More than 46,000 Palestinians killed in -officialssay the Israel-Hamas war
Benn flags citizens lax approach to fire safety
EPA updates EIA scope for Exxon’s 7 project after th citizens file legal action
Chinese man missing after falling off new harbour bridge
…as Guyana recorded 21 deaths by fire in 2024 for stealing rum, cigarettes, snacks Trinidadianmancharged terms of oil contract without seeing waivers to Exxon Jagdeo-led
Home Affairs Minister, Robeson Benn joined the search and rescue team on Thursday.
Vice President, Bharrat Jagdeo
Jagdeo-led PPP supported tax waivers to Exxon without seeing terms of oil contract
Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo, on Thursday, said the People's Progressive Party (PPP) gave its support for the tax waivers to ExxonMobil in the National Assembly, although it had not seen the terms of the Production Sharing Agreement(PSA).
The VP's comments on the issue comes on the heels of a Kaieteur News article, publishedonMonday,where it was reported that former Minister of Natural Resources, Raphael Trotman, in his book, revealed that Jagdeo was briefed and would not object to the tax waivers to the company Trotman in his book stated, “Interestingly, I had been previously informed that the Leader of the Opposition had been “briefed”andwouldofferno objection, and further, that I should not elaborate too much on the specifics of the June 27 agreement (Exxon deal); except to note that it had been signed and to list some of the provisions. This adviceIfollowed.”
During his weekly press conference on Thursday, Jagdeo questioned the source that gave the former minister these instructions,
since this was not mentioned in the book. He reasoned, “Briefed by whom? Exxon? By the PNC? He didn't say who, this is Trotman saying somebody told him, a vagrant walked off the street and said to Trotman, 'You know, Jagdeo has been briefed, you don't need to give the Guyanese people thisagreement.'”
The former President continued, “You think if I had a deal with APNU, all these years, they would have mentioned it, they would've shouted from the top of their voices,takenoutads.”
Jagdeo was explicit that the Coalition brought a Motion to the National Assembly for approval, rather than a copy of the PetroleumAgreement.
A one-page Order was tabled in the House on August 2016 for affirmative action, which means the majority of Parliament can approve its passage. Jagdeo explained that the Order was i n c l u d e d o n a Supplementary Order Paper fortheday Infact,heargued that Members of Parliament (MPs) only saw the document at 7:47 that evening.
The debate subsequently commenced at 11:47 pm. To
this end, Jagdeo said two MPsfromthePPPsidespoke on the Motion, including Odinga Lumumba, who was Chair of the Natural R e s o u
According to the Hansard, the VP said Lumumba raised concerns about the Motion being tabled and passed the same night to give effect to an Agreement that the PPP had never seen. Lumumba stated according to Jagdeo quoting from the Hansard: “I am C h a i r m a n o f t h e Parliamentary Sectoral Committee on Natural Resources and I was not informed about this Motion here tonight. We cannot
carry on like this in this country...bigoilisimportant, but big oil has already shaken up the roots of many countries whether it be Nigeria, whether it be Ghana, whether it be Venezuela.”
He continued, “We have to be careful, therefore we have to work together. Informingusearlyaboutthis Motion cannot and will not allow us to say no. How can we? First of all you have a one-seat majority, secondly, we have been supportive of oil exploration and developmentforanumberof years...what is the problem? Why is there this secrecy? It makesusfeelfunny.”
Why the PPP supported theMotion
Meanwhile, Jagdeo told reporters that the PPP were given the false impression that the terms of the oil deal had been improved He noted, “(Former Finance Minister Winston) Jordan said in his presentation they are strengthening the benefits. We did not see an agreement. We asked to see theagreement.
T h e y s i g n e d t h e agreement in June of the year, they brought an order for affirmative action to rush through one night to give effect to the agreement and the benefits but nobody saw the agreement until a year andahalfafter.”
Instead, the VP stated, “Trotman cleverly created theimpressionthatitwasthe
1999 Agreement signed by Janet Jagan that we didn't bring this enabling order under the Petroleum Act of 1986andJordanspokeabout strengthening the benefits for the people of the country in an agreement we have not seen.”
Although they had not seen the agreement, Jagdeo said the PPP wanted to support the growth of the industrysoitgaveitssupport totheMotion.
He explained, “We were inthesector,weworkedvery hard to get the oil industry going in Guyana -from seekingoutpeopletoputinto this industry for years, exploration - when nobody wanted to do so, to the entire period when we had a force majeure, we solved a border issue to get people to come back.”
Jagdeo added, “We are not the PNC, we don't… because they are in government, we have to run down we are toldhereatthislatehourthat they have strengthened the agreement-fiscal terms- we raised the concerns but they didn't need our support to passtheMotion.
All they needed was to vote.Ourvotedidnotmakea difference.”
EPA updates EIA scope for Exxon's 7th project after citizens file legal action
The Environmental ProtectionAgency (EPA) on Thursday, announced that it has amended the Terms and Scope for ExxonMobil's s e v e n t h p r o j e c tHammerhead - following a legal suit filed by two Guyaneseonthematter
It said the Terms and Scope (T&S) was updated to specifically include Scope 3 emissions, following further feedback from stakeholders.
In December 2024, Kaieteur News reported that two citizens filed legal action against the EPAfor failing to ensure the impacts from the planned development is properlyassessed.
A t t o r n e y s - a t - l a w MelindaJanki,TimPrudhoe, Anna-Kay Brown and Suzanne Bullen are representing the plaintiffs, Wintress Morris and Joy Marcus. In a statement, the citizens explained that the EPA issued a Terms of Reference (TOR) for the H a m m e r h e a d Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) which does not take into account theimpactofgreenhousegas pollution from burning the associated oil and gas from theproposeddevelopment. They pointed out that the oil/gas will be burned from the project. To this end, the EPA has a duty to assess the impacts of that pollution in line with the requirements of t h e E n v i r o n m e n t a l Protection Act. If this is not done, a proper decision could not be made about Hammerhead.
The citizens argued, “As citizens of Guyana, every one of us has a right to know how this Hammerhead pollution will affect us and our families. What harm will pollution do to our
Executive Director of the EPA, Kemraj
children? What harm will it do to our fisherfolk? What harm will pollution do to the elderly and the vulnerable in our society? What will it do totheclimateandtheocean? Wedemandanswers.”
According to Morris and Marcus, their lawyer, Melinda Janki had written several letters to the Executive Director of the Agency, Kemraj Parsram, reminding him that the TOR for the Hammerhead EIA must identify, describe and evaluate the direct and indirect effects of the project. They noted their disappointment that the Executive Director ignored their lawyer's letters and did not correct the terms of referencefortheEIA. In its statement on Thursday however, the EPA explained that the T&S had previously included direct and indirect impacts to be considered in the conduct of the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), which
intended to cover all plausible potential impacts, not limited to Scope 1 and Scope2emissions.
“However, following feedback from stakeholders and further examination by EPAstechnicalstaff,Scope3 e m i s s i o n s a r e n o w specifically included to provide greater clarity This is with respect to the application by Esso Exploration and Production Guyana Limited (EEPGL) f o r e n v i r o n m e n t a l authorisation for the Hammerhead project, situated in the Stabroek Block, Offshore Guyana,” theagencysaid.
K a i e t e u r N e w s understands that the citizens will be proceeding with the legalchallenge.
Former Minister of Natural Resources, Raphael Trotman
Guyanese have a choice: continue trying to get any clarityontheWalesgas-to-energy(GTE)projectoutofthe PPP/CGovernment,orrun-upthewhiteflagandsurrender tothegamesbeingplayedbyitsseniorofficials.
Becauseofthehistoryofthispublication,andthevital importanceoftheoilandgassectortoGuyana,surrenderis not,neveris,anoption. Still,therecanonlybepresenting ourheavydisappointmentatwhatisbeingsharedwiththe public on the most expensive project to date in this country’shistory Puttingakindexpressiononit,whatthe PPP/C Government has shared so far represents nothing butaslewofflimsyandamateurishexcuses.
To be truly critical, the nation has been treated to nothing but a litany of deceptions and a string of distractions. Whenever the government and its top spokespeople do offer something on the GTE project (underpromptingalmostallthetime),abiggervoidisleft. Therearemorequestionsdeveloping,addingtothelistof thosehangingunanswered.
ThefirstmysteryabouttheWalesGTEprojectishow much this massive three-in-one scheme is going to cost Guyanese. The second mystery concerns the basis for rushingaheadwiththeproject. Itishelpfultohearthatthis WalesGTEwillbeaboontoenergy-starvedGuyanese,but thatdoesn’tsaymuch;thisisfarfromacceptable.
Guyanese have been told repeatedly that electricity will be cheaper, reduced by as much as half of what a kilowattofenergycurrentlycosts. Further,thenationhas beenreassuredtimeandagainthatonceallthreeaspectsof the GTE are completed, there will be a reliable supply of electricity, and blackouts will no longer be a part of Guyanese life. All of this is encouraging, but represents thesoothingassurancesofpoliticianswhohavefailedthis country countless times. What is required is the documents for the project to be laid in Parliament for a start,andthenbeforethemedia,sothatGuyanesecansee, know,andjudgeforthemselveswhattheyaregetting.
IsthisWalesGTEreallygoingtocostUS$2B,oristhat a‘ballpark’figure,anoptimisticone? Ifitismore,thenby how much, and at what point does this project stop being feasible,isn’tworththeexpenditureoftimeandenergy? It was the Opposition PNC/R that recently raised a reasonablequestion.IfthefinalcostoftheGTEprojectis still unknown at this advanced state of plans and arrangements,thenonwhatgroundscoulditbestillsaidto befeasible? RelativetotheGTE’sfeasibility,documents had to be submitted to the US EXIM bank to facilitate processingoftheUS$527Mloanrecentlyapproved. What about the documents that have been promised by the governmenttobelaidinParliament? SomeoftheEXIM bank documents could be part of the package to Parliament. So, why is this not happening, despite repeated commitments by senior people in the PPP/C Government?
The record to date is that at different times, different people in the government have promised to present documents related to the Wales GTE, but have not delivered. Worsestill,itisanexerciseindisbelieftowatch menofstatureinthegovernmenthopfromonefoottothe other in their efforts either to shift the responsibility to a colleague,ortobuytime. Astheypawattheairinthehope ofcomingupwithaconvincingreasonregardingwhythe documents are not being delivered, common sense indicates that something is amiss. Whatever it is, both Prime Minister Mark Phillips andVice President Bharrat Jagdeopresentamostcuriouspictureviz.,ofnervousmen with some secret to hide. It is shocking that the two government leaders whose fingerprints are most closely associatedwiththeWalesGTEarenowforcedtoresortto dodging,shifting,andgoingaroundincircles. Coulditbe thatthedocumentsintheirpossessioncontradictwhatthey havebeensayinginpublic? Themasqueradehasgoneon toolong. PMPhillipsandVPJagdeohavebeenrunning. Theyarerunningoutoftimeandplacestohide.
, The Guyana Elections Commission has taken note of the contents of two (2) letters authored by R Williams and published in theKaieteurNewsonthe7th and 8th January, 2025 respectively
published under the caption, “Partisan Appointments Threaten Electoral Integrity at GECOM,” the writer has accused the government nominated Commissioners and the Chairperson of the
ClaudetteSinghofcolluding and exhibiting partisan bias
particular,theChiefElection Officer, the Deputy Chief
Assistant Chief Election Officer, Logistics Manager and the Civic and Voter EducationManager
concluded that with those appointments, GECOM cannot be trusted for the 2025elections.Again,onthe 8thJanuary,2025,thewriter reiteratedthedisinformation
management staff were always supported by the government-nominated Commissioners and the Chairperson.
This time, R. Williams even went further to accuse the GECOM Chairperson of always supporting the
position of the Chief Election Officer (CEO) who was a candidate backed by the government nominated Commissioners.
From all indications, it appears as though the writer’s sole agenda was to narrate unsubstantiated accusations with the objective to undermine the confidence in the operations of GECOM and to deter participation in the electoral process.
While, the Commission is fully aware that a misinformation and disinformation campaign is ongoing regarding the upcoming General and Regional Elections, GECOM will not allow the propagation of falsehoods aboutitsstructureandwork.
I n t h i s r e g a r d , notwithstanding that
GECOM has previously addressed accusations similar to those raised by R. Williamsseveraltimesinthe public domain, having perused the contents in the lettersinthenewspapers,the Commission finds it necessary to strongly condemn and dismiss those unfounded accusations that are solely intended to be detrimental, particularly where it is evident that the thrust is to demonstrate that “GECOM has never been able to rise above corruption” and that GECOM will rig the 2025 elections.
In relation to GECOM’s
hiring practice, it must be noted that the process is highly objective and transparent. Vacancies are advertised and all Commissionersaregiventhe opportunity to shortlist suitable candidates from the applications received in accordance with the set criteria. The separate lists s u b m i t t e d b y Commissioners are combinedandinterviewsare conducted to determine the best suitable candidate from among those shortlisted for each post. In most cases, different candidates were preferredbythegovernment and opposition nominated Commissioners thereby r e s u l t i n g i n t i e s . Consequently, leaving it to the Chairman, in her deliberate judgement to proffer a conclusive decision.
It is also necessary to clarify that although the outcome may not have always met the expectations of some Commissioners, there is no evidence to suggest that the hiring processes led by the current Chairman was not highly objective and transparent. The Chairman of the Commission has explained on numerous occasions that her decisions are neutral, basedonconsiderationofthe applicablecriteriaandinthe best interest of the organisation. Important to note is the fact that the operations of GECOM are
effectively managed by a competent team of professionals who continue to deliver quality work of a highstandardandforanyone to suggest otherwise is unscrupulous, mischievous and intentionally trying to tarnish the integrity of those persons and by extension, theCommission.
Further, since the letter writer has established a correlation between the appointments of key staff and a plan to rig the 2025 elections, it is of utmost importance for GECOM to strongly condemn this level of disinformation that can potentiallycauseharmtokey management staff at GECOMandtheintegrityof Commission.
GECOM takes this opportunity to assure all stakeholders that it will deliverfree,fair,transparent and credible elections and that they should guard against persons whose sole intention is to undermine their trust and confidence in theCommission.
Inviewoftheforegoing, GECOM takes the opportunity to emphatically remind all stakeholders that itwillcontinuetoexecuteits constitutional mandate and guarantee the delivery of free, fair, transparent and credibleelections.
Regards, Ms.YolandaWard PublicRelationsOfficer
Guyana Elections Commission
Reducing poverty in Guyana
, Absolute poverty is measured by determining a household’s ability to cover basic needs such as food, clothing and shelter Once the annual cost of the basics isdeterminedinGuyana,the government can set a minimum wage for the country. Hopefully this will beoutlinedinthenearfuture by the government of Guyana.
This figure will then impactthecostoflabourfor every sector In order to maintaintheviabilityofeach sector, the government with the aid of the private sector, must determine what it will take for each sector to remain competitive and profitable. If we take the sugar industry as an example, there is currently an opportunity to address this issue.Thisexercise will lead to the need for the identification of markets where demand has supply shortfallsoverthelongterm.
Once the markets are identified, it is then necessary for the government to develop its tradepolicies,establishtrade agreements and work on opening up markets for our country’s products and services. This exercise usually leads to the need for value-added products and services to cover the minimum cost of goods, which is directly impacted by the minimum labour bill thathasbeenplacedonevery sector due to the minimum wagerequirements. To help reduce cost and maintain competitiveness, the government must also undertake initiatives that reduce the cost of inputs such as energy, water and transportation. In addition, as the entry into markets for value-added products and servicesoccurs,theneedfor added skill development in theworkforceincreases.The government must also supportthisbyensuringthat
the education system is adequately developed in the areas of increasing demand wherefocuswillbeplaced.
To also maintain competitiveness in these markets where we choose to compete,itisessentialthatthe services needed to attract and retaintalentareinplace.This includesthehealthsectorand areassuchaslawandorderand firesafety.Thismeansthatthe governmentmustalsodevelop theseservicestoalevelthatis competitive with the other countries that are competing forthesametalent Allofthis must be done at a reasonable cost, where the minimum wage is maintained at a level that keeps pace with inflation and the cost of additional services needed, and sector viability and competitiveness issustainable
Many countries have approachedtheopportunityto reducepovertyinavarietyof ways, but at the core of the solutionaretheresourcesthata country has and the market needs for what they can do with those resources Given Guyana’scurrentsizeandthe limited resources available, especially our Human Resources,CRGrecommends that we focus our efforts on markets for value-added productsandservicesthatare safe for people and the environment where low volume and high profitability canbeachieved. Competing in a safe market will help us reduce the risk exposure that some oftheleadingeconomiesare experiencing.Theeconomic wealth obtained at the individual level becomes vulnerable when medical and healthcare costs increase.Therefore,wemust choose wisely where we decidetofocusourcountry’s development in order to maintain the health and prosperity of our citizens while also eliminating poverty
Bestregards, Mr JamilChanglee
Guyana has made remarkable progress under PresidentAli, PM Phillips and VPJagdeo
DEAREDITOR, It can be said that Guyanaanditscitizenshave ended the year with a positive outlook for future developmental projects throughout the ten regions and the numerous villages and districts within the country
S u c h m a s s i v e development projects including the construction of new roads, bridges,
schools, bur most importantly, the installation of new and larger pump stations which are meant to prevent or reduce flooding ofcashcrops,ricelandsand properties To his credit, t h e s e m a s s i v e developments could not have been achieved without his skilful, stout, brave and ingenious leadership of President Dr Ali, which is second to none in Guyana, the Caribbean, Latin Americaandelsewhere.
In his New Year’s message to the nation, His Excellency, Dr Irfaan Ali not only acknowledged the s u c c e s s o f t h e s e developmentalprojects,but
he also outlined his government’splantoinvest billionsofdollarsin2025in the construction of houses, roads and bridges not to mention in human development
Against this backdrop, and in an impromptu visit to Region Ten in Linden, President Dr Ali reiterated that since he took office in 2020, his government has invested almost $6 billion in housing in the various communities in Linden, and promised that such large-scale investment will continue in the region in 2025 and beyond
The President told the residents of Linden that during the last four and a
half years, a whopping $96 billion was expended toenhanceandmodernize t h e r e g i o n ’ s infrastructure, which includes the Linden to Mabura Road and the L i n d e n S o e s d y k e highway,amongothers
It is true that President Dr Ali’s government has invested more in the Linden communities than any other government in thehistoryofGuyana
Guyana’sheadofstate, Dr Ali, highlighted several transformational projects and initiatives that are expected to completein2025
Among them are the gas-to-energy project, the new Demerara River Bridge, six new regional hospitalsandtwostate-ofthe-art nursing schools, the construction of a new ultramodern bridge across the Berbice River, the Wismar Bridge, the wideningoftheCorentyne Highway, and the building of the Corentyne River Bridge between Guyana
and Suriname - which is a joint venture between the twocountries
These ongoing projects will boost the country’s development, improve its image and the lives of the people and move it from a Third World (Global South) status to a First World (GlobalNorth)nation.
More pointedly,
President Dr Ali in his new year’s messa
opportunities and a more unified and inclusive Guyanese society which forms the basis for his “One Guyana Initiative ”
The president noted that one such prospect is
through free and fair elections and that each citizen has the power to
Guyana’s democracy in 2025
According to the President, democracy is the foundation for a just, impartial and inclusive society and it must be p
regardless of political persuasion, ethnicity or religiousbeliefs
He did not minced words when he candidly andexplicitlycalledonall the l
ders-political, religious and social-to be true to themselves and embrace and affirm their commitment to free and fairelectionsandavibrant democratic process to show the world that Guyana’s democracy is not only resilient but also durableandeternal
Despite the high cost of living during the last two years, Guyana has made remarkable progress under the outstanding, judicious and clever leadershipofPresidentDr Irfaan Ali, Prime Minister Brigadier Mark Phillips and Vice President Dr Bharat Jagdeo, who did not yield to the enormous pressuresbothfrominand out of the country Simply put, they stood their ground
As a saociety, we must address the plight of sexual assault victims
DEAREDITOR, The pain and trauma caused by sexual assault never truly go away For manyvictims,thejourneyto justice is fraught with obstacles, from deeply entrenched systemic issues tosocietalstigma.
In sexual assault cases, 99 per cent of the outcome depends on a thorough and u n b i a s e d p o l i c e investigation.
Without strong evidence gathered by competent investigators, prosecutors areleftwithlittletopersuade a jury to convi
perpetrators. Unfortunately, in Guyana, victims often face an alarming reality: there are no independent investigative bodies to turn
compromised—whether by
corruption—victims are left
Thepolicearenotableto d
ons To compoundtheissue,victims are frequently pressured by law enforcement to settle cases financially. Such settlements often serve the interests of the police, as they reduce workload and absolve investigators of responsibilityifaconviction failsincourt.
This practice prioritizes convenience over justice, leaving victims feeling betrayed by the very system meanttoprotectthem.
The odds are stacked against victims, especially when their voices are silencedortheircases
The promise of progress and prosperity has remained a distant dream for many
DEARSIR/MADAM, Thank you for the opportunity to publish this missive in your daily publication. For decades, Guyana’s political stage has been dominated by a monotonous cycle of power between two parties: the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) and A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) Like an
endless, unchanging script, these two parties have monopolized the narrative, leaving Guyanese citizens f e e l i n g h o p e l e s s , discouraged, disillusioned, and trapped in a system that has failed to serve their interests.
The promise of progress andprosperityhasremained a distant dream for many Corruption,favouritism,and
self-serving leadership have eroded trust in governance, leavinganationburdenedby poverty and discontent Despitebeinginthemidstof an oil boom, touted as a game-changer for the economy, the majority of Guyanesepeoplestruggleto make ends meet. Numerous
grasping at straws, poverty has increased, healthcare is degrading and the overall standard of living continues toplummet.Thisparadoxof wealth amid widespread
indictment of the current politicaladministration.
The PPP/C, under the enduring influence of BharratJagdeo,hascometo symbolize stagnation and a refusal to relinquish power In many parts of the world, democratic norms demand that politicians step aside afterlengthytenurestomake way for new leadership and fresh ideas. But in Guyana, Jagdeo’s hold on power
persists, casting a shadow over the nation’s potential for progress. His actions reflect a leader more interested in personal aggrandizement than in fostering a dynamic and inclus
One of the most blatant displaysofpoliticalbetrayal is the treatment of the Mohamedfamily Foryears, the Mohameds have been pillars of support for the PPP/C, funding campaigns and contributing to the p
’s rise Nazar Mohamed, a self-made man from Essequibo, has dedicated his life to serving his community, while his family has consistently supported charitable and educational initiatives Despite their unwavering support, the PPP/C turned against them, publicly tarnishing their name and disregarding their contributions.
Yet amidst this turmoil,
Azruddin Mohamed has emergedasabeaconofhope for Guyana Azruddin is more than just the son of a successful businessman; he is the embodiment of the values instilled by his parents integrity, compassion, and a deep commitment to the Guyanese people His mother, Bonita Mohamed, rose from poverty to build a life of purpose, instilling in her children the importance of humility and service
Azruddin’s wife, too, has quietly supported orphanages and charitable causes, exemplifying the family’s dedication to uplifting those in need
Raisingadisabledchildwith l
M o h a m e d ’
v e demonstrated resilience and humanity, qualities sorely lacking in today’s political leadership.
The government’s attempts to discredit Azruddin through smear campaigns and threats have only highlighted their desperation. Jagdeo’s open threatsagainstAzruddinand other potential candidates revealtherulingparty’sfear of genuine competition These actions are not only undemocratic but also indicative of a political culture unwilling to evolve. In stark contrast, Azruddin remains calm, composed, and resolute, refusing to
engage in mudslinging. His focus remains on bridging divides and addressing the pressingneedsofthepeople.
Despite the odds, Azruddin has managed to galvanize support across racial and religious lines—a remarkable feat in a nation often divided by these factors. The recent social media poll, orchestrated by the PPP/C to showcase their dominance, backfired spectacularly Despite their besteffortstomanipulatethe outcome, including creating fake accounts and mobilizing supporters, Azruddin emerged as the people’schoice.Thisvictory was not just a win for Azruddin but a resounding rejectionofthestatusquo.
The time for change is now The people of Guyana aretiredofrecycledleaders, empty promises, and rampant corruption. They are tired of a system that prioritizes the interests of a select few over the wellbeing of the many They are tired of watching their tax dollars disappear into the pockets of corrupt officials while they struggle to survive in a country brimmingwithpotential.
The PPP/C’s shady dealings, including questionable contracts and nepotistic practices, have only deepened the people’s frustration.Howcananation prosper when its leaders are more concerned with enriching themselves and their allies than with addressingtheneedsoftheir citizens?Howcanprogress
As a saociety, we must address...
Frompage05 dismissed due to systemic corruption. Sexual assault n o t o n l y c a u s e s unimaginable physical and emotional harm but also bringsshameanddisgraceto victims a burden they shouldneverhavetocarry.
As a society, we must demand accountability from our institutions. There must beindependentinvestigative bodies to handle sensitive cases like sexual assault, ensuring fairness and integrity Victims deserve justice, not coerced settlements or silence. Their pain must not be minimized ortrivializedbyasystem Regards, (Nameprovided)
Benn flags citizens lax approach to fire safety
…as Guyana recorded 21 deaths by fire in 2024
Mi n i s t e r o f
Home Affairs, R o b e s o n Benn, expressed concern over the public's response to potential fire hazards, particularly regarding the lack of fire safety awareness andthefailuretoutilisebasic firefightingtools.
His comments came on Wednesday during the handover of forty Rapid Intervention Vehicles to the Guyana Fire Service (GFS) and the commissioning of the GFS's new headquarters onHomestretchAvenue.
In his address, Minister Benn noted that while the GFS had recently received
vehicles to enhance firefighting and rescue capabilities, several persistent issues remain One significant concern he raised was the failure of
citizens to adequately prioritisefiresafetyathomes and in businesses. He highlighted troubling incidents such as children being left unattended with access to matches and lighters, which can lead to devastatingconsequences.
"The question of fire alarms,smokealarms.
The question of even in buildings having sprinkler systems for large businesses because we still have situation where people may have invested millions and billions in businesses but they don't have a fire extinguisher, a fire bucket, a sprinkler system, a hose leading from a tank to the firstresponders…”
Benn also discussed the challenges caused by the carelessandmalicioususeof fire. He pointed out the danger of false fire calls, which drain resources and hinder the fire service's ability to respond to real emergencies. "We still have the challenges of careless
use of fire but we also have the malicious use of fire settingoffiresandalsoarson which we have to respond to andtherearealsofirecallsof malicious nature," he explained.
“It drains away your energywhenyouresponding tosomebodycryingwolfand there is no wolf and when thereisarealwolfyoumight not be in a position to respond to the wolf having been flocked up with malicious calls during the day."
Additionally, the minister emphasised the need for more responsibility when it comes to reporting fire-related accidents, particularly by bystanders whofilmvictims.
He stated, "EMT's have had to work to recover people from vehicles which are damaged or burning and also to put the issues relating to accidents, the proper handling and recovering of persons who have been perished on the roads in accidents in a better position that they are properly covered and that they are better handled and we don't want to have people walking at them with their cell phone and posting them on social media."
In addressing these challenges, Benn reiterated that the GFS is working on improvingitsresponsetimes and efficiency "We are building faster and more efficient response systems. We have put in place a monitoring room with cameras and GPS tracking for vehicles, ensuring they are properly maintained and managed,"hesaid."
In a separate briefing, GFS Fire Chief Gregory Wickham disclosed that there were 21 fire-related deaths recorded in 2024, a decrease from the 46 deaths reportedin2023.
He attributed many of t h e s e f a t a l i t i e s t o maliciously set fires and incidents where victims were trapped inside burning buildings.
Three-year-old Amanie Abrahams who died in the Albouystown fire
On December 30, 2024, three-year-old Amanie Abrahams tragically died in a fire at his home in Albouystown. Her mother had left the children home alone when the fire broke out. The two older children ranoutofthehousewhenthe fire started, but due to the intense heat, Amanie was left behind in the bedroom. The fire service arrived but could not save the young child, whose remains were found burnt beyond recognition.
Another tragic fire occurred on November 12, 2024,inCorentyne,Berbice, when Hemwatie Singh and her four children perished in a blaze that was suspected to have been maliciously set. The fire started in a car parked below the house and spread rapidly, trapping the family inside while they slept.
“There were persons trapped in entire buildings due to fires. Some of the causes were directly or maliciously related, and some misuse of electrical or cooking appliances, " Wickhamsaid.
Last year, there were reports of fires that were maliciously set, and caused by children playing with matches and lighters which resultedinsomedeaths.
Earlier in the year, a fire in East Coast Demerara claimed the life of threemonth-old Leroy Archer, who was asleep in his home when the blaze broke out in July
These devastating incidents underscore the urgent need for improved fire safety awareness and responsesystemsinGuyana.
Minister of Home Affairs, Robeson Benn
The victims, Hemwatie Singh, and her children, Kelvin Ramjattan, Brandon Ramjattan, Cindy Ramjattan, and Tomesh Ramjattan.
The unconscionable terms of the PSA establish a case for renegotiation
The Production Sharing Agreement(PSA)governing Guyana’s oil resources has drawnseverecriticismforits inequitable provisions, whichprioritisetheinterests of oil companies over the welfare of the Guyanese people. These terms are not only morally questionable
b u t a l s o l e g a l l y challengeable under the d o c t r i n e o f unconscionability
When the terms of a contractaresoone-sidedand oppressive that they shock
the conscience of a reasonable observer, they demand scrutiny and, if necessary, renegotiation
The current PSA is a textbookexampleofsuchan agreement, and there exists both a legal and moral imperative to rectify its terms.
The doctrine of unconscionability in contract law provides a robust foundation for challenging agreements that aregrosslyunfair Rootedin principles of equity and fairness, this doctrine ensures that no party is subjected to undue hardship or exploitation due to oppressive contractual terms. Contracts that meet
t h e c r i t e r i a f o r unconscionability marked by extreme inequality in bargaining power, lack of informed consent, or overly harsh terms can be invalidatedorrevised.
In the case of the PSA, the provisions are glaringly lopsided. The agreement grants the oil companies
substantial tax concessions, mandates paltry royalty payments, and lacks a ringfencing mechanism to prevent cost-recovery abuses These provisions deprive Guyana of its rightful share of oil
revenues, creating a situation where the nation bears the costs while the oil companiesreapthebenefits. Such an arrangement is not merely unfair; it is exploitative and shocks the conscience.
The legal framework governingcontractsisclear: no party should be unduly advantagedattheexpenseof another The imbalance in the PSA violates this principle and calls for immediate renegotiation Courts worldwide have upheld the principle that unconscionable contracts are subject to revision or nullification.Guyana’slegal system, guided by similar principles, has the authority t o d e e m t h e P S A unconscionable and facilitatearenegotiation.
One of the arguments often cited against renegotiation is the stability clause in the PSA, which ostensiblyprotectstheterms ofthecontractfromarbitrary changes However, this clause does not prohibit renegotiation; rather, it ensures that changes to the agreement are consensual andnotunilaterallyimposed by one party The stability clauseisasafeguardagainst arbitrary amendments, not a barriertorenegotiation.
In practice, stability
clauses are common in international contracts to reassure investors of predictable operating environments However, they are not absolute Numerous precedents demonstrate that such clauses can be revisited when th
lying agreement is proven to be grossly unfair or when circumstances change significantly The right to renegotiateisinherentinany contractual relationship, particularly when one party’s interests are disproportionately affected bytheexistingterms.
The unconscionable natureofthePSAprovidesa compelling basis for renegotiation. The principle of pacta sunt servanda (“agreementsmustbekept”) is not absolute and must be
principles of equity and fairness. Stability clauses cannot be weaponized to perpetuateinjusticeorshield exploitative agreements fromscrutiny
Tograsptheextentofthe PSA’s inequity, one must e
provisions First, the agreement’staxconcessions effectively absolve the oil c o m p a n i e s f r o m contributing to the national treasury While Guyanese citizensandlocalbusinesses shoulder their tax burdens,
exemptions that undermine thecountry’sfiscalstability
Second, the royalty paymentsunderthePSAare
We gat new signs fuh tell we how fast we going but none to tell we where we going!
Amanwasdrivingthroughabackroad inGuyana,speedinglikeheowntheplace, when a police officer stop he. The officer seh,“Bossman,Iclockyoudoing80miles perhour.”
The driver smile slick-slick and seh, “Officer,yuhradargunneedfixing,man.I had this car steady at 60 using my cruise control.”
Beforetheofficercouldanswer,theman lil daughter, who was in the back seat playing with her tablet, chirp up, “Daddy, yuh know this car don’t even have cruise control!”
The officer start writing the ticket, and themanleanoverandgrowl,“Lilgirl,hush yuhmouthnah!”
The officer stop and look up, “Radar detector? Illegal in these parts!” He start
a mere two per cent—an embarrassingly low figure compared to global standards. Countries with comparable oil resources negotiate royalties ranging from 10 to 20 per cent, ensuring a more equitable share of the profits Guyana’s royalty rate is a glaring anomaly, reflecting the agreement’s deeply flawednature.
Third, the absence of ring-fencing provisions allows oil companies to o
unprofitableprojectsagainst revenues from profitable
Guyana’sshareoftheprofits and incentivizes reckless sp
l companies.Thelackofringfencing exacerbates the imbalance,furtherdepriving Guyana of its rightful benefits.
Whiletheagreementwas signed under the previous administration, the current
responsibility to act in the national interest The argument that renegotiation
successfully renegotiated
contracts with multinational
confidence. What matters most to investors is the predictability of the legal
perpetuation of exploitative agreements.
(The views expressed in this article are those of the
necessarily reflect the opinionofthisnewspaper.)
writing another ticket. The man turn back and whisper fierce, “If yuh don’t stop talking,yuhain’tgettingnoicecream!”
Theofficerpeepinthecaragainandseh, “AndInoticeyuhain’tgotonyuhseatbelt. That’s another fine.”The man quick-quick seh, “Officer, I had it on, but I tek it off to reachformelicence.”
Theofficerstartwritingthethirdticket, and the man was vex now He bawl, “Yuh don’tknowwhentostoptalking?!”
The officer bend down and ask the lil girl, “Does yuh daddy always talk to yuh likethis?”
Sheblinkinnocentandseh,“Nah,Uncle Officer, only when he drink too much Guinness.” Talkhalf.Leffhalf
Renegotiation - the latest Guyanese curse
Tireless national rescue worker Christopher Ram, Esq, ACCA, has attracted slings and arrows; plus, broadsides and blindsides from left, right, and centre, from high and low Whew!
Thegoodnewsisthat Live in Guyana remains leashed Imagine renegotiation causing Guyanese to attack one another viciously over an instrument that all had agreedwasandisthoroughly anti-Guyana. I begin with thePNC.
Where does the simple word RENEGOTIATION appear anywhere in its public presentations, positions, releases, strategy papers, white papers, blue papers? Renegotiation, the word only, is so shrunk from by the PNC that it belongs in the category of grey literature. Grey as in grim and hazy About a hundred years ago, US President WoodrowWilsonhadhis14point plan for a new world order Today, the PNC came
upwith20foranewGuyana oil order God Himself has Ten Commandments to keep law and order; the PNC has 20 to manage the local oil sector
Though twice as long, nowhere does the word renegotiation appears Since when has the word renegotiation degraded to a nationaldisgrace?
For its part, a switch was turned on at government heights, and Ram's head became fair game. Why the
morbid fear? Loss of power? At least, get somethingforGuyanese. At least try; governments run countries, not companies Today, oil, political loyalty, dollars present Guyanese with an exhibition of the e x t r a o r d i n a r y : n e w gradations of prostrations. Proper references cloak the obscene nature of such activity
If today, scripture can be found to rationalize not renegotiating the Exxon contract, then what tomorrow?
Some more skilful weaving of words to justify total national surrender? Some twisted interpretation to perpetuate a patented corporate evil? Indeed, there were Americans who had impressive arguments and rhetoric to justify slavery It's why I like those old English kings. For all theirflaws,theywerewilling to go on the battlefield and die. Proxies are assigned here Cumulatively, the Guyana oil story is more than a case study It is several textbooks in the m a k i n g P o l i t i c s Economics Capitalism And,Isay,TrueCrime.
G i v e n s o m e rationalizations heard, I thinkthatthereareGuyanese ready to justify Auschwitz, those who wouldn't find any evil with General Dyer or Gov Michael O'Dwyer and their roles in the Jallianwala Bagh (Amritsar) massacre. With some in the PPP and PNC, Nelson Mandela would have died in prison; they stand silent while Guyanatransformstoaslave state. It is so in patches already, isn't? Hence, a whole country sold for mere silver. It is what assaults the mind.
Iamembarrassed. Isthis the best that Guyanese are
c a p a b l e o f : kowtowing before Exxon? I remind all: the white man ha always been shredded over slavery, but there were Africans who rounded up their own and sold them for toys. In India, the British prospered becauseIndianprincesallied with them, suppresses their own,soldthemout. Guyana is well-advanced towards there, with evidence surfacing daily Some countries knowingly fight unwinnable wars, if only to slowdown overall collapse. Here there is wholesale handing over of the national patrimony, decapitating national sovereignty, without a finger lifted Boldness and badness are reserved for domestic pestilences,likeRam.
If this is what oil and the 2016 contract gut the PPP and PNC into, then what is it worth. Put this country under the microscope, and it looks like this re Exxon's contract repugnance A corpse-cold government, opposition A prostrate parliament A largely comatose civil society A deadspiritualrealm. Andan impoverished, dependent population. Collaborators proudlyliveontheirkneesin homage to Exxon's monstrosity With oil, there is no country anymore; only networks of the crawling, leeching.
Holding in abeyance momentarily that Exxon contract renegotiation provision, and provisions under General Contract law, Guyanese must have some fierce spark inside, regardless of their politics. National pride. Some driving moral imperative. Inextinguishable patriotic principle.
It says this: I cannot live
with this contract, as is. I will not rest while this contract exists in present form. I will not be able to live with myself. Here's a radical thought. Nicolas Maduro covets three quarters of Guyana. Might be worth the effort to meet with him and workout a durable peace. It may be richer for Guyana. Because Exxon drains this country of more than oil. Exxon has squeezedthemanhoodoutof Guyana'smen,reducedthem to impotent eunuchs. Some Guyanese women are fighting without let up Indomitablespiritsthatleave in awe. These fearless few, these unbowed, indicate Guyanese still has some heart. They instil pride, expose Exxon's partners Womenupstagingmen.
When a man refuses to stand for his birthright, then he isn't a man anymore. Not even mouse. I relive the history books of warring tribes who blocked, and the friendly ones who colluded, betrayed. Look at thyself, Guyana Before oil, G u y a n e s e w e r e impoverished. With oil, Guyanese have advanced past poverty of the belly to bankruptcy of the mind Character and spirit rarely feature. Iwatchasacountry self-destruct, while much must remain unsaid. Oil hastensthenationalrot. The richest people statistically are also the weakest intestinally (The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of this newspaper.)
Pres. Ali stomps Nandlall's plan to appeal $24M awarded to Quindon Bacchus' family
President Irfaan Ali has stopped Attorney General
Anil Nandlall from appealing a court award of $24M for the slaying of Quindon Bacchus by a policeman. over two years ago.
Nandlall had recently argued that the court decision, which was handed down by Justice Nigel Niles, was flawed and that the government would be appealingit.
However,VicePresident Bharrat Jagdeo, speaking at his press conference on Thursday, said that once the President got wind of the plan, he asked the AG to stop. “The President was made aware of the ongoing efforts by the Attorney General's Chambers and instructed that the appeal should not proceed. Instead, the compensation must be paid,”Jagdeotoldreporters.
Attorney General, Anil Nandlall
The judgment for compensation of $24M was handed down by Justice Niles in the unlawful killing case of Bacchus, who was fatally shot by a constable of the Guyana Police Force (GPF) two and a half years ago.
During the Attorney General's end-of-year press con
, S
General Nigel Hawke told the media that they felt that thejudgewentoverwherehe was supposed to go in relation to the evidence “We felt that he did not take into consideration some aspects of the evidence. So wethinkthematterisworthy of an appeal. So to set the record straight at the appellate level because remember, we are dealing
here with compensation,” Hawkesaid.
He explained that it is a l a r g e a m o u n t o f compensation and to set the record straight, the State did accepttheliability;however, there is the issue of quantum that needs to be dealt with.
“… We think the arguments in relation to quantum, some of the considerations by the judge were, in our respectful opinion, over the pail and that is why we have since appealed,”Hawkesaid.
Nandlallforhispart,said that in the assessment of compensation, judges are guided by previous awards in cases of similar circumstances Making it clear that they are not contesting liability, Nandlall said that they felt that the Police officers were in the wrong and “there was a finding to that effect, by the P o l i c e C o m p l a i n t s
Authority The DPP filed criminal charges against the offendingofficers.”
Ta k i n g t h i s i n t o consideration, “We felt it would have been wrong for the State to contest liability, so we went to the judge and
we said, 'look, the State is wrong, let us only deal with compensation.”
However, they are of the opinion that the judge entered the arena and went ahead to grant “measure of damages that were not before him, and if we are to leave that on the record, we
believethatitwouldleadtoa whole array of wrong decisions being made. For that reason, we have challengedthelegalityofthe judge's assessment of the compensation.”
On November 15, 2024, thispublicationreportedthat Justice Niles ordered the
State to pay the family of Bacchus$24Mforhiskilling back in 2022. Bacchus, a father of one, was shot dead on June 10, 2022 in Haslington, East Coast Demerara, by Police Lance C o r p o r a l K r i s t o f f DeNobrega. DeNobregahas (Continued on page 22)
Operator sanctioned for breach of ventingconsentatBuzzardfield
* Since 2022 the NSTA has imposed £825,000 in financial penalties for flaring and venting breaches
* NSTA urges operators to ensure compliancewithregulations
Trinidadian man charged for stealing rum, cigarettes, snacks
A34-year-oldTrinidadian plumber has been remanded toprisonafterpleadingguilty to a charge of simple larceny, at the Diamond/Golden Grove Magistrates' Court on Thursday
Adrian Mohammed, who is of no fixed place of abode, was accused of stealing a quantityofalcoholicandnonalcoholic beverages, cigarettes, and snacks valued at $264,400 from 28-year-old Guyanese minibus driver KevonCummings.
The incident occurred
between December 30 and 31, 2024, along the Diamond Public Road, East Bank Demerara.
Mohammed was arrested on January 6, 2025, and subsequently charged with simple larceny under Section 164 of the Criminal Law (Offences)Act,Chapter8:01.
Appearing before Magistrate Wanda Fortune, Mohammed pleaded guilty to the charge. He was remanded into custody and is scheduled to appear again on January 10, 2025,forsentencing.
*NorthSeaTransitionAuthority-A sixthNorthSeaoperatorhasbeenfined for excessive flaring or venting in the past two years as the industry regulator continues its crackdown on those who breachagreedlimits.
TheNorthSeaTransitionAuthority (NSTA) has imposed a penalty of £125,000 on CNOOC Petroleum Europe Limited for venting without consent at its Buzzard field, 60 miles north-eastofAberdeen,ontwoseparate occasionsinthespaceofafortnight.
The NSTA has now issued fines totalling £825,000 for flaring or venting consent breaches since late 2022.Itiscrucialthatlicenseescomply with regulatory obligations to show they are operating their assets responsibly and assist the UK's move towards net zero – safeguarding public andinvestorconfidenceinthesector
Flaring and venting make up about one-fifth of the UK oil and gas industry's offshore production emissions. While some flaring and venting is unavoidable for safety and
operationalreasons,moremustbedone to reduce the amount of gas being emittedviatheseprocesses.
TheNSTAhaskeptasharpfocuson this area The “OGA Plan” for emissions reduction and tougher guidance published in 2021 require licensees to seek ways of shrinking their carbon footprints, including from flaringandventing.
Italsorecentlywrotetooperatorsto warn them that from 1 January 2025, £500,000 is the new starting point for considering fines relating to breaches of flaring and venting regulations. As part of its approach, the NSTA closely scrutinises operators' flaring and venting consent applications, pushes back against requests to raise limits, and uses its sanction powers to deal withsuspectedbreaches.
On31May2022,CNOOCdetected a leak in the line which supplies fuel needed to keep the flame lit on Buzzard's flare stack. CNOOC shut off the fuel line and began venting excess gasintotheatmosphereunignited.
The company confirmed to the NSTAon1Junethatithadbreachedthe annual consent for Buzzard, only to continue venting until a fault with a generator led to production operations shuttingdownon3June.
Despitebeingfullyawarethatitdid not have a valid consent for additional
venting, CNOOC restarted production andexportactivitiesfromBuzzardon9 June, then further venting took place due to a faulty valve on the fuel gas system.CNOOCcontinuedtoproduce, andthereforevent,throughto13June.
Between 31 May and 13 June, CNOOC exceeded its annual venting limit for Buzzard by a total of 435.13 tonnesofgas.
A revised consent was granted on 14 June, bringing Buzzard back in compliance for any further venting duringtherestof2022.
The company cooperated throughout the investigation and introduced measures to prevent recurrences, including improved monitoring and a new approach to consentapplications.
Previously, CNOOC had only requested consent to vent minimal volumes of gas, as venting was uncommononBuzzard.
Jane de Lozey, NSTA Director of Regulation,said: “NorthSeaoperators have taken up the challenge of cutting flaring and venting, almost halving emissions from these processes since 2018. However, at a time when the industry is competing for investment, and its commitment to the energy transition is under intense scrutiny, it is vital that all operators remain vigilant onemissions.”
Shadow foreign secretary calls for urgent meeting to address Venezuela's latest aggression
S h a d o w F o r e i g n
Minister Amanza WaltonDesir has called for the immediate convening of the sectoral committee on foreign relations against the backdrop of Venezuela's recent threat to elect a governor for the Essequibo, which it has falsely claimed belongstoit.
Walton-Desir, in a press statement, said that she has since written to Minister of Foreign Affairs, Hugh Hilton Todd, urging him to convenethemeeting.
In her letter, WaltonDesiremphasisedthecritical importance of keeping the F o r e i g n R e l a t i o n s Committee fully briefed on the escalating situation and the measures being taken to safeguard Guyana's sovereignty and territorial integrity "It is deeply concerning that the Foreign Relations Committee, a crucial body responsible for addressing matters of national and international significance, has been convened so infrequently, especially during times of heightened tension, " Walton-Desirstated.
She added that the current circumstances demand that this committee functions effectively to ensure transparency, informed decision-making, and the confidence of the Guyanese people The
shadow foreign minister expressed dismay at the lack ofregularengagementofthe committee, despite ongoing regional and international challenges that directly impact Guyana's foreign relations. She stressed that r
consultation are essential for crafting a unified and effective response to threats
meetings undermines the role of the committee and risks leaving critical foreign policy decisions shrouded in opacity,” Walton-Desir added. "It is imperative that the committee fulfils its mandate to oversee and guide Guyana's foreign relations strategy during this criticaltime."
Walton-Desir reiterated her readiness to collaborate in addressing these urgent matters and awaits prompt action from the Minister of Foreign Affairs to facilitate the convening of the committee.
On Wednesday, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs expressed grave concern regarding Venezuela's plan, which it said constitutes clearviolationsoftheArgyle Agreement of December 14, 2023, and the binding Order of the International Court of Justice (ICJ) issued on December1,2023.
The Foreign Affairs Ministry, in a statement, notedthattheviolationofthe ArgyleAgreement,signedin the presence of regional and international interlocutors, unequivocally commits Guyana and Venezuela to refrain from escalating any conflict or disagreement arising from the territorial controversybetweenthetwo States This includes refraining from actions that could aggravate tensions or alter the current situation in the disputed territory, pending resolution in a c c o r d a n c e w i t h internationallaw
However, the ministry said the announcement by President Nicolás Maduro on January 7, 2025, regarding the election of a "Governor of the Guayana Esequiba" by "the people of Guayana Esequiba" constitutes a direct violation ofthesecommitments.
According to the ministry, this unilateral actiondisregardsthespiritof
the Argyle Agreement, undermines the agreed framework for dialogue and peaceful coexistence, and significantly escalates tensions between our nations The people of Guyana's Essequibo region are Guyanese nationals who live in Guyana's sovereign territory
The statement noted: “It wouldbeaflagrantviolation of the most fundamental principles of international law, enshrined in the UN Charter, for Venezuela to attempt to conduct an election in Guyanese territory involving the participation of Guyanese nationals.
Violation of the ICJ Order
The ICJ, in its Order dated December 1, 2023, “directed that Venezuela shall refrain from any actions that would modify thesituationprevailinginthe disputed territory, which is currently administered by Guyana The Order also emphasized that both States
must avoid actions that might aggravate or extend the dispute or make it more difficult to resolve,” the statementcontinued.
Ministry, President Maduro'sstatement,coupled with any actions to integrate the Essequibo region into Venezuela's administrative framework, including by calling for an election "by the people of Guayana Esequiba" of a governor of "
disregard for this binding Order
The Ministry noted that “Such actions not only jeopardize the judicial process but also undermine theauthorityoftheICJasthe principal judicial organ of the United Nations. Guyana reserves the right to ask the C
provisional measures in the event that Venezuela takes any steps toward conducting its so-called "election" in Guyanese territory or
Shadow Minister of ForeignAffairs, Amanza Walton-Desir
As such, Guyana urges Venezuela to immediately cease all actions that contravene the Argyle Agreement and the ICJ Orderandtorecommittothe principles of international law and peaceful dispute resolution to which it agreed atArgyle.
G u y a n a r e m a i n s prepared to engage in constructive dialogue under theagreedframeworks,butit cannot condone or accept unilateral actions that threaten its sovereignty and territorialintegrity
Jagdeo says ministers can own shares in companies, but must avoid conflict of interest
General Secretary of the People's Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) and Vice President, Dr Bharrat Jagdeo, has stated that while government ministers can hold shares in companies, they must not use their positions to influence
business decisions or contractsintheirfavour
He made these remarks during a press conference on Thursday, addressing questions about ministers' involvement in private enterprises. The questions was raised in light of
allegations made against government minister Deodat Indar, who has ties to a company operating in Guyana's oil and gas industry
When asked whether he was confident that Cabinet members were free of
conflicts of interest, Jagdeo sharedanexampleinvolving Indar who is the Minister withintheMinistryofPublic Works He recounted a discussion held when the government first assumed office during the COVID-19 period.
“At that time, [Minister Indar] had ownership of some companies in the oil and gas sector…we told him he had to disengage from those interests or he could not serve as a minister,” Jagdeo said as he disclosed thattheissuewasraisedback in2020.
Jagdeo explained that Indar requested time to consult with his family before deciding After which, Indar agreed to remove himself from the company The Vice President said, “We made it clear that you must not use yourpositionasaministerin any ministry to influence the award of contracts to you or torelatedcompanies.”
“There are many
warned, “If you make a false declaration,yougotojail.”
General Secretary of the People's Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) and Vice President Dr. Bharrat Jagdeo
ministers who owned companies before taking office…but they cannot use their influence to steer businesstothosecompanies, and they must not operate within their own sector or ministry,”Jagdeonoted.
Additionally, he noted that all officials are required to declare their financial interests and earnings annually to the Integrity Commission Jagdeo
When pressed about whether ministers beyond Indar were abiding by these rules, Jagdeo stressed that compliance with the Integrity Commission's reporting requirements is non-negotiable “Every minister and every Member of Parliament must file their Integrity Commission report byaspecificdate,”hesaid. Jagdeo added, “If they own shares in companies, whether locally or abroad, they must declare it, provided its legitimate money.”
Moreover, Jagdeo said that he does not scrutinise the personal business of his party members beyond ensuring they adhere to the established rules. “I don't look into their business if they own shares in Bank of America abroad, once they declare it, and they use their own money and legitimate money to do that, fine with me,”hesaid.
GEMS Theatre Productions to premiere
“From Whence We
Came - The Chinese Experience”
G E M S T h e a t r e Productions is set to debut the highly anticipated historical and educational drama, “From Whence We Came - The Chinese Experience” on January 11, 2025, at the National CulturalCentre.
A press statement from GEMS Theatre Productions stated that this thoughtprovoking production, which traces the journey of the Chinese community in British Guiana from their arrival to the present day, is based on extensive research byScottTing-A-Kee.
The stage adaptation is written by acclaimed playwright, novelist, and artist Harold Bascom, a winner of multiple Guyana Prizes for Literature Bascom, known for his influential work in Guyana's theatre scene during the late 80s and 90s, brings his e x p e r t i s e t o t h i s monumentalplay.
The production is directedbyAyannaWaddell, with stage management by Esther Hamer, both graduates of the National School of Theatre Arts and Drama. The talented cast of actorsportrayingkeyfigures in the Chinese experience includes Mark Kazim, May
Ann Chung, Miriam Lam, David Hackett, Nathaniel Powers, Dwayne Hackett, andmanymore.
"Findingactorstotellthe story has been the biggest c h a l l e n g e o f
m Production stated. Despite the obstacles, a diverse mix of experienced and new performers, combined with the artistry of hair and makeup professionals, ensures the story is powerfullytold.
The Chinese Experience is the first of six historical productionsin a series being staged by producer and creator Gem MadhooNascimento from 2025 to 2026. The concept for the play was conceived over 12
years ago in collaboration with Marjorie Ting-A-Kee Kirkpatrick, and its staging comes as a tribute to Mrs. Kirkpatrick's memory The production is presented in collaboration with the Chinese Embassy and the C h i n e s e B u s i n e s s Association As an educational play, 'The Chinese Experience' aims to r e m i n d t h e audience particularly youngergenerations—ofthe r i c h h i s t o r y a n d contributions of the Chinese communityinGuyana.
Free admission and publicaccess
The production is open to the public at no charge. Tickets can be collected from the National Cultural Centre box office and were available since December 27, 2024. School groups, via the Ministry of Education, will also be invited to attend. The premiere will take place on Saturday, January 11 at 20:00h, with a second performance on Sunday, January 12, at 18:00 p.m., marking the anniversary of the Chinese arrival in Guyana. A special school show will be held on Monday, January 13, at 9:30h.
Gem Madhoo Nascimento
Officials of the Private Sector Commission and PPP General Secretary, Bharrat Jagdeo following their meeting
PSC meets Jagdeo, others on upcoming elections
The Private Sector Commission (PSC) on Wednesday, met with officials of the People's Progressive Party Civic (PPP/C), to deliberate on key issues related to the upcoming General and RegionalElectionsin2025.
The meeting, held at the PSC Boardroom, reaffirmed t h e C o m m i s s i o n ' s commitment to supporting a free, fair, transparent, and timely electoral process, integral to Guyana's democratic integrity and socio-economic stability, the PSCsaidinapressrelease.
General Secretary of the PPP, Bharrat Jagdeo provided an in-depth overview of the amendments made by his government to the Representation of the People Act in 2022. These amendments, introduced in
the wake of lessons learned during the 2020 elections, were designed to strengthen the electoral process and safeguard against potential discrepancies. The revisions include provisions to improve transparency, a c c o u n t a b i l i t y, a n d efficiency, underscoring the government'scommitmentto upholding democratic principles.
recognises the critical
hese amendments in fortifying the electoral framework and fostering public confidence in the process “As an impartial advocate for electoral integrity, the PSC emphasised the necessity for robust implementation of these provisions by the G u y a n a E l e c t i o n s Commission (GECOM) and
other stakeholders,” the releaseadded.
The meeting also delved into several measures currently being discussed in the public domain, including the introduction of biometric verification, the installation of cameras at polling stations, and calls from the opposition for a revised and "sanitised" voters' list. Jagdeo underscored that while these proposals aim to enhance the electoral process, certain aspects are either unconstitutional or impractical for the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) to implement within the timeframe required for the 2025 e l e c t i o n s J a g d e o emphasizedthatthePSCsaid the need for solutions that comply with constitutional (Continued on page 22)
Chinese man missing after falling off new harbour bridge
AChinesenational,upto press time, is still missing after he reportedly fell into the Demerara River on Wednesday night while works were ongoing at the site of the new Demerara HarbourBridge. The worker is employed with China Railway Construction Corporation (International).
In a statement issued to the press, the Ministry of Public Works said that the accident took place around 20:20hrs during rigging operations at Pier 34 (P34)
“The incident occurred while offloading materials from a barge,” the Ministry said.
After falling overboard,
Home Affairs Minister, Robeson Benn being briefed on the situation at the New Demerara Harbour Bridge.
the worker was quickly carried downstream by the swift current.Animmediate search and rescue operation was in
d by the company's emergency response t
th assistance from the Coast Guard and police units on night patrol in the area, the Ministryreported.
“Despite extensive efforts throughout the night, including the deployment of a diver, the worker has not been located,” the Ministry said while assuring that the search will continue until he isfound.
The Ministry said too, “The contractor is fully
cooperating with local a u t h
e s a n d a n investigation has been l a u n c h e d b y t h e Occupational Health and Safety Department of the Ministry of Labour to fully investigatetheincident.” M
e Affairs, Robeson Benn, also visited the New Demerara River Bridge project on Thursday and participated in the search efforts. In another statement sent out to the press, his Ministry said that it is committed to ensuring a thorough and transparent investigation into the circumstances surrounding theincident.
Norushtosignoff onpickforPM...
Trinidad Express -
The move to gather signatures among People’s National Movement (PNM) MPs in order to facilitate the appointmentofStuartYoung as prime minister has hit a snag.
Followingtheretreatlast weekend, at which Young wasselectedasthesuccessor to outgoing Prime Minister
Dr Keith Rowley, Government Leader in the House, Camille RobinsonRegis, was yesterday assignedthetaskbyRowley to collect the signatures meant for presentation to President Christine Kangaloo.
The intended letter for the President has to contain the signatures of MPs pledging support for Young’s leadership in the Parliament and, therefore, forhisappointmentasprime minister.
Sources said some MPs signed However, they indicated that a number of MPs have not because they have taken the position that they will not sign the document until they hear from the PNM’s General Council, which meets this Saturday
They feel the General Councilshouldhaveasayin what is being done and, specifically, when there should be a leadership convention.
Some MPs argued that there is no rush since the
MPs back down on Young
Prime Minister indicated he would not be resigning as PMbeforeMarch.
Sources indicated that at the retreat, the decision was taken that the entire caucus would support whomever securedthemajorityofvotes inthestrawpolltodetermine Rowley’sreplacement.
However, there was no attempt at that point to securethe21signatures.
Itwasonlyyesterdaythat Robinson-Regis was tasked with this responsibility By then, some of the MPs had begun to challenge the process, and RobinsonR e g i s p a u s e d h e r undertaking.
Some MPs indicated that during a heated retreat, they were told that Rowley was on the verge of a resignation, which would come whether or not they made a decision, and they were urged to make a decision in order to avoid the matter being placed in the hands of the President, withoutaclearsuccessor
However, when Rowley addressedthecountryatthe newsconferenceinTobago, heindicatedthatheplanned toattendaCaricommeeting inBarbadosonFebruary19, thathewouldtie-upendson hisreturnandthenhewould beresigning Hestillhasnot givenaprecisedate
Therefore, several MPs, when the request was made to sign the letter of support yesterday, took the position that since Rowley’s
resignation was not as imminent as he had previously indicated, they didnotneedtoberushedinto signingtheletterofsupport.
Asked about the issue yesterday, Communications Minister Symon de Nobriga said: “I will not make any commentonthat.
Attheendoftheday,we had a meeting, we had a caucus,wehadaretreat,and a decision was made there and that decision was articulated by the Prime Minister
“Andhespokeaboutthe path to replacing him as Prime Minister, which was Minister Young, and he spoke about us going to a
conventionwhereapolitical leaderwouldbeelected.
“And everything else, as farasIamconcerned,isjust distraction and gives the impression that the PNM is not unified. And the only peoplewhobenefitfromthat are those opposed to the PNM.
“SoIhavenopartinany comment on that, except to say that the parliamentary caucus met in retreat, we took a decision which was articulated and we are standingbythatdecision.”
There was no unanimity as to Rowley’s successor Young received 11 votes againstPennelopeBeckles’s nine.SeniorCounselMartin Daly said on Tuesday that
Young was in a vulnerable position,havingobtainedthe support of just 11 MPs—presumably12,ifone counts the Prime Minister’s support.
The requirement of Section 76 (b) of the Constitution requires the Presidenttoappointasprime minister either a) the memberoftheHousewhois theleaderintheHouseofthe party which commands the support of the majority of members of that House (Young is not the leader of theparty).
Itmeansthereforethathe would have to be appointed according to Section 76 (b), which states that where it appears to the President that the party does not have an undisputed leader in that House or that no party commands the support of suchamajority,themember o f t h e H o u s e o f Representatives who, in the judgmentofthePresident,is most likely to command the support of the majority of members of that House and who is willing to accept the officeofPrimeMinister
The 11 signatures of the personswhovotedforYoung atthestrawpollattheretreat wouldbeinsufficienttoform the basis of an appointment. And it was because of this that all members of the caucus were asked to agree tosupportthenominationof whomever emerged as the winnerattheendofthevote attheretreat.
Democratising the arrangement
However, a number of people have questioned the process. Some members of the PNM, including some MPs,feeltheparty’sGeneral Council and a leadership convention are essential elements in democratising thearrangement.
And the crucial question separating those who support the current arrangement and those who do not is whether the convention to elect a new leader should be held sooner—that is before the general election; or later after the general election.
R o w l e y h a s recommended a September 28 convention, which some MPs (and others) feel is too late.Thisistobeasubjectof discussion at Saturday’s GeneralCouncil.
Because the General Councilisalsobeingheldin the wake of the refusal of some MPs to sign the letter pledging their support for Young,itisexpectedthatthis would come up in the deliberations.
Sources said the Prime Minister will address all the concerns at Saturday’s General Council meeting while those who oppose the current succession arrangement will also have theirsay
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has hit back at Donald Trump’s threat to use “economic force” to absorb Canada into the US saying there isn’t “a snowball’s chance in hell” tojointhetwo.
President-elect Trump has in recent weeks repeatedly needled Canada about it becoming the 51st USstate.
“You get rid of that artificially drawn line, and youtakealookatwhatthat lookslike,anditwouldalso be much better for national security,” Trump said at a press conference at his Florida Mar-a Lago home onTuesday
“CanadaandtheUnited States, that would really be something.”
Trump reiterated his threat to bring in a “substantial” tariff on Canadian goods unless the country took steps to increase security on the sharedUSborder
Theongoingtariffthreat comes at a politically challenging time for Canada.
On Monday, an embattled Trudeau announced he was resigning, though he will stay on as prime minister untilthegoverningLiberals electanewleader,expected sometimebylateMarch.
Canada’sparliamenthas been prorogued - or suspended - until 24 March to allow time for the leadershiprace.
Economists warn that if Trump follows through on imposingthetariffsafterhe is inaugurated on 20 January, it would significantly hurt Canada’s economy
Almost C$3 6bn ($2.5bn)worthofgoodsand services crossed the border daily in 2023, according to Canadian government figures.
T h e T r u d e a u government has said it is considering imposing counter-tariffs if Trump follows through on the threat.
The prime minister also said on X on Tuesday that: “Workers and communities inbothourcountriesbenefit from being each other’s biggesttradingandsecurity partner.”
DuringhislengthyMara-Lago press conference, Trump reiterated his concerns he has expressed about drugs crossing the borders of Mexico and CanadaintotheUS.
Like Canada, Mexico facesa25%tariffthreat
T h e a m o u n t o f fentanyl seized at the USCanada border is significantly lower than at the southern border, accordingtoUSdata
Canada has promised to implement a set of sweeping new security
measures along the
border, including strengthened surveillance and adding a joint “strike
f o r c e ” t o t a r g e t transnational organised
crime Trump said on Tuesday he was not consideringusingmilitary force to make Canada part of the United States, but raised concerns about its neighbour’s military spending.
“They have a very small military They rely on our military It’s all fine, but, you know, they got to pay for that It’s veryunfair,”hesaid Canadahasbeenunder pressure to increase its military spending as it continues to fall short of the target set out for NATOmembers Its defence budget
currently stands at
C$27bn ($19 8bn, £15 5bn), though the Trudeau government has
promised that it will boost spending to almost C$50bnby2030
British Columbia Premier David Eby told a news conference, on Tuesday, that a number of Canadian provincial premiers will soon be travelling to Washington DC to lobby against the possibletariffs.
On Monday, Doug Ford, the leader of Canada’s most populous province Ontario, said Trudeau must spend his remaining weeks in office working with the provinces to address Trump’sthreat.
“The premiers are leading the country right now,”hetoldBBCNewsin aninterview
FLASHBACK, January 2021: Security Minister Stuart Young speaks during a press conference at the Ministry of National Security, Port- of-Spain. —Photo: ISHMAEL SALANDY
K and M Janitoral services wanted cleaners. contact : 664-8328 /696-4567.
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Puri/ Roti Maker, Porters, cook wanted at Rabbies 266 Thomas & New Market St. Call: 648-8279.
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1 Honda CRV, includes TV, music system, alarm, reverse camera, spoiler, crash, low mileage PTT Series (first owner). Call: 649-0956.
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He is not just a candidate but a movement—a symbol of hope and a promise of better governance. Like Walter Rodney before him, Azruddin has stepped forward to challenge the entrenched corruption and advocate for the
From page 16 provisions and operational feasibility to ensure the integrity of the elections without compromising the established timelines.
“The Private Sector Commission reiterates its unwavering commitment to safeguarding Guyana’s democratic process. Free, fair, and
people. His ability to connect with ordinary Guyanese, to listen to their struggles, and to offer practical solutions sets him apart from the political elite who have long ignored their plight. Guyana is at a crossroads. The choices we make today will determine the future of our nation.
Will we continue to accept the same tired leadership, or will we demand change? Will we allow corruption to dictate our destiny, or will we rise to support leaders who prioritize
integrity, competence, and genuine care for the people?
The answer lies in the hands of the Guyanese people.
The time has come to break free from the chains of the past and to embrace a future filled with hope, progress, and prosperity. While Azruddin Mohamed has not publicly confirmed his political agenda, the people hope he runs—and we are here to support him.
Aisha K. Majeed
and the international community to uphold their responsibilities in fostering a secure and credible electoral environment.
The PSC remains resolute in its efforts to facilitate dialogue and provide support that ensures the election accurately represents the people’s will.”
PSC meets Jagdeo, others on upcoming elections... transparent elections are pivotal to the nation’s stability, economic progress, and the preservation of citizens’ constitutional rights. The PSC stands ready to engage with all stakeholders to ensure the integrity and inclusivity of the electoral process. The Commission calls on GECOM, political parties, civil society
President stomps Nandlall’s plan to appeal$24M... damages to be granted to the estate of the deceased.”
From page 11 been charged with Bacchus’s murder and the case is still ongoing but the family had sued the State and won, according to the law firm representing them, Dexter Todd and Associates.
The law firm had said that Bacchus’s mother filed the lawsuit.
Queenstown, Better Hope, East Rumveldt , Front Road & Soesdyke Linden Highway. Contact : Ray's Realty 6279685.
Receptionist, Supervisor , Room attendant 25-50 years old. 233 South Road Lacytown. 225-0198.
Vacancy for one Porter and hauler truck Driver. Contact: 611-7088 for more info.
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“The State first defended the action, denying liability for the killing and claiming that Mr. Bacchus died during an authorised police undercover operation while he was attempting to illegally sell firearms,” Dexter Todd and Associates said in a statement before adding, “However, by letter dated July 24, 2024 the Office of the Attorney General wrote the attorneys for Mr. Bacchus’ mother, as well as the judge, indicating that the State has accepted liability for the brutal shooting and requested that the court make a decision on the quantum of
Submissions from both sides were made and the judge ruled that Bacchus’s killing “breached his right to life, as protected under the Constitution of Guyana,” the law firm said. The court reportedly ordered the State to pay $1 million for funeral expenses, $22.5 million as damages for breach of his right to life and five hundred thousand dollars ($500,000) in court costs. According to the law firm, investigations revealed that there was no authorised Police operation in Haslington when Bacchus was shot and that no Police Commander was aware of any such operation.
Giving some background into the case, the law firm said as a result of the incident and the investigation, several Police ranks were allegedly placed on close arrest by the GPF. In addition to
DeNobrega, two other ranks: Lance Corporal Simon and Sergeant McLennon, were also charged with attempting to obstruct the course of justice.
Lance Corporal Simon was also charged with the offence of conduct prejudicial to good order and discipline.
The post-mortem report noted that Bacchus died from multiple gunshot wounds.
Dr. Nehaul Singh, in the autopsy report, revealed that Bacchus received six gunshots and also confirmed that he was shot five times in the back and once in the chest. He had left to mourn his family and friends, including his three-year-old son, the law firm said. The circumstances which led to the death of Mr. Bacchus caused great public outcry, national grief, massive protests across Guyana and the temporary lockdown of certain areas of the country.
The Ministry of Education is currentlylooking tocontractaprintingservice to print a quantity of textbooks and workbooks forschools.
During the recent reading of bids at the National Procurement and Tender Administration Board (NPTAB) office, it was disclosed that the ministryisplanningtohave 18,000 textbooks printed a
A total of six firms submitted bids for the c
companies originating from countries such as Trinidad andBarbados.
EducationMinistryhasbeen printing and distributing textbooks to students of all ages so as to ensure they have access to the learning m
More than 46,000 Palestinians have been killed in the Israel-Hamas war, officials say
DEIR AL-BALAH, Gaza Strip (AP) — More than 46,000 Palestinians have been killed in the Israel-Hamas war, Gaza’s Health Ministry said Thursday, with no end in sight to the 15-month conflict.
The ministry said a total of 46,006 Palestinians have been killed and 109,378 wounded.Ithassaidwomen and children make up more than half the fatalities, but does not say how many of the dead were fighters or civilians.
The Israeli military says it has killed over 17,000 militants, without providing evidence. It says it tries to avoid harming civilians and blames Hamas for their deaths because the militants operate in residential areas.
Israel has also repeatedly struck what it claims are militants hiding in shelters and hospitals, often killing womenandchildren.
In recent weeks, Israel andHamashaveappearedto inch closer to an agreement for a ceasefire and the release of hostages Secretary of State Antony Blinkensaidthisweekthata deal is “very close” and he hopes to complete it before handingoverU.Sdiplomacy to the incoming Trump
But he and other U.S. officials have expressed similar optimism on several occasionsoverthepastyear, only to see the indirect talks stall.
The war began when Hamas-led militants stormedintoIsraelonOct.7, 2023, killing some 1,200 people,mostlycivilians,and abductingaround250.Some 100 hostages are still inside Gaza Israeli authorities believe at least a third of themwerekilledintheinitial attack or have died in captivity
The war has flattened large areas of Gaza and displaced around 90% of its 23millionpeople,withmany forcedtofleemultipletimes Hundreds of thousands are packed into sprawling tent camps along the coast with limited access to food and otheressentials.
FatmaAbuAwadlostsix family members on Tuesday in two Israeli strikes 15 minutes apart. An Israeli strike on a vehicle killed her son,whileaseparatestrikeon a tent in Muwasi Khan Youniswoundedhersonand killed his wife and four children.
“I swear we’ve been waitingfornewsaboutatruce every day but there’s no
truce, only news of my son and my daughter-in-law and herchildrenbeingkilled,”she said at a school in Khan Younis where she’s sheltering alongside many otherdisplacedfamilies.
Later at a nearby cemetery,sheprayedoverthe graves of her family, marked only by headstones of cinderblock rubble stuck in thedryearth
“What we are living is not a life Nobody could bear the situation we’re experiencing for a single day,” Munawar al-Bik, a displaced woman, toldThe Associated Press in an interviewthisweek.
“Wewakeupatnightto the sounds of men crying, because of the bad situation,” she said “The situation is unbearable We have no energy left: we wantittoendtoday”Al-Bik spoke on a dusty road in the southerncityofKhanYounis nexttoadestroyedbuilding. Behind her, a sea of makeshift tents filled with displaced families stretched into the distance On Thursday, dozens of people took part in funeral prayers outsidetheAl-AqsaMartyrs Hospital in the central Gaza city of Deir al-Balah for people killed in Israeli strikesthedaybefore.
Inthehospitalmorgue, a man could be seen kneeling and bidding farewell to a relative before slamming a refrigerator door in an outburstofgrief
Palestinian health
officials said Israeli
airstrikes killed at least nine people in Gaza on Wednesday, including three infants — among them a one-week-old baby — and twowomen.
workbutit’suselesshopeas we’ve been waiting for a year and two months for the war to end. On the contrary, we have more martyrs and arelosingmoreofourloved ones,” said Malak Abu Awad,partofthefamilythat lost six people in airstrikes earlierthisweek.
In Israel, family members of hostages who were killed in captivity echoed the calls for a ceasefire, imploring the Israeli government and worldleaderstoreachadeal, a day after Israeli soldiers
recovered the body of 53year-old hostage Yosef
A l Z a y a d n i i n a n underground tunnel in southernGaza.
“Military pressure endangers the lives of the hostages,” said Meirav Svirsky, sister of hostage Itay Svirsky, whose body was recovered from Gaza last month. “The policy that prioritizes the continuation of fighting must be replaced by a policy of saving lives and a policy committed to the return of all the hostages.”
Venezuela opposition leader Machado
‘violently intercepted’ leaving march
Supporters of Venezuela’s opposition gather ahead of President Nicolas Maduro’s inauguration for a third term, in Valencia, Venezuela January 9, 2025. REUTERS/Juan Carlos Hernandez
Y, Jan 9 (Reuters)Venezuelaoppositionleader Maria Corina Machado was “violently intercepted” leaving a march, her first public appearance in months, the opposition said on social media on Thursday
The opposition are protesting around the country in an eleventh-hour effort to put pressure on President Nicolas Maduro, one day before he is due to besworninforhisthirdsix-
Machado “was violently intercepted during her exit from the march in Chacao.
In minutes we expect to confirm her situation
Agentsoftheregimeshotat the motorcycles on which she was transported,” the oppositionsaidonX.
The opposition and the rulingpartyarelockedinan ongoing dispute over last year’s presidential election, which they both claim to havewon.
The country’s electoral
authority and top court say Maduro, whose time in officehasbeenmarkedbya deep economic and social crisis, won the July vote, though they have never publisheddetailedtallies. The government, who has accused the opposition of fomenting fascist plots against it, said it will arrest opposition leader Edmundo Gonzalezshouldhereturnto thecountryandhasdetained prominent opposition membersandactivistsinthe lead-uptotheinauguration.
Kareem Al-Dabaji mourns his brother Anas Al-Dabaji, who was killed in an Israeli airstrike that hit an apartment in Deir Al-Balah, at Al-Aqsa Hospital morgue in Deir Al Balah, Gaza, Thursday, Jan.9, 2025. (AP Photo/Abdel Kareem Hana)
‘Ask Exim Bank for feasibility and environmental studies on Gas-to-Energy project’ - Jagdeo tells reporters
Vice President, Bharrat Jagdeo, on Thursday, refused to commit to releasing the feasibility and environmental studies in relation to the Gas-toEnergyproject.
In response to a question calling for the release of the documents to the public, at his weekly press conference held at Freedom House, Georgetown, Jagdeo said, “Which public is asking…? He claimed that the People Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) has released a number of studies but to no avail.
Jagdeo continued, “everything we published…
Guyana's Environmental Protection Act is clear in terms of the protocol that must be followed for the conduct of an EIA Consequently, he said, “So don't come he's coming with this foolishness that EXIM did an EIA and we said they never did an EIA.” Hewasatthetimedelivering remarks during the Alliance For Change's (AFC's) first pressconferenceof2025.
K a i e t e u r N e w s understands that the EIA processnotonlyinvolvesthe review of impacts from a project but also critically involves Guyanese to allow for comments, feedback and questions at almost each stage.
An EIA is usually conducted following a decisionbytheEPA.
The government has been reluctant to release any document relative to the project. Former Executive D i r e c t o r o f t h e Environmental Protection
The Kaieteur News used to make a big issue about, 'Oh we didn't publish all of these contracts that were signed with the oil companies,' so we published even the one signed underAPNU. We put all of the environmental permits online All the agreements that we signedthe large-scale mineral a g r e e m e n t s ; t h e y complained about that, we put that online...” …”Now, you want the environmental and feasibility studies from EXIM Bank Ask Exim Bank for it ” the vice presidentsaid.
Agency (EPA), Dr Vincent Adams, had challengedVice President, Bharrat Jagdeo to publish the studies reportedly done by the United States Export Import (US EXIM) Bank for the Gas-to-Energy (GTE) Project.
Ganja seized in police raid at Mahdia Arcade
ApoliceraidattheMahdia Arcade in Region 8, on Wednesday, led to the discovery of 66 grams of marijuana.
According to the Police, the operation was conducted around 11:00 hrs by Detective Inspector Seetaram, along withtwootherofficers,aspart of an ongoing effort to target illegal firearms, ammunition, andnarcotics. While no illegal items were found on individuals who were searched during the operation, the investigation continued.InspectorSeetaram laterdiscoveredablackplastic bag containing the suspected cannabis hidden beneath a blackwatertank.
photographed and transported to the station, where it was weighed, confirming the
Investigations are still ongoing.
The Vice President had previously argued that the Bank conducted its own f e a s i b i l i t y a n d environmental studies before arriving at its decision to provide financing for the Natural Gas Liquids (NGL) facility and the 300-megawatt (MW) power plant, currently being constructed at Wales, West Bank Demerara.
He said, “So suddenly, the United States of America, the U.S. EXIM Bank did its own feasibility s t u d y , i t d i d a n environmental study and it
made the loan to the government of Guyana so they were wrong on all counts…for years we took a beating for one, it's not feasible; two, there's no environmental impact study and three, the loan will not happen – all three were provenwrong.”
To this end, Dr Adams called for the release of the documents.
“Well show us those documents and first of all, EXIM Bank cannot do an EIA (Environmental Impact Assessment).”
The former Head of the Agency explained that
The public is usually then engaged to inform the consultant of issues that should be addressed in the study
Upon completion of the study, it is published for publiccommentsagain.
Dr Adams also pointed out that the EIA conducted by ExxonMobil for the gas pipeline clearly stated that a separate environmental study would be done for gas plants.
He recalled that the government said there would be no EIA for the project but is now claiming that the US EXIM Bank not only conducted an EIAbut a feasibility study for the project.
An artist's impression of the Gas-to-Energy project
Jamaica’s Under-17 Reggae Boyz through to quarterfinals at Torneo Del Sol
SportsMax - Jamaica’s Under-17 Reggae Boyz delivered when it mattered most, as they secured a crucial3-1victoryoverLiga Premier to progress to the knockout stages of the TorneoDelSolinMexicoon Wednesday
Seymour Reid was the hero of the day, as he registered a stunning
second-half hat-trick that made the points safe and consolidated the young Reggae Boyz runner-up positionintheirgroup.They ended on six points with LigaPremierbutwereedged outongoaldifference.
The victory ensured Jamaica joined Panama as theonlynon-Mexicanteams toadvancetothenextstage,
alongside six Mexican teams.
The Reggae Boyz will face the Metropolitan team in Thursday’s quarterfinal clash, set for 1:30 p m Jamaicatime.
Assistant coach Vassell Reynolds praised the team’s resilience and focus in the must-winencounter
“We knew what was at
stakecomingintothisgame, and the boys showed tremendous character Seymour’sperformancewas exceptional—hisgoalscame atcrucialmomentsandgave us the confidence to see the game through,” Reynolds said.
Reid’s first goal came shortly after the restart, as he slotted home a welltaken penalty kick He added a second on the break where he outpaced a defender and finished withaplomb
Friday January 10, 2025
Some unexpected but very welcomevisitorscouldarrive today, Aries They might bring some people you don't knowbutshouldconnectwith rightaway Expectinteresting n e w s , f a s c i n a t i n g information,.
Taurus, who's that intriguing new person in your neighborhood? What is it about this new neighbor that makesitimpossibleforyouto stop wondering about them? Quitobsessing.
An unexpected letter could arrive today, Gemini, with a check enclosed, perhaps a gift, bonus, or offer to make more money.This might be a welcomebreak.
If you're in the arts or sciences, Cancer, sudden inspirationcouldcauseyouto startorcontinueaprojectthat meansalottoyou.
Meditation, dreams, or visions could bring amazing insights your way, Leo. You mightfindthemtoobizarreto believe, at least at first, but follow-up research could reveal that what you've come upwithisquitecredible.
You're an adventurous soul, Virgo.Areyouthinkingabout a little mischief today? Are yougoingtoproposethatyou and a friend or perhaps your partner skip town for a day andforgetaboutwork,
A n u n e x p e c t e
communication may come
connected with your career, Libra.Thisisgoodnews,butit maybesooffthewallthatyou couldwalkaroundinadazefor awhiletryingtomakesenseof itall.
SCORPIO(Oct.23–Nov 21)
Anunexpectedchancetoflyto a faraway place, perhaps at someoneelse'sexpense,could cometoyoutoday,Scorpio.A group might be involved, perhaps one connected with education.
SAGIT(Nov 22–Dec.21)
Some bizarre and rather silly dreams might come to you tonight,Sagittarius.Theymay bethesortthatissocrazythat youactuallywakeuplaughing. Don't dismiss them. Silly or not,thesedreamsaretryingto tellyousomething.
Ifyou'resingle,youcouldfeel a very powerful attraction to someone unusual and perhaps alittlewacky Ifyou'realready inarelationship.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20–Feb. 18)Have you been looking for anewjob,Aquarius?Ifso,you might hear of an opportunity from an unexpected source, perhapsatasocialgathering,if possible.
If you're single, Pisces, love may come to you completely out of the blue today The person could be standing behind you in line at the store or sitting nearby you in the park.
With the games played so far already serving as learning experiences, Reynolds is optimistic that the young Reggae Boyz will continue to make their mark on the tournament to further boost their confidence aheadofthequalifiers
“We’re taking it one game at a time, but the belief in this group is strong The Metropolitan team will be another tough test, but the boys are in good spirits, so we expect another good performance, but I can’t stress enough that the objective of this tour is to use the games to prepare for us for the qualifiers,” heended
The stocky player sporting the number 23 jersey then completed the
Reynolds emphasized the importance of the tournament in not only
Under-17 qualifiers but also in helping the young players develop as they rubbed shoulders with olderopponents
“Like I said earlier, this tournament is about m o r e t h a n j u s t results it’s about giving these boys the experience they need at this level of c
g against quality teams like Liga Premier challenges us to raise our game and shows us where we need to improve,” Reynolds shared
Guyana to play Suriname, Grenada...
The Nations Cup, the GBF said, will be a test of endurance, skill, and teamwork as Guyana’s SeniorMen’sTeamtakeson Suriname and Grenada in back-to-backgames.
The GBF is confident thatthisopportunitywillnot only strengthen Guyana’s presence in Caribbean basketball but also provide invaluable experience for the players and coaching staff as they gear up for a year of competitive engagements.
Meanwhile, Singh revealedthattheGBFisalso planning its own version of theNationsCupinMaythis year, with three other CBC teamscompetinginGuyana.
Smith to captain Australia in Sri Lanka Tests
BBC Sport - Former captainSteveSmithwilllead Australia in the upcoming three-match Test series against Sri Lanka as Pat Cummins will be on paternityleave. Smith, 35, previously served a two-year ban from captaincy following his involvement in the 2018 ball-tamperingscandal.
second child and seamer Josh Hazlewood is also left outasherecoversfromacalf injury
Spinner Cooper
Cummins is missing the series for the birth of his
Connolly earns his firstTest call-up while Nathan
McSweeney, who opened in the first three Tests in the recent series against India, retainshisplace.
McSweeney, 25, scored 72runsinsixinningsbefore being replaced by 19-year-
oldSamKonstas,whoisalso namedinthesquad.
Connolly,21,hasplayed two one-day internationals and two T20s for Australia andisyettotakeawicketin eitherformat.
He joins Nathan Lyon, MattKuhnemannandTodd Murphy in the spin attack, while Mitchell Starc, Scott Boland and Sean Abbott arethefrontlineseamers
All-rounder Mitchell Marsh has also been omitted after a poor series against India while Beau Webster,whoreplacedhim in the final Test at Sydney, keeps his spot The first Test takes place on 29
(Getty Images)
JanuaryinGalle Australia’s series win over India saw them qualify for the World Test Championshipfinal,where they will take on South Africa at Lord’s on 11-15 June AustraliaTestsquadfor Sri Lanka: Steve Smith (capt), Sean Abbott, Scott Boland, Alex Carey, Cooper Connolly, Travis Head, Josh Inglis, Usman Khawaja, Sam Konstas, Matthew Kuhnemann, Marnus Labuschagne, Nathan Lyon, Nathan M c S w e e n e y, To d d Murphy, Mitchell Starc, BeauWebster
F1 announces new Belgian Grand Prix deal on six-year rotation
Independent - Formula
One has announced a new six-year extension with the Belgian Grand Prix on a rotationalbasis.
Doubts have surrounded the future of F1 at Spa, but the historic race, which started in 1925, will now return in four of the next seasonseasons.
SpawillhosttheBelgian Grand Prix beyond the upcoming season in 2026, 2027,2029,and2031.
But the new deal opens up the potential for F1 to expandandtakethesportto new markets in 2028 and 2030, with speculation linking South Africa, Rwanda andArgentina with a stop on what would be an unprecedented calendar in 2026andbeyond.
George Russell initially won last year’s race for Mercedes, but was later disqualified due to his car failingtomeettheminimum weightrequirement,leading to Lewis Hamilton being promoted to top spot on the podium.
Talkshavebeenongoing to retain one of F1’s most iconicraces,withsignificant investmentfromtheBelgian government thought to be keytothenewdeal.
Stefano Domenicali, President and CEO of Formula 1, said: “The BelgianGrandPrixwasone oftheracesthatmadeupour maiden Championship in 1950, so as we kick off our 75th anniversary year it is fitting that we can share the news of this important extension.
“Spa-Francorchamps is rightlylaudedbydriversand fansalikeasoneofthefinest racetracksintheworldandit has played host to some incredible moments over its many seasons in Formula 1. In recent years it has undergone significant work to improve the facility and overallfanexperience,andI would like to pay tribute to the promoter and the GovernmentofWalloniafor their dedication and passionate support for Formula1inBelgium.”
Steve Smith previously captained Australia in 38 Tests.
Windies aim for strong start in competitive Group A of ICC U-19 Women’s T20 World Cup
SportsMax - The West Indies Under-19 Women’s team enters the ICC U19 Women’sT20World Cup in Malaysiawithhighhopesof advancingbeyondtheSuper Six stage, a feat they narrowly missed in the tournament’s inaugural editionin2023.
Their campaign begins with a tough opener against defending champions India
on January 19 at the
Bayeumas Oval in Pandamaran, where all Group A matches will be played.
Led by 17-year-old allrounder Samara Ramnath, theWestIndiessquadboasts amixofyouthfulenergyand valuable experience Ramnath, who spent her summer as part of the Trinbago Knight Riders squad in the Women’s Caribbean Premier League, is keen to make an impact bothasaleaderandaplayer.
Ramnathwillbeassisted by vice-captain Asabi Callender, one of three players returning for their second ICC U19 Women’s T20WorldCup.
St Kitts and Nevis’
The West Indies Under-19 Women’s team have high hopes of advancing beyond the Super Six stage of the ICC U19 Women’s T20 World Cup in
footballer turned cricketer, Jahzara Claxton, who is a mediumfastbowler,andallr o u n d e r N a i j a n n i Cumberbatch are the other returningplayers. Their experience will be crucial in navigating the challenges of a competitive groupthatincludesIndia,Sri Lanka,andhostsMalaysia.
The West Indies showed promise in South Africa in
2023, when they finished second in their group with wins over Ireland and Indonesia. However, losses to Rwanda and England in the Super Six derailed their hopes of reaching the semifinals.
This time, they aim to buildonthatfoundationand secure a deeper run in the tournament.
But, the Caribbean side
will need to hit the ground running to secure a spot in the knockout rounds and build momentum toward a successfulcampaign.
Head coach Robert Samuels expressed pride in theirpreparation.
“Ouryoungplayershave shown tremendous dedicationandimprovement duringtheirpreparation.We are confident that they will
represent the West Indies with pride and demonstrate thebrightfutureofwomen’s cricket in our region,” the Jamaicandeclared.
Aftertheiropeningclash with India, the West Indies will face Sri Lanka on January 21, before closing the group stage against MalaysiaonJanuary23.
Defending champions
India are the team to beat in Group A With three players Gongadi Trisha, ShabnamShakil,andSonam Yadav—returning from the victorious 2023 squad, they bringawealthofexperience.
Trisha, who topped the run chartsintherecentAsiaCup, will lead a strong batting lineupalongsideGKamalini andcaptainNikiPrasad. Their bowling attack, spearheaded by Shakil, Yadav, and Asia Cup top wicket-taker Aayushi Shukla, is equally formidable.
LiketheWestIndies,Sri Lankaentersthetournament aimingtosurpasstheirSuper Six finish from 2023
Prodigious bowler Chamodi PrabodaandcaptainManudi Nanayakkara will be key players.
N a n a y a k k a r a ’ s explosive batting, highlighted by her unbeaten 74 off 40 balls against Malaysia, adds firepower to a middle order that also f e a t u r e s L i m a n s a Thilakarathna and Sumudu Nisansala.
The Sri Lankans are eager for redemption after a narrow loss to India in the Asia Cup semi-finals, and their clash with the West Indies on January 21 promises to be a pivotal encounter
Meanwhile, host Malaysia, making their ICC U19 Women’s T20 World Cupdebut,willbehopingto giveagoodaccountonhome soil Captain Nur Dania Syuhada will lead a team freshfromtheirparticipation in the U19 Women’s T20 AsiaCup.
Whiletheirinexperience at this level poses challenges, Malaysia will rely on Syuhada’s all-round skills and her partnership with wicketkeeper-batter Nur Aliya Binti Mohd H a i r u n t o c r e a t e opportunitiesforanupset.
Lakers and Kings postpone games amid Los Angeles wildfires
BBC Sport - The Los
Angeles Lakers have postponed today, Friday’s, NBA fixture against the Charlotte Hornets amid ongoing wildfires in the region.
NHL side Los Angeles Kings, who also play at the Crypto com Arena, postponed their meeting with the Calgary Flames which was scheduled for 03:30GMTonThursday Firefighters in Los Angeles are battling a number of blazes in city suburbs, as nearly 180,000 residents were forcedtoevacuate.
“We’re heartbroken forLosAngeles ” said the Lakers in a statement as they looked to “focus on what matters mosttoday”
“Our thoughts are with all those impacted by this unimaginable situation.And ourgratitudeiswiththefirst responders and all of you whocometogetherwhenwe need each other the most. We’rewithyou,LA.”
The Lakers were due to host the Hornets at 03:30 GMTonFridayandtheNBA
said the date for the rescheduled game will be announcedatalatertime.
“The entire NBA family sends its thoughts and supporttothecommunityof Los Angeles during this challenging time,” the NBA added.
“Our hearts are with our entire Los Angeles community,” the Kings said i n a s t a t e m e n t o n Wednesday
“We appreciate the hard working first responders who are diligently working tocontainthefireandprotect ourcommunity.”
Meanwhile, basketball star Kawhi Leonard, who plays for the Lakers’ city rivals the LA Clippers, is reportedly, external set to step away from the team to
bewithhisfamilyafterthey were evacuated from the area.
NFL franchise Los Angeles Rams, though, said their play-off game against the Minnesota Vikings at SoFi Stadium is still expected to take placeonMonday
“The safety of the Los Angeles community is our top priority, and our t h o u g h t s a r e w i t h everyone affected by the fires in the area,” added theRams
“We are grateful for the tireless efforts of first responders who continue to protect our city and community, as well as individuals who continue to help our neighbours in need ”
In a statement, the league said: “The NFL c
closely monitor developments in the area and will remain in contact with both clubs and the NFLPA [National Football League Players Association] ”
SportsMax-WestIndies Women’sHeadCoachShane Deitzbelievestheupcoming series against Bangladesh will serve as an important benchmark for the team’s progress as they prepare for futurechallenges.
Deitz’s sentiments came as Cricket West Indies (CWI) announced the squad for the inaugural bilateral white-ball series against their southAsian opponents scheduled for January 19 to 31. The tour features three
CG United One-Day Internationals and threeT20 Internationals, all at Warner ParkinBasseterre,St.Kitts.
“Bangladesh’s visit comes at an ideal time in our preparation cycle They’re a skilled unit that has shown impressive growth, and this series gives us an excellent opportunity to examine our squad depth and continue to implement our aggressive, flamboyant brand of West Indiancricket,”saidDeitz
“Wehavebeenfocusingon specific areas of improvement inourtrainingandtouring,and these matches will help us gauge our progress The conditionsatWarnerParkwill challengebothteamsandmake for compelling cricket. I’m lookingforwardtoseeinghow someofouryoungerandlessexperiencedplayersrespondto thetest,”headded
With this being the firsteverbilateralseriesbetween the two teams and Bangladesh’sfirsttourofthe Caribbean,italsoprovidesa platform for both sides to fine-tune their preparations forupcomingICCevents.
CWI Director of Cricket
Miles Bascombe highlighted thesignificanceoftheseries
“We are pleased to welcome Bangladesh for an excitingwhite-ballseries This tour is significant for multiple reasons, as it strengthens our bilateral cricket relationships, provides our team valuable match practice, and offers opportunities for vital ICC Women’s Championship points,”saidBascombe.
“These bilateral series are essential for the continued development of women’s cricket worldwide and in our region Weexpectsomehighly competitive matches across bothformats,”henoted
The West Indies Women last faced Bangladesh during the group stage of the ICC Women’s T20 World Cup 2024,securinganeight-wicket victory. The two teams have met five times in international competition, with the West Indiesmaintaininganunbeaten record
CaptainHayleyMatthews will lead a squad blending seasoned veterans and emerging talent as they aim for qualification to the 2025 ODI World Cup. The squad
includes Jannillea Glasgow andCherryAnnFraser,both ofwhomrecentlyimpressed instatecricketinTasmania.
Games will be broadcast on ESPN Caribbean, and admission to Warner Park will be free, offering fans a chance to witness highquality international women’scricketupclose.
1st ODI on 19 January 2025, 2:00PM at Warner Park,StKitts
2nd ODI on 21 January 2025, 2:00PM at Warner Park,StKitts
3rd ODI on 24 January 2025, 2:00PM at Warner Park,StKitts
1st T20I on 27 January 2025, 6:00PM at Warner Park,StKitts
2nd T20I on 29 January 2025, 6:00PM at Warner Park,StKitts 3rd T20I on 31 January 2025, 6:00PM at Warner Park,StKitts
Australian Open draw: Novak Djokovic handed monster route as Emma Raducanu and Jack Draper learn fate
Independent - Novak Djokovic could play Carlos Alcaraz in the quarter-finals of the Australian Open and may also have to face world No 2Alexander Zverev and world No 1 Jannik Sinner if heistowina25thgrandslam titleinMelbourne.
The 37-year-old, who will be coached by Andy Murrayattheopeninggrand slamoftheseason,isseeded seventh for the tournament hehaswon10timesandhas been drawn in the same quarter as world No 3 Alcaraz.
Djokovic and Alcaraz, 21, have faced each other in twograndslamfinalsaswell as the Olympics final, won bytheSerbianlastyear,with Zverev a possible opponent in the semis and defending champion Sinner on the oppositesideofthedraw
EmmaRaducanuwasthe onlyBritishplayertodrawa seed, meanwhile, as the former US Open champion takes on No 26 Ekaterina Alexandrova. British No 1
22nd,facesRebeccaMarino of Canada in her opening match. There is a blockbuster draw for Britain’s Jacob Fearnley ahead of his AustralianOpendebut,with the 23-year-old set to face AustralianstarNickKyrgios
intheopeninground,should the former Wimbledon finalist be fit enough to feature at his home grand slam for the first time since 2022. Fearnley, who took a set off Djokovic in the secondroundofWimbledon lastyear,wasrankedoutside thetop600ayearagobuthas
climbed to 86 in the world after turning professional and is making his first appearance at Melbourne Park.
Elsewhere, British No 1
Draper is looking to build on his run to the US Opensemi-finalslastseason but could face Wimbledon and French Open champion Alcaraz in the fourth round, or Djokovic in the quarterfinals.
Djokovic will begin his bid for a record-extending 11th Australian Open title against American wildcard Nishesh Basavareddy, while Alcaraz starts his quest to complete the career grand slam against Kazakhstani AlexanderShevchenko.
Men’s champion Sinner opens his first defence of a grand slam title against Chile’s Nicolas Jarry and could face a rematch of last year’s final against Daniil Medvedevorarepeatoflast year’sUSOpenfinalagainst Taylor Fritz in the semifinals.
Jack Draper, the men’s 15th seed, takes on Argentina’s Mariano Navone, while Cameron Norrie faces a headline match against Italy’sMatteoBerrettini.
Iga Swiatek is on the kinder side of the draw and the five-time grand slam winnerplaysCzechKaterina Siniakovainroundone,with Raducanu a possible opponent if both players reachthethirdround.
Two-time Australian Open champion Naomi OsakafacesCarolineGarcia in the first round for the second year in a row Osaka was beaten by former world No4Garcialastyear,inwhat washergrandslamreturn.
On the women’s side, two-time champion Aryna Sabalenka faces former US Open winner Sloane Stephensinthefirstround,in oneoftwomatchesbetween former grand slam champions.CocoGauff will also start against former Australian Open champion and fellow American Sofia Kenin.Crucially,though,the in-formGauffhaslandedon the same side of the bracket as Sabalenka in what is a trickydrawforthedefending champion.TheworldNo1is also in the same quarter as Olympic champion Qinwen Zheng, who she beat in last year’sfinal.
AshminiMunisar,Karishma Ramharack
Defending champions Aryna Sabalenka and Jannik Sinner with the trophies. (AP)
West Indies Women’s Captain Hayley Matthews
West Indies Women’s Head Coach Shane Deitz and Captain Hayley Matthews
West Indies unveil powerful 17-man squad for O50s World Cup in Sri Lanka
The West Indies O50s team will gather in New York before departing for Colombo,SriLankaviaAbu Dhabi on February 4th, 2025. They are expected to reach Colombo on the evening of February 5th, 2025, where they will be accommodated at the NH CollectionColomboHotel.
The squad will kick off their preparations with a three-hour net practice session the following afternoon, followed by a practice match on February 7th,2025.
The Captains & Managers meeting, along withtheOpeningCeremony, is scheduled for February 8th, with the first round of matches commencing on Monday, February 9th. The West Indies will open their campaign against South Africa, the runners-up from thepreviousWorldCupheld in Cape Town, who are expected to field a formidable team in pursuit ofthechampionship.
The West Indies, having finished ninth out of fourteen as the Bowl champions in that tournament, will be striving t o e n h a n c e t h e i r performance this time around West Indies is grouped together in Pool B
former Guyana Opener Sudesh Dhaniram
with Australia, India, South Africa, Wales, Pakistan and Canada. In preparation for the World Cup, the West Indies participated in two tournaments over the past two months—the Windies Masters Extravaganza in Barbados in November and theAmericasCupinTexasin December
H o w e v e r, t h e i r preparationsfacedchallenges due to the unavailability of severalO50splayersforthese events, owing to work commitments and personal
This squad boasts a strong mix of experienced players, including three O60s veterans: skipper Zamin Amin, Deonarine Deyaltopscorerinthe2024 O60s World Cup in India, and Mike Heeralall, who was the second-highest scorer in that tournament. Skipper Zamin Amin holds the unique distinction of beingtheonlyplayertohave represented West Indies or any other Masters team worldwide in 3 separate age groupdivisions-O40s,O50s
The Guyana Football Federation (GFF) is pleased to announce that the 2025/2026 Mid-Season Transfer Window officially opened on January 1, 2025, andwillcloseatmidnighton January31,2025.
The GFF has advised all clubs, regional associations, and Transfer Matching System (TMS) users to review FIFA’s Regulations ontheStatusandTransferof Players to ensure compliancewiththerelevant guidelines.
The Federation also
The GFF remains committed to ensuring a transparent and efficient transfer process that supports the continued development of football in Guyana.
Stakeholders requiring clarification or assistance have been encouraged to c o n t a c t t h e G F F Secretariat’s Competitions Department at (592) 2278758 or via email atcompetition@guyanafoot
reminded clubs and associations of the procedural requirements for domestic player transfers noting that it must include involvement from the player’s former club, the r e l e v a n t r e g i o n a l associations, and the new club Transfers involving Elite League clubs require directconsentfromtheGFF Furthermore, any disputesordelaysduringthe process can be escalated to the relevant regional association or the GFF for resolution.
& O60s. These seasoned players will provide essential stability to the batting lineup Rajendra Sadeo, Basil Persaud, Anthony Sahadeo, Ishwar Maraj, Fareed Hoosein, Rajendra Dilraj, Vejai Seonarine, and Sudesh Dhaniram bring valuable experience from previous WorldCupsandmultilateral series over the last four years.
The inclusion of new talents will inject youth and e n e r g y i n t o t h e squad—StephenHowelland
Skipper Zamin Amin at the helm for the 3rd time
SudeshPersaudarebothstill 50 years old, while Julian Boyce and Surendra Seeraj are just 51, and Kamraj Sumair is 52 Terrance Romain is another newcomer who made a significantimpactduringthe Barbados Masters Cricket Extravaganza.
The squad is wellstructured, featuring only twoseamersintheexpected spin-friendly conditions, Basil Persaud and Stephen Howell, with Sudesh Dhaniram providing additional support Leg
spinners Fareed Hosein and RajendraDilrajwillleadthe s p i n d e p a r t m e n t , complemented by offspinners Sudesh Persaud, Vejai Seonarine, Deonarine Deyal, and Ishwar Maraj. The team also boasts three capable wicketkeepers: Anthony Sahadeo, Surendra Seeraj, a
Skipper Zamin Amin willbeexpectedtodeliveras the squad’s sole left-arm orthodox spinner. The batting order will rely on solid contributions from Terrance Romain, Sudesh Dhani
ne Deyal, Mike Heeralall, JulianBoyce,IshwarMaraj, Rajendra Sahadeo, Kamraj Sumair,andSudeshPersaud, with solid backing from the all-rounders, including Hosein,Seonarine,Sahadeo, Basil Persaud, Howell, Romain,andSeeraj.
The full squad reads: ZaminAmin-Captain,Julian Boyce, Deonarine Deyal, Sudesh Dhaniram, Rajendra
y Narain Heeralall, Fareed Hosein, Stephen Howell, Ishwar Maraj, Basil Persaud, Sudeesh Persaud, Terrance Romain, Rajendra Sadeo, Anthony Sahadeo, Surendra Seeraj, Vejai Seonarine, KamrajSumair
CWI’s Shallow, Bascombe circumspect
amid two-tier Test system debate
SportsMax - While arguing that news of a pending proposal to introduce a two-tier Test cricket system could merely be a rumour, Cricket West Indies (CWI) President Dr KishoreShallowpointedout thatanydecisionmadeatthe International Cricket Council (ICC) level must align with the best interests ofWestIndiescricketandthe sportglobally
Shallow’s comments follow reports of an upcoming meeting between ICCChairmanJayShahand representatives from Australia, India, and England to discuss the possibilityofsplittingthe12 full members into two tiers basedonrankings.
The reports also suggest a potential revamp of the nine-team World Test C h a m p i o n s h i p I f
implemented, the proposed changes could see the West Indies, who celebrate their 100th anniversary as a Testplaying nation in 2028, relegatedtoaB-tier
However, Shallow, who hasservedasaCWIdirector since2017andwiththeICC for the past two years, clarified that the two-tier Test system has not been formally discussed at either organization during his tenure.
“This could easily be a rumour Frommyposition,it hasnotbeendiscussed. All I have seen is what youhaveseeninthemedia,”
Shallow stated during an appearance on the Mason andGuestshowonTuesday
“It’s interesting; it’s a sensitive issue because, based on my research that I have done, that matter has beenonthetablesince2004
orthereabouts,whenseveral individuals were looking at ways to keep Test cricket interesting.
That in itself shows how long people have been consideringTestcrickettobe onthedecline,”headded.
Still, Shallow refrained from offering a definitive stance on the matter, as he reiterated that no formal proposal has been presented attheICClevel.
But, in the same breath, he stressed the need for any decision to be thoroughly examined, including its practicality, funding mechanisms, and overall impactonthesport.
“There hasn’t been a proposal, and I quote proposalloosely,onthetable since I have been a director oftheICCfortwoyearsnow, so I can state that it has not been on the agenda of the
“Whatever decision, I suppose at the ICC level, it must be in alignment with what is best for West Indies cricket, and cricket by extension across the globe. That is the position I hold,” Shallowdeclared.
Meanwhile, CWI
Director of Cricket Miles Bascombe also withheld judgment, as he too highlighted the need for more details about the proposal, including its
financial framework and whether it would involve a promotion and relegation system.
“It is difficult to have a position on it without knowing the actual framework and the dynamics; the financial frameworkthatwillgoalong withitaswellasiftherewill be a relegation and promotion
em, ” Bascombesaid.
H e n o t e d t h e contrasting opinions from
cricket legends such as Sir Clive Lloyd and Michael Holding on the issue but maintained that he would wait for a detailed frameworkbeforeforminga position.
“There are still a lot of things that are not clear to me, and until I have that information, I will want to reservemycomments. I am keen to see what the details are before I can really form an opinion on it,”Bascombestressed
Ja’s Olympic 100m silver medallist Kishane Thompson set for indoor debut at Astana Meet
SportsMax - Jamaica’s Olympic medallist Kishane Thompson is set to make hisindoordebutattheAstanaIndoorMeetfor Amin Tuyakov Prizes, the first World AthleticsIndoorTourGoldmeetingof2025, laterthismonth.
The 23-year-old, who secured 100m silverattheParis2024OlympicGames,has been announced to contest the 60m at the January 25 meet in Astana, Kazakhstan. While he has not raced indoors in his career sofar,ThompsondoeshaveaPBfor60mof 6.67,setinanoutdoorracein2022.
His last competition was the Paris Olympics,whereheran9.79tofinishaclose secondbehindNoahLylesinthe100mfinal. Thompson’s 100m PB of 9.77 was set at the JamaicanChampionshipslastJune.
Thompson’s competition in Astana will include Canada’s Andre De Grasse, the Tokyo Olympic 200m champion who, according to World Athletics, ran 6.66 to finishsixthinthefinalinAstanalastyear
In the women’s 60m, Tia and Tina Clayton will be joined by their Jamaican compatriotNatashaMorrisonandBahamian sprinterAnthoniqueStrachan.SadaWilliams and Janieve Russell will race the women’s 400m, while Alex Haydock-Wilson is
CWI Director of Cricket Miles Bascombe CWI President Dr. Kishore Shallow
enteredforthemen’sevent. Two-time world champion Chase Jacksonwillbeinactionintheshotput,while Marquis Dendy will contest the long jump. Thelistofathletesenteredsofaralsoincludes HirutMesheshainthe3000m,NiaAliinthe 60m hurdles, and Cornelius Tuwei in the 1500m.
Jamaica’s Olympic medallist Kishane Thompson.
Guyana to play Suriname, Grenada in ‘Nations Cup’
tournament - GBF shortlists 23 players for trials
Th e G u y a n a
B a s k e t b a l l
F e d e r a t i o n (GBF) yesterday announced
the participation of Guyana’s Senior Men’s Basketball Team in the highly anticipated ‘Nations Cup’tournament, set to take place from January 24 to 27 inParamaribo,Suriname. Theteamwillfacetough competitionagainstregional
rivalsSurinameandGrenada in what promises to be a thrilling showcase of basketball talent in the Caribbean.
The GBF has shortlisted 23 players for the tournament, emphasizing a commitment to showcasing and developing local talent. The list includes standout performersfromtheongoing One Guyana Premier
The players selected for trials are: Travis Belgrave (Eagles) Harold Adams (Royals), Dominic Vincente (Ravens), Zian Gray (Eagles), Nikkoloi Smith (Ravens), Yannick Tappin (Royals), Shelroy Thomas (Colts), Jushawn Bayley, Oquacey Shortt (Colts), Shane Webster (Colts), Orlan Glasgow (Royals), Jermaine Slater (Kobras), K i m o l G r i m m o n d (Untouchables), Domair Gladstone (Untouchables), S t a n t o n R o s e (Untouchables), Shamaar Huntley (Ravens), Denzil Ross (Eagles), Jamaal Gilkes (Untouchables), Brando Bento (Mambas), Emmanuel Atherly (Kobras), Nathan Saul (Pacesetters), Jaleel Duke (Pacesetters), and Elijah David(Kobras).
The team will be led by HeadCoachAdrianHooper, with Marlon Rodrigues serving as Assistant Coach and Warren Wilson as Team Manager
Thesquadwillundergoa rigorous two-day trial this
weekend at the Cliff AndersonSportsHall,where thefinalrosterof12players willbedetermined.
CoachHoopernotedthat the final selection process will be highly competitive, given the exceptional talent and performances of the shortlistedplayersintheOne Guyana Premier Basketball League.
“Everyplayeronthislist has earned their spot based on merit. It’s going to be a challenge narrowing this group down to 12, but I’m confident that we’ll assemble a team capable of representing Guyana with pride and competitiveness,” Hooperstated.
According to GBF
PresidentMichaelSingh,the Nations Cup marks the beginning of what promises to be a busy and exciting year for Guyana’s National BasketballTeam.
The tournament in Suriname serves as a key step in the team’s preparation to defend their title at the Caribbean Basketball Confederation (CBC)Championship.
“This tour is the start of early preparations for our national team, and it provides an excellent opportunity to measure the standardofourlocalgame,” Singhsaid.
“By focusing on our locallybasedplayersforthis tournament, we aim to
identify and develop talent here at home, giving them the exposure needed to compete at the international level. This approach will allow us to integrate overseas-based players into future engagements with a strongerfoundation.”
Singh also highlighted the significance of the ongoing One Guyana Premier Basketball League asadevelopmentalplatform.
“Our players have been competing at a high level domestically, and this has provided the GBF with a robustpooloftalenttowork with. The Nations Cup will giveusvaluableinsightsinto howourlocalplayersmatch