largest selling daily & New York’s most popular weekly


Back to school! Pupils of Stewartville Primary School,West Coast Demerara were happy to reunite after the Christmas holidays. (MoE photo)

largest selling daily & New York’s most popular weekly
Back to school! Pupils of Stewartville Primary School,West Coast Demerara were happy to reunite after the Christmas holidays. (MoE photo)
“Almost every week there’s a lot of information being disseminated on the Gas-to-Energy project but I don’t know if you want a document, so to speak, a written report on the project.”
This was the response provided by Prime Minister (PM) Brigadier Ret’d, Mark Phillips on Monday during his end of year press conference at the Arthur ChungConferenceCenterin response to a question from KaieteurNews.
This publication asked the PM to explain what is causing the delay in the release of the GTE documents and to say how soon these would be made public. The Prime Minister hassofarcommittedonthree occasions to provide the documents to Parliament, butwasadamantonMonday that he did not know what document Kaieteur News wasrequesting.
Whenhewastoldthatthe government signed a Heads of Agreement with ExxonMobilsince2022,the PMsaid,“Iamnotawareof what you are talking about herebutIcanassureyouthat we have been consistently releasing information on the Gas-to-Energyproject.”
Thisnewspaperhowever pointed out that there is still no clarity on the repayment mechanism for the pipeline, since it was previously indicatedthatGuyanawould purchase gas to repay the Contractor, but in another instance, it was explained that the cost would be recovered from Guyana’s oil.
Tothisend,heexplained, “WellIruntheriskofgiving an answer thatis contraryto whathasbeengivenalready As you know, in our approach to governance, the Vice President (Bharrat J a g d e o ) h a s t h e responsibilityforthedealing on the finances and matters pertainingtothatprojectand he would have already disseminatedinformationon that project, and I rather prefer that we perhaps defer that question to his press conference, because he is handling information pertainingtoit,andhewould have been giving on a weekly basis, information pertaining to the finances, etc.”
When reminded of his commitment to table the
Parliament, PM Phillips
Parliament was to supply informationonthetimelines associated with the project.
According to him, “The commitmenttoParliamentis about the project itself, in terms
, completiontime,etcetera.”
He went on to explain thatwhileconcernsareoften expressed about the financing aspect of the gas project, the government has continuously addressed this and will continue to disseminate information in thisregard.
Inthemeantime,thePM urged, “What is important for the Guyanese people is the benefits of the project and we spend a long time explaining to people that as soonasthisprojectcomeson stream and starts producing the power, they will see not only reliable electricity, not onlyadequateelectricitybut a50%reductioninwhatthey arepayingforelectricity.”
Similarly, when he was asked if ExxonMobil has completedandhandedovera Gas Leak Management Plan forthepipeline,heexplained that he could not say anything with certainty about Exxon except that the pipelinehasbeencompleted. With regards to documents hesaid,“Iwilldeferittothe Vice President at his press conference.”
PrimeMinister commitment In November, the Prime Minister for a third time promised the National Assembly to lay over the agreement signed with ExxonMobil Guyana Limited (EMGL) for the GTE project He also apologised to the House for failing to provide the responseandagainpromised to ensure the necessary information and documents are provided. According to him,thiswillbelaidassoon aspossible.
“Mr Chair,ifIhadfailed in offering my response as requested by the honourable member,letmeapologiseto this honourable House and I will seek to, in the shortest possible time, honour that request,”thePrimeMinister said.
Kaieteur News reported that he assured that the construction phases of the GTEprojectareinsuredand
related documents can be provided to the House. He
Opposition Member of Parliament (MP) David
insurance is in place for the current works to support the gas plants and whether the government can lay those in Parliament.ThePMsaid, Continued on page 14
PrintedandPublishedbyNationalMedia& PublishingCompanyLtd. 24SaffonStreet, Charlestown,Georgetown,Guyana.
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Last week during her ministry’s end-of-year news conferenceHumanServicesMinister,Dr VindyhaPersaud reported that there has been a 33 per cent decrease in the numberofhomicidesduetodomesticviolence.Inacountry where almost daily someone man or woman is being abused, the news of a decrease in deaths due to domestic violenceisworthytotakenoteof.
Dr Persaudalsospokeabouthergovernment’seffortsto address domestic violence, pointing out that $150 million has been invested into addressing sexual offences and gender-basedviolenceatthestartof2024.Sheoutlinedthat the ministry supported approximately 1,500 individuals through its Sexual Offences and Domestic Violence Unit. As well, initiatives such as the Hope and Justice Centre, providedcounselling,legalaidandotheressentialservices to victims of abuse. Dr Persaud disclosed too that the hotlinereceivedover14,000callswhichincluded293that wererelatedtodomesticviolence.“Thisserviceallowedthe ministry to intervene in cases of violence when necessary andtoeffectivelymonitorincidents,”Dr Persaudsaid.
Overtheyears,womenhavebeenatthereceivingendof thesurgeindomesticviolencehere,mainlyatthehandsof their male partners. Though both sexes can experience intimatepartnerviolence,womenandadolescentgirlsareat greaterriskformanyreasons,includinggendernormsthat justifypartnerviolenceagainstwomenandgirlsasaformof punishment or as a normal and acceptable way to resolve conflict.Whateverourcontexts,orourmale-centricvisions, violence against women must always rank as the unthinkable,theunacceptable,andtheunpardonable.
ViolenceagainstwomeninGuyanaisaproblem;some may argue more than it has mushroomed into a national sourceofshame.Thisisthe21stcentury,whenthosecrude picturesofaStoneAgemalearmedwithaclubinonehand dragging a helpless female by the hair should be circumstancesofthedistantpast,withnoplaceforthatkind ofmentalityinGuyana.Yet,thereishorrorandsorrowthat someofthatisstillharbouredherebytoomanymen,some younger,stillmaturingmales.
All too often, the media is lit up with the harrowing episodesofviolenceagainstwomeninthiscountry,andthe gruesome outcomes that seem inevitable.Women activists have worked tirelessly in advocating for battered women. Successive governments have committed resources and energiestoassistsurvivors,towarnthenaïveandtrusting, not to take their lives in their hands by being casual about abuseandabusers.Religiousgroupsandtheirleadershave spoken out in condemnation of violence against women, andeducatethemenintheirhousesofworshipnottoresort tosuchheinouspracticesthatshatterconfidence,trust,and oftentimes lives. In addition, well-intended males have joined in the call and struggle for a better environment, especially the domestic, for our women to live in, share with,andenjoywithpeaceanddignity
Sadly, the combined efforts of all the best minds, the ongoing efforts, seem to fall on deaf ears, and resistant minds. Whenever there is an extended lull in reports of violence against women in Guyana, there would be a flare up of incidents that leave many wondering what progress hasbeenmade,ifany,andwhatelsehastobedonetostem thetideofviolencethatcanberedhotwithanger,andredder inthebloodthatflows.
The Guyana Police Force has trained its people to exercise the proper care when victims come forward to report instances of domestic violence. The Ministry of Human Services and Social Protection has rolled out one programmeafteranother,whichwomencanaccessandseek assistance. Therearehotlinesandhelp-lines,videosanda range of education efforts and awareness programmes, which are provided to offer ongoing help, either on a preemptivebasis,orassituationsarise,sothatthewomenin Guyana can be equipped to take the necessary steps to safeguardthemselves.
The high level of controversy around the Exxon contract begs the question, “Why hasn’t the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act of the United States of Americabeenutilized?”
“The Foreign Corrupt Practices Act of 1977, as amended, 15 U S C §§ 78dd-1, et seq. (“FCPA”), was enacted for the purpose of making it unlawful for certain classes of persons and entities to make payments to foreign government officials to assist in obtaining or retainingbusiness.
Specifically, the antibribery provisions of the FCPAprohibitthewillfuluse ofthemailsoranymeansof instrumentality of interstate commerce corruptly in furtherance of any offer, payment, promise to pay, or authorizationofthepayment of money or anything of
value to any person, while knowingthatalloraportion of such money or thing of value will be offered, given or promised, directly or indirectly, to a foreign official to influence the foreign official in his or her official capacity, induce the foreignofficialtodooromit todoanactinviolationofhis or her lawful duty, or to secure any improper advantage in order to assist in obtaining or retaining business for or with, or directing business to, any person ” (Reference: Criminal Division of The U.S.DepartmentofJustice).
There are two very clear reasons that should have encouragedtheauthoritiesto takeaction:
The circumstances surrounding the contract signingbonus
The circumstances surroundingthereductionin theresultsoftheGRAaudit
These two factors
amongst others should have resulted in the Chambers of the Attorney General and other authorities engaging the U S Government to carry out a thorough investigation into whether the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act had been violated. This however has yettooccurandshouldoccur inthenearfuture.
Once an investigation has been completed it will shed light on whether the contract was legally obtained.
This will help determine howtheHouseofParliament should proceed in carrying out the will of the people. CRG strongly recommends thattheGovernmentproceed inthisdirection. In addition, the question of a referendum where the people of Guyana are allowedtovoicetheirchoice as to whether a contract
renegotiation should be pursuedmustbeeitherapart oftheupcomingelectionsor carried out as a precursor to it.
Avoiding to have such a referendum does raise additional questions and concerns around the Government’swillingnessto listen to and carry out the willofthepeopleofourgreat Nation.
Theelectoratemustkeep this crucial point in mind as the2025electionsapproach. Everypersonwishingtolead ourcountryandeverycitizen wishing to have their voice heard and respected should be calling on our elected officials to have such a referendumtakeplace.
Areferendumwhereitis clearly asked whether they would like the next elected government to renegotiate thecontractwithExxon.
Bestregards, Mr JamilChanglee
, Since 1992, the PPP has been saying that democracy returned to Guyana. Others have picked up this refrain butforthelifeofme,Idonot understand what they are referring to This championing of democracy by the PPPis a hoax used to claim victimhood over its failed attempt to bring back an electoral system that was of no value to the unity of thiscountry Thestoryabout the wolf in sheep’s clothing isaboutdeceptionandthatis what the PPP has attempted to do to the younger generation of Guyanese by claiming that democracy returned to Guyana in 1992. Their unawareness of the correct history of this country has left them gullible to the deception of thePPP ThePPPhasgotten awaywiththisdeceptionfor toolonganditmuststop.
As I recall the history of this country, I am baffled as to what the return of democracy means. As an indigenous Guyanese, I am aware, through oral history, of the simple self-rule that our communities had before thearrivalofothergroupsto this country But when I think of the Seventeenth CenturywhenAfricanswere brought to this country to work as slaves and the system under which they lived, I cannot describe that as democracy Our history informs us that formal slavery lasted into the Nineteenth Century Anyone who thinks that the period between the Seventeenth and Nineteenth centuries in Guyana was democratic needs to have theirheadexamined.
August1iscelebratedas Emancipation Day That event on the first of August
1838 created a new chapter inthehistoryofthiscountry
The British had full control over the country Editor, I amyettolearnwhatspecific actions were taken to help and not hurt most Guyanese after Emancipation. The colonial powers never took action to include most Guyanese in the social, economic and political systems of the country
Those systems were dominated by companies and individuals from the country of the colonizers. Investors from countries closely aligned with the British were part of the dominant group Our inclusion was not seen as necessary for the running of thecountry Thatmeantthat most Guyanese were excluded from the decisions and development of the country Ourhistoryreveals that various interest groups in municipalities like Georgetown and New Amsterdam acted in their self-interest either as part of thecolonialestablishmentor as part of the labour struggles None of the initiatives that I read about all the way up to 1953 were democratic. Consequently, with most Guyanese left out of the dominant social, political and economic system, I want someone to explain to me if what h a p p e n e d f r o m Emancipation to the suspension of the constitution in 1953 was democracy
morewomenaretakingtoheartwhatisoffered.Onewondershowfarbehindwewouldhave been in the fight against the scourge of violence against women, if it were not for the constructivedevelopmentsfromavarietyofsources,someofficial,manyothersprivateand ofavolunteeringtype.Thegoodnewsisthatthestatisticsappeartoindicateadeclineinthe reportsofviolencethatcometolight. Still,theremustbethediscernmentthatmanywomen, toomanyofthem,continuetosufferinsilenceandshame,andpermitabusers(usingarange ofdifferentweapons)toinflictgreatharmsonthemandtheirfamilies.
Ouryoungboysandyounggirlsmustbeeducatedandinformedofwhatwelivewith,and thatitdoesn’thavetobethiswayforthem.Ourolder,maturefemalesmustalsocometogrips withthelikelyfataldangersthatawait,whentheyaremoreconcernedaboutculturalstigma, andpleasingfamilyelders,maintainingfamilytraditions.Itistimefortheviolenceagainst womentocease. Butallmustrecognisethatthejourneyhasnowbegun,andthattheroad aheadislong. Theviolenceagainstwomenmuststop.Thereismuchworktobedone,andit involveseverybody
Editor,thereisaperiodin our history that marked the turning point in the emergence of democracy in thisnation. Itisaperiodthat nobody that I am associated with wants to see return to this country I am referring to the period of racial strife that left a deep scar on our society and the country racially divided. There is something about that period that the PPP never speaks about, but which was at the core of the hostilities betweentheAfricanandEast IndianethnicitiesinGuyana. This brings me to the electoral system known as FirstPastthePostorFPTP FPTP is still used today bysomecountriesbutcritics (Continuedonpage06)
DEAREDITOR, The impartiality of electoral bod
ny democracy In Guyana, the G u y a n a E l e c t i o n s Commission (GECOM) is entrusted with the sacred duty of ensuring free, fair, andtransparentelections.
H o w e v e r , appointments of CEO, DCEO, ACEO, Logistics Officer, Finance Officer and several Registration Officers - all critical positions within the organization reveal a troubling pattern of partisan bias, calling into question GECOM’s ability to effectively oversee the 2025 elections The pattern has been PPPC Commissioners supports, and the Chairman breaks the deadlock by always supporting the PPPC backedcandidates
G l o b a l S t u d i e s Highlight the Dangers of Partisanship
N u m e r o u s international studies have underscored the risks of partisan appointments to election management bodies
The International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (IDEA) highlights that electoral commissions must be independent and impartial to maintain credibility
Their 2017 report, Electoral Management Design: The International IDEA Handbook, warns that partisanship within these bodies often results in electoral disputes,
d i m i n i s h e d v o t e r confidence, and political instability
In a study by the Electoral Integrity Project, nations with politically balanced and non-partisan electoral bodies scored significantly higher in measures of electoral integrity For instance, the Canadian Electoral Commission, known for its strict adherence to impartiality,hasbeenlauded internationally for fostering trust and reducing political polarization Conversely, countries like Kenya and Zimbabwe, where electoral commissions were perceived as partisan, experienced widespread allegations of fraud, postelectionviolence,andpublic
distrust. Local Context and WideningGaps
In Guyana, GECOM’s chairperson has repeatedly cast tie-breaking votes
favoring candidates perceived to align with the People’s Progressive Party/Civic(PPP/C).
T h i s p a t t e r n
u n d e r m i n e s t h e commission’s mandate of neutrality Article 162 of Guyana’s Constitution mandatesthatelectionsbe conducted impartially and with integrity Yet, when qualified candidates are overlooked, it erodes the public’s faith in the institution
Additionally, research
b y T r a n s p a r e n c y International indicates that perceived bias in election commissions leads to increased voter
a p a t h y a n d t h e
delegitimization of electoral outcomes This is particularly concerning for Guyana, where political tensions remain high, and even small
lapses in electoral integrity could have farreachingconsequences.
Comparative Case Studies
- India: The Election Commission of India (ECI) is often cited as a model for impartiality Its officers are selected through a transparent and non-partisan process, ensuring that no political p a r t y c a n u n d u l y influence its operations
This approach has contributed to the ECI’s reputationasafairarbiter,
even in highly contentious elections.
- M e x i c o : T h e establishment of the National Electoral Institute (INE) in 1990 marked a turning point for Mexican democracy INE’s autonomous and politically neutral framework hel
eliminate decades of e
nd ushered in an era of free andfairelections
- Kenya: In contrast, Kenya’s Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) has faced repeated allegations ofbias
Partisan appointments to the IEBC have fueled electoraldisputes,leading to violent conflicts such as those following the 2007elections
overstated As studies and international experiences show, biased electoral commissions are breeding grounds for corruption, disputes, and instability Guyana, at a critical juncture in its political a
To restore public confid
M must urgently reform its appointment processes
Drawing from global best practices,thisincludes: 1
2 Establishing independent oversight mechanisms to audit decisions
3 A d o p t i n g international standards f
exemplified by Canada andIndia
Democracy thrives on
GECOM’s current trajectory risks eroding that trust As Guyanese citizens, we must demand an electoral c
m m i s s i o
t embodies impartiality and upholds the democratic principles upon which our nationwasfounded
As it is GECOM in its current state cannot be trusted for the 2025 elections
I’m pleading with the government to take note of the situation
DEAREDITOR, Myheartbreakslooking at pictures of our elderly folks waiting in lines for their one hundred thousand cashgrant.
I believe the process could have been better coordinated similar to the Floodreliefsystemwhereby persons were registered at their houses (for both pensionersanddisabled)
I can only imagine the fatigue and stress our pensionerswereunderwhen they were registering. Even
reading the comments and seeing that it affected many pensioners to the point wherebysomestrokedetc. Nevertheless, I’d like to encourage the government to see this as a learning opportunity for future instances. I’m only voicing that in future, our elderly, o u r v u l n e r a b l e demographic,canbecatered toinamoresuitablemanner, taking into consideration theirhealth.
Kindregards, Ms.SaayaPrasad
Delay in reopening some schools is unacceptable!!!
DEAREDITOR, As students, teachers, and parents prepare for the startofanewacademicterm, Iextendmybestwishesfora safe and successful school year Education is the cornerstone of personal and national development, and I applaud the hard work and dedication of our teachers andparentswhocontinueto nurture and guide the future leadersofGuyana.
However,Imustexpress deepconcernoverthedelays in repairing and upgrading several schools, which have
e institutions. The People’s Progressive Party (PPP) government has once again failedtoprioritizetheurgent needs of our education sector, leaving many communitiesandchildrenat adisadvantage.
These delays are unacceptable and highlight the lack of adequate planning and accountability within the government. Our children deserve access to safeandconducivelearning (Continuedonpage06)
DEAREDITOR, Vishnu Bisram’s letter, “Appeal to Glenn Lall to enterfrayfor2025Elections as Opposition struggles against PPP,” reeks of the nonsensical I am bewildered that local newspapers still publish his ‘supposed’ findings from ‘his’polls. On Jan 01, 2025, he stated that “Based on latest findings from NovemberandDecemberof ongoing tracking poll, opposition PNC or APNU anditscoalitionpartnerAFC continue to struggle in popular support against the incumbentPPP.”
I mean is this a finding? If so, I will love to read the actual report garnered from this poll. Can someone step up and say when he or she
was interviewed by Bisram, andwasitdocumented?
Editor,itisquiteobvious that “The PNC has been losinggroundtoPPP…(not toosureaboutAFC,asPNC never,eveninthedaysofthe C o a l i t i o n , g a v e consideration to AFC-they were there to ensure a ‘number of votes’ advantage).
Look at this. Bisram is pontificating that “There is significant disgruntlement with the state of politics, resultinginvoterapathythat is affecting both major political parties, the PNC morethanthePPP.”Really? Letmeelucidate,andby extension expunge the ‘feeling, desires, guesses etc.’ofBisram.
Readers, peruse
carefully the above. Notice 1-therisingtrendontheList of Electors from 2006 to 2020(exceptin2011);2-the risingtrendintotalvotescast (even though a percentile drop in 2020). It is obvious thatBisramdoesnotconduct polls nor read actual, recorded and available statistics. Now I ask that Bisram and others read the tablebelowforacomparison over the last two elections. Notice that PPP gained significantly in ‘voters turn out’ (from 229,482 to 233,336) and in percentage as well (from 48 26 to 50.69).
On the other hand, APNU/AFC suffered a significantdecline.Sowhere isthisvoterapathy?
Now I want numbers,
Frompage05 environments without unnecessary interruptions. The Ministry of Education musttakeswiftanddecisiveactiontoresolve these issues and ensure that schools are repaired and reopened without further delays.
I stand in solidarity with the affected students, teachers, and parents and will continue to advocate for meaningful
investment in our education sector Let us remember that the development of Guyana depends on how well we prepare and empowerouryoungmindstoday
Wishing everyone a productive and rewarding term ahead. May this academic year be filled with success, growth, and inspiration.
BestRegards, Hon.DevinSears,MP
Frompage04 oftheFPTPsystempointto severalthingsthatmakeitan undesirable system in our society Like most things, thereissomegoodandsome badinit. Insomeinstances, the bad tends to outweigh the good and when that
happens change is necessary. The FPTP electoral system tends to reward the party that gets a minorityofthepopularvote with a majority of the seats in parliament. This major
flaw in selecting
representatives is exacerbatedbythetendency oftheFPTPelectoralsystem to support or justify racial voting in multiethnic societies. That is what this country faced before the FPTP system was done away with. Included in the weaknesses of the FPTP electoral system is its
tendency to exclude
minorities from fair
representation The political struggle in Guyana between 1959 and 1964 is often described as a racial conflict while, in my view, itsmaincauseisoverlooked. While some people might want to contest the purpose of that struggle,
there is no denying that a major cause of the racial hostilities was about retainingorgettingridofthe FPTP electoral system. It must be understood that the PPPfoughttoothandnailto keep the racially oriented and unfair FPTP electoral system in place. It was the PNC that fought for the more democratically oriented electoral system known as Proportional Representation(PR).
The country got that electoral system in 1964. The behaviour of the PPP from then onwards suggested that it never gave upitsdesiretoseetheFPTP electoral system return to Guyana until after being electedtoofficein1992.
Editor,youcantherefore understand why I am confused as to what democracyreturnedin1992 because I have never heard thePPPgivethePNCcredit for introducing the PR political system that we havetodayinGuyana. All I hear them do is condemn Forbes Burnham and accuse him of working with the CIA because the Americans helped him to put the PR electoral system
and I want to see the survey/poll report that suggests there is a “ significant number of disenchantedvoterswhoare hopingthatacredible,viable ‘thirdforce’emerges…”
No rocket science is needed. No poll is needed and none was ever done by Bisram He states the obvious that “Going into an election year, if called now, the PPP will crush the opposition…)andIaddeven if the opposition is “ united under a credible leader…”
Justbytheside,whocan emerge as a credible leader for a joint opposition? Who isstallingtheElectionsfraud case?
IwillnowleaveBisram’s meanderings and ramblings
and ask for evidence, authenticating that “Many among the lower classes plead to charitable donors Glenn Lall and Azruddin Mohamed to start a new politicalmovement.”Also,I want documented evidence when it comes “Both Lall andMohamedhavingalarge following…”
In my time, I have only met one pollster/surveyor in Guyana. He spent like close to one hour getting me to respond in writing to his questions.
Iaskedhimhowlonghe has been here doing this research pending the 2011 GuyanaElections.
Theguytoldmeitwas12 of them from the US and they were scattered across thevarious regions and they
haveathree-monthduration. Believe me, his folder was certainly not ram-jammed. He told me there was an unwillingness to get people to stop and fill out the questionnaire. By the way, he did say that the feeling, but undocumented so far at the time, was that PPP may lose. History has it that this wastheworstofelectionsfor the PPP-they won the Presidency yes, but had to settle for a minority government.
I begged for the umpteenth time, and on behalf of so many, that Mr Bisramprovidedetailsofhis NACTA-an address and a phone number. His staff can relaythesame.
in place. Now, the PPP is trying to take credit for the PR democratic electoral system that they opposed over the years. Editor, the PPP can’t want to condemn
America for helping BurnhamputthePRsystem in place back then and sing the praises ofAmerica now about an electoral system it helped Burnham to establish.
Those Guyanese who are now singing the praises of the late President Jimmy Carter must also sing the praisesoftheAmericansfor helping Burnham. The two are linked. It is about time that the PPP stopped its deceptionofplayingasheep whenitisnothingmorethan amenacingwolf. Consequently,Ineedthe PPP and its supporters to explain to the people of Guyana what democracy they are talking about because their political opposition since 1964 was against the use of the PR system, Burnham’s PR system,theonethattheyare abusingnow
Sincerely, MervynWilliams, Former Member of Parliament
Aljazeera-Atleasteight policemenandadriverhave been killed in central India whenabombblastsetoffby Maoist rebels tossed their vehicle into the air, police havesaid.
The police vehicle in which the victims were travelling was hit by a roadside blast in the Bijapur district of Chhattisgarh state on Monday, a police statement said.
Theattacktookplaceas soldiers were returning from an anti-Maoist operation on Saturday, where four rebels and a policeofficerwerekilled
“Eight security forces and a driver were killed today when the vehicle in whichtheyweretravellingin came in contact with a landmine,” saidVivekanand Sinha, chief of the state
Photographs published by Indian media showed a deep crater ripped into the roadbytheblast.
Morethan10,000people have died in the decadeslong conflict waged by the rebels, who say they are fighting to give poor Indian farmers and landless labourers more control over their land currently exploited by major mining companies.
Government forces have stepped up efforts to crush the long-running armed conflict, with some 287 rebels killed in 2024, accordingtoofficialfigures.
The rebels, also known asNaxalitesafterthedistrict wheretheirarmedcampaign beganin1967,wereinspired bytheChineserevolutionary leader Mao Zedong. About
1,000 suspected Naxalites were arrested and 837 surrenderedin2024.
Amit Shah, India’s interiorminister,warnedthe Maoist rebels in September to surrender or face an “allout” assault, saying the government expected to crush the rebellion by early 2026.
Themovementgainedin strength and numbers until the early 2000s when New Delhi deployed tens of thousands of security personnel against the rebels in a stretch of territory known as the “Red Corridor”.
The rebellion has been drastically restricted in area inrecentyears.
Authorities have since invested millions of dollars in local infrastructure and socialprojectstocombatthe Naxaliteappeal.
Expertshavecalled for targeted mentorship for boys, more inclusive teaching, skills, and entrepreneurship training, and encouraged stronger home-school partnerships to address the widening education gap in the Caribbean, where boys are twice as likely as girls to repeat grades or drop out at primary and secondary levels.
Boys in the Region face disproportionate challenges atallstagesofeducation,the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB) said in a release. According to data from UNESCO, at the tertiary level, there are 124 women enrolled for every 100 men in Latin America and the Caribbean This, compared to the global average of 113 women for every100men.
An urgent call for action to help shift the dynamics came during the keynote session Education for All: Creating Inclusive, Genderresponsive and Learnercentred Systems in Education at the Regional Symposium and Policy Dialogue on Transforming Education, held in the Cayman Islands in October 2024 Panel experts identified various barriers
that contribute to boys’ disengagement, such as traditional teaching methods that fail to engage them, a shortage of male teachers and role models, and social pressures for young men to be
y breadwinners due to absent fathers.
Caribbean Joint Board of Teacher Education, the UniversityoftheWestIndies - Cave Hill, highlighted criticalinsightsforachieving inclusive, genderresponsive, education, emphasising that while essential,accesstoeducation alone does not ensure academicsuccess.
“In today’s 21st-century educational era, we have learned that educational accesscannotbeassumedto meaneducationalsuccessfor every child In many classrooms across developing countries, onethird of our students are known to be physically present but disengaged from learning.
They are in school but achieving no greater academic success than the child who is out of school,”
Mr Lanre Chin,
Mentorship Officer at the Jamaica Teaching Council (JTC),usedJamaicaasacase study,pointingoutthatwhile approximately 20% of the national budget is spent on education, disengagement particularly among boys has resulted in high levels of incarceration.
“Instead of solely focusing on academic performance,thesystemcan pivottowardsmorepractical skills We are in an environment with several needs.Thesystemshouldbe creating entrepreneurs not workers, so the mindset of the boys needs to be shifted. Thisiswhythey’renotbeing engaged,”Mr Chinsaid.
He added that to help increase engagement among boys and help them build practical skills, the JTC has employed methods such as building mentorship networks, skills training, extracurricular activities, and income-generating activities to help them build practicalskills.
Thepanelofexpertsalso recommended strengthened learningsupportsacrosspreprimary, primary, and secondary levels, universal screeningatkeyentrypoints for early identification of learning needs, providing teacherswithdatafrom
Continued on page 10
The Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) has launched an interactive dashboard to monitor avian influenza A(H5N1)casesintheAmericas.
Thistoolisdesignedtoimproveaccessto data on outbreaks of this disease in birds, mammals, and humans, providing key information for public and animal health authorities,PAHOsaidinapressrelease.
The dashboard features tables and maps showing outbreaks in humans, as well as in domesticandwildbirdsandmammalsacross the region, the latter with data sourced from the World Organization for Animal Health (WOAH). Through this resource, PAHO strengthens its active surveillance efforts to prevent potential transmission of the disease tohumans.
Between January 1 and December 31, 2024, the platform recorded 66 confirmed human cases in the United States and one in Canada, as well as over 1,300 outbreaks in animals in various countries across the region.
In December 2024, PAHO published an assessment of the public health risks
associated with the potential occurrence of zoonotic avian influenza A(H5N1) in Latin America and the Caribbean, classifying the risk as moderate. To date, human-to-human transmissionhasnotbeenidentified.
The platform not only provides data on outbreaksbutalsoonsymptomspresentedby patients, based on information provided by countries.Thislevelofdetailcanhelppublic healthauthoritiesbebetterpreparedtodetect andmakeinformed,swiftdecisionsduringan outbreak.
PAHO has also published a timeline on avianinfluenzaintheAmericas,coveringkey events from 2020 to December 2024. As concernsgrowoverthespreadofthisdisease, the availability of accurate, real-time information is crucial for authorities to prepare, prevent new outbreaks, and protect publicandanimalhealthintheregion.
The data underscores the importance of regional and global collaboration to monitor the spread of zoonotic diseases like avian influenzaA(H5N1)andmitigateitspotential impact. For more detailed and up-to-date information on avian influenza A(H5N1) in the Americas, visit the PAHO interactive dashboard at the following link:
Olympic boxing now findsitselfasatacrossroads. A recent report in the KaieteurNewssuggeststhat due to entrenched problems
within the Amateur
International Boxing
Association (AIBA), amateur boxing is currently absentfromtheprogramfor the2028OlympicGames.
While there is still time
for a restructured, representativeassociationto rise from the rubble and reclaim its place in the Olympic pantheon, one wonders whether this omission might be a fortuitous development—a moment for humanity to reconsider whether boxing belongs in a civilized society
That boxing should now finditselfestrangedfromthe Olympics is less surprising than it is overdue The International Olympic Committee (IOC), for all its faults, can hardly afford to have its reputation further sullied by association with an organization as troubled asAIBA.
The present setback for boxing is a blessing in disguise.Andnotmerelyfor theOlympicsbutforsociety atlarge.Perhapsitistimeto consider whether the risks and costs of this so-called sportoutweighitsrewards.
Boxing is no ordinary sport. At its core, it is an exercise in damage the
calculatedinflictionofharm upon another human being. Itis,quiteliterally,afight. Theconsequencesofthis are well-documented Studiesonchronictraumatic encephalopathy (CTE) have painted a grim picture of what repeated blows to the head can do to the human brain Former champions once hailed as paragons of physicalprowess,havebeen reduced to shambling shadows of their former selves, plagued by memory loss,depression,andviolent moodswings.Thestoriesof Muhammad Ali, whose Parkinson’s syndrome was likely exacerbated by his years in the ring, and of countless less-famous fighterswhohavesufferedin silence,shouldbeenoughto give any boxing enthusiast pause.
And yet, the sport endures, defended by its adherents as a test of character, a proving ground for grit and determination.
There is no denying the bravery of those who step into the ring, nor the discipline required to train for such an ordeal. But bravery and discipline can be channeled into other less violentpursuits.
Proponents of boxing argue that it provides an outlet for young people, p a r t i c u l a r l y i n disadvantagedcommunities. They claim it offers
structure, mentorship, and a path to self-improvement. There is some truth to this claim. Boxing gyms have been a lifeline for many, a refuge from the chaos of poverty and crime. But why must that refuge come with such a heavy price? Why must we accept a solution that perpetuates the very violenceitseekstoescape?
The world has already begun to turn away from other forms of human spectacle once deemed acceptable.Dogfightingand cockfightingareoutlawedin most countries, their inherent cruelty no longer excused by tradition or culturalsignificance.Itisnot clearwhetherinGuyanadog fighting and cockfighting are still taking place. Even bullfighting has seen its popularity wane in the face of moun
objections If we can recognize the moral bankruptcy of pitting animals against one another for sport, why should we cling to a practice that does thesametohumanbeings? Boxing’sdefendersoften pointtoitslonghistory,asif traditionalonecanjustifyits existence. Progress sometimes requires us to break with tradition, to discard what no longer serves us. The history of boxing is rich, yes, but it is also blood-soaked And risky
De year barely start, and some big, big mendonepackin’upshop.OverinTrinidad, amansehafter45yearsindepoliticalring, he throwing in de towel. Forty-five years, youknow!Hedecideit’stimetohangupde gloves,sitdown,andsiponsomepunchah crème.
Butthatain’tall.UpinCanada,another man decide to resign before elections. Imaginethat!Heseedewritingpondewall and ain’t gon wait fuh people vote he out. Smartmove!
But in Guyana, is like goat bite we politicians. Deh ain’t got no “retire” or “resign”indemvocabulary Oncedemgeta big wuk, is office fuh life. Some of dem clinging on like barnacles pon a ship, even when de ship sinkin’. Dem boys seh is a Guyanesetraditionfuhpoliticianstoageout inoffice—bydetimesomeahdemdone,de chairlefwidanimprintahdembackside. And don’t talk bout when dem reach pension age. Instead ah packin’ up and giving somebody else a chance, dem boys does double down. De first thing dem does do is dye dem hair black-black so nobody ain’t notice de gray Next thing you know, dem start jogging fuh de cameras, talking
Therearethosewhowill scoffatthisnotion.Theywill argue that life itself is dangerous, that risk is inherent in all great endeavours.Andtheyarenot entirelywrong.Butthereisa difference between accepting risk as an unavoidable part of life and glorifying a practice whose very purpose is to cause harm.Theformeristheprice of existence; the latter is a choice.
The argument also that amateur boxing is safer becauseoftheuseprotective gear, as compared to professional boxing where
nosuchgearisused,failsto hold up under scrutiny The additionofpaddedheadgear andpaddedglovesdoeslittle to change the fundamental nature of amateur boxing which is to strike and incapacitateanopponent.
Now should we entertaintheideathatboxing is a both a sport and an art. Callingboxinganartformis to ignore the physical toll exacted on participants, many of whom suffer irreversible damage in the nameofentertainment.
bout “age is just a number.” De man in Trinidad seh he “serve long enough.”
Imagine that—he realize 45 years was enough time fuh he. But in Guyana, some people still think they got more fuh offer, evenafterhalfacenturyahconfusion.Dem boyssehdeonlythingsomeahdemoffering is more long speeches, less action, and ah headachefuhdepopulation.
Andthenyuhgotdeoneswhosehdem “waiting fuh de right time to step down.”
Demboyssehderighttimewaslastdecade, butlikedemclocknahwukking.
Maybe dem boys fuh Trinidad and Canada could send lil advice fuh we politicians. Tell dem: “Resignation nah meanyuhweak.Itmeanyuhwiseenoughto knowwhenfuhwalkaway.”ButGuyanese politicians does treat office like a family heirloom pass it down to de next generation. Some ah dem even planning to leaveitindemwill!DemboyssehGuyana needanewyearresolution:Letsomeahwe leaderstekdehintfromdemaninTrinidad anddemaninCanada.Callitaday,nah!De people need fresh ideas and fresh energy—notfreshexcuses. Talkhalf.Leffhalf
In this context, the possible absence of boxing from the 2028 Olympics should be seen not as a loss but as an opportunity to move forward. It may prove to be a turning point where humanity’sgreatestvictories aremeasurednotinpunches landedbutinthoseavoided.
(The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinionsofthisnewspaper.)
I begin 2025 by reflecting on 2024. It helps with readying for 2025, whatever it brings Whateveritholds.
Thelinesstartedqueuing from early November As thedaysmarchedinexorably towards December, lines lengthened, tightened. Try moving. Dare to think of parking. Itwasnotjusttoget into GT from the East Bank or East Coast, but from the westsidealso.
Sundays brought no letup. I am thinking that all the vehicles in the region (CARICOM)areinGuyana. Thefourissues(heat,costof living, politics and wealth) thatoccupyGuyaneseminds lost the sweat of the first when the rains arrived Traffic snarls and woes replaced. But something curious was happening Despite all the traffic, the cash registers in stores were notringingrichly Walkinto a store and the cashier is waiting,nolines. Whatdoes thatsay? Itsaysafewthings tome.
First, ordinary Guyanese don’t have money Second, those who have to spare savingforhardtimes. Third, thosewhocollectedthecash grantusedittocleardebts,or banked it for rough times (Dr Clive Thomas proven rightagain).
Fourth, those who collected their pay increase saw it swallowed up. Fifth, minimum-wagers and parttimers,whowerealreadyon a shoestring found themselves in a deeper hole. Note that I am not including the fat cats and the PPP 4-F battalion(family,etc.). They patrol the malls on the East Coast,oronNewYork’sEast Side Just the little Guyanese, ma’am, who spend their purchasing power on Water or Regent Street.
Now the five elements convey something deeper to me. Guyanesearedepressed about the present, Guyanese fear the future. The former don’thavetospend,thelatter squeeze by taking pre
something. This is in a country producing 650,000 barrels of oil daily Doctors Jagdeo and Routledge told Guyaneseso. AllGuyanese are free to take that number from them. Not I, gents. Why should I, when whatever the American and the Guyanese do, have been so disastrous and obnoxious to Guyanese interests?
Regular Guyanese, not the brownnosers and body sniffers around the people’s oil wealth Speaking directlytoMr Routledge: is wha happen massa, no new oil discoveries recently? Stillbusymonetizingknown assets?
The problem with these Yankees is that they have been around Guyana’s politicaldimwitssolongthat theythinkeveryGuyaneseis amoron. Imovealong.
Old Year’s Nite/New Year’s Eve came stumbling around recently Usually, there is a vibrancy and energy in the air Hopping streets and shops. Rushing cars Pulsating music
Booming fireworks. They were all at a conspicuously lower ebb this December 31st. As the oil is sucked from beneaththesea, theair andenergyaresuckedoutof Guyanese. Now,forthebig bangkicker
WhatIamabouttoshare isnotataleoftwocities,but the story of two kinds of Guyanese. One kind with JohnnieWalkerBlueintheir mouths to dull their cottonpicking,betrayingmindsand fullbellies;andtheotherset living in poverty and with empty stomachs, and only the blues for company Ah, the pictures should tell the stories of the haves and the havenots.
There will be those celebratingtheirhighsociety status in high style, and that hugemassofGuyanesewho know that they don’t belong anymore to this farce of a
society called One Guyana. The people at the top are having their fancy-dress balls, while the man-in-thestreet has a ball in his gut. Even with those robbery contracttermsthatabigman flagged with the word sanctity,thereisstillenough for everybody to get somethingandbesomebody
ButNO!thesefarcesdecided to take the sweet ride out by tying bundle with the white man to betray their own people. Becauseeverytime that the whites set their greedy eyes and covetous hearts on the colored man’s wealth, he does one of two things Buys over the sluggards and cowards. Or, he kills the brave ones that stand in his way (coming soon). It’stimetoclosethis out.
From the start I had said that there will be more cash
grants. Jagdeosaidno,then he said maybe. PresidentA got the all-clear signal from Mr J and kept the maybe door open. Guyanese need it,coulduseit.
NowforafewNewYear words of advice for the president: should there be a grant,ordertheministersnot to collect it, beginning with Dr Jagdeo.
Mine whenever it is collectedistohelptheneedy
Finally, should there be a public service raise, set an example: exempt self from it, sir Embarrassing Grabbing. Goring. And so muchmore.
(The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinionsofthisnewspaper.)
continuousassessmentstohelpthemdesign andimplementcustomisedin-classsupport, guided by Universal Design for Learning, and building strong partnerships between schools and families to support learning outsidetheclassroom.
Other recommendations include public campaigns to promote active parental involvement, mandatory mentorship programmes for new teachers and ongoing professional development for teachers to address the diverse needs of learners, and national data collection to allow education trends to be tracked over time to guide
policymakers to make evidence-based policyreforms.
The Regional Symposium and Policy Dialogue on Transforming Education brought together experts and policymakers to shape the future of Caribbean education and develop actionable steps to achieve sustainable,gender-responsive,andlearnercentered educational reform. Organised in partnership with the Caribbean DevelopmentBankincollaborationwiththe CARICOMSecretariat,OECSCommission, the University of the West Indies, and the Ministry of Education in the Cayman Islands.
Prime Minister, Mark Phillips held a news conference on Monday and could not answer questions on matters relative to his portfolio.
Reporters from this newspaper asked him about the gas-to-energy project which he supposedly has ministerial oversight for, but the former army chief instead of answering, told us to ask the Vice President, Bharrat Jagdeo.
We know Jagdeo is the super minister and defacto president, but it is pitiful for the prime minister to call a press conference and can’t answer basic questions on a project listed under his portfolio.
PORT OF SPAIN, Trinidad–Trinidad’sPrime Minister Dr Keith Rowley on Monday said that he will be replaced by Energy and Energy Industries Minister, Stuart Young, as the country’s leader Rowley said that the caucus of legislators aligned to the ruling People’s National Movement (PNM) had “come up with a situation where they are in support of MemberofParliamentStuart Young.
“We are very pleased to announcethatthepromiseof a smooth transition is going according to plan,” Rowley told reporters. Last Friday, Rowley announced that he would be resigning from office before the end of the term of his current governmentbyAugust.
Thefirst-termincumbent PNM, led by Rowley, won 22ofthe41seatsinthe2020 general election to form a second five-year term majority government by defeating the opposition United National Congress (UNC) that was led by
Opposition Leader Kamla PersadBissessar
Following the victory in the general elections, Rowley, the country’s seventhheadofgovernment, signalled immediately that thepartyisintransitionashe no longer expects to contest another poll in Trinidad and Tobago.
Young, a practising attorneybeforebeingelected to Parliament on September 8, 2015 as the member for Port-of-Spain North/St Ann’s West (Jamaica Gleaner)
Amidincreasedmaritime traffic in Guyana’s waterwaysoverthepastfour years, driven largely by the start of oil production in December 2019, the Government of Guyana has been removing shipwrecks toimprovesafetyforvessels. The16%surgeinmarine traffic includes numerous supply vessels supporting ExxonMobil’s offshore oil operations. At the Ministry ofPublicWorks’end-of-year press conference on Saturday, Director General o f t h e M a r i t i m e Administration Department (MARAD),CaptainStephen Thomas, highlighted ongoingeffortstoclearthese waterways.
“ S i m i l a r l y, t h e departmenthasatugthathas already been constructed in
MARAD Captain Stephen Thomas
China by a Dutch company…It’s on its way to Guyana… it’s expected to arrive in the first quarter of this year,” Captain Thomas shared.
Regardingtheremovalof shipwrecks,CaptainThomas Continuedonpage16
Afteraseriesofreported incidents involving gas bottle related explosions from a particular gas company, which have resulted in critical injuries and extensive property damage, the Competition and Consumer Affairs
Commission (CCAC) announced on Monday that aninvestigationisunderway Minister of Tourism, Industry, and Commerce
OneidgeWalrondconfirmed that the investigation report will be released later this week Speaking with Kaieteur News, Minister Walrond addressed the concerns raised by the public,stating,“Ihaveheard the complaints of what people are saying and the allegations of defective bottles. I have charged the CCACtodoaninvestigation and they were supposed to get back with me with their investigations on each incident to see if indeed it is truethatthedefectivebottles and[theparticularbrand]are culpable.”
Sheadded,“I’mawaiting results of that investigation. They are going to go out in the field and meet with the victims,theresultsshouldbe wrapped up this week.” The CCAC in a statement said following the first two official complaints filed by the affected persons, “we have commenced our investigations which will engage the relevant industry
expertstomakeassessments and recommendations based ontheirfindings.TheCCAC intends to pursue these investigations until there is redress.” However, the CCAC did not disclose which gas company the complaints were made against.
The CCAC also urged consumers to exercise caution when using cooking gasproductsandencouraged themtoreportanyissuesvia their website or WhatsApp.
“In the meantime, we urge consumers to exercise the greatest caution and safety protocols during the use of
cooking gas products
Consumers are reminded to reachouttotheCCAConits website: or WhatsApp (592)-625-0557 ifthereareanycomplaints.”
The Commission expressed its compassion for those affected,stating,“Weextend our heartfelt compassion to those affected and their families as we engage them privately.”
Explosionincidentslinked togasbottles
Several incidents of explosions linked to gas cylindershavebeenreported in recent months, with victims blaming a specific
gas company One such incident occurred on the morning of Saturday, January 4, 2025, at Lot 194, Fifth Street Foulis, East Coast Demerara, where a suspected fuel leak from a MassyGasbottleresultedin aviolentexplosion.
The explosion severely injured 55-year-old
Basmattie Ganpat and her common-law partner, 58year-old Manu Sukhu, both of whom are currently receiving treatment at the
Hospital Corporation (GPHC)
Sandyha Goolram,
Ganpat’s daughter, shared details of the incident, stating,“Igotamessagethat the house was on fire and mommy got burnt. When I got there, I saw everything blown up the roof, the bottom flat, the kitchen—it was all damaged. Mommy and stepdad are in critical condition and not improving ” Goolram suspected a gas leak caused the explosion after her mother had smelled gas before lighting the stove.
“Somebody told me they were smelling the gas when theycamedowntocook,but she still went ahead to light thestove.Ithinktherewasa leakagefromthehoseorthe sock, and it circulated the wholeplace,”Goolramsaid.
Despitetheapparentlack of visible damage to the gas bottle, the gas company inspected the scene and reportedly confirmed the bottle was “okay.” Goolram expressed concern about the extent of the damages, estimating the costs at over
one million dollars
“Millionsofdamages,onlya year ago we did some renovations,”shesaid.
On December 17, 2024, another explosion occurred in Little Abary, Mahaicony, Region 5, involving a leaking Massy gas bottle. Theexplosiondestroyedpart of the home of Murtland Wills and Oneka Williams.
“Looking out the door, the back door was gone. The door to the room where the gas bottle was stored was shattered,andthewallsfrom that room were blown off,” Williams recalled after the incident.
An initial police investigation indicated that the cause of the explosion was gas-related. However, when representatives from Massy’s Gas Company
visited the scene, they claimedthegascylinderwas notatfault.“Theycameafter we made the report and said the gas caused it,” Williams said. However, after further examination, Massy’s representatives allegedly toldthecouplethattherewas nothing wrong with the bottle.
On November 29, 2024, a similar incident occurred whenagasbottleexplodedat a home in Better Hope, East Coast Demerara The woman involved, Necolece recalled the explosion happening after she had lit the stove. “I thought the fire was all over me. My first thought was, ‘Oh my gosh, the gas bottle exploded,’” shesaid.
Afterward, Massy Gas representativesattributedthe explosion to a faulty regulator but denied any faultontheirpart.
In another incident earlier in the year, businesswoman Jaiwantie Samaroo suffered severe burns after a gas bottle exploded in her shop. Her husband, Randolph Pereira, suspected the gas bottle was leaking overnight and filled theshopwithfumes,leading to the explosion when Samaroo attempted to light the stove. Pereira noted that after the explosion, Massy G a s s e n t f i v e representatives,whofocused more on removing the gas bottle than on the wellbeing ofhiswife.
With multiple incidents linked to gas explosions under investigation, the public remains concerned about the safety of certain gas products. The CCAC is continuing its inquiry, with hopes that the upcoming report will provide clarity and answers to affected consumers.
Hess Corporation’s operationoffshoreGuyanais generating enough revenues to be self-funding, the company’s Senior Vice President and Chief FinancialOfficer,JohnRiley hassaid.
Riley disclosed that the upcomingYellowtail project is set to deliver a substantial boostinfreecashflowforthe American oil company during an interview, h i g h l i g h t i n g t h e transformative financial impact of the company’s operations in the Stabroek Block, where Hess holds a 30%stake.
“Yes, Guyana is selffundingandlook,itwasselffunding now and then Obviously, when the Yellowtail coming on, you getawholebigjump,andwe really do get a big step change in cash flow every time when these FPSOs comeon,”Rileysaid.
The Yellowtail project, Guyana’s fourth offshore development and its largest
Hess’Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer, John Riley
to date, is slated to commence production in 2025. With a US$10 billion investment, the project will intro
ce a Floating Production, Storage, and Offloading (FPSO) vessel capable of producing 250,000barrelsofoilperday (bpd), surpassing earlier developments like Liza Phase 1, Liza Phase 2, and Payara.
Discussing Yellowtail’s impact, Riley explained, “Now you’re bringing a 250 boat on, you know, these other ones obviously have beenkindofoptimizedupto 250, but you’re bringing a bigger boat on. You’ve got the three boats already paid for,youknow,behindyouon that So, yes, Yellowtail gives a nice, really nice, big inflection to our free cash flow.”
The FPSO forYellowtail is expected to depart its construction yard in the first quarter of 2025, with production ramping up midyear, according to Hess’ Chief Executive Officer (CEO) John Hess This development is part of ExxonMobil-led plans to increase Stabroek Block production capacity to over 1.3 million bpd by 2027 when the company anticipates having all six
projects up and running offshore.
When asked how the company plans to use the cash flow generated from Yellowtail, Riley noted, “So let’s just say, if we were staying independent, we’d go back to that where we were, you know, we would grow the dividend That would be the first thing that we’regoingtodo.Well,first, wemakesurewe’refunding ourreturnprojects.Wegrow thedividend,justaswehave been doing and now, just recently did. And then we would take some up to 75% of that cash flow, and we’d returnittoshareholders.”
Riley explained that would be the move in the event of the US$53 billion merger with Chevron not going through. He clarified that this strategy would not move forward as Hess navigatesitspendingmerger Instead, the company will retain cash during the transitionperiod.
The Yellowtail project will target the Tilapia and Redtail reservoirs, adding to Guyana’scurrentproduction of over 650,000 bpd. Along withUaruandWhiptail,itis expected to contribute significantly to the consortium’s
Alistair Routledge, the President of ExxonMobil Guyana Limited (EMGL) had announced that the Yellowtail project – the largest deepwater project to date in Guyana – is on track forthe2025startup. EMGL holds 45% interest and the third partner CNOOC Petroleum Guyana Limited, holds25%interest.
Recently, Exxon announced that it has achieved the milestone of producing 500 million barrels of oil from the block since production began in December2019.
“The EPC (Engineering, Procuring and Construction) contracthasitsowninsurancepolicy.”Whenremindedabout the latter part of the question, he said, “Certainly Mr Speaker.”Similarly,ontheissueofExxon’spipeline,thePM noted, “I am advised again Mr Speaker that Exxon has insurance coverage with the contractor, so that is catered for…wewilllayitover.” Healsocommittedtoprovidingthe totalsumexpendedontheprojecttodate,includingcostsfor the transmission and distribution of electricity, consultancy andsubstations,amongothercosts,aswellastheagreements signedfortheproject.
TheGTEprojectisdividedintotwoparts,withthefirst-a 225 kilometers pipeline from the Liza fields offshore to the WalesdevelopmentsiteontheWestBankofDemerara-being financedbytheStabroekBlockoperator,ExxonMobil.Thisis expected to cost about US$1 billion.The other aspect of the projectentailsaNaturalGasLiquid(NGL)facilityanda300megawatt power plant to be financed by the Government of Guyana(GoG)throughaloanfromtheUnitedStatesExport Import (US EXIM) Bank. The two plants are pegged at US$759million.
officially reopened the newly constructed North East La Penitence Health Centre, Central Georgetown.
Themodernisedfacility,builtatacostof $80millionGYD,issettoserveapopulation of 7,651 people in the area. During the reopening ceremony, Minister of Health, FrankAnthony,outlinedthekeyservicesthat will be available at the health centre. These services include expanded vaccination coveragefor19preventablediseases,suchas
HPV, school health screenings with corrective care, advanced chronic disease management using HEARTS and HbA1c testing, as well as infectious disease monitoring through accredited testing and surveillance in collaboration with the Pan AmericanHealthOrganization.
In addition to the current services, Minister Anthony shared plans for further improvementsatthehealthcentre,including theinstallationofadentalsuiteinthecoming months. He also highlighted ongoing efforts toenhanceneighbouringhealthcarefacilities.
Expressing his excitement about the facility’s reopening, Minister Anthony said, “We are very pleased to reopen this facility TheMinistryhasinvestedinitsrenovationto ensure that the citizens of Georgetown benefit from primary healthcare services of thehigheststandard.”Healsoemphasizedthe Ministry’sbroadervision,adding,“Weaimto deliver a comprehensive package of 115 interventions across every health facility in Guyana.”
Director General of the Ministry of Health, Dr. Vishwa Mahadeo, underscored
the Ministry’s commitment to raising healthcare standards across the country, stating,“Everycitizenisentitledtothesame level of care, and we will ensure that no region is left behind as we strive to provide world-classhealthcare.”
Thereopeningceremonywasattendedby severalkeyofficials,includingChiefMedical Officer Dr Narine Singh, Hinterland Coordinator Micheal Gouveia, District Medical Officer Dr Judy Bentley-Browne, Counsellor Alphonso De Armas, and other healthsectorrepresentatives.
K and M Janitoral services wanted cleaners. contact : 664-8328 /696-4567.
General domestic to work 3 days per week- Campbellville G/TOWN.Tel: 621-5140.
One general cleaner, Must be able to assist in cutting up vegetables.Serious enquires. Call: 696-2520.
Wanted a male handy person to work in the interior. Call : 664-0844 / 677-0809.
Puri/ Roti Maker, Porters, cook wanted at Rabbies 266 Thomas & New Market St. Call: 648-8279.
Elevate your brand with our professional Graphic design services. Call: 619-0007, 629-5526.
Visa Application:U.S.A, Canada & UK:Graphics design, advertisements, wedding arch rentals.Tel:6267040.
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One Unregistered Nissan XTrail 2016 model, Mode Premiere. Call : 649-0956.
Family fun Aracari Resort! crystal clear pool, safe kids & adult sections, music & food. W.B.D. Call : 2642946-9
For Sale 6 used American made Dental chairs excellent condition contact Mr Vino on 661-3030 or 626-8918
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Aracari Hotel renovated rooms ,A/C, TV, Restaurant, bar, pool, gym Stay 7 nights, 1 Free! Call: 264-2946.
Job opening- Truck drivers, project manager, Civil engineer. To apply, please send your application via Whatsapp 638-5303 / 6082114.
Female cleaner call 615-9132 or 645-8443
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Vacancy exist for one experienced cook. Please call : 6990942.
Vacancy exists for one nanny aged 40 or older. Please call : 699-0942.
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Bess choice is hiring water truck driver & Porter located in Diary- West Demerara. Call: 716-2996
General Domestic , cook , iron, clean house ECT. Apply Keyfood Mc Doom village next to the post office $6000 daily, 3day work
1 Bull dozer Operator to work in the interior, Interested persons contact : 701-4000.
Vacancy for bodywork guy. Monday to Saturday. 36k - 60 k per week depends on skills. Call: 644-0833.
General Workers, shift 7-3,310 & 10-7. Sound secondary education / 3 cxc subjects. Salary $110,000 Monthly. Whatsapp 668-0306 / 6557405 .
The opposition parties are set to meet mid-month to discuss the possibility of contesting the 2025 elections, Leader of the Opposition Aubrey Norton told reporters on Friday during his party’s weekly press conference.
Norton was asked by the media to give an update on the parties’ talks. He declined to disclose whether decisions were made during previous meetings, Norton told reporters that meetings will continue.
“All the parties will get together and decide what they do. It is not for me to say we’ll do it alone or we’ll do it together. That’s a decision for the political parties involved,” he said noting that “at the end of the engagement, which will occur before the middle of this month, we will update the press.”
On December 12 2024 this publication reported that the People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR) and the Working People’s Alliance (WPA) have agreed to work toward forming a coalition to contest next year’s general and regional elections, the parties said in a joint statement.
According to the release, in a frank discussion, the two
parties exchanged views on the current political situation, including the need to ensure that the coming elections are conducted in a manner that enjoys the confidence of all parties. Towards this end, it was agreed that the work started by the Joint Opposition Parties (PNCR and WPA) should be expanded and intensified.
According to the release, the parties also engaged in a discussion of the strengths and weaknesses of the APNU+AFC Coalition both in and out of office and committed themselves to correcting the flaws identified.
Some of the issues discussed include the role of small parties in coalition decision-making, the need for a joint, integrated platform, mechanisms to mitigate conflicts within the coalition and for the constituent parties to act in unison even as they retain their independence. The possibility of the WPA returning to the APNU was also discussed. In the end, it was agreed that despite mistakes, coalition politics remains a best option for the country.
Against that background, the two parties decided in
principle to work jointly at two levels. First, it was agreed that the work of the Joint Opposition Parties should be broadened to include other forms of political engagement. Second, the parties agreed to begin discussions towards the formation of a coalition to contest the upcoming elections, but to leave the door open for other parties which may wish to join. A second meeting has been before the Christmas holidays.
The PNCR delegation was led by Party Leader, Aubrey C. Norton and included Party Chairman, Shurwayne Holder
and General Secretary, Sherwin Benjamin. The WPA delegation was led by CoLeader, Dr. David Hinds and included Co-Leaders Tacuma Ogunseye and Rohit Kanhai and party Chairman, Deon Abrams.
Meanwhile, the Alliance for Change (AFC) met with the PNCR, A New and United Guyana (ANUG) as well the Equality and Justice Party (EJP) in December 2024. The party has not confirmed its intention to be part of a coalition but noted that it will continue to strategically meet with stakeholders.
From page 12 revealed, “Thus far, we have removed 14 and a half wrecks. I use the word ‘half’ because the contractor, which is from the islands, is thus far on wreck number 15. They closed off to go on the annual Christmas break, but it’s 17 of them.”
He explained that the exercise started in 2022 and has been continuous. “Why does it take so long? Most of these wrecks are out at sea, and the removal of them is tremendously dependent upon the
weather. If the weather is bad, then we cannot work, so we have months when nothing is done,” Thomas said.
Despite these challenges, Captain Thomas expressed satisfaction with the progress. “The removal of these wrecks… there are some wrecks that were there since the 1960s, some in the 70s, and some we don’t even know the age because our records don’t show them. But all of them are being cleared,” he added. Moreover, he shared that MARAD is cur-
rently preparing an animation where they are going to show before-and-after picture of how the waterways were littered with wrecks. He reminded that in the past, in maritime publications, Guyana was considered an unsafe port. “Most ships arrived at our fairway buoy and had to keep very, very far from it because there were so many wrecks there,” Captain Thomas said. He noted that most of the major wrecks have already been removed from the Demerara and Berbice chan-
nels. Captain Thomas emphasised the importance of these efforts stating, “Traffic has expanded tremendously. The channel has to be deepened now, widened…the removal of wrecks gives us that capacity and gives ships the capacity to come safely to our ports.” According to MARAD’s records, 2,867 ships visited Guyana’s ports between January and November 2024. “The ships that are coming are bigger ships, bringing much more cargo,” Captain Thomas noted.
Seven pre-qualified international contractors have beenshortlistedtobidforthe design and construction of the new Berbice River Bridge project, in Region Six, Minister of Public WorksJuanEdghillsaid.
The minister was at the time speaking at his ministry’s end-of-year press conference held at the Pegasus Corporate Suites, Kingston,Georgetown.
Edghill was asked to provide an update on the project by reporters In response, he said, “We have gone out for expression of interest (EOI) for the BerbiceRiverBridge,outof nine submissions seven are prequalified and they would be asked now to price and these are all international companies including Chinese(contractors).”
Last year, the ministry sought EOIs for the designing, building and financingofthenewBerbice River Bridge. In October, nine contractors submitted bids.TheywereChinaRoad & Bridge Corporation (China); Ashoka Buildcon Limited (India); China Railway Construction Caribbean Limited (China) injointedventurewithChina Railway Construction Bridge Engineering Bureau Group Company Limited (T&T); Shandong Highspeed Road & Bridge CompanyLimited(China)in jointed venture with AJM Enterprise; China Railway First Group Company
TLimited (China) in jointed venture with China Railway Eryuan Engineering Group Company Limited (China); Rockey & Son Construction (local); Kalpataru Projects International Limited (India); Vishwa Samudra EngineeringPrivateLimited (India); and Aecon Global Services (Canada) In January 2024, President IrfaanAliannouncedthathis government intended to
sector production increased by over $15.6B since 2020
hroughaseriesof comprehensive programmes and policies, Guyana’s forestry sector has experienced significant growth since 2020 Production within forestry increased by over $15.6billion.
This increase is remarkable against the backdrop of the sector’s abysmal state prior to 2020, when more than 15,000 forestry jobs evaporated
According to President Dr Mohamed Irfaan Ali, not only has the forestry regained its 15,000-strong workforce, but thanks to his government’s policies and investments, more than 25,000 persons are now employedinthesector
President Ali described this as a remarkable turnaround during a live broadcast on Sunday afternoon.Heexplainedthat more than 550 small forestersoccupyinexcessof 2.5 million hectares of land today, a clear sign that the sectorisenjoyingaperiodof rapidrevitalisation.“And22 medium-scale foresters occupy 2.7 million hectares ofland.Ifyoucheckit,more thanfivemillionhectaresof landisoccupiedbythesmall
and medi
m-sized foresters,” the president explained.
Highlightingsomeofthe measures implemented to sustain the sector, the president said that his government is exploring new, niche and high-yield markets for foresters, while ensuring that local yields match the highest internationalstandards.
Additionally, between 2021 and 2024, the governmentissuedover150 small concessions and five large forestry concessions.
President Ali reminded Guyanese that during the previous administration’s tenure, a 118 per cent increase in fees placed a over-sized burden on small andmedium-sizedforesters.
“When we came back into office, we removed the VAT on machinery and equipment. They imposed VAT on machinery and equipment,notonlythefees, but all the incentives to support the small and medium-sized foresters They had the VAT on exports, and they had VAT on hinterland travel. Can you imagine that?” the presidentsaid. He further stated, “We
removed the VAT on these things and offered those as incentives to the small, medium-sized and largescale operators in the forestry sector The government also amended the log export policy to allow sawmillers to export logs. Sawmillers could go directly to the international markets and export their log.”
These interventions, he stressed, were made followingconsultationswith allstakeholdersinthesector To complement these measures, in 2022 the government established a $900millionrevolvingfund for small and medium-scale
loggers to increase production in the forestry sector PresidentAlisaidthe fundhasalreadyempowered 13 persons with access to almost $300 million from thisfund.
“Since returning to power, the PPP has rescued the [forestry] commission, payingoffallitsdebts.
All the debts we inherited, we paid off. And the workers today are being paidontimeandnotdelayed for months and in alphabetical order,” the presidentsaid.(DPI)
The current Berbice River Bridge
construct a fixed high-span crossing bridge across the BerbiceRiver
understanding for the future needs of this region T
accelerating the plans for a
fixed high-span crossing bridge across the Berbice River just like the one in the Demerara River,” PresidentAli said at a sodturning event held for the US$161 million modern hospital in NewAmsterdam He had initially announced the construction of a new bridgeinBerbice in October 2022 The structure is expectedtomirrortheUS$260 million new Demerara River Bridge
The current $8 billion Berbice River Bridge, which was constructed between 2006 and 2008 received financial backing through loans and equity contributions from various entities,includingthestaterun National Insurance Scheme (NIS) and private investors
Despite delays in the construction of the Paediatric and Maternal HospitalatOgle,Ministerof Health Dr Frank Anthony has said that the contractor wasgranteduntilOctoberto completetheproject.
“That contractor officially has until October this year to deliver that hospital We have been working with them to recoversomeofthetimethat hasbeendelayedinthepast. And we will see whether they are able to meet their contractual deadline by October,” Dr Anthony stated.
During a recent site visit alongsideMinisterofHealth Frank Anthony, President Ifraan Ali had emphasised the importance of acceleratingtheconstruction processtomeettheproject’s deadlines. President Ali had e x p r e s s e d s t r o n g dissatisfaction with the slow progress of the $12.4 billion Ogle Pediatric and Maternal Hospital being built on the EastCoastofDemerara.
“We are hoping that the contractorwouldpickupthe pace,” President Ali stated. “Wearenotsatisfiedwiththe pace at the moment, and we are not going to shift our deadline for the completion ofthishospital.”
He highlighted the significance of the project, underscoring that once completed; the hospital will be one of the most modern
pediatric facilities in the region.
The hospital’s external and substructural works are expectedtobecompletedby January 2025 However, Diana Lopes, Project Manager for Australian construction company VAMED, informed the President that internal works—such as plumbing tests and electrical installations would not beginuntilOctober2025.
Visibly displeased with the timeline, President Ali had rejected the proposed delay, stating, “That is not going to fly with us. That is far beyond the project time. We are going to be charging liquidated damages We cannot accept this going to October.”
Assuchheinstructedthe contractor to increase manpower and implement a shift system to expedite the construction process. “You havetodoalotofsimulation work; you have to start working two shifts,” Ali ordered.
The President also reiterated the high standards expected for the hospital, noting, “It is a level five hospital the highest standardthatyouwillgetfor paediatric care here. The constructionanddesignmust take into consideration the most modern equipment to match what the hospital is expectedtodeliver.”
Once completed, the hospital will feature 256 beds and cover 24,000 square meters of gross floor area It will include an imaging suite equipped with CT scans, X-rays, and MRI scanning equipment, as well as a modern laboratory to conductsophisticatedtests.
The hospital project was awardedtoVAMEDonJune 8, 2022, with a total budget of $12.4 billion. President Ali further stated that the government plans to import foreign specialists for the first phase of the hospital’s m a n a g e m e n t o n c e constructioniscomplete.
PrimeMinisterJustinTrudeauresignsafternineyearsamid pressurefromhispartyandlowpublicapprovalratings.
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has announced his resignation as Liberal Party leader amid increasing pressure to step down from withintheparty
From a podium outside his residence at Rideau Cottage in Ottawa on Monday, he added that he would also step down as prime minister once a new leaderisselected.
“I intend to resign as party leader, as prime minister, after the party selects its next leader through a robust, nationwide, competitive process. Last night, I asked the president of the Liberal Partytobeginthatprocess,” Trudeausaid.
In announcing the decision, the prime minister made reference to the
upcoming federal elections, which must be held before October20ofthisyear
“Thiscountrydeservesa real choice in the next election, and it has become cleartomethatifI’mhaving to fight internal battles, I cannot be the best option in that election,” Trudeau explained.
Trudeau, who has been inpowerfornineyears,saw his popularity wane in recent months, with his government narrowly surviving a series of noconfidencevotesandcritics callingforhisresignation Pressureonthe53-yearold Trudeau further mounted after former Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland quit in December, following a disagreement over how to respond to United States
President-elect Donald Trump’s threat of imposing a 25-percent tariff on
Days later, Trudeau announcedamajorreshuffle
of his cabinet – changing one-thirdofhisteaminabid tosettlethepoliticalturmoil.
WhileseveralMPsofthe governing Liberal Party publicly called on the prime minister to step down after Freeland’s resignation, many have continued to standbyTrudeaudespitethe mountingpressure.
Trudeau’s departure leaves the party without a permanent head at a time when polls suggest the Liberals will badly lose to the official opposition Conservatives in the federal elections.
Trudeau trails his main rival, Conservative Pierre Poilievre,bysome20points inpublicopinionpolls,amid a range of challenges facing Canadafromahousingcrisis tosoaringcostsofliving.
Trudeau swept to power in 2015 and led the Liberals to two more ballot box victories–in2019and2021.
Coming to politics after working as a snowboard instructor, bartender, bouncer and teacher, Trudeau was first elected in 2008 to the House of Commons to represent a working-class Montreal neighbourhood.
In his first two terms as primeminister,hebroughtin Senate reforms, signed a new trade deal with the US and introduced a carbon tax to reduce Canada’s greenhousegasemissions.
The father of three also legalised cannabis, held a public inquiry into missing and murdered Indigenous women, and passed legislation permitting medicallyassistedsuicide.
US President Joe
B i d e n h a s announced a banonnewoffshoreoiland gas drilling along most of America’s coastline, weeks before Donald Trump takes office.
Thebancoverstheentire Atlantic coast and eastern Gulf of Mexico, as well as the Pacific coast off California, Oregon and Washingtonandasectionof theBeringSeaoffAlaska.
It is the latest in a string of last-minute climate policy actions by the Biden administration ahead of Trump’sreturntotheWhite House.
During his campaign, Trumppledgedto“unleash”
domestic fossil fuel productioninabidtolower gas costs, despite the US already seeing record high extractionrates.
Biden said in a statement: “My decision reflects what coastal communities, businesses, andbeachgoershaveknown foralongtime:thatdrilling off these coasts could cause
irreversible damage to places we hold dear and is unnecessary to meet our nation’senergyneeds.
“It is not worth the risks.”
Trump has pledged to r e v e r s e B i d e n ’ s conservation and climate change policies when he takesofficelaterthismonth. However, the new ban does not have an end date and could be difficult for the Republicantooverturn.
Biden is taking the action under the Outer ContinentalShelfLandsAct of 1953, which allows presidentstowithdrawareas from mineral leasing and drilling.
The law, however, does not grant them the legal authority to overturn prior bans, according to a 2019 courtruling.Italsodoesnot allow presidents to revoke any areas alreadyleased for offshoredrilling.
Trump–despitebeingin favour of more oil and gas exploration and repeatedly deployinghistagline“Drill, baby, drill” during
campaigning – has used the law himself to protect waters off the coast of Floridain2020.
At the time, this was seen as an effort to garner votesfromthestateaheadof the 2020 US election, and the protection was due to expire in 2032 Biden’s decision will protect the same area with no expiry date.
The new offshore drilling ban covers more than 625 million acres (253
Afteritwasreportedlast week that Biden would introduce the policy, Trump’s incoming press secretary Karoline Leavitt called it “a disgraceful decision”.
She said the move was “designed to exact political revenge on the American people who gave President Trump a mandate to increase drilling and lower gasprices”.
Environmental groups,
however, welcomed the move.
Joseph Gordon, from conservation organisation Oceana, said: “This is an epicoceanvictory
“Our treasured coastal communities are now safeguarded for future generations.”
An oil and gas industry trade group said Biden’s decision would harm American energy security and should be reversed by Congress.
Mike Sommers, president of the American Petroleum Institute, said:
“We urge policymakers to use every tool at their disposal to reverse this politically motivated decision and restore a proAmerican energy approach tofederalleasing.”
In 2017, during his first term in office, Trump tried to reverse former President Barack Obama’s protection of 125 million acres (50.6 million hectares) of the AtlanticandArcticOceans.
Two years later, a US District Court ruled that the
actdidnotallowapresident to reverse decisions of previous administrations –meaning Trump could not r e v o k e O b a m a ’ s protections.
ItisexpectedthatTrump – whose inauguration ceremonytakesplaceon 20 January – will still seek to challenge Biden’s move. A finallegaldecisioncouldbe madebytheSupremeCourt, which currently has a majority of Republican judges.
Environmentalists and Democratshadbeencalling on Biden to introduce the banbecauseofconcernsthat any new drilling would threatenUSambitionstocut its greenhouse gas emissions and tackle climatechange.
The International Energy Agency estimates that global oil and gas demandneedstofallby5% annually to limit global temperature rise to 1.5C, which is seen as crucial to help avoid the most damaging impacts. (BBC News)
SportsMax - Jamaica’s Under-17 Reggae Boys openedtheircampaigninthe Torneo Del Sol in Mexico with a 3-2 win over SeleccionBajioyesterday New York City FC
Seymour Reid was on
Jamaicans with the third goal coming from Inter Miami CFAcademy winger CadrianoMarsh.
Jamaica will next take on Seleccion Norte on
Tuesdaybeforefacingthe L
The tournament is being used in preparation for the CONCACAF U17 Qualifiers slated to kick offinFebruary
FormerBritish Guianafootballer AlvinGeronimo...
Relations with neighbors, siblings, or other relatives could get a shot in the arm now, Aries. For some, your recent business successes cause them to get on the bandwagon.Forothers.
Success in your work continues to bring good fortune your way Today you mightgetreassurancethatthis isn't a flash in the pan.You're likelytobefinanciallysecure foralongtime.
As you continue to enjoy success and good fortune, your self-confidence grows, Gemini, and so you're likely to attract new relationships with fascinating people in excitingfieldswhoshareyour visionandinterests.
Today your sensitivity joins forces with practicality. Intuitive insights could come to you today, and you might express your new ideas to others, Cancer Don't be surprisediftheyacceptthem.
Today shows the promise of beingaverybusyyetfulfilling day, Leo Enterprises involving corporations, churches, or other groups in your community are likely to b e n e f i t f r o m y o u r participation
Your financial success over the past several weeks may seem too good to be true, Virgo. It might make yet another leap forward. This shouldmakeyouhappy
You'reflyinghighatthispoint, Libra, enjoying the success you've achieved over the past several weeks Today you could accomplish yet another goal,addingtoyourfeelingof accomplishment.
Todayyoumighthaveinsights as to how to advance your career Thesecouldcomeyour way through dreams, sudden revelations,orperhapsvisions. Don'thesitatetoputtheminto action.
All your relationships should be especially warm and supportive now, Sagittarius. This is a great day to form a business,personal,orromantic partnership Business partnershipsmadenowshould besuccessful.
Everything should be going great for your career, Capricorn.Itmayallseemtoo good to be true, but rest assured that it's real. Events could involve a job change, promotion,raise.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20–Feb. 18)Discussions with those close to you could lead to the discovery of new concepts, perhapsfromforeigncultures. You will want to learn more about them, Aquarius, as will yourfriends.
PISCES(Feb.19–Mar 20)
Emotions that run very deep should bring you a lot of satisfaction today, Pisces Relationships of all kinds could also be especially promising.
Frompage26 the Frenchmen and Guyana leveled the series 1-1 English division-two side Hull City then cooled off Braithwaite and company witha5-0whippingatGCC in May 1973 Next, he donned colours for the CaribbeanX1thatdrew1-1 withHullCityatGCC.”
He also toured Brazil with the Maurice Enmore led World Cup Squad in 1976. After the Brazilian tour, Geronimo featured in four (4) internationals against Cuba, games being played in Linden, Berbice andGeorgetown.”
”Thiswasfollowedbya series against Sir Alec Ferguson’s touring Scottish Division-One Team, St Mirren.
It is no secret that Ferguson and St. Mirren arrived in Guyana a confident unit after recording victories over T&T, BarbadosandSuriname.
However, airtight marking by Braithwaite, O’Neal and Nedd kept out Ferguson’s strikers and Guyana jolted their unbeaten run with a 2-0 triumph So, it was no surprise when Guyana won its inaugural World Cup matchbyasimilarmarginat GCC Bourda on July 4, 1976.
Braithwaite’s last overseas international is the dreaded knock them three loss to Suriname in the World Cup Qualifier return fixture. He played is final seriesagainstCuracaoatthe GCC Ground, Bourda in October,1976.”
Kaieteur Sports extend condolencestothefamilyof this Guyanese standout
A l v i n G e r o n i m o Braithwaite.
Chiefswire - The Kansas City Chiefs backups took an absolute beatinginWeek18andarecurrently facing a 38-point deficit in anAFC WestshowdownagainsttheDenver Broncos.
Infact,theChiefs’performance on Sunday was so bad that the decision-makers at CBS pulled the gamefromtheirnationalbroadcast, saving Kansas City’s fans the indignity of having to watch their teamlosetoabitterrival.
The Chiefs, who chose to rest their starters after clinching the AFC’s No. 1 playoff seed with a Week 17 win over the Pittsburgh Steelers on Christmas Day, have been completely dominated by Denver’sstarters.
Few games across the NFL’s entireregularseason schedulehave been as lopsided as Kansas City’s beatdown at the hands of the BroncosonSundayafternoon.
Football fans on Twitter had a fielddayreactingtoCBS’sdecision to pull the game from its national broadcast and didn’t mince words when describing their thoughts abouttheChiefs’blowoutloss.
Denver Broncos quarterback Bo Nix (10) scrambles under pressure from Kansas City Chiefs linebacker Joshua Uche (55) as guard Quinn Meinerz (77) defends against defensive end Malik Herring (94) in the second quarter at Empower Field at Mile High. (Isaiah J. Downing-Imagn Images)
AFP-CocoGauffroared past Iga Swiatek to inspire team USA Sunday before Taylor Fritz sealed the UnitedCuptitlewithvictory over Poland’s Hubert HurkaczinSydney
Gauff opened with a statement 6-4, 6-4 win over Swiatek in 1hr 51min of hard-hitting tennis to fire a warning
shot ahead of the Australian Open
Big-serving Fritz then battled through against Hubert Hurkacz 6-4, 5-7, 7-6 (7/4) to spark wild celebrations as the Americans won the mixed-teams cup for the second time in threeyearsafterwinningthe inauguraleventin2023.
For Poland it meant falling at the final hurdle again after losing to Germany 12 months ago
Gauff set the ball rolling with a second
victory in a row over Swiatek after beating the former world number one at the WTA Finals in Riyadh on her way to the title
Gauff had won all six of her previous singles and doubles matches this week and continued her streak when Swiatek doublefaulted on match point at 4-5, 30-40 in the second set
“I think I have the belief that I am one of the best players in the world, and when I play good tennis, it’s hard for me to be beaten,” said Gauff, who won the award as player of the tournament. - ‘Tough today’The 20-year-old will go into the first Grand Slam of the year next
Sunday unbeaten in singles since losing to world number oneAryna
Sabalenka in the Wuhan semi-finals in October, and brimmingwithconfidence.
“Today I think I played great tennis, and I’m happy to get a point,” she said “It was tough today I’m not gonna lie ”
Gauff’s victory left the United States one win away from lifting the title for the second time, and Fritz delivered after edging a third-set tiebreak to seal a tense encounter.
“It’s been a great week,” said Fritz.
“ T h e y ’ r e a n incredibly tough team and the margins are very small,” he added after a serve-dominated match that featured 30 aces and just three break points
“I feel like it could have always gone either way Just want to say thanks to my whole
team ”
Earlier, Swiatek took a medical timeout at 5-4 down in the second set to have strapping put on her niggling left thigh which has bothered her all week in Sydney
After losing to Gauff, Swiatek left the court in tears, walking gingerly, but returnedlaughingandjoking during the trophy presentations.
Red-hotGauff,whodid not drop a set in five singles matches, goes into the Australian Open as worldnumberthree.
She enjoyed United Cup singles wins over Leylah Fernandez, Donna Vekic, Zhang Shuai, Karolina Muchova and Swiatek
Fritz, who is at careerbest number four in the rankings, dropped his opening United Cup match to Felix Auger-Aliassime butthenwonfourstraight
Coco Gauff celebrates winning the first set against Iga Swiatek in the United Cup final. (Steve CHRISTO/ AFP/AFP)
- South Africa made light workofamodesttargetof58 to claim victory against Pakistan by 10 wickets at a sun-bathed Newlands on Monday, wrapping up the series2-0insidefourdaysof thesecondandfinaltest.
Pakistan had held up the home side’s victory charge with a second innings score of 478 having been asked to followon,theireffortledby captain Shan Masood’s fine 145onadocilewicket.
But seamer Kagiso Rabada (3-115) and spinner Keshav Maharaj (3-137) kept chipping away at the Pakistan wickets, aided by somepoorshotselection.
David Bedingham was promoted to open in the South African second innings after doublecenturion from their first, Ryan Rickelton, sustained a hamstringstrain.
Bedingham raced to 44 from 30 balls to see his side tovictoryin7.1overs.
“The result is very satisfying, it was good old test cricket There was something in it for the bowlers with the new ball
and then the wicket really flattened out,” South Africa captainTembaBavumasaid.
“It was a good experience that will hold us in good stead as a team.
Certainpartsofthegamewe letgo,butallthoselearnings willmakeusbetter.”
South Africa have won theirlastseventestsinarow, their second-best run of victoriesbehindanine-game winning streak between 2002-2003 It is perfect preparation for their appearanceintheWorldTest Championship final against Australia at Lord’s from June11-15.
NFLwillcontinueJay-Z partnershipdespitelawsuitGoodellNEXTMy goal is thattheMetsaregoingtobe a premier, one of the elite teams in Major League Baseball.
Pakistan resumed the fourth day on 213 for one, thoughtheywereeffectively two down after in-form batter Saim Ayub fractured his ankle while fielding on the first day Despite the wicket offering little to the bowlers in terms of seam or turn,SouthAfricapickedup
two wickets in the morning session, as Khurram
Shahzad was caught by Maharaj at point off seamer MarcoJansenfor18.
Rabada bowled Kamran Ghulam for 28, a delivery that nipped back off the wicket and crashed into the off-stump.
The home side took the new ball shortly after lunch and that brought two more wickets, including the key scalp of Masood, who was trappedlegbeforewicketby 18-year-old fast bowler Kwena Maphaka, South Africa’s youngest ever test player
Saud Shakeel scored 23 before he was caught at second slip by Aiden MarkramoffRabada.
MohammadRizwan(41) and Salman Agha (48) continuedtoshowresistance butbothfelltoMaharaj,who also claimed the wicket of Aamer Jamal following a breezy34.Pakistan’stotalof 478 is the highest ever follow-onscorebyavisiting team in South Africa, a vastly improved display after they had been bowled out for 194 in their first innings.
“We didn’t start off well withballandbat,conceding too many runs (in South Africa’sfirstinningsof615) andfoldedquiteearlyinour first innings on a really nice surface,”Masoodsaid.
SportsMax - Jereem
Richards and Leah Bertrand were crowned as the Senior MaleandFemaleAthletesof the Year when the National Association of Athletics Administrations of Trinidad andTobago(NAAATT)held its annual awards ceremony at the Radisson Hotel in Port-of-SpainonSaturday Richards, recently voted the country’s top sportsman by the T&T Olympic Committee (TTOC) on December 29, was also named the top men’s track athlete, while Bertrand took thefemale’sequivalent.
The 30-year-old
Richards enjoyed an excellent 2024 season, with his biggest achievement
coming at the Paris Olympics.Despitenarrowly missingoutonamedalinthe final of the Men’s 400m, Richards created history, becoming the first Trinidadian to run below 44 seconds with his personal best and national record 43.78tofinishfourth.
He also enjoyed success on the Diamond League
circuit throughout the season, including top three finfishes in Rome and London.
Richards’sister Brittney Richards-Nelson collected theawardonhisbehalf.
Bertrand was a 100m semi-finalist during her OlympicdebutinParis. She was also crowned nationalchampioninthe100 metres for the second time and claimed the Outdoor Big10 100m and 4x100m titles competing for Ohio StateUniversity
Meanwhile, Tafari
Waldron was voted the Junior Male of the Year for the second year in a row, while Janae De Gannes coppedtheJuniorFemaleof theYear
Waldron’s 2024 season was laden with accolades, most notably defending the 5,000-metre title at the Carifta Games in April, bringing his tally over the years to three medals, includingtwogold.
He also stunned more
seasoned runners in
November, clinching his f i r s t U W I S P E C InternationalHalf-Marathon title.
DeGannes’2024season was highlighted by her CariftaGamesperformance, where she broke the long jump record and earned the prestigious Austin Sealey Award for the competition’s mostoutstandingathlete.
Other notable honorees included Paralympic silver medallist Akeem Stewart, who was recognized for his exceptional performance in 2024, and 2012 Olympic champion Keshorn Walcott, a finalist at the Paris Olympics.
Additionally, standout performances from the gold medal-winningCariftaBoys Under-20 4x100m relay team, and distance runner Nicholas Romany, who excelledinroadrunningand cross-country events, were celebrated.
Kadeem Chinapoo, a member of that victorious relay team, was given the President’s Rising Star Award
“Thefightbackafterthat wasthethingyoulookforas ateamandindividualsreally steppedup.(But)weneedto learn how to win the crucial moments.”
Scores:SouthAfrica615 (Rickelton, Bavuma 106,
Verreynne 100,Abbas 3-94) and 61 for no loss (Bedingham 47*) beat Pakistan 194 (Babar 58, Rabada 3-55) and 478 (Masood 145, Babar 81, Rabada 3-115) by ten wickets.
extra cover, where the man was placed only about threefourthsofthewaytotheboundary Shahidullahcollectedtheballwhilechasingitforward, and fired a flat throw at the wicketkeeper Perhaps not expecting Ervine to go for the run that early in the over, Ngaravawaslatetotakeoff.ButErvinewaswelldownthe pitch by that time, and wicketkeeperAfsar Zazai whipped thebailsoffwithNgaravamilesshort.
Last man Blessing Muzarabani defended the next two deliveries and left the third one alone. Ervine again took strikeforthenextover,withZimbabwehavingyettoaddto their overnight score. Rashid went short for the first two balls, but pitched it much fuller the third time. The ball landedjustoutsideoff,turnedin,andstruckErvineinfront ashemissedanattemptedsweep.
Rashid and his mates went up right away, even as umpireAhsanRaza’sfingertookitstimetoshowup.Butit eventuallydid,althoughthefirstimpressionwasoftheball missinglegstump.However,therewasnoDRStoturnto, leavingtheAfghanistanplayersjumpingandcelebrating. Itwasacome-from-behindwinfashionedbycenturies fromRahmatShahanddebutantIsmatAlaminthesecond innings, which Afghanistan had started 86 runs in the arrears. Not to be left behind with the bat, Rashid even contributedwhatturnedouttobecrucialinningsof25and 23.
As aresult,Afghanistantookthetwo-matchseries1-0 after a high-scoring draw in the first Test, and left Zimbabwe with a series win across each of the three formats.
Scores: Afghanistan 157 (Rashid 25, Raza 3-30, Nyamhuri 3-42) and 363 (Rahmat 139, Alam 101, Muzarabani6-95)beatZimbabwe243(Ervine75,Raza61, Rashid4-94)and205(Ervine53,Rashid7-66,Zia2-44)by 72runs.
Former British Guiana andGuyanafootballerAlvin “Geronimo”Braithwaitehas died. He passed away on TuesdayDecember31,2024 attheageof82overseas.
B a c k i n 2 0 1 2 , Statistician Charwayne Walker had done a series on several Guyanese standout footballers and Braithwaite was one of them. In his writings Walker had traced the national footballer’s journeyinthesport.
Walker wrote, “After s o m e o u t s t a n d i n g performances for Sandbach ParkerintheHoodLeaguein 1963, Alvin Geronimo Braithwaitewasselectedfor his first International series the next year, playing under the leadership of his unrelated namesake, Hubert ‘Senior’Braithwaite.
He {Geronimo} found the going tough in his debut series against Trinidad and Tobago which was led by Sedley Joseph; the Trinidadians won the 5match series 4-0 Braithwaitefailedtogainthe selectors nod when British
Guiana led by Monty Hope engaged the touring Barbados National team in four matches, February 1965.”
”He was recalled to the National line up when British Guiana, led again by MontyHopetouredtheTwin Island Republic and contested several matches.
His next international assignment in 1965 was
ESPNcricinfo-Ithadto be Rashid Khan After
starring in each of Afghanistan’s previous three Test wins - in Dehradun, Chattogram and Abu Dhabi - he wrapped Zimbabwe up with a match haul of 11 for 160 in Bulawayo. That included career-best figures of 7 for 66 in the second innings, with expectations of a thrilling finish being quashed only 15 deliveries into the final morning Zimbabwe were 73 runs away from victory, with all hopes from their captain Craig Ervine. Afghanistan needed two good balls to finishthegameoff.
But even the short span ofplayonthefifthdaywas enoughforplentyofdrama. Thedaystartedwithexactly what Afghanistan wanted:
Rashid bowling to
Zimbabwe’s No 10 Richard Ngarava Four balls into play,Afghanistan got exactly what they wanted - almost. Ngarava skiedanattemptedsliceoff
Rashid,andtheballpopped up behind the man at silly
point Hashmatullah Shahidi, placed at cover, moved to his right. Fareed Ahmad,atpoint,steppedto hisleft.
With his attention divided between the dipping ball and the approaching Fareed, Shahidi dropped Ngarava. Rashid couldn’t hold back an angry expression towards his captain, who hadstretchedbothhishands out, only for the ball to never stick Ngarava survived,butforhardlyany longer Ngaravadidplayoutthe remainingtwodeliveriesof the over to ensure Ervine had the strike for the next. Starting on his overnight score of 53, and being the last recognised batter, he had a spread-out field to play with. After turning down two singles, Ervine decidedheshouldgoforthe third He drove Yamin Ahmadzaitowardsdeep (Continuedonpage25)
against the touring LancashireFusiliersteam.
In the first match the tourists drew 3-3 with British Guiana. The visitors won the series finale 3-1, bothmatcheswerecontested at the Mecca of football in Guyana, Georgetown FootballClub,Ground.”
”After the series against thetouristsfromLancashire, Braithwaite was selected in
an 18-man Under-23 squad for Special Training but accordingtoBraithwaite,his biggest satisfaction in 1965 was assisting his Club Sandbach Parker to win the HoodLeagueChampionship trophy
In1966,thestardefender toured Barbados with the Monty Hope led British Guiana side for an international triangular
series with the host and TrinidadandTobago.British Guiana drew the first match 1-1 against Barbados; Frankie Forde was the goal scorer for British Guiana whichlostthesecondmatch toT&T2-0.
After the Barbados tour, heplayedforBritishGuiana against the Dutch Army at BGCC Ground where the visitors won 1-0
Braithwaite then stood firm in defence when British Guyana drew 2-2 with the BritishArmyatGFC.
He also played an integralrolewhentheBritish Guiana Under-23s defeated the BritishArmy 3-0 also at GFC, Patrick Britton firing in all three goals. All of the a
e f o r e Independence. In 1967, Geronimo Braithwaite represented Guyana against Suriname in a Goodwill s e r i e s p l a y e d i n Georgetown.”
“In 1970, Braithwaite was appointed National Captain and led Guyana to two honourable draws
against a powerful Trinidad and Tobago side both matches were contested at theGSCGround.
In1971,Braithwaitelost the National Captaincy to Ken Gibbs when Guyana contested its first CONCACAF series against Suriname,homeandaway
His only international tour of duty in 1972 was to French Guiana for several matches In 1973, his international campaign started against Haiti at GSC Ground, the National Team losing both encounters. He then featured in a hardfought draw and loss to Trinidad and Tobago at GSC, the following pair of internationals were contestedin1973againstthe touring French Guiana Team.
Thetourist’sshockedthe guest’s by winning the opener at Malteenoes Ground but outstanding defence work from Braithwaite, Earl O’Neal and the late Clive ‘Breezer’ Neddshutdown (Continuedonpage23)
Indoor Recurve Archery tournament to shoot off from January 18 at Cyril Potter
ArcheryGuyana(AG)is set to host a 2-day National Indoor Senior Recurve tournament on January 18 and 19 2025, at the Cyril Potter College Auditorium, TurkeyenCampus.
Gettingthenewyearoff toahugestartwithback-tobackweekendtournaments, Archery Guyana is on a mission to ramp up their development as they continue growth across Guyana.
With the 2-day National Indoor Barebow Open tournament shooting off thisweekendattheNational Gymnasium, archers will have their fair share of actionafewdayslaterwhen the tournament shifts formats.
Much like the Barebow, the Recurve will see marksmen playing with a distanceof18M,aimingfor the Vertical Triple Face targets; with a 60 arrow limit
Categories will be open to both Males and Females with the competition set to
Archers will have their quivers full over the next few weeks in both the National Indoor Recurve and Barebow competitions.
Th e G u y a n a
F o o t b a l l Federation(GFF) concluded its 2024 season with the inaugural Maid Marian ‘Wheat Up’ Women’s Cup, showcasing thecountry’stopplayersand elevating Women’s Football
to new heights The tournament’sdramaticfinale onSaturdayeveningsawthe Guyana Defence Force (GDF) FC Team ‘A’ claim the championship at the National Training Facility
turf in Providence, concluding a memorable season.
Inahistoricfeat,Glendy Lewis etched her name into the annals of Guyanese football by leading two separate teams to title victories on consecutive nights. On Friday evening, Lewis led the GT Kanaimas
to National Futsal championship win, and less than 24 hours later, she delivered another exceptionalperformancefor GDF FC Team A, scoring twice in their emphatic 7-1 triumph over their sister team, GDF FC Team ‘B’.
Superstar! Glendy Lewis (right) receiving her MVP award from tournament’s sponsor representative Alicia Anderson.
Lewis’ unparalleled achievement highlights her remarkable skill, resilience, andleadershiponthefield.
The final was a masterclassinteamworkand dominance, with Sandra JohnsonfreshoffherFriday night success also with the GT Kanaimas netting a superbhat-tricktosetupthe win for GDF Jalade Trim and Patsy Walker also contributed to the victory with one goal each, while GDF Team B’s lone goal came from Ashanti
GDF FC Team A’s triumph secured them the championship trophy and a $500,000 cash prize. GDF FC Team ‘B’ earned $300,000 as runners-up, while the Guyana Police Force FC and Fruta Conquerors FC claimed third and fourth places, taking home $150,000 and $50,000,respectively
The tournament
celebrated individual brilliance as well, with Glendy Lewis deservedly
NAMILCO’s Marketing Supervisor, Alicia Anderson (left) presenting Jalade Trim with her Most Goals trophy
deserves during the festive season.”
receiving the Most Valuable Player(MVP) awardforher consistent and inspiring performances.
Jalade Trim, with an astounding 17 goals, claimed the Most Goals Award,whileRuthGeorge’s stellar defensive efforts
earned her the Best Goalkeeper Award, conceding only one goal throughoutthecompetition.
Meanwhile, the GFF Head Wayne Forde e m p h a s i s e d t h e tournament’ssignificancein
advancingwomen’sfootball in Guyana “The Maid Marian Women’s Cup has provided our exceptionally talentedfemaleathleteswith avitalplatformtoshowcase their skills in an arena that has historically been reserved for male players duringthetraditionalEndof Year Football Season Moving forward, we are committed to building on this year’s success by ensuring that women’s football receives the recognition and spotlight it
Forde extended his gratitudetothetournament’s sponsors, NAMILCO and Guyana Beverages Inc , whose support made the e v e n t p o s s i b l e NAMILCO’s Finance Controller,FitzroyMcLeod, highlighted the company’s belief in the transformative powerofsports,whileAnita Lall, Marketing Manager of Guyana Beverages Inc , reiterated their commitment to fostering talent and inclusivity in football through brands FRUTA and OASIS.
The Maid Marian Women’s Cup marks a significant milestone for women’s football in the country, symbolizing a growing commitment to inclusivityandinvestmentin thesport.
G l e n d y L e w i s ’ extraordinary double-title feat is a testament to the exceptional talent emerging from Guyana and a beacon of inspiration for future generations of female footballers.
y Champions, Guyana Harpy Eagles will bowl off their first of two practice games onThursdayJanuary9atthe Guyana National Stadium, Providence The first preparatory game will be played under lights, with action bowling off from 14:00h.
With the competition looming, the pair of essential warm-ups will serve as a launchpad for the Champs whowillbelookingtodefend their title for yet another season Bothteamsfeaturea numberofstars,mostofwhich areautomaticselectionsforthe final squad. However, with competitionalwaysonahigh, players will be keen on showing out ahead of final selection.
The Guyana Cricket Board (GCB) has also confirmed via release, that an invitation was sent to six
promising p
s to participateintheseries: Senior left-arm spinner Antony Adams heads up the listwhichincludesyoungsters AshrafAliBudhoo,Yeudestir Persaud, Golcharran Chulai, RomeoDeonarine,andBruce Vincent Guyana Harpy Eagles will commence their firstassignmentoftheyearand new season, versus the BarbadosPrideatProvidence, starting from January 29, 2025.
Squads Savory’s XI Matthew Nandu, Raymond Perez, Zeynul Ramsammy, Kemol
Savory (Captain & Wicketkeeper), Akshaya Persaud, Richie Looknauth, Junior Sinclair, Ashmead Nedd, Nityanand Mathura, Thaddeus Lovell, Isai Thorne, Chris Harry, Demeter Cameron, and JoshuaPersaud.
Tagenarine Chanderpaul
Tagenarine’sXI Tagenarine Chanderpaul (Captain), Sachin Singh, A d r i a n S u k w a h (Wicketkeeper), Kandhiya Ramkaran, Usherdeva Balgobin,KevlonAnderson, Jonathan Van Lange, Veerasammy Permaul, Riyad Latiff, Joshua Jones,
Nial Smith, Syrus Tyndall, Jonathan Rampersaud, and RampersaudRamnauth.
Match1Dates:Thursday, January 9, 2025 Venue: Guyana National Stadium, ProvidenceStartTime:14:00
-1st game between Savory XI/ Chanderpaul XI set for Thursday
Kemol Savory
(Day/Night encounter) Match2
Dates: Monday, January 15, 2025 Venue: Guyana National Stadium, Providence StartTime:10:00 Tagenarine Chanderpaul and Kemol Savory will lead respective teams over the next few days as the Guyana Harpy Eagles fine-tune themselves ahead of January 29’sstarttothe2025/26CWI RegionalFour-Dayseason