Kaieteur News

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Guyana’s largest selling daily & New York’s most popular weekly

High Court asked to Saturday Edition order Jagdeo to produce p. 8

February 08, 2020 - Vol. 14 No. 06

Online: www.kaieteurnews.com

Price $80

Irfaan Ali's academic qualification

Online readership yesterday 146,670

Law expressly prohibited Trotman's renewal of Stabroek licence - Ram p. 7

Ballot papers arrive GTT is utility - Discipline Services to vote on February 21

company with most complaints

p. 14

p. 3

Rusal standoff...

Labour Ministry

p. 16

incompetent - Riot police gearing up for standoff with workers - Lincoln Lewis

ExxonMobil could have Guyana should commit accelerated its work prog. to open contracting before licence - Int'l Law with oil money - Expert expired Firm p. 12

p. 3

Kaieteur News


Saturday February 08, 2020

Wide body plane lands at CJIA


he new runway at the Cheddi Jagan International Airport (CJIA) was tested yesterday after one of the largest airplanes to land there, delivered ballot papers for the March 2 elections. The Atlas Air (747-400) N475MC cargo aircraft landed at 6:15 am, the airport said in a Facebook post. According to the airport, the Atlas Air, considered a very large cargo aircraft that is available for lease around the world, was the first aircraft to utilise the newly constructed apron at the

airport for Code D and Esized aircrafts. “All hands were on deck to ensure a seamless landing and take-off process, when this aircraft arrived with its sensitive and delicate Government cargo. Clearly, from the results of the operations earlier, Guyana has shown its growing capacity to handle the demands that will come from its emerging economy,” the airport said. The Boeing 747-400 at its maximum take-off weight of 800,000 lbs. would usually require an expansive

runway capacity for landing or take-off and CJIA was able to meet this requirement. “We are very happy that we were able to execute this operation without any major challenges, despite our limitations,” the airport said. “It was a historic experience that has highlighted the efficiency of our services, such as ground handling, Air Traffic Control Services and the CJIAC team, among others to collectively demonstrate the importance of teamwork to execute this operation.” The landing of the aircraft landed at a time when the airport itself is facing criticisms for a project that stretched past more than nine years ago. The then government under Bharrat Jagdeo signed a US$150M deal for a new terminal building and a longer runway. However, the project was hugely modified by the Coalition Government, which claimed that the project was badly managed and it faced a choice to abandon it altogether or make changes.

The old terminal building was gutted and renovated. It was not long before a

number of problems started to manifest. The project is considered one of the largest

infrastructural one by the government at the moment, but is about five years past the official deadline.

The Atlas Airplane taking off

The plane at the new apron at the Timehri airport

Saturday February 08, 2020

Kaieteur News

Guyana should commit to open contracting with oil money - Expert


sizeable portion of the oil revenue to come will be spent on several infrastructural projects. In doing so, Guyana must ensure that these projects are not mere avenues for funneling billions of dollars into the pockets of political elites or/and their cronies says Illicit Financial Flows Expert, Gavin Hayman. During an interview on Kaieteur Radio's Programme, Guyana's Oil and You, Hayman said that Guyana can protect the revenues from projects becoming corruption schemes by committing to a process of “open contracting”. The Industry Expert said, “This is incredibly important because when you have the sheer size of the contract, and undue influence and political power are added to the mix, they can be really harmful for Guyana. “I would therefore like to see Guyana commit to a process of open contracting which is where you go through a process of systematically disclosing every piece of information connected to the contract, from the tendering stage to planning, its award, etc.” Hayman also suggested that Guyana should seek to make investments in having a fully open, data driven, public procurement system,

where all the information is available. He said that there are multiple countries, which do this, citing Colombia and Paraguay as two fine examples for Guyana to follow. “These two countries have robust systems that allow you to track the money. That is a key safe guard; you will need transparent systems for the oil money,” the industry Expert said. With respect to the local companies that will bid for contracts in the oil industry, Hayman warned that they should be mindful of who they partner with. The Illicit Financial Flows Expert said, “...Demand the disclosure of beneficial owners for these (foreign) companies,” he cautioned. Further to this, Hayman noted that it is quite easy for politicians to award contracts to those they are well connected with or to shell companies that they are hiding behind, hence his recommendation for the media and local anticorruption advocates to also ensure they do rigid due diligence on all companies that stand to benefit from infrastructural projects funded by the oil revenues. “I have seen that happen way too much in my career and it is a real danger Guyana needs to look out for. Guyanese need to understand


Ballot papers arrive - Disciplined Services to vote on February 21

Illicit Financial Flows Expert, Gavin Hayman that good or bad decisions will have implications for the next generation so it is in their interest to stay vigilant. I would also remind that putting really good governance structures in place will yield good dividends,” Hayman added. He was keen to note however that if policy leaders start cutting corners, binge spending, engaging in acts of cronyism, and awarding contracts to their political cronies then public trust and the country's development will be put in harm's way. The industry expert said, “It therefore means that Guyana should waste no time in investing in good transparency and governance structures which support open contracting.”

The ballot papers shortly after arrival at Kingston yesterday.


he Disciplined Services are set to vote in another two weeks, on February 21. The Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) has confirmed that ballot papers for the March 2, 2020, General and Regional Elections have arrived in the country. The shipment of the papers from Canada came in just after 6am yesterday on board of a wide-body Atlas Air plane. They were taken to the Kingston offices of the

Elections Commission under heavy police watch. Chief Elections Officer, Keith Lowenfield, disclosed that the 10,000-plus ballots will be extracted in preparation for the voting by the Disciplined Services, which include the army, police and prison service. Additional ballots will be prepared for the overseas missions. On March 2, GECOM will be making available some 2,500 polling stations across the country. A total of 11 parties are

participating in what has been described as one of the most critical of elections in Guyana's history. Nine political parties will be contesting the general and regional elections, while two will be seeking support at the regional level only. The next government will be tasked with managing the country's windfall from what is considered one of the biggest oil finds in years. Oil production started in December 2019.


Kaieteur News

Saturday February 08, 2020

Kaieteur News Printed and Published by National Media & Publishing Company Ltd. 24 Saffon Street, Charlestown, Georgetown, Guyana. Publisher: GLENN LALL Editor: Adam Harris Tel: 225-8465, 225-8491. Fax: 225-8473, 226-8210


The Chinese and their money Ian McCredie in the Fair Observer of January 6, last, wrote an article titled, “Will the West lose Guyana to the Chinese?” Whatever the answer, and whenever the reality that emerges, Mr. McCredie certainly penned some sobering thoughts for all Guyanese to consider. As some selected excerpts emphasize there are predators all around, and all of them seek to help themselves and relieve us of what belongs to us, even as we look on largely unmoved, while expanding flurries of projects come onboard. First was “Guyana’s inexperience, incompetence, and lack of Western interest.” Apart from the oil majors, whose names are mud, there is the sense that Western business presences are not enough for the huge infrastructure works that will become necessary, as this country looks to spend which was identified as a share that “is still gigantic and could transform the country.” It is in this context that Fair Observer pointed out that the “Chinese have arrived in force and dealing with a self-selected elite is just their style.” There is “a huge embassy” to do groundwork, spadework, intelligence gathering work, and others not so aboveboard work that definitely would not be in the best interests of this society, if what has panned out in Africa and elsewhere is considered. The Chinese gift horses, when looked at in the mouth, do not thrill; instead, they frighten because of the potential for this country to have its head chewed to bits, while its eyes are wide open. Projects involving the Chinese, or targeted by them include airport refurbishing, road from Brazil, “a new deepwater port and industrial zone powered by gas piped from offshore.” There is also the likely building of a new capital city somewhere else where sea levels and flooding are not a concern. These are big ticket items running into the billions of dollars and, more and more, the Chinese appeared to be poised to corner the Guyanese market. In all of these, the Chinese are present; they don’t come cheap and they usually don’t come cleanly. Just check with other Third World countries that swooned to the Chinese financial magic tricks, a whole bag of them, and survived to tell the woeful, painful tale. If Guyanese think that the ExxonMobil deals were bad, they won’t have to wait long for worse when the Chinese get here and sink their teeth in the sweet plums of this country. It is predator territory and the most powerful and persistent will prosper. The Chinese have a record of all those elements; they have the money, the expertise, and the skills to make rings around venal governments (elites) and unsavory politicians and professionals, who drool in anticipation. The Chinese are not too much into resistance against handling business a certain way, nor are they too enmeshed in human rights and regulations and the like. They are hungry and they will ensure that they eat other people’s dinner. In view of the comprehensive nature of their presence in other societies, including this one, while we are wondering what hit us, the hauls that they characteristically take to the bank, require more than one such financial institution, while leaving gullible and vulnerable host nations gasping for air. Against this backdrop, the question is: where are the Western companies? The multinationals and corporate big shots, that are everywhere but here? Yes, there is Schlumberger, Bechtel and a smattering of other western outfits, but they are more invisible and inconsequential than might be expected. This is tailor-made for the folks from the Far East to wrap their arms around the increasingly richer Guyanese possibilities. As another excerpt from the Fair Observer stated, “They are eager to provide the finance, secured against future oil revenue and to lock in Guyana for the long term. They will of course import tens of thousands of Chinese labourers to do the work. As usual in such situations, they will never leave.” All of that looks like par for the course and does not bode well for the peoples of this country, who may end up holding the same empty bag, as usual.

Our institutions are failing us again DEAR EDITOR, My attention was drawn to a release by the Ethnic Relations Commission (ERC) in parts of the press on February 1st, 2020. In that release, it is stated that the ERC “…condemned what is called the unacceptable conduct over the past few days of purported supporters of political parties contesting the upcoming March 2nd General and Regional elections…” Here, as has happened so often in the past, the PNC/ APNU has been engaged in hostilities at public meetings of the PPP/C in various parts of the country. The PNC/ APNU/AFC have also been engaged in pulling down and destroying flags of the PPP/ C in many places as well. Only the PNC/APNU is engaged in these activities. Yet, in the release of the ERC, blame is cast on all political parties. The ERC seems to lack the courage to say boldly that it is the PNC/APNU that is responsible for these hostilities. Here is a Constitutional body that is failing to discharge its responsibilities to the country. If this was an isolated case, it may not have been worthwhile to take this issue up. However, it has infected our commentators and

journalists as well. Fear of calling out the PNC for its misconduct is a pattern. Whenever they are forced to criticize their behaviour it is always generalized. They blame the victims as well. The ERC has joined other institutions in this seemingly cowardly behaviour. This deep flaw displayed by the ERC and many news outlets is seen in almost all our important institutions. Mr. Granger’s appointment of James Patterson as GECOM Chairman was illegal. In fact, the Constitution was deliberately written for nonlegal persons to understand it. Without doubt Mr. Granger broke the law and disregarded our Constitution in naming Patterson to that position. Yet, despite what was so obvious, two of our highest courts ruled it legal. The PPP/C had to go to the CCJ where the decision was overturned. Much time was, however, lost, and who know what harm was done to GECOM. Another less than encouraging position of the courts relates to the PPP/C 2015 Elections Petition. It was never called up for hearing and absolutely no explanation was ever given for this disregard for something as important as an

Election Petition; something that is given priority in democratic societies. When you contrast that with the Elections Petitions that were heard and decided on in Trinidad and Kenya, even though those countries held elections after ours, then you can appreciate the concern being expressed. Look at the difference in treatment when the regime hatched trumped up charges against PPP/C leaders. Quickly, almost with indecent haste, the matters were heard in our courts. Added to that is the drama surrounding the No Confidence Motion of December 21, 2018. The decision of the National Assembly was challenged on the most spurious of grounds, i.e. that 33 was not a majority of 65. In the court the Chief Justice upheld the decision of the National Assembly as legal and proper. The PNC/APNU appealed the case and unbelievably, given the ruling at the next level of court, the PPP/C had to, once again, resort to the CCJ to get that decision overturned. Even then the regime continued to act with scant regard for our constitution and our laws. The ruling of Guyana’s final court was given scant regard by an

illegal regime that continued merrily along as if everything was normal. They entered into contracts for billions of dollars when, in fact, the CCJ said that the regime had to be in caretaker mode. Billions of taxpayers’ dollars are being used for naked PNC/APNU/AFC propaganda. The disregard is so open that a judge was threatened in the court without any reprimand from the judiciary. The signs are really ominous. The Guyana Police Force is another very important institution that is being undermined and subverted in the interest of PNC/APNU. The SOCU, which was set-up to combat money laundering, has been deprofessionalised. It has lost all credibility, it has lost focus, and has become an instrument to harass, victimise and slander persons suspected of being anti-government. That is not all. The tentacles of the PNC/APNU are gripping the whole institution. The PNC/APNU illegally intervened and halted the promotion of officers of the Police Force. This has completely emasculated the institution’s upper echelons. This submissive position is also adopted by another (Continued on page 6)

On March 2, we must vote to restore constitutional rule in Guyana DEAR EDITOR, In 2015, I asked the nation to vote for a change and to support the Coalition of PNC & AFC, as I thought they would promote national unity and change the country. Sadly, the PNC Coalition broke all its promises, including breaking its promises to the AFC, and it quickly squandered all the goodwill placed in it by crossover voters that caused them to win. The Coalition has been a dismal failure, the economy declined, unemployment increased, business is slow, it governed badly and that led to the massive defeat at the Local Government Elections in 2016 and 2018, culminating in their final defeat in the No Confidence Vote in December 2018. For 2020, the two parties that capture my support are the PPP, and the People’s Republic Party. This time, I will vote for the PPP, because the PNC has shown scant respect for the Guyana Constitution and democratic rule. Instead of promoting healing in the nation as it

promised, the PNC’s behaviour after the No Confidence motion showed that the PNC has not changed from its old ways. Although Granger refused to renounce Burnhamism, the crossover voters were willing to give him a chance. However, once they got in, the Coalition quickly were on the wrong trajectory, with quick pay increases for themselves, the D’Urban Park scandal, drug bond scandal, signing away of our national oil and gas patrimony scandal, hiding the sign-on bonus money scandal, airport scandal, procurement scandals, and the list goes on and on. Despite its claims to be “A Partnership for National Unity,” the PNC’s one-seat triumphalism and locking out the PPP from decision making about oil is regrettable. Neither the PPP nor PNC should think it can lock out the other in making deals and decisions about oil and gas. There has to be a broadbased National Board. Refusing all advice by the IMF and international bodies,

NGOs, and oil experts, the Coalition is clueless, unprepared for oil, refuses to take advice from the abundance of counsel that has been proffered, and has made all the mistakes possible in selling out the national patrimony. Its biggest betrayal of the nation is instead of listening to good advice, it hardens its stance against the Global Witness report by saying the oil deal was a good deal, even though we stand to lose a whopping estimate of US$55 billion. There goes the imagined good life for all. After the new national hero, Charrandass Persaud, voted against his own government, it jolted the PNC Coalition that they forgot the people and broke all their promises. Last-minute projects (many violating the rules, as the illegal government is in a caretaker status) were too little too late to save their poor record of failures. The People’s Republic Party (PRP) has good, moral, upright people in its leadership, and stands

strong on family and traditional values. If you cannot support the PPP to restore constitutional rule, you should consider the PRP whose Manifesto is very comprehensive and dynamic. Dr. Valerie Leung needs at least one seat to be a voice of morality in Parliament In this new era of “vote them in, vote them out,” I ask that you support the PPP as they are the only one that can match the PNC and hold them accountable. It should not be that any time the PNC is in power that you have to be fighting for the restoration of democracy. My litmus test for the 2020 election is which party is likely to observe and practice constitutional rule and obey the Constitution, and it is the PPP. It is important on March 2, that we take back the government from the Constitutional violators. If we don’t, the PNC will pull the same tricks it did from 1968-1992. We must go back to the PPP so we may go forward. Sincerely, Dr. Jerry Jailall USA

Saturday February 08, 2020

A factual response to a sensational story DEAR EDITOR, I respond to an article published in the Friday February 7, 2020 edition of the Kaieteur News headlined “Standoff escalates at RUSAL - Workers chase Phillips, Edghill; defy armed police, re-block Berbice River.” We in the PPP/C conducted a three-day outreach in the Ituni, Kwakwani and Upper Berbice River Areas which saw an unprecedented turnout of residence at every location visited to listen to the PPP/C message and to engage as we prepare for the March 2020 General and Regional Elections.

After conducting 13 successful public and community engagements during the three days, we made an impromptu stop at the site of the river blockage and to hear from the workers who were already gathered at the location. We had earlier heard of the reports of a standoff between the police and the dismissed workers. As leaders who will form the next Government, we went merely to observe and listen to the concerns of the affected persons. On arrival at the waterfront in the Landersville area, we engaged in one-on–one conversations with various

individuals. In the process of those engagements, we were heckled by a small group of persons wearing APNU /AFC T-shirts and waving flags. This outburst began when a known PNC leader told the people not to listen to Edghill and Phillips. The indecency and vulgarity that accompanies such mobilization ensued. (The images on social media need no interpretation.) It is my belief that workers have a right to protest when they feel aggrieved and solutions seem not forthcoming. Any responsible Government must hold companies/ employers accountable and

ensure that our laws are upheld at all times. This was said repeatedly to the workers that listened while the PNC/ APNU/AFC Mobilized band sought to distract from this engagement. Having completed our observation and engagement we peacefully departed. It is clear for all to see that the Granger-led Coalition lacks the adequate dispute resolution skills and is incapable of negotiating in good faith. In the interest of all the parties’ concerned, workers and employers, an amicable solution is urgently needed. Regards Bishop Juan A Edghill

2016 deal an example of astute statecraft DEAR EDITOR, May I suggest that the serious flaw in the Global Witness report is its failure to understand the external political context at the time of the signing of the 2016 Agreement with Exxon. If one recalls, in 2015, Venezuela had staked out most of Guyana’s Exclusive Economic Zone for itself. Stabroek News reported on June 7 2015: “Venezuela makes new claim to Guyana’s territorial waters, potential oil block”...On May 27 Maduro issued a decree creating the “Atlantic coast of Venezuela,” which now includes sovereignty over Guyana’s territorial waters in the Atlantic Ocean off the Essequibo region. The preposterous borders effectively made Guyana landlocked.

So the decision a year later to move expeditiously towards a revised production sharing agreement with the consortium was based not only on immediate needs, but also long term considerations of securing the country’s Exclusive Economic Zone. Our Patrimony. How to do that? By having Exxon and Hess continue as operators, it meant two large US companies with undoubted influence on US foreign policy would have interests allied to ours. As such a small country, Guyana managed to bring a level of protection for its resources it could never have had with its limited military defences to repel an aggressor. Furthermore the US$18M signing bonus afforded Guyana the ability to


Kaieteur News

bring a case before the International Court of Justice that will consider its jurisdiction within a few weeks and, one hopes, resolve this issue once and for all. The oil companies got something, but we got something too. This decision will be seen in years to come as an example of astute and visionary statecraft. Even in the interim one can argue that this has worked out well for all parties involved. We don’t need to consider what might have been and indeed the alternatives to the present day reality might have been much worse, including armed confrontation over oil fields with our neighbour; a force majeure and freeze on industry activity.

As of today, oil now flows into the Liza Destiny - 1m barrels every ten days earning Guyana substantial revenues - a minimum of 14.5% of ev e r y b a r r e l pumped; Exxon and its partners are moving ahead to fast forward two more FPSOs that will help to bring US$10 billion in annual revenues to Guyana by 2030; ’a robust economy creating good jobs for the people. And perhaps most important of all, our western border is quiet tonight. Indeed one could reasonably claim our EEZ has never been so secure. Believe it or not, the Cooperative Republic of Guyana is winning right now, and will for decades to come. Yours sincerely Albert Russell

This is a fight of immense proportion…support is needed from all Guyanese DEAR EDITOR, The striking workers of the Bauxite Company of Guyana Incorporated (BCGI) are in a fight of immense proportion and acknowledge they need support from all Guyanese regardless of geographic location, political or religious persuasion; from civic society and those in and out of government. Whereas this struggle is an industrial action, fighting for workers’ rights, underpinning this is a vicious attack on the sovereignty of Guyana, where government and laws do not matter. It is most embarrassing that Guyana approaches its 50th year of Republican status and as we prepare to celebrate, labour or at least a section of it is being treated as second class, with their rights trampled on. The recent unannounced/ uninvited visit by PPP MP Bishop Juan Edghill and Prime Ministerial Candidate Brigadier Mark Phillips to the workers’ encampment site at the Crack in Aroaima was met with rejection by workers and a supportive community who were unprepared for same. This visit as a result was viewed to be untimely. It also appears as incidental and an afterthought, since there was an organised PPP campaign rally in the vicinity. I am sure there was adequate time that notice could have been given to the community and workers. The struggle of bauxite

workers is public knowledge, and the least expected is a planned and notified visit on the agenda of leaders seen capable of meeting and respecting the various sensitivities involved. Workers are of the belief that they are constantly being taken for granted and disrespected by politicians who all appear to view them and their leaders as unworthy of basic respect and due notification that would result in adequate preparation. This serves to reiterate that we encourage and welcome Guyanese from all persuasions and associations to stand together as one against Rusal’s intransigence. It is evident that the resolution to this problem cannot be expected from any government, but must come from people’s power. All that is required to restore a state of normalcy in the bauxite community and Aroaima is for the Department of Labour to move to arbitration on this matter. Again we ask: why isn’t this being done? Leslie Junor GB&GWU Branch Secretary (BCGI)


Kaieteur News

Saturday February 08, 2020

If ever a CoI is needed, the 2016 Production Agreement with Exxon demands one DEAR EDITOR, If ever a Commission of Inquiry is needed, the 2016 Production Agreement with Exxon demands one. For the March 2020 election, all political parties must commit to this. Global Witness is one of several international NGOs calling for an inquiry. More than three dozen local NGOs have demanded an inquiry. The majority of Guyanese want an inquiry. When Global Witness tells Guyana we have a bad oil deal, that someone or some people signed away at least $US55B, they said nothing new. For several years now, the PPP and other independent voices have been saying so.

As Bharat Jagdeo stated, it could be a little less than US$55B, but it could be much more - in excess of US$70B. Incidentally, under pressure some months ago, unable to offer a proper defence, Raphael Trotman himself conceded that, in retrospect, it was a bad deal. The independent dailies have been relentless in exposing the giveaway. Independent, experienced observers a n d i n d u s t r y experts agree Guyana got one of the worst deals in the history of the oil and gas industry, if not the worst oil deal ever. G l o b a l Wi t n e s s , a n independent, BritishBased NGO, concluded the team that negotiated the

deal in 2016 did not represent the interests of Guyana. The 1999 Janet Jagan Exxon Exploration license had expired in early 2016. That exploration contract merely allowed Exxon to prospect for oil. That license paved the way for the discovery of oil by May 2015. By May 2015, the circumstances had dramatically changed. No longer was Guyana begging anyone to explore, Guyana was a sought-after oil destination. By the time 2016 came, Guyana was acclaimed one of the biggest new oil reserves in the world. Guyana had all the advantages on her side.

There were no provisions for automatic extension of the 1999 exploration license and Exxon was due to return 75% of the license prospecting territory. Exxon was in a weak negotiating position; Guyana had all the cards in her hands. Instead, the Granger-led APNU+AFC not only hastily extended the 1999 terms, they renewed it with terms and conditions more favorable to Big Oil than when Guyana was begging for Big Oil to come. An illegal “bridging deed” was used, allowing Exxon to automatically have a new exploration license and to move into a production license. Without an investigation, we can only surmise and guess. There was a reason the PPP signed only an exploration license with Big Oil, with an expiry date. The PPP wanted to ensure that any generous terms and conditions intended to entice Big Oil to Guyana for exploration did not automatically extend into the production phase, should that ever materialize. The use of the secret “bridging deed” by APNU+AFC was the first wrong. The generous conditions after that not only compounded the wrong, but transformed the wrong into something unholy. The $US18M signing bonus is an insult. For much less, Brazil got US$726M and Suriname for even much less got US$100M as a signing bonus. The production agreement giving Guyana 2% royalty, when industry

standards exceeded 7% and reached as much as 30%, seriously raises worrying questions beyond incompetence. It is beyond reason to think Guyana’s negotiators were that stupid. It was APNU+AFC that boasted Trotman was the most suitable person to lead the negotiation, given he was a senior lawyer and had a month-long negotiation course at Harvard. Trotman does belong to arguably th e most incompetent cabinet in Guyana’s history, but to a c c e p t 2 % royalty when hundreds of such agreements reveal royalties of greater than 7% appears beyond anything imaginable. Guyana has racked up preproduction cost of more than US$11B, a sum Guyana must refund to Exxon. This money will have to be taken out upfront from total revenues before any profit

can be assigned to Guyana. Trotman agreed that Exxon could pay itself back from the first 75% of total annual revenues. This means that Guyana can expect no more than 12.5% of the profits for several years to come. But then, incomprehensively, Guyana agreed to pay all income taxes and corporate taxes on behalf of Exxon from Guyana’s profits. Guyana’s expenses for monitoring operations also will come from our profits. In addition, Guyana is responsible for environmental control and clean-up, from our profits. This reduces our maximum profits to far less than 12.5% in the first few years. Truly this is a brazen swindle. Far from exposing APNU+AFC, Global Witness merely affirmed what the PPP, other (Continued on page 24)

Our institutions are... From page 4 very important Constitutional body, the Integrity Commission. That body was established to promote integrity in Public life. This is an important institution for the moral health of our country. This organization is being ignored by this regime. Government ministries and government members of the National Assembly are ignoring it and just not submitting the reports that they are legally required to do. Worst yet, the Integrity Commission is doing absolutely nothing about this. They just accept being ignored and seem quite content to sit like a useless poodle. Much the same or worse is happening at the Guyana Elections Commission. Prior to this regime taking power, GECOM’s reputation was improving constantly. It had done a lot of good work that gave Guyanese confidence in that body. Now we see that faith evaporating. From the moment that attempts were made to impose James Patterson as Chairman of GECOM, people’s confidence was shaken. In addition, the dismissal of highly professional persons from that body suggested that biased judgements were at work and the PNC/APNU was working to take control of that institution. This behaviour of our constitutional bodies today is a throwback to an earlier period of PNC paramountcy and dictatorship. At that time

the institutions of the state were turned into an arm of the PNC. The PNC’s so-called Sophia Declaration of 1974 had described the government as the executive arm of the PNC. The control was so allembracing that Ashton Chase, a man of great integrity and standing in our society, once commented on the behaviour of the judiciary in that period. He noted that judges no longer waited for orders from Burnham as to how to rule in particular cases, they began to anticipate what he wanted and delivered for him. The consequences are well known. A broken economy, widespread poverty and a political atmosphere where fear and the suppression of free speech becomes the norm. Today, people’s basic human rights are already being violated. It is behaviour such as is being displayed by the Ethnic Relations Commission and others that results in the destruction of democracy and the promotion of dictatorship. Those holding important office must know this, they must be aware of the dire consequences for the people when they fail to discharge their functions fairly. Our institutions have seriously let us down. They can only redeem some dignity by beginning to call a spade a spade, and to discharge their duties without fear or favour! Former President Donald Ramotar

Kaieteur News

Saturday February 08, 2020


Law expressly prohibited Trotman's renewal of Stabroek licence - Ram


he Petroleum (Exploration and Production) Act sets out definitive conditions for the award of blocks. Attorney-at-law, Christopher Ram, who has perused the Bridging Deed and studied the conditions under which the 2016 licence was awarded to ExxonMobil, has ascertained that Minister of Natural Resources, Raphael Trotman, had no legal authority to award that Block. In fact, in the Thursday last edition of his Stabroek New column 'The road to first oil', Ram informed the public that the Act expressly prohibited Trotman's award of the licence. Ram drew attention to Section 21(2) of the Act, which states, “A petroleum prospecting licence shall not be granted to an applicant in respect of a block which is, at the time the application for the grant of the licence is made, comprised in a licence already granted.” The provision describes the very 2016 signing of the Stabroek Block award by Tr o t m a n , i n e x p l i c i t language. Ram stated in his column, “It is clear, then, that no amount of legal gymnastics could circumvent this express provision prohibiting a second bite of the cherry” – the cherry being the entire

Attorney-at-Law Christopher Ram 6.6 million-acre Block awarded by former President Janet Jagan in 1999. The Attorney posited that the Government is faced with a dilemma whereby, if it a rg u e s t h a t t h e 1 9 9 9 prospecting licence didn't expire, Section 21 (2) applies; and if it argues that the licence did expire, as indicated in Attachment 'A' of the Bridging Deed, then the Government must clear two hurdles. “The first is that its purported Relinquishment is meaningless since under Section 28 of the Act, relinquishment is only permissible 'at any time when the licence is in force'.” “The second is that Attachment 'A' to the Bridging Deed refers to the 'expired Stabroek Licence Area'.” In that case, Ram

posited, the Deed would be of no effect, since the 2016 agreement could not be linked to “a dead anything”. He continued that, in likening the legally questionable bridging deed unto a 'savings clause', Trotman may not have considered that the permission granted by such a provision would have to exist in some legislation or higher document, not in a document of lesser status. In a previous iteration of his column, Ram also pointed to another aspect of the Act, Section 10, which the Bridging Deed, leaked to the media, seeks to ground itself in. The Deed states, “Pursuant to Section 10 of the Act, the Minister has entered into this Deed together with the Contractor parties to set out the process whereby the 1999 License and the 1999 Petroleum Agreement will be replaced by a new petroleum prospecting licence and petroleum agreement in respect of the Contract Area.” Kaieteur News has perused the Act, which shows no mention of a Deed. Ram explained this, writing that “[it] gives the Minister no power to enter into any Deed and certainly not one to breathe life into an expiring agreement”. The Section states that the Minister is granted the

Female and male drug dealers jailed, fined over $5M each


female drug dealer, Nandi Barker, 36, a market vendor of Lot 70 Kaneville, East Bank Demerara, and a male supplier and drug dealer, Timothy La Fleur, 34, of 288 E r r o l ’s Vi l l e , N e w Amsterdam, Berbice have been jailed. The two had appeared before Magistrate Peter Hugh in the New Amsterdam Magistrate’s Court . On this occasion, they were found guilty on charges of possession of narcotics for the purpose of trafficking. The case for the prosecution was that around 23:00 hrs on March 25, last, the police were conducting a stop and search exercise at the Berbice Bridge when

they stopped motorcar PNN 9408. The vehicle was driven by Barker; there were two other women inside. A search of the vehicle revealed 6,539 grams (14.5 pounds) of cannabis sativa concealed inside. Upon interrogation, the women told investigators that they got the drugs from La Fleur to transport. The police subsequently went to La Fleur’s house where he was arrested and a quantity of narcotics, 267 grams, was found at his home. After investigation, Barker and La Fleur were charged. Barker was sentenced to 35 months in jail while La Fleur was given 21 months in jail. They were both fined in excess of $5M. Barker upon being

granted bail after her first court appearance never returned to court and an arrest warrant has been issued for her arrest. La Fleur had earlier pleaded guilty to the separate charge of possession of narcotics for the purpose of trafficking and was sentenced to two years in jail and fined $240,300.

power to enter into an agreement “not inconsistent with the Act” i.e. the four

specified matters, namely the granting of a licence, the conditions attaching thereto, the procedure to be followed in exercising any discretion granted to him under the Act and any matter incidental

thereto. The lawyer hopes Minister Trotman would explain how Section 10 of the Act gives him the “supernatural” power to revive a “dead” agreement.

Kaieteur News


Saturday February 08, 2020

High Court asked to order Jagdeo to produce Irfaan Ali's academic qualification By Feona Morrison


he spotlight is now again on the a c a d e m i c qualifications of People's Progressive Party (PPP) Presidential Candidate Irfaan Ali. In fact, citizens Dianna Deravinee Rajcumar and Phillip Marcus have filed an action in the administrative and constitutional divisions of the High Court. They are asking the court to order Leader of the People's Progressive Party, Bharrat Jagdeo, to produce the academic qualification of the party's presidential candidate, Ali, for their perusal. As a basis for their applications, the citizens through their Attorney-atlaw Stephen Lewis contend that consequent to their constitutional right to vote, they have a right to information on the candidates for the upcoming general and regional elections.

Against this backdrop, they say they are entitled to know the educational antecedents of the candidates to access, process and interpret along other with information, before deciding to vote for them. According to them, “As persons, intending to exercise their right to vote [they] are entitled to be privy to facts giving insight in the candidate's capacity and suitably for acting as a President, Parliamentarian or a legislator including details of his/her life educational qualifications.” In light of the foregoing, they are seeking a declaration that they are entitled to know the qualifications of Ali, and for Jagdeo to produce the first degree certificate and transcripts for any first degree conferred on Ali. They are also asking for information on the name of the university from which Ali obtained the first degree, as well as information concerning the nature of the

study completed in relation to the first degree. They also want to be privy to information setting out whether Ali was issued with a Certificate of Graduation, which states that it was issued by the Business College, West Demerara Chamber of Commerce and information on whether any studies at the College led to him obtaining a Bachelor of Arts in Planning. Furthermore, they want a copy of any transcript issued by the Business College, West Demerara Chamber in respect of the Bachelor of Arts in Planning; information on whether any degree was obtained by Ali from the University of Sunderland; a copy of the certificate of any said degree from that university along with a transcripts to any degree obtained by Ali from that university. Should the court rule in their favour, Rajcumar and Marcus are asking that the documents be produced

Attorney-at-Law Stephen Lewis

PPP Presidential Candidate: Irfaan Ali within seven days from when the court's order is handed down. NO DECLARATION The citizens are arguing that GECOM, the second named defendant in their action, is empowered with the responsibility to exercise general direction and supervision over the registration of the electors and the administrative conduct of elections of member of the National Assembly. In this regard, they say that GECOM has the responsibility to take such action as appear to it necessary or expedient to ensure impartiality, fairness and compliance with the provision of the Constitution or any Act of Parliament and

Opposition Leader: Bharrat Jagdeo therefore has the authority to require information from and in relation to candidates. They say that a List of Candidates for election may be submitted by the Representative of the List, in this case Jagdeo, and submitted to the Chief Election Officer. And that List of Candidates shall be accompanied by a Statutory Declaration by each person named on that list of his qualifications and consent made before a Justice of the Peace or other Person authorised to administer the Oaths. As far as they know, no such declaration was made by Ali, who appears in the List of Candidates submitted by the PPP. According to them, their constitutional

rights to vote and to freedom of expression are likely to be breached if Jagdeo and GECOM fail and/or neglect to provide the information on the educational antecedents of Ali. INTENSE SCRUTINY In another section of the media, Ali was reported in 2014 as saying: “I am a project Management Professional (PMP). I hold a first degree in International Business; Post graduate diploma in International Business; Graduate Certificate from the University of the West Indies (UWI) in HR Planning; Master's from Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, Delhi (India)…” However, last year, his academic qualifications were a subject of intense scrutiny as reports surfaced of them being fake. Ali has to date stood behind his qualifications saying that all (continued on page 23)

Saturday February 08, 2020

Kaieteur News



y blood boiled with fury when I saw that video yesterday of a schoolgirl being robbed while on her way to school. I feel so enraged by that incident that I could not watch the video more than once. The decade of the 80s was one of extreme hardships for Guyana. People suffered a great deal during that period. It was time when persons had to line up for basic household necessities. Things were so tough that persons would see a line, join it and then ask what was being sold. Things got so bad that some persons on the East Coast had to leave their homes as early as 5:30 am just to be able to get to work on time because they could not be sure that they would catch regular transportation. People began to gravitate to the city in order to get jobs. As a result of the increased demand for housing, rentals skyrocketed. Persons would go walking around the town looking for houses without curtains, because this was often evidence that a flat was not being occupied and may be available for rental. Some homeowners took advantage of the situation. They began to sublet and

offer board and lodging, particularly to young girls from the countryside, who did not want or could not afford to rent their own apartments. Things were tough. At one point, the price of a beer skyrocketed so much that poor people were forced to switch to drinking white and brown rum. Petty thieving developed. Thieves began to raid clotheslines forcing persons to not leave their clothing to dry overnight. Thieving moved from clothes on the clothesline to junkies stealing your plant pots. Despite all these and many more hardships too humiliating to remember, I have never seen something and brazen and shocking as that video of that schoolgirl being robbed. There was the occasional incident in which bigger schoolboys would rob young ones of their pocket change but this was not a regular occurrence. Last year a video was shown of a young schoolboy being robbed while on his way home. He was robbed by a gang of boys. Not long after some other schoolchildren were robbed of their phones. Some persons have tried to make the victims the

villains. They have argued that these crimes are committed because the parents are giving children expensive phones. But what is wrong with that? If I can afford to give my child an expensive phone, why should I not do so? Lavishing my child with an expensive phone does not give anyone a right to come and rob him. I have every right to give my child the best that I can give her or him. No one has any right to deprive my child of what belongs to her or him. The video which was aired on social media y e s t e r d a y, t h e p e r s o n committing this banditry on this young schoolgirl was not a boy. And off all things, he robbed a schoolgirl. That was something that I cannot remember happening even in the bad old days. Long ago, it was considered highly foolish to try to rob a schoolchild. His or her peers would chase you until you had no escape. That does happen anymore because the bandits are escaping on motorised transportation and they are carrying deadly weapons on their person. Schooling is now a dangerous thing. Children are getting robbed on their way to school and they are beaten by other children in the schools. How worse can

Dem boys seh...

Five cats drink out de milk at Eve Leary


ld people got a saying dat people must not put cat to watch man milk. Guyana doing just dat. It got nuff cat and all of dem looking fuh milk. Dem have one set of cats at Eve Leary. Soulja Bai buy cars fuh dem; he buy motorbike fuh dem; he try to give dem everything but a cat is always a cat. When de head of de SWAT get ketch fetching rum, de first thing de big Chief do was to send him on Administrative Leave. Then there was de case of de Crime Chief. People accuse him of collecting money from criminals in Berbice and sharing phone number wid dem, de big Chief send him on Administrative Leave. Dem boys remember when anodda big one get accuse of sexual misconduct.

A woman walk off de road and seh how dis cat sexually assault her; de people in charge send de man on Administrative Leave. Since a cat step outta line is Administrative Leave. Some of dem does come back pon de job when de powers think dat people forget. De SWAT man only get dismissed because people see him pon de job and mek a noise. De one who people seh had a close link wid dem criminals meet de age of retirement. Dat is how he never come back. De sex man still deh pon Administrative Leave. Now dem have anodda scandal. A quiet cat hold a man wid a submachine pistol and nuff ammunition. Dem boys believe de man was going to fight a war. Dis was in September.

January come and de man ain't get charge. When dem boys find out, somebody tek $10 million fuh drop de charge. De money had to buss up wid five cats and dat is wha cause de trouble. And de five is people who does investigate de crime. Now dem boys want fuh know who gon investigate since all de investigators tek a bribe. Dem boys hear how de case ain't going nowhere because things reach as far as de DPP who order de cats to give back de outside people de licensed weapon but dem can hold on to de submachine pistol and de ammunition. Dem boys want fuh know if some of de money reach till there. Talk half and try get rid of dem cats.

things get in education? I hope that this incident with the schoolchild marks a turning point in our country. I hope people decide that it is time that something is done to rid this country of this type of pestilence. If that sight of that schoolgirl being robbed does not lead to some action, then oil or no oil, this country cannot go forward. It will be backward ever; forward never. Parents at a private

school organised a protest when a school principal was shot. He has not received justice to date. Things will not change until people protest the lack of safety for schoolchildren going to and from school. The authorities will not act unless they are forced to do so by public pressure. The man committing the robbery escaped on a motorcycle. The design and features of the motorcycle are clearly visible. That is an

important lead for the police. The bandit should be apprehended and placed before the courts. He deserves no mercy. (The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of this newspaper)

Kaieteur News


Saturday February 08, 2020


The PPP, PNC and AFC: Which one I prefer?


xcept for Basil Wi l l i a m s a n d V i n c e n t Alexander, I don't know the current PNC leadership. Basil a n d I w e r e students/contemporaries at UG. That was forty years ago. Since that time Basil and I would chat on a friendly basis. Our chatting became friendlier during the long years of the PNC being in opposition. Vincent and I were born a block away from our parents'

home in Wortmanville. We get along quite handsomely. Some of the PPP leaders I know very closely, many of them for decades. I developed a friendship with Anil Nandlall after he became a lawyer. He was one of the brightest students I taught in my 26-year teaching career at UG. Of the PNC and PPP, and AFC, I would say I was on more personal and personalised terms with many of the AFC's hierarchical members.

The PPP was in power; now the PNC and AFC are. Because of the nature of my life in Guyana, I am never free of people soliciting my views on the PPP, PNC and AFC. It can really be annoying but that is the life I chose to live and I try as much as possible to be brief but polite. There are times I just want to be alone with my pet dog and my music on the seawall when a car would pull up: “Freddy, yuh gat a minute?” I have never been able to

sustain an engaged conversations with a majority of these folks because of the circumstances of how we met. But there are times when I am at wedding or a funeral, I would expand. One such occasion was last Saturday night at the birthday of city optometrist, David Singh. One of the founders of the UK WPA branch, Leyland De Cambra, who was a teenage friend of mine, is in the country. We spent about forty minutes in which time I assessed the dead legacies of Rupert Roopnaraine and Clive Thomas. I learnt more about the middle class depravities of the WPA that I never knew about. I learnt more about why the commission of inquiry into Walter Rodney's death was not done earlier because of the attitude of some big wigs in the WPA. I learnt more of the feeling of disgust of Walter's wife about the betrayal of her heroic husband by certain washedup WPA personalities. Always when the question is asked of me about the nature of the PPP, PNC and AFC, I would say in the context of Guyana's ongoing political tragedies, the AFC is the nastiest and least patriotic of the three parties. I was tempted to use the

adjective, “major” in front the words, “three parties” but I think the AFC is no longer a major party. I honestly feel in my academic mind that whoever wins the 2020 poll will have a formidable advantage in 2025 and is likely to win reelection then. It means that if the coalition is returned next month, then the AFC will die a natural death. It will completely fade into the shadows of the PNC. Just as we speak of PPP/C when there is no C; just as we speak of PNC/Reform when there is no Reform, we will speak of APNU+AFC but there will no AFC. There are a number of disturbing characteristics and political immoralities of the AFC that make them the more unprincipled and less ethical party than the PPP and PNC. It is virtually impossible to analyse these egregious manifestations in one column much less two or three. In a forthcoming piece, I will release an email exchange between me and then General Secretary, David Patterson, on the AFC offering one of their friends, a complete stranger to politics, the Ministry of the Environment in May 2015. This immoral abnormality is so shocking that I do not believe there is another

Frederick Kissoon example anywhere in modern politics. When that conversation is made public, it is obligatory of our media and citizens to ask the AFC for an explanation. If that doesn't happen, I would not be surprised. Don't forget we are talking about, dystopian, shambolic Guyana. I say from the depths of my psyche that this incident still torments my soul. It is one of the cruelest, sadistic departures I have seen in Guyana in my entire life. Two of the negatives that I have seen in the post 2015 behaviour of the AFC that I think are less pronounced in the PNC and PPP are the lust for power and middle class snobbery of working class cadres. In 2016, David Hinds referred to the AFC as power drunk. He was so right. More later. (The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of this newspaper)

Saturday February 08, 2020

Kaieteur News


Kaieteur News


Saturday February 08, 2020

ExxonMobil could have accelerated its work - Int'l programme before old licence expired law firm


he Government m a d e t h e decision to grant a new licence to oil companies in 2016 for exploratory operations in the 6.6 million-acre Stabroek Block. This was not allowed for by the Petroleum (Exploration and Production) Act. But Government did it anyway because it wanted to give the consortium more time to explore. The Lead Operator on that block is ExxonMobil subsidiary, Esso Exploration and Production Guyana Limited (EEPGL), with 45 percent interest. Its partners are Hess Guyana Exploration Limited (30 percent interest) and CNOOC Petroleum Guyana Limited (25 percent interest). A report commissioned by Cabinet, and conducted by British law firm, Clyde and Co, stated that the oil companies c ould have accelerated the exploratory

programme under the licence, alongside production in the Liza field. However, it was reportedly concluded that this would not be the most effective or beneficial approach and “would not do justice to the potential of the blocks under the 1999 Licence.” The contractors reportedly wanted to gather more information. “Without full information from the new data set or time to gather information from each new exploration well, an a ccelerated programme would not target the right prospects or the correct location within a prospect, thereby creating additional work and wasting resources,” the report's authors said. H e n c e , w h i l e relinquishment should have occurred as prescribed by law, it did not. According to the report, Guyana Geology and

After ExxonMobil's first Stabroek Block discovery, it convinced Government to let them keep the entire acreage

M i n e s C o m m i s s i o n e r, Newell Dennison, said that the Bridging Deed was the discussed and accepted mechanism to “deal with this situation”. The Government

decided it would be more appropriate to give the oil companies more time so that they could explore the behemoth block “by issuing a new petroleum prospecting licence and signing a new

production sharing agreement on the same general terms as the new previous agreement.” That agreement would turn out to be a hotly discussed controversial

agreement, criticised as lopsided and unfair. Global Witness stated that the deal is set to make Guyana lose about US$55B, and has advised for a renegotiation.

Kaieteur News

Saturday February 08, 2020


Nandlall claims Govt. wants to postpone elections; Attorney General says far from truth


e s t e r d a y morning, former A t t o r n e y General and PPP-aligned lawyer, Anil Nandlall, posted a video on his Facebook page speaking to a reporter. The occasion was soon after the Court of Appeal on February 6, concluded hearing arguments in a challenge by the Attorney General Basil Williams to overturn a High Court decision which blocks the removal of persons from the National Register of Registrants Database

(NRRDB). This is what Nandlall had to say: “We have a strange state of affairs where the Attorney General [Basil Wi l l i a m s ] a n d K e i t h Lowenfield [Chief Elections O ff i c e r ] a n d G E C O M lawyers are arguing essentially that the [ Official List of Electors] is bad and therefore the elections should be postponed until a new and credible list is ironed out.” Attorney General and Minister of Legal Affairs, Basil Williams, made it clear

that this statement couldn't be further from the truth. It underscores the desperation of Nandlall and his party as the country heads into elections. Williams assures, “The Government of Guyana led by President David Arthur Granger has repeatedly committed to ensuring free, fair and transparent elections. Besides, the Coalition, APNU+AFC has launched a most spirited and dynamic campaign, inspiring thousands across the country and is confident

Farmer, labourer remanded for alleged cattle thief's murder

Remanded: Gobin Balram


wo villagers of Number 65 Village Upper Corentyne, Berbice, were yesterday remanded to prison for the murder of a suspected cattle thief, whom they allegedly riddled with bullets in the Number 67 backdam. Gobin Balram, 60, a farmer and Jerry Pirtam, 25, a labourer, both appeared in the Georgetown Magistrates' Courts before Chief Magistrate Ann McLennan, when the indictable charge was read to them. Balram and Pirtam were not required to plead to the charge, which alleges that on January 30, 2020, at Number 67 Village, they murdered Parmanand Lakram, called “Bachan”. Chief Magistrate McLennan remanded the defendants to prison until February 25, 2020, and the matter was transferred to the Springlands Magistrate's Court. It was reported that Lakram and three cattle rearers went to the backdam to untie two unbranded cows that were grazing in the area.

Remanded: Jerry Pirtam

Dead: Parmanand Lakram called “Bachan”

A c c o r d i n g t o information, they were approached by the two defendants who were armed with guns. Balram and Pirtam allegedly pumped several bullets to Lakram's head and about his body just after he reportedly recognised their faces, while the other two men hid in the bushes.

After the two suspects made good their escape, the two men that accompanied Lakram to the backdam came out from the bushes and saw Lakram lying in a pool of blood. The matter was reported and an investigation was launched, Pirtam and Balram were subsequently arrested and charged.

of a resounding victory come March 2, 2020.” In a statement issued yesterday, Williams pointed out that during the court hearing Nandlall attempted to make similar statements purporting that he was calling for the postponement

of elections and had to be corrected by Chancellor of t h e J u d i c i a r y Yo n e t t e Cummings-Edwards. In a missive to the media, Nandlall said that during the court hearing Williams explained in “very clear language” that he is

challenging the High Court's order with the intention of the Court of Appeal issuing an order for the postponement of elections and to order a new National Register of Registrants be compiled by a House to (continued on page 14)

Kaieteur News


Nandlall claims Govt. wants to postpone elections; Attorney... From page 13 House Registration process. Nandlall further said that Williams's aim is to exclude all persons not resident in Guyana from voting as he contends Article 159 of the Constitution is wrong in that it ought to have included residency in Guyana as a qualification, for registration. He said that the Attorney General is relying on an amendment to the Constitution passed in 1991. According to Nandlall, “Williams has further argued that the current List of Electors and the National Register [of Registrants] are both unlawful and unconstitutional, in so far as, they contain the names of persons not resident in Guyana. He argued that in 1990, the Elections were postponed for two years so that a proper List of Electors could have been compiled.”

“He [Williams] wants the Court of Appeal to order similarly. Keith Lowenfield, the Chief Elections Officer, who is responsible for the compilation of the List of Electors and as National Registration Officer, is responsible for the National Register. He is saying to the Guyana Electorate that the list is valid and that we are going to Elections in March. His lawyer is arguing in s u p p o r t o f M r. B a s i l W i l l i a m s . ” “GECOM, who is also saying the same thing as Lowenfield, is represented by Stanley Marcus, S.C. Mr. Marcus is also supporting the position of the Attorney General. “It is to be noted that GECOM is an independent constitutional body, but yet, finds itself supporting the Attorney General in every

aspect in this case, since in the High Court.” The Attorney General made it clear that Nandlall and the PPP have a history of disrespecting the courts and its officers when decisions do not go in their favour. He urged the nation to be on guard as it is clear Nandlall is preparing the 'wicket' to launch one of those assaults on the judiciary if the court does not rule in his favour on Monday. Nandlall reminded, “[President] Granger and his government and GECOM and the Chief Elections Officer are all telling the Guyanese public and the world that the country is going to Elections on March 2, but secretly, they have their lawyers arguing in the Court of Appeal to postpone these elections. What an honest and decent bunch!”

Saturday February 08, 2020

GTT is utility company with most complaints

PUC's Chair, Dela Britton and Complaints Manager, Esther Bourne at the press conference yesterday.


S-controlled G u y a n a Telephone and Telegraph Company (GTT) is the utility with the most complaints. Last year, there were 363 complaints against the telephone company while the Guyana Power and Light Inc. attracted 262. The disclosures were made yesterday by the Public Utilities Commission (PUC),

w h i c h r e g u l a t e s G T T, Digicel, the Guyana Power and Light Inc. (GPL) and the Guyana Water Inc. (GWI). There were 86 complaints against GWI and four for Digicel. According to PUC's chairperson, Dela Britton, the Commission believes that the number of complaints does not really reflect the reality…It is the suspicion that persons are actually not accessing the Commission's services. The Commission has been on a campaign to raise awareness across the country. It has opened offices in Berbice and Linden, and will establish another at Henrietta, Essequibo. The doors are to open from Monday. While there were four complaints from citizens in Essequibo last year, PUC always suspected that the figures should be higher. According to Britton, a feasibility study carried out, found that there were many

concerns- it was just that persons were not able to access the Commission's office. In fact, the Commission is moving to have consumers call them, and if they are out of phone credit, the Commission will call back to hear the complaints. PUC is the body that not only has oversight on the utility companies but also h a s t o a p p r o v e developmental and expansion plans and applications for rates. However, it does not issue licences. According to Britton, the entity is preparing for liberalisation of the telecoms sector. With regards to complaints, consumers would file on issues of tampering, in which they are contesting investigations by utility companies. It also receives complaints on delays in applications for services, billing disputes, connection and reconnection and other issues.

Saturday February 08, 2020

Kaieteur News


Kaieteur News


Saturday February 08, 2020

RUSAL standoff…

“Labour Ministry incompetent” .. riot police gearing up for standoff with workers - Lincoln Lewis


s tensions h e i g h t e n between the laid off workers from RUSAL and law enforcement officers, the President of the Guyana Bauxite and General Workers Union, Lincoln Lewis, has called out the Labour Department for their blatant “incompetence” on resolving the issue. Lewis was at the time addressing the media at an impromptu press briefing to provide an update on the situation at hand. It was only Wednesday that the sacked workers, aided by the residents of Kwakwani, re-blocked the Berbice River cleared by law enforcement officers who were called in some two weeks after the blockage was placed.

But this was not without conflict, as the police and resident clashed for not allowing them to re-block the river. Kaieteur News was informed that police went into the area and removed the blockage but within an hour, residents and workers, had replaced it. According to Lewis, this clash, should not have occurred as the workers are only pleading for their rights to be upheld. “Yesterday's altercation with the police, workers and residents in Aroaima did not have to happen. These are workers; these are citizens of Guyana. All they are fighting for, all they are asking is for the Rule of Law to be applied.” The Union Head stated it was strange that law

Campsite set up by the workers to monitor the blockage

The blockage in the Berbice River remains intact

enforcement officers only entered the area two weeks after the river was blocked. Who called them, is still not

known. “We don't know who did it but whosoever do it, if they want to continue to behave

the same way and turn their guns on the people, it's cool with us, the people will react…” According to Lewis, riot police are gearing up for the standoff off but this will not sit well with the workers and the residents in the area. But sources on the ground relayed to Kaieteur News that police have left the area as the blockage remains. Lewis explained to the press that they had a meeting with the Chief Labour Officer, Charles Ogle, and representatives of RUSAL for conciliation. However, he posited that this process should have wrapped up months ago, paving the way for arbitration. The hold up, he blamed on the Labour Ministry and accused them

of being unable to handle the issue as is needed. “Ogle, Scott and the others in there are incompetent…a bunch of incompetent men who are working for the employer against the state.” He said that since the Russian-controlled Bauxite Company, entered Guyana, they have not been held accountable for their actions. “Nobody wants to hold RUSAL accountable for its conduct since it came here…from Jagdeo. The only person who tried was Ramotar. Amna Ally tried but her effort was weak and she began to run away…We have to start representing our people…” Lewis said that the previous meeting between (continued on page 24)

Saturday February 08, 2020

Kaieteur News


Most burn children being admitted at GPHC need overseas care - GPHC official


he majority of the children who are being admitted in the Burn Care Unit (BCU) of the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC), are in desperate need of overseas treatment. They suffered mostly third degree burns to more than 80 percent of their bodies. This is according to a senior official at the city hospital. Revealing information garnered from an internal audit of the unit, the official said that 49 children with burn injuries were admitted last year; three of them subsequently died. These children are between the ages of four and seven. They came about their injuries at home. In some cases, some of them tripped over hot substances, had their house engulfed in flames or were burnt when gas cylinders exploded at their home. The official emphasized that doctors at the public health facilities would all

times try their best to treat these children. However, in most cases overseas helped had to be sought due to the severity of their injuries. “In the Burn Care Unit at GPHC, we have several medical personnel that are well-trained to take care of these issues. But there are cases where children admitted to this unit are burnt so bad that treatment is beyond our training,” the official explained. One must take into consideration the cases of children admitted with 80 percent of their bodies disfigured, coupled with internal injuries. “We have to remember that a child's body is not completely developed,” the official added. According to the official, the idea of transporting the children to a foreign country to seek medical attention is not a bad one, as Guyana does not have the necessary experience and technology to perform certain corrective surgeries. The latest case of burn

victims is that of four-yearold Neleissa La Rose of Maria Henrietta, Berbice River. The child reportedly sustained burns to almost 70 percent of her body after a bottle containing gasoline, which was used to start a fire, exploded and ignited her clothes. The incident occurred on January 22, 2020. Saving Hands Emergency Aid (SHEA), a charitable organisation in a recent Facebook post stated that the child is in urgent need of immediate advance medical treatment overseas. Also, a case that rocked the nation and is still remembered by everyone is that of seven-year-old Shania Persaud of Mon Repos, East Coast Demerara, who sustained severe burns when her home went up in flames on August, 5, 2019. Due to the injuries she sustained, Shania was sent overseas to receive medical care but later died. The child is nevertheless

Shania Persaud

Neleissa La Rose remembered as a hero after she walked out of her burning home covered in flames, screaming for her

mother. Before she succumbed due to internal and external injuries, doctors were forced

to amputate one of her legs, a few of her fingers and a section of her ear. (Anastacya Peters)

Kaieteur News


Saturday February 08, 2020

Three homes, three shootings, same morning, as gunmen raid Onderneeming sandpit


s c r i m e continues to spiral out of control in the village of Onderneeming, Essequibo Coast, residents are increasingly fearful. On Wednesday, three homes were shot at in three separate incidents, mere minutes apart from each other, after three men went on a shooting spree. Based on reports reaching Kaieteur News, some time around 03:00 hrs on Wednesday, a 39-year-old housewife and her family, were awakened by a loud explosive sound, which sounded like a discharging

gun. The woman, who spoke anonymously to this publication, said that initially she thought someone had thrown a brick on the roof of the home. Her husband, on the other hand, who is a 40-year-old security guard, sensed that it was a gun, and secured his family in the rear of the house. The woman said, “A noise wake me up on the house top and my husband told me it was a gun. So we carry the four children to the backroom and keep low. “When I get up the next morning, I see me clothes and so missing from

downstairs and the front of the house had some holes in the wall scattered all over the front.” This publication understands that the stolen clothes were burnt by the attackers, moments after the attack on the family. The weapon involved was reportedly a shotgun. Twenty minutes later, the same attackers opened fire on the home of Shannon Successs. Success, who lives in the Onderneeming Red Village, was also awakened by the sound of bullets crashing through her window. The woman who lives with her 13-year- old daughter told Kaieteur News yesterday, “Upon waking up, I see my window shattered with pellets scattered in my living room. I live here for like five years and I never had a frighten moment like this one that still leave my daughter and I scared for our lives. “We never have a problem with no one or nothing.” At 04:00hrs, the men attacked their third target, the home of a 38-year-old woman, and her husband. The woman opted to remain anonymous as she related her story to this publication. She said that at the time of the shooting, she was at home with her husband and a relative. The couple believed that the shooting was an attempted robbery, since they had already been burglarised three times within the one year. In detailing this, the

Two of the three homes that came under attack

The car windshield that was damaged during the shooting fourth attack on Wednesday, the woman said, “We were awakened by the car alarm going off after hearing a loud impact on the car. We got up and peep through the windows but we didn't realise that it was a robbery. “About five minutes later, we hear a second gunshot behind the house and then we realised what was happening. We called the police station but the phone rang out.” The family indicated that the police eventually arrived in a matter of minutes, since they were already in the area attending to the two previous shootings. It was only then

that they exited the home, and noticed the windshield of the family car was riddled by pellets from a shotgun. An eyewitness who spoke with Kaieteur News said that three men were seen. All of whom wore hoodies and were masked. Following the shooting, the men reportedly escaped to the Onderneeming backlands, which has long been their suspected hideout. Over the past year, the same description was given of the men who committed similar gun-related crimes. In each case, the men retreated to the backlands. Residents believe that

more needs to be done to guarantee the safety and security of residents of Onderneeming. When interviewed, the feedback from residents was numerous. “Fearful is how I would describe living in Onderneeming. During the day, you have to lock up because even in the day [criminal elements] strike. The homes gotta be so grilled up and locked up that in the night if a fire should take place, you can imagine what will happen. After 18:00 hrs, the safest place to be will be indoors.”

Kaieteur News

Saturday February 08, 2020

Biker succumbs to injuries after Dennis Street accident

The now dead Brutus at the city hospital


n 'A' Field Sophia resident succumbed to his injuries, Thursday morning at the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC), after an accident in the vicinity of Dennis Street, Sophia. Relatives have identified the victim as 23-year-old Daniel Brutus, of Lot 4 'A' Field Sophia. The other victim, Ricardo Fordyce, is hospitalised at the city hospital. Kaieteur News understands that at the time of the accident, Brutus who was riding a black CG motorcycle made a sharp turn off Sherriff Street and onto Dennis Street.

However, at the said time, Fordyce was heading out of Dennis Street and onto Sherriff Street. The bikers subsequently collided with each other. According to sources, after the collision Mr. Brutus was flung some distance from the accident scene and landed on a piece of wood which had several nails on it. As a result, he sustained several punctures to the back of his head. Mr. Fordyce also sustained injuries. However, he is responding to treatments at the city hospital. An investigation has been launched into the matter.

Daniel Brutus


Kaieteur News


Saturday February 08, 2020

February 2020 session of the BDO - Tax consultants Berbice criminal court opens set up office in Guyana

Justice Simone Morris-Ramlall along with Commander Senior Suprientendent Calvin Brutus inspecting the guard of honour


he February 2020 Criminal Session of the Berbice Assizes opened on Tuesday, with the usual ceremonial parade in front of the Berbice High Court, Esplanade and Vr y h e i d R o a d s , N e w Amsterdam, Berbice. The police contingent from 'B' Division was led by Assistant Superintendent Mahendra Singh and included Chief Inspector Michael Newland as the

parade Inspector, Sergeant P h i l b e r t Wi l b u r g a n d Sergeant Herman Leitch and 24 other ranks. The police contingent led by the Drum Corps marched off from Police headquarters at Coburg Street and Strand before proceeding along Strand, New Amsterdam to the High Court at Vryheid and Esplanade Roads in New Amsterdam. The salute and inspection were taken by Justice

Simone Morris-Ramlall who is presiding over the February Criminal sessions of the Berbice High Court. She was escorted by Divisional Commander of Police 'B' Division Senior Superintendent Calvin Brutus who was escorted by Assistant Superintendent Elton Davidson. Also among those taking the parade was acting Mayor Wainwright McIntosh. A number of other (continued on page 21)

Nayak Ramdahin, Head of International Tax; Frank Soe-Agnie, Partner in Suriname; Anamika Mangroo, Director in Suriname; Albert Lopez, CEO of Americas; Rakesh Latchana, Partner in Guyana and Nadia Latchana, Roma Ali and Riaz Ali, Partners of TT.


ax and consulting advisors, BDO, have opened operations in Guyana with the aim of capitalising on opportunities offered by the evolving oil and gas industry. On Thursday, BDO Chartered Accountants, officially announced the opening of its office in Quamina Street, Georgetown, Guyana. The firm offers audit and assurance services, tax compliance and advisory

services, business services outsourcing such as payroll and accounting, and a wide range of other professional services. The Guyana team is entirely staffed by local personnel. It is headed by Rakesh Latchana, a member of the local accounting fraternity for over 20 years. He is also a member of the SME Implementation Group of the International Accounting Standards Board. At a reception held at the

Georgetown Marriott, Latchana said he was “extremely proud to be a part of this historic occasion.” “One of the largest professional services firms in the world is now firmly established in the Guyana market. BDO's global vision and brand promise is to be the leader for Exceptional Client Service and our clients can expect to see this promise delivered.” In the Caribbean region, (continued on page 23)

Saturday February 08, 2020

Kaieteur News



Kaieteur News

Saturday February 08, 2020 LEGAL NOTICE CONTD




Visa Application: U.S.A, Canada & UK; Graphics design, advertisements, Wedding arch rentals. Tel: 626-7040 ICONIC MARKETING & PRINTING –TEL: 6006887: We create A/works, logos, business cards, posters, etc, placements of ads included.

Foreign used heavy machinery. Trucks & spare parts for sale. Contact PartZone Gy. #694-4489


Spacious land and house, 5 St Caneville EBD, Access main road $6.5M Single lot, Garden of Eden EBD $2.2M Neg only cash #266-1316 8 week old pure pit bull pups. Female only, Excellent guard dogs. Tel#612-2258 Brand new computers, Wifi, Bluetooth, Windows 10. Call or Whatsapp #687-4970 CXC Past papers

REPAIRS AT LOW COST: FRIDGES, AIR CONDITIONERS, WASHING MACHINE, FREEZER, SALE OF AC’S. TEL#629-4946,225-4822 House plan to draw or estimate. Call: 216-0671/6928464. Whatsapp #622-0267 We repair Fridge, Freezer, AC, Washer, Dryer-Call#231-0655/ 683-8734 Omar. Preparation of VAT returns, Form 2A, 7B, Income & property tax computation. Call: 671-8333/665-8543 Repairs at affordable prices: fridge, air conditioner, washing machines, dryers, TV, microwaves & freezer-Call: 610-5846 or 661-8158

VEHICLE FOR SALE Volvo XC-60 for sale, Excellent condition Fully Loaded ,White with leather interior,PXX series. Call 6128369 for more details 1 Suzuki Escudo.Excellent condition, Low Mileage (50,000Km).$3.4M Neg.Call #649-0956. Nissan Bluebird (Silver) series PXX for sale. Contact # 6010223

1 Toyota Picnic car, Lady driven, 7 seats $1.6 Neg. Contact # 615-8499

DOLLYSAUTO RENTAL CALL: 225-7126 & 2263693 -DOLLYS AUTO RENTAL@ YAHOO.COM/ W W W . D O L L Y SAUTORENTAL.COM AIDAN’S CAR RENTAL & TOW TRUCK SERVICE:PICKUP,9-11 SEAT MINI BUS, GOOD FOR AIRPORT & FAMILY OUTINGS, CHEAPEST RATE#698-7807. LEARN TO DRIVE N.Outar Driving School, Learn to Drive the right way @ Cuffy Square.Affordable Package.Call#644-5166/6912561/681-2808.

PLANNING AN EVENT? BIRTHDAY PARTY, G R A D U AT I O N , W E D D I N G S , ANNIVERSARY, ETC. CALL DIAMOND TENTS: 216-1043; 677-6620 Snackette for rent, Bourda Market. Call for details: 2260450 2 bedroom house, hot & cold shower, spacious garage & yard in Hibiscus Palace, Blankenburg WCD gated community. Contact #6505345 Price $70,000 Good Hope ECD Phase 2, (2) flat 3 bedroom, 2 baths, large kitchen & dining, parking. Pay own bills. Call: 679-6773/6578130 Fully furnished, luxury 2 bedroom apartments. Long & Short term. Rentals #687-8818/ 666-7028

New Volkswagen Jetta, going cheap, owner leaving country. Tel# 629-2619


Ransom (Concrete mixers), Scaffolding, Power washer, compactors, hire truck service etc, free delivery. Telephone: 610-5360. Email: dmdscaffolding@yahoo.com

TO LET Self contain rooms for working couple/single person $35,000 monthly, Light & water, Lodge. Call: 623-0076, 2 months security

Semi furnished executive style 4 bedroom, 3 bath, home in residential neighbourhoodEccles. Tel#633-8489 for apts Lower unfurnished 3 bedroom home in Eccles. Spacious & Parking available $150,000/ USA $750. Contact Ajai #6297132/ USA# 281-739-6550 PROPERTY FOR SALE Lot 89 Robb street Lacytown, Georgetown. Next door to Mike’s Pharmacy.Land size-3431.25 Sq.ft.Phone:617-5323/6668052. 3- Storey unfinished building, Lot 1486 Plot B Herstelling EBD. 2 storey unfinish building, Lot 1488 Onderneeming WBD. #6093777/697-4557/641-3893/6860522 House and land available at Parfaite, Tuschen, Diamond etc. Contact Pacific Development Inc. 223-6035/ 604-4909

1-2 bedroom apartment WANTED preferable 2 working people or 2 student, Albert St. Call: 231- Senior Kitchen assistant, 5695 Primary education & One bedroom apartment in Experience driver & cashier, Georgetown for decent Apply at Hack’s Halaal with working couples. Parking H/written application &Teleohone $50,000. Tel# 6231 Waitress to work at Bar in 8759/675-7842 Albouystown. Tel# 691-1918 Lodge Apartments ( V l i s s e n g e n / D u r b a n ) : Diesel Mechanic to work in Unfurnished $40,000-$60,000 interior, experience with p/m. Furnished ( For Visitors) perkins, duetz, doosan $600 US p/m. #633-8514/668- engines necessary. Contact Imran #226-9416/502-8587 7305/697-6421

the 17th September, 2014 is a nullity and is void, same having been obtained by fraud. (b) A Declaration that the property situate at East half of Sublot Lettered “A” being a WANTED portion of cultivation Lot Excavator operator to work numbered 22 (Twenty two) with mining firm, must have Plantation Lancaster in Local experience. Contact Imran Mahaica-Unity Government District, East #226-9416/ 502-8587 Coast Demerara, forms part of Night receptionist needed at the Estate of Surajpaul Mohan the Millenium Manor Hotel a/k Surajpaul Mohan, deceased. come in with Application. (c) An order recalling the Bar/Beer Garden to rent. Tel# Order of the Honourable 695-9140 Justice Roxanne George dated Maid. Requirements: person the 10th December, 2008 made must be living on the East in Action No. 217-S of 2008, same having been obtained by Bank. Contact# 600-6887 fraud and it be deemed null 1 Live in domestic, must know and void. to cook $25,000 wkly. #648- (d) An Order directing the 7866 Registrar of Deeds to recall and cancel the aforesaid One experienced welder to Transport and to make all work in the interior, must have such relevant entries in the experience. Contact Imran # records of the Deeds Registry 226-9416/502-8587 in relation thereto. (e) An Order Injunction Seamstress. Contact: 691- restraining the Respondent/ 1918. Monday to Saturday Defendant by himself, his 9am to 4pm servants and/or agents from entering upon, trespassing LEGALNOTICE and/or remaining on the property situate at East half of 2014-Hc-Dem-Civ-W-407 In the High Court Of Sublot Lettered “A”, being Judicature Probate And portion of cultivation Lot A d m i n i s t r a t i o n numbered 22 (Twenty two) Plantation Lancaster in the (Administration) Mahaica-Unity Local In the matter of the Deceased Government District, East Person’s Estate Coast Demerara subject matter Administration Act, Chapter of these proceedings. 12:01 -and(f) An Injunction restraining In the matter of the Estate of the Respondent/Defendant Surujpaul Mohan a/k by himself, his servants and/ Surajpaul Mohan, deceased. or agents or whomsoever Between: Gansham Mohan from pledging, mortgaging, individually and in his selling, encumbering, leasing capacity as the Executor and or alienating in any way beneficiary of the estate of whatsoever the property Surajpaul Mohan a/k situate at East half of Sublot Surajpaul Mohan, deceased, Lettered “A”, being the represented herein by his duly portion of cultivation Lot constituted Attorney in numbered 22 (Twenty two) Guyana Raouti Rajpaul Plantation Lancaster in the agreeably with instrument of Mahaica-Unity Local Power of Attorney executed Government District, East on the 27th August, 2014 and Coast Demerara. registered in the Deeds Registry on the 27th (g) An Order for specific August,2014 and numbered performance of the Agreement of Sale and Purchase dated the 8829/2014 Applicant/Plaintiff -and- 20th May, 2008, entered into Donald Khemraj between Surujpaul Mohan a/ k Surajpaul Mohan and the Respondent/Defendant Defendant Donald Khemraj, To: Donald Khemraj touching and concerning the Notice of Publication property situate at East half of Take Notice that an Amended Sublot lettered A portion of Lot Statement of Claim has been numbered 22 Plantation filed in the High Court of the Lancaster, situate on the East Supreme Court of Judicature Coast Demerara, County of of Guyana by Gansham Demerara, Republic of Mohan for the following: Guyana, the said Sublot (a) A Declaration that containing an area of 0.1376 Transported conveyed in the (nought decimal one three name of the Defendant in seven six) of an acre as shown respect of the property and defined on a Plan by Colin situated at East half of Sublot J.H Bowen, Sworn Land Lettered “A”, being portion of Surveyor dated the 3rd day of cultivation lot numbered 22 June, 2008 and recorded in the (twenty two) Plantation Department of Lands and Lancaster in the Mahaica- Surveys as Plan Number Unity Local Government 43171. District, East Coast Demerara (h) An Order that the Registrar passed to the above named of Deeds do convey Transport for the property Respondent/Defendant on

LEGAL NOTICE CONTD situate at East half of Sublot lettered A portion of Lot numbered 22 Plantation Lancaster, situate on the East Coast Demerara, County of Demerara, Republic of Guyana, the said Sublot containing and area of 0.1376 (nought decimal one three seven six) of an acre as shown and defined on a plan by Colin J.H Bowen, Sworn Land surveyor dated the 3rd day of June, 2008 and recorded in the Department of Lands and Surveys as Plan Number 43171 into the name of Gansham Mohan, the Applicant/Plaintiff herein if the Defendant Donald Khemraj fails and/or neglects to convey the property. And Further Take Notice that on the 26th day of September, 2014 and Interim Injunction was granted against you, the Respondent/Defendant, by the Honourable Madam Justice Sandra Kurtzious (in Chambers) whereby it was ordered that the Respondent/ Defendant be restrained, whether by himself, his servants and/or agents from entering upon, trespassing and/or remaining on the property situate at East half of Sublot lettered “A”, being portion of cultivation Lot numbered 22 (Twenty two) Plantation Lancaster in the Mahaica-Unity Local Government District, East Coast Demerara subject matter of these proceedings until the hearing and determination of the Summons returnable for the 21st day of October, 2014 at 9:00am. And Further Restraining the Respondent/ Defendant whether by himself, his servants and/or agents or whomsoever from pledging, mortgaging, selling, encumbering, leasing or alienating in any way whatsoever the property situate at East half of Sublot lettered “A:”, being the portion of cultivation Lot numbered 22 (Twenty two) Plantation Lancaster in the Mahaica- Unity Local Government District, East Coast Demerara until the hearing and determination of the Summons returnable for the 21st day of October, 2014 at 9:00 am. Upon Application in person or by letter to Ms. Rishi R. Kissoon, Attorney-at-Law, whose address for service and place of business is at the Chambers of Kissoon & Kissoon, Attorneys-at-Law Lot 99, Hadfield Street, Werken-Rust, Georgetown, Demerara, Guyana, a copy of the Amended Statement of Claim would be delivered or sent to you. If you desire this action, you must enter an appearance to the Amended Statement of Claim either personally or by Attorney-at-Law at the Registry of the Supreme (continued on page 23)

Saturday February 08, 2020

Kaieteur News

Miner remanded for gambling death

Days after 28-year-old Raymond Leitch, a miner of 2022 Amelia’s Ward, Linden, was allegedly killed by another miner during a gambling dispute, the suspect has since been charged and remanded to prison for the murder of the Lindener. The defendant, Seon David, 31, of 49 North Haslington, East Coast Demerara, yesterday appeared in the Georgetown Magistrates’ Courts before Chief Magistrate, Ann McLennan, when the murder charge was read to him. David was not require to plea to the indictable charge which alleges that on February 3, 2020, at Quartz Stone Backdam, Cuyuni River, he murdered Leitch.

Attorney-at-law Trenton Lake is currently representing David. The lawyer asked the court for full disclosure at the next hearing of the matter. However, the police prosecutor told the court that the file is still incomplete and that an additional two weeks will be needed to complete the file. After listening to the prosecutor and the lawyer, Chief Magistrate McLennan remanded the defendant to prison until February 26, 2020, and the matter was transferred to the Bartica Magistrate’s Court. According to reports, both David and the decease are shop owners and their shops are located some distance away from each other in Quartz Stone Backdam. On

the day in question, the two men were engaged in a heated gambling session when an argument ensued between them over the payment of winnings earned during the game. That argument quickly

escalated into a fight. They were then separated and sent back to their shops. However, the two men continued to argue with each other when David pulled out his work-issued 9mm Taurus pistol and shot Leitch to his chest.

Workers in the area summoned a helicopter to transport Leitch to the Georgetown Public Hospital where he was pronounced dead. David was later arrested placed in custody and later charged for killing Leitch.

PAGE 23 LEGAL NOTICE CONTD Court of Judicature at Georgetown, within twenty eight (28) days after the date of the second and final publication of this Notice. If within the said twenty eight (28) days no application has been made or no appearance has been entered, the Court shall proceed to hear the said action and pronounced judgment against you in your absence. And Further take notice that this matter do stand adjourned to the 17th day of March, 2020 at 11:30 am before the Honourable Chief Justice Madam Roxanne George.

BDO - Tax consultants set... From page 20 BDO's network now extends to 21 countries. The Guyana office will have access to global network resources and will be working especially close with teams in Trinidad and Suriname. BDO said its international network extends across 167 countries and territories, with 88,120 people working out of 1,671 offices. Global revenues for the year to September 2019 totaled US$9.6 billion or €8.5 billion, a 10.1% increase over the prior year. BDO refers to one or more of the member firms of BDO International Limited, which forms part of the international BDO network of independent member firms. BDO, Chartered Accountants, a Guyana partnership, is a member of BDO International Limited, a UK company limited by guarantee, and forms part of the international BDO network of independent member firms. “BDO is not new to the Guyana market. BDO offices, particularly those in the Caribbean, have served Guyanese companies and regional companies with operations in Guyana for over 10 years. “More recently, BDO's UK office served as the Independent

Administrator to prepare Guyana's first EITI report - that report was released inApril 2019,” Latchana explained. “We have heard both lofty and tempered predictions on expected growth in Guyana's economy from the year 2020. Regardless of who you believe has adopted a more appropriate model – one thing is clear, we are on the cusp of a transformation. There was never a better time for BDO to firmly establish its presence.” He said that local content has probably been one of the key topics of discussion since the advent of the local oil and gas industry. “There is constant debate on how Guyanese will benefit from our national patrimony. But what is local content? Is it only hiring local staff or is it adding local value? Here is how we differentiate ourselves – local ownership, 100% local staff and local knowledge. We cannot however do it all on our own. “Our partners are here to help us develop our knowledge and bring global resources to Guyana – whether it is industry knowledge, proprietary know-how or technology.”

High Court asked to order... From page 8 of his “real” certificates, diplomas and degree are available to the public. The Coalition Government has been making a mockery of Ali's qualification, specifically President David Granger. Last year October, Ali was listed as a graduand of a Doctor of Philosophy degree in Urban and Regional Planning from the University of the West Indies campus in St. Augustine, Trinidad. 19 FRAUD CHARGES Ali is currently facing 19 fraud charges for allegedly depriving the state of millions of dollars when he sold State lands way below the market value to high-ranking public officials, including Jagdeo. This newspapers had previously reported that the

lands worth $214M were sold for a meager $39M by Ali during his tenure as Minister of Housing under the PPP government. The charges against Ali state that between the period 2011 and 2015, he conspired with persons unknown to defraud the Government, when he acted recklessly by selling 19 plots of state lands at Plantation Sparendaam and Goedverwagting, East Coast Demerara. He was not required to plead to the charges and has been released on self bail. The presidential hopeful has moved to the Court of Appeal in a bid to have the charges quashed; the court is set to render a ruling soon. Ali moved to the appellate court after the High Court dismissed a similar application filed by his lawyers.

Dated the 15th day of January, 2020

VACANCY Domestic. Contact# 2235273/223-5274 Female Cook/Baker for interior location. For further details. Call: 618-2020 Driver/Expediter. Contact# 223-5273/223-5274 Looking for hauler driver, mechanic #600-0722 & Quest rental paver & subcontractor for constructing Accessing road. Tel#670-8853 Nail Technician. Contact# 223-5273/223-5274 Vacancy for Domestic maid who is good at cooking. Call: 618-1853 Receptionist, Deskstaff, 25-50 years, three shift system. Tel# 225-0198 Diesel mechanic/welder to work on TM trucks. Contact #223-5273/223-5274 LAND FOR SALE Lot 40 Southern half of cultivation, Lot 178 (One hundred and seventy-eight) Nothern, Rosignol, Zeelugt W.B.B Tel# 663-1213 Transported land for sale in Rose Hall Town.Call#603-1441 Riverside public road. Soesdyke Junction. 50x150. Tel#681-9423 House lot for sale, Long pond WBD. Call: 657-4333/649-8596 Parfaite Harmonie Front $4M, $2.5M, $1.6M Herstelling 3rd Bridge $5M Providence $7.5M. Call:666-2326


Saturday February 08, 2020

Kaieteur News

Sugar Workers promised wage increase weeks before elections After years of protest actions across Guyana, sugar workers were yesterday finally given what they have been demanding since 2015; a wage increase. This is according to the Guyana Agriculture Workers Union (GAWU) who in a release made the revelation after a meeting with the Guyana Sugar Corporation (GuySuCo) Heads. The increase comes a mere day after sugar workers assembled in front the Office of the President in protest. “The workers were staunch in their demand for a deserving pay increase as they maintained that they were discriminated against. “Apart from that, the workers further demonstrated how the pay freeze had pushed them and their families closer to the poverty line as they were crushed by the heavy cost-of-living. They had to find innovative means to make life’s ends meet as their nominal and real wages declined and their ever scarce dollars were not going as far as they previously could,” GAWU said. The release stated that “at a meeting between the

GAWU representatives and Sugar workers at the meeting GAWU and GuySuCo, the Union’s delegation, comprising officials and representatives from the various estates, said that the sugar corporation informed that it approved certain pay increases to the sugar workers.” GAWU did not go into details as to how much the workers pay will be increased,

noting that the offer is still being actively considered by the union and workers. “This move demonstrates that it is only through struggle that the workers and the oppressed will be able to surmount their obstacles and score, even meager gains from the Administration. “ However, while the union is elated by the promise of an

increase, they took note of the timing of its announcement, that being mere weeks before the March 2, 2020 General and Regional Elections. “It did not escape our attention that the offer comes less than a month away from when the workers and their families are expected to exercise their franchise and when there are active attempts

to woo their support after years of assault perpetuated against them.” Since coming into office in 2015, the Coalition Government has not offered any wage increase to sugar workers. Instead, the public servants, including government Ministers received significant increases to their salaries.

Last November, Agriculture Minister Noel Holder, said that the sugar worker may not be benefiting from any wage increases due to the financial situation at GuySuCo. Minister of Finance Winston Jordan had stated that any pay increase must come from the Board of GuySuCo.

CXC makes two key appointments to leadership team

Mr. Rodney Payne

Mrs. Nicole Manning

“Labour Ministry incompetent” From page 16 the company and ministers was useless. The company had no intention of rehiring the workers, he said. “They are going and asking RUSAL in the first instance to re-employ these people…RUSAL carry away all their equipment…If these people carrying away their equipment, you believe any word from them that they will re-employ those people?” He said that the Ministry is looking for someone to lay blame on and the union fell victim. “They looking for the boogeyman, they looking for somebody in the union to blame…you stand up for your rights in this country and they blame you…if you stand up and ask that the laws be

respected, you are wrong…” The Union Head called once again, for government to move the matter to arbitration, deemed the last resort to resolving the matter. “All it requires is arbitration. Since last year August, the Guyana Bauxite and General Workers Union has been asking for the parties-- the BCGI management and Unionto move to arbitration, to allow the processes in the Grievance Procedure to work.” The blocking of the river over a week ago came after Bauxite Company of Guyana/ Rusal sent home workers claiming that it has little fuel left, because it has not been approved for duty free concessions by the Guyana Revenue Authority. The authority denied that this was so.

Rusal, however, sent home more workers – more than 300 of them – and reportedly said it has withdrawn its expatriates from the country. For several days now, Rusal has been unable to move out its bauxite from the Kurubuka mine area, to Aroiama, where the barges are waiting to take it to Berbice River mouth area for shipment out of Guyana. This is because of the barrier. Rusal has been here over a decade, taking over the Aroaima operations before opening the Kurubuka mine area. Employing more than 300 workers, the company ran afoul of the labour laws, according to the union, by sacking more than 50 employees in 2009. That matter was never resolved.

The Caribbean Examinations Council (CXC) in activating its digital transformational agenda, and repositioning as a regional enterprise that facilitates regional integration and development, has appointed two senior members to its leadership team. Effective February 1, 2020, Mrs. Nicole Manning assumed the role of Director of Operations, Examination Services and Mr. Rodney Payne assumed the role of Director of Technological Innovation, Information Technology Services. Mrs. Manning possesses a Master’s of Science in Computer-based Management Information Systems, as well as a Bachelor’s of Science Degree in Chemistry and Management. She also holds a Post Graduate Diploma in Education from the University of Technology (Jamaica) and a Post Graduate Certificate in Risk

Management from the Institute of Risk Management (UK). Mrs. Manning is an industry professional with over 20 years of regional and international managerial experience in diverse industries from Test Development and Measurement to Quality Assurance and Strategic Management. Prior to joining the Council, Mrs. Manning held executive positions, including portfolio responsibility as Head of the National Council on Technical Vocational Education and Training in Jamaica. With extensive experience in the fields of education and assessment, Mrs. Manning will lead the Examinations Services Division, which comprises of the Examinations Development and Production, and Examinations Administration and Security Departments. Mr. Payne has been with the organisation for the past

22 years. He joined the staff of CXC in 1998 as Network Administrator. He then held the post of Information Systems Manager from February 2011, a role he had acted in from 2009. In October 2017, he took on the role of Senior Manager, E x a m i n a t i o n s Administration and Security. Mr. Payne has also acted in the role of Director of Operations from September 2019 until the date of his recent appointment. A graduate of the University of the West Indies, Mr. Payne also holds a Master’s of Engineering Degree from the University of Victoria and is a senior member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE). Along with several IT certifications, he also completed the Programme for Leadership Development (PLD) at the Harvard Business School’s Executive Education Programme.

If ever a CoI is needed, the 2016... From page 6 independent voices and the three daily newspapers have been saying for several years. The dishonesty of APNU+AFC is that they knew any credible investigation would discover the inexplicable nature of this

agreement. Long before Global Witness had completed its study, the Guyana Government knew what the results would be. They spent taxpayers’ money t o h i r e a n o t h e r global company, since last September, to prepare a report

to spin the Global Witness results they expected. The expensive spin doctors have not been able to soften the blow. The Guyanese people have been betrayed. An independent Commission of Inquiry is an imperative. Dr. Leslie Ramsammy

Saturday February 08, 2020


Kaieteur News

Trump ousts White House staffer who testified against him in impeachment: lawyer WASHINGTON/NEW YORK (Reuters) The Trump administration yesterday removed Army Lieutenant Colonel Alexander Vindman from his position as the White House’s top Ukraine expert after he provided damaging testimony about President Donald Trump during the impeachment process, Vindman’s lawyer said. Vindman was escorted out of the White House where he had worked on the National Security Council (NSC), lawyer David Pressman said in a statement, adding that the move was retribution for Vindman’s testimony. “There is no question in the mind of any American why this man’s job is over, why this country now has one less soldier serving it at the White House. LTC Vindman was asked to leave for telling the truth,” Pressman said. Vindman testified to the House of Representatives impeachment inquiry in November that Trump made an improper demand of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy in a July phone call that

became the centerpiece of the probe of the Republican president. Vindman told a Democratic-run committee “I couldn’t believe what I was hearing” in the phone call. Trump asked Zelenskiy to launch investigations into both Democratic rival Joe Biden and a widely debunked conspiracy theory that Ukraine, not Russia, was behind meddling in the 2016 U.S. presidential election. During that appearance, Vindman downplayed concerns that he would suffer payback for speaking out. “I will be fine for telling the truth,” he said. Michael Volkov, who represented Alexander Vindman when he testified in the impeachment inquiry, said Vindman’s twin brother, Yevgeny Vindman, was escorted off the White House grounds at the same time. Yevgeny Vindman, also an Army lieutenant colonel, worked for the NSC as a lawyer. U.S. President Donald Trump steps off Air Force One after arriving at Charlotte Douglas International Airport prior to a campaign event at

in Charlotte, North Carolina, U.S., February 7, 2020. REUTERS/Leah Millis An Army spokesperson said both brothers had been reassigned to the Army, but declined to provide further information “out of respect for their privacy.” A lawyer for Yevgeny Vindman did not immediately respond to a request for comment. A spokesman for the security council declined to comment. Representative Eliot Engel, Democratic chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, said the decision to remove Alexander Vindman was “shameful.” “This president believes the only loyalty that matters is loyalty to him personally,” Engel said in a written statement. Trump emerged victorious from his trial this week with a vote in the Senate, controlled by fellow Republicans who rejected abuse of power and obstruction of justice charges. Asked earlier yesterday about media reports that he might remove Vindman, Trump told reporters: “I’m not happy with him. You think I’m supposed to be happy with him?...They’re going to be making

that decision.” A source familiar with the situation told Reuters that Vindman - a Ukraine-born U.S. citizen and decorated Iraq war combat veteran would be reassigned to the Defense Department. Vindman’s two-year stint at the White House was due to end in July. U.S. Defense Secretary Mark Esper said on Friday that the Pentagon protects all service members from retribution. Trump, who became only the third U.S. president to be impeached, has said he is still bitter as he turns his attention to seeking a second four-year term in the Nov. 3 presidential election. MULVANEY REPORT Another senior white House aide who testified over impeachment, Jennifer Williams, left this week for a post at the U.S. military’s Central Command, according to Bloomberg News. Trump has cast both Vindman and Williams as “Never Trumpers” who oppose him. Trump denied reports that he was weighing a permanent chief of staff to replace acting aide Mick Mulvaney, who was a central figure in the impeachment inquiry.

“That was a false report. I have a great relationship with Mick,” Trump said. Democrats say Trump pushed for the Ukraine investigations to undermine Biden, a candidate to win the Democratic nomination for November’s election. Trump says he wanted to help Ukraine fight corruption. Biden’s presidential campaign suffered a serious setback when he came in fourth place at the Democrats’ first state nominating contest in Iowa this week. Senate Republicans have been investigating Hunter Biden, who served on the board of a Ukrainian gas company while his father, Joe, was U.S. vice president. Senators Chuck Grassley and Ron Johnson have asked for the younger Biden’s travel records while under official Secret Service protection, among other official records. Democratic lawmakers say the Treasury Department has provided Congress with some financial records involving Hunter Biden. Trump had urged Ukraine to investigate both Bidens, though there has been no evidence of wrongdoing by either one.

Cruise line bans China citizens; Outrage as doctor who sounded alarm over virus dies BEIJING/SHANGHAI (Reuters) - The coronavirus death of a Chinese doctor who had been reprimanded for sounding an early warning about the disease triggered anger at the government on Friday, while a major cruise line took the extraordinary step of banning citizens of China regardless of when they were last there. The death of Li Wenliang, 34, came as President Xi Jinping reassured the United States and the World Health Organization (WHO) of transparency and maximum effort to combat the virus. Beijing’s communist leadership has sealed off cities, canceled flights and closed factories to limit an epidemic roiling the world’s second-biggest economy with ripple effects felt by global markets and businesses dependent on Chinese supply lines. The epicenter province of Hubei and its capital Wuhan are in lockdown, and Beijing resembles a ghost town. Deaths in mainland China reached 637 on Friday, with a total of 31,211 cases, WHO chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said in Geneva, warning of a worldwide shortage of gowns, masks and other

protective equipment. “For the last two days there had been fewer reported infections in China, which is good news, but we caution against reading too much into that,” he told the WHO Executive Board. “The numbers could go up again.” Global equity markets and government debt yields slumped on Friday, as growing concerns about the impact of the virus on global growth overshadowed a strong U.S. jobs report. U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on Friday said the State Department “has facilitated the transportation of nearly 17.8 tons of donated medical supplies to the Chinese people, including masks, gowns, gauze, respirators and other vital materials.” OPHTHALMOLOGIST REBUKED Ophthalmologist Li was among eight people reprimanded by police in the city of Wuhan, which has suffered the brunt of the outbreak since the virus emerged there, for spreading “illegal and false” information. Li was made to sign a letter on Jan. 3, saying he had “severely disrupted social order” and was threatened with charges. Social media users called him a hero and shared a selfie

of him lying on a hospital bed wearing an oxygen respirator and holding up his Chinese identification card. One image showed the message “farewell Li Wenliang” etched into snow on a riverbank. “Wuhan indeed owes Li Wenliang an apology,” said Hu Xilinx, editor of the government-backed Global Times tabloid. Rights group Amnesty International called his death a “tragic reminder” of how China’s preoccupation with stability made it suppress vital information. China had been accused of trying to cover up the 2003 SARS outbreak that killed almost 800 people worldwide. There were signs that discussion of Li’s death was being censored. After briefly trending on Weibo, the topics “the Wuhan government owes doctor Li Wenliang an apology” and “we want free speech” yielded no search results. “UNACCEPTABLE STIGMA” The virus has spread around the world, with 320 cases now in 27 countries and regions outside mainland China, a Reuters tally of official statements showed. WHO emergency expert Mike Ryan called out a stigma being attached to the virus over reports of Asians being shunned in the We s t . “The

u n n e c e s s a r y, u n h e l p f u l profiling of individuals based on ethnicity is utterly and completely unacceptable and it needs to stop,” he said. Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd issued a statement on Friday saying: “Any guest or crewmen traveling from, to, or through mainland China, Hong Kong or Macau less than 15 days prior to their sailing will be unable to board any of our ships.” But it did not stop there. It also said, “Any guests holding a Chinese, Hong Kong or Macau passport, regardless of when they were there last, will not be allowed to board our ships.” China has complained bitterly about bans and measures that go against WHO recommendations

and accused governments and companies that take such actions of fear mongering. Two deaths have been reported outside mainland China, in Hong Kong and the Philippines, but how deadly and contagious the virus is remains unclear, prompting countries to quarantine hundreds of people and cut travel links with China. About two dozen sick passengers aboard a Royal Caribbean ship that arrived off New Jersey in the United States were screened for the coronavirus, with four sent to a local hospital out of “an abundance of caution,” the local mayor said. There were 41 new cases among about 3,700 people quarantined in a cruise ship off Japan, taking the total to 61, while

Chinese-ruled Hong Kong quarantined for a third day a cruise ship with 3,600 on board. “A cruise ship is a very particular environment in which you can have higher levels of transmission even with a virus that isn’t very efficient at transmission,” WHO’s Ryan told a news conference in Geneva. The outbreak could have spread from bats to humans via illegal traffic of pangolins, the world’s only scaly mammals, Chinese researchers said, sparking some scepticism. The head of the Beijing Municipal Bureau of Justice, Li Fuying, told reporters that people deliberately concealing contacts or refusing isolation could be punished with death.

Several police recruits fail drug test - allegedly ingested ‘ganja cakes’ prior to visiting night club Several police recruits are reportedly under investigation after they allegedly tested positive for marijuana. The users are said to include about eight female recruits and one male. They were reportedly tested at the Police Forensic Laboratory, located at CID Headquarters. The incident reportedly occurred last week Saturday.

According to reports, the recruits had planned to visit a night club on the East Coast of Demerara. The females reportedly told investigators that a male recruit, who has also tested positive, gave them the ganja-laced ‘cakes’ some hours before they were to have visited the club. However, the plan went

awry when all the ranks overslept. Senior police ranks reportedly noticed their drugged state the following day and the recruits were all marched to the police laboratory, and subjected to testing. All of them reportedly failed the drug test. It is unclear whether the ranks are under close arrest.


Kaieteur News

Saturday February 08, 2020

Saturday February 08, 2020

Kaieteur News



Kaieteur News

Saturday February 08, 2020

Saturday February 08, 2020

Cricketer Nasir Jamshed jailed over spot-fixing

Nasir Jamshed was initially a target of bribery before turning perpetrator. (Getty Images)

BBC Sport - Pakistan international batsman Nasir Jamshed has been jailed for his part in a spot-fixing scandal. He was arrested with Yousef Anwar and Mohammed Ijaz last February in a National Crime Agency probe. Jamshed encouraged other players to fix a Pakistan Super League (PSL) game in February 2018 by getting batsmen to avoid scoring runs from certain balls in return for a share of £30,000. The three defendants were jailed after admitting bribery offences. An attempt to fix a Bangladesh Premier League match towards the end of 2016, and an actual fix in the PSL, were uncovered by an police officer who posed as a

Saturday February 08, 2020 ARIES (Mar. 21–Apr. 19) Plans to work at home at least part of the time might be firming up for you, Aries. Your mind is very much on home and family right now TAURUS (Apr. 20–May 20) Information about possible careers and investments might come to your attention today. You may give a lot of thought to these matters, especially since your thinking is changing along with the times. GEMINI (May 21–June 20) Gemini, you're likely to be giving a lot of thought to your future. You're probably wondering how best to increase your financial standing. CANCER(June21–July22) If communication has been difficult for you in the past, today you may find things a bit different. You may have a deeper understanding of the motives of others, making it easier for you to deal with them.


Kaieteur News

LIBRA (Sept. 23–Oct. 22) You're by nature a person who likes to look toward the future. Today is a very special day for you. You might wonder what the next few months hold, Libra. SCORPIO (Oct. 23–Nov. 21)Today your spiritual and career goals may come together, Scorpio, enabling you to make a living without compromising your ideals. SAGIT(Nov.22–Dec.21) Sagittarius, you're looking forward to making a new start. Your intellect is working in harmony with your intuition. CAPRI(Dec.22–Jan.19) The position of the planets could have you doing a lot of soul searching, Capricorn. You're looking deep within to discern your true goals.

LEO (July 23–Aug. 22) Inside information may come your way today that starts you thinking about improving your financial standing, Leo.

AQUARIUS(Jan.20–Feb.18) Today you might take time out from all the recent excitement to take a good look at your working life, Aquarius. Is it satisfying? Is it contributing not only to your own well-being but also to that of the planet?

VIRGO (Aug. 23–Sept. 22) You could meet new friends at a social gathering, Virgo, people who could become valuable business contacts. You might learn of new and different investment opportunities that reflect the changing times, and these could capture your imagination.

PISCES (Feb. 19–Mar. 20) Increased communication between you and those around you, particularly the partner in your life, brings a new understanding between you. Your head and heart seem to be in better accord, so you're feeling especially optimistic right now.

member of a corrupt betting syndicate. Jamshed, from Walsall, was initially targeted in the Bangladesh plan which was later called off. He then acted as a gobetween and encouraged other players to spot-fix at the PSL fixture between Islamabad United and Peshawar Zalmi in Dubai. He initially denied the bribery offence but changed his plea to guilty during his trial in December. ‘Undermining cricket’ Anwar, 36, of Littlebrook Avenue, Slough, Berkshire, and Ijaz, 34, of Chippingham Road, Sheffield, had admitted conspiring to offer bribes to professional cricketers at an earlier hearing. During their sentencing at Manchester Crown Court, Judge Richard Mansell QC said: “By far the most insidious consequence of these offences is the undermining of public confidence in the integrity of the sporting contest, not simply in the individual match directly affected but in the game of cricket generally.” Anwar was jailed for 40 months, Ijaz sentenced to 30 months and Jamshed, who made more than 60 appearances for his country, for 17 months. Jamshed was previously banned from playing cricket for 10 years following an investigation by the Pakistan Cricket Board’s anticorruption unit. Two other players, Sharjeel Khan - who carried out the PSL fix - and Khalid Latif, received five-year bans.

Kingston stun Sparta Boss... From page 31 McAl, Shamar Fraser recorded a double in the 12th and 18th minutes while Akin Curry scored in the fourth minute. On the other hand, Gold is Money and Leopold Street will face-off in the quarterfinal round following hard-fought wins. Leopold Street bested Av o c a d o B a l l e r s 2 - 0 . O m a l l o Wi l l i a m s a n d Darren Benjamin netted in the eighth and 10th minute correspondingly. Gold is Money edged Alexander Vi l l a g e 2 - 1 . R a n d o l p h Wa g n e r a n d A n d r e w Murray scored in the seventh and 18th minutes respectively. For the loser, Shem Porter scored in the sixth minute. Meanwhile, Back Circle and Rio All-Stars will do battle in the final quarterfinal fixture. Back

Circle earned their place in the final eight section after defeating Albouystown 2-0. Donovan Francis and Selwyn Williams scored in the 17th and 18th minutes respectively. On the other hand, Rio All-Stars needled Future Stars 1-0. Jermaine Junior scored in the 12th minute. The winner of the respective quarterfinal matches will progress to the semifinal round on February 15th. Winner of the event will pocket $600,000 and the championship trophy, while the second place side will collect $400,000 and the respective accolade. On the other hand, the third and fourth place unit will receive $200,000 and $100,000 respectively and the corresponding trophy.


Saturday February 08, 2020

Kaieteur News

Shaheen helps Pakistan bowl Bangladesh for 233 in first Test AFP - Lanky paceman Shaheen Shah Afridi took four wickets to help Pakistan dismiss Bangladesh for a paltry 233 on the opening day of the first Test in Rawalpindi yesterday. Shaheen recorded figures of 4-53 in 21.5 overs and was ably assisted by fellow pacer Mohammad Abbas (2-19) and spinner Haris Sohail (2-11) to justify Pakistan’s decision to send Bangladesh in to bat on a greenish-yellow Rawalpindi stadium pitch. Pakistan were due to bat for five overs but bad light forced umpires to call it a day. Bangladesh could have been bowled out for inside 200 had it not been for a defiant display of batting from Mohammad Mithun who topscored with 63 including seven fours and a six in his 193-minute stand. Bangladesh were reeling against pace at 161-6 when Mithun added an invaluable 53 run stand for the seventh wicket with Taijul Islam who made a resolute 24.

Shaheen Afridi is overjoyed after picking up a wicket. (AFP) It was Sohail who had Islam caught by Yasir Shah before Pakistan wiped off the tail with the second new ball as 16-year-old Naseem Shah ended Mithun’s resistance, getting him caught behind. Shaheen said he was happy to do his part. “It’s my role to get wickets and I am happy that I

did that,” said Shaheen, who played down not getting a five-wicket haul. “You aim at improving your figures but the beauty of Test cricket is that you don’t always break records. “Other team also comes to play and it was unlucky that the last man got run out but it’s always a team game,” said

Shaheen whose best figures of 5-77 came against Sri Lanka in December last year. Just before tea, Sohail broke a defiant 54-run stand for the sixth wicket between Liton Das (33) and Mithun as the two led Bangladesh’s fightback after the Pakistan bowlers totally dominated the first session.

Sohail had dropped Mithun off a luckless Yasir at wide second slip when the batsman was on 22 but compensated for the lapse with two wickets. Yasir failed to get a wicket in 22 overs, conceding 83 runs. Earlier, the extended twoand-a-half hour first session due to Friday prayers truly belonged to Pakistan as they kept Bangladesh down to 953 by lunch. Shaheen, 19, removed debutant Saif Hassan (nought) off the third ball of the match and then had skipper Mominul Haque (30) to get vital breakthroughs for Pakistan. Abbas trapped opener Tamim Iqbal with the 10th ball of the match for three to leave Bangladesh tottering at 3-2. Iqbal, who last Sunday smashed Bangladesh’s highest first-class score with 334 not out in a domestic match, tried to play across but missed the ball. Umpire Nigel Llong of

England had rejected the appeal but Pakistan wisely had it reviewed and the replay showed the ball hitting the stumps. Haque and Najmul Hossain Shanto (44) revived the innings during their third wicket stand of 59 before Haque miscued a drive and was caught behind by wicketkeeper Rizwan off Shaheen. Haque smashed five crisp boundaries during his confident knock. Shanto, whose previous best of 18 was against New Zealand in 2017, fell soon after lunch when he edged one from Abbas to Rizwan. He hit six boundaries. Mahmudullah, who was shaping well with four boundaries in his 25, played a rash shot off Shaheen and was caught brilliantly at gulley by a leaping Asad Shafiq. Stumps Bangladesh 233 (Mithun 63, Najmul 44, Afridi 4-53, Abbas 2-19) v Pakistan.

LGC bestows honorary membership Osaka suffers woeful Fed Cup return to Mexican Ambassador Jose Omar Hurtado Contreras Yesterday at the Marriott hotel, courtesy of General Manager Eduardo Reple, Lusignan Golf Club’s (LGC) President Aleem Hussain and Public Relations Officer Bishop Guy Griffith presented a Certificate of Honorary Membership to His Excellency Jose Omar Hurtado Contreras, Mexico Ambassador to Guyana and Plenipotentiary Representative to CARICOM. Current President Aleem Hussain and Executive team, at the request of Past President Hemraj Kissoon has made tremendous efforts to expand the appeal of the game of golf to a wide range of participants and His Excellency Jose Hurtado Contreras is the latest addition to a long list of dignitaries who are now a part of the club. The Ambassador stated that he was very impressed and vowed to make the commitment of getting involved in the sport along other members of his embassy. “I am very grateful to the Club’s President and Executive for extending this honour to myself and family and we all look forward to being at the club on a regular basis, and to extend the hand of friendship between our countries.” During the past two years, the sport of golf has

Naomi Osaka has had a difficult start to the 2020 season. (AFP / Jose Jordan)

LGC President Aleem Hussain (right) and PRO Bishop Guy Griffith with Mexico Ambassador to Guyana Jose Omar Hurtado Contreras. seen a dramatic increase in the number of events, members and activities both on and off the course. Major contributions by Macorp has aided the development of the grounds and allowed more playing days than ever before. This year, the LGC will host several special events starting with the Easter Family Gathering where thousands of families descend upon the grounds for a festival of kite

flying. Bishop Griffith welcomed the Ambassador on behalf of the Executive team and members. “We look forward to having you being a frequent visitor to our wonderful facility.” For more information on the LGC, membership, activities or how to learn about the sport, persons can visit their Facebook page lusignangolfclub or call 2205660/645-0944.

(Reuters) - Naomi Osaka’s return to Japan’s Fed Cup team after a year’s absence turned sour yesterday as the world number 10 suffered a thrashing at the hands of Spain’s Sara Sorribes Tormo. The two-time Grand Slam champion was expected to give Japan a huge boost in their bid to overcome fivetime champions Spain at the La Manga Club near Murcia, but lost 6-0 6-3. Osaka, whose Australian Open title defense was ended by 15-year-old Coco Gauff, racked up 50 unforced errors in a torrid display against the world number 78. Carla Suarez Navarro, playing in her last home tie for Spain, then beat Misaki Doi 6-3 6-4 to put Spain 2-0 ahead going into Saturday’s reverse singles.

Spain need to win just one of Saturday’s three rubbers to book their place in the inaugural Fed Cup Finals featuring 12 nations in Budapest in April. Holders France, runnersup Australia, wildcards Czech Republic and hosts Hungary will definitely be involved in the revamped event, leaving eight others to book their places in this weekend’s qualifiers. Switzerland also moved 20 ahead in their tie against a much-weakened Canada side in Biel. Jil Teichmann battled past teenager Leylah Annie Fernandez before Belinda Bencic beat Gabriela Dabrowski who was a late replacement for Eugenie Bouchard who pulled out with injury. Canada were also unable

to call upon U.S. Open champion Bianca Andreescu for Friday’s singles. The Netherlands and Belarus were locked at 1-1 with Aryna Sabalenka leveling the tie after Kiki Bertens had put the Dutch ahead with victory over Aliaksandra Sasnovich. Slovakia led Britain 1-0 in Bratislava, while four-time winners Russia were 1-0 ahead against Romania in Cluj. Later the United States, who have won a record 18 Fed Cup titles, attempt to book their place in Budapest as they begin their tie against Latvia. Newly-crowned Australian Open champion Sofia Kenin leads the team, with Serena Williams relegated to second singles spot.

Saturday February 08, 2020


Kaieteur News

CWI Regional four-day cricket

Guyana hold slim advantage at stumps on 2nd day - Jamaica lead by 47 with 7 wickets in hand including Fudadin By Sean Devers In a battle of attrition yesterday on a slow twopaced pitch which began keeping low on the first day, Raymon Reifer, Christopher Barnwell and Veerasammy Permaul were the only batsmen willing to counterattack the bowlers as Jamaica Scorpions clawed their way back into their fourth round CWI Regional four-day cricket game against Guyana Jaguars. Having made 187, despite Jermaine Blackwood’s 81, Jamaica struck four quick blows in the space of seven runs as Guyana slipped to 119-7 in the second session before Reifer who made 33 not out from 108 balls, 126 minutes with two fours and a six and Veerasammy Permaul whose 35 included six fours and lasted 62 balls, put together 65 for the eighth wicket. Overnight batsman Chanderpaul Hemraj had earlier made 38 from 67 balls, 93 minutes with three fours while Barnwell, who faced 74

balls in 33 with four boundaries and Vishaul Singh who struck 22 from 94 balls with a solitary boundary, added 58 for the fourth wicket. Off-spinner Jamie Merchant had 3-38, left-arm spinner Patrick Harty 3-29 and pacer Deval Green 2-29 did the damage with the ball for Jamaica. With a deficit of three runs Jamaica, in their second innings, were 50-3 from 12 overs with a lead of 47. Guyanese Assad Fudadin unbeaten on 13. John Campbell, who made 31 from 30 balls in 40 minutes with two fours and a couple of sixes, was LBW to one the crept along the ground from Kevin Sinclair at 49-1. Night watchman Nicolson Gordon (1) was LBW to Permaul, who also accounted for Blackwood for a duck at 50-2 to end the day’s play. Blackwood would be most disappointed with his dismissal since he tried to slog-sweep Permaul off the last ball of the day and skied

the ball to cover where Reifer held a good catch running backwards. Earlier, Jaguars resumed on 17 without loss and Tagenarine Chanderpaul carried his overnight three to five before he was LBW to Pete Salmon after facing 47 balls and batting for 53 minutes to leave the score on 37-1 when rain stopped play for 42 minutes. When play resumed the 50 was posted before Hemraj on 13 overnight, played a few nice drives before nonchalantly steering a wide ball from Green to Gully at 522. Skipper Leon Johnson exquisitely stroked Salmon for four past cover before he inexplicably played no shot to Green and was bowled for six, two runs later. Singh and Barnwell saw their team to 62 by Lunch with Singh on three and Barnwell on six. After the interval, Singh who used his feet nicely to the spinners and Barnwell, batting confidently, added 58

for the fourth wicket. The 33-year-old Barnwell punched Green gloriously past cover for four and looked very positive on a difficult track even as the others seemed very restrained in their shots, was well set to post his 13th first class 50 when he departed. Barnwell got a perfect delivery from Merchant that was nicely flighted, pitched just outside off stump just short of a driving length and was bowled attempting a big drive at 112-4. Singh and Anthony Bramble (2) both departed at 115 before Kevin Sinclair (1) played a ‘nothing’ shot and was bowled by Merchant at 119-7. Reifer pulled Merchant for six and stroked Green for four, while Permaul pulled Green for four and drove him through extra-cover for four more before he was bowled by Harty at 184-9. Reifer, who refused a few singles to keep the strike, pulled Merchant for a couple that gave the Hosts to lead

Durban deluges cause abandonment of second ODI ESPNcricinfo - Persistent dismal weather had the final say in the second ODI at Kingsmead, where only 11.2 overs were possible in a match that was twice reduced in length, to 45 then 26 overs, before finally being abandoned shortly after 7pm. The washout leaves South Africa 1-0 up in the series, with the final game to come at Johannesburg on Sunday. South Africa lost two wickets in the course of the truncated contest, one in each mini-session. Joe Root bowled Quinton de Kock for 11, just as he had done after his matchwinning century at Cape Town, before Temba Bavuma was trapped lbw by Chris Jordan for 21 by the final ball of the contest - again, a near-replica of the leg-stump skidder than pinned him for 98 in the first game. The contest had already been delayed by an hour and three-quarters when England won the delayed toss and chose to bowl first on a surface that both captains expected to prove a bit tacky after sweating under the covers. But in an initial five-over new-ball burst from Chris Woakes and Sam Curran, England were pushed onto

Veerasammy Permaul was good with both bat and ball. before Keon Joseph was dismissed for a duck by Nkrumah Bonner to end the innings. Today is the third day and play starts at 09:30hrs. Scores: At National S t a d i u m (GEORGETOWN): Scorpions lead by 47 runs with seven second innings wickets remaining. J A M A I C A SCORPIONS 187 (Jermaine Blackwood 81, Nkrumah Bonner 29; Veerasammy Permaul 4-39) and 50 for three (John Campbell 31; Veerasammy Permaul 2-9). GUYANA JAGUARS 190 (Chandrapaul Hemraj 38, Veerasammy Permaul 35, Chris Barnwell 34, Raymon Reifer 33 not out; Patrick Harty 3-30, Jamie Merchant 3-38). In scores from the other

games: At Warner Park (BASSETERRE): Pride trail by 73 runs with eight first innings wickets remaining. LEEWARD ISLANDS HURRICANES 181 (Kieran Powell 76; Camarie Boyce 565, Kevin Stoute 3-18). BARBADOS PRIDE 108 for two (Shamarh Brooks 42 not out, Jonathan Carter 26 not out; Rahkeem Cornwall 228). At Windsor Park (ROSEAU): Volcanoes trail by 302 runs with eight wickets remaining. T&T RED FORCE 373 for nine decl. (Jason Mohammed 119, Yannick Ottley 116; Shane Shillingford 3-63, Kerron Cottoy 2-38). WINDWARD ISLANDS VOLCANOES 71 for two (Devon Smith 35 not out).

Trophy Stall/UCCA U-19 50 overs

Rain ruined the second ODI at Kingsmead. (Getty Images) the back foot. There was next to no swing on offer, as de Kock and Reeza Hendricks continued in the same positive vein with which South Africa had secured a seven-wicket win in Tuesday’s opening match at Cape Town. But, England struck back through an unlikely source, as Root’s offspin entered the attack for the sixth over, and struck within five balls, as his flat line from round the wicket skidded beneath de Kock’s attempted cut to dismiss him for the second match running. It could have been a vital incision, given de Kock’s fluent form throughout England’s visit this winter. But there was time for just

four more deliveries before the rain returned, moments after Hendricks had drilled Woakes through extra cover for his third four of the afternoon. A further three-hour delay ensued, and it was something of a surprise when the conditions cleared at 6pm local time, with England’s players initially caught on the hop by the speed of the turnaround. Tom Curran and Matt Parkinson took up the bowling duties in what was effectively a T20 scenario, with Curran being slapped for a big six over midwicket as Bavuma picked up a length ball. Bavuma then cracked Parkinson for a one-bounce

four back over his head, before Jordan pinned him on the crease and earned the lbw decision via a successful referral. Moments later the rain returned, and that was the end of that. South Africa had named one change to the side that won handsomely on Tuesday, with the left-arm spinner Bjorn Fortuin coming into the side to make his 50over debut in place of the paceman Lungi Ngidi, who is being eased back into action following his lengthy injury lay-off. He’ll have to wait another day for his first proper day of action. Scores: South Africa 71 for 2 (Hendricks 35*) v England match abandoned.

Scottsburg United take on No. 73 Young Warriors in today’s final Scottsburg United and No. 73 Young Warriors will clash in the final of the second edition of the Trophy Stall and Upper Corentyne Cricket Association (UCCA) Under-19 Inter Club 50 overs tournament following semi final wins. No. 73 Young Warriors got the better of No. 72 Cut and Load by 27 runs in a close encounter in their game played at the No. 72 Cut and Load Ground. Young Warriors batted first and fought their way to 109 all out in 29 overs. Victory Latchman top scored with 34, while Nirdat Singh made 16. Bowling for Cut and Load, Seeraj Chatterpaul led the way with four wickets, Charran Singh took three and Mukesh Edwards, two. In reply, No. 72 Cut and Load were cut down for 72 in 18.5 overs with Salim

Somdat contributing 27. Bowling for Young Warriors, off-spinner Rawle Jabbar grabbed 5-20 and legspinner Salim Khan, 5-24. In the other game, Scottsburg United defeated No. 73 Mandir by four wickets at the Scottsburg Ground. No. 73 Mandir batted first and was dismissed for 92 in 14 overs with Andrew Tahal 33 and Inderpaul Singh 21 the top scorers. Bowling for Scotsburg United, Joel Dhanraj and Aktar Nohar picked up four wickets each. Scotsburgh United in reply reached 93-6 with allrounder Joel Dhanraj making 21, Brandon Nandalall 20 and S. Blair 18. Tahal picked up two wickets bowling for No. 73 Mandir. The final is set for today at the Crabwood Creek Ground.


Saturday February 08, 2020

Kaieteur News

Minister George Norton visits combined national teams - Renewed Government’s commitment to football development “I haven’t seen you perform in a match situation but just seeing you in action today makes me feel so proud,” said Honourable Minister of Social Cohesion, Dr. George Norton, during a visit to the training session of the National U20 and Senior Men’s National Team yesterday. The respective teams trained at the GFF’s National Training Centre, Providence and are preparing for Concacaf Men’s U20 Championship in February and the Concacaf Gold Cup Qualifiers in March. Minister Norton said he is happy about football administration in Guyana and renewed the G o v e r n m e n t ’s commitment to sport development in Guyana: “I have confidence in your administration particularly because of their track record, the results we’ve been having in football both at the level of the senior and as well as the junior, both male and female, and I am happy. I want to let

you know that your government will do everything it can to support you and not only help in providing the infrastructure but also the opportunities for you to live that good life like His Excellency promised the nation.” “I urge you to remember that all of this 83,000 square miles are depending on you and we look forward to more success, much more than you’ve had in the past not only at the personal level but also at the national level,” the Minister concluded. In briefing the Minister about the technical programmes, Technical Director Ian Greenwood highlighted that the combined team has players who have been part of the GFF Academy Training Centres (ATCS): “A number of players in this group have come through the GFF Academy Training Centre so we have players like Omari Glasgow, Marcus Wilson and such players who have been

Minister Dr. George Norton addressing the combined Senior Men’s National Team and the U-20 Squad. part of Guyana’s first ever youth international tournament in 2017 and they are now regularly training with the senior men’s national team. We’re very excited for both the male and female side. They’ve linked perfectly well

with coach Maximo’s programme for the senior team. I think as long as we invest in the infrastructure, coach education, capacity building and give young players exposure and opportunities, we’ll start becoming a real threat in the CFU Region and looking to export players to the top leagues across the world.” Guyana Senior Men’s National Team is set to play

Barbados on March 26 and 31 respectively as the country seeks to qualify for the 2021 Concacaf Gold Cup. The first match of the two-round qualifier is scheduled for Barbados at 19:00hrs, while Guyana will be looking for home-court advantage in the final match scheduled for the National Track and Field Centre, Leonora at 20:00hrs. The National U20 team is

on the final lap to compete at the Concacaf U20 Men’s Championship scheduled for Nicaragua from February 15 – 23, 2020, and Guyana has been placed in Group A with St. Vincent and The Grendadines, Montserrat, US Virgin Islands and host Nicaragua. Present at yesterday’s visit were GFF’s President Wayne Forde and staff members of both teams.

Tucville Secondary win NSC Al Sport Volleyball tourney

The winners receiving a trophy from NSC staff Veronica Haynes after the action. Tucville Secondary won the NSC AL Sport & Tour Promotions Sponsored

Inaugural “Hit It For 50” School Girls Volleyball one day programme Organised by Sports Officer A. Munroe. In the Finals, Tucville beat Goed Fortuin Secondary 5038. The 3rd place game saw Charlestown Government Secondary edging

Queenstown Secondary 5049. On the Road to the final Goed Fortuin, 50 points beat Charlestown with 14 and Tucville with 50 overcame Queenstown 38. Another programme will be organised shortly.

Saturday February 08, 2020


Kaieteur News

West Indies finish fifth at U-19 World Cup after washout Due to the fifth-place playoff game being washed out, West Indies finished fifth in the 2020 U-19 World Cup, while Australia had to settle for sixth. Although Australia posted 319 for 8 in their first innings, and looked ahead of the game when the rain came down in Benoni, their threewicket loss to West Indies in the group stage consigned them to sixth in the tournament. Australia’s innings had half-centuries from opener Liam Scott, No. 5 Lachlan

Hearne and No. 6 Cooper Connolly, who scored 66, 58 and 64 respectively. They were off to a flying start thanks to Scott and fellow opener Sam Fanning, who made 99 in 15.5 overs, but a string of dismissals had them at 174 for 4 at the 30over mark. The brisk fifties from Hearne and Connolly though, helped Australia aim for a 300plus total, and if it wasn’t for a bunch of wickets at the death overs, they could’ve scored more than the 319 they

eventually got. Right-arm offspinner Matthew Patrick was the most successful West Indies bowler, taking 3 for 34 in his ten overs. West Indies began their chase of 320 quickly too. Openers Kimani Melius and Leonardo Julien struck 62 runs in 12.3 overs, before the former fell, cutting Scott to point. As soon as Melius began to leave the field, the skies opened up, and continuous rain forced the umpires to call the game off some time later.

According to tournament rules, in case of a washed out knockout game, the team that finished higher on points at the end of the group stage would finish higher. West Indies were unbeaten in Group B, while Australia had lost to West Indies. Scores: AUSTRALIA U19s 319 for eight off 50 overs (Liam Scott 66, Cooper Connolly 64, Lachlan Hearne 58; Matthew Patrick 3-43). WEST INDIES U19s 62 for one off 12.3 overs (Kimani Melius 39).

Leonardo Julien drives through the off side. (Getty Images)

Wine Vault pre-valentine’s NBA roundup: Bucks, Giannis Day golf tourney on today avenge earlier loss to 76ers This weekend, just in time for Valentine’s Day, three 4-letter words ‘amor’, ‘love’ and ‘golf ’ will be forever linked as the Wine Vault, located at Marriott, partners with the Lusignan Golf Club to host its first grand event under their Ventisquero Wines brand. The tournament, which will be held today, was launched yesterday at the Guyana Marriott and will feature some of the top local golfers. This event has been in the making for some time and the sponsors felt that this was the right moment to showcase their fine selections and top brands. A c c o r d i n g t o Wi n e Va u l t c o - o w n e r R a v i M a n g a r, Ve n t i s q u e r o produces high-quality avant-garde, modern wines with grapes from its o w n v i n e y a r d s in the Coastal Maipo, Casablanca, Colchagua, Leyda and Huasco valleys in Chile. “These five fine wines from Ventisquero that reflect this quality are Enclave, Vertice, Heru, Pangea and Fuego (starting at just $2,500) which are balanced, aromatic wines that reveal their terroirs, have different flavors, and are at their very best when complemented by food.” “With Valentine’s Day around the corner, there is no better gift that a loved one can receive than a top quality glass or bottle of wine and the Wine Vault has a wide selection and price range for everyone. This tournament will be a special occasion for the partnership since the LGC is seen as a top rated location and the number of events that will be held there in 2020 makes it a priority for our involvement,” said

Mangar. The event will include wine tasting and sampling of a variety of wines, 18 holes of championship golf and grand prize giving to the winners of the finest Ve n t i s q u e r o wines. President of the LGC Aleem Hussain thanked the sponsors for their support. “Just like fine wine, the best things in life take time to come to fruition, and I am pleased to welcome the Wine Vault as the Club’s newest partner. I know that many of our members are regular customers and will be very appreciative of the great prizes that will be handed out on Saturday.” The tournament will start at 12:30 and wine sampling at 4:30-6pm. There will be three flights 0-9, 10-18 and 19-36 so that all categories of players (proficient and beginners) can be accommodated. A nearest to pin competition at the end of the tournament along with a putting contest will also provide opportunities to win prizes for all in attendance. Since 2017, ‘The Wine Vault’, located at the Marriott Hotel has been touted as the “purveyor of fine wines” and has focused on introducing a vast array of wines from around the world including from France, California, Argentina, Chile Australia, Spain and Italy. “If one cannot visit the elegant store at the Marriott, their vast array of wines can be found in many of the country’s top restaurants and bars. The Wi n e Va u l t ’s v i s i o n combines world-class service with some of the best wines in the world, especially at this time with the influx of foreigners in Guyana since the massive oil and gas discoveries by ExxonMobil,” Wine Vault co-owner Marcelle

Shewjattan explained. The owners try to personally visit the locations from which they source their fine wines “to figure out the winemaking process, the quality of grapes, and exactly what makes one better than the other so that their clients have the best in their hands. According to coowner Varsha Sharma, the knowledge and experience gained from visiting vineyards and attending seminars, the team is well equipped to train and educate both staff and customers on the various types of wines they stock. “The three of us pride ourselves on the fact that we don’t sell wine, we create a palatable experience for our clients that is perfect for every occasion and meal,” Sharma added. “The goal is to add new wines to our stock each year and introduce the wonderful world of wine to Guyanese - one glass at a time.” She informed that persons, who are interested in learning more about wines, can follow the Wine Vault on social media or visit the location at Marriott to keep up-to-date on exciting upcoming events. www.thewinevault.gy or emails can be sent to thewinevaultgy@yahoo.com. There is also a Facebook page with the name ‘The Wine Vault at Marriott.’ The store is opened at 08:00hrs daily until 22:00hrs. Among the golfers set to turn out are Hussain, Max Persaud, Avinash Persaud, Joaan Deo, Shanella London, Christine Sukram, Avinda Kishore, Imtiaz Subhan, Aasrodeen S h a w, Lekhnarine Shivraj, Paton George and Hardeo Ganpat.

Giannis Antetokounmpo collected 36 points, 20 rebounds and six assists as the host Milwaukee Bucks avenged a Christmas Day loss to the Philadelphia 76ers with a 112-101 victory on Thursday. The reigning NBA MVP has recorded five consecutive games of at least 30 points, 16 rebounds and six assists for the Bucks, who improved to 17-2 since dropping a 121-109 decision to Philadelphia. It marked Antetokounmpo’s first career game with at least 35 points and 20 rebounds. Antetokounmpo struggled mightily in the previous matchup against the 76ers, shooting a season-worst 29.6 percent from the field (8 of 27) and misfiring on all seven 3point attempts during his 18-point performance. B e f o r e T h u r s d a y ’s contest, Antetokounmpo s e l e c t e d P h i l a d e l p h i a ’s Joel Embiid as his first pick — second overall — in the NBA All-Star draft. Embiid had difficulty finding his r a n g e l a t e r T h u r s d a y, making just 6 of 26 shots from the floor. He finished w i t h 1 9 p oints and 11 rebounds. Houston Rockets 121 - Los Angeles Lakers 111 Russell Westbrook scored 41 points and Robert Covington added 14 as Houston’s small-ball lineup proved effective again in a road victory over Los Angeles. Covington made a pair of big 3-pointers in the last three

minutes while making his Rockets debut after he was acquired in a four-team trade from the Minnesota Timberwolves on Tuesday. James Harden scored just 14 points for the game on 3 of 10 shooting as the Rockets went on a 16-3 run down the stretch to put the game away and win their fourth straight. Anthony Davis scored 32 points with 13 rebounds for the Lakers while playing through a right index finger injury, while LeBron James added 18 points, 15 assists and nine rebounds. Portland Trail Blazers 125 - San Antonio Spurs 117 Damian Lillard registered 26 points and 10 assists to help host Portland stage a come-from-behind victory over San Antonio. Carmelo Anthony had 20 points and eight rebounds, and CJ McCollum added 19 points as the Trail Blazers won for the sixth time in eight g a m e s . G a r y Tr e n t J r. matched his career best of six 3-pointers for all 18 of his points, and Hassan Whiteside matched his season best of 23 rebounds to go with 17 points and four blocked shots. Tr e y Ly l e s h a d a season-high 23 points and collected 10 rebounds for the Spurs, who have lost six of their past eight games. DeMar DeRozan scored 21 points, and LaMarcus Aldridge had 20 points and eight rebounds. New Orleans Pelicans 125 Chicago Bulls 119 Rookie Zion Williamson

scored 21 points, and JJ Redick came off the bench to add 18 as visiting New Orleans defeated Chicago. All-Star forward Brandon Ingram scored 15 points in 21 minutes before going to the New Orleans bench for good midway through the third quarter as a precaution after spraining his right ankle in the second quarter. It was Williamson’s fourth consecutive game with at least 20 points. The Pelicans recorded 38 assists on 49 baskets as they completed a sweep of the season series with their sixth consecutive victory against the Bulls. New York Knicks 105 Orlando Magic 103 Julius Randle scored 22 points, including a clutch 14foot jumper with 1 : 4 4 remaining, as host New York knocked off Orlando at Madison Square Garden in its first home game since firing team president Steve Mills on Tuesday. Randle shot an efficient 10-for-16 from the floor, and his jumper gave the Knicks a 105-98 lead as the Knicks secured their third straight win, outscoring Orlando 25-13 over the final nine-plus minutes. Taj Gibson tied a season high with 19 points for New York, with Elfrid Payton finishing with 15 points, nine assists and a careerhigh seven steals. Nikola Vucevic led all scorers with 25 points as the Magic lost for the seventh time in eight games. (Field Level Media)


Kaieteur News

Saturday February 08, 2020

New champs to be crowned tonight in Linden Guinness ‘Greatest of the Streets’ C/ship A new champion will be crowned this evening as Swag Entertainment battle Quiet Storm in the finale of the Guinness ‘Greatest of the Streets’ Linden Championship at the Christianburg Hard-court. Tournament heavyweight, Swag Entertainment, have lived up to their potential by securing their second ever appearance in the finale. With impressive numbers on their side, the aforementioned unit will start the match as the firm favourite. Offensively, Swag Entertainment have tallied a tournament leading eight goals in three matches. The quartet of Clive Nobrega, Deon Charter, Kwesi Quintin and Kendolph Lewis has been responsible for their scoring prowess, which has provided wins against Amelia’s Ward Russians, Presidential and Barsenal. Defensively, Swag Entertainment have conceded two goals, one apiece in the earlier quarterfinal and semifinal round. On the other hand, relative newcomer and first time finalist Quiet Storm have exceeded all expectations in their quest for the coveted title. Their place in the

championship round was achieved following wins over Silver Bullets and Retrieve Unknown, with the team earning a bye from the quarterfinal section. According to the numbers, Quiet Storm possess the best defensive end in the event as they are yet to concede a goal during regulation. However, Quiet Storm have struggled on the offensive end, following scoreless outcomes in their campaign. Both of their aforementioned wins occurred from the penalty mark. According to a pre-match statement from tournament coordinator Rawle Gittens, “All systems are in place for an exciting night of action which will bring the curtains down on the Linden zone. At the end of the night we will crown a first time champion, an event which has occurred rather frequently and which indicates the competitive nature of the competition. The final is expected to be highly competitive putting two teams with different styles against each other. Once again we would like to thank the fans and the players

Flashback - Part of the semi-final action between Silver Bullets and Quiet Storm [yellow] in the Guinness ‘Greatest of the Streets’ Linden Championship at the Christianburg Hard-court. for their continued support and commitment to the brand.” Prior to the finale, the third place playoff between Silver Bullets and Amelia’s Ward Russians will occur. Similarly the final of the Guinness Plate Championship will also be staged. Winner of the event will pocket $400,000 and the championship trophy. On the other hand, the second place side will pocket $150,000 and the respective accolade. Similarly, the third and fourth place teams will receive $100,000 and $75,000 respectively and a trophy. Meanwhile the winner of the Guinness Plate Championship will pocket $60,000.

Hetmyer has not reported to franchise: GCB GEORGETOWN, Guyana, CMC – West Indies batting star Shimron Hetmyer made himself unavailable for Guyana Jaguars’ fourth round match in the Regional FourDay Championship after failing to report to the franchise, the Guyana Cricket Board has said. The 23-year-old lefthander was dropped from the West Indies side for the ODI tour of Sri Lanka on fitness grounds but was not named in the 13-man squad to face Jamaica Scorpions at the National Stadium in the

match which started here Thursday. GCB secretary, Anand Sanasie, said Hetmyer had not followed established protocol for contracted players not on West Indies duty. “Players who are not on West Indies duties but are contracted to the West Indies are supposed to report to their franchise,” Sanasie told News Room here. “Since returning from West Indies duties he has not reported to the franchise for training … which automatically makes him unavailable.” Hetmyer and left-handed opener Evin Lewis were surprise omissions from the Windies squad this week, with chief selector Roger Harper explaining both players had “come up short in the fitness test”, a prerequisite for selection. However, Harper said

Hetmyer in particular “appeared to be getting his act together and was an integral part of the team’s batting group.” It was subsequently revealed that Hetmyer and Lewis would be re-tested in two weeks, with the hope of having them available again for international selection. Jaguars travel to Grenada next week to take on Windward Islands Volcanoes and Sanasie said Hetmyer’s involvement would be based on his availability. “The franchise has been reliably informed through Cricket West Indies that Mr. Hetmyer would be re-tested before the T20 team is picked,” Sanasie said. “We wish him well. Once he has made himself available he would be selected to play for the franchise.” Hetmyer played a single first class match for Jaguars last season due to his various international commitments.

West Indies batsman Shimron Hetmyer.

Kaieteur News

Saturday February 08,2020

Kingston stun Sparta Boss in Magnum Tonic Wine Mashramani Cup Futsal

Action between Back Circle [yellow] and Rio All-Stars in the Magnum Tonic Wine Mashramani Cup Futsal Championship at the National Gymnasium, Mandela Avenue. Kingston solidified their status as dark horses, eliminating defending champion Sparta 3-1 in the biggest upset ever recorded in the Magnum Tonic Wine Mashramani Cup Futsal Championship on Thursday at the National Gymnasium, Mandela Avenue. Kingston prevailed in the round of 16 showdown to ensure a new champion will be crowned in the prestigious championship. Stephon Reynolds fashioned a hat-trick in the third, sixth and 10th minute. For the

loser, Gregory Richardson netted in the eighth minute. Kingston will now oppose Spartacus in the quarterfinal section slated for this evening at the same venue, after the latter mauled Broad Street 6-1. Moore smashed three goals in the ninth, 11th and 16th minutes, while Mark Carrega tallied a double in the fifth and 18th minutes. Adding a goal in the 14th minute was Osric Barrow. For the loser, Omar Sinclair scored in the seventh minute. Meanwhile, Bent Street

crushed Mocha 5-0. Sheldon Holder scored a hat-trick in the fourth, fifth and seventh minute, while Colin Nelson and Jermaine Beckles netted in the ninth and 17th minutes respectively. Their quarterfinal opponent Sophia edged Ansa McAl All-Stars 3-2 on penalty kicks after regulation time ended 3-3. Gerald Grittens tallied a double in the fifth and seventh minutes for Sophia, while Joshua Kamal netted in the ninth minute. For Ansa (Continued on page 25)


Minister George Norton visits combined national teams

rt Spo - Renewed Government’s commitment to football development

Hon. Dr. George Norton, GFF’s President Wayne Forde flanked by members of the Men’s National Teams during a visit yesterday.

Wine Vault pre-valentine’s Day golf tourney on today

Lusignan Golf Club President Aleem Hussain (right) addresses the media in the presence of PRO Bishop Guy Griffith (left) and Co owner of Wine Vault Marcelle Sewjattan

West Indies finish fifth at U-19 World Cup after washout

Australia and West Indies were led on the field by youngsters ahead of their 5th Place Play-Off at the ICC U19 Cricket World Cup was abandoned at Willowmoore Park, Benoni which was washed out. Printed and published by National Media & Publishing Company Ltd., 24 Saffon Street, Charlestown, Georgetown. Tel: 225-8458, 225-8465, 225-8491 or Fax: 225-8473/226-8210.

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