Kaieteur News

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Kaieteur News

Friday December 28, 2012

Jealous uncle kills male lover, drinks poison An 18-year-old man of Sisters Village, East Bank Berbice, was viciously stabbed to death early yesterday morning and his girlfriend injured, after they were reportedly attacked by the man’s ‘step-uncle’ while asleep. The dead man has been identified as Devon Da Silva called Devon Lewis and his girlfriend, 18-year-old Ashley Whyte called ‘Toya’. Their alleged attacker has been identified as 38year-old Roy Lewis of Edinburgh, New Scheme. Da Silva is the stepson of Lewis’ brother. Kaieteur News understands that Da Silva was spending the night with his girlfriend at her home at 112 Sisters Village when the attack occurred. According to Ashley’s mother, Janice Whyte, her son, who is a policeman stationed at Fort Wellington, left home around 02:10 hours for work and when she got up to close the gate, she noticed a shadow but didn’t pay much attention. The woman said she believed that the attacker used that opportunity to gain entry to their house. Mrs. Whyte said after closing the gate she returned to bed in the lower flat of the home when she heard a

Dead: Devon Da Silva tumbling noise upstairs where her daughter and her boyfriend were sleeping. However when she and her husband got up to check they realized the door was bolted from inside and they began to frantically call out for their daughter. The injured Ashley Whyte related that she was asleep but was awakened by her boyfriend’s shouts and noticed ‘Roy’ stabbing her boyfriend with a knife. The young woman told this publication that in an attempt to help her boyfriend she held onto the knife and was injured in the process. She further related that she then ran to the door to get

help as her parents kept screaming to let them in. Once the door was opened, Ashley said her father Percy was able to take the knife away from ‘Roy’ and wrestle him out of the house. “Roy then tell everybody that he drink poison and that they can do whatever they want with he,” Ashley said. She said her boyfriend had jumped out of a window and fell in the yard, bleeding profusely. The injured Da Silva was rushed to the New Amsterdam Hospital where he was pronounced dead on arrival. His girlfriend was treated

The injured Ashley Whyte for several lacerations to her hands and was sent away. Up to press time, the suspect was in a critical condition at the same hospital, under police guard. Meanwhile, Mrs. Whyte told this publication

that it was “no secret” that the suspect and his ‘stepnephew’ (the deceased) were involved in “a love affair” which Da Silva ended sometime ago, much to the disapproval of the older man.

“But Devon wanted to move on with my daughter, so I think it was best to report the matter to the Welfare because Roy always tormenting Devon,” Mrs. Whyte said. The woman added that as a result of the constant torment, a report was also made to the police, and a restraining order against Roy Lewis was granted. Mrs. Whyte added that she believes that Lewis was jealous of the relationship Devon shared with her daughter and that’s why he killed him. Further there are reports that Lewis called one of his brothers sometime after the incident and related that he had killed Da Silva, drank poison, and knows that he would die. There are also reports from the area that earlier in the year Lewis attempted to stab Da Silva and on another occasion had tried to poison him.

Man critical after Christmas Eve shooting

Wayne Porter A young man is currently in a critical but stable condition at the Georgetown Public Hospital’s High Dependency Unit after being shot in the abdomen during a robbery in ‘C’ Field Sophia. According to reports, Wayne Porter and a friend were attacked in a shop. This publication was told that Porter came out of an interior location a few days prior to the incident after being diagnosed with Malaria. On Christmas Eve, a friend came to visit him at his home and they decided to go to a nearby shop to ‘hang out’. However while at the shop two men entered and attacked Porter and his friend. One man held onto Porter’s friend and

demanded that he hand over “cash and gold wha y’all bring out the bush”. The man told his attacker that he just came into the area to see his sick friend and he had no cash. However the robber insisted that the man hand over his valuables and ordered him to empty his pockets. This publication was told that before the men left for the shop, Porter advised his friend to remove his gold jewellery and hide them in his pocket to avoid unwanted attention. When the man was told to empty his pockets he tried his best not to let the items which he hid in his pocket show. But the robber’s eyes quickly spotted the items

and he grabbed the gold chain. Meanwhile, outside the shop the other robber was involved in a scuffle with Porter. Porter was heard telling one of the men “Y’all does only want deh robbing people with them toy gun”, and shortly after a gunshot was heard and the two men were seen running away. Porter then fell to the ground and it was only at that point persons realized that he had been shot. The injured man was rushed to the Georgetown Public Hospital. He was shot in his abdomen. Up to press time yesterday he was still a patient of the institution. Investigations are ongoing.

Friday December 28, 2012

Kaieteur News

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FATCA 2013… Guyana forging ahead for compliance By Zena Henry While the United States seeks to curtail tax evasion by its citizens and permanent residents through the enactment of the 2010 tax law, Foreign Account Tax Compliance A c t ( FAT C A ) , G u y a n a along with the rest of the Caribbean has indicated willingness of adherence and has welcomed the adjusted deadline for compliance, citing more time to negotiate a proper agreement with the U.S. FATCA, the brainchild of United States President Barack Obama, requires that U.S. citizens and green card holders who have financial assets outside of the United States, exceeding US$50,000, declared these to the US Internal Revenue Service (IRS). Some of these financial institutes include investment firms, banks, credit unions, insurance agencies, pension schemes and other financial institutes. January 1 of this year, was the original date for the Act’s enactment, but the new 2013 deadline will allow the region to follow the United Kingdom, Japan, Switzerland and other Western nations in negotiating a complete intergovernmental agreement with the U.S. These countries have used various models of

Dr. Gobind Ganga agreements to cope with FATCA. Guyana has already indicated its willingness to adhere to the new law. In fact, the country’s central bank is spearheading talks and maintaining contact with CARICOM, which is representing the region. ACCOMMODATING FATCA Deputy Governor for the Central Bank, Dr. Gobind Ganga, said that with FATCA, there are many changes that are required. To accommodate the new law, he said that changes in legislation may be necessary; this is in relation to privacy law and confidentiality between firms and clients. Firms may incur financial addi t i o n s i n t e r m s o f required human resources

and the adjustments of information technology systems. That is, trained human resources will be required to handle FATCA. The US had suggested that special personnel such be put in place to deal with the issue. Apart from that, firms may need to adjust their information systems to access and disseminate the relevant information. CARICOM noted that member countries would have to adjust legislation to meet the new requirements, but that could take months. The U.S. they said, will have more information about foreign citizens than they have already, as the requirements ask for details on information about people with dual citizenship, with alien status, and those who commute and spend lengthy

periods in the U.S. during the summer and other holiday seasons. CARIBBEAN TASK FORCE AND U.S. NEGOTIATIONS Ganga however said that the Caribbean has adopted a holistic approach and has put in place a Caribbean task force to speak on behalf of the region, which is chaired by the Jamaican Central Bank. He said it was put in place, “To ensure that legal requirements are met, to assess our level of compliance, cost and information technology needs.” The task force would be responsible for making contact with US officials in terms of negotiation and bargaining. Talks had already been initiated, but the Caribbean bloc’s Guyana-

based secretariat had noted that efforts to have formal talks with U.S. Treasury officials failed because of the distractions associated with the November presidential elections. The extended time of compliance will give CARICOM countries more leeway for negotiations in the new year. These negotiations will be based on various agreements that could be made. “There are models of agreement,” Ganga said. These were some of the agreements already entered in by some of the more developed countries where another manner of information exchange would occur. IMPLICATIONS OF NON-COMPLIANCE While it is not absolute that nations comply with

FATCA, there may be adverse financial effects. For one thing, there would be a 30 percent withholding tax if the necessary information is not declared to the IRS. That means that financial institutes within the country which transact business in the US and have money passing through the country, 30 percent of that would be withheld. Another issue not instantly highlighted is that of loss of business for non-compliant firms. This means that other organizations may cease business because of an institutions’ unwillingness to comply with FATCA, this especially relates to US-based business entities. On an individual note, persons (Continued on page 10)

Christmas at State House – It’s all about the family!

Pedal cyclist killed on Mandela Avenue

Dead: Vincent Barkley Forty-four-year-old Vincent Barkley of ‘D’ Norton Street, Lodge, was killed early yesterday morning in an accident on Mandela Avenue, Georgetown. According to a press release issued by the Police Public Relations Office, investigations have revealed so far that motor car PKK 5970 was allegedly speeding along Mandela Avenue when the driver lost control of the vehicle and collided with Barkley, a pedal cyclist, who was proceeding in the opposite direction on the other side of the road. The car was reportedly being driven by a 28-year-old Hadfield Street, Lodge resident. Barkley, a father of four

young children, was heading home after conducting his routine morning prayers at a nearby Masjid. According to one eyewitness, Barkley’s twisted body was hurled onto a nearby parapet while the car turned turtle in a wash bay on Mandela Avenue. Both Barkley and the driver were taken to the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation where Barkley was pronounced dead on arrival. The driver was treated and subsequently released into police custody. He is assisting with the ongoing investigations. Barkley’s family was told that his legs and hands along with a few ribs were broken. A post mortem examination is expected to be performed soon. “Christmas just gone and so is our brother,” Lorraine Barkley, the man’s eldest sister lamented. She added that the man was planning to take “afterChristmas” presents for his children today. “I already buy Christmas gifts and carry money fuh he children, but Vincent lived fuh he children and he was going back and carry more Christmas gifts for them today (yesterday).”

The official residence of President Donald Ramotar and First Lady, Deolatchmee, was the scene of much warmth and celebration during a family get-together at Christmas.

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Kaieteur News Printed and Published by National Media & Publishing Company Ltd. 24 Saffon Street, Charlestown, Georgetown, Guyana. Publisher: GLENN LALL Editor: Adam Harris Tel: 225-8465, 225-8491. Fax: 225-8473, 226-8210


After their brief holiday rest and revelry we can expect our politicians to reappear next year, armed once again with their competing ‘development plans”. Unfortunately they are all based on what the ex-World Bank economist William Easterly criticises as “the ideology of Development”. Like all ideologies, Easterly notes, “Developmentalism” promises a comprehensive final answer to all of society’s problems, from poverty and illiteracy to violence and despotic rulers. It shares the common ideological characteristic of suggesting there is only one correct answer, and it tolerates little dissent. It deduces this unique answer for everyone from a general theory that purports to apply to everyone, everywhere. There’s no need to involve local actors who reap its costs and benefits. Developmentalism even has its own intelligentsia, made up of experts at the International Monetary Fund (IMF), World Bank and UN. These experts see poverty as a purely technological problem, to be solved by engineering and the natural sciences. Jeffery Sachs, Columbia University’s celebrity economist, is one of its main proprietors. His own plan features hundreds of expert interventions to solve every last problem of the poor— from green manure, breast-feeding education, and bicycles to solar-energy systems, school uniforms for aids orphans, and windmills. Not to mention such critical interventions as “counselling and information services for men to address their reproductive health needs.” All this will be done, Sachs says, by “a united and effective United Nations country team, which coordinates in one place the work of the U.N. specialized agencies, the IMF, and the World Bank.” So the admirable concern of rich countries for the tragedies of world poverty is thus channelled into fattening the international aid bureaucracy, the self-appointed priesthood of Developmentalism. Like other ideologies, this thinking favours collective goals such as national poverty reduction, national economic growth, and the global Millennium Development Goals, over the aspirations of individuals. Bureaucrats who write poverty-reduction frameworks outrank individuals who actually reduce poverty by, say, starting a business. Just as Marxists favoured world revolution and socialist internationalism, Developmentalism stresses world goals over the autonomy of societies to choose their own path. It favours doctrinaire abstractions such as “market-friendly policies,” “good investment climate,” and “pro-poor globalisation” over the freedom of individuals. Developmentalism also shares another Marxist trait: It aspires to be scientific. Finding the one correct solution to poverty is seen as a scientific problem to be solved by the experts. They are always sure they know the answer, vehemently reject disagreement, and then later change their answers. In psychiatry, this is known as Borderline Personality Disorder. For the Developmental Experts, it’s a way of life. The answer at first was aid-financed investment and industrialization in poor countries, then it was marketoriented government policy reform, then it was fixing institutional problems such as corruption, then it was globalisation, then it was the Poverty Reduction Strategy to achieve the Millennium Development Goals. Today it is “bear strain”. One reason the answers keep changing is because, in reality, high-growth countries follow a bewildering variety of paths to development, and the countries with high growth rates are constantly changing from decade to decade. What could be more different than successful developers such as China and Chile, Botswana and Singapore, Taiwan and Turkey, or Hong Kong and Vietnam? What about the many countries who tried to emulate these rising stars and failed? The experts in Developmentalism’s Politburo don’t bother themselves with such questions. All the previous answers were right; they were just missing one more “necessary condition” that the experts have only just now added to the list. Like all ideologies, Developmentalism is at the same time too rigid to predict what will work in the messy, real world and yet flexible enough to forever escape falsification by real-world events. The high church of Development, the World Bank, has guaranteed it can never be wrong by making statements such as, “different policies can yield the same result, and the same policy can yield different results, depending on country institutional contexts and underlying growth strategies.” Of course, you still need experts to figure out the contexts and strategies.

Kaieteur News

Friday December 28, 2012

Letters... Where your views make the news

Nothing can justify a rape DEAR EDITOR, This letter is in reference to Mr. Moen-ul-Hack’s captioned, “Violence against women cannot be condoned,” (Stabroek News, 19 December), a rejoinder to my earlier letter, “What constitutes modesty in dress?” (Stabroek News, 17 Dec). I detect sincerity in his approach and a civility which must be taken into consideration and applauded. I will also refer to Mr. Abu Bakr’s “Dress is not all about personal taste,” (Stabroek News, 19 December). As I have been thinking on what I hope would be a productive engagement to these responses, I could not help wondering if the Gods and the prophets of the dominant organized monotheistic creeds were female how different would all our revelations would have been. And, would we be even having this discussion today? The Human Rights Commission of (the Islamic Republic of) Pakistan Annual Report for 2010 shows that there were 2,900 cases of reported rapes in the country. The country’s newspapers that did the analysis claimed that close to 95% of all rapes are unreported. And, we could all hazard a guess that these women, girls and infants were raped not for want of modest dress. My contention is that no matter how supposedly provocative or immodest a woman may choose to dress, it is not an invitation to rape, and most certainly does not justify it. But, both Messrs Hack and Abu Bakr, deriving their perspectives from the literal and absolute word of the Quran, maintain that the “immodest” and

“provocative” dress of the female semiotically suggests moral depravity, licentiousness and promiscuity, leading to rape. What I find truly astonishing in this exchange so far, is that neither gentleman has seen it necessary to even mention the perpetrator, as if, ipso facto, he is to be exculpated. Are we to pity the poor helpless rapist who is a mere victim of the blandishments and temptation of the “provocative” and “immodest” female? This interpretation could lead one to the conclusion that condemnation of the woman and exoneration of the male is an entrenched position in Islam, especially when it seems to have wider support. A respected and well-known scholar and commentator, Abu’l A’la Mawdudi accused Muslims who advocate ‘Western’ rights for women of abandoning the “sense of honour, chastity, moral purity, matrimonial loyalty, undefiled lineage, and the like virtues.” In this regard, the only right he urged for women was the right to respect their chastity! How are we to understand this purported Islamic interpretation, especially when it comes to the rights of the individual and their violation? Many writers seem to take the path of cultural relativism, suggesting that the above interpretation of rape is a culture bound behaviour prevalent in areas under the domination of Islam. I believe, however, that the answer lies in the way that Islam sees itself as a full, complete, and absolute, selfsufficient civilisational paradigm in need of no tutoring especially from the

west, its main civilizational rival seen to be suffused with Judeo-Christian values. Islam perceives and projects itself not only as antithetical to anything extra-Islamic, but infinitely superior as well. The source of this selfperception is founded on the authority of the Quran which in turn is held by Muslims to be the inviolable, infallible, literal and verbatim word of God conceived in heaven itself and transmitted to humanity through the medium of its prophet, the perfect man. It is perfect and inimitable in language, style, message and form. Given this understanding the text is beyond interpretation. It is not susceptible to metaphor and symbolism. To alter or interpret any Quranic text to bring it in line with contemporary universal values will imply its imperfectability, and worse the imperfectability of God, and compromise Islam’s civilizational self -perception. To suggest a history of the Quran and a metaphoric interpretation is to offend Muslim sensibilities. But it goes further than this. Any attempt based on any method of textual criticism and analysis that will historicise the Quran would in effect deligitimise the entire historical experience of the Muslim community and would render meaningless the struggles of the last fourteen centuries. As Christians see Christ as the word of God made flesh, the Quran is the word of God made text, and any questioning of its sanctity and authority, no matter how infinitesimal and trite it may seem in the eyes of others, cannot be allowed on account of the wider

implication. It follows then, despite a mountain of evidence and impeccable reasoning, which will not be “evidence” and “reason” if they contradict the Quran, and the massive changes, such as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the world has undergone in the last 1,400 years, which will not be accepted if they consist of innovation contrary to the Quran, Messrs. Hack and Abu Bakr must hold on to their position however demeaning and reprehensible it may be to others, in this case women. So, if blaming the woman for rape and exonerating the man is in fact what the Quran says, then in no way can there be any change in this perspective. Are we then hopelessly in the face of an impregnable impasse consisting of an Islamic universalism and absolutism on the one hand and on the other a Christian one, though the latter is somewhat more nuanced and modulated since events such as the Enlightenment? Does our collective salvation lie in considering many of the world’s other perspectives such as found in the traditional theologies of African religions and those of the Americas, long demonised as pagan, heathen, animist but which have taught us the art of living in diversities? May we also benefit from the patient wisdom of the East, where truth is not seen as absolute but always contextually, in terms of gradations and approximations, where possibilities are infinite? Yours faithfully, Swami Aksharananda

Friday December 28, 2012

Kaieteur News

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Letters... Where your views make the news Letters... Where your views make the news

Adam Harris applauded for Falklands articles We promote a most DEAR EDITOR, I write to applaud Adam Harris for two excellent pieces on his experience in the Falklands. They were enlightening and informative and made for good writing as indeed most of his columns were as compared with those of a daily columnist who tends to write without supporting evidence. Previously, Adam wrote about his experience among Guyanese in the US and they were quite entertaining and factual. He understands the Diaspora and informs Guyanese readership about his experience with them. I’ve had my share of traveling, from Cambodia to Chile to Bora Bora and I surely enjoyed those experiences. But I am equally happy when I read about travels of others. I myself am very excited when I read of the experiences of others who travel like me. And it is for this reason I was fascinated with Adam’s articles on the Falklands. I don’t think any other Guyanese visited those islands and are likely to visit them in the near future. I met British soldiers who told me

they were posted there but got no other information from them. Adam’s pieces are the closest to actually experiencing the islands. The Falklands was one place I always wanted to visit but knew it would be almost impossible given that it is not accessible by commercial flights. I learnt about the Falklands in 1982 during the war between Britain and Argentina for control of it. I took a course on International Law in Spring 1982 with Prof. Martha Zebrowski of Columbia University. I had to write research papers on two international conflicts and I wrote on the Falklands c o n f l i c t a n d G u y a n a ’s border dispute with Venezuela with American intervention in the conflict. I remember the Argentine government invading the island in early April to shift attention away from its political and economic issues. Argentine forces landed in the Falklands, capturing the islands two days later. Britain dispatched a naval fleet and recaptured the islands some time in June. Argentina had appealed for American assistance, even

referring to the Monroe Doctrine. But the US, an Anglo nation, sided with its British kindred. Both sides lost soldiers. Argentina was humiliated and lost over 300 young men as compared with a couple of dozens of British troops. So I know about the place and he reinforces my knowledge about it. Like Adam, I love to visit exotic distant places and write about them (comparing and contrasting life there with Guyana’s). I am always happy to visit “exotic places” and I return to some again and again. I visited dozens of countries and almost all of them on multiple occasions to study their economic progress and political development. I laud Adam for writing what he actually experienced. Few writers engage in this kind of “genre”. Traveling is fun and one learns a lot from the experience. It is a way to get a better understanding of the world. One needs to visit remote places to get a perspective on life elsewhere. I use my travel experience to over 60

countries to compare and contrast life in Guyana with the host society (like Indonesia, Philippines, Fiji, South Africa, Israel, etc.) so far away from Guyana. I learn a lot from them especially for my teaching so students can get a better perspective of life in those societies. Often, Guyanese in the Diaspora (especially in N.Y) would laud me for my articles informing them of life in other societies. Not many can afford to travel to distant places and they are grateful to understand what life is like there and they appreciate what I write. So as they did unto me, I shower the same praise on Adam. He wrote what he learned from his experience and readers learn much about local customs, w e a t h e r, s p e e c h , f o o d , architecture, clothing, important events, economy, politics, etc. in the Falklands. Thanks Adam! Do visit some other distant and near impossible to reach societies and educate us about them. Yours truly, Vishnu Bisram

dangerous drug

DEAR EDITOR What is the most serious crisis facing Guyana? It is not corruption or racism. It is not poverty or political division; It is not crime or unemployment; it is not a weak education system or lack of finance; it is not the lack of opportunity. In my opinion, the single most important crisis facing Guyanese today is alcohol consumption. It is perfectly legal and yet it hurts and kills more people than anything else. Many Guyanese have a weakness and that weakness is alcohol. Whenever some Guyanese want to gaffe they do it over a drink. Guyanese love to drink alcohol. Some Guyanese would make any excuse to drink alcohol. For example, some Guyanese would have a birthday party for a little child and that party would have so much alcohol for the adults. Alcohol is responsible for the death of more people than anything else. Drunk drivers have killed more people than bandits. Alcohol is responsible for many rapes and unplanned pregnancies. Alcohol has led to domestic violence and murder. Alcohol is responsible many people going to prison.

Furthermore, alcohol has led to many physical and sexual abuses and incest. Alcohol has taken many lives. Alcohol has led to many people dropping out of school. Alcohol has led to cheating, unfaithfulness and the demise of many marriages, and the break-up of many families. Alcohol has made many people lose their employment, house, and car. Alcohol has led to violence, arguments, and fights. Alcohol has made many spend less time with their family. Alcohol leads to poverty and a decline in moral values. The sad thing is that drinking alcohol is promoted, encouraged, and accepted in Guyana. Most Guyanese don’t see the danger of drinking alcohol. I was told that if I want to make friends I have to drink alcohol. I believe alcohol is the single most important crisis facing Guyanese. Alcohol has done more damage to Guyanese and has led to the downfall of Guyana more than anything else. Why are companies, leaders, and everyone else promoting and encouraging people to drink when alcohol is damaging and destroying so many people? Anthony Pantlitz

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Kaieteur News

Friday December 28, 2012

Letters... Where your views make the news Letters... Where your views make the news

A cultural revival Despite promises, after one year, DEAR EDITOR, I was reading about the recent symposium entitled Masquerade Lives that was held in Georgetown. Congratulations to the Department of Culture and the Guyana Cultural Association of New York. It was so timely and good, especially in an era when revival of cultural traditions is so important. And I am noting the enthusiasm among the GUYASPORA in participating in the revival process. It was only last August that I attended a Caribana party here in Toronto.

In a highly beveraged state, I got up and shook to the sweet rhythms of Bob Marley’s ‘One Love’. A GT who was dancing nearby looked down in front of me and shouted: “Throw down the money.” I really thought that I was executing some basic reggae grooves, but the GT fellow must have seen other things in my grooves.......BAND! Thanks and Happy New Year greetings Sincerely Wayne Jones Hamilton ON.

nothing has changed in Guyana

DEAR EDITOR, There is no shortage of goodwill in Guyana, especially at this time of year when the nation observes the birth of Jesus Christ who eventually made the ultimate sacrifice for mankind, the true reason given for the season. Just turn the pages of this newspaper for the past week and you will see stories of people giving to the less fortunate, the elderly and to children. There are many more acts of kindness being displayed throughout the holiday season but were not reported. To those who are extending a kind hand to others, we say well done. For if that show of human compassion helps to change the life of just one person for the better, it would have been worth the effort. However, the spirit of giving has not been made easy for many because of the poor state of the economy. In fact, there were many others who had wanted to give but were not able to do so because they could hardly provide for themselves. This is the sad state the poor and the working class found themselves and the regime has not done anything to

improve their lives. We would be remiss if we did not express our deep concern for the future of the country and for the poor and the working class, especially for the fact that not much has changed during the past year for them. From all indications, this was a very bleak Christmas for many who are becoming poorer by the day. During the last elections campaign, the vision of the three parties was presented to the entire nation. Now one year after we can safely say that none of them has delivered 10 per cent of what they had promised the voters? The worst offender remains the Jagdeo/Ramotar cabal since much more was expected from that political group which got the largest block of the votes and executive power. So instead of delivering on their promises to reduce crime and illegal drug trafficking, end corruption, create jobs and develop the economy, the Jagdeo/ Ramotar cabal has been mired in one corruption scandal after the other and has not charged a single individual despite a number of glaring corrupt practices. In fact, the regime

has disciplined and in some cases fired those who have exposed alleged corrupt practices of their relatives, cronies and business buddies. Since taking office, the minority PPP regime has spent valuable time defending their friends and relatives for alleged corrupt practices just as they did for the incompetent Minister of Home Affairs, the millions of taxpayers’ money that remain missing from NICIL and the secrecy surrounding the building of the Marriott Hotel with the taxpayers’ money. It is now beyond a shadow of a doubt that President Donald Ramotar’s policies are hurting the nation economically, socially and politically and for this reason we have concluded that he is a failure. He has not outlined the direction of where he wants to take the country of how he intends to lead. What really is the vision of the people of Guyana? Their vision is to have a bright future, reduction in crime, corruption and illegal drug trafficking, and to have a good and transparent government that will govern in the interest of all. Their ambition is to build a strong middle class by

accelerating human development in such a manner to move a significant number of persons from the working class into the middle class. Even though the PPP principle mantra is to provide opportunities, create jobs and provide safety for the people, among others they have not done anything so far other than to use that state resources to help themselves, their relatives, friends and business buddies. Thus our classification of the 10th Parliament as a “DO LITTLE” institution is based on its outcomes and the performance especially by the opposition. Soon taxpayers may find it fit to describe that Parliament as a waste of taxpayers’ money rather than an institution to advance the betterment of the people. As the year closes, it is only appropriate for the parliamentarians to take stock of their year in office and truly ask themselves, what have they really done for the poor and the working class of Guyana? Well it is time for another Parliamentary recess! Happy New Year to all. Regards Dr. Asquith Rose and Harish S. Singh

Friday December 28, 2012

Kaieteur News

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Letters... Where your views make the news Letters... Where your views make the news

LCDS will continue to chart a path for sustainable development despite critics Dear Editor, I wish to shed some light on the recent report by Rainforest Alliance which was critical of Guyana Low Carbon Development Strategy and the Joint Concept Note between the Governments of Guyana and Norway and which has received attention by some section of the media. It is my strong belief that the report by Rainforest Alliance has been blown out of

proportion and misinterpreted by sections of the media with the usual agenda to bring disrepute to the Guyana Low Carbon Development Strategy. The MSCC was merely supporting sustainable development and a better way of living for all Guyanese when it spoke out against budgetary cuts imposed by the Parliamentary Opposition

on the Guyana Low Carbon Development Strategy. Additionally, the report flagged the Multi Stakeholders Steering Committee (MSSC) for speaking against the Opposition’s budgetary cuts. However, the negative comments by RainforestAlliance may have also stemmed from a lack of communication since it is believed that the MSSC statement was supported

Is this the same Winston Brassington?

DEAR EDITOR, Despite its less than stellar achievements in 2012, I applaud our 10th Parliament for using its voter-given dictator-busting, democracyenhancing “majority of one” to further unmask and highlight the dictatorial tendencies of the discontented PPP minority government. This minority government owes its existence to Forbes Burnham’s constitutionalized delusions of grandeur, and not to the will of the majority that voted in our last elections. I now encourage our Parliament to focus part of 2013 on transparentizing the opaque operations of the National Industrial Commercial Investment Limited (NICIL) and Atlantic Hotel Inc (AHI), which are both under the nominal control of Winston Brassington who should be hauled before Parliament and questioned about his relationship with a U.S.-based company that also has the word Atlantic as part of its name.

U.S. public records show a Winston Brassington as an owner/officer in a U.S.-registered company named Atlantic Merchants International (AMI). The company was registered in Pennsylvania on February 15, 1994, under file number 2566966, and also lists Jonathan Brassington (same name as brother of NICIL’s and AHI’s Winston), Joseph P. Chindemi, and Gary L. Weidner Jr as other owners/ officers. It should be noted that Atlantic Merchants International (AMI) is a fictitious name (allowed under Pennsylvania law when a company doesn’t want to use its real name), which clearly indicates that AMI was originally registered in another jurisdiction under a different name. I make no conclusive claim about the identity of AMI’s Winston Brassington; however, AMI was registered in Pennsylvania, where Winston’s brother Jonathan Brassington lives. So our Parliament must move with haste on this matter, including

ferreting out the names of NICIL and AHI vendors and other contractors. After all, our nation has a right to know whether or not Winston Brassington is a renegade. Parliament’s efforts to force NICIL and AHI or any of our state institutions to be transparent and accountable will be strenuously opposed by the minority PPP government, which only believes in transparency and/ or accountability just as long as it or an institution it controls is not being asked to be transparent and/or accountable. But Parliament must not back down as the majority of Guyanese wants our nation to be governed by democratic principles, and any resistance from the PPP will only serve to highlight the truth that the PPP’s commitment to democracy is as deep as its desire to lose an election to the PNC or any other group in Guyana. I wish our nation all the best that could happen in and for it in 2013. Lionel Lowe

only by GoG representatives, but on the contrary nongovernment members of the MSSC also challenged the budgetary cuts. Further, some section of the media chose not the report on Rainforest Alliance commended the Guyana Forestry Commission for being diligent and creative in making arrangements to undertake the development

of a robust forest monitoring mechanism as quickly as possible; a task which has been completed. Despite this, some sections of the media only tend to see the negatives. Guyana was also credited with accessing support from the Global Environmental Facility, Germany’s Kfw and Conservation International to map priority areas for biodiversity in Guyana’s

forests. This is highly commendable.Notwithstanding the ongoing reviews and the attempts by sections of the media, the Guyana Low Carbon Development Strategy is an all-inclusive strategy that will benefit all the people of Guyana and the enhancement of the lives of future generations to come. Sincerely Vivian Li

DEAR EDITOR, It is unfortunate that the English language is replete with numerous instances where words have multiple definitions. We had chosen the term “wench” to mean serving woman in its archaic form - to emphasise the traditional aspect of the pub. The press release made clear that the

pub will be a family-friendly establishment. That would not be possible in one that in any way created a misogynistic atmosphere. Nonetheless, we are sensitive to the concerns of the letter’s author and wish to express our regret that the press release could have been interpreted in such a negative light.

The conduct of the establishment will speak for itself and a complementary pint will be on offer to the author while they determine the truth of this assurance for themselves once we’re open for business. Sincerely, Avinash Persaud Director BPG

Distorting ‘wench’

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Kaieteur News

Friday December 28, 2012

Friday December 28, 2012

Kaieteur News

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NO HOPE FOR THE FUTURE The end of the year is fast drawing nigh, and with it, the hopes of many Guyanese who were expecting greater political cooperation between the government and the opposition. All sides will indicate that they are keen on resuming the process of political dialogue. However for all intents and purposes, the possibility of any such process is extremely remote. The relationship between the two sides is so sour that it is doubtful whether there were any exchanges of Christmas cards across the aisle in parliament. The basis simply does not exist for any form of political cooperation. And as long as the media continues to fan divisive issues, then both sides are going to continue to make pronouncements which will hinder any form of rapprochement. One former politician once said that before there can be a marriage there has to be a courtship. One can suitably add that before there can be courtship, the parties must at least be on friendly terms. At present this hardly seems to be the case, and given the fact that the government is under attack in the National Assembly and one of its members is being asked to step aside, there seems no possibility of any solution. The year, however, did not begin in such a pessimistic way. In fact a

promising start was made when it seemed that the sides had established some sort of mechanism for talks amongst themselves. No sooner had that process got going that the ganging up started. The settling of old political scores effectively hijacked any possibility of the tripartite process working. The language on all sides is not helpful to any form of conciliation. The opposition is unbending in its demand that the Minister of Home Affairs should step aside. They simply do not understand that this is not their call; they have failed to understand what ministerial responsibility to parliament entails and in fact their very motion expressing noconfidence in the Minister of Home Affairs should never have been entertained because under the principle of collective responsibility, the government stands and falls on a noconfidence motion against one of its members. As such, the parliament should have by now been dissolved and new elections should have been held. The dispute is now engaging the courts and therefore much more cannot be said, except that everyone will hold their breath and await the decision of the court. Will it rule as it did in the past that the right of parliament to conduct its own affairs is not an absolute right but one that is subject to the

Dem boys seh...

Don’t cry fuh de Bees next year People been going to gym whole year; some of dem decide to watch wha dem eating because dem was getting li’l too heavy. Some of dem did want to fit de same clothes that dem been wearing couple years before and some of dem want compete wid dem li’l gyal. But dem boys know that Christmas is de time when man and woman does throw diet and exercise through de window. Some woman decide that dem done wid diet and exercise from de time de first Christmas carol play pun de radio. From de time dem friend start talk bout macaroni and cheese, baked ham, garlic pork and pepper pot dem belly start fuh rumble. Well dem boys want to see wha gun happen when Old Year’s Night come because some of dem eat till dem own clothes can’t fit dem. But dem wasn’t alone. Brazzy always like eat and he never think bout gym till he doctor tell he that he getting short of breath at de slightest bit of wuk except when he

counting money. He waist get even more big and he behind spread like a fan. He had a grand Christmas. De Donald had a good one too. He shave he head but he watch wha he was eating suh he actually lose weight. De Rat lose weight too because nobody ain’t invite he to eat and de wine bar didn’t open fuh de holidays because Brazzy was too busy stuffing he mouth. Bob Bee had he own problems. He couldn’t find anybody to cook fuh he suh he too control he weight and he size. In fact, he lose weight. Old Year’s coming and is problems fuh some who ain’t got friends. And de Bees ain’t got friends. Dem only got demself. De king Bee believe that he is still running de country suh he send a message that no Government Ministry must keep party at Pegasus. And all because Badal and Khemraj talk bout de Marriott. Well dem boys seh that de New Year coming and de Bees know what else coming. Talk half and don’t cry fuh de Bees.

constitution? Will it rule that no constitutional breach has taken place and therefore the courts cannot intervene in the internal affairs of parliament? Or will it assume a broader construction on limitations of parliamentary sovereignty and find that the courts have jurisdiction to adjudicate on the exercise of any powers that flows from the constitution? It is doubtful whether any decision of the court is going to improve relations between the sides. And thus relations are likely to continue to be sour between the government and the opposition. The problem that the opposition parties face is that their support base cannot deliver to them an election victory, and as such, their only hope of ever holding

political power is to be able to demonstrate to the supporters of the government that there is nothing to fear from an opposition party or coalition of opposition parties. Over the past twelve months, the opposition has failed to do this and in fact their political opportunism and vindictive politics have been on display for the entire country to see. And this will scare the living daylights out of the government’s supporters who will in the next election deliver a knockout punch to the opposition. The people of Guyana have had twelve months to see what the opposition is about. They do not need another twelve months to confirm that

there is not much hope that the combined opposition is going to change. The opposition continues to delude itself into believing that it is forcing the government to change its ways. The opposition, however, cannot point to a single victory it has had with the government because of its strong arm tactics. The only concessions that it got out of the government have been those that involved negotiations. The opposition is content to play the political role of calling for dialogue with the government on one hand and then bashing the government in, through the exercise of its one-seat majority in the National Assembly. This is most

unhelpful and calls into question how serious the opposition really is about dialogue with the government. The government should take the opposition out of the lock that it finds itself in. It should dissolve parliament and call fresh elections, because if after twelve months the sides have problems talking to one another, this is not likely to improve given the court case that is soon to begin. And even that case is not likely to lead to an improvement in the relationship between the sides.

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Kaieteur News

Friday December 28, 2012


I spent Christmas reading “The Indelible Red Stain” Two weeks before Christmas, my car broke down on the Railway Embankment not far from where I live and fortunately not far from my mechanic. It was raining and my wife and her 87-year-old mother were in the vehicle heading downtown. I put them in a taxi. Since I was going in a different direction I waited for a hire car on the embankment road A driver pulled up and offered me a ride in his Canter truck with a business licence plate. I would never enter a stranger’s car like that. My policy is if politically-paid goons are going to kill me then I am not going to make it easy for them. I looked at him and judging from his age (over sixty) and considering the random nature of the visit that I was safe. I’m glad I met him. He immediately asked me how my mother-in-law was. Then he told me he used to sell her stuff when she owned a supermarket in Wortmanville. That made me even more secure with him and he was trying to make me comfortable. He even mentioned that he went to school with a friend

of mine from the People’s Parliament, UG lecturer Charlene Wilkinson. He currently manufactures and markets a local beverage. The next step was an engagement of my political activities. The gentleman then asked me if I read a book titled, “The Indelible Red Stain.” I answered in the negative and he was surprised. He said it was a recent publication on Jagan and Burnham and Guyanese history from the forties onwards. He suggested it was so good that I should not miss getting it. I was taken aback because the Kaieteur News and the Stabroek News didn’t feature this book on the day of publication and even when it was launched. My research told me why. It came out in October 2011 and that was the time when Guyana was gripped with election fever. Secondly, when you read it you will see that the PPP and PNC will never touch this book. I went home and e-mailed my friend in Florida to send me “The Indelible Red Stain.” It came on December 24 at 3.30 pm. This book is expensive. It cost $60 American. It consists of books one and

two, has one thousand, three hundred and ninety pages, and each volume weighs eight pounds. It was in the front seat, so when my wife entered the car, she picked it up and kept it on her lap. I came out of the car and placed the two volumes in the trunk. If one of them fell on my wife’s toe it would have crushed it. “The Indelible Red Stain” is written by a top class medical scholar of British Guiana, Dr. Mohan Ragbeer, whose family was extremely close to Dr Cheddi Jagan in the forties after Dr. Jagan returned to British Guiana. Dr. Ragbeer’s brotheri n - l a w w a s D r. J a g a n ’s mentor and advisor at the t i m e . I n c i d e n t a l l y, D r. Ragbeer was a professor at MacMaster University when I was a post-graduate student there. I only know that from reading the back cover of his book. Dr. Ragbeer is in his mideighties now and may have decided that with advancing age, he should contribute to the dictionary of Guyanese history. And what a phenomenal contribution it is. Dr. Ragbeer is going to find the marketing of his book

problematic because reviewers aren’t going to be easy to find when a book is fourteen hundred pages. But his book has taken its place among the publications that will educate Guyanese on the political evolution of their homeland. A gem in the book is the reproduction of an interview in 1950 that the author did with Cheddi Jagan when Dr. Ragbeer founded a magazine when he was a senior at Queen’s College titled QC Lictor. Dr. Jagan, in 1950, was unapologetic in denying the atrocities and inhumanities of the Russian dictator, Stalin.

PPP Indian fanatics will get a heart attack with a certain page in the book. These are the people that tell me that I don’t like East Indians and I hate my own ethnicity. Well they should read “The Indelible Red Stain.” The author contends that both Cheddi Jagan and his father did not like the East Indian race and that Dr. Jagan was particularly contemptuous of East Indian people. He offers snippets of circumstantial evidence to support his claim. He believes that Jagan used Indians for his political

ambition. Joey Jagan threatened to slap me for criticizing his father. Will he now do so to Dr. Ragbeer?

From page 3 holders may be taxed differently. This can however be done to the accounts of one person holding several accounts and transacting business with various financial institutes. Nevertheless, the Central Bank Deputy Governor said that Guyana is working feverishly to be ready for the stated date of compliance. All the major banks and financial institutions have indicated their willingness to comply.

There will need to be annual reports to the IRS. “Knowing the implications of noncompliance, our institutions are ensuring that they prepare for FATCA,” Ganga said. A committee, he added, is expected to be formed in the New Year to educate persons on FATCA and its weight. In the meantime, CARICOM said that its public education task force will launch a campaign next year to educate bank customers

about the new regulations, as staffers will be required to ask personal questions about customers as part of the compliance process. may be looking at their income being taxed twice. That is while the US is seeking its tax cut, the country having to report to the IRS may also be taxing money that would be entering the country. Apart from that, persons with various statuses will also be taxed. That is, joint accounts, partnerships and other account

Frederick Kissoon

FATCA 2013… Guyana...

Friday December 28, 2012

Kaieteur News

Guyanese dies in Antigua accident (Antigua Observer) Kelvin Thomas has become the nation’s latest road fatality after he was struck on Christmas Day by a vehicle. Authorities have identified 70-year-old Sheffield Henry of Powells Estate as the driver. The 23-year-old father of a two-year-old daughter was struck as he was walking along the Sir George Walter Highway around 10:45 pm. Relatives said he was returning from a family gathering in Villa to his home in Carlisle. Information coming from the police Strategic Communications Department indicates that Henry’s blue Mitsubishi jeep A5659 was travelling north on the highway when it came into contact with Thomas, who was heading in the same direction. Grieving relatives and friends were on the scene when the 23-year-old was pronounced dead on the spot.

Dead: Kelvin Thomas Thomas is being remembered by family members as a good father. Jewel Stewart, sister to the mother of Thomas’ only child, said the way he took care of his daughter stood out most to her. “He was a loving father to his daughter,” Stewart said. “Even up to Christmas Eve, he took her to town and bought her presents.” “In these times there are not many young men who would bathe her, feed her, go

for walks, babysit,” she said. “I mean you don’t find much of that these days. That stood out to me.” “He’s just a very nice person, easy going, I don’t know him as a drinker, he didn’t drink alcohol and he was not like this party person.” The dead man had recently moved to Carlisle with his family about three months ago. “We all were here at home. We were laughing and partying. He just sat in the chair and he was smiling, and that’s how I remember him,” Stewart said. Thomas, a native of Guyana, moved to Antigua in the summer of 2008. Initial reports from the police listed Thomas’ first name as “Kevin.” Observer Media has since confirmed with relatives that his name was “Kelvin.” Thomas’ death brings the number of road fatalities in 2012 to three.

Murdered Plaisance man’s relative detained - Suspect reportedly seen fleeing area after shots fired

Police believe that they have made a significant breakthrough in relation to the murder of 71-year-old shopkeeper Derrick Cox, who was shot dead by bandits six days ago at his grocery in Ramos Street, Plaisance. In a shocking turn of events, detectives have detained a relative of the slain man after receiving reports that he was seen fleeing from the area on Saturday night when the elderly man was shot. The relative, who reportedly has had previous brushes with the law, was arrested at a dance on Boxing Night. A source said that eyewitnesses have already come forward to identify him as one of the three individuals seen running from the area after the fatal shots were fired. Cox, called ‘Backatoo’, was shot in the chest at around 22:50 hrs last Saturday, by bandits who had attacked him outside his shop. There are reports that the killers escaped in a white car. Kaieteur News was told that the family had received reports that a similar vehicle was seen in Ramos Street last Wednesday and that the relative who is a suspect was one of the occupants. It is believed that the men had planned to carry out the robbery that night but the presence of residents near Mr. Cox’s shop deterred them.

Murdered: Derrick Cox The attack occurred at a time when many of the residents were at a dance in another section of the community. “He (the relative) did it,” a source close to the victim told Kaieteur News yesterday. “People saw him. He was circling (the area) in the same car with some other boys on Wednesday night. But my brother was there till morning so they couldn’t do anything.” A female relative, who lives in the same yard as the slain man, said she was in her living room at around 22:50 hrs last Saturday when she heard a loud sound as several cases of bottles crashed to the ground. She then heard two gunshots. The woman

said that she did not venture outside, although she was convinced that the sounds were coming from Cox’s shop, which is situated at the front of the yard. She said that Cox then began calling her name and pleading for help. “I could not come out because is a young baby I got here, so I push the window and he keep talking to me…But he tell me to call his nephews…I call them and they came,” the woman told this newspaper “He was gasping for breath, he was right there by the door lying on the ground.” She believes that the bandits fled emptyhanded since there was still cash in a drawer in the shop.

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Kaieteur News

Friday December 28, 2012

C’bean economies performed strongly in 2012, but face challenges - IDB President The IDB committed more than $11.5 billion in 2012 to development projects, with bolstered support for small and vulnerable economies. The economies of the Caribbean and Latin America have performed strongly in the face of a challenging external environment, InterAmerican Development Bank President Luis Alberto Moreno said, but the region needs to continue to pursue key reforms to ensure growth in the future. In year-end remarks to the IDB´s Board of Executive Directors, Moreno summarized the region’s challenges, the institution’s performance over the past year, and its priorities going forward. He noted that Latin America´s unemployment rate is at a historic low and over the past decade 58 million citizens of the region have risen above the poverty line. One in three Latin Americans is now part of the middle class. “The main indicators

IDB President Luis Alberto Moreno paint a tranquil picture that is welcome and shows we are doing things right,” he said. The region, boosted by high commodity prices, continued to grow its trade with the world. Trade with Asia has been especially noteworthy, growing at a 20 percent annual rate since 2000 to total an estimated $442 billion in 2012. However, many challenges remain. Sixty-six million Latin Americans earn too little money to meet their daily needs. And trade among Latin American and Caribbean countries is still

too low, at 19 percent of overall trade, presenting a strong growth opportunity looking ahead. “We must focus our vision of the future on those areas that will enable us to maintain a diversified productive base, build our capacity for innovation, and successfully compete on a rapidly evolving planet,” Moreno said. “Nothing produces greater returns than investments in building social capital.” He urged countries to lower their country costs by investing in infrastructure. “We must also work to break down financial, bureaucratic, and information-related barriers. We should pave the way for private initiative to flourish, so that we can take advantage of better international positioning that is not only desirable, but inevitable.” Moreno said the IDB continued on its path to build best practices into its operational and administrative management, bolstering transparency, accountability and financial

mechanisms. He said it was now standard practice at the IDB to assess whether projects can measure their expected results using rigorous evaluation methods during their preparation phase. THE IDB IN 2012 In 2012, the IDB approved new financing mechanisms to help countries cope with natural disasters and safeguard the effects of economic crises.

The IDB approved 170 operations in 2012 for a total of $11.5 billion. This included 44 projects for non-sovereign guarantees, which finance private sector projects, for $1.5 billion. Reflecting strong demand for IDB products and services, average approvals have nearly doubled over the past five years in relation to the previous five years. A full 44 percent of the approvals went to small and vulnerable countries, and nearly half

went to infrastructure projects. The IDB also provided $871 million in grant financing—up 29 percent from 2011—with growing contributions by member countries to create a climate fund for the private sector and provide additional resources for the Mesoamerican Health Initiative, Clean Technology Fund, Multi donor Fund for Regional Integration Initiatives, and the Transparency Fund.

A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) has indicated its readiness for snap elections if that be the case in the New Year. At a press briefing held at the Office of the Opposition leader yesterday, APNU head David Granger said that, “From the mood of the public, the Government is on the back foot and is against the ropes.” The party, he said, is convinced that “the moral tide has turned against the Government”. When asked about the party’s financial position, it was noted that it was not about money, but the fact that public support has been drifting from the ruling party. “There has been no leadership and no move towards national unity and there has been no change in the quality of Governance.” Granger said he is confident that the Opposition is more beloved by the population as a whole. When asked about calling elections by bringing a vote of no confidence against the current Administration, it was noted by APNU’s Rupert Roopnarine, that there are outstanding issues in relation to any type of election being called which includes local government elections. He highlighted that in 2011 there was major dissatisfaction in the running of the GECOM Secretariat. “There are elements of the GECOM Secretariat that we would like to see back off before we can engage in any

electoral process. There is the issue in relation to national elections about the ad-hoc electoral system we continue to use.” There is a lot of preliminary work to be done before any elections could be held, Roopnarine opined. He called any attempt by the Government to call elections in the New Year “an act of extraordinary desperation.” APNU also noted that there are certain measures that they want to see implemented before any elections are called. Roopnarine related that although the Opposition can pass a vote of no confidence against the Government and force snap elections, the issue does not pertain to finance but the proper electoral system, a ready GECOM Secretariat and local elections that is organized. With the performance of the Government, he noted that it may be much easier than ever for the party to raise what it needs to run an election. Prior to this, the party had declared its satisfaction as it highlighted that it had forced the administration to behave responsible for the year 2012. APNU point man Joseph Harmon stated that APNU had caused the Government to deliver good governance. He said the government had started off the year in a confrontational and aggressive manner but together with the Alliance for Change, they were able to assert the National

Assembly’s authority over the PPP/C Executive. “The PPP/C refused to accede to a request to establish a tripartite Budget committee and to plan a sensible strategy to promote the Constitutional requirement for inclusionary democracy and national unity.” As a result of the government not adhering to requirements of the Financial Management and Accountability Act (FMAA), the opposition said it was forced to cut elements of the National Budget that were in clear violation of the FMAA’s requirements for accountability and transparency. APNU also noted its fierce defence against the administration’s “repeated unwarranted sprint to the courts in defence of the House’s vote of no confidence and motions’ brought to correct what the opposition saw as inaccuracies. APNU said that for the first time in 20 years, “The official actions of the Executive branch, especially with regard to public finance, have been brought under careful scrutiny.” Individual ministers, they said, have also been made more responsible and accountable. The party said in the New Year they will continue their commitment to ensure vigilance on behalf of the nation and to cause the government to be responsible and accountable.

APNU ‘confident in any snap elections’

Friday December 28, 2012

Kaieteur News

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Kaieteur News

Friday December 28, 2012

West Ruimveldt pupil needs help for life-saving surgery As she lay helpless in the arms of her tearful mother, there was barely a flicker of life in the tiny body of eightyear-old Fazeela Shaffie. The once sprightly and bubbly lass has since August been reduced to a fraction of her former self. She is the eldest of three siblings born to Fizal Shaffie and Kamela Bachu of 57 West Ruimveldt, Georgetown, but today she is the baby of the household as she is unable to eat, walk and even talk. Her condition has been linked to a growing tumour in her brain, a medical prognosis which was offered by officials of the St Joseph Mercy Hospital following a CT scan done there. A surgical operation had

Fizal Shaffie and his wife Kamela Bachu with their sick daughter since been conducted on the child to remove excess fluid from her brain, but medical

officials have since recommended that the tumour be removed overseas.

This procedure, according to reports from the Mount Hope Children’s Hospital in

Trinidad, is expected to cost some G$5 million, which the family can ill-afford to accumulate on their own. As such they are seeking assistance from business organisations and caring members of the public. According to Bachu, the first signs of her daughter’s ailment were in fact taken for granted. She revealed that the child would appear to be tired all the time, had constant headaches and seemed to have a difficulty seeing and loss of appetite. “We thought was tricks she playing because she didn’t want to go to school but she just start getting worse,” recounted the distraught woman as she cuddled her daughter close to her chest. “She would just come home and lay down on the ground and fall to sleep...even the teacher tell we how this child drowsy all the time.” Having recognised that something was wrong, the woman said that she took her daughter, who was by then suffering from severe bouts of vomiting, to the GPHC, where a doctor revealed that she had an infection. The child was admitted to the public hospital for two weeks. Her condition subsequently improved but on September 1, the child took a turn for the worse. “We took she back to the public hospital and they say they never see a sick like this...They tell we carry she home back because they can’t do nothing about it,” said a tearful Bachu. A number of tests, she recounted, were carried out on the child, including eye examinations. The struggling couple made the decision to put together all their finances and took the child to the Woodlands Hospital where an ultrasound was done. She was also given saline. They were advised to take the child to the St Joseph Mercy Hospital to have the CT Scan done following which the

tumour was detected. Armed with the CT Scan, the couple was forced to return their child to the GPHC for medical attention. According to a correspondence dated November 23, 2012, from the GPHC, the child is currently a patient of its Neurosurgery Clinic and has presented with generalised headache, loss of appetite, photophobia and temporary aphasia. The correspondence adds that “the patient has deteriorated over the last few weeks and a MRI of the brain was ordered with contrast which revealed Suprasellar lesion extending into the dorsum sella; with anterior extension into the floor of the anterior fossa and cavernous sinus; right sided mass effect and effacement of the third ventricles and hydrocephalous.” The correspondence states too that the patient was admitted on November 15, 2012 and a VP shunt was done by Professor Ivor Crandon from Jamaica. It was also noted that the child’s evolution on the ward was satisfactory and she was discharged four days post operatively. Professor Crandon has however recommended that the resection of the tumour be done overseas. The family has since been in contact with the Mount Hope Hospital to have the further procedure undertaken. They have however not been able to secure any financial assistance to aid the process which is being deemed urgent. Those who are desirous of rendering assistance towards the West Ruimveldt Primary pupil’s surgery can do so by making financial contributions to Citizens Bank Account 6789 or contact her parents on telephone numbers 2318633 or 687-3582.

A 63 year-old woman who was nabbed at the Cheddi Jagan International Airport on Christmas Day has been remanded to prison after being charged with possession of narcotics for the purpose of trafficking. The woman, Bhagwattie Seepaul, made her appearance yesterday at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Court before Chief Magistrate Priya Sewnarine-Beharry. It is alleged that on December 25, last, she had in her possession three kilograms of cocaine for the purpose of trafficking. The court was told that the

woman, who migrated to Canada some 45 years ago, had the cocaine stashed in packets of Lalah’s curry powder, custard powder, and other condiments. She pleaded not guilty and was remanded to prison until January 8. Meanwhile Kaieteur News was told that the woman informed investigators that a man identified only as ‘Alex’ met her at the Berbice car park and took her to an apartment on the West Coast of Demerara. The woman said that at the house, ‘Alex’ give her the items to take for relatives in Canada.

Granny remanded for cocaine-in-curry

Friday December 28, 2012

Kaieteur News

India increases number of scholarships to Guyanese Guyana’s young professionals continue to benefit from the country’s more than 48 years of good relationship with the Government of India as the latter has doubled the number of scholarships being offered for undergraduate, post graduate and doctoral studies in Universities and Institutions in India. A press release issued by the Indian High Commissioner stated that instead of the usual four scholarships, for the academic year 2013-2014, nine are being offered for studies excluding medicine and dentistry. The

increase for the current academic year is due to the large number of applications that the Commission has been receiving, the release stated. The scholarship will be administered by the Indian Council for Cultural Relations (ICCR) under the Government of India’s Commonwealth Scholarship Scheme that encompasses the provision of the awardees with airfare to India. It also covers tuition fee, and stipend, contingent grant, accommodation, and thesis and desertion expenses. The Government of Guyana has been receiving

much support from the Indian Government. Under the Indian Line of credit, Guyana has benefited for various projects and this includes the assistance for the construction of the Specialty Hospital at Liliendaal and for the Guyana National Stadium at Providence which was also built by an Indian firm, Shapoorji Pallonji and Company. Under the Indian Technical and Economic Cooperation (ITEC) programme, Guyana has been receiving technical assistance in the fields of agriculture, science and technology and culture.

(T&T Express) Morocco is to send a technical team to the Bahamas early next year following talks between officials from several Caribbean Community (Caricom) countries and their Moroccan counterparts as the region seeks to lure investors from the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Bahamas Foreign Minister Frederick Mitchell has said.

He said apart from the Bahamas, the other Caricom countries represented at the talks were St Lucia, Dominica, Antigua and Barbuda and Grenada. He said the discussions with the Morocco government included the possibility of scholarships for Caribbean pupils to attend Moroccan technical schools,

tourism exchanges and agricultural and fisheries processes and developments. Mitchell had travelled to Morocco to attend the Fourth Summit of the Group of Friends of Syria last week and he told reporters that the summit afforded The Bahamas an opportunity to have an outreach to Dubai.

Caribbean, UAE talk investment

GEA employee still missing

A search party which was organized by relatives and friends of missing 25-year-old Guyana Energy Agency (GEA) employee LeVoy Taljit turned up empty-handed on Wednesday. Taljit was reported missing since Sunday last. Taljit is of Amerindian and East Indian descent. This newspaper understands that Taljit was last seen on Sunday wearing a burgundy tee shirt and faded blue jeans. He was driving a Toyota Raum, PNN 8315. Family and friends have not heard from him since Sunday and say that it is unlike him to not be in contact with them. His sister, Anastasia,

Missing: LeVoy Taljit yesterday told Kaieteur News that her brother had recently started working with the GEA. According to the woman, Taljit was previously employed in the enforcement

department of the Guyana Revenue Authority for several years. Meanwhile, police sources have said that they are working on the theory that Taljit’s disappearance might have had something to do with his work. The source could not confirm if they have any person (s) of interest regarding the matter. Relatives say that they are not aware of any problem that he might have, noting that he is not known to be involved in any wrongdoing. Persons with information are asked to make contact with 226-0433, 226-7336, 6664012 or the nearest police station.

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Kaieteur News

Friday December 28, 2012

T&T opposition party critical of Jack Warner over his remarks regarding President

Jack Warner PORT OF SPAIN, Trinidad - CMC – The main opposition People’s National Movement (PNM) has criticised National Security Minister Jack Warner over remarks he made regarding President George Maxwell Richards after the head of state requested information from Prime Minister Kamla Persad Bissessar over the early implementation of the controversial Section 34 of the Administration of Justice (Indictable Proceedings) Act. Warner, who is also chairman of the United National Congress, (UNC) the biggest member in the four party coalition People’s

Partnership government, told reporters over the weekend that Richards “will forever be remembered as the man who politicised the distinguished office of the presidency and compromised the traditional independent role of the position”. He also accused the head of state of being extremely silent during the reign of the last PNM administration on several issues. The mask of President Richards has fallen and the entire nation can now see him for who he has always been— a political puppet of the former administration, placed there to bolster the political fortunes of the People’s National Movement,’ Warner said. But the PNM said that Warner ’s criticism of President Richards, who demits office in March was an attack on the presidency “and more particularly the impartiality of the presidency”. : “Every attack

constitutes another layer of obfuscation and they dance around answering the real issues,” PNM public relations officer Faris Al-Rawi told reporters. Last week, Prime Minister Persad Bissessar confirmed that she responded to the request by President Richards but that she had no intention of disclosing the contents of her letter on the events leading up to the early proclamation of Section 34 that critics say was intended to ensure the freedom of two financiers of the government. President Richards had written to Prime Minister Persad Bissessar on December 7 under Section 81 of the Trinidad and Tobago Constitution. The letter follows a request by Opposition Leader Dr. Keith Rowley and other members of the so-called “Roundtable” comprising political, civil and n o n g o v e r n m e n t organisations, calling on Richards to act in the matter.

Officials from the Roundtable met with President Richards on November 20 requesting that he launch an investigation into the controversy surrounding the early proclamation of Section 34. Prime Minister Persad Bissessar said she had replied to the head of state under confidential cover on the Section 34 matter, and she had responded to him. Section 81, which entitles the President to be informed concerning matters of the Government, reads: “The Prime Minister shall keep the President fully informed concerning the general conduct of the Government of Trinidad and Tobago and shall furnish the President with such information as he may request with respect to any particular matter relating to the Government of Trinidad and Tobago.” In September, Parliament repealed the controversial section that that had the effect of allowing people, whose trial has not started after a 10year period to walk free and a verdict of not guilty entered against their names. Critics said that the clause was aimed at supporting businessmen Ish Galbaransingh and Steve Ferguson, who have been described as financiers of the ruling United National Congress (UNC), the biggest

partner in the four-member coalition People’s Partnership government. The two are facing fraud and laundering charges relating to the re-development of the Piarco International Airport in 2001. They are also wanted in the United States on a number of related charges. Their attorneys have petitioned the local court to have the charges against them dismissed citing Section 34 of the Act. Prime Minister Persad Bissessar dismissed Volney, a former High Court judge, on the grounds that he misled Cabinet into believing that the Chief Justice Ivor Archie and the Director of Public Prosecution (DPP), Roger Gaspard, had supported the idea of the early proclamation of Section 34. Al-Rawi said that President Richards needs no defence from the opposition, adding “ I certainly do think Mr Warner crossed a line in a very bad way. “It is the season of good cheer and goodwill but the line that Mr Warner crossed is certainly one which in my view, from what I have read, is one that crossed into what I think was an attack on the presidency and more particularly the impartiality of the presidency. It resulted in an attack on the Office of the President of the Republic of

George Maxwell Richards Trinidad and Tobago. “It’s either you obey the law or you don’t. How else does our call for people to observe the law and be responsible citizens ring true if you have an emptiness of the type demonstrated by somebody as high as the Minister of National Security?” Al-Rawi asked. Meanwhile, leader of the Congress of the People (COP) Prakash Ramadhar said while the fiasco over Section 34 should not be forgotten, it was also time to move on. “We need to move on. As others have said, not to forget it, but to learn from it…never to allow these mistakes to recur and to remind the nation that those who criticise it most are persons who voted fully for it,” said Ramadhar, who heads the second biggest partner in the coalition government.

Grenada Govt. silent on purchasing shares in GRENLEC ST GEORGE’S, Grenada - CMC – The Grenada government is maintaining its silence on whether or not it intends purchasing the majority shares in the Grenada Electricity Company (GRENLEC). Media reports here indicate that the US-based WRB Enterprises is selling its 51 per cent shares majority shares in the island’s lone electricity company. In November, WRB Enterprises is reported to have written to the Tillman Thomas administration offering to sell the shares. It gave the government a 30 day deadline. Prime Minister Thomas says the government will soon inform the public about its decision. Under the existing agreement, the first option to purchase the shares must be given to the Grenada government. However,

Tillman Thomas government had to declare its intention by December 26 or WRB can seek another buyer. Opposition leader, Dr. Keith Mitchell said he would support the government acquiring the majority shares even as some trade unions appear to be against the move.

“I would much prefer GRENLEC to be owned by a power-generating concern, whose interest would not just be profits but also to maintain the world-class facility that GRENLEC has become,” said Chester Humphrey, president general of the Technical and Allied Workers Union (WAWU), which represents GRENLEC employees. There are reports that the Canadian-based Emera is willing to buy the shares that are estimated at EC$100 million (One EC dollar = US$0.37 cents). In 2007, Emera acquired from the US-based private equity fund manager The Caribbean Basin Power Fund (CBPF), a 19 per cent interest in the St. Lucia Electricity Services Limited (LUCELEC) and it also announced its intention to acquire a 38 per cent stake in Light& Power Holdings, the lone power utility company in Barbados.

Friday December 28, 2012

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Caribbean countries in talks EU official dispels misconceptions regarding EPA with United Arab Emirates KINGSTON, Jamaica CMC – A senior European Union official says the Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) signed with the Caribbean Forum (CARIFORM) countries in 2008, should not be described as a “Trojan Horse” that would swamp the region. Head of the European Union Delegation to Jamaica, Belize, the Bahamas, Turks and Caicos Islands, and the Cayman Islands, Ambassador Paola Amadei, said there were many misconceptions about the accord that would allow for the establishment of a free trade area (FTA) between the European Union and the African, Caribbean and Pacific Group of States (ACP). She said most of the misconceptions include the belief that the EPA will result in significant loss of revenue in what is deemed an “already difficult context” and that the facility would be an “instrument of inequitable struggle” between the EU and CARIFORUM. “To this I…reply that the EPA is a call for a new dynamic approach towards globalization and that…can contribute to setting the Caribbean economies on the right track to seize opportunities created by globalization. “The EPA, and globalization itself, imposes (on) Jamaica and…the Caribbean region, structural reforms linked to good governance, regional integration, and (a) business environment…reforms that

Paola Amadei are needed, with or without the EPA,” she said. CARIFORM includes the 15-member Caribbean Community (CARICOM) grouping and the Dominican Republic and the EU official said that the EPA is “directly oriented towards increasing investments in the region, to the full benefit of enterprises, employment, and, thus, national wealth”. Ambassador Amadei contended that, against this background, there is no need for Jamaica to remain in the lower tier of the doing business and competitiveness rankings, noting that the creation of an environment conducive to the development of trade and investment, is a catalyst for leveraging growth in the country. “Conducting reforms to improve the business environment, the management of public finances and deepening

regional integration are objectives within reach .This is the main contribution of the EPA. (The) EPA’s rational is to help create a turning point where trade spurts growth and development,” she said. The diplomat noted that since the establishment of the EPA in 2008, it has served as the basis of the trading relationship between the EU and that body. “All in all, the EPA is a driver for change and much needed reforms. It aims at, ultimately, ensuring a stable, predictable and transparent business environment, thereby helping CARIFORUM attract foreign investments and integrate at the regional level and with the global economy. It will improve the access of firms to competitive goods and services which, in turn, will increase their own competitiveness,” she added. The EU recently signed a J$240.7 million (•2.25 million) EPA Capacity Building Project intended to create an enabling environment to support increased compliance of Jamaican agriculture and agribusiness exports, with international quality standards, to EU and other markets. The initiative is designed to enhance food security and enhance Jamaica’s competitiveness goals, as outlined in the National Export Strategy (NES), and the country’s National Development Plan, Vision 2030 Jamaica, being administered by the Planning Institute of Jamaica (PIOJ).

US announces year-end deportation numbers WASHINGTON - CMC – The United States Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agency has released figures showing the number of people deported from the United States to the Caribbean and other countries, underscoring the Obama administration’s focus on removing convicted criminals and others that fall into priority areas for enforcement. ICE director John Morton while not giving any specific numbers for the Caribbean, said overall, ICE’s Office of Enforcement and Removal Operations had removed 409,849 individuals from the United States. He said about 55 per cent, or 225,390 of the people removed, were convicted of

felonies or misdemeanors, almost double the removal of criminals in 2008. Morton announced a new national detainer guidance that limits the use of detainers to individuals who meet the department’s enforcement priorities and restricts detainers against individuals arrested for minor misdemeanor offenses, such as traffic offenses and other petty crimes. He said the new guidance helps to ensure that available resources are focused on apprehending felons, repeat offenders and other ICE priorities. “Smart and effective immigration enforcement relies on setting priorities for removal and executing on

those priorities. In order to further enhance our ability to focus enforcement efforts on serious offenders, we are changing who ICE will issue detainers against.” Morton said that while 2012 removals indicate that the agency continues to make progress in focusing resources on criminal and priority aliens “we are constantly looking for ways to ensure that we are doing everything we can to utilize our resources in a way that maximizes public safety”. He said Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Janet Napolitano has directed ICE to focus its resources on key priorities in all aspects of its immigration enforcement efforts.

Frederick Mitchell NASSAU, Bahamas – CMC – Morocco is to send a technical team to the Bahamas early next year following talks between officials from several Caribbean Community (CARICOM) countries and their Moroccan counterparts as the region seeks to lure investors from the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Bahamas Foreign Minister Frederick Mitchell has said. He said apart from the Bahamas, the other

CARICOM countries represented at the talks were St. Lucia, Dominica, Antigua and Barbuda and Grenada. He said the discussions with the Morocco government included the possibility of scholarships for Caribbean students to attend Moroccan technical schools, tourism exchanges and agricultural and fisheries processes and developments. Mitchell had travelled to Morocco to attend the Fourth Summit of the Group of Friends of Syria last week and he told reporters that the summit afforded The Bahamas an opportunity have an outreach to Dubai. “We are not actively involved as a country, in this issue; but took the opportunity, since the visit was sponsored by the Kingdom of Morocco, to interface with countries from that part of the world,” Mitchell said. He said it was an opportunity to speak to officials from the UAE and that agreement had been

reached on a number of matters including the exploration of a technical cooperation agreement with the Bahamas with particular emphasis on tourism and financial services. Mitchell said Morocco which attracts an estimated 10 million tourists annually, is interested in The Bahamas’ programme of promoting the tourism industry. “It looks like an even and good exchange on ideas in tourism, so we agreed that we would have some further discussions on that point as well. “There is to be a technical follow-up visit by a staff member from the Moroccan foreign ministry in January,” Mitchell said, adding “I extended, on behalf of the Government an invitation to the (Foreign) Minister of Morocco to make a visit to The Bahamas and, at some point, if we settle the technical co-operation agreement which we have proposed, we visit Morocco again to sign the technical cooperation agreement.”

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Friday December 28, 2012

Friday December 28, 2012

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NO DEAL IN SIGHT AS DEADLINE FOR FISCAL DEAL NEARS WASHINGTON (AP) — A last-gasp effort yesterday to avoid automatic tax increases and spending cuts got off on the same convulsive, partisan tone that marked congressional attempts to resolve the impasse before lawmakers left Washington to go home for Christmas. With a Dec. 31 deadline for an agreement to avert the so-called “fiscal cliff” rapidly approaching, leaders in each party demanded the other side take the initiative. The new flare-up happened despite a round of calls that President Barack Obama made to congressional leaders by phone Wednesday night from Hawaii before he boarded Air Force One to head home from vacation. Obama’s plane landed in late morning at a suburban Maryland Air Force base, not long after Majority Leader Harry Reid took to the Senate floor to chastise House Republicans who last week opposed Speaker John Boehner’s efforts to pass a narrowly crafted bill. Boehner’s “Plan B” would have raised tax rates only on the very wealthiest Americans. But the opposition within his own party caucus forced the Ohio Republican to cancel a vote on the bill. Reid charged yesterday

that the House was “being operated with a dictatorship of the speaker.” “John Boehner seems to care more about keeping his speakership than about keeping the nation on sound financial footing,” the Nevada Democrat said on the Senate floor. Upon his return from a brief vacation, Obama was facing what has become a familiar 11th-hour scenario — one the GOP says is his fault — and even a stopgap solution was in doubt. Without congressional action, current tax rates will expire on Dec. 31, resulting in a $536 billion tax increase that would touch nearly all Americans. Moreover, the military and other federal departments would have to cut $110 billion in spending. But while economists have warned about the economic impact of tax hikes and spending cuts of that magnitude, both sides are increasingly proceeding as if Congress could still act in January in time to retroactively counter the effect on most taxpayers and government agencies without causing economic harm. The issue has been Obama’s first test of muscle after his re-election in November. Obama ran on a theme of having the wealthy pay a greater share toward deficit reduction with a focus

on raising upper tax rates for individuals earning $200,000 or more and couples making more than $250,000. In negotiations with Boehner toward a deficit reduction plan of more than $2 trillion over 10 years, he offered to increase that threshold to $400,000, but those negotiations collapsed. House GOP leaders this week put the burden on Reid, urging him in a statement Wednesday to take up a House-passed bill that would extend current tax rates to all taxpayers, a bill Obama has vowed to veto. Reacting to Reid’s floor remarks Thursday, Boehner spokesman Brendan Buck said: “Harry Reid should talk less and legislate more if he wants to avert the fiscal cliff. The House has already passed legislation to do so.” The White House said Obama, before leaving Hawaii, called Boehner, Reid, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi. The White House statement said the president got an update on the “fiscal negotiations,” but offered no detail on who, exactly, was negotiating and whether those talks were getting anywhere. McConnell’s office said Obama’s phone call was the first from a Democrat on the

Central African Republic appeals for French help against rebels, Paris balks BANGUI (Reuters) - The president of the Central African Republic appealed yesterday for France and the United States to help push back rebels threatening his government and the capital, but Paris said its troops were only ready to protect French nationals. The exchanges came as regional African leaders tried to broker a ceasefire deal and as rebels said they had temporarily halted their advance on Bangui, the capital, to allow talks to take place. Insurgents on motorbikes and in pickup trucks have driven to within 75 km (45 miles) of Bangui after weeks of fighting, threatening to end President Francois Bozize’s nearly 10-year-stint in charge of the turbulent, resource-rich country. French nuclear energy group Areva mines the Bakouma uranium deposit in the CAR’s south - France’s biggest commercial interest in

Caption - Residents of Central African Republic participate in a protest in front of the French Embassy in the capital Bangui. REUTERS/Stringer its former colony. The rebel advance has highlighted the instability of a country that has remained poor since independence from Paris in 1960 despite rich deposits of uranium, gold and diamonds. Average income is barely over $2 a day. Bozize yesterday appealed for French and U.S.

military support to stop the SELEKA rebel coalition, which has promised to overthrow him unless he implements a previous peace deal in full. He told a crowd of antirebel protesters in the riverside capital that he had asked Paris and Washington (Continued on page 20)

fiscal cliff since Thanksgiving. Last Friday, Obama and Reid voiced support for a proposal that would extend current rates to taxpayers with earnings up to $200,000 and families with earnings up to $250,000. Taxpayers above those thresholds would see their top rates rise. The proposal would have included extended aid to unemployed workers and some surgical cuts to avoid steeper and broader spending cuts. For the Senate to act would require a commitment from McConnell not to demand a 60-vote margin to consider the legislation on the Senate floor. McConnell’s office says it’s too early to make such an assessment because Democrats have not put forward a specific plan and have been unclear on whether extended benefits for the unemployed would be paid for with cuts in other programs or on how it would deal with an expiring estate

tax, among other issues. The questions hanging over Washington yesterday centered on whether Reid would offer a specific piece of legislation, whether McConnell would allow it to proceed to a vote on the Senate floor and, if the Senate bill passed, whether Boehner would then call House lawmakers back to Washington to vote on it. All those issues remained unresolved, and success before the end of the year appeared a long shot at best. Reid said the GOPcontrolled House easily could have passed a White House-approved plan with a majority of Democratic votes and a few dozen Republican votes. But House leaders generally avoid such tactics, because they might alienate the Republican caucus and jeopardize the speaker’s job. The House has passed a Republican plan to avert the fiscal cliff, and the Senate has passed a Democratic version. Their deficit-reduction

Harry Reid projections differ by hundreds of billions of dollars over 10 years. Adding to the mix of developments pushing toward a “fiscal cliff,” Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner on Wednesday informed Congress that the government was on track to hit its borrowing limit on Monday and said he would take “extraordinary measures as authorized by law” to postpone a government default. Still, he added, uncertainty about the outcome of negotiations over taxes and spending made it difficult to determine how much time those measures would buy.

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Friday December 28, 2012

Egypt’s opposition leaders under investigation CAIRO (AP) — Egypt’s chief prosecutor ordered an investigation yesterday into allegations that opposition leaders committed treason by inciting supporters to overthrow Islamist President Mohammed Mursi. The probe by a Mursiappointed prosecutor was launched a day after the president called for a dialogue with the opposition to heal rifts opened in the bitter fight over an Islamistdrafted constitution just approved in a referendum. The opposition decried the investigation as a throwback to Hosni Mubarak’s regime, when the law was used to smear and silence opponents. The probe was almost certain to sour the already tense political atmosphere in the country. The allegations were made initially in a complaint by at least two lawyers sent to the chief prosecutor earlier this month. They targeted opposition leaders Mohammed ElBaradei, a Nobel Peace laureate and former head of the U.N. nuclear agency, former Foreign Minister Amr Moussa, and Hamdeen Sabahi. Both Moussa and Sabahi were presidential candidates who competed against Mursi in the last election. There was no immediate comment by any of the three opposition leaders named but the opposition dismissed the allegations. Emad Abu Ghazi, secretary-general of the opposition party ElBaradei heads, said the investigation was “an indication of a tendency toward a police state and the attempt to eliminate political opponents.” He said the

ousted Mubarak regime dealt with the opposition in the same way. Mubarak jailed his opponents, including liberals and Islamists. International rights groups said their trials did not meet basic standards of fairness. ElBaradei was a leading figure behind the uprising against Mubarak and at one point, he was allied with the Brotherhood against the old regime. The investigation does not necessarily mean charges will be filed against the leaders. But it is unusual for state prosecutors to investigate such broad charges against high-profile figures. Mursi, Egypt’s first democratically elected president, asked the opposition on Wednesday to join a national dialogue to heal rifts and move on after a month of huge street protests against him and the constitution drafted by his allies. Some of the protests erupted into deadly violence. On Dec. 5, anti-Mursi demonstrators staging a sitin outside the presidential palace in Cairo were attacked by Mursi supporters. Fierce clashes ensued that left 10 people dead. The wave of protests began after Mursi’s Nov. 22 decrees that gave him and the assembly writing the constitution immunity from judicial oversight. That allowed his Islamist allies on the assembly to hurriedly rush through the charter before an expected court ruling dissolving the panel. After the decrees, the opposition accused Mursi of amassing too much power in his hands. They said the

constitution was drafted without the participation of liberal, minority Christian and women members of the assembly, who walked out in protest at the last minute. Even though the constitution passed in a referendum, the opposition has vowed to keep fighting it. They say it enshrines Islamic law in Egypt, undermines rights of minorities and women, and restricts freedoms. Mursi and Brotherhood officials accused the opposition of working to undermine the president’s legitimacy, and accused former regime officials of working to topple him. Although he reached out to the opposition for reconciliation, Mursi did not offer any concessions in his speech Wednesday calling for a dialogue. On Wednesday Mursi asked his prime minister to carry out a limited reshuffle of his government, without offering the opposition any seats. In an apparent protest against the decision to keep the same prime minister, the minister of parliamentary affairs resigned. A member of his Islamist party said Prime Minister Hesham Kandil has not lived up to the challenges of the previous period, and a stronger, more political prime minister should be nominated. This is the second resignation of a Cabinet minister this week and follows a spate of resignations of senior aides and advisers during the constitutional crisis. Details of the complaint filed by the two lawyers were carried on the website of Mursi’s Muslim Brotherhood,

This combination of three file photos shows, from left, shows opposition leaders, Mohammed ElBaradei, Nobel Prize laureate and former head of the U.N. nuclear agency, Amr Moussa, former foreign minister, and Hamdeen Sabahi, a former presidential candidate. Photo/Bernat Armangue; Khalil Hamra; Nasser Nasser, File) the Islamic fundamentalist group that has become Egypt’s most powerful political faction since the 2011 uprising. The report said their complaint alleged that the opposition leaders were “duping simple Egyptians to rise against legitimacy and were inciting against the president,” which constitutes

treason. Yara Khalaf, a spokeswoman for Moussa, said there were no official charges and he had not been summoned for investigation. But she declined to comment on the accusations. Heba Yassin, a spokesman for the Popular Current headed by Sabahi, said Sabahi faced similar charges

under Mubarak and his predecessor. She dismissed them as fabrications and an attempt to smear his reputation and silence the opposition. “Mursi is confirming that he is following the same policies of Mubarak in repressing his opponents and trying to smear their (Continued on page 23)

Central African Republic... (From page 19) to help move the rebels away from the capital to clear the way for peace talks which regional leaders say could be held soon in Libreville, Gabon. “We are asking our cousins the French and the United States, which are major powers, to help us push back the rebels to their initial positions in a way that will permit talks in Libreville to resolve this crisis,” Bozize said. France has 250 soldiers in its landlocked former colony as part of a peacekeeping mission and Paris in the past has ousted or propped up governments - including by using air strikes to defend Bozize against rebels in 2006. But French President Francois Hollande poured cold water on the latest request for help. “If we have a presence, it’s not to protect a regime, it’s to protect our nationals and our interests and in no way to intervene in the internal business of a country, in this case the Central African Republic,” Hollande said on the sidelines of a visit to a wholesale food market outside Paris. “Those days are over,” he said. Some 1,200 French nationals live in the CAR, mostly in the capital, according to the French Foreign Ministry, where they typically work for mining

firms or aid groups. Officials from around central Africa are due to meet in Bangui late yesterday to open initial talks with the government and rebels. A rebel spokesman said fighters had temporarily halted their advance to allow dialogue. “We will not enter Bangui,” Colonel Djouma Narkoyo, the rebel spokesman, told Reuters by telephone. Previous rebel promises to stop advancing have been broken, and a diplomatic source said rebels had taken up positions around Bangui yesterday, effectively surrounding it. The atmosphere remained tense in Bangui the day after anti-rebel protests broke out, and residents were stocking up on food and water. Government soldiers deployed at strategic sites and French troops reinforced security at the French embassy after protesters threw rocks at the building on Wednesday. In Paris, the French Foreign Ministry said protecting foreigners and embassies was the responsibility of the CAR authorities. “This message will once again be stressed to the CAR’s charge d’affaires in Paris, who has been summoned this afternoon,” a ministry spokesman said.

He also said France condemned the rebels for pursuing hostilities and urged all sides to commit to talks. Bozize came to power in a 2003 rebellion that overthrew President AngeFelix Patasse. However, France is increasingly reluctant to directly intervene in conflicts in its former colonies. Since coming to power in May, Hollande has promised to end its shadowy relations with former colonies and put ties on a healthier footing. A military source and an aid worker said the rebels had got as far as Damara, 75 km (47 miles) from Bangui, by late afternoon on Wednesday, having skirted Sibut, where some 150 Chadian soldiers had earlier been deployed to try and block a push south by a rebel coalition. With a government that holds little sway outside the capital, some parts of the country have long endured the consequences of conflicts in troubled neighbors Chad, Sudan and the Democratic Republic of Congo spilling over. The Central African Republic is one of a number of nations in the region where U.S. Special Forces are helping local forces try to track down the Lords Resistance Army, a rebel group responsible for killing thousands of civilians across four African nations.

Friday December 28, 2012

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Cabinet resignations deal Egypt’s Mubarak to be setback for Egypt’s Mursi moved to army hospital CAIRO (Reuters) - An Islamist minister quit Egypt’s government yesterday, the second cabinet resignation this week, as President Mohamed Mursi tries to shore up his authority and gather support for unpopular austerity measures. An economic crisis and a battle over a new constitution have underlined bitter divisions between Islamistbacked Mursi and his liberal opponents and delayed a return to stability almost two years since a popular uprising. Rivals accuse Mursi, who won Egypt’s first freely contested leadership election in June, of polarizing society by foisting a divisive, Islamist-leaning constitution on the country and using the autocratic ways of his deposed predecessor Hosni Mubarak. Deadly violence preceded a referendum on the basic law, dealing a blow to a struggling economy. Mursi’s political rivals refused to accept the result - the text won about 64 percent in the vote - and they reject his call for national unity talks. In a move that may preempt a planned reshuffle, parliamentary affairs minister Mohamed Mahsoub announced he was quitting because he disagreed with the slow pace of reform. “I have reached a clear conclusion that a lot of the policies and efforts contradict my personal beliefs and I don’t see them as representative of our people’s aspirations,” he said in his resignation letter, which has yet to be accepted by the prime minister. Communications Minister Hany Mahmoud quit earlier this week, citing his inability to adapt to the government’s “working culture”. Neither were major figures in the cabinet but their decision to criticize the substance and style of Mursi’s administration suggests his decisions are unnerving not just opponents but also some allies. Earlier on Thursday, a Christian member of Egypt’s upper house of parliament, Nadia Henry, quit a day after the Islamist-dominated chamber took over legislative authority under the new constitution. The charter crafted by an Islamist-dominated assembly is meant to be the cornerstone of a democratic and

Mohamed Mursi economically stable Egypt after decades of authoritarian rule. The opposition says it does nothing to protect minorities. Mursi says the constitution and an upcoming vote to re-elect the lower house of parliament will help end squabbling among feuding politicians. He and his Muslim Brotherhood allies say ordinary people are fed up with street protests that often turn violent and want the government to focus on urgent bread-and-butter issues. The strife has cast doubt on the government’s ability to push through the spending cuts and tax hikes needed to secure a vital $4.8 billion International Monetary Fund loan. The Egyptian pound tumbled to its weakest in almost eight years against the dollar this week as people rushed to withdraw savings from banks. Egypt’s defense chief said the army - which dominated Egypt for decades and has wide ranging business interests - was ready to step in to help the economy. “The Egyptian economy is going through a very difficult stage,” Abdel Fattah al-Sisi was quoted as saying by state news agency MENA. “The armed forces are keen to participate in development and service projects in all parts of Egypt as part of its promise to serve

the great people.” The resignations come ahead of a promised cabinet reshuffle. Cabinet sources told Reuters as many as eight cabinet members from second-tier ministries might go next week. Mursi is also promising incentives aimed at making Egypt - once a darling of emerging market investors an attractive place to do business again. The 270-seat upper house, or Shura Council, holds legislative authority until a new parliament is elected in early 2013. Opposition figures say they fear the Council could issue laws curbing freedoms. Henry represents Anglican Christians in Egypt. In a letter published by state media, she said minority groups were not represented properly in the chamber. Her resignation underscores fears by Egypt’s Christians, who make up about a tenth of its 83 million population, about the gains by Islamists since Mubarak was ousted in 2011. Mubarak, who was sentenced to life in prison in June, was moved to an army hospital on Thursday following a fall that raised concerns about his fragile health. Under pressure to acknowledge Egypt’s diversity, Mursi appointed 90 members including Christians, liberals and women to the Council alongside figures from the Muslim Brotherhood and ultra-conservative Salafis last week. Two-thirds of the upper house were already elected in a vote this year. “We stress again that the nation should achieve internal reconciliation and forget its differences,” the Muslim Brotherhood’s supreme guide, Mohamed Badei, told Egyptians in his weekly message. “Let’s work seriously to end the reciprocal wars of attrition. We urgently need to unify ranks and group together and focus our capabilities and assets for the general benefit.”

CAIRO (Reuters) Egypt’s ousted strongman Hosni Mubarak will be moved to an army hospital from his prison clinic, security sources and state media said yesterday, suggesting the already fragile health of the man who ruled Egypt for 30 years was deteriorating. It was not yet clear when Mubarak would be moved nor exactly why, security sources told Reuters. “Mubarak will head to Maadi military hospital,” an army source said. Maadi is a suburb of Cairo. Mubarak, who ruled Egypt for three decades, was

forced out in February 2011 after a popular uprising. In June, he was sentenced to life in prison for his role in killing protesters during the uprising. He was admitted to a prison hospital that month following what security officials called a “health crisis”. Egypt’s new public prosecutor, Talaat Abdallah, ordered his transfer based on recommendations from a medical report, state news agency MENA reported. MENA said Mubarak’s condition would be monitored at the army hospital before he could be

Hosni Mubarak moved back to his prison clinic but gave no specifics on his medical condition.

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Friday December 28, 2012

Syria envoy calls for political change to end conflict BEIRUT (Reuters) - The international envoy seeking a negotiated solution to Syria’s 21-month-old conflict said yesterday political change was needed to end the violence which has killed 44,000 people. Speaking in Damascus at the end of a five-day trip during which he met President Bashar al-Assad, Lakhdar Brahimi called for a transitional government to rule until elections and said only substantial change would meet demands of ordinary Syrians. Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov added to the envoy’s call for a peaceful solution when he told a senior Syrian diplomat that only a “broad inter-Syria dialogue and political process” could end the crisis. Brahimi’s push for a transitional government suggested he was trying to build on an international agreement in Geneva six months ago which said a provisional body - which might include members of Assad’s government as well as the opposition - should lead the country into a new election.

But the mainly Sunni Muslim Syrian rebels have seized the military initiative since the Geneva meeting in June and the political opposition has ruled out any transitional government in which Assad, from Syria’s Alawite minority, plays a role. Rebel fighters resumed attacks yesterday against the military base of Wadi Deif, which lies next to Syria’s main north-south highway linking Aleppo with Damascus. The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, a Britishbased opposition group which monitors the violence, said rebels also clashed with Assad’s forces inside the Minakh air base in Aleppo province after several days of fighting outside its perimeter, although the army still controlled the base itself. Around the capital, Assad has used artillery and air strikes for weeks to try to dislodge rebels from suburbs which ring the east and south of the city. “Certainly it was clear in Geneva, and it’s even clearer now that the change which is needed is not cosmetic or superficial,” Brahimi told a news conference in Damascus

before leaving Syria. “I believe the Syrian people need, want and aspire to genuine change and everyone knows what this means,” he said. “A government must be created ... with all the powers of the state,” Brahimi added. He said it should hold power for a transitional period until elections - either for a new president or a new parliament - are held. “This transitional process must not lead to the ... collapse of state institutions. All Syrians, and those who support them, must cooperate to preserve those institutions and strengthen them,” he said. Radwan Ziadeh of the opposition Syrian National Council dismissed Brahimi’s proposal as “unrealistic and fanciful” and said a transitional government could not be built on the same “security and intelligence structure as the existing regime”. Russia’s Lavrov met Syrian Deputy Foreign Minister Faisal Makdad in Moscow yesterday. Interfax news agency quoted Lavrov as saying the chances of forging a solution based on

Syria’s President Bashar al-Assad (center-R) meets International peace envoy for Syria, Lakhdar Brahimi (center-L) in Damascus. Syria’s national news agency SANA. REUTERS/Sana

the Geneva agreement were decreasing, but it was necessary to keep seeking a peaceful solution because the alternative is “bloody chaos”. “The longer it continues, the broader its scale and the worse (it will be) for everyone,” it quoted Lavrov as saying. Syrian and Lebanese sources said Makdad had been sent to Moscow to discuss details of a peace plan proposed by Brahimi. Brahimi is due in Moscow tomorrow and said he also expected to have a third joint meeting with U.S. and Russian officials soon following two rounds of talks earlier this month. But he denied the existence of a U.S.Russian plan to end the crisis and said it was too soon to present a “complete plan”. “What is preferred is that we don’t present such a plan until we feel that all sides have agreed to it. That way, implementing it is easy. If that doesn’t happen, the other solution could be to go to the (United Nations) Security Council to issue a binding resolution for everyone,” he said. A Russian Foreign

Ministry spokesman also denied any joint initiative between Moscow and Washington. World powers remain divided over what has become an increasingly sectarian struggle, with Sunni Muslim states such as Turkey and the Gulf Arab countries supporting the rebels while Shi’ite Iran and Hezbollah have backed Assad, whose Alawite community has its roots in Shi’ite Islam. Syria’s struggle “has taken a vicious form of sectarian confrontation”, Brahimi said. “Syrian officials foremost, as well as the international community, must not let Syria slide down this very dangerous path which threatens the future of Syria.” Deep differences between Western powers opposed to Assad - led by the United States - and Russia and China which have supported his government, have left the U.N. Security Council paralyzed and largely sidelined throughout the conflict. The political stalemate has helped transform a oncepeaceful uprising into a civil

war in which rebels have grown in military strength and taken control of swathes of territory in the north, leaving Assad increasingly reliant on air power to curb them. Activists in the central province of Hama, where rebels launched an offensive last week to extend their control southwards towards the capital, reported on Thursday that rebels shot down a MiG fighter near the town of Morek. The Syrian Observatory said air force fighters launched three raids on rebel forces around Wadi Deif. The British-based group also reported fierce clashes in the area. The violence has been accompanied by an escalation in apparently sectarian attacks between the Sunni Muslim majority and minorities such as Assad’s Alawite sect, which has largely supported the president. Activists in Hama uploaded a video of what appeared to be Assad soldiers and shabbiha militia members stabbing the body of a dead man and setting it on fire. The man looked as if he had been beaten to death.

Egypt’s opposition leaders... (From page 21) reputation through false accusations,” Yassin said. “Also this is evidence of what we had warned about — the judiciary and the prosecutor-general must be independent and not appointed by the president,” she said. “He is a Mursi appointee and this is where his loyalty lies and he is now implementing orders to eliminate the opposition.” The chief prosecutor, Talaat Abdullah, was appointed by Mursi at the height of the political tension over the constitution. He could not be immediately reached for comment. Mursi’s Nov. 22 presidential decrees appointed Abdullah to

replace the chief prosecutor who was a holdover from the Mubarak regime. The judiciary protested the move, seeing it as trampling of its authority to choose the chief prosecutor. The Supreme Judicial Council, the country’s highest judicial authority, asked Abdullah to step down We d n e s d a y b e c a u s e h e was appointed by the president. Human Rights lawyer Bahy Eddin Hassan said the fact that the chief prosecutor has asked for an investigation meant he is taking the accusations by the lawyers seriously. Abdullah asked a judge to conduct the investigation, the state news agency reported.

Hassan said this was an attempt to show that the investigation is independent. However the judiciary, like the rest of the country, is divided between supporters and opponents of Mursi and the Brotherhood. “This is the beginning of a series of events where the judiciary will be used to settle political scores with opponents,” Hassan said. “This is not a new policy. But it is new that a regime that is just starting out uses such tools.” With an economic crisis and unpopular austerity measures looming in Egypt, Hassan said: “The regime wants to keep the opposition busy with its legal battles.”

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Friday December 28, 2012

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DTV CHANNEL 8 08:55 hrs. Sign On 09:00 hrs. GMA 10:00 hrs. Live! With Kelly and Michael 11:00 hrs. The Ricki Lake Show 12:00 hrs. The View 13:00 hrs. Prime News 13:30 hrs. The Young and the Restless 14:30 hrs. The Bold and the Beautiful 15:00 hrs. The Talk 16:00 hrs. MacGyver 17:00 hrs. The Ellen DeGeneres Show 18:00 hrs. World News 19:00 hrs. Greetings and Announcements 20:00 hrs. Channel 8 News 21:00 hrs. DTV’s Christmas Spectacular 23:00 hrs. Sign Off

CHANNEL 18/ CABLE 69 0500h - Cricket:- SYDNEY THUNDER vs BRISBANE HEAT 0830h - Cricket:- 2ND T20 PAKISTAN vs INDIA 1230h - Indian Soap - Sapne Suhane Ladakpan Ke 1300h - Indian Soap - Rab Se Sohna Isshq 1330h - Indian Soap - Pavitra Rishta 1400h - Indian Soap - Mrs. Kaushik Ki Paanch Bahuyien 1430h - Indian Soap - Punar Vivaah 1500h - DVD Movie:1630h - Headline News 1700h - Drying Tears Live with Pastor Edson 1800h - Ganesh Parts Presents - BHAGAVAD

GITA ( Discourses in English) Serial 1815h - Birthday Greetings / Deaths Announcement & In Memoriam 1830h - Living The Abundant Life (Live) 1900h - Muslim Lecture 1930h -Timeless Melodies Live with Frederick Rampersaud 2030h - New Life World Outreach 2045h - 15 Minutes for Allah 2100h - The Family Album Live with Frederick Rampersaud 2200h - Forgotten Melodies Live with Frederick Rampersaud 2330h - Sign Off with The Gayatri Mantra NCN CHANNEL 11

Friday December 28, 2012 ARIES (Mar. 21–Apr. 19) You might start the day optimistically, but sink into the cool waters of contemplation as the day wears on. However, between moments of doubt, your energy level may be so high that you’re ready to take on the world. TAURUS (Apr. 20–May 20) You may worry others today by jumping into a wild sea of bold actions. However, you might have slipped on a life jacket when no one was looking. Accordingly, you’re prepared for nearly anything that might come your way. GEMINI (May 21–June 20) You can easily set the world afire today with your clever thoughts and easy charm, yet you may grow more subdued as the day progresses. CANCER (June 21–July 22) You might have an emotional encounter that stirs up uncomfortable feelings when the evocative Moon moves into your sign this afternoon. LEO (July 23–Aug. 22) You might try to tread lightly today, yet anything you do will probably still be quite noticeable. Unconscious patterns can overtake your day while circumstances grow out of control pretty quickly. VIRGO (Aug. 23–Sept. 22) Your day may start as if it’s going to conform to your expectations, but unfortunately, life won’t be that simple now. There is too much energy floating around and the intensity must go somewhere.

LIBRA (Sept. 23–Oct. 22) Brilliant ideas have propelled you into the realms of big schemes and grandiose proportions. Now, your energy level is running high and you are psyched for whatever comes your way. SCORPIO (Oct. 23–Nov. 21) You might not feel like a rock of stability today, yet there is peace in knowing that you are free enough from tradition to embrace your vision of the future. SAGIT (Nov. 22–Dec. 21) Real world obligations require you to downplay your craziest ideas while still acknowledging that the wild dreams are not going away. You may talk about your fantasies as you imagine your life unfolding, but don’t place too much stock in any thoughts that lack foundation. CAPRI (Dec. 22–Jan. 19) Strong feelings may arise through relationship dynamics today and you’ll be better off if you can share what’s on your mind. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20–Feb. 18) There’s plenty of activity going on at work now and all the stress can be distracting. Nevertheless, you might find that your creativity is rekindled by being in the PISCES (Feb. 19–Mar. 20) Even if you want to fly below the radar today, you still may be noticed and admired because everyone sees you as more exciting and upbeat than you really feel. Although you’re running on intuitive energy, you still must show up and do the work in order to be successful.

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05:00 hrs - Inspiration 05:30 hrs - Newtown Gospel 06:00 hrs - Late Edition (rb) 06:30 hrs - Feature 07:00 hrs - Guyana Today 08:00 hrs - Bollywood Hits (rb) 09:00 hrs - Stop the Suffering 10:00 hrs - CCTV 11:00 hrs - History 12:00 hrs - CNN 12:30 hrs - NCN Newsbreak 12:35 hrs - Oral Tradition (r/ b) 13:05 hrs - Movie 16:00 hrs - Cartoons 17:00 hrs - Anderson 18:00 hrs - NCN News Magazine – Live 18:30 hrs - Pulse Beat 19:00 hrs - Al Jazeera 19:30 hrs - Eldorado Shines 20:00 hrs - 3d/daily millions/ play de dream/lotto draw 20:05 hrs - NCN Newsbreak 20:10 hrs - Grow With Iped 21:00 hrs - Between the Stic ks with the GCA 22:05 hrs - NCN News Late Edition 22:35 hrs - Caribbean Newsline 23:00 hrs - Movie MTV CHANNEL 14/

CABLE 65 Sign on 06:00 hrs - Islamic perspective 06:30 hrs - News Update 07:00 hrs - DAYBREAK – (live) 08:00 hrs - Dabi’s Variety music break 08:30 hrs - Avon Video & DVD 09:00 hrs - BBC World News 09:15 hrs - Top Notch music Break 09:30 hrs - Caribbean temptation Music Mix 10:00 hrs - Amanda’s Costume jewellery Musical 10:30 hrs - BBC World News 11:00 hrs - National Geographic 12:00 hrs - The View 13:00 hrs - Village Talk 13:30 hrs - The Young and the Restless 14:30 hrs - Days of Our

Lives 15:00 hrs - General Hospital 16:00 hrs - The Bold and the Beautiful 16:30 hrs - Cartoons 17:00 hrs - Birthdays and other greetings 17:15 hrs - Death Announcement/ In Memoriam 17:30 hrs - Sitcom 18:00 hrs - Charran’s Radiator Video Hits 18:30 hrs - Kingdom Voice 19:00 hrs - Soul Melodies 19:30 hrs - News Update 20:30 hrs - Clear Water Music Hour 21:30 hrs - Music request Hour 22:30 hrs - Sitcom 23:00 hrs - News Update 23:30 hrs - Movie: The 12 Daughters of Christmas Sign off

Guides are subjected to change without notice

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Friday December 28, 2012

Jamaica wants to eliminate mother St. Vincent to benefit from EU funds to child HIV transmission by 2015 KINGSTON, Jamaica – The Jamaica government says it intends to eliminate mother to child transmission of the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and syphilis in Jamaica by 2015. The government has since launched the National Paediatric AIDS Elimination Initiative that Health Minister Dr Fenton Ferguson says will seek to ensure that the rate of mother to child transmission of HIV is equal to, or less than, two per cent (0.3 cases per 1000 live births); and the incidence of congenital syphilis equal to, or less than 0.5 cases per 1000 live births. Dr Fergusson said that since 2002, Jamaica has been able to reduce mother to child transmission of HIV from 25 per cent to less than five per cent through appropriate interventions. He said that under this new initiative, the Ministry of Health, in collaboration with other stakeholders including the University of the West Indies and the National Health Fund (NHF), are not only seeking to build on the

Dr. Fenton Ferguson gains made thus far, but also to totally eliminate vertical mother to child transmission of HIV and syphilis over the next three years. “Three of the eight Millennium Development Goals the world commits to achieving by 2015, speaks to combating HIV/AIDS, reducing child mortality and improving maternal health. Under the Paediatric AIDS Elimination Initiative, Jamaica will be able to make further progress in all three areas.” Dr Ferguson said that under the programme, the four regional health authorities will continue to

provide follow-up patient care to HIV infected mothers and their babies, at the island’s major obstetric hospitals and clinics. He said the fight against HIV/AIDS is entrenched in the policy initiatives being pursued by Jamaica to create an all-embracing health system based on quality care and that the goal is to bring health services closer to the community, pointing out that the regional health authorities have a key role to play in this regard. But he lamented that stigma and discrimination were major barriers to achieving further success in the national response to the HIV epidemic. “It requires a collective effort from us all in the health system to ensure that stigma and discrimination does not enter or stay in our facility,” he said. “Stigma and discrimination have the potential to cripple any effort towards complete elimination of vertical mother to child transmission of HIV and we must guard against this.” (Jamaica Observer)

KINGSTOWN, St. Vincent - CMC – The St Vincent and the Grenadines government says it will use the EC$34 million being made available to the island by the European Union for continued development of the agricultural sector. Agriculture Minister Saboto Caesar in a message to farmers and other stakeholders said that the funds are being provided under the Banana Accompanying Measures (BAM) that is supporting African Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) countries adjust to new global trade realities. “We have continued the stabilisation of the banana

industry through Operations Cutback, Operations Flag back and control of the Black Stigatoka disease.” He said that while there may have been several setbacks, “my request is that we look forward towards 2013 and beyond with optimism since the $34 million under the Banana Accompanying Measures will become available to start assisting crops and livestock farmers, fishermen and women of St Vincent and the Grenadines, agro processors, marketers and farming institutions and organisations.” He said the funds would also be used to upgrade feeder roads and other

Saboto Caesar infrastructure “together with a new initiative from WINFRESH to market nonbanana commodities to Europe”.

CCJ president praises the work of independent media

BASSETERRE, St Kitts CMC – President of the Caribbean Court of Justice, (CCJ) Sir Dennis Byron says the role of the press cannot be underestimated and that it should be completely independent of political control or alliance. Addressing the 10th anniversary celebrations of the St. Kitts-based privately owned radio station, WINN98.9, on the weekend, Sir Dennis, a former chief justice of the Eastern Caribbean Supreme Court, said that the media, like the judiciary must “seek to maintain good governance and the rule of law. “As we forge a democratic society the role of the press cannot be underestimated…there are several similarities between the best journalists and the best judges- they have to share qualities of fair mindedness, honesty, balance and impartiality,” said Sir Dennis, the former president of the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda. “They have to carry out their duties diligently and without fear and favour. They demand accountability they attack injustice and the abuse of power,” he said, noting that like the judiciary, the media serve the society best when it is completely independent of political control or alliance. Addressing the work of the Trinidad-based CCJ, which was established in 2001 to replace the London-based Privy Council as the region’s highest court, Sir Dennis said the institution recently completed several months of a highly participatory consultative process, involving the judiciary and civil society and also launched

Sir Dennis Byron a five- year strategic plan. “We had a major media event to inform the public, and we sought to gain the press interest and attraction to what we have been doing, but you are the first media house that has invited us to feature in an event such as this,” said Sir Dennis. The Strategic Plan 20132017 aims to guide the CCJ’s

decision making process and to ensure that resources are applied in the most effective manner. The Port of Spainbased CCJ, now in its seventh year, is recognized by all 15 member states of CARICOM as the only authority to settle Treaty disputes but only Guyana, Barbados and Belize have recognized it as their court of final appeal. Others cling to the London-based Privy Council. “Our mission guarantees accessibility, fairness, efficiency, transparency and delivering clear and just decisions in a timely manner. The plan also identifies the values by which the Court and its staff are guided,” Sir Dennis Byron said. He told the function that members of the public do not seem to know how much work the CCJ has been doing regarding regional integration disputes, noting it has adjudicated in over 70 matters since its inception.

Former Argentine economy minister sentenced BUENOS AIRES, Argentina (AP) — A former Argentine economy minister has been sentenced to four years in prison for corruption. Felisa Miceli was forced to quit in 2007 when a bag of money holding $32,000 was found in her office toilet. The unanimous ruling said Miceli was guilty of the “aggravated cover up” on an illegal financial maneuver and obstruction of justice for getting rid of a police report on the money bag. A local court also ruled Thursday that Miceli will be barred from holding any public office position for eight

Felisa Miceli years. Miceli served under President Cristina Fernandez’s husband and predecessor, former President Nestor Kirchner.

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Hope’s ‘Van Persie’ replica reduces Fruta Conquerors to tears - Sunburst Camptown ends Kwakwani Strikers long run


t was a goal made of legendary stuff, and its result not only left a youthful Fruta Conquerors side in tears, but their fans as well on Boxing Day in the Banks Beer / GFA Knockout Cup, at the GCC ground. Playing against Fruta Conquerors in the feature clash of a quarter-final double header before a sizeable crowd, Riddim Squad’s mid-field talisman Sceyon Hope delivered a cracking volley from a punch out by goalkeeper Colin Edwards off a corner that landed just outside the box. The ball sailed over the opposition wall and

Sceyon Hope goalkeeper to land inside the V of the right hand corner of the goal. The end result silenced the partisan support and

even the most devoted set of fans rightfully agreed that goals such as the one Hope scored was not only reminiscent of the artistry and balance that European stars such as Zlatan Ibrahimovic and Robin Van Persie display, but was deserving enough to merit his team’s progression to the semi-finals. It came in the 74th minute of a contest that until then hung delicately in the balance after both teams came agonisingly close to scoring on a few occasions. Riddim Squad now awaits the winner of Friday’s clash between the Guyana Defence Force (GDF) and

Linden’s Netrockers. In the opening fixture, Sunburst Camptown once again showed why they are the most dangerous team when it comes to money tournaments after withstanding a first half onslaught to inflict a 2-0 win over a game Kwakwani Strikers unit that definitely lit up the competition with their determined style of play. It was a slugfest from the start with former ‘Golden Jaguars’ Carey Harris leading from the front for the Strikers, while the experienced Troy ‘Bugsy’ Prescod pulled the strings from mid-field for Camptown as both teams

showed menacing intent with Harris and Rishawn Sandiford testing the respective goalkeepers with stinging attempts. The half came with no team managing to grasp the ascendancy and fans had to wait until late in the final stanza to witness the first goal compilments of Sandiford, who netted in the 85th minute of play. That late goal forced the visitors to take more chances and that allowed gaps in their defence to be formed and it was one such occurrence four minutes later that saw Anthony Sancho take advantage of and score Camptown’s next goal and

secure a place in the semifinal against either Santos or the dangerous Northern Rangers. Meanwhile, on Christmas Day, Netrockers came from behind to beat Police 3-1, while GDF showed no mercy for Blackpearl, who they hammered 7-1. Quarter-final action continues today with two more games at the GCC ground, starting from 18:00 hrs. In the opening encounter, Santos will look to advance at the expense of Northern Rangers, while in the feature game which should be a scorching affair, GDF collide with Netrockers from 20:00 hrs. )

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Friday December 28, 2012

All Set for PMTC Old Year’s day horserace meet as more sponsors on board All eyes are now focused on the Port Mourant Turf Club one day Horserace meet set for this Sunday December 30th at the clubs entity Port Mourant Corentyne Berbice in collaboration with the Jumbo Jet Auto Sales and Krishna Jagdeo Construction Company. Nine races are on the day’s cards, and over $8.5M in cash and trophies are on offer. With that being the final meet of the year all owners and trainers are busy putting in the final touches to make sure their charges are in order to round out the year with a bang. The feature B class event, again compliments of banks DIH Limited, will be the main focus and with a hefty $1.5M in cash and trophy up for grabs from a total purse of $3M available for the winner, most of the top runners in the division are down to participate in the 1600M event. Among those expected

to contest for the hefty takings are Score’s Even, California Strike, The Message, Elle’s Vision, Settle In Seattle, Diamond Elusion, Mission King, Got To GO, Sleeping in Town, Grande De Roja, Who So Ever and Marathon man among others. The Three Year old race for horses Bred and born in Guyana and the West Indies has a $600,000 bounty for the winner over 1600M which is expected to include, Silent Lizzy and Settle in Seattle among others. The other events are; the Two Year Old Guyana and West Indies Bred event which will see the horses galloping over 1200M for the $500,000 first prize on offer, the E class event has a wining haul of $500,000 and trophy available for the top horses over 1200 meters. The G class event will be a 1400M affair and will see the champion horse taking home a winners money of $400,000 and trophy. The race for Guyana bred

Two Year Old horses will see the winning horse taking home $300,000 and trophy also over 1200M. The H class race winning prize is pegged at $300,000 and trophy for the champion with the distance being 1000M. There are two other exciting races on the day’s card for I class animals. There is the race for animals classified ‘I’ and lower over 1200M with a winning money of $200,000. The other event is for the animals classified J and lower over 1000M for a pole position taking of $150,000. Outstanding performers including top Jockey, top stable, top trainer will be presented with accolades compliments of Ramesh Sunich of the Trophy Stall Bourda market. A number of sponsors are on board for the mega meet one such being overseas based Guyanese Deodat Kaiso who is on board for the Three year old Guyana and

Overseas based Guyanese Deodat Kaiso (right) presents the winning trophy for the Three year old Guyana and West Indies bred event to Cynthia Jagdeo of the PMTC. West Indies race. On Thursday he presented the trophy and takings to Cynthia Jagdeo of the PMTC. Among the other sponsors are Banks DIH Limited, The Shariff racing stable, Jumbo Jet Auto Sales, Geddes Grant, Republic Bank, Chris Jagdeo Construction, A

Ramcharitar Construction, Ashrafally “Papie” Supermarket, Fazil Yunas Construction, Balram Shane General Store, Romel Jagroop Construction Company, Rambrich Company and Poonai Drug Store among others. Over 80 horses have taken entry and with all facilities in

place an exciting a riveting day of racing is anticipated. Persons wishing to make last minute queries are asked to contact Krishna Jagdeo on 322-0369, C. Ramnauth on telephone numbers 337-5311 or 697-9696 or Jumbo Jet office on numbers 232-9711, 2320633 or 624-9063. Race time is 13.00 hrs. (Samuel Whyte)

BCB enjoys productive and... (From page 31) Tenelec Inc. 50 overs first division. Tournaments expected to start early in 2013 due to a heavy schedule are Universal DVD Female 50 overs, A. Ally & Sons Inter School and the Upper Corentyne Inter Secondary School tournaments. The Rose Hall Town Youth & Sports continued to assist the BCB with the hosting of the annual Busta Champion of Champions 50 overs Cup and a Day of Champions tournament. The Board also joined with the Berbice Chamber of Commerce to host two successful cricket tournaments at the Albion Cricket ground featuring Berbice vs Hits & Jams Team from Georgetown. Foster described the 2012 season as the busiest in the history of Berbice with the game being played at all levels. He highlighted the introduction of competition for clubs at the Inter Zone level as part of their efforts to return the game to the grass roots level. This format has proven to be very successful with the crowd being very

encouraging. Off the field, the BCB has surpassed its target of 75 programmes/activities by over 100 percent and completed a record breaking 175 events. Special emphasis was placed on cricket development and coaching. Under the Guyoil Training Programme over 500 young players were coached. Special emphasis continued to be placed on education by the Berbice Cricket Board as it strongly believes that education is the foundation to a successful future. The Board also continued its tradition of honouring its own especially those whose contribution were beyond the call of duty. In the area of charity, over 50 clubs benefited from over $8M worth of items in a joint venture with Food for the Poor. The Public Relations Committee of the Board made sure that the Berbice cricketing public was kept up to date of the development by hosting monthly Television Programmes, 29 press conferences while also issuing 202 press releases. Foster described the work of the entity as unbelievable

and noted that over the last four years the Board had completed over 400 off the field programmes/activities that have completely transformed the game in the Ancient County. Special recognition was made of President Keith Foster, Secretary Angela Haniff, Treasurer Anil Beharry, Leslie Solomon, Carl Moore and members of the Special Events Committee. The work of the Berbice Cricket Board, Foster stated would not have been possible without the support of its numerous sponsors especially Tenelec Inc, Ramcharitar Construction Services, Carib Beer, Universal DVD, NCN, Amerally Sawmill, Republic Bank (Guy) Ltd, Diamond Fire & General Insurance, Elizabeth Styles, NBS, Neal & Massy Ltd, Hand-in-Hand Insurance, Jumbo Jet Auto Sales, Norman Singh Memorial, Bobcat of Berbice, Food for the Poor, Guyana Beverage Company, Berbice Chamber of Commerce & Development Association, Safraz Photo Studio, EZ Jet, Cops Security, Guyana Telephone & Telegraph Company.

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BCB enjoys productive and progressive 2012

Bisoondyal Singh presents winning trophy to the captain of the Blairmont Team D. Prashad Elizabeth Style Under-21 The Keith Foster led administration of the Berbice Cricket Board, since its election to office in December 2008, has surpassed all expectations and objectives and over the past four years has transformed cricket in the Ancient County in such a large way that the game today is enjoying its most productive time on and off the field. Cricket in Guyana seems to attract controversy but Berbice continues to be a shining example of how unity, visionary leadership and forward planning can achieve unbelievable success. The year 2012 is almost completed but the Public Relations Officer of the Berbice Cricket Board Hilbert Foster has described it as the most successful in the Board’s 73 year history. The BCB had set itself a target of 75 off the field programme/ activities and to play cricket at all levels especially in areas which were neglected in the

past. The veteran cricket Administrator stated that in 2009, the Board successfully transformed itself into a Non Governmental Organisation (NGO) and has been playing a major role in making a positive difference in the lives of youths, the elderly and less fortunate. The major highlight for 2012 was the Test debuts of Assad Fudadin and Veerasammy Permaul that brought the number of Berbice Test players to 17. Remarkably, six of those players have made their debut in the last seven years. Fudadin and Permaul also played for the West Indies ‘A’ Team with Permaul as the Captain. Permaul also toured Bangladesh with the HPC team, while Narsingh Deonarine and Devendra Bishoo also played Test cricket for the West Indies this year. Bishoo also played ODI and T20 for the Region, while

Launching of Neal & Massy Tournament on the distaff side Shemaine Campbelle, Tremayne Smartt and Subrina Munroe represented the West Indies at the highest level including the T20 World Cup. Several Berbicians including Sewnarine Chattergoon, Richard Ramdeen, Royston Crandon, Brendon Bess, Keon Joseph and Gajanand Singh represented Guyana at the senior level along with the Test players while former Berbice Captain Esuan Crandon served as the national cricket Coach. At the junior level, Arif Chan, Shailendra Shameer, Shimron Hetmyer, Sharaz Ramcharran, Shawn Pereira, Romario DeJonge Shepherd and Gudakesh Motie Kanhai all did Berbice proud representing Guyana. Motie led the national Under-17 team while Pereira was captain at the Under-19 level. The BCB’s achievement on the field to date; they have completed the 2011 NBS

Berbice U-21 beat U-19 counterparts by 6 wickets The Berbice Cricket Board (BCB) has commenced preparations for the 2013 Inter County season with a match that featured their Under-19 team taking on their Under-21 counterparts in a 50 overs match at the Albion community Centre ground on Wednesday last. The Under-21 team led by former national Under-19 player Joemal La Fleur defeated the Shawn Pereira led Under-19s by six wickets. Batting first on a heavily grassed outfield, the Under19 team were dismissed for 130 in 46.2 overs with Romario Shepherd top scoring with 27.

He received support from Gudakesh Motie Kanhai 16. Bowling for the Under-21 team, medium pacer Clavern Beresford took 2 for 24 from ten overs, leg spinner Kevon Jawahir 2 for 15 and left arm spinner Wagar Hassan 2 for 22. Loyydel Lewis, Joemal La Fleur, Kandasammy Surujnarine and Kevin Ramdeen each took one wicket. The Under-21 team in reply were led by a fine innings of 40 not out from Veerapen Permaul, Kandasammy Surujnarine made 37, Dominique Rikhi and Brentnol Woolford both scored 20 each as they

completed victory at 132 for 4 in the 30th over. National left arm spinner Gudakesh Motie Kanhai took 3 for 20 from 10 overs while Avinash Wajid claimed 1 for 32 from five overs. Chairman of the BCB Special Events Committee, Hilbert Foster, stated that the match completed the cricket season for 2012 and they would restart the 2013 season as soon as the weather allows. More practice games, Foster stated would be arranged in early 2013 among Under-15, 17, 19, Females and Under-21 teams as Berbice strives to be fully prepared for the annual Inter County tournaments.

Second Division, the 2011 Leslie Amsterdam Under-17 Memorial, 2011 Tenelec 50 overs first division, 2012 West Berbice Hand-in-Hand 40 overs, West Berbice Two-Day Jumbo Jet Cup, New Amsterdam/Canje T20, Berbice River T20, Upper Corentyne T20, Elizabeth

Style Under-21, Ramcharitar 50 overs first division, Neal & Massy 50 overs Intermediate, NCN Under-15 Inter-Zone, Republic Bank Under-17 Inter-Zone and Diamond Insurance and Diamond Fire & General Insurance Under-19 InterZone.

Tournaments started and expected to be completed shortly are the Lower Corentyne T20 Cup, West Berbice Norman Singh T20 Cup, Universal DVD T20, Carib Beer T20, Elizabeth Style Under-19, Tenelec Inc. Under15, NBS Second Division and (Continued on page 30)

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Kaieteur News

Friday December 28, 2012

Run machine Clarke heaps misery on Sri Lanka MELBOURNE (Reuters) Michael Clarke struck a sublime century to become his country’s highest test run-scorer in a calendar year as Australia marched to an imperious 284-run lead at the close of day two of the second test against Sri Lanka on Thursday. The Australia skipper, enjoying an inspired 2012, surpassed the 1,544 runs Ricky Ponting amassed in 2005 during his innings of 106, before tail-ender Mitchell Johnson rubbed salt into Sri Lanka’s wounds with an unbeaten 73. Paceman Johnson strode off at stumps with Nathan Lyon yet to score, with Australia having added 108 runs in the session after tea to drive their total to an imposing 440-8 at the Melbourne Cricket Ground. “As many runs tomorrow would be very handy,” Clarke told reporters after celebrating his first ton at the MCG. “I would love to see Mitchell get his second test hundred and then we’ll be back out there bowling and hopefully we can bowl Sri Lanka out.” Sri Lanka, skittled for 156

on day one, had only a sixrun lead to protect at the start of the day’s play and their hopes of restricting the hosts diminished with a hamstring injury to seamer Chanaka Welegedera in the morning session. The remaining bowlers had little assistance from a flattening pitch on a gusty day and were put to the sword by Clarke and Shane Watson, who composed a record-breaking fourthwicket stand of 194 against Sri Lanka at the MCG. Clarke’s fifth test ton of the year, the 22nd of his career, propelled him to 1,595 runs for the year and fourth on the all-time list behind Mohammad Yousuf (1,788), Viv Richards (1,710) and Graeme Smith (1,656). Clarke’s selection appeared a gamble after he sustained a hamstring injury in the first-test victory in Hobart, and pundits complained that it was a case of double standards given injury-free seamer Mitchell Starc was left out as part of the team’s controversial rotation policy. Few would be arguing

Shane Watson made 83 (Getty Images) after Thursday, with Clarke’s 14-boundary knock confounding the Sri Lankans for more than four hours and putting Australia in the box seat to take a winning 2-0 series lead before the final test in Sydney.

The 31-year-old’s dismissal, slashing a Shaminda Eranga delivery to his counterpart Mahela Jayawardene in the slips, broke his perfect record of scoring at least a doublecentury once he surpassed 100 in 2012. It also sparked a minicollapse as Watson (83) and Matthew Wade (1) fell in quick succession to illconceived hook-shots, both caught in the deep before tea. FAINT HOPE Watson’s half-century was his first in eight innings and a welcome return to form, but the barrel-chested allrounder will rue another lost chance to score his third test century. Watson had more bad news in store for him when Cricket Australia said in a statement late on Thursday that he had suffered a left calf injury while bowling on the first day of the match. “He was able to get though the batting innings today and is likely to field on day three,” physiotherapist Alex Kountouris said in the statement. “Whether he bowls in the second innings will be determined closer to the bowling innings.” The quick wickets gave Sri Lanka faint hope of saving the match but they were plunged back into the mire with a defiant seventh wicket stand of 61 from middle order batsman Mike Hussey and Johnson. Hussey was caught for 34 shortly before the drinks

break, with a mistimed slog to long on off the bowling of part-time spinner Tillakaratne Dilshan. Pint-sized spinner Rangana Herath put in a bid for catch-of-the-year as he scampered to his left and plucked an extraordinary, lunging catch with the thumb and forefinger on his left hand to draw kowtows from the crowd. Johnson, who led Australia’s first innings bowling with a four-wicket haul, marched on with seamer Peter Siddle and raised his seventh half-century with a push to mid-on for two. Siddle was removed for 13 with a blinding catch to Jayawardene in the slips to give Eranga a second wicket. It was again a day of lost opportunities for Sri Lanka, however, who dropped both Clarke and Watson late on day two. R e p l a c e m e n t wicketkeeper Kumar Sangakkara missed a stumping chance with Clarke on 54, while Mahela Jayawardene granted the Australian captain another reprieve on 83 by missing a catching chance in the slips off the bowling of spinner Rangana Herath. Watson also had another life before lunch when the Sri Lankan captain spilled a sharp chance in the slips from the same bowler. Mike Hussey was later dropped on seven by Sangakkara, who was standing in for Prasanna Jayawardene, the regular wicketkeeper having suffered

Michael Clarke drives (Getty Images)

a broken thumb when struck by a ball from Johnson on day one. Sri Lanka batting coach Marvan Atapattu said Welegedera was in serious doubt to play the Sydney test which begins January 3, but Jayawardene would “hopefully” bat at number seven again in the second innings. “It’s a long way from ending this game and we still have to have a good batting innings from the time we hopefully get them out in tomorrow’s first session and see what we can do from there,” he said. Scores: Australia 8 for 440 (Clarke 106, Watson 83, Johnson 73*, Warner 62, Prasad 3-102) lead Sri Lanka 156 by 284 runs.

Bodybuilding enjoyed... (From page 34) some cases athletes for their respective final competition. Seminars were also held by the Flex Night Group for athletes in Berbice while fitness experts from Holland also ran seminar on training and nutrition. This activity was conducted in association with the Suriname Weightlifting and Bodybuilding Federation. The resource persons were Andrew Houtveer (International Coach), Rhinus van der Zeijden (International

Fitness, Bodybuilding Coach & Consultant), and Gisa ter Haar. With 2012 no doubt being a successful one for the sport, athletes, fans and well wishers are hoping that the gains of this year will improve and the momentum will increase 2013. GABBFF President Keavon Bess shares his views on the highs and lows of the year: “The GABBFF’s high point of the year should definitely be registered in its archives as the successful

performances of our athletes at the Central America and Caribbean Championships. The financial troubles of the federation almost made it impossible to send a team to the above event. However, the due diligence and hard work of the selected team and the GABBFF made the trip possible and the gold medal made the hard and bitter work mellow and sweet. The GABBFF received tremendous support from the corporate sector of Guyana and the Guyana Olympic Association. However, it is the hope of the GABBFF that the corporate sector will pump more finances into the sport.” Looking ahead to the New Year, Bess pointed out that they will be tackling the issue of its constitution, taxation and registration of the entity while also seeking to bring off its list of competitions and overseas attendance.

Friday December 28, 2012

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Settle in Seattle settles rivals at KMTC meet with big upset win By Samuel Whyte Settle in Seattle of the Shariff Racing Stable defied all the odds and used the opportunity of the Kennard Memorial Turf Club Boxing Day race meet to box its opponents into a corner and settle all doubts that it is a horse to watch with a major upset win in the feature B and lower event when the KMTC held their annual End of Year Horserace meet at the Clubs entity, Bush Lot Corentyne, Berbice. The Three year old animal owned by Mohammed “Nankoo” Shariff and ridden by Colin Ross of the Shariff Racing Stable moved up in class and not only challenged the bigger animals, but put on a show for a gate to pole win as it romped away with the $1.2M top money and trophy compliments of the Kharag family of the USA for the Deo Kharag Memorial stakes and trophy. Settle in Seattle being touted as one of the better all round animals around with

the ability to sprint and cover the longer distances, was out of the box early and opened a sizable lead as Ross went full throttle. Taking a rest down the back stretch the other animals were able to catch up. There was a bunch going around the far turn. The speed increased again going in the homestretch with Settle in Seattle leading them. The Score’s Even, Grande De Roja and California were within striking distance with the Score’s Even making a move for the front. It then got into a tangle with California Strike that slowed it progress. The animals recovered and came blazing for the finishing line with Settle in Seattle slightly in front being chased all the way by Score’s Even to win by a neck and take the first prize and the Deo Kharag Memorial trophy. The other two positions were occupied by Grande De Roja and California Strike. Home Bush Baby of the Jumbo Jet stable with Junior Sookhan in the saddles was

in winner’s row as it sprinted home to win the D3 and lower 6F event worth $500,000 and trophy from Traditional Man, Dubai Duchess and Reina Del Café. Sleeping in Town was merciless as it continued its winning ways, waking early to dish out a gate to pole beating on its opponent in the G class 7F encounter. The animal hardly broke a sweat in the biggest margin of victory as Jockey Brandon Solomon guided it home for the $320,000 top money and Carib Beer trophy. Among those facing the heat were Face the Fire, Prado’s Gold and Damascus Dream. Silent Lizzy, owned and trained by Colin Elcock and piloted by Rupert Ramnauth, caused a roar when it eased away from the pack to take top honours in the Three year Old Guyana and West Indies bred 1 mile event from Rosetta and Red Cloud. The win was worth $300,000 and trophy. The two year old non winners 5F event for Guyana Bred

Yasmin Shariff daughter of Mohammed “Nankoo” Shariff of the Shariff stable and family in all smiles as she receives the winning B class Trophy compliments the Kharag family of Metro from representative Arif Baksh for winning the feature B class race at KMTC. horses saw Lucky Gold ridden by Prem Chandra of the Mootoo stable being more that lucky as it snatched the gold worth $250,000 and trophy for its first win from Royal Passion, Piece of the Cash and Katrina. Jockey Rupert Ramnauth guided Third World of The Quinn stable to victory and $240,000 and Digicel Trophy in the H class event with

Wicked Intention, Funny Side and Party Time rounding out the placing. Other winners were Princess Renuka with Ramnauth in the I3 event worth $180,000 and trophy, Speed Vision with Richmond on the perch in the J1 and lower event worth $150,000 and trophy and Smarty Light in the J3 and lower category with a winning take of

$100,000 and trophy. The top jockey was Rupert Ramnauth with The Shariff stable taking care of things in the top trainer and stable category. They were presented with accolades compliments of the Trophy Stall, Bourda Market. Over 90 horses participated in the day’s activity which had close to $7M at stake.

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Kaieteur News

Friday December 28, 2012

Bodybuilding enjoyed a successful year -2013, a time to consolidate Ever since Guyana hosted what was described as the time as the best Central American & Caribbean Bodybuilding & Fitness Championships in 2004 at the National Cultural Centre, the sport has suffered loss of interest by athletes and other individuals due to a number of factors in the ensuing years. But with consorted efforts by a number of stakeholders and the governing body, the Guyana Amateur Body Building and Fitness Federation (GABBFF), 2012 has seen a resurgence of that interest among athletes and individuals across the board. No doubt there is an encouraging upsurge among persons in appreciating the need to be fit and adopting healthy lifestyles; this no doubt will lead to a healthier population and an ease on the health institutions and various chronic illnesses as

long as this positive attitude catches on and is maintained. But back to the issue at hand, which is the rebirth of the sport for the want of a better word. In 2012 alone, more than any other year in the recent history and memory of the sport, there were five (5) local competitions including two privately promoted and that apart, the GABBFF was represented by four (4) athletes at the 40th CAC Championships in Puerto Rico while one athlete represented the Golden Arrowhead at the Darcy Beckles Invitational in Barbados. The year muscled off with the newly elected body headed by President Kevon Bess making visits to Linden, East Coast, West Coast Demerara, East Bank Demerara and Berbice with a view of meeting the gyms with a view of forging closer relations with the gyms and

athletes. The visits were described as successful. In terms of on stage competition that got going with the annual Novice and Intermediate Championships at the Theatre Guild on March 31, it was one of the better competitions in years. Both segments of the competition attracted a large turnout of athletes, something that was lacking for many years. That breath of fresh air was a welcome sign for the sport and indeed there was no turning back for the remainder of the year. The competition was held under the theme, “Muscle Madness” and indeed it had the venue bursting at the seams with spectators, another welcome sign. Emerging as the respective Novice and Intermediate winners were Donnell Perry (Buddy’s Gym) and Ebyo Orford (Total Fitness Gym). Crowned Miss Physique

Keavon Bess congratulates Mr. Guyana Devon Davis following his triumph at the GABBFF’s Premier championship. (open) was Nadina Taharally (Interline Fitness Gym) with her club mate Sharon Lee taking the Miss Body Fitness (open) title. Next up was the 3rd Biennial Hugh Ross Classic (HRC) competition which saw Buddies Gym Kerwin Clarke emerging as the new Overall HRC king after also winning the welterweight category. On the distaff side, the Miss Physique crown went to the unstoppable Alisha Fortune (GDF Gym) with the Miss Body Fitness title going to Nadina Taharally (Interline Fitness Gym). The federation’s senior championships, their marquee event came off at the Cliff Anderson Sports Hall on October, 22, dubbed, “Rise of

the Machines” and it was another success story for the local body with Devon Davis of the Guyana Defence Force Gym flexing his way to the Mr. Guyana title from a seasoned field which included former Mr. Guyana Clint Duke. Fortune again emerged as the Queen ahead of her rival Ms. Taharally. The GABBFF was able to attract two guest posers; Jamaican born Canadian National Heavyweight Champion in the 33 – 45 age group {Masters} Tananarive McGowan and Guyanese Eustace Abraham who is also based in Canada. Both athletes added a touch of class to the evening and were well received by the crowd. The next stop for the sport

saw the return of Flex Night with the Flex Night International Show which took place at the National Cultural Centre and attracted athletes from Suriname. Actually, the eventual overall winner was Mr. Suriname, Soepe ‘The Little Dutchman’ Koese who despite a height disadvantage blew away the challenges that came his way from his Guyanese rivals, Rawle Green, Kerwin Clarke and Delon Harlequin. The guest artist at this event was Dutch and European Body Fitness Queen, Gisa ter Haar. Like the Hugh Ross Classic Committee, Flex Night Incorporated also ran off regional Shows to select in (Continued on page 32)

Alpha refuse to play in switched K&S fixture tomorrow at Buxton President of the Alpha United Football Club Odinga Lumumba is crying foul at the way the changing of venue for the semifinal games was done and the limited notice given. He has since said his team will not play tomorrow, but will rather show up for the scheduled encounter today at the Georgetown Football Club, Ground. Speaking to Kaieteur Sport, Lumumba said, “Alpha will not play on Saturday, we will show up on Friday at GFC but will not play Saturday. We don’t have a problem with switching of venues but we have to get adequate notice. That is not the way how it’s done.” He claimed that the

Guyana Football Federation was not alerted to this development because when he contacted a senior official, that individual was clueless to the change. Lumumba questioned the sudden switch and late notification and the fact no proper notice was given. He informed that they don’t have a problem playing Buxton in Buxton but things must be done properly. Alpha will be in contact with the K&S Organisation about compensation for the expenses incurred due to inconvenience caused. However, when contacted Co-organiser Aubrey ‘Shanghai’ Major stated that due to the state of the GFC

ground they took the decision to shift to Buxton because that is the best surface for football at the moment. He noted that they sent letters to all concerned and the other teams agreed to move to the East Coast venue. He expressed disappointment that at Alpha’s position but indicated that the tournament will go on. Major informed that the move to Buxton is more costly to the organisation but they want to provide the best quality football, hence a good surface to facilitate a game befitting a semifinal. It is hoped that a change of heart will be the best solution by Alpha.

Friday December 28, 2012

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Stars secure fourth straight win They speak of Twenty20 as a young man’s game, but the evergreen Brad Hodge, like Ricky Ponting, continues to dispel popular opinion. Two days shy of his 38th birthday Hodge put on a batting master-class, at one of his favourite and most prolific venues, the Adelaide Oval, to help the Melbourne Stars to a crucial win over the Adelaide Strikers. Hodge’s 88 from 58 balls featured ten fours and three sixes, but it was the purity of his timing, the stillness of his head, and the artistry of his placement which made it so much more. He spoke in a pregame interview of the importance of a 360-degree range of stroke-play for modern batsmen in T20 cricket, and sure enough, like the old pro he is, he walked out and delivered what he spoke about. First he swept Johan Botha to the boundary. Then he uppercut Shaun Tait fine of third man before glancing him wide of fine-leg for consecutive fours in the third over. He drove elegantly through cover and lofted

powerfully over long-on. He hit Botha miles into the stands to bring up 50 from just 39 balls. The following over he cut Tait twice, once through backward point, the other through cover, both hitting the fence before the bowler had completed his short follow-through. Hodge eventually fell to a full toss from Matt Johnston, which he drilled straight to deep midwicket, but he had already taken ten from the over with a delicate steer past short third man and a third six crushed into the construction site at long-on. Hodge was supported by small cameos all the way down the star-studded order, to set an imposing total of 8 for 175 after stand-in captain Cameron White chose to bat first. The Strikers were always just out of arms reach in the run chase. Tim Ludeman continued his exceptional form and Callum Ferguson played well but neither could convert their starts, both undone by clever slowerballs from James Faulkner.

Brad Hodge scored 88 off 58 balls (Getty Images)

Kieron Pollard hits over the top (Getty Images) Clint McKay, Lasith Malinga, and Faulkner bowled tightly through the middle overs to strangle the Strikers. The use of slower-balls was the most damaging tactic. Faulkner’s fourth over, the 16th of the chase, cost just five runs and claimed the vital scalp of Ferguson. McKay followed that with an over comprised of three dot balls, two singles, and a leg bye to leave the Strikers needing 58 from the last 18 deliveries. The only danger was Kieron Pollard. He had scored

just 27 runs, from 30 balls faced, when the 18th over began. He took 13 from John Hastings first four balls, before Johnston added two twos, making it 41 required from 12. Malinga then delivered one of his most expensive overs of the tournament. Fourteen runs were scored from seven balls, the extra ball cost three wides, as Pollard shelved his power-hitting for a delicate paddle sweep to find the rope. White had gambled by bowling out his big guns to

ensure the Strikers had too many score off the last over. Unfortunately Pollard had put it within reach, with 27 runs required from six balls. Left-arm orthodox spinner Clive Rose, on T20 debut in the absence of Shane Warne, was asked by his stand-in captain to close it out. Pollard and Johnston managed singles from each of the first two balls to mean only a tie was possible. Pollard miscued short of the point rope to ensure the game was beyond his reach. Never has

a man been more furious when hitting two sixes in excess of 100 metres off the last three balls of a match than Pollard was, when his team fell eight runs short despite his 65 not out. The Stars recorded their fourth consecutive win. The Strikers’ next assignment is against the only unbeaten team of the tournament - the Melbourne Renegades. Scores: Melbourne Stars 8 for 175 (Hodge 88) beat Adelaide Strikers 4 for 167 (Pollard 65*) by eight runs.

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Kaieteur News

Friday December 28, 2012

GSDF/GFF Female Development LABA/ Malta Supreme Christmas Basketball Championship... Jets halt Kings unblemished record, as tourney set for Sunday WDFA Female Team going through a warm up exercise

The Guyana Sports Development Foundation (GSDF) in conjunction with the Guyana Football Federation (GFF) will he running off a Female Under21 Developmental Tournament on Sunday December 30 at the Ministry of Education ground, Carifesta Avenue kicking off at 12:00hrs. Teams from West Demerara, Berbice and the Scotiabank/Pepsi All Stars Team will compete in this competition. According to the GSDF, it is hoped that this tournament will be held annually. A few other associations were invited but they opted out for various reasons. Meanwhile, the West Demerara Football NAME Angie Damon Leasel McKend Adona Blake Keishell Moore Mariam Pillay Margaret Pillay Abioce Heywood Stacey Forde Mandy Dainty LaShawn LaRose Mariah Clarke Tiandi Smith Shauntay Carroll Jimacie Petty Aliyah LaRose Moniffa Pillay Shamika Wallerson

AGE 18 16 14 15 14 13 16 14 14 14 16 10 9 13 10 11 14

- WDFA names team

Association has named 16 players with an average age of 14 to participate in the tourney. The West siders will be led by the trio of Keshanna Hunte, Keshell Moore and Jimacie Petty who donned national colours at the Under17 level in 2001, Petty being 11 years-old at the time. They were part of 10 girls that were sent to trials at the time. Hunte has since migrated to the USA where she continues to excel academically and in the sport and is an integral part of her High School football team. Mariah Clarke, Shamika Wallerson and Shauntay Carroll joined the team this year and have been developing steadily. Three of

the younger players in the West Demerara Programme, 10-year-old Aliyah LaRose, 10-year-old Tiandi Smith and 9-year-old Shauntay Carroll are the Lady Jags for the future. While the inclement weather has been posing some challenges for the team’s preparations, the girls have been using the Uitvlugt School compound to get in valuable sessions. The West Demerara Football Association (WDFA) in an effort to develop the female game will stage Primary and Secondary School tournaments in the New Year. Following is the list of players selected by the WDFA for this Sunday’s tourney.

POSITION Goalkeeper Defender Defender/Goalkeeper Defender Defender Midfielder Midfielder Forward Midfielder Midfielder Defender/ Midfielder Midfielder/ Defender Midfielder/ Forward Forward Midfielder Midfielder Defender

CLUB Den Amstel Uitvlugt Uitvlugt Den Amstel Uitvlugt Uitvlugt Den Amstel Den Amstel Den Amstel Uitvlugt Uitvlugt Uitvlugt Uitvlugt Uitvlugt Uitvlugt Uitvlugt Uitvlugt

Pistons remain in contention with win over Raiders - Battle for final four slots on tonight The Amelia’s Ward Jets won an important Boxing Night game by beating previously unbeaten Kashif and Shanghai Kings 44-41, while Wismar Pistons kept their playoff chances alive with an exciting 59-52 win over retrieve raiders thus throwing the teams seeking playoff berths in the semifinals into uncertainty to be determined after the final set of double headers tonight at the Mackenzie Sports Club hard court. On Boxing Night the Jets led by centre Allister Webster and small forward Ruel McKinnon with nine from beyond the arc piloted the Ward side past the Kings with 18 game high points inside the paint, after the Kings led 11-10 at the end of the first quarter and 21-18 at half time before the scores were knotted after the third quarter at 34. Then the final push for victory by the Jets saw them home by a 44-41 score line. Only power forward Omally Sampson with 17 points and Orin Rose with 12, were in top form for the Kings in that losing cause. If the matches on Boxing Night were crucial, then tonight’s double header to complete the preliminary round play of the Linden Amateur Basketball Association organized Malta Supreme Magnificent Seven Christmas basketball championship are deciding encounters, as only one team is assured of a place so far and the three other slots are up for grabs based on r e s u l t s f r o m t o n i g h t ’s matches. Such has been the competitive nature and unpredictability of this championship that the Kashif

Omally Sampson

Allister Webster

and Shanghai Kings by virtue of their one loss are certain to make the final four even with one game in hand against Wismar Pistons while Jets are in a position to grab the lead going into the semifinals should they win against Retrieve Raiders and the Kings lose to the Pistons. In actual fact, the Kings may end up second among the teams advancing should the Jets win their game against the Raiders and the Kings lose an unlikely encounter against the Pistons. Interesting is that three teams are on nine points, Half Mile Bulls, Victory Valley Royals and the Kings, but the Kings will move atop should they win and if they lose will finish on ten points and once the Jets win, being on eight points, they will complete this round on ten points also and hence go forward as the top seed for the semifinals. The Kings have nine points from four wins and one defeat while the Jets are on eight points from three wins and two losses and with a loss will conclude also on nine points like the Royals and Bulls. If the Raiders win they will finish on nine points

also like the Bulls and Royals who have completed their quota of matches with three wins and three losses. That would mean the Raiders have a similar record like them and the FIBA Classification of teams will take effect to arrive at the three other clubs to enter the semifinals. It is because of this scenario that the games are very important for all concerned with the possible exception of Block 22 Flames in this seven team championship which completed their matches with four losses and two wins to be on eight points. However it is left to tonight’s double header which answer the many questions that have been swirling around since this championship began as to which club will qualify for the semifinals set for Sunday at the same venue. The winners will walk away with the top prize of $150,000 and the winners’ trophy and replicas among many other lucrative cash incentives for the teams reaching the final four of this championship through the kind sponsorship of Banks DIH Limited.

Friday December 28, 2012

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Page 37

DHARRY/ATWELL OOZES CONFIDENCE, PROMISES TO KNOCK OUT OPPONENTS TONIGHT Elton ‘Coolie Bully’ Dharry is bristling with confidence and has promised that after tonight’s bout against Barbadian, Ricardo Blackman, he will have retained his undefeated status on local soil. The ‘Coolie Bully’ was at the Cara Suites, Camp Street Georgetown where the boxers for tonight’s card, which he co-promotes with Leon ‘Hurry Up’ Moore in collaboration with Pearl Vodka, a business entity out of the United States of America were. The boxers were also conforming to the weigh in rituals and appear to be evenly matched judging from their respective weights. Dharry tipped the scales at a solid 121lbs while his opponent weighed in at 124lbs. The Bajan scoffed at Dharry’s pronouncements

and said that he is good and ready to show the Guyanese pugilist who the real bully is. “I have trained very hard for this fight and am not in a mood to lose,” said the Barbadian. Local lightweight champion, Revlon Lake, will put his title on the line as he attempts to reverse an earlier 5th round knockout loss to CABOFE Lightweight Champion, Clive Atwell over 12 rounds. “I admit he packs a punch but I was not really committed to my training the last time we met,” admitted Lake. Known mainly for his crippling left hook which he used to put Mark Austin to sleep, Lake said that he will be depending on that punch and a few others that he had perfected during training sessions to put Atwell to sleep. Atwell is no slouch and has assured Lake that this time would be no different than the first, “The last time

The ‘Coolie Bully’ (right) has stated that he is in no mood for play tonight and has threatened to ‘dun Blackman’s dance’ very early. Blackman promised, not only to dance the entire tune but to triumph when it concludes we fought, Lake said that he was not properly prepared for the bout and literally begged for a return but this time will be no different than the last,” Both boxers weighed in at an even 136lbs and Atwell, who has since changed his sobriquet to ‘The Punisher,’ boldly proclaimed that he will

Confident Cotterell looks to prove himself

Kingston, Jamaica – Fast bowler Sheldon Cotterell is out to show what he learned at the Sagicor West Indies High Performance Centre. The strongly-built leftarm quick was the stand-out bowler in this year’s West Indies Cricket Board developmental programme and the aim is to transfer that new found confidence and know-how into the forthcoming regional season. He starts with the Caribbean T20 – which runs from January 6 to 20. “The year was a wonderful year for me,” he said. “I learned a lot about fast bowling. I worked really hard with the coaches at the Sagicor WIHPC and I got a lot of knowledge. “I worked with Ottis Gibson, the West Indies coach, I also worked with Graeme West and Andre Coley, the two coaches at the Sagicor WIHPC, and they did a lot of work on my run-up and that helped to get my runup much smoother.” He added: “The intensity was always high and my preparation was really where it had to be. “I would say I brought my military training into my cricket – that discipline and that readiness. In cricket, I bring that same attitude. I feel so free and relaxed. I just want to go out and do my best for Jamaica.” The 23-year-old is a

Sheldon Cotterell member of the Jamaica Defence Force. He is hoping to soldier a lot of responsibility when he suits up for his homeland in the CT20. Cotterell is also hoping to get a look-in during the Regional Super50, as well as help the five-time defending champions win the Regional 4-day Tournament for a record sixth straight year. “To be honest, I want to ‘have a go’,” he said. “I really want to play and I want the new ball...I want to make an

impact. “That’s my intention, that’s my goal for the CT20, and after that, I’m looking to show what I’m made of in the 50-overs and the first-class season as well.” He said: “I’m going in fit and ready. I’ve been hitting all the areas the coaches have asked me to hit. I’m ready. When they call I’m ready to answer the call. “Batsmen should prepare for a much more relaxed and a much more confident Sheldon Cotterell. I just have to keep doing what I’m doing and my time will come, I’m sure.” Jamaica start the CT20 with a showdown against defending champions Trinidad & Tobago on January 6 under the lights at the Queen’s Park Oval. The two teams met in last year’s final, when T&T were easy winners by 63 runs at Kensington Oval in Barbados. The Jamaicans will continue their preparations this week with training sessions and warm-up matches at Sabina Park in Kingston before travelling to Trinidad next week.

be the victor at the end of the bout. He then told Lake to his face that he is biting off more than he could chew. “The last time you said that you were not properly prepared, let’s hear what your excuse will be this time around,” said Atwell. “To be honest, you have no right being in the same ring with me,” he declared. Several other bouts will provide holiday entertainment for the patrons attending the card including

For the second time in 18 months, Atwell (left) and Lake will go after each other and the latter boxer has promised to reverse the decision the Moore/Shurwyne Marshall bantamweight bout over 6 rounds and the James Walcott/Kelsey George 6 rounds catchweight affair. Unbeaten welterweight pugilist, Gladwin Dorway will also look to continue his unblemished performance when he opposes Shawn Pile in a 6 rounds welterweight bout in the curtain raiser. Meanwhile, President of the Guyana Boxing Board of Control (GBBC), Peter

Abdool, was also at the weigh-in ceremony and gave the bout the thumbs up. He welcomed the return of the traditional Boxing Day card and feels that its composition suggests a night of fistic fury. “This is a special holiday treat and nothing would please me more than to see the fans filling the venue,” said Mr. Abdool. Patrons are asked to pay $3,000 for a ringside seat, while the stands are $1,500. Bell time is 20:00hrs.

Stunner!!! ‘Underdogs,’ Buxton United send ‘ferocious’ Western Tigers slinking away Action continues tomorrow at Buxton after switching from GFC today


he score was nil all with the game perched to proceed into extra time when Buxton United player, Michael Phyll pulled the proverbial ‘rabbit out of the hat’ with a powerful right foot shot from mid field that miraculously sped past Western Tiger’s custodian, Derrick Carter, and handed the Buxtonians a deserving 1-0 victory when those two teams clashed in their quarterfinal encounter in the 23 edition of the K&S football extravaganza at the Buxton Community Center rd

Michael Phyll G r o u n d , We d n e s d a y evening last. The Buxtonians came out in their

numbers to cheer their team on but the ‘Tigers,’ with a galaxy of stars in their lineup, the likes of Devon Millington, Shawn ‘Bubbly’ Beveney and guest player, the ever dependable Walter Moore among others, looked firmly in control from the onset when they started at a terrific pace. The ‘Tigers’ all distribution tactics was highly commendable as they weaved their way to the opposition’s goal. The Buxtonians were up to the task and their defenders proved their worth, averting any dangers.

t r o Sp It was also clear that Millington was not at his best and his timings were off after he made several enterprising runs but could not polish off. In the meantime Beveney acted as point man, invading the oppositions’ ‘quarters’ with impunity, albeit unsuccessfully. The Buxtonians demonstrated grit and determination and were certainly not impressed by their opponent’s star studded lineup. Their determination also came to the fore when the likes of Denzil Phillips, Les Charles Critchlow and Dwayne Jacobs combined to wade into the ‘Tigers’ area. However, the latter team defended with gusto. The nil all scenario at the half was indicative of the competitiveness of the game. M i l l i n g t o n ’s w o e s continued into the second session when he received a yellow card after an especially dangerous tackle. He desperately battled to find his rhythm but the oppositions’ defenders kept

him in check. Beveney and Dwayne Rowley worked feverishly to take up the slack but they never bargained for the staunch display of determination of the Buxton United players. As the game wound down the players battled ferociously for the edge and in his attempts, Jerome Richardson incurred the wrath of the referee who promptly issued a yellow card after a dangerous tackle. With the game heading to extra time Buxton United’s custodian, Jason Cromwell, averted sure disaster when he pushed a ‘stinger’ out of the goal. With the time ticking away, the battle became more intense with neither of the sides, though battling intensely, being able to break the deadlock. Regulation time was exhausted and the referees ruled on extra time. Phyll will forever remember those 180 seconds for it was then that he performed his magical act. Earlier, Amelia’s Ward and Den Amstel also played

to a nil all stalemate at the end of regulation and extra time necessitating a penalty shootout. Even then, the battle continued and eventually progressed into a sudden death scenario. Just when it seemed as though neither side wanted to concede defeat, the Amelia Ward’s custodian plunged to his left and punched out a crucial attempt by the opposition. The fans and players started the victory celebrations long before the ball touched the ground. Meanwhile, activities progress into the semi-finals stages and the action promises to be just as sizzling. The organizers were forced to shift these games from the Georgetown Football Club (GFC) Ground to the Buxton Community Center Ground. Further, the games would be held on Saturday December 29, 2012 (tomorrow). In the first encounter, Pele will face Amelia’s Ward United of Linden while the feature attraction brings together Buxton United and Alpha ‘The Hammer’ United.

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