Oil from Exxon’s 8th project to be lighter than Liza crude
The Liza projects
a r e o f t e n recognised for their low sulphur content, characterising the resource as easier to refine into highquality,lowemissionfuels.
ExxonMobilis,however, excited about the quality of oil that will be produced from its eight project,
Longtail. During the company’s Corporate Plan Update and Upstream Spotlight, Senior Vice President of ExxonMobil Corporation,NeilChapman, told shareholders that they currently plan to produce 150,000barrelsperdayfrom
theproposeddevelopment. He explained, “Longtail is going to be the eighth. That’s the reverse. It’s a lighter crude than Liza. It’s about 40 API range, something like that So, that’s the outlook profile. You know, obviously all of these are subject to governmentendorsements.”
The oil discovered and produced in the Stabroek Blockislightandsweet,with theLizagradehavinganAPI gravity of 32 degrees and 0 58% sulphur content
Those characteristics make the Liza grade oil cheaper andeasiertorefineintohigh-

Senior Vice President of ExxonMobil Corporation,
Neil Chapman
quality, low-emission fuels. Petroleum with those characteristics is surging in popularity among refiners around the world because of the ever-stricter fuel emission regulations The carbon intensity of extracting Liza-grade crude oil is some of the lowest in the world. To date, ExxonMobil Guyana Limited (EMGL), the subsidiary of ExxonMobil Corporation has been granted approval for six offshoredevelopmentsinthe StabroekBlock. Lastmonth Kaieteur News reported that Minister of Natural

Resources,VickramBharrat, during an engagement with themedia,hadindicatedthat Longtail is anticipated to be the oil giant’s next local project Bharrat told reporters, “Already they are moving ahead with Hammerhead and we have heardtalksthatLongtailwill comeafterthat.”
At that time, he explained that the Longtail projectwillyieldmoregas,a keyresourcetothiscountry’s e n e r g y s e c u r i t y
ExxonMobil has submitted an application for a seventh development, Hammerhead, which government officials say is not a done deal. Vice President, Bharrat Jagdeo hadmadeitclearthatthereis noguaranteeapprovalwould begranted. D
conference in August, Jagdeo, when questioned on the seventh project said, “When and if…if and or when and if we approve the project then you will be told about what the benefits will be.”At that time, the former Head of State said the company had not yet made an application for the project. Following the official application by the company, Jagdeo was again asked to comment on the project when he announced th
to review the
According to him, the information the company presentedwasincomplete.
BeforetheendofJanuary 2025, ExxonMobil Guyana Limited is expected to address the findings of the finalized audit into its US$7.3 billion expenses for Stabroek Block operations duringtheperiod2018-2020. Minister of Natural Resources,VickramBharrat, disclosed that ExxonMobil has60daystorespondtothe auditors’findings.Giventhat the final audit report was shared with Exxon in midNovember, the deadline for its response falls before the endofJanuary
On November 16, Minister Bharrat had confirmedthesubmissionof the final report to
ExxonMobil The second auditwasconductedbylocal
c o n s o r t i u m V H E Consulting, a registered partnership comprising Ramdihal & Haynes Inc., Eclisar Financial, and Vitality Accounting & Consultancy Inc , with international support from SGS and Martindale
Consultants.Thecontractfor this audit was valued at US$751,000 (GY$156
million) Chartered
Accountant Floyd Haynes, oneoftheprincipalsofVHE Consulting,disclosedthatthe auditing team has submitted thefinalreporttotheMinistry of Natural Resources and the Guyana Revenue Authority.
“It is now in their possession Pleasereachout to them…” Haynes had told this publication back in November
Kaieteur News had reported that an analysis of
Minister of Natural Resources, Vickram

the second audit report reveals missing details on key expenditures that were covered in the first oil audit thatwasdonebyBritishfirm IHSMarkitofthecompany’s 1999-2017 expenses IHS had recommended that the Government of Guyana (GoG) disallow US$214 million in costs being claimed by Exxon for the misuse of Guyana’s oil profits and failure to justify expenses. The first report, commissioned by the Coalition government, provided comprehensive data on significant costs, such as those for supply vessels, drill rigs, SURF, helicopter services, and waste management, while these details are notably absent from the audit report bythelocalconsortium.
Currently, citizens can access VHE’s “Initial Audit Report for the Stabroek BlockCostRecoveryAudit–2018 to 2020” on the Ministry of Natural Resources website That version was published on April 12, 2024 and is 135 pageslong.
GPHC short of 700 nurses - CEO

The Georgetown Public Hosp
y functioning with a deficit of 700nurses.
The figure represents more than 55 per cent of the staff complement of nurses needed for the institution to operate optimally This was revealed during an end-of yearpressconferencehosted at the GPHC Resource Centre on Monday Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the hospital, Robbie Rambarran explained that thehospitalhasbeenactively
working to fill the employmentgaps.
“ T h e N u r s e s administration has been working continuously with key stakeholders to ensure capacity building to facilitate all the needs for nursing care and specialty care,” the CEO said as he sought to assure that the shortageofnursesisnotjust a Guyana issue but a global one.
“The nurses’ shortage is everywhere It is not an isolatedissuetoGuyana;it’s a global issue There are nurses that use to go for examplefromNigeriatoFiji orDubai…”
Rambarrannotedthatthe discussion for ramping up the staff complement of nursescontinuestocentreon importing overseas trained p e r s o n n e l “ T h e
government has been looking at the various avenues and different countries from how we can get nurses There have beensomediscussionsabout bringing nurses from the Philippines,”herevealed.
Govt. to appeal $24M court judgment for police killing of Quindon Bacchus
The state is set to appeal the $24M judgment in the Quindon Bacchus case that was handed down last month.
The judgment for compensation of $24M was handed down by Justice Nigel Niles in the unlawful killingcaseofBacchus,who was fatally shot by a constable of the Guyana PoliceForce(GPF)twoanda halfyearsago.
At present, the CEO noted that the government has started accepting nurses from Cuba to assist with the declining complement of nurses. He said, “we had a deficitofabout55percentin our direct nursing care, that ismaybeabout700,thisisto takeindustrystandard…The Cuban nurses have been helpful in this regard…The only challenge is the language barrier but they usually go through a course called English is my second language.”
Director of Nursing Services, Leslyn Holder, said while gaps exist in patientcare,dailystaffingof various wards and units, efforts are being made to lessen any unnecessary workload of those nurses on a daily basis She added, “That is why support is needed;additionalsupportis neededduringthepatient[’s] hospitalstaybecause[of]our goals for optimum healthcareorpatientcare.”
Having been faced with the issue of shortages of nurses, Minister of Health, Dr Frank Anthony, had announced that several measures have been put in place to retain nurses, includingincreasingsalaries and training opportunities
“A registered nurse takes aboutthreeyearstotrain.So, we were only able to do between 200 and 250. We have started a programme whichisahybridprogramme wherewehavebroughtinat least 1,100 nurses for training and they have started that training They have three years to complete,”heexplained.
During the Attorney General’s end-of-year press conference on Saturday, Solicitor General Nigel Hawke told the media that they felt that the judge went overwherehewassupposed to go in relation to the evidence.“Wefeltthathedid not take into consideration some aspects of the evidence. So we think the matter is worthy of an appeal. So to set the record straightattheappellatelevel, because remember, we are d e a l i n g h e r e w i t h compensation,”Hawkesaid.
He explained that it is a l a r g e a m o u n t o f

compensation and to set the record straight the State did accepttheliability;however, thereistheissueofquantum that needs to be dealt with.
“… We think the arguments inrelationtoquantum,some of the considerations by the judge,wereinourrespectful opinion, over the pail and that is why we have since appealed,”Hawkesaid.
Attorney General and Minister of Legal Affairs
AnilNandlallweighedinon the matter saying that in the assessmentofcompensation,

judges are guided by previous awards in cases of similar circumstances Making it clear that they are not contesting liability, Nandlall said that they felt that the Police officers were inthewrongand“therewasa finding to that effect, by the Police Complaints Authority The DPP filed criminal charges against the offendingofficers.”
Taking this into consideration, “We felt it would have been wrong for the State to contest liability,
so we went to the judge and we said, ‘look, the State is wrong, let us only deal with compensation.”
However, they are of the opinion that the judge entered the arena and went ahead to grant “measure of damagesthatwerenotbefore him, and if we are to leave thatontherecord,webelieve thatitwouldleadtoawhole array of wrong decisions beingmade.Forthatreason, we have challenged the legality of the judge’s a s s e s s m e n t o f t h e compensation.”
On November 15, this publication reported that Justice Niles ordered the State to pay the family of Bacchus$24Mforhiskilling back in 2022 Bacchus, a father of one, was shot dead on June 10, 2022 in Haslington, East Coast Demerara by Police Lance C o r p o r a l K r i s t o ff DeNobrega. DeNobrega has been charged with Bacchus’ murder and the case is still ongoingbutthefamilyhad
Continued on page 16

Chief Executive Officer of GPHC, Robbie Rambarran
Attorney General, Anil Nandlall
Murdered, Quindon bacchus
Kaieteur News
PrintedandPublishedbyNationalMedia& PublishingCompanyLtd. 24SaffonStreet, Charlestown,Georgetown,Guyana.
Tel: 225-8465, 225-8491. Fax: 225-8473, 226-8210
As we prepare to enter a new year, we prefer to look ahead in this bright new year and hope. We have been given the gifts, now we must dig deep within ourselves andprovetobeworthyofthesparklingendowmentsthat areours. Itcanbeaglorious2025forallGuyanese,but wemustdoourpart,eachoneofus.
Weremindfellowcitizensofsomethingthatshouldbe familiar to many It is of young students enriched with vigour and talent, great potential which everyone recognises, but of which the unimpressive comes. Sometimesnothingatall.
For the wondrous personal gifts are wasted, through folly and numerous failures. Because there was little listening, less preparing and dedicating of priorities and energies towards things that were positive. There was only the arrogance of believing that there is knowing, whentherewasnoknowingatall.
We have seen such human wreckages littering the waysideandalleyways. Whatappliestoindividualsalso has its place in the life and times of nations. Nations especiallygiftedmustrisetotheirfullpotentialbymaking the best use of their endowments, and to the extent that theysucceedinbecomingthetalkoftheworld.
In2021,andevenmoreso in2022and2023,Guyana transformed from a sleepy, backward, un-acclaimed country to the talk on the lips of almost everyone. We havethefoundationbelow Whatwedowithitisuptous, inourhandsfirst.
Sofar,wehavefailedtodowhatiswise,notevenwhat helps our interests. But that was last year, the years before. Thenewyearmustnotfollowinthesamepattern. We,theGuyanesepeople,mustseetothat,anddosowith ourheartsandoursouls.
Letthatbeourresolution. Nothingwillcomeourway easily,orfromthegenerosityofothers. Wearegoingto have to get up and get what is due to us. As always, we clarify–asweget,othersmustalsogetforthecalibreof theirexpertise,theirrangeofresources,andthedepthsof their commitments. That is only fair, and we must be exemplaryinfairness.
Similarly,wecannotbesosubmissivetothevisionsof othersthatwepunishourown. Weharbournohatredfor our leaders, either in the PPP/C Government or the Coalition Opposition, for that does not help them or one Guyanese.
Theyhaveourassuranceofpresenceandvoice,buton the one non-negotiable condition that they muster the couragetofightwiththeirlastounceofstrengthtoliftus outofthepoverty-strickenranks. Guyanahasbeengiven themeans.
Our leaders must devise the methods to leverage our birthright into what is right and bright for us, the first shareholdersinthispatrimony Thisnewyearmustmark the fresh and inspiring beginning of moving from what couldbe(potential)towhatis(reality).
We have the resources. We must accelerate the development of the muscular human resources, none as muchasleadershipresources.
The time for feebleness and shrinking (or gaming) must be about yesterday’s behaviours. 2025 must be characterised by leadership, vigour, acumen, and real leadershipefforts.
ThenewyearmustbeaboutGuyanesegettingoutof the gutter and driving their way to higher economic ground. Wecannotwilt;wemustnotfalter
PUC says resolved 72% of complaints in favour of consumers in last two years
The Public Utilities Commission has noted the comments made in a LettertotheEditorpennedbyMr Tony VieiraintheDecember24,2024edition (page 22) of the Stabroek News newspaper
The PUC notes the concerns raised byMr TonyVieiraastheyrelatetohis experienceofwhatmaybeallegedlyan inconsistent electrical feed to his premises and the damages it may have caused to his personal electrical and electronic equipment. We understand the frustration and inconvenience such disruptions bring to citizens when they occur and we take these matters seriously Evidently, these problems cannot be rectified properly if not broughtpromptlytotheattentionofthe serviceprovider
As it relates to the comment that ‘a governmentappointedbodycannotbea proper regulating agency for the government owned corporation’ - the law is clear The Public Utilities Commission Act states that the Commission in the exercise and discharge of its functions, shall not be subjecttothedirectionorcontrolofany person or authority (emphasis supplied). It also has the power to do anything which in its reasonable
opinion is calculated to facilitate the proper discharge of its functions Failuretosecureredress,theconsumer has the option of contacting the PUC andfilingacomplaint.
Further, we have also noted with concernthecommentbyMr Vieirathat ‘…thereisnoproperfunctioningPublic UtilitiesCommissiontowhichyoucan turn.’Mr Vieira may be aware that the Commission’s mandate includes addressing complaints, conducting investigations, and working with the service providers to rectify operational deficiencies when identified The Commission’srecordsspeakforitself.
For the period 2023-2024 the Commissionwouldhaveresolved72% of the complaints filed with the Commission in favour of consumers, inclusive of the two state-owned enterprises Further it would have received credits totalling $60.3 million on behalf of complainants for this period.Mr Vieira,perhaps,couldhave checked the Commission’s website which publishes the work of the Commission and includes its annual reports dating back to 1991, orders of theCommission,statisticalinformation etc. prior to making statements in the publicdomain.
The Commission takes this
opportunity to advise consumers who may have issues relating to a faulty servicefromtheserviceprovidertofile a complaint immediately with the provider and follow the company’s claim procedure to file for compensationforthedamageditem(s). If dissatisfied with the outcome, then such persons should approach the Commission.
Weunderstandthesignificanceofa reliableservicetoallconsumersandwe assure the public that the PUC remains committed to holding the service providers in the electricity, telecommunications and water and sewage sectors accountable, while at the same time seeking to ensure the improvement of the quality of service throughoutGuyana.
For further information, queries and/or to file complaints consumers may visit the Commission at Lot 106 New Garden Street, Queenstown, Georgetown or may reach us at telephone number 226-7042 or via WhatsApp at 623-3222/624-6000 Consumers may also email us at pucommission@gmail com and for further information may visit our websiteatwww.puc.org.gy
Yoursincerely, PublicUtilitiesCommission
PILLARS OF INSPIRATION: Glenn Lall, GHK Lall, and Anand Persaud
In a country navigating the tides of uncertainty, three remarkable individuals stand as pillars of strength and inspiration: Glenn Lall, GHK Lall, andAnandPersaud(ofStabroekNews).
These men are not just figures in journalismorpublicdiscourse;theyare institutions,guidingtheconscienceofa nation that is too often overlooked, underestimated, and exploited. Their courage, intellect, and patriotism are beacons of hope in a landscape marred bydespairandsystemicchallenges.
Glenn Lall is synonymous with fearless defiance. He embodies the essence of Guyana’s diverse people, bridging divides between Indian and African Guyanese with equal respect and empathy A man of unwavering conviction, he stands firm against governmental corruption and societal inequities, challenging the powerful withoutfearorfavour.Glenn’sjourney inspires countless Guyanese to believe in justice and the possibility of a brighterfuture.
a scholar with the resolve of a warrior Echoing the spirit of King David, his intellect channels the sharpness of a fighter defending the “small man” against the might of the powerful. His incisive writing lays bare the injustices threateningGuyana’sprogress,offering not just critique but solutions. GHK’s unwavering voice has become indispensable in preserving the moral andintellectualfabricofthenation.
AnandPersaud,thoughlessvisible, is no less influential. A quiet patriot working behind the scenes, he wields power with humility and dedication. Representing the unsung heroes of Guyana,Anand’sworkensuresthatthe visionofabetterGuyanaremainsalive and within reach. His contribution is a testament to the strength of those who strive tirelessly without seeking recognition.
Together, Glenn, GHK, and Anand form a triumvirate of resilience, embodying the spirit of a Guyana that refuses to surrender to apathy or corruption. They are God’s gift to the nation, a reminder that even in the
darkest moments, there are those who fightforjustice,equality,andprogress. Without their tireless efforts, Guyana might have succumbed to the grip of exploitation, mismanagement and wouldhavebeenbamboozler
These men have become warriors, standing against the tides of greed and oppression challenging politicians, billionaires, oil companies, and systemic evils. Their fight is one of conscience, driven not by self-interest but by a love for their country While their opponents may win battles, they will never win the war for the soul of Guyana.
Intheirstories,weseethepowerof resilience and patriotism. Their voices, actions, and unwavering belief in the nation’s potential remind us that great change often begins with a few who refuse to give up—no matter the odds. AsGregoryIsaacsoncesaid,“Oneman against the world,”—in this case, three men, standing tall against the tide of adversity
Sincerely, AnthonyPantlitz
AFC mourns loss of President Carter
A mini health check is the first step to donating blood.
President Jimmy Carter, the 39th President of the United States of America, has passed. He was a global iconwhoselifeandgoodworkstouched every sphere of life He will be remembered for his gentleness, and resolutequesttomaketheworldamore peaceful and tolerable place than he founditwhenhebecamePresident.
Guyanese will remember President Carter’s ushering in of a liberal democracy in 1992, the work of his
Carter Center in crafting the National Development Strategy (NDS), a still and acutely necessary blueprint to follow, and his ever-present team of Observers, during and after, General andRegionalelections.Thesearebuta few of his worthwhile contributions to Guyana’s democratic growth and development.
The name Jimmy Carter is synonymous with decency, good governance, transparency and accountability-virtuesthathesoughtto
inculcateinhisownnation,evenwhile urgingotherselsewheretoadoptthem.
The world is a better place because of President Carter’s contribution to it, and we are all eternally grateful. The Leader, Executive, and entire membershipoftheAllianceForChange extend sincerest condolences to the family of the late President Jimmy Carter, and to the people ofAmerica at thistimeoftheirloss.
Sincerely, AllianceForChange
Bishop Edghill must come clean on $7.6B appropriated for office complex
As we prepare to bid farewell to 2024 and welcome 2025, there are several unanswered questions and unfinished business by the PPP/C regime. One such project remains a mystery, that is, ‘the 12-storey Office Complex’;whichisyettoget off the ground through the Ministry of Public Works. I wish to remind Guyanese that the sum of $7.6B was approved by the National Assembly from 2022-2024 andisunaccountedfor Editor, I have kept this project on the front burner, sincetheNationalAssembly appropriatedfunds. Itissad tosaythattodatethereisno physical activity on the designated project site, for theexceptionofstockpiling of aggregates for ongoing Eccles-Ogle Road construction. I visited the area on two occasions since my last letter published in
September 2024 and providedpictorialevidence.
As an advocate for TRANSPARENCY AND ACCOUNTABILITY, I will continue to call on Minister Juan Edghill and his colleaguestobeaccountable toTAXPAYERS. For2024, I have at least on five occasions,writtenlettersand had approximately ten questions publicly put to Bishop Edghill, both in the NationalAssemblyandprint media, for him to respond. Therefore, I will once again call on Bishop Juan Edghill, MinisterofPublicWorks,to come clean and account for the$7.6B.
In May 2024, Minister Edghill told the nation, ‘All
preliminary works
completed for the construction of government c o m p l e x / t o w e r s , ’ (Newsroom, May 9, 2024). The very article also referenced and quoted Minister Edghill reporting on several aspects of the project Additionally, the article stated, ‘he did not indicate when on-site civil works will commence but maintainedthatthecomplex
is set for completion within 913daysfromthestartofthe commencement order The was reportedly issued at the beginningofthisyear.’
I have given Minister Edghill adequate time to thoroughly equip himself and report to the people of Guyana on this longanticipatedproject,yettoget started Since my last publicationonthismatterof publicinterest;inSeptember 2024, editor, from the ten questions posed, I enquired, whether the funds, ‘$7.6B have been diverted to construct the lagging SheratonFourPointsHotel,” being constructed along the Mandela/Eccles Road Link, somemeremetersnorthofa partial steel structure, for ‘SheriffInternationalMall.’
Bishop Edghill later came out firing, questioning the integrity of the Opposition. Bishop Edghill is quite knowledgeable of my work and abilities, and that Ferguson does her homework well, with d i l i g e n c e a n d professionalism He dealt withmeforyears,asayoung public servant, who worked at GPOC, while he was Chairman of the Board of Directors.TheTRUTHshall revealitself!Timewilltell. ItisdisgustingtohearMr Bharrat Jagdeo every Thursday in the week reportingoneverythingunder the sun, for the exception of thismysteriousprojectforthe construction of the twelvestorey office complex What is even troubling is that this projectfallsundertheeyesof Minister Edghill, and while he (through his Facebook platform) highlights roads fixedhereandthere,contracts issued to Tom and Jones, bridges built here and there, etc I am wondering whether its deliberate NOT to have regular updates on the progress made of this mysterious twelve-storey officecomplex?
I know a press statement from his office will follow thereafter What is evident, huge buildings coming after areintheconstructionphase.

Editor, if Bishop Edghill is having difficulties in reporting on the intricacies involving this mysterious project, then I would recommendthatheallowthe technical officers to update the press, as it relates to the fabrication of steels and other materials being sourced externally, why the foundation and drilling of pileshavenotcommenced.
Mr Vladim Persaud, Permanent Secretary for the Ministry of Public Works should come under the microscope, since he is the accounting officer, responsible for approval of payments, and update the mediaonthemoneypaidon December 27, 2024, for completedworks.
Mr Jagdeo at his last Press Conference on Friday, December 27, 2024; stated thatMinisterswillhosttheir end of year press conferences.
I await and look forward to hearing from Minister Bishop Juan Edghill for an update on the mysterious twelve-storey office complexandaccountforthe $7.6B, since there are no activities on the project site.
Additionally, my ten pertinent questions to Minister Edghill, published and
September 10, 2024, remain relevant and he should address them at his end of yearpressconference.
Minister Edghill, now thatyouareinthehotseat,all eyesareonyouasitrelatesto the people’s money You mustgiveanaccountsir!As a religious leader, I doubt you will want your name recorded in the annals of Guyana,asthe“unaccounted and non-transparent Minister,” other than the ‘LambsBookofLife’.Iurge you,‘donotletyourgoodbe spoken of as evil, for the Kingdom of God is not eating and drinking, but righteousness, and peace, and joy of the Holy Ghost,’ Romans14:16-17.
YoursTruly, AnnetteFerguson,MP
The President knoweth not
that he knoweth not
Resistance is man’s instinctive reaction to oppressionandviolationand must never be suppressed under any guise. Resistance is inherently protected in universal declarations, international conventions and local laws, as we navigate the complexities and challenges of human existenceandforgerelations basedonmutualrespectand dignity.
PresidentIrfaanAliisnot only wrong but out of order inhisboastlastweekthathis regime would have successfully crushed any resistance in society, during a sit down with the female membersofthemedia.
His statement suggests that he does not understand human relations, its structures and evolving dynamics, but is only capable of conceptualising and reasoning at the most basic No wonder he
continues to misread the tea leaves, abrogate his duties and responsibilities to the peopleandsociety,prancing around in the vacuous ‘one Guyana’ mantra as the country disintegrates; and poverty and deprivation escalate.
StatementsutteredbyAli often cause the serious among us to question whetherhereads,learningis ever taking place, or he relishes the comedic and brutishbehaviours.
The assumed silence in society, largely in part because the people have been abandoned by an ineffectiveOpposition,isnot indicative of the absence of resistancebuttheabsenceof formal leadership which is more dangerous. Where the marginalised and oppressed lack formal leadership natural leaders will emerge who often do not feel compelled to operate within the confines of the laws to
effect change.We have seen this all over the world and a smart president would not feignignorance. The glee being derived seeingtheagedtotheyoung in long lines, waiting in the sweltering heat to collect a one-off $100,000 cash grant is not a reflection of achievementbutfailure.For it exposes Guyana to the worldandalltoseethelevel of desperation of a people living in the world’s fastest growing and richest economy If Ali does not see the presence of resistance, then he is not deserving of the constitutionaltitlesheholds. Nodemocraticleaderwould derive pleasure at the people’s discomfort, deprivation and inhumane treatment. The cash grant lines are stark reminders of these.
President Irfaan Ali is delusionaltothinkina
Former United States President Jimmy Carter passedawayattheageof100 He will be remembered by Guyanese for the role he played in the restoration of democraticruleonOctober5, 1992aftertwenty-eightyears ofPNCauthoritarianrule
He was personally presentinGuyanaduringthe October 5, 1992 elections which many felt may have forestalled yet another episodeofriggedelectionsby theDesmondHoyteregime
Carter was awarded Guyana’s highest national award, the Order of Excellence by the PPP/C administration for his invaluable contribution to democratic reforms which

ultimatelypavedthewayfor freeandfairelections.
Among those reforms werethecountingofvotesat the place of poll, a new voters’ list and a new formulafortheappointment of the Chairperson of the G u y a n a E l e c t i o n s Commission(GECOM).
Despitebeingaone-term President, Carter played an influential role in global politics and will be remembered for his part in brokering a peace deal between Israel and Egypt, famously referred to as the
CampDavidAccords,which was signed in September 1978.Hewastherecipientof theNobelPeacePrizeforhis advocacy role for world peace, human rights and the peaceful resolution of conflictsintheworld.
TheCarterCenterwhich he founded, continues to monitorelectionsinallparts of the world including elections in Guyana. An outstanding international statesman has fallen. May hissoulrestinpeace!
Sincerely, HydarAlly

Guyanese must never forget President Jimmy Carter
As we bid farewell to former US President Jimmy Carter, all Guyana should neverforgetitwasPresident CarterandtheCarterCenter which played a pivotal role in helping to restore democracy, ending the PNC dictatorshipin1992.
In 2020, President Carter’s grandson Jason Carterwasonthesameflight withmegoingoutofGuyana andinchattingwithhim,Ihad the pleasure of thanking him for what his grandpa did in saving Guyana, and what he the grandson was now doing inheadingtheCarterCenter’s observer team, as the PNC was returning to its old ways andtryingtorigagain
Manyofusfoughtforthe restoration of democracy in various ways, but the Carter Center’s involvement in brokering free and fair elections and counting of votesattheplaceofpollwas thetippingpointforchange.
(MywifeandIweretheonly twopeopleretrenchedatour school under the guise that wewerePPPpeople.
The PNC government had done a national “retrenchment” exercise across the country to purge schools of “dissidents”people they perceive as Opposition to their dictatorship). In 1992, I had contacted a Dr Robert Pastor, who was head of the Carter Center, volunteering
to help with the observer team.Herespondedbyletter indicatingtheycouldnotuse Guyaneseontheteam.
President Carter will be rememberedforbeinginthe GECOM building when PNChoodlumswerepelting upthebuilding.Hispresence in Guyana during the election was what saved a biggerriotandderailmentof thedemocraticprocess.
In tribute to President CarterandtheCarterCentre, IcallonthePresidenttokeep his promise and honour all the “Guardians of Democracy” who guarded ballot boxes during the recountandstoodupagainst the PNC’s failed attempt to rig the 2020 elections and
Managementshake-upat GuySuCocoming-Mustapha
There will be a shake up in the management of the Guyana Sugar Corporation (GuySuCo) come 2025, Minister of Agriculture Zulfikar Mustapha said, on Monday, at his end-of-year press conference.
Hetoldreportersthatgovernmentwillbe very stringent as they want to ensure that GuySuCoperformsthewayitshould.“…In the new year, we’ll see some changes in management of GuySuCo at various estates they are already contemplating to move managers. Somemanagerswillcomeoutof thesystem. Sotheythemselves,withoutour intervention…they themselves have looked to see to assign people in the area that they canperformbetter,”theMinistersaid.
Voicing his displeasure in the way the corporationhasbeenperforming,Mustapha remindedthatPresidentIrfaanAlisaidafew days ago that the riot act was read to the managementofGuySuCo.TheMinisterdid however, admit that there were some difficultiesthataffectedproduction.
“…We know that there was a serious droughtissuethataffectthegrowthofcane. Buthehasmadeitveryclearthatifthetarget for2025,firstcrop,(and)thesecondcropis not achieved, then (we) will take drastic action.We will take drastic action to ensure thatwedealwithit…Wewanttoensurethat they reduce their cost of production, they achieve their targets. That is why we have technical support We are providing technical support also for them,” Minister Mustaphaexplained.
President Irfaan Ali, a week ago during an interview with reporters, said that he is aware of the challenges facing the corporation President Ali said the management is also aware of their underperformance.However,hesaid,failure tomeetspecifictargetswillresultindecisive managerialactions.
“We sat down with them [and] they broughttogetheraninvestmentplanthat isneededtokeepthefactoryefficient. We have supported that investment plan [and] I have made it very clearthat if the target for 2025 (first and second crop target) is not met, then heads will roll,” President Ali was quoted saying in a Department of Public Information press
plungingthenationintodeep trauma for five months President Carter’s passing gives us the opportunity to reflectthatittakespeopleto rise up and take a stand for the preservation of democracyinGuyana.
Asweheadintoelections in2025,whoknowsthePPP might need us again to keep vigil,anditmightneedallof those who wrote letters constantly Dr Vishnu Bisram, Robin Singh and I were the top three letter
writers during those five months.
The PNC has never apologized for the 28 years of rigging, and it has never apologizedfortheattempted rigging in 2020, when its supportershadcontrolledthe key positions and levers of power at GECOM, and it thought they could engineer arigging.
The twenty-eight years of Burnhamism were the closestwecametoapartheid in Guyana. Our country was
pauperised, our people fled to every little island in Caricom and in countries acrosstheworld.
Our culture and politics had become deformed, and vestiges of that era still remain Thank you, PresidentJimmyCarter You have done God’s will in helping to save Guyana! Rest in peace, dear friend of Guyana!
Dr.JerryJailall CivilSocietyAdvocate
PRESIDENT JIMMY CARTER 1924-2024 etched in Guyana’s history
In1979,inthemidstofPresidentJimmy Carter’s presidency, I lived in the United States. The 1979 SALT II (Strategist Arms Limitation Treaty), signed between the Soviet Union’s Brezhnev and USA’s Jimmy Carter, limiting the number of both nation’s nuclearforces,to2,250apiece,wasperhaps, President Carter’s crowning achievement as a President. Sighs of relief were heaved by theAmericanpopulace.
pushed for fair and free election as well the dissolution of an authoritarian state (since 1966) and the restoration of democratic governance.
AgreeduponbyGuyana’sthenPresident, Desmond Hoyte, and accepted by Guyana Election Commission, his blueprint as an introductory electoral reform for Guyana’s 1992 election, paved the way for the People Progressive Party (PPP) victory at the 1992 polls.Democracyprevailed!
Minister of Agriculture, Zulfikar Mustapha

Theailingsugarcorporationhas,overthe years, seen continuous decline in performanceintermsofproduction,buthas seen billions of dollars from the nation’s coffers being plugged annually into the industry
Inthemid-yearreport,FinanceMinister, DrAshniSinghsaidtheindustryisestimated tohavecontractedby60.4percentinthefirst half of this year, with production of 6,739 tonnesofsugarreportedbyGuySuCo.
This performance was attributed to the carried-over impacts of drier-than-usual weatherconditionslastyearintothesecond quarterofthisyear
Asaresultoftheperformanceinthefirst halfoftheyear,thegrowthprojectionforthe sector is now 16.3 per cent for 2024, with a revisedprojectionof70,000tonnesofsugar tobeproducedthisyear Additionally, the Government said its interventions in the industry are aimed at diversifying and modernising the sugar industry, while reducing the cost of production.Thesamereportstatedthatsome 2,734 hectares of land were converted to support mechanised cultivation and harvesting of sugar cane at the Rose Hall, Albion, Blairmont, and Uitvlugt estates, bringing the total land converted to 8,400 hectares. Moreover, six additional cane harvesters were expected to be operational bytheendof2024,increasingthefleettoten.
Continued on page 9
So,itiswiththedeepestofsadnessIhear of the passing of the 39th President of the United States- James Earl Carter, Jr, fondly known as Jimmy Carter- the peanut farmer(thatwashisfamilybusiness).
He was the only Centenarian President, being born October, 1, 1924 - and deceased on December 29, 2024- a life span of over 100 years! President Carter, hailed from the StateofGeorgia,USA,andwasaStatesman who served one term as the US President. However, his greater legacy is, inarguably, his post presidency advocacy as a Humanitarian of world peace, through the CarterCenter
In 1992, in Guyana, President Carter
However, the 1992 Electoral Reform blueprint,meanttobea“oneoff’ONLY,for the 1992 Election, has, seemingly, found favour with successive governments and to thisday,GECOMisstillusingthe1992“one off”ElectoralReformblueprint.
Notwithstanding the above, President Carter’s legacy will be forever etched and interwovenintheannalsofGuyana’shistory
As I offer sincere condolences to his familyandtheCarterCenter,mayGodgrant them the strength to prevail and may the beacon of hope illumined by the Carter CenterperpetuallyshineinGuyana.
The President knoweth not...
society where at least half lives in poverty, the income gap widening between the haves and haves-not, high costofliving,denialofbasic necessities,includingquality health care, education, public transportation, etc, “That resistance is completelygone.”
The president knoweth not that he knoweth not, consequently posing a clear and present threat to the people’s quest for harmony, peaceful co-existence, and theirinalienablerighttoselfdetermination.
Even in the most democraticcountriesthereis resistanceandthatresistance acknowledges, among other things,theevolvingnatureof man, the importance of universallaws,thatpeoplein societyarenotmonolithicin interestsandwouldstrivefor inclusionandbetterment.
Ali should not be fooled bywhathethinksisgrowing
support for his regime and party,whenmanypeopleare starvingandbeingleftoutof the oil economy Some feel out of necessity to survive they must grovel by putting their pride under their feet. These are happening on his watch.
He should not be fooled by the professional who shakeshishandandbowsto him, or those who jump and clap in his presence, reminiscent of bygone days. These are not characteristics of democratic but autocratic societies.
The president must bow his head in shame because the only resistance ‘that is completely gone’ in society is his inability to understand his leadership has been brutish, exclusionary, shows little or no regard for the Constitution and Laws of Guyana His political management of this society has been inhumane at best andbrutishatworst.
And where PresidentAli refuses to act in the interest ofallandupholduniversally acceptable principles he need not be mistaken that resistance does not exist. Whereas it may appear to him to be completely gone, like a volcano its simmers and will eventually erupt. This is a nation that evolved out of resistance- resistance to slavery, indentureship, colonial domination and dominationofallforms,and until respect, equity and equality are achieved for all thestrugglecontinues. Resistwemustandresist we shall, when and where necessary. And the feelings of the denied and marginalised are best captured in the words of the Rev Dr. Martin Luther King Jr that“Allofthemiserythat stokedtheflamesofrageand r eb ellio n r emain s undiminished.”
Sincerely, LincolnLewis

Guyana earned US$7.9B from export of agro-processed goods, fresh products in 2024

…GMC launched 159 new products, opened 82 Guyana Shop Corners
Minister of Agriculture, Zulfikar Mustapha
Guyanahasearnedsome US$7.9B in the export of fresh produce and agroprocessedproductsthisyear, Agriculture Minister, Zulfikar Mustapha, told a news conference on Monday
TheMinistercreditedthe growth to the work of the Guyana Market Corporation
(GMC) “We have seen massive improvements with the GMC. We have seen the export increase to US$7.9 billion-6,823metrictonsof commodities were exported. We have seen new markets from various parts of the worldandtheseareouragroprocessed goods that we are producing in Guyana, what the locals produce, ” Mustaphasaid.
TheAgricultureMinister said that from January to November 2024, about 159 new agro- processed products were launched, with19newagro-processors supplying the Guyana Shop. In addition, GMC has significantly expanded the reachoflocalproducts,with 82 Guyana Shop Corners
now operational across the country, including new locations in Regions Two, Five, Nine, Ten, and even Barbados. “We (Ministry of Agriculture/GMC) have seen the Guyana Shop Corner revenue increase tremendously,” Mustapha said. He added, “We have seen new agro-processed facilities established in places like Hope. We have established a new dehydrating facility in Hope inRegionFour,WhiteWater agro-processing facility in RegionOne….Sotheseare the areas that we have been working in to increase our produce ” the Minister said.
Back in June, General ManagerofGMC,Teshawna
Boy, 3, dies in Albouystown fire
Anearlymorningfirehasclaimedthelife ofAmanieAbrahams,athree-year-oldboyof Lot146CooperStreet,Albouystown.
According to the Guyana Police Force (GPF),afireofunknownorigindestroyedthe dwellinghouseofTandicaBailey,a28-yearoldclothesvendorofthesaidaddress,about 01:30hMonday
Investigations revealed that Bailey resided in a wooden structure that rests on concrete blocks about three feet off of the groundwithherthreechildren,ages11,four andthree.
Around 07:00h on Sunday evening, the woman left home to go to work on Regent Street, leaving her three children at home.
About01:36hasshewasabouttoheadhome, Bailey was informed that her house was on fire. When she got home, she saw her two olderchildrenwhotoldherthatafterthefire started, they ran out of the house and due to theheat,Amaniewasleftbehindonabedin theroom.
The Fire Service personnel and EMTs weresummonedtothesceneandthefirewas extinguished.The remains of the three-yearold were found in the bedroom area, burnt beyondrecognition.Adoctorpronouncedthe boy dead. The remains were taken to the MemorialGardensFuneralHomeforapostmortem examination Investigations are ongoing.

Lall, during an annual awardsceremonyanddinner had highlighted the importance of the agroprocessing sector “We are gathered here today to celebrate the exceptional achievementsandinvaluable achievements of our agroprocessorandexporterswho haveplayedavitalroleinthe continuous development of our believed nation,” she saidbackthen.Accordingto Lall, “agro processing is a cornerstone of sustainable development, offering
benefits such as value addition to raw agricultural products, creating employment opportunities, enhancing food security and fosteringeconomicgrowth.” She emphasised the sector’sbroadimpact,noting that, “by transforming raw materialsintofinishedgoods we not only increase the market value of our products, but also open new marketsandrevenuestreams for our fa
nd entrepreneurs.” The General Manager explained too back
then that those involved in agro
processing have advanced GMC’s mission to promote and ma
Guyana’s agricultural products locally, regionally, andinternationally Lallalso highlighted that the increase in production and export of local produce and products will help reduce the import of certain food items. This effort aligns with Guyana’s commitment to decreasing the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) food import billby25percentby2025.
President Ali praises work of Jimmy Carter
President Irfaan Ali has expressed condolences on the passing of former US PresidentJimmyCarter,describinghimasa respected statesman and an indefatigable champion of democracy In a statement, PresidentAlisaiditiswithprofoundsorrow thathelearntofthepassingofCarterwhom he described as a “respected statesman, a benevolent humanitarian, and an indefatigablechampionofdemocracy.”
Ali said while he knew that in recent years Carter health had been declining and that he had been confined to hospice care, “the news of his passing still weighed heavily on me. His departure represents an immense loss, not only to the United States but to the entire free world that values and cherishes the principles of democracy and human rights.” According to Ali, President Carter stood as a central protagonist in the wave of democracy that swept across the world following the end of the Cold War Acknowledging the vital role of embedding democracy, human rights, and development within the evolving post-Cold War era, the Carter Center, founded by him, diligently laboured to secure free and fair elections, respect for human rights and the promotion of development, across many continents, PresidentAlisaid.
“Hislegacyisintertwinedwiththestory ofGuyana’sjourneytowardsdemocracyand development. Jimmy Carter’s name will foreverbelinkedtotheelectoralreformsthat paved the way for free and fair elections in Guyana, breaking the shackles of nearly a quarter-century of political dictatorship. President Carter also understood that democracy’s return had to be fortified by development. As such, after freedom had beenrestoredinOctober1992,hehelpedto support the crafting of a National Development Strategy for Guyana and to mobilize resources for reconstruction,” PresidentAlisaid.
“Guyana will forever remember and be grateful to President Carter for the election observer missions the Carter Center undertook in Guyana.These missions acted asawatchdogoftransparency,fairness,and credibility in the electoral process. My condolences,andthatoftheGovernmentand People of Guyana, go out to President Carter’sfamilyandtotheAmericanpeople, whomheservedwithdistinctionandhonour throughouthislife. JimmyCarter’splacein history is secure, and his standing in the history of our own country, Guyana, is etched in gratitude and respect,” the statementsaid.

J i m m y C a r t e r ’s presidencyfellvictimtoglobal and domestic upheavals His single term as the 39th PresidentoftheUnitedStates was shaped, and ultimately constrained,byforcesbeyond hismaking aconfluenceof geopolitical shifts, domestic crises,andhistoriceventsthat could have unravelled even themostseasonedleader
The defining moment, that symbolised Carter’s struggles, was the Iran hostage crisis This was a dramatic ordeal that gripped the attention of not only America but the world. On November 4, 1979, the U.S. Embassy in Tehran was stormed by students, and dozens of Americans were taken hostage This act, orchestrated under the auspices of Iran’s new Islamic government, aimed to humiliate the United States and its leader, Jimmy Carter for not handing over thedeposedShahofIran.
Carter’s response was measured and deliberate He sought diplomatic means to resolvetheissue TheIranians however were not budging. As months dragged on and diplomatic solutions grew elusive, the President faced mounting pressure to act decisively
In April 1980, he approved a daring rescue mission The plan involved helicopters landing in the desert outside Tehran, extracting the hostages, and flying them to safety.
T r a g i c a l l y , t h e mission Operation Eagle Claw—ended in failure. A devastating sandstorm, coupled with mechanical malfunctions, led to the crashoftwohelicopters.The missionwasaborted,leaving eight servicemen dead and thehostagesstillincaptivity
In the aftermath of this catastrophe, Carter bore the weight of the nation’s disappointment Theimageof burning wreckage in the Iranian desert became a s y m b o l o f t h e administration’s perceived ineffectiveness When Carter met with the mission’s commander afterward, the colonel, tears in his eyes, apologized for failing the Americanpeople Hebegged for another chance to rescue thehostageshome ButCarter knew that the moment had passed for rescuing the hostages
The hostage-takers, emboldened by the failed rescue,refusedtoreleasetheir captives until the inauguration of Ronald Reagan, denying Carter the opportunity to reclaim a hard-fought victory in the twilightofhispresidency
Yet, the Iranian vendetta against Carter was just one chapter in a broader story of global instability that shaped his tenure. The geopolitical situation in the latter half of the 1970s was marked by seismicshiftsthatseemedto tilt the scales against the UnitedStates.TheColdWar wasshiftinginfavourofthe SovietUnion.Revolutionary
movements in Nicaragua and Grenada, the liberation struggles in Angola and Rhodesia, and the Iranian Revolution—all signalled a waningofU.S.influence.
The Soviet invasion of Afghanistan in 1979 further challenged Carter’s presidency His response, which included economic sanctionsandaU.S.boycott of the 1980 Moscow Olympics, was principled butinsufficienttoreversethe perception of American decline.
Domestically, Carter facedacascadeofchallenges that eroded his popularity
The energy crisis, triggered by OPEC’s embargo, led to longlinesatgasstationsand a sense of national malaise. Americans, accustomed to post-war prosperity, found themselves grappling with inflation, stagnant wages, and an economy in turmoil.
C a r t e r ’s c a l l f o r conservation and alternative energy, though visionary, was met with resistance in a nation unprepared for such sacrifices.
To compound his woes, Carterfacedachallengefrom withinhisownparty Senator Ted Kennedy’s bid for the Democratic nomination in
Management shake-up at...
Further, the rehabilitation of heavy and light duty revetments to strengthen the drainage system across the industry is on track for completion. An additional sugar dryer at the Blairmont Estate, budgeted at $60 million, is expectedtobeinstalledbytheendoftheyear.
This dryer will enhance the quality of the sugar for packaging. Further, the two additional lines at the packaging plant at Blairmont and the construction of the buildingforthepackagingplantatAlbionareontracktobe completedbytheendoftheyear
Theindustrycurrentlyemploys8,179personsanditis anticipated that employment will expand to over 8,300 in theremainderoftheyear
Dem Boys Seh...
Progress without sacrifice is not for Guyana!
DemboyssehGuyanesewantprogress, but is like they want it with a tall drink of convenience. De authorities seh, “No right turn from Vlissengen Road into Lamaha Streetforsouthboundtraffic.”
Dem seh it mek sense. It gon reduce waitingtimes,freeupdejunction,andmek trafficflowonbothcarriagewaysatthesame time.
But wuh happen? Protest! Big noise! People bawl out like dem was ask to walk barefoot to work All de plan require is fuh yuh to drive a likkle further, wend yuh way downVlissengenRoad,andtekanotherturn Butnah,thattoomuchwukfuhwe Guyanese seh, “We want progress, but don’t yuh dare askwetodriveanextratwocorners”
Youwouldathinkdembancarsandtell peoplestartridingdonkeycarts.Nah,isjust
1980 fractured the party’s unity and highlighted the frustrations of a populace yearning for change. Even as the incumbent, Carter struggled to rally support, his administration’s a c c o m p l i s h m e n t s overshadowed by crises that were largely beyond his control.
Despite these formidable obstacles, Carter negotiated the Camp David Accords, a historic peace agreement between Egypt and Israel, and championed human rights as a cornerstone of U.S. foreign policy These achievements, however, were overshadowed by the declineinAmericanprestige duringhispresidency
As we look back at his one-term presidency, it is evident that many of the challenges he faced were rooted in developments that predated his administration.
The seeds of the Iranian Revolution were sown during the Shah’s reign, supported by U.S. policy decisions long before Carter tookoffice.Theenergycrisis was the result of decades of dependence on foreign oil.
The Cold War’s shifting dynamics were the culmination of complex global trends that no single leadercouldreverse.
Carter’s presidency servesasasoberreminderof the limitations of even the most well-intentioned

leadership in the face of historical forces. It is to his credit and character that he did not shirk responsibility orseektodeflectblame.
And it is ironic, but perhapsoneofpoeticjustice, thatafterhedemittedoffice, the Cold War ended and opened a new chapter for him to make his mark as a globalstatesman.
(The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinionofthisnewspaper.)
a likkle adjustment, a small inconvenience fuhdegreatergood.Butno!Guyaneseseh, “Progressmustcometowedoorstep,ringde bell,andbegwepardon.”
Same ting happen when de government build nice new walkways and people seh dem like it, but next day, yuh see vending stallspopuplikemushrooms.Anddemseh, “Well, people gotta eat!” Is true, but wha about de people who need a clear walkway towalkpun?
Dem boys seh Guyanese want de benefits of progress without lifting a finger—or in dis case, without turning a steeringwheelafewextratimes.Sodenext time yuh hear somebody complain, remind dem: Progress without inconvenience just don’texist.

Now that we have more, we also have a duty to do more
Happyholidaysto allGuyanese,no exceptions Happyholidaysalsotothose whohavemadeGuyanatheir home,sometemporarilydue tocommerce,othersbecause of the necessity of circumstances. Havingbeen thereandlivedwithmyown circumstances for an eternity,Iknowwhatitislike to be away from the land of one’sbirth.
Every Guyanese should haveplenty,enoughtoenjoy a hearty holiday season; enough left over to share a littlegoodcheer
This is the size of the endowment that has been given, the inheritance that is ours. The wish and prayer are that what is in mind is accurate.
All have something, noneiswithout. Inalandas filled to overflowing as it is with riches, we are the ones thatshouldbesharingjoyto the world because we have
such joy in our times, and alsoresonatinginourhearts. Look at our numbers and howtheygleam. Listentohowwefeature in the conversations of countless others. When we were always on the move to elsewhere, others are tumblingoverthemselvesto gethere.
Itisnotjustafunctionof economics, but of the down to earth reality that is palpable, that touches first, and that then lingers for a longtimewithineachofus.
Acontentedpopulaceisa generous one; its members can afford such luxuries, even those who have earned a reputation for being skinflints, and tight-fisted. Thrift is truth, but kindness and care are righteous, even holy
These are the teachings, the substance, and the imperatives of this time of theyear Without drifting into the
religious, and regardless of whether one is a true believer, a believer of sorts, oradoggednonbeliever,has nobearing.
What is relevant, what should count, is that we are alive and aware of the pull and promise of this extraordinarytime.
A season from the mists of time that long ago made kings queasy, now the monarchsoftodaycan’tstop talkingaboutus.
We may have no angels inthemidst,butwecoulduse afewsaintsandmartyrs.We have causes calling at us from right in front of us. It starts with only one Something to hold on; something worth sacrificing for Remember that it only takesone.
I believe that Guyanese arealavishlyblessedpeople; anddespiteourtroubles,our conspicuous limitations, surprisingly we are now beyondcompare.

Let it for the right reasons, and how we handle matters. Wewhousedtoand still think it normal to track from pillar to post to obtain someeconomicsustenance.
The repertoire of natural disasters seems to have looked with a smile on us, andgenerouslybypassedus. While an array of abundant natural resources have landed here, and taken up deep residence that has outlastedtheages.
Allthewaydownherein SouthAmerica,wehaveour own version of manifest destiny InAmericanterms, we should be living thanksgiving, we are our own thanksgiving. This is sayingsomething,isn’tit?
HereweareinDecember five years later (and the hopes and dreams), and we have been gifted with the nectarofthegods,forwhich men in 1000 ships set sail, with their compasses set

deadcentreforthisdotonthe map.
Itisadotthathasgrown tooutsizedproportions,with the rest of the world tumblingoveritselftosecure a spot here, any sweet spot. More ships and planes will come.
Wemustgrowalongside, prove that we are deserving of our graces, and the wisdoms and temperateness thathavesidesteppedus,will somehowcome.
One man came, and the world of mankind has never beenthesame. Rememberhe was only one. Guyanese should be in a holiday spirit daily, there is doubt that the devoted would be bored; or that those who prefer to be outsidethepalewouldfindit inthemselvestobelieve.
Buttheymay,theywould in time, temper their passions, tone down the prejudices, be receptive to the idea of a new and
It is the mystery and magnitudeofDecemberthat one voice would lead to so muchlife. Onedoesn’thave to believe anything; but nature’s bonanzas are out there,andtheyours.
Of that, let there be no doubt, regardless of who tellsuswhat.Itistimetogo. This time of the year is of yearningsthatcomealive.
Iwouldhatetothinkthat a single Guyanese is left behind,doesn’thaveenough isoftheforgotten. Howcan thisbe?
Why should it be? Not whenwehavesomuch?Best of the season to all citizens. Now that we have more, we alsohaveadutytodomore.
(The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions and beliefs of this n e w s p a p e r a n d i t s affiliates.)
Sophia man wanted for fatal stabbing
Thirty-one-yearold Allin Sahoye o f L o t 1 3 0 Downer Canal, North S o p h i a , G r e a t e r Georgetown, is wanted for themurderofSaifAllyofLot 22 Block R, North Sophia, Georgetown.
Ally was fatally stabbed during a fight on Friday December 27. The incident occurred at North Sophia at 20:00h.
Anyonewithinformation about the whereabouts of Sahoye is asked to contact the nearest police station or call:225-6940,225-8196,or 226-7476.
Police reported that the suspect’s father, 58-year-old Christopher Julian Singh saidthatpriortotheincident, the victim, who was observed to be in an intoxicated state, went up to him and dealt him several slaps to his face, for no reason.
Singhsaidthatheandthe victim were on speaking termsandhadneverhadany problems.Asaresult,hewas surprised by his actions Upon seeing this, Sahoye, who was sitting on a bench, got up and approached the victim, after which a fight ensued.

Ally and Sahoye found themselves on the southern side of the Liliendaal Railway Embankment Whilethere,Sahoyestabbed Allytohischestwithaknife.
Ally collapsed and Sahoye made good his escape with the weapon in a southern direction.
Police in a statement said, “The victim was seen lying on his back, head facing north, feet clad in a blue three-quarter pants and awhitejersey.”
Thebodywasexamined, andastabwoundwasseenat the centre ofAlly’s chest. In
addition,whatappearedtobe bloodstainswereseenonhis clothing. Blood was also seenonthegroundwherehe waslying.
Ally was pronounced dead by a doctor, and his bodywastakentoMemorial Gardens for a post mortem examination.
“Several Persons were questioned, statements are being taken, CCTV (Closed Circuit Television) cameras are also being viewed Efforts were made to locate the suspect but without success,” Police said in a statement.
This contract must go
Wehavebeenattheforefrontof thecallsforrenegotiationofthe criminaloilcontractthatenslaves GuyanatoExxonMobiland,as wecloseofftheyear,werenewour callsforchangestothecontract.
Whentherewerefewothervoices callingforrenegotiationofthelopsided Americanoilcompanycontract withthiscountry,wewerethere,and wehavebeenloudandpersistent.
Renegotiationaffordssomerelief, somereversalofthisunspeakable crimethatExxonMobilhascommitted ontheGuyanesepeople,andtheones unbornasoftoday. Thisdirty,ugly, abusiveoilcontractmustgoandall Guyanamustbereadytojoinhands tocombatthisevil.AllGuyanesemust gearthemselvestofightshoulderto shoulderagainstthiscontract.
State of Emergency declared in T&T
Within hours of a massacre at P r i z g a r Lands, Laventille, the Prime Minister of Trinidad and Tobago, on Monday morning, authorised the declaration of a state of emergency
In a statement from the M i n i s t r y o f Communications, citizens were told that President Christine Kangaloo, on the adviceofthePrimeMinister, had declared the state of emergency being satisfied that the circumstances of Section 8(2)C of the Constitution exists. “The circumstances warranting the declaration of the public emergency are based on the advice of the TTPS to the NationalSecurityCouncilof heightened criminal activity which endangers the public safety.”
In Laventille Sunday night,fivemenweregunned down in an apartment, the latest in a series of killings connected to gang warfare acrosstheeast-westcorridor
In the President’s proclamationitwasstated,“I am satisfied that a public emergency has risen as a result of the occurrence of actionthathasbeentakenor isimmediatelythreatenedby aperson,ofsuchanatureand onsoextensiveascale,asto be likely to endanger the publicsafety…”

Acting Attorney General Stuart Young, left, and Minister of National Security Fitzgerald Hinds hold a news conference to explain the state of emergency on December 30. [Andrea De Silva/Reuters]
The last time a state of emergency was declared in Trinidad and Tobago was in 2021toallowforrestrictions to fight the Covid-19 virus. In2014,duringthetenureof the People’s Partnership government, an SoE was also triggered in response to a crime wave that never abatedtothisday This country has recorded at least 620 murders, an unprecedented number Meanwhile, Acting Attorney General, Stuart Young, has outlined the specifics of a State of Emergency (SoE) declared to address escalating criminalviolenceinTrinidad andTobago.
During a media conferenceattheMinistryof
NationalSecurityinPort-ofSpain, Young emphasised that the measures aim to target violent criminal activity, particularly involving illegal firearms, a m m u n i t i o n , a n d explosives, which escalated withaspateofkillingsover the weekend, while also ensuring that law-abiding citizens’ rights are minimallyimpacted.
“Therewillbenocurfew or restrictions on public meetings or marches at this stage,” Young stated during the media conference. “The focus is on those engaged in criminalactivities.”
Under the emergency regulations,theTrinidadand Tobago Police Service (TTPS) will receive enhanced powers, including

the authority to search premises and individuals without warrants if there is reasonable suspicion of criminal activity Individuals found in possessionofillegalfirearms or in the company of those carrying such items can also facedetention.
Detentionpowers explained
Theregulationsallowfor the detention of individuals for up to 48 hours without charge.
Beyond that period, a magistrate or senior police officermayauthorisefurther detention for up to seven days while evidence is gathered.
These provisions aim to facilitate thorough investigationsintosuspected criminal activities Additionally,theregulations suspend bail for individuals detained under the SoE Police officers will also be empowered to stop, search, and detain individuals, vehicles,andvesselswithout warrants in public or private spaces.
DefenceForce onhighalert
Youngconfirmedthatthe Trinidad and Tobago Defence Force (TTDF) will bedeployedinasupportrole tothepolice.Membersofthe TTDF,undertheinstructions oftheChiefofDefenceStaff, will have powers equivalent to those of police officers while acting under the SoE regulations.
A tribunal will be establishedtohandlematters
arisingfromtheSoE.Young has been in communication withActing Chief Justice of AppealBarrowtoensurethe legalframeworkisinplace. Noconnectiontorecent militarycall-out
Young dismissed claims that the SoE is linked to the recent mobilisation of Defence Force reserves by President Kangaloo He clarified that such mobilisations are routine during the Christmas and Carnival periods to bolster nationalsecurityefforts.
The SoE, Young explained, was necessitated by intelligence indicating threats of retaliation from criminalelements.
Thesethreatsinvolvethe continued use of illegal
firearms in a manner that poses heightened risks to public safety, he said. “This is a targeted response to brazen criminal activity and the escalating use of illegal weapons that endanger the lives of law-abiding citizens,”hestated.
The Acting Attorney General assured the public that the Government remains committed to maintaining order and addressing the root causes ofcrime
The regulations are expected to be published shortly, outlining the scope and application of these emergencypowers.
(Stories extracted from Trinidad Express and TrinidadGuardian)

The bodies of the five dead men, before being taken to the mortuary of the Port-of-Spain General Hospital. ( ) Trinidad Express

14, goes missing day after birthday
A 14-year-old boy has been missing since early November and his relatives are worried as there have beennotracesofhim.
Kirt Williams went missing the day after he celebrated his birthday on November3,2024. Hewas last seen in Sophia, Greater Georgetown. Williams, who is also known as Salan Smith, is a student of Kingston Secondary School inGeorgetown.
Duringaninterviewwith Kaieteur News, Shawn Campbell, Williams’s older brother said that he was informed about his brother’s disappearance three weeks after he went missing. “I normally see him at church, butafterthreeSundayspass, Iaskedforhimandwastold hewentmissing.”

Kirt Williams also known as Salan Smith
Campbell said that the 14-year-oldboyresideswith his cousin. The frustrated brother told this publication that he fears his brother is being trafficked and hopes for his safe return. Areport was made at the Sophia PoliceStation.
Mining sector grew by 153% - Pres. Ali
President Irfaan Ali has highlighted what he termed the ‘significant growth’ in Guyana’s mining sector, which expanded by 153% over the last four years. He made the announcement during a live broadcast on his Facebook page Sundaynight.
However,whilethesectorhasexperiencedoverallgrowth, the Ministry of Finance’s 2024 Mid-Year Report revealed notable declines in key areas like gold and diamond declarations. Thereportattributesthesector’sperformanceto increased outputs in oil and gas and the “other mining” subsectors, which it says offset contraction seen within the firsthalfingold,diamondandbauxitemining.
Thegoldminingsubsectorcontractedby10.3%inthefirst halfof2024,comparedtothesameperiodin2023.According tothereport,“AttheendofJune2024,golddeclarationsstood at 188,160 ounces, with the 35.3 per cent increase in declarations from the lone large producer outweighed by lower declarations from the small- and medium-scale producers. Declarations from the latter fell from 159,084 ouncesinthefirsthalflastyear,to119,603ouncesattheendof June this year.” Despite these challenges, the subsector is expectedtogrowslightlyby2.1%fortheyear
The bauxite mining subsector faced significant hurdles, contractingby20%inthefirsthalfof2024.Totalproduction duringthisperiodwasestimatedat196,650tonnes,hindered bymarketingandoperationaldifficulties.TheMinistrynoted that,“Overallproductionfor2024isnowprojectedatjustover 1,620,000 tonnes, and the sector is now projected to grow at 41.3percent.”
While production from the larger operator is expected to improve in the latter half of the year, the smaller operator anticipates a return to stability as operational challenges are addressed. The “other mining and quarrying” subsector emergedasabrightspot,recording45.5%growthinthefirst half of the year, primarily due to higher sand and stone declarations. According to the report, “Sand and stone declarationsareestimatedtohavegrownby46.6percentand 73.4 per cent, respectively, outweighing the contractions of 23.9 per cent and 9.2 per cent observed for diamonds and manganese,respectively.”
Thecontinueddemandfromconstructionactivitiesacross thecountryisprojectedtodrivethesubsector’soverallgrowth by 24.7% this year Notably, while traditional mining activities like gold and bauxite face notable challenges, the mining sector’s diversification into areas like sand and stone productionhasbeenpivotalinsustaininggrowth.
Acting Chief Magistrate Faith McGusty, recently assigned to preside over the 2020 election fraud case, ruled on Thursday that the matter will start afresh in 2025.
The election fraud case, which was first brought before the courts in early 2021, has faced numerous delays. The trial officially commencedinJuly,withtwo witnesses already having given their testimonies before Senior Magistrate Leroy Daly However, the trial came to an abrupt halt whenMagistrateDalyfellill and applied for sick leave in September 2024 and the matter has now been assigned to Magistrate McGusty
As a result, McGusty’s ruling has nullified the previous trial proceedings, meaningthatthecasewillbe treatedasifitisbeingheard for the first time. She clarified that the court now faces the decision of determining the mode of the trial— whether it should be conducted summarily or indictably The issue of restarting the trial had been raised previously, with the defence requesting a fresh start after nearly four years of delays However, the

prosecution opposed this request, leading the court to order written submissions frombothsidestodetermine ifthecaseshouldberetried.
Special Prosecutor Dharshan Ramdhani KC (King’s Counsel) advocated for a summary trial, while Defence Attorney Nigel Hughes called for a “de novo” trial, meaning a
complete restart of the proceedings.
During Monday’s proceedings, Magistrate McGusty explained, “The submissions made by both thedefenceandtheresponse bytheprosecutioninrelation to the manner in which this matter involving all the defendants should proceed, at this stage, I have read the submissions of both the defenceandtheprosecution, andIagreethatatthisstage, the matter will now have to be tried de novo The previoustrialwasbasicallya nullity, and the matter now comingbeforeme.Ihavethe discretion to hear submissionsandactonthose submissions in relation to manner in which the matter will be preceded, whether summarilyorindictably.”
However, McGusty did notmakearulingatthattime onwhetherthecasewouldbe treated as indictable, meaning the defendants would not be required to plead, or summarily, where the defendants would be allowed to enter a plea. She noted that, while the prosecution’s submissions emphasisedasummarytrial, the defence had focused solely on the “de novo” issue.
Hughes responded by statingthatthedefenceteam was in favour of an indictable trial, explaining, “Clearly, the prosecution anticipated your ruling, but we couldn’t. That’s why we didn’t make submissions on whetherthemattershouldbe indictable.”
He further requested a
short date to submit written argumentsregardingthetype oftrialandotheroutstanding issues.
Prosecutor Ramdhani did not oppose this request butpointedoutthatfromthe outset, the court had identified three key issues: whether the case should be heard “de novo,” whether it shouldproceedsummarilyor indictably, and whether the Magistrate could revisit the charges against the defendants “We (the prosecution) complied with your order, but the defendants chose only to addressthe‘denovo’issue… We came here today to hear that we had gone ahead, because no one could have anticipatedwhatwouldhave happened,” Ramdhani explained.
2024,tosubmittheirwritten arguments, with a ruling set forJanuary13,2024.
The case involves nine defendantswhoarefacing19 chargesofconspiracyrelated to the March 2020 general and regional elections. The accused include former GECOM Chief Elections Officer Keith Lowenfield; formerReturningOfficerfor District Four Clairmont Mingo;formerDeputyChief Elections Officer Roxanne Myers; former Minister Vo l d a L a w r e n c e ; APNU+AFC’s Chief Scrutineer Carol Smith Joseph;andformerGECOM employees Sheffern February, Enrique Liven, Michelle Miller, and Denise Babb-Cummings.
CDB’s financial strength confirmed by Callable Capital Review
The Board of Directors of the C a r i b b e a n Development Bank (CDB, the Bank) has reviewed and approved a Callable Capital Report, aligning with peer AAA rated Multilateral Development Banks (MDBs).
Callable capital is a financialsafetynetprovided by shareholders should the Bank require additional funds to boost investor confidence,increaselending capacity or strengthen financialstabilityincasesof emergency
CDB’s evaluation follows other MDBs efforts
t o i m p l e m e n t t h e recommendations of the G20-sponsored Independent ReviewofCapitalAdequacy Frameworks. Other MDBs undertookthesameexercise, such as the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), the African Development Bank (AfDB), the Asian Development Bank (ADB),
the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development(WorldBank).
CDB’s report covered three workstreams: 1 A review of the agreement establishingCDBpertaining to callable capital, which focused on the legal considerations and mechanisms around making a demand on the callable capital shares 2 An illustrative “reverse stress test” which considered the extreme hypothetical scenarios that would give rise to the financial circumstances that could trigger a call on callable capital. 3. A summary of shareholder’s reviews by many member countries outlining their legal, accounting and budgetary processesforrespondingtoa requestoncallablecapital. Significant conclusions havebeenreachedfollowing thereview,performedbythe Bank’s Legal Department. Key shareholders consider C a l l a b l e C a p i t a l subscriptions to be legally binding commitments. The process clarifications from s h a r e h o l d e r s a l s o demonstrate the strength of their obligations and welldefinedprocesstorespondto acalloncallablecapital.
The reverse stress test, performed by CDB’s Office
of Risk Management highlights the Bank’s considerable financial strength and prudent capital
adequacy policies, illustrating that a call on CDB’sCallableCapitalisan extremely unlikely event Lastly,thedecisiontomakea call sits with the Bank’s BoardofDirectors.
CDB jointly with other MDBs, continues to engage withCreditRatingAgencies (CRAs) to review and enhance the credit rating criteria used to assess
multilateral lending institutions. The additional information and analysis in the report bring greater clarity and transparency to callable capital which may better inform CRAs’ assessment of the value of callablecapital.
According to CDB’s Chief Risk Officer, Mr Stefano Capodagli, “The findingsaugurwellforCDB and our stability and ability to deliver to both our shareholdersandclients.The review, shows that the Bank is very stable and well prepared to handle extreme
financial shocks which are unlikelytooccur.”
Capodagli, drawing reference to CDB’s Capital Adequacy Framework, added that “We proactively manage our assets and liabilities with strong shareholder support while e n s u r i n g t i m e l y interventions if needed Even in extreme scenarios, the Bank has measures in place to mitigate financial strain.”
During the review, the Bank’s major shareholders also confirmed their commitment to providing callablecapitalifrequiredin all cases, with processes in place to respond quickly, within the timeframes requiredforCDBtomeetits obligations.
The review aligns with globaleffortstoincreasethe investing capacity of MDBs withtheinclusionofcallable capitalintocapitaladequacy calculations. This approach isexpectedtobevalidatedby thecreditratingagenciesand helpthemtobetterassessthe value of callable capital to MDBs. In addition, it could allow MDBs to expand financial capacity to tackle increasing demands on their resources as a result of growingdevelopmentneeds.
As a result, Magistrate McGusty explained that she would not be able to make a decision on these issues at that stage. She granted the defenceteamuntilJanuary6,
Mother who went missing on Christmas Day found
The charges allege that betweenMarch2andAugust 2, 2020, the accused conspired to manipulate the results of the 2020 elections at the Ashmins’ Building in Georgetown, defrauding the electorsofGuyana.

Found: Baby Ann Persaud also known as Annit
A52-year-old mother was found on Saturday, after she wasreportedmissingonChristmasDayafterwanderingnear theKaraKaraBridge,Linden,Region10.
BabyAnnPersaud,alsoknownas‘Annit’,aresidentof Block 42 Amelia’s ward, Linden reportedly went missing whenherdaughterwentouttogetfoodforher Kaieteur News reported that Persaud’s daughter, Shivanie Peters, said that her mother suffers from amnesia, afterfallingandhittingherheadinFebruary2024.
“Ileavehertogobymycousintoupliftsomefood,which I ordered for her We spent a lil while there because we werehavingafewdrinks whenwecomeback,myniece told me we have to go for her because she is by Kara Kara Bridge,”PeterstoldKaieteurNews.
She added, “I see my two nieces go to check but they couldn’tfindherandlatertheafternoonwegoandcheckand wedidn’tfindher.”Petersexplainedthathermotherwould from time-to-time venture into the community and persons would take her home. “It’s been sad because last year, last Christmas,Ihadher,shewasgood,shewashappy,shewas withme,shewasinhergoodsense…itsveryheart-breaking forme,”thedistraughtwomantoldKaieteurNews
Acting Chief Magistrate, Faith McGusty

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41neonatal,8maternal deathsat GPHCin2024
The Georgetown Public HospitalCorporation(GPHC) has reported a total of eight maternal deaths and 41 neonataldeathsin2024,marking thehospital’slowestrecorded numbers in recent years.
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The announcement was made during the hospital’s annualyear-endpressconference, which covered the facility’sachievements,challenges, and milestones from thepastyear,aswellasitsvisionandgoalsfortheupcomingyear
The conference was held at GPHC’s Centre for LearningandInnovation,locatedat Lot 225 F Newmarket Street, Georgetown.
In his address, GPHC Chief Executive Officer, Robbie Rambarran, highlighted that this year’s maternal and neonatal death rates were the lowest the hospital haseverrecorded,surpassing the previous year’s performance. “Last year, we boasted that in the history of GeorgetownHospital,wehad the lowest maternal death ever We also boasted that it was the year with the lowest neonataldeatheverinthehistoryofGeorgetownHospital,” he said. He continued, “This
year, we can boast that we have achieved even further Last year we had 10 maternal deaths, this year we have eight.Ofthoseeightmaternal deaths, each and every one was referred to us in a very criticalstate.”
Dr. Navindranauth Rambaran, Director of MedicalandProfessionalServices, explainedthatthemajorityof the eight maternal deaths wereindirectdeaths,meaning they resulted from pre-existing diseases or conditions that developed during pregnancy and were aggravated bythephysiologicaleffectsof pregnancy
He also noted that this was the second consecutive yearthatneonataldeathswere reduced. He attributed the reduction in neonatal deaths to several factors, including “charitable intentions, enhanced maternal care, and strengthened systems,” which the department had worked on throughout the year
Dr WinsomeScott,Acting DirectoroftheNeonatalIntensiveCareUnit(NICU)said,“In 2023,GPHCreported83neonatal deaths out of a total of 947 neonatal admissions. As
ofDecember29,2024,GPHC has recorded 954 admissions and 41 neonatal deaths, representinga50percentreduction in neonatal deaths compared to 2023,” she said. She credited this achievement to sustained efforts in strengthening training and education, acquiringnewequipment,and adopting a multidisciplinary approach to patient management.
Dr. Scott highlighted that prematurity was a significant contributor to neonatal deaths, accounting for 26 deaths. She also pointed out that infections were another key cause of neonatal death. “During 2024, we prioritized acquiring life-saving equipment for our preterm babies, aswellasnewdevicestohelp withrespiratorysupport,”she added.
Dr. Radha Sookraj, Consultant in Obstetrics and Gynaecology,emphasisedthe achievement of reducing maternal deaths, reiterating Dr Rambaran’spointthatmostof thedeathswereindirect,with patientstransferredfromother healthcare facilities. “We offered the best care possible withthecollaborationofother doctors who were involved,” Dr.Sookrajsaid.Shealsomentioned that the hospital recorded79maternalnear-miss casesin2024.“Therewere79
near misses, meaning that 79 women were saved from being dismissed. This is a significant decline from 303 patientsin2023,”sheexplained, underscoring the improvements in maternal care at GPHC.
Intermsofdeliveries,Dr Sookraj reported that there were4,260deliveriesin2024, comparedto4,857in2023.Of these,2,821werevaginaldeliveries, and the remaining were Caesarean sections. Overall admissions at GPHC increased by eight per cent, with 7,033 patients admitted in2024,comparedto6,674in 2023.
The maternity clinic has also seen daily patient numbersrangingfrom80to100.
Dr. Sara Singh, Acting Head of the Paediatrics Department,sharedthatin2024, the paediatric ward admitted 1,319 children aged 29 days to under 13 years old.
Pneumonia was the leading cause of admission, with 370cases,followedbysickle cell disease with 172 cases, neurological conditions with 120,andbloodcancerwith83 cases. Outpatient services saw11,234visitsin2024.Dr Singhremarked,“Thesenumbers reflect the trust that parents have placed in our paediatric team and the quality caretheyreceiveatGPHC.”
Govt. to appeal $24M court judgment for police killing of...
From page 3 sued the State and won, accordingtothelawfirmrepresenting them, Dexter Todd and Associates.
Thelawfirmhadsaidthat Bacchus’s mother filed the lawsuit. “The State first defendedtheaction,denyingliability for the killing and claiming that Mr. Bacchus died during an authorised police undercover operation
whilehewasattemptingtoillegallysellfirearms,”Dexter Todd and Associates said in a statement before adding, “However, by letter dated July24,2024theOfficeofthe Attorney General wrote the attorneys for Mr. Bacchus’ mother, as well as the judge, indicating that the State has acceptedliabilityforthebrutal shooting and requested thatthecourtmakeadecision
on the quantum of damages to be granted to the estate of the deceased.” Submissions from both sides were made and the judge ruled that Bacchus’s killing “breached his right to life, as protected under the Constitution of Guyana,” the law firm said. The court reportedly ordered the State to pay$1millionforfuneralexpenses,$$22.5millionasdam-

agesforbreachofhisrightto life and five hundred thousand dollars ($500,000) in court costs.According to the law firm, investigations revealed that there was no authorisedPoliceoperationin Haslington when Bacchus was shot and that no Police Commander was aware of such. Giving some background into the case, the law firm said as a result of the incident and the investigation, several Police ranks were allegedlyplacedonclosearrest by the GPF. In addition to DeNobrega,twootherranks: Lance Corporal Simon and Sergeant McLennon, were alsochargedwithattempting to obstruct the course of justice. Lance Corporal Simon wasalsochargedwiththeoffence of conduct prejudicial to good order and discipline.
The post-mortem report notedthatBacchusdiedfrom multiplegunshotwounds.Dr. Nehaul Singh, in the autopsy report,revealedthatBacchus received six gunshots and also confirmed that he was shotfivetimesinthebackand once in the chest. He had left to mourn his family and friends, including his threeyears-oldson,thelawfirmsaid. Thecircumstanceswhichled to the death of Mr. Bacchus caused great public outcry, national grief, massive protests across Guyana and the temporary lockdown of certain areas of the country
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(BBC NEWS) Russia andUkrainehaveexchanged hundredsofprisonersofwar in a deal brokered by the United Arab Emirates (UAE).TheRussiandefence ministrysaidithadswapped 150 Ukrainian soldiers held captive for an equal number ofRussiantroops.Ukrainian
President Volodymyr
Zelenksy said 189 Ukrainians had returned home. He added that those releasedincluded“defenders of Azovstal and Mariupol,” theChernobylnuclearpower plantandSnakeIsland.
Outside a hospital in northern Ukraine, anxious relatives were wrapped up againstthebitterwintercold, waiting for their loved ones. One woman, Alina, was waiting for her husband, Oleksandr. He was captured defending the city of Mariupolin2022.“Ihaveso many emotions,” she said,

tears streaming down her face,“It’sbeensodifficult.I justwanttoseehim.”
The Russian defence ministry, meanwhile, said newly-released Russian troops were in Belarus, an ally of Russia, and were being given medical
assistance and the chance to contact their families. In a video posted by Russian human rights commissioner Tatyana Moskalkova, soldiers were seen gathered in front of coaches in militaryandwinterclothing.
theirfamiliesandfriendsand celebrate the New Year on theirnativeland,”shesaidin anaccompanyingmessage. This was the 59th prisoner exchange since the full-scaleinvasionbeganand one of the biggest so far. On the Ukrainian side, those
released included soldiers, border guards, National Guardsmen and Navy servicemen. Many had been in captivity for more than two-and-a-half years, and Ukrainian officials said some had returned with seriousillnessesandinjuries.
For some families, the agonising uncertainty has come to an end But thousands more Ukrainians remainincaptivityinRussia and occupied parts of Ukraine. Officials in Kyiv
told the BBC that negotiations about prisoner exchanges have become more difficult in recent months - ever since Russian forces began to make significant advances on the battlefield.
Ukrainedoesnotpublish numbers of prisoners of war beingheldbyRussia,butthe total is thought to be more than 8,000. Zelensky said
two civilians captured in Mariupol were among dozensofsoldiers,sergeants, border guards and officers released on Monday “We areworkingtofreeeveryone from Russian captivity This isourgoal.Wedonotforget anyone,”Zelenskysaid. He postedphotosshowingsome of the swapped men sitting on a coach holding up yellow-and-blue Ukrainian flags. In May 2022, Russia declared victory after a months-long battle to conquer the south-eastern Ukrainian port city of Mariupol, with the last fighters defending the city’s Azovstal steel plant having surrendered. Russian troops seized Chernobyl in the country’s north-west at the beginning of their invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, but later handed back control of the planttoitsemployees.
Israel raid empties northern Gaza’s last functioning
major hospital of all patients and detains its director
(CNN) Northern Gaza’s last remaining major hospitalisnowoutofservice after a raid by Israeli forces severely damaged the building and emptied its wards of patients and doctors.
On Friday, Israeli forces raided the Kamal Adwan Hospital in northern Gaza, putting some 75,000 Palestiniansremaininginthe north of the enclave at risk, the United Nations said They also arrested the hospital’s prominent director, Dr Hussam Abu Safiya, accusing him of being a suspected “Hamas terroristoperative.”
Theraidhasrenderedthe hospital“empty”ofpatients, some of whom are critically ill, according to the World Health Organization (WHO).
Those in critical conditionweretransferredto the Indonesian Hospital, “which is itself out of function,”WHOsaid. Some patients were also transferred to Al-Shifa HospitalinGazaCity,WHO added. The UN said that WHO is planning a mission totheIndonesianHospitalto move the evacuated patients to southern Gaza for continuedcare.
Mohammed Salha, directorofAlAwdaHospital in northern Gaza, which is
barely functioning and severely damaged due to recent airstrikes, told CNN Monday that Kamal Adwan Hospital is “totally out of service” and that his own medical facility has very littlefuelandisoverflowing withpatients,despitelimited supplies.
“We have one surgeon who is only performing when a case is in a lifethreatening situation,” Salha toldCNN.
“Thehealthsysteminthe north is completely deteriorated,” he said. “We are working to save what is left.” Salha said his hospital must wait for approval from the Israeli military to allow theRedCrosstomovecases that require specialist treatment from the north of Gazafurthersouth.
The raid on Kamal Adwan Hospital came amid renewed Israeli aerial and ground operations in several parts of northern Gaza, aimed at targeting what the IDF called a resurgent Hamas presence in the area. Theonslaughthasleftstreets as carpets of debris, killed entire families, and severely depleted food, water and medical stocks. The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) over the weekend said it had detainedatleast240“Hamas and Islamic Jihad terrorists” aroundthehospital,alleging
Ambulances transport wounded Palestinians from the Kamal Adwan Hospital to the Al-Shifa hospital in Gaza City on Saturday.

thefacilitywasbeingusedas a“Hamasterrorstronghold.”
It said Monday that troops had also “operated to identify and eliminate multipleterroristsinthearea overnight ” On Saturday, after detaining the hospital director, Dr Abu Safiya, the Israeli military claimed that the facility was being used by Hamas as a “command and control center.” The military did not provide any evidence to support the claims. Abu Safiya’s arrest was met with outrage by Palestinians, the UN and rights groups Amnesty International on Sunday called him “the voice of Gaza’s decimated health sector,”addingthatsincethe war, “Israel has detained hundreds of Palestinian
healthcare workers from Gaza without charge or trial.”
In a statement on X, Amnesty said that “health workershavebeensubjected to torture and other illtreatment and been held in incommunicado detention” byIsrael.
As Gaza’s northern hospitals are forced out of service, aid is barely reaching the few hundred thousand Palestinians still trappedinthearea.
Since October 6 of this year, when Israel’s concentratedoperationinthe north began, 5,565 truckloads of aid have entered the enclave, according to data from the UN’s Office for the
C o o r d i
(OCHA).SinceDecember1, Israeli authorities have denied48of52UNattempts to coordinate humanitarian access to northern Gaza, OCHAsaidonDecember24, adding that the “four approved movements all facedimpediments.”
OCHA’s database says that on December 26, 27 truckloads of aid entered Gaza.Therearenorecordsof aid into the enclave after December 26, according to theUNdatabase.
JonathanWhittall,acting headofofficeatOCHA,said onMondaythathisteamhas been denied entry into northernGazamorethan140 times. “We don’t have the abilitytoprovidethelevelof
assistance that is needed to meet the most basic requirements,” Whittall said inavideopostedonX.“The basicsofhumansurvivalare beingdestroyedinGaza,”he said.
However,theIDFsaidon Saturday that prior to its weekend operation against KamalAdwaninnorthGaza, it evacuated patients and delivered “tens of thousands of liters of fuel, food, and medical supplies ” According to COGAT, the Israeli agency that approves aidshipmentsintoGaza,one fuel truck went to northern Gaza for the refuelling of bakeries, the group said on Monday
T h e m u l t i p l e humanitarian crises in Gaza – food shortages, lack of shelter and medicine – have been compounded by a snap of cold weather Gaza’s Health Ministry said a 20day-old new-born died from the cold, the fifth in the last week.
OnesurgeoninGaza,Dr GhassanAbuSitta,saidonX that hypothermia, malnutrition and injury represented the triad of death. “In Gaza this means that people will die of hypothermia at higher temperatures, will starve to deathmuchquickerandwill succumb to less severe wounds,”hewrote.
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said 189 Ukrainians had returned home.
Exxon completes Gas-to-Energy pipeline
…but agreement with company hidden, final cost of project still unknown
Ex x o n M o b i l Guyana Limited (EMGL), the operator of the Stabroek Block, has completed the pipeline component of the
Gas-to-Energy (GTE)
project, even as the agreements between the company and the Guyana Government continue to be hiddenfromthepublic.
According to a Notice
from the Maritime Administration Department (MARAD), pipeline laying workscommencedinJuneof 2023 ExxonMobil was granted a Permit by the Environmental Protection Agency(EPA)fortheproject onNovember25,2022.
A new Notice by MARAD, dated December 27, 2024, indicated that the pipe-laying activities from the West Coast Demerara to the Stabroek Block within Guyana’s Exclusive Economic Zone has been completed.
“The laid pipeline stretches from the West
Coast Demerara to
approximately 105 6 nautical miles (195 6 kilometres) offshore Guyana,” the Maritime Departmentsaid.
Further, it explained that a 500 meter-pipeline protectionareaoneitherside of the structure has been established and covers an area of 56.8 square nautical miles or 194 9 square kilometres.
All mariners have been advised to stay clear of the pipeline and navigate with extreme caution when in the vicinity
Although the structure is now completed, Guyanese areyettoseethedealsigned betweentheGoGandExxon with regard to the structure. Infact,thecountryisalsoin the dark on the final cost of this component of the project.
When President of EMGL, Alistair Routledge was asked about the final cost of the project by Kaieteur News he said, “I don’thaveafinalnumber.”
This, even though he previously highlighted that all contracts were awarded forthestructure.
In October, Routledge told reporters at a press conference that the pipeline w a s m e c h a n i c a l l y completed. He explained, “It’s been hydrotested, pressure test and we have been going through the dewateringexerciseandthen introducing nitrogen so we have a pipeline that is ready

He noted that Exxon’s responsibilitiesincludingthe risers, pipeline through the deep-water, shallow water and onshore is on schedule for completion by this year end.
Inthisvein,hesaid,“So delighted to see that on course and on budget as well.”
Exxon’s Country Manager later told this publicationthatthecompany isconfidentthattheprojectis onbudgetsinceallcontracts have been awarded. He, however, noted “there will always be some final negotiation on any sort of details that the contractors might want to confirm We’re on that billion-dollar number.”
When pressed to say when the final price tag for the project would be revealed, he said, “It would besometimenextyearwhen we wrap up all the contracts.”
Head of the GTE Taskforce, Winston Brassington previously indicated that the pipeline is expectedtocostUS$1B. HidingGTEdocuments
Despite calls from various sections of society for the agreements between the GoG and the contractor to be made public, the government has not budged in releasing the documents. In fact, it continues to make failedpromisestoreleasethe
Earlier this month, Kaieteur News reported that Prime Minister (PM) Brigadier (ret’d) Mark Phillips, for a third time promised the National
Assembly to lay over the agreement signed with EMGLfortheGTEproject.
Onthatoccasion,thePM apologized to the National Assembly for failing to provide the response and
againpromisedtoensurethe necessary information and documents are provided According to him, this will belaidassoonaspossible.
“Mr Chair,ifIhadfailed in offering my response as requested by the honourable member,letmeapologizeto this honourable House and I will seek to, in the shortest possible time, honour that request,” the Prime Minister said.
Since 2022, the government signed a Heads of Agreement with the Stabroek Co-ventures that outlines the principles and conditions for the commercial and technical arrangementsofthedeal.
Minister of Natural Resources,VickramBharrat, was also asked about the release of the agreement in Parliament when he explained that it could not yetbemadepublic.
Bharrat, in a written response to Opposition MemberofParliament(MP), David Patterson, stated that the agreement outlines the principlesandconditionsfor the commercial and technical aspects of the project.
“Mr Speaker, the Government of Guyana has signedaHeadsofAgreement (HOA) with the Stabroek
Co-ventures30thJune2022. This agreement sets out the principlesandconditionsfor the commercial and technical arrangements of the Gas-to-Energy Project,” Bharratsaid.
Patterson, in his request for the information, submitted to Parliament on October18,2022,hadasked whether any agreements were signed with Esso Exploration and Production Guyana Limited in connection with the Wales project and if yes, for the MinistertosupplytheHouse with a copy of the said agreement.
However Bharrat, in his response to Patterson said, “There are other agreements on supply, buyer’s a g r e e m e n t , f i e l d development, licensing conditions, onshore works, and land matters that are currently being drafted. The respective agreements and policy documents will be presented to this honourable House when they have been agreed upon and executed. All agreements are being done in a timely manner to meet the Final Investment Decision, which will allow for the project to be completedbyourcommitted deadline of December 2024.”

Map showing the offshore route of the gas pipeline (red line)

Pooran, Russell included in ESPNCricinfo T20 Team of theYear
SportsMax - Batsman
Nicholas Pooran and allrounderAndre Russell were both included in the ESPNCricinfo T20 team of the year, the website announcedonMonday
Pooran enjoyed a career best year in the format, finishing with 2331 runs in 74 innings in the format in 2024
the ESPNCricinfo T20 team of the year
He scored those runs at an average of 4089 and an

excellent strike rate of 15739, hitting one hundred and15fifties
In fact, the 29-year-old was the only batsman to cross the 2000 run mark in the format this year, with South African Reeza Hendricksfinishingadistant secondwith1970runstohis name
Tuesday December 31, 2024
You will be able to find a greater connection to your inner soul today, Aries. You willalsofindthatyou'remore psychic than usual. The more you look inward, the more you'reapttofindthesolutions toyouroutwardquestions.
You may have many irons in the fire today People and projects could demand your attention, yet you may feel so dreamy and unmotivated that it could be hard to make progressonanyofthem.
Thisisgoingtobeagreatday for you, Gemini. Strangely enough, you will find that tension may help you get things done. There's an easinesstodaythatwillcreate openings for exploring creativeoutlets.
You may need to let go and release your control, Cancer You know what you want, so justtrustyourintuition.Ifyou continue to let your brain do allthework,youwillprobably missvaluableinformation.
This is an excellent day for you. You will find that things automatically flow your way You will receive more attentionthanusualandbethe center of any flattering discussions.
VIRGO(Aug 23–Sept 22)
You may feel a bit lazy and unmotivated today, Virgo. It couldbehardtodragyourself outofbed.Intermsofloveand romance, there's apt to be sometension.
Loveandromanceareapttobe going quite well for you now, Libra.You should find that it's easier to be yourself in a partnership.Letyourromantic sideshinethrough.
SCORPIO(Oct.23–Nov 21)
You may feel a great deal of nervous energy today Tension could come to you from all angles. Indecisiveness might be your biggest problem. You may be in a frenzy trying to figureoutwheretomovenext.
SAGIT(Nov 22–Dec.21)
Issues having to do with love and romance are in your favor today,Sagittarius.You'remore in touch with your emotions. Youwillfindthatyourattitude toward love is more grounded thanusual.Feelfreetoletgoof somecontrol.
You may not feel in sync with the day's energy, Capricorn. Somethingaboutitmaynotsit right with you. Your natural instincttowanttotakethelead may be overshadowed by an unwillingnesstoevengetup.
Issues regarding love and romance should be going well for you now, Aquarius. You will find that your natural tendencytogroundandplanis working perfectly with your desiretofindwhatyouwantin amate.
You may want to escape into your dreams today, Pisces Trying to do something practical may be met with opposition, as the general moodofthedaycallsforthings tobemoreetherealandelusive.
Russell enjoyed another excellent year in the format, recording 1075 runs at a strike rate of 1853 and 49 wicketsatastrikerateof262 withaneconomyrateof94
The full team is as follows: Travis Head (Australia), Phil Salt (England), Tilak Varma (India), Nicholas Pooran (WK) (West Indies), Heinrich Klaasen (South Africa), Tristan Stubbs (South Africa), Andre Russell (West Indies), Rashid Khan (C) (Afghanistan), Arshdeep Singh (India), Jasprit
B u m r a h ( I n d i a ) , Matheesha Pathirana (Sri Lanka).
Herro helps Heat beat Rockets before being ejected
BBCSport-Tyler Herro played a key role in helping Miami Heat rally from a 12-point deficit to beat the Houston Rockets before being ejected in the finalminute.
Herro scored a gamehigh 27 points and nine assists as Miami won 104100inTexas.
The24-year-oldwasone of four players ejected in a heated final 47.4 seconds after being involved in a skirmish with Amen Thompson, Terry Rozier andJalenGreen.
Miami Heat sit sixth in theEasternConferencewith the Rockets third in the Western, despite back-tobacklosses.
Elsewhere, Oklahoma CityThunderstrengthened their grip on top spot in the Western Conference after beating second-placed Memphis Grizzlies 130106.
S h a i G i l g e o u sAlexander scored a gamehigh 35 points to help Oklahoma extend their winningrunto11games.
T h e M i n n e s o t a Timberwolvesmadeitthree winsonthebounceandheld off a fightback to beat the SanAntonioSpurs112-110.
Victor Wembanyama registered 34 points for the Spurs with Donte DiVincenzo scoring a season-high26points.
The Indiana Pacers earnedrevengeagainstNBA champions the Boston CelticsasTyreseHaliburton scored 31 points in a 123114win.
The Celtics claimed a comfortable 142-105 victory when the two sides metonSunday
Cole Anthony drove for a lay-up with 1.3 seconds remaining to complete a huge comeback win for Orlando Magic against
HostsOrlandotrailed17 points in the fourth quarter before rallying to record a 102-101triumph.
The Toronto Raptors
slumpedtoa10thsuccessive loss against the visiting AtlantaHawks TraeYoungcollected34 points and 10 assists as Atlantawon136-107.

Batsman Nicholas Pooran and all-rounderAndre Russell were both included in
South Africa into World Test Championship final
SportsMax - Kagiso Rabada and Marco Jansen were the unlikely stars with the bat as South Africa held outtobeatPakistaninthefirst TestonSunday South Africa clinched a nervytwo-wicketvictoryover Pakistan in the first Test in Centurion,bookingtheirplace in June’s World Test ChampionshipfinalatLord’s.
The Proteas required 121 runs for victory but had already lost three wickets when they resumed on day four,afterMarcoJansen’ssixwicket haul helped them bundlePakistanoutfor237on Saturday

Kagiso Rabada and Marco Jansen were the unlikely stars with the bat for South Africa.
Mohammad Abbas, returning to Pakistan’s red-ball setup for the first time in over three years, replicated Jansen’s feat by taking6-54asSouthAfricamadehardwork ofthechase.
Abbas sent stumps flying as Aiden Markramwalkedfor37,thenproducedthree more wickets in the space of three overs as SouthAfricacollapsedfrom94-4to99-8. However,theyfoundtwounlikelyheroes in Kagiso Rabada and Jansen, as the lower order held up to put them within touching distanceoftheWorldTestcrown.
Rabada crashed an unbeaten 31 from 26 balls in his 51-run partnership with Jansen (16*), who fittingly slammed the decisive four off Abbas’ bowling to cap his dream performanceacrosstheTest.
DataDebrief:Proteasgetshotatglory SouthAfricawillnowhavethechanceto
become the third ICC World Test Championship victors, after New Zealand won the 2019-21 edition and Australia triumphedin2021-23.
They have already clinched their best finishinthecompetition,havingbeenthirdin thelastedition,andwillfaceeitherAustralia orIndiaintheshowpiecematch.
They had their lower order to thank as Abbas’ career-best red-ball innings went to waste. He had previously scalped five wicketsonfouroccasions,withtwoofthose coming in the same match againstAustralia inOctober2018.ThesecondandfinalTestin the series will begin on January 3 at NewlandsCricketGroundinCapeTown.
Scores: South Africa 301 (Markram 89, Bosch 81*, Shahzad 3-75, Naseem 3-92) and 150 for 8 (Bavuma 40, Abbas 6-54) beat Pakistan 211 (Ghulam 54, Paterson 5-61, Bosch 4-63) and 237 (Shakeel 84, Babar 50, Jansen6-52)bytwowickets.
Hosein bowls tidy spell as Sydney Sixers defeat Brisbane Heat by eight wickets for fourth win in a row
SportsMax-AkealHosein bowled a tidy four over spell to help the Sydney Sixers continue their unbeaten start to this season’s Big Bash League with their fourth win in a row, a comfortable eight wicket victory over the BrisbaneHeatattheBrisbane CricketGroundonSunday Hoseintook1-26fromhis fouroverswiththenewballto helprestricttheHeatto138-9 from their 20 overs after Sixers captain Moises Henriques won the toss and chose to field Nathan McSweeney,recentlydropped from the Australia Test team, wasthetopscorerfortheHeat with 34 while Jimmy Peirson and Paul Walter made 24 and 22,respectively

Akeal Hosein bowled a tidy four over spell to help the Sydney Sixers continue their unbeaten start.
Left-armseamerBenDwarshuiswasthe bestbowleronthedayfortheSixerswith432whileHaydenKerrandToddMurphyhad 2-19and2-25,respectively
JoshPhilippethenmadeanunbeaten41ball 66 to help the Sixers chase down their targetinjust16.1overs.
Australia win thriller to take series lead over India
BBC Sport - Australia beat India by 184 runs in a thrilling conclusion to the fourth Test in Melbourne to takea2-1leadgoingintothe finalmatchoftheseries.
India were set a target of 340 in 92 overs and batted cautiously throughout the innings with little ambition tochaseanunlikelyvictory
Butasensationalbowling performance in the evening sessionsawAustraliatakethe final seven wickets for just 34runsasIndiawerebowled outfor155inthefinalhour
Thetouristsslippedto333butopenerYashasviJaiswal looked intent on securing a hard-fought draw for India beforehewascaughtbehind offPatCumminsfor84from 208 balls with 21 overs remaining.
In front of a record attendanceforaTestmatchin Australia - with 373,691 spectators at the MCG over the five days - captain Cummins delivered another masterclasswiththeballand withhistactics.
IndiaopenersJaiswaland captain Rohit Sharma started slowly to set the tone for the team’s approach, battling to 25-0from16overswithjust 12 scoring shots played withinthefirst90balls.
However, Cummins’ double-wicket maiden in the 17thoverburstthedooropen forAustralia,asRohitedged to gully for nine and KL Rahulwascaughtatslipfora duck.
Three further maidens

Jaiswal had battled through a wicketless afternoon session alongside wicketkeeper Rishabh Pant, whomade30from104balls -buttheyweretheonlymen topassdoublefigures.
Panteventuallyranoutof patience and slogged Travis Head to long-on for another wasteful dismissal and his departure after tea sparked thecollapse.
Cummins and Scott Boland finished with three wickets each while spinner Nathan Lyon took two after his batting heroics, falling for 41 in the second over of the day asAustralia were all outfor234.
landed the hammer blow with Jaiswal edging a welldirected bouncer behind, it felt as if India’s hopes departedwithhim.
Jaiswalstandsaloneamid Indiacollapse
Thepressurecontinuesto mount on senior players in India’s top order - not least skipper Rohit, after another poor Test with 12 runs from histwoinnings.
Kohli was also out to a looseshot,flailingoutsidehis off stump while appearing to becaughtintwomindsabout howtoapproachtheinnings.
ButJaiswal,afterhisfirstinnings 82, held firm and demonstrated his ability to adjust his game when required with another gritty knock. The 23-year-old only hiteightfoursinhis208-ball stay and displayed great maturityinhelpingPantcurb hisownattackinginstincts.
He was visibly unhappy with his dismissal as he walked past umpire Joel Wilson, who had initially givenhimnotout.
Australia requested a review and third umpire Sharfuddoula Saikat recommended Wilson’s decision be overturned because of a deflection he couldseeontheslow-motion reply despite ultra-edge technology not showing a spike.
Kurtis Patterson made 32 from 20 balls while skipper Henriques made 29* as the Sixers finished 142-2, securing their fourth wininasmanygames.
Xavier Bartlett and Paul Walter took the wicketstofall.
The Sixers will next play Shai Hope’s HobartHurricanesonNewYear’sDay
HewasbowledbyJasprit Bumrah,whofinishedwith557 in another scintillating performance.
The series concludes in Sydney from 2 January, where a win would secure Australia’splaceintheWorld Test Championship final alongsideSouthAfrica.
followed before Mitchell StarcremovedViratKohlifor five on the stroke of lunch withIndiafirmlyontheback foot.
But after the break they were thwarted by resistance from Pant and Jaiswal, who both adapted to the situation by calming their usual aggressiveapproach.
Theirfourth-wicketstand of 88 was watchful and looked like saving the game until a stroke of brilliance from Cummins saw him throw the ball to part-time spinnerHead.
Pant could not resist attackingandclubbedashort deliverytoMitchellMarshon the boundary which ignited Australia and opened the gates for their seamers to pounceonanervousmiddleto-lowerorder
Ravindra Jadeja was caught behind off Boland, first-innings centurion Nitish KumarReddyedgedLyonto slip and when Cummins
Washington Sundar provided more stubborn resistance after Jaiswal’s departure with his unbeaten five from 45 balls, but the lowerorderwasblownaway, with the last three wickets falling in the space of four overs.
Australia were only an over away from the second new ball but it was not requiredasbothAkashDeep and Bumrah fell to Boland before Lyon claimed the final wicket with Mohammed Siraj pinned lbwforaduck.
Indiastillhaveachanceof reaching the World Test Championship final but their fate is now out of their own hands.Theymusttriumphin Sydney and hope Sri Lanka win the series against Australiathatstartsattheend ofJanuary
Scores: Australia 474 (Smith 140; Bumrah 4-99) & 234 (Labuschagne 70; Bumrah5-57)
India 369 (Reddy 114; Boland3-57)&155(Jaiswal 84;Cummins3-28)
Result:Australia won by 184runsandleadseries2-1
Pat Cummins was named player of the match for six wickets in the match and contributions of 49 and 41 with the bat. (Getty Images)
Djokovic and Kyrgios win ‘awesome’ doubles debut
BBCSport-Atthepeakofalong-runningfeudbetween NovakDjokovicandNickKyrgios,theprospectofthemever becomingpalsseemedludicrous.
After all, how could Djokovic warm to someone who he had“notmuchrespectfor”offthecourt?
What could stop Kyrgios thinking the Serb was a “tool” anda“strangecat”witha“sick”obsessionforneedingtobe liked?
Yethereweare,afewyearsdowntheline,andtheoncesquabblingpairarenowthebestofbuddiesandmakingtheir debutasadoublesteam.
AustralianfirebrandKyrgios,oftenpolarisingbutalmost always entertaining, promised fun at the Brisbane International. The pair delivered in front of an enthusiastic sell-outcrowd,puttingonashowastheysecureda6-46-7(47) 10-8 win over Austria’s Alexander Erler and Germany’s AndreasMies.
Acelebratorychest-bumpwhentheycompletedvictoryontheirthirdmatchpoint-wassymbolicofabromancewhich nobodysawcoming.
“That was awesome,” said 24-time major champion Djokovic.
“I want to thank Nick for playing. He said it should be a pleasuretoplaywithhim,itwasapleasure.
Their relationship thawed when Kyrgios offered support toDjokovicoveracourtdecisiontodeporthimfromAustralia in2022,andhascontinuedtowarmeversince.
But,beforethematch,Kyrgioshadlittleideahowthings wouldpanout.
The 2022 Wimbledon runner-up was back on a competitivecourtforthefirsttimein18monthsfollowinga wristligamentinjurywhichhefearedwouldendhiscareer
How the 29-year-old’s body would react was the first unknown.
How a new partnership between “two different personalities”wouldgelwasthesecond.
“Wemightgetabsolutelysnipped,”saidKyrgios,wholost to Djokovic in the only major final of his turbulent career at Wimbledonin2022.
AnylingeringconcernsaboutKyrgios’physicalstatewere put to bed with a hold to love in an opening service game whichdemonstratedhehadlostnoneofhistrademarkpower
The way in which the pair were laughing and joking illustratedtheeasetheynowfeelineachother’scompany

The entertainment increased as the set went on, with Djokovic providing two moments worthy of any highlights reeltohelptiptheopenerinhisteam’sfavour
The 37-year-old Serb threaded a stretching backhand through the gap between the net post and the umpire’s chair for15-15inthe10thgame,thenbroughtupapairofsetpoints withalobmeasuredtoperfection.
Kyrgiosconvertedthefirstwithasuperbforehandwinner which clipped the edge of the line, sparking joyous celebrationsamongthecrowd.
Onhisserveat3-3,heproducedatrademarktweenerand backeditupbyputtingawayasharpvolley.
The smile as he scampered down the line indicated his satisfactionashelappeduptheacclaimfromthefans,whilea delightedDjokovicracedovertojoinhiminthecelebrations.
ErlerandMieslockedintolevelthematchbutthesuperior skillsets of Kyrgios and Djokovic ensured the duo would returnforanotherperformancelaterthisweek.
The business end has arrived, a place in the final is at stake tomorrow night

Fans can expect much excitement as the remaining teams eye the grand prize.
When this inaugural championship kickedoffalmostonemonthagowitha historic 64 teams in the fray, it would have been anybody’s guess as to who the final four teams would be Fortunately,theguessingperiodisover andweareallinformedthatthosefinal four teams are Sparta Boss, the perennial bosses of futsal, which will play Back Circle ‘A’ which can be considered one of the top exponents of thisformat.
Another top futsal side, Bent Street ‘A’will be throwing all they’ve got at the Brazilian/Guyanese combo of players who have been named, Road Warriorsandhavelookedaclinicalunit that is capable of upstaging all and sundryintheirmarchtothetopprizeof two-milliondollars.
The crowd-pleasing and exciting brandoffutsalbeingexecutedbyRoad Warriors is exactly what our central teamsandthosearoundGuyanamustbe aimingtolearn,goingforward.
Nonetheless, Bent Street ‘A’ has whatittakestopulloffwhatwillverybe considered the biggest win of their playing career if they can achieve it. They’llbebankingontheexperienceof senior Golden Jaguars, Daniel Wilson, Colin Nelson, Pernel Schultz, Marcus Wilson, Sese Norville in goal, Jamaine Beckles, Jobe Ceasar, Clive Nobrega, DanielRossandAdrianAaron.
In reaching this final four, Bent Street‘A’narrowlygotpastRegion9(21), Spaniard (3-2), Stabroek ‘B’ (5-2) andTeamCruel(6-3).
Their opponents, however, seem very versed in the universal style of futsal and have been schooling each opponent thus far in their march.Their first win was a 10-2 drubbing of Footsteppers who were hardly allowed tostepontheball.
Next up they clipped Victoria Eagles 8-3, trounced Ballers United of Berbice 10-0 and humbled Gold Is Money 9-1 in their quarterfinal showdown.
Road Warriors will be led by WendreckyDeSouzawhoisthesecond highestgoalscorerofthechampionship (11goals),MatheusDeSouza(8-goals), goalkeeperErilsonCadetewhohasone goal and plays out of his position regularly, Hildemir Filho, Dionathas Pereira, Daniel Alves, Teon Stewart, JaleeiAlcindor,andChaiWilliams.
The first semifinal brings together SpartaBosswhichboastsastarstudded lineupthatincludesanumberofcurrent and former senior Golden Jaguars in Captain Jermaine Junor, Omari Glasgow, goalkeeper Omar Jones, CurtezKellman,RyanHackett,Darron Niles, Eusi Phillips, Carl Griffith, Kelsey Benjamin, and Nicholas McArthur
Sparta in mapping their way to this stage,hammeredMelanie12-0,gotpast Festival City 7-4, defeated Bent Street ‘B’5-2andeasedpastStabroekBallers ‘A’6-3.
Their opponents Back Circle ‘A’ whilenotboastingsuchbignameshave been holding their own and will be led by the championship’s leading goal scorer with 22 goals, Bevney Marks. He’ll receive able support from his goalkeeper who has only been beaten
thrice in four matches, Azariel Davis. Ravin Naughton, Akil Plass, Cecil Jackman, Mikel Garraway, Stephon Reynolds, and Darren Benjamin will lendsupportasthebigprizeisjusttwo matchesaway
BackCircle‘A’boaststhebestgoal record in the championship to date and have only conceded 3 goals while first in the most of any team, 49 in four matchesasaresultofa12-0beatingof Essequibo,16-0thrashingofVryheid’s Lust, almost similar score against Timehri Warriors, the latter scoring onceanda5-2winoverNorthEast.
Only time will tell who the two teams battling in the final for the top prize of two million, the loser also walking away with a handsome one million. The respective lowers will collide in the third-place match with 500,000and200,000atstake.
Meanwhile, the female segment of the championship will also see the finalists being decided when the final leg of the home and away format is contested. The respective winners on Boxingnight,LadyCanaimas11-0over TheLionessandLadyRoyalswitha7-0 triumph against Tucville Terrorists seems like to bolster that aggregate on theirwaytothefinal.
The losers will play for third. The winning team will pocket $200,000, losing finalist $100,000, third place $60,000andfourthplace,$40,000.
Novak Djokovic and Nick Kyrgios were playing doubles together for the first time. (Getty Images)
UDFABanks DIH/ Jai Signs/ Ministry Of Culture, Youth and Sport Christmas Futsal Semifinals
Milerock stop Winners Connection 9-3 behind Drakes 5 goal spree, Botafago humble Capital Fc 8-3
Playing their best game
yet, the defending champions Milerock FC for the second straight year disposed of the challenge of Haynes and Lewis’Winners Connection 9-3 after Colwyn Drakes blasted in five goals in the first semifinalandBotafagowere in a no-nonsense mood by dispatching Capital FC 8-3 inthesecondmatchuptoset the stage for the grand slam of the Upper Demerara Football Association’s (UDFA) Banks DIH / Jai Signs/ Ministry of Culture Youth and Sports Christmas futsal tournament being played at the Retrieve Hard Court in the mining town of Linden.
Milerock shrugged off
evenasWinnersConnection were able to cut it through RonicVloze6-3.
However, Drakes showednomercybangingin his fifth goal which was followed by a brace from teammate Kamar McLaren as the Milerock flexed their way to a commanding 9-3 demolition of Winners Connection.
The result played out to last year’s script where Milerockendedthehopesof Winners Connection but Botafago would not allow a similar pattern to be witnessed on the night of a similar semifinal clash againstCapitalFC,oneyear ago.
T h i s t i m e t h e experiencedBotafagowould
The YMCA U20 unit recorded a 3-2 victory over Amelia’sWardU20ingame one of the two supporting games on the night of these semifinals.
In the second game, a female clash, the game was decided from the penalty spot after the scores were untouched at the end of regulation play In the end Purple Stone won 3-1 over WhiteStone.
This tournament has Banks DIH, Jai Signs and Auto Spares, and the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sport as its major sponsors with the other sponsorsbeingJermaineand Son Supermarkets, S Jagmohan Construction,

their poor run in a most stunning performance to date and ended the hopes
Winners Connection harboured of displacing them this year after losing a similar game one year ago. Colwyn Drakes once again came to the fore as he slammed in five goals to launch the offence of Milerock who then eased their effort after a 3-0 cushion as Anthony Layne and Akeem Caesar cut the leadatlemontime3-2.
Milerockwouldincrease the score-line through Joba Simon and Drakes in a searchformoremadeit5-2, gettinghisfourthgoal.
The reigning champions did not ease their grip and Michael Jeffers made it 6-2
inflictalopsided8-3victory over Capital FC as doubles came from the boots of Donovan Francis, Amaniki Buntin and Jamal Bentick with Jermaine Maison and RonelDeputionaddedsingle strikestothat8-3win. For the losers Devonte Tappin, Duquan Wilson and IsaiahAdamsfoundtheback ofthenet.
The Botafago lineup proved too strong for their opponents as three players scored twice in Donovan Francis,AmanikiBuntinand Jamal Bentick pressured their younger rivals following a 5-1 half time lead. Jermaine Maison and Ronel Depution were the scorers in the first period of play along with Francis and
Thirteen-year-old benefits from Project ‘Cricket gear for young and promising cricketers in Guyana’
AltafAli,athirteen-yearold leg spinner of Bush Lot Cricket Club, West Coast, Berbice is the latest to benefit from this joint initiative between Anil Beharry and Kishan Das of the USA His coach, Rajbance Hemraj, approached this project for assistance and he was gifted onepairofcricketshoes.
This initiative is pleased tobepartofthedevelopment ofyoungAliandeveryother youthinGuyana.Ouraimis tokeepyoungpeopleoffthe streetsandgetthemactively involvedinsports,cricketin particular
To date, ninety young players, male and female, from all three counties of Guyana have benefited directly from cash, seven gearbags,twotrophies,four armguards,thirtythreebats, four boxes, six helmets, thirty four pairs of cricket shoes, twenty one pairs of batting pads, twenty four thigh pads, one bat grip, thirty five pairs of batting gloves, one pair of wicketkeeping pads and threepairsofwicketkeeping gloves.
Many others benefited indirectly In addition, two clubs in the Pomeroon area benefited from two used bats Pomeroon, Leguan and Wakenam Cricket Committees and Cotton TreeDieHardalsoreceived

one box of red cricket balls each, Cold Fusion Cricket
Club thirteen colour uniforms while RHCCCC received six boxes of balls, fifteen white cricket shirts, one pair of junior batting pads, one pair of wicket keeping gloves, two sets of stumpsandbails
Other beneficiaries are The Essequibo Cricket Board, theTown of Lethem, youth coach Travis Persaud (oneboxofredcricketballs), male and female teams playing the traditional hardball and softball in the Upper Corentyne area, No.65YoungTitans with 30 T-Shirts, youths of Just Try
Cricket Club, Wakenaam Cricket Academy (one box of white balls), Shamar
Joseph, Nehemiah Hohenkirk, Shamar Apple, Leguan Cricket Committee, Tucber Park Cricket Club, Malteenoes Sports Club (nine cricket balls each), Kendall’s Union Cricket Club with two boxes of red balls, Lower Corentyne, Corentyne Comprehensive and JC Chandisingh Secondary Schools with twelveredballseach.
Anyone interested to contribute can contact Anil Beharry on 623 6875 or Kishan Das on 1 718 664 0896.
Guyana Harpy Eagles begin fitness preparation for2025 CWI Regional Four-DayTournament
Majors Rentals, New Era Entertainment, Orin’s Supreme Construction and D. Sookram and Daughters General Construction, Benny King Welding and Fabricating, Kelmon Enterprise,SempleandSons General Store and Clive ChapmanAssociates.
Tomorrow night, New Year’s, Botafago and Milerock will square off for the winners $1M first prize and trophy in this $3M packagedtournament.
The third place game between Capital FC and Winners Connection will precedethatonanightwhen there will be two other supporting matches starting at 7.00pm at the Retrieve HardCourt.
Withlessthana month to go before the start of the 2025 CWI Regional Four-Day Cricket Tournament, the reigning champion, Guyana Harpy Eagles, have launched an intensivefitnessprogramme toensurepeakperformance.
The Harpy Eagles, aimingforanunprecedented 14th title, is scheduled to begin their campaign on Wednesday, January 29, at the National Stadium in Providence Notably, the team will play their first threematchesonhometurf, providing a strong foundation for their title defence.
Aspartoftheirrigorous preparation, players
gathered on Monday at the Fitness53Gymforstrength and conditioning sessions led by Coach Jaryl Moore The training focuses on elevating the squad’s fitness levels to meet the demands of the upcoming season Another fitness session is set for today, December 31, to further enhance readiness ahead of two crucial practice matches scheduled to commence as early as January 4 at Providence. A full roster of contracted players participated in the initial f i t n e s s s e s s i o n , underscoring the team’s commitment to retaining their dominance in regional
cricket. Over the years, the Guyana Harpy Eagles have established themselves as a formidable force, and their sights remain firmly set on continuingthislegacyinthe 2025season.
Guyana first won the Regional Four-day tournament back in 1973 under the stewardship of West Indies legend Rohan Kanhai, Guyana’s most successfulcaptaintodateis; the now retired Leon Johnson who won six titles, five of which was consecutive titles ranging from2015-2019. Enthusiasts can look forward to more updates on theteam’spreparationinthe weeks leading up to the tournament’sopeningday
Rajbance Hemraj (left) makes the presentation toAltafAli.
Botafago scorers from left Jamal Bentick, Ronel Depution, Amani Buntin and Jermaine Maison Minus
Keevin Allicock Keevin Allicock
The next torchbearer for Guyanese professional boxing
In the rich tapestry of Guyanesesports,fewnames shine as brightly as Keevin Allicock.Aprodigioustalent with the rare blend of skill, charisma, and grit, Allicock is primed to carry Guyana’s boxing legacy to the world stage.
At 25, having already etchedhisnameintheannals
of amateur boxing, Allicock’s burgeoning professional career signals the dawn of a new era for Guyanesepugilism.
Allicock’s amateur accomplishments stand as a testament to his dedication and raw ability His silver medal at the 2017 Youth Commonwealth Games in TheBahamaswasadefining m o m e n t , a p r o u d achievement not just for himselfbutforGuyana.
It marked him as a standout in the Caribbean boxing scene, a star rising above the crowded skies of regionaltalent.
Butitwashisappearance attheTokyo2020Olympics that immortalized him in Guyanesesportshistory
Keevin became the first Guyanese boxer since John Douglasin1996(Atlanta)to step into the Olympic ring, carrying the hopes and dreamsofanentirenationon hisshoulders.
Though he did not medal, his presence alone w a s m o n u m e n t a l , showcasing the fighting spirit synonymous with Guyaneseathletes.
Sincetransitioningtothe professional ranks, Allicock has shown flashes of brilliance that reaffirm his potential.
With two fights and two

knockouts to his name, he has begun his professional journeyinemphaticfashion.
His debut saw him dispatch Ju-Sean Shepherd with precisionandpower,andhis second outing was no differentasheoverwhelmed DexterWray These performances have not only demonstrated his ferocity in the ring but also underscored his ability to adapt to the unforgiving nature of professional boxing.
Allicock’s growing fan base is a testament to his appeal. From die-hard boxing enthusiasts to casual sportsfans,heisgalvanizing support across the country.
His personality outside the ring, paired with his undeniable talent within it, has made him a beacon of hope for the revival of Guyaneseboxing.
Guyana boasts the most world titleholders in the E n g l i s h - s p e a k i n g Caribbean, a distinction that underscores the country’s richboxinghistory
The legendary Andrew “Six Head” Lewis broke barriers as Guyana’s first world champion, capturing the WBAWelterweight title in2001.
Vivian Harris, Wayne “Big Truck” Braithwaite, Gwendolyn “The Stealth Bomber” O’Neil, and Elton Dharry are other luminaries who have etched Guyana’s name on the world boxing map.
Despite this storied past, professional boxing in Guyana has waned in recent years.Alack of investment, infrastructure, and consistent opportunities for fightershasleftthesportina precariousposition.
Allicock, with his magnetic appeal and

exceptional talent, stands as a glimmer of hope in this challenginglandscape.
Allicock’s rise could mark the revival of
Guyanese boxing His ability to fight across the l i g h t w e i g h t a n d bantamweight divisions opens doors to diverse opportunities on the global stage.
To truly ascend to the sport’s pinnacle, he must continue refining his techn
us on conditioning, and embrace the challenges of tougher opponents as he climbs the ranks.
Moreover, his team and promoters must ensure he remains active, fighting regularly and against credibleopposition.
A strategic blend of domestic showcases and international exposure will

be key in building his reputation and securing the lucrative bouts needed to elevate him into world title contention.
Allicock is not just a boxer;heisasymbolofhope andresilienceforGuyana.In a country yearning for a resurgence in professional boxing, he embodies the promiseofabrighterfuture.
If his early career is any indication, Allicock has the toolstoreachthesummitand
rekindleGuyana’sflameasa powerhouseinthesport.
As he continues his journey,thequestionisnotif Keevin Allicock will make his mark but how far he can go.
For Guyanese boxing fans, the time has come to rally behind their new champion-in-waiting Allicockisreadytocarrythe torchandlightuptheglobal stage, one knockout at a time.

KeevinAllicock following his TKO win over Dexter Wray.

Junior St Clair getting his legs ready during yesterday training. (Newsroom photo)
KeevinAllicock following his TKO win over Dexter Wray
Young batter, Sachin Singh amid his core-strengthening exercise at Fitness 53. (Newsroom photo)
Coach Jaryl Moore monitoring his men during yesterday’s fitness and conditioning training. (Newsroom photo)