




Hess Corporation’s Chief Executive Officer (CEO), John Hess, has disclosedthathiscompany’s estimate of discovered resources in Guyana’s Stabroek Block exceeds the less-than-11-billion-barrelsof-oil-equivalent figure sharedbytheoperatorofthe block, ExxonMobil Guyana Limited.
The Stabroek Block, renowned for its vast oil potential, has been the subject of global attention
since oil production commenced five years ago. ExxonMobil’s President, Alistair Routledge, stated that the company’s estimate remains below 11 billion barrels of oil equivalent, despite eight new discoveries in the block since the previous update in 2022.
However, at the Goldman Sachs Research: Energy, CleanTech & Utilities Conference on Tuesday, Hess said, “Yeah, the operator, and we’ve had talks with Exxon about this as operator, the very conservative, they haven’t updatedthe11billionbarrels equivalent, greater than 11 billion barrels equivalent of discovered resource Our numberishigher.”
In August 2024, Guyana’s Minister of Natural Resources, Vickram Bharrat, announced that the Stabroek Block’s resource estimate had increased by
600 million barrels to 11.6 billion barrels of oil equivalent. “We have had a minimal increase in resources. I think we have moved to 11.6 billion now,” Bharratstated.
However, Routledge during ExxonMobil Guyana’s October 2024 pressconference,notingthat estimates can va
n d assumptionsused.
This newspaper had asked him to share how many of the eight discoveries were appraised for the company to arrive at thenewresourceestimateof 11.6 billion barrels. To this end, he explained, “The government released a number of 11 6B oil
equivalent barrels, ExxonMobil’s estimate is
lowerthanthatnumber…our number remains a little under 11 billion oil equivalentbarrels.”
Furthermore, he noted that the company is obligated to make such reports to the US Securities and Exchange Commission, makingthepointthatExxon was not keeping the figures away
M e a n w h i l e , i n explaining the variation between Exxon’s figures compared to the reserves announced by government, Routledge noted that the state conducts independent studies, although it is supplied with data by the company
“ T h e y a l s o d o independent studies (and) verifications with other consultantsandtheworkthat they do themselves and the
GGMC and Ministry of Natural Resources so it’s quite normal to have a slightlydifferentviewofthe number,”hereasoned.
Exxon Guyana’s President also stressed the importance of focusing on
translating those reserves to development.
“We can have a wish list of estimated ultimate recoverybutwhat’smaterial to the country is ‘are we moving it into sanctioned projects’withfinance,witha
development plan and as we’ve talked about before I think we are around the 5B oil equivalent barrels that
we’ve now moved successfully in the six projectsintothatcategory.”
Notably, the third Stabroek Block partner, ChinaNationalOffshoreOil Corporation (CNOOC), had revealedthatoneoftheeight discoveries – Lancetfishaveraged 100 million tons, translating to an estimated 746 million barrels of oil. It was also later announced by CNOOC that yet another discovery-Bluefin-hadover 100 million tons of oil and gas.
CNOOChas25%shares in the Stabroek Block; Hess Guyana Exploration Ltd holds 30% interest while ExxonMobil,theoperatorof the Stabroek Block, holds a 45%interest.
PrintedandPublishedbyNationalMedia& PublishingCompanyLtd 24SaffonStreet, Charlestown,Georgetown,Guyana.
Tel: 225-8465, 225-8491. Fax: 225-8473, 226-8210
InearlyDecember,theGuyanaTradesUnionCongress (GTUC)threwdownagauntletofsortsatGuyana’spolitical opposition. The opposition must be more ‘militant.’ The opposition felt that silence served its interests best. But what could this umbrella union group have meant by ‘militant?’ Is there need for such opposition militancy in Guyana today? Some say the government is doing well, things have never been better Therefore, any opposition militancycouldbeablockthatinterfereswiththeprogress thatthiscountryhasbeenmaking,whatcitizensneed.
The GTUC’s call rang like a bell. “There is need for greaterpoliticalmilitancyinthissociety.” Thereismuchto sayaboutthatsentence,especiallyregardingitsurgencyin thiseraofGuyaneselife. Thereisaproblem,though,with thatcall. Therecanonlybemilitancyifthereisasolid,selfrespectingopposition. ManyinGuyanaareofthebeliefthat thepoliticalopposition,asitexiststoday,ismoreimaginary thanreal. ThewidespreadsentimentisthatwhilethePPP/C Government is on a rampage, and disrespects those it considers hostile to its extravagances, the opposition has been content to be silent and passive. The government mocks the opposition at will, while the traditional support base of the opposition has thrown up its collective hands. Citizensaskthemselveshowmuchmoreofthepressurecan betaken. Amilitantoppositioncouldmakeadifference,one thatisvibrantcouldmakethegovernmentpause.
The GTUC further noted that “Guyana is not the Vice President’s sole property, nor is this a one-party where he presides as lord…” Further still “the GTUC is concerned about the growing disrespect by the Vice President for his fellowcitizens…” Thisismorethanfoodforthought,itis realitycomingtolifeandbeingstatedinnouncertainterms. Theseareattributesandconditionswhichnoself-respecting politicaloppositionwouldstomach,consenttostandingidly by Itisobviouseventosomeofhisownsupportersthatthe vice president has gone too far too often. We are in full agreementwiththisand,likemanyotherGuyanese,watch for how long this will go on, and to what lengths the vice president will go. It is clear that he is on a path to selfdestruction, and with the probability of great damage inflicted on an already deeply polarized society Asturdy oppositionwillworktirelesslyandsensiblytobethetypeof bulwark that serves as a check on the excesses of the vice president. The keys are that everything is done within the provisionsoftheConstitutionandtheconfinesofthelaw
TheGTUChadanotherconcerntopresentthatinvolved thevicepresident. Itinvolvedhissharpdismissalofthecall foranoppositionpresenceonvitalstateentities. Themuch watched, much denounced, National Procurement and Tender Administration Board (NPTAB) stands out glaringly. Webelievethatthereisconsiderablesubstancein thecriticismslevelledagainstNPTAB. Itissoconsumedby its own weaknesses that even a request from the oversight PublicProcurementCommissionwasstonewalledfirstand then watered down. The presence of a vigilant, militant oppositionwouldmakeNPTABofficialsthinktwicebefore responding as it did, carrying on as it does. The GTUC singled out the constitutional provision of inclusionary democracy, which clashes with Vice President Jagdeo’s bluntresistancetoanyoppositioninvolvementinthetender processatanylevel. ThatpositionofVicePresidentJagdeo should have been used by the political opposition as a rallyingcry Howlongisitgoingtocontinuetositback,and allowJagdeotorunalloveritsdignity(andtheConstitution) anddisrespectboth?
Corruption and cronyism blight Guyana’s landscape. The wealth of all Guyanese is being siphoned off by a criminalfewcloselyaffiliatedwiththePPPCGovernment, while many are struggling to make ends meet. There is inequity in the sharing of the national patrimony, and incompetenceinthedistributionofthefewdollarsthatthe PPP/CGovernmentsparesforordinarycitizens. Apolitical oppositionofstrengthcouldbemilitant,butfirstitmustget abettergriponthepowerofitsrole.
Mr Ram has apparently made up his mind that the Opposition cannot be included among the local championsofrenegotiations. Inhisjustifiedlambastingof the PPP for its betrayal and intransigence on the matter, he seems to believe that his narrative would be incomplete, or his mission unfulfilled,ifhedidnotalso stick to the obligatory sweeping criticisms at the PNC/R and its Leader, notwithstanding the evidenceofthefalsityofhis criticisms.
On Sunday, the PNC/R issuedamediarelease,titled, “Christopher Ram’s criticisms of the PNCR’s positions on oil and gas are again baseless” in response to Mr Ram’s main assertion that the party and its Leader Aubrey Norton lack interest inthiscrucialissueandhave failed to articulate any cohe
position on renegotiation. In his responding letter to the editor in SN yesterday, Mr Ram chose to either ignore, minimise or distort most of thePNC/R’srebuttalandstill held on to his unfounded c l a i m t h a t “ t h e i r defensivenessonlyconfirms thevalidityofmycomments onhisweakoppositiontothe Agreement.”
Let’s see. Bafflingly, Mr Ram’s still contends that nowhere in party’s 20-point
statementonoilandgasdoes the word “renegotiation” appear, when, in fact, Point #10 clearly states “Considering the vastly changedconditionssincethe signingofthe2016Stabroek Block Production Sharing Agreement (PSA) and consistent with Article 32.1 ofthePSA,wewillcomplete atop-to-bottomreviewofthe PSA and then engage the Stabroek Block Partners, to maximise the benefits of the oilresourcestothepeopleof Guyanawhileensuringafair share of profit for Stabroek Block Partners. The review will include, but not be limited to ring-fencing of projects, oil tax regime, e n v i r o n m e n t a l r e s p o n s i b i l i t i e s , d e c o m m i s s i o n i n g , transparency, the timely reporting of information, regulatory oversight and real-time monitoring, auditing, local content, shared management and decision-making in operations in the oil and gas sector.”
What does Mr Ram imagine “consistent with Article 32.1 of the PSA” ( w h i c h m e n t i o n s a m e n d m e n t s a n d renegotiations) means?
What does Mr Ram think “engage the Stabroek Block Partners” foretells”?
Evidently, the discussion on “renegotiation” in Guyana has so contorted the English
Language that the only way nowtomeanrenegotiationis tosayrenegotiation.Anyuse of a synonym or equivalent expression is considered “weak” or “defensive”
Even saying “inviting and engagingtheStabroekBlock partners” fails Ram’s test of strengthandauthenticity
Mr Ram, however, has now helpfully provided guidance on what he considers fighting for the interests of the Guyanese people. His guidance to the PNCR and Mr Norton is to “join the rest of Guyana in calling on the A
renegotiation procedures under Article 32.1 of the Agreement.” I would leave Mr Ram to confirm for himself the extent to which party has done so. Instead, I wish to posit that a more effective way for an Opposition party to pressure a government is to give the commitment that should it win office it would urgently implement the very policy. And, as indicated in Sunday’s PNC/R Media Release, the PNCR and its Leader have repeatedly said so.Forinstance,on4thJune 2023, KN reported the Opposition Leader as announcing: “A new Coalition government will invite the company to the negotiation table within its first50daysingovernment.”
On October 12, KN, in reportingontheparty’spress conference the day before, carriedtheheadline“Norton confident in PNCR’s ability to change terms of ExxonMobil oil deal.” The PNCR clearly sees renegotiation as an urgent nationalpriority
Lastly, advocates of renegotiation, patriots all, should come to terms with a stark reality The Guyanese people in general will not galvanizeormobilizeonthe issue once the PPP remains in office The reason is simple.
They have all concluded that, even should the PPP manage to get a better deal, that additional wealth will not reach their purses and pockets. Too much of it will be wasted or find its merry way into the hands of PPP cronies. Only should the people sense that the additional wealth would directly benefit them would theyengageinlargenumbers insupportofthegovernment oftheday.
Mr. Norton and the Opposition have therefore read the situation well and are correct in promising the Guyanese people that a new coalition government would urgently call Exxon to the table to (ah, let us use the magic word) renegotiate the oilcontract.
Regards, SherwoodLowe
We are hearing so much about how the country is being developed by road construction and high buildings. But listening to the94.1FMjumpstartradio programmejustoverthelast week, here are some of the otherstoriescomingin.
Thereisalotoftalkabout thehighcostofliving,health andmedication.
Poor people are strugglingtomakeendsmeet onaday-to-daybasistofeed themselvesandfamily Old age pensioners are complaining about not having their pension books, shut-inpensionerscan’thave access to their books. Why aretheybeingtreatedinsuch amanner?Pensionersarethe oneswhoworkedandhelped develop this economy, and now they have to deal with
thelonglines,thelongwaits, and the way they are being spoken to by workers who havetoservethem.Somany of them depend on their pensions for survival - it’s not a want, it’s a need.They haveworkedhardandearned the right to be treated with respect.
The treatment of pensionersisthesameasthe treatmentofthosewholined up for the one-off Governmentgrant,thelines, the pushing around, the waiting only to learn that their names are not there.At theNISinBrickdam,lookat the way people were treated bythemanwhowassharing out numbers, some of them had to pick up their number from the ground as he cut it offalistwithascissors.This isdisgusting.
Then we are hearing
about the attendants at the Georgetown public hospital: When pensioners visit the hospital alone, they are treatedwithdisrespect,there are no attendants to support themandoftentimestheyare treatedwithdisrespect.
People are also being treated harshly by the security guards, and especiallywhenenteringthe emergency section, you are told that you can’t sit inside with your relative and that only the person that is sick canbeinsideandyouhaveto gooutside.
There is a reason why poor people go the public hospital when they are sick becausetheydonothavethe money to go to the private ones,yetyouareoftensentto the private hospital to do Xrayandultrasoundswhereit is costly because the Public
Hospital machines are often timesnotworking. Itisacryingshamewhen personswhocannotaffordto do the ultra sounds and xrays at the private hospitals are often leave with the worrying of knowing what reallyhappentothem.
In this oil rich country wherealotofmoneyisbeing invested in fancy governmentbuildings,roads and bridges why can’t the public hospital be fully equipped with working machinery?
Thisalonetellsastoryof how caring about old/poor people is our government. This is development? These are just some of the stories we heard on the radio this pastweek.
Yourstruly, SusanCollymore ForRedThread
I write in support of the nomination (in KN Dec 19) for the Pravasi Bharat Samman Award (PBSA) d i s p e n s e d b y t h e government of India. This prestigious honour is given to prominent Indians in the diaspora for their sterling services to their community abroadandorcountrywhere domiciled and or for personalachievementandor for promoting India causes abroad. Dr Bisram would
qualify under any of the abovecriteria.Thoughlate,I will like to put my view in therecord.
Dr Bisram has been widely known in Guyana and in Guyanese circles since the mid-1970s in Guyana championing democracy as a student leader combatting authoritarianruleandhuman rights violations In the diaspora, he did same between 1977 and 1992 as a university student. He has
Shenanigans have trumped meetings and decisionmakingatGECOM.
On Dec 17, 2024 when the commission last met, it was proposed that there should have been no recess except for the observance of the public holidays, since there are many urgent and time bound matters to be determinedinrelationtothe upcoming 2025 elections.
Theproposalwasscuttledby a 4:3 votes, which has becomethevotingpatternat GECOM.
It was decided to reconvenemeetingonJan.7, 2025.
OnthemorningofJan.7, notice was received from two of the government nominated commissioners
that due to personal commitmentstheywouldbe unable to attend the scheduled meeting As a consequence, the meeting wascancelledforthewantof aquorum.
This cancelation has further postponed the Chairman’s review of her contribution to the discussion on the introduction of enhanced biometrics, after taking two weekstomakeacontribution on a matter that had been
beenknownassomeonewho possesses humility, honesty, compassion, and who zealously lobby for Guyana and India and who passionately takes on issues about which he feels strongly He spent decades promoting culture in his community and in New York And he has been involved in charitable activities.
Guyanaandthediaspora has benefitted tremendously from Dr Bisram’s varied community involvement, and in the process, he has earned the respect and admiration of Guyanese everywhere.
comparison It is an established fact that no one writesasmuchashimonthe Guyanese diaspora in America.
Also, the actions of few can be compared with his decades long struggle (from 1968) to restore democratic governance in Guyana in 1992 and in combating the 2020electoralfraud.Andhe has diligently worked to promote India’s soft power overseas.
discussed for four prior sessions.
There is ongoing nonchalance in respect to this matter and other outstanding matters. There are those who are clearly holding up the decisionmaking processes with the dangeroftimebeingusedas a factor in not making a positivedecision.
Shenanigans are trumping and obstructing GECOM’sdeliberationsand ultimately derailing pertinentissues.
Yourstruly, C o m m i s s i o n e r s : Alexander, Corbin and Trotman
In America, I worked closely with Vishnu Dr Bisramiswellknownforhis enormous contributions to his native Guyana and India in a variety of areas not the least being in voluntary selfless community service, writing on diaspora related matters and issues, championing human rights and democracy, supporting India causes, charity and h u m a n i t a r i a n i s m , fundraising for worthwhile causes for the diaspora and India, writings, and public service.
Thecontributionsoffew Guyanese, if any, can be compared with Dr Bisram’s persistent focus on the diaspora and on issues pertaining to Guyanese and Guyana in his voluminous writings His writing on India-Guyana, IndiaCaribbean, India-diaspora relationsandhiswriteupson PM Modi’s visit have no
In addition, Dr Bisram has relentlessly contributed to upliftment of life of the Guyanese diaspora in Greater New York. Since 1977, he consistently volunteered for cultural and charitable activities beneficial to the Guyanese and Indo-Caribbean communityintheNewYork. He has touched or enriched the lives of others, particularly those who are vulnerable or less able to helpthemselves.
He organized countless events in the diaspora over the last fifty years that benefited Guyanese and the diaspora.
And he made dozens of trips to India for charitable programmes and guest lecturing at universities on thediaspora.
The PBSAhonour to Dr Vishnu Bisram would serve as a recognition of and a reward for his invaluable work from which India and Guyana and their diasporas benefited.
Yourstruly, Vassan Ramracha, Ret’dTeacher
AnyGuyanesewouldattesttothefactthatdespitechange of actors, GECOM has never been able to rise above corruption The last elections under an APNU/AFC government,actorsinGECOMattemptedtorigtheelection. Inthe1980s,underPNCgovernment,therewasriggingof elections.In1997,underaPPPgovernment,nodifferent,ina differentform,wesawthehurriedswearinginofaPresident sparking protest and the courts pronounced on this. Then in 2006,underthePPP,thestealingoftheAFCRegion10seat. Rigging by both parties appears to be nothing new and unfortunately this nation suffers as GECOM becomes a football.
Now to 2021-2024. Currently under a PPP government, theriggingofappointmentsistakingplace.WhileGECOMis independent, through its Commissioners, being drawn from political parties makes non-independent. The only neutral person is supposed to be a Chairperson. Unfortunately, we haveseenthekindofleadershipthatcurrentlyobtains.Most decisions are siding with the PPPand she easily agrees with anything the CEO brings forward. The CEO was well supportedbyPPP/Candsheneedstoberemindedofthat.His neutrality will always be questioned given his 4-3 vote. The CEOwasselectedfromapooloffarmorequalifiedcandidates yet the Commission went into that direction. Mr Alexander spokeofthecurrentcompetencethatobtainsattheSecretariat. A simple Election work plan needed to be sent over six times,thenthewholeissueofboundarydemarcationandthe last Claims and Objections. GECOM handling of Asha Kissooncasehasbeenpoliticalinsteadofprofessional.
Having had its way with the CEO appointments, PPPset the stage for the DCEO appointment despite having more qualifiedcandidates.Thereasonsareverywellknown.PPP/C did the same with theACEO appointment.This position has no purpose right now as all the works are handled by the DCEO and CEO. Even before the CEO, DCEO, ACEO, LogisticsOfficer,CivicEngagementOfficerwereappointed, theoutcomewasknown.OncePPPCsupportsacandidate,the Chairmanvotesaccordingly
Again, it is clear that the PPPwantsAneal Giddings and VishnuPersaud.
GECOM will only breathe free when it no longer has politicalCommissionersandrunbyprofessionals.IfGECOM can rig its election, his own employment process, what else can’titnotrig?Whatwillhappenin2025?
Regards, R.Williams
WhenIwaspresentedwithmyfirstbicycle(forpassingthe CommonEntranceExam)Ihadtogetalicencetoaffixtothe front wheel spindle. I was also presented with a copy of the Highway Code, which I had to demonstrate knowledge of in order to pass a requirement for the Boy Scout Second-Class badge,aprerequisiteforFirst-Class.
Among the things that had to be learnt was the lighting times during the year, by which I was obliged to have my bicycle lights on. Some years later, I learnt that these times were based on sunrise and sunset, which I then learned to calculate.Thelightingtimeswerealsopublishedannuallyina booklet in a table of tides and lights and available at the (Demerara) Harbourmaster’s Office for a fee. Now such informationisavailableontheinternetforfree.
I write this because I noticed that the commendable lighting of the new Schoonord to Crane highway is being turnedoffalittletooearlyforthistimeofyear AllJanuaryand Februarysunrisewillbeafter6am.Itwillonlyfallearlierthan 0600 after the Ides of March, and continue falling until its minimumof0535byIndependenceDay Thelatestsunrisein Georgetown will be 0611 at beginning of February The authoritiesshouldtakenoteandactaccordinglytoalleviatethe sudden darkness when the streetlights that are not controlled byaphotosensorareturnedoff.
On a related matter, I must thank the Berbice Bridge for publishingthescheduleintimeformetouseit,evenifnoton the ‘Bridge Schedule’ webpage. However, this burst of informationhasdriedup,foratthistimeofwriting(Tuesday Jan7),theHomepageonlyhasthescheduleuptoSaturdayJan 4.MayIsuggestthatthevacant‘Vacancies’webpagebefilled with meaningful prospects of employment in order to rectify suchpubliccommunicationsforsustainability?
Sincerely, AlfredBhulai
Sometimesinlifetherearerealpastissueswhypeopledo not sit down and talk with each other Some of these issues stem from a slight by one person to another Or perceived slight.Leftaloneitcandevelopintodistrust.So,whatarethe issues affecting dialogue between the President and the Opposition Leader? Do these issues prevent the governing PPP/C Government from talking with the Unions and Civil Society? I suspect that it is politics being played out by all involved. However, the onus is on the President to lead the waybyinitiatingdialogueasheisPresidentofGuyanaandnot just his supporters. This year, 2025, is an election year; Guyanesedonotneedtodescendintoelectioneeringchaos,as isnormallydone.
If the majority of Guyanese feels that the PPP/C has not doneenoughforGuyanese,thenbootthemout.Ifthemajority of Guyanese feels that the PPP/C has done enough for Guyanese then re-elect them. In any event, Guyanese expect their new Government to break from the past acrimonious relationship between the PPP and PNC, and be transformationalindoingso.
Sincerely, SeanOri
— Vice Chancellor of The UniversityoftheWestIndies (The UWI), Sir Hilary Beckles has been appointed chairman/chancellor of the UnitedNationsUniversity
follows a sitting of the university’s governance councilonDecember7,2024 inTokyo,Japan.
His appointment takes effectinMay2025.
In accepting the appointment, Beckles thanked members of the university’s council and representativesoftheUnited Nations as well as other organisations for their expressionofconfidence.
He assured them that as the university enters its 50th year, under the management of its esteemed vicechancellor and the guidance of the council, it will continuetoriseasoneofthe finestglobaluniversities. He noted further that his appointment is a signal honour for The UWI whose reputation and international connectivity will be
enhanced as well as the Caribbean, the hemisphere and in particular, emerging communities in the global south.
Beckles has had a longstanding and senior role in the affairs of the United Nations.
He has served in many capacities, among them as consultant to the annual U n i t e d N a t i o n s Development Report on Latin America and the Caribbean; committees on the Global Future of Higher Education; vice president and historian to the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization’s (UNESCO) flagshipinitiative,TheSlave Routes Project; and recently asjointeditorofVolume9of the UNESCO’s General HistoryofAfricaseries.
He has twice addressed theGeneralAssemblyofthe United Nations, first in support of the international community’s declaration of 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 2 4 a s t h e International Decade for People of African Descent;
and secondly on matters of reparatoryjusticeinamultipolarpoliticalandeconomic world.
Beckles has also addressed the United Nations Security Council under the presidency of Ralph Gonsalves, prime minister of St Vincent and the Grenadines, on the subjectofglobalpeaceinthe deepening digitised northsouthdivide.
Recently, the United Nations Academic Impact Committee voted The UWI as the global hub for Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 13: Climate Action on account of Beckles’ lead in the establishment of The UWI’s International School for Development Justice in 2024, aimed at the delivery of online postgraduate degree programmes on the SDGs.
He had earlier served as special advisor to United Nations General Secretary BanKi-moononsustainable development, whom he invitedandwelcomedtoThe
UWI, as well as current General Secretary, Antonio Guterres.
Pointing to Beckles’s global reputation as a strategic planner in higher education as well as a respected scholar and thought leader in development thinking, the council expressed its keenness to work under his chairmanship.
The position of chairman/chancellor is honorary, with a mandate to facilitate the leadership of the rector/vice-chancellor of the University and to guide the council in a manner that sustains the confidence of international and internal stakeholders, primarily the leadership of the United Nations, faculty members and managers, private sector investors, and students.
The United Nations University is a global academy, headquartered in Tokyo, with research and teaching institutes in multiplecountries.(Jamaica Observer)
Before his son’s ‘private’ visit, President-elect Donald Trump again says he wants Greenland to ‘become part of’ the US.
Al Jazeera - Donald Trump Jr. has arrived in Greenland for a “private” visit, as his father President-
reiterates his desire to make the autonomous Danish territory part of the United States.
sprawling Arctic island on Tuesday was not official, he is not expected to meet with any Greenlandic or Danish officials.
the president-elect would make a push to buy Greenland when he takes office on January20.
Trumpfurtherfuelledthe conjecture late Monday on hisTruthSocialaccount.
“I am hearing that the people of Greenland are ‘MAGA’”, Trump wrote, referring to the Make America Great Again movement.“Myson,DonJr, and various representatives, willbetravelingtheretovisit
some of the most magnificent areas and sights.”
“Greenland is an incredible place, and the people will benefit tremendously if, and when, it becomes part of our nation,” Trump added “We willprotectit,andcherishit, from a very vicious outside w o r l d M A K E GREENLAND GREAT AGAIN!”
Greenland’s Prime Minister Mute Egede has called for independence from Denmark, saying the island needs to free itself fromitscolonialpast.
The island was made a colony of Denmark in 1721 and became an autonomous dependentterritoryin1953.
The independence movement has grown as moreDanishcolonialabuses against the predominantly Inuit population have come to light in recent years. 20 seconds01:20
However, Egede has previously ruled out Greenland becoming part of
the US. In a statement, Greenland’s government confirmed Trump Jr’s visit would take place “as a privateindividual”.
Denmark’s Prime
Minister Mette Frederiksen said on Tuesday that “Greenland belongs to the Greenlanders”. She added theislandis“notforsale”.
For his part, Trump Jr, speaking on a podcast on Monday,alsodeniedhisvisit hadanypoliticalmotive.
“No, I am not buying Greenland,” the younger Trumpsaid.“Funnyenough, I’mactuallygoingon avery long personal day trip to Greenland.”
Trump had previously floated buying Greenland during his first term as presidentfrom2017to2021, evenpostponinga2019visit to Denmark after Prime Minister Frederiksen rebuffedtheidea.
The president-elect has signalled he plans to take a similarly disruptive approach to foreign policy
this time around. That includeseffortstoexpandthe US reach, even as he has espousedisolationism.
In December, Trump said US control of Greenlandwasan“absolute necessity”
The island is home to a largeUSmilitarybaseandis considered strategically important as geopolitical rivals like China and Russia jockey for control of the Arctic.
That month, Trump also threatened to take back controlofthePanamaCanal from Panama, citing the strategic significance of the trade route that cuts across C e n t r a l A m e r i c a Washington relinquished control of the waterway in 1999,underatreatysignedin 1977 by the late President JimmyCarter
Panama President Jose Raul Mulino swiftly shot back that the canal “is Panamanian and belongs to Panamanians”, ruling out any talks with the Trump administrationonthematter
ExxonMobil Guyana Limited plans to focus on exploring and appraising untapped areas of the Stabroek Block before its exploration licence expires in October 2027. This was revealed by ExxonMobil Guyana President, Alistair Routledge, during an episode of ‘Energy Perspectives’ aired on Sunday
The licence, originally set to expire in October 2026, was extended by one yearto2027.Thisextension allows ExxonMobil and its partners, Hess Corporation and CNOOC Petroleum GuyanaLimited,tocontinue e x p l o r a t i o n a n d developmentactivities.
Routledgeexplainedthat while the company continuestosetrecordswith its development wells, exploration remains a priorityastheclocktickson
the current licence He stated, “Just as in 2024 and 2023, the majority of the wells will be on the development side… But as the exploration licence continues through till October 2027, we still want tofocusonwhatmaystillbe plays or opportunities that we can explore for and appraise before the end of theprospectinglicence.”
He also spoke about the ranger discovery, a carbonate rock find made a few years ago, stating that it will play a pivotal role in Exxon’s plans for 2025
Routledge described the discovery as challenging compared to sandstone resources, which have been the primary focus of the company’s developments thusfar
“It’smorechallenging… Ittakesalotmoreefforttogo through the geoscience data
Blocksince2015.Currently, oil is being produced from three developments: Liza Phase 1, Liza Phase 2 and Payara. Next year, Exxon’s largest deepwater project to date in Guyana will commenceoilproduction.
Similar to comments
thatwe’vegatheredfromthe wells that we’ve already drilled,” he said. He also noted that Exxon is analyzing data from nearby exploratory wells to assess how these resources can be combined into a potential developmentproject.
There are over 30 significantdiscoveriesmade by Exxon in the Stabroek
made by Routledge, recently, President of ExxonMobil Upstream Company, Liam Mallon, said that the company is confident it will capture all remaining opportunities in the Stabroek Block offshore Guyana before its explorationlicenceexpires.
Reflecting on the company’s progress since the initial 2015 oil
absolutely extraordinary
You know, my smile beam…when I talk about this,butitisextraordinaryto think about 2015 was the discovery and here we are today, producing 660,000 barrels a day, gross at an incredible pace, on an incredible resource with crediblepeople,”hestated.
Notably, the Stabroek BlockPetroleumAgreement requires relinquishment of non-commercialareas at the end of the exploration
period. Speaking on this, Mallon assured that this obligationismanageable.
“We feel very confident thattheareathatissubjectto relinquishment, which, as a reminder, excludes all the areas we’ve declared commercialandexcludesthe inaccessible, 30%, is relatively small and very manageable,”heexplained.
He underscored that ExxonMobil has been operating a six-rig drilling programme in the Stabroek Block,withtwotothreerigs focused on exploration and appraisal.Thiseffortensures that all necessary data is gathered to optimize resource capture before relinquishment.
The Horse Racing
Authority Bill of 2024, though ostensibly aimed at regulating horse racing in Guyana is a bare-bones legislation. It suffers from several weaknesses that undermine its potential effectiveness.
To understand why such legislation was necessary in the first place, one has to understandtheproblemsthat beset the horse racing in Guyana. For one, there is an almost total absence of drug testing -blood and urine –before during and after race meets There have been allegations that doping is pervasive.
But this is not the only problem There are also allegations that races are sometimessetinamannerto benefit certain stables. Then thereistheissueofcontrolof handicap racing and controversies that have led many owners to exit participationinthesport.
Before this legislation was tabled, there should have been a commission of inquiry into the horse racing industry in Guyana. This would have allowed for the identification of issues which the legislation could haveaddressed.
Given the myriad problems and allegations plaguing horse racing in Guyana,itisnotsufficientto merely have legislation w h i c h l e a v e s t h e development of rules to the Authority The Minister can alsomakerules.
In this regard, the Bill is heavily focused on the establishmentofaBoardand its general functions. While this is necessary in normal circumstances, the Bill leaves to the Authority to develop the rules and to propose regulations to addressothercriticalaspects of horse racing regulation, such as animal welfare
standards, the integrity of racing and conflicts of interest.
For example, there is no mention of guidelines to ensure the ethical treatment of racehorses, veterinary care, or humane retirement options There are no provisions to prevent doping, race-fixing, or fraudulent activities within thesport.
The Bill grants the Authority the power to license racecourses but provides minimal detail on licensing criteria. There are no explicit standards or benchmarksthatracecourses mustmeettoobtainorretain alicence.
To leave these to the Authority is dangerous. The Bill’s reliance on the Authority to develop rules poses significant risks to the integrity of horse racing.
Whiletheestablishmentofa Board and the delegation of general functions are necessary, leaving key issues such as animal welfare,racingintegrity,and stakeholderinclusion—tobe addressed solely by the Authority opens the door to potential abuses and regulatorycapture. Without specific provisions embedded in the primary legislation, the Authority could act in ways that prioritize ‘vested interests’ over the broader goodofthesport.
For instance, the lack of mandated animal welfare standards and anti-doping measures in the Bill itself creates a regulatory vacuum that unscrupulous actors couldexploit,compromising thewelfareofracehorsesand thecredibilityofthesport.
Thisismoresosincethe Bill does not establish a firewall between promoters ofracemeets,ownersofrace horses and the Authority Given the widespread
allegations plaguing the Sport of Kings, including doping, how specific races are set and the dates for meets, it is necessary to ensure that no horse or racecourse owner or promoter sits on the Authority It will be a conflict of interest to have thishappen.
Licensing racecourses without clear statutory criteriainvitesinconsistency and bias Should the Authority succumb to pressure from powerful stakeholders,itcouldleadto l a x e n f o r c
n t Incorporating these critical safeguards within the Bill would not only mitigate the risks of regulatory capture but also provide a stable framework that ensures fairness, transparency, and the ethical advancement of horseracing.
Entrusting such fundamental issues to secondary regulations dilutes the very purpose of the legislation and risks renderingitineffective.
The Bill’s scope appears narrowly confined to administrative control, missing opportunities to develop the horse racing industry holistically Specifically, it does not outlinestrategiestopromote horse racing as an industry rather than a sport. The legislation also needed to address the issue of gambling since can be a majormoneyspinnerforthe industry This aspect cannot be left to regulations and rules.
The Bill also does not address sustainable funding mechanisms, such as revenue sharing from racecourse profits or sponsorship agreements Horse racing is a big-money sport internationally and its disappointing that the Authorityhastoinitiallyrely
Whenyuhgetmarried,theonethingyuh mustnotdoistofuhgetyourwifebirthdayor you wedding anniversary If you do, you in bigtrouble.
It mek dem boys remember de story of Bob.Demanwasagoodman.Hedoeswuk hardandbringhomealldemoney Hedon’t go out and drink with friends. He does be home and treat he wife well. But de man forget he wedding anniversary, and yuh knowhowdatdoesgo.
Demannahknowhowthathappen.But when de anniversary come around, de man fuhget. But he wife remember He wife vex bad,tellheplain:“Bytomorrowmorning,I wantagiftindedrivewaythatdoesgofrom zeroto200insixseconds.Anddon’tmekme repeatmeself!”
on funds appropriated by parliament to finance its operations.
It is disappointing that afterallthistime,thisBillis the best the government could produce. The Horse Racing Authority Bill in its current form is a skeletal framework that prioritizes control over comprehensive development.
The Bill is weak and
needssignificantrevisionsto addressitsdeficiencies.Asit stands, the legislation risks falling short of its potential to regulate and promote horse racing effectively in Guyana.
A consultant with an understanding of the horse race industry and its potential economic impact should be hired to rewrite thisBill.
NowBobwasafaithfulhusbandandhe knowhemessup.Andso,heknowheganbe in trouble if he nah find a way of gettingde giftwhathewifeaskedfor
Next morning, Bob wake up early-early and gone to wuk.When de wife get up, she peepoutsideandseeonenicegift-wrapbox sittingindemiddleofdedriveway.Sherun outquick-quickinsherobe,grabdebox,and haulitinside.
SinceFriday,nobodyseeBob.Demboys seh he must be in witness protection or hiding out by he mudda. One thing fuh sure—Bob learn dat day dat some gifts is bestleftindeshop! Talkhalf.Leffhalf
Guyanese are watching a real-life movie unfold before their eyes. They are doing more than watching it. They are living it. What Guyanese are getting, though they don’tknowit,isasneakpreview Onethatis primed to last over forty years. It began in 2016,issettocontinueuntil2057.
The posters and trailers were seductive, withlotsofthedeceptiveembedded. Naïve and gullible Guyanese were all excited, readying themselves for the time of their lives,witharich,sweetrideexpected. Itwas the first exercise in national delusion. I say this because this real-life local movie is a bittersweetone.
Lots of pain. A barrel of tears. Hearts torn asunder It is sweet forAmericans and their business partners; they range from the PPPGovernment,totheopposition,toother commercialcollaborators. Itiswhatisbitter for the Guyanese people. He who lives it, knowsit.Howcanyoumendabrokenheart, that plaintive cry from the Bee Gees fits neatlyintoGuyana’scircumstances?
Or,morefittingly,perhaps,thatevergreen American folksong: Where have all the flowers gone….? I can hear the Kingston Trio, the Brothers Four, and Peter, Paul, and Mary But remember what Guyanese are living through is not a song, but a movie. Theyshouldrememberthatwistfulwailfrom agoodolegalofAmerica’sDeepSouth,Sue Thompson’s “Sad movies make me cry.” Nowforthefilm.
Guyanese are watching (forced to watch) in the form of a full paragraph advertisement (paidforbyme,ofcourse). Thisistheflyer:
Exxon’sGreatGuyanaOilSteal Produced,Written,andDirected AlistairRouledge
Starring: Irfaan Ali, Bharrat Jagdeo, AnilNandlall
Special Guest Stars: Aubrey Norton, NigelHughes
By now, every Guyanese reading this shouldrealizethatthisisahorrormovie. For the Guyanese people. Guyanese were deliriouswithedge-of-their-seatanticipation of a thriller movie. The substance of their frightening reality, however, is a full-blown horrormovie. Allittakesisjustonelookat those stars, and it is obvious that it’s not WhereEaglesDare,butGuyana’sversionof theTexasChainsawMassacre
Where is Exxon now based? What kind of fright night character has directorAlistair Routledgeturnedouttobe? Thereshouldn’t bemuchmorelefttoknow,toexpect. Look at the names of the Guyanese stars in neon light brilliance. One has to be a desperate mother or an out-of-work maternity ward nursetogettheirhopesup.
Director Routledge has the Guyanese starsonashortleash. Hepointstheminone
direction(Exxon’s)andtheyrun. Hedirects them towards another (Exxon’s again) and they trip one another up in their hurry to comply Withbreath-takingacceleration.
With high octane energy With blind determination and passion. Yessir, Bob, that’sthewayExxon’sGuyanaoilmoviehas unfolded in scene after scene. Alaistair Routledge does the deep thinking, the hard work, and the hard driving He is programmed that way with a chip implant from Texas to Guyana duty-free. He writes the scripts, commands the local stars to perform, and they are off running without a second thought, or one glance at what he wrote. Theyalreadyknow,becausethey,too, areprogrammed.
No! to calls for renegotiation of the contract Don’tplayitnomore,don’tplaythat song (youlied,lied,lied,[anditisnotme] I shudda been Ben E King Somebody made somebodyanoffertheydidn’trefuse,probably enthusiastically accepted No ringfencing, withallkindsofslyverbalswordfencing(aka dialogues,monologies,andtraveloguesatfree Thursdayafternoonmatinees)
Theyareknownlocallyashorrificverbal explosionsandMcCarthyismrunrampantin the United State of Guyana (number 51). Who is paying for this picture, is it not the Americans? Whohaswrittenthestoryline,if not the Americans? Who handpicked the lead star, but the diabolical Yankees? Out with Granger, in with Jagdeo It is Guatemala, Nicaragua, Persia all over The
troubleisthattheGuyanesehorrormoviehas onlyjustbegun.
Mistake! That’s not the Carpenters, but hewers of stone and fetchers of water in Guyana’s fields of drudgery I warned everybody;but,asusual,nobodylistenedtoa dummy like me. No to taxes; yes, to a tax receipt, though. This qualifies to be a comedy movie, an Exxon-PPP drama Indeed, this is the kind of country that Guyana is, and the kind of creatures that crawlabouthere. Howelsetointerpret,with whatisnowthenormwithoil?
Don’tlookatme. BlametheAmericans. Look what they have done to my country, mama. Guyanesehavesofargottennothing but nightmares from their oil, and that is the standard, with sequels for decades more. I’vesaidenough. It’stimeformetorideinto thesunset. Isaythis,though. Exxon’sGreat Guyana Oil Steal is an unforgettable cinematic experience. Unfortunately, it is real-life Guyana, where Guyanese live with an unending horror genre: hideous contract monstrosity Thanks for the memories, Exxon,MassaAlistair
(The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflecttheopinionofthisnewspaper.)
The High Court, on Tuesday, ruled that Caribbean Airlines Limited (CAL)andtheNewTimehri Handling Services are liable for that airline’s collision withFlyJamaicain2016.
FlyJamaica,initsclaim, said that its aircraft was parked in its assigned place
a t t h e p a s s e n g e r disembarkation area of the international apron of the Cheddi Jagan International Airport (CJIA) runway on November29,2016,whenit wasstruckbyaCALaircraft.
Fly Jamaica (the Claimant) asserted that CAL’s aircraft was taxiing along the taxiway of the international apron, behind theClaimant’saircraftwhen thecollisionoccurred.
The claimant had filed the instant claim seeking interaliageneralandspecial damages for damage and
losssufferedasaresultofthe negligent actions of the 2nd and 3rd defendants, who werepilotingCAL’Saircraft at the time of the collision and who were servants and/or agents of CAL, as wellastheMarshals/Ground Crew, who were servants and/or agents of the airport handlingcompany
During the case, the claimant had reasoned that the negligence of Gordon Seemungal and Dirk Thomas, pilots of CAL, as well as the airport handling company is liable for the damages and loss suffered byFlyJamaicaasaresultof theaccident.
FlyJamaica,initsclaim, asked the court to specifically find the aircraft operators at CAL liable for failing to keep proper look outandheedthepresenceof the claimant’s Aircraft; failing to heed the instructions of the air traffic control at the CJIA and ignoring and disobeying those instructions; failing to heed the instructions of the ground crew/marshals at the CJIA; ignoring and disobeying the standing regulation in effect at the CJIA prohibiting large aircraft such as CAL’s aircraft from taxiing behind the claimant’s aircraft when the latter is parked on the international apron; taxiing the CAL’s aircraft along the international apron behind and in the vicinity of the parked claimant’s Aircraft without ensuring it was safe todoso.
In response to the lawsuit, CAL while admitting to the claimant’s version of events regarding
negligence claim CAL contended that the incident was caused by the negligence of three parties i.e. the airport handlers, the Guyana Civil Aviation Authority (GCAA) and Cheddi Jagan Airport Authority(CJAA).
CAL argued that the airport handlers were not its agent, nor did it act on its behalf at the time of the accident.AccordingtoCAL, the CJIA, an internationally accredited airport was at all material times under the management and control of the CJAA, which exercised sole responsibility for the management and operations oftheairport.
Further, the CALargued that GCAA was charged with the responsibility for the regulations of the CJIA, inclusive of issuance of rules, regulations, instructions and directions for the safe and proper operations of the airport, in c o m p l i a n c e w i t h international safety standards, guidelines and practices issued by the International Civil Aviation Organisation(ICAO).
CAL asserted that the GCAAis responsible for the regular inspection of the facilitiesattheCJIAaswellas ensuring compliance with international standards CAL posited that at all material times the GCAA and/or the CJIAwereresponsibleforthe placement of the apron taxiing centrelines, the designationandidentification of parking spots and for the allocation of the parking positions for aircrafts which utilisedtheCJIA
In its pleadings, CAL notedthattheGCAAandthe CJIA were aware of the aircraft deployed by the 1st DefendantandtheClaimant.
CAL said it was its aircraft’sobligationtotravel
A photo of the damaged aircraft after the collision (Photo
along the apron taxiing centreline provided by the CJIA and approved by the GCAA However, on November 29, 2016, the Claimant was not properly parked in the allotted parkingspotattheCJIA.
CAL asserted that its aircraftwastaxiingalongthe apron taxiing centreline designed by the CJIAunder thedirectionandguidanceof servants and/or agents airport handlers when the latter failed to alert, warn or inform its employees of the proximity of the wing of CAL’s aircraft to the tail of theFlyJamaica’saircraft.
Assuch,CALcontended thattheaccidentwascaused by the negligence of the GCAAandCJIA.According to them, the CJIA failed to place the apron taxiing centreline at a sufficient distance away from the designated parking spots at theCJIA.
“The CJIAfailed to give anyoradequatewarningand or notice to the 1st defendants and or users of the airport apron of any restriction and or caution to be exercised when taxiing behind a parked B 767 in a designatedparkingspot.
At all material times the CJIA was aware of the airside directives which prohibitedthepassageofany aircraft behind a parked 767 but failed to notify users of theapronoftheCJIAofany such prohibition,” the Trinidadianairlinestated.
Additionally, the airline claimed servants and/or agents of airport’s handling company failed to warn and/oralertCALworkersof the inadequacy of space between the tail of Fly Jamaica’s Boeing 767 aircraftandtheCAL’swing.
Further, the airline contended that the airport’s servants and/or agents
intentionallyandwrongfully removedtheconewhichwas marking the position of the tail of the Fly Jamaica aircraft thereby misleading the pilots about the true and accuratepositionofthetail.
Further, it was argued that the airport’s handlers failedtoissueastoporderto thepilotsintimeoratall,to avoidthecollision.
Meanwhile, counsel for GCAA argued that CAL failed to make out the claim filed against GCAA on a balance of probabilities and urged the court to dismiss s a m e w i t h c o s t s Additionally, it was argued that no evidence was producedtodemonstratethat CAL received the airside directives specifically eschewing large aircraft from taxiing behind the Fly Jamaicaaircraft.
Inthecircumstances,the courtfoundthatCALandits operators are liable for the damages and loss suffered byFlyJamaica.
The airport’s handlers werealsofoundliableforthe damages and loss suffered by the airlines as a result of theaccident.
The court upheld a no case submission by GCAA and CJIA in relation to CAL’scaseagainstthemand ruled that damages be awardedtoFlyJamaica.
The matter was presided over by Justice Priya Sewnarine-Beharry Attorney Ronald BurchSmith represented Fly JamaicawhileNigelHughes with Jed Vasconcellos, M. Jagnandan and C. Jaikarran represented CAL, Nikhil Ramkarran represented the New Timehri Handling Services, Devindra Kissoon and Natasha Vieira represented the Guyana Civil Aviation Authority (GCCA) and Robin Stoby, S.C.representedtheCJIA.
(BBC NEWS) Three Chinesenationalshavebeen arrested with 12 gold bars and $800,000 (£650,000) in cash in eastern Democratic RepublicofCongo,officials say Thegoldandmoneywas hiddenundertheseatsofthe vehicle they were travelling in,accordingtoJeanJacques Purusi, the governor of South Kivu province. He said the operation to arrest themenhadbeenkeptsecret after the recent release of another group of Chinese nationalsaccusedofrunning an illegal gold mine in the area.
Eastern DR Congo has abundant reserves of gold, diamonds and the minerals used to make batteries for mobile phones and electric vehicles.
This mineral wealth has been plundered by foreign groupssincethecolonialera and is one of the main reasons why the region has
The three Chinese nationals who were arrested in Congo with 12 gold bars and US$800,000 cash concealed under their vehicle seats
been plagued by instability for the last 30 years. Militia groups control many of the mines in eastern DR Congo and their leaders become wealthy by selling it to middle-men.
Purusisaidsomeofthese dealers in precious metals enjoyed good relations with influential people in the capital, Kinshasa, and this waswhythemissiontocarry
outtheselatestarrestshadto be kept quiet. He said they had been acting on a tip-off andthatthegoldandmoney was only found after a meticulous search of the vehicle in the Walungu area not far from the border with Rwanda.
He did not say exactly how much gold had been seized.
24%ofcomplaintsmadetoLabour Ministryin2024wereagainst securitycompanies – Min. Hamilton
Twenty-four per cent of the complaints made to the Ministry of Labour in 2025 were made against private security companies, Minister of Labour, Joseph Hamilton, disclosed on Tuesday
“The chief culprit at the moment is security companies… when they rob people in 2024 next year in 2025, they change their companynametoanother A lotofthesecuritycompanies thenametheystartedwith,I can tell you that is not the name they would have next five years or ten years from now,”theministersaid.
Hamilton was at the providing an update on the ministry’s new mobile application ‘Labour advice’ athisministry’send-of-year press conference The application which has been availableonboththeGoogle Play Store and Apple Store since May 2025 has proven keytothenumberofreports receivedbytheministry
The minister disclosed thatthecomplaintsmadevia the application accounts for six per cent of the total complaintsreceivedsinceits implementation.
“This(theApp)isindeed a asuccessstory…thatis servingapurposebecause…
many persons are intimidated, to come and make a formal report to the
Labour department, about their circumstances at their workplace,” Hamilton told reporters.
He said that throughout 2024, the Labour Ministry
handled hundreds of cases, the majority of which have been resolved. The ministry recorded a 25 per cent declineincomplaints,which wasattributedtotheincrease ofoutreachesandseminarsit hasheldovertheyears.
Meanwhile,theMinistry successfully recovered a total of $31,712,203 on behalf of workers in 2024 alone, adding to a remarkable total of over $200millionrecoveredover thepastfouryears.
Hamilton told reporters that the achievements underscore the progress made in protecting workers’ rights and ensuring fair treatment across various industries.
illegal gold mine, had been freed and allowed to return toChina.
He said this undermined efforts to clean up DR Congo’s notoriously murky mineral sector They owed $10m in taxes and fines to the government, the Reuters news agency quotes him as saying.
prompting the tech giant to say it had stopped getting supplies from both DR Congo and neighbouring Rwanda.Rwandahasdenied being a conduit for the export of illegal minerals fromDRCongo.
told reporters he was shocked to hear that 17 Chinese nationals, who had been arrested on allegations they had been running an
The Chinese embassy has not commented on the allegations.Thearrestscome asfightingcontinuestoflare in the neighbouring North Kivu province, where a Rwanda-backed rebel group has captured large areas of territory
Last month, DR Congo saiditwassuingAppleover the use of “blood minerals”,
In their lawsuit, lawyers acting for the Congolese government alleged that the mineralstakenfromconflict areas was then “laundered throughinternationalsupply chains”.
“These activities have fuelled a cycle of violence and conflict by financing militias and terrorist groups and have contributed to forced child labour and environmental devastation,” theysaid.
The government is still reviewing proposals from thelasttenderfortheAmaila Falls Hydropower Project (AFHP), Prime Minister Brigadier (Ret’d) Mark Phillips told reporters on Monday
The Prime Minister’s statement came five days after Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo said that the governmentwillretenderfor theproject.
Prime Minister Phillips, at his end-of-year press conferenceheldattheArthur Chung Conference Centre said,“WehaveAmailaFalls (project) - we already had a request for proposals for the
submissions are being done and we envisage Amaila Fallsaftertheevaluation,the whole development of the project including the construction of the falls and everythingwilloccurduring
Amaila Falls Hydropower Project (AFHP)
developmentperiod,2025to 2030.”
On the subject of the project, reporters asked the Prime Minister whether the government had done studies in respect to rainfall and drought to ensure that the hydropower and solar projects will continue to be sustainable when they start up.
Inresponse,heexplained that there are many studies that are being re-done while noting that the Guyana Energy Agency is a repositoryofthestudies.
“Those studies are widely available and based on the information we are making informed decisions as it pertains to where we will locate hydro projects or solarfarms.So,thereisalot
The Ministry of Labourhasreporteda troubling increase in workplacefatalities,with 32 deaths recorded in 2024, representing a 60% increase from the 2023 totalof22fatalities.
sectors with the highest number of non-fatal accidents: the agriculture sector, which accounted for 61.3%, the manufacturing sector at 15.2%, and the miningandquarryingsectorat8.6%.
of studies that is available out there and I can tell you that with regards to the Amaila Falls, all the studies were there pointing to it beingagoodsiteintermsof the feasibility studies that were done for a hydro project and that is why we are sticking with Amaila Falls,” the Prime Minister furtherrelayed.
Meanwhile, last week, VicePresidentJagdeo,when asked for an update on the project said, “So we will have to retender the project, rightnowthelastbidswegot came in a long time. We didn’tfocusonitbutwewill have to retender that project.”
government later issued a R
Proposals (RFP) under a B
Transfer (BOOT) model for theAmailaFallsproject.
submitted proposals to the National Procurement and Tender Administration Board (NPTAB) office in December2023forthe165megawatt (MW) Amaila Falls project that was scheduled to begin in 2027. However, the project is currentlystalled.
In September, Vice President Jagdeo said, “…So, we’ll probably have to either engage the best of those [the four contractors that were prequalified], or ultimately probably go out backtoanotherprocess…”
The Amaila Falls
Minister of Labour, Joseph Hamilton, disclosedthestatisticsonTuesdayduringthe Ministry’send-of-yearpressconferenceatits headquartersonBrickdam,Georgetown.
“One of the things we are concerned about this year are being workplace deaths We started with 2020, 32 persons lost their lives and up until 2023 it was 22. Regrettably,withallthatwe have done in 2024, 32 persons lost their lives in workplaces,” Minister Hamiltonsaid.
The Ministry’s report reveals that of the 32 fatalities, 31 were male workers and one was a femaleworker Themajority ofthefatalitieswerelinkedto incidents in the mining and construction sectors, which are known to be high-risk Minister Hamilton noted that the mining and quarrying sector was responsible for48%ofthefatalaccidentslastyear
Given the alarming rise in fatal workplace accidents, Minister Hamilton stressed the need for enhanced safety programmes and training in 2025 to address the issue. He highlighted that, in 2024, training programmes were conductedwithbothprivate and public corporations to improve the management of health and safety committees,withtheaimof reducing the number of fatalworkplaceaccidents.
The minister said, “We haveto,asanation,execute aproject,aprogramme,PR (public relations) and communication strategy to even reach in the homes of thepeople.Wehopethatthe mediacanhelpusin2025to execute a programme dealing with the culture of Guyanese of ‘we don’tcare.’”
In addition to the workplace deaths, Minister Hamilton shared that the Ministry had investigated 144 non-fatal accidents, fromatotalof543reportedcasesin2024.He also highlighted a slight improvement, notinga5%reductioninthenumberofnonfatalaccidentscomparedto2023.
MinisterHamiltonidentifiedtheprimary causes of fatal accidents as unsafe working systems or methods, unsafe conditions, or a combination of both. He also outlined the
Headded,“Ifwedon’tchangetheculture in this country, let’s all go prepare to play dominoesandcardsatwakehousesandbury peoplethenextday.”
Attheendofthepressconference,when asked by the media on whether any companies had been charged in connection with the fatal accidents, Minister Hamilton clarifiedthatnochargeshadbeenfiledforthe fatalitiesthemselves.However,heconfirmed that charges had been filed against a company related to a serious workplace accident.
It was reported last year that the government would revive the Amaila Falls project after talks fell through with the contractor, a year earl
er The
NPTAB received proposals from Rialma of Brazil; China International Water and Electric Corporation of Beijing, China; CH4 Guyana Inc. of Guyana; and OECGE WORLAY,ajointventureof companies from Guyana, Brazil,andtheUnitedStates
Hydropower project was introduced by a previous People’s Progressive Party C i v i c ( P P P / C ) administration in 2011 However, the project was shelvedonmanyoccasions. The project faced obstacles in its realization when the A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) and the Alliance For Change (AFC) parties stopped it back in 2014. In its 2020 election manifesto, the PPP/C administration noted that the project would be revived.
A 27-year-old mason was, on Monday, remanded to prison in connection with the death of his brother, KiranBacchus.
The suspect, Deepak Bacchus, of Lot 35 Section ‘A’ Cotton Tree, Berbice, w a s c h a rg e d w i t h manslaughter when he appeared at the Blairmount Magistrates’ Court before Magistrate Ravindra Mohabir
He was not required to enter a plea and was remandedtoprison.Bacchus isscheduledtoreturntocourt onJanuary28,2025.
ItwasreportedthatKiran Bacchus was killed on January 1, 2025, during a dispute with his younger brother, Deepak, at Cotton Tree, West Coast Berbice, (WCB).
Policesaidthatat01:30h on the day of the incident, a confrontationoccurredatthe home of Sookranie Bacchus
in Cotton Tree, Berbice whereBacchusandhiswife, Tena,alsoresided.
Kiran, who lived next door with his wife Seeta Churchand,wenttoconfront Deepak after learning that Deepak had prevented Seeta fromenteringtheyard.
Kiran, who was reportedly intoxicated, angrily entered the yard and confrontedDeepak,resulting inaphysicalaltercation.
During the fight, Kiran fell, striking his head and
bleeding from his nose. He was transported to the New Amsterdam Public Hospital, where he subsequently died fromhisinjuries.
Kiran’s wife informed the police that he had suffered a previous head injury in 2015 in Trinidad, whenhewasattackedbytwo men.
Deepak, who was at home with his mother and wife, allegedly told police that he saw Kiran and Seeta attempting to push down the frontgate.Whenconfronted, Kiran allegedly pushed Deepak, but lost his balance andfell.
Deepak then claimed to have cuffed Kiran twice while he was on the ground and noticed the nosebleed. With help from his mother andadriver,theytookKiran to the hospital, but he died whilebeingtreated.
Deepak was arrested and subsequentlycharged.
Tuesday, said that the
government has
il giant Chevron’s anticipated entry into the
SpeakingattheGoldman Sachs Research: Energy, CleanTech & Utilities Conference, Hess said President Irfaan Ali has made it clear that maintaining a three-way partnership for the block is critical.
“The government’s been clear they want a three-way partnership to continue They don’t want a two-way partnership to own the asset,”Hessoutlined.
He continued, “So President Ali has been very clear about that, he’s gone public, he’s been in the Financial Times speaking about that and he’s very supportive of Chevron becoming the third party in thecountry.”
HessCorporation,which holds a 30% stake in the Stabroek Block, is pursuing aUS$53billionmergerwith Chevron However, ExxonMobil, the block’s operator, and CNOOC have initiated arbitration, citing a right of first refusal on Hess’s share of the block. Despitethis,Hessexpressed confidence that the merger wouldproceedasplanned.
“We think Exxon’s position and CNOOC’s position is without merit, baseless. It’s about the right ofrefusal.Wethinkit’svery clear, the words on paper in English law that there’s no right or refusal to be exercised. So, we’re very confident that merger is going to go through, and we’re getting prepared for
Thearbitrationhearingis set for May 2025, with a decision expected approximately90dayslater Hess explained the process, saying, “Memorials have been exchanged The hearing is going to be in May Thedecisionshouldbe renderedabout90dayslater, so let’s say late August, September, and once that’s done, we look forward to completingthemerger.”
When asked if Exxon could affect the arbitration timeline, Hess was resolute. “Ithinkitshouldbewrapped up.Thethreearbitratorsthat are in place now have been very clear that’s when their decision is going to be rendered, and once that’s done, we’ll close our deal,” hesaid.
Moreover, despite the ongoing arbitration, Hess shared that operational relationships with Exxon remainunaffected.
“Our people continue to workwithExxon.Exxonhas alwayssaid,onanoperating basis, we’ve been their best partner The working relationshipbetweenthetwo
companies is still working just as well as before,” he added.
If the arbitration outcome favours Hess and Chevron, Chevron will secure its entry into the Stabroek Block, which is estimatedtohold11.6billion barrels of oil Since production commenced in December 2019, Exxon is now producing 660,000 barrels per day (bpd) from three developments: Liza Phase 1, Liza Phase 2 and Payara. This year, Exxon’s largest deep-water project date in Guyana will commenceoilproduction.
Bauxite production to increase by 400,000 tonnes this year
Guyana will see bauxite production increase by 400,000 tonnesthisyearduetothemassivegovernmentinterventions inthesector
In2024,bauxiteproductionincreasedby250,000tonnes, accordingtoPresidentDr MohamedIrfaanAli.
DuringalivebroadcastonSunday,thepresidentsaidthe sectorcollapsedduringthepreviousgovernment’stenuredue to mismanagement. Between 2014 and 2020, the sector experienceda40percentslumpinproductionthatledtothe decline of half of its workforce being put out of a job. The presidentemphasisedthatthesejoblossesprimarilyaffected residents of Region Ten, an area historically known as an oppositionstronghold.
“SincethePPP/Civicassumedoffice,anumberofstepswere taken by our government to reduce costs, broaden product range,andincreaseproductionbecausethatwastheimportant thingforus.Wehadtobuildbackthesector,”hesaid.
TheGuyaneseleadercontinued,“Attheendof2024,we hadanincreaseof250,000tonnes.Andthisyear,we’re
Continued on page 22
At the current
market price,
Zijin Mining Group Co Ltd ’s gold reserves at Guyana’sAurora Gold Mine (AGM) in Region Seven is now worth someUS$16billion.
Zijin Mining Group Co. Ltd is a Chinese-state
owned mining giant operatinginGuyanathrough its subsidiary (AGM). The company purchased the large-scale mining concession spanning more than 3000 acres of gold rich
lands in 2020 from another foreigncompany(Canadian) for US$283 million and is now boasting of how profitable the venture is for itsshareholders.
Infact,thecompanysaid it was able to make profits from the lucrative goldfield in same year it was purchased.
“Originally, a loss-loss makingoperationincareand maintenance, it resumed production and generated profitsinthesameyearafter beingacquiredbyZijin,”the
company stated on its website.
A recent look at the company’s financials for 2023 revealed that it has all thereasonstoboastsinceitis sitting on almost 184 tonnes of gold (183,809 KG) the equivalent of approximately sixmillionouncesofgold.
The company disclosed that it has already extracted over three tonnes of gold fromtheprojectandplansto ramp up production in the coming years through expansion and the
c o m p l e t i o n o f a n undergroundmine.
“Once fully operational, it (the underground mine) is expected to achieve an annual gold production capacity of over four tonnes,”thecompanysaid.
Kaieteur News, in May 2024, reported that the company raked in some US$185 million from its operationin2023.
In December 2023, Minister of Natural of Resources, Vickram Bharrat told reporters that the c
company declared some 88,000 ounces of gold (2.5 tonnes)for2022.
Bharratclaimedthenthat thecompanyisuptodatein paying its royalties. Gold price for 2022 and 2023 averaged between US$1800 to $2000 per troy ounce. In 2024, gold prices surged to over US$2000 per ounce and,insomecases,higher Zijin Mining benefits from duty-free concessions on all equipment, supplies and materials for theAurora Gold project, according to
AGM mining contract with Guyana.
In return Guyana earns royalty based on the price that the Chinese company gets for the sale of its gold frombuyersitselectsandnot at the prevailing world marketprice.
This is in addition to therebeingaslidingscalefor the payments to be made—five per cent royalty when gold is sold for US$1,000 and below or eight per cent, when sold at onecentabovethatprice.
One of the mined-out pits at AGM
The deadline for works ontheLindentoMaburaHill roadprojecthasnowbeenset toOctober29,2025,headof the Ministry of Public Works, Work Services
Group (WSG), Ron Rahamansaid.
Rahaman provided an update on the project during the ministry’s end-of-year press conference held at the Pegasus Suites, Kingston, Georgetown. He said the stretch of two-lane highway which measures 121km is being upgraded to an asphaltic concrete surface. The works are currently 33 percentcompleted.
K a i e t e u r N e w s understands the works were scheduledtobecompletedin July this year but due to challenges mid-2024, the contractor halted works whichithassinceresumed.
Rahaman explained that due to the delay the time elapsedontheprojectstands at75.31percent.
Providing a brief progress report on the project, Rahaman shared that the contractor has since completed 30 5km of wearingcourse(thetoplayer of a road that is in direct contactwithtraffic)and43.5 km of binder course have
beencompleted. Kaieteur News reported that in December 2020, the Government of Guyana, the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB), and the Government of the United Kingdom partnered to fund the US$190 million project (GY$32.4billion).
The CDB funded US$112 million, while a grantof£50million(US$66 million) from the Government of the United Kingdom via the CDBadministered United
Kingdom Caribbean Infrastructure Fund, along with US$12 million providedbytheGovernment covered the cost of the project.
In 2022, following a thorough evaluation process by the CDB and Consultant Mott MacDonald and other specialists, Construtora Queirozñ Galvao S.A, (Bid No5)wasdeterminedasthe most responsive bid. This is in terms of full compliance w i t h a l l s a f e t y , environmental, social, and health requirements, in upgrading the 121 kilometres of road from LindentoMaburaHill. Theprojectformspartof a wider development of the
Minister within the Ministry of Public Works Deodat Indar (left) alongside UK’s Secretary of State for Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Affairs, Rt. Hon. David Lammy during a visit to the project site last month.
(Ministry of Public Works photo)
Georgetown to Lethem corridor
The project will consist of two main highways; the width of each lane is approximately 3.6 metres, some hard shoulders both sides measuring 2.4 metres, cyclistandpedestrianlaneof twometres,autilitycorridor, about10busstops,andnine rest areas just to mention a
Atotalof912householdsgainedaccessto electricityforthefirsttimein2024afterbeing connected to the national grid through the GuyanaPowerandLight(GPL)Inc.
Thisdevelopmentsignificantlyimproved thequalityoflifeforresidents,particularlyin Regions Four and Six. In Region Four, 500 households from Samville along the Soesdyke/Linden Highway benefitted from theinitiative.
Meanwhile, 153 residents in Crabwood Creek,RegionSix,werealsoconnectedtothe grid. Additionally, 259 households in other areas served by the Demerara-Berbice InterconnectedSystem(DBIS)wereincluded inthistransformation.
These achievements were disclosed by Prime Minister, Brigadier (Ret’d) Mark Phillips during his 2024-year-end press conference, at theArthur Chung Conference Centre,LiliendaalonMonday
The improved accessibility of electricity intheseareashassubstantiallyadvancedthe country’sdevelopmentaltrajectory,enabling residents to seize more opportunities now availabletothem.
To accommodate the addition of new households to the national grid, the government increased total electrical generation from 207 megawatts to 267 megawattsinrecentyears.
This expansion was made possible throughtheestablishmentofnewsolarfarms andmini-gridsinvariousregions,effectively meetingthegrowingelectricitydemand.
“At Columbia Station, we had 24 megawatts which came on stream in 2024, thenwehadthefirstpowershipattheBerbice
The Linden to Mabura Hill road project is just the
… 33% of works completed
River with 36 megawatts and the second powership came just before Christmas with 60 megawatts,” the prime minister told the media.
Headdedthattherearenowanadditional 1.2 megawatts of electricity being generated atAnna Regina in Region Two. Meanwhile, at Wakenaam in Region Three, there is a generationof450kilowatts.
In the year 2024 alone, there was an increase in electrical capacity of 124 megawatts. Accordingtotheprimeminister, the current peak demand in the country now standsat205megawatts.Thisisasaresultof the housing and construction boom and commercialdevelopments.
Despite these advancements, the government has maintained its ability to secure sufficient energy for electricity generation, ensuring the growing demand is met without disruption “Although the current peak demand is 205 megawatts, we have an excess than what is required.We do nothaveonlywhatis neededtobesupplied, but we also have reserved,” Prime Minister Phillipsasserted.
Since returning to office in 2020, the PPP/Cgovernmenthasinvestedbillionsinto the energy sector to ensure a reliable and efficientpowersupply Thecompletionofthe Amaila Falls Hydropower Project and the gas-to-energyinitiativemeansthatGuyanais projected to generate power that will exceed itsdomesticdemands.
This surplus will not only enhance the country’s operational capabilities, but also provide significant financial relief to Guyanesehouseholds.(DPI)
Road link that will then completeanoverlandlinkto Brazil.
K and M Janitoral services wanted cleaners. contact : 664-8328/696-4567.
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Two people were found dead in the wheel well of a JetBlueplaneafteritlanded at Fort Lauderdale-HollywoodInternationalAirport Mondaynight,theairlinehas reported.
Job opening- Truck drivers, project manager, Civil engineer To apply, please send your application via Whatsapp 638-5303 / 6082114.
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According to a report fromCNN,theairlineonTuesday said the bodies were discovered during a post-flight maintenance inspection after itoperatedasFlight1801from JohnFKennedyInternational AirportinNewYork.
The airline also stated thataninvestigationhasbeen launched to ascertain the circumstances of how the nowdeceased accessed the plane.
“The Broward County Medical Examiner’s Office will perform autopsies to determine the causes of death of both individuals,” Carey Codd, spokesperson
for the Broward County Sheriff’s Office, is quoted saying.
CNNfurtherreportedthat the investigation has not hampered operations at the airport.
According to the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) the landing gear com-
partment is often used by stowaways who don’t realise how little space is available in the bay when the gear is retracted.
Stowaways who are not crushed often end up losing consciousness for lack of oxygen or freezing once the plane is at cruising altitude.
CNN, citing a 2011 FAA report,saidabout80percent of people who attempt to fly in the wheel well or another external compartment of an aircraftdie.
It is believed that the deceasedareJamaicans,though their identities have not been confirmed.
Weakeroildemandgrowthin key consuming regions and reshuffled trade routes resultedin2024,inthefirstdecline in the world’s crude oil exports since the 2020-2021 pandemic-influenced slump, ReutersreportedonTuesday, citing ship-tracking data.
Global crude exports declinedby2%lastyearto41.68 millionbarrelsperday(bpd), downfrom42.51millionbpd in 2023, according to data fromKplercitedbyReuters.
The decline in 2024 was thefirstsincetheperiod20202021 when crude exports fell from41.85millionbpdin2019 tobelow40millionbpdamid the slump in global demand during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Elevateyour brandwithour professional Graphic designservices.Call:619-0007, 629-5526.
Visa Application:U.S.A, Canada & UK:Graphics design, advertisements, wedding arch rentals.Tel:6267040.
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In2024,theshiftsincrude flows due to the Houthi attacksoncommercialshipping in the Red Sea affected globaloiltrade.
According to vesseltracking data from Kpler, crudeexportsfromtheMiddle East to Europe slumped by 22% last year, due to tankers avoiding the shortest route from the Middle East to Europeandoptingforthelonger route via the Cape of Good
Theclosureofsomerefining capacity also lowered crude demand at European refineries.Elsewhere,China’s weaker-than-expectedoildemandalsoplayedaroleinthe change in oil routes, and so did rising production from Guyana, Brazil, and the United States.
“Oil is no longer flowing along the least cost curve, and the first consequence is tight shipping, which raises freight prices and eventually cuts into refining margins,”
AdiImsirovic,anenergyconsultant and former oil trader, told Reuters. The sanctions on Russia and Iran are also changingglobaloilflowsand this “is creating opportunisticalliances,”Imsirovicsaid. China continues to be the key and nearly only buyer of Iranian crude, while China and India are now Russia’s most important customers as Western sanctions, embargoes, and the price cap on Russian oil have shrunk the pool of potential buyers of Russia’spetroleum.
From page 16
looking at a further increase of 400,000 tonnes. Our exports for 2024 are projected at US$163 million.”
President Ali stated that additional investment by BOSAI Mineral Group will also result in a drastic hike in production. “This bauxite company also undertook to construct a $470 million aluminumplant.They’vemadea commitment that with expanded production and the
cost of energy coming down, theyarelookingattheexpansionandbuildingofanaluminum plant in the future,” he added.
With over 500 employees added to the sector in 2024, PresidentAlisaidanother500 jobswillbeaddedthisyearas the industry recovers.
“In addition to this, the companyisworkingtoreduce energy costs by installing a solar system. And of course, we have worked consistently
with the company to protect their rights and improve the conditions of service for the workersintheseminingcompanies,” the head of state stated.
PresidentAlipledgedthat his administration will continue to formulate policies, create opportunities and incentives to foster growth and boost production for small, medium-sizedandlarge-scale producers and operators.
Andrew Thom, a dedicated staff member attachedtotheUniversityof Guyana’s (UG) Registry Department, received the prestigious Outstanding Justice Award in the InternationalCourtofJustice at the American Model United Nations (AMUN) Conference held recently in Chicago,Illinois.
Thom also represented Guyana and received the Best Diplomatic Stance AwardattheBestDiplomats Conference held in London, United Kingdom, from September 27th to 30th, 2024, UG said in a press release.
The American Model United Nations Secretariat conveyed the exciting news to Thom recently and indicatedthathewillreceive his certificate in the coming days. Last year’s AMUN Conference was held at the Sheraton Grand Chicago in Illinois.TheAMUNisanonp
l organisation founded in 1989 to provide students withthehighestquality,most professionally run simulation of the United Nations. The organisation strives to combine educational quality with
and Education are partnering to launch a new programme aimed at preparing secondary school students for the world of work, Minister of Labour, Joseph Hamilton, told reportersonTuesday
The minister was at the time speaking at his ministry’send-of-yearpress conference held at its Brickdam, Georgetown office.
According to the minister, the programme will include seminars and workshops for 5th and 6th Formstudents.Hesaidthere are concerns that many students, despite achieving excellent grades at the Caribbean Secondary Education Certification (CSEC) examinations are unprepared for the job market.
“They (students) are not prepared, I can tell you I have seen applications with
no signature, I have seen CVs (Curriculum Vitae) …someofthesepeoplethey have very good subjects,” Hamilton told reporters noting that “we have to correctit.”
Further, Minister Hamilton said that like the secondary school students many university graduates, despite earning degrees, are unprepared for the responsibilities and ethics requiredintheworkplace. The programme, when started, will be occurring acrossthecountry
highly realistic simulations oftheUnitedNationstogive students an unparalleled Model UN learning experience.
Accordingtotherelease, Thom represented the University of Guyana at the AMUN Conference, which saw over 600 students from educational institutions a r o u n d t h e w o r l d participating. He performed the role of a Justice in the International Court of Justice,wherehetookonthe challenging task of addressing global disputes through legal reasoning and diplomacy “Delivering a well-thought-out opinion that balanced justice with fairnesswasaproudmoment forme,”Thomrecalls.
At the Best Diplomats Conference in London, the area of focus was centred around fairness and inclusivity in technological advancement. “I worked on drafting resolutions and finding common ground among representatives with different views, ” he explains.Hiseffortspaidoff, earning him the Best Diplomatic StanceAward at thisevent.
Thomnotedthathesawit asanhonourtorepresentUG at these high-level events, adding that UG students are abletoshineanywhereinthe world. “It’s not just about personal accomplishments; it’s about representing our universityandcountryonthe global stage,” he says with muchpride.
Thom served as Acting VicePresidentandTreasurer of the University of Guyana International Affairs Association (UGIAA) for the academic year 2023/2024.There,hegained experience in leadership, teamwork,andengagedwith globalissues.“Mytimewith UGIAA helped me develop the skills and confidence I needed to step onto
Justice at the American Model United Nations (AMUN) Conference
international platforms,” he says. According to Thom, theseawardsare“areminder of how far I’ve come and what’s possible with determination.”
“I grew up in a small village in Berbice, where community and resilience werekeyvalues.Thoseearly lessons taught me to see challenges as opportunities and inspired my dream of working in diplomacy and
Currently, Thom is pursuing a Bachelor’s Degree in Management at UGandanAssociateDegree in Psychology and Legal System at the Sherlock InstituteofForensicScience, India.
With this unique combination, he aims to bridge the gap between leadership, legal expertise, a n d a p r o f o u n d
understanding of human behaviourtodriveimpactful change within communities.
“I want to use my experiencestoinspireothers, especially young people from underrepresented communities,”hesays.
Thom’s journey is already serving as an inspiration to his peers. His story proves that with hard work and a clear vision, anyone can achieve great things. “Many students face challenges, but those challengescanfuelsuccess,” hesays.
Through his dedication, Thom has shown that greatness can come from humble beginnings He hopes his story encourages others to dream big and believe in their potential.
“We all have the power to create lasting change,” he says. With preparation, passion, and persistence, there’s no limit to what we can achieve.” From a small village in Berbice to international conferences, AndrewThom’sjourneyisa testament to the power of hardwork,community,anda commitment to making the worldabetterplace.
AlJazeera-Ihavespentatotal offouryearsinGaza,sixmonthsof themduringtheongoingwar Ihave neverfeltsohelplessinthefaceof the formidable war machine that shoves a new bullet into its gun as soonasithasfiredthepreviousone, whilehavingaseeminglyunlimited supplyofammunition.
In September, I spoke to a matriarch who ran a shelter for displacedpeopleinKhanYounis.I askedherwhathopeshehadabout theprospectofpeace.
She pointed at a small girl holding her mother’s hand and suckingherthumb.“Herfatherwas killed when their house was bombedfivedaysago,andthey’ve not been able to retrieve his body fromtherubblebecausetheareais under constant fire,” she said. “Whathope?”
In hopeless Gaza, sleep is among the most precious commodities. Back in January, we would run to the window to watch theplumeofsmokepaintingthesky after a particularly loud and close hit. But with time, they have become so commonplace that hardly anyone bothers to look any more.
On an average night in my neighbourhood in Deir el-Balah, bombardment would start at night, just as people would prepare to try to sleep We would hear the whistling of a missile and then a loud explosion, shaking the windows.Theblastwouldwakeup the local dogs, the donkeys, the
babies and any other soul who dared to sleep, starting a chain reaction of barking, crying and other agitated noises. More bombs would come that would then be followed by various types of gunfire until all quiets down for a shortwhile.Thedawncalltoprayer wouldusuallytriggeranotherseries ofattacks.
The apocalyptic scenes that everyoneseesonTVareevenmore harrowing in person. I often find myself deleting photos and videos frommyphonebecausethecamera does not do justice to just how grotesque the surroundings appear tothenakedeye.
In person, the visuals are accompanied by a slew of sounds.
This includes the now-daily ritual of people fighting for bread at the nearby bakeries as food supplies aredwindling,amidthealmosttotal cut-off of commercial goods and the persistent and paralysing restrictions on the entry of humanitarian assistance. Just the otherweek,awomanandtwogirls suffocated after being trampled in frontofabakerywhenafightbroke out because there was not enough breadforeveryone.
My dear friend Khaled, who runs community kitchens across Gaza, worried that soon there would be no food at all and his kitchens would have to close. I struggled to find anything helpful to say to him given the reality
aroundusandwouldcryeverytime wespoke,asItoowaslosinghope.
“Don’t cry, Olga,” he always said.
“Be strong, like we are.” Indeed, the strength of Palestinians is unparalleled.
In November, the Famine ReviewCommittee,anadhocbody of international technical experts that reviews classifications of potential famine identified by the United Nations and other actors, published a report, ringing another alarm over the imminent threat of famine, particularly in the beleaguered north of Gaza. Since then,thingshaveonlybeengetting worse.
On several occasions, I saw people scooping up dirty flour that
Trump warns
(CNN) President-elect
Donald Trump warned that if the hostages whom Hamas is still holdinginGazaarenotreleasedby hisinaugurationonJanuary20,“all hell will break out in the Middle East” – offering one more stark indication of how much the incomingpresidentwouldpreferto avoid inheriting the Israel-Hamas warashepreparestotakeofficein lessthantwoweeks.
“It will not be good for Hamas anditwillnotbegood,frankly,for anyone. All hell will break out. I don’t have to say anymore, but that’s what it is,” Trump said in remarksathisMar-a-Lagoestatein Florida on Tuesday, adding that “thereshouldhaveneverbeen”the October 7, 2023, attack by Hamas onIsrael.
Steve Witkoff, Trump’s pick to serve as the special envoy to the
Middle East, struck an optimistic noteaboutthestateofnegotiations to reach a ceasefire between Israel and Hamas that would secure the release of the hostages, saying negotiators are “making a lot of progress.”
Witkoff added that “it’s the president,hisreputation,thethings thathehassaidthataredrivingthis negotiation, and so hopefully it’ll all work out and we’ll save some lives.”
CNN has previously reported thatBidenadministrationofficials are taking the lead in the talks, while their incoming Trump counterparts are being closely updated on developments But a senior Biden administration official struck a much more cautious tone following Trump and Witkoff’s comments, telling CNN that the negotiations remain
“difficult ”
The official – who declined to commentfurtheronthestatusofthe talks–insistedthatdespiteWitkoff appearing to suggest that a deal beforeJanuary20wasrealistic,the talksarechallenging.
The Biden administration continues to work in “close coordination” with the incoming Trumpnationalsecurityteam,they added.
One senior Democrat close to theWhiteHousealsotoldCNNthis week that Joe Biden’s top national securityofficialsarenotoptimistic thatadealcanbereachedbeforethe presidentleavesoffice.“They’reall sceptical,” this person said. The Biden administration has unsuccessfully tried to help broker a ceasefire in Gaza for well over a year Thefirstceasefire–weeksafter the October 7 attack – saw the release of dozens of hostages, but subsequent efforts to pause the fighting and secure the release of additional hostages have gone nowhere. Witkofftoldreportershe
had spilled on the road after some bags of flour had fallen off an aid truck.
Prioritisingthemostvulnerable in Gaza is a hopeless task since there is almost no aid to provide. With100percentofapopulationof about2.3millionpeopleinneed,do you choose to help a pregnant woman, a domestic violence survivor, or someone who is homeless and disabled? Do you lookforalloftheserisksinasingle person?Theagonyofthesechoices will keep us awake long after our jobsinGazaend.
During the months we have spentinGaza,mycolleaguesandI have witnessed so much pain, tragedy and death that we are at a lossforwordstoconveythehorror We have picked up dead bodies fromthesideoftheroad–somestill warm and bleeding profusely, otherswithrigormortis,half-eaten bydogs.
Some of these bodies were young boys. Boys who were killed senselessly, some of them dying slowly as they bled out, terrified and alone, while their mothers agonised over why their sons had notcomehomethatnight.
For the rest of the world, they became just another number in the grim statistic of people killed in Gaza so far – now more than 45,500, according to the Ministry ofHealth.
Intheraremomentsofquietand between the chaos of constant crises, I reflect on everything around me and ask myself: “What hope?”
U.S. President-elect Donald Trump makes remarks at Mar-a-Lago in Palm Beach, Florida, U.S. January 7, 2025. REUTERS/Carlos Barria
expected to travel back to
Qatar,onWednesday White House Middle
region to work on the
SportsMax - Jamaican motor sport sensation Sara Misir is set to embark on an exciting new chapter in her illustriouscareerasshejoins TeamBlueRisingforSeason two of the E1 Series, the world’s first all-electric race boatchampionship.
Co-owned by Indian cricket legend Virat Kohli and sports-tech entrepreneur
Adi K Mishra, Team Blue Rising is part of a starstudded lineup of celebrityowned teams, including global icons such as Will Smith, Tom Brady, Didier Drogba,andRafaelNadal.
The E1 Series begins its second season with the first raceinJeddah,SaudiArabia, on January 25, 2025, showcasing cutting-edge
electric power boats called the RaceBirds in an actionpacked, eco-conscious format.
Misir will team up with co-pilotJohnPeeters(USA), awatersportlegendboasting over65worldrecordsand19 championships Together, they aim to deliver highspeed excitement while representing Team Blue
The four-time Jamaican Motor sport Athlete of the Year looks forward to the challenge.
“Joining Team Blue Rising is an incredible opportunity to represent Jamaica in a championship that combines innovation and elite performance. I’m honouredtobepartofateam andlookforwardtothisnew challenge It’s another avenue to conquer, and I can’t wait to get started,” Misirsaid.
Misir’s career is filled
Arrangements for a gettogether you're planning to host could go awry, with everything turned upside down and nothing happening thewayyouplanned.
Yourusuallyabundantenergy may experience a sudden setback today, Taurus. Work pressure could create stress that leaves you feeling exhausted and out of sorts. Thiswillpass.
A trip through exclusive boutiques or antique shops might have you throwing financial caution to the wind and buying luxury items you hadn't planned for. This is all right-uptoapoint.
Unexpected visitors might throw you into a dither You couldpanicoverhowtodress, whattosay,andwhattoserve. Don't make yourself crazy, Cancer Followyourheartand go with the flow Spontaneity isthebestpolicy
Some rather disconcerting informationmaycometolight today This could throw you intoadaze,asitisn'tanything that you expected. This isn't necessarily bad news. In fact, it might be great news, but it may be something you never expectedinamillionyears.
Even though everything is going well for you, Virgo, a sudden upset of some kind, probably involving money, could throw you into a momentarypanic.
Upsets regarding your career or the activities that take up most of your time are likely to negatively affect your selfconfidence The forces are beyond your control and the situation doesn't reflect any shortcomingsonyourpart.
SCORPIO (Oct. 23–Nov 21)
Archaeological discoveries could temporarily shake your faithinyourspiritualpath.You maysuddenlydoubtsomething you've always accepted. This could propel you to study, to reaffirmyourfaith.
You might not be able to accomplish what you'd hoped today Some minor but irritating conflicts could occur withinagroup.Youmightfind this exasperating, as petty squabbles interfere with reachingthegroup'sobjectives.
A temporary upset with a partner might distract you so you can't function as effectivelyasyounormallydo. Don'tletyourangergetthebest ofyou.
Unexpected responsibilities could interfere with plans to take a trip of some sort Someone might need your help,andyoumaywellhaveto putyourownactivitiesonhold forawhile.
An unexpected development mightinterferewithyourplans to attend a social event, group activity, or get-together with yourpartner Thisisn'tgoingto sitwellwiththoseyou'vebeen planningtomeet,Pisces.
represented Jamaica as a junior equestrian champion before switching to motor sports.In2018,shesecureda top-10 finish in the Florida Winter Tour In 2022 and 2023, she competed in the GT Cup Championships in the UK, and most recently, she made history as the first femaleMP4ClassChampion in the JRDC series at Dover Raceway
The 2025 UIM World Championships will span seven legs, culminating in a thrillingfinaleonNovember 7and8inMiami.
Giannis Antetokounmpo’s triple double - double figures in points, rebounds and assists - was his fourth of the season and 49th of his career. (Getty Images)
BBC Sport - Giannis Antetokounmpo registered 11 points, 12 rebounds and a season-high 13 assists as the Milwaukee Bucks beat the Toronto Raptors 128-104 in the NBA. Damian Lillard added 25 points in Toronto for the Bucks, who had lost four of their previous five games, all to teamswithlosingrecords.
Antetokounmpo suffered a cut finger in the first half that requiredstiches,butwasabletocontinuebeforebeingrested inthefourthquarterastheBuckssecuredacomfortablewin.
“He set the whole tone to our team,” Bucks coach Doc RiverssaidofAntetokounmpo’sperformance.
“When your best player does that it becomes contagious andtheballjustmoved.”
ZachLaVinenotchedup35points,10reboundsandeight assistsastheChicagoBullsfoughtbackfrom19pointsdown inthethirdquartertobeattheSanAntonioSpurs114-110.
Victor Wembanyama starred in a losing cause for the Spurs, with 23 points, 14 rebounds, four assists and eight blockedshots.TheDallasMavericks,whowerewithoutLuka Doncic and Kyrie Irving, suffered a fifth successive defeat, losing119-104totheMemphisGrizzlies.
Afterwinningninematchesinarow,theNewYorkKnicks havenowlosttheirpastthreeafterslippingtoa103-94defeat bytheOrlandoMagic.
BradleyBealcameoffthebenchtoscore25pointsasthe PhoenixSunsbeatthePhiladelphia76ers109-99toendarun offourstraightdefeats.
TheSacramentoKingsneededdoubleovertimetoedgethe Miami Heat 123-118, while the Detroit Pistons beat the PortlandTrailBlazers118-115.
Council should “deliver on their own rules” relating to women’sparticipationasthe England men’s team resist calls to boycott their upcoming match against Afghanistan.
Agroupofmorethan160 British politicians have called on the England and Wales Cricket Board (ECB) to refuse to play next month’s Champions Trophy matchagainstAfghanistanas a stand against the Taliban’s policyonwomen’ssport.
Female participation has effectively been outlawed since the Taliban’s return to power in 2021, a move that putstheAfghanistanCricket BoardatoddswiththeICC’s rules.
The ICC have allowed the Afghanistan men’s team to continue to compete in global competitions, with Englandduetofacethemina one-day international in LahoreonFebruary26.
ECB chief executive Richard Gould responded to boycott calls by saying he would “actively advocate” for collective action rather than take a unilateral stand by forfeiting the game — a move that would likely lead
A spokesman for British PrimeMinisterKeirStarmer saidTuesday it was down to the ICC, cricket’s global governing body, to take the leadontheissue.
“The ICC should clearly deliver on their own rules and make sure that they’re supporting women’s cricket as the ECB do,” said the spokesman.
He added: “The erosion of women’s and girls’rights by the Taliban is clearly appalling. We’ll work with theECBonthisissue,we’re in contact with them Ultimatelythisisamatterfor
England are set to face Afghanistan in the Champions Trophy on February 26. (Money SHARMA/AFP/AFP)
the ICC in relation to the ChampionsTrophy
“We should remember that cricket for a long time hasbeenabeaconofhopefor the Afghanistan people. It’s terriblethewayinwhichthe women’s team has been suppressed.”
Former ICC chairman Greg Barclay last month criticised boards such as the ECB and Cricket Australia for having a twin-track approach—refusingtoplay Afghanistan in bilateral seriesbutstillwillingtoface theminICCevents.
“If you really want to make a political statement,
SportsMax-TheBarbadosCricketAssociation,onTuesday, released a provisional 25-man Barbados Pride squad that will enterthefinalphaseofpreparationforthestartofthe2025West IndiesChampionshipseason.
Thesquad,whichexcludesWestIndiesplayerscurrentlyon overseas assignments, will play a pair of three-day practice matchesatQueensParkinSt.MichaelfromJanuary13-15and January20-23.
The Pride open their 2025 West Indies Championship campaign against the Guyana Harpy Eagles at Providence in Guyana.
Full Squad: Kadeem Alleyne, Leniko Boucher, Shian Brathwaite, Shaquille Cumberbatch, Giovonte Depeiza, JonathanDrakes,MatthewForde,KeonHarding,ChaimHolder, Chemar Holder, Jamar Ifill, Matthew Jones, Akeem Jordan, Javed Leacock, Jair McAllister, Zachary McCaskie, Shayne Moseley, Raymon Reifer, Demetrious Richards, Nathan Sealy, Ramon Simmonds, Kemar Smith, Tevyn Walcott, Kevin Wickham,RashawnWorrell.
d o n ’ t p l a y t h e m (Afghanistan) in a World Cup,” Barclay told Britain’s DailyTelegraphnewspaper
“Sure,itmightcostyoua semi-final place, but principlesareprinciples.It’s not about having half a principle.”
The New Zealander added: “It is not the Afghanistan board’s fault. They used to have women’s cricket. It would be easy to kick Afghanistan out, but their board haven’t done anything wrong.... I don’t think it would make a lot of differencetotherulingparty theretokickthemout.”
Barbados Pride named their provisional squad ahead of final phase of preparation for the WI C/Ship.
BBC – Introducing a two-tiersystemtotheWorld TestChampionshipwouldbe “greedy” and would “sully the game”, says former England fast bowler Steven Finn. A
Council (ICC) chair Jay Shah is set to meet his C
a counterpart Mike Baird and England and Wales Cricket Board (ECB) boss Richard Thompson later this month, with sources saying proposalsfortwotiersofthe World Test Championship willbediscussed.
The plans could see India, Australia, England, South Africa, Pakistan, Sri Lanka and New Zealand in tier one, with West Indies, Bangladesh, Afghanistan, Ireland and Zimbabwe makingupthesecondtier It would be introduced afterthecurrentFutureTours Programmeendsin2027.
Former England captain Michael Vaughan posted on X saying it “has to happen” while former India head coachRaviShastritoldSEN Radio “the best playing the bestisneededforTestcricket tosurvive”.
Potential changes come amid a changing cricket
landscape with more
franchise leagues and multiyear deals - often with large income-becomingavailable toplayers.
The England and Wales Cricket Board responded to thatthreatbyofferingmultiyearcentralcontractsforthe first time in an attempt to keep players committed to internationalcricket.
The report said India, Australia and England are “conscious of the rapid growth”offranchiseleagues and private investment and the potential two-tier plan is theirlatestattempttocombat thoseconcerns.
“I don’t like it - I don’t thinkit’sgoodforthegame,” FinntoldBBCRadio5Live.
“I think it’s greedymonetisingsomethingthatis sopurelikeTestcricketfeels likeitissullyingthegame.It just doesn’t sit right with me.”
‘Weshouldn’tsacrifice globalgame’-those againsttwotiers
Former West Indies captainSirCliveLloyd,who led them to success in the 1975 and 1979 World Cups, has criticised the plans, sayingthey“mustbestopped now”.
“It will be terrible for all thosecountrieswhoworkso hard to get to Test-match status and now they’ll be playingamongthemselvesin
a lower section,” Lloyd, 80, said.
“How are they going to makeittothetop?Whenyou play against better teams, youimprove.That’showyou know how good you are, or how bad you are. I am very disturbed.
“The better system would be to give the teams the same amount of money so they can get the tools to improve.’’
West Indies were unbeaten in Tests between 1980andFebruary1995,but theyhavestruggledinrecent years, with their last series win coming in February 2023againstZimbabwe.
Their last series win againstateamthatwouldbe in the proposed tier one was against England in March 2022.
They did pull off a famouswinagainstAustralia in Brisbane in January 2024 todrawtheseries.
“We struggle a lot, we need special dispensation,” said Lloyd. ‘’Some at the bottom are not playing Test matches and some are playing a world of Test matches.
“The system is not right. They have to sit down and work it out, that’s what they’retherefor That’stheir duty, that’s their job to do that.”
global game just to keep everyonerevvedup24/7.”
“If we just see more and more of the big guns going againsteachother,great,I’m sureitwouldbeentertaining, butwhatdoesitmeanforthe game?”shetold5Live.
“Therealityisthatwe’re playing in a global game, and what we do want - just toplayacoupleofcountries to keep the buzz there consistently?
“Scheduling and timing of key series does become reallyimportantandtryingto avoid those big windows [like Olympics and major football tournaments], but I wouldn’t sacrifice having a
England played a three-Test series against West Indies last summer but a two-tier system may see no red-ball games played between the two sides. [Getty Images]
‘Itwouldgiveus somethingtogetour teethinto’-thosein favouroftwotiers Shastri, who played for India between 1981 and 1992 and then coached the team from 2017 to 2021, believes the changes are necessary to keep the Test formatasthepinnacle.
“When the best teams play, the toughest and best format of the game is still aliveandthriving,”hesaid.
“It [theAustralia v India series] was a stark reminder that the best should play the best for Test cricket to survive.Thereistoomuchof aclutterotherwise.”
England’s 2005 Asheswinning captain Vaughan agrees and said in a column for theTelegraph: “I believe it[Testcricket]isafour-day productwithasetnumberof overs each day enforced, three matches minimum per series and two divisions of six,includingpromotionand relegation. “I was delighted to read the ICC are considering a two-tier structure from 2027 which could see the Ashes staged twiceeverythreeyears.
“Ihavebeensayingfora long time this is the way to
Ireland played two Tests in 2024 and beat Afghanistan and Zimbabwe.
keepTestcricketrelevantby ensuring the best play the best as often as possible and wegetfewermis-matches.”
Ireland were the last t e a m , a l o n g s i d e Afghanistan,tobegivenTest statusin2017.
They have played nine Tests since, winning twice against Afghanistan and Zimbabwe.
Their five games against teams in the proposed first tierhaveseendefeatsbyfive wickets against Pakistan, 143 runs and 10 wickets against England and two defeatsbyaninningsagainst SriLanka.
Speaking to the BBC World Service’s Stumped podcast last March, their selector Andrew White suggested they would supportatwo-tieridea.
“Ithinkitiscryingoutfor thattobebrutallyhonest,”he said.
“The gulf between Afghanistanandourselvesto England,IndiaandAustralia ismassiveatTestlevel.
“We want to give the players a chance to play and improveandforthosegames tohavesomecontext.
“If you had a two-tier Test Championship it would give the guys something to gettheirteethinto.”
Sahadeo Hardaiow and Vick Mahabeer took the best batter and bowler prizes when the Everest Masters team held its annual awards ceremony recently at the club’s pavilion.
Everest Masters were involved in a number of competitions, friendly matches in and out of Georgetown and also toured Curacao for a three-match series, which they won, during the year 2024.
The team, with assistance from a number of businesses, rendered assistancetooutlyingcommunities withcricketequipment.
During the ceremony which was attended by Hon. Speaker of the National Assembly and president of the club, Manzoor Nadir,sponsorsandmembersofthe team among others, Hardaiow copped the best batter prize for the secondconsecutiveyear Hescored a total of 501 runs, in the 2024 season,withahighestscoreof101 andalsomadea98.
Mahabeer also won the best bowler prize for the second consecutive year He bagged 25 wickets,inthe2024seasonandtwo 5-wickethauls,withabestof5for 12.
Former West Indies opener Ryan Ramdass was rewarded for hisoutstandingperformanceduring the year He scored a total of 356 runs, and was the only player to registertwocenturiesfortheseason with both being undefeated - his
highest was 110 not out. He was also captain of one of the teams in Barbados for the WI master’s tournament in November 2024, leading his team to Championship honors.
Wicket-keeper Fazal Khan picked up a prize for his outstandingglovework.
Captain of the team, Rajesh Singhgaveareviewoftheyearand extended best wishes to all members and their families. He added that the team is looking forwardtoasuccessful2025season and extended gratitude to their sponsors.
President of the club Nadir
congratulated the masters team for an outstanding year and stated that they have been working feverishly for the development of sport at the club.
The club now has an indoor practice facility named after West I
Chanderpaul and a newly
Improvements were also made to theparkinglot.
The team would like to thank Trophy Stall, Praim Boodhram, NewDoctorsClinic,3SLegacy,L. Mahabeer & Son Cambio, Dynamic Construction & Real Estate Inc., Ravin RadiatorWorks, James Welding & Fabrication Workshop, Rajace Auto Plus, Thompson Supplies, Selena Khan,
Ramnarine, Members of Everest Masters Team, Ishwar Singh, Joe Jagmohan & International imports & Supplies, Ravi Ramcharitar, Imtiaz Sadik, Kenrick Persaud & V&J Supermarket, Veeru Singh, Basil Persaud, Fazal Khan, Bheemraj Ramkellawan, Ravin Balkaran&RavinRadiatorWorks, HafeezAli & Rockaway Group of N.Y, Raja Pooran, Vick Mahabeer, Ryan Ramdass & Dynamic Construction & Real Estate Inc., Ramesh Sunich & Trophy Stall, Freddy Ameer, Keeran Nauth & KK Service Station, Ramjit Singh, Looknauth Persaud & Kings Jewelry World, Dinar Trading, Junior Ramprasad, Prakash Balgobin, Readymix Concrete Limited, GGMC, Samba Khemraj & New Doctors Clinic, Ray Persaud & UnitecAwning, Roland Fanfare & TFR Computers & Services, Rajesh Singh and the EverestManagement&Staff. The team is planning a trip to CostaRicafromthe20thtothe25th ofFebruary
The new Westside Golf Course in Vreeden-hoop was buzzing with action over the weekend as fans and golfers came out to try theirluckatwinning$100,000cashandtoalso preview the service and amenities being offered.
Despite a pin distance of only 134 yards, the approach shot to the Island Green over water coupled with strong Atlantic breezes, provedtobetoochallengingforthegolfersto conquer,withtheclosesttothepinprizegoing toMonnafArjune.
Lots of first-time players were able to get hands-on instruction from coaches and everyone was amazed at how quickly they were able to pick up the basic fundamentals andmakegreatshots.
The Westside Golf Course’ over-water deck overlooking the lush Fairways, added to the setting which gave first time players the idealenvironmentforlearning.
GGApresidentAleemHussainsaidhewill befocusingheavilyontheprogresswhichgolf hasmadeattheacademiclevel,coupledwitha numberofhugetournamentsplannedfor2025.
FL Sport has brought joy and educational advancement to Polly’s Nursery School, a small-scale nursery that has been serving the North Ruimveldt area and environs for many decades. FL Sport achieved this by donating a television to the institution early Tuesday morning This heartfelt gesture came in response to a request from the school and aligns with the organisation’s commitment to community engagement under the umbrella of the One Guyana T10 Tapeball tournament. Head Mistress Velda Marks expressed profound gratitude to the FL Sport family, emphasizing the transformative impact of the donation. “This television will serveasacriticalresource,enhancingthe learning experience for all our students acrossvariousclasses,”shesaid.
GeoNews-ISLAMABAD:IntheirfirstvisittoPakistan in 18 years for the longer format of cricket, the West Indies teamreachedhereonMondaytoplayatwo-matchTestseries.
The team arrived in Islamabad on flight EK 612 from Dubai,priortothegamesattheMultanCricketStadiumlater thismonth.
The visitors will play a three-day practice match, beginning on January 10, against the Pakistan Shaheens as partoftheirpreparations.
Both teams met in Islamabad on January 6 and training sessionstookplaceoverthenextfewdays.OnJanuary7,the PakistaniteamstartedtrainingattheIslamabadClub.
To prepare for the series, the Caribbean team will hold intensivetrainingsessionsfortwodaysonJanuary8and9.
This tour represents a major turning point for cricket in Pakistan,asitisthefirstTestseriestheWestIndieswillplayin Pakistansincetheir2006visit.
The West Indies have visited Pakistan three times since 2018 for limited-overs matches, but this is the first longerformatseriesinalmost20years.
PakistanandtheWestIndieshaveplayed54Testmatches against each other, with Pakistan leading the head-to-head recordwith21wins.Whereas,TheWindieshavewon18Tests and15gamesendedindraws.
The last Test series between the two sides took place in 2021intheCaribbean,endingina1-1draw
West Indies Squad: Kraigg Brathwaite (captain), Alick Athanaze, Keacy Carty, Joshua Da Silva, Justin Greaves, Kavem Hodge, Tevin Imlach, Amir Jangoo, Mikyle Louis, Gudakesh Motie, Anderson Phillip, Kemar Roach, Jayden Seales,KevinSinclair,JomelWarrican.
PakistanShaheenssquad:Imam-ul-Haq(captain),Ahmed Bashir, Ahmed Safi Abdullah, Ali Zaryab, Haseebullah, HussainTalat, KashifAli, Mohammad Huraira, Mohammad Rameez Jr., Mohammad Suleman, Musa Khan, Omair Bin Yousuf,RohailNazir,andSaadKhan.
John Ramsingh of FL Sport highlighted the organisation’s dedication to fostering community connections through sports and education “The One Guyana T10 Tapeballisourflagshipevent,bringing people together through the unifying power of cricket. We’re thrilled to extend our support to Polly’s Nursery Schoolandhelpshapeabrighterfuture foritsstudents,”Ramsinghremarked.
Drawing inspiration from the school’s motto, “learning together
a brand-new television from FL Sports executive John Ramsingh (centre).
while we work and play,” Ramsingh also touched on the successful partnershipbetweenFLSportandlocal primary schools, which has led to thriving Tapeball tournaments He envisioned a promising future where some of Polly’s students could balance academics and cricket, participating in theorganization’stournamentsinafew years. “This is about securing the
As excitement builds for the next chapter of the One Guyana T10 Tapeball tournament, Ramsingh assured fans, that plans for 2025 are well underway He promised an exhilarating lineup of events, continuing to unite communities through sports while giving back to thoseinneed.
The Telegraph - The England & Wales Cricket Board will meet with
officials from the
International Cricket CouncilattheendofJanuary todiscussplansforaradical new two-tier system in Test cricket.
Richard Thompson, the chairman of the ECB, is understood to be planning a meeting with Jay Shah, the chair of the ICC, in Dubai while on his way to watch England’s white-ball tour of India.
Also present will be MikeBaird,chairofCricket
Australia, to discuss proposalsforachangetothe structureofTestcricketfrom 2027 which would involve the introduction of two divisions,ortiers,thatwould leadtothe‘bigthree’nations playing each other more often. The proposals mean the Ashes would be played twiceeverythreeyears.
the development when the news broke overnight in a reportintheMelbourneAge. Ithasanopenmindandwill awaitfurtherdetailsfromthe ICC.
If rubber-stamped the proposal would have England,IndiaandAustralia playing each other three times in a four-year cycle.
Currently they play each other twice. It comes on the backofrecordattendancesin Australiafortherecentseries againstIndia.
SirCliveLloyd:‘Iam verydisturbedaboutthis’
However, the news has sparkedmajorconcerninthe West Indies because their team are likely to be in tier two alongside Bangladesh, Afghanistan, Ireland and Zimbabwe.
“I am very disturbed about this and I’m hoping thatsomethingisdone,thatit must be stopped now,” said Sir Clive Lloyd, the legendary former West
“I’m very disappointed. We have been in ICC for nearly100years.Weareone of,ifnotthemostsuccessful Testteamovertheyears.We worked hard for what we achieved.Theeffectitwould haveiswewouldnotbeable toproducethetypeofcricket that we have over the years becausewewillbeplayingin a second tier You can only improve by playing against better opposition You cannot be playing among yourselvesinalowerleague and get up there. A better system would be to give teams the same amount of money so they can get the toolstoimprove.
“We need a special dispensation because we are islands. We cannot sustain a system with the money we haveatthemoment.Wewere the cash cows for a lot of countries over the years.We arenotaskingforsomething weshouldnotacquire.Inthe
England travel to Australia to contest the Ashes at the end of the year. (AP/Kirsty Wigglesworth)
1970swehelpedEnglandby playingcountycricket.Their cricketgotthatlift.Wearein the situation where we need helpandwecan’tgetit.That is why I say we need a little specialdispensation.”
Shah took over as chair of the ICC on December 1 from New Zealander Greg Barclayandiseagertomake his mark on the game. In
2016 a similar proposal to splitTestcricketwasrejected with India leading the opposition.Butthefinancial realities have changed and with Shah chair of the ICC and son of India’s home minister, he still holds huge swayovertheIndianboard’s directionoftravel.
Two divisions of Test cricketwillleadtoincreased
pressure for overseas rights to be pooled – countries currently negotiate their own deals for Test cricket –which will help teams like the West Indies ensure playing Test cricket is financiallyviable. Therewillalsohavetobe pressure applied on England and Australia to accept promotionandrelegation.
The Kashif and Shanghai Organisation has once again demonstrated its unparalleled ability to unite the sporting community by hosting a groundbreaking National Futsal Knockout Championship. With a history of successfully organising the country’s largest and most anticipated field footballcompetitionsduringthe1990sandearly2000s,their transitiontofutsal;afast-pacedindoorversionoffootballwas anaturalevolution.
This month-long tournament featured an impressive lineupof64men’steamsandsixwomen’steams,showcasing not only the organisation’s logistical expertise but also the growing appeal of futsal in our nation. Co-directors Kashif Muhammad and Aubrey Major collaborated with several corporatepowerhouses,includingthePresident’sOneGuyana brand,todeliveraspectaculareventthatbroughttogetherthe fiercestfutsalcompetitorsinthecountry Thenewlyrenovated Cliff Anderson Sports Hall (CASH) served as the perfect venue, with every match drawing capacity crowd and resonatingwiththecheersofpassionatefans.
From the first whistle to the final goal, the tournament offered high-octane action, camaraderie, and competitive spirit the very essence of what sports enthusiasts thrive on. Matches were played twice weekly, ensuring a manageable schedule for teams and fans alike. The Kashif and Shanghai Organisation’s meticulous planning paid off, as each game delivered thrilling moments, from pinpoint passes to gamewinningshots,allcelebratedbyavocalandengagedaudience.
TheOneGuyanaInitiative’scallfornationalunitythrough sportsblossomedduringthischampionship.Itwasheartening towitnessadiversenationcomingtogether,unitedbyashared loveforthegame.ThecrowningofSpartaBossaschampions in the men’s division and GT Kanaimas in the women’s divisionmarkedsignificantmilestonesinthehistoryoffutsal inourcountry
An equally noteworthy aspect of this tournament was its inclusivity and emphasis on gender equity By featuring women’steams,theorganiserssentapowerfulmessageabout the importance of providing equal opportunities for all athletes. This progressive step not only elevated the competition but also set a benchmark for future events, demonstrating how sports can serve as a unifying and empoweringforceinsociety
Beyondtheactiononthecourt,thechampionshipfostered communityspirit,bringingtogetherfamilies,fans,andplayers from all walks of life. The electric atmosphere at each game underscored the power of sports to build connections and strengthenbondswithinandamongcommunities.
The Kashif and Shanghai Organisation has recreated the standard for sports events in the country, earning welldeserved recognition for their vision and execution. Their effortshavenotonlyelevatedfutsalbutalsounderscoredthe transformativeroleofsportsinfosteringunity,inclusivity,and excellence. It is a call to other sporting committees and associationstofollowtheirleadandembracetheseprinciples intheirowninitiatives.
Kudos to the Kashif and Shanghai Organisation for an exceptionaljob,weeagerlyawaittheirnextventure,confident thatitwillbejustasimpactfulandinspiring.
Aglimpseofthecrowd! The event was witnessed by an enthusiastic and diverse crowd.