto be operated through the integrated operations and maintenance model combining SBM Offshore and ExxonMobil’s expertise
and experience delivering outstanding operational performance.InAugust,this publication reported that EMGL was considering the purchase of the Prosperity and Liza Destiny FPSOs ahead of the end of their maximum lease terms in November 2025 and D e c
, respectively
Last year, Exxon purchased the Liza Unity from SBM for US$1 3 billion, a few months before theendofitsmaximumlease term in February 2024
Similarly, on November 7, SBM announced that it had completed the transaction withEMGLinrelationtothe purchase of the FPSO Prosperity The purchase involved a total cash consideration of US$1 23 billion.
PresidentofExxonMobil Guyana, Alistair Routledge, has said that the purchase of the FPSOs is a more costeffective approach for both the company and Guyana. R
ng an interview aired by the
“Energy Perspectives” podcast.
When asked about the company’s decision to purchase a second FPSO, Routledge said, “It’s really primarilyafinancialmatter It’s more financiallyefficient for the investors and for the country to purchase the FPSOs at this stage ”
He explained that while earlyandconstructionleases canhelpensureefficientand high-quality project completion,long-termleases typically involve higher financing costs. “We found that model to be a very effective one, but a longterm lease is generally a
more expensive financing optionforthecountryandfor theinvestorsthanpurchasing the FPSOs,” he said Routledge added that with thevesselsalreadyprovento be operating “very well” at this stage, Exxon feels comfortablethatit’stheright timetopurchase.
Notably, at his press conferenceafewweeksago, Vice President Dr Bharrat Jagdeo reminded that the
money (US$3 billion) that was spent by Exxon to purchase the vessels will be recovered by the oil company from revenues generated from the Stabroek Block.At his November 14, press conference Jagdeo said, “That’s all part of the cost oil, it’s part of cost oil, everycentthatgoesintooris spent, it goes to cost oil…” theVicePresidentnoted.
Under the 2016
Production Sharing
Agreement (PSA) that requires Exxon and its partners Hess and CNOOC to pay no taxes to Guyana, 75% of the revenues generated from the Stabroek Block go to Exxon to cover operational expenses. The remaining 25% is then split between Guyana and the oil companies–outofthatshare Exxon pays a 2% royalty to Guyana.
In the snowy town of Holly Haven, everyone loved Christmas Eve. Snow covered the houses, children hung stockings by the fire, and the smell of cookies filledtheair Inthemiddleof the town was the Christmas Tower, a tall clock that rang at midnight to tell Santa it wastimetodeliverpresents.
But this year, something wentwrong.
CLANG! The clock made a loud noise and then stopped. Its big hands froze at eleven, and the bell didn't ring. Everyone in the square gasped.
“Santa won't know it's time to go!” Ellie, a clever girlwithcurlyhair,said.
Her little brother Ben, tugged on her sleeve. “What canwedo?”
“We'll fix it!” Ellie said. “We can't let Christmas be ruined!”
Ellie and Ben ran to the clock tower Mr Thistle, the caretaker, stood at the door lookingworried.
“Theclockisbroken,”he said.“Andthekeytofixitis missing!”
Elliesawsmallfootprints in the snow leading away “Look,Ben!”shesaid.“Let's followthesetracks!”
The two followed the footprints all the way to the woods.
The woods were quiet and sparkly, with snow on everybranch.Suddenly,they heardgiggles.
“Who's there?” Ellie called.
Out came tiny snow sprites! They had frosty wings and glowing smiles. One sprite held a shiny golden key“We took it to playagame,”thespritesaid.
“Butnowit'sstuckintheIce Maze!”
Ben shivered. “The Ice Maze?Thatsoundsscary.”
The sprites showed them thewaytoashinymazemade ofice.
TheIceMaze… Inside the maze, walls of ice sparkled like diamonds.
Ellie and Ben walked throughtwistsandturnsuntil theyfoundafrozenfountain.
Insidethefountain,theysaw the golden key, stuck in a blockofice.
“How do we get it out?”
Suddenly,agiantmadeof ice appeared. “To take the key, you must answer my riddles,”hesaid.
Ellie nodded “We're ready!”
The giant asked, “What hasnoend,nobeginning,but goesroundandround?”
“Correct,” the giant said. “Now, what is not alive but growsandneedsair?”
YouChristmastimeiscoming, It'stimewemustbegood, ForSanta'swatchingeveryday, Andweshouldbehaveasweshould.
Cleanourroomandwashthecar, Helpmomwitheverychore, Forpresentsweareafter, Andagoodonewemustscore.
Notimetochat,notimetoplay There'sdishestobedone; Therewillbealotoftimelater Forustohavesomefun!
The giant smiled. “You areclever Thekeyisyours.” He touched the ice, and it melted Ellie grabbed the goldenkey
Hurry Back to the Tower…
EllieandBenracedback to the tower “We're running outoftime!”Mr Thistlesaid.
Theyclimbedthestairsto the top. The big gears and wheels of the clock were stuck. Ellie pushed the key into a hole and turned it.
CREEEEEAK! The gears startedmovingagain.
“Almost there!” Ellie said.
CRACK! A big gear broke.
“What do we do now?” Benasked.
Ellie looked out the window She could see Santa's sleigh far away. “We'll make our own signal!”
Shegrabbedalanternand waved it in circles Ben grabbedanotherlantern,and together they made big, glowinglightsinthesky
Santa saw the lights and flewdownwithhisreindeer
“Ellie! Ben!” Santa said as he landed “You saved Christmas!”
Ellie smiled. “We didn't want you to miss your big night!”
Santa waved his hand, and the broken gear fixed itself. “Now the clock will workforever,”hesaid.
As Santa flew into the sky, the clock tower struck midnight DONG! DONG! The bell rang, and everyone intowncheered.
Ellie and Ben watched thestarsfromthetower “We didit,”Elliesaid.
“Best Christmas ever,” Bensaid.Theyclimbeddown join the town, knowing theyhadsavedChristmasfor everyone.
-ByInThePlayroomDecember12, 2023-
1.TheChimneyBase:Wrapatoilet paperrollwithredconstructionpaperand glueitintoplace.Draw blacklinestocreatethebrick effect,usingablacksharpie ormarker
2.HeadfirstSanta:Cut outtwostripsofred constructionpaperor cardstockforthelegsand addaroundblackbootshape fortheendofeachone.Glue thebootstothebottomofthe legsandaddawhitepatchof furtothetopofeachboot, thenattachthemtotheinside oftheroll,sotheydangle out,facingupwards.
3.Cutanotherredshape forSanta'ssack,andmakea littlefoldatthetop.Usingthisfold,attach thesacktotheinsideofthechimney,soit's danglingoutovertheside.
paper,andadd thewhitefurto thebottom.
5.Weare goingtomakeacoupleoffoldstogivehis hatsomeshape,thenglueawhitecircleon theendofthehatforhispompom(youcan usewhitecardoraddarealwhitepom pom)
6.Attachthishattoanotherpieceof cardboard,whereyoucandrawaSanta face,andthentuckitinsidetheChimney (attachwithtapeorglue)
out,attachwhitestripsandgluethemtothe sides,poppingoutofthechimney
4.FeetFirstSanta:FortheSantawhois stuckfeetfirst,wearejustgoingtoseehis iconichatpoppingoutoverthetop.Cutout atalltrianglesantahatshapefromred
8.JollyDetails:Useawhitepapercircle orarealpom-pomforthetrimofSanta'shat andthetop,anduseablackmarkertoadd anyadditionaldetailsliketheeyesor buttons.
In this season of Christmas which is so meaningful to Christians, it is very heartening that people of all
religions celebrate it, which has been the tradition since our forefathers came to this country from various others fromaroundtheworld.
Thisisjustastrueforthe festivals of the other main religionswhicharefollowed by our people, mainly Hinduism and Islam, in so muchthatmostofthemhave been declared national holidays.
In a world where some feelthatreligionhasbeenthe cause of people being divided in many societies, this must make Guyana uniqueevenatagloballevel.
Along with the good timesthatwewillpersonally enjoy and share in this season,itisimportantthatall Guyanese recognise and keep in mind this tradition, and make it one of the reasonsthatweshoulduseas a means of promoting unity andbrotherlinessamongour
Coming back to the celebration of this special occasion,itisalsoimportant thatwerememberthereason fortheseason.
Thismeansthatweneed totakesometimetothinkof this and make the most of it byparticipatinginsomeway in the services that are held tocommemoratethebirthof someone whom Christians believe came down to earth to lead us closer to the AlmightyCreator
Christmasisforgiving Andforshowingthatwecare, ForhonouringtheChristChild Withthelovinggiftsweshare.
Thewisemengaveofriches; Theshepherds,faithandlove. Eachgift,initsownmeasure, Wassmiledonfromabove.
Leteverygiftbetreasured; Notalwayssizeorprice
Determinestheextentoflove Andwillingsacrifice.
To all our readers, Uncle Roy extends the heartiest of Christmas greetings and wishes of peace and goodwill amongallmenduringthis entireholidayseason. Solutions to
Withineachofthenine realms lives a lone queen.Tomaintainthe peace,queensmustnot threaten each other: no row,column, nor diagonal may have morethanonequeen!
Handsomegiftswithfestivetrim Bringssmilesofsweetcontent, Butmodestgiftsofhumblemeans Areofttimesheavensent.
Whetheritbelargeorsmall, Eachgiftwillshareinpart ThemessageoftrueChristmasjoy, Ifgivenfromtheheart!
Christmas above all else is for sharing – make sure you fulfil this by doing what you can to make others happy.
Buddy’sHousingDevelopment and Atlantic Builders Inc. have announced the launch of Shoreline Estates, an exclusive, new condominium project set to redefinemodernlivinginGuyana.
LocatedintheheartofEnmore on the East Coast of Demerara (ECD),ShorelineEstateswilloffer 89 meticulously designed units, featuring one, two, and threebedroom configurations to suit a variety of modern and traditional lifestyles Boasting modernistic appeals,itisnestledonaresort-like setting on the shores of the picturesqueAtlanticOcean.
Shoreline Estates brings together luxury and convenience, providing residents with a suite of high-end amenities and services.
Residents will enjoy access to a grand lobby, 24-hour concierge service, a state-of-the-art gym, an on-sitecafé,andastunningrooftop terrace complete with an event spaceandpool.
For families, the development includesachildren’splayareaanda host of services such as housekeeping, laundry, and transportationoptions,makingitan ideal choice for those seeking a streamlined, hassle-free living
“AsthedevelopersofShoreline Estates, we are revolutionizing the way we approach housing in Guyana,” said a Ryan Shivraj, Managing Director of Buddy’s HousingDevelopment.
He said that by leveraging Guyana’s newly updated Condominium Act, the developers are introducing a lifestyle focused on convenience, services, and premiumamenities.
“We understand that maintaining a house can often be a source of stress and frustration, so this project is designed to alleviate
thoseconcerns,offeringresidentsa more streamlined, hassle-free living experience Shoreline Estates will set a new standard for modern living, making life easier and more enjoyable for our homeowners,”Shivrajadded.
Shoreline Estates will open for occupancy in January 2025, with several pricing options available, startingwitha25%downpayment.
Potentialownersareencouragedto visit the website www b u d d y s g u y a n a c o m /shorelineestatesoronsocialmedia @buddysguyanaforupdatesonthe development and to learn more
Shoreline Estates represents a bold step forward in Guyana’s real estate landscape, providing an unparalleled lifestyle with all the comforts of modern living. The project reflects the developers’ commitment to creating exceptional living environments whereresidentscanlive,work,and thrive.
Secure your piece of Guyana’s futuretodaywithShorelineEstates. For more information, persons can a l s o c o n t a c t : info@buddysguyana.com or 2220196/222-7636.
The Court of Appeal on Thursday reduced a 40-year sentenceimposedonaconvicted childrapistto20years.
Murphy Noorhan was found guilty of two counts of sexual activity with a 10-year-old child between January 4 and 5, 2013. Initially, on January 8, 2016, Justice Priya Sewnarine-Beharry sentencedNoorhantoatotalof40 years 20 years for each conviction to be served one after the other The sentence reflected the gravity of the offense, Noorhan'sbreachoftrust,andthe enduring impact on the victim, whoisnowaround21yearsold.
However, on Thursday the CourtofAppealruledthatthe20year-sentences for each of (Continuedonpage47)
Frompage11 teenagerfelltothegroundand remainedmotionlesswhilehis accomplice retreated and escapedonthemotorcycle.
P a t r o l r a n k s o n
m o t o r c y c l e s w e r e immediately notified and begantrailingtheaccomplice. They got close to him along Nutmeg Street, Festival City but he ditched the motorcycle andranaway
Ranks took possession of themotorcycleandlodgeditat the East La Penitence Police Station.
At the crime scene, detectives were gathering information and evidence
when they found one of the victims'cellphonesinthedead bandit's crotch and a toy gun nexttohisbody
Meanwhile, the dead bandit's relatives arrived shortly after, before his body was removed by the undertakers.
Therelativescriedasthey sawthemotionlessteenonthe roadway Some onlookers sympathized with them but othersscoldedthem.
The robbery and his shooting death were recorded on nearby security cameras. Footage has been extracted and is currently being reviewedbyinvestigators.
Noorhan'stwoconvictionsshouldrunconcurrently,ratherthan consecutively
In his appeal, Noorhan was represented by attorneys Gwendolyn Bristol and Sarah Martin. They argued that the consecutive nature of the sentences was excessive and inconsistent with modern sentencing principles, which emphasize proportionality and fairness, especially since the offensesstemmedfromasingleincident.
ProsecutorNatashaBackeropposedtheappeal,assertingthat theoriginalsentenceswereappropriategiventheseverityofthe crimeandtheharminflictedonthevictim.
The appellate court, which included Chancellor of the Judiciary(acting)JusticeYonetteCummings-Edwards,Justiceof Appeal Dawn Gregory-Barnes, and Justice of Appeal Rishi Persaud,ruledthatwhilethe20-yearsentenceswereappropriate, they should run concurrently Additionally, Noorhan was creditedfortimealreadyserved.
AmotorcyclistwasinjuredonFridaynight afterhewasstruckbyaminibusonSaffonand SussexStreets,Georgetown.
Closed-CircuitTelevision(CCTV)footage showed that the accident occurred at 19:15h. The motorcyclist was traveling in a southern direction and attempted to cross the street. He was observed checking for oncoming traffic andwhenitwasclear,heproceededtocross.
However, a minibus traversing in the opposite lane, suddenly entered the motorcyclist'spathhittinghim,causinghimto bethrownoffthemotorcycle.Theinjuredman was seen laying on the pavement as publicspiritedcitizensofferedassistance.
Screenshot from a video showing the aftermath of the accident
Themanappearedtohavereceivedinjuries tohisleftleg.
Adonika Aulder, the pregnant w i f e o f embattled Assistant Police Commissioner Calvin Brutus, who was granted
permission by the Georgetown Magistrates' Court to leave the country for emergency medical treatment has not yet returnedtoGuyana.
Kaieteur News reported that on December 5, 2024, Acting Chief Magistrate Faith McGusty granted Aulder permission to travel to the United States of
America to receive treatment.
Aulder is facing two
charges of money laundering.Sheisaccusedof acquiring $352,082,315 from her company's account at Republic Bank in December2023,knowingor having reasonable grounds tobelievethatthefundswere derived from criminal activity
Initially, Aulder and Brutus were denied permission to travel to the United States for medical care when the application to travel was taken before
Justice Gino Persaud at the High Court on October 18, 2024. Justice Persaud rejected the application, citing Brutus' involvement in financial crimes and being placedbeforethecourtswith over240charges. Meanwhile,thepregnant woman left Guyana on
December 5, and was scheduled to return to Guyana in time for her next court appearance on December18,2024.
Alder's attorney Eusi Anderson told Kaieteur News on Friday that his client has not returned to Guyana but made a virtual courtappearance.
However, when asked if Aulder was granted an extension by the court to remain in United States, the lawyer explained that he is not at liberty to provide additional details on the matter
“Miss Aulder was at court…themagistratemade certain specific orders in
relation to what has to happen next with respect to Ms.Aulder Theseordersare in camera, that is to say we will deal with those matters privately
They are not for media consumption. The BailAct allowsforthosethingstobe dealt with in camera,” Andersonexplained.
The attorney disclosed that Aulder is scheduled to make another appearance at courtonDecember30.
“By that date the magistrate will be able to, if she gives us permission to speak on it publicly… I am speaking on Miss Aulder's situationuntilthecourtgives us the permission, ” Andersonconcluded.
Meanwhile, Brutus and hisdriverKevinGeorgeand businessman Asif Zafarally appeared at the Georgetown Magistrates' Court on Wednesday for statements related to the fraud charges. The charges against Brutus, George, and Zafarally pertain to a conspiracy to defraud the Guyana Police Consumers' Cooperative Society Limited (GPCCSL) of $93.5 million between June 29 and July 9, 2024. They allegedly uplifted c h e q u e s o n t w o occasions one for $22 million and another for $71,482,950—forgoodsthat wereneversupplied.
George, 31, has served 13 years in the GPF, while Zafarally, 34, owns an automotive and sales logistics company on the EastBankofDemerara.
On Wednesday, the prosecution informed the court that all statements are almost completed and noted that the proceedings will continuewhenallstatements regarding the accused are completed.
Brutus, along with his co-accused, is scheduled to returntocourtonDecember 30,2024.
He will also return to courtonJanuary17,2025for theremainingcharges.
TwocitizenshavefiledlegalactionagainsttheEnvironmental Protection Agency (EPA) for failing to ensure the impacts of ExxonMobil’s seventh oil project- Hammerhead- is properly assessed.
Attorneys-at-Law Melinda Janki, Tim Prudhoe, Anna-Kay Brown and Suzanne Bullen are representing two citizens, WintressMorrisandJoyMarcus.
InastatementonSaturday,thecitizensexplainedthattheEPA has issued a Terms of Reference (TOR) for the Hammerhead EnvironmentalImpactAssessment(EIA)whichdoesnottakeinto accounttheimpactofgreenhousegaspollutionfromburningthe associated oil and gas from the proposed development into account.
They pointed out that burning the oil/ gas will result in the releaseoflargeamountsofgreenhousegaspollution.Thiswillnot only cause harm to animals and plants but the entire planet, the plaintiffsnoted.
AccordingtoMorrisandMarcus,theirlawyer,MelindaJanki hadwrittenseveralletterstotheExecutiveDirectoroftheAgency, KemrajParsramremindinghimthattheTORfortheHammerhead EIA must identify, describe and evaluate the direct and indirect effectsoftheproject.
“WeallknowthattheHammerheadoil/gaswillbeburnedfor energy Mr Parsram and the Agency have a duty to assess the impacts of that pollution in line with the requirements of the Environmental Protection Act. Otherwise, they cannot make a properdecisionaboutHammerhead,”thecitizensargued.
Theyhoweverpointedout,“AscitizensofGuyana,everyone of us has a right to know how this Hammerhead pollution will affect us and our families. What harm will pollution do to our children?Whatharmwillitdotoourfisherfolk?Whatharmwill pollutiondototheelderlyandthevulnerableinoursociety?What willitdototheclimateandtheocean?Wedemandanswers.”
MorrisandMarcussaidtheywereveryconcernedthatEPAis onceagainputtingtheinterestsofExxonMobilGuyanaLtd.above thewellbeingandprosperityoftheGuyanesepeople.
Further, they noted their disappointment that the Executive Directorignoredtheirlawyer’slettersanddidnotcorrecttheterms ofreferencefortheEIA.“Hedidnotgiveanyreasons.Lastyearin the unlimited parent company guarantee case the High Court criticised theAgency for taking refuge in silence, avoidance and concealment.This year they are doing the same thing. Like they don’tcare,”thecitizensargued.
They believe that Parsram and the EPA are not only disrespectingGuyanesepeoplebutdisrespectingthelaw
Theyreasoned,“TheAgencyisapublicbody Itissupposedto protectGuyanaandtheGuyanesepeople.Itissupposedtomake sure that developmental activities are properly assessed for the harm they do. Our constitution gives us a right to sustainable development.Wearenotantidevelopment.Wearesayingletusdo development right. Follow the rules. You cannot know what is rightandthendowrong.WhenpublicbodiesliketheAgencydo notdotheirjob,wehavearightasGuyanesetostandupandhold themtoaccount.”
KaieteurNews previouslyreportedthattheTermsandScope fortheEIAofExxon’sseventhprojectwaspreparedbytheEPA.
In the Project Summary submitted by Exxon to the EPA, the companyexplainedthattheprojectisexpectedtoadd120,000to 180,000 barrels of oil per day production capacity. The Floating ProductionStorageandOffloading(FPSO)vesselwillbecapable ofstoringapproximately1.4to2millionbarrelsofoil.Third-party oil tankers will be scheduled to offload the oil from the FPSO, makingtheoilavailableforexporttotheinternationalmarket.
Hammerhead is located in the south-central portion of the Stabroek Block, approximately 160 km from Georgetown. Current plans include drilling via drill ships to produce oil using approximately14to30productionandinjectionwells.Production is expected to begin in 2029 subject to the necessary regulatory approvalsandoperateforatleast20years.
wiring money to a trusted company account, suggest that the transactionwascontractualratherthanfraudulent.Hestatedthat thereisnoevidencethatthedefendantreceivedorcontrolledthe moneysentbySingh,noristhereanyproofthatheintendedto defraudSingh.
Moreover, Da Silva cited legal precedents to support the argumentthat,basedontheevidencepresented,thereisnocase for the defendant to answer and the evidence provided by the prosecutionisinsufficient.
Afterreviewingthesubmission,themagistrateruledinfavorof thenocasesubmissionandconcludedthatthetransactionwasa contractandnotafraudulentconversion.
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VATICANCITY,Dec21 (Reuters) - Pope Francis on Saturday again condemned IsraeliairstrikesinGaza,aday after an Israeli government minister publicly denounced the pontiff for suggesting the global community should study whether the military offensive there constitutes a genocide of the Palestinian people.
Francisopenedhisannual Christmas address to the Catholic cardinals who lead the Vatican’s various departments with what appeared to be a reference to Israeli airstrikesonFridaythatkilled at least 25 Palestinians in Gaza.
“Yesterday,childrenwere bombed,” said the pope. “This is cruelty This is not war. I wanted to say this because it touches the heart.”
Thepope,asleaderofthe 1.4-billion-member Roman Catholic Church, is usually careful about taking sides in conflicts, but he has recently been more outspoken about Israel’s military campaign against Palestinian militant group Hamas.
In book excerpts published last month, the pontiff said some international experts said that “what is happening in Gaza has the char-
acteristics of a genocide”.
Israeli Minister of Diaspora Affairs Amichai Chiklisharplycriticisedthose commentsinanunusualopen letter published by Italian newspaper Il Foglio on Friday.Chiklisaidthepope’sremarks amounted to a “trivialisation” of the term genocide.
Israel’s foreign ministry said that Israel was defending itself against the cruelty exemplified by Hamas militants“hidingbehindchildren whiletryingtomurderIsraeli children,” holding 100 hostages and abusing them.
“Unfortunately, the Pope has chosen to ignore all of this,” the ministry said, adding that the “death of any innocent person in a war is a tragedy.”
“Israel makes extraordinary efforts to prevent harm to innocents, while Hamas makesextraordinaryeffortsto increase harm to Palestinian civilians,”theministrysaid.
Francis also said on Saturday that the Catholic bishop of Jerusalem, known as a patriarch, had tried to entertheGazaStriponFriday to visit Catholics there, but was denied entry
Thepatriarch’sofficetold Reuters it was not able to
comment on the pope’s remarksaboutthepatriarchbeing denied entry
TheIsraelimilitarysaidon Saturday the patriarch’s entryhadbeenapprovedandhe wouldenterGazaonSunday, barringanymajorsecurityissues.Aidfromthepatriarch’s office entered last week, the militarysaid.
IsraelallowsclericstoenterGazaand“worksincooperation with the Christian community to make it easier for the Christian population thatremainsintheGazaStrip – including coordinating its removal from the Gaza Strip to a third country,” a statementfromthemilitarysaid.
The war began when Hamas-led Palestinian militants attacked southern Israeli communities on Oct. 7,
2023, killing 1,200 people, mostly civilians, and taking more than 250 hostages back to Gaza, according to Israeli authorities.
Israel’s retaliatory campaign, which it says is aimed at eliminating Hamas, has killed more than 45,000 people, mostly civilians, according to authorities in the Hamas-run Gaza Strip. The campaign has displaced nearly the entire population and left much of the enclave in ruins.
Israel says that at least a third of the dead have been militants and says it tries to avoid harm to civilians but is battling militants who it accuses of embedding among the population in dense urban areas. Hamas rejects this.
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UNRWA says Gaza has become a ‘graveyard’ as Israel continues its bombing campaign amid worsening living conditions.
Aljazeera-Palestiniancarriesawoundedchildatthesite ofanIsraelistrikeonanapartment,amidtheongoingconflict betweenIsraelandHamas,inNuseirat,centralGazaStrip.
An Israeli air strike has killed 12 members of a family, includingsevenchildren,inthenorthernpartoftheGazaStrip, thePalestinianCivilDefencerescueagencyhasreported.
Avideo posted by the agency on its Telegram channel on Fridayeveningshoweditsstaffretrievingvictimsfromunder therubbleoftheKhallahfamilyhomeinJabalia.
“All of the martyrs are from the same family, including seven children, the oldest aged six,” civil defence spokesman MahmoudBasaltoldtheAFPnewsagency.
The Israeli army toldAFPit had struck “several terrorists who were operating in a military structure belonging to the Hamas terroristorganisationand posed a threatto IDF troops operating in the area”. “According to an initial examination, thereportednumberofcasualtiesresultingfromthestrikedoes notalignwiththeinformationheldbytheIDF,”itadded.
Pope Francis on Saturday condemned the bombing of children in Gaza as “cruelty”. “Yesterday children were bombed.Thisiscruelty,thisisnotwar,”hesaid.“Iwanttosay itbecauseittouchesmyheart.”
IsraelcontinueditsattacksacrosstheGazaStriponFriday, morethan14monthsintoitsassaultonGaza.
Atleasteightpeoplewerekilledbyadronemissilethathita residential building in the market street of Nuseirat refugee camp,accordingtoAl-AqsaMartyrsHospital.
FourpeoplewerealsokilledinanairraidonBeitHanoon, AlJazeeracorrespondentssaid.Thevictimsweretwogirlsand theirparents.Thebodiesofthreebrotherswerealsoretrieved from the rubble of a bombed home near Kamal Adwan Hospital.
Gaza has become a “graveyard” as heavy winter rains, hunger,direlivingconditionsandongoinghostilitiescontinue to endanger lives, UNRWA (the United Nations’ Palestinian refugee agency) Senior Emergency Officer LouiseWateridge warnedonFriday
“An entire society here is now a graveyard Over two million people are trapped,” she said, speaking from the Nuseiratcamp.“It’simpossibleforfamiliestoshelterinthese conditions,”
she said. “Most people are living under fabric, they don’t evenhavewaterproofstructuresand69percentofthebuildings here have been damaged or destroyed. There’s absolutely nowhereforpeopletoshelterfromtheseelements.”
UNRWA provides assistance to nearly six million Palestinian refugees across Gaza, the occupied West Bank, Jordan,LebanonandSyria.
Israeli politicians in October passed legislation to bar UNRWAfromoperatinginIsraelandoccupiedEastJerusalem whileraisingtheprospectofsimilarmeasuresagainstotheraid agencies. Sweden on Friday announced plans to stop funding UNRWAin response to Israel’s ban but pledged to double its aidtoGazaviaothergroups.
UNRWA chief Philippe Lazzarini said on X, formerly Twitter, that the Swedish government’s decision was “disappointing” and came “at the worst time for Palestine refugees”.
In a resolution adopted on Friday, the UN General AssemblyaskedtheInternationalCourtofJustice(ICJ)foran advisory opinion clarifying what internationallaw says about Israel’s responsibility to allow the aid work of the UN, international organisations, and third countries in Palestinian territory
Earlier this year, ICJ judges ordered Israel to halt its offensive in the southern Gaza city of Rafah, withdraw from theenclaveandprovidesafetyandhumanitarianaccesstothe peopleofGaza.
Theseprovisionalmeasureswerepartofacasebroughtby South Africa – later joined by several other countries –accusingIsraelofgenocideinGaza.
Israel claimed it struck ‘several terrorists’who were operating in a military structure [Khamis Said/Reuters]
Em b a t t l e d
A s s i s t a n t Commissioner of Police, Calvin Brutus on Thursday cleared air about his recent trip to Lethem, Region Nine, claiming that hehadgonetheretovisithis father for Christmas and not tofleethecountry
In a statement on his Facebook Page Brutus accused the Ministry of HomeAffairsofdeliberately misleading Guyana, President Irfaan Ali and the International Community about the intentions of his travel.
The Ministry had issued a statement on Thursday afternoon claiming that the policemanwascaughttrying to leave the jurisdiction via the Lethem/Brazil border without permission. Brutus' Lawyer Eusi Anderson had responded on his behalf calling the statement false and even challenged the ministrytoprovideevidence backingitsclaims.
“ItshouldbenotedthatI, Calvin Brutus, Deputy CommissionerofPolice(ag) have no business or interest in fleeing this country as I plantoremainandchallenge every charge that was filed against me following a tainted investigation by
SOCU,” Brutus said in his social media statement before stating that there is also no law preventing him from travelling the length andbreadthofGuyana.
“I booked a ticket on SaturdayDecember14,2024 and travelled to Lethem to check on my father for the Christmas Season and I will be returning to Lethem soon,” the policeman revealed while making it known that he had travelled totheareaviaplane.
According to Brutus, “Anyone with a desire to leave Guyana unauthorized, has many options through which they can leave given the country's porous borders”andwouldnotleave the country in a detectable flight like he did. “…Or go up to an immigration checkpoint where the men and women working there knowyoubyname,faceand appearance.
They are my fellow colleagues,” the embattled policeofficersaid.
Brutus disclosed that there was indeed a security detailtrailinghimduringhis triptotheRegionNine.
“The resources the state isusingtotrailmeastheydid in Lethem with a white pickup, should be the same
resourcesandenergyusedto rootoutcorruptionforwhich Ihaveseeminglybecomethe poster boy ahead of elections,”Brutussaid.
“Even in Georgetown I amaffordedthisluxuryfrom aforcethatisalwaysaccused of not having vehicles to respond to reports from citizens,”theseniorcopsaid adding “This luxury is further extended to me whenever I head out to purchase bread or take my
son to school ”Brutus described the alleged frequent police presence aroundhimas“flattering”.
“IchallengetheMinistry of Home Affairs to provide the video or photographic evidencetosupportitsclaim of me attempting to flee Guyana,”statedBrutus.
Brutus is facing 252 charges related to fraud and financial crimes. He is presently on $17.2 million bail.
The stage is set for an electrifyingconclusiontothe 2024 KFC International Goodwill Series. On Friday evening, Chase’s Academic Foundation secured their place in the final with a thrilling5-4victoryoverthe reigning champions, Clarendon College. The pulsating semifinal
encounter sent the packed crowd at the Ministry of Education ground into raptures, setting the perfect prelude to today’s championship clash against Trinidad and Tobago’s 2024 Intercol champions, St Benedict’sCollege. Chase’s triumph was orchestrated by their star
winger, Omar Sam, whose hat-trick heroics sealed the dramaticwin.CaptainBryan Wharton once again showcased his leadership, steeringhisteamthroughthe defining moments of the 2024 Secondary Schools Series, a youth development initiativespearheadedbythe PetraOrganisation.
The match began with a joltasRamarioThompsonof Clarendon College struck early in the sixth minute to give the defending champions a 1-0 lead However, Chase quickly responded. Wharton delivered a sublime cross from the left wing, finding NeeiazBaksh,whoexecuted a clinical header to level the scores at 1-1. Three minutes later,Whartoncapitalizedon a handball penalty, confidently converting from the spot to put Chase ahead 2-1byhalftime.
ARIES(Mar 21–Apr 19)
This isn't a day to make firm commitments, Arie
ships Today's atmosphere highlights unificationandreconciliation, butdon'ttakethisasasignthat you'renowboundforlife.
TAURUS(Apr 20–May20)
You're so upbeat and optimistic by nature that it's difficult for you to accept certain failures. That may be what you're thinking today as you reflect on recent humanitarianefforts.
You're usually very good at concentrating and getting your chores done, even when chaosreignsaroundyou.This likelywon'tbethecasetoday Evenyouwillcomeunderthe influenceoftheerratic.
You have strong psychic vision.Somepeoplemightsay thatyou'reprophetic,butyour gift is a combination of creativity and intuition. You can use this to benefit others, andinfacthaveoftendoneso.
The element of water predominates today You will likely be aware of it by the strong tides of feeling in your household, Leo. Some family members may be unhappy
They may need more independence.
There's a carefree, almost childlike atmosphere to today that suits you just fine,Virgo.
You've been working extraordinarilyhardlatelyand needtorelaxandunwindabit.
This is a day for rest and relaxation. Take advantage of the calm atmosphere to center yourself and focus on what's important in your life. You've been going at full speed, and it's possible that your family feelssomewhatneglected.
SCORPIO(Oct.23–Nov 21)
You're on top of the world today Enjoy the view! You're unstoppable Friends and familyalikerevelinyourgood mood. You're materially and spirituallygenerous.
SAGIT(Nov 22–Dec.21)
Thisdreamydayistailormade to your sensibilities. You may findithardtofocusonthedaily issueswhenyou'recaughtupin your fantasies. Go ahead and give in to the day's dreamlike state.
Your artistic side likes to communicatewithpeoplewho areashadeoffnormal.Youcall them eccentric - other people call them crazy! From your viewpoint, the crazier the better!
You're conscientious where your health is concerned You'reoneoftherarefewwho exercise and eat nutritious meals. Today you might want to expand your repertoire of medicalremedies.
Thisisboundtoturnintoasilly dayifyouletit.Yourbestbetis togiveintothestrangepatterns at work Communication seems blocked at every turn. You can expect technical difficulties like phone malfunctions.
Invaders, North Ruimveldt vs Ballers United, Albouystown BallerstackledAgricolaBallers,andVictoriaEaglestookon RoadWarriors.
Three round-of-32 matcheswere completedonThursday night with Stabroek ‘B’ trouncing Show Stoppers, 7-0 on account of goals from Jamal Cozier (2nd, 6th, 11th, 20th), Nikolai Andrews (7th, 24th) and Lionel Holder in the 26th minute.
Inanailbitingshowdown,EspanyoledgedLaingAvenue 3-2. Laing Avenue drew first blood in the 5th minute when PrinceNerofoundthebackofthenets.Espanyoldrewlevelin the9thminuteonaccountofDarwuin’seffortandthenjumped toa3-1advantagebythe22ndminutethroughrippinggoals fromEstebenHernandez(15th)andFelizNunez(22nd).
LaingAvenuefoughtvaliantlytochipawayattheSpanish team’s advantage but only succeeded in reducing it by one whenwiththreeminutestothefinalwhistle,IsiahScottfound thebackofthenets.
Thursday night’s action opened with a solid 4-1 triumph forTimehriWarriorsagainstKittyHustlers.Goalstooksome timetocomebywiththefirsthalfseeingatotaldrought.The deadlock was finally broken in the 18th minute when Warriors’DonielMoshettescored.
The second half belonged to Omar Sam. His first goal came from a dazzlingsolorunandalofted strike over the goalkeeper’s head to extend the lead to 31.Though Clarendon fought back valiantly with goals from Nicholy Forbes (47’) and Chevon Richardson (71’), Sam’s brilliance proved insurmountable. His goals in the 61st and 67th minutes completed his hattrick, ensuring Chase’s progression to the final with a5-4victory
On the other side of the draw, St Benedict’s College booked their place in the finalwithacommanding3-1 win over Annai Secondary Despite being reduced to 10 men, the Trinidadian champions displayed their class. Jelani Stoute’s brace and Darrel Garcia’s strike securedtheirunbeatenstreak in the competition and a well-earned spot in the championshipmatch.
Thefinalpromisestobea showdown of skill, determination, and youthful exuberance as Chase’s AcademicFoundationandSt Benedict’s College vie for the prestigious title The actionkicksoffthisevening, with the third-place playoff between Annai Secondary and Clarendon College startingat5:30PM.
T h e 2 0 2 4 K F C International Goodwill Series is proudly sponsored by the KFC franchise and coordinated by the Petra Organisation. The event is supportedbytheMinistryof Culture, Youth and Sports, the Ministry of Education, RSI Maintenance Service Limited, Lucozade (ANSA Distribution), Tiger Rentals, SkyTec Enterprise, MVP Sports, and Royal InternationalHotel.
KittyHustlersleveledthescoreinthe22ndminutewitha Darren Osborne strike but three unanswered goals from TimehriWarriorsthroughShamarSamuels(22nd),OwnGoal (29th) and Deric Bethune in the 30th minute, sealed their passageintotheroundof16alongwithEspanyolandStabroek ‘B’
ThethreeteamshavealsoqualifiedfortheGuyanaEnergy Conference and Chain Supply Futsal Championship in February of 2025 and will all receive a complete set of uniforms compliments of the One Guyana / Kashif & ShanghaiNationalFutsalChampionship.
Thetwomaincontenders in the KFC International
8 Secondary Schools Goodwill Football Series faced off yesterday ahead of today’s grand finale, scheduled to take place at the Ministry of Education ground later this evening.
In what is deemed the “Clash of the Champions,” Trinidad and Tobago’s Intercol champions, St Benedict’sCollege,aresetto battle the U18 League champions, Chase’s Academic Foundation, for thecoveted2024title.
As is customary, the Petra Organisation hosted the final pre-match event at the title sponsor’s KFC
Vlissengen Street location. Captains, coaches, and key stakeholders convened to officially usher in today’s championshipmatch.
Chase’s Academic Foundation, represented by Coach Orande Chase and captain BryanWharton, met with St Benedict’s Coach Lewis and team captain DarrelGarciafortheofficial faceoff exercise. The event was witnessed by KFC’s Finance Control personnel Marlon Chittnarine, Futebol Real Brazil Scout Naranda Wilson, and Petra officials Marlan Cole and Secretary NafeezaLatif-Boston.
Both teams have showcased exceptional football over the past six
daystoearntheirspotsinthe final. St Benedict’s College boastsanunbeatencampaign in this year’s tournament, while Chase’s Academic
redemption The final
rematch, as the two teams have clashed three times before,withChase’sseeking tosecureadecisivewin.
Visiting scout Naranda Wilson from Futebol Real
tournament, stating, “I am definitely pleased with the matchups I’ve witnessed so
opportunities for athletes from here and across the
Guyanese fight fans will officially celebrate their ‘Boxing Day’ this year December 28 at the Cliff Anderson Sports Hall, as the biggest boxing event of 2024 featuringGuyaneseboxingprosEltonDharry andKevinAlicock.
Dharry faces one of his toughest opponents, the undefeated knock-out Colombian artist Randy Ramirez, in his last fight before he steps into the ring to once againchallengeforaworldtitle.
This post-Christmas boxing spectacle is set to be a milestone event for the newly refurbished venue, which is undergoing significant upgrades to meet international standards. When completed, the upgrades includeafullyair-conditionedfacility,stateof-the-art lighting, enhanced seating, and secure parking, ensuring an unparalleled experienceforfans.
According to the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sport, the main sponsor of the card, “The government has invested heavily intodevelopingworld-class facilitiesto host top-quality events that meet international standards. We are extremely excited to have this fantastic boxing card be the first major sporting event to showcase the upgrades at theCliffAndersonSportsHall.”
PresidentoftheGuyanaBoxingBoardof Control,PeterAbdool,echoedthesentiment, stating,
“ThecommitmentshownbytheMinistry of Sport towards the development and promotionofboxinghasmadeatremendous differenceforthesport.Toopenthisfabulous facility with an Elton Dharry/Keevin Allicockcard,willcertainlygivefansanight toremember.”
The night promises to be a showcase of talent, with the main event featuring Dharry versus Ramirez and additional bouts, including rising Olympic star Keevin Allicock. Fans can also look forward to four action-packedamateurfightsstartingat7:00 PM.
This boxing card is brought to you by Elton Dharry Promotions, Nexgen Global Promotions,andtheGuyanaBoxingBoardof Control, with sponsorship from the Ministry ofCulture,Youth,andSportandNal’sNest. Tickets will be available at the gates on the night of the event. General Admission: GYD$3,000;Ringside:GYD$4,000
Don’tmissthishistoricnightofboxingat the Cliff Anderson Sports Hall, as Guyana ralliesbehindEltonDharryonhisjourneyto worldtitleglory
GoodwillInt’lSeries concludesdayatMoE
Caribbean, offering competitions of the highest level. My hope is to expose these players to South
American football, preparing them for even greaterchallenges.”
Wilson also praised the Petra Organisation and title sponsor KFC, noting, “The preparation by the Petra
O r g a n i s a t i o n , i n collaboration with KFC, has been extremely impressive. The venues, crowd support, refereeing, and funding are all well-managed. The level ofplayisveryhigh,andthis tournament is undoubtedly the best in our region.” He expressed hope for the longevityoftheprogramme, emphasizing its importance in bringing together the best U18 football talent from acrosstheregion.
Speakingonbehalfofthe Petra Organisation, Secretary Nafeeza LatifBoston extended heartfelt gratitude to KFC for supporting the tournament forthefifthconsecutiveyear
She highlighted the significance of this year’s Goodwill International Series, which features four of Guyana’s top school
teams competing against age-group champions from Trinidad and Tobago, Jamaica,andSuriname.
The highly anticipated final between Chase’s AcademicFoundationandSt Benedict’s College is billed for a 7:30 pm kickoff, promising an exciting conclusion to this year’s series.
United downed Eagles United, 3-2 in their nextgametoenhancetheirchancesofmoving to the knockout round play. Eagles United nowwithoutanypointsareonshakyground aftertwodefeats,asBlueberryHillhavefour pointsinthatgroupoffour.
But Milerock are also facing elimination astheycouldnotgetawinaftertwogames.
HiStarsemulatedBlueberryHilltodraw theirmatchwithMilerock2-2.
However, Hi Stars now have four points fromawinandadrawinthefourteamrace, withMilerockontwofromtwodraws.
Thenightcapoftheeveningwasbetween Group D opponents Botafago and Net
Rockers, which ended with a lopsided, 8-4 victoryforBotafago.
Afterdrawingtheiropeninggameagainst Amelia’s Ward 5-5, Net Rockers are on one point,whileBotafagohavefromtwomatches won,sixpoints,andarelikelytobeoneofthe two teams which will advance from among thefourinthatgroup.
The final six matches in this preliminary round are slated for tonight starting at 7.00pm. Those matches are Capital FC against Fearless, Blueberry Hill versus Hi Stars, Coomacka and Rockstone, Milerock faceEagles,Amelia’sWardtakeonBotafago andinthelastgameNetRockersmatchskills withSilverShattas.
Director of Sports Steve Ninvalle has praised Minister of Culture,Youth, and Sports Charles Ramson Jr along with the Government for the tabling of the landmark Horse Racing Authority BillinParliament.
The long-awaited legislation aims to establish a regulatory framework for the sector and was introduced to the National AssemblyonWednesdaylast.
The bill pushes for the establishment of the Horse Racing Authorityandagoverningboardto act on its behalf. The board will have a minimum of five and a maximum of seven members, chosen from among those with backgroundsinbusiness,law,horse racing, or other related disciplines.
alsoservesasaculturaltouchstone in many societies, uniting community members in a shared passion.”According to Ninvalle, “Known as ‘the sport of kings,’ horse racing has enthralled spectatorsforcenturies.
This is no different in Guyana, where the sport has evolved and grown, albeit at a slow rate given the lack of requisite legislation. With the necessary reforms and infrastructure set to be implemented, the advancement willoccuratanevenfasterpace.
It is anticipated that this development will significantly advancetheformalrecognitionand regulation of the horse racing industry in Guyana by providing clarity,structure,andoversight.
Ninvallestated,“Thetablingof theHorseRacingAuthorityBillby Minister of Culture, Youth, and SportsCharlesRamsonJr.marksa historic moment for the industry
The board members will elect the vice-chairperson, while the chairperson will be appointed by theMinisterofCulture,Youth,and Sport. Provisions to address infractions, increase the number of members of the Authority, impose term limits, and establish licensing for owners, jockeys, and trainers are important components of the bill.
and the local sports ecosystem. It brings clarity, structure, and oversight, propelling the formal recognitionandregulationofhorse racing in Guyana Based on empirical data, the horse racing industry, guided by this historic legislation,nowhasthecapacityto emergeasanevenbiggerandmore significant spectator sport and contributortosportstourisminthe same vein as cricket, football, and motorracing.Beyondtheeconomic andregulatoryaspects,horseracing
Abilash Dookie XI defeated North Soesdyke by five wickets when the teams collided in a T20 fixture recently at Farm, EastBankDemerara.
North Soesdyke batted first and lost two early wickets before Mark Robhe and Mark Ramsammy steadied the innings somewhat. OpenerRobhestruckonefourandtwosixes before he was dismissed for 24, while Ramsammymade16.
Rakesh Gangaram slammed two sixes in scoring19whileDamionVantullcontributed 13 as North Soesdyke posted 104 all out in 17.5overs.DhaniramLallarampickedup318.
Dookie XI suffered an early setback, losing two quick wickets before Surendra HiralallandRiyadSattaurkepttheminhunt. Heeralall hit three fours before he departed for 16, however Sattaur remained unbeaten on20withonefourandasix,whileBuddan Baksh chipped in with 16 as Dookie XI repliedwith108-5in15.2overs.
Sattaur took the best batter prize, Lallaramreceivedthebestbowlerawardand Gangaram collected the trophy for the most sixes,complimentsofRaviNarayan.
After all, the discipline has evolved into a popular sport and entertainment industry enjoyed worldwide. Initially, races were informal contests between local horses, but as interest grew, the need for standardised rules and regulations became even more evident.
While the standards have improved over the years, the establishment of legislation, structure, and a regulatory body, which will now become a reality
due to the tabling of the bill, was a necessarystepintherightdirection forthesport’simmediateandfuture sustainability Minister Ramson must be lauded for spearheading this process, which will have historic implications. This is a legacydefiningmoment.” He further noted that, “The significance of developing horse racing, both as a sport and an industry, extends beyond mere entertainment; it encompasses economic, cultural, and social dimensions Economically, the horse racing industry generates substantial revenue, contributing significantly to local and national economies Furthermore, the establishment and evolution of horseracinglawsplayapivotalrole inensuringtheintegrityandethical management of the sport. These regulations govern every facet within the competitive realms of the discipline while more importantly, maintaining its ultimate objective of promoting fairnessandtransparency.”
The game was organised by North Soesdyke Sports Club as part of their end of yearactivities.
Members of both teams following the presentation ceremony.
right, of Regal Stationery and Computer Centre hands over the TV set to a representative of the tournament.
Prominent businessman Anil Hardyal of RegalStationaryandComputerSupplieshas thrownitssupporttowardstheinauguralOne GuyanaBerbiceSoftballCupwhichissetfor today,Sunday,22ndDecember2024,from9 a.m. at the Port Mourant Community Centre Ground.Theentityhasprovidedaflatscreen television towards the MVPs of the tournament.
The one-day tournament is being organizedbythenewlyformedR.S.Sportsin association with the City Star Softball Team of Port Mourant and Roraima Developers. City Star Softball Team earlier in the year wonthetopspottorepresentRegion6inthe R C D Inter-Region Ten10 Softball tournament.
According to officials, this tournament comes after the successful hosting of the inaugural Inter-Region Ten10 Softball Cricket Cup in April which saw Hype Park Outlaws of Region 3 walk away with the championshipandtheRCDRegion3Softball Cup which saw Hype Park Outlaws once againwasvictorious.
Thecoordinatorsaidthattheybelievethat softball cricket is the grassroots cricket that leadsplayerstoallotherformatsorstagesof
the game, which is known as the game of uncertainty
The inaugural One Guyana Berbice Softball Cup will be based on a one-game knock-out format with round-arm bowling being used. It will be ten (10) overs per side affair, and open to male and female teams whichwillbeplayedinanopencategory
The tournament will see teams vying for lucrativecashincentives,trophies,andother prizes that will be up for grabs and be awardedtothewinner,runner-up,MVP,best bowler (best figure in an innings, and batter (highest score in an innings) in the tournament, player of the finals. The player of the match in each game will be given a trophyinbothmaleandfemalecategories.
Supporting the tournament is Trophy Stall,ECS,DBLGroup,RegalStationery,PT Hatchery, Dr Vanooten, Ashiek Motor Spares, BCCI, 4S Security, Money Tree Trading, Rorima Developers and Cardinal Enterprise.
The organizers are planning to have lots of side attractions, giveaways, and entertainmentforfans.
Interested teams can contact Andy (Port Mourant)on613-2738.
At22:00hrsonthedot,apoweroutageput paid to any further action at the start of the fourth of five games in the round-of-32 on Thursday night when the One Guyana / Kashif and Shanghai Organisation year-end football championship powered by the governmentofGuyana,continued.
Back Circle were large and in charge of theactionbetweenthemselvesandVryheid’s Lust as they were 2-0 up and looking very ominous in their play against the East Coast side. Early goals from Cecil Jackman (1st) and Darren Benjamin one minute later were
Theorganiserstookthedecisiontocallit a night since there was no certainty of when the power would have been restored. The gamewascontinuefromthepointitstopped, 2minutesintothefirsthalf,lastnight.
The other game that was scheduled for Thursday night between Spainard and Bent followed before the scheduled matches for lastnight,SaturdaywhereCaliforniaSquare facedBackCircle‘B’,GoldIsMoneyagainst Touches,TeamCruelplayedParadise
Continued on page 54
Upper Demerara Football Association Year End Futsal
ToppXXandWinnersConnectionarethe first two teams through to this year’s Upper Demerara Football Association’s (UDFA) Christmas futsal tournament last eight following day two play on Friday night, as Botafago thrashed Net Rockers 9-4 at the tournamentvenuetheRetrieveHardCourtin theminingtownofLinden.
The evening got off to a rousing start whenGroupCteamsclashed,withToppXX comingoutontopscoringasmothering,7-2 victoryoverFearless.
Topp XX’s win was their second to end their group stage play to advance with the maximumsixpoints
In the next Group D game Winners Connection drew their match with Rockstone, 3-3. That draw coupled with a similar drawn result against Coomacka bookedthemaplaceinthequarterfinals.
Coomacka and Rockstone will be in that
final group game battle to see who joins Winners Connection as the other team to qualifyfromtheirgroup.
Playing the first game of the night Topp XX ended their three team group play unbeaten,winningforthesecondtimeagainst Fearlesstograbsixpoints.
Fearless and Capital FC having lost to Topp XX will clash to see which of the two will join Topp XX from their group in the knockstagesofthetournament.
Silver Shattas playing in Group A, defeated Amelia’s Ward 3-2 to collect three pointsfromtheirfirstvictoryhavinglosttheir openinggameagainstBotafago.
Amelia’sWardremainononepointfrom their5-5stalematewithNetRockersintheir firstgame.
After holding the reigning champions Milerocktoa2-2result,BlueberryHill
Continued on page 55
Chase Academy squares off with St. Benedict’s College ahead of today’s final
- Petra-KFC Goodwill Int’l Series concludes day at MoE
- St. Benedict’s remain unbeaten Chase Academy pips Clarendon College to advance into final
- Final preliminary matches on tonight UpperDemeraraFootball AssociationYearEndFutsal
XX, Winners Connection advance to last eight, Botafago crush Net Rockers 9-4