Adwan Hospital, force hundreds to leave US EXIM Bank approves US$527 million loan for
Agustus McKoy, fondly called, ‘uncle Foster,’ celebrated his 100th birth anniversary on Friday He shared the special milestone with relatives and friends during a thanksgiving ceremony at the St. Georges Cathedral. (Annette Ferguson photo) …says Govt. not interested in optics
100 NOT OUT!
Foster Leonard
Mikel Blair
Gas-to-Energy contractor submits new claims to arbitration panel over soil conditions
The joint venture
hired by the government of Guyana (GoG), CH4Lindsayca, to construct two gas plants at Wales, West BankDemerara(WBD),has submitted new claims to the Dispute Adjudication Board (DAB).
This was revealed by Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo on Friday during his weeklypressconference.
Heexplainedthatthereis presently one issue before the DAB for which oral presentations have been made.However,Jagdeosaid, “There have been some additional claims by CH4 and Lindsayca, particularly
as they relate to the soil conditions and those would have to go through the technical process to see whether they are justified or not.”
The first claim by the contractor is for some US$50M and is expected to be resolved soon. Following the submissions by the contractortotheBoard,there were presentations made by Guyana’slawyersinMiami.
“They have I think the th15 of January (2025) to make some supplementary presentationsandthereafterI thinkbytheendofthemonth they will rule on the matter, so if the parties accept that theirclaimswillbesettled,if
they accept the ruling; if the partiesdecidenottothenyou go to full arbitration,” the VicePresidentnoted.
He was reluctant to comment further on the issue, highlighting that Guyana will now have to evaluate the new claims madebythecontractor
He said, “I don’t want to comment on those, because thosematterscouldendupin arbitration, that has to go through a technical process whentheysubmittheclaims, we have an engineering company that oversees the contractandtheywouldhave to give their views on the claim, whether it merits addressingornot.”
When asked how much the new claims totaled, Jagdeo said he did not want tomakeitknownatthistime, although he is aware of the information. In fact, he said he did not want to push the caseofthecontractor
So far, Guyana has already incurred a legal bill of $13.6 million for the arbitration process, accordingtoPrimeMinister, MarkPhillips.
InAprilthisyear,Reuters first reported that CH4Lindsayca initiated legal proceedings against the GOG for US$90 million in costoverrunsfortheproject. Notably, at that time, it wasstatedthatthefirstphase
...ruling likely by end of January - Jagdeo
of the 300-MW power plant was running six months behind schedule and full operation is not expected until the fourth quarter of 2025.
Days later, VP Jagdeo blamed ExxonMobil GuyanaLimited(EMGL)for theconstructiondelaysinthe Walesgasplants.
Jagdeo said that E x x o n M o b i l w a s responsible for the site preparation, the road, the Materials Offloading Facility (MOF) and the laydownyard.
Jagdeofurtherstatedthat the government decided to give the contractors an extension of three months (fromtheendof2024),“that is why we are arguing that the plant must be completed by April of 2025, instead of endDecember2024.”
TheformerHeadofState saidtheGoGisatoddswith thecontractoroverthedelay period. He explained, “That iswherethethreemonthswe arearguingthethreemonths delay on the project came. They want a longer period because the liquidating damages for not completing the project on time for the contractor, if they don’t completetheprojectontime, it’soverUS$11Mpermonth they have to pay in liquidating damages for delay on the project, so they are arguing they need more time beyond the three months.We are saying three monthsisadequate.”
“We were supposed to hand over the site to the contractor by June, we did nothandoverthesite,thatis, Exxondidnothandoverthe site until September and it wasstillincompleteandthey handed over an additional US$14M from the US$1B that they set aside to the contractor to complete the site, so a three months delay,” he said Guyana ShoreBaseInc(GYSBI)was contracted by ExxonMobil tocompletethesite.
A52-year-old mother of three went missing on Christmas Day after wandering in the vicinity of the Kara Kara Bridge, Linden,Region10.
The missing woman has been identified as BabyAnn Persaud also known as ‘Annit’ a resident of Block 42Amelia’sward,Linden.
Linden mother goes missing on Christmas Day Missing:
In an interview with Kaieteur News, Persaud’s daughter, Shivanie Peters, said that her mother went missing while she was out getting food for her Peters disclosed that her mother suffers from Amnesia, after fallingandhittingherheadin February,2024.
“I leave her to go by my cousin to uplift some food whichIorderedforher we spent a lil while there because we were having a fewdrinks whenwecome back, my niece told me we have to go for her because sheisbyKaraKaraBridge,” PeterstoldKaieteurNews
The woman explained thatshewasunabletocheck the location with her nieces becauseshehadtolookafter herbaby
She said, “I see my two nieces go to check but they couldn’tfindherandlaterthe afternoon we go and check andwedidn’tfindher.”
Peters explained that her mother would from time-totime venture into the community and persons wouldtakeherhome.
“It’s been sad because lastyear,lastChristmasIhad her, she was good, she was happy, she was with me, she was in her good sense… its very heartbreaking for me,” the distraught woman told KaieteurNews.
Peters said since her mother disappeared, she has been unable to eat properly as she is worried about her wellbeing.
Baby Ann Persaud also known as ‘Annit’
The site where two gas plants are being built by CH4- Lindsayca
Jagdeo dodges question on whether Exxon said it will not renegotiate 2016 contract
Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo on Thursday dodged a direct question on whether ExxonMobil has formally written to the government indicating that it is not open to renegotiating the 2016 oil contract.
Instead, the country’s oil andgasspokesmansoughtto blame the APNU+AFC administration for signing the lopsided deal before sayingthathisgovernmentis notinterestedinoptics.
JournalistDenisChabrol questioned whether the oil company has said in writing that“wewillnotrenegotiate, asopposedtojustsayingitin the public domain, probably inaconversationandwhatis wrong with going with taking it to dispute resolution?”
Inresponse,Jagdeosaid, “As I said before, we’re not dealing with the optics We’re dealing with
substance If you want to deal another party, you can ask this question…TheAFC and the others can deal with optics. They, they, they did thatbefore.They’retheones who signed the agreement. Now, suddenly they think, oh,weshouldrenegotiatethe agreement.ThePNC,Idon’t know what your position is, because everyday changes.
That’s one thing with the PPP You’re not going to get aPRpolitics,”hestressed. He reasoned that the government is not going after renegotiation now because it needs to focus on locking in all of the investmentsitcangetsinceit isbecominghardertosecure them.
Jagdeo reminded the media that his party said it would “renegotiate the five
the other contracts. Which we did the five other contracts, we will not touch this one for the following reasons.”
He then said that the renegotiation will trigger a loss of momentum, loss of investments and also be a dangertoachievingnetzero.
HeaddedthatExxonhas already said to everyone including the government thattheyarenotinterestedin, nor will they accept any renegotiations.
“The provision that APNUputinthePSAisthat it has to be done with the consent of both parties, the agreementofbothparties.If onepartysaysno,whichthey have already said, what do youdothere?Thenextstage is a dispute You have a dispute,”heexplained.
Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo
On December 21, this publication reported that while serving as Opposition Leader, Jagdeo said Guyaneseshouldbesadeach
time ExxonMobil makes a new oil discovery since the thenadministrationaccepted a bad deal. He even went on to commit to “renegotiate
However, last week, Jagdeo, who has since been appointed as Vice President, said he never meant that the deal with Exxon would be renegotiated.
During his press conference, Kaieteur News reminded the VP of his statements shared while he was the Leader of the Opposition,andaskedhimto say whether he still holds thatviewandwhy
In his response, Jagdeo said,“Yes,soIsaidthat,and I held to the view and not onlydidIsaythat,Isaidthat these contracts will be renegotiated. So, we had, at thattime,sixcontracts,that
We give credit when due, thanks when it’s deserving. Thanks to Attorney-at-Law, Melinda Janki and her team. She aims high, flies high, with her sights now set on ExxonMobil’s seventh oil project, Hammerhead Whatthe Guyana Government is not doing, has all but thrown up its handsinsurrender,Ms JankiisdoingintakingGuyana’soil fight for safety, fairness, and justice to the courts Aproven warriorforGuyanahasMs Jankibeen,andwearewithherand hergroupofdeterminedpartnersastheygearupforthislatestoil test For her bold and tireless exploits, Ms Melinda Janki should be recognized as Guyana’s Woman of the Year Guyana’s First Lady, who may have some ideas of her own aboutthataccolade,shouldbehonestwithherself,dothedecent thing,andtakeaseat
Guyanese want to know their exposures from ExxonMobil’sHammerheadproject. Theirconcernsstand onsoundground,andtheEnvironmentalProtectionAgency (EPA)mustbeintheforefrontofwantingtoknowaboutany suchimpact. Theworldiswagingwaragainstpollutionfrom fossil fuels, and Guyana should not be indifferent to the potentialdangerstohealthandenvironment Itistroublingto say,butthelocalEPAhasbeenastudyinsilenceandstubborn refusaltoadjustitsposition,orcleartheair TheEPATermsof Reference(ToR)fortheHammerheadEnvironmentalImpact Assessment(EIA)donottakeintoconsiderationtheimpactof greenhousegaspollutionoriginatingfromthisoilproject
Thequestionscouldbeaskedimmediately:whatkindof EIAisthis,whensuchanecessarycomponentisnotgiven theplacethatitshould? Also,whatkindofEPAGuyanese have that such a gaping hole could be in its ToR? The qualityoflifeofGuyanese,thelegitimatefearsofcitizens, havetomeanmoretotheEPA,becauseifnot,thenwhose interests are first for the agency? Why is it that Guyana’s EPA is so hostile to its mandate, to the law, and to its constituency (Guyanese)? So hostile, so apathetic, that it was unmoved by several pieces of correspondence from attorney Janki pressing for theToR to be amended? Who andforwhatreasoncouldbeinfluencingthedirectionand workofGuyana’sEPA? Theonlyresponsehasbeenawall of silence and resistance to date. This is where Guyanese findthemselveswiththeseventhoilproject.
When the government (the EPA) fails to do its job, deliveronitsresponsibilities,thenitfallsonprofessionals likeMs.Jankietaltopickupthatdroppedbatonandcarryit. By filing a Court action so that Guyanese can get the answers(andsecurityofmind)thattheyaredue,andthatthe government has an opportunity to right its wrongs. Wrongheaded leadership has plagued Guyana’s oil wealth from the day of its first discovery Instead of valuable lessons learned, and the proper revisions occurring, worse practiceshavebecomethenorm,arenowenshrinedinlocal oilculture. Citizensneedthegovernmentasapartnerthat canbecountedupon tobeby theirside,andfullyfor their interests. The reality is that they now live with a governmentthatisproudtobeinbedwithExxonMobil,and givingitfreereintodoasitpleasesattheoffshoreprojects. Ifevertherewasanexampleofincomparableugliness,itis Guyana’sEPA. Theagencyshrinksfromdoingitsbest(or anything of substance) to protect Guyanese, and hold ExxonMobiltohighstandardsofcorporateresponsibility It is interesting to note that the EPA gives every appearance of constructing its ToR for the EIA, so that anything that would stir anxieties in ExxonMobil’s management is excluded. The greenhouse gas pollution impact is one. The EPA’s cold shoulder to Ms. Janki’s letters, not budging from its flawed position, certainly supports the worst conclusions about its convenient deafness, and embarrassing lethargic state. Melinda Janki should get a medal for her efforts. Government leaders must recover their minds, and help the EPA save face. Finally,GuyanesemustgetanEIAthatreportsonpollution impactsoftheHammerheadoilproject.
DEAREDITOR, Calling himself an intellectual defender of the PPP government, Freddie Kissoon, no stranger to controversy, slammed the UnitedStatesinacolumnin the government discredited mouthpiece, the Chronicle, on December 23, saying: America does not allow free speech like Guyana; the police arrest people for free speech; and the highly respectedUSSupremeCourt is no better than the Caribbean Court of Justice. Really? Mr Kissoon, a onetimecriticandfoeofPPP,is nowapaidally,ahiredhand, whohasbeenpaidbigbucks by government to defend it against criticism. The stateowned Chronicle is used by government to attack the political opposition and critics. It has been subjected to several defamation lawsuits The paper also marginalizes Guyanese on accountofrace.
Assailing the judicial system and state of free speech in America, Kissoon wrote: “There were police
m a s s a r r e s t s a n d prosecutions of people speakingout inAmerica”. He added: “Hundreds have been arrested and hundreds of students have been expelled from their respective universities for speakingout.(sic)Dozensof foreign students have been expelled from the US for denouncingIsrael.(sic)”.
Kissoon failed to
distinguish between “speakingout”infreedomof speech guarantees of the American constitution and breaking the law — such as engaging in violence and disruptionsonthestreetsand oncampuses,arson,looting, damaging properties, derailingclassesoncampus, and preventing instructions. The individuals disciplined were not for free speech but for criminal acts and contemptofauthority
A fact check on Kissoon’s allegations against American police revealed that those arrested had their say in court and charges were dropped for minorinfractions.Therewas
dueprocessforallarrestees. No student was expelled from university or disciplined without an impartialhearingandnoone was deported without a fair courthearingbeforeajudge.
Many students were pardoned. Charges against someweredropped.Matters are still pending before the courts for egregious crimes andviolations.
President Trump announced that those immig
ak American laws should be deported.Healsostatedthat those who complete their studies should be allowed to reside in America So Kissoon has misled readers with his unsubstantiated claims that America doesn’t guaranteefreespeech.
C o n t i n u i n g h i s denigration of America, Kissoonadded:“Thefederal Supreme Court in the US is notofhigherqualitythat(sic - than) the Caribbean Court ofJustice”.
Bull!TheSupremeCourt is some 250 years old
whereas the CCJ is 20 years old. The rulings of USA Supreme Court provide sound scholarship and erudition that were often cited in matters before the CCJ.
The Supreme Court has nine judges, three of who wereappointedbyPresident Trump Disrespecting the Supreme Court is tantamount to attacking President Trump The President Elect would not take too kindly to the unverifiedclaimsofKissoon who is an intellectual defender of the ruling PPP government.
The public needs to hear from the PPP government whether it endorses Kissoon’s insult of the SupremeCourtandhisclaim that American police arrested protesters for free speech.
The American Embassy is urged to take note of Kissoon’sattackonAmerica andhiscloseaffiliationwith PPP
Yourstruly, Ms.L.Lewis
$100k cash grant a representation of a caring government
, The $100.000 Cash Grant is one representation of a caring government giving back to the People of thiscountryinatangibleway part of their sovereign wealth I say one representation, in that government’s initiatives is multifaceted, taking into focus massive development in many sectors, key areas include infrastructure, healthcare, agriculture and manyothertransformational featuressweepingthelength andbreadthofthiscountry It is a significant way of showing what proper planning and the execution of those plans are; kudos to thePPP/CGovernment!
Thisisamarkedcontrast to what an APNU/AFC Coalition Government did when they were in office, they after two (2) months, raised their salaries by 50%, while introducing 200 new taxes on the people who
votedthemintopower,ifthis is not what we commonly call“peeinginone’seyeand callingitrain,”thenwhatis?
TheCoalition’sperformance in office was a blatant manifestation of how little emphasis was placed on people and much on themselves, something they wouldhavetoliveupto,and onewewouldnotforget.
ButIdigressed,soletme get back to our main discussion of the cash grant, its verification and disbursement From my vantage point I can see one temporary difficulty, that is the registration of the recipientsofthegrant.What we see is a mad rush to get registered,andpersonsfrom other regions are travelling to those regions where registrationisongoingtoget themselves registered. This is not an abnormal occurrence, because you are talking about cashsomethingthatpeopleneed-
So, what authorities will see is a moderate, if not drastic increase in the allocations for the various regionswhereregistrationis in progress. Government’s logistical data of individual regions would see changein numbers, for example
persons from Regions 5 and 6 getting registered in Region 4; this is sure to happen. I think government would have learnt from the littlehiccupsthatcamealong thewaywiththepresentcash give-out and make the necessary adjustments for futuredisbursements.
RespectfullySubmitted NeilAdams
DEAREDITOR, During 1955 the Police was virtually stunned by a most unusual report of a stow-away A radio report wasreceivedfromaMan-oWar ship (Royal Naval Vessel) which had left the PortofGeorgetownBookers Wharf LaPenitence and passed the beacon that there wasastowawayonboard. The vessel made its way
back to port with the prisoner who was deformed inbothlegs,compellingh im to walk on his knees. He was, however, no invalid;Hewas wellknown for the performance of acrobatic feats and feats of strength for which he was nick named “Mighty Joe Young”.
Sincerely, FrankDeAbreu
Motorcycle bandits rob Regent Street boutique, shoot employee Duo jailed for break and enter and larceny
Two suspected
bandits robbed a 50-year-old Chinese businessman at his boutique on Regent Street, Georgetown,onThursday
The victim has been identified as Zhenz Sh Fa, the owner of “NiceToYou” Boutique, located at Lot 48 RegentStreet.
According to a
, the suspects were two identifiable men, one of whom was armed with a handgun
They robbed Zhenz
of an undisclosed amount of cash
A security guard from Swat Protection Services, who was on duty at the time, told the police that the boutique was open for
b u s i n e s s , a n d customers were inside
He was sitting on a c
southern door of the boutique when the two suspects arrived on a
mber unknown).
“Theystoppedinfrontof the boutique, dismounted the motorcycle, and approached the security guard. The pillion rider was armedwithahandguninhis righthand.
They searched the guard and took away a ‘Toy Gun’ that he had in the waistband of his pants,”policesaid.
The suspects then ordered everyone inside the boutique to stay still
One of the bandits opened the cashier drawer and took theday’ssales(cash).
At that moment, an employee of the boutique, i
Peiming, rushed at the banditholdingthegun.
Thesuspectdischarged round and shot Zhao in the rightthigh
Both suspects then fled t h e s c
n e o n t h e motorcycle, in an eastern direction
Zhao was taken to the
treatment His condition is reportedtobestable.
Upontheirarrivalatthe scene, police discovered a 9mmspentshell
Several CCTVcameras in the area are being reviewed, and efforts are ongoing to locate the suspects as investigations continue.
Two persons were on Friday
sentenced to three years in prison when they appeared at the Diamond Magistrates’ Court to answer to breakandenterandlarcenycharges.
Theduo,23-year-oldOkeriaAndrewand 22-year-old Lloyd Bartholomew made their
The duo is accused of committing the offensesonDecember24,2024atUnicomer GuyanaInc,Georgetown.
first court appearance before Magistrate Dylon Bess where the charges were read to them.
Lloyd Bartholomew Okeria Andrew
South Korea’s acting president Han Duck-Soo impeached as Yoon goes on trial
SEOUL, Dec 27 (Reuters) - South Korea’s parliament impeached
acting President Han Ducksoo on Friday, less than two weeks after suspending
President Yoon Suk Yeol’s powers over his short-lived declaration of martial law,
plunging the country deeper intopoliticalchaos.
The impeachment of prime minister Han, the acting president since Yoon was impeached on Dec. 14 for declaring martial law on Dec. 3, has pushed South Korea’s once-vibrant democratic success story intounchartedterritory
Finance Minister Choi Sang-mok,whoassumedthe position of acting president while the cases ofYoon and Han are considered by the Constitutional Court, convened the National SecurityCouncil,spokewith key officials including military leaders and vowed todoeverythinginhispower tostabilisestateaffairs.
The unexpected imposition of martial law and the ensuing political upheaval sent shockwaves throughAsia’sfourth-largest economy,anddrewconcerns from allies in the United States and Europe who had seenYoonasakeypartnerin efforts to counter China, RussiaandNorthKorea.
Han’ssuddenousteradds to the uncertainty, and Choi may also face removal if he too clashes with the opposition-ledparliament.
“The government must do its best to ensure that the
people do not become anxious, or the security of the country and people’s daily lives are not shaken,” Choi said, according to a statementfromhisoffice.
Earlier,Choihadpleaded unsuccessfully with parliament to withdraw the plantoimpeachHan,saying it would do serious damage totheeconomy
The Korean won was down 0.5% at 1,477.0 per dollarasof11:00GMT,after hitting a more than 15-year low of 1,486.7 ahead of the vote.
“In terms of financial markets, (Choi) taking chargecanonlybebadnews, as it only goes to show that politicalturmoilisongoing,” said Huh Jae-hwan, an analyst at Eugene Investment&Securities.
The country could plunge into economic troubles comparable to its devastating financial crisis of the late 1990s, said Shin Yul, a political science professor at Myongji University
Hansaidheacceptedthe outcome “ In order to avoid further chaos and uncertainty, I will suspend mydutiesinaccordancewith relevantlaws,”hesaid.
Headdedhewouldawait the decision of the Constitutional Court to review the impeachment motion.
The motion led by opposition parties passed with192votesinfavourand no opposed after the ruling People Power Party (PPP) boycotted the vote PPP members surrounded the speaker’s podium, chanting thatthevotewasinvalidand parliament had engaged in “tyranny”.
A h e a d o f t h e parliamentary session, opposition leader Lee Jaemyung of the Democratic Party, which has majority control of parliament, accused Han of “acting for insurrection”. Until just before voting began, it was unclear how many votes were needed to impeach Han. The threshold for a prime minister is a simple majority, while a two-thirds majority is needed for a president.SpeakerWoo
TheimpeachmentofHan came after he declined to immediately appoint three justices to fill vacancies at the Constitutional Court, saying it would exceed his actingrole.
Jagdeo dodges question on whether Exxon...
Frompage3 is, with Kaieteur, Canje block, several blocks. So, we said we are not gonna renegotiatetheStabroekcontractbecausewe arealreadyinproduction,andwewillkillthe momentum.”
Hewentontoexplain,“Rememberwhen I was talking about this, there were six contracts outstanding so we said we will renegotiate those contracts and we’ve effectively kept our promise because we made it clear that the new fiscal regime would have to apply to all of the contracts that were outstanding then or currently outstanding,excepttheStabroekBlock.”
He,however,notedthatgovernmenthas kept its promise to “renegotiate the contracts”sincethenewProductionSharing Agreement (PSA) will apply to the other blocks.
“Wehaveeffectivelyrenegotiatedfiveof them because we made it clear that the new PSAwouldhavetoapplytoallofthefivethat are outstanding, outside of the Stabroek Block, so Canje, Kaieteur, everything else,” hesaid.
Acting South Korean President and Prime Minister Han Duck-soo delivers an address to the nation at the government complex in Seoul, South Korea, December 14, 2024. Yonhap via REUTERS/File Photo
Sophia man dies after Christmas night stabbing
Trevor Thornhill, a 36-year-old resident of‘E’FieldSophia,GreaterGeorgetownhas died after he was beaten and stabbed on Christmasnight.
PoliceinastatementonFriday,identified the deceased Thornhill as a labourer, had lived in the area for the past four years with hiscommonlawwife,LeslynNorton.
Thewomanreportedlytoldpolicethather husband was in the habit of accusing her of
cheating on him and he would be both physicallyandverballyabusivetowardsher
She also said that on Christmas morning at the Kitty Market she had “a falling out,” withThornhillwhowasagainaccusingherof infidelity
As a result of the situation, she left him there and made her way home Around 19:00hrsthatevening,shelefthomeandwent tothePinkShoplocatedat‘E’FieldSophia,
Christmas Day brawl leaves several injured in Essequibo
Several persons were injured on ChristmasdayduringabrawlinQueenstown Village,EssequiboCoast,RegionTwo.
KaieteurNewsunderstandsthatatabout 20:30h,afightstartedafterafatherandson attacked a group of friends who were at a ‘barbecueandlime’.
An eyewitness told this publication that theduoarrivedatthefunctionarmedwitha steelpipeandacutlass.
“Wedehdrinkingandthemtworunupto them boys and start firing lash…so I run, when I turn back, I see them and them man fighting,”theeyewitnesssaid.
Another eyewitness said that the fight lasted for several minutes before the father
Kaieteur News understands that the group of friends visited the home of the fatherandsontocollectayounglady While theywerewaitinginavehiclefortheyoung woman, the father became angry and used abusive language towards the group An argument ensued between the man and the groupoffriends.
The group reportedly left the location andreturnedtothebarbecue However,the father and his son subsequently arrived at the location and attacked the group of friends.
This publication understands that all partiesinvolvedinthefightwereinjured.
where she saw Thornhill at the said shop, consumingalcohol.
Allegedly Thornhill approached her and beganaccusingheragainofbeingunfaithful to him while he was away working in the interior Another argument ensued between them and it was at this time Norton alleged that Thornhill threatened to kill her, picking upalucozadebottleandhurlingitather
Shetoldpolicethatshewalkedawayand headed back to their home, but shortly after sherealizedthatherhusbandwaswalkingon the dam and then proceeded to hide in some bushes. She saw two identifiable males and toldthemhewasfollowingherandshefeared forherlife
She said the two men told her to walk home and they were going to look for Thornhill. Shortly after, the woman said she sawthetwomeninascufflewithherhusband onthedam.Sheranhomeandreturnedtothe area shortly to see him covered in blood and being placed in an ambulance. She said she leftthesceneandwenthome.
On Thursday morning, she went to the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation where she was informed that Thornhill had died while he was receiving medical attention As a result, she went to the Turkeyen Police Station at about 15:50 hrs. andreportedthematter
However Boigny Miggins, another residentof‘E’FieldDamSophia,relatedthat
onChristmasDay,atabout19:40hrs,hewas at home when he heard his dogs barking which caused him to make checks. As he stepped outside of his home, he used his flashlightandsawanunidentifiablemaleride pasthishomeonabicycle,headingwest.
Hethensteppedoutofhisyardandheard amalecryingoutforhelp.Wenthewentinthe direction of the voice he saw the now deceasedlyingonthedamcoveredinblood. Asaresult,herantothefrontofthedamand raisedanalarm.
He claimed he saw Norton sitting on the dam a short distance away and when he told herwhathappenedsheresponded“Isgoodfa he,heshouldf*#@ing(expletive)dead”.
Migginssaidheimmediatelycalledforan ambulance which later arrived on the scene and took Thornhill to Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation Detectives who responded processed the crime scene and a knife believed to be the murder weapon was recovered.
The body was examined, and multiple wounds were seen on his face, stomach and ear
Kaieteur News understands that several personsintheareawerequestionedandwhile checksweremadeforthesuspectstheywere not located. The body is currently lying at GPHC’s mortuary, awaiting a PME; meanwhile Norton was arrested and is in policecustodyassistingwithinvestigations.
In Guyana, under the People’s Progressive Party Civic (PPPC)
g o v e r n m e n t , t h e Constitution remains a batteredlighthouse,itsbeam dimmed by neglect and politicalexpedience.
T w o g l a r i n g
v a c a n c i e s o n e constitutional, the other a m a t t e r o f g o o d governance stand as evidencetothiserosion.
The absence of a SecretarytotheCabinetand aCabinetPresssecretarynot only flouts democratic norms but also steers us perilously close to the abyss ofauthoritarianism.
I n t h e B r i t i s h Westminster system, which Guyana ostensibly follows, the Cabinet is not a cabal of politicalloyalistshuddledin secrecy It is an organ of the state, its workings recorded, preserved, and held accountable to posterity Central to this apparatus is theSecretarytotheCabinet, a nonpartisan public servant tasked with ensuring that Cabinet proceedings are meticulously documented andarchived.
This is no mere clerical role; it is the bedrock of institutional memory, ensuring that decisions are traceable, deliberations transparent, and the state machinery resilient against the caprices of transient governments.
And yet, for four years, the PPPC has flagrantly violated the Constitution by failing to appoint this vital
post. It is as though they view the Cabinet not as a state institution but as an extensionoftherulingparty. It is as if there is the presumption that Cabinet is supposed to operate in a fog of secrecy that is both deliberateanddangerous.
Thisneglectismorethan an oversight; it is a calcu
affront to governanceitself.Underthe British Westminster system, Cabinet minutes are a sacrosanct part of governance There, the Secretary to the Cabinet ensures that decisions are documented with an impartiality that transcends partylines.Theserecordsare preserved not for the pleasureofcurrentministers butfortheintegrityoffuture governments,historians,and citizens alike Guyana’s deviation from this practice isnotjustafailuretomeeta constitutional obligation; it isanassaultontheprinciples of transparency and statecraft.
The second glaring omission is the absence of a press secretary to provide post-Cabinet briefings. In a democracy, the media is not a supplicant begging for scraps of information; it is the lifeline between the government and the governed.YetinGuyana,the media is left scavenging for information from the General Secretary of the PPP, a role that is uncomfortably intertwined withpartisanpolitics. This conflation of party
and state is the hallmark of regimes sliding into authoritarianism. When the lines between government and party blur, the public is left with propaganda m a s q u e r a d i n g a s information. And dissent is suffocated under the weight ofmanufacturednarratives.
Once upon a time, the former Head of the Presidential Secretariat, Dr RogerLuncheon,tookonthe role of press secretary, providingregularupdateson Cabinet decisions This practice,whilenotperfect,at least acknowledged the media’s right to timely and accurateinformation.Today, thesilenceisdeafening.
Within the state apparatus, there are persons with the capability to act as official spokespersons Thus, the absence of a dedicated press secretary is lessamatterofcapacitythan of intent It signals a government that prefers opacity over openness, c o n t r o l o v e r communication, and propagandaovertruth.
Let us be clear: appointingaSecretarytothe Cabinetandapresssecretary is not a panacea for all governance woes. But it is a necessary first step in reclaiming the principles of t r a n s p
y T
Secretary to the Cabinet would ensure that the proceedings of governance arenotlosttotheephemeral whispers of political corridors but preserved for
Overtime in Traffic
Dem boys seh de NewYear does bring plenty wishes—some want good health, somewantriches.Butaskdemcommuters, and all dem want is fuh de government fix distrafficmadness.Peopledoingovertime, notinofficebutintraffic,anddeonlything dem collecting is stress and high blood pressure.
Backindeday,overtimewukdidsweet. Time and a half pay plus a lil meal allowance mek you feel like a boss. Now, people doing triple time just fuh get home. Andnomealallowancecoming;isyuhown gas and patience yuh burning. Imagine leavingwuk,thinkingyuhheadinghometo relax, only fuh find yuhself in a line long enough to mek yuh wonder if is a next Mashramaniparade.
If yuh go down Lombard Street every afternoon, you will see persons waiting, sometimesforasmuchastwohours,justto getabustogohome.Issheerpressurewith thetransportsystem.
Some people leaving home before de roostereventhinkboutcrowing,justtobeat de traffic. But by de time dem reach wuk,
the scrutiny of history. The press secretary, meanwhile, would serve as a bridge betweenthegovernmentand thepeople,ensuringthatthe latter are informed not by partisanspinbutbyfacts.
The PPPC government’s failure to make these appointments is not merely an administrative lapse; it is a calculated strategy to maintain power through secrecy and obfuscation. It reflectsamindsetthatviews governance as a private
affair, conducted behind closed doors and shielded frompublicscrutiny.
But governance is not a private affair It is a public trust,andtheConstitutionis not a suggestion. It is the framework within which power is exercised, and its provisions are not optional.
dem already tired like dem done do a full day. And after work, is de same story—hours pon hours sitting in yuh car, staringatbrakelightsandthinkingboutde currychickenyuhdidplanfuhcook.Byde timeyuhreachhome,dinnerturntoeggand bread, and homework get push till next week.
Demboyssehdegovernmentneedtofix dis traffic story De people suffering. How muchproductiveman-hourswastingindem jams and waiting fuh get a minibus? How muchdinnerplansturninginto“letweorder Chinese”? De truth is, dis traffic situation suckingdelifeouttapeople.Bydetimedem reach home, dem exhausted, spent, and ready fuh collapse. Dem boys seh is time fuh de government stop admiring de problemandactuallysolveit.
Yuh gat to think outside the box Yuh can’t build roads fuh solve this problem. Andifdegovernmentcan’tfixit,demboys sehgivepeopledoubletimepayfuhsitting in dem car, cause right now, dem doing de wukofsaintsfuhfree. Talkhalf.Leffhalf
(The views expressed in this article are those of the author and d
t necessarily reflect the opinionsofthisnewspaper.)
By refusing to appoint a SecretarytotheCabinet,the government is in open defiance of this trust. By failing to appoint a press secretary, it is undermining the public’s right to information.
Perceptions camouflage pretensions
editorial captioned, “Guyana’s petro status and the 2025 general elections” has its moments. Things struggle to stay still thereafter Inotethecareful useof(apostrophes)whatthe Yankscallupliftedcommas; one only, but a couple of times. Prudence, indeed; one can never be too
circumspect in this neighborhood. ‘Worldclass’ offshorestrikebyExxon. A ‘world class’oil producer in Guyana. Then, there was greater ‘space’ and ‘banana republic’notes. Intheliberal use of those uplifts plenty territoryiscoveredbySN. Re that ‘world class’ strike, my question for Exxon’s Guyana President Alistair Routledge is ordinary: what about those otherstrikes? Howcomeno m o r e e x c i t i n g
announcements about more commercially feasible discoveries? Inthebuilding heat for renegotiation of the oil deal now more sour than sweet,discoverynewshasn’t been forthcoming, dried up, since April 2022 Aw shucks, even Tom Brady (NFL) and Virat Kohli (CricketIndia)havehadbad patches; even King James too (NBA). In this instance of no news (new oil) that’s bad news Just seems slightly, ah, untoward to a tenderfoot. May there be nothingthatinterferes,slows down, that ‘world class’ status. Like more oil, more renegotiation noise Incidentally, SN lapsed in not mentioning Exxon’s world class accounting systems Just ask Mr Routledge. He seh suh heself; not I. Just ask Big Bob (Gossai) who wrestled
withtheduttyjobofcleaning up the accounting He massagedthenumbers,dida fantastic job where 2, 1, and 4, (214) became 3. Until it wasn’tsowellregarded. He lost his exceptional worker status, so proudly accorded him by one Alistair Routledge. Oil does make men do funny things. To sober up everybody, there is nolaughterhere.
Re the “dramatic transformation of global perceptions”allIsayispoor Cheddi Jagan. He couldn’t get a lousy US$6 million from any lending institution back in the day Today any Guyanesenonentitycouldgo with a calabash stamped Made in Guyana and leave with multiples of what was denied him. From ideology to commodity, a lesson in as the world turns. The Yanks were orchestrators then,
t o d a y t h e y a r e gamechangers. My point is straightforward: take away theoilandPresidentAlimay be denied a visa, if not the courtesy of a handshake. The other guy could get a seatinacell. Airfareonthe house,ofcourse.
Re the 2025 general elections,myfirstthoughtis do we have to have these things? Oh yeah, the international presence will behereinforce. Can’thave the republic of manana degrade back to ‘banana republic’status. Here is an intriguing Jeopardy challenge: what does taking outoilfromtheequationofa country do to it? Back to banana republic status, mister The global perceptions index is that measly, that tricky, that slippery In a country like Guyana, there doesn’t have
to be many bananas for it to qualify Only top bananas Watch how the Yanks have taken over this country, eventhelanguage;andfrom controlofthegovernmentto theopposition.
A pig is still a pig no matter the pigment of the lipstick; favorable global perceptionsgivedueweight. Thoseperceptionsareforthe time being, only as long as Guyana’sleaderskeeptheoil spigot gushing, and Exxon prospering. The foreign observer brigade, SN, is not cominghereduringthe2025 general elections to secure democracy It is to secure the flow of oil, to shore up investor confidence, and to purgeGuyanaofitselections jumbies, once and for all time. How daft can we be! Democracy is the donkey that is pinned on darkskinned people the world over
From Christianity to democracy to modernity to civility, and it is always for some commodity Not even humanityisexempted. How about some of that same civility for Guyanese humanity? Ah, sanctity Suddenly, the sanctity of a world class strike by Exxon is more inviolable than the HolyBibleandalltheideals of democracy that these tricksters use to brainwash dumb suckers in poor, desperate Third World countries.
(consult John Hess) could holdGuyana’sleaders(allof them)intheregardthatIdo, then I urge my fellow citizens to ponder what the wise men across the globe think of them. Those who are not peaches themselves, but know how the world functions behind closed doors and outside the back door So, the world comes here to ensure that their investment, their rewards, aresafeforthefuture. There is electoral democracy; then there is income statement democracy Guess which one trumps everything else? Who the hell cares about a few brown and black people running around like lunatics quadrennially, and refusing to fix themselves? Irresponsible and immature Guyanesecannotbeallowed totamperwiththedonuts. So,inapetrostatethatis abananarepublicthatisheld outasnotabananarepublic, there still must be hordes of Atilla rushing here to save Guyana from itself. I have heardaboutsavethechildren and save the whales Nobody makes a big deal of savingtheoil.
(The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinionsofthisnewspaper.)
CDB supporting Caribbean regional trade statistics modernisation with new WTO initiative
Greater evidence-based trade policy is on the region’s horizon as Caribbean Development Bank (CDB) member countriesaresettobenefitfromarecentlyapprovedproject. Over USD165,000 has been allocated for the Caribbean Development Bank and World Trade Organization (WTO) Statistics Training Programme, a trade focused capacity building regional activity set to modernise the production, compilation and dissemination and use of data in national statisticsandcustomsoffices,andministriesoftrade. According to CDB’s Director of Economics, Ian Durant “The Bank is pleased to support, this initiative which will assistindeepeningCaribbeantradeandintegrationandfurther support development outcomes.” Increased capacity and technical expertise, and enhanced cross-agency partnerships inthecollection,compilation,anddisseminationoftradeand tariff data will undoubtedly improve the design of related strategiesandpoliciesandadvanceachievingtheSustainable DevelopmentGoals(SDGs).Headdedthat“CDBrecognises the significance of establishing and expanding our strategic relationshipwiththeWTOtofurtherasharedcommitmentto fosteringeconomicdevelopmentandtradeexpansion.”In Continued on page 14
TheUnitedStatesExport Import(USEXIM)Bankhas granted final approval for a US$527 million loan to support Guyana’s Gas-toEnergy(GTE)project.
In a statement on December 26, the financial institution said the Board of Directors approved $527 million to the Ministry of Finance of the Cooperative Republic of Guyana to support a gas-to-energy project that will strengthen thecountry’senergysecurity by doubling the country’s installedelectriccapacity
It explained that
financing from the transaction will aid the construction of a natural gas separation plant; a 300 megawatt (MW) combined cyclegasturbinepowerplant and services related to the gas supply pipeline near G u y a n a ’s c a p i t a l , Georgetown.
“This project will allow Guyanatotransitiontomore reliable and cleaner energy for consumers and businesses by using natural gas-powered turbines to generate electricity Without this gas-to-energy project, Guyana will continue to import fuel oil, one of the highestpollutingfossilfuels, a n d b e u n a b l e t o decommission hundreds of less efficient local generators. This project will resultinareductionofmore than 460,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide per year, the equivalent of consuming more than one million barrelsofoil,”theUSEXIM Bankstated.
PresidentandChairReta Jo Lewis said, “I am extremely pleased that the BoardofDirectorsapproved this strategically important energy project. Not only is EXIMcontinuingitssupport ofU.S.businessessmalland large, but this project will support more than one thousand jobs across the country I am especially proud to continue to support Bank priorities and charter mandatesalongwithprojects that align with the administration’s economic, energy,andnationalsecurity priorities.”
The financing will support a U.S. joint venture involving Lindsayca, a Texas-based company, and CH4 Systems, a Puerto Rican small business. The joint venture was awarded the contract to construct the NGL and power plant for Guyana.
According to the EXIM Bank,thefinancingwillalso supportmorethanonedozen U.S. companies and support an estimated 1,500 jobs across 11 states and territories.
In a separate statement by the Office of the President, it was explained that President Irfaan Ali received a telephone call fromthePresidentandChair of the US EXIM Bank on Thursday informing that the Boardhasapprovedtheloan forthegasproject.
The Board Meeting was held on Thursday, completing the 35-day congressional notice period. “President Ali expressed to theChairandEXIMBankas well as all other US Government agencies and authorities involved, including Ambassador Theriot and her team at the US Embassy in Guyana, the Government’s strong appreciation and thanks for the approval granted and for theconfidenceshowninthis GtEprojectandinGuyana,” the Office of the President said.
Further,theHeadofState commended the Guyana team at the Office of the President, Ministry of Finance,MinistryofNatural
President Irfaan Ali
and Chair, US EXIM Bank, Reta Jo Lewis
that approving Guyana’s application for a loan to support the GTE Project exposes the financial institution to political, financialandlitigationrisks.
In a submission to the Bank, dated December 6, 2024, Janki lobbied the Board to refuse Guyana’s loan application, pointing out the risks for the Bank as wellaspotentialbreachesof fiduciary duties and the resulting harm to the American people and Americaneconomy
Resources, and the Guyana EmbassyinWashingtonDC, whose work helped secure this important outcome for ourcountry
M e a n w h i l e , t h e American Chamber of Commerce of Guyana (AMCHAM) applauded the loanapproval,signalingthat the landmark agreement marks the largest-ever infrastructure loan in the Caribbean which signifies a growing confidence in Guyana’s prosperity and deepening the U.S.-Guyana partnership.
It said, “AmCham Guyana commends the Government of Guyana, the U S Embassy, and all stakeholdersinvolvedinthis g r o u n d b r e a k i n g achievement. We look forward to supporting U.S. EXIM’s continued engagement in Guyana and fostering further economic cooperationbetweenourtwo nations.”
On Friday, Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo during his weekly press conference at Freedom House, Georgetown explainedthatthereisafixed 4% annual interest rate on the loan which would be repaid over a period of 15 years.
He said the country will be required to make two annual payments on November 1 and May 1, commencing on May 1, 2031.
“The interest rate is 4% soifyoucalculateitoverthe period, but remember there are moratoriums and all of
that so it’s a 4% interest and you can calculate what the repayment would be over a time period. It’s fixed at 4%...principal repayment is 3 0 s e m i - a n n u a l its 15 years thereafter, ” the VP explained.
BackinApril2023itwas revealedthatGuyanaapplied to the Bank for a US$646M loantosupporttheNGLand powerplant.
On November 28, Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo announcedthatapprovalhad beengrantedfortheloan.
At that time Jagdeo explained that the loan will be providing retroactive
financing, so if it is made available it will be covering financing that the government had to make sincethestartoftheproject.
Last month, Prime Minister Mark Phillips indicatedthatsome$99Bhas been spent to date on the GTE project. His revelation came as Parliament approved an additional $25.3B to further advance theproject.AsofNovember, 58% of the work had been completed, according to the PrimeMinister Just last week Kaieteur News reported that Internationalaward-winning lawyer, Melinda Janki, warned the US EXIM Bank
Director of the Restorative Justice Centre, Orin Boston
Additionally, over 16,000 Americans had also writtentoChairoftheEXIM Bank in May 2024, demanding the financial institution not to fund the controversialgasproject.
According to a letter from 16,452 members of Friends of the Earth United States, a non-governmental organization, the project is both a disaster for Guyana andtheclimate.
They said, “This project isbothadisasterforGuyana and the climate! The U.S. government should not be using taxpayer dollars to subsidize Exxon – a company that has recently reportedbillionsinprofits.”
274 Guyanese trained in restorative justice in 2024
Approximately 274 individuals underwent comprehensive training in the restorativejusticeprogrammethisyear
This is according to the Director of the Restorative Justice Centre, Orin Boston, during a recent interview with the DepartmentofPublicInformation(DPI).
The training sessions included magistrates, Amerindian village leaders, prisonandprobationofficers,educators,and membersofcivilsociety Bostonsaidduring the aggressive training programme, the centre sought to place emphasis on the schoolandprisonenvironments,recognising theseascriticalpointsinthecriminaljustice process.
“The school environment is somewhat verycriticalbecauseitisoneofthefunnelsto the criminal system in the adult stage Historical data and empirical evidence are enoughtoleadustowardsaveryaggressive programmeattheschoollevel,”hesaid.
Additionally, the centre has been tasked with establishing restorative justice offices ineveryregion.AccordingtoBoston,fourof these offices have been constructed and are waiting to be staffed. He explained that in 2025, a comprehensive public relations strategy will be launched to enhance awarenessandtraining.
restorative justice principles and encourage itsutilisationasaprimaryresponsetominor, non-violent offenses. “A lot of times, the issueofgoingtocourtisnotideallywhatyou want.Youwantaresolution,andweneedto move forward in harmony. Restorative practicedefinitelybringsthataspectintoour lives,”heexplained.
TheenactmentoftheRestorativeJustice Act 2022 laid the foundation for the use of restorativejusticeasatooltoimprovejustice outcomes.
Implemented in over 80 countries globally,restorativejusticehasthepotential to alleviate court backlogs, reduce prison overcrowding, and strengthen community relationships. It is a key component of the IDB-fundedSupportfortheCriminalJustice System (SCJS) Programme, which is scheduledtoconcludein2025.
The SCJS Programme aims to address prison overcrowding by focusing on the overuse of pre-trial detention and the overreliance on custodial sentences The implementation of restorative justice is a pivotal step towards realising Sustainable Development Goal 16: “Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development,provideaccesstojusticeforall and build effective, accountable and inclusiveinstitutionsatalllevels.”(DPI)
Embattled Assistant Commissioner (ACP)
Calvin Brutus
Purchase of FPSOs to reduce Hess’ low operating cost - CFO
Hess Corporation has disclosed that the purchase of two additional Floating Production, Storage, and Offloading (FPSO) vessels, is a move that will significantly reduce its operatingcostsinGuyana.
Recently, ExxonMobil GuyanaLimitedtheoperator of the Stabroek Block, finalised the purchase of the third FPSO operating in the StabroekBlock,fromDutchshipbuilderSBMOffshore.
State withdraws application to revoke Brutus’s bail
What was expected to be a ruling on whether embattled Assistant Commissioner of Police (ACP) Calvin Brutus would be remanded to prison turned into a surprising developmentonFriday,astheStateProsecutioninformedthe courtthattheSpecialOrganisedCrimeUnit(SOCU)decided towithdrawitsapplicationtorevokeBrutus’sbail.
Prosecutor David Braithwaite informed Acting Chief Magistrate Faith McGusty that the decision to withdraw the application was made following instructions from his superiors.
OnMonday,prosecutorshadfiledanapplicationseeking to have Brutus’bail revoked due to an alleged breach of his bail conditions. Brutus, who is facing 250 financial crime charges,wasaccusedofattemptingtoleaveGuyanaforBrazil onDecember16,2024,throughtheLethemborderinRegion 9.
On December 21, 2024, the Ministry of Home Affairs issuedastatementrevealingthatBrutushadbeenstoppedby policeofficerswhileattemptingtocrosstheborderintoBrazil. BraithwaitestatedthatSOCU,whichhadchargedBrutuswith fraud, was unaware of the incident until the Ministry’s announcement.Thispromptedthestate’sdecisiontoseekthe revocationofBrutus’sbail.
ThematterwasinitiallyheardbyActingChiefMagistrate Faith McGusty at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Court on Tuesday, where the prosecution presented several reasons whyBrutus’sbailshouldberevoked.Theyalsoindicatedthat witnesseswouldtestifyregardingBrutus’sattempttofleethe country
The prosecution had hoped for a ruling that day, but Brutus’s defence attorneys, Eusi Anderson, Darren Wade, YubornAllicock,EarlDaniels,andDomnickBess,requested moretimetorespondtotheapplication.MagistrateMcGusty grantedtherequest,settingtherulingforFriday
However, before proceedings began on Friday, lead prosecutor David Braithwaite informed the court that SOCU haddecidedtowithdrawitsapplication.
When Brutus’s defence lawyer, EusiAnderson, enquired aboutthereasonbehindthewithdrawaltowhichBraithwaite responded, “The witnesses were engaged and were making preparationstocomeout,buttomaintainthatmyinstructions areintermsoftheapplication,thatishowfarIknow.”
During the court proceedings, Brutus also sought permission from the Magistrate to return to Lethem to assist his father, who resides in the area. The request was granted, withtheconditionthatBrutusnotleavethejurisdiction.
Brutus is expected to return to court on December 30, 2024, for further proceedings concerning the first 30 of his financialcrimecharges.
toGuyanainthefirstquarter So that should be out. Let’s just call it mid-year-ish into Guyana, with the startup, thenlaterintheyear.”
He noted that once the Yellowtail FPSO comes online, it will add 250,000 barrels per day (bpd) of production capacity, bringing Guyana’s total installedproductioncapacity toover900,000bpd.
The acquisition of the Prosperity and Destiny FPSOsaddtotheLizaUnity FPSO that was purchased last year, marking a pivotal step for Hess and the StabroekBlockpartners.
AccordingtoJohnRiley, Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of HessCorporation,theFPSO acquisitions represent a strategic investment. Riley explained, “In the fourth quarter, we are purchasing the Prosperity that’s on Payara, and we are purchasingDestiny,that’son whatwecallLiza,phaseone. It’sapproximately,asweput in the release, US$635 millionofcapital.”
The purchase of these FPSOsisexpectedtoreduce operating costs even further for Hess Guyana operations, whicharealreadyamongthe most cost-efficient in the industry Riley stated, “Our Guyana operating costs are already very low, but that will reduce it further, because we won’t have the leaseoperatingcostscoming in.”
The company is also looking ahead to 2025 with optimism Riley noted, “Yellowtail should be leaving the yard and sailing
Recently, it was announced, “SBM Offshore and ExxonMobil Guyana Ltd, an affiliate of Exxon Mobil Corporation, have completed the transaction related to the purchase of FPSOLizaDestiny,aheadof the maximum lease term, whichwouldhaveexpiredin December 2029 The p u r c h a s e a l l o w s ExxonMobil Guyana to assumeownershipoftheunit while SBM Offshore will continue to operate and maintain the FPSO up to 2033.”
The transaction comprises a total cash consideration of US$535 million. This will bring the total cost spent to purchase the three FPSOs to just over US$3billion.
The FPSO Liza Destiny has been on hire since December 2019 and since 2023hasandwillcontinueto be operated through the integrated operations and maintenance model combining SBM Offshore and ExxonMobil’s expertise and experience delivering outstanding operational performance.
In August, this publication reported that EMGL was considering the purchase of the Prosperity and Liza Destiny FPSOs
One of the FPSOs that was purchased
John Riley, Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of Hess Corporation
ahead of the end of their maximum lease terms in N
D e c e m b e r 2 0 2 9 , respectively
Last year, Exxon purchased the Liza Unity from SBM for US$1 3 billion, a few months before theendofitsmaximumlease term in February 2024 Similarly, on November 7, SBM announced that it had completed the transaction withEMGLinrelationtothe purchase of the FPSO Prosperity The purchase involved a total cash consideration of US$1 23 billion.
PresidentofExxonMobil Guyana, Alistair Routledge, has said that the purchase of the FPSOs is a more costeffective approach for both the company and Guyana.
n interview aired by the “Energy Perspectives” podcast.
When asked about the company’s decision to purchase a second FPSO, Routledge said, “It’s really primarily a financial matter It’s more financially-
efficientfortheinvestorsand for the country to purchase theFPSOsatthisstage.”
He explained that while earlyandconstructionleases canhelpensureefficientand high-quality project completion,long-termleases typically involve higher financing costs. “We found that model to be a very effective one, but a longterm lease is generally a more expensive financing optionforthecountryandfor theinvestorsthanpurchasing the FPSOs,” he said Routledge added that with thevesselsalreadyprovento be operating “very well” at this stage, Exxon feels comfortablethatit’stheright timetopurchase.
Notably, at one of his press conferences, Vice President Dr Bharrat Jagdeo reminded that the money (US$3billion)thatwasspent by Exxon to purchase the vessels will be recovered by the oil company from revenues generated from the Stabroek Block At his November 14, press conference Jagdeo said, “That’sallpartofthecostoil, it’spartofcostoil,everycent that goes into or is spent, it goes to cost oil…” the Vice Presidentnoted.
Under the 2016 Production Sharing Agreement (PSA) that requires Exxon and its partners Hess and CNOOC to pay no taxes to Guyana, 75% of the revenues generated from the Stabroek Block go to Exxon to cover operational expenses. The remaining 25% is then split between Guyana and the oil companies–outofthatshare Exxon pays a 2% royalty to Guyana.
UNICEF hands over vaccine boats to Ministry of Health
One of the Vaccine Boats equipped with solar refrigerators to store vaccines at required temperatures, life jackets, 200Hps engines and retractable beds to transfer emergency patients, including pregnant women to health facilities.
The United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) on Friday handed over two vaccinationboatstotheMinistryofHealthto benefit children and families in the riverain communitiesofRegionsOneandEight.
In a press release, UNICEF said that the boatswillhelptoenhancetheaccessibilityof essential medical services, particularly vaccination to the communities. UNICEF was supported with funds from the Global Alliance for Vaccine and Immunization (GAVI)COVID-19vaccineDeliverySupport (CDS).
“Thevaccineboats,whicharethefirstof itskindinGuyanaandLatinAmericaandthe Caribbean, are equipped with solar refrigerators to store vaccines at required temperatures, life jackets, 200Hps engines and retractable beds to transfer emergency patients,includingpregnantwomentohealth facilities,”thestatementsaid.
UNICEFOperationsManager,Mr Abdul Salehduringthehandoverexplainedthatthe initiative comes as part of UNICEF’s vision to ensure that lifesaving vaccines are accessible to all children and families, especiallythoseinremoteareas.
“These vaccine boats are a testament to ourcommitmenttothechildrenandfamilies of Guyana. It embodies our dedication to ensuringthateverychildinGuyanahasequal access to vaccines and life-saving medical care, regardless of where they live or their socio-economicstatus,”Salehsaid.
The boats will serve communities including the villages of Kamwata, Parakeese, Karaburi, Santa Rosa, Waramuri Islands,Acquero, and Koko in Region One, and Wipa, Sandhill, Kaibarupai, Catchcow, Bishop Landing, Salawoo, Cheleang, and Orindukinregioneight.
According to Saleh, the boats were built by local contractors and designed collaborativelybytheMinistryofHealthand UNICEF to suit the specific needs, blending maternalhealthprioritieswithimmunization servicesinGuyana.
DirectorGeneraloftheMinistryofHealth and Member of Parliament, Dr Vishwa Mahadeo received the boats on behalf of the government and thanked UNICEF for its continuedpartnershipinensuringvulnerable communitieshaveaccesstoessentialmedical services. “Our mandate has been clear to do whatever is necessary to bring healthcare in the hinterland on par with what is on the coast,”Dr Mahadeosaid.
He explained that while the Ministry has increasedtrainingofmedicalprofessionalsin the riverain communities, transportation remained a challenge. The Director General said that the vaccine boats will contribute tremendously to providing medical services totheriverainpopulationsinregionsoneand eight.
Theboatswereinspectedandcertifiedas safe for transport by the MARITIME Authority
Two Region 4 families receive homes on Christmas day
Two Region Four
families experienced a truly joyous Christmas, receiving thekeystobrand-newhomes through the state-funded Men on Mission (MoM) initiative.
Delise Blades of Cummings Lodge New Scheme, and Kirtimatie Ramraj of Good Hope, East Coast Demerara, were the recipients of the homes. For 43-year-old Blades, this homerepresentsasignificant turning point in her life, the Department of Public Information(DPI)reported.
Blades, who has faced numerous challenges, including supporting her family through odd jobs while battling health conditions, can now look forward to a more secure future “This is such a blessing. I would like to thank the president for makingmydreamcometrue this Christmas morning Paying the rent is not easy I
Several children in the community also received gifts during the president’s visit
can now say that I’ve acquired my own home through you. Thank you,” sheexpressed.
InGoodHope,Ramraj,a 74-year-old mother of two, also received a new home. Havingpreviouslylivedina dilapidated house with a leaking roof, she expressed immense gratitude for this “blessing ” Despite the challenges, Ramraj emphasised the strong community support she received from her local church.
“Ithankthepresidentfor his good work,” she said, acknowledging the g o v e r n m e n t ’ s responsiveness to the needs of its people. In his remarks at the handing over ceremony, President Irfaan Ali emphasised that this gesture extends beyond simply providing housing; it also empowers individuals byincreasingtheirnetworth and creating opportunities
“Today, you can go to the bank with this structure, and the bank would at least give you $7 million. That is the valuethatwehavecreatedin yourlife,”hepointedout.
T h e p r e s i d e n t highlighted the ongoing development in the area, e m p h a s i s i n g t h e construction of a water treatment plant as a key example of the large-scale i n f r a s t r u c t u r a l improvements that are transforming the area Further, he commended MoMforitsprofoundimpact in improving the lives of Guyanese.
“Wehavebuiltmorethan 60 houses, completed hundreds of home improvement projects. We have done counselling and health programmes The MenonMissionhastouched the lives of thousands of Guyanese across this country,”henoted.
2022,CDBandWTOsignedaMemorandum of Understanding (MOU) to support countries on various international trade matters, capacity building in trade and statistics; and collaborating on knowledge products in the areas of tourism, education, culture and entertainment, public policy support, and innovation. Both institutions alsopledgedtoexploreintersectionsoftrade policy, climate change and women’s participationininternationaltradefocusedon achievinggenderequality
The new programme, which is underpinnedbytheMOU,willfundcapacitybuilding workshops intended to advance the production of high-quality, comparable, national and intraregional statistics in the emerging area of digital trade. It will also enable and facilitate timely and modernised reporting of trade data and notifications. Statistician at CDB Dindial Ramrattan anticipates the successful execution will result in “Enhanced institutional and technical capacity of regional and national statistics offices and trade agencies to report on trade and tariff statistics, in a timely, relevant, and suitable form to national, regional,andinternationalstakeholders.”
The partnership with the WTO augurs
well for the region, supporting efforts to harmonise standards, and strengthen governanceandinnovation.
The Bank continues to build on earlier interventions with the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), Statistics Canada andtheWorldBankwhichhelpedaddressthe paucity of trade statistics in certain areas. These deficiencies limited the region’s reportingonexistingandemergingareassuch asdetailedservices,smallandmedium-sized businesses, creative industries, and bilateral tradeflows.
The programme will commence in early 2025 with tailored training sessions to increase collaboration between statistics offices and principal trade data producers, through a clearly defined and effective administrative process for data exchange. “Through this offering, we hope to significantly advance the production of high quality, comparable, national, and intraregional statistics; establish a cohesive and coherent architecture in the production, processing, and dissemination of statistics andenableandfacilitatethedevelopmentand sharing of innovative methods, tools, and technologies in the production and dissemination processes in the CARICOM StatisticalSystem,”stressedIanDurant.
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2022 NO.30 DEMERARA IN THE HIGH COURT OF THE SUPREME COURT OF JUDICATURE DECLARATION OF TITLE In the matter of sub- parcel 27EP, being portion of Lot 27 (twenty-seven) portion of preliminary parcel 395 all being portion_of Plantation Friendshipor Land Registration Block No XXVIll, Zone: East Bank Demerara, in the County of Demerara, Guyana, as shown on a plan conducted by V. Deokinandan, Sworn Land Surveyor, dated the 24th day of May, 2021 and recorded in the Guyana of Lands and Surveys Commission on the 110 day of June, 2021 and numbered COS-1401 -and- In the matter ofTitle of Land (Prescription and Limitation) Act, Chapter 60:02 -and- In the matter of an Application by ELTON PARASRAM, TERRENCE ALEXANDER BEDAYSIE and TREVOR ALEXANDER BEDAYSIE. PUBLICATION First Second Third ELTON PARASRAM, TERRENCE ALEXANDER BEDAYSIE and TREVOR ALEXANDER BEDAYSIE all of Lot 27 Plantation Friendship, East bank Demerara, Guyana, has presented a Petition for Declaration of Title to the property described in the Schedule hereto. Any person intending to oppose the said petition_must within 1 (one) month after the date of the first Publication of this
No clearance given for Brutus’s wife to return to Guyana by U.S. doctors – Court hears
Adonika Aulder, the pregnant wife of embattled Assistant Commissioner of Police Calvin Brutus, who is facing financial crime charges, has not been given clearance by her doctors to return to Guyana.
This was revealed by her lawyer Eusi Anderson on Friday at the Magistrates’ Court when the matter was called before Acting Chief Magistrate Faith McGusty.
On December 5, 2024, Magistrate McGusty granted Aulder permission to travel to the United States for medical treatment, with an expectation for her return to Guyana by December 18 for her next court date. However, she did not return as planned, instead appearing virtually via Zoom for her court proceedings.
Aulder is facing two charges of money laundering. She is accused of acquiring $352,082,315 from her company’s account at Republic Bank in December 2023, knowing or having reasonable
Notice File in the Registry of Court in the City of Georgetown Demerara, Notice of his Opposition and An Affidavit or Affidavits in support thereof and serve a copy thereof upon the said ELTON PARASRAM, ERERENCE ALEXANDER EDAYSIE nd TREVOR ALEXANDER BEDAYSIE. Georgetown, Demerara This 28th day of November, 2024
Attorney-at-law for Petitioners SCHEDULE Sub-parcel 395E of Sub-Parcel 27EP, being portion of Lot 27(twenty-seven) portion of preliminary parcel 395, part of Lot 27 Plantation Friendship or Land Registration Block No. XXVIII, Zone: East Bank Demerara, in the County of Demerara, Guyana, as shown on a plan conducted by Seaon M. James, Sworn Land Surveyor, dated the 27th day of February, 2023 and recorded in the Guyana of Lands and Surveys Commission on the 3rd day of March, 2023 and numbered COS-1618.
MEMORANDUM: The address for service of the Petitioner is at the Chambers of Mr. Donavon A. Rangiah, Attorneys-at-Law for the Petitioners of and whose address for service and place of business is at Lot 156 Charlotte Street, Lacytown, Georgetown, Guyana
grounds to believe that the funds were derived from criminal activity.
Earlier, Aulder and Brutus were denied permission to travel to the United States for medical treatment.
This application was brought before Justice Gino Persaud at the High Court on October 18, 2024, but was rejected due to Brutus’ involvement in financial crimes, with over 240 charges filed against him.
However, on Friday the court was informed that the Special Organised Crime Unit (SOCU) had made inquiries about Aulder’s status and her potential return to Guyana from the United States, where she had travelled for emergency medical treatment.
Anderson told the court that Aulder is feeling better, although no medical records were submitted to support her condition. However, he added that he is expected to receive her medical records via FedEx by Saturday.
“She (Adonika Aulder) is returning to Guyana, but the doctor has not given her permission to travel due to her precarious condition,” Anderson stated.
“She is pregnant, about to deliver at the end of January, and the general nature of these matters is putting Miss Aulder and her child at risk.
The doctor has not given her permission to travel because of this,” the lawyer told the court.
The prosecution raised concerns about what would happen if Aulder does not return to Guyana after January. In response, Magistrate McGusty remarked that Aulder had already breached the conditions for the release of her passport, which she had used to leave for the United States.
The magistrate warned that if Aulder does not return promptly, the court may be compelled to take action.
“The court has certain powers. I do not wish to exercise them at this point, but I may be forced to do so. If she continues to be in breach, it may result in her bail application [being revoked],” McGusty cautioned.
The magistrate further ordered that Aulder’s original medical records, to be sent via FedEx, must be submitted to the court by December 31, 2024.
Aulder’s next court appearance is scheduled for December 30, 2024.
Motorcyclist dies in Boxing Day accident
A 23-year-old motorcyclist lost his life on Thursday afternoon following an accident at the junction of Winter Place and Croal Street, Georgetown
The deceased has been identified as Mikel Blair, of Lot 261 ‘D’ Field, Turkeyen, Georgetown. The accident occurred around 17:45 hrs.
According to the police, the collision involved two motorcycles: one driven by Blair and the other by 27-yearold Tavel Jonas, a resident of Lot 101 Arapaima Street, East La Penitence, Georgetown.
Police said that around 17:55 hrs, a report was made to the Brickdam Police Station’s Operations Room, alerting officers to the accident. However, when police arrived at the location, they found no immediate evidence of an accident. It was later reported by the Georgetown Public Hospital Police Outpost that two males, believed to be involved in the accident, had been admitted to the hospital’s Emergency Unit.
“When ranks proceeded to the hospital, they found the two motorcyclists. One of them, Mikel Blair, was unconscious and receiving treatment from doctors,” the police stated.
Blair, however, succumbed to his injuries around 19:00 hrs. His body has been transferred to the hospital’s mortuary, where it awaits a post-mortem examination.
Jonas sustained a frac-
tured right leg. He was treated at the hospital and later admitted in stable condition.
Investigations into the accident are ongoing.
A video of the aftermath of the accident, seen by this publication, showed Mikel lying on the ground with blood oozing from his body, though he was still showing signs of movement. The other motorcyclist was seen just a short distance away. Bystanders were observed assisting and monitoring the individuals before they were taken to the hospital.
Blair’s death has left his family and friends in mourning. Speaking with Kaieteur
News, one of his close friends, Arron Asim, shared how the tragic news had left him traumatized. “I was sitting at home when a fellow friend called and told me that Mikel was in an accident, and I was like, ‘you’re lying.’ An hour later, he called back and said Mikel passed away. I was traumatized. I never knew that this day would come,” Asim said, reflecting on the loss of his dear friend.
Blair was remembered by his friends as a friendly, humble individual. “There was never a dull moment with him. We used to ride bikes together,” Asim recalled fondly.
Adonika Aulder
Dead: Mikel Blair
Nearly 70 killed after boat capsizes en route to Spain
The makeshift boat was carrying about 80 people when it capsized on December 19, Malian authorities said.
Aljazeera - At least 69
people, including 25 Malians, died after a boat headingfromWestAfricato Spain’s Canary Islands capsized off Morocco, Malianauthoritieshavesaid.
The makeshift boat was carrying about 80 people
when it capsized on December 19; only 11
people survived, the Ministry of MaliansAbroad said in a statement on Thursday, after collecting information to reconstruct theincident.Acrisisunithas been set up to monitor the situation,itadded.
Several of the Malian victims are from the Kayes region in the west of the country, according to
DoulayeKeita,advisertothe ministry, in a statement to The Associated Press news agencyonFriday
“Among the 25 Malians dead, there are 8 Malians
from my commune, ”
MamadouSiby,themayorof the commune of Marena in theKayesregion,toldAP
“These dead young men left my commune seven months ago to work in the construction industry in Mauritania. Unfortunately, they were in contact with their friends in Europe and America, who encouraged them to come to these countries,andinmostcases, they took the perilous journey without even informing their families
South Korea’s acting president Han...
Frompage06 Won-shik declared a simple majority would constitute parliamentary approval, but thePeoplePowerPartysaid it had filed a constitutional court petition declaring that suchathresholdwastoolow to remove an acting president.
Also on Friday, the ConstitutionalCourtheldits first hearing to review whethertoreinstateYoonor remove him permanently from office. It has 180 days toreachadecision.
At a preparatory hearing, Justice Cheong Hyung-sik denied a request by Yoon’s lawyers for a p o s t p o n e m e n t i n proceedings to better prepare and said the court wouldmoveswiftly
The next hearing is due on Jan 3 A lawyer representingYoon later told reporters the impeached president planned to appear inpersoninfuture.
People on an inflatable dinghy attempt to cross the English Channel to reach Europe [File: Benoit Tessier /Reuters]
supportforYoon’sremoval, opinion polls showed after hismartiallawattempt.
Yoon shocked the countryandtheworldwitha late-nightannouncementon Dec.3thathewasimposing martial law to overcome political deadlock and root out“anti-stateforces”.
Within hours, however, 190 lawmakers had defied the cordons of troops and police and voted against Yoon’s order About six hoursafterhisinitialdecree, Yoonrescindedit.
Events since the declaration have sparked South Korea’s gravest political crisis since 1987, when protests forced the ruling party of former militarygeneralstoaccepta direct, popular vote to elect thepresident.
On Friday, prosecutors indicted former Defence Minister KimYong-hyun in thefirstmovetoputontrial an official accused of insurrection, Yonhap news said.
He was not required to attend Friday’s hearing. He haspreviouslyignoredcourt requests to submit documents as well as summons in a separate criminal case over his martiallawdeclaration. If he is ousted, a new presidential election would beheldwithin60days.
back home.” The Atlantic migration route from the coast of West Africa to Spain’s Canary Islands, typically used by African migrants trying to reach mainland Spain, has seen a surge this year, with 41,425 arrivals from January-November already exceeding last year’s record 39,910.Years ofconflictin the Sahel region that i n c l u d e s M a l i , unemployment, and the effect of climate change on farming communities are among the reasons why people attempt the crossing.
More th
The Atlantic route, which includes departure points in Senegal, The Gambia, Mauritania and Morocco, is the world’s deadliest, according to
,000 peoplediedwhiletryingto reach Spain by sea this year, a report released by Walking Borders revealed on Thursday, the highest number since it began keepingatallyin2007.
The route departing from Mauritania, which has been particularly well used this year by migrants leaving the Sahel region, was the deadliest, accounting for 6,829 deaths. Walking Borders blamed a lack of action or arbitrary rescues and the criminalisation of migrants forthesurgeindeathsatsea, accusing governments of “the prioritisation of immigrationcontroloverthe righttolife”.
Aljazeera - Israeli soldiershavestormedKamal Adwan Hospital, the last remainingmedicalfacilityin the northern Gaza Strip, torching large sections and orderinghundreds of people to leave. Gaza’s Ministry of Health said on Friday that contact had been lost with staff inside the hospital in BeitLahiya,whichhasbeen under siege and heavy pressure from Israeli forces forweeks.
“The occupation forces are inside the hospital now and they are burning it,” Munir al-Bursh, the director of the ministry, said in a statement.
TheIsraeliarmyissueda statement confirming it launchedaraidontheKamal Adwan Hospital, claiming without evidence that the medical facility “serves as a Hamas terrorist stronghold innorthernGaza”.
Israeli forces have throughout their assault on Gazaroutinelybesiegedand
attacked medical facilities –housing both patients and displaced families – under similarpretexts.
Youssef Abu el-Rish, Gaza’s deputy health minister, said Israeli forces had set fire to the surgical department,laboratoryanda storehouseinthehospital.
The fire has been spreading to the rest of the medical complex, according toaseparatestatementbythe enclave’sHealthMinistry
It said Kamal Adwan is “suffering from a stifling siege, as the operating and surgery departments, laboratory, maintenance, ambulance units and warehouses have been completelyburned”.
“Thefirehasnowbegun to spread to all buildings,” thestatementadded.
Italsosaid,“the[Israeli] occupation army is forcibly transferring patients and the injured under the threat of weapons and gun barrels to
the Indonesian Hospital, which lacks medical supplies, water, medicines, and even electricity and generators ” Like the Indonesian and al-Awda hospitals,KamalAdwanhas been repeatedly attacked by Israeli forces, especially after they launched a renewedgroundoffensivein
the area more than two months ago. The north, where a famine is looming, has been under total siege and cut off from the rest of theStripsincethen.
Al-Bursh said the Israeli armyhadordered350people to leave KamalAdwan for a nearby school sheltering displaced families This
included 75 patients, their companions, and 185 medical staff Footage circulating on local media showed smoke rising from the area of Kamal Adwan Hospital. Much of the area aroundthenortherntownsof Jabalia, Beit Hanoon and BeitLahiyahasbeencleared ofpeopleandsystematically r a z e d , p r o m p t i n g speculation that Israel intends to keep the area as a closedbufferzone.
Al Jazeera’s Tareq Abu Azzoum, reporting from centralGaza’sDeirel-Balah, saidtherehasbeenascarcity ofinformationcomingoutof KamalAdwanonFriday,but witnesses who were in the facility said they faced inspections from Israeli soldiers.
Wi t n e s s e s a l s o “
he hospital’s] vicinity”, Abu Azzoum said, adding that the fate of the hospital’s directorisunknown
Kamal Adwan has been seeing a “gradual e s c a l a t i o n ” a n d “deliberate attacks” by the Israeli army, our corre
pondent said, adding that the forced evacuations and fires have dealt a “devastating blow to the alreadyfragile northern Gaza’s healthcare system”.
On Thursday, health
officials said five medical staff, including a paediatrician, were killed by Israeli fire at Kamal Adwan
In a statement, Hamas blamed Israel and the United States for the fate
o f t h e h o s p i t a l ’s
occupants “The [Israeli] occupation government is committing crimes in G a z a , r e l y i n g o n American cover and some Western capitals that are partners in the ongoing genocide,” it said on Telegram Spokesperson for the UN’s World Health Organization M a r g a r e t H a r r i s expressed concern over thesituation
“We are witnessing the targeting of civilians and the health system in Gaza,” Harris told Al Jazeera
“ W h a t G a z a ’ s hospitals are exposed to is horrific, and what we are witnessing represents a punishment for the population.”
Elsewhere in Gaza, Israeli strikes killed at least 25 people, including 15 people in a single house in Gaza City, medics and the civil emergencyservicesaid Also on Friday, 14 countries joined or signalled their intention to join South Africa’s genocide case against Israel in the International Court of Justice Organisations including the UN, Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International have also found that Israeli actions in Gaza are compatible with the crime of genocide
Israel’s assault has killed more than 45,300 Palestinians since October
st year, according to health officials in the enclave Most of the population of 2 3 million has been displaced and much of Gazaisinruins.
Gaza’s Health Ministry said the Israeli army ordered 350 people to leave Kamal Adwan Hospital for a nearby school sheltering displaced families [Khalil Ramzi Alkahlut/Anadolu Agency]
oil tankers fraudulently
- MARAD registeredunder
Guyana flag
T h e M a r i t i m e
Administration Department (MARAD) on Thursday clarified that the five oil tankers allegedly registered under the Guyana flag were fraudulent and not affiliated with the country. This is in response to a Capitol News video report, which alleged that five oil tankers registered undertheGuyanaFlag,linked to a Syrian conglomerate companyinIranandSyriaand connected to Venezuela were sanctioned by the United StatesTreasuryDepartment.
MARAD, however, confirmed that these ships are not, in fact, registered under theGuyanaflag.Thevesselsin question represent false and fraudulent registrations, MARAD said. Further, it was stated that Guyana operates a closed registry system, meaning only ships owned by Guyanesenationals,residents,
citizens of Caribbean Community (CARICOM)
states, or companies established under Guyanese lawareeligibleforregistration underthecountry’sflag.
“None of the purported owners falls into any of these categories,”MARADsaidina press statement. Since 2021, instances of fraudulent ship registrationsundertheGuyana flag have been reported, with perpetrators targeting several countries, including Guyana, Panama, and other regional states. As such, MARAD and theMinistryofForeignAffairs have been actively sharing
information on these fraudulent registrations with United Nations (UN) member
states and relevant international maritime organisations, the release stated.
MARAD explained, “The sanctionsbeingappliedbythe United States of America, the United Kingdom and other Western States are part of the said response to the threats
posed by these false registrations.”
The Government of Guyanahasmadeitclearthatit does not, has not, and will not offer a “flag of convenience” for vessels. It highlighted that Guyana is committed to protecting its sovereignty and the integrity of its maritime registrysystem.MARADsaid itcontinuestotakemeasuresto prevent fraudulent activities and safeguard the country’s reputation in the global maritimecommunity
From Hinterland to Brazil: Krammer cops 3-month training stint at Academia Real Brazil
A Dream comes through! “I’ve waited for this moment for a long time,” Krammer says
T h e 2 0 2 4 K F C
Caribbean Secondary School Goodwill Football Series cametoathrillingconclusion, butforoneyoungdefender,it markedthebeginningofanew chapter in his life Raydon Krammer, an 18-year-old standout from Chase’s Academic Foundation, not onlyledhisteamtovictorybut alsosecuredtheMostValuable Player(MVP)awardand,with it,alife-changingopportunity
Krammer,whohailsfromthe scenicRegion7community of Kamarang/Warawatta, has been playing football for nearlyadecade.Hisjourney began at D.C. Caesar Fox SecondarySchool,wherehe first showcased his talent before moving to Chase’s Academic Foundation in Georgetown to further his education and football aspirations. Known for his
aggressive and attacking style of play as a defender, Krammer’s talent shone brightly during the 2024 GoodwillSeries.
Narada Wilson, a sports consultant and scout from Futebol de Real Brazil, was onafour-dayvisittoGuyana during the tournament Tasked with selecting one exceptionalplayerforanallexpenses-paid, three-month training stint in Brazil in
early 2025, Wilson faced a challenging decision Among six top contenders, Krammer emerged as the clear choice, thanks to his outstanding defensive play and impressive statistics: 280 passes, 234 of which were successful, resulting in an83.2%passaccuracyrate.
“Itwasadifficulttaskselecting just one player,” Wilson admitted “The tournament featured several outstanding talents,butafteranalyzingthe performances, Raydon Krammer’s numbers and contributions to his team’s success made him the ideal candidate for the Academia RealBrazilscholarship”
Saturday December 28, 2024
You'll find that things are slipping nicely into place for you today, Aries Your persuasivemannerandgentle nudges are just enough to get peoplewhereyouwantthem.
When faced with ten entrees onthemenu,itmightbehard for you to choose just one. Feelfreetoordertwoormore, Ta u r u s D o n ' t l e t indecisiveness slow you down.Atthesametime.
Your dreams won't come true unless you believe in and act onthem,Gemini.Nooneelse is going to do it for you. Unless you have a fairy godmother, you need to take mattersintoyourownhands.
If people hassle you or give you a hard time about your appearance today, pay them nomind,Cancer Youhavethe righttoliveyourlifeanyway youwantto.
Reachforthepotofgoldatthe end of the rainbow, Leo. It's closerthanyouthink.Indeed, your dreams are completely within your reach, and there are huge forces at work helping you achieve your goals.
Today is your day to dream and dream big, Virgo. Think aboutwhatitisthatyouwant most out of life. Aim your arrow to the stars and pull back your bow as far as possible. There's no limit to howfaryoucango.
Expand your mind to its furthest reaches today, Libra.
e opportunity opening up for you in which you can make great strides in a creative realm.Followthemusic.
SCORPIO(Oct.23–Nov 21)
Your mind may seem rather cloudy today, Scorpio, but don't let this hinder you. In fact, you'll find that you can use this feeling of fantasy to your advantage. Try to bring moremagicintoyourlife.
SAGIT(Nov 22–Dec.21)
Today is an excellent day for you,oneinwhichyou'llfinda great deal of strength in your emotions, Sagittarius Trust that your instincts are serving youwell.
Things might get a bit confusing for you today, Capricorn. Don't feel like you needtomakesenseofitall.In fact, this task may be impossible. Just be yourself. Let your creative nature shine through.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20–Feb. 18)Mixyourrealitywithabit of fantasy today, Aquarius. Allowyourfeettocomeoffthe ground for a little while. Give yourselfarest.Takesometime to meditate and clear your mindofyourdailyworries.
Let yourself go into high creative mode and drift into a whole other world, Pisces. Escape your present reality and explore your fantasies through any sort of artistic endeavor Dreamasbigasyour mindallows.
Dharry to face Colombian Randy Ramirez...
From page 27 make his second appearance since transitioning to the professional ranks earlier thisyear
Allicock’s debut was nothingshortofspectacular, picking up a third-round TKO victory over Ju-Sean Shepherd at the Everest Ground.
This time, the 24-yearold lightweight sensation faces Dexter Wray, a debutant eager to make his mark. Known for his sharp reflexes and technical precision,Allicockispoised to continue his ascent in the sport while giving fans a glimpse of Guyana’s promisingboxingfuture.
The announcement came ontheeveoftheKFCGoodwill Series final, and Krammer couldhardlycontainhisjoy “I couldn’t believe it,” he shared during a post-tournament interview. “It’s a golden opportunityforme.Iknowmy parents are watching at home, and they’re happy. I’m happy formyselfaswell,andIwantto thank the Heavenly Father for givingmethisopportunity”
Krammer attributed his success to his rigorous training regimen,whichhebalanceswith a focus on academics “Normally, I get up in the mornings; do my personal training,balltouches,dynamics, and physical exercises Sometimes,Irunontheseawall When I’m home for holidays, mydadencouragesmetotrain, and my family, including; my mom, brothers, and sisters all supportme I’vebeenwakingup at 4:30 am to train,” he revealed
ForKrammer,thisscholarship represents not just a personal achievementbutalsoachanceto honourhisroots “I’vewaitedfor thismomentforalongtime,”he said “SinceIwassmall,I’vebeen training and dreaming of opportunities like this I’ve missed chances before due to financial difficulties, but now I’m thrilled to represent my country,myfamily,myformer school,andmycurrentschool”
The MVP award winner saidthat:Thiswillbeaperfect Christmasgift “I’veworkedso hard for this, waking up early and attending afternoon training sessions It’s a dream cometrueandthebestwayto end the year”The threemonthAcademiaRealBrazil trainingstintissettobeginin February 2025, providing Krammer with world-class coaching and exposure to Brazilian football’s rich cultureandheritage.
The undercard also features a trio of intriguing matchups.
Guyanese standout Abiola Jackman will lock horns with Barbados’ Kemara Stuart, while Shaquan James takes on Darnell Sinaswee of TrinidadandTobago. Both bouts promise action-packed displays as these pugilists vie for regionalbraggingrightsand career-definingvictories.
As the clock ticks down to fight time tonight, anticipation continues to build Will Dharry’s seasoned fists prove too crafty for Ramirez’s youthful ferocity? Can Allicock deliver another stellar performance and keep his undefeated streak alive?
Windies women falter as India secure 3-0 ODI series sweep
SportsMax -West Indies Women were left ruing another underwhelming batting display as India, poweredbyDeeptiSharma’s all-round brilliance, secured a five-wicket victory in Vadodara to complete a 3-0 ODIseriessweeponFriday Despite valiant efforts from Chinelle Henry (61) and Shemaine Campbelle (46), whose 91-run fourthwicket stand briefly revived the innings, the visitors managed only 162 runs as Sharma snared six wickets for31runs.
India then chased the target with relative ease, thanksagaintoSharma,who produced a composed unbeaten 39 and Richa Ghosh’s explosive finishing knock, as she too ended unbeatenon23off11balls.
Scores: West Indies 162 all out (38.5 overs); India 167-5(28.2overs)
The match began disastrously for the West Indies, who lost three wickets within the first five overs Renuka Singh’s precise bowling accounted for both the in-form Hayley Matthews (zero) and Qiana Joseph(zero)intheopening over Deandra Dottin’s attempted slog across the line added to the early carnage,asshewentforfive with the Caribbean side reelingat9for3.
Henry, playing her first ODI of the series, and Campbelle attempted to rebuild the innings. After a cautious start, Henry found her rhythm with a six off debutant Tanuja Kanwar to breaktheshackles.
TheJamaicanwentonto register her third ODI halfcentury, as she showcased deft cuts and glides, while Campbelle counterattacked against spin with a series of elegant boundaries Their
Chinelle Henry resurrected West Indies’innings. (BCCI)
partnership seemed to stabilize the innings, but Sharma’s introduction turned the tide. Campbelle’s ill-advised attempt at a big shot resulted in a comfortable catch at longon, as her knock, which had sevenboundaries,cametoan anticlimacticend.
Zaida James (one) fell shortly after, undone by Sharma’s sharp turn and a stunning slip catch by HarmanpreetKaur
Henry’s well-played 72ball knock, which had five fours and three sixes, ended soonafter,asshewasbowled byastraighterdeliveryfrom Sharma Aaliyah Alleyne (21) was the other West Indies batter in double figuresasacollapseresulted inthelastfivewicketsfalling forjust21runs,withRenuka Singh accounting for the lower order to finish with figuresof4for29insupport ofSharma’ssix-wickethaul.
The West Indies had an opportunitytomakeamatch of it when India’s chase got off to a rocky start. Smriti
Shemaine Campbelle steadied the innings after early setbacks. (BCCI)
Mandhana (four) and Harleen Deol (one) were dismissed cheaply in the powerplay, and Pratika Rawal(18)felltoMatthews’ offspin after an aggressive start Harmanpreet Kaur provided stability with a flurry of exquisite cover drives,whichsawherraceto 32 off 22 balls, including seven boundaries. However, shewasbowledbyaskidded delivery from Afy Fletcher, who reignited hope for the visitors. However, Sharma anchored the innings with poise after she survived a dropped catch by Matthews at slip when on 21. She was joined by Ghosh, who appliedthefinishingtouches on the chase with an 11-ball cameo that featured three sixes and a solitary four to seal India’s victory with plentyofoverstospare.
Scores: India 167 for 5 (Deepti 39*, Harmanpreet 32, Rodrigues 29, Ghosh 23*) beat West Indies 162 (Henry 61, Campbelle 46, Deepti 6-31, Renuka 4-29) byfivewickets.
Kanaimas,LadyRoyal chalkupfirstwins...
Daniel Ross effort, his first oftwo.
Second half strikes by Pernel Schultz (26’), Jobe Ceasar(29’),Ross(35’)and ColinNelson(40’)keptthe BentStreetboyshopeintact
of a place in the championshipmatch.Team Cruel’s enterprising run in the championship ended as theirthreegoalsfromJamal Codrington (28’, 33’) and Dequan France (32’) was not enough to negate Bent Street’spathtovictory.
The championship’s leadinggoalscorer,Bevney Marks maintained scoring ineverygamescoredinthe 19th minute, his 22nd overall in Back Circle ‘A’s 5-2 triumph against North East which sealed their semifinal clash with Sparta Bosswhichgotpastatough StabroekBallers‘B’.6-3.
The other scorers for Back Circle ‘A’ were Darren Benjamin (5th), StephanMcLean(6th),Akil Plass (30th), and Steohon Reynolds (32nd). Jaldew Hamilton (11’) and Tyrese Dennis (15’) were the scorersforNorthEast.
Stabroek Ballers ‘B’ heldthefirsthalfadvantage whenGerryBurnette’s17th minute strike sailed past goalkeeper Omar Jones They looked destined to create a huge upset, but the experienced Spart side gradually ramped up the momentum and eventually wrested the advantage and tookcontrol.
Oncethey(SpartaBoss) equalisedinthe23rdminute through Omari Glasgow with the first of his brace, there was a steady procession back to the center circle to restart the ballbyStabroekBallers.
Glasgow scored again in the 27th minute as did Curtez Kellman Kelsey Benjamin added his in the 34thm Jermaine Junor two minuteslaterwithNicholas McArthurhittinginnumber 6 one minute before the finalwhistle.
Burnette was on target againinthe39thminuteone minuteafterMarkJahluhad netted the second for StabrokBallers‘A’buttheir efforts were not enough to thwartthepushofSparta.
Meanwhile, the results ofthefinalfourround-of-16 matchesonChristmasnight are as follows: Back Circle ‘A’ 16 Timehri Warriors 1; Stabroek Ballers ‘A’ 14 Unstoppable2;NorthEast6 Espanyol 5; Sparta Boss 5 BentStreet‘B’2.
Beckham James wins feature C1 and lower event as Kennard Memorial Turf Club Boxing Day Horse race meet was successfully staged
The Kennard Memorial Turf Club (KMTC) Annual Boxing Day Horse Race meet came off with a bang with Beckham James of the NandPersaudandCompany Racing Stable winning the feature C1 and lower event fromastar-studdedfield.
The track was in good conditionandtheday’smeet lived up to its pre-race billing. Turfites were out early and a bumper holiday crowed packed the venue to witness a thrilling and excitingdayofracing.
ItwasBeckhamJamesof the Nand Persaud racing Stable with Jockey Michael Semple in the saddles that did the trick with a come frombehindtriumph.
The feature C class and lower One-mile event was a classic.Astheanimalsraced out of the starting gates Beckham James was nowhere in the reckoning as it trailed the other horses. Theotherrunnerswastedno time and took flight early as theybattledforthelead.The race was going at a searing pace as the lead changed constantly Along the back stretch and into the turn and home drive it was still a battle. Until then, Beckham
James owned and trainedby Mohin Persaud was still lagginginthetrailingbunch.
With just a few hundred meters to go, Beckham James well guided by the crafty and experienced Jockey Michael Semple in the stirrups, changed gear. With a bust of speed, the animal galloped passed the front runners with ease to race away with the $1.2M andSonnyKharagMemorial Trophy, compliments of the KharagFamily
Running in second was, Stormy Victory with Bossalina third with Stolen Money rounding out the money The H Class and lower 7 furlongs’ race saw Blinding Lights with jockey K. Razack finishing with a burst of speed to out hustle American Traveller and Emotional Damage to win the $500,000 first prize and trophy
Country Rock with JockeyColinRosswassolid asarockasitwontheThree Years Old Guyana Bred event to take home the $500,000 winning money and trophy from Money TimeandBinLaden.
Name and nature probably played a part as Spank Me Jockey with
jockey K. Razack in control won the two Year Olds Maiden 6-furlong race from Perfect Gold, Miss Grippy andRoyalGuard.
Top Gun with Jockey Colin Ross was in top form as it out gunned Republican with Jockey M. Semple in the event for J class and lowerhorses.
Princess Sasha with Jockey K. Blake in control was too good for GT Boss and company as it ran away withtheKclassrace.
Get Them Bobby with Jockey Michael Semple got firstplaceintheLclassopen event. Placing second was Money Time as Princess Samiyah and Money Jet roundedoutthemoney
The outstanding Jockeys,Stablesandtrainers werepresentedwithtrophies compliments of Ramesh Sunich of the Trophy Stall. Michael Semple and Colin Ross were the outstanding Jockeysonshow
The day’s event was incidentfree and was staged usingtherulesoftheKMTC.
The police led by Assistant Superintendent Michael Newland and Inspector Looknauth were commended for their outstandingwork.
UDFA Banks DIH/ Jai Signs Christmas Futsal Milerock, Capital FC, Winners Connection and Botafago secure semifinal berths
The semifinals of this year’s Upper Demerara Football Association’s (UDFA) Banks DIH/ Jai Signs Christmas futsal tournamentwillseethesameteamsfromlast year’s tournament contesting, including defending champions Milerock, as Botafago, Capital FC and Haynes and Winners Connection also won their quarterfinalencountersBoxingNight,atthe Retrieve Hard Court in the bauxite mining town of Linden. Botafago looked the most in-form of the clubs playing in this championshipanddisposedofRockstone42afterthefirstperiodended1-1.
Donovan Francis shot in the first two goalsforBotafago,andthetwoothersfrom by MalachiTudor andAmaniki Buntin, saw themadvancewithoutmuchofasweat.
Rockstone’stwogoalswerescoredfrom the boots of Albert Gonsalves and Alex Gonsalves. Game two of the quarterfinals saw Haynes and LewisWinners Connection dumpingSilverShattas4-1afterbeingahead 2-1 at half time. Winners Connection’s victory came by way of goals scored by Akeem Caesar with a brace and Anthony LayneandJamalReynoldstheothertwo.
Damian Williams was the scorer for the defeatedSilverShattas.Reigningchampions Milerock booked their last four slot by knocking Topp XX 4-2, as they took the initiative 1-0 at half time through Neil
Kennedy as the winners won 4-2. Jonal Caster and MichaelFordewerethescorersforToppXX. The last match ended with Capital FC downing Hi Stars 4-1. Isaiah Adams began the scoring for Capital FC and doubled the scores for a 2-0 lead, before Mortimer Giddings Jr and Devonte Tappin shut the doorsonHiStars.ThelonegoalforHiStars wasscoredbyClintonCharles. Tomorrownight(Sunday)thesemifinals willbeplayedandthefirstfeaturesMilerock and Haynes and Lewis Winners Connection at9.00pmandtheotherisbetweenBotafago and Capital FC at 10.00pm at the Retrieve HardCourt,Linden.
Kennedy Allan Halley,ColwynDrakesand MichaelJeffersaddedtothegoalby
Botafago scorers, from left, are Amaniki Buntin, Malachi Tudor and Donovan Francis.
Kanaimas, Lady Royal chalk up first wins in K&S National Futsal C/ship Women’s leg
Allthewinnerson the quarter-final night did so in fantastic style, none scoring lessthan5goalsinmarching into the semifinals and the businessendoftheinaugural Kashif & Shanghai / One Guyana National Futsal Championship.
Boxingnight,thesecond nightthatcompetitivesports made a grand return to the refurbished Cliff Anderson Sports Hall (CASH), not only hosted the quarters but the first two matches in the female segment of this competition.
Using the home and away format which will see the top two teams on aggregate contesting the final on January 3rd 2025, Lady Kanaimas trounced The Lioness 11-0, while Lady Royals tamedTucville Terrorists7-0.
LadyKanaimaswereled by Sandra Johnson with 5 goals (7th, 9th, 11th, 17th
Bevney Marks goal tally increases during Thursday night’s quarter finals.
and 22nd) with Glendy Lewis hitting in a helmettrick (2nd, 6th, 18th and 19th) with one each for ShaniceThornhill(11th)and GlengieLewis(24th).
Amanda McKenzie led
Tonight, the hallowed halls of the Cliff Anderson Sports Hall will reverberate with the echoes of leather on flesh as Guyana’s ownEltonDharrystepsintotheringagainst theundefeatedColombian,RandyRamirez.
Their highly anticipated contest in the superflyweightdivisionpromisesaclashof experience and youthful vigour, captivating boxingaficionadosbothlocallyandabroad, as boxing makes it return to the Cliff AndersonSportsHall.
Dharry, a seasoned campaigner at 39 yearsold,boastsanimpressiveprofessional recordof28wins,sixlosses,andonedraw
Known for his resilience and ring intelligence,Dharryisnostrangertothebig stage.HelastshowcasedhismettleinApril, when he added the WBA Super Flyweight Gold title to his collectionafter dismantling Dexter Marques in a dominant third-round finishattheEverestCricketGround.
Standingacrosstheringwillbe23-yearold Randy Ramirez, a rising star from Colombiawithaflawlessrecordof10wins, sevenofwhichhavecomeviaknockout.
Since his debut in April, Ramirez has been on a tear, displaying a potent mix of speed,power,andaggressionthathaslefthis opponentsreeling.
However,hisclashagainstDharrymarks unchartedterritoryfortheyoungphenomas he ventures outside his South American homelandforthefirsttime.
The question looms: Can Ramirez
LadyRoyalswithahat-trick (7th, 12th, 16th), Shontell Greene had a double (8th, 21st), while there was one each for Ashantie Aaron (8th) and Tiandi Smith (15th) The teams will
For Dharry, this fight represents more than just another notch on his belt; it’s a chancetoprovethatexperienceandstrategy canoverturnyouthfulexuberance.
For Ramirez, it’s an opportunity to announce himself on the global stage and claimamajorscalpinhisburgeoningcareer Thecontrastintheirjourneysandstylessets thestageforanelectrifyingencounter
Adding to the excitement of the night, GuyaneseOlympianKeevinAllicockwill
a d v a n c i n g t o t h e championshipmatch.
The most rousing clash on the night was the Road Warriors / Gold Is Money match which saw the lads from Brazil/Lethem putting on another training session this time against one of the more seasoned futsal teams inGuyana.
Even the fans in the stands and those in the VIP booths were appreciative of thestyleofplaydisplayedby the Road Warriors as they were on their feet ever so often to applaud exciting moments and the quality of goals that were scored followingmeticulousmoves on court which ended in somescintillatinggoals.
collide again on January 1st with the overall winner
Leading the Warriors to thebiggestmarginofvictory
onthenightwasWendrecky De Souza with a hat-trick (23rd,26th,37th)whichhas now taken his tally in the championship to 11 Matheus De Souza (7th, 19th)andDanielAlves(3rd, 25th) scored a brace each. Contributing one each were Dionathas Pereira (6th) and ErilsonCadete(34th).
The lone goal scored by Gold Is Money came from Shomar Kouley in the 8th minute. Road Warriors will meet with Bent Street ‘A’ which defeated Team Cruel ofBV,6-3.
Team Cruel’s Samuel Garnett scored an own goal inthe9thminutetogetBent Street’s goal tally underway and it was doubled only in the20thminute,througha (Continuedonpage25)
Stabroek Ballers ‘A’and Sparta Boss going at it on Boxing night inside the new refurbished CASH.
Sparta Boss, Road Warriors, Back Circle, Bent Street move to semis
Kanaimas, Lady Royal chalk up first wins in K&S National Futsal C/ship Women’s leg
Kennard main event winner – Mohin Persaud (white shirt) owner and Trainer of Beckham James receives the winning Sonny Kharag Memorial Trophy for the animal’s win in the feature C and Lower event as Jockey Michael Semple is perched on the racehorse as connections of the Nand Persaud Stable share the moment.
Beckham James wins feature C1 and lower event as Kennard Memorial Turf Club Boxing Day Horse race meet was successfully staged
Dharry to face Colombian Randy Ramirez tonight as boxing returns to CASH
- Allicock to make second professional outing
Bajan Heavyweight Kemara Stuart arrived in Guyana this afternoon to battle local world ratedAbiola Jackman... the Barbadian was accompanied by coach Laurence Hunte.
Windies women falter as India secure 3-0 ODI series sweep