

a n d L i g h t Incorporated (GPL) has sufficient power supplytomeet thenational demands, Vice President BharratJagdeosaid.
The vice president said that with over 200 megawatts of generation capacity and 67 megawatts in reserves, lack of power is noreasonforblackouts.
He was at the time speaking to reporters at his weekly press conference heldatFreedomHouse.
“Wedon’texpecttohave blackouts the way we had becauseofshortageofpower or the availability of power There may be blackouts associated with faults in the transmission system from timetotime,”Jagdeosaid.
Heexplainedthatthough thecompanyisstillusingthe old transmission mains, for the first time in a long time, Guyanahasareservethatthe power company can use “as spinningreserves.”
“ this would allow themtotakeoutsomeofthe other sets that have had delayedmaintenanceanddo that maintenance now without affecting the availability of power in the system. We’re expecting, as the President said, better levels of performance now that they have the adequate amountofpowertomeetthe demand.”
He boasted that a great deal of effort was taken to ensure that the company is whereitiscurrently,andthe powerships are just a transitionalmeasureuntilthe Gas-to-Energy Project comesonboard.”
The Vice President lay the country’s electricity woes at the feet of the A P N U + A F C administration, noting that hadsupportbeengiventothe Amaila Falls project, the power challenges would havebeensolved.
He said the former government failed to invest in the sector, but that changed when the Peoples Progressive Party (PPP) returnedtopowerin2020.
“So, since then, we have m a d e s i g n i f i c a n t investments,” Jagdeo told reporters.
Addressing a question posedinrelationtoPresident Ali’s comments recently saying‘headswillroll’atthe company if the power situation is not fixed by the first quarter of 2025, Jagdeo said the statement was conditional as the GPL was
given the necessary tools to addressitsissues.
Noting that management was “complaining all along, that they were very tight on generatingcapacity.”
Jagdeo said, “Now that they have that, I anticipate that the President would be looking for performance, andtheperformanceforusis how much they keep the power It’s not a big, fancy metric.”
Further, the vice president said that the government’s interest is to ensure “persons have access toelectricityandthereareno frequent blackouts” which hetermedasbeing“irritating anddebilitating.”
On December 24, this publication reported that the
60-megawatt (MW) powership has begun supplying electricity to the national grid The announcement was made by the minister within the Ministry of Public Works, DeodatIndar
Indar said that the installation of the second powership, docked at the Guyana Sugar Corporation (GuySuCo) at Ruimveldt, Georgetown, was not withoutitschallenges.
He explained those challenges to be, “piledriving for mooring and wharf facilities to accommodate the vessel, building of a temporary
access road, and installation of 3 9km (Kilometre) of 6 9 k V h i g h - p o w e r transmission lines through communities and over highways These steel structures, although seen in developed countries, are nowbeingusedinGuyana.”
Despite these hurdles, the team consisting of GPL, the contractor Kalpataru Projects International Limited (KPIL), and other agencies completed the complex work in under six weeks,Indarsaid.
Theministersaidthatthe new base-load generating facility will boost GPL’s capacity to 265 MW, which
issufficienttomeetthepeak demandof195MWexpected duringtheholidayseason.“I commendthetirelessefforts of the teams at GPLand the contractor (Kalpataru Projects International Ltd) who worked to deliver the PPP/C Government’s promise to supplement the D e m e r a r a - B e r b i c e Interconnected System (DBIS) with new base-load generatingcapacity.”
Printed and Published by National Media & Publishing Company Ltd. 24 Saffon Street, Charlestown, Georgetown, Guyana.
Publisher: DR. GLENN LALL - TEL: 624-6456
Tel: 225-8465, 225-8491. Fax: 225-8473, 226-8210
ExxonMobil’s partner, Hess Corporation’s Chief ExecutiveOfficer,Mr JohnHess,shootsfromthehip. When Guyanesewantthestraightstoryonwhatishappeningwith theiroilwealth,theycandependonHesstotellitasitis. He sharesmorethantheirowngovernmentandopposition. Hess mayappearastootalkative,themarketingfrontrunnerforthe ExxonMobil-led consortium, but he serves his purposes. Guyanesearegivensubtlemessages,steeredinthewaythat theoilcompanieswantthem. Moreover,citizensgetaclearer understandingofwheretheirpoliticalleadersstandwiththis oilwealth.
AccordingtotheHessCorporationchief,heisoptimistic abouttheStabroekBlock,Guyana’sgiantoilbasin. Hefeels confident enough to take literally the commitments that the PPP/CGovernmenthasgiventoGuyanaoilpartners. “Look, thegovernmenthasbeenveryclearthatyouknowtheywill honourthecontract,theywillhonourthefiscalterms…” As GuyanesereadthosewordsthatcamefromHess,itshouldbe cleartothemhowtheyweretrickedbythePPP/Cwhenitwas inoppositiontogetbackinpower The2016ExxonMobiloil contractthattheAPNU+AFCCoalitionGovernmentsigned was roundly condemned by the PPP/C Opposition. The worst words were used by senior people in the PPP/C opposition, and in the first days when they retook national office. All that was wrong about the ExxonMobil contract werehighlighted,mockedbythePPP/Copposition. Oncein government, however, its leaders reversed themselves, changedtheirtune.
The new commitment was and is about honouring the contract. A government that is probably the most dishonourable one that Guyanese have ever seen, is now sellinghonouringthecontract. Itistostayinoffice,whichis why this government collaborates with ExxonMobil on its partners in maintaining that vile contract, while many Guyaneseareshortoffundsandfood. JohnHessknowsthe game that the PPP/C Government is playing on its own people. He is smart enough to exude confidence (no fiscal risks), and to take matters further by doing a commercial (quotedabove)forthegovernmentthatisinbedwiththeoil companies. Hess described the relationship between the oil consortium and the PPP/C Government as “strong” Undoubtedlyitis“strong”fortheoilcompaniesbecausethey get to prosper with a contract that is left as it is, though it cheats Guyanese of their inheritance. It is “strong” for the PPP/C Government because the gorilla in the room, the Americangovernment,looksfavourablyonit.
InoneofHess’searlier,brightermoments,hementioned thatthePPP/CGovernmentgavehima“guarantee”onhow thejudiciarywoulddeciderelativetooilspillconcernshererelativetothevitalneedforafullparentcompanyguaranteeif suchoccurred. Whatcouldbeas“strong”asthat,whenthe executivecould“guarantee”theoutcomeofajudicialmatter?
Also,HessandExxonMobilareawarethatthereare‘no fiscalrisks’tofearweretheretobeachangeingovernment. The record of the political opposition is of two groups that prefertodealinnuance,notsubstance. ThePNCR,Guyana’s mainopposition,issofearfuloftheoilcompaniesthatitwill havenothingtodowiththeword“renegotiation.” ThePNCR iscomfortablegoingaroundincircleswith‘engaging’theoil companies for ‘more benefits’ for Guyanese. The smaller oppositiongroup,theAFC,hasshiedawayfromcomingout and putting firmly on the table that renegotiation of the enslavingExxonMobilcontractispartofitsoilvision. Both DarrenWoodsandJohnHessknowfullwellwheretheyhave both the governmentand opposition. Both are tremblingin theirbootswhenchangingthecontractisthewayforabetter future for this country and its peoples. So, both (in reality, three political parties) are nothing but a laughable presence whereExxonMobilisconcerned.
If any of Guyana’s major political parties were to make renegotiationofthecontractthecentrepieceoftheirelectoral battle,Hesswouldbesingingadifferentsong. Theyarenot, soheisdelightedtovoicehisconfidenceandbeamessenger forallofthem.
Greene, Klass, Baveghems, and Merchant all in one week! They have served their party, communities, and country well!
The week of December 15,2024,wouldmarkoneof the saddest weeks for the PNCR.Thepartylostfourof its most loyal and faithful comrades. I woke up last Mondaytothesadnewsthat Ms. Ann Greene was no longer with us, and before I could write a line to reflect and pay tribute to Ms Greene, I learned that Ms. ShirleyKlasshadjoinedMs. Greene Suddenly, it appeared that Ms Joan Baveghems decided to protest those ladies’ ascension, so she decided to join them.Well, Mr Lennox Merchant probably thought the lad
s needed transportation Hence, he decided he would provide transportation and drive them to the ultimate destination, so he joined in, and just like that, the four of them left us! They left their families, left the PNCR, and they departed this world in oneweek!
WhenIjoinedthePNCR, I met all these stalwarts I came to know personally These folks represent true comradeship, commitment, dedication,andloyalty They all contributed to the PNCR in many different ways. I’ve interacted with these stalwarts, and they all have
impacted my life in many ways. Our interactions were valuable and insightful. So, allow me to reflect on these comrades. I consider Ms. Greene an aesthetician, t h o u g h s h e h a d a professional career She is known, among other things, for her attention to beautiful creative displays Her decorativetalentisalwayson display at special party events.Onesuchtimewasin July 2016, when the party was preparing to host a birthday celebration for then-party leader and president David Granger I wasononeofmyusualtrips to Guyana; I arrived in the
country the morning of the day of the event. The late Marisha Bowen, a former GYSM member, also came toGuyanathatsameday
After putting our bags down, we decided to go to Congress Place to see how wecouldhelpprepareforthe event. I arrived at Congress Place some time before noon, and Marisha came shortly after There, we met Ms. Green, who was busy decoratingtheauditorium. I asked her if no one else was helping her, and in her usual calm way, she said her daughter and grandchildren werecomingtohelp.
Continued on page 5
Several recent editorials, columns (including from Peeping Tom), and other commentaries(Letters)from various well-known writers haveleftalastingimpression onreaders. The writings were attentiongrabbingandmade
forenjoyablereading. They are praised by readers, although I don’t agree with all the views. But one is impressed with the articulation of viewpoints andcommendthewritersfor their writing skills and for raising public awareness of issues critical to responsible
y displayed a gift for writing, presenting views that were insightful, inspiring, and enlightening.
Haddiyah Mohamed
justifiably assailed politicians for broken promises and for failing the
nation. Her latest essay was evocative and is filled with passion and genuine compassion. Shepraisedher parentsand,byextension,all responsible mothers and fathersfortheirhardworkin providing for the family She reminded about the sacrifices parents made
MarishaandIaskedwhatshe needed us to do, and she directed us. Under her quiet direction,wewenttowork.I fussed about not having enough party colours to decorate the place “partylike,”andallMs.Greensaid was, “Girl, Lurlene, I was ordered to use these materialsanddoit.”Icalled and requested more materials of a specific colour, and Ms Greene smiled. Her daughter and grandson arrived with the grand balloon arrangement, andMs.Greeneandherlittle team arranged to suit Marisha and I left Congress Placeatabout5:30pmwhile people were arriving for the 6:00 pm start of the event. Ms. Greene stayed behind; she wanted to ensure everything was done well. Thisisthekindofdedication and commitment you got fromher Ms Joan Baveghems was a savvy and down-toearth politician; her ascension to the parliament was one of her political hallmarks. She was one of those fierce and fearless advocates of her party Ms. Baveghems was funny and seriousatthesametime.We came to know each other wellduringourdailyprotest activities, which she rarely missed. A little lady with a big heart and deep conviction, Ms. Baveghems was among the first to approach police officers to remind them of our right to peaceful protest. She led on many levels and inspired us to be relentless in our struggle Despite being teargassed and shot with
pellets,sheperseveredinher fightforjusticeandequality JoanBaveghemswasoneof those leaders who led from theground.Shedidn’tneeda title, a party office, or any identifiable position to represent and work in the interest of the party and people. It was never about seekingofficeforher.Itwas serving! The last time I saw Ms.Baveghemswasthelast local government elections. She was going up the stairs of her polling station to cast her ballot while MP Ferguson and I were going down the stairs. Her life’s work is an example and testament to authentic leadership.I’velearnedalot from her; she has served the PNCRandhasdonesowell.
Ms Shirley Klass is remembered as a quiet, attentive, supportive comrade. I can almost see her now in the GS’(the late Oscar Clarke) office, where she usually spends most of hertimeatCongressPlace.I looked forward to her views and criticism whenever I engaged her Ms. Klass was one of those comrades who spent time looking at the “Nation Watch” programme whenIwastheregularhost.I would visit Congress Place tocheckinwiththeGStosee if there was any specific information, he might want me to share with the public. While there, Ms Klass wouldusetheopportunityto compliment me and suggest helpfultipsforthenexttime. She often came across as a caring teacher who only wanted her students to do their best. She might have a littlenoteon word choiceor sentence structure to
suggest. She would smile as she made her suggestion. Her input and interest in my growth have inspired and influencedmeinmanyways. She reminds me that it is a l w a y s a b o u t t h e community.
Mr. Merchant, fondly called Muslim, was a dependable soldier who was never shy about expressing hisopinion.Ialsocalledhim “soldier.” I came to know Mr Merchant during our early days of street protests. He was one of the comrades always willing to transport usfrompointAtoB,andhe did it with enthusiasm and pride.
There were times when the only transportation available at CP was Merchant’s, and though his service was free and voluntary, he acted like it was a paid job, always waitingtoseewhoneededit. Mr Merchant was usually present at every party general council meeting, Congress,andothereventsI attended; he represented his views passionately and with confidence. We relish the cultureofunhinderedspeech and value the exchange of ideas.
The PNCR is better because of comrades like Ann Green, Shirley Klass, Joan Baveghems, and LennoxMerchant.Theseare comradeswhoservedinand out of season Their allegiance to the institution o f t h e P N C R i s unquestionable These peoplegenuinelybreathethe PNCR blood, and their commitment and loyalty transcend party leaders They represent the best
among comrades; their long history with the party and yearsofservicecannotgoon notice. The lives of these fallen comrades remind me that it’s not about longevity or how long you’ve been around the party but the positiveimpactofyourlong involvement. These folks should remind all of us that our political presence or office rests on their shoulders, as well as on the shouldersofthosewhohave sacrificed to build the party Today, as I reflect, I want to remind us that these folks werehumbleintheirservice. You didn’t know Joan BaveghemswasanMPuntil someonetoldyou.
You wouldn’t realize Ann Greene was behind all those beautification projects at Congress Place until someone tells you; you’d never know the GS’s office assistance get from Shirley Klass until you ask; you would never imagine the impact of Mr Merchant’s involvement unless people tellyou.Suchisgenuineand humbleleadership.
Sincere condolences to therespectivefamiliesofthe departed comrades and condolences to the PNCR. Astheysay,“Thepartygotto knockwood!”Maythesouls ofthedepartedrestinpeace.
Sincerely, LurleneNestor
under extremely difficult economic conditions when onehadtohideandeatbread and roti, fearing being caught by the police with banned goods, the consequences of which includedfineandjail. She came across as caring and authentic. She is applauded for studying journalism at one of the finest universities in the UK and is now pursuing international relations at Oxford, among the best universitiesintheworld.She does not sell her soul for a stipend. She will make an outstanding scholar and great leader, the kind the countrylacksandneeds.
Pt Ubraj criticized those who pursue ethnic exclusivism and calls for inclusiveness and coalition politics to address racial divisions. This young man will bring new energy neededinpolitics.
Derrick Cummings reminded readers about the sacrificeofRobertCorbinto unite the fractured opposition in an effort to make it electable after four successive defeats in democraticelections.Corbin had a controversial political life and led the PNC to a humiliating defeat in 2006. He stepped down and promoted David Granger as leaderofatransformedPNC that united with mini parties intoAPNU.
Cummings’s missive is an indirect critique of the current leadership of the PNC that has failed to bring togetherdisparatefactionsin forming a strong alliance withotheroppositionforces.
The PPP will crush any opposition led by Aubrey Norton, who has no traction outside of hard-core PNC
sycophantic strongholds Opposition supporters find Amanza Walton Desir, Roysdale Forde, Nigel Hughes,andCarlGreenidge, among a few others more attractiveinthebase.
GHK Lall displayed courage in writing on issues few dared to raise. He is a wordsmith, though many findhimverbose. Aprolific writer, he has complete control over the usage of words and command of the King’s language. He has a way with words that none other has demonstrated Young writers should learn from him. He was truthful and amusing on relevant topical issues. One gets a hearty laugh from the sarcasms in his writings. He holdsallpoliticalpartiesand politicians accountable and, at times, even critical of writerslikeme.Hecaresfor people, unlike most politicians and writers who selltheirsouls.
Keith Bernard rightly excoriated politicians for their“meanspiritedpolitical debate”. He slammed both sides, holding them responsible for the state of affairs of the country. Politicians should think of the country first rather than theirpockets.
Chris Ram, Dr Jerry Jailall and Jai Lall, as usual, were brilliant in articulating theirviewsoncontemporary issues. Ram’s ability to explain complex issues is admirable and has a reputation of being uncompromising on matters of integrity And there are other writers, too many to mention, who also write brilliantly with admirable opinionsandpositions.
Continued on page 6
I’m very thankful and appreciative for the opportunitytovolunteerata night shelter on Christmas day It was a bitter-sweet experience; however, the residents showed me love, kindnessandmostofalltheir strong hearts and spirits in the midst of a ‘hard’season oftheirlives.
Theyarewaitingfornew season, new inspirations, desires and goals. As Guyanese, we must believe that change doesn’t come without testing(s) and sacrifice.Givingandserving in a voluntary capacity are uniqueblessings.Ifyouhave lostyoursenseofgivingfora greater good, plan to restart small acts of kindness from January Some ideas to achieve mission are: working on restoring relationships, ending extreme poverty, fighting injustices and transforming lives.
You can begin a prayer hub or circle, lead and/or participate in spiritual sessions of prayer and maintain your own spiritual development, discover your gifts/callings and grow in discipleship.
As you have received or youarewaitingpatientlyfor the monies promised from
God’s oil resources, I offer you a few helpful tips on personal, business, and investment.
1. Tithe (give to your local church or someone in need)
2.Blessyourmotherand fatherorguardianparents
3. Bless your children or someoneelse’schildren
4. Open a bank account or ask the bank about other money portfolio accounts (i.eIRAs)
5. Get married; work together to build a home, a communityandacountry
6 Clean up your environsandthecommunity
1. Create and manage a budget
2. Start with your basic bills and pay off small debts first
3.Knowwhatmoniesare incomingandoutgoing
4 Live below your meansandnotaboveit
5.Saveyourmonies(put it in a bank account to earn interest)
6. Have at least a 3 months emergency fund stashedaway BusinessandInvestment
1. Create a business or find a business to invest in.
Customers will always return to places with
2. Spot new business ideas based on consumer needs
3. What about starting a poetry,artormusicschool?
4.Canyouinvestinteas, milk, juices, coconut water, oils,etc.?
5. Take a look at skills development, STEM and robotics
Areas that stymie our growth and development: loss of motivation, mental healthissues,stress,anxiety, alcoholism, drug abuse, controllingothers,anger,etc.
Areas that promote our growth and development:
management, order and organization, attentiveness,
opportunities, self-care,
supportive friends, eating healthy,etc.
Give thanks for everything accomplished or not accomplished for 2024 andgetreadyfor2025.Make yourlistofgoals,dreamsand desires. Always remember that for every achievement, there’saprice;andforevery triumph,there’ssacrifice.
Sincerely, Dr DeniseMurray
The issue with late projects and shoddy work in Guyana is a systemic problemthatwillrequirethe Guyana Government to step up in a big way and fix it. Threatening to terminate contracts and blacklisting contractorswillnotsolvethe problem. Thereseemstobe a myriad of issues that need to be fixed from the way contracts are awarded to the planning and execution of projects. If problems are fixed upstream, then it does not cascade to downstream activities.
If the Government is serious about fixing this problem, it needs to set up a
task force, or workgroup with subject matter experts in procurement, contract
management, engineering, quality control, finance, construction management,
development, etc. It should include Guyanese from the Diasporawithdeepexpertise in these areas if they are willingtoparticipate.
Thisworkgroupneedsto beagileanddeliverresultsin the shortest time possible, especially for the “lowhanging fruits”. They need to conduct the relevant assessments, publish their
Frompage5 or her best with viewpoints on governance, political leadership, politicians, energy, and other topics. Some of the editorialsaremind-blowing.
All of the above exhibited eloquence in their writings, whichwerewellstructuredandwell-arguedandsubstantiated with ‘data’. They were also balanced. The timing for their articleswasperfectandargumentscompelling.
Their topics were informative, interesting, and educational. Readers much appreciate their contributions to debates. The country ought to be grateful that such strong voicesexistinthemediaregardlessofwhetheroneagreesor disagrees with their viewpoints. Their honesty and courage areabeaconofhopeforthecountry
Yourstruly, VishnuBisram
recommendations, and develop an implementation plan, including a plan for continuousimprovement.
Fixing the problems that are plaguing Guyana will requireadifferentmindset,a different culture, and most importantlyofall,visionary, inspirationalandenlightened leaders, along with a great team of highly competent technocrats Singapore gained Independence in August1965lessthanayear before Guyana, and today it is a first-world country Singaporelackedthenatural resources and land that Guyanahas,yetitwasableto achieve this status under the greatleadershipofLeeKuan Yew and his band of exceptionally talented technocrats. If Guyana is serious about developing into a prosperous, highly successful, technologically advanced country, the leadershipmustaggressively engageandleveragethevast talent pool of skilled and experiencedGuyaneseinthe Diaspora, who can make a significant contribution to thistransformation.
The leaders in Guyana cannot have this “not invented here” mentality, or have this insular culture or thinking if they want to achieve great results for the country
Sincerely, KrishundyalSingh
A 33-year-old man died, on Friday night, after a speeding car swerved into his lane, causing a collision on the Cummings Lodge Main Access Road, Georgetown.
Dead is Ryan Jordan of Lot 6
, Georgetown.
Police reported that the incident occurred around 20:30h.
The accident involved Jordanwhowastheownerof the motorcycle, bearing registration number CG 6688, and the owner (name
unknown) of motor vehicle #PMM 3148, along with an occupant, Ronney Rueda, a 41-year-oldCubannational.
Investigations revealed that the motorcar was reportedly speeding south along the eastern drive lane of the Cummings Lodge Main Access Road while Jordanwasproceedingnorth along the western drive lane ofthesaidroad.
Subsequently, as the vehicle approached the area between the 7th and 8th fields, the driver allegedly swervedwestwardintothe
Continued on page 10
- says robust system of automatic leak detection, manual checks used in production
Ma s s y G a s P r o d u c t s
G u y a n a
Limited formerly known as DOCOL has distanced itself from a recent gas explosion at Tuschen, East Bank Essequibo(EBE)sayingthat the regulator connected to the hose was reportedly 15 yearsold.
In a statement to the media, on Saturday, the company said that in the “recent incident in Tuschen, the MASSY Gas Response Team conducted an inspection of the gas cylinder, accessories, cooking equipment, and the conditions under which cooking was taking place. While the team has yet to make a final determination regarding the cause, several observationsweremade.”
The company said, “The gascylinderremainedintact, retaining more than 50% of the LPG (cooking gas) However, the regulator and connecting hose were found tobeburnt,andtheregulator was reported to be over 15 yearsold.”
Further, the company boasted of its experience
spanning eight decades of filling LPG cylinders. It is alsoISOcertified,producing high-quality products and ensuring that the safety of customers is the highest priority
inordertoensurethishighest levelofsafetyandqualityof its cylinders, “MASSY Gas Products employs a robust system of automatic leak detection equipment, complemented by multiple manual checks These rigorous protocols ensure that our products meet the highest standards of safety andreliability.”
Massy Gas Products encouraged customers using their cylinders to conduct regular checks on them, as well as the regulators and hoses, emphasizing that it is important to replace old or damaged accessories with equipment that is approved and to also follow safety guidelines provided by their gassuppliers.
dditionally, the
company has launched a social media campaign aimed at raising awareness about the safe usage of cooking gas as awareness and adherence to safety practices are critical in preventing incidents and ensuringcustomersafety
For further assistance, consumers can contact Massy Gas Products at 2332728 or the hotline 6000839.
Over the past few months, there have been a numberofincidentswithgas cylinders belonging to the company exploding or leaking cylinders causing explosions. However,thecompanyis yet to take responsibility for anyoftheincidents.
Inoneofthemostrecent explosions,thatsignificantly damagedahome,acoupleis mulling legal action against thecompanyastheyfeelthat more could have been done by the company to remedy theirsituation.
A22-year-old police constable attached to the Ruimveldt PoliceStation’sMarineDepartmentallegedlyinjuredhimself onFridaynightafteranargumentwithhisgirlfriend.
The constable was identified as Leron Henry, while his girlfriendwasidentifiedasDeniseWilliams,aWomanSpecial ConstabletrainedatthePoliceAcademy-EveLeary
According to a statement from Police, the incident occurred around 22:10hrs on Main Street at the Christmas Village.
Williamsdisclosedthatshehasbeeninarelationshipwith Henry for six months, and on the above-mentioned date and time, the duo were ‘liming’ at the Christmas village, consumingStagBeers.
Williamsclaimedthatshereceivedacellphonecallduring whichawomanwhoprovidedhernameas‘Vanny’,issuedher awarningtostayawayfromherboyfriend.
Following the call, Williams and Henry got into an argument, during which he withdrew a knife from his pants waistandattemptedtoslithisthroat.
Whiletryingtoinflictinjuriesonhimself,hewasstopped by public-spirited citizens in the area. An ambulance was summoned, and he was escorted to the Georgetown Public Hospitalwhereheisreceivingtreatment.
Henry was heavily under the influence of alcohol and behaved in a disorderly manner, even making additional attemptstoinflictfurtherinjuriesonhimself,Policesaid.
Therewereseveralabrasionsobservedontheman’sneck and three on his right hand. While his condition is listed as stable, he is being monitored by a Corporal from the Marine Departmentatthehospital.
Meanwhile,WilliamswasescortedtothePoliceAcademy byWomanInspectorBeckles.
Several persons were questioned, and they informed detectivesthatHenryinflictedtheinjuriesonhimself. Investigationsareongoing.
The greatest challenge facing Guyana is not aboutexploitingitsimmense wealth, but in the baffling inability to translate that wealth into a standard of living worthy of its citizens. Inacountrynowheraldedas one of the fastest-growing economiesintheworld,with a per capita GDP that has more than tripled in recent years,thequestionofaliving wage ought to be a moral imperative rather than a fiscal conundrum. Yet here weare,debatingwhetherthe criteria of comparability should trump liveability—a living wage as though these concepts exist in opposition rather than in harmony
This issue surfaced because of Denis Chabrol’s simple yet searing question to Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo,atlastFriday’spress conference Chabrol’s question is demonstrative of the growing frustration of a populace caught in the crosshairs of economic disparity Chabrol asked “Whatisthecriterionusedto determine the minimum wage?”
Instead of a straight answerthatoneexpectsfrom a man who likes to boast a b o u t t h e P P P / C government’s ability at planning, the question placedJagdeoinakerfuffle. Jagdeo’s response oscillated between the principles of comparability and sustainabilityIn terms of comparability, Jagdeo extolled the public sector’s minimum wage as superior
to its private-sector counterpart.Thiswasasifto sugges
advantage somehow compensates for absolute inadequacy
He then invoked sustainability But this is a cloak often used to obscure the unwillingness to do better
Let us begin by d i s m a n t l i n g t h e comparability argument
Comparability, in its essence, is a measure of parity—ensuring that wages in one sector align reasonably with those in another In this case, Jagdeo was comparing entry level wagesinthepublicsectorto thatoftheprivatesector But inasocietywherethecostof living is hurting workers, comparability without liveability is an empty metric.
Whatuseisittocompare povertywithmarginallyless poverty? The minimum wage must be grounded in what it takes for a human beingtolivewithdignity,not in how it stacks up against o t h e r i n a d e q u a t e benchmarks When it is estimated that, as posited to Jagdeo, a mother requires at least $140,000 monthly to survive, then a minimum wagebelowthatthresholdis not merely inadequate; it is anaffronttodecency
The debat
comparability versus liveability is a false dichotomy The two are not mutually exclusive but inherently interconnected.A living wage ensures that comparability has meaning, that benchmarks are rooted inrealityratherthanrhetoric. It affirms that in a land of newfound plenty, no one should have to struggle for the basics of life The
argument for sustainability, while seemingly prudent, is equall
n wieldedasajustificationfor not paying a liveable minimum wage. Certainly, governments must ensure
sustainability cannot be the euphemism for austerity, especially in an economy awashwithoilrevenues.The notion that paying a living wage would lead to an unsustainable public sector wage bill conveniently i
nues availableforfiscalprudence andreallocation.Howmany s i n e c u r e appointments positions created not for necessity but for patronage—inflate the wage bill unnecessarily? How much public wealth is siphoned off through corruption, wastage, and extravagance, all while the working class is told that h
Asmaller,moreefficient public service one that prioritizes competence over cronyism—would not only reduce costs but also enhance productivity Eliminating unnecessary positions and curbing wasteful expenditure would freeupresourcestoinvestin whattrulymatters:thewellbeingofthecitizenry Theoil wealth that now flows through the coffers of Guyana provides a rare and unprecedented opportunity to correct historical injustices and set a new standard for economic equity To imply that the resources do not exist for a living wage is to insult the intelligence of a population
Christmas and cake in Guyana go togetherlikericeandcurry Yuhcan’thave onewithouttheother Isblackcake,sponge cake, and fruit cake till yuh belly full and yuhteethstarttohurt.Demboysseh,ifyuh ain’t eat cake this Christmas, yuh either fastingoryuhbellyfull.
Is a tradition in Guyana—every house yuh visit, yuh bound to get a slice of cake andalildrink.Somepeoplemixinguprum indecakeandservingitwithrumpunch.Is like a one-two punch fuh knock yuh out beforeyuhreachdenexthouse.
Dem boys decide this year dem nah baking no cake. Why? Because dem boys knowthatdemboundtoendupwithmore cakethanabakery Sosaid,sodone.From Christmas Eve till Boxing Day, dem boys houseturndistributioncentre.Everyvisitor
keenly aware of the billions being generated in their name.
Whenagovernmentfails toensurethatitscitizenscan afford the basic necessities of life, it abdicates its most fundamental responsibility The disparity between Guyana’s economic growth and its wage policies is a stark reminder that prosperityonpaperdoesnot equate to prosperity in practice How does one justify an oil-rich country, celebrated globally for its rapid economic ascension, still grappling with the indignity of an unliveable minimumwage?
Paying a living wage is not merely an economic decision;itisadeclarationof intent, a statement about the
kind of society we aspire to build It is about acknowledging that the true measure of a nation’s successisnotitsGDPbutin thewell-beingofitspeople.
Critics may argue that raising the minimum wage could deter private sector investment or inflate prices, but these fears are often overstated. The government isboastingaboutthebillions it pumps into the economy and its ability to use monetary policy to contain inflation.
A well-implemented living wage policy can stimulate economic activity byincreasingthepurchasing power of workers. Higher wages lead to greater consumer spending, which in turn drives business
growthandjobcreation. The challenge, then, is not one of feasibility but of will.
It requires a government bold enough to confront entrenched interests. And it calls for a citizenry unwilling to accept halfmeasures and determined to hold their leaders accountable.
(The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinionofthisnewspaper.)
bring cake—big cake, small cake, some look like it bake too long, and some look likeitain’tbakeenough.
Dem boys seh the best part of the plan was cake recycling. Every time somebody bringacake,demboystakeaslice,wrapup the rest nice-nice, and pass it to the next visitor
Onemansehhegetbackthesamecake hebringbydemboys,butdemboystellhe, “Thatmeanitgoodenoughtosharetwice!”
Butdemboysrealizesomething:allthis cake talk, and nobody asking about exercise Dem boys seh after this Christmas,somepeoplebellygonlooklike the same mixing bowl the cake come out from—roundandfull.CakemekChristmas sweet! Talkhalf.Leffhalf
The flow of barrels, boxes, and bills are in full swing To get every Guyanese in the right frame of mind, those have little to do with Exxon and the skyrocketing oil sector. Those three bs are coming here and they are for Guyanese. An economist, a mathematician, or even a dockworker may, through the application of common sense, be pardoned for thinking that the barrels, boxes, and bills were going the other way, when consideration is given to where Guyanese are today They are arriving right here along the congested waterfront by the Demerara shoreline, and they are for Guyanese, just like me and whoever else. To set the record straight, any barrels that come to me is out of pocket at this curve of the Atlantic. Now for the questions. First, whenever Guyana and Guyanesearementioned,the superlatives dazzle, the statistics from another planet. So, why are barrels and boxes and bills still coming in a steady cascade intothiscountry? Guyanese aresittingonanoceanofoil, and a great patriotic government, so why these economic props from Uncle Sam and the Maple Leaf Guyanesediaspora? Whatis the missing link here? I refusetospeakatthistimeof t h e y e a r a b o u t mismanagement and malfeasance,orsimilarsuch madness. Imean,despiteall this oil, the ordinary citizen inGuyanaislivingina‘deh baad’state. Nowaythatthat can be Well, for the
scoffers, I am about to provideaguidedtourfreeof chargealongthewharf.
There is Laparkan Trading There is a mindboggling array of shippersandcustombrokers and assorted helpers to get those precious containers with their even more preciouscargoonaminibus. Take a detour and drop by Lombard and Broad streets and the bustle of people and cargo traffic tells its own story Familylookingoutfor family Inflation is a big bruteofadogintheUS,but Guyanese can still think about us. Indeed, blood is thickerthanoil,andstretches longer also. All the way from Richmond Hill and the Kings Highway corridor This is a sweet story of caring. Itisalsoasadoneof callous government and
leaders soaked through and through with depraved indifference. Didsomebody say$100,000?
The GuyaneseAmerican senders, who have to squeezeforabarrel,trytheir hand with a box. It is the depthofthethought,andnot the size of it. And for those whofindasmalltomediumsized box a strain on the sensitive and already under pressure respiratory system, thereiswhatIcallthosebills. The World Bank experts are in their element when they term those remittances Indeed,lotsofGuyaneseare heading in a northerly direction, which is offset by that old reliable standby, a small bill for a hundred or two. Awshucks,thiscannot be happening, except that it is. Noofficialnumbershave beenreleasedrecentlyabout
howmuchmoney hascomehere,but they are not inc
Guyaneseareamongthe richest stiffs and swells in the world, but they are also top of the line beneficiaries of a couple of hundred US (even one) landing in their hands. Somehow,withmeit is the regular story: missed thatbus,too. Inrecenttimes,thereisa new character flitting his way in and around Guyana. The name of this brother is hamper, as in clothes hamper, food hamper, feel good hamper, with a lil medicine stuck inside of themforgoodmeasure. Itis a wonderful complement to the smaller, less opulent pac
dozens and hundreds of hampersisaverythoughtful and compassionate thing But here in Guyana of all places?
y put togetherhere. Itisroughout there in the wildernesses of Guyana,soitisanyportfora storm. Any hamper-any weight, any size, any legit content - is readily welcomed by Guyanese wherever they may be:
Demerara, Berbice, Essequibo. Hundreds of them have gone into the hands of beaten down and down on their luck
Guyanese To calm everyone, I introduce some politics into the economics. Many hampers have been shared, but many are still runningracketswithcost-ofliving stats and realities Because some of those sharing either deny cost-ofliving anguish outright or water down as much as they can. The distribution of
Guyana is not Haiti Sometimes, though, when I listen to the verbal violence of the hostiles in charge, I rethink Trapping themselves in an oil web is one reason. The oil should have enhanced leadership wisdoms Despite that commanding oil document, there is still enough of something for every Guyanese to get a rightful shareoftheirinheritance. It hasn’tbeenthatwaywiththe vulgarity of the oil enriched and the perversity of big local oil people towards the poor and left-out-in-the-rain Guyanese. Hence,theflood of barrels, boxes (hampers) and bills (remittances) throughout the year and runningoverinthisseasonof joy
There is neither talking about these, nor much writing about them. Upsets t r a n q u i l l i t y a n d environment. Because I am infidel, heathen, and pagan in one, I do. The interested are asked to dial 1-800-Lall formoredetails.
(The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinionofthisnewspaper.)
The front of the motorcycle collided with the front right side of the car The impact of the collision caused both the motorcycle and the rider to be thrown into the air before landing on the western grass parapet. As a result, the motorcyclistsustainedsevereinjuriestohisbody
An ambulance was summoned to the scene. Jordan was examinedbyadoctorwhopronouncedhimdeadatthescene.
His body was taken to the Memorial Gardens Funeral Home,whereitawaitsapost-mortemexamination.
Policereportedthat“Theoccupantwasquestioned,andit is alleged by him that after the accident occurred, he and the driverwentouttoassistthemotorcyclist.However,theywere attackedbyindividualsinthearea.”
It was stated that the driver fled the scene, leaving the occupant behind. The driver was reportedly robbed of his wallet and other valuables while being assaulted by several persons in the area. He received several injuries about his body He was taken to the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC) by an ambulance, where he was examinedbyadoctorandadmittedatthesaidinstitution.
He is suffering from a fractured skull. His condition is listedasstable.“BothvehicleswerelodgedatTurkeyenPolice Station to be examined by a license and certifying officer Furtherinvestigationinprogress,”Policesaidinthereport.
Ex x o n M o b i l Guyana Limited ( E M G L ) i s presently setting up to produce oil from a project that was never formally announced.
In an advertisement published recently, the oil giant gave notice of developmental drilling activities continuing at the Banjo-1 well site within the Stabroek Block of Guyana’s ExclusiveEconomicZone.
Developmental drilling
is conducted after exploration drilling. It is conductedtodevelopafield withprovenreserves.
Exxon pointed out that the MODU Noble Tom Madden will be engaged to carry out the drilling activities, expected to conclude on December 31, 2024. It also provided a list of 23 other vessels that would be incorporated into theactivities.
According to the notice, the well site is situated approximately 89.5 nautical miles or 165.75 kilometres off the coast of Guyana and coversanareaof0.29square
nautical miles or one square kilometre.
All mariners were advised to stay clear of the vessels and navigate with extremecautionwheninthe vicinity
The Stabroek Block is a massive 26,800 square kilometres or 6.6 million acres It is operated by Exxon which has a 45% stake, with co-venturers Hess and CNOOC, securing 30%and25%respectively
Notably, there is no record of a discovery made in Guyana by Exxon under this name. In fact, back in 2022, one of the Stabroek Block partners said in a public statement, “The Banjo-1 exploration well was drilled earlier in the third quarter and did not encounter commercial quantitiesofhydrocarbons.”
This, therefore, raises serious questions about the company’s operations in Guyana Before Exxon moves to production, the usual course of action involves obtaining an environmental permit from the Environmental
Map showing the location of the Banjo-1 well site offshore Guyana
Protection Agency (EPA) andalicencetooperatefrom the Government of Guyananone of which have been granted, or at least made public.
So far, Exxon has received approval for six offshore developments Already, three projects are
producingoilintheStabroek Block,whichisestimatedto hold more than 11 billion barrelsofoil.TheLizaOne, Liza Two and Payara projects are producing a daily average of 660,000 barrelsperday
The company has made more than 40 discoveries
sinceitsfirstsuccessfulfind in 2015. On December 19, Exxon marked five years of oilproductioninGuyana.In just under five years, the oil giantreportedthatitreached 500 million barrels of oil output since the start-up of production activities offshore.
Asthe reigningMiss GuyanaWorld, Zalika Samuelsaspirestouseher platformtoinspireanduplift othersthroughmeaningful communityprojects. Her commitmenttoserviceextends beyondhertitle.Sheispassionate aboutgivingbackandsupporting causesthatpositivelyimpactthose aroundher.Zalikalovestodance andfindsjoysinhowher performancesimpactothers.Her favouritequoteistakenfrom Psalm46:5:“Godiswithin her,shewillnotfail.”
Joshua Regrello had been playing pan for more than 24 hrs when he took a sip of water from his assistant
Trinidad and Tobago has been placed on the worldmaponcemorethanks to pannist Joshua Regrello. Regrelloalsoearnedhimself notjustaplaceinhistory,but atitleintheGuinnessWorld Records on Saturday after playingtunesforarecord30 hoursonthesteelpan.
H e b e g a n t h e challenge–Longest Marathon for Playing Steelpan– at 6am on Friday and created the historical feataround12:30pmtoday Along the way he was a c c o m p a n i e d a n d encouragedbyseveralofhis friends and entertainers including Rome, Violinist ‘Mr Strings’, Soca Artist ‘Voice’andDJUltraSimmo. Regrello reportedly had to stop for a mandatory 30-
minute break earlier in the day as prescribed by the recordcompany
Still, with this aside, he played non-stop for the duration of the period and was seen using one hand to continue his music while he grabbed a quick bite or a drinkofwater.
He also gathered the support and won the admiration of thousands of
Guyanese in New
Yorkmightbeat Times Square to usherin2025butforthoseat home, the place to be is Scotty’s Smoke House for Decoded Carnival’s New Year’sEveGalainGold.
The event promises to
be one of glamour, romanceandelegance
Melo Entertainment
will be joining the festivities to welcome 2025 in style
To be part of this signature event, here is what you need to know:
t i c k e t s a r e o n l y $ 2 0 , 0 0 0 a n d a r e available at Decoded
C a r n i v a l ’s o ff i c e located beside Oasis Café, at Scotty’s Smoke
House or call 592-6584455
For only $20,000, patrons will be entitled to a free complimentary cocktail upon entry along with free cutters all night and a delicious buffet breakfast
A surprise Trinidad and Tobago DJ will also be part oftheevent.Don’tmissit.
citizens throughout the journey and received accolades from the government including the Ministry of Tourism and Culture and the Ministry of Youth Development and NationalService.
Following his amazing feat, Prime Minister of Trinidad and Tobago, Dr Keith Rowley, extended warm congratulations to the pannist on behalf of the Government and People of TrinidadandTobago.
”I extend my heartfelt congratulations to you, Joshua Regrello, on successfully completing your attempt to set the Guinness World Record for playing the Steelpan for an astonishing 30 hours and surpassingyourgoaltoreach 31 hours ” “Your dedication, perseverance, and passion for our national instrument have been and continue to be truly inspiring.
You have created history and more so, you have been able to unite our country and the diaspora duringthisholidayseason
Youhavefilledanation with pride and I am sure that the pioneers of the steelpan who have passed on, and those who are still with us, are tremendously proud of you Your
D Pan Man, Joshua Regrello
remarkable effort not only highlights your personal commitment to excellence butalsoshinesaspotlighton the rich cultural heritage of TrinidadandTobago.
The steelpan is a symbol of our creativity
enduring spirit of our people, and through your achievement, you have elevated our beloved art form to new heights on the global stage,” Dr Rowley said inastatement
Eachhouseholdin Guyanalost$1.7M in2024fromGovt’s refusaltoapply65% windfalltaxeson Exxon’sexcessprofits
Each household in Guyana lost $1.7M in 2024 through the Government of Guyana’s refusal to implement a 65% windfall tax on the excess profits currently being earned by American super major, ExxonMobil.
A windfall tax does not v i o l a t e p e t r o l e u m agreementssinceitisapplied totheexcessrevenueearned. Thismeansthattheexpected incomeofacontractorisnot affectedinanyway
Oil producing countries around the world, such as Canada, the United Kingdom and the United States, among others, had imposed this tax on the massive excess revenue being enjoyed by the oil companies as a result of higheroilprices.
In Guyana’s case, the country’s chief policymaker forthesector,VicePresident, Bharrat Jagdeo is adamant that this mechanism cannot beappliedtoExxonMobilas it would constitute a breach of the 2016 Production Sharing Agreement (PSA) with Exxon and its coventurers.
This argument has however, already been set aside by Trinidadian Energy Specialist, Anthony Paul who clarified that windfall taxes do not violate petroleumagreements.
Paul explained, “Since all contracts must abide by national law and since such an instrument does not violate existing contracts, Windfall Profits Taxes provide a simple and fair mechanism to ensure that countriesgettheirjustdues.”
He was keen to note that Stabilisation clauses in contracts are based on an agreed economic model, whichcontemplatesarateof returntothecontractorbased on a projected price or pricing formula for the commodity on an agreed market.
However,Paulexplained that when the price of the commodityisfarhigherthan the projected price in the economic model, the extra profit is referred to as a windfall.
To this end, he noted, “Sincethemarketconditions are generally beyond the control of the producer, it is the commodity itself that creates the higher revenue, not any action of the contractor.”
It has, therefore, become customary in jurisdictions around the world, including developed countries, to introduce a Windfall Profits Taxtoensurethattheowner of the resource gets a bigger share of the profit, in line with the disproportionate contribution the resource makes to the increased revenue, the Energy Expert said.
Guyana currently has approximately 300,000 households, each of which could have received $1.7M hadtheGoGimposeda65% windfalltaxonExxon.
Daily production this year averaged 630,000 barrels per day (bpd), at an averageoilpriceofUS$72.It should be noted that Exxon needstoearnatleastUS$55 per barrel to recover its investment and make a profit.
This, therefore, means that for this year, Exxon
g e n e r a t e d a b o u t US$16,556,400,000 as a resultofthehigheroilprices. At the projected price of about US$55 a barrel, the companywouldhaveearned US$12,647,250,000.
As such, this year, a p p r o x i m a t e l y US$3,909,150,000 in windfall taxes went to the company
H a d G u y a n a implementeda65%windfall taxontheexcessprofits,the country could have benefittedfromanadditional US$2,540,947,500 which amounts to almost $1 7M (GY)foreachofthe300,000 households.
Govt’srefusal In the absence of a competent and experienced Petroleum Commission,
bit beside the point,” Low reasoned.
Citizensfilecourt actionagainst Exxon’s7thoilproject
Two citizens have filed legal action against the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for failing to ensure the impacts of ExxonMobil’s seventh oil project- Hammerhead- is properlyassessed.
Guyana’s oil sector is managed predominantly by VP Jagdeo, who has pointedly said the country will not be pursuing this provisionatthistime.
He previously explained that the country will instead allow Exxon to enjoy the excess profits being earned from the high oil prices at thistimesothatthecompany couldrecoveritsinvestments faster.
“It means you’re amortizing the expenses faster so you can get to a higher share of the profit. You’re just amortizing the expenses faster and that’s what’s happening. So if it took you 10 years to amortize the investment at $50, and just to give an example, the price for oil, it maytakeyou7yearstodoit at $75 and that means thereafter you were entitled to52%,crudelyputtingit,of their revenue. It’s a simple method,”hesaid.
Asforthesecondlargest politicalpartyinGuyana,the People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR), they have i n d i c a t e d t h a t t h e circumstances presently do n o t w a r r a n t t h e implementation of such a provision.
Advisor to the Leader of t h e O p p o s i t i o n o n Economics, Elson Low explained that the whole discussion of windfall taxes came about when the PNC waslookingatthepossibility of oil being sold at $170 per barrel, which would have brought about a substantive changetotheentireindustry “So, I would say that given that we are not looking at such a substantial change to the industry it’s not something that we are looking at It is not something that we have raised in our oil policies However, looking at our previousstatementsitisonly inaverybizarrescenariothat we would incorporate that into the model, but I would say that windfall taxes are a
amounts of greenhouse gas pollution. This will not only cause harm to animals and plants but the entire planet, theplaintiffsnoted.
pollution do to the elderly and the vulnerable in our society? What will it do to the climate and the ocean? Wedemandanswers.”
Attorneys-at-law MelindaJanki,TimPrudhoe, Anna-Kay Brown and Suzanne Bullen are representing two citizens, Wintress Morris and Joy Marcus.
In a statement on Saturday, the citizens explained that the EPA has issued aTerms of Reference (TOR) for the Hammerhead Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) which does not take into account theimpactofgreenhousegas pollution from burning the associated oil and gas from the proposed development intoaccount.
They pointed out that burningtheoil/gaswillresult in the release of large
According to Morris and Marcus, their lawyer, Melinda Janki had written several letters to the Executive Director of the Agency, Kemraj Parsram remindinghimthattheTOR for the Hammerhead EIA must identify, describe and evaluate the direct and indirecteffectsoftheproject.
“We all know that the Hammerhead oil/gas will be burned for energy Mr Parsram and the Agency have a duty to assess the impacts of that pollution in linewiththerequirementsof the Environmental Protection Act Otherwise, they cannot make a proper d e c i s i o n a b o u t Hammerhead,” the citizens argued.
They however pointed out, “As citizens of Guyana, everyoneofushasarightto knowhowthisHammerhead pollution will affect us and ourfamilies.Whatharmwill pollutiondotoourchildren? What harm will it do to our fisherfolk? What harm will
Morris and Marcus said they were very concerned that EPA is once again putting the interests of ExxonMobil Guyana Limitedabovethewellbeing and prosperity of the Guyanesepeople.
Further, they noted their disappointment that the Executive Director ignored theirlawyer’slettersanddid not correct the terms of reference for the EIA. “He did not give any reasons Last year in the unlimited parent company guarantee case the High Court criticised the Agency for taking refuge in silence, avoidance and concealment. This year they are doing the same thing. Like they don’t care,”thecitizensargued.
They believe that ParsramandtheEPAarenot onlydisrespectingGuyanese people but disrespecting the law
They reasoned, “The Agencyisapublicbody Itis supposedtoprotectGuyana
Continued on page 17
Frompage16 and the Guyanese people. It issupposedtomakesurethat developmental activities are properly assessed for the harm they do Our constitution gives us a right to sustainable development. Wearenotantidevelopment. We are saying let us do development right Follow the rules. You cannot know what is right and then do wrong. When public bodies like the Agency do not do their job, we have a right as Guyanese to stand up and holdthemtoaccount.”
K a i e t e u r N e w s previously reported that the TermsandScopefortheEIA of Exxon’s seventh project waspreparedbytheEPA.
In the Project Summary submitted by Exxon to the EPA,thecompanyexplained thattheprojectisexpectedto add 120,000 to 180,000 barrels of oil per day production capacity. The Floating Production Storage and Offloading (FPSO) vessel will be capable of storing approximately 1.4 to 2 million barrels of oil Third-party oil tankers will be scheduled to offload the oil from the FPSO, making theoilavailableforexportto theinternationalmarket. Hammerhead is located in the south-central portion of the Stabroek Block, approximately 160 km from Georgetown. Current plans include drilling via drill ships to produce oil using approximately 14 to 30 production and injection
wells Production is expected to begin in 2029 subject to the necessary regulatory approvals and operateforatleast20years.
ExxonMobilCorpnow earningfivetimesmore since2019-ExxonVP …asGuyanamarksfive yearsofproduction
Senior Vice President of ExxonMobil Corporation, Neil Chapman, recently told shareholders of the Fortune 500 company that earnings have now quintupled since 2019.
In the same year, ExxonMobil Guyana
L i m i t e d ( E M G L ) , previously Esso Exploration and Production Guyana
Limited (EEPGL), a su
Exxon, commenced oil production inGuyana’sStabroekBlock. The Liza project today is
celebrated as one of the company’s fastest ever to move from discovery to production.
D u r i n g E x x o n ’s Corporate Plan Update and Upstream Spotlight, Chapman pointed out that 70% of all the company’s capital expenditure between now and the end of the decade will be in Guyana, Permian and in its LNG business.
He said the average returns on investment of all the capital expenditure in upstream between now and 2030 is over 40%. Further, Chapman informed shareholders, “that 90% of all the spending that we’re deploying between now and 2030 will generate a double digitreturnatlessthan$35a barrelifthepriceislessthan $35abarrelforthelifeofthe project. And obviously we know that is not going to happen. But it illustrates the resilience of these investments.”
Although Chapman was not direct in remarks about the contribution of Guyana tothecompany’sgrowth,he explained, “Between 2019 and 2025, ExxonMobil added 600,000 barrels a day of production and we divested 600,000 barrels a day of production The earnings per barrel of what we added was five times of whatwedivested.”
Since production activities commenced in 2019, ExxonMobil Guyana has increased the daily rate of production to over 600,000 barrels To date, Exxonhasobtainedapproval from the Government of Guyana for six development projects in the Stabroek Block – Liza Phase One, Liza Phase Two, Payara, Yellowtail, Uaru and Whiptail The first three projects are already
government’srefusaltoseek arenegotiationofthedeal.
In the meantime, Exxon deducts75%ofGuyana’soil produced each month to recover cost. The remaining 25% is shared equally with Guyana as profits The country also receives one of the lowest royalty rates knowntothesector,apaltry 2%,whichispaidquarterly
producing oil at a daily estimated rate of 640,000 barrelsperday(bpd).
Yellowtail is expected to come on stream by 2025, followed by Uaru in 2026 and Whiptail in 2027. On December 19, EMGL marked five years of production in Guyana. In a statement,thecompanysaid, “ExxonMobil Guyana’s deepwaterdevelopmentsare the most successful in the world In five years, the companyhasstartedupthree complex offshore megaprojects on schedule and on b u d g e t , w h i l e simultaneously advancing plans for five additional projects by the end of the decade. Production capacity in Guyana is expected to surpass 1.7 million barrels per day, with gross production growing to 1 3 million barrels per day, by 2030.”
While the oil companies have been boasting higher profits and returns to its
shareholders, Guyana continues to receive a meagre share of profits due to the lopsided oil contract
w i t h E x x o n a n d
A key provision not included in the contract allows Exxon to shorten Guyana’s share of profits by investing the earnings to develop projects yet to start up, and even finance the company’s exploration activities. To date, Guyana wouldhavebeenreceivinga greater profit share with a ring-fencingprovision,since the cost of the three projects in operation have been paid off. Despite being urged to implement a ring-fencing provision to ensure the country benefits from the current high oil prices, the government is reluctant to applythismechanism.
Earlierthismonth,itwas reported that President of ExxonMobil Upstream CompanyandVicePresident o f E x x o n M o b i l Corporation, Liam Mallon described Guyana’s Production Sharing Agreement (PSA) with the companyas“veryfair”.
According to the Government of Guyana’s Mid-Year Report, the total earnings from the export of crude oil amounted to US$9 4B in the first six months of 2024, a US$4B increase compared with the sameperiodlastyear
It should be noted that 75% of that amount was deducted by the Stabroek Block partners to recover their investments To this
end, the report states that US$7.5B in Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) outflows wasrecorded,reflectingcost recoveryfromtheoilandgas sector Inadditiontorevenue deducted for cost, Exxon also received 50% of the profits from the Stabroek Block, in accordance with the 2016 PSA As such, Exxon and partners bagged at least US$8 5B from Guyana’s oil and gas operations in only six months.
Meanwhile, Guyana’s Natural Resource Fund (NRF) received a US$1.2B top-upduringthefirsthalfof 2024.
Presidentvowstofire GuySuComanagementif productiontargetnotmet
Despite pouring billions into the Guyana Sugar Corporation (GuySuCo) with little results since it returnedtogovernment–the PPP/C Administration is nowwarningofmanagement s h a k e - u p i f t h e underperformingstateentity doesnotmeetitstarget.
The bearer of the news was President Irfaan Ali, during an interview with reporters over the weekend. Notingthatheisawareofthe challeng
g the corporation, President Ali said the management is also
However, he said, failure to meet specific targets will resultindecisivemanagerial actions. “We sat down with them [and] they brought together an investment plan that is needed to keep the factory efficient We have supported that investment plan [and] I have made it veryclearthatifthetargetfor 2025 (first and second crop
target)isnotmet,thenheads will roll,” PresidentAli was quoted saying in a
Department of Public Information (DPI) press release.
The ailing sugar corporation has, over the years, seen continuous decline in performance in terms of production, but has seen billions of dollars from the nation’s coffers being plugged annually into the industry In the mid-year report, Finance Minister, Dr Ashni Singh said the industryisestimatedtohave contractedby60.4percentin thefirsthalfofthisyear,with production of 6,739 tonnes of sugar reported by GuySuCo.Thisperformance wasattributedtothecarriedover impacts of drier-thanusualweatherconditionslast year into the second quarter ofthisyear.Asaresultofthe performance in the first half of the year, the growth projection for the sector is now 16.3 per cent for 2024, with a revised projection of 70,000 tonnes of sugar to be producedthisyear
Additionally the
Government said its interventions in the industry areaimedatdiversifyingand modernising the sugar industry, while reducing the costofproduction.Thesame reportstatedthatsome2,734 hectares of land were converted to support mechanised cultivation and harvesting of sugar cane at the Rose Hall, Albion, Blairmont, and Uitvlugt estates, bringing the total land converted to 8,400 hectares Moreover, six additional cane harvesters were expected to be operational by the end of 2024, increasing the fleet to ten.
F u r t h e r , t h e rehabilitation of heavy and light duty revetments to strengthen the drainage systemacrosstheindustryis on track for completion. An additional sugar dryer at the Blairmont Estate, budgeted at$60million,isexpectedto beinstalledbytheendofthe year This dryer will enhance the quality of the sugarforpackaging.Further, thetwoadditionallinesatthe packagingplantatBlairmont and construction of the building for the packaging plantatAlbionareontrackto be completed by the end of the year The industry currently employs 8,179 persons and it is anticipated thatemploymentwillexpand Continued on page 18
Frompage17 to over 8,300 during the remainderoftheyear
Back in 2017, the Coalition Government had unveiled what it termed a ‘StatePaperontheFutureof theSugarIndustry’,whichit thensaidwouldfocusonthe poorly-performing estates and have them shift from sugar to diversification. The plan was to amalgamate Wales Estate with Uitvlugt Estate and reassign its cane to the Uitvlugt factory The coalition also sought to divest itself of the Skeldon Estate.TheestatesofAlbion and Rose Hall were to be amalgamatedandthefactory at Rose Hall was to be closed.
The Coalition had said that the industry would then consist of three estates and three sugar factories The estates would be Blairmont on the West Bank Berbice, Albion-Rose Hall in East Berbice and the UitvlugtWales estate in West Demerara.
ThePPP/Chadcriticised themoveandmadeacentral theme of its 2020 elections campaigntoreopenallofthe shutteredestates. Aspartof its efforts to modernise the sugar industry, the PPP Government has injected billionstomechanisecertain aspects of production and improvefacilitiestoincrease production output At present,packagingplantsare being constructed in Albion and Blairmont to improve value-added products
President Ali had said previously that efforts to revitalisetheindustrycomes at a high cost and cannot be consideredsolelyafinancial product, but as an economic solutionforfamilies.
Guyaneselosingmillions fromGovt.and Opposition’sfailureto manageoilsector
The Government of Guyana (GoG) and the Opposition have failed to ensureGuyana’soilwealthis prudently managed to maximize benefits to Guyanese.
This is evident in 12 glaring areas which if implemented, or enforced, could have ensured the country receives a fair share ofitsresource.
Notably,theseactionsdo notrequirearenegotiationof the2016ProductionSharing Agreement (PSA) with
ExxonMobilanditspartners. Audits
Guyana has failed to conduct timely audits of ExxonMobil’s USmultibilliondollarexpenses, whichthecountryultimately paysforthroughitsoil.
According to the PSA, government has a two-year timeline to complete audits; however, the administration has not been able to ensure the financial reviews are conducted within this stipulatedtimeframe.
A d d i t i o n a l l y , government has been criticized for failing to publish the audit reports which expose the abuse of the country’s oil revenue by t h e m u l t i n a t i o n a l corporation.
To date, the final audit reportofthesecondreviewis stilltobepublished. Nopenalties
Although there have been calls for Exxon to be penalized for misusing the country’soilmoney,ashave been demonstrated in previous audit findings, the governmentisnotinclinedto punish the operator for its actions.
The Opposition has effectively agreed with the government’s position on this.
A major provision that the government was forced to implement has resulted in the loss of massive annual revenue.
Aring-fencing provision would ensure only costs related to one project are paidofffromthoserevenues. In this way, more money would be available to share as profits between the governmentandExxon,after the co-venturers recover the costoftheproject.
Presently, Guyana could havebeenreceivingagreater shareofprofitfromthethree projects producing oil- Liza One, Liza Two and Payara. This, as Exxon has since recovered over US$19B
from the Stabroek Block, well above the cost for the threeprojects.
implement this provision w
remains undecided over the issue.
special taxes levied by governments on companies or individuals that have
substantial profits due to unforeseencircumstances.
Oil producing countries around the world, such as C
d Kingdom and the United States, among others, had imposed this tax on the massive excess revenue being enjoyed by the oil companies as a result of higheroilprices.
Guyana’s leaders have, however, decided that this wouldnotbepursuedlocally as it would constitute a breach of the PSA The
circumstancesarenotbizarre enough presently to warrant theimplementationofsucha provision.
Only last week Kaieteur News reported that each household in Guyana lost $1.7M in 2024 through the Government’s refusal to implement a 65% windfall tax on the excess profits currently being earned by American super major, ExxonMobil.
Nounlimitedprotection againstoilspills
Guyana is currently exposed to grave financial danger in the event of an oil spill as the government has refused to pursue an unlimited parent company guarantee from the operator oftheStabroekBlock.
In fact, the government has teamed up with Exxon, against the citizens of Guyana, to fight against an unlimited parent company guaranteefromExxon.
On December 19, Guyanareachedasignificant milestone, five years of oil production.Thecountryhas, however, not procured independentmeterstoverify the daily rate of production asreportedbyExxon.
Presently, ExxonMobil reports the daily amount of oil produced on the three FPSOs.
Exxon has also blatantly refused to provide auditors withtherawproductiondata and show auditors the location of its oil meters, raising further concerns about the accuracy of data beingreportedtotheGoG.
Although Guyana essentially pays for the products and services procured by ExxonMobil through the cost recovery mechanism outlined in the PSA, the country has no say in the award of large contracts.
T h e a b s e n c e o f government’s involvement in the process means that it can only verify whether it was overcharged after the contract has been granted These costs can then be pursued in the audit which cantakeyearstobereturned tothestate.Infact,ifExxon disagreeswithgovernment’s findings, it can trigger the provisions in the PSA to require settlement via arbitration- another lengthy process.
AlthoughGuyana’soilis being used to fund the USbillion-dollar operations of ExxonMobil, the country is clueless as to what specifically its oil is being usedfor
This is so as the government has refused to publish the cost recovery statements submitted by the companyeachquarter
Each month, a massive 75% of the oil produced by Exxon is taken by the Contractorforitsexpenses.
to repay for the various componentsoftheproject.
The GTE project includes a pipeline, to be built and financed by the Stabroek Block operator, ExxonMobil Guyana Limited (EMGL), while the other two components, a 300-megawatt power plant and a natural gas liquid (NGL) facility is being constructed by the governmentofGuyana.
Guyana has been repeatedlyadvisedtocapthe interest rates that can be recovered by Exxon
Notably the operator makes the investments in the Stabroek Block and is allowed to institute an interest rate on its investments.
TheIMFhadwarnedthat Guyana could be taken for a ridewithunfairinterestrates thatcouldfurthershortenthe country’s already meagre share of profits. It pointed out that Guyana not only allows the recovery of the interestbutalsosetsnocap.
Guyana has been paying massivesumstorentvessels, buildings and other equipment to support Exxon’s ongoing operations intheStabroekBlock.
It has been argued that these costs may not only be inflated in some instances but also lack significance
Forinstance,thecountryhas been warned to pay specific attentiontothesecostsasitis normal for oil companies to abuse this privilege and utilizetheservicesofitsshell companies to rent tools as simpleashammerstojustify itsexpenditure.
Lackoftransparency inGTEproject
S i n c e 2 0 2 2 , t h e government signed a Heads of Agreement (HOA) with the Stabroek Co-ventures, ExxonMobil, Hess and CNOOC, that outlines the principlesandconditionsfor the commercial and technical arrangements of thedeal.
Despite a number of attempts by the Opposition to secure copies of the agreements relevant to the project, the government has refused to make the documentspublic.
In addition to these agreements, the country is also yet to access studies on the feasibility of the project anditsplan,alongwithterms
In 2023, ExxonMobil was required to hand back a 20% portion of the Stabroek BlockbacktotheGoG.
The company had howeverwrittentotheDavid Granger administration in 2020 seeking a grace period given the COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on its exploration campaign
The extension was granted byformerPresidentGranger andlaterupheldbytheIrfaan Aligovernment. The relinquishment was thenpushedbacktoOctober this year; however, there is still no confirmation on whethertheprocesshasbeen completedtodate.
Exxonisrequiredtohand back acreage where no commercial discoveries havebeenmade,acondition that allows Guyana to auction the areas to attract greaterfiscalbenefits.
‘Guyana’sStabroek Blocksuccessislikea MichelinStarRestaurant’ – Exxon official ExxonMobil’s Guyana Development Manager Drew Bishop, has likened thedevelopmentandsuccess of Guyana’s Stabroek Block to the experience of a Michelinstarrestaurant.
Speaking during the Guyana Investor Spotlight eventairedonDecember12, Bishop detailed the s t r a t e g i e s b e h i n d ExxonMobil’s rapid progress in Guyana’s oil sector He outlined the execution of Exxon’s strategy that has led them to achieve remarkable success within five years of producingoilinGuyana.
“Guyanasuccessismore like a Michelin star restaurant,” Bishop said, explainingthatit’snotabout asingular“secretsauce,”but about how diverse components come together to create a world-class outcome “Diverse ingredients,creativerecipes, andflawlessexecutioninthe Continued on page 30
Vergenoegen Village Day has long been a hallmarkofGuyana’sfestive calendar, blending community outreach with world-class entertainment.
This year ’s 23rdanniversary celebration, hosted by Slingerz Family Entertainment, was no exception.
From heart-warming moments in the daytime
t o e l e c t r i f y i n g performances at night, the event lived up to its legacyasoneofGuyana’s premier entertainment showcases
The Christmas Day festivities kicked off earlier in the day at the Vergenoegen Rice Mill Tarmac, where the spirit of giving took centre stage
Scores of youths gathered to receive free toys, their smiles lighting up the occasion and reaffirming the event’s
c o m m i t m e n t t o communityupliftment
Meanwhile, elderly residents of Vergenoegen were treated to hampers, a touching gesture that
u n d e r s c o r e d t h e organisers’ dedication to making the celebration about more than just musicandrevelry
For over two decades, Vergenoegen Village Day
Teejay delivered at the Vergenoegen Village Day celebration
has been a beacon of hope and joy, and this year’s outreach effort proved no different.
When the sun set, the night belonged to music andmagic
Thousands of fans flooded the National Track and Field Centre, as construction at the usual tarmac venue prompted a shift for safetyreasons
excitement if anything, itamplifiedit
Vergenoegen Village Day has always been a magnet for the best in reggae and dancehall, hosting legends like Beenie Man, Capleton, and modern icons such as Popcaan and Shenseea
This year’s line-up upheld that tradition, delivering a night that many described as nothingshortofepic
Before the international starstookthespotlight,local actsAWLyricalandCarlvin
Burnett delivered stimulating performances that kept the massive crowd engagedandenergized. Theirsetsshowcasedthe depth of talent on Guyana’s musicscene,witheachartist commanding the stage and warminguptheaudiencefor whatwastocome.
Kraff brings the
Kraff engaging fans during his performance
First up from the international roster was Kraff, whos
highenergy performance had thecrowdinafrenzy
blend heartfelt lyrics with infectious rhythms struck a chord with the crowd, solidifying his place as one of the night’s standoutperformers.
The show continued into the wee hours of the morning, with fans soaking
T h e o r g a
s e r s expressed gratitude to the patrons for making the event safe and incident-free, promising an even bigger and better celebrationnextyear
e x p e r i e n c e t h a t celebrated the vibrant, resi
an favourites like “Sleep Walk,” “Floss,” and “Step,” ensuring that his set was as memorable as it was captivating.
audience and leaving them wantingmore.
Teejay st
s the show When Timoy ‘Teejay’ Jones took
t h e s t a g e , t h e atmosphere reached fever pitch
The “Up Top Boss” wastednotimedivinginto his rock-solid catalogue,
The thousands who attended weren’t just spectators; they were p
Guyana’s Carlvin Burnett had a solid performance
ient spirit of Vergenoegen a village whose name fittingly means “satisfaction”inDutch. Vergenoegen Village Day is more than just a concert; it’s a cultural p h e n o m e n o n t h a t celebrates community, music,andtogetherness
Forbes - The media and entertainment industry is
known for pushing boundariesofwhat’spossible with art and technology to captivate audiences and create unforgettable experiences. Advancements
in technology have
transformed the way content is created, edited, consumed, and shared Fromadvancesinvideoand audio quality, to redefining how we consume content such as videos, music, and movies, the media and entertainment industry is constantly at the forefront of innovation They have a unique skill of blending creativitywithcutting-edge technologytoshapetheway people connect with stories andexperiences
AI is now the latest technologyhelpingtoreimagine theindustry AIistransforming media and entertainment, revolutionizingcontentcreation, audience engagement, and augmenting human creativity
It’s impacting how content is created, delivered, and consumedandalsoallowingfor personalized content at scale engaging users in ways not possiblebefore Augmenting creativity in entertainmentCreatingcontent suchasmovies,books,orsongs has always been a labourintensive task However, now AItoolsarelighteningtheload inwaysthatwereunimaginable a decade ago Automated systems are helping with brainstorming ideas, writing articles, summarizing information,andevendrafting moviescripts Now,withjusta few prompts, LLMs can generatecompellingstorylines or craft catchy headlines, enablingmediaprofessionalsto focus on higher-level creative decisions
Visual storytelling is also benefitingfromAI TheseAIpowered tools are helping to speed up video and image editing by automating tasks like colour correction, object removal,andscenetransitions
createdandconsumed,AIis also revolutionizing monetizing avenues for companies
For example, AIpowered systems are analyzing user data to deliver hyper-targeted ads Theseadsaremorerelevant to audiences, yielding higher engagement rates
and better ROI for advertisers AIisalsohelping entertainment and media companiesmakesmarter,datadriven decisions about which projects to pursue AI can analyze vast amounts of historical data and market trendstohelpexecutivesbetter predictthepotentialsuccessof movies, TV shows, or other
contentbeforetheyevenenter production This predictive power reduces financial risks and ensures resources are invested in projects with the highestchanceofsuccess
As AI continues to be adopted in media and entertainment, tangible benefits across the whole process from how content is
created to the final output will only continue to be enhanced Whether it’s helping brainstorm the concept for the next hit series, analyzing audience p r e f e r e n c e s , o r personalizing every interaction,AIisshapingthe future of how we create and consumemedia.
What once took trained professionalslotsoftimetodo, nowcanbedonequicklywith AI Some of these tools are becoming so easy to use that evenamateurcontentcreators arebenefiting It’snoweasier than ever to produce professional-grade visuals in recordtime
Personalizing audience experiences In the age of streaming,personalizationhas become a welcome and expected part of audience engagement People now expect and demand personalized content at the exacttimetheywantit,onthe exact platform, and with tailored recommendations And,becauseofAI,thisisnow possible Platforms like NetflixandSpotify useAI to analyze a variety of different data points for each individual including user behaviour, personal preferences,andviewingor listening history AI systemsarethenabletotake this data and provide tailored recommendations keeping audiences engaged andontheirplatforms
AIisalsoplayingacrucial role in online content moderation By detecting and removing harmful or inappropriate material in realtime, AI ensures a safer and more enjoyable user experience This not only alleviates the need for lots of human moderators, but now allows for moderation at scale inrealtime,whichisn’tpossible withoutthehelpofAI
Additionally, AI-driven analytics helps companies monitor and analyze audience and user feedback in real-time By tracking user sentiment and engagement patterns, AI provides invaluable data on what resonates with viewers, allowing companies to refine their strategies and develop contentthattrulyconnects Transforming decision making In addition to changing how content is
The holiday season was filled with
laugher, excitement and weaving of lasting memories at MovieTowne’s MagicalChristmasVillage.
Launched since November 29, the entertainment hub opened its doors to greet visitors with a month-long celebration filled with festive activities, attractions, and entertainment.
This year’s ChristmasVillage was designed to be an unforgettable experience for families and visitors of all ages, bringing the joy and wonderoftheholidayseasontolife.
Thethemefor2024,“AMagicalChristmas,” provided an enchanting array of highlights in
keeping with the holiday spirit. The venue featuredameetandgreetwithSantaClaus,Mrs. Claus,andtheirelves.Childrenandfamiliesalso hadtheopportunitytomeetthebelovedholiday icons, share their Christmas wishes, and take memorablephotos.
There was also a special Santa show, featuring the Grinch, product sampling from leadingdistributorsinGuyanaforvarioustreats, beverages, and snacks from top brands in the country
TodaywillbelastdaytovisittheChristmas Village and enjoy some holiday fun - from brilliant displays of holiday lights to delightful seasonalactivities.
Healthy eating is not about strict limitations, staying unrealistically thin, or depriving yourself of the foods you love. Rather, it’s about eating well-balanced meals that leave you feeling great, having more energy, improving your health, and boostingyourmood.
Healthy eating doesn’t havetobeoverlycomplicated Ifyoufeeloverwhelmedbyall the conflicting nutrition and diet advice out there, you’re not alone It seems that for every expert who tells you a certain food is good for you; you’ll find another saying exactlytheopposite Thetruth is that while some specific foods or nutrients have been shown to have a beneficial effect on mood, it’s your overall dietary pattern that is most important Eating well involves eating more foods that are closer to the way nature made them This can makeahugedifferenceinhow you think, look, and feel By using these simple tips, you cancutthroughtheconfusion andlearnhowtocreate and stick to a tasty, varied, and nutritious diet that is as good foryourmindasitisforyour body
Thefundamentalsof healthyeating
While some extreme dietsmaysuggestotherwise, we all need a balance of protein, fat, carbohydrates, fibre,vitamins,andminerals in our diets to sustain a healthy body and mind.You don’t need to eliminate categoriesoffoodfromyour diet, but rather select a
balanceofoptionsfromeach category Proteinhelpssupport your mood and cognitive function Eating too much proteincanbeharmfultopeople with kidney disease, and it can displace other foods from your diet that provide important nutrients However, research suggeststhatmanyofusneed more high-quality protein in ourdiets,especiallyasweage Thatdoesn’tnecessarilymean you have to eat more animal products Including a variety of plant-based sources of protein each day can ensure yourbodygetsalltheessential proteinitneeds
Fat Eating fats are helpful in a variety of biological functions, can make food taste good, and help you to feel satisfied afterameal.Butnotallfatis the same. While some fats, likesaturatedfats,havebeen linkedtoanincreasedriskof certain diseases, other, unsaturatedfatsprotectyour brainandhearthealth Infact, omega-3fatsarevitaltoyour physicalandemotionalhealth Includingmoreunsaturatedfat inyourdietcanhelpimprove your mood and protect your health
Carbohydrates are your body and brain’s main source of energy Ideally, most carbs should come from complex, unrefined sources (such as vegetables, whole grains, and fruit) rather than sugars and refinedcarbs(suchasdonuts, white bread, and sugary drinks) Switching from simple, refined carbs to complex,unrefinedcarbs,and balancing your meals with protein and unsaturated fat,
canhelppreventrapidspikes in blood sugar, and fluctuations in mood and energy
Fibre Eatingfoodshighin dietary fibre (grains, fruit, vegetables,nuts,andbeans)can helpyoustayregularandlower your risk for heart disease, stroke,anddiabetes Itcanalso improve your skin and even help you to lose weight by feeling fuller longer Calcium.As well as leading to osteoporosis, not getting enough calcium in your diet can also contribute to anxiety, depression, and
sleep difficulties. Whatever your age or gender, it’s vital to include calcium-rich foodsinyourdiet,limitthose thatdepletecalcium,andget enough magnesium and vitamins D and K to help calciumdoitsjob.
Makingtheswitchtoa healthydiet
Switching to a balanced, nutritious diet doesn’t have to beanallornothingproposition
You don’t have to be perfect; you don’t have to completely eliminatefoodsyouenjoy,and you don’t have to change everything all at once—that
usually only leads to cheating or giving up on yourneweatingplan. A better approach is to makeafewsmallchangesata time Keeping your goals modest can help you achieve more in the long term without feeling deprived or overwhelmed by a major diet overhaul Thinkofimproving your diet as a number of small, manageable steps—likeaddingasaladto a meal once a day As your smallchangesbecomehabit, youcancontinuetoaddmore healthychoices.
The koala (Phascolarctos cinereus), sometimes inaccuratelycalledthekoalabear,isanarborealherbivorous marsupial native to Australia It is the only extant representativeofthefamilyPhascolarctidae.
Its closest living relatives are the wombats. The koala is found in coastal areas of the island’s eastern and southern regions, inhabiting Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria, andSouthAustralia.
Itiseasilyrecognisablebyitsstout,taillessbodyandlarge head with round, fluffy ears and large, dark nose. Fur colour ranges from silver grey to chocolatebrown. Koalas from the northern populations are typically smaller and lighter in colour than their counterparts further south These populations are possibly separate subspecies, but not all researchersacceptthis.
KoalastypicallyinhabitopenEucalyptuswoodland,asthe leaves of these trees make up most of their diet. This eucalyptus diet has low nutritional and caloric content and contains toxic compounds that deter most other mammals fromfeedingonit.Koalasarelargelysedentaryandsleepupto twenty hours a day They are asocial, only mothers bond to dependentoffspring.Adultmalescommunicatewithbellows that intimidate rivals and attract mates. Males mark their presence with secretions from scent glands located on their chests. Like other marsupials, koalas give birth to young knownasjoeysataveryearlystageofdevelopment.
They crawl into their mothers’pouches, where they live for their first six to seven months. They are fully weaned around a year old. Koalas have few natural predators and parasites, but are threatened by pathogens such as Chlamydiaceaebacteriaandkoalaretrovirus.
OilwasdiscoveredintheStabroekBlockoffshoreGuyana in 2015. By December 2019 oil production commenced. ExxonGuyanaistheoperatorandholds45percentinterest–Hess Guyana Exploration Limited holds 30 per cent interest and CNOOC Petroleum Guyana Limited holds 25 per cent interest.
The Stabroek Block which covers an area of 6.6 million acres,isestimatedtohold11.6billionbarrelsofoil.Todate, ExxonhasobtainedapprovalfromtheGovernmentofGuyana for six development projects in the Stabroek Block – Liza Phase One, Liza Phase Two, Payara, Yellowtail, Uaru and Whiptail.
Thefirstthreeprojectsarealreadyproducingoilatadaily estimated rate of 660,000 barrels per day (bpd). With the addition of Hammerhead and Longtail, Exxon said this will expand gross production in Guyana to approximately 1.3 million barrels per day, with total production capacity expectedtoreach1.7millionbarrelsperdayonaninvestment basis. Highlighting the accelerated pace of development in Guyana, Bishop said, “Guyana has been one of the fastest developmentsfromdiscoverytoproductioninhistory.”
He pointed out that the country is on track to reach one million barrels per day within just over a decade of first discovery,adding,“Forcomparison,achievingthismilestone inBrazilorAngolatook50plusyears.”
Further,elaboratingontheuniquechallengesposedbythe reservoirs in the Stabroek Block, Bishop explained, “Hammerhead, our seventh project, has amazing rocks in shallower water… but it also comes with some unique challenges from this heavy crude which looks more like molassesthanwater.”
Ontheotherhand,henotedthecontrastingcharacteristics of the eight project, Longtail development. “Longtail can’t decideifitwantstobegasorliquid,”hesaid,referringtoits blendofgasandlight,high-qualityliquidoil.
Bishop identified advanced technology as ExxonMobil’s edge in maximizing the block’s potential. “4D seismic post start-up is the most powerful tool to extract further incrementalvalue,”hesaid,highlightingitsroleinproduction optimizationandidentifyingnewdrillingopportunities.
ExxonMobilisnotrestingonitslaurels,Bishopexplained, with plans to explore new areas and maximize current developments. He noted that approximately one-third of the StabroekBlockstilllacks3Dseismiccoverage.“Thethingto rememberiswehaveunexploredacreage,stillaboutathirdof the block still does not even have 3D seismic across it,” he emphasized.
Bishop concluded by reiterating the company’s commitment to delivering value through innovation, flexibility,andmeticulousplanning.“Thecomplexitymadeto lookeasy,executingtodelivermaximumvaluefrompotential without sacrificing capital discipline,” he said, summing up ExxonMobil’sapproach.
In the snowy town of S i l v e r P i n e s , e v e r y o n e w a s buzzing with excitement for the annual Christmas Festival.
The centrepiece of the celebration was the town's giant Christmas tree, adorned with sparkling lights, shimmering ornaments, and at the very top, the most important decoration of all—a golden bell that rang on Christmas Evetowelcometheholiday
But this year, something strange happened When Mayor Snow went to hang the bell on the tree, it was missing! Everyone searched high and low, but it was nowhere to be found Without the bell, Christmas wouldn'tfeelcomplete.
Among the concerned townsfolk were two best friends, Ellie and Jack. Ellie loved solving puzzles, and Jackwasalwaysreadyforan adventure. “We have to find the bell before Christmas Eve!” Ellie said, her eyes s p a r k l i n g w i t h determination.
The pair started their search at the town square, where the decorations were stored. They looked behind boxes of tinsel and under stacks of ornaments, but no bell. Just as they were about to give up, Ellie noticed tiny footprints in the snow leading away from the storageshed.
“Whodoyouthinkmade those?”Jackasked.
“I don't know,” Ellie replied, “but we're going to findout!”
The footprints led them through the frosty park and up the hill to the old clock tower When they reached the tower's door, it creaked open.Inside,theysawatrail ofglitteronthefloor
“Look!”Elliewhispered, pointing to the spiral staircase. The footprints and glitter trail climbed all the waytothetop.
Slowly, Ellie and Jack ascended the stairs When they reached the bell room, they couldn't believe their eyes. There, sitting next to thegoldenbell,wasatinyelf with pointy ears, rosy cheeks,andaguiltysmile.
“Who are you?” Jack asked.
The elf stood up and brushed glitter off his green jacket. “I'm Benny, one of Santa's helpers,” he said. “I waspolishingthebellforthe festival, but I accidentally dropped it. I brought it here tofixit,butIcan'tgetitback tothetreebymyself.”
EllieandJackexchanged glances. “We'll help you!” theysaidtogether.
With Benny's guidance, they carefully carried the golden bell down the tower andbacktothetownsquare. When the townsfolk saw the bell, everyone cheered Benny thanked Ellie and Jack for their help, then
sprinkled a pinch of magic dust on the bell to make it shinebrighterthanever
As the clock struck midnight on Christmas Eve, Benny rang the golden bell, and its sweet melody filled the air Snow began to fall, andthewholetowngathered around the tree, singing carols and celebrating the magicalholiday
Ellie and Jack beamed withpride,knowingtheyhad saved Christmas for Silver Pines.Bennywinkedatthem before vanishing into the nightwithajingleofhistiny bells.
From that day on, Ellie and Jack were known as the town'sChristmasheroes,and every year, the golden bell reminded everyone of the magic of teamwork and the joyofhelpingothers.
AnotherfreshNewYearishere, Anotheryeartolive! Todonewexcitingthings, Toloveandlaughandgive!
ThisbrightNewYearisgiventome Toliveeachdaytomybest, Todailygrowandtrytoreach Ineverythingmyhighest!
Ihaveawholeyearoncemore Totrynottodoanywrongs, Tobeatpeacewitheveryone, Andsingmorejoyfulsongs!
Transform an ordinary, old headband into a dazzling accessory with this DIYproject,perfectfor adding a touch of sparkle and whimsy to your New Year's Eve celebrations.
G o l d a n d silversatinribbons ¯ Headband ¯ Glue ¯ Gold and silver stars (Can make themusingglitterfoam)
¯ Numbers(2,0&5)[optional]
widelyspacedwrappingtogiveanicestriped effect.
4. Fold three gold tinsel pipe-cleaners in halfandtwistaroundtheheadband.
5.Twisttheendsaroundapenciltomake themcurly
6.Twistthetwosilvertinselpipe-cleaners aroundthepencilandattachtotheheadband inbetweenthegold.
7. Peel the back off of two gold glitter
1. Fasten one end of gold ribbon to the inside of the headband using double sided tape, and wrap the ribbon around the headband, overlapping slightly as you go around.
2. Fasten on the inside of the other end using double sided tape and snip off with scissor
stars and sandwich them around the tip of a silver pipe-cleaner Repeat with the other silverpipe-cleaner
(Ifyouhavenumbersyoucanalsoattach 2025tocustomizeforthenewyear!)
8.Peelthebackoffthemediumsilverstar stickers and sandwich them around three of thegoldtinselpipe-cleaners.
When you think positively that you have what you need to be successfulintheyearahead, youwilldevelopthatfaithin yourself to achieve that success.
Understanding your full potential as a human being will demonstrate that you have what it takes to eventuallyachievewhatever
yousetyourmindto. When you realise your true nature – that you are a uniquehumanbeingwithso many natural talents and endowments–thenyouwill find it easy and just as natural to develop confidence in yourself, and use these to your best advantage. Firstofall,you need to realise that all of us
human beings have four assets which are our birthright – body, mind, heart and soul – which enable us to fulfil our basic needs to live, to learn, to love, and to contribute. By these assets we can survive, grow and develop, foster good relationships with others, and add to whatever brings good to the world for the benefit of ourselves and others.
Apartfromthese,you willalsoneedtoconsiderthe unique human qualities whichyoupossess,andtryto makethebestuseoftheseso as to get the maximum benefit from what you will bedoing. Eachofushuman beings has a combination of talents and skills that is uniqueamongallothers,and makingfulluseofthesewill makeyoumostsuccessfulas an individual and as a m e m b e r o f y o u r organisation. First try to
determinewhatareyourown unique talents, and then make the continuous effort to utilise these to make the mostofanyeffortsinwhich you are involved. You can do so by identifying the things that you find come naturally to you, those that you feel confident that you can do and, moreover, those that you excel in. These talents are gifted to you for the specific purpose of magnifying them and using them for the betterment of yourself and your environment.
Make full use of these naturalendowmentsandyou willbefulfillingallyouneed in the New Year to develop your life to the point that is satisfactory to both yourself andtheworldaroundyou.
HappyNewYearanda profound wish for your happiness and fulfillment of yourambitionsbythetimeit comestoaclose!
This puzzleis likeacrossword,butwithnumbers Eachdigitoccupies ahexagonalcellandcanbe a partofa"word"intheacross,up,anddowndirections Rules:
2 "Words"inthe'across' directionreadfrom lefttoright
3 "Words"inthe'up' directionreadalongtheupwarddiagonaltotheright
4 "Words"inthe'down' directionreadalongthedownwarddiagonaltotheright
5 Thereis oneuniquesolutionwhichsatisfies alltheclues givenbelow Some"words"maynothaveclues.Theywillbedeterminedbythe"words"whichintersectthem.
Iask,NewYear, foryoursmile
NewYear,IlookstraightinyoureyesOurwaysandourinterestsblend; Youmaybeafoeindisguise, ButIshallbelieveyouafriend. Wegetwhatwegiveinourmeasure, Wecannotgivepainandgetpleasure; Igiveyougoodwillandgoodcheer, Andyoumustreturnit,NewYear
Wegetwhatwegiveinthislife, Thoughoftenthegiverindeed Waitslongupondoubtingandstrife Beforeprovingthetruthofmycreed. Butsomewhere,someway,andforever, Rewardcomesfromearnestendeavour; AndifIamreallyworthwhile, NewYear,youwillgivemeyoursmile.
True success is built on a foundation of belief in yourself and in the people with whom you interact.
The Head-of-State served the elderly residents
The Dharm Shala
will continue to
provide its compassionate services to the elderly, as another $1 million is being injected to further support its operations. President Irfaan Alimadethepledgeduringa Christmas luncheon, on Wednesday,whereresidents were treated to drinks, food andmusic.
P r e s i d e n t A l i commended the Managing Head of the home, Kella Ramsaroop, Vice President Pamela Ramsaroop, as well as the staff, for their dedicationto supporting the elderly
“We’re going to continue to support this institution. We’re going to expand this support next year In addition to the subvention, I will try to see how I can make two other interventions during the course of the year that will support the institution,” the Presidentaffirmed.
He recognised that the institution, which is a home ofbenevolenceforallraces, represents the evolution of life.
The Head-of-State underscored that the elderly often face unique challenges, particularly related to their family and community and, as a result, these persons may need additionalcare.
“It is not that these persons,brothersandsisters, who are part of this institution, are a weight on society or a weight on this institution. They are as muchequalasweare. They are part of this family of humanity,buttheirtestsand their circumstances would have been much different than our tests and our circumstances These sisters, Pamela and Kella, theydoenormousworkwith
the support of their staff,” PresidentAlisaid.
The President has consistently visited the Dharm Shala on Christmas Daytoshareinthefestivities and to reinforce the government’s firm support fortheinstitution.
He also distributed toys to the children of the community to spread joy duringthisseason.
Meanwhile, Vice
President of the Dharm Shala, Pamela Ramsaroop said despite numerous challenges, the work of the institution continues unabated.
Established over 104 years ago, the institution maintainsitscommitmentto humanitarianwork,offering freeservicestoallwhoseek help With 11 buildings across the country – six in Georgetown and five in Berbice – it continues to servethecommunity
Ramsaroop emphasised that residents are provided with daily meals, clean and c o m f o r t a b l e accommodation, as well as social and religious fulfilment.
“As in previous years, the Dharm Shala has been visited by a few local visitors and those from overseas, all bringing with them small monetary donations, which are all gratefully received by management. Owing to the ageoftheDharmShala,and always with the safety of residentsinmind,repairand maintenance work of the DharmShalaiscontinuous,” shesaid.
The Dharm Shala was founded in 1921 by Pandit Ramsaroop Maharaj, who firmlybelievedinthevirtue of serving humanity It is now headed by his granddaughters,Pamelaand KellaRamsaroop.
Al Jazeera - Israel’s army has detained the director of one of the last functioning hospitals in northern Gaza, as the World Health Organization said Israeli assaults on medical facilities are a “death sentence” for thousands of Palestinians.
An Israeli military assaultontheKamalAdwan Hospital, on Friday, put the last major health facility in northernGazaoutofservice, theWHOsaid.
“Initial reports indicate that some key departments were severely burned and destroyed during the raid,” theWHOsaidinastatement onXonFridayevening.
The Israeli military said, in a statement, that it had launchedaraidontheKamal AdwanHospitalasit“serves as a Hamas terrorist stronghold,” but failed to provideanyevidenceforthis claim Hamas said it “categorically” denied the allegation.
Gazahealthofficialssaid on Saturday that Israeli forces had detained the directorofthehospital.
“The occupation forces have taken dozens of the medical staff from Kamal Adwan Hospital to a detention centre for interrogation, including the director, Hussam Abu Safia,” the Palestinian HealthMinistryinGazasaid
The ministry had earlier quoted Abu Safia as saying the military had “set on fire
Palestinians attend funeral prayers over the bodies of those killed in overnight Israeli airstrikes on the Maghazi refugee camp, atAl-Aqsa Hospital, in Deir al-Balah, central Gaza Strip, Saturday, Dec. 28, 204. (APPhoto/Abdel Kareem Hana)
all surgery departments of the hospital” and that there were “a large number of injuries” among the medical
As of Friday morning, the hospital housed about 350 people, including 75
patients and 180 medical staff.
The WHO said 25 patientsincriticalcondition,
ventilators, reportedly remainwith60health
murderstookplaceinEmbacadereandDiego Martin.
IntheSanFernandowharfmurder,Monica Ghany,thewifeofbusinessmanSteveGhany, was struck multiple times while driving a NissanTiida.Shewaspronounceddeadatthe scene.
Herson,Matthew,20,wasshotinhisright hand and was taken to the San Fernando General Hospital where he received emergencytreatment.
Thekillingoccurredaround2pm alonga roadthatisoneofthemainentrypointsintothe city, and an area where commuters on the watertaxiusetoexittheFerryTerminal.
Police said that the mother and son had minutes earlier left the SFGH where they visitedthebusinessman,whoisinthehospital
Itissuspectedthattheywereheadedback to their home on Alexander Road in San Fernando when they were confronted by the gunmeninavehicletravellingintheopposite directionalongthewharf.
Theoccupantsofthevehiclefiredmultiple rounds of gunfire at the driver’s side of the windshield, several of which struck the womaninherupperbody
thepreviousnightwhenaman,identifiedtothe policeas“Bam”,wasshotmultipletimesand diedonLadyHailesAvenueinEmbacadere.
President of the Greater San Fernando ChamberofCommerceKiranSinghyesterday lamentedthekillingofGhanyinthecity
“Iamverystressedanddepressedtohear ofanothermurderinSanFernando Thewife of a businessman was brutally murdered in broaddaylightandhersonwasinjuredinthe unfortunate incident that was a spray of gunfirebyunknownassailants.Weheardthat the woman passed away at the scene of the crime. We expect the police to be very diligentintheirdutiesandarrestthecriminals who have committed another grievous crime,”saidSingh.
“We have crossed 600 murders in this country We are at a record high and the year hasnotyetended Whenisthecrimegoingto stop? We are extremely frustrated as a businesscommunitythatthereisnostopping the crime situation. We are hearing a lot of talk and no action,” said the GSFCC president.
Detectives of the Homicide Bureau of Investigations of Region Three responded to thekillingandarecontinuingtheinvestigation
A22-year-old man was killed on Friday night after he sustained a stab wound to the centre of his chest, during a fight along the Liliendaal Railway Embankment, East Coast Demerara(ECD).
The dead man has been identified as SaifAlly of lot 22 Block R, North Sophia, Georgetown.
The suspect, who reportedlyescaped,hasbeen
identified as 31-year-old AllinSahoye,amechanicof the North Sophia Squatting Area.
The incident occurred at 20:00h. Police reported that thesuspect'sfather,58-yearoldChristopherJulianSingh saidthatpriortotheincident the victim, who was observed to be in an intoxicated state, went up to him and dealt him several slaps to his face, for no reason.
Singhsaidthatheandthe victim were on speaking termsandhadneverhadany problems.Asaresult,hewas surprisedbyhisactions.
Upon seeing this, Sahoye,whowassittingona bench, got up and approached the victim, after whichafightoccurred.
Ally and Sahoye found themselves on the southern side of the Liliendaal Railway Embankment Whilethere,Sahoyestabbed Allytohischestwithaknife.
Ally collapsed and Sahoye made good his escape with the weapon in a southerndirection.
Police in a statement said, "The victim was seen lying on his back, head facing north, feet clad in a blue three-quarter pants and
awhitejersey." Thebodywasexamined, andastabwoundwasseenat
the centre ofAlly's chest. In addition, what appeared to bebloodstainswereseenon his clothing. Blood was also seenonthegroundwherehe waslying.
Gardens, awaiting Post Mortem Examination (PME).
Ally was pronounced dead by a doctor, and his bodywastakentoMemorial
"Several Persons were questioned, statements are being taken, CCTV (Closed Circuit Television) cameras are also being viewed Efforts were made to locate the suspect but without success, " Police said in a statement.
The mismanagement of Guyana's electricity sector will result in US$373 6
million in losses by the time the Gas-to-Energy (GTE) project is ready to supply
This is according to ChairmanoftheAllianceFor
Change (AFC), David Patterson. In a statement on Saturday, the former Minister of Public Infrastructure, who held responsibility for electricity between2015and2020,said the government has now embarked on a number of reckless spending activities to cover up their incompetence.
He argued, “When the PPPannouncedthattheyhad earmarked on what they claimed would be the single greatest “transformation” project in the country's history, the gas to power projectinWales-theproject budget was listed at US$810Mwithacompletion date of two years, meaning thatthisprojectwasslatedto becompletedby2024.”
Further, Patterson noted that as per its own projections on receiving power from the project by 2024,thegovernmentsaton their hands and did nothing forthreeyearstoaddressthe risingdemandforelectricity
After being faced with the reality of a “grossly mismanaged” power sector, he said they then embarked on several reckless
emergency spending activitiestocoverupfortheir shortfall. This included the purchase of 27 third-hand containerized generating sets, the rental of a 36MW powership, and another 75MW powership These temporary measures were intended to address the country'senergydeficit.
According to Patterson, “Having finally admitted that the gas to shore project will not be operational, if ever, until the end of 2025, t h e c o s t o f t h e i r i n c o m p e t e n c e i s staggering.”
He went on to explain
that the container sets were procured for US$27M. “By 2025, the cumulative cost to the taxpayers (procurement costs+fuel+transportation) will be US$95.1M. Two years of rental and operational costs for the 36MW powership will be US$130.7M, and one year rental and operational costs for the 75MW powership will be US$147.8M. So, in total, their mismanagement has cost the country an additional US$373.6M,” the Opposition Parliamentarian reasoned.
He was keen to note that the US$373.6M could have been used to procure new generating sets for the Guyana Power and Light (GPL) Inc, which would remainonstand-byifthegas plantdevelopedafaultorhas to be taken offline for maintenancepurposes.
Moreover, the former Ministerhighlightedthatthe US$373.6M and counting, being spent on temporary measuresisnearlyhalfofthe original cost of the Gas-toEnergy(GTE)project.
AFC Chairman, David Patterson
Heurgedthegovernment to inform the nation of the contingency plan to supply stable electricity, should the gas project encounter difficulties.
“Ontheexpirationofthe rental period for the two powerships, how will they replacethe111MWrequired as backup electricity for Guyaneseintheeventofany issue that is normal with operatingplants? Despiteall the fluff and bluff, it is evident that as with other sectors, the government's management of the power sectorhasbeennothingshort of gross incompetence and Guyanese, both in their homes and businesses continue to suffer the consequences with no one held accountable outside of the cinematic PR displays,” Pattersoncontended.
Turning his attention to the loan approved by the United States Export Import (US EXIM) Bank, he said theVicePresidentwasrather gleefulinconfirmingthathis announcement was prematureinNovember.
He said while the People's Progressive Party (PPP)andits“cheerleaders” may be boastful, claiming the final approval as an achievement, the citizens of Guyanashouldknowthefull details behind what is now the single largest loan taken bythiscountry
Vladimir Putin has apologised to the president of neighbouring Azerbaijan for the downing of a commercial airliner in Russian airspace, in which 38 people were killed - but stopped short of saying Russiawasresponsible.
In his first comments on the Christmas Day crash, Putin said the “tragic incident”hadoccurredwhen Russian air defence systems were actively repelling Ukrainiandrones.
It had been reported the plane came under fire from Russian air defence systems as it tried to land in Chechnya - forcing it to divert across the Caspian Sea.
It crash-landed in Kazakhstan,killing38ofthe 67onboard.
The Kremlin released a statement on Saturday noting Putin had spoken to Azerbaijan’spresidentIlham Aliyevbyphone.
“(President) Vladimir Putin apologised for the tragic incident that occurred inRussianairspaceandonce againexpressedhisdeepand sincere condolences to the families of the victims and wishedaspeedyrecoveryto the injured,” the statement said.
Prior to Saturday, the Kremlin had not yet commentedonthecrash.
had said the situation in the region was “very
U k r a i n i a n d r o n e strikes on Chechnya Aviation experts and others inAzerbaijan believe the plane’s GPS systems were affected by electronic jamming and it was then damaged by shrapnel from Russian air defence missile blasts.
US defence officials on Friday had also said they be
In Saturday’s phone call, Putin acknowledged thattheAzerbaijanAirlines plane had repeatedly tried tolandatGroznyairportin Chechnyaon25December At the time, Grozny, Mozdok and Vladikavkaz were being attacked by Ukrainian drones and Russian air def
systems had repelled those
d according to the Kremlin’s statement.
Moscow noted that Russian investigators had launched a c
minal investigation Azerbaijan had already announced it w o
d l a u n c h a n investigation.
Survivorshadpreviously reported hearing loud bangs before the plane crashed, suggesting it had been targeted. Azerbaijan had not officially accused Russia this week, but the country’s transport minister said the plane was subject to “external interference” and damagedinsideandoutasit triedtoland.
One in six children live in conflict zones this year: UNICEF
More children than ever have been forcibly displaced from their homes due to conflict, according to the UN agency.
Al Jazeera - About 473 million, or more than one in sixchildren,areestimatedto live in conflict areas worldwide, according to the United Nations children’s agency
UNICEF’s statement came on Saturday as conflicts continue to rage around the world, including inGaza,SudanandUkraine, amongotherplaces.
In Israel’s devastating waronGazainparticular,at least 17,492 children have reportedly been killed in nearly15monthsofconflict thathasreducedmuchofthe enclavetorubble.
“By almost every measure, 2024 has been one of the worst years on record for children in conflict in UNICEF’s history – both in terms of the number of children affected and the level of impact on their
According to Russell, a child growing up in a conflict zone is far more likely to be out of school, malnourished, or forced from their home compared with a child living in places withnoconflict.
“This must not be the new normal We cannot allow a generation of children to become collateral damage to the
world’s unchecked wars,” thedirectorsaid.
The proportion of children living in areas of conflict has doubled – from about 10 per cent in the 1990s to almost 19 per cent today,UNICEFsaid. According to the report, 47.2 million children were displacedduetoconflictand violencebytheendof2023. The trends for 2024
indicateafurtherincreasein displacement because various conflicts have intensified, including in Haiti, Lebanon, Myanmar, the Palestinian territories andSudan.
Additionally,inthelatest available data, from 2023, the UN verified a record 32,990 grave violations against22,557children–the highest number since UN Security Council-mandated monitoring began, UNICEF said.
There is an overall upward trend in the number ofgraveviolations,withthis year likely to see another increase, as “thousands of children have been killed and injured in Gaza, and in Ukraine,”theagencysaid.
Sexual violence against children has surged, their educationhasbeenaffected, children’s malnutrition rates have risen and armed conflicts have taken a larger toll on children’s mental
health, UNICEF also reported.
“The world is failing these children. As we look towards 2025, we must do moretoturnthetideandsave and improve the lives of children,”Russellsaid.
Gaza’s children ‘cold, sick,traumatised’ In Gaza – where the Israeli military has killed morewomenandchildrenin the past year than in any recent conflict over a single year, Oxfam reported in September – the ongoing war is a “nightmare” for children, UNICEF
Communication Specialist Rosalia Bollen said last weekatamediabriefing.
“Children in Gaza are cold, sick and traumatised,” BollensaidlastFriday
About 96 per cent of womenandchildreninGaza cannot meet their basic nutritional needs, she said, lamenting the lack of aid able to reach children in the
“Gazamustbeoneofthe most heartbreaking places on Earth for humanitarians. Every small effort to save a child’s life is undone by fierce devastation,” said Bollen.
“For over 14 months, children have been at the sharp edge of this nightmare.”
Bollen said that many children in the besieged enclave don’t have winter clothes, have to resort to searching through rubbish for provisions and are plaguedwithdiseases.
She urged the use of political capital and diplomatic leverage to push fortheevacuationofinjured children and their parents to leaveGazaandseekmedical care in East Jerusalem or elsewhere.
“This war should haunt every one of us. Gaza’s children cannot wait,” she pressed.
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The crash occurred as the Jeju Air plane was landing at
Apassenger plane has veered off the runway and crashed at an airport in the South Korean city of Muan, killing at least 29 people, according to the Yonhap news agency.
The accident took place on Sunday as the Jeju Air plane was landing at Muan International Airport, Yonhap reported.
From page 38 workers in the hospital.
The patients in moderate to severe condition were forced to evacuate to the destroyed and non-functional Indonesian Hospital, the United Nations health agency said, adding it was “deeply concerned for their safety”.
The WHO reiterated its call for a ceasefire.
“This raid on Kamal Adwan Hospital comes after escalating restrictions on access for WHO and partners, and repeated attacks on or near the facility since early October,” the agency said.
“Such hostilities and the raids are undoing all our efforts and support to keep the facility minimal[ly] functional. The systematic dismantling of the health system in Gaza is a death sentence for tens of thousands of Palestinians in need of healthcare.
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“This horror must end and healthcare must be protected.” Israel’s military began a renewed ground offensive in northern Gaza in October and has claimed that the hospital had become “a key stronghold for terrorist organisations and continues to be used as a hideout for terrorist operatives”.
Before initiating the latest attack on the hospital, the Israeli military said its soldiers had “facilitated the secure evacuation of civilians, patients, and medical personnel”.
Hamas denied its fighters were present in the hospital and urged the UN to set up an investigation
committee “to examine the scale of crime being committed in northern Gaza”.
“We categorically deny the presence of any military activity or resistance fighters in the hospital,” Hamas said in a statement.
“The enemy’s lies about the hospital aim to justify the heinous crime committed by the occupation army today, involving the evacuation and burning of all hospital departments as part of a plan for extermination and for ced displacement.”
Al Jazeera’s Hamdah Salhut said the Israeli military has often accused Hamas fighters of operating from
medical facilities but has never proven these claims.
“Most notable was the raid on al-Shifa Hospital back in 2023 when the military said Hamas was using al-Shifa as a command and control centre, claims that to this day have never been proven,” she said, reporting from Amman, Jordan, because Al Jazeera has been banned from operating in Israel and the occupied West Bank.
“Now, Kamal Adwan was the last functioning hospital in northern Gaza, but again, it was barely functioning because of the siege that was put forward by Israeli forces – a siege on food, water, and all
sorts of medical supplies.”
The hospital’s director had repeatedly raised concerns about its situation in recent days.
“The world must understand that our hospital is being targeted with the intent to kill and forcibly displace the people inside,” Abu Safia said in a statement on Monday.
Israel’s assault has killed more than 45,300 Palestinians since October last year, mostly children and women, according to health officials in the enclave.
The majority of Gaza’s 2.3 million people have been displaced and much of Gaza is in ruins.
The Private Sector Commission (PSC) has praised the United States Export Import (US EXIM) Bank for approving a US$527 million loan to supportthe“transformative” Gas-to-Energy (GTE) projectinGuyana.
In a statement to the media on Friday, the body said this initiative marks a significant milestone in Guyana's efforts to enhance its energy capacity and
reduce dependence on oil imports.
On December 26, the Bank announced, “Today, theBoardofDirectorsatthe Export-Import Bank of the United States (EXIM) approved$527milliontothe Ministry of Finance of the Cooperative Republic of Guyana to support a gas-toenergy project that will strengthen the country's energy security by doubling the country's installed
The local private sector body noted that the project, which will see the constructionofanaturalgas separation plant, a 300 MW combined-cycle gas turbine power plant, and a gas supplypipeline,underscores the strong partnership between Guyana and the UnitedStates.
It was keen to point out that the investment is not only expected to double
Guyana's installed electric capacity, but will substantially reduce carbon emissions and stimulate economic activity through j o b
a n d infrastructuredevelopment.
“ThePSCwelcomesthis collaboration between the U.S.,ExxonMobil,andjoint venture partners Lindsayca and CH4 Systems By facilitating cutting-edge technology and expertise, this project positions Guyana to achieve greater e
economic diversification while fostering regional competitiveness,” the body stated.
It also commended the United States Embassy in Guyana for its continued support and proactive engagement in advancing initiatives that contribute to G
development. The PSC said the Embassy's role in f
partnerships has been instrumental in securing criticalinvestmentslikethis, which align with the country'sgrowthpriorities.
Meanwhile,Chairmanof the PSC, Komal Singh noted, “The Private Sector
Commission acknowledges the U S EXIM Bank's commitment to advancing energy solutions that align with Guyana's development agenda We believe this project will serve as a cornerstone for sustainable economic growth and supporttheaspirationsofour people.”
“The women need a lot of work because a lot of the i s s u e s y o u s e e internationally are because
SportsMax - Cricket WestIndies(CWI)President Kishore Shallow has candidly acknowledged the significantchallengesfacing women’s cricket in the C a r i b b e a n , a s h e emphasized the need for structural reform to bridge the gap between regional a n d i n t e r n a t i o n a l competition. ThestrugglesoftheWest Indies women’s team were evident during their recent One-Day International (ODI)seriesinIndia,where they were whitewashed 3-0 after a five-wicket loss in Friday’s final contest. Prior to that, they lost the threematchT20Iseries1-2.
of our regional and national structure,” Shallow said on theMasonandGuestcricket radioshow.
“Players are not competitive when they play regional cricket. The gap is so wide between regional a n d i n t e r n a t i o n a l cricket...Wehavetoup-skill our regional players,” he added.
He further stressed the
importance of grassroots developmenttoensurelongtermprogress.
“We have to start nationally, getting more players across the different territories to play cricket at thejuniorstage...andthatis reallywhenyouaregoingto see a transformation,” Shallownoted.
During the show, Shallowalsoconfirmedthat AnnBrowne-John,aformer lead selector for the women’s senior team, remainspartoftheselection process under the new structure introduced by CWI.
Today you will have all the energy you need to deal with long-term family problems. Indeed, you'll probably clash with some of your relatives. But this situation won't cause anyseriousissues.
You enjoy caring for others andyouinterveneregularlyin their lives to guide them. Ironically, today you're the one who needs advice. You'll probably need to get away from it all in order to get a clearviewofyourownlife.
We all have to make compromises in order to live in contemporary society.You may have strong beliefs, but it's difficult to combine your idealsandasociallife.
You'vealwaysfelttheneedto free yourself from society You need to feel independent at any cost. You may need to face certain relationship problemsatthistime.
You may feel annoyed about the attitude of some of your groupoffriends.Unlikethese people, you're very openmindedandyoucandealwith situations as they arise Indeed, you have a natural ability to adapt to every situation.
Today, Virgo, you'll be submerged under a lot of emotions. In a way, you'll be revisiting your childhood
Youmaybeveryedgy Thisis agooddispositioninwhichto analyzeyourlife.
You really know how to seduce,Libra.Thereisaspark inside of you that spreads naturally to those around you. You have a big reservoir of sensitivity and emotion that couldgrowtoday
SCORPIO(Oct.23–Nov 21)
You're a very active person, Scorpio, but today you'll probably be disappointed. If you ask those around you to help with your activities, they most likely won't understand yourneeds.
SAGIT(Nov 22–Dec.21)
Nothing much is happening today, yet you seem worried and tense. You'll have to use this day to your advantage. Think about your life. You'll also think about the needs of yourrelativesintheyears.
You often need to thrive on personal emotions.Today will benoexceptiontotherule.For instance, you could try to captivate the attention of peopleyouadmire.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20–Feb. 18) You shouldn't try to fight the feelings that run through you today Don't even try to rationalize them These feelingsareprobablyrelatedto emotions dating back to your childhood You shouldn't avoidoranalyzethem.
You'll be lost in your thoughts today, analyzing your life and relationships.You'll be asking yourself if your existence is meeting your standards. You will ponder what to expect from the future and from the peoplearoundyou.
Frompage50 the Government of Guyana.
In that regard, I thank the ministryandthegovernment fortheirunwaveringsupport to our sport, not only in c o l l a b o r a t i n g f o r tournaments but also for improving the tennis facilities to expand our sport.”
M e n ’ s S i n g l e s
Champion: Leyland Leacock
“She is one of the talent pathway managers, which helps to identify the talent for women We have identifiedamaleaswell,but I don’t think they have reached an agreement yet,” heexplained.
CWI’s new selection structure, outlined in September,placesfinalteam selectionresponsibilitywith the Head coach, with support from Talent Managers and Talent Identifiers.
W h i l e S h a l l o w confirmed Browne-John’s involvement, official announcements regarding other appointments for the men’s and women’s programmes are still pending. Meanwhile, West Indies women’s Head coach Shane Deitz also highlighted the urgent n e e d f o r a m o r e comprehensive approach toplayerdevelopment
“We’re never going to beasuccessfulteamunless we’ve got 11, 15, really 20 world-class players How we do that is what we’re lookingat,”Deitzsaid
“There’s a lot of things we need to do better back i n t h e
Caribbean regional cricket, consistent 12month programmes for players in the squad, outside the squad, so there’s obviously a lot of worktodo,”henoted
Still, with a packed schedule ahead, including regional competitions and World Cup qualifiers, the focus remains on addressing systemic issues in women’s cricket to ensure the West Indies
women’s team can compete consistently on theinternationalstage
Ladies’ Singles Finalist: PaulaKalekyezi
Ladies’ Novice Singles
Men’s Novice Singles
M e n ’ s O p e n
Semifinalists: Sandeep
C h a n d a n d
L a d i e s ’ O p e n
Semifinalists: Kalyca Fraser andShawnaGentle
Men’s 35 & Over
Semifinalists: Rondae HawkerandAubreyYounge
M e n ’ s N o v i c e
Ladies’ Novice Singles
Men’s Novice Singles
Men’s Singles Finalist: SeandenDavid-Longe
Semifinalists: Akil Gittens and AmunikiHaley
M e n ’ s O
Quarterfinalists: Immanuel Barker, Jonathan Jackson, Javed Khan and Kareem Wilson
Frompage51 versatility and skill in variousathleticdisciplines. Recently, he made a strong impression at the Nine & Under Little Mo
International Tennis Tournament held in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida, further establishing his reputation as a rising star in thesportscommunity.
Zion strongly desired to become a professional footballerwhenaskedabout his aspirations. He cited his idol, Lionel Messi, as a key sourceofinspiration.
“I love all the sports I play but want to succeed in football. Messi is my hero; he inspires me to work hard and chase my dreams,” he statedwithdetermination.
WithENet’sbackingand a clear vision for his future, Zion Hickerson is poised to takesignificantstepstoward realizing his athletic ambitionsinGuyanaandon theglobalsportsstage.
As he embarks on this excitingjourney,thesupport of his family and sponsors will be instrumental in shapinghispathtosucces
The Guyana Golf Association (GGA) said 2024 has been a resounding
success, marking a transformative year for golf inGuyana.
Through innovative programmes, partnerships, andmilestones,thesporthas grownfromanelitepastime to a nationwide movement engaging thousands of participants, particularly amongyouthandwomen.
Expandingaccesstogolf acrossGuyana
Incollaborationwiththe Nexgen Golf Academy, the GGA successfully introducedgolftosecondary schools across the country
Through donations of equipment, balls, and specialized training for PhysicalEducationteachers, thousands of students in Grades 7-9 were introduced to the sport. This initiative has also contributed to the remarkable success of the CSEC examinations program Nearly 250 students selected golf as their elective, achieving an unprecedented 98% Grade I
p a s s r a t e T h i s accomplishment is even more impressive given that these students were trained
without access to a traditionalgolfcourse.
Empoweringwomenin golf
The GGA continued its efforts to make golf inclusive, with over 60% of participants in 2024 being womenandgirls.Partnering withtheLPGA/USGAGirls Site Foundation, Nexgen Golf Academy provided world-class training and accesstoscholarshipsattop universities worldwide, opening doors for female
athletes to excel in the sport likeneverbefore.
Golfforall: communityandtourism initiatives
The Guyana Tourism Authority and Nexgen Golf Academy brought mini-golf to thousands of visitors at GuyExpo, creating a worldclass Putt-Putt Golf experience that delighted attendeesandpromotedgolf asafamily-friendlyactivity
Regionally, Guyanese golfers made their mark, competingintournamentsin Trinidad,Tobago,Barbados, andSuriname.Localplayers consistently ranked among the top 10 across various categories, showcasing the growing talent in the country
A Bright Future with New Facilities The newly launched Westside Golf Course in Vreed-en-Hoop offers Regi
residents a challenging venue without membership fees Designed by GGA president Aleem Hussain,
Golf enjoyed a successful year in 2024
Tameshwar Deochand and Balraj Narine
Architecture Magazine for its innovative approach to moderngolf.
Lookingahead,theGGA has ambitious plans for 2
Many strides were made at the school level in several areas in golf this past year
construction of two PGAbranded18-holecoursesthat will meet international standards.
BuildingMomentumfor 2025 “2024 has been a monumentalyearforgolfin G
President Aleem Hussain. “In 2025, we aim to sustain this momentum by hosting monthly tournaments and advancing the development of state-of-the-art facilities. It’sanexcitingtimeforgolf in our country, and we are
committed to making the s p o r t a c c e s s i b l e , competitive, and worldclass.”Formoreinformation on the Guyana Golf Association and its programmes,pleasecall645 0944.
Exciting national under13 player Tameshwar Deochand struck his second consecutive century as he spearheaded his team to a crushing innings and 240 runs victory over Whim in the second round of the Berbice Cricket Board organised Dr Amarnauth Dukhi tournament. He was supported by Under13 player Balraj Narine who also scored a century and diminutiveBerbiceUnder13
left arm spinner Jayden Ganpat who took eight wickets for 2 runs in an unplayablespellofbowling. Whimwonthetossatthe Area H ground in hot conditions and batted first. They were dismissed for a meager 21 with Ganpat taking 8 for 2 from seven overs as no batter reached double figures In reply, Rose Hall Town Farfan and Mendes ‘A’ lost national player Leon Reddi caught
for 10 but then skipper Tameshwar Deochand and opener Balraj Narine joined forces to add 230 for the second wicket before Deochand was run out for 126 with eighteen boundaries and two sixes. Narine, who played the anchor role, reached 120 before retiring hurt to allow his other teammates to bat. Narine hit 17 boundaries in his inning. Sohil Srikissoon 10 and Dev Seepersaud 12
were the unbeaten batsmen when Rose Hall Town declared at 291 for 2 Deochand had scored 180 versus the Rose Hall Town ‘B’ team in the opening round.
Facing a deficit of 270 runs,Whimwerebowledout for30intheirsecondinnings with Berbice Under15 off spinnerDineshSinghtaking five wickets for eight runs and Khemraj Bharrat 3 wicketsfor6runs.
The Guyana Tennis Association (GTA) One G u y a n a O p e n Championship is a pillar of
the emerging National Sports Academy; an initiative that is funded by the National Sports
Commission (NSC), the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sport, and by extension theGovernmentofGuyana.
No.1 seeds Gavin Lewis and Afruica Gentle claimed back-to-back titles with decisive straight-sets victories in their respective final at the recently concludedtournament.
Throughout a dominant two weeks of tennis played at the National Racquet Center,Lewisdroppedjust6 games in his title defence, includinga6/2-6/1triumph over first-time finalist SeandenDavid-Longeinthe M e n ’ s S i n g l e s championshipmatch.Onthe distaff side, Gentle, who is knownforherpowerhitting, overpowered Paula Kaleykezi in the Open final witha6/2,6/3victory
Reflectingonhisvictory, Lewis shared, “I am more relieved than happy that I defendedmytitle.Ifeltalot ofpressure,especiallyinthe last two matches. Overall I’m happy with my level throughout the fortnight, p a r t i c u l a r l y t h e improvements I’ve made with my serve ” He continued,“Ican’ttakeallof the credit - my Coach Leyland has really helped meelevatemygame.Having my family there to support me and everyone from the Roraima Tennis Club cheeringmeonmadeallthe difference I’m looking forward to competing next year!”
Onthewomen’sside,an authoritativeGentleaddeda second GTA One Guyana cuptohertrophycase.
“Defendingmytitlefeels incredible,”Gentlesaidafter hervictory “It’satestament to all the hard work and dedicationI’veputin.Rising to the challenge again fills me with pride. It’s not just about holding onto the trophy; it’s about proving to myselfthatIcancompeteat my best, even under pressure ” She added, “Maintaining mental clarity and staying confident were key Inthosekeymoments,I leanedonmyexperienceand kept my composure, which wascrucialformysuccess.”
The tournament concluded with a ceremony where the President of the Guyana Tennis Association, Ms. Cristy Campbell, along with the Vice President of the Guyana Tennis Association, Mr Nigel Niles,presentedtrophiesand
prizes to the champions and awardees.
Campbell expressed gratitude to the Ministry of Culture,YouthandSportand b y e x t e n s i o n t h e Government of Guyana for unwavering support to the developmentoftennis.
“I wish to congratulate youallforyourparticipation in the second edition of the One Guyana/ GTA Open Championships. I have seen some excellent matches and improved performances, rivalry, camaraderie, and emerging talents, especially in the novice category The value of this year’s tournament has increased to 2.5Mfrom2Mlastyear This increaseallowedustohavea better-quality tournament, expand the cash prizes to other categories, and give incentives to not only our winners but semifinalists and quarterfinalists as well.
The GTAis also pleased to offer cash prizes of $400,000 to both male and female champions in the Open category The equal prize money for both genders demonstrate the GTA’s adoption of new policies for gender parity and equal opportunities for all in tennis and also aligns withourgoalstoadequately compensate the players of our sport In 2021, the highest prize money for winners in tennis was approximately $80,000 and in 2024 the GTA has managed to increase that amountby500%.
H o w e v e r, t h o s e opportunitiesarepossibleas a result of the GTA’s p a r t n e r s h i p a n d collaboration with the Ministry of Culture, Youth andSportandbyextension (Continuedonpage47)
TheGTAhasalsostructured this tournament to include players of all ages. We’ve had novice, Open, Over35, and Over45 players and it allowed both competitive and recreational players to measure their talent in a balancedway
is expected tonight in what should be feisty encounters when defending champions
Milerock collide with Haynes and Lewis’s Winners Connection in the firstsemifinalfrom9.00pm and the other at 10.00pm features Capital FC, who willopposeBotafago,when the Upper Demerara Football Association’s (UDFA) Banks DIH / Jai
SignsChristmas$3Mfutsal semifinals are played at the Retrieve Hard Court in Linden.
These semifinal clashes are a repeat of last year’s encountersbutMilerockare still to show the kind of form which gave them the titleayearago. They face an opponent in Haynes and Lewis’ Winners Connection who are also seeking their best outing.
Fans are hoping that Milerock can find their touch after getting into the knock out round following one win and a loss in the round robin stage and ousting Topp XX 4-2 to reachthisyear’ssemifinals.
Winners Connection after gaining a win and a loss to reach the knock out round, eliminated Silver Shattas 4-1 and are confident going into this match.
If this encounter is one of much expectation the next semifinal should be a thriller
The top goal scoring team Botafago recorded emphatic wins when they flattened Net Rockers 9-4, blanked Silver Shattas 7-0 in the preliminary round of the tournament and then crushed Rockstone 4-2 to reachthesemifinals.
Capital FC knocked Botafago out last year, but thistimearounditwillbea tussle.
This time Capital FC had to overcome a 4-3 loss to Topp XX, defeated Fearless and then followed itwitha4-1stoppageofHi Stars, to book their place in thesemifinal.
However, before the semifinals the first of two supporting matches will begin at 7.00pm and the second at 8.00pm and the venue is the Retrieve Hard CourtinLinden.
In a significant boost
to his budding
athletic career, multi-talented national athlete Zion Hickerson has
signed a one-year sponsorship agreement with ENet, a leading digital serviceproviderinGuyana.
This partnership aims to supporttheyoungprodigyas heseekstoexcelinmultiple
sports locally and internationally ENet, recognized as Guyana’s foremost provider of digital cable television,
internet, information technology, and media services, will provide essentialbackingtothenineyear-old, who has already madewavesbyrepresenting Guyana in table tennis, squash,andtennis.
With a growing reputation for his skills, Hickerson has proudly carried the national flag
during various international competitions, showcasing histalentanddedication.
Zion’s father, Orin Hickerson,aformernational
table tennis player, articulated his vision for his son’sfuture.Heemphasized the importance of providing Zion with diverse opportunities from an early age, allowing him to choose hispathashematures.
“It’s essential for him to explore different sports and decide what he truly loves,” Orinstated.“Withcorporate support like ENet’s, we are optimistic that he can develop a professional career in one of these disciplines.”
The elder Hickerson expressed his gratitude for the sponsorship, noting its crucial role in Zion’s development.
“We are thrilled about the support from ENet
While we can manage locally and somewhat regionally,steppingontothe internationalcircuitrequires robustbacking.Thissupport is vital for his growth,” he added.
Lindon Henry, the Marketing Manager (Mobile) at ENet, echoed this sentiment, describing thesponsorshipasmorethan justcorporateresponsibility; it is an investment in Guyana’sfuture.
Henry praised Zion’s exceptional talent and expressed confidence in his potential to shine in whicheversporthechooses.
Zion’s immediate focus is attending the prestigious Atlético de Madrid Camp in Spain, scheduled for April 2025.
His selection follows a remarkable performance during a tryout in Washington, D.C., where he
impressed coaches and secured a one-week trial at theclub’strainingfacility
Thisopportunitymarksa pivotal moment for the young athlete, who aims to hone his skills at one of the world’s top football academies.
During the partnership’s unveilingattheGeorgetown Club, Zion expressed his excitement about receiving support from such a prominentcompany
“Itfeelsamazingtohave ENet backing me,” he said.
“My dad has been working hard to get support for my sports endeavours, and now it’spayingoff.”
As Zion approaches his tenth birthday in March, he continuestodemonstratehis passion and commitment to sports Currently a St Gabriel’s Primary student, hehasshownremarkable