Kaieteur News

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Guyana’s largest selling daily & New York’s most popular weekly

Deaths from Israeli attacks in Gaza undercounted by 41%, study finds


national who fell from Govt,

Pensioner dies at CJIA while waiting to board

PNC calls for doubling of minimum wage, Linden shooting was over ‘fender bender’-Eyewitnesses

loan for GTE project tax-free threshold to be increased to $400,000 monthly flight to New York sign US$527 million

Rystad Energy

Body of Chinese new Demerara River bridge recovered ...says country gaining 59% of total value

From left, Dr Ashni Singh, Prime Minister Mark Phillips and US EXIM Bank President and Chair, Reta Jo Lewis at the signing ceremony of the loan on Friday afternoon.Also photographed are Minister of Natural Resources Vickram Bharrat (left) and U.S.Ambassador to Guyana Nicole Theriot (right). (DPI)

Ahead of Budget 2025...

PNC calls for doubling of minimum wage, tax-free threshold to be increased to $400,000 monthly

Ahead of this year’s Budget presentation, set for January 17, the People’s National Congress Reform(PNC/R)hascitedasuiteof measuresthatshouldbeincludedin thecountry’sfiscalplan.

During a press conference on Friday, the Economic Advisor to the Opposition Leader, Elson Low outlined10measuresthatshouldbe incorporated, which he said would helpGuyanesetolivedecentlives.

These include increasing the tax-free threshold to $400,000 a month; hiking public servant minimumwageto$200,000;$20B allocation for cost-of-living mitigation; $3B allocation for the small business bureau; $100B to a rent to own program aiming to construct 10,000 homes a year on already allocated house lots and $200B for the upgrade and maintenanceoftheelectricalgrid.

Additionally, the PNC/R said

there should be a “job-seekers benefitfortheunemployedlooking forwork,of$40,000amonth.”

Otherinitiativesincludea$50B allocation to a development bank with a focus on improving the productivity of medium to largescale enterprises and a governance dividend of $100,000 to every Guyanese adult, along with the development of a modern national data management and cash distributionsystem.

Thepartypointedoutthat2023, 2024 and 2025 budgets alone are likely to total 15 years’ worth of pre-oil budgets as it presented arguments which will bring about changes to the quality of life for citizens.

Low reasoned, “Our country’s per capita income, adjusting for prices, is set to stand at over US$96,000 by the end of 2025.

Fellow Guyanese, do you feel 15 yearsofprogress?Doyoufeellike

Economic Advisor to the Opposition Leader, Elson Low

you live in a country with a higher per capita GDP, adjusting for prices, than the United Arab Emirates?Theanswerisclearlyno.

Guyanahungersforchangeandwe willbringthatchangethisyear.”

ThePNCarguedthatthisyear’s budget must not merely contain empty promises to spend money without clear policy goals It explained for instance that there shouldnotjustbetalksaboutmore hospitalswithoutspecifyingagoal ofnurseanddoctortopatientratios oraveragewaittimes.

Meanwhile, the Alliance For Change (AFC) also disclosed proposals for this year’s Budget.

Leader of the party, Nigel Hughes calledforanincreaseofthetax-free thresholdamongothers.

He said, “The non-oil primary deficitasashareofthenon-oilGDP should expand only by the sum of the oil revenues withdrawn from the Natural Resource Fund and foreign borrowing...we should legislatethatasafiscalmeasure.”

Meanwhile, he proposed that persons earning $2M or less per

annum should pay no income tax, while persons earning between $2Mand$10Mperannumwillpay a 15% income tax. On the other hand, persons earning in excess of $10M per annum should pay 20% incometax.

He said this would ensure that moreGuyanesehaveanincreasein disposable income to invest or improvetheirhomes.

Hughes said, “We believe that that will not cause any significant damagetothecurrentfiscalregime and the fiscal regime going forward.”

The AFC Leader said he believesthiselectionyearwillseea plethora of “wild promises” across the political spectrum, hence the failure to establish a framework couldlandthecountryineconomic danger. Hughes said the AFC is ready to implement the recommendations it has shared for thisyear’sBudget.


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Itispartofthetraditionofanewyearforresolutionsand promisestobemade. Theyaremadeattheindividuallevel, andpoliticiansmakealivingfrompromises. Forwhatisa politicianorapoliticalgroup,ifithasnopromisestomake? Promisesareeithertogivesupportersatimelyboost,orto deliver bright political commercials about all that is intended, will be delivered. In their New Year’s Day messages, both the government and opposition tried to outdoeachotherinmakingpromises.

The PPPC Government identified some very specific areasthatwouldbeofinteresttoGuyanese. Therewillbe more money in the pockets of pensioners, public servants andteachers. Onepromisethatwouldbeofkeeninterestto allGuyaneseistherewouldbemorecashgrantsduringthis year ItwasPresidentIrfaanAlihimself,whoemphasized thatcashgrantswouldnotbea‘one-off’situation,butlikely to be ongoing. Guyana’s leading opposition group, the PNCR,madepromisesthatweremoregeneralinnature. They were of putting oil money in the hands of Guyanese, introducing measures to ease poverty, and a livableincome,amongothers. OppositionLeader,Aubrey Norton,indicatedthathisparty’splanswillbemadepublic during the course of the year For its part, the opposition AFC was focused on a revised voters list and biometrics, which are non-negotiable issues. Both the PPPC Government and the PNCR opposition made it a point to speakatlengthaboutmoneyandhowmuchtheyaregoing todo(ifsuccessfulattheelections),withnaturalresources rewards.

We look at what the PPPC Government is promising, and note that those are given, already on the table. For example, pensioners and public servants know what to expect. So, is it going to be more than that, as in new percentagesandamounts? Itisencouragingtohearthatthe governmentisnowalloverflowingwithenergyaboutmore cash grants. Is this an elections gimmick? Meaning, $25,000 -$50,000 here and there as enticements for the electoratetoreturnthePPPCtooffice? Fromthetimethat the government went into office, the cry has been that Guyanese need a helping hand. The leaders of the PPPC Governmentallbutmockedthatcry,andcameupwithbits andpiecesofassistancetosaythattheydidsomething. The governmenthastheadvantageovertheoppositioninthatit controls the purse strings. But why is this promise about cash grants now being pushed to the forefront in 2025, an electionsyear? WhileGuyanesestruggledandsuffered,the PPPCGovernmentofIrfaanAliandVicePresidentBharrat Jagdeoignoredtheirconcerns. VicePresidentJagdeowent sofarastoinsistthatthereisnocost-of-livingproblem,and even if there was, the government has gone above and beyondtoproviderelief.

Ifthingsareatthatsolidlevel,thenthequestioniswhy are these cash grant promises now necessary? To state differently,sincethePPPCGovernmenthasdonesomuch forcitizens,andtheyhavesomuchintheirpockets,thennot evenonecashgrantshouldbenecessarythisyear Butthis is no ordinary year, it is an elections year, and the PPPC Government and its leaders have suddenly come to their senses. If those promises made by the president are to be takenliterally,thenGuyanesecanexpectafloodofmoney from their government. All the relief that they were begging for now seems to be on the way, and the biggest priorityofall. Thisishypocrisyofapaper-thinvariety,and iscontemptible. PresidentAlihasfoundhisfootingwhere thepoorofGuyanaareconcerned. Afterall,thepoorarethe oneswhomakeupasizablepercentageofthevoters,come polling day It is also the old Guyana political playbook comingtolifeagain. Ignoretheimpoverished,turnbacks ontheiranxieties,butnowthattheirvotesareneeded,there ismoneytocomeinshowers.

The opposition cannot find its voice, and the government is now all care and concern. We caution citizens,becarefulwithcleverpoliticians.

The absence of a fixed date for the elections does not prohibit the GECOM from starting non-statutory preparatory activities

DEAREDITOR, Please permit me space in your letter column to given clarity to some misleadingmattersthatwere published in the January 8, 2025 edition of the Guyana Times in an article titled “GECOM awaits official date for E-DAY to formally begin preparations – CEO –as over 2800 transactions facilitated during current Claims&Objectionsperiod.

The article conveys that “formal preparations remain on hold, with the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) awaiting an announcement on a date from President Dr Irfaan Ali”.

This is ambiguous in relationtothepreparationof a workplan (not “war plan”) delineating the statutory

administrative tasks for the conductoftheelections.

Such a workplan can be prepared only after the Presidentwouldhavenamed a date for the conduct of General and Regional E

However, the absence of a fixed date for the elections does not prohibit the GECOM Secretariat from embarkingontheconductof non-statutory preparatory activities e g developing strategies for procurement,

Civic and Voter Education and Logistics, and revision of the Manuals in line with the amendments that were made to the Representation of the People Act to be followed by the conduct of training of Management Stafffortheelections.

It follows therefore, that there is no issue about GECOM being unable to i

al preparationsfortheelections u

il the P

ent announces the official date for the hosting of the elections. I have absolutely noideawhatismeantbythe Commission is yet to “receivetheformalmandate t

necessarygroundwork”,and I certainly did not provide any such comment to the reporter who spoke with me overthetelephone.

The reporter did ask about critical (her word) preparations, such as the introduction of cameras at polling stations and the use ofbiometrics.Irespondedby emphasizingthat(i)theissue of biometrics was currently engagingtheattentionofthe Commission, and (ii) discussionontheissueofthe introduction of cameras at polling stations had not commencedasyet.


Project management needs urgent improvement




, The Ministry of Labour has continued to experience gaps in the enforcement of the safety requirements for the construction industry

The number of deaths has bounced back to previous levels,andtherecentfalland death of a Chinese citizen while working at height on the construction site for the new Demerara Bridge are indicative of the problem beforeus.

CRG has mentioned the importance of using Fall Protection on numerous occasions, but these incidents continue to occur

Major construction and public work projects should h a v e d e d i c a t e d Environmental, Health and Safety personnel onsite who arecontrollingaspectsofthe project where high risk is involved.

The issuing of onsite permitsandsafetygearsuch as fall protection when such works will be undertaken during the project must becomethenorminorderto preventthereoccurrenceand reduce the risk of injury during these major projects. We all remember the recent early morning meeting with the President. Let’s ensure

thatthebudgetprocesskeeps this in mind so as to prevent f u r t h e r n a t i o n a l embarrassment

The government must be prepared to staff and support the projects which it undertakes

The upcoming budget presentation should be cognizant of the human resource limitations at the ministries and within the country

This should inform how they structure the developmentstrategy Itwill help to ensure that spending ismoreeffective&efficient, and will help prevent the

economy from overheating due to the additional market constraints that can result. We must as a country do what is within our current capabilities and be cautious not to repeat the mistakes of the recent past that have resulted in several projects being poorly executed, which also exceeded budget targets.Therecentdebaclein Ruimveldt where powerline poles toppled is another exampleoftheproblem.

Withconcern, Mr.JamilChanglee


T h e C o o p e r a t i v e RepublicansofGuyana

Response to GECOM’s Press Release: Upholding Transparency and Restoring Public Confidence

DEAREDITOR, The Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) has issued a press release dismissing concerns regarding its transparency and decision-making processes. While GECOM assures the public of its commitmenttofree,fair,and credible elections in 2025, the onus lies on the Commissiontotakeconcrete actions that bolster public confidence, rather than dismiss concerns as “unscrupulous” or “mischievous.”


G E C O M , a s a constitutional body tasked with safeguarding democracy, must operate with the highest levels of

t r a n s p a r e n c y a n d

accountability Article162of the Constitution of Guyana andtheRepresentationofthe PeopleActobligateGECOM to execute its functions impartially,transparently,and in the public’s best interest Merely asserting neutrality and transparency without substantiating these claims

u n d e r m i n e s t h e Commission’scredibility

In the interest of transparency, GECOM should

1PublishManagerial SelectionProcessesPost2020

GECOM should publish the following details regarding all managerial positionsfilledafter2020:

- The names of all candidates who applied for keymanagerialpositions.

-Thescoresawardedto eachcandidateby Commissionersduring interviews.

- A summary of the discussions that led to the current managerial composition.

-Controlmechanismin placetopreventbiasin selection. Wastherean externalagencycontactto ensurequalitycontrol?

These actions will validateGECOM’sclaimsof objectivityandtransparency, allowingthepublictoassess the fairness of its hiring practices.

2.ReleaseDataon Resignations

3.ConductaPublic ConfidencePoll

IfGECOMisconfident in its credibility, it should commission an independent poll to gauge public confidence in its ability to deliver fair and transparent elections. This exercise will helpGECOMdetermineifit isindeed“livinginabubble” and enable corrective m e a s u r e s t o b e implemented.

4.ReviewPublic Sentiment GECOMshouldanalyze online commentary regarding its operations Anecdotalevidencesuggests (Continuedonpage06)

GECOM should disclose the list of managerial and key staff members who resigned under the current management Such information will help stakeholders understand potential concerns about internalmanagementandthe workenvironment.

WithdrawalofmyPresidentialCandidacy fromthe2025RegionalandGeneralElections

DEAREDITOR, Iwouldliketoannounce that I am withdrawing my Presidential candidacy from the 2025 Regional and GeneralElections.

This has been an extremely interesting journey since 2020 when I first made it public that I intend to run for President oftheCooperativeRepublic ofGuyanain2025.

I have had discussions with my family, advisers and others and have concluded that this is an appropriate decision, at thispoint

During this period, I have developed the ‘Give Audreyanna a Chance’ to be the next President

campaign and the

Building Our Dream Guyana’campaign/move ment

My request was to ‘Give Audreyanna a Chance’ to work with the Guyanese people to ‘Build Our Dream Guyana’ and achieve

O n e P e o p l e , O n e Nation, One Destiny; to p r o v i d e s t r o n g leadership; to work with the Guyanese people to

build strong families; to work with the Guyanese people to build strong communities; to work

with the Guyanese people to build strong organisations and institutions; to work

with the Guyanese

People to develop strong citizenship; to work with the Guyanese people to build a strong economy; to work with the Guyanese people to build strong bonds; and to work with Guyanese

to build a strong


W e h a v e a l s o developed a framework for a 10 to 15 years

‘National Economic and Social Development Strategy/Plan’ which is proposed to be built on eight areas: The Green Economy, Blue Economy, Agricultural Economy, Manufacturing, Oil and GasEconomy,Knowledge

Economy, Service Economy, and Natural ResourcesEconomy

Iwillcontinuetowork with my ‘constituencies’ in communities between Supply to Timehri on the

East Bank of Demerara, communit

communities around La Harmonie, West Bank Demerara

At Coverden on the East Bank, we have a plan to transform the village into a ‘Country Town’

agricultural, tourism and semi-industrial activities


es around La Harmonie on the West Bank, Demerara, o

n agriculture, tourism and semi-industrial

A few of our activities are to develop a major coconut estate, eco and agricultural tourism and reviv

the housing communities

About two generations ago, these communities had over250residents,however, due to the lack of facilities, such as potable water, electricity and all-weather roads, many people moved outofthearea.

Iwillcontinuetoworkto rebuildthesecommunities. ThankyoutotheRegion

Three Chairman and the government, as a result of our advocacy, La Harmonie and other communities on the West Bank, Demerara will now have all-weather roads.

Some families have lived there for more than 150 years without allweather roads and the only means of access was by crossing the Demerara River

We will continue to engage the Regional Chairman and Regional Democratic Council and the government to have portable water, electricity, andotherfacilitiesinthese communities

Thank you to the members of my family, my advisers, supporters, constituencies, and others for your love and support

Thank you to the media

information during this


To the Second Vice President,youhaveturned me into a poet in 2024 (smile)

I became fond of writing my feelings and emotions in poems Presidential candidates need to eat and pay their bills too Mr Vice President(Smile)

It is my hope that the politics of victimization will become irrelevant in Guyana and that we will evolve to a place where the government does not use its power to crush its opponents or potential opponents, but rather to focus on the highest level of good governance, inclusion, human dign

ty and integrity, respect the rule of law and respect for the roles and responsibilities of citizens in a democratic country,suchasGuyana. It is important to note that, I still intend to contrib

‘Building Our Dream Guyana’

Iwillcontinuetowork in areas of sustainable development, sustainable business, environment, climate change, health, ruleoflaw,amongothers

Myfocuswillcontinue to be on ensuring that thereisrespectfortherule of law, human dignity and that we develop and sustainstronginstitutions

My leadership style is transformational, so I hope to continue to not merely influence change, but transformation of the lives of individuals, communities,etc

To the Guyanese people, I have no doubt that our ‘Oh Beautiful Guyana’isingoodhands

I look forward to continuing to make my contributions

Sincerely, Citizen Audreyanna Thomas

Little Guyana, USAstrongly condemns Venezuela’s threats to elect a Governor for Essequibo

DEAREDITOR, As President of the Committee to Preserve Guyana’s Sovereignty and DistrictLeaderofRichmond Hill and Ozone Park, designated “Little Guyana” on the NYC and US maps, we strongly condemn the escalating actions of Venezuelan strongman Nicolas Maduro to seize over two-thirds of Guyana’s territory Venezuela’s recent threattoelectagovernorfor the Essequibo County of Guyana is an outrageous claim that must be rejected abinitio.

Thisisafundamentaland vicious violation of international law, the Law of Nations, and basic human decency Itistantamounttoa declaration of war, an act of terror, and constitutes an egregious precedent We call upon all nations, the US President, the institutions of America, and all rightthinking individuals and

organizations worldwide to condemn this illegal act.

Collectively, we must safeguard Guyana’s sovereignty and territorial integrity, while bringing Maduro to justice as a war criminal.

Venezuela’s plan also transgresses the Argyle AgreementofDecember14, 2023, and the binding Order of the International Court of Justice (ICJ) issued on December 1, 2023, which commit Guyana and Venezuela,unequivocally,to refrain from escalating any conflict or disagreement arising from the territorial controversybetweenthetwo countries, including refraining from actions that could aggravate tensions or alter the current situation in the disputed territory, pending resolution in a c c o r d a n c e w i t h internationallaw

Maduro’s quixotic, but dangerous, ambition would

be another flagrant, fundamental usurpation of the basic tenets of international law, a travesty of the UN Charter, a declaration of war, and the machinations of a demented dictator, for Venezuela to attempt to conduct an election in Guyanese territory in

ving Guyanese nationals, in an independent land where it has no jurisdiction Venezuela’sresourceswould bebetterspentprovidingfor the suffering masses who seekrefugeenmasseinother countries,andarefleeingthe Maduro dictatorship in unprecedentednumbers. We will not, and must not,allowthistohappen.


President of the Committee to Preserve Guyana’ssovereignty District Leader of Richmond Hill and Ozone Park, NY, USA, “Little Guyana”


Frompage04 over 80% of public opinions express skepticism about the Commission’s credibility,withonlyaminoritydefendingits integrity.Publicperceptioniscriticalforthe credibilityofelections,asextensiveresearch hasshownthattrustinelectionmanagement bodies(EMBs)correlatesdirectlywithvoter turnoutandelectorallegitimacy

The credibility of the 2025 elections is notsolelyamatterofinternalassurancesbut also of public trust. GECOM must address these challenges proactively and substantively The Commission should embrace transparency, engage with stakeholders constructively, and take meaningful steps to restore public confidence.Anythingless,risksdiminishing the integrity of Guyana’s democratic processes.

Letthepublicbethejudge.WillGECOM risetotheoccasion?


Studies by international organizations such as the International Institute for DemocracyandElectoralAssistance(IDEA) highlightthatpublictrustinelectoralbodies isparamountfordemocraticstability.Alack of confidence in GECOM can lead to voter apathy, contestation of election results, and broader instability GECOM must not underestimate the gravity of these concerns and disregard them as mischievous but they are in the interest of fairness and good governance.


Rystad Energy issues misleading analysis on Guyana’s share from ExxonMobil contract

RystadEnergy,anenergy intelligence company that provides data, insights and education on key energy issues, has again made it to the spotlight for publishing misleading information aboutGuyana.

In its most recent analysis, the company painted an illusion of the massive benefits Guyana receives from the Petroleum Agreement inked with American oil major, ExxonMobil.

Rystad Energy senior vice president and head of Latin America and the Caribbean,SchreinerParker, said that Guyana’s fiscal regime, compared to other offshore leaders, is on the higher end. Although there was no indication of how he arrived at his conclusion, Parker said Guyana’s total take was 59%, compared to theUnitedStates’40%.


Hesaid,“Comparingthe fiscal regimes of other offshoreleaders,Guyana’sis on the higher end, with the governmenttakeclockingin at 59% of total value. In contrast, applying the US fiscalregimetotheStabroek block would result in a government take of only 40% Nigeria and Brazil align more with Guyana’s fiscalpolicies,with58%and 61%,respectively.”

Thefiguressharedinthis analysis could not however be further from the truth, sinceitiswidelyknownthat Guyana only receives a 14.5% share of the wealth generated in the Stabroek Block.

This is so since the Stabroek Block partners, ExxonMobil, Hess and

CNOOC deduct 75% of the oil produced each month towardscost.Theremaining 25%, which is considered profit oil, is then split with Guyana evenly In this manner,thecountryreceives 12.5% profits in keeping with the terms of the lopsided contract

Additionally,Guyanaispaid one of the lowest royalty rates across the industry, a meager 2% on a quarterly basis.

It is therefore unclear how Parker arrived at the conclusion that the country was benefitting from a massive “59% of total value”.

Rystad Energy, a key “independent” source for dataset on global energy issues, is often cited in

international media reports. Thecompany’sreachcannot thereforebeunderestimated, as several reports have already been carried on the verypiece.

It should also be noted that this is not the first instance where Rystad’s Schreiner Parker has presented dangerously misleading information on thecountry


Back in August 2022, Kaieteur News reported that several Guyanese punched gapingholesintoa“study”it produced with mysterious projections about the country’s oil earnings into 2040.

Rystad Energy, senior vice president and head of Latin America and the Caribbean, Schreiner Parker

Thereporttitled,Guyana Upstream Industry and Country Benchmarking Update, was unveiled to members of the business community by Rystad’s Schreiner Parker The VP noted, among other lofty statistics, that Guyana is

US$157B by 2040. He also spoke about the amount of associated gas Guyana has andthefactthatitismoving in the right direction by bringingittoshorethrougha pipeline project. Parker also praised Guyana for having a Natural Resource Fund in place, noting that it is a step intherightdirectiontogood governance.

Chartered Accountant

Christopher Ram and Kaieteur News Publisher, Glenn Lall, strategically interrogated and debunked the methodology and basis upon which Parker and his Norwegian team arrived at several conclusions in their report.Leadingoffthefirst Continued on page 9

An invitation to scandal

TheVice President, with his characteristic mix of defensiveness, recently offered a glimpse into the government’s policy or lack thereof regarding conflicts of interest among its Ministers When questioned, he revealed that one individual, whose business ventures intersect with the oil and gas sector, wasaskedtodelinkfromthat business as a condition for joiningtheCabinet.

Jagdeodidnotstatewhat he meant by de-link. But generally, this should

involve placing the business inablindtrust.Hasthisbeen done? The records at the Court should be able to confirmthis.

Jagdeothenpivotedtoan argument that Ministers havearighttoholdsharesor interests in businesses, so long as these are dutifully declared to the Integrity Commission and do not use their influence to benefit their companies. But this h a l f

f potentialconflictsofinterest only underscores the deeper

negligenceandcasualnessat play The government has failedtocodifybindingrules onconflictsofinterestforits Ministers and senior officials.

The absence of a comprehensive Code of Conductgoverningconflicts of interest is not merely an oversight.Itisanabdication of responsibility In a nation where resource wealth and foreign investments are reshaping the economy, the opportunities for personal enrichment at the public’s expense are as plentiful as

Rystad Energy issues misleading analysis...

Frompage8 set of questions was Ram whodemandedtoknowthe qualifications of the presenter or the entire range of expertise that underpinned the study. Ram contented that this w a s c r u c i a l t o understanding the length and breadth of knowledge thatsupportedtheso-called study. Given that the opinion-piece touched on several fiscal issues, Ram also asked if the study was subjected to a peer-review, be it internally, or preferably,externally

Parker said, “Rystad is an independent research house that puts out these types of reports for the general public because we believe it is of interest. It hasnotbeenpeerreviewed and nothing that Rystad publishesispeerreviewed. It is 100 percent our own

take on the situation here and based on our ability to gatherresearch,anduseour proprietary models which allow us to do our forecasting…”

He added, “It is an interest-piece and I don’t believe it needs to be peer –reviewed ” Importantly, Parker did not answer Ram’s questions about his qualificationsorthatofhis teammates.

On the gas-to-energy project, Parker could not presentashredofevidence tosupporthisconclusionof why the gas-to-energy projectisfinanciallyviable as asked by Lall. He noted nonetheless, that it is a necessary project and r e g u r g i t a t e d t h e government’smantrathatit will slash energy rates by half Importantly, Parker did not pointedly answer Lall’s question on whether h

government or Exxon to spread his company’s propaganda. But following a question by Stabroek News, he confessed that Rystadisindeedaclientof ExxonMobil.

( To s e e t h e f u l l presentation and Q&A segment, follow this link: https://www facebook com /oilnowgy/videos/4192949 20007538)

IncorrectMapof Guyana

During the 2023 Trinidad and Tobago Energy Conference Parker in a presentation used a mapshowingtheGuyana’s S t a b r o e k B l o c k o v e r l a p p i n g i n t o Venezuela’s territorial waters.

It was later explained that the erroneous map usedwasanunfinishedone fromhiscompany


Dem signs need calibrating

Dem boys bin pass one of dem fancy speedmetersignswahdeguvamentputup fuh tell drivers how fas’dem speeding. De sign seh, “You going 46!” But when dem boys peep pon dem dashboard, it seh 60 km/h.Wahreallygoingonhey?

Demboysstartfuhwonderifdemsign calibrate in miles per hour instead ah kilometers per hour One man seh, “Well bai, maybe de sign import from America, suhitgotdeAmericanstyle!”Anotherone seh,“Nahman,itnahdesign.Maybedecar wrong.”Butifalldecarswrongandonlyde signright,whadatsehboutweroads?

Dem boys seh de sign tekkin sport wid drivers. One man flying down de road, de signflash“30km/h”likehecruisingslow Another man crawling like he tekking pension,designholler“120km/h!”Islike designgotamindofitown!

Dem boys laugh till dem belly cramp. “Is wah guvament really up to? Dem want fuh mek we stop speeding or mek we stop


Ministers and senior officials wield considerable influence over policy and project approvals The n o t i o n t h a t m e r e “declaration” of interests sufficestomitigateconflicts is as naïve as it is disingenuous. Declarations are, at best, a starting point. Without explicit rules that barMinistersfromdecisionmaking on matters where theyhaveadirectorindirect interest,thedoorisleftwide open for abuse, intentional orotherwise.

One might reasonably ask why such rules do not already exist. After all, the potential for conflicts of interest is hardly a new phenomenon.

The absence of a robust Code of Conduct benefits thosewhoprefertheopacity of the current system. Why constrain one’s ability to leverage public office for private gain when the status quo allows for plausible deniability?

The Vice President’s assertion that Ministers should not “use their influence” to benefit companies in which they haveaninterestislaughable initsvagueness.Influenceis not a tangible commodity thatcanbeeasilydelineated. It is wielded in closed-door meetings,insubtlenudgesto subordinates, and in the framing of policy discussions.

AMinisterneednotsign anofficialdocumentorissue a direct order to shape outcomes in ways that favour their interests. The mere presence of a financial stake be it shares, partnerships, or other benefits creates an inherent bias, conscious or unconscious To believe

otherwise is to ignore decades of evidence from around the world, where unchecked conflicts of interest have led to corruption, inefficiency, and publicdisillusionment.

What, then, should a proper Code of Conduct entail? At a minimum, it m

y decision-making process that could affect a company inwhichtheyholdsharesor other beneficial interests Theprinciplehereissimple: no one should be a judge in theirowncause.

Beyond recusal, there must be restrictions on Ministers owning shares in companies that are likely to have dealings with the government Where such ownership is unavoidable, these shares should be placed in a blind t r u s t m a n a g e d independently, without the Minister’s knowledge or input. In fact, any business owned by the Minister should be placed in a blind trust.

Guyana’s burgeoning oil and gas sector has introduced a level of wealth and complexity that the nation is ill-prepared to manage The stakes are enormous, not just for the companies involved but for thenationasawhole.Every decision—from productionsharing agreements to e n v i r o n m e n t a l regulations carries the potential to shape Guyana’s future for generations. Yet, these decisions are being made in a context where the rules governing conflicts of interest are either weak or nonexistent.

The irony is that codifying these rules would not only benefit the public but also the government itself. A well-defined Code of Conduct would provide clarity and protection for Ministers who might otherwise find themselves accusedofimpropriety,even where none exists. It would bolster public confidence in the government’s ability to manage the nation’s resourcesresponsibly Andit would send a clear signal to investors that Guyana is committedtohighstandards of governance and accountability

Instead,weareleftwitha muddled and inconsistent approach, where the rules appear to depend on the whims of those in power. This is not governance; it is improvisation. And it is a dangerous game to play in a nation where the stakes are sohigh.

The Vice President’s comments, rather than reassuring the public, have exposed the inadequacy of the current system. They have highlighted the urgent need for a comprehensive, enforceable Code of Conduct that addresses not just conflicts of interest but thebroaderethicalstandards expected of those in public office. Anything less is an invitationtoscandal.

(The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinionsofthisnewspaper.)

trustingweowneyes?”Amansehhedoes feellikeheinonevideogame.Whenhesee de wrong speed, he does waan accelerate justfuhtesthowmuchfasterhecanmekde signgo.

Demboyssehifguvamentserious,dem shouldacalibratedesignfuhreaddetruth. Oratleastmekdesignsehsomethinguseful like, “Watch de pothole ahead” or “Time fuhabitgas!”Instead,demsigngotdrivers scratching dem head, wondering if dem needglassesoramechanic.

One man seh he pass de sign, it seh “Relax.”Demanslowdown.Butwhenhe check,hewasn’tspeedingindefussplace! Dem boys seh, maybe de sign know something we nah know Maybe it just warningwe,notboutspeeding,butboutde stressahdrivingindisplace.

Dem boys seh, next time yuh see one, tekapicture.Atleastdesigngoodfuhone thing—givingyuhareasonfuhlaugh. Talkhalf.Leffhalf.



President Irfaan Ali and Vice President BharatJagdeo,bothdoctors,aresofaralong the road that they have selected, it is astonishing where they find themselves. Theyshouldbetakingtheleadinhelpingthis nation, healing the hurts of its people. Instead, they are overjoyed at taking the opposite tack. All are worse, with none in a more pathetic state than the two of them. SomeexamplesshouldhelpallGuyaneseget abetterunderstandingofbothmen,seethem forwhotheyreallyare.

WhenAliandJagdeohearofconscience, the first things that come to their minds are comets and cockroaches. It is not that these fellowslackeducation,simplythattheyhave no range, so narrow their world is. So, it follows that when they hear of this strangest ofaliencreatures,aGuyanesewhoisabona fideconscientiousobjector,theydon’tknow what to do with him, and they don’t know what to do with themselves. One resorts to brimstoneandblabber,theotherseekssolace inthebludgeonandbattleaxe. Intheirminds, such a Guyanese is of a lower life form than the cabal in Caracas plotting to separate Guyanesefromtheirlandandtreasure. Pity thelocalchaps,itisallthattheyknow,what theyhavebeenallowedtogetawaywith,and

what they believe and insist should be the prevailingculture. Talk to them about the place of ethics in governmentandtheyreactasthoughtheyjust encountered a Martian. To complete the circle, when they hear or come across an honest citizen, he or she is their worst nightmare. What if there are more like this one? How many more could there be, since onealoneistoodangerous? Whentheyhear that some Guyanese is about honesty, they start imagining what their worst enemy would look like. On getting the news that they are few in number and do not represent much of a political threat, they then go into highgeartosnuffthemoutandstufftheminto oneofthoseforeignownedradioactivewaste depositsites. Drs.AliandJagdeoshouldbe leadingthewayinrollingouttheredcarpetto welcome principled Guyanese, who must be a vital part of any genuine capacity building vision. Instead, look at the rings of suspect characters, with which they seem most comfortable. I urge Guyanese to recall any full-length horror or crime movie that they have seen. Most of the men and women around Drs. Ali and Jagdeo are of a darker character than those nocturnal Gothic delights. With few exceptions, a slate of

scoundrels, if anyone asks me. Who is injectingwhom,andwithwhatmedicine,are the enduring mysteries. Afact of life is that there could usually be a small handful of unscrupulous members in a group of a few dozenorso. Butitbogglesthemindthatover 90percentofgroupsaroundMessrs.

AliandJagdeowouldneverwinprizesfor ethics, morals, and standards. If anyone wants to locate the thickest cluster of dishonestpeopleinthiscountry,alltheyhave todoismaketheroundsofthetopofficesin thiscountry Howdoesanyonegetanywhere inbuildingacountrywithhumanmaterialsof thisabysmalquality?

TheChinesehaveasaying:ifthereisthe desire to assist a man to feed himself, teach himhowtofish. InGuyana,thePPPcreated itssmellyhalf-brother:becausetheobjective istocontrolamanmind,bodyandsoul,then give him a self-renewing license to steal. First, he can’t protest about anything. Nor canheblowwhistlesbeforelawenforcement people (themselves no fine kettle of fish) or media. Third,thereisaslaveforlife,witha swordhangingoverhisheadandhissleep. Who is going to report whom, when the corrupt is the biggest component in the dominant culture? Who are the disgruntled and the totally fed-up (sudden flash of conscience)goingtospillthebeansto,when

t h e y have their o w n t o r t u r e d histories? This is how Guyana is under almost near complete lockdown,thankstotheboysinred. It explains why there is all this verbal sparring, this leadership rhetorical shifting fromfoottofoot. Itistobuytime. Itiswhy nobody squeals, why the machinery doesn’t squeak. It is to provide cover for some provenolecomrade. Itistosendamessage through the 83,000 square miles of Guyana: the PPP takes care of its own. From death row candidates to solitary confinement inmates. Like that old Jamaican favorite from back in the day used to remind everyone: stick by me and I’ll stick by you. That part of the PPP manifesto is written in invisible ink. Prying eyes and inquiring minds come up empty PPP luminaries are assured of universal backing from the big officetothebigstationhousetothebigpeople therewhogettheirmarchingordersfromthe big people in the big PPP Government. All thisisneitherimaginarynorhallucinatory It isallrealitybased.

(The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflecttheopinionsofthisnewspaper.)

Guyoil gets two new freightliner trucks to enhance fuel distribution

The Guyana Oil Company (Guyoil) on Friday announced the acquisition of two state- of-the-art freightliner trucks to further strengthen its fuel distribution network and ensurereliableserviceforitscustomers.

The new trucks were unveiled at a soft commissioning ceremony held on Friday at theProvidenceServiceStationpremises.

GeneralManager,MollyHassansaidthat the company has not commissioned new truckssince2017.Therefore,thefreightliner trucks mark a significant investment in Guyoil’s commitment to delivering fuel safely,quickly,andsustainably

“Wehavearesponsibilitytothepeopleof Guyanatoensuretheequitabledistributionof fuelatalltimes.

The addition of these new freightliner

truckswillaidinfulfillingourresponsibility These trucks will enable us to meet the growing demand, streamline fuel transportation, enhance service reliability, and maintain the highest safety standards,” Hassan said The General Manager commended the staff who played significant rolesintheacquisitionofthenewtrucks,for demonstrating teamwork, dedication and professionalism.

The two new trucks have a fuel capacity of 9300 and 23000 litres and are equipped with the latest technology and designed for optimalsafetyandefficiency Guyoilsaidthe trucks will play a critical role in ensuring seamlessoperations,particularlyduringhigh demand periods, enabling Guyoil to better serveitscustomers.


Guyana’s Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has granted an Interim Environmental Permit (IEP), to Canadian company,GMiningVenturesCorp.

GMINmadetheannouncement onFriday,statingthatthisapproval follows their submissions of the Environmental ImpactAssessment (EIA) and Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the Oko West GoldProject.

According to GMIN the IEP, which is valid for one year, along withthe“NoObjection”letterfrom the Guyana Forestry Commission, allows them to initiate early construction activities sooner than expectedinQ1of2025.

The company noted that these activities include the construction of a barge landing facility, main access and internal roads, airstrip, permanentcampfacility,waterand sewagetreatmentplantsandpower generation and communication tower

Louis-Pierre Gignac, President & Chief Executive Officer (CEO), stated,“TheapprovaloftheInterim Environmental Permit represents animportantsteptowardsmakinga construction decision for the Oko West Project. We are proud to collaborate with Guyana’s EPA, Forestry Commission, and communities in Region 7 to align our development activities, and begin building our local team for thenextphases.”

This publication had reported thatthecompanyplanstoestablish a new port of entry wharf and staging area near Itabali on the CuyuniRivertosupportoperations for its Oko West Gold Project located in Region Seven (CuyuniMazaruni).Thefacilitywillinclude a wharf, laydown area, and accommodationsforworkers,with a40-bedcampplannedforthesite. Materials and fuel required for the pre-operationandoperationphases willbedeliveredtothislanding. Notably, pre-production activities, including the development of the wharf and terminal, are slated to begin in

September 2025 and conclude by December2026.

It was also reported that the companystatedthatanairstripwill beconstructedintheprojectarea.It wasexplainedthatwhileanumber of alternative locations were considered, in the end it was decided that the airstrip will be located to the south of the mine infrastructure and close to the pit/processingplant.

“Theairstripwillbedesignedto accommodate airplanes up to the sizeofaTwin-OtterorCaravanand will be approximately 850 meters long. The airstrip will be used for the export of gold, personnel

Pensioner dies at CJIA while waiting to board flight to New York

A72-year-old woman died at the Cheddi Jagan International Airport (CJIA) while preparingtoboardaflighttoNewYork,USA, AirportofficialssaidonFriday

In press statement, CJIA identified the woman as Alwayne Barratt and related that she was scheduled to board an American Airlinesflight.

“Accordingtoherfamily,Ms.Barrattwas discharged from Balwant Singh Hospital the previousdayandwastravellingwithherson to seek further medical treatment in the


Barrattwasillwithdiabetes,hypertension andpneumonia.

“While waiting to board, Ms. Barratt appeared unwell,” CJIA said before adding that an airline personnel directed her to Port Healthforamedicalclearance.

On arrival there, they could not find a pulse.

transport, and health and safety emergencies during all phases of theProject,”itwasstated.

Whenoperational,itwasstated that the flights will occur during daylight hours, as the airstrip will not be lit. “The airstrip will be unpaved and constructed from laterite.Theairstripwillbeoriented northeast-southwest,asrequiredby prevailing winds,” the document states.

Moreover, GMIN is aiming to produce approximately 5 million ouncesofgoldover14to16years.

In July 2024, GMIN bought Reunion Gold, another Canadian company for some US$638

million–through this transaction GMINacquiredReunion’sflagship OkoWestMine.

The Oko West Project is currentlyconsideredan“advancedstage exploration project.” The Mineral Resource Estimation (MRE) dated 26th February, 2024 is 4.27 million ounces of gold in indicated resources and 1 60 million ounces of gold in inferred resources.TheOkoWestprojectis expected to produce 353,000 ounces of gold annually from both open pit and underground mining. According to the EIA, “planned production of approximately five millionouncesofgoldover14to16 years from the processing of an estimated 65 to 70 million tons of ore, creating 280 to 350 million tons of waste rock and 65 to 70 milliontonsoftailings.”

Linden shooting was over

‘fender bender’ - Eyewitnesses

Eyewitnessesareclaimingthattherecent Linden shooting that left five persons badly wounded on December 29, 2024 was over a fender bender (minor collision between motor vehicles) and had nothing to do with gangviolence.

It quickly became an argument and escalatedintoaphysicalfight.Awomanwas repor

ing the misunderstanding and relatives, named as suspects,cametoherdefence.

AnambulancewascalledandBarrattwas transported to the Diamond Diagnostic Centerwheredoctorspronouncedherdead.

Police are still investigating the shooting and chaos which took place at Five-Corner Junction Mackenzie, Linden, Region 10. Initially,itwasreportedthatviolenceerupted afterrivalgangsclashed.Somesuspectswere named but police are yet to update the press onanyfurtherdevelopmentsinthecase.

However, eyewitnesses are coming forward with new information suggesting that there was no gang war but an argument over a fender bender which escalated into chaos.

The argument reportedly began between two groups of people who were among patronsat“CoolerFete”heldattheRetrieve HardCourtinLinden.

“Patrons were leaving the Retrieve Hard Court when one car collided with another (secondcar),”aneyewitness(nameprovided) recalled.

Kaieteur News understands that the secondcarwasjammedfrombehindinwhat wasdescribedas“bumpertobumpertraffic”.

“It started with the guys that jam the car insisting that they will sort out the damage tomorrow (the following day),” the eye witness continued while adding that the occupantsdidnotagree.

They reportedly wanted money on the spottorepairthedamagetotheircar

What started as physical fight, continued attheFive-CornerJunctionwhereitevolved intochaosandthefiringofgunshots.

Three persons were shot while one was chopped in the head and another stabbed. Eyewitnesses began sharing cell phone recordedvideosoftheshooting,depictingthe chaos.Onevideoshowedpeoplerunningfor coverasgunshotsrangout.Avictimwasseen limpingawayfromthesceneafterapparently beingshotinhisleg.

Another video depicted a police rank being assaulted as he attempted to quell the situation It was a completely chaotic situation.

Policelaterreleasedastatementreporting thatthechaosleftfivepersonswounded.

Among those injured are two men: Rondel Rodney, 27, of One Mile, Wismar, LindenandBrianJohnson, 25,ofHalfMile, Wismar,Linden,whowerearrestedearlierin Decemberfortheillegalpossessionofagun andammunition.

Rodneywasshotintherightlegandisone among four suspects who police believe initiated the shooting. He was under police guard at the Linden Hospital. Meanwhile Johnson was reportedly stabbed in his right eye.

Theotherwoundedpersonswere Continued on page 17

An EPA official handing over the Interim Environmental Permit to GMIN
EPA’s Executive Director, Kemraj Parsram
Cheddi Jagan International Airport

Govt, US-Exim Bank sign US$527M loan for  GTE project

TheGovernmentof GuyanaonFriday signed a US$527 million loan agreement with the United States ExportImport(USEXIM)Bank,for the Gas-to-Energy (GTE) project The signing ceremony was held at the Wales,WestBankDemerara projectsite.

Theloanwillsupportthe constructionofaNaturalGas Liquids(NGL)facilityanda 300-megawatt power plant. Gaswillbetransportedfrom the offshore Stabroek Block Liza oilfield via a 12-inch pipeline to the project site, where 50 million cubic feet ofgaswillbeconvertedinto powerdaily

Theprojectisexpectedto cut electricity costs nationwideby50%.

Government had hired a joint venture CH4Lindsayca back in 2022 Lindsayca, a Texas-based and Puerto Rican company, Ch4.

The joint venture was hired to construct the power plant and NGL facility for U S $ 7 5 9 m i l l i o n Construction is expected to becompletedthisyear

Inheraddress,USEXIM Bank President and Chair, RetaJoLewis,describedthe project as transformative, and beneficial. “As you know, last week, the Board of U.S. Export Import Bank of the United States voted unanimously to approve over a half billion in US dollars of financing for this

transformative gas-toenergyproject,”Lewissaid.

“This deal is a gamechanger Not just for Guyana and the United States, but for the people, businesses, and shared aspirationsthatuniteourtwo nations. Together, we are taking bold steps to strengthen energy security, enhance environmental sustainability, and unlock economic opportunity,” she added.

Further, Senior Minister with responsibility for Finance, Dr Ashni Singh, underscored the importance of the GTE project for Guyana’sdevelopment.

“I will therefore, very simply reiterate, personally howimportantthisprojectis.

As Chair, Lewis has already said, this single project is going to see Guyana doubling, more than doubling our electricity generating capacity and importantly, you’ll see us advance in our journey towards cleaner and more renewablesourcesofenergy, given the gas to be a transition fuel,” Dr Singh said.

M i n i s t e r S i n g h highlighted the broader economicimpact.Hestated,

“In addition to that, [the project] will see us improving the reliability of our energy supply and reducing the cost of our energy supply to the extent thatwewillbeabletoreduce the cost of electricity to the

consumerby50%.Thiswill, in turn, catalyze a quantum leap in the competitiveness a n d p o t e n t i a l competitivenessoftheentire non-oileconomy.”

Similarly, Prime

Minister Brigadier (Ret’d), MarkPhillipsreferredtothe GTE project as the largest and most transformative initiative in Guyana’s history

Healsospokeabouthow the project will benefit citizens.

ThePrimeMinistersaid, “This project will empower our people, our industries, and our aspirations as a nation Today, we are speaking of a clean, more reliable,andmoreaffordable

energy future. Families will findreliefinlowerelectricity costs Businesses will discover new avenues for growth. Our industries will expand, bringing with them jobs, opportunities, and prosperity.”


Recently, Vice President (VP) Bharrat Jagdeo during his weekly press conference

at Freedom House, Georgetown explained that there is a fixed 4% annual interest rate on the loan whichwouldberepaidovera periodof15years.

He said the country will be required to make two annual payments on November 1 and May 1, commencing on May 1,

2031 “The interest rate is 4% so if you calculate it o

moratoriums and all of that soit’sa4%interestandyou can calculate what the repayment would be over a time period It’s fixed at 4% principalrepaymentis 3 0 s e m i - a n n u a l installments so it’s 15 years thereafter,” the VP explained.


Back in April 2023, it was revealed that Guyana applied to the Bank for a US$646M loan to support theNGLandpowerplant.

On November 28, 2024, Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo announced that

approval had been granted fortheloan.

At that time, Jagdeo explained that the loan will be providing retroactive financing, so if it is made available,itwillbecovering financing that the government had to make sincethestartoftheproject.

Last month, Prime Minister Phillips indicated that some $99B has been spent to date on the GTE project.

His revelation came as Parliament approved an additional $25.3B to further advance the project. As of November,58%ofthework had been completed, according to the Prime Minister

Education ministry spent over $31 billion on infrastructure in four years

Minister of Education, Priya Manickchand on Friday disclosed that since the People’s Progressive Party Civic (PPP/C) government took office in 2020, her ministry spent approximately $31.5 billion on the construction, rehabilitation and maintenance of schools across the country Manickchand was at the time speaking at her ministry’s end-of-year-press conference held at the National Centre for Education Resource Development (NCERD) boardroom, Kingston, Georgetown.

Speaking about education infrastructure in her presentation, theministerrelated,“Infrastructure development we have spent over thelastfouryears,2020to2024,we spent$31,529,228,360.”

The minister said that $13 billion was spent on the construction of new school buildings, $7 billion on reconstruction works, $8B on majorextensionsand$2Bonmajor rehabilitationworks.

Noting that these sums cover

Minister of Education, Priya Manickchand at her ministry’s end-of-year press conference on Friday

projectsacrossallregions,minister Manickchand noted that in Region One, $817 million was spent; RegionTwo,$3.56billion;Region Three, $3.5 billion; Region Four, $8.3 billion; Region Five, $897 million; Region Six, $751 million; RegionSeven,$2.4billion;Region Eight, $1.8 billion; Region Nine, $2 8 billion; Region 10, $825 million, and Georgetown approximately $5.3 billion was spentonschools. The education minister

explained that the government invested in the infrastructure to ensure that school-aged children across the country can attend school in comfort and without impediments.

“When I came in (to office), Superintendent of Exams, Saudia Kadir said to me, you are going to have some problems and she said we are about to announce these results and we don’t have about 3,000 spaces for children in GeorgetownandRegionThree,we don’thaveit,”theministersaid.

Itwasduetothis,tentswereset up, buildings were rented and community centers used to accommodatestudents.

“That is not a place we want to be,thatisnotaplaceweneedtobe inandwearenotpeoplewhowring ourhands.Wearepeoplewhofind solutions,”Manickchandadded.

Speaking on some of the

n infrastructure so far, the minister saidwithinthefour-yearperiod,her ministry has undertaken 37

secondary school projects across thecountry

This she said increases the figure from 116, which was the existing number of secondary schoolsinGuyanaupto2020.

“According to the United Nations, we have achieved universal primary education Although we have that, we are looking to make sure we either rebuild where necessary but also looking to build new primary schools where none existed. We havegottenacompleteassessment of where we need nursery schools and are also feverishly working on tryingtobringinuniversalnursery education,”shetoldreporters.

Kaieteur News understandsthat in Region One, the ministry is building and reconstructing five secondaryschoolsthatwillinclude dormitoriesandteachers’quarters.

InRegionTwo,theCottonField Secondary is being rebuilt; in Region Three, schools are being built at Nismes and Tuschen. In Region Four, the Good Hope

Secondary and the Yarrowkabra Secondary have been completed while they are currently building schools at Prospect and Kaneville ontheEastBankofDemerara.

Withnonewsecondaryschools neededinRegionFive,theministry is looking at providing transportation for students In Region Six, a new secondary school is being built at Orealla Village, while in Region Seven, four new schools are being constructed at Phillipai, Jawalla, Issano,andKarrau.

Meanwhile, in Region Eight secondaryschoolsarebeingbuiltat Kopinang, Micobie and Monkey MountainandinRegionNine,there willbesevennewfacilities.

Further, in Region 10, the ministry is building a secondary school at Wairuni with the Hururu School recently completed. In the Georgetown, a number of secondaryschoolsarebeingrebuilt such as Christ Church, St. Mary’s and the recently commissioned St. George’sSchoolofScience.

The piles at the GTE project site

President Ali meets with head of US Exim Bank

President Dr Irfaan Ali on Fridayreceivedacourtesyvisit fromthePresidentandChairof theUnitedStatesExportImport Bank (EXIM), Ms. Reta Jo Lewis,atStateHouse.

During the meeting, the Head of State outlined Guyana’s plans for development and economic diversification.

Lewis and her delegation, which included Deputy Chief of Staff and White House Liaison Hazeen Ashby and Acting Senior Vice President, Office of Global Development Ufo EricAtuanya, were led by the U S Ambassador to Guyana,NicoleTheriot.

Recently, the EXIM Bank approved a US$527m loan to Guyana to support its Gas to Shore project. The contract for the project was signed on Friday at Wales, West Bank Demerara.

Senior Minister within the Office of the President with responsibility for Finance and Public Service, Dr Ashni Singh; Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Hugh Todd; and DirectorofPresidentialAffairs, Mrs Marcia Nadir-Sharma, werealsopartofthemeeting.

Market vendor remanded for possession of cocaine

A 24-year-old market vendor was remanded to prison on Friday, when he appeared at the Georgetown Magistrates Court to answer toapossessionofcocainefor the purpose of trafficking charge.

The accused, Wendez Pompey, pleaded not guilty to the charge which states thathehadinhispossession 1 156kilo gams (kg) of cocaine for the purpose of traffickingwhenheappeared before Magistrate Fabyio Azore.

It is alleged that on Thursday,theCustomsAntiNarcotics Unit (CANU) acting on information received conducted an operation at Mittleholzer Street, North Ruimveldt, Georgetown, where they intercepted a Toyota Mini Bus bearing license plate numberBAE7328.

While searching the vehicle, ranks found one brick like parcel, containing aquantityofcocaine.

On Friday, Pompey was represented by attorney-atlaw, Leroy Cox, who said thathisclientwaspreviously charged with the offence possession of narcotics, but thecasewasdismissed.

Body of Chinese national who fell from new Demerara River bridge recovered

The body of 39-year-old Fu Jian Wei, an employee of China

Railway Construction Corporation (International) was recovered from the Demerara River on Friday, the MinistryofPublicWorksdisclosed.

Wei reportedly fell from the new DemeraraRiverBridgeonWednesdayduring rigging operations at Pier 34 (P34) on the Demerara River The incident occurred at about 20:20h while he was reportedly offloadingmaterialsfromabarge.

The 1.156kg of cocaine found in the minibus Wendez Pompey was driving

Remanded: Wendez Pompey

The lawyer argued that thenarcoticwasnotfoundon his client and emphasized that the accused was not the owner of the vehicle where the cocaine was allegedly discovered. Cox explained that the accused was simply deliveringpurisonthebus.

H o w e v e r , t h e prosecution objected to bail,

stating that Pompey was the only person on the bus, and after the drugs were found, hedidnotdenyownership. Upon hearing both sides the Magistrate denied bail and the accused was remandedtoprison.

Heisscheduledtoreturn to court on February 21, 2025.

After falling overboard, the worker was quickly carried downstream by the swift current. An immediate search and rescue operation was initiated by the company’s emergency response team, with assistance from the Coast Guard and police units on nightpatrolinthearea.

According to the Ministry of Public

The body of Fu Jian Wei when it was recovered by GDF coast guards

Works, Wei’s body was recovered at 09:55h FridaybymembersoftheCoastGuardunitof theGuyanaDefenceForce(GDF).

His body was subsequently handed over to the Guyana Police Force (GPF) for investigations,afterwhichitwastakentothe Ezekiel Funeral Home in Poudroyen, West BankDemerara(WBD).

“Minister of Public Works, Bishop Juan Edghill, extends heartfelt condolences to the family,friends,andcolleaguesofMr Fu-jian WeionbehalfoftheMinistryofPublicWorks and the Government of Guyana. Minister Edghill emphasized the government’s commitment to worker safety and has admonished the contractor to ensure that all safety measures are immediately implemented to guarantee the well-being of allworkersfortheremainderoftheproject,” theministry’sstatementsaid.

The Government of Guyana,

through the Ministry of

AmerindianAffairsspent$369.78 million to purchase land and water transportation for indigenous communities acrossthecountryin2024.

This was disclosed by Minister of Amerindian Affairs, Pauline Sukhai on Tuesday during her Ministry’s end-of-year pressconference.Sukhaisaidthatthemoney was sourced from the Amerindian DevelopmentFund(ADF)project.

At the press conference held at the Ministry ofAmerindianAffairs’main office located at Quamina and Thomas Streets, Georgetown, the minister disclosed that the government is yet to acquire an aircraft to assist with transport for the hinterland communities and as such much focus has beenplacedonlandandwatertransportation.

The$369Mwasusedtoprocure43boats and43outboardmotorsforvariouspurposes, 19 buses for hire and school transportation, eight pickups for village transport and occasional hire, 35 All-Terrain Vehicles (ATV)s,nineLorries,andabobcat.

“Thisinvestmenthashadpositiveimpact on the villages that benefitted and wherever you are in [Regions] One, Seven, Eight or Nine, the investment in land and water is always critical, and so our government continues to ensure that travel, safe travel continues to be a priority,” Minister Sukhai toldreporters.

The Minister said that she is pleased that the budget approvals included the allocation offundstoprocuretransportationnotingthat the investment plays a significant role in supporting the economic activities of the Amerindiancommunities.

Fu Jian Wei
President Irfaan Ali (left) with President and Chair of the United States Export Import Bank (EXIM), Ms Reta Jo Lewis, at State House on Friday


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2024-HC-DEM-CIV-FD-1331 IN THE HIGH COURT OF THE SUPREME COURT OF JUDICATURE FAMILY, DIVORCE AND MATRIMONIAL JURISDICTION FAMILY DIVISION Petition No. FD-1331 BETWEEN: HERRERA (SABRINA) nee BALK ARRAN Petitioner/ Applicant -V- HERRERA (RAMON IZQUIERDO) Respondent TO: RAMON IZQUIERDO HERRERA Formerly of Lot 1A Station Street, Kitty, Georgetown Guyana TAKE NOTICE that on the 3rd day of October, 2024 a Petition for Divorce was filed against you by SABRINA HERRERA nee BALKARAN the Petitioner/ Applicant in the Family Division of the High Court inGeorgetown, Demerara. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that as part of an Order made on the 19th day of October, 2024 the Petitioner/ Applicant was directed to effect service of her Petition on you by publication of this in two (2) consecutive Saturday issues of the KAIETEUR NEWS, a daily newspaper printed, published and circulated in and around Guyana and on the worldwide web (Online). AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that if you desire you may appear or attend in person or by your duly authorized agent or Attorney-atLaw at the Registry of Family Division of the High Court at Georgetown, Demerara where you will be issued with a certified copy of the Petition together with related documents. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that if you desire to Defend this Divorce, then upon receipt of the certified copy of the Petition, youmust file an Acknowledge ment of Service, Notice of Intention to Defend (Forms are available at the Registry), Answer and/ or Cross Petition in the Registry of the Family Division of the High Court at Georgetown, Demerara within 35 (thirty-five) days from the date of the final publication of this Notice.TAKE NOTICE that the divorce is fixed for Directions Hearing on Thursday the 23d day of January, 2025 at 9:00 am before the Honourable Madam Justice Deborah Kumar-Chetty via zoom Meeting ID: 703 085 9517 and Passcode: DKCfamctl.IN DEFAULT of your filing an Acknowl edgement of Service/Notice of Intention to Defend, Answer and/or Cross Petition the Court may proceed in your absence and may make any Order it considers appropriate, including granting the

Divorce. The Registry of the Family Division of the High Court is located at the Law Courts [Georgetown, Demerara]. The office is open to the public between 8:00am and 3:30pm Mondays to Thursdays and 8:00am to 2:30pm on Fridays except on public holidays and on such other days as the Registry is closed. Dated the 28th day of November, 2024





Claimants -andRK Concrete Guyana Inc., Inc., Company incorporated in accordance with the Laws of Guyana with its registered office located at Unit 5,116 North East Public Road, Golden Grove, East Bank Demerara, Guyana.

Defendant Notice

TO: RK Concrete Guyana Inc. Unit 5, 116 North East Public Road, Golden Grove East Bank demerara TAKE NOTICE that a Statement of Claim was filed on the 9th November, 2023 in the High Court of the Supreme Court of Judicature of Guyana at Georgetown, Demerara by PRADEEP RAMOUTAR and ALEXIS ANDRE PIO in which the Applicant claims

a. Damages for breach of contract in excess of $4,000,000 (four million dollars). b. Special damages in the sum of $2,040,000 (two million and forty thousand dollars).

c. Special damages in the sum of $4,000,000 (four million dollars) for employing a new contractor for the completion of the house. d. Exemplary and or aggravated damages in excess of $1,000,000 (one million dollars). e. Interest pursuant to the Law Reform (Miscellaneous Provisions) Chapter 6:02. f. Any other relief that the court deems fit in the

circumstances. g. Costs. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that Judgment in Default was granted against the Respondent in accordance with the Statement of Claim and to be published as follows on two consecutive Saturdays in Kaieteur News, a newspaper of general circulation (a) Damages for breach of contract in the amount of $1,000,000.00 (one million dollars) (b) Special Damages in the sum of $1,875,000.00 (one million eight hundred and seventyfive thousand dollars) for additional labour costs for completion of the house.

(c) Special damages in the sum of $4,000,000.00 (four million dollars) for employment of new contractor and for all additional materials for completion of the house.

(d) Costs in the amount of $200,000.00 (two hundred thousand dollars) Interest pursuant to Law Reform miscellaneous) provisions Act, Chapter 6.02 (6% per annum from the date of judgment and thereafter at a rate of 4% per annum from the date of judgment until fully paid FOR REGISTRAR Dated this 29th day of November, 2024.



TAKE NOTICE that on the 29th day of November, 2024 a Petition for Divorce was filed against you by EUDORA CALISTRO nee THORNHILL, the Petitioner in the Family Division of the High Court in Georgetown, Demerara. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that as part of an Order made on the 29th day of November, 2024 the Petitioner was directed to effect service of Petition on you by publication of this Notice in two Saturday issues of the Kaieteur News, a newspaper printed, published in and around Guyana

Two & Three bedroom


NOTICE that if you desire you may appear or attend in person or by duly autjroized agent or attorney-at-law at the Registry of the Family Division of the High Court at Georgetown, Demerara where you will be issued with a certified copy of the Petition together with related documents.


NOTICE that if you desire to Defend this Divorce, then upon receipt of the certified copy of the Petition, you must file an Acknowle dgement of Service, Notice of Intention to Defend (Forms are available at the Registry), an Answer and/or Cross Petition in the Registry of the Family Division of the High Court at Georgetown, Demerara within 35 (thirty-five) days from the date of the Second and final publication of this Notice. TAKE NOTICE that the divorce is fixed for Directions Hearing on Thursday the 30th day of January, 2025 at 9:00 am before the Honourable Madam Justice Deborah Kumar-Chetty at the High Court at Georgetown via Zoom ID: 703 085 9517 and Passcode: DKCfamct1.

IN DEFAULT of you filing an Acknowledgement of Service/Notice of Intention to Defend, an Answer and/or Cross Petition the Court may proceed in your absence and may make any Order it considers appropriate, including granting the Divorce. The Registry of the Family Division of the High Court is located at the Law court [Georgetown, Demerara]. The office is open to the public between 8:00 am and 3:30 pm Mondays to Thursday and 8:00 am to 2:30 pm on Fridays except on public holidays and on such other days as the registry is closed Dated the 2nd day of December, 2024

APPLICATION FOR MONEY LENDER’S CERTIFICATE PURSUANT TO SECTION Y OF THE MONEY LENDER’S ACT. I , RAVI HOOBLALL of lot 139 New Road, Vreed-en-Hoop, West Coast Demerara, Guyana hereby give notice that I have applied to the magisterial district for a Certificate under the money lenders Act , authorizing the grant to use of a Money Lender License to carry on the business of a money lender under the title TIGER’S PAWN SHOP, at 139 New Road Vreed-enHoop, West Coast Demerara, Guyana. Notice of any objections to the application should be sent forthwith to the CLERK OF COURT OF THE WEST DEMERARA MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT and a copy of such NOTICE should be sent to the subscriber RAVI HOOBLALL, Applicant dated at Georgetown, Demerara This 6th day of January, 2025.






Formerly of Lot 108 Fourth Street, Windsor Forest West Coast Demerara.

TAKE NOTICE that on the 3rd day of October, 2024 a Petition for Divorce was filed against you by DEOMATTIE GRIFFITH nee DHANRAM, the Petitioner/ Applicant in the Family Division of the High Court in Georgetown, Demerara. AND FURTHER TAKE

NOTICE that as part of an Order made on the 13th day of November, 2024, the Petitioner/Applicant was directed to effect service of her Petition on you by publication of the Notice in two (2)consecutive Saturday issues of the Kaieteur News, a daily newspaper printed, published and circulated in and around Guyana.


NOTICE that if you desire you may appear or attend in person or by your duly authorized agent or Attorney-at-Law at the Registry of Family Division of the High Court at Georgetown, Demerara where you will be issued with a certified copy of the Petition together with related documents.


NOTICE that if you desire to defend this Divorce, then upon receipt of the certified copy of the Petition and Application, you must file an Acknowledgment of Service, Notice of Intention to Defend (Forms are available at the Registry), Answer and/or Cross Petition in the Registry of the Family Division of the High Court at Georgetown, Demerara within 35 (thirty-five) days from the date of the final publication of this Notice.

TAKE NOTICE that the Divorce is fixed for Directions Hearing on Friday the 31st day of January, 2025 at 9:00 am before the Honourable Madam Justice Priscilla Chandra-Hanif in person. IN DEFAULT of your filing an Acknowledgement of Service. Notice of Intention to Defend, Answer and/or Cross Petition the Court may proceed in your absence and may make any Order it considers appropriate, including granting the divorce The Registry of the Family Division of the High Court is located at the Law Courts [Georgetown, Demerara]. The office is open to the public between 8:00am and 3:30pm Mondays to Thursdays and 8:00am to 2:30pm on Fridays except on public holidays and on such other days as the Registry is closed dated the 19th day of November,2024

IN THE HIGH COURT OF THE SUPREME COURT OF JUDICATURE OF GUYANA REGULAR JURISDICTION 2024/ HC-FDA-DEM-CIV Between:- Applicant JONELLE THOMAS CARL BRADFORD Respondent NOTICE: To: CARL BRADFORD PROSVILLE, WISMAR, LINDEN TAKE NOTICE that a Fixed Date Application was filed on the 7th October 2024 in the High Court of the Supreme Court of Judicature of Guyana at Georgetown, Demerara on the Supreme Court of Guyana Electronic Litigation Portal by Jonelle Thomas in which the said Applicant claims: a) Judgment in the sum of $2,207,878 (two million two hundred and seven thousand eight hundred and seventy-eight dollars) being monies expended by the Applicant towards construction of the house on Lot 477 Block 22 Wismar, Linden. b) Interest pursuant to the Law Reform Miscellaneous Provisions Act Cap 6:02 c) Costs; d) Such further or other Orders the Court deems just; TAKE NOTICE that JONELLE THOMAS., has filed the attached proceedings on the Supreme Court of Guyana Electronic Litigation Portal. The authorization code to access these proceedings for the Respondent is VjpJDt AND TAKE NOTICE that if you desire to defend this action you must forthwith after the final publication of this notice, prepare an Affidavit in Defence in Form 10C prescribed in the Civil Procedure Rules 2016 and you or your Attorney-at-Law must access the case through the Electronic Litigation Portal, and file an Affidavit of defence utilising the authorisation code on the Electronic Litigation Portal not later than 4 days before the date fixed for hearing of the application, and you or your attorney-atlaw must appear at the hearing.AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that if you fail to file such Affidavit and or if you fail to appear at the hearing, final judgment may be given against you notwithstanding your absence.AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that this matter stands adjourned before the Honourable Madam Chief Justice Roxane George, S.C to 2025/03/21 at 9:15 am via Zoom. dated: 30th December,2024

Mother of three sentenced to 24 months in prison for

cocaine trafficking

A 36-year-old woman was sentenced to 24 months in prison on Friday after appearing at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Court to answer a possession of narcotics for the purpose of trafficking charge.

Attie Trot, a mother of three, was accused of having in her possession 29.5 grams of cocaine with the intent to traffic, on Charlotte Street, Georgetown, on January 8, 2025.

Senior Magistrate Fabayo Azore read the charge to Trot, who pleaded guilty.

Given her plea and her lack of prior criminal antecedents, Trot was sentenced to

serve 24 months in prison and fined $30,000.

According to the facts presented in court, police acted on information received, went to Charlotte Street, where Trot was contacted for a search.

Officers discovered a black handbag on her, which, upon inspection, contained a substance suspected to be cocaine.

After being informed of the allegations, Trot was taken to the Alberttown Police Station, where the cocaine was weighed, totaling 29.5 grams.

Following this, she was charged with the offence.

Linden shooting was over ‘fender bender’...

From page 12

identified as a 17-year-old boy of Poker Street, Wismar, Linden who was shot in the left hand, Tyrone Newton, 21, of Half Mile, Wismar and Glaston Bristol, 31, of Redwood Crescent, Mackenzie.

Bristol was chopped in his head and is also among the four suspects who police claim started the brawl.

Police said that Bristol is suspected of being one of the shooters but eyewitnesses said it was another man who was not even named by police as a suspect.

He was referred to the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC) and was under police guard while the

21-year-old Newton was nursing a gunshot wound on his right foot at the Linden Hospital.

Police were on the hunt for two more suspects said to be involved, Shaquille Lambert and another man identified only as ‘Jobby’.

Since then, no updates on the case were provided by police. It is unclear whether the suspects were charged or remain hospitalized and even if the other suspects were captured.

The Guyana Police Force (GPF) indicated that, “investigations are still ongoing”. Nevertheless, Region Ten investigators, assured Kaieteur News that “they are on top of the case”.

Attie Trot sentenced to 24 months in prison

Deaths from Israeli attacks in Gaza undercounted

by 41 percent,

study finds

Th e L a n c e t medical journal

estimates the actual number of deaths in the first nine months of war is much higher than the officialtoll.

Aljazeera - An official Palestiniantallyofdeathsin Israel’s war in Gaza likely undercounted the toll by 41 percent in the first nine monthsoftheconflictasthe Gaza Strip’s healthcare infrastructure unravelled, accordingtoastudy

The peer-reviewed statisticalanalysispublished in The Lancet journal on Thursday was conducted by academics at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, Yale University and other institutions.

Using a statistical method called capturerecapture analysis, the researchers sought to assess thedeathtollfromIsrael’sair and ground campaign in GazabetweenOctober2023 andtheendofJune2024.

Up to June 30 last year, the Palestinian Ministry of Health in Hamas-run Gaza reported a death toll of 37,877inthewar.

However, the new peerreviewed study used data from the ministry, an online


survey and social media obituaries to estimate that there were between 55,298 and 78,525 deaths from traumaticinjuriesinGazaby thattime.

The study’s best death toll estimate was 64,260, which would mean the Health Ministry had underreportedthenumberof deaths to that point by 41 percent.

The study estimated that 59.1 percent of those killed were women, children and people over the age of 65. It did not provide an estimate of Palestinian fighters amongthedead.

That toll represented 2.9

percent of Gaza’s pre-war p o p u l a t i o n , “ o r approximately one in 35 inhabitants,”thestudysaid.

The toll was only for deaths from traumatic injuries, so did not include deaths from a lack of healthcare or food, or the thousands of missing believed to be buried under rubble.

Israel’s war in Gaza has killed at least 46,006 Palestinians and wounded 109,378 since October 7, 2023, the territory’s Health Ministrysays.

The war began on October 7 2023, after Hamas-ledattacksacrossthe

border with Israel killed at least1,139peopleandledto more than 200 people being takencaptive.

Inthefirstmonthsofthe war, the official Health Ministry death count was basedentirelyonbodiesthat arrivedinhospitals.

It later came to include other methods, including distributinganonlinesurvey to Palestinian people inside and outside the Gaza Strip, who were asked to provide data on their ID numbers, names, age at death, sex, location of death, and reportingsource.

The Lancet study noted that the Palestinian Health

Ministry’s capacity for maintainingelectronicdeath records had previously proven reliable, but has currently deteriorated under Israel’s military campaign, which has included raids on hospitals and other healthcare facilities and disruptions to digital communications.

On Thursday, Gaza health officials said the AlAqsa, Nasser and European hospitals are at risk of imminent closure, after repeated Israeli attacks and blockades of supplies. The Kamal Adwan, Indonesian and al-Awda hospitals have alreadybeenforcedtoclose.

Al Jazeera’s Hani Mahmoud, reporting from Al-AqsaHospitalinDeirelBalah,centralGaza,saidthat many deaths were going unreportedinthenorthofthe Gaza Strip, with bodies being buried in the yards of homes or in the streets, as victims from a renewed Israeli offensive in the area cannot be brought to besiegedhospitals.

“The entire healthcare systeminthenorthernpartof the Strip is out of service, without any proper mechanismforrecordingthe number of casualties in the area,”hesaid.

“It is increasingly difficult to keep track of mass killings during Israel’s relentlessattacks.”

He said the Al-Aqsa Hospital was now being overwhelmed by a recent influx of injured civilians, many of them women and children.

“Doctorsarereportingan acute shortage of basic supplies, including surgical tools, antibiotics and painkillers,”hesaid.

Reporting from Deir-el BalahonFriday,AlJazeera’s Tareq Abu Azzoum said the Israeli military is escalating its attacks on residential areas.

“Medical teams in alAwda Hospital continue to reportthattheIsraeliarmyis goingonwithbulldozingall residential homes in the vicinity of the hospital amid more deterioration taking place among medical cases left there, and it could be a sign of further Israeli escalation taking place within the coming days,” he said.

Israelhasrepeatedlysaid it goes to great lengths to avoid civilians deaths and accuses Hamas of using hospitals as cover for its operations, which the group hasdenied.

Brutus sues Gov’t over racial discrimination

Em b a t t l e d

Assistant Police Commissioner (ag), Calvin Brutus on Thursday, filed a lawsuit against the Government of Guyana, challenging the “Diversity Policy” of the GuyanaPoliceForce(GPF), accusing the institution of racial discrimination and otherrelatedviolations.

Brutus is seeking $1.6 billion in damages for the government’s alleged

infringement of his fundamental right to equal protection under Article 149D, as well as for breaching his right to be p r o t e c t e d f r o m discrimination on racial groundsunderArticle149.

Brutus’s legal team

contends that the government has violated multiple articles of the Guyanese Constitution and the Convention on the Elimination ofAll Forms of RacialDiscrimination.

The lawsuit claims that during a meeting in the last quarterof2020involvingthe President, Vice President,

Ministers of Government, and the Commissioner of Police, a directive was issued by theVice President that the structure of the Police Force “should mirror theethniccompositionofthe population in Guyana. This would be reflected in areas

such as recruitment, promotions and training. It was described as the ‘Government Diversity Policy’.”

Further details in the lawsuitassertthatthispolicy was “immediately discriminatory” to members of the Force of African descent – an estimated 90% of the Force being AfroGuyanese Brutus alleges thatthepolicyhasresultedin favoring officers of East Indian descent for top positionswithintheGPF Brutussaidheexpressed his frustrations to the CommissionerofPoliceand Minister of Home Affairs Robeson Benn during weekly statutory meetings, specifically addressing the adverse effects of the Government Diversity

Policy In lawsuit, Brutus said that the government “sidelined hundreds ofAfro Guyanese who were better candidates for certain roles in preference to IndoGuyaneseofficersinorderto meetthediversityquota.” Additionally, on or

around July 4, 2024, Brutus claimed that the Acting Commissioner of Police informed him that Vice President Jagdeo directed histransfertotheHeadofthe Special Branch, allegedly to a l l o w A s s i s t a n t Commissioner Ravindradat

B u d h r a m t o g a i n administrativeexperience.

Brutus’slawyersargued, “The decision to have the Claimant replaced by Assistant Commissioner Ravindradat Budhram was basedonrace.”

On July 11, Brutus was n o t i f i e d b y t h e CommissionerofPolicethat he must proceed on administrative leave from that day until August 21, 2024, without being provided any cause He indicated his intention to challenge this in the High Court.Subsequently,hewas placed on administrative leave effective August 22, 2024, again without a hearing.

As a result of these claims, Brutus and his attorneys, Darren Wade and EusiAnderson,filedaseries ofdeclarations.Theyseekto affirm that Brutus’s fundamental rights to equal protection under the law (Article 149D) and protection from racial discrimination (Article 149) havebeenviolated.Theyare

alsorequestingadeclaration that the Government Diversity Policy of the GPF is discriminatory and contravenesArticles149and 149D.Additionally,theyare seeking a writ of mandamus to compel the state to discontinuetheGovernment DiversityPolicy As a result, Brutus is demanding $800 million for the breach of his right to equal protection of the law and an additional $800 million for being discriminated against based onrace.

Speaking with Kaieteur News on Friday, attorney Eusi Anderson emphasized, “We are very serious about this and we will take all measures.”

This is not the first lawsuit filed by Brutus against the government. In November, he lodged a separate lawsuit against several high-ranking membersoftheGPFandthe Special Organized Crime Unit(SOCU),accusingthem of misconduct and abuse of powerduringtheirtenure.

Embattled Assistant Police Commissioner (ag) Calvin Brutus

Youngsters seize opportunity, rubbing shoulders with Golden Jags star Omar Glasgow

Football has opened many doors for young GoldenJaguarsandChicago Fire FC II forward Omari Glasgow Withaspirationsof

foremost football icon, his loveforthesporttranscends

groundbreaking initiative, the young football star extendedhisreachbygiving back to the community, hosting a one-day football camp last Saturday at the National Gymnasium. This event offered young players the opportunity to interact

with one of the nation’s top footballfigures.

Thecampsawupcoming players from various communities benefiting from sessions led by several coaches and sharing the pitch with the Chicago Fire FC II and Golden Jaguars

Athanaze posts 98 as Windies start positively in tour match against Pakistan Shaheens

Saturday January 11, 2025


Thingsshouldgowellforyou today,Aries.There'sanadded serenity in the air that will help calm your nerves There's no need to make thingsmorecomplicatedthan necessary


It might seem like someone hasdumpedabucketofwater onyourheadtoday,Taurus.It seems like your fire is out. Keepinmindthatthisisonly temporary and that your internal flame will be rekindledsoon.


Tensionmayrunhightodayas things come to a great emotional climax. It might seem as if everyone is out to get you, Gemini, but more than likely this paranoia is a figmentofyourimagination.


More than likely you will be caught up in a wildly intense emotionaldramaifyouaren't careful, Cancer Try to stay calmandcollected.


Youwillfindstrengthinyour inner reserves today, Leo. Don't hesitate to let your deepest thoughts shine through. Keep your antenna up. You will find that there's an electricity in the air that keeps people's emotions at peaklevel.

VIRGO (Aug 23–Sept 22)Youmayfeelabitsluggish today, Virgo. Your warrior spirit would rather stay home on the couch than get up and fight. This is fine. You may simplyneedabreakfromyour questforworlddomination.


You may feel a bit confused today It might seem as if the wind has suddenly been taken out of your sails. Don't get discouraged by the slow weightiness of the day Take the opportunity to relax and rechargeyourbatteries.

SCORPIO(Oct.23–Nov 21)

Your mind may seem rather cloudy today, Scorpio, but don't let this hinder you. In fact, you'll find that you can use this feeling of fantasy to your advantage. Try to bring moremagicintoyourlife.


Today is an excellent day for you, Sagittarius.You will be a welcome addition to any crowd. Your delightful nature isatitsmostactive.


Theworldprobablyisn'tgoing to revolve around you today, Capricorn, so get used to it. Even though this may not be the news you want to hear, it's probably the news you most needtohear

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20–Feb. 18)Initiateadeep,meaningful conversation with someone you've lost touch with, Aquarius. It could be that a long and ugly point of contention is on the brink of resolution. Allyouneedtodoismakethe firstmove.


Your transmission may be stuck in reverse today, Pisces. Thisdoesn'tmeanyoucan'tbe productive. You may need to change your approach Carefully assess a situation beforeyouproceed.


In an invited comment, Coach Leon Roberts outlinedtheobjectivesofthe event: “Today was just a learningprocessforsomeof the young players who’ve been away from football during the holidays We brought them back, worked on ball mastery, and introduced some coaching principles to get them reengaged,”Robertsshared.

He further emphasized the importance of such initiatives: “It’s crucial because it helps these players envision their future inthesport.WatchingOmari playascrimmagewiththem highlighted the differences in pace, movement, and game chemistry at a higher level.Thisexposurebenefits themholistically.”

After spending time on the pitch with the young participants, Glasgow expressed his excitement about giving back and encouraged his Golden Jaguarsteammatestofollow suit: “It was fun coming out and spending at least half a daywiththeyouths.There’s so much talent here, and it’s just about creating more opportunities like this. I’m hoping more people get involved and support initiatives like this Mr [Junior]Forresteristryingto b u i l d s o m e t h i n g meaningful,andI’malready looking forward to the next one,”Glasgowsaid.

He also highlighted the importance of nurturing the next generation: “The younger generation needs this kind of support. The m o r e w e p r o v i d e opportunities, the more they’ll buy into the vision and work to develop their game. National players like myself are calling for more corporate involvement in initiatives like this If companies can come on board to help shape the next generationoftalent,itwould befantastic.I’dliketothank Coach Natural, Leon, Awo, andeveryonewhomadethis possible.It’sagreatfeeling.”

Currently, the organisers are seeking sponsors to ensurethecampcanbeheld consistently, offering continued support to young footballersacrossGuyana.

SportsMax-WestIndies XImadeasolidstartintheir three-daytourmatchagainst Pakistan Shaheens, as they closed the opening day at 273-7 in Islamabad y

y. Led by a composed 98 from Alick Athanaze, the Caribbean side, who are fine-tuning preparations ahead of their two-match Test series beginning January 17, used just 74 overs to lay the foundation.

The West Indies had a measuredstart,astheygotto 115-3 at lunch Captain Kraigg Brathwaite led from thetopwithawell-paced34 beforehewasthefirstwicket tofallat47-1.

Keacy Carty (22) and Mikyle Louis (34) also chipped in but were unable to convert their starts Kavem Hodge, who was 16 not out at that point, and Athanaze,oneight,steadied the innings to ensure no further loss of wickets


The afternoon belonged toAthanaze,whoguidedthe innings from there as he hit 13 boundaries on his way to a fluent 74 off 108 balls, which just about indicates his readiness for the Test series.

Hodge (17) and Justin Greaves (5) departed during the session, but Athanaze andTevinImlach(12notout at tea) ensured the West Indies remained on course for a competitive total at 202-5 at tea Athanaze continuedtodominateonthe resumption but fell just two runs shy of his milestone in what was a bittersweet momentfortheteam.His98 came off 148 deliveries and included15foursandasix.

AmirJangoo(29notout) and Joshua Da Silva (11 not out) held firm in the closing stagestoseetheWestIndies to a decent total,which they will aim to increase on Saturday’ssecondday

Alvin ‘Geronimo’ Braithwaite to be laid-to-rest January 13

Asthecurtainfalls on a remarkable c h a p t e r i n Guyana’s sporting history, thenationmournsthelossof an iconic figure, Alvin ‘Geronimo’ Braithwaite

The former British Guiana and Guyana footballer passed away on December 31, 2024, at the age of 82, leaving behind a legacy etched in the annals of football.

synonymouswithresilience, excellence, and dedication. Revered as Guyana’s

illustrious football career, anchoring the backline for the esteemed Sandbach ParkerFootballClubaswell as the British Guiana nationalteam.

Known for his tactical brilliance and unyielding commitment, Braithwaite wasabeaconofprideforhis club, his country, and generations of players who followedinhisfootsteps.

Braithwaite first announced himself on the football stage in the early 1960s, debuting for British Guiana in a series against Trinidad and Tobago

Despite a shaky start during his debut series, it was evident that a star had been born. By the age of 21, Braithwaite had established himself as a standout defender for British Guiana, later Guyana, rallying through the 1960s and 1970s.

By 1970, his leadership qualities earned him the captaincy of the Guyana side, leading to honourable draws against a formidable Trinidad and Tobago team. Even after relinquishing the captaincy in 1971, his influence on the field remainedprofound.

Among his many achievements, one of Braithwaite’s proudest momentscamein1965when he helped Sandbach Parker win the Hood League Championshiptrophy

Ashistoryrecords,some 55 years ago, the young defender Alvin ‘Geronimo’

Braithwaite captained Guyana against arch-rival Trinidad and Tobago, alongside notable players such as Lennox Arthur, Michael Pear, and Clyde ‘Farmer’ Brown, among otherbignamesofthatera.

SayingGoodbye Alvin Braithwaite is survived by his family, former teammates, friends, and countless admirers who remember him as a giant of the game and a gentleman offthefield.

Funeral arrangements

include a night of reflection onSunday,January12,atthe YMCA Hall on Brickdam, andahome-goingserviceon Monday, January 13, at the Merriman Funeral Home at 12:00noon.

AsGuyanabidsfarewell to ‘Geronimo,’his enduring legacyasafootballer,leader, andinspirationwillcontinue toshinebrightly Rest in peace, Alvin ‘Geronimo’ Braithwaite Your contributions to Guyana’s football history willneverbeforgotten.

Then Trinidad and Tobago High Commissioner (1970) is introduced to the Guyana player Patrick Britton by Captain Alvin Braithwaite, alongside Lennox Arthur, Michael Pear and Clyde ‘Farmer’Brown also shared the moment.
Alvin ‘Geronimo’Braithwaite in battle during the 1960’s.

CFU launches Next Generation Class of 2025 Referees training

B R I D G E T O W N , Barbados Twenty-two match officials representing 15MemberAssociationsare gearingupforthestartofthe 2025 edition of the CFU Next Generation Referee Course, which runs from January 17-19, 2025. The Barbados Football Association (BFA) will host the session. Sherwin Alli is the lone Guyanese on the programme.

Launched in 2022, the initiative, supported by

Concacaf, provides Caribbean match officials with the prerequisites to matriculate to the FIFA Refereeing International Lists The course equips participants with theoretical

and pract

cal skills, ultimately leading to nominations to the FIFA rank.

Dave Meikle, a CFU RefereeCommitteemember andNextGenadministrator, is supported by a team of instructors comprised of FIFA Fitness Refereeing Instructor and CFU Referee

Committee Member Kelesha Antoine, FIFA Technical Instructor Dianne Ferreira-James, Instructor Victor Stewart, Concacaf Technical Instructor Ishan Philip,andConcacafFitness

I n s t r u c t o r R o h a n Thobourne.

FIFAmatchofficialsand World Cup candidates

Odette Hamilton (Jamaica)

andCrystalSobers(Trinidad andTobago)willbementors.

Over three days, the match officials will undergo intense training on the field andintheclassroom.

The training then transfers online, with the instructors designing a bespoke programme for the cohort, monitoring their progress, and providing mentorship Next Gen students may also receive a p p o i n t m e n t s t o competitions, such as the CFU Girls U-14 Challenge Seriesslatedforthesummer The in-person programme continues at that time with more practical and technical training.

Victor Moore, the BFA’s

head of refereeing, said the BFAis delighted to host the 2025programme.

“We look forward to the 2025 edition with high expectations,” Mr Moore said.

“We are pleased to be represented, along with other young, emerging, talented match officials, as part of this distinguished gathering with top referee tutors. Referee education and physical development are critical to meeting the CFUandConcacafobjective of having a panel of match officials present at every F I FA - r e c o g n i z e d tournament, including the WorldCup.Thehighsuccess of previous Next Gen Courses indicates that the program has the potential to

achieve the CFU’s desired expectations,” Mr Moore added.

The Next Gen initiative is an impacting and pivotal program for the CFU. Eight students debut on the 2025 FIFA Inte

(GRN), Cleon Cully (BRB), Jonathon Hughes (CAY), EvensJulims(BAH),Edson Lieveld (SUR), Jaselle Louison (BRB), Amaury Majors (BER), and James Ramprasha(BVI).

Mr Randolph Harris, presidentoftheCFUandthe B F A , h a i l e d t h e programme’ssuccess.

“We have seen the tangible benefits of Next Gen, with our Caribbean referees getting match

appointments, moving on to the ConcacafAcademy, and dozens advancing to the ranks of FIFA, all in a few short years. Intangibly, we have,foraspiringCaribbean matchofficials,examplesof thedevelopmentandgrowth of people from within their sphere, and they know that thereisapathwayforthemto advance their careers,” Mr Harrisadded.

“The success of the programme is due to a collaborative approach between the CFU and Concacaf and the support of the Member Associations, and we are grateful to all of the partners,” Mr Harris said.

ThemembersoftheCFU NextGenclassof2025—all centerreferees—are:

Kelesha Antoine conducts the session.

2025 Republic Bank CPL to take place from August 14 to

The 2025 Republic Bank Caribbean Premier League (CPL) will take place from Thursday August 14 to Sunday September 21.

September 21 to

SportsMax - The 2025 Republic Bank Caribbean Premier League (CPL) will take place from Thursday August 14 to Sunday September21.

This window has been agreed between CPL and Cricket West Indies (CWI) and once again there will be no clash with West Indies international matches

The six teams taking partinthe2025seasonwill be Antigua & Barbuda Falcons, Barbados Royals, Guyana Amazon Warriors, St Kitts & Nevis Patriots, Saint Lucia Kings and TrinbagoKnightRiders

Theteamswillcompete across 34 matches to decide who will claim the 2025CPLtitle

Pete Russell, CEO of the Republic Bank CPL, said: “We are pleased to have once again worked withCricketWestIndiesto find a window that allows the very best players from across the region to take part in the CPL The 2024 season was our most successful to date and we are looking forward to building on that success in 2025.”

Lynford Inverary, Cricket West Indies acting CEO and COO, said: “We

are delighted to confirm the 2025 CPL window While CWI continues to take a leading role in shaping our overall cricket calendar, the CPL remains a key part of our cricketing ecosystem, playing an important role in the development and promotion of the game throughout the Caribbean. Our collaboration with CPL ensures that the best talent will be on display while avoiding any conflicts with internationalcricket.”

TheSt.LuciaKingswon their first title in 2024, defeating the Guyana Amazon Warriors in the final.

Anderson, Nedd, Lovell hit form as first Harpy Eagles

4-Day practice

match bowls

Kevlon Anderson warmed up with a solid half-century on the first day of the Guyana Harpy Eagles 4-Day practice match.

Anumber of key

p l a y e r s i n c l u d i n g


The first game, a Day/Night clash at Providence bowled off on Thursday afternoon, with games being primarily used to evaluate the form of key players, as well as assessing possible new talent given the bit ofstarpower lost to international cricket.

Mainstay players in

Tagenarine Chanderpaul led two teams into battle with a number of players v

available in Eagles final squad

- Opportunity for players to impress selectors ahead of Four-Day Championship

match, adaygame;starting nextweekaheadoftheirfirst of four home games in Guyana, with the Barbados Pride being their first assignment.

KevlonAnderson,Ashmead Nedd, Thaddeus Lovell andafewyoungstershada solid opening few days to the first Guyana Harpy Eagles 4-Day practice

match, ahead of the 2025/26 CWI Regional Four-Day Championship, which gets under from January 29 across the

Medium-pacer Thaddeus Lovell showed out with a 5-fer as Harpy Eagles bowled off their practice match at Providence.

Eagles middle-order batsman and senior player Anderson, who has led the franchise before, warmed up with a composed 69 as h

c a r r i e d t h e Chanderpaul XI to 230 all outafter63oddovers

Dynamic all-rounder

Jonathan Van Lange, who has led Guyana at the national youth levels, hit an aggressive 41 while another youth star in Shamar Yearwood gave a good account with 30 whiletheskipperhad24

Guyana youth allrounder in pacer Thaddeus Lovell, made a strong case for a possible senior nod with the ball, by bagging impressive figures 5-45 as he led the Savory XI’s bowling

Harpy Eagles players, Ashmead Nedd who spun hiswayintotheseniorsetup last season and young speedster, Isai Thorne both returned 2 wickets each as theysupportedLovell

Most of the second batting innings will revolve around the capability of the Savory XI’s batsmen, who w i l l h a v e a g o o d opportunity to showcase their patience with the bat while giving other key and potentialbattersampletime tofindform

Friday’s day 2 should be used as batting practice for the likes of Savory and company, while Eagles players like Nial Smith, Matthew Nandu, Raymond Perez and others will have similar opportunities to get themselvesgoing.

The first match will end onSundayastheEaglesshift focus to the final practice



Athanaze posts 98 as Windies start positively in tour match against Pakistan Shaheens

Youngsters seize opportunity, rubbing shoulders with Golden Jags star Omar Glasgow

Several young players attended the one-day training camp Saturday last at the National Gymnasium. CFU launches Next Generation Class of

- Opportunity for players to impress selectors ahead of Four-Day Championship Anderson, Nedd, Lovell hit form as first Harpy Eagles 4-Day practice match bowls

AlickAthanaze led the West Indies with a composed 98.
Captain Kraigg Brathwaite led from the top with
well-paced 34 before he
the first wicket to fall.

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