


Edghill says: US$15M spent on


Edghill says: US$15M spent on
The People's Progressive Party (PPP) has always stoned the APNU/AFC Coalition for signing onto the lopsided oil contract, often using this to its political advantage in comparing its own managementofthesector
Although the blame is usuallycastsontheprevious government for binding Guyana to the terms of the 2016 Production Sharing Agreement (PSA), the PPP alsoplayedarolein“signing
away the nation's
patrimony” as Vice President, Bharrat Jagdeo putsit.
In fact, Attorney-at-law and Chartered Accountant, ChristopherRam,inhismost recent column 'Every Man, Woman and Child Must BecomeOilMinded'madea shocking revelation about theVP's part in the lopsided deal with American oil supermajor, ExxonMobil Ram in describing the actions of both the VP and
President Irfaan Ali as betrayal, cited an excerpt of former Minister of Natural
Resources, Raphael Trotman's book, From DestinytoProsperity
The lawyer said, “we recall that in his book From Destiny to Prosperity, Raphael Trotman, then oil Minister, revealed that Jagdeo, as Leader of the Opposition, had secretly agreed with the APNU + AFC Government not to opposetheLegislativeOrder granting the ultra-generous tax measures in the 2016 Agreement.”
In Chapter Five of his book, Trotman explained that weeks after signing the deal, it was agreed between the Ministry of Finance and Exxon, that the Minister of Finance would table a Motion for a Resolution under Section 51 of the PetroleumAct,tobeadopted bytheNationalAssembly
“In essence, this provision, permits the Minister of Finance to
eum company, engaged in exploration and production, to be exempt from the payment of taxes, as per the provisions of its agreement with the Government of Guyana,”Trotmandetailed.
He was keen to note that this provision had been utilised by previous PPP administrations for petroleum companies, as similar Orders can be found under the hands of Sasenarine Kowlessar and Dr Ashni K Singh as MinistersofFinance.
The former minister notedthatwhilethereisgreat objection to this concession being given to Exxon, it is neither unprecedented to
Guyana, or in other jurisdictions in the developing world where nascentpetroleumindustries were encouraged and incentivised.
InthecaseofExxonand its partners, the Order was introduced on August 8, 2016, and gained the unanimous approval of the House,hesaid.
“Interestingly,Ihadbeen previouslyinformedthatthe LeaderoftheOppositionhad been "briefed" and would offer no objection, and further, that I should not elaborate too much on the specifics of the June 27 agreement (Exxon deal); except to note that it had been signed and to list some
Thebenchmarkfor world food
c o m m o d i t y pricesdeclinedinDecember compared to the previous month,leddownbyadropin international sugar quotations, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) reportedlastFriday
The FAO Food Price Index,whichtracksmonthly changes in the international prices of a set of globallytraded food commodities, averaged 127.0 points in December, down 0.5 per centfromNovemberandup 6.7percentfromDecember 2023.
For2024asawhole,the indexrecorded122.0points, 2.1 per cent lower than the average value in 2023, offsetting significant
decreases in quotations for cereals and sugar with smaller,butnotinsignificant increases in prices for vegetable oils, dairy, and meats. The FAO Cereal Price Index in December was relatively unchanged from November and 9.3 per cent below its year-earlier level, as a marginal uptick in maize quotations offset a dropinthoseforwheat. For 2024 as a whole, the FAO CerealPriceIndexaveraged 113.5 points, down 13.3 per cent from the 2023 level, marking a second annual declinefromthe2022record level. The FAO All Rice Price Index rose by 0.8 per cent from its average 2023 level,representinga16-year highinnominalterms. The FAO Vegetable Oil
Price Index in December declined by 0.5 per cent fromNovemberthoughstill 33.5percenthigherthanits year-earlier level. For 2024 as a whole, the FAO Vegetable Oil Price Index averaged9.4percenthigher thanin2023amidtightening globalsupplies.
The FAO Meat Price Index, in contrast to other subindices, rose by 0.4 per cent in December from November, ending a threemonth declining trend, and stood 7.1 per cent above its December2023value.
In 2024 as a whole, the FAO Meat Price Index was 2.7 per cent above its 2023 average, with higher quotations for bovine, ovine, and poultry meats offsetting declining international prices for pig meat.
The FAO Dairy Price Index declined after seven consecutive months of increases,dippingby0.7per cent from November although still 17.0 per cent above its December 2023 value. For2024asawhole, the FAO Dairy Price Index averaged4.7percenthigher than in 2023, due mainly to surgingbutterprices.
The FAO Sugar Price Index led the monthly decline, dipping by 5.1 per cent from November amid improving sugarcane crop prospects in the main producingcountriestostand 10 6 per cent below its December 2023 level. For 2024 as a whole, the FAO Sugar Price Index averaged 13.2 per cent lower than for 2023.
of the provisions This adviceI followed,”Trotman revealedinhisbook.
The former Natural Resources Minister under the David Granger presidency, said his presentation to the National Assembly on the evening of August8,2016isamatterof publicrecord,alongwiththe proceedings of the day, as recordedintheHansard.
Notably, in May 2019, the Finance Minister, Winston Jordan, at the time extended these same concessions to Repsol, Tullow Guyana B.V and Total E&P Guyana B.V., which hold concessions in the Kanuku and Kaieteur offshoreblocksrespectively.
VP Jagdeo, who now manages the petroleum sector, has on multiple occasions distanced the PPP from the 2016 deal, arguing that the Coalition is responsible for the contract.
Although the PPP government accepts that thecountryisnotgaininga fair share of revenue as a result of the Petroleum Agreement, it has refused to engage the Contractor for a renegotiation of the contract Instead, it often boasts of the new PSA which demands 10% taxes, 10% royalty and a 65% cap on cost recovery These termshowever,donotapply totheStabroekBlockwhere Exxon pays no taxes, hands over 2% royalty and is allowedtodeductupto75% ofthecountry'soilforcosts.
Back in 2019, Jagdeo, while being interviewed on 94.1FMsaid,“Theysoldus outtotheforeigners–theoil companies.
Everytimethereisafind there, our people should be sad because nothing comes our way We are going to
Attorney-at-lawand CharteredAccountant, Christopher Ram
renegotiate those contracts because that's not what we hadinmind.
When we were in the earlydays,wewerecoaxing thepeople(ExxonMobiland partners) to go along. They (APNU+AFC) came into office (and met) 3 billion barrels of proven reserves and then gave up zero royalty, no taxes, no ringfencing, no local content for these people to spend any moneyhere.”
He continued: “Paying our people GY$72,000 a month when the foreigner is getting US$10,000 Bringing water from Californiatodrinkhere.
We are paying for all that. Landscaping – they wanna contract it to a company coming from abroad and the Trinidadians andothersarejustwalkingin not only in the oil sector but theyaregettingalltheprime lands too… So that is why I gotbackintopolitics.
I'm not prepared to see thishappen;Ihavenodesire tobePresidentagain.”
Although Jagdeo's comments at the time were focused on the lopsided natureoftheExxoncontract, he now claims that the statements were meant for theotheroilblocks.
PrintedandPublishedbyNationalMedia& PublishingCompanyLtd. 24SaffonStreet, Charlestown,Georgetown,Guyana.
Tel:225-8465,225-8491. Fax:225-8473,226-8210
CharteredAccountant, Christopher Ram recently revisited the lopsided oil contract the Coalition GuyanasignedwithExxonMobiland,notforthe first time, he mentioned that in his recent book, former naturalResourcesMinister,RaphaelTrotman,statedthatVice President,BharratJagdeoandhisPPP/Cpartywerepartofthe deal Trotman in his book stated that in the lead-up to the National Assembly passing a law to grant ExxonMobil tax waivers, Jagdeo, then Leader of the Opposition, was secretly briefedandheagreedtothegiveaways,whichhewouldlater criticiseintherun-uptotheMarch2020elections.
Backin2019,Jagdeo.whilebeinginterviewedon94.1 FM said these words, while commenting on the 2016 oil contract:“They(coalition)soldusouttotheforeigners–the oil companies. Every time there is a find there, our people shouldbesadbecausenothingcomesourway.Wearegoingto renegotiate those contracts because that’s not what we had in mind When we were in the early days, we were coaxing the people (ExxonMobil and partners) to go along They (APNU+AFC)cameintooffice(andmet)3billionbarrelsof provenreservesandthengaveupzeroroyalty,notaxes,noringfencing,nolocalcontentforthesepeopletospendanymoney here” He continued: “Paying our people GY$72,000 a month when the foreigner is getting US$10,000. Bringing water from California to drink here. We are paying for all that. Landscaping – they wanna contract it to a company comingfromabroadandtheTrinidadiansandothersarejust walkinginnotonlyintheoilsectorbuttheyaregettingall theprimelandstoo…SothatiswhyIgotbackintopolitics. I’m not prepared to see this happen; I have no desire to be Presidentagain.”
Thisnewspaperhasoftenshonethelightonthebillionsin taxesthiscountrywaivestoExxonMobilasaconsequenceof thelopsideddeal TaxationisatouchyissueinGuyanaforthe PPP/CGovernmentandtheOpposition Whenthediscussionis about taxing the oil companies operating here, leaders in this government and opposition vanish Guyanese pay taxes and theywantExxonMobiltopayitsfairshareoftaxes Theflyinthe ointment is that the PPP/C Government is on the side of ExxonMobil with this one, and against the Guyanese people. In America, the home of several oil giants, the sounds and sentiments are about the possible levying of taxesonwindfallprofitsmadebyoilcompanies.
InGuyana,ontheotherhand,wherethereisnosuchnative attachment to the oil companies, there is only silence and resistanceonthegovernment’spartwhenthechallengeismade forExxonMobiltopayitsfairshareoftaxesduetotheGuyanese treasury
Recently,thefolksinIrving,Texas,weregloatingasthey celebratedblockbusterprofits Guyana’shigh-quality,low-cost oilcontributedagoodlysharetotheirprofits Theironyisthat whiletheAmericans(andothers)contemplatetaxesonexcess profits(so-calledwindfalltaxes),Guyana’sleadershaveruled thisout ItisnosecretinGuyana,buttheenragingrealityisthat ExxonMobilandpartnersarenotpayingonedimeintaxesonits profits Meanwhile, when agitated citizens call for ExxonMobiltopaysometaxes,itsfairshare,thecompany gets the PPP/C Government to go after those Guyanese daring to challenge its comforting and enriching nontax regime. The non-payment of taxes by ExxonMobil is not just an abomination, it is the rankest of rank injustices. Guyaneseshouldbeoutinthestreetstoexpresstheirwrath at this thievery under contractual cover that haemorrhages ouralreadythinnationalcoffers.TothinkthatGuyana’snew massa, ExxonMobil’s Alistair Routledge, could have the audacityandindecencytotalkaboutthe2016contractasthe “best ever contract” for this country is the height of arroganceandinsult.AllGuyaneseshouldbeinfuriated,just ashowlegionsofAmericansare.Wearefeelingthesqueeze, so must ExxonMobil. The PPP/C Government must work tirelesslytogetthecompanytopayitsshareoftaxes.
, Guyanamusthavebeena huge disappointment to the late President Jimmy Carter, wholeftthecountryin2004 with the following parting words: “Jagdeo is an intelligent and capable leader, but he takes full advantage of the ancient ‘winner take all’ system in Guyana Following my meetingwithhim,Iwasvery doubtful that his political party [the People’s Progressive Party -PPP] would commence new dialogue with the PNC [People’s National Congress], be willing to makeanysubstantivemoves to implement the National DevelopmentStrategy,share politicalauthoritywithother parties, or permit members of parliament to be elected by their own constituencies insteadofbeingchosenfrom apartylistonaproportional basis.”
Ifthisisnotanindication of disappointment, I don’t know what is, and that was nottheendofthestory!
Jimmy Carter, the 39th President of the United States of America (1977 to 1981)cametothepresidency
two years after the Helsinki Declaration of 1975, which is considered the turning pointinColdWarrelationsin Europe. Carter and his National Security Advisor, ZbigniewBrzezinski,played an important part in that developingdrama,whichled to the collapse of Soviet communism. It also made the stated intention of the P P P t o i n t r o d u c e communism in Guyana and theCaribbeanirrelevantand thusmadeitpossibleforthat partytocometogovernment in1992.
Importantly, by the Declaration, the West, the Soviet Union and Warsaw P a c t c o u n t r i e s acknowledged the existing national boundaries in Europe and adopted ten majorpointsofinternational diplomacy,oneofwhichwas a commitment to uphold human rights - the Achilles’ heel of Soviet-type communism.Encouragedby the USA, the Vatican, etc, dissidentsinEasternEurope began to demand their human rights and a widespread movement against communist rule emerged Charter 77 in
Czechoslovakia in 1976 and Solidarity in Poland in 1980
are products of this development. In 1982, the Carter Center was founded, driven by an unwavering vision of peace and human rights and in 1989, the same year the Berlin wall fell, Poland held its first democraticelectionsincethe SecondWorldWar Forbes Burnham was verymuchintouchwiththis general global movement and the power sharing aspects of the 1980 Constitutionwerenotplaced there by accident The democratic opening in 1992
allowed the ethnic political nature of Guyanese society, which had been submerged under Burnham’s autocracy, to show its full colours, and nowhere has this kind of social configuration been democratically managed without, as Carter recommended, the removal of the winner-takes-all politicalsystem.
TheCarterCenterdidnot returntoGuyanauntil2015, when in various places in their joint manifesto for national and regional elections of that year, the APNU+AFCcoalition (Continuedonpage16)
Instandstoreasonthatas Guyana grows across various sectors, waste
something to keep track of. In this vein, I see that in b
disposal, the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) Government is movingtoestablishsome13 landfill sites across the country this new year.
Government and Regional Development, Sonia Parag, explained that this is part of the plans by Central Government to improve the c o u n t r y ’ s
s t e managementprogramme. What we as Guyanese need to keep in mind is that improper disposal of waste can lead to some serious to adverse health outcomes in w
contamination Let me enumerate: Environmental contamination-Improper
waste disposal can contaminate water, soil, and air,whichcanharmwildlife, ecosystems, and human health; Health hazardsExposuretohazardouswaste
can cause acute or chronic health issues, including respiratory problems and c a n c e r ; D i s e a s e transmission-Poor waste management can lead to the transmissionofdiseaseslike cholera, malaria, and dengue; Flooding-Poor waste collection can block water drains, leading to flooding and standing water where diseases can thrive; C l i m a t e c h a n g eDecomposingwastereleases greenhouse gases that trap heat in the atmosphere, contributing to climate changeandextremeweather events; Fire hazards-Waste likerags,brushes,androllers from roofing adhesives can accumulateandleadtofires; Economic impact-Improper waste management can negatively impact economic development, such as tourism.
So, what is happening is quite necessary, and it is good to know that the government is quite proactive. Already handed out and in circulation via Neighbourhood Democratic Councils (NDCs) across the country are some 179 brush cutters and a total of 130 tractorsandtrailers.
To this, the Minister added that government via the Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development, was able to acquire several pieces of equipment, including 17 new excavators, two new skid-steerloaders,agarbage truck for Region Nine, and 17newbeds,whichwereall distributed to the various local democratic organs Making things even better and prepping the country to take care of its waste, Minister Parag was reported promising that 25 garbage compactor trucks are currently being sourced for NDCs, and will be gifted to densely populated areas for garbagecollection.
Now let’s bear in mind t h a t ” t h e r a p i d transformation of Guyana…”isquiteobviousconstructionofnewschools, hospitals, health centres, police outposts, roads, bridges, as well as improvements in drainage, irrigation, and the power generationsystem.”
Globally, it is wellestablished that improper waste disposal has always been a major concern. The rapid growth of industries,
improved technologies, and standard of living are major factorsthatgiverisetowaste generation. In fact, China, Mexico, and Brazil are amongthecountrieswiththe problemofwastegeneration and the adverse impacts experienced in birth, death, and sickness in people. In Japan, the World Bank has projected an increase of approximately 1.3 billion to 2.2 billion tonnes of waste generated yearly by end of 2025,meaningthatthewaste collection service rate will go far below 50%, leaving theareapollutedandtherest of the uncollected waste discarded improperly My point? The investment from the country’s leaders is all aboutavertingthisunwanted phenomenon.
Then in terms of the health aspect, I alluded to before,whathasunfoldedso far and is unfolding now, is the holistic approach to Guyana’s rise This is couchedin“PresidentIrfaan Ali’s vision of prosperity (for the nation, which) includes the creation of safe and healthy spaces where our (Guyana’s) fresh local produceandothergoodscan (Continuedonpage09)
, Rupnauth Hardyal (Jan 5) requested that I provide source of information that Carter praised Bharrat Jagdeo on his management oftheeconomy
Firstly, I commend the newspaper for its free press policy
It has published articles
critical as well as praiseworthy of
government and opposition. Ditto articles critical of Exxon and at times more
balanced on
oil company Viewsagainstand those supportive of Exxon should be published. KN, likeSN,haslargelyallowed a free flow of ideas, the hallmark of a free press.All media houses should
emulate KN’s press freedom.
I received several phone calls criticizing my ‘positive’missive on “Mr. Jagdeo and Carter” with some individuals noting that the VP as well as the
President were not pleased when I critiqued
the government on
unforced errors in governance and its handling of allegations of corruption Jagdeo was known to publicly chastise objectivecritics.
I have been trained to befairandobjectiveinmy commentaries, qualities of good journalism That fundamental principle of writing should not be compromised regardless of how others view or treatawriter
One must also respect confidentialityofsources
With regards to the substance of the request from one Hardyal, I used to regularly meet President Cheddi in Guyana (when I
visited) and or New York when he visited. I wrote countlessarticlesonCheddi. There was a feeling of mutual admiration and respect.
The relationship was ‘somewhatclose’althoughI rejectedhiscommunism.
We talked about several issues including my private visittotheSovietUnionand East Germany right after theircollapse.Cheddiasked metostudyEastGermany’s housing policy and write a paper on its application to Guyana.
I never did as the subject didn’t interest me Communism was a failure Cheddi urged me to take up an appointment at UG and help his government of which I politelydeclined
Not the latter but the former! I did offer some ideas for Guyana that were rejected.Istatedtheaboveto explain the nature of the relationship with Jagan post 1989GOPIOconvention. He appreciated the sincere efforts to assist him in meetings with the Chair of the Democratic Party Ron Brown, my professor of doctoral courses in HistoryArthur Schlesinger who played a roleinJagan’sremovalfrom office,YashpaulSoiwhodid fundraising, Jimmy Carter, andprominentothers.
Cheddi appointed Jagdeo as Junior Minister after the 1992 victory and Senior Minister in May 1995
There were intrigues on how Jagdeo became SeniorMinister
No need to get into it
Asgar Ally was an effective Minister of Finance who played a
critical role in reviving the economy using his experience at the Central Bank of Jamaica Junior MinisterJagdeowouldhave learned a lot as deputy duringAlly’stwoandahalf years stint as Finance Minister
Jagdeo was Junior Minster when Carter visited in 1994. My recollection is Jagdeo was in charge of a national development strategy Carter met Jagdeo and was impressed with his economic abilities and conveyedsametoCheddi.It wasCheddiwhorelayedthe remarks made by Carter to me.
T h e N D S w a s recommended by Carter to poverty stricken heavily indebtedcountriesofAfrica. Myrecollectionistherewas areportinSNonitabout30 yearsago.
It is a fact that Ally negotiated debt relief and also held negotiations with IMF.
Jagdeo also held meetings with Guyana’s creditors and the IMF Cheddi had confidence in theMoscowtrainedJagdeo. My recollection in conversation with Cheddi is it was Carter who recommendedJagdeobeput inchargeofdebtrelief.
Two Ministers with
whom I had regular exchanges during visits to Freedom House going back tothe1980srevealedsimilar experiences narrated above on Jagdeo, Jagan, and Jimmy Carter Both Ministershadfallenoutwith Jagdeo;onediedsomeyears ago and another was excommunicated.
As told to me, Ally reportedly made an error in judgment and was asked by Cheddi to resign. Jagdeo replaced him He m a i n t a i n e d c l o s e relationship with the Carter Center
Carter was very impressed with Jagdeo’s stewardshipoftheeconomy asMinisterandasPresident. Around 2009, there was a conference at Columbia Universityjointlysponsored and organized by the Carter Center which presented a glowing introduction of Jagdeo as an economist and his management of Guyana’seconomy.
(PS: I do not recall seeing any of Jagdeo’s writings on Guyana’s economy, but even his critics praised his stewardship of the national economy, his errors in c e r t a i n p r o j e c t s notwithstanding).
Yourstruly, Vishnu
, The President has been using his bullhorn to advance the cause of local and regional food security Hehasevenpublishedapolicy brief,“AchievingGlobalFood Security The Caribbean ExperienceandBeyond”onthe subject Onekeycomponentof hisplanwasincreasingpoultry productioninGuyanatosatisfy localandregionaldemand To his credit, he mobilized local playersin the sector to begin the cultivation of corn and soya with significant help fromthegovernment.
In business, plan developmentisanimportant firststep. Manyarecapable of preparing excellent businessplansbutexecutionis aminefield Thepoultrysector hasstruggledtosatisfygrowing local demand Smuggling of imported chicken has been a persistent concern Farmers have also been experiencing highratesofmortalityasaresult of inclusion body hepatitis (ICH).
The government has demonstratedineptitudeinits response to the disease. AI suggests that vaccines are available to address this disease and the President promisedthatvaccineswould be imported Industry sourcessuggestthatvaccines were procured from Egypt
but these vaccines didn’t work. The Opposition has been clamouring for a solution. A call that should have been echoed loudly by thelocalpress.
Thequestionthatnaturally arises, is why isn’t the governmentmovingquicklyto tryothervaccines?Theanswer may lie in that other virus hatched and bred in Robb Street Thepoultrysectorisnow the victim of two pandemics, ICHandcorruption Oneinitial policy response was to import chickenanddistributethrough the farmers to mitigate their losses However, greed stepped in and now many, without any historical connection to the sector, are recipients of these imports. Anecdotal evidence suggest that many containers are steered towards a politically favouredbusinessoctopus.
Easy money through corruptionhasputfoodsecurity onthebackburnerandsources nowsuggestthataroundtwenty per cent of farms have been closed. Those out of the business include one of the largest farmers in Berbice. It has been said that the road to hell is paved with good intentions This has certainly been the experience of many poultryfarmers
Yourssincerely, TerrenceCampbell
Ali’s presidency has been characterised by indecision, political immaturity, and a lack of meaningful progress
DEAREDITOR, President Irfaan Ali’s time in office has been marked by a series of disappointing failures. Far fromassertinghimselfasthe leader, Ali has instead demonstrated an inability to rise to the challenges of his office. When Ali assumed office in August 2020, amidst the shadow of 19 fraud charges, many hoped thathewouldovercomethis burden and focus on delivering the leadership Guyananeeded. He campaigned on promises of renegotiating the ExxonMobil contract, improvingpublicsectorpay, reopening sugar estates, cutting the president and ministers’ salaries, rooting outcorruption,andrestoring free university education, among others He also promised to uphold the political system of inclusionary democracy as outlined inArticle 13 of the Constitution.Hehasfailedat all.
After 100 days in office, therewasstillhopehewould settleintohisleadershiprole and begin delivering on his promises.
Instead of rising to the occasion, Ali’s behaviour has reflected a lack of maturity, and a troubling disconnect from the gravity oftheofficeheholds.
Rather than governing consistent with the Constitution and a focus on national priorities, Ali has resorted to political tantrums, often acting in a childish and unprofessional manner. His refusal to engage with the Leader of the Opposition on constitutional matters, simply because his feelings were hurt by a handshake snub, was a childish display
In any professional setting, a probationary period is expected, especially in leadership roles.Ali,havingservedasa seniorministerinaprevious PPP regime, should have beenpreparedtostepintothe role of president with confidenceandclarity
unbecomingoftheoffice.He ignored clear advice that a handshake is a not constitutional requirement for engagement and should notdefinestatebusiness.
At times, his public appearances have been n o t h i n g s h o r t o f embarrassing.
He is often seen engaging in antics that resemble comedic performances, lacking in dignity His attempts to engage with the public, which some may view as “relatable,”dolittletofoster the seriousness expected from a head of state. For many, it is a cringeworthy spectacle, one that only serves to reinforce the
On the other hand, former president Bharrat Jagdeo, widely considered the true power behind the
y undermined Ali’s decisions on several key issues,
including the controversial cash grant programme and oil refinery project with the Dominican Republic Jagdeo’s visible dominance, often overriding Ali’s choices,paintsapictureofa leaderwhoislittlemorethan a puppet with no real authority
The office of the President and Commanderin-Chief is not one that should be diminished or trivialised. Yet, under Ali, these positions have been reducedtomeresymbols,as thecountrywatchesaleader who cannot effectively navigatehisresponsibilities.
With Guyana’s economy hailed as one of the world’s fastest growing, the gap between the rich and poor continues to widen, and the country faces a growing deprivationcrisis.
Ali has failed to address this inequity in any meaningful way through short-orlong-termplanning.
His administration has relied heavily on short-term electioneering gimmicks, like cash grants, which do little to address the root causes of inequality and inequity.The $100,000 cash grants, which have been distributed with promises of
more,isnothingmorethana ploytowinvotes,ratherthan a serious effort to combat poverty
Likewise, his restoration of free university education wasahollowpromise,given thatthePPPgovernmentwas responsible for taking it away in the first place.With the country’s newfound oil wealth, there was ample opportunity to restore free education much sooner, but instead,itisonlybeingdone in the lead-up to the 2025 election.
He has not kept his promiseonreducinghisand the ministers’ salaries but rather has increased them significantly Alsonotkeptis his promise to pay public servants better than the APNU+AFC coalition government. The evidence shows the PPP has paid workers significantly less in increasesthanwhatwaspaid by the APNU+AFC government.
Despite the claims of a PhD in Urban Planning, there is little evidence that Ali has implemented any meaningful policies or strategies for long-term development The development projects being executed under his government are largely based on plans from the Forbes Burnham era, and eventheseprojectsarebeing carried out in a shoddy manner, often requiring costly repairs shortly after completion.
Irfaan Ali’s four-year presidency has been characterised by indecision, political immaturity, and a lackofmeaningfulprogress. While the country’s oil wealth offers opportunities for growth, it is being squandered under his leadership.
Witheachpassingday,it becomes clearer Ali has failedtorisetotheoccasion, and the country’s future looks increasingly uncertain underhisleadership.
Guyana is also still waiting for the reopening of the sugar estates, as promised, and for the renegotiation of the oil contracts Despite the opposition’s support and former minister Raphael Tr o t m a n ’s p u b l i c e n d o r s e m e n t o f renegotiating the oil deals, Ali has shown no willingnesstoengageinthis vitalprocess.
AGuyana without PPP/C and PNC - The chance Guyana deserves
DEAREDITOR, ImagineaGuyanawhere governance is truly for the people, a country where integrity and transparency r e p l a c e p o l i t i c a l m a n i p u l a t i o n a n d corruption. The PPP/C has had decades to prove their worth but has consistently fallen short. Let us examine what a Guyana without the PPP/C in government could looklikebyaddressingsome key points that highlight the changewedesperatelyneed:
Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo’s weekly press conferences have become synonymouswithhate-filled rhetoric and division Instead,weneedleaderswho unite, inspire, and address real issues instead of creating distractions. Too much hate comes out of the VP’smouth.
2 A truly humble President
A president should embody dignity and humility,notjustperformit. Leadership is about respect for office, decorum, and the
ability to listen. Imagine a leader who genuinely understands the importance of time and place in representing the nation Guyana doesn’t deserve a leader who goes out there, holler up on citizens to look good and who spends his time watching cricket matches.
3 Less corruption in contracts Under PPP/C governance, contracts have often been awarded without transparency, leading to inflated costs and substandardwork.TheCJIA expansionproject,BelleVue Pumpandroadcontractsare glaring examples. We need an administration that prioritizes accountability and value for taxpayers’ money Under PPP/ C rule from 2020-2025, only friends and family gained and those from a certain religiousorganization.
4. A politically neutral policeforce
TheGuyanaPoliceForce must operate independently Political interference under the PPP/C has undermined
trust in law enforcement, with cor
uption and favouritism rampant at all l
nt of the Commissionerisaninsult.
5 A non-partisan GECOM GECOM must serve as an impartial body that ensures free and fair elections The PPP/C’s interference in the electoral process has eroded public confidence We need reforms that guarantee independence and fairness. A secretariat staffed by all PPP/C only backed candidates in top positions cannot mean well for democracy Worst, a secretariat Commission and Secretariat that takes instructions from Freedom House do not mean well for democracy and elections integrity
6. A balanced House Speaker A Parliament led by a balanced Speaker would promoteconstructivedebate and represent all voices, ensuringgovernanceis (Continuedonpage16)
Ex x o n M o b i l Guyana Limited ( E M G L ) i s
presently conducting installation activities in the Yellowtail field within the Stabroek Block to prepare for the start-up of oil productionlaterthisyear
Yellowtail is Exxon's fourth project in the Stabroek Block The Floating Production Storage and Offloading (FPSO) vessel to operate the project 'One Guyana' will be the largestinGuyanatodate.
The vessel was designed to produce 250,000 barrels of oil per day (bpd) compared with 220,000 bpd at the Payara project, operated by the Prosperity FPSO.
AccordingtoaNoticeby theMaritimeAdministration Department (MARAD), the installation exercise is scheduled to conclude on June15,2025.
On Sunday, President of EMGL, Alistair Routledge in an interview with Chief
Executive Officer of the GuyanaEnergyConference, Kiana Wilburg, said the company is looking forward tothearrivalofthevesselto add to its already magnificent line-up of assets.
“We have a very strong productionplatformtobuild upon. We have the three
producingassets,LizaPhase One, Phase Two and Payara…in 2025 we are looking forward to the arrival of the Yellowtail FPSO which is named One Guyana,”Routledgesaid. He explained that the FPSOisexpectedtoarrivein Guyanainthesecondquarter ofthisyearwithhookupand
The fourth FPSO, 'One Guyana' is being constructed by Dutch shipbuilder, SBM Offshore.
commissioning for start-up slated for the fourth quarter ofthisyear.
According to him, this marks“anotherexcitingyear ontheprojectexecutionand production fronts for our operations in the Stabroek Block.”
Presently, Exxon is producingover640,000bpd
The Government of Guyana has investedover$4billioninmaintaining landfillsitesoveraperiodoffouryears. This was revealed by Minister of LocalGovernment,SoniaParag,during her review of the solid waste expenditure at an end-of-year press conference held on Thursday at the ArthurChungConferenceCentre.
According to the Minister in 2024 alone, the Ministry spent $809 million to maintain landfill sites. “The landfill sites at Zorg-en-Vlygt in Region Two; Haags Bosch and Lusignan in Region Four; Blairmont in Region Five; New Amsterdam, East Canje; Rose Hall; Numbers52and53Villages;BelleVue and Corriverton in Region Six; Nine Miles in Bartica; Lethem in Region Nine and Kara in Region Ten were all maintained…We have just awarded a contract to close the dumpsite at Mahdia Airstrip in Region Eight and develop a new landfill site,” Minister Paragadded.
Other expenditure was made to have the necessary equipment such as trucks, garbage compactors and other heavy-duty machinery to maintain the sites.
MinisterParagnotedtoothat$80.2 billion which was allocated to support health, education, and public works in the 10 administrative regions was disbursedthroughtheMinistryofLocal Government.
Of the sum allocated, we have achieved at the close of 2024, 99.8 per cent of the budgetary allocation
“Region One received $6.7 billion; Region Two- $8.1 billion; Region Three -$11. 3 billion; Region Four$12.4 billion; Region Five - $6.3 billion;RegionSix -$13.9billionand it goes on until $80.2 billion is done expended,”shesaid.
It was also revealed that in the Regions, new health centres were constructed, nine rehabilitated and a number of rehabilitations pegged for thisyear “Therewasalso19kmof new farm to market roads constructed, six new schools constructed, 21 public school rehabilitated in Region One alone.
MinisterParagalsoclarifiedthatall 70 Neighbourhood Democratic Councils (NDCs) received their subventions, while several municipalitieshavealreadyupliftedall orpartoftheirgrantorsubventionsfor 2024.
This amounts to more than $1 billionbeingbudgetedtosupportthese localdemocraticinstitutions.
“The subvention allocations have increased by 117 per cent since 2020. The subventions in 2020 were $460 million and in 2024 it was $1 billion. This money was used to support the maintenance of drainage networks, bridges, rehabilitation of community buildings, minor road repairs, and the installation of streetlights among other things,” the Local Government Ministerrecounted.
Shecontinued,“Weconsideritvital whenwehaveamandatetoensurethere is socioeconomic activity in communitiesacrosstheregions.”
MinisterParagrevealedthat,“Over 2.7billionexpendedfrom2022-2024to improvemarketinfrastructure,notonly to rehabilitate the existing markets but to actually construct entirely new markets New markets facilitate vending as well as community gathering in various regions. And in 2024 over $5390million was used to improvemarketinfrastructure.”
“Theseincludetherehabilitationof theStabroekMarketsanitaryblock,the rehabilitation of the Kumaka Market, the construction and rehabilitation of Parika Market and the construction of the Parika Market building which was completed in December 2024…There wasalsotheconstructionoftheCharity, Hydronie, Mabaruma Markets. We wereabletocompletetheLeonoraand Charitymarketsaswell.”
Therearealreadytalksof an eight project on the horizon,Longtail. Exxon has revealed plans to increase Guyana's daily production to 1 7 million barrels daily by 2030.
K a i e t e u r N e w s previously reported that the project will
approximately 925 million barrels offshore by drilling approximately 45 to 67
(includingproduction,water injection, and gas reinjection wells). Production willcontinuefor20years.
from three projects.To date, the operator has been granted approval for six deep-water developments in theStabroekBlock.
Thecompanysubmitted an application to the Environmental Protection Agency(EPA)lastyearfora s e v e n t h p r o j e c t , Hammerhead.
The US$10B project received government's blessingsonApril1,2023.In the meantime, two other projects,UaruandWhiptail, the fifth and sixth projects respectively, have also been sanctioned by the government.
Thesedevelopmentsare being designed to each produce250,000bpdandare likely to come on stream by 2026and2027respectively
Dead: Brian Paul McKenzie
A 55-year-old motorcyclist died on the spot after he crashedintoa“metalguardrail”onSunday,alongthepublic roadatHouston,EastBankDemerara.
PoliceidentifiedthemanasBrianPaulMcKenzie,a55year-old resident of Corriverton, Berbice, Region Six. McKenziecrashedaround14:25hrsnearRahaman'sTurn.
Pixels Guyana Inc.'s traffic cams recorded the moment hecrashed.Thecompanyuploadedthefootageonitswebsite and it went viral. Police said in a press release that "preliminary investigation revealed that (based on a video view),themotorcyclistwasproceedingwestonthesouthern carriageway of Houston Public Road at a fast rate," while addingthathewasnotwearingahelmet.
“As the motorcyclist approached Rahaman's Turn, he proceededtonegotiatealeftturnwiththesamespeedandin the process of doing so, lost control of the motorcycle and collided with the metal guard rail in the centre of the road separating the eastern and western carriageways," Police said.TheimpactflungMcKenzieintoalamp-postbeforehe landed on the road. He reportedly sustained injuries to his headandbody
An ambulance was called and the Emergency Medical Technicians on board pronounced him dead when they arrivedatthescene.
Clicklinkbelowtoseevideoofaccident: https://wwwfacebookcom/kaieteurnewsonline/videos/ 1109612193760780
Bharrat Jagdeo has long represented an unsettling paradox in Guyana’s politics. He is a former President whose shadow looms larger than his office once did, casting an inescapable pall over the presidencyofhissuccessors, Donald Ramotar and Irfaan Ali.
Forallhisassurancesofa retreat into an international career during Donald Ramotar’s tenure, there was then and remains the widespread perception that he was still exercising influence. This perception hasnotonlypersistedbuthas become more entrenched under Ali’s leadership, raising fundamen
al questions about where real power resides in Guyana’s government.
If a poll were conducted today, it would reveal what many already suspect: a significant proportion of Guyanese believe that J a g d e o e x e r c i s e s overwhelming influence over the state’s affairs
President Ali cannot be ignorant of this perception. While he may wish to dismissitasmereconjecture or the paranoia of political adversaries, he has an obligation both to the office he holds and to the people of Guyana to confront and dispel this narrative. Failure to do so is undermininghispresidency Ali’s advisers and confidants,iftheytrulycare about the longevity and c
implorehimtotakedecisive action. Thefirststepinthis process is acknowledging that perceptions are often as potent as realities in the world of politics. It is not enough for Ali to assert his authorityinprivate;hemust project it publicly and unequivocally His actions must convey to the nation that he is not a marionette whose strings are being pulledbyhispredecessorbut a leader in his own right, capable of steering the governmentandthePeople’s
Progressive Party/Civic (PPPC) toward a future unencumbered by the baggageofitspast.
Yet,therootsofJagdeo’s influence is not merely personal but structural. The PPP, once a bastion of the working class, has been coopted by an oligarchic elite whose primary allegiance is not to the party’s founding principles but to their own economicinterests.
This class, which gained ascendancy during Jagdeo’s presidency, has not only captured the party but also the apparatus of the state. Any attempt by Ali to extricate himself from Jagdeo’s influence must therefore, contend with this entrenched economic elite. Downsizing Jagdeo’s role within the government inevitably entails confronting the broader oligarchic structure that underpinshispower Thisis no small undertaking, but it isanecessaryoneifAliisto reclaimthePPPasapartyof the people rather than the
Frompage04 be sold ” What this translates to is that “… the governmentwillmaintainits outreach efforts to engage directly with the public, ensuring their input is considered before implementing policies or makingdecisions.”
Editor, I support fully Minister Parag, who is urging“ allGuyaneseto c o m e t o g e t h e r , envisioningafuturewhere Guyana becomes “the country that we want to see beyond 2030, when all o f t h i s p h y s i c a l transformation has taken
Jagdeo’s continued presence at the centre of power is a political liability for President Ali. Jagdeo’s tenure as President was marred by all manner of allegations that allowed the Opposition to seize the majority in parliament and hamstrung the Ramotar presidency The 2011 electionswasreferendumon Jagdeo’srule.
To s a l v a g e h i s presidency, Ali must not only distance himself from Jagdeo but also articulate a vision for Guyana that breaks decisively with the past This vision must prioritize the interests of ordinary Guyanese over thoseoftheoligarchicelite.
But doing so requires a strategic recalibration of power within the PPP and the government. Ali must identifyandempoweranew generation of leaders within thepartywhoarecommitted to its founding principles and willing to challenge the entrenched interests that
place ” I am sure if c i t i z e n s e x e r c i s e compliance to the ‘rule of l a w , ’ a n d g o o d stewardship of machinery and equipment, the aestheticsofnationwillbe seenandfelt
Yourstruly, HargeshB.Singh
Dem boys seh it now cheaper to live than to dead. Back in de day,youusedtogatalilwake, somedominoes,andtwoflaskofblacktea withdrybiscuitandbutter,andthatwasit. But now? Dead people causing living people to bawl, not because of grief, but becauseofexpense!
First,yougottofeedalldemfreeloaders who coming to your wake. Every man, woman,andchildcominglikedemtekout insurancetoeatanddrinktilltheybellyfull. Cook-up,blackcake,softdrink,harddrink, snacks — is like you running a buffet, and dem lining up. And don’t talk about the tomb and coffin. If you ain’t spending big, demgontalkhowyousendoffGrannyina plywoodbox.
Andisnotstoppingthere.Now,yougot abigfancythingcallRepass.It’slikeamini weddingreceptionafterthefuneral.Yougot caterers and food flowing like water One man seh he more broke after his wife funeralthanwhenhemarriedshe.Imagine that!
Speaking of marriage, dem boys seh that tying the knot is another way to hang
yourself financially Weddings used to be smallandsweet.Butnoweverybodygotto have a grand wedding with a guest list longerthandelineatGPL.
Yougottoinviteeverybody:oldschool friends,co-workersyoudon’tevenlike,and Auntie Shirley who does only show up when food and liquor involve. And don’t thinkdembringingdecentgifts.Onecouple gettwoclockandtwomug,anddemdidn’t evenknowpeoplestilldoesbuydemthings. But dem freeloaders eat up de curry duck andallkindsoffancyfoodanddrinkoutall de top-shelf rum like dem is de bride and groom.
Bythetimeyoucountuphowmuchyou spend,youcouldapayoffamortgageorgo onaworldcruisewithyourin-laws—and still have change left to buy a house. Dem boys seh the solution simple: elope or stay single. And if you really want to dead, let yuh family tell people you gone abroad permanently Itcheaper
Just now, living gon become de cheapesttingtodo.Tillthen,demboysseh itbetteryoulivebrokethandeadbroke! Talkhalf.Leffhalf.
have come to dominate it. Hemustalsobuildalliances with civil society, labour unions, and other stakeholders who share his vision for a more equitable andinclusiveGuyana.These alliances will be crucial in countering the influence of the oligarchic class and demonstrating to the public that his government is seriousaboutchartinganew course.
Ali’s presidency stands atacrossroads.Hecaneither allow himself to be defined by Jagdeo’s legacy, perpetuating the perception that he is a mere figurehead in a government controlled byothers,orhecantakebold action to assert his independence and redefine the trajectory of his administration.
The stakes could not be higher At a time when Guyana is poised to benefit from unprecedented economic opportunities, the country needs a leader who canuniteitspeopleandchart acoursetowardasharedand
prosperous future That leadermustbeIrfaanAli,not BharratJagdeo.
The path forward will not be easy Confronting Jagdeo and the economic elite that sustains him will undoubtedly provoke resistanceandbacklash.But history has shown that leadership is defined not by the absence of challenges but by the courage to face them head-on. If Ali is to fulfil the promise of his presidency and secure his placeinhistory,hemustrise to this moment with the c o n v i c t i o n a n d determination that it demands.
(The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinionsofthisnewspaper.)
G u y a n e s e a r e eyewitnesses to the slow reality of that grimmest of sayings from either Sophocles or Shakespeare: “Onceaman,twiceachild.”
What some ancient political giants of Guyana put together and held together, through great storms and slimsliversofsunlight,now deteriorates before astonished observers
Beforepartyfaithfultolocal politicalopponents,fromold foreign foes to present day overseas friends, Guyana's People's Progressive Party (PPP) decay and diminish withuncontrolledabandon.
The PPP is like a snowballbarrellingdownhill to oblivion. Thanks to the handiworks, the terrible ambitions, of some of the moredepravedsuccessorsto the Cheddi Jagan mantle, andacastmadeupofmainly kleptocrats,thePPPisallofa giant shadow After all the pretences at substances and singularattributes,todaythe PPPis a hollowed-out shell, nothing but a doddering wreck. Indeed,onceaman, twiceachildfitsseamlessly
With what ought to have been the accumulated wisdomsofthreescoreyears plusfifteen(notten),thePPP should be better than it has everbeen. Butwhichgroup, what entity, can succeed when it allowed itself to be riddled through and through with multiple cancers?
Leadership that goes down the wrong road with the wrong ideas is more than a
recipe for disaster It is a tragedy staring in the face, and in real-time. All the blustering of one man, the artful dodging of another, cannot put Humpty-Dumpty togetheragain.
When the working-class party of Cheddi Jagan, Brindley Benn, Ashton Chase, et al turnsagainstthe common people, then it can onlybefortherichpeopleof Guyana.
When one of the party's most loyal stalwarts, ExcellencyDonaldRamotar, is shunted aside, shutdown fromspeakinghismind,then the barbarians run amok insidethePPP
When a man of the calibreofMr Ramotar'sown family can be attacked, because he dared to speak openly, not necessarily critically, then the PPPis no longer a party of the people, but one of plutocrats and kleptocrats. WhenPPPmen and women fear to share their thoughts on public forums because the leadership would frown on any such participation, then Jagan and Ramotar and Rohee are all back in the politicalwilderness.
What is there to fear? How many wrongs have beencommittedthatthereis this desperate need to hide? Itisacommonexpressionin Guyana for conscientious Guyanese to state that Cheddi Jagan must be turning over in his grave. Though that has some relevance,itismoreaccurate
to assert that his political descendants daily roast his memory on the slowest of slowfires.
His PPP dies by a thousand cuts. What he stood for, they stamp upon and spit on any who is bold enoughtochallengethem. I cannotimaginethatthelikes of the crew that pilot the party's ship would have found any resonance in the younger,cleaner,leanerPPP Today's PPP has mutated in the ways of an old harlot (that's how it has aged). Today's PPP in the hands of those who push its buttons has degenerated into a piggish monstrosity Blame that aspect on the party's nearness and insatiable samplingoftherichfruitsof Guyana.
Cleanisgone,dirtyisin fashion, now standing culture. Think of this: the testofloyaltyishowmuchis stolen from the people's treasury So,then,anooseis wrappedaroundthenecksof theparty'sapparatusatevery level. The few honest have been cowed into near total silence. Tospeakoutofturn istosacrificeoneself.
Jagan endured those times when he had neither job nor a blind jill to give to hiscomrades.
In flip-flops and bicycles, people like Ramotar were part of the fabric of the people. Today, the men in the PPP use, misuse, and abuse their own people for the worst outcomes.
President Irfaan Ali, on Sunday, commended the construction team working on the new Wismar/Mackenzie Bridge and the in-house engineer Patrick Thompson informedhimthattheprojectwillbefinished aheadofschedule.
This was disclosed by the president duringasitevisitonSunday
He told those at the gathering that “the members of the construction team, the supervision team, our in-house engineer Patrick,andyourteam….Iwanttocommend Patrickfortheworkhehasbeendoing…with some very key infrastructures linked to the bridge.”
He went on to say that there is also sporting infrastructure linked to the bridge anditscompletionwillhaveahugeimpacton sports as well as facilitating the free flow of traffic.Thompsonlatertoldthegatheringthat “weareontrackedtoanearlycompletion.” Meanwhile, Joe Ki, Project Manager from China Railway, which is undertaking
Yeah,afishrotsfromthe head. Asnake may shed its scales,anditisstillaserpent. Menaresosuffusedwiththe arrogance of power (and oil money) that they have lost any connection to reasoned conversation, conscientious objection, fair contrarian expression.
When their own are turned against, and the veteransaredemonized,then more than one fateful Rubicon has been crossed. IfthePPPbrasscandothatto itsowncomrades,thenwhat is to be expected of how it views any Guyanese that standoutsideofitshighlairs andlowdens?
Onceaman,twiceachild standsasatestimonyofhow some mysterious force
working by its ownclockreduces man to nothing. No matter the money. Regardlessof the power And despite allthestentorianvoicesand PraetorianGuards.
There is that arc of justice…. One last parting word: those whom the gods wish to destroy, they leave them to do so by their own tarnished hands, the workings of their crippled minds.
After 75 years, the PPP shouldbegreywithwisdom. It is green all over from gorging too much. Thus, a party of once great local renown has poisoned itself, withersawaydeformedlimb by diseased limb. I had to
tell a man of God the other day that he is both ignorant and arrogant, two of the deadlier sins. There are those in the PPP of today to whom those two words fit perfectly Thus, they selfdestruct.
Itshouldn'thavecometo this poignant place after 75 years in Guyana's trenches and towers. (The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinionofthisnewspaper.)
The Ministry of Public
Works, on Saturday, disclosed that Charity in Region Two will soon get a new, modern wharf which willcost$880million.
the works, said in his presentation, that the bridgewillbeasix-bandbridgespanning220 metresovertheDemeraraRiver Thecontract forthebridgewasassignedadurationoftwo years and the manager explained that it th commenced in the 8 of April 2024 and it th should be completed before April 7 , 2026, basedonallthemilestonesaccomplishedso far Oneexampleisthatthetrafficdiversion whichwasdoneinSeptemberlastyear,was th tobedoneonOctober14
In January 2024, the government and China Railway Construction Corporation Limited signed a US$35M contract for the construction of the new four-lane Mackenzie/WismarBridge.
The four-lane bridge is expected to be completed in two years. It will be pre-cast andwillmeasure220metres. Itwillcarryall road safety signs, lighting and have a 32metre horizontal clearage and 11.5 metres verticalclearage.Itwillbeconstructedinthe vicinityofWestWatooka,Wismar
This disclosure was made during the Ministry's end-of-year press conference. Contractor S. Jagmohan Construction and General Supplies Inc has wonthebidtodotheworks.
Kaieteur News reported in August last year that S. Jagmohan Construction was among eight bidders who had applied for the contract and had submitted a bid of $880,234,803fortheworks.
Speaking briefly of the projectonSaturday,Headof theMinistry'sWorkServices Group, Ron Rahaman, relayedinDecemberthatthe contractwassignedandthat the project has a duration of 24months.
Henotedthatsomeofthe features of the project include river reclamation, a
loading ramp and waiting area.
The Charity Market Wharf has been in a deteriorated state for a number of years.
ChairpersonofRegionTwo, Vilma De Silva, told this publication previously, “It would be a brand-new wharf, the old one will be demolished and then you would see the start of the newone.”
According to the RegionalChair,themoveto have the new structure built is because the current wharf has outlived its lifespan posing a threat to persons who are operating at the facility “Already persons who occupy there, we sent them notices to vacate because that structure outlived its lifespan so it's only a threat for persons to be operating from there at thewharf,”sheadded.
M e a n w h i l e , i n December, while engaging
President Irfaan Ali had mentioned that this project forms part of a broader initiative to position the Region as an international hub for export processing, serving as a vital link between local and regional markets.
QuotedinaDepartment ofPublicInformationarticle atthetime,theHeadofState said,“It'snotonlyaboutthis port and wharf facility, it's about a facility of international standard, that would bring with it other aspects of development, including a world-class packaging and storage facility.”
K a i e t e u r N e w s understands that the current Charity Market Wharf has been around for over 30 yearsandisfrequentlybeing usedbypersonsheadinginto the hinterland of Region One, and farmers living in thePomeroonarea.
Some time this year, ExxonMobil Guyana Limited(EMGL)isexpected tomakeafullsubmissionof its Field Development Plan (FDP)fortheseventhproject
- the Hammerhead Development - situated in theStabroekBlock,offshore Guyana.Thisisaccordingto the company's president AlistairRoutledge.
“ I n 2 0 2 4 , w e
c o m m e n c e d t h e environmental permit for Hammerhead and we anticipate in 2025 that we will submit the field development plan working closelywiththeEPAandthe government on the approval process,” Routledge said, duringanepisodeof'Energy Perspectives'thatwasposted onSunday Exxon, the operator of the Stabroek Block, already receivedregulatoryapproval for six developments offshoreGuyana.Inaddition
discontinue the search for the consultant. He said he made this decision because theinformationthecompany presented thus far is incomplete.
ExxonMobilGuyana LimitedPresident, Alistair Routledge
to the Hammerhead Development, the company had already disclosed plans for an eight project, the LongtailDevelopment.
d Expression of Interests (EOI)seekingaconsultantto review Exxon's FDP for the Hammerhead Development. However,afewweekslater, Guyana'sChiefPolicymaker on oil and gas, Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo had disclosed that he had informed the Ministry to
“…So, there will be no consultant hired to review theprojectuntilwehavethe entiresubmission…untilwe have a full submission from Exxon, we are not gonna startthereviewprocessandI expect them to make a full submission sometime next year,”theVPhadsaid.
Hammerhead was announced as Exxon's ninth commercial discovery in August 2018 The Hammerhead-1 well was drilled in a new reservoir, encountering approximately 197feet(60metres)ofhigh-
g sandstone reservoir The well was safely drilled to 13,862 feet (4,225 metres) depth in 3,773 feet (1,150 metres)ofwater Theproject will target between 120-180 thousand barrels per day (kbd). Exxon is aiming to (Continuedonpage16)
In addition to the US$150 million (GY $31 Billion) that was spent for the modernisation of the Cheddi Jagan International Airport (CJIA) – the Irfaan Ali led administration has expended $3 billion for further works on the terminal.
“Three billion dollars havebeenspentontheother projects outside of the US$150 million,” Minister of Public Works, Juan Edghill, said on Saturday at his Ministry's end-of-year pressconference.
The contract for the airport expansion project was signed in 2011, under the then President Bharrat Jagdeo with China Harbour
a n d E n g i n e e r i n g Corporation (CHEC). The Jagdeo-led administration acquired a US$138 million loan from the China Exim Bank, and used US$12 m
nd (taxpayers' money) for the total project cost of US$150 million.
Jagdeo had relayed previously that the US$150
million contract was signed with CHEC for a new airport. However, he said, it was the previous Coalition government that made changes which resulted in it being a “rehabilitation” project According to reports, upon assuming office in 2015, the David Granger administration deemed the airport plan defective, necessitating adjustments.
Upon the PPP's return to office in August 2020, E
ssed dissatisfaction with the c
work Consequently, negotiations resulted in additional works being undertaken by CHEC atnoextracosttoGuyana.
While the US$150 million rehabilitation works by CHEC is completed, the
PPP-administration has substantially increased s p e n d i n g f o r t h e modernizationoftheairport, albeit falling below international standards and expectations.
“We are building out an admin building, which is removing all the staff from the airport proper across the road, so we can have that space for waiting areas, concessions,loungesandthe restofit,”Edghillsaid,atthe pressconference.
Notably, the admin building project is six monthsbehindscheduleand is expected to be completed by June 30, 2025. The project cost is $890 million and is presently 40% completed. When the admin buildingiscompleted,itwill house over 300 airport employees Notably, the adminbuildingcontractwas awarded to Avinash ContractingandScrapMetal Inc.
Another project Edghill said is the new baggage handling system and rehabilitationofthebaggage makeup area. CJIA has procured a new in-line baggage handling system which will allow the airline to place passengers' bags onto a conveyor system for screening and processing. The civil works are to be completedbeforethesystem becomes operational On August 16, 2024, the contract was terminated and anewcontractisexpectedto commencethismonth.
Moreover, another ongoingprojectattheairport is the rehabilitation of the internationalapron.
This project entails replacing the existing asphaltic concrete on the international apron (aircraft parking positions 1-4). This projectcost$703millionand uscurrently46%completed. The project is delayed by seven months and is expectedtobecompletedby April 30, 2025. This project wasalsoawardedtoAvinash ContractingandScrapMetal Inc.
The construction and rehabilitation works of the
VIPsectionandthenewand existing commercial building project are also delayed. According to the update provided at the press conference, the project is delayed by four months and isnow75%completed.
Thenewcompletiondate forthe$1.2billionprojectis April30,2025.
The construction of the VIP lounge and commercial centre is being executed by PDContracting.
Moreover, Minister Edghill also said, “We have expandedwithmoreairlines coming. So, we'll build-out anairlineofficebuildingand forconcessionareas,bonded warehouse.”
Notably, last month the Ministry of Public Works issuedanInvitationforBids (IFB)to spend $1.5 billion more for “Construction and Rehabilitation of Office Buildings” at the airport. Notably,anofficialfromthe airport had informed this publication that the contract is to construct and rehabilitate office buildings for the several airline companies operating in the country.
Theofficialsaid:“Thisis differentfromtheworksthat is ongoing on the CJIA's Administrative building. ThisAdministrativebuilding when completed is set to cater for CJIA's 300-plus staff.”
When this project is awarded, it will bring the total spent for the CJIA expansion since August 2020to$4.5billion.
Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo is the wrong man to be spearheading Guyana's oil business. Mr. Jagdeo is the wrong man, in the wrong place, in the wrong business.
Mr. Jagdeo is the worst presence that we can think of that should be allowed to be near this nation's trillion-dollar oil and gas sector.
Mr. Jagdeo must not have anything to do with this sector going forward.
He has caused enough damage, and he has displayed those worrying qualities that warn thunderously: he is not a fit and proper person, or leader, or contributor where the stewardship of this oil wealth is concerned.
Mr. Jagdeo is a lost cause, a precious hope wasted. This is the essence of the man Jagdeo, and as harsh as this may come across, he has lost all claims for any consideration that he is a leader who can be trusted.
Five years remain to achieve the a m b i t i o u s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) which were adopted by world leaders in 2015, to foster peace and prosperity for both people andtheplanet.However,the SDGs Report for 2024 revealed that nearly half of the seventeen targets were makingminimalormoderate progress, while over a third were either stalled or regressing.
Similarly, with just five years left to 2030, the Caribbean stands at a crossroads in its pursuit of these global goals The Caribbean's journey has been marked by resilience and progress, but systemic vulnerabilities and external shocks continue to threaten long-term sustainability
Therefore, 2025 provides
our leaders with an opportunity for a reflection,
recalibration, and reimagination of the efforts
to harness emerging opportunitiescollectively Progress,successesand persistentchallenges
Caribbean has made commendable strides in
advancing several SDGs, showcasing strong regional cooperation, adaptability, and innovation to address many development issues. Therefore, although there is still much work to be done, notable progress has been made in HIV - especially around eliminating motherto-childtransmissionofHIV and syphilis and expanding access to antiretroviral therapy for people living with HIV; and significant investments in education to maintain high literacy rates andincreasegenderparityin primary and secondary schools across much of the Region.
Progress has been made to achieve gender equality (SDG 5), including combating gender-based violence, with several countriesimplementinglaws and programmes to reduce femicide and domestic violence, which directly supports SDG 16 (Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions). Critically, the Region has been leading the advocacy for climate justice on the global stage and recognizing the profound humanrightsimplicationsof climatechange.
However, despite these achievements, several
challenges continue to hinder progress, threatening to exacerbate inequalities and stall development. The world is failing on the foundationalprinciplessuch as being inclusive and equitable by leaving no one
transformational social
n d partnership work with governments, private sector, civilsociety,andindividuals needalotofimprovement. Youth unemployment remains a pressing issue. Many young people face
commitmentofUNMember States to achieve the SDGs. To accelerate SDG implementation, Caribbean governments must embrace bold, transformative approaches grounded in equity, sustainability, and resilience The next five years present a crucial opportunity to recalibrate national strategies and align efforts with the 2030 Agenda.
1 Strengthen Climate Resilience and Economic Diversification: Focus on e
limited job prospects and underemployment, leading t o f u r t h e r disenfranchisement and braindrain.Thisundermines socialstabilityandeconomic growth.
The Caribbean is contending with rising sea levels, hurricanes, and extremeweathereventssuch as droughts and flooding. The Region remains highly susceptible to natural disasters such as frequent earthquakesorevenvolcanic eruptions, with recovery efforts often undermining long-term development plans.
Inadequate financing for climate adaptation further c o m p o u n d s t h i s vulnerability
The destruction of property and disruption of livelihood and death due to hurricane Beryl, in some countries, speaks for itself. National statistical offices often lack the resources and technicalexpertiseneededto track development indicators comprehensively This data deficit obscures inequalities and limits the Region's abi
d interventions.Consequently, the dearth of reliable data affect evidence-based policymaking and effective monitoringoftheSDGs.
Priorities and solutions forthenextfiveyears
The Pact for the Future, recently agreed upon by our leaders at the 79th United Nations General Assembly, offers a vital opportunity to shapethefutureweenvision. It addresses key areas such as peace and security, sustainable development, climate change, digital cooperation, human rights, gender equality, youth, future generations, and the transformation of global governance. This Pact also serves to reinvigorate the
including the Barbados' Bridgetown Initiative, to ensure a region-wide integration of climate resilience, sustainable tourism, and economic diversification. The Region needs to expand renewable energy projects (solar, geothermal, etc), leveraging international financing and public-private partnerships. TheRegionmustcontinueto pursue global debt relief linked to SDG-aligned
resources for development priorities.
2 Prioritize Youth Employment and Skills Development: Prioritize investmentstocreatejobs,in both the private and public sectors, focusing on equipping young people with employable skills that drive economic growth and development Expand vocational training, digital l i t e r a c y , a n d e n t r e p r e n e u r s h i p programmes,particularlyfor marginalized youth Establish innovation hubs and strengthen publicprivate partnerships to generate sustainable employment in emerging sectors such as technology andrenewableenergy
3 Advance Health EquityandUniversalHealth Coverage (UHC): To promote good health and wellbeing for all, there is a needtosustainthegainsthat have been made in public health. Governments must investmoreinstrengthening resilient health systems to address inequalities which drivethesocialdeterminants of health. Engage more in primary healthcare to address communicable and non-communicable diseases, strengthen capacitiesforthedeliveryof mental health services, and community-led health programmes, including those delivered by civil
societyandcommunities.To end HIV as a public health threat, there is a need to expand HIV prevention and treatment programmes to those at risk of contracting HIV,notenrollingincare,or falling out of care. Take advantage of global digital compact and leverage the power of artificial intelligence to deliver telemedicine and digital health solutions to bridge access gaps, particularly in rural areas and improve healthoutcomes. It is imperative to addresssocialprotectionand intersecting inequalities by im
r responsive social protection systemsforgreaterimpact.
4 Close Data and Governance Gaps: Establish regional SDG data observatories to enhance monitoring, reporting, and accountability Build institutional capacities and provide national statistical offices with technical assistance, south-south partnerships,andtechnology transfers.Above all, there is needtocommittoruleoflaw anddemocracyintheRegion and safeguard international law Promote transparency and governance reforms to combat corruption and strengthen institutional capacities.
As the development clock ticks towards 2030, thereisneedforaheightened sense of urgency, ambition, andsolidaritygloballyandin our region. Governments, civil society, and the private
k collaboratively to address systemic barriers, ensuring that no one is left behind, i
ng marginalized voices are central to policymaking and programmeimplementation, monitoring, and evaluation. Let's make it 2025 a year of hope and decisive action toward building a peaceful, equitable, and sustainable futureforeveryone.
The Caribbean has an opportunity to lead by example, transforming challengesintoopportunities andlayingthefoundationfor a resilient, sustainable, and inclusive future Our collective action today will determine the legacy Caribbeanleadersandpolicy makers leave for future generations.
Letusseizethismoment with urgency, ambition, and unwavering commitment to theSDGs.
The People’s N a t i o n a l Congress Reform (PNCR) has renewed its calls for the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) to put in place biometrics systems for this year's general and regional elections.
At the party's news conference last week its leader, Aubrey Norton, stated that it has now been two months since Chief Election Officer (CEO) of GECOM Vishnu Persaud presentedtotheCommission afeasibilitystudyontheuse of electronic fingerprint biometrics for registration and voting in the next elections.
“Let us immediately remind the nation of two facts: (i) this study was conducted due to the persistent demands by the Opposition-nominated membersofthecommission, and (ii) the study concluded that the use of biometrics
technologyinGuyanawould provide more robust protection and safeguards againstvoterimpersonation, multipl
, and electoral manipulation,” Norton told the news conference.
concluded that such technology would increase accuracy as well as data securityandefficiencyinthe system. “What more do we need to hear? As the joint Opposition stated when the study was submitted last November:“Weexpressour preparednesstolendsupport toallthenecessarystagesto arrive at this outcome, including enacting constitutional and statutory changes,ifnecessary We believe that the technicalandotherconcerns theCEOhasidentifiedinhis report do not amount to insurmountable or irresolvableissues.Westand ready to engage in all necessary discussions at the
he Ministry of Housing and Water is f o r m u l a t i n g a comprehensive national housing policy to fulfil its commitment to provide everyGuyanesefamilywith accesstohomeownership.
MinisterofHousingand Water, Collin Croal, made this disclosure at the Ministry'send-of-yearpress conferenceonFriday
“This is to ensure that we can raise the level of standard of living for our people.
Thathousingpolicy,asI speak, is to ensure that persons are able to have safe, affordable and adequatehousinginvarious communities that are serviced by the relevant infrastructure. That is what we want to achieve,” the Ministersaid.
Minister Croal revealed thataconsultantiscurrently drafting a new housing policy The document is expected to be submitted to the Ministry next week, after which it will be presented to Cabinet for approval. “Once we have that approval to move onwards to the national
GECOM level, the parliamentary level, and/or at the inter-party level to resolvetheseconcernstothe satisfaction of all stakeholders, including the Guyanesepeople.”
Norton said GECOM must now urgently advance theprocesstoensuretheuse of fingerprint biometrics becomes a reality for the 2 0 2 5 e l e c t i o n s
“Chairperson Claudette Singh must realise that her roleaschairmustextendfar beyond that of a glorified returning officer, as she is nottheremerelytocountthe v o t e s o f t h e s i x commissioners.
Shemustseeherroleasa mission to guarantee accurate and credible electionsinwhichGuyanese canhavefullconfidence.”
As for the PPP and its appointed commissioners, Nortonsaiditisobviousthat theyhaverunoutofexcuses.
“Theirlatestefforttousethe lackoftimeasanobstacleto implementing biometrics technology is another sham. We in the Opposition
believe,fromexperiencesin other countries (such as Ghana), that GECOM can ensure there is biometrics. Ghana,duringCovid19and all the challenges it posed, implemented biometrics in under two months It is importanttonotethatGhana has 17 million registered voters in comparison to Guyana's750,000.”
In addition, Norton said Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo recently boasted that in less than one month, they
registered210,000peoplein RegionFouralone.
“They claimed to have registered over 350,000 people in under one month for the cash grant. Unless they are lying, that is indicative of the fact that there is adequate time for biometricsandacleanvoters list. Let us point out that implementation time could be shortened without compromisingqualityby,for instance, (i) conducting severalprocessesinparallel,
such as training of staff in tandem with the conduct of public education, (ii) purchasingalargevolumeof biometric kits and employing a large body of field staff. Costs should not be a hindrance here, (iii) as new ID cards would not be critical at this stage; time need not be devoted to their production and distribution. Theseprocessescouldoccur after the elections, and (iv) the lessons and experiences of other countries could be usedtoavoiddifficultiesand toadoptbestpractices.”
According to Norton who is also Leader of the Opposition, further footdragging and stubbornness by the PPP and its GECOM commissioners can no longer be tolerated Guyanese demand urgent actionandprogress.
The clock is ticking down.“ThePPPremainsthe onlystakeholderholdingout againstacleanvoterslistand the use of electronic biometrics.Wewillcontinue to keep them under pressure.”
level, it will be adopted at theparliamentarylevel,”he said.
The comprehensive housing policy includes a review of existing programmes, policies, and processes implemented by the Central Housing and Planning Authority (CHPA).
S t a k e h o l d e r consultation has already been conducted with feedback and needs assessments is being compiled to shape the policy The government is alsoworkingonanotherkey initiative ─ the Strategy for Informal Settlement, Upgrading and Prevention. This undertaking seeks to advance regularisation exercisesandcurbsquatting countrywide The first phase of this plan has been completed and is set to be presented to Cabinet this month.Thisphaseinvolved a100percentanalysiswith planstopilotthestrategyin Region Three before expanding to other regions.
A c o n s u l t a n t i s collaborating with the Ministry to finalise this policy (DPI)
Minister of
Housing and Water, Collin Croal, told Lindeners on Sundayduringagovernment visit to Victory Valley that over 800 house lots in 11 areas will be regularised in thecomingmonths. Healso announcedthatRegion10is theonlyregioninthecountry with100%ofthehouseholds receivingtreatedwater
In explaining the government's plans for the year, Croal said 10 areas have been identified as priorityforworkstobedone.
“Let's go Siberian, Silver Hill, the Coomacka, New Harden, West Watooka, Block 'E' and 'F' of Silver City,GreenValley,Block'F', Plantation Wismar also known as West Watooka, Amelia's Ward - Block 43. And Isaid10,butthere's11, and Ituni, but if you just check over here, is 10, a minimum of 800 lots as priority to be regularised before the first half of this year in 2025 and we'll not stop there,” the Minister said.
He added that this week thehousingteamismakinga
presentation to President Irfaan Ali to show him how theyplantoclearthepending applications for Lindeners and find the lands to facilitate the house lots that willbegiventothem.
“So the point here Linden, is that we want everyone to have a comfortable life and I didn't speakabouttheinvestments. IleavethatforourPresident, but in all of these areas, it costs money to develop the land, the area, the drainage,
On the issue of water supply to the Region, Croal said Region 10 is the “only Region that we have 100% treated water that is being d e l i v e r e d t o t h e households….”
He disclosed that the
upcoming house lots regularisation are part of 'Operation Clean-up' an initiative by President Ali aimedat“workingdiligently witheveryareaand,asfaras possible, to ensure people
have the ownership of the piece of land that they occupy That is what we're talkingabout.”
Male sales-rep 18-28 years old, Knowledge about vehicle models would be an asset. Call : 619-1237.
K and M Janitoral services wanted cleaners. contact : 664-8328 /696-4567.
General domestic to work 3 days per week- Campbellville G/TOWN.Tel: 621-5140.
One general cleaner, Must be able to assist in cutting up vegetables.Serious enquires. Call: 696-2520.
Wanted a male handy person to work in the interior. Call : 664-0844 / 677-0809.
Elevate your brand with our professional Graphic design services. Call: 619-0007, 629-5526.
Visa Application:U.S.A, Canada & UK:Graphics design, advertisements, wedding arch rentals.Tel:6267040.
1 Honda CRV, includes TV, music system, alarm, reverse camera, spoiler, crash, low mileage PTT Series (first owner). Call: 649-0956.
One Unregistered Nissan XTrail 2016 model, Mode Premiere. Call : 649-0956.
Family fun Aracari Resort! crystal clear pool, safe kids & adult sections, music & food. W.B.D. Call : 2642946-9
For Sale 6 used American made Dental chairs excellent condition contact Mr Vino on 661-3030 or 626-8918
One Nissan Double cab pickup, fully off road setup ; -5 Million Negotiable. Call: 626-8919 / 661-3030.
Aracari Hotel renovated rooms ,A/C, TV, Restaurant, bar, pool, gym Stay 7 nights, 1 Free! Call: 264-2946.
From page 06 inclusive rather than partisan.
7. Humble regional executives
Regional officials under the PPP/C often display arrogance and disregard for the needs of ordinary citizens. We need leaders who are approachable, empathetic, and solutions-oriented.
The PPP/C’s obsession with concrete roads has ignored proper planning and quality control, leading to rapid deterioration. Infrastructure must prioritize durability and efficiency. Nowhere in the world, you have highways which are sinking as ours.
11. Freedom of expression
Job opening- Truck drivers, project manager, Civil engineer. To apply, please send your application via Whatsapp 638-5303 / 6082114.
Female cleaner call 615-9132 or 645-8443
Maid to clean for East Bank area. Call: 615-9132
One (1) electrician for Eccles Call 615-9132 or 645-8443.
One night watchman call: 6122125
Vacancy exist for one experienced cook. Please call : 6990942.
Vacancy exists for one nanny aged 40 or older. Please call : 699-0942.
Mason, Tiles mason , Carpenter, Engineer, construction foremen, Paver operator experience with 6-7 years. Mumbai Construction. 648-8001.
Are you a RETIRED SECRETARY? We have a job for YOU!Call: 648-1821
The #1 Plant Shop Sales Staff Needed! Secondary Education Must be willing to learn NO knowledge needed WhatsApp: 648-1821/ 6462108
Bess choice is hiring water truck driver & Porter located in Diary- West Demerara. Call: 716-2996
General Domestic , cook , iron, clean house ECT. Apply Keyfood Mc Doom village next to the post office $6000 daily, 3day work
1 Bull dozer Operator to work in the interior, Interested persons contact : 701-4000.
Vacancy for bodywork guy. Monday to Saturday. 36k - 60 k per week depends on skills. Call: 644-0833.
General Workers, shift 7-3,310 & 10-7. Sound secondary education / 3 cxc subjects. Salary $110,000 Monthly. Whatsapp 668-0306 / 6557405 .
LAND FOR SALE Garden of Eden E.B.D, 2 Minutes from proposed Heroes Highway 3.8 Acres, 65M per acre. #621-1139 / 712-4020.
8. Better use of oil money Guyana’s newfound oil wealth has been squandered on poorly planned projects and lavish spending. Proper management could transform healthcare, education, and infrastructure, benefiting every Guyanese. This has been a failure in the last 5 years.
9. Improved educational investments
The breakfast programme under the PPP/C has been criticized for its poor quality. Investing in nutritious meals and modernizing schools would create an environment conducive to learning. Similarly, the delays in school constructions and poor handling of the teachers strike actions.
Criticism of the government often results in harassment or victimization. Imagine a Guyana where citizens can freely voice concerns without fear of retaliation. The media will be treated better and less control. Imagine an NCN free of government control.
12. Ending victimization
The PPP/C’s culture of targeting critics stifles democracy. We need a government that respects dissent and encourages diverse perspectives. Sadly the VP, constant urging his supporters to go after government critics does not help. often been characterized by empty promises. Citizens deserve leadership that delivers results rather than repetitive rhetoric. Flam-
boyant approach and big announcements and then confusion.
14. Functional constitutional commissions
Constitutional commissions remain non-functional or politicized. Independent and active commissions are essential for accountability and democracy.
15. A dignified welfare system Cash grants under the PPP/C are distributed inefficiently, creating long lines and public frustration. A streamlined system would restore dignity and efficiency to welfare programs.
16. Better-paying jobs
Despite economic growth, many Guyanese still struggle with low wages. A government prioritizing fair wages and job creation could improve living standards across the country.
17. World-class infrastructure
Our international airport remains a source of embarrassment despite expensive upgrades. Competent planning and execution could turn it into a hub for regional connectivity.
18. Ending lavish spending: Lavish parties hosted by the First Lady and extravagant receptions by the President drain resources that could be better used for development. Responsible spending should be the norm.
19. Savings from sensible leadership:
Scaling back unnecessary expenditures could redirect funds to pressing national priorities such as healthcare and education.
20. Advocacy for fair oil contracts The PPP/C’s handling of oil contracts has been widely criticized for favouring foreign companies at the expense of Guyana. A renegotiation that benefits citizens must be prioritized. Guyana deserves better. The PPP/C has had its chance and failed to rise to the occasion. It is time for new leadership—one that prioritizes integrity, fairness, and the well-being of every Guyanese citizen. The choice is ours to make.
B. Singh
From page 04 promised to abolish the winner-takes-all political system of governance by establishing ‘a Constitutional Reform Committee with a mandate to complete consultations, draft amendments and present same to the National Assembly for approval within nine months.’ The areas recommended for consideration by the Committee included: election of the president by a majority of electors; separate elections for the presidency and national assembly; shared executive power between the president, the prime minister and the cabinet, a cabinet comprising parties that have achieved at least 15% of the vote at the national elections; a prime minister coming from the party that secures the second highest votes in the presidential elections and with increased executive powers and responsibility over the cabinet, and the reduction of presidential constitutional immunities.
The Coalition won the
2015 elections but failed to fulfil its manifesto promise to substantially reform the Constitution. The national and regional elections of 2020 were ushered in by a no confidence motion brought by the PPP, and during the five months long dispute resulting from those elections, the Carter Center left Guyana. And because of its posture during the dispute, its request to return and participate during the recount process was refused by the APNU+AFC government.
‘Carter Center (is deeply) Disappointed Not to Be Able to Return to Guyana’ (CC Atlanta, May 21, 2020), stated that ‘Regardless of the outcome of the election, the Center reiterates the view that Guyana’s winner-takes-all system needs to be reformed and encourages all parties to commit to national reconciliation and to completing key constitutional reforms in the near future.’ The PPP came to government after the 2020 dispute and as was expected,
governance in Guyana has become so autocratic that regardless of the outcome of the election in 2025, the PPP has already fatally compromised the pathway towards liberal democratic governance in Guyana.
At a personal level, in about 1994 when I was the minister of housing, I read in a magazine that President Carter was associated with Habitat for Humanity that provided housing for low-income persons by way of a selfhelp arrangement. Having as a child participated in such a group in Beterverwagting/ Triumph Village and having grown up in the resulting house, this type of cooperation has remained attractive to me. Furthermore, in the early years of the 1992 PPP/C government, incomes were too low for many families to be able to purchase their own homes in the usual manner.
I asked President Cheddi Jagan to speak to Jimmy Carter, who was in Guyana at the time, with a view to estab-
lishing a local branch of the organisation.
Jagan informed me that Carter asked for a request letter, which I delivered, and the rest is history.
Please note that the Carter Center’s 2020 position mirrors the late president’s 2004 parting comments and suggests that so far as governance is concerned, there continues to be a fundamental rift between the Center and the ruling political elites in Guyana. Nonetheless, many of the national comments about Jimmy Carter, while referring to his proposal of and contribution to the development of Guyana’s the National Development Strategy, which he hoped would be a development platform around which all stakeholders could unite, focused on his contribution to negotiating the 1992 democratic opening in Guyana. This is largely because that it is about all the political elites wish to remember!
Sincerely, Dr. Henry Jeffrey
From page 11 commence production activities by 2029, following the requisite approvals.
Notably, the daily production capacity being targeted is significantly lower compared to the last three projects sanctioned, which each target over 200 kbd.
Hammerhead-1 is located approximately 13 miles (21 kilometres) southwest of the
Liza-1 well and follows previous discoveries on the Stabroek Block at Liza, Liza Deep, Payara, Snoek, Turbot, Ranger, Pacora and Longtail. Moreover, this publication had reported that while the government halted its part due to the incomplete submission, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) advanced its part in relation to the application
that was made by ExxonMobil for Environmental Authorisation for the Hammerhead project.
On November 6, EPA published the Terms and Scope to guide the preparation of the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) for the Hammerhead Development.
The EPA said it conducted a review of the application and determined that the
project may significantly affect the environment and will require an EIA.
“This Terms and Scope guides the preparation of the EIA.
While Section 11 of the Act specifies “EIA”, this Terms and Scope seeks to include social and economic components in keeping with the Guyana Environmental Protection Act…” EPA said.
( T R I N I D A D GUARDIAN) Regional security consultant Garvin HeerahbelievesthatForeign DirectInvestment(FDI)and tourism arrivals to T&T could be negatively affected giventhebadpressthatT&T has received in recent days, s i n c e M o n d a y ’ s announcementofthestateof emergency (SoE) to deal with T&T’s spiralling crime rate.
The United States, United Kingdom (UK), and Canadaareamongcountries that have issued travel advisories to their citizens after the declaration of the stateofemergencyinT&T
In its advisory dated December 31, 2024, the US Embassy said American citizens in this country should expect an increased policeandmilitarypresence.
OntheGov UK website, the government of the UK advised its citizens that during the state of emergency in T&T, security forcescansearchpeopleand property without a warrant, arrest and detain without a warrant.
TheUKgovernmentalso adviseditscitizenstoexpect heightened police and military presence and to always carry their ID and comply with local authorities.
Similaradvicewasgiven to Canadian citizens via the travel.gc.cawebsite.
TheJamaicanexperience ofbattlingahighmurderrate and improving its economy is a useful example of the importance of a low crime rate in attracting FDI, analysts told the Sunday BusinessGuardian.
The United States’State Department’s webpage on Jamaica gives details of the work Jamaica has done in recent years to bring down thecrimerateandtoincrease FDI.
“To sustain the reaped economic gains, the Government of Jamaica continues to take measures to improve the security situation (with one of the highest murder rates in the world) and to mitigate the risk of natural catastrophes, which remain hindrances to F D I , ” t h e S t a t e Department’s webpage stated.
Heerah said foreign investors reading the news about T&T’s SoE, and the struggle to deal with violent crime, could potentially change their minds about investing in T&T. “FDI is driven by investor confidence, and one of its key prerequisites is a stable andsecureenvironment.
Regional security consultant Garvin Heerah
The current narrative, amplifiedbytheSoE,paints a picture of instability that could deter potential investors.
For businesses already operatinginT&T,theremay be concerns about operational risks, supply chain disruptions, and employee safety These factors could lead to a reconsideration of future investments or even divestments.”
Hesaiddomestically,the economy could suffer as a
commercial activities, and heightened security measures as businesses, particularly small and medium enterprises, are likely to feel the strain of reduced customer activity and heightened security costs.
He also spoke about the international media’s negative coverage of T&T and how this might impact touristarrivalstoT&T
“The issuance of travel advisories by major countries such as the US, UK, and Canada, following the SoE declaration, is a
clear indication that the global community is closely monitoring the situation in T&T Traveladvisoriesoften lead to a sharp decline in tourist arrivals, particularly aspotentialvisitorsperceive thecountryasunsafe.
This is particularly concerning given the vital role tourism plays in diversifying the economy and generating foreign exchange.”
He said additionally, the international media’s coverage of the SoE, as a response to escalating violence, further tarnishes the nation’s reputation
“While domestic audiences may understand the necessity of the SoE, international observers may view it as evidence of systemic instability, governancechallengesanda failure to address the root causes of criminality effectively.”
Despite the potential negative fallout from the SoE because of the growing instability in T&T, he said that the SoE is a necessary and immediate measure to address the alarming escalation of crime, particularly violent homicides, that has gripped thenation.
“While the intention
is to restore law and order, such a decision inevitably comes with f a r - r e a c h i n g implications, particularly in the areas of tourism FDI and the perception of national stability on the internationalstage.”
H e r r a h r e m a i n s optimistic that T&T can emerge with a stronger economy and a stable social system once the right policies are carried out
“The declaration of a State of Emergency is a stark reminder of the challengesT&Tfaces However, it also presents an opportunity to demonstrate resilience andresolve
By leveraging this moment to implement decisive, transparent, and sustainable strategies, the country can emerge stronger, ensuring that the short-term measures taken now pavethewayfor long-term security and economicstability
T&T stands at a crossroads
T h e w o r l d i s watching. It is now the time for bold leadership, national unity, and a c o m m i t m e n t t o rebuilding trust locally andinternationally
400 Jamaicans applied for the new National Water
Commission (NWC) amnesty programme on launch day, which was Thursday,January2.
The amnesty — first announced by Prime MinisterAndrewHolnessat the Jamaica Labour Party’s annual conference in Novemberlastyear—isfor NWC customers who are pensioners and have been disconnected for two years, people trying to transfer land titles, and customers whohavebeendisconnected forlongerthansixmonths.
Under the amnesty, which will last for three months, up to March 31, 2025, pensioners who are assessed as being in need, based on the Programme of Advancement Through Health and Education
(PATH) beneficiary identification standards, will have their debt written
According to NWC’s Acting Corporate Public Relations Manager Delano Williams, a total of 372 people had applied by the end of the first day of the initiative, which he said is part of a raft of measures to provide well-needed relief for customers Williams, who provided the Jamaica Observer with an update on Friday, said the initiative is geared at customers “who maybefacinghardships,are straddledwitholdbalances, and are also willing to reconnect and access the NWC services as part of a freshstart”.
off and reconnection fees waived. This will allow pensioners to reconnect legally and facilitate the transfer of titles where outstanding bills are a challenge. According to Holness, the amnesty is aimed at giving relief to NWC customers who are suffering the weight of bills frommajorhouseholdleaks inthepast.
Williams said the two components of the amnesty entail an offer of a 50 per cent discount to residential customers with accounts disconnectedforsixmonths or more; and an offer to write-off balances older than two years for pensioners and PATH beneficiaries.
“Therearealsoofferings for other customers who
may be outside of these main groupings but also have challenges with their billbalances.Allpersonsare beingencouragedtocontact the NWC via its online channels, contact centre, or simply to visit the nearest location that is convenient forthem,”hesaid.
Speaking on the initiative last Wednesday, Holness told the Observer that his Administration is focusedonmakinglivingin Jamaicaaffordable,andthat it will be looking at every aspect of government to ensure that it is made easier for people to survive and thrive.
“ I f t h e r e a r e unnecessary, self-serving red tape, fees, waiting time, complicated requirements thataddtothecostofliving
orthecostofdoingbusiness, this Administration will remove these obstacles, simplify complications, reducecosts,andgiverelief to pain points. This is the principle of the caring economy and Government operating behind the NWC reliefprogrammes,”hesaid.
In the meantime, minister with responsibility for water Matthew Samuda told the Observer last Wednesday that some 150,000 Jamaicans will benefitfromtheamnesty “It will cost the NWC about $34 billion in potential revenue, but that is not an issue as the Government tries to improve the lives of Jamaicans who might have hadanissuetopaytheirbills in recent time,” said Samuda He said the
amnesty is not a knee-jerk reaction but is instead an expansion of an initiative that was undertaken by NWC over the last 12 months in Portmore, St Catherine, in some of the quadrants in which there wereparticularlyhighlevels ofnon-revenuewaterusage.
Samuda said the initiative will return individual and legal connections to tens of thousandsofJamaicans,and will return comfort and dignity to pensioners and those living below the poverty line who have been affected by this debt and disconnected from the NWC.NWCcustomerswho qualifyforthisamnestymay call toll free 888-225-5692 andmakeanappointmentto getreconnected.
(BBC NEWS) - Elon Musk has called for Nigel Farage to be replaced as leader of Reform UK, just weeks after reports the multi-billionairewasintalks todonatetotheparty
In a post on his social media site X, Musk said Farage“doesn’thavewhatit takes”toleadtheparty-but
did not explain his reasoning.Faragesuggested
this was due to a disagreement over Musk’s support for far-right activist Tommy Robinson. He said Musk’s comment was “a surprise”, but that he would “never sell out my principles”.
The comment from the tech entrepreneur comes hoursafterFaragedescribed Musk as a “friend” in an interview on the BBC’s Sunday with Laura Kuenssbergprogramme.
But this week a rift emerged over Musk’s support for Robinson, real name Stephen YaxleyLennon, who is currently serving an 18-month prison sentence for contempt of court. Robinson admitted in court to breaching an injunction against repeating claims about a Syrian refugee schoolboy after losinga2021libelcase.
Sunday in response to Musk’s comment, Farage said: “Elon is a remarkable individual but on this I am afraidIdisagree”.“Myview remains that Tommy Robinson is not right for Reform and I never sell out myprinciples.”
Minutes after Farage made his statement, Musk posted on X: “Free Tommy Robinson now ” In the interview broadcast earlier on Sunday, Farage called Musk a “hero” who makes ReformUK“lookcool”.But he added that Musk’s support “doesn’t mean I have to agree with every single statement he makes onX”.
Faragesaidheplannedto “have a conversation with (Musk) on a variety of things”-includingRobinson - at the inauguration of President-elect Donald Trump Farage has maintained close ties to Trump,whohasgivenMusk a role in his administration. Thequestionnowiswhether Farage’s friendship with the president-elect is affected.
Farage founded Reform UK in 2018, then called the BrexitParty,andreturnedas the party’s leader before being elected as an MP in 2024.
In December, Farage,
along with Reform’s new party treasurer Nick Candy, metMuskatMar-a-Lagofor an hour-long meeting, and began “open negotiations” aboutadonationtotheparty Musk’s father Errol has suggested the SpaceX and Tesla mogul might even be prepared to become a UK citizen to make a $100m (£80 5 m) donation to Reform UK. Farage later said speculation about the figurewas“forthebirds”.
As a US citizen, Musk cannot make personal politicaldonationsintheUK - but could make one throughtheBritishbranchof hiscompanyX.
Fornow,atleastitseems the rumours of a large
donation from Musk to Reformareonice.Sincehis meeting with Farage, Musk has increasingly taken an interest in UK politicsfocusing on criticism of Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer Muskhasspenttheweek amplifying calls by Reform UK and the Conservative Party for a national inquiry into grooming gangs. The calls came after the government turned down a requesttoconductaninquiry into historical cases of sexual abuse in Oldham, saying the council should lead it instead This prompted Musk to accuse Sir Keir of failing to properly prosecute “rape
gangs”whilehewasdirector ofpublicprosecutions.
Musk also said Safeguarding Minister Jess Phillips “deserves to be in prison” and called her a “rape genocide apologist”.
Asked about Musk’s comments on Sunday with Laura Kuenssberg, Farage saidtheCEOhadused“very tough terms”, but that “free speech was back” on X under his ownership In 2022, an independent inquiry by Greater Manchester Combined Authority found that vulnerablechildrenwereleft exposed to sexual exploitation in Oldham becauseof“seriousfailings” bythepoliceandcouncil.
The government has rejected the calls for a national inquiry, instead asking Oldham Council to setupitsown.Theprevious Conservative government turned down a similar requestin2022.
Phillips and Home Secretary Yvette Cooper said in a letter to the Conservatives that the local authorityhadalreadystarted setting up an inquiry The letter also pointed to the 2022 Child Sexual Abuse Inquiry, which investigated abuse in care homes, churches, homes or by grooming gangs. The report knitted several previous inquiries into grooming gangs together, including in Rotherham, Rochdale and Telford, alongside its own investigations.
Speaking on Sunday, Health Secretary Wes Streeting said the governmentwasprioritising “getting on with” implementingthereport’s20 recommendationstocombat child sexual abuse. He told the BBC that Musk’s criticism of Phillips was a “disgracefulsmear”andsaid “people like Keir Starmer and Jess Phillips have done the hard yards of actually locking up wife beaters, rapistsandpaedophiles”.
CAIRO,Jan5(Reuters)-Israel and Hamas wrangled on Sunday over the details of a deal to halt fighting in the Gaza Strip and return hostages home, as Palestinian officials said intensified Israeli bombardments had killed more than 100 people overtheweekend.
AHamasofficialsaidthegroup had approved a list of 34 Israeli hostagestobereturnedaspartofa dealthatcouldeventuallyleadtoa ceasefire But Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s office swiftly issued a statement saying Hamashadnotprovidedahostage list.Arenewedpushisunderwayto reach a ceasefire in the 15-month warbetweenIsraelandHamas,and return Israeli hostages who were taken to Gaza, before U S President-elect Donald Trump takes office on Jan. 20. The effort comes amid a surge in Israeli
militaryactionintheenclave.This weekend,IsraeliairstrikesinGaza killed 105 Palestinians, medics said.TheIsraelimilitarysaidithad killeddozensofHamasmilitants.
TheU.S.StateDepartmentsaid Israel must co
do “significantly more to ensure the protection of civilians”. It added, however, that it supports Israel’s right to defend itself Israeli negotiators were dispatched on Friday to resume talks in Doha brokered by Qatari and Egyptian mediators, and U.S. President Joe Biden’s administration, which is helping to mediate, has urged Hamas to agree to a deal. Hamas saidonFridayitwascommittedto reaching an agreement as soon as possible, but it was unclear how closethetwosideswere.
A Hamas official told Reuters any agreement to return Israeli
hostageswouldhingeonadealfor IsraeltowithdrawfromGazaanda permanent ceasefire or end to the war “However, until now, the occupationcontinuestobeobstinate overanagreementovertheissuesof theceasefireandwithdrawal,andhas made no step forward,” the official said, speaking on condition of anonymity Netanyahu has consistently said the war will only end once Hamas is eradicated as a military and governing force Israel launched its assault on Gaza in responsetoanOct 7,2023attackby Hamas militants on communities in southern Israel, killing about 1,200 people and taking about 250 hostages,accordingtoIsraelitallies Israel’s military campaign has since levelled swathes of the enclave,drivingmostpeoplefrom theirhomes,andhaskilled45,805 Palestinians,accordingtotheGaza healthministry
Israeli military strikes continued throughout the Gaza Strip on Sunday, with an airstrike killingfivepeopleinahouseinthe Nuseirat camp in central Gaza, Gaza health officials said, and anotherkillingfourinJabaliainthe north of the enclave. Later in the day,anairstrikehitapolicestation in Khan Younis in southern Gaza, killing five people, medics said. It wasnotimmediatelyclearifallthe deadwerepoliceofficers.
At nightfall, medics said an Israeli airstrike had killed three people in Bureij camp in central Gaza,bringingSunday’sdeathtoll to 17. The Israeli military said it had struck Hamas militants operating from the humanitarian area in Khan Younis, and an Islamic Jihad militant who it said had carried out attacks from the humanitarianareainDeiral-Balah.
InGazaCity’sSheikhRadwan neighbourhood, relatives and neighbours rushed to the Zuhd family’s house, which was struck by an Israeli airstrike late on Saturday, killing seven people, medicssaid. Thesearchcontinued onSundaymorningforfourothers believed to be trapped under the rubble.Threemendugawaydebris with their bare hands to retrieve bodies and search for possible survivors.TheIsraelimilitarysaid on Sunday its forces had attacked morethan100targetsacrossGaza over the weekend, killing dozens of Hamas militants. It said it had also destroyed rocket launching sites that had been used to wage attacksonIsraelinrecentdays. Later on Sunday, it said it had killedlastweekintheJabaliaarea an Islamic Jihad militant who had participatedintheOct.7attackon Israel.
(AL JAZEERA) A Palestinian writer, poet and journalist has been killed in an Israeli air attack in northern Gaza's Jabalia refugee camp, according to his family, taking the total number of journalists killed in the Israel-Palestine conflict since October 7, 2023 to 220. Mohammad
Hijazi was among nearly 90 Palestinians slain in Israeli attacks across the besieged territoryinthelast24hours, according to a statement from the Gaza Ministry of HealthonSunday
Hundredsofpeoplehave been killed in the Jabalia camp since Israel imposed a military siege of northern Gaza on October 5 and intensified bombardment, forcing thousands to flee. Israelhaspreventedevenaid groupsfromsupplyingbasic fooditemstothearea.
“I don't know if I will write to you again. I keep what I have written and am writing. Maybe it will come to light one day I refuse a cheap death. I curse the murderer,” Hijazi wrote on Facebook in August last year “Let us in this bottom thatwehavefinallyreached,
arm ourselves with patience and prayer, and count the days we have lived as a historic achievement, while awaiting what is coming with a broken heart, an extinguished eye, a head held high, and a spirit that fights until the end of the road.”
It was not immediately clear whether Hijazi was workingforaspecificmedia organisation when he died. Since the beginning of its war on Gaza on October 7, 2023, Israel has killed at least 220 journalists and media workers, including Hijazi.
The Health Ministry reported on Sunday that at least 88 Palestinians had been killed and 208 others injuredinGazainthepast24 hours.
Meanwhile, another baby died from the cold in Gaza, as displaced
Palestinians lack warm clothesandareforcedtolive in tents that provide little protection from the weather
The child's mother told Al Jazeera that her baby, Yousef, was born healthy, but he became the eighth infanttodieinGazainrecent
“Theydidn'tgiveasingle moment to feel happy with mybaby,”shesaid.“Heslept next to me and in the morning,Ifoundhimfrozen and dead. I don't know what to say No one can feel my misery No one in the world can understand our catastrophicsituation.”
Thelatestfatalitiesbring the deathtollof Palestinians killed by Israeli attacks in Gazatoatleast45,805since
President Dr Irfaan Ali, last Friday, visited the CV (Craig Vegetables) HydroponicsFarminFriendshipontheEast BankofDemerara.
Duringthevisit,thePresidentreceivedan update on the farm's operations from its founder and owner, Mr Kitaka Craig. The farm produces a variety of crops, including lettuce, kale, spinach, mint, parsley, and cilantro. According to Craig, it operates on lessthantwoacresoflandandismanagedby ateamoffivestaffmembers.
A wounded Palestinian boy arrives at AlAqsa Martyrs Hospital on January 4, 2025 following an Israeli air strike on Bureij refugee camp in Deir el-Balah in the Gaza Strip, where 220 journalists have been killed in the past 15 months.
[Mohammed Saber/EPA]
October 2023, while an estimated109,064havebeen injured. Among those slain inIsraelistrikesacrossGaza on Sunday were three Palestinianswhowereliving in a tent in Deir el-Balah, according to Al Jazeera's Hani Mahmoud, reporting from central Gaza.Afamily of15peoplewasalsoburied under the rubble in the northwest of Gaza City, following a separate strike, Mahmoudreported.
“The Palestinian Civil Defence is doing its best to remove bodies from under the rubble, but has only removed four of the family members,” he said “It's estimatedthereareatleast15 family members under the three-storey building that was flattened to the ground. “These repeated attacks –
deliberate against families –continue to unfold, causing more tragedies among Palestinians ” In the last three days, Israeli forces have killed more than 200 people in Gaza, Mahmoud noted The last few remaining hospitals across Gazaarenowoverwhelmed, headded.
At the emergency department at Al-Aqsa Martyrs Hospital in Deir elBalah,manypeoplewereleft on the floor and others were waiting to be admitted into the operating theatre, Mahmoudsaid.“Bythetime it's their turn, it's too late –they have already bled to death [Many] burns are quite severe, and no pain medicationisavailableatthe hospital,”hesaid.
“There's a silent death
going on. In the past weeks, due to the ongoing attacks, people are dying quietly because of the lack of medical supplies ” On Sunday, the Israeli military claimed that it had struck more than 100 “terror targets” in the Gaza Strip over the past two days
Several of the strikes targeted sites from which Palestinianfightershadbeen firing projectiles into Israel in recent days, the military said. The latest violence in Gaza comes as indirect negotiations for a captive release deal resumed in Qatar
Mediators Qatar, Egypt and the United States have been engaged for months in effortstostrikeadealtoend the war and secure the releaseofdozensofcaptives still held in Gaza. Israel has detained more than 10,000 Palestinians since launching its devastating war, which has brought it global condemnation Rights groups have termed Israel's military offensive as a genocide, while the International Court of Justice (ICJ), the top United Nationscourt,saidinMarch 2024 that the Israeli operation “plausibly” amounted to genocide Separately, the International Criminal Court (ICC) has issued arrest warrants against Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his former Defence Minister Yoav Gallant.
An Essequibo man is hospitalised with a fractured hip and rib cage after his motorcycle slammed into a Guyana Power Light (GPL) poleduringtheweehoursof Sunday
The farm established its first greenhouse in 2009 and has since expanded to 15 shade houses,withplansforfurtherexpansion. Lastyearalone,CVFarmsproducedover 33,000poundsoflettuceandmorethan9,000 poundsofkale.Craigsaidtheproduceissold tolocalsupermarketsandrestaurants.Healso noted that, with the future expansion of his farm,hewilltargettheinternationalmarket.
In brief remarks, the President commendedCraigandsaidthattheMinistry of Agriculture will collaborate and support themodelfarm. “Thisisfoodsecurity This is building innovation, entrepreneurship, science and technology…” President Ali noted.
The accident took place around 01:15 hours at Land of Plenty, Essequibo Coast, Region Two. Police said the motorcyclist, identified as MarkKendallSimonofLot8 Public Road, Cottonfield, Essequibo Coast also sustainedinjuriestohishead. Investigatorsallegedthat hewasspeedingwhenhelost control of his bike and slammed into a pole located on the western side of the roadatLandofPlenty Anti-crime patrol ranks
reportedlypickedhimupoff the road in an unconscious state and transported him to the Suddie Public Hospital wherehehasbeenadmitted.
(BBCSport)-Tottenham have signed 21-year-old Czech goalkeeper Antonin Kinsky from Slavia Prague in a deal worth about £12.5m.
Spurshavebeenwithout f
Spurshaveonlywontwo of their past 11 games and are 12th in the Premier League.
Kinskyhasagreedadeal until 2031 and the move is subject to the granting of internationalclearanceanda workpermit.
AfterjoiningfromDukla Prague in 2021, he spent some time on loan before
Guglielmo Vicario since he fractured an ankle on 24 November during the 4-0 winoverManchesterCity Fraser Forster has been deputisingforVicario,buthe missedSaturday’s2-1defeat by Newcastle with illness, which led to a debut for 25year-oldBrandonAustin.
establishing himself at Slavia. The Czech Republic Under-21 player has made 29 appearances for Slavia thisseasonandkept14clean sheets. Bournemouth close to £6.6m deal forArgentine Soler
Bournemouth have agreed a deal to sign defender Julio Soler from Argentine club Lanus for an initialfeeofabout£6.6m.
The 19-year-old has featured 58 times for Lanus
since making his debut in 2022. The Cherries hope to conclude a deal for Soler in the coming days after agreeingtoadealthatcould eventually be worth about £11.5m if all add-on clauses aremet.
Paraguay-born left-back Soler, who has represented Argentina at youth level, is expected in the UK on Mondaytofinalisethedeal.
Bournemouth’s 1-0 win against Everton at Vitality Stadium on Saturday kept them in seventh place in the PremierLeague.
Finding better qualified Guyana...
Does it seem like your life is pulling apart at the seams, Aries? Perhaps it's time to reevaluate. Major aspects of your being could be coming into question and you can't seem to find the answer to why you started down this roadinthefirstplace.
There's an extra bit of fire in your words and emotions today, Taurus Your sensitivity is heightened and you should consider doing some sort of volunteer work now
There may be serious challenges in your daily routine today, Gemini. How can you organize your day moreefficiently?Taketimeto setaplanintomotion.Writeit down.
Youmayfeelidealistictoday, Cancer Thisisfine,butmake suretheseidealsarerootedin realityortheymaybenothing more than a pipe dream. Feel free to escape to another mindset.
Yourdreamsandfantasiesare morerealthanyouknow,Leo. Smile at the people you pass and watch them smile back. Yoursensitiveandfun-loving nature is infectious. Use it to helphealothers'wounds.
Your sensitivity is especially heightened today, Virgo You're in tune with your emotions and more sensitive toyourdreams.
You may be going through a confusing period now, Libra. Today's energy brings these issuesintofocus.Partsofyour lifeseemtobeslappingyouin the face, indicating that a drastic life change is coming. Resist the urge to play the victim.
SCORPIO(Oct.23–Nov 21)
Spiritualconcernsandfanciful daydreams move into sharp focus today, Scorpio. Perhaps you're pulled by playful emotions and escapism. Keep one foot on the ground while you send your mind into the clouds.
SAGIT(Nov 22–Dec.21)
Have you taken someone for granted lately? Today you should give them the thanks and attention they deserve, Sagittarius. Your sensitivity and psychic awareness are especiallystrong.
There may be some serious miscommunication today, so be honest in all your dealings, C a p r i c o r n B e a s straightforward as possible, sinceissuescanbackfireifthe truthisclouded.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20–Feb. 18)You may not be sure what to think today, Aquarius Mentalconfusioncouldbethe day's theme for you, but don't letitgetyoudown.
Spiritualconcernsareabigger issue for you today, Pisces. You may have found that you're drawn to a fanciful mindset and unorthodox way ofviewingtheworld.
Julio Soler, 19, has represented Argentina at U23 level (Getty Images)
different world Guyana cricket could have been today if it was Bish Panday who won the last actually contested GCB election in 2009. Despite stepping away fromthesport-heisstillbetter thanallthepeoplethathaveled GCBsince2011
Clive Lloyd: Who better than arguably Guyana’s greatestcricketertobetheface of GCB? Lloyd is currently involved with CWI reform talks at CARICOM cricket subcommittee level under Trinidad Prime Minister Dr KeithRowleyandischairmanof the Guyana Global Super League Soclearlythereissome sportsadministrationlifeleftin the legendary “Super Cat” despitehisageAlfredMentore:
Acitymayorleadingasports organization has already happenedintheCaribbean In Trinidad, Raymond Tim-Kee served as Mayor of Port of Spain while being TTFA football president Mentore already has experience being an executive in the Demerara & Guyana Cricket board
b e f o r e b e c o m i n g Georgetown’sMayor Monty Lynch: In 2016 LynchleftGuyanaafterashort stint as GCB Territorial Development Officer (TDO) after calling the GCB unprofessional The fact that Lynch, the former Guyanese born England international who is a legend in Surrey countycaredtocomebackand help Guyana cricket was noteworthy at the time This makes him an intriguing option considering what advanced English system ideas he could bring to the GCB.
Colin Benjamin is a current CONCACAF Venue PressOfficer&formerWest Indies communications officerfrom2019-2023.
(Cricinfo) - Australia regained the BorderGavaskar Trophy, the silverware that had eluded them for a decade, and confirmed their spot in the World Test Championship (WTC) final alongside SouthAfrica, after finishing offIndiainsidethreedaysat theSCG.
India’s hopes of staying in contention for the WTC final rested on Jasprit Bumrah, but without him thosefadedaway For someone who had a massive influence on this series,withthemostwickets byanIndiabowleronatour ofAustralia, it was a shame hecouldn’tplayapartinthe final act, though he had still doneenoughtobethePlayer oftheSeries.
After having left the SCG on the second day for scans on his back, Bumrah returned to bat at No. 11 on thethirddaybutwasn’tfitto bowl.
All the early visuals had portended Bumrah’s absence.
He didn’t warm up with the other bowlers and only didabitofshadow-bowling. Then,afterbecomingthelast India batter to be dismissed, foraduck,hedidn’ttakethe fieldatallforIndia’sdefence
of 161. Given his history of back issues, India had to wraphimincottonwool.
The target was a substantialoneforAustralia, especiallyonthisspicySCG surface, but it did appear a whole lot smaller when Mohammed Siraj and Prasidh Krishna sprayed the newballaround.
The pair conceded 12 runs via wides and byes downthelegsideinthefirst twoovers.
Though Prasidh tightened up and took three wickets, including that of Steven Smith, Bumrah’s absence hung like Coleridge’salbatrossaround India’sneck.
The batters didn’t make it any easier for India’s depletedattack.
Theylost4for16in7.5 oversonthethirdmorningto fold for 157. Scott Boland, who might not have played this series had Josh Hazlewood been fit and might not be a certainty for Australia’s next Test assignment in Sri Lanka, bagged his first ten-wicket haul in professional cricket to hasten India’s collapse. Having taken four wickets on the opening day at the SCG, Boland added six to histally-hissecondfive-for
inTestcricketsincehis6for 7ondebut,whichwasjustas glorious.
Boland had started the day with a maiden and continued to stalk both the edges by hitting a perfect length. He had Siraj caught at first slip and castled Bumrah in the 40th over to wrap up India’s innings Boland then, fittingly, held the ball aloft and led Australia off the field, with theSCGcrowdgivinghima rousingreception.
His captain Cummins had earlier accounted for Ravind
deja and Washington Sundar. Jadeja had been dropped by Smith intheslipson6ondaytwo, but it cost Australia just seven runs, with Cummins going much fuller to kiss Jadeja’soutsideedge. He then nipped one through Washington’s gate to expose India’s tail to Boland.
Australia capitalised on the wayward new-ball bowling from Siraj and Krishna,runningawayto39 fornolossinthefourthover Prasidh provided India with the breakthrough when he hadSamKonstasmiscuinga slogtomid-offfor22off17 balls.
After the second day’s
The Australians got their hands on the trophy after a long gap (Getty Images)
play, Prasidh spoke of how he shifted from his stock back of a length plan to a much fuller one after a chat withtheanalyst.
However, on Sunday, with the harder, newer ball, hegleanedmorebounceand seam movement with his naturallength.
After smacking Marnus Labuschagne on his elbow, Prasidh had him steering a catchtogully
For the second time in two days, more than 40,000 fansattheSCGwerepoised to celebrate Smith scaling 10,000Testruns,butPrasidh had other ideas and snared himoneshyofthelandmark with a prancing delivery Smithwillnowhavetowait untilthefirstTestagainstSri Lanka in Galle later this month for his next opportunity to become the 15thTestbatterinthe10,000 club.
India had to wait until after lunch to get rid of Usman Khawaja The opener misjudged Siraj’s length,bottom-edgingapull to Pant for 41 off 45 balls.
Indiafeltthattheywereonto something after that. Siraj roared while Virat Kohli, who stood in as captain, charged towards his bowler from the slips and animatedlypumpedhisfist.
Travis Head and debutant Beau Webster, however, changed the mood and the game quickly
When Nitish Kumar Reddy offered up a wide half-volley in his first over, Head stayed leg side of the ball and unleashed a rasping blow throughthecovers
At the other end, We b s t e r w a s l e s s adventurous, but still scored at a fast clip, thanks to his long reach, which messed with the lengthsofthebowlers
Webster, who had made his first-class debut back in 2014, might have wondered if his time at the top level would ever come
When it finally did, the 31-year-old made it a memorableone
He top-scored for Australia with 57 in their first innings - only Pant scored more runs than him - and dismissed Shubman Gill to go with some excellent catching intheslips
On Sunday, Webster struck an unbeaten 39 off 34 balls and provided the coup de grâce when he s t e p p e d o u t t o Washington and pumped him straight of mid-off for four Australia chased down162in27overs
PrasidhandSirajbowled 24ofthefirst25oversinthe chase. Their only respitebesidesalunchbreak-came when Australia were three hits away from victory Jadeja didn’t bowl at all in the final innings and Washingtonbowledjustone over, bringing India’s selection into sharp focus onceagain.
While Australia had immense depth in their attack, India lacked it and Bumrah’s injury only compounded their troubled tourofAustralia.
Frompage27 weightofsixyearsofhostinganddeveloping similar tournaments across the country,” the releasecontinued.
The release thankedAnsa Mcal Trading, MVPSports,NigelHindsFinancialServices, Cevons Waste Management, ENet, Corum Group, Fireside Grill and Chill, Starr Party RentalsandtheCommissionerofPolice,Mr CliftonHickenfortheircontinuedsupportof “our initiatives, which are solely aimed at
givinggrassrootssportsaprominentplacein Guyana and community development through positive youth participation in physicalactivity”.
The winner will pocket 500,000, second place 300,000, third place $200,000 and fourthplace$100,000.
Trophies will be given to teams placing firsttothirdwhileprizeswillbegiventothe Most Valubale Player (MVP) of the tournamentandtheMostGoalScorer
demonstrated the spirit that has been missing under new manager Ruben Amorim to earn a superb point at Premier League leaders
Liverpool United, attempting to avoid four straight league defeats for the first time since 1979, took a shock lead when Lisandro Martinez powered a finish high past Alisson after52minutes.
Liverpool were level seven minutes later when Cody Gakpo scored with a superbangleddrivebeforeall United’sgoodworklookedto be in vain Mohamed Salah equalledThierryHenry’stally of 175 Premier League goals fromthepenaltyspotwith20 minutesleftafterhandballwas awardedagainstatMatthijsde Ligt following a video a s s i s
r e e intervention.
United were not to be denied, however, and Amad Dialloscoredanotherbiggoal afterhiswinneratManchester City when he turned home Alejandro Garnacho’s cutback Harry Maguire could have won the game for United with almost the final kick but he blazed Joshua Zirkzee’s bobbled pass over thebarfrom12yards.
Fulham salvage late drawagainstIpswich
RaulJimenezcompleteda penalty double in stoppage time to rescue a point for Fulham against Ipswich as threespot-kickswereawarded in a dramatic second half Despite Fulham dominating possession, Ipswich were in frontatthebreakafterSammie Szmodics fired in the opener when wing-back Ben
Johnson’s header came back offthebar Butthegamereally cametolifeinthesecondhalf, with the drama beginning as thehomesidelevelledthrough a coolly taken Jimenez penalty
Referee Darren Bond initially waved away Fulham’s appeals when HarryWilsonwastrippedby IpswichskipperSamMorsy, but he overturned that decision after being sent to the screen by his video assistant. Bond was later accused by Fulham boss Marco Silva of performing “not at the level the Premier League demands”. A mere 21 seconds after the game restarted, Fulham defender Timothy Castagne kicked through Ipswich striker L i a m D e l a p w h e n attempting to clear the ball andBondpointedtothespot
(BBC Sport) - World
number one Aryna Sabalenka geared up for her Australian Open title defence with victory over Russian qualifier Polina Kudermetova in the final of theBrisbaneInternational.
The 26-year-old from Belarus recovered from dropping her serve twice on her way to losing the openingsettocomethrough 4-66-36-2againsttheworld number107.
Sabalenka lost in last year’s Brisbane final to Elena Rybakina before going on to triumph in the Australian Open for the secondtimeinarow.
TheopeningGrandSlam of the year begins at Melbourne Park on Sunday, 12January
After a less than impressive opening set, Sabalenka began the second s e t s t r o n g l y a n d Kudermetova had to save break points in her opening servicegame.
The pressure eventually told,withadropshotgiving Sabalenkathebreakanda32leadandshedominatedthe remainderofthesettoforce thedecider
Sabalenka claimed her 18th career title in Brisbane (Getty Images)
again. Delap duly struck the ballhomepowerfullyforhis eighth league goal of the campaign The visitors nearly made sure of the points when Jack Clarke’s low drive hit the post, but Fulhamwentdowntheother end and Jimenez was felled by Leif Davis. The Mexico striker was quickly back on his feet and another nerveless penalty, hit high into the net, ensured
on points with Wolves who sitaplaceabovethem.
(SportsMax) - Former West Indies all-rounder Dwayne Bravo has been appointedasHeadCoachof the Abu Dhabi Knight Riders for the 2025 International league T20 (ILT20) season, the team announcedonSaturday Bravo, who retired from professionalcricketafterthe 2024 Caribbean Premier League, most recently served as a bowling consultantforAfghanistanat the 2024 ICC T20 World Cup,helpingthemgetallthe waytothesemi-finals.
Chennai Super Kings in the 2023 and 2024 editions of the Indian Premier League andwillserveasamentorfor theKolkataKnightRidersin the2025edition.
Meanwhile, Naomi Osaka retired from the final oftheAucklandClassicwith anabdominalinjury
The four-time Grand Slam winner, who was playing in her first WTA final for three years after takinga15-monthbreakand givingbirthtoherfirstchild midway through 2023, took the opening set 6-4 against Denmark’sClaraTauson. But the 27-year-old called for the physio at the changeover and stood and performed a series of stretches during a medical timeout.
Abreakearlyinthethird setleftherincontrolandon thewaytoherfirsttitleofthe year.Osakaretiresfromfirst finalsince2022
After consulting with the trainer she shook the hand of Tauson, who picked up a third career title and her first since 2021
In a statement, the WTA said Osaka retired “due to an abdominal injury”
“I just want to thank everyone for welcoming me to such a beautiful city and I had a lot of fun playing here and I’m really sorry about how it ended,”shesaid
“Ihopeyoudidenjoythe tennis that we did play and I’m just really grateful to be here.”
The veteran of 520 T20 gamesthroughouthisstoried career also served as a bowling coach for the
Bravowilltakechargeof a squad filled with West
The Knight Riders open their account against MI EmiratesonJanuary12.
Frompage26 sport,hasinresponsetoaninvitedaddressat the Convention from the President ofWorld Boxing,BorisVanDerVorst,committedthe WBC’ssupporttoWorldBoxing’seffortsto win “International Federation” status from theIOCbyitsearly2025deadline.Invoicing his confidence in the capacity of World BoxingtoimplementandsustainanOlympic Program,PresidentSulaimandescribeditas theonlyviablealternativetosaveboxingas anOlympicsport.Heurgedthe161country membership of the WBC through its affiliated confederations to at earliest, align themselveswithWorldBoxinginsupportof its quest to be ratified by the IOC to bring boxingbacktotheOlympicgames.
For our part, it is imperative that our Caribbean Governments including Guyana, Ministers of Sport and administrators, urgentlyrecognizethegravityofthecurrent circumstancesandactwithdispatchtosecure an immediate affiliation toWorld Boxing in support of its bid to secure a favourable reversal of the decision by the IOC to excludeBoxingfromtheOlympicgamesand regaintheopportunityforOlympicGloryfor our amateur boxers and our respective Countries.(PeterAbdool,President-GBBC)
Note: the author is available to any Minister/ Sports Administrator/ National BoxingAuthority of the Caribbean to assist with acquiring membership or affiliation to WorldBoxing.
Argentina’s Santiago Ponzinibbio Argentina’
Guyanese mixed martial arts international star fighter, Carlston Harris is set for a return to the octagon this coming Saturday against Argentina’s Santiago Ponzinibbio.
Having lost his last fight during May 2024’sUFCFightNight241viaknockoutto American Khaos Williams, Harris will be lookingtoheadlinehisreturntoactionwitha possiblewin.
Harris enters this fight with a record of 19-6,4-2inUFCbouts,whileaslightlymore
experienced Ponzinibbio will be keen on addingtohis30-8professionalrecord.
The upcoming UFC Fight Night 259 at theApexFacilityinEnterprise,NevadaUSA will also be a mental challenge for the Guyanese,havinglosttoWilliamsinhislast fightatthesamevenue.
Harris enjoyed his moment of international stardom when he picked up a submission victory overAmerican Jeremiah Wells during his 4th UFC match, at 2023’s FightNight226summerevent.
The Guyana Cycling Federation (GCF) has announced an urgent extraordinary general meeting to address a critical leadershipcrisisthathasleft the organisation without a quorum at both the Council andExecutivelevels.
Theabsenceofaquorum has significantly hindered the administration and advancement of cycling in Guyana, making immediate actionnecessary
In a notice issued by General Secretary Mark St. Claire, the Federation
constitution provides for suchsituationstoberesolved through a general or extraordinarymeeting.
This pivotal gathering aims to restore order and
y generalmeetingisscheduled to take place on Saturday, January18,2025.Thetimeis yettobeannounced.
All registered cycling clubs are urgently invited to participate in this meeting.
The Federation underscores the importance of this event and calls on all stakeholders to prioritise their attendance to collectively address the challenges and chart a path forwardforthedevelopment ofcyclinginGuyana. TheGCFappreciatesthe c o o p e r a t i o n a n d commitment of the cycling community as it works to resolve this matter and advancethesportlocallyand internationally
Ihavejustreturnedfrom the World Boxing Council’s ( W B C ) e n o r m o u s convention in Hamburg, Germany
It is an annual event at which the WBC’s Board of Governorreviewsitsratings and sets through its mandatories, a schedule of what is to take place for the next several months with respect to the global competition for its coveted WorldTitles.
Representatives of the entire global boxing community including the global sports press are generally in attendance and itisalsoatthisforumthatall matters of significance affecting the global boxing communityareventilated.
High on this year’s agenda was the global state of amateur boxing. Indeed, this major issue has gripped the attention of the boxing world for the last several years as the global boxing community has been forced
to grapple with the
unravelling of AIBA (Amateur International
BoxingAssociation)andthe current and eventual devastating decision of the International Olympic Committee to remove boxing as a sport on the agenda of the Olympics Games of 2028 scheduled for LosAngeles, California, USA.
This incredibly distressing news means that young boxers who have workedandtrainedforyears will no longer enjoy the opportunity to compete for Olympic Glory for their countries.
But how could this decision which affects thousands of young athletes and the hopes and aspirations of every nation for Olympic glory, possibly have happened? – Well, AIBA was the only organization conferred with the “International Federation” status ( IF) for boxing by the IOC and by whichtheywerepermittedto organize, control and implement the many global qualifying competitions by which boxers are able to
competeforOlympicmedals including competition at the actual games However, AIBA, for years quagmired andembroiledinaccusations
of lack of financial accountability, financial mismanagement and endemic corruption in judging and refereeing, followingallegationsofpoor and rigged decisions at the Rio 2016 Olympics, has been under intense scrutiny bytheIOC.
Eventually, after numerous failures by AIBA to satisfy the IOC of the implementation of corrective actions sufficient toallowthecontinuityofits IF status, the IOC, in a decision taken on 26 June 2019, suspended the IOC’s recognition of AIBA (subsequently the IBAas of 2021),pursuanttoOCRules 3.7, 18.2. 8, 18.2. 11 and 25 §2,essentiallynegatingtheir status as an IOC authorized “InternationalFederation”. Simply put, AIBA no longer has the authority to and cannot take amateur fighters to the Olympic
Of course, this created immediately a complete disruptionoftheprocessand the IOC, to its credit, appointed a committee which has been trying to manage the system and fill the void itself in continuing tobringyoungboxerstothe Olympics. Now it appears for all intents and purposes, the committee appears to havethrowninthetowel(no pun intended) and announced that Boxing will not be on the agenda at the 2028LosAngelesOlympics.
Yesindeed,thisiscorrect -Boxing is not currently on theprogramforthe2028Los Angeles Olympic Games and the International Olympic Committee has now reiterated and restated that the sport must find a suitablenewgoverningbody byearly2025,toberestored tothelineupfortheGames.
So,nomoreboxingatthe Olympics unless the IOC appointsanewInternational Federation, a disaster for boxing and especially for governments of the world
which all want Olympic glory for their countries and their young Olympic aspirantboxers.
S a d l y , m a n y
governments are not even a w a r e o f t h e s e developments.Manyoftheir own representatives on the IBA board, usually a memberofthelocalamateur boxing association, appear to have not apprised their local Sports Ministers that the IBA is now impotent to actforandbehalfoftheIOC and can no longer provide a pathway for their boxers to theOlympicgames.
This is particularly difficult for countries like Guyana whose only Olympic Medal has been in boxing and indeed the sport stillremainsitsbestpossible chancetosecureanotherbut likeotherCaribbeannations, may be completely unaware of the current circumstances which threaten to put perhapsapermanentstayon anysuchambitions.Beyond the Caribbean, I was not surprised to learn that many African, Asian and even
some European nations are similarly unaware, a not difficult situation to understand if their representatives by full disclosure stand to lose beneficial interests associated with the loss of IBA’sIFstatus.
But, all is not lost. The appointment of any new InternationalFederationwill bring an immediate opportunityforboxingtobe reinstated on the Olympic Agenda but are there qualifiedcandidatesforIOC consideration? The answer thankfully is yes World Boxing is an international sports organization regulating amateur boxing. Itwasformedspecificallyin response to this crisis. It has applied to the IOC for International Federation statusandisfullycapableof pickingupthemantle.
The WBC’s President Mauricio Sulaiman and his Board of Governors, recognizing the pivotal role of Olympic Boxing in the overallwellbeingofthe (Continuedonpage25)
ThefailingcurrentGCB and its cohorts are asking what part of the Wehby report will help change the fortunes of West Indies cricketonthefieldofplay
Guyana’s cricket public should be reminded of who Jamaican Don Wehby is before CWI asked him to lead its governance reform taskforce.Wehbyisthelong standing CEO of Grace KennedyLimitedoneofthe biggestconglomeratesinthe Caribbean Under his leadershipthatcompanyhas beentheflagshipsponsorof the world famous Jamaican “Champs” track and field tournament, which has aided Jamaica’s modern athletics production line of Olympics and World championships success during the modern Usain BoltandShelly-AnnFraserPryceera.
Healsowasasenatorin the current Jamaican Prime Minister Andrew Holness’s government The GCB “lightweights” can quit acting like they have the credentials in business and sporting success anywhere in life to critique a Caribbean “heavyweight” wholenthisexperienceand expertisetohelpCWI.
On page 15 of the 36 page Wehby report, mentions the 1995 New Zealand cricket governance reform“HoodReport”.
Since New Zealand implemented their governance in 2013 fully, it has translated to on field success. Their men have gottento3WorldCupfinals (2015,2019,2021),wonthe inaugural world test championships 2021 & recently beat India 3-0 at home.Theirwomenwonthe 2024 T20 World Cup; unprecedentedsuccessfora team without the financial resourcesofIndia,Australia andEngland.
Basic disclaimer to readers, I have no information whether any of these persons listed below have any interest in contesting or campaigning for the GCB presidency
However, given the GCBs continued nonsensical Wehby opposition, the Guyana cricket fraternity needs to start thinking, who else is out there Since Singh’s “selection” as GCB president in 2021 has strangely been no talk of anotherlocalelection.What does the infamous cricket administrationactsayabout timeline of GCB elections? ThesystemmuststopSingh or anyone trying to be anotherSanasie.
Roger Harper: If Harper didnotbecomechairmanof West Indies selectors from 2019-2021 he was set to become the next Guyana cricket president as the face oftheSanasieeraopposition foradecade.Hiscredentials as the best person to lead GCBstillremain.
HilbertFoster:Everyone is aware that under his tenure as Berbice Cricket President, Berbice now produces the majority of Guyana players that represent the West Indies at all levels. It’s not hard to imagine him bringing the same BCB excellence to GCB.
Imran McSood: A diaspora name with no connection to modern Guyana cricket trivialities. Up until CG United started sponsoring West Indies
domestic 50 ov
competition, it was sponsored by St. Maarten
company NAGICO, foundedbyGuyaneseImran McSood. McSood has been a St Maarten Cricket Association president & a CWI independent director BishPanday:Whata (Continuedonpage23)
The Seventh Annual Mashramani Street Football Championship is exepected to kick off on February 1 with 32 teams vying for the coveted top prize in one of the country’s premier ‘small goal’footballtournaments.
In a press release yesterday,hostsoftheevent, Sports Management Inc (SMI)disclosedplanstohost the 2025 version of the c o m p e t i t i o n T h e
Scenes from last year’s showdown at the National Park (Peter Barkoy/Orbit Drones Photo)
organisation said that it is forced to include preliminary rounds in communities before the grand finals on February 15 attheNationalPark.
“Lastyearwehostedthe eventononenight,andalot of teams complained about being left out and being giventheopportunitytowin the title. We have come up with a way to address that thisyeargiventheamountof
teamsthatwanttoplayinthe tournament,” the SMI releasesaid.
“We will host three preliminary nights in Pouderoyen, Back Circle and Mocha before the grand finalsattheNationalParkon February 15 The semifinals, third place playoff andfinalswillbeheldatthe National Park,” the release informed. Stabroek Ballers arethedefendingchampions
in the tournament that featured 16 of the top teams last year following its it return. In2022,SMIhosted perhaps the biggest street football contest in Guyana’s history It was called the Magnum Mashramani Cup. Following a hiatus in 2023, thesixtheditionoftheevent returnedtotheannual‘small goal’ calendar last year “Thiseventbringswithitthe (Continuedonpage24)