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Jagdeo must explain how Gas-to-Energy project is feasible with final cost still unknown - Norton

OppositionLeader , AubreyNorton

...says loan policy needed to guide politicians

Front page comment

Guyanese Silence Fuels


The PPP and the PNC have masterfully created a dangerous environmentintheheartsandmindsofthe Guyanese people a toxic mix of confusion, fear, self-interest, and misplaced trust. This toxic atmosphere has silenced many, allowing the skullduggery surrounding our natural resources to continue unchecked and unchallenged.

Let’s break it down, because the silence is not one-size-fits-all—it stems fromdifferentplaceswithdifferentkinds ofpeople.

There are those who remain silent because they genuinely don’t understand whatishappening.Thedeliberatelackof transparency, coupled with complex oil contracts with technical wording, leaves manyinthedark. Thesepeopledon’tsee the full picture; they don’t grasp the magnitudeofwhat’sbeinglost,stolen,or mismanaged. As a result, they stay quiet—notoutofmaliceorapathy,butout of confusion and uncertainty How can they question or demand change if they don’tfullyunderstandwhatiswrong?

Then, there are those who stay silent because they want to get a piece of the action. They see the billions of dollars flowing through the country and hope to secure their share, however small, by keeping their heads down and their mouths shut, not rocking the boat. These people are convinced that silence is an investment for their personal gain - they rationalize their inaction by telling themselvesthattheirsilencemightleadto a job, a contract, or some other benefits. Forthem,silenceisnotjustgolden—itis self-serving.

Others are silent because they are already part of the action. These are the ones directly benefiting from the shady

deals, contracts, and under-the-table arrangements that come with the mismanagement of Guyana’s resources. Speaking out would mean jeopardizing theirpockets,Complicityistheirticketto wealth,andsilenceisthepricetheypayto keepthesystemasitis.

Some remain silent out of genuine fear Fearofretaliation,fearoflosingtheir jobs, fear of being ostracized in their communities,orevenfearfortheirsafety In a country where dissent is often met with aggression or threats or worse, silencebecomesashieldfortheirsurvival. These people see what’s happening but feelpowerlesstospeakout,trappedbythe risksthatcomewithraisingtheirvoices.

Thentherearethosewhoremainsilent because they believe and trust in these leaders.Theyhavebeenconvincedbythe endless promises of progress and prosperity,believingthatthesepoliticians havetheirbestinterestsatheart.Theyare holding on to hope, even as the evidence of betrayal becomes so clear and impossible to ignore. These people are not silent because they are complicit or afraid—they are silent because they still believe,despiteallthatishappening.

And finally, there are those who are sittinginthemiddleofthefence—caught between wanting to see change and wanting to secure a piece of the cake for themselves. These individuals are in a peculiar position. They see the injustice, they recognize the mismanagement, and deep down, they know Guyana deserves better But their personal interests hold themback.

Instead of speaking out or taking a stand, they choose to wait and watch, carefully observing which side of the fencewillbemorebeneficialtothem.

Continued on page 3

Farmer drowns in the Pomeroon River Senegal to end all foreign military presence in 2025



Leader of the

Opposition, Aubrey Norton has said that Vice President (VP) Bharrat Jagdeo must explaintothenationhowhe has determined the Gas-toEnergy(GTE)projectwould be feasible, when the final cost of the initiative is still unknown.

Norton during a press conference on Friday was at the time responding to a


explained, “I cannot say to you what the final cost will be, but in any project where therearedelays,andthereis not proper planning and execution,thefinalcostwill go up. I think this thing started at just over US$900 million and I think it has gonewaypastUS$1B,sothe figures are showing it is alreadygoingup.”

Front page comment

The GTE project comprises a pipeline- built by ExxonMobil- along with aNaturalGasLiquids(NGL) facility and power plant, being constructed by the Government of Guyana (GoG), with funding from the United States Export Import(USEXIM)Bank. According to an Environmental Impact



If one side promises reform and accountability,theyleanthatway—butonly aslongasitdoesn’tjeopardizetheirchances of benefiting personally If the other side dangles a contract, a job, or some other advantage, they lean in that direction instead.

Thesepeoplearenotsilentoutoffearor ignorance—theyaresilentoutofcalculated self-interest.They want to hedge their bets, ensuring they land on the winning side, whatever that side may be. In their hesitation and inaction, they inadvertently enabletheverysystemtheyclaimtowantto change.This“fence-sitting”behaviourisnot harmless—it is destructive. By refusing to commit to what is right and just, they prolong the status quo, allowing those in power to continue exploiting Guyana’s resources while the people suffer Their indecisionbecomesasilentendorsementof theveryexploitationtheyclaimtooppose.

Buthereisthereality:youcan’tstayon the fence forever.At some point, you must decide—stand with the people and demand justice, or align with those who are looting Guyana’sfuture.Themiddlegroundisnota

safe place—it is a space where complicity thrives.

This collective silence is not just a symptom of the problem—it is part of the reason it continues to flourish. It creates a space where exploitation can thrive, where ExxonMobil and their likes can walk away with billions while Guyanese are thrown chicken bones. The PPP and PNC have fostered a culture where silence is seen as safer, smarter, or more rewarding than standingupandspeakingout.

But this silence comes at a cost—a cost that every Guyanese will ultimately bear If wedon’tbreakfreefromthistoxiccycleof silenceandcomplicity,weriskcondemning ourselves,andthegenerationstocome,toa life of exploitation, debt, and missed opportunities.

2025 must be the year we stand up and speak up, demand accountability from our leaders, it must be the year we refuse to be silent,afraid,orcomplicitanylonger Thisis the time to reclaim what is rightfully ours—notjustournaturalresources,butour dignity,ourpower,andourfuture.Thetime for silence has passed. 2025 is the time for action,letusdoitanddoittogether

Assessment (EIA) conducted by Exxon for the pipeline, gas will be transported to the Wales Development Site, West Bank Demerara from the Liza One and Liza Two projects in the Stabroek Block.

Withthereservesofthese two projects likely to be depleted soon, VP Jagdeo hadindicatedplanstoutilize gas from others projects to supporttheproject.Thiswill further drive up the cost of theproject.

Norton was asked how Guyanese could determine the feasibility of the project for themselves, since the final cost is still unknown, when he said the Vice Presidentshouldexplain.

nsurethosethingshappen.In fact, he (Jagdeo) criticized APNU forhavingfeasibility studies,” the Opposition Leadernoted.

Meanwhile, on the loan contractedtofinancethetwo gasplants,Nortonpointedto the need for Guyana to be carefulinhowitincreasesits debtburden.

“I have always argued, thatwehavetobesensiblein how we (are) taking loans that we should use some of our oil resources and only if the loan is of real low interest, we should seek to take it, or the project is of absolute necessity In this case therefore I would say that the government didn’t evendoafeasibilitystudy,so onedoesn’tevenknowifthis project, how successful it willbe,”heargued.

Norton said that while theoutcomeoftheprojectis still uncertain, it is the hope oftheOppositionthatitdoes notturnoutasdetrimentalas

“Thatisaquestionforthe VicePresident.IntheBudget the last time, I did point out to the Prime Minister we don’tknowthecostofit,we don’tknowatwhatpricethe electricity will be sold...any proper economist would e

the Skeldon Sugar Factory where, similarly, there was no feasibility study that ended in a waste of resources.

The VP at his Thursday press conference defended theGTEproject,arguingthat the US EXIM Bank has confirmed the feasibility of the initiative through an independent study He has already been challenged by the former Executive D i r e c t o r o f t h e Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Dr Vincent Adams to publish copies of thosestudies.


Furthermore, the Leader saidhebelievesthereisneed forthedevelopmentofaloan policy He explained, “I believeasagovernment,you have to develop a loan policy;apolicythatsaysthe conditions under which you willtakeloans,whatmonies you will invest from oil into which areas, and that will onlycomeifyouhaveaplan, but this government doesn’t plan.”

Tothisendhecommitted tothedevelopmentofsucha

Kaieteur News

Printed and Published by National Media & Publishing Company Ltd. 24 Saffon Street, Charlestown, Georgetown, Guyana.

Publisher: DR. GLENN LALL - TEL: 624-6456


Tel: 225-8465, 225-8491. Fax: 225-8473, 226-8210


Free, fair, fiscal framework

Guyanese politicians are an amazing group of people. Theysayonethingtoday,thenredesignittomorrow,whenit isconvenienttotheirpositionstodoso. Whentheywantto twistissues,theyhavenohesitationindoingso,regardless of how contradictory it makes them look. When Bharrat Jagdeowasintheopposition,hefoundtheworstwordsto describe the ExxonMobil contract. He was right to do so, andtohumiliatetheAPNU+AFCCoalitionGovernmentfor what it did to Guyanese and their bright future when it signedthathellishoildeal. NowthereisanewJagdeo,who as Guyana’s chief policymaker on oil, has suddenly found himself in a positive place with the same ExxonMobil contractthatheoncecursedbeforemanandbeast.

“So,foryoutohaveaviablestrategy,youhavetoensure that you have a free, fair fiscal framework that allows an investortomakeadecentreturnontheircapitaliftheytake the risk.” In his clever, backhanded way Jagdeo just shared withGuyanesehisnewplatform(andstrategy)withtheheinous 2016 contract masterminded by ExxonMobil and dumbly signed by the APNU+AFC Coalition “A free, fair fiscal framework”isJagdeo’sslywayofimmersingthatmonsterof an oil contract within his government’s overall program of concessionsandsoforth Largecompanies,meaningforeign oilcompaniesandtheirsidekicks,areincentivizedtotakethe risk,becausetheirreturnoncapitalinvestedisattractive Thisis Guyana’schiefoilpolicymakerathiscraftiestandnimblest To repeat, he smoothly lumped the ExxonMobil oil contract withinablockofincentivesandwasbrazenenoughtocallit “afree,fairfiscalframework”forthoseputtingintheirUS billionsintoGuyana’soilprojects.

TakeawayJagdeo’svoiceandphotographandthewords could have been associated with former Minister Raphael Trotman (or any other coalition luminary) of the last government StrangerthingshavehappenedbeforeinGuyana, but this definitely qualifies as being among the strangest Jagdeohaspulledfastonesandrabbitsfromhatsbefore,buthe outdidhimselfonthisoccasion

Heoncetookjoyinbeatingthe oilcontractintothedust Nowhetellsthemedia,withthemost solemnfacialexpressionhecanmanage,about“free,fairfiscal framework”toinduceinvestorstoGuyanaandkeepthemand their scarce investment dollars here Without a doubt, the former Leader of the Opposition has remade himself into a contractmagicianandstatisticianallinone.

ExxonMobil and its partners are incentivized under this newly minted so-called “free, fair fiscal framework”, of that there is no argument The Chief Executive Officers of ExxonMobil and the Hess Corporation, Darren Woods and JohnHessrespectivelyhavesungGuyana’soilandGuyana’s oilglamortothewholeworld Theirbasisisthiscountry’shighqualityoilthatcanbehadsocheaply The2016contractmade Guyana’soilascheapasayardsaleforknickknacks Sweeten the contract pot with massive tax concessions for vehicles, machinery,equipment,andpersonnel,andthisiswhatBharrat Jagdeo is now selling to Guyanese as “a free, fair fiscal framework” Freeandfair,itmaybe,butforwhom?

Jagdeo’s fair fiscal framework cannot be with 2% in royaltiesforGuyana Whichnationalleaderfromanypartof theglobe,andwithsomesenseofself-respectaboutthemselves, would call collecting zero taxes on billions in profits for oil companies fair? At a higher level than Jagdeo, the PPPC Government has taken the position that the ExxonMobil contractcannotberenegotiated,ortouchedinanyway,duetoits sanctity Chief policymaker Jagdeo has a duty, therefore, to explain to the people of this nation how this “fair fiscal framework”is“free” Jagdeoisamasterofcomingupwith new and newer concoctions to justify not renegotiating the ExxonMobil contract. “Free, fair fiscal framework” now standsashislatestpieceofconcoctionwizardry.

What ExxonMobil’s Alistair Routledge, has been marketing as a fair contract, Jagdeo now parrots using his own carefully picked string of words. ExxonMobil has been selling how good it is to Guyana. Now, Jagdeo has joinedthecompany’schorus.


The Low-key 2024 Christmas Celebration:ASign of Disappointment and Unease in ‘Oil-Rich Guyana?

DEAREDITOR, Ihatetostarttheyearona sournote,butisn’titstrange how low-key the recently concluded Christmas celebrations have been?

Wondering if it was just my impression,Imentionedthis to friends and others I met and everyone (with the possible exception of one) said it was also their impression. This certainly leads one to wonder what is going on in this ‘oil-rich’, fastest-growing country of ours Sure enough, there were the grand government displays on Main Street, but this reinforces an emerging

pattern where everything revolves around Exxon and government initiative.And I must also mention the exuberant fireworks explosions on Old Year’s Night However, there seemed to be a marked decline in Christmas decorations and typical social activities (staff parties,etc.).

In my conversations I probed for an explanation and these are the main lines of thinking that emerged. One explanation was a cultural one: the view that t

Christmas traditions was

waning. The decline was said to be starting in the schools where accustomed Christmas activities are no longer being maintained

This explanation begs the question as to why the sudden, noticeable change this year Surely, such a cultural decline would be gradualandwouldhavebeen observed in previous years.

A second explanation offeredisaneconomicview: “Thingstight.Paisanadeh!”

There is a constant refrain about the brutal rate of inflation on basic household items that the poor in particularhavetocopewith.

Now, this explanation also raises further questions

Considering the recently announced public sector wage increases and the $100,000 cash grant, isn’t it reasonable to expect a freer handinChristmasspending? Youdon’thavetoreceivethe money to loosen the purse strings. Just the expectation of imminent cash should be enough. So, what is going on,Iwonder?

One friend was quick to point out that the confusion aroundthedistributionofthe cash grant has soured the processformany:theinitial (Continuedonpage06)

Kaieteur M@ilbox Kaieteur M@ilbox

Both cost cutting & margin expansion are needed to make GuySuco profitable



There have been a number of opinions in the press expressing concerns over GuySuco Some solutionswereoffered,some of which were insulting to those in the industry One characterevenwentsofaras to offer the Minister of Agriculture a $100 for the business Let’s put aside the asinine and reckless suggestionsandconsiderreal solutionsforthethousandsof citizens that depend on the industryforaliving

The suggestion to focus primarily on cost reduction and improved efficiency is admirable, but will not provide the needed solution for the industry when done inisolation.Itisasimportant and, in this case, more important for GuySuco to focus on top line margin

expansion.TheGovernment and the management of GuySuco must find niche marketswhereourpremium product offering is valued and price increases can be had that result in margin expansion. Some examples of where this is possible are thebeveragealcoholmarket, theorganicsugarmarketand the confectionery & chocolatemarkets Playingin the premium and ultrapremium segments of those markets do not require large volumes, but a focus on excellent quality and taste profileareessential Demerara sugar has a strong reputation for excellenttasteandtheuseof GuySuco’s productsandthe DemeraraSugarbrandname inworldacclaimedpremium rum and premium chocolate are testament to this fact.

Currently,organicsugarthat isverysimilarinappearance to the Enmore Crystal is being sold at approximately $200USalb (retail) Avery attractive price point for anyone seeking profitability in the sugar industry Crop expansion to support entry intotheorganicsugarmarket should be se

y considered

CRG recommends that GuySucowiththeaidofthe G

aggressively pursue the aforementionedmarketsand those with similar potential for margin expansion in ordertoachieveaprofitable businessinthenearfuture.

Bestregards, Mr.JamilChanglee Chairman




Let 2025 be a year of helping others


I read a quote “stop thinking about your problemsandmakesomeone elsehappy”.

As we enter the New Year, I have heard many “prayer blessings” of prosperityfor2025.

Butthefocusisallabout us.ThelatePresidentJimmy Carter would say to his pastoreverytimetheymet— “Have you helped someone today?HowcanIhelpyouto


Asthesongsays“IfIcan help somebody as I travel along, then my living will notbeinvain”.

It is said when we give, endorphin is released in our brain which improves our mood and blocks pain

Endorphin is the body natural painkiller Someone said some people deal with pain by taking drugs, and somegotochurch. Our faith should be used

as a deeper connection with God and not as a temporary supportsystem.

Jesusexpectsustoserve others. Our personal happinessissecondary.

Whenwehelpothers,we aretakingthefocusoffofus and God’s love can flow throughus.

It not only helps others, but it heals us of our own pain. It is a good feeling to giveourlifeaway


Azruddin-Glenn combo will end PPPCorruption


, Reference is made to letter by B. Singh (Jan 4) affirming that Mr Azruddin Mohamed has a viable candidacy in the 2025 elections.

I am in agreement that Mr Mohamed can win the elections providing he and GlennLallteamup.

Thishasbeenknownfor a couple years with PPP in one way or another seeking tosilencethem.

The duo is the only one that can save the country from the wrath of corruption.

Votersarefedupwiththe status quo and the lies and corruption of the PPP. They wantchange.

Andchangeiscomingin spiteofthreatsissuedbythe PPPleaderstosmallparties.

Other small parties

should rally around Azruddin and Glenn. Mr ChrisRamandMr Timothy Jonasshouldcomeonboard onthevictorywagon.

Dr Vishnu Bisram, whose polls were criticized byFreddieKissoonasbeing pro-PPP, penned that small partiescan’twinaseat(Han 3). However, he stated that

voters are calling for AzruddinandGlenntoenter into the election contest, affirmingtheirviability

It is a winnable combination, and Irfaan and Jagdeo are shaking in their booths, worried they would unseat the PPP

Immediately after the Bisram poll commentary on January 3, Bharrat Jagdeo threatened that whoever con


Is that democracy?

Washington must take note! Jagdeo threatened, a reference toAzruddin and Glenn, that new political figures have a lot to answer.

It is Jagdeo who has a lot to answer on financial wastage and corruption

Over US$3 14 billion are unaccounted for over the last four years Exxon is yet to remit US$107 M

from the 2020 audit over billingof$214M.Thereare files on Jagdeo and a few dozen of his corrupt comradesbyinvestigatorsin USA.UncleSamwaitingto file charges. Anyone with evidence should protect themselves from sanctions and come forward with informationtoUncleSam. Editor, every time that Azruddin and or Glenn appear in public or meeting voters or doling out hampers or other forms of assistance, they get a warning threat from thePPP Why?

Is it not because the duo poses a serious threat to Jagdeo and Irfaan’s holdonpower?

Once Azruddin and Glennteamupandcontest the election, they will make a serious difference ingovernance.

Yourstruly, S.Uddin

Contracts signed for construction of five new water treatment plants – Minister Rodrigues

Minister within the Ministry of Housing andWater, Susan Rodrigues on Friday said that the government recently signed

c o n t r a c t s f o r t h e construction of five more water treatment plants for various communities across thecoast.

The minister made the disclosure at her ministry’s end-of-year press conference while providing an update on the treated waterprogramme.

“Wepromisedtoexpand treated water In 2020 we developedtheCoastalWater Treatment Programme 2021 to 2025,” said Rodrigues, who related that in 2020 her ministry carried out an assessment of the total population receiving treated water and at the time it discovered that only 52% werebenefiting.

“So, the strategic plan wasdevelopedtoensurethat we increase treated water coverage from 52% to 90% and we are on track to ensuringthatisdeliveredby the end of 2025,” she explained. The minister said that after assuming office, the governmentrolledoutseven new large water treatment plant projects which are all nearing completion and will be operational early this year Shenotedtoothatthey have been upgrading the 12 existing water treatment

plants.Theyarealsonearing completion.

Minister Rodrigues said that the move to execute these projects is not due to the lack of access to water but because of the complaints received from coastal communities concerningtreatedwater “We have signed

Provide the evidence that Carter showered accolades on Bharrat Jagdeo


VishnuBisramshouldprovidethesource of his information that when Jimmy Carter met Cheddi Jagan he, Carter, showered accolades on Bharrat Jagdeo’s management oftheeconomy Cheddi Jagan died in March 1997, a mere 22 months after appointing Bharrat Jagdeo as Senior Minister of Finance in May 1995 Carter met with Jagan in January 1994, long before Jagdeo took command of the economy RupnauthHardyal

The Low-key 2024 Christmas...


contractsforfivelargewater treatment plants funded by the Caribbean Development Bank(CDB)andthiswillbe implemented under the second phase of the Coast Wa t e r T r e a t m e n t Programme. This is being funded to the tune of $12billion,” she said Further, the

minister said that works on the new projects are expected to commence this month. She disclosed that since taking office, the ministry has been able to increase treatment plants from28to54.

Kaieteur News had reported that the five new water treatment plants will be located in Regions Two,Three,FiveandSix

The agency in its initial tender stated works will be done in three lots, with Lot 1 consisting of a treatment plant for Maria’s Delights in Region Two, Lot 2 for water treatment plants for Leguan, and Wakenaam in Region Three, and at Lot 3 for Bath in Region Five and at Adventure in Region Six. The award of the contracts were done by the National Procurement a n d T e n d e r Administration Board (NPTAB) recently which revealed on its website that Lot One was awarded to ACE, Phoenix Projects


d for $757,673,302; Lot Two was awarded to Sigma Engineers Limited & Hebei Wansheng for $1,486,448,800; and Lot Three will be executed by ACE, Phoenix Projects P


The Government of Guyana had applied for financing from the Caribbean Development

Bank (CDB) in an amount equivalent to US$76,249,000 towards the cost of Water Supply Improvement Project (WSIP) and intends to apply a portion of the p


Being responsible for t h e o v e r a l l implementation of the project, the ministry in its document revealed that the works include but may not be limited to “the construction of five water treatment plants along the coast (average plant size of 7 3million litres per day) ”

A Critical Look at the Government’s Scholarship Policy for Master’s and PhD Degrees


, The Government’s

App that didn’t work, the need to line up for registration and collection, etc.Whynotmakemoreuse of bank deposits, he suggested? Another possibility that comes to mind is that with all the car buying, persons have decided to attack their debts with the back-pay windfall? I would not question the wisdom of such decisions. I am left with the sense that with all the hype about oil and g a s a n d m a s s i v e construction works, the r e l a t i v e l y m u t e d Christmas celebrations portend an atmosphere of uncertainty and unease aboutthefuture–whatthe newyearholds

atmosphere of economic tightness and distress for average people continues to prevail. There is the sense that the oil bonanza is still not making a m a r k e d f a v o

difference in people’s lives


E v e n w i t h p a y increases and the cash grant in the air, the

accustomed struggles continue, and people are waking up to the reality of money illusion where increased cash does not m e a n

e a s e d purchasing power As we enter this election year, let’s hope the political

responsibility to pursue policies that improve the wellbeing of Guyanese people

Sincerely, Dr.DesmondThomas

d e c i s i o n t o o ff e r scholarships for Master’s and PhD degrees is a commendable initiative aimed at fostering human capital development However, upon closer examination, this policy raises significant concerns about fairness, equity, and the quality of education it promotes. Firstly,thepolicy does a disservice to those who pursued higher education independently, often at great personal and financial sacrifice Many self-funded students had to travel abroad to attend toptier universities, incurring substantial costs for tuition, accommodation, and living expenses. Theseindividuals made sacrifices to earn qualifications from globally recognized institutions. In contrast,recipientsofGOAL scholarships are primarily enrolled in online programs offered by low-ranked universities, which often lack the rigor, prestige, and professional value of traditional degrees from internationally reputed institutions. Secondly, the policy

enables what can only be described as “doubledipping” into public resources Many GOAL scholarship recipients, having obtainedfreeundergraduateor master’s degrees, are now positionedtobenefitagainfrom government-sponsored advanceddegrees Meanwhile, self-funded students—who oftencarrythefinancialburden of student loans are left without any support or recognition This creates a systemwherethosewhomade sacrificesandcontributedtotheir own education are penalized, whileothersdisproportionately benefit from taxpayer-funded programs Furthermore, the emphasis on lower-ranked institutions raises concerns about the quality of education being promoted While access to education is important, it shouldnotcomeattheexpense ofquality

1 Acknowledging the Contributions of Self-Funded Graduates: Offer grants, reimbursements, or tax incentivestothosewhoearned their degrees independently, especially from highrankinginstitutions.

2 Enhancing Quality Standards: Prioritize partnerships with globally respected universities to ensure scholarships deliver truevalue

3 Fostering Equity: Design policies that balance opportunitiesforallcitizens, ensuring those who independently advanced their education are not overlooked. While the scholarship initiative has noble intentions, it is imperative that it evolves to foster both fairness and excellence. Education is a cornerstoneofdevelopment, and policies surrounding it must reflect a commitment to merit, equity, and global competitiveness.


Degrees from highranking universities equip graduates with superior skills, global networks, and greater employability By focusing on partnerships withlow-rankedschools,the government risks creating a workforce that is academically credentialed b u t p o t e n t i a l l y underprepared to meet the demands of a competitive global market. To address these disparities, the government should consider:

Minister within the Ministry of Housing and Water, Susan Rodrigues


In case you haven’t heard, please be informed that as part of our continued effort to channel positive changes in our country, our publisher, Mr. Glenn Lall, has dedicated our Page Seven to be “BLUNT” about on-going indecencies in our land that should matter, not only to us at this publication, but the entire nation.


Feebleleaders runningGuyana

Oneofthepartnersinthe Stabroek Block operationsHess Corporation recently boasted that there are no fiscal risks to the firm if government of Guyana should change hands given the current leaders, we have both in government and opposition.

Hess can make such a boast, because he has seen how compromised the present government and oppositionarewhenitcomes

to the management of this country’soilsector

The record of the politicaloppositionisoftwo groups that prefer to deal in nuance, not substance. The PNCR, Guyana’s main opposition, is so fearful of theoilcompaniesthatitwill have nothing to do with the word “renegotiation.” The smaller opposition group, the AFC, has shied away fromcomingoutandputting firmly on the table that renegotiation of the enslaving ExxonMobil contract is part of its oil


IfanyofGuyana’smajor political parties were to make renegotiation of the contract the centrepiece of their electoral battle, Hess would be singing a different song. They are not, so he is delighted to voice his confidence and be a messengerforallofthem.



We have been at the forefront of the calls for renegotiationofthecriminal oil contract that enslaves

GuyanatoExxonMobiland, as we close off the year, we renew our calls for changes tothecontract.

When there were few other voices calling for renegotiationofthelopsided American oil company contract with this country, we were there, and we have beenloudandpersistent.

Renegotiation affords somerelief,somereversalof this unspeakable crime that ExxonMobilhascommitted on the Guyanese people, and the ones unborn as of today

This dirty, ugly, abusive oil contract must go and all Guyanamustbereadytojoin handstocombatthisevil.All Guyanese must gear themselves to fight shoulder to shoulder against this contract.



Moreandmore,itseems thattherearetwowordsthat naturally belong together The two words are criminal politicians, and as many Guyanese believe, we have ourshareofthem.

Though the locals may pretend to be above board and honourable men and women, there is no shaking the perceptions and convictions that many Guyanesepoliticiansarelow crooks.

Independent minded and conscientious Guyanese, who prize ethics in government and principled leadership,areconstantlyon the lookout for a Guyanese politicianthattheycantrust. It would be a cause for celebration, which has been alltoorare.



The PPP/C Government, led by Dr Irfaan Ali, is failinginalmosteveryaspect of its heavy responsibilities towatchoutforwhatisright andsafeforallGuyanese.

Instead of the leaders in the PPP/C Government manifesting the necessary strength, courage and wisdom,sothattheinterests of Guyanese are supreme, there is this shameless rolling over under ExxonMobil’s boots, and letting the company trample uponGuyana.

Itiswithoutquestionthat every Guyanese should be living in a festive holiday mood every day, not just at Christmas. This country has anabundanceofnaturalgifts of which the whole world desires a piece. The first piece, and a fair piece, should be the portion of every Guyanese. A fair oil dealwillguaranteethemthat fairpiece.


Thesefarefor mediaconferences

Yesterday, Vice President, Bharrat Jagdeo was at it again complaining about low coverage in the media of the various press conferences hosted by governmentministers.

Mostoftheseeventsand we call them events were of propaganda value and provided no real answers to the varied issues in society today As we have said b e f o r e t h e P P P C Government and its leaders and ministers never fail to exploit to the fullest for the maximum effect. President

Ali is not in the league of VicePresidentJagdeoasyet, buthehasshownthatheisin love with the sledgehammer andbludgeon.

Bothnationalleadersare alwaysquicktopointoutthe need to attract more foreign investors, but this is the crude leadership standard that they greet them with, reassuring them that the difficult are under control. The irony of President Ali andVicePresidentJagdeois that their press conferences (engagement, encounters, whatever) are characterized by well broadcasted bluster and bravado when dealing with locals. However, when the two leaders should be at their strongest and frankest, i.e., with foreign investors and partners, there is operating in secrecy, surrendering on their knees, and speaking in respectful tones. They very quickly and efficiently find manners and mind their manners when foreigners are in the room.

Themediaisnotengaged then, but blocked out.When the media dare to ask pertinent questions on vital issues, both Ali and Jagdeo retreat behind walls of silence, or bash independent media professionals with verbal broadsides. BothAli and Jagdeo prefer the soft questions,thesweetsubjects that are not among the most concerning issues in the minds of Guyanese Guyanese taxpayers’ millionsaremisusedtomake friendly media men and women into spectacles of themselves Keyinformation is twisted or withheld on crucialissues,likeoil.

The PPP is in self-destructive mode

The PPPC is not some scrappy garage band trying to book a gig at the Seawall Bandstand. It’s a mass-based party with the largest support base in the country It is party that knows how to win elections thatisthereforthewinning.

Yet,hereitis,playingthe same tired tune of attacking oppositionpartiesweekafter week, as if this is what governance means. It’s like watching a magician who only knows one trick. Sure, it’simpressivethefirsttime, but by the 25th rabbit, you start questioning life choices.

Take the latest polls. Bisram’s tracking poll (because what’s a political commentarywithoutapoll?) suggests that a combination of all opposition forces under a credible, likable leaderwillgivethePPParun for its money What this suggests is that the main Opposition parties have regained their legitimacy and with it the prospects of puttingupadecentchallenge to the incumbent PPPC government come elections this year This was not what the PPP may have been expecting following the disgraceful conduct of the APNU and the AFC following the 2020 general and regional elections. So why has this happened? It has happened because the PPPC, instead of running its ownrace,hasdecidedtojog backward, tossing barbs at opposition parties that should have been left

gasping for air The weekly diatribes against opposition parties replete with hostilityandmelodrama do more to validate these rivals than any campaign ad they could dream up It’s as if the PPPC is running a free PR firmforitspoliticalrivals

AndspeakingofPR,let’s talk about strategy—or the lackthereof.Apoliticalparty is supposed tooperatelikea well-oiled machine, not like a bicycle with a flat tire and oneguyyellingdirections.

The Central Committee ofthePPPCneedstostepup and, dare I say, centralize. Regularmeetings,collective decision-making, and a coherent strategy for 2025 should be the order of the day Instead,wehaveaparty that appears to be the politicalequivalentofaonemanshow

Let’s not forget the precariouspositionthePPPC isin Aone-seatmajorityisn’t just slender it’s anorexic It’s the kind of majority that makes you double-check your arithmetic. Combine that with the one-man show and you’ve got a recipe for political disaster And disaster,inthiscase,isn’tjust losing the next election It’s theunravelingofapartythat claweditswaybacktopower after five years in opposition and having to endure a 5monthlongelectoralimpasse

You’d think that experience would have left the PPPC with a deep aversion to unnecessary risks Instead, they’re doubling down on petty politics, forgetting that their

real mandate is to govern Imagine being handed the keys to a brand-new MercedesBenzandspending allyourtimearguingwiththe guyinthebeat-upToyota212 nexttoyou

That’s the PPPC right now Byfocusingsomuchon the opposition, the PPPC is inadvertently giving them a lifeline

It’s as if the party can’t resisttheurgetopunchdown, even when doing so drags them down in the process Andtheopposition?

They’re loving every minute of it. It’s like being handed a gift-wrapped scandaleveryweek.

But let’s not blame one man entirely The Central Committee needs to take its share of the blame If you’re the committee in charge and you’renotmeetingregularly, you’re not leading you’re loitering Decisionsaboutthe party’s direction, strategy, and messaging shouldn’t be left to one person, no matter how charismatic or competenttheymightbe

That’s not leadership; that’s hubris So, what’s the solution? For starters, the PPPCneedstostopobsessing over the opposition The Central Committee needs to reclaim its authority, meet more frequently, and adopt a strategy that’s forwardlooking,notreactive.

And for heaven’s sake, stopwiththeone-manshow Politicsisateamsport.Even Michael Jordan needed the Bulls. The PPPC has the potentialtocruisetoasecond term But potential is a funny


Politics ain’t no talent show!

Guyana is a funny place, bai. Is either wedelandofendlessopportunityorwede landofendlesspopularitycontest.Anybody whofeelliketheygotonelilfanclubready torunfuhpresident.Fromdecanecutterto debig-shotlawyer,everybodythrowinghat inderinglikeisonekaraokecompetition. Every election is de same thing. New political parties spring up overnight like mosquito after rain. Dem does come wid fancynameandbigpromises.Someofdem gat such long names that by de time yuh finishsayingdename,deelectiondoneand demdisappeartillnextfiveyears.

Andlehwetalkboutdecandidatesnow It look as if once yuh popular, people canvassing fuh you to throw yuh hat in the ring. Is what was does call popularity contest. It look as if in Guyana popularity andpoliticsdemistwins.

But you know wha funny? Is de same peoplewhodoespushdempopularfolksto run,whodoeslefdemhangingonElection Day.Demdoesshoutloudloud,“Run,bai, run!” But when election day come, dem does cast dem ballot fuh somebody other

thing it only matters if you useit Rightnow,thePPPCis squandering its potential on theatrics and distractions If it doesn’tchangecourse,itrisks becoming its own worst enemy And wouldn’t that be theultimateirony?Apartythat fought tooth and nail to

overcomeanelectoralimpasse onlytoloseitswaybecauseit couldn’t stop picking fights withghostsofelectionspast

(The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinionsofthisnewspaper.)


Dem boys seh, election day does bring epiphany De same people who chanting, “Vote for change!” does change dem mind whendemreachdepollingstation.Islikede polling station does give dem one slap of sense. Or maybe dem wasn’t serious at all.

Guyanesegoodatmekkingnoiseandbadat makingchoice.Politicsisseriousbusiness, not no popularity pageant or talent show But in Guyana, yuh might think is de opposite.Ifyuhgotfollowers,yuhready Dem boys seh is really de silly season.

People believe once yuh popular, yuh got politicalappeal. But popularity don’t build roads, it don’t fix schools, and it definitely don’tlowercostofliving.

So next time yuh hear somebody announce dem candidacy, ask dem one question: “Other than yuh fan base, wha else you bringing to de table?” And if de answer is just a popular name, dem boys seh, tek yuh vote and run. Guyana deserve better than de politics of popularity We needsense,notvibes. Talkhalf.Leffhalf


A good year, interesting one

By any standard, 2024 qualifies as agoodyear,what the wise Chinese are sure to termaninterestingtimelived by Guyanese Sifting through the sparkles of Guyana,Istumbledonthese gems now unselfishly shared.

President Ali has

perfected the art of delivering hermetically bottled explosions that blowup in the face of troublesomeGuyanese. And hisownalso.

It is nuance with a twist of lemon, and some acids thrown in to hold the chemicalsundercontrol,and tokeepquarrelsomecitizens in check I commend Excellency Ali for his teachingstyle,hiswild-cane style, and his rapper style. Gangsta rap, anyone? The police don’t feel offended,

nor under any threat; he just waved a wand, extended the life of Clifton Hicken, and gave the local cops a new commissioner Newly reincarnated, but new and improved, well, that’s a w o r k - i n - p r o g r e s s Commissioner Hicken has hisutility

Elections are on the calendar;therestlessnatives mustbekeptcalm. ItisMr Clifton to keep things quiet, to make police corruption find a home in some filing cabinet Cabinet is a synonym for carpet

BecausePresidentAliissuch a tireless worker, his day starts as early as around 05:30hrs, and also the witching hours of social media. Somebody should give the president a broom. Hecertainlysweepsnearand far: from contractors falling down on the job, to citizens

saying the president and the PPP Government fall on theirfaces. Me,Ididn’tsay anything, am just the messenger,interpreterofthe lifeandtimesinGuyana.

Vice President Jagdeo hasspentallof2024refining his election campaign strategy, smoothing out his delivery for the political trail Guyanese got a preview every Thursday afternoon of what he has in mind.

Whereas President Ali fancieshimselftobeaverbal gunslinger, Dr Jagdeo sees himself as a rattlesnake wrangler These two local politicalcowboyshavebeen toolongaroundtherealones from Texas and other Americanslavestates. Like Alistair Routledge. Exxon even has its own Calamity Jane; she is in charge of the money Sheriff Bharrat

“Bart” Jagdeo is always talking about Guyanese renegades who are wanted (Alive or Otherwise). He is against the PNC, AFC and, believe it or not, that sea of oil out there. Believe it, folks. Renegotiation is a rogue word, the verbiage of rogue patriots. Ringfencing is what he has used to imprison himself Her Majesty Sarah Ann Lynch laid her cards on the table: America is ready to give to the PPP (Jagdeo), what will the PPP (Jagdeo) give to America? For those whose elevators slowdown on reaching the upper floors, Jagdeo is now giving back, proving a worthy partner No renegotiation No ringfencing. NonewPSAin the Stabroek Alistair Routledgehastheeasiestjob intheworld. Allhehastodo shouldAliorJagdeopretend forgetfulness is whisper his version of abracadabra Subtitles: SarahAnn Lynch, while Mike Pompeo adds somesteroids. Ihaveaword for the skeptics and cynics: Let’s go to the videotape. Every Thursday in 2024. The celestial Chinese had it right: Guyana are living in interestingtimes.

Attorney General Nandlall is having the time of his life. His eyes have landed on land Other people’sland. Acertainkind ofpeople. Hegetstodecide howmuchmoneythepeople get, and how lang the

payment process tek. To save face, he shuv a

s Insanity or asininity? Nandlall’s good times will continue to roll; he has oil spilllegislationonthemove. Dah waan is fuh protect de white peeeple in Texas. I need some help. Who are dese guys-Ali, Jagdeo, Nandlall-wukking for, fightingagainst?

“The best deal in the world” Routledge as their consolation prize With Alistair Routledge as a caring partner, who with righted mind could be a naysayer?

Opposition Leaders

Norton and Hughes -that same question applies to both of them. As an FYI, note that I am treating them as one, since a coalition is a foregone conclusion If Guyanese can live with copresidents, they can manage with co-opposition leaders. The logic is irrefutable Where are these two distinguished Guyanese gentlemen on oil? I catch myselfearly:wherearethey, actually?

What are they about, if not for God, country, and apple pie? If that reeks of America, it is. For those whowanttoargue,thenwhy have these two joined with theothertwo(Ali,Jagdeo)to make Guyanese into turkeys? The only deficiency is that Guyanese are not enjoying anything t h a t r e s e m b l e s Thanksgiving. The Cash GrantInitiative,all$100,000 ofit,doesn’tcomeclose. Of course, Guyanese are overjoyed to have Alistair

Aw shucks, I almost forgot former prime minister, former president, andformerambassadorSam Hinds. Former ambassador isnotamistake. SamHinds AA, CCH, is now Exxon’s chief lobbyist at Freedom House and the House of the Guyana Presidency He pleadshiscasebeforeJagdeo at the former address, and knocks back a glass of fine sherry (a good year) at State House.

As I keep saying, it has been that kind of grand, illuminating year What shouldhavebeenthebestof timeswasnothingofthesort. Leading men quarreling, cursing, making a mockery oftheirdutytothepeople. I remember Marlon Brando: I shudda been a contendah. Amgearinguptobe. Please don’t ask for what. Or where. Or when. To all Guyanese: enjoy the rest of 2025.

(The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinionsofthisnewspaper.)


Critic Campaign: A cry by a CONtractor

Mikhail Rodrigues, a want-to-be, and failed contractor who hides behind the guise of a reporter has embarked on a new mission to campaign for government advertisements to be pulled from Kaieteur News and be placed with online pages, such as the one he runs.

The fact remains that Kaieteur News, an independent voice and people’s representative, has always told the stories that others are afraid to tell or shared with a spin to cover up corrupt tracks or the truth behind the actions of our leaders.

A failed contractor can try to stifle the newspaper, but Kaieteur News will not change its route We remain committed to truth and the fight for a better Guyana for Guyanese!

GCAA awaiting stakeholder feedback on deadly GDF crash report

The Guyana Civil Aviation Authority (GCAA) is awaiting feedback from stakeholders on the deadly Guyana Defence Force (GDF) crash report, minister of public works, Juan Edghill revealedonSaturday Edghill told reporters at his ministry's end-of-year press conference on Saturday that the feedback on the draft report on the December8,2023helicoptercrash, which claimed the lives of five persons, should be submitted by


He disclosed that the stakeholders include the GDF, the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB), Transport Canada, BellHelicopters,andtheGCAA.

“They(stakeholders)haveuntil January 10, 2025 to make their comments, when those comments come, if there are any serious concernstobeadjustedthatwillbe and then the report will be published,”Edghillsaidnotingthat the publication of the report is in


Minister Edghill told reporters gathered at the Pegasus Suites, Kingston, Georgetown that the draft report on the helicopter crash was completed in record time. He commendedtheNTSBofAmerica for its cooperation throughout the investigation,emphasizingthatthe Board gave priority to Guyana's case.

He spoke of the strong collaboration between the NTSB and the investigative team,

acknowledging the critical importanceofthematter,especially given the tragic loss of several of Guyana's finest soldiers in the crash.

On December 8, 2023 five of seven occupants of the GDF Bell412 helicopter died when the aircraft crashed in the jungle between Arau and Ekereku in RegionSeven.

Those who died are: the pilotin-command, veteran aviator Lieutenant Colonel Michael

Lieutenant Andio Michael Crawford, a pilot on board the aircraft, and Corporal Dwayne Johnsonsurvivedthecrash.

Shortly after the crash, Edghill ha

investigator to probe the incident and at a news conference late (Continuedonpage42)

Shahoud, Lieutenant Colonel Sean Welcome, Staff Sergeant Jason Khan and Brigadier (ret'd) Gary Beaton.
The five men who died in the tragic GDF helicopter crash


ThefamilyofClaireAGoringwishestoclarify statementsthatweremaderegardingthefirstGuyaneseto participatewithoriginalcostumedesignsintheLaborDay parade.Unfortunately,Kaieteurnewscitedinanarticle datedJune/July2024thatMarlonJacobswas"thefirst Guyaneseband"toparticipateintheLaborDayparadein NewYorkCitywhichisabsolutelyfalseandincorrect. In1994ClaireGoringfiledthenecessarydocumentation withWestIndianAmericanDayCarnivalAssociation (WIDCA)andpaidtherequiredfeestoparticipateasthe FIRSTGUYANESECOSTUMEDESIGNER. Hersection wasnamed"HelloGuyana"andshealsoparticipatedthe followingyearaswell.Assuch,KaieteurNewsapologizes forthemisinformationandanyinconveniencecaused.

Thisweek'sbeautyis deeplypassionateabout herfaith,self-love throughhealthy relationships,maintaining physicalfitnessand cherishingmomentsspent withherfamily The stunning24yearold FarzanaRazackis pursuingaBachelorof ScienceinSupplyChain Management. Oneofher favoritequotesisfrom theBookofLamentations 3:28-30intheBible.It states"Whenlifeisheavy andhardtotake,gooff byyourself.Enterthe silence.Bowinprayer Don'taskquestions:Wait forhopetoappear.Don't runfromtrouble.Takeit full-face.The'worst’ isnevertheworst.”

Farzana Razack

Forget Begging Rich Nations: Caribbean countries should act to save themselves

It has long been evident that the world’s richest nations, especially those responsible for the lion’s share of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, care little about the existential threats facedbysmallstates.Forthe Caribbean, the time for

pleading has passed Collective action must define the region’s response totheclimatecrisis.

Caribbean leaders in all sectors – government, business, and worker representatives– should pay close attention to a rare display of frankness on this urgent matter by Angela Merkel,therespectedformer Chancellor of Germany In her memoir, Freedom, she presents a sobering assessment of global failure onclimateaction.

She admits that the measures taken to combat climate change by GHGemitting countries are “not good enough to save the world ” Worse, she confesses that the problem has been known for years and yet has failed to inspire the necessary action in Germany or other wealthy nations Her haunting question lingers: “Are we humans truly willing and abletoactonthewarningsof credible experts to take necessary, timely decisions foroursurvival?”

She concludes that, to date, there is no evidence of this,eitherinGermanyorthe world at large, and laments that“Thisknowledgeweighs heavily on all of us, myself included.”

Tostrengthenherpoint,it should be noted that the US National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) recently reported that “Global sea levels are rising as a result of humancausedglobalwarming,with recent rates being unprecedented over the past 2,500-plusyears.”

For the Caribbean, this sobering reality demands a shift in strategy Waiting for wealthynationstoactoutof conscience or moral obligation is futile The region’s governments, privatesectors,tradeunions, a n d c i v i l s o c i e t y organisations must seize the initiative to secure their future. The major emitters are constrained by the large and politically influential fossilfuelproducers,orthey continue their emissions to maintain competition with rivalnations.


Small states can no longerwaittotaketheirown action, or they will become spectators at their own funeral. Hurricanes are becomingmorefrequentand severe, wiping out GDP annually and plunging countries deeper into unsustainable debt as they rebuild.Insurancepremiums haveskyrocketed,becoming unaffordableformany,while small and medium-sized businesses once the lifeblood of local economies—are often not rebuilt.

Beyondextremeweather events, rising sea levels, projectedtoincreasebyupto 1.4metresby2100,threaten to submerge low-lying islandsandobliteratecritical infrastructure Coastal erosion, exacerbated by these changes, undermines the tourism industry the economicbackboneofmany Caribbeanstates.

SmallStatesBearNo Blame

Adding to the frustration is the stark contrast between the Caribbean’s minimal contribution to the problem and its disproportionate suffering The region accounts for less than 1% of globalGHGemissions,yetit bears some of the world’s heaviestclimateburdens.


S m a l l s t a t e s ’ representa

s have routinely praised inadequate results. They should stop lettingthebigemitterscover uptheirgrossneglectoftheir damagingactions.

While the establishment of the Loss and Damage Fund (LDF) under the UNFCCC is a significant stepforward,therealityofits financial inadequacy is sobering Initial pledges amount to approximately $700 million, a figure that falls drastically short of the trillions required to effectively address climateinduced loss and damage globally Without a substantial increase in funding commitments, the LDF is little more than a symbolic gesture rather than apracticalsolution.Wemust sayso–loudly GrantsvsLoansandDebt Implications

Worse yet, the LDF appears to consist more of loans than grants Small states end up borrowing money from rich emitters to pay for the damage these veryemitterscause.Whereis thejusticeinthis?

If loans dominate,

borrowingfromtheLDFwill exacerbate the already crippling debt burdens of many Caribbean countries. Governments are already grappling with debt servicing, which gobbles up almost 40% of their revenues, leaving less than 60%torunallaspectsofthe country’srequirements.This issimplyunsustainable.


Accessing funds from international climate mechanisms has long been hindered by bureaucratic complexities.TheLDFisno exception.

Delays in disbursement and overly burdensome requirementshaveprevented timely access to critical funds, leaving vulnerable nations exposed in the aftermath of disasters. For theLDFtobetrulyeffective, it must adopt streamlined, transparent, and equitable application processes, ensuringthatsupportreaches those in need without undue delays. Caribbean countries should be relentless in pursuitofthisobjective.

RegionalResilience:A Necessity,NotanOption

Faced with these challenges, the Caribbean must take bold, unified action to build resilience at home and robustly advocate forjusticeglobally,suchas:

Building Resilience: Strengtheningandenforcing national building codes is non-negotiable Privatesector compliance should be incentivised through tax breaks or subsidies for c

construction, while noncompliancemustbemetwith stiff penalties Public infrastructure must be designed and upgraded to withstand extreme weather, prioritising long-term durability over short-term costsavings.

Regional Collaboration: Caribbean nations must acc


preparedness, renewable energy projects, and climate adaptationstrategies.

Advancing Climate Justice: Legal mechanisms

a r e a p a t h w a y t o accountability The ITLOS advisoryopinionobtainedby the Commission of Small Island States on Climate Change and International Law(COSIS)isamilestone. The strong submissions made to the International Court of Justice (ICJ) for an advisory opinion on climate obligations are another

critical step. However, these efforts must move beyond opinions to enforceable actions.

The Caribbean should championanallianceoflikeminded states in the Pacific, Africa, Asia, and Central America to test the liability of GHG-emitting countries

and companies in international courts. This is not about vengeance—it is about ensuring the survival of Caribbean people and their homelands It is essentially about human rights.


Angela Merkel’s words remindusthateventhemost concernedleadersinwealthy

nations are constrainedby p o l i t i c a l survival. Small states, therefore, must chart their o w n c o u r s e collectively

In 2025, climate change andglobalwarmingmustsit at the top of every small state’s domestic and international agenda The Caribbean’s leaders must focus on pragmatic, actionable solutions while continuingtodemandjustice from those most responsible forthecrisis.

Failure to act decisively risks leaving future generations to face an

u n t h i n k a b l e catastrophe—andtowonder, “What in hell were they thinking?”

The writer is Antigua and Barbuda’s Ambassador to the US and the OAS. The views expressed are entirely his own. Responses and previous commentaries: www.sirronaldsanders.com



Mismanagementof electricitysectorto costGuyanaUS$373.6M –Patterson

The mismanagement of Guyana’s electricity sector will result in US$373 6 million in losses by the time the Gas-to-Energy (GTE) project is ready to supply powertothecountry

This is according to ChairmanoftheAllianceFor Change (AFC), David Patterson. In a statement on

Saturday, the former Minister of Public Infrastructure, who held responsibility for electricity between2015and2020,said the government has now embarked on a number of reckless spending activities t o c o v e r u p t h e i r incompetence.

He argued, “When the PPPannouncedthattheyhad earmarked on what they claimed would be the single greatest “transformation” project in the country’s history, the gas to power projectinWales–theproject

budget was listed at US$810Mwithacompletion date of two years, meaning thatthisprojectwasslatedto becompletedby2024.”

Further, Patterson noted that as per its own projections on receiving power from the project by 2024,thegovernmentsaton their hands and did nothing forthreeyearstoaddressthe risingdemandforelectricity

After being faced with the reality of a “grossly mismanaged” power sector, he said they then embarked

on several reckless emergency spending activitiestocoverupfortheir shortfall. This included the purchase of 27 third-hand containerized generating sets, the rental of a 36MW powership, and another 75MW powership These temporary measures were intended to address the country’senergydeficit.

According to Patterson, “Having finally admitted that the gas to shore project will not be operational, if ever, until the end of 2025, t h e c o s t o f t h e i r incompetenceisstaggering.” He went on to explain that the container sets were procured for US$27M. “By 2025, the cumulative cost to the taxpayers (procurement costs+fuel+transportation) will be US$95 1M Two

years of rental and operational costs for the 36MW powership will be US$130.7M, and one year rental and operational costs for the 75MW powership will be US$147.8M. So, in total, their mismanagement has cost the country an additional US$373.6M,” the Opposition Parliamentarian reasoned.

He was keen to note that the US$373.6M could have been used to procure new generating sets for the Guyana Power and Light (GPL) Inc , which would remainonstand-byifthegas plantdevelopedafaultorhas to be taken offline for maintenancepurposes.

Moreover, the former Ministerhighlightedthatthe US$373 6M and counting, being spent on temporary measuresisnearlyhalfofthe original cost of the Gas-toEnergy(GTE)project.

Heurgedthegovernment to inform the nation of the contingency plan to supply stable electricity, should the gas project encounter difficulties.

“Ontheexpirationofthe rental period for the two powerships, how will they replacethe111MWrequired as backup electricity for Guyaneseintheeventofany issue that is normal with operatingplants? Despiteall the fluff and bluff, it is evident that as with other sectors, the government’s management of the power sectorhasbeennothingshort of gross incompetence and Guyanese, both in their homes and businesses continue to suffer the consequences with no one held accountable outside of the cinematic PR displays,” Pattersoncontended.

Turning his attention to the loan approved by the United States Export Import (USEXIM)Bank,hesaidthe Vice President was rather gleefulinconfirmingthathis

Sahoye made good his escape with the weapon in a southerndirection.

Police in a statement said, “The victim was seen lying on his back, head facing north, clad in a blue three-quarter pants and a whitejersey.”

Thebodywasexamined, andastabwoundwasseenin the centre ofAlly’s chest. In addition, what appeared to bebloodstainswereseenon his clothing. Blood was also seenonthegroundwherehe waslying.



nt was prematureinNovember

He said while the People’s Progressive Party (PPP) and its “cheerleaders” may be boastful, claiming the final approval as an achievement, the citizens of Guyanashouldknowthefull details behind what is now the single largest loan taken bythiscountry.

Manstabbedtodeath duringfightatLiliendaal ….suspectescaped

A 22-year-old man was killed on Friday night after hesustainedastabwoundto thecentreofhischest,during a fight along the Liliendaal Railway Embankment, East CoastDemerara(ECD).

The dead man has been identified as SaifAlly of lot 22 Block R, North Sophia, Georgetown.

The suspect, who reportedlyescaped,hasbeen identified as 31-year-old AllinSahoye,amechanicof the North Sophia Squatting Area.

The incident occurred at 20:00h. Police reported that thesuspect’sfather,58-yearoldChristopherJulianSingh saidthatpriortotheincident

the victim, who was observed to be in an intoxicated state, went up to him and dealt him several slaps to his face, for no reason.

Singhsaidthatheandthe victim were on speaking termsandhadneverhadany problems.Asaresult,hewas surprisedbyhisactions.

Upon seeing this, Sahoye,whowassittingona b e n c h , g o t u p a n d approached the victim, after whichafightoccurred.

Ally and Sahoye found themselves on the southern side of the Liliendaal Railway Embankment Whilethere,Sahoyestabbed Allyinhischestwithaknife.

Ally collapsed and

US$646M loan to support theNGLandpowerplant.

T h e c o u n t r y ’ s application was subject to a rigorous review, especially intheabsenceofafeasibility and environmental study Jagdeo said the Bank conducted its own analysis before making its final determination.

Ally was pronounced dead by a doctor, and his bodywastakentoMemorial Gardens, awaiting Post Mortem Examination (PME).

“Several Persons were questioned, statements are being taken, CCTV (Closed Circuit Television) cameras are also being viewed. Efforts were made to locate the suspect but without success,” Police said in a statement.


GuyanatopaybackUS EXIMBankUS$316.2M ininterestonUS$527M Gas-to-Energyloan

OnMay1,2031,Guyana will commence repaying the United States Export Import (US EXIM) Bank for a US$527 million loan the institution approved on December26,2024.

Over the 15-year repayment period, Guyana willpaythebankawhopping US$316.2Mininterest.This means the country will be paying the Bank a total of US$843.2M overall for the amount it borrowed The terms of the loan agreement were disclosed by Vice President,BharratJagdeoon Friday during his weekly pressconferenceatFreedom House,Georgetown.

“The interest rate is 4% soifyoucalculateitoverthe period, but remember there are moratoriums and all of that so it’s a 4% interest and you can calculate what the repayment would be over a time period It’s fixed at 4%…principal repayment is 3 0 s e m i - a n n u a l installments…soits15years thereafter,”theVPdisclosed.

He said the country will be required to make two annual payments on November 1 and May 1, commencing on May 1, 2031. Back in April 2023 it was revealed that Guyana applied to the Bank for a

The EXIM Bank loan will support the US$759 million cost of the natural gas-fired power plant and natural gas liquids plant being constructed by a joint venture,CH4-Lindsayca.

Itisimportanttonotethat the Gas-to-Energy (GTE) project also comprises of a 12-inch diameter pipeline being developed by the Stabroek Block operator, ExxonMobil Guyana Limited. Exxon previously saidthestructureisexpected tocostUS$1B.

Guyana is also expected to repay the contractor for the pipeline, although the repayment terms with the contractor have not been madecleartothepublic.

Jagdeo had previously explained that the country would purchase the gas being transported by Exxon t o r e p a y f o r t h e development.

Notably, this cost does not mean that Guyana is paying for its own gas, instead, this was the mechanismcitedtorepaythe contractorforitsinvestment.

On the other hand, auditors found that costs related to the pipeline were included in Exxon’s cost recovery statements, meaning that the contractor wasrecoupingitsinvestment bytakingGuyana’soil.

Threeshot,twostabbed asLindengangsclash

Five persons have been hospitalised following a shootingonSundaymorning attheheadofDakamaCircle Street,FiveCornerJunction, Mackenzie, Linden, Region Ten.

Three were shot while onewaschoppedinthehead and another stabbed. The shooting took place around 06:21 hrs, according to police. Eyewitnesses began sharing cell phone recorded videos of the shooting depicting the chaos One video showed peopl

s gunshots rang out. A victim wasseenlimpingawayfrom the scene apparently shot in hisleg.

Anothervideodepicteda police rank being assaulted as he attempted to quell the situation It was total madne

ased a statement, reporting that the Chaos left fivepersonswounded.

Among those injured are two men: Rondel Rodney, 27, of One Mile Wismar Linden and Brian Johnson, 25, Half Mile Wismar Linden, who were arrested earlier in December for the illegal possession of a gun andammunition.

Rodney was shot in the right leg and is one among four suspects who police believe initiated the shooting He is presently under police guard at the LindenHospital.Meanwhile Johnson was reportedly stabbedinhisrighteye.

The others wounded wereidentifiedasa17-yearold boy of Poker Street, Wismar, Linden who was shot in the left hand, Tyrone Newton, 21, of Half Mile WismarandGlastonBristol, 31, of Redwood Crescent, Mackenzie.

Bristol was chopped in his head and is also among the four suspects who allegedly started the brawl. Police said that Bristol is suspected of being one of shooters. Hewasreferredto the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC) and is under police guard while the 21-year-old Newtonisnursingagunshot woundonhisrightfootatthe LindenHospital.

Policeareonthehuntfor twomoresuspectssaidtobe involved,ShaquilleLambert Continued on page 17

According the initial audit report prepared by VHEofExxon’s2018-2020 expenses, ExxonMobil claimed it spent some US$2 1M on the project during the period under review “The Contractor included on the Cost Recovery Statement costs for ground and air surveys, mooring studies, and Contractor and Affiliate labour for the proposed gasto-power pipeline and onshore NGL plant,” the auditors explained The government is yet to make agreements for the GTE project public, despite repeated calls from the Opposition and other stakeholders. In the absence of these key documents, the project details remain sketchywithnoclearoutline on the cost recovery aspect, among others, of the initiative.

AFC Chairman, David Patterson

Frompage16 and another man identified onlyasJobby

Speaking with Kaieteur News, a police rank in Lindensaidthattheshooting might have stemmed from a misunderstanding between two groups of people. Some mediahousesreportedthatit was a clash between rival gangs Lindeners via their respective social media platforms are denying the existence of gangs in the

Region Ten town but investigators explained to Kaieteur News that over the yearstherehasalwaysbeena rivalry between individuals from the Wismar shore and Mackenzie, Linden. “There isalwayssomethingbetween them”,oneinvestigatorsaid.

Policeatthistimearestill trying to find out what that mis-understanding was Some eyewitnesses are claiming that it might have started at a Saturday night party.Whilethismaybetrue, investigators cannot verify suchreportsatthistime.

Therewerepartiesinthe areaaccordingtopolice,but where the shooting took place folks would come from “all over” to get breakfast.

“Every time they get thinginLinden,peoplefrom all over does go to Five Corner to get food before moving on or going home”, investigatorsexplained.



Exxoncompletes Gas-to-Energypipeline …butagreementwith companyhidden, finalcostofproject stillunknown

ExxonMobil Guyana

Limited (EMGL), the operator of the Stabroek Block, has completed the pipeline component of the Gas-to-Energy (GTE) project, even as the agreements between the company and the Guyana Government continue to be hiddenfromthepublic.

According to a Notice from the Maritime Administration Department (MARAD), pipeline laying workscommencedinJuneof 2023 ExxonMobil was granted a Permit by the Environmental Protection Agency(EPA)fortheproject onNovember25,2022.

A new Notice by MARAD, dated December 27, 2024, indicated that the pipe-laying activities from

the West Coast Demerara to the Stabroek Block within Guyana’s Exclusive Economic Zone has been completed “The laid pipeline stretches from the West Coast Demerara to approximately 105 6 n

e Guyana,” the Maritime Departmentsaid.

Further, it explained that a 500 meter-pipeline protectionareaoneitherside of the structure has been established and covers an area of 56.8 square nautical miles or 194 9 square kilometres All mariners have been advised to stay clear of the pipeline and navigate with extreme cautionwheninthevicinity

Although the structure is now completed, Guyanese areyettoseethedealsigned betweentheGoGandExxon with regard to the structure. Infact,thecountryisalsoin the dark on the final cost of this component of the project.

When President of EMGL, Alistair Routledge was asked about the final cost of the project by Kaieteur News he said, “I don’thaveafinalnumber.”

This, even though he previously highlighted that all contracts were awarded forthestructure.

In October, Routledge told reporters at a press conference that the pipeline w a s m e c h a n i c a l l y completed He explained, “It’s been hydrotested, pressure test and we have been going through the dewateringexerciseandthen introducing nitrogen so we have a pipeline that is ready tointroducenaturalgas…”

He noted that Exxon’s responsibilitiesincludingthe risers, pipeline through the deep-water, shallow water and onshore is on schedule for completion by this year end. In this vein, he said, “So delighted to see that on course and on budget as


Exxon’s Country

Manager later told this publicationthatthecompany isconfidentthattheprojectis onbudgetsinceallcontracts have been awarded He, however, noted “there will always be some final negotiation on any sort of details that the contractors might want to confirm. We’re on that billion-dollar number.”

When pressed to say when the final price tag for the project would be revealed, he said, “It would besometimenextyearwhen we wrap up all the contracts.”

Head of the GTE

Taskforce, Winston Brassington previously indicated that the pipeline is expectedtocostUS$1B. HidingGTEdocuments

Despite calls from various sections of society for the agreements between

the GoG and the contractor to be made public, the government has not budged in releasing the documents. In fact, it continues to make failedpromisestoreleasethe documentstothepublic.

Earlier this month, Kaieteur News reported that Prime Minister (PM) Brigadier (ret’d) Mark Phillips, for a third time promised the National Assembly to lay over the agreement signed with EMGLfortheGTEproject.

Onthatoccasion,thePM apologized to the National Assembly for failing to provide the response and againpromisedtoensurethe necessary information and documents are provided According to him, this will belaidassoonaspossible.

“Mr Chair,ifIhadfailed in offering my response as requested by the honourable member,letmeapologizeto this honourable House and I will seek to, in the shortest possible time, honour that request,” the Prime Minister said.

S i n c e 2 0 2 2 , t h e government signed a Heads of Agreement with the Stabroek Co-ventures that outlines the principles and conditions for the commercial and technical arrangementsofthedeal.

Minister of Natural Resources,VickramBharrat, was also asked about the release of the agreement in Parliament when he

explained that it could not yetbemadepublic.

Bharrat, in a written response to Opposition MemberofParliament(MP), David Patterson, stated that the agreement outlines the principlesandconditionsfor the commercial and technical aspects of the project.

“Mr Speaker, the

Government of Guyana has signedaHeadsofAgreement (HOA) with the Stabroek Co-ventures30thJune2022. This agreement sets out the principlesandconditionsfor the commercial and technical arrangements of the Gas-to-Energy Project,” Bharratsaid.

Patterson, in his request for the information, submitted to Parliament on October18,2022,hadasked whether any agreements were signed with Esso Exploration and Production Guyana Limited in connection with the Wales project and if yes, for the MinistertosupplytheHouse with a copy of the said agreement.

However Bharrat, in his response to Patterson said, “There are other agreements on supply, buyer ’s a g r e e m e n t , f i e l d development, licensing conditions, onshore works, and land matters that are currently being drafted. The respective agreements and policy documents will be presented to this honourable

House when they have been agreed upon and executed. All agreements are being done in a timely manner to meet the Final Investment Decision, which will allow for the project to be completedbyourcommitted deadline of December 2024.”

GPHCshortof 700nurses-CEO

The Georgetown Public Hospital Corpo

ion (GPHC) is currently functioning with a deficit of 700nurses.

The figure represents more than 55 per cent of the staff complement of nurses needed for the institution to operate optimally This was revealed during an end-of yearpressconferencehosted at the GPHC Resource Centre on Monday. Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the hospital, Robbie Rambarran explained that thehospitalhasbeenactively working to fill the employmentgaps.

“ T h e N u r s e s administration has been working continuously with key stakeholders to ensure capacitybuildingtofacilitate alltheneedsfornursingcare andspecialtycare,”theCEO said as he sought to assure thattheshortageofnursesis notjustaGuyanaissuebuta globalone.

“The nurses’ shortage is everywhere It is not an isolatedissuetoGuyana;it’s a global issue There are nurses that use to go for examplefromNigeriatoFiji orDubai…”

Rambarrannotedthatthe discussion for ramping up the staff complement of nursescontinuestocentreon importing overseas trained p e r s o n n e l “ T h e government has been looking at the various avenues and different countries from how we can get nurses There have beensomediscussionsabout bringing nurses from the Philippines,”herevealed.

At present, the CEO noted that the government has started accepting nurses from Cuba to assist with the declining complement of nurses. He said, “we had a deficitofabout55percentin our direct nursing care, that ismaybeabout700,thisisto takeindustrystandard…The Cuban nurses have been helpful in this regard…The only challenge is the languagebarrierbutthey Continued on page 18

Stabbed in his eye, Brian Johnson Suspect,RondelRodney

Frompage17 usually go through a course called English is my second language.”

Director of Nursing Services, Leslyn Holder, said while gaps exist in patientcare,dailystaffingof various wards and units, efforts are being made to lessen any unnecessary workload of those nurses on a daily basis She added, “That is why support is needed;additionalsupportis neededduringthepatient[’s] hospitalstaybecause[of]our goals for optimum healthcareorpatientcare.”

Having been faced with the issue of shortages of nurses, Minister of Health, Dr Frank Anthony, had announced that several measures have been put in place to retain nurses, includingincreasingsalaries and training opportunities “A registered nurse takes aboutthreeyearstotrain.So, we were only able to do between 200 and 250. We have started a programme whichisahybridprogramme wherewehavebroughtinat

least 1,100 nurses for training and they have started that training They have three years to complete,”heexplained.


‘Wehavenointerest inwritingExxonto changelopsidedoildeal’ …greaterbenefitis alreadycomingto Guyanese–Pres.Ali

President Irfaan Ali during his end-of-year press conference on Tuesday told the media that he has no interest in writing U.S oil major, ExxonMobil to engage the company to renegotiate the lopsided Production Sharing Agreement(PSA),signedby thepreviousadministration. He was at the time responding to a question fromthisnewspaperonwhy his government still refuses to change the deal to seek greater benefits for Guyanese, even after altering multiple provisions


To this end, the Head of State explained that the People’s Progressive Party (PPP) has always been consistentinitspositionthat the deal was “bad” He however noted, “What we committed to was to respect the sanctity of contracts and that the international law, that has implications for us asacountry.Otherinvestors are looking on but what we said was that future PSAs would not have these fatal flawsandfuturePSAswould nothavethetypeoflopsided arrangements that Exxon

had,andwehavemadethose adjustmentstofuturePSAs.”

President Ali went on to point out that the market conditions must also be taken into consideration to ensure policies here do not drive away investment, but strikes a balance to still ensure the greatest benefit comes to Guyanese. In fact, theHeadofStatehighlighted thatGuyanahasalreadyseen benefitsnotonlyfromtheoil and gas sector, but from the expanded growth in the economy.

He cited initiatives such as the return of the school children’s cash grant which will soon be increased to $50,000; higher pension for seniorcitizens;aworldclass health care system that is currentlybeingdevelopedas well as an improved safe environment and education system.

To this end,Ali said, “(I can) show you how greater benefit is already coming to the Guyanese people, how the life of every single Guyanese is improving and you would know if you can tellmewithstraightfacethat even your own life is not improving, that you are not driving on better roads, that you are not saving time going to Region Threeimagine if you didn’t have the Crane by-pass road- that you are not going to benefit from the new four lane bridge across the Demerara Riverthatwillbefreeofcost, if you are not benefitting from the $100,000 investment that we are making for every Guyanese above18years.”

Kaieteur News however pointed out that countries around the world have changed their oil contracts and asked the Head of State tosaywhatispreventinghis government from doing the same.Notably,thePresident acknowledged that while there are countries that may have renegotiated their oil contracts, there are also countries that are losing

seven years later, the Stabroek Block is now estimated to hold more than 11.6billionbarrelsofoil.

This means that the reserves have almost quadrupled while the country continues to receive a thin slice of the pie, with the oil companies enjoying over 85% of the revenue generated each month

investments from the petroleumcompanies.

He pointed to Suriname as an example where Exxon walked away On the other hand,hesaidinGuyanathere is a consolidation of assets with investment being attracted. According to him, “We have to understand the balance and what is taking place in the market. The marketisnotsimplistic,now accessing capital for the oil and gas sector has changed dramatically and we had to see where the new policies n o w f r o m t h e U S government will take us becausethecapitalfortheoil and gas sector has become more expensive and you have more risk associated because of environmental andclimateissuessothecost ofcapitalisalsorisingsothat isthemarketinwhichweare operating and we have to be constantly aware of what is taking place in that market from an investment perspective.”


W h e n a s k e d i f government has written to the operator of the Stabroek Blocktoseekarenegotiation of the deal, the President made it clear that he has no suchintention.Heexplained, “No, we don’t need an official response (from Exxon). We have made our position very clear that future PSAs, and we have stuck to that and existing

PSAs, the sanctity of contract, we respect that You know this, we have discussed this, many times before.”


Stakeholders have arguedthatduetothedrastic changes in the Stabroek Block, Guyana would be well within its right as a sovereign nation to demand greater benefits for its resources. In 2016 when the agreementwithExxonMobil and its partners were made, the country’s oil reserves stood at a just three billion barrels Fast forward to

According to the 2016 PSA, Exxoncandeductupto75% of Guyana’s oil monthly to cover its expenses The remaining 25% is split with Guyana equally as profits, with the country earning an additional 2% from the contractor’sshareasroyalty

TheDoubleStandard: Jagdeopicksand chooseswhenExxon’s Contractcanbe changed-GlennLall

Businessman and advocateforabetteroildeal, Glenn Lall has flayed Vice PresidentBharratJagdeofor hisresistancetochangingthe lopsided ExxonMobil contract and he called on Guyanese to raise their voices in a united push to makethingshappen.

Speaking in one of his socialcommentaryLall said Jagdeo has been stripped of every excuse and pretense imaginable “His actions, paired with his words, lay bare the betrayal he is inflicting on this nation Watching and listening to him weekly, it is painfully clear:thisso-calledleaderis running scared, desperately trying to justify the monumental disaster he is orchestrating with ExxonMobil against the peopleofGuyana.”

According to Lall day after day, Jagdeo’s words expose him further, highlighting not just his tricks but his guilt, desperation, and blatant betrayal “He isn’t just failing us he’s selling us out for nothing, piece by piece,barrelbybarrel,while pretendingtobeasaviour.”

As he continues to advocate for changes to the oil contract Lall questioned what Jagdeo and Guyana have to lose if Exxon is called to the table for renegotiation, especially with all the new oil discoveries being made “What does Guyana have to lose by calling Exxon to renegotiate, given these m a s s i v e n e w o i l discoveries?”Lallasked

Continued on page 30

President IrfaanAli (left) addressing the media during his end of year press conference.Also in the image is moderator of the event, Kit Nascimento


Havingqualityproductsonthelocalmarketisessentialfor consumers’ protection and satisfaction To guarantee importers, manufacturers and retailers sell quality products, the Guyana National Bureau of Standards (GNBS) monitors 17 categories of products under its Product Compliance Department based on the requirements of compulsory NationalStandards.

Products monitored by the GNBS include Electrical/Electronicappliances,Tyres,Footwear,PVCpipes, Weighing and measuring instruments, Cellular phones, Garments,Textiles,ElectricalEquipmentandfittings,Safety Matches, Safety Helmets, Gas stoves, Cigarettes, furniture, ToysandPlaythings,Decorativelights,andGoldJewellery Importers,dealersandmanufacturersoftheseproductsare required to register with the GNBS, annually In 2024, the GNBS registered 570Importers, 842Dealers and 20 local Manufacturers.

Once registered, products are examined by Inspectors at thePortsofEntry,Warehousesandatsaleoutletsbasedonthe requirements of National Standards. These examinations guaranteeconsumersreceivequalityproducts.Lastyear,the GNBS Product Compliance team conducted a total of 7,848 inspections which includes 332 cellphone stores and 570 outletswhichsellelectronicfittingsandequipment.Thisisan increasefromthetotal6,618inspectionsconductedin2023.

In addition, there were 1,400 surveillance inspections to ensurethecontinuedconformancewiththestandards.

As it relates to tyres, the GNBS monitors both new and used tyres imported into Guyana, to ensure damaged or defective tyres along with those which are exposed to harsh chemicals and environmental conditions are not offered for sale.TheitemsareinspectedbasedontheNationalStandard GYS 194:2024 – Specification for pneumatic tyres for commercialhighwayvehicles.Thestandardspecifiesthatthe tyres must be properly labelled to include size, brand, the maximum permissible inflation pressure, manufacture date andotherinformation.

In 2024, the GNBS examined 313,516 used tyres and 185,065newtyres.Inadditiontolabels,Inspectorsalsolook for tyre damage including exposed cords, thread separation, evidenceofbeltdamage,plyseparation,flexbreakorcasing break-up,loosecordsoninnerplyanddamagedbeadarea.A total of 5,335 had to be destroyed for failure to meet quality requirements,andensuringconsumerprotection.

In 2025, the GNBS is looking to increase the list of products requiring a permit which will further enhance the monitoringcapabilityoftheStandardsBody Incollaboration with the Guyana Energy Agency (GEA), the Bureau will commencemonitoringofenergyefficiencyproductsstarting with refrigerators and Air Conditioning Units followed by energyefficientbulbs.Infact,theProductComplianceTeam ofInspectorswillthisweekcommencetraininginpreparation torolloutthisservice.

In addition, the Bureau will be commencing the monitoring of regulators on the LPG cylinders sold by the varioussuppliersinGuyana.Thiswillbedoneinaccordance with the National Standard GYS 523:2018"Specification for low pressure regulators for use with Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG).”

Inthelongterm,theGNBSislookingatmonitoringgold articles based on the requirements of the National Standard GYS50:2010–SpecificationforGoldArticles.Increasingthe number of products monitored by the National Standards Bodycontributestoareductioninthenumberofsubstandard itemsonthelocalmarket.

For further information, please contact the GNBS on telephone numbers: 219-0069, 219-0065, 219-0062, or WhatsApp: 692-4627(GNBS) or visit the GNBS website: www.gnbsgy.org.

Guyanese-born Winston Kassim appointed to Order of Ontario

The leadership of the Canada-

Guyana Chamber of Commerce (CGCC), and the Canadian Museum of Indian Civilization, has recognized the appointment of Winston Kassim to the OrderofOntario.

Mr Kassim, who is a retired Executive Officer at Royal Bank of Canada (RBC), was announced on January 1 as one of 29 new appointmentstotheOrderof Ontario by Edith Dumont, Lieutenant Governor of Ontario and Chancellor of theOrderofOntario.

“The 2024 appointees to the Order of Ontario have enriched the lives of countless people in our province and well beyond,” said Ms. Edith Dumont in a pressrelease.

“Together, they have attained the highest level of excellence in many fields, and may we all be inspired by their remarkable contributions.”

“On behalf of everyone at the Chamber, I want to

congratulate Winston Kassim on beingrecognized forhisoutstandingserviceto communities around the globe,” said Fareed Amin, Managing Director, Canada

Guyana Chamber of Commerce “Winston’s volunteer work has positively impacted countless people in Guyana, Canada, Africa, and Asia, broughtthousandsofpeople from different religions and backgrounds together, and

touched the lives of millions.”

Thislatestrecognitionof Mr Kassim’s community service builds on previous awards in 2009 and 2012, and recognizes more than fourdecadesofhelpingthose in need and supporting humanitariancausesinmore than 25 countries, including Canada.

In 2009, Mr Kassim becamethefirstCanadianof Guyanese heritage to be madeamemberoftheOrder of Canada, one of the nation’s highest civilian awards, for advocating on behalfofethniccommunities and humanitarian causes at local, national and international levels. His community service was recognized once again in 2012whenhewasawardeda Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Medalforvolunteerism.

“WinstonKassimplayed instrumentalrolesinhelping establish the Canadian Museum of Indian Civilization in Toronto, in raisingfundstoestablishthe Doobay Gafoor Medical Centre and Research Centre in Georgetown, in supporting the growth and

development of various community organizations across Canada, and much m o r e , ” s a i d D r

Budhendranauth Doobay, founder of the Voice of the Vedas Cultural Sabha Inc., founder of Vishnu Mandir, founder of the Canadian Museum of Indian Civilization (CMIC), and a former recipient of the Orders of Canada and Ontario.

Since arriving in Canada more than four decades ago, Winston Kassim has made outstanding contributions in the areas of philanthropy, community service and internationalrelations.

Bysharinghispassionin g o v e r n a n c e a n d sustainabilityacquiredwhile hewasanexecutiveatRBC, Mr Kassimhashelpedmany organizations including the Sunatul Jamaat of Ontario, Nelson Mandela Children’s Fund, Malton Islamic C

Foundation, Canadian Museum of Indian (Hindu) Civilization,andtheInstitute forCanadianCitizenship.He has also mobilized and led fundraising to support

recovery and development effortsacrosstheglobe.

In 2020, Mr Kassim played a key role in establishing the CanadaGuyana Chamber of Commerce, a bi-national organization that promotes trade and investment between Canada and Guyana.

TheOrderofOntariowas created in 1986 and is the province’s highest civilian honour It is awarded to an Ontarianwhohasshownthe highest level of excellence and achievement in their field, and whose impact has leftalegacyintheprovince, in Canada and around the world.MembersoftheOrder are a collective of Ontario’s finest citizens selected from aprovincialpopulationof16 million people, whose contributionshaveshaped— andcontinuetoshape—the province’s history and place inCanada.

“Wearefortunatetohave leaders the calibre of Winston Kassim supporting ourworkattheChamberand in our communities,” added Mr.Amin.“Wearedelighted thatWinston was among the

29 appointees included in this year’s Order of Ontario recipients, and I join my colleagues in extending to himandhisfamilyourheartfelt congratulations on achievingyetanotherhonour forhiscommunitywork.”

Order of Ontario appointee: Winston Kassim

Ambassador Sam Hinds was Honored with the President's Award at NAACP

“Justice for All” President’s Luncheon

AmbassadorSamHinds, the Ambassador of Guyana to the United States of America (USA), based in WashingtonDC,whoisalso aformerPresidentandPrime

Minister of Guyana, received the President's Award from the National

Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), RaleighApex Branch (#5436) in Raleigh, NC. Presenting the Award was Dr Mark S. Vasconcellos, President of the NAACP Raleigh-Apex Branch.

On December 7, 2024, the NAACP Raleigh Apex Branch hosted its first-ever “JusticeforAll”President's Luncheon at the Embassy Suites by Hilton in Raleigh, North Carolina (NC). The keynotespeakeroftheevent

was Honorable North Carolina Supreme Court Justice Anita Earls The programme featured the presentation of awards and recognitions, including a special presentation to AmbassadorSamHindsand hiswife,Mrs.YvonneHinds. Other awards and recognitions included the “Medgar W. Evers Veterans Award,” named after the civil rights activist, soldier, and NAACP's first field secretary in Mississippi, who was murdered in Mississippi in 1963; receivingthisawardwasMr AlsonsoWilliams,amember of the NAACP Executive Branch. The “Firm Believer in Justice” Award was presented to NC Supreme Court Justice Allison Riggs andmanyotherrecognitions and awards honoring community & business leaders, corporate awards, and the “Peace and Justice” Award.

L-R:Ambassador Sam Hinds, ED Da'Quan Love, Dr. Paulette Dillard, JusticeAnita Earls, Dr. Charles Walton, Dr. Mark Vasconcellos, Dr. B.A. Burch, and sitting Mr. B. Kasongo (Youth Branch President).

The event was cochairedbyHonorableJustice MikeMorgan(Ret.NC)and

NC attorney David Hayden from the Raleigh-based law firm Smith Anderson, both members of the NAACP Raleigh-Apex Branch In attendance at the event was

Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU) in North Carolina; Dr Charles D. Walton, the first African American elected to the Rhode Island Senate; Wake CountySheriffWillieRowe; N C N A A C P S t a t e Conference Executive Director Da'Quan Love, Karyn Vasconcellos, and manyothers.

shooting a pellet gun. Dr Vasconcellos has publicly held press conferences calling on the U S Department of Justice to investigate this case for government misconduct

During the “Justice for All” event,hewasrecognizedfor the branch's achievement in winning two National Awardsatthe115thNAACP National Convention in Las

congratulatory letters from NAACP National President Derrick Johnson, NC NAACP State Conference PresidentDeborahMaxwell, Ambassador Sam Hinds,

Congressman Wiley Nickel, Congresswoman Deborah Ross,NCGeneralAssembly Senate Democratic Leader Daniel T Blue, Jr., Senator Gale Adcock, Senator Lisa Grafstein, and NC Attorney General Josh Stein, who is alsotheNCGovernor-elect. D r M a r k S Vasconcellos, is a born Guyanese. He has per fervidly led the NAACP Raleigh-Apex branch in fighting for justice in the well-publicized case in NC of a Black man, Henderson Atwater, who received 49 yearsto75yearsinprisonfor

Vegas in July 2024. Last month, he received a Certificate of Special Congressional Recognition for outstanding and invaluable service to the communitybyCongressman WileyNickel,NC.

I n G u y a n a , D r Vasconcellos is respected and known for his humanitarianworkaswellas his activism. He has visited all the prisons in Guyana exceptMazaruni. He was involved in the successful release of Oscar Urbano, a Venezuelan worker who was arrested in 2020 and detained at Vigilance Police Police Station for many days until he was released on bond at the request of Dr. Vasconcellos' intervention, and the case was eventually dropped. More recently, in May2024,hereachedoutto (Continuedonpage42)

L-R: ED Da'Quan Love, Mrs.Yvonne Hinds, Ambassador Sam Hinds, Dr. Mark Dr Vasconcellos, JusticeAnita Earls.




As we move into the New Year

2 0 2 5 , t h e traditionalwishandgreeting of“AprosperousNewYear”, the nostalgic”Auld Lang Syne” and New Year Resolutions now assume different and more intense meaningsintheRenaissance upon which Guyana has embarked. The Guyanese Renaissance, though having much in common with the European in regards to its freshness and creativity and involvement of ordinary folk,isdifferentinthatithas a specific content such as Social, Economic and Political Reform and a specific goal, that is to achieve the Standard of a FirstWorld Country no later than the end of the present decade.

The first stimulus to the European Renaissance was the emigration of the Intellectual Classes of the Eastern Roman Empire to Western Europe on the OttomanIslamicconquestof Constantinople and their infusion of the GrecoIslamic learning and achievementsinScience,the Arts and Technology into WesternEurope. InGuyana, on the other hand, its Renaissance is fuelled by the availability of Oil Revenues resulting from Guyanajoiningtheleagueof OilProducingandExporting countries. The Guyanese leadership has carefully studied the pitfalls and the successes of the various comparative Oil Producing countries and is determined to avoid their pitfalls and mistakesinthefaceofavery strong local and overseas lobbywhoarepreachingthe demoralizingmessagethatit is determinist that Guyana must inevitably slide into into those pitfalls and that oncethere,thereislittlehope ofre-emergenceasiswidely believedtobethepositionof Nigeria.

The main disastrous pitfallsare“ResourceCurse” or the “Dutch Disease” whereby an Oil Producing country neglects its pre-Oil industry and income earners and allows them to decline while focusing completely on Oil and when Oil Revenues decline as they will do at some time, that country will be beset with widespread suffering. The second is the temptation of embezzlement of Oil funds

and other forms of Corruption; and the third is

splurging the Oil Revenues to the population in the illusionthatinstantraisingof the Standard of Living and development will be achieved.

Guyana is acutely aware ofthesepitfallsandhasbeen taking effective measures to avoid them: Oil Revenues are being employed as developmental capital in building roads and bridges which allows for movement of goods, services and people throughout the country, expanding EcoTourism and opening up the Hinterland Regions for further income-generating activity such as Mining and Agriculture Massive investments are being made in Agriculture such as in resuscitating the Sugar Industry, improving the yields and production of the RiceIndustry,expandingthe Coconut Industry with the introduction of new types of coconuts which produce substantiallymorewaterand copra than types presently grown. Relevant Training, introduction of new crops suchasmillet,cornandsoya, raising the standard of Livestock with the importation improved breeds of cows, sheep and poultry, modernizing the fishing industry with the introduction of inland ponds forthecultivationoffishand prawns and shrimps of various kinds and stimulating deep sea fishing with technical and financial assistance being given to fisherfolk and protection against foreign trawlers illegallyfishinginGuyanese waters Gold, Diamond, bauxite and manganese mining are being expanded. Exports of non-Oil products have been expanding and even before the exploitation ofOil,Guyana’sgrowthwas 9% to 12%. The non-Oil sector of the Economy continues to be profitable and is attracting foreign investment, notably in the Hotel and Eco-tourism Industries There is therefore no possibility of Guyana neglecting its nonOil sector and focusing solely on the Oil Sector and fallingavictimoftheDutch Disease.

C o r r u p t i o n a n d embezzlement have been regarded as concomitants of the Oil industries in several Third World countries and Guyana has taken every precautionary measure againstthiscurseenveloping Guyana’s Oil Industry A Natural Resources Fund

(NRF) on the Norwegian model was established and Parliament and the public have full knowledge of all receipts and expenditure of Oil Revenues and anyone including Ministers of Government who may attempt to subvert or otherwise ignore full transparency will suffer harshpenaltiesincludingjail terms. Guyana has one of themoststringentregimesof protection of Oil Revenues intheworld.

The third pitfall is the superficially attractive periodic distribution of the Oil Revenues among the population in the belief that immediate rises in the Standard of Living would occur The dangers of such mechanistic splurges are many and disastrous and includes massive inflation underminingthevalueofthe country’s money; work ceasing in the productive areas of the Economy other than Oil; and very little saving being done to meet contingencies of the present and future Fortunately, Guyana has rejected this method of using the Oil Revenues and its vociferous and enthusiastic advocates arefadingaway

We will now focus on someofthemainelementsof the Guyanese Renaissance but will have to be selective since they encompass the wholeoftheSociety Inthe Social sector, Health and Education have begun to experience revolutionary changes and developments.

New state-of -the -art hospitals are being established even in the remoter districts of the Hinterland and they are being equipped with the most modern equipment Trainingofrequisitemedical personnel is continuous and Health Care workers with various skills are being recruited from abroad. Treatment at Government Institutions is absolutely free. In Education, schools are being modernized and new schools are being built inareaswhichareneglected. Educational Training is intensive and if all staffing cannot be met, recruitment abroad will be done as necessary Children are being assisted with hot meals, uniforms, textbooks and other educational necessities Salaries are being adjusted upwards and pensions for the aged and disabled are instituted or increased. A n E c o n o m i c

Revolution,otherthanOil,is in progress and some elements of this are mentioned above when describing theactivitytaken to guard against the Dutch Disease. One fundamental and pervading factor of the Industrial Revolution is the generation of cheap power andthisisbeingachievedby theGastoShoreprojectand the stimulation of the widespread use of solar and w i n d e n e r g y a n d hydropower,especiallyinthe remoter Hinterland regions. As pointed out above, Training in new fields, in p

al Intelligence (AI) is being intensified and export trade is being developed, the

building of a new port in Berbice to accommodate deep sea vessels would be completed in a year’s time. That port will immediately be serving the vast area of NorthernBrazil.

Political and Judicial Reforms of a fundamental kind are being instituted. Work has already begun on the formulation of a new National Constitution Electoral corruption and dishonesty which have been the bane of Guyana since its Independence will now be exorcised and this is being achieved by the interest and invo

f the International Community and for the first time, bringing before the Courts,

alleged Electoral riggers The Laws are being modernizedandarchaiclaws are being dropped and the Laws,ingeneralmademore human-friendly and functional.

Law court buildings are being made more functional and new ones are being constructed More and trained staff is being recruited and the speed with which legal procedures are effectuated and Justice is dispensedareimproved.

TheGuyanaRenaissance is blossoming in the parameters it set for itself a n d m a n y o f t h e characteristicsandstandards of the First World have alreadybeenachieved.


saying that Jagdeo has been giving his well-worn getaway card: “Blame APNU—it’s them who got uswherewearetoday.”

Lall said Jagdeo some whatgenuinelybelievesheis the only conscience of this nation. “Whatever he thinks is best for us, we must accept—whether it destroys us or not Let’s be clear: Jagdeo has no intention of ever going to Exxon and

saying,“Let’stalkaboutthis one-sided contract ” Not now,notever Thisisthesamecontract h e c u s s e d o u t a n d condemned when he was in opposition. And yet, it has beenbreached,changed,and brokenmany,manytimesby all the parties involved. Let me outline some of these changesforyou.”

Notingthatchangeshave been made already to the contract, Lall pointed out



Mankilledbrotherduring NewYear’sDaydispute

A 41-year-old mason, Kiran Bacchus, was killed early Wednesday during a dispute with his younger brother, Deepak Bacchus, at Cotton Tree, West Coast Berbice,(WCB). Kiran Bacchus lived at

Lot 36 Section ‘A’ Cotton Tree, WCB The incident took place on January 1, 2025,around1:30hrs.atthe homeofSookranieBacchus, their mother, at Lot 35 Section ‘A’ Cotton Tree. Deepak Bacchus, aged 27, Mason, and his wife Tena alsolivesatthehome.

Police investigations revealed that Kiran, who livednextdoorwithhiswife, SeetaChurchand,reportedly went to confront Deepak after learning that his wife had been prevented from enteringtheyardbyDeepak.

According to police reports, Kiran had been drinking alcohol when he found out about the altercation involving his wife “Kiran was drinking alcohol when he found out that Deepak had prevented his (Kiran’s) wife, Seeta Churchand, from entering the yard where their mother lived,” the police revealed. Inafitofanger,Kiranrushed to his mother’s home, “forcefully” entered the yard, and confronted Deepak This led to a physical altercation, with both men falling to the ground.

“Kiran struck his head, causing him to bleed from his nose and appear dazed,” police said Kiran was transported to the New Amsterdam Public Hospital butsuccumbedtohisinjuries whilereceivingtreatment.

Kiran’s wife told police that her husband had suffered a head injury in Trinidadbackin2015,where he was attacked by two men andchopped,whichrequired surgery Deepakwasarrested following the incident and undercautiontoldpolicethat hewashomewithhismother andwifewhenhesawKiran and his sister-in-law attempting to push down their front gate. When the family approached the couple, Kiran allegedly pushed Deepak, but

struggled to do so and fell himself

Deepak further alleged that, while Kiran was on the ground, he cuffed Kiran twiceandthennoticedblood coming from Kiran’s nose.

“He attempted to clean the blood, and with assistance fromhismotherandadriver, they took Kiran to the New Amsterdam Public Hospital, wherehelaterpassedaway,” Deepak told police. Deepak

Bacchus is currently detained at the Blairmont Police Station, and investigations into the incidentareongoing.

Mohamedsdrop lawsuitafterSgt.Bascom apologisesover murderaccusations

Prominent businessman, Azruddin Mohamed has dropped the $200M lawsuit againstPoliceSergeantDion Bascom.

Bascom was sued by Mohamed for implicating himinthemurderofRicardo Fagundes called ‘Paper Shorts’.Fagundes,42,agold miner and biker of Kitty, Georgetown was gunned down outside a popular Night Club on Main Street, GeorgetowninMarch2021.

At the time of his death, Fagundes and his close friend, Roger Khan, were togethersharingafewdrinks with other acquaintances at the night spot in the capital city

Hehadsteppedoutofthe establishment to move a pick-up closer to the establishment’s entrance but as he was heading to the vehicle, two men emerged from a white tinted Toyota fielder wagon and riddled him with bullets using high powered weapons and escaped in the waiting car afterwards.

On Thursday, the businessmanrevealedthathe withdrew the case against Bascom.

Mohamed told this newspaperthathedecidedto withdrawthematterafterthe policemanapologizedforthe implication.

He said: “We just drop because it’s a waste of time going after that. We didn’t haveanythingtogainfromit andBascomreachedoutand apologized, so I forgave him…I’msorryforhimheis out of a job and is in a real badsituation.”

According to the lawsuit filed by Mohamed’s attorney, Naresh Poonai, Mohamedwasseekingmore than $100M in damages for defamation as well as exemplary, punitive and/or aggravated damages in excessof$100M.

He was also asking the High Court to restrain the copfromuttering,repeating, posting, printing, sharing andotherwisedisseminating the defamatory content, as well as a mandatory injunctioncompellinghimto forthwith permanently removetheFacebookposts.

Accordingtothelawsuit, the lawyer described Mohamed as a wellrespected businessman widely popular and wellknown for his philanthropic efforts as he supports multiple charities, not-forprofit organisations, events, and Guyanese who are in need of financial assistance relating to social, economic ormedicalhardship.

As such, Poonai claimed that,thecop’sutterancesare untrue, false, disingenuous, malicious, irrational, unfair, unsubstantiated, unfounded andbaseless.

He said that statements were made with the sole intent of tarnishing and lowering his client’s reputation and causing great e m b a r r a s s m e n t , psychological trauma, emotional distress, and publichumiliation.


Continued on page 31

Prominent businessman, Azruddin Mohamed
Police Sergeant, Dion Bascom

Frompage30 videos on Facebook on August 11, 12, 13 and 19 –shortlyafterhewasarrested by the Customs AntiNarcotics Unit (CANU) in relationtococainefoundina house on Norton Street,

Georgetown and later released – accusing the businessman and senior police officers of a massive cover-upintheinvestigation

into the execution of Fagundes.


‘Showusthe feasibilityandEIAstudies donebyUSEXIMBank forGas-to-Energy project’-Dr.Adams

Former Executive

D i r e c t o r o f t h e Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Dr Vincent Adams, has challengedVice President Bharrat Jagdeo to

publish the studies reportedly done by the United States Export Import (US EXIM) Bank for the

Gas-to-Energy (GTE) Project.

On Thursday, the Vice Presidentathisweeklypress conference at Freedom House, Georgetown, argued that the Bank conducted its own feasibility and environmental studies beforearrivingatitsdecision to provide financing for the Natural Gas Liquids (NGL)

facility and the 300megawatt (MW) power plant, currently being constructed at Wales, West BankDemerara.

He said, “So suddenly, the United States of America, the U S EXIM Bank did its own feasibility

s t u d y , i t d i d a n environmental study and it

made the loan to the government of Guyana so they were wrong on all counts…for years we took a beating for one, it’s not feasible; two, there’s no environmental impact study and three, the loan will not happen – all three were provenwrong.”

To this end, Dr Adams argued,“Wellshowusthose documents and first of all, EXIM Bank cannot do an EIA (Environmental Impact Assessment).”

He was at the time delivering remarks during the Alliance For Change’s (AFC’s) first press conferenceof2025.

The former Head of the Agency explained that Guyana’s Environmental

Protection Act is clear in terms of the protocol that must be followed for the conduct of an EIA

Consequently, he said, “So don’t come he’s coming with this foolishness that EXIM did an EIA and we saidtheyneverdidanEIA.”

K a i e t e u r N e w s understands that the EIA processnotonlyinvolvesthe review of impacts from a project but also critically involves Guyanese to allow for comments, feedback and questions at almost each stage.

An EIA is usually conducted following a decision by the EPA The public is usually then engaged to inform the consultant of issues that should be addressed in the study Upon completion of the study, it is published for publiccommentsagain.

Dr Adams also pointed out that the EIA conducted by ExxonMobil for the gas pipeline clearly stated that a separate environmental study would be done for gas plants He recalled that governmentsaidtherewould benoEIAfortheprojectbut is now claiming that the US EXIM Bank not only conducted an EIA but a feasibility study for the project.

“What was interesting is that he is giving us all kinds of numbers, show us those numbers, you said you were gonna produce at 22 cents per kilowatt now you are producing at four cents, but you are selling at 22 cents. Everythingiswhathemakes up in his mind Show us thosenumberswhereitcame from a credible source,” the formerEPAbossurged.

AFCquestions Govt’sfearof renegotiatingoilcontract

(AFC) on Friday questioned why the government of

no interest in writing ExxonMobil to renegotiate the lopsided PSA, signed by thepreviousadministration.

He was at the time responding to a question fromthisnewspaperonwhy his government still refuses to change the deal to seek greater benefits for Guyanese, even after altering multiple provisions ofthecontract.

future PSAs would not have the type of lopsided arrangements that Exxon had,andwehavemadethose adjustmentstofuturePSAs.”

currentlybeingdevelopedas well as an improved safe environment and education system.

Guyana is afraid to formally requestarenegotiationofthe country’s lopsided contract with U S oil giant ExxonMobil.

At the party’s first press conference for 2025, former Head of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and member of theAFC, Dr Vincent Adams, questioned the government’s fear to request the renegotiation of the 2016 Petroleum Sharing Agreement(PSA)inwriting.

“Why is the Vice President and the President making excuses for not asking Exxon about renegotiation?Whatarethey scared about? They’re talking about they’re going torenegotiateeverycontract except for Exxon,” Dr Adamssaid.

Dr. Adams, who is a Petroleum Engineer by profession, said the contract states clearly that the government and Exxon make changes to the contract.

Article 13.2 of the PSA states that “This Agreement shall not be amended or modified in respect except bywrittenagreemententered into by all the parties which shall state the date upon which the amendment or modifications shall become effective.”

Hesaidthattheonlyway the government can get Exxontounderstandthatitis serious about renegotiation ofthecontractistoformally writetheoilcompany

“Whataretheyafraidof? Toputitinwriting?…Isthis thekindofleadershipthatwe want in this country?

[Leaders] Who’s afraid to e v e n a p p r o a c h a n internationalcompanytoask for renegotiation for a better deal for its people?” he questioned.

On January 1, 2025, Kaieteur News reported that President Irfaan Ali during his end-of-year press conference said that he has

To this end, the Head of State explained that the People’s Progressive Party hasalwaysbeenconsistentin itspositionthatthedealwas “bad” He however noted, “Whatwecommittedtowas to respect the sanctity of contracts and that the international law, that has implications for us as a country Other investors are looking on but what we said was that future PSAs would nothavethesefatalflawsand

President Ali went on to point out that the market conditions must also be taken into consideration to ensure policies here do not drive away investment, but strikes a balance to still ensure the greatest benefit comestoGuyanese.

Infact,theHeadofState highlighted that Guyana has already seen benefits not only from the oil and gas sector, but from the expanded growth in the economy

He cited initiatives such as the return of the school children’s cash grant which will soon be increased to $50,000; higher pension for seniorcitizens;aworldclass health care system that is

To this end,Ali said, “(I can) show you how greater benefit is already coming to the Guyanese people, how the life of every single Guyanese is improving and you would know if you can tellmewithstraightfacethat even your own life is not improving, that you are not driving on better roads, that you are not saving time going to Region Threeimagine if you didn’t have the Crane by-pass road- that you are not going to benefit from the new four-lane bridge across the Demerara Riverthatwillbefreeofcost, if you are not benefitting from the $100,000 investment that we are making for every Guyanese above18years.”

Former EPAHead, Dr. VincentAdams

Interesting Creatures...

The Komodo dragon (Varanuskomodoensis),also known as the Komodo monitor, is a large reptile of the monitor lizard family Varanidae that is endemic to the Indonesian islands of Komodo,Rinca,Flores,Gili Dasami, and Gili Motang. It is the largest extant species of lizard, with the males growing to a maximum

Komodo dragon

length of 3 m (10 ft.) and weighing up to 150 kg (330 lb.).

As a result of their size, Komodo dragons are apex predators, and dominate the ecosystems in which they live. Komodo dragons hunt and ambush prey including invertebrates, birds, and mammals.Komododragons’ group behavior in hunting is

exceptional in the reptile world. The diet of Komodo dragons mainly consists of J a v a n r u s a ( R u s a timorensis),thoughtheyalso eat considerable amounts of carrion Komodo dragons also occasionally attack humans.

Mating begins between May and August, and the eggs are laid in September;

The Komodo dragon

as many as 20 eggs are deposited at a time in an abandonedmegapodenestor in a self-dug nesting hole. The eggs are incubated for seven to eight months, hatching in April, when insects are most plentiful. Young Komodo dragons are vulnerableanddwellintrees to avoid predators, such as cannibalistic adults, which

youngKomododragonsalso try to repel by rolling in feces.Theytake8to9years to mature and are estimated toliveupto30years. Komodo dragons were first recorded by Western scientists in 1910 Their large size and fearsome reputation make them popular zoo exhibits. In the wild, their range has been

uced by human encroachmentandislikelyto contract further from the effects of climate change; hence, they are listed as Endangered by the IUCN RedList.

Theyareprotectedunder Indonesian law, and Komodo National Park was founded in 1980 to aid protectionefforts.


Deep in the heart of the vast Northern wilderness, eleven-year-old Alex found himself lost and alone. He had come on this camping trip with his father, hoping to learn moreabouttheoutdoorsandmaybeevensee somewildanimals.Butnow,Alexhadstrayed toofarfromtheircampsitewhilechasingafter acolorfulbutterfly Thetalltreessurrounded him like giant guardians, and the only sound wastherustlingofleavesinthegentlebreeze. He wished he had paid more attention to his father'sinstructions.

All Alex had with him was a small backpack containing a water bottle, a sandwich,andhisfather'soldhatchet,which hehadbeenallowedtocarryforemergencies. Thehatchetwasasturdytool,withawooden handleandasharpblade,anditfeltheavyin his hands. His father had taught him how to use it to chop wood and carve sticks. Now, Alex hoped it would help him find his way backoratleastkeephimsafe.

As the sun began to set, Alex knew he needed to act quickly He found a small clearingamongthetreesanddecidedtomake a shelter for the night. Remembering his father's advice, he used the hatchet to cut downsomethinbranchesandgatheredleaves tocreateasimplelean-toagainstalargerock. Thehatchetmadequickworkofthebranches, and soon enough, Alex had a small, cozy sheltertokeephimwarm.

Withhisshelterready,Alexsatdownand ate his sandwich, trying to keep calm. He thought about his father and how worried he must be. He wished he could send him a message, but there was no signal for his phone. The only thing he could do was wait and hope that someone would come looking forhim.Asdarknessfell,Alextriedtosleep, buteverysoundmadehimjump.Hegripped the hatchet tightly, feeling a little safer knowinghehaditbyhisside.

The next morning, Alex woke up to the sound of birds chirping and the sight of sunlightstreamingthroughthetrees.Hefelta littlebetterwiththedaylight,butheknewhe had to find his way back soon He remembered his father's advice to always leave a trail when walking in the woods. Using the hatchet, Alex started to mark the trees with small notches, creating a path he couldfollowbackifhegotturnedaround.

As he walked, he listened carefully for any signs of human activity After what felt likehoursofwalkingandmarkingtrees,Alex cameacrossastream.Hebentdowntotakea sipofthecoolwaterandnoticedtracksonthe ground. They were small, like a child's, and they led further into the woods.Alex's heart skippedabeat.Coulditbesomeoneelsewas outhere?

Following the tracks,Alex found a small abandoned campsite. There was a makeshift firepitwithcharredwood,andanold,tattered blanket lay on the ground. It didn't look like anyonehadbeenthereforawhile,butitgave Alex hope. If someone had camped here before, it meant he wasn't too far from civilization.

Alex decided to make his own fire. He gathered dry twigs and leaves, and using the hatchet,hestruckasparkwitharock,justlike hisfatherhadshownhim.Afterafewtries,the twigs caught fire, and soon a small flame flickeredtolife.Alexfeltasurgeofpride.The fire would keep him warm and might even helprescuersfindhim.

That night, as he sat by the fire, Alex thought about how much he had learned in justoneday Thehatchethadbeenmorethan justatool;ithadbecomehislifeline.Heused ittobuildhisshelter,markhispath,andstarta fire.Itgavehimtheconfidencetokeepgoing, evenwhenhefeltscaredandalone.

Thenextmorning,Alexdecidedtofollow the stream. His father had once told him that streams often led to rivers, and rivers could lead to people. He continued marking the trees as he walked, making sure he wouldn't



Can you find the words based on the clues given?

Thisweek'scraftisgoingtobecool!YOU willbecreatingauniquevisionboardand will guide you along the way Creating visionboardisafunandmeaningfulway set intentions for the coming year It's great opportunity to explore your dreams and learn the power of visualisation and manifestation. A vision board is like a scrap book, but instead of capturing memories, you're thefuture!



Board: board/large piece asthebase.

Magazines, Old photos, pictures.

Scissors, Glue Tape: Basic tools andattach.

Pens,Stickers and Cra Supplies

2. Set the Mood:Choosea q u i e t , comfortable space and set up music and think about the things that excite you about the coming year This is a time to dream big, so make sure the mood is just right!



want to be good



ThatImustalwaystrytobegood, Tosayanddothecorrectthing, AndbehaveaswellasIcould.

Iwillalwaystrytobehonest, InwhateverIhavetodo, Nottotakewhatbelongstoothers, Andalwaysspeakwhatistrue.

Iwilltrytobealwaysfair, WheneverIworkorplay, AlwaysmakesureIdonotcheat, Anddowhatisrightineveryway

Thinkaboutwhatyou atschool—improving anewclubormaking

es to Visit: Ask where you'd like to go, it's a family holiday, a museumoranewpark. Personal Growth: Exploreanynewhobbiesto skills to learn or nal challenges to speaking.


SelectandArrangeImages:Choose pictures,words,andquotesthatresonatewith your goals. Think about themes that matter most learning, adventure, friendships or creativity Ask your parent/guardian to help arrange the images on the board, grouping similar ideas together or creating a collage that visually represents your dreams. This part can be a group effort. You can even do thisprojectwithyoursiblingsorfriends.


5. Add Personal Touches: Use marker pensorstickerstoaddcaptions,drawdoodles orwritedownspecificgoals.Thismakesyour workmorepersonalandmeaningful.

6.DisplaytheVisionBoard: Findaplaceinyourhomewherethe board can be displayed It should be somewhere your will see it often, like your bedroomorasharedfamilyspace. Revisit the board regularly, especially when planning new activities or discussing your progress Which means you should leavesomeslotsemptyforunforeseenevents. 12

Aboveall,Iwillnotbeselfish, Especiallywiththosewhohavelessthemme; Thiswillmakemefeelsogood, Astheybecomegratefultome.

7.CelebrateandReflect:Throughoutthe year,celebrateachievementsandexperiences related to the goals on the vision board. Reflect on what has been accomplished and what still lies ahead. By crafting a vision dream board, you're not just creating a beautiful piece of art - you're also building excitementandasenseofpurposefortheyear ahead. Hope all your dreams come through this2025.

Self Esteem is crucial to your personal development

I expect that all our readers have already made their New Year resolutions, and are now determined to maintainthesesoastomake thebestofthecomingtwelve monthssothat,bytheendof thisperiod,theyhavestarted to see the fruits of their efforts. One of the factors that would help in this endeavour is to make sure thatyourself-esteem,thatis, how you view yourself, is healthy Some of the qualitiesapersonmusthave if he/she is to possess this selfesteemtomoveforward are:-

1.Arealisticviewofself, with the ability to identify

one's strengths and weaknesses, with the intention of reinforcing the strength sandworkingto


2. Sensitivity to one's environment, how one relates to it, how one's existence and behaviour affect it, and how it affects oneself, and the things one can do towards its improvement.

3.Apersonalphilosophy, i.e. the ideas one has about oneself and the people and things around, and a clear senseoftheprincipleswhich directone'sactions.

4 A healthy attitude about the results one achieves in everyday living as well as any special endeavours – looking at success with humility and satisfaction, and facing f a i l u r e w i t h t h e determinationtotryharder


for ways to profit and learn fromone'smistakes.

6. Maintenance of one's expressions and behaviour within socially acceptable standardsandnotmerelyfor one'sownbenefit

7 Willingness to persevere,eveninthefaceof hardshipandfrustration.

8. Readiness to accept that others have the right to their own opinions, and to act for their benefit, even though they conflict with one's own. These are the

qualitiesweallneedsoasto haveaproperperspectiveof ourselves,whichwillgiveus the power and the selfconfidence to deal with all our problems and achieve our goals. We shall be dealing with each of these characteristics in the weeks ahead. We shall also be t r e a t i n g w i t h t h e characteristics which are displayedbythosewholack self-esteem,sothatyoutake effective measures to deal withthese..



getlost.Hourspassed,andAlex'slegsweretired,buthekept going,determinedtofindhelp.

Suddenly, he heard a noise that made his heart leap—a voicecallinghisname.“Alex!Alex!”Itwasfaint,butitwas real.Alexshoutedbackasloudashecould.“I'mhere!Over here!”Herantowardsthesound,andsoonhesawhisfather runningtowardshim,followedbytwoparkrangers.

Alex'sfatherhuggedhimtightly,relieffloodinghisface. “I'vebeenlookingforyoueverywhere,”hesaid.“I'msoglad you'resafe.”

“Iusedthehatchet,”Alexexplained,showinghisfather the tool. “I made a shelter, marked trees, and even started a fire.Justlikeyoutaughtme.”

His father smiled proudly “You did great, Alex. You stayedcalmandusedyourhead.I'msoproudofyou.”

Astheywalkedbacktothecampsite,Alexfeltasenseof accomplishment.Hehadfacedthewildernessandcomeout stronger From that day on, he knew he could handle whatever challenges came his way The hatchet, his trusty tool, had been more than just a piece of equipment; it had been his guide and protector And Alex knew he would alwayscarrythelessonshelearnedinthewoodswithhim,no matterwherehewent.TheEnd.

Thecriesforpeaceechointheair, Whilechaoscontinueshere,thereandeverywhere; Whythisturmoil,oh,nationonceofpeaceandunity, Afterwetoiledforyearsinloveandharmony? WeworkedtogetherthroughtheyearstobuildGuyana, Don'tletdiscordbringdestructiontooneanother Oh,ourbeautifulnation,hearourcriesforpeace.

Thecriescontinuetoechointheair, Letusjoinhandsandstopthemadnesseverywhere; Oh,people,don'tletracismdestroyourreputation, EveryGuyanese,takeastand,let'sbuildournation. Maliceandviolencewon'tbringusprosperity, Soletuscooperate,worktogetherinloveandunity Oh,peopleofGuyana,hearthecriesforpeace.

Challenging TripleCross Puzzles


Within each of the two 9x9 squares, each digit from 1-9 occurs once within each row, column and 3x3 block. There is only one solution, and you can find it without guessing.

Criteria for selection of Chancellor, Chief Justice must be made public-Hughes

Leader of the Alliance for Change (AFC)

Nigel Hughes on Friday challenged President Irfaan Ali to make public the criteria that will be used to substantially appoint the country's Chancellor of the Judiciary, Chief Justice and otherjudges.

Hughestoldreporterson Friday that it is evident that PresidentAlidoesnotintend to confirm the acting Chancellor Yonette Cummings-Edwards and acting Chief Justice Roxane George, despite the fact that the women have been serving in these posts for sevenyears.

“So, the country has to ask some questions in an electionyear…thePresident saidthathewillshortlyletus knowwhohispersonsareto be nominated for the position of Chancellor and Chief Justice, this clearly means that he doesn't intend to appoint these persons,” Hughesexplained.

He stressed that any decisiontakeninanelection year, especially one in regards to the judiciary needs to be looked at with greatsuspicion.

Hughes said that the process should be closely examined when appointing judges, the Chancellor and ChiefJustice.

“It was our hope at the last constitutional reform talks that by requiring the consent of the leader of the opposition, that we at least would reach to some position of national consensus.

Itisevidentthatafterthe retirement of Madam Chancellor Bernard, the countryhasnoteverhadany formofconsensus,”Hughes said.

TheAFCleadersaidthat in the interest of transparency as well as the country's well-being, the AFC believes that the bases upon which judges, as well as the Chancellor and the Chief Justice are appointed in their individual cases, mustbemadepublic.

“This should no longer belefttotheheadofstatein some form of privilege, but the entire country should know what the selection criteria is for the appointment of judges, whetherattheHighCourtor Court of Appeal level, an advertisement is not sufficient,” the attorney at lawstressed.

Leader of theAlliance for Change (AFC), Nigel Hughes

Hecontinued:“Sointhe case of the Chancellor and the Chief Justice, if the President does not intend to informus,ordoesnotintend toconfirmthem,heneedsto inform all of us about the reason why he would have allowed them to have acted for seven years, and now at thislatestageoftheday,not confirmed.”

On January 3, 2024 this publication reported that President Irfaan Ali has given no timeline or reason forthedelayinappointinga substantive Chancellor and ChiefJustice.

Justices Yonette Cummings – Edwards and Roxane George have been acting in position as Chancellor of the Judiciary and Chief Justice respectivelysince2017.

Speaking at his end-ofyear press conference, President Ali told reporters that the appointment of permanent office holders to the two top judicial posts is continuously and carefully beinglookedat.

He nevertheless, refused to give a specific reason behind his administration's decision not to confirm the currentofficeholders.

“There's a process to be followed and, as the President,Iwouldfollowthe process, taking into consideration all the circumstances that exist to ensure that we have a ChancellorandChiefJustice that would continue to take thejudiciaryintoaplacethat allofuswillbeproudof,all of the region will be proud of,”hesaid.

The President also denied that the delay in appointing the substantive office holders has anything to do with the number of judgments emanating from the local courts that have been overturned by the Caribbean Court of Justice (CCJ).

“I'm not going to comment…onthestatement thatalotofpoliticalcasesare being over turned by the CCJ. That has no impact…

Chancellor (ag) of the Judiciary, Yonette Cummings-Edwards(left) and Chief Justice (ag), Roxane George

that is why you have the judicial course and that is

howthecourtsoperate.That iswhyyouhavepersonswho

cangotosuperiorcourts…It has no impact on our decision-making ” Ali said.

position taken by the Attorney General and Minister of Legal Affairs, AnilNandlall,SCwhowhen asked about the issue declinedtocomment.

In resp

question posed at his

conference, Nandlall, noted that “That's a presidential decision, and the President willmakethatdecisionatthe appropriate time. You can askthePresident.”

“I have advised the President that he should choose his candidates carefully

The decision is his, provided that it finds agreement with the Leader of the Opposition,” the Attorney General told reporters.

VybzKartel’sReturn: ‘Freedom Street’ NYE Concert

Dancehall star

Vybz Kartel made his highly anticipated return to the stage on New Year’s Eve with the Freedom Street concert, his first live

performance in over 13 years. The concert was his first major public appearance since his release from prison in July 2024.

Kartel, whose real name is Adidja Azim Palmer, had beenincarceratedsince2011 after being convicted of murder, a sentence that was overturnedbyaUKcourt.

The Freedom Street concert, produced by Downsound Entertainment

in collaboration with STR8 VYBZ Rum, took place at Kingston’s Independence Park (National Stadium), with attendees from various partsoftheworld,including Jamaica, the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom.Whilethevenue’s capacity was not filled, the crowd reflected a diverse

fanbase that has followed Kartel’smusicforyears.

The show featured performances by several prominent artists, including Spice, Bounty Killer, Popcaan, Ghanaian artist Shatta Wale and hip-hop legend Busta Rhymes Other notable performers included Tommy Lee Sparta, Lisa

Hyper, Gaza Indu, Shawn Storm, Rvssian, Skeng and Skillibeng, who further fueled the event’s energy Kartel’s sons, Likkle Addi and Likkle Vybz, also performedduringtheconcert

Here’s a look at some of the key moments from the concert, captured in photos byTizzyTokyo.

Scenes from Dancehall star Vybz Kartel Freedom Street concert
Scenes from Dancehall star Vybz Kartel Freedom Street concert

New Demerara River Bridge to be completed by August month-end – Public Works Ministry

The ongoing works on the new Demerara River Bridge.

The Ministry of Public Works on

S a t u r d a y announcedthatthedeadline for the completion of the newDemeraraRiverBridge hasbeenshiftedfromMarch 2025toAugust31,2025.

This was revealed by Head of the ministry's Works Services Group (WSG), Ron Rahaman who was at the time addressing membersofthemediaatthe ministry's end-of-year press conference held at the PegasusSuites.

Providing a status update on the new river crossing that will link Regions Three and Four,

Rahaman said “the completion date is set for s t August 31 , 2025” disclosing that the construction progress is currentlyat61.72%.

In his update also, he shared that the temporary trestle bridge and working platform relating to the project is 100% completed, drilled shaft (east) is 78% completed while drill shaft (west)isfullycompleted.

Further the eastern approach piers are 50% completed and the west approach piers are 87%, the main tower leg is 78% completed, while the main tower cross beam is 50% completed.

It was mentioned too that the fabrication of precastgirders(east)is24% completed, the precast girders (west) is 22%

completed, and the installation of precast girders (east) is 6% completedwhiletheprecast girders (west) is 13% completed.

Additionally, he said that the eastern approach road for the bridge is 60%

Minister of Public Works, Juan Edghill

completed and the western sideroadis46%completed.

It was reported that in 2022, a US$260 million contractwasawardedtothe joint venture of China Railway Construction Corporation (International) Limited, China Railway Construction (Caribbean) Co.,LtdandChinaRailway C

Engineering Bureau Group Co.,Ltdfortheproject.

Part of its features, the new river bridge will be a fixedhigh-levelbridgewith four vehicular lanes, and w i l l i n c l u d e a n uninterrupted passage of Handymax vessels through cable-stay navigational span.

Kaieteur News reported that the new crossing will rep

Demerara Harbour Bridge, which has already outlived itslifespanbysome40plus years.


engagement, Minister of Public Works, Juan Edghill wasaskedwhatwillbecome of the Demerara Harbour Bridgewhenthenewbridge iscompleted.“Asitrelatesto (Continuedonpage42)

A3D model of the new Demerara River Bridge

Pet hospital slated for grand opening at Mon Repos

Dr. Nardeo Bassoodeo in admission area for sick pets

Inagroundbreakingmoveto enhance animal healthcare, Dr Nardeo Bassoodeo is poised to soon launch the Animal Kingdom Pet Care, Veterinary Supplies and NB Veterinary Services, a state-of-the-art pet hospital that will revolutionize animal care in the region. The facility, which will be fully operational by March or April 2025, is set to provide comprehensive healthcare services not only to pets but also to all animals, including strays and livestock. Dr Bassoodeo, one of Guyana's veterinary practitioners, has long dreamed of creating a hospital that offers advanced medical care for animals, a dream that will now be materialized with theopeningofthisfacility,whichis estimated to cost over $1 million USD.Thenewhospitalislocatedat lot 18 Mon Repos, East Coast Demerara.

“ After hours where do you takeyourpetswhentheyaresickor

when they have a very serious injury or illness what do you do, many times we have a situation where an animal has to be hospitalized but you have no facility to offer that service so this year we will fill that gap and I do thinkthatitwillfillitgoodenough for quite a number of months until we see that there is more need for such facilities,” Dr Bassoodeo explained

Dr Bassoodeo has dedicated muchofhislifetoensuringanimals receive the care they deserve, especiallyashebelievesthatmany animals suffer from neglect, resulting in shorter lifespans and poor health. With the opening of this pet hospital, he is not only fulfilling his lifelong dream but also ensuring that animals receive the specialized attention they need tothrive.

The hospital, which began constructioninApril2023andwas completed in December 2024, will offer a wide range of services designed to cater to the varying

needs of animals. These include pre- and post-surgery hospitalization, an infectious disease ward, advanced laboratory testing (including cancer diagnostics), routine checkups, vaccinations,deworming,andspay and neuter surgeries.Additionally, thefacilitywillincludeavarietyof features aimed at providing the highest level of care for animals andcomfortforstaff.Theseinclude an elevator, staff housing, a kitchen,separatewardsforcatsand

PCR robots used to detect animal biometrics and detect viruses found in animals

dogs, a pharmacy, multiple operatingrooms,aradiologyroom, a laboratory, a conference room, and a disinfection and sterilization room. Dr Bassoodeo highlighted some of the hospital's advanced offerings: “We will provide services such as x-rays, ultrasounds, and admissions through our high dependency unit. If a pet cannot breathe on its own, we have a ventilator—just like the onesusedforhumans.”

Dr Bassoodeoemphasizedthat manyanimalshavediedinthepast duetothelackofintensivecareand emergency services. He hopes this facilitywillpreventsuchtragedies.



"Based on my experience as a veterinarian, animals have died because there was no place to provide intensive care. Pet owners have long called for services that extend beyond regular working hours to cater to emergencies," he said.

Moreover, the facility will be equippedwithfivepetambulances to ensure emergency medical transportation is readily available.

The hospital has partnered with leadingbrandsfromcountriessuch as the Netherlands, England, the US, andAustralia to ensure that it can offer top-tier products and servicesnotcommonlyfoundinthe

Currently operating under regular clinic hours (8:30 hrs to 16:30 hrs), the hospital will begin its phased 24-hour service in February 2025, starting with double shifts. By April 2025, the facility will operate round the clock, catering to both emergency and routine care This phased approach allows the hospital to assess operational needs and customer satisfaction while ensuringasmoothtransitiontofulltimeservices.


One of the main goals of Dr Bassoodeo's hospital is to provide affordable care. He revealed that the cost for services would be significantly lower than those found in developed countries. For example, a Complete Blood Count (CBC) with 14 parameters that would cost around $100 USD in other countries will be offered for just $5,000 GYD. “Some of the services that you will find in developed countries and in our Caribbean countries that may cost (Continuedonpage42)

The pet store

…says the more contestants, the more options available to the electorate ‘Citizenswhowishtoenterthepoliticalrace shouldnotbethreatened’-NigelHughes

LeaderoftheAlliancefor Change (AFC) and attorney NigelHughesonFridaytold reportersthathebelievesany citizen who has a desire to run for political office must be free to do so without any interferenceorthreats.

Hughes made the comment following a statement by Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo on Thursday

at his weekly press conference where he said that persons joining the political race need to be prepared for severe scrutiny as their lives will be closely examined.

Jagdeo told reporters, “Anyone can contest the elections However, once you declare your track record,thesamewayweface scrutiny every single day …over a whole range of issues fairly and unfairly, I hope people are ready to answer tough questions and theywouldnotgooffcrying

that they being targeted by thosequestions…”

The vice president said that his party is targeted everyday but if serious questions are posed to others, “suddenly oh we’re unfairlytargeting”.

Hughes said that Jagdeo’s comments are a clear threat to persons interested in joining the politicalarenaandscrutinyis intruthjusta“falsenamefor harassment”.

His party is of the belief that in Guyana any citizen who wants to run for public office “should never be threatened,whetherbysome veil or expressive and therefore those persons who have might, I say, attracted the wrath of the fourth term Presidentrecently.”

The attorney said that a strong message needs to be madebypoliticalpartiesand civil society that the more persons in the political race

Senegal to end all foreign military presence in 2025

TRT Afrika - Senegal’s

President Bassirou

Dioumaye Faye said that 2025wouldseeanendtoall foreign military presence in theWestAfricancountry,ina speech on Tuesday to mark theNewYear

Faye’s statement came a month after he announced that former colonial master France would have to close itsmilitarybasesinSenegal.

“I have instructed the ministerforthearmedforces toproposeanewdoctrinefor cooperation in defence and security, involving, among other consequences, the end of all foreign military presences in Senegal from 2025,” said Faye, who was electedinMarch.

This is the first time he has set a date for the closure offoreignmilitarybases.


“All of Senegal’s friends will be treated like strategic partners, within the framework of open, diversified and uninhibited cooperation,”saidFaye.

The president, who took office in April, was elected on a promise to deliver sovereignty and end dependence on foreign countries.

OnNovember28,hetold AFP that the presence of French military bases in Senegal was incompatible withthatsovereignty.

means more options for citizensandtheAFCisinfull support of this. Hughes said thattheelectorateshouldnot bedeterredby“veiledthreats coming from offices as high as the vice president, that they will be subject to scrutiny.”

“… and therefore, in the circumstances,werejectany attemptbythegovernmentto put pressure in persons who may be considered,” the AFCleadersaid.

Hughes said, “It is not lost in this population that the message that’s being sent, both in the case of TerenceCampbellandinthe caseofMr Mohammed,and perhapsmorerecentlyinthe case of Mr Lall, is that it is intended as a warning to anybody who dares to threaten the People’s Progressive Party, while in office that they have to be carefulbecausetheywillbe, quote, unquote, subject to

scrutiny. This is not a new thing.”

Further, he said that if a modern and democratic society is to be built “any person who wants to enter thepoliticalfray,particularly if they appear to be popular, and particularly if they have ideas that can be useful for the development of this country, they should do so. Do not wait until they express some interest to threatenthemwithscrutiny.”

Senegal’s President Bassirou Diomaye Faye poses for a portrait inside the Presidential Palace in Dakar. /Photo:AFP

“ S e n e g a l i s a n independent country, it is a sovereign country and sovereignty does not accept the presence of military bases in a sovereign country,” he said, some 64 years after Senegal’s independencefromFrance.

‘Franceremains important’ He however maintained thattheactdidnotconstitute a break with France, like thoseseenelsewhereinWest Africainrecentyears.

“France remains an important partner for Senegal for the investment forSenegalandthepresence of French companies and evenFrenchcitizenswhoare inSenegal,”saidFaye.

LeaderoftheAlliancefor Change,NigelHughes

– Pres.Ali encourages youth ‘Embrace modern farming practices’

DPI - President Irfaan Ali on Friday encouragedyouthtoembracemodernfarming practices during a visit to the CV Farm at Kuffy Koker Dam, Friendship, East Bank Demerara(EBD).

During his impromptu visit, the head of state said that he is amazed at the innovative useofhydroponicstechnologyatthefarm.He also commended the farm’s owner for pioneering a remarkable project and for cultivatingalargenumberofhigh-valueherbs andvegetables.

PresidentAlibelievesthefullyautomated farm demonstrates Guyana’s potential for advanced agricultural practices, particularly in areas where technology can help revolutionisefoodproduction.

“We will further support This. This is exactlywhatwewanted,”PresidentAlisaid.

The President highlighted the strides his administrationhasmadeinthelastfouryears toboostproductivityanddiversifycrops.

He said his government is ready to make all the necessary resources available to strengthen Guyana’s agricultural sector and position the sector as a critical driver for nationalgrowth.

Meanwhile, recognising the growing importance of agricultural innovation, the president acknowledged the potential for

critical collaboration with experienced agriculturists who can train young people to adoptmoderntechniques.

Personscantakeadvantageofthetraining sessions that are available through the Ministry of Agriculture’s National AgriculturalResearchandExtensionInstitute (NAREI).

Thegovernmentcontinuestopromotethe use of state-of-the-art technology to modernise the regional agricultural system, boost food production and ensure food security

The aim is to lower the high cost of food importslocallyandintheCaribbean.

Some of the benefits of hydroponics farming include a soil-free controlled environment, year-round cultivation, optimised nutrient delivery, space efficiency, reduce pest and disease infestations, faster harvestscyclesandwaterconservation.

In March 2024, the Guyana School of Agriculture(GSA)receivedafirst-of-its-kind greenhouse, which houses hydroponics and aquaculture facilities from Global Affairs Canada(GAC).

The conservatory will help impart knowledge of climate-resilient agriculture production, a sustainable safeguard for food securitywhilealsocreatingjobs.


Police believe that a 56-year-old famer whose body was fished out from the Pomeroonriver,RegionTwo,onFridaymight havedrowned.

The dead man was identified as Arnold Abrams,afarmerfromGrantMaria’sDelight, LowerPomeroonRiver Investigators learnt that Abrams had left hishomeonDecember31,2024forTennessee Farm, Lower Pomeroon River. He had gone theretoattendan“anniversarycelebration”.

The Pomeroon River

A missing person report was filed and relativesbegansearchingforhim.

“On Friday, January 3, 2025, at approximately 06:00 hours, Arnold Abrams’ body was discovered by his son, Olric Edwards, floating in the vicinity of Malborough, Lower Pomeroon River, which isaboutonemilefromwherehewaslastseen alive,”policesaid.

Hisdaughterrecalledthathewaslastseen alive around 02:00 hrs. on New Year’s Day lying on the landing at Tennessee Farm after drinking with friends at the celebration. He hadsincedisappeared.

Abrams’ body is at the Charity Cottage Hospital Mortuary, awaiting a post-mortem examinationtodeterminehiscauseofdeath.

President Dr. Mohamed Irfaan Ali on Friday visited the CV Farm at Friendship Village, East Bank Demerara (DPI)

Biden notifies US Congress of planned $8bn arms sales to Israel: Reports

Aljazeera - The administration of outgoing United States President Joe BidenhasnotifiedCongress of a planned $8bn arms sale to Israel, according to US media reports, as the ally continuesitsdevastatingwar onGaza.

TheDepartmentofState sent the foreign affairs committeesoftheHouseand theSenatethenotificationon Friday, US media reported onSaturday,citingunnamed officials.

The weapons will include 500-pound (226kg) warheads, precision-guided munitions, artillery shells, missiles for jets and attack helicopters,andbombfuses, alongwithair-to-airmissiles to intercept projectiles, the reportssaid.

Some production and deliveryofthemunitionscan be fulfilled through existing USstock,butthemajorityis expected to be delivered to Israel over a longer period, accordingtotheUSoutlets.

In August, Washington approvedaseparatepackage

Package to include precision-guided munitions, artillery shells and air-to-air missiles, according to US media reports.

missiles. In November, the Biden admin

tion approved another $680m arms package to Israel, including small-diameter bombs and precisionguidancekits.



de weapons when the Israeli military does not do enough to combat the humanitarian crisisinGaza,”headded.

In addition to warning over the humanitarian situation in Gaza, rights groups have accused Israel of carrying out “acts of genocide” in its war, and Israel has been ordered by the International Court of Justice to take steps to prevent genocide from occurring in the Palestinian territory

forces stormed the Kamal Adwan Hospital and detaineditsdirector Atleast 11 people from the same family were killed in the Shujayea neighbourhood in northernGazaonSaturday

“At about 2am [00:00 GMT]wewerewokenupby the sound of a huge explosion,” said Ahmed Ayyan,aneighbourofthealGhoulafamily,adding14or 15peoplewerestayinginthe house.

“Most of them were women and children, they wereallcivilians.Thereisno one there who shot missiles orisfromtheresistance.”

worth $20bn, which included jets, military v

hicles, bombs and

After the US president last year briefly paused the supply of a single shipment of 2,000-pound (907kg) bombs that have caused widespread destruction across Gaza, Israeli Prime

n Netanyahu publicly blasted him. Biden has consistently emphasisedhiscommitment to the US ally and its “selfdefence” despite mounting criticism over the killing of PalestinianciviliansinGaza.

AlJazeera’sAlanFisher, reporting from Washington, DC, said the sale was likely tobeapprovedbyCongress.

“We’ve already heard fromMikeJohnson,thenew

Speaker in the House, who saidoneofhisprioritiesisto makesureIsrael,theirfriend and ally, feels supported by the US. To block it, you’d needtwo-thirdsvotesinboth houses,andthat’ssimplynot goingtohappen,”hesaid.

“The weapons are continuing to be sent to Israeleventhoughanumber of Democratic lawmakers have expressed their concerns that the US

A UN commission of inquiryhasaccusedIsraelof carrying out a policy to destroy the healthcare systeminGaza,wheresome 90 percent of the population hasbeendisplaced.


Israel has intensified its attacks on Gaza in recent days, killing more than 100 people, according to Palestinian health authorities.

The Israeli military on Friday ordered the forced evacuation of staff and patients from two hospitals in northern Gaza under threatofattack,daysafterits

Since Israel launched its war on Gaza in October 2023, at least 45,717 people have been killed and 108,856 others have been wounded, according to Palestinian health authorities.

The surge of Israeli attacks on Gaza in recent days comes as the Israeli government and Hamas authorisedrepresentativesto traveltoQatarfortalksona potential ceasefire and captive and prisoner exchange.

Trinidad: Kamla urges Rowley to call elections

Trinidad ExpressPrime Minister Dr Keith Rowley should do the honourable things and call the general election, says Opposition Leader Kamla PersadBissessar

The former prime

minister issued a statement yesterday, noting that while many will celebrate the conclusion of Rowley’s political career, she must also address the concerns about his penchant for “politicalmanoeuvring”.

She questioned

w h e t h e r R o w l e y intended to use the twoday Tobago retreat (January 5 and 6) as a platformto“pressureand bully” his party’s parliamentarians into endorsing Stuart Young ashissuccessor “Will taxpayers be forcedtofundwhatappears tobeaPNMinternalpower struggle disguised as governance?”sheasked. Persad-Bissessar urged

citizens to remain vigilant, saying that Rowley’s historyofunderminingtrust iswelldocumented.

She said “disregard for democratic principles

within his party, exemplified by the postponementofthePNM’s internal elections and special convention, speaks volumes about his leadership.

“These actions reflect a legacynotofleadershipbut of overreach and intimidation,”shesaid.


Persad-Bissessar said Rowley and his team, most of whom he has foisted on thepopulationascandidates for the 2025 general election, “have brutalised b u s i n e s s e s a n d impoverished citizens, allowed a violent crime crisis and destroyed every independent institution in thiscountry”.

“Rowley and his Ministershavetakenustoa failed state with a lameduck prime minister and government.

The Government is in chaos.

W h y m a k e t h i s announcement after calling a State of Emergency four daysago?”sheasked.

Persad-Bissessar said it

“Moreover, his a d m i n i s t r a t i o n ’s interference with i n d e p e n d e n t institutions, such as the P o l i c e S e r v i c e C o m m i s s i o n , t h e Integrity Commission, and the Elections and B o u n d a r i e s C o m m i s s i o n , h a s severely eroded public confidence in these critical bodies,” said Persad-Bissessar Further, she said the countrymustnotforget“the Rowley Government’s a t t a c k s o n o t h e r independent offices, including the Central Bank, theAuditorGeneral,andthe Office of the Director of PublicProsecutions.

is clear that the SoE was a “politicalgimmick”thathas alreadyfailedspectacularly

“The lives and

livelihoods of our citizens mean nothing to Rowley, who is engaging in a perverse, wicked soap operawithinthePNM while the country is destroyed.

He has crashed the country and abandoned the ship after raising his salary andpension,”shesaid.

According to PersadBissessar, State security officers will not heed instructions from a “lam

” , local and f

reign financial institutions and energy companies will hold on to most investments, credit access will be put on hold, and the country will move into financial stasis until the next general election

“I am informed that PNM MPs and financiers are dumping their TT

dollar holdings as the country is on the IMF door, and financing from other agencies has dried up,” she said PersadBissessar said the Rowley Government’s incompetence has plunged every sector into crisis

“His legacy is one of failure, division, and despair, leaving a nation indarkness Rowley’s decision to announce his retirement now is a clear admission of hisfailuretoleadthisnation effectively Rowley should do the honourable thing and call theelections,”shesaid.

UNC the saviour Persad-Bissessar said a United National Congress government “will lead this country back to prosperity and light”

The UNC has a “comprehensive crimefighting plan that will restoresafetyandsecurityto

the streets”, and her government will work to “rebuild the economy, repair broken institutions, and bring hope back to the people of Trinidad and Tobago”,shesaid.

“ To m y f e l l o w citizens, I urge you to r e m a i n a l e r t a n d steadfast

We must reject Rowley and his allies’ attempts to impose leadership on this nation that does not reflect the people’s will,” said PersadBissessar

She said the “future of Trinidad and Tobago depends on the people’s collective resolve to demand accountability, transparency and strong leadership.

“Together,wewillrise from despair and rebuild ourgreatnation

A brighter tomorrow is possible, and under the leadership of the UNC, it will be achieved,” he said

President Joe Biden, right, talks with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in the Oval Office of the White House in Washington, DC, July 25, 2024 [Susan Walsh/AP]


K and M Janitoral services wanted cleaners. contact : 664-8328 /696-4567.

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Luigi Mangione was once ‘optimistic’

- writer who spoke with alleged killer says

Newsweek - Gurwinder

Bhogal, a UK-based writer, revealed details of a two-hour video call he had with the suspected UnitedHealthcare CEO shooter Luigi Mangione before he mysteriously went largely dark for six months.

Mangione, 26, has polarized the country with some hailing him as a hero for making a statement against the American healthcare system. Others condemn him for his alleged crimes, which could result in life in prison and possibly the death penalty. For his part, Mangione has pleaded “not guilty”.

Bhogal, the writer of The Prism newsletter on Substack, has a unique perspective on Mangione having spoken to him at length just months before he fell off the grid and didn’t speak to his friends and family, ultimately ending when he allegedly killed UnitedHealthcare CEO Brian Thompson on December 4,

2024. On December 23, Bhogal penned an article for The Free Press titled My Conversations with Luigi Mangione. Magione subscribed to Bhogal’s newsletter and bought a $200 founding membership to the Substack, which included video calls with Bhogal. Appearing on The Hill on Friday, Bhogal said Mangione “was very interested in solutions.”

“He was generally optimistic. He didn’t really … seem like he was much of a doomer. He seemed like he was actually quite — He did have a somewhat pessimistic worldview, but he also was very interested … in action, he wanted to change things so he wasn’t somebody who just was resigned you know to his fate or anything like that.” Bhogal said he and Mangione only briefly talked about the American healthcare system compared to other countries. “I just re-

member him saying that the US Healthcare System was expensive and he said that I was lucky to be in Britain because we’ve got a National Health Service. I remember replying to him that the NHS isn’t actually all that great because we have long waiting lists, because when healthcare is free at the point of use, everybody wants to use it, which means there’s less health care for everybody.” Bhogal said he “still has trouble” believing Magione allegedly carried out the murder that’s captivated the nation and also questions his alleged manifesto.

“The impression that I got of Luigi sort of made it hard for me to believe that he had written that manifesto. I’m not saying he didn’t, but it just seems like—If he did write it, then maybe there was something going on in his brain, maybe he was in extreme pain, maybe he was mentally ill,”

the writer said.

“It’s low quality. It’s just the words themselves are low quality, but also, it’s only 262 words, and I thought that if he was going to do something like this, he would have spent a lot more time writing something substantial,” he said. Mangione’s lawyer Karen Friedman Agnifilo, in court: “I am very concerned about my client’s right to a fair trial in this case. He is being prejudiced by some statements that are being made by government officials.”

New York City Mayor Eric Adams: “I want to thank all the individuals and law enforcement who helped bring this suspect into custody. The NYPD stops at nothing to catch criminals.”

President-elect Donald Trump: “I think it’s a terrible thing. I think it’s really terrible that some people seem to admire him.”

New Demerara River Bridge to be completed by August...

From page 37 the old Demerara Harbour Bridge no final decision has been made as yet, but there are a number of things that can happen there. It will not

be needed where it is but there are other places that need it,” he responded.

Minister Edghill suggested that the Harbour Bridge can be utilized as

a crossing at Kwakwani, joining Leguan and Wakenaam, or even used as a crossing at the Canje Creek.

With no final decision

made, Edghill noted however that the old structure “will not be scrap iron; it will be part of enhancing Guyana’s development.”

Pet hospital slated for grand opening at Mon Repos...

From page 38

1 Bull dozer Operator to work in the interior, Interested persons contact : 701-4000.

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you a 100 USD, we charge $5,000 GYD, for example CBC with 14 parameters. What we try do here is not to have a situation where we scare people off, we want to ensure that the facility we have offering here is affordable and at the same time, persons can say don’t mind if it’s cheap it is dependable and of good quality,” he said.

He noted that the hospital has faced challenges along the way, including issues with

sourcing quality products and securing skilled labour.

“We had to make the difficult decision to import most of our products,” Dr. Bassoodeo explained.

“Additionally, security has been an issue- “we had two times where persons came and there was larceny here in the building,” he said. Expanding the Workforce Dr. Bassoodeo plans to hire local veterinarians and staff from

countries such as India, Cuba, and Trinidad and Tobago to meet the hospital’s needs. Training will also be conducted locally by specialists from the US. Currently, the hospital employs eight veterinarians and 12 support staff, including radiologists and pharmacists. A “Smart” Hospital Emphasizing the hospital’s commitment to modern technology, Dr. Bassoodeo stated that the facility operates with digitized

clinic management software integrated into the lab systems. Additionally, AI-generated programmes have been installed to streamline operations and make tasks easier for staff. “It’s a Smart hospital,” he said proudly. With its advanced technology, affordable pricing, and commitment to animal welfare, the Animal Kingdom Pet Care and Veterinary Services is set to become a cornerstone of animal healthcare in the region.

Ambassador Sam Hinds was Honored...

From page 26



Garden of Eden E.B.D, 2 Minutes from proposed Heroes Highway 3.8 Acres, 65M per acre. #621-1139 / 712-4020.

Land 30.991 acres at Princess Carolina upper Demerara river West Bank. Contact: 663-0800/ ssrinvestgy@gmail.com

Land lot 17 Bushy Park Parika (275 x 72) river and road access. Contact: 663-0800/ ssrinvestgy@gmail.com

Land 120 x 600 Alliance Road Timehri river and road access.Contact: 663-0800/ ssrinvestgy@gmail.com

Land 31 section A Triumph Badlands. Contact: 663-0800/ ssrinvestgy@gmail.com

For sale“-- 290 Massey tractor. Planted 20 acres 2 crops. “-- 110-90 Fiat tractor.“-- Combine John Deere 7,300 worked 2,000 hours.“-- Combine Fiat Agri L413, worked 2,000 hours.“- Laverda M132 “All equipment is ready to work.“Contact: 695-2220


Property (Old Building) Land size 45/WX200L Ogle.Contact: 663-0800/ ssrinvestgy@gmail.com

Property at Good Hope on the main road. Land size 150 x 120, house is 8,000 sqare feet.Contact: 663-0800/ ssrinvestgy@gmail.com

the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) Office, expressing concerns and emphasizing accountability for an attack that can be perceived as an attempted murder against an unarmed man in Kingston, Georgetown, by a former Guyanese police officer, and another brutal case against a Venezuelan couple who were brutally attacked, beaten, and

From page 12 December 2023, he disclosed that the Blackbox of the chopper had been sent to the United States (U.S.).

the female sexually assaulted, on the East Coast Demerara (ECD).

Dr. Vasconcellos, in addition to serving as the President of the NAACP RaleighApex Branch, is also on the Executive Board of the NC NAACP State Conference.

The NAACP is the largest and oldest Civil Rights organization in the USA and is known for fighting for justice and advocating for civil and human rights.

In May 2024, Dr. Vasconcellos presented an NAACP plaque of recognition to His Excellency Dr. Irfaan Ali at State House, Georgetown, Guyana. He is scheduled to be in Guyana in early 2025 with Pastor Joel Beckham to continue their work through Victory International, the Raleigh-based non-profit and Project Life Guyana.

The Minister said then, “I, as Minister of Public Works under the Civil Aviation Act of 2018, (I) have fulfilled my obligations in appointing an accident/incident investigator.” At that time Edghill also said that he had

port on the GDF crash will be released by Edghill, once discussions on the matter by the Defence Board have concluded. On November 12, 2024 Edghill disclosed that a draft report has already been completed. “The Draft Final Report will be sent to the various stakeholders associated for their comments before the report can be finalized,” he said.

GCAA awaiting stakeholder feedback on deadly... approved the travel of the investigator to the US to transport and deliver the Black box to the NTSB. “The Black box was sent so that the readings would be able to inform the investigation [team] as it relates to what happened,” he said. Moreover, Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo on December 5, 2024 during his weekly press conference informed the public that the re-

150 Acre coconut estate
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World’s oldest person dies in Japan aged 116

Tomiko Itooka died on December 29 at a care home in Ashiya, Hyogo prefecture, in central Japan

Aljazeera - Tomiko Itooka, a Japanese woman who was the world’s oldest person according to Guinness World Records, hasdiedattheageof116.

Yoshitsugu Nagata, an official in charge of elderly policies, said Itooka died on December29atacarehome inAshiya,Hyogoprefecture, centralJapan.

Itooka, who loved bananas and a yoghurtflavoured Japanese drink called Calpis, was born on May 23, 1908. She became the oldest person last year following the death of 117year-old Maria Branyas, a c c o r d i n g t o t h e Gerontology Research Group.

When she was told she was at the top of the World Super-centenarian Rankings List, she simply replied, “Thankyou.”

Itooka celebrated her birthday last year with flowers, a cake and a card fromthemayor

“Ms Itooka gave us courage and hope through

her long life,” Ashiya’s 27year-old mayor Ryosuke Takashima said in the statement.


Born in Osaka, Itooka was a volleyball player in high school and long had a

reputation for a sprightly spirit, Nagata said She climbed the 3,067-meter (10,062-ft) Mount Ontake

twice. She married at 20, and had two daughters and two sons,accordingtoGuinness.

Itooka managed the office of her husband’s textile factory during World War II. She lived alone in Nara after her husband died in1979.

She is survived by one son and one daughter, and fivegrandchildren.Afuneral servicewasheldwithfamily and friends, according to Nagata.

Itooka has not only lived through world wars butalsopandemics,aswell a s t e c h n o l o g i c a l breakthroughs

Women typically enjoy longevity in Japan, but the country is facing a worsening demographic crisis as its expanding elderly population leads to soar

cal and welfare costs, with a shrinkinglabourforcetopay forit.

According to the Gerontology Research Group, the world’s oldest personisnow116-year-old Bra


n Inah Canabarro Lucas, who was born16daysafterItooka

January Cervical Cancer Awareness

Here is what you need to know

World Health OrganisationJanuary is Cervical Cancer AwarenessMonth,anidealchance for WHO and partners to raise awareness of cervical cancer and vaccination against human papillomavirus (HPV), the main cause of cervical cancer Together, wecanstrivetoendcervicalcancer withinafewgenerations.

This year, Cervical Cancer AwarenessMonthaimstohighlight theimportanceofincreasingaccess to HPV vaccines, regular screening, and state-of-the-art treatment for cervical cancer in its early stages. Our shared objective is to dramatically reduce the occurrence of cervical cancer by 2030andtoeliminatethediseaseas apublichealthproblemby2120.

Cervical cancer is the sixth most common cancer in women in the WHO Eastern Mediterranean Region. In 2020, an estimated 89 800 women were diagnosed with cervical cancer in the Region and morethan47500womendiedfrom thedisease.

When diagnosed early and managed effectively, cervical cancer is one of the most successfully treatable forms of cancer But caught too late, the outcomesarenotnearlyasgood.

The good news is that cervical cancer can be easily prevented

through vaccination against HPV andregularscreening.

To all girls and women, the messages of Cervical Cancer AwarenessMonthareclear: Getinformed.Findoutthefacts about HPV and cervical cancer, includingwhatsignstolookoutfor Helpeducateotherwomeninyour lifetoo.

Get screened. Cervical cancer screening typically starts at 30 years of age and is repeated regularly

Get vaccinated The HPV vaccineisgivenin1or2dosesthat should begin when a girl is aged 9–14years.

Know more about cervical cancer

Cervical cancer develops in a woman’s cervix, the lower part of the uterus or womb, which opens into the vagina Virtually all cervical cancer cases (99%) are c a u s e d b y t h e h u m a n papillomavirus (HPV), an extremely common virus that is spread through skin-to-skin contact.

Most HPV infections are clearedbytheimmunesystemand cause no symptoms. But in some cases,infectioncanpersistandlead to cervical cancer developing Typically, it takes 15–20 years for

an infected cervix to develop cancer, but sometimes the process canbefasterandtake5–10years.

Cervical cancer can be easily prevented through vaccination againstHPVandregularscreening.

Cervical cancer is the sixth most common cancer in women in the WHO Eastern Mediterranean Region. In 2022, the Region saw approximately16,000newcasesof cervical cancer, with over 10,000 women losing their lives to the disease.

When diagnosed early and managed effectively, cervical cancer is one of the most successfully treatable forms of cancer But caught too late, the outcomes are not nearly as good. Cancers diagnosed at a late stage can be controlled with appropriate treatmentandpalliativecare.

Through prevention, screening andtreatment,wecanendcervical cancer as a public health problem withinafewgenerations.

Knowthesymptomsofcervical cancer

See a doctor straight away if youexperience:

Irregular bleeding between periods, after the menopause or aftersexualintercourse

Increased or foul-smelling vaginaldischarge



Weightloss,fatigueandlossof appetite



Cervical cancer in its early stages may present no symptoms. Thisiswhyregularcervicalcancer screening is important, even if vaccinatedagainstHPV

Prevention and treatment of cervicalcancer

All girls aged 9–14 years should be vaccinated against HPV This protects against HPV infection, which can lead to the developmentofcervicalcancerand other HPV-related cancers. HPV vaccines are safe and are given to younggirlsinasingledose.

Timelyscreeningisessential.If cervical cancer is detected early, it ishighlytreatable.Itisimportantto haveregularscreeningfromtheage of30yearstocheckforHPV,which can cause cervical cancer Women who test negative for HPV should get screened again every 5 to 10 years.

WomenlivingwithHIVshould bescreenedforHPVevery3years fromthe25yearsofage.Theglobal strategy promotes a minimum of 2 lifetime screenings, with a highperformance HPVtest by 35 years of age and another by 45 years of age.

Tomiko Itooka celebrates her 116th birthday in the city ofAshiya [File: Picture Courtesy ofAshiya City/Handout viaAFP]

Drillship was at Banjo well site for maintenance, not to set up for oil production - MARAD

The Maritime Administration

Department (MARAD) this week

clarifiedthattheNobleTom Madden drillship was at the Banjo Well Site in the

Stabroek Block for maintenance and not for developmental drilling purposes, as was previously mentioned in a Notice publishedbytheagency

It explained, “The Maritime Administration Department published Notice to Mariners 164 of 2024onDecember12,2024, which erroneously stated

ExxonMobil Guyana Limited (EMGL) “will continue developmental drilling operations at the Banjo-1 well site within the Stabroek Block of Guyana's ExclusiveEconomicZone.”

MARADsaidthecorrect information provided by Exxon indicated that “the MODUNobleTomMadden is estimated to arrive at the Banjo-1wellsite.

This is for continuous maintenance operations on the Noble Tom Madden drillshipwithintheStabroek Block of the Guyana

Maritime Zone for

ExxonMobil Guyana Limited (EMGL) and is estimated to conclude on or aroundDecember31,2024.”

According to the Maritime Department, the

vessel departed the area on December 23, 2024; thus, the notice was ceased MARAD apologized to all stakeholders for the error and any resulting inconvenience.

Kaieteur News reported last week, in accordance with the misleading notice, that Exxon was conducting developmentaldrillingatthe site, located approximately 89.5nauticalmilesor165.75 kilometres off the coast of Guyanawithanareaof0.29 square nautical miles or one squarekilometre.

Notably, developmental drilling is conducted after exploration drilling. It is conductedtodevelopafield withprovenreserves.

Banjo was however never declared by the oil company as a commercial discovery In fact, in 2022, one of the Stabroek Block partners said in a public statement, “The Banjo-1 exploration well was drilled earlier in the third quarter and did not encounter commercial quantities of hydrocarbons.”

This therefore gave rise to speculation about the natureofExxon'soperations in Guyana. Following the publicationofthearticle,the company noted that the advertisement was mistakenlypublished.

Before Exxon moves to

production, the company is required to follow the regulatory process that involves obtaining an environmental permit from t

Protection Agency (EPA)

Amap of the Banjo-1 Well Site that was published by MARAD

andalicencetooperatefrom the Government of Guyananone of which have been granted, or at least made public.

So far, Exxon has received approval for six

offshore developments Already, three projects are producingoilintheStabroek Block,whichisestimatedto hold more than 11 billion barrelsofoil.

The Liza One, Liza Two and Payara projects are producingadailyaverageof 660,000 barrels per day ExxonMobil is aiming to increase the country's daily capacity to 1 7 million barrelsby2030.

GHPC continues to record low cardiac mortality rate

The Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC) continues to report a cardiac mortality rate of under 5 percent for 2024, Head of Internal Medicine Department Dr MahendraCarpenrevealed.

Dr. Carpen said that the statistics align with international standards.

Thedoctortoldreportersatthe hospital's annual year-end press conference that the significant progress made by the Cardiac Intensive Care Unit (ICU) is also attributed to the growth in the numberofcardiacspecialists.

He explained that there was a time when he was the only doctor specialized in certain cardiac surgeries and procedures However, in recent years, the department has increased its staff which now comprises three interventional cardiologists, one cardiac electrophysiologist, and a specialist trained in both fields, in addition to three clinical


The department's expansion alsoincludestheacquisitionoftwo newechocardiogrammachinesand the establishment of fellowshiplevel training programs for cardiologists.

"We've started training programs in fellowship level for cardiologists So, these are cardiologistswhoarespecializedin doing and interpreting this particular modality of cardiac care,”Dr Carpenadded.

Dr Carpen also provided an update on the number of patients treatedin2024.

The cardiac ICU has cared for over 1,000 patients, while the outpatient unit saw more than 60,000patientencounters.

"I'mpleasedtotellyouthatthe mortality rate in the cardiac ICU has been below 5%, which is in keeping with international standards, no matter where you go,"Dr Carpenstated.

In addition, Dr Carpen noted

the growing concern of heart failure, with over 5,500 patients



"This is beginning to be a big epidemic in this country, joining thelistofdevelopingnations.

Thisissomethingwedefinitely have to address, not just at a GeorgetownHospitallevel,butata nationallevelaswell,"hesaid.

In terms of diagnostic and interventional procedures, Dr Carpen reported a significant increase in the volume of services offered.

"We did 635 coronary angiograms.

TherewasatimewhenIwasthe onlyonethatwasdoing200ayear, and now I have two additional colleagues that we do almost 200 each,sothat's600,”heshared.

He also highlighted the importance of training technicians in both the public and private sectors,stating,“We'vealsostarted training technicians not just in the public, but in the private sector as well, because we recognise that Guyanesehealthisthesamething,

whether you in public or private; weneedtotakecareofpatients,”

The department has also made significant strides in surgical interventions, performing nearly 80 open heart surgeries, including bypass surgeries and valve replacements.

Furthermore, the unit conducted 16,500 ECGs and 56 pacemakerinsertionsandablations forheartrhythmdisorders.

Dr. Carpen concluded by stressing the need for continued growth in cardiac care, explaining, “Let me put that in perspective for you In a population like ours, where we anticipate about 2% of the population has coronary artery disease, we actually should be doing 16,000 angiograms per year We're only doing 600, so there's so much more room for recognition, growth, and an increase in the numbers of studiesthatweprovide.”

Rybakina defends ex-coach

Vukov after suspension

(BBC Sport) - World number six Elena Rybakina says her former coach Stefano Vukov “never mistreated me” after he was provisionally suspended by the WTA while an investigation into his behaviourtowardstheplayer continues.

Earlierthisweek,the25year-old 2022 Wimbledon

champion from Kazakhstan saidVukov,whowaspartof her team when she won the title, was re-joining her team.

But the WTA has told BBC Sport the 37-year-old Croat is currently banned afterallegedlybreachingthe WTA’sCodeofConduct.

Vukov, who began coaching Rybakina when

she was a teenager, denies anywrongdoing.“Icanonly say, and I said it already before, that he never mistreated me, it was never anything like that,” said RybakinaafterKazakhstan’s defeatbyPolandinthesemifinals of the United Cup in Sydney on Saturday “Stefano is re-joining the team because I know the

person for six years and there’salotofthingswecan dooutsideofthecourttoo.”

Sheadded:“OfcourseI’m not really happy with the situation. I’m not happy with the comments which I see, especially from the people whoareonthetour

Sunday January 05, 2025


You should feel loving today towardjustaboutanyoneyou like and respect Clear communication with friends, lovers, and children could enhance your understanding of them, and vice versa. The bonds in these relationships willbestrengthened.


Powerfulfeelingsoflovewell up today, particularly toward f a m i l y m e m b e r s Communication between you andthoseyouloveislikelyto beheightened,Taurus.


Messages from close friends expressing their love and admirationfor you mayseem toarriveoutoftheblue.Your accomplishments over the past few weeks may have caused them to see you in a newlight.


You're always one to face things logically, Cancer, and today you turn that logic, along with your intuition, toward reassessing some of yourvalues.Yourjudgmentis especiallyacute.


You'relikelytofeelespecially friendly and outgoing today, Leo People you meet, particularly through groups, are likely to be strongly attracted to you. Friendships, partnerships.


You should be in a warm and romantic mood today, Virgo. You will want to schedule an intimate evening with your partner, but you probably won'tfeellikestayingin.


The mutual exploration of spiritual and intellectual ideas could bring you closer to friendsandlovers.Fascinating discussionsopennewhorizons toallparticipants.Youmaybe overcomebythestrongfeeling ofunity

SCORPIO(Oct.23–Nov 21)

You feel especially sexy right now A powerful feeling of love and a need to physically expressitcouldbewithyouall day If you're involved, you want to spend a romantic eveningwithyourlover

SAGIT(Nov 22–Dec.21)

Close relationships could lead to a feeling of spiritual unity today In fact, Sagittarius, you mightfeelasifthosewhoshare yourinterestsareactuallyyour familynow Ifyou'reinvolved.


Love,sex,andromanceareon yourmindtoday,Capricorn,so youwillwanttospendasmuch time as possible with your lover You could also grow closertoyourfriends.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20–Feb. 18) Closerelationshipsshould grow closer today, and new relationships become close ones. You're likely to feel extremely warm and loving towardmostofthepeopleyou know, and they should reciprocatethatfeeling.


Relations with family or other members of your household should be especially warm now Mutual goals and shared wins and losses are likely to

with friends

It’s active coaches, commentators I don’t think that it’s fair” It is not clear whether Rybakina herself, or someone else, raised the complaint against Vukov which began the current investigation Theprovisional suspensionmeansVukovwill not receive accreditation for WTA events, stopping him from going into player-only areas which include the practice courts, other training facilitiesandrestaurants

Concerns have regularly been raised over the past few seasons about Vukov’s behaviourtowardsRybakina

The manner in which he talkstoher-onandoffcourtat tournaments-hascomeunder scrutiny, although it is not known exactly which part of theWTA’sCodeofConducthe isallegedtohavebroken On Thursday, he told The Athletic - which first reported the story about hisprovisionalban-thathe

Ayub in Champions Trophy fitness race after suffering...


Aamer Jamal. Jamal pulled it back in as Ayub stood poisedtobetherelayfielder, but lost his balance and twisted his ankle. He went down immediately and appearedinanguishholding the lower part of his leg as thephysiorushedon.

Despite prolonged treatment outside the boundary line, Ayub was unable to put any weight on hisrightankle,andappeared to be in tears as he was placed on to a stretcher and taken off. He was later seen on crutches in the medical boot.

The last few months have seen Ayub establish himasanall-formatstarfor Pakistan, playing crucial roles in ODI series wins away in Australia, Zimbabweaswellasherein South Africa, where two hundreds in three matches sawhimnamedthePlayerof theSeries.

“neverabusedanyone”.The partnership ended before last year’s US Open and

she appointed Goran Ivanisevic as her new coach.

Rickelton hits 259 as SA take control against Pakistan

Ryan Rickelton became the first SouthAfrican since 2012 to score 250 or more in a Test innings against Pakistan (AFP/Getty Images)

Bowlers Mohammad AbbasandSalmanAliAgha took three wickets each, while Hamza and Khuram Shahzad claimed a pair apiece. Responding to 615 after tea, Pakistan were quickly reduced to 20-3 by the bowling of Kagiso Rabada and Jansen. Rabada removed Pakistan captain Shan Masood and Saud Shakeel for two and nought respectively, with Kamran

Ghulam only managing 12 before being bowled by Jansen. Pakistan ended the second day 64-3, with former captain Babar Azam unbeatenon31.

South Africa currently lead 1-0 in the two-match Test series Match details: Pakistan64for3(Babar31*, Ghulam12,Rabada2-9)trail SouthAfrica 615 (Rickelton 259, Verreynne 100, Jansen 62,Abbas3-94)by551runs

(BBC Sport) - Ryan Rickelton scored 259 as South Africa seized control ondaytwoofthesecondTest against Pakistan at Newlands.

Batting first, South Africa were bowled out for 615 in the evening session, their second-highest Test total against Pakistan and their highest against any team since the Boxing Day Test against Sri Lanka in 2020.Rickelton,whostarted the day 176 not out with the hosts 316-4, posted another 83 runs before being caught

off the bowling of Mir Hamzabeforetea. It was the 28-year-old’s first time opening in Test cricket and his 259 moves him joint-seventh for the highestTestscorebyaSouth African alongside Graeme Smith against England in 2003.

Captain Temba Bavuma (106)andwicketkeeperKyle Verreynne (100) recorded their fourth Test centuries, whilebowlersMarcoJansen (62) and Keshav Maharaj (40) scored quickly lower downtheorder

AyubinChampionsTrophyfitnessrace aftersufferinganklefracture

(ESPN Cricinfo) -

Pakistan have suffered a significant blow after Saim Ayubwasruledoutfor“upto sixweeks”witharightankle fracture, sustained during the first morning of the Test inCapeTown.

The diagnosis rules him out of Pakistan’s two Test matches against the West Indies later this month, as well as a tri-series against South Africa and New ZealandathomeinFebruary

It also means he is in a race against time to be fit for the Champions Trophy, which

SaimAyub had to be helped from the field (AFP/Getty Images)

beginsinKarachiinjustover sixweeks.

The PCB said an MRI scan conducted on Friday “confirmed the fracture, whichhasbeenimmobilised in an ankle medical moon boot”.Ayubwillremainwith the team until the end of the Test.

Ayub had to be stretchered off the pitch in just the seventh over of the match,whenRyanRickelton edgedadeliverythroughthe slips, sendingAyub off on a chasetodeepthirdalongside (Continuedonpage48)

Haaland scores twice as Man City


(BBC Sport) - Erling Haaland scored twice in the Premier League for the first timeinoverthreemonthsas Manchester City hammered West Ham to equal their biggestwinoftheseason.

Haaland followed up his headerlateinthefirsthalfby calmly chipping over

West Ham

advancingWestHamkeeper Alphonse Areola after running on to a through ball fromSavinho.

Savinho was arguably City’sbestplayer.Itwasthe Brazilian who forced their 10th-minute opener with a left-wingcrossthatdeflected offVladimir Coufal and left


Phil Foden added a fourth, tapping home only his second league goal of the season after Kevin de Bruyne unselfishly set him up rather than attempting to mark his 400th City appearanceinstyle

West Ham did pull one

back when Niclas Fullkrug

turned home skipper Tomas Soucek’s cross 19 minutes from time but Crysencio Summerville wasted their best chance after that when he was off target with the goal at his mercy It was the first time City have won successive games since October and will at least allow manager Pep Guardiola to feel a corner is starting to be turned after the horror run that has led to the club’s Treble-winning boss questioning himself in a way scarcely imaginable for most of his nine-year reign

In contrast, West Ham boss Julen Lopetegui remains under intense pressure

This defeat was not on the same scale as the fivegoalhomelosstoLiverpool intheHammers’lastgame.

But former manager David Moyes’presence in the stands was a reminder the east London outfit have not made the progress anticipated when

theScotleftattheendoflast season-andLopeteguicould yetpaythepriceforthat. Mateta strikes late as Palace deny Chelsea victory

Chelsea’s winless Premier League run has been extended to four gamesafterJean-Philippe Mateta struck late to salvage a draw for Crystal Palace at Selhurst Park. The Blues ended 2024 in disappointing fashionlosing successive matches and failing to win in threeand that problematic form has been carried over into 2025.

Cole Palmer got

Chelsea off to the perfect start after 14 minutes, scoring his 13th goal in the league after some fine work fromJadonSancho

Chelsea pressed for further go

N i c o l a


s o n spurned three chances while Sancho, Moises

Caicedo and Josh

Acheampong shotwide

P a l a c e d i d n o t

muster an effort on

target until the 35th minute with Jefferson

L e r m a ’ s s h o t comfortably collected by goalkeeper Robert Sanchez

Despite dominating throughout the first half, Chelsea were almost made to pay for their inability to grab a second when Eberechi Eze shot narrowly wide shortly aftertherestart

That was a sign that the game would become more evenly fought with Palace starting to ask questions of a stuttering Chelsea

The Blues still had further chances to shut out their opponents, however Jackson, Pedro Neto and Enzo Fernandez allfiredwide

P a l a c e g o t t h e equaliser with just under 10 minutes to play when Mateta met Eze’s square ball to tap in from a coupleofyards

The Eagles are now unbeaten in three league games and sit 15th, while Chelseastayfourth.

Kellman’s 3-goal brilliance inspires Sparta Boss’ title victory

Exactly one month after the kickoff of the Kashif and Shanghai/One Guyana National Knockout Futsal Championship, Sparta Boss and GT Kanaimas emerged triumphant, claiming the inaugural titles in front of a packedCliffAndersonSports Hall on Friday evening Thesetwopowerhouseteams

completed unbeaten campaigns to secure their crowns in the male and f e m a l e d i v i s i o n s , respectively

First up in the women’s final, GT Kanaimas edged out Lady Royals 2-1 in a thrilling encounter The match,whichwastied1-1at the end of regular time, was decided by Glendgy Lewis, the tournament’s leading scorer Lewis delivered the decisive blow with a

thunderousstrikeinthefifth minute of added time, sealingthechampionshipfor herteam.

Earlier in the match, teammateGlendyLewishad opened the scoring in the third minute for The Kanaimas, only forAmanda McKenzieofLadyRoyalsto equalize in the 27th minute. Despite relentless attempts from both sides, it was Glendgy who rose to the occasion, denying the Royalsachanceatapenalty shootout. Lady Royals were unabletomountacomeback before the final whistle, cementing GT Kanaimas’ well-deservedtitlevictory

The men’s final was an electrifying showdown between Sparta Boss and Bent Street, with Sparta Boss dominating 8-4 in a high-scoring affair Curtez

Back Circle’s Bevney Marks receiving the Men’s Most Goals award from Housing official Susan Rodrigues

Kellmansetthetoneearlyfor Sparta Boss, netting a hat trickwithgoalsinthe3rd,7th, and 19th minutes Despite JamanineBecklespullingone backforBentStreetinthe9th minute, Sparta Boss maintained a 3-1 lead at halftime Bent Street’s determination shone through inthesecondhalf,asBeckles added another goal in the 25th minute and Captain Adrian Aaron equalized in the29thminute.

Withthescoretiedat3-3, Sparta Boss’ Kelsey Benjamin reignited their momentum, followed by a stunning 37th-minute goal fromcaptainJermainJunior.

OmariGlasgow,thecountry’s all-time leading scorer, added his name to the scoresheet in the 38th minute, further solidifying Sparta Boss’lead While Aaron struck again in the 39th minute for Bent Street,lategoalsfromDarron Nile and Glasgow duo in the final minute sealed the championship for Sparta Boss

Meanwhile, in the thirdplace playoffs, Road WarriorsoverwhelmedBack Circle ‘A’ with an 18-6 victory, while Tucville Terrace edged Lioness 2-0 on penalties following a hard-fought2-2draw.

The tournament

Inaugural Women’s Futsal champions, GT Kanaimas share photo with Government Ministers Susan Rodrigues and Bishop Juan Edghill at the conclusion of the K&S/One Guyana Futsal championship

concluded with a grand presentation ceremony attendedbyhundredsoffans SpartaBosstookhomethe$2 million cash prize and the inaugural championship trophy BevneyMarkofBack Circle Futsal team won the MostGoalsaward,earninga b r a n d - n e w H o n d a motorcycle sponsored by the Guyana Energy Conference and Supply Chain Sparta Boss captain Jermain Junior was named Most Valuable Player (MVP) in the men’s division and also received a Honda motorcycle. In the women’s division, champions GT Kanaimas secured a $200,000 first-

place prize, with Glendy LewisearningMVPhonours Supported by the Government of Guyana and expertly organised by the Kashif and Shanghai Organization, the championship was made possible through additional sponsorship from entities such as Bakewell, ANSA McAl, Maggie’s Snackette, ForresterConcrete,JaiSigns and Designs, HJTV, Star Party Rental, Superbet, Dinar’s Trading, Trophy Stall, Tiger Rental, Colours Boutique, SQ Apparel, Guyana Energy Conference and Supply Chain, and the MinistryofSports.

Bossalina wins feature event at Rising Sun Turf Club New Year’s meet

Bossalinareturned to winning ways w i t h a n impressive victory in the featureAand lower event at the Rising Sun Turf Club at the New Year’s Day Horse Racemeet.Theevent,which washeldattheclub’strackat ArimaPark,RisingSunWest Coast Berbice brought an end to the 2024 Horse RacingSeasoninGuyana. TheanimaloftheDeleep Esreepersaud Stable out of Mahaicony with Jockey Kishawn Pereira in the saddleswasjusttoogoodfor

itsopponentsonthedayasit returnedtowinningways. As the horses were sent on their way in the seven furlongs event there was plenty of jostling and bumping before the runners settled down The race continued with Bossalina bidding its time before surgingpastthefrontrunners to gallop away with an easy winnerintheend. With the win, Bossalina tookawaythe$1.5Mandthe trophy JohnBullwasbeaten into second with Stolen Money with Stormy Victory

claimingthirdandBeckham James, fourth. Money Time with Colin Ross on the moundwasinthemoneyasit won the event for K Class non-winners horses and L class open three-year-old Guyanabredhorsesaheadof Country Rock with Michael Semple - second and Bin Laden,third.

Strom Bird with Colin Ross on the perch stormed out of the starting gate as it whipped its opponents for a gate-to-pole win in the Three-Year-OldOpenevent. Colin “Baby Lue” Ross was

again in winner’s row as Angry Bird was cool as it galloped away with a gateto-polevictoryintheG2and lower event. It won ahead Blinding Light, Emotional DamagewithStrokeofLuck scrapinginfourth.

The event for horses classified J and K was won by GT Boss with Yap DrepauledgingoutHaleyin a close finish with Top Gun andBlackTimeroundingout themoney TheLClassnonwinners event was won by Striking Distance as it outdistanced its opponents to

win ahead of Money Jet and Three D Movie. Seasoned jockeyColinRosscontinues to blaze the trail and was adjudged top rider with multiple wins. He and other outstandingperformerswere presented with trophies and o t h e r a c c o l a d e s compliments of Ramesh Sunich proprietor of Trophy Stall.(SamuelWhyte)

Colin Ross

celebrates winning the first ever National C/Ship Several Government officials include; President

Ali, Sport Minister Ramson Charles and Minister Susan Rodrigues also sharing the moment

Kellman’s 3-goal brilliance inspires Sparta Boss’ title victory

…GTKanaimasstunLadyRoyals2-1 toliftinauguralK&SFutsaltitle

Bossalina wins feature event at Rising Sun Turf Club New Year’s meet

Bossalina stole the show in the feature race. (Photo: Guyana Times)
Sparta Boss Futsal Team

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