Kaieteur news

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US$2.5 billion Guyana earned

Woman accused of defrauding 95 people

Guyanese extradited to the USA to face charges for fatal accident


payments ..butcharged withtwocounts ofobtainingmoney byfalsepretense

Jagdeo: to be blacklisted Onecontractor pole-collapsefiasco Casedismissed againstpolice officersaccused offalsifying

Guyana earned US$2.5 billion from oil last year

Guyana's Natural Resource Fund (NRF), the country's oil account, received a total of US$2,505,193,036 for the year 2024.

According to a Government Notice, the funds received for the period October 1, 2024 to December 31, 2024 totaled US$605,193,037.

The fourth quarter receipt includes seven payments for profit oil,andasingleroyaltypayment.It wasreportedthatinthefirstquarter of 2024, the NRF was paid US$604M. This was followed by a US$778M payment in the second quarterandUS$582.8Minthethird quarter

Recently, Minister of Natural Resources, Vickram Bharrat revealed that a total of 225 million barrels of oil were produced for the year 2024. Notably, Guyana only received 28 lifts, or 28 million barrels of oil produced by ExxonMobilduringtheperiod.

Last year, the sum of US$1.5B in oil revenue was approved for withdrawal in the National Assembly, with widespread criticisms about the lack of

transparency in government's spending of revenue earned from theoilsector

Section 16.2 of the NRF Act states that, “All withdrawals from theFundshallbedepositedintothe Consolidated Fund and shall be used only to finance: (a) national development priorities including any initiative aimed at realizing an inclusive green economy, and (b) essential projects that are directly related to ameliorating the effect of amajornaturaldisaster.”

Be that as it may, the government has not highlighted any national development priority or essential project funded through thissourceofincome.

In fact, major development priorities and essential projects such as roads, hospitals, and the new Demerara River Crossing are being funded through loan agreements. A loan to support the Gas-to-Energy project was also approvedlatelastyear

In the mean time, Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo who manages the Petroleum sector said showing how the revenue from oil isspentwouldbedifficult.

He reasoned, “How do you

Table showing receipts of petroleum revenues paid into the NRF during the fourth quarter of 2024.

balkanize revenue coming into the budget? (It) becomes a very difficult thing to do; so where the transparency is done, transparency is that every cent spent from oil money, from non-oil revenue and from borrowing, has to be appropriated by the National Assembly through a Budgetary

Woman accused of defrauding 95 people


charged with two counts of obtaining money by false pretense

A31-year-old businesswoman, was remanded to prison on Thursday after being charged with two counts of obtaining money by falsepretence.

Adacia Coleman, the owner of Limitless Lenders, located at Lot 122 Stewartsville Old Road, West Coast Demerara, is accused of defrauding 95 victims, with cash payments ranging from $300,000 to$1,000,000.

Severalcustomersreportedthat they had made partial or full payments for vehicles but did not receive their vehicles within the promised time frame. Following these complaints, police launched an investigation into Coleman and her business. After investigations were conducted, Coleman was arrested and subsequently charged withtheoffence.

Appearing at the Leonora Magistrate's Court before Magistrate Alisha George, Coleman pleaded not guilty to the charges. She was remanded to prison and is scheduled to return to court on January 31, 2025, for furtherproceedings.

A c c o r d i n g t o p o l i c e investigations, Coleman operated

herbusinesswithsixstaffmembers working from her residence

Victims reported paying for specific vehicles, after which they were issued receipts and promised delivery within three months. However, when the three-month period passed, customers found that their vehicles had not been delivered. Coleman allegedly explained the delay by claiming that the vehicles were unavailable due to a storm in the Caribbean, a reason she reportedly gave repeatedly

Police said, “As a result, some of them became frustrated and demanded that the suspect return their money ” While Coleman initially offered to return the money via MMG or bank cheques, many victims insisted on receiving cash in hand. In response, she provided nine post-dated Demerara Bank cheques to these victims However, when the victims attempted to cash the cheques, they were told by bank tellers to return the cheques to Colemanwithoutanexplanation.

Police compiled five files related to the fraudulent cheques andforwardedthemtotheDirector

of Public Prosecutions (DPP) for legal advice. Based on the DPP's recommendations, charges were filed for two of the files, while further investigations are underway for the remaining three. Additionally, police are compiling files for the 86 other victims who have not yet received their vehicles.

On January 7, 2025, Coleman turned herself in to the Leonora Police Station in the company of her lawyer She was informed of the allegations and placed into custody pending further investigation. Based on the advice from the DPP, Coleman was charged with two counts of Obtaining Money by False Pretence.

A p p r o p r i a t i o n P r o c e s s , whether it is the original B u d g e t o r t h r o u g h Supplementary Budgets which then form an appropriation act or a supplementary appropriation act, which itemizes all of the expenditure of the state and how muchisgoingtobespent…”

Businessman, wife robbed at gunpoint

A businessman and his wife were robbed at gunpoint on Wednesday at their Perseverance Housing Scheme, East Bank Demerara(EBD)home.

The incident occurred around 19:45 h by two identifiable males.

The victims were identified as Neon Wray, a 48-year-old businessman and his 49-year-old wife,AskaleWray Thecouplewas relieved of a Guyanese passport andotherpersonaldocuments,two A35 Samsung cellphones (total value$136,000),andG$125,000.

Police in a statement said that thebusinessmanlefthisWholesale Beverage Depot located in

Ruimveldt Gardens at about 19:30hrs and arrived home at Perseverance Housing Scheme at about 19:45hrs. At that time, the two male suspects jumped the fence of the businessman's home andchargedathimandhiswife. Themen,whowerearmedwith whatappearedtobetwohandguns demanded cash and other valuables from the couple. The victims complied without resisting and handed over all that was demanded After relieving the couple of their valuables, the duo made good their escape on foot, scaling the fence. Investigations areongoing.

Auto dealer remanded: Adacia Colema


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Budget Day

All eyes are on Dr Ashni Singh, Minister with Responsibility for Finance. Dr Singh is the messenger of thePPPCGovernmentandonthisbudgetdayfor2025,all earswillbeattunedtohiseveryword. Thepoorandhopeful inGuyana,inaseasonofgreateconomicabundancewillbe listeningtohearwhatthisyear’sbudgethasforthem. Will theybedisappointed,theirhopesdashed? Willtherebethe kind of surprises that mean something material for them? What will this year’s budget bring for the citizens of this country?

Alltheindicationsarethatitwillbeanotherrecordbudget, with more than the $1146 trillion (plus the multibillion supplements)thatwasapprovedfor2024 Weareconfident thatitwillbemore,withtheonlyquestionbeingbyhowmuch more Withinthenextseveralhours,allGuyanesewouldget the first overview of what is in the budget and where the government is more committed The PPPC Government is mostjoyfulwhenthebulkofthebudgetspendingisdirectedat the building and rebuilding of a barrage of infrastructure projects,rangingfromroadstoschoolsandotherpublicworks that require many millions Whether this heavy tilt to infrastructure will continue in this year’s budget will be known shortly We are for infrastructure development, but thinkthatthegovernmenthasgoneoverboardinthisarea,and forreasonsofitsown Withsomanyhundredsofbillionsset aside for many different projects, the opportunities for the ongoingskullduggeriesthattormentthetaxpayersofGuyana increase exponentially When so many Guyanese are struggling to eke out a living, this overemphasis on costly publicworksstandsasaninsulttothecitizenswholivewith painandindignity

What will the PPPC Government have as provisions for povertyreliefinthe2025budget? Whatwillbedifferentand encouragingforthosewhocannotbuybasicfooditems,who livewiththehorroroftellingtheirchildrenthatthisisallthat thereis,anditwillhavetobestretchedanddo. Publicservants andpensioners,thechallengedindifferentways,andallthose whograpplewithanunforgivingcostoflivingenvironment needtotouchandtastetherewardsoftheiroilwealth. There willbebudgetwisdomandbudgetjusticewhentheirneedsare cateredforinthebudget Itcannotbeinanegligiblemanner, withmeageramountsofmoneyearmarkedinlikelyanother whopper of a budget It must be what represents economic substance,givesGuyanesecauseforconfidence Nocitizen ofthiscountryshouldbefearfulofhowtheyaregoingtomake it,orhowmuchlongertheywillbeleftontheirowntomanage anyhowtheycan

TherearethosewhoareclosetothePPPCGovernment and its movers and shakers who are living the rich life. Then, there is the sharp contrast of the many thousands of Guyanese who are living in poverty In a country now talked about all over the world for its oil riches, the governmenthasalltheeconomicassetsthatitsneedstodo better for Guyanese. The glaring imbalances that favor some constituencies, such as an already highly prospering private sector community, should be more subdued in this year’sbudgetprovisions. Theprivatesectorhasbenefited byfarmorethanitsfairshareofpastbudgets. Itistimethat theordinaryGuyanesecitizenberecognizedandrewarded withwhatistangibleandsustainablefromtheiroilmoney IfthePPPCGovernmentweretodootherwise,thenitwould onceagainrecorditscontemptforthosewhoneedhelpthe most.

Becauseitisanelectionyear,thebudgetisexpectedto reflect how the millions are steered. The president has spokenenergeticallyofadditionalcashgrantsforGuyanese thisyear Itispartofthenationalleadershipfarcethatthe pollsdeterminewhenneedyGuyanesearerememberedand somethinginthebudgetisfoundforthem. Guyanesewill knowwheretheystandwiththisyear’sbudgetsoon. They willknowiftheiroilwealthwillreachthem,improvetheir standardoflivinginameaningfulway

Cuisine of the Indentured Labourers & Seven Curries

DEAREDITOR, President Irfaan Ali made brief comments on social media about the popular seven curries and how they were initially prepared by the indentured orhowthefoodscameabout. I was in India at the time attending the PBD 2025. I spoke at a seminar at a university on Indians in the C a r i b b e a n - a n A n t h r o p o l o g i c a l presentation and there were questions on Indian cuisine in Guyana. I learned a lot about food in the villages of India and that would have been consumed by the peasants and the indentured before they left for the Caribbean. The foods are similar although in India, foodsarericherinspicesthat are difficult to tolerate by Indo-Caribbeans.

Seven curries as “is” (group of dishes) known today, a term for foods served in Guyana after a Hindu religious function, werenotapartofthedietof

orthatwasservedbyHindus and that did not become popular in Guyana until the 1990s, some seven decades after indentureship was abolished on January 1, 1

ndentured laborers (girmityas) were similar to thoseofthepeasantsinrural India. The food habits in India were transplanted in the new society and have been continued by the descendants. Seven curries wasnotpartofthediet.

It is not clear how the termsevencurryemergedin Guyana and is used only in Guyana,notintherestofthe Indiandiaspora.Itwasnotin vogueinGuyanaupuntilthe 1990s.Anditisstillnotused incertainpartsofthecountry among Hindus. The term generally used for a Hindu religious event for the meal served is bhoj or bhojan. Even in USA or Canada or UK, seven curries is not used;itisbhojan.InIndia,it is maha bhoj. It is served after a puja or Hindu

wedding. The scriptures mention certain food items. And it does not have to be seven curries. Most Hindu functions have many more dishes and some may have less. Pujas I attended in urban India had more than sevencurriesandintherural villages some had only four or five. I sponsored bhojs in India with only four or five dishes.

T h e P r e s i d e n t unintentionally misspoke , making fundamental errors in food preparation by the indenturedorthepeasantsof India; contrary to what he stated, very few foods were steamed. And only a few items were roasted as when makingchowkahandsadaor sakeyroti.

The foods consumed in the villages were not of sevenvegetables.Peopleate what they grew on their small plots of land. This writer visited several villages and observed farming (tilling and cultivation) as well as harvesting Crops were rotated.

There were not many varieties of food during the 1800s. Trade was not very commonbecause (Continuedonpage06)

The indentured received rationsfromtheplantersthat included tale or oil, rice, flour, dhal, onion, garlic, among, other items. So oil would have been used for meal preparation The indentured grew some commonly used kitchen items for seasoning and for access to vegetables. The indentured had to budget themselves how much food was to be prepared or consumed and the oil and otheritemsused.Theyhadto purchaseitemsnotavailable fromtherationorifusedout before the next month’s rations. All vegetables were prepared using oil or tale. Only certain foods were cooked with a ghee base. And no tasty or delicious vegetables were cooked withoutoil.

Lewis, Tiwari and Raffik are the finest contractors in Guyana


During the last four years,thePPPCgovernment led by His Excellency, The Honorable President, Dr Irfaan Ali, Prime Minister Brigadier (Ret’d) Mark Phillips and Vice President Dr. Bharat Jagdeo, has awarded trillions of dollars in contracts to hundreds, if not thousands of large, medium and small contractors throughout the country

These contracts include the building, expansion, repairs and maintenance of roads and bridges, the construction of houses, schools, police stations, hospitals,healthcenters,and othergovernmentbuildings, and the cleaning and desalting of rivers, canals and trenches, among others However, several media outlets have reported that due diligence has not been conducted properly on several contractors and this hasresultedinmostofthem whowereawardedcontracts deemed to be unqualified, inexperienced and incompetent Many have they produced sub-standard work, and others have sub-

contracted their contracts to other contractors but not beforetakingagoodsliceof the estimated amount of the contracts. This leaves the sub-contracted contractors withabout75percentofthe total bidding cost of the contract to complete the projects. And this in itself has resulted in sub-standard work by the sub-contracted contractors.

This corrupt practice must end if Guyana is to be developed.

Thesecontractorsdaring shoddiness and misconduct have triggered long delays before completing their contracts which have not only been overbearing but have also created inconvenience to the public atlarge.

The incompletion of hundreds of contracts by delinquent and trashy contractors has prompted President Dr Ali to call an early morning meeting at 5:00 AM to address the issue.

Present at the meeting wereseveralministersofthe government, permanent secretaries and senior government officials, and

while some of the

contractors attended, many others were absent. Time and space would not allow metoexplainthefulldetails ofthemeeting,butsufficeto saythatHisExcellencyread the “riot act” to all and sundry. In other words, he chastised and strongly reprimanded some of them with the view to putting a stop or an end to such unacceptable conduct, lawlessnessandinexcusable andsloppybehavior

Almost everyone in all ten regions of the country has not only praised the President for his courage, boldness and candidness, but they also placed their faith in him as their leader and thanked him for his confidence and reassurance tosolvesomeofthenation’s mostvexingproblems.

And while it is true that there are many corrupt, incompetent, unqualified, and unskilled contractors who have been awarded contracts over the years, there are those who are highly skillful, competent, incorruptible and are very serious in the execution and completionoftheircontracts

inatimelymanner Someof the most capable, experiencedandoutstanding contractorswhoaregenuine andmoralandwhotaketheir responsibilities very seriously and intensely, especially in doing a good job to make sure that the taxpayers get their money’s worth are Mr. Peter Lewis, CEO of Associated Construction Services, Mr Mohamed Raffik, CEO of R a f f i k a n d S o n s Construction and Mr Brian Tiwari, Chairman and F o u n d e r o f B K International. These are excellent, reputable, trustworthy, ethical and dependable contractors who over the years have been superb in the execution of their contracts and are second to noneintermsofworkethics, meeting contract deadlines and producing excellent work. Simply put, these are the finest contractors in Guyanaandshouldbegiven first preference in the awarding of contracts and not those masquerading as contractors.

Sincerely, Dr AsquithRose

Govt. and the Guyana-Venezuela border controversy

DEAREDITOR, Recently, we have seen actions by the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela to elect a governor of “Guayana Essequiba”, which indicates that the SouthAmerican counterpart will not relent in claiming a territorythatdoesnotbelong tothem.

In essence, the GovernmentofGuyanamust not take Venezuela for granted, as on numerous occasions Nicolas Maduro, whoillegallytooktheoathof office on Friday, January 10th, 2024, continues to violateinternationallawand commitmentsoutlinedinthe Argyle Agreement of December 14th, 2023 in St VincentandtheGrenadines.

In a statement released last week, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs denounced President Nicolás Maduro’s J a n u a r y 7 , 2 0 2 5 , announcement that a “Governor for Guayana’s

Esequiboterritory”wouldbe elected.

The question is, has the governmentbeenproactive enoughonthismatter?

Alliance For Change Member Beverly Alert recently, at a press conference, criticized the state for failing to engage members of the opposition and civil society on the developmentsregarding the Guyana/Venezuela border controversy

Based on Ms Alert’s statement, it can be inferred that the state may have been somewhat passive in informing the public about a significant issue

The AFC demanded thattherebean“immediate convention of the Foreign Relations Committee”and the reconvening of a bipartisan border/National SecurityCommittee I t w o u l d b e presumptuous of me to

advisetheoppositionandthe government on how to proceed, but I do think it is crucial that both sides show unity as we deal with the currentcircumstance.

Furthermore, the state must get into a state of preparedness for any eventualities,aswedon’t know what Maduro has uphissleeves.

Knowing who our allies are is essential in international relations and diplomacy, but it is even moreimportanttohavefaith that they will actually stand by us during this neverending standoff with Venezuela.

Venezuela has shown avarice and totalitarianism, and we must not be intimidated by their actions. Instead, we must confront theissueasaunitedcountry

Regards AntonioDey FinalYearStudent UniversityofGuyana

Pension deposit in Bank account


It is a welcome

facilitation by the

Ministry of Human Services and Ministry of Finance to provide this service to pensioners who cannot make the trip to the Post Office or place to redeemthevouchers,soIam writing this letter with the intention of making this servicebetter

Can the Ministry of Human Services or

Ministry of Finance indicate when pensioners can expect the pension deposits to hit the bank account

Pensioners have bills to pay and expenses to meet and usually expect the monies to be in the account at the start of the month or by the latest mid-

The Queen’s College refurbishment project is an opportunity to be cooperative


Queen’s College (QC) is loved by all of its alumni. Those who have served on the Old Student’s Association and the Board have always been very generouswiththeirtimeand havebeenheldinhighregard by the populace, the student body, alumni, teachers and parents.

The concerns being raised in the press around the planned investment to refurbish QC due to neglectdoesgivepause

T h e r e i s a n opportunity to have a design competition, where the best architects in the country can present their ideas of what a refurbished west wing of the school should look like

T h e r e a r e a l s o traditions of the school that should be preserved and incorporated into the d e s i g n , w i t h consideration being given to the long-term strategy oftheschool

Having a transparent and inclusive process that covers from the design

month. It would be useful to publish the dates when these payments would be senttothelocalbanks

I am not sure if all local banks deduct a service fee for this, but


Yourstruly, S.

concept to the finished work will bring a wealth of ideas and benefits to everyoneinvolved

The incorporation of t h e n e w s a f e t y requirements such as a sprinkler system, fire h o s e s a n d f i r e extinguishers will also help start the process to get the school up to first worldstandards

The music room can

incorporate recording e q u i p m e n t a n d a recordingstudio

There are many pos

consider and it will help the QC Stage Society and fellow students discover s o u n d / a u d i o engineering

Agreat developmental opportunity that also aligns with the recent plans expressed by the Ministry

YouthandSport T h

Governors is doing a great job by taking the initiative to identify and a c c e l e r a t e t h e refurbishment / upgrades urgently needed at the school

As in most things, m a i n t a i n i n g a cooperativeculturethatis cordial, transparent and inclusive throughout the process will help retain the enthusiasm and care shown for QC’s structure, its occupants and what it represents as the top schoolinthecountry

The implementation phase of the project should also ensure that everyone involvedwiththeschoolwill continue to feel appreciated andwelcomedtocontinueto worktowardsthebetterment ofQC.

Everyone’s dedication towards our Alma Mater inspires us all to be faithful andusefuleverywhere.

Bestregards, Mr JamilChanglee

The widening economic gap and a legacy of corruption



Guyana’s economic landscape has become a stark reflection of inequity and systemic corruption While the government highlights token gestures likethe$100,000cashgrant, these crumbs pale in comparison to the vast enrichment of a select few—thosewithclosetiesto government officials and influential networks. This widening economic gap

demands scrutiny, particularly as Guyana experiences unprecedented wealth through its oil revenues.

Disparities in Wealth Distribution

Guyana’s GDP has skyrocketed with oil production,growingbyover 60percentannuallyinrecent years.However,thebenefits

of this growth are concentratedinthehandsof the elite. Contracts worth billions of dollars are being awarded to individuals connected to Ministers, Regional Executive

Officers, Chairmen, Vice Chairmen, and others in powerful positions. Reports suggest that over 80 percent of major government contracts have gone to a handful of companies with political connections, while small contractors and ordinarycitizensareleftout of opportunities for upward mobility

Token Assistance vs RealEmpowerment

The much-publicised $100,000cashgrant—while welcomed by many struggling families is a superficial solution to deeper structural issues. For instance, this grant amounts to just $273 per day, barely covering the rising cost of living Simultaneously, billions of dollars are funnelled into dubious projects and inflated contracts, creating immense wealth for a privileged few In stark contrast, poverty persists, with over 48 percent of the population in rural and hinterland regions stilllivingbelowthepoverty line.

Corruption and Lack of Accountability

A l l e g a t i o n s o f corruption within key p o s i t i o n s o f power—Ministers, regional officials, and even project heads—continue to surface, yet no tangible action has been taken The Special Organised Crime Unit, meanttocombatcorruption,

seeminglyservingatthewill of political directives rather than acting independently As of today, there has been no major prosecution of governmentofficialsdespite overwhelming evidence of mismanagement and embezzlement.

Substandard Projects andDelays

The government’s inefficiency is further highlighted by delayed and poorly executed projects

For example, several road infrastructure projects in Region3andRegion4have faced significant delays, with some running years behindschedule.Public (Continuedonpage09)

Cuisine of the Indentured...

Frompage04 of primitive means of transportation The introduction of railways by the British led to cultural diffusion – in which there was access to greater varieties of vegetables all yearroundespeciallyduring the 1900s. And as President IrfaanAlirightlystated,ghee wasnotcommonlyusedasa staple because of affordability But certain foods needed ghee for preparation – mohanbhog and kheer Mustard oil and coconut oil was used for cooking. Ghee was needed for religious rituals and put in a few foods as a luxury itemtoaddtotaste.

The food or cooking habitshasnotchangedmuch from the 1800s to today among the poorer class of Bihar and Uttar Pradesh from where the bulk of indentureds to Guyana. The indentureds (from the north — Uttar Pradesh and Bihar) or those shipped out of Kolkata (Calcutta) had slightlydifferentfoodhabits or cuisine than the indentureds from the south (Madras,nowChennai).But dhal, rice, roti or puri

(variety of rotis), and subzi (sabjhi) or vegetables were standardandcommonforall. Dhal, rice, and roti were staples. India has two main seasons and different foods are grown in each and in differentareas.Inthewinter, in the north, there was or is wheat and various dhals. Riceisgrownallyearround in south and warm rainy season in the north. The indentureds used yellow dhal. There were various other dhals in the north including moong, urad, masoor,amongothers.They fetched different prices in today’smarkets.

The home grown vegetables or subzi were baigan (various types), cauliflower, cabbage, parwo (not grown in Guyana), various bhajjie (mustard, poi, chowrai,etc ), green peas(winter),bindiorochro, lauki or squash, karela, pumpkin, chilli or hot pepper, saijan, carrots or gajjar, sweet potatoes or kand(allyear),channa,alou or potatoes (winter), radish or mooli, nenwah, jingi, banana, or mango pickles, lemon pickles, katahal or jack fruit or katahar, bora or bodi or long beans, onions, garlic,amongothers.

Ultimately, the type of food (vegetables cooked) depended on affordability Bananas were not readily growninnorth;itwasasouth dish that is now common in the north and also cooked in Guyana.

Tomatoes came much later as a traded food item; now it is widely grown in north in the non-winter months.Kitchriwasandstill is very popular all over the country including in Guyana.

Satoo or satwa (seven grounded uncooked grains) was popular; a dried dish on whichisaddedwaterormilk and was popuar in Guyana thru the 1970s. Some may addsugarorspices;itisquite nutritious as it is all protein. Sugarcanewasusedtomake jaggeryorgud(gudra)thatis usedtomakesweetsormitai. Rice and corn were used to makelawahorbhujthatwas very popular (dried snacks) which was often mixed with masala, onion, etc. or even sugar.Nutswerealsogrown amongthepeasants.

Every peasant had cattle (cows, buffalo, goat, etc.) that was used to tend the field. Milk was traded or exchanged. If one had a few cattle, one was prosperous. Many indentured had cattle. From the cattle, milk was obtained that was used to

make paneer, dahi, ghee, sweet rice or kheer Home ghee is very tasty, quite differentfromcommercially sold ghee Many made coconut oil which was used to prepare vegetables

Certain foods needed ghee likemohanbhogormilklike kheer Puja needed ghee as do varied rituals involving birth, janao or christening, marriage,anddeath.

Although there are greater varieties of foods today,thestaplesremainthe same in the rural villages of the Bhojpuri belt and in Tamil Nadu and in other states. Food is still cooked with oil (now there is a variety like mustard, corn, sunflower, etc.) and greater use of ghee. Ghee was not commonly used because of affordability Ghee was not recommended as a staple. Desigheewaspouredinorin some items for flavor. Fried puriwasverypopular.Itwas adelicacy.

Smallquantityofoilwas used to make a curried vegetable. Puri was cooked in oil, at times mixed with ghee.

Dhal and roti was popular as an evening meal and remains so till this day All types of vegetable chowkahareconsumedwith baiganthemostpopularthat goes with dhal and rice and roti Mangoes and other fruits were used in pickles thatgowellwithcurries.

IntheBhojpuribelt,Litti or thick roti was made –comprising different groundedgrainsandmillets, wheat, corn, and various dhals.Thisroticouldlastfor days without spoiling Kitchri (rice cooked with dhal, grains and various seasonings)wasalsopopular withtheindenturedandisso till this day among the descendants and all over India.

In terms of fruits, the most popular ones were: guava or amrut, different kinds of melon (water, bus, foont or long), mangoes, lemon, bananas, ganna or sugar canes. The cane juice was boiled to make jaggery orgud(pronouncedgudara). Various sweets were also made sweets from juice Vinegar was made from sugar cane juice and used in meal preparation or to make pickles.

The delectable food habits of the rural peasants thatweretransplantedbythe indentured in Guyana and indeed through the diaspora are now enjoyed by other ethnicgroups.

Yourstruly, VishnuBisram

‘No secret in oil and gas sector in Guyana’ ...talks up transparency, distribution of oil wealth -oilminister

Minister of Natural Resources, Vickram Bharrat says there is no secret in the oil and gas sector given the transparent management of the industry by the government. In fact, Guyana is perhaps the only new oil producing nation that allows the media and country at large to stay informed on the developmentstakingplace.

This view was shared by Bharrat during his end of year press conference on Tuesday He said, “There is no secret in the oil and gas sector in the way we manage the oil and gas sector I believe this is probably one of the few countries, and I mean, looking at Suriname for example, you look at Namibia- these new countries- Ghana. I have been following the news in those countries and I don't think there is any other new oil producing country that is as transparent as Guyana in ensuring that the media and the people know of the developments taking place intheoilandgassector.”

Headded,“Besidesfrom being one of the better managed oil and gas sectors amongthenewoilproducing countries, I think we are p r o b a b l y t h e m o s t transparentalsowithregards to the new oil producing countries, managing the oil sector Additionally, we are probably the fastest in terms of development, moving from exploration to production among the oil producingcountries...”

Minister Bharrat maintained that there are several positives to be highlighted but these are not as prominent in the news.

Instead, he said that as Guyanese, citizens tend to ignore “the 99 good things” but look at the one that may not be going right and “sensationalizeit”.

He however urged balance in reporting and acceptance of the fact that the sector has seen massive expansion in a short period oftime.

TheMinisterwaskeento point out the framework that

Minister of Natural Resources,

has been put in place by government to manage the industry Moreover, he said, “We have been very transparent with the Vice President (Bharrat Jagdeo) speaking every single Thursday and with us providinginformationtoyou from time to time as requested,withthePresident (Irfaan Ali) speaking on the matter as well, the Attorney General (Anil Nandlall), the

Minister of Finance (Dr. AshniSingh)allspeakingon theoilandgassector.”

Tothisend,heconcluded that there is a lot of information in the public sphere for Guyanese to be informed on the sector As such, Bharrat reasoned, “I'm not sure that many other countries in the world, that their citizens can speak from such an informed position with regards to their oil and gas sector like the Guyanese.”

The Minister shared a personal encounter he recently had with rice farmers in Mahaicony, where the men exchanged views on the industry He said he was amazed at the knowledge they acquired. Consequently, he said, “I think the government has done a good job in ensuring thatpeopleareawareofwhat is happening and the media aswellinyourreportingasto whatistakingplaceintheoil andgassector.”


Turning his attention to

benefits for Guyanese from the industry, Bharrat highlighted the $100,000 cash grant initiative announcedbyPresidentAli.

He said, “You tell me which country in the world, or which oil producing countryintheworldisgiving each and every citizen US$500 there is no oil producing country in the worldthatisdoingthat.”

Bharrat noted that Saudi Arabia, one of the largest producers as well as the United States do not have such an initiative, yet Guyana, as a small nation that just commenced production of oil has i m p l e m e n t e d t h i s mechanismforitspeople.

The Minister said when he reads newspapers it would be hard to point out any positives, such as the factthatGuyanaisoneofthe few oil producing countries in the world with a local content legislation in place.

Furthermore, he said he would like to know which other country would double its production in just three yearsfromtoday

As such, Bharrat boasted, “It means that we are doing something well. It means that we are managing the sector in an efficient, effective manner because these are not small companies we are working with.”

The Minister therefore noted that the government should be given credit for its management of the sector “Forasectorbeingnewtous, I think the government, the people and the country, the country especially deserves credit for managing the sector in which we have for our people to ensure that people benefit from the sector,”hesaid.

Additionally,heargued,“We would love to see which oil producing country has an updated petroleum act as updatedas2024...wewantto see which country in the worldmovedfromdiscovery inMayof2015toproduction in December 2019, to over 600,000barrelsin2024.”

Vickram Bharrat

No conflict of interest exists

Accusations of conflict of interest have a peculiar way of rising to the surface in Guyana However, these accusations are often tinged with misunderstanding and suspicion.

Themostrecentinstance wheresuchaccusationshave been made, concerns the Queens College School Board.This Board is a body

entrusted with the

stewardship of the nation’s and the Caribbean’s premier secondary school. But as with all school Boards in Guyana, its powers are very limited. When it comes to education in Guyana, power isstillcentralizedatthelevel oftheMinistryofEducation a n d t h e R e g i o n a l DemocraticCouncils. Attheheartofthisextant controversy is the involvement of the Board’s head in a private company

that was awarded the design contract for a new wing of the school On closer examination, the murmur of impropriety dissolves into a humofmisplacedconcern.

The first point to consider is the role and authority of the Queens College School Board in decisions of this nature. It is a body with circumscribed powers. When it comes to significant infrastructural decisions, such as the

The widening economic...


hospitals and schools built

recently are alr


substandard materials and workmanship These failuresstemfromawarding contracts based on political affiliation rather than merit, leavingtaxpayerstobearthe costofmediocrity

A Legacy of Broken Promises

President Irfaan Ali’s


on h

s repeatedly promised prosperity for all. Yet, the reality paints a different picture While the wellconnected flourish, the average citizen continues to struggle with rising costs of

healthcare, and failing public infrastructure. This

principles of fairness and equality that a thriving democracyshoulduphold. WhatMustBeDone

For Guyana to truly benefitfromitsoilwealth,a comprehensive overhaul of governance is needed. Key recommendations include strengthening oversight mechanisms, establishing independentbodieswithreal authority to investigate corruption, and ensuring contracts are awarded based o

effectiveness Resources

mustberedirectedtosupport small businesses and local

sustainable economic opportunities.

Investing in education, h e a l t h c a r e , a n d infrastructure with longterm planning is essential. The people of Guyana deserve more than token cash handouts and empty promises. They deserve a government that prioritises fairness, integrity, and sustainable growth for all.

President Ali’s legacy must not be one of inequality and corruption, but of bold reformsandaccountability Sincerely, B.Singh


De excuse factory working overtime

Dem boys hear de Opposition busy preparing fuh elections.

But nah fuh win, yuh know. Dempreparingdeirexcusewhendemlose! De excuse factory working overtime, and de workers getting time and a half plus a bonusifdeliesoundbelievable.

FirsttingdemsehisdatGECOMgota bloatedlist.

De list can’t be bloated when the law allow fuh people pun de list even if dem livinginAmericaandCanada.Ifwetekoff all dem people nuff of dem opposition suporters who living overseas can be disenfranchised. How yuh can get people offthelistwhoentitledtobeonthelist?

Thendemwantfingerprinttechnology Iswhanext,retinascan?

DNA sample? De whole population gon have to carry a birth certificate, passport,andaffidavitjustfuhvote?Dem sehhouse-to-houseverificationimportant. Butdemboyswanttoknow:whogonpay fuhalldatwalking?DemtinkGECOMis dePostOffice?

Yuhsee,demboysfigureoutdegame. De Opposition setting up fuh blame everybody but demself. If GECOM do everythingdemaskforanddemstilllose, dem gon seh, “It was a conspiracy!” If de rainfallonelectionsday,demgonseh,“De weatherrigagainstwe!”

construction of a new wing, thelocusofdecision-making resides firmly with the Ministry of Education and the Central Tender Board. These entities, insulated from the School Board’s influence, oversee the awarding of contracts and the selection of contractors. TheSchoolBoard’spurview does not extend to these spheres of decision-making in relation to the award of contracts for rebuilding a section of the school. As such,thisrendersanynotion of undue influence by its membersuntenable.

This limited authority is evident too even in the matter of routine maintenance Here, too, according to the Manual governing school Boards, such Boards act as mere collaborators rather than principal decision-makers. They work in tandem with the Ministry of Education a n d t h e R e g i o n a l Democratic Council The idea that the head of the School Board, by virtue of their private company’s involvement,couldsteerthe process in their favor is not just improbable but implausible It is worth noting that the separation of roles within this framework is not incidental but deliberate.Itensuresthatthe Board’s contributions remain fundamentally advisory and facilitative, leaving critical decisions to specializedentitiesequipped tohandlethem.Thisdivision

conflict exists ignores this carefully constructed architecture.

A second layer of concern has been raised about the dual role of the company responsible for designing the new wing and supervising its construction. Here, too, the charge of conflict-of-interest wilts under scrutiny Far from being a point of contention, thisdualroleisahallmarkof sound architectural and construction practices A companyintimatelyfamiliar with the design is uniquely positioned to oversee its e x e c u t i o n T h e i r involvementensuresfidelity to the original vision and prevents deviations that could compromise the project’sintegrity

To argue otherwise is to misunderstand the nature of such projects. Design and supervision of construction are not discrete acts but interwoven threads. The architect’s eye, having conceived the structure, is best suited to guide its realization This in my estimation has benefits. It minimizes errors, streamlines communication, and often results in cost efficiencies.

essential.Inthisinstance,the facts point not to impropriety Those making theaccusationsofconflictof interest have a duty to explain how such conflicts arise This is not a condemnationofanyonebut only that such accusations must be supported by an objectiveexaminationofthe facts.Afterall,a‘conflictof interest’ arises when an individual’s personal interestsoraffiliationscould compromise or appear to compromise their ability to act impartially and in the best interests of an organization or entity they serve. This occurs when there is a potential for financial, professional, or personal gains to influence decisionsoractions.

Derealjokeishowdemactinglikedis plansmart.Butdemboyssehitstupidbad. When yuh lose election one time, people does forgive yuh. Dem does seh, “Try againnexttime.”Whenyuhlosetwotime, yuhsupportersdoesstartfuhgrumbleand seh,“Whareallygoingonhay?”Butwhen yuhlosethreetime,yuhbestpackyuhbags and go plant pumpkin, because people donewidyuh.

So de Opposition come up wid de grandmasterplan:blamedesystem.Islike demanwholosehecricketmatchandseh depitchwascrooked.Ordefellawholose he domino game and seh de other man usingtrickbones.Dewholetingsounding desperate, like a man trying fuh convince he wife dat lipstick on he collar is tomato ketchup.

Demboyssehelectionsislikeplaying delottery Yuhcyanwinifyuhnahbuyde right ticket. De Opposition ticket full ah blame, full ah excuse, and full ah drama. Butitemptywhenitcometoideasfuhde people.

Sowhendemloseagain,demboysgon sitbackwidacolddrinkandwaitfuhhear de next round of blame. Maybe dem gon blamedeantsindepollingstationordesun fuh being too hot. But one ting sure: de excusesgonkeepflowing. Talkhalf.Leffhalf

of responsibilities safeguards against conflicts of interest and ensures that p r o c e s s e s r e m a i n transparent and objective. The insinuation that a

The concerns raised aboutthisarrangementseem to stem from a general unease with overlapping responsibilities rather than specific evidence of wrongdoing. This unease, whileunderstandableshould notovershadowthepractical b e n e f i t s o f s u c h arrangements. A measured approach one that distinguishes between perceived and actual conflicts of interest is

Ultimately,thequestions surrounding the Queens CollegeSchoolBoardandits head are storms in a teacup. In the case of Queens College, the verdict is clear There is no conflict of interesthere.

The greater concern should be about how we have reached this stage wheresuchmajorrepairsare only now being done. And the second concern should be about the disruption that will affect classes for some students.

(The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinionsofthisnewspaper.)


Budget 2025 predictions -money for everybody

My first prediction for Budget 2025 is that it will be another groundbreaker There is nothing particularly prescient about that, so easy it is. By how much is the challenge as I toss this from handtohand.

To be safe, I will settle for a cool GY$1.5 trillion. Why that is a nice 25% from 2024,giveortakeacoupleof billions. I'lltakeit.Tohedge my bets, if the PPP Government were to get reallyadventurous, throw all

caution to the winds, this year'sbudgetcouldnoseinto the vicinity of a whopping two trillion dollars. Don't forget that it is the year of elections and there are endless, ahm, contingencies to be considered. Already, the word that sneaked out is that GECOM has checked in with its bill of $7 billion. Didn't I just say elections? Well,thereisthefirstmorsel. Cash grants are now all therage,withthepresentone in a still unfinished,

uncertain state I say uncertain in that the waiting public, the first tranche of old people and sick people, are unaware of whether it is still coming or it has gone, and now it is the wait on the 2025 budget. Dr Ashni Singh did say that work is feverishly going on behind the scenes and that eligible Guyanese who were to be given priority treatment will not miss out. The problem with grand fellows who are toobrightfortheirowngood

like Dr Ashni Singh is that they can be absentminded. Translation: little things and littlepeoplegetlostinthebig crush of events. I may be jumping the gun, but it looks like the continuing cash grant payout with a focus on pensioners is slowly fading intothebackgroundfornow Specifically, what Dr Singhpromisedearlierinthe week is not happening. No news, no sites, no payouts; a real bummer for the expectant. For 2025 budget

p u r p o s e s , t h e second half or thereabouts of this first cash grant is to be allocated, plus the new ones (per presidential New Year's Day message). I predict that it is going to be two at least, leaning on President Ali's words alone. That's $100 billion if not more in new spending right away for those two. Because it is an election year, cash grants help the PPP Government to more than overcome its censusdeficit.

Asapracticalmatter,this means that whatever has to be spent will be spent to bring in the overseas-based Guyanese, so that they can vote. One cash grant is for their ticket, the second is for spending money, and the third is for the happy recipients to take back to New York and elsewhere to celebratetheirgreat,goodoil fortune and being Guyanese. If the PPP pulls out all the stops (it will, it's elections time) this segment of the budget could be about $150 billion in total for all three grants and related sundries. No definition of the latter now,please.

Just think more billions.

In Guyana under the PPP, a billion is getting to be like playmoney Quickly,the$7 billion for a presidential petty cashbox (slush fund) will climb to $10 billion. How's that for discretionary spending…. Infrastructure budget allocations/appropriations should go on the far

backburner this year considering how much has been sent in that direction in thelastfourbudgets. Should be closing in on a trillion by now

Of course, that backburnerpushisnotgoing to happen. Can the street addictdrinkorsmokelesson a daily basis? Maybe for a few minutes, but not for much longer Well, that is the where the PPP Government is relative to infrastructure spending. No spending, no sporting; that's

the bottom line. I estimate that the PPP Government is brass faced enough and tricky enough to sneak in an increase in infrastructure spending, seeing that everyone has their eyes on the all-important, upcoming elections. Theamountofthe increase will hit the news soon enough, compliments of Mr. Budget, Dr. Ashni Singh. Just remember that a newairportterminal,Amaila Falls,andtwonewbridgesin Berbicearegoingtocallfora big, fat amount of dollars, close to half trillion. Throw in Silica City and an infrastructurebacchanalisin the making think big, think bad, and think banditry Think maybe as much as $2.5trillion. Andthebudget willdeliverforthehustlers. All those old budget set asides and subsidies will continue A few more tricklesfor pensioners, some more for the kids, and the same for diabetes, cancer, and other sicknesses. It would be inspiring to read of some form of assistance in the aftermath of serious illnesses,suchasvictimsofa stroke or heart disease Minister Vindya should comeinforanicesliceofthe budget for domestics, distressed, and the defeated and depressed The indigenous community should be in for a big bonanza. Each vote in this vital constituency will come at a stiff price. Community projects Key people Generosity in other forms to the various remote communities via all kinds of cash. Trust me, the PPP Government knows what it has to do in the financial creativity laboratory Guyanese, get ready (The views expressed in this article are those of the a u t h o r a n d d o n o t necessarily reflect the opinion of this newspaper.)


The pot calling the kettle black

The hypocrisy of Bharrat Jagdeo knows no bounds. Yesterday at his weekly press cuss-ference he ranted and raved about how AFC Leader, Nigel Hughes finding time to be interviewed by Rickford Burke and others he described as “extremists.”

It is rich, that Jagdeo would speak about Hughes aligning with Burke and others, when he as vice president has been ignoring the entire state media to sit down for hours-long interview with one of the most despicable local characters- who masquerades as a reporter. This newspaper would not even dignify the clown to mention his name here.

Which, self-respecting leader would sit down to be interviewed by a foul-mouthed and incompetent man except Jagdeo who is now trying to talk down Hughes interviews with Burke and others. It is a classic case of the pot calling the kettle black.


Man freed after Court of Appeal reduces sentence to time served

Samuel Infias Shaw, also known as “Taliban” and “Arno,” was released from prison on Wednesday after the Court of Appeal reduced his 17-year sentence for attempted murder to time served. The decision marked the end of Shaw's lengthy incarceration following his conviction in 2016 for the attempted murder of Bajai Ramdass, also called “Bruck Back,” during a brutal shootingincidentonJanuary 16, 2012, at Crabwood Creek,Berbice.

Judiciary, Justice Yonette

delivered the appellate court's decision, granting Shaw's appeal against his sentence. Shaw had argued that the original sentence was excessive, citing mitigating factors including a favourable probation report and his lack of a prior criminalrecord.

“In the circumstances, we allow the appeal against sentence. The conviction of the appellant stands, but the appeal against sentence is allowed, and the sentence of the appellant is thereby reduced to the time that would have been served in custody,” stated Justice Cummings-Edwards.

Angeshallam, also known as “Babs,” were convicted of attempting to murder Ramdassfollowingadispute over a plantain farm. Shaw received a 17-year sentence, while Angeshallam was sentenced to 12 years at the Berbice High Court. Both were found guilty of firing a weapon at Ramdass with intent to kill and causing grievous bodily harm with intent to maim, disfigure, or disable him.The disparity in sentencing was a focal point ofShaw'sappeal.

His attorney, Nigel Hughes, argued that Shaw's s e n t e n c e w a s disproportionately harsh given his clean record and the positive probation report presented during his trial.

Freed man: Samuel Infias Shaw

The appellate court agreed, noting inconsistencies in sentencing between Shaw and Angeshallam, who were convicted on the same evidence.

It was mentioned during the court proceedings, the trial judge had initially set Shaw's sentence at 22 years, laterreducingitbyfiveyears based on the probation report However, the appellatecourtfoundthatthe starting point should have been 12 years Justice C u m m i n g s - E d w a r d s remarked, “The probation reportoftheappellantwasan extremely favorable report, and we believe that more should have been deducted f r o m [ t h e o r i g i n a l sentence].”

Acknowledging Shaw's decade-long custody, includingpre-trialdetention,

the Court of Appeal reduced his sentence to “time s e r v e d ” H e w a s immediately released from prison The state was represented by Assistant D i r e c t o r o f P u b l i c Prosecution (DPP), Natasha Backer

Theincidentandtrial Ramdass testified during the trial about the events leading to his injuries. He recounted that he and Shaw h

arrangement soured due to financial disagreements. On the day of the attack, Ramdass visited the farm, where he was ambushed by ShawandAngeshallam.

According to Ramdass, Shaw shot him in the back with a shotgun, while Angeshallam attempted to drag him toward Shaw using abicycletube.

Despite severe injuries, Ramdass managed to fight back with a cutlass, injuring Angeshallam before pretending to be dead. Shaw allegedlyfiredasecondshot, striking Ramdass in the face and leaving him paralyzed from the waist down and blindinoneeye.

Shaw and Angeshallam denied the charges, instead accusing Ramdass's brother, Jagdeo, known as “Spraga,” of carrying out the attack. The jury rejected this defenceafterdeliberatingfor overtwohours.

‘Legally, Govt. can do nothing for CGX, its licence has expired’

The Government of Guyana cannot legally extend CGX and Frontera's exploration licence for the Corentyne Block, and as a resultcandonothingtoassist the joint venture, Minister of Natural Resources Vickram BharratsaidonTuesday

During his ministry's

e n d - o f - y e a r p r e s s conference,MinisterBharrat stated that the joint venture's licence, along with an extension previously granted, has come to an end. Consequently,theCorentyne Block now reverts to State control.

Hesaid,“Withregardsto CGX, the position remains the same. There's no change to position, with regards to how we dealing or handling theCGXmatter…”

Minister Bharrat stated that the government has applied the same system to all companies in similar situations. “So, it's the same, it's the same way we deal with all companies, and not to say that we are treating one company separate or differentfromtheother The same system that wasusedforRepsolthesame

system was actually used with CGX, with the exploration licence, the blockobviouslygoesbackto the State, there is no cost recovery from that, because they did not move to production,”heexplained.

Bharrat reminded that CGX was granted additional time for appraisal following their discovery notification. However, this extension has also expired, leaving the government with no legal basisforfurtheraction.

He added, “That has expired too, so there is nothing legally that we can do with regards to any further extension or that matter.”

Last month, CGX in a statement noted that the JV remains committed to the potential development of the Corentyne Block as supported by the JV's recent discoveries at Kawa-1 and Wei-1.

It was stated that the last communication the JV had with the government was on September 25, 2024 However, the companies said they had not received any formal communications

from the Government of Guyana regarding the status ofthelicence.

“The JV is firmly of the view that the Corentyne Block PetroleumAgreement remains in place,” CGX and Frontera said. It was further stated, “The JV recognizes that recent comments from certain Government officials have created confusion amongststakeholders,which have materially affected the JV and caused substantial harm to the JV's efforts to develop the Corentyne Block.”

As such, the companies sent the letter to government activating the 60-day period a negotiation with the hopes ofanamiablesolution.

The minister clarified, “There is no dispute, that's the first thing, there is no disputebetweengovernment andCGX.”

In addressing the State's engagement with CGX, Minister Bharrat said there hadbeendiscussionspriorto theexpirationofthelicence.

“ B u t t h e r e w e r e engagements then…we met with them, we had an engagement with them then

Innovative businesses in Caribbean show higher levels of productivity, sales -IDBReportsays

M o s t C a r i b b e a n businesses are either innovative or potentially innovative but still face challenges, according to a new report by the InterAmerican Development Bank(IDB).


said that innovative businesses in the Caribbean have 26% to 35% higher levels of productivity and 21% to 81% higher sales per worker than non-innovative firms, depending on the type of innovation, according to the report titled "Innovation for Faster Economic Growth in the Caribbean: Are We ThereYet?".

The report is part of IDB's Caribbean Economics Quarterly publication series, which focuses on the economic performance of The Bahamas, Barbados, Guyana, Jamaica, Suriname, and Trinidad and Tobago. The report also reveals that a substantial percentage of firms are poised to innovate but face significant barriers.

Drawing on data from a survey conducted by the Compete Caribbean

Partnership Facility, the report identifies the main o b s t a c l e s f a c e d b y businesses to achieve innovation These include macroeconomic conditions, the regulatory environment, access to finance, and labor market constraints Challenges were amplified during the COVID-19 pandemic, and even at the end of 2024 several Caribbean countries have only just recovered their prepandemiclevelsofeconomic activity

Other key findings from thiseditioninclude: Nearly 57% of firms are potential innovators for general forms of innovation, 85% for digital innovation, and 48 8% for green innovation.

The percentage of firms filing patents increased from 7.9% to 12.7% between the 2014 and 2020 surveys. The percentage is slightly higher among female-led firms comparedtomale-ledfirms. Policy measures to foster an enabling environment for i n n o v a t i o n i n c l u d e improving labor market


andtheyunderstoodfullythe position of our government because there is no way legally that you can extend beyond the appraisal period,” he added He suggested that CGX either have to reapply, like some companies would have, or

wait until we have another bidround.

“It's either you (CGX) take the step as Repsol to reapply or you wait until the bidroundandyoubidforthe block if it is available but there is no other legal provision,”theministersaid.

dedicated support services for entrepreneurs, increasing access to innovative finance, and digitalizing public services.

“Innovation is one of the key drivers for growth and resilience in the Caribbean. This report highlights the remarkable potential of our region'sbusinesses.

By addressing the barriers they face, we can unlock eve

er opportunities for sustainable d e v

competitiveness,” said Anton Edmunds, IDB General Manager for the Caribbean.

IDB's Caribb

an Economics Quarterly is a publication series dedicated to advancing economic understanding of Caribbean realities through the lens of The Bahamas, Barbados, Guyana, Jamaica, Suriname and Trinidad and Tobago. With a commitment to fostering development, this IDB report continues to be a t

policymakers,academia,and businesses.

Minister of Natural Resources, Vickram Bharrat

Jagdeo:One contractor in Aubrey Barker Road pole-collapse

One of the contractors

responsible for the collapsing pole fiasco at AubreyBarkerRoadlatelast year will be blacklisted by the National Procurement and Tender Administration Board(NPTAB).

This was revealed by Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo on Thursday during hisweeklypressconference.

He told reporters that there must be consequences against the contractors since

the poles were not laid according to specifications. Disciplinary actions will also be meted out to those in supervisorypositions.

“I gather that the report has been concluded, a joint report by Public Works and the Guyana Power and Light (GPL) and there's a recommendation to the tender board to blacklist one contractor and also the investigation is continuing, so there'll be further

fiasco to be blacklisted

disciplinary action taken againstotherindividuals.We need to take firm action against these individuals,” he firmly stated. Persons at the engineering and procurement levels are also beingcloselywatched.

“Maybe we did not listen before we found some cases where procurement officers in some agencies are doing some of the most egregious things.

We've made it clear to

people contracted that if any engineer, any procurement officer of the State was to in any agency, were to solicit a bribefromyou,ortosaythey cangiveyouacontractifyou give them any money, or to accept shoddy work if you pay them, then just let us know you can,” the VP stressed.

He encouraged members ofthepublicwhoareprivyto such information, to send letters even if they are anonymous, assuring that any given tips would be thoroughly investigated Jagdeo made it known that heisawarethattherearestill some persons engaging in

Vice President, Bharrat Jagdeo

dishonest activities but it is being done in a very clever manner However, there

were instances reported and investigations have been l a u n c h e d i n t o t h e al

December 2024, Jagdeo told reportersthatpersonsshould be fired and blacklisted for thecollapsingpoles.

The incident caused blackout for around 2000 residents. Jagdeo said then that the incident caused him great grief and made him infuriated.

He said it is time that government starts firing people who are not doing theirworkandarebeingpaid to oversee projects be done properly but are neglecting theirduties.

With a $78 million contract already awarded to construct the Maruranau school dormitoryinRegionNine,thegovernmentis preparing to spend an additional $75 million to build a kitchen and dining hall to complementthedormitory.

The project, which was recently awarded through the National Procurement and Tender Administration Board (NPTAB) office,isbeingundertakenbytheMinistryof Local Government and Regional Development.

According to NPTAB, the project has been awarded to Ck Construction & Transportation Services which will also be furnishingthedininghall.

This publication understands that in July 2024, the National Procurement and Tender Administration Board had awarded a $78,373,640 contact to QA Civil Work to

construct a new two-storey dormitory at MaruranauVillage.

Thesefacilitiesarebeingbuilttoproperly accommodate and serve the students who will be attending the Maruranau Secondary Schoolwhenitiscompleted.

Kaieteur News reported that in November 2024, Minister of Education, Priya Manickchand turned the sod to begin the construction of the $175 million MaruranauSecondarySchool.

TheprojectwhichwasawardedtoSheriff Construction Inc for $175,525,300 by NPTAB is expected to be completed by June nextyear

Minister Manickchand at the time said that the new secondary school will serve three main areas: Maruranau, Shea and AwarewanauVillagesandwillaccommodate 400students.

Drill rig contractual period ends with Exxon

Ex x o n M o b i l Guyana Limited will now have five drill rigs supporting its Stabroek Block operations as one of Stena Drilling rigs has c o m p l e t e d i t s w o r k programme.

Exxon had contracted four drill rigs from Noble: Noble Tom Madden, Noble SamCroft,NobleDonTaylor, and Noble Bob Douglas and two from Stena: Stena DrillMAXandStenaCarron.

StenaDrillMAX joined Exxon's Guyana fleet back in 2021. Last October, Stena DrillMAX arrived back in Guyana, to resume work for ExxonMobilafterexploration drilling offshore Canada Maritime Administration Department (MARAD) has disclosed that the Stena DrillMAX will depart the Guyana's exclusive economic zone (EEZ) on January 15, 2025.

Exxon's Media Advisor, Kwesi Isles said on Wednesday, “The Stena DrillMAX has completed the work programme for which it was contracted.” According to Isles, “There's no plan to replace it at this time ” Notably, the Stena Carron contract with Exxon comes to anendinJune2025.

In September 2024, it was announced that ExxonMobil has extended its contract with American offshore drilling company Noble Corporation for four of its drill ships to workintheStabroekBlock. According to Noble,

ExxonMobil has awarded 4.8 additional rig years of b a c k l o g u n d e r t h e Commercial Enabling Agreement (CEA) which has been assigned evenly across the four drill ships: Noble Tom Madden, Noble Sam Croft, Noble Don Taylor and Noble Bob Douglas, extending each rig's contract duration from June 2027 to August2028.

In May 2023, Noble announced that ExxonMobil Guyana had extended their contract for the rental of the four ultra-deep-water drill ships to work in Guyana until second quarter of 2027 Notably, the drill rigs cost an average of US$420,000 (GYD$84 million) to US$500,000 (GYD$100M) per day for each ship, based on current market-rate Market-rate changes twice per year – March and September

To date, Exxon has obtained approval from the Government of Guyana for six development projects in the Stabroek Block – Liza Phase One, Liza Phase Two, Payara, Yellowtail, Uaru and Whiptail.

Thefirstthreeprojectsare already producing oil at a daily estimated rate over 600,000barrelsperday(bpd). Exxon has been on an extensivedrillingoperationin the Stabroek Block Yellowtail is expected to come onstream later this year and Uaru and Whiptail to followinthecomingyears.

The Stena DrillMAX

Court sets date to hear challenge over GECOM Verification process

Chief Justice (CJ) acting Roxane George-Wiltshire is set to hear oral arguments in the case filed by People's National Congress Reform (PNCR) member Carol Smith-Joseph challenging the Guyana Elections Commission to engage in a betterverificationprocesson March17,2025.

Smith-Joseph had filed a court case, saying that there was need for verification of the addresses of registrants because checks have shown that addresses have on them no buildings, or dilapidated or abandoned houses in which no one lives or have livedforyears;theaddresses exist but no one at the a d d r e s s k n o w s t h e Applicant/Registrant; the address is generic, for example it may be just the name of the village or town area She fears that the integrity of General and Regional Elections and LocalGovernmentElections

and their results will be questionable, inaccurate and notcredible.

Themattercameupatthe High Court before Chief Justice George-Wiltshire for a case management hearing onWednesday. The CJ gave directions for the filing of submissions and responses of the matter as well as set March 17, 2025 as the date that the hearings will commence. The court dealt with application to amend the original case by Ms. Smith-Joseph.

Attorney General Anil NandlallS.CandLawyerfor GECOM, Kurt Da silva made no objection to the amendments.As a result, the casewasamendedtoinclude broader terms in relation to the application filed by Attorneys Dexter Todd and DexterSmartt.

Outside the courtroom, f o l l o w i n g t h e c a s e management hearing, AG Nandlall explained that

notwithstanding his decision not to object to the amendments, he believes the matter is pointless. Nandlall told reporters that the question in a case had been already settled in court years ago.

According to the Attorney General, Ms. Smith-Joseph's effort was not the first attempt to remove the names of registrants on the basis of no residency; the first having beenin2019whenGECOM, under the chairmanship of Retired Justice James Patterson.Asaresult,aHigh Court case had been filed by Christopher Ram. Nandlall said that in the Chief Justice's “very reasoned, researched and elaborate judgment” explained the

requirements for registration andvoting.

Nandlall maintained that all that is required is an

CitizensBankrakedin$2.2B inaftertaxprofitslastyear

The revenue of Citizens Bank Guyana Inc.,a51%ownedsubsidiaryofBanksDIH Limited, has recorded profit after tax of $2.244 billion in 2024. This was compared to $1.946 billion in 2023, an increase of $298millionor15.3%.

residency “You cannot have two addresses on the list so wherever you're casting that ballot, you are likely to be living at that address,” he said.

He said amendments to the National Registration Act in 2022 made it consistent with Guyana's Constitution by removing requirements for a residency address and replaced it with an address. Prior to those changes, he said the Guyana

Elections Commission (GECOM) had removed the namesofregistrantsfromthe National Register of Registrants or did not complete the registration process if the verification shows that they were not at the stated of addresses. “By doing so, they were illegally removing persons from the register on the basis that the persons were not resident at thataddress,”hesaid.

“So, if you don't have to

PNCR member, Carol Smith-Joseph

have a fixed place of abode orafixedaddressinGuyana,

(Continued on page 22)

According to Banks DIH Limited annual report, the profit before tax for the bankwas$3.764billioncomparedto$3.264 billion in 2023, an increase of $500 million or 15.3%. The earnings per share were $37.71whilethetotalassetbasewas$130.6 billion. Loan assets were increased from $52.0 billion to $60.1 billion, by 15.6% or $8.1billion. Amongitsachievementforthe year,thebankpointedtotheopeningofnew locations.

Last August, Citizens Bank opened its newest location on Aubrey Barker Road to thetuneof$1.8b.

City Hall workers to get 10% retroactive pay hike for 2024, 8% for 2025

The Ministry of Labour has announced that an agreement was reached to pay employees of the Georgetown Mayor and City Council (M&CC) on Thursday a 10% retroactive salaryincreasefor2024.

The Municipality has also agreed to pay the workers an 8% salary increase for 2025 The a


ncement came moments after Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo criticised the Council for poor management of its resources and failing to pay itsworkers.

According to Jagdeo, the support to the city has been “enormous” with a number of Government-funded developmental projects. Jagdeo said the City Council must do its part and collect ratesandtaxesowed.

“The City Council has a huge source of potential income from which they could meet their liabilities to the workers to those who provide services to the city and also for developmental works. But they refuse to go

after that huge source of revenue owed by People's National Congress Place Congress Place owes over $ 6.4 billion and they keep diverting the issue, every time it is raised…” Jagdeo said.

Meanwhile, a deal was brokered on Thursday between representatives of the Georgetown M&CC and the Guyana Labour Union (GLU) and Ministry of Labour to pay essential w o r k e r s , i n c l u d i n g Constabulary officers and garbagecollectors.

According to a release from the Labour Ministry as per the agreement, the staff will receive a 10 percent retroactive wage and salary increase for 2024, to be paid onorbeforeMarch31,2025. Additionally, they will receive an 8 percent retroactive wage and salary increase for 2025, effective from January 2025, to be paid on or before July 31, 2025.

This decision followed successful conciliation efforts led by the Ministry of

Labour, culminating in the signing of a resumption agreement between the Georgetown Mayor and City Council (M&CC) and the GLU, under the guidance of Chief Labour Officer, Mr Dhaneshwar Deonarine, on Thursday, January 16, 2025, attheministry'sBoardroom. The terms of the resumption agreement are as follows:thereshallbeanend to the strike and full resumption of work by all

A deal was brokered on Thursday between representatives of the Georgetown M&CC and the Guyana Labour Union (GLU) and Ministry of Labour to pay essential workers, including Constabulary officers and garbage collectors decided to engage in strike action.

GLU members immediately, t h e r e s h a l l b e n o victimizationbyeitherparty, there shall be no loss of service for any worker, workers will return to their respective positions held before the sit-in, there shall be no transfers upon resumption, theGLUagrees to support the M&CC in its efforts to garner its outstanding revenues by imploring the public, businesses and other entities atlargetopaytheirtaxesand otherobligationstoallowthe

M&CC to honour its commitment to the workers andcitizens.

After the signing, Carvil Duncan, General Secretary of the Guyana Labour Union, expressed gratitude to all involved in achieving the resolution, emphasising its importance in prioritising the interests of M&CC employees.

Mayor of Georgetown, Alfred Mentore, echoed the sentiments, reaffirming the council's commitment to its responsibilities as an

employer He noted that while financial challenges persist, the council remains focused on fulfilling its obligations to employees

“The purpose of today's meeting was to present our position and gain the union's support in ensuring outstanding revenues are collected We also urge citizens, businesses, and other entities with significant outstanding taxes and rates to honour their commitments,” Mayor Mentorestated.

Economic recovery is losing steam, new ILO report says

The global economy is slowing down, making it harder for labour markets to recover fully, according to the newly-released, World Employment and Social Outlook:Trends2025.

I n 2 0 2 4 g l o b a l employment grew in line with the labour force, keeping the unemployment rate steady at 5 per cent, the report done by the International Labour Organisation (ILO) says.

H o w e v e r , y o u t h unemployment showed little improvement, remaining high at 12 6 per cent Informal work and working poverty returned to prepandemic levels, and lowincome countries faced the most difficulties in creating decentjobs.


The report points to c h a l l e n g e s s u c h a s geopolitical tensions, the risingcostsofclimatechange and unresolved debt issues, which are putting labour markets under pressure Economic growth stood at

3.2 per cent in 2024, down from 3.3 and 3.6 per cent in 2023 and 2022, respectively

A similar level of growth is expected in 2025, although a gradual deceleration is expected to set in over the medium term Although inflation has decreased, it remains high, reducing the value of wages, the report finds. Real wages have only increased in some advanced economies, and most countries are still recovering from the effects of the pandemicandinflation.

L a b o u r f o r c e participation rates have dropped in low-income countries while increasing in high-income nations, mainly among older workers and women, the report finds However, gender gaps remain wide, with fewer women in the workforce, limiting progress in living standards Among young men participation has fallen sharply, with many not in education, employment or training (NEET). This trend is especially pronounced in

low-incomecountries,where NEET rates for young men have risen by nearly 4 percentage points above the pre-pandemic historical average, leaving them vulnerable to economic challenges.

NEET rates in lowincome countries rose in 2024, with young men reaching 15.8 million (20.4 per cent) and young women 28.2 million (37.0 per cent),

respectively from 2023 Globally, 85.8 million young men (13.1 per cent) and 173.3 million young women (28.2percent)wereNEETin 2024,upby1millionand1.8 million respectively from the previousyear

The global jobs gap amountsto402million

The global jobs gap – the estimated number of people who want to work but do not have a job – reached 402 million in 2024 This includes 18


ion unemployed people, 137 (Continued on page 22)

Guyanese extradited to the USA to face charges in fatal accident

Parmanand Singh, a Guyanese citizen, was extradited to the United States (US) on Wednesday to face charges related to a fatal vehicularaccident.

The Ministry of Home Affairs confirmed his extradition in a statement releasedonThursday

According to the statement, "Singh waived his righttoanextraditionhearing andconsentedtoreturntothe USA to address judicial matters related to a fatal vehicularincident."

This extradition is one of

two cases involving Guyanese citizens being sent to the US to face criminal charges. Minister of Home Affairs, Robeson Benn, mentioned this during his end-of-year press conference on Monday The minister

d i s c l o s e d t h a t t w o individuals had been arrested for serious criminal matters

and were slated for extradition. When asked by reporters if the individuals were Guyanese, Minister Benn confirmed, stating, “Extradition matters are both Guyanese who are living overseas and involved in seriouscriminalmatters.”

In September 2024, the United States government

s u b m i t t e d a f o r m a l extradition request to the Government of Guyana. In response, Minister Benn

requested that Chief Magistrate (ag) Faith Mc Gusty begin the necessary legal proceedings for the extradition.

The release stated that Singh is accused of driving under the influence of alcohol, with a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) exceeding the legal limit, leading to intoxication. This impaired driving caused a collision with another vehicle,resultinginthedeath of the driver Singh sustained injuries in the crash and was

Parmanand Singh; extradited to the United States to face criminal charges

treated at Broward Health MedicalCenterinFlorida. While receiving medical care, “two blood samples were lawfully taken and analysed for alcohol and/or drug levels. Laboratory tests revealedBAClevelsof0.157 g/dL and 0 158 g/dL, significantly higher than Florida's legal limit of 0.08 g/dL for operating a motor vehicle,”theministrysaid. Singh's arrest was carried out under a warrant issued by Magistrate Mc Gusty. The p r o s e c u t i o n t e a m representing the United States included Lisa Cave, Assistant Director of Public Prosecutions at the Director of Public Prosecutions Chambers; Treaty Officer at the Ministry of Home Affairs; and Sergeant Stephan Hinds from the Major Crimes Unit, who served as the investigating officer

On January 3, 2025, Singh was formally committed to custody for extradition by Magistrate Mc Gusty. He remained in custody until his extradition was completed on January 15,2025.

Case dismissed against police officers accused of falsifying meal payments

The case against five senior officers of the Guyana Police Force, who were charged with fraud in relation to falsified meal payments, was dismissed due to the prosecution's failure to present sufficient evidence. The case, which hadbeenongoingforalmost three years, was dismissed by Senior Magistrate Leroy Daly after a hearing on Thursday The five officers: Deputy Commander of D i v i s i o n F o u r ' B '

Superintendent Lorraine Saul, Officer-in-Charge of t

Department (ag.) Assistant Superintendent Kurt Smith, Police Finance Officer

Superintendent Marcelene Washington, Deputy

Superintendent Frank Jackman-Wilburg, and Assistant Superintendent R o x a n n e G

f f i t hAdams—had been charged with multiple counts of conspiracy to commit a felony and falsification of accounts related to meal payments.

The officers were charged in May 2021 before then Chief Magistrate, Ann M c L e n n a n a t t h e Georgetown Magistrates' Court. However, yesterday, when the matter was called again before Magistrate Daly, the prosecution failed to provide evidence to support the charges MagistrateDalyagreedwith the defence attorneys that the state had no case against the accused. As a result, the case was dismissed, and the officers were freed from the charges that had been

Deputy Commander of Division 4 'B', Superintendent Lorraine Saul

Police Finance Officer, Superintendent Marcelene Washington

Assistant Superintendent, Kurt Smith

hanging over them for nearlythreeyears.


The investigation into the alleged fraud began in 2020 when the Special Organised Crime Unit (SOCU) launched an inquiry into the Police Finance Department followingreportsofmissing funds In 2021, Saul, Washington, and Griffith-

Former Deputy Finance Officer, Deputy Superintendent Frank Jackman-Wilburg

Adams were charged jointly wuith conspiracy to commit afelony,whileSaulfacedan additional charge of falsifying accounts The charges, which were laid indictably alleged that Saul, while stationed at the Felix AustinPoliceCollegeMess, created fake meal accounts for ranks who were supposedly performing fixed point duties. It was

Former Deputy Finance Officer,Assistant Superintendent Roxanne Griffith-Adams

claimed that these duties never existed, and Saul conspired with Washington, Jackman-Wilburg, and Griffith-Adams to process and approve the fraudulent accounts.

In a separate case, Saul, Washington, and JackmanWilburg faced two joint conspiracy charges related tofalsifyingmealpayments. Saul was also charged with two individual counts of falsificationofaccounts.

Anotherchargeinvolved Saul and Assistant Superintendent Kurt Smith, who were accused of conspiring to falsify meal payments while Saul was the Officer-in-Charge at the Brickdam Police Station's Other Ranks Mess The Mess provided meals to officers within Regional Division4A.

The total amount allegedly falsified by the f i v e o f f i c e r s w a s $1,815,000, which was meant for meal payments to policeranks.


Kitchen Assistant needed Tel: 676-5534 / 709-8131 Famous Flavour Restaurant.

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A man and his four wives terrorised, robbed in home invasion

A75-yer-old man and his four wives were tied up and robbed in a home invasion on Wednesday afternoon.

Police said the elderly man and his wives, ages 73, 60, 57 and 40, were engaged in religious devotion at their Tabaquite home when the masked men entered at around 4.30pm.

The intruders, armed with knives, forced the man and his

wives into a bedroom and tied their hands and feet.

Police said the masked men shouted “where is the money” before they ransacked the house taking jewellery and a small amount of cash.

The men left in the family’s Honda Fit car.

Police said the victims waited for the men to leave and then untied themselves and alerted neighbours.

Economic recovery is losing steam, new ILO report says...

From page 20 million who are temporarily unavailable to work, and 79 million discouraged workers who have stopped looking for jobs. While the gap has been gradually narrowing since the pandemic it is expected to stabilize over the next two years.

New opportunities in green and digital sectors

The study identifies potential for job growth in green energy and digital technologies. Renewable energy jobs have grown to 16.2 million worldwide, driven by investment in solar and hydrogen power. However, these jobs are unevenly distributed, with nearly half based in East Asia. Digital technologies also offer opportunities, but many countries lack the infrastructure and skills to fully benefit from these advancements, the report notes.

Innovative solutions

The ILO Director-General,


Call: 264-2946.


fun Aracari Resort! crystal clear pool, safe kids & adult sections, music & food. W.B.D. Call : 264-29469


Queenstown, Better Hope, East Rumveldt , Front Road & Soesdyke Linden Highway. Contact : Ray's Realty 627-9685.

Gilbert F. Houngbo, stressed the urgent need for action. “Decent work and productive employment are essential for achieving social justice and the Sustainable Development Goals. To avoid exacerbating already strained social cohesion, escalating climate impacts, and surging debt, we

must act now to tackle labour market challenges and create a fairer, more sustainable future,” he said. The report makes some recommendations to address current challenges:

Boost productivity: invest in skills training, education, and infrastructure to support

economic growth and job creation; expand social protection: provide better access to social security and safe working conditions to reduce inequality and use private funds effectively: low-income countries can harness remittances and diaspora funds to support local development.

Court sets date to hear challenge over GECOM...

From page 19 and in fact you can have a fixed addressed in Queens, New York or you can have a fixed address in London and you are still qualified to vote in Guyana by virtue of the Constitution, on what basis is there a requirement that you must live at a particular address in order to vote? Just work it out logically in your mind,” he argued.

“Anytime, any person is

refused registration or would be refused the right to vote because of some deficiency in their address that would be an abrogation and a violation of not only the constitution but that person’s constitutional right to vote, and that is what that case is about,” the Attorney General said.

However, attorney Todd in his representation of SmithJoseph emphasised that the verification process must be adequately carried. According to Todd, there are instances where the names and addresses of the registrants do not correlate.

“The addresses must be verifiable. if you do not verify the information going into the register, you are going to have a problem. Because it is from the register that the extractions are made,” the lawyer said.

Aracari Hotel renovated rooms ,A/C, TV, Restaurant, bar, pool, gym Stay 7 nights, 1 Free!

AFC and PSC discuss issues of national importance


odds over confidence in Elections Commission

The Alliance For Change(AFC)on Thursday met with executive members of

the Private Sector Commission (PSC) in what the party described as a cordialmeeting.

In a statement to the media, theAFC said that as part of its listening and grounding exercise, the meeting provided an opportunityfortheexchange ofviews.

“The Alliance For Change raised in its presentation a range of issues including national development and the conduct of elections with emphasis on the need for biometric identification of voters at the place of poll. The protection of our borders and the need for

consensus on a national development plan were all examined,” the statement said.


expresseditsfullconfidence in the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) and its operations. However, the AFC said that it “lost

confidence in the Chairman of GECOM and its operations” and provided informationinsupportofits position.

Representatives from the AFC and PSC who attended Thursday’s meeting

Meanwhile, the AFC said it is scheduled to meet withGECOMbeforetheend ofthemonth.

“The Private Sector

Commission expressed a desiretomeetagainafterthe AFC had met with GECOM,” the AFC said in itsstatement.

Blairmont Estate boiler house roof set for $49M rehabilitation

DuringthereadingofbidsattheNational Procurement and Tender Administration Board (NPTAB) it was revealed that the

Boiler House Roof Structure at Blairmont Estate in Region Five will soon undergo rehabilitation.

Below are the companies and their bids: MinistryofPublicWorks ConsultancyServicesfor:Social&Gender ResilienceBuilding-LindentoMaburaHill.

GuyanaPower&LightInc. Supply,Installation&Commissioningof MVSwitchgear&AssociatedEquipment.

GuyanaSugarCorporation(GuySuCo) RehabilitationofBoilerHouse RoofStructureatBlairmontEstate.


Supply&DeliveryofthePrintingofPromotional Materials&MedicalRecordsLots1-5.

Theprojectwhichisbeingundertakenby theGuyanaSugarCorporation(GuySuCo)is estimatedtocost$49,136,950.Atthereading


of bids only two companies applied for the contract and they are Great One Investment andAYNConstruction&GeneralServices.

Israel delays vote to approve Gaza ceasefire deal

BBC - Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin

Netanyahu has delayed a cabinet vote to approve the Gaza ceasefire deal, due on Thursday, accusing Hamas of seeking last-minute changestotheagreement.

US Secretary of State AntonyBlinkensaida“loose end” was being tied up and that he was confident the ceasefirewouldstillbeginon Sundayasplanned.

Although Israeli negotiatorsagreedtothedeal after months of talks, it cannotbeimplementeduntil itisapprovedbythesecurity cabinetandgovernment.

Hamas said it was committed to the deal, but the BBC understands it was trying to add some of its members to the list of Palestinian prisoners that would be released under the deal.

The delay came after Israeli strikes in Gaza following Wednesday’s announcement of a deal killed more than 80 people, according to the Hamas-run healthministry

A few hours before the Thursday morning meeting wasdue,Netanyahuaccused Hamas of trying to “extort lastminuteconcessions”.

The cabinet would not convene until Hamas accepted“allelementsofthe agreement,” a statement fromhisofficeread.

Blinkensaidsuchadelay wastobeexpectedinsucha “challenging”situation.

“It’s not exactly surprising that in a process andnegotiationthathasbeen

this challenging and this fraught,youmaygetaloose end,” he told a press conferenceinWashington.

“We’re tying up that looseendaswespeak.”

He said the US was “confident” the deal would comeintoforceonSundayas planned, and that the ceasefirewouldthenpersist.

Israeli media reported thatthecabinetwasexpected tomeetonFridaytoapprove the deal and that the alleged issue had been resolved, although this was not officiallyconfirmed.

A majority of Israeli ministers are expected to back the deal, but late on Thursday Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir said his right-wing party would quit Netanyahu’s government if


“The deal that is taking shape is a reckless deal,” Ben-Gvir told a news conference, adding it would “erase the achievements of thewar”.

However, he said his Otzma Yehudit (Jewish Power)partywouldnotseek to topple the government shouldthedealberatified.

Heurgedtheleaderofthe other far-right party in government, Finance MinisterBezalelSmotrichof the Religious Zionist party, tojoinhiminresigning.

Ben Gvir said the deal w o u l d “ e r a s e t h e achievementsofthewar”

Meanwhile, a senior HamasofficialtoldtheBBC that the group was committed to the agreement

Strikes continued in Gaza overnight on Wednesday after the ceasefire deal was announced (Getty Images)


The head of Hamas’s delegation, Khalil al-Hayya, officially informed Qatar and Egypt of its approval of all the terms of the agreement, the official told theBBC.

B u t B B C G a z a correspondent Rushdi Abualouf understands that Hamas was attempting to addthenamesofoneortwo symbolicmemberstothelist of prisoners that would be releasedunderthedeal.

The first six-week phase of the deal would see 33 hostages-includingwomen, childrenandelderlypeopleexchanged for Palestinian prisonersinIsraelijails.

Israeli troops would also withdraw to the east, away from densely populated


Displaced Palestinians would be able to start returning to their homes and hundredsofaidlorrieswould be allowed entry to the territoryeachday

Negotiations for the secondphase-whichshould see the remaining hostages released, a full Israeli troop withdrawal and a return to “sustainable calm” - would startonthe16thday

The third and final stage would involve the return of any remaining hostages’ b o d i e s a n d t h e reconstruction of Gazasomething which could take years.

The ceasefire is due to beginonSunday,shoulditbe approved

Israeli air strikes

continued after the deal was announced on Wednesday

At least 12 people were killed in Gaza City, where a doctor told the BBC staff “didnotrestforoneminute” duringthe“bloodynight”.

Strikes were carried out on 50 targets in Gaza since thedeal’sannouncement,the Israel Defense Forces and the Israeli Security Agency saidinastatement.

The prime minister of Qatar - which mediated negotiations - called for “calm” on both sides before thestartofthefirstsix-week phaseoftheceasefiredeal.

Israel launched a campaigntodestroyHamaswhich is proscribed as a terrorist organisation by Israel,theUSandothers-in r e s p o n s e t o a n unprecedented cross-border attackonIsraelon7October 2023, in which about 1,200 people were killed and 251 othersweretakenhostage.

Morethan46,788people have been killed in Gaza since then, according to the territory’s Hamas-run health ministry

Most of Gaza’s 2 3 million population has also been displaced, there is widespread destruction and therearesevereshortagesof food, fuel, medicine and shelter, while aid agencies struggle to get help to those inneed.

Israel says 94 of the hostages are still being held by Hamas, 34 of whom are presumed dead. There are four Israelis who were abductedbeforethewar,two ofwhomaredead.

Brazil Supreme Court nixes Bolsonaro’s effort to attend Trump inauguration

The passport of Jair Bolsonaro, a former farright president, had been confiscated as part of ongoinginvestigations.

Aljazeera-AsPresidentelect Donald Trump’s inauguration approaches in theUnitedStates,oneworld leader is unlikely to be in attendance: Brazil’s Jair Bolsonaro.

On Thursday, Brazil’s Supreme Court denied a petition from the former president to return his passport, which had been confiscated by federal policeinFebruary Bolsonaro, who led Brazil from 2019 to 2022,

f a c e s m u l t i p l e investigations and legal proceedings, including for alleged efforts to overturn the results of the country’s 2022presidentialelection.

The former far-right president, nicknamed the “TrumpoftheTropics”,has denied all allegations againsthim.Butpolicehave deemedhimaflightrisk.

On the social media platform X, Bolsonaro’s office responded to the court’s decision with displeasure, calling it evidence of “lawfare” — a term for the use of a weaponisedlegalsystem.

“President Trump’s

invitation to Bolsonaro symbolises the deep ties between two of the greatest democ

Americas,” the office wrote initsstatement.

“The decision to bar B o

important event diminishes Brazil’s standing on the global stage and sends a troublingmessageaboutthe state of democracy and justiceinourcountry.”

The Supreme Court, however, ruled that Bolsonaro’scurrentroleasa private citizen — with no elected office — would not require him to travel to the

US for the inauguration, as officialsmightdo.

Brazil is expected to be r

ambassador to the US, MariaLuizaViotti.

Supreme Court Justice Alexandre de Moraes signalled that the decision was based on the recommendationofBrazil’s prosecutor general, Paulo GonetBranco.

Branco had indicated that there was a greater public interest in keeping Bolsonaro in Brazil than allowing him to travel abroad, where he might escapejustice.

Bolsonaro made to the

“considered the possibility of escaping and requesting political asylum to avoid possiblecriminalliabilityin Brazil”.

Trump’sinaugurationon January 20 is expected to bring together some of the world’s most prominent r

, including Argentinian President Javier Milei and B


ParliamentNigelFarage. Other anticipated guests include social media magnate Mark Zuckerberg,

AmazonfounderJeffBezos andbillionaireElonMusk,a close adviser to the incomingUSpresident.

Inaposttosocialmedia, the Republican majority on the Foreign Affairs CommitteeintheUSHouse of Representatives offered support to Bolsonaro after thecourt’sdecision.

“Jair Bolsonaro is a friend of America and a patriot He should be allowed to attend President Trump’s inaugural,” the Republicanswrote.

But Bolsonaro has been miredinlegalscrutinysince his defeat in the 2022 elections.

Moo Milk sponsors National U12 Chess tourneys

The Guyana Chess Federation (GCF) starts a newtournamentseasonwith the Moo Milk-sponsored National Under 12 Rapid Championship tourneys

Thechampionshipswillkick off the 2025 tournament season on Sunday, January 19th, 2025, in the Oasis RoomattheGuyanaPegasus H o t e l , K i n g s t o n , Georgetown.

The seven-round Rapid competitionwillbeplayedin twocategories,theOpenand

Girls section, with an expected participation of forty-plus children The tournamentwillbeplayedin theSwissformatwithatime controlof20minutesplus5second increments after the firstmoveisplayed.

With Moo Milk, once again,asthefinancialbackbone andsponsorforthisevent,the competition is expected to feature new players ready to showcasetheirchessskillsand vieforthecovetedcrowns.

Reigning Under12 Boys

Champion Jeremy Cole and GirlsChampionKataleyaSam arebothsettoreturntodefend their titles Several strong contenders will be making their moves on the title holdersinbothcategories.

Thiseventaimstoprovide enhanced opportunities for yo

nationwide to flourish and advance, enabling greater participationinGCF-organized tournaments. The GCF has observed a significant rise in female participation in the

NationalUnder12tournament over time, leading to the establishment of a dedicated Girls’ Category The GCF extends its heartfelt thanks to DeSincoTrading,particularly theirMooMilkbrand,fortheir unwavering support of youth chessdevelopmentinGuyana

The GCF thanks the ManagementofTheGuyana PegasusHotelforgraciously providing the venue for the tournament.

Interested persons can join the federation on

Friday January 17, 2025


You'll find that things are slipping nicely into place for you today, Aries Your persuasivemannerandgentle nudges are just enough to get peoplewhereyouwantthem.


When faced with ten entrees onthemenu,itmightbehard for you to choose just one. Feelfreetoordertwoormore, Ta u r u s D o n ' t l e t indecisiveness slow you down.Atthesametime.


Your dreams won't come true unless you believe in and act onthem,Gemini.Nooneelse is going to do it for you. Unless you have a fairy godmother, you need to take mattersintoyourownhands.


If people hassle you or give you a hard time about your appearance today, pay them nomind,Cancer Youhavethe righttoliveyourlifeanyway youwantto.


Reachforthepotofgoldatthe end of the rainbow, Leo. It's closerthanyouthink.Indeed, your dreams are completely within your reach, and there are huge forces at work helping you achieve your goals.


Today is your day to dream and dream big, Virgo. Think aboutwhatitisthatyouwant most out of life. Aim your arrow to the stars and pull back your bow as far as possible. There's no limit to howfaryoucango.


Expand your mind to its furthest reaches today, Libra. T




edible opportunity opening up for you in which you can make great strides in a creative realm.Followthemusic.

SCORPIO(Oct.23–Nov 21)

Your mind may seem rather cloudy today, Scorpio, but don't let this hinder you. In fact, you'll find that you can use this feeling of fantasy to your advantage. Try to bring moremagicintoyourlife.

SAGIT(Nov 22–Dec.21)

Today is an excellent day for you,oneinwhichyou'llfinda great deal of strength in your emotions, Sagittarius Trust that your instincts are serving youwell.


Things might get a bit confusing for you today, Capricorn. Don't feel like you needtomakesenseofitall.In fact, this task may be impossible. Just be yourself. Let your creative nature shine through.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20–Feb. 18)Mixyourrealitywithabit of fantasy today, Aquarius. Allowyourfeettocomeoffthe ground for a little while. Give yourselfarest.Takesometime to meditate and clear your mindofyourdailyworries.


Let yourself go into high creative mode and drift into a whole other world, Pisces. Escape your present reality and explore your fantasies through any sort of artistic endeavor Dreamasbigasyour mindallows.

tournament is also available on the website Follow GuyanaChessFederationon Facebook, and Instagram, andvisitourwebsitetokeep updated with


Guyana Badminton Association...

Frompage35 illustratingtheassociation’s upwardtrajectory

Inarecentpressrelease, which summarizing the year’s achievements, the GBA stated: “Our commitment to promoting badminton in Guyana

development, and active participation in local and international tournaments has strengthened the foundation for badminton’s growth, fostering greater interest and success both locallyandinternationally.”

As the GBA celebrates itssuccessesin2024,italso sets the stage for even greater achievements in the future. With a clear vision, dedicated leadership, and a growing pool of talented athletes, the association is poisedtoelevatebadminton inGuyanatounprecedented heights.

In-form Savory dazzles on second...


Veerasammy Permaul (242) and Riyad Latiff (3-53) helped Smith’s XI maintain a lead of 153 heading into thethirdday

Looking to continue his form with the bat, Smith XI openerSachinSinghandhis partner Rampertab Ramnauth, will resume today’s action as players pushinonefinallapofrealtime simulations with the tournament bowling off in GuyanafromJanuary29.

Action continues today from9:30hrs.

Clippers thrash Nets by 59 points in record win

BBC Sports - The Los Angeles Clippers thrashed theBrooklynNets126-67to set a new record for their largestmarginofvictory

The 59-point win is the 10th largest in NBAhistory and surpasses the Clippers’ previous highest margin of 50 in a 138-88 success against the Oklahoma City

Thunder in 2022. Kawhi Leonard scored a seasonhigh 23 points and James Hardenadded21astheNets slumped to their heaviest defeat in the NBA. Their previous biggest defeat was by 52 points, a 139-87 reverse against the Houston Rocketsin1978.

The Clippers led by 64

points during the fourth quarter despite coach Tyronn Lue emptying his benchlateinthethird.

Leonard, who was playing for just the fourth time this season, shot eight of 11 from the field in 24 minutes. The Clippers’next gameisagainstthePortland TrailBlazerstoday,Friday

Republic Bank CPL’s total viewership surpasses the billion mark for the first time

Republic Bank Caribbean Premier League’s (CPL) combined digital and broadcast viewership has gone past the billion mark fortheveryfirsttime,further cementing the CPL’s position as one of the most w a t c h e d c r i c k e t tournaments around the world.

The total combined viewership figure for 2024 was 1.13billion, an increase of32%fromthe2023figure. The tournament has seen improved viewership in India, the Caribbean and USAaswellasasignificant increaseacrossCPL’ssocial


The tournament was seen around the world with keybroadcastingdealsinthe Caribbean, India, Middle East, UK, USA, Canada, New Zealand and South Africa and was streamed on the CPL’s YouTube and Facebook pages in all other territories.

The 2024 tournament saw34matchestakeplacein six countries with games in Antigua,Barbados,Guyana, St Kitts, Saint Lucia and Trinidad.

The 2024 winners were the Saint Lucia Kings who claimed their maiden CPL title at the Guyana National


Pete Russell, CPL’s CEO, said: “This is a huge moment for the CPL

Reaching a total viewership figure of over a billion has beenalong-termtargetfora numberofyears.

To get to a figure of 1 13billion highlights the appeal of CPL across the Caribbean and around the world.

Thecontinuedgrowthin interest in the CPL is extremely pleasing and we arelookingforwardtousing these amazing results as a springboard for further success in 2025 and beyond.”

CPL combined digital and broadcast viewership has gone past the billion mark for the very first time.
Kawhi Leonard (right) has struggled with knee problems this season. (Getty Images)

Teenager Tien stuns Medvedev in late five-set thriller

BBC Sport - Fifth seed Daniil Medvedev is out of the Australian Open after losing a five-set thriller to teenager LearnerTien in the biggest upset of the tournamentsofar

Medvedev, a three-time finalist in Melbourne, saved match point in the third set and forced a decider, but ultimatelyfelltoa6-37-6(74) 6-7 (8-10) 1-6 7-6 (10-7) defeat by the 19-year-old qualifier

American Tien, ranked 121st in the world, celebrated in front of a largely empty Margaret Court Arena after wrapping upthewinat02:54localtime inMelbourne.

“I was definitely hoping it wasn’t going to a fifth-set breaker but either way I’m just really happy to get the win,” Tien said after four hours and 49 minutes on

court.“IknowImadeitalot harder than what it could have been but, you know, whatever ” Before this week’s tournamentTien had never won a Grand Slam match, losing in the first round in all three of his US Open appearances Medvedev, who lost to Jannik Sinner in last year’s final, seemed like the clear favourite to win the match after steamrolling his way through the fourth set in 27 minutes, with Tien looking fatigued.

But,afterabriefraindelay, the left-handed Californian dugdeeptobreakbackinthe decider and force a 10-point tie-break

“Losingthethird[set]was tough after playing for that long I had a match point so that was a little disappointing toseeafourth[set],”Tiensaid “InthefourthsetIjusthadto

pee so bad, so I was trying to finishitupfairlyquick “Ialso wanted to start the fifth [set] servingfirstsoIscrappedout that game at 0-5 and it all workedout.”

He is the third teenager thisweek,afterJoaoFonseca and Jakub Mensik, to have beatenatop-10player

Fonseca stole the headlines with his firstround win over ninth seed Andrey Rublev, but it is

Williams’ coach Phillip Unfried believes bobsled races will benefit sprinter in outdoor track and field season

SportsMax - Christania Williams’ coach Phillip Unfried believes her stint in bobsled will benefit her performance on the track in the2025outdoorseason.

Earlier yesterday, Sportsmax.tv reported that Williams would be pushing the 2-woman bobsleigh for Austrian 2021 Overall World Cup Champion and former Junior World Champion pilot Katrin Beierl at the IBSF World Cup in Innsbruck-Igls this weekend on January 18 and 19.Williamscurrentlytrains under Unfried at the sports centreinSt.PölteninLower Austria and the connection between her and Beierl was establishedbecauseBeierl,a two-time European bronze medallist,alsotrainstherein thesummer.

A conversation with Unfried provided further clarification on why the 2018 Commonwealth Games silver medallist is tryingherhandatthefamed wintersport.

“She is pushing the sled because the Austrians were looking for a really fast brake-woman and so she’s h e r e t r a i n i n g a n d accelerating well and we werelikelet’stryforwinters instead of indoor season

because it might be very beneficialforhersprinting,”

Unfried told Sportsmax tv onThursday Henotedthatherworkas a brake-woman can be a substitute for all the resistance work sprinters do to be explosive out the blocksinshortsprintraces.

“Insprintingyouworka lotwithresistancestuffsoit

waslikeadifferentideaand there were already different athletes in Europe who responded really well with that and turned out that she didreallywell,”hesaid.

“The idea for now is to go the bobsled a few races thiswinterthentheplanwill still be to race and do track and field outdoors,” he added.

to win the opener and end Sinner’s 29-set winning streak.

However, the wildcard couldnotkeeppacewiththe top seed as Sinner sped throughthegearstograba4-6 6-4 6-1 6-3 victory and a placeinthethirdround

Tien, who finished runnerup to the Brazilian in December’s Next Gen ATP Finals, that has gone further ofthetwoinMelbourne.

Tien will face France’s Corentin Moutet, ranked 69th,inthethirdround.

Sinner fights back to continuetitledefence

Jannik Sinner recovered from a slow start against world number 173 Tristan Schoolkate to keep his title defenceontrack.

Sinner, who claimed his firstmajortitleinMelbourne last year, had not dropped a setsinceOctober’sShanghai Masters.

B u t A u s t r a l i a n

Schoolkate thrilled a partisancrowdonRodLaver Arenawhenhestruckat5-4

The 23-year-old is the youngest player to win nine successive men’s singles matches at the Australian Open since Novak Djokovic between2008and2009

Asked how this year felt different to his title-winning run, Sinner said: “It’s a different feeling but so many beautifulmoments,onandoff thecourt,havehappenedtome here It’sdifferentbutItakeit asachancetodoitagain

“It’s still a very, very longwaytogo.Wegodayby day Seeing my level today we know that I can improve.”

Sinner is competing at the Australian Open for the firsttimesincehefailedtwo dopingtestsinMarch.

His doping case will be heard at the Court of ArbitrationforSport(Cas)in April after the World AntiDoping Agency appealed appealed against the


Elsewhere on Thursday, therewereupsetsforFrances TiafoeandHubertHurkacz. Tiafoe,theAmerican17th seed,felltoa6-7(3-7)6-43-6 6-4 6-1 defeat by Hungary’s Fabian Marozsan, ranked 59th, while world number 51 Miomir Kecmanovic moved past18thseedHurkaczwitha 6-46-46-2victory

Meanwhile, Fonseca’s impressiveGrandSlamdebut cametoanendastheteenage sensation lost in five sets to Italy’sLorenzoSonego

The 18-year-old, who CarlosAlcaraz said would be ona“listofthebestplayersin the world”, lost 6-7 (6-8) 6-3 6-13-66-3toworldnumber 55Sonego.

Australianhomefavourite Alex de Minaur claimed a straight-setwinoverAmerican qualifier Tristan Boyer, while fourth seed Taylor Fritz neededjust82minutestobeat Chilean qualifier Cristian Garin, dropping just three games during an impressive showing.

Danish13thseedHolger Rune battled past Italy’s Matteo Berrettini with a 7-6 (7-3) 2-6 6-3 7-6 (8-6) victory

Demerara U15 Squad to face East Coast U17 Team

The Demerara Cricket Board(DCB)hasannounced the DCB U15 squad after intense rounds of competition in the DCB i n t e r - a s s o c i a t i o n tournament.

The strong team will battleanEastCoastU17unit tokickstarttheirpreparation for the Guyana Cricket Boardunder15tourneylater this year The match is scheduled for Sunday, January 19 at the LBI CricketGround.

The game will begin at 9:30hours.

Demerara Under-15 Squad: Brandon Henry ©, Patrice Fraser (V/C), Khush S e e g o b i n , L o m a r Seecharran, Nathan Bishop, Reyaz Latif, Makai Dowlin,

Shahid Ramzan, Vinesh Kalpoo, Akeem Persaud, AfrazKhan,JoshuaBollers, Joshua Collette and Thierry Davis.

DCB selectors also named six (6) stand by players namely: Jermaine Grovesnor, Somesh Boyer, Sourav Persaud, Joshua Williams and Mickel Johnson. East Coast Under-17 Team: Arun Gainda ©, Marcel Nandu (V/C), Munesh Outar, Nicholas Simon, Johnathan Vieira, Yannick Newton, Ruel Dindyal, Nicholas Boyer,SatindraShiwdarsan, Nicholas Rukhdeo, Tyrell King, Antonio Chan, Navindra Isurdeen, Kyle Gibson, Akeem Persaud, DevendraRamkarran.

This match will serve as an excellent platform for these young players to showcase their talent and sharpen their skills ahead of averytoughassignment.

This encounter is poised to deliver an exciting game as the East Coast U17 team bringsexperienceandtalent, while the Demerara U15 squad aims to rise to the challenge.

Cricket fans are invited to witness this display of skillthatwillbeonshowby theseyoungmen. TheDCBwouldalsolike to announce selection for five Select XI players Satindra Shiwdarsan, Jasani Craig, Junia Dindyal, Jagdesh Kalpoo and Iaish Anderson.

Novak Djokovic, CarlosAlcaraz...

Frompage32 would seem a shoo-in for centre court schedulingatMelbourneParkbuthasplayed bothhismatchesthisyearatMargaretCourt Arena. Players can submit their preferences toorganisersbuttherearenoguaranteesthey willbeaccommodated.

AlcarazsaidhewouldratherplayonRod LaverArena’s centre court, where women’s

double defending champion Aryna Sabalenka and 10-times champion Novak DjokovichadtheearlyslotsonWednesday

Buthewascontenttokeepplayingonthe lessercourtsifitmeantanearlynight’ssleep.

“ObviouslyIwanttoplayonRodLaver, butwehavetoseetheschedule,aswell.AsI said many times, I don’t like to play night sessions.”

Christania Williams

GFFRefereedepartmentrecognizestopperformances atRefereeAwardCeremony,FIFAbadgesissued

The Guyana Football Federation (GFF)’s Referee Department celebrated a year of stellar performances andachievementsinfootball officiatingduringitsAnnual Referee Awards Ceremony, recently held at the Marriott Hotel.

Theeventwasheldasan opportunity to honour the achievements of referees who have contributed significantly to the development of football acrossthenation.

The highlight of the eveningwasthepresentation of the Special Awards Shavin Greene was honored with the Dianne FerreiraJames Award as Referee of the Year 2024 Brandon Cyrus received the Dianne Ferreira-James Award for AssistantRefereeoftheYear 2024, while Micah Erskine and Safiya Goulding were named Most Improved Referee of 2024 and Most Improved Assistant Referee of 2024, respectively A special recognition was given to Kleon Lindey for his decade of service as a FIFA Assistant Referee, underscoring his immense contributionstothesport.

Adding to the night’s significance was the presentationofFIFABadges to several distinguished referees.ShavinGreenewas officially recognized as a

FIFA Referee, while Kleon Lindey, Denisha Isaacs, ClentonDanielandBrandon Cyrus were awarded FIFA Assistant Referee badges.

Meanwhile, Colin Abel received his FIFA FUTSAL Referee badge, marking another milestone in Guyana’s growing presence inglobalfootballofficiating.

Natasha Lewis was also presented with an award for being the Referee Instructor oftheYear

Duringtheceremony,the GFF Head of Referees, Lenval Peart, reflected on the progress made in 2024 and the dedication of the awardees. “Our referees are the backbone of football, ensuring fair play and maintaining the integrity of

the game. This we’re going tobefocusingonexpanding ourrefereerecruitmentdrive to all regions in Guyana. In addition, we will be placing more emphasis on referee recruitmentforfutsal.”

Headded,”Lastyearwas definitelyayeartobeproud of From expanding our referee pool to introducing Guyana’sfirstfemalereferee course, we are proud to be setting new standards in the region Tonight, we celebratetheircontributions, andwelookforwardtoeven greater accomplishments in 2025.”

One of the most notable achievements he said, was the expansion of the referee pool through a recruitment drivethatbroughtin12new

officials, including four women,fromRegionFour

This effort demonstrated t h e d e p a r t m e n t ’s commitment to diversifying football officiating and e n s u r i n g g r e a t e r


A n o t h e r k e y

accomplishment was NatashaLewis’participation in the FIFA MA Instructor CourseheldinMontegoBay, Jamaica. She joined an elite group of instructors from across the region, gaining invaluable experience and showcasing Guyana’s growing prominence in footballofficiating.

This opportunity was a testament to both her personal dedication and the

Federation’seffortstocreate pathways for local referees to excel at an international level.

The introduction of Guyana’s first-ever female referee course was a groundbreaking milestone for the Referee Department in 2024 The initiative, which was only the second of its kind in the Caribbean, was recognized by CONCACAFasamodelfor what referee development programs should strive to achie

department’s focus on increasing gender diversity within football officiating and empowering women to take on leadership roles in thesport.

InAugust, the FIFAMA Referee Course brought further recognition to the Federation’s efforts. From this programme, two individuals—a referee and aninstructor—wereselected to attend the FIFA Referee Academyin2025.

During his address, the GFF Third Vice President commended the referees for theirdedicationtoupholding fairness and integrity on the field Reflecting on the history of the awards ceremony,heacknowledged its importance as a longstanding tradition and expressed his pride in its revival. “Referees are the unsung heroes of football,” he remarked “Your commitmenttoensuringthat thegameisplayedfairlyand withintegrityisinvaluable.”

Looking ahead to 2025, the Referee Department outlined ambitious plans to expand recruitment efforts intounderservedregionsand to enhance training opportunities for both referees and instructors

These initiatives are expected to address gaps in referee availability across the country and strengthen the overall quality of officiating.

Plans also include hosting additional FIFA courses to provide local referees with opportunities to further their skills and gaininternationalexposure.

This achievement highlighted the quality of training offered by the Federation and the growing reputation of Guyanese referees on the global stage. Additionally, Brandon Cyrus and Safia Golding represented Guyana at the CFU U-14 Boys’Challenge Series, officiating key matches, including the semifinals and the finals. Their performances were lauded as exemplary and a reflectionoftheFederation’s commitment to developing world-classreferees.

Novak Djokovic, CarlosAlcaraz roll into third round atAustralian Open

Reuters – USA TodayMELBOURNE, Australia

Novak Djokovic continued to buildintotheAustralianOpenwith a6-1,6-7(4),6-3,6-2victoryover PortuguesequalifierJaimeFariain the second round, taking another step towards a 25th Grand Slam title.

For the top players, the first weekofamajorisallaboutfinding a groove in the full heat of competition and Djokovic could nothavewishedformorefromhis first two opponents, both making theirGrandSlamdebuts.

OnMonday,inspiredAmerican teenager Nishesh Basavareddy gavethe10-timesMelbournePark champion the runaround for the firsthouroftheirfirst-roundclash, and 21-year-old Faria presented another set of problems for


Faria’s victory in the opening round was his first at tour level, whileDjokovicmovedoutofatie with Roger Federer to claim anotherrecordmerelybytakingto thecourtforhis430thGrandSlam match.

The gap in experience looked likeachasminaone-sidedopening setbutFariastormedbackintothe contest by winning the second set inatiebreakeronthebackofsome fine ball-striking and all-court athleticism.

Djokovic, with one-time adversary Andy Murray again in his coaching box, broke for 4-2 in the third set, however, and fully quashed the threat offered by the world No. 125 in the fourth to set up a meeting with Czech Tomas Machac.

“I love this court, I love competition,” the 37-year-old Serbian said after reaching the thirdroundoftheAustralianOpen forthe17thtimewithhis14thace ofthematch.

“IthinkIrespondedwellinthe thirdsetandparticularlythefourth. Hewasplayinglights-outtennisat the end of the second set and start ofthethirdandIhadtoweatherthe storm.

“Itoldhimatthenet,‘thefuture isbrightforyousocarryon.’


After clubbing 14 aces in a whirlwindvictoryattheAustralian Open on Wednesday, Carlos Alcaraz made no secret of his aspirationsforhisretooledserve.

“Am I a serve bot?” Alcaraz scribbled on a camera lens at Margaret Court Arena where he

thrashed Japan’s Yoshihito Nishioka6-0,6-1,6-4toreachthe thirdround.

Serving has been on the fourtimes Grand Slam champion’s mind at Melbourne Park after tweaking his motion in the offseason.Hewasnotthrilledwith its performance in his first-round win against Kazakh Alexander Shevchenko where he landed less than60%ofhisfirstservesandhad sixaces.

Wednesday’s figures were more encouraging for the meticulous Spaniard, who more than doubled the ace count and won 32 out of 36 points (89%) on hisfirstserve.

It came after a long service training session with coach Juan CarlosFerreroonTuesday

“I felt more comfortable on it,

yes. I think the serve’s about confidence and feelings,” he told reporters.

“Today I felt great. The throw oftheballwasgreattoday,whichit helpsalotintheservetoday.”

ThoughhavingwontheFrench Open and a second Wimbledon crown last year with his previous serving action, Alcaraz was unhappy with its accuracy and overallstrainonthebody

The new movement is a little morerelaxedwithalooserwristto trytoimprovetiming.

Alcaraz said he still has much to improve on if he wants to rival thetop“servebots”likeAmerican Reilly Opelka and Frenchman GiovanniMpetshiPerricard.

As third seed with four Grand Slamtitlesunderhisbelt,Alcaraz


The football referees that were recognized for their performance.

Determinators’ 2-1 win over

Pele FC keep them alive as DeJonge needles Potaro

The race to Season Seven of the Guyana Football Federation (GFF) Elite League has narrowed downtothefinaltwoteams, as Mahaica Determinators Football Club and Mainstay Goldstar FC secured victories in the semi-final phase of the Qualifier PlayoffsonWednesday

Withhighstakesathand, both teams now have a chancetobepromotedtothe 2025 season. The winner of the final match will secure automatic qualification, while the loser will have a second shot at qualifying through a single playoff gameagainsttheninth-place finisherofSeasonSix.

Themomenthasarrived. WillMahaicaDeterminators seizetheopportunity,orwill Mainstay FC rise to the occasion? The stage is set, and the story hangs in the balance.


OnWednesday,Mahaica Determinators FC defeated PeleFC2-1toadvancetothe final stage of the qualifiers. The Determinators took control early, with Travon Adams pushing his team ahead 1-0 in the very first minute of the contest with a stunning strike Despite falling behind, Pele’s defence tightened, managing to hold firm and carrythematchintohalftime trailingbyjustasinglegoal.

The second half saw a surge in energy, with spectatorsfillingtheseatsat theNationalTrainingCentre (NTC). Pele FC eventually found their equalizer in the

61st minute through Akon DeSantos. However, their comebackwasshort-livedas Julius Haniton delivered an absolute stunner in the 66th minute, restoring Mahaica’s

lead With less than 30 minutes left, Pele FC pressed for an equalizer but couldnotbreakthrough,and the match ended 2-1 in favour of the Mahaica


Meanwhile, over at the Bartica Community Centre Ground, Potaro Strikers facedatoughLakeMainstay FC side Both teams displayed tactical discipline and strong defensive structures, making it difficult to find the back of the net The deadlock persisted for the first 20 minutes until Randy DeJonge capitalized on a goal-scoring opportunity, executing a clinical shot to give Lake Mainstay a 1-0 lead.

Despite the Strikers’ efforts, Lake Mainstay’s defenceheldfirm,securinga narrow victory and solidifying their status as a key contender for Season Sevenqualification.

The final qualification playoff match is scheduled for tomorrow (Saturday) at the National Training Centre. Be a part of history asthesetwoteamsbattlefor a place in the GFF Elite League 2025. Will it be Mahaica Determinators or Lake Mainstay FC? And which team will secure a second chance to qualify againstAnn’sGroveUnited? Themomentisnow

Lusignan Golf Club to host Inaugural GBTI

TheLusignanGolfClub (LGC) is thrilledto kick off

its 2025 tournament calendar with the inaugural GBTI Mastercard Golf Classic on Sunday, January

19 This exciting collaboration with the Guyana Bank forTrade and Industry (GBTI) promises a day of exceptional golfing, networking, and financial insightsastheactionteesoff at 8:00 am. Thetournament, open to all golf enthusiasts, will feature an engaging Stablefordformatplayedover 18holes.Playerswillcompete toscorepointsbasedontheir net performance, with highlights including special awardsforNearesttotheFlag onHole#4andLongestDrive on Hole #5 Prizes will be awarded to the top three playersbasedonnetscores

As part of the event, attendees will have the opportunity to explore GBTI’s Mastercard

offerings, including the GBTI Gold Mastercard and the GBTI Executive Business Mastercard. The GBTIGROWteamwillalso beon-sitetoprovidetailored financialsolutionsforsmall and medium-sized business owners and aspiring entrepreneurs.

The GBTI Gold Mastercard offers convenientpaymentoptions with credit limits ranging from USD 2,000 to USD 10,000, along with 4% cashbackonlocalpurchases

a t s u p e r m a r k e t s , restaurants,pharmacies,and more.Meanwhile,theGBTI Executive Business Mastercard caters to business professionals with access to financial mentors, SME education programs, andotherexclusivebenefits. Additionally, GBTI’s GROW Programme will be highlighted during the event This specialized

financinginitiativesupports small and medium-sized businesses by offering flexible loans with competitive interest rates and repayment terms tailored to unique business cycles. The Lusignan Golf Club and GBTI invite all golfers,businessowners,and community members to join this unique event that combines sport, networking, and growth The GBTI Mastercard Golf Classic is morethanatournament it’s a celebration of skill, innovation, community connectionsandopportunities forfinancialgrowth. For more information, contact the Lusignan Golf Club at 220-5660 or visit one of GBTI’s 12 branches acrossGuyana.Registration closes at 1:00 PM on Saturday, January 18, 2025. Tee-off begins with a shotgunstartat8:00AMon Sunday,January19.

WindiescaptainBrathwaitestressesbravery, beliefaheadofPakistanTestSeries

SportsMax - With the stakes high and the odds challenging, West Indies captain Kraigg Brathwaite has placed an unyielding focus on self-belief and braveryaskeyfactorsforhis team to deliver memorable performances in their twomatch Test series against Pakistan.

Brathwaite’s tone resonates as the rallying cry for his team heading into today’s opening contest in Multan, as anything short of an efficient execution, particularly from the batsmen, could spell trouble for the Caribbean side in spin-friendlyconditions.

Still, Brathwaite expressed confidence in the players’ability to rise to the occasion, even as they steer downthebarrelofPakistan’s spin-heavyattack.

“I’m fully confident in thisteamtofaceanybowlers

around the world. It starts with faith. What has been keyforthebatsmenisjustto believe believe and be brave,” Brathwaite declared during a pre-match press conference.

Brathwaite’sbeliefinhis team’s chances stems from their recent three-day tour match, which assisted in their acclimatization to the conditions as a few batsmen—Alick Athanaze, Amir Jangoo, and Tevin Imlach—got half-centuries.

West Indies spinners Kevin Sinclair, Jomel Warrican, and Gudakesh Motie also showed glimpses of the potential damage they can causeoftheirown.

“Yeah,preparationswent well.WewereinIslamabad, and the facilities were good—no complaints, and the guys enjoyed it. We are adjusting well; it’s similar conditions (here in Multan),

so we’ve acclimatized, and theguysarelookingforward totheTestmatchtomorrow,” Brathwaitesaid.

With the West Indies languishing at the bottom of the ICC World Test Championship standings on 32 points, the pressure is on for Brathwaite’s side to deliver results, especially withtalksofapotentialtwotier Test system gaining traction.

Though not entertaining thoughts of the proposed two-tier shift, Brathwaite acknowledged the importance of the series to notonlyendthecurrentTest Championship cycle on a high but also to make a strongstarttotheyear

“This series is very important for us. There are two Test matches left in this cycle, and it’s also a new year, so we want to start strong So that is our

focus—to finish this cycle onahigh,”heshared.

The captain also sees parallels between their current assignment and the team’ssuccessonitslasttour in Bangladesh, where they triumphed in similar conditions.

“We won that series in Bangladesh, so there’s a lot we can take from those experiences. But at the end oftheday,that’shistory The mainthing,especiallyforthe batters,istobebrave,trustin your plans, believe in them,

and execute,” Brathwaite noted.

“Bowling-wise, it never really changes in Test cricket We have to be disciplined, build pressure withdotballs,andthat’svery important here in the Subcontinent, so we look forward to doing that,” he added.

Pakistan’s spinners, including Noman Ali and Sajid Khan, fresh off a dominant performance against England, the West Indies,arewellawareofthe threattheypose.

However, Brathwaite remained unfazed, reiterating his mantra of bravery and belief. He also revealedthatseniorpaceman K e m a r R

man JoshuadaSilva,andanother seamer, Anderson Phillips, are unavailable for selection inthestartingsquad.

“We just need to be brave. Whatever we plan to do, do it Believe in yourself—it’s as simple as that,”theBarbadianended.

Guyana Harpy Eagles wicket-keeper/batsman and XI team captain, Kemol Savory struck another fifty as he continues to find form ahead of the 2025 CWI R e g i o n a l 4 - D a y Championships.

Day two of action at Providence continued followingamagicalopening day which featured two breathtaking centuries from Ronaldo Alimohamed and Junior Sinclair, who upped their game ahead of the Eaglestitledefence.

The left-handed Savory struck an unbeaten 76 off 103, finding the ropes on seven occasions with three sixes as he and Zeynul

Ramsammy, who hit 75, helped their XI post 319 all out in their first innings, replyingtothedaunting472. It was another solid day of cricket yesterday as the players once again pushed their cases with selection hanginginthemixfollowing aruns-festondayonewhich saw almost 500 runs being posted by the batting team, NialSmithXI. Spin did the trick for the opposition as, centurion Junior Sinclair (2-38) alongsideveteran (Continuedonpage25)

Alick Athanaze made 98 and 58 in the tour match.
Zeynul Ramsammy hit 75.
Kemol Savory struck another fifty.

Th e G u y a n a

B a d m i n t o n

Association (GBA) has marked a remarkable year in 2024, underscoring its growth and achievements on both local and international stages After emerging from the disruptions caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, the associationhasredoubledits efforts since 2022, making unprecedented strides under the astute leadership of PresidentEmeliaRamdhani.

In 2024, a year of competitive excellence, the GBA participated in six international tournaments and five local competitions, highlighting the growing enthusiasm and competitive spirit within the sport. More than 35 athletes represented Guyana on the international stage, bringing home an impressive haul of 21 medals: 20 bronze and one silver Notably, Priyanna RamdhaniandChequedaDe Boulet clinched the silver medal in the Women’s Doubles event at the Suriname Internationals, a significant achievement for theassociationaswell.

On the local front, the GBA hosted several highprofile tournaments, including the Gumdac Doubles Tournament in April, the National Junior SinglesTournamentinJune, the Gokarn Ramdhani Memorial Tournament in December, the Queen’s

College A


President’s Games Cup

These events not only

Guyana Badminton Association soars to New Heights in 2024

Furthermore, athletes like Mishka Beharry, Frank Waddell, and Nikolas Pollard were enrolled in the prestigious BWF Education Scholarship Programme, reflecting the association’s investment in future leaders ofthesport.

Interestingly, young

outstanding performances at regional and international events, signaling a bright future for the sport. At the Suriname Easter Junior Badminton Tournament, Under-11 athletes secured eight medals across Singles, D

or Tournament inAruba added another eight medals to the tally, while the Costa Rica International saw Guyanese players earn a bronze medal in the Women’s Doubles event The year (2024) concludedwithfourmedals;

onesilverandthreebronzeat the Suriname International Wo m e n ’s S i n g l e s Championship. This surge in success marks a stark improvement compared to the five internationalmedalssecured thepreviousyear, (Continuedonpage29)

showcased local talent but also provided invaluable opportunities for players to hone their skills in competitivesettings. Beyondtournaments,the GBA’s commitment to grassroots development was evidentinitsrobustoutreach initiatives. In January, the association donated e q u i p m e n t t o t h e Georgetown School of Agriculture and the Vigilance Community while also introducing Air Badminton demonstrations. February saw further c o n t r i b u t i o n s t o

Georgetown’s North Ruimveldt Multilateral School, including Shuttle Time racquets, nets, and shuttlecocks.

Meanwhile,asignificant milestone came in March when the GBAexpanded its outreach to Essequibo.With this, Badminton was introduced to Abram Zuil Secondary School, Aurora Secondary,andAnnaRegina Multilateral, each school receiving equipment and sport demonstrations. These initiatives highlight President Ramdhani’s dedication to growing the sport’s footprint across the nation.

The GBA’s focus on capacity-building was another standout aspect of 2024. Members participated in various developmental c o u r s e s , e a r n i n g certifications in fields like Event Management, BWF Level 1 Coaching, and Therapeutics HighPerformance Training.

Guyana Badminton Association President, Emelia Ramdhani.

Windies captain Brathwaite stresses bravery, belief ahead of Pakistan Test Series

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